HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 2001 EXPANSION 2Jl.L-13-e@41 1A:eB FRt]|'t:BRAt.l.t RSSoCIRTES 97A%7576 I4.91e47E245€.P.W./EE/B -tI : tflue{F ftdfErlu/0tr#tr 3. The cxtcrior building focade rlong Wcsr Meadow &ivc c,hlcb is thr llrnrth elevatioo will have four ditfctE lt milerirls thlt will composc this building frgarlc. The fust lustfiiat is a nfiual ctud$tons base whic'h wrll wap thc coluuns at thc first lloor and pmcced rry to ttre third lcvel m<t cngrye tle wildours !t tlre ttrird 0ou. The color of thc stone will bc s bcigc or lnficolor critf, mme graOieai if Urowns anltar6. Thc sandstmc will bc naNll slonc arxl alFrlicd in nrasonry taid .up c-d'ton. The texhuc of the sardstone will luw s clcft flce ftat &6$ u/cst Mcadow Drivc. Thc sizcs wi[ rangc from l?' x l?' to24'x 30". 'ftc scc(tnd Ea|erid thtil will be u$cd oo thc Soutr Facadc is u mchl pancl syrtcrr The nrehl pancl systco will be.nodular in sizc and will hrvc crrcals withh &c syrrcm m imply a plltem Orat r;fl€cls th. dcsign ofihc bruldin8 alrong tbc Soth fagadc. It is intcnded ttrd thc frcc ot'tL nreat pnael wil have avrrttcred nstic lod. to il Tlrc third matcrial on tbe Soutt liga& will be ll, t. F. S. Two difrcrclt colors of E. I. F, S. will bc appliod on_the South thgsdc. At the first lewlr r rcddish brorrn color will bc uscd in-bclrw.c.n strrefroff gtssJftnt will close\i rncbb ttc oolrr of the mehl procl and the olumimm window franEs. At rhc third floor, aligher bu.Scolor will be used rborrc thc stone that wrups the windgr6 6d thir color will procccd ui to nrcat ! 8totro comicc !t thc mof perapcL Thc fourth mutsial on the South buiftIing fagade ie at olc rrnf. Tte roof will ctmsist of a metal stsnding scarn roof E)rslcm thl witt bc medhe brouc in color, 'I'le seslla wilt be lg" oa ceals anil this omctani_cal screen will eugagc thc wall along thc cntire lcngth of th building at the Sorrlh clsvation, and step back as thc scrcar retums to thc North These rtrtcrisls are the only rnaterialr that will bc urcrl on the extprior fscsdc.! of the building. Along the Eust fagade there will br a stair enslosur€ Ht wiU he ct1ddcd in thc mctal pancl system rft:scribed abovc, lle resl of ttc cxposed vrall ol thc Eust fuade will bc compossd of E t r, s. lt i tlre Nonh buiftling fugadc thcre will bc E. l. F. S. algng t[c eotirc wall with sorne purchcd gloss block win<Iow,q. Aleo, fhe SMle 2750 ?07 | 70 Srrccl Dcrwcr, CO 80202-34?7 .l03. 299.9042 lhr 29r-"040 hlnrlcaign u.,[n w July 13,2001 Mr. Gcorgc Ruther Torvu of Vail Planning Deprrtmort 75 South Fronugc Rood Vril, Colorado 8t657 Rc: Vail Vlllcy Mcilical Cenrcr - phrre I Exprnrion Dcar Mr. Ruthor: ltic lcttr ir hkfidcd no rcrrc as dcumcnEtioa of thc rmterials list you r,egucstcd for thc Vlit Vallcy Mcilical Cemct Pfrrc I Exp rsio!. Also, this lnttcr witl pmvidc a bricf tlcscriprion of our extsdoi tigiiirrg pran roirrlude qurntity and locuion JlL-13-e961 1E: 63 FRO.|: BRfl.ht ffiHICIATES Cary t?oodoll trlly 13,2o0l Page 2 Sinccreln c<rlrr of tlte E. l. F. S. on this faqa& will be a rtarksr color, cither !6 a darl tnowu or bruruc colof to ,rlrt:hftc mctat nrechanical gcrccn rcof enclosure, or I ftd.lish brocm color to bled witlr the cxisthg hrick colorwbich is prcdomrnatcly rn OroNorth sidc of rhe mcdicrr cente-r. Lrstry, thera w r bc a grass s[yright systcm along a Jrcnion of rlrc Nortlr fagadc. This skyligbt will bc.p{tlly visibb fiurn"0r" XorS ,iU. ofttc buildilg, oaly alrovc ccrrrb hcighb. ' ' ,,. ' {.,- - -- 5' Thc cxrcriur-lightllg fo1 &is pro]cct rdll consist of 12 r*c*scrl <lom ligbs under thc ovcrhang in thcsollit at the Soutb Fagrde ceolrrrd on cach of ihc t 2 rnrefrcnt winaini. l.[is will provide exreriorlighting to this ryrcc for safeqr reasrrns. Wc. also.anricipaq.S-4 lighr bottarrfs ro Ue ia*Liia anog Ocsidaualk' whish will conocct thc exisdng exit stair to 6" ri& streetscape. Tlrc sclectioa of thosc fixtures has mt bcctr mldc at this tirtrr a:rt is subject to coordimdotr with ftc T. o. F. strccbcope plaa, t. Hopcfully this inforrnation will assist you in thc phase I proiect pemit.rpploval prcccss. lf you harcrlry qucslions rc8a(dirg tln abovc inform*rioq plcasc do ooi hciirae to cau rne, 97a9e67576 TOr91U7E4*P.AA3/W3 ;t {:;kL"- Barry R. Vcca A$ocialc ArEhitcst 980071.04(0.6) BRV:brv (X: Strn Andcnon, VVMC Domidc Msuricllo, BAI Brarn Asgrxirbr. Inc. ADDENDUMNO.l JULY 13,2001 The information contained in this Addendum modifies, supplements or replaces information contained in the Project Manual and on the Drawings and is hereby made a part of the Contract Documents. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum by placing the appropriate addendum number in the blank on the Bid Form. APPLICABLE TO TTIE PROJECT MANUAL A. Revised Project Manual Pages: The replacement pages identifie.d below include modifications made to the original Projeci Manual r"ctions. Revised or added information is indicated by shaded type in the-text and a [A1] notation in the margin identifying that the revision was made' Areas where information has been deleted are identifying by striking out the text and placing a [Al] notation in the margin. Insert replacement pages into the Project Manual ahead of the pages they replace. Document or Section 78lr CALCI.JLATIONS Ouantity of Pages L2 238 Vall Valley Medical Center Phase I ExPansion rrLM 98fiI71-04 "'m4l_s7o7 v'Gsr oTHAVENUE Gonr ' DF.l\c& coLoRADo otnl+ . . Eryhtlltttrrtrd Cosltarts \ r=. CALCULATIONS Date: Proiect: Proiect No.: July 1O, 2OO1 Vail Valley Medical Center WC Addition 2683.10 ADDENDUM NO.1 sp-@ PART I. GENERAL 1.I RELATED DOCTJMENTS A. Dnawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: l. Concealedsprayedfue-resistivematerials. 2. Exposed sprayed fire-resistive materids. 3. Topcoat. 4. Sealer. B. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for concrete protecting structural steel. Z. Division 3 Section *Architectual Precast Concrete - Plant Casf' for precast protecting structural steel. 3. Division 4 section "unit Masonry" for masonry protecting structural steel. 4- Division 5 Section "Struch[al Steel" for surface conditions required for struchral ste€l receiving sprayed fire-resistive materials. 5. Division 7 Section "Building Insulation" for fue-safing insulation' 6. Division 7 Section "Board Fire Protection" for mineral-fiber-board fire protection. 'l. Division 7 Section "Firestopping" for through-penetration firestopping systems. 8. The following Division 9 Sections for gypsum-board-based fire protection: a. "Cypsul, BoaiJ Assemblics." I.3 DEFIMTIONS A. Concealed sprayed fire-resistive rnaterial is applied to surfaces that are concealed from view behind other construction when the Work is completed. B. Exposed sprayed fue-resistive material is applied to surfaces that are exposed to view when the Work is completed. 1.4 SUBMTTTALS A. Product Data: For each fire-resistive product specified' B. Shop Drawings: Structural-fiaming plans indicating the following: l'I,ocationsandtypesofsurfacepreparationsrequiredbeforeapplyingsprayedfire.resistive material. 2. Extent of sprayed fire-resistive material for each constnrction and fire-resistance rating' including the following: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRT]CTUML FRAME CO N STRA CTI ON S PECIF ICAT I ON S BflLYzffi] Addendwn No. I HLM 980071-04 O78II. I $fffr@Fiffi D. F. a. Applicable fire-resistive design designations of a qualified testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. b. Minimum thicknesses needed to achieve required fire-re sistance ratings of structural components and assemblies. c. Designation of resuained and unrestrained conditions based on definitions in ASTM E I 19, Appendix X3 as determined by a qualified professional engineer- 3, Treahnent of sprayed fire-resistive msterial after application. Samples for tnitial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the firll range of colon and glosses available. Samptes for Verification: Of each type of exposed frnish required, prepared on 2 Samples, each 4 inches square, of each color, gloss, texture and material formulation to be applied. Where finishes involve normal color and texture variations, include Sample sets showing the full range of variations expected. Product C-ertificates: Signed by manufacturer of sprayed fire-resistive material certifying that the prodrcts furnished comply with requireme nts. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturer certi$ing that installers comply with specified requirements. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in 'Quality Assurancen Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed prcjects with project narnes and addrcsses, nanr€s and addresses of architects and owners, and otlrer information specified' Compatibility and Adhesion Test Reports: For primers and other coatings applied to struchral steel. Provide reports from a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency engaged by €ontractor. Confirm that primers and coatings proposed for application in shop or field are compatible with fire- resistive material. Instruct laboratory !o determine compatibiliry according to requir,ements specified in "Quality Asswance" Artlcle. Product Test Reports: Indicale that physical properties of proposed sprayed fire-resistiv€ mat€rials comply with specified requirements based on comprehensive testing of curtent product formulations by a qualified testing and inspecting agency according to requirements specified in "Qualiry Assurance' Article . Researctr/Evaluation Reports: Evidence of sprayed fire-resistive material's cornpliance with building code in effect for Project" from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. QUALITY ASS1JRANCE Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installei ""ttifte4 ticenssd, oi otherwise qualifred by sprayed fire-resistive rnaterial manufacturer as having the necessary experience, staff, and training to install manufacturer s products according to specified requirements. A manufacturer's willingness to sell its sprayed fre-resistive materials to Contractor or to an installer engaged by Contractor does not in itself confer qualification on the buyer. B. hofessional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in the jurisdiction where Project is located.and who is experienced in providing engineering sewices of the hnd indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of sprayed fire-resistive materials that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and ext€nt. J. l.) VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTURAL T'MME CO N STRU CT ION SPEC I F ICATION S IS IALY zNT Addendum Nn, I HLM 98007r-04 07811 - 2 siffi c. D. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing and inspecting agency with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated without delaying the Work, as documented according to ASTM E 699. Testing of Fire-Resistive Materials: By a qualified testing and inspecting agency engaged by Confactor or manufacturer according to the following requirements: 1. Sprayed fire-resistive materials are randornly selected for testing from bags bearing the applicable classification marking of UL or another testing and inspetting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Testing is performed on specimens of sprayed fire-resistive materials that comply with laboratory testing requirements specified in Part 2 and are otherwise identical to installed fire-resistive materials, including application of accelerant, sealers, topcoats, tamPing, troweling, rolling, and water over-spray, if any of these are used in final application. 3. Testing is performed on specimens whose application the independent t€sting and inspecting agency witnessed during preparation and conditioning. Include in test reports a full description of preparation and conditioning of laboratory test specimens' Testing for Compatibility and Adhesion: Engage a qualified testing and inspecting agency to prepase compatibility and adhesion test rcports required in "subrnittals" Article based on testing that complies with the following rcquirements: l. Testing for bond per ASTM E 736 and requirements specified in LJLb "Fire Resistance Directory" about coating materials. 2. Verify tl1at manufacturer of fire-resistive material has not found primers or coatings to be incompatible with fue-resistive material based on its own laboratory testing or field experience. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of sprayed fire-resistive material from one source and by a single manufacturer. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fire-resistive mat,erials and assemblies identical to those tested for the following fre-test-response characteristics per test methd indicated below by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identifo packages (bags) containing sprayed fire-resistive material with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. l. Fire-Resistance Ratings: As indicated by reference to fire-resistive designs listed in UL's'Fire Resistance Directory," or in the comparable publication of another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities baving jurisdiction, for sprayed fire-resistive material serving as direct- 2. applied protection, tested per ASTM E I 19. Surface-Burnine Characteristics: As indicated for each sprayed fire-resistive product required. tested per ASTM E 84. H. Provide products containing no detectable asbestos as derermined according to the method specified in 40 CFR, Part 763, Subpart E, Appendix E, Section l, "Polarized Light Microscopy'" I. Mockups: Before installing sprayed fire-resistive material, apply products specified to demonstrate qualities of materials and execution. Buitd mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for completed Work: l. locate mockups in the location indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. E. F. VAIL V ALLEY M EDICA L C ENT E R DEMO LITION AN D STRA CTU M L F M M E CO NSTRA CTION SPEC I F I CAT ION S n lalY200l Addendum No. I HLM 980071.04 07811 - 3 SEg.rrot{.s?$ri sp*tt-v-o,W 2. Extent ofMockups: Approximately 20 lineal feet of surface for each product indicated. 3. Notiry Architect 7 days in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 4. Demonstrate tlr proposed workmanship, including patching. 5. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before starting application of product. 6. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. a. Approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Completion may beconre part of the completed Work. I.6 DELTVERY,STORAGE,ANDHANDLING A. Deliver prodrrcts to hoject site in original, unopened packages with intact and legible manufacturers' labels identifying product and manufacturer; date of manufacture; shelf life, if applicable; and frre- resistance ratings applicable to hoject. B. Use materials with limited shelf life within period indicated. Remove from hoject site and discard materials whose shelflife has expired. C. Store materials inside, under cover, aboveground, so they are kept dry until ready for use. Remove from hoject site and discard materials that have deteriorated. I.'1 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not apply sprayed fire-resistive material when ambient or subsEat€ temperatures are 40 deg F or lower, unless temporary protection and heat is provided to maintain temperatues at or above this level for 24 hours before, during, and for 24 hours after product application. B. Ventilation: Ventilate building spaces during and after application of sprayed fire-resistive material. Use natural means or, where this is inadequate, forced-air circulation until fire-resistive material dries Ihoroughly. I.8 SEQI.JENCING A. Sequence and coordinate application of sprayed fire-resistive materials with other related work specified in other Sections to comply with the following requirements: l. Provide temporary enclosures for interior applications to prevent deterioration of fire-resistive material due to exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions. 2. Avoid unnecessary exposure of firc-resistive material to abrasion and other damage likely to occur during consEuction operations subsequent to its application. 3. Do not apply tire-rcsistive material to metal roof deck substrates until roofing has been completed; prohibit rooi uaffic during application and drying of fire-resistive maGrial. 4. Do not begin applying fire-resistive material until clips, hangers, supports, sleeves, and other items penetrating fire protection are in place. 5. Defer installing ducts, piping, and other items that would interfere with applying fire-resistive material until application of fire protection is completed. 6. Do not install enclosing or concealing construction until after fire-resislive rnaterial has been applied, inspected, tested, and corrections have been made to defective applications. I.9 WARRANTY VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOL|TION AND STRUCTURAL FRAME CO N STRU CTIO N S P EC I F ICATIO N S fi JALYtrAOI Adderulum No. ) HLM 98M71.04 07811 .4 A. B. General Wananty: The special wa[anty specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may havJ under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with,, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements of the Contlact Documents' Special Warranty: Submit a written warranty, executed by Conractor and cosigned by Installer, agre€ing to repair or replace sprayed fire-resistive materials that fail within the specified warranty period. l. Failures include, but are not limited to, cracking, flaking, eroding in excess of specified requirements; peeling; and delaminating of sprayed fue-resistive materials from subsEates due to defective materials and workmanship within the specified wananty period' 2. Not covered under the wuranty arc failures due to damage by occupants and Owner's maintenance personnel, erposure to environmental conditions other than those investigated and approved during fit"-te.ponr" Lrting, and other causes not reasonably foreseeable under conditions of normal use. Warranty Period: 2 years from date of Substantial Completion.c. B. Material Composition: As follows: l. Sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material consisting of factory-mixed, dry formulation of inorganic binders, mineral fibers, fillers, and additives conveyed in a dry state by pneumatic equipment and mixed with water at spray nozzle to form a damp, as-applied product' C. physical Properties: Minimum values, unless otherwise indicated, or higher values required to attain deiignated fiie-resistance ratings, measured per standard test methods referenced with each property listed as follows: l. Dry Density: 15 lb./cu. ft for average and individual densities regardless of density indicated in referenced ipe-resistive design, or grearer if required to attain fue-resistance ratings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual 12-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determination." PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS A. Fiberous fireproofing system to provide a fire rated assembly rating of: l. 3 hour: columns - UL design X829. 2. 3 hour: beams and giiders (column-to-column) - UL design N8l6' 3. 2 hour: purlins (beam-to-beam) - UL design D902. 4. 2 hour: concrete roof assembly - uL design D902. 5. 2 hour: concrete floor assembly - UL design D902. CUNCbAI-ED SPRA TE,D FIRE-RESISTNE MATERIALS A. Ln"r"t, For concealed applications of sprayed fue-resistive materials, provide manufacturer's stmdard products complying with iequirements indicated in this Article for material composition and physical properties representative of insalled products. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME CO N STRUCTION S PECI F I CAT IO N S BJALTzMI Addendum No, l HI.M 98M7|-M 07811- 5 sF*AYm.ffi 4. 6. 7. 8. 2. Thickness: provide minimum average thickness required for fire-resistive design indicated according to the following criteria, but not less than 0.375 inch, per ASTM E 605. a. Where the referenced fue-resistive design lists a thickness of I inch or greater, the minimum allowable individual thickness of sprayed fre-resistive malerid is the design thickness minus 0.25 inch. b. Where the referenced fire-resistive design lists a ftickness of less than I inch but more than 0.3?5 inch, the minimum allowable individual thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material is the greater of 0.375 inch or ?5 percent of the desigrr thickness' c. No reduction in average thickness is pennitted for those fire-resistive designs whose fue- resistance ratings were established at densities of less than 15 lb'/cu' ft' 3. Bond strength: 150lbflsq. ft. per ASTM E 736 under the following conditions: a. Field test sprayed ffe-resistive material that is applied to flanges of wide-flange strucnrrd- steel members on surfaces matching those that will exist for renrainder of steel receiving fi re-resistive material. b. If surfaces of structural steel receiving sprayed fre-resistive material are prirred or otherwise painted, perform series of bond tests specified in LJLb "Fire Resistance Directory" for coating materials. c. Minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material tested in labntory shall be O.75 inch. Compressive Suength: 5.21 lbf/sq. in. as determined in the laboratory per ASTME76I. Minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive materid tested shall be 0.75 inch and minimum dry density shall be as specified, but not less fran 15 lb/cu. ft' Corrosion Resistance: No evidence of conosion per ASTM E 937' Deflection: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E 759' Effect of Impact on Bonding: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E 760. Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0.025 g/sq. ft. in 24 hours per ASTM E 859. For laboratory tests, minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material is 0.75 inch, maximum dry density is 15 tb./cu. ft., test specrmens are not prepurged by mechanically inducetl air volocitics, antl tcstr alc terminated after 24 houn. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fire-resistive materials with the following surface- burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by uL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction' l. Flarne Spread: 10 or less. 2. Smoke DeveloPed:0. 3. Fungal Resistance: No observed growth on specimens per ASTM G 2l' Prodrrlsr Subject to compliance with requirel4enls, provlde prodqctq qy ole of the followrng: l. Sprayed-FiberFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Cafco Blaze-shield II; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products' b. Type JN-HD; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. EXPOSED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERTALS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTURAL FRAME CO N STRUCTION S PECI F I CATION S tS ltJLY20oI Addendum No. I D. F )7 HLM 980071-04 07811 .6 General: For exposed applicafions of sprayed fire-resistive materials, provide manufacturer's standard producs complying with requirements indicated for materiat composition and for minimum physical prop€rties ofeach product listed, measured by standard test methods referenced with each property. Spraye.d-Fiber Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed, dry formulation of inorganic binders, minsral fibers, fillers, and additives conveyed in a dry state by pneumatic equipment and mixed with water at spray nozzle to form a damp, as-applied product, complying with the following requirements: l. Dry Density: Values for average and individual densities as required for fire-resistance ratings inicate4 per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual 12-A, Appendix A, "Altemate Method for Density Determination," but with an average density of not less than 22 lb./cu. ft. 2. Bond Snength: 434 lbf/sq. ft. per ASTM E 736. 3. Compressive Strength: 5l lbflsq. in. per ASTM E 761. 4. Dry Density: Values for average and individual densities as required for ire-resislance ratings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual 12-A, Appendix A, "Altemate Method for Densiry Determination,,, but with an average density of not less than 39 lb./cu. ft. 5. Bond Strength: 1000 lbf/sq. ft. per ASTM E 736. 6. Compressive Stength: 300 lbflsq. in. per ASTM E 761. 7 . Corrosion Resistance: No evidence of corrosion per ASTM E 937. 8. Deflection: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E 759' g. Effect of Impact on Bonding: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E 760. 10. Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0.025 g/sq. ft. per ASTM E 859. I l. Combustion Characteristics: Passes ASTM E 136. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fire-resistive materials with tlrc following surface- burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Flame Spread: l0 or less. Smoke Developed: 0. Fungal Resistance: No observed growth on spccilttctts pcr ASTNI C 2i' For exterior applications of sprayed fire-resistive matetial, provide manufacturer's formulation approved for surfaces exposed to the exterior. Water-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed formulation consisting of water- based mastic, with inorganic reinforcing fibers for spray application. Nonwater-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed formulation consisting of mastic, with inorganic reinforcing fibers for spray application. l. Fror exterior applications of fire-resistive material, provide manufacturerh formulation approved for such usc. Thin-Film Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed mastic coating system, spray applied as thin-film coating, as follows: L single-component system consisting of intumescent coating. 2. Multicomponent system consisting of an intumescent base coat and troPcoat' Color and Gloss: As indicated by rnanufacturer's color and gloss designations' Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTURAL FRAME CO N STRA CTION S PECI F I CAT I ON S IS.TULYZINI AdderuIum No. I c. A. B. F. G. 1 2. 4. D. E. HLM 98M71-04 078il - 7 sEcubN,,0?81:'t sPRAYED:FrRB&$S$t$is {${[EF $lfi l. Sprayed-FiberFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Cafco Deck Shield I; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Pmducts' 2. Water-Based IntumescentMastic Fire-Resistive Material: a. Clad 900; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChem Inc. 3. Nonwater-Based IntumescentMastic Fire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Clad 800; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChem Inc. b. Pitr-Char XP; Carboline Co., Fireproofing Products Div. c. Chartek IV: Textron Specialty Materials. 4. Thin-FilmlntumescentMasticFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Firefilm and Colorcoat; A/D Fire Protection Systems, Inc. b. Clad TF; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChem lnc. c. Cafco Spraylilm Basecoat and Topseal; Isolarck Intemational Corp., Cafco Products' 2.3 AI,IXILIARYFIRE-RESISTIVEMATERIALS A. General: hovide auxiliary fire-resistive mat€rials that are compatible with sprayed fire-resistive materials and substrates and are approved by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction for use in Fre-resistive designs indicated. B. Substrate Primers: For use on each substrate and with each sprayed fire-resistive product, provide primer that complies with one or mor€ of the following requirements: l. Primer's bond strength comphes wlth requrrements specrtied rn ULs "Frre Resisance Dlrecrory.' for coating materials based on a series of bond tests per ASTM E 736. 2. Prinrer is identical to those used in assemblies tested for fire-test-response characteristics of sprayed fire-resistive material per ASTM E 119 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Adhesive for Bonding Fire-Resistive Material: Product approved by manufacturer of sprayed fire-resistive material. D. Metal Lath: Expanded metal lath fabricated from material of weight, configuration, and finish required to comply with fire-resistive designs indicated and fire-resistive product manufacturer's written recommendarions. Include clips. lathing accessories, corneq bq4ds, and other 44chorage devices required to attach lath to substrates and to receive sprayed fire-resistive material. E. Reinforcing Fabric: Glass-fiber fabric of type, weight, and form required to comply with fire-resistive designs indicated, approved by manufacturer of intumescent mastic fire-resistive rnaterial' F. Reinforcing Mesh: Metallic mesh reinforcement of type, weight, and form required to comply with fire- resistive designs indicated, approved by manufacturer of intumescent mastic fire-resistive material' Include Pins and attaclment. G. Topcoats: Typ" by manufacturer of each sprayed fire-resistive material for applications indicated. IILM q\M7I.M VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 07811 - 8 DEMOLITION AND STRUCTURAI, F'NIME CO N STRUCTIO N S PEC I F IC ATIO N S B JALYaQOI Addendum No. I SffibNtzfll SIRAYED Veneer-Plaster Topcoat: Factory-mixed formulation of a latex-modified, inorganic, veneer plaster recommende.d in writing for spray application over concealed and exposed formulations by manufacturer of latter products. t. Product: subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Topkete Type TK-610L', by w.R' Grace & Co.-Conn., Construction Producs Div. Water-Based Pernreabte Surface Coating: Factory-mixed formulation for brush, roller, or spray application over concealed and exposed formulations by manufacturer of latter products' l. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide 'Cafco Topcoat" by Isolatek Intemational Corp., Cafco Products. Sealer for Sprayed-Fiber Fire-Resistive Material: Transparentdrying, waterdispersible protective coating by manufacturer of sprayed-fi ber fire-resistive material. l. product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Cafco Bond-Seal" by Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. PART3 -E)GCUTION 3.I EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, with Installer present" to determine whether they re in satisfactory condition to receive sprayed fire-resistive ."t"ri"l. A substrate is in satisfactory condition if it complies with the H. J. following: L substrates comply with requirements in the Section where the substrate and related materials and consruclion are spccificrl. 2. Substrates are ftee of oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primen, loose mill scale, dirt, or other foreign substancJs capable of impairing bond of fire-resistive material with substrate under conditions of normal use or fire exposure' 3. Objects penetrating fire-resistive rnateriat, including clips, hangers, support sleeves, and similar items, are securely attach€d to substrates. 4. Substrates are not obstructed by ducts, piping, equipment, and other suspended constfuction that will interfere with applying fire-resistive material' Conduct tests according to fire-resistive material manufacturerb written recorrmendations to veriry that substrates are free of oii, rolling compounds, and other subsl,ances capable of interfering with bond' Do not proceed with installation ol fire-resrsuve matertal untll unsaustactory condtuons have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of fire-resistive matsrid, including oil, grease' rolling compounds, incompatible primers, and loose mill scale' B. prime substrates where recommended in writing by fre-resistive material manufacturer, unless compatible shop primer has been applied and is in satisfactory condition to receive fire-resistive material' B. c. VAIL VAILEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FMME CO N STRA CTION SPECI F I CATION S BTALY,NI Addendum No. ] HLItt 98M71-04 07811- 9 SIRtY@ffi 3.3 c. D. B, c. D. F. G. For exposed applications, repair substrates to remove any surface imperfections that could affect uniformity of texture and thickness in finished surface of sprayed fire-resistive material. Rernove minor projections and fill voids that would telegraph through fire-resistive products after apPlication. Cover other work subject to damage from fallout or ov€r-spray of fue-resistive marcrials during application. Provide rcmporary enclosure as required to confine spraying operations, protect the environment, and ensure maintenance of adequate ambient conditions for temperature and ventilation, INSTALLATION,cENERAL Comply with fire-resistive material manufacturerb wrifien instructions for mixing materials, application procedures, and typas of equipnent used to convey and spray on fire-resistive rurcrial, as applicable to particular conditions of installation and as required to achieve fire-resistance ratings indicated. Apply sprayed file-re,sistive material that is identical to producB tested as specified in Part I in "Prodrrct Test Reports" in "submittals" Article, with respect to rate of application, accelerator use, sealers, topcoats, tampinC, trowelingl, water over-spray, or othcr ruterials and proceduras affecting test results. tnstall nptal latb, as required, to comply with fire-resistance ratings and fire-resistive marerial nunufacturer's written recommendations for conditions of exposure and intended use. Securely anach lath to subsrate in position required for support and reinforcement of fire-resistive material. Use anclrcrage devices of type recommended in r,rriting by fre-resistive mat€rial manufacfi'rer. Auach lathing accessories where indicated or required for secure attachnpnt to substrate. Coat substrates with adhesive before applying lire-resistive naterial where rcquired to achieve fire- resishnce rating or as recommended in writing by fire-resistive material manufactrner for material and application indicated. Ext€nd firc-r€sistive material in full thickness over entire area of each substrate to be prorcoed. Unless otherwrse recommended in writing by fire-resistivc rtutetial lranufacturer, instatl body uf lire-resistivs covering in a single course. Spray apply fire-resistive materials to maximum extent possible. Following the spraying operation in each area, complete the coverage by trowel application or other placement method recommended in writing by manufacturcr. For applications over encapsulant malerials, inchding lockdown (post-removal) encapsulants, apply sprayed fire-resistive material that differs in color from that of the encapsulant over which it is applied. Where sealers are used, apply products that are tinted to differentiate them from the sprayed fire-resistive rnaprial qyer which they are applied. INSTALLING CONCEAI-ED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIAIS Apply concealed fire-resistive material in thicknesses and densities indicated, but not less than those required to achieve fire-resistance ratings designated for each condition, and comply with requirements for thickness specified in Part 2 "Concealed Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials" Anicle. Apply water over-spray to concealed, sprayed-fiber fire-resistive mat€rial as requit€d to obtain designated fire-resistance rating and where indicated. V AI L VAILEY M ED ICAL C ENTE R DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME CO N STRU CTION S P EC I F I CAT I O N S 3.4 A. B. Addetdum No, l HLil[ 98ffi71-04 07811 - n $s li@ffi c. D. Apply sealer to concealed sprayed fire-resistive material. Apply topcoat to concealed sprayed fire-resistive material. INSTALLING EXPOSED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIALS Apply exposed sprayed fire-resistive material in thicknesses and densities indicated, but not less than that ."q"ii"a io achieve-fire-resistance ratings designated for each condition, unless greater thicknesses and densities are indicated. hovide a uniform finish complying with description indicated for each type of material and matching Architectb sampte or, if none, finish approved for field-erected mockup. Apply sprayed-frber fire-resistive material to produce the following finish: l. Spray-texturedfinish. 2. Apply sealer. 3. Apply topcoat. Apply intumescent mastic firc-resistive material as follows: l. Install reinforcing fabric where indicated or required. 2. Finish: Spray+extured finish with no further treaunent' Apply thin-film innrmescent mastic fire-resistive material as follows: L Finish: spray apply successive base coa(s) and finish topcoat. Allow drying and curing between coats. Determine required dry film thickness before applying finish topcoat' FIELD QUALITYCONTROL Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and to prepare test reports. l. Testing and inspecting agency will interpret tests and state in each report whether tested work complies with or deviates from requirements. Testing and inspecting of completed applications of sprayed fire-resistive material will take place in ,o""".iiu" ,tuger, in areas of "it"nt "nd using methods as follows. Do not Proceed with application of fire-resistive *"t".iul for the next area until test results for previously completed applications of fne- resistive material show compliance with requirements. Extenu For each l5I[O-sq. lt. area, or partial afea, on each lloor, tesdng and inspecling agelE will evaluate the following characteristici. Tested values must equal or exceed values indicated and values required for approved fire-resistance design. a. Thickness for Floors, Roofs, and walls: From the average of l0 measurements from a 144- sq. in. sample area, with sample width of not less than 6 inches per ASTM E 605' b. Tirickness -for Structural Frame Members: From a sample of 25 percent of strucnyal members per floor, taking 9 measurements at a single qoss section f91 joists and trusses and 7 measurements ofa single cross section for columns per ASTM E 605' VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME CO N STRUCTION SPECI F ICAT IO N S fiJAfi't001 Addemlum No, I 3.5 B. c. D. 3.6 A. B. l. HIM 98M71.04 07811 - r1 sEsnoNfrSil sPf;ev-EDW c. Density for Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Structurd Frame Members: At frequency and from sample size indicated for determining thickness of each type of construction, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual 12-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for DensitY Determination." d. Bond Strength for Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Structural Framing Members: Cohesion and adhesion at frequency and from sample size indicated for determining thickness of eacb tYPe of construction, Per ASTM E ?36. Z. When testing discovers applications of Frre-resistive material not in corrpliance with requirements' testing and lnspecting agency will perform additional random testing to determine extent of noncorPliance. C. Remove and replace applications of fire-resistive rnaterial where test results indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements for cohesion and adhesion or for density, or both. D. Apply additional fire-resistive material per manufacturer's written instructions where test results indicate that thickness does not comply with specified requirements. E. Additional testing and inspecting, at Conracbr's expense, will be performed to determine cornpliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements' 3.7 CLEANING,PROTECTING,ANDREPAIR A. Cleaning: Inunediately after completing spraying operations in each confinable area of Project, remove materiaaover-spray and fallout frorn surfaces of other construction and clean exposed surfaces to remove evidence of soiling. B. Protect fire-resistive material, according to advice of product manufacturer and Installer, from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so ftre protection will be without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. C. Coordinate application of fire-resistive material with other constntction to minimize the need to cut or remove fire protection. As installation of other construction proceeds, inspect fre-resistive material and patch any darnaged or removed areas' D. Repair or replace work that has not been successfully protected. rlt END or SECTION 07811 VAI L VAITtsY M EDICAL CENT ER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTURAL FRAME CO N STRU CTION SPEC I F ICATIO N S IS JALY2OOI Addendum,No. l HLM 980071.04 07811 . 12 1.2 $Tffi sp.ffi PART I . GENERAL l.l RELATED DOCI.JMENTS Drawings and generat provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SI,JMMARY This Section includes the following: l. Concealedsprayedfire-resistivematerials. 2. Exposed sprayed fire-resistive materials. 3. Topcoat. 4. Sealer. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for concrete protecting structural steel. 2. Division 3 Section "Architectural Precast Concrete - Plant Cast" for precast protecting structural steel. t. Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry" for masonry protecting structural steel. 4. Division 5 Section "structural Steel" for surface conditions required for structural steel receiving sprayed fire-resisti ve materials. 5. Division ? Section "Building Insulation" for fire-safing insulation. 6. Division 7 Section "Board Fire ProGction" for mineral-fiber-board fue protection, 7. Division 7 Section "Firestopping" for through-penetration firestopping systems. 8. The following Division 9 Sections for gypsum-board-based fire protection: a. "Gypsum Bnard Assemhlies " DEFINTTIONS Concealed sprayed fire-resistive material is applied to surfaces that are concealed from view behind other construction when the Work is completed. Exposed sprayed fire-resistive material is applied to surfaces that are exposed to view when the Work is completed. SUBMITTALS B. A. A. 1.3 B. 1.4 B. Product Data: For each fire-resistive product specified. Shop Drawings: Structural-framing plans indicating the following: l. Locations and types of surface preparations required before applying sprayed fire-resistive material. 2. Extent of sprayed fire-resistive material for each construction and fre-resistance rating, including the followins: VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Design Develnpmen Pricing Documentt r3 x0LY.200t Alilentlum Na, ! HLM 98007r-04 O78II. I si*ttrftsfiig'f{, D. a- Applicable fire-resistive design designations of a qualified testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. b. Minimum thicknesses needed to achieve rcquired fire-resistance ratings of structural components and assemblies. c. Designation of restrained and unresrained conditions based on definitions in ASTM E I19, Appendix X3 as determined by a qualified professional engineer. 3. Treatnent of sprayed fre-resistive material after application. Samples for Initial Setection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the full range of colors and glosses available. Samples for Vcrification: Of each type of exposed finish required, prepared on 2 Samples, each 4 inches square, of each color, gloss, texture and material formulation to be applied. Where finishes involve normal color and texture variations, include Sample sets showing the full range of variations expecred. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturer of sprayed fire-resislive material certifying that the products firnished comply with requirements. Installer Certificates: Signed by nunufacturer certi$ing that installers comply with specified requirernents. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project nanres and addrcsses, narnes and addresses of archiGcts and owners, and other information specified. Cornpatibility and Adhesion Test Reporrc: For prinrers and other coatings applied to structural steel. Provide reports from a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency engaged by Contractor. Confirm that primers and coatings proposed for application in shop or field are compatible with fire- resistive material, Instruct laboratory to determine compatibility according to requirements specified in "Quality Assurance",\rticlc. Product Test Reports: Indicate ttrat physical properties of proposed sprayed ftre-resistive materials comply with specified requirements based on comprehensive testing of curent product formulations by a qualified testing and inspecting agency according to requirements specified in "Quality Assurance" Article. Researcl/Evaluation Reports: Evidence of sprayed fire-resistive material's compliance with building code in effect for Project, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. QUALITY ASSI,]RANCE lnstaller Qualtticationsi EngagC an experienced rnstaliCi certrfi€d, hcensed, or otheruse quahfierl by sprayed fire-resistive maoerial manufacturer as having the necessary experience, staff, and Eaining !o install manufacturer's products according to specified requirements. A manufacturer's willingness to sell its sprayed fire-resistive materials to Contractor or to an installer engaged by Contractor does not in itself confer qualilication on the buyer. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in the jurisdiction where hoject is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of tlrc kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of sprayed fire-resistive materials thai are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent. F. G. I. t.5 B. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Developmcnt Prbing Docamen$ IsTUWW$I Add,endum No- 1 HLD| 980071-04 07811 - 2 c. D. spRAyED.S*&is.sr,$ Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing and inspecting agency. with the experience and capability 1o conduct the testing inaicatea without delaying the Work, as documented according to ASTM E 699. Testing of Fire-Resistive Materials: By a qualified testing and inspecting agency engaged by Contractor or manufacturer according to the following requirements: l. Sprayed fire-resistive materials are randomly selected for testing from bags bearing the applicable classification marking of UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Testing is performed on specimens of sprayed fire-resistive materials that comply with laboratory testing requirements spe;fied in Put 2 and are otherwise identical to installed fue-resistive materials, including application of accelerant, sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, rolling, and water over-spray, if any of these are used in final application' 3. Testing is perflrmed -on specimens whose application the independent testing and inspecting agency witnessed during preparation and conditioning. Include in test reports a full description of preparation and conditioning of laboratory test specimens. Testing for Compatibility and Adhesion: Engage a qualified testing and inspecting agency to plepare "o-p"tibility and adhesion test reports ttquit"J in "Subminals" Article based on testing that complies with the following requirements: l. Testing for bond per ASTM E 736 and requirements specifred in UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" about coating materials' 2. Verify that -manufacturer of fire-resistive material has not found primers or coatings to be incompatible with fire-resistive material based on its own laboratory testing or field experierrce' Source Limitations: Obtain each type of sprayed hre-resistive material from one source and by a single manufacturer. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fire-resistive materials and assemblies identical to ths,sg tested for the following fire-test-responsi characteristics per test method_indicated below by UL or ""o**t t"rti"i and inspecti-ng agency aCceptabie to authorities having jurisdiction' Identify packages Oags) conraining sprayed fre-risistive material with appropriate rnarkings of applicabte testing and inspecting agency. ., Fire-Resistance Ratings: As indicated by reference to fire-resistive designs listed in UL's "Fire Resistance Directory,i or in the comparable publication of another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for sprayed fre-resistive material serving as direct- applied protection, tested per ASTM E I 19' surface-Burning characteristics: As indicated tbr each sprayed lire-rcsistive product required, F. c. 1. tCsied per ASTM b it4. H.Provide products containing no detectable asbestos as determined according to the method specified in 40 CFR,'Part 763, Subpart E, Appendix E, Section 1, "Polarized Light Microscopy'" Mockups: Before installing sprayed fne-resistive material, apply products specified to demonstrate qualities of materials ana execution. Build mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for completed Work: L Locate mockups in the location indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documenls n talv200l -*ldenlttm Na I HLM 98047L04 07811 - 3 2. J. 4. 5. 6. Extent of Mockups: Approximately 20 lineal feet of surface for each product indicated. NotiS Architect 7 days in advance of the dates and iimes when mockups will be constructed. Demonstate the proposed workrnanship, including patching. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups beforc starting application of product. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the comple ted Work. a. Approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Completion may become part of the comPleted Work. 1.6 DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver products to Project site in originat, unopened packages with intact and legible manufacturers' labels identi$ing product and manufacturer; date of manufactue; shelf life, if applicable; and fire- resistance ratings applicable to Project. Use materials with limited shelf life within period indicated. Remove from Project site and discard materiats whose shelf life has expired. Store materials inside, under cover, aboveground, so they are kept dry until ready for use. Remove from Project sire and discard materials that have deteriorated. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Do not apply sprayed fire-resistive material when ambient or substrate temperatues are 4OdegF or lower, unless temporary protection and heat is provided to maintain temperatues at or above this level for 24 hours before, during, and for 24 hours after product application. Ventilation: Ventilate building spaces during and after application of sprayed fire-resistive material. Use natural means or, where this is inadequate, forc€d-air circulation until fire-resistive material dries ttrut.rughly. SEQUENCING Sequence and coordinate application of sprayed fire-resistive materials with other related work specified in other Sections to comply with the following requirements: 1. Provide temporary enclosures for interior applications to prevent deterioration of fire-resistive material due to exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions. Z. Avoid unnecessary exposure of fire-resistive materid to abrasion and other damage likely to occur during construction operations subsequent to its application. -1. Do not apply fire-resistive material to metal roof deck substrates until roofing has been completed: prohibit roof trallic during applicatron and dryrng oi iire-resrsuve malerlal. 4. Do not begin applying fire-resistive material until clips, hangers, suPports, sleeves, and other items penetrating fire prolection are in place. 5. Defer installing ducts, piping, and other items that would interfere with applying fire-resistive material until application of fire protection is completed. 6. Do not install enclosing or concealing construction until after fire-resistive mat€rial has been applied, inspected, tested, and corrections have been made to defective applications. WARRANTY B. c. t;l 1.8 B. A. 1.9 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documenrs BTAT.Yawl ,\dlendum lltt. I HLM 980071-04 07811 - 4 Spx11y5p;FlRbis$ff c. A. B. A. B. C. General Warranty: The special wananty specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may have under other provisioni of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concunent with, other warrantils made by Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents' Special Warranty: Submit a written warranty, executed by Contractor and cosigned by Installer, agreeing to repair or replace sprayed fire-resistive tn"Ltiult that fail within the specified warranty period' 1. Failures include, but are not limited to, cracking, flaking, eroding in excess of specified requirements; peeling; and delaminating of sprayed fire-resistive materials hom substrates due to deiective materials and worlrnanship within the specified wananty period. Z. Not covered under the warranty ar" l"il*"t due to darnage by occupants and Owner's rnaintenance personnel, exposure to environmental conditions other than those investigated and approved during hra-r"rponr" t"rting, and other causes not reasonably foreseeable under conditions of normal use' Warranty Period: 2 years from date of Substantial Completion' L.1 PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQI,NREMENTS A. Fiberous fireproofing system to provide a fire rated assembly rating of: VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Design Development Prbing Documents B taLY2001 ,tilden/unt llo I l. 3 hour: columns - UL design X829. 2. 3 hour: beams and girders (colummo-column) - LJL design N8l6' 3. 2 hour: purlins Oeam-to-beam) - LJL design D902' 4. 2 hour: concrete roof assembly - UL design D902' 5. 2 hour: concrete floor assembly - UL design D902' CCNCtrALED SPR,4.YED IiIRE RESISTTVE \4ATERIAI' S l"n"rut, For concealed applications of sprayed fire-resistive materials, provide manufacturer's standard products complying with requirements ddic;ted in this Article for material composition and physical properties representative of installed products. Material Composition: As follows: l. sprayed-fiber fire resislive material consisting of factory-mixed, dry formulation of inorganic binders, mineral fibers, fillers, and additives conveyed in a dry state by pneumatic equipment and rrux'ed wrth wal.er at spray nozzlc [o [trrnr a tiartrp, ar-appliurl pruj".-i' Physical Properties: Minimum values, unless otherwise indicated' or higher values required to attain designated fire-resistance ratings, measured per standard test methods referenced with each property listed as follows: l. Dry Densiry: 15 lb./cu. ft for average and individual densities regardless of density indicated in referenced fire-resistive design, or greater if required to attain fire-resistance ratings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI tellnicat Manual l2-A, Appendix A, "Altemate Method for Density Determination'" HIII 980071-04 078t1- 5 SPRAI.EDffi D. Z. Thickness: Provide minimum average thickness required for fire-resistive design indicated according to the following criteria, but not less than 0.375 inch, per ASTM E 605. a. Where the referenced fire-resistive design lists a thickness of I inch or greater, the minimum allowable individual thickness of sprayed fire-resistive materid is the design thickness minus 0.25 inch. b. Where the referenced fire-resistive design lists a thickness of less than I inch but more than 0.375 inch, the minimum allowable individual thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material is the greater of 0.375 inch or 75 percent of the design thickness. c. No reduction in average thickness is perrnitted for those fire-resistive designs whose fire- resistance ratings were established at densities of less than 15 lb-/cu. ft. 3. Bond Strength: 150 lbf/sq. ft. per ASTM E 736 under the following conditions: a. Field test sprayed fire-resistive malerial that is applied to flarges of wide-flange structural- steel members on surfaces matching those that will exist for remainder of steel receiving fire-resistive material. b. If surfaces of structural steel receiving sprayed fre-resistive material are primed or otherwise painted, perform series of bond tests specified in LJL's "Fire Resistance Directory" for coating materials. c. Minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material tested in laboratory shall be 0.75 inch. 4. Compressive Strength: 5.21 lbflsq. in, as determined in the laboratory per ASTM E 761' Minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material tested shall be 0.75 inch and minimum dry density shall be as specified, but not less than 15 lb./cu. ft. 5. Corrosion Resistance: No evidence of conosion per ASTM E 937' 6. Deflection; No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E 759. 7. Effect of Impact on Bonding: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E 760. 8. Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0.025 g/sq. ft. in 24 hours per ASTM E 859. For laboratory tes6, minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material is 0.75 inch, maximum dry density is 15 lb./cu. lt-, test specimens are nor prcpurged by trtxlianieally in.luco.l air velucitics, atiii tcsts ai'c temrinated after 24 hours. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fue-resistive materials with the following surface- burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by uL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Flame Spread: 10 or less. 2. Smoke Developed:0. 3. Fungal Resistance: No observed growth on specimens per ASTM G 21. Products: Subielt ro compliance with requirements, provide productsty one ofthe following- L Sprayed-FiberFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Cafco Blaze-shield II; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. b. Type JN-HD; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. EXPOSED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTTVE MATERIALS VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documents $ IALY 2001 Addendum luo. I L--) HLM 98(n7I-04 0781t - 6 SPRAffiD A. B, General: For exposed applications of sprayed fire-resistive materials, provide manufacturer's standard producrs complying with requirements indicated for material composition and for minimum physical properties ofeach product listed, measured by standard test methods referenced with each property' Sprayed-Fiber Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed, dry formulation of inorganic binders' rnineral fibers, fillen, and additives conveyed in a dry state by pneumatic equipment and mixed with water at spray nozzle to form a damp, as-applied product, complying with the following rcquarements: l. Dry Density: Values for average and individual densities as required for fire-resistance ratings inicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual l2-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determination," but with an average density of not less than 22lb.lcu. ft 2. Bond Srength: 434 lbf/sq. ft. per ASTM E 736- 3. Compressive Srength: 5l lbflsq. in. per ASTM E 761. 4. Dry bensiry: Vatuis for average and individual densities as required for fire-resistance ratings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual l2-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determination," but with an average density of not less than 39 lb./cu. ft. 5. Bond Strength: 1000 lbflsq. ft. per ASTM E 736. 6. Compressive Strength:300 lbflsq. in. per ASTM E 761' 7. Corrosion Resistance: No evidence ofcorrosion per ASTM E 937' 8. Deflection: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E ?59' 9. Effect of Impact on Bonling: No cracking, spalting, delamination, or the like per ASTM E 760. 10. Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0'025 glq. ft. per ASTM E 859' I t. Combustion Characteristics: Passes ASTM E 136. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fire-resistive materials with the following surface- burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by IJL or another testing-and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction' 1. Flame Spread: l0 or less. 2. Smoke Developed:0, J. Fungal Reststance: No observed growtll on spcairllolrs pdr ASTI{ C 2i' 4. For -exterior applications of sprayed fire-resistive material, provide manufacturer's formulation . approved for surfaces exposed to the exterior. Water-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed formulation consisting of water- based mastic, with inorganic reinforcing fibers for spray application' Nonwater-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed formulation consisting of mastic, with inorganic reinforcing fibers for spray application' l. For exterior applications of fire-resistive material, provide tnanufacturer's formulation approved for such use. c. D. F.Thin-Film Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed mastic coating system, spray applied as thin-film coating, as follows: l. Single-component system consisting of intumescent coating' 2. Multicomponent system consisting of an intumescent base coat and topcoat' Color and Gloss: As indicated by manufacturer's color and gloss designations' Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: c. H. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documenls B TALY 2OOI Addewltttrt i\i.t' ) HLM 980071-04 07811 - 7 sp.ntrtow 1. Sprayed-FiberFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Cafco Deck Shield I; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Producs. 2. Water-BasedlntumescentMastic Fire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Clad 900; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of Stanchem Inc. 3. Nonwater-BasedlntumescentMasticHre-ResistiveMaterial: a. Ctad 800; Albi Manufacnring, Div. of StanChem Inc. b. Pitt-Char XP; Carboline Co., Fireproofing Products Div. c. Chartek IV; Textron Specialty Materials. 4. Thin-FilmlnturnescentMastic Fire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Firefilm and Colorcoat; A/D Fire Protecdon Systems, Inc. b. Clad TF; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChem Inc. c. Cafco Sprayfilm Basecoat and Topseal; Isolatek International Corp,, Cafco Products. 2.3 AI.TXILIARYFIRE-RESISTIVEMATERIALS A. Generat: Provide auxiliary fue-resistive materials that are compatible with sprayed fire-resistive materials and substrates and are approved by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having juridiction for use in fire-resistive designs indicated. B. Substrate Primers: For use on each substrate and with each sprayed fire-resistive product, provide primer that complies with one or more of the following requirements: l. fTrmer's bond snength comphes wirh requirements specihed in ULi 'Fire Resisunce Direr.:rory.' for coating materials based on a series of bond tests per ASTM E 736. 2. Primer is identical to those used in assemblies tested for fire-test-r€sponse characteristics of sprayed fire-resistive material per ASTM E ll9 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Adhesive for Bonding Fire-Resistive Material: Product approved by manufacturer of sprayed fire-resistive material. D. Metal Lath: Expanded metal lath fabricated from material of weight, configuration, and finish required to comply with fire-resistive designs indicated and fire-resistive product manufacturert written recommendaliqns. Include clips, lathing accessories, corner beads, and other anchorage devices rcquired to attach lath to substrates and to receive sprayed fire-resistive material. E. Reinforcing Fabric: Glass-fiber fabric of type, weight, and form required to comply with fire-resistive designs indicated, approved by manufacturer of intumescent mastic fire-resistive material. F. Reinforcing Mesh: Metallic mcsh reinforcement of t]?e, weight, and form required to comply with fire- resistive designs indicated, approved by manufacturer of intumescent mastic fire-resistive material. Include pins and attachment. G. Topcoats: Type by manufacturer ofeach sprayed fire-resistive material for applications indicated. V AI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Docume nts 13 TULY.\OOI Addendum No. t HLM 98007|-M 07811 . 8 J. veneer-Plaster Topcoat: Factory-mixed formulation of a latex-modified, inorganic, veneer plaster recommended in writing for spray application over concealed and exposed formulations by manufacturer of latter products. t. hoduct: subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Topkrete Type TK-610L" by w.R. Crace & Co.--Conn., Construction Products Div. Water-Bas€d Permeable Surface Coating: Factory-mixed formulation for brush, roller, or spray application over concealed and exposed formulations by manufacturer of latter products. l. product: Subject to complianc€ with requirements, provide "Cafco Topcoat" by Isolatek Intemational Corp., Cafco Products. Sealer for Sprayed-Fiber Fire-Resistive Material: Transparent-drying, water-dispersible protective coating by manufacturer of sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material. l. product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Cafco Bond-Seal" by Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, with Installer present, to determine whether they are in satisfactory condition to receive sprayed fire-resistive material. A substrate is in satisfactory condition if it complies with the following: l. Substrates comply with requirements in the Section where the substrate and related materials and consrrucrion are sptcifi cti. 2. Substrales are free of oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, loose mill scale, dirt, or olher foreign substances capable of impairing bond of fire-resistive material with substrate under conditions of normal use or fire exposure. 3. Objects penetrating fire-resistive materi;I, including clips, hangers, support sle€vest and similar items, are securely attached to substrates. 4. Substrates are not obstructed by ducts, piping, equipment, and other suspended construction that will interfere with applying fire-resistive material. Conduct tests according to hr€-resistive material manufacturer's writlen recommendations to veriry that substrates are free of oil, rolling compounds, and other substances capable of interfering with bond' po nof pro.""J with insiallauon of tire-resistive mateflal untrl unsatlstactort condrtrohs have been corrected, PREPARATION Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of fire-resistive material, including oil, grease' rolling compounds, incompatible primers' and loose mill scale' prime substrates where recommended in writing by fire-resistive material manufacturer, unless compatible shop primer has been applied and is in satisfactory condition to receive fire-resistive material' H. 3.1 A. B. c. J.L B. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Prbing Docuncn$ 13 TALY2MT Addendunt No. I HLM 980071-04 07811 - 9 s. D. For exposed applications, repair substrates to remove any surface imperfections that could affect uniformity of texture and thickness in finished surface of sprayed fire-resistive macrid. Remove minor projections and fill voids that would telegraph through fire-resistive products after application. Cover other work subject to danage from fallout or over-spray of fire-resistive mat€rials during application. Provide temporary enclosure as required to confine spraying operations, protect the environment, and ensure maintenance of adequate ambient conditions for temperature and ventilation' INSTALLATION, GENERAL Comply with fire-resistive material manufacturer's written instructions for mixing materials, application procedures, and types of equiprnent used to convey and spray on fire-resistive material' as applicable to particular conditions of installation and as required to achieve fire-resistance ratings indicated. Apply sprayed fire-resistive mat€rial that is identical to products tested as specified in Part I in "Product Test Reports" in "submittals" Article, with respect to rate of application, accelerator use, sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, water over-spray, or other materials and procedures affecting test results. Install metal lath, as required, to comply with fire-resistance ratings and fire-resistive materid manufactgrrr's written recommendations for conditions of exposure and intended use. Securely attach lath to substrate in position required for support and reinforcement of fire-resistive material. Use anchorage devices of q1pe recornmended in uriting by fire-resistive material rnanufacturer. Attach lathing accessories wherc indicated or required for secure attachment to substrate. Coat substrates with adhesive before applying fire-resistive material where required to achieve fire- resistance rating or as recommended in writing by fire-resistive material manufacturer for material and application indicated. Extend fire-resistive material in full thickness over entire area of each substrate to be protected. Unless otherwise recommended ln wntlng by tire-resrstive marerial manufaourer, install body oi ilre-resistivc covering in a single course. Spray apply fire-resistive materials to maximum extent possiblo. Following the sprafng operation in each area, complete the coverage by tmwel application or other placement method recommended in writing by manufachrrer. For applications over encapsulant materials, including lockdown (post-removal) encapsulants, apply sprayed fire-resistive material that differs in color from that of the encapsulant over which it is applied. Where sealers are used, apply products that are tinted to differentiate them from the sprayed fire-resistive material ovet wl ch they are applied. INSTALLINC CONCEALED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIALS Apply concealed fre-resistive material in thicknesses and densities indicated, but not less than those required to achieve fire-resistance ratings designated for each condition, and comply with requirements for thickness specified in Part 2 "Concealed Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials" Article. Apply water over-spray to concealed, sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material as required to obtain designated fire-resistance rating and where indicated. VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Design Dev elopment Pricing Documents 13IULY 2AOI Addendum No. i 3.3 B. c. D. E. F. G. J..t B. HLM 980071.04 07811 - r0 sEcfloNficlr SPRAYED], NSiRFAIgffi c. D. Apply sealer to concealed sprayed fire-resistive material. Apply topcoat to concealed sprayed fire-resistive material. INSTALLING EXPOSED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIALS Appty exposed sprayed fire-resistive material in thicknesses and densities indicated, but not less than that *;.d io achie""-fir"-resistance ratings designated for each condition, unless greater thicknesses and densities are indicated. Provide a uniform finish complying with description indicated for each type of material and marching Architect's sample or, if none, Frnish approved for field+rected mockup' Apply sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material to produce the following finish: l. Spray-texturedfinish. 2. Apply sealer. 3. Apply topcoat. Apply intumescent mastic fire-resistive material as follows: l. Instatl reinforcing fabric where indicated or required' 2. Finish: Spray-textured finish with no furtber treafinent' Apply thin-film intumescent mastic fire-resistive malerid as follows: l. Finish: Spray apply successive base coat(s) and finish topcoat. Allow drying and curing between coats. Deiermine required dry film thickness before applying finish topcoat' FIELD QUAI-ITY CONTROL TestingAgency:ownerwillengageaqualifiedindependenttestingandinspectingagencytoperform field tests and inspections and to prepare test reports' l.Testingandinspectingagencywillinterprettestsandstateineachreportwhethertestedwork complies with or deviates from requiremenls. Testing and inspecting of completed applications of sprayed fire-resistive material will take place in successive stages, in areas of eitent and^ using rnethods as follows. Do not proceed with application of fire-resistive material for the next area until tst results for previously completed applications of fire- resistive material show courpliance with requirements' t. txtent: Foi each 15,004-sq. ft. area, or partral area, on Cach tlool, testirrg artti inspccfng agutr"Y will evaluate the foliowing characteristici. Tested values must equal or exceed values indicated and values required for approved fire-resistance design' 3.5 A. B. c. D. E. 3.6 B. a. Thickness for Floors, Roofs, and Walls: From the average of l0 measurements from a 144- sq. in. sample area, with samPle width of not less than 6 inches per ASTM E 605' b. Thickness for Structural Frame Members: From a sample of 25 percent of structural members per floor, taking 9 measurements at a single cross section for joists and trusses and 7 measurements ofa single cross section for columns per ASTM E 605' VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documents $ TALT 2OOI Aild'e ndum' Na. I HLM 98M71-04 07811- Il srn*raD.s&Bg$Is ffi ' c. Density for Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Skuctural Frame Members: At frequency and from sample size indicated for determining thickness of each type of construction,_ per ASTME605 or AWCI Technical Manual l2-A, AppendixA, "Alternate Method for DensitY Determi nation. " d. Bond itrength for Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Stuctural Frarring Members: Cohesion and adhesion at'frequency and from sample size indicated for determining thickness of each type of construction, Per ASTM E ?36. 2. When testing discovers applications of fire-resistive material not in compliance with requirements' testing and -inspecting agincy will perform additional random testing to determine extent of noncomPliance. C. Remove and replace applications of fire-resistive material where test results indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements for cohesion and adhesion or for density, or both. D. Apply additional fire-resistive rnaterial per manufacufer's written instructions where test results indicate that thickness does not comply with specified requirements' E. Additional testing and inspecring, at contractor's exp€nse, wilt be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirenrents. 3.7 CLEANING, PROTECTING' AND REPAIR A. Cleaning: Immediately after conrpleting spraying operations in each confinable area of Project, remove material ot"r-sp."y *i fallout from surfaces of other consEuction and clean exPosed surfaces to remove evidence of soiling' B. protect fire-resistive material, according to advice of product manufacturer and Installer, from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so fire protection will be without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. C. Coordinate application of fre-resistive material with other construction to minimize the need to cut or remove fue frotection. As installation of other construction proceeds, inspect fire-resistive material and patch any damaged or removed areas. D. Repair or replace work that has not been successfully protected' ':' END 0t' SECrtoN 07811 V A IL VAI,I,EY MED ICAL CENT ER Design Development Pricing Documents 13 TALY 2OOT Atldendun Na. .l HLM 98U71-04 078il - 12 ADDENDUM NO.2 July 24, 2001 The information contained in this Addendum modifies, supplements or replaces inforrnation contained in the Project Manual and on the Drawings and is hereby made a part of the Contract Documents. Acknowledge rereipt of this addendum by placing the appropriate addendum number in the blank on the Bid Form. APPLICABLE TO TIIE PROJECTMANUAL: A. Revised Project M4nual Pages: The replacement pages identified below include modifications made to the original Projeci Manual sJctions. Revise.d or added information is indicated ly Etype in the text and a [A2] notation in the margin identifying that the revision was made. Areas where inforrnation has been deleted are identifying by etriking €ut the text and placing a [A2] notation in the margin. Insert replacement pages into the Project Manual ahead of the pages they replace. B. Deleted Documents and Sections: The sections identified below shall be deleted from the Project Manual. Document or Section N/A Document or Section N/A Ouantity of Paees N/A Document or Section Name N/A C. Added Documents and Sections: The sections identifred below shall be added to the hoject Manual. Document or Section 2rc0 22ffi 2270 HLM 980071-04 Document or Section Name Site Preparation Earthwork Temporary Erosion Control Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion ADDENDU_I/I NO.2 D. Deleted Sections reouirine Revised Sections: The Sections identified below shall be deleted and replaced with revised new Sections from the Project Manual. Section N/A Section Name N/A APPLICABLE TO TIIE DRAWINGS: A. Suoplemental Drawings: Indicating revisions to the rcspective Contract Drawings. Contract Drawing Number Supplemental Drawing Number 40.13 DEMOLITION PLAN Supplemental Drawing SD-I, sheetconsistingof I S2.1 FOUNDATION PLAN 42" x3O" drawing and 19 8.5" x 1l" drawings. S2.2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN S2.3 THIRD FLOORPLAN S2.4 ROOF PLAN S4.O COLUMN SCI{EDULE S5.4 SECTIONS B. Draq/ing Revisions: Incorporate the following revisions into the respective Contract Drawings. Drawinglo.Revision A0.13 DEMOLITION PLAN Supplemental Drawing SD-l, sheet consisting of I S2.l FOUNDATION PLAN 42" x3O" drawing and 19 8.5" x 11" drawings. S2.2 SECOND FLOOR PI-AN S2.3 THIRD FLOORPLAN S2.4 ROOFPLAN S4.O COLI'MN SCIIEDULE S5.4 SECTIONS IILM 98m71-04 Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion . SECTIONOUU SITE PREPERATION SECTION 02IOO - SITE PREPERATION PART I GENERAL PART I . RELATED DOCI.]MENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplenrentary Conditions, and Division I Specification Sections, apply to the provisions of this section. I.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Asphalt removal. B. Curb and guner removal C. Sidewalk removal D. Sod removal. E. Tree removal F. Topsoil stripping, G. Clearing and grubbing. H. Concrete pavement removal. I. Sanitary sewer removal. J. Storm sewer removal. I.3 GENERAL A. Protect benchmarks, stakes and similar items from damage. B. Protect and maintain existing utilities and underground work which is to remain. g. ItotCct rmproVdmenti on adlornrng propenres. D. Protect existing trees and other vegetation. 1.4 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section O22N - Earthwork. VAI L VAI,IEY M EDICAL C E NT ER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTURAL FRAME C o n stru ctio n D o c ume nts Addendum Number Two 24 July 2001 HI.T'T 98M71.04 02IMI ' SECTION OzTU SITEPREPERATION B. Section 02665 - Water Distribution Systems. C, Section 02720 - Storm Sewage Systems. D. Section O273O - Sanitary Sewage Systems. I.5 SI.JBMITTAIJ A. Contractor shall submit a list of all it€ms to be salvaged. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART3 HGCUTION 3.I REMOVALS A. Asphalt removal. B. Remove asphalt pavement section, including any base course, to limits shown on drawings. C. Sawcut pavement frrll depth. D. Curb and grrtter removal. E. Remove curb and gutter to limits shown on the drawings. F. Sidewalk renpval. 1. Remove concrete sidewalk to limits shown on the drawings. 2. Remove to neaxest joint beyond limits or sawcut full depth. G. Sod rcmoval. l. Remove sod to limits shown on the drawings. -2,' So*sill not be re-used on this project. H. Tree removal. l. Trees shall be flagged for removal prior to doing any work. 2. The Contractor and Architect shall walk the entire project and verify all trees to be removed, VN L VAU,EY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME ConsbTrrtion Docaments Aildendum Number Two 24 luly Z(MI NI.MgEM7I-A 021M.2 ' SECTION O2TOO SITEPREPEMTION 3. Remove stumps and root system to a depth of 36 inches. L Concrete pavement removal. J. Remove asphalt pavement section, including any base course, to limits shown on drawings. K. Remove to nearest joint beyond limits or sawcut full depth. L. Sanitary sewer removal. l. Remove san. sewer line to limits shown on drawings 2. Cap ends of active lines to remain per local san. sewer agency requirements. M. Storm sewer removal. l. Remove storm sewer line to limits shown on drawings. 2. Cap ends of active lines to remain per local storm sewer agency requirements. 3.2 COORDINATION A. Contractor shall coordinate street barricading with local entity prior to blocking any traffic lanes on any street. B. Contractor shall obtain a traffic control pcrmit frour thc local er:rtit1. 3.3 TOPSOL STRIPPING A. Strip topsoil from limits of construction to depths encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with the underlying subsoil or other objectionable material. B. Stockpile topsoil in designated onsite area for re-use on this project. 3.4 CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Cbar aiea within limits of construction of shrubs and other vegetation, except for that indicated to be left standine. B. Completely remove roots. C. Use only hand methods for grubbing inside the drip tine of trees to remain. 3.5 RELOCATIONS HI,II'T 98M71-M VAILVAI^IBY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTUML FRAME C o nstru ctia n D o c um e nt s Addendum Number Two 24 July 2001 02ru-3 , SECTIONO2|OO SITE PREPERATION A. Sign relocation. L Remove all signs to be relocated as shown on plans, and stockpile in designated on-site areas for re-use on the project. 2. Install existing signs in locations indicated on drawings. Install signs per detail as shown on drawings. B. Tree Relocation. 1. Trees shall be flagged forrelocation priorto doing any work. 2. The contractor and architect shall walk the entire project and verify all trees to be relocated. 3.6 PROTECTION OF BENCHMARKS. STAKES AND SMILAR ITEMS. A. Protect all existing benchmarks, stakes, and control points within the limits of construction. All survey control points disturbed during construction shall be reset and documented with the appropriate agency, 3.7 PROTECTION OFEXISTING T-TTILITIES. UNDERGROI.JND WORK. AND ADJOININC PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS A. hotect all existing utilities and underground features to remain within the limits of construction. Contractor shall coordinate construction near exisfins features with the appropriate agency requirements. . B, Protect all adjacent property improvements during construction. Contractor shall repair all damage incurred at their own expense. 3.8 PROTECTION OFEXISTING TREES AND OTTIER VEGETATION Protect existing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place, against unnecessary cutting, breaking or skinning of roots, skinning or braising of bark, smothering of trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated materials witbin drip line, excess foot or vehicular traffic, or parking uf vchicles witlrin driptinrProvide enrporary guards ro protect Eees imd vegctarionrote leit standing. 3.9 DISFOSAL A. Removal of material l. All materials removed shall become property of Contractor and shall be removed off-site and legally disposed of. HLM 98M71-M VAILVAIf,.EY MEDICALCENTER O2IM4 DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Construction Docune nts Addendum Namber Two 24 lulv 2001 SITEPNEPENANON Buming of waste materials on the site is prohibited. EI{D OF SECTION O2IOO :'' : I lfifig&ltt7l-U VAIL VAIf,ET MEDIUL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STNACTANAL FRAME Corrstruction Duumonfr Addendum Namber Tfuo 24 luly 2tfil 021(X,-5 ' SECT|ON02200 EARTHWORK SECTION O22OO - EARTHWORK I.I RELATED DOCTJMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division I - Specification Sections, apply to the provisions of this section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Preparing ofsubgrade for building slabs, walks, pavenrents and footings. B. Excavating and backfilling of trenches. C. Structural backfill. D. Sheeting and shoring. E. Select fill under floor slabs and footings. F. Imported fill. G. Bedding material. H. CompactionrequirementVmoisturecontrol. I. Overexcavation. I. Rock excavation. K. Section 0227O - Temporary Erosion Control. L. Section 02720 - Storm Sewerage Systems. M. Section 02730 - Sanitary Sewerage Systems. 1.4 REFERENCES A. The latest issue ofthe publications listed below and referenced to thereafter by basic designalion onlv. forms a part of this specification to Lhe extent indisaled h-v-tbe re rence thereto: B. Excavation: OSHA Standards. C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) l. ASTM C 33-90 Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates. 2. ASTM D 698 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil- Aggregate IILM 98OO7I.O4 VAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER O22OO-I D E M O LITION AND STRUCTA RAL F RA M E C on slruc tion Documents Addendum Number Two 21 .lnlv 2(l(t I , SECTIONOZ2M EARTHWORK Mixtures Using 5.5 lb (2.a9kg) Rammer and l2-Inch (305mm) Drop. 3. ASTM D 1557 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using l0 lb (4.54kg) Rammer and l8-Incb (457mm) Drop. 4. ASTM D 2487 Standard Test Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes. 5. ASTM E699 Criteria for Evaluation of Agencies Involved in Testing, Quality Assurarce, and Evaluating Building Components in Accordance with Test Methods Promulgated by ASTM Committee E-6. 6. ASTM D 1556 Test Methods for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method. 7. ASTM D 2167 Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. 8. ASTM D 2922Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). 9. ASTM D 3017 Test Method for Water Controt of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). D. "GeotechnicalReport." I.5 DEFINITIONS A. Excavation consists ofthe removal of all materials of whatever character encountered to Subgrade elevations indicated within the right of way, unless noted otherwise, and subsequent disposal of excess materials removed. B. Unauthorized excavation consists of removal of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without specific direction of Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Engrneer, shall be at Contractor's exPense. l. Under footings, foundation bases, or retaining walls, fill unauthorized excavation by extending indicated bottom elevation of footing or base to excavation botton! without altering requircd top elevation. lran concrete fill may be used to bring elevations to proper position. when acceptable to Engineer 2. In locations other than those above, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as specified for authorized excavations of same classification, unless otherwise directed by Engineer. C. Additional Elevation: When excavation has reached required subgrade elevations, notify Engineer, who will make an inspection of conditions. If Engineer determines that bearing materials at required subgrade elevations are unsuitable, continue excavation until suitable bearing materials are encountered and replace excavated material as directed by engineer. The VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Co nstruc tion Documents Addendum Number Two 24 .Iulv 2ll0l HLilt 98M71-04 a2M-2 SECTION O22OO EARTHWORK Contract Sum may be adjusted by an appropriate Contract Modification. Removal of unsuitable material and its replacement as directed will be paid on the basis of Conditions of the Contract relative to changes in the work. D. Muck Excavation: Muck excavation shall consist of the removal and disposal of mixtures of soils and organic matter not suitable for foundation or material. E. Rock Excavation: Rock excavation shall consist of igneous, metamolphic, and sedimentary rock which cannot be excavated without blasting or the use of rippers, including all boulders or other detached stones having a volume of V2 cubic yard or more, as determined by physical or visual measurement. F. Import: Import shall consist of approved material obtained from outside the right of way, required for the construction of the project. G. Pot holing: Pot holing consists of exposing and verifying the location of existing utilities at locations as directed. H. Over excavation: Over excavation consists of the removal of all materials of whatever character encountered to a specific depth below subgrade elevations indicated. Unsuitable material shall be removed from the site, and the remaining suitable material shall be replaced and compacted to specified limits. I. Subgrade: The undisturbed earth or the compacted soil layer immediately below granular subbase, pavement section, drainage fill, or topsoil materials. J. Structure: Buildings, foundations, slabs, tanks, curbs, or other man-made stationary features occurring above or below ground surface. K. Structural Backfill: Imported or on-site soil material placed for a specified depth beneath floor slabs. L. Select Fill Under Floor Slabs: Imported soil material placed for a specified depth beneath floor slabs. r.6 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: Perform excavation work in compliance with applicable requirements of the lociil antitv. B. Testing and Inspection Service: The Owner will employ and pay for a qualified independent geotechnical testing and inspection laboratory to perform soil testing and inspection service during earthwork operations. References to "Engineer" in this specification shall mean the Owner's soil testing service. C. Testing Laboratory Qualifications: To qualify for acceptance, the geotechnical testing laboratory must demonstrate to Architect's satisfaction, based on evaluation of laboratory-submitted criteria conforming to ASTM E 699, that it has the experience and capability to conduct VNL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER D E M O LITION AND STRA CTU RA L F M M E Construction Doc uments Addendum Number Two ,1 lul\: )tt(, I HLM 980071-04 02200-3 SECTION O22M EARTHWORK required field and laboratory geotechnical testing without delaying the progress of Work. PROJECT CONDITIONS Site Information: Data in subsurface investigation reports was used for basis of the design and are available to the Contractor for information only. Conditions are not intended as rePresentations or warranties of accuracy or continuity between soil borings. The Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn from this data by the Contractor. Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may be performed by Contractor's option; however, no change in the Contract Sum will be authorized for such additional exploration. Existing Utilities: locate existing underground utilities in areas of excavation work. If utilities are indicated to remain in place, provide adequate means of support and protection during earthwork operations. Utility Service Intemrption: Shoutd uncharted or incorrectly charted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult utility owner immediately for directions, Cooperate with the Owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction of utility Owner. l Do not intemrpt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by the Owner or others, during occupied hours, except when permitted in writing by the Owner and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. Provide a minimum of 48-hour notice to the Owner, and receive written notice to proceed before intemrpting any utility. 2. Demolish and completely remove from site the existing underground utilities indicated to be removed. Coordinate with utilrty companies tor shutotf of servrces rt hnes are actrve. Use of Explosives: Use of explosives is not permitted. Protection of Persons and Property: Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with warning lights. I . Operate warning lights as recommended by authorities having jurisdiction. 2. hotect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, Iateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. I.8 SHEETING AND SHORING A. Contractor is responsible for protection of existing utilities that are to remain in place during and after this project. The responsibility of method is left to the Contractor; however, a sheeting and shoring plan should be submitted to the Architect for review prior to starting any excavation. This sheeting and shoring plan should be complete and attached calculations and be prepared by a Colorado licensed Professional Engineer with experience in shoring. VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Construction Doc ume nls Addendum Number Two tl I alv 2O0l 1.7 A. B. c. D. E. EIJil 98M71.04 022M-4 SECTION O22OO EARTHWORK I.9 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit test results from a certified testing laboratory for all imported soil material. The number in parentheses indicates the number of tests to be submitted from each sorrce. B. Imported Fill: SECTION O22OO l. Gradation (t) 2. Source 3. Liquid Limit (1) 4. Plasticity Index (l) SwelVConsolidation (l) C. Bedding Material: 1. Gradarion (I) 2. Source D. Select Fill Under Floor Slabs and Footings: 1. Gradation (l) 2. Source 3. Liquid Limit (1) 4. Plasticity hdex (l) 5. SwelUConsolidation(l) E. Structural Backfill Material: EARTHWORK l. Gradation (l) 2. Source PART.2 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS 4. $alisf4clqry Soil Materials: Material gelerated t'ro4n grte exc4yation fiee of vegetable material or other deleterious substances, rocks greater than six (6) inches across, containing no frozen material, and comply with ASTM D 2487 soil classification gtroups GW, GP, GM, SM, GC, SC, CL, and SP. B. Unsatisfactory Soils Materials: Are defined as those complying with ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups ML, MH, CH, OL, OH, and PT. C. Backfill and Fill Materials: Satisfactory soil materials free of clay lumps, rock or gravel larger than two inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation and other HLM 98OO7I.O4 VAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER 022M.5 DEMOLITTON AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Co n structio n Doc u me nts Addendum Numher Two 24 .lulv 2001 ' sEcTroN02200 EARTHWORK deleterious matter. D. Pipe Bedding: (Water) Washed natural stone; free of shale, clay, friable material, sand, debris, graded in accordance with ASTM C 33 within the following limits SIEVE SIZF PERCENT PASSING 3/8INCH No.4 No.8 No. 16 No.30 No.50 No. lfl) No.200 100 l0-100 36-93 20-80 8-65 2-30 r-10 0-3 E. Pipe Bedding (Storm Sewer): Washed aggregate free of shale, clay, friable material, sand, debris, graded in accordance with ASTM C 33 within the following limits: SIEVE SITF PERCENT PASSING 3l4lnch 3/8Inch No.4 90-100 20-55 0-t0 No.8 0-5 F. Pipe Bedding (Sanitary Sewer): Washed aggregate free of shale, clay, friable material, sand, debris, graded in accordance with ASTM C 33 within the following limits: SEVE SIZF, PERCENTPASSING 3/4INCH 90-100 ELM 98(M7I.O4 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME C on structi o n D o c u m e nts Addendum Numher Two ?1 lulv 2(Nl I 022M6 ' SECTIONO2IM EARTHWORK /8INCH 2U55 No.4 G,lO No.8 0-5 G. Sfuctural Baclfilt The fill material shall meet the requircments for Class I Struchml Backfill (CDOH), Section 703.08: SIEVE Sr7F PERCENTPASSING 2-cH l0o No.4 30-100 No.50 lG60 No.2fi) 5-ZO H. Select Fill Under Floor Slabs and Footings: Imported soil material, free of clay lunps, rock or gravel larger than two (2) inches in any dimension, debris, wastg frozen materials, vegetation and other deleterious matter. Select fill rnaterial shall also rn€et the following additional criteria: 1. Liquid limit less than 25. 2. Plasticity index less than 6. 3. Percent passing No. 200 sieve, 5-20. 4. PercentpassingNo. 16 sieveatleast 80. 5. Less than one (1.0) percent swell of a sample remolded to select fill specifications. I. Imported Fill: The material shall comply with ASTM D2487 soil classification groups, SM, SW GC. or CL. PART3-HGCUfiON 3.I STABILITYOFEXCAVATIONS A. General: Comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements of agencies having jurisdiction. B. Slope sides of excavations to comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements of agencies having jurisdiction. Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because of space rcstrictions HLM 98M71.04 VAIL VAI,I,EY MEDICAL CENTER O22UL7 DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Constmction I)ocumats Addendun Number Two 21 Julv 2001 ' SECTION022U EARTHWORK or stability of material excavated. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in safe condition until completion of backfilling. 3.2 DEWATERING A hevent surface water and subsurface or groundwater from flowing into excavations and from flooding project site and surrounding area. B. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent softening of foundation bottoms, undercutting footings, and soil changes detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. hovide and maintain pumps, well points, sumps, suction and discharge lines, and other dewatering system components necessary to convey water away from excavation. C. Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other diversions outside excavation limits to convey rainwater and water removed from excavations to collecting or runoff areas. Do not use trench excavations as temporary drainage ditches. 3.3 STORAGEOFEXCAVATEDMATERIALS A. Stockpile excavated materials acceptable for backfill and fill where directed. Place, grade and shape stockpiles for proper drainage. B. Locate and retain soil materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip tines of trees indicated to remain. C. Dispose of excess excavated soil material and materials not acceptable for use as backfill or fill. 3.4 EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES A. Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 foot, and extending a sufficient distance from footings and foundations to permit placing and removal of concrete form work, installation of services, and other construction and for inspection. B. Excavations for Footings and Foundations: Do not disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before concrete reinforcement is placed. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. elevations and dimensions indicated within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 ft; plus a sufficient distance to permit placing and removal of concrete form work, installation of services, and other construction for inspection. Do not disturb bottom of excavations, intended for beating surface. 3.5 EXCAVATION FOR PAVEMENTS. CURB AND GUTTER AND WALKS A, Cut surface under pavements, curb and gutter and walks to comply with cross-sections, elevations and grades as indicated within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 feet. HLM 98M71-M VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER O22UL8 DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Co nstruction Docum cnts Add.endum Number Two 24 lulv 2001 SECTION O22M EARTHWORK 3.6 TRENCHEXCAVATIONFORPIPES A. Where trenching occurs through pavements, the existing asphalt pavement and curb and gutter shall be sawcut and then removed as shown in the Details. Asphalt edges shall be kept straight for better bonding of asphalt patch to existing pavement. B. Excavate subsoil to the lines and grades required for storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water piping to the existing utilities. C. Cut trenches sufficiently wide to enable installation of utilities and allow inspection. D. Excavation shall not interfere with normal 45 degree bearing splay of foundations. E. Hand trim excavation. Hand trim for sewer bell and spigot pipe joints. Remove loose matter. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock up to 1/3 cu yd (0.25 cum), nreasured by volume. F. Correct unauthorized excavation at no additional cost to the Owner. G. Correct areas over-excavated by error by filling with bedding material. H. Spread excess material across proposed landscaped areas, or as directed. 3.7 OVEREXCAVATION A. Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 foot. B. Remove unsuitable material, and replace in over-excavated areas at compaction lirnits specified in this section. 3.8 COLDWEATHERPROTECTION A. Protect excavation bottoms against freezing when atmospheric temperaftre is less than 35 degrees Fahrenheit. 3.9 BACKFILL AND FILL A. General: Piace soii materiai in iayerS to required subgSacle eievations, for each area classif"rcation listed below, using materials specified in Part 2 of this Section. l. Under Grassed Areas: Use satisfactory excavated or borrow material. 2. Under Walks and Pavements: Use satisflactory excavated or bonow material. 3. Under Piping: Use bedding materials as shown on the drawings, or as specified herein, where required over rock bearing surface and for correction of unauthorized excavation. VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTURAL FRAME C onstructio n Doc ume nts Addendum Number Two 24 .Iulv 2001 HLM 98M71-04 022M9 sEcTroN 02200 EARTHWORK Behind Walls: Use structural backfill material. Backfill Excavations: As promptly as work permits, but not until completion of the following: Acceptance of construction below finish grade including, where applicable, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. Inspection, testing, approval, and recording locations of underground utilities have been performed and recorded. Removal of concrete form work. d. Removal of shoring and bracing, and backfilling of voids with satisfactory materials. Cut off temporary sheet piling driven below bottom of structures and remove in manner to prevent settlement of the structure or utilities, or leave in place if required. e. Removal of trash and debris from excavation. f. Permanent or temporary horizontal bracing is in place or horizontally supported walls. 3.10 PLACEMENTANDCOMPACTION A. Ground Surface Preparation: Remove vegetation, debris, unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to placement of fills. Plow strip, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than one vertical to four horizontal so that fill material will bond with existing surface, When existing ground surface bas a density less than that specified under "Compaction" for padicular area classification, break up ground surface, pulverize, moisture condition, and compact to required depth and percentage of maximum density. B. BacKill and Fill Materials: Place bacKill and fill materials in layers not more than eight inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than four inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide plus or minus two (2) percent of optimum moisture content. Compact each layer to required percentage of maximum dty density or relative drv density for each area clasqrfiq4tlqn. Dq not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. D. Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures or piping to required elevations. Prevent wedging action of backfill against structures or displacement of piping by canying material uniformly around structure or piping, to approximately same elevation in each lift. E. Control soil and fill compaction, providing minimum percentage of density specified for each area classification indicated below. Correct improperly compacted areas or lifts as directed by the Engineer if soil density tests indicate inadequate compaction. VAI L VAI,I,EY M ED ICAL C ENTE R DEMOLITION AND STNUCTURAL FRAME Co nstruction Doc ume nls Addendum Numher Two 24 lult; 200I 4. 5. b. c. IILM98M7I.M 0220Lr0 sEcTroN 02200 EARTHWORK F. Percentage of Maximum Density Requirements: Compact soil to not less than the following percentages of maximum density, in accordance with ASTM D 698 (Standard Proctor Test), l. Under Structures, Building Slabs and Steps, Pavements, and Curb and Gutter: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density. 2- Under Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Compact top six inches of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 90 percent Standard Proctor Density. 3. Under Walkways: Compact top six inches of subgrade and each layer of bacldill or fill material at 95 percent Standard ttoctor Density. G. Moistwe Control: Subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture conditioned before compaction; uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade or layer of soil material. Apply water in minimum quantity as necessary to prevent free water from appearing on surface during or subsequent to compaction op€rations. H. Overlot Fill: 1. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percent above optimum moisture content. 2. Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent of optimum moisture content. I. Select Fill Under Floor Slabs: l. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percent of optimum moisture content. 2. Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent above optimum moisture content. J. Structural Backfill Material: l. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percent of optimum moisture content. 2, Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent above optimum moisture content, K. Fill Under Pavements and Sidewalks: l. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percelit of optinrum nristiil€ Lurtent. 2. Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent above optimum moisture content. L. Under Structures: I . Cohesive soils O to 4 percent above optimum moisture content. 2- Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent of optimum moisture content. VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOI-ITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Co n struc tion Do c u me nts Addendum Numher Two 24.Iuh 2001 HI-M 980071-U 02200-tI ' SECTION022U)EARTHWORK M. Remove and replace, or scarify and air-dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. N. Stockpile or spread soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction. Assist drying by discing, harrowing, or pulverizing until moisture content is reduced to a satisfactory value. 3.I1 GRADING A. General: Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading under this section, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finished surface within specified tolerances, compact with uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are indicated or between such points and existing grades. B. Gmding Outside Building Lines: Grade areas adjacent to building lines to drain away from structures and to prevent ponding. Finish surfaces free from irregular surface changes and as follows: C. Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Finish areas to receive topsoil to within not more than 0.20 foot above or below required subgrade elevations. D. Walks: Shape surface of areas under walks to line, grade, and cross-section, with finish surface not more than 0.10 foot above or below required subgrade elevation. E. Pavernents: Shape surface of areas under pavement to line, grade, and Cross-section, with finish surface not more than V2 inch above or below required subgrade elevation. F. Grading Surface of Fill Under Building Slabs: Grade smooth and even, free of voids, compacted as specified and to required elevation. Provide final grades within a tolerance of V2 inch when tested with a lO-foot straightedge. G. Compaction: After grading, compact subgrade surfaces to the depth and indicated percentage of Standard Proctor Density for each area classification. 3.12 FIELDQUALTTYCONTROL A. Field inspection and testing will be perfonned under provisions of Section 01400 - Quality Control Testing laboratory services are the responsibility of the Owner/Contractor as directed B. Quality Control Testing During Construction: Allow testing service to inspect and approve such subgrade and fill layer before further backfill or construction work is performed. C. Density Tests: Perform field density tests in accordance with ASTM D 1556 (sand cone method) or ASTM D 2167 (rubber balloon method), as applicable. l. Field density tests may also be performed by the nuclear method in accordance with ASTM D 2922,providing that calibration curves are periodically checked and adjusted to VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTUML FRAME C on structio n D oc ume nt s Addendum Number Two ,!4 luh "t/l() J IILM 98OO7I-(M 02200-r2 sEcTroN 02200 EARTHWORK correlate to tests pedormed using ASTM D 1556, In Conjunction with each density calibration check, check the calibration curves furnished with the moisture gages in accordance with ASTM D 3017. 2. If field tests are performed using nuclear methods, make calibration checks of both density and moisture gages at beginning of work, on each different type of material encountered, and at intervals as directed by the Engineer. D. Footing Subgrade: Foreach strata ofsoil on which footings will be placed, perform at least one test to verify required design bearing capacities. Subsequent verification and approval of each footing subgrade may be based on it visual comparison of each subgrade with related tested strata when acceptable to the Engineer. E. Paved Areas and Building Stab Subgrade: perform at least one field density test of subgrade for every 2,000 square feet of paved area or building slab, but in no case fewer than three tests, In each compacted fill layer, perform one field density test for every 2,000 square feet of overlaying building slab or paved area, but in no case fewer than three tests. F. Foundation Wall Backfill: Perform at least two field density tests per lifts at locations and elevations as directed. G. Curb and Gutter, Walks: Compaction tests shall be taken every 100 feet and/or as directed by the Owner. H. If in the opinion of the Engineer, based on testing service reports and inspection, subgrade or fills that have been placed are below specified density, perform additional compaction and testing until specified density is obtained at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.13 EROSION CONTROL A. Provide erosion control methods in accordance with the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and in accordance with any plan issued with contract documents. 3.I4 MAENTENANCE A. Protection of Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. C. Reconditioning Compacted Areas: Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather, scarify surface, reshape, and compact to required density prior to further construction. D. Settling: Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during general project warranty period, remove surface (pavement, lawn, or other finish), add backfill material, compact, and replace surface treatment. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of surface or finish to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAI. FRAME Construction Documents Atldcndum Numher Two )4 lult 2001 HLM 98M7I.M 022M-13 . SECTIONOZ2M EARTHWORK possible. 3.I5 DISPIOSAL OF EXCESS AND WASTE MATERIALS A, Remove excess excavated material, trash, debris, and waste materials and dispose of it off the Owner's property. END OFSECTION 02200 HIJ'{e&n7I'u ,";ti};,tf^"J{'i,'-:f#,f#f["", 022il114 Constructi$n Documents Addendum' Numher Two 24.lulv )lXl I ' sEcTroN02270 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL SECTION 02270 - TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PART 1-GENERAL I.I RELATED DOCTJMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division I - Specification Sections, apply to the provisions ofthis section. 1.2 - SECTION INCLT'DES A. Silt fence adjacent to perimeter curb and gutter or as shown on plan. B. Straw bales as required or as shown on the plan. C. Construction rock vehicle tracking pad, D. Other erosion control devices as directed by the Architect, or required for permits to control erosion and sedimentation. I.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submiuals B. Section 02200 - Earthwork C. Section 02720 - Storm Seweraee Svstems. 1.4 REFERENCES A. The latest issue of the publications listed below and referenced to thereafter by basic designation only, forms a part of this specification to the extent indicated by the reference thereto: B. "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, - Volume 3, Best Managenrent Practices, "Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UD&FCD). I.5 REGULATORYREQUIREMENTS A. Obtain Erosion Control Permit from goveming authority. B. Contractor shall be responsible for preparing report. I.6 SUBMITTALS A. Completed Erosion Control Permit Application. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTAML FMME C o n s truc tio n D o c u m e nt s Addendum Number Two 24 July 2001 HIt[ 98m71-04 02270-I sEcTroN 02270 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL B. Erosion Control devices other than specified silt fence, straw bales and construction rock vehicle tracking pad. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SILTFENCE A. hovide silt fence with reinforced backing and staking materials. B. Mirafl Envirofence 10550, Mirafl Siltfence 10800 or approved substitute. 2.2 STRAW BALES A. Straw bates strall be standard 36" xM" x 18", with stakes. 2.3 CONSTRUCTIONROCKVEHICLETRACKINGPAD A. Six inch minimum thickness of V2 - 3 inch crashed rock. 2.4 CENERAL A. All other erosion control devices shall be as specified in the "Urban Drainage Storm Criteria Manual". PART3 -EXECUTION 3.I TMING A. Install temporary erosion control devices intermediately following completion of rough grading site demolition and rough grading. B. Keep temporary erosion control devices in-place until site is landscaped and/or paved- 3.2 SILTFENCE A. Set posts. B. Excavate a4" x4" trench upslope along the line ofposts. C. Install fabric. D. Backfill and compact excavated trench. E. Follow manufacturer's installationzuidelines. 3.3 STRAW BALES VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOITTION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME C o n stru ction D o c um e nl s Addendam Number Two 24 JulY 2001 HLM98N7I.M 02270-2 SECTION 02270 TEM PO RARY EROSI O N CONTRO L A. Excavate 4" trench the width of the bales. B. lnstall straw bales with edges tightly abutting. C. Stake each saaw bale with two stakes. 3.4 MAINTENANCE A. Contractor is responsible for maintaining temporary erosion control devices throughout project. B. Remove and replace straw bales that have becorne sediment laden and ineffective. C. Remove and replace silt fence that has beconre damaged, sediment laden, and/or ineffective. END OF SECTION 02270 NIM 98M71-M VAILVAI.IBY MEDICALCBNTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constntction Documents Addendum Number Two 24 JUIY 2MI 02270-3 F--ll !$le lN -l I I .rtns'+r I -fl 1 '-11" SCALE' /g" -l',-0" OROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAI'ISION TSSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 nR4v/ll'.](: 1:11 i' sggtrlgA?l0N pLAI'l tjFiAWlNG AllPi. lt:; rr,l,L,t-ifvifiirl ! i;.,14;r.tMF-Nl i }.ILM PROJ. NO^: 98OO71-O4 DATE'o7 f "4/o'lSft. $|: BV ':rl r ",, 5?,i_.....--.- ... DENVER. COLORADC) SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHt-u Ilgp20 r--i-HEb ;lwff--l -r_l_ill v-(43'-4) r--T-l PROJECTI VVMC PHASE I EXPAISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 IRAWINC rlTttr: rnl,NDATl()N plAN PROJ. NO.: 98OO71.O4 DATE: nRAWlNf; Al:Fi i{'li ti.} {:ilf';it{Ai: i i)r:{.ijrJf:tii:;. 1r;11J-1-; i':;; 5!-1 . HLM D[iiVLR. C,|iLCRADO Pft. tlf: BV SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 2 9;- 2o J_l - - -t-t- tlI SCALE: t/rr - 1t-gtr PROJECT: VVMC PHASE IEXPANSION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 !]qAWING IITI F: FOUNDATION PI.AI.I DRAWING Aj-rPLlr-$ T0 COI'ITRACr DOCUMIi\I:. Sr]tEl i5! s,4.1 FLM DFNVER. COt ORADO I t{r@"€ K-(4312) t-- PROJ. NO.3 98OO71-O4 DATE:07/21/Or Pf. gf: BV I _l I I l_ SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 3 l)F 29: t' i,(+ I -l L -f- It@" | &-- PROJECT: VVlrC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 tlRAWll'lC rlll F: FOUN6A1ON PLA,I SGAE: ti/"tt - 1t-gtt PROJ. NO.: 9BOOTl.Ott DATE:07121/01 DRAWTNG APPLIIS IO CONTRACT OOCIJMINTS. 9}{FT T 1S} S2:1,. F{LM DENVER, coLoRADO DR. BY' --,---------- Y T= SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 agg 2O (8) | (e) -'a'- (8) I w1oe6 . (B) :{ '{'{ PROJEGT: VVUC PHASE IEXPAI{S|O}.1 ISSUTD WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DRAWING TITI F: SEEOND FI,OOR Pi.A}I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACi DNCiJMEI{TS. sHFF.i HLM {8)7 H PROJ. NO.: 98OO7r-O/t DATE:07/24/01 DR. BYi..*_*-__-*-- Ey rsi 52.2 SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 for 29DFNVIR, COLORADO SCALE: yt6.. - l)-On PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAIISION PROJ. NO.: 98OO7!.O4 ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DATE,07f24to1 DR. BY, BV DRAWING TITI F: THIRD FLOOR PI AI{ DRAWING APPLTIS iO CO|,TTRACI DOcuMLr.rrs, st1[r] is] S?,I HLM DINVER, OOLORADO SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO, SD- 1 69p 20 q *ls1 a'-ota' SCALE! Veu - 1t'On. PROJECT: VVMC P}IASE IEXPAI.ISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM t)RAWfNo rirl f: 9661- p1.61n1 DRAWING APPIIES TO CONTRACT iINCi'MTNTs. SHTf T {S}5L{-*-.-- HLM DENVER, COLORADO PROJ. NO.: geoo?t-O4 NO. 2 DATE: o7/21r41 gft. glr BV SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 7sv2A 3=r rI-r-l-r ra$ 1 1816'HOLES. TYP. TYP. FLGS. TYP. WEB SPL 1.75XO€ WITIJ 1 gne HOLES WELD AIJ- AFOUND, TVP. BASE PLATE TYPE'A' SCALE: Va't - 1'-On PROJECT: VVt C PHASE I EXPAI{SION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 |JRAWING llrl F: COIUMN SCH€DU"g PROJ. NO.: 980O71.O4 DATE o7t21lo1 DR BY: BV DRAWINC APPLFS T0 CONTRACT 0CCliMtNrS. iilri i {5) -l{.9 SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 !-clr 2oHLMDf NVFR, COr i--IRADO zt\ srcr, g -:- \54l SCALE: /4" - l'-0' PROJECT, VVMC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION ISSUTD WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DRAWINO TITI-F: sFcTIoNs a7/24/01 DR. BY: --,-- -. ,".--.-.*gy DRAWTHG rrpPl IES Til CONTF..ri.r'r ;iOCijMF-Nrii, :iHtt i ici $.f,.{_---_ ,_ ft.M DINVFR, COLORADO I PROJ. NO.: 98OO71.O4 DATE: SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 ::,r tf f I ,.*9".... or"...-aQ SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. sll- 1 0or eQ [secr @ SCALE: /qu - 1'-O" pRoJECT: VVMC PHASE IEXP NSTON PROJ. NO.: e8OO71_O4 ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 rnrr: o7/'1/ol DR. BY'.___-_.._-- --* BV NRAWING TITI-FI SFCTIONS DRAWING AJ:PI lES 1O CONTFiii(: l iX)(lUMlitll:i, SFlt f i iSI S:a-- - HIM DINVER. COLORADO q sl q ls. A,S SCALE: /; - 1,-s,' WMC PHASE IEXPAI{SION PROJ. NO.: 98OO71.O4 WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DATE:07/24t01 DR, BY: BV }L.tCiiMt l.ii3, Sr ii,il1 i5i.$5*1-.--." DTNVTF, COI ORADO PROJECTI ISSUED !-)RAWlNc Tlrl F: SECTmNS DRAWINC AFPLII5 Ii-] COFJIFACi HIM SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 11 or' 2A I srcr, € SCALE: 74" - 1'-0" PROJECT: VVMC PHASE IEXPANSPN PROJ. NO.: 98OO7!-O4 ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DATE:07/24/01 DR. BY: BV i)RAWtNr_: TrIt tr: SFCTIONS DIIAWING aJ 'Pi.it li Til coNl it^ft ! i"tf-l{:rJMlf{l:;, !' rt-l I i5i $9,4 SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. st.,)- 1 !?- tri --2-QHLMDf l',iVf: F!, t;i.){ ORA$(l { secr @ SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SI.ILL I 13 sp 20 SCALE: /r" - PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION PROJ. NO,: 98OO71.O'1 ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DATE:07/24fO1 Pft. Sl: BV nRAWINC riTl f :596116*t DRAtvlNc AppLil-S r0 C0NTRA(tI Dalt:rJMF:Nrs.:ilFtrrr rsl Si.L-.* DENVER. COLORADO 2\ secr; @ scALE: y4.. - 1'-0'l PROJ. NO.: 980071.04 DATE: DRAWINC APPI.lfS 1'--: 6g1irl?:lCT i'flciiMfNT!]. lil-llt r. {1ii S5.4- Hi.M DEf.ivtR, coLoRADO PROJECT, VVMC PHASE I EXPA.ISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 {)RAWING rtrl Fr SFCTIONS SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 14 or -2-9 7\ srcr @LJ- \_- SCALET t/i" - 1'-0r' PROJECT: VVMC PHASE lEXPAI.|S|ON ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 NRAWING 'II I F: SEETIONS DRAWTNG Alrr.'[ t[:r I0 CONIRACI DOCUMI:f'Jl S, 5t1[[T iS] -95]1. . PROJ. NO,: 980071-04 DA'IE: 07 /21/O1 DR. BY: BV SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 !5 or ?9HLMDFNVFR, COI.CJRAI']O __Xey Notes _ Series 5000 notes: 5O0O: Beoring pkrte 1'xl2'xl2- wlth four beveled holes for plug welding the column relnforclng to the plote. Provlde I - of grout, exceptot some locotions, the grout depth moy be os smoll osth' , Verify thlckness in the field. Wdd the beom to the beoring plote with 5/16' thlck fillet weld thot ls 4' long on eoch side of the flonge. Center the weld on the center of the beorlng plcrte. 500'l : ProMde o 1 12' web stiffener of eoch sideof the column beorlng' This stiffener moy be used to meet the requlrements of detoil 1209. 5002: 13x3x.25 continuous deck edge support. 5CD3: 16x4x.375 (LLV) conflnuous deck edge support. Weld slmlbrto ffi2. ffiA: L2r<}..l875 X-Brocing spoced of 48- centen, Provide two rows deep ot eoch locotion. Connectthe brocing to 3/8' fulldepth web stlffeners of eoch side ond provide g guset plote ot the intenectlon. Weld the web stlffenen eguol to 50% of their length on llne slde wlth 3/16' fillet weld. Wdd the l2x2 brocing wlth o totolof 5Inches of 3116' fllletweld of eoch end ond Intersectlon' 5005: L6x4x.5 (LLV) contlnuous deck edge support. Weld wlth Va' fillet weld 4- long ot 12- centes on eoch sideof the 6- leg, 5006: Extend the slob, deck ond top reinforcing into fhe upper stoir londing. 5007: Contlnuous plote 3/8-x5' with h- diometer deformed onchor stud thot is 16' long. Spoce fhe D,A,S. ot l6' centers 5008: 345 contlnuous In o l6' deep bond beom, 5009: Contlnue two of the three #5 bond beom bon through bond beom under the door openlng. 5010: For vertlcol woll relnforclng, see 3O49 ond the generol notes sheet s1.0. 501l: Provlde o contlnuous bent plote, equolto the flonge thlckness thot motches the slope of the romp. The bent leg of the flonge 5012: extension sholl be 3' long ond used os o beorlng ledge fo support the deck tronsltfon. Weld the plote to the edge of the flonge with o full penetrotion pre-quolified butf welcj, Cut eoch of the beoms shown on the plon to motch the desired romp slope. Weld the beoms bock together wlth o pre-quolffied full penetrotion weld. 5013: Forshofi woll locqtion ond support detoils, see the Archltects drowlngs, 5014: Existing second floor froming to remoin, PROJECT; VVMC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION PROJ. NO.: 980o7t.o4 ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO.2 DAr* o7/"1to1 DR. BY: BV I.'lFAWIIJC I!1-I.F: SECTIONS TIFAWING APPI IFS TO COt(TRACI OOCUMT:NI5. 1,l1t.i:l i5) HLM - 55,4 SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO, SD- lr'tr r itrNVtR, (:Ol 0RADO 19 or ?9 501 5: Continuous top ongle, similor to 1 2 I 0, with the horizontol leg sized to miss the we6oiiheEeom. 5016: 14x4x,25 continuous, just obove the ceiling line to support the bottom of the suspended stud system thot stobilizes the window system of the wolkwoy. 50171 13x3x.375 kicker ftom the stud support (5016) to the bottom of eoch Intersecting purlin. Weld to fhe botfom of the purlln ond to o Y+' gusset plote in lheL4x4. Weld slmilorto 50@. 5018: Drlllond epoxy o#6y2'4' long 6Inches Into the exlsting beom, Spoce these bors ot 12' centen. Core drilling is required to instoll these onchon, 5019: L6x6x.5 continuous with Vr- diometer Hlltl Kwlk Bolt ll thot ls embed 6' Into lhe beom foce. Provlde 13/16- diomefer hole in the ongle thot ls 2- from the top of the ongle, 5020: Deck dlrectlon vories, see the plon forthe deck spon direction, ffi21: 2-L3/8' wlth the moximum number of %- diometer high strength bolls In the OSL, The legs ogolnstthe ploteshollbe 3'. ffi22: FoceploteVz'{25-xl4- w'rth6314' diomeler Hllti Kwlk Bolts llthot embed 6' into the concrete ond ore Instolled in l3/16' dlometer holes. Provide o top plote thot E th'x6'x14' ond ls full penetrotlon welded to the pcrte on the foce. This ossembly ls Instolled on h' of non-shrlnk grout on the top of the beqm which hqs been prepored by Instolling o l' deep pocket lorger thqn the top plote, Core drllllng is required to lnstollfhese onchorc. 5023: Provlde o 13x3x.375 tie between the fube steelstuds. Ploce the fube steelwollstuds in o like plone, similorly oriented so thot L3x3 tie con lop flot onto eoch stud. Weld with 5' of W" weld eoch end. fi24: TSt6x2x.25 woll studs of 16' centers. Typicolot suspended stone veneer. 5025: Stone veneer is foundoflon supported ot the full helght stone piers olong line one, 5026: Verticol movement stud support clip thot hos the copocity to develop the connection volue listed in the wollsfud schedule (Detoil l3@, Sheet Sl.3). The clip must provide o positive mechonicol connection to the stud ond not ollow the stud to move in ony dkection, but ollow the beoms to deflect verticolly. Provide o cllp of eoch stud. The otfochment tothe support ongle is required ond must motch orexceed the outstondlng leg copocity, 5027: Between the typicol studs (1300, Sheet Sl,3) provide the tube steel slqflight support frome os shown in Section l/5,4. The lost tube verticol lhot ends to the roof ftornlng occurs neor llne C ond west of thot locotion, the fube frome contllevers obove the w24x146. Ploce one tube verlicol in the corner of A{, ond then continue the frome oround the corner, north on line A to llne 7. PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPA,ISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 0RAWlNl: rlTr.-E, SECTIONS DRAWING AFPLES TO HLM DATE: CON rRAC T IJOCUMENT 5, Slrtt T i5) $-5.1,:,SS'-1.. PROJ. NO.: 98OO7i-O4 07/21/01 Qft. Sl: BV SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SrlLL I DENVFR, COLORADO \7 or ?-9 5028: Tube steel support frome, Provide o TS6x4x.5 verficol ond TS6x6x.375 horizontol ot fhe sktignt s-uppoFelevotiion os indicoted on the Architects drowings, Spoce the verficols of every skylight horizontol mullion but do not exceed 4'{- centers, Wdd the fube to the top of the beom with o 3/16" filletweld oll oround. Ploce o notch in the continuous edge ongle os required to weld the verticolto the beom, Weld the hodzontoltube to the velticol with o pr+.quollfled portiol penetrotion butf weld, 5029: L3x3x.375xl'{', weld to eoch supporf tube ond to eoch stlffener wlth 3/16- fillet weld, l'€' long. 5030: TS6x4x.5 verticol ond 2-TS6x6x.375 horlzontols wfrere lhe bottom horlzontol contlnues onto the contilever IS6x4x.5 descrlbed ln ffi27. The verficols extend from ihe thlrd floor fo the roof ond ore not only welded to the beoms with 5029, but weld fo eoch support ongle (1209,1210) with o 3/16- flllet weld eoch side. Between eoch member of the support frome, flll the wollwith typicol woll studs (1300) ot l6- centerc. Weld fhe studs to eoch supporl ongle os detoiled In Sectlon 4/5.1. Horlzontols wdd to the verticols wlth o pre-quolified buff weld. 5031: Continuous 3/8- thlck bent plotes with 4' horizontol ond verticol tegp. 5032: Cope the wl2 purlins os shown ond proMde ot/z'x5' wlde beoring plole thof mcrtches the flonge copes os shown. Typicol top ond bottom every purfln, 5033: Bent plote 3/8" wlth 4- legs. 5034: Conflgurotlon of the beom plote ls on exomple. exoct size ond shqpe by the fobrlcotor. 5035: When the deck spons the opposite direction, provide X-brocing os described In 50&1. 5036: Wlfi6o sfub column wlth moment wdd to the supportlng beom os shown ln detoll 1205. Provide web stiffeners In the beom to rnotch the column flonges. Where the beom wldth ls les thon the stub column, flt the sfitfeners to the top of the beom flonge to ollow the stub column to be tully welded, 5037: Sloplng frome moment connectlon is slmllor to detoils 1205,1 206 with the odditlonol stiffeners os required to motch eoch flonge ot the- connection 5038: At the low side of the column, weld o plece of wl2xl9 to the column to motch the extension of the typicol purllns, 5039: Cl2, contlnuous olong the fqce of the existing elevotor shoft. At the woll locotions, provide o % Inch diometer through bolt ot l2 Inches on center, top ond botlom of the chonnel. Spoce the bolts of 6 inches oporf ond stogget by 6lnches. Extend the horizontol leg of the deck bent plote, l' beyond the flonge of the Cl2 so thot the PROJECT: vvlrC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION ISSUID WITH, ADDENDUM NO. 2 (:)RAWtf.{C TlTt i' srcTloNs nRAwlNG Appi.rF"$ To cc-rNrriAcr nrlcr/MFNT.'i, sriFr-i- {s} $$_,.!-: Sf,-*-. PROJ. NO.: 98OO7|.O4 DA'lEt O7/21fO1 gp. gy, BV SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 (:,t-lr t: I 18 r-lr ZODLNVER, COLORADO horizontol leg of the openings is 12" . At the woll locotiong provide oEx7llc3 75o nt ondhor to the woll os describ-edln cle|ciit50 I 9. Weld ollplotes to the C12 flonge os shown ln detoil '1209. 5040: Provide o door support ongle os required by the shop drowlngs, unless otherwise directed, ossume o 14x3x.375 (LLH) ls requhed. Wdd to the 1209 wlth the some weld os the 1209 is welded to ifs beom. Provide TS3x3x.25 column with o cop plote fhot ls 5/6 inch thick, 9' long ond 6' wide, Boltlhe cop plote tolhe beomswitlr 4-314Inch diometer bolts. Provide bose plote % inch x 6'x9' with 2-314lnch diometer 'Hilti Kwik- bolts drllled 6' into the center of the jolst below. Pfoce the bose plote on one lnch of non-shilnk grout. Foce plote th'x25'xl4' with 6-g14' diomeier HiltiKwlk Bolts ll thot embed 6- lnto the concrete ond ore lnstolled in 13/16' diometer holes. Core drilling ls requked to Instollthese onchors. Foce plote Vz'x22'x14- wlth +314' diometer HitfiKwik Bolts llthot embed 6- into fhe concrete column ond ore lnstolled in 13/16' diometer holes. Core drllllng is requlred to instollthese onchots, MCl8, tulllength of elevotorshoft. InstollMC1S prlor to cuttlng the new elevotor holes, Anchor the MCl8 to the shoft with l' dlometer bolh in polrs of o 12- verticolond 9" horlzontolgoge. Anchorsholl be ploced in the wollthqt ls remolning, Wollopenings to motch the wollopenings on the lowerfloors. W2: g0A4: PROJECT, VVMC PIIASE I EXPAIISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 CRAWING TITLF' SECTIONS oRAwlNG APPi-l[S t0 CONIRACT DOCUMTNIS. SHfti t!) S9'-1.:-S&.4-.. SD- SHIT T PROJ. NO,r 98OO71.O4 DAT* o7t21to1 Pft. flf: BV SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. 1 HLM DENVER, COI-ORADO 19 or,, ?Q A.S.I. NO. T August 15,2001 The information contained in this Addendum modifies, supplements or replaces infonnation contained'in the Project Manual and on the Drawings and is hereby made a part of the Contract Documents. Acknowledge recetpt of this addendum by placing the appropriate addendum number in the blank ou the Bid Form. APPLICABLE TO THE PROJECTIVTANUAL: A. Revised Project Manual Pages: The replacement pag€s identified below include modifications made to th€ oriSinal Project Manual sections. Revised or added information is indicated Uy Ityo" in the text and a [A2l notation in the margin identifying that the revision was made. Areas where information has been deleted are identifying by s*ieinFut the text and placing al,A2l notation in the margin. Insert replacement pages into the hoject Manual ahead of the pages they replace. B. Deleted Documents and Sections: The sections identified below shall be deleted from the Project Manual. Document or Section Documenl or Section Name N/A N/A C. Added Documents and Sections: The sections identified below shall be added to the Project Manual. Document or Section N/A Docurnent or Section o1732 02201 O.uantity of Pages N/A Document or Section Name Selective Demolition Permeation Grouting Vail Vallev Medical Center Phase I Expansion IILM98007l-04 SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOUTION SECTION 01732 . SELECTTVE DEMOLITION PART T -GENERAL I.I RELATED DOCTJMENTS A- Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplerrentary Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SI.]MMARY A. This Section includes the following: l. Demolition and removal of selected portions of a building or structure. 2. Demolition and removal of selected site elerrents- 3. Repair procedures for selective demolition operations. B- Related Sections include the following: 1. Division I Section "Summary" for use of the premises and phasing requirernents. 2. Division I Section "Work Restictions" for restrictions on use of the premises due to Owner or tenant occupancy. 3. Division I Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for preconstnrction photographs taken before selective demolition.4. f)ivision I Section "Photographic Documentation" for preconstruction photographs taken before selective demolition. 5. Division 1 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for temporary coostnrction and environmental-protection measures for selective demolition operations. 6. Division I Section "Cutting and Patcbing" forcutting and parching procedures for selective demolition operations. 7. Division 15 Sections for demolishing cutting, patching, or relocating mechanical items. 8. Division 16 Sections for demolishing, cutting, patching or relocating electrical items. I.3 DEFINMONS A. Remove: Detach items from existing constnrctjon and legally dispose of them off-site, unlqss indicarcd to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. B. Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing constnrction and deliver them to Owner ready for reuse. C. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare them for reuse, and reinstall them where indicated. UAI L UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Co tts truc tia n Docume nts Architzctuml Supplementol Instttction Number One I5 Aueust 2001 HI.LI98M71-M 01732-I SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION I.6 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Demolition Firm Qualifications: An experienced firm that has specialized in demolition work similar in material and extent to that indicated for this hoject. B. Professional Engineer Qualifications: Comply with Division I Section "Qrality Requiretnetrts." C. Regulatory Requirenrents: Comply with goveming EPA notification regulations before beginning selective dernolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities havingjurisdiction. D. Standards: ComplywithANSIAl17.l-L998 andNFPA 101 sec. l2-lto12-6 and 13-l to 13-6. E. Prredemolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division I Section "hoject Management and Coordination." 1.7 PROJECTCONDMONS A. Owner will occupy portions of building immediately adjacent to selective demolition area. Conduct selective demolition so Owner's operations will not be disrupted. Provide not less than 72 hours'notice to Owner of activities that will affect Owner's operations. B. Maintain access to existing walkways, corridors, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. . L Do not close or obstruct walkways, corridors, or other occupied or used facilities without written permission from authorities having jurisdiction. C. C)wner assumes no responsibility for condition of areas to be selectively demolished. 1. Owner will maintain conditions existing at the time of inspection for bidding purpose as far as practical. 2. Before selective demolition, Owner will remove the following items: a Artifacts, fumifure, fixfures, equiprnent, or any other museum possessions that may interfere in the immediate area of improvements, D. Hazardous Materials: If hazardous rnaterials are encountered in the Work. l. Hazardous rraterials will be removed by Owner before start of tbp Work. 2. If materials suspected of containing hazardous rnaterials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify Architect and Owner. Owner will remove hazardous materials under a separate contract. E. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site will not be permitted- F- Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. NLM98M7I.O4 UAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01732.3 DEMOLITION AND STRUCTUML FRAME Co ns truction Doc ume nts Architectvml Supplemenlal Instraction Number One I5 August 2001 SECTION 0T732 SELECTIWDEMOUTION 3,2 TITILITY SERVICES A. Existing Utilities: Maintain services indicated to rernain and protect them against darnage during selective demolition operations. B. .Do not intemrpt existing utilities serving occupied or operating facilities unless authorized in writing by Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during intemrptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to Owner and to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Provide at least 72 hours' notice to Owner if shutdown of service is required during changeover. C- Utility Requirenrcnts: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utilities sewing areas to be selectively demolished. 1. Owner will arrange to shut off indicated wilities when requested by Contractor. 2. Arrange to shut offindicated utilities with utility companies. 3. Ifutility services are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, before proceeding with selective demolition provide temporary utilities that bypass area of selective demolitioa and that maintain continuity of service to other parts of building. 4. Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valves, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe orconduit after blAassing- 3.3 PREPARATION A. Dang€rous Materials: Drain, purge, or otherwise remove, collect, and dispose of chemicals, gases, explosives, acids, flammables, or other dangerous materials before proceeding with selective demolition operations. B. Temporary Facilities: Provide temporary barricades and other protection rcquired to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. l. Provide protection to ensure safe passage of people around selective demolition area and to and from occupied portions ofbuilding. 2. Provide temporary weather protection, duing interval between selective demolition of existing constuctioo on exterior surfaces aad new construction, to prcvent water leakage and damagp to structur€ and interior areas.3. hotect walls, ceilings, floors, and other existing finish work rhat are to remain or that are expose*during selective demolition operations. 4. Cover and protect furniture, furnishings, and equipment that have not been removed. C. Temporary Enclosures: Provide ternporary enclosures for protection of existing buitding and constru€tion, itr progrcss and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operalions, and similar activities. Provide temporary weather tight enclosure for building exterior. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTAML FNNUE Construction Documc rrls Arc hitectuml Supplemental I nstuction Nunber One 15 Aagust 2001 HLM 98UM.M 01732-5 SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOUTION chopping, to minimize dishrbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings to remain. 3. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces. 4. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flamrnable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain portable fire-suppression devices during fl ame-cutting operations. 5. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torcbes. 6. Remove decayed, verrnin-infested, or otherwise dangerous or unsuitable rnaterials and prorptly dispose of off-site. 7. Remove structural framing members and lower to grormd by nrethod suitable to avoid free fall and to prevent ground impact or dust gpneration. 8. Locate selective demolition equiprnent and remove debris and rnaterials so as ttot to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. 9. Dispose of demolished items and materials promptly. l0- Retum elements of construction and surfaces that are to remain to condition existing before selective demolition operations began. B. Existing Facilities: Comply with building manager's requirenrents for using and protecting elevators, stairs, walkwayg loading docks, building entries, and other building facilities during selective demolition operations. C. Existing lterns to Remain: Protect constmction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Architecg items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and reinstalled in their original locations. after selective demolition operations are complete. D. Concrete. Demolish in snutll se,i:tions. Cut lurrcrete tu a depth uf at least 3/4 inch (19 nun) at junctures with construction to remain, using power{riven saw. Dslodge concrete from , reinforcernent at perirneter of areas being demolished, cut reinforcenrent, and then rerrcve rernainder of concrete indicated for selective demolition. Neatly trim openings to dimensions indicated. E. Roofing: Remove no more existing roofing than can be covered in one day by new roofing, Refer to applicable Division 7 Section for new roofing requirenrents. 3.6 PATCHINGANDREPAIRS A. General: Promptly repair darnage to adjacent constnrction caused by selective demolition operations. B. Patching: Comply with Division I Section "Cutting and Patching." C. Repairs: Where repairs to existing surfaces are required, patch to produce surfaces suitable for new materials. VAI L VALIfrY M ED I CAL C ENTER DEM O UTIO N AN D STRA CTUML F RAM E C onstractio n Docune nts Architcctural Sapple mental I nstntctinn N unber One 15 August 2001 HLM9&n7t-04 01732-7 SECTION O22OI PERMEATION GROATING SECTION O22O I - PERMEATION GROUTING PART I -GENERAL The work covered in this specification consists of providing all labor, equipment and materials, and perforrning all operations, in connection with the required stnrchral penneation glouting hereinafter specified and as outlined on the contract drawinp. 1.OI INTRODUCTION A. Structural permeation grouting involves the injection of chemical grout. B. In situ soil types: granular as determined. C. Applications: from field tests. I.O2 INTENT The intent ofthe pernration grouting specified herein is: 1. Increase the bearing capacity of the soils indicated. 2. Stabilize the soils under or near existing footings to allow for excavation. I.O3 STANDARDS.4,NDREFEMNCES A. All testing to determine specification compliance will be provided by an independent testing agency retained by the Owner. Regardless of the nrethod selected, the sarne test nrethod shall be utilized both before and after the soil improvement work in order to provide the most accurate assessrnent of the degree of irnprovement obtained. B. Reference docunpnts as provided to the grouting contractor shall include: l. This specification. 2. Project drawings: a. Foundation plan, Sheet S2.l b. Engineer's existing underground utilities plan in the work area. 3. hoject geotechnical report. 4. Contractdocurnents, VAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER D E MO UNON AND STRU CTA ML FRAM E C onstructio n Do c ume r,ls Architectural Supplemental Instraction NO. I 15 August Z(MI HLM 980071-04 02201-I SECTION O22OT PERMEATION GROATING B. The following shall be submitted to the Owner's Representative by the grouting conl'ractor with the bid documents. L Resumes of the managenrent, supewisory, and key personnel, for approval by the Owner's Representative. 2. Chemical grout specifications. 3. Fieldtestprocedure. 4. Work procedures and control criteria (including volumes and pressure for each stage). 5. A detailed Work Plan for the area, specifying the locations and grout-pipe insallation procedures. The Work Plan shall show the basis for establishing grout target volurres at each primary and secondary grout port. 6. Copyof test groutresultsperfonned underSection 1.05. C. The following shall be submitted to the Owner's Representative by the grouting confiactor duringthewo* 1. Accurate and tinrely records of all permeation grouting, These records shall include, but not limited to: a. Grout mix and gel tirne b. Injection date and tirrec. Injection pressure and rated. Injection volumes e. Exact injection location In addition, this data shall be displayed in an acceptable chart-type format that facilitates rapid visual evaluation of the results of the work. This display shall be updated darly. 2. Any change in the predetermined grouting progrrm necessitated by a change in the subsurface conditions. r.o7 QUALITYASST.JRANCE A. The permeation grouting program" including installation of grout pipes, shall be perfonned by a specialist grouting contractor v/ith a least ten continuous years of documented experience in penneation Srouting. B. The grouting contractor shall provide experienced rmnagerent, supervisory and key personnel as required to implement the compaction grouting prognm, as follows: l. The prqiect manager shall have at least five years of continuous experience in permeation grouting, with at least the last two years in the full-time employment of the grouting contractof. 2. The superintendent shall have at least five years of experience in permeation grouting- VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEMOLINON AND STRACTANAL FRI,TWE Construction Doc un ents Architectuml Suppl.emental Instructian NO. I I5 August 2001 HLM98M7t-04 02201-3 SECTION O2aOI PERMEANON GROATING 2.O3 A. GROUTMATERTAL Structural chemical grout will be composed of liquid sodium silicate, approved reactant, water and accelerator, ilrequired. The design chemical grout mix shall be such that, when injected into the substrate, the unconfined compressive strength of the grouted soil shall average at least 75 psi l. The base material for the stmctural chemical grout shall be liquid sodium silicate, which shall have a specific gravity of 1.4 to 1.5 and a silicate to soda ration in the range o13.fr to 3.35. The minimum sodium silicate concenfiation shall be 50 percent of the mix by volunp. The sodium siticare should be delivered in sealed containers or certified tank tnrck and shall be accornpanied by the zupplier's certilicate of origin. Sodium silicate in ungelled liquid fonn, while not considered toxic, is strongly alkaline and shall be handled by authorized personnel only. 2. The reactant shall be oforganic base type and shall, when properly mixed with the other grout cornponents, provide a pennanent, irreversible gel with conuollable gel times. The resulting gels shall exhibit less that 2 percent slneresis in injected sample in 30 days when mixed with appropriate amounts of sodium silicate, water and accelerator, and shall not exhibit objectionable odors such as ammonia. 3. The accelerator, if required, shall be technical grade, water soluble calcium chloride or other approved metd salt and shall contain a minimum amount of insoluble. 4. Waterused wift grout shall be ftree of irnpurities that wil affect tie grout. AII grouts shall have a gel time between 10 and 50 minutes, with most grout having gel tirnes in the range of 2O to 40 minutes. Samples shall be obtained for get time checks at least onee ev"xy hour of pumping or for every I,000 gallons of grout, whichever is more frequent. PART 3 - EXECUTION B. 3.01 A. B. SITEEXAMINATION Prior io zubmitting a bid price for the permeation grouting, the grouting contractor shall conduct a site inspection. No existing utilities shall be damaged during the groutiag 3.W PERMEATIONGROUTING A. Grouting Mixing Method l. The method of injection for permeation grouting shall be the conrtnuous mixing method, with the proper arnounts of sodium silicate base material, water, reactant, and accelerator automatically proportioned and continuously supplied at proper flow rates and pressunes. The batch system of mixing shall not be permitted. UN L UAITEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTAML FRAME Construction DocunenE Anhitectural Supplementul InsbuAion NO, I 15 Auguil 2A0I HLIU 98M71-04 n20Ls SECTION O22OI PERMEATION GROUTING B. Injection of chemical grout shall be measured for payment by the gallon of liquid chemical gout properly mixed and injected. C. Mobilization/demobilization shall be a separate lump sum item. L Twenty (20) percent of the contract lumpsum price will be paid following completion of moving onto the site, including complete assembly in working order, of all equipment necessary to perform the required chemical grouting operations. Z. The renraining eighty (80) percent of the contract lump-sum wilt be paid when all equipment has been removed from the site and the areas cleaned up. D. Quality control and testing will be paid under the chemical grout items per gallon and will not be paid separately. E. Testing may be priced as a lump sum or unit price based on the methods specified. END OFSECTION UAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL CE NTER DEM O LITION A ND STRA CTA ML F M M E C o nstruc tio n Do c ume nts Architectural Supplemenlal Instruction NO. I l7 Aumst 2A0l HLM 98OO7I.M 0220r-7 SPECIFIC DEMOLITION KEY NOTES @ ocsnno ovesum ooARo pAnTtttons ro o€ RELovED Fon NEw srRucruMl HEf,rE€Rs @ o<srxc srern ro BE Raao\Eo FoR NErv srRr.,cruRAl E EER. @ a<rsrruo rr-oon ro oE REuovED AND 6Ay, cur FoR t{Ew srnucruRAt cor{cnErE p t FoolriGs. @ ocsnro ooons ro g€ RErrovED Fof x€w srnucruml franens. DooR Ass€rgt"Es ro B€ sATVAGED AMt REU6ED, coxrRAcrm wu. rocArE STORAGE AREA FOR OOOR ASSET,EUES AIIO TEEP DIEM PROlEclEo FRo, (UIIIAG€ UNTIL REUse @ arrsnnc eunanrc FxtuREs ro BE REro\,/Eo F(x xEw stRrctuRAL € BEns uru EE savAGEo AND REUs€D. cor{TRAcvoR wtlt LocarE STORAGE AREA FOR FXTURES AT|tl (EEP THEII PROTECIEO FRONI DAI'AG€ TittIL REUSE @ cr scaurea ro aE RELocAtEo our oF co{stnucno AREAS Ev or}€as. cr sc l{r{ER To BE pRorEcrED FRora D taAG€ t nt Retse @ nalow ansrrrc REFoRcED co ceE E sraR urttr au, + aatcx I/ETEER @ nanow errsrwo Gypsrrr BoARD FuRR[rc. @ norove eo*non oF eusnNc srRucruRA! sruD wAlr wrlx r BRrcK vE]r€ER AT ri- ylroE By t-3- rerr- @ nrnov: exrsrnrc ExrEFroR pA\rER systEm AND assocrarED LAfrDscAptiao @ .ercrurorrcaex ExnArrsr ExcLosuRE to BE REMorlEoAt.orrG yvntt E[]tAUsr ot crvuoRr REFER to MEdrArcAL oRArMNcs. @ etsnxc raal ern ri/rxootv sysrEr ro E RETVED FoR NetI cou;TRuctoal, IEAVE Errsnrro ru6E srE€L coluufas vlfiH FnE pRooFl{o rir cr. @ o<tsnxo concnere erEvAtoR prr ano rRENcH. cooRDrxAlE EcrEirroF RErcv L hftH HEaY co slR Gnoll @ orsnro xrenon \irrAu alo lulDo't / srsTElr ro BE FUuy Reno\Go uponoorrtEflo of PtAsE I coNsTRuCTtOtf. @ otcevrnon or eea'tH ut{DER E(t"n},e c*loe BE rtr ro aE cooRo}{Ar€D. REFEn ro srRr,cnnA- oR^v\,ra{e. EXISII'IG COi'RTYTRD EART}I IO BE REIIOVED FOR T€W STRTJCI,RAL TIEIFERS. FEFER TO ETR,rcN'RAL ORAWIiIGS. @ ormnc ulxiffi sysrEu ro BE REMo\Go. @ oosrne cocaere coluut{s to BE RE o\rED, E(,snNG paos ?o RE A}r. REFEn to srRUcruRAL rrRlruracs. SCAE: NO SCALE PROJECT: VVMC PHASE 1 EXPAT.ISION ISSUED WITH, A. S. l. NO. 1 np.awlF{e lrt 5 I}FMOI tTtotj p! A}.t fIRAWING AFPI IFS in cONTRA('r Dr:i(,llMif'rl i. HLM PROJ. NO.: 98O071.04 DAT[: O8l15/Ol DR- BY: BV '.FifI'r ' ;r.,AO 10 DENVtR, COLORADO SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHII ijor e tLa(L LLa& tr)N l-!(n o_ Oo 6<o- t-,.J '- lrlXA C)zo oJ t!oo E. UIlJ o_ Fr(J LrJ =F2l ae.oo EEo C) oz () z.Ft! Eo + =oza tLao- o @ a LLJFo Z- J M- LJZ LdO oou u UJ) d m L,J(J EoFa ,^ tr- z3o 46-zu1 <Er =gu', > v)zo F_ (JoJ J Y: <. o ) z.(J UI LJo =o UJaf (n L!-rfO<oOtJ LJ1< -J NrO+to SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. cn_ 1JLJ I PROJECT: VVMC PHASE tEXPA.|S|ON ISSUED WITH: A. S. I. NO. 1 PROJ. NO.: 98OO71.O4 DATE: O8/15lOl DR. BY: SB DRAry;116 'iI: I-. GENERAL NCITES DRAwlNc AppL[s Io CoNtRACT uo{:uMtNrs. SHf.| | (s) sl.o SHEE I2or IDENVIR, CC'LORADO FOOTING SCHEDULE TYPE stzE LXWXOEPTH REINFORCING A 3'-O'xJ'-O'xl'-8' B 3'-6"xJ'-6'x1'-8" c 4'-O"x4'-0'x1'-8' D 4'-6'x4'-6"x1'- E" E 5'-8'x5'-E'xl'-6'6-f,7 EACH WAY I. l"lt-3 ol ro -9" l'-+ E-(43'-+')E-(4J'-4) T -ljl--o-+Ll .-l --l -HL -+ IJ l0'- IL 2'-42' r-l1i --t --l -r1 I b I b I b PROJECT; VVMC PHASE I EXPA}.ISION ISSUED WITH: A. S. f. NO. 1 DRAWING riT!_,f, FOUNDAITON pLAl\l l)RAWll.{G N)PLlF,S I0 CTJNTRT\()l DOCtiMf frr!.sHFF I HLM PROJ. NO.: 98OO7|-O4 DATE: O8l15lO1 DR. BY: .SB DFNVER, COLORADCI SCALE: tittu . 1t-gtt SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO, SD" 1 SHEETJor g (n-) I I I I-l_l JL -l-^ N| ?" "-- L' -,,, I N ffi1,.n_ff1+* 'i lli-ttiJ i- gt-.-l=S-- =Ti-F:t-r ,,, i---'J l' | ' lt-l-? jL:1_l l"f +(DH-ir_;i \-EFr :, afLl { - r -+f+1 -tl+l , lr\\ PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPA|S|ON ISSUED WITH, A. S. l. NO. 1 cFr.w'ftc lir*t FCUNDATiON rlA.r.i tlnAw[.j(; #)Fl.!t !; l{) (:(:}r.rlFrA{:1 i.}ilclrtJt f;t,i l_:i ,1, 1 1 }JL M SUPPLTMENTAL DRAWING NO. cn 1 --J t-./ r w_,,--J:.: Flt+q, _l(D tl J_l I -\---t- I,l -l-frt rlT: I I Fra,*1 ft\qr o I I I b EXISIING FOO1INCS ARE AT THE SAME LE\EL AS lHE NEW FOONNG. CONNNUE NEWWALL FOONNG OVER THE TOP OF THE EXISTING FOOTINGS TO THE FACE OF THEEilSNNG WALL. AT IirE YYALL FACE, CHIP A 2" DE€P X 24' HIGH X A" WIDE POCXCTN rHE wALL To MATcH tHE Top HALF oF rHE NEw cRADE BEAM. pnbvroi 9:t!I?':9" LONG DO|VELS, DRTLL AND EpOXy 8. |NTO THE WAI-L FACE. SpAcE DOITELS EQUALLY O\€R THE DEPIH OF THE GRADE BEAM, COAT IHE CONCRETEINIERFACE WTH lHE SAME TWO PART EPOXY BONDING AGENT SPECIREO ELSEWIIERE. SCALE: yan - l-Ot. ri'-rrf' -_re ,-&----o SHF.[ T SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO.(-'r_\ 1Jt-/ | PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPA}.ISION ISSUED WITH: A. S. I. NO. 1 iRAWINC TrTt r:, rouNsATlCN PLAhI 'JRAWINC APPI.ITS IO .ONIRACI {X]T][iIItI'JI5. HtM PROJ. NO.: 980071-04 DAfE: O8/15/O1 DR. BY:-,- - ___*_-*_SB 9H[L r {S) S--a.l DTNVER. COLORADO F-or 9 6079: fi6 of 12 inches on center the bottom of the footing. 608O: 14 of 6 inches on center.6O8l: f4 ot 6 inches on center, r-t full height. Provide o 1'-11" long hook Provide stondord lop eoch end.ploce with 2 inches of cover in the top ot of EL. 47'-+" the footing os shown 6oa2: s+ Lalti;;;;, o"6083: 2-f5 ploced in the center. top ond bottom, contlnuous. PR0J. NO.: 98OO71.O4 DATE: Oa/E/O1 DR. BY:.-_*-,"" "---- -._-__58 (-t-,^ -r /fD\JLU I . t-{i-7 1/2"=1'-o" --- r-- PROJECT: VVMC PHASE tEXPA.|SION ISSUED WITH: A. S. L NO. 1 SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. c-n 1JLJ" IDRAWIIiC TiTLt. FOUNDATIOI.{ PLA}.I DRAWINC AP|'L|ES TO CONTRACT DOCuMfirrS, !;H[t [ {5}5a.1 SHE.E 1 HLM DENVER, COLORADO 6or g b-tu arOE58 Eg6E FCt1- 6ErLIEg6HOF3urt9aq 3s-a |..3 e BE 5:s gq edBe 5E EEB*8fi; PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION ISSUED WITH: A. S. I. NO. 1 SCALE: !/,rtt - T-gtr PROJ. NO.: 98OO71.O4 DATE: O8l15./Ol DR. BY, SB DllAWlliG IiiLE sEcoNCI i:LOOR plAhl DRAwrNc Appltf_S Tc coNrRA{.)T OCr-'t,,Mf-.tj}s, s}"lFtI (S) 52.2 HLM DENVER, COLORADO SUPPLEMINTAL DRAWING NO. (a fa, aJUi SHEET 97 I..\| o It.at FE ao I-a{ (o)Y I I -- vrxz,lt\ scAE: ytsn - l-ot. $o X$ nJ SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. arn 4JU- i SHEET ru>-'Prxzl\ 89xteA PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAIISION ISSUED WITH: A. S. l. NO. 1 PROJ. NO.: 98OO71.04 DATE: O8,/15/Ol DR. BY, "- ____ SB DRA.'yVlf'lG iiILt THiR0 FLCCIR pLAt"i 0l?AwlNG APr-'l.fts 1{l cot'JTRACi Dlr{uM[fJ11;.:ir{l i I I-ILM {s) s2.,1 DENVER, COLORADO 8cr g UJ z J u_ tdrF oF LrJJ C'z z F a o_ O t---uol o_l 3l FO Ldt/\ trJ(Lo -ta :<(JIJo L.J E.tdI =UJ C)z Jtr- (LoF UJm z. F UJ U1f M. LJJ -J >l SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. cn 1\JLJ I PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAI'ISION ISSUID WITH: A. S. l. NO. 1 PROJ. NO.: 98OO7!.O4 DATE: O8/15,/Ol DR. BY,__-.--_, . _--__SE[]F,\t#fllc Tlrl t' SECTIONS DRI\W|NG Arrplrfs lo ooNTRACT DOCUMINTS sflEIt {s) gl-.1- DENVER, COLORADO SHEET9or I v', t! =oo6fz. T.FC)74oLdc) =a JbJ L.JFa O:loa nL-t-\/ SCAE: VJ' .1'.O" 5707 WEST 6TH AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80214 Blerbach ,L ConsulUng 4Englneerr, fic.2 {tt I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I t I I 303-233-5838 FAX 303-233-U516 Structural Consultants -r / CALCULATIONS Date: Project: Project No.: July 10, 2O01 Vail Valley Medical Center WC Addition 2683.10 @* WMC ASC/Women's and Children's Center Phase I hoieLa: To: C-West Code Consultants, Inc. 2E0l Younsglield Ave, Suite 300 Golden, CO 80401 Attn: Gary Nic.kerson Re: Transmittal Letter 980071.04 Project no.: Division no.: Novemb€r 12, 2001 Date: (ship via: f-l ovemight f] z o"y l--l u*t ! First ctass I n-o o"utery [] out". We transmit Herewith Under separate Cover via In accordance with your requesa The following Pl Drawings l-Z specifications J--'l ctraoge oraer Approval Muct hterature Other Distribution Revi€w & comment Use For your 17 Information I 11 Record l-f, epprova Copies:Date:Description:Action Code: 1 rur2t0l CD Structural Drawings Siped and Spec with Addendum No.'s 1&2 & ASI No. I E 3 11naol CD Completion Package and Specs with Addendum No.'s 1&2 E I rUru0l Structural Calculations E Actioo Code A Actioo iodicated oo item rtansmifi€d C For signature E Se€ rEnurks b€lowB No action r€quircd D For sigtraote and forwarding as noted under remarks Remarks: Please review drawings and specificatiotrs attd return comments as soon as possible. Distribution Owner Owner's r€presentative Construction manager General contractor File Bv: Bolry Veen HLM Suite 27-50 707 17th Stre€t Denver, CO 80202 FAX: 303.299.9042 Telephone: 303.299.9041 Quicksilver Express Courier Order Confirmation Date: Mon Nov 12, 2001 Time: 12:10 PM Tracking #z 1753 Service: Direct Charge: Pickup: HL3OOO HLM HLM 707 lTth sr., #2750 Denvel, CO 80202 Reception Desk Barry Veen Ordered By: Barry (303)299-9040 Notes: Vehicle: Car Delivery: C-West Code Consultants, Inc. 2801 Youngsfield Ave. #300 Golden, CO 80401 Reception Gary Nickerson Project #z : 98C07 l.O4l 5200 8 roll Heavey need to bring two wheeled cart. Order received by Quicksilver on Mon Nov 12,2OOI at 12:10 PM I Quicksi]ver Home I My Quicksilver Page l http://www.qec. com/servlet/order?JServS essionldroot=3 is s06nx7 s rUr2t200r Bierbach -/ \Gonsultlns \Englnaefg. Inc. -----t 1 Project No.: Project: t t I I I I I I I 5707 WEST 6TH AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80214 --- Squctural Consultents -r - CALCULATIONS Date:July 1O, 2001 Vail Valley Medical Center WC Addition 2683.10 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I t I t I I t I I I t T I March 29,2001 Vail Valley Medlcal Genter 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, GO 81657 Attention: Mr. Stan Andercon SubJect Geotechnical Investlgatlon Ambulatory Surgery Center Addltlon Vail Valley Medlcal Genter 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Golorado Job No. cS.3274 Thls letter prcsents the methodology and results of our geotechnical investigaUon and our rccommendations rcgardlng the proposed Ambulatory Surgery Genter at the Vall Valley Medical Center In Vail, Golorado. The purpose of our investigatlon was to evaluate subsurface conditlons under the existlng buildlng and provide geotechnlcal recommendations for the planned addition foundatlons. ExistinE Bulldlnq The Vail Valley Medical Genter is located north of the terminus of West Meadow Drive in Vail, Golorado. The exlstlng bullding was constructed In several phases. The east and central parts of the bullding arc one and two'stories' respectlvely. No basemEnts or belowgrade areas are underthese older patts of the buildlng and ground levelfloors are slabs.ongrade. The central part of the building contains an open courtyard. The west part of the bullding is a relatlvely newthree- story structure with a basement floor. The basement floor is a slab'ongrade. The old and new parts of the buildlng are concreta and masonry structures with pan and Joist type floorc. A multl-level parking structure is adlacent to the northeast part of the buildlng. The ambulatory surgery center is proposed over the central part of the existlng building (Figure 1). Ground surface adlacent to the area of the planned addition is landscaped with grErss, shrubs and trees. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. . CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTEFT OF VE . GLENWOOO SPR|NGS, COLORAOO 81601 . (970) 945-280!l Prooosed Gonstructlon The roof and second level will be removed from the central part of the o<isting building. Most of the exlsting second levelfloor slab will be left in place. Holes will be cut in the exlstlng ground level and second level floor stabs to accommodate construction of new coiumns. The new columns will support new second and thlrd levels above the existing ground level. The addition footprint will extend about 20 feet south of the exlsting building. Floor elevatlons in the new second and third levels will be constructed at the etevations of the floors in the west part of the odsting bultding. The new second level floor slab wlll need to be several feet hlgherthan the exlstlng second level floor slab In the additlon area. An alr space wlll be between the two slabs. Deadloads on existlng foundatlons wlll be reduced to those that are applled from exlstlng ground |evel wllts and the existlng second level floor (1.e. ceillng in the ground level). Deadloads on new column foundations will includethe second and third level floor slabs, the roof and extedor watls. We understand exterior walls wlll be hung from the new structurc. Sllp ioints will be provlded at connactlons between tha addldon ahd existing bulldlng. Subsurface Gondltlons Subsurface condlttons under the existing buildlng and proposed additlon were investigated by drilllng two exploratory borlngs at the approxlmate locatlons shown on Figure l. The borings were advanced uslng 4-inch dlameter, contlnuous flight auger and a track-mounted drill rig. Drilting was dlrccted by our laboratory/fleld manager who logged the soils Encountered in the borings and obtained samples. Samples obtalned In the fiEld were returned to our laboratory where typical samples were setected for testing. Graphic logs of the soils encountered ln our exploratory borings are shown on Figure 2. Subsurface condltlons encountercd in our explonatory borings consisted of 0.5 feet of sandy clay "topsoil" over 2 and 5.5 feet of clayey gravel flll underlain by native clayey gravel with cobbles and bouldars to the total explored depths of 19 and 20 feet below ground surface. Pracdcal drill rig refusal occurred on cobbles and boulders in both borings at depths betvrreen 8 and 20 feet. Fleld penetratlon resistance tests and observations during drilting Indlcated the natlve gravel was dense to very dense. Free ground water was not found In our borlngs during our field investlgation. Two samples of thE subsoils selected for gradatlon tests contained 62 and 19 percent gravel, 22 and 75 percent sand, and 16 and 6 percent silt and clays slze particles (passing the No. 200 sieve). Subsoil samples obtained from our borings were limlted to a maximum particle dlamEter of about 1.5 Inches. Gradation test I I I t I I T I t I T I T I I T I I lVAIL VALIEY iIEDICAL CEI{TER AMAULATORY SURGERY CENTER AODMON cruT Jo8 NO. Gs€in 1. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I results are representative of only the smaller fractlon of the actual soil gradatlon. Observations durlng drilling indlcates the maJorlty of the natlve soils at tha site are gravel, cobbles and boulders. Gradation test results are shown on Figure 3 and laboratory testing is summarized on Table t. Foundations The native gravel at foundation levels below this site possess good support characteristics. We reviewed a plan of theexisting and proposedfoundatlons in the area of the addltlon. The plan Indlcated that exlsttng buildlng foundations are designed for a maxlmum soil bearing pressure 6,000 psf. Our visual observations indicated the buildlng has performed well wlth mlnor foundation settlements. In our opinion, pad foundations supported by the natlve gravel at this site are appropriate for new columns. The structural engineer should evaluate possible surcharges and eceentrlc loading condltlons applied to exlsting foundations by new column loads. We understand grnut Infec{on ls planned below some existing foundatlons to increase bearing capacity. Golumn load surcharges will also incnease lateral earth pressures on adfacent below.grade rralls. New foundations wlll settle and most movement will be difierentlal wtth respect to existing foundatlons. Maximum total settlement of about 1 Inch ls anticipatedforcolumn padfoundatlons designed accordingto the criteria belowwith differentlal seftlement of about one-half actual total sEtttement. We understand slip joints will be provided between new and exlstlng construction. Due to the granular nature of the soils at this site, the maiority of settlement wlll occur as deadloads are applied during construction. Additional settlement from liveloads will occur upon first application of the llveload. Recommended design and constructlon criteria for column pads are presented below. Golumn pad foundations supported on the undisturbed, native gravel should be designed for a maximum soil bearing pressune of 6,000 psf. Solls loosened durlng the excavatlon or forming process for the footlngs should be removed orthE soils can be re-compacted priorto placing concrete. Foundatlons for lsolated columns should have minimum dimensions of 24 inches by 24 Inches. Larger sizes may be required, depending upon foundatlon loads. The solls under exterlor footlngs should be protected from freezing. We recommendthe bottom of footings be constructed at a depth of at VAIL VALLFf MEPICAL CENTER AMBUI-ATORY SURGERY CENIER ADDITIOI{ cTw JoB NO. GS€274 least42 inches belowflnlshed exterior gradesforftost protection. The Vail building department should be consulted to verify the requlred depth. The completed foundatlon excavations should be Inspected by a representative of our ftrm prior to placing forms to confirm that subsoils are as anticipated ftom our borings and suitable for support of designed footings. Llmltatlons Our exploratory borings were locded to obtain a reasonably accurate plcturo of subsurface conditlons below the existing bullding and proposed addltlon. Variations in the subsurface condltions not lndicated by our borings wlll occur. The completed foundation excavatlons should be inspected by a representatlve of our flrm to confirm that subsoils are as anttclpated and suitable for support of deslgned foundaffons. This investigation was condusted In a manner consistent with tlrat level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by geotechnical englneers currentty practlclng under similar conditlons in the localfi of this project No otfier warranty' exprcss or implied, is made. lf we can be of further service in dlscussing the contents of this report or in the analysts of the lnfluence of the subsoil conditlons on the deslgn of the structure, please call. VeryTrulyYours (5 copies sent) I I t I t VAIL VALLEY MEDICAI. CENIER AMBUTATORY SURGERY CENTER AODINON CTUT JOB NO. GS€274 4 I I t I I I t I I I t I I I AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER ADDITION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 181 WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO vttrerc(n Cr.' LOT F r.ail:l |cnE t-rf /.-jr lq " "+\S$*, *t LEGEND: TH.1 Indlcofes loooilon of cxplorolory borlng Indloqlas opprcxlmoteqrco of proporad oddlflon \:" [€sr Job No. GS-5274 Il -J U Scole: 1'=60' I T I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I Int'tl ----- \ \- '6 oRtlE i ,..,,\ _ ._ \ 1cu R.o.w.) --\____\ (s(AA rus o$rDo6)I I I ----f - lxH arcr6rE I !l A- L-., : PI.AN I I t I I t I I I t I t t I I t I I Job No. cS-S274 I Tlt-1 EL=8145 TH-2 EL=8146 t5/1o, 3o/12 38/12 3E/12 s7/12 5o/s oo E s Co g o Ll SUMMARY LOGS ( 8150 8.|45 8110 8155 El50 El2s 8120 I I I I t t I I t t I I I I t I I I I I' tro o ot LEGEND: Sod ond sondy olqy 'topsoll'. Flll, gruvel cloycy, medlum dense, molst, brown. Glwcl, oloycy, cobblcs ond bouldcrs, dcnsc to vrty drnlc, molcl, brpwn. (cc) Drfva :omplc. Thc symbol 3E/12 lndloctcr thoi 5E blows of a 140 pound hommrr folllng 50 Inohcs wcrr nrqulrud to drlvc o 2.0 Inoh O.D. rcmplcr 12 lnchcs. A sccond rci of numbcs Indleoloa thot X numbcr of qddlllonol blowsw*r uncblc io odvonoc tho samplrr forlftcr. Indloslcr drlll rlg rcfusol. Multlple syrnbols Indloote holo loootlon wos moved io odwnoc borfng forlher. NOTES: 1. Explorotory bortngr wrre drfllgd on Fobruory 21, 2OA1 wllh four lnoh dlomclcr, oontlnuoug fllghl ougrrqnd o hook-mountcd drlll rlg. 2. No frrr ground wqtcr wos found tn our orploruiory borlngc durlng our flcld Invrgflgqflon. 5. Loootlonr qnd clevotlonr of explorotory borlngs oro qpproxlmoic. 4. Thsse cxplorctory boringc orr rubJcof fo lhr explonqflons, llmlloflonr ond aonoluslons qs contolncd ln lhla rcport. BORINGSEXPLORATORY 'Flg. 2 I I I t t I T I I Somple of eRnVeL CLqyEy (OC)ffOtn TH.1 AT9 FEET GRAVEL dl qll, strr&cw-1F% PLASTCTYN-6E 2% uoutD uMfT - % - oloI I I I I I t I T I stlr&dEr-6-% P|lsncrrYiF6d uQulD uMn - %__% Gradation Test Results 23 {5 UN.l'llH. OL!{.tolll{. 4MN. t ttt{. .2m .lO "it.!rt.:! .tA .10tte $ to m o 50 {at s 6 l0 0 0 to a o 4 t$ dt ?o l' s lm /a.t8 oltil tc,t r.t IIA'CTER (F PARTEIE N T|.I.|€IER8 cr^v FuSrE) ro str oH{fl-rgfp) 23 .5 tl.l,lsll{. €o llllie M}1. 4ltr{, I lt{. ?@ .l(It .tO.{rS .la 'to.! '4 Jtr ti lf t fF t ?-:--: 7---- :-7 :::'11 :t:l:f::i .--.1'4 t::::: orm .65 .019 i7a lt,t 33.1 7l:.r4E :97 .S r.tE 2.0 2Jt 4.78 9!Ao.t OIAT,IETER OF PARTICTE N I|.I"O| TERS 10 m 'g,[Ea .oEq Iis- m o 30 to cuY (F-ASIE) TO SIT (t{OnfirSTE) 19 % SAND 75% JOB NO. GS-3274 FIG.3 zo F olr6o Jo J6vt [{i>l<lJi o.l JI HI 01oliiJI E] oo lt 3() j ul ?&o 6o ut 3oj E E.o oo ILo lll 3o JF o Jo fiEx' (D F o Fe*o- 6|av rtoF HH' GI(o o o ts =J oEul E!tulFt- F t:OF 1=o 9r^ d=€ JdG =elo 4 aEs !'E * rU, ES^P6t:9 Fo sl ro q€o.i EE c)ot (i!c! (9z o6 .F F F (\ T F N T @FJ =3t, UJg, F @ UJF tLrgd#S6-o J llo tr = =-o JOB # 2683.00 . VAIL VALLEY TEDICAL CENTER VERTICAL LOADS FOR DESIGN ROOF: LIVE: =GROUNDSNOWLOAD=rTUI(PSF) (CITYOFVAIL) OEAD: STRUCTURALSTEEL FLOOR SI.AB SYSTEM MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CEILING FIRE PROOFING INSUI.ATION ROOFING BALI-AST (PSD (PSD (PSD (PSF) (PSF) (PSD BEAMS + JOISTS AT d{ O.C. (AVERAGE) 1.58 -20 GAGE ACOUSTIC DROP CEMENTATIOUS 6'RIGID ETASTOMERIC SHEET NONE DEADrorAL.Effiltrrn I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I t t I FLOORS: LIVE: coMPostrE BEAMS AT 6'€" O.C. (AVERAGE) I. sVLI -20 GAGE + 4.5, CONCRETE (6" TOTAL THICK ACOUSTIC DROP CEMENTTTIOUS rYPtcAL -[-rT0q(PSn DEAD: STRUCTUMT STEEL FLOOR SI4B SYSTEM MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CEILING FIRE PROOFING PARTITIONS hrl=HEIGHT= v\tb1= Ce= l= LIDING IS TO BE CONSIDERED ENTER 1.4 - G IS NOT TO BE CONSIDERED ENTER 1.0 - ROOF SNOW LOnD=Pts(CeXt)(pg)= D=(0.13XP9)+14= b=Pf/D= (hr1-hb)/hb= fidl =((0.43)(Wbl )^0.333(Pg+1 0)^0.25)-1.5= tl/FIEN hdl <(hrl-hb) THEN Wdl =4hd1 = (D*(hd1+hb)<D*hrl THEN Pml=(Dxhd+hb)= l-'ql-Tzqffir-T 24.4 3.28 4.03 5.0s (Fr.) (Fr.) (sEE CODE FOR CONDTTION MAXTMUM) 0ABLE A-1SA) (A VALUE OF r.0 lS CONSERVATTVE) fiABLEA.IGB) (sEE SECTTON 1W1.4' (PSD (PCF) (35(PCD MA)(|MUM) (Ft.) >0.2 (DRTFT NOT TO BE CONSIDERED) (Ft.) (TNCREASED 40% WHEN SLTDING 1S CONSTDERED) (Ft.) (PSD DRIMNG2 .AGAINSTUNIT hr1=HEIGHT= Wb1= Ce= l= LIDING ISTO BE CONSIDERED ENTER 1..1 - G IS NOTTO BE CONSIDERED ENTER 1.0- RooF SNOW LoAIFPb(CeXl)(PsF D=(0.13XP9)+14= hb=PflD= (hr1-hblhb= htll =(0.iRXVl,b1 )^0.33:,(Pg+1 0)^0.2Q-1 .5= (sEE 1997 UBC APPENDTX CHAPTER 16) (Fr.) (Ft.) (SEE CODE FOR CONDITION lilN(|MUM) oABtE A-16.A) (A VALUE OF 1.0 ls coNsER[rATryE) fiABLE A-1sB) (sEE SECTTON 1W1.4' (PSD (PCF) (36(PcD Mru(MUM) (Ft.) >0.2 (DRTFTNOTTOBECONSIDERED) (Ft.) (NCREA{'ED 4096 WHEN SUDING 1S CONSIDERED) ffiffi TI 21.4 3.28 2.05 3.38 I I t I I t I I I I I I I I t T I t I WHEN hd1<(hrl+b) THEN r,\,Ul=4hdl (D'(Hl +hb)<D'fi rl THEN Pml Mecfianical Unit 55x12.56@35,000 pounds 50.58+80=131 psf Use 163 psf over entire area will allovr 4' pad under unit if desirsd since th€re i8 no ballast undor unit. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I I Vail valley l|edicaL Center - rC Addition EIABS v?.:.8 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 10, 2001 13:21 STORY DATA STORY SCREEN ROOF TIIREE SIUII,AR TO None None IIEIGIIT ELEVATION 1{4.000 551.000168.000 s0?.00016.000 339,000155.000 323,000168.000 168.000 0. 000 IOI|3 None sEcoND LOn3 EASE None MATERIAL PROPERTY UATERIAI, MA?ERIAL DESIGN UATERIAL PROPERTY MASS AND IIEIGHT NAIi.IE TYPE STEEI, Iso CONC Iso UATERIAI MUE STEEL coNc OTHER MATERIAL IIA1ERIAJ. NIME DATA MATERIAI DIR/PLANE All All All MODULUS OF ELASTICIIY 29000. 000 3600. 000 29000. 000 P0ISSON' S RAT IO 0 ,3000 0.2000 0.3000 TI{ERI{AT O. JUUUL-UO s.50008-06 5. 5000E-06 SHSAR UODULUS 11153.846 1500. 000 11153. 846 Concrete None MTSS PER BEIGIIT gER ONIT VOL I'}IIT VOL 7.32408-0? 2.83008-04 2.2161E-O1 8.68008-05 ?.32408-07 2.8300E-0{ DESIGN DATA STEEL SIEELtan 50.000 63.000 FOR STEEL MATERIALS STEEL cosl (9) 1.00 FOR CONCRETE MATERIAIS REBAR REBAR LIGHTWT FY FYS REDUC PACT 60. 000 {0.000 N/A I MATERIAL DESIGN DATA I MATERTA! LTGHTT{ETGHT coNcRETENAME CONCRETS FC 4.000 DECK SECTION PROPERTY DATA DECK DECK SLAB DECK DECK SHEAR DECK SECTION IYPE I'IATERIAI MATERIAI THICK UNI? IIT DECKI Fiued CoNc N/A N/A 2,0833E-05 DECK2 Unfiued N/A STEEL 0,0350 1,59?0E-05 DECK SECTION SHEAR STUD DATA DECK STUD STUD STUD SECTION DIAu HEIGHT FU DECK1 0.7s00 3.9996 60.000 DECK2 N/A N/A N/A DECK SBCTION GEOMETRY DATA DECK SI,A8 RIB RIB RIB SECIION DEPTH DEPTII IDTf SPACING DECK1 4.5000 1- 5000 2. {996 6.0000 DECK2 N/A 3.0000 ?.6250 8.0000 STAlIC LOAD CASES STATIC CASE I,AT SELF NT CASE TYPE IPAD MULIIPLIER DEAD DEAD N/A 1. OOOOLrvE t rvE N/A 0.0000 SD SUPER DEAD N/A O.OOOORI,IVE REDUCE I,IVE N/A O.OOOO QUAKE( QUAXE UBC9? O. OOOO OUAKEC{ OUAKE UBC9? O. OOOO QUAKDO(X QUAKE UBC9? O. OOOO QUAKEY QUAKE UBC9? O. OOOO ouAKEyY oUAKE UBC9? 0.0000 QUAXEYyY QUAI(E UBC9? 0,0000rINDX rIND UBC9? 0.0000 T|INDY rrND UBC97 0.0000 CASE TYPE IOAD MULTIPLIER STORY TRIB IREA AVERIGE COrBl ADD DEAD Static 1.0000sD sratlc 1,0000 C0MB2 AI)D LIVE Siatic 1,0000RLIVE Static 1,0000 DSTL1 ADD DEAD Static l. {000sD static 1,4000 DSTL2 ADD DEAD Static 1,2000LIVE Sraric r,6000sD Static 1.2000RLIVE Static 1.6000 DSTI3 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LIVE Static 0.5000sD Static 1.2000RLIVE Static 0.5000HrNDx Static 1.3000 DST!{ ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LIVE Static 0.5000SD Static 1.2000RLrvE Static 0.5000IIINDX Sratic -1.3000 DStL5 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LM Static 0.5000sD Sratic 1.2000 Rt rvE Static 0.5000tfINDy Staric 1.3000 DSTI/6 ADD DEAD StAtlC 1.2OOOLIVE Static 0,5000SD Staric 1.2000RLIvE Static 0.5000!iINDY Sraric -1.3000 DSll? ADD DEAD Static 1.2000 I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I2 I I l I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I DStL10 DSrtl1 DSTL12 DSrt13 DStLl'l DSrLl5 DSTL18 IIINDX SD IIINDX DEAD SD IIINDY DEAD SD NINDY DEAD SD IIINDX DEAD WINDX DEAD TiINDY DEAD SD NINDY DEAD LIVE RI,IVE QT'AKEK DEAD LIVE SD QUAXEX DEAD SD RL IVE QUAJ(D(x DEAD TIVE R],IVE QUAKDO( DEAD LIVE QUAKE)M( DEAD LIVE Rl,IVE QUAKE:OO( DEAD L]VE eb R],IVE Stat 1c Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Sta!ic Static Stati.c Stat i.c Stat i.c Static Static Stat i c Stati c Stat i c Statlc Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Stat i.c Static Static Stat i c Stati c Static Static Stat ic Static Static Static Static Static Stat i.c Static Static Stat i.c Static Stati.c Static Stati.c Static Stat i c Stat ic Stat ic 1 .2000 0.8000 1 .2000 I .2000 -0.8000 1.2000 1.2000 . 0.8000 1 .2 000 1. 2 000 -0,8000 0.9000 0. 9000 1. 3000 0.9000 0,9000 -1, 3000 0. 9000 0. 9000 0.9000 0.9000 -1. 3000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 1. 0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0. 5000 -1. 0000 1.2000 0. 5000 1 .2000 0. 5000 1.0000 1 .2000 0.5000 1. 2000 0. s000 -1. 0000 1 .2000 0. 5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1. 0000 1. 2000 0. 5000 1 .2000 0. s000 2 D3TL22 DEAD StaticLM StatlcSD StatlcRLIVE Statlc oUAKEY Statlc DEN) StatlcLIVE StaticsD staticRLM Static oUAKEYY Static DEAD StaticLIVE StltlcSD Stagi.cRrrvE statlc QUMEYY Static DEAD StatlcLM StaticsD statlcRLM Static QUAKETYy Statlc DEAD StaticLM StatlcsD staticRLIVE Static QIJAKEYYY Statlc r.0000 1,2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1. 0000 1.2000' 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 r,0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1,0000 t,2000' 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.0000 1.2000 0.5000 I .2 000 0,5000 -1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 -1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0. 9000 0.9000 -1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 -1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 -1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 1, 0 000 0.9000 0,9000 -1 .0000 4 I I I T I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I DSrL28 DSTL29 DSTL3O DSTL32 DSTL33 DSTL34 DSTL35 DSTL3 5 ADD DEAI) SD QUAKF' DEN) SD QUAKEI( DEAD QUArmOa DEAD SD QUAKEXX DEAD QUArcY DEAD SD QUAKEY DEAD QUAKEYY DEAD qn QUAKEYY StatIc Static Static Statlc Static Static Static Static Static Static Statlc DEAD StaticSD Static oUAKE$O( Static DEAD StaticsD Static QUAKHOO( Static Static Static Stati.c Stati,c Statlc Static 'Statlc Stat ic S!at 1c Stal ic Stat ic St at ic I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I DEAD gtatlc SD Slatlc Statlc St.ttc Static statlc Static statlc Static Static Stetlc statle Static 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 -r.0000 . . 1.0000 1.0000 0.2000 0.2000 1.0000 1.0000 I. 0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1,0000 1.0000 r,0000 1.0000 1, 0000 1,0000 DSTIJ3S DCUPCl DCUPC2 DCUPSl DCIitPS2 QUAKEYYY Statlc DEAD StaricsD statlc AUAIGrYY Static DCMPD1 AOD Static Static Static DEAD DEAD ',IVERLIVE DEAD SD DEAD LIVE RLIVE DEAD DEAD LIVE R',IVE ADD ADD 5 sErsr.trc uBc9? case: QUAKE( SEISMIC INPUT DATA Dlrectlon: X Typical Eccentricity = 5X Eccentricity override3: No Period Calculation: Progran Calculated Ct - 0.035 (in feet units) fop Story: SCREH:I Botton Story: BASE K ' f .:I . 1.25 hn - 651.000 {Building Helght} soil Profile Type = sD z . 0.075 ca - 0.1200 Cv = 0.1800 SEISMIC CAICI'LAT ION FORMULAS Ta = Ct (hn"(3/4)) If Z >- 0.35 (Zone 4) then: If Tetabs <- 1.30 Ta then T - Tetabs, else T - Ta If Z < 0.35 (zone 1, 2 or 3) then: If Tetabs <. 1.{0 Ta then t = Tetabs. else T - Ta v - (Cv I ll) / (R T) (Eqn. 1)v<=2.Scalr/R (Eqn. 2) v >- 0.11 Ca I I| (Eqn. 3) If T <= 0.7 sec, then F! = 0If T > 0.7 sec, then Ft - 0.07 T v <- 0,25 V SEIS!{IC CAIC:ULATION SASULTS Ta - 0.5996 sec T Used = 0.9795 sec n Used - 6710.15 v {Eqn 1) - o.o418ll V (Eqn 2) . 0.068211 v (Eqn 3) = 0.0165t{v (Eqn 4) = 0.0218Ir V osed = 0,0418Ir = 280.28 Ft used = 19.22 SEISMIC STORY FORCES AND RESULTANT LOCAIION I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I6 SlORY SCREEN ROOF THREE ro3 SECOND El{ 49,22 108 .79 14,65 8.34 39 -2'l 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 199.425 815.808 825.711 292.829 1't9.011 34',?.901 651.000650.591 50?.000682.822 339.000 1331.389 323.000137.3't4 168.000 SEISUIC DIAPHRTGM FORCES AND DIAPHRAGM CENTER OF MASS/IOAD S1ORY DIAPHRAGM D( FY HZ I I I SCREEN Dl ROOF D1 TIIREE Dl IOfl3 DlsEcorD Dl I sgrsMrc uBceT I Case: QUAKEKX 49. 10 0. 00 0.000 791 .906 348.209 651.000108.79 0*00 0.000 815.808 650.591 50?.0007{.65 0.00 0.000 825.771 682.822 339.0006.78 0.00 0.000 203.581 1{15.985 323.00039.27 0.00 0.000 779.071 137.374 168.000 7 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I SEISHIC INPIn DATA Directioo: X + EccY Ttpical Eccentricity - 51 Eccentricity Overrides: No Period CalcuLation: Program Calculated Ct - 0.035 (in feet unl.ts) Top Story: SCREEN Eottoo Stoly: BASE R - 5.5I - 1.25 hn - 551.000 (Building tteightl Soil Profile type = SD z - 0.075 Ca - 0.1200 Cv - 0.1800 SEIS}IIC CAICUIATION FORI''ULAS Ta - ct (hn^ (3/{ } } If z >- 0.35 (zone 4) then: If Tetabs <= 1.30 ta then T = Tetabs, else T - TaIf Z<0.35 laone L,2 or 3) then: If Terabs <- 1.40 Ta thcn T - tetabs, etse T - ta v - (Ca I r) / (R Tl (Eqn. 1lv<-2.Scalfl / R (Eqn. 2)v >- 0.11 Ca I r (Egn, 3) If T <- 0.7 sec, then Ft - 0If T > 0.7 sec, then Ft = 0.0? T V <- 0.25 V SEISI.IIC CA&CULATION RESULTS Ta - 0.6996 secI used - 0.9?95 sec r Used - 6? 10. ?5 ' V (F.gn r1 - 6.94164 v (sqn 2) - 0.0682wv (F4n 3) - 0.01651f v (Eqn 4) - 0.02181f v used . 0.0418r - 280,28 Ft Used - 19.22 SEISMIC STORY FORCES AND RESULTANT LOCATION STORY FX FI X Y ?, SCREEN 49.22 0.00 199.425 388.589 551.000 ROOF ton3 SECOND SCREEN ROOF THRES tow3 SECOND I08 .79 ?4.65 8.34 39.21 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 81s . 808 825.71',! 292.829 119.017 120.041 50?.000 755. 904 339. 000 L343.212 323.000815.055 168.000 I t I I I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I 8 SEISMIC DIAPHRAGM FORCES AND DIAPHRAGI,' CENTER OF MASS/IOAD DIAPHRIGM {9.10 108. ?9 't 4,65 6.78 39.21 SEISttIC UBC97 Case: QUAKEIO(X SEISI.IIC INPUT DAIA. Direction: X - EccY Typical Eccentricity . 51 Eccentricity Orerrldes: No Period Calculation: Plogran Calculatedct = 0.035 (in feet units) Top Story: SCREEN Botton Stoly: BASE R - 5.5 hn - 651.000 (8uilding Height) SoiI Proflle Type - SD z ' 0,075 Ca = 0.1200 Cv - 0.1800 SEISMIC CALCULATION IIRUULAS ra - ct (hn"(3/4)) If Z >- 0.35 (Zone 4) then:If z < 0.35 lzoae !, 2 or 3) then: v-{cvrr{)/(Rr)9<-2.5CaIrlR V >- 0.11 Ca Ifl If T <- 0,? sec. then Ft ' 0 If ? > 0.7 sec, then Ft - 0.01 f V <.0.25 V SEISMIC C.AI,CULAT ION RESUI.TS ra = u. bvvD gec T llaA.l = n q?qq ca^ fl Used = 6710.75 v (Eqn l) = 0.0418Wv (Eqn 2) = 0.0582nv (Eqn 3) - 0.0165w v (Eqn ,1) = 0,0218n v used r 0.0418n - 280.28 If Tetabs <- 1,30 Ta then T - Tetabs. el,se l - Ta If Tetabs <= 1.40 ta then T = Tetabs, else T = Ta (Eqn. 1) {Eqn.2l (Eqn. 3) FY x 797.906 815. 8 08 825.111 203.s8? 17 9.011 D1 DI DI DI nt 0.00 -2002.1940.00 -7556.18s0.00 -5530.3280.00 -98.6430.00 -3050.769 348.209 651.000550.591 507.000582.822 339.0001{15.985 323.000 131 ,314 158.000 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I ft Used - 19.22 SEISIIIC STORY FORCES AND RESULTANT TOCATION STORY SCREEN nooF TNREE Itr3 SECOND n(ryxYz 49.22 0.00 199.425 30?.213 551.000108.79 0.00 815.808 581.135 507.0007{.55 0.00 825,771 508. ?41 339.0008.34 0,00 292.829 1319.565 323.00039.27 0.00 719.071 559.693 168.000 SEISI,IIC DIAPHR,AG}' FORCES AID DIT,PHRAGM CEMER OF UASS/LOAD STORY DIAPERAGM SCREEN D1ROOF DlTIIREE Dl LOrf3 D1 SECOND Dl SEISMIC UBC9? Casas QI'AKEY txFYytzxYz 49.10 0.00 2002.194 ?9?.906 348.209 651.000108.?9 0.00 ?5s5.185 815.808 6s0.591 50?.00014.65 0.00 5530.328 825.717 682.822 339.0005.'t8 0.00 98.643 203.587 1415.985 323.00039.27 0.00 3050.769 119.071 737.3't4 168.000 SEISUIC TNPUT DATA Dlrsction: Y typical Eccentricity - 51 Ecorntlicity overrides: No Prriod Calculation: Progran Calculated Ct - 0.035 (in feet unlts) lop Story: SCREEN Eotton Story: EASE tt . 5.5I . 1.25 ha - 651.000 (Building fleight) Soil Profile Type = SD a - 0.0?5 Ca . 0.1200 Cv - 0. 1800 SEISUIC CAICUIATION FORMULAS Tr - ct (hn^ (3/4) ) If Z >- 0.35 (Zone 4) then: If Tetabs <= 1.30 Ta lhen T - Tetabs, else T - TaM < 0,35 (Zone 1, 2 or 3) then: If Tetabs <- 1.40 Ta then T - Tetabr, else I = Ta v - (Cv I lf) / (R T) (Eqn, 1) v <. 2.5 Ca 711 / R (egn. Z) V >- 0.11 Ca I Il {Eqn. 3} If T <- 0.? sec, then Fl = 0 If T > 0.7 sec, then Et - 0.0? T V <- 0.25 V SEISIIIC CAICULATION RESULTS Ta - 0,6996 sec T Used - 0.9795 sec n Used - 6710, ?5 v (F4n 1) = 0. 0418wv (Eqn 2) - 0'0682nv (Eqn 3) = 0.0155w v (Egn 4) = 0.0218w v Used = 0.0418W = 280.28 Ft Used - 19.22 SEISMIC STORY II)RCES A}ID RESULTAM IOCATION STORY T1{ FY I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I SCREEN ROOF THREE LOr3 SBCOND STORY SCREEN R@F TIIREE LOr3 SECOND 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0,00 ta )) 108.?9 7 4.63 8.34 39 .2'l 199,425 815.808 825.111 292.829 719.011 34?.901 651.000 650,591 507.000 652.822 339.000 1331.389 323.000 't31 .314 168.000 SEISMIC DIAPHRAGM FORCES AND DIAPIIRAGM CENTER OE MASS/LOAD DIAPHRAGU tx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC UBC97 Case: QUAKEYY SEISMIC INPUT OATA Direction: Y + EccX Typical Eccentricity - 51 Eccentricity ovelrides: No Period Calculatlon: Program Calculated Ct . 0.035 (in feet units) ToP Story: SCREEN Bottom Story: BASE R = 5.5 hn - 651.000 (Bullding Heighr) Soj.l Profile Ty?e = SD z - 0.015 Ca . 0.1200 Cv - 0.1800 SEISMIC CAICULATION FOR!4ULAS Ta - ct (hn^ {3/4 ) ) If z >= 0.35 (Zone 4) then:If Z < 0.35 (Zone 1. 2 or 3) then: v , {cv r !f) / (R T) V <= 2.5 Ca I 9l / R 3{8.209 651.000 650.591 501.000 682.822 33 9.000 141s. 985 323.00073?.374 168.000 DI DI D1 D1 nl FY 49.10 108.79 74.65 39.2'l MZ 0 ,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 x ?9't.905 815. 908 825.111 203.58? 179.071 If Tetabs <= 1.30 Ta then t = Tetabs, else I = la If Tetabs <= 1.40 Ta then T = Tetabs, else T = Ta lEqn. 1) (Eqn.2) 10 I I I I I I t t I I t III I II I I I t I V >- 0.11 CaIr M <- 0.7 sec. then Ft - 0M > 0.7 sec, chen Ft = 0.0? T v <= 0.25 v SEISUIC CAICI'f,ATIOII REST'LTS Ta - 0,6996 secf Used - 0.9?95 secr Osed - 6710.75 v (Eqn 1l - 0.0{18rv (Eqn 2l - 0.0682r V (Egtr 3l - 0.0165rv (Eqn l) - o.o218n V Used - 0.0{18w - 280.28 Ft Used - 19.22 SEISUIC STORY FORCE5 ,AND RESULTANT LOCATION (ESn.3l FXPYXYZ 0.00 49.22 862.271 34?.901 6s1.0000.00 108.?9 8?8.808 550,591 50?.000 0. 00 ?4 . 5s 888 . ??? 682.822 339.0000.00 8.34 325.959 1331.389 323.0000.00 39.27 8s5.829 13't,3'14 168.000 stonv SCREE}I ROOF IIIREE IOr3 SECOND SEI$!!IC DIAPIIRAGU FORCES AND DIAPHRAGI' CEIITER OF TOSS/LOAD STORY DIAPITRAGI,I FI{ ry V2 X Y Z SCREEN Dl ROOF Dl IHREE DI LOi3 Dl SECOND Dl gEISMIC U8.97 Case: QUAKEYYY SEISUIC INPUT DATA Dilgction: Y - EccX Typical Eccentricity - 5X Ecclnlriclty Onerides i No Pcliod Calculation: Progran calculated ct . 0.035 (in feet uni.ts) Top Story: SCREEN Botton Story: BASE R - 5.5 T r I 2( hn - 651.000 (Building Height) Soil Profile Type - sD Z - 0.0?5 Ca - 0.1.200 Cv . 0.1800 0.00 {9.10 3093.{98 ?9?.906 3{8.209 651.000 0.00 108.79 6853.806 815.808 650.591 507.000 0.00 ?{.65 4703.089 825.'t77 682.82? 339.000 0.00 5.78 216,40t 203.587 1{15.985 323.000 0.00 39.21 3014.214 719.07'1 't37.3't4 168.000 11 SEISUIC CNd'LATION FORTI'LAS Ta = Ct (ha^ (3/4) ) If z >- 0.35 (zone 4) then: lf Z < 0.35 (Zo e l, 2 or 3) then: v-(CvIn)/(RT) v<-2.5CaIn/R V>-0.11 Ca Ir If T <= 0.? sec, then Ft . 0 If T > 0.7 sec. then Fl - 0.01 1V <- 0.25 V SEISMIC CAICULATION RESULTS Ta = 0.6996 sec T Used = 0.9795 sec W Used - 6710.75 v (Egn 1) - 0.0418F V {Eqn 2) ' 0.0682wv {Eqn 3} - 0.0165wv {8sn 4) = 0.0218r v Used - 0.041811 = 280.28 Ft Used = 19.22 SEISIIIC STORY EORCES AND RESULTANT LOCAIION STORY D( FY If tetab3 <- 1.30 t! thcn T - Tetabs, else T - Ta If Tetabs <- 1.{0 ta then T - latabs. else I - Ta (Eqn. 1)' (Eqn. 2l (Eqn.3l I T I I I t I T I I I t t I t I I I DI D1 nt D1 D1 I SCREEN R@F THREE Ipn3 SECOND STORY SCREEN ROOF THREE LOW3 SECOND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.22 r08.79 7{. 65 8.34 39.27 ? 36. 578 152.808 162.711 259. 7 00 't02.325 3{7.901 651.000650.591 50?.000682.822 339.000 1331.389 323.000 731 .371 168 , 000 SEIS!,IIC DIAPER,AGM PORCES AND DIAPHRAGM CEI|TER OF MASS/IOAD DIAPHRAGI.I EX 0.00 0.00 0,00 0. 00 0.00 {9.10 -3093,498 108.79 -5853.805 7 4.65 -4?03.0896.78 -216,40r 39.21 -3014 . 2?4 797.906 348.209 651.000 815.808 650.591 50?.000 823.711 682.822 339.000 203.58? 1415.985 323.000't't9.o11 731 .374 168.000 12 I I I I I I t I I I I trIND UEC97 Case: flINDX IIND INPUT OATA Directioo lngle - 0 degrees Top Story: SCREEN Bottorn Storyr BASE No parap€t is included Basj.c tflnd Speed. v - 90 mph Exposure Tlpe - c Iryortance Factor. Is - 1.15 IIND E(POSURE IIIDTH INTORMATION (Exposure wldths ale fron diaphraq! axtents) STORY OIAPIIRAGM TTDTIT X Y SCREEN Dl 815.?50 791.040 40?.875ROOF Dl 1389.125 ?91.040 694.563TBREE Dl 1{81.625 ?91.040 7{0.813LOH3 D1 290.875 293.520 1408.188sEcoND Dl 1553.626 653.520 ?75.813 rIND CAICT'LATION FORUULAS P ' nind pressule = Ce Cq qs I!, ce, the coEbined height' exposure and guEt factor coefficient, is lron uBcg? Tabte 16-G Cq, the pressure coeffici.ent is lrom UBC9? Tab1e 1G-g fo! priuary Franes. uci,ng !.lethod 2 qs is the wind stagnatlon pressule at the standard heiqht of 33 feet qe - 0.00256 v"2 >- 10 psf ce - r'l ,_ qs - 20.7360 psf - IIIND STORY FORCES AND LOCAUON I STORY TRIB AREA AVERAGE I LEvEl, (ft"2) Ce FX Fy x y ZI scREEr,l 407,88 1.4300 19.4? 0.00 ?91.0{0 40?.8?5 551.000 - ROOF t278.20 1.3?18 55.?9 0.00 ?91.0{0 694.563 5O?,OOO I THREE 992.64 1.2913 38.48 o.0o ?91.0{0 ?40.913 339.000 I LOfl3 238.86 1,2026 9.59 0.00 2g3.s2o 1408,188 323.OOOsEcoND 1052.83 1.0'tL2 38.01 O.OO 653.520 t?6,813 168.000 I IIIND UBC97I case: nrNDY IIIND INPUT DATA Direction Angle - 90 deglees Top Story: SCREEN Botton Slory: BASE No parapet is included II I I I 13 Sa8ic fllnd Speed, v - 90 nPh Exposur€ TyP€ . C Iqortance Factor, Ir - 1.15 iIIND ENPOSURE fImH INIORI,IATIoN (Exposure ,idths are f,ron diaphragn axterts) I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I AVERAGESTORY STORY DIAPHRAGU SCREEN DlR()oF 01 THREE DI LOW3 Dl SECOND Dl 'IDTH 1250 .000 1260.000 1260.000 815.040 1535.040 x 79r. 040 791.040 ?91.040 293.520 553.520 {07. 875 69{ .563 140,813 1408.188 776.813 TIIND CAICULATION FORMUL,IS P - rind pressure - Ce Cg qs I|{ Ce, the combined height, exposure and gust factor coeffici€nt, is fron UBC97 Table 16-c cq, the pressure coeffj,cient ts fr@ uBC9? Table 15-lt for Prinary Franes, using Method 2 qs is the wind stagnatlon prec8ure at the standard height of 33 feet qs ' 0.00256 v"2 >- 10 psf IIIND CAICOLATION RESUITS cq - l'{ gs = 20.7350 Psf WIND STORY FORCES AND LOCATION SCREEN ROOF THREE LOII3 SECOND TRIB ANEA ( fr^2 ) 630.00 136s. 00 805.00 508. 65 133{.09 1. {300 I ',lero 1.1940 1.0849 FY 30.08 63.02 34.?l 20.28 18.32 x 791.0{0 791.0{0 791.040 293.520 653.520 rx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 't0?.875 651.000 694 , 563 507.000740.813 339.0001408.188 323.000??6.813 168.000 14 I I Rl,!l Ftare Bierbach With Roof bataBase: Vtt. O - ADalysr.s !0oc1€ Consulting Engj-neers, fnc. Screen/lhis is ic 26839 06/13/OL L3l.27:07 I I I I I t I I I I II I I I I I I Pacrnire REfeeeNCE No TIBEBS! E6.F€Ntsl * t:l f Il I NE\A' LAAEE ETABS v7.16 - File: 268310b tPlan View - BASE - Elevetion 0 POINT ctl cl1 a'l t cli ctz cl3 cl3 cl3 cl3 c6 LO c6 c5 c5 c6 c8 c8 c8 c8 aq c9 c9 c9 stoRr ETIiE IASE SASB BISE BISE BASE BTSE BASE 8e.98 BASE BA38 EASE BASE BASE BASE StsE usE BtsE SASE BAIiE BASE BASE BASO BASE BASE EASE BASE arsE EtsE BASE I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I I T I RIAES W.16 File: 2683108 Kip-ft lroits PAGE 1 ituly 6, 2001 13:23 Atno lllllD sroRY toRcEs AIID IIcAtIolt SIORY 1?IB ARSA IVERTGD DEAD StatlcSD Static [M StaticPJM Static ' 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 BIABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-ft Uoirs pAcE 2 ,tuly 5, 2001 13:23 SUPPORI REACTIONS BASE SlsE BTSE BASE EASB BASE BISE IASE BTSE EtsE EASE ElsE QLAKSX gnKEr IIINDX IIINDY @ro1 co[G2 ouAt(D( QIINGY tflllDx MNDY cc,rBl c0r,r82 QMKEX QI'NGY mlDx NTNDT c01rB1 ccuB2 A(IAKD( QUAKEI nMDX IIINDY co Br CONG2 QUAIGX QI'AXEY IIINDX IIINDY c${B1 c0lt82 QUAKE.\ (IIJArEY NINDX TIINDY CON|BI COMB2 QI'AKEX QIIAIGY TIINDX IIINDY @UB1 co{B2 FX -9,51 0.06 -u.b/-, ct - 5.51 -i 7n -0.43 0.85 0. 31 -8.61 -{.88 -0.73 -0.65 0.21 -12.44 -0.60 -?.33 -1.43 2.29 0.52 -12.60 -0.5? -1.38 0.?3 0.26 -1.50 0.82 0.94 -0.08 -U.J) -0,09 0.0? -0.01 1.01 -?.99 0.07 -5.25 0.07 0.03 -r0.35 -0.99 0.0{ -1.35 0.01 -0.05 -0.02 -L2.51 0.09 -i 2') 0.00 0.2E -4.03 0.00 -2.55 0.17 0.09 0.08 -1.9{ 0 .02 0.16 0.09 0.01 -0.21 0.00 -0.13 -0.0! 0 .01 EZ -6,22 -28.25 -4.88 -2r.s1 62.a2 t? ol -l nn 35.51 0.t9 2r.$ 15?.{9 62.05 n0t -1.21 t.39 -2.52 94.27 35. t0 -t4.11 18.99 -5.74 13.50 48.38 28.3? 3.3 9 -0.20 r.u) 0.21 ou. r, 35.I8 -5.80 t?.86 L?{ 121.5? 70.00 1.95 0.05 tno 0.20 43.50 21 .28 -10.733 136.t51 -0.913 89.1?? 4.682 3,455 -?.610 -85.400 -0.003 59.810 -1.?35 0.001 -0.555 -{8.252 0.000 39.519 -6.509 0.002 -0.274 -7.612 0.000 -0.059 -0.932 0.000 -4L.411 -0,003-t.521 0.001-22.914 0.000-3.312 0.0025.209 0.0002.100 0.000 -0.599 -A2.665 -0.003 28.2tt -2.999 0.001 -0.11{ -15-26t 0.000 18.499 -6.9t2 0.002 0.399 0.550 0.000 0.201 2.'t62 0.000 -12.058 -130.782 -0.013 95.515 -'t,042 0.005 -0.792 -75.404 -0.001 53,424 -1t.350 0,009r.r?'t 16.291 0.000 0.150 5.s03 0.000 -3.584 -112.805 -0.00? {7.700 -5.8t9 0.003 -0.165 -64. ?68 0.000 30.542 -12.153 0.005 -0.643 7.920 0.000-0.299 3.572 0.000 -1.054 -114.0{5 -0.007 38.012 -1.624 0.003-0.178 -65.31? 0.000 24.431 -12.719 0.005 -0.553 8.35? 0.000-0.280 6.551 0.000 .U. JUU - I, !J54.137 -0.721 -0.013 -4.6422.642 -1.0810.08? 0. ?65 -0.0t{ 0.158 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 BASE C56 SnXSY BASE C56 NINDX BA5E C56 IIINDT BASE C56 C0r|B1 SASE C55 C0UB2 BlsE C58 AUNGX BASE C58 OUAKEY BA5E C58 IIINDX BASE C58 NINDY EASE C58 C0t|B1 BASE C58 CC,|B2 BASE C5t Q0A!O( EASE C54 qUN(EY AASE C6{ IIINDX BASE C64 IIINDT BASE C54 Cor.|8l BASE C6{ C0982 BASE C66 OOAKEI( BA5E C65 QUN(EY BASE C65 I{IIIDX BtsE c65 mlDY BASE C66 C0MB1 BASE C66 @U82 BASE C58 QIIAKEX SASE C68 QUAKEY AASE C58 WINDX BASE C68 rINDY BASE C58 CO'rDt BASE C58 C0!rB2 EASE C?O OUAKEX SA5E C?O QUAKEY EASE C?O nINDX BASE C7 O I|IIDY BASE C70 Co Bl BASE C70 C0UB2 BISE C5O QI'AKEX BASE C6O QUAKEY BASE C6O IIINDX BASE C6O TINDY BASE C50 CSrBl BASE C50 C0UB2 BASE C51 QUrrcX BASE C51 0UATEY BASE C51 IIINDX BASE C5I I{INOY BASE C61 C0[4B1gAsE c5r c0uB2 BASE C62 QUAKEXBASE C62 00NGYBASE C62 NINDX BASE C52 TITNDY BA5E C62 Cor.rB1 8AS E C62 C0[iA2 BASE C53 QT.TAKEXBASE C63 QUAKEY 0.10 -?.51 1.{? 65.950 1.1{8 0.003 -8.3'r -0.05 -12.52 0.31{ -?1.690 0.000 0.35 -1.19 1.03 39.805 3.303 0.005 -2.s1 ' 0.02 353.86 0.190 -8.585 0.000 -2.21 0.06 254.5r -0.131 -?.1s1 0.000 -r.91 -2.54 13.45 2r.184 -39.306 -0.013 0.02 -21 .1s 8.?3 23{.034 0.529 0.005 -1.10 -0.13 5.31 1.301 -19.938 -0.001 0.0? -15.85 {.59 132.619 1.05t 0.009 0.8? r.55 2{3.38 -5.53{ 6.038 0.000 0.58 0.99 1{9.02 -3.519 3.730 0.000 -8.13 -2.50 l?.05 21.55? -?0.381 -0.013 0.28 -26.8? 6.4'1 229,598 2.585 0.005 -3.80 -0.1s 5.8? 1.352 -32.665 -0.001 0.58 -15,38 2.96 130.284 1.911 0.009 -3.05 2.31 200.95 -8.851 -12.551 0.000 -2.11 1.50 10s.18 -5.830 -9.251 0.000 -13.38 -0.22 -2.89 1.8?6 -115.{11 -0.003 0.{4 -6.50 12.77 51.550 1.211 0.001 -6.28 -0.01 -1.25 0.09? -51.119 0.000 0.96 -3.8? 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C0uB2 BrsE c?1 ouxE[BrsE c?l 0t AIGYBASE C71 MNDXBTSE C71 lll DIBASE C1L C0HB1Blss c?1 c0[82 rAsE c12 QmIGXBASB C12 QONGIBASE C12 flIlrDX BASE C12 IIINDY BASB C12 CO,|BIEASE C12 CO,IB2 BtsE c?3 ouAtcxErsE c?3 QrrArGYBASE C?3 TTNDX SASE C?3 fIINDY BnsE c?3 coftslBASE C?3 CONtsz BASE C?8 OOAKEXEASE C78 QUNGYBASE C?8 TINDXBASE C?8 TITDY BASE C?8 CO.|BIEASE C?8 @Sts2 EASE C88 oUAIGXSASE C88 OUTTGYBASE C80 rIl.lDXEASE C88 TINDY BASE CEE CO'81BASE C88 Cotts2 BASE C89 OrAreXBrsE c89 olnKEYBASE C89 IIINDXBISE C89 rINDY BtsE c89 C0uB1EASE C89 C0rE2 BASE C90 OUAKEXBASE C90 QUATGYSASE C90 nr[DX BtsE c90 wrltDy8AS8 C90 COtBlsAsE c90 c0MB2 BASE C91 QUAKSXBASE C9I qNKEY BASE C9l nIltDX8AS8 C91 r{IllDt BASE C91 CoN,|B1BASE C91 Cq{82 BASE C92 00AI(E:XBASE C92 OUAIGYBASE C92 NINDX -6.34 0.03 -20.11 -0.3{0 -53.60{ 0.0001.32 -1.66 2.07 22.51t 11.300 0,00?1.5t 0.21 90.6? -0.900 9,8{8 0.000 0.12 - 0.14 26.a',t -0.5?1 {.810 0,000 -0.?1 0.00 0.16 0.119 -11.318 0.0000.02 -0.03 0.12 3.211 0.311 0.000-0.33 0.00 0.06 0.009 -5,285 0.0000.0a -0.01 0.38 r.881 0.639 0.0000.11 0.2r 56.82 -t.015 1.738 0.0000.0? 0.15 39.?3 -0.?!1 1.135 0.000 -0.73 0.00 0.05 -0.015 -11.3?{ 0.000o.o3 -0.05 -0.1? 3.326 0.{15 0.000-0.3r 0.00 0.02 -0.003 -5.309 0.0000.0r -0.03 -0.11 2.023 0.682 0.0000.05 0.17 51.01 -0.8t0 0.'16't 0.0000.03 0.12 35.6? -0.500 0.422 0.000 -0.?6 0.05 -0.10 -0.395 -11,{16 0.0000,02 -0.?l 1.0? 5.5?3 0.250 0.000-0,35 0.01 -0.02 -0.051 -5.33{ 0.0000.04 -0.{5 0.5? 4.1t6 0.586 0.0000.0? -0.35 ,t{.30 l.?88 1.0?9 0,0000.04 -0.26 30.89 1.285 0.651 0,000 -1.41 -0.05 25.22 0.368 -12.83? 0.000-0.01 -0.12 0.40 3.r{? 0.058 0.000-0.6? -0.02 11.89 0.108 -6.19{ 0.0000.02 -0.0? -0.12 2.013 0.230 0.0001.04 -0.09 36,21 0.163 5.226 0.0000.71 -0.06 26.25 0.328 3.501 0.000 -0.62 0.00 -3.{l -0.024 -9.228 0.0000.01 -0.r0 0.15 3.4t? 0.u? 0.000-0.30 0.00 -1.50 -0.00? -a.491 0.0000.02 -0.06 0.13 2.091 0.230 0.0000.30 -0.09 10.02 0.165 1.816 0.0000.20 -0.06 2?.9E 0.324 1.1t3 0.000 -0.51 0.01 0.00 -0.189 -8.596 0.0000.01 -0.12 0.00 3.515 0.L22 0.000-0.25 0.00 0.00 -0,015 -4.24t 0.0000.01 -0.0? 0.00 2.23't 0.209 0.000-0.0s -0.09 36.18 0.160 0.168 0.000-0.05 -0.06 25.50 0.322 -0.002 0.000 -0.s7 0.02 0.00 -0.3?9 -8.81{ 0.0000.01 -0.19 0.00 3.116 0.124 0.000-0.28 0.00 0.00 -0.030 -4.299 0.0000.01 -0.12 0.00 2.463 0.211 0.0000.32 -0.09 23.11 0.428 1.E50 0.0000.22 -0.01 11.{t 0.182 1.219 0.000 -0.65 0.00 -0.15 0.155 -9.980 0.0000.00 -0.05 -1.91 3.285 -0.015 0.000-0.3{ 0.00 -0.0s 0.011 -5.225 0.000-0.02 -0.03 -1.08 1.921 -0.246 0.0000.11 0.0{ r?.96 -0.159 1.621 0.0000.0? 0.02 33.?'r -0.099 L019 0.000 -0.?6 0.00 -0.0r -0.01? -10.205 0.000-0.02 -0.20 -1,1? 3.6?{ -0.29? 0.000-0.40 0.00 -0.02 -0.004 -5.339 0.000 0.r2 -0.18 1?.99 0.810 1.55? 0.0000.07 -0.13 12.38 0.535 0.951 0.000 -0.?4 0.01 0.00 -0.19? -10.108 0.000-0.02 -0.18 -0.27 3.698 -0.250 0.000-0.39 0.00 0.00 -0.017 -5.289 0.000 T I I I I T BASE C92 nrNDY -0.03 -0.12 -0.6? 2.235 -0.409 0.000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I BASE C92 CO,rBlBASE C92 CO,|B2 BASE C93 QOAIGXBASE C93 oUAr8YBASE C93 TIINDX ao? ao't c9? aq? c91 aqe c98 c9E c98 c98 c98 aqq c99 c99 c99 c99 c99 BASE BASE BASE BISE BTSE BISE BII|E BASE BISE BASE BASE BNSE BASE BISE BASE 6ASE lasE StsE BISE BASE Il.SE B}SE BASE BASE BASE EASE BASB I I I I t I T T ITI I It I T II I I aalQ c93 c94 c9{ c9a c9r c9{ c9l aoq c95 c95 c95 c95 c95 c96 c96 c95 c96 c96 f.1n? c102 ct02 cl02 c102 cl02 c104 cl0{ c104 cl04 cl0l c10{ c105 cl05 cl05 cl05 cl05 cl05 c106 c106 c106 c106 rINDY corts1 cotB2 QUATEX QMKEY milDx rI DI couB1 coa2 QUAXEX QUAXEY nIIDX IIINDY c0t't8t coc2 AUMEX OIIAKEY tftNDx rI[Dt corBl coto2 o0Arcr( QIIAIGT IIINDX IIINDY c0t{81 coa2 QUAIG:X QMKEY nlNDx IIINDY cotBl co{82 QUAXEX QUAKET IIINDX IIINDY co.tBl corB2 QUNGX OUAKEI rIIDX IIIIIDY corBl co,tB2 o0AtGx QUAKEY IIINDX IIINDY co Bl COMB2 QUAIGX OUAKEY MNDX MNDY c0||81 c0||82 00AK8X QUArcY ,IINDX IIINDY -0.03 0.06 0.03 . -0.52 -0.01 -0.27 -0.02 0.33 0.2 3 -0.85 -0.05 -0.4? -0.08 0.06 0.02 -0. ?5 -0.0{ -0.ll -0.06 0.03 0.01 -0. 80 -0.03 -0. {{ -0,06 0.11 0.05 -u.o! -0.03 -0.3? -0.05 0.09 0.06 -0.54 -0.02 -0.30 -0.04 0,22 0. 15 -u. /b -0.02 -0.{0 -0.03 -0.11 -0.09 -0.67 0.03 -U. JI 0.04 0.?5 0.41 -0.35 0.00 -0.28 0.00 0.29 0.20 -u. o t 0.00 -0.3{ 0.00 -0.u -0,18 -0.13 -0.16 22.34 15.59 2.332 0.882 0.6{5 -0.3?8 5.llL -0.030 2.46L -0.355 -n l?l 0.lt6 3.422 -0.054 1.937 0.331 0.281 0.113 3.1,0E 0.008 1,81? 1.4?5 1.052 -0.016 3.365 -0.003 2.047 0.818 0.530 -u.ltJ 3.624 -0.017 2.286 1.158 0.839 -0.387 3.861 -0.031 2.519 1.329 U.JZO 3.?87 L.L72 2.19r 1.2,t8 0.9?1 -0.312 3.r05 -0.030 2. 418 -1. t55 -0.557 -n ?nt 3.807 -0.031 2.484 0.0r5 0.01{ -0.182 3.{02 -0,016 2.L46 -0.381 0.818 0.453 -8.113 -0.1{5 -r.2t6 -0.27 5 t.932 L.ZOI -lt.153 -0.739 -6 .131 -1 nlt 0.789 0.215 -10.955 -0.531 -6.036 -0.900 0.386 -11.050 -0.3a8 -O. UU '-0. ? 99 1. {86 0.882 -9.502 -0.386 -J.1t5 -0. ?34 1.320 0.81{ -7.806 -0.33{ -4.300 -0.613 1. {{5 0.902 - 10. 194 -0.261 -5.331 -0. 389 - l. 185 -1.200 -9.675 0.335 -{.505 0.569 2.0?1 -8. {8? -0.011 -{.284 -0.032 1.125 -10 .3?0 -0.056 -5. 2 36 -0.0?0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.02 0.00-0.18 0.000,00 0.00-0.12 0.000.08 ?3.550.03 11. ?0 0.02 -0.12 0.01 -0,07 -0.05 -U,UO 0.00 0,01 -0.29 39.54 22.88 0.07 5.630,00 -0.08 EASE BASE EISE BISE BISE ltsE SASE BASE BTSE BASE BASE BASE BASE BNE BASE 8A,SE BASE 8tsE BASE BASE BASS BASE BASE BASE 0.01 -0.28 -0.20 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0,03 -u. Lo -v, La 0.0r -u.L) 0.00 -0.09 -0.21 -0,r? 0.02 0,00 -n lt -i1 ,t -0. r9 -0.24 -0,24 -0.14 -0.26 -0.20 0,02 -0. 15 0.00 -0. 10 0.3 0 0.12 0.02 -0.2 0 0.00 -0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.03 3.14 6t.?0 {{.01 0.23 0,97 0.09 0.55 52.54 3{.43 0.02 -0,05 0.01 -0.0{ 29.34 20. {5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L1,96 1 .26 -13.1.1 -6.6{ -0.92 19.57 13.25 -2,73 0 .19 0.21 30.18 t4 .23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.14 10.02 -0.02 -0.13 0.00 -0.0? BASE BASE m5s BASE BLSE BASE EASE 8A5E BASE BISE I I T I BASE BASE BASE BAsE EASE SASE BASE SASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BAsE 8AsE EASE BASE EASE BAsE cl07 cl07 cl07 cl0? c107 c10? c108 c108 c108 c108 c108 c108 c114 crl{ c11{ c1l{ c112 c112 c112 c112 cl13 c113 cll3 QUN(EX OUTKEY IIINDX IIINDY coial cot82 QUAKEX Q{'IAIGY IIINDX IIINDY ccr.tBl cslB2 OI'AIGX QUAffEY MNDX rINDY @uB1 ctl|82 ouAr8x QUAffEY rINDX IIINDY cor81 CotilB2 OI'AfiEX QUAIOY MNDX ffiNDY c0fi81 coHB2 0.0? 0.04 -0.55 0.01 -n 11 0.00 0.04 0.02 -0.01 -n 1l -0.01 0.08 0.05 -0.68 -0.05 -0.40 -0.08 0,01 0.03 -0.66 -0.04 -0.38 -0.08 0.24 0.07 -0.62 -0.0,1 -0.36 -0.08 -0.02 0.01 -280.2r 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 -0,02 0.00 -0,01 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.20 0.00 -0.08 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -0.08 -0.01 0.00 -0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 -280.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.96 35.20 -0.01 0.?6 -0.02 0.{3 55.38 39. ?9 -0.02 2 .91 -0.05 1.68 4{.80 0.09 0.00 0.05 0.01 18.10 {.85 0.02 -0.01 0. 01 0.00 25.94 7 .40 -0.05 0.00 -0.03 -0.01 42 -95 9.15 0.020 0.015 -0.0r5 3.255 -0.003 1.900 0.025 0,017 0.1{5 3.r22 0,009 1.825 0.030 0. 018 0.302 3.5?6 0.020 2.028 0.5?8 0.415 -0.016 3.618 -0.00{ 2.200 0.530 0.384 0,158 3.{09 0.009 1.993 0.034 0.021 r.0{t u.oro -10.3{8 0.107 -5.225 0.029 0.?06 0.371 -10.2?8 -0.206 -0.1{8 1.35{ 0.813 -o n1? -0.51? -5.252 -_t. ll b 0.589 0.369 -'. UJJ -0.511 -5.229 -1.121 3.214 0.90? -8.953 -0.510 -5.183 -1.112 -0.349 0.143 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I tII -II I I t I I I I I T t I I I I I I c106 CoN,tslct05 coN'rB2 BASE BASE BASE BASE EASE AASE EASE BASE BASE BASE Suloation 0, 0, Base QUAKEX Sumat j.on 0,0, Base QI'AKEY Su@atlon 0, 0, Base nINDX sumatr.on 0, 0, Base nINDY Sumation 0, 0, Base CCUB1 sumation 0,0, Base Col'lB2 0.00 -'t.716 -L0651 .620 1490s.288 0.00 10819.?34 2.531 -18563,206 0.00 -0.815 -4960.549 8788.0?3 0.00 6184.046 3.452 -10304.s45 6386. ?6 3?5239.906 -415'194.422 -0.112 3?44.53 228938.109-243279.936 -0.048 I I I I I t t I t I I t I I t I I I I Existing Column Loads ok ok ok ok ok ol( ok ok ok ok no changg ok ok nogood 80fi1 punching ok ok ok no cfiange ok no good 8200 punching not okay no good 11300 punc-hing not okay ok ok nogood 8000 punching ok no good 80(X) puncfiing ok no change no change no cfiange I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Column 151 Service Soil Bearing -Maximum Beadng Max/Allowable Ratio 5778.6i! psf DL+LL .963 - 5778.63 psf t slzo.ee p"t Flexurc Design Maximum Mtl},(Xl6 482.643 k.ft Maximum MUZ-I6 500.764 k.ft c 'rl -1-.I Allowable Soil Bearing :6000 psf Concrete Weight :150 pcf Concrete fc :4 keiSteelff :60 ksi B $$X Dir. Steel: 5.121 In2 fl Z Dir. Steel: 4.932 Inz c Shear Check Rados Two Way (Punching) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Zdir. cut Overtuming lf,oment Safety Factors (OTM SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis {2.88 DL+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 421.981D1+LL+EL Concrste Bearing (ForVertlcal Loads Onlyl) Maximum Bul6 88.102k ACl9.1 Allowable Bc 1958.4 k Vx (k)Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverce WL) (Revetse EL) +Over llr+++t a16 .81 .594 .6{4 P (k) rr+Mx #T#'ffi Golumn 152 Sellce Soll Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 5956.8 pf DL+LL .993 - 5956.8 psf I t szlr.zg put Flexure Deslgn Maximum Mu)$16 Maximum MtEZ16 10/(l.46 k-fr ACI9.1 1034.{9 k-ft ACr 9.1 $$X Dlr. Steel: 8.847 in2 $Z Dlr. Steel: 8.902 inz-fII; Allowable Soil Beadng Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi aximum Shear Gheck Ratios (tlu 16 Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear .gBG One Way Shear, X dir. cut .712. One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .7OT Overturning MomentSafety Factop (OTM SF) OTM SF AboutX-XAxis 13.695 DL+LL+EL OTM SFAboutZ-ZAxis 590.683DL+LL+EL Vx (k) Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) #Fi rr+Mz #E (ReverceWL) t*"'."&::u Itttllg I I I t I 10.5 ft 4.5 ft Column 153 Service Soll Bearlng .Maximum Beadng Max/Allovable Ratio 595it.2 psf DL+LL .992 - 5953.2 pofr E sgos.sa put Allorable Soil Bearing :6000 psf Concrete Weight :150 pcf Concrete fc :4 ksi Steel fy :60 ksi Flexure llesign Maximum Mu)<X16 Maximum MUZZIg $$X Dir. Steel: 9.786 in2 $ Z Dir. Steel: 9.809 in2 Two Way (Punching) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut (Vu16 Ycl .885 Overtuming Moment Safety Factors (OTtl SFI OTM SF About X-X Axis 18.743 DL+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 600.452D1+LL+EL c-rl rt Concrete Bearlng (For Vertical Loads Onlyt) Maximum Bu l6 1664.X2k ACI 9.1 Allowable Bc 6120 k P (k) Vx (k)Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (ReverseWL) (Reverce EL) +Over$l$sHffi Golumn 154 Service Soil Bearing Maximum Bearing-Max/Allowable Ratio 5766.2f pef .961 DL+LL 5768.24 psf 5X28.14pt $$X Dlr. Steel:9.38{ in2 f| Z Dlr. Steel: 9.097 inz Flexure Design Maximum Mu)/Jl 16 {154.92 k-ft Maximum MuTZ.lg 1190.06 k-ft G.,{ rt Maximum Shear Check .663 ACl9.1 Overturning Moment Safety Factors (OTlll SFI OTM SF About X-X Axis 13.813 DL+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis I38.|78DL+LL+EL Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (Psf) (ReverseWL) Fi # g .rl o(rl Two Way (Punching) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut $ut6 Ycl.9u ACl9.1.646 ACl9.1 Allowable SoilBearing Concrete Weight :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksl :60 ksi Vx (k) '-"*iiiE"' I Golumn 155 Servlce Soil Bearlng .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 7870.34psf DL+LL+EL.984 (ABIF = 1.333) - 7870.34 psf R rszo.g pst Flexurc Deslgn Maximum MuXXlg 323.128 k-ft Maximum MuTZlg 291.84 k-ft c.,{ rt @X Dir. Steel:3.733 in2 $Z Dir. Steel: 4.144 in2 axfmum Shear Gheck Ratios (Yu lg Y Two Way (Punching) Shear .778 # One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut Overtuming Moment Safety FactonB (OTM SF) OTM SF AboutX-X Axis 6.899 DL+LL+EL OTM SFAboutZ-ZAxis 120.153D1+LL+EL Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverse WL) (Reverse EL) +Over llrrrr+#rr+Mx#.l rr+Mz#r Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc :6000 psf :{50 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi Vx (k)P (k) 7.5 ft Golumn 156 Selice Soil Bearlng .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 7603.85 pef .951 DL+LL+EL (ABIF = 1.333) ACr9.1 ACre.2(E) ACl9.1 Flexure Deslgn Maximum Mu)(Xl6 t'8.424 k-ft ACI 9.2(E) Maximum MUZZIg 507.617 k-fr ACl9.1 B $$X Dir. StEel:5.245l# tlZ Dir. Steel: 5.962 In2 (mln) c Maxfmum Shear Gheck Ratioo Nu lF Two Way (Punching) Shear .2Sz :u: E;;- Z direc{ion sEel requires the follorving placement: Region 1 (starts ain;: 3s in -Sieel: .937In2- nefion 2 (middle): 72in Steel: 4.088 i4r negion 3 (ends ai O1: Sl in Steel: .937 inz One Way Shear, X dir. cut .112 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .779 Oveilumlng Moment Safety Factort (OTil SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis 3.648 DL+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 2.279 DL+LL+EL Mz (k-fr) Overburden I I I I t I I IE.tl*ofl Allowable SoilBearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi DL LL WL EL [[:I:::H3 I +Over$r$++ I##.-+Mztr I I t I 2.25 ft 30 ia Column 156 north Servlce Soil Bearlng .Maximum Bearing 5697.98 pcf DL+LL Max/AllowableRatio .95 Two Way (Pundring) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut Overturning Moment Safety Factors (OTltl SF) OTM SF About X-X Au<is NA DL+11 OTM SF About Z-Z Axis NA DL+LL :r:;;"*' l-_] Uplift Flexure Design Maximum MuD(Xl6 71.832 k-ft Maximum Mu72l6 2.069 k-ft $$X Dir. Steel: 2.117 i# (min; $ Z Dir. Steel: 1.49{ inz X direc{ion sbel requires the following placement: Region 1 (starb at A): 24 in Steel: .423 in2 Region 2 (middle): 36 in Steel: i.27 Inz Region 3 (ends at B): 24in Steel: .423 in2 B c Allowable Soil Bearing :6000 psf Concrete Weight :150 pcf Concrete fc :4 ksiSteelff :60 ksi H # (Yu16 NA .935 0 P (k)Vx (k)Vz (k)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) +Over+rrl]$ Golumn 157 Service Soll Bearlng Maximum Bearing'Max/Allowable Ratio 5719.44 psf g1-+LL .953 - 5719.4f psf It seag.oe p"r -frl; Allowable Soil Beadng Concrete Weight Concrete fc Sbdry :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi Flexure Design Maximum W;DlXl4 863.822 k-ft Maximum MiZlg 899.109 k ft SIX Dir. Steel: 7.673 inz $Z Dlr. Steol: 7.365 in2 axfmum Shear Gheck Ratioo (Yu 16 Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear .898 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .626 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .65 ACI 9.1 Overtuming Moment Safiety Factors (OTM SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis NA DL+LL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 29.896 DL+LL+EL Vx (k)Vz (k)Mx (k-fr)Mz (k-fi) Overburden (ps0 Fi # (ReverceWL) '-"Hiiu r ll .75 ft Golumn 160 Service Soil Beadng _Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 5759.68 psf DL+LL .96 - 5759.68 psf I G sezg.eg p"t -ftl; Allowable Soil Bearing :6000 psf Concrete Weight :150 pcf Concrete fc :4 ksi Steel fy :60 ksi Flexure Design Maximum Md(X16 1188.05 k-ft Maximum WZ. lp 1232.92 k-tt $$X Dir. Steel: 9.727 in2 $ Z Dir. Steel: 9.364 in2 aximum ShearCheck Ratios (Vu 16 Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear .968 ACI 9.1 P (k)Vx (k) Vz (k)Mx (k-ft) H One Way Shear, X dir. cut .664 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .687 ACI 9.1 Overtuming Moment Safety Factors (Ofil SF) OTM SF About X.X Axis NA DL+LL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 27.372 DL+LL+EL Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverse WL) (Revelse EL) +Over l+1+ll#rr+Mx#.rr+Mztr Golumn 163,150 Seryice Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 7077.77 wt DL+LL+EL.885 (ABIF = 1.333) -7077.77 pt H| zec.gz p"r Flexure Design Maximum MuXXl4 114.477 k-tl Maximum MUZZ16 154.144 k-ft 'trII; Allowable SoilBearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelf, t$X Dir. Steel: 3.024 in2 lmln; $Z Dir. Steel: 3.024 in2 lmln; Check RatioE Two Way (Punching) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut Overtuming ltloment Safety Factorc (OTM SF) OTM SF About X_X Axis 993.3279I+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 6.009 DL+LL+EL P (k) vx (k)Vz (k)Mx (k-ft) F+' :6000 psf :150 pcf :rl ksi :60 ksi utF .311 .258 .359 t Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf)ffil (ReverseWL)(**."&:r=t' Ilrtllll I I I I I I 6.23 ft Golumn 164 Sewice Soil Bearlng .Maximum Beadng Mar/Allowable Ratio 5896.89 psf DL+LL .983 nftl; Allowable Soil Bearing :6000 psf Concreb Weight :150 pcf Concrete fc :4 ksiSteelff :60 ksi P (k) #H I! Flexurc Design Maximum MuD(Jf Q 1094.49 k-ft Maximum MdZZ Ig 222.92 k-lt X direction steelrequires the following placement: Region 1 (starts at A): 3t In Steel: 2.222 in2 Region 2 (middle): 72ln Steet: 5.925 inz Region 3 (ends at B): 54 in Steel: 2.222 in2 Vx (k)Vz (k) B $$X Dir. Steet: 10.368 tn2 lmin; C $Z Dir. Steel:8.105 in2 Maximum Shear Check Ratlos Two Way (Punching) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut Overtumlng Moment Safety Factorc (OTM SF) OTM SFAboutX-XAxis 674.339D1+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Ao<is 10.947 DL+LL+EL Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (ReverseWL) (Reverse EL) +Overllrrlr+ 3.5 ft Column {66 Servlce Soll Bearing _Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 5862.41 psf DL+LL .gT7 5862.41 psf 560f.l3 psf -fEI; Allowable SoilBearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelfy :6000 psf :150 pcf :tl ksi :60 ksl Flexurc Design Maximum Mtil)(16 558.159 k-ft Maximum MUZZI6 563.963 k-ft $$X Dlr. Steel: 5.768 in2 $f Z Dir. Steel: 5.708 in2 If,aximum Shear Gheck Ratios (tlu 16 Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear .731 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .6{3 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .82 ACI 9.1 Overtuming iloment Safety Factors (OTil SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis NA DL+LL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 19.606 DL+LL+EL Vx (k)Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) #ffi (ReverteWL) tnev-e;1fu t$rull Column 167 Serlce Soll Bearing Maximum Bearing-Max/Allowabte Ratio 5978.3fpef DL+LL .996 c oD Allorable Soil Beadng ConcrebWeight Concrete fc Steelf B G :6000 pof :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi P (k)Vx (k)Vz (k) #H il:: :;,ff' Flexure Design Maximum Mu)1Xl6 2026.96 k-ft Maximum Mu7216 739.159 k-ft $$X Dir. Steel: t3.t43In2 (minl flZ Dir. Sbel: 12.375 irf X direciion sbel requires the bllowing placement Region 1 (starb at A): 55.02 in Steel: 2.606 in2 Region 2 (middle): 87.96 in Steel: 8.332 in2 Region 3 (ends at B): 55.02 In Steel: 2.606 in2 aximum Shear Gheck Ratioe (tlu 16 Ycl Two Way (Punciing) Shear .61 One Way Shear, X dir, cut .941 One Way Shear, Z dir. ctrt .034 Overturning illoment Safety Facton (OTm SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis NA DL+1L OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 16.701 DL+LL+EL Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psfl (Reverse WL) (Reverse EL) +Over lll$+r 16.5 ft lrcaLUMN * tl tI usBr l ss$sss - $AIr Punching Slear Analysie - triat nate Slab8 I I lype/ J I t** Cl C2 d Ac ,Ic e VGlil Tu iu ltu, f'c vtu yc uI 16.00 16.00 ?1.00 3108.0 ?55251.5 .00.4000 416.? 199.0 399.0 {000. 212.1 < 25t.0 I ,* o, punching slear Analysis 0f ilat ptare slab I Qturr= ?.214kt,41= lo,96Key. I I Ito ,,z.s+'r*r** *se3"Iooo I I t l bt,. I I I I I ,b6 + tltF + = Z4Z.IB paT Sao.bgjz V7,7.o)r \e,o6*\an xb' .1g* , 3b* (aE+=r)i@*zr) :?4-L% 7+i l'rlE a4{F. opQ il4= ov a,c, 241,3+-\26,b*ob *w.d llseou *le4' 4te4t 4qa b-+ 4e gil 41 42 43 616 41 42 44 615 45 614 43 613 46 6 '16 5 '12 41 42 44 4',! 42 5 11 47 6 '15 510 614 45 58 59 43 58 59 43 47 613 46 510 45 44 616 46 4 .4 43 I t I t I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I SAFEI6. fi) File: 26831718 Kipft Units PAGE 1 June26. 2001 16: 50 SOIL PRE SSURE GRIDI GRIDJ LOAD 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMBz 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMBI 2 GOMB1 2 COMB3 2 GOMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB1 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 4 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB'I 4 COMB3 3 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 PRESSURE 0.359 0,364 0.741 0.956 0.985 0.9E9 1.U2 1.169 '1.282 1.31 1.367 1.447 1.514 1.543 1.579 1.61 1.6'15 1.669 1.699 ,t.702 1.718 1.733 1.757 1.U2 1.897 1.91 1.933 1.935 1.939 1.945 1.954 't.993 2.O25 2.035 2.081 2.109 2.119 2.'125 2.13 2.143 2.145 2.168 5 12 3 COMB3 2.169 4 1 2COMB3 2.',t9 4 2 2COMB3 -2.19 4 1 sCOMB2 2.235 4 2 sCOMB2 2.24 5 11 2 COMB2 2.259 4 5 2COMBI 2.2ffi 4 4 4COMB2 2.2W 5 11 3 COMB3 2.309 6 15 4 COMB3 2.W 4 7 3COMB2 2.365 5 12 2 COMB2 2.386 4 6 2COMB1 2.397 5 10 3 COMB3 2.4U 6 13 2 COM82 2.485 6 '14 4 COMB3 2./186 6 16 2 COMBI 2.495 4 7 2COMBI 2.505 4 ',t 3 COMB1 2.508 4 2 3COMBI 2.51,,l 5 9 3COMB3 2.528 4 5 4COMB2 2.538 5 8 3COMB3 2.539 6 15 2 COMB1 2.5il 5 8 3COMB2 2.s67 6 14 2 COMB2 2.576 5 8 2COMBI 2.5855 I 3COMB2 2.5886 14 2 COMBI 2.59 5 I 2COMB1 2.5924 7 3COMB3 2.618 4 3 sCOMB2 2.626 13 2 COMBI 2.621 6 13 4 COMB3 2.625 5 10 2 COMBI 2.6U5 12 2 COMBI 2.643 5 11 2 COMBI 2.651 6 15 2 COMB2 2.6624 6 3COMB3 2.6724 5 3COMB3 2.709 6 16 5 COMB3 2.717 4 4 3COMB3 2.733 5 10 3 COMB2 2.74 4 3 3COMB1 2.748 4 3 3COMB3 2.755 5 '.t2 4 COMB3 2.759 4 6 4COMB2 2.774 4 .1 3COMB3 2.777 4 2 3COMB3 2.777 t t I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I 16 11 11 4 15 4 7 12 10 14 5 13 1 I 2 .8 5 I 14 6 7 13 9 6 15 5 't6 1 2 7 4 3 12 1 2 15 10 't4 I 6 9 16 13 10 12 11 11 3 1'l 2.787 2.893 2.902 2.923 2.932 2.935 2.999 3.019 3.03 3.074 3.079 3.117 3.122 3.'t26 3.127 3.'t37 3.167 3.206 3.207 3.21 3.215 3.215 3.227 3.266 3.292 3.299 3.307 3.316 3.319 3.322 3.322 3.343 3.351 3.364 3.341 3.366 3.385 3.403 3.404 3.405 3.411 3.417 3.435 3.452 3.458 3.468 3.496 3.508 3.531 2 COMB2 3 COMB2 4 COMB3 5 COMB2 5 COMB3 3 COMB1 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 4 COMB3 5 COMB3 3 COMBI 3 COMB2 6 COMB2 4 COMB3 6 COMB2 4 COMB3 5 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 3 COMBI 4 COMB3 5 COMB3 4 COMB2 4 COMB3 3 COMB2 4 COMB3 3 COMB1 4 COMBI 4 COMB1 3 COMB1 4 COMB3 4 COMB3 5 COMB3 4 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMBI 4 COMB2 3 COMB1 3 COMBI 5 COMB2 3 COMBI 3 COMB2 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMB1 3 COMB1 5 COMB3 6 COMB2 4 COMB2 6 16 6 COMB3 3.54E 4 3 4COMBI 3.5s7 5 ,10 5 COMB3 S.OZ6 4 7 5COMB2 3.633 5 12 4 COMB2 3.654 5 I sCOMB3 3.726 5 8 sCOMB3 3.738 4 4 4COMBI 3.745 4 1 7COMB2 3.749 6 13 4 COMB2 3.75 4 2 7COMB2 3.753 6 15 6 COMB3 3.764 4 7 scoMB3 3.813 4 4 6COMB2 3.813 6 14 4 COMB2 3.83E 5 8 sCOMB2 3.E46 4 6 sCOMB3 3.8s9 5 I sCOMB2 3.8694 5 sCOMtrt 3.894 5 4COMB1 3.8926 14 6 COMB3 3.9084 4 sCOMB3 3.9116 15 4 COMB2 3.9234 3 5COMB3 3.9314 1 sCOMB3 3.9514 2 SCOMB3 3.951 4 6 4COMBI 4.026 5 10 s coMB2 4.028 6 16 4 COMB2 4.046 6 13 6 COMB3 4.054 5 6COMB2 4.059 6 16 4 COMBI 4.118 4 1 SCOMBI 4,125 4 2 sCOMB1 4.1284 3 7COMB2 4..1356 16 7 COMB3 4.136 4 7 4COMBI 4j425 11 5 COMB2 4.171 6 15 4 COMBI 4.1786 12 6 COMB3 4.191 6 14 4 COMBI 4.216 5 I 4COMBI 4.229 5 9 4COMBI 4.2# 6 't3 4 COMB1 4.25 5 10 4 COMB1 4.276 5 12 4 COMBI 4.276 5 'll 4 coMBl 4.289 5 12 5 COMB2 4.29 4 6 6COMB2 4.3 I I I J I I I I T I I I T I t I t I I 6 4 6 4 6 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 6 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 6 I l I ! I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15 3 13 4 14 14 7 15 4 13 7 16 5 6 5 5 4 3 12 1 2 6 16 6 7 't5 14 8 I 13 12 10 11 7 12 7 1 2 13 6 5 4 3 14 1 2 15 .3 16 4.352 4.387 q.su 4.42 4.47 4.497 4.536 4.553 4.557 4.il 4.657 4.676 4.689 4.698 4.705 4.727 4.7& 4.7U 4.782 4.7U 4.7U 4.843 4.929 4.932 4.964 4.99 5.029 5.056 5.064 5.066 5.094 5.1m 5.111 5.171 5.193 5.253 5.27',! 5.274 5.281 5.29'l 5.318 5.337 5.354 5.365 5.372 5.372 5.447 5.515 5.569 7 COMB3 5 COMBI s coMB2 7 COMB2 5 COMB2 7 COMB3 6 COMB2 s coMB2 5 COMB1 7 COMB3 6 COMB3 5 COMB2 7 COMB2 6 COMB3 5 COM81 6 COMB3 6 COMB3 6 COMB3 7 COMB3 6 COMB3 6 COMB3 s coMBl 5 COMBI 7 COMB2 5 COMBI 5 COMBI 5 COMBI 5 COMBI 5 COMBI 5 COMBI 5 COM81 5 COMBI 5 COMBI 7 COMB2 6 COMB2 7 COMB3 6 COMB1 6 COMBI 6 COMB2 7 COMB3 7 COMB3 7 COMB3 7 COMB3 6 COMB2 7 COMB3 7 COMB3 6 COMBz 6 COMB1 6 COMB2 4 12 5 13 14 6 16 t5 1 2 7 15 14 16 13 12 3 4 5 6 t6 7 15 14 13 12 6 COMB1 7 COMBz 6 COMB1 7 COMB2 7 COMB2 6 COMBI 6 COMBI 7 COMB2 7 COMB1 7 COMBI 6 COMB1 6 COMB1 6 COMB1 7 COMB2 6 COMB1 6 COMBI 7 COMBI 7 COMBI 7 COMBI 7 COMBI 7 COMB1 7 COMB1 7 COMBI 7 COMB1 7 COMB1 7 COMBI 5.706 5.829 3.ssz 5.914 5.998 5.999 6.078 6.079 6.08 6.084 6.128 6.141 6.182 6.'t99 6.221 6.256 6.326 6.519 6.671 6.8'15 6.89 6.949 6.954 6.996 7.036 7.074 I I I l I I I I t t T I T I I I I I I l*.r**\* t il: :':::::' s,ear,narysis . *ar prare srabs I t TYPe/ I'l;:",:,,,:,,,loo ,,1,0 ,,,1i,, :,, il: ,,:, l r* o, tunchiag $hear tnalysis 0f rtat plare $iab I Rstur= 6*1.5= fl keF bo= I abz*2,&*1* \e o I #*Ear fu 26?.0 ffc {000. W Ltt.6 b, vc < 251.0 z'til llu I 261 .A T- =1' I -g_ I I I T I I I I I I br 19Zrat1,5 8,burb.za-( w = llt.{Z ps? I&*-- lz6,spsi 64,12 nL+z-t?a.5 x7+ 4o,e '55V'i. u€e 7 ueq*4(, E rG s. * to- t+rreeeb s ge6tt +1e4' *ze#, *seatt *w.6" I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I PSlaar F=fth{6l e €TAB9 atapy <z {clo; ++ + + ++++++ ++++++ + +l-t- -f SAFE v6.00 - File: 2683162 - July 7,2001 6:43 - Scale: Fit to Page Strudural Layer Plan View - Kip-n Unils I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAFE v6.00 FiIe3 2683152 Kip-ft units pAGE 1 July 7,2001 6:42 SOIL PRESSURE AREA GRID I GRID J IroAD PRESSURE FOOTTNG 1 1 C00|B1 5,6',t7FOOTING1lcOrB25.888 EOqIING 2 1COI'E1 3.64'1 FOOIrNG2LCOLB25.859 EICOTING 3 1CotrBl 5.191FOOTING31CoN|B25.408 FOOTTNG 4 1COMB1 5.094FOOTING41COMB25.312 FOOTING 5 1 COMB1 4,995FOOTTNG51COlIBz5.2L3 r6orrne G l co!ts1 4.GgoEO0rING61COMB24.894 FOOTTNG 7 L Co|,!B1 4-218 FOOTING7LCOMB24.418 FOC'IING I 1 Cc[,!B1 3.935FOO:IING 8 1 C0MB2 4,111 FOOIING 9 I COMB1 3.?10FOOIING91COUB23.854 F@TrNG 10 1 COUB1 3.541tlouNc 10 1 coMB2 3.788 FOOTING 11 I COUB1 3.3'?2FOOTING 11 1 CCr{82 3.112 FOOTING t2 1 COrBl 3.514FOOTING L2 1 Co!,!B2 3. 649 F@TrNG L 2 Cor,rBl 5,683FOOTINGL2C0r{825.700 FOOTTNG 2 2 COMB1 5.653FOqTING 2 2 CO!,r82 5.6?1 FOOIrNG32COMBz5.224 FOSTING 4 2 COMB1 5.103FOOTING42COMB25,128 FOOTING 5 2 COMB1 5.004FOOTrNG32COUB25.029 POOTING 6 2 COMB1 4.588FOSIING62COM824.711. FOOTTNG 7 2 COMB1 4,283EOSIING 7 2 CO6,rB2 4,294 F@rrNG a 2 coMBl 3.942FOOT1NGS2CO!r823.931 FOoIING ,9 2 COMBT 3.718toorING92cot{823.586 FOOIING FOOITNG FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOIING FOOIING POOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING T'OOTING SOOIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING I'OOTING FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOT ING FOO?ING FOOTING FOOTING FOOIING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOTING F@TING FOOTING FOOTING T'OOTING FOOIIT{G FOqIING FOOTING IOC||TING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING 2 colrBl2 cot'8z 2 COMB1 2 CO|B2 2 COM812 cc,JBz 3 co!,rBl3 CO!{az 3 coMBl3 coMBz 3 C0N{B1 3 couB2 3 coMBl3 co!,82 3 CO!,813 COMBz 3 COMB1 3 C06{82 3 COMB1 3 coMB2 3 C0uB1 3 cor,tB2 3 CO0rB13 COMS2 3 conBt3 COr.rBz 3 COMBT 3 coMB2 3 coMBl3 COr.rB2 4 COMB14 colrBz 4 COMB14 COMB2 4 COr.rB L 4 Col.rs2 4 COM814 COMB2 4 CO6tBt 4 coMBz 4 COMB14 COMB2 4 COMB1 { coMB2 4 COMB1{ coMBz rl coMB 1 4 COriB2 3.6{8 3. 610 3,s60 3. 535 3.522 3.4'12 5.69? 4.941 s. 558 4 .913 5.257 4 .502 5. 163 4.410 5.063 4.3L2 4.1!! 4.296 3 -20'l 3 .753 2,982 3. 686 2.909 3. 61? 2.834 3.558 ?.1'to 4 .149 5.669 4.72L 5.260 4 .310 J.I/6 4.228 s.066 4.7:2 3.781 4 ,297 3.373 3 .154 2. 800 10 10 11 11 L2 L2 1 2 2 J 3 4 4 5 6 1 'l 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 r2 L2 1 I 3 J 4 6 7 7 I 8 I I I I T I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I 2 I 3 10 10 L2 L2 1 1 2 2 J 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 II 9 9 10 10 I1 t2 t2 I 1 ., 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 .I 7 8 '6 9 t t I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I FOOTTTG fOOTING EDOIING FOOTING FOOIING F@IING EOOIING FOOIING t]co[I G FOO!ING EICTTNG EIOOTING r@rtNG fOO(ING FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING FOOITNG FOOTING F@TTNG FOOTING IOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOIING TPOTING FOOTTNG FOOTING TIOOEING FOOTI NG F@TING FOOTING E1COTING FOOTING FOOTING TOOTING FOOTIICG NOOTING FOOIING FOOIING FOSIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FO TING 4 coltBl4 co8tB2 4 co[,r814 COMB2 4 coMBl4 couB2 5 coMBl5 coM82 5 CCHB15 c0uB2 5 COti{Bl5 co|.{82 5 coMBl5 couB2 5 cor,lBl5 coMB2 5 cot{815 colrBz 5 co[rBl 5 co|B2 5 coMBl5 COMB2 5 coltBl5 CO!,t82 5 co!,t815 coM82 5 coMBl 5 coNtB2 5 ccMBl. 5 coMB2 6 COI.{B L6 coM82 6 coltBt6 couB2 6 coMBL6 coMB2 6 coMBl6 cor{82 6 coMBl6 coMB2 6 col,tBl6 couB2 5 col.{E 16 cot't82 6 co!{Bt6 couB2 6 COMB1 3 .692 2 .730 J.OI' 2.652 'l <Ro 2.589 5 .691 4 .556 5,668 4.528 3 .257 4.113 5.153 4.OzL 5 .053 J.9ZJ 4,1LL 3 .589 4 ,296 3.186 2 .840 3.753 2.6L6 3.686 2.542 3. 617 2 .464 3.558 ?. 405 ). bUJ 5. 653 3 -'t 45 5 .200 3 .298 5.103 3 .204 5.004 J.IU9 4.688 Z.tlLL 4.283 2.430 3.942 2 -O93 3.?18 FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOC'IING FOCTING FOOIING FOoI ING FOCI'IING FOOTING I'OOTING FOOIING FOoIING El(rIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOIING E1COTING FOOTING FC'OIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOT ING FOOTING F@IING FOOIING FOOTING 6 C0r|B2 6 Co!tsl6 COMBz 5 COMB1 6 couB2 6 COttBl5 COIiB2 ? COMB17 COt{82 7 CoailBl? cottB2 7 COl,IBl7 coMB2 ? cotBl7 COMB2 ? COMB1 7 COt{a2 7 COMB17 COUB2 7 Coli{8t7 couB2 ? COMB17 COMB2 ? COMB1? CO.{82 7 COMB1'i coMBz 7 COUB17 COMBz 7 anMAl 7 COt{82 1.859 3. 6{8 1,785 3.580 L.711 3.522 1.650 5 ,677 ? c77 5 .647 3.54? J.tvl 3.099 5.094 3.006 4 .995 2.911 4.680 2.6L6 4 .279 2.239 1.903 3. ?10 t . 570 3.641 r.)rb 3.572 L.522 3.514 1.460 9 10 10 11 11 L2 L2 1 1 2 2 J 4 4 a 6 1 6 9 9 10 10 11 11 L2 L2 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 4 I t I t I I I I I I I I I t T I I I t X-STRIP ID Y-STRIP ID 0. 044 0.033 0.079 0 .537 n 10q 0. 138 SAFE v6.00 Fj.Ia: 2683152 Klp-in nnirs PAGE 1 JuIy 7,2001 6: 35 X-STRIP REINFORCING (for whote strlp j.n Sq-in) STRIP STAIION TOP-REBAR TOP-REBAR BOT-REAAR BOT-REBAR NID4II X-ORDINATA LEFT OF X RIGIIT OF X. IEFT OP X RTGHT OF X csxl 60.000 -36.000csxl 60.000 -6.000csxl 60.000 0.000csxl 60,000 6, 000csxl 60.000 24.525csxl 50. 000 49 .250csxl 60.000 73.875csxl 50.000 92. s00csxl 60.000 98 .500csxl 60 . 000 104 .500csxl 60.000 109.500 0.210 0,088 0.4500.550 0-323L.23"t L.223r.o27 1.0850.222 0.067 0. 1911.395 0.5840.711 0.704 0. {80 L,272 0. 459 SAI'E v6.00 FiLe: 2683162 Kip-in Units PAGE 2 JuIy 7,2001 5:35 Y-STRIP REINFORCING (for flhole strip in Sq-ln) csYl 60 -625csrl 60.623csYl 60.625csYl 60.625csYr 60.625 MSY1 49.250MSY1 49.250urYl { 9.250usYl 49.250usYl 49.250 csY2 35.625csY2 35.625csY2 35.625csYz 35.525csYz 35. 625 0 .235 0. 101 - 1.541 0 -'r73 0,518 0.232 o .209 0.3?40.036 0.2120.267 0.193 o .277 o.o22 0.038 0 .033 BCI-REBAR RIGI{T OF Y 0 .211 0.585 0. 685 1.328 0 .260 0. 193 0 .200 0.363 u. .L J6 0. 195 0.537 STRIP TIDITH STATION TOP-REBAR TOP-REBAR BOT-REBAR Y-ORDINATE LEFA OF Y RIGHT OF Y IJEFT OF Y -30. 000 -6 . 000 0 .000 6.000 30.000 -30. 000 -5.000 0.000 6. 000 30. 000 -30 .000 -5.000 0. 000 6.000 30.000 0. 115 0.0?9 0.046 0. 255 o.278 0,057 v.zzJ 0.055 0.0?1 0.078 0.0?4 0.062 0.0?4 t5 *t,++l =+6tr @,o#y'2 Mt^t'-.oo16X zz * V Xte'-tgLl, n.*r lVo _ s3l"J,i,ff! 4\ JEngfneers, lnc. ?- _ | Stu'urol Consuiionrs .-./ tf ,n"VV VIO pnNo.Z& By L o^rr-1-,-lt-4J- sht.- or - -{ = +1L\ = 8lbV1 wAr/. @nw6: V-eY CEAp \zz p<( D,L. tbF PRIFT "b4 ps{ [. t-. ?r4 DgAo \L3 psf ?rc{ LrrE hD psf ?A,4s^ 4 \L3 vstavt"t Lrr.€ loo PSf cr75Y(zk+12)= ?frfi fru{ I I I I I I I I I ir+++ V-b +ebqEa\ =e& + ex4oy- |tz\44ef +1L\ 4-oo vl WAuI: lexo to F=4)+4 e: = kp+rsf e- &" Y 46,5 = 4ogoVl tBo psf e E'' * 46,3 = b11* *r E\?A\ ILIL+/I 4'*{ LLt.E rttt tls2 4 6",s 't f".trp'f \ ,v?) = >6,1Y I I T I t I I I Bi6rbach Consulting Enqrneers , .,Lnc. .5707 n. 6th Ave. D€nver, Co. 303-233-5838 val'l. val.rey nosplE.a- CUU l'ooting 2683.10 I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I Building Code: UBC '97 frc=4000 psi fy-50000 psit Min. Steel-0 . 0018 O* t.6 kip/rr $o e .r kip/rt 8" 8" D 440 psf -T r" A.IIow. soil. Bearlng-6000 psf Concrete Wt.=150 pcf 1-f-1 L*r--txx)-(x)( l-2'-0"r ''"f- Serv. Bearing Lc DI+ELL+RLI 4314 psf 4314 psf Factored SoiI 0.75(1.4DL + l.?FtL + 1.7RLt + 1.7SNL + 1.7ill,) 0.9DL + 1,3Wrlo.zs(r.sol. + 1.7rl,t + 1.?RLr, + r..7sN1, + t.g?sEL) i0. 9Dr + 1.43SEr l1.4DL + 1.7ELL + I.7RLL + 1.7SNL 10.75(1.{DL + I.?ELL + I.?RLL + I.?SNL + 1.7!fL) i0.9DL + 1.3rYL i0.75{1.4DL + l,?Fr.L + 1.?RLL + 1.?sNL + 1.8?sEL)rv. rrrtlr.av.lr T .!r l0.9Dt + 1.43SEL Sug. As Spacings :Us#3f s g 7 L/2" ',IUS#4rs G 1{"rus*s's g 2I l/2" I Sug. Tenp. & Shrink. SteeLffile-us*a'= | service Soil Bea! Load Case Left (psf ) Rigttt (psf)ALl,ow (psf) DL+FLL+RLL DL+ELL+SNL DL+8LL+NL DL+FLL+SEL DL + ELL + IIL + 1/2 SNL DL + FLL + SNL + L/2 WL DL+ELL+SNL+SEL 4314 4 314 43L4 4 314 4 314 4314 4 31{ 43L4 4 314 4 314 4 314 431{ 4 3l-,1 4314 6000 6000 8000 8000 8000 8000 80 00 47L2 ?1q6 Shear Des Load Case vu (psi )(psi) 1.4DL + 1.7FLL + l.7RLl + 1.7SNl 0.75(1.4DL + 1.7rLL + 1.7RLL + 1.7SNL + 1.7WL) 0.9DL + 1.3tfl 0.75(1.4DL + 1,7FLL + 1.7RLL + 1.7SNL + 1.87SEL) 0.9DL + l.43SEL 0 0 0 LZ5 L26 !26 LZO L1,O 0. 1?3* 0.1?3* 0. 173* 0.173* Bidrbach coneulting Engineers, Inc. ,570? If. 6th Ave. Denver, Co. 303-233-5838 Vail vaJ,ley aosPital HBrll8""n I BuiJ.ding Code: UBC '97 Serv. Bearing LC DL+FLL+RLL 4 716 psf Desi Sug. As Spaclngs frc=4000 psi fy=60000 psi t Min. Steel-0.0018 $ rr, r. 6 kip,/rt .1, n e.s kip/ft D 440 psf 4 715 psf Allow. Soil Bearing-6000 Psf conclete Wt.=150 pcf I I I I I I T I I I I t I I t I I I lus#3's g 1 L/2" Ilusf4's 0 14" Ius#srs 0 2L 7/2" Ius*6's 0 30 1/2" i z',-4' Service SoiI Load Case Left (psf) Rj.ght (psf ) AIlow (psf )DL+FLL+RLL DL+FLL+SNI, DL+FLL+WL DL+FLL+SEL DL + FLL + WL + 1/2 SNL DL + FLL + SNL + L/2 VIL DL+FLL+SNI,+SEL 47 L6 47 L6 rl?L6 47 L6 41L6 47 L6 47 L6 4't L6 4'l L6 47L5 47L5 47 L6 4't L6 47 L6 6000 600 0 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 Factored Soil Bear I.oad Case Left(psf) Right (psf) 1.4DL + l..7tr'Lt + 1,7RLL + 1.7SNL 0.?5(l.,lDl + 1.7FLL + 1.7RIL + 1.7SNL + 1.7WL) 0.9DL + 1.3WL 0.?5(1.4DI + 1.?ElL + 1.7RlL + 1.7SNL + 1.87SEL) 0. gDL + L. 43SEL 510 7 352L 5107 362L 5107 35?L 5107 362L 3 load Case (ps1)lpsi )l.4DL + 1.7Ftt + 1.7RLL + 1.7SNl 0.?5(1.{DL + !.?FLL + 1.?RLL + 1.7SNL + 1.7!{L) 0.9DL + 1.3Wt 0.?5(1.4DL + 1.?FLL + 1.7RLL + 1.7SNL + 1.8?SEL) 0.9DL + 1. 43SEt 0 U 0 0 L26 L26 L26 L26 t26 Case kip- ft / ft ) Ru(psi) As (i'r^z/ f|., 1.4DL + 1.7FLL + I.7RLL + I.7SNL 0.?5(1.4DL + 1.7FLL + 1.7RLL + I.?SNL + 1.?ItL) 0.9DL + 1.3WL 0.75(1.ADL + 1.7ELL + l.7RLL + 1.?SNL + 1.87SEL) 0. 9DL + 1.43SEL 1.3 1.0 o.'l 1.0 U. ' ?3 t2 L7 t2 0.173* 0.1731 0.173* 0. 1? 3* 0,173* Stee Sug. Temp. e Shlink. Steelry3-Us+4's I Cont rols I I I I I I Blalbach Consulffng Enginlctr, Inc. Tlde : vWl EXPANSION D.gr: T Job, 268it.10 D.b: 11:2gAf,l, ll JUL 01l||.-.l\*sZl:.-.r., L=--ltr.tYt Cdltnr -, l7olW.6Or Ave. D.nlcr, Co.8021,+ phonc @ 303.233€838 frx e 3m.83{5158 Drcrlflan : t$fo BIDG I]{\GSTIGATF { Scopr: CHECK eGmMi FOOn'{GS 6O,mOpsi 1r[5.0 pcf 0 Fu6dfilr Goncrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Fy Concr€b lin S€bmic Zong End Fhlty Liw Load ad! with Shqt Tcnn R.!.r e c.nb3 of B..rlt... R.bsr e t3lt E ilt of Bom... Rcbrr Q Rlglrt End ot B.fln.: Gount Sizc 'd hom Top Count Sirc UftomTA Count SEc 'd fronr Top*1 2 S 37.00in fi 2 I S.OO in *1 Z S 5.00 tn l't, zilfrter, ffrlI Drp0r 42.000 inWldth 8.q)0 in B.rm Wbight Addrd lnbmally @ Ccntt. @ L.ft End @ Right End Sh.er... @ tsft End @ Rlght End I I I I I I I ' 313.14k-ft 313.14 k-ft 313.14 k-fl Vn?hl 52.23k 52.23 k 0.00 k-ft -289.34 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9'1 46.29 k 0.00 k 0.00 k-n -217.00 k-fi 0.00 k-tt Vu, Eq. *'2 u.72k 0.00 k o.(xt k-tt -1i12.63 k-fr 0.00 k-i Vu, E+ 9€ z2.E2k 0.00 k 6.130 k Span - 7.001t, WUth. 8.00in Depft = 42.00in ltlrdmun Morner : Mu Albr.vabL Momeni : Mn'phl Ma{rnum Shld : Vu AlbsrabL Shear: Vn'phi ilaximm Doll6cfon Max Rcadion @ Leilt M.x R.action @ Rlght Sh..r ttdmrp.... Stinup Atre @ Scdion 0.200 In2R€gion 0.000 1.i67 l,lax. Sp.cing 18.500 18.500MaxVu 6.2%. 46.294 2.333 3.50018.500 18.5008.29tt 36.70rl 7.000 fr 1E.5(Xl in 36.70t1 k I I I I I I DL + [8m Vnl DL + tI + [Bm Vtl DL + LL + ST+ [Bm Wl Rcacdom,.. DL + lBm Vlnll DL + LL + l8m tMl DL+LL+ST+[BmtMl 0.00q) in 0.0000 in 0. noh @ Lefi 45.278 k 56.618 k 56.618 k 0.0@0fr 0.$n0ft 0.0(n0ft {.(X3t in {1.06t16 in -0.(F46 In 7.0000fi 7.(xxnfi 7.(xnofi al et at at at at @ Rhht o.(xn k 0.m0 k o.mo k Bleitach Conruldng Enginccre, Inc. lllb : VWI EXPAI{SIOI{ 5707W.80rAw. Denver, Co.802{4 phone @ 303-233{8:18 ftx@ 303-2:B{Xtr56 D.gfi: T Dccdpdm : 1020 BIDG |NVESnGAnON CHECK E(|Snt|G FOOnNGS Job | 26E3.10 Drb:1l:29All. ll JUL0l IL.l- ./\-.ffi44:stEtra c-xtrn - -g,if.li ".r9.';:.:ii: lJl- l &t{ Vart l.S. r2rtr.tli trrEt Concrete Rectangular & T€e Beam Ev||urb [o.ner* C|p.clty.,, X : Ndtral Ards a=b€ta'xnoubal Comp]!$krn in Concrst€ Sum [Stoel comp. foiccsl Tension h Rahftrdng Flnd ller Ar ior Duc0L FelluE... X€ahnc.d Xmax . Xbal ' 0.75 a{rax = b€L 'Xbal Comor!3lion in Concr€to Sum [SlGal Comp Forc$l . Total Compr€38ivo Force AS Md = Tot Fo.ar / Fy Aofrral Tcn3i{rn A! Cenbr 5.190 in 4.2111 in 119.993 k 0.q10 k -120.0(x) k 21.898 in 16.423 in 18.613 in 379.711 k 0.000 k 379.711 k 6.329 in2 2.m0()K 5.190 h 4..111 h fi9.903 k 0.m0 k -120.000 k 21.898 in 16.423 In 18.613 in 379.711 k 0.000 k 379.711 k 6.329 h2 2.m0 ()K Rlsht Erd 5.190 h 4.411 in 119.993 k 0.000 k -120.m0 k 21.8980 in 16.423 in 10.613 in 370.711 k 0.000 k 379.711 k 6.329 in2 0.00() oK I T I lgros! lcraclcd Ehstic Modulug Fr=7.5'fcl.S Z:Cracting Zcraddng > 175 : No Goodt ElL Flengc Wdth Mi:Msx DL + LL Rl - (Ms:OL+lLWct lL:M.r OL+IL+ST R2 E (Mr:DL+u-+STlMct l:elf... M3(DL+LL) l:otL.. M3(DL{L+ST) 198.16 k-fi 0.,169 198.16 k{ 0..069 17.998.498 in4 17,99E..196 in4 .19,392.00 in4 14,383.20 in/t 3,605.0 ksi 174.3,,2ptit 260.958 ksi I ACt $1 & $2 LL ACr$1 &92 ST ....seEmic = ST' : ACI $'3 Dead Load Fador ACI $3 Shot Term Fador I I I I I T I t I (p€r ACl, applied inlemalt to enbr€d loa&) t t I I I I I I I I I Ble|tech Gonrul0ng Englmc|t, lna Tl0.: VWI ExPAt{SloN O|gnn T Jobt2683.10m:11:29 l, 11JuLoll..ad -/\*\zZ\A-.-.. b.=-- 5!Ebd qr-t,g -, 5707W.6th Avc. I}onver, Co.80214 phonc @ 303-233-58:18 hr e 30:b233{5156 tlctlFdon: tg?O ALD€ $/ESncAnOil ScoD.: CHECKEX|sn}|GIFOOTINGS D3plh .000 inWrdth 44.(xn in B.am Weighl Add€d Intcmaly Fy Concrcbvut. S€i$nic Zone End FhlV Lhre Loed act! with Short Tcrm 60,000 pli 150.0 pcf 0' Fh6+Ftro I I Rober @ Ccnbr of Been.,. Robar @ Left End of Bcrm,,. Rrbrr Q Rlght End of Bcrm_Size 'd'ftom Top 6 39.00in Count Stse d fiom Top Count Sizc U fomTopCount |1 8 fi 8 5 5.00 in ,1 I 6 5.00 in @ conter @ teft End @ Rlght End Shrar.,. @ L.fi End @ Risht End 6(F.,14 k-i .148.(X k-n 448.04 k-i Vn'Phl 205.58 k 205.58 k 0.00 k-ft -266.29 k-fr 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-l 7E 3,1 k 0.00 k 0.00 k-ft -199.72 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. $.2 58.76 k 0.q, k 0.00 k4 -103.50 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 93 30.04 k 0.00 k Concrete Rectangular & Toe Beam . 3.3{li. t'\lidrr= 4f.00in Oepth - 3{.00in Maximum l/loment : Mu -266.29 k-ft Alorvrblr l/brnBnt : Mn'phi 448.0/0 k-ft libxinum Shaer : Vu Alow.ble Sh€ar : Vn?hi StE8rS0rilf... Stimp Ana @ Section 0.400 in2Region 0.000 0.555 Max. Spac.ing 10.909 10.909 ax Vu 7A.Y1 78.U1 Maximum Dsnadion illx Rredon e L6fi Mar R..dion @ Rbm Beam Deoign {.002.| in 55.73 k 0.00 k 1.110 1.6€510.90s 10.90976.341 78.31 I I I I II I OL+[BmlMl DL + LL + [Bm tMl DL + LL + ST + [&n VVtl Reacdo||'... DL + [Bm lMIl DL + LL + [Bm Wtl DL+Ll+ST+lBmWtl 0.0000 in o.(xXD in O.fiXD in @ Left 37j29 k 55.729 k 55.729 k @ Rlsht 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k atd at 0.m00fr o.(xnofi 0.(xx)0fr {.0014 in .o.qr21 in {.m21 in at 3.3:100frat 3.3:!00ftat 3.3:X10ft Bierbech Conrul0ng Engineere, Inc. Tl0. I WH EXPAT{SON 5707W.6thAve. Denvcr, Go- 80214 phone e 303-2gl-5838 fax @ 303-233.05156 Drgnn T Dcrcrlpdm : 1970 Buxt NITEST|GAT|ON CHECK EXISTII{G FOONNGS Job | 2683.10 Od3 1l:29A , 1lJULOi TH.l\*zZ\brt -|. hC-= $!6,,cdr-r-,' tlrt.tt,I J|}ln Utrr Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam(ct5.06cnc tg Et/drd o|tr.| Cap.ctly-. X : l|cutralAxb a.batr'Xneutral Comprlrlion in Condltc Sum lsta€l comp. lbrc.rl Tsnsbn in Rdnioning Fhd H.r Aa tor Ducflh F.llurl... X€al.nc€d Xmax = Xbel '0.75 amax = bcta ' Xbal Comprlslion in Conc'rto Stnr lSbelCorm Forcssl Total CorprEssiv. Forcr AS Max = Tot Forc. / Fy Aotual Trnrion As 1.660 in 1..111 in 211.086 k 0.(x)0 k -211.200 k 23.082 in 17.311 in 19.619 in 2,201.295 k o.(Xx) k 2,201.2%k 36.688 ln2 3.520 0K 1.660 in 1.411 ln 211.086 k 0.m0 k -211.200 k 17.16i] in 12.872 in 14.589 in 1,636.E61 k 0.000 k 1,636.861 k 27.281 ilnz 3.520 0K Rlqht Etrd 1.660 in 1.411 in 211.086 k o.qn k -211.200 k 17.'1633 in 12.872 in 1.0.589 in 1,636.861 k 0.ooo k r,6:16.661 k 27.281 in2 0.000 0K I I I lgrosg lcrad(ed Elg3tic Modutus Fr = 7.5 'fcr.S Z:Cracking ACr 91 & S2 LL ACr$1 &$2 ST ....seisrnb = ST' : 14111.67 irt,1 33,9:i6.61 in4 3,605.0 ksi 474.U2 Wi 120.602 ksi l/b:Max DL + LL Rl = (M3: DL+LLWCT Ms:MaI DL+TI+ST R2 = (l/b:DL+LL+STWcr l:efi... MS(DL+LL) l:.fi... M3(DL+LL+S:r) 176,94 k-tt 1.894 176.94 k-ft 1.E94 14114.67'nv 14411i1.667 in/t I t t t I I I I I I (per ACl, .pplied intEmally to entered toads) Blerbrch Comuldng Englnccrr, Inc. Tltlo: VWI E|(PANSIOI{ 5707 W.6th Ave. Denver, Co. 8021,0 phono @ 303-233{838 f.x @ 303-233{5156 O.gnr: T O-crlpdon : igZU BI-OG I'O/ESTIGi/AT|ON Scopr: CHECKEXISTINGFOonNGS Job | 2683.10 Drb: tl:29AM. ll JUL0lr--/\olrlrrr4\b-.rr. b.. =- i zAr,'.rr'.rrur Built-tlp SeCtion Properties TolalArca X € Dilt Y cA Oist 1.963 inz 0.00 in 0.00 in lu 0.44 in4lyy 0..t4 in4 Edge Dblancca ftom CG... 0.476 ln 0.476 ln 0.508 in3 0.00E in3 0.508 ln3 0.5O8 in3 +X -x +Y .Y 0.E75 in {.875 in 0.E75 in {.875 in shft S,ight S top S bottom I T t Blctt ch Coculting Englnoorr, Ina. Tltb: VW{ EXP MIION 5707IY.6th Ave. llarwer, Co.80214 phone @ 303-2335838 frx @ 30&233{5158 Drgnc T Drcdpdoo: igZO BLOG [tn ESncATtOt{ CHECK EXISTING F@N}IGS Jobl26Ell.10 lr.b: ll:zgAtr{. It.n L0lLt- -/\-.mZ\ Ef,s..ff*_a5: Efi&rr,',.r'ran,'.teo.urma GeneralFOOtlngAnalySiS&Detlgn(c t*ttEc^lc I I I I I I I I I t Short Toflr lncr€a3o Bs. Podestel Hoiglrt Sr*mic Zone Orcrburden W.ight [.hrc & Shod Tem Comblned fc Fy CondEte l rright Deed Loed Liv. Load Short Trm Loed A9plLd ilom.ntL.. Dsad Load llvs Load Short T.m Apdhd Ah.rF... ttlrd Loed Liva Load Short Tcrm 1.tm 46.qn in 0 ss0.00 plf 4,000.0 pei 60,000.0 poi 150.00 pct fividth along X-X AxL lengilh along Y-Y Adr Footing Thid(ncs3 Col Dim. Abng X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axie Min Stscl % Rebar CentarTo Edgo Dirtenca ...€cc along X-X Aidt ...ecc slong Y-Y A& 7.170 fr 11.500 fr 28.00 in 28.00 in 28.00 ln 0.001,0 5.q) in 0.m0 in 0.d)0 in k-ft k-ft k-fi Crral€3 Rot tlon about X-X Axb (pntruBs@top&bot) k-fr k-fr k-fl Crsib3 Rotrtion .bout X-X Aris (prEttrrs @ topt bd) k k k k k k Crlat63 Rotstion about Y-Y Ard3 (prossures @ lGft &.igttt) Creates Rotetbn about y-y Ads (persunra @ le{t & riglrt) Footing DeEign OK x ooting, 28.0in Thick, W Column Support 28.00 x 28.00in x 48.0in high DL+LL 5,920.9 6,000.0 0.000 in 0.q)0 in tlo Overtumirp No Ovcrtuming DL+LL+ST 5,920.9 psf 6,000.0 p3f 0.(x)0 in 0.000 in 1.5d):l Actual 78.472 Alhwable Mrx Soil Pr€ssure Albrable ?(. Ecc, of R$ultant Y Ecc. of R€suf&rnt X-X lilin. Stabilily Ralio Y-Y Min. Stability Ralio MaJ( Mu Required Stesl Ar€a Shear Str€$a3.... 1-Way 2-Way Vu 74.85 104.528 0.920 Vn ' Phi 107.517 p3i 215.035 psi I I I I I I TwGWly Shea. o|€-ttuay ShearE... Vu(} L€fr Vu @ Right \ir @ Top Vu @ Bottofii Iomfitr Mu@ left Mu @ Right Mu @ Top Mu @ Botlofli 104.53 psi ,|3.91 pei 13.91 p3i 7.f.46 psi 74.46 psi ACI $.1 21.E5 k-ft 21.85 k-ft 78.47k-ft 78.47k-ft 78.i10 p3i 10.it4p3i 10.il4 psi 55.85p3| 55.85 psi ACt $2 16.39k-ft 16.39k-ft 58.85 k-ft 5E.85 k-fr 44.5E psi 5.94 psi 5.94 p8i 31.8!! psi 31.83 p6i ACt 9A 9.32 k-n s.32 k-ft 33..+7 k-ft 33.,[7 k-ft 215.0:] psi 107.52 psi 107.52 p8i 107.52 p3i 107.52 psi Ru , Phl 45.9p3i 45.9 psi l64.8p3i 164.E psi A3RaU 0.39 in2 pcr ft 0.39 in2 pcr ft 0.92 in2 p€r ft 0.92 in2 9€r ft lLr. !l@ffigg[j.".;z.rr,r'..*' General Footing Analysis & Design croodlo0.26s{r-2oeor2o8sfl-,fffir3 Bleoaeh Consuldng Englnrerr, !nG. Tl0.: Vwl o(PAl{{ilON Drgnn T JoO 12688.10 D .:1l:2gAll. 11 JIJL0l ILrb.- -/\u*qrZ\Lrb..+ b.=:lt*q'd cdrrt-r.-,z 5707W.60rAve. Denvca Go.802lf phonc @ 303-2*t.583E f.x @ 303.233{5158 5,920.9 5,920.92 8,733.17 5,549.88 3,997.19 D6crhdotl : 1STO BLDO lM\rESTlcAnON CHECK EXISTINO FOONNGS DL+L! DL+LL+ST Factored Load Soil P1!s3u1!s ACI Eq. $1 ACI Eq. $2 ACI Eq. $3 Acl9.1 A9'2 LL ACt $'r & $2 ST ....seis|trb = ST' : ACI $3 tlaad Load Fador ACI 93 Sho.t T.rm Facior 5,920.92 5,920.92 8,733.17 6,549.E8 3,997.19 8,733.17 6,5{9.88 3,997.1S 5,920.92 pct 5,920.9 psl 8,733.'17 psf 6,549.88 pE 3,997.19 pst loP 5,920.92 5,92s'.9'2 I 0.900 1.3m UBC 1921 .2.7 '0.9' Factor I I I I I I T I I I I t I Prcgsure Bl€fiqch Comuldng Englnec, Inc. TlUr: VVll E(PAl{SlOt{Job | 26G!.10 Dd: ll:29All. 1l JUL0l-.L- -r\_ -c-rnaazr\EIIAE='\strn l cdrLr.\i, 5707W.6ftAye. Dcnvcr, Co. EO2lrl phono e 36-233{838 frx e 3m-23345156 Drgfl: T Dcctlpdon : 1979 BIDG tIitVESTtGATtON ScoF.: CTECK EI(STING FOOnNGS t I I T I I I I I II I I I t t I I t I k l( k k k in Spam Conridccd Cd{inuout or/e, Support3 Stirrup Fy 40,m0.0 pcl ACI t €ed Lord F.cbr ACI LiY. Lo.d Fedor 1.l|(} 1.70 Span Bcam Width Ecam Dcpth End Fixity Rainbfting Cootor €_ l.ft * RiCht E Dcd Load Ll,. Lo€d Poinl #1 ilmax ex' lln'Phl ilu@t frEnd lln ' Phi M8)( @ Rlght End Mn'Phi Sh.ar@ toi Shoar@ Rlght U@L.n ToLl @ tsfi DL@ Right 1l-@ Right Total @ Right Max. Daf,orlion @x= lnor$a : Eftdive spedqg @ Ldt Sp.cjng @ .2'L Spadng @.+L Spadng @ .6'L Spacing @ .8'L Sp.dng @ Right 2.@ 6.33 36.00 36.0024.00 21.WF.r}Pln Plnfh 3.00in2 3.00in219.00in 19.00in3.00in2 3.003n25.00in 5.00in3.00in2 3.00in25.00in 5.00in g3 1.4{n 0.3(x) ea 1./mO 0.300 4{t.500 27.2Wo.mo 0.000 DL LL ex 0.00 0.000.00 0.002116.56 2.t6.56 0.00 246.s6 BeMi]€OK 0.00 112.22 k-fi | k-n I I k'fr1 k-ft1 i kl kl -219.49 246.56 -219.49 0.00246.56 24€.56 Bcnding OK 42.49 26.86 0.00 0.00 il.92 37.il 102.46 4.O21 0.00 7,054.93 37.54 102./to -9.76 -7.76 -17.52 0.005 2.62 35,715.90 6.87 6.87 5.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 8.89 8.89 Not Req'd Not Req'd Not Req'd Not Req'd i.b:risff!!.rr....r.*zr.bc.rrin llUlti€pan COnCrcb Beam Prg€ 1 Gl rE r Ef6calc c!obld.2C5G2SeS26S3{O vd |i[cy rF Blo6.ch Colt uldng Englnccra, Inc. Tldr: vwl ExPANslof'l Jobt2683'10 *.#Z\ flKI;H#;- - - ffiol-,,*".*,**"ffi;*2'gAx' 1r'x'101 lt-qr Cdr|.Ers-phono g 38-233€838 f|x @ 303.233{l5l5G Scop.: CHECKEX|snNGFOOTINGS Rrr ll@q{(!qr!.!,F1r.r.r3rr.'.Er Xlulti€pan Concrcb Beam PagE 2(erir".oEC*rrc dllddlo!| 265G260O2009{n vd lCey tf, La- -r\- ^*.2\EAE='Tftlra cdt i.-, Blcftrch Conruttng Engln crr, Inc. Tllb: VWI E(PAI{SION Jobf 26E8.10 O.ena T Oc ll:24il1, tl JuLol D-crlilon : i070 BIOG titvEsncAnoil Scor.: CHECKEX|SnI{GFOOnNGS t07W.cthAw. Dd|Yor, Co.802ltl phom O 303-Zt3€838 hx O 303-233{5156 ffil$g;1'"2,rr.lrr.H, llulti€pan Conc;3b Beam I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I Sprns Conrllcnd Contnuout Or.r Srpportr Stimp Fy r(t,(x,0.0 pci ACI lrc.d Lod Frcior ACI Livr toed Factol Spen EcmW[dh B..mryl E r Fhfy Rclnlbrcirg Cenbr L.ft Right a_ Dadl,rd Ur.Lmd Foht tl DLtt ex l||nueCdt OX= lrn ' Phl ilar e L!fi End mn r Phi iluO Rlght End lln ' Phi Shcrrotdl Sh.rro Rlgtrl LL@t fi To0d e LG'{t OtO Rleht Lte Richt TdreRbhr M.x. D.0cclbn (0X =.In€dL: Eftdiya Sp.dnge t!ft Spsong e ."L SpactE@.4'L Spedry@.6'L Sptcirg@.fL Sp.ceE@ Risht EcamOK Beam OK s.25 36.q) ro.00 F]IG'Pin 3.(X)in2 19.00in 16.00in2 5.(Xlin 18.72in2 5.00in 1.400 o.2v 219.200 97.200 0.m0 1..foo 0.234 0.@ 0.00 1,203.n -2.511.12 2,561.81 0.00 1,188.96 Scnding OK 132.92 76.:t4 u.@ 36.00 .m.(x) Ph+ln 13.€Oin2 23.(x)rl 1g.7i2in2 5.(x,h 8.001n2 5.O0ln 0.00 0.00 0.q) 0.00 2.Z3;t.4 -2,511.12 2,561.E1 Banding OK 0.00 484.50 0.00 0.00 2E2.10 12t.63 411.74 -0.985 0.q) 0.(x) 4.E5 4.E5 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 122.63 111.71 41.95 -16.59 -50.5.1 0.829 9.92 32,Gtl.5s 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 Blerb.ch Conauldng Englnccrr, lno. Tldr: vwl E(PAIISK)N O.gnn T Job t 268tt.10 Drb: 11:29All, lt JUL0lt.|| a -/\cffi/Z;Statt dr, L.=-< tlBtlrC Corrlrt -., 5707 W.6th Ave. Dcnver, Co.80214 phone @ 303-233€838 fex @ 303-233{t5156 D.lorlFdon : i9Z0 Bt OG tltVESncAnON llcopr: CHECK E(|snilG FOOnNGS |Jl.: l{r$Gta, wr 5.t.S, 22r,u|.lte, nt|a2 (o tl|l.rg'C|rc^lc Multl€pan Concrcte Beam Blerbach Conauldng Englnccrr, lnc. Tldc: VWI EXPAIIISION Dagna: T Job | 268:!.10 Drb: 11:2gAll. I I JUL 01-.#z\Iraa c.:-r. -' 5707W.6th Ave. Deover, Co.802l{ phone e 3G-233€838 f|re3$-233{5t56 t rc|ldon :1920 B|-DG |l{VEsincAno[l ScoF: CHECKEX|snilG F( OnNGS Mult€pan Goncrcb Boam .r. d-lgfr.d to ACl 31845 .rd lfi UBC R.rlultilnnlr 60,000.0 pdi 4,0$.0 psi Spans Consita|ld Continuous Orrrr Support! Stirup Fy 40,000.0 pli Lold Fador ACI Live load Facior Span Bcam Wldth B.rm Ocpth End Fbdty R.hforclng k r_' l.rfi 8r Ri9il s_ D.a.l Lo.rt Lh,€ Lo.d Point ,l DL Lt @x M|||.r e Cn|t l0 X' Mn'Phi lrl&( @ L.ll End Mo'Phi Mu@ Right End Mn'Pfti Shcer e Lln Stt er@Ristfi Lr@ tln Tot l @ L.lt tL@ Right tt @ Right Total@ Right Mu. Ocflcrtion @x' lncdh : Ellccd'vo Sp3dng @ L€ft Spedno @.2't Sp.dng @.4'L Spsdng C .6'L Spaang @.8'L Spadng @ Right 1..rc0 1.4000.234 0.234 219.200 97.260.m0 0.(m 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 1,145.c|:] 0.00 -2,511 .12 2,156.76 2,W2.57 -251 1 .12 0.002,*2.57 1,169.08 BordlrE oK Bending oK 0.00 132.92 464.50 76-34 5.25 2il.0o 28.00 ,O.00FllcPln Ph+in 3.00h2 13.60in219.0oin 23.00in 16.00in2 20.00in25.0oin 5.00in 20.00in2 8.00in25.00in 5.00in 122.53 114.71 €1.95 -18.59 €0.t[ 0.93A 9.92 2E,475.S1 0.00 0.00 292.10 1U.6 414.74 -1.109 0.00 0.00 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.1S 3.19 3.19 11./|il 11.4i] 11..[3 11.r|i} 11.43 11.43 BeamOK Boam OK Blerbach Comd0ng Englncetr, Inc Tltc: Wll EI(PAI{SIOI{ Dr0|f: T Joo t 2663.10 Dt:ll:29A .liJULoI6707 W.6th Ave Denver, Co.802l.f phono @ 303-233-5838 |hx@303-2${tr56 Drcdpdon: tgzg BLDG 1{TGST1GATION scoo.: cllECK EXlsnilG FOOnNGS ir! 5l@llc |(nlmla. Y..t l.l, ZAlrHt,siI (o 1E{aac lc tulti€pan Goncrste Beam I t I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t SAFEV6. O0File: 26831728 Kip-ft Units PAGE1 June26. 2001 9:29 SOIL PRES SURE AREA GRID I GRID J LOAD PRESSURE 32 32 31 32 31 30 31 30 2S 30 29 28 29 28 27 28 27 26 27 26 25 26 25 24 25 24 23 24 1 23 22 23 22 2 21 'l 22 21 20 3 2 1.039 1.1U 1.18 1.269 1.295 1.322 1.41 1.436 1.463 1.552 1.578 1.6M 1.693 1.718 1.745 1.834 1.859 1.885 1.975 1.999 2.024 2.115 2.137 2.161 2.254 2.274 2.2% 2.392 2.4M 2.409 2.429 2.527 2.542 2.553 2.559 2.626 2.66 2.671 2.6U 2.701 2.775 2 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMBS 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 1 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 1 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 1 COMB2 2 COMB2 1 1 3COMB2 2.778 4 2'l 4 COMB3 2.79 3 20 3 COMB3 2.795 3 19 2 COMB3 2.805 4 32 2 COMBI 2.8't1 1 4 1COMB2 2.U9 3 19 3 COMB3 2.915 3 18 2 COMB3 2.919 1 3 2COMB2 2.924'l 1 4COMB2 2.925 1 2 3COMB2 2.927 4 31 2 COMBI 2.975 I 5 1COMB2 2.996 4 32 3 COMBI 2.996 3 17 2 COMB3 3.027 3 18 3 COMB3 3.029 1 4 2COMB2 3.073 1 2 4COMB2 3.074 1 3 3COMB2 3.077 1 1 sCOMB2 3.126 3 16 2 COMB3 3.126 3 17 3 COMB3 3.135 4 30 2 COMB'| 3.14 1 6 1COMB2 3.141 4 31 3 COMBI 3.161 4 32 2 COMB2 3.177 4 32 4 COMBI 3.183 3 15 2 COMB3 3.216 1 5 2COMB2 3.221 1 3 4COMB2 3.224 1 4 3COMB2 3.226 3 16 3 COMB3 3.233 1 12 1 COMB3 3.251 1 11 1 COMB3 3.271 1 2 SCOMB2 3.276 4 31 2 COMB2 3.283 1 7 1COMB2 3.2U 1 10 1 COMB3 3.291 3 14 2 COMB3 3.296 4 29 2 COMB1 3.304 1 I 1COMB3 3.308 3 15 3 COMB3 3.322 1 8 1COMB3 3.323 4 30 3 COMBI 3.325 1 7 1COMB3 3.334 4 32 3 COMB2 3.341 1 6 1COMB3 3.343 4 31 4 COMB1 3,348 1 5 1COMB3 3.349 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t 4 3 2 1 13 6 4 5 30 14 12 8 3 11 31 13 28 10 9 29 29 8 32 7 30 6 7 5 4 3 2 5 1 6 12 30 9 11 4 10 28 I 31 8 7 6 5 4 27 I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I 1 COMB3 1 COMB3 I COMB3 1COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 1COMB2 5 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMBI 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 3 COMB1 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 4 COMB2 2 COMB3 4 COMBI 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMB2 3 COMB3 3 COMB2 1 COMB2 3 COMB3 5 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMBz 3 COMB3 4 COMB2 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMBI 3.353 3.356 3.359 3.361 3.363 3.369 3.374 3.376 3.388 3.401 3.412 3.425 3.426 3.446 3.446 3.468 3.468 3.471 3.489 3.489 3.493 3.501 3.506 3.509 3.512 3.5'14 3.515 3.517 3.519 3.521 3.523 3.523 3.524 3.525 3.527 3.552 3.563 3.57 3.575 3.594 3.598 3.609 3.611 3.618 3.624 3.627 3.629 3.63 3.63 1 3 3COMB3 3.631 1 2 3COMB3 3.632 1 1 3COMB3 3.633 1 12 4 COMB3 3.633 4 28 3 COMB1 3.653 4 29 3 COMB2 3.656 1 I 2COMB2 3.6s8'l 11 4 COMB3 3.664 1 7 3COMB2 3.672 1 6 4COMB2 3.672 4 29 4 COMB1 3.677 1 10 4 COMB3 3.688 1 10 1 COMB2 3.698 4 27 2 COMB2 3.701 1 I 4COMB3 3.704 1 8 4COMB3 3.7154 30 4 COMB2 3.717 1 7 4COMB3 3.722 1 5 sCOMB2 3.7231 6 4COMB3 3.7271 5 4COMB3 3.729 1 4 4COMB3 3.731 1 3 4COMB3 3.732 1 2 4COMB3 3.7331 1 4COMB3 3.7U4 28 3 COMB2 3.7611 12 5 COMB3 3.7741 't't 5 coMB3 3.791 4 26 2 COMB1 3.79.1 1 I 2COMB2 3.7994 26 2 COMB2 3.802 1 10 5 COMB3 3.8094 27 3 COMB1 3.815 1 8 3COMB2 3.8171 7 4COMB2 3.8194 29 4 COMB2 3.8221 I 5COMB3 3.82s1 11 1 COMB2 3.8311 I sCOMB3 3.838 4 28 4 COMB1 3.84 1 1 ICOMB1 3.U41 7 sCOMB3 3.U7 1 6 sCOMB3 3.8541 5 sCOMB3 3.8591 4 sCOMB3 3.862 4 27 3 COMB2 3.863 1 3 5COMB3 3.8tr 1 2 5COMB3 3.8661 1 sCOMB3 3.868 I I I I I t I I I I t I I t I t I I I I I I l I I I I I t t I t I I I a I I 6 25 28 10 2 25I 12I 26 26 24 27 7 27 3 25 11 23 10 'l 24I 26 25 4 24 8 26 22 12 2 't1 5 25 21 10 23 23 1 13 24 3 v 20 6 25 22 24 5 COMB2 2 COMB2 4 COMB2 2 COMB2 I COMB1 2 COMBI 3 COMB2 1 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 3 COMBI 2 COMB2 4 COMBI 5 COMB2 4 COMB2 1 COMBI 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMBI 2 COMBI 4 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB1 I COMBI 3 COMB2 5 COMB2 4 COMBI 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB1 3 COMB2 1 COMBI 4 COMB2 2 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMB1 3 COMBI 2 COMB2 3 COMBI 2 COMB1 5 COMB2 2 COMB2 1 COMBI 4 COMBI 3 COMB2 4 COMB2 3.E71 3.9 3.927 3.934 3.941 3.949 3.959 3.941 3.941 3.964 3.975 3.995 4.003 4.016 4.03 4.038 4.061 4.062 4.084 4.096 4.1 4.1M 4.106 4.131 4.132 4.',t3/ 4.155 4.16 4.1U 4.166 4.'t8 4.198 4.225 4.229 4.23 4.24 4.243 4.243 4.253 4.274 4.279 4.286 4.297 4.3 4.303 4.322 4.323 4.324 4.324 1 12 3 COMB2 4.U4 3 14 2 COMB2 4.35 3 19 2 COMB2 4.355 1 2 3COMBI 4.373 1 1't 4 COMB2 4.374 3 18 2 COMB2 4.392 3 15 2 COMB2 4.394 1 4 2COMBI 4.395 3 21 3 COMB2 4.397 4 22 2 COMB1 4.397 1 7 't COMBI 4.4't2 3 17 2 COMB2 4.4't2 3 16 2 COMB2 4.414 4 23 4 COMB2 4.414 4 23 3 COMBI 4.435 1 10 5 COMB2 4.438 1 I 4COMBI 4.439 3 13 3 COMB2 4.439 3 20 3 COMB2 4.459 1 3 3COMB1 4.472 4 24 4 COMBI 4.477 1 5 2COMB1 4.492 1 12 4 COMB2 4.495 4 22 4 COMB2 4.496 1 8 lCOMB1 4.499 3 14 3 COMB2 4.505 3 19 3 COMB2 4.509 3 21 2 COMBI 4.532 1 2 4COMBI 4.538 3 18 3 COMB2 4.545 3 15 3 COMB2 4.547 3 17 3 COMB2 4.565 3 16 3 COMB2 4.566 4 2',t 4 COMB2 4.57 1 4 3COMBI 4.571 1 1't 5 COMB2 4.5734 22 3 COMB1 4.577 1 I 1COMB1 4.5811 6 2COMBI 4.589 4 23 4 COMB1 4.627 1 3 4COMB1 4.637 3 20 2 COMB1 4.658 1 10 1 COMBI 4.659 1 1 SCOMBI 4.663 1 5 3COMB1 4.67 1 7 2COMB1 4.682 1 12 s COMB2 4.71 3 2'l 3 COMB1 4.712 1 11 1 COMB1 4.7U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I I 4 2 6 22 8 19 12 5 20 I 3 7 1E 21 6 10 19 I 4 17 11 7 16 I 18 5 12 15 13 14 I 10 17 6 't1 16 I 7 15 12 14 13 10 I 11 9 12 10 11 4 COMBI 5 COMB1 3 COMB1 4 COMBI 2 COMBI 2 COMBI 1COMB1 4 COMBI 3 COMB1 2 COMB1 5 COMBI 3 COMBI 2 COMBI 4 COMB1 4 COMB1 2 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 5 COMBI 2 COMBI 2 COMB1 4 COMB1 2 COMB1 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 5 COMB1 2 COMB1 2 GOMB1 2 COMB1 2 COMBI 4 COMB1 3 COMB1 3 COMB1 5 COMB1 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 4 COMB1 5 COMB1 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMB1 4 COMBI 5 COMBI 4 COMBI 5 COMBI 4 COMB1 5 COMB1 5 COMB1 4.7fi 4.761 4.768 4.771 4.773 4.773 4.8'l 4.835 4.836 4.858 4.86 4.W 1.874 4.907 4.932 4.937 4.95 4.957 4.958 4.959 5.005 5.027 5.027 5.045 5.049 5.055 5.062 5.074 5.094 5.097 5.119 5.127 5.133 s.15 5.197 5.199 5.207 5.242 5.2$ 5.248 5.271 5.272 5.287 5.332 5.359 5.417 5.418 5.498 5.576 I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I IF=fz6n*q € Srr\e ETAFs. <64. *+++++++ +++++++++ SAFE v6.00 - Fil!: 26E3169 - JuV.7,2001 10:59 - Scal€: Frt to Pagc Sfructural Layer Plan Vrw - Kitrfi Units I I I t I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I Stl'E v6.00 Fil€: 2683169 Klrft units PAGB 1 July ?,2001 11:00 SOIL PRESSURB IRAI GRID I GRID J I,OAD PNESSURE 3l lCOrBl 3.9t0311COA22.150 12 ICoHB1 3.'t45321C0t{822,4,2 3 3lC!0A1 3.50{3 3 1 COA2 2.515 3l 5Z3 2. 2 COAI 2 @82 2 c0t{81 2 CO,|B2 2 corts1 2 C0gB2 3 c0NG1 3 C0[ts2 3 CO|B13 co,rB2 3 COA13 CO|B2 { c0M81 { c0NG2 4 Cottst4 CO'|B2 { corBl 4 C0NE2 5 coN,rBl 5 COEz 5 CO,|BI 5 Cor,iB2 5 COrBt5 c0MB2 {.153 2.300 4.020 2.625 3.800 2.904 4.244 2.341 4.150 2.'104 4.120 3.155 4.072 t 0t( 2.544 3. ?03 2.821 3. ?61 2.001 3.564 2.281 l ttl 2.320 3.1?5 2.8 {5 3.{31 3.071 3.554 1?lF J ? 3 I CO{811 Cotts2 2 COrBl 2 C0fi82 3 co.tsL3 cotrB2 4 COAI I 4 5 C(rrBl {{5@rB2 a ccHB2 2.991 2.998 2.693 3.068 2.88{ 2.809 2.628 2.991 3.301 1 n o'l 3.002 3.L32 2.808 5. LOZ 3.397 3. 182 3.059 3.19{ 2.861 3.211 3.209 3 ,015 2.915 3.058 2.722 3.089 2.892 2.133 2.536 2.808 2,451 2.852 3.123 2.855 3.366 3.083 3.4?5 3.214 3.004 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 5 6 6 o o o 6 5 5 I Cdtsl 1 CO|B2 1 C0UB11 ctuB2 I @uBl1 Clr.Ez 2 COG1 2 Cotts2 2 Cofts12 CO|B2 2 @uBl2 C0UB2 3 COrEI 3 c0uB2 3 CdrBl3 C0l{82 3 CO.rBl 3 CCUB2 it ccftBl4 @U82 4 CC||B14 @uB2 4 CoN,E 1 4 Cotts2 5 CoMB1 5 C0MB2 5 COGr5 @MB2 5 Cor.rB15 cotB2 3 co{Bl3 C0M82 1 7 't 1 5 1 CoNE1 5 1 C0N{82 5 2 C0MB1 5 2 CO,B2 ? 5 4 C0[ts17 5 4 C0t[B2 2 Y-SfRIP REIIIFORCING (for drole stlip i! Sq-inl Y-STRIP STRIP STAIION TOP.REEM IOP-REBAR BOI-REBAR BOT-REBAR ID TIDTH T-ORDIMTE LEFT OF I RIGIII OF Y LETT OF Y, RIGIT? OF Y I t I t I t I I t I I I T I I I t t I 2 2.250 0.0002,230 2.833 0.0522.250 5.66?2.250 8.5002.250 11.3332.250 l{.5002.250 17,651 0,0750.463 0,60?1.200 1.1390.058 0.608 0.{2{ 0.051 9 2.250 0.000 0.118 0.0289 2.250 2.833 0.082 0.s04 0.439 0.1959 2.250 5.557 0.19? 0.1?1 2.5rs 2.1029 2.250 8.500 0.482 0.06? 0.4{1 0.3899 2.230 11.333 0.11{ 0.0259 2.250 1t.5009 2.250 L't.661 10 2.333 0.000 0.150 0.0?010 2,333 2.833 0.09? 0.428 0.{35 0,{3?10 2.333 5.667 0.230 0.215 2.626 2.{8110 2.333 8.500 0.420 0.082 T:i?i 0.388r0 2.333 11.333 0.151 0.0?310 2.333 14.s0010 2,333 1'1.55? 11 0.333 0.000 0.1s7 0.16311 0.333 2,833 q.$0. 0.128 -0.55!- 0.23911 0.333 s.55? 0.355 0.303 0.tt6 0.{81rr 0.333 8.500 0.094 0.517 0.201 0.56511 0.333 11.333 0.1s6 0.15911 0.333 1{.500lt 0.333 t1.661 12 0.333 0.000 0.143 0.15?12 0.333 2.833 0.286 0.011 0.3{3 0.09?12 0.333 5.667 0.121 0.084 0.290 0.23812 0.333 8.500 0.020 0.301 0.09? 0.35212 0.333 11.333 0.145 0.156L2 0.333 14.50012 0.333 L1,661 13 1.500 0.000 0.062 0.14113 1.500 2.833 0.04i 0.251 0.38213 1.500 5.66? 0.6s2 0.62013 1.500 8.500 0.0s5 0.389 0.26113 1.500 11,333 0.06{ 0.14313 r,500 14.50013 1.500 n.66't ,€,o* /rrr* to - U-*7 .(a ,5s411 Y,efi * \a - ?o'47 -<,6 )6 SIRIP flrm[ X-SIRIP ID 19 19 t9 l9 t9 r9 19 I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t v SIFE v5.00 FlIe: 2583169 Kip-ft lrnits nuly ?, ?001 11:06 ,l X - S I R I P RE I N fO RC I ll C (for rdlol€ stlip in Sq-in) STATION IOP.REAR MP-REBAi BOT.REBAN EOI-REBAN X-ORDIM!! LEfl OF X &IG81 OF X IT'T OF X RIGIT OF X 18 18 18 18 18 .181l 1? 1? It l? 11 l7 n lo IO 16 lb 16 r6 16 I) tq 15 l5 1{ I{ 1,1 14'1{ 14 3.16? 0.0003.157 2.2503.16? |.500 J.lo, o. !J5 3.16? ?. 167 3.157 ?.500 3.15? 9.000 3, 15? 0.000 3.16? 2.250 3.16? {.500 3.16? 5,8333.15? 7.167 3.16? ?.500 3.16? 9.000 2.833 0.000 2.833 2.250 0.12{2.833 {.500 2.833 5.833 2.833 7.157 0.0412.833 7.500 0.0182.833 9.000 2.833 0.0002.833 2.250 0.0432.833 {.500 0,2692.833 6.833 0.4422.833 1.t51 0.0?62.833 ?.500 0.0?42.833 9.000 0.095 2.833 0.0002.833 2.250 0,0422.833 4.500 0.2892.833 . 5.833 0.4502.833 7.15? 0.0?92.833 7.500 0.0112.833 9.000 0.100 2.833 0.0002.833 2,250 0.1302.833 {.5002.833 6.833 2.833 ?.16? 0.0{12.833 ?.500 0.0192.833 9.000 0.u70.361 0.5300.082 0.?18 0.8{5 0.105 0,588 0.696 0.058 0.634 0.5550.064 0.507 0.385 0. 192 0.139 0. t25 0. r95 0.5700.412 2.509 -2,95L0.105 0.732 0.5610.058 0.374 0. r{30.029 0.280 0. {01 0.144 0.441 0. {92 0.550 0.4s3 2.565 3,0020.107 0.'t't2 0.5t8 0.050 0.362 0,4330.030 0.2't0 0.396 0.1lil 0.365 0.660 0.0?5 0.751 0.8720.106 0.122 0.?010.0s9 0.642 0.569 0.056 0.510 0.383 0.190 (2,q6%,e33 * ll. >3; =19,l us€?."- Bl PoI 'q|{z,a3;rF \\'33 ,L I I t I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I SAFE v6.00 - Fil€: 26831.18 : July.Z,2m1 8:19 - Scale: Frt to Page I Sbudural L.yer Plan Mew - Kipfi Units l,'-Foo-nN q AT €TABS eJLurYtN c //,,cq ql; ++++++++++ ++++++ t I{ 24 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I slut v6.00 Flle: 2683148 Kip-ft Unl-ts PAGE 1July 7,2001 8:18 SOIL PRESSURE EREA GRID I GRID .' Fo()1trllc 1 1 TOOIING 2 L EOO1ING 3 1 FOOTING 4 L rlo(}rlNc 5 1 Eroo?tNG 6 I AO(,lttrG 7 L FOOIING 8 1 FOOIING 9 1 FOOTINC 10 1 FOOTING L 2 FOOTING 2 2 ll)otrtnc 3 2 F()oIING 4 2 FOOIING 5 2 FOOTING 6 2 FOOTING 7 2 FOOIING 8 2 FOOTING 9 2 FOOTING 10 2 F@IING 1 3 FOOTING 2 3 FOCTING 3 3 FOOTING 4 3 FOOIING 5 3 FOOTING 5 3 FOOIING ? 3 FOOCING I 3 F@TING 9 3 FOOTING 10 3 FOOTING FOOTING IOAD PRESST'RE colrBl 5,5? 5 colrBl 5,42't co!{Bt 5.253 coNrBl 4 .751 colrBl {. {80 cofBt 4.423 coirBl 4.556 coHBl 4.998 coMBl 5.144 colfBl 5.27 6 coMBl 5.133 coirBl 4 ,984 coltBl 4.820 coMal 4.307 coMBl 4.055 csrBl 3 . 990 couBl 4.115 coMBl 4.558 co!.181 4 . ?03 coMBL 4.834 couBl 4.829 couBl 4.686 coMBl 4.519 co!t81 4.004 coMBl 3.692 coMBr. 3,819 coMBl 4.258 coMBl 4.407 coMBl 4.533 cor.{Bl 4,526 co[fB1 4.377 FOOTING 10 FOCITING 1 FO TING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOTING FOOTTNG FOOIING I.OC'TING FOOTING F@TING EIOOIING, FOOIING FOOTING IDOTING FOC'TING FOO!ING 4 COLBI 4 COUB1 4 CO!|BI 4 COUB1 4 COI{B 1 4 COMB1 4 cot{81 4 COUB1 5 CO0tBl 5 couBl 5 co0tB1 5 couBl 5 COMBL 5 CO!,r81 5 COUB1 5 COUB1 5 COMB1 5 coMBL 4.2L4 3.?d4 3 . 451t 3,392 3. 518 3. 955 {.100 4 .23L 4,061 3.913 3.749 3 .244 2.geL 2.930 3. 062 3,493 3. 638 3 .770 I I I I I I I I I I FOOTING IO I I I I, I sAfE v6.00 FlIe: 2683148 Xrp-# snit" PAGE Ir ,tuly z,2oor B: tz {8-+7 1{s I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I g z- d' oeprH x-STRIP REINFORCTNG (for whole strip in sq-in) X-8TRIP ID csxl csxl csxl csxl csxl csxl csxl csxl csxl csxl Y-STRIP ID cs Y1 csYl csYr. csYl csYl usYlusrl usYl usYl uSYl csY2 csY2 csr2 csv2 csY2 2.111 0.571 1.561 1.666 5.316 12. 915 5. 983 2 -7?0 4.993 4.007 3.028 0. 057 0.245 0. 457 I .51t1 9. 110 0.861 7 .951 2 .241 L . r4'l L.602 1 .560 u .5zz 1.818 2.7L2 6. 152 12.207 5.l.13 1 .784 ? n(lo 3 .6r.8 4 .553 STRIP STATION TOP.REAAR TOP-REBAR BOT-REBAR BOI.REBIR NTIylH X-ORDINATE LEFT OF X RIGHT OE X. I.ETT OF X RIGIII OF X 5.000 -0.9175,000 0.000 0. !.995.000 1.000 1.1315.000 4. s83 3.3925.000 8.208 11.2665-000 10.979 8.817 5 . 000 13 . ?50 3 .60'l5.000 17.333 + 11.8295.000 18. 333 0 .6475.000 19, 250 0. 580 0-225 0.2051.117 1.014 9. 954 4. 00110.044 to.276 2.553 1.280 9.535 2 . 198 2.38 6 11.160 I . 133 0. 688 0. 719 SAFE 15.00 Fil-e: 2683148 Xlp-ft Units PAGE 2 aluly 7,2001 8:1? I-STRIP REINFORCING (for whol. strip in Sq-in) STRIP STAIION TOP-REBAR TOP-REBAR BOA-REBAR BOT-REBAR rIDtrH Y-ORDINATE LEFT OF Y RIGHT OF Y LEFT OF Y RIGBT OF Y L.47I 1. ?89 L.623 0. 458 0.421r.585 1.804 1.569 1. tov 5.054 3.92911.989 11.814 5. 950 5.0?4 2.135 1.6594.550 3.0173,192 3.14L 3 . 031 it .308 1. 581 5.500 -2. 500 5. 500 -1 . 000 5 . s00 0, 000 5 .500 1.000s.500 2.500 9.167 -2.5009.167 -1.0009.L57 0.0009.L61 1.000 9.167 2.500 5. 500 -2 .500 5 , 500 -1.000 5. 500 0.000 5 . 500 1.0005.500 2.500 t.ztfr/rr T 1,41 byrr e l,4l J(zo, t6t = LO,4* . q1.+ ,G ETABS Plan Vrew - SEOOND - Elevation 168 - ETABS I I I I t I I I I I I I I II I I I I I ETABS Plan Vleu - THREE - El€vatbn 33Y t;'I'AljS ETABS v7.16 - Fib:268310b - Plan Mew - ROOF - Elevation 507 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I ETABS Plan Vpw - SCREEN - Elevation' I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Vdl valky H€dical center - trc Additlon ElAlS v?,15 file: 2683108 Klp-lo Units .tury 10, 2001 13130 IIATERIAL PROPERTY DATA IOXERIII I,IATERIA! DESIGII INTERIAI IODUIUS OFIITIIE IYPE IYPE DIR/PI IE EIASIICIII StlEt IEo Steel All 29000.000 rcrsso .s tSEN.nL gEEAR Rtrro coEFr uoDttltts 0,3000 5.50008-05 11153.8{5 ITTERIII PROPERIY UASS AND IIEIGET I{AIERIII INSS PER MIGII PBR IAI|E UIIT VOL ['NIT I'OL srtEl ?.32t08-0? 2.83008-04 TIITERIALSXAIERIAL DESIGII DAIA FOR SIEEL IATIRITI STEEL SIEEI, S1E8L lutc FI FU CoSr ($) stEgl 50.000 63.000 1.00 HAISRIIL DESIGN DAlA FOR COIICREIE UAlERIALS ICTSRIAI LIGIIIGIGII COT|CNSIE REEAR REEAR I.IGMN}olc COEREIE rc FY $S REDIE FAC! DES IGX COHB I NAl I ONS DEAD 8D DEAD LIVE SD RLIVE DEAD LIVE R[IVE rINDX DEAD LIVE SD RLIVE NINDX DEAD LIVE SD RLIVE rINDY DEAD LIVE SD RLIVE NINDY DEAD I{INDX Static Static Static Statlc Static Static Stetic Static Static Static Static Statie St!tic Static Statlc Stetic Statlc Static statlc Static Static St!tic Static Statlc Strtic Static Static Static 8tat1c 1.4000 r.{000 1.2000 1.5000 1.2000 1.5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.3000 1.2000 0.5000 1,2000 0.5000 -1.3000 r.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.3000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1.3000 1.2000 1.2000 0.8000 DSru3 DSII.I{ DSTLl5 Strtic Static Static Static Static Statlc Static 1 .2 000 .1.2000 -0.8000 r.2000 1.2000 0.8000 1.2000 1.2000 -0.8000 0.9000 0,9000 1.3000 0.9000 0.9000 -1.3000 0.9000 0.9000 1.3000 0.9000 0.9000 -1.3000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1.0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.0000 r.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0,5000 -1,0000 1,2000 0,5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.0000 1,2000 0.5000 1 .20 00 0 ,5000 -1.0000 r .20 00 0 .50 00 1,2000 0 ,5000 1 .0000 Statlc St.tic Static Static StatIc Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Statlc static Stetic Static Statlc Static Static Static Static Static Static Statlc Static Statlc Static Statlc Static static Static static DEAI) qD ntNDx DEAD SD IIIIIDY DEAD SD NINDT DEAD SD IINDX DEAD SD FIIDX OEID SD MNDY DEAI) SD rDY I T I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I2 DBAD LIVE SD RI,IVE QUAKEX DEAD LIVE SD R[IVE QI'AIGX DEII) LIVE SD 8I'IVE ouAt(Do( DEAD IIVB SD RLIVE QUAKE)0{ DEAD I,IVE SD DEAD LIVE ah OI'AK8Y Static Static Static Static statlc Static Static statlc Static QUAI€XXX Static ADD DEA.D !IY! e|t K,!l v! oUAKEHo( Statlc I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t t DSIIz5 DS'L28 DSrl3l DSTL33 1.2000 0.s000 .1.2000 0.5000 -1,0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 r.0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1.0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.0000 r.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 r.0000 0.9000 0.9000 -1.0000 0.9000 0. 9000 1 .0000 0.9000 0.9000 - I .0000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 -!.0000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 -1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 0. 9000 -1.0000 0.9000 tDD DEID StaticlM StaticsD staticRr,M Stati.c oUMEryy Sratic DETD RLIVE OUAKEY DEAD LTVE SD RI.IVE orrAKsYY DEAD StaticLIVE StaticSD StaticRIM Static oUAIOYY Static DEAD StaticLM StaticSD StaticH,M Static QIiIGWY Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static QUAIGX)o( Static DEAD Static SD Static QITMEXXX Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Stati.c Static Static DST!36 DSIL3? Static Static Static DEAD SD QUATEX DEAI) SD ottArcx DEID QUAKEIO( DEID SD QI,,AIGE{ DEM SD DEN) SD OUAKEY DEAD SD QUAIGY DEAD QUAKEYT DEAD SD QIJAIGYY DEAD Static Static static Static Static Stati.c Static Stati.c Static Static 3 5 I I I t I I It I I I I I I I I I I I I T COI.UHN STEEI, gIRESS CIIECK OUIPUT (I'8C9?-LRFDI @H lr sEctroN /----------r0.tENt tutERtcrroN cflEct(-------l/----s[ErR22---//----ssEAR33---/ RAllo - A)(L + 833 + B22 CotlBo RIIIO Coloo ntrlo S1DRY I.EVEL sEcorD s8coND sBco[D SECOND SECONID SECOND sEc0N0 sEcorD sscoND SE@ND SE@ND SECIND SECOND SECOND SECOND SBCOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND sEcotD SECOND sscoND SECOND sEco D sFcotD SECOND SECOND SEcoTD SECOND SECOND LINE ID c6 m2x170 c? 1f12x136 c8 n12X136 c9 r8$1 c10 ri8x31 cl1 ruxr06 c12 rf12x106 c13 n12X106 c30 H12X106 c36 Ft2Xl70 c38 lr12xl05 ct0 fi12x106 c43 i12xl06 c44 m2x106 c45 rf12x136 c46 rf12x136 c4? n2x135 c{8 er12x136 c49 !r12x1?0 c50 n12x1?0 c5l r{12x170 c53 w12X136 c55 rrzn35 c5? n12x1,70 c55 n12X106 c6? ruxro5 c59 fll2Xl70 c?l w8x31 c72 r{8X31 c?3 r8x31 c78 n8X31 c88 lr8x31 c89 w8x31 DSIL25 (C) 0,775 = 0.015 + 0.040 + 0.?20 DSll25 (c) 0.?06 - 0,031 + 0.03t + 0.610 DSTLIS (Cl 0.735 = 0.063 + 0.6?2 + 0,000 DStl2 (c) 0.75? ' 0.75? + 0,009 + 0.001 DsTl2 {c} 0.?3{ - 0.690 + 0,03i + 0.013 DSru6 (c) 0.?93 .0.05? + 0.00t + 0.732 DSrus (C) 0.752 .0.537 + 0.21? + 0.009 DsTll8 (C) 0.703 - 0.053 + 0.6{? + 0,001 DSTL2o (C) 0.?25 . 0.0?7 + 0.632 + 0.015 DSTL24 (C) 0.769 ' 0.081 + 0.648 + 0.040 Dsruo (c) 0.?5? - 0.556 + 0.200 + 0.002 DST!20 (C) 0.?20 = 0.489 + 0.211 + 0.020 DSTLz4 (C) 0.754 - 0.513 + 0.040 + 0.180 DS!L19 (C) 0.?35 - 0.076 + 0,633 + 0.027 DSILl8 (C) 0.?30 - 0.551 + 0.16{ + 0.011 DSTL23 (Ct 0.780 - 0.088 + 0.630 + 0.053 DSTL25 (C) 0.?49 . 0.5?7 + 0.015 + 0.158 DSII2 (C) 0.?{6 - 0.62? + 0.08{ + 0,03{ DSIL23 lC) 0.?30 = 0.058 + 0,658 + 0.00t DSl125 (C) 0.75? = 0.{67 + 0.235 + 0.056 DsT126 (C) 0.?30 = 0.{99 + 0.219 + 0.012 DSTI2 (C) 0.?15 . 0.681 + 0.033 + 0.001 DSTL2 (C) 0.791 = 0.?20 + 0.069 + 0,003 DST!2{ (Ct 0.?58 = 0.090 + 0.6{8 + 0.020 DSTL25 (C) 0.??9 = 0.570 + 0,033 + 0.1?5 DSTL2o (C) 0.795 - 0,59{ + 0.191 r 0.010 Ds1r2s (C) 0.?15 . 0.492 + 0.202 + 0.022 DSTI2 (Cl 0.?38 .0.651 + 0,030 + 0.0{6 DSIL2 (C) 0.?19 - 0.558 + 0.000 r 0.061 DSn2 (C) 0. t26 = 0.605 + 0,000 + 0.121 Dsrlz (C) 0.?68 - 0.507 + 0,135 + 0.027 DSTLz {C) 0.791 - 0.129 + 0.035 + 0.02? DSTLz (C) 0.?53 = 0.710 + 0.013 + 0.029 DSrLl8 0.0{6 DSTU5 0.015 DSrLlS 0.052 D$r,26 0.006 0stl18 0.05t DslL6 0,003 DSlLl8 0.012 DS?13? 0.001 D8lL17 0.ol,t DS[s 0.001 DS1L17 0.063 DS11,26 0.015 DS1L25 0,084 DSTL18 0.0r3 DSTLIT 0.0t7 DSILS 0.003 DStIt0 0.081 DS!L5 0.005 DSt[24 0.088 DStLlg 0.015 DSIL20 0.0?5 DS!L6 0.003 DST!20 0,083 DS1t24 0.013 DST!20 0.103 0sfl25 0.014 DSM9 0,09r DST12{ 0.014 D8r1,l8 0.061 DSIL5 0.004 DS1U3 0.075 DSTLI? 0.015 Dsrl3o 0.056 DSTL?6 0.010 Ix;1[1? 0.06{ DS!L24 0.011 DSrr,23 0.092 DSlLl? 0.008 DS?r25 0.091 DsrLrS 0.014 DST126 0.080 DS!L20 0.003 Dsrrl9 0.026 DSTLs 0.002 DSrr19 0.076 DSIL24 0.011 DSI!24 0.08? DSrr20 0,004 DSTLzo 0,07{ DSTI,23 0.013 DS!L20 0.0?1 DSTL5 0.002 DS!L25 0.085 DSTLzo 0.011 Dsrr,20 0.015 DSTL2 0.003 DSTL2o 0.014 DST!2 0,003 DST!20 0.0r5 DSTIJ25 0.008 Dstr?o 0.049 DS!r,23 0.002 DSIL2o 0,018 DS1L25 0.002 DS1L19 0.010 DSTL2s 0.002 sEconD c90 r8x31 sEcolrD c91 lf8x31 sEclND C92 lr8x3l sEcoND c93 n8x31 sEcoND c94 n8X31 sEcollD c95 ll8x31 sEcollD c96 lf8x31 sEcoND c97 l{8X31 sEcoNfD c98 nSx3l sEcoND c99 !r8x31 sEcoND c102 n8x31 . sEcolrD G10l n8x31 sEcoND c105 n8X31 sEcolrD c106 w8x31 sEcoND c107 n8x31 sEco D c108 n8x31 sEcoND c112 F8x31 sEcoND c113 w0x31 sEcor{D cll4 l{8x31 sEcoND cl15 t{8x58 DsTx2o (C) 0.793 . 0.06? + 0.704 + 0,023 DSTL2 (C) 0.7?2 - 0.?38 + 0.028 r 0.005 DSTLIS {C} 0.?98 = 0.059 + 0,?13 + 0.026 DSTI,2 (C) 0.71{ = 0.?t'7 + 0.000 + 0.05? DsTl26 (C) 0.783 - 0,058 + 0.029 + 0,585 DST12 {C) 0,?52 - 0,721 + 0,010 + 0,015 DSTL2 (C) 0.?{0 . 0.617 + 0.000 } 0.093 DSTL2 (C) 0.706 - 0.545 + 0.025 i 0.036 DSTL2 (c) 0.?53 = 0.5?9 + 0.000 + 0.074 DSlLl8 (C) 0.7?3 - 0.0{2 + 0.692 + 0.039 Dsrr,lg (C) 0.?3t = 0.037 + 0.508 I 0.090 DSrL2 (C) 0.?08 . 0.533 + 0,095 + 0.0?9 DSILzo (Cl 0.?6? = 0,058 + 0.69? + 0,012 DSTL2 (C) 0.??1 = 0,?53 + 0.01? + 0.001 DSIL2 Ic) 0,71{ - 0.702 + 0.011 + 0.001 0STL2 (C) 0.?78 = 0,?54 + 0.023 + 0.001 DST!,18 (C) 0.?18 = 0.076 r 0,526 + 0.016 DSILI? (C) 0.?20 = 0.538 + 0,080 + 0.002 DSTL1S (C) 0.?61 = 0.051 + 0.696 + 0.015 DSIL2 (Cl 0.7{0 = 0.550 + 0.090 + 0.100 DSr,20 0.01? Dsta2s 0.002 DSIUS 0.013 DSTL24 0.001 DSIUS 0.016 DSTL25 0.003 DSr[18 0.014 DSlt25 0.003 DSIL18 0.017 DSrL26 0.002 DSTL18 0.016 DS!L23 0.001 DSILIS 0.01{ DSlu 0.00{ DSTtlS 0.015 DS!L2 0.002 DSTL18 0.011 Dstl'2 0.004 DSr S 0.015 DS!L25 0.004 DSD,I? 0.015 DSTLI? 0.006 DSr[20 0.029 DS!L25 0.004 DS!L18 0.016 DS!L25 0.00r DSTL18 0.013 DS!U5 0.000 DSTLIS 0.012 DS1L25 0.000 DSTII8 0.012 DST123 0.000 DST118 0.017 DSTf,zs 0.002 DSTI,1I 0.011 DST!23 0.001 DS!L18 0.013 DSrL23 0.002 DSrLl7 0.048 DS!L26 0.008 I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I I t I 6 I I I I I T t T I I T I I t I I T t I BStX StEBt SAORY BBITIIAVEL BAY IOtf3 B? sB@[D B1 t tf3 88 SECOND 98 ROOF 89 TIRIE 89 UXB 89 sEcoND 89 Irn3 811 SECOND B11 I{n3 R12 SE@ND 812 ldr3 B35 sEcoND 835 L0fi3 836 sEco D 836 lFNr3 839 R@F BI O TINEE B4O R@F B4{ TIREE 844 R@F B{5 TIIREE 845 sEcollD B45 R@f 8{6 TIIREE 846 SECOND B45 srREss sEctrotl ID tl2lx9l r2axga ra2{x14 5 n24X94 n2 4X1t 5 r24*68 !i2 tx58 n24X68 r24X94 m8x76 r{2{x68 nl8X?6 rfz{x58 n2 4X58 n24x58 rl2x1l H12X1{ n2{xI46 ri12x19 n24X58 n21X68 n2lx16 n24XE 4 fl18X?5 fr24r15 r{24X8 4 r{18X?6 12 {xl? 6 n24xt? 6 fl24n?5 n2{xl?6 cIEcK 0urPUt (tBc97-lam] /----------rcm rFRrcar0N MK------- I I ---s[8M22---//---slEr$3--lRlllo . &\1 + 833 + 822 COTBO nAIIO COGO 8lflo ROOF TIIREE .IIDFF ccuB0 DSTL2 DSfL2 DSrn5 DSI125 DSTL18 DSlt2 DSTL17 DSTTl DSTL18 DSTI1? DSIL18 DSTIlS DSTL2 DSIL18 DSlL5 DSTL25 os?L5 DST!2 5 nqfl.rq DST!26 DSIL2 DSIT2 DSII,25 DSTt25 DSr12 DSTI2 DSTL2 DSTLI? DSTI2 DSTI,2 DSTI4 DSTLz DSTL2 DSTI2 DSTL2 B4? B4? 848 848 ln 0.22'l . 0.000 + 0.22? + 0.000 (I) 0.20r . 0.000 + 0.20{ + 0,000 (Cl 0.685 - 0.385 i 0.250 + 0.050(T) 0.3?0 . 0.015 + 0.3{0 + 0.015 {T) 0.232 . 0.000 + 0.232 + 0.000 (I) 0.219 - 0.000 + 0.219 + 0.000 ll) 0.319 . 0.000 + 0.319 + 0.000 {r) 0.791 . 0.018 + 0.75? + 0.006 (C) 0.0?6 ' 0.000 + 0.0?6 + 0.000(l) 0.155 - 0.000 + 0.166 + 0.000 (T) 0.179 - 0.000 + 0.179 + 0.000 (T) 0.291 - 0.000 + 0.291 + 0.000 (r) 0.2?5 - 0.000 + 0.275 + 0.000 (r) 0.280 - 0.000 + 0.280 + 0.000 (I) 0.145 . 0.000 + 0.1{5 + 0,000 (r) 0.210 - 0.000 + 0.210 + 0.000 (r) 0.135 - 0.000 + 0.136 + 0.000 (?) 0.524 - 0,000 + 0.52{ + 0.000 (C) 0.381 . 0.2,17 + 0.133 + 0,000(rl 0.166 - 0.012 + 0.1{9 + 0.005 (r) 0.200 - 0.000 + 0.200 + 0,000 (T) 0.582 . 0.000 + 0.582 + 0.000 (r) 0.067 . 0.000 + 0,06? + 0.000 (r) 0.127 ' 0.000 + 0.127 + 0.000 (l) 0.385 . 0.000 + 0.385 + 0.000 (T) 0,492 - 0.000 + 0.r92 + 0.000 (c) 0.183 . 0.000 + 0.183 + 0.000(I) 0.337 = 0.000 + 0.337 + 0.000 (I) 0.453 . 0.000 + 0,453 + 0.000 (l) 0.?0? . 0.000 + 0.707 + 0.000 (C) 0.2{5 - 0.000 + 0.245 + 0,000(T) 0.546 . 0.000 + 0.546 + 0.000 (r) 0.44r . 0.000 + 0.{{1 + 0.000 (1) 0.40? . 0,000 + 0.10? + 0.000 (T) 0.42{ - 0.000 + 0.42{ + 0,000 DSTL2 0.112 DS1T.38 0.000 DS!12 0.093 DSru8 0.000 DSr[18 0.061 DSrX2s 0.003 DSrL18 0.051 DSIL38 0.000 DSru 0.132 DStLtS 0.000 DSTL2 0.18{ DSfL38 0.000 DSlLl 0.032 DSTU6 0.000 DS!L18 0.052 DS1L38 0.000 DSTLz 0.088 DST[38 0,000 DSlLl8 0.112 DSTI38 0.000 DSTI,2 0.120 Dgr[38 0.000 DS!L2 0.112 DSTI,38 0.000 DS1L5 o.oer OStrre 0.000 Ds1r.25 0.11{ DS1L38 0.000 DSTr,6 0.051 DSIL38 0.000 DSIL25 0.153 rlSTr3S 0.000 DSrLl 0.038 DSTt3l 0,000 DS1L2 0.09t Dslr;t8 0.000 DSTLz 0.205 DSIL38 0.000 DS1r,25 0.046 DSTL38 0.000 DsrL25 0.080 DSlUl8 0.000 DSlr2 0.22t DSIL38 0.000 DSl[2 0.256 DSTL38 0.000 DS?L2 0.189 DS1L3E 0.000 DS1L2 0.178 DSTL38 0.000 DSTL2 0.318 DST!38 0.000 DSrr2 0.250 DSr!30 0.000 DSrl2 0.203 Dsrt3o 0.000 DsrL2 0,192 DS!L38 0.000 0su,2 0.2?0 DSTL38 0.000 DSTL2 0.204 DSTL38 0.000 7 RMF 849 IIREE BI9 SECOND B49 ROOF B5() TIIREE B5O R@8 851 TIIREE B5I sEcoND s51 tnREE B52 ROOF 853 THREE 853 T[&EE 854 R@F 855 r[RrE 855 ROOF B85 1NREE 885 SECOND 885 ROOF 892 THREE 892 R@8 893 TIIREE 893 ROOE 894 IIREE S94 R@F 895 TIIREE 895 ROOF 896 TNREE 895 ROOF 897 IIRTE 89? ROOF 8100 THREE B1O() R00F 8101 THREE BIO1 R@F BIO2 ll18x1{3 n24X94 n2'x16 n18Xl4 3 fl24X10 4 n2{x68 flztx68 n2tx6I n24X104 fl24r10{ 12txl04 ri24x104 mtn0{ n2txl04 ttz4x16 n24X16 n24x15 n24X229 n24x176 ',I,21X229 n24Xl?5 H24X14 6 r{2 tx94 r{2 4X14 5 ri?4x104 n2tx68 n24X58 |,i24X68 ri2 {x68 r21X7 5 re4168 t{2 4X68 riz4x68 rf24x68 848 nzrx?6 DSrt2 (r) DSr,19 {C} DSr ? {t} DSUJ2 {?) DSIL2 (r) DSIL18 (T) DST!2 (r) DSTL2 (r) DST12 (l) DST!25 lrl Dsrt2s (r) DS!L2 (r) DS1L2 (1) DSIL2 {t) DSTLz (1) DSTL2{ (T) DST123 (T) DSIL25 (T) DSTL26 l1) DST!25 (?) DSTL2 (1) DSTL2 (r) DSrr2 (T) DSrr,2 (T) DSTL2 (T) DST!2 {r) DST!2 {r) DSru (T) DSTL2 (T) DS1L2 (r) DS!L2 (t) DST' 2 (T) DS!L2 (r) DSrr,2 (r) 0,15? D5rr,38 0.000 0.31? Dsr S 0.000 0.312 0srl:18 0.000 0.166 DS1L38 0.000 0.35t DST!38 0.000 0. {25 DSTL38 0.000 0.132 DS1L38 0.000 0.0?? Dsra38 0.000 0,078 DSIL38 0.000 0.250 DSIBS 0.000 0.053 Ds?138 0.000 0.126 DS!U|8 0.000 0,145 DST!38 0.000 0.053 DS!L3S 0.000 0.098 DS1r38 0.000 0,078 DSTl3t 0,000 0.10{ Dsrt38 0.000 0.1{5 DSTL38 0.000 0.2{0 DSr!38 0.000 0.216 DSr[38 0.000 0.353 DS?138 0.000 0.205 DSf[38 0.000 0.218 DSTL38 0.000 0.369 DsrriS 0.000 0.408 DS!L38 0.000 0.3?7 DS1L38 0.000 0.202 DsrL38 0.000 0.109 DST138 0.000 0.113 Ds1r,38 0.000 0.108 DSTL38 0.000 0.296 DsrL38 0.000 0,113 DsrL38 0.000 0.105 DST138 0.000 0, r05 DsrL38 0.000 0,005 DSTr38 0.000 0,350 . 0.000 + 0.350 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.342. - 0,000 + 0.3{2 + 0,000 0.319 . 0.000 + 0.349 + 0.000 DST!2 0.495 - 0.000 + 0.495 + 0.000 0sTt2 0.611, 0.000 + 0.6u + 0.000 DST!2 0.390 . 0.000 + 0.390 + 0.000 DSTT2 0.561 - 0.000 + 0.561 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.?19 - 0.000 + 0.?19 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.512 . 0.000 + 0.512 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.181 .0.000 + 0.181 + 0.000 DSlt2 0.241 .0,000 + 0.2{1 + 0.000 DSTI,2 0.{67 - 0.000 + 0.{67 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.125 - 0.000 + 0.125 + 0.000 DSIL2 0.346 . 0.000 + 0.345 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.251 .0.000 + 0.251 + 0,000 DSTI,23 0.132 - 0.000 + 0.132 + 0.000 DSTL2 3 0.285 . 0.000 + 0.285 + 0,000 DStr,2 6 0.172 .0,000 i 0.U2 + 0.000 DSTL25 0.2?2 - 0.000 + 0.2?2 + 0.000 rlsrl25 0,358 ' 0.000 + 0.358 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.4?1 .0,000 + 0,471 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.44? - 0.000 + 0.44? + 0.000 DSTL2 0.aa2 = 0.000 + 0.442 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.35? - 0.000 + 0.35? + 0,000 DSTI2 0.348 .0.000 + 0.348 + 0.000 D5TL2 0.680 - 0.000 + 0.580 + 0.000 DSlL2 0.ssr . 0.000 + 0.551 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.685 . 0.000 + 0.686 + 0.000 DSlt2 0.958 - 0.000 + 0.958 + 0.000 DSTL2 0,639 .0.000 + 0,639 + 0.000 DSIL2 0.512 - 0,000 + 0.612 + 0.000 DSII,2 0.530 - 0,000 + 0.530 + 0.000 DSTt.2 0.898 - 0.000 + 0.898 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.633 . 0.000 + 0.633 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.497 - 0.000 + 0.{9? + 0.000 DSTI2 0.601 = 0,000 + 0.60? + 0.000 DSTL2 I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I8 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TsiEB B1O2 ROoF Bl04 IiREE BIO' sECoND 8l0l R00P B1l9 IEREE 81i9 RmF 8120 1BREE 8120 R00r 8121 IIREE 812]. Rmr 8123 srREE irer ROOF EL24 1IIREE RI24 SB@ND 8124 R00F 8125 IEREE 8125 sEcorD 8125 nooF Bl27 II{REE 8121 R00F 8128 TIRDE BI28 SECIND 8128 ROOF Bl29 IHREE 8129 SECOND 8129 R00F 8130 IEREE B13O sFcorD 8130 R@F 8131 TIIRBE B13I SECOND 8131 R@F 8132 l[nEE 813? Dsru (r) DS!L23 (Tl DSrr2 (r) DS!L25 (l) DS?U5 (11 DSrr,23 (1) DS!L23 (T) DSrl2 (l) DSrr2 (T) DSr'r.2 (r) DSU,2 (r) DSrr,2 {1) DSru (T) DS!l26 (r) 0S11,25 (T) DS!U5 (T) DST!2 (r) DSTUs (r) rxrTL2S (T) D6TL2 (T) DSIU5 (T) DST!2 {r) DST!23 (T) DSTL23 (T) DSTI,23 (T) DSTL23 (T) DST!23 (T) DSlr2 (r) DS1L2 (T) DSrr22 (C) DS1L2 {T) DST!2 (T) DSrn (r) DSrl2 (c) DST!20 (T) DS115 (C) DSTLz {T) en{x58 r24n6 r21n6 fr2tn6 lr24x58 n24X8{ ll24X68 n2{x68 124X58 r{24x58 rfz4x68 n24X58 r24x68 riz4x68 w24r't 6 rf2{x68 ll24X58 lr24X68 n24x68 |l24x68 l{24x68 riz4x68 rfz4x58 n24X58 n24x68 Il24X68 H24X9l rf24x8 4 n24K68 H2 4X94 9r24X8 4 H24X58 lr24X94 ri24x8 4 0.349 . 0.000 + 0.3{9 + 0.000 DSTI.2 0.515_ . 0,000 + 0.515 + 0.000 DSIL2 0.316 . 0.000 + 0.315 + 0.000 DSru 0.!92 . 0.000 + 0.{92 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.{?5 - 0,000 + 0.{75 + 0.000 D5?!2 0.328 . 0.000 + 0.328 + 0.000 DSrr,23 0.296 . 0.000 + 0.296 + 0.000 DSTLz 0.631 .0.000 + 0.531 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.3{5 - 0.000 + 0.345 + 0.000 DSt!2 0.198 - 0.000 + 0.198 + 0.000 DSru 0.{11 .0.000 + 0.{11 + 0,000 DStr2 0.4?3 . 0.000 + 0.473 + 0.000 DStl2 0.38r .0.000 + 0.381 + 0.000 08fl,25 0.257 - 0.000 + 0.25? + 0.000 DSTL2 0.439 = 0.000 + 0.439 + 0.000 txtTL2 0.395 . 0.000 + 0.395 + 0.000 DSTI,2 0.306 = 0.000 + 0.305 + 0.000 DS!L25 0.2?1 . 0.000 + 0.2?l + 0,000 DSrl25 0.326 . 0.000 + 0.326 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.309 . 0.000 + 0.309 + 0,000 DSfl,z 0.191 = 0.000 + 0,191 + 0.000 DSIIJz 0.353 . 0.000 + 0,353 + 0.000 DSrL23 0.192 - 0.000 + 0.192 + 0.000 DSrI,3 0.15? - 0.000 + 0.157 + 0.000 DStlz3 0.251 - 0.000 + 0.251 + 0.000 DSTr23 0,224 - 0.000 + 0.224 + 0.000 0srt23 0.296 = 0.000 + 0.296 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.805 . 0.000 + 0.006 + 0.000 DSIL2 0.657 - 0.000 + 0,56? + 0.000 DSIL2 0.299 . 0.000 + 0.299 + 0.000 0.427 . 0.000 + 0.42? + 0.000 DSlL1 0.322 - 0.000 + 0.322 + 0.000 DSt!2 0.520 - 0.000 + 0.520 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.207 . 0.000 + 0.207 + 0,000 0,{3? .0.000 + 0.431 + 0.000 DSTLz 0.186 = 0.000 + 0.185 + 0.000 0,559 . 0.000 + 0,569 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.096 DSTL38 0.000 0.10? DSTriS 0.000 0.11{ D5aL38 0.000 0.22{ DSIL38 0.000 0.085 DSIL38 0.000 0.085 DS1L38 0,000 0.102 rlsrr,38 0.000 0.113 DS1L38 0.000 0.0{9 DsrL38 0.000 0.096 Dsrr;8 0.000 0.123 DSrr.3S 0.000 0.09r DsTt38 0.000 0.068 DSrr38 0.000 0,10t Dsrr3o 0.000 0.151 DS!L38 0.000 0.115 DSIL36 0.000 0.098 Dsrr,38 0.000 0.112 DSTL38 0.000 0.155 DSTL38 0.000 0.086 DS?138 0.000 0.141 DSTL38 0.000 0.08{ DsrL38 0.000 0.084 DSII;}8 0.000 0.081 Ds1L38 0.000 0.086 DS!L3S 0.000 0.101 DSTr,38 0,000 0.3?9 DS1r38 0.000 0.285 Dsr'r,38 0.000 0,192 DS'L38 0,000 0.093 DSTL38 0.000 0.266 DSTL38 0.000 0.192 DS1r,38 0.000 0.326 DSIUS 0.000 0.299 DSTL38 0.000 stcoND 8132 SCREEN 8145 R@E BT45 TNREE BI45 SF,COND B1{5 SCREEN 81{6 R00F Bl,t5 IHREE B1I5 s8c0[D 81,t5 SCREEN 8147 RSt B1l7 r8R8E Bl4? sEcoND Bt47 R00F 8151 TIIREE 8151 SECOND 8161 R@F 8762 Ttt8E8 8162 SECOND 8152 SCREEN S163 R@t 8163 '!|lDtF rt al SECOND 8153 RMF BI5{ scREE',N 8173 SCREEN B1?4 scrxEN Bl75 scR88[ Bl75 scREElt Bt?'7 SCREEN BI?8 scREEll 8179 SCREEN B18O scREEN 8181 SCRTEN 8182 n2lx?6 NTOIJO n2tx68 n2{x6g F24X68 |r15X36 124x58 124X58 n24X68 rlt6x36 rl2{x68 fi2tx68 H2{X68 r{2txl31 n2{x131 F24X55 n2{x131 n24x131 rE4X55 ru6x36 rl24X58 rr24x;8 n24X58 n18X40 nl6X2 5 fl16x25 nl5x2 5 Rl5X26 Kl6X25 Ill6x2 6 l|16X2 6 st2x26 m2x26 ii12x26 DST!2 (r) Dsrr.2o tr) DSIL2 (T) DS1L5 (C) DSTL2o (ll DSTI,zO {T) DS!L2o {T) DST!2 (1) DSrL20 (1) Dsr'r,2o (T) DSt120 (T) DSr {1) DSIU0 (r) Dsrr,lg (T) DSrLtg (?) DST[2 (T) DSr[2 (T) DS1L2 (T) DS1L2 (T) DSTL2 (T} DST!2 (1) DST!20 (T) DSTll9 (C) DSI!20 (1) DST!20 (1) Dsrrlg {T) DST!25 (T) DST!2 (r) DSlt2 (T) DStl2 (r) DStt2 (1) DS!L2 (T) DS1r.2 (r) DSTL2 (r) 0sru (l) DSTL25 (T) DSTI,24 (T) 0.64? . 0.000 + 0.5{7 + 0.000 DSIL2 0.!41. .0.000 + 0.411 + 0.000 DStlz 0,?58 - 0.000 + 0.758 + 0,000 DStll 0.142 .0.000 + 0.142 + 0.000 0.383 - 0.000 + 0.383 + 0.000 DSr 0.469 .0.000 + 0.{69 + 0.000 DSTI,2 0.498 - 0.000 + 0.{98 + 0.000 0srL2 0,581 .0,000 + 0.581 + 0.000 DSTLI 0.3?5 - 0.000 + 0.375 + 0.000 DS?t2 0.{39 . 0.000 + 0.139+ 0.000 DSllz 0.457 .0,000 + 0.{57 + 0.000 DSrtz 0.610 .0,000 + 0.610+ 0.000 DSTLl 0.331 - 0.000 + 0.337 + 0.000 DSru 0.398 ' 0.000 + 0.398 + 0.000 Dli1[2 0.a31 .0.000 + 0.{31 + 0,000 DSlL2 0.619 - 0.000 + 0.619 r 0.000 DST12 0.552 . 0.000 + 0.552 + 0.000 DSTLz 0.631 .0.000 + 0.531 + 0.000 DSru 0.032 . 0.000 + 0.032 + 0.000 DSlI2 0.031 .0.000 + 0.031 + 0.000 DSIL2 0.113 - 0.000 + 0.1?3 + 0.000 DSlt20 0.244 = 0.000 + 0.24{ + 0.000 DSTLz() 0.135 = 0.000 + 0.135 i 0.000 0.23? . 0.000 + 0.23? i 0.000 DS1L20 0.28r = 0.000 + 0.281 + 0.000 DSTL2O 0.324 = 0.000 + 0.324 + 0.000 DSrn 0.343 .0.000 + 0,343 + 0.000 DSlt2 0.1{9 .0.000 + 0.749 + 0.000 DSTIJ2 0.895 .0.000 + 0.896 + 0,000 DSTL2 0.600 = 0.000 + 0.600 + 0.000 DSIL2 0.213 . 0.000 + 0.213 + 0.000 DSTT,2 0.816 .0.000 + 0.815 + 0.000 DSIL2 0.950 .0.000 + 0.950 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.793 . 0.000 + 0.793 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.336 . 0.000 + 0.336 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.211 . 0.000 + 0.21? + 0.000 DSTL2 0.113 .0.000 + 0.113 + 0.000 0.196 DS1r,38 0,000 0.230 DSrr,38 0,000 0.155 DST!38 0.000 0.20{ Dstt38 0.000 0.204 DSTL38 0.000 0.195 DST138 0.000 0.152 DSrr3E 0.000 0.192 DSTL38 0.000 0.190 DSr!38 0.000 0.18? DST!38 0,000 0.1t? Dsrr38 0.000 0.11? DSTL38 0.000 0.189 DS!L38 0.000 0.2'r2 DS1t38 0.000 0.232 DS1L38 0.000 0.139 DSTL38 0.000 0.029 DS1r,38 0.000 0.030 DsrL3E 0,000 0.087 DSTL38 0.000 0.097 DsrL38 0.000 0.142 DSr[38 0.000 0.157 DsrEiS 0,000 0.163 DSTL38 0.000 0.057 DSIL38 0.000 0.153 DSTL3E 0,000 0.156 DST!38 0.000 0.1{8 DSrL3S 0,000 0.0?5 DsrL38 0.000 0.153 DSTL38 0,000 0.156 DSTL38 0.000 0.1?7 DsrL38 0.000 0.1{0 Ds1L38 0.000 0.170 Dsrt38 0.000 0. r19 DSTL38 0.000 I I I I I I I I I I I I t t T I I I I10 I I t I I I t I I I I I I I t I I t I scnEff Bl83 scREEll ElEl SCREEN 8185 SCREEN 8186 SCREIN BI87 SCREEN 8188 SCREE 8189 SCNEEN BI93 SCREEN 8194 scnEE[ 8195 scRSElr 8195 scREEll 819? SCREEN 8198 SCREEN B2OO scREElr B20l SCREEI B2O2 scRDsn 8203 scaSEll 8204 scREE[ 8205 SCREEN 8206 SCNEEN R2O1 scnEEl| 8208 scREEll Bz09 scREE[ B2l1 scnEEn R2l2 DSTL2 {rl DS?LI? (l) DSTL2 (T) DSIIJ (U DSIL2 (1) Dslrt (tl 0sTL2 (l) DSIL2 (Tl DS1L2 (T) DSTL2 (r) DSTL2 (T) DSTLI? (T} DSTL2 (?l DSlt2 (l) DS!L2 {r) DSTL2 (r) DSTL2s {t} DSTL25 (I) DS?[2 (l) DSlr.2 (T) DSIUS (l) DS1L2 (r) DSIL2 (r) DSTL2 (T) DS!L2 (Cl DS?L2 (?l DS!L2 (C) 0sTL19 (T) DSTL15 (C) DSIL2 (Tl DSTll (T) Dsrrz (1) DSTL2 {T) DSTr.23 (T) DST!38 (T) DSE23 (r) DSrt2 (r) 0.090 DsrL38 0.000 0.159 DS!L3S 0.000 0.?50 Ds?t38 0.000 0.12{ DST!38 0.000 0. {13 Dsrr3l 0.000 0.234 DSrl38 0.000 0.155 DStr38 0.000 0.166 DS[38 0.000 0.l8t DStr,38 0.000 0.150 DSTL38 0.000 0.164 rx L38 0.000 0.097 DI|1L38 0.000 0.125 DSII;}S 0.000 0.200 DSt!38 0.000 0.12t DS!L38 0.000 0.r50 DsrBS 0.000 0.122 0sru)8 0.000 0.138 DS?r38 0.000 0.119 DS![:|S 0.000 0.154 DSIL38 0.000 0.028 DSIE|8 0.000 0.0?5 DS!L38 0.000 0.151 DS?U|8 0.000 0.208 DSIL38 0.000 0.234 DSlr2 0,108 0.098 DSt[38 0.000 0.094 DST!38 0.000 0.050 DslI;|8 0.000 0.111 DS?[38 0.000 0.00r DsTt38 0.000 0. r.60 Dso38 0.000 0.025 DSTr,38 0.000 0.13? DS1L38 0.000 0.351 DS1L38 0.000 SCREEN 821{ rf12x19 8215 ril2xl9 D5rt2- 0.000 + 0.107 + 0.000 DSTI,2 .0.000+0.159+0.000 DSlt2 .0.000+0.{82+0.000 DSTI.2- 0.000 + 0.67a + 0.000 DSru- 0.000 + 1.000 + 0.000 DSIL2. 0,000 + 0.652 + 0.000 DSTL2- 0.000 + 0.695 + 0.000 DSl!2 .0.000+0.685+0.000 DSlt2 = 0.000 + 0.931 + 0.000 DSru = 0.000 + 0.630 + 0.000 DSIL2. 0.000 + 0,6?0 + 0.000 DStl2- 0.000 + 0.145 + 0.000 DStu = 0.000 + 0.208 + 0.000 DSTI.2. 0,000 + 0.565 + 0.000 DSTL2. 0.000 + 0.530 + 0.000 DSIL2- 0.000 + 0.515 + 0.000 DSTL2- 0.000 + 0.259 + 0.000 DSTT2 .0.000+0.239+0,000 DSIL2- 0.000 + 0.398 + 0.000 DSTL2 .0.000+0.46?+0.000 DSTL25- 0.000 + 0.06? + 0.000 DSIL2 .0.000+0.249+0.000 0s1tr2. 0.000 + 0.353 + 0.000 0slL2 = 0.000 + 0.4{2 + 0,000 DST!2- 0.011 + 0.530 + 0.134 = 0.025 + 0.000 + 0.506 DSIL2 = 0.000 + 0.363 + 0.000- 0.000 + 0.19? + 0.000 DSrU = 0.000 + 0.107 + DST[2- 0.000 + 0.110 + 0.000 DSTL2- 0.000 + 0.406 + 0.000 DSTL2- 0.000 + 0.150 + 0.000 DStL2. 0.000 + 0.189 + 0,000 DSTI.I. 0,000 + 0,082 + 0.000 DS?L24- 0.000 + 0.305 + 0.000 DST!2 = 0,000 + 0.831 + 0.000 anIT nr2v26 nL?j/25 nt2jr2.6 tr16x35 115X35 u6x35 lr15x36 rl5x35 lr16x36 fll6X35 u5x35 t1L2X25 n12r26 fl5X36 ll16x36 115$5 m6x26 F16X2 5 r16126 I|l6x26 tfl6x25 !r16X2 6 rl6x26 ||lbrzo 0.107 0.169' 0.482 0.5?l 1.000 U. bJZ 0.596 0.685 0.931 0.630 0.570 0.145 0.208 0.555 0.530 0.515 0.269 0.239 0.398 0 .461 0.06? 0.249 0 ,442 0.575 0,532 0.353 0.19? 0,101 0.287 0. I10 0.406 0.160 0.189 0.082 0.305 0.831 SCREEN B2I5 SCREEII AzL? SCREEN B22L scnEur 8224 R008 8302 SECOND B3O4 sEco[D 8305 nl2X19 n6x35 rft5x36 r'2Y26 nl6x36 tl24X10{ nL8x40 sEcolrD 830? SECOND B3O8 SECOND 8312 sEcoND 8315 SECOND 831? sEcoND 8318 SEco'lD 8320 sEcot{D 8322 SECOND 8323 SECOND B32? SECOND 8333 SECOND 8334 sgc:oND 833? SECOND 8352 SECOND 8353 SECOND 8355 sEcoND 8356 sEcorD B3?5 sEcollD 8376 sEcolD 8395 SECOND 8626 sEcoND 8?17 sEcoND 8'129 r0n3 8805 sEcolrD 8859 SECOND 8861 SECOND 8863 sFcoND B8?l r{18X40 DStt2. 0.000 + 0,695 + 0.000 DSll2 .0.000+0.558+0.000 DSfL20 .0.000+0.248+0.000 - 0,000 + 0.240 + 0,000 DSlL2 - 0.000 + 0.322 + 0.000 DSru .0.000+0.554+0.000 DS?I2 = 0.000 + 0.93? + 0.000 DS?I" - 0.000 + 0.233 r 0.000 DS?124 .0.000+0.089+0.000 DSTI2 .0.000+0.24?+0.000 DSII,. 0.000 + 0.905 + 0.000 DSTL2 .0.000 + 0,211 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.902 i 0.000 DSIL2- 0,000 + 0.6{1 + 0.000 DST[2 .0.000+0.785+0.000 DStu .0.000+0.?15+0.000 DSTL2 .0.000+0.312+0.000 .0.000+0.312+0.000 0srLz .0.000 + 0.?71 + 0.000 DSIL2 .0.000+0,?14+0.000 DSTL2- 0,000 + 0.930 + 0.000 DSlr2 - 0.000 + 0.19? + 0.000 DStt2 = 0.000 + 0.1?5 + 0.000 DSTL2 = 0.000 + 0.058 + 0.000 DSTL2. 0,000 + 0.048 + 0.000 DST!2. 0.000 + 0.095 + 0,000 . 0.000 + 0.232 + 0.000 DSTI2. 0.000 + 0.199 r 0.000 DSTI2 - 0,000 + 0.600 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.?34 + 0.000 DSTL2 = 0.000 + 0.4{3 + 0,000 .0.000+0.389+0,000 DSTI.2 .0.000+0.288+0.000 - 0.000 + 0.3t9 + 0,000 DSlL2. 0.000 + 0.095 + 0.000 .0.000+0.468+0.000 DSTL2 .0.000 + 0.211 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.4?9 + 0.000 DSlL2 .0,000+0.590+0,000 12 0.278 DS1t38 0.000 0.235 DS!L38 0.000 0.122 DSTLIS 0.000 0.133 DS!L38 0.000 0.1?7 DsrElS 0.000 0.2?7 DS!L38 0,000 0.0?7 Dsr138 0,000 0.054 DSrL38 0.000 0.1{2 DSr[38 0.000 0.306 DSru|8 0.000 0.089 DSIL38 0.000 0.326 DSTL38 0.000 0.316 0SrL38 0.000 0.316 DS1L38 0.000 0.28? DSIL3S 0.000 0.201 DsrL38 0.000 0.3{2 0srr38 0.000 0.2?1 DStr;}8 0.000 0.28 9 DSTL38 0.000 0. r21 DSr[38 0.000 0.017 DstL38 0.000 0. 139 DSTL38 0.000 0.114 DSIL3S 0.000 0.070 DsrL38 0.000 0,199 DSTL38 0.000 0.076 DST!38 0.000 0.150 DSTL38 0.000 0,109 DSTL38 0.000 0.103 DSTL38 0.000 0.1?8 DSTI;}S 0.000 0,253 DSIL38 0.000 0.223 DS!L38 0.000 r{18X{0 nl8X{0 124X68 n24X104 n18X40 rfl2xl{ n2{xl0{ r|30x90 n30x90 112X19 n30x90 rl2x19 n8x{0 rll8X40 n18X50 n24X58 n18X50 nl8X40 r{12X14 H12Xl4 tr24x58 02{x68 w24x58 124X68 rl30x90 rl2 4X68 I,l12X14 DSlt2 (T) DST12 (l) DS!L2o (C) DSTL18 (T) DS1L24 (t) DSTL2 (T) DS1L2 (r) DSrr2{ (1) DST!2{ {T) DST12 {1) DST!2 {r} DST].2 (T) DSTL2 (l) DSTL2 (r) DSIL2 (t) DS1L2 (l) DSlt2 (C) DSTL2 (T) DSTL2 lr) DS1L2 (t) DSTL? (?) DSTL2s (T) DST!24 (1) 0sTr,2 (t) DS!L2 (r) DSTr.2 1T) DST!2 (l) 0sT1,24 (l) DSILS (C) DST!2 (r) DSIL2 (C) DSrLl (T) DS!L19 {C) DSIL2 (T} DSrr18 (C) DST!2 (T) DSIL17 (C) DSTL2 (r) DSTL2 (T) 0.695 0.55S 0.248 0.240 0.564 0.93? 0.233 0.089 0.247 0.90s 0. 214 0.902 0.641 0.786 0.?75 0.312 0,312 0,7?l 0,714 0.930 0 .197 0.058 0.04I 0.095 0.232 0.199 0. 500 0.?34 0.443 0.389 0.288 0.3{9 0.095 0.458 0.2{1 0,4?9 0.590 I I I I I I I t t I I I I t I I I I t B8?1 n12x14 B8?2 ri12X14 sEcoND 88?6 ti18x40 mfil B8?8 n2{Xl5 I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I I I sEmD E8?8 Ion| B8?9 sEcoID B8?9 sE@r[D 8880 totf3 B88l sBcoND 8881 unl 8082 SECOND B8O2 IONI3 BE83 sEcorD 8885 SECOND 8886 sEoNo 8887 sEcolro 8889 DS!L2 (Tl DSIL2 $l DS!L2 (ll DSTL2 lll DSII, (?) Dsrrt (t) DS!l2 (rl DS!L2 (T) DSIL2 (Tl DSrt2 (Tl DS1L2 (r) DStt2 {r) DSrLts {C) DSTLIT (r) DriTL2 (Cl 0.11? Dstr,38 0,153 Dstf,3t 0.09? Dsrr"tS 0,058 DS$38 0,059 DStt38 0.0t5 Dsrr,38 0.057 DSrr,38 0.0t3 Dst1,38 0,08? 0srr38 0.08? Dsr138 0.310 DsrL38 0.298 DSrL38 0.121 DSTL38 0.006 Dsrf,zo rotx9{ iQ(X16 n2{x9l fl2tx58 12tx68 12tx68 t|2tx68 n2tt68 112xl{ lf2tx5E fl18x{0 m8x{0 n2lx55 0.380 0.5t, 0,122 0.088 0.095 0.0?a 0,088 0,058 0.3{7 0.598 0.8?2 o .2'r 5 0.2E0 mllz - 0.000 + 0.380 + 0.000 DSAI2 - 0.000 + 0.5t{ + 0.000 D8TL2 .0.000+0.322+0.000 DSIL2.0.000+0.088+0.000 DStL2 = 0.000 + 0.096 + 0.000 DSIL2- 0.000 + 0.0?{ + 0.000 L9rla .0.000+0.088+0.000 DSIU - 0.000 + 0.068 + 0.000 DSfLz. 0,000 + 0.347 + 0,000 DSIL2 .0,000+0.212+0,000 DSTI,- 0,000 + 0.698 + 0.000 DSrl.2 .0,000+0.872+0.000 Dsltl? " 0.000 + 0.275 + 0.000. 0.000 + 0.280 + 0.000 DSTIl. 0.a85 + 0.015 + 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0008890 ||2{X5E 13 I I Bbtb.ch Con uttng Englnccfr, lnc. Tldo : VVll E(P I{ttlON O.tnc T Job | 26Ei1.10. orb: ll:29A , lt Juloll|t..a l\E=:EZ\ sEla GDt r---- t707W.6tfiAvc. Dorwer, Co 80214 phon O303-Z'3€E36 frx g 303-23:l{5156 Orslpton : tgTO Bt-Oc tt{t EST|GAT|ON 8cop.: C}IECKExlsnNGFOOTII{GS Sbel Beam tlasign I t I Gcnbr Span trfi Cant RgmC.il lJl : Unbnod l.ngth l-oed Dr.tlon Fa.iol Ehrdc Moduftrs 1.(n 29,m0.0kli14.50 n 0.00 fi 0.oo i 0.00 fr 8n Wt. Adrd to Load!tt & STAct Togcftcr Pinn dfhncl 8.67 k 8.87 k E.E7 E.87 ll.r. M + ilu. M- Mrr. MO Lrlt trlrr. MORigttt I T I I I I I t I T I I I I ottt ST . St rt t oc.ttn End Loceton Shlar @ L6tl Sh.ar@ Rigttt Ccfibr Don. Le{l Cant Dell Rlght Cent Orf, ...au6ry Dd @ R€|ction (o L6fr Reactbn @ Rt wdrh l,V.b lhict Fhngr Thidoe!3 Ar€a 0.410 0.8{x) tilaxlmum 32.17 k-fr -0.474 in 0.0(x)in 0.000 in 0.(xr0 fr LL @ Centar 32.17 LL+ST O Cent€r EE.6O in4 2.36 in4 lrl.E7E in3 1.189 In3 LL @ Cants k/t k/n k/n It It DL onv 11.15 E.E7 8.87 4.474 0.0(x) 0.o(xt 0.qro E.E7 8.87 3.07 3.07 {.164 0.000 0.000 0.m0 3.07 3.07 k{ k-ft k-fi k-n k k k k 0.000 0.0@ 0.000 0.mo 4.471 0.000 0.m0 0.000 8.87 E.67 0.0q) in 0.000 in O.oq) in 0.000 in 3.g70in 0.2q) in 0.225 h 4.16 in2 tllhg: Vltl2(14 3ccilon, Span = 14.50|l, Fy . 50.0ksi Ettd Fxily - Plnnedfinn€d, Lu = o.(xn, LDF - l.(xD Strdc Lo.d C-. Gowm. Str'3.! llex. Dcfrcctbn .{1.474 in tdrg$/DL D.f, l.Olig.E : 1 tmgth(Dl+tl Ddl 3r,97.2:1 Moflrnt lb : B.nding Stla!. ID' Fb Shcar fv : Shcar Strugs ?tlFv Aciuel $1.172 k{r 25.9,1E k i 0.?08 : I 8.875 k 3.726 kd 0.1E6 : I Alowablc 40.915 kd :x!.(m ki 47.UItk 20.0m ksi F. c.lc'd prr | .$'l , KrUr < Cc 14 Bicrbach Gomul0ng Engln .|t, Inc. Tldr: vwl E|(PAt'lslo0il D.gnn T Jobf 26E:1.10 m:ll:29All, 11 JtLol I I LtC l\#z:lr*o.r c6rrt-tt -, 3707W.8OtAve. Dcnver, Co.802l,f phona@303n&t€8i18 ftxe3m-233{5158 D-cd9don : i970 BIOG I]{\TESTKTAnON Scopr: CHECKEX|ST|NGFOOflI{GS Steel Beam Design Cenbr Span Lsft Cant Rlght Cant Lu : Unbra6d l€ngth 1.1.50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 14.q' ft Bm ttn. Addcd to Lo.ds LL e ST Act Togp0rcl to.d Durdon Fr.tofELltb oduhl t.00 29,m0.0k8i I I I Pinn€+Pinn€d t I I I I k/fr l(ft k/tt {t n OL LL ST St rt Loc.lbn End Location U3ing: W12(16 3.dion, Span - 1.t.soft, Fy = g).obi End Fixity . Pinn d+inncd. Lu - 14.50n, LDF = 1 .0d) Short Tann Load Ca.. Gotrril Stt ! Max. Dcfrcction 4.(n3 in LrngiltuDLM 3l,663.6:1 LdErh(DL+u- D6fr) 2,098.7 : I Mom€nt lb : Ecnding St lsEfr, Fb Shear fv : Shear Stre3a fvlFv Artual 6.544 k-fl 4.571 bi 0.762:.1 1.805 k 0.684 kli 0.03t : I Allor.blc -a-.zoa r-t 6.062 ksi 5i1.756 k 20.qro kli Maxinum 6.5.[ k-fr 1.81 k 1.81 k -0.083 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 fi DL Onh o.42 0.12 0.12 .0.005 0.000 0.m0 0.000 0.12 0.12 LL @ Canbl LL+ST @ Cenler 6.5,1 LL LL+ST @ Cantr @ Cantg t t I I I I I I I k-ft k-ft k-{t k-ft k k k k 0.(x)0 0.000 0.(xx) 0.000 Max. M + M.r. M - Max. M @ Lefi Mil. M @ Rloht Shear @ Lcft Sh€a, @ Right C.nbr Dcf,. Left Cant Defi REht Cant Dell ...Ouery Dcfr @ Rraction @ Lcft Rcaction @ Rt Wrdth l r€b Thick Flangc Thiclmcas Area 3.990in 0.220 in 0.265 in 4.71in2 103.00 in4 2.82 in4 17.181 in3 1.414 in3 0.m0 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.El 1.81 -0.08:t 0.mo 0.000 0.m0 t.El 1.El 0.m0 in 0.000 h 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.81 1.61 l-xx. l-W S-n s-vv F. calct p.r 1.S2, K'Ur > Cc w,t2xl6 1.60 3.fi {.302 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.60 3.04 4.40 8.64 Max. M + ilax. M - Mar. M@Lei Mar. M e Right I I T I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I Blert ch Comd0ng Engln a|t, tnc. TlUa: vW{ ExpAt{Stoil D{nn T6707W.6tlrAve. Denvcr, Co,802lil phonc @ 303-233{838 f.r @ 303.233{t5t56 Orcdpdon : i9z0 BLDG tt{r/EsncAno}l Scopc: CHECKEXlsnNGFOOTINGS Loed Durafon Frctor EhElb Modulu. sT@ Rbht All Jobr26E:1.10 D.b: ll:294l|. lt.'t L0t t.00 29,000.0ksi 0.0d) in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in O.T4 in 0.960 in l-E -/\*rtzz\ba--ab=-€&.r,.r cor4-r. -, Genter Span LdCenL Right C.nt Lu: Ur$f|€d f.eryfh Sh€ar tO Lail Shcar @ Right conbr t €[. l4lt C.nt Oefr Right Csnt thfr ...Ouery Oafi @ Resdlon @ Left Roedion @ Rt 1 'tdrhwbb Thii( Fleng. Thid(nes3 A'ra DL@ Right o.421 LL@ Rlsht Bm t\rl Addrd to loarlc tl.& STAct Togr0te II @ Ccnbr u.28 {.00 20.50 n 0.@ fr 0.00 fr 0.(x, n Maximum 34.28 k-n 4.40 k 8.64 k -0.848 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 ft DL Only 12.17 -0.00 LL+ST @ Contcl 103.00 in4 2.82 in4 17.181 in3 1.414 in3 LL @ Canb k-ftk{ k-fi k-ft k k 1.4 8.64 4.E48 0.000 0.000 0.mo /1.40 E.64 -0.848 0.m0 0.000 0.000 1.4 8.64 0.mo 0.000 0.000 0.000 k k 3.990ln 0.2:20 tn 0.265 in 4.71inz l-)q l-)v9n s-vv Steel Beam Deaign Pinnad-Plnncd t,3irE: w'2(16 s.ciion, Span = 20.501t Fy = 50.0ksi End Frity r PinncdPinned, Lu = 0.0Ot Uf = t.Om Sffic Lo.d Cre GdtrE Stttlr Morrnt lb: Bendiry Stess tb, Fb Shoal fo : Shcar Sbes3 firrFy Actual 34.276 k-fr 23.910 k3i 0.725 : I 8.644 k 3.277 llsi 0.16{ : t Aloweble 47.24 R-tl 33.000 kli 52.756 k 20.m0 ksi Max. Dcflcdon tcngtM)L Don t6ngW(DL+LL D6f,) {.&18 in 815.2 : I 290.0 : I F. c.l.fd p.r l.$'1, lCUr < Cc Blerbach Goneutdng Englnaot, Inc. ntc : vvH ExpAt{sK) D{nr: T5707 W.6th Ave. Ilerwer, Co.80211 phonc @ 303-23:t{838 fex @ 303-233{515s 20.50 fr 0.00 fi 0.00 ft 20.s0 n LL @ Rlght Or.cdp0on : r97O BtItG ltfvEsi.ncAnoN Scop.: CHECKEKST|NGF()OflNGS toad Duralion Fedor Elaltic lrodulu! ST@ Rlght 0.240 kift Joba288:1.10 D0: l1:29All, 1l .IJL0I 1.00 29,000.0k$i I I I I I t I I I l.|L -/\-,'#44:tur'r c{rt6!. --,3-r,-,f,jl ".rg.:i, gii Cenlor Spsn L.i Cant. Ritht Cantk : Unbrac€d L€ngfl OL@ Rlghi Bm V\ . Addad to Loads LL & ST Ad Togather SteelBeam Design Pinned+inn.d Using: wl2xlg s€dion, Span = 20.50fr, Fy = 50.0kst Ettd Fkity = Pinn€d+inn€d, Lu = 20.50'lL lOf = 1.OOO Short T.fm Lord Carc Govcmr Stn.. Ma(. D.lhcdon {.147 in Lrngth/DlD€fr 12,336.1:1 L6ng$(DL+LL D.ll) 1,67.8 : 1 trlorncnt lb : Bending Slles36' Fb Shear fv : Shrer Stross lvtFv ActIel 7.4.*t k-tt 4.177 ki 0.7|ll:'t 1.834 k 0.642 ksi 0.032 : I Alowable 10.019 k-ft 5.623 ksi 57.152 k 20.000 ksi Max. M + Max. M - Max. M @ Lcfi Max. M @ Right Maximum 7.44 k-lt 1.01 k 1.83 k 4.147 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 fi 0-000 0.m0 0.000 0.000 1.01 1.83 4.117 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.01 1.E:t 0.000 0.q,0 0.000 0.000 DL Onlv 0.99 0.19 0.19 -0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 LL @ Centcr at9 LL+ST @Car.r 7.4 -0.00 130.00 inil 3.76 inil 21.382 in3 1.878 ln3 LL (o Cane ea no|ed ->> LL+ST @ Cants 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in I I I t I t I I I I k-tt k-fr k-fr k-fr k k k k Shear @ Laft Shear @ Right Center Dell. Lefi Cant Defl Right Cant D,rf, ...Query Def, @ Roac{ion @ Lelt Reaclbn @ Rt width Web Thld( Fhnge Thidmess &€a 4.0051n 0.235 ln 0.350 in 5.57 In2 1.01 1.83 0.19 0.19 F. caldd p.r 1.$2, Ktlr > Cc ffi2Xt9 I T t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t I RA!{ BasePlate v1 .0L Bierbach Consulting Engineers, wL2xL06/ L2O max CRITERIA: Analysis Maintain Strain Coupatibility Use min. effective plate area for axiaL only compression load Des ign Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC Jg. Anchor Shear Vafues OnIy. Anchor tension Values OnIy. Optini zation Reposition Anchors 9fith plate Optinization INPUT DATA: CoLumn CoLumn Size.. w12x106 Base Plate Plate fy (ksi )..... 36.00N (Parallel to Web) (in) ... 26.50 (optimized)B (Perpendicular to Vfleb) (in) ... L6.50Plate Thickness (in) 3.00 (Optimized) Anchor Anchor Size.. L I/2"Anchor Area (in^2) I.71 Anchor Material . A449-l2O Anchor Modulus (ksi ) ..... 29000-00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00Footing Footing Strength f'c (ksi )..... 4.00 Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ....3505.00 Dimension (Parallel to web) (ft) .. 3.00 Dimension (Perpendicular to web) (ft)... 3.00 Load Case Data Dead Live Roof WindAxial (kip ) ..... ...... 252.00 149.00 0.00 0.00Mx (kip-ft) 22,00 8.00 0.00 0.00vx (kip )..... 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Load Combination Building Code: UBC 941) L.00DL2', 1.00DL + 1.00LL3) 1.00DL + 1.00LL + 1.00E4) 1.00DL + 1.00LL - 1.0085) 1.00DL + 1.0086) 1.00DL - 1.00E Su'nnary Design Results7/LL/0t 11:50 on pfate. Sei-smic 27.OO 174.00 0.00 Page 1 RAM BasePlate V1 .01 Bierbach Consulting w12x106,/120 max Controlling Controlling Engineers, Sunmary Desigin Results 7 /IL/0I 11:50 I t I I I I I T I t I I I I I t I I I RESULTS: Plate Bending Max bending motnent from concrete conpression Controlling Load Combination No - 3 AIIowabIe St.ress Increase Factor effective width to resist rnoment (in) ... plate bending moment ( kip-ft ) 1.33 16. 50 7t,39 34 .51 ?q 01 0. 96 fb (ksi Fb (ksi fblFb Anchors'Max. Max . Bearing Controlling Load Combination No = 3 ALlowable Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) ..., DIAGRAM: Shear . 0.00 Tension (kip )..... ?.39 Anc. No - 1 Combo No -- 5 2.53 2.28 * 1 3 4 o x (in) Y (in) -10.25 0 . 0010-25 0.00 -10.25 5.2510.25 5.25 -10.25 -5,25L0.25 -s.25 PL6-26-50 x 16.50 X 3.00 (in)I L/2" A449 Anchor Bolts I il,i:(l 1 (_) 5 n- () w12Xt-0 6 I I I I I RAI{ BasePlate V1 .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x106,/120 nin. Sumary Desigrl Results 't /LL/0t 11:52 CRITERIA: Analysis Maintain Strain Conpatibility Use min. effective plate area for axial only compression load on plate. Design Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearj.ng per AISC J9. Anchor Shear Values Only. Anchor Tension Values Only.Optimization Reposition Anchors With Plate Optimization rNPUT DATA: Colurnn Colunn Size.. W12X106 Base Plate Plate Fy (ksi ) ..... 36.00N (paratlel to web) (in).. 26.so (optinized)B ( PerpendLcu.Lar to tteb) (in)... .. 16.50Plate Thickness (in) 3.00 (Optirnized) Anchor Anchor Size.. I l/?"Anchor Area (in^2) L,77Anchor Material . A4 4 9-120 Anchor Modul"us (ksi )..... 29000,00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00 Footingl Footing Strength f'c (ksi t..... 4.00 Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ....3605.00 Dimension (Para11el to web) (ft)........ 3.00 Dimension (Perpendicular to webl (ft) ... 3.00 Load Case Data Dead Live Roof tfind Seisrnic Ar<ial (kip )..... 252.00 149.00 0.00 0.00 27,00 !4x (kip-ft) 22.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 174.00vx (kip )..... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Load Combination BuiJ.ding Code: UBC 941) 1.00DL21 1.00DL + 1.00LL3) L.00DL + 1.00LL + 1.00E4) 1.00DL + 1.00LL - 1.00E5) 1.00DL + 1.0086) 1.00DL - r..008 I t t I I I I I I I Page L RAM BasePlate V1 .0L Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x106/120 min. sunmary Design Results 1/|I|OL 11:52 t I t t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESULTS: Plate Bending Max bending moment frorn concrete conpression Controlling Load Combination No = 3 AllowabLe Stress Increase Factor 1' 33 Controlling effective width to resist monent (in) ." 15.50 controlling plate bending moment (kip-ft) ?1.39 fb (ksi ) .... 34.61 Fb (ksi ) .... 35.91 fb,/Fb . 0. 96 Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max. Tension (kip )..... 7.39 Anc. No - 1 Conbo No - 5 Bearing Controlling Load Conbination No - 3 Al,lowable Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... . 2.53 Max Bearing Pressure (ksi , .... . 2.28 DIAGR,M: * x (in)1 -r.0.252 L0.253 -10.254 10.255 -10.2s6 10.25 I (in) 0. 00 0. 00 5.25 5.25 -5.25 -)-zJ PL b 26.50 X 16.50 x 3.00 (in) - L L/2" A449 Anchor Bolts C L) 1 i ; (l) 2 (_) 5 Pagre 2 I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I RAM BasePlate V1 .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x136 nin. fb (ksi ) Eb (ksi ) Sunnary Design Results 7 /LL/OL ].'2:28 CRITERIA: Analysis Maintain Strain Cornpatibility Use min. effective plate area for axial only conpression load on plate. Designgse ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC iI9. Anchor Shear Values Only. Anchor Tension Values OnIy. Opti-ni zation Reposition Anchors l{lth PJ.ate Optimization INPUT DATA: Colurnn Column Size.. W12X136 Base Plate' Plate Fy (ksi )36. 00N (Paral.Lel to vleb) (in) .. 25.50 (optirnized)B (Perpendicular to Web) (in1 ... 15.50 (Optirnized) Plate Thickness (in) 2-75 (Optirnized) Anchor Anchor Size.. I t/2" Anchor Area (in^z) 1.77 Anchor Material . A4 4 9-120 Anchor Modulus (ksi ) ....: 29000.00Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00Footing Footing Strength f'c (ksi )..... 4.00 Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ....3605.00 Dimension (Parallel to web) (ft)........ 3.00 Dimension (Perpendicular to web) (ft)... 3.00 Load Case Data Dead Live Roof Wind SeisnicAxial (kip )..... s5.00 42.00 0.00 0.00 27.o0!{x (kip-ft) 20.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 244.00Vx (kip )..... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Load Combination Building Code: No Code Generated Combinations L ) 1. 00DL2) 1.00Dr + l".00LL3) 0.90DL + 0.71"84) 1.00DL + 0.?5LL + 0.54E RESULTS: Plate Bending Max bending moment from concrete comDressionControlling Load Combination No = 3Allowable Stress Increase FactorControllinq effective r4idth to resj.st moment (in) ...Controlling plate bending moment (kip-ft) 1. 00 15.50 39. 90 24 -57 2't -00 0. 91 Page 1 fblFb RAM BasePlate VL.01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, wL2x135 nin. Sunmary Design Resu.Lts7/II/0I L2:28 Conbo No - 3 I I I I I t I I t I T I I I I I I I I Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max, Tension (kip ) ..... 29.53 Anc. No = 1 Bearing Controlling toad Conbination No - 3 Allowable Bearing Pressure (ksi ) ...- Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... DIAGRAM: 1. 98 1.89 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 x (in) Y (in) -9. ?5 0.00 9. ?5 0.00 -9.75 4.75 9. ?5 4.75 -9.75 -4.'159.75 -4.15 PL6-25.50 x 15.50 x 2.75 (in) L t/2" A4 4 9 Anchor Bol-ts /-) 4 (-) z C) 6 wt 2x136 Page 2 I RjAM BasePlate v1 .01' Eierbach Consulting Engineers, I w12x136 rnax sunnary fiiitt*ili:;I I cRrrERrA:t Analysis Maintain Strain Conpatibility - Use min. effective plate area for axial only compression load on plate. I Desigmr Use ASD gth to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC J9. I Anchor Shear Values OnIy. I Anchor Tension Values OnIy, - @timizationReposition Anchors With plate Optinization I INPUT DATA:r corumn Colunn Size.. w12x136I Base Plate I Plate Fy (ksi ).... - 35.00N (Parallel to !leb) (in).. 25.50 (Optinized) r B (Perpendicular to Web) (in) . . . 15.50 (Optinized) I PLate Thickness (inl 3.25 (Optirnized) I Anchor Anchor Size.. ! L/2" r Anchor Area (in^2) 7.7'l I Anchor Material- A449-!2Or Anchor Modulus (ksi ) ..... 29000.00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... .,L20.00 I Footing I Footing Strength f'c (ksi ).,... 4.OOr Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ,...3505.00 Dimension (Parallel to webl (ft) ........ 10.00 I Dimension (Perpendicular to web) (ft)... 10.00 I toad Case Data Dead Live Roof Wind SeisrnicAr<ial (kip ). -... 316.00 209.00 0.00 0.00 27.00 _ Mx (kip-ft) 20.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 244.00I vx (kip )..... o.oo o.o0 o.oo 0.00 o.o0 t Load Conbination Building Code: No Code Generated Cornbinations1) L.00DL I 2t 1.00DL + 1.00LL I 3) o.goDr, + o.T1E4) 1.00DL + 0.75LL + 0.548 I RESULTS:I Plate Bending Max bending moment fron concrete compression I Controlling Load Combination No = 4 I Allowable Stress Increase Factor 1.00-' Controlling effective eridth to resist moment (in) ,., 15.50Controlling plate bending moment (kip-ft) 56.71 I fb (ksi ) .... . 24.94 I Fb (ksi ) .... 21 .00fblFb . 0-92 I I Page I I RAM BasePlate Vl .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x136 max Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max. Tension (kip )-.... 6.59 Anc. No = 1 Bearingr Contlollingi Load Combination No = 4 Aflowable Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... DIAGRAM: SurDmary Design Results'l/LL/OL 12:31 =3 2.80 2.34 I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I t I I I Conbo No * 1 2 3 4 6 x (in) Y (in) -9.75 0.00 9. ?5 0.00 -9.75 4.759.75 4.75 -9.75 -4 .75 9.15 -4.75 PI6-2s.50 x 15.50 X 3.25 (in) L !/2" Ad49 Anchor Bolts C 3 C 1 C 5 r-) /-) al 5 Page 2 I nAll BasePlate v1 .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, t wl2xr?o nax. sumar' ?iii78t*illt3I I CRITERIA:r Analysis Maintain Strain Conpati_bility I Use min. effective plate area for axial only compression load on plate. I Deslgn - Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC Jg. I Anchor Shear Values OnIy. I Anchor Tension Values OnIy. Optimization Reposition Anchors With plate Optinrization I INPUT DATA: Colunn Column Size. . W12X170t Base Piace t Plate Fy (ksi ) ..... ...... 36.00N (Paral1e1 to web) (in) .. 26.25 (Optimized) I B (Perpendlcular to Web) (in) ..- 15.75 (Optimized) I Plate Thickness (in) 3.50 (Optinized)! Anchor Anchor Size.. I L/2" I Anchor Area (in^2) L.'11 I Anchor Material. A449-LZOr Anchor Modulus (ksi )..... 29000.00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00 I Footing t Footing Strength f'c (ksi ),,.., 4.00 Concrete Modulus (ksi ),.,,. ,...3605.00 Dimension (Parallel to web) (ft) ........ 10-00 I Dimension (Perpendicular to web) (ft)... 10.00 I Load Case Data Dead Live Roof Wind SeismicAxial (kip ).. -.. 3s0.00 t72.o0 0.00 0.00 27.00 _ ltx (kip-ft) 22.OO 8.00 0.00 0.00 306.00 f vx (kip )..... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Load Combinarion Building Code: UBC 94 r 1) 1.00DL I 21 1.00DL + 1.00LL! 3) 1.00DL + 1.00LL + 1.00E4) 1.00DL + 1.00LL - 1.00E - 5) L.00DL + 1.00EI 6) 1.00DL - 1.008I I T I I Page I I RAM BasePlate vl . 01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x170 max. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I PL6- Sulunary Design Results7/IL/0L L2: 3 RESULTS: Plate Bending Max bending moment from concrete compression Controlling Load Cornbination No = 3 ALLowable Stress Increase Factor 1.33 Controlling effective width to resist moment (in) ... 15.75 Controlling plate bending monent (kip-ft) 90-14 fb (ksi t .... 33.64 Flr (ksi ) .... 35.91 fblFb - o' 94 Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max. Tension (kip )..... ]9,79 Anc. No = 1 Conbo No = 5 Bearing Controlling Load Combination No = 3 Allowable Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... 3-72 Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) ,... 3.59 DIAGMMT * x (in) 1 -10. 132 10. 13 3 -10. 134 10. 1.3 s -10. L3 6 10. 13 Y(in) 0.00 0.00 4.88 4.88 -4 .88 -4.88 26.25 x 15.7s x 3.50 (in) L l/2" A449 Anchor Bolts J 1 (l) o w12XL70 Paqe 2 I RAlil BasePlate Vl .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, SurnraarY Design ResultsI w12x1?0 nin. 1/LL/OL 12: 5I I CRITERIA:r Analysis Maintain Strain Compatibility I Use min. effective plate area for axial- only compression load on plate. I Design Use ASD gth to eheck plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC ,J9. I Anchor Shear Va]ues OnIy, I _ . .4.h9T Tension Values on1y. (4)E Lml ZaE rOn Reposition Anchors With Plate OptimizationII INPUT DATA: Column r Column Size.. W12X170I Base Plate' a PLate Fy (ksi )..... 36.00N (ParaIIeI to Web) (tn).. 26-25 (optintzed) I B ( Perpendicular to Web) (in)... L6.25 (Optinized) I Plate Thickness (in) 3.25 (Optirnized)I Anchor Anchor Size.. I L/2" I Anchor Area (in^2) 1.77 I Anchor MateriaL. A449-L2O Anchor Modulus (ksi )..... 29000-00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ,.120.00 I Footing I Footing Strength f'c (ksi )..... 4.00 Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ....3605.00 Dimension (Parallel to web) (ft) ........ 10.00 I Dimension (PerpendicuLar to web) (ft)... 10.00 t Load Case Data Dead tive Roof Wind SeismicAxial (kip )..... 176.00 85.00 0.00 0.00 27 -OOt{x (kip-ft) 22,00 8.00 0.00 0.00 306.00 I vx (kip )..... o.o0 o.oo o.o0 o.oo 0.oo I Load Combination Building Code 3 UBC 94 r 1) 1.00DL r 2\ 1.00DL + 1.00LLI 3) 1.ooDL + l,ool,r, + 1.ooE41 1.00DL + l-.00LL - 1.008 r 5) 1.00DL + 1.00E I 6) 1.00DL - 1.00E I I I I I I Page L I RAM BasePlate Vl .0L Bierbach Consulting Engineers, wL2x1?0 min. RESULTS ! Plate Bending Max bending Control linqr Allowable St Control I ing Controlling summary Design Results 'l /LL/0t ]-2z 5 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I monent from concrete compression Load Combination No = 3 ress Increase Factor effective width to resist moment (in) ...plate bending moment (kip-ft ) 1.33 L6.25 77 .84 32.65 35. 91 0. 91 fb (ksi Elc ( ksifb/tu .... Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max. Tension (kip ) ..... 3'1 .I2 Anc. No = 1 Bearing Controlling Load Conlcination No - 3 Allowable Bearing Pressure (ksi I .... Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... DIAGRAM: Conbo No = 5 3.12 3.25 * x(in) Y(in)1 -10.t3 0.002 10. 13 0.00 3 -10. 13 5. 13 4 10.13 5. 13 5 -10.13 -5.136 10. 13 -5. 13 PL 26.25 x 16.25 x 3.25 (in) - ! l/2" A449 Anchor Bolts r-) o 1 : ; z b Page 2 I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ETAES v7.15 File: 2683108 KiF-h Itnits PAGE 1 ,tuly 11. 2001 1l:25 SUH!{ARY OF COXPOSITE BEAM OUTPUT Bea! 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PAGE 3 JuIy U, 2001 14:25 I I I I Story: IOll3 I I I T t I I I I AISC-X!D89 Coqositc Bea! Derigr Short For! Ottput Eras !eb6l: BZI BaEic Bea! Infomatlon tadeDt Design har: 0.00 hax Cobo: tlA Type Codo l.cation M fb tbrllal Pos DCt{Ps2 BotPlarye 183.009 8.0t9 33.000 Sh€a! De8lgn fype Cmbo Block v fv Fv Final LGft DCllPS2 OK ?.91 3.6a7 20,000 Sinal f,ight DCUPS2 o( 7.91 3.594 20.000 EIIBS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-i! l'nit8 PAGE { JuIy 11' 2001 U:25 AISC-ABD69 C@osite Bean D€sigr Short FolE Ortput E€ar Label: 822 Basic EeaD lnfonation 1,/3 Factor Ier Rrtio 0.2t4 1/3 Factor Yes Story: l{n3 Ratio 0.182 0.180 l&nt Desiqn Pnax: 0.00 P!|a C@bo: ltA Typa Cdbo Iocation U fb Flaal pos DCI{PS2 BotlLarlge 183.009 8.0t9 Shear Design TyF C@bo Elock Flnal Left DCUPS2 0K Ftlal Rlgirt DCI{PS2 OK Fb 13.000 v fv Fe l/3 Factor?.91 3.547 20.000 Yes7.91 3.594 20.000 Yes 1/3 Factor Ratio 0 ,244 Ratio 0.24 4 Ratio 0. 182 0.180 E?ABS e7.I5 rl1e: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 5 JuIy 11, ?001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coq)osite Beu Design Short For! O.ltput Eeao fabel: 823 Story: lO{3 U@trt DeslEr P[e:r: 0.00 Pna)i CoDbo: NA type Coobo . location M fb Eb Fi.nal. Po! DCI{PS2 EotFlange 183,009 8,0{9 33.000 Ratio 0.ls2 0. 180 1/3 Factor Block OK OK I I I I I I I I Sherr Delign fype Conbo Final l€ft DCUPS2 Final Rigbt DCUPSz tloent D€sign Ty?e Pinal Pos Shear Design v fv Fv 1/3 Factor7.91 3.647 20.000 Yes?,91 3.59{ 20.000 Ycs ETIBS v?,16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PACE 5 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bean Desig[ Short For! Output B.an rabel: 82{ Story: IOtf3 Ballc Bea! Inforoation hanr 0.00 coDbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange ha:i Colbo: llA Mfb183.009 8.0a9 Fb l/3 Factor 33,000 Ies Ratio 0,244 Vfe7.9t 3.64? ?.91 .3.59{ FY l/3 Factor 20.000 Ye! 20.000 Yes I I ETA8S v7.16 8i1e: 2683108 Kip-in units PA68 ? ,tuly 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASD89 cqosite 8ea! Dcsign Short Eom Ortput Eear label: 829 Story: IOW3 ItE€ C@bo Blocl 8i.tral Left DcuPs2 0K Final Rigbt DCUPS2 0K Basic Eeae rnfornation MoDent Design hax: 0.00 Type codo Loc.tion Fj.nal. Pos DCUPS2 BotFlanqe Shear Deslgn Type corbo Block Sinal Lelt Do.lPSz 0K Final Right DcMPs2 0K Balic Bean Intonation uonent oesign Plax: 0.00 Type C@bo locatlon Final Pos DCuPsz BotFlange Shear Delign lype Coobo Btock FlnaL I€f t t)alPs2 OK Firal Right DCUPS2 ol( ETABS v?.16 FUe: 2583108 Kj.p-in Units .tuly 11, 2001 14:26 Basic Been llforuation Uosent Design ha:i: 0.00 Type Conbo location Final Pos DCtlPSz EotFlange Shear Design Iype Coobo Block Final left DCllPS2 OK Final Right DCUPS2 0K ETABS v?,16 File: 2583108 Kip-ir Units July 11, 2001 14:26 Rrtlo 0.182 0.180 Ratio 0.231 I I t I I I I I I t t t t T I I I ha,! Coebo: IA Mfb 1?3.437 1,629 Vfv ?.50 3.487'l.50 3.551 Pna:i CoDbo: NA Mfb 1?3.43 r 1.528 Pna:{ Conbo: tO ufb 1?3.43? 7 .628 Vfv /. 'U J.JJI 7.50 3.487 $ 1/3 Factot 33.000 Yes E1ABS v?.15 Fil6: 2583108 Kip-ir Units PAGE I JuIy 1r, 2001 1l:25 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite BeaD Deslgn short For! Output Bean Label: 830 Story: Kll3 lv 1/3 Pactor20.000 Yes20,000 Yes Fb l/3 Pactor 33.000 Yet Ratlo 0.1?4 0.1?8 Ratto 0.231 vf? ?.50. 3.4877.50 3.551 PAGE 9 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Tes Ratio 0.1?4 0,178 Ratio 0.231 AISC-ASD89 Cmposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bear Label: 831 Story: L0fl3 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 tactor 20.000 les 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.1?8 0.17{ AISC-ASD8g Corposlte Bea! DesiED Short For! output Bean Label: 832 Story: 10fl3 I I I I I Basic Be.D lDfolDatlotr Ucnt Deligr har:0.00 1!?r Co6o l,ocatioo FiDaI Pos DCHPS2 Botptanqe Shear D4ign lype CoEbo Block Floal Left DCIIPS2 0K FiDal Riqht DCUPS2 0K EflBS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 l{:25 Ballc gcan ltrfomation !l6a[t De5ign hax: 0.00 Type Cdbo Iocatioa Flnal Pos DCr,iPSz Bottrlange Sheu D!3ign type CoDbo Block final l€ft DCUPS2 OK Flnal Right DCHPS2 0K EflUS v7.16 file: 2583108 Kip-in 0nits firly 11, 2001 U:25 !V 1/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Yes 0.35220.000 Yrs 0.3{5 hax Coubo: lIA ll 173.43? fb 1.625 Ratl0 Rrtio 0.1?8 0.17{ Ratlo 0.?98 6 1/3 9actor 33.000 Ye3 Fv 1/3 Fector 20.000 les 20.000 Y!! t I I I AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bear Design Sholt FolE Output Bean !ab€I: BO?7 Story: IOn3 vIv 7.50 3.5517.50 3.487 PAGB 11 Pnax ColDo: tO ufb812.650 26.319 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yeg Vfv 14.85 ?.032 1{.85 6.905 PAGE 12 C@bo Block DCUPS2 0K I I I I I I I I I I NSC-ISD89 Coeosite Bean Design Short tort! Output B.ar Label: 837 Stoly: IOfl3 Basic Bcatr Inforriati. on l{coent Deslgn rj?e Final Pos Poa\:0,00 Cotrbo Locatiol DCllPS2 BotF]ange Block OK OK P[a:i Conbo: Nl' Mfb 141.093 6.206 lb 1,/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.188 ETABS v?,15 File: 2683108 Kip-i,r Units JuIy ll, 2001 U:26 AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Beo Design Short ForD Output Bean LabeL: B3e Story: t0fl3 riooent DeslEn Pna:i:0.00 Pna:i Corlbo: IA She.! D€si.gn Typ! Conbo Firal I€ft DCtlPSz 8lna1 Rlght DCMIS2 Slteaa Des j.gn TYPE FhaI Left Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes 6.86 6.8 5 PAGE T3 fv 2.992 2.992 fv 2.0'tr Rati.o 0.150 0.150 lype C@bo location M Final Pos InPS2 BotFlange 97.663 4.i5 Fv 20.000 Rat io U.IJb Rati.o 0.104 fh Ft 4. s0{ 33.000 1/3 Factor Yes 1/3 Sactor Yeg Fin l &igbt DCUPS2 0l( l.?5 2.0?l emBS v?.1.6 FiIr: 2583108 Kip-in orits ptGE 1{ July 11, 2001 14i26 20.000 Y.s 0.101 Ratio 0.{05 I I I t I I I I I I T t t I I t I I I AISC-ISD89 Coqosite Bean Derj.En Sbolt Fo!! Ottput Bean Lab€l: 816 Stoly: SECoND Basic l€a! Iltfomatioll l,to!e[t Deslgn Paax: 0.00 hax Cdbo: ttA lype Conbo Location x fb Final Pos DCl.tPsz BotFlang€ 1651.863 13.376 $ 1/3 factor 33.000 Yes Shear Design Typr Codbo Block V Final l€ft DCUPS2 OK L6.92 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 15.92 ETABS v?,15 file: 2583108 Kip-in 0nits PACE 15 JuIy 11, 2001 Ll:25 2.395 2.395 lv 1/3 Factot20,000 re!20.000 leg Ratio 0.120 0,120 AISC-ASD89 C@ositr 8ea! Design Short Folo Ortput Bea! Label: B2l Stoly: SECO D Basic Bean InforDation Mmeot Design PDax: 0.00 pna)i Colbo: llA type Coobo Iocation U & Final Pos DCUPS2 EotFlange 126.858 5.580 Shear Design lype Corbo Block V fv Flnal left DCI{PS2 OK 5.49 2.550 Final Rlght DCUPS2 0K 5.{9 2.539 EIAES v7.1.5 Eile: 2683108 Kip-in Uoits PAGE 16 July lt, 2001 1{:26 Type CoDbo Location H fb Final Pos DC}|PS2 BotFlange 126,858 5.580 Shear D$ign type Codo Block v fv Fi.nrl. left DCUPS2 OK 5.49 2.550 Flml Right DCUPS2 0K 5,49 2.539 EIAIS v7.16 F1le: 26E3108 Klp-irl units PAGE 17 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD8g Coqosite Bean Delign Short Fom Output Bean label: 822 Stoly: SEmND Xonent Design hax: 0. 00 Pna!: Conbo: NA lb 1/3 factor 33.000 Yeg lv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20,000 Ye3 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20,000 Yes Ratio 0. 169 Ratio 0.169 Ratio 0,128 Ratio 0.128 0.r27 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Delign Sholt Forn output Bea! Label: 823 Story: SECoND Easic Bean Infodation Mooent Design htai:: 0.00 pna]i Conbo: NA type Conbo Locatlon u fb lb 1/3 Factor Rat io 0.128 0.121 I/3 Eactor I I I I l I I I I I t t Filal, gos DCUPS2 BotFlang€ 125.858 5.580 0.159 Shear Desigl fype Conbo Block V fv fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Filal Left Dcr,rPs2 0K 5.49 2.550 20.000 yls 0.128 Final Right DCl,lPS2 o( 5.{9 2.539 20.000 Yes 0,127 ErAss v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in uDits PAGE 18 .tuly 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-AI|D89 Coqosite Bea! D€sj,gn Short Fo!! Output Bea! Label: 824 Story: SeCo!|D Basi,c Bean Infomation ffmeDt Design Type Fbal Pos UoBent Design Tyle Final Pos Pnax: 0.00 C@bo locatiol DclIPS2 Botflange Paax: 0.00 Cmbo locatioo DCllPS2 BotFlange Pnari:0,00 Conbo Location DCMPSz SotFlarge Pras coDbo: M ufb126.858 s.580 P[a!: Conbo: l|A ufb720.244 5.289 rb l,/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fh 33.000 Rati0 0.169 Shear Dcsiqr Type Corbo Block V Firal l€ft DCllPS2 0K 5.19 rinal Right DCllPS2 oK 5.49 EXIAS v7,15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in tnits PAGE 19 ,tuly 11. 2001 Ll:26 fv Fv L/3 Factor2.550 20.000 Yes2.539 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 C@osite Bean Design Short Eoro Output Bea! Label: 829 Story: SECOND Basic B€a[ hfolration 8lock OK OK | ilf;',1]'l3,itl;:22583108 KiP-in units Shear Design lype Cotbo Fitral left DCUPSz Final Rigbt DCUPS2 Uonent D€sign tyPeFilrl Pos Fv 1/3 Pactor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes 5.20 5.20 PAGE 20 5.20 PAGE 21 Ratio 0.160 Ratio 0. 123 0. 121 fv 2.462 2 .4t',1 fit 2.462 2.4L1 I AISC-ASD8g Cooposite Bean Desrgn Short Fom output Bean lrabel; 830 Story: SECOND t Baslc E€a! hfornaEron I I I I I !hai: Conbo: M ufb120.244 5.289 Fb l/3 Facto! Ratio33.000 Yes 0.160 Shear DeEign fype Conbo Elock Final left DCUPS2 0K Final Riqht DCUPS2 oK ETABS v?.15 rile: 2683108 Kip-in Units July U, 2001 1{:26 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.123 0.121 AISC-aSD89 Coqosite Baa[ Derign Short Fon output -B€a! label: 831 Story: SECoND Basic Bea! Infomation I I I I I t shea! Design T!p. C@bo Block v Flnal Left DCtlPS2 oK 5.20 rilal Right DCIIPSZ 0K 5.20 EIABS v7.16 F1le: 2583108 Klp-ir units PAGE 22 July 11. 2001 1{:25 Basic BeaD Infornation ldrDent Desigr Erax: 0.00 Typc Cmbo Location Final Pog DOlPs2 BotFLange NSC-ASD89 Co@osite 8eatr Design Short Fo!! output Bea Label: 832 Story: SECOLD lhrcnt Desl$l Type FinaL Pos Monent Design TyPe Fina] Pos hax:0.00 Coobo lJocation DCUPS2 BotFlalge hax i 0.00 . Conbo location DCUPS2 EotFlange har C@bo: IA Mfb120.241 s.289 lb l/3 Pactor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Y€s 20.000 Yes 2.4t'l 2.462 !v 2.4\1 2 .452 4.8?8 4.818 Rat io 0.160 Ratio 0.121 0.123 Ratio 0.150 Rati0 0.?15 I I I I I I hax co[bo: A ufb 120.244 5.289 1/3 Eactor Yes Shear Design lype Co@o BLock v tiral left DCUPS2 oK 5.20 final Riqht DCuPs2 0K 5.20 EIABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in onits PAGE 23 July 11, 2001 11325 Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 YEE 20.000 Yes Fh 33.000 Fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Ratlo 0.123 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Desig! Short For:d output Bea! Label: 88?? Story: SECOID Basi.c BeaD Inforratlon ilooent Desj.gn haji: 0.00 type Coobo Location Filal Pos DCllPS2 BotFlange Shea! DesrEl Type CoBbo glock Sinal Left tgPs2 0K Final Right DCXPS2 0K ETA8S v?.16 8i1e: 26E3108 Kip-itr Uni.ts JuIy lI, 2001 U:26 P[a.: CoDbo: NA Mfb 563.112 23,511 v 10.30 10.30 PAGE 24 Ratlo 0.2t{ 0.2{{ Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes I t I T I T I AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bea[ Design Short Fortr Output BeaD label: 83? Story: SECOI|D Basic Beatr Infornation Poax Conbo: NA Mfb 9?.811 4.302 Fb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes Ratio 0.130 l/3 Factor Yes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I Shear Des j.gn ty?€ CoDbo Block V Final l€ft DCMPS2 0K 4.?5 Finll Riqht DCllPs2 0K {.75 ETABS v7.r5 File: 2683108 Kip-ir thits PAGE 25 Jbly 11, 2001 14:26 Easi.c Eean Infornation lhnent Design Pnax: 0.00 Type CoDbo tocatlon Final Pos DC Ps2 BotFl.ange fv 2.071 2.07 4 hlx C@bo I NA lf fh 92.144 t.053 fv 1.951 1.951 Fv 1/3 Facto!20,000 Yes20,000 Ye3 Satio 0.104 0.t01 AISC-ASD89 Co@olite Bea! Derign Short FoIr Output Bsa! L,abel: B3B Stoly: SECOND Shea! Design lype CoEbo Blocl V FinaL Left DQ.iPS2 0K 4.48 Final Right DCIIPS2 OK {.48 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in ttnits PAGE 26 July 11, 2001 14:25 Fv l/3 Facto! Ratio20,000 Yes 0.098 20.000 Yes 0.098 Eh 33.000 It 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Rat io 0.123 Ratio 0,539 AISC-ASD8g Coqosite Beatr Design Short Fom Ortput Bcan Lab€l: 841 Story: T8BEE Baslc Eaar InforEation She|! Design It?e C@bo BLock V FiDal left DCUPSz 0K 20,18 Final Right DCUPS2 oK 19,82 EIABS v?.16 FUe: 2683108 (ip-in Units PAGE 2? July U. 2001 14:26 u@€nt Design rype Plnal Pos Mooent Desj.gn Type Final Pos shear Design Iype C@bo Block tlnal Left DCMPSz 0K Final Riqht DCUPS2 0K Dary No 4.00t 4.421 Pnai: 0.00 pnax CoEbo: NA CoDbo Locati.on !f ft DClrPS2 BotFlange 18?4.560 21,091 fv 3.519 3.515 hat: 0. 00 ha:i Coebo I NA Coubo locatlon M fb DCUPS2 BotElange 2583.653 24.296 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.1?9 0.176 Ratio 0,736 AISC-ASD89 C@osite Bea! Design Short foro output Bean Labe]: 842 Story: nIREE Basic BeaD Infoloation rb 1,/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes 25.'tt z5,JU fv 4.133 r.133 Ratio 0.20? 0,20? t\r 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes ETABS v7.15 File: .2683108 Ki^p-io Units PAGE 28 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 1 11 AIsc-AsD89 coposite Be& Dcslg! short Fom Ortput Bea! rabcl: Bl3 Story: tlREE Basic Bea[ hfonation I I I I I I Shear Desj.gn ri?e Conbo BlocMv Final I€ft DCllPSz oK l,l8 1.957 final Right DCUPSz 0K {.48 1.957 EllBS v7.!5 file: 2683109 Kip-in units PAGE 29 July U, 2001 1l:25 llcnt DesiEl lype Flnal Pos hax:0.00 Conbo location DCUPS2 BotFlange hax Codo: A ufb92.268 4.255 Pnar Codo: m ufb159.318 7.t50 Fb 1/3 Factor 33:000 Yes fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yeg 20.000 les lb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yeg Ratio 0.098 0.098 Ratio 0.129 Ratio 0.226 I I I I I I AISC-ASD89 co4osite Bca! De3iqr Short Fom output Bea! label: 85{ Story: tf,REE Basic Bean Infornatlon ttornt Deslgn haa: 0.00 Ty?e CoEbo location Firlal Pos DCUPS2 EotFlange Shear Design Type CoDbo Block Final Lelt DCUPS2 oK Final Rj.ght DCI{PS2 0K BTABS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean DcaiEl Short ForD' output Bcar label: 865 Story: lf,nEE Basic Bean Inlomation vfv1.3? 3.{31 7.32 3.357 PAGE 30 tv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes F, l/3 factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes fv 3.434 3.357 R.t1o 0.1?2 0.158 Ratio 0.226 Ratio 0.226 Uonent DesiF hax: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Firal Pos oCuPS2 Botflange Pnai: Conbo: lO Mfb 169.3?8 ?.450 Shear Desigtl Type Final Left Final Right Monent Design Type Final Pos C@bo Bloc} DC PS2 0K Dcres2 0K v PAGE 31 R!tio 0.1?2 0.168 I I I I I I I ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-j.o Units JuIy U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coopogite Bea[ Deli,gn Short ForD Output Bear LabGl: 856 Story: IHREE Basic Sean Ilformation PDax:0.00 . CoDbo Locati.on DCUPS2 BotPlange Pna:i CoDbo: NA utb169.3?8 ?.450 Ratio 0.t12 0.158 3. {3{ 3.35? I I I I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I Shear Desig! type Coobo Block v Sinal left DCUPS2 0K 7.32 Flml Right DCUPS2 oK 1,32 8$8S v7.16 FlIe: 2683108 Kip-In UDirs pAcE 32 ,nly 11, 2001 U:26 3. {3{ Fv 1/3 factor20.000 res20.000 le! nrtio 0.L12 0.158 AISC-ASD8g Coeoslte Bcr! Design Short Soru output Bea! label: 857 Story: 1BREE Basic Br![ Infonation lbrelt Dcaigt tvF Pinal Pos hax:0.00 CoEbo l,ocatiotr oCUPSz Bottlange har Corbos l|A ufb 169.378 ?.{50 Ratio 0.226 t AISC-ASD89 Cqosite E€ar Design Short FolD Output Bear Label: B?3 Story: tgtEE It Easlc 8ca! rifonarron Shear Desiga Type Cmbo Block vtiml left DcuPS2 0( 1,32 Final Right DCU?S2 oK 7.32 EnBS v7.16 File: 2683108 Klp-in Udts pAeE 33 ituIy u, 2001 u:25 $ 1/3 Factot33.000 Yes FY 1/3 tactor 20.000 Y€s 20.000 Yeg $ 1/3 Factor33.000 YcE fir Fv 1/3 Pacto! 4.105 20.000 Yes {.080 20.000 Yes ll@e[t Desig! rv?e Final. Po! ll@ent DesiEn ly?e Final Pos shear Desigin type c@bo Block Flnal. Left DCUPS2 0K Fj.nal Rigbt DCllPS2 0K EIABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units ,tuly U, 2001 14:2, hax: 0.00 PDax CoDbo: llA Conbo Location M fb lcuPs2 EotFlange 2115.786 20.288 ha:i: 0. 00 PDa-i: Cmbo: NA Conbo Location t{ fb DolPs2 BotFlange 2115,?86 20,288 Rati.o 0.615 Shear DesiEr lype cobo Block v Fi.nal Left DO'18S2 OK 21.59 tiDal Rlght DOIPS2 OK 2I.69 EIABS v7,16 FlIe: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 3{ JuIy 11. ?001 14:26 Ratio 0.205 0.204 AISC-ISD89 Cooposite Bean DesiEt Short Forn output Bea! Labet: 869 Stoly: IIREE Balic BelE Infonation Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Ycs Ratro 0.615 21.59 PAGE 35 fv 4.105 4.0E0 Fv 1/3 Factor 20,000 les 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.205 0.204 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite 8sa! Dcsigt Short fora O$put Bea! Lrbrl; 870 Story: tER88 Easic Bea[ Infomation T I t I l I Hsent Deslgtr tyPe Final Pos Sh.ar DesigD Type C@bo Finat Left DCUPS2 Floal Right Dct{Ps2 EtABs v?,16 Pile: 2683108 July u, 2001 u:26 hsx: 0.00 hax Conbo: NA Co@bo location lt !b DCllPS2 SotFl.rnge 2115.?85 20.288 Block v 0K 21.590x 21.59 Ki.P-in gnits PAGE 36 4.105 {.000 R,lt10 0.515 Ratio 0,51s Ratio 0.628 6 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yee 11, 1/3 gactor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.205 0.201 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean D€sign Short Fo!! Ortput Bea! Lab€lr 871 Stoly: TfiREE MoDent Desisn hax: 0,00 goar Co[bo: tlA typ. Conbo Iocation l{ Final Pos Ir PS2 Botflange 2115.?86 Shear Design TyF Conbo Block V Final. left DCl,lPS2 OK 2L.59 Fj.nal Right DCllPs2 0K 21.69 EIABS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Klp-in Units PAGE 3? JuIy 11,2001 1{:25 Shea! Drsigt Type Cmbo Blocl V Flnal Left DCllPS2 0K 25.02 Fj.nal Rigbt DCllPS2 0K 25.02 ErAgS v7.15 File: 25831.08 Kip-in Units PAGE 38 July 11, 2001 14:?6 20.288 33.000 F, 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Ye3 l! 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes 1/3 facto! Ye3 t I I I T t fv {.r05 1.080 Satio 0.205 0,204 AISC-ASDS9 Coqosite Bea! Design Short Fotll Output Eean Label: 8?4 Story: IIREE Basi,c Beao lltforaation Monent Design PnaJi: 0.00 Pdant Cotrbo: NA lype Colbo locatlon M (b Final Pos DCUPS? BotFlange 2{40.110 20.710 AISC-ASDEg Cotrposlte Bean Design Short For! output Bean Label; 882 Story: TIIRSE Basic Bean Infomation fv 4 .1{8 {,153 Ratio 0.201 0.208 Ratio 0. 628 Fv U3 rbctor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Ye! Fb 1/3 Facto! 33,000 Yes t I I t I T I ltooent Design !ype Final Pos Shear Design Type hax: 0,00 pnax Co@bo: IA Combo locatlon M fb DCIfPSZ BotFlange 2440.110 20,'II8 w l/3 Factor Ratio I I I Finar !€ft Do{ps2 oK zs.oz {.1t8 20.000 yes 0,40? I Final Right DCxEs2 0K 25.02 1.153 20.000 yes 0.208 ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Unitr PAGE 39 I tul,y u, 2001 1{:26 I AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Deliqn Short Forn Ortput Bean label: 883 Story: TEREE I Basic Bean lDfonationI I [odetrt De3lgn hax: 0.00 poax coobo I NA I lype Cebo location l.l fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratj.o I FhaI Pos [$Ps2 BotFlange 2{{0.u0 20.?10 33,000 yes 0.628I Shear Design I type Coobo BLock V fv !V 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCUPSz OK 25.02 4.1{8 20.000 Yes 0.20? Final Right DcuPs2 0K 25.02 1.153 20.000 Yes 0.208 I EIABS v?.15 Fite: 2683108 Kip-in Unirs pAtr 40I July u. 2001 I{:25 I AISC-ISD89 Coryosite 8ea! Design Short Foni Output Bea! Label: BB4 Stoly: TBBEE r Balic Bea! Inforoation I tioornt D,esign hax: 0.00 hax Coebo: ilAI t Tt|pe Coto Locatlon !l fb Eb I/3 Factor Ratio Final go3 DCUPS2 BotFlalgc 24t0,110 20.1L9 33.000 res 0.620 ll Shear Design Type Codo Block v fu Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Filal Left lruPs2 OK 25,02 4.1t8 20.000 yes 0.207 I Filal Riqht DcMPs2 0K 25.02 4.153 20.000 yes 0.208 8f,Ais v7.16 File: 2583108 rip-in Units PAGE 41 - J|rIy U, 2001 U:26 II IISC-ASD89 C@posite Beat! oesign Short Fom Ortput BeaD Label: E?8 Story: TEREE a Basic Bea InfornatioD I UoDent Design PDax: 0,00 pna:i CoEbo: l,tA lype Combo Location M fb $ I/3 Factor Ratio ,) Final Pos DcllPsz BotFlange 196.6{0 8.649 33.000 yes 0.262r I ' Shea! Itesiqn t Tlpe cotrbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 lactor Ratio I FimI Left DCUPS2 0l( 8.50 3.98? 20.000 yes 0.199 Final Rlght DCllPSz 0X 8.50 3.89? 20.000 yes 0,195 I EIABS v?,15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 42 I JUI_V 11, 2001 1{:26r AISC-ASD89 Co4osite Bean Design Sholt ForD output Beard Labelr 879 Story: TIREEI I Basic Bean Infomation Monent oesign hax: 0.OO Pnax Conbo: NAI I 1/3 Factor Y€3 Type Coabo Final Pos DCUPS2 I I Shear Desiglr TI?e Conbo Bl,ocl V Finar left DcllPs2 0K 8.50 Einal Right DcuPs2 oK 8,50 ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 43 July 11, 2001 14:26 locatlon Botflange M 195. 6,10 11. Dv .8.5{9 lv 3.98? 3.897 3.987 3.89? nao u.ao1 R.tio 0.262 Ratio 0.252 Ratio 0,205 0.205 33,000 Fv 1/3 Factor 20;000 Yc! 20,000 Yes lb 1/3 Flctor 33.000 Ies Rrtlo 0.199 0.195 Ratto 0.199 0.195 Ratio 0.199 0.195 I I I I I I l I I I NSc-AsD89 coqosite Beat! DeslF Short ForD outPut Brar L.bcI: 880 Stoty: TBREE Basic BeaD Infomation HoEent Design hax: 0.00 lyle conbo Localion Final Pos . DC!{PS2 BotFlaoge Paax Conbo: IA ufb195.6{0 8.5{9 shear Desiqn Type Coubo glock v Final l,eft DolPs2 oK 8.50 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 8.50 Etl8s v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in 0nits PIGB 4l Juty 11. 2001 1{:26 Easic Bea! InforDtion lheot tlesign hax: 0.00 lype Coobo ldcation Final Pos DCllPSz Botflanqe w 1/3 Factor 20.000 Ye! 20.000 Yes AISC-ISD89 Cooposite Bcrn D€sign Short Forn Ortput Bea! Label: BE1 Story: llREE hai Conbo: NA MS 196.510 8.549 Fb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yeg Shear Deligtr Type C@bo Block V Fi.nal Left DC PS2 0K 8.50 Fi.nal Right DCllPS2 0K 8,50 E1A8S v7.15 File: 2683108 Klp-io Units PAGE 45 tuly 11, 2001 t{r26 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Ye3 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.705 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Bea! Desigll Short Fom outPut Bean Lab€l: 886 Stoly: TfiREE gasic Bea! Infomation ilonent Desiqn Type Fina] Pos Shear Desrgn lype Final L€ft Final Right hax: 0. 0 0 Conbo locatiotr DCl.lPS2 BotFlange 3.98? 3.89? hax Codo: NA ufb755.918 23,249 I t I T I t I Conbo ' DCUPS2 DC PS2 tv 4 .091 { .091 Block OK OK Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes I I I 8lA8S v?.16 Filc: 2583108 Kip-in Udts PAGE 16 I July 11, 2001 1{:25 I AISC-ASD89 Coryolite Bear Design Short ForB Output Eean rabel: 88? Story; TIREE I Easic 8Gs! I[foloatioD - Mment Dcaiga Pnax: 0.00 Pnax Conbo: NA I t fype Coubo Location H fb Fb 1/3 Eactor Ratio Final Pos truPs2 BotFlange 10{8.856 23.288 33.000 Yls 0.?05 I Shear D$j,gn I Ty?e Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Retio I Flnal tr€ft DcltPs2 OK 15.82 6.218 20.000 les 0.314 I Firal Right DCI{PS2 0K 15.82 5.823 20.000 Yes 0.291 I BtAss v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Udts PAGE 47 - .tuly U, 2001 1l:26 I!rr AISC-19D89 Coryosite Bean Design Short fom output Bea! Label: BEE Stoly: TXREE I Blsic Bea! Infornation I lkoent D$iqn Prax: 0.00 ha:i Conbo: llA - Type Conbo location U fb !b 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFtange 104?.960 21.293 33,000 yes 0.?06 J Shear Design I lype Combo BLock V fv fv 1/3 Factor Ratj.o I Fina] refr DcuPs2 oK 15.81 5.818 20.000 yes 0.291 Final Rlght DCMPS2 0K 15.81 5.469 20.000 yes 0.213 I EIABS e7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 48 I .tuly 11, 2001 14:25 I NSC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 889 Story: THREE I Basi.c Beatr InfornaEron Honent Design hax: 0.00 prar: Conbo: NA I Type Cebo locatiotr H fb Fb l/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCllPS2 BotFlange 1047,950 23.293 33.000 yes 0.?05 I Shear Design I ' lype Conbo Btock v fv Fv l/3 Factor Ratio r Final Lett DCUPS2 0K 15.81 5,818 20.000 Yes 0.291 I Fj.nal Rlght DCMPS2 OK 15.81 5.469 20,000 yes 0,2?3 I EtlES v7.15 File: 2683109 Ktp-in Units PAGE {9 t ,tuly U, 2001 14:25 a AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bea! D$ign Short Foln Ortput Bear label: 890 Stoly: I'I|REE - Basic Bean Infomation I I tbleqt Design Pna:i: O.0O Pna.: Combo: NA Type CoDbo Location M fb fb 1/3 Factor Ratio I I Plnll Pos l)olPs2 EotFlange 101?.960 23.293 33.000 Ye!0.?05 Shea! Design Type conbo Block v fv tv l/3 factor Final r€ft tntPs2 o( 15.81 5.818 20.000 Yes Final Rigbt DCrrPS2 oK 15,81 5'469 20.000 Yes ETABS t?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGE 50 ,tuly 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASDE9 ComPosite Bea! DesigD Short Foro Ortput Bea! Iabel: 891 Story: Tf,RIE Easic B€an l'Ifomation tloEent Desiqn Plax: 0.00 hax CoDbo: m fyp€ conbo Location ll fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio rinat ios DcuPs2 BotFlanqe 10{?.960 23.293 33.000 Yes 0.705 Shear DerigD fype coobo Block v fv Fe 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCUPS2 oK 15.81 5.818 20,000 Yes 0'291 Fioal, Right DcuPs2 oK 15.81 5.469 20'000 Yes 0'213 ETABS v?,15 file: 2683108 Kip-in orits PAGE 51 July 11. 2001 1r126 AISC-ASD8g coryosite Bean Design sholt 8or[ Ortput BeaD label: B103 Storyr TBREE Easic Bean Infonation Mddent Desj.gn Peai: 0.00 PnL'r Conbo: NA fy?e conbo f,ocation u !b tb 1/3 Factor Ratio Pinal Pos DctlPS2 Botflanqe 19?9,911 20.111 33.000 Yes 0.630 shea! Design Type CoDbo Block V fv Fv 1/3 Facto! Einal Left DcuPSz 0K 19.01 3,3?2 20.000 Yes Final Rj.ght DCUPS2 OK 19.01 3.312 20.000 Yes ETABS v1.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in uni.ts PAGE 52 July ll, 2001 11:26 AISC-ASD89 conposite Bea! Design Short 8o!o output Bea[ label: 8105 Story: IHREE Ba3ic Bean llfonnation MoEent DesiqD hax: 0.00 ha.: Codbo: NA Type Conbo Locatlon M fb Fb Final Pos DCUPS2 BotSlanqe 2588.135 19.032 33.000 Ratlo 0.291 0,213 I I I I t I I t t I ! I T I I t I I I Rat io 0. 169 0. 169 1/3 Factor Ratio Yes 0.5?? Shea! Design Type corbo Block Final Left DcUeS2 0K Final Right DCUPS2 OK eTABS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in unitg July 11, 2001 t{:26 24.86 2{.85 PAGE 53 fv 4.269 4.269 Ratio 0.213 0.213 Fu l/3 Factot 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes I I AISC-ASD8g coeositc BeaD Design sbort Fo![ ortput -Bear label: 8105 Story: tEnEE - Baslc 8ca[ InfomatlonrI lrdeot Design hax: 0.00 Pnax coDbo: l|A t_ ?ype Conbo Location H fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratlo I Flnal Pos DOlPs2 BotPlange ?385.229 19.283 33.000 res 0.50{ a Shetr Design I lype C@bo Block V fv Fv 1/3 Factor latioI ftnat l€ft Dctrps2 0K 22.92 3.93G 20.000 yes 0.19? Final Right DCUPS2 0K 22,92 3.936 20.000 Yes 0.197 I ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kj.p-in units PAGE 5{ I July 11, 2001 1{:26 I AISC-ND89 Coeosite Bea! Design Shorr Folu Output Bean Label: 810? Story: TIREEI f Easlc 8cr[ rnfomatior r tlonent Design hax: 0.00 hax Conbo: NA I fype Cotrbo Location M fb Ib 1/3 Factor Ratio Final pos DClrPS2 EotFlange 2385.229 f9.283 33.000 yes 0.58{ I shea! Design tl type Codo BLock V fv w 1/3 Factor Ratio - Final Left DCMPS2 0K 22.92 3.935 20.000 Yes 0.197 It Fina] Right DCllPs2 oK 22.92 3.936 20.000 yes 0.19? I E|IABS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kj.p-ir Units PAGE 55 Jnly 11, 2001 14:26 I I AISC-ASD89 C@osite Bean Design Short Forn Ottput Beatr Label: Bt0g Story: TIREE t- Basic BeaD Infomation I I Morcnt Design hd':: 0.00 pna;i combor NA TIDe CoDbo location M fb Fb !/3 Factor Ratj.o I rinat ios DCMPS2 BotFLarge 2386.229 19.283 33.000 yes 0.584 ! Shear Design I lype Conbo Block V fv tv l/3 Factor Ratio I Fiml left Dorps2 oK 22.92 3.936 20.000 yes 0.I9? Flnal Rlght DCt{Ps2 0K 22,92 3.936 20.000 Yes 0,197 I EIISS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 56 I ,ruly 11, 2001 1{126 I AISC-ASD8g ConPosite Bean Design Short Fole output gean Label: 8109 Stoly: lltREE I Basrc Bean InfonrEtron .- MoEent Deslgn Pnax: 0,00 has Conbo: lB I I Type 'Conbo Location u fb Eb 1/3 Factor Ratio- Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 2386.229 19.283 33,000 les 0.58,1 I I sh€a! Deslgn Iype Corbo Bloct v 8inal. left DCUPS2 0K 22.92 Final Right DCSPS2 0K 22,92 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in odts PAGE 5? ,ruly 11. 2001 1l:26 fv 3.935 J. 'JO lv l/3 Factor 20.000 Ye! 20.000 Yes lb 1/3 Pactor 33.000 YeE I t I I I I l I t ! I I t I I I I I I Ratro 0.19? 0.197 Ratio 0.193 n lal AISC-ASD89 Coqoglte Bea! Design Sholt Fom output Bean Labcl: 8110 Stoltr TXREE Basic Beaa Infornati.on shear Design Type Conbo Block v FiDal left mUPS2 0K 23.!5 rinal Right DCUPS2 OK 23.15 ETABS v?-15 Fj.le: 2683108 KiFin onits PAGE 58 ,tuly 11, 2001 14 126 l{onent l}esi.gD lype Pinal Pos llonent Design Type fi.nal Pos Uonent D$ign !yp€ Fi,nal Pos Shear Design type Conbo Elock Final Left DCllPS2 0K Final Right DCI{PS2 0K ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kj,p-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 hax: 0.00 ha:i Cmbo: NA Colbo location H fb DCUPS2 EotFl.ange 2411. t63 19.2?3 fv 3.868 3.868 Ratio 0.193 0.193 Aatio 0.581 Ratio 0.581 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Eorn Output Bear Label: B11I Stoly: tf,REE Basic Bean Infoluation Ev l/3 Factor 20.000 Yea 20.000 Yeg Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Shear Desrgn Type CoDbo Elock v Final Left DCliPS2 OK 23.L5 Final Right DCuPs2 0N 23,16 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units pME 59 July 11, 2001 14:26 ha\: 0.00 pnai: Conbo: NA Co[bo Location M fb DCUPS2 EotFlarge 24IL463 19.273 fv 3.8 58 3.868 !ha:{: 0,00 ha:i Coubo: NA Coabo Location M fb DCr,lPS2 BotFlange 2{ll.163 19.2?3 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes !b l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratlo 0.193 n 10? nati.o 0.58{ AISC-ASD89 Corposite Bean Design Short Forr0 Output Bea! tabelr gl12 Story: ?!REE Basrc Beam Ioformation PAGE 60 fv Fv 3.868 20.0003.868 20.000 l/3 Factor Yes Yes t I I I T t I I t I I I I t I I I I t AISC-19089 C@osite Bea! Design Short FotD qrtput 8ea! label: 8113 Stoly: ?f,RBE Ba31c Bea! InfonatioD U@ant Design Pnax: 0.00 hax Cmbo: XA tt?r Conbo Locatlon M fb Plnal Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 24II.!53 19.273 Sbear Derign llPe C@bo Bloct V fv Flml Llt DCnPS2 0K 23.15 3.868 Final light DctlPs2 0K 23.16 3.E68 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 61 firly U, 2001 14:26 Mmit Design !la:i: 0.00 ha:r CoEbo: NA rype Colbo Locatlon M fb Flnal. Pos DCUPS2 got8lange 2586.125 19.035 Sheu Drsign Iy?c Conbo Block v fv Flml Left DCUPSz 0K 24.84 4.118 Flnal Rlght DCr.rPS2 OK 24.81 4.118 EIIES v7.16 file: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 62 JrIy U, 2001 U:25 Itolant DcllEa P[an: 0,00 Pna!: cobbo: NA type Conbo Location t{ fb Final. Pos InPS2 BotFlange 2585.125 19.035 Shea! Desigtr lype CoEbo Block v fv Final left DcuPs2 oK 24.8{ 4.118 Final Right DCuPs2 0K 24.84 4.118 ETABS v?,16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Uoits PAGE 63 July 11, 2001 1l:25 ilometlt Design Pna:r: 0.00 Pna:! cou6o: NA l!tre Coubo Lcation H tb Final Pos .DcuPs2 BotFLange 2586,125 19.035 Shear Design Fb 1/3 Facto! Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.58{ fv l/3 Facto! Ratio 20.000 Irs 0'193 20.000 Yes 0.193 AISC-ND8g C@osite Bean Design Short ForD output Bcan Label: BU4 Story: TERBE Ba8i.c Bea! Infomati,on Fb 1,/3 Factor33.000 les Ratio 0.57? Fv i/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Y.s 0.20620.000 Yes 0.205 AISC-ASD8g C@osite Bean De3ign Short Eorn output Bean Labe]: BL15 Story: TEREE Basic BcrD Information fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Rati.o 0.5?? Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Yes 0.20620.000 Yes 0.206 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Eear Design Short Fom Output Bean Label: gU6 Story: lllREE Basic 8ea0 InforDation lb 1./3 Factor 33.000 lc! Ratio 0.57? lype Coobo Final Left DolPs2 Final Right DCUPS2 BTABS v1.16 rile: 2683108 .tuly 11, 2001 1{:25 Block v 0K 24.81 0K 24.81 Kip-ln Units PAGE 64 Fv 1,/3 Factor 20.000 Yca 20,000 ree Ft 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Sea! Design Short ForD Output EeaB labcl: B]'l? Story: lflnEE Baslc Bea! Infonation r.118 {,118 lv t.l18 {,118 Ratio 0.206 0,206 natio 0.5?l I t t I I t I I t I I I I I I T I I I ll@ent Design ryPe Flnal Po8 tyPe Coubo Final Left DCUPS2 Final, Rigbt muPs2 ETABS v7.16 File: 2583108 JuIy U, 2001 1l:25 hax: 0.00 I'!a)i Conbo: IA cddbo location M fb DcuPs2 BotFlange 2586.125 19.035 Bloct v 0K 24.840K 2t.84 Kip-in UDits PAGE 65 Iv 1./3 Factor 20.000 YeE 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.206 0.206 AISC-ASD89 Co[posite Bean Derign Short Forr output Bean Label: 8133 Story: IBREE Easic Bea& IntorDation lh€trt Design ryF 8lnal Pos Type Conlo Flnal Left DCUPS2 tlnal Rj.ght DCuPs2 EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 P[an: 0.00 PDas cmbo: NA coubo Iocation lt fb DCl.lPS2 BotFlange 1918.101 20.953 It 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.535 Block v 0K 2L.4'l 0K 2L,41 KiP-in Uoits PAGE 65 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Ies 20.000 Yel fv {.03? {,032 fv 4 .03? 4.032 Ratio 0.202 0.202 AISC-ASD8g CoDposite Bean Design short Forn output Beao tabel: 8134 Story: TIIREE Baslc Bean Inforaation Mo[ent Design Type Flnal Pos Shea! Design Type Flnal Left Final Right Conbo Block DCl.rPS2 0K DCUPS2 0K haE: 0.00 Pnali Conbo: llA Conbo Location M fb DCI.IPSz Eotflange 1918.101 20.953 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 tee 0.635 Fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes 21.4'l 21.47 PAGE 6? Ratio 0 .202 0.202 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units ,tuly u, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Beatr Design Short Fore Ortput Bean Label.: 8135 Story: TEREE I I I I I I I sbear Desigr ty?e Conbo Block v Flnal. Icft DCllPS2 Ol( 2L.41 Finar Riqht DCUPS2 oK 21.41 ETABS v?.16 Eile: 2583108 Klp-ln Unit! PAGE 68 ,tuly U. 2001 U:25 Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Yes 0.20220.000 les 0.202 Baric Bea! Infonation lhdlrt Design Prax: 0.00 TyF Cdo location Final Pos DCI{PSz BotFlange hax Corbq: NA ufb1918.101 20.963 lb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yeg Fb 1,/3 Factor 33,000 Ye3 fv t.031 4.032 r.03? t.032 Ratio 0.635 Ratio n 6?q AISC-ISD8g Coryosite Bean Desi.gn Short ForD output Bear Labet: 8136 Story: IIREE Bllic Bem Intomation X@nt Design Pna:i: 0,00 fype C@bo Location Flnal Pos DCUPS2 8ot!'laoge Shelr Desigr lype Colbo Bl,ock rinal left DCUPS2 0K FltraI Rignt rsPs2 0K EttBS v7.16 Flle: 258310E Kip-in Units tuly 11, 2001 1{:25 AISC-N089 Coryosite BeaD DeEi.gn Sholt Forn Output Bea! label: 8137 Storyr tltREE Balic Bea! Infornation Pnat Coobo: LlA Ifb 1918.101 20.963 I t I t I I I I I I I I 27 ,41 PAGE 69 fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0 -202 0.202 llouEnt D€sign ?yPc Final. Pos liueat Design ryPe Flnal Pos Shea! Design Type Pna:;: 0. 00 ha:{ CoDbo: NA CoEbo Location M fb DCt'tPSz EotFlange 1918.10r 20.963 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Itatio 0.635 Shea! Desigm fype CoDbo Block V Fina} left DCUPS2 OK 21.41 FinaL Right DCUPS2 0K 21.11 8?ABS v7.16 Flle: 2683108 Kj.p-in Units PAGE l0 ilhly 11, 2001 14:26 fv {.03? {,063 Ratio 0.202 0.203 w 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 les AISC-ASD89 Cdposite Bean DesiEl Short Forn &rtput Bean Label: 8138 Storyr lf,REE Basic BeBD Infomati,on gna:i: 0.00 ha$ CoDbo: NA Cmbo Location tl !b DCllPS2 BotFlange 1918.10I 20,953 tu 1/3 Factor Rttio 33.000 Yes 0.635 Fv l/3 Sactor Final left DCllPS2 Fi.nal Riqht DCllPS2 Mooent Desrgn Type Final Pos MoD€nt Desiqn TyPe FinaL Pos 20.000 20.000 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 lacto! 33.000 tes OK OK 21,41 27 .4'l PAGE 71 ?r .41 2r.41 PAGE 73 19.?8 19.78 4.03? 4.053 0.202 0.203 f!s I I t I I I I T I T I I t I I I I I I EIABS v?.15 File: ?683108 Kip-io Units JuIy 11, 2001 1l:26 AISC-ASD89 C@posite Bea! D,esiqn short Fot! output Bea Label: 8139 Storyr TlaEB Basic Bean Infomation Ptla}: 0 .00 Pmr conbo: A C@bo l,ocation ll fb DcuPs2 BotFlange 1910.101 20.953 Ratio 0,535 shea! Design Type Conbo Block v Final L€ft DCUPS2 OK 2L.4'l Final Rj.ght DCl.lPS2 oK 2L.41 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PME ?2 JuIy 11, 2001 1l:26 4.03? 4.063 Ratio 0.202 0.203 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Beao Design Short Forn ortput Bean Label: B1l0 Story: TIREE Basic Bean l[formatioD hax: 0.00 han Coobo: NA Conbo Location U lb DCllPS2 BotFlange 1918 .101 20. 963 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Rati.o U. OJ] shear DesiEl Type Conbo Block Final Left DC-I{PS2 0K Final Rrght DCUPSz 0K ETABS v7.15 Ftle: 2683108 Kip-in ttnits July ll' 2001 1,1:25 fv 4.03? {.063 ? ?)n 3.850 Ratlo 0.202 0.203 F\r 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Co4osite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean label: Bl.4l stolyr THREE Basic Bea.n Inf,ornation Houent Design Type Final Pos Shear Desigo Type coDbo Block Final Left DCMPS2 0K rinal Right DCMPS2 OK ETAIS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-i.n Units July 11, 2001 l{!26 hax: 0.00 Pna:i CoDbo: NA Conbo Iocation M fb InPS2 BotFlange 1761 .220 19.388 fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Rati.o 0,588 t'v 1/3 Factor 20.000 les 20.000 Yes Rat io 0.185 0.192 AISC-ASD89 cooposite Bean Design Sholi fom output Basic Bear lofontration Bean label: 8142 stoly: TSREE 1/3 Facto! feg I I I I T I I I I l/3 Factor Yes I I I I I I I t I Shear Dr'lE r Type Colbo Elock V Final l€ft DCI{PS2 0K 19.?8 FiDal Riglt DC}OS2 0K 19.78 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Unlts PAGE ?5 tuly U, 2001 U:?6 rhGnt oeliF Ty?r Fi-lal Po! tftrent DesiEl TyPr tinal Pos Sb€ar Delign ?yF coobo PimI Lett DCUPS2 Fhar Rlght DCllPS2 Ef,ABS "7.15 File: 268310E ,tuly U, 2001 1{:26 har(: 0,00 hax Cdbo: ln CodoLocation[_fb DCUPS2 BotFlargc L161.220 19.388 lv 3. ?20 3.850 Pnlx: 0.00 hrx CoDbo: m Co[bo locatlon l,l fb DCllPS2 BotFlange 1761.220 19,388 'lv l/3 lactor20.000 Yes 20.000 Ye3 tb 33.000 Natlo 0.5t8 Rati.o 0.186 0.r92 Ratlo 0.588 AISC-18D89 Coqosite E€ar D,esign Short For[ output B€ar rabel: 8143 Story: IIREE Dagic 8ea[ Infomation !b 1/3 factor 33.000 Yc! Block V oK 19,?8or 19.78 Kip-in Units PAGE ?6 w 1/3 Pactor Ralio 20.000 les 0.186 20.000 vrE 0.192 fv 3.?20 3,850 3.720 3.850 Ratio 0.588 I AISC-A|'D89 C@osite Eeaa Design Short Fo!! Ortput Bea! Lab€l: BU4 Story: tf,REEI Sasic Bea! Inforration lhetrt D$iEr rype Pinal Pos lloarnt Design tyPe Final Po! Shear Desig type Final Left Final Right Pna:r: 0.00 PDa:i CoDbo r ttA Co@bo Localion M fb DCMPS2 BotFlange 1761 .220 i9.388 !b 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Shear Drsign lyp€ Coobo Block v Pl.nal Left DCI{PS2 oK 19.?8 tj.lal Right DC PS2 0K 19.?8 SIABS v?.16 F1le: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE ?? ,tuly Ll, 2001 14:26 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.186 0.192 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bca! oesign Short Ford Ottput Beao Label: Bl48 Stoly: ISREE Easic Bean Infomation hari: 0.00 C@bo Location DCUPS2 EorFlange P[as Cmbo: m Mfb733,989 22,439 tb 33.000 Fv 1/3 Factor 20 .000 Yes20.000 Yes .Conbo DCMPS2 DCUPS2 EIock OK OK 13,22 13.22 4. 966 5.049 Ratio 0. 580 Ratio 0.?{8 0.252 EIAB!i v?,15 File: 2583108 Klp-in Uoits PAGE ?8 July u, 2001 la:25 AISC-ASD89 CoqoElte Bean Design Short Forn Oltput Beas Label: E1{9 Stoly: IIREB 8a3ic Eean InfolDation Momnt Design hax: 0.00 PEa:( Callbo: ttA I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I ?ype Conbo locatlolr M Final Pos DCllPs2 BotFlange ?33.909 shea! Dcsigr lype Conbo Block v final Left DCllPS2 0K n.22 tinal Right DCllPs2 0K 13.22 ETAES v?.15 File: 2683108 rdp-in Units PAGE 79 ,Iuly 11, 2001 14 r25 22.439 Ratlo 0.5E0 trb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes tv 4.955 5.0{9 8v 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 I€s Ratio 0.248 0.252 AISC-ASD89 Coq)osite SeaI! Desiqn Short Fon Output Baa[ Label: Bl50 Story: TIIREE Basic Bea[ :nfornatlon ll@ent Design ?vPe Final Pos hat: 0.00 Cmbo Iocatiol DCllPS2 BotFlange hat{ CoDbo: m Mfb 133.989 22.439 Ib 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratlo 0.580 Shear Design TlTe Coobo Fi.nal left DCMPS2 Fina] Right DCUPSz EIABS v?.15 File: 2583108 July 11, 2001 14:25 BLock V0K t3,220K L3.22 KiP-in uaits PAGE 80 w 1/3 Factor 20,000 YeE 20.000 Yes tv 4. 966 5.0{9 fv {.956 5.0{9 Ratiq 0.248 0.252 AISC-ASD8g Conpolite Bea! Design Short ForE output Bea! Label: 8151 Story: TTREE Basi.c B€etr Irforrrtion Monent Design Type Final Pos Poar:0.00 CoDbo location DCUPS2 SotFlange Pnax Conbo: NA t{ fb733.989 22.439 tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.680 Shear D€siqn lype C@bo Elock Fioal, Left tgPS2 0K Final Ri.ght DOIPSz oK sTAsS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-j.n Units Jury 11, 2001 14:25 t3.22 11 )a PAGE 8I Ratio 0.24 8 0.252 rv 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Ycs 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean D€sj.gn Short Forn Output Bean Label: Bl52 Story: IfiREE Basic Bean Inforoation Monent Oesign ha:i: 0.00 Pna-\ Conbo: NA 1/3 Factor teg Type Cdbo Einat Po3 DCUPS2 I I I I t I T I t I I I t Sbear Dsiqn fype Colbo Block v Flnal left DCTPS2 OK L3.22 Et!!l Rj.ght DCUPS2 oK L3.22 RIIBS v?.I5 FiIe: 2683108 Kj.p-ir units PIGE 82 iluly U, 2001 r{:26 Iocrtiolr Bot Flange Basic E6at! Infonation Uo.nt D,csi$ hax: 0.00 Type colbo r.catio! thal, gos DCllPS2 BotFlange Shcrr Design tr {.956 5.0t 9 har C@o: tlA fv {. 965 5.049 Puai C@bo: IA Mfb 733.989 22.439 ll 733.989 fb 22 ,439 fv {.956 5.019 Pnar: Conbo: NA Mfb ?33.989 22.439 tl ?33.989 13.22 8.22 PAGE 85 22,439 R.tlo 0.680 R.tio 0.ztE 0.252 Rati.o 0.680 Ratro 0.580 nt l/3 Frctor20.000 Yc! 20i000 Yes ' !b 1/3 Factor33.000 les E 33.000 Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 C(qosite Boa! Design Short Foro output 8ea! Label: 8153 Story; IIREE Tne Coobo Block v FiDa! l,eft DCllPS2 OK L3,22 Ftnr'l Riqht DCI'|PS2 oK 13.22 BIaSS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units ptGE 83 July 11, 2001 1l:26 Fv l/3 Factor Ratio . 20.000 Yes 0.21820,000 Yls 0.252 ESC-ASD89 Coqosite gsar Design Short FolB Ortput Bean ldbel: 8154 Story: tnREE Brlic 8€a! IDforration shear DcliEr Type C@bo Block v Flnal Left DCUPS2 0K L3.22 FJ'!aI Rlghr DCMPS2 0K !3,22 AnBS v?.16 Pile: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGE 84 JuIy ll., 2001 u:25 l{@ent Desigr TyPe Flnal Po3 xctrent Design TyPe Flnal Pos hax:0.00 q@bo location DCtlPS2 BotFlange hax:0.00 C@bo Locati.on DOIPSA EotFlarge Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes fv ,t,955 5.04 9 Ratio 0.2{8 Rati.o 0. 580 Ratio 0.248 0.252 I AISC-ASD8g Coryoslte Beatr Design Sholt Foln output Bean rabel: 8155 Stoly: TIIREEt Earlc Bea! Iofomatlon I I I I I Shaa! Desiqn Type Colbo Block Siral Left DCUPSz 0K Plnal Right DCUPS2 0K EIABS v?.16 rile: 2683108 Kip-ir Units lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 res20.000 Yes .tuly U. 2001 U:25 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design sholt ForD output Bea! Lab€l: g156 Story: ttREE Basic EeaD lDfo6atio[ I I I I I I I t T I I I I I M@ent D,esj.q[ TyPe Final Pos Honent Desiqn Type Fi(|aI Pos hax:0.00 Cmbo Iffation oCllPSz BotFlange Poar: 0,00 Cotrbo location DCUPS2 BotFlange hax CoDbo: NA l,r fb?33.989 22.139 lb 1/3 trctor 33.000 Yes latio 0.680 Shea! Design Type Coobo Bl.ock v Firal Left DCUPS2 0K f3.22 Einal Right DCI{PS2 0( 13.22 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 86 ftIy U, 2001 14:26 fv 4.965 5.049 Ratio 0.218 0.252 Fv 1/3 Frcto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes !b 1/3 tactor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Ycs20.000 Yes AIsc-AsD89 corlpositc BeaD Design short Ford Ortput Bean I€bel: 815? Story: ?[REE Basi.c Bean Infornatlon lloDent Design hax: 0.00 lype CoDbo Location Final Pos DolPs2 BotFlanqe Shea! Design lype Conbo Block Fitlal l€tt mUPS2 0K fj.nal Right DCUPS2 0K EIABS v7.16 Fit€: 2683108 (ip-i.n Units July 11, 2001 14:26 ha:i Coobo: A l|fb 733.989 22.439 13.22 13.22 PAGE 8? Pnar Conbo: M ut!?33.989 22.439 fv 4 .966 5.049 Pna:i Conbo: NA Mfb ?33.989 22.439 Fb l/3 Factor Rati.o33.000 Yes . 0.680 fv Fv l/3 Factor 4.966 20.000 Yes 5.0,t 9 20.000 ves Ratto 0.2{E 0.252 Ratio 0 ,248 0.252 AISC-ASD8g Corposlte Bcan oesign Short Fom output Bean Labeli Bl58 Story: TIIREE Srsic Bear llforDation Shea! Desiqn Type Col|bo Block v Final Left DCMPS2 0K L3.22 Final Rj.ght DCUPSz 0K L3.22 E1ABS v7.16 file: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 88 ,lirly 11, 2001 U:26 Basi,c Bean lnfornation lloDent Design hax: 0.00 Type Coobo Location Final Pos DCI{PS2 BotFlange AISC-ND89 Composite Bean Design Short For! output Bean Label: 8159 story: TEREE Rati.o 0,680 nati.o 0.680 I I I t I rb 1/3 Sactor 33.000 Yes I I I I sbcar De!19n lype Codbo Bl.oc[ v Final Lft DCllPS2 0K L3.22 SiDal Rj.gbt DCllPS2 OK L3.22 ETABS v?.15 File! 2683108 Kip-in Itnits PAGE 89 ituly U, 2001 U:25 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 lct 20.000 Ycs Ratio 0.2{8 0.252 - AISC-ASD89 Copolite Bean Design Sbolt roln Ortput BeaD Label: Bl50 Story: IEREE - Basic Bca! IDforDatiotr I fv 4.965 5.0t9 3.276 3.216 Ratio 0.16{ 0. 154 Ratlo 0.2? 8 0.288 I t I t I I I I I t I I I t l{ccrt De3igtr tyPe Fiual Pos x@rt lreligl Type Final Pos Xdent Design TYPE Final PoE hax Coobo: [A ufh 400.502 1?.573 Fb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Ye5 Enax: 0.00 Coobo location InPS2 BotFlange hax:0.00 Cd$o location Do,lPS2 BotFlange hax: 0.00 hax Ccmbo: tlA CoDbo Location M fb DCI{PS2 BotFlange 1857.265 1.817 Shqa! Deslgn lypr Corbo Blocl v Etnal r€ft LcllPs2 0N( 18.69 Firal nigbt DCUPS2 0N( 1?.?5 ETABS v7,15 Flle: 2583108 Klp-in units PAGE 90 .tuly U. 2001 14:25 fv tu 1/3 Factor1.400 20.000 Ir!1.330 20.000 Yes Ratlo 0.1{? Ratio 0.070 0.066 I!SC-ASD89 Coryosite Bcr! Design Short Forn Output Bern tabel: 8154 Story; fiREE Basic Eero lBfonrtion Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.533 Shra! Destgn Type C@bo Elock v FtnaL L.!t DCUPS2 0K 7.51 Final Riqht Dcl{PS2 0K ?,51 EIABS v7.15 flle: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGE 91ftly 11,2001 1{:25 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite BeBn Design Short Foln output Bean Label: 8155 story: lllREE Sasic Bea[ Infor[atj.on h^ax Conbo: l|A Mft 6'lr.l'12 28.952 Fb l/3 Factor 45.000 Yes Ratio 0.6{4 Shear Design rypc Conbo Block Einal Left DCUPS2 0K Final Riqht DCI{PS2 0K EIABS v?.15 Fite:.2683108 Kip-in Units July 11,2001 14:25 fv Fv 1/3 Pactor 5,5?0 20.000 Ye! 5.?69 20.000 les 12.09 12.09 PAGE 92 AISC-ASD89 Copolite 8ea! Desiqr Short Por[ Ortput Bean Label: 8155 Ba31c Bean lnfomatiotr Ument Design Pnax: 0,00 Pnax CoDbo: NA Story: TBREE Ratio 0.589 t I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I Type Codo Location M tinal Pos DcUPs2 BotFlange 1??1,519 Sbear Design Type Corbo Block V Flnal Left DOIPS2 0l( 19.83 Final Right DCl.lPS2 0K 19,83 EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in tnlts PlcE 93 ,tuly 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bea! Design Short Foro output Easic Bean Infonation Shea! Desj.gn Type Coobo Block V Final Left DCMPS2 oK 20.11 Flnal Right DCUPS2 0K 20.11 ETIBS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 9,1 ,ruly 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g Co4osj.te Bcrn Design Short ForE output Basi.c Bear Iofonation shea! Design Tlp€ Collbo Bl.ock V Fina.L Left DCI{PS2 0K 20,11 Final Rigirt DCUPS2 OK 20.11 EIABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-j.n Units PAGE 95 JuIy 11, 2001 l{:26 uou€nt Design Type Final Pos Shear Design !v Fu 1/3 Factor3.909 20.000 Ies3.761 20.000 Ycs sFt19.{33 33.000 1./3 factor Y€I fv Fv3.711 20.0003.859 20.000 1/3 Factor Yes Yes Ratlo 0.18 9 0.193 Ratio 0.602 Ratio 0 .195 0.188 Ratio B€an Label: B?3 stoly: RoOF il@ent Desiqn Poax: 0.00 Pnar CoEbo: NA ty?e Coobo Iocation M fb lb 1/3 Sactor FinaL Pos InilPS2 BotFlange 1967.444 19.858 33.000 Yes Bean label; 816?story: RoOF M6eot Design hxi: 0.00 ha'{ conbo: }|A Type Conbo Location M fb !b 1/3 Factor Final Pos oCUPSz BotFlange ).96'1 ,444 19.858 33.000 Yes fv Fv 1/3 Factor 3.909 20,000 Yeg 3. i61 20.000 Yes Ratio 0. 195 0.188 AISC-ASD8 9 Coryosite Bean 0€sign Short Forn output Eean Label: Bl58 Story: RoOP Basic Bean Infornation has: 0.00 ha:i CoDbo: lO Combo Locatlon M fb Fb 1/3 Sactor DCl.lPSz BotFl.ange 196?.4{4 i9.858 33.000 Yes Ratio Ratlo 0.195 0. r8E Ratlo 0.195 0.188 Ratio 0.029 0.121 Retio 0.029 0.121 1/3 Factor YaE I I I I t I I II I I I I I I I I t I I ?n€ c@bo SiDal Lft 0CUpS2 linal Rlght DCllPS2 BIABS v7.16 rile: 2683108 &ly tl. 2001 u:25 Bloct VoK 20.11oK 20.11 Ktp-ln nnlts PICE 96 lv M/3 F.ctor - 3.909 20.000 Ycs3.?61 20.000 t€s NSC-ASD8g Coqosite Bern Delign Short For! Oltput Bean fab€l: El69 Story: R@F Baric 8eu Inlonatiotl llmcnt Deslgr haj(:0.00 type co*o Lcatio! Filal Po! DCUPS2 Bot8lange Shcar Deligr lyF c@bo Flnal left DCllPs2 Final Rj.ght DC}|PS2 BIIBS 17.16 FiIe: 2683108 iluly 1.1. 2001 1{:26 Poat Conbo: lE Hfb 196?.t{{ 19.858 Block v0( 20.11oK 20.11 Kip-in Units PIGE 97 It l/3 Factos 33.000 Yc! fv Fv l/3 Facto!3.909 20.000 Yes3,751 20,000 les Ratio 0.602 AISC-ASD89 Coeosite Bea! Design Short fora ortput BeBD Inbel: B17O stoly: ROO' B!!lc Eea! fnfolDation Sherr DesiEl type coEbo Block v Fital Left DC}|PS2 0K 3.01 Finrl Right DcUPsz 0K 12.89 BTABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-ln 0!its PAGE 98 'tuly l1, 2001 1l:26 lb 1/3 facto! 33.000 Y.s fv n 1/3 Factor0.585 20,000 Yes2.412 20.000 Ye! lhocnt DeliEr type Filal PoS Hodrnt Design Type Final Pog h!x: 0.00 Coabo Iocation DCUPS2 BotFl.angc Pnar: 0.00 Coobo location DCUPS2 SotFlange hlx Coobo! l|A Hft598.863 7.611 Ratio 0.231 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite 8ea! D€sign Short Fom Output Bea[ Label: Bg2 Story: ROOF Ealic 8ea[ IofolDation har CoDbo I NA l.r fb598.863 1 .614 t! 33.000 Ratio 0.2 31 Sheat Desigu Tyle Colbo Block v Final Lett DOIPS2 0K 3.01 Einal light DCUPSz 0K 12.89 BIABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 99 JuIy U, 2001 U:26 AISC-ISD89 Coryosite Bea! Design Sholt Fom output fv Ev 1/3 Factor 0.585 20.000 Yes 2,4L2 20.000 Yes Bean label: 883 Story: RooF Basic Bea! Inlomation U@ent Design Poax: 0.00 Type Coobo Location Final Pos DCllPs2 BotFlanqe hax Codg: NA lt fb698.853 ?.5t1 Eb 33.000 1/3 Pactor Ratlo 0.231 I I I I I T I T t I t I I t I I I T I Shear Desi.gn tlDe CoEbo llock V Flml l,eft oCtlPS2 OK 3.01 Final Right DCllPS2 OK 12.89 ETISS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-j.n Unj.ts PAGE 100 JuIy u, 2001 l{:26 Baslc Bear Ilfolaation tloaent Desiqn Pnas: 0.00 Tlpe CooDo Location Final Po3 DCllPS2 BotFlange fv lv 1/3 tactor 0.585 20.000 Yct 2.172 20.000 les Ratio 0.029 0,121 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bea[ Desj.gn Short lom output Beatr label: BEI Story: RoOF Pea:( Coobo: ilA Ifb!! 598.853 7.614 33.000 1/3 factot Yes natio 0.231 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Sholt Fom Output Bean Label: 886 Story: RoOF Baslc Bean Ilfordatio! EIABS v?.15 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 102 JuIy 11, 2001 1{:25 AISC-ASD8g Coqosite Bean Design Short Forn Ortput Bean label: 88? Story: R00F shear oesign lype Co[bo Block v Slnal l,eft DCllPS2 0K 3.01 Final Right DCl,lPSz 0K 12.89 ETABS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Unlts PAGE 101 JuIy 11, 2001 1{:26 Basic Bean Infomation lonent Design Pda\: 0.00 Type Corbo Location Final Pos DCUPS2 EotFlange shear Design Type Cosbo Block V final left DCIPS2 oK 1{.50 Flral Right DCUPS2 0K 1{,50 EIABS v1.16 Eile; 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 103 JuIy lI, 2001 14:25 Pnaii Conbo: m M fb 8b 1/3 Factor950.915 22.158 33.000 Yes fv lv 1/3 Factor 0.585 20.000 Yeg 2.4L2 20.000 Yes fr trv 1/3 Facto!5.224 20.000 Yes5.335 20.000 Yes Ratlo 0,029 0,121 Ratlo 0.251 0.267 Ratio 0,591 AISC-ASD8g Coqosite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 888 Story: ROOF Easic Bean Infornation MoDeat Design Pnax: 0.00 ha:r Conbo: llA I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Tlle Co[bo Fiall Po! DCllPS2 Lcation M fb 8otFlatrga 950.096 -22.168 Fb 1/3 Flcto! 33.000 Yes FY 1/3 Sactor20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes tb 1/3 Sactor 33.000 Yca lv 1/3 rador20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Eb l/3 Facto! 33.000 les t\r 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.690 Ratio 0.251 0.261 Satio 0.590 Rati.o 0.690 Ratio 0.590 Shear Dcli$ ryp€ C@bo Bloct Elnal Left DCXPS2 0r FiBd Right DOPS2 oK Shlar Delign fyPe Cdbo Ptral left m PSzfirrl Nght DCUPS2 Shea! Drlign Ty?e CoDbo Final LEft DCUPSz Bloct V fv0K 14.49 5.330oK 1t.49 5,220 Block v fv0K 14.49 5.330 vfe1{,{9 5.3301f.49 5.220 SrtBS v?.15 File: 2603108 Klp-ir tniB prcE 10{ ituly 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ND89 Co@oslte BeaD Desiqn short Fom output Beal Label: 889 Story: ROO! Basle 8ct! rnfoBati,on !*!t Design h!x: 0.00 prax C@bo: m . Iype Corbo locatio! u fbfhal Pos DCUPS2 Bottlange 950.096 22,169 EI|ES v7.16 FiIr: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGE 105 Arly U, 2001 U:25 NSC-ASD89 C@osite Bear DesigD Short ForD Output BerD Label: 890 Story: ROOF Bagic 8ea! Infonation R.tlo 0.251 Ratio 0.261 0.2 51 llo@nt D€sigr Pnar.: 0.00 hax Coobo: NA lyp. Colbo location H fb 8i!El Po3 t)o|Ps2 . BotFlange 960.096 22.168 shear DcaiEn fype Cmbo Elock V fv Phel L€ft DCllPS2 oK 1{.{9 5.330rinal Ri,ght I)cr|PS2 0K 1{.{9 5.220 EnBS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-j.n Units PAGE 106 flrly 11,2001 14:26 Houent DeEj.qn hrx: 0.00 P[ar Co[bo: NA fype Colbo location M fb FinEl Po! DCUPS2 Bottlange 960.096 22.168 AISC-N089 Cowosite Bear D€siqr Short For! Output BeaE labct: 891 Story: ROOF 8a!ic BeaD Infonation It l/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Eactor20.000 Yes Ratio 0.261 Final Ri,ght DCI{PS2 0K 14.{9 5.220 20.000 ErABS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-ir Utlits PAGE 107 Juty U, 2001 U:26 AISC-ASD8g coryosite 8ea! Desiq! Short forD Ortput Bea! Llbel: sl03 Balic Baar Itrfornation H@r[t DesiqD hax: 0.00 Pnax Conbo: ]|A lyp€ Co0bo Location ll fb EIt Final Pos DCllPS2 Bot8lange 2157.605 21.1'19 33.000 Story: RmF Ratio 0.560 Itatio 0.610 Rat io 0.221 0.242 I I I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I I t l/3 Factot Ies Shea! Design Type Co[bo Block v Pinal left DCUPS2 oK 20.5? Elnal Right DOIPS2 0l( 20.83 E1ABS v7.15 Filer 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 108 July 11, 2001 1,1:26 Shear Desj.gn Type Corbo Block v Final left DCMPS2 oK 14.01 tina] Right DCUPS2 0K 30.18 EtAgS v7.16 File; 2683108 Kip-in Urits PAGE Ll.o July ll, 2001 1.4:25 fv lv 3.6{9 20.000 3.694 20.000 1/3 Factor Ies Satio 0.r82 0.185 AISC-ASD8g Co4oslte Bran Design short Fo!! output Bea! Label: 8255 Basic Sear llfor[atio! tl66nt D$ign ha:i:0.00 har conbo: llA Type Conbo location l.l fb Eb Plaal Po5 DCUPS2 BotFlanqe 2841.180 21.115 33.000 shea! Desig! Type Colbo Block v fv Fv Final left DCUPS2 0K 25.f1 4.428 20.000 Flnal Right DCUPS2 oK 28.22 4,846 20,000 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PME 109 July ll, 2001 L{:26 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite 8ea! Design Short Forn o[tput Bean Label: 8261 Batic Bca! ItrforDati.on Hment Desj,gn P!a.x: 0.00 P[aii Cdbo: Nl Type Codbo location M fb Fb Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 3{19.645 2'1 .528 33.000 Story: RoOF 1/3 Factor Yes 1/3 Factor Yes Yes Slory: RoOF L/3 Factor Yes Ratio 0.834 tv fv2,464 20.0005,185 20.000 t/3 Factor Yes Ratio 0,123 n rqa AISC-ASD89 conposite Bea.n De3ign short Fom output Bean label: 810? BaErc Bean Infornation story: RooF I I t|oo3rt Dr!i$ har: 0.OO p[a:. coobo: ltA I f yDc C@o location H fb trb 1/3 Factor Retio Ftoal Pos mxPs2 BotFlange 2715.693 '19,05a 33.000 yes 0.577 I shlar Delign ,- lype Colbo Block V fv ' Fv l/3 Factor Ratlo I Einrl left DCltPS2 0K 28.09 a.466 20.000 yes 0-223 t Fioal Rignt DcuPs2 oK 21.65 a.2g2 20.000 yes 0.215 EIIES y7.15 Flle: 2583108 K1p-io tnits pacE 111 I July 11, 2001 l{:25 I AISC-ASD89 Coeosite Bee Design Short Folri Ortput Bea! fabel: 8108 Story: R@F I Basic !Ga! rnforDationII@Bnt D8rign hax: 0.00 pnar Co[bo: ltA I Type Conbo Location ft fb !b 1/3 Facto! Ratio I Flnal Pos DCUPS2 BotFlanse 2336.190 18.9?{ 33.000 yes 0.575 r Sh.ar Dcaign t tne C@bo Block V fv Frr 1/3 Factor Ratio PimI lcft DCUPSz 0K 2{.15 4.252 20.000 Yes 0.213 Elnal Riqht tn Ps2 oK 23.19 {,085 20.000 tes 0.20{ I Rllts y7.16 plle: 2583108 Kip-in Ulits ptcE u2t tuIy U, 2001 1{:26 f NSC-ASDEg Cqoslte Beatr Design Short Forn Output Bra! Lab€l: Bt09 Story: RoOFI BrEic 8a!D Infonation I tl@.nt OcllEa hax: O.0(, hai Cdbo: NA I lype Coobo Location M fb tb l/3 Factor Ratio Plnll Pos DCLPS2 BotFlatge 2336,190 18.974 33.000 yes 0.575 I Shear t)€sigr type Cmbo Block V fv FV 1/3 Factor Ratio I FiDal left DcllPsz 0K 24,f6 4.252 20.000 yes 0.213 t Flnal Right Dcl,lPs2 oK 23.19 4.086 20.000 yes 0.20{ EIAIS v?.15 file; 2583108 Kip-i.o Ulits PAGE 113 I ,IuIy 11, 2001 1l:25 I . AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Desigo Short SorD output BcrD Lab€I: B1t0 Story; RoOF I Basic Bea! Infonation I !b*nt t esign P&)i: 0.00 Pnax Co&o: m I lypo Coobo Lcatio! t{ fb Fb l/3 Facto! Ratio I FimI Pos DCuPs2 BotFl.ange 2180.5{4 18.886 33.000 res 0.512 I ,- Shear Design f Tlrpc . Conbo Block V fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final I€ft DCUPS2 0K L?.80 3.012 20.000 Yes 0.151 FInaI RIEbt DCMPSz 0K 24.38 4.183 20.000 Yes 0.209 t I ETAES v?.16 File: 2583108 Klp-itr Units PAGE 114 JuIy U, 2001 U:26 AISC-ASD89 C@osite Eear DesiEr Short Fon output Bea! hbel,: 8111 Basic Beat! Infooati.on lioBent Design hax: 0.00 hax CoDbo: llA Ty?e CoDbo Location U fb Ft Final Pos DCtlPS2 EotFlange 1981,856 19,279 33.000 Story: RoOF 1/3 Factor Yes Ratlo 0.58{ Ratio 0.105 0.225 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bean Design Short FolD output BeaD tabel: 8112 Basic Bea! Info rDati,on Mo4ent Design Pnai: 0.00 P[a:i CoEbo: NA Type Corbo Location l,l fb tb Final Pos DCllPs2 BotFlange 1981.856 f9.219 33.000 Shear Design TlFe CoEbo BLock V fv Fv ri.nal Left DcuPs2 0K 10.9? 2.104 20.000 Fj.nal Riqht DCl.lPS2 oK 23,f8 4.50? 20,000 EIAAS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-j.n Units PAGE 116 July 11, 2001. 14126 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Desr.gn Sholt Forn output Bean label: B1l3 Basrc Bean ltrfor[atioll lloDent Design hax: 0,00 Poa:i Conbo: NA Iype CoEbo location M fb Fb Fj.mI Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 1981.855 19.279 33.000 Shear Design Type Corbo Block V Final l,eft DCllPSz 0K 10,9? FinaL Right DCUPS2 0K 23.18 ETABS v7.16 tile: 2683108 p-in Units PAGE 1I5 July 11, 2001 1{t25 shear Desj.gn Type Conbo Block V Final Left DCUPS2 0K 10.97 Final Rj.qht DCUPSZ 0K 23.18 EIABS v?.15 Fj.le: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 11? July U, 2001 14:25 Basic Bean Infonation H,ment Design hax: 0. 00 Type Curbo location fv rv2.10{ 20.0004.50? 20.000 fv Fv2.104 20.000 {. 507 20.000 1/3 Factor Ies Yes Stoly: ROOF 1/3 Factor Y!s Ratio 0.58{ 1/3 Factor Yes Rati.o 0.105 n.225 Story: R00f l/3 Facto!Ratio 0.584 t/3 factor Yes yes Fatio 0.105 i 72q AISC-ASD89 Corposite Bear Desi.qn Sholt Foln Oltput Bea.u Label: 8270 Stoly: R00F Pnar Conbo: NA u fb ft 1/3 Factor I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I II I I tlral Po! DCXPS2 Botflanqs Lt29. Qi2 r5.719 33.000 0.t?6 Shear DrligD lt?e Cotrbo l.irel Lft 0AiPS2 alnal Rtght DCUPS2 ETABS v?.15 rtle: 2583108 OrIy ll., 2001 1{:26 Block VoK 8.69or n.19 Kj.p-ir ttnits PAGE 118 ha:r: 0.00 pnax Conbo i NA Conbo Location u fb DClrPS2 BotFlange 1653.182 18.190 fv Pv 1/3 Factor 1,556 20.000 Yes3.{58 20.000 Yes It 1/3 Eactor 33.000 Yes latio 0.083 0.173 N8C-ASD89 Coryosite Bear Design Sbort FolD Ortput Bee L,ab€l: 8273 Story; RmF Basic Bre rnfollati,orl lloDlnt Design ryP€ EinsL 9o! Shear Design U@8nt Desigr lyrc FIDaI Pos lloDent Desigtr Type Sinal Pos Shear D,Esigtl Typ€ Conbo Block Plnal I€ft DCUPS2 OK Plnal Riglrt DorPs2 0K EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in 0nitg ,tu]y U, 2001 U:25 fv 2.096 Ratio 0.551 Rat io 0.105 0.186 Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes Tl?e Conbo Block V Final Left DCIIPSZ oK 10.93 Ftnal Right DCupS2 OK 19.09 EIIBS 17,15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-jr rrnirs ptcE 119 Arly 1r, 2001 1{:25 NSC-N009 Cqositr Brr! Design Short Fo|r Output Bean label: 826{ Story: ROOF BlElc Bea! Inforratlon hax: 0.00 hax Conbo: NA C@bo Locatlon M fb DCXPS? Bot8lalqe 2928.126 22.452 tb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Ratio 0.680 Shear Deli.En lype Conbo Block Vfhal Left DCUPS2 OK 22.34 Final Right UA|PS2 OK 25.6A EfAES v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-j.n urits prGE 120 July U, 2001 14:26 3.?80 {.405 Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes tb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Ratio 0,189 0.220 Ratio 0.515 AISC-ASD89 C@osite Bean Design Short ForD Output Bear Label: BZ?2 story: ROOF Basic 8ea! Infoleation Pna:i: 0.00 ha:i C@bo: NA Coobo Locatlon U fb DCI{PS2 BotFlange 1544.16? t6.9gl 40.59 17.56 PAGE 121 fv 7.700 Ratio 0.385 0.168 Fv 1/3 Frcto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Alsc-eso8g Coopolite Dea! D$igr short for! output _Bean ljbelr B2?l Storyl RmF Basi.c Bea! Iofomation Ratio 0.350 Rat io 0.019 I I I t I I I t I I I I t I I I I t I ||ouent Design PDax: 0.00 hax CoEbo: NA Type Cctrbo Location ll fb final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlarge f050.281 U.557 shea! Design lype Conbo BLock V fv Final Left DCUPS2 0K 11,?1 2,2Ls Final Right DCUPS2 0K 11.71 2,214 ETIBS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 122 July U, 2001 14:25 uooerlt Design ha-\: 0.00 lhdi Conbo: ttA Type Conbo l,ocation M fb Flnal PoE DCMPS2 Eotflange 1169.693 12,9{1 Final Neg DCUPS1 Botfl.ange -108.914 1.593 Fb 1/3 tractor 33.000 res Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes NSC-ND89 coqosite Bea! Design sholt Sorn output Bean Label: 8253 Story: RooF Basic Bean Infomation Rati.o 0. 1i1 0. 112 Ratio n ?q? 0.512 Ratlo 0.156 0.134 ETABS v7.16 Eiler 2583108 Kip-ir Units PAGE 123 July 11, 2001 1l:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Dcsign Sbort Fom Output BeaD Label: 8137 Story: RoOF Basi,c Beard Infornation Shear Design type Conbo Fina1 teft DcuPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 liooent Desj.gn hax:0.00 Type CoDbo Location Einal Pos DC'I{PS2 BotFlange Basic Bean Infonation M€ment Desiqn ha:ir 0.00 Type C@bo t ocation Block V fvoK 17.55 3.321 0( 13.97 2,6't8 P!a:.: Conbo: NA Mfb 19 .235 0, 621 Pnari Conbo: M Mfh tb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes t 1nO Var Ftr 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes !b 1/3 facto! 33,000 Yes shear Design lype Conbo Block V fv tinal l€tt DcuPs2 0K 2.03 0.30? Final Rj.ght ImPs2 0K 0.85 0.130 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-ir Units PAGE 12{ JuIy 11, 2001 I{:26 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.015 0.007 AISC-ASD89 Cotrposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bcan labeL: 8138 Story: R00F Fb 1/3 Factor I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I t I Finrl Po! DCllPS2 BotPlanqe 79.235 33,000 0.0r9 Sbca! DesigD lypc Conbo Final I€It mUPS2 tbal Rignt DCllPS2 EltBs v7.15 Flle: 2683108 nlly 11, 2001 ll:25 Blocl V0t( 2.030K 0.85 Kip-i-o rhits PAGE 125 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yeg20.000 Ycs 0.307 0.130 fv 0.307 0.130 Rat 10 0.015 0.007 AISC-ASD8g Coryollte Beao Decj,gn Sholt Fo:r ortput Bea! Lab€l: 8139 Story: tOOf Baric l.!n Infomation Ud€nt Design hax: 0,00 l!"e Co6o Location Finrl Po5 DCUPS2 BotFlange gbea! Design Pnex Colbo: m ufb79.235 0.521 fv 0.307 0.130 Peari CoDbo: M Mfb ?9.235 0.621 tb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33,000 res 0.019 lype Co!6o Block V Ptur.I lcft DCUPS2 0K 2.03 tlnal Riqht DCUPS2 0K 0.85 BnBS v7.I5 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in Units pAcE 126 JuIy U, 2001 u:25 Fv 1/3 Factor Rltio20.000 Yes 0,01520.000 Yes 0.007 AISC-ASD89 Coeosite Beu Desigt Short Forn output Bea! Label: B1t0 Stoly: ROOF 8 ic BcaD hfornatiotr lhctrt Delign lyPe Final Pos hax:0.00 Cosbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlarge Fh 33.000 Ratlo 0.0!9 1/3 Factor Tcs shear Dcllgn type Corbo Elocl V Final t ft DCuPs2 0K 2,03 Fbal Right DCUPS2 oK 0.85 BIAES v7.16 FiIc: 2683108 Kip-ir Units PAGE l2l Jnly 11, 2001 l{:25 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yr! 20.000 les tb 33.000 Rati.o 0.015 0.00? Ratlo 0.568 AISC-AI;o89 Coryosite 8€d Design Short Forn output Bea! Labet: 8262 Story: ROOr Balic Bca[ fnfotnation l{ocnt Delign Type Final Pos Sh.ar Delign fype Coobo Blocl Flnal left DolPs2 oK Flnal Right lCllPS2 0K ETABS v?,15 File: 2683108 np-in Unj.ts ituly U. 2001 1l:25 Pna:i: 0.00 hax Co[bo: [A Coobo Location M fb DCUPS2 SotFlange 1?09.801 18.758 1/3 Facto! v 33.97 19.95 PAGE 128 fv Fv L,/3 Factor 6.429 20.000 Yes 3. 980 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.32L 0.199 AISC-ASD8g Coeosite Bce Design Short Fom Output .Bea! Label: 81'12 Story: RoOF fv 4. 999 5.70{ fv {.308 4.982 Ratlo 0. ?37 Rrtio 0.728 t I I t I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I Basic gcaD InfoBatlol l,looent Design hax: 0.00 ?ype Cdbo location Flnal Pos DCllPsz Botflange hax c@bo: l{A Mfb 2396.112 24.311 Fh 33.000 w 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Ycs 20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 les 1,/3 factor Y€5 Shea! Desigr Type Coubo Block v Final left DCUPS2 oK 26.42 Flnal Right DCUPS2 0K 29.00 EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unlts PIGE 129 JuIy 11, 2001 1{:25 Basic Bean Inforuation MoDent Desigr ha:i: 0.00 fype Codbo Location Final Pos DCUPSZ BotFLange Ratio 0.250 0.28 9 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Eean Design short For! OrtPut Bea! Label: Bl43 Stoly: R00F Shea! Dcsiqn Typs Coobo Block V Final left DCuPs2 0K 22.'16 FinaL Right DCMPSz oK 24.98 ATABS v7.15 Fi.le: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 130 .tuly l!., 2001 14:25 M@ent Design TYPE Final Pos Pnar::0.00 . co[bo Location DCUPS2 EotFlangc ha:i Conbo : NA l,l fb 291.373 12.445 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 tes 20.000 Yes !b 1/3 Pactor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes P[aii Cmbo i NA ufb 2236.665 24.031 fv {.308 4.982 Pna!: Conbo: NA Mfb 2236.665 24.031 Ratio 0 .215 0.2{ 9 Ratto 0.215 0,249 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bean Design sholt Fonr output BeaE Label: 8144 3t0ry; RooF Basic Bean Infonution Monelt Design Pnax:0.00 Type Conbo Location Sinal Pos DCMPS2 BotFlande Shea! Desig[ Type Conbo Block v Final Left Dc,lPsz 0K 22.'16 Final. Ri.ght DCUPS2 0K 24.98 E$3S v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 (ip-ir Unj.ts PAGE 131 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Ratio 0.728 Ratio 0.3?? AISC-ASD89 Coqolite Beau Design Short Fom Ortput Bean labelr 8271 Stoty: ROOF Basic Eean Infomati.on I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I shlrr orligtl Iype Coobo Blocl V Finrl Lft DCllPS2 0K 5.17 Ftnal Rigbt I)o|Ps2 0K 6 . 08 EIIES v?.16 FlIr: 2683108 Klp-in Unirs prGE 132 ituly 11. 2001 l{:26 l|uent Dcsign lyPe Flnal Pos PDrx: 0.00 Codo Location IntPSZ EotFlange lv l/3 Factor20.000 te!20,000 Yes lb 1/3 Flctor 33.000 Yes has Conbo: NA u!b388.8!1 76.273 fv 3.221 't ll t !v 2.8t3 2.879 Ratio 0.112 0.laa AISC-ND89 C@oglte Eear Deslgn short aor[ output Be labet: B2?5 gtoryt R00t Barlc Eea fofonation Ratto 0. r93 Shcar Oarign type C@bo Finrl teft DCI'|PS2 Fbal Rlght tnPs2 RTABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108n y U, 2001 U:26 BLoct v 0K 1.00 oK ?.00 KlP-in t0it5 PAGE 133 fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Y.s Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.161 0,165 AISC-ISD89 Coryoslte Bed Design Short ForI[ Ottput Bea! rabel: 8265 Stoly: SOOF 8a!ie Blrn lnforDation lo.!t DesiE! TyPe trlnel Pos @ent Dcslgn rype Finrl Pos P[ar:0,00 Cotrbo Location DCUPS? BotFlarge ha:i:0.00 Corbo location DCUPS2 SotFlange P[a:i Coto; A M& 344.823 14.485 2.862 2.910 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.{39 Sbea! Dlsig]r Tt?e Cotrbo Elock v Fin l left DCtlPs2 0K 5.21 FimL Right DCllPSz oK 6,2L EIAES v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unltr PAGE 13{ ,tuly U, 2001 11.25 Ratio 0.143 0.147 AISC-ISDE9 Cotrposite Bean Dcsign Short Sorn output Bean Label: 8152 Story: RoOF Earic B€a! IDfotnatiorl Pna:i Coobo: M ufb453.993 19.000 Fb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.576 Shear t)€sigD typ€ Codo Block Final left DCMPS2 0K Final Right DCUPS2 0K ETIBS r?,1.6 Fller 2683108 Kip-in Units iluly U, 2001 14:25 8.18 8. 18 PAGE 135 lv 3.151 ? t't I Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0. r88 0.194 AISC-ASD8g coryosite B€a! Design Short For! output Beao !&e1: B153 Baslc Bea! IttforEatioll story: R00P I I I t I I I t T I I I I I I I I I I xon€nt D$ign hax: 0. 00 hax Cmbo: IA Ty?e coEbo Location M fb Final Pos DCUPSz BotFlange 153.993 19.000 $ 33.000 l,/3 Erctor Shear D€sign Tlee Cmbo Block V fv Fv sinat I€ft I}o|Ps2 oK 8.18 3.161 20,000 Final Right DCllPS2 otr 8.18 3.8?1 20,000 ETABS v?,16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 135 July 11. 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Design Sholt trorn Output BeaE label: 8154 Basic BeaD Irfonation MoDent Desi$r Pne:| | 0.00 Pnax Combo: NA Ty?€ CoEbo Location tt fb fb Final Pos DCIIPS? BotFlange 453.993 19.000 33.000 Shea! D€siglr Ty?e Conbo Block V fv Fv Final Left DCUPS2 0K 8.18 3,161 20.000 Final Rigbt DctlPs2 oK 8.18 3.871 20,000 E1IBS q7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in 0nits PAGE 137 July 11, 2001 t4:26 AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bea[ Desi.gn Short tom output Bea[ Labelr 8155 Basic Bean Infornation uorent Desj.gn has: 0.00 p!a:i conbo: l|t Type Combo locatiofl M fb fbrinal pos DcMps2 BotPlange 453.993 19.000 33.000 Shea! Desiqn Type Conbo BLock V fv Fv Final. l€ft IruPS2 OK 8.18 3,i61 20.000 Final Rj.ght DCuPs2 oK 8.18 3.E?t 20.000 EIA8S v?,16 Fil.e: 2683108 Kip-in Unlts pAcE l3E Jul.y 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Short Forn Ottput Bean label: 8156 Basic 8ea! Ioforaation Monent Design tuax: Ty?e conbo Final Pos DcuPS2 Shea! Desig'n 0,00 Pnax Conbo: NA Location M fb Fb BotFlange 453.993 19.000 33.000 1/3 Factor Yes Ies Ratl0 0.576 Ratio 0.188 0.194 Story: R00F 1,/3 Factor Yes Ratio 0.576 Ratio 0. 188 0. 194 1/3 Pactor Yes Story: RoOF 1/3 Facto! Yes l/3 Factor Yes Yes Ratlo 0.5?6 Ratio 0.188 0 ,19{ Story: R@F l/3 Pacto!Ratio 0.s?6 I t I t I Iype Cobo Bloct V Flnal !€ft DCll?S2 0K 8.18 EiDal Rlght DcuPs2 0X 8.18 E$BS v?.!,6 File: 2683108 Kip-in unit! pr6B 139 JuIy U, 2001 1l:26 tl {53.993 fv 3.761 3.871 19.000 Ratio 0.5?5 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 leg ?0,000 Ycs Satlo 0.188 0.19{ IISC-ASD8g Coeosite Eea! Derign Short For! Ortput B€a! tabel: Bl57 Story: ROF lffic Bear IntorEatlon llc.nt Desigr har: 0.00 Type Cotrbo Lcation flnal Pos DCUPS2 Botflange Shcrr D€sigl type Corbo Block Flnal left . DCllPS2 0X Firat Right mUPS2 (x E$Elt vt.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in t nlts ,trrly U, 2001 U:26 Brric Bcas Inforratlon l.ldent Design Pnax: 0.00 fylr Conbo l,ocation Ftnal Po! DCllPSz Bottlange Shea! Design l}?e Combo Block Finll I€ft DCUPS2 Or( l'inal. Right DCtlPSz OK gflgs e7,16 rilr: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts July U, 2001 ll:25 Fv 1/3 tactor Ratio 20.000 Yes 0.18820.000 Yes 0.194 ha:r Corbo: l|A S l/3 ractor 33.000 Yrr t I I I t t I t I T I 8.18 8.r8 PAGE 140 tl 153,993 n rt L18 PME 141 lv 3.167 3.871 nt l/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 les Ratio 0.188 0.194 .IISC-ASD8g Coryositc Bea[ D$ign Short Fon Output Eean Label: BISS Stoly: R@F hajr Combo: ilA 19.000 Ratio 0.5?5 Fb l/3 lecto! 33.000 les I t I AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bean Design Short Fom Output Bean Lab€l: 8159 Story: ROOF Balic BarD Infornation fv 3. ?6? J.! t.l f" 3.167 3.8?1 tb 33.000 Rati,o u.a,b oa.Ilt oesig! hat: 0 ,00 pna:i Colbo I NA Type C@bo Location l{ fbfiml Pos DCI{PS2 EotFlange 453.993 19.000 l/3 Facto! Ye3 shea! Design lype C@bo Bloct v Final Lclt DO.|PS2 0K Lt8 Flnal Right DCUPSz OK 8.18 EttBs v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-ln units ptGE 142 Jirly 11, 2001 14:25 Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Yes 0.18820,000 Yes 0.194 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Ecan Desj.qn Sbort Fom Ottput Bea! tabel: B15O Story: R@F Basi.c B€aI! Infomation [@ent Desi.gn hax: 0.00 rl,p€ Conbo Location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlatge hax CoEbo: NA Mfb 2r?1.961 5,?01 Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Y.a t 1,/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Ye! Fb 1/3 facto! 33,000 Teg shear Desigr Type Co,lbo Block V Firal Left DCUPS2 0K 20.34 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 15.3{ ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-ln Units PAGE 1,t3 Juty 11.2001 l|:26 Basic Bean ldornati,on lronent Deslgn Pna:i: 0,00 lype Codro Location FineL Pos DCU!S2 Bottrlange fv t.521 1.149 Ratio 0.173 Ratio 0.0?6 0.057 Ratio 0.529 Ratio 0.517 I I I t t t I I I I I T I I I I I A!SC-ASo89 Coqosite Bear Desj.gn Shorc to!! output Bea! Label: 8257 Stoly: ROOF hax Cotrbo: lA ufb{16.765 17.460 Shear Desj,gn lyle Conbo Bloct V Final. lcft DCI{PS2 0K ?,51 Pinal Right DCllPS2 0K 7.51 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units peGB l{4 July 11, 2001 1,1:26 Shea! Design Type Conbo Elocl V FinaL Left DCl,lPSz 0K {4.6? Final Right DCUPS2 0K 1?.46 EIABS v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units ptGB 145 ,tuly U, 2001 t4:25 Shear Design TyPe fv Pv 1/3 Factor3.159 20.000 Yes3.582 20.000 Yrs fv rV l/3 Facto!8.49? 20.000 Yrg 3.481 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.1?3 0,179 t t AISC-ASD89 CoDposite BeaD D$ign Sbort Fom Oltput BeaD t,abel: 8255 Story: ROOF Basic Bean InforDatio! ltoEent D$ign hax: 0.00 ha3 C@bo: M Type CoDbo Location I fb Fb Final Pos DCltPS2 8otFlange 1554.7?6 1?.055 33.000 1/3 Factor Ies AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea.n Design Short ForD Output Bear Label: B1?1 Stoty: SCREEII Basic Bean Itrfomation llonent oesign har: 0.00 hai Cotrbo: NA Type CoEbo Location M fb Fb FInaI Pos DO{PS2 TopFlanqe 228.515 10.68? 10.68? 1/3 Factor Ratio 0.425 0.174 Ratio r.000 Fv 1/3 Factor I I I I I Ftnd I,Glt DCUPS2 0t( G.46 Z.2GZ 20.000 lcs 0.113Flnrl iiqht E PS2 Ot( 1.67 1.636 20.000 yes 0.002 8Tl8S v7.16 Filer 2583108 Kip-in thits ptcE 1a6 ituly lt, 2001 :26 lIsC-tSDl9 Coeosite 8ea tbliEt Slort For! Ortput Bc4| Label: BU2. Story: SCREEII Basic Beatr Infonation ttut DesiEr hax: 0.00 hax Cmbo: llll TyI'€ C@bo location U fb $ l/3 tacto! Ratio FlD|l Po! DC PS2 lopPlanqc t2a.?01 5.032 't,952 yer 0,?33 Shear Desion I TWc Coobo Elock V tv tv l/3 Factor Ratio Plnal l€ft mUPSZ oK 2.09 0.?30 Z0.0O(, Ica 0.036rhal Rlgit DCt{pS2 OK 3.98 1.356 20.000 lcs 0.0G8I r B$8S v7.16 Flle: 2683108 Ktp-in thits ptGE 1{?f ftly U, 2001 U:26 I A1SC-XiD89 Coqo3ite Bee Design Short Fom Ortput B€a! !ab€I: Ml3 Story: SCREEN I Basic Eca! ttlonatlo! I lhuett, Design Pnar: 0.00 pnax CoDbo: NA I Type Corbo tocatio! u t! Fb l/3 Factor Rario Flnal pos DCUPS2 lopFLangc r83.tg2 8.56? 0,360 yes 1.000 I Sheu o.sigl TypG Corbo Btock V fv w l/3 Eactor natio I Finll reft I)o|Ps2 OK 3.?B 1.321 20.000 ycs 0.066 I FiDal Right Dcups2 0K 4.90 1.71{ 20.000 yes 0.086 R$8S v?.15 FtIe: 2583108 Kj.p-in trrfts PAGE UB - Jul.y 11, 2001 lt;26 I Arsc-$D89 coryosit€ Bean Deslgn short Fon output Bea! Laber: B21o story: scREgN I E!!ic B€ar tnfoEation Ir lhoent Desigtr har: 0,00 har Coobo: ilA t Type Coobo locatioo M fb Eb l/3 ractor RatioI Final Pos DCUPSz TopFlangc 110.96A 5,190 g.2g1 tes 0.625I Sheat Desigtl I T}?e C@bo Bloct V fo tv 1/3 Eactor Ratio FlmI left DcuPSz oK l.B4 0.6{5 20.000 tes 0.032rtnal Right DCtlPSz 0K 3,5G t.24G 20.000 res 0.002 I ETABS u7.16 f!.Ie: 2683108 Klp-in Units PAGE 149 I July 11, 2001 1l:25 I AISC-ASD89 Co4osite Bee Design Short 8om output 8ea. !ab€l; 8219 story: sqREE}t I Basrc Eean Infornati.on I I l,touent Design Type Ftml Pos l,lonent Design . Tl?e Final Pos P!ax: 0.00 Colbo Location DCUPS2 lopFlange har: 0.00 Conbo Location DO{PS2 EotFlarge ha* codo: ilA M 57.53{ ft 2.595 fv 0.35? 0.?l? fv 0.769 1.158 tatlo 0.335 Ratio 0.06{ fv Fv 1/3 Factor0.,175 20.000 Yrs0.{55 20.000 Yes tb 8.058 Fb l/3 Pacto! 33.000 Ye3 1/3 Factor Ieg I I II I t I I I I t I I t I T I I T I shear Design lyp. Co0bo Block V Fiml left DCI{PS2 oK 1.36 Final Right DCltPS2 0K 1.33 ErrBs v7.15 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in Units pAcE 150 JuIy ll, 2001 1{:25 Ratio 0.024 0.023 AISC-ASD8g Cowositc Bea! Drsig! Short For! Output B€a! tabcl: 8220 Story: SCnEEN Baslc BeaD llfomation hax CoDbo: NA Ifb t5.285 2.118 Shear tlesign fype Conbo Flnal Left DCUPS2 Final Right DCl.lPs2 ETIBS v?.16 File: 2683108 JuIy U., 2001 u:26 Elock v0K 1.020x 1.95 Kip-io onits PAGE 151 w l/3 Factor Ratio 20.000 Yea 0.018 20.000 Yes . 0.036 AISC-ASD8g Co@osite Bean Design Short Fo!:! output Bean Label; 8222 Storyr SCREEN Easic Bear lrlfomation Monent Design Type Final Pos Pnas: 0.00 CoDo Location DCUPS2 TopFlange haa Co[bo: NA MS 110. ?52 5.180 l. t0{ 0.782 Fb l/3 Facto! 7.948 res RatrO 0.652 Shea! Design Type Cmbo Final left DC}|PS2 Final Right DCllPS2 ETABS v7.15 File: 2683108 .ruLy 11, 2001 l{:25 Block v0K 3.15 0K 2.23 KiP-in onits PAGE 152 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.055 0.039 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bea[ Desi.qn Short Fom Output Bean Label: 8223 Stoly: SCREEN Basic Baar Infomation Monent Design TyPE Sinal Pos Shear Design type Final. Left Final Right har: 0.00 Codo location DCUPSz BotFlange hax Conlo: NA Mfb 16.119 3.588 It 1./3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.109 'Conbo Block DCtlPS2 0KDo.rPs2 oK 2.20 3,t2 Ratio 0.038 0.058 FY 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes I I EmES v?.16 Flle: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGB I53,l y U, 2001 u:25 I AISC-ASD89 Caryosite Bear D.sign Sholt For! Output 8.a! Label: 8225 Stoly: SCR88NI &!Gnt Dcsigtr pnax: 0.00 hax Codo: 1|A I Type Corbo Location M fb !b l/3 Factor Ratio I Ftnrl pos Dctps2 BotFlangr 115.?26 9.?95 33.000 yes 0.291 I sheat D€liEl r lyte C@bo Block V tr rv l/3 Factor Ratio Ftnal Left DCUPS2 OK 5.23 2,316 20,000 y.s 0.119 t t'lnat Right Dct{ps2 0K 5.23 2.3't6 20.000 yes 0.119rI EIABS v?.15 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in Uoits PAGE 15a tuly 11, 2001 U 126 I I AISC-A|;D89 Coryosite Bea! Design Sbolt Fors Output Eean Labcl: 8225 Stoly: SCREEN-Balic Bcrr llfo,ratiotr I U@lnt Dcsigl ha$: 0.00 lbai Coebo: tlAItyp. Co[bo l,ocatlon X fb !b t/3 Facto! Ratio FiDal pos DClrpS2 BotFlange 163.211 10.9?0 33.000 yes . 0.332 I sbear D.sion il lype C@bo Block V fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Lrft DcUpS2 OK s.BG 2.551 20.000 yes 0.133I rbal Rtght Dotps2 oK 5.86 2,551 20.000 tes 0.133 I Deflection Dcargn I ?lpe Consider CoDbo Defl linit Ratio Liv? toad yes Dcl{pD2 0.0s3 0.232 0.358 I lotal Load yes DCltpD2 0,086 0.322 0.266 I EIASS v7,15 Fite: 25E3108 Kip-tn Units PAGE 155 .tuly ll, 2001 1{:26 t AISC-ASD8g Coryoslte Bean D,esign Short porn Output Bean Labet: 822? Story: SCREEN Basic Beatr lnfoqtation I fooant Dasign pnar: 0.00 har Conbo I NAI' fype cotrbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratior- Final Po3 llO,tPS2 Botilange 1?0.30{ 1f.{16 33.000 yes 0.3{7 I Shca! Dcsig[ I lypc conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Fllal L€ft DCIOS2 oK 5.5{ 2.49i 20,000 yes 0.125! Flnal Righr Dcups2 oK 5.5,t 2.491 2o.oo0 yes 0.125 I ETABS vt.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units pAcr ISE I .tuly 11, 2001 14:25 I AISC-ASD8g Composite Beari Design Short !'orn Output Bean l,abel: 8228 Story: SCREEN I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bear Design Short Fo![ Ottput Bear Label: 8229 Story: SCREEN Basic E€a! Inforration N@!nt lbsign hax: 0.00 Type Coubo locatlon Final Pos DCXPS2 Botl'lango shear D$ign Type Coubo Bl,ock FltraI Left DCllPS2 0K Final Right DO{PSz o|( enBS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units ituly ll. 2001 U 126 Easic Bea! InfoEation lbrcnt Desigr ha8: 0,00 lype combo location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotPlang. Shea! Desi.gn Type Cobo Block Fllal Left DCtlPS2 oK Plnal Ri.ght DCUPSz 0K EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-i.n Unj.ts ttrly 11, 2001. 1{:25 Bali.c Bean hfornation M6ent Design P[ax: 0.00 Tfrpe Co[bo location Fj.nal Pos DCl.lPS2 BotFlange Shea! Design Type Co[bo Block rinal left DC!|PS2 0K firal Right DCUPS2 OK E1IBS v7,15 File: ?683108 Kip-in 0nits July 11, 2001 14;25 Basic BeaD Infornatiol MoDent Design ha:.:: 0,00 type Conbo locatj.on Final Pos DCllPS2 BotFlalge shear Design hax Conbo: m nfbFb190.745 12.820 33.000 VfvFv 5.20 2.191 20.000 6.20 2.'t91 20.000 PAGE 15? 1/3 Pactor Ratio les 0.388 l/3 Factor Ratio Yrs 0.1{0Yes 0,140 1/3 Facto! Ratlo Yes 0.107 Yes 0,107 hax Corbo: NA lt fb Fb 1,/3 Factor Rati.o 145.0?5 9.818 33.000 Yes 0.298 VfvFv 4. ?5 2.t42 20.0001.75 2.112 20.000 PAGE 158 AISC-ASD89 CoDpoEite Bea.n Desigr shorr Fo!! Output Bean Label: 8230 Storyr SCREEN Pna:i Conbo: NA ll fb Fb 1/3 lacto! Ratlo 159.452 11.389 33.000 Yes 0,315 V fv W 1/3 Facto! 5,51 2.485 20.000 Ies5.51 2. {85 20.000 Yes PAGE 159 Ratio 0.12{ 0.124 AISC-ISDEg Coryosj.te Bean Design Short For! Ortput Eean lEbel: 8235 Story: SCP€EN Pna-tt coobo: IA M 15?.38? fb Fb 1/3 Factor Batio 10.578 33.000 Yes 0,321 lype C@bo Block v Final I€ft DCHPS2 0K 5.65 Flnal Rj.ght DCI'iPS2 0K 5.65 ETABS v7.15 FiIc: 2583108 Kip-in Units gtGE 160 ,July 11, 2001 1{:26 fv !v 1/3 factor2.556 20.000 res - 2.566 20.000 Yes Fatlo 0.128 0.128 I I I I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I I AISC-ASD89 C@osite Bear Design short PoI! ortput Eear Label: B23l Story: SCREEN Basic Bean Infornation Shea! D,esign Type CoDbo Block v tinal Left DcuPs2 0K 5.65 Eilal Rj.ght DorPs2 oK 5.55 EIABS v7.16 Eile: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE I51 July U, 2001 14:26 l{6ent DesiEr Type final Pos Monent Design TyPe Final Pos Monent Design Type Final Pos har:0.00 Coubo locatlon DO.|PS2 BotFlangc Pna:i: 0.00 Coebo location DCllPSz BotFlange Pma!:: 0.00 Conbo l,ocation DCUPS2 BotFlange has Cebo: NA Mfb 157.38? 10.5?8 2.566 2.566 hai: Conbo: NA t{ fb 145.842 9.802 Fb 1/3 Sacto!33,000 Ycs Fv 1/3 Srctot20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Fb l/3 lacto!33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Rat io 0.321 Ratio 0,291 Ratio 0.10? 0.101 IV 2,t38 2.t 38 fv 1. 321 L.144 R.tio 0.128 0,128 AISC-ASD89 Co@osite Bea[ Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8236 Storyr SCREEI Basic Bean loforEatlon Shea! Design Type C@bo Block v Final Left DCUPS2 oK 1.14 Final Riqhr DC,'PS2 0K 4.14 EIABS v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 162 July u, 2001 14:?6 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Sholt Foltn output 8ea! Label: 823? Story: SCREEN Basi,c Bcan ltrfornati,on PrBii CoDbo: NA Mfb L22,615 5. ?37 Fh 1/? c!.f^r 33.000 Yes Rati.o 0.174 Sheal Desi.gn Type Conbo Block Ei.sal l€ft DctlPsz 0K Final Right DCUPS2 OK EIABS v?.16 FiLe: 2683108 (1P-1n Units Juty 11, 2001 14:26 v 3.?8 4.?0 PAGE 153 Fv 1,/3 lactor 20.000 YeE 20.000 Yes Ratro 0.056 0.08? AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bean Design Short Forfi output Basic Bean Infomatlon Bean Labe] | 8249 Story: SCR'EEN Retio 0.r06 0.106 Ratio 0. 106 0.106 1/3 Flcto! le! fv 2.u5 2.115 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Shear Desigl fype Codo Block V fv trv 1/3 Factor Ratlo Einal Left DCuPs2 0K {.50 1.658 20,000 ye3 0.083 Final Right OCUPS2 0K 4.50 I.668 20,000 yes 0.083 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite SeaE DesiEr Short Forn Ortprt Bear Label: 8250 Stoly: SCREEN llffiot Dcligr rype Firal Pos lhnent Design tyPe Final Pos t @ent Deglgn Type Final Pos hax:0.00 CoDbo lJocation DCI{PS2 EotFlange hax | 0.00 Codo Location DOIPS2 BotFlange ha'i: 0,00 Conbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlarge Poax CoDbo: lll !b 33.000 F l/3 fastor 20.000 Y€s 20.000 Yeg F 1/3 Factor33.000 les J. 'I5.71 PME 165 hali Conbo: NA l|fb 175.538 8.210 fv 2.115 Z.LLO Pna:i CoDbo: l|A Mfb 175.538 8.210 M r25.110 5.71 5. 71 PAGE 16? fb J.dD' Rati.o 0.178 Ratio 0.249 Rrti.o 0.2r9 Basic B!6n Infodrtion llooent Desiga har: 0.00 lype Conbo location ninal Pos DcuPsz BotFlange Shear Dcrign ?y?e CoDbo Block Final l€ft DC!|PS2 0K Einal Right DCUPS2 oK E1ABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Klp-in Un1t3 tuly U, 2001 14:25 hax Co[bo: NA ll fb lb l/3 Pactor1?5.538 L2!0 33.000 rcs AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bee Deslgn Short Forn Output EeaD ta.beL: 8251 Story: SCREEN gasic BeaD InfoEation Shear Design ly?e Conbo Block V tinal left DCUPS2 0K 5.71 final Right Ir Ps2 oK 5.?l Ef,ABS v?,16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 155 JuIy Il, 2001 U:25 Iv 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD69 Coeosite Bean Design Short Fortr output Bear Label I 8252 Story: SCREEN Basic Bean Infornation I t I I I fv 2.116 2.116 Ratio 0.2{ 9 Ratio 0.105 0.105 fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Shear Design Type Coobo BLock Final Left Do,lPs2 0K Flnal Right :,OrlPS, 0K E?ABS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 KiP-in Units July 1l' 2001 14:26 iv 1/3 Flctor 20,000 Yes 20.000 Yes AIsc-AsD89 corpolite Bear Design short Forn OutPut -8ean Label: 8253 Story: SCREEII Basic Bea! Infonation Ratio 0.249 Rat10 0.105 0.106 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I l,loDent Derlgn P!na:r: 0.00 Pnax Coobo r NA type Coobo Location l{ fb Final Pos Dct{Ps2 BotFlange 175.538 8,210 Shea! Design lype C@bo Elocl V fv rinal teft DCI'|PS2 0K 5.11 2.116 rbal Right DcuPs2 oK 5.11 2.116 EIIBS v7.16 File: 2683108 KiFin Units PIGE 168 JuIy 11, 2001 1{:26 l&qent Desiqn P[ar: 0.00 ha'{ Codo: tlA Type CoEbo Location M lb Final Pos DCI{PS2 EotFlange 2250.148 18.952 Shea! Design Type Combo Block V fv Final Left DcHPs2 oK 23.26 3.935 Final Right DCUPSZ 0K 23.53 1.036 ETABS v?.16 F11e: 2683108 Kip-in Unrts PAGE 169 JuIy U, 2001 14 r25 Monent Desiqn Prnar ! 0.00 Pna:i Conbo: l|A Type C@bo locatior tl fb Flnal Pos DCUPS2 EotFLange 2250.148 18.952 l! 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 les 20.000 Yes IISC-ASD89 c@oslte Bea[ De3ign short ForE OrtPut Betr label: 8287 story: RmF Basic Bean hforDation lh I /? Fr.t^. 33.000 Yes Ratio 0,574 Fv 1,/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0. 197 0.202 AISC-ASD89 Conposlte EeaD Design short FolD output Beam label: 8289 Story: R@F Basic Bean Infornati,ol Fb l/3 Factor 33,000 Yes Ratio 0.5?4 Shear Desi.gn Type CoDbo Block V Final left DCUPS2 0K 23.26 Einal Riqht oCMPS2 0K 23.53 EIABS v?,15 File: 2583108 Kip-h Units PME U0 July 11, 2001 1{;26 Basic Eean Infomation Ucneot Design Poa':: 0.00 Type conbo location Final Pos DCuPsz BotFlanqe fv 4.036 Ratio 0.19? 0.202 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD8g Coeosite Bea[ Design Sholt Forn Ortput Bean Label: 8300 Stoty: R00F ha:i Cotrbo: NA r.r fb2155.3{8 8.6A't Fb 1./3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.?18 I I l I I I I EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-ia tnits fiily 11, 2001 1{;25 AISC-ASD8g coryo3ite Beali D€lig'l sbolt FolE qrtput Bea! label: 8301 stoly: nooF Ealic B€a[ InfoEation Shcar Derign fype c(Dbo Flnal L.ft DCllPSz Final Rlqht l)o|Psz lloent DasiEl lyPe final Pos l{oncnt Deslgn Type I'inal Pos FT l/3 Fector20.000 Yes20.000 Ies EIoct 0( OK v 22.9s 21.05 PAGE 171 't .20 PAGE 1?4 fv {.3t{ 4.510 nltio 0,211 0,231 ha:: 0.00 Pna't Cdbo: IA conbo location H fb tn|Psz BotFlarye 2155.348 23.687 sh.rr Deslgn ly?e coobo Block v f" Unal L.ft DCllPS2 o( 22,95 1.3{l Final Rtght DCUPS2 0K 24.05 {,510 guts v7.16 Filc: 2683108 Klp-in 0nits PAGE 172 .ruly ll. 2001 14:26 Fv 1/3 Erctor Ratlo 20,000 Yes 0.2f'l 20.000 Yes 0.231 I! l/3 Pactor 33.000 Yes Fb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Satio 0.718 Ratio 0.50? I AISC-ASD89 C@osite 8ea! Desi$ Sbort norn Output Beaa lrbcl t 8298 Story: SOOF I Basic BelB tnfornation t I I t t I t l I t Shear Design fy?e Coobo B]ock v Final l,eft DO{PSz OK 1.20 Final Right DCtlPs2 oK '1.20 ErA$ v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in onits PAGE 1?3 JuIy u, 2001 1{:26 Pua:i: 0.00 Conbo locati.on DCllPSz Eottlange Pna:i: 0.00 coDbo location DCufS2 BotFlange h&: Codo: m r.r 6399.578 16.123 fv 3.316 3.40? Fv l/3 Sactor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.155 0.170 AISC-ASD89 corposite Bean Design Short Forn Ortput Bean Label: 8299 Story: RoOF Easic Bea! I[fomation uoncnt Desj.F lype Flnal Pos Prar CoDbo: NA Mfb 399.578 16. ?23 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratlo 0.50? shca! D6ign Ty?e CoEbo Bl.ock Flnal Left DcuPs2 0K Final Right Dcl{Ps2 0K ETABS v?.15 PiIe: 2583108 Kip-in onits ,tuly 1l, 2001 14:?6 fv 3 .316 3.40? Rat io 0.166 0.170 Fv 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yea NSC-ASD09 Cqollte Bra! Desigm Short Forn Ortput Beao lrbel: 8303 Stoly: RooF I IBalic 8ea! Ilfor:nat ion Monent Design hax: 0.00 Ty?e C@bo location Flnal Po! DCUPS1 ConcRight Shear D$ign Type CoDbo Block Final Left DCUPSI 0K Piml Right DCuPsl 0K ErABs v?.15 Eile: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 1l:26 v fv Fv 1/3 Factor 0.77 0.165 20.000 Yes 0.71 0,179 20,000 res PAGE 1?5 V fv Fv 1/3 factor 13.61 5.939 20,000 Yes 14.08 5.143 20.000 Yes PAGE 176 Paal Colbo: t{A H 9 ,214 0.010 t.b 1.800 Ratlo 0.009 I t I I I t t I I I t l l I I t I 1/3 Facto! Yes IISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bea! Design Short for! Output Bean [abe.].; 8309 Story: SECoND Ratio 0.008 0.009 Ratlo 0.990 Rati.o 0.9t8 Balic BeaE InforBation il@ent De3lgl hax: 0,00 lype Corbo Lcation FtnaL Poc DC!rPS2 BotFlange Shear Design Type Cmbo Block Final lrft DCUPS2 0K Final Rigbt DCMPS2 oK RIABS v?.15 FiLe: 2683108 Kip-in Itnits JuIy U, 2001 1{:26 Shcar Design Tlpe Conbo Block v Ftural left DCI{gS2 OK 21.53 Plnal Right Dcl'lPSz 0K 21.03 EIABS v?.16 FiI€: ?683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 177 ,Ir.rly 11, 2001 L4:25 hax Corbo: NA u fb lb 1/3 Factor 920.8?9 32.610 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.297 0.307 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite B€a[ Design Short Folln output Bean !abe]; 8310 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Inforaation ftooeat Desi.gn hax: 0. 00 Pna:.: CoDbo: m lype Conbo Location M fb Final Pos Do,tPs2 BotFlanqe 1090.319 31.295 F! 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes fv ?.559 ?.359 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.3?8 0.368 AISC-ASD89 conposite 8ea! Design Short Folll output Beaa Label: 8311 Story: SECoND Easic geaD Infonation uoDent Design Pnar: 0.00 har: Co&bo: NA Type Conbo location M fb Fj.nal Pos DCl.iPS2 BotFlanqe 1018,299 14.892 Shea! Design Fb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Ratio 0. {51 I I I lype Colbo Bloct v Final Lrft DCI{PS2 0l( l?.10 Ftnal Riqht DCUPS2 0K 20.11 ElA88 v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unitr PAGE 1?8 Jnly 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bca! Desiga Short 8ot! Output Baric Bea[ Infonation $ooent De3 j,gn Foax: 0 ,00 Type Codo Location Flnal Pos DCUPS2 BotFlanoe fv Fv l/3 tactor Ratio3.033 20.000 ie! 0.1523.566 20.000 Yc! 0.1?8 BGar Lab.I: B31l story: SECotlD tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 YeE Rrtio 0.990 I I I I T I s I I Sh.a! Dcsign tt,pe Corbo Block vFi[.l left DCUPS2 0K 38.61 Firal Rigit DCUPS2 0K 39.28 8tl8s v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 179 JuIy U, 2001 14:26 Basic B€e! Infonation lbocDt Dcsign ha:i: 0.00 fype Coobo location FiDaI Pos DCI{PSz BotFlangc t /3 Factor natio20.000 Yes 0.21920.000 Yes 0.281 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bear Desj.gn Sholt For! Ottgut Bea! Label: B32l Stoly: SBCOID har Cotrbo: lA Ifb 3525.816 32,670 5.588 ).or9 hax Cobo r NA ufb8i.35? 0.292 Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yeg Ratio 0.009 I I t t I Shear D$ign ryPe Fhel, I€ft Sinal Right lhoeot Design TyPe final Pos !v 1/3 Sacto!20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Co[bo DCUPS2 IruPs2 I ?O fv 0.315 0.315 Ratio 0.015 0.015 Block OK OK EIASS v?.16 File: 26E3108 Kip-j.n uni.ts PAGE 180 July ll, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 CoqoEite Bean Design Short BorD Output Bean Label: 8328 Story: SECOID Basi.c Bean Infodatlon ha:i; 0.00 C@bo location DCllPS2 BotFlange Pna:{ Conbo: NA Mfb 599.265 26.028 tb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0. ?89 shear Design type C@bo Bl.oct V Fhal Left DCI'llS2 0K 8.84 Flnat Right DCI{PS2 OK 8,36 EIABS v?,16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 181 JuIy U, 2001 1,1:25 F, 1/3 Pactor Ratlo 20.000 les 0.193 20.000 les 0.194 !v 3.859 3.886 A!SC-ND89 Coryosite Bea! Design Short lorn output Bea! Lalel: 8336 Story: SECoND Belic 8ca! Infonation I I I t I I I I I I I I I oocnt Dcltgn ryPe Final Pos Uo[ent D€sign Ty?e Final Pos l{onent t}esign lyPc Pina] Pos Pnax: 0,00 Coobo l,ocati.on DOIPS2 Eotuange hax: 0.00 codo Location DCUPS1 BotFlange ha:i: 0 .00 Co[bo Location DCUPS2 Botfl,ange hrx C@bo: m r{ fb122.888 0.{82 Ftr 33.000 Fb l/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes 0.155 0.5?6 0.015 0.015 fv 13. ?34 5.455 RNtio 0.015 Ratio 0.990 l/3 Frctor shear Desiqn Type Codo Bloct v Final left DcllPS2 Of 5.?0 Final Right DCUPSz 0K 5.?0 ETABS v?.16 Flle: 2683108 Ki.p-in 0nits PAGE 182 July 11. 2001 l{:26 rv u3 Factor20.000 les20.000 Yes Fb l/3 Factor Ratio 15.000 !e! 6.5?28-04 Pr 1/3 Factor Ratlo 20.000 les ?.{{8E-0a 20.000 Yes 7.9888-04 Ratlo 0.023 0.03{ AIsc-AsD89 C@osite Bcan DesiEl short Fo![ O:tput B€ar label: 8338 Story: SEcoilD gasic Bea! lnfonatlon hax Codo; Nl r,r fb0.{40 0.030 Shea! Design Itpe CoDo Bloct V Final t€ft DCUPS1 0K 0,03 Flnal Right DCUPS1 ol( 0.03 EIABS v7.16 Flle: 2583108 Kj,p-in Units PAGB 183 July u. 2001 U:25 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design Short Fot:tr Ortput Bear label: 8339 Stoly: SECoID Brsic gean InfoEation har Cmbo: NA ufb 81r. ??2 32.670 shea! oesign TtDe Conbo Flnal Left DCUPS2 Final Rj.ght DO,!PS2 ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 ,tuly 11, 2001 14:26 Blocx V0K 31.480K 11.'16 nP-in unirs PA6g t8{ Fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio u.b!, 0.213 AISC-ASD89 Corposite Beaa Dej.gn Short Fo!t! Ortput Eean label: 8342 Stoly: SECoND Basic Bean lnfomation I I t I I tilooent Design Type linal Pos Shear Design hat: 0.00 colbo location DCMPS2 BotFlarge ha:i C@bo: NA l,l fb 121 ,5t2 22.903 lb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Rati.o 0.694 I I I I I I AISC-ASD89 Coryosite gea! De3ign Short Fom Output Bea! label: 834? Story: SECOND Basic BeaD Inf,onation Typs CoDbo Finat Lett DCI{PS2 Fiilal Right DCUPS2 Enls v?.15 file: 2583108 ,tuty U, 2001 1{:26 Block V0t( 11. t60K 11.{5 Kip-in Units PACE 185 tY l/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 lcs Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yrs20.000 Yes th I /? fr.t^r 1.800 Ye! fv t. 011 fv 3.5?6 3.6?6 0.114 0. r05 Ratio 0.528 latio 0.528 Ratio 0.000 Ratlo 0.006 0,00s Ratl0 0.201 0.201 Ratio 0.18{ 0.184 Sh€ar Design fwc Conbo Blocl V Final t€ft DO,|PS2 0K 8,42 FiFal Right . DCUPS2 0K 8,42 Ef,A8S v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-ln Unlts PAGE 1E5 July Ll. 2001 1{:26 UoDent DeslEl Type fi.nal Pos lhent Design ryPe Final Pos hax:0.00 Conbo Location DOIPS2 EotFl.ange Pnar: 0.00 Coobo Location DCUPS2 EotFlange Pnax Corbo r l|A lt fb 398.065 17 .43? ll f A!SC-ASD89 C@osite Bear Design Short Fol! Oltput Bear t6bel: B3a8 Stoly: SE@ND Easic 8ea! Infonation Ratio 0.1E4 0.184 T l I I T I I t T I ha.]l Codo: m ufb 398.055 l?. {37 Shear Desigu Type Colbo Final left DCUPS2 FiDal Right DCUPS2 ETABS v7,16 File: 2683108 July U, 2001 14:26 Block V 0K 0,42oK 8.42 KiP-i! nnj.ts PA6E 18? l'b 1/3 factor 33.000 Yes fv !V 1/3 Facto! 3,6?5 20.000 Yes 3.6?6 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 C@posite Beatr Desigt Short Eorn Output Beer label: B3{9 Story: SECOND Easic Bean lnforDati.on uon€nt D,esign rype Pinal Pos han:0,00 CoDbo location DC}|PSI Conc!,eft ![a:i Conbo: NA vfh 0.000 0,000 shea! Desj,gtl Iype Colbo Final Left DCUPS2 Final Right ITUPS2 ETABS v7.16 Pll.e: 2583108 July 11, 2001 14:25 Slock V0K 0. ?5 0K 0,75 Kip-in gtrlts PAGB 180 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yee AISC-ASD8g C@osite Bean Design Short Fottr Ortput 8ea[ Label: 8350 Basic Eean Inforution Story: SECoND Sbear Desigo type Conbo Block v linal left DCUPS2 oK 11.45 Fhal Ri.ght Dcl{PS2 0K 11.45 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unlts PAGE 189 Jury u, 2001 14:25 Uoomt Design TYPE Final Pos ihoent Design lype Flnal Pos Shear Design lype Finai. left liml Right llonent Design TYPE Final Pos Shear Desrqn TYPe Fi.ml Left Pur:0,00 Codo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange hax Co6o: m tl 't21.5L2 18 .51 PAGE 191 fh 22.903 fv 6.258q rqt Ratio 0.694 Ratio 0.313 0.265 fv lv l/3 Factor {.011 20.000 Yrs 4.011 20.000 les !'b U3 Facto! 33.000 Yes F'v 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes I I t t I I I I I I I I I Ratio 0.201 0.201 Ratio 0.257 0.106 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bea! Design Short Forn Output Bean labcl: 8354 Story: SECoND Basic Eean Infomation lt@ent Design Poa'(: 0 . 00 lype C@bo location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotF]ange shear Desi.g! TWe conbo Bl.ock V Final I€ft DCllPS2 0K 18'84 Ftnal, Right muPS2 oK 15.91 ETIBS v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 (ip-in unite PIGE 190 ,tul.y U, 2001 1|:26 PDax Conbo: NA Mfb885.605 30.508 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.928 AISC-ASD89 C@osite Bean Design short forn Oltput Bean Label: 8358 Stoly: SECoND Easic 8€a! InforDation !ua::: 0,00 har Conbo: m coobo Location l.l fb DCl.lPSz gotFlaoge 1?51.489 11,855 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0'359 C@bo Bloc k DCUPS2 0K DCI.IPS2 OK Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes fv 2.L25 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-ln units July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD8g Corposite Bean Design Sholt Font OutPut Bean label: 8359 Story: SECoND Basic 8ea! Infomation har:0.00 Colbo Location DCINPSI CorcRight har Conbo: NA Mfb 3.858 0.013 Fb 1/3 Factor 1.800 Yes Ratlo 0.007 I I I l I C@bo DCUPSl BIock OK 0.48 fv 0.211 Ratio 0.011 Fv 1/3 Sactor 20.000 Yes I I T I I t I I I l I I I I I I I I I latic EeaD InforDatiotl U@nt Desiqn PnaY: 0.00 nex Coli: llt ly"r Co[bo Location H fb Final Po3 DCUPS2 Sor8lange 733,989 22.139 Sbear Desi$ fyle Conbo Bloct V fv f1nal lelt DCUPS2 0K 8.22 {.955 Siral Rignt DCIPS2 oK L3.22 ,1.966 EIABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Ulits PACE 228 Jul.y U, 2001 U:26 tlDe Corbo location tt fb Fioal Pos DCllPS2 BotFlange 733.989 22.439 Shear Design type Corbo Block V fv Ftnll Left DCUPS2 0K 8.22 4.966 Final Right DCUPS2 0K L3.22 4.956 ErlBS v?.15 Filc: 2683109 Kip-in Uoits PAGE 229 .tuly U. 2001 U:25 Hdeot Design hal:: 0.00 Pnal: Conbo: NA Iyp€ Conbo Location l{ fb Pinal Pos DCllPS2 8otFlange ?33.989 22.439 Sbear D$ign ?ype CoDbo Block I fv Eiral l€ft DCllPSz 0K L3.22 {.966 Pinal Right DCUPS2 0K 13.22 1.955 ETABS v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in onits PecE 230 ,tuly U, 2001 14:26 Uonent Design hrar: 0.00 hmr Conbo: NA Type Conbo Location U fb Final Pos DCUPS2 Eotllange ?33.989 22.439 Fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 YeE Rltio 0.680 Ratio 0.680 lv 1./3 Factor Ratio20.000 Yes 0.24820.000 lcs 0.2{8 AISC-ASD89 Coqorltc Bcan Design Short For! OrtF.lt Bear tabel: 8154 Story: SECoND lhetrt De3igl Pna:i:0.00 lha:i Colbo: NA tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 les lv 1/3 Factor Ratio 20.000 Yes 0.248 20.000 les 0.2{8 AISC-ASD89 Coeosite Bean Design Short Foru Ortput Bean Label: 8155 Story: SECOND Baslc Bean Infoaation lb l/3 Facto! Ratlo 33.000 Yes 0.580 fv 1/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Yes 0.2{820.000 Yes 0.248 AISC-ASD8g Coposj,te Bean Design Sholt ForE Output Bean Label: 8151 Story: SECoND Basic BeaD Infornation tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.680 Shca! Dcsi9 Type Conbo Block Final Left DCtlPS2 0K Vfv 13.22 4.966 Fv 1/3 Factor 20,000 Yes Ratio 0.24 8 A!SC-ASD89 C@ollte SeaB Design Short Fot! OrtPut B!a! Labelr 8ll8 Story: SECoND Stnal Right DCUPS2 OK Iteflection Design ETABS v7.15 Fil€: 2683108 Kj'P-in units July 11, 2001 1{:25 Basic Bea! InfoEatlon uooeot Design hax: 0.00 Type Colbo Location Sioal Pos DCl,lPS2 BotFlange shear Desiqt lype Co[bo Bloct Final L€ft . Do.lPS2 0K FiDaI Right DCllPS2 0K EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 K1p-in 0nlts ,tuly 11, 2001 14:25 Basic BeaD Infomation llonlnt Delign hax:0.00 Tlrpe Cotrbo Locati.on Final Pos DCllPS2 BotFlange shear Desj.gtl rype c@bo Block final Lefr Dct Psz 0K Final Ri.ght DCl.lPS2 0K ETABS v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units ,tuly 11, 2001 14:26 13.22 5.008 20.000 PAGE 231 ha:i Corbo: l|A Hfblb?33.989 22.439 33.000 t! 33.000 Rltio 0.580 Rrtio 0,680 Ratlo 0.24 8 0.250 Ratl0 u. btu t I t I I T t I I I I I I t I T I I 1/3 Factor Yes 11 t'' L3,22 PAGE 232 tl ?33.9E9 11 1'' L5.tZ PAGE 233 fv Fv 1./3 Factor 1.966 20.000 Yes 5.008 20.000 les Ratio 0.248 0.250 AIsc-AsD89 c@posite Bea! De3igt Short 8o!D Ortput Bea! IabeL: B1{9 Story: SE@ND ha'{ C@bo: t|A th tlr 22.439 33,000 fv Fv 1/3 Factor {.966 20.000 les 5.008 20.000 Yes 1/3 Eacto! Yes AIsc-AsD89 Coryosite Bean Design Short Porn outPrt Bean Label: Bl50 story: sECoNlD Basic Beatn Infonation Itonent Design Poa':: 0,00 Pnar CoDbo: M Type Ccobo Locatlon ll fb Pinal Pos DcuPsz BotF]ange ?33.989 22.439 1/3 Facto! shear Design Type C@bo Block v Final Left DCUPS2 0K 13.22 iinal Right DCUPSz 0K 13,22 ETAES v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Unlts PAGE 231 July U, 2001 14:25 fv 4. 966 5.008 Fv 1/3 Facto! 20,000 Yes 20.000 Ye! Ratlo 0.24I 0.250 AISC-ASD8g Coposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bear Label: B5l1 Story: SECoND I t I I I I AISC-ASD89 Coqosite BeaD Design Short Forn output Bea[ trabel: Bl25 Story: SECoND 8a3ic Bean lt|for|lation [ooent DesiEn Pnax: 0.00 Pnafi Colbo: NA Ty?e C@bo Locatiotr U fb Ib 1/3 Flcto! Ratio Flnal. Pos DCUPSI ConcRj.ght 0.000 0,000 1;100 Yes 0.000 Shrar Desigr Typc Coobo Block v fv fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Iinal left DCUPSz oK 0.9? 0.{43 20.000 Yes 0.02? final Right DctPs2 0K 0.97 0.148 20.000 Yes 0.022 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583103 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 221 .ruly u. 2001 ra:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bear Design Short Forn output Bea! I"abel.: 8{26 Story: SECOND I Basic Bean InforDationr UoD€nt Delign ha\: 0.00 Pna:r Conbo: NA ,l lype C@bo location U ft tt 1/3 Factor Ratio I Finat Pos DCllPSl ConcRight 0.000 0,000 1,800 yes 0.000 I shea! Design I lype Coobo Btock V fv !V 1/3 Factor Ratio final L.ft DCUPS2 OK 0.97 0.443 20.000 yes 0.022 I Final Rj,ght DcuPs2 oK 0.97 0.446 20.000 Yes 0.022 I ETABS vr.l5 Fite: 2583108 Klp-i.n UnirE pAGg 222 July 11, 2001 14:25 r I AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Desrgn Sholt Forn output Eean Label: 8156 Story: sEcoND Basic Bea! Infornatlon I }lonent oesign ha!:: 0 . 00 ha:{ Conbo; NAITyTe CoEbo Location M fb ib l/3 Eacto! Ratio final Pos DClOs2 BotFlange ?33.989 22.439 33.000 yes 0.680I,IT - shear D$ion I TlDe Conbo BIoc* V fv Fv 1/3 facto! Ratio I Final left DGrPs2 0K L3.22 4,956 20.000 Yes 0.248 lr Final Right DCllPS2 OK 8,22 4.956 20.000 Yes 0.248 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unite PAGE 223 f JuIy 11, 2oo1 L4:26I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Sholt Fo![ output Bean label: 815? Stoly: SECOND -A Basic Bea.n rnfomationI lbnent Design has: 0.00 Pnax combo: NA I Type Conbo Location u ft r'b 1/3 lactor Ratio I Filal Pos .DCl.tPs2 EotFlange ?33.989 22.439 33.000 Yes 0.580 ! I Shea! D$ign lype Cdbo Block v Fi.nal Left InPS2 0K 13.22 Final Rigbt DCllPS2 0K 13.22 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Ki.p-i.r 0nlts PAGE 224 July U, 2001 1{:25 AISC-ASD89 coryosite Eea! Dlsign Short Eom output Basic B€a[ Infomation Shear Desigtr . Ty?€ Cmbo Block V Final left DCuPs2 o( L3.22 ainal Right DCUPS2 0K 73.22 ETABS v7.15 Fite: 2683108 Klp-in Units PAGE 225 July U, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Bean Design sbort Forn output Basic Bean InforEation Shear Desj,gtl Type Conbo 8lock V Final Left DCuPs2 oK L3.22 Final Right DC}lPSz oK 13.22 ETAES v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 226 ,July 11. 2001 lr:25 fv Fv 4.956 20.000,t.966 20.000 BerE Iabel: Bl58 1/3 Facto! yes Yes Rati.o 0.2{8 0.248 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Stoly: SECoND Itotrent Desigr hax: 0.00 ha>: colbo: M Type Codo Location l.l fb rb Final Pos DrtrlPs2 EotFlange ?33.989 22,439 33,000 1/3 Facto!Ratio 0.580 fv !V 4.965 20.000 t,955 20.000 1/3 Eactor Ratio 0.248 0.248 Ratio 0.580 Ratio 0.244 0.24I Ratio 0.680 Eean Label; 8159 Stoly: SECoND t{onent Desigrl Pna\: 0.00 Pna$ CoDbo: NA Type C@bo Lcation l{ fb Et 1/3 facto! Pinal Pos DCUPSZ BotFlanse ?33.989 22.439 33.000 Yes fv Fv 1/3 factor4.965 20.000 Yes 4.966 20.000 res AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design Short Fom Output Bean Label: 8152 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infomation T I t MoDent Des19 lype Final. Pos Pnai:0,00 CoDbo Location DCl,lPS2 BotFlange Pnax Conbo: Nl Mft?33.989 22.439 fv 4. 965 4.966 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Shear Dsign fl?e Conbo Block v Final Left DCMPSz 0K 13.22 Final Right DCUPS2 OK 13.22 ETlls v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 227 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Rat io 0.218 0.2 {8 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8153 story: SECoND t I I I I t t t t I l I t t I I I I I ETABS 17.16 PlIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 213 ituly U, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASD89 Cqosite Bea! Design Short For! output 8ea! Label: B{40 Story: SECoND Basic Bea! Infonatlon ll0€nt ltesign lyPc Final Po8 hal:0.00 C@bo location DCllPS2 BotFlange haz C@bo: NA Mfh 4{3.260 r8.560 Fb 1/3 Facto! Ratio 33.000 les 0.555 Shear tlesig! tlpe Conbo Block v Pinal Left DCuPs2 0K 9.11 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 9.11 8?ABS v7.16 Flle; 2683108 Kip-in Units FAGE 214 July U, 2001 14:26 Shra! Desigl Ty?e Codo Block V Pinal Left DC1{PS2 oK 9.19 Flnal Right DCMPS2 0K 9.22 E?ABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 215 July U, 2001 14:2 5 Baric Bea[ InfolDation U@ent Design Ptrax! 0.00 lype Cmbo locatj.on Final Po! DCttPS2 BotFlange Shear Design Typ. CoDbo Elock Final left DCMPS2 0K Final Right DCMPS2 0K EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-i.r Units July 11, 2001 14:26 4.1?5 {.15? tv { .193 4.224 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Ycs 20.000 Yes lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.209 0.208 AISC-ASD89 C@osite B€ar Dcaign Short Fo!! Ottput Bean labe] r 8520 Story: SBCoND Mooetrt Design PnaY:0.00 haa Conbo: M Type C€Ebo location M fb Plnal Por DCttPSz BotFlanae 453.439 19.07? Ratio 0.5?8 FY 1/3 Factor &atio20,000 Ye3 0.210 20.000 Ycs 0.211 NSC-ASD8g Conposi,te Eear Design Short Forn Output Bean label: 8621 Story: SECoND Pnar: CoDbo: NA Mfh 4 {8,333 r8.868 Vfv 9.14 4.169 9.16 4 .200 PAGE 216 ha!; Conbo : NA Mib ?89.146 19.327 Fb 1,/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0,512 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Beatr Design Short Eorn Output Bean Label; 8622 Story: SECOND Fv 1/3 Facto! Ratio 20.000 Yes 0.208 20.000 Yes 0.210 ft 1/3 ractor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.586 Basic Bear I[foElatlon Uoncnt Design Pna:i: 0.00 Ilrpe CoDbo Iocation Flnal Pos DCMPS2 BotF]anqe Shear Design Type Conbo Block v Einal l€ft DCI'|PS2 OK 12.15 Fina] Right DclIPSz 0K 12.13 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 217 July U, 2001 14:26 fv lv 1/3 Factol4,5{5 20.000 tes{,711 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.22'l 0.236 Fatio 0.229 0.23'l I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I AISC-ASD89 Cory61te 8ea! Design short Foru output Bean Iabet: 8523 stoly: SECoIID Basic Bean Infornation Shea! Desig Type Combo Block Final Left DCllPS2 0f Fioal Right DCllPSz OK EIABS v'I.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in tnits July U., 2001 1,1:25 UoGnt Design Type Final Po! Uonent Desiqn TyPe Final Pos ?nax: 0.00 Conbo location DCl.lPs2 SotFlange hax: 0.00 Cmbo location DCUPSz BotFlange Block OK OK Pnar: 0,00 Conbo locati.on DCllPS2 BotFlarge han Codo: NA ufb198.114 18,E35 !t 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 les 0.5?1 Fv 1/3 facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Co4)osite BeaB Design Short Sorn Ortput Bean Label: 8435 Story: SE@ND Easic Bean Infornatior t2.25 12.22 PIGE 218 u 10?. a39 v 4.55 PAGE 2I9 v 4.55 4 .55 PAGE 220 IY 4.511 4. ?45 2.09't 2.085 Ratio 0.105 0.10{ Pral: CoDbo; llA fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio {.?0? 33.000 Yes 0.143 Shear Desi.gn Type Colbo Ei.nal !€ft DCUPS2 Final Right DCUPS2 Monent Design TyPe Fi[aI Pos Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes ETABS v1.16 File: 2583108 Kj.p-in Units JuIy l1r 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 CoEposi.te Bea! Design Short Form Output 8ea! Label: 8436 Story: SECOND Basi,c Bean Infornati.on ha:i Conbo: NA r.r fb 10? . 439 4.101 It 1/3 Factor Ratro 33.000 Yes 0.113 Shear Design Type Conbo BLock 8i.nal Left DCUPS2 OK Firal Right DCUPSz 0K ETABS v'I.16 Fj.le:-2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 fv 2.09'l l.u!0 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20,000 Yes Ratio 0.105 0.104 I I I I I I I I I l I Fhal I€ft tntPs2 0K 5,50 2,112 Flnal Right DCMPS2 0K 5.50 2.602 ETABS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 206 .tuly u, 2001 14:26 20.000 20.000 tv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 les Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 les Yes 0.122 Yes 0.130 Ratio 0. 697 Ratio 0.2 54 0,254 AISC-ASD89 Coposite Bea[ D$ign Sbort Fom Output Bcan tab€t: B,l02 Stoly: SBCOND Balic B€ar Itrfo.rlati.on lifficnt Design Pna:: 0.00 Type Cmbo Location FinaL Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange sbea! Desiqn Type Conbo 81nal Left DcuPs2 Einll Right DCUPS2 EIABS v7.16 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 l{:26 Bagic Bean InforDation XGnt Design ha,{: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Flnal Pos DCUPS2 gotFlange AISC-ASD89 Coryosite gear! Desigrn Short Forn Output Bean Label: Bl03 Story: SECO{D Block OK OK Conbo Block DCUPS2 0KDCtrPS2 0K ha:i Cmbo: NA vfh 969.028 22.985 Vfv LJ.Z | ).u tt 15.27 5.079 PAGE 207 het Coobo; llA Mfb 8r0.010 18.952 vfvt2.16 4.456 12.76 4.466 Pnai Colbo: NA ufb810,010 18.952 F|\ I /l F.^r^r 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.574 Ratio 0.574 Shrar DeEign Type coubo Final l,eft DCUPS2 Final Right DCI{PS2 Ho[ent oesign Type Sinal Pos Shea! Design Type Final Left Final Right BIock 0r OK ha!i: 0.00 Cmbo Location DCUPSz BotFlange Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Yes 0.223 20.000 Yes 0.223 I t ETABS v?.16 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in {rnits JuIy 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASD89 CorrFosite 8ea[ Design Short Forn Output Bean label: 840{ Story: SECoND Basic Bean Ilfonation tt 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes I I t I 12.16 12.16 PME 209 fv { .456 {.465 &atio 0.223 0 .223 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes EIABS v?.15 File; 2583108 KiFin Units ,tulv U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bear Desiqr Sholt Foln output Basic Eean Infornation Eean Label: 8405 story: SECOND Mon€nt Desigl Type Final Pos t{onert Design Ty?e Final Pos Shear Design TyPe Finel left Final Rigbt Honent Design TyPe Fi,IlaI Pos Shear Design rype Final Left Final Right Uonent Design Type Flnal Pos Shear Design lyPe Final Left Final Right Poalt: 0.00 Conbo lrocation DCUPS2 BotFlange Pnar:0.00 Colbo l,ocati,on DCllPS2 BotFlarqe hr:r Codo: ilA l.t 442.214 9.36 PAG' 2II 0.83 n n? PAGE 212 9,11 0 tl fb 18.51?33.000 Ratio 0,551 1/3 Facto! Yeg I I I I I t I I I I I I I Sbclr Desig! It?e c@bo Blocl v Final l€ft DCtlPSz 0K 9.36 Flnal Right DCUPS2 0K 9'35 E1ABS v?.15 tile: 2683108 KIP-io tnits PIGE 210 July U, 2001 14:26 Cr ' Fv 1/3 Facto! 1.004 20.000 Ye3 4.08{ 20 ' 000 Yes natio 0.20{ 0.204 Ratio 0.20{ 0.20{ Ratio 0.005 0.006 AISC-ASD89 Corposite Bea! Design Short ForD Output Beea labcl I 8{06 Storyr SECoND Basic Bean InforEation Ptral| Conbo: [A M!b 4t2.244 18.517 fv 4.084 4.08t Ratio 0.564 Ratio 0.000 lb l/3 Factor 33.000 les Conbo Block DCI'|PS2 0KDCUPS2 oK Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yeg 20.000 Yes ETAES v7.16 EiIe: 2683108 Klp-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Co4osite BeaD DeEign Sholt Forn Oulput Sean Label: 8108 Story: SECoND Baslc Bean Infolaatiotr Coubo Block DC!{PS2 oKDCUPS2 0K Pnax: 0.00 C@bo location DCllPSl Eotrl.angr h|x:0,00 Conbo lJocation DCUPS2 BotFl.atge Pna:i Codo: NA Mfb0.000 0.000 Fb 1/3 Factor33,000 Yes fv 1/3 Factot 20.000 Yes 20,000 Yes $ 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes nr 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Cv 0 .118 0.t21 ETABS v7.16 rile: 2683108 Kip-in Unlts JuIy 11. 2001 U:26 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bean Design Short Fore output Bcrn label: 8439 Stoly: SECoND Basic Eean Infornation T I I l I Elock OK hari CoDbo: NA Is413.260 18.660 conbo DCUPS2 DCUPS2 fv 4.175 4.15? Mtio 0.555 Ratio 0.209 0.208 I I I TlDe Coebo Block v Final, t€ft DCUPS2 0K 11.74 Fi.oal Right DcllPs2 0K 11.79 E'IrgS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Unlts pAcE 199 ituly 11. 2001 1{:25 5.358q ttn !v 6. 191 5.211 fv 5.757 J. 'O/ fv 0.187 0.289 Ratio 0.258 0.259 Ratio 0.'t22 Fv 1/3 ?actor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Block OK OK t I I I I t l I I t I I t I I AISC-ASD89 Co@osite Bean Design Short FoED Output Bea! Label: 8519 Stoly: SECOND Ballc Beas Infoluation l.lomnt Desigl 1}?€ Flnal Pog ShrEr Desj.gn TI?e Pinal left Flnal Rlght l|6ent Des lgn Type Flnal Pog hax: 0.00 pnaE Conbo: NA Conbo Locati.oo !{ tb DCUPS2 EotFtange t018,222 23.8t3 tb l/3 factor 33,000 Yes EmBS v?.16 File; 2683108 Kip-in Units ptcE 200 Jlrly 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Deeign Sholt For-o output Bea! Label: 8392 Stoly: SECOND Ea!1c BcaD Infornation CoDbo DCUPS2 DC PS2 15.51 15.66 Ratio 0 .310 Ratio 0.s80 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yrs Fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 les lh€nt Deslgn ryPe Flnal Pos Shear DeEign Typr Conbo Flna] t€ft DCUPS2 Firal Right DCl.lPS2 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy ll, 2001 1l:26 P[a:i: 0.00 PDa.: Coobo: IA c@bo Location fb DOIPSz BotFlange 1034.287 19.r25 Block OK OK 15.80 15.80 PAGE 201 L.24 PAGE 202 tw 19. ? 98 19.7 98 Ratio 0.291 0.291 l/3 Factor Yes AISC-ASD8g CoEposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 8394 Stoly: SECOND gasic Be.|tl lDforrflation ha:i: 0. 00 Conbo Location DCllPSl ConcRight BIock OK OK Pna:i Conbo: NA lf fh 0.000 0.000 Fb 1/3 Factor 1.800 Yes Ratio 0.000 Shear Design fype conbo Final J,eft DCMPS2 [iml Right Do.lPS2 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0. 009 0. 014 EIABS v?.16 Fil€r 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design Short Fors Output Bea[ Iab€].: 8127 Story: SECoND Basig Bea[ Infonatiorl I I I I I I Mooent DesiEl rype Sinal Pos Morent Design TyPe Final Pos Shear Design Type hax:0.00 Corbo Locatlon DCUPS2 BotFlange Pua:ir 0.00 Coebo location DCMPS2 BotFlange hax CoEbS: l{], Mfb 645. r89 23.252 tb l/3 Eactor33.000 Yes Fv 1./3 Factor20.000 re320.000 Yrs natio 0.705 Shear Design Type Codo 8lock Flaal Left DCUPS2 0f Final Right DotPs2 0l( ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units ,ruly 11, 2001 14:26 Basic Bean InfoEation ll,ooent Design Pnas: 0.00 Iype coDbo Location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 72.15 12.45 PAGE 203 H 108,859 4.6'l PACE 205 fe 5.131 5. r3l fb 4.759 Ratio 0.2't2 0.272 AISC-ASD89 Cmposite Bean Design Short Forn Oltput Bean LabeL: 8398 story; SECoND Plar Cosbo: M Ratio 0.1!5 I 1 I I I I I I t rt l/3 Facto! 33.000 les Shear Design Type Conbo Block V Einal l,eft DCI'iPS2 0K 4,'12 Final Rj.ght DCtlPS2 0K 4.'12 EIABS t?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in lrnits PAGE 204 .tuly 11, 2001. U:25 t n(a Z.IOJ Ratio 0, 103 0. 108 Ratio 0.146 Ratio 0.102 0.108 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes A!SC-ASD89 Coryosite Eean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8399 Story: SECoND Easic Eean Infornation Monent Design hax: 0.00 Type Conbo location Final Pos DCl.lPS2 Botflange Shear Design Tlpe Conbo Block Final Left DCUPS2 0K Final Right DCtilPS2 0K EnaS v7.16 File: 2583108 Ki.p-in Units JuIy 11. 2001 14:26 PEa:i Conbo: ilA ufb110.269 4,831 tb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes fv 2 .039 2.L54 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes A!SC-ASD89 Coeosite Bean D$ign Sholt Forn Output Bea! Lab€l: 8401 Storyr SECoND Basic Bean InforDation ha:a CoDbo I lB Mfb 132.050 5,?85 Ft l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Rat io 0.1?5 I I IFv 1/3 Factor Ratio 0.218 0.215 I t I I I I I t T l I I t I I I I I rbat RIEht DCl,tPSl 0K 0.48 arlBs v?.15 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in Units prGE 192 July 11, 2001 14:26 20.000 AISC-ASD8g coryosi.te Beatr Desi.gn Short Fo output 8ea[ label: 8360 stoly: SECoND SEsic 8ea! Infonation 0,011 Ratio 0.008 0.096 0.1s6 Ratio 0.178 0.546 lf6ent Delign TYPE Flnal Pos Final Neg Shear Dc!1gl lype Conbo Fi.nal Lclt DCl.lPSl Final Riqht DctlPs2 tinal tbrst DCl,lPS2 EIIBS v7.16 File: 2683108 Juty U, 200r 1{:25 hax: 0.00 hax Conbo: A codo Location u fb Fb 1/3 Eacto! Dcr,lPs2 BotFlange 235,316 5,888 33,000 t.! DCI{PS2 Eottrlange -181.090 6,252 9.676 les Blocl OK OK OK Kip-in t ni.ts 0.48 5.?9 9.3? PAGE 193 12.09 12.09 PAGE 194 0 .161 1.928 3 .115 Iv 1/3 Sactor 20.000 Ye! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 C@o3ite 8ea!, Design Short ForD output Bea[ Inbel: Bl55 Story: SE@ND Basic 8ea! Infomatior XeDt Desiqr rype Final. Pos MoEent Des1gn TyPe Final Pos Pnax:0.00 CoDbo Location oCuPS2 Botilange ha-r: 0.00 ColDo location DCl.lPS2 BotFlange ha.{ Conbo: NA Mfb 61t.t12 28.952 lb 1/3 Pactor {5.000 Ycr Ratio 0.6,t4 Shea! Dcslgn lype CoEbo Block 8lnal L€ft DCUPSz 0K tinal Right DCUPS2 0K ETABS v?.16 tiLer 2683108 Kip-il 0nj.ts July 11, 2001 14:26 5. 510 5.529 Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Design Short Forn outpqt Bean !abeL: 8372 Stoly: SECoND Basic Bean Ilforoation Pua:i Coobo: ltA l.t fb 125.380 s.536 fv 2,449 !b 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Ratio 0.168 Sh!a! Desiga ty?e coDbo Final t€ft DCMPS2 Final Right DcMPs2 EIABS v7.15 tile: 2583108 ,tuly 11, 2001 14:26 Block v 0K 5.35 0t( 5.35 Kip-in ttnits PAGE 195 nr 1/3 Factor20.000 Yer20.000 Y€s Ratio 0.!22 0,122 AISC-ASD89 Conposi'te Bean Design Short ForI[ output Basic 8ea! InfolMtion Bean Label: 8373 Story: SECoND I I I Shear Design Iype Cotrbo Block v fu Final Left DCllPs2 0K L4.22 6,205 Fioal Right DCI'|PS2 0K 13.{{ 6.211 EtABs v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-ln tnits PAGE 196 .tuly u, 2001 14:25 Basic Bea! IDfornation Morent Des j,gn ha-'r: 0.00 Type Conbo Locatior Fina] Pos DCuPs2 EotFlange Shear Deslgn flpe cmbo glock Final Left DCllPSz 0K Fiaal Ri.ght DCuPs2 0K Pna,r Colbo: llA ufb921.976 32.421 Fb l/3 facto! 33.000 Y€3 t\r 1/3 Factor 20,000 Ye! 20.000 Ye! !b 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes l,loGnt Derign TYPE Firal Pos Uooent Design TyPe Final Pos Sltea! Design TYPE Final Left linal Rlght Monent DesigD TYPC Firal Pos Shear Design Prar: 0.00 Colbo trocatlon DCUPS2 BotFLangc ha:r C@bo: llA tl 965.280 fb 32.3t1 tv ).IJJ Ratio 0.980 Rrtio 0.310 0.312 Ratio 0.983 Ratio 0.265 0.261 Rat10 (,. rzb AISC-ASD89 Conpolite Bea[ Design Short Foro Ortput Bean I,abel: 8374 Story: SECoID I I T I I t t I I t EIABS v7.15 EiIe; 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 19? iruly 11. 2001 1{:25 AISC-ASD89 C@posite Bea! Design Short Forn Ortput Bean Label: 8383 Story: SECoND Basic Eean Infomation Vfv 11.{9 5.342 F l/3 Factor 20.000 Yts 20,000 Yes Eb 1/3 Pacto! 33.000 Yes hari: 0.00 har: Conbo: lO Combo Location U fb DO,PS2 Botllange 558. ?82 23.944 CoEbo 8Lock vDCMPS2 0K 11.69 DCUPS2 0K 11.69 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.261 \J.ZO t Satio 0.?38 EIABS v7.16 EiIe: 2583108 Kj.p-j.n Units PAGE 198 July 11, 2001 U:25 AISC-ASD89 CouPosite Eear Design Sbort For! Ortput Bea! Lab€I: 8618 story: SECOND Ba8ic Seaa InforEation Iha:i; 0.00 hay Conbo: llA Conbo Location M fb DCMPSz BotFlaoge 5?8.556 24.345 r! 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes I I t t t Baslc Bea[ Infotrrtion llooent Desj,gn Poax: 0,00 hax Coabo: tO Ty?e C@bo Location tt fb fltraL Pos DCtlPS2 gotFlange 137.?{5 5.03{ !b l/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 res 0.183I I I I I I t I I I I I t Shear Design Ti?e C6bo Block v Einal left DCtlPS2 0K 5.83 Final Right DCuPs2 o( 5.83 ErAES v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unirs pAcE 235 July u, 2001 14:26 sh€a! Design Type Corbo Block v Pinal Left DCllPS2 0K 5.83 FimI Rj.ght ISPS2 OK 5.83 ETABS v7.15 Filc: 2683108 Kip-itr ttrits PAGE 235o y lt, 2001 t4:26 Shear Deslgn Type C@bo Block v fllal teft DCUPS2 oK 5.83 Fiml Right DcllPs2 oK 5.83 EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-j.n tlnits PAGE 237 .tuly U, 2001 14:26 FY 1/3 Factor Ratlo 20.000 Yes 0.135 20.000 Yes 0.13{ 2.614 Rat io 0.135 0.13{ Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ISD89 C@osite Bea! Design Short forD output Bea! Leb€I: B5l2 Stoly: SECoND Basic Bean lofolaetion lilooent Design hax: 0.00 ha:. CoDbo: NA type Conbo Location M fb Flnal Pos DCUPSz BotFLange 137. t43 5.03{ Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.183 AISC-ASD89 Colryoslte BeaD Design Short Forn output Bea! Iabel: 8513 Stoly: SECOID Baslc 8€an Infornation fv 2.112 2.614 f,v 2.614 2.'n2 Rat io 0.r83 otrent De3ign Poari: 0.00 !na:i CoDbo r NA Type Colbo locatj.on M fb Final Pos DCllPSz BotFlange 13?.?45 6.03{ $ 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.13{ u. _tJb llsc-AsD89 conposj,te 8ea! Desiqn short ForD output Bea! Label: 852{ Story: SECoND Bagic Bear tnfornation t I I ll@ent Desigfl h|a:i; 0.00 Pna:{ Cofdbo: NA Type Conbo location M fb Final Pos DcMPs2 Botflanqe 115.015 5,039 Sheat Design Type Fh ]/? ar.t^r Rrti6 33.000 Yes 0 .153 Coobo Fv 1/3 Factoi Ratio F.naI Left DCllPS2 OK 4.81 Final Right DCUPS2 oK 4.8? ETABS v7.15 FlIe: 2683108 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 238 JuIy 11, 2001 1{:25 Uonent Design Type Final Po! Pnari:0.00 C@bo lDcation DCllPS2 BotFlange 2,245 2.233 Pnari Conbo: NA Mfb 115.015 5.039 20.000 20.000 Pv l/3 Factor 20.000 les 20.000 Yeg lb 1/3 Factor 33,000 les Ycs Yes 0.112 I I I I I I AISC-ASDE9 Cooposite Bea! Design Short Fom output Bcan [r!cl: 9525 Story: SECOND Basic BeaE lDfomation Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.153 Shea! Design Ty?e Cobo Bl.ock V Final kft DCllPS2 oK 4.8? Final Right DCI{PS2 OK 4.87 ETI.BS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 239 JuIy 11, 2001 1{ 126 2.245 2.233 Ratio 0.112 0.112 AISC-ASD89 ConPosite Beaa Desjgn Short Forn Output BeaD lab€Ir 8526 Story: SECOND 5.039 Ratio 0.153 T I I I I l t Basic Bean Infomatlon Uonent Design harir 0.00 Type CoDbo Location Final Pos DO.iPS2 EotFlange Sasic EeaD Infornation Moment Desj,gn Pna.:: 0.00 type Conbo l,ocation Fj.nal Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange Shear Design Iype Colbo Block Final Left DCl,lPS2 0K Fj.nal Right DCtlPS2 0K ETA8S v?.16 Pller 2683108 Kip-i.n Units ,IuIy 11, 2001 14 t26 ha:t CoEbo: llA u 115.0r6 Shear Design lype Conbo Block V Pinal Left DCUPs2 Or 4.8? Final Rj.ght DCllPS2 0K 4.81 E?ABS v?.16 Filc: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 240 JuIy 11, 2001 1{;25 fv 2.233 PDa:i Cotrbo: NA ufb115.016 s.039 Fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0. 112 0. 112 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Eeam oesign Short Forn Output Bean Labe]: 8529 Story: SECoND Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Ratio 0.153 I I I T T I 4.81 4.81 PAGE 241 fv 2.233 Ratio 0. 112 FY 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Beard Design Short Forn Output Basic Bean Infornatio[ Bear Label: 8536 slory: sEcoID I I I I I I I l t I I thent Design ha:i: 0.00 piar Cdbo: NA type Codo Locatj.on U fb Eb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DOIPS2 BotFlange t22.592 5.3?O 33.000 ye3 0.1G3 shear Derigr lype Cmbo Bl.ocl V fv . F, l/3 Factor Ratlo Final Left 0CU!S2 oK 5.19 2,393 20.000 yes 0.120 ti.nal Right I)o|PS2 0K 5.19 2.380 20,000 yes 0.119 EIABS v7.15 Pile: 2683108 Kip-tu Unj.ts PAGE 2{2 July 11. 2001 14;26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Beae Desi.gn Sholt l.ora output Bea! labelr 853? Story: SECOND Easic Bea! hfornation Hment Design hax ! 0. 00 hax Co[bo: llA . Ty?e Conbo Location M fb Eb l/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFLarge 122.592 S.3?0 33.000 yes 0,163 Shear Design TyIe Co[bo B].ock V fv fV 1/3 Factor RatioFinal left DCUPS2 0K 5.19 2.393 20.OOO y€s 0.120Flnal Right IHPS2 oK 5.19 2.380 20.000 yes 0.119 E!A8S v?,1.6 FiIe: 2583108 KiF-i.D Unit3 PAGE 213 ituly l1, 2001 1a:26 AISC-ASD89 Co4osite Bear Design Short Forn Output Beao label: B5?? Story: SDCOND Easic Bea[ Infornation l|o[rnt Design loa':: 0. 00 pna.: CoOo: l|A type Coobo Iocation U fb Fb l/3 Factor Ratio Fj.BI Pos DCUPS2 EotFlange 1023.919 23.116 33.000 yes 0.719 f S[ea! Design TI?e Conbo Block v fv Fv l/3 lactor Ratj.o I Flnal Left Dcl.rps2 oK 15.69 5.{02 20,000 yes 0.210 I FrDaI Rrghr Dcups2 oK 15.6? 5.362 20,000 yes 0.268 EIABS v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-j.n Unirs PAGE 244 - ,tuly U, 200i 1{:26 IIt ' AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bea[ Design Short Fom output Bean Label: 85?6 Story: SECOID f lbo€nt Design pnar:: 0.00 pna.: conbo: MIType CoEbo Location il fb Fb l/3 Factor Ratio Fiaal Pos Dcups2 BotFlange 1017.342 23.816 33,000 yes 0.'t2Z Shear Design ty?e Conbo Block V fu Fv l/3 Factor Ratio Final I€ft DCUPS2 0K 15.64 5.385 20.000 yes 0,269 Final Rigbt .DCuPS2 OK L5.62 5.345 20.000 ycs 0.26-l EUBS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kj.p-in Unlts PAGE 245 I I l I ,tuly U, 2001 1{:25 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design Short For! Output Bean Lab.l: B5l5 Story: SECOID Easic BeaD Infomation MoD€nt Desigl PDax:0.00 Pnax CoEbo: NA fb 2? Ot? fv 4.832 5.1t 9 Ratio 0.'r21 Rati.o 0.512 natio 0.2r2 0.25? Ratio 0.154 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Shcar Desigo Ty?e c@bo Block V fv Finel lcft IntPsz OK 15.59 5.368 Fioal Right DCUPSz 0K 15.57 5.328 ETAES v7,16 File: 2583108 Klp-in Units PAGE 216 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 l,ldcnt Design Pnax: 0.00 h|ari CoEbo; NA fype Combo Location M fb linal Pos DCI{PSz BotFlange 394.911 f6.887 fype Conbo tpcation U 8ina1 Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 1010.829 Shear Design Iype Colbo Block V Flnal Left DCUPSz oK 11.08 Sina} Right DiANPS2 0K 11.08 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 2l? July U, 2001 U:26 FY l/3 Factor20,000 les20,000 Yes tb 1/3 Eacto! 33.000 Yes FY l/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes R.tio 0.268 0.265 AISC-ASD89 Conposite 8ea! Design Short Foru output Bear labll | 8547 Stoly: SECOND Baslc B€ard Infonation AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Desi.gn Short Porn output EeaD label: 8548 Story: SECOND Basic Bean Infomation Mooent Deslgn Pna]:: 0.00 Pnar: Conbo: NA Type Conbo Locatj.on M fb flnal Pos DCI{PS2 EotFlange 115,534 5.082 Shear O'esign Type Coobo Bloclc v fv Ftual Left DCuPs2 oK 5.22 2.128 Final Right DCI{PS? oK 5,22 2.218 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 248 JuIy 11, 2001 1l:26 Monent Design hai: 0.00 Pna!: Cohbo: NA Type Conbo Location M fb Final Pos Dg{Ps2 BotFlange 855.893 20.392 Ib 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes w 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.121 0.114 AfSC-ASo89 Coryosite Bean Design Sholt fom Ottput BeaD label: 8585 Stoly: SECoND Easic Bean Infornatio[ lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.518 I t I I I I Shcar D€sis ?ype CCtrbo Bloct V fv rv 1/3 Faetor Ratio fhal Lett DCUpS2 0K 13.12 1.516 20.000 Yes 0.225 Final Right DCI{PS2 OK 13.10 4.530 20.000 16! 0,22'l BIABS v7.15 FUe: 2683108 Klp-h onits PAcr 219 ,Iuly 11, 2001 14:26 lb..nt Dcligrr hax: 0,00 hax Codo: IA Type Coobo Location H fb tb 1/3 tactor Rrtio Flnrl Pos DOIPSz BotFI|Jlge 850.!14 20.262 33.000 Yes 0.511 She.r Desig! t'l/pe Conbo Block v tv Fv l/3 Facto! Ratio Plnal Left DCI{PSZ 0K 13.08 4.501 20.000 Ycs 0.225 Final Right DclrPS2 oK 13.06 {.515 20.000 yes 0,226 Ef,IBS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in unlts PAGB 250 Juty U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bea! Deslgn Short FolD output B.a! Label: 8587 Stoly: SECOND Barlc Bdan Infomation lldcnt Der ign Pna:i : 0 . 00 hax Conbo : NA type C@bo tocation M fb Fb l/3 Factor latio Fird Pos DCllPS2 Botflange 8a4.952 20.132 33.000 ye! 0.610 Slra! DcEiga fype Conbo Elock v fv Fv 1/3 Facto! Ratio tinat Left I$Ps2 OK 13,03 l,{8? 20.000 res 0.224 Flnal R19ht DCUPS2 0K 13.01 .4.501 20.000 yes 0.225 ETIES v?,15 Flle: 2583108 Kip-in Unirs pA6E 251 ,tuly U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bea[ Deligll Short Forn output 8ea[ Label: 8506 story: SECOIID Easic Bean Infornation lhent D€sign hat: 0 .00 lha:t conbo: NA T],pe Conbo Location M fb Fb l/3 !'actor Ratio Flnal Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 908.457 21.5?9 33.000 Yes 0.65{ - Shra! Dasign I type C@bo Block v fv Fe 1/3 Factor Rrtio Flnal f,eft DCl,lPS2 0K 13.95 {.802 20.000 Yes 0.240 - Fj.lal Right I$Ps2 oK 13.92 {,?90 20.000 Yes 0.240 I ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 rip-in unlts PAGE 252I ,IrIY 11, 2001 1{:25 J AISC-ASD89 Coryoslte BeaD Deslgn Short ForD oltpu! Bea[ label: 8607 story: SECoLlDI Basic Bean Infor[ation I I II I I I I I I I shear Deslgn fy?c CoEbo Block V Final Left DCUPS2 0K 5.9? Final Rlght tntPs2 0K 6.91 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Utrits PAGE 253 July 11' 2001 l{:26 Mooent Dcsi,gn lv?. Firal Pos M@ent Design . Type Final Pos Monent Destqn lype Final Po! M@ent Design Type Final Pos shear Design TyF Sinal Left Fj.nal Right hax:0.00 c@bo location l)lIlPS2 8ottlange Plrax: 0,00 CoDbo l,ocation DCllPS2 EotFlatrqe hae: 0. 0 0 Collbo Location DCUPS2 Bot[lange Pna.\: 0 ,00 Conbo location DCMPS2 Botflalge hax c@bo: NA I I I I I I I I I l/3 Factor lcr I t T t I I I T I Blocl nr !{ r51.800 tb 19.1?l rb 33.000 natio 0.590 Fatio 0.150 0.160 Ratio 0.555 Ratto 0,150 0,1{7 Ratlo 0. 654 3.000 2.949 IV 4,182 4.798 Ratio 0.239 0,240 Ratio 0.348 Ratio 0.121 0 ,122 tb 1/3 lactor 33.000 Ye! Fv 1/3 Facto!?0.000 Yes20.000 Ycs w l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20,000 Yeg !b 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 c@osite Bean Design Short FolE Output Bea! Label: 8508 Stoly: SECoND Basic Beas InfoElation Biai: Combo: NA lt fb 424.175 18.351 Shear Design Type Coobo Block v Flnal Left DcllPs2 0K 6.55 rinal Right DCUPSz 0K 6.55 EIABS v7.16 tile: 2583108 KiP-in Units PAGE 25{ JuIy U, 2001 14:26 IISC-ASD8g C@osite EeaD Design Short ForD output Bear Label: 8615 story: SECoND Sasic Sean lDfolEation Pnaii Conbo: M ufb 512.6?? 21.515 Shear Design Tt?e conbo Blocl v Final left DCUPS2 0K 10.43 Final Rlght DCUPS2 0K 10.47 EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-j.n Units PAGE 255 July 11, 2001 1l:26 Fv 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Ycs 20,000 Yes AISC-ASD89 corposite Bean Desigr Short Forn Output Bcao Label: B5l5 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infomatioll !ha:i Conbo: NA Mfb262.1r0 11.498 !b 1/3 Facto!33,000 Yes ' Cdrbo In.|PS2 DCUPS2 s.29 fv 2.426 2.442 Fv 1/3 Eactor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes I l I I 8lAB8 v?.15 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in Unirs pAcE 256 ,llrly ll, 2001 14:25 AISC-|SD89 Cqosite Bear Design Short Fom output Bea! Labcl: 851? Story: SECotlD Basic BeeE Infomation lh.nt Dcli$ har: 0.00 Pnax Codo: NA lyPr Ccobo locatioD u fb Fb 1,/3 Factor Ratlo FiDal Pos DCUPS2 Bot8l.ngc 245.560 10.?95 33.000 Tcr 0.32?I - shear Desiql I Ty?e Coobo Blocf V fv w 1/3 Facto! Rrtio I FhaI r€ft DcuPs2 oK {,9? 2.239 20.000 Y?s 0.112 I Flnal Right DCUPS2 0r 5.00 2.293 20.000 yes 0.115 Elt8s r?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PIGE 257 I iruty 1r, 2oo1 t{:26 I AISC-ISD89 Coqositc Bl!! Design Short ForD Ortput sear Label: 8601 Stoly: SECOID I Basic 8ea! InfornationIllrlmt DeliF Poax: 0. 00 har Conbo: ilA I qp. codo Iocation u & t! 1/3 Factor Ratlo I EiDal Pos DCl,lPSz BotFlangr 852.650 20.315 33.000 I.s 0.616 I Shear Dcsigl I fype c@bo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Facto! Ratj,o FltraI Left DCtlPSz 0K 13,09 {.50? 20,000 Yes 0.225 tlnal Right DCI{PS2 oK 13.06 4.51? 20.000 Y.! 0.226rI ITABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Unts PIGE 258 atly ll, 2001 u:25 I AISC-ND89 Coryosite Bea[ Desj.gn Sholt Foln output Bea[ label ! 8602 Story: SECoFDI Easic 8ca[ InforDati.on f UoDent Design PIl|x; 0.00 ha:r Conbo i l|AIfype Co[bo Location U fb fb 1/3 Eactor Ratio Final Pos DCUPSz BotFlalge 481.000 20.242 33.000 Yrs 0.513 SLea! Desig! Type Codo Block V fv Fv 1/3 Pactor Ratio final lcft DCIlPs2 0K 9.79 4.409 20,000 Ye3 0.220 Filral Riqht DCllPS2 0K 9.82 4.501 20.000 Yes 0.225 SttBs u7.16 File: 26E3108 Kip-in Uoirs PA6E 259 ,tirly 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Eean Desrgn Sholt Foru Output Sea! Label: 8624 Story: SECOND Basic lea! Infornation lionEnt Deslgn Pna:r: 0.00 ha$ Conbo: llA I I I I I I lype Conbo FinaL Pos DCUPS2 locatlon BotFIange tl 442.244 r1.21 11 .21 fb 18 .51? Fl 33.000 Ratro 0.551 I I I t I I t t t I t I T I t I I T t &atio 0.204 0.201 1/3 Factor li.nit Ratio0.394 0.2',t30.5t? 0. ?95 Sh€ar Desigl Iype Codbo Block V Final left DCUPS2 0K 9,36 Firal Right DCI{PS2 0K 9,36 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Udts ptcE 260 July 11, 2001 u:26 fY 4.081 t.084 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Y€s 20;000 Yeg AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Eean Desrgn Short For[ Output Bean Label: 8525 Stoly: SECo$D Basic Bea! Iofornation Monent Design lype Final Pos Shear Desj,gn ryPe final Left Final Right l.loBent Design TYPE final Pos Sbea! Design Type Final Left Fj.nal Right Pna:i: 0.00 C@bo locati,on DCUPS2 BotFlange hax Corobo: NA ufb529.642 22.296 tb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.516 coDbo DCUPS2 DCI{PS2 fv 4 .89r 4.891 4 .505 { .509 Ratio 0 ,243 0.245 Ratio 0. 610 Block OK OK w l/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Deflection Desiqa Type comider Conbo Defl live Load Yes DCl.lPD2 0.108 Total Load Yes DCl.tPD2 0.t35 ETABS v?,16 File: 2683108 rlip-in Units PAGE 261 Juty U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean oesiq! Short Forn Ottput Bea! LabeL: 9540 Story: SECOND Basic Bean Infornati,0n !har::0,00 CoDbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange ha:i Conbo: NA Mfb 4?8.589 20.1t3 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes CoEbo Block DCUPS2 0KDCfiPS2 0K Fv 1/3 factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes 9. ?8 9.80 PAGE 262 Rat 10 0.225 ETAIS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units Julv u, 2001 i4:26 AISC-ND89 Coqosite Bear Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8541 Storyr SECotlD Easic Beard Infornation Monent Deslgn Pnarr 0.00 Type Co[bo Location Final Pos 'DCMPSz BotFlange PDai: coEbo: NA ufb 482.580 20.3r0 Fh 1/1 F:.t^r 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.615 I I I I I I I I I I t I t t I I I I I EU8{t v?.15 tlle: 2683108 Kip-ln Units ,nrly ll, 2001 1t:25 NSC-ISD89 Coryosite Bear lbsign Short gor! output B€dt Lbel: 8612 Story: SECOND 8aslc Bea[ Infonation Sheat Delign type Flnal I€ft EbaI night l$o€nt Design TyPr Flnal Pos Ilmrnt Desfgn lyle 8in!I Por lldent Design Tv?e Flne1 Pos Corbo Bloclrn|Ps2 0KDCUP8z 0K F, 1/3 Facto!20,000 Yes20,000 vee 8b 1/3 Facto!33.000 reE v 9.82 9.84 PAGE 253 v II. /O 11.78 PAGE 256 fv { ,525 4.528 Ratio 0.226 0.225 Ratio 0.621 Strear Dcaiqn lyp€ Cmbo Block V Finrl left DCtlPS2 OX 9.86 Plnal Riqht Do{PS2 oK 9.88 gnES v1.16 EIle: 2583108 Kip-in unj.ts PAGE 264 ituly u, 2001 14:26 hax: 0 . 00 Coobo Location IE{PS2 BotFlange hax: 0.00 Codo Location DCl.lPS2 BotFlange hax: 0.00 Conbo Location DCl.lPS2 Botflange 4.544 4.5t? hax CoDbo: !B ufb573.1?0 24.123 hari Cotrbo: A vfh {86.789 ?0.419 ha-\ Coobo i NA Ufb 578.069 24.324 Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yeg Fb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratlo 0,22't 0.221 Ratio 0.?31 Ratlo 0.137 AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bea! Design Short Fom output Eear label: 8555 Stoly: SECoND Easic l€a Inlonation Sbear Desigl Type Co0bo BLocl V Flnal left DCllPS2 OK 11.71 Finll Right DCllPS2 0K 11.?3 ErABS v?.16 Eile: 2583108 Ki.p-in thits PAGE 255 itul.y U. 2001 U:26 fv lv 1/3 Sactor5.329 20.000 Yes 5. {00 20,000 Yes Ratio u. zbD 0 .210 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Eeao Design Sbort Fom Olrput Bear Label: 8656 Stoly: SECoND Basic Bean Inlomation fb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes shear Drsign type Cmbo Block Final lelt DCl.lPS2 0K FitraI Rj,ght DCHPSz oK EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units xrly U, ?001 U:26 fv 5.3s2 5.423 Fv 1/3 Pacto! 20.000 Ie3 20.000 1es Ratio 0.258 0.21L AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Bea! Design Short Fotn output B€aE label: 855? Story: SECoND Basic Bea! Infomation rhoert D€sign hax: 0,00 fype Conbo locetion Final Pos DcuPs2 Botflange Shear Desiql Type coDbo Block Final Left DCUPS2 O( Filal Riqht DCttPs2 0K ETABS v?,16 File: 2683108 (ip-in ttnits JuIy 1I, 2001 14:26 Easic Bee[ Inlomation uonent Design Pnajr: 0,OO Type corDo Location Final Pos DCUPSz BotFlange fb Et 22.296 33.000 fv !Y 1/3 Factor 1.891 20.000 Yr! 4.891 20.000 Ye8 Plax Coabo: m I I I I t 562.989 11. 81 11.83 PACE 26? ll 329.642 fb 24.526 fv 5.{45 Flr 33.000 Ratlo 0.?a3 1/3 Facto! Yet Fv l/3 factor 20.000 Ie! 20.000 Yeg Rrtio 0.26' 0.212 R!tio 0.245 0,245 AISC-ASD8g couposite Bea! Design Sho* Fom output Bean l,abel: 8658 Story: SECoND Ratlo 0. 616 I I t T I I I t I I I I t I haE CoDbo: NA 1/3 Eactor Sh€ar Desj.gn rype Cebo Block V Final l€ft DCllPSz OK LL.2f linal Right DclIPS2 OK 11,21 EIABS vl.l5 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 258 July ll, 2001 14:26 Basic Bean lnfornation lment Design hax: 0.00 Type conbo location final Pos DCtlPS2 BotSlange AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Eean D€sign Short Forn O.ltput Bean label: 8659 Story: SECOND lha:i Colbo: NA Mfbl! 5{5.,f65 22.952 33.000 1/3 tactor Shea! DesiEr Type Conbo Block V Final Lett D0{PS2 0K 11.45 Final Right DCMPS2 OK 11.{5 ETAIS v7.16 8i.le: 2683108 Kj.p-in tlnits PAGE 259 July 11, 2001 1{:25 Type Co0!o location U Slnal Pos DCUPSz BotDlanqe 568,29{ Shear Design Type Conbo Final left DCUPS2 fv Fv l/3 Factor 4.994 20.000 Yes 5.261 20.000 Yc! Ratlo u.oro Ratro 0.250 0.263 AISC-ASD8g Conposite BeaE Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 866? Story: SECOND t|,ment DesiEr hax: 0.00 ha:i CoDbo: NA fb Fb 1/3 Factor 23.923 33.000 Yes Ratio 0,125 Ratio 0,269 v fv FY 1/3 Factor 11.68 5.3?? 20.000 Y.E Block OK -, I I FbaI $ght Dcupsz o[ 11.6E s.35{ 20.000 yls 0.2G8I E eES v?.16 File: 2583108 Klp-in tntts ptGE 2?O ituly U, 2001 1{:25 t sc-AsDEg CoQosttr Bclo Derigr short Fol! ortput Sear Label: 8665 storyr sEcoND _ Brlic 8cE! Infomatlon I lhont Deslg! hax: 0.00 hax C@bo: rlA type CoDbo Locatlon fb !b l/3 Factor Rltio I eital pos DCUpS2 Botplange G0?.367 25.560 33.000 yes 0.??5 I! Shcar Dclign I Type coobo BLocl v fv n/ 1,/3 tastor Ratio I Flnal l€ft DCUPS2 0K t2.49 5.716 20.000 yes O,ZS1 Ploal Right DCI{PS2 oK 12.19 5..t22 20.000 yc! 0.296 I EIAES v?.16 Flle:.2683108 KiP-ir Unltr pAcE 2?1I ilhly 11, 2001 1l:25 I I AISC-ASD89 CoQosite B€aI! Design Short Porn Output B.a! Lrbct: 8658 Story: SECOND I 8a!ic 8€a! IlforD.tion ll@ent Desig! hax: 0.00 ha:l Cmbo: NA I ly?c C@bo Locatio! H !b !b 1/3 Factor Ratior Fhal pos DCUPS2 BotFlanEe 442,21t 18.61? 33.000 yrs 0.564 I Shear oeeignrtype codo Block V fu w 1/3 Facto! RatioFlnal r€ft DCUPS2 0K 9.36 {.084 20.000 yes 0,20,1 I Sinal Right DCupS2 0K 9.36 t.OB4 2O.OOO yes 0.204I - mAES v?.I6 Fi.le: 2dB3t0B Ktp-in Units PAGE 272 ,tuly ll, 2001 14:26 ! AISC-ASD89 CooPoslte Eear Design short For! output B€an rabel: 8584 story: sEcoND - Basic Bea[ Infonation I ltment Dr8ign ha.{: 0 . 00 h'.1 Conbo: NA type Combo Location U fb fb 1/3 Factor Ratj.oI Final pos ItI,rpS2 BotFlange 4?4,519 19.976 33.000 yer 0.605 I Shear Deslgr I ?!,pe C@bo Block v fv w 1/3 Factor Ratio I Fhal Left U$!PS2 oK 9.70 4.{09 20.000 yes 0,224 Finel Right DCttpS2 0K 9.?5 4.41L 20.000 yes 0.224 I E ABS e?.16 tlle: 2583108 Kip-in u!it! PAGE 2.t3I ituly U, 2001 U:25t I AISC-ASD8g Coqosite Bea! Design Short lom Clutput BeaE label: 8683 Story: SECOND t !a!ic Bea! iDfomaElon !|ooent I]esign Pnai: 0.00 pnar Conbo: !O I I Shear Design Type Conbo Final left DCUPS2 Einal Right DCUPSz ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 Block voK 9.?5oK 9.7 5 Kip-j.n Units PAGE 274 n l/3 lactor 20;000 Yc! 20.000 Yeg I I I I 1/3 FactorType Conbo Final Pos DClrPS2 Locat lon BotFlange M r?{,519 rt., f o !D 33.000 Fh 33.000 Ratio 0.505 Ratlo 0.224 Rrtio 0.605 fv {.{89 4 .4't r AISC-ASD89 coqosite Bea! Design Short forn output Bea! label: 8582 Story: SECollD t I I t T Basic Bean rnforratlon Monent Design hax: 0,00 Typ€ Coobo Location Fiml Pos . DCUPS2 Botllange ha\ CoEbo: NA Mfb 4?{.5r9 19.9?5 1/3 Facto! Yes Shear Design rype CoDbo Block V Fiml Left DCUPS2 0l( 9.76 Einal Right DCl.lPS2 0( 9.76 EIAAS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 2?5 July 11, 2001 u:26 Basic Bea[ Infornatiotr UoDent Desj,gn haxr 0.00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFl.ange {.{89 {. 471 fv 4.933 4. 913 Fv l/3 Sacto!20.000 Yes 20,000 Yes Ratio 0,224 0.224 AISC-ASD89 Coeosite Bea! Design Short Forn O.ltput Bean label: 8581 Stoly: SECoID I I I I I I I I T I Eloct OK OK har CoDbo: NA Mfb 521,406 21,949 Fb 1/3 Eactor 33.000 YeE EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 2?6 July 11, 2001 1{;26 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Beaa Design Short Forn output EeaD Label: 8?00 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Inforoati.on shear Desiqo Type Final I€ft FimI Right Monent Design Type Final Pos Shear Design Type Fina] left Fina] Right Pna.s:0.00 Conbo Location DCUPSz BotFlaoge Pnaji CoDbo: A Mfb 505. ?7? 2r.29r Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yeg Fb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes conbo DCUPS2 . Conbo DCUPS2 DCMPS2 10.?2 10.?2 10.40 10.4 0 Ratio 0.655 Ratio 0.241 0.245 Ratio 0.545 BIock OK OK fv 4 .165 4.144 Ratio 0.238 0.23? Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20,000 Yeg I I I I Dary uo 4.001 5.8{t 1.4G No I - EIAES v7.i6 FUe: 2583108 Klp-ln Unirs pAcE 2??firly u, 2001 14:26 - AISC-ASD89 cqosite Bca! Desig short forn ortput 8ea! label: 8699 story: SECOND Basic Bear ItrfoEation I fioaDt Drsigxt hes: 0.00 har Cmbo! ilA]I Type Colbo Location U fb !b t/3 Factor Rltio I Finat pos DCt{pS2 gorFlange 505.??7 2L.29L 33.000 yes O,Ets Shear Design I Type CoEbo Block V fu Fy 1/3 Facto! Ratto I Ftml Left orCgPS2 0K 10.40 4.755 2O.OO0 ye! 0.230FhaI Right DCUPS2 OK 10,40 4..t11 20..000 yc! 0.23.t rl ETAES v7.16 Fil.e; 2683t0B Kip-in Units pAcE 278I iluly 11. 2001 14:26I AISC-A9D89 Co@osite 8ea! Design Short Fo'Output Bea! tabel: 8699 Stoly: SECOilD Basic BeaE IRforDati.on Lion€ot Design hax: 0.00 pnat Conbo: llA Typ€ Conbo Locatlon M fb rb 1/3 Facfo! RatioFlnal Pos DCUPS2 BotFlanqe {90.1{g 20.533 33.000 yes 0.625 I Shca! Design D ?ype C@bo Block u fo !v I/3 Facto! Ratto Final Left Dcups2 0r 10.08 t.618 20.000 yes 0.231I Flnal Rlght DCt'tpS2 oK 10.08 {.59? ?O,OO0 yes O.A3O I ETABS v7.t6 Flle: 2683108 Klp-in Utits PAGE 279 tuly U. 2001 14:26 I - Alsc-AsD89 c@osite Bea.! Design short Fo!! ortput Bea! Iibel: 8697 story: SEC0ND I Ersic Bear Infomation - ll@ent Design has: 0,00 lh*i Corbo; m I fype Coobo Location il fb & 1/3 Factor RatloI Finat pos DCUP92 BotFlange {?4.519 19.9?6 33.000 yes 0.605-- Shear Desicnr- I Ty?e Corbo Block V fv n, 1/3 Factor Ratio Final t€ft ISPS2 0K 9.i6 a.{?l 20.000 yes 0.224flnal Right DCUPS2 0K 9.76 {.i50 20.000 re! 0.223 f Ef,ABS v?.16 File: 2583108 Klp-in Units PAGE 280 I firly U, 2001 14;26 I A!SC-ASD89 Co0posite Besn Design Short gorn Outpur Bear Lab€I: B?IE Story: SECOND I Basi,c Bea! rnfomation I I I IAISC-ASD89 co4osite Bean Dasigr short Folu output .Bean label: 8697 Story: SECoilD Basic 8ea! Ilfonation Mo&ent Design Pnax: 0.00 Iype Colbo Location Einal Pos DCllPS2 Bot8lange Shear Desi.gn Type Conbo Block Etnal left DCUPSz oK Pinal Right DCl,lPS2 0K ItrBs v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 Klp-in Units Jul,y 11, 2001 1{:25 hax Cmbo: t{A Mfb {74 ,519 19.9?5 Ib 1,/3 Facto! 33.000 Ye! Ratio 0.605 t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Vfv 9.'t6 4,4'tl 9.16 {. {50 PAGE 280 F/ L/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.224 0 .223 AISg-ASD89 Co@osite Bea! Design Short ForD Output B€an Label: 9716 Story: SECOID Basic 8ea! Infomatioo Hcment Desiqn P[a::r 0,00 ?ype Coobo Locatj.on Final Pos DCllPSl ConcRj,ght Shea! Desi.gn Type CoDbo Block FimI teft DCUPS2 0K Final Right DCtlPS2 OK 9fABS v7.16 file: 2683108 Kip-in Urits ,tuly Uf 2001 14:26 Basic BeaE lolornation [onent Design har: 0.00 Type C@bo l,ocation FinaL Pos mUPSI ConcRight Shear oesign type Cotrbo Elock Final Left DCI{PS2 0K Iinal Right DCl,tPS2 0K ErlAS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units July ll, 2001 1{:26 tb 1/3 Factor 1 enn V.. fv Fv l,/3 Factor0,503 20.000 Yes0,508 20.000 Yes hax Conbo: ltA r.r fb0.000 0.000 Vfv1.10 0.5031.10 0.508 PAGE 281 ha:i Coobo: llA ufb0.000 0.000 Fb 1/3 Factor 1,800 Yes Ratlo 0.000 Fv 1/3 Facto! 20.000 les 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.025 0.025 AISC-ASD89 CoEposite Bean Design Sholt Fo![ output Beam Lab€I: Bl15 Story: SECoND Ratio 0.000 1.10 r.10 PAGE 282 Ratio 0,025 0.025 I I AISC-ASD89 C@osite Bean Design Short forn Output Bean Label; B?50 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infornation Monent Design Type Final Pos ha-\ | 0.00 . combo Locati.on DCUPS2 BotPlange Plllari Conbo: NA Mfb 822. 68s 15.309 Fh 1,/? F .t^t 33.000 Yes Rat io 0. 464 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I Shear D.sj.Er lyF C@bo Block V final LGft DcllPS2 0K 12.96 FiDal RlEht DCUPS2 OK 12.96 BIIBS v?.16 flle: 2683108 Kip-in ttnits PMe 283 July U, 2001 1,1:26 3.{56 3.{56 fv 3.005 3.022 fv 3.805 0.306 3.8?8 lv 1/3 Facto! 19.?98 Yeg 19.798 Yeg Rrtio 0,1?5 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Beair D€sign Short 8or! output Bea Label: 8?56 Story: SECoID Sasic lcar lnloruation llcent DlrlgD Tae Flnal Po! l|@ent D$igr ryp€ Final Pos final Nrg hax:0.00 CoDbo location DOIPS2 BotFlange har: 0.00 Cmbo location DCUPS2 Botflange DCI{PS2 Botflange har Codo: lO r{ fb716,336 13,a30 !b l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0 ,,r 0? Sbear Desigrl lype c@bo Elock v Flnal left DcuPs2 oK 10.94 Final R19ht DcllPS2 0K 10.9{ EIABS v7.I5 FUe: 2583108 Klp-in Units PAGE 284 Jrly 11, 2001 u:26 lv 1/3 Factor19.798 Yes 19.798 Yes Ratio 0.152 U.IJJ I AISC-ASD89 Coryosrte BeaD Desrgn sholt Fora output Bea! Label; B?5? story; sEcoND r 0as1c Bea! ItrtorDation ha:-: codo: m Mfh 845.450 15.656 -32.680 0.852 14.21 1.15 14.54 PAGE 285 Fb l/3 Facto! Rati.o 33.000 Yes 0.4'14 33.000 Yes 0.025 Shear Desigo Iype CoDbo 81ock Final l€ft DCl.lPs2 0K Final Rlght DCtlPS2 oK Fi.nal nolst oCl.lPS2 0K EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-j.n Units July U, 2001 u:26 ll@ent Design Ty?e Final Pog Sbear D€3ign Iype Conbo Final Left DclrPS2 Final Right DCl.lPS2 EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 1{:26 Iv 1/3 Factor 19.798 Yes 19. ?98 Yes 19, ?98 Yes !v 1/3 Factor 19.798 Yes 19.798 Yes lb l/3 Factor Ratlo 33.000 Yes 0.5?9 Ratio 0. r92 0. 015 0. 196 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean oesign Short Fom outpur 8ea! LabeL: B7?1 Story: SECOUD Easic Bea! Infomation ha-r:: 0.00 ha:.: Conbo: ln Conbo Location U fb muPS2 BotFlange 1033, {08 19.109 BIock OK OK Kip-in lrnits 15.19 t5.?9 PACE 286 fv 4.331 4.360 Ratio 0 .2r9 0,220 Nsc-13D89 Coqosite Bea[ Desiqn Sbort 8ot! Output -Eea[ Llbel: E??0 Story: SECoNID Basic Bea[ Inlomatio! I I II,hnent Design rype FimI Pog Basic BeaD Infornatt on Hotretlt Dca j.gn Pna)i | 0 .00 TyPc Coubo l,ocation Final. Pos DC}|PS2 BotFIaDge shear Design Type Coobo Block Final left DolPs2 oK Fiml Right DCUPS2 OK E?IBS v7.15 Flle: 2683108 Klp-io Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Basic Bean Infornation Nooerlt Design Pnal: 0.00 ty?e C@bo location Final PoE DCtlPS2 BotFlange Shea! Design Type CoEbo Block Final l€ft IHPS2 oK FinaL Right DCllPS2 0K EIABS v?,15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 hrx: 0.00 h i conbo: NA C@bo Location ll fb DCUPS2 BotFlanqe 1103.868 20.411 ' Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Ies fv 1/3 Eacto! 19.798 Yes 19.?98 res Rat10 0.619 t t I I T I I I I I I T T I I I shear Desiga Type colbo Block v lv Fi.Dal left DCllPS2 OK 16.86 {,530 Final Right mrPs2 oK 16.86 {,55? E?Ass v?,16 file: 2583108 xip-in units PAGE 287 JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 Retio 0.23{ 0.235 AIsc-rSD89 Coeosite Bea[ Design Short Forn Ortput Bean Irbel: E?84 Story: SECo D ha:t Co[bo: l,lA ufb1f2.99{ 6.289 Vfv 5.18 2.8756.18 2.834 PAGE 288 har: Cobbo: NA lt fb 142.994 5.289 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 1es Ratio 0.191 Fv 1/3 Sactor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Rrtio 0.1t4 0.1{2 AISC-ASD89 C@osite Bea! Design Short [or! output Beao label: 8786 Story: sEco D Fb l/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Ratio 0.191 6.18 o.rd PAGE 289 fv 2.834 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.144 0.142 AISC-ASD89 Coposite Beaa Desi.gn Sholt Eorn output Beao label: 8788 Story: SECoND Easic Eean InforEati.on MoDent Design lyPe Fiml Pos ha:r: 0 .0 0 . conbo Location DCllPS2 BotFLatrge hai Conbo l NA r{ fbL42.994 5.259 Fb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes Ratio 0,191 I I I I I Shear D€rign Type CotrDo Block V Einal Left DC}|PS2 OK 6.10 Final Right DCr|PSz 0K O.to EtAas v?.16 811c: 2583108 Klp-in tnits pA6E A9O tuly ll, 2001 u !25 2.8?5 2.83a F, 1/3 Factor Rati,o20.000 tes 0.29820.000 Yes 0.300 !V 1,/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 les 8v 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.1{4 0.1r2 AISC-ASD89 Coeosite Bear Design Short Fo!! Output Bc& fabel: !?AS Story: SE@ND Moo€nt D€sign loa:a: 0,00 Pranr Conbo: l|A fyF CoDbo tocatlon !,t fb fbfinal Pos rruPs2 BotFlanqe 453.355 19.814 33,000 1/3 facto! Yes Ratlo 0.600 I I I I t I I I l I AISC-ASD89 Couposite 8ea! D$ign Short For[ Output Bee! Iabel I B78t Story: SECOTD Basic Eran Inlornation Shear Design rype Codo Block V fv Sinal llft DCMPS2 0K t2,90 5.960 Final Rigbt In PSz ol( 12.90 5,999 EIABS v?,15 tiler 2683108 Kip-in units paGE 291 ,tuly U, 2001 ld:26 lhent Desi$ Foa\: 0.00 plai Ccmbo: llA ty[|e Colbo Location U fbFiml Pos oCUPS2 BotFlatrge 4G3.365 t9.gl4 Shear Desigtr lype Conbo Block v fv Final Left DolPSz oK 12.90 5.950 Final Rlght DCMPS2 0K 12.90 5,999 EIIBS r?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in 0nits pAcE 29? JuIy U, 2001 14:26I I t I NSC-ASD89 Coryosite Bcard Desj.gn Short Fom Output Bean Labet: Bl89 Story: SEmID Baslc Bear Infomation It l/3 Factor Retio 33.000 Y€s 0.600 Fv l/3 Factor Rati.o20.000 Yes 0.298 20.000 Ycs 0.300 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33,000 Yes 0.500 ooent Dcsign lyPe Final Pos Ptra:. Cmbo: NA Mfb463,355 19.814 5.960 5.999 har:0.00 CoDbo Location DCllPS2 Botllange Sbear Design Tipe Colbo Block V Fioal Lett DCI{PS2 0K f2.90 Filal Right I)clPSz oK 12,90 ETABS v7.15 Eile: 2683108 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 293 July U, 2001 14:26 Ratlo 0.2 98 0.300 AISC-ISD89 Coryosite Bcan Desigr Sholt For! Output Bean Label: B?90 Story: SEcoND Basic Bea! Infon tion Homnt Desiq! hax: 0,00 Ty?e c@bo location Fi.[al Pos muPS2 Botllange hax C@bg: IA ufh 105.753 1.651 vfv t.78 2.085 r. ?8 2.222 PAGE 29I PDai Conbo: IA lr fb I91 ,242 8.808 vtv t. JJ Z.atI5.53 2.rr3 PAGE 295 ha:i CoDbo: llA ufb 105.925 4.659 vfv4.58 2,L29 {.58 2,090 PAGE 295 Fh 33.000 1/3 Factor les Ratio 0.1{ I t I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I I t I Shear tlcsiqn lype coDbo Final Left DCUPS2 Filal Right I)o{PS2 Emas v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 BLock 0N( OK Kip-in unlts lv 1/3 lrctor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes Patio 0.10{ 0.111 AISC-ASDE9 Coqosite Bean Design short Fom output Eean label; B?91 story: SB@ND Balic Bea! Infonation Mooent Design Pnax: 0.00 Type C@bo locatior Final Pos DCllFS2 BotFlange Shea! Design Type CoEbo Bloct Fi.ral left DcuPS2 0K FiDaI Right DCUPS2 0K Br.rBs v?.16 gil.: 2683108 Kj,p-in Unirs July 11, 2001 1l:25 Basic Bean lllfornation Morent Deslgtr ha'.: 0,00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DCI{PS2 BotFlange Shear Design Type Conbo Block final Left DOrlPS2 0K Flnal Right DCUPS2 0K ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units {tuly I1, 2001 ll:26 Basic EeaD lnfornatlon l.lonent Design Phai:: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DCllPS2 EotFlangr Shear Design Ttpe lb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes AISC-ASD8g Co4osite Bean Desj.qr Sbort Fotn Ortput BeaD Label: 8792 Story: SECoID Fv t/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratlo 0.267 Ratio 0.129 0.121 Ratio 0. i41 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.106 0.104 AISC-ASD8g Composite Bea[ Design Short Forn Output BeaD tabel: B?95 Stoly: SECoND Pra:i Coobo: NA Mfb125.114 5.503 trb 1/3 factor 33.000 Yes Rat io 0. t5? BIock Fv 1/3 Factor I I I I I Flnrl Lcft DCI@S2 0K 5.41 2.515 20.000 Yes 0.126 Einal Rigbt DcltPs2 0K 5.41 2.480 20.000 res 0.121 EIAB!! v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Unlts FAGE 291 July tl, 2001 1l:26 A!SC-ASD89 Coposite Bce Design Short FoI! Output 8cr! Lbcl: 9797 Story: SEOoND Basic Bea! Infomation lhent Desig! hax: 0.00 Pnat Coobo: NA ?y?r Cobo Iocatioa lt fb $ 1/3 Factor Ratio final Po3 Ir PS2 sotFlange 125.114 5.503 33,000 Yes 0.16? I sh.ar Delign I type Coobo Elock v fv Iv 1/3 Factor Ratlo Final Left DCllPSz otr 5,{1 2.515 20.000 les 0.125 Flnal Rlqht DC}|PS2 oK 5.,11 2.{80 20.000 les 0.12{ -I Ef,A8S v7.15 rite: 2683108 Kip-i.n tni.ts pAcE 298r ,tuly ur 2oot t{:28 I AISC-ISD89 Coeosite B.t! Deligr Short Fon &ttput Bclrl label: 8802 Story: SECoIDt Basic Baan lofomation I l{oncnt Desiqn PDax: 0.00 har Cmbo: NA I lfpe CoDbo locatioB ll fb Fb 1/3 Facto! Ratio _ Finel Po3 DCUPS2 DotFlange 405,301 1?.331 33.000 res 0.525 I shear D€sim - type Coobo Block v fv Pv 1/3 Factor Fatio I Final Left DCugS2 oK 11.29 5.213 20.000 Yes 0.261 t Flnrt Right Dcl,lPsz 0K 11.29 5,241 20.000 Yes 0.262 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Ulits ptGE 299 I July 11. 2001 14:25 I AISC-ASD8g Cooposite Bean D€sigr Sholt [on! output Eea[ tebel: 8803 Story: SECoND Bagic B€a! Inforration llm.nt Design Pn|x: 0,00 har Cmbo: NA lype Colbo location M fb Eb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCI{PS2 BotFlange 405.301 1?.331 33,000 Yes 0,525 shear Dcsign llpe C@bo Block v fv lv 1/3 Pactor Ratlo Final l€ft DCllPS2 0K 11.29 5.213 20.000 Yes 0.261 Final &ight DClllS2 oK 11,29 5,24'1 20,000 Yes 0,262 EIABS v?.15 riler 2683108 Kip.in 0nlts. PAGE 300 July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g coryosite 8ea! Design short Fora output Bean label: 8817 Story: SECotlD Easic B€an Ilfonation I I I t I I I ffcoent Desig! TyPe FInaI Pog MoDent Design . TyPe 8i.nal Pos H,otrent Design TYPC Einal Pos Uonent o$ign TyPe Final Pos Snear Design tyPe Final Right hax:0,00 Coobo Location DCUPSI ConcRight hax: 0.00 C@bo Locatiotr DCttPS2 Bot8lange PDi.li:0.00 Cdbo Location I}o{PSI ConcRight hax: 0.00 CoBbo Locati.ol DCUPS2 BotFlange har coobo: lu M 0.000 11 .45 11 .45 fb 0.000 3. t?7 {.u9 tb 1.800 R.tio 0.000 l/3 factor Yes I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I T I t I Sh€a! D€sig! fyle Coobo ELock V einat I€ft DCllPS2 0K 0.88 [hal Rlght DCI'iPS2 oK 0.88 ETABS e?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 301 July U, 2001 1a:26 fv F, 1/3 tracto! 0, {04 20.000 Yes 0, {11 20.000 Yes Ratlo 0.020 0.021 AISC-ASDEg Co4osite Bea! Design Short Sorn oltput Bean label: B8l8 Story: SECOID Ba3ic BeaD InforDation hax CoDo: ilA Mfh 690.577 21.106 Pna:i Conbo: NA r.r fb0.000 0.000 0.404 0. 4li Pna:i CoEbo I llA Mfh 695.115 12.954 tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Rrtio 0.6{0 Shca! Deslgn rype Conbo Block V Final Left rrcuPs2 0K 11.38 Fhal Right Dcl,!PS2 OK 11.38 ETABS v?.15 Flle: 2583108 Klp-in Unlts PAGE 302 JuIy 11, 2001 14;26 fv Fv l/3 Factor 1.311 20,000 les4.417 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.216 IISC-ASD89 C@osite Bean Design Sholt For:t! Output Eeao Label: 8821 Stoly: SECoND Basic Eea! Info!trati,on Fb 1/3 Eactor1.800 Yes Ratio 0.000 Shear Design Type Co0bo Block v Final left DCUPS2 OK 0,88 Fitral Right lnPS2 OK 0.88 E ABS v?,16 Fi.le: 2583108 Kip-in UDits PAGE 303 July t l, 2001 14:26 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.020 0,021 Ratlo 0 .160 0 .211 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bcan Desigo Short Foln Output Bean Label; 8822 Story: SECOND Basic Bean Infonation Fb 1/3 Factor Ratlo33.000 Yes 0.393 . Conbo DCMPS2 DCMPS2 Block OK 0t( Fv 1/3 Factori9.798 Yes 19. ?98 Yes I I EIABS v?.16 FlIe: ?683108 Kip-ln 0nit3 PAGE 30{I JuIy U, 2001 1l:25 I Atsc-AsD8g Coryosite B€e Design short Fom output rea! Idbel: 8809 stoly; sEcouD r Brsic BaaD ltrfolDatlot I theat Dcai$ hax: 0.00 ha:r Cmbo; NA II lyp! Conbo Lcation lt 6 rt t/3 tactor RatioFhrl Pos Itllps2 BotFlange ?15.239 21.BOG 33.000 yes 0.561 f Shra! oesign TyF C@bo Blocl V fv tV l/3 Facto! Ratio I Final L€ft DCMPSZ oK 11,98 4.191 20.000 res 0,210 I Final Right DCttPs2 OK 11.98 {,538 ?0.000 ye! 0.221 ETABS v7,16 FiLe: 2583108 K.lp-io Unirs PAGE 305 - July 11. 2001 lt:26 I AISC-ISDE9 Cqositc 8ea! Design Short Foln ortput BeaI! Label: 8825 Story: SECDND I Basic BeaD InforDation - lrment Design pnax | 0.00 pnar Conbo: tlA I TiFr Colbo Location !l fb Eb 1/3 Factor RatioI Flnal Pos DCUPS1 ConcRighr 0,000 0.OOO 1,800 res 0.000I Shc Drsign I lype CoDbo Block V fv W t/3 pactor Ratio Final L€ft DOtPs2 0K 0.71 0.115 20.000 yes 0.005 Fioal Right DCUPSz OK 0.'t1 0.110 20,000 yes 0,005 I EI}BS v7.16 File: 2683108 (lp-in urits PAGE 306 tuly U, 2001 1{ 126 f AISC-ASD89 ConPosite Bean Design Sholt Eorn output Beas rabel: 8828 Stoly: SECO|ID Basic Bea! Infonation I IroreDt Dcsign hax: 0,00 ha$ Coobo: l|A I Type Conbo Location M fb Fb l/3 Factor Ratio Fi.nal Po3 Dcupsl ConcRight 0.000 0.000 1.000 res 0.000 I . Sbear Design I ly?e CoDbo Block V fv w l/3 Facto! R.tio I FiDal Left DCUPS2 0K 1.01 0.{61 20.000 yes 0.023 - Final Right DC!|PS2 OK 1.01 0.489 2O,O0O yes 0.023 EIAES v7.16 F[e: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 307 rly :.1, 200r U:?5 t AISC-ASD69 Co4olite 8ea! Desigtr Short Fora output Beari label: 8829 Stoly: SECoND I Basic Br!t! IDfotlation I - MoocDt D€sign han: 0.00 Psaq Conbo: t|A t I Sheat Desigr Iype colbo Firal Left DCUPS2 Final Right DCllPS2 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 ,tuly 11, 2001 u:26 Block V 0K !2.91 0K 12.91 Kip-in utlits PAGE 308 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Y!! 20-000 Yes Fb 1/3 Factor1.800 leg I I I T I I I I I I I I T I I T I I I l/3 Facto! Yes ly?c coEbo Final Pos DCUPS2 l,ocation Botflange ll lb 21.?99 Ev {.916 5.UJ' fv {.915 5.037 fv 0. {32 0.{40 tb 33.000 Ratlo 0.651 R.tlo 0.?{5 0.252 AISC-1S089 Coeosite Beu Design short tot! output Bsa. Label: 8832 stoly: SBCoIID Basic Eean Infonation uomnt Delign hax: 0 .00 fype Corbo location Fl.nal Pos Dct{PS1 ConcRight Shear Desiqn Ty!€ Conbo Bloct Final left DCuPs2 OK FimI Right DCUPgz oK E?ABS v7.15 lile: 2683108 Klp-in units .tuly U, 2001 1l:25 har Corbo: NA r{ fb0.000 0.000 vfv r.01 0.4511,01 0.459 PAGE 309 Pna.t CoDbo: NA 'Mfb 181.572 2L.199 Fv 1/3 Factor Ratlo20.000 Yes 0.02320.000 Yes 0.023 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Y.s 0.651 Ratio 0,000 AISC-ASD89 Coryosit! Bea! Design Short Forn output Bear Label: 8833 Stoly: SECoND Basic Eear llfortrrt iotr XoDent Desigtr Type FiDal PoE hes:0,00 coobo locatioll DCUPS2 BotFlang€ Shear Design IypG Colbo Fi.nal Lell DCUPSz tinal Rj.ght DCUPS2 ETABS v1.16 file: 2583108 .tuly U, 2001 14:26 Block V 0K L2.910K L2.91 Kip-in onits PAGE 310 EY 1/3 Facto!20.000 tes20.000 Yes lv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.246 0,252 AISC-ASD89 Coposite Bean Design Short ForE Ottput Bean Label: 8835 Stoly: SECoND l,lorent Design PDax: 0.00 hdi Cmbo: ||A lype coobo Location M Flnal Pos I}cl|PSI ConcRight 0.000 fb Fb l/3 Facto! 0.000 1.800 Yes Ratio 0.000 Shea! D€sign Ty?c CoEbo Block Final Left DCl,lPSz 0X Final Riqht DCUPS2 0K ElABs v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-j.n UDj.ts ,tuly U, 2001 1{;25 0.95 0.95 PME 31I Ratio 0.022 0,022 I I IISC-AIiD89 C(rl9oslte Bea! Design Sholt FoI! O.rtF.lt Be|o Inb€t: 883? gtory: SECo D -8a3ic le.[ InforDati.on I lbsnt Delig! hax: 0.00 haJr Corbo: tnIfype Coobo Locatlon M tb t! 1/3 tacto! Ratlo Final pos Dcups2 BotFl8trge 739.17{ 22.200 33,000 yes 0.6?3 t shear D$iaD - TyPG C@bo Bloct V fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Flnal lefr DctPs2 0K L2.Ii 4,613 20.000 y.! 0.231 I Ftnal Right Dct{ps2 oK t2.L1 {.585 20.000 yes 0.229 ETtEtt v?.16 Sile: 2683108 Kip-in Units pA6E 312I July u. 2ool u:zf t AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Eean Desigtr Sholt fom Output Beao Lab€l: BE40 Story: SE@rD If Be3i.c Braa InfornationIll@nt De!19n hax: 0.00 har C@bo: m I rypr Coabo l,ocatlon u fb !b 1/3 Facto! Ratio I Final to! Dcups2 EotFlange 779.152 22.054 33.000 yes 0.569 I shear Design t type Codo Block V fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Binal L.ft DCUPS2 0K 13,06 t.S69 ?0.000 tes O.Z2B Fiaat Nght In Ps2 oK 13.05 4.9{? 20.000 yes 0.2t1 I aIAES v?.16 Fi.le: 2583108 Klp-in Units pAcE 313rr ,rufy If, ZO01 14:26 I IISC-ASD89 Colposite Eean Design Short Folrrl Output Bean !&el: Bg41 Story: SECONDI Balic Sea! Infonatiol I ltoocnt Desigl ha:{: O.O0 padi coEbo: 1111IIype Conbo f,ocation M fb Fb l/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCt{Psl ColcRl.ght 0,000 0.000 1.900 y€s 0.000 f shcrr Desior r ,; Conbo Block v fv Fe l/3 Facror Ratlo I Final teft DCI'|PS2 0K 0.8,{ 0.126 20.000 yes 0,000 I Plnal Righr Dctrps2 OK O.B4 0.U9 20.000 ycs 0.006 ET!8S v?.16 Eite: 2683t08 Kip-in Units pAcE 314 I .IuIy 11, 2001 14:25 I AISC-ASD8g Collposite Bean DesigTr Short Forn output Bean Label: 884{ Story: SECOND I Easic 8ea! rnforoationI Monent Desiqn has: 0.00 ha:i conbo: NA I type Conbo Location M fb !b 1/3 Factor Ratio I Einal Pos .DCMPSI ConcRight 0.000 0.000 r.000 ye! 0.000I I I Shear lbsign ryF C@bo Blocl V tlnal t€ft DCUPS2 OK 1.15 FlDal Riqht DCUPS2 0K 1.15 EllBS v7.15 File: 2683108 Klp-in ontts PIGE 315 July U, 2001 1{:26 Pnaja CoEbo: NA t't tb 8?5.980 16.2?3 lv 1/3 Factor20,000 Ycs20.000 t6s fb I/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Uonent Design T!pe flnal Pos Nment Design Ty?€ Fi.nal Pos hax:0.00 Coubo Location DC PS2 BotPlange ha:r:0.00 C@bo Iocatlon DCUPST ConcRight fv 0.lEl 0.1?2 fe 4.008 t 0!o Ratio 0.009 0.009 Ratio 0. {93 I I I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I I AISC-ASD89 C@osit€ Bea! Design Short fom Grtput Bea! Label: B8{5 Story: SECoND 8a9ic Bea! Infolration Shca! Design . fypG C@bo Bloct FinaL Left DCI{PSz 0K Flnal Right DCllPS2 0K EtlSS v?.16 FUe: 2683108 Kip-in lrnits ,IuIy U, 2001 14:25 11.41 1t.41 PAGE 3T5 1{.44 14 .44 PAGE 318 rv 1/3 Factor19.798 Yeg t 0 ?OA Va. latio 0.202 0.201 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bean Dclign Short Forn Output Bea[ label: B84t Story: SECoND Brsic Bea! IofolDatlon Pna:i Combo: M ufb 0.000 0.000 vfv 1.15 0.181 1.15 0,1't2 Pnar Conbo: NA xfb 8?6.980 15,2't3 lb 1/3 Facto! 1 .800 Yes 1\' 1/3 Facto! 20.000 20.000 Ratio 0.000 Ratlo 0.493 shear Design Typ. codo Block Final Left DCuPS2 0K Fiml Right DC!{PS2 0K Sasic Bea! Idomation ltonent Deslgl ha:i: 0.00 Type C@bo Locatj.on Phal Pos DCuPs2 BotFlange Shear Dest 9n Type Coobo Block Fiml Left DCUPS2 0K !i[al Right DCuPs2 0K EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-i.n Udts JuIy 11' 2001 14:26 Basic Bean Infonation Monent Design ha:{r 0.00 Yes Ratio 0.009 0.009 AISC-ASD89 Colposite 8eatr Dasign Short Fol! ortput BeaD LabeLt 8849 Story: SECOID It 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes fv {.008 3.989 Ratio 0.202 0.201 Fv 1/3 Factor 19.?98 Yes 1A't0P Ya. AISC-ASD89 Co@osite Bean Design Sbort Form Output Eear label: 8860 Story: SECoNo Pna:i Conbo: NA l/3 Facto! !es fv 5.051 5.35r ttpc Cdo Fin.l Pos DCllPSz I I I I Ratio 0.0?5 0.0r5 l/3 Factor I I I I Sbea! D$ign Ty". Coobo FtDaI lelt DCUPS2 rbal Right DCltPs2 EtlBs v7.16 flle: 2683108 July 11. 2001 1{:26 I'brelt lhstg ly?e Final Pos Block VoK 11.580t( 11.58 Kip-lD t oits PAGE 3t9 33.000 lV l/3 Factor20..000 Yes20.000 teg tb 33.000 Location BotU.ange tl r0 5.578 4,89 1.89 s 1?.390 Ratio Ratio 0.201 Ratio 0.253 0.258 t A!SC-ISD89 coqositc 8ea! Design Short lom Output Beao ra.bel3 8883 stoly! SECOID Brsic lcar InfonatioB Sb€ar D$lqn ly?e C@bo Block VFi! Lft DcuPs2 oK 3.{3 Ftnal Right DCMPSz oK 3.{3 EInBS v?.16 Flle: 2683108 Kitr-itr ttnits PecE 320 iluly 11, 2001 1l:26 P[ax:0.00 Coobo location DONPS2 EotFlange har: 0.00 Cc@bo Locati.on DCUPSz BotFlange Ptai: Colbo: m l{ fb 1{5.9{2 6.6{5 Pta:i cotrbo: m ufb54.229 2.425 fv 1.605 1.5t 5 Pea\ Coabo: NA lf fh 78. i69 3. {95 fv FY 1/3 Factor l.!95 20.000 Yes 1.495 20.000 Yeg I NSC-ASD89 Coqosite Sear Desiqn thort Forn Ottput Beatr Idb€I: 888{ Stoty: SECO{D t Easrc Eclr Inforuarron ha:i: 0.00 Codbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Y€s Block OK OK I I I I I I I I I Shear D€rign ly?€ Codo Block V Flnal tcft DCUPS2 0K 3.39 FiDaI R19bt In Ps2 0K 3.39 Ef,ABS v?.16 File; 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 321 July U, 2001 U:26 rhrnt Delign &teI'inal Pos Xooent Design r}?e Final Pos Shcff Design Type Final left Einaf Right Iv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0,073 Ratio 0.080 0,0?7 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Eear 0esiqn Shoft Foln Ortput Bear Label: BE8,t Stoly: IOn3 Basic Baa[ Inforoation lb 1/3 Eactor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.106 Coobo .DCUPS2 DCI{PS2 fv 2.21r 7'r70 Ratio 0.114 0.111 Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes t I rucD JUL r r zr:ur tI VAILVALLEY I MEDICAL CENTERI PHASE ItI EXPANSIOI{/ I RENOVATION tI SPECIFICATIONS I II o,*"?,iili,tr:t::;"';Y:,'o,o*, Construction Documents HLM Project No. 980071.04 Town of !a!! rr r elutv2ool 0FFIGEG0PY I t Gor-o)53Tol=oox I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I SECTION OOOO2 Seak and Signatures l'*'f***********{i{"tf+*****:}***++****,t ********+***********:t *,*'t ******************rt rr+r++r**'r:F*:r* I hereby certifu that the portion of this technical submission described below was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and responsible charge. I am a duly Registercd Archilect under the laws of the State of Colorado. Russell A. Sedmak Discipline: Architecr Reg. No.: 8-2758 Signatrre Pages or sheets covered by this seal: Specification Sections: Division l, Division 2, Division 4, Section 07141, and0fl2l0 Drawing Sheets: 000 through A)OO( Date issued: 07-09-01 :l******+******:******+*******'i*****f++*:t t r.*******+**irri.rF*i.*rttr***+********:t 'r**liri(*r!**r.t *'t 't ***** I hereby cerdry dnt the portion of this technical submission described below was prepared by me or under ny direct supervision and responsible charge. I am a duly Registered hofessional Engineer under the laws ofthe State ofColorado. Steven E. Bierbach Discipline: Sfuctural Engineer Reg. No.: 1963E Signature Pages or sheets covered by this seal: Specilication Sections: 03300,04230,05120,05312,05400 Sructural Design Calculations Drawing Sheets: Sl.0 thmugh S5.4 Date issued:07-09-01 *'F t*r.***i.********!t*rt!.:f****,|******+***:r**:hr*****+++**!*r.*:t,t !********,t*++*****:r*:r***!F***rtr*!r**++{. VAIL UALIEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AtlD STRACTUML F&AME Constuctian Docamutts 9 JaIy 2lMI R}MAK \O I Nhillllw RUSSELL A. SEDMAK ffirrtt! tr _*${{ll,Hdi&.,- HLM 98M7I.M UNNLT I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I DocaMEFtr0u03 TABIE oF CaNTENTS DIV I S IO N I - GEN ERAL REQU IREM ENTS ............SUMMARY 0l140 ..........WORK RESTRICTIONS 01250 ..........................C0NTRACT MODTFICATTON PROCEDT.JRES01290................ ......................pAyMENTpROCEDr.JRES01320................. .....CoNSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01322 01330 01400 01500 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS SIJBMITTAL PROCESS ...... QUALITY REQUIREMENTS .....,................... TEMPORARY FACILITES AI{D CONTROLS 04200 04230 0sr20 o5312 054{m 01731 CUTIING AND PATCHING ..... CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PROCEDI,JRES 01780 01785 ........................ CONTRACT CLOSEOLTT SLJBMITTALS ...........,........OPERATON AND MAINTENANCE MATERIAL DIVISION 3. CONCRETE 03300 CONCRETE DIVISION 1. MASONRT IjNIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY TINIT DIVISION 5. METAIS STRUCTURAL STEEL STEELDECKING COLD FORMED METAL FRAMINC DIVI SION 7 . TNERMAL AND MOISTARE PROTECTION 07141........................COLD FLt]ID APPLIED WATERPROOFING vt2to BI,JILDING hISIJLATION rlI ENDoF D0CaMENTUNN3 VN L VALIEY MEDICAL CENTER D EM OUT IO N AND STRU CTA ML FRAM E Cowtndion Document 9 IaIY 2MI HI.TT 98ilNLO4 MM3.I I SECTTON 01100 SUMMARY SECTION OlIOO - ST]MMARY I PARTI -GENERAL I I.I WORKCOVEREDBYCONTRACTDOCUMENTS I A. Work covers demolition and construction of 60,000 GSF addition to Vail Valley Medical t Center located at l8l West Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado. I B. Additional requirements of all Parties to the Contract. Refer to Conditions of the Contract. I Where specific provisions of the General Conditions are referenced herein, those references are- for the convenience of the Parties and specifically do not exclude other requirements, I obligations and provisions ofthe General Conditions. I 1.2 CONTRACTS t A. Work of the various subcontractors wilt be executed under subcontract agreements with the Construction Manager. All work will be perforrned under the direction and control of the I Construction Manager, who is responsibls to the Owner for the faithful performance andI execution ofthe entire work. I 1.3 WORKBY OTTTERS I A. Security System: Installation of building security will be conracted by the owner. Coordination I with this system will be required by the sub --contractors to the extent indicated on ther Construction Documents. I 1,4 OWNER-FURNISI{EDPRODUCTS I A. Products furnished by Owner include: I l. Furnishings and Equipment a I B. Owners Responsibilities: I 1. Arrange for and deliver necessary shop drawings, product data and samples, as Owner I supplied products effect the Construction Documents.! 2. Arrange and pay for product delivery to the site, in accordance with the construction schedule. I 3. Receive and unload products at the site, except as otherwise noted.r 4. Handle products at the site, including uncrating and storage, except.ts otherwise noted.5. Submit claims for transportation damage. t 6. Arrange for replacement of damaged, defective, or missing items.I HLM 98471.04 VNLVAILW MEDICALCENTER O11OO,I I DEMOUTTONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I Consttuction Docwrerrts 9.luly 2MI I I sECrroN oroo SAMMARY I 7. Arrange for manufacturer's warranties, bonds, service, inspections, as required. r 8. Assemble, install, connect, adjust, test and calibrate and finish products. r C. Contractor's Responsibilities: I L Coordinate installation of Owner-furnished products with other portions of the Work.! 2. Designate submittal and delivery date for each product affecting construction schedule.3. Review submittals of Owner-fumished products and verify rough-in requirements. No- I tify Architect of discrepancies that would affect installation and iough-ini.ll 4. Protect products from damage.5. Mechanical: I a. Afford Owner's forces a reasonable opportunity for introduction and storage of f their products and the execution of their work. Where required, Contractor shall properly connect his work to theirs.b. Repair or replace items damaged by Contractor.r I 1.5 woRK SEQT.IENCE I- A. Sequence and stage new work in accordance with approved Construction Schedules. I B. Perform demolition and alteration work of existing building in stages to accommodate Owner'sr use of premises as follows: I I . Demolition and structural work will affect the existing building. Coordinate all site, I building operations, and utility disruptions with Owner, a minimum of two weeks, prior to work commencing. Ensure that disruption to existing building operations are mini- mized during the construction duration period. C. Construct Work as necessary to provide for public and tenant convenience. t l. Do not close offpublic use of existing facilities until completion of one stage of con-r struction will provide altemative usage. r 2. Proposed changes to site access and building usage should be documented on a plan, and I approved by the Owner and Architect.I 3. Do not close or obstruct public roadways without prior approval of locat police and safety authorities and coordination with Owner's use of the site. I I.6 CONTRACTOR USE OFPREMISES I A. Confine operations at site to areas permitted by Law, Ordinances, Permits, and Contract Documents. I B. Do not unreasonably encumber site with materials or equipment. C. Do not load sfucture with weight that will endanger stnrcture.Ir VAI L VAILEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM O LTTI O N AND STRA CTU BAL F RAM E Constuction Documcnts 9IaIY 2ffi1 I I HLIhI980071-U 01100-2 r sEcTroN 0rr00 SaMMARY -- D. Assemble full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of products stored on premises. I E. Move stored products which interfere with operations of Owner.t F. Obtain and pay for use of additional storage or work areas needed for operations. I G. Limit use of site for Work and storage as follows: I l. Restrict work and storage to construction areas indicated on Drawings. fl 2. Restrict parking to areas designated by Owner.3. Do not perform operations that would interrupt or delay Owner's daily operations. I 4. Maintain Owner, and public access at all times to existing buildings, parking, drives and walks.t' 5. Restrict construction personnel from access to other areas of site and existing building ar- I eas, except as required to perform new and alterations Work. I - 1.7 owNER OCCUPANCY r A. Owner will occupy existing building during entire period of construction for the conduct of Owner's normal, daily operations. Cooperate with Owner's representative in all construction I operations to minimize conflict and to facilitate Owner usage. I B- Contractor shall conduct his operations to insure least inconvenience to Owner's operation. I C. Contractor sball take precautions to avoid excessive noise or vibration that would disturb Owner's operations. When directed by Owner, Contractor shall perform certain operations at r designated time of day or night in order to minimize disturbance to Owrrer's operations. I 1.8 PARTTAL OWNER OCCUPANCYI f A. Schedule operations for completion of designated portions of Work for Owner's occupancy prior to Substantial Completion of entire Work. I B. Owner will occupy designated areas for purpose of installing owner purchased equipment or rnishings, and for resuming existing operations. I C. Prior to occupancy, execute Certificate of Substantial Completion for each desigtated area. D. After Owner occupancy, Contractor shall provide: : l. Access for Owner's personnel, and public. 2. Temporary partitions and barricades required to limit and control access to other con- I struction areas, if applicable. I 3. Operation of IIVAC and electrical systems until Substantial Completion of entire Work. 4. Maintain property insurance until Substantial Completion of entire Work. I I HLM 98OO7bA VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 011M.3 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I Cotutttction Docamon:ts 9.lub2NI r I s^crroNorloo E. Upon occupancy ofa designated area, Owner will provide: I l. Custodial services.r 2. Security. 3. Maintenance.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLTCABLE) PART 3 - DGCUTION (NOT APPLTCABLE) r END OF SECTION O1IOO SAMMARY HItr[ q&OWI.U VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER O11OO4 DEMOIf,NON AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Consfiuction Documents 9lult 2Ml t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l.l 1.2 SECTION 01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS SECTION OII4O - WORK RESTRICTIONS PART I -GENERAL RELATED DOCI.JMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. USE OFPREMISES Use of Site: Limit use of premises to work in areas indicated. Do not disturb portions of site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated. l. Limits: Confine constructions operations to areas indicated on drawings.2. Owner Occupancy: Allow for Owner occupancy of site and use by the public.3' Driveways and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving premises clear and available to Owner, Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. a. Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances.b. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site.c. Clean adjacent parking lots and roadways, and remove dirt and debris deposited as a result of daily construction operations. Use of Existing Building: Maintain use of existing building, by owner and occupants, througbout construction period. Repair damage caused by construction operations. Protect building and its occupants during construction period. 1.3 OCCUPANCYREQT]IREMENTS A. Full Owner Occupancy: Owner will occupy site and existing building during entire construction period. Cooperate with Owner during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's operations. B. Partial Owner Occupancy: Owner reseryes the right to occupy and to place and install equipment in completed areas of the new building, before Substantial Cornpletion, provided such occupancy does not interfere with completion of the Work. Such placement of eguipment and partial occupncy shall not constitute acceptance of the total Work. 1. Construction Manager will prepare a Certificate of Subsuntial Completion, to be signed by Architect, for each specific portion of the Work to be occupied before Owner occuPancy. HLM 980071-M VAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Constraction Docwnanfi 9,luly 2(Nl A. A. B. 01140-1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 01140 WORKRESTRICTIONS 2. Obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from authorities having jurisdiction before Owner occupancy. 3. Before partial Owner occupancy, mechanical and electrical systerns shall be fully operational, and required tests and inspections shall be successfully completed. On occupancy, Owner will provide, operate, and maintain mechanical and electrical systems serving occupied portions of building.4' On occupancy, Owner will assume responsibility for maintenance and custodial service for occupied portions of buitding. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECTTTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION OII4O VAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Constructian Doc aments 9 July 2(NI HLM98M7bA 01140-2 I I SECT/ON01210 4LLOWANCES I SECTTON 01210 - ALLoWANCES I PART l -cENERALI I I.I STMMARY I A. The Contactor shall include in his Contract Sum the Cash Allowances specified. I B' Items covered by these allowances shatl be supplied for such amounts and by such persons as'!r the Owner or Architect may direct. I C. Expenditures from Cash Allowances shall be only upon written authorization of the Architect,r! approved by the Owner. Expenditures shall be kept within amounts set forth, unless specific authorization of Architect and approval of Owner provides otherwise. I D. Any unexpended balances of Cash Allowances shall revert to the Owner in the final settlement of the Contract. I 1.2 CONTRACTOR'SRESPONSIBILITIES I A. Coordinate installation of allowance items with related building sp.rces, materials, equipment- and scheduling. I B. Provide adequate storage space! construction space and access to Work for allowance items.! C. Notify allowance item suppliers or subcontractors of required delivery dates and installation I periods established on p.oi".t construction schedule.I D. Obtain proposals from suppliers when requested by Architect. I E. On notification of selection, execute purchase agreenrent with designated supplier. r F. Arrange for and process Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. Ir G. Upon delivery, promptly inspect products for damage or defects and submit claims for transportation damage. t H, Install and finish products in accordance with requirements of referenced specification sections, r 1.3 TYPEOFCASHALLOWANCE I A. Allowances specified include net cost ofproduct, delivery and unloading at site and applicable I taxes. Where specffied below, allowances shall also include installation costs. VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DE M O UN ON AND STRA CTANAL F NAM E Consbttction Docurne nts 9 JulY 2001 I I I HLM98U71.M 012IG1 I SECTrONol2lo ALLOWANCES I B. Contractor shall include in his Contract Sum, Contractor's costs for overhead and profit andr costs for handling and installation, except where installation is specified to be a part of the t allowance. I C. Installation shall include handling at site, uncrating, storage, protection, labor, installation, _ finishing and other expenses required to complete installarion. I D. The extent of work included under each subcontract allowance and extent of allied work performed by Contractor is described below. I 1.4 TESTING AND INSPECTION ALLOWANCES I A. Costs Included in Testing and Inspecting Allowances: Cost of engaging a testing and inspecting agency; execution of tests and inspecting; and reporting results. I B. Costs Not Included in the Testing and Inspecting Allowance, but krcluded in the Contract Sum:I 1. Costs of incidental labor and facilities required to assist testing or inspecting agency. I 2. Costs of testing services used by Contractor separate from Contract Documint require-I ments. 3. Costs of retesting upon failure of prcvious tests as determined by Architect. I C. PaymentProcedures: r L Submit three copies of the inspecting or testing firm's invoice with next application for t z. F:tT*"" on approval by Architect. I D. Testing and Inspecting Allowances Schedule:I l. Include in Contract Sum the cash sum of $,l!Jgg_ for payrnent of testing laboratory services specified in Section 01460.I I END OF SECTTON 01210 I r I HLMg&N7I.A VNLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER 01210.2 DEM OLIN ON AND STRA CTA RAL F MM E Construction Docwne nts 9luly 2Nl I I I r SECTIONOL2SO CONTRACTMODIFICATIONPROCEDURES I SECTIoN 01250 - coNTRAcT MoDIFIcATIoN PRocEDURES r PARTI-GENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCT]MENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract" including General and Supplementary I Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I r.2 SUMMARY r A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing I Contract modifications. B. Related Sections include the following: t 1. Division I Section "Allowances" for procedural requircments for handling and processing allowances. I- 1.3 MINoRcHANcEs IN TIIEwoRK I A. Architect will issue through Construction Manager supplemental instructions authorizing Minor - Changes in the Work, not invotving adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, on AIA Document G71 0, "Architect's Supplemental Instructions" I t.4 PROPOSAL REQUESTS I t A. Owner-Initiated Proposal Requests: Architect will issue through the Construction a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that may require adjustrnent to the Contract Sum I or the Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised I Drawings and Specifications. r 1. Proposal Requests issued by Architect through Construction Manager are for information I and pricing only. Do not consider them instructions either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change, unless specifically agreed upon by Owner and Architect. 2. Within ten (10) working days, or as otherwise required by Architect, after receipt of I Proposal Request, submit a quotation estimating "ost adiustrrents to the Contract Sum I and the Contract Time n@essary to execute the change. || a. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with f total amount of purchases and credits to be made. U requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. b. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts oftrade I discounts. HLM 9E(N71.M VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01250.1 I DEMOUTION AND STRACTARALFRAME t CowtructionDocunents 9l,tb2MI r B. c, B, 1.5 I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I SECTION 01250 CONTRACT M ODI F I CATI ON PROCEDA RES c. Include an updated Contractor's Construction Schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. Contractor-lnitiated Proposals: If latent or unforeseen conditions require modifications to the Contract, Contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for a change to Owner and Architect. I' Include a statement outlining reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time.2. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. 3. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. 4. Include an updated Contractor's Construction Schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. 5. lomply with requirements in Dvision 1 Section "hoduct Requirements" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for product or ryst". rpecified. Proposal Request Form: Use AIA Document G709 for proposal Requests. ALLOWANCES Allowance Adjustment: To adjust allowance amounts, base each Change Order proposal on the difference between purchase amount and the allowance, multiplied by final measurernent of work-in-place. If applicable, include reasonable allowances for cutting losses, tolerances, mixing wastes, normal product imperfections, and similar margins. l. Include installation costs in purchase amount only where indicated as part of the allowance. 2. ff requested, prepare explanation and documentation to substantiate distribution of overhead costs and other margins claimed.3. submit substantiation of a change in scope of work, if any, claimed in change orders related to unit-cost allowances.4. Owner reserves the right to establish the quantity of work-in-place by independent quantity survey, nreasure, or count, Submit claims for increased costs because of a change in scope or nature of the allowance described in the Contract Documents, whether for the Purchase Order amount or Contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. submit claims within 2l days of receipt of the Change Order or Construction Change Directive authorizing work to proceed. Owner will reject claims submitted later than 30 days after such authorization. VAI L VALIEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Construttion Docwnene 9IulY 2NI HLM9EN7I.M 01250-2 I SECTTON 01250 0aNTRACT MODTFTCAUON PROCEDURES I I ' Do not include Contractor's or subcontractor's indirect expense in the Change Order costI amount unless it is clearly shown that the nature or extent of work has changed from whatI 2 i''J:lH;: rr":T::ff1,,'il11.y,"#l::'* $*:HTj,".ffffi1.'o, n,un",- or ,ower-I priced rnaterials or systems of the same scope and nafure as originally indiJated. I 1.6 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES I A. On Owner's approval of a Proposal Request, Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures I of Owner and Contractor on AIA Document G701. I r.7 CONSTRUCTTONCHANGEDIRECTTVE A. Construction Change Directive: Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA I Document G?14. Construction Change Directive instructs Contractor to proceed with a changer in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. I l. Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of change in the Work. It I also designates method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. I B. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a tirne and material basis of work requircd by the Construction Change Directive. I r' ffiL:#Jilir,itTft-i.jti#J"T,:"#ttff;rt and supporting data necessarv to I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) I PART3 -HGCUTION (Not Used) I Er{D OF SECTTON 01250 t r t HLM 9E(N71.U VNLVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01250.3 I DEMOUTION ANDSTRACTURALFRAME I CottstuctianDocwnenfr 9 JuIy 2001 I t.2 I I t I I I SECTION OI29O PAYMENT PROCEDARES SECTION 01290 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1-GENERAL I.I RET.A,TED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and otherDivision I Specification Sections, appty tothis Section. ST]MMARY This Section specifres administrative and procedural requirements necessary to prepare and process Applications for Payment. Related Sections include the following: l. Division I Section "Allowances" for procedural requirements goveming handling and processing of allowances.2. Division I Section "Contract Modification Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling changes to the Contract.3. Division I Section "Construction Progress Docurnentation" for administrative requirernents goveming preparation and submittal of Contractor's Constnrction Schedule and Submittals Schedule. I.3 DEFIN]TIONS A. Schedule of Values: A statenrent fumished by Contractor allocating portions of the Contract Sum to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for rcviewing Contractor's Applications for Payrnent. 1.4 SCHEDIJLEOFVALI.]ES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation of Contractor's Construction Schedule. l. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required administrative forms and schedules, including the following: a. Application for Payment forms with Continuation Sheets.b. SubmittalsSchedule. 2. Submit the Schedule of Values to Architect and Owner, through Construction Manager at earliest possible date but no later than seven days before the date scheduled for submittal of initial Applications for Payment. UA]L UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constaction Docuncnts 9 Jab 2Nl I I I I I I T I I I I I I B. HLM 98M71.04 01290-l a. b. d. a. b. c. d. 6. 7. 8. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDARES Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish line items for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. l. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the Schedule of Values: Project name and location. Name of Architect. Architect's project number. Contractor's name and address. Date of submittal. 2. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with sepilrate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: Related Specification Section or Division. Description of the Work. Name of subcontractor. Name of manufacturer or fabricator.e. Nanre of supplier.f. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value.g. Dollar value. l) Percentage of the Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. 3. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in enough detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Provide several line items for principal subcontract amounts, where appropriate. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; total shall equal the Contract Sum. Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each part of the work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipnrnt purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. a. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. Include evidence of insurance or bonded warehousing if required. hovide separate line items in the Schedule of Values for initial cost of materials. for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value of that part of the Work. Allowances: Provide a separate line item in the Schedule of Values for each allowance. show line-item value of unit+ost allowances, as a product of the unit cost, multiplied by measured quantity. Use information indicated in the Contract Documents to determine quantities. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. Include total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit for each item. a. Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place may be shown either as separate line items in the Schedule of Values or distributed as general overhead expense, at Contractor's option. 4. 5. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTI ON AND SIRACTARAL FMME Conshaction Docwnenls 9IaIy 2MI HLM98M71.U 01290-2 B. F. 1.5 I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDARES 9. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values before the next Applications for Payment when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Each- Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by Architect and Construction Manager and paid for by Owner. 1. ktitial Application for Payment, Application for Payment at time of Substantial completion, and final Application for payment involve additional requirements. Payrnent Application Times: The date for each progress paynrcnr is indicated in the Agreement between Owner and Contractor. The period of conshtcti,on Work covered by each Apllication for Payment is the period indicated in the Agrerment. Payment Application Forms: Use AIA Document G702 and AIA Document G703 Continuation Sheets as form for Applications for Payrnent. D. Application heparation: Complete every entry on form. Notarize and execute by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of Contractor. Architect will return incomplete applications without action. l. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and Contractor's Construction Schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made.2. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued before last day of construction period covered by application. Transmifial: Submit 3 sigred and nourized original copies of each Application fo'r Payment to Architect by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall include waivers of lien and similar attachments if required. l. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate information about applicaion. Waivers of Mechanic's Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mechanic's liens from subcontractors, sub.subconfiactors, and suppliers for construction period covered by the previous application. l. Submit partial waivers on each item for amount r€quested, before deduction for retainage, on each item. 2- when an application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers.3. Owner reserves the rigbt to designate wbich entities involved in the Work must submit waivers. 4. Waiver Delays: Submit each Application for Payrrent with Contractor's waiver of mechanic's lien for construction period covered by the application, UAI L VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTTJRAL FRAME Constntction Documc nts 9lttlt 2MI HLM98W7I.U 0r29&3 I I t I I I I T I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDURES a. Submit final Application for Pa)'rnent with or preceded by final waivers from every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application who is lawfully entitled to a lien. 5. Waiver Forms: Submit waivers of lien on forms, executed in a manner acceptable to Owner. G. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals that rnust precede or coincide with submittal of first Application for Payment include the fotlowing: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. Schedule ofValues.3. Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final).4. Products list. 5. Allowances. 6. Submiuals Schedule (preliminary if not final). 7 . List of Contractor's staff assignments.8. List of Contractor's principal consultants.9. Copies of building permits issued.10. Copies of authorizations and licenses from authorities having jurisdiction for performance of the Work. ll. Initial progress report. 12. Repon of preconstnrction conference.13. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies if such policies arc being provided by Contractor. 14. Data needed to acquire Owner's insurance.15. lnitial settlement survey and damage report if required. H, Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: After issuing the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment showing 100 percent completion for portion of the Work claimerd as substantially complete. l lnclude docurnentation suppo'rting claim that the Work is substantially complete and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum.2. This application shall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued previously for Ovrner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. I. Final Payment Application: Submit final Application for Payment with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted, including, but not limited, to the following: l. Evidence of completion of Project closeout requirernents.2, Insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required and proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. 3. Updated final statement, accounting for final changes to the Contract Sum.4. AIA Document G706, "Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims."5. AIA Docunrent G706A, "Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens."6. AIA DocumentG707,l'Consent of Surety to Final Paynrent."7. Evidence that claims have been settled. VAI L VALIEY MEDICAL C ENT E R DEMOLTTION AND STRUCTAML FMME Constructian Docaments 9 JalY 2NI HLM 98U71-04 0129(M I SECTION01290 |AYMENThROCEDURES I 8. Final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as ofI date of Substantiil Completion or when Owner took possession of and assumedI e fi:'"",t'Jlllj:'.:ffifl"Tff:;ffii"S.:T***I I PART2-PRODUCTS(NoIUsed) I r PART3-HGCUTION(NoIUsed) I END OF SECTION OI29O I I t I I I I I I t T I Hr.rt ggwTr.M uArLuAr.r*y MEDT^AL,ENTER I I DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FMME Cottsfuiction Doc ttttu nts 9labWI 01290-5 I SECTION OI32O CONSTRT]CTION PROGRESS DOC(JMENTATION I SECTTON 01320 - CONSTRUCTTON PROGRESS DOCLTMENTATION I PARTI-cENERALI I I.I SUMMARY I A. Procedures for preparation and submission of Contractor's construction schedules for the Work 1| and periodic updating. I B. Critical action report of required Owner and A,/E actions or decisions. - 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. General Conditions (paragraph 3.10)I B. Schedule ofValues - Section 01295. I C. Construction Photographs - Section 01322. I D. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples - Section 01330. I I.3 FORMOFSCHEDULES I A. Pnepare in horizontal bar chart form, or Prepare network analysis system using the critical pathr m€thod, as outlined in The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) publication "The Use of CPM in Construction - A Manual for General Contractors". f 1. Separate bar for each Eade or operation,2. Identify first workday ofeach week. t B, Prcpare in chronological order of start of each item of work. I I C. Identify each item by major specification section number or trade. I r.4 CONTENTOFSCHEDT.JLES A. hovide complete sequence of construction activity. I l. Indicate dares forbeginning and completion ofeach activity.2. Indicate projected percentage of completion for each iter[ as of first day of each month. I 3. Identify major milestones including dates for Notice to hoceed, pre-installation confer-I ences, pre{ontriact closeout conference, Architect's punch list, facility start-up activities, operating system instructions and demonstrations, commissioning activities, Regulatory - Agency of Jurisdiction inspections, Substantial Completion. I HI]14 98OO7I.O4 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI3^GI I DEMOUNONANDSTRACN]RALFRAME I CorcFuctionDocunen* 9laly 2(M1 r I SECTION 01320 CONSTR(JCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION I B. Product delivery schedule. Indicate dares for: I I . Delivery of products specified by allowances. t 2. Delivery of Owner-furnished products, 3. Contractor's receipt of rough-in information required for coordination of products fur- nished by others. I 4. Installation ofproducts furnished by others. Identify major categories and unique equip-I nrent items separately, l, C. Include calendar days from date of start of project to date of completion.J I 1.5 CRflCAL ACTION REPORT I A. hovide a separate sur rury report of dates for required Owner and Architect actions or deci- I sions that would affect construction schedule. I I.6 REVISIONS TO SCHEDULES ! A. Submit schedule updates and graphically illustrate the progress ofeach activity to date of sub- mittal, and projected completion date of each activity. I B. Identify activities modified since previous submittal, major changes in scope, and other identifi- able changes. I C. Provide narrative report to define problem areas, anticipated delays, and impact on Schedule. Report colrective action taken, or proposed, and its effect including the effect of changes on r schedules of separate contfirctors. I 1.7 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit initial schedules and critical action report within 15 days after date of Notice to hoceed. I B. Submit monthly revised schedules accurately depicting progress to flrst day of each month. I Submit with application for payment submittal. I C. Submit monthly revised critical action report concurrent with construction schedule zubmittat. r D. Submit number of copies reguired by Contractor, plus 2 copies to be retained by Architect (l - copy) and Owner (l copy). I PART2-PRODUCTS I N.TAPP'.ABLE I PARr3 -ExEcurroN HLI,| 98ffi71-U I t UAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTI ON AND STRACN]RAL FRAME Constttctbn Documen8 9InIt 2001 0r32&2 I sEcrroNor32o I NorAppLrcABLE I END oF sEcrroN ol32o CONSTRUCTI ON PROGRESS DOCAM ENTATI ON NIn[98M71.U VAILVALLETMEDICALCENTER OIJ^O.3 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constnction Documents 9ldt2mI I SECTION 01322 CONSTRUCNON PHOTOS ! t sEcTroN 01322 - CONSTRUCTTON PHOTOGRAPHS I PARTI-cENERALr t 1.1 SI,JMMARY t A. Pre-consfuctionphotographs. I B. Monthly consnuction photographs. C. Periodicconstructionphotographs.If D. Final Completion construction photographs. I r.2 St BMrTrArs I A. Identification: t 1. Submit key plan of Project site and building with noration of vantage points marked for location and direction of each photograph. Indicate elevation or story of constuction. Include the same label information as the conesponding photographs. Plan shall be reviewed and approved by Ar- I 2. Htll- of each print, provide an applied label or rubber-stamped impression with the following information. I a. Name of hoiect. b. Name of Architect. c. Name of Contractor. I 3. 3*:fi:;rit*trrf$nt indicarins locarion, direction (by compass point), and ereva- - tion or story of construction. t B. Construction Photographs: Submit prins of each photographic with each job pmgress r€port, but not less than once per month. Photographs shall be taken at the sarne time each month to document construction I progress. Additional photographs are to be taken at critical points of construction, as directed by Archi- I tect. I l. Format: 8-by-I0-inch (203-by-254-mm) smooth-surface maue prints on single-weight commer- f| z. ii3#i,ttfrht a complete set of phorographic negatives in protective envelopes as a project Record Document. Identiry date photographs were taken. r pART2-pRoDUcrs(NorAppLIcABLE) Ir I PART3.HGCI,ITIoN tI HLM9EWNI.O4 VNLVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI322.I ] DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME Construation DocamenB ' 9InlYzMI I B. 3.1 I I t t t I t t t I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 01322 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS Field Office Prints: Retain one set of prints of progress photographs in the field office at Project site, available at all times for reference. Field photographs are to be in a photo book, with clear protective pages. Photographs are to be sequential, with date included. Identify photographs the same as for those submitted to in the Monthly Progress Repon. Preconsfuction Photographs: Before starting construction, take color photographs of Project site and sur- rounding properties from different vantage points, as directed by Architect. l. Take photographs to show existing conditions adjacent to the property before starting the Work.2. Take photographs of existing buildings either on or adjoining the property to accurately record the physical conditions at the start of conssuction.3. Architect and Construction Manager will coordinate vantage points for the initial photographs. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take color photographs after date of Substantial Comple- tion for submission as Project Record Documents. Archit€ct will direct photographer for desired vantage points. END OF SECTION 01322 VAI L VALIEY MEDI CAL C ENTER D EM O U TION AND STRA CTUML F RAME Constactia n Do curnerr# 9IUIY 2rm HLrtgSUru-M 01322-2 I t SECTION 01330 SECTION OI33O - SUBMTTTAL PROCEDURES PART I -GENERAL SUBMITTAL PROCESS I t ! I I I t I I t t I I.I SI.IMMARY A. Procedures for submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples required by Contract Documents. B. Quality Control Submittals. C. Schedule of submittals. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. General Conditions - paragraph 3.12. B. Manufacturer's Installdion Instructions - Section 01600. C. Contract Closeout Submittals - Section 01770 and 0l?g0. I.3 DEFINTNONS A. Shop Drawings: Refer to General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.1. B. hoduct Data: Refer to General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.2. C. Samples: Referto General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.3. D. Quality Control Submittals: Informational submittals that pertain to quality control and which do not require review and approval by Architect and are to be retained in prolect file only. If reviewed, project information will be reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents only. The review will not constitute a detailed review of adequacy of submitted desigrr calcula- tions. The appropriateness and accuracy of calculations is the responsibility of the bontractor (and Contractor's professional engineer when such calculations are iequired to be professionally sealed). Examples of quality control submittals: l Design data and calculations.2. Test reports.3. Certificationsandcertificates. 4, Manufacnrer'sinstructions. 5. Manufacturer's field reports.6. Qualifications of Installer. VAI L UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTAML FRAME Construction DrcwenK 9 July 2(NI I I t I I NIil98M7I.U 0133Gr r sEcTIoN 01330 SIIBMITTALPROCESS I 14 sHoPDRAwrNGs I A. Prepare project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Prepare drawings in a clear and I thorough manner. Title each drawing with hoject name. B. Identify plans and details by reference to sheet number and detail, schedule or room numbers I shown on Contract Documents.r C. Identify field dimensions; show relation to adjacent critical features or Work.tf D. Do not reproduce Contract Documents for use as Shop Drawings. I E. Electronic copies of CADD Drawings of the Contract Documents will provided by ArchitecV I Engineer, on a one-time basis, for Contractor's use in preparing Shop Drawings. To obtain electronic copies of CADD drawings, the contractor will have to sign Architect's release waiver I and pay a nominal fee to be determined by Architect which is commensurate with the costs in- f curred by the Architect for preparation, formatting and file transfers to the contractor. l. If the Contractor obtains or receives electronic copies of the CADD Drawings, Contractor I shall not rely upon the electronic copies or re-use, alter or modify such elecionic copies.f 2. Contractor further agrees to (1) Pay (or forego payment on its own behalf the cost oD and (2) indernnify and hold harmless Owner and Architect from claims arising from any use, I re-use, alteration or modification of such electronic copies. t 3. Contractor shall only obtaih electronic copies of CADD Drawings pursuant to a written agreement with the Owner in a format agreed to by Architect and agrees that in all events the most current printed version of the Drawings governs over any electonic version. - I.5 PRODUCTDATA ' A. Manufacturer's standard drawings, details and diagrams: I l. Modify drawings to delete information which is not applicable to Work.I 2. ;i:t.Polffiil..andard information to provide additional information specifically applica- I B. Manufacturer's standard printed descriptive data: I l. Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent materials, products or models. I 2. Show dimensions and clearances required. 3. Show performance characteristics and capacities. .. 4- Show factory installed wiring or piping diagrams and controls. I 5. Show utility connection and rough-in requirenrcnts.!r 6. Include manufacturer's installation insftuction. 7- Indicate compliance with trade and testing agency standards.Ir 1.6 SAI,IPLES I HlntssooTr-M I t VN L VALI.DY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME C ottsb-ttctbn Docwne rrls 9IaIy 2Ml 01i30-2 t sEcTIoN 01s30 SaBMTTTALPROCESS I A. Submit full range of manufacturer's standard colors, textures and patterns for Architect's selec- Ilon. I B. Identify manufacturer's samples with manufacturer's name, item, use, type, project designation, - specification section or drawing detail reference, color, range, texture, finish and other pertinent . data. f C. Identify related and adjacent construction that will impact the product installarion orfunction. I D. Identify potential coordination issues that may be apparent to manufacturer. I E. Size and extent of field and fabricated samples as specified in respective specification sections. t F. Erect,field Samples at Project site, at Iocation acceptable to Architect. Fabricate each sample : completeandfinished. r t.7 QUALITY CONTROL SUBMmTALS I A. Submit quality control information as indicated in respective Specification sections.I l. Design data or calculations requhing professional certification shall be properly sealed I and signed by a registered professional engineer in State of Colorado. t 2. Submit test reports in accordance with requirements.3. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions.rt B. Submit in same numner as Product Data, except as otherwise specified above.r I 1.8 coNTRAcroR REspoNsIBrLrrrESr A. Review Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples and similar submittals prior to submission. Ini- I tial, sign or stamp, certifying to review of submittal for compliance with Contract Documents t and indicating Contractor's approval of submittal. All copies of subminal are to be reviewed, and stamped by contractor. All submittals that do not bear the Contractor's stamp will be re- I turned by the Architect, without review. B. Verify: I 1. Field measurements. I 2. Field construction criteria.3. Catalog numbers and similar data, .. 4. Conformance with Contract Documents. I 5. Completeness of submittal. C. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of Work and of Contract Documents. -t D. Notify Architect, in writing at time of submission, of deviations in submittals from requirements of Contract Documents. r HLM 98U7r-U VNLVALIfrY MEDTCALCENTER 01330-3 DEM O UTI ON AN D STRA CTA RAL F MM E Corxbtabn Documents t g.lriy2Ml I I I SECTION 01330 SUBMITTALPROCESS I E. Begin no fabrication or work which requires submittals until return of submittals with Archi- tect/Lngineer's stamp and initials or signature indicating review. I F. The Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submittals is not relieved by the Ar-- chitect's review of submittals. I G. The Conhactor's responsibility for deviations in submittals from requirements of Contractf Documents is not relieved by the Architect'slEngineers review of submittals unless the Archi- tect gives written acceptance of specific deviations.Ir I.9 SI.JBMITTALREQUIREMENTS I A. Concurrent with submittal of Construction Progress Schedule, prepare and submit a schedule for submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data,-Samples anA quafty Control Submittals. h- - clude tbe following: I l. Dates Contractor's submittals will be submitted to Architect.2. Dates submittals will be required for Owner-furnished products. I 3. Dates reviewed submittals will be required from Arcbitect.I B. schedule submittals in such sequence as to cause no delay in the work.I I C. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule. I D. Submit number of copies of Submittals as follows: - 1. Shop Drawings: Submit one opaque print. Architect will mark on the same print as con- tractor, then make 3 copies, Architect will retain one copy, Contractor will retain two I copies, one of which is to be kept for Owner. The fourth copy will be for the sub- contractor. 2. hoduct Data: Submit 4 copies of Product Data. Architect will retain one copy. Con- t ffi:"Jr#Htr[two copies, one of which is to be kept for Owner. The fourth copy will 3. Samples: Submit 2 sets of samples. I 4. Quatity Control Subminals: Unless otherwise specified, submit 2 copies of Quality Con- I trol submittals concurrent with Shop Drawing and hoduct Data submittals. I E. Accompany submittals with dated transmittal letter containing. r l. Projecttitle and number. .. 2. Contractor's name and address. I 3. Name and submittal identification number of each submitted Shop Drawing, hoduct Datur4 Sample or Quality Control Submittal.4, Notification of deviations from Contract Documents. f F. Submittals shall include: r HLM98N71-A VNLUALLEYMEDICALCENTER 013304, ***,:M;SYffiYFRAME I glu$2wl r G. J. I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t SECTION OI33O 1.10 A. B. c. 1.11 A. SABMITTAL PNOCESS 1. Date and revision dates. 2. Project title. 3. Names of Architect, Contractor, subcontractor, supplier and manufacturer. 4. Identification of product by specffication section number. 5. Relation to adjacent structure, materials or other critical features. 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such.7. Applicablereferencestandards. 8. Identification of deviations from Contract Documents, if any. 9. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying to review and approval of submittal, verification of field measurernents, compliance with Contract Document$ and coordina- tion with requirements of Work. 10. Submittal identification number composed of 5 digit specification section number plus a sequential number. Resubmittals shall include same numbering sequence, and identified with a sequential letter to identify latest submittal. (Example: Original Submittal:08800- l, Resubmittal: 0880G1A.) Coordinate submittals into logical groupings to facilitate interrelation of Products and Systems: l. Finishes requiring selection of colors, textures or patterns. 2. Associated items of systems which require correlation for efficient function and installa- tion. Coordinate subrnittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. Provide complete submittals in accordance with requirenrcnts of respective Specification sec- tions. Partial or incomplete submittals will be retumed, without review, for resubmission, fucbitect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other subminals until related submittals are received. RESUBMITTAL REQI.'IREMENTS Revise initial drawings or data and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. Indicate changes which have been made since previous submittal. Submit new Samples as specified for initial submittal. DISTRIBUIION OF SIJBMTTTALS AFTER REVIEW Copy and distribute reviewed copies of Shop Drawings and Product Data which carry Archi- tect's stamp as follows: Contractor's file, job site ftle, Record Docurnents file, other prime contrarctors, subcontractors, supplier and fabricator. I.I2 ARCHTTECT'SACTIONS UAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTER D E M O UTI ON AN D STRA CTANAL F MM E Constntction Do cuments 9JuIYmI HLM 98Um-U 01330-5 ! SECTION OI33O SABMITTALPROCESS f A. Architect will review Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples in accordance with General Conditions, subparagraph 4.2.7. The Architect will return the following to Contractor: I l. Three copies of Shop Drawings.It' 2, Three copies of hoduct Data. ', 3. One sample. I B. Architeo will not take responsive action on quality control or informational submittals except to require resubmission of incorrect or incomplete information. f C. Architect will return Shop Drawings within 7 working days of receipt of Contractor's complete submittal. r PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) I 'ART3 -",*curroN (NorAppLrcABLE) I ENDoFs'crroNor33o I I I I I t t I I HLM,E*TH)4 ,ATL,ALLE,MEDT,AL,ENTE. DE MO UTI O N AND STRA CTA RAL F MME Corrstruction Docu.ments 9 Ju$ 2NII I 0rc3e6 r sEcTroN 01400 QAAUTY REQATREMENTS t sEcTroN 01400 - QUALTTY REQUTREMENTS I PART1 -GENERAL I 1.1 sT;MMARYI A. Qual$Assurance/Control. f B. Manufacturers' Field Services I C. Examination of conditions. t D. heparation of substrate. f 1.2 RELATED SECTIoNS I A. Conditions of the Contract: Inspection and testing required by governing authoritiesr B. Testing Laboratory Services. I 1.3 QUALTTYASSTJRANCE/CONTROL I A, Maintain quality control over sub-contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workrnanship, to produce work of specified quality. I B. Comply with manufacturers' instnrctions, including each step in sequence.I C. Should manufacturers' instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from I Architect before proceeding. I D. Comply with specified standards as minimum quality for the Work except where more stringent I tolerances, codes, or specified requirenrents indicate higher standards or more prccise I workmansbip. r. E. Perform Work by persons qualified to produce required and specified qualrty. r F. Verify that field measurements are as indicated on Shop Drawings. I G. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to witbstandf sffesses, vibration, physical distortion, or disfigurement. I r.4 MANUFACTT.IRERS'FIELDSERVICES -r HI,NIgEN7I.U VNLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER OI4M.I I DEMOUTION ANDSTRACIARALFRAMBI *^ry!ff?;1** I B. I I I I SECTION OI4OO PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLTCABLE) PART3 -DGCUTION QUALrry REQATREMENTS When specified in respective Specification section, require manufacturer to provide qualified personnel to observe field conditions, conditions of surfaces and installition, quality of workmanship, and to make appropriate recommendations. Representative shall submit wriften report to Architect listing observations and recommendations. Report shall include observations and site decisions or instructions given to applicators or installers that are supplemental or contrary to manufacturers' written instructions I I I I 2.1 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION Verify that site conditions and substrate surfaces are acceptable for subsequent Work. Beginning new Work means acceptance of conditions. Clean and prepare substrates as specified in individual Specification Sections and as recommended by product manufaenrrer. Unless otherwise specified, apply rmnufacturer required or recommended substrate primer, sealer, or conditioner prior to applying new material or substance in contact or bond. EI{D OF SECTION OI4OO UAI L UAILEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Construction DocumenK 9 July 2MI B. I t I I I I I I I I t HLM98U7T4M U't00-2 I SECTIONOLSM TEMPORARY FACILITIESANDCONTROIS I sEcrroN01500-TEMpoRARyFACTLTTTESANDcoNTRoLSI I PARTI-cENERALI I I.I SUMMARY I A. TemporaryUtilities. I B. Temporary Controls. C. TemporaryFacilities.r 1.2 PROJESIIDENTIFICATION f A. Provide project sign that complies with local regulations, of exterior grade plywood with rne- dium density overlay and wood fiane construction, painted, with lenering by professional sign I painter to the Architect's design and colors. B. List title of project, names of the Owner, the Architect, Architect's Consultants, Construction I Manger, Mechanical Subcontractor, and Electrical Subcontractor. r C. Erect on site at location designated by the Owner. I D. No other signs are allowed except those required by law or approved by the Owner and Archi-t tect. I 1.3 CONTRACTOR'S BUILDINGS I A. The building of temporary structures will be permitted only at such places as approved by the I Owner and Architect. I r.4 TEMPoRARYoFFTcESI A- Pnovide and maintain temporary field ofhce during entire construction period. Shell space and I utilities for field office witi Ue irovided by rhe Orier.I I 1.5 TELEPHONEANDCOMMT.INTCATIONSERVICE I A' Telephone and facsimile services for Construction Managers use will be provided by ther- Owner. I B. Provide electronic mail service in Contractor's field office including neressary Internet service, r computer, modem and software. _ HLM98(N71.A VNLVALIEYMEDICALCENTER O15Ob1 - DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTIIRALFRAME t Constructionl)ocumenh 9 July 2NI r 1.6 A. B. c. t.7 B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROIS TEMPORARY WATER Temporary water system required for completion of work wilt be provided by the owner. In-stall branch piping with taps located so that water is available throughout project site by use of hoses. Provide hoses for conveyance. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING Provide temporary electrical connections service required for completion of project. Electrical utility service will be provided by the Owner. Provide necessary temporary wiring for distribution. Provide adequate artificial temporary lighting for areas of work when natural light is not ade- quate for work, and for areas accessible to public. I.8 TEMPORARY IIEAT AND VENTILATION A. Provide temporary heat and ventilation as reguired to maintain adequate environnrental condi- tions to facilitate progress of Work, to meet specified minimum conditions for installation of materials, and to protect materials and finishes from damage due to temperature or humidity, B. Provide adequate forced ventilation of enclosed areas for curing of installed materials, to dis- perse humidity, and to prevent hazardous accumulations of dust, fumes, vapors or gases. c. Portable heaters shall be standard approved units complete with controls. D. Pay costs of installation, maintenance, operation and removal, and pay costs for fuel consumed. E. Operate Permanent system only as required for testing and balancing except that perrnanent equipment may be used for final dry out only after dust producing operations are complete. Mechanical engineer of record shall evaluate when dust-producing operations are completg and recommend tbe tinre at wbich pennanent mechanical system may be used. Use of permanent system shall not affect warranty period, which shall start at final acceprance of all Work. F. Provide construction filters for permanent systems until final acceptance of Work. I.9 SANITARYFACILITIES A. Install adequate temporary chemical toilets at time Work is commsnced. Do not use toilets in existing Building. B' Maintain facilities in compliance with applicable health laws and regulations. Keep in clean and sanitary condition. VAI L VAIf,EY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEMOUTI ON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Construction Docaments 9 JuIy 2NI I I I I I HW98N71-U u5M-2 I SECTION OISM TEMPORARY FACIUTIES AND CONTROI.S t C. Upon completion of Work, rcmove temporary sanitary facilities. - D. New building facilities may not be used during any portion of the construction period, unless I specifically agreed to by Owner and Architect. I I.IO CONSTRUcTIoNAIDS I A. Furnish and maintain temporary stairs, ladders, ramps, scaffolds, hoists, runways, derricks and I chutes as required for proper execution of Work. B. Such apparatus, equipment and construction shall meet requirements of applicable Federal, I State and local Safety and Labor Laws. I C. Only one of the permanent elevators may be used for temporary construction purposes and shall I be provided with a temporary enclosure to protect finishes from damage. This enclosure does I not negate the requirement for protective covering as described in Section 14240. Ary such en-r closure shall be turned over to the Owner upon Final Completion. Any damage to the elevator and/or it's finishes during construction shall be repaired by the Construction Manager to the Ar- t chitect's and Owner's satisfaction,r I 1.11 GUARDRATLS, BARRICADES ANDTEMPORARY COVERINGS A. Provide guardrails, handrails, and covers for floor; roof and wall openings; and stairways; all in I accordance with applicable Safety Laws. r B. Provide barricades as required to protect natural resources, existing site features, existing buildings, adjacent property and passers-by. t C. At completion of construction, remove guardrails and barricades. I D. Provide suitable temporary watertight coverings over windows, doors, hatchways and other I openings as required to protect interior work from inclenrent weather. I t.rz CoNSTRUCTTONFENCESIBARRIERS ,- A. Provide and maintain construction fences where requiled to ensure site protection and safety. I B. Provide chain-link or woven wire fence with steel posts and gares. I C. 48- high, orange polyethylene, open mesh fencing supported with steel posts as required.r D. Maintain fences until completion of project, then remove and restore surfaces. I.I3 EXTERIORPROTECTION VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NT E R DEMO U N ON AND STRA CTIJRAL F RAM E Consblt ctia n Doctrnena 9IaIy 2MI I I I I IILM 98N7I.M 0150&3 B. F. I I I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACIUTIES AND CONTROLS t.t4 A. Provide temporary, insulated, weather-tight closure of exterior openings to accommodate ac- ceptable working conditions and protection for stored and installed materials and products, to allow for temporary heating and maintenance of required ambient temperatgres identified in in- dividual specifications, and to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Provide access door with self-closing hardware and locks. INTERIOR ENCLOSURES hovide temporary partitions and ceilings to separate work areas from Owner occupied areas, to prevent penetration of dust and moisture into Owner occupied areas, and to prevent damage to existing materials, products and equipment. Construction: Framing and gypsum board sheet materials with closed joints and sealed e.dges at intersections with existing surfaces; sTC rating of 35 in accordance with ASTM E-90 with maximum Flame Spread Rating of 25 in accordance with ASTM E-g4. TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION Preserve and protect existing nees and plants at site which are designated to remain, and those adjacent to site. Consult with Architect, and remove agreed-on roots and branches which interfere with con- struction. Employ qualified tree surgeon to remove, and to treat cuts. hovide temporary barriers, 6 ft. high, around each tree, or around each group of fiees and plants. Protect root zones of trees and plants: I . Do not allow vehicular traffic or parking.2. Do not store materials or products.3. Prevent dumping of refuse or chemically injurious materials or liquids.4, Prevent puddling or continuous running water. Carefully supervise excavatin& grading and fitling, and subsequent construction operations, to pnevent damage. Replace existing trees and plants desiguted to remain whicb are damaged or destroyed due to constnrction operations. TEMPORARY FIRE PROTECTION Install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities. Comply with NFPA 241. l. Provide fire extinguisbers, installed on walls on mounting brackets.2. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations. l.l5 A. B. c. D. r.t6 A. UAI L UALIfrY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCT'I]RAL FRAME Constuction Documents 9 Jttll 2MI HLM98M7I.M 015004 I I I I sEcTroN 01500 END OF SECTION OI5OO NLM 9EOO71.M UAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER DE M O UN ON AND STRA CTURAL F RAME Cotts taction Doc ut E rrts 9lub zffit TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS I I I I t I T I I I I I I I t 3. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fre- Protection facilities, stairways, and other access routes for fire fighting. Prohibit smok- ing. 4' Permanent Fire hotection; At earliest feasible date in each area of Project, complete in- stallation of permanent fire-protection facility, including connected services, and place into operation and use. Instruct key personnel on use of facilities.5. Develop and supervise an overall fire-prevention and first aid fire-protection program for personnel at Project site in accordance with governing regulations. I,I7 PARKINGFACILITIES A. Restrict parking of construction personnel vehicles to areas designated by Owner. B. Do not allow construction vehicle parking on completed new paving, except as otherwise ap- proved by Owner. I.18 ACCESS ROADS A. Construct and maintain temporary roads accessing public thoroughfares to serve constnrction areas. B. Extend and relocate as Work progress requircs. hovide detours necessary for unimpeded traf- fic flow. C. Provide and maintain access to fire hydrants, free of obstructions. D. Provide means of removing mud from vehicle wheels before entering public streets, E. Designated existing on-site roads may be used for construction traffic, if prior approval is ob- tained from Owner. F. Maintain existing and new roads and walks used in the progress of this work, both within the limits of the Site and the adjacent areas leading to it, open to havel and in clean condition. Failure to maintain on-site roads and sidewalks will result in Owner's cleaning of same in the most expedient manner with costs deducted from Contract sum. PART2.PRODUCTS NOTAPPLICABLE PART3-HGCUTION NOTAPPLICASLE 0150Gs I SECTIONO|6OO PRODUCTREQAIREMENTS I SECTION0I600 - pRoDUcT REQUTREMENTS I PARr1-GENERAL I l.l sIMMARYI A. Material and equipment incorporated into Work: f 1. Conform to applicable specifications and standards.2- Comply with size, make, type and quality specified, or as specifically approved in writing I bv Architect. I 3. Manufactured and fabricated products. f a. Design, fabricate and assemble in accord with recognized industry standards. I b. Xil::"acrff like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages, to be inter- c. Two-or more items of same kind shall be identical, by sarne manufacturer. r I f;1tff[':l]:ffi::U:;T:if"*.", shown or speciried sharr be adhered to unless variations are specifically approved in writing. I B. Do not use material or equipment for purposes other than that for which it is designed or is specified. !' Lz RELATEDSECTIoNS I A. Conditions of the Contract - Subparagraphs3.4.l,3.4.2, errld3.12.6. B. Summary of Work- Section 01100. f C. Products under Allowances - Section 01210. I D. Shop Drawings, Producr Data and Samples - Section 01330. I . Operating and Maintenance Data- Section 01780. ! 13 MANT]FACTURER'S INsTRUcTIoNs I A. When Contract Documents require that installation of work shall comply with manufacturer'st printed instructions, obtain and distribute copies of such instnrctions to parties involved in installation, including rwo copies to Architect. I l. Maintain one set of complete instructions at jobsite during installation and until completion. ll 2. Submit Architect's copies with appropriate Product Data submittal. I HLM 980071.A VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 016U.1 I DEMOUflONANDSTRaCTaRALFBAME I Construction Docarnents 9IaIy 2MI I B. c. I I I I I I I SECTION OI6OO PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Handle, install, connect, clean, condition and adjust products in strict accord with such instnrctions and in conformity with specified requirements. 1. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with manufacturer's instructions, consult with Architect for further instructions.2, Do not proceed with work without clear instnrctions. Perform work in accord with manufacturer's instructions. Do not omit prepararcry sreps or installation procedures unless specifically modified or exempted by contraci Documents. 1.4 TRANSPORTATIONANDHANDLING A. Arrange deliveries of products in accord with construction schedules. coordinate to avoid conflict with work and conditions at site. 1. Deliver products in undamaged condition, in manufacturer's original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible.2. Immediately on delivery, inspect shipments to assure compliance with requirements of Contract Documents and reviewed submittals, and that products ure p.opelty protected and undamaged. B' hovide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods ro prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. I.5 STORAGEOFMATERIALS A. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather-tight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. B- Maintain enclosures in good condition" and remove at completion of work. C. Provide substantial platforms, blocking or skids to zupport fabricated products above ground. D. Cover products, subject to discoloration or deterioration from exposurc, with impervious sheet coverings. Provide ventilation to prevent condensation and degrading of product. E. Store loose granular materials on solid surfaces in a well-drained area; prevent mixing with foreign matter. F. Stor€ materials on site unless otherwise approved by Owner. G. Do not use building as storage facility unless approved by Owner. H. Provide additional storage at no cost to Owner in the event that additional storage area is required beyond that provided by project site. I I I I I I I I I I I I UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRA CTANAL FNI,UE Cotatructian Docaments 9.lub 2001 HLMgSOULA 0r60G2 l. 2. 3. l. 2. J. l. ,| 3. 4. 1,6 I I I I I I I I t T I I t I I T I I t SECTION OI6OO PRODUCT REQAIREMENTS Arrange stored materials to provide easy access for inspection. PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS Product Definitions. hoducts: The term "product" as used in the Project Manual includes materials, equipment, and systems. Named Products: Identification of products by naming a model number and manufacturer. Standard Quality: a. Where products are specified by naming model number(s) and manufacturer(s) only, the named products establish a standard of quality. b. Where products are specified by Description or Reference Standard and by naming model number(s) and manufacturer{s), the named produc(s) together with the de- scription or reference standard establishes a standard of quality, B.Listed or Named Manufacturers: Manufacturers listed or named in a product or system specification are those manufactur- ers considered capable of manufacturing products conforming to the specification re- quirements. The "listing" or "naming" of a manufacturer does not imply "acceptance" or "approval" of any standard product of that manufacturer. Products of listed or named manufacturers proposed for use shall be comparable to or the same in all respects to specified make or model number designation of named products and shall meet or exceed specification requirements. Product Options Products specified only by Refercnce Standards or only by Description: any product meeting those standards or descripions, by any manufabturer. Products specified by narning several products or manufacturers: any prcduct and manu- facturer named. Products speci{ied by naming only one product and manufacturer: no option, unless a substitution is accepted. Submit a Request for Substitution for any product or manufac- turer not specifically nanr;d. Substitutions will only be considered if Construction Man- ager can adequately prove to Architect that the substitution's specification meets or ex- ceeds specified product. Cost savings or schedule benefits must also be identified. Any zubstitution request that does not include this information will be rejected. Products specified by naming one or more products and listing or naming other manu- facturers: Select any nanred product or a product of a listed or nanpd manufacturer which meets specification requirements and standard of quality established by the a. Contract Docurnents are based on use of "narned" base products. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRACTURAL F RAM E ConsfrTrction Docaments 9luly 2MI HLM98M7LA 0160&! I t t I I I I t t I I I I t I I I t I SECTION 0|600 PRODACT REQAIREMENTS Proposed products of listed or named manufacturers that do not rneet the specifi cation requirements of the "named" base product(s) will not be considered unless a Request for Substitution ofthe proposed product has been accepted by Architect in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. By using a product other than the "named" base product, Contractor represents that he will be responsible for adjustments to fit product to Work and for providing ad- ditional work, equipment, and services required by use of product, at no additional cost. b. 5. Products specified by Description, Reference Standard and naming several products or manufacturers: Any product and manufacturer named meeting those descriptions, stan- dards and specification requirements. Submit a Request for Substitution for any product or manufacturer not specifically named.6. If colors, patterns and textures of a "named" product are specified, Architect reserves right to require substitution products or products of a named manufacturer other than "named" product to match color, pattern and texture of specified "named" product.7. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, furnish a product (and manufacturer) that complies with requirements and matches Architect's sample. Architect's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily.8. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected from manufactur€r's colors, patterns, textures" or a similar phrase, furnish a product (and manufacturer) that cornplies with other specified requirements. a. Standard Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "standard range of col- ors, pattems, textur€s" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattem, or texture from manufacturer's product line that does not include premium items. b. Full Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "frrll range of colors, pat- terns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattem, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. 9. Custom Color Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "custom color and pattern", fumish a product that complies with other specified requirements and marches Architect's custom color and pattem. D. SubstitutionsPeriod 1. Substitution requests will only be considered during the bidding phase. E. Substitutions After Execution of Contracr l. No substitution will be considered after execution of Contract except for non-availabilitv of specified item due to: a. Strikes b. Lockouts c. Bankruptcy d. Discontinuedproduction. VN L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FNAME Corctraction llocumcn8 9luly 2001 HLM98M7I.M OI6UM 2. J. 4. 5. l. I t I I t I I t I I I T I t I I t I t SECTION OL6OO 6. 7. 8. 9. PRODACT REQUIREMENTS e. Proven shortage. f. Similar occurrences. Notify Architect, in writing, with substantiating data as soon as non-availability becomes apParent. Describe why product is not available. Describe any cost changes. Notify in time to avoid delay in construction, or if a delay is incurred identify the associ- ated delay. Forward submittal data as required for Requests for Substitutions. Substitute products shall not be ordered or instalted without written acceptance. Architect will determine acceptability of substitutions with consent of Owner. Accepted substitutions shall be in accordance with a Change Order. F.Requests for Substitutions: Submit a separate request for each substitution. Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with requirenrcnts of Contract Documents. Identify product by Specification Section and Article numbers. Provide manufacturer's name and address, rade narne, and model or catalog number. List product description, pedormance and test data and applicable reference standards, List name and address of similar projeas on which product was used and date of installa- tion. Give itemized comparison of qualities of proposed substitution with specified product. State changes required in other elements of Work because of substitution. State effect on construction schedute. List availability of maintenance service, and source of replacenrent materials. Give cost data comparing proposed substitution with specified product, and amount of net change to Contract Sum. G. Contractor's Representation: Request for substitution constitutes a representation that Contractor. l. Has investigated proposed product and determined that it is equal to or superior in all re- spects to specified product. 2. Will provide same warranties for substitution as for product specified.3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, and make such other changes as may be required for Work to be complete in all respects.4. Waives all claims for additional costs, under his responsibility, related to substitution which subsequently becomes apparent. 1.7 SI.]BSTTTUTIONSUBMITTALPROCEDI.]RES A. Submit 3 copies of each Request for Substitution. B. Architect will review Contractor's requests for substihrtions with reasonable promptness. UN L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTUML FNE UE Constntction Documents 9 JuIy 2001 HLM 9&N7I.U 01600-5 I s*crroNot'oo I C. During Bidding, Architect will record acceptable substitutions in Addenda. D. Form of Acceptance: a l. Bidding: Request for Substitution Fonn and Addenda. I pART3-HGcurroN(NorAppr.JcABLE) I Er{D oF sEcrroN ol6oo T I 2. After Execution of Contract: Request for Subsritution Form and Change Order if appli- cable. E. For accepted products, submit Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples in accordance with Section 01330. PART2 -PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS t I t t I I I I I It I I HIf,I{ 98N71.04 VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTUNAL FMME Co nstruction Doc uments I luly zMI 016W-6 r sEcTloNqr7^q EXECATIONREQAIREMENTS I SECTION 01700 - EXECUTION REQIJIREMENTS I PARTI -GENERAL I I.1 ST]MMARY I A, Examination and preparation. I B. Field Engineering I C. Starting and Adjusting. I D. Conection of the Work. E. hotection. I I.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. General Conditions - Paragraph 3.2.1. I B. Cutting and Patching - Section 01731. I PART2 -PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) - PART3-EXECUTIoN I I 3.1 EXAMTNATTON I A. Existing Conditions and Utilities: The existence and location of site improvements, under- I ground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. l. Before beginning work, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground I utilities, mechanicA and electrical systems and other construction affecting the Work.r 2. Before construction, verify the location and points of connection of utility services. I B. Unknown Utilities hocedures I _ 1. ffiffI" and uncharted utilities arc encountered during excavation, promptly notify I 2- If it is determined that such utility line has been abandoned, properly cap line at a depth approved by Architect orremove line if dirccted by Architect. f 3. If such unknown utilities are encountered and work is continued so as to damage discov- I ered utilities, Contractor shall repair damage at no cost to Owner. 4. Changes required in Work due to discovery of unknown, underground utilities or ob. structions will be compensated for in accordance with provisions of the Conditions of the I Contract. HLM 98U71.04 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI7ML I DEMOUnONANDSTRACTURALFRAME I ConstructionDocunatts 9Inly 2MI I B. A. B. 3.2 3.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION O|7OO Acceptance of Conditions: Examine substrates, quirements for installation tolerances and other Architect those non-complying conditions that work. EXECATTON REQA I RE M ENTS areas, and conditions, for compliance with re- conditions affecting performance. Report to can not be corrected by normal preparatory PREPARATION Existing Utility hrformation: Furnish information to local utility that is necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other utility appurte- nances located in or affected by construction. Existing Utility Intemrptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated. l. Notify Owner not less than l0 working days in advance of proposed utility intemrptions.2. Do not proceed with utility inremrptions without Owner's written permission, Field Measurements: Take field measurements as requircd to fit the work properly. Recheck measurements before installing each product. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurenrents before fabri- cation. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. FIELDENGINEERING Requirements Included l. Verifying existing grades, utilities and site appurtenances indicated on Drawings.2. Establishing and maintaining bench marks and reference lines3. Laying out buildings and appurrenances.4. Layrng out site improvenrcnts. 5. Final property survey. Quality Criteria 1. Surveyor: Contractor shall engage a registered land surveyor registered in the State in which Project is located, acceptable to Owner, to provide field engineering services, or2. Field Engineer: Provide a trained field engineer capable ofproviding specified field en- gineering services. 3. Initial services shall include the following: a. Establish permanent bench marks outside building lines. Establish and maintain two bench marks, located on the project site, as widely separated as possible.b. Verify locations and levels ofadjacentbuildings and appurtenances.c. Verifybatterboardsatbuildingcorners. VN L UAILEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEM OUTI ON AND STRU CTU RAL F RAM E Cowtntctian Documcnfi 9 Jrdy 2(Ml HIltI9SNu-A OI7M2 , 5. B. c. 3.4 3.5 3.6 t t I I I t I I t I I I I I t I I t t SECTION 01700 EXECATI ON RESAIREMENTS d. Verify utility locations, including new construction and existing active and inactive utilities prior to construction. Verify location and invert elevation at points of con- nection of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service piping.e. Verify outside building lines to ensure conect position of buildings and appurte- nances on project site. Make required surveys to fix and verify foundation loca- tions and elevations, column centerlines, walls, pits and trenches.f. Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes and invert elevations. During construction, periodically check layouts, equipment locations, lines, levels and grades. After foundations are complete, provide a verification survey indicating location of exte- rior walls and elevations of tops of footings. Final Property Survey: Prepare a final property survey indicating signifrcant features (real property) of the Work. Include on survey a certification, signed by surveyor, to ef- fect that principal lines and levels of project are accurately positioned as shown on sur- vey' STARTING ANDADJUSTING Start equipment and operating components to confirm proper operation. Remove malfunction- ing units, replace with new units, and retest. B. Adjust operating components for proper operation without binding. Adjust equipment for proper operation. Test each piece of equipment to verify proper operation. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment CORRECTION OF TTIE WORK Repair or remove and replace defective construction. R€store damaged substrates and finishes. Comply with requircments in Section 01731 - Cutting and Patching 1. Repairing includes replacing defective parts, refinishing damaged surfaces, touching up with marching materials, and properly adjusting operating equiprrent. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to their original or specifred condition. Remove and replace damaged surfaces that are exposed to view if surfaces cannot be repaired without visible evidence of repair. PROTBCTION VNL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRA CTARAL F NAM E Construction DocamcnE 9 JuIy 2lNI HLM 980071-U 01700-3 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION OI7OO EXECUTIO N REQA I REMENTS A. Maintain bench marks, monuments and other reference points, if disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. B. Protect existing adjacent streets, paving, curbs, and buildings. C. Protect existing on-site facilities and features, including utility lines, grading, paving and land- scaping. D' After materials, equipment and machinery are installed, properly protect Work to prevent dam- age from subsequent opemtions. Remove protections when no longer needed, prior to comple- tion of Work. E. Provide coverings to protect finished surfaces from damage. l. Cover projections, wall corners, and jambs, sills and soffits of openings subject to dam- age by subsequent work.2. Protect finished floors and stairs from dirt and damage. F. hohibit use of waterproofed and roofed surfaces for construction traffic and storage of materi- als. G. Keep building entirely waterproof at all times after roof is completed. H. Damage to existing facilities and site improvements resulting from construction operations shall be repaired by Contractor without cost to Owner. .END OF SECTION OITOO VAIL UALIBY M EDICAL CENTER DEM OU TI ON AND STRA CTA RAL F RAM E Constuction Documene eJw2Ml HIJJTgS(N7LA 0170G4 I SECTION01731 CaTTTNGANDPATCHTNG I sEcrIoN 0lz3r - currlNc AND pATcHTNGI I PARTI-cENERALr I 1.1 SUMMARY I A. Procedural requirements for cutting and patching. - L2 RELATEDSECTIoNS I A, General Conditions - Paragraphs 3.14 and 12.1.I B. Firestopping for patching fire-rated construction - Section 784t I C. Sections for specific requirements and limitations applicable to cutting and patching individual parts of the Work; Specification section for that work. r.3 scoPE I A. Execute cutting including excavating, fitting and patching required to complete Work or to: 1. Make several pans fit properly. I 2. Uncover portions of Work to provide for installation of out of sequence Work.t 3. Remove and replace defective work.4, Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of Contract Documents. I 5. Remove samples of installed work as specified for testing. I 6. Provide penetrations of non-stnrctural surfaces for installation of piping and conduit. I B. In addition to other confrct requirements, upon written instructions of Architect:I '' l. Uncover work to provide for Architect observation of covered work. I 2. Remove samples of installed materials for testing. I 3. Remove work to provide for alteration of completed work. C. Do not cut into or cut awav structural rnembers nor excavate beneath foundations or load bear- I ing structures without notification, and approval from Architect.I D, Do not cut into or cut away masonry elements or stnrctures without notification, and approval I from Architect. I E. Obtain written permission of separate contr,actor whose work will be affected by proposed cut- I tingandpatching. I 1.4 SIJBMITTAIS I HLM 98M71.04 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER OT73T.1 DEMOLXTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME I Cowtruction Documents etuumr I I I SECTIONq|T3I surrrNcANDpATcHINc I A. Submit written notice to Architect a minimum of l0 working days in advance of executing cut-r ting which affects: I l. Work of Owner or any separate contractor.I 2- :ffi,ffLtffi*ty of Work, cutting concrete and steel structuid members, cutting ma- I 3. Integrity of weather exposed or moisture resistant elements. f| 4. Efficiency, operation or maintenance of operational equipment.5. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements. I I B. Request shall include: I l. Identification of hoject, description of affected work, necessity for cutting, effect on I other Wo*, effect on structural integrity of project, description of proposed work. Des- r i i#;T:1*"T11i""' I i. rffi:1#i"",#"!.beused' I e. Proposed schedule for cutting and parching. 11 2. Alternatives to cutting and patching. - C. Should conditions of Work, or schedule, indicate change of materials or methods, submit writ- ten recommendation to Architect, including: I l. Conditions indicatingchange.2. Recomnrendations for alternative rnaterials or nrethods. I 3. Submittats as required for substitutions as specified in Section 01600. D. Submit written notice 10 working days in advance to Architect designaring time work will beI uncovered to provide for observation requested by Architect or t"gulatory agency ofjurisdic-f tion. I PARTz-PRODUCTS I 2J MATERT.ALsI A' For replacement of work removed, comply with Specifications for each specific product in-I volved.r I PARr3 -E)(EcuTroN I ;;*#^"* I I UN L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM OLTNON AND STRACTANAL FMME Cotrfruction Docamenfi 9lab 2(MI 01731-2 t sEcTIoN 01731 CUTTTNGAND eATCHTNG I A. Examine existing conditions of Work, including elements subject to movement or damage dur-r ing cutting and patching, and during excavation and backfilling. I B. After uncovering work, examine conditions affecting installation of new products, or perform-I ance of work. I C. Do not Proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. I r 3.2 PREPARATION Ir A. Provide temporary shoring, bracing and support to maintain structutal integrity of affecrcd por- tion of Work. It B. hovide protection for other portions of Work. I C. Provide protection from elements for portion of lVork which may be exposed by cutting andI patching, and maintain excavations free of water. I 3.3 PERFORMANCE I A. Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide finished installation to comply with speci- t fied products, frmctions, tolerances and finishes. r B. Execute cuning by methods which will prevent damage to other work and will provide proper t surfaces to receive installation of repairs and new work. l. Neatly cut and remove materials, and prepare openings to receive new work. I 2. Remove nx$onry or concrete in small-sections.- f 3. Provide shoring, bracing, and other supports to prevsnt movement, settlement, or collapse of remaining or adjacent wall areas, structure, or facilities. fl 4. Arrange shoring, bracing, and supports to prevent overloading of structure.r C. Execute excavating and baclfilling by rnethods which will prevent damage to otber work and I will prevent settlement. r D. Restore work which has been cut or removed; install new prcducts to provide completed Work I in accord with requircments of Contract Documents. I E. Refinish sight-exposed surfaces to provide specified uniform finish to match adjacent finishes. I l. Continuous Surfaces: To nearcst intersections. fl 2. Assembly: Entire refinishing. I F. Fit work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetrations through surfaces. I G. At penetrations of fire-rated construction, completely seal voids with fir€stopping materials in - accordance with Section 07841. I HI.II980071.A VAILUAITEY MEDICALCENTDR 01731.3 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRaCTUMLFRAME I ConstuctionDocunots 9 JuIy 2(M1 I I sEcrroNorT3r I 3.4 cLEANUn CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Remove debris, rubbish, and materials resulting from cutting and patching operations. I B. Transport materials and legally dispose of off site. END OF SECTION 01731 I HLM 9SM71.M VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 017314 DEMOUTION AND STRUCN]RAL FRAME Constuction DocunenE 9 faly 2MlI I I SECTION01770 00NTRACTCLOSEOUT?ROCEDURES I SECTION 01770 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES I PARTI-cENERALI I 1.r sr.rMMARy A. Comply with requirements stated in Conditions of the Contract and in Specifications for I administrative procedures in closing out the Work.r I 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS r A. Fiscal provisions, legal submittals and additional administrative requirements - Conditions of I the Contract. t B. Partial Owner Occupancy - Section 01100. I C. Allowances - Section 01210.I D. Contract Closeout Submittals - Section 1780. I E. Operation and Maintenance Materials - Section 01285. I F. Warranties, bonds and closeout submittals required for specific products or work - Respective I Specification Sections forthat work. I 1.3 suBsrANTtALcoMPLETroNI A. When Contractor considers Work is substantially complete, he shall submit to Architect: t l. A written notice that Work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially complete.2. A list of items to be completed or corrercted prior to final paynrent, the value of items on I the list, and reasons why the Work is not cornplete. I 3. Evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities. r B. Within 5 working days after receipt of such notice, Architect will either make an inspection to t determine stants of completion or notify Contractor of unfulfilled rcquirements. C. Should Architect determine that Work is not substantially complete. I l. Architect will promptly notify Cortractor in writing, giving reasons therefore.2. Contractor shall remedy deficiencies in Work, and send second written notice of substan- I tial completion to Archit€ct. I 3. Architect will re-inspect Work. I D. When Architect and Owner concur that Work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially I complete: HLM gEOO7I.U VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI77h1 I DEMOUTONANDSTRaCtRALFRAME t Constuction Docurnerrts 9luly 2NI r I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I I SECTION 01770 CO NTRACT CLOSEOAT PROCEDARES Architect will: ^. Sign a Certificate of Substantial Completion on AIA Form G704 prepared by the Construction Manager, accompanied by Contractor's list of items to be completed or corrected, as verified and amended by Architect.b. Submit Certificate to Owner and Contractor for their written acceptance of respon- sibilities assigned to rhem in the Certificate. Contractor shall: a, Make final changeover of permanent locks, and deliver keys and one copy of key- ing schedule to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provi- sions. b. Submit Project Record Documents, Operating and Maintenance Data, and Warran- ties and Certificates as specified.c. Schedule Facility Start-Up demonstrates and instructions with Owner's personnel as specified.d. Remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements.e. Prcpare a Certificate of Substantial Completion on AIA Form G704. 1.4 FINALCOMPLETION A. When Contractor considers Work is complete, he shall: l. Make final changeover of pennanent locks, and deliver keys and one copy ofkeying2. schedule to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions.3. Submit Project Record Documents, Operating and Maintenance Data and Warranties and Certificates as specified.4. Schedule Facility Start-Up demonstrations and instructions with Owner's personnel as specified, 5. Remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elenrents. 6. Submit written certifications of systems and testing/balancing final reports.7. Submit written cerrification that: a. Contract Documents have been reviewed.b. Wort has been inspected for compliance with Contract Docurnents.c. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Docurnents.d. Submit copy of Substantial Completion "Punch List" as prepared by Architect, with indication of each item that Contractor has completed or otherwise resolved for ac- ceptance. e. Equipment and systems have been tested or demonstrated in tbe presence of Owner's representative and are operational.f. Work is completed and ready for final inspection. B. Architect will either make an inspection to verify status of completion with reasonable Promptness after receip of such certification or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirenpnts. UAI L VAITW M EDI CAL C ENT ER DE MO UTI ON AND STRA CTARAL F MM E Cowtruction Docwnen8 9lub 2NI l. HLM98N71-U 01770-2 r SECTIONO|TTO CONTRACTCLOSEOUTPROCEDURES I C. Should Arcbitect consider that Work is incomplete or defective: r 1. Architect will promptly notify Contractor in writing, listing incomplete or defective work.r 2, Confactor shall take immediate steps to remedy stated deficiencies and send a second written certification to Architect that Work is complete. I 3. Architect will reinspect the Work.I r I.5 FINALAPPLICATIONFORPAYMENT I A. After Architect finds that Work is acceptable and after closeout submittals have been received, I Contractor shall prepare final Adjustment of Accounts and final Application for Payment as specified, and submit in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Conditions I of the Contract.r - PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLICABLE) I PART 3 - E)(ECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OFSECTION OI77O HLM 9M071.U UAILVAITET MEDICALCENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Co nstruction Docarnerrts 9lult 2NI I I I I I I t T I I t 01770-3 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t t t I I SECTION OT78O CONTRACT C LOSEOAT SU BMITTAI.S SECTION OI78O - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS PART I -GENERAL I.I STJMMARY A, Project Record Documents. B. Subcontractors and Suppliers List. C. Operating and Maintenance Manuals. l Manual of equipment and systems.2. Manual of products, materials and finishes. D' Warranties and Certificates; including evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities. E. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens. F. Final Adjustment of Accounts. G. Final Application for Payment 1,2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Conditions of the Contract - paragraph 3.1 I . B. Demonstration of equipment and systems - Section 01750. C. Contract Closeout Procedures - Section 01720. D. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials - Section 017g5. E. hoduct maintenance information required for specific products, materials, and finishes; Respective Specification for each product, material and finish. 1.3 PROJECTRECORDDOCI.JMENTS A, Maintenance of Record Documents: l. Store Record Documents in field office, apart from other documents used for construc- tion. Provide files and racks for storage of Record Documents.2. Do not use Record Docurrents for construction purposes.3. Label each document, *PRoJEcr REcoRD" in twoinch-high printed letters. VAIL VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FMME Constttctbn Documents 9 JrdY 2001 HLM980U1-A 01780-1 a. b. c. d. B. 1.4 1.5 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I SECTION 01780 CONTRACT C I,OSEOAT SA BMITTALS B. Recording: L Keep Record Documents current with construction progress.2. Do not conceal any work until required information is iecorded.3. Record information on a set of Record Drawings and project Manual.4. Record Drawings: Legibly mark to record actual construction: Field changes of dimension and details. Architect's Supplemental lnstructions Cbanges made by Change Order or modifications. Details not on original Drawings. 5. Record Specifications and Addenda: Legibly mark each secrion to record: a. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number of each product and item of equipment actually installed, particularly optional items and substitution items.b. Changes made by Addenda, Change Order or modification.c. Compliance: Compliance with the maintenance and recording requirements shall be and remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor. With submission of the re- cord documents Contractor shall provide Owner and Architect witb a wrinen certi- fication that such documents comply with this Section and that Architect and Owner are entitled to rcly upon such completeness and certification. SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS LIST Provide a complete list of names, addresses and telephone numbers of all subcontractors and zuppliers employed on the work. List portions of the work performed by each entity. FORM AND CONTENT OF MANUALS Assemble operating and maintenance manuals, and warranties and certificates in three-ring binders. Format: 1. Size: 8-l/2 in. x l1 in., fold larger sheets to fit into binders.2. Indexing: Tabbed fly-leaf for each separate product or sysrem.3. Identification: Each binder cover and spine identified with title of manual, subject matter of contents and project title. C. Binders: Commercial quality, 3-ring, with durable and cleanable clear plastic sleeves on spine to hold label describing contents. D. Table of Contents: Provide for each volume, arranged in a systematic order. l. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number.2. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of volume. UAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Constructian Documcnts 9 Jdt zml HLM9&N7I.U 01780-2 I sEcrIoNorTEo CONTMCT CLOSEOAT SA BMITTAIS I 3. List, with each product, name, address and telephone number of subcontractor or installer and local source of supply for parts and replacement. 1; 4. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Con- I tract Documenrs. E, Product Data: I l. hclude only those sheets which are pertinent to specific product.2. Annotate each sheet to clearly identify specific product or part insralled and data applica- f ble to installation. F. Drawinss: I l. a-o*n-.n Product Data with drawings as n@essary to clearly illustrate relations of component parts of equignent and systems and control and flow diagrams. f| 2. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure correct il- I lustration of completed installation.3. Do not use Project Record Documents as rnaintenance drawings. I G. Written Text: provide as required to supplement Product Data for particular installation, organized in a consistent format and in logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. I H. Warranties and Service Contracts: Include copy of each warranty issued and of each serviceI contract issued. I I.6 MANUALFOREQUIPMENTAND SYSTEMS I A. Content, for each unit of equipment and systenr, as appropriate: r l Description ofunit and component pans. r f, i:;:H?"::ffi:r#J1ffiff'*T',31u*,ingconditions c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. l| 2. OperatingProcedures: I a. Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions. I b. Regulation, control, stopping, shutdown and emergency instructions.c. Summer and winter operating instructions.d. Special operating instructions. - 3. Maintenance hocedures: r i: Hilffi1ff::tiffiooting,, c. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. I d, Alignment, adjusting and checking. HIJII 98ffi71.04 VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01780.3 I DEMoLITIONANDSTRaCTaRALFRAME I Constrrction DocumerrE 9luly 2001 r a. b. c. 8. 9. 10. I l. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 01780 CONTRACT CLOS EOUT SU BM ITTAI-S 4. Servicing and lubrication schedule.5. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions.6. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer. 7 ' Original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. As-installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer. Each contractor's coordination drawings including as-installed color coded piping dia- grams. Charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recom- mended quantities to be maintained in storage.12. Include testing and balancing repora.13. Other data as required under pertinent sections of specifications. B. Content, for each electric and electronic system, as appropriate. l. Description of sysrcm and component parts. a, Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions.b. Performance curves, engineering data and tests.c. Complete norpnclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. 2. Circuit directories of panelboards. a. Electrical service.b. Controls. c. Communications 3. As-installed color coded wiring diagrams. 4. OperatingProcedures: Routing and normal operating instructions. Sequences required. Special operating instructions. 5. MaintenanceProcedwes: a. Routine operations.b. Guideto'trouble-shooting". c. Disassembly, repair and reassembly.d. Adjustment and checking. 6. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instuctions. 7. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recom- mended quantities to be maintained in storage. 8. Other data as required under pertinent sections of specifications. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMO UTI ON AND STRA CTA ML F RAME Construction Documcnts 9luly 2NI HI.LI98M7I.M 0178(M 1.7 I I I I SECTION OITEO Additional requirements for operating Specifications. CONTMCT CLOSEOUT SU BMITTALS and maintenance data: Respective sections of MANUAL FOR PRODUCT MAINTENANCE Content: Maintenance data for each building product, applied material and finish used on project. Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: Include product data, with catalog number, size, composition, and color and texture designations. Provide information for re-ordering custom manufactured products. Instructions for Care and Maintenance: lnclude manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recomrnended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. Moisture-Protection and Weather-Exposed Products: lnclude product data listing applicable reference standards, chemical composition, and details of installation. Provide recommendations for inspections, rnaintenance, and repair. Additional Requirements: As specified in individual Specifications sections. WARRANTIES AND CERTIFICATES Compile specified waranties and certificates of compliance, Review to verify compliance with Contract Documents. Warranties shall be written in the name of the Owner. Assemble wuranties and certificates executed by each of respective manufacturers, suppliers and subcontractors. Number of original signed copies required: 2 each. Table of Contents: Neatly typed, using Table of Contents of hoject Manual as format. Provide complete information for each item. l. Name and location of project. 2. Name and address of Contractor. 3. Product, equiprnent or system. 4. Finn, with name of principal, address and telepbone number. 5. Scope. 6. Date ofbeginning and duration ofwarranty. 7. Provide information for Owner's personnel: I I I I B. c. D. 1.8 I I I I I I A. B. c. D. E. F. G. I I t I I VAI L VAILEY M EDI CAL C E NTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Construction DocumenE 9IulY 2001 HLM98N7I.U I s*crroNorTso CO NT RACT C LO S EOAT SA B M ITTALS I a. Proper procedure in case of failure.b. Instances which might affect validity of warranty. I H. Prior to final payment, submit following certificares: - I . Certificate of Insurance for Products and Completed Operations. I 2. :rT:X.,il:, or other written evidence of compliance with requirements of governing a. CertificateofOccupancy. I b. Certificates oflnspection I ) Conveying systems. I 2) Mechanical systems.3) Electrical systems.4) Fire protection system.r :l 5::",$ffi;',ix:7) Others where required by Specifications. I 1.9 SI.JBMITTALS I A. Manuals: I l. Submit two copies of proposed format and outline of rnaauals at least 3O days prior to I Substantial Completion. Architect will retum with comments.2- For equipment, or component parts of equipment put into service during construction and I operated by Owner, submit documents within l0 days after acceptance of designated I portions of the Work. 3. Submit 2 copies of data manuals in final form with 30 days prior to Substantial Comple- tion.t 4. Architect will review manuals for completeness of contents. a. Manuals will be retumed with comnrents for revisions, if necessary.I b, Conect, modify or complete manuals to comply with Architect's comments.c. Submit2copiesof eachcorrectedmanualwithin l5workingdaysof receiptof Ar- chitect's corrunents. I B. Project Record Documents: I l. At Contract closeout, deliver one copy of Record Documents to Architect for Owner.- 2. Accompany submittal with Certifrciie of Compliance and transmittat lener in duplicate, containing: date, project title and number, Contractor's name and address, title and num- I ber of each Record Docunent and signature of Contractor or his authorized representa- tive. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUN ON AN D STRA CTABAL F RAM E Constru.ction Docume nls 9 July 2(Nl I I I HIJ\I 980/71.U 01780-6 I SECTION OL7EO CONTNN.CT CLOSEOUT SABMITTAIS I I 1.10 EVIDENCE OFPAYMENTS, AND RELEASE OFLIENS r A. Contracror's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims: AIA G706. Ir B. Conrractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens: AIA G?06A, with: I l. Consent of Surety to Final payments: AIA G?02.r 2. Contractor's release of waiver of liens.3. Separate releases of waivers or liens for subcontractors, suppliers, and others with lien rights against property of Owner, together with list of those parties.I C. Submittals shall be duty executed before delivery to Owner. I D. Number of original signed copies required; 2 each. I 1.11 FINALADJUSTMENTOFACCOLJNTSI A. Submit final statement of accounting to Architect. I B. Statement shall reflect all a_djustments. I l. Original Connact Sum. I 2. Additions and Deductions resulting from: a, hevious Change Orders. I b. Allowances. c. Unit Prices. I d. Deductions for uncorrected Work.t i i?H'ff:trf":il:fi1*damagesg. Deductions for Reinspection payments or fees. I h, Other adjustments. 3. Total Contract Surn, as adjusted, I 4. Previouspayments. I 5. Sum remaining due.6. Construction Manager will prepare final Change Order, reflecting approved adjustments to Contract Sum not previously rnade by Change Orders. I r t.tz FINALAPPUCATIONFORPAYMENT r A. Submit final application in accordance with requirements of Conditions of the Contract. r PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLTCABLE) HI.II,T gEMN.A UAILUAILEY MEDICALCENTER 0178(L7 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constructian DocurnenB 9 July 2MI I I I I sEcrroNorTto I pART3-ExEcurroN (NorAppLrcABLE) t ENDoFsEcrroNolTso C O NTRACT C LOS E OAT SU B M ITTAI,S IILM9SU)7I.U VNLUALLEYMEDICALCENTER 01760.8 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Cowtttction Docwnanb 9lult 2NI I SECTION 01785 aPERATIoN AND MNNTENANSE MATBRIAL I SECTTON 0178s - OPEMTTON AND MATNTENANCE MATERIAL I PARrr -.ENERAL I r.r suMMARYI A. Procedures for storage, handling, and delivery of spare parts and maintenance materials. I 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. Material Storage - Section 0t600. r B. Contract Closeout Procedures - Section 01770. I I.3 PRESENTATION OF STJBMITTALS I A. Contract Closeout lnforrnation I l. Spare Parts: To Owner with letter of transmittal. I 2. Maintenance Materials: To Owner with letter of transmittal.3. Extra Materials: To Owner with leuer of transmittal. I 4. Copies of Transmittals: To Architect. I I 1,4 PRODUCTREQLIIRED I A. Provide to Owner quantities of spare parts and tools, rnaintenance materials and extra material as specified in individual Specification Sections. t B. SparePartsandTools: Packageinclearlyidentifiedboxes. I l. krdicate manufacturer's narne, part name and stock number. I 2. Indicate piece of equipment for which part or tool is intended3. Indicate narne, address and phone number of closest supplier I 4. Indicate specffication number. I C. Maintenance Materials: Package in clearly identified boxes. I l. Indicate trade name and stock number.r 2. Indicate for whicb item material is to be used.3- Indicate name, address and phone number of closest supplier. I D. Extra Materials: Package in clearly identified containers, or install where indicated. I l. Provide products identical to those installed in Work. Include quantities in original pur- I chase from manufacturer to avoid variations in manufacnre. HI)[ gEOO7I.U UAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01785.1 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I ConstructionDocuments 9 July 2NI I I s*crroNolT.s I t 2. Indicate trade name, stock number. size. color.3. Indicate where product is to be used.4. Indicate name, address and phone number of closest supplier.5. Indicate any special storage or environmental requirements. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MATERIAL I t.s DELryERYI A. Deliver to Owner at time of Substantial Completion unless Owner requests earlier delivery. f B. Deliver to location on site as directed by Owner. I C. Obtain receipt for delivered materials. t r PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPUCABLE) I PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION 01785 HLM 98OO7I.A UAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M O U TI ON AN D STRU CTI]ML F RAM E C onstru ctia n D o c ume nts 9JabilM I t I I I I I I I I I I 017E5-2 I SECTIONO33OO CONCRETEI I SECTION O33OO - CONCRETE I PART I -GENERAL . I.O RELATEDDOCUMENTS ' A. Drawings and general provision of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I - Specification sections. I I.OI DESCRIPTIONr I A. Work Included: Work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for completion of all concrete work including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: t Formwork, complete with required shoring, bracing, and anchorage. 2. Reinforcing, complete with required support, spacers, and related accessories. |l 3. Cast-in-place concrete including footings, pilasters, grade beams, walls, and slabs. r 4. Finish and cure for slabs. I B. Definitions: Air content, entrained air content: is volume of air found by subtracting tlre entrapped air from the total air content. r I.O2 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: The Work under this section shall be subject to all ! applicable provisions ofthe state and local building and safety codes. I B. Reference Standards: Comply with following standards except where more stringent requirements I are shown or srrecified: I l. ACI 301-84,"SpecificationforStructuralConcreteforBuildings." ACI 304-2R,305,I 306, 308, 315 and 3lE Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. fJ 2. Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstitute (CRSI), "Manual of Standard Practice", 63 and 65. I 3. ASTM c666 - standard Test Method for Resistance of concrete to Rapid Freezing and I Thawing. I 4. ACI I 17-90 -- Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials; American Concrete lnstitute; 1990. ELM9&N7141 YAILVALLETMEI'ICALCEIVTER O33MI DEMOLINON AND STRACTAML FMME I Consnadion Docamcnls 9 JULY 2001 I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION B3M 8. 9. 5. 6. 10. I l. 12. tE. 19. CONCNETE ACI 201.2R-92 - Guide to Durable Concrete; American Concrere Institute; 1992. ACI 2l l.l-91 - Standard hactice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavy weight, and Mass Concrete; American Concrete Institute; 1991. AcI 301-89 - specifications for structural concrete for Buildings; American concrete Institute; 1989. AcI 302.1R-89 - Guide for concrete Floor and Slab constructionl American concrete Institute; 1989. ACI 304R-89 - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and placing Concrete; American Concrete lnstitute; 1989. ACI 305R-91 - Hot Weather Concreting; American Concrete Institute; 1991. ACI 308-92 -- Standard Practice for Curing Concrete. ACI 3l 8-89 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete; American Concrete Institute; I 989. ASTM A 184/A l84M-90 - standard specification for Fabricated Deformed steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement; 1990. ASTM A 185-90a - Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, plain, for Concrete Reinforcement; 1990. AsrM A 615-92 - Standard specification for Deformed and plain Billet-steel Bars for Concrete Rein forcement; 1992. ASTM A 7751A 775M-94a - Srandard Specification for Epoxy-Coarcd Reinforcing Steel Bars; 1994. ASTM C 3l -91 -- Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concret Test Specimens in the Field; 1991. ASTM C 33-92 -- Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates; 1992. ASTM C 39-93a -- Standard Test method for Compressive Strength ofCylindricat Concrete Specimens; | 993. ASTM C 42-90 - Standard Test method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete; 1990, ASTM C 94-92a -- Srandard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 150-94 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement; 1994. UAILVALLEYMEDICALCENTER O33OL2 I'EMOLINON AND STNACTAML FNAME Conirudion Doannsra 9 JuLy 2001 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 20. 21. 1'> HLM9EMTI4N I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 34. 35. 36. 37. sEcnoN 033u 23. 27. 24. 25. 28. 29. 30. 31. CONCRETE ASTM C l7l-92 -- Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 172-90 -- Sandard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete; 1990. ASTM C 173-78 -- Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method; 1978. ASTM C 231-9lb -- Standard Test method for Ah Content of Freshlv Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method; l99l . ASTM C 260-94 - Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete; t994. ASTM C 494-92 -- Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 618-94a - Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete; 1994. ASTM C 881-90 -- Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete;1990. ASTM C 1059-91 - Standard Specification for Latex Agents for Bonding Fresh to Hardened Concrete; 1 99 1 . ASTM D t75l-83 (91) -- Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types); 1983 (Reapproved l99l). ASTM E I155-87 - Standard Test Method for Determining Floor Flatness and Levelness Using the F-Number System; 19E7. CRSI MSP- t -90 - Manual of Standard Practice; Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstinrte; 1990. Concrete Relnforcing Steel Institute (CRSI), "Manual of Standard practice,', 63 and 65. 1997 Uniform Building Code. 1997 Edition ofASTM C94 except as modified herein: a. Section 5.1.3 strall be changed to read at the point of placement. b. Section 7.2 shall be changed to rcad when sampled at Ore point ofplacement shall not be below the specified minimun. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTAML FNAME Consnuaion Docamcnt 9 JULY200l JJ. IILMgAMTLIY D. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION O33OO c- CONCRETE The Owner will ernploy an Independent Testing Laboratory to provide testing services specified in Division l. The Structural Engineer, and Independent Testing Laboratory shall be offered uninterrupted access to the ready-mix batching plant at all times that the work is in progress. E. Providc the Testing Agency with following: l. Incidental labor required to facilitate testing. 2. Minimum one day's advance notice when concrete is to be placed. 3. Storage facilities for concrete test cylinders. 4. Materials, samples, and access to materials as required for testing. 5. Reimbursement of costs for testing and inspection resulting as a consequence ofthe following: a. Work not in compliance with the Contract Documents.b. Testing requested by Contractor or Subcontractor such as additional cylinders for earlv breaks. etc. c. Testing to veri$ the adequacy of work done, without prior notic€, without proper supervision, or contrary to standard construction practice. F. Desim Criteria: l. Concrete: See General Notes on Stuctural Drawings and ACI 301, Chapter3. 2. Formwork Design: The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the safety of the formwork and shall provide all necessary desigt, construction, materials, and maintenance to produce the required concrete work safely, Design all formwork to have sufficient camber to maintain the tolerances specified. Srength shall be sufficient to compensate for the weight ofthe fiesh concrete and a construction live load of50 psf minimum. G. The Contractor is responsible for the quality control, including workrnanship and materials furnished by his subcontractors and suppliers. l . Inspection or testing by the Owner does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. Workmanship: The Contractor is responsible for and shall bear the cost of correcting concrete work which does not conform to tbe specified requirements including, but not limited tq strergth, tolerances, and fmishes. Correct deficient concrrte b5r means acceptable to the Architect and Structural Engineer to approve corrpctive work shall be VATL YALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLINON AND STRACruRAL FNAME Construuion Docaman8 9 JULY 2001 HLil|9tM7I41 t I I t I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I SECTION O33OO CONCRETE bome by the Contractor. H. Record of Work: A record shall be kep by the General Contractor listing the time and date of placement of all concrete for the structure. Such record shall be kept until the completion ofthe project and shall be available to the Architect and Sfiuctural Engineer for examination at any time. All concrete batch tilp tickets will be collected and retained by the Contractor. Conffete batch trip tickets shall contain information specified in ASTM C94, Paragraph entitled "Batch Ticket Information," including items | 5.2.1 through 15.2.8. Batch rip ticket shall also show the total amount ofwater in the mix as batched (including water present in the aggregate before batching) and the amount of water required by the design mix proportions. Upon completion ofthe project, copies ofthe record ofwork and batch tickets shall be provided to the structural engineer. I.O3 SUBMITTALS A. All submittals in accordance with Division l. B. Mix Designs: l. Submit substantiating data for each concrete mix design contemplated for use to the Architect not less than six weeks prior to first concrete placement. Data for each mix shall, as a minimum, include the following: a. Mix identification designation (unique for each mix submitted). b. State of int€nded use for mix. c. Mix proportions, including all admixtures used. d. Manufacturer's data and/or certification verirying conformance of all mix materials, including admixtures, with specified requirements. e. Wet and dry unit weight. f. Entrained air contgnt. g. Design slump. h. Required average strength qualification data per ACI 301 3.9.1 and 3.9.2. Submit separate qualification data for each production facility which will supply concrete to the project. i. Average strength qualification data (trial mix data or field test data pcr ACI 301 3.9.3). When field test data is used to qualifl averagc strengtr, submit separate qualification data for each production facility which will supply concrete to the VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLINON AND STNACN]NAL FNAME Con$ruaton DocumatE 9 JULY 2OOI HLM9EM71.O1 033045 I I sEcrroN03300 I I I I t I I I I t I t CONCRETE project. j. Field test data submitted for qualification of average srength under ACI 301 3.9.1,3.9.2, and 3.9.3 shall include copies of the Conqete Testing Agency's reports from which the data was compiled. 2. Separate design mixes are required for each strength and class of concrete, each change in type and/or quantity of mix materials including admixtues, each change in slump limits, and each change in ennained air content. 3. It is the sole responsibility ofthe contractor to adjust the mix designs to meet the environmenul conditions and techniques of placement at the time and point of placement. Mix designs presented herein are minimum quantities for ideal conditions. Any variations in arnospheric, placing or curing conditions must be accounted for by the contractor and his mix desiens. C. Shop Drawings: l. Submit shop drawings for fabrication, bending and placement of concrete reinforcement. Comply with ACI Detailing Manual (SP 66). Provide l/4" scale elevations of all components with reinforcing shown. Include special reinforcement required at openings through concrete structune. Include all accessories specified and required to support reinforcement. Obtain from General Confiactor location of p'roposed construction joints and show them on the shop drawings. Reproduction of any component of the conmct documents as a part of the slrop drawings is prohibited. 2. For slab joints, both control and constnrction. Include a sequence of placernents and a schedule with the minimum time delay between each segment placement. D. Product Data: l. Submit product data with application and installation insfructions for pmprietary materials and items including reinforcement and forming accessories, admixtures,. patching compounds, epoxies, grouts, hardeners, sealer, and others as required by the Architect. 2. Submit curing compound product data and verification of its compatibility with other finish materials and surface treatments required. E. Submit samples of concrete materials if requested by the Architect, including names, sources, and descriptions. F. Laboratory Test Reports: Submit laboratory test reports for concrete materials and mix design as I sPecified. I I.O4 HANDLING I A. Concrete: r HLMgtmTIJN I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDIQIL CENTER DEMOLITION llND STRACTARAL FRAME Construction Docua,ub 9 JULY 2001 033tilM B. 1.05 I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I SECTION O33OO 2. JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: PART 2. PRODUCTS 2,OO GENERAL CONCRETE Hauling Time: discharge all concrete transmitted in a truck mixer, agitator, or other transponation device not later than I hour, or 200 revolutions of the drum after the mixing water has been added, whichever is earliest. Extra Water: Deliver concrete to the job in exact quantities required by the design nix. No extra water shall be added. l.Hot Weather Placernent: When depositing concrete in hot weather, follow recommendations of AcI 305 as modified herein. The temDerature of consete at time of placernent shall not exceed 90 degrees F. Protect to prevent rapid drying. Mixing water may be chilled, or chopped ice may be used to contol tempera0re provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Use of liquid ninogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. Start finishing and curing as soon as possible. when the air temperature is expected to exceed 90 degrees F., the contractor shall obtain acceptance from the Structural Engineer ofthe procedures to be used in protecting, depositing, finishing, and curing the concrete. The specified water reducing retarding admixture may be used upon acceptance of the Strucnrral Engineer for 24 houn after depositing. Cold Weather Placement: When deposition concrete after the first frost or when the mean daily temperatures are below 40 degrees F., follow recommendations of ACI 306 as modified herein. Maintain concrete temperature at a minimum of 55 degrees F. for sections having a minimum dimension of less than 12", or 50 degrees F. for sections having a minimum dimension of 12" or greater, for not less than 72 hours after depositing. The specified non-chloride accelerator or high-early suength Type III cement may be used when accepted by the Structural Engineer. Do not place concrete without approval of the Stuctural Engineer on days when temperature at 9:00 a.m. is below 30 degrees F. Job-cured cylinders for verification of strength and/or the adequacy ofthe contractor's protective methods, may be required by the Stuctural Engineer. hotection: Protect all concrete from rain damage. Protect finished slabs from mortaf, leakag€ from pouring of concrete above. cover masonry walls, glazing, and other finish mat€rials with polyethylene or otherwise protect from damage due to pouring ofconcrete. A. All materials in accordance with ACI 301 unless amended or superseded by requirements of following articles or General Notes on the structural drawings. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CEIVTER DEMOUTION AND STRACruRAL FMME Consfruclion Doanrr'r//r,s 9 JULY 2001 HLM980071-A 033M-7 B. c. A. B. c. D. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE 2.01 FORM MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS Forms for Exposed Finish Concrete: Unless otherwise indicated, construct formwork for exposed concrete surfaces with plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood faced or other acceptable panel- type materials, to provide continuous, sFaight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Fumish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number ofjoints and to conform to joint system shown on drawings. Provide form material with sufficient thickness to withstand pressur€ of newly-placed concrete without bow or deflection. Forms for Unexposed Finish Concrete: Form concrete surfaces which will be unexposed in finished structure with plywood, lumber, metal, or other acceptable material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for right fit. Form Coatings: Provide commercial formulation form-coating compounds that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concnete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatnents of concrete surfaces. 2.02 REINFORCINGMATERIALS General: Sizes, types, grade or yield strengths as indicated on the drawings. Use 60,000 psi yield strength if not otherwise indicated. Use reinforcing conforming to ASTM A706 where welding of reinforcing is required unless otherwise indicated. Provide uncoated finish unless otherwise indicated. Defonned Bars: ASTM A6t5 plus supplemenary requirement (Sl), Deformed Billet Steel Bars or ASTM A?06, Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Ban unless otherwise indicated. Welded Wire Fabric: Mesh size and gauge as indicated on the drawings. Conform to ASTM A185, plain in flat sheets. Tie Wire:Tie wire shall be No. 16 American Wire Gage or heavier, black annealed. Supports for Reinforcement: hovide supports for reinforcement including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and weldcd wire fabric in place within specified tolerances. Use wire bar-type supports complying with CRSI, Class I or 2, unless otherwise aoceptsble. l. Use supports with sand plates or horizontal runners for slab-on-grade wh€re base material will not support chair legs. 2. Provide accessories and continuous reinforcing supported on appropriate chairs for welded wire fabric and reinforcement in slabs as required to maintain position as shown on the drawings. CONCRETE MATERIALS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNUCTUML FRAME C onsfi u cr ion lro cu rru tt 9 JuLY200l HIJfiqEM7I.A 033WN I I I I I I t I I sEcTroN 03300 A. Cementitious Materials: 2.04 RELATEDMATERIALS A. Expansio,n Joinb: CONCRETE 1. General: Provide materials of the same brand or source throughout the project unless otherwise soecified. 2. Portland Cement: ASTM Ct50 Type II. 3. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C orF, low loss. B. Aggregates: l. General: Provide aggregates fom the same source throughout the project unl€ss otherwise specified. 2. Normal Weight Aggregate: ASTM C33 containing no deleterious substances which cause surface spalling. Certifo that no alkali reactivity is produced with the proposed aggregate-cement combinations when tested in accordance with ASTM C227 . Pea gravel shall be graded for 90% passing the 3/8 inch screen *O 96o7o rctained on the l/4 inch screen. Use pea gravel only when acceptable to the Architect and Structuml Engineer. C. Water: Potable. D. Admixtures: l. General: Unless specified, no admixtures may be used without specific approval ofthe Architect and Structural Engineer. 2. Prohibited products: Calcium chloride or admixtures containing more than 0.05% chloride ions or thiocyanates are not pcnnited. 3. Air Entraining Admixhre: ASTM C?60 4. Water Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A a. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: nEucon WR-75" - Euclid Chemical Co. "Pozzolith 344Hu - Master Builders "Plastocrete 160" - Sika Chemical Co. I I I t I I l. lnterior Use or Exterior Use Where Sealants are Specified: Cellular foam of l/2 inch I HI.L| gUNzI.IN VAILUALLEYMEDICALCENTER O33M-9 DEMOIJTION AND STRACTURAL FNAME Corrstrudion lrocg,rrg/ta 9 JULY 2001I I I I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE I thickness. Provide manufacturer's certification of compatibility with specified sealants where required. f B. Curing Compounds: - l. Dissipating Resin Compound: ASTM C309, Typel. The film must chemically break I down in a two to four week period. a. Subject to complianc€ with requirements, provide one of the following:'lI ',Kurez DR" - Euclid Chemical Co. r c #ffi'Y:::ffi'.'H*ff!ll,il't33,lil,1Tl,iJ,*li;?Tillil3,xtm, Engineer as to methods and procedures. I l. Injection Epoxy: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: "Sikadur 35, Hi Mod LV,'- Sika Chemical Corp. I 2. Epoxy Adhesive: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one ofthe following: f "sikadur 32 Hi-Mod" - Sika Chemical Corp. I D. Bonding Compound: Polyvinyl acetate, rewettable rype. Interior usage only. I l. Subject to compliance with rcquirements, provide one of the following: I "Sikabond'_ Sika Chemical Corp. D. Floor joint filler: semi-rigid epoxy filler. I l. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: "Euco 700', - Euclid Chemical Co. I E. Non-Shrink Grout: CRD-C 5EB, Tlpe A, facrory premixed. I F. * *il*.nrn colortess,shake-on,r haraeninfcrremGi6ffiuna. l. Subject to compliance with requircmcnts, provide the following: I 'Surfhard" - Euclid chemical company. - HIf,|r9E(MTI-01 vATLvALLEYMEDIoALaENTER 0ii00-10 DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FMMEr *ry#:"?,ffi. I I I , sEcrIoN03300 coNcnETE I 2.05 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES: I A. Strength - Desigr mixes to provide normal weight concrete for the following mix types: I Tlpe I . 4009 psi 28 day compressive strength; 6l I lbs. of cement and ash per cubic yard mlnimum; Wc ratio .46 maxirnum; air enuained to be used in all concr€te except as noted in type 2 below. r B. Slump Limits: Slump of concrete, measured at point of placement, shall fall within the foltowing limits: I Type l: Not less than 2,' and not more than 4". Mix designs shall be proportioned at the maximum slump. t D. Fly Ash,/Cement Replacemenr: l Fly ash may be substituted in all concrete up to a 20% maximum.I E. Admixtures: I l. Use air-entraining admixture in all concrete, unless otherwise indicated. Add air- entaining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrcte at point of placement having enfiained air content within following limits: I a. 4yo minimum air at all concret€. I F. Selection ofproportions:r I . Mix Design: Cost of concrete mix design is responsibility of Confactor. r 2. Selection of Proportions: Use method of ACI 301 3.9. Proportioning based on method ofr AcI 3ol 3.lonotallowed a. Field test records used for documentation ofthe average srength produced by af proposed mix in accordance with ACI 301 shail, in aadition to the requirements thcre listed, comply with the following: t The test record shall represent production concrete from a single design mix, produced during the past year, and may be composed of 30 or more consecutive tes$. I The test record shall represent concrete made with identical materials and proportions (including admixtures) to the proposed rnix. f The test record shall represent concrete proportioned to produce the maximum slump allowed by these specifications, and for air-entraincd concrete, within - I 0/+l percent of the maximum air content allowed. r Hltrgunzl-M qAnLvALLEvMEDI1AL1ENTER tistu-Il DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constudion DocarwnEr 9JULY2OOI I I I t sEcrroN03300 I CONCRETE b. Mixes proportioned on the basis of trial mixtures shall meet the provisions of ACI 301 G. Design mixes to meet or exceed each requirement specified at the point of placement. Where more than one criterion is specified, the most stringent shall apply. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to implement revisions to the mix designs due to placement techniques or weather conditions at the time of placernent. Mix designs criteria herein is for ideal conditions. I PART3-EXECUTION r 3.00 GENERAL r A. Perform concrete work in accordance with AC! 301 except as specified herein and on the I I I I I I I I I I I drawings. B. use ready-mixed concrete conforming to AsrM c94; no job.mixed concrete allowed. I 3.01 coNcRErEcAsroNEARrH A. Preparation: l. Foundation Bearing Surfaces: Excavate to smooth, level surface in undisttrbed, naufal soil unless otherwise indicated or accepted by the Soils Engineer. 2. Slab Subgrade: Underslab surfaces shatl be fine grades to smooth, level surface prior to installation of slab forms. 3. Earth Cuts: Earth cuts may not be used as forms. B. Inspection: All foundation bearing surfaces shall be inspected and accepted by the Soils Engineer prior to start of formwork. | 3.03 FoRMwoRK A, General: L Design, construct, brace, and maintain formwork in accordance with ACI 301 and ACI 347 as modified herein. 2. Fabricate forms for easy removal. hovide crush plates or wrecking plates where tripping may damage concrete surfbces. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, I recesses, and tbe like, to facilitate removal. r HLMqnM7I4I qATLvALLEvMEDIOTLIENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FMME Constaaion Docnnwt 9 JuLy 2001 03300-12 I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE 3- Provide temporary openings where interior area of formwork is inaccessible for clean out, for inspection before concrete plac€ment, or for placement of concrete. Securely brace temporary openings and seal to forms to prevent loss of concrete mortar. B. Preparation ofForm Surfaces: I . Clean reused forms of concrete matrix residue, repair and patch as required to return forms to acceptable surface condition. 2. Coat contact surfaces of forms with specified form-coating cornpound before reinforcement is placed in conformance with manufacturefs instructions. 4. Thin form-coating compounds only in conformance with manufacturer's instuctions. Do not allow excess form-coating material to accumulate in forms or to come into contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed. D. Chamfer Sfiips: Install 45-degree chamfer strips at comers. Install chamfer sfips at internal comers and edges of formed joints as detailed. E. Inspection of Formwork: All formwork surfaces that will provide the finish surface of exposed concrete must be approved by the Architect before depositing concrete. F. Void Spaces: Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing void spaces of full size and extent shown on the drawings. I I I 3.03 PLAcTNG RETNFoRcEMENTI A. General: t I HLMsEwzI-u I l. Comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's *Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars," and as herein specified. 2. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials which reduce or destroy bond with concr€te. 3. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by construction or concrete placement operafions with mctal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers, hangers, or other means acceptable to the Structural Engineer. On vertical formwork, use approved bar chairs or spacers as required to maintain proper concrete VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STNUCTAML FNAME Constuaion Docunstb 9 JuLy200t t I 0330ur3 t SECTION 03300 I cover and bar position. CONCRETE I I I I I t I 4. Install reinforcement to tolerances given in ACI 301 5.4. 5. Install welded wire fabric inthe longest lengths practical. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh and wire together. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps. B. Welding of Reinforcement: Welding reinforcing bars not permitted except where specifically indicated. Protect exposed bars intended for bonding with future construction from corrosion by providing adequate covering. C. Field Bending of Reinforcement: Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent except as shown on the drawings or specifically permitted by the Structural Engineer. D. Slab on Grade Reinforcing: Place a minimum of 6x5-wl.4xwl.4 Welded Wire Mesh in flat sheets in all slabs on grade. E. Protection of Reinforcernent: Protect exposed bars intended for bonding with futurre constmction from corrosion by providing adequate covering. F. Inspection of Reinforcement: Completed installation of concrete reinforcement must be reviewed by the Structural Engineer or the designated Inspector b€fore depositing concrete. I I II t I 3.04 INSTALLATION OFEMBEDDEDITEMSI A. General: I I ELMsEooTr4l I I . Coordinate work with requirements of other trades and notifo Architect and Structural Engineer of all conflicts and nonconforming conditions. 2. Coordinate the requirements for installation of embedded items specified and fumished in other sections ofthe specifications. Obtain templates and instructions for setting embedded items. 4. Do not install sleeves in conff€te slabs, beams, walls, or columns exccpt where shown on the structural drawings or approved by the Architect and Sructural Engineer. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CEI{TEN DEMOUNON AND STRACTURAL FMME Corctructlon Docrrttttrrt's 9 JULY 2001 I I 0330L11 I I I I I I SECTION03300 CONCRETE II B. Embedded Piper and Conduits: I Conform to requirements of ACI 318 6.3, except as modified herein: 6.3.1 shall be changed to I read: Conduits, pipes and sleeves of any kind shall not be embedded in concrete. Sections 6.3.3,,,6.3.7,6.3.8,6.3.10, and 6.3.12 shall be included in their entirety. All other. sections are void. r C. Footing Dowels, Slab Dowels, Plate Embedments, Anchor Bolts, Inserts, Form Blockours: I Securety fastened to formwork or held in place with templates. Insertion into concrete after I casting is not allowed. I 3.05 JOINTS r A. Construction Joints in Formed Elements: l. Locate and install construction joints as indicated on the drawings or, ifnot shown on drawings, locate so as not to impair strength or appearance of th€ stuctue. Submit conshuction joint locations not shown on drawings to Architect and Structural Engineer for acceptance. 2. Keyways: Provide keyways as detailed on the drawings. Where not daailed, provide l- 1/2" minimum depth continuous keyways in all construction joints in walls and slabs and between walls and footings. 3. Place consfruction joints in the middlc spans of grade beams unless indicated otherwise. Continue reinforcement across constnrction joints. Submit construction joint locations not shown on the drawings for Architect's and Structural Engineer's acceptance. B. Joints in Slabs on Ground: l. Constnrction Joints: Form joinb as shown on the drawings. Locate to form panels of sizes indicated on the structural drawings. Submit for approval prior to commencing I work on slabs. 2. Control (Contraction) Joints: Construct joint by soft cut saw cutting or with specified slab I contot joint form. Made saw cuts as soon as possible after placing concrete without I dislodging aegregate and to a depth of l/4 ofthe slab thickness. Saw cutting is not permitted on slabs on metal deck. I 3 **:lill,ili:,$;?#fi::ll:*:T;:H,ilfiH'*"Ttrff:,"Iff;::?J;:1*"" joint details. l| 4. Interior Slabs: Locate construction joints on column center lines. Provide contol joints at column center lines and at intcrvals not more than 12 fect each wav. r HLM gEMzr-.M UAIL vALLEy MEDIoAL OENTER n3suLts DEMOUTION AND STRUCTAML FMME Congruaion DocununnI 9JULY2OO1 r r r SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE I 3.06 CONCRETE PLACEMENT I A. Preplacement lnspection: I Formwork installation, reinforcing steel placement, and installation of all items to be embedded or_ cast-in to be verified by the Conracbr prior to placement. I B. General:Comply with ACI 301, ACI 304, and as herein specified. I. Do not place concrete in free-standing water, over ice, or on frozen subgrade. I C. Conveying: I Conv€y concrete from the mixer to point of deposit without segregation. D. placing: I l - Wet exposed subgrade, masonry filler units, precast concrete, previously placed concrete, and uncoated wood forms immediately prior to placing concrete (except during fieezing temperatures.) I 2- Deposit concrete continuously or in layers ofsuch thickness that no concrete will be I placed on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams orI iiffi';l:;1$'#:::TH:,iTff:,::JITffi":',T.H|:;it";jit?J:A'*,:"," avoid segregation. t 3. Placing concrete in Forms: Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers not deeper than 24" and in a manner to avoid inclined joints. Where placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceding layer is still plastic to avoid cold joints. I Guide the flow of concrete in walls and columns for vertical drop between the reinforcing. Free fall, except in walls and columns, shall not exceed five feet. Free fall I ;J;t:fO *tt-ns shall not exceed l0 feet without prior acceptance by Strucnral I 4. Placing Concrete Slabs: Deposit and consolidate concretc slabs in a continuous I op€ration, within limits of construction joints, until the placing ofa panel or section is completed. Continuous intermediate screed sfips at intervals not greater than 15 feet set I prior to concrete placement are required. For slabs cast over metal deck, place screeds I along beam lines. Set screeds and adjust as necessary to achieve proper slab elevafion and thickness, allowing for beam camber and deflection. I 5. Topping: Protect base surface from oil, paint, dirt, or other contaminants. MechanicallyI remove prior to topping placement. Thoroughly dampen base surface and leave free of standing wat€r prior to placement. Place consete as specified for slabs. ' ELMgEw7l.a VAILVALLEYMEDICALoENTER O33M-16 DEMOLITION AND STNACTANAL FMME Congruaion DocunentI 9JULY2OOI T r I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE It E. Consolidating: l. Maintain one standby vibrator for every three vibrators used. I 2. Consolidate placed concrete by intemal vibrating equipment with a minimum frequency of7000 rpm, supplemented by hand-spading, rodding, or tamping. Use equipment and I procedures for consolidation of concrete in accordance with ACI 309. 3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators I vertically at uniformly spacei locations not farther than visible effectiveness of machine. I Place vibrators to rapidly penetrate placed layer and at least 6" into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to sa. At each I insertion, limit duration of vibration to time necessary to consolidate concrete and t ::#:::1t".*.*l:nt of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing 4. Consolidate concrete during placing operations so that concrete is thoroughly workedI around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners. I 3.07 FINTSH oF FoRMED SURFACES I A. Defmitions: Refer to ACI 301 Chapter 10, for formed surface finish definitions. I B. Provide finish ofexposed concrete surfaccs to the satisfaction ofthe Architect.I I 3.08 MoNoLITT{rc sLAB FINISHES t . Float Finish: Apply float finish to monolithic slab surfaces to receive further preparation as noted in paragraph C below. I After screeding, consolidating, and leveling concrete slabs, do not work surface until ready for floating. Begin floating when surface water has disappeared or when concretc has stiffened I sufficiently to permit operation of powerdriven floats, or both. Consolidate surface with power-driven floats, or by hand-floating if area is small or inaccessible to power I units. Check and level surface plane to tolerances of overall: Ff25/T120 lncal Ffl?/Fll5. Cut I down high spots and fill low spots. Uniformly slope surfaces to drains. Immediately after leveling, refloat surface to a uniform, smooth, granular texture. I B. Trowel Finish: Apply trowel finish to monolithic slab surfaces to be exposed-to-view, and slabr surfaces to be covered with resilient flooring carpet, coamic o, quarry iil", puint, or surfaces not requiring additional preparation. I After floating, begin first trowel fmish operation using a power-driven trowel. Begin fmal troweling when surface produces a ringing sound as trowel is moved over surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final hand-troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and I HU}T 9EM71-U VAIL VALLEY MEDICALCENTEN B3OIL17 DEMOLINON AND STNACTUML FNAME Construaion llocume$I 9JULY2OOI I t D. t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION03300 CONCntrn appearance, and witt surface leveled to tolerances of overall: FfJ6/FD0 Local: Ff24lFll5. Grind smooth surface defects which would telegraph through applied floor covering system. C. Surface Preparation: 1. All slab surfaces that receive anti-static flooring, seamless moisture proof coatings, or any material to be attached by adhesives likely to be damaged by moisture vapor, shall be shot cleaned by a "Blast-Track" or equal, prior to installation. Shot cleaning shall be delayed until such time that all slab curing is complete and the slab has completely dried.2. All slab surfaces that are exposed shall be sealed and hardened and alljoints shall be sealed. 3.09 CONCRETE CURING, PROTECTION AND SURFACE TREATMENTS D. HLM9&N714M l. Protect freshly placed conq€t€ from pranature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for the period necessary for hydration of the cement and hardening of concrete. 2. Curing sball commence as soon as free water has disappeared from the concrete surface after placing and finishing. The curing period shall be a minimum of fourteen day for all concrete. 3. curing shall be accordance with Acl 301 or 201 procedures. Avoid rapid drying at the end ofthe curing period. During hot and cold weather, cure concr€te in accordance with ACI 305 and ACI 306. curing Methods: Perform curing of concrcte by curing and sealing compound, in combination with moisture-retaining cover curing, as herein specified. l. Provide moisture-cover curing as follows: Cover concrete surfaces with the maximum dose oflhe specified curing compound, then cover with a moisture retaining cover for curing concrctc, placed in widest practicable width with sides and ends lapped at least 3" and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. Curing Formed Surfaces: Where wooden forms are used, cure formed concrete surfaces, including undersides of beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces by moist curing with forms in place for full curing period or until forms are removed. If forms are removed, continue curing by application ofthe maximum dosage ofthe specified curing compound. Curing Unformed Surfaces: YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTAML FNAME Cowtrttgion Docuncna 9 JuLy 200t 0330L18 I I I t I I I I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE Cure unformed surfaces, such as slabs, floor topping, and other flat surfaces as follows: L Slabs exposed to view and slabs covered with finishes described in 3.08 B. shall be cured by application of the specified curing compound applied at the manufactuer's maximum dosage, then covered by a moisture retaining cover for the full curing period. For the first three days apply insulating blankets over the retaining cover. E. Surface Treatments: At all exposed concrete surfaces, and in areas shown on the drawings in accordance with manufactureds instructions and as specified below. l. Specified hardener at a rale of I to I .5 pounds per square foot. 2. Seal all constmction and confoljoints with the specified joint sealer. 3. Rout, epoxy inject and grind all cracked concrete surfaces. 3.IO FORM REMOVAL AND RESHORING: A. Removal of Forms: A. Comply with ACI347 for shoring and reshoring in multistory construction, and as herein I specified. l. Submit shoring, reshoring, and back shoring calculations for review by the Architect and the Stuctural Engineer.t B. Formwork not supporting weight of concrete, such as sides off beams, walls, columns, I and similar parts of the work, may be removed after cumulatively curing at not less thanI :3#;ffi:,1ff*"4;T"?*fi,ffi,1lill3ili-"illiili;:#'$1ff#:H:-, prot€ction operations are maintained. I C. Formwork supporting weight of concrete, such as beam soffrts, joistq slabs, and other structural elements, may not be removed in less than 14 days and until concrete has I attained design minimum compressive stength at 28 days. Determine potential I compressive strength of in-placc concrete by tesring field-cured specimens representative of concrete location or members. I 3.I T REPAIR OF SI.JRFACE DEFECTS:I A. Formed Surfaces: I l. AXow Architect and Structural Engineer to observe I concrete surfaces immediately upon rernoval of forms. 2. Modifu or replace concrete not conforming to required lines, details, and elevations. Ir HLMqEMTI-M vAILVALLEvMEDIoALaENTER 03i0LI9 DEMOLINON AND STRACTARAL FMME Construct ion Do carr@ta I 9JULY2OOI I I I SECTIONOSSOO CONCRETE I 3. Repair or replace concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive honeycombing and other defects. Patch, repair, or replace exposed architectural finished concrete as directed I by the Architect. 4. Patching oftie holes is not required unless surface grade. I 5. Repair defects in structural concrete elements as follows: I a. Deep DefecB Exposing Reinforcing: Chip to sound concrete and cleant thoroughly to remove all loose concrete and dust. Apply thin coat of epoxy adhesive. Form and pour, or dry pack with specified non-metallic, non-slrink I grou! prior to development oftack-free condition of epoxy adhesive. Srip I forms after grout has hardened and provide specified finish. Moist cure or apply specified clear curing and sealing compound immediately after fmishing. I b. Defects Grealer than l/2 inch depth not exposing reinforcing: Chip, clean, andt apply specified epoxy adhesive. - Dry pac-k using specified non-metallic, non- shrink grout prior to development oftack-free condition of epoxy adhesive. Provide specified finish and cure as specified above. I c. Defects less than ll2 inch depth and tie holes: r ' l:::ffiJff.Tl#;'lJji*:1:iTlfil.'::i:#,:fl"H:'J specified above. I d. Other equivalent repair procedures may be used subject to review and acceptance by the Architect and Structural Engineer. I B. Unformed Surfaces: l. Test unformed surfaces, such as monolithic slabs, for smootbness and veriff surface plane to tolerances specified for each surface and finish. Correct low and high areas as herein specified. Test unformed surfaces sloped to drain for tnre-ness of slope, in addition to smoothness using a template having required slope. 2. Correct high area in unformed surfaces by grinding or other methods acceptable to the Architect after concrete has cured at least 14 days. 4. Correct low area in unformed surfaces during or immediately after completion of surface furishing operations by cuning out low areas and replacing with fiesh concrete. fmish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. Where acceptable to the Architect and Stnctural Engineer, the specified under-layment compound applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may be used. 5. Repair defective areas, by grooving the top of cracks and cut-out holes to sound concrete I I I I I HLMsunn-ol I VAIL VALLEY MEI'ICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTUNAL FRAME Congrualon Doans8 9 JuLv200l I I 03300-20 3.r2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t T SECTIONO3SOO CONCRETE and clean of dust, dirt, and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply bonding compound. Mix dry-pack, consisting of one part portland cement to 2-12 parts fine aggregate passing a No. l6 mesh sieve, using only enough water as required for handling and placing. Place dry pack after bonding compound has dried. Compact dry- pack mixture in place and finish to match adjacent conct€te. Keep patched area continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. 6. Repair all random cracks, by use of an injected epoxy method. Provide a repair method that is suriable for the width and depth of crack to be repaired. Submit detailed method for each type of repair to the engineer for approval. TOLERANCES: A. Formed Surfaces and Building Lines: Conform to ACI 301 4.3 as modified and amended herein. l. Sleeves and Blockouts in Grade Beams:a. Size: +1l2", -0". b. Location: (l) Minimum dimension 6" or larger: +l-1D,,. (2) Minimum dimension less than 6": Locate in nearest open spa.ce between reinforcing, not less than l" clear from nearest reinforcing bar. B. Slab Finishing Tolerances: l. Slope to Drain: l/4 inch per foot. 2. Tmwel Finish: Overall: FB6lFl20 Local: Fl24lFll5. 3. Floated Finish: Overall: FP5/FI20 Local: Ffl7/Fll5. c. Embedded Items: unless otherwise noted on drawings, tolerances shalt be as follows: l. Anchor Bolts: a. Adjacent anchor bolts in a group receiving a single fabricated setting piece: +/- l/8". b. Location and alignment of anchor bolt groups from designated location and alignment: +l- l/4". 2. Ernbedded Plates and Weldments: VAIL VALIEY MEDICAL CENTER I' E MOLITI ON AND STN A CTA ML FMME Consfiudion Docrrnunt 9 JULY 2001 HLM98OO7I4M 0337&21 I t I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Locations: +/- l " vertical. +/- 2" horizontal. Plumb and alignment: l/4" in 12. 3.I3 EVALUATION AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: Evaluation and acceptance ofwork under this Section shall be in accordance with the provisions ofACI 301 Chapters 17 and 18. A. Anchors: Install anchors furnished under other sections in accordance with shop approved drawings and/or setting instructions. B. Equipment Bases: Install concrete bases for all pumps, boilers, tanks, fans, fiansformers, floor mounted lectrical equipment, etc., including anchor bolts and inserts in accordance with setting instructionsfumished by the Contractor responsible for installing the equipment. Finish all bases in a workmanlike manner with a troweled finish. The bases shall be located and sizes determined by the Contractor fumishing the equipment. 3.14 QUALTTY CONTROL TESTING DURTNG CONSTRUCTTON A. The Owner will employ a testing laboratory to perform tests and to submit test reports. B. Sampling and testing for quality control during placement of concrete may include the following, as directed by Architect. C. Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C 94. l. Slump: ASTM C 143; one test at point of discharge for each day's pour of each type of concrcte; additional tests when concnete consistency seems to have changed. 2. Air Content: ASTM C 173, volumetric method for lightweight or norrial weighr concrete; ASTM C 231 pre$ure method for normal weight concrete; one for each day's pour of each type of air-entrained concrcte. Adjust testing to exclude entrapped air. 3. Concrete Temperature: Test hourly when air ternperature is 40 degrees F (4 degrees C) and below, and when 80 degrees F (27 degrees C) and above; and each time a set of compression test specimens made. 4. Compression Test Specimen: ASTM C 3l; one set of 4 standard cylinders for each compressive strength test, unless otherwise directed. Mold and store cylinders for laboratory cured test specimens except when field-cure test specimens are required. 5. Compressive Strength Tese: ASTM C 39; one set for each day's pour as follows: I sa for each 5 to 25 cubic yards; I set for each 50 cubic yards up to 100 cubic yards; l set for every 200 cubic yards rhereafter; one specimen tested at 7 days; rwo specimens tested at 28 days, and one sp€cimen retained in rcserve for later testing required. When fiequency UAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER D EM OU TI ON AND STRACruRAL FMM E Constaction DocurrwnE 9 JULY 2001 ELMgilnn-U 033M22 I I I t I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I SECTIONBSM CONCRETE oftesting will provide less than 5 strength tests for a given class of concrete, conduct testing from at least 5 randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than 5 are used. When total quantity ofa given class of concrete is less tJran 50 cubic yards, strengtlr waived by Architect if in his judgment, adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate current operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing the in-place concrete. Srrength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if average ofsets ofthree consecutive strength test resuls equal or exceed specified compressive strength, and no individual strength test result falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. D. Test results will be reported in writing to Architect, Structural Engineer and Contractor within 24 hours after tests. Reports ofcompressive strength tests shall contain the project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete lesting service, concrete tlpe and class, location of concrete batch in structure, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials; compressive breaking strength and type ofbreak for both 7-day tests and 28-day tests. E. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permined but shall not be used as the sole basis for accepance or rejection. F. Additional Tests: The testing service will make additional tests of in-place concr€t€ whcn test results indicate specified concrete strengths and here characteristics have not been attained in the structune, as directed by Architect. Testing service may conduct tests to det€r:tnine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by other methods as directcd. Contractor shall pay for such tests when unacceptable concrete is verified. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNACTUML FMME Con\fiuction DocumcnE 9 JULY 2OOL IIIJI9&N7I.A 0330tL23 I SECTION 04200 aNrr MASONRr ASSEMBLIES I SECTIONO42OO.UNTTMASONRYASSEMBLIES I PARTI-GENERAL -I 1.1 RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A' fralilss and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary t Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply ro this Section. I r.2 sr.lMMARyI A. This Section includes unit masonry assemblies consisting of the following: I 1. Concrete masonry units,2. Mortar and gout. I 3. Reinforcing steel. t 4. Masonry joint reinforcement.5. Miscellaneousmasonryaccessories. I B. Related Sections include the following:r 1. Division 7 Section "Firestopptg" for firesropping at tops of masonry walls and at openings in rnasonry walls. t C. Products installed, but not furnished, under this Section include the following: I l' I.::?ffij3t*1ffi::.,,""n masonry openings, tumished under Division 8 Section II 1.3 SI.JBMITTALS I A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract andDivision I Specification Sections.- I B. Product Data: For each different masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured product specified. r 1.4 DEFIMT]ONS I A. Reinfonced Masonry: Masonry containing reinforcing steel in grouted cells. r B. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article. r HLMggMTr-M ,NL,ALLE,MEDI,AL,ENTER uz,bl r DEMOUuONANDSTRUCTIIMLFMME I Corctruction Docurrrerrts 9lub 2MI r c. 1.5 I I I SECTION O42OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES Cold-Weather Procedures: Detailed description of methods, materials, and equipment to be used to comply with cold-weather requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE Source Limitations for Masonry Units: Obtain exposed masonry units of a uniform texture and color, or a uniform blend within the ranges accepted for these characteristics, through one source from a single manufacturer for each product required. Source Limitations for Mortar Materials: Obtain rnortar ingredients of a uniform quality, including color for exposed masonry, from one manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source or producer for each aggregate. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Where indicated, provide materials and construction identical to thoseof assemblies with fire-resisrance ratings determined per ASTM E l 19 by a testing and inspecting agency, by equivalent concr€te masonry thickness, or by another means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. DELTVERY, STORAGE. AND HANDLING Store masonry units on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in an enclosed location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting securely tied. ff units become wet, do not install until they are dry. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cenrentitious materials that have becorne damp. Store aggregates where grading and other required cbaracteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. Store masonry accessories, including rnetal items, to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. I.7 PROJECTCONDTTIONS A' Protection of Masonry: During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in progress. l. Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches down both sides and hold cover serurely in place.' 2. Wherc one wythe of multiwythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other wythes, se4ure cover a minimum of 24 inches down face next to unconstructed wvthe and hold cover in place. B. Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or colunms. VAI L VALIEY M EDICAL C E NTER DE M O UTI O N AN D STRA CTA RAL F RAME Constructian DocumenB 9.IaU2M1 I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I B. 1.6 B. D. HLM 98007r-U M200-2 I SECTION 04200 aNTTMASaNRrASSEMBLTES I C. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left't exposed or painted. Immediately remove grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such. masonry. I l. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and from mortar splatter by coverings spread on ground and over wall surface. I 2. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortardroppings,I 3. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral finishes, from mortar droppings. fl 4. Turn scaffold boards near the wall on edge at the end of each day to prevent rain from f splashing rnortar and dirt onto completed masonry. I D' Cold-Weather Requirements: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice I or frost. Do not build on frozen subshates, Remove and replace unit masonry damaged by frost or by freezing conditions. Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in r Section 2104.3 of the Uniform Building Code.rr l. Cold-Weather Cleaning: Use liquid cleaning methods only when air temperature is 40 deg F and above and will remain so until masonry has dried, but not less than 7 days after t completing cleaning. I 1.8 UNTTSTRENGTHS I A. All completed masonry assemblies shall have a minimum 28 day compressive prism strength of - l500psi. '- B. hoportion all mortar and grouts to provide the minirmrm 28 day compressive prism strength indicated'It PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 CONCRETEMASONRYI]NTTS I A. General: Provide shapes indicated and as follows: I l. Provide special shapes for lintels, comers, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding, I and other special conditions.r 2. Provide bullnose units for outside comers. unless otherwise indicated.3. Provide square-edged units for outside comers, unless indicated as bullnose, I B. Concrete Masonry Units: UBC Standard 2i4 and as follows: I L Unit Compressive Srength: Provide units with minimum averag€ net-area comprcssive I strength of 1900 psi. 2. Weight Classification: Nomal weight, unless otherwise indicated. 11 3. Provide Type I, moisture-controlled units. I HLM98N71.O4 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER O42OE3 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FMME I Constttction Documents 9 JuIy 2ffi1 I I SECTION 04200 uNrr MASONRr ASSEMBUES I 4. Size (Width): Manufactured to the following dimensions:r a. 8 inches nominal;7-5l8 inches actual. I 5- Exposed Faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, unless otherwise indicated.I I 2.2 MORTAR AND GROUTMATERTALS I A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II, except Type trI may tr used for cold-weather I construction. Provide natural color or white cement as required to produce mortar color as I selected by architect from manufacturers standard selections. I B. Portland Cement-Lime Mix: Packaged blend of portland cement complying with ASTM C 150, t Type I or Type trI, and hydrated lime complying with ASTM C 207. C. Mortar Cement: LJBC Standaxd 2l-14. I D. Masonry Cement: UBC Standard 2l-ll. I l. For pigmented mortar, use a colored cenrent formulation as required to produce the color I indicated or, if not indicated, as selected from manufacturer's standard formulations, f| a. Pigments shall not exceed l0 percent of portland cement by weight for mineral I oxides nor Zpercent for carbon black.b. Pigments shall not exceed 5 percent of mortar cernent or lnasonry cenrent by weight for mineral oxides nor I percent for carbon black. r E. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144; except for joints less than l/4 inch thick, use aggregate graded with l(X) percent passing the No. 16 sieve.rII I ' White-Mortar Aggregates: Natural white sand or ground white stone. I F. Aggregare for Grout: ASTM C 404. !G. Mortar Pigments: Natural and synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides, compounded for user in rnorcar mixes. Use only pigments with a record of satisfactory performance in nrasonry I morraf. H. lffater: Potable. I 2.3 REINFORCING STEEL I A. Uncoated Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/4 615M; ASTM A 616l| 616M, including Supplement l; oTASTM A617lA 617M, Grade 60. I 2,4 MASONRYJOINTREINFORCEMENT I A. General: comply with UBC Standard 2l-10 and as follows: HLM 98U7I.U VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER U2OM 3 DEMOUnONANDSTRaCTURALFRAME I CotatuctionDocuments 9IuIy z(MI I B. B. D. B. 2.5 2.6 3.1 t I I t t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I sEcTroN u200 U NIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES PART3 -EXECUTION E)(AMINATION Examine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for instaltation tolerances and other conditions aJfecting performance. L Mill galvanized, carbon-steel wire for interior walls..2. Hot-dip galvanized, carbon-steel wire for interior walls.3. Wire SizeforCrossRods: Wl.7or0.l48-inch.4. Prwide in lengths of not less than l0 feet , with prefabricated corner and tee units where indicated. For single-wythe masonry, provide either ladder or tnrss type with single pair of side rods and cross rods spaced not more than 16 inches o.c MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES compressible Filler: Premolded fiiler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2Al; compressible up to 35 percent; of width and thickness indicated; formulated from neoprene or urethane depending on compatibility. Preformed Control-Joint Gaskets: Material as indicated below, designed to fit standard sash block and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall; size and configuration as indicated. I ' styrene-Butadiene-Rubber compound: ASTM D 2000, Desigrration M2AA-g05. Bond-Breaker strips: Asphalt-saturated, organic roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt). Wicking Material: Cotton or polyester rope, l/4 to 3/8 inch in diameter, in length required to produce 2-inch exposure on exterior and 18 inches in cavity between wythes. MORTAR AND GROUT MD(ES General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-rePellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, tmless otherwise indicated. l. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout.2. Add cold-weather admixture (if used) at the same rate for all morrar, regardless of weather conditions, to ensure that moriar color is consistent. Mortarfor Unit Masonry: Comply with Proportion Specification. VAI L VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Cowtruction Docu.ments 9 July ZNI u20b5HLM q8OUT.U B. B. c. D. A. B. D. E. 3.2 3.3 t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION UaOO UNIT MASON RY ASSEMBLI ES l. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance. 2. Verify rhat foundations are within tolerances specified.3. Verify that reinforcing dowels are properly placed.4' Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Before installation, examine rough-in and built-in construction to verify actual locations of piping connections. INSTALLATION, GEMRAL Thickness: Build cavity and composite walls and other masonry construction to the full thickness shown. Build single-wyhe walls to the actual widths of masonry units, using units of widths indicated. Build chases and tecesses to accommodate items specified in this Section and in other Sections ofthe Specifications. Lrave openings for equipment to be installed before completing masonry. After instailing equipment, complete masonry to match the construction immediately adju""nt to the opening. cut masonry units with motordriven saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. cut units as reggSed to provide a continuous pattem and to fit adjoining ionstruJtibn. Where possible, use full-size units without cuning. Allow units cut with water-cooled saws to dry before placing, unless wetting of units is specified. Install cut units with cut surfaces and, where possible, cut edges concealed. Select and arrange units for exposed unit rnasonry to produce a uniform blend of colors and textures. CONSTRUCTION TOLERAT.ICES Comply with tolerances in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 6@ and the following: For conspicuous vertical lines, such as external corners, door jambs, reveals, and expansion and control joints, do not vary from plumb by more than 1/4 inch in 20 feet nor l/2 inch -maximum. For vertical alignnrnt of exposed head joints, do not vary from plumb by more than l/4 inch in l0 feet, nor l/2 inch maximum. For conspicuous horizontal lines, such as exposed lintels, sills, pardpets, and reveals, do not vary from level by more than l/4 inch in 20 feet nor lt2inch rnaximum. fo1 elRosed head joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than plus or minus l/8 inch Do not vary from adjacent bed-joint and head-joint thicknesses by more than l/g incb. LAYINGMASONRYWALLS3-4 VAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTE R DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME C o nstntction Doctorrents 9 July 2Nl NLM98M7I.M 042M-6 I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION M2OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond pattems with uniform joint thicknesses and for accurate location of openings, movement-type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid using less-than-half-size units, particulady at corners, jambs, and, where possible, at other locations. Bond Pattem for Exposed Masonry: L,ay exposed masonry in the following bond pattem; do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. Lay concealed masonry with all units in a wythe in running bond or bonded by lapping nor less than 2 inches. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners orjarnbs. Stopping and Resuming Work: In each course, rack back one-half-unit length for one-half running bond or one-third-unit length for one-third running bond; do not tooth. Clean exposed surfaces of set rnasonry, wet clay masonry units lightly if required, and remove loose maionry units and mortar before laying fresh masonry. Built-in Work: As construction progresses, build in items specified under this and other sections of the specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. F' Fill space between hollow-metal frames and rnasonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. Fill cores in hollow concrete mirsonry units with grout firtl height under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar items, unless otherwise indicated. Build non-load-bearing interior panitions full height of story to underside of solid floor or roof structure above, unless otherwise indicated, l. Install compressible filler in joint between top of partilion and underside of structure above. 2. At fire-rated partitions, install firestopping injoint between top ofpartition and underside of structure above to comply with Division 7 Section "Firestopping." 3.5 MORTARBEDDINGANDJOINTING A. Lay hollow masonry units as follows: l With full mortar coverage on borizontal and vertical face shells.2. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and in all courses of piers, cotumns, and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be filled with grout.3. For starting course on footings where cells are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed, including areas under cells. B. Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using ajointer larger than the joint thickness, unless otherwise indicated. l. For glazed masonry units, use a nonmetallic jointer 3/4 inch or more in width. VAI L UALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER D EM O UTI O N AND STRA CTARAL F RAM E Construction Documents 9 JnIy 2Ml B. D. E. G. H. Irlfi[ 98N71-U 420b7 I SECTTON U200 aNrT MASONRYASSEMBLIES I 3.6 ANCHORTNG MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL MEMBERS r A. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces structural members to I complv with the followine: L Provide an open space not less than 2 inches in width between masonry and stmctural member, unless otherwise indicated. Keep open space free of mortar or other rigidI materials. 2. Anchor masonry to structural members with flexible anchors embedded in masonry joints I and attached to structure. I 3. Space anchors as indicated, but not more tban?.4 inches o.c. vertically and 48 inches o.c. horizontally. - 3l coNTRoLANDExpANsToNJoINTS I A. General: Install control joints in unit masonry as required. Build-in related items as rnasonryr progesses. Do not form a continuous span through movement joints unless provisions are made to prevent in-plane restraint of wall or partition movement. I B. Form control joints in concrete masonry as follows: I 1. Fit bond-breaker strips into hollow contour in ends of concrrete rasonry units on one side I of control joint. Fill resultant core with grout and rake joints in exposed faces.2. Install preformed control-joint gaskets designed to fit standard sash block. 1; 3. Install interlocking units designed for controljoints. Install bond-breaker strips at joint. I Keep head joints free and clear of mortar or rake joint. 4. Install temporary foam-plastic filler in head joints and remove filler when unit masonry is comPlete I 3.8 LINTELS I A. Install reinforced concrete lintels over all openings. I B. Provide minimum bearing of 8 inches at each jamb, unless otherwise indicated. I I 3.9 RETNFORCED T.JNIT MASONRY TNSTALLATTON t A. Temporary Formwork and Sbores: Construct formwork and shores to support reinforced I masonry elements during construction. I 1. Construct formwork to conform to shape, line, and dimensions shown. Make it zufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar and grout. Brace, tie, and support forms to I maintain position and shape during constnrction and curing of reinforced m onry. I 2, Do not rernove forms and shores until reinforced ma$onry members have hardened sufficiently to carry their own weight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction, I HLM98OO71.A VAILUAIJ^EYMEDICALCENTER A42UA I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTURALFRAME I Cortctuction Docu.menls 9 July 2MI I B. c. B. B. D. I t I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I SECTION M2OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBUES Placing Reinforcement: Comply with requirements of Section 2104.5 of the Uniform Building Code. Grouting: Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained sufficient strength to resist gfout pressure. 1. Comply with requirements of Section 21M.6 of the Uniform Building Code for cleanouts and for grout placement, including minimum grout space and maximum pour height. 3.10 PARGING A. Parge predampened masonry walls, where indicated, with Type S mortar applied in 2 uniform coats to a total thickness of 3/4 inch Scarify first parge coat to ensure full bond to subsequent coat. c. 3.1l A. Use a steel-trowel finish to produce a smooth, flat, dense surface with a maximum surface variation of l/8 inch per foot Form a wash at top of parging and a cove at bottom. Damp-cure parging for at least 24 hours and protect the parging until cured. REPAIRING, POINTING, AND CLEANING Remove and replace rnasonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units; install in fresh mortar, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement, Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge voids and holes, except weep holes, and completely frll with morta:r. Point up joins, including corners, openings, and adjacent construction, to provide a neat, uniform appearance, Prepare joints for sealant application. ln-Progress Cleaning: Clean unit rnasonry as work progresses by dry brushing to remove mortar hns and smears before tooling joints, Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows: l. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. 2. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave one-half of panel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain Architest's approval ofsample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. 3. Protect adjacent stone and nonmasonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyetbylene film, or waterproof masking tape. 4. Clean nmsonry with a proprietary acidic cleaner applied according to manufacorer's written instructions. 5. Clean concrete mffionry by cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 8-2 applicable to type of stain on exposed surfaces. VN L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM OUTI ON AND STRA CTURAL F RAM E Co ttstttction Doc wnen8 I lub zMI HI.M98A7LU u20b9 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I SECTION M2OO A NIT MASON RY ASSEM BLI ES 3.12 MASONRY WASTE DISPOSAI A. Recycling: Unless otherwise indicated, excess masonry materials are Contractor's property. At completion of unit masonry work, remove from project sirc.. B' Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess masonry and other masonry waste by legally disposal of offOwner's property. END OF SECTION O42OO VAI L VALIBY MEDI CAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRA CTA RAL FRAME C ottsfrttctia n Docame nts 9Jub2M HIn'|98W71.04 u2M10 I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I SECTION 01230 REI N FORCED CONCRETE MASONRY T]NITS SECTION 04230 - REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS PART I .CENERAL 1.OI SUMMARY . A. Section Includes:L Concrete masonry units.2. Morkr and grout. 3. Reinforcement,anchorage,andaccessories. B. Related Sections: l. Reinforcing bars for reinforced unit masonry: Division 3. I.O2 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Perfonnance Requirements: Minimum ultimate compressive stength of engineered mason4r, determined in accordance with ACI 530.I/ASCE 6, is based on a prisn strengtlr of 1500 psi. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. hoduct Data: Submit published data from manufacturerr of products and accessories specified, indicating compliance with requirements. B. Test Reports: Submit results of masonry testing specified, including the following information:l. Age at test.2. Storage conditions. 3. Dimensions er/t).4. Compressive strength of individual prisms.5. Coefficient of variation (v).6. Uhimate compressive strength of masonry, which has been corrected for the coeffici€Ntt of variation and the M ofthe prisms tested. 1.04 QUALTTYASST.IRANCE A. Conform to the mosr rigid requirements ofthe following, except where exceeded by provisions ofthe confact documents:l. ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 - ..Specifications for Masonry Strucrures,'.2. Colorado Masonry lnstitute Standard 301 'Building Code Requirements for Masonry Construction". 3. "Uniform Building Code" chapter 21. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver' handle, and store masonry units by means which will prevent nechanical damage and deterioration due to moisture, ternperature changes, and contarnination by other mareriali.l. Provide protection which will limit moisture absorption of concrete masonry units to fie maJdmnm Percentage specifi€d for Type I units at relative humidity which is nomal for the projcct site. B. Protect cementitious materials from precipitation and absorption of ground moisnre. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTUBAL FMME Constaaion Docutttttx 9.tuly zMI ELMgEMzI.U aB0-1 r.06 I I I t I I I I I I t t t I t I I I I SECTION 01230 REINFORCED CONCNETE MASONRY ANITS C. Store masonry accessories to prevent conosion, dirt accumulation, and other deterioration. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Construction Protection: Cover tops of incomplete masonry elements with waterproof sheet material at end of each work-day and when masonry work is not under way.l. Secure weather protection in place with weights or by use of temporary fastenen.2. Immediately remove mortar, soil, and other such materials from exposed masonry faces to prevent staining.3. Prevent splashing and soiling of masonry near ground level by spreading sheet material to cover soil or masonry faces.4. Protect horizontal masonry elements from mortar droppings. Loading hotection: Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours, or concentat€d Ioads for at least 3 days, after completion of masonry elements. HohWeather Protection: Cover or shade masonry units and mortar materials and use cool water for mortar whenever ambient air temp€rature is 90 degrees F or greater. At air temperatures of 85 degrees F or above, ifrelative humidity is l€ss than 30 percent or wind is in excess of l5 miles per hour, provide protection by immediately covering newly constructed walls, by providing windbreala, or by using fog spray to reduce rate of evaporation. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS Concrete Block: Comply with reference standard for types required, and as follows:l. Size; Standard lighnrreight units with nominal face dimensions of 16 inches long and 8 inches high (15-5/8 by 7-518 actual), with nominal thickness as indicated on drawings for various locations.2. Special shapes: Provide special block types where required for comers, control joints, headers, lintels, and other special conditions, whether or not specifically indicated on the drawings as special.a. Outside corners: Square-edge units exccpt where otherwise indicated.3. Hollow load-bearing units: ASTM C 90, and as follows:a. Type l: Moisture-controlled units.b. Lightweight. c. Exposed faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, except where special fmistr is indicated, as follows:l. Matcb architect's sample for color, pattem, and texture.a. Finish: Standard all locations. l. Standard smooth texture for I by 8 by 16 and 8 by 12 by l6 inch units for all interior locations. 2.02 MORTARANDGROUTMATERIALS Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type l. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144. YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Construction DocamenE I July 2NI B. c. A. B. c. HLII| 9800711M u2iL2 I T I t I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01230 REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY ANITS D Crout: ASTM C 476; provide consistency required at time of placement to fill completely all spaces indicated to be grouted. L use fine grout in spaces less than 2 inches in least horizontal dimension.2. Use coarse grout in spaces 2 inches or more in least horizontal dimension. 2.05 MISCELLANEOUSMASONRYACCESSORIES A. Prism Testing: Test masonry prisms in accordance with ASTM E 2t47, Method B, for wall types as follows: l All construction. a. Procedure: Prepare two sets of prisms; test one set at 7 days and one set at 28 days.b. Concrete masonry prisms: Fabricate with height+o-thickness ratio ofnot less than 1.33 and not more than 5.0; apply correction factor as specified in ACI 530.I/ASCE 6 if ratio is other than 2.0. B. Flexural Bond Strength: test masonry prisms for flexural bond strength in accordance with ASTM E 5 18, with tooled joins facing downward. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATIONPROCEDURES A. Concrete Masonry Units: Do not wet concrete masonry units prior to laying. B Reinforcement and Anchorage: Before placing metal milsonry accessories, remove loose rust, dirt, and other coatings. C. Masonry Thickness: Build masonry to accommodate the work of other trades, including chases and recesses a; shown or:equired. Provide not less than 8 inches of masonry between jambs of openings, chases, recesses and expansion joints. I . Build single-wythe walls to actual thickness of masonry units. D. Chases and Recesses: Build masonry to accommodate the work of other trades, including chases and recesses as shown or required. Provide not less than 8 inches of rnasonry between jambs of openings and chases and r€c€sses. E. Openings for Access, Equipment and Services: Leave openings in masonry as required for subsequent installation of doors, windows, equipment and services. Make openings in desigrated locations and in exact size required, ifknown; otherwise, leave rough openings in approximate size required and complete masonry work after installation of equipment, matching adjoining masonry.l. All masonry openings shall have reinforced concrete masonry bond beams as shown in detail 1302. sheet S1.3. F. Cutting: Where cutting is required, use power saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges.L Do not use wet cutting techniques with concrete unit masonry. 3.02 CONSTRUCTIONTOLERANCES A. Variation from Plumb: Do not exceed the following constuction tolerances in vertical elements, including surfaces of walls, columns, and arises: 1. ll4 inchin l0feet. 2. 3/8 inch in one story height, or 20 feet, whichever is less, except Ii4 inch for extenral comers, expansion joins, and other highly conspicuous vertical elements. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FMME Construction Docarrgnfi 9 ru$ 2001 HLMgEWTI.IN I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01230 NEINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 3. l/2 inch in 40 feet or more.4. Plus or minus l/4 inch in l0 feet l/2 inch maximum, for vertical alignment of head joints. B. Variation from Level: Do not exceed the following construction tolerances for bedjoints and lines of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves, and other conspicuous horizontal elernents:1. l/4 inch in one bay or in 20 feA maximum.2. l/2 inch in 20 feet or more. C' Variation from Plan Lines: Do not exceed t}le following horizontal construction tolerances for related portions of columns, walls, and partitions. l. ll2 inch in any bay or 20 feet maximum.2. 3/4 inch in 40 feet or more. D. Variation in Cross Section: Do not exceed the following construction tolerances for thickness of walls and other masonry elements:l. Minus l/4 inch.3. Plus 1/2 inch. E. Variation in Mortar Joint Thickness: Do not exceed the following colstruction tolerances for thickness of mortar joints: I . Bed joints: Plus or minus l/8 inch.2. Head joints: Minus l/4 inch, plus 3/8 inch. 3.03 MASONRYCONSTRUCTION.GENERAL A. The basic wall reinforcing is as follows:l. # 6 @ 16" o,c. vertical in solid grouted cells with 9 gage horizontal joint reinforcing at 16" o.c. in exterior walls.2. 2#5 in bond beam @32" o.c. spaced vertical in 8" cmu. Place bars v€rtical in one layer.3. 4-#5 in bond beam @32" o,c. spaced vertical in 12" cmu. Place 2 bars in each face 2518" from the exterior.4. 28 day prism srength shall not be lessthan tS00 psi.5. See sections for additional wall reinforcing. B. Layout Lay out masonry for accurate pattern bond, for uniform joint widths, and for accurate location ofspecific features before beginning actual construction. Avoid use of masonry units of less than % size. Do not us€ units with less than nominal 4 inch horizontal face dimensions at comers and jambs. C. Pattcrn Bond: Lay exposed masonry in pattem bonds indicated on drawings.L Lay all masonry in running bond.2. Interlock wythes at comers and offsets in each course with masonry bond beams. D. Stopping Work: Lay masonry in proper sequence to avoid toothing. Rack walls back in each course at end of each work day. Before resuming, clean exposed surfaces and remove loose masonry units and mortar. E. Built-in Work: As work progresses, build in items indicated for installation in masonry, filling around built-in items solidly with masonry.l. Filljoints between masonry and metil frames solidly with mortar, unless specific conditions are otherwise detailed. 2. At locations where built-in items are to be connected to hollow unit masonry, solidly grout cores to provide adequate anchorage. UAIL UALLEY MEI'ICAL CENTER DEMOLNION AND STNACTUML FMME Con$ruaion Doumenls 9 July 2001 HLMgEM7llM B. c. t T I I t I I t I I I t I I I I t I I sEcnoN 01230 REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY Al{jTS 3. Unless otler conditions are specifically detailed, solidly grout cores for at least 24 inches below bearing plates, lintels, and similar features and conditions. Expansion and Control Joints: Build in movement joints where indicated, installing accessory itcrns as masoffy is consffucted I . Install prefabricated elastic joints in accordance with Division 7 specifications.2. Install non-elastic joint fillers as indicated.3. Do not exceed 24 feet between expansion joints. 3.M LAYING MASONRY UNITS Hollow Masonry Units: Install so that face shells are solidly mortared, horizontally and vertically. Bed webs solidly in mortar at starting course.l. Bed webs solidly in mortar at cores to be grouted. Joints: Make mortar joints visually and dimensiona y consistent. I . Except as othenvise indicated, maintain mortar joint widths of 3/8 inch. Concealed Joints: Cut flush, unless otherwise detailed. Exposed Joints: Using concave jointer slightly larger than joint width, tool exposed joints before mortar has assumed final set. Resetting: Do not pound, tap, or otherwise attempt to adjus masonry units after initial set has occurred. Remove units which require adjusting, clean thoroughly, and reset in fresh mortar. 3.05 JOINT REINFORCEMENT, SINGLE.WYTHE WALLS General: Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcement for specific single-wythe masonry walls indicated. Lap reinforcing a minimum of 6 inches. Vertical Spacing: Not more than 16 inches on center. Continuity: Use prefabricated L-shaped and T-shaped sections at comeni and intersections. Do not span movement joints with reinforcement. 3.06 INSTJLATION lnstall granular insulation for masonry walls as specified in Division 7. 3.07 INSTALLING REINFORCED IJNIT MASONRY Preparation: Clean reinforcement bars ofloose rust; do not use bars which have nrsted excessively or which have bends or kinks not shown on drawings. Placing Reinforcement: Secure rcinforcement accurately at locations indicated and to avoid displacement; minimum spacing between bars or to masonry surfaces shall be bar diam eter y. lrtrch for fme grout % inch for coarse grout. Splicing: Provide lapped splices of minimum size indicated or p€rmitted by governing code at locations shown; other methods or locations must be approved by the architect. YAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNACTAML FMME Constnacfron Docurrnnt 9 Jaly ZMI E. B. c. D. E. B. c. ELM9EA7T4I ABL6 I I t I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I SECTION U230 RE I N FORCED CON C RETE MAS ONRY ANITS D. Formwork: Constnrct formwork where required for temporary support of reinforcement is required in mortar joints, adjust joinr thickness to provide not less than % inch of mortar between reinforcement and masonry surfaces. E. Mortar Joints: Where reinforcement other than prefabricated joint reinforcement is required in mortar joints, adjustjoint thickness to provide not less than % inch of mortar between reinforcement and masonry surfaces. F. Reinforced Hollow Unit Masonry: Maintain vertical continuity of core or cell cavities to be grouted. Keep cavities clear of mortar, including bed area of first course, to provide minimum clear dimension indicated, to provide minimum clearance and grout coverage for vertical reinforcement bars, and to provide direct grout contact with supporting surfaces.l. At bond beams or other horizontally reinforced masonry, provide special masonry units or saw units to accommodate reinforcement.2. Contractor option: Fill all cores with gout in lieu of closing core spaces below bond beams and providing mortar bedding of masonry cross webs. 3,08 GROUTING A. Grouting Standard: Grout reinforced masonry in accordance with requirements of ACI 530.I/ASCE 6. l. Do not pour grout until mortar has cured sulliciently to withstand grout pressure:2. Use grouting techniques that comply with chapter 2l of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Provide clean-outs at all grout locations. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Compression Tests: Test masonry prisrns for each wall type indicated, conducting sampling and testing in accordance with ASTM E 447, Method B, and as follows: | . Prepare one set of prisms for testing at 7 days and one set at 28 days. Testing at 28 days will not be required if 7-day tests indicate that 28-day strength will be equal to or greater than required minimum ultimate compressive strength.2' Concrete unit masonry prisms: Match preconstruction prisms in height-to-thickness ratio.3. Prepare and Gst prisms for each 5,000 square feet of masonry installed. B. Flexural Bond Strength: Test masonry prisms for flexural bond strength in accordance with ASTM E 518, with tooled joints facing downward, and as follows:l. Conduct test for each 5,000 square fcet of masonry installed.2. Acceptable results shall be not less than the following:a. 50 psi. C. Report test results in writing, and in the form specified under applicable test method, to both the architect and the contractor not later than the day after the test is conducted. 3.IO REPAIRINC MASONRY A. Replacement Carefully remove areas of damaged masonry and replace with matching, undamaged units using mortar which matches original work.B. Pointing: As joints are being tooled, remove mortar with visible holes or mortar which cannot be compacted properly because ofhidden voids, and replace with fresh mortar, filling each joint completely and tooling to match adjacent work. 3.II CLEANING AND PROTECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FMT.IE Constnction lrocarrstE 9 JuIy 2lMI HLM9EM7I4|aBbT I sEcrloNu12nr RErNFoRCEDcoNcRETEtuIAsoNRyuNrrsr I A. Clean masonry after mortar is thoroughly set and cured.l. Scrape off adhered mortar particles by hand, using non-metallic tools. I 2. Test cleaning methods on half of sample panel, leaving other half in original state.| " r"Tis;iffiil:iff;T,T'*iffi*#i'""ff:ff#ilf,Hsi#m'dHl;,ry immediately after cleaning. I 5. Use bucket and brush hand-cleaning method described in BIA Technical Notes No. 20 I Revised for brick masonry, except use detergent mixture only.6. Comply with directions of concrete unit masonry manufacturer and NCMA Tek Bulletin No. I 45 for cleaning CMU. I B. Protection: Institute protective measures as required to ensure that unit masonry wor* will be clean and undamaged at substantial completion.I I t I I I I t I I I END OF SECTION 04230 I HLM,EIMN-A VAILVALLEYMEDICALCENTERr rrEMoLITIoNANDsrRacraRAL FMME Consfi uctlon l)ocatncn8 lt 9 July 2lMI I Iir u23tL6 r SECTIONO'I2O STNACTANALSTEEL I SECTION05I20-STRUCTURALSTEEL I PARTI -6ENERAL I.O RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of ContracL including Specification Sections, appty to this Section.I I.OI DESCRIPTIONII A. Work Included: This Section includes fabrication and erection of structural steel work, as shown on drawings including schedules, notes and derails showing size and location of members, typical connections, and types of steel required. f l. Structural steel is that work defined in American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) "Code of _ Standard Practice" and as otherwise shown on drawings. I I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Reference Standards: Comply with provisions of following, except where more strigent requirements are I showr or specified: I I. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)"Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.', -I 'ut, l":;:::"::J"#::J,J:i:::::;#:::,"- ;tr 4. American Welding Society (AWS) Dl.l "Srudural Welding Code - Steel." I 5. ASTM A 6 "General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use." I} I B. Qualifications for Welding Work: Qualiff welding procedures and wetding operators in accordance with AWS "Qualifi cation' requirements.I I l. hovide certification that welders to be employed in work have satisfactorily passed AWS qualification tests. I 2. lf re-certification of weldcrs is required, rc-fesdng will be Confactofs responsibility. I.O3 SUBMITTALS t A, General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division I Specification S*tions. -.i I- ELMgsNTr4t UAILYALLEYMEITIoALoENTER ^sr2ulI DEMOLITIONANDSTkACTUMLFMIIEI Construdon Docwunar gJatv2MI I -,r I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I SECTIONOSI2O yTRACTARALSTEELB. Product data: Submit manufacturet's specifications and installation instructions for following products. Include laboratory test reports and other data to sbow compliance with specifications (inchJing specified standards). l. Structural steel (each type), including certified copies of mill reports covering chemical and physical properties. 2. High-strength bolts (each type), including nuts and washers. 3. Structural steel primer paint. 4. Non-shrink gout. C. Shop- drawings: Including complete details and schedules for fabrication and assembly of struchlal steel members, procedures, and diagrams. l. Include details of cuts, connections, camber, holes, and other pertinent data. Indicatc welds by standard AWS symbols and show size, length, and type of each weld. 2' Show all field connections (bolted and welded) on shop drawings. Details shail be shown in such a manner that all connections necessary for a complete assembly are on the shop drawings so that no reference back to the sbucnral drawings is required. 3. Use of the structural drawings as part of the shop drawings is prohibited. All drawings will be independent of the structural drawings. 4. Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other anchorages to be installed as work of other sections. I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. General: Deliver materials to site at such intervals to ensure unintemrpted progrcss of work. B. Storage: Store materials to permit easy access for inspection and identification. Keep steel members off ground by using pallets, platformg or other supports. Pnotect steel members and paciaged materials fiom erosion and deterioration. lf bolts and nuts become dry or rusty, clean and re-lubricate before use. I' Do not store materials on structure in a manner that might cause distortion or damage to members or supporting structur€s. Repair or replace danaged materials or stuctures as directed. PART2. PRODUCTS 2,OI MATERJALS A' Metal Surfaces, General: For fabrication of work that will be exposed to view, use only matcrials that are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, rust and scale seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, and roughness. Remove such blemishes by grinding, or by welding and grinding, prior to cleaning, treating, and applying surface fmishes. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I'EMOLITION AND STNACTUNAL FRAME Cowtrudion Docunu ta 9 July 2NI ELM9TMTT4M 05120-2 T t I sEcTroN 05120 STRACTARAL STEEL B. Strnctural Steel: ASTM 4992, Gr. 50. C. Angles, plates: ASTM A,36. D. All Threaded Rods (Anchor Bolts): ASTM A 449-105. E. Structural Tubing, Cold Formed: ASTM A 500; Grade B, ff = 46 ksi. F. Seamless Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53; Grade B, fr = 36 ksi. G. High-Strength Threaded Fasteners: Heavy hexagon structural bols, heavy hexagon nuts, and hardened washers, as follows: l. Quenched and tempered medium-carbon steel bolts, nuts, and washers, complying with ASTM A 325. H. Electrodes for Welding: Comply with AWS Code. A. Shop Fabrication and Assembly: Fabricate and assemble Struchral assernblies in shop to greatest extent possible. Fabricate items of structural steel in accordance with AISC Specifications and as indicated on final shop drawings. Provide camber in stnirctural members where indicated. l. Properly mark and march-mark materials for field assembly. Fabricate for delivery sequ€,nce that will expedite erection and minimize field handling of materials. 2. Where finishing is required, complete assembly, including welding of units, before start of finishing operations. Provide finish surfaces of members exposed in final shuchre free of markings, burrs, and other defects. B. Connectiolrs: Weld or bolt shop connections, as indicated. C. Field connections: Bolted, except where welded connections or other connections are indicated. l. hovide high-strength threaded fasteners for all bolted connections. D. High-Strength Bolted Construction: Install high-srength threaded fasteners in accordance with AISC Specifications for "Sfiuctural Joints using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts". l. All bolts are A 325-N, unless noted Type "SC". t I I I t I t l t I. Structural Steel himer Paint: SSPC - Paint l; Code compliant. J. Non-shrink, Non-Metallic Grout: Comply with CRD-C-621 and ASTM C-1090. Grout shall develop nor I . less than 9000 psi compressive strength in 28 days. r 2.02 FABRICATIoN I I t t I I VAIL VALLEY MEI'IA'L CEITTER DEMOLINON AND STNACTUNAL FMME ConsrrucTion Document 9 JuIy 2lN1 HI],T98M7141 t I rucD JUL r r zr:ur tI VAILVALLEY I MEDICAL CENTERI PHASE ItI EXPANSIOI{/ I RENOVATION tI SPECIFICATIONS I II o,*"?,iili,tr:t::;"';Y:,'o,o*, Construction Documents HLM Project No. 980071.04 Town of !a!! rr r elutv2ool 0FFIGEG0PY I t Gor-o)53Tol=oox I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I SECTION OOOO2 Seak and Signatures l'*'f***********{i{"tf+*****:}***++****,t ********+***********:t *,*'t ******************rt rr+r++r**'r:F*:r* I hereby certifu that the portion of this technical submission described below was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and responsible charge. I am a duly Registercd Archilect under the laws of the State of Colorado. Russell A. Sedmak Discipline: Architecr Reg. No.: 8-2758 Signatrre Pages or sheets covered by this seal: Specification Sections: Division l, Division 2, Division 4, Section 07141, and0fl2l0 Drawing Sheets: 000 through A)OO( Date issued: 07-09-01 :l******+******:******+*******'i*****f++*:t t r.*******+**irri.rF*i.*rttr***+********:t 'r**liri(*r!**r.t *'t 't ***** I hereby cerdry dnt the portion of this technical submission described below was prepared by me or under ny direct supervision and responsible charge. I am a duly Registered hofessional Engineer under the laws ofthe State ofColorado. Steven E. Bierbach Discipline: Sfuctural Engineer Reg. No.: 1963E Signature Pages or sheets covered by this seal: Specilication Sections: 03300,04230,05120,05312,05400 Sructural Design Calculations Drawing Sheets: Sl.0 thmugh S5.4 Date issued:07-09-01 *'F t*r.***i.********!t*rt!.:f****,|******+***:r**:hr*****+++**!*r.*:t,t !********,t*++*****:r*:r***!F***rtr*!r**++{. VAIL UALIEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AtlD STRACTUML F&AME Constuctian Docamutts 9 JaIy 2lMI R}MAK \O I Nhillllw RUSSELL A. SEDMAK ffirrtt! tr _*${{ll,Hdi&.,- HLM 98M7I.M UNNLT I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I DocaMEFtr0u03 TABIE oF CaNTENTS DIV I S IO N I - GEN ERAL REQU IREM ENTS ............SUMMARY 0l140 ..........WORK RESTRICTIONS 01250 ..........................C0NTRACT MODTFICATTON PROCEDT.JRES01290................ ......................pAyMENTpROCEDr.JRES01320................. .....CoNSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01322 01330 01400 01500 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS SIJBMITTAL PROCESS ...... QUALITY REQUIREMENTS .....,................... TEMPORARY FACILITES AI{D CONTROLS 04200 04230 0sr20 o5312 054{m 01731 CUTIING AND PATCHING ..... CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PROCEDI,JRES 01780 01785 ........................ CONTRACT CLOSEOLTT SLJBMITTALS ...........,........OPERATON AND MAINTENANCE MATERIAL DIVISION 3. CONCRETE 03300 CONCRETE DIVISION 1. MASONRT IjNIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY TINIT DIVISION 5. METAIS STRUCTURAL STEEL STEELDECKING COLD FORMED METAL FRAMINC DIVI SION 7 . TNERMAL AND MOISTARE PROTECTION 07141........................COLD FLt]ID APPLIED WATERPROOFING vt2to BI,JILDING hISIJLATION rlI ENDoF D0CaMENTUNN3 VN L VALIEY MEDICAL CENTER D EM OUT IO N AND STRU CTA ML FRAM E Cowtndion Document 9 IaIY 2MI HI.TT 98ilNLO4 MM3.I I SECTTON 01100 SUMMARY SECTION OlIOO - ST]MMARY I PARTI -GENERAL I I.I WORKCOVEREDBYCONTRACTDOCUMENTS I A. Work covers demolition and construction of 60,000 GSF addition to Vail Valley Medical t Center located at l8l West Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado. I B. Additional requirements of all Parties to the Contract. Refer to Conditions of the Contract. I Where specific provisions of the General Conditions are referenced herein, those references are- for the convenience of the Parties and specifically do not exclude other requirements, I obligations and provisions ofthe General Conditions. I 1.2 CONTRACTS t A. Work of the various subcontractors wilt be executed under subcontract agreements with the Construction Manager. All work will be perforrned under the direction and control of the I Construction Manager, who is responsibls to the Owner for the faithful performance andI execution ofthe entire work. I 1.3 WORKBY OTTTERS I A. Security System: Installation of building security will be conracted by the owner. Coordination I with this system will be required by the sub --contractors to the extent indicated on ther Construction Documents. I 1,4 OWNER-FURNISI{EDPRODUCTS I A. Products furnished by Owner include: I l. Furnishings and Equipment a I B. Owners Responsibilities: I 1. Arrange for and deliver necessary shop drawings, product data and samples, as Owner I supplied products effect the Construction Documents.! 2. Arrange and pay for product delivery to the site, in accordance with the construction schedule. I 3. Receive and unload products at the site, except as otherwise noted.r 4. Handle products at the site, including uncrating and storage, except.ts otherwise noted.5. Submit claims for transportation damage. t 6. Arrange for replacement of damaged, defective, or missing items.I HLM 98471.04 VNLVAILW MEDICALCENTER O11OO,I I DEMOUTTONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I Consttuction Docwrerrts 9.luly 2MI I I sECrroN oroo SAMMARY I 7. Arrange for manufacturer's warranties, bonds, service, inspections, as required. r 8. Assemble, install, connect, adjust, test and calibrate and finish products. r C. Contractor's Responsibilities: I L Coordinate installation of Owner-furnished products with other portions of the Work.! 2. Designate submittal and delivery date for each product affecting construction schedule.3. Review submittals of Owner-fumished products and verify rough-in requirements. No- I tify Architect of discrepancies that would affect installation and iough-ini.ll 4. Protect products from damage.5. Mechanical: I a. Afford Owner's forces a reasonable opportunity for introduction and storage of f their products and the execution of their work. Where required, Contractor shall properly connect his work to theirs.b. Repair or replace items damaged by Contractor.r I 1.5 woRK SEQT.IENCE I- A. Sequence and stage new work in accordance with approved Construction Schedules. I B. Perform demolition and alteration work of existing building in stages to accommodate Owner'sr use of premises as follows: I I . Demolition and structural work will affect the existing building. Coordinate all site, I building operations, and utility disruptions with Owner, a minimum of two weeks, prior to work commencing. Ensure that disruption to existing building operations are mini- mized during the construction duration period. C. Construct Work as necessary to provide for public and tenant convenience. t l. Do not close offpublic use of existing facilities until completion of one stage of con-r struction will provide altemative usage. r 2. Proposed changes to site access and building usage should be documented on a plan, and I approved by the Owner and Architect.I 3. Do not close or obstruct public roadways without prior approval of locat police and safety authorities and coordination with Owner's use of the site. I I.6 CONTRACTOR USE OFPREMISES I A. Confine operations at site to areas permitted by Law, Ordinances, Permits, and Contract Documents. I B. Do not unreasonably encumber site with materials or equipment. C. Do not load sfucture with weight that will endanger stnrcture.Ir VAI L VAILEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM O LTTI O N AND STRA CTU BAL F RAM E Constuction Documcnts 9IaIY 2ffi1 I I HLIhI980071-U 01100-2 r sEcTroN 0rr00 SaMMARY -- D. Assemble full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of products stored on premises. I E. Move stored products which interfere with operations of Owner.t F. Obtain and pay for use of additional storage or work areas needed for operations. I G. Limit use of site for Work and storage as follows: I l. Restrict work and storage to construction areas indicated on Drawings. fl 2. Restrict parking to areas designated by Owner.3. Do not perform operations that would interrupt or delay Owner's daily operations. I 4. Maintain Owner, and public access at all times to existing buildings, parking, drives and walks.t' 5. Restrict construction personnel from access to other areas of site and existing building ar- I eas, except as required to perform new and alterations Work. I - 1.7 owNER OCCUPANCY r A. Owner will occupy existing building during entire period of construction for the conduct of Owner's normal, daily operations. Cooperate with Owner's representative in all construction I operations to minimize conflict and to facilitate Owner usage. I B- Contractor shall conduct his operations to insure least inconvenience to Owner's operation. I C. Contractor sball take precautions to avoid excessive noise or vibration that would disturb Owner's operations. When directed by Owner, Contractor shall perform certain operations at r designated time of day or night in order to minimize disturbance to Owrrer's operations. I 1.8 PARTTAL OWNER OCCUPANCYI f A. Schedule operations for completion of designated portions of Work for Owner's occupancy prior to Substantial Completion of entire Work. I B. Owner will occupy designated areas for purpose of installing owner purchased equipment or rnishings, and for resuming existing operations. I C. Prior to occupancy, execute Certificate of Substantial Completion for each desigtated area. D. After Owner occupancy, Contractor shall provide: : l. Access for Owner's personnel, and public. 2. Temporary partitions and barricades required to limit and control access to other con- I struction areas, if applicable. I 3. Operation of IIVAC and electrical systems until Substantial Completion of entire Work. 4. Maintain property insurance until Substantial Completion of entire Work. I I HLM 98OO7bA VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 011M.3 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I Cotutttction Docamon:ts 9.lub2NI r I s^crroNorloo E. Upon occupancy ofa designated area, Owner will provide: I l. Custodial services.r 2. Security. 3. Maintenance.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLTCABLE) PART 3 - DGCUTION (NOT APPLTCABLE) r END OF SECTION O1IOO SAMMARY HItr[ q&OWI.U VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER O11OO4 DEMOIf,NON AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Consfiuction Documents 9lult 2Ml t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l.l 1.2 SECTION 01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS SECTION OII4O - WORK RESTRICTIONS PART I -GENERAL RELATED DOCI.JMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. USE OFPREMISES Use of Site: Limit use of premises to work in areas indicated. Do not disturb portions of site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated. l. Limits: Confine constructions operations to areas indicated on drawings.2. Owner Occupancy: Allow for Owner occupancy of site and use by the public.3' Driveways and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving premises clear and available to Owner, Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. a. Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances.b. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site.c. Clean adjacent parking lots and roadways, and remove dirt and debris deposited as a result of daily construction operations. Use of Existing Building: Maintain use of existing building, by owner and occupants, througbout construction period. Repair damage caused by construction operations. Protect building and its occupants during construction period. 1.3 OCCUPANCYREQT]IREMENTS A. Full Owner Occupancy: Owner will occupy site and existing building during entire construction period. Cooperate with Owner during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's operations. B. Partial Owner Occupancy: Owner reseryes the right to occupy and to place and install equipment in completed areas of the new building, before Substantial Cornpletion, provided such occupancy does not interfere with completion of the Work. Such placement of eguipment and partial occupncy shall not constitute acceptance of the total Work. 1. Construction Manager will prepare a Certificate of Subsuntial Completion, to be signed by Architect, for each specific portion of the Work to be occupied before Owner occuPancy. HLM 980071-M VAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Constraction Docwnanfi 9,luly 2(Nl A. A. B. 01140-1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 01140 WORKRESTRICTIONS 2. Obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from authorities having jurisdiction before Owner occupancy. 3. Before partial Owner occupancy, mechanical and electrical systerns shall be fully operational, and required tests and inspections shall be successfully completed. On occupancy, Owner will provide, operate, and maintain mechanical and electrical systems serving occupied portions of building.4' On occupancy, Owner will assume responsibility for maintenance and custodial service for occupied portions of buitding. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECTTTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION OII4O VAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Constructian Doc aments 9 July 2(NI HLM98M7bA 01140-2 I I SECT/ON01210 4LLOWANCES I SECTTON 01210 - ALLoWANCES I PART l -cENERALI I I.I STMMARY I A. The Contactor shall include in his Contract Sum the Cash Allowances specified. I B' Items covered by these allowances shatl be supplied for such amounts and by such persons as'!r the Owner or Architect may direct. I C. Expenditures from Cash Allowances shall be only upon written authorization of the Architect,r! approved by the Owner. Expenditures shall be kept within amounts set forth, unless specific authorization of Architect and approval of Owner provides otherwise. I D. Any unexpended balances of Cash Allowances shall revert to the Owner in the final settlement of the Contract. I 1.2 CONTRACTOR'SRESPONSIBILITIES I A. Coordinate installation of allowance items with related building sp.rces, materials, equipment- and scheduling. I B. Provide adequate storage space! construction space and access to Work for allowance items.! C. Notify allowance item suppliers or subcontractors of required delivery dates and installation I periods established on p.oi".t construction schedule.I D. Obtain proposals from suppliers when requested by Architect. I E. On notification of selection, execute purchase agreenrent with designated supplier. r F. Arrange for and process Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. Ir G. Upon delivery, promptly inspect products for damage or defects and submit claims for transportation damage. t H, Install and finish products in accordance with requirements of referenced specification sections, r 1.3 TYPEOFCASHALLOWANCE I A. Allowances specified include net cost ofproduct, delivery and unloading at site and applicable I taxes. Where specffied below, allowances shall also include installation costs. VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DE M O UN ON AND STRA CTANAL F NAM E Consbttction Docurne nts 9 JulY 2001 I I I HLM98U71.M 012IG1 I SECTrONol2lo ALLOWANCES I B. Contractor shall include in his Contract Sum, Contractor's costs for overhead and profit andr costs for handling and installation, except where installation is specified to be a part of the t allowance. I C. Installation shall include handling at site, uncrating, storage, protection, labor, installation, _ finishing and other expenses required to complete installarion. I D. The extent of work included under each subcontract allowance and extent of allied work performed by Contractor is described below. I 1.4 TESTING AND INSPECTION ALLOWANCES I A. Costs Included in Testing and Inspecting Allowances: Cost of engaging a testing and inspecting agency; execution of tests and inspecting; and reporting results. I B. Costs Not Included in the Testing and Inspecting Allowance, but krcluded in the Contract Sum:I 1. Costs of incidental labor and facilities required to assist testing or inspecting agency. I 2. Costs of testing services used by Contractor separate from Contract Documint require-I ments. 3. Costs of retesting upon failure of prcvious tests as determined by Architect. I C. PaymentProcedures: r L Submit three copies of the inspecting or testing firm's invoice with next application for t z. F:tT*"" on approval by Architect. I D. Testing and Inspecting Allowances Schedule:I l. Include in Contract Sum the cash sum of $,l!Jgg_ for payrnent of testing laboratory services specified in Section 01460.I I END OF SECTTON 01210 I r I HLMg&N7I.A VNLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER 01210.2 DEM OLIN ON AND STRA CTA RAL F MM E Construction Docwne nts 9luly 2Nl I I I r SECTIONOL2SO CONTRACTMODIFICATIONPROCEDURES I SECTIoN 01250 - coNTRAcT MoDIFIcATIoN PRocEDURES r PARTI-GENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCT]MENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract" including General and Supplementary I Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I r.2 SUMMARY r A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing I Contract modifications. B. Related Sections include the following: t 1. Division I Section "Allowances" for procedural requircments for handling and processing allowances. I- 1.3 MINoRcHANcEs IN TIIEwoRK I A. Architect will issue through Construction Manager supplemental instructions authorizing Minor - Changes in the Work, not invotving adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, on AIA Document G71 0, "Architect's Supplemental Instructions" I t.4 PROPOSAL REQUESTS I t A. Owner-Initiated Proposal Requests: Architect will issue through the Construction a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that may require adjustrnent to the Contract Sum I or the Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised I Drawings and Specifications. r 1. Proposal Requests issued by Architect through Construction Manager are for information I and pricing only. Do not consider them instructions either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change, unless specifically agreed upon by Owner and Architect. 2. Within ten (10) working days, or as otherwise required by Architect, after receipt of I Proposal Request, submit a quotation estimating "ost adiustrrents to the Contract Sum I and the Contract Time n@essary to execute the change. || a. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with f total amount of purchases and credits to be made. U requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. b. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts oftrade I discounts. HLM 9E(N71.M VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01250.1 I DEMOUTION AND STRACTARALFRAME t CowtructionDocunents 9l,tb2MI r B. c, B, 1.5 I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I SECTION 01250 CONTRACT M ODI F I CATI ON PROCEDA RES c. Include an updated Contractor's Construction Schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. Contractor-lnitiated Proposals: If latent or unforeseen conditions require modifications to the Contract, Contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for a change to Owner and Architect. I' Include a statement outlining reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time.2. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. 3. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. 4. Include an updated Contractor's Construction Schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. 5. lomply with requirements in Dvision 1 Section "hoduct Requirements" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for product or ryst". rpecified. Proposal Request Form: Use AIA Document G709 for proposal Requests. ALLOWANCES Allowance Adjustment: To adjust allowance amounts, base each Change Order proposal on the difference between purchase amount and the allowance, multiplied by final measurernent of work-in-place. If applicable, include reasonable allowances for cutting losses, tolerances, mixing wastes, normal product imperfections, and similar margins. l. Include installation costs in purchase amount only where indicated as part of the allowance. 2. ff requested, prepare explanation and documentation to substantiate distribution of overhead costs and other margins claimed.3. submit substantiation of a change in scope of work, if any, claimed in change orders related to unit-cost allowances.4. Owner reserves the right to establish the quantity of work-in-place by independent quantity survey, nreasure, or count, Submit claims for increased costs because of a change in scope or nature of the allowance described in the Contract Documents, whether for the Purchase Order amount or Contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. submit claims within 2l days of receipt of the Change Order or Construction Change Directive authorizing work to proceed. Owner will reject claims submitted later than 30 days after such authorization. VAI L VALIEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Construttion Docwnene 9IulY 2NI HLM9EN7I.M 01250-2 I SECTTON 01250 0aNTRACT MODTFTCAUON PROCEDURES I I ' Do not include Contractor's or subcontractor's indirect expense in the Change Order costI amount unless it is clearly shown that the nature or extent of work has changed from whatI 2 i''J:lH;: rr":T::ff1,,'il11.y,"#l::'* $*:HTj,".ffffi1.'o, n,un",- or ,ower-I priced rnaterials or systems of the same scope and nafure as originally indiJated. I 1.6 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES I A. On Owner's approval of a Proposal Request, Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures I of Owner and Contractor on AIA Document G701. I r.7 CONSTRUCTTONCHANGEDIRECTTVE A. Construction Change Directive: Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA I Document G?14. Construction Change Directive instructs Contractor to proceed with a changer in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. I l. Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of change in the Work. It I also designates method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. I B. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a tirne and material basis of work requircd by the Construction Change Directive. I r' ffiL:#Jilir,itTft-i.jti#J"T,:"#ttff;rt and supporting data necessarv to I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) I PART3 -HGCUTION (Not Used) I Er{D OF SECTTON 01250 t r t HLM 9E(N71.U VNLVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01250.3 I DEMOUTION ANDSTRACTURALFRAME I CottstuctianDocwnenfr 9 JuIy 2001 I t.2 I I t I I I SECTION OI29O PAYMENT PROCEDARES SECTION 01290 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1-GENERAL I.I RET.A,TED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and otherDivision I Specification Sections, appty tothis Section. ST]MMARY This Section specifres administrative and procedural requirements necessary to prepare and process Applications for Payment. Related Sections include the following: l. Division I Section "Allowances" for procedural requirements goveming handling and processing of allowances.2. Division I Section "Contract Modification Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling changes to the Contract.3. Division I Section "Construction Progress Docurnentation" for administrative requirernents goveming preparation and submittal of Contractor's Constnrction Schedule and Submittals Schedule. I.3 DEFIN]TIONS A. Schedule of Values: A statenrent fumished by Contractor allocating portions of the Contract Sum to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for rcviewing Contractor's Applications for Payrnent. 1.4 SCHEDIJLEOFVALI.]ES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation of Contractor's Construction Schedule. l. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required administrative forms and schedules, including the following: a. Application for Payment forms with Continuation Sheets.b. SubmittalsSchedule. 2. Submit the Schedule of Values to Architect and Owner, through Construction Manager at earliest possible date but no later than seven days before the date scheduled for submittal of initial Applications for Payment. UA]L UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constaction Docuncnts 9 Jab 2Nl I I I I I I T I I I I I I B. HLM 98M71.04 01290-l a. b. d. a. b. c. d. 6. 7. 8. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDARES Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish line items for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. l. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the Schedule of Values: Project name and location. Name of Architect. Architect's project number. Contractor's name and address. Date of submittal. 2. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with sepilrate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: Related Specification Section or Division. Description of the Work. Name of subcontractor. Name of manufacturer or fabricator.e. Nanre of supplier.f. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value.g. Dollar value. l) Percentage of the Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. 3. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in enough detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Provide several line items for principal subcontract amounts, where appropriate. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; total shall equal the Contract Sum. Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each part of the work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipnrnt purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. a. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. Include evidence of insurance or bonded warehousing if required. hovide separate line items in the Schedule of Values for initial cost of materials. for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value of that part of the Work. Allowances: Provide a separate line item in the Schedule of Values for each allowance. show line-item value of unit+ost allowances, as a product of the unit cost, multiplied by measured quantity. Use information indicated in the Contract Documents to determine quantities. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. Include total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit for each item. a. Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place may be shown either as separate line items in the Schedule of Values or distributed as general overhead expense, at Contractor's option. 4. 5. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTI ON AND SIRACTARAL FMME Conshaction Docwnenls 9IaIy 2MI HLM98M71.U 01290-2 B. F. 1.5 I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDARES 9. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values before the next Applications for Payment when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Each- Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by Architect and Construction Manager and paid for by Owner. 1. ktitial Application for Payment, Application for Payment at time of Substantial completion, and final Application for payment involve additional requirements. Payrnent Application Times: The date for each progress paynrcnr is indicated in the Agreement between Owner and Contractor. The period of conshtcti,on Work covered by each Apllication for Payment is the period indicated in the Agrerment. Payment Application Forms: Use AIA Document G702 and AIA Document G703 Continuation Sheets as form for Applications for Payrnent. D. Application heparation: Complete every entry on form. Notarize and execute by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of Contractor. Architect will return incomplete applications without action. l. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and Contractor's Construction Schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made.2. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued before last day of construction period covered by application. Transmifial: Submit 3 sigred and nourized original copies of each Application fo'r Payment to Architect by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall include waivers of lien and similar attachments if required. l. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate information about applicaion. Waivers of Mechanic's Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mechanic's liens from subcontractors, sub.subconfiactors, and suppliers for construction period covered by the previous application. l. Submit partial waivers on each item for amount r€quested, before deduction for retainage, on each item. 2- when an application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers.3. Owner reserves the rigbt to designate wbich entities involved in the Work must submit waivers. 4. Waiver Delays: Submit each Application for Payrrent with Contractor's waiver of mechanic's lien for construction period covered by the application, UAI L VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTTJRAL FRAME Constntction Documc nts 9lttlt 2MI HLM98W7I.U 0r29&3 I I t I I I I T I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDURES a. Submit final Application for Pa)'rnent with or preceded by final waivers from every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application who is lawfully entitled to a lien. 5. Waiver Forms: Submit waivers of lien on forms, executed in a manner acceptable to Owner. G. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals that rnust precede or coincide with submittal of first Application for Payment include the fotlowing: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. Schedule ofValues.3. Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final).4. Products list. 5. Allowances. 6. Submiuals Schedule (preliminary if not final). 7 . List of Contractor's staff assignments.8. List of Contractor's principal consultants.9. Copies of building permits issued.10. Copies of authorizations and licenses from authorities having jurisdiction for performance of the Work. ll. Initial progress report. 12. Repon of preconstnrction conference.13. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies if such policies arc being provided by Contractor. 14. Data needed to acquire Owner's insurance.15. lnitial settlement survey and damage report if required. H, Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: After issuing the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment showing 100 percent completion for portion of the Work claimerd as substantially complete. l lnclude docurnentation suppo'rting claim that the Work is substantially complete and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum.2. This application shall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued previously for Ovrner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. I. Final Payment Application: Submit final Application for Payment with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted, including, but not limited, to the following: l. Evidence of completion of Project closeout requirernents.2, Insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required and proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. 3. Updated final statement, accounting for final changes to the Contract Sum.4. AIA Document G706, "Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims."5. AIA Docunrent G706A, "Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens."6. AIA DocumentG707,l'Consent of Surety to Final Paynrent."7. Evidence that claims have been settled. VAI L VALIEY MEDICAL C ENT E R DEMOLTTION AND STRUCTAML FMME Constructian Docaments 9 JalY 2NI HLM 98U71-04 0129(M I SECTION01290 |AYMENThROCEDURES I 8. Final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as ofI date of Substantiil Completion or when Owner took possession of and assumedI e fi:'"",t'Jlllj:'.:ffifl"Tff:;ffii"S.:T***I I PART2-PRODUCTS(NoIUsed) I r PART3-HGCUTION(NoIUsed) I END OF SECTION OI29O I I t I I I I I I t T I Hr.rt ggwTr.M uArLuAr.r*y MEDT^AL,ENTER I I DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FMME Cottsfuiction Doc ttttu nts 9labWI 01290-5 I SECTION OI32O CONSTRT]CTION PROGRESS DOC(JMENTATION I SECTTON 01320 - CONSTRUCTTON PROGRESS DOCLTMENTATION I PARTI-cENERALI I I.I SUMMARY I A. Procedures for preparation and submission of Contractor's construction schedules for the Work 1| and periodic updating. I B. Critical action report of required Owner and A,/E actions or decisions. - 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. General Conditions (paragraph 3.10)I B. Schedule ofValues - Section 01295. I C. Construction Photographs - Section 01322. I D. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples - Section 01330. I I.3 FORMOFSCHEDULES I A. Pnepare in horizontal bar chart form, or Prepare network analysis system using the critical pathr m€thod, as outlined in The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) publication "The Use of CPM in Construction - A Manual for General Contractors". f 1. Separate bar for each Eade or operation,2. Identify first workday ofeach week. t B, Prcpare in chronological order of start of each item of work. I I C. Identify each item by major specification section number or trade. I r.4 CONTENTOFSCHEDT.JLES A. hovide complete sequence of construction activity. I l. Indicate dares forbeginning and completion ofeach activity.2. Indicate projected percentage of completion for each iter[ as of first day of each month. I 3. Identify major milestones including dates for Notice to hoceed, pre-installation confer-I ences, pre{ontriact closeout conference, Architect's punch list, facility start-up activities, operating system instructions and demonstrations, commissioning activities, Regulatory - Agency of Jurisdiction inspections, Substantial Completion. I HI]14 98OO7I.O4 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI3^GI I DEMOUNONANDSTRACN]RALFRAME I CorcFuctionDocunen* 9laly 2(M1 r I SECTION 01320 CONSTR(JCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION I B. Product delivery schedule. Indicate dares for: I I . Delivery of products specified by allowances. t 2. Delivery of Owner-furnished products, 3. Contractor's receipt of rough-in information required for coordination of products fur- nished by others. I 4. Installation ofproducts furnished by others. Identify major categories and unique equip-I nrent items separately, l, C. Include calendar days from date of start of project to date of completion.J I 1.5 CRflCAL ACTION REPORT I A. hovide a separate sur rury report of dates for required Owner and Architect actions or deci- I sions that would affect construction schedule. I I.6 REVISIONS TO SCHEDULES ! A. Submit schedule updates and graphically illustrate the progress ofeach activity to date of sub- mittal, and projected completion date of each activity. I B. Identify activities modified since previous submittal, major changes in scope, and other identifi- able changes. I C. Provide narrative report to define problem areas, anticipated delays, and impact on Schedule. Report colrective action taken, or proposed, and its effect including the effect of changes on r schedules of separate contfirctors. I 1.7 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit initial schedules and critical action report within 15 days after date of Notice to hoceed. I B. Submit monthly revised schedules accurately depicting progress to flrst day of each month. I Submit with application for payment submittal. I C. Submit monthly revised critical action report concurrent with construction schedule zubmittat. r D. Submit number of copies reguired by Contractor, plus 2 copies to be retained by Architect (l - copy) and Owner (l copy). I PART2-PRODUCTS I N.TAPP'.ABLE I PARr3 -ExEcurroN HLI,| 98ffi71-U I t UAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTI ON AND STRACN]RAL FRAME Constttctbn Documen8 9InIt 2001 0r32&2 I sEcrroNor32o I NorAppLrcABLE I END oF sEcrroN ol32o CONSTRUCTI ON PROGRESS DOCAM ENTATI ON NIn[98M71.U VAILVALLETMEDICALCENTER OIJ^O.3 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constnction Documents 9ldt2mI I SECTION 01322 CONSTRUCNON PHOTOS ! t sEcTroN 01322 - CONSTRUCTTON PHOTOGRAPHS I PARTI-cENERALr t 1.1 SI,JMMARY t A. Pre-consfuctionphotographs. I B. Monthly consnuction photographs. C. Periodicconstructionphotographs.If D. Final Completion construction photographs. I r.2 St BMrTrArs I A. Identification: t 1. Submit key plan of Project site and building with noration of vantage points marked for location and direction of each photograph. Indicate elevation or story of constuction. Include the same label information as the conesponding photographs. Plan shall be reviewed and approved by Ar- I 2. Htll- of each print, provide an applied label or rubber-stamped impression with the following information. I a. Name of hoiect. b. Name of Architect. c. Name of Contractor. I 3. 3*:fi:;rit*trrf$nt indicarins locarion, direction (by compass point), and ereva- - tion or story of construction. t B. Construction Photographs: Submit prins of each photographic with each job pmgress r€port, but not less than once per month. Photographs shall be taken at the sarne time each month to document construction I progress. Additional photographs are to be taken at critical points of construction, as directed by Archi- I tect. I l. Format: 8-by-I0-inch (203-by-254-mm) smooth-surface maue prints on single-weight commer- f| z. ii3#i,ttfrht a complete set of phorographic negatives in protective envelopes as a project Record Document. Identiry date photographs were taken. r pART2-pRoDUcrs(NorAppLIcABLE) Ir I PART3.HGCI,ITIoN tI HLM9EWNI.O4 VNLVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI322.I ] DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME Construation DocamenB ' 9InlYzMI I B. 3.1 I I t t t I t t t I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 01322 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS Field Office Prints: Retain one set of prints of progress photographs in the field office at Project site, available at all times for reference. Field photographs are to be in a photo book, with clear protective pages. Photographs are to be sequential, with date included. Identify photographs the same as for those submitted to in the Monthly Progress Repon. Preconsfuction Photographs: Before starting construction, take color photographs of Project site and sur- rounding properties from different vantage points, as directed by Architect. l. Take photographs to show existing conditions adjacent to the property before starting the Work.2. Take photographs of existing buildings either on or adjoining the property to accurately record the physical conditions at the start of conssuction.3. Architect and Construction Manager will coordinate vantage points for the initial photographs. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take color photographs after date of Substantial Comple- tion for submission as Project Record Documents. Archit€ct will direct photographer for desired vantage points. END OF SECTION 01322 VAI L VALIEY MEDI CAL C ENTER D EM O U TION AND STRA CTUML F RAME Constactia n Do curnerr# 9IUIY 2rm HLrtgSUru-M 01322-2 I t SECTION 01330 SECTION OI33O - SUBMTTTAL PROCEDURES PART I -GENERAL SUBMITTAL PROCESS I t ! I I I t I I t t I I.I SI.IMMARY A. Procedures for submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples required by Contract Documents. B. Quality Control Submittals. C. Schedule of submittals. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. General Conditions - paragraph 3.12. B. Manufacturer's Installdion Instructions - Section 01600. C. Contract Closeout Submittals - Section 01770 and 0l?g0. I.3 DEFINTNONS A. Shop Drawings: Refer to General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.1. B. hoduct Data: Refer to General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.2. C. Samples: Referto General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.3. D. Quality Control Submittals: Informational submittals that pertain to quality control and which do not require review and approval by Architect and are to be retained in prolect file only. If reviewed, project information will be reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents only. The review will not constitute a detailed review of adequacy of submitted desigrr calcula- tions. The appropriateness and accuracy of calculations is the responsibility of the bontractor (and Contractor's professional engineer when such calculations are iequired to be professionally sealed). Examples of quality control submittals: l Design data and calculations.2. Test reports.3. Certificationsandcertificates. 4, Manufacnrer'sinstructions. 5. Manufacturer's field reports.6. Qualifications of Installer. VAI L UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTAML FRAME Construction DrcwenK 9 July 2(NI I I t I I NIil98M7I.U 0133Gr r sEcTIoN 01330 SIIBMITTALPROCESS I 14 sHoPDRAwrNGs I A. Prepare project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Prepare drawings in a clear and I thorough manner. Title each drawing with hoject name. B. Identify plans and details by reference to sheet number and detail, schedule or room numbers I shown on Contract Documents.r C. Identify field dimensions; show relation to adjacent critical features or Work.tf D. Do not reproduce Contract Documents for use as Shop Drawings. I E. Electronic copies of CADD Drawings of the Contract Documents will provided by ArchitecV I Engineer, on a one-time basis, for Contractor's use in preparing Shop Drawings. To obtain electronic copies of CADD drawings, the contractor will have to sign Architect's release waiver I and pay a nominal fee to be determined by Architect which is commensurate with the costs in- f curred by the Architect for preparation, formatting and file transfers to the contractor. l. If the Contractor obtains or receives electronic copies of the CADD Drawings, Contractor I shall not rely upon the electronic copies or re-use, alter or modify such elecionic copies.f 2. Contractor further agrees to (1) Pay (or forego payment on its own behalf the cost oD and (2) indernnify and hold harmless Owner and Architect from claims arising from any use, I re-use, alteration or modification of such electronic copies. t 3. Contractor shall only obtaih electronic copies of CADD Drawings pursuant to a written agreement with the Owner in a format agreed to by Architect and agrees that in all events the most current printed version of the Drawings governs over any electonic version. - I.5 PRODUCTDATA ' A. Manufacturer's standard drawings, details and diagrams: I l. Modify drawings to delete information which is not applicable to Work.I 2. ;i:t.Polffiil..andard information to provide additional information specifically applica- I B. Manufacturer's standard printed descriptive data: I l. Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent materials, products or models. I 2. Show dimensions and clearances required. 3. Show performance characteristics and capacities. .. 4- Show factory installed wiring or piping diagrams and controls. I 5. Show utility connection and rough-in requirenrcnts.!r 6. Include manufacturer's installation insftuction. 7- Indicate compliance with trade and testing agency standards.Ir 1.6 SAI,IPLES I HlntssooTr-M I t VN L VALI.DY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME C ottsb-ttctbn Docwne rrls 9IaIy 2Ml 01i30-2 t sEcTIoN 01s30 SaBMTTTALPROCESS I A. Submit full range of manufacturer's standard colors, textures and patterns for Architect's selec- Ilon. I B. Identify manufacturer's samples with manufacturer's name, item, use, type, project designation, - specification section or drawing detail reference, color, range, texture, finish and other pertinent . data. f C. Identify related and adjacent construction that will impact the product installarion orfunction. I D. Identify potential coordination issues that may be apparent to manufacturer. I E. Size and extent of field and fabricated samples as specified in respective specification sections. t F. Erect,field Samples at Project site, at Iocation acceptable to Architect. Fabricate each sample : completeandfinished. r t.7 QUALITY CONTROL SUBMmTALS I A. Submit quality control information as indicated in respective Specification sections.I l. Design data or calculations requhing professional certification shall be properly sealed I and signed by a registered professional engineer in State of Colorado. t 2. Submit test reports in accordance with requirements.3. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions.rt B. Submit in same numner as Product Data, except as otherwise specified above.r I 1.8 coNTRAcroR REspoNsIBrLrrrESr A. Review Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples and similar submittals prior to submission. Ini- I tial, sign or stamp, certifying to review of submittal for compliance with Contract Documents t and indicating Contractor's approval of submittal. All copies of subminal are to be reviewed, and stamped by contractor. All submittals that do not bear the Contractor's stamp will be re- I turned by the Architect, without review. B. Verify: I 1. Field measurements. I 2. Field construction criteria.3. Catalog numbers and similar data, .. 4. Conformance with Contract Documents. I 5. Completeness of submittal. C. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of Work and of Contract Documents. -t D. Notify Architect, in writing at time of submission, of deviations in submittals from requirements of Contract Documents. r HLM 98U7r-U VNLVALIfrY MEDTCALCENTER 01330-3 DEM O UTI ON AN D STRA CTA RAL F MM E Corxbtabn Documents t g.lriy2Ml I I I SECTION 01330 SUBMITTALPROCESS I E. Begin no fabrication or work which requires submittals until return of submittals with Archi- tect/Lngineer's stamp and initials or signature indicating review. I F. The Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submittals is not relieved by the Ar-- chitect's review of submittals. I G. The Conhactor's responsibility for deviations in submittals from requirements of Contractf Documents is not relieved by the Architect'slEngineers review of submittals unless the Archi- tect gives written acceptance of specific deviations.Ir I.9 SI.JBMITTALREQUIREMENTS I A. Concurrent with submittal of Construction Progress Schedule, prepare and submit a schedule for submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data,-Samples anA quafty Control Submittals. h- - clude tbe following: I l. Dates Contractor's submittals will be submitted to Architect.2. Dates submittals will be required for Owner-furnished products. I 3. Dates reviewed submittals will be required from Arcbitect.I B. schedule submittals in such sequence as to cause no delay in the work.I I C. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule. I D. Submit number of copies of Submittals as follows: - 1. Shop Drawings: Submit one opaque print. Architect will mark on the same print as con- tractor, then make 3 copies, Architect will retain one copy, Contractor will retain two I copies, one of which is to be kept for Owner. The fourth copy will be for the sub- contractor. 2. hoduct Data: Submit 4 copies of Product Data. Architect will retain one copy. Con- t ffi:"Jr#Htr[two copies, one of which is to be kept for Owner. The fourth copy will 3. Samples: Submit 2 sets of samples. I 4. Quatity Control Subminals: Unless otherwise specified, submit 2 copies of Quality Con- I trol submittals concurrent with Shop Drawing and hoduct Data submittals. I E. Accompany submittals with dated transmittal letter containing. r l. Projecttitle and number. .. 2. Contractor's name and address. I 3. Name and submittal identification number of each submitted Shop Drawing, hoduct Datur4 Sample or Quality Control Submittal.4, Notification of deviations from Contract Documents. f F. Submittals shall include: r HLM98N71-A VNLUALLEYMEDICALCENTER 013304, ***,:M;SYffiYFRAME I glu$2wl r G. J. I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t SECTION OI33O 1.10 A. B. c. 1.11 A. SABMITTAL PNOCESS 1. Date and revision dates. 2. Project title. 3. Names of Architect, Contractor, subcontractor, supplier and manufacturer. 4. Identification of product by specffication section number. 5. Relation to adjacent structure, materials or other critical features. 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such.7. Applicablereferencestandards. 8. Identification of deviations from Contract Documents, if any. 9. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying to review and approval of submittal, verification of field measurernents, compliance with Contract Document$ and coordina- tion with requirements of Work. 10. Submittal identification number composed of 5 digit specification section number plus a sequential number. Resubmittals shall include same numbering sequence, and identified with a sequential letter to identify latest submittal. (Example: Original Submittal:08800- l, Resubmittal: 0880G1A.) Coordinate submittals into logical groupings to facilitate interrelation of Products and Systems: l. Finishes requiring selection of colors, textures or patterns. 2. Associated items of systems which require correlation for efficient function and installa- tion. Coordinate subrnittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. Provide complete submittals in accordance with requirenrcnts of respective Specification sec- tions. Partial or incomplete submittals will be retumed, without review, for resubmission, fucbitect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other subminals until related submittals are received. RESUBMITTAL REQI.'IREMENTS Revise initial drawings or data and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. Indicate changes which have been made since previous submittal. Submit new Samples as specified for initial submittal. DISTRIBUIION OF SIJBMTTTALS AFTER REVIEW Copy and distribute reviewed copies of Shop Drawings and Product Data which carry Archi- tect's stamp as follows: Contractor's file, job site ftle, Record Docurnents file, other prime contrarctors, subcontractors, supplier and fabricator. I.I2 ARCHTTECT'SACTIONS UAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTER D E M O UTI ON AN D STRA CTANAL F MM E Constntction Do cuments 9JuIYmI HLM 98Um-U 01330-5 ! SECTION OI33O SABMITTALPROCESS f A. Architect will review Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples in accordance with General Conditions, subparagraph 4.2.7. The Architect will return the following to Contractor: I l. Three copies of Shop Drawings.It' 2, Three copies of hoduct Data. ', 3. One sample. I B. Architeo will not take responsive action on quality control or informational submittals except to require resubmission of incorrect or incomplete information. f C. Architect will return Shop Drawings within 7 working days of receipt of Contractor's complete submittal. r PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) I 'ART3 -",*curroN (NorAppLrcABLE) I ENDoFs'crroNor33o I I I I I t t I I HLM,E*TH)4 ,ATL,ALLE,MEDT,AL,ENTE. DE MO UTI O N AND STRA CTA RAL F MME Corrstruction Docu.ments 9 Ju$ 2NII I 0rc3e6 r sEcTroN 01400 QAAUTY REQATREMENTS t sEcTroN 01400 - QUALTTY REQUTREMENTS I PART1 -GENERAL I 1.1 sT;MMARYI A. Qual$Assurance/Control. f B. Manufacturers' Field Services I C. Examination of conditions. t D. heparation of substrate. f 1.2 RELATED SECTIoNS I A. Conditions of the Contract: Inspection and testing required by governing authoritiesr B. Testing Laboratory Services. I 1.3 QUALTTYASSTJRANCE/CONTROL I A, Maintain quality control over sub-contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workrnanship, to produce work of specified quality. I B. Comply with manufacturers' instnrctions, including each step in sequence.I C. Should manufacturers' instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from I Architect before proceeding. I D. Comply with specified standards as minimum quality for the Work except where more stringent I tolerances, codes, or specified requirenrents indicate higher standards or more prccise I workmansbip. r. E. Perform Work by persons qualified to produce required and specified qualrty. r F. Verify that field measurements are as indicated on Shop Drawings. I G. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to witbstandf sffesses, vibration, physical distortion, or disfigurement. I r.4 MANUFACTT.IRERS'FIELDSERVICES -r HI,NIgEN7I.U VNLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER OI4M.I I DEMOUTION ANDSTRACIARALFRAMBI *^ry!ff?;1** I B. I I I I SECTION OI4OO PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLTCABLE) PART3 -DGCUTION QUALrry REQATREMENTS When specified in respective Specification section, require manufacturer to provide qualified personnel to observe field conditions, conditions of surfaces and installition, quality of workmanship, and to make appropriate recommendations. Representative shall submit wriften report to Architect listing observations and recommendations. Report shall include observations and site decisions or instructions given to applicators or installers that are supplemental or contrary to manufacturers' written instructions I I I I 2.1 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION Verify that site conditions and substrate surfaces are acceptable for subsequent Work. Beginning new Work means acceptance of conditions. Clean and prepare substrates as specified in individual Specification Sections and as recommended by product manufaenrrer. Unless otherwise specified, apply rmnufacturer required or recommended substrate primer, sealer, or conditioner prior to applying new material or substance in contact or bond. EI{D OF SECTION OI4OO UAI L UAILEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Construction DocumenK 9 July 2MI B. I t I I I I I I I I t HLM98U7T4M U't00-2 I SECTIONOLSM TEMPORARY FACILITIESANDCONTROIS I sEcrroN01500-TEMpoRARyFACTLTTTESANDcoNTRoLSI I PARTI-cENERALI I I.I SUMMARY I A. TemporaryUtilities. I B. Temporary Controls. C. TemporaryFacilities.r 1.2 PROJESIIDENTIFICATION f A. Provide project sign that complies with local regulations, of exterior grade plywood with rne- dium density overlay and wood fiane construction, painted, with lenering by professional sign I painter to the Architect's design and colors. B. List title of project, names of the Owner, the Architect, Architect's Consultants, Construction I Manger, Mechanical Subcontractor, and Electrical Subcontractor. r C. Erect on site at location designated by the Owner. I D. No other signs are allowed except those required by law or approved by the Owner and Archi-t tect. I 1.3 CONTRACTOR'S BUILDINGS I A. The building of temporary structures will be permitted only at such places as approved by the I Owner and Architect. I r.4 TEMPoRARYoFFTcESI A- Pnovide and maintain temporary field ofhce during entire construction period. Shell space and I utilities for field office witi Ue irovided by rhe Orier.I I 1.5 TELEPHONEANDCOMMT.INTCATIONSERVICE I A' Telephone and facsimile services for Construction Managers use will be provided by ther- Owner. I B. Provide electronic mail service in Contractor's field office including neressary Internet service, r computer, modem and software. _ HLM98(N71.A VNLVALIEYMEDICALCENTER O15Ob1 - DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTIIRALFRAME t Constructionl)ocumenh 9 July 2NI r 1.6 A. B. c. t.7 B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROIS TEMPORARY WATER Temporary water system required for completion of work wilt be provided by the owner. In-stall branch piping with taps located so that water is available throughout project site by use of hoses. Provide hoses for conveyance. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING Provide temporary electrical connections service required for completion of project. Electrical utility service will be provided by the Owner. Provide necessary temporary wiring for distribution. Provide adequate artificial temporary lighting for areas of work when natural light is not ade- quate for work, and for areas accessible to public. I.8 TEMPORARY IIEAT AND VENTILATION A. Provide temporary heat and ventilation as reguired to maintain adequate environnrental condi- tions to facilitate progress of Work, to meet specified minimum conditions for installation of materials, and to protect materials and finishes from damage due to temperature or humidity, B. Provide adequate forced ventilation of enclosed areas for curing of installed materials, to dis- perse humidity, and to prevent hazardous accumulations of dust, fumes, vapors or gases. c. Portable heaters shall be standard approved units complete with controls. D. Pay costs of installation, maintenance, operation and removal, and pay costs for fuel consumed. E. Operate Permanent system only as required for testing and balancing except that perrnanent equipment may be used for final dry out only after dust producing operations are complete. Mechanical engineer of record shall evaluate when dust-producing operations are completg and recommend tbe tinre at wbich pennanent mechanical system may be used. Use of permanent system shall not affect warranty period, which shall start at final acceprance of all Work. F. Provide construction filters for permanent systems until final acceptance of Work. I.9 SANITARYFACILITIES A. Install adequate temporary chemical toilets at time Work is commsnced. Do not use toilets in existing Building. B' Maintain facilities in compliance with applicable health laws and regulations. Keep in clean and sanitary condition. VAI L VAIf,EY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEMOUTI ON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Construction Docaments 9 JuIy 2NI I I I I I HW98N71-U u5M-2 I SECTION OISM TEMPORARY FACIUTIES AND CONTROI.S t C. Upon completion of Work, rcmove temporary sanitary facilities. - D. New building facilities may not be used during any portion of the construction period, unless I specifically agreed to by Owner and Architect. I I.IO CONSTRUcTIoNAIDS I A. Furnish and maintain temporary stairs, ladders, ramps, scaffolds, hoists, runways, derricks and I chutes as required for proper execution of Work. B. Such apparatus, equipment and construction shall meet requirements of applicable Federal, I State and local Safety and Labor Laws. I C. Only one of the permanent elevators may be used for temporary construction purposes and shall I be provided with a temporary enclosure to protect finishes from damage. This enclosure does I not negate the requirement for protective covering as described in Section 14240. Ary such en-r closure shall be turned over to the Owner upon Final Completion. Any damage to the elevator and/or it's finishes during construction shall be repaired by the Construction Manager to the Ar- t chitect's and Owner's satisfaction,r I 1.11 GUARDRATLS, BARRICADES ANDTEMPORARY COVERINGS A. Provide guardrails, handrails, and covers for floor; roof and wall openings; and stairways; all in I accordance with applicable Safety Laws. r B. Provide barricades as required to protect natural resources, existing site features, existing buildings, adjacent property and passers-by. t C. At completion of construction, remove guardrails and barricades. I D. Provide suitable temporary watertight coverings over windows, doors, hatchways and other I openings as required to protect interior work from inclenrent weather. I t.rz CoNSTRUCTTONFENCESIBARRIERS ,- A. Provide and maintain construction fences where requiled to ensure site protection and safety. I B. Provide chain-link or woven wire fence with steel posts and gares. I C. 48- high, orange polyethylene, open mesh fencing supported with steel posts as required.r D. Maintain fences until completion of project, then remove and restore surfaces. I.I3 EXTERIORPROTECTION VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NT E R DEMO U N ON AND STRA CTIJRAL F RAM E Consblt ctia n Doctrnena 9IaIy 2MI I I I I IILM 98N7I.M 0150&3 B. F. I I I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACIUTIES AND CONTROLS t.t4 A. Provide temporary, insulated, weather-tight closure of exterior openings to accommodate ac- ceptable working conditions and protection for stored and installed materials and products, to allow for temporary heating and maintenance of required ambient temperatgres identified in in- dividual specifications, and to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Provide access door with self-closing hardware and locks. INTERIOR ENCLOSURES hovide temporary partitions and ceilings to separate work areas from Owner occupied areas, to prevent penetration of dust and moisture into Owner occupied areas, and to prevent damage to existing materials, products and equipment. Construction: Framing and gypsum board sheet materials with closed joints and sealed e.dges at intersections with existing surfaces; sTC rating of 35 in accordance with ASTM E-90 with maximum Flame Spread Rating of 25 in accordance with ASTM E-g4. TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION Preserve and protect existing nees and plants at site which are designated to remain, and those adjacent to site. Consult with Architect, and remove agreed-on roots and branches which interfere with con- struction. Employ qualified tree surgeon to remove, and to treat cuts. hovide temporary barriers, 6 ft. high, around each tree, or around each group of fiees and plants. Protect root zones of trees and plants: I . Do not allow vehicular traffic or parking.2. Do not store materials or products.3. Prevent dumping of refuse or chemically injurious materials or liquids.4, Prevent puddling or continuous running water. Carefully supervise excavatin& grading and fitling, and subsequent construction operations, to pnevent damage. Replace existing trees and plants desiguted to remain whicb are damaged or destroyed due to constnrction operations. TEMPORARY FIRE PROTECTION Install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities. Comply with NFPA 241. l. Provide fire extinguisbers, installed on walls on mounting brackets.2. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations. l.l5 A. B. c. D. r.t6 A. UAI L UALIfrY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCT'I]RAL FRAME Constuction Documents 9 Jttll 2MI HLM98M7I.M 015004 I I I I sEcTroN 01500 END OF SECTION OI5OO NLM 9EOO71.M UAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER DE M O UN ON AND STRA CTURAL F RAME Cotts taction Doc ut E rrts 9lub zffit TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS I I I I t I T I I I I I I I t 3. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fre- Protection facilities, stairways, and other access routes for fire fighting. Prohibit smok- ing. 4' Permanent Fire hotection; At earliest feasible date in each area of Project, complete in- stallation of permanent fire-protection facility, including connected services, and place into operation and use. Instruct key personnel on use of facilities.5. Develop and supervise an overall fire-prevention and first aid fire-protection program for personnel at Project site in accordance with governing regulations. I,I7 PARKINGFACILITIES A. Restrict parking of construction personnel vehicles to areas designated by Owner. B. Do not allow construction vehicle parking on completed new paving, except as otherwise ap- proved by Owner. I.18 ACCESS ROADS A. Construct and maintain temporary roads accessing public thoroughfares to serve constnrction areas. B. Extend and relocate as Work progress requircs. hovide detours necessary for unimpeded traf- fic flow. C. Provide and maintain access to fire hydrants, free of obstructions. D. Provide means of removing mud from vehicle wheels before entering public streets, E. Designated existing on-site roads may be used for construction traffic, if prior approval is ob- tained from Owner. F. Maintain existing and new roads and walks used in the progress of this work, both within the limits of the Site and the adjacent areas leading to it, open to havel and in clean condition. Failure to maintain on-site roads and sidewalks will result in Owner's cleaning of same in the most expedient manner with costs deducted from Contract sum. PART2.PRODUCTS NOTAPPLICABLE PART3-HGCUTION NOTAPPLICASLE 0150Gs I SECTIONO|6OO PRODUCTREQAIREMENTS I SECTION0I600 - pRoDUcT REQUTREMENTS I PARr1-GENERAL I l.l sIMMARYI A. Material and equipment incorporated into Work: f 1. Conform to applicable specifications and standards.2- Comply with size, make, type and quality specified, or as specifically approved in writing I bv Architect. I 3. Manufactured and fabricated products. f a. Design, fabricate and assemble in accord with recognized industry standards. I b. Xil::"acrff like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages, to be inter- c. Two-or more items of same kind shall be identical, by sarne manufacturer. r I f;1tff[':l]:ffi::U:;T:if"*.", shown or speciried sharr be adhered to unless variations are specifically approved in writing. I B. Do not use material or equipment for purposes other than that for which it is designed or is specified. !' Lz RELATEDSECTIoNS I A. Conditions of the Contract - Subparagraphs3.4.l,3.4.2, errld3.12.6. B. Summary of Work- Section 01100. f C. Products under Allowances - Section 01210. I D. Shop Drawings, Producr Data and Samples - Section 01330. I . Operating and Maintenance Data- Section 01780. ! 13 MANT]FACTURER'S INsTRUcTIoNs I A. When Contract Documents require that installation of work shall comply with manufacturer'st printed instructions, obtain and distribute copies of such instnrctions to parties involved in installation, including rwo copies to Architect. I l. Maintain one set of complete instructions at jobsite during installation and until completion. ll 2. Submit Architect's copies with appropriate Product Data submittal. I HLM 980071.A VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 016U.1 I DEMOUflONANDSTRaCTaRALFBAME I Construction Docarnents 9IaIy 2MI I B. c. I I I I I I I SECTION OI6OO PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Handle, install, connect, clean, condition and adjust products in strict accord with such instnrctions and in conformity with specified requirements. 1. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with manufacturer's instructions, consult with Architect for further instructions.2, Do not proceed with work without clear instnrctions. Perform work in accord with manufacturer's instructions. Do not omit prepararcry sreps or installation procedures unless specifically modified or exempted by contraci Documents. 1.4 TRANSPORTATIONANDHANDLING A. Arrange deliveries of products in accord with construction schedules. coordinate to avoid conflict with work and conditions at site. 1. Deliver products in undamaged condition, in manufacturer's original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible.2. Immediately on delivery, inspect shipments to assure compliance with requirements of Contract Documents and reviewed submittals, and that products ure p.opelty protected and undamaged. B' hovide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods ro prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. I.5 STORAGEOFMATERIALS A. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather-tight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. B- Maintain enclosures in good condition" and remove at completion of work. C. Provide substantial platforms, blocking or skids to zupport fabricated products above ground. D. Cover products, subject to discoloration or deterioration from exposurc, with impervious sheet coverings. Provide ventilation to prevent condensation and degrading of product. E. Store loose granular materials on solid surfaces in a well-drained area; prevent mixing with foreign matter. F. Stor€ materials on site unless otherwise approved by Owner. G. Do not use building as storage facility unless approved by Owner. H. Provide additional storage at no cost to Owner in the event that additional storage area is required beyond that provided by project site. I I I I I I I I I I I I UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRA CTANAL FNI,UE Cotatructian Docaments 9.lub 2001 HLMgSOULA 0r60G2 l. 2. 3. l. 2. J. l. ,| 3. 4. 1,6 I I I I I I I I t T I I t I I T I I t SECTION OI6OO PRODUCT REQAIREMENTS Arrange stored materials to provide easy access for inspection. PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS Product Definitions. hoducts: The term "product" as used in the Project Manual includes materials, equipment, and systems. Named Products: Identification of products by naming a model number and manufacturer. Standard Quality: a. Where products are specified by naming model number(s) and manufacturer(s) only, the named products establish a standard of quality. b. Where products are specified by Description or Reference Standard and by naming model number(s) and manufacturer{s), the named produc(s) together with the de- scription or reference standard establishes a standard of quality, B.Listed or Named Manufacturers: Manufacturers listed or named in a product or system specification are those manufactur- ers considered capable of manufacturing products conforming to the specification re- quirements. The "listing" or "naming" of a manufacturer does not imply "acceptance" or "approval" of any standard product of that manufacturer. Products of listed or named manufacturers proposed for use shall be comparable to or the same in all respects to specified make or model number designation of named products and shall meet or exceed specification requirements. Product Options Products specified only by Refercnce Standards or only by Description: any product meeting those standards or descripions, by any manufabturer. Products specified by narning several products or manufacturers: any prcduct and manu- facturer named. Products speci{ied by naming only one product and manufacturer: no option, unless a substitution is accepted. Submit a Request for Substitution for any product or manufac- turer not specifically nanr;d. Substitutions will only be considered if Construction Man- ager can adequately prove to Architect that the substitution's specification meets or ex- ceeds specified product. Cost savings or schedule benefits must also be identified. Any zubstitution request that does not include this information will be rejected. Products specified by naming one or more products and listing or naming other manu- facturers: Select any nanred product or a product of a listed or nanpd manufacturer which meets specification requirements and standard of quality established by the a. Contract Docurnents are based on use of "narned" base products. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRACTURAL F RAM E ConsfrTrction Docaments 9luly 2MI HLM98M7LA 0160&! I t t I I I I t t I I I I t I I I t I SECTION 0|600 PRODACT REQAIREMENTS Proposed products of listed or named manufacturers that do not rneet the specifi cation requirements of the "named" base product(s) will not be considered unless a Request for Substitution ofthe proposed product has been accepted by Architect in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. By using a product other than the "named" base product, Contractor represents that he will be responsible for adjustments to fit product to Work and for providing ad- ditional work, equipment, and services required by use of product, at no additional cost. b. 5. Products specified by Description, Reference Standard and naming several products or manufacturers: Any product and manufacturer named meeting those descriptions, stan- dards and specification requirements. Submit a Request for Substitution for any product or manufacturer not specifically named.6. If colors, patterns and textures of a "named" product are specified, Architect reserves right to require substitution products or products of a named manufacturer other than "named" product to match color, pattern and texture of specified "named" product.7. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, furnish a product (and manufacturer) that complies with requirements and matches Architect's sample. Architect's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily.8. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected from manufactur€r's colors, patterns, textures" or a similar phrase, furnish a product (and manufacturer) that cornplies with other specified requirements. a. Standard Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "standard range of col- ors, pattems, textur€s" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattem, or texture from manufacturer's product line that does not include premium items. b. Full Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "frrll range of colors, pat- terns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattem, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. 9. Custom Color Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "custom color and pattern", fumish a product that complies with other specified requirements and marches Architect's custom color and pattem. D. SubstitutionsPeriod 1. Substitution requests will only be considered during the bidding phase. E. Substitutions After Execution of Contracr l. No substitution will be considered after execution of Contract except for non-availabilitv of specified item due to: a. Strikes b. Lockouts c. Bankruptcy d. Discontinuedproduction. VN L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FNAME Corctraction llocumcn8 9luly 2001 HLM98M7I.M OI6UM 2. J. 4. 5. l. I t I I t I I t I I I T I t I I t I t SECTION OL6OO 6. 7. 8. 9. PRODACT REQUIREMENTS e. Proven shortage. f. Similar occurrences. Notify Architect, in writing, with substantiating data as soon as non-availability becomes apParent. Describe why product is not available. Describe any cost changes. Notify in time to avoid delay in construction, or if a delay is incurred identify the associ- ated delay. Forward submittal data as required for Requests for Substitutions. Substitute products shall not be ordered or instalted without written acceptance. Architect will determine acceptability of substitutions with consent of Owner. Accepted substitutions shall be in accordance with a Change Order. F.Requests for Substitutions: Submit a separate request for each substitution. Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with requirenrcnts of Contract Documents. Identify product by Specification Section and Article numbers. Provide manufacturer's name and address, rade narne, and model or catalog number. List product description, pedormance and test data and applicable reference standards, List name and address of similar projeas on which product was used and date of installa- tion. Give itemized comparison of qualities of proposed substitution with specified product. State changes required in other elements of Work because of substitution. State effect on construction schedute. List availability of maintenance service, and source of replacenrent materials. Give cost data comparing proposed substitution with specified product, and amount of net change to Contract Sum. G. Contractor's Representation: Request for substitution constitutes a representation that Contractor. l. Has investigated proposed product and determined that it is equal to or superior in all re- spects to specified product. 2. Will provide same warranties for substitution as for product specified.3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, and make such other changes as may be required for Work to be complete in all respects.4. Waives all claims for additional costs, under his responsibility, related to substitution which subsequently becomes apparent. 1.7 SI.]BSTTTUTIONSUBMITTALPROCEDI.]RES A. Submit 3 copies of each Request for Substitution. B. Architect will review Contractor's requests for substihrtions with reasonable promptness. UN L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTUML FNE UE Constntction Documents 9 JuIy 2001 HLM 9&N7I.U 01600-5 I s*crroNot'oo I C. During Bidding, Architect will record acceptable substitutions in Addenda. D. Form of Acceptance: a l. Bidding: Request for Substitution Fonn and Addenda. I pART3-HGcurroN(NorAppr.JcABLE) I Er{D oF sEcrroN ol6oo T I 2. After Execution of Contract: Request for Subsritution Form and Change Order if appli- cable. E. For accepted products, submit Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples in accordance with Section 01330. PART2 -PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS t I t t I I I I I It I I HIf,I{ 98N71.04 VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTUNAL FMME Co nstruction Doc uments I luly zMI 016W-6 r sEcTloNqr7^q EXECATIONREQAIREMENTS I SECTION 01700 - EXECUTION REQIJIREMENTS I PARTI -GENERAL I I.1 ST]MMARY I A, Examination and preparation. I B. Field Engineering I C. Starting and Adjusting. I D. Conection of the Work. E. hotection. I I.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. General Conditions - Paragraph 3.2.1. I B. Cutting and Patching - Section 01731. I PART2 -PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) - PART3-EXECUTIoN I I 3.1 EXAMTNATTON I A. Existing Conditions and Utilities: The existence and location of site improvements, under- I ground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. l. Before beginning work, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground I utilities, mechanicA and electrical systems and other construction affecting the Work.r 2. Before construction, verify the location and points of connection of utility services. I B. Unknown Utilities hocedures I _ 1. ffiffI" and uncharted utilities arc encountered during excavation, promptly notify I 2- If it is determined that such utility line has been abandoned, properly cap line at a depth approved by Architect orremove line if dirccted by Architect. f 3. If such unknown utilities are encountered and work is continued so as to damage discov- I ered utilities, Contractor shall repair damage at no cost to Owner. 4. Changes required in Work due to discovery of unknown, underground utilities or ob. structions will be compensated for in accordance with provisions of the Conditions of the I Contract. HLM 98U71.04 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI7ML I DEMOUnONANDSTRACTURALFRAME I ConstructionDocunatts 9Inly 2MI I B. A. B. 3.2 3.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION O|7OO Acceptance of Conditions: Examine substrates, quirements for installation tolerances and other Architect those non-complying conditions that work. EXECATTON REQA I RE M ENTS areas, and conditions, for compliance with re- conditions affecting performance. Report to can not be corrected by normal preparatory PREPARATION Existing Utility hrformation: Furnish information to local utility that is necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other utility appurte- nances located in or affected by construction. Existing Utility Intemrptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated. l. Notify Owner not less than l0 working days in advance of proposed utility intemrptions.2. Do not proceed with utility inremrptions without Owner's written permission, Field Measurements: Take field measurements as requircd to fit the work properly. Recheck measurements before installing each product. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurenrents before fabri- cation. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. FIELDENGINEERING Requirements Included l. Verifying existing grades, utilities and site appurtenances indicated on Drawings.2. Establishing and maintaining bench marks and reference lines3. Laying out buildings and appurrenances.4. Layrng out site improvenrcnts. 5. Final property survey. Quality Criteria 1. Surveyor: Contractor shall engage a registered land surveyor registered in the State in which Project is located, acceptable to Owner, to provide field engineering services, or2. Field Engineer: Provide a trained field engineer capable ofproviding specified field en- gineering services. 3. Initial services shall include the following: a. Establish permanent bench marks outside building lines. Establish and maintain two bench marks, located on the project site, as widely separated as possible.b. Verify locations and levels ofadjacentbuildings and appurtenances.c. Verifybatterboardsatbuildingcorners. VN L UAILEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEM OUTI ON AND STRU CTU RAL F RAM E Cowtntctian Documcnfi 9 Jrdy 2(Ml HIltI9SNu-A OI7M2 , 5. B. c. 3.4 3.5 3.6 t t I I I t I I t I I I I I t I I t t SECTION 01700 EXECATI ON RESAIREMENTS d. Verify utility locations, including new construction and existing active and inactive utilities prior to construction. Verify location and invert elevation at points of con- nection of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service piping.e. Verify outside building lines to ensure conect position of buildings and appurte- nances on project site. Make required surveys to fix and verify foundation loca- tions and elevations, column centerlines, walls, pits and trenches.f. Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes and invert elevations. During construction, periodically check layouts, equipment locations, lines, levels and grades. After foundations are complete, provide a verification survey indicating location of exte- rior walls and elevations of tops of footings. Final Property Survey: Prepare a final property survey indicating signifrcant features (real property) of the Work. Include on survey a certification, signed by surveyor, to ef- fect that principal lines and levels of project are accurately positioned as shown on sur- vey' STARTING ANDADJUSTING Start equipment and operating components to confirm proper operation. Remove malfunction- ing units, replace with new units, and retest. B. Adjust operating components for proper operation without binding. Adjust equipment for proper operation. Test each piece of equipment to verify proper operation. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment CORRECTION OF TTIE WORK Repair or remove and replace defective construction. R€store damaged substrates and finishes. Comply with requircments in Section 01731 - Cutting and Patching 1. Repairing includes replacing defective parts, refinishing damaged surfaces, touching up with marching materials, and properly adjusting operating equiprrent. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to their original or specifred condition. Remove and replace damaged surfaces that are exposed to view if surfaces cannot be repaired without visible evidence of repair. PROTBCTION VNL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRA CTARAL F NAM E Construction DocamcnE 9 JuIy 2lNI HLM 980071-U 01700-3 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION OI7OO EXECUTIO N REQA I REMENTS A. Maintain bench marks, monuments and other reference points, if disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. B. Protect existing adjacent streets, paving, curbs, and buildings. C. Protect existing on-site facilities and features, including utility lines, grading, paving and land- scaping. D' After materials, equipment and machinery are installed, properly protect Work to prevent dam- age from subsequent opemtions. Remove protections when no longer needed, prior to comple- tion of Work. E. Provide coverings to protect finished surfaces from damage. l. Cover projections, wall corners, and jambs, sills and soffits of openings subject to dam- age by subsequent work.2. Protect finished floors and stairs from dirt and damage. F. hohibit use of waterproofed and roofed surfaces for construction traffic and storage of materi- als. G. Keep building entirely waterproof at all times after roof is completed. H. Damage to existing facilities and site improvements resulting from construction operations shall be repaired by Contractor without cost to Owner. .END OF SECTION OITOO VAIL UALIBY M EDICAL CENTER DEM OU TI ON AND STRA CTA RAL F RAM E Constuction Documene eJw2Ml HIJJTgS(N7LA 0170G4 I SECTION01731 CaTTTNGANDPATCHTNG I sEcrIoN 0lz3r - currlNc AND pATcHTNGI I PARTI-cENERALr I 1.1 SUMMARY I A. Procedural requirements for cutting and patching. - L2 RELATEDSECTIoNS I A, General Conditions - Paragraphs 3.14 and 12.1.I B. Firestopping for patching fire-rated construction - Section 784t I C. Sections for specific requirements and limitations applicable to cutting and patching individual parts of the Work; Specification section for that work. r.3 scoPE I A. Execute cutting including excavating, fitting and patching required to complete Work or to: 1. Make several pans fit properly. I 2. Uncover portions of Work to provide for installation of out of sequence Work.t 3. Remove and replace defective work.4, Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of Contract Documents. I 5. Remove samples of installed work as specified for testing. I 6. Provide penetrations of non-stnrctural surfaces for installation of piping and conduit. I B. In addition to other confrct requirements, upon written instructions of Architect:I '' l. Uncover work to provide for Architect observation of covered work. I 2. Remove samples of installed materials for testing. I 3. Remove work to provide for alteration of completed work. C. Do not cut into or cut awav structural rnembers nor excavate beneath foundations or load bear- I ing structures without notification, and approval from Architect.I D, Do not cut into or cut away masonry elements or stnrctures without notification, and approval I from Architect. I E. Obtain written permission of separate contr,actor whose work will be affected by proposed cut- I tingandpatching. I 1.4 SIJBMITTAIS I HLM 98M71.04 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER OT73T.1 DEMOLXTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME I Cowtruction Documents etuumr I I I SECTIONq|T3I surrrNcANDpATcHINc I A. Submit written notice to Architect a minimum of l0 working days in advance of executing cut-r ting which affects: I l. Work of Owner or any separate contractor.I 2- :ffi,ffLtffi*ty of Work, cutting concrete and steel structuid members, cutting ma- I 3. Integrity of weather exposed or moisture resistant elements. f| 4. Efficiency, operation or maintenance of operational equipment.5. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements. I I B. Request shall include: I l. Identification of hoject, description of affected work, necessity for cutting, effect on I other Wo*, effect on structural integrity of project, description of proposed work. Des- r i i#;T:1*"T11i""' I i. rffi:1#i"",#"!.beused' I e. Proposed schedule for cutting and parching. 11 2. Alternatives to cutting and patching. - C. Should conditions of Work, or schedule, indicate change of materials or methods, submit writ- ten recommendation to Architect, including: I l. Conditions indicatingchange.2. Recomnrendations for alternative rnaterials or nrethods. I 3. Submittats as required for substitutions as specified in Section 01600. D. Submit written notice 10 working days in advance to Architect designaring time work will beI uncovered to provide for observation requested by Architect or t"gulatory agency ofjurisdic-f tion. I PARTz-PRODUCTS I 2J MATERT.ALsI A' For replacement of work removed, comply with Specifications for each specific product in-I volved.r I PARr3 -E)(EcuTroN I ;;*#^"* I I UN L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM OLTNON AND STRACTANAL FMME Cotrfruction Docamenfi 9lab 2(MI 01731-2 t sEcTIoN 01731 CUTTTNGAND eATCHTNG I A. Examine existing conditions of Work, including elements subject to movement or damage dur-r ing cutting and patching, and during excavation and backfilling. I B. After uncovering work, examine conditions affecting installation of new products, or perform-I ance of work. I C. Do not Proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. I r 3.2 PREPARATION Ir A. Provide temporary shoring, bracing and support to maintain structutal integrity of affecrcd por- tion of Work. It B. hovide protection for other portions of Work. I C. Provide protection from elements for portion of lVork which may be exposed by cutting andI patching, and maintain excavations free of water. I 3.3 PERFORMANCE I A. Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide finished installation to comply with speci- t fied products, frmctions, tolerances and finishes. r B. Execute cuning by methods which will prevent damage to other work and will provide proper t surfaces to receive installation of repairs and new work. l. Neatly cut and remove materials, and prepare openings to receive new work. I 2. Remove nx$onry or concrete in small-sections.- f 3. Provide shoring, bracing, and other supports to prevsnt movement, settlement, or collapse of remaining or adjacent wall areas, structure, or facilities. fl 4. Arrange shoring, bracing, and supports to prevent overloading of structure.r C. Execute excavating and baclfilling by rnethods which will prevent damage to otber work and I will prevent settlement. r D. Restore work which has been cut or removed; install new prcducts to provide completed Work I in accord with requircments of Contract Documents. I E. Refinish sight-exposed surfaces to provide specified uniform finish to match adjacent finishes. I l. Continuous Surfaces: To nearcst intersections. fl 2. Assembly: Entire refinishing. I F. Fit work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetrations through surfaces. I G. At penetrations of fire-rated construction, completely seal voids with fir€stopping materials in - accordance with Section 07841. I HI.II980071.A VAILUAITEY MEDICALCENTDR 01731.3 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRaCTUMLFRAME I ConstuctionDocunots 9 JuIy 2(M1 I I sEcrroNorT3r I 3.4 cLEANUn CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Remove debris, rubbish, and materials resulting from cutting and patching operations. I B. Transport materials and legally dispose of off site. END OF SECTION 01731 I HLM 9SM71.M VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 017314 DEMOUTION AND STRUCN]RAL FRAME Constuction DocunenE 9 faly 2MlI I I SECTION01770 00NTRACTCLOSEOUT?ROCEDURES I SECTION 01770 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES I PARTI-cENERALI I 1.r sr.rMMARy A. Comply with requirements stated in Conditions of the Contract and in Specifications for I administrative procedures in closing out the Work.r I 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS r A. Fiscal provisions, legal submittals and additional administrative requirements - Conditions of I the Contract. t B. Partial Owner Occupancy - Section 01100. I C. Allowances - Section 01210.I D. Contract Closeout Submittals - Section 1780. I E. Operation and Maintenance Materials - Section 01285. I F. Warranties, bonds and closeout submittals required for specific products or work - Respective I Specification Sections forthat work. I 1.3 suBsrANTtALcoMPLETroNI A. When Contractor considers Work is substantially complete, he shall submit to Architect: t l. A written notice that Work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially complete.2. A list of items to be completed or corrercted prior to final paynrent, the value of items on I the list, and reasons why the Work is not cornplete. I 3. Evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities. r B. Within 5 working days after receipt of such notice, Architect will either make an inspection to t determine stants of completion or notify Contractor of unfulfilled rcquirements. C. Should Architect determine that Work is not substantially complete. I l. Architect will promptly notify Cortractor in writing, giving reasons therefore.2. Contractor shall remedy deficiencies in Work, and send second written notice of substan- I tial completion to Archit€ct. I 3. Architect will re-inspect Work. I D. When Architect and Owner concur that Work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially I complete: HLM gEOO7I.U VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI77h1 I DEMOUTONANDSTRaCtRALFRAME t Constuction Docurnerrts 9luly 2NI r I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I I SECTION 01770 CO NTRACT CLOSEOAT PROCEDARES Architect will: ^. Sign a Certificate of Substantial Completion on AIA Form G704 prepared by the Construction Manager, accompanied by Contractor's list of items to be completed or corrected, as verified and amended by Architect.b. Submit Certificate to Owner and Contractor for their written acceptance of respon- sibilities assigned to rhem in the Certificate. Contractor shall: a, Make final changeover of permanent locks, and deliver keys and one copy of key- ing schedule to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provi- sions. b. Submit Project Record Documents, Operating and Maintenance Data, and Warran- ties and Certificates as specified.c. Schedule Facility Start-Up demonstrates and instructions with Owner's personnel as specified.d. Remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements.e. Prcpare a Certificate of Substantial Completion on AIA Form G704. 1.4 FINALCOMPLETION A. When Contractor considers Work is complete, he shall: l. Make final changeover of pennanent locks, and deliver keys and one copy ofkeying2. schedule to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions.3. Submit Project Record Documents, Operating and Maintenance Data and Warranties and Certificates as specified.4. Schedule Facility Start-Up demonstrations and instructions with Owner's personnel as specified, 5. Remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elenrents. 6. Submit written certifications of systems and testing/balancing final reports.7. Submit written cerrification that: a. Contract Documents have been reviewed.b. Wort has been inspected for compliance with Contract Docurnents.c. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Docurnents.d. Submit copy of Substantial Completion "Punch List" as prepared by Architect, with indication of each item that Contractor has completed or otherwise resolved for ac- ceptance. e. Equipment and systems have been tested or demonstrated in tbe presence of Owner's representative and are operational.f. Work is completed and ready for final inspection. B. Architect will either make an inspection to verify status of completion with reasonable Promptness after receip of such certification or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirenpnts. UAI L VAITW M EDI CAL C ENT ER DE MO UTI ON AND STRA CTARAL F MM E Cowtruction Docwnen8 9lub 2NI l. HLM98N71-U 01770-2 r SECTIONO|TTO CONTRACTCLOSEOUTPROCEDURES I C. Should Arcbitect consider that Work is incomplete or defective: r 1. Architect will promptly notify Contractor in writing, listing incomplete or defective work.r 2, Confactor shall take immediate steps to remedy stated deficiencies and send a second written certification to Architect that Work is complete. I 3. Architect will reinspect the Work.I r I.5 FINALAPPLICATIONFORPAYMENT I A. After Architect finds that Work is acceptable and after closeout submittals have been received, I Contractor shall prepare final Adjustment of Accounts and final Application for Payment as specified, and submit in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Conditions I of the Contract.r - PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLICABLE) I PART 3 - E)(ECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OFSECTION OI77O HLM 9M071.U UAILVAITET MEDICALCENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Co nstruction Docarnerrts 9lult 2NI I I I I I I t T I I t 01770-3 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t t t I I SECTION OT78O CONTRACT C LOSEOAT SU BMITTAI.S SECTION OI78O - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS PART I -GENERAL I.I STJMMARY A, Project Record Documents. B. Subcontractors and Suppliers List. C. Operating and Maintenance Manuals. l Manual of equipment and systems.2. Manual of products, materials and finishes. D' Warranties and Certificates; including evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities. E. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens. F. Final Adjustment of Accounts. G. Final Application for Payment 1,2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Conditions of the Contract - paragraph 3.1 I . B. Demonstration of equipment and systems - Section 01750. C. Contract Closeout Procedures - Section 01720. D. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials - Section 017g5. E. hoduct maintenance information required for specific products, materials, and finishes; Respective Specification for each product, material and finish. 1.3 PROJECTRECORDDOCI.JMENTS A, Maintenance of Record Documents: l. Store Record Documents in field office, apart from other documents used for construc- tion. Provide files and racks for storage of Record Documents.2. Do not use Record Docurrents for construction purposes.3. Label each document, *PRoJEcr REcoRD" in twoinch-high printed letters. VAIL VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FMME Constttctbn Documents 9 JrdY 2001 HLM980U1-A 01780-1 a. b. c. d. B. 1.4 1.5 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I SECTION 01780 CONTRACT C I,OSEOAT SA BMITTALS B. Recording: L Keep Record Documents current with construction progress.2. Do not conceal any work until required information is iecorded.3. Record information on a set of Record Drawings and project Manual.4. Record Drawings: Legibly mark to record actual construction: Field changes of dimension and details. Architect's Supplemental lnstructions Cbanges made by Change Order or modifications. Details not on original Drawings. 5. Record Specifications and Addenda: Legibly mark each secrion to record: a. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number of each product and item of equipment actually installed, particularly optional items and substitution items.b. Changes made by Addenda, Change Order or modification.c. Compliance: Compliance with the maintenance and recording requirements shall be and remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor. With submission of the re- cord documents Contractor shall provide Owner and Architect witb a wrinen certi- fication that such documents comply with this Section and that Architect and Owner are entitled to rcly upon such completeness and certification. SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS LIST Provide a complete list of names, addresses and telephone numbers of all subcontractors and zuppliers employed on the work. List portions of the work performed by each entity. FORM AND CONTENT OF MANUALS Assemble operating and maintenance manuals, and warranties and certificates in three-ring binders. Format: 1. Size: 8-l/2 in. x l1 in., fold larger sheets to fit into binders.2. Indexing: Tabbed fly-leaf for each separate product or sysrem.3. Identification: Each binder cover and spine identified with title of manual, subject matter of contents and project title. C. Binders: Commercial quality, 3-ring, with durable and cleanable clear plastic sleeves on spine to hold label describing contents. D. Table of Contents: Provide for each volume, arranged in a systematic order. l. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number.2. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of volume. UAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Constructian Documcnts 9 Jdt zml HLM9&N7I.U 01780-2 I sEcrIoNorTEo CONTMCT CLOSEOAT SA BMITTAIS I 3. List, with each product, name, address and telephone number of subcontractor or installer and local source of supply for parts and replacement. 1; 4. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Con- I tract Documenrs. E, Product Data: I l. hclude only those sheets which are pertinent to specific product.2. Annotate each sheet to clearly identify specific product or part insralled and data applica- f ble to installation. F. Drawinss: I l. a-o*n-.n Product Data with drawings as n@essary to clearly illustrate relations of component parts of equignent and systems and control and flow diagrams. f| 2. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure correct il- I lustration of completed installation.3. Do not use Project Record Documents as rnaintenance drawings. I G. Written Text: provide as required to supplement Product Data for particular installation, organized in a consistent format and in logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. I H. Warranties and Service Contracts: Include copy of each warranty issued and of each serviceI contract issued. I I.6 MANUALFOREQUIPMENTAND SYSTEMS I A. Content, for each unit of equipment and systenr, as appropriate: r l Description ofunit and component pans. r f, i:;:H?"::ffi:r#J1ffiff'*T',31u*,ingconditions c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. l| 2. OperatingProcedures: I a. Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions. I b. Regulation, control, stopping, shutdown and emergency instructions.c. Summer and winter operating instructions.d. Special operating instructions. - 3. Maintenance hocedures: r i: Hilffi1ff::tiffiooting,, c. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. I d, Alignment, adjusting and checking. HIJII 98ffi71.04 VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01780.3 I DEMoLITIONANDSTRaCTaRALFRAME I Constrrction DocumerrE 9luly 2001 r a. b. c. 8. 9. 10. I l. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 01780 CONTRACT CLOS EOUT SU BM ITTAI-S 4. Servicing and lubrication schedule.5. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions.6. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer. 7 ' Original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. As-installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer. Each contractor's coordination drawings including as-installed color coded piping dia- grams. Charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recom- mended quantities to be maintained in storage.12. Include testing and balancing repora.13. Other data as required under pertinent sections of specifications. B. Content, for each electric and electronic system, as appropriate. l. Description of sysrcm and component parts. a, Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions.b. Performance curves, engineering data and tests.c. Complete norpnclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. 2. Circuit directories of panelboards. a. Electrical service.b. Controls. c. Communications 3. As-installed color coded wiring diagrams. 4. OperatingProcedures: Routing and normal operating instructions. Sequences required. Special operating instructions. 5. MaintenanceProcedwes: a. Routine operations.b. Guideto'trouble-shooting". c. Disassembly, repair and reassembly.d. Adjustment and checking. 6. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instuctions. 7. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recom- mended quantities to be maintained in storage. 8. Other data as required under pertinent sections of specifications. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMO UTI ON AND STRA CTA ML F RAME Construction Documcnts 9luly 2NI HI.LI98M7I.M 0178(M 1.7 I I I I SECTION OITEO Additional requirements for operating Specifications. CONTMCT CLOSEOUT SU BMITTALS and maintenance data: Respective sections of MANUAL FOR PRODUCT MAINTENANCE Content: Maintenance data for each building product, applied material and finish used on project. Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: Include product data, with catalog number, size, composition, and color and texture designations. Provide information for re-ordering custom manufactured products. Instructions for Care and Maintenance: lnclude manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recomrnended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. Moisture-Protection and Weather-Exposed Products: lnclude product data listing applicable reference standards, chemical composition, and details of installation. Provide recommendations for inspections, rnaintenance, and repair. Additional Requirements: As specified in individual Specifications sections. WARRANTIES AND CERTIFICATES Compile specified waranties and certificates of compliance, Review to verify compliance with Contract Documents. Warranties shall be written in the name of the Owner. Assemble wuranties and certificates executed by each of respective manufacturers, suppliers and subcontractors. Number of original signed copies required: 2 each. Table of Contents: Neatly typed, using Table of Contents of hoject Manual as format. Provide complete information for each item. l. Name and location of project. 2. Name and address of Contractor. 3. Product, equiprnent or system. 4. Finn, with name of principal, address and telepbone number. 5. Scope. 6. Date ofbeginning and duration ofwarranty. 7. Provide information for Owner's personnel: I I I I B. c. D. 1.8 I I I I I I A. B. c. D. E. F. G. I I t I I VAI L VAILEY M EDI CAL C E NTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Construction DocumenE 9IulY 2001 HLM98N7I.U I s*crroNorTso CO NT RACT C LO S EOAT SA B M ITTALS I a. Proper procedure in case of failure.b. Instances which might affect validity of warranty. I H. Prior to final payment, submit following certificares: - I . Certificate of Insurance for Products and Completed Operations. I 2. :rT:X.,il:, or other written evidence of compliance with requirements of governing a. CertificateofOccupancy. I b. Certificates oflnspection I ) Conveying systems. I 2) Mechanical systems.3) Electrical systems.4) Fire protection system.r :l 5::",$ffi;',ix:7) Others where required by Specifications. I 1.9 SI.JBMITTALS I A. Manuals: I l. Submit two copies of proposed format and outline of rnaauals at least 3O days prior to I Substantial Completion. Architect will retum with comments.2- For equipment, or component parts of equipment put into service during construction and I operated by Owner, submit documents within l0 days after acceptance of designated I portions of the Work. 3. Submit 2 copies of data manuals in final form with 30 days prior to Substantial Comple- tion.t 4. Architect will review manuals for completeness of contents. a. Manuals will be retumed with comnrents for revisions, if necessary.I b, Conect, modify or complete manuals to comply with Architect's comments.c. Submit2copiesof eachcorrectedmanualwithin l5workingdaysof receiptof Ar- chitect's corrunents. I B. Project Record Documents: I l. At Contract closeout, deliver one copy of Record Documents to Architect for Owner.- 2. Accompany submittal with Certifrciie of Compliance and transmittat lener in duplicate, containing: date, project title and number, Contractor's name and address, title and num- I ber of each Record Docunent and signature of Contractor or his authorized representa- tive. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUN ON AN D STRA CTABAL F RAM E Constru.ction Docume nls 9 July 2(Nl I I I HIJ\I 980/71.U 01780-6 I SECTION OL7EO CONTNN.CT CLOSEOUT SABMITTAIS I I 1.10 EVIDENCE OFPAYMENTS, AND RELEASE OFLIENS r A. Contracror's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims: AIA G706. Ir B. Conrractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens: AIA G?06A, with: I l. Consent of Surety to Final payments: AIA G?02.r 2. Contractor's release of waiver of liens.3. Separate releases of waivers or liens for subcontractors, suppliers, and others with lien rights against property of Owner, together with list of those parties.I C. Submittals shall be duty executed before delivery to Owner. I D. Number of original signed copies required; 2 each. I 1.11 FINALADJUSTMENTOFACCOLJNTSI A. Submit final statement of accounting to Architect. I B. Statement shall reflect all a_djustments. I l. Original Connact Sum. I 2. Additions and Deductions resulting from: a, hevious Change Orders. I b. Allowances. c. Unit Prices. I d. Deductions for uncorrected Work.t i i?H'ff:trf":il:fi1*damagesg. Deductions for Reinspection payments or fees. I h, Other adjustments. 3. Total Contract Surn, as adjusted, I 4. Previouspayments. I 5. Sum remaining due.6. Construction Manager will prepare final Change Order, reflecting approved adjustments to Contract Sum not previously rnade by Change Orders. I r t.tz FINALAPPUCATIONFORPAYMENT r A. Submit final application in accordance with requirements of Conditions of the Contract. r PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLTCABLE) HI.II,T gEMN.A UAILUAILEY MEDICALCENTER 0178(L7 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constructian DocurnenB 9 July 2MI I I I I sEcrroNorTto I pART3-ExEcurroN (NorAppLrcABLE) t ENDoFsEcrroNolTso C O NTRACT C LOS E OAT SU B M ITTAI,S IILM9SU)7I.U VNLUALLEYMEDICALCENTER 01760.8 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Cowtttction Docwnanb 9lult 2NI I SECTION 01785 aPERATIoN AND MNNTENANSE MATBRIAL I SECTTON 0178s - OPEMTTON AND MATNTENANCE MATERIAL I PARrr -.ENERAL I r.r suMMARYI A. Procedures for storage, handling, and delivery of spare parts and maintenance materials. I 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. Material Storage - Section 0t600. r B. Contract Closeout Procedures - Section 01770. I I.3 PRESENTATION OF STJBMITTALS I A. Contract Closeout lnforrnation I l. Spare Parts: To Owner with letter of transmittal. I 2. Maintenance Materials: To Owner with letter of transmittal.3. Extra Materials: To Owner with leuer of transmittal. I 4. Copies of Transmittals: To Architect. I I 1,4 PRODUCTREQLIIRED I A. Provide to Owner quantities of spare parts and tools, rnaintenance materials and extra material as specified in individual Specification Sections. t B. SparePartsandTools: Packageinclearlyidentifiedboxes. I l. krdicate manufacturer's narne, part name and stock number. I 2. Indicate piece of equipment for which part or tool is intended3. Indicate narne, address and phone number of closest supplier I 4. Indicate specffication number. I C. Maintenance Materials: Package in clearly identified boxes. I l. Indicate trade name and stock number.r 2. Indicate for whicb item material is to be used.3- Indicate name, address and phone number of closest supplier. I D. Extra Materials: Package in clearly identified containers, or install where indicated. I l. Provide products identical to those installed in Work. Include quantities in original pur- I chase from manufacturer to avoid variations in manufacnre. HI)[ gEOO7I.U UAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01785.1 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I ConstructionDocuments 9 July 2NI I I s*crroNolT.s I t 2. Indicate trade name, stock number. size. color.3. Indicate where product is to be used.4. Indicate name, address and phone number of closest supplier.5. Indicate any special storage or environmental requirements. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MATERIAL I t.s DELryERYI A. Deliver to Owner at time of Substantial Completion unless Owner requests earlier delivery. f B. Deliver to location on site as directed by Owner. I C. Obtain receipt for delivered materials. t r PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPUCABLE) I PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION 01785 HLM 98OO7I.A UAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M O U TI ON AN D STRU CTI]ML F RAM E C onstru ctia n D o c ume nts 9JabilM I t I I I I I I I I I I 017E5-2 I SECTIONO33OO CONCRETEI I SECTION O33OO - CONCRETE I PART I -GENERAL . I.O RELATEDDOCUMENTS ' A. Drawings and general provision of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I - Specification sections. I I.OI DESCRIPTIONr I A. Work Included: Work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for completion of all concrete work including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: t Formwork, complete with required shoring, bracing, and anchorage. 2. Reinforcing, complete with required support, spacers, and related accessories. |l 3. Cast-in-place concrete including footings, pilasters, grade beams, walls, and slabs. r 4. Finish and cure for slabs. I B. Definitions: Air content, entrained air content: is volume of air found by subtracting tlre entrapped air from the total air content. r I.O2 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: The Work under this section shall be subject to all ! applicable provisions ofthe state and local building and safety codes. I B. Reference Standards: Comply with following standards except where more stringent requirements I are shown or srrecified: I l. ACI 301-84,"SpecificationforStructuralConcreteforBuildings." ACI 304-2R,305,I 306, 308, 315 and 3lE Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. fJ 2. Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstitute (CRSI), "Manual of Standard Practice", 63 and 65. I 3. ASTM c666 - standard Test Method for Resistance of concrete to Rapid Freezing and I Thawing. I 4. ACI I 17-90 -- Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials; American Concrete lnstitute; 1990. ELM9&N7141 YAILVALLETMEI'ICALCEIVTER O33MI DEMOLINON AND STRACTAML FMME I Consnadion Docamcnls 9 JULY 2001 I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION B3M 8. 9. 5. 6. 10. I l. 12. tE. 19. CONCNETE ACI 201.2R-92 - Guide to Durable Concrete; American Concrere Institute; 1992. ACI 2l l.l-91 - Standard hactice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavy weight, and Mass Concrete; American Concrete Institute; 1991. AcI 301-89 - specifications for structural concrete for Buildings; American concrete Institute; 1989. AcI 302.1R-89 - Guide for concrete Floor and Slab constructionl American concrete Institute; 1989. ACI 304R-89 - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and placing Concrete; American Concrete lnstitute; 1989. ACI 305R-91 - Hot Weather Concreting; American Concrete Institute; 1991. ACI 308-92 -- Standard Practice for Curing Concrete. ACI 3l 8-89 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete; American Concrete Institute; I 989. ASTM A 184/A l84M-90 - standard specification for Fabricated Deformed steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement; 1990. ASTM A 185-90a - Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, plain, for Concrete Reinforcement; 1990. AsrM A 615-92 - Standard specification for Deformed and plain Billet-steel Bars for Concrete Rein forcement; 1992. ASTM A 7751A 775M-94a - Srandard Specification for Epoxy-Coarcd Reinforcing Steel Bars; 1994. ASTM C 3l -91 -- Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concret Test Specimens in the Field; 1991. ASTM C 33-92 -- Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates; 1992. ASTM C 39-93a -- Standard Test method for Compressive Strength ofCylindricat Concrete Specimens; | 993. ASTM C 42-90 - Standard Test method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete; 1990, ASTM C 94-92a -- Srandard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 150-94 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement; 1994. UAILVALLEYMEDICALCENTER O33OL2 I'EMOLINON AND STNACTAML FNAME Conirudion Doannsra 9 JuLy 2001 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 20. 21. 1'> HLM9EMTI4N I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 34. 35. 36. 37. sEcnoN 033u 23. 27. 24. 25. 28. 29. 30. 31. CONCRETE ASTM C l7l-92 -- Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 172-90 -- Sandard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete; 1990. ASTM C 173-78 -- Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method; 1978. ASTM C 231-9lb -- Standard Test method for Ah Content of Freshlv Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method; l99l . ASTM C 260-94 - Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete; t994. ASTM C 494-92 -- Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 618-94a - Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete; 1994. ASTM C 881-90 -- Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete;1990. ASTM C 1059-91 - Standard Specification for Latex Agents for Bonding Fresh to Hardened Concrete; 1 99 1 . ASTM D t75l-83 (91) -- Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types); 1983 (Reapproved l99l). ASTM E I155-87 - Standard Test Method for Determining Floor Flatness and Levelness Using the F-Number System; 19E7. CRSI MSP- t -90 - Manual of Standard Practice; Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstinrte; 1990. Concrete Relnforcing Steel Institute (CRSI), "Manual of Standard practice,', 63 and 65. 1997 Uniform Building Code. 1997 Edition ofASTM C94 except as modified herein: a. Section 5.1.3 strall be changed to read at the point of placement. b. Section 7.2 shall be changed to rcad when sampled at Ore point ofplacement shall not be below the specified minimun. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTAML FNAME Consnuaion Docamcnt 9 JULY200l JJ. IILMgAMTLIY D. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION O33OO c- CONCRETE The Owner will ernploy an Independent Testing Laboratory to provide testing services specified in Division l. The Structural Engineer, and Independent Testing Laboratory shall be offered uninterrupted access to the ready-mix batching plant at all times that the work is in progress. E. Providc the Testing Agency with following: l. Incidental labor required to facilitate testing. 2. Minimum one day's advance notice when concrete is to be placed. 3. Storage facilities for concrete test cylinders. 4. Materials, samples, and access to materials as required for testing. 5. Reimbursement of costs for testing and inspection resulting as a consequence ofthe following: a. Work not in compliance with the Contract Documents.b. Testing requested by Contractor or Subcontractor such as additional cylinders for earlv breaks. etc. c. Testing to veri$ the adequacy of work done, without prior notic€, without proper supervision, or contrary to standard construction practice. F. Desim Criteria: l. Concrete: See General Notes on Stuctural Drawings and ACI 301, Chapter3. 2. Formwork Design: The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the safety of the formwork and shall provide all necessary desigt, construction, materials, and maintenance to produce the required concrete work safely, Design all formwork to have sufficient camber to maintain the tolerances specified. Srength shall be sufficient to compensate for the weight ofthe fiesh concrete and a construction live load of50 psf minimum. G. The Contractor is responsible for the quality control, including workrnanship and materials furnished by his subcontractors and suppliers. l . Inspection or testing by the Owner does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. Workmanship: The Contractor is responsible for and shall bear the cost of correcting concrete work which does not conform to tbe specified requirements including, but not limited tq strergth, tolerances, and fmishes. Correct deficient concrrte b5r means acceptable to the Architect and Structural Engineer to approve corrpctive work shall be VATL YALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLINON AND STRACruRAL FNAME Construuion Docaman8 9 JULY 2001 HLil|9tM7I41 t I I t I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I SECTION O33OO CONCRETE bome by the Contractor. H. Record of Work: A record shall be kep by the General Contractor listing the time and date of placement of all concrete for the structure. Such record shall be kept until the completion ofthe project and shall be available to the Architect and Sfiuctural Engineer for examination at any time. All concrete batch tilp tickets will be collected and retained by the Contractor. Conffete batch trip tickets shall contain information specified in ASTM C94, Paragraph entitled "Batch Ticket Information," including items | 5.2.1 through 15.2.8. Batch rip ticket shall also show the total amount ofwater in the mix as batched (including water present in the aggregate before batching) and the amount of water required by the design mix proportions. Upon completion ofthe project, copies ofthe record ofwork and batch tickets shall be provided to the structural engineer. I.O3 SUBMITTALS A. All submittals in accordance with Division l. B. Mix Designs: l. Submit substantiating data for each concrete mix design contemplated for use to the Architect not less than six weeks prior to first concrete placement. Data for each mix shall, as a minimum, include the following: a. Mix identification designation (unique for each mix submitted). b. State of int€nded use for mix. c. Mix proportions, including all admixtures used. d. Manufacturer's data and/or certification verirying conformance of all mix materials, including admixtures, with specified requirements. e. Wet and dry unit weight. f. Entrained air contgnt. g. Design slump. h. Required average strength qualification data per ACI 301 3.9.1 and 3.9.2. Submit separate qualification data for each production facility which will supply concrete to the project. i. Average strength qualification data (trial mix data or field test data pcr ACI 301 3.9.3). When field test data is used to qualifl averagc strengtr, submit separate qualification data for each production facility which will supply concrete to the VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLINON AND STNACN]NAL FNAME Con$ruaton DocumatE 9 JULY 2OOI HLM9EM71.O1 033045 I I sEcrroN03300 I I I I t I I I I t I t CONCRETE project. j. Field test data submitted for qualification of average srength under ACI 301 3.9.1,3.9.2, and 3.9.3 shall include copies of the Conqete Testing Agency's reports from which the data was compiled. 2. Separate design mixes are required for each strength and class of concrete, each change in type and/or quantity of mix materials including admixtues, each change in slump limits, and each change in ennained air content. 3. It is the sole responsibility ofthe contractor to adjust the mix designs to meet the environmenul conditions and techniques of placement at the time and point of placement. Mix designs presented herein are minimum quantities for ideal conditions. Any variations in arnospheric, placing or curing conditions must be accounted for by the contractor and his mix desiens. C. Shop Drawings: l. Submit shop drawings for fabrication, bending and placement of concrete reinforcement. Comply with ACI Detailing Manual (SP 66). Provide l/4" scale elevations of all components with reinforcing shown. Include special reinforcement required at openings through concrete structune. Include all accessories specified and required to support reinforcement. Obtain from General Confiactor location of p'roposed construction joints and show them on the shop drawings. Reproduction of any component of the conmct documents as a part of the slrop drawings is prohibited. 2. For slab joints, both control and constnrction. Include a sequence of placernents and a schedule with the minimum time delay between each segment placement. D. Product Data: l. Submit product data with application and installation insfructions for pmprietary materials and items including reinforcement and forming accessories, admixtures,. patching compounds, epoxies, grouts, hardeners, sealer, and others as required by the Architect. 2. Submit curing compound product data and verification of its compatibility with other finish materials and surface treatments required. E. Submit samples of concrete materials if requested by the Architect, including names, sources, and descriptions. F. Laboratory Test Reports: Submit laboratory test reports for concrete materials and mix design as I sPecified. I I.O4 HANDLING I A. Concrete: r HLMgtmTIJN I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDIQIL CENTER DEMOLITION llND STRACTARAL FRAME Construction Docua,ub 9 JULY 2001 033tilM B. 1.05 I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I SECTION O33OO 2. JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: PART 2. PRODUCTS 2,OO GENERAL CONCRETE Hauling Time: discharge all concrete transmitted in a truck mixer, agitator, or other transponation device not later than I hour, or 200 revolutions of the drum after the mixing water has been added, whichever is earliest. Extra Water: Deliver concrete to the job in exact quantities required by the design nix. No extra water shall be added. l.Hot Weather Placernent: When depositing concrete in hot weather, follow recommendations of AcI 305 as modified herein. The temDerature of consete at time of placernent shall not exceed 90 degrees F. Protect to prevent rapid drying. Mixing water may be chilled, or chopped ice may be used to contol tempera0re provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Use of liquid ninogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. Start finishing and curing as soon as possible. when the air temperature is expected to exceed 90 degrees F., the contractor shall obtain acceptance from the Structural Engineer ofthe procedures to be used in protecting, depositing, finishing, and curing the concrete. The specified water reducing retarding admixture may be used upon acceptance of the Strucnrral Engineer for 24 houn after depositing. Cold Weather Placement: When deposition concrete after the first frost or when the mean daily temperatures are below 40 degrees F., follow recommendations of ACI 306 as modified herein. Maintain concrete temperature at a minimum of 55 degrees F. for sections having a minimum dimension of less than 12", or 50 degrees F. for sections having a minimum dimension of 12" or greater, for not less than 72 hours after depositing. The specified non-chloride accelerator or high-early suength Type III cement may be used when accepted by the Structural Engineer. Do not place concrete without approval of the Stuctural Engineer on days when temperature at 9:00 a.m. is below 30 degrees F. Job-cured cylinders for verification of strength and/or the adequacy ofthe contractor's protective methods, may be required by the Stuctural Engineer. hotection: Protect all concrete from rain damage. Protect finished slabs from mortaf, leakag€ from pouring of concrete above. cover masonry walls, glazing, and other finish mat€rials with polyethylene or otherwise protect from damage due to pouring ofconcrete. A. All materials in accordance with ACI 301 unless amended or superseded by requirements of following articles or General Notes on the structural drawings. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CEIVTER DEMOUTION AND STRACruRAL FMME Consfruclion Doanrr'r//r,s 9 JULY 2001 HLM980071-A 033M-7 B. c. A. B. c. D. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE 2.01 FORM MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS Forms for Exposed Finish Concrete: Unless otherwise indicated, construct formwork for exposed concrete surfaces with plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood faced or other acceptable panel- type materials, to provide continuous, sFaight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Fumish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number ofjoints and to conform to joint system shown on drawings. Provide form material with sufficient thickness to withstand pressur€ of newly-placed concrete without bow or deflection. Forms for Unexposed Finish Concrete: Form concrete surfaces which will be unexposed in finished structure with plywood, lumber, metal, or other acceptable material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for right fit. Form Coatings: Provide commercial formulation form-coating compounds that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concnete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatnents of concrete surfaces. 2.02 REINFORCINGMATERIALS General: Sizes, types, grade or yield strengths as indicated on the drawings. Use 60,000 psi yield strength if not otherwise indicated. Use reinforcing conforming to ASTM A706 where welding of reinforcing is required unless otherwise indicated. Provide uncoated finish unless otherwise indicated. Defonned Bars: ASTM A6t5 plus supplemenary requirement (Sl), Deformed Billet Steel Bars or ASTM A?06, Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Ban unless otherwise indicated. Welded Wire Fabric: Mesh size and gauge as indicated on the drawings. Conform to ASTM A185, plain in flat sheets. Tie Wire:Tie wire shall be No. 16 American Wire Gage or heavier, black annealed. Supports for Reinforcement: hovide supports for reinforcement including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and weldcd wire fabric in place within specified tolerances. Use wire bar-type supports complying with CRSI, Class I or 2, unless otherwise aoceptsble. l. Use supports with sand plates or horizontal runners for slab-on-grade wh€re base material will not support chair legs. 2. Provide accessories and continuous reinforcing supported on appropriate chairs for welded wire fabric and reinforcement in slabs as required to maintain position as shown on the drawings. CONCRETE MATERIALS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNUCTUML FRAME C onsfi u cr ion lro cu rru tt 9 JuLY200l HIJfiqEM7I.A 033WN I I I I I I t I I sEcTroN 03300 A. Cementitious Materials: 2.04 RELATEDMATERIALS A. Expansio,n Joinb: CONCRETE 1. General: Provide materials of the same brand or source throughout the project unless otherwise soecified. 2. Portland Cement: ASTM Ct50 Type II. 3. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C orF, low loss. B. Aggregates: l. General: Provide aggregates fom the same source throughout the project unl€ss otherwise specified. 2. Normal Weight Aggregate: ASTM C33 containing no deleterious substances which cause surface spalling. Certifo that no alkali reactivity is produced with the proposed aggregate-cement combinations when tested in accordance with ASTM C227 . Pea gravel shall be graded for 90% passing the 3/8 inch screen *O 96o7o rctained on the l/4 inch screen. Use pea gravel only when acceptable to the Architect and Structuml Engineer. C. Water: Potable. D. Admixtures: l. General: Unless specified, no admixtures may be used without specific approval ofthe Architect and Structural Engineer. 2. Prohibited products: Calcium chloride or admixtures containing more than 0.05% chloride ions or thiocyanates are not pcnnited. 3. Air Entraining Admixhre: ASTM C?60 4. Water Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A a. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: nEucon WR-75" - Euclid Chemical Co. "Pozzolith 344Hu - Master Builders "Plastocrete 160" - Sika Chemical Co. I I I t I I l. lnterior Use or Exterior Use Where Sealants are Specified: Cellular foam of l/2 inch I HI.L| gUNzI.IN VAILUALLEYMEDICALCENTER O33M-9 DEMOIJTION AND STRACTURAL FNAME Corrstrudion lrocg,rrg/ta 9 JULY 2001I I I I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE I thickness. Provide manufacturer's certification of compatibility with specified sealants where required. f B. Curing Compounds: - l. Dissipating Resin Compound: ASTM C309, Typel. The film must chemically break I down in a two to four week period. a. Subject to complianc€ with requirements, provide one of the following:'lI ',Kurez DR" - Euclid Chemical Co. r c #ffi'Y:::ffi'.'H*ff!ll,il't33,lil,1Tl,iJ,*li;?Tillil3,xtm, Engineer as to methods and procedures. I l. Injection Epoxy: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: "Sikadur 35, Hi Mod LV,'- Sika Chemical Corp. I 2. Epoxy Adhesive: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one ofthe following: f "sikadur 32 Hi-Mod" - Sika Chemical Corp. I D. Bonding Compound: Polyvinyl acetate, rewettable rype. Interior usage only. I l. Subject to compliance with rcquirements, provide one of the following: I "Sikabond'_ Sika Chemical Corp. D. Floor joint filler: semi-rigid epoxy filler. I l. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: "Euco 700', - Euclid Chemical Co. I E. Non-Shrink Grout: CRD-C 5EB, Tlpe A, facrory premixed. I F. * *il*.nrn colortess,shake-on,r haraeninfcrremGi6ffiuna. l. Subject to compliance with requircmcnts, provide the following: I 'Surfhard" - Euclid chemical company. - HIf,|r9E(MTI-01 vATLvALLEYMEDIoALaENTER 0ii00-10 DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FMMEr *ry#:"?,ffi. I I I , sEcrIoN03300 coNcnETE I 2.05 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES: I A. Strength - Desigr mixes to provide normal weight concrete for the following mix types: I Tlpe I . 4009 psi 28 day compressive strength; 6l I lbs. of cement and ash per cubic yard mlnimum; Wc ratio .46 maxirnum; air enuained to be used in all concr€te except as noted in type 2 below. r B. Slump Limits: Slump of concrete, measured at point of placement, shall fall within the foltowing limits: I Type l: Not less than 2,' and not more than 4". Mix designs shall be proportioned at the maximum slump. t D. Fly Ash,/Cement Replacemenr: l Fly ash may be substituted in all concrete up to a 20% maximum.I E. Admixtures: I l. Use air-entraining admixture in all concrete, unless otherwise indicated. Add air- entaining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrcte at point of placement having enfiained air content within following limits: I a. 4yo minimum air at all concret€. I F. Selection ofproportions:r I . Mix Design: Cost of concrete mix design is responsibility of Confactor. r 2. Selection of Proportions: Use method of ACI 301 3.9. Proportioning based on method ofr AcI 3ol 3.lonotallowed a. Field test records used for documentation ofthe average srength produced by af proposed mix in accordance with ACI 301 shail, in aadition to the requirements thcre listed, comply with the following: t The test record shall represent production concrete from a single design mix, produced during the past year, and may be composed of 30 or more consecutive tes$. I The test record shall represent concrete made with identical materials and proportions (including admixtures) to the proposed rnix. f The test record shall represent concrete proportioned to produce the maximum slump allowed by these specifications, and for air-entraincd concrete, within - I 0/+l percent of the maximum air content allowed. r Hltrgunzl-M qAnLvALLEvMEDI1AL1ENTER tistu-Il DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constudion DocarwnEr 9JULY2OOI I I I t sEcrroN03300 I CONCRETE b. Mixes proportioned on the basis of trial mixtures shall meet the provisions of ACI 301 G. Design mixes to meet or exceed each requirement specified at the point of placement. Where more than one criterion is specified, the most stringent shall apply. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to implement revisions to the mix designs due to placement techniques or weather conditions at the time of placernent. Mix designs criteria herein is for ideal conditions. I PART3-EXECUTION r 3.00 GENERAL r A. Perform concrete work in accordance with AC! 301 except as specified herein and on the I I I I I I I I I I I drawings. B. use ready-mixed concrete conforming to AsrM c94; no job.mixed concrete allowed. I 3.01 coNcRErEcAsroNEARrH A. Preparation: l. Foundation Bearing Surfaces: Excavate to smooth, level surface in undisttrbed, naufal soil unless otherwise indicated or accepted by the Soils Engineer. 2. Slab Subgrade: Underslab surfaces shatl be fine grades to smooth, level surface prior to installation of slab forms. 3. Earth Cuts: Earth cuts may not be used as forms. B. Inspection: All foundation bearing surfaces shall be inspected and accepted by the Soils Engineer prior to start of formwork. | 3.03 FoRMwoRK A, General: L Design, construct, brace, and maintain formwork in accordance with ACI 301 and ACI 347 as modified herein. 2. Fabricate forms for easy removal. hovide crush plates or wrecking plates where tripping may damage concrete surfbces. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, I recesses, and tbe like, to facilitate removal. r HLMqnM7I4I qATLvALLEvMEDIOTLIENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FMME Constaaion Docnnwt 9 JuLy 2001 03300-12 I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE 3- Provide temporary openings where interior area of formwork is inaccessible for clean out, for inspection before concrete plac€ment, or for placement of concrete. Securely brace temporary openings and seal to forms to prevent loss of concrete mortar. B. Preparation ofForm Surfaces: I . Clean reused forms of concrete matrix residue, repair and patch as required to return forms to acceptable surface condition. 2. Coat contact surfaces of forms with specified form-coating cornpound before reinforcement is placed in conformance with manufacturefs instructions. 4. Thin form-coating compounds only in conformance with manufacturer's instuctions. Do not allow excess form-coating material to accumulate in forms or to come into contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed. D. Chamfer Sfiips: Install 45-degree chamfer strips at comers. Install chamfer sfips at internal comers and edges of formed joints as detailed. E. Inspection of Formwork: All formwork surfaces that will provide the finish surface of exposed concrete must be approved by the Architect before depositing concrete. F. Void Spaces: Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing void spaces of full size and extent shown on the drawings. I I I 3.03 PLAcTNG RETNFoRcEMENTI A. General: t I HLMsEwzI-u I l. Comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's *Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars," and as herein specified. 2. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials which reduce or destroy bond with concr€te. 3. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by construction or concrete placement operafions with mctal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers, hangers, or other means acceptable to the Structural Engineer. On vertical formwork, use approved bar chairs or spacers as required to maintain proper concrete VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STNUCTAML FNAME Constuaion Docunstb 9 JuLy200t t I 0330ur3 t SECTION 03300 I cover and bar position. CONCRETE I I I I I t I 4. Install reinforcement to tolerances given in ACI 301 5.4. 5. Install welded wire fabric inthe longest lengths practical. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh and wire together. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps. B. Welding of Reinforcement: Welding reinforcing bars not permitted except where specifically indicated. Protect exposed bars intended for bonding with future construction from corrosion by providing adequate covering. C. Field Bending of Reinforcement: Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent except as shown on the drawings or specifically permitted by the Structural Engineer. D. Slab on Grade Reinforcing: Place a minimum of 6x5-wl.4xwl.4 Welded Wire Mesh in flat sheets in all slabs on grade. E. Protection of Reinforcernent: Protect exposed bars intended for bonding with futurre constmction from corrosion by providing adequate covering. F. Inspection of Reinforcement: Completed installation of concrete reinforcement must be reviewed by the Structural Engineer or the designated Inspector b€fore depositing concrete. I I II t I 3.04 INSTALLATION OFEMBEDDEDITEMSI A. General: I I ELMsEooTr4l I I . Coordinate work with requirements of other trades and notifo Architect and Structural Engineer of all conflicts and nonconforming conditions. 2. Coordinate the requirements for installation of embedded items specified and fumished in other sections ofthe specifications. Obtain templates and instructions for setting embedded items. 4. Do not install sleeves in conff€te slabs, beams, walls, or columns exccpt where shown on the structural drawings or approved by the Architect and Sructural Engineer. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CEI{TEN DEMOUNON AND STRACTURAL FMME Corctructlon Docrrttttrrt's 9 JULY 2001 I I 0330L11 I I I I I I SECTION03300 CONCRETE II B. Embedded Piper and Conduits: I Conform to requirements of ACI 318 6.3, except as modified herein: 6.3.1 shall be changed to I read: Conduits, pipes and sleeves of any kind shall not be embedded in concrete. Sections 6.3.3,,,6.3.7,6.3.8,6.3.10, and 6.3.12 shall be included in their entirety. All other. sections are void. r C. Footing Dowels, Slab Dowels, Plate Embedments, Anchor Bolts, Inserts, Form Blockours: I Securety fastened to formwork or held in place with templates. Insertion into concrete after I casting is not allowed. I 3.05 JOINTS r A. Construction Joints in Formed Elements: l. Locate and install construction joints as indicated on the drawings or, ifnot shown on drawings, locate so as not to impair strength or appearance of th€ stuctue. Submit conshuction joint locations not shown on drawings to Architect and Structural Engineer for acceptance. 2. Keyways: Provide keyways as detailed on the drawings. Where not daailed, provide l- 1/2" minimum depth continuous keyways in all construction joints in walls and slabs and between walls and footings. 3. Place consfruction joints in the middlc spans of grade beams unless indicated otherwise. Continue reinforcement across constnrction joints. Submit construction joint locations not shown on the drawings for Architect's and Structural Engineer's acceptance. B. Joints in Slabs on Ground: l. Constnrction Joints: Form joinb as shown on the drawings. Locate to form panels of sizes indicated on the structural drawings. Submit for approval prior to commencing I work on slabs. 2. Control (Contraction) Joints: Construct joint by soft cut saw cutting or with specified slab I contot joint form. Made saw cuts as soon as possible after placing concrete without I dislodging aegregate and to a depth of l/4 ofthe slab thickness. Saw cutting is not permitted on slabs on metal deck. I 3 **:lill,ili:,$;?#fi::ll:*:T;:H,ilfiH'*"Ttrff:,"Iff;::?J;:1*"" joint details. l| 4. Interior Slabs: Locate construction joints on column center lines. Provide contol joints at column center lines and at intcrvals not more than 12 fect each wav. r HLM gEMzr-.M UAIL vALLEy MEDIoAL OENTER n3suLts DEMOUTION AND STRUCTAML FMME Congruaion DocununnI 9JULY2OO1 r r r SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE I 3.06 CONCRETE PLACEMENT I A. Preplacement lnspection: I Formwork installation, reinforcing steel placement, and installation of all items to be embedded or_ cast-in to be verified by the Conracbr prior to placement. I B. General:Comply with ACI 301, ACI 304, and as herein specified. I. Do not place concrete in free-standing water, over ice, or on frozen subgrade. I C. Conveying: I Conv€y concrete from the mixer to point of deposit without segregation. D. placing: I l - Wet exposed subgrade, masonry filler units, precast concrete, previously placed concrete, and uncoated wood forms immediately prior to placing concrete (except during fieezing temperatures.) I 2- Deposit concrete continuously or in layers ofsuch thickness that no concrete will be I placed on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams orI iiffi';l:;1$'#:::TH:,iTff:,::JITffi":',T.H|:;it";jit?J:A'*,:"," avoid segregation. t 3. Placing concrete in Forms: Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers not deeper than 24" and in a manner to avoid inclined joints. Where placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceding layer is still plastic to avoid cold joints. I Guide the flow of concrete in walls and columns for vertical drop between the reinforcing. Free fall, except in walls and columns, shall not exceed five feet. Free fall I ;J;t:fO *tt-ns shall not exceed l0 feet without prior acceptance by Strucnral I 4. Placing Concrete Slabs: Deposit and consolidate concretc slabs in a continuous I op€ration, within limits of construction joints, until the placing ofa panel or section is completed. Continuous intermediate screed sfips at intervals not greater than 15 feet set I prior to concrete placement are required. For slabs cast over metal deck, place screeds I along beam lines. Set screeds and adjust as necessary to achieve proper slab elevafion and thickness, allowing for beam camber and deflection. I 5. Topping: Protect base surface from oil, paint, dirt, or other contaminants. MechanicallyI remove prior to topping placement. Thoroughly dampen base surface and leave free of standing wat€r prior to placement. Place consete as specified for slabs. ' ELMgEw7l.a VAILVALLEYMEDICALoENTER O33M-16 DEMOLITION AND STNACTANAL FMME Congruaion DocunentI 9JULY2OOI T r I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE It E. Consolidating: l. Maintain one standby vibrator for every three vibrators used. I 2. Consolidate placed concrete by intemal vibrating equipment with a minimum frequency of7000 rpm, supplemented by hand-spading, rodding, or tamping. Use equipment and I procedures for consolidation of concrete in accordance with ACI 309. 3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators I vertically at uniformly spacei locations not farther than visible effectiveness of machine. I Place vibrators to rapidly penetrate placed layer and at least 6" into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to sa. At each I insertion, limit duration of vibration to time necessary to consolidate concrete and t ::#:::1t".*.*l:nt of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing 4. Consolidate concrete during placing operations so that concrete is thoroughly workedI around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners. I 3.07 FINTSH oF FoRMED SURFACES I A. Defmitions: Refer to ACI 301 Chapter 10, for formed surface finish definitions. I B. Provide finish ofexposed concrete surfaccs to the satisfaction ofthe Architect.I I 3.08 MoNoLITT{rc sLAB FINISHES t . Float Finish: Apply float finish to monolithic slab surfaces to receive further preparation as noted in paragraph C below. I After screeding, consolidating, and leveling concrete slabs, do not work surface until ready for floating. Begin floating when surface water has disappeared or when concretc has stiffened I sufficiently to permit operation of powerdriven floats, or both. Consolidate surface with power-driven floats, or by hand-floating if area is small or inaccessible to power I units. Check and level surface plane to tolerances of overall: Ff25/T120 lncal Ffl?/Fll5. Cut I down high spots and fill low spots. Uniformly slope surfaces to drains. Immediately after leveling, refloat surface to a uniform, smooth, granular texture. I B. Trowel Finish: Apply trowel finish to monolithic slab surfaces to be exposed-to-view, and slabr surfaces to be covered with resilient flooring carpet, coamic o, quarry iil", puint, or surfaces not requiring additional preparation. I After floating, begin first trowel fmish operation using a power-driven trowel. Begin fmal troweling when surface produces a ringing sound as trowel is moved over surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final hand-troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and I HU}T 9EM71-U VAIL VALLEY MEDICALCENTEN B3OIL17 DEMOLINON AND STNACTUML FNAME Construaion llocume$I 9JULY2OOI I t D. t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION03300 CONCntrn appearance, and witt surface leveled to tolerances of overall: FfJ6/FD0 Local: Ff24lFll5. Grind smooth surface defects which would telegraph through applied floor covering system. C. Surface Preparation: 1. All slab surfaces that receive anti-static flooring, seamless moisture proof coatings, or any material to be attached by adhesives likely to be damaged by moisture vapor, shall be shot cleaned by a "Blast-Track" or equal, prior to installation. Shot cleaning shall be delayed until such time that all slab curing is complete and the slab has completely dried.2. All slab surfaces that are exposed shall be sealed and hardened and alljoints shall be sealed. 3.09 CONCRETE CURING, PROTECTION AND SURFACE TREATMENTS D. HLM9&N714M l. Protect freshly placed conq€t€ from pranature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for the period necessary for hydration of the cement and hardening of concrete. 2. Curing sball commence as soon as free water has disappeared from the concrete surface after placing and finishing. The curing period shall be a minimum of fourteen day for all concrete. 3. curing shall be accordance with Acl 301 or 201 procedures. Avoid rapid drying at the end ofthe curing period. During hot and cold weather, cure concr€te in accordance with ACI 305 and ACI 306. curing Methods: Perform curing of concrcte by curing and sealing compound, in combination with moisture-retaining cover curing, as herein specified. l. Provide moisture-cover curing as follows: Cover concrete surfaces with the maximum dose oflhe specified curing compound, then cover with a moisture retaining cover for curing concrctc, placed in widest practicable width with sides and ends lapped at least 3" and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. Curing Formed Surfaces: Where wooden forms are used, cure formed concrete surfaces, including undersides of beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces by moist curing with forms in place for full curing period or until forms are removed. If forms are removed, continue curing by application ofthe maximum dosage ofthe specified curing compound. Curing Unformed Surfaces: YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTAML FNAME Cowtrttgion Docuncna 9 JuLy 200t 0330L18 I I I t I I I I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE Cure unformed surfaces, such as slabs, floor topping, and other flat surfaces as follows: L Slabs exposed to view and slabs covered with finishes described in 3.08 B. shall be cured by application of the specified curing compound applied at the manufactuer's maximum dosage, then covered by a moisture retaining cover for the full curing period. For the first three days apply insulating blankets over the retaining cover. E. Surface Treatments: At all exposed concrete surfaces, and in areas shown on the drawings in accordance with manufactureds instructions and as specified below. l. Specified hardener at a rale of I to I .5 pounds per square foot. 2. Seal all constmction and confoljoints with the specified joint sealer. 3. Rout, epoxy inject and grind all cracked concrete surfaces. 3.IO FORM REMOVAL AND RESHORING: A. Removal of Forms: A. Comply with ACI347 for shoring and reshoring in multistory construction, and as herein I specified. l. Submit shoring, reshoring, and back shoring calculations for review by the Architect and the Stuctural Engineer.t B. Formwork not supporting weight of concrete, such as sides off beams, walls, columns, I and similar parts of the work, may be removed after cumulatively curing at not less thanI :3#;ffi:,1ff*"4;T"?*fi,ffi,1lill3ili-"illiili;:#'$1ff#:H:-, prot€ction operations are maintained. I C. Formwork supporting weight of concrete, such as beam soffrts, joistq slabs, and other structural elements, may not be removed in less than 14 days and until concrete has I attained design minimum compressive stength at 28 days. Determine potential I compressive strength of in-placc concrete by tesring field-cured specimens representative of concrete location or members. I 3.I T REPAIR OF SI.JRFACE DEFECTS:I A. Formed Surfaces: I l. AXow Architect and Structural Engineer to observe I concrete surfaces immediately upon rernoval of forms. 2. Modifu or replace concrete not conforming to required lines, details, and elevations. Ir HLMqEMTI-M vAILVALLEvMEDIoALaENTER 03i0LI9 DEMOLINON AND STRACTARAL FMME Construct ion Do carr@ta I 9JULY2OOI I I I SECTIONOSSOO CONCRETE I 3. Repair or replace concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive honeycombing and other defects. Patch, repair, or replace exposed architectural finished concrete as directed I by the Architect. 4. Patching oftie holes is not required unless surface grade. I 5. Repair defects in structural concrete elements as follows: I a. Deep DefecB Exposing Reinforcing: Chip to sound concrete and cleant thoroughly to remove all loose concrete and dust. Apply thin coat of epoxy adhesive. Form and pour, or dry pack with specified non-metallic, non-slrink I grou! prior to development oftack-free condition of epoxy adhesive. Srip I forms after grout has hardened and provide specified finish. Moist cure or apply specified clear curing and sealing compound immediately after fmishing. I b. Defects Grealer than l/2 inch depth not exposing reinforcing: Chip, clean, andt apply specified epoxy adhesive. - Dry pac-k using specified non-metallic, non- shrink grout prior to development oftack-free condition of epoxy adhesive. Provide specified finish and cure as specified above. I c. Defects less than ll2 inch depth and tie holes: r ' l:::ffiJff.Tl#;'lJji*:1:iTlfil.'::i:#,:fl"H:'J specified above. I d. Other equivalent repair procedures may be used subject to review and acceptance by the Architect and Structural Engineer. I B. Unformed Surfaces: l. Test unformed surfaces, such as monolithic slabs, for smootbness and veriff surface plane to tolerances specified for each surface and finish. Correct low and high areas as herein specified. Test unformed surfaces sloped to drain for tnre-ness of slope, in addition to smoothness using a template having required slope. 2. Correct high area in unformed surfaces by grinding or other methods acceptable to the Architect after concrete has cured at least 14 days. 4. Correct low area in unformed surfaces during or immediately after completion of surface furishing operations by cuning out low areas and replacing with fiesh concrete. fmish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. Where acceptable to the Architect and Stnctural Engineer, the specified under-layment compound applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may be used. 5. Repair defective areas, by grooving the top of cracks and cut-out holes to sound concrete I I I I I HLMsunn-ol I VAIL VALLEY MEI'ICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTUNAL FRAME Congrualon Doans8 9 JuLv200l I I 03300-20 3.r2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t T SECTIONO3SOO CONCRETE and clean of dust, dirt, and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply bonding compound. Mix dry-pack, consisting of one part portland cement to 2-12 parts fine aggregate passing a No. l6 mesh sieve, using only enough water as required for handling and placing. Place dry pack after bonding compound has dried. Compact dry- pack mixture in place and finish to match adjacent conct€te. Keep patched area continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. 6. Repair all random cracks, by use of an injected epoxy method. Provide a repair method that is suriable for the width and depth of crack to be repaired. Submit detailed method for each type of repair to the engineer for approval. TOLERANCES: A. Formed Surfaces and Building Lines: Conform to ACI 301 4.3 as modified and amended herein. l. Sleeves and Blockouts in Grade Beams:a. Size: +1l2", -0". b. Location: (l) Minimum dimension 6" or larger: +l-1D,,. (2) Minimum dimension less than 6": Locate in nearest open spa.ce between reinforcing, not less than l" clear from nearest reinforcing bar. B. Slab Finishing Tolerances: l. Slope to Drain: l/4 inch per foot. 2. Tmwel Finish: Overall: FB6lFl20 Local: Fl24lFll5. 3. Floated Finish: Overall: FP5/FI20 Local: Ffl7/Fll5. c. Embedded Items: unless otherwise noted on drawings, tolerances shalt be as follows: l. Anchor Bolts: a. Adjacent anchor bolts in a group receiving a single fabricated setting piece: +/- l/8". b. Location and alignment of anchor bolt groups from designated location and alignment: +l- l/4". 2. Ernbedded Plates and Weldments: VAIL VALIEY MEDICAL CENTER I' E MOLITI ON AND STN A CTA ML FMME Consfiudion Docrrnunt 9 JULY 2001 HLM98OO7I4M 0337&21 I t I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Locations: +/- l " vertical. +/- 2" horizontal. Plumb and alignment: l/4" in 12. 3.I3 EVALUATION AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: Evaluation and acceptance ofwork under this Section shall be in accordance with the provisions ofACI 301 Chapters 17 and 18. A. Anchors: Install anchors furnished under other sections in accordance with shop approved drawings and/or setting instructions. B. Equipment Bases: Install concrete bases for all pumps, boilers, tanks, fans, fiansformers, floor mounted lectrical equipment, etc., including anchor bolts and inserts in accordance with setting instructionsfumished by the Contractor responsible for installing the equipment. Finish all bases in a workmanlike manner with a troweled finish. The bases shall be located and sizes determined by the Contractor fumishing the equipment. 3.14 QUALTTY CONTROL TESTING DURTNG CONSTRUCTTON A. The Owner will employ a testing laboratory to perform tests and to submit test reports. B. Sampling and testing for quality control during placement of concrete may include the following, as directed by Architect. C. Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C 94. l. Slump: ASTM C 143; one test at point of discharge for each day's pour of each type of concrcte; additional tests when concnete consistency seems to have changed. 2. Air Content: ASTM C 173, volumetric method for lightweight or norrial weighr concrete; ASTM C 231 pre$ure method for normal weight concrete; one for each day's pour of each type of air-entrained concrcte. Adjust testing to exclude entrapped air. 3. Concrete Temperature: Test hourly when air ternperature is 40 degrees F (4 degrees C) and below, and when 80 degrees F (27 degrees C) and above; and each time a set of compression test specimens made. 4. Compression Test Specimen: ASTM C 3l; one set of 4 standard cylinders for each compressive strength test, unless otherwise directed. Mold and store cylinders for laboratory cured test specimens except when field-cure test specimens are required. 5. Compressive Strength Tese: ASTM C 39; one set for each day's pour as follows: I sa for each 5 to 25 cubic yards; I set for each 50 cubic yards up to 100 cubic yards; l set for every 200 cubic yards rhereafter; one specimen tested at 7 days; rwo specimens tested at 28 days, and one sp€cimen retained in rcserve for later testing required. When fiequency UAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER D EM OU TI ON AND STRACruRAL FMM E Constaction DocurrwnE 9 JULY 2001 ELMgilnn-U 033M22 I I I t I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I SECTIONBSM CONCRETE oftesting will provide less than 5 strength tests for a given class of concrete, conduct testing from at least 5 randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than 5 are used. When total quantity ofa given class of concrete is less tJran 50 cubic yards, strengtlr waived by Architect if in his judgment, adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate current operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing the in-place concrete. Srrength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if average ofsets ofthree consecutive strength test resuls equal or exceed specified compressive strength, and no individual strength test result falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. D. Test results will be reported in writing to Architect, Structural Engineer and Contractor within 24 hours after tests. Reports ofcompressive strength tests shall contain the project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete lesting service, concrete tlpe and class, location of concrete batch in structure, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials; compressive breaking strength and type ofbreak for both 7-day tests and 28-day tests. E. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permined but shall not be used as the sole basis for accepance or rejection. F. Additional Tests: The testing service will make additional tests of in-place concr€t€ whcn test results indicate specified concrete strengths and here characteristics have not been attained in the structune, as directed by Architect. Testing service may conduct tests to det€r:tnine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by other methods as directcd. Contractor shall pay for such tests when unacceptable concrete is verified. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNACTUML FMME Con\fiuction DocumcnE 9 JULY 2OOL IIIJI9&N7I.A 0330tL23 I SECTION 04200 aNrr MASONRr ASSEMBLIES I SECTIONO42OO.UNTTMASONRYASSEMBLIES I PARTI-GENERAL -I 1.1 RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A' fralilss and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary t Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply ro this Section. I r.2 sr.lMMARyI A. This Section includes unit masonry assemblies consisting of the following: I 1. Concrete masonry units,2. Mortar and gout. I 3. Reinforcing steel. t 4. Masonry joint reinforcement.5. Miscellaneousmasonryaccessories. I B. Related Sections include the following:r 1. Division 7 Section "Firestopptg" for firesropping at tops of masonry walls and at openings in rnasonry walls. t C. Products installed, but not furnished, under this Section include the following: I l' I.::?ffij3t*1ffi::.,,""n masonry openings, tumished under Division 8 Section II 1.3 SI.JBMITTALS I A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract andDivision I Specification Sections.- I B. Product Data: For each different masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured product specified. r 1.4 DEFIMT]ONS I A. Reinfonced Masonry: Masonry containing reinforcing steel in grouted cells. r B. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article. r HLMggMTr-M ,NL,ALLE,MEDI,AL,ENTER uz,bl r DEMOUuONANDSTRUCTIIMLFMME I Corctruction Docurrrerrts 9lub 2MI r c. 1.5 I I I SECTION O42OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES Cold-Weather Procedures: Detailed description of methods, materials, and equipment to be used to comply with cold-weather requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE Source Limitations for Masonry Units: Obtain exposed masonry units of a uniform texture and color, or a uniform blend within the ranges accepted for these characteristics, through one source from a single manufacturer for each product required. Source Limitations for Mortar Materials: Obtain rnortar ingredients of a uniform quality, including color for exposed masonry, from one manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source or producer for each aggregate. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Where indicated, provide materials and construction identical to thoseof assemblies with fire-resisrance ratings determined per ASTM E l 19 by a testing and inspecting agency, by equivalent concr€te masonry thickness, or by another means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. DELTVERY, STORAGE. AND HANDLING Store masonry units on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in an enclosed location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting securely tied. ff units become wet, do not install until they are dry. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cenrentitious materials that have becorne damp. Store aggregates where grading and other required cbaracteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. Store masonry accessories, including rnetal items, to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. I.7 PROJECTCONDTTIONS A' Protection of Masonry: During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in progress. l. Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches down both sides and hold cover serurely in place.' 2. Wherc one wythe of multiwythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other wythes, se4ure cover a minimum of 24 inches down face next to unconstructed wvthe and hold cover in place. B. Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or colunms. VAI L VALIEY M EDICAL C E NTER DE M O UTI O N AN D STRA CTA RAL F RAME Constructian DocumenB 9.IaU2M1 I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I B. 1.6 B. D. HLM 98007r-U M200-2 I SECTION 04200 aNTTMASaNRrASSEMBLTES I C. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left't exposed or painted. Immediately remove grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such. masonry. I l. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and from mortar splatter by coverings spread on ground and over wall surface. I 2. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortardroppings,I 3. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral finishes, from mortar droppings. fl 4. Turn scaffold boards near the wall on edge at the end of each day to prevent rain from f splashing rnortar and dirt onto completed masonry. I D' Cold-Weather Requirements: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice I or frost. Do not build on frozen subshates, Remove and replace unit masonry damaged by frost or by freezing conditions. Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in r Section 2104.3 of the Uniform Building Code.rr l. Cold-Weather Cleaning: Use liquid cleaning methods only when air temperature is 40 deg F and above and will remain so until masonry has dried, but not less than 7 days after t completing cleaning. I 1.8 UNTTSTRENGTHS I A. All completed masonry assemblies shall have a minimum 28 day compressive prism strength of - l500psi. '- B. hoportion all mortar and grouts to provide the minirmrm 28 day compressive prism strength indicated'It PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 CONCRETEMASONRYI]NTTS I A. General: Provide shapes indicated and as follows: I l. Provide special shapes for lintels, comers, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding, I and other special conditions.r 2. Provide bullnose units for outside comers. unless otherwise indicated.3. Provide square-edged units for outside comers, unless indicated as bullnose, I B. Concrete Masonry Units: UBC Standard 2i4 and as follows: I L Unit Compressive Srength: Provide units with minimum averag€ net-area comprcssive I strength of 1900 psi. 2. Weight Classification: Nomal weight, unless otherwise indicated. 11 3. Provide Type I, moisture-controlled units. I HLM98N71.O4 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER O42OE3 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FMME I Constttction Documents 9 JuIy 2ffi1 I I SECTION 04200 uNrr MASONRr ASSEMBUES I 4. Size (Width): Manufactured to the following dimensions:r a. 8 inches nominal;7-5l8 inches actual. I 5- Exposed Faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, unless otherwise indicated.I I 2.2 MORTAR AND GROUTMATERTALS I A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II, except Type trI may tr used for cold-weather I construction. Provide natural color or white cement as required to produce mortar color as I selected by architect from manufacturers standard selections. I B. Portland Cement-Lime Mix: Packaged blend of portland cement complying with ASTM C 150, t Type I or Type trI, and hydrated lime complying with ASTM C 207. C. Mortar Cement: LJBC Standaxd 2l-14. I D. Masonry Cement: UBC Standard 2l-ll. I l. For pigmented mortar, use a colored cenrent formulation as required to produce the color I indicated or, if not indicated, as selected from manufacturer's standard formulations, f| a. Pigments shall not exceed l0 percent of portland cement by weight for mineral I oxides nor Zpercent for carbon black.b. Pigments shall not exceed 5 percent of mortar cernent or lnasonry cenrent by weight for mineral oxides nor I percent for carbon black. r E. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144; except for joints less than l/4 inch thick, use aggregate graded with l(X) percent passing the No. 16 sieve.rII I ' White-Mortar Aggregates: Natural white sand or ground white stone. I F. Aggregare for Grout: ASTM C 404. !G. Mortar Pigments: Natural and synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides, compounded for user in rnorcar mixes. Use only pigments with a record of satisfactory performance in nrasonry I morraf. H. lffater: Potable. I 2.3 REINFORCING STEEL I A. Uncoated Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/4 615M; ASTM A 616l| 616M, including Supplement l; oTASTM A617lA 617M, Grade 60. I 2,4 MASONRYJOINTREINFORCEMENT I A. General: comply with UBC Standard 2l-10 and as follows: HLM 98U7I.U VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER U2OM 3 DEMOUnONANDSTRaCTURALFRAME I CotatuctionDocuments 9IuIy z(MI I B. B. D. B. 2.5 2.6 3.1 t I I t t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I sEcTroN u200 U NIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES PART3 -EXECUTION E)(AMINATION Examine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for instaltation tolerances and other conditions aJfecting performance. L Mill galvanized, carbon-steel wire for interior walls..2. Hot-dip galvanized, carbon-steel wire for interior walls.3. Wire SizeforCrossRods: Wl.7or0.l48-inch.4. Prwide in lengths of not less than l0 feet , with prefabricated corner and tee units where indicated. For single-wythe masonry, provide either ladder or tnrss type with single pair of side rods and cross rods spaced not more than 16 inches o.c MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES compressible Filler: Premolded fiiler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2Al; compressible up to 35 percent; of width and thickness indicated; formulated from neoprene or urethane depending on compatibility. Preformed Control-Joint Gaskets: Material as indicated below, designed to fit standard sash block and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall; size and configuration as indicated. I ' styrene-Butadiene-Rubber compound: ASTM D 2000, Desigrration M2AA-g05. Bond-Breaker strips: Asphalt-saturated, organic roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt). Wicking Material: Cotton or polyester rope, l/4 to 3/8 inch in diameter, in length required to produce 2-inch exposure on exterior and 18 inches in cavity between wythes. MORTAR AND GROUT MD(ES General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-rePellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, tmless otherwise indicated. l. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout.2. Add cold-weather admixture (if used) at the same rate for all morrar, regardless of weather conditions, to ensure that moriar color is consistent. Mortarfor Unit Masonry: Comply with Proportion Specification. VAI L VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Cowtruction Docu.ments 9 July ZNI u20b5HLM q8OUT.U B. B. c. D. A. B. D. E. 3.2 3.3 t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION UaOO UNIT MASON RY ASSEMBLI ES l. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance. 2. Verify rhat foundations are within tolerances specified.3. Verify that reinforcing dowels are properly placed.4' Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Before installation, examine rough-in and built-in construction to verify actual locations of piping connections. INSTALLATION, GEMRAL Thickness: Build cavity and composite walls and other masonry construction to the full thickness shown. Build single-wyhe walls to the actual widths of masonry units, using units of widths indicated. Build chases and tecesses to accommodate items specified in this Section and in other Sections ofthe Specifications. Lrave openings for equipment to be installed before completing masonry. After instailing equipment, complete masonry to match the construction immediately adju""nt to the opening. cut masonry units with motordriven saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. cut units as reggSed to provide a continuous pattem and to fit adjoining ionstruJtibn. Where possible, use full-size units without cuning. Allow units cut with water-cooled saws to dry before placing, unless wetting of units is specified. Install cut units with cut surfaces and, where possible, cut edges concealed. Select and arrange units for exposed unit rnasonry to produce a uniform blend of colors and textures. CONSTRUCTION TOLERAT.ICES Comply with tolerances in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 6@ and the following: For conspicuous vertical lines, such as external corners, door jambs, reveals, and expansion and control joints, do not vary from plumb by more than 1/4 inch in 20 feet nor l/2 inch -maximum. For vertical alignnrnt of exposed head joints, do not vary from plumb by more than l/4 inch in l0 feet, nor l/2 inch maximum. For conspicuous horizontal lines, such as exposed lintels, sills, pardpets, and reveals, do not vary from level by more than l/4 inch in 20 feet nor lt2inch rnaximum. fo1 elRosed head joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than plus or minus l/8 inch Do not vary from adjacent bed-joint and head-joint thicknesses by more than l/g incb. LAYINGMASONRYWALLS3-4 VAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTE R DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME C o nstntction Doctorrents 9 July 2Nl NLM98M7I.M 042M-6 I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION M2OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond pattems with uniform joint thicknesses and for accurate location of openings, movement-type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid using less-than-half-size units, particulady at corners, jambs, and, where possible, at other locations. Bond Pattem for Exposed Masonry: L,ay exposed masonry in the following bond pattem; do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. Lay concealed masonry with all units in a wythe in running bond or bonded by lapping nor less than 2 inches. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners orjarnbs. Stopping and Resuming Work: In each course, rack back one-half-unit length for one-half running bond or one-third-unit length for one-third running bond; do not tooth. Clean exposed surfaces of set rnasonry, wet clay masonry units lightly if required, and remove loose maionry units and mortar before laying fresh masonry. Built-in Work: As construction progresses, build in items specified under this and other sections of the specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. F' Fill space between hollow-metal frames and rnasonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. Fill cores in hollow concrete mirsonry units with grout firtl height under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar items, unless otherwise indicated. Build non-load-bearing interior panitions full height of story to underside of solid floor or roof structure above, unless otherwise indicated, l. Install compressible filler in joint between top of partilion and underside of structure above. 2. At fire-rated partitions, install firestopping injoint between top ofpartition and underside of structure above to comply with Division 7 Section "Firestopping." 3.5 MORTARBEDDINGANDJOINTING A. Lay hollow masonry units as follows: l With full mortar coverage on borizontal and vertical face shells.2. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and in all courses of piers, cotumns, and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be filled with grout.3. For starting course on footings where cells are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed, including areas under cells. B. Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using ajointer larger than the joint thickness, unless otherwise indicated. l. For glazed masonry units, use a nonmetallic jointer 3/4 inch or more in width. VAI L UALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER D EM O UTI O N AND STRA CTARAL F RAM E Construction Documents 9 JnIy 2Ml B. D. E. G. H. Irlfi[ 98N71-U 420b7 I SECTTON U200 aNrT MASONRYASSEMBLIES I 3.6 ANCHORTNG MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL MEMBERS r A. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces structural members to I complv with the followine: L Provide an open space not less than 2 inches in width between masonry and stmctural member, unless otherwise indicated. Keep open space free of mortar or other rigidI materials. 2. Anchor masonry to structural members with flexible anchors embedded in masonry joints I and attached to structure. I 3. Space anchors as indicated, but not more tban?.4 inches o.c. vertically and 48 inches o.c. horizontally. - 3l coNTRoLANDExpANsToNJoINTS I A. General: Install control joints in unit masonry as required. Build-in related items as rnasonryr progesses. Do not form a continuous span through movement joints unless provisions are made to prevent in-plane restraint of wall or partition movement. I B. Form control joints in concrete masonry as follows: I 1. Fit bond-breaker strips into hollow contour in ends of concrrete rasonry units on one side I of control joint. Fill resultant core with grout and rake joints in exposed faces.2. Install preformed control-joint gaskets designed to fit standard sash block. 1; 3. Install interlocking units designed for controljoints. Install bond-breaker strips at joint. I Keep head joints free and clear of mortar or rake joint. 4. Install temporary foam-plastic filler in head joints and remove filler when unit masonry is comPlete I 3.8 LINTELS I A. Install reinforced concrete lintels over all openings. I B. Provide minimum bearing of 8 inches at each jamb, unless otherwise indicated. I I 3.9 RETNFORCED T.JNIT MASONRY TNSTALLATTON t A. Temporary Formwork and Sbores: Construct formwork and shores to support reinforced I masonry elements during construction. I 1. Construct formwork to conform to shape, line, and dimensions shown. Make it zufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar and grout. Brace, tie, and support forms to I maintain position and shape during constnrction and curing of reinforced m onry. I 2, Do not rernove forms and shores until reinforced ma$onry members have hardened sufficiently to carry their own weight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction, I HLM98OO71.A VAILUAIJ^EYMEDICALCENTER A42UA I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTURALFRAME I Cortctuction Docu.menls 9 July 2MI I B. c. B. B. D. I t I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I SECTION M2OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBUES Placing Reinforcement: Comply with requirements of Section 2104.5 of the Uniform Building Code. Grouting: Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained sufficient strength to resist gfout pressure. 1. Comply with requirements of Section 21M.6 of the Uniform Building Code for cleanouts and for grout placement, including minimum grout space and maximum pour height. 3.10 PARGING A. Parge predampened masonry walls, where indicated, with Type S mortar applied in 2 uniform coats to a total thickness of 3/4 inch Scarify first parge coat to ensure full bond to subsequent coat. c. 3.1l A. Use a steel-trowel finish to produce a smooth, flat, dense surface with a maximum surface variation of l/8 inch per foot Form a wash at top of parging and a cove at bottom. Damp-cure parging for at least 24 hours and protect the parging until cured. REPAIRING, POINTING, AND CLEANING Remove and replace rnasonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units; install in fresh mortar, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement, Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge voids and holes, except weep holes, and completely frll with morta:r. Point up joins, including corners, openings, and adjacent construction, to provide a neat, uniform appearance, Prepare joints for sealant application. ln-Progress Cleaning: Clean unit rnasonry as work progresses by dry brushing to remove mortar hns and smears before tooling joints, Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows: l. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. 2. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave one-half of panel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain Architest's approval ofsample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. 3. Protect adjacent stone and nonmasonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyetbylene film, or waterproof masking tape. 4. Clean nmsonry with a proprietary acidic cleaner applied according to manufacorer's written instructions. 5. Clean concrete mffionry by cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 8-2 applicable to type of stain on exposed surfaces. VN L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM OUTI ON AND STRA CTURAL F RAM E Co ttstttction Doc wnen8 I lub zMI HI.M98A7LU u20b9 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I SECTION M2OO A NIT MASON RY ASSEM BLI ES 3.12 MASONRY WASTE DISPOSAI A. Recycling: Unless otherwise indicated, excess masonry materials are Contractor's property. At completion of unit masonry work, remove from project sirc.. B' Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess masonry and other masonry waste by legally disposal of offOwner's property. END OF SECTION O42OO VAI L VALIBY MEDI CAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRA CTA RAL FRAME C ottsfrttctia n Docame nts 9Jub2M HIn'|98W71.04 u2M10 I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I SECTION 01230 REI N FORCED CONCRETE MASONRY T]NITS SECTION 04230 - REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS PART I .CENERAL 1.OI SUMMARY . A. Section Includes:L Concrete masonry units.2. Morkr and grout. 3. Reinforcement,anchorage,andaccessories. B. Related Sections: l. Reinforcing bars for reinforced unit masonry: Division 3. I.O2 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Perfonnance Requirements: Minimum ultimate compressive stength of engineered mason4r, determined in accordance with ACI 530.I/ASCE 6, is based on a prisn strengtlr of 1500 psi. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. hoduct Data: Submit published data from manufacturerr of products and accessories specified, indicating compliance with requirements. B. Test Reports: Submit results of masonry testing specified, including the following information:l. Age at test.2. Storage conditions. 3. Dimensions er/t).4. Compressive strength of individual prisms.5. Coefficient of variation (v).6. Uhimate compressive strength of masonry, which has been corrected for the coeffici€Ntt of variation and the M ofthe prisms tested. 1.04 QUALTTYASST.IRANCE A. Conform to the mosr rigid requirements ofthe following, except where exceeded by provisions ofthe confact documents:l. ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 - ..Specifications for Masonry Strucrures,'.2. Colorado Masonry lnstitute Standard 301 'Building Code Requirements for Masonry Construction". 3. "Uniform Building Code" chapter 21. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver' handle, and store masonry units by means which will prevent nechanical damage and deterioration due to moisture, ternperature changes, and contarnination by other mareriali.l. Provide protection which will limit moisture absorption of concrete masonry units to fie maJdmnm Percentage specifi€d for Type I units at relative humidity which is nomal for the projcct site. B. Protect cementitious materials from precipitation and absorption of ground moisnre. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTUBAL FMME Constaaion Docutttttx 9.tuly zMI ELMgEMzI.U aB0-1 r.06 I I I t I I I I I I t t t I t I I I I SECTION 01230 REINFORCED CONCNETE MASONRY ANITS C. Store masonry accessories to prevent conosion, dirt accumulation, and other deterioration. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Construction Protection: Cover tops of incomplete masonry elements with waterproof sheet material at end of each work-day and when masonry work is not under way.l. Secure weather protection in place with weights or by use of temporary fastenen.2. Immediately remove mortar, soil, and other such materials from exposed masonry faces to prevent staining.3. Prevent splashing and soiling of masonry near ground level by spreading sheet material to cover soil or masonry faces.4. Protect horizontal masonry elements from mortar droppings. Loading hotection: Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours, or concentat€d Ioads for at least 3 days, after completion of masonry elements. HohWeather Protection: Cover or shade masonry units and mortar materials and use cool water for mortar whenever ambient air temp€rature is 90 degrees F or greater. At air temperatures of 85 degrees F or above, ifrelative humidity is l€ss than 30 percent or wind is in excess of l5 miles per hour, provide protection by immediately covering newly constructed walls, by providing windbreala, or by using fog spray to reduce rate of evaporation. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS Concrete Block: Comply with reference standard for types required, and as follows:l. Size; Standard lighnrreight units with nominal face dimensions of 16 inches long and 8 inches high (15-5/8 by 7-518 actual), with nominal thickness as indicated on drawings for various locations.2. Special shapes: Provide special block types where required for comers, control joints, headers, lintels, and other special conditions, whether or not specifically indicated on the drawings as special.a. Outside corners: Square-edge units exccpt where otherwise indicated.3. Hollow load-bearing units: ASTM C 90, and as follows:a. Type l: Moisture-controlled units.b. Lightweight. c. Exposed faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, except where special fmistr is indicated, as follows:l. Matcb architect's sample for color, pattem, and texture.a. Finish: Standard all locations. l. Standard smooth texture for I by 8 by 16 and 8 by 12 by l6 inch units for all interior locations. 2.02 MORTARANDGROUTMATERIALS Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type l. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144. YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Construction DocamenE I July 2NI B. c. A. B. c. HLII| 9800711M u2iL2 I T I t I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01230 REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY ANITS D Crout: ASTM C 476; provide consistency required at time of placement to fill completely all spaces indicated to be grouted. L use fine grout in spaces less than 2 inches in least horizontal dimension.2. Use coarse grout in spaces 2 inches or more in least horizontal dimension. 2.05 MISCELLANEOUSMASONRYACCESSORIES A. Prism Testing: Test masonry prisms in accordance with ASTM E 2t47, Method B, for wall types as follows: l All construction. a. Procedure: Prepare two sets of prisms; test one set at 7 days and one set at 28 days.b. Concrete masonry prisms: Fabricate with height+o-thickness ratio ofnot less than 1.33 and not more than 5.0; apply correction factor as specified in ACI 530.I/ASCE 6 if ratio is other than 2.0. B. Flexural Bond Strength: test masonry prisms for flexural bond strength in accordance with ASTM E 5 18, with tooled joins facing downward. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATIONPROCEDURES A. Concrete Masonry Units: Do not wet concrete masonry units prior to laying. B Reinforcement and Anchorage: Before placing metal milsonry accessories, remove loose rust, dirt, and other coatings. C. Masonry Thickness: Build masonry to accommodate the work of other trades, including chases and recesses a; shown or:equired. Provide not less than 8 inches of masonry between jambs of openings, chases, recesses and expansion joints. I . Build single-wythe walls to actual thickness of masonry units. D. Chases and Recesses: Build masonry to accommodate the work of other trades, including chases and recesses as shown or required. Provide not less than 8 inches of rnasonry between jambs of openings and chases and r€c€sses. E. Openings for Access, Equipment and Services: Leave openings in masonry as required for subsequent installation of doors, windows, equipment and services. Make openings in desigrated locations and in exact size required, ifknown; otherwise, leave rough openings in approximate size required and complete masonry work after installation of equipment, matching adjoining masonry.l. All masonry openings shall have reinforced concrete masonry bond beams as shown in detail 1302. sheet S1.3. F. Cutting: Where cutting is required, use power saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges.L Do not use wet cutting techniques with concrete unit masonry. 3.02 CONSTRUCTIONTOLERANCES A. Variation from Plumb: Do not exceed the following constuction tolerances in vertical elements, including surfaces of walls, columns, and arises: 1. ll4 inchin l0feet. 2. 3/8 inch in one story height, or 20 feet, whichever is less, except Ii4 inch for extenral comers, expansion joins, and other highly conspicuous vertical elements. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FMME Construction Docarrgnfi 9 ru$ 2001 HLMgEWTI.IN I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01230 NEINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 3. l/2 inch in 40 feet or more.4. Plus or minus l/4 inch in l0 feet l/2 inch maximum, for vertical alignment of head joints. B. Variation from Level: Do not exceed the following construction tolerances for bedjoints and lines of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves, and other conspicuous horizontal elernents:1. l/4 inch in one bay or in 20 feA maximum.2. l/2 inch in 20 feet or more. C' Variation from Plan Lines: Do not exceed t}le following horizontal construction tolerances for related portions of columns, walls, and partitions. l. ll2 inch in any bay or 20 feet maximum.2. 3/4 inch in 40 feet or more. D. Variation in Cross Section: Do not exceed the following construction tolerances for thickness of walls and other masonry elements:l. Minus l/4 inch.3. Plus 1/2 inch. E. Variation in Mortar Joint Thickness: Do not exceed the following colstruction tolerances for thickness of mortar joints: I . Bed joints: Plus or minus l/8 inch.2. Head joints: Minus l/4 inch, plus 3/8 inch. 3.03 MASONRYCONSTRUCTION.GENERAL A. The basic wall reinforcing is as follows:l. # 6 @ 16" o,c. vertical in solid grouted cells with 9 gage horizontal joint reinforcing at 16" o.c. in exterior walls.2. 2#5 in bond beam @32" o.c. spaced vertical in 8" cmu. Place bars v€rtical in one layer.3. 4-#5 in bond beam @32" o,c. spaced vertical in 12" cmu. Place 2 bars in each face 2518" from the exterior.4. 28 day prism srength shall not be lessthan tS00 psi.5. See sections for additional wall reinforcing. B. Layout Lay out masonry for accurate pattern bond, for uniform joint widths, and for accurate location ofspecific features before beginning actual construction. Avoid use of masonry units of less than % size. Do not us€ units with less than nominal 4 inch horizontal face dimensions at comers and jambs. C. Pattcrn Bond: Lay exposed masonry in pattem bonds indicated on drawings.L Lay all masonry in running bond.2. Interlock wythes at comers and offsets in each course with masonry bond beams. D. Stopping Work: Lay masonry in proper sequence to avoid toothing. Rack walls back in each course at end of each work day. Before resuming, clean exposed surfaces and remove loose masonry units and mortar. E. Built-in Work: As work progresses, build in items indicated for installation in masonry, filling around built-in items solidly with masonry.l. Filljoints between masonry and metil frames solidly with mortar, unless specific conditions are otherwise detailed. 2. At locations where built-in items are to be connected to hollow unit masonry, solidly grout cores to provide adequate anchorage. UAIL UALLEY MEI'ICAL CENTER DEMOLNION AND STNACTUML FMME Con$ruaion Doumenls 9 July 2001 HLMgEM7llM B. c. t T I I t I I t I I I t I I I I t I I sEcnoN 01230 REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY Al{jTS 3. Unless otler conditions are specifically detailed, solidly grout cores for at least 24 inches below bearing plates, lintels, and similar features and conditions. Expansion and Control Joints: Build in movement joints where indicated, installing accessory itcrns as masoffy is consffucted I . Install prefabricated elastic joints in accordance with Division 7 specifications.2. Install non-elastic joint fillers as indicated.3. Do not exceed 24 feet between expansion joints. 3.M LAYING MASONRY UNITS Hollow Masonry Units: Install so that face shells are solidly mortared, horizontally and vertically. Bed webs solidly in mortar at starting course.l. Bed webs solidly in mortar at cores to be grouted. Joints: Make mortar joints visually and dimensiona y consistent. I . Except as othenvise indicated, maintain mortar joint widths of 3/8 inch. Concealed Joints: Cut flush, unless otherwise detailed. Exposed Joints: Using concave jointer slightly larger than joint width, tool exposed joints before mortar has assumed final set. Resetting: Do not pound, tap, or otherwise attempt to adjus masonry units after initial set has occurred. Remove units which require adjusting, clean thoroughly, and reset in fresh mortar. 3.05 JOINT REINFORCEMENT, SINGLE.WYTHE WALLS General: Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcement for specific single-wythe masonry walls indicated. Lap reinforcing a minimum of 6 inches. Vertical Spacing: Not more than 16 inches on center. Continuity: Use prefabricated L-shaped and T-shaped sections at comeni and intersections. Do not span movement joints with reinforcement. 3.06 INSTJLATION lnstall granular insulation for masonry walls as specified in Division 7. 3.07 INSTALLING REINFORCED IJNIT MASONRY Preparation: Clean reinforcement bars ofloose rust; do not use bars which have nrsted excessively or which have bends or kinks not shown on drawings. Placing Reinforcement: Secure rcinforcement accurately at locations indicated and to avoid displacement; minimum spacing between bars or to masonry surfaces shall be bar diam eter y. lrtrch for fme grout % inch for coarse grout. Splicing: Provide lapped splices of minimum size indicated or p€rmitted by governing code at locations shown; other methods or locations must be approved by the architect. YAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNACTAML FMME Constnacfron Docurrnnt 9 Jaly ZMI E. B. c. D. E. B. c. ELM9EA7T4I ABL6 I I t I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I SECTION U230 RE I N FORCED CON C RETE MAS ONRY ANITS D. Formwork: Constnrct formwork where required for temporary support of reinforcement is required in mortar joints, adjust joinr thickness to provide not less than % inch of mortar between reinforcement and masonry surfaces. E. Mortar Joints: Where reinforcement other than prefabricated joint reinforcement is required in mortar joints, adjustjoint thickness to provide not less than % inch of mortar between reinforcement and masonry surfaces. F. Reinforced Hollow Unit Masonry: Maintain vertical continuity of core or cell cavities to be grouted. Keep cavities clear of mortar, including bed area of first course, to provide minimum clear dimension indicated, to provide minimum clearance and grout coverage for vertical reinforcement bars, and to provide direct grout contact with supporting surfaces.l. At bond beams or other horizontally reinforced masonry, provide special masonry units or saw units to accommodate reinforcement.2. Contractor option: Fill all cores with gout in lieu of closing core spaces below bond beams and providing mortar bedding of masonry cross webs. 3,08 GROUTING A. Grouting Standard: Grout reinforced masonry in accordance with requirements of ACI 530.I/ASCE 6. l. Do not pour grout until mortar has cured sulliciently to withstand grout pressure:2. Use grouting techniques that comply with chapter 2l of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Provide clean-outs at all grout locations. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Compression Tests: Test masonry prisrns for each wall type indicated, conducting sampling and testing in accordance with ASTM E 447, Method B, and as follows: | . Prepare one set of prisms for testing at 7 days and one set at 28 days. Testing at 28 days will not be required if 7-day tests indicate that 28-day strength will be equal to or greater than required minimum ultimate compressive strength.2' Concrete unit masonry prisms: Match preconstruction prisms in height-to-thickness ratio.3. Prepare and Gst prisms for each 5,000 square feet of masonry installed. B. Flexural Bond Strength: Test masonry prisms for flexural bond strength in accordance with ASTM E 518, with tooled joints facing downward, and as follows:l. Conduct test for each 5,000 square fcet of masonry installed.2. Acceptable results shall be not less than the following:a. 50 psi. C. Report test results in writing, and in the form specified under applicable test method, to both the architect and the contractor not later than the day after the test is conducted. 3.IO REPAIRINC MASONRY A. Replacement Carefully remove areas of damaged masonry and replace with matching, undamaged units using mortar which matches original work.B. Pointing: As joints are being tooled, remove mortar with visible holes or mortar which cannot be compacted properly because ofhidden voids, and replace with fresh mortar, filling each joint completely and tooling to match adjacent work. 3.II CLEANING AND PROTECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FMT.IE Constnction lrocarrstE 9 JuIy 2lMI HLM9EM7I4|aBbT I sEcrloNu12nr RErNFoRCEDcoNcRETEtuIAsoNRyuNrrsr I A. Clean masonry after mortar is thoroughly set and cured.l. Scrape off adhered mortar particles by hand, using non-metallic tools. I 2. Test cleaning methods on half of sample panel, leaving other half in original state.| " r"Tis;iffiil:iff;T,T'*iffi*#i'""ff:ff#ilf,Hsi#m'dHl;,ry immediately after cleaning. I 5. Use bucket and brush hand-cleaning method described in BIA Technical Notes No. 20 I Revised for brick masonry, except use detergent mixture only.6. Comply with directions of concrete unit masonry manufacturer and NCMA Tek Bulletin No. I 45 for cleaning CMU. I B. Protection: Institute protective measures as required to ensure that unit masonry wor* will be clean and undamaged at substantial completion.I I t I I I I t I I I END OF SECTION 04230 I HLM,EIMN-A VAILVALLEYMEDICALCENTERr rrEMoLITIoNANDsrRacraRAL FMME Consfi uctlon l)ocatncn8 lt 9 July 2lMI I Iir u23tL6 r SECTIONO'I2O STNACTANALSTEEL I SECTION05I20-STRUCTURALSTEEL I PARTI -6ENERAL I.O RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of ContracL including Specification Sections, appty to this Section.I I.OI DESCRIPTIONII A. Work Included: This Section includes fabrication and erection of structural steel work, as shown on drawings including schedules, notes and derails showing size and location of members, typical connections, and types of steel required. f l. Structural steel is that work defined in American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) "Code of _ Standard Practice" and as otherwise shown on drawings. I I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Reference Standards: Comply with provisions of following, except where more strigent requirements are I showr or specified: I I. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)"Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.', -I 'ut, l":;:::"::J"#::J,J:i:::::;#:::,"- ;tr 4. American Welding Society (AWS) Dl.l "Srudural Welding Code - Steel." I 5. ASTM A 6 "General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use." I} I B. Qualifications for Welding Work: Qualiff welding procedures and wetding operators in accordance with AWS "Qualifi cation' requirements.I I l. hovide certification that welders to be employed in work have satisfactorily passed AWS qualification tests. I 2. lf re-certification of weldcrs is required, rc-fesdng will be Confactofs responsibility. I.O3 SUBMITTALS t A, General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division I Specification S*tions. -.i I- ELMgsNTr4t UAILYALLEYMEITIoALoENTER ^sr2ulI DEMOLITIONANDSTkACTUMLFMIIEI Construdon Docwunar gJatv2MI I -,r I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I SECTIONOSI2O yTRACTARALSTEELB. Product data: Submit manufacturet's specifications and installation instructions for following products. Include laboratory test reports and other data to sbow compliance with specifications (inchJing specified standards). l. Structural steel (each type), including certified copies of mill reports covering chemical and physical properties. 2. High-strength bolts (each type), including nuts and washers. 3. Structural steel primer paint. 4. Non-shrink gout. C. Shop- drawings: Including complete details and schedules for fabrication and assembly of struchlal steel members, procedures, and diagrams. l. Include details of cuts, connections, camber, holes, and other pertinent data. Indicatc welds by standard AWS symbols and show size, length, and type of each weld. 2' Show all field connections (bolted and welded) on shop drawings. Details shail be shown in such a manner that all connections necessary for a complete assembly are on the shop drawings so that no reference back to the sbucnral drawings is required. 3. Use of the structural drawings as part of the shop drawings is prohibited. All drawings will be independent of the structural drawings. 4. Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other anchorages to be installed as work of other sections. I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. General: Deliver materials to site at such intervals to ensure unintemrpted progrcss of work. B. Storage: Store materials to permit easy access for inspection and identification. Keep steel members off ground by using pallets, platformg or other supports. Pnotect steel members and paciaged materials fiom erosion and deterioration. lf bolts and nuts become dry or rusty, clean and re-lubricate before use. I' Do not store materials on structure in a manner that might cause distortion or damage to members or supporting structur€s. Repair or replace danaged materials or stuctures as directed. PART2. PRODUCTS 2,OI MATERJALS A' Metal Surfaces, General: For fabrication of work that will be exposed to view, use only matcrials that are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, rust and scale seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, and roughness. Remove such blemishes by grinding, or by welding and grinding, prior to cleaning, treating, and applying surface fmishes. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I'EMOLITION AND STNACTUNAL FRAME Cowtrudion Docunu ta 9 July 2NI ELM9TMTT4M 05120-2 T t I sEcTroN 05120 STRACTARAL STEEL B. Strnctural Steel: ASTM 4992, Gr. 50. C. Angles, plates: ASTM A,36. D. All Threaded Rods (Anchor Bolts): ASTM A 449-105. E. Structural Tubing, Cold Formed: ASTM A 500; Grade B, ff = 46 ksi. F. Seamless Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53; Grade B, fr = 36 ksi. G. High-Strength Threaded Fasteners: Heavy hexagon structural bols, heavy hexagon nuts, and hardened washers, as follows: l. Quenched and tempered medium-carbon steel bolts, nuts, and washers, complying with ASTM A 325. H. Electrodes for Welding: Comply with AWS Code. A. Shop Fabrication and Assembly: Fabricate and assemble Struchral assernblies in shop to greatest extent possible. Fabricate items of structural steel in accordance with AISC Specifications and as indicated on final shop drawings. Provide camber in stnirctural members where indicated. l. Properly mark and march-mark materials for field assembly. Fabricate for delivery sequ€,nce that will expedite erection and minimize field handling of materials. 2. Where finishing is required, complete assembly, including welding of units, before start of finishing operations. Provide finish surfaces of members exposed in final shuchre free of markings, burrs, and other defects. B. Connectiolrs: Weld or bolt shop connections, as indicated. C. Field connections: Bolted, except where welded connections or other connections are indicated. l. hovide high-strength threaded fasteners for all bolted connections. D. High-Strength Bolted Construction: Install high-srength threaded fasteners in accordance with AISC Specifications for "Sfiuctural Joints using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts". l. All bolts are A 325-N, unless noted Type "SC". t I I I t I t l t I. Structural Steel himer Paint: SSPC - Paint l; Code compliant. J. Non-shrink, Non-Metallic Grout: Comply with CRD-C-621 and ASTM C-1090. Grout shall develop nor I . less than 9000 psi compressive strength in 28 days. r 2.02 FABRICATIoN I I t t I I VAIL VALLEY MEI'IA'L CEITTER DEMOLINON AND STNACTUNAL FMME ConsrrucTion Document 9 JuIy 2lN1 HI],T98M7141 t I rucD JUL r r zr:ur tI VAILVALLEY I MEDICAL CENTERI PHASE ItI EXPANSIOI{/ I RENOVATION tI SPECIFICATIONS I II o,*"?,iili,tr:t::;"';Y:,'o,o*, Construction Documents HLM Project No. 980071.04 Town of !a!! rr r elutv2ool 0FFIGEG0PY I t Gor-o)53Tol=oox I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I SECTION OOOO2 Seak and Signatures l'*'f***********{i{"tf+*****:}***++****,t ********+***********:t *,*'t ******************rt rr+r++r**'r:F*:r* I hereby certifu that the portion of this technical submission described below was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and responsible charge. I am a duly Registercd Archilect under the laws of the State of Colorado. Russell A. Sedmak Discipline: Architecr Reg. No.: 8-2758 Signatrre Pages or sheets covered by this seal: Specification Sections: Division l, Division 2, Division 4, Section 07141, and0fl2l0 Drawing Sheets: 000 through A)OO( Date issued: 07-09-01 :l******+******:******+*******'i*****f++*:t t r.*******+**irri.rF*i.*rttr***+********:t 'r**liri(*r!**r.t *'t 't ***** I hereby cerdry dnt the portion of this technical submission described below was prepared by me or under ny direct supervision and responsible charge. I am a duly Registered hofessional Engineer under the laws ofthe State ofColorado. Steven E. Bierbach Discipline: Sfuctural Engineer Reg. No.: 1963E Signature Pages or sheets covered by this seal: Specilication Sections: 03300,04230,05120,05312,05400 Sructural Design Calculations Drawing Sheets: Sl.0 thmugh S5.4 Date issued:07-09-01 *'F t*r.***i.********!t*rt!.:f****,|******+***:r**:hr*****+++**!*r.*:t,t !********,t*++*****:r*:r***!F***rtr*!r**++{. VAIL UALIEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AtlD STRACTUML F&AME Constuctian Docamutts 9 JaIy 2lMI R}MAK \O I Nhillllw RUSSELL A. SEDMAK ffirrtt! tr _*${{ll,Hdi&.,- HLM 98M7I.M UNNLT I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I DocaMEFtr0u03 TABIE oF CaNTENTS DIV I S IO N I - GEN ERAL REQU IREM ENTS ............SUMMARY 0l140 ..........WORK RESTRICTIONS 01250 ..........................C0NTRACT MODTFICATTON PROCEDT.JRES01290................ ......................pAyMENTpROCEDr.JRES01320................. .....CoNSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01322 01330 01400 01500 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS SIJBMITTAL PROCESS ...... QUALITY REQUIREMENTS .....,................... TEMPORARY FACILITES AI{D CONTROLS 04200 04230 0sr20 o5312 054{m 01731 CUTIING AND PATCHING ..... CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PROCEDI,JRES 01780 01785 ........................ CONTRACT CLOSEOLTT SLJBMITTALS ...........,........OPERATON AND MAINTENANCE MATERIAL DIVISION 3. CONCRETE 03300 CONCRETE DIVISION 1. MASONRT IjNIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY TINIT DIVISION 5. METAIS STRUCTURAL STEEL STEELDECKING COLD FORMED METAL FRAMINC DIVI SION 7 . TNERMAL AND MOISTARE PROTECTION 07141........................COLD FLt]ID APPLIED WATERPROOFING vt2to BI,JILDING hISIJLATION rlI ENDoF D0CaMENTUNN3 VN L VALIEY MEDICAL CENTER D EM OUT IO N AND STRU CTA ML FRAM E Cowtndion Document 9 IaIY 2MI HI.TT 98ilNLO4 MM3.I I SECTTON 01100 SUMMARY SECTION OlIOO - ST]MMARY I PARTI -GENERAL I I.I WORKCOVEREDBYCONTRACTDOCUMENTS I A. Work covers demolition and construction of 60,000 GSF addition to Vail Valley Medical t Center located at l8l West Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado. I B. Additional requirements of all Parties to the Contract. Refer to Conditions of the Contract. I Where specific provisions of the General Conditions are referenced herein, those references are- for the convenience of the Parties and specifically do not exclude other requirements, I obligations and provisions ofthe General Conditions. I 1.2 CONTRACTS t A. Work of the various subcontractors wilt be executed under subcontract agreements with the Construction Manager. All work will be perforrned under the direction and control of the I Construction Manager, who is responsibls to the Owner for the faithful performance andI execution ofthe entire work. I 1.3 WORKBY OTTTERS I A. Security System: Installation of building security will be conracted by the owner. Coordination I with this system will be required by the sub --contractors to the extent indicated on ther Construction Documents. I 1,4 OWNER-FURNISI{EDPRODUCTS I A. Products furnished by Owner include: I l. Furnishings and Equipment a I B. Owners Responsibilities: I 1. Arrange for and deliver necessary shop drawings, product data and samples, as Owner I supplied products effect the Construction Documents.! 2. Arrange and pay for product delivery to the site, in accordance with the construction schedule. I 3. Receive and unload products at the site, except as otherwise noted.r 4. Handle products at the site, including uncrating and storage, except.ts otherwise noted.5. Submit claims for transportation damage. t 6. Arrange for replacement of damaged, defective, or missing items.I HLM 98471.04 VNLVAILW MEDICALCENTER O11OO,I I DEMOUTTONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I Consttuction Docwrerrts 9.luly 2MI I I sECrroN oroo SAMMARY I 7. Arrange for manufacturer's warranties, bonds, service, inspections, as required. r 8. Assemble, install, connect, adjust, test and calibrate and finish products. r C. Contractor's Responsibilities: I L Coordinate installation of Owner-furnished products with other portions of the Work.! 2. Designate submittal and delivery date for each product affecting construction schedule.3. Review submittals of Owner-fumished products and verify rough-in requirements. No- I tify Architect of discrepancies that would affect installation and iough-ini.ll 4. Protect products from damage.5. Mechanical: I a. Afford Owner's forces a reasonable opportunity for introduction and storage of f their products and the execution of their work. Where required, Contractor shall properly connect his work to theirs.b. Repair or replace items damaged by Contractor.r I 1.5 woRK SEQT.IENCE I- A. Sequence and stage new work in accordance with approved Construction Schedules. I B. Perform demolition and alteration work of existing building in stages to accommodate Owner'sr use of premises as follows: I I . Demolition and structural work will affect the existing building. Coordinate all site, I building operations, and utility disruptions with Owner, a minimum of two weeks, prior to work commencing. Ensure that disruption to existing building operations are mini- mized during the construction duration period. C. Construct Work as necessary to provide for public and tenant convenience. t l. Do not close offpublic use of existing facilities until completion of one stage of con-r struction will provide altemative usage. r 2. Proposed changes to site access and building usage should be documented on a plan, and I approved by the Owner and Architect.I 3. Do not close or obstruct public roadways without prior approval of locat police and safety authorities and coordination with Owner's use of the site. I I.6 CONTRACTOR USE OFPREMISES I A. Confine operations at site to areas permitted by Law, Ordinances, Permits, and Contract Documents. I B. Do not unreasonably encumber site with materials or equipment. C. Do not load sfucture with weight that will endanger stnrcture.Ir VAI L VAILEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM O LTTI O N AND STRA CTU BAL F RAM E Constuction Documcnts 9IaIY 2ffi1 I I HLIhI980071-U 01100-2 r sEcTroN 0rr00 SaMMARY -- D. Assemble full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of products stored on premises. I E. Move stored products which interfere with operations of Owner.t F. Obtain and pay for use of additional storage or work areas needed for operations. I G. Limit use of site for Work and storage as follows: I l. Restrict work and storage to construction areas indicated on Drawings. fl 2. Restrict parking to areas designated by Owner.3. Do not perform operations that would interrupt or delay Owner's daily operations. I 4. Maintain Owner, and public access at all times to existing buildings, parking, drives and walks.t' 5. Restrict construction personnel from access to other areas of site and existing building ar- I eas, except as required to perform new and alterations Work. I - 1.7 owNER OCCUPANCY r A. Owner will occupy existing building during entire period of construction for the conduct of Owner's normal, daily operations. Cooperate with Owner's representative in all construction I operations to minimize conflict and to facilitate Owner usage. I B- Contractor shall conduct his operations to insure least inconvenience to Owner's operation. I C. Contractor sball take precautions to avoid excessive noise or vibration that would disturb Owner's operations. When directed by Owner, Contractor shall perform certain operations at r designated time of day or night in order to minimize disturbance to Owrrer's operations. I 1.8 PARTTAL OWNER OCCUPANCYI f A. Schedule operations for completion of designated portions of Work for Owner's occupancy prior to Substantial Completion of entire Work. I B. Owner will occupy designated areas for purpose of installing owner purchased equipment or rnishings, and for resuming existing operations. I C. Prior to occupancy, execute Certificate of Substantial Completion for each desigtated area. D. After Owner occupancy, Contractor shall provide: : l. Access for Owner's personnel, and public. 2. Temporary partitions and barricades required to limit and control access to other con- I struction areas, if applicable. I 3. Operation of IIVAC and electrical systems until Substantial Completion of entire Work. 4. Maintain property insurance until Substantial Completion of entire Work. I I HLM 98OO7bA VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 011M.3 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I Cotutttction Docamon:ts 9.lub2NI r I s^crroNorloo E. Upon occupancy ofa designated area, Owner will provide: I l. Custodial services.r 2. Security. 3. Maintenance.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLTCABLE) PART 3 - DGCUTION (NOT APPLTCABLE) r END OF SECTION O1IOO SAMMARY HItr[ q&OWI.U VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER O11OO4 DEMOIf,NON AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Consfiuction Documents 9lult 2Ml t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l.l 1.2 SECTION 01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS SECTION OII4O - WORK RESTRICTIONS PART I -GENERAL RELATED DOCI.JMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. USE OFPREMISES Use of Site: Limit use of premises to work in areas indicated. Do not disturb portions of site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated. l. Limits: Confine constructions operations to areas indicated on drawings.2. Owner Occupancy: Allow for Owner occupancy of site and use by the public.3' Driveways and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving premises clear and available to Owner, Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. a. Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances.b. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site.c. Clean adjacent parking lots and roadways, and remove dirt and debris deposited as a result of daily construction operations. Use of Existing Building: Maintain use of existing building, by owner and occupants, througbout construction period. Repair damage caused by construction operations. Protect building and its occupants during construction period. 1.3 OCCUPANCYREQT]IREMENTS A. Full Owner Occupancy: Owner will occupy site and existing building during entire construction period. Cooperate with Owner during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's operations. B. Partial Owner Occupancy: Owner reseryes the right to occupy and to place and install equipment in completed areas of the new building, before Substantial Cornpletion, provided such occupancy does not interfere with completion of the Work. Such placement of eguipment and partial occupncy shall not constitute acceptance of the total Work. 1. Construction Manager will prepare a Certificate of Subsuntial Completion, to be signed by Architect, for each specific portion of the Work to be occupied before Owner occuPancy. HLM 980071-M VAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Constraction Docwnanfi 9,luly 2(Nl A. A. B. 01140-1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 01140 WORKRESTRICTIONS 2. Obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from authorities having jurisdiction before Owner occupancy. 3. Before partial Owner occupancy, mechanical and electrical systerns shall be fully operational, and required tests and inspections shall be successfully completed. On occupancy, Owner will provide, operate, and maintain mechanical and electrical systems serving occupied portions of building.4' On occupancy, Owner will assume responsibility for maintenance and custodial service for occupied portions of buitding. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECTTTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION OII4O VAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Constructian Doc aments 9 July 2(NI HLM98M7bA 01140-2 I I SECT/ON01210 4LLOWANCES I SECTTON 01210 - ALLoWANCES I PART l -cENERALI I I.I STMMARY I A. The Contactor shall include in his Contract Sum the Cash Allowances specified. I B' Items covered by these allowances shatl be supplied for such amounts and by such persons as'!r the Owner or Architect may direct. I C. Expenditures from Cash Allowances shall be only upon written authorization of the Architect,r! approved by the Owner. Expenditures shall be kept within amounts set forth, unless specific authorization of Architect and approval of Owner provides otherwise. I D. Any unexpended balances of Cash Allowances shall revert to the Owner in the final settlement of the Contract. I 1.2 CONTRACTOR'SRESPONSIBILITIES I A. Coordinate installation of allowance items with related building sp.rces, materials, equipment- and scheduling. I B. Provide adequate storage space! construction space and access to Work for allowance items.! C. Notify allowance item suppliers or subcontractors of required delivery dates and installation I periods established on p.oi".t construction schedule.I D. Obtain proposals from suppliers when requested by Architect. I E. On notification of selection, execute purchase agreenrent with designated supplier. r F. Arrange for and process Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. Ir G. Upon delivery, promptly inspect products for damage or defects and submit claims for transportation damage. t H, Install and finish products in accordance with requirements of referenced specification sections, r 1.3 TYPEOFCASHALLOWANCE I A. Allowances specified include net cost ofproduct, delivery and unloading at site and applicable I taxes. Where specffied below, allowances shall also include installation costs. VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DE M O UN ON AND STRA CTANAL F NAM E Consbttction Docurne nts 9 JulY 2001 I I I HLM98U71.M 012IG1 I SECTrONol2lo ALLOWANCES I B. Contractor shall include in his Contract Sum, Contractor's costs for overhead and profit andr costs for handling and installation, except where installation is specified to be a part of the t allowance. I C. Installation shall include handling at site, uncrating, storage, protection, labor, installation, _ finishing and other expenses required to complete installarion. I D. The extent of work included under each subcontract allowance and extent of allied work performed by Contractor is described below. I 1.4 TESTING AND INSPECTION ALLOWANCES I A. Costs Included in Testing and Inspecting Allowances: Cost of engaging a testing and inspecting agency; execution of tests and inspecting; and reporting results. I B. Costs Not Included in the Testing and Inspecting Allowance, but krcluded in the Contract Sum:I 1. Costs of incidental labor and facilities required to assist testing or inspecting agency. I 2. Costs of testing services used by Contractor separate from Contract Documint require-I ments. 3. Costs of retesting upon failure of prcvious tests as determined by Architect. I C. PaymentProcedures: r L Submit three copies of the inspecting or testing firm's invoice with next application for t z. F:tT*"" on approval by Architect. I D. Testing and Inspecting Allowances Schedule:I l. Include in Contract Sum the cash sum of $,l!Jgg_ for payrnent of testing laboratory services specified in Section 01460.I I END OF SECTTON 01210 I r I HLMg&N7I.A VNLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER 01210.2 DEM OLIN ON AND STRA CTA RAL F MM E Construction Docwne nts 9luly 2Nl I I I r SECTIONOL2SO CONTRACTMODIFICATIONPROCEDURES I SECTIoN 01250 - coNTRAcT MoDIFIcATIoN PRocEDURES r PARTI-GENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCT]MENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract" including General and Supplementary I Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I r.2 SUMMARY r A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing I Contract modifications. B. Related Sections include the following: t 1. Division I Section "Allowances" for procedural requircments for handling and processing allowances. I- 1.3 MINoRcHANcEs IN TIIEwoRK I A. Architect will issue through Construction Manager supplemental instructions authorizing Minor - Changes in the Work, not invotving adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, on AIA Document G71 0, "Architect's Supplemental Instructions" I t.4 PROPOSAL REQUESTS I t A. Owner-Initiated Proposal Requests: Architect will issue through the Construction a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that may require adjustrnent to the Contract Sum I or the Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised I Drawings and Specifications. r 1. Proposal Requests issued by Architect through Construction Manager are for information I and pricing only. Do not consider them instructions either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change, unless specifically agreed upon by Owner and Architect. 2. Within ten (10) working days, or as otherwise required by Architect, after receipt of I Proposal Request, submit a quotation estimating "ost adiustrrents to the Contract Sum I and the Contract Time n@essary to execute the change. || a. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with f total amount of purchases and credits to be made. U requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. b. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts oftrade I discounts. HLM 9E(N71.M VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01250.1 I DEMOUTION AND STRACTARALFRAME t CowtructionDocunents 9l,tb2MI r B. c, B, 1.5 I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I SECTION 01250 CONTRACT M ODI F I CATI ON PROCEDA RES c. Include an updated Contractor's Construction Schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. Contractor-lnitiated Proposals: If latent or unforeseen conditions require modifications to the Contract, Contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for a change to Owner and Architect. I' Include a statement outlining reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time.2. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. 3. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. 4. Include an updated Contractor's Construction Schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. 5. lomply with requirements in Dvision 1 Section "hoduct Requirements" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for product or ryst". rpecified. Proposal Request Form: Use AIA Document G709 for proposal Requests. ALLOWANCES Allowance Adjustment: To adjust allowance amounts, base each Change Order proposal on the difference between purchase amount and the allowance, multiplied by final measurernent of work-in-place. If applicable, include reasonable allowances for cutting losses, tolerances, mixing wastes, normal product imperfections, and similar margins. l. Include installation costs in purchase amount only where indicated as part of the allowance. 2. ff requested, prepare explanation and documentation to substantiate distribution of overhead costs and other margins claimed.3. submit substantiation of a change in scope of work, if any, claimed in change orders related to unit-cost allowances.4. Owner reserves the right to establish the quantity of work-in-place by independent quantity survey, nreasure, or count, Submit claims for increased costs because of a change in scope or nature of the allowance described in the Contract Documents, whether for the Purchase Order amount or Contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. submit claims within 2l days of receipt of the Change Order or Construction Change Directive authorizing work to proceed. Owner will reject claims submitted later than 30 days after such authorization. VAI L VALIEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Construttion Docwnene 9IulY 2NI HLM9EN7I.M 01250-2 I SECTTON 01250 0aNTRACT MODTFTCAUON PROCEDURES I I ' Do not include Contractor's or subcontractor's indirect expense in the Change Order costI amount unless it is clearly shown that the nature or extent of work has changed from whatI 2 i''J:lH;: rr":T::ff1,,'il11.y,"#l::'* $*:HTj,".ffffi1.'o, n,un",- or ,ower-I priced rnaterials or systems of the same scope and nafure as originally indiJated. I 1.6 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES I A. On Owner's approval of a Proposal Request, Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures I of Owner and Contractor on AIA Document G701. I r.7 CONSTRUCTTONCHANGEDIRECTTVE A. Construction Change Directive: Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA I Document G?14. Construction Change Directive instructs Contractor to proceed with a changer in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. I l. Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of change in the Work. It I also designates method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. I B. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a tirne and material basis of work requircd by the Construction Change Directive. I r' ffiL:#Jilir,itTft-i.jti#J"T,:"#ttff;rt and supporting data necessarv to I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) I PART3 -HGCUTION (Not Used) I Er{D OF SECTTON 01250 t r t HLM 9E(N71.U VNLVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01250.3 I DEMOUTION ANDSTRACTURALFRAME I CottstuctianDocwnenfr 9 JuIy 2001 I t.2 I I t I I I SECTION OI29O PAYMENT PROCEDARES SECTION 01290 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1-GENERAL I.I RET.A,TED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and otherDivision I Specification Sections, appty tothis Section. ST]MMARY This Section specifres administrative and procedural requirements necessary to prepare and process Applications for Payment. Related Sections include the following: l. Division I Section "Allowances" for procedural requirements goveming handling and processing of allowances.2. Division I Section "Contract Modification Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling changes to the Contract.3. Division I Section "Construction Progress Docurnentation" for administrative requirernents goveming preparation and submittal of Contractor's Constnrction Schedule and Submittals Schedule. I.3 DEFIN]TIONS A. Schedule of Values: A statenrent fumished by Contractor allocating portions of the Contract Sum to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for rcviewing Contractor's Applications for Payrnent. 1.4 SCHEDIJLEOFVALI.]ES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation of Contractor's Construction Schedule. l. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required administrative forms and schedules, including the following: a. Application for Payment forms with Continuation Sheets.b. SubmittalsSchedule. 2. Submit the Schedule of Values to Architect and Owner, through Construction Manager at earliest possible date but no later than seven days before the date scheduled for submittal of initial Applications for Payment. UA]L UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constaction Docuncnts 9 Jab 2Nl I I I I I I T I I I I I I B. HLM 98M71.04 01290-l a. b. d. a. b. c. d. 6. 7. 8. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDARES Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish line items for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. l. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the Schedule of Values: Project name and location. Name of Architect. Architect's project number. Contractor's name and address. Date of submittal. 2. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with sepilrate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: Related Specification Section or Division. Description of the Work. Name of subcontractor. Name of manufacturer or fabricator.e. Nanre of supplier.f. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value.g. Dollar value. l) Percentage of the Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. 3. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in enough detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Provide several line items for principal subcontract amounts, where appropriate. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; total shall equal the Contract Sum. Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each part of the work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipnrnt purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. a. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. Include evidence of insurance or bonded warehousing if required. hovide separate line items in the Schedule of Values for initial cost of materials. for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value of that part of the Work. Allowances: Provide a separate line item in the Schedule of Values for each allowance. show line-item value of unit+ost allowances, as a product of the unit cost, multiplied by measured quantity. Use information indicated in the Contract Documents to determine quantities. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. Include total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit for each item. a. Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place may be shown either as separate line items in the Schedule of Values or distributed as general overhead expense, at Contractor's option. 4. 5. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTI ON AND SIRACTARAL FMME Conshaction Docwnenls 9IaIy 2MI HLM98M71.U 01290-2 B. F. 1.5 I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDARES 9. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values before the next Applications for Payment when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Each- Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by Architect and Construction Manager and paid for by Owner. 1. ktitial Application for Payment, Application for Payment at time of Substantial completion, and final Application for payment involve additional requirements. Payrnent Application Times: The date for each progress paynrcnr is indicated in the Agreement between Owner and Contractor. The period of conshtcti,on Work covered by each Apllication for Payment is the period indicated in the Agrerment. Payment Application Forms: Use AIA Document G702 and AIA Document G703 Continuation Sheets as form for Applications for Payrnent. D. Application heparation: Complete every entry on form. Notarize and execute by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of Contractor. Architect will return incomplete applications without action. l. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and Contractor's Construction Schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made.2. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued before last day of construction period covered by application. Transmifial: Submit 3 sigred and nourized original copies of each Application fo'r Payment to Architect by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall include waivers of lien and similar attachments if required. l. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate information about applicaion. Waivers of Mechanic's Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mechanic's liens from subcontractors, sub.subconfiactors, and suppliers for construction period covered by the previous application. l. Submit partial waivers on each item for amount r€quested, before deduction for retainage, on each item. 2- when an application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers.3. Owner reserves the rigbt to designate wbich entities involved in the Work must submit waivers. 4. Waiver Delays: Submit each Application for Payrrent with Contractor's waiver of mechanic's lien for construction period covered by the application, UAI L VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTTJRAL FRAME Constntction Documc nts 9lttlt 2MI HLM98W7I.U 0r29&3 I I t I I I I T I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION 01290 PAYMENT PROCEDURES a. Submit final Application for Pa)'rnent with or preceded by final waivers from every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application who is lawfully entitled to a lien. 5. Waiver Forms: Submit waivers of lien on forms, executed in a manner acceptable to Owner. G. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals that rnust precede or coincide with submittal of first Application for Payment include the fotlowing: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. Schedule ofValues.3. Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final).4. Products list. 5. Allowances. 6. Submiuals Schedule (preliminary if not final). 7 . List of Contractor's staff assignments.8. List of Contractor's principal consultants.9. Copies of building permits issued.10. Copies of authorizations and licenses from authorities having jurisdiction for performance of the Work. ll. Initial progress report. 12. Repon of preconstnrction conference.13. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies if such policies arc being provided by Contractor. 14. Data needed to acquire Owner's insurance.15. lnitial settlement survey and damage report if required. H, Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: After issuing the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment showing 100 percent completion for portion of the Work claimerd as substantially complete. l lnclude docurnentation suppo'rting claim that the Work is substantially complete and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum.2. This application shall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued previously for Ovrner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. I. Final Payment Application: Submit final Application for Payment with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted, including, but not limited, to the following: l. Evidence of completion of Project closeout requirernents.2, Insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required and proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. 3. Updated final statement, accounting for final changes to the Contract Sum.4. AIA Document G706, "Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims."5. AIA Docunrent G706A, "Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens."6. AIA DocumentG707,l'Consent of Surety to Final Paynrent."7. Evidence that claims have been settled. VAI L VALIEY MEDICAL C ENT E R DEMOLTTION AND STRUCTAML FMME Constructian Docaments 9 JalY 2NI HLM 98U71-04 0129(M I SECTION01290 |AYMENThROCEDURES I 8. Final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as ofI date of Substantiil Completion or when Owner took possession of and assumedI e fi:'"",t'Jlllj:'.:ffifl"Tff:;ffii"S.:T***I I PART2-PRODUCTS(NoIUsed) I r PART3-HGCUTION(NoIUsed) I END OF SECTION OI29O I I t I I I I I I t T I Hr.rt ggwTr.M uArLuAr.r*y MEDT^AL,ENTER I I DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FMME Cottsfuiction Doc ttttu nts 9labWI 01290-5 I SECTION OI32O CONSTRT]CTION PROGRESS DOC(JMENTATION I SECTTON 01320 - CONSTRUCTTON PROGRESS DOCLTMENTATION I PARTI-cENERALI I I.I SUMMARY I A. Procedures for preparation and submission of Contractor's construction schedules for the Work 1| and periodic updating. I B. Critical action report of required Owner and A,/E actions or decisions. - 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. General Conditions (paragraph 3.10)I B. Schedule ofValues - Section 01295. I C. Construction Photographs - Section 01322. I D. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples - Section 01330. I I.3 FORMOFSCHEDULES I A. Pnepare in horizontal bar chart form, or Prepare network analysis system using the critical pathr m€thod, as outlined in The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) publication "The Use of CPM in Construction - A Manual for General Contractors". f 1. Separate bar for each Eade or operation,2. Identify first workday ofeach week. t B, Prcpare in chronological order of start of each item of work. I I C. Identify each item by major specification section number or trade. I r.4 CONTENTOFSCHEDT.JLES A. hovide complete sequence of construction activity. I l. Indicate dares forbeginning and completion ofeach activity.2. Indicate projected percentage of completion for each iter[ as of first day of each month. I 3. Identify major milestones including dates for Notice to hoceed, pre-installation confer-I ences, pre{ontriact closeout conference, Architect's punch list, facility start-up activities, operating system instructions and demonstrations, commissioning activities, Regulatory - Agency of Jurisdiction inspections, Substantial Completion. I HI]14 98OO7I.O4 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI3^GI I DEMOUNONANDSTRACN]RALFRAME I CorcFuctionDocunen* 9laly 2(M1 r I SECTION 01320 CONSTR(JCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION I B. Product delivery schedule. Indicate dares for: I I . Delivery of products specified by allowances. t 2. Delivery of Owner-furnished products, 3. Contractor's receipt of rough-in information required for coordination of products fur- nished by others. I 4. Installation ofproducts furnished by others. Identify major categories and unique equip-I nrent items separately, l, C. Include calendar days from date of start of project to date of completion.J I 1.5 CRflCAL ACTION REPORT I A. hovide a separate sur rury report of dates for required Owner and Architect actions or deci- I sions that would affect construction schedule. I I.6 REVISIONS TO SCHEDULES ! A. Submit schedule updates and graphically illustrate the progress ofeach activity to date of sub- mittal, and projected completion date of each activity. I B. Identify activities modified since previous submittal, major changes in scope, and other identifi- able changes. I C. Provide narrative report to define problem areas, anticipated delays, and impact on Schedule. Report colrective action taken, or proposed, and its effect including the effect of changes on r schedules of separate contfirctors. I 1.7 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit initial schedules and critical action report within 15 days after date of Notice to hoceed. I B. Submit monthly revised schedules accurately depicting progress to flrst day of each month. I Submit with application for payment submittal. I C. Submit monthly revised critical action report concurrent with construction schedule zubmittat. r D. Submit number of copies reguired by Contractor, plus 2 copies to be retained by Architect (l - copy) and Owner (l copy). I PART2-PRODUCTS I N.TAPP'.ABLE I PARr3 -ExEcurroN HLI,| 98ffi71-U I t UAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTI ON AND STRACN]RAL FRAME Constttctbn Documen8 9InIt 2001 0r32&2 I sEcrroNor32o I NorAppLrcABLE I END oF sEcrroN ol32o CONSTRUCTI ON PROGRESS DOCAM ENTATI ON NIn[98M71.U VAILVALLETMEDICALCENTER OIJ^O.3 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constnction Documents 9ldt2mI I SECTION 01322 CONSTRUCNON PHOTOS ! t sEcTroN 01322 - CONSTRUCTTON PHOTOGRAPHS I PARTI-cENERALr t 1.1 SI,JMMARY t A. Pre-consfuctionphotographs. I B. Monthly consnuction photographs. C. Periodicconstructionphotographs.If D. Final Completion construction photographs. I r.2 St BMrTrArs I A. Identification: t 1. Submit key plan of Project site and building with noration of vantage points marked for location and direction of each photograph. Indicate elevation or story of constuction. Include the same label information as the conesponding photographs. Plan shall be reviewed and approved by Ar- I 2. Htll- of each print, provide an applied label or rubber-stamped impression with the following information. I a. Name of hoiect. b. Name of Architect. c. Name of Contractor. I 3. 3*:fi:;rit*trrf$nt indicarins locarion, direction (by compass point), and ereva- - tion or story of construction. t B. Construction Photographs: Submit prins of each photographic with each job pmgress r€port, but not less than once per month. Photographs shall be taken at the sarne time each month to document construction I progress. Additional photographs are to be taken at critical points of construction, as directed by Archi- I tect. I l. Format: 8-by-I0-inch (203-by-254-mm) smooth-surface maue prints on single-weight commer- f| z. ii3#i,ttfrht a complete set of phorographic negatives in protective envelopes as a project Record Document. Identiry date photographs were taken. r pART2-pRoDUcrs(NorAppLIcABLE) Ir I PART3.HGCI,ITIoN tI HLM9EWNI.O4 VNLVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI322.I ] DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME Construation DocamenB ' 9InlYzMI I B. 3.1 I I t t t I t t t I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 01322 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS Field Office Prints: Retain one set of prints of progress photographs in the field office at Project site, available at all times for reference. Field photographs are to be in a photo book, with clear protective pages. Photographs are to be sequential, with date included. Identify photographs the same as for those submitted to in the Monthly Progress Repon. Preconsfuction Photographs: Before starting construction, take color photographs of Project site and sur- rounding properties from different vantage points, as directed by Architect. l. Take photographs to show existing conditions adjacent to the property before starting the Work.2. Take photographs of existing buildings either on or adjoining the property to accurately record the physical conditions at the start of conssuction.3. Architect and Construction Manager will coordinate vantage points for the initial photographs. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take color photographs after date of Substantial Comple- tion for submission as Project Record Documents. Archit€ct will direct photographer for desired vantage points. END OF SECTION 01322 VAI L VALIEY MEDI CAL C ENTER D EM O U TION AND STRA CTUML F RAME Constactia n Do curnerr# 9IUIY 2rm HLrtgSUru-M 01322-2 I t SECTION 01330 SECTION OI33O - SUBMTTTAL PROCEDURES PART I -GENERAL SUBMITTAL PROCESS I t ! I I I t I I t t I I.I SI.IMMARY A. Procedures for submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples required by Contract Documents. B. Quality Control Submittals. C. Schedule of submittals. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. General Conditions - paragraph 3.12. B. Manufacturer's Installdion Instructions - Section 01600. C. Contract Closeout Submittals - Section 01770 and 0l?g0. I.3 DEFINTNONS A. Shop Drawings: Refer to General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.1. B. hoduct Data: Refer to General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.2. C. Samples: Referto General Conditions, subparagraph 3.12.3. D. Quality Control Submittals: Informational submittals that pertain to quality control and which do not require review and approval by Architect and are to be retained in prolect file only. If reviewed, project information will be reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents only. The review will not constitute a detailed review of adequacy of submitted desigrr calcula- tions. The appropriateness and accuracy of calculations is the responsibility of the bontractor (and Contractor's professional engineer when such calculations are iequired to be professionally sealed). Examples of quality control submittals: l Design data and calculations.2. Test reports.3. Certificationsandcertificates. 4, Manufacnrer'sinstructions. 5. Manufacturer's field reports.6. Qualifications of Installer. VAI L UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTAML FRAME Construction DrcwenK 9 July 2(NI I I t I I NIil98M7I.U 0133Gr r sEcTIoN 01330 SIIBMITTALPROCESS I 14 sHoPDRAwrNGs I A. Prepare project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Prepare drawings in a clear and I thorough manner. Title each drawing with hoject name. B. Identify plans and details by reference to sheet number and detail, schedule or room numbers I shown on Contract Documents.r C. Identify field dimensions; show relation to adjacent critical features or Work.tf D. Do not reproduce Contract Documents for use as Shop Drawings. I E. Electronic copies of CADD Drawings of the Contract Documents will provided by ArchitecV I Engineer, on a one-time basis, for Contractor's use in preparing Shop Drawings. To obtain electronic copies of CADD drawings, the contractor will have to sign Architect's release waiver I and pay a nominal fee to be determined by Architect which is commensurate with the costs in- f curred by the Architect for preparation, formatting and file transfers to the contractor. l. If the Contractor obtains or receives electronic copies of the CADD Drawings, Contractor I shall not rely upon the electronic copies or re-use, alter or modify such elecionic copies.f 2. Contractor further agrees to (1) Pay (or forego payment on its own behalf the cost oD and (2) indernnify and hold harmless Owner and Architect from claims arising from any use, I re-use, alteration or modification of such electronic copies. t 3. Contractor shall only obtaih electronic copies of CADD Drawings pursuant to a written agreement with the Owner in a format agreed to by Architect and agrees that in all events the most current printed version of the Drawings governs over any electonic version. - I.5 PRODUCTDATA ' A. Manufacturer's standard drawings, details and diagrams: I l. Modify drawings to delete information which is not applicable to Work.I 2. ;i:t.Polffiil..andard information to provide additional information specifically applica- I B. Manufacturer's standard printed descriptive data: I l. Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent materials, products or models. I 2. Show dimensions and clearances required. 3. Show performance characteristics and capacities. .. 4- Show factory installed wiring or piping diagrams and controls. I 5. Show utility connection and rough-in requirenrcnts.!r 6. Include manufacturer's installation insftuction. 7- Indicate compliance with trade and testing agency standards.Ir 1.6 SAI,IPLES I HlntssooTr-M I t VN L VALI.DY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME C ottsb-ttctbn Docwne rrls 9IaIy 2Ml 01i30-2 t sEcTIoN 01s30 SaBMTTTALPROCESS I A. Submit full range of manufacturer's standard colors, textures and patterns for Architect's selec- Ilon. I B. Identify manufacturer's samples with manufacturer's name, item, use, type, project designation, - specification section or drawing detail reference, color, range, texture, finish and other pertinent . data. f C. Identify related and adjacent construction that will impact the product installarion orfunction. I D. Identify potential coordination issues that may be apparent to manufacturer. I E. Size and extent of field and fabricated samples as specified in respective specification sections. t F. Erect,field Samples at Project site, at Iocation acceptable to Architect. Fabricate each sample : completeandfinished. r t.7 QUALITY CONTROL SUBMmTALS I A. Submit quality control information as indicated in respective Specification sections.I l. Design data or calculations requhing professional certification shall be properly sealed I and signed by a registered professional engineer in State of Colorado. t 2. Submit test reports in accordance with requirements.3. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions.rt B. Submit in same numner as Product Data, except as otherwise specified above.r I 1.8 coNTRAcroR REspoNsIBrLrrrESr A. Review Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples and similar submittals prior to submission. Ini- I tial, sign or stamp, certifying to review of submittal for compliance with Contract Documents t and indicating Contractor's approval of submittal. All copies of subminal are to be reviewed, and stamped by contractor. All submittals that do not bear the Contractor's stamp will be re- I turned by the Architect, without review. B. Verify: I 1. Field measurements. I 2. Field construction criteria.3. Catalog numbers and similar data, .. 4. Conformance with Contract Documents. I 5. Completeness of submittal. C. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of Work and of Contract Documents. -t D. Notify Architect, in writing at time of submission, of deviations in submittals from requirements of Contract Documents. r HLM 98U7r-U VNLVALIfrY MEDTCALCENTER 01330-3 DEM O UTI ON AN D STRA CTA RAL F MM E Corxbtabn Documents t g.lriy2Ml I I I SECTION 01330 SUBMITTALPROCESS I E. Begin no fabrication or work which requires submittals until return of submittals with Archi- tect/Lngineer's stamp and initials or signature indicating review. I F. The Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submittals is not relieved by the Ar-- chitect's review of submittals. I G. The Conhactor's responsibility for deviations in submittals from requirements of Contractf Documents is not relieved by the Architect'slEngineers review of submittals unless the Archi- tect gives written acceptance of specific deviations.Ir I.9 SI.JBMITTALREQUIREMENTS I A. Concurrent with submittal of Construction Progress Schedule, prepare and submit a schedule for submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data,-Samples anA quafty Control Submittals. h- - clude tbe following: I l. Dates Contractor's submittals will be submitted to Architect.2. Dates submittals will be required for Owner-furnished products. I 3. Dates reviewed submittals will be required from Arcbitect.I B. schedule submittals in such sequence as to cause no delay in the work.I I C. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule. I D. Submit number of copies of Submittals as follows: - 1. Shop Drawings: Submit one opaque print. Architect will mark on the same print as con- tractor, then make 3 copies, Architect will retain one copy, Contractor will retain two I copies, one of which is to be kept for Owner. The fourth copy will be for the sub- contractor. 2. hoduct Data: Submit 4 copies of Product Data. Architect will retain one copy. Con- t ffi:"Jr#Htr[two copies, one of which is to be kept for Owner. The fourth copy will 3. Samples: Submit 2 sets of samples. I 4. Quatity Control Subminals: Unless otherwise specified, submit 2 copies of Quality Con- I trol submittals concurrent with Shop Drawing and hoduct Data submittals. I E. Accompany submittals with dated transmittal letter containing. r l. Projecttitle and number. .. 2. Contractor's name and address. I 3. Name and submittal identification number of each submitted Shop Drawing, hoduct Datur4 Sample or Quality Control Submittal.4, Notification of deviations from Contract Documents. f F. Submittals shall include: r HLM98N71-A VNLUALLEYMEDICALCENTER 013304, ***,:M;SYffiYFRAME I glu$2wl r G. J. I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t SECTION OI33O 1.10 A. B. c. 1.11 A. SABMITTAL PNOCESS 1. Date and revision dates. 2. Project title. 3. Names of Architect, Contractor, subcontractor, supplier and manufacturer. 4. Identification of product by specffication section number. 5. Relation to adjacent structure, materials or other critical features. 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such.7. Applicablereferencestandards. 8. Identification of deviations from Contract Documents, if any. 9. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying to review and approval of submittal, verification of field measurernents, compliance with Contract Document$ and coordina- tion with requirements of Work. 10. Submittal identification number composed of 5 digit specification section number plus a sequential number. Resubmittals shall include same numbering sequence, and identified with a sequential letter to identify latest submittal. (Example: Original Submittal:08800- l, Resubmittal: 0880G1A.) Coordinate submittals into logical groupings to facilitate interrelation of Products and Systems: l. Finishes requiring selection of colors, textures or patterns. 2. Associated items of systems which require correlation for efficient function and installa- tion. Coordinate subrnittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. Provide complete submittals in accordance with requirenrcnts of respective Specification sec- tions. Partial or incomplete submittals will be retumed, without review, for resubmission, fucbitect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other subminals until related submittals are received. RESUBMITTAL REQI.'IREMENTS Revise initial drawings or data and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. Indicate changes which have been made since previous submittal. Submit new Samples as specified for initial submittal. DISTRIBUIION OF SIJBMTTTALS AFTER REVIEW Copy and distribute reviewed copies of Shop Drawings and Product Data which carry Archi- tect's stamp as follows: Contractor's file, job site ftle, Record Docurnents file, other prime contrarctors, subcontractors, supplier and fabricator. I.I2 ARCHTTECT'SACTIONS UAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTER D E M O UTI ON AN D STRA CTANAL F MM E Constntction Do cuments 9JuIYmI HLM 98Um-U 01330-5 ! SECTION OI33O SABMITTALPROCESS f A. Architect will review Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples in accordance with General Conditions, subparagraph 4.2.7. The Architect will return the following to Contractor: I l. Three copies of Shop Drawings.It' 2, Three copies of hoduct Data. ', 3. One sample. I B. Architeo will not take responsive action on quality control or informational submittals except to require resubmission of incorrect or incomplete information. f C. Architect will return Shop Drawings within 7 working days of receipt of Contractor's complete submittal. r PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) I 'ART3 -",*curroN (NorAppLrcABLE) I ENDoFs'crroNor33o I I I I I t t I I HLM,E*TH)4 ,ATL,ALLE,MEDT,AL,ENTE. DE MO UTI O N AND STRA CTA RAL F MME Corrstruction Docu.ments 9 Ju$ 2NII I 0rc3e6 r sEcTroN 01400 QAAUTY REQATREMENTS t sEcTroN 01400 - QUALTTY REQUTREMENTS I PART1 -GENERAL I 1.1 sT;MMARYI A. Qual$Assurance/Control. f B. Manufacturers' Field Services I C. Examination of conditions. t D. heparation of substrate. f 1.2 RELATED SECTIoNS I A. Conditions of the Contract: Inspection and testing required by governing authoritiesr B. Testing Laboratory Services. I 1.3 QUALTTYASSTJRANCE/CONTROL I A, Maintain quality control over sub-contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workrnanship, to produce work of specified quality. I B. Comply with manufacturers' instnrctions, including each step in sequence.I C. Should manufacturers' instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from I Architect before proceeding. I D. Comply with specified standards as minimum quality for the Work except where more stringent I tolerances, codes, or specified requirenrents indicate higher standards or more prccise I workmansbip. r. E. Perform Work by persons qualified to produce required and specified qualrty. r F. Verify that field measurements are as indicated on Shop Drawings. I G. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to witbstandf sffesses, vibration, physical distortion, or disfigurement. I r.4 MANUFACTT.IRERS'FIELDSERVICES -r HI,NIgEN7I.U VNLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER OI4M.I I DEMOUTION ANDSTRACIARALFRAMBI *^ry!ff?;1** I B. I I I I SECTION OI4OO PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLTCABLE) PART3 -DGCUTION QUALrry REQATREMENTS When specified in respective Specification section, require manufacturer to provide qualified personnel to observe field conditions, conditions of surfaces and installition, quality of workmanship, and to make appropriate recommendations. Representative shall submit wriften report to Architect listing observations and recommendations. Report shall include observations and site decisions or instructions given to applicators or installers that are supplemental or contrary to manufacturers' written instructions I I I I 2.1 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION Verify that site conditions and substrate surfaces are acceptable for subsequent Work. Beginning new Work means acceptance of conditions. Clean and prepare substrates as specified in individual Specification Sections and as recommended by product manufaenrrer. Unless otherwise specified, apply rmnufacturer required or recommended substrate primer, sealer, or conditioner prior to applying new material or substance in contact or bond. EI{D OF SECTION OI4OO UAI L UAILEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Construction DocumenK 9 July 2MI B. I t I I I I I I I I t HLM98U7T4M U't00-2 I SECTIONOLSM TEMPORARY FACILITIESANDCONTROIS I sEcrroN01500-TEMpoRARyFACTLTTTESANDcoNTRoLSI I PARTI-cENERALI I I.I SUMMARY I A. TemporaryUtilities. I B. Temporary Controls. C. TemporaryFacilities.r 1.2 PROJESIIDENTIFICATION f A. Provide project sign that complies with local regulations, of exterior grade plywood with rne- dium density overlay and wood fiane construction, painted, with lenering by professional sign I painter to the Architect's design and colors. B. List title of project, names of the Owner, the Architect, Architect's Consultants, Construction I Manger, Mechanical Subcontractor, and Electrical Subcontractor. r C. Erect on site at location designated by the Owner. I D. No other signs are allowed except those required by law or approved by the Owner and Archi-t tect. I 1.3 CONTRACTOR'S BUILDINGS I A. The building of temporary structures will be permitted only at such places as approved by the I Owner and Architect. I r.4 TEMPoRARYoFFTcESI A- Pnovide and maintain temporary field ofhce during entire construction period. Shell space and I utilities for field office witi Ue irovided by rhe Orier.I I 1.5 TELEPHONEANDCOMMT.INTCATIONSERVICE I A' Telephone and facsimile services for Construction Managers use will be provided by ther- Owner. I B. Provide electronic mail service in Contractor's field office including neressary Internet service, r computer, modem and software. _ HLM98(N71.A VNLVALIEYMEDICALCENTER O15Ob1 - DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTIIRALFRAME t Constructionl)ocumenh 9 July 2NI r 1.6 A. B. c. t.7 B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROIS TEMPORARY WATER Temporary water system required for completion of work wilt be provided by the owner. In-stall branch piping with taps located so that water is available throughout project site by use of hoses. Provide hoses for conveyance. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING Provide temporary electrical connections service required for completion of project. Electrical utility service will be provided by the Owner. Provide necessary temporary wiring for distribution. Provide adequate artificial temporary lighting for areas of work when natural light is not ade- quate for work, and for areas accessible to public. I.8 TEMPORARY IIEAT AND VENTILATION A. Provide temporary heat and ventilation as reguired to maintain adequate environnrental condi- tions to facilitate progress of Work, to meet specified minimum conditions for installation of materials, and to protect materials and finishes from damage due to temperature or humidity, B. Provide adequate forced ventilation of enclosed areas for curing of installed materials, to dis- perse humidity, and to prevent hazardous accumulations of dust, fumes, vapors or gases. c. Portable heaters shall be standard approved units complete with controls. D. Pay costs of installation, maintenance, operation and removal, and pay costs for fuel consumed. E. Operate Permanent system only as required for testing and balancing except that perrnanent equipment may be used for final dry out only after dust producing operations are complete. Mechanical engineer of record shall evaluate when dust-producing operations are completg and recommend tbe tinre at wbich pennanent mechanical system may be used. Use of permanent system shall not affect warranty period, which shall start at final acceprance of all Work. F. Provide construction filters for permanent systems until final acceptance of Work. I.9 SANITARYFACILITIES A. Install adequate temporary chemical toilets at time Work is commsnced. Do not use toilets in existing Building. B' Maintain facilities in compliance with applicable health laws and regulations. Keep in clean and sanitary condition. VAI L VAIf,EY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEMOUTI ON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Construction Docaments 9 JuIy 2NI I I I I I HW98N71-U u5M-2 I SECTION OISM TEMPORARY FACIUTIES AND CONTROI.S t C. Upon completion of Work, rcmove temporary sanitary facilities. - D. New building facilities may not be used during any portion of the construction period, unless I specifically agreed to by Owner and Architect. I I.IO CONSTRUcTIoNAIDS I A. Furnish and maintain temporary stairs, ladders, ramps, scaffolds, hoists, runways, derricks and I chutes as required for proper execution of Work. B. Such apparatus, equipment and construction shall meet requirements of applicable Federal, I State and local Safety and Labor Laws. I C. Only one of the permanent elevators may be used for temporary construction purposes and shall I be provided with a temporary enclosure to protect finishes from damage. This enclosure does I not negate the requirement for protective covering as described in Section 14240. Ary such en-r closure shall be turned over to the Owner upon Final Completion. Any damage to the elevator and/or it's finishes during construction shall be repaired by the Construction Manager to the Ar- t chitect's and Owner's satisfaction,r I 1.11 GUARDRATLS, BARRICADES ANDTEMPORARY COVERINGS A. Provide guardrails, handrails, and covers for floor; roof and wall openings; and stairways; all in I accordance with applicable Safety Laws. r B. Provide barricades as required to protect natural resources, existing site features, existing buildings, adjacent property and passers-by. t C. At completion of construction, remove guardrails and barricades. I D. Provide suitable temporary watertight coverings over windows, doors, hatchways and other I openings as required to protect interior work from inclenrent weather. I t.rz CoNSTRUCTTONFENCESIBARRIERS ,- A. Provide and maintain construction fences where requiled to ensure site protection and safety. I B. Provide chain-link or woven wire fence with steel posts and gares. I C. 48- high, orange polyethylene, open mesh fencing supported with steel posts as required.r D. Maintain fences until completion of project, then remove and restore surfaces. I.I3 EXTERIORPROTECTION VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NT E R DEMO U N ON AND STRA CTIJRAL F RAM E Consblt ctia n Doctrnena 9IaIy 2MI I I I I IILM 98N7I.M 0150&3 B. F. I I I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACIUTIES AND CONTROLS t.t4 A. Provide temporary, insulated, weather-tight closure of exterior openings to accommodate ac- ceptable working conditions and protection for stored and installed materials and products, to allow for temporary heating and maintenance of required ambient temperatgres identified in in- dividual specifications, and to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Provide access door with self-closing hardware and locks. INTERIOR ENCLOSURES hovide temporary partitions and ceilings to separate work areas from Owner occupied areas, to prevent penetration of dust and moisture into Owner occupied areas, and to prevent damage to existing materials, products and equipment. Construction: Framing and gypsum board sheet materials with closed joints and sealed e.dges at intersections with existing surfaces; sTC rating of 35 in accordance with ASTM E-90 with maximum Flame Spread Rating of 25 in accordance with ASTM E-g4. TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION Preserve and protect existing nees and plants at site which are designated to remain, and those adjacent to site. Consult with Architect, and remove agreed-on roots and branches which interfere with con- struction. Employ qualified tree surgeon to remove, and to treat cuts. hovide temporary barriers, 6 ft. high, around each tree, or around each group of fiees and plants. Protect root zones of trees and plants: I . Do not allow vehicular traffic or parking.2. Do not store materials or products.3. Prevent dumping of refuse or chemically injurious materials or liquids.4, Prevent puddling or continuous running water. Carefully supervise excavatin& grading and fitling, and subsequent construction operations, to pnevent damage. Replace existing trees and plants desiguted to remain whicb are damaged or destroyed due to constnrction operations. TEMPORARY FIRE PROTECTION Install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities. Comply with NFPA 241. l. Provide fire extinguisbers, installed on walls on mounting brackets.2. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations. l.l5 A. B. c. D. r.t6 A. UAI L UALIfrY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCT'I]RAL FRAME Constuction Documents 9 Jttll 2MI HLM98M7I.M 015004 I I I I sEcTroN 01500 END OF SECTION OI5OO NLM 9EOO71.M UAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER DE M O UN ON AND STRA CTURAL F RAME Cotts taction Doc ut E rrts 9lub zffit TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS I I I I t I T I I I I I I I t 3. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fre- Protection facilities, stairways, and other access routes for fire fighting. Prohibit smok- ing. 4' Permanent Fire hotection; At earliest feasible date in each area of Project, complete in- stallation of permanent fire-protection facility, including connected services, and place into operation and use. Instruct key personnel on use of facilities.5. Develop and supervise an overall fire-prevention and first aid fire-protection program for personnel at Project site in accordance with governing regulations. I,I7 PARKINGFACILITIES A. Restrict parking of construction personnel vehicles to areas designated by Owner. B. Do not allow construction vehicle parking on completed new paving, except as otherwise ap- proved by Owner. I.18 ACCESS ROADS A. Construct and maintain temporary roads accessing public thoroughfares to serve constnrction areas. B. Extend and relocate as Work progress requircs. hovide detours necessary for unimpeded traf- fic flow. C. Provide and maintain access to fire hydrants, free of obstructions. D. Provide means of removing mud from vehicle wheels before entering public streets, E. Designated existing on-site roads may be used for construction traffic, if prior approval is ob- tained from Owner. F. Maintain existing and new roads and walks used in the progress of this work, both within the limits of the Site and the adjacent areas leading to it, open to havel and in clean condition. Failure to maintain on-site roads and sidewalks will result in Owner's cleaning of same in the most expedient manner with costs deducted from Contract sum. PART2.PRODUCTS NOTAPPLICABLE PART3-HGCUTION NOTAPPLICASLE 0150Gs I SECTIONO|6OO PRODUCTREQAIREMENTS I SECTION0I600 - pRoDUcT REQUTREMENTS I PARr1-GENERAL I l.l sIMMARYI A. Material and equipment incorporated into Work: f 1. Conform to applicable specifications and standards.2- Comply with size, make, type and quality specified, or as specifically approved in writing I bv Architect. I 3. Manufactured and fabricated products. f a. Design, fabricate and assemble in accord with recognized industry standards. I b. Xil::"acrff like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages, to be inter- c. Two-or more items of same kind shall be identical, by sarne manufacturer. r I f;1tff[':l]:ffi::U:;T:if"*.", shown or speciried sharr be adhered to unless variations are specifically approved in writing. I B. Do not use material or equipment for purposes other than that for which it is designed or is specified. !' Lz RELATEDSECTIoNS I A. Conditions of the Contract - Subparagraphs3.4.l,3.4.2, errld3.12.6. B. Summary of Work- Section 01100. f C. Products under Allowances - Section 01210. I D. Shop Drawings, Producr Data and Samples - Section 01330. I . Operating and Maintenance Data- Section 01780. ! 13 MANT]FACTURER'S INsTRUcTIoNs I A. When Contract Documents require that installation of work shall comply with manufacturer'st printed instructions, obtain and distribute copies of such instnrctions to parties involved in installation, including rwo copies to Architect. I l. Maintain one set of complete instructions at jobsite during installation and until completion. ll 2. Submit Architect's copies with appropriate Product Data submittal. I HLM 980071.A VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 016U.1 I DEMOUflONANDSTRaCTaRALFBAME I Construction Docarnents 9IaIy 2MI I B. c. I I I I I I I SECTION OI6OO PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Handle, install, connect, clean, condition and adjust products in strict accord with such instnrctions and in conformity with specified requirements. 1. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with manufacturer's instructions, consult with Architect for further instructions.2, Do not proceed with work without clear instnrctions. Perform work in accord with manufacturer's instructions. Do not omit prepararcry sreps or installation procedures unless specifically modified or exempted by contraci Documents. 1.4 TRANSPORTATIONANDHANDLING A. Arrange deliveries of products in accord with construction schedules. coordinate to avoid conflict with work and conditions at site. 1. Deliver products in undamaged condition, in manufacturer's original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible.2. Immediately on delivery, inspect shipments to assure compliance with requirements of Contract Documents and reviewed submittals, and that products ure p.opelty protected and undamaged. B' hovide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods ro prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. I.5 STORAGEOFMATERIALS A. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather-tight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. B- Maintain enclosures in good condition" and remove at completion of work. C. Provide substantial platforms, blocking or skids to zupport fabricated products above ground. D. Cover products, subject to discoloration or deterioration from exposurc, with impervious sheet coverings. Provide ventilation to prevent condensation and degrading of product. E. Store loose granular materials on solid surfaces in a well-drained area; prevent mixing with foreign matter. F. Stor€ materials on site unless otherwise approved by Owner. G. Do not use building as storage facility unless approved by Owner. H. Provide additional storage at no cost to Owner in the event that additional storage area is required beyond that provided by project site. I I I I I I I I I I I I UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRA CTANAL FNI,UE Cotatructian Docaments 9.lub 2001 HLMgSOULA 0r60G2 l. 2. 3. l. 2. J. l. ,| 3. 4. 1,6 I I I I I I I I t T I I t I I T I I t SECTION OI6OO PRODUCT REQAIREMENTS Arrange stored materials to provide easy access for inspection. PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS Product Definitions. hoducts: The term "product" as used in the Project Manual includes materials, equipment, and systems. Named Products: Identification of products by naming a model number and manufacturer. Standard Quality: a. Where products are specified by naming model number(s) and manufacturer(s) only, the named products establish a standard of quality. b. Where products are specified by Description or Reference Standard and by naming model number(s) and manufacturer{s), the named produc(s) together with the de- scription or reference standard establishes a standard of quality, B.Listed or Named Manufacturers: Manufacturers listed or named in a product or system specification are those manufactur- ers considered capable of manufacturing products conforming to the specification re- quirements. The "listing" or "naming" of a manufacturer does not imply "acceptance" or "approval" of any standard product of that manufacturer. Products of listed or named manufacturers proposed for use shall be comparable to or the same in all respects to specified make or model number designation of named products and shall meet or exceed specification requirements. Product Options Products specified only by Refercnce Standards or only by Description: any product meeting those standards or descripions, by any manufabturer. Products specified by narning several products or manufacturers: any prcduct and manu- facturer named. Products speci{ied by naming only one product and manufacturer: no option, unless a substitution is accepted. Submit a Request for Substitution for any product or manufac- turer not specifically nanr;d. Substitutions will only be considered if Construction Man- ager can adequately prove to Architect that the substitution's specification meets or ex- ceeds specified product. Cost savings or schedule benefits must also be identified. Any zubstitution request that does not include this information will be rejected. Products specified by naming one or more products and listing or naming other manu- facturers: Select any nanred product or a product of a listed or nanpd manufacturer which meets specification requirements and standard of quality established by the a. Contract Docurnents are based on use of "narned" base products. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRACTURAL F RAM E ConsfrTrction Docaments 9luly 2MI HLM98M7LA 0160&! I t t I I I I t t I I I I t I I I t I SECTION 0|600 PRODACT REQAIREMENTS Proposed products of listed or named manufacturers that do not rneet the specifi cation requirements of the "named" base product(s) will not be considered unless a Request for Substitution ofthe proposed product has been accepted by Architect in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. By using a product other than the "named" base product, Contractor represents that he will be responsible for adjustments to fit product to Work and for providing ad- ditional work, equipment, and services required by use of product, at no additional cost. b. 5. Products specified by Description, Reference Standard and naming several products or manufacturers: Any product and manufacturer named meeting those descriptions, stan- dards and specification requirements. Submit a Request for Substitution for any product or manufacturer not specifically named.6. If colors, patterns and textures of a "named" product are specified, Architect reserves right to require substitution products or products of a named manufacturer other than "named" product to match color, pattern and texture of specified "named" product.7. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, furnish a product (and manufacturer) that complies with requirements and matches Architect's sample. Architect's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily.8. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected from manufactur€r's colors, patterns, textures" or a similar phrase, furnish a product (and manufacturer) that cornplies with other specified requirements. a. Standard Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "standard range of col- ors, pattems, textur€s" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattem, or texture from manufacturer's product line that does not include premium items. b. Full Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "frrll range of colors, pat- terns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattem, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. 9. Custom Color Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "custom color and pattern", fumish a product that complies with other specified requirements and marches Architect's custom color and pattem. D. SubstitutionsPeriod 1. Substitution requests will only be considered during the bidding phase. E. Substitutions After Execution of Contracr l. No substitution will be considered after execution of Contract except for non-availabilitv of specified item due to: a. Strikes b. Lockouts c. Bankruptcy d. Discontinuedproduction. VN L VALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FNAME Corctraction llocumcn8 9luly 2001 HLM98M7I.M OI6UM 2. J. 4. 5. l. I t I I t I I t I I I T I t I I t I t SECTION OL6OO 6. 7. 8. 9. PRODACT REQUIREMENTS e. Proven shortage. f. Similar occurrences. Notify Architect, in writing, with substantiating data as soon as non-availability becomes apParent. Describe why product is not available. Describe any cost changes. Notify in time to avoid delay in construction, or if a delay is incurred identify the associ- ated delay. Forward submittal data as required for Requests for Substitutions. Substitute products shall not be ordered or instalted without written acceptance. Architect will determine acceptability of substitutions with consent of Owner. Accepted substitutions shall be in accordance with a Change Order. F.Requests for Substitutions: Submit a separate request for each substitution. Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with requirenrcnts of Contract Documents. Identify product by Specification Section and Article numbers. Provide manufacturer's name and address, rade narne, and model or catalog number. List product description, pedormance and test data and applicable reference standards, List name and address of similar projeas on which product was used and date of installa- tion. Give itemized comparison of qualities of proposed substitution with specified product. State changes required in other elements of Work because of substitution. State effect on construction schedute. List availability of maintenance service, and source of replacenrent materials. Give cost data comparing proposed substitution with specified product, and amount of net change to Contract Sum. G. Contractor's Representation: Request for substitution constitutes a representation that Contractor. l. Has investigated proposed product and determined that it is equal to or superior in all re- spects to specified product. 2. Will provide same warranties for substitution as for product specified.3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, and make such other changes as may be required for Work to be complete in all respects.4. Waives all claims for additional costs, under his responsibility, related to substitution which subsequently becomes apparent. 1.7 SI.]BSTTTUTIONSUBMITTALPROCEDI.]RES A. Submit 3 copies of each Request for Substitution. B. Architect will review Contractor's requests for substihrtions with reasonable promptness. UN L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTUML FNE UE Constntction Documents 9 JuIy 2001 HLM 9&N7I.U 01600-5 I s*crroNot'oo I C. During Bidding, Architect will record acceptable substitutions in Addenda. D. Form of Acceptance: a l. Bidding: Request for Substitution Fonn and Addenda. I pART3-HGcurroN(NorAppr.JcABLE) I Er{D oF sEcrroN ol6oo T I 2. After Execution of Contract: Request for Subsritution Form and Change Order if appli- cable. E. For accepted products, submit Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples in accordance with Section 01330. PART2 -PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS t I t t I I I I I It I I HIf,I{ 98N71.04 VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTUNAL FMME Co nstruction Doc uments I luly zMI 016W-6 r sEcTloNqr7^q EXECATIONREQAIREMENTS I SECTION 01700 - EXECUTION REQIJIREMENTS I PARTI -GENERAL I I.1 ST]MMARY I A, Examination and preparation. I B. Field Engineering I C. Starting and Adjusting. I D. Conection of the Work. E. hotection. I I.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. General Conditions - Paragraph 3.2.1. I B. Cutting and Patching - Section 01731. I PART2 -PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) - PART3-EXECUTIoN I I 3.1 EXAMTNATTON I A. Existing Conditions and Utilities: The existence and location of site improvements, under- I ground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. l. Before beginning work, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground I utilities, mechanicA and electrical systems and other construction affecting the Work.r 2. Before construction, verify the location and points of connection of utility services. I B. Unknown Utilities hocedures I _ 1. ffiffI" and uncharted utilities arc encountered during excavation, promptly notify I 2- If it is determined that such utility line has been abandoned, properly cap line at a depth approved by Architect orremove line if dirccted by Architect. f 3. If such unknown utilities are encountered and work is continued so as to damage discov- I ered utilities, Contractor shall repair damage at no cost to Owner. 4. Changes required in Work due to discovery of unknown, underground utilities or ob. structions will be compensated for in accordance with provisions of the Conditions of the I Contract. HLM 98U71.04 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI7ML I DEMOUnONANDSTRACTURALFRAME I ConstructionDocunatts 9Inly 2MI I B. A. B. 3.2 3.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION O|7OO Acceptance of Conditions: Examine substrates, quirements for installation tolerances and other Architect those non-complying conditions that work. EXECATTON REQA I RE M ENTS areas, and conditions, for compliance with re- conditions affecting performance. Report to can not be corrected by normal preparatory PREPARATION Existing Utility hrformation: Furnish information to local utility that is necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other utility appurte- nances located in or affected by construction. Existing Utility Intemrptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated. l. Notify Owner not less than l0 working days in advance of proposed utility intemrptions.2. Do not proceed with utility inremrptions without Owner's written permission, Field Measurements: Take field measurements as requircd to fit the work properly. Recheck measurements before installing each product. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurenrents before fabri- cation. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. FIELDENGINEERING Requirements Included l. Verifying existing grades, utilities and site appurtenances indicated on Drawings.2. Establishing and maintaining bench marks and reference lines3. Laying out buildings and appurrenances.4. Layrng out site improvenrcnts. 5. Final property survey. Quality Criteria 1. Surveyor: Contractor shall engage a registered land surveyor registered in the State in which Project is located, acceptable to Owner, to provide field engineering services, or2. Field Engineer: Provide a trained field engineer capable ofproviding specified field en- gineering services. 3. Initial services shall include the following: a. Establish permanent bench marks outside building lines. Establish and maintain two bench marks, located on the project site, as widely separated as possible.b. Verify locations and levels ofadjacentbuildings and appurtenances.c. Verifybatterboardsatbuildingcorners. VN L UAILEY M EDI CAL C ENTER DEM OUTI ON AND STRU CTU RAL F RAM E Cowtntctian Documcnfi 9 Jrdy 2(Ml HIltI9SNu-A OI7M2 , 5. B. c. 3.4 3.5 3.6 t t I I I t I I t I I I I I t I I t t SECTION 01700 EXECATI ON RESAIREMENTS d. Verify utility locations, including new construction and existing active and inactive utilities prior to construction. Verify location and invert elevation at points of con- nection of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service piping.e. Verify outside building lines to ensure conect position of buildings and appurte- nances on project site. Make required surveys to fix and verify foundation loca- tions and elevations, column centerlines, walls, pits and trenches.f. Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes and invert elevations. During construction, periodically check layouts, equipment locations, lines, levels and grades. After foundations are complete, provide a verification survey indicating location of exte- rior walls and elevations of tops of footings. Final Property Survey: Prepare a final property survey indicating signifrcant features (real property) of the Work. Include on survey a certification, signed by surveyor, to ef- fect that principal lines and levels of project are accurately positioned as shown on sur- vey' STARTING ANDADJUSTING Start equipment and operating components to confirm proper operation. Remove malfunction- ing units, replace with new units, and retest. B. Adjust operating components for proper operation without binding. Adjust equipment for proper operation. Test each piece of equipment to verify proper operation. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment CORRECTION OF TTIE WORK Repair or remove and replace defective construction. R€store damaged substrates and finishes. Comply with requircments in Section 01731 - Cutting and Patching 1. Repairing includes replacing defective parts, refinishing damaged surfaces, touching up with marching materials, and properly adjusting operating equiprrent. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to their original or specifred condition. Remove and replace damaged surfaces that are exposed to view if surfaces cannot be repaired without visible evidence of repair. PROTBCTION VNL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRA CTARAL F NAM E Construction DocamcnE 9 JuIy 2lNI HLM 980071-U 01700-3 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION OI7OO EXECUTIO N REQA I REMENTS A. Maintain bench marks, monuments and other reference points, if disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. B. Protect existing adjacent streets, paving, curbs, and buildings. C. Protect existing on-site facilities and features, including utility lines, grading, paving and land- scaping. D' After materials, equipment and machinery are installed, properly protect Work to prevent dam- age from subsequent opemtions. Remove protections when no longer needed, prior to comple- tion of Work. E. Provide coverings to protect finished surfaces from damage. l. Cover projections, wall corners, and jambs, sills and soffits of openings subject to dam- age by subsequent work.2. Protect finished floors and stairs from dirt and damage. F. hohibit use of waterproofed and roofed surfaces for construction traffic and storage of materi- als. G. Keep building entirely waterproof at all times after roof is completed. H. Damage to existing facilities and site improvements resulting from construction operations shall be repaired by Contractor without cost to Owner. .END OF SECTION OITOO VAIL UALIBY M EDICAL CENTER DEM OU TI ON AND STRA CTA RAL F RAM E Constuction Documene eJw2Ml HIJJTgS(N7LA 0170G4 I SECTION01731 CaTTTNGANDPATCHTNG I sEcrIoN 0lz3r - currlNc AND pATcHTNGI I PARTI-cENERALr I 1.1 SUMMARY I A. Procedural requirements for cutting and patching. - L2 RELATEDSECTIoNS I A, General Conditions - Paragraphs 3.14 and 12.1.I B. Firestopping for patching fire-rated construction - Section 784t I C. Sections for specific requirements and limitations applicable to cutting and patching individual parts of the Work; Specification section for that work. r.3 scoPE I A. Execute cutting including excavating, fitting and patching required to complete Work or to: 1. Make several pans fit properly. I 2. Uncover portions of Work to provide for installation of out of sequence Work.t 3. Remove and replace defective work.4, Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of Contract Documents. I 5. Remove samples of installed work as specified for testing. I 6. Provide penetrations of non-stnrctural surfaces for installation of piping and conduit. I B. In addition to other confrct requirements, upon written instructions of Architect:I '' l. Uncover work to provide for Architect observation of covered work. I 2. Remove samples of installed materials for testing. I 3. Remove work to provide for alteration of completed work. C. Do not cut into or cut awav structural rnembers nor excavate beneath foundations or load bear- I ing structures without notification, and approval from Architect.I D, Do not cut into or cut away masonry elements or stnrctures without notification, and approval I from Architect. I E. Obtain written permission of separate contr,actor whose work will be affected by proposed cut- I tingandpatching. I 1.4 SIJBMITTAIS I HLM 98M71.04 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER OT73T.1 DEMOLXTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME I Cowtruction Documents etuumr I I I SECTIONq|T3I surrrNcANDpATcHINc I A. Submit written notice to Architect a minimum of l0 working days in advance of executing cut-r ting which affects: I l. Work of Owner or any separate contractor.I 2- :ffi,ffLtffi*ty of Work, cutting concrete and steel structuid members, cutting ma- I 3. Integrity of weather exposed or moisture resistant elements. f| 4. Efficiency, operation or maintenance of operational equipment.5. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements. I I B. Request shall include: I l. Identification of hoject, description of affected work, necessity for cutting, effect on I other Wo*, effect on structural integrity of project, description of proposed work. Des- r i i#;T:1*"T11i""' I i. rffi:1#i"",#"!.beused' I e. Proposed schedule for cutting and parching. 11 2. Alternatives to cutting and patching. - C. Should conditions of Work, or schedule, indicate change of materials or methods, submit writ- ten recommendation to Architect, including: I l. Conditions indicatingchange.2. Recomnrendations for alternative rnaterials or nrethods. I 3. Submittats as required for substitutions as specified in Section 01600. D. Submit written notice 10 working days in advance to Architect designaring time work will beI uncovered to provide for observation requested by Architect or t"gulatory agency ofjurisdic-f tion. I PARTz-PRODUCTS I 2J MATERT.ALsI A' For replacement of work removed, comply with Specifications for each specific product in-I volved.r I PARr3 -E)(EcuTroN I ;;*#^"* I I UN L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM OLTNON AND STRACTANAL FMME Cotrfruction Docamenfi 9lab 2(MI 01731-2 t sEcTIoN 01731 CUTTTNGAND eATCHTNG I A. Examine existing conditions of Work, including elements subject to movement or damage dur-r ing cutting and patching, and during excavation and backfilling. I B. After uncovering work, examine conditions affecting installation of new products, or perform-I ance of work. I C. Do not Proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. I r 3.2 PREPARATION Ir A. Provide temporary shoring, bracing and support to maintain structutal integrity of affecrcd por- tion of Work. It B. hovide protection for other portions of Work. I C. Provide protection from elements for portion of lVork which may be exposed by cutting andI patching, and maintain excavations free of water. I 3.3 PERFORMANCE I A. Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide finished installation to comply with speci- t fied products, frmctions, tolerances and finishes. r B. Execute cuning by methods which will prevent damage to other work and will provide proper t surfaces to receive installation of repairs and new work. l. Neatly cut and remove materials, and prepare openings to receive new work. I 2. Remove nx$onry or concrete in small-sections.- f 3. Provide shoring, bracing, and other supports to prevsnt movement, settlement, or collapse of remaining or adjacent wall areas, structure, or facilities. fl 4. Arrange shoring, bracing, and supports to prevent overloading of structure.r C. Execute excavating and baclfilling by rnethods which will prevent damage to otber work and I will prevent settlement. r D. Restore work which has been cut or removed; install new prcducts to provide completed Work I in accord with requircments of Contract Documents. I E. Refinish sight-exposed surfaces to provide specified uniform finish to match adjacent finishes. I l. Continuous Surfaces: To nearcst intersections. fl 2. Assembly: Entire refinishing. I F. Fit work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetrations through surfaces. I G. At penetrations of fire-rated construction, completely seal voids with fir€stopping materials in - accordance with Section 07841. I HI.II980071.A VAILUAITEY MEDICALCENTDR 01731.3 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRaCTUMLFRAME I ConstuctionDocunots 9 JuIy 2(M1 I I sEcrroNorT3r I 3.4 cLEANUn CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Remove debris, rubbish, and materials resulting from cutting and patching operations. I B. Transport materials and legally dispose of off site. END OF SECTION 01731 I HLM 9SM71.M VAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 017314 DEMOUTION AND STRUCN]RAL FRAME Constuction DocunenE 9 faly 2MlI I I SECTION01770 00NTRACTCLOSEOUT?ROCEDURES I SECTION 01770 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES I PARTI-cENERALI I 1.r sr.rMMARy A. Comply with requirements stated in Conditions of the Contract and in Specifications for I administrative procedures in closing out the Work.r I 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS r A. Fiscal provisions, legal submittals and additional administrative requirements - Conditions of I the Contract. t B. Partial Owner Occupancy - Section 01100. I C. Allowances - Section 01210.I D. Contract Closeout Submittals - Section 1780. I E. Operation and Maintenance Materials - Section 01285. I F. Warranties, bonds and closeout submittals required for specific products or work - Respective I Specification Sections forthat work. I 1.3 suBsrANTtALcoMPLETroNI A. When Contractor considers Work is substantially complete, he shall submit to Architect: t l. A written notice that Work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially complete.2. A list of items to be completed or corrercted prior to final paynrent, the value of items on I the list, and reasons why the Work is not cornplete. I 3. Evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities. r B. Within 5 working days after receipt of such notice, Architect will either make an inspection to t determine stants of completion or notify Contractor of unfulfilled rcquirements. C. Should Architect determine that Work is not substantially complete. I l. Architect will promptly notify Cortractor in writing, giving reasons therefore.2. Contractor shall remedy deficiencies in Work, and send second written notice of substan- I tial completion to Archit€ct. I 3. Architect will re-inspect Work. I D. When Architect and Owner concur that Work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially I complete: HLM gEOO7I.U VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER OI77h1 I DEMOUTONANDSTRaCtRALFRAME t Constuction Docurnerrts 9luly 2NI r I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I I SECTION 01770 CO NTRACT CLOSEOAT PROCEDARES Architect will: ^. Sign a Certificate of Substantial Completion on AIA Form G704 prepared by the Construction Manager, accompanied by Contractor's list of items to be completed or corrected, as verified and amended by Architect.b. Submit Certificate to Owner and Contractor for their written acceptance of respon- sibilities assigned to rhem in the Certificate. Contractor shall: a, Make final changeover of permanent locks, and deliver keys and one copy of key- ing schedule to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provi- sions. b. Submit Project Record Documents, Operating and Maintenance Data, and Warran- ties and Certificates as specified.c. Schedule Facility Start-Up demonstrates and instructions with Owner's personnel as specified.d. Remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements.e. Prcpare a Certificate of Substantial Completion on AIA Form G704. 1.4 FINALCOMPLETION A. When Contractor considers Work is complete, he shall: l. Make final changeover of pennanent locks, and deliver keys and one copy ofkeying2. schedule to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions.3. Submit Project Record Documents, Operating and Maintenance Data and Warranties and Certificates as specified.4. Schedule Facility Start-Up demonstrations and instructions with Owner's personnel as specified, 5. Remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elenrents. 6. Submit written certifications of systems and testing/balancing final reports.7. Submit written cerrification that: a. Contract Documents have been reviewed.b. Wort has been inspected for compliance with Contract Docurnents.c. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Docurnents.d. Submit copy of Substantial Completion "Punch List" as prepared by Architect, with indication of each item that Contractor has completed or otherwise resolved for ac- ceptance. e. Equipment and systems have been tested or demonstrated in tbe presence of Owner's representative and are operational.f. Work is completed and ready for final inspection. B. Architect will either make an inspection to verify status of completion with reasonable Promptness after receip of such certification or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirenpnts. UAI L VAITW M EDI CAL C ENT ER DE MO UTI ON AND STRA CTARAL F MM E Cowtruction Docwnen8 9lub 2NI l. HLM98N71-U 01770-2 r SECTIONO|TTO CONTRACTCLOSEOUTPROCEDURES I C. Should Arcbitect consider that Work is incomplete or defective: r 1. Architect will promptly notify Contractor in writing, listing incomplete or defective work.r 2, Confactor shall take immediate steps to remedy stated deficiencies and send a second written certification to Architect that Work is complete. I 3. Architect will reinspect the Work.I r I.5 FINALAPPLICATIONFORPAYMENT I A. After Architect finds that Work is acceptable and after closeout submittals have been received, I Contractor shall prepare final Adjustment of Accounts and final Application for Payment as specified, and submit in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Conditions I of the Contract.r - PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLICABLE) I PART 3 - E)(ECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OFSECTION OI77O HLM 9M071.U UAILVAITET MEDICALCENTER DEMOUNON AND STRACTARAL FRAME Co nstruction Docarnerrts 9lult 2NI I I I I I I t T I I t 01770-3 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t t t I I SECTION OT78O CONTRACT C LOSEOAT SU BMITTAI.S SECTION OI78O - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS PART I -GENERAL I.I STJMMARY A, Project Record Documents. B. Subcontractors and Suppliers List. C. Operating and Maintenance Manuals. l Manual of equipment and systems.2. Manual of products, materials and finishes. D' Warranties and Certificates; including evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities. E. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens. F. Final Adjustment of Accounts. G. Final Application for Payment 1,2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Conditions of the Contract - paragraph 3.1 I . B. Demonstration of equipment and systems - Section 01750. C. Contract Closeout Procedures - Section 01720. D. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials - Section 017g5. E. hoduct maintenance information required for specific products, materials, and finishes; Respective Specification for each product, material and finish. 1.3 PROJECTRECORDDOCI.JMENTS A, Maintenance of Record Documents: l. Store Record Documents in field office, apart from other documents used for construc- tion. Provide files and racks for storage of Record Documents.2. Do not use Record Docurrents for construction purposes.3. Label each document, *PRoJEcr REcoRD" in twoinch-high printed letters. VAIL VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FMME Constttctbn Documents 9 JrdY 2001 HLM980U1-A 01780-1 a. b. c. d. B. 1.4 1.5 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I SECTION 01780 CONTRACT C I,OSEOAT SA BMITTALS B. Recording: L Keep Record Documents current with construction progress.2. Do not conceal any work until required information is iecorded.3. Record information on a set of Record Drawings and project Manual.4. Record Drawings: Legibly mark to record actual construction: Field changes of dimension and details. Architect's Supplemental lnstructions Cbanges made by Change Order or modifications. Details not on original Drawings. 5. Record Specifications and Addenda: Legibly mark each secrion to record: a. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number of each product and item of equipment actually installed, particularly optional items and substitution items.b. Changes made by Addenda, Change Order or modification.c. Compliance: Compliance with the maintenance and recording requirements shall be and remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor. With submission of the re- cord documents Contractor shall provide Owner and Architect witb a wrinen certi- fication that such documents comply with this Section and that Architect and Owner are entitled to rcly upon such completeness and certification. SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS LIST Provide a complete list of names, addresses and telephone numbers of all subcontractors and zuppliers employed on the work. List portions of the work performed by each entity. FORM AND CONTENT OF MANUALS Assemble operating and maintenance manuals, and warranties and certificates in three-ring binders. Format: 1. Size: 8-l/2 in. x l1 in., fold larger sheets to fit into binders.2. Indexing: Tabbed fly-leaf for each separate product or sysrem.3. Identification: Each binder cover and spine identified with title of manual, subject matter of contents and project title. C. Binders: Commercial quality, 3-ring, with durable and cleanable clear plastic sleeves on spine to hold label describing contents. D. Table of Contents: Provide for each volume, arranged in a systematic order. l. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number.2. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of volume. UAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL CENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Constructian Documcnts 9 Jdt zml HLM9&N7I.U 01780-2 I sEcrIoNorTEo CONTMCT CLOSEOAT SA BMITTAIS I 3. List, with each product, name, address and telephone number of subcontractor or installer and local source of supply for parts and replacement. 1; 4. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Con- I tract Documenrs. E, Product Data: I l. hclude only those sheets which are pertinent to specific product.2. Annotate each sheet to clearly identify specific product or part insralled and data applica- f ble to installation. F. Drawinss: I l. a-o*n-.n Product Data with drawings as n@essary to clearly illustrate relations of component parts of equignent and systems and control and flow diagrams. f| 2. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure correct il- I lustration of completed installation.3. Do not use Project Record Documents as rnaintenance drawings. I G. Written Text: provide as required to supplement Product Data for particular installation, organized in a consistent format and in logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. I H. Warranties and Service Contracts: Include copy of each warranty issued and of each serviceI contract issued. I I.6 MANUALFOREQUIPMENTAND SYSTEMS I A. Content, for each unit of equipment and systenr, as appropriate: r l Description ofunit and component pans. r f, i:;:H?"::ffi:r#J1ffiff'*T',31u*,ingconditions c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. l| 2. OperatingProcedures: I a. Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions. I b. Regulation, control, stopping, shutdown and emergency instructions.c. Summer and winter operating instructions.d. Special operating instructions. - 3. Maintenance hocedures: r i: Hilffi1ff::tiffiooting,, c. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. I d, Alignment, adjusting and checking. HIJII 98ffi71.04 VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01780.3 I DEMoLITIONANDSTRaCTaRALFRAME I Constrrction DocumerrE 9luly 2001 r a. b. c. 8. 9. 10. I l. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 01780 CONTRACT CLOS EOUT SU BM ITTAI-S 4. Servicing and lubrication schedule.5. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions.6. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer. 7 ' Original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. As-installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer. Each contractor's coordination drawings including as-installed color coded piping dia- grams. Charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recom- mended quantities to be maintained in storage.12. Include testing and balancing repora.13. Other data as required under pertinent sections of specifications. B. Content, for each electric and electronic system, as appropriate. l. Description of sysrcm and component parts. a, Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions.b. Performance curves, engineering data and tests.c. Complete norpnclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. 2. Circuit directories of panelboards. a. Electrical service.b. Controls. c. Communications 3. As-installed color coded wiring diagrams. 4. OperatingProcedures: Routing and normal operating instructions. Sequences required. Special operating instructions. 5. MaintenanceProcedwes: a. Routine operations.b. Guideto'trouble-shooting". c. Disassembly, repair and reassembly.d. Adjustment and checking. 6. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instuctions. 7. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recom- mended quantities to be maintained in storage. 8. Other data as required under pertinent sections of specifications. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMO UTI ON AND STRA CTA ML F RAME Construction Documcnts 9luly 2NI HI.LI98M7I.M 0178(M 1.7 I I I I SECTION OITEO Additional requirements for operating Specifications. CONTMCT CLOSEOUT SU BMITTALS and maintenance data: Respective sections of MANUAL FOR PRODUCT MAINTENANCE Content: Maintenance data for each building product, applied material and finish used on project. Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: Include product data, with catalog number, size, composition, and color and texture designations. Provide information for re-ordering custom manufactured products. Instructions for Care and Maintenance: lnclude manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recomrnended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. Moisture-Protection and Weather-Exposed Products: lnclude product data listing applicable reference standards, chemical composition, and details of installation. Provide recommendations for inspections, rnaintenance, and repair. Additional Requirements: As specified in individual Specifications sections. WARRANTIES AND CERTIFICATES Compile specified waranties and certificates of compliance, Review to verify compliance with Contract Documents. Warranties shall be written in the name of the Owner. Assemble wuranties and certificates executed by each of respective manufacturers, suppliers and subcontractors. Number of original signed copies required: 2 each. Table of Contents: Neatly typed, using Table of Contents of hoject Manual as format. Provide complete information for each item. l. Name and location of project. 2. Name and address of Contractor. 3. Product, equiprnent or system. 4. Finn, with name of principal, address and telepbone number. 5. Scope. 6. Date ofbeginning and duration ofwarranty. 7. Provide information for Owner's personnel: I I I I B. c. D. 1.8 I I I I I I A. B. c. D. E. F. G. I I t I I VAI L VAILEY M EDI CAL C E NTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME Construction DocumenE 9IulY 2001 HLM98N7I.U I s*crroNorTso CO NT RACT C LO S EOAT SA B M ITTALS I a. Proper procedure in case of failure.b. Instances which might affect validity of warranty. I H. Prior to final payment, submit following certificares: - I . Certificate of Insurance for Products and Completed Operations. I 2. :rT:X.,il:, or other written evidence of compliance with requirements of governing a. CertificateofOccupancy. I b. Certificates oflnspection I ) Conveying systems. I 2) Mechanical systems.3) Electrical systems.4) Fire protection system.r :l 5::",$ffi;',ix:7) Others where required by Specifications. I 1.9 SI.JBMITTALS I A. Manuals: I l. Submit two copies of proposed format and outline of rnaauals at least 3O days prior to I Substantial Completion. Architect will retum with comments.2- For equipment, or component parts of equipment put into service during construction and I operated by Owner, submit documents within l0 days after acceptance of designated I portions of the Work. 3. Submit 2 copies of data manuals in final form with 30 days prior to Substantial Comple- tion.t 4. Architect will review manuals for completeness of contents. a. Manuals will be retumed with comnrents for revisions, if necessary.I b, Conect, modify or complete manuals to comply with Architect's comments.c. Submit2copiesof eachcorrectedmanualwithin l5workingdaysof receiptof Ar- chitect's corrunents. I B. Project Record Documents: I l. At Contract closeout, deliver one copy of Record Documents to Architect for Owner.- 2. Accompany submittal with Certifrciie of Compliance and transmittat lener in duplicate, containing: date, project title and number, Contractor's name and address, title and num- I ber of each Record Docunent and signature of Contractor or his authorized representa- tive. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M OUN ON AN D STRA CTABAL F RAM E Constru.ction Docume nls 9 July 2(Nl I I I HIJ\I 980/71.U 01780-6 I SECTION OL7EO CONTNN.CT CLOSEOUT SABMITTAIS I I 1.10 EVIDENCE OFPAYMENTS, AND RELEASE OFLIENS r A. Contracror's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims: AIA G706. Ir B. Conrractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens: AIA G?06A, with: I l. Consent of Surety to Final payments: AIA G?02.r 2. Contractor's release of waiver of liens.3. Separate releases of waivers or liens for subcontractors, suppliers, and others with lien rights against property of Owner, together with list of those parties.I C. Submittals shall be duty executed before delivery to Owner. I D. Number of original signed copies required; 2 each. I 1.11 FINALADJUSTMENTOFACCOLJNTSI A. Submit final statement of accounting to Architect. I B. Statement shall reflect all a_djustments. I l. Original Connact Sum. I 2. Additions and Deductions resulting from: a, hevious Change Orders. I b. Allowances. c. Unit Prices. I d. Deductions for uncorrected Work.t i i?H'ff:trf":il:fi1*damagesg. Deductions for Reinspection payments or fees. I h, Other adjustments. 3. Total Contract Surn, as adjusted, I 4. Previouspayments. I 5. Sum remaining due.6. Construction Manager will prepare final Change Order, reflecting approved adjustments to Contract Sum not previously rnade by Change Orders. I r t.tz FINALAPPUCATIONFORPAYMENT r A. Submit final application in accordance with requirements of Conditions of the Contract. r PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPLTCABLE) HI.II,T gEMN.A UAILUAILEY MEDICALCENTER 0178(L7 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constructian DocurnenB 9 July 2MI I I I I sEcrroNorTto I pART3-ExEcurroN (NorAppLrcABLE) t ENDoFsEcrroNolTso C O NTRACT C LOS E OAT SU B M ITTAI,S IILM9SU)7I.U VNLUALLEYMEDICALCENTER 01760.8 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Cowtttction Docwnanb 9lult 2NI I SECTION 01785 aPERATIoN AND MNNTENANSE MATBRIAL I SECTTON 0178s - OPEMTTON AND MATNTENANCE MATERIAL I PARrr -.ENERAL I r.r suMMARYI A. Procedures for storage, handling, and delivery of spare parts and maintenance materials. I 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS I A. Material Storage - Section 0t600. r B. Contract Closeout Procedures - Section 01770. I I.3 PRESENTATION OF STJBMITTALS I A. Contract Closeout lnforrnation I l. Spare Parts: To Owner with letter of transmittal. I 2. Maintenance Materials: To Owner with letter of transmittal.3. Extra Materials: To Owner with leuer of transmittal. I 4. Copies of Transmittals: To Architect. I I 1,4 PRODUCTREQLIIRED I A. Provide to Owner quantities of spare parts and tools, rnaintenance materials and extra material as specified in individual Specification Sections. t B. SparePartsandTools: Packageinclearlyidentifiedboxes. I l. krdicate manufacturer's narne, part name and stock number. I 2. Indicate piece of equipment for which part or tool is intended3. Indicate narne, address and phone number of closest supplier I 4. Indicate specffication number. I C. Maintenance Materials: Package in clearly identified boxes. I l. Indicate trade name and stock number.r 2. Indicate for whicb item material is to be used.3- Indicate name, address and phone number of closest supplier. I D. Extra Materials: Package in clearly identified containers, or install where indicated. I l. Provide products identical to those installed in Work. Include quantities in original pur- I chase from manufacturer to avoid variations in manufacnre. HI)[ gEOO7I.U UAILUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 01785.1 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFRAME I ConstructionDocuments 9 July 2NI I I s*crroNolT.s I t 2. Indicate trade name, stock number. size. color.3. Indicate where product is to be used.4. Indicate name, address and phone number of closest supplier.5. Indicate any special storage or environmental requirements. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MATERIAL I t.s DELryERYI A. Deliver to Owner at time of Substantial Completion unless Owner requests earlier delivery. f B. Deliver to location on site as directed by Owner. I C. Obtain receipt for delivered materials. t r PART2-PRODUCTS (NOTAPPUCABLE) I PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION 01785 HLM 98OO7I.A UAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DE M O U TI ON AN D STRU CTI]ML F RAM E C onstru ctia n D o c ume nts 9JabilM I t I I I I I I I I I I 017E5-2 I SECTIONO33OO CONCRETEI I SECTION O33OO - CONCRETE I PART I -GENERAL . I.O RELATEDDOCUMENTS ' A. Drawings and general provision of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I - Specification sections. I I.OI DESCRIPTIONr I A. Work Included: Work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for completion of all concrete work including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: t Formwork, complete with required shoring, bracing, and anchorage. 2. Reinforcing, complete with required support, spacers, and related accessories. |l 3. Cast-in-place concrete including footings, pilasters, grade beams, walls, and slabs. r 4. Finish and cure for slabs. I B. Definitions: Air content, entrained air content: is volume of air found by subtracting tlre entrapped air from the total air content. r I.O2 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: The Work under this section shall be subject to all ! applicable provisions ofthe state and local building and safety codes. I B. Reference Standards: Comply with following standards except where more stringent requirements I are shown or srrecified: I l. ACI 301-84,"SpecificationforStructuralConcreteforBuildings." ACI 304-2R,305,I 306, 308, 315 and 3lE Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. fJ 2. Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstitute (CRSI), "Manual of Standard Practice", 63 and 65. I 3. ASTM c666 - standard Test Method for Resistance of concrete to Rapid Freezing and I Thawing. I 4. ACI I 17-90 -- Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials; American Concrete lnstitute; 1990. ELM9&N7141 YAILVALLETMEI'ICALCEIVTER O33MI DEMOLINON AND STRACTAML FMME I Consnadion Docamcnls 9 JULY 2001 I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION B3M 8. 9. 5. 6. 10. I l. 12. tE. 19. CONCNETE ACI 201.2R-92 - Guide to Durable Concrete; American Concrere Institute; 1992. ACI 2l l.l-91 - Standard hactice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavy weight, and Mass Concrete; American Concrete Institute; 1991. AcI 301-89 - specifications for structural concrete for Buildings; American concrete Institute; 1989. AcI 302.1R-89 - Guide for concrete Floor and Slab constructionl American concrete Institute; 1989. ACI 304R-89 - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and placing Concrete; American Concrete lnstitute; 1989. ACI 305R-91 - Hot Weather Concreting; American Concrete Institute; 1991. ACI 308-92 -- Standard Practice for Curing Concrete. ACI 3l 8-89 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete; American Concrete Institute; I 989. ASTM A 184/A l84M-90 - standard specification for Fabricated Deformed steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement; 1990. ASTM A 185-90a - Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, plain, for Concrete Reinforcement; 1990. AsrM A 615-92 - Standard specification for Deformed and plain Billet-steel Bars for Concrete Rein forcement; 1992. ASTM A 7751A 775M-94a - Srandard Specification for Epoxy-Coarcd Reinforcing Steel Bars; 1994. ASTM C 3l -91 -- Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concret Test Specimens in the Field; 1991. ASTM C 33-92 -- Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates; 1992. ASTM C 39-93a -- Standard Test method for Compressive Strength ofCylindricat Concrete Specimens; | 993. ASTM C 42-90 - Standard Test method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete; 1990, ASTM C 94-92a -- Srandard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 150-94 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement; 1994. UAILVALLEYMEDICALCENTER O33OL2 I'EMOLINON AND STNACTAML FNAME Conirudion Doannsra 9 JuLy 2001 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 20. 21. 1'> HLM9EMTI4N I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 34. 35. 36. 37. sEcnoN 033u 23. 27. 24. 25. 28. 29. 30. 31. CONCRETE ASTM C l7l-92 -- Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 172-90 -- Sandard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete; 1990. ASTM C 173-78 -- Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method; 1978. ASTM C 231-9lb -- Standard Test method for Ah Content of Freshlv Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method; l99l . ASTM C 260-94 - Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete; t994. ASTM C 494-92 -- Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete; 1992. ASTM C 618-94a - Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete; 1994. ASTM C 881-90 -- Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete;1990. ASTM C 1059-91 - Standard Specification for Latex Agents for Bonding Fresh to Hardened Concrete; 1 99 1 . ASTM D t75l-83 (91) -- Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types); 1983 (Reapproved l99l). ASTM E I155-87 - Standard Test Method for Determining Floor Flatness and Levelness Using the F-Number System; 19E7. CRSI MSP- t -90 - Manual of Standard Practice; Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstinrte; 1990. Concrete Relnforcing Steel Institute (CRSI), "Manual of Standard practice,', 63 and 65. 1997 Uniform Building Code. 1997 Edition ofASTM C94 except as modified herein: a. Section 5.1.3 strall be changed to read at the point of placement. b. Section 7.2 shall be changed to rcad when sampled at Ore point ofplacement shall not be below the specified minimun. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTAML FNAME Consnuaion Docamcnt 9 JULY200l JJ. IILMgAMTLIY D. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION O33OO c- CONCRETE The Owner will ernploy an Independent Testing Laboratory to provide testing services specified in Division l. The Structural Engineer, and Independent Testing Laboratory shall be offered uninterrupted access to the ready-mix batching plant at all times that the work is in progress. E. Providc the Testing Agency with following: l. Incidental labor required to facilitate testing. 2. Minimum one day's advance notice when concrete is to be placed. 3. Storage facilities for concrete test cylinders. 4. Materials, samples, and access to materials as required for testing. 5. Reimbursement of costs for testing and inspection resulting as a consequence ofthe following: a. Work not in compliance with the Contract Documents.b. Testing requested by Contractor or Subcontractor such as additional cylinders for earlv breaks. etc. c. Testing to veri$ the adequacy of work done, without prior notic€, without proper supervision, or contrary to standard construction practice. F. Desim Criteria: l. Concrete: See General Notes on Stuctural Drawings and ACI 301, Chapter3. 2. Formwork Design: The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the safety of the formwork and shall provide all necessary desigt, construction, materials, and maintenance to produce the required concrete work safely, Design all formwork to have sufficient camber to maintain the tolerances specified. Srength shall be sufficient to compensate for the weight ofthe fiesh concrete and a construction live load of50 psf minimum. G. The Contractor is responsible for the quality control, including workrnanship and materials furnished by his subcontractors and suppliers. l . Inspection or testing by the Owner does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. Workmanship: The Contractor is responsible for and shall bear the cost of correcting concrete work which does not conform to tbe specified requirements including, but not limited tq strergth, tolerances, and fmishes. Correct deficient concrrte b5r means acceptable to the Architect and Structural Engineer to approve corrpctive work shall be VATL YALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLINON AND STRACruRAL FNAME Construuion Docaman8 9 JULY 2001 HLil|9tM7I41 t I I t I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I SECTION O33OO CONCRETE bome by the Contractor. H. Record of Work: A record shall be kep by the General Contractor listing the time and date of placement of all concrete for the structure. Such record shall be kept until the completion ofthe project and shall be available to the Architect and Sfiuctural Engineer for examination at any time. All concrete batch tilp tickets will be collected and retained by the Contractor. Conffete batch trip tickets shall contain information specified in ASTM C94, Paragraph entitled "Batch Ticket Information," including items | 5.2.1 through 15.2.8. Batch rip ticket shall also show the total amount ofwater in the mix as batched (including water present in the aggregate before batching) and the amount of water required by the design mix proportions. Upon completion ofthe project, copies ofthe record ofwork and batch tickets shall be provided to the structural engineer. I.O3 SUBMITTALS A. All submittals in accordance with Division l. B. Mix Designs: l. Submit substantiating data for each concrete mix design contemplated for use to the Architect not less than six weeks prior to first concrete placement. Data for each mix shall, as a minimum, include the following: a. Mix identification designation (unique for each mix submitted). b. State of int€nded use for mix. c. Mix proportions, including all admixtures used. d. Manufacturer's data and/or certification verirying conformance of all mix materials, including admixtures, with specified requirements. e. Wet and dry unit weight. f. Entrained air contgnt. g. Design slump. h. Required average strength qualification data per ACI 301 3.9.1 and 3.9.2. Submit separate qualification data for each production facility which will supply concrete to the project. i. Average strength qualification data (trial mix data or field test data pcr ACI 301 3.9.3). When field test data is used to qualifl averagc strengtr, submit separate qualification data for each production facility which will supply concrete to the VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLINON AND STNACN]NAL FNAME Con$ruaton DocumatE 9 JULY 2OOI HLM9EM71.O1 033045 I I sEcrroN03300 I I I I t I I I I t I t CONCRETE project. j. Field test data submitted for qualification of average srength under ACI 301 3.9.1,3.9.2, and 3.9.3 shall include copies of the Conqete Testing Agency's reports from which the data was compiled. 2. Separate design mixes are required for each strength and class of concrete, each change in type and/or quantity of mix materials including admixtues, each change in slump limits, and each change in ennained air content. 3. It is the sole responsibility ofthe contractor to adjust the mix designs to meet the environmenul conditions and techniques of placement at the time and point of placement. Mix designs presented herein are minimum quantities for ideal conditions. Any variations in arnospheric, placing or curing conditions must be accounted for by the contractor and his mix desiens. C. Shop Drawings: l. Submit shop drawings for fabrication, bending and placement of concrete reinforcement. Comply with ACI Detailing Manual (SP 66). Provide l/4" scale elevations of all components with reinforcing shown. Include special reinforcement required at openings through concrete structune. Include all accessories specified and required to support reinforcement. Obtain from General Confiactor location of p'roposed construction joints and show them on the shop drawings. Reproduction of any component of the conmct documents as a part of the slrop drawings is prohibited. 2. For slab joints, both control and constnrction. Include a sequence of placernents and a schedule with the minimum time delay between each segment placement. D. Product Data: l. Submit product data with application and installation insfructions for pmprietary materials and items including reinforcement and forming accessories, admixtures,. patching compounds, epoxies, grouts, hardeners, sealer, and others as required by the Architect. 2. Submit curing compound product data and verification of its compatibility with other finish materials and surface treatments required. E. Submit samples of concrete materials if requested by the Architect, including names, sources, and descriptions. F. Laboratory Test Reports: Submit laboratory test reports for concrete materials and mix design as I sPecified. I I.O4 HANDLING I A. Concrete: r HLMgtmTIJN I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDIQIL CENTER DEMOLITION llND STRACTARAL FRAME Construction Docua,ub 9 JULY 2001 033tilM B. 1.05 I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I SECTION O33OO 2. JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: PART 2. PRODUCTS 2,OO GENERAL CONCRETE Hauling Time: discharge all concrete transmitted in a truck mixer, agitator, or other transponation device not later than I hour, or 200 revolutions of the drum after the mixing water has been added, whichever is earliest. Extra Water: Deliver concrete to the job in exact quantities required by the design nix. No extra water shall be added. l.Hot Weather Placernent: When depositing concrete in hot weather, follow recommendations of AcI 305 as modified herein. The temDerature of consete at time of placernent shall not exceed 90 degrees F. Protect to prevent rapid drying. Mixing water may be chilled, or chopped ice may be used to contol tempera0re provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Use of liquid ninogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. Start finishing and curing as soon as possible. when the air temperature is expected to exceed 90 degrees F., the contractor shall obtain acceptance from the Structural Engineer ofthe procedures to be used in protecting, depositing, finishing, and curing the concrete. The specified water reducing retarding admixture may be used upon acceptance of the Strucnrral Engineer for 24 houn after depositing. Cold Weather Placement: When deposition concrete after the first frost or when the mean daily temperatures are below 40 degrees F., follow recommendations of ACI 306 as modified herein. Maintain concrete temperature at a minimum of 55 degrees F. for sections having a minimum dimension of less than 12", or 50 degrees F. for sections having a minimum dimension of 12" or greater, for not less than 72 hours after depositing. The specified non-chloride accelerator or high-early suength Type III cement may be used when accepted by the Structural Engineer. Do not place concrete without approval of the Stuctural Engineer on days when temperature at 9:00 a.m. is below 30 degrees F. Job-cured cylinders for verification of strength and/or the adequacy ofthe contractor's protective methods, may be required by the Stuctural Engineer. hotection: Protect all concrete from rain damage. Protect finished slabs from mortaf, leakag€ from pouring of concrete above. cover masonry walls, glazing, and other finish mat€rials with polyethylene or otherwise protect from damage due to pouring ofconcrete. A. All materials in accordance with ACI 301 unless amended or superseded by requirements of following articles or General Notes on the structural drawings. UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CEIVTER DEMOUTION AND STRACruRAL FMME Consfruclion Doanrr'r//r,s 9 JULY 2001 HLM980071-A 033M-7 B. c. A. B. c. D. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE 2.01 FORM MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS Forms for Exposed Finish Concrete: Unless otherwise indicated, construct formwork for exposed concrete surfaces with plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood faced or other acceptable panel- type materials, to provide continuous, sFaight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Fumish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number ofjoints and to conform to joint system shown on drawings. Provide form material with sufficient thickness to withstand pressur€ of newly-placed concrete without bow or deflection. Forms for Unexposed Finish Concrete: Form concrete surfaces which will be unexposed in finished structure with plywood, lumber, metal, or other acceptable material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for right fit. Form Coatings: Provide commercial formulation form-coating compounds that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concnete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatnents of concrete surfaces. 2.02 REINFORCINGMATERIALS General: Sizes, types, grade or yield strengths as indicated on the drawings. Use 60,000 psi yield strength if not otherwise indicated. Use reinforcing conforming to ASTM A706 where welding of reinforcing is required unless otherwise indicated. Provide uncoated finish unless otherwise indicated. Defonned Bars: ASTM A6t5 plus supplemenary requirement (Sl), Deformed Billet Steel Bars or ASTM A?06, Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Ban unless otherwise indicated. Welded Wire Fabric: Mesh size and gauge as indicated on the drawings. Conform to ASTM A185, plain in flat sheets. Tie Wire:Tie wire shall be No. 16 American Wire Gage or heavier, black annealed. Supports for Reinforcement: hovide supports for reinforcement including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and weldcd wire fabric in place within specified tolerances. Use wire bar-type supports complying with CRSI, Class I or 2, unless otherwise aoceptsble. l. Use supports with sand plates or horizontal runners for slab-on-grade wh€re base material will not support chair legs. 2. Provide accessories and continuous reinforcing supported on appropriate chairs for welded wire fabric and reinforcement in slabs as required to maintain position as shown on the drawings. CONCRETE MATERIALS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNUCTUML FRAME C onsfi u cr ion lro cu rru tt 9 JuLY200l HIJfiqEM7I.A 033WN I I I I I I t I I sEcTroN 03300 A. Cementitious Materials: 2.04 RELATEDMATERIALS A. Expansio,n Joinb: CONCRETE 1. General: Provide materials of the same brand or source throughout the project unless otherwise soecified. 2. Portland Cement: ASTM Ct50 Type II. 3. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C orF, low loss. B. Aggregates: l. General: Provide aggregates fom the same source throughout the project unl€ss otherwise specified. 2. Normal Weight Aggregate: ASTM C33 containing no deleterious substances which cause surface spalling. Certifo that no alkali reactivity is produced with the proposed aggregate-cement combinations when tested in accordance with ASTM C227 . Pea gravel shall be graded for 90% passing the 3/8 inch screen *O 96o7o rctained on the l/4 inch screen. Use pea gravel only when acceptable to the Architect and Structuml Engineer. C. Water: Potable. D. Admixtures: l. General: Unless specified, no admixtures may be used without specific approval ofthe Architect and Structural Engineer. 2. Prohibited products: Calcium chloride or admixtures containing more than 0.05% chloride ions or thiocyanates are not pcnnited. 3. Air Entraining Admixhre: ASTM C?60 4. Water Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A a. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: nEucon WR-75" - Euclid Chemical Co. "Pozzolith 344Hu - Master Builders "Plastocrete 160" - Sika Chemical Co. I I I t I I l. lnterior Use or Exterior Use Where Sealants are Specified: Cellular foam of l/2 inch I HI.L| gUNzI.IN VAILUALLEYMEDICALCENTER O33M-9 DEMOIJTION AND STRACTURAL FNAME Corrstrudion lrocg,rrg/ta 9 JULY 2001I I I I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE I thickness. Provide manufacturer's certification of compatibility with specified sealants where required. f B. Curing Compounds: - l. Dissipating Resin Compound: ASTM C309, Typel. The film must chemically break I down in a two to four week period. a. Subject to complianc€ with requirements, provide one of the following:'lI ',Kurez DR" - Euclid Chemical Co. r c #ffi'Y:::ffi'.'H*ff!ll,il't33,lil,1Tl,iJ,*li;?Tillil3,xtm, Engineer as to methods and procedures. I l. Injection Epoxy: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: "Sikadur 35, Hi Mod LV,'- Sika Chemical Corp. I 2. Epoxy Adhesive: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one ofthe following: f "sikadur 32 Hi-Mod" - Sika Chemical Corp. I D. Bonding Compound: Polyvinyl acetate, rewettable rype. Interior usage only. I l. Subject to compliance with rcquirements, provide one of the following: I "Sikabond'_ Sika Chemical Corp. D. Floor joint filler: semi-rigid epoxy filler. I l. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: "Euco 700', - Euclid Chemical Co. I E. Non-Shrink Grout: CRD-C 5EB, Tlpe A, facrory premixed. I F. * *il*.nrn colortess,shake-on,r haraeninfcrremGi6ffiuna. l. Subject to compliance with requircmcnts, provide the following: I 'Surfhard" - Euclid chemical company. - HIf,|r9E(MTI-01 vATLvALLEYMEDIoALaENTER 0ii00-10 DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FMMEr *ry#:"?,ffi. I I I , sEcrIoN03300 coNcnETE I 2.05 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES: I A. Strength - Desigr mixes to provide normal weight concrete for the following mix types: I Tlpe I . 4009 psi 28 day compressive strength; 6l I lbs. of cement and ash per cubic yard mlnimum; Wc ratio .46 maxirnum; air enuained to be used in all concr€te except as noted in type 2 below. r B. Slump Limits: Slump of concrete, measured at point of placement, shall fall within the foltowing limits: I Type l: Not less than 2,' and not more than 4". Mix designs shall be proportioned at the maximum slump. t D. Fly Ash,/Cement Replacemenr: l Fly ash may be substituted in all concrete up to a 20% maximum.I E. Admixtures: I l. Use air-entraining admixture in all concrete, unless otherwise indicated. Add air- entaining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrcte at point of placement having enfiained air content within following limits: I a. 4yo minimum air at all concret€. I F. Selection ofproportions:r I . Mix Design: Cost of concrete mix design is responsibility of Confactor. r 2. Selection of Proportions: Use method of ACI 301 3.9. Proportioning based on method ofr AcI 3ol 3.lonotallowed a. Field test records used for documentation ofthe average srength produced by af proposed mix in accordance with ACI 301 shail, in aadition to the requirements thcre listed, comply with the following: t The test record shall represent production concrete from a single design mix, produced during the past year, and may be composed of 30 or more consecutive tes$. I The test record shall represent concrete made with identical materials and proportions (including admixtures) to the proposed rnix. f The test record shall represent concrete proportioned to produce the maximum slump allowed by these specifications, and for air-entraincd concrete, within - I 0/+l percent of the maximum air content allowed. r Hltrgunzl-M qAnLvALLEvMEDI1AL1ENTER tistu-Il DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constudion DocarwnEr 9JULY2OOI I I I t sEcrroN03300 I CONCRETE b. Mixes proportioned on the basis of trial mixtures shall meet the provisions of ACI 301 G. Design mixes to meet or exceed each requirement specified at the point of placement. Where more than one criterion is specified, the most stringent shall apply. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to implement revisions to the mix designs due to placement techniques or weather conditions at the time of placernent. Mix designs criteria herein is for ideal conditions. I PART3-EXECUTION r 3.00 GENERAL r A. Perform concrete work in accordance with AC! 301 except as specified herein and on the I I I I I I I I I I I drawings. B. use ready-mixed concrete conforming to AsrM c94; no job.mixed concrete allowed. I 3.01 coNcRErEcAsroNEARrH A. Preparation: l. Foundation Bearing Surfaces: Excavate to smooth, level surface in undisttrbed, naufal soil unless otherwise indicated or accepted by the Soils Engineer. 2. Slab Subgrade: Underslab surfaces shatl be fine grades to smooth, level surface prior to installation of slab forms. 3. Earth Cuts: Earth cuts may not be used as forms. B. Inspection: All foundation bearing surfaces shall be inspected and accepted by the Soils Engineer prior to start of formwork. | 3.03 FoRMwoRK A, General: L Design, construct, brace, and maintain formwork in accordance with ACI 301 and ACI 347 as modified herein. 2. Fabricate forms for easy removal. hovide crush plates or wrecking plates where tripping may damage concrete surfbces. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, I recesses, and tbe like, to facilitate removal. r HLMqnM7I4I qATLvALLEvMEDIOTLIENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FMME Constaaion Docnnwt 9 JuLy 2001 03300-12 I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE 3- Provide temporary openings where interior area of formwork is inaccessible for clean out, for inspection before concrete plac€ment, or for placement of concrete. Securely brace temporary openings and seal to forms to prevent loss of concrete mortar. B. Preparation ofForm Surfaces: I . Clean reused forms of concrete matrix residue, repair and patch as required to return forms to acceptable surface condition. 2. Coat contact surfaces of forms with specified form-coating cornpound before reinforcement is placed in conformance with manufacturefs instructions. 4. Thin form-coating compounds only in conformance with manufacturer's instuctions. Do not allow excess form-coating material to accumulate in forms or to come into contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed. D. Chamfer Sfiips: Install 45-degree chamfer strips at comers. Install chamfer sfips at internal comers and edges of formed joints as detailed. E. Inspection of Formwork: All formwork surfaces that will provide the finish surface of exposed concrete must be approved by the Architect before depositing concrete. F. Void Spaces: Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing void spaces of full size and extent shown on the drawings. I I I 3.03 PLAcTNG RETNFoRcEMENTI A. General: t I HLMsEwzI-u I l. Comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's *Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars," and as herein specified. 2. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials which reduce or destroy bond with concr€te. 3. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by construction or concrete placement operafions with mctal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers, hangers, or other means acceptable to the Structural Engineer. On vertical formwork, use approved bar chairs or spacers as required to maintain proper concrete VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STNUCTAML FNAME Constuaion Docunstb 9 JuLy200t t I 0330ur3 t SECTION 03300 I cover and bar position. CONCRETE I I I I I t I 4. Install reinforcement to tolerances given in ACI 301 5.4. 5. Install welded wire fabric inthe longest lengths practical. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh and wire together. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps. B. Welding of Reinforcement: Welding reinforcing bars not permitted except where specifically indicated. Protect exposed bars intended for bonding with future construction from corrosion by providing adequate covering. C. Field Bending of Reinforcement: Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent except as shown on the drawings or specifically permitted by the Structural Engineer. D. Slab on Grade Reinforcing: Place a minimum of 6x5-wl.4xwl.4 Welded Wire Mesh in flat sheets in all slabs on grade. E. Protection of Reinforcernent: Protect exposed bars intended for bonding with futurre constmction from corrosion by providing adequate covering. F. Inspection of Reinforcement: Completed installation of concrete reinforcement must be reviewed by the Structural Engineer or the designated Inspector b€fore depositing concrete. I I II t I 3.04 INSTALLATION OFEMBEDDEDITEMSI A. General: I I ELMsEooTr4l I I . Coordinate work with requirements of other trades and notifo Architect and Structural Engineer of all conflicts and nonconforming conditions. 2. Coordinate the requirements for installation of embedded items specified and fumished in other sections ofthe specifications. Obtain templates and instructions for setting embedded items. 4. Do not install sleeves in conff€te slabs, beams, walls, or columns exccpt where shown on the structural drawings or approved by the Architect and Sructural Engineer. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CEI{TEN DEMOUNON AND STRACTURAL FMME Corctructlon Docrrttttrrt's 9 JULY 2001 I I 0330L11 I I I I I I SECTION03300 CONCRETE II B. Embedded Piper and Conduits: I Conform to requirements of ACI 318 6.3, except as modified herein: 6.3.1 shall be changed to I read: Conduits, pipes and sleeves of any kind shall not be embedded in concrete. Sections 6.3.3,,,6.3.7,6.3.8,6.3.10, and 6.3.12 shall be included in their entirety. All other. sections are void. r C. Footing Dowels, Slab Dowels, Plate Embedments, Anchor Bolts, Inserts, Form Blockours: I Securety fastened to formwork or held in place with templates. Insertion into concrete after I casting is not allowed. I 3.05 JOINTS r A. Construction Joints in Formed Elements: l. Locate and install construction joints as indicated on the drawings or, ifnot shown on drawings, locate so as not to impair strength or appearance of th€ stuctue. Submit conshuction joint locations not shown on drawings to Architect and Structural Engineer for acceptance. 2. Keyways: Provide keyways as detailed on the drawings. Where not daailed, provide l- 1/2" minimum depth continuous keyways in all construction joints in walls and slabs and between walls and footings. 3. Place consfruction joints in the middlc spans of grade beams unless indicated otherwise. Continue reinforcement across constnrction joints. Submit construction joint locations not shown on the drawings for Architect's and Structural Engineer's acceptance. B. Joints in Slabs on Ground: l. Constnrction Joints: Form joinb as shown on the drawings. Locate to form panels of sizes indicated on the structural drawings. Submit for approval prior to commencing I work on slabs. 2. Control (Contraction) Joints: Construct joint by soft cut saw cutting or with specified slab I contot joint form. Made saw cuts as soon as possible after placing concrete without I dislodging aegregate and to a depth of l/4 ofthe slab thickness. Saw cutting is not permitted on slabs on metal deck. I 3 **:lill,ili:,$;?#fi::ll:*:T;:H,ilfiH'*"Ttrff:,"Iff;::?J;:1*"" joint details. l| 4. Interior Slabs: Locate construction joints on column center lines. Provide contol joints at column center lines and at intcrvals not more than 12 fect each wav. r HLM gEMzr-.M UAIL vALLEy MEDIoAL OENTER n3suLts DEMOUTION AND STRUCTAML FMME Congruaion DocununnI 9JULY2OO1 r r r SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE I 3.06 CONCRETE PLACEMENT I A. Preplacement lnspection: I Formwork installation, reinforcing steel placement, and installation of all items to be embedded or_ cast-in to be verified by the Conracbr prior to placement. I B. General:Comply with ACI 301, ACI 304, and as herein specified. I. Do not place concrete in free-standing water, over ice, or on frozen subgrade. I C. Conveying: I Conv€y concrete from the mixer to point of deposit without segregation. D. placing: I l - Wet exposed subgrade, masonry filler units, precast concrete, previously placed concrete, and uncoated wood forms immediately prior to placing concrete (except during fieezing temperatures.) I 2- Deposit concrete continuously or in layers ofsuch thickness that no concrete will be I placed on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams orI iiffi';l:;1$'#:::TH:,iTff:,::JITffi":',T.H|:;it";jit?J:A'*,:"," avoid segregation. t 3. Placing concrete in Forms: Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers not deeper than 24" and in a manner to avoid inclined joints. Where placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceding layer is still plastic to avoid cold joints. I Guide the flow of concrete in walls and columns for vertical drop between the reinforcing. Free fall, except in walls and columns, shall not exceed five feet. Free fall I ;J;t:fO *tt-ns shall not exceed l0 feet without prior acceptance by Strucnral I 4. Placing Concrete Slabs: Deposit and consolidate concretc slabs in a continuous I op€ration, within limits of construction joints, until the placing ofa panel or section is completed. Continuous intermediate screed sfips at intervals not greater than 15 feet set I prior to concrete placement are required. For slabs cast over metal deck, place screeds I along beam lines. Set screeds and adjust as necessary to achieve proper slab elevafion and thickness, allowing for beam camber and deflection. I 5. Topping: Protect base surface from oil, paint, dirt, or other contaminants. MechanicallyI remove prior to topping placement. Thoroughly dampen base surface and leave free of standing wat€r prior to placement. Place consete as specified for slabs. ' ELMgEw7l.a VAILVALLEYMEDICALoENTER O33M-16 DEMOLITION AND STNACTANAL FMME Congruaion DocunentI 9JULY2OOI T r I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE It E. Consolidating: l. Maintain one standby vibrator for every three vibrators used. I 2. Consolidate placed concrete by intemal vibrating equipment with a minimum frequency of7000 rpm, supplemented by hand-spading, rodding, or tamping. Use equipment and I procedures for consolidation of concrete in accordance with ACI 309. 3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators I vertically at uniformly spacei locations not farther than visible effectiveness of machine. I Place vibrators to rapidly penetrate placed layer and at least 6" into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to sa. At each I insertion, limit duration of vibration to time necessary to consolidate concrete and t ::#:::1t".*.*l:nt of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing 4. Consolidate concrete during placing operations so that concrete is thoroughly workedI around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners. I 3.07 FINTSH oF FoRMED SURFACES I A. Defmitions: Refer to ACI 301 Chapter 10, for formed surface finish definitions. I B. Provide finish ofexposed concrete surfaccs to the satisfaction ofthe Architect.I I 3.08 MoNoLITT{rc sLAB FINISHES t . Float Finish: Apply float finish to monolithic slab surfaces to receive further preparation as noted in paragraph C below. I After screeding, consolidating, and leveling concrete slabs, do not work surface until ready for floating. Begin floating when surface water has disappeared or when concretc has stiffened I sufficiently to permit operation of powerdriven floats, or both. Consolidate surface with power-driven floats, or by hand-floating if area is small or inaccessible to power I units. Check and level surface plane to tolerances of overall: Ff25/T120 lncal Ffl?/Fll5. Cut I down high spots and fill low spots. Uniformly slope surfaces to drains. Immediately after leveling, refloat surface to a uniform, smooth, granular texture. I B. Trowel Finish: Apply trowel finish to monolithic slab surfaces to be exposed-to-view, and slabr surfaces to be covered with resilient flooring carpet, coamic o, quarry iil", puint, or surfaces not requiring additional preparation. I After floating, begin first trowel fmish operation using a power-driven trowel. Begin fmal troweling when surface produces a ringing sound as trowel is moved over surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final hand-troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and I HU}T 9EM71-U VAIL VALLEY MEDICALCENTEN B3OIL17 DEMOLINON AND STNACTUML FNAME Construaion llocume$I 9JULY2OOI I t D. t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION03300 CONCntrn appearance, and witt surface leveled to tolerances of overall: FfJ6/FD0 Local: Ff24lFll5. Grind smooth surface defects which would telegraph through applied floor covering system. C. Surface Preparation: 1. All slab surfaces that receive anti-static flooring, seamless moisture proof coatings, or any material to be attached by adhesives likely to be damaged by moisture vapor, shall be shot cleaned by a "Blast-Track" or equal, prior to installation. Shot cleaning shall be delayed until such time that all slab curing is complete and the slab has completely dried.2. All slab surfaces that are exposed shall be sealed and hardened and alljoints shall be sealed. 3.09 CONCRETE CURING, PROTECTION AND SURFACE TREATMENTS D. HLM9&N714M l. Protect freshly placed conq€t€ from pranature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for the period necessary for hydration of the cement and hardening of concrete. 2. Curing sball commence as soon as free water has disappeared from the concrete surface after placing and finishing. The curing period shall be a minimum of fourteen day for all concrete. 3. curing shall be accordance with Acl 301 or 201 procedures. Avoid rapid drying at the end ofthe curing period. During hot and cold weather, cure concr€te in accordance with ACI 305 and ACI 306. curing Methods: Perform curing of concrcte by curing and sealing compound, in combination with moisture-retaining cover curing, as herein specified. l. Provide moisture-cover curing as follows: Cover concrete surfaces with the maximum dose oflhe specified curing compound, then cover with a moisture retaining cover for curing concrctc, placed in widest practicable width with sides and ends lapped at least 3" and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. Curing Formed Surfaces: Where wooden forms are used, cure formed concrete surfaces, including undersides of beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces by moist curing with forms in place for full curing period or until forms are removed. If forms are removed, continue curing by application ofthe maximum dosage ofthe specified curing compound. Curing Unformed Surfaces: YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTAML FNAME Cowtrttgion Docuncna 9 JuLy 200t 0330L18 I I I t I I I I SECTIONOS3OO CONCRETE Cure unformed surfaces, such as slabs, floor topping, and other flat surfaces as follows: L Slabs exposed to view and slabs covered with finishes described in 3.08 B. shall be cured by application of the specified curing compound applied at the manufactuer's maximum dosage, then covered by a moisture retaining cover for the full curing period. For the first three days apply insulating blankets over the retaining cover. E. Surface Treatments: At all exposed concrete surfaces, and in areas shown on the drawings in accordance with manufactureds instructions and as specified below. l. Specified hardener at a rale of I to I .5 pounds per square foot. 2. Seal all constmction and confoljoints with the specified joint sealer. 3. Rout, epoxy inject and grind all cracked concrete surfaces. 3.IO FORM REMOVAL AND RESHORING: A. Removal of Forms: A. Comply with ACI347 for shoring and reshoring in multistory construction, and as herein I specified. l. Submit shoring, reshoring, and back shoring calculations for review by the Architect and the Stuctural Engineer.t B. Formwork not supporting weight of concrete, such as sides off beams, walls, columns, I and similar parts of the work, may be removed after cumulatively curing at not less thanI :3#;ffi:,1ff*"4;T"?*fi,ffi,1lill3ili-"illiili;:#'$1ff#:H:-, prot€ction operations are maintained. I C. Formwork supporting weight of concrete, such as beam soffrts, joistq slabs, and other structural elements, may not be removed in less than 14 days and until concrete has I attained design minimum compressive stength at 28 days. Determine potential I compressive strength of in-placc concrete by tesring field-cured specimens representative of concrete location or members. I 3.I T REPAIR OF SI.JRFACE DEFECTS:I A. Formed Surfaces: I l. AXow Architect and Structural Engineer to observe I concrete surfaces immediately upon rernoval of forms. 2. Modifu or replace concrete not conforming to required lines, details, and elevations. Ir HLMqEMTI-M vAILVALLEvMEDIoALaENTER 03i0LI9 DEMOLINON AND STRACTARAL FMME Construct ion Do carr@ta I 9JULY2OOI I I I SECTIONOSSOO CONCRETE I 3. Repair or replace concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive honeycombing and other defects. Patch, repair, or replace exposed architectural finished concrete as directed I by the Architect. 4. Patching oftie holes is not required unless surface grade. I 5. Repair defects in structural concrete elements as follows: I a. Deep DefecB Exposing Reinforcing: Chip to sound concrete and cleant thoroughly to remove all loose concrete and dust. Apply thin coat of epoxy adhesive. Form and pour, or dry pack with specified non-metallic, non-slrink I grou! prior to development oftack-free condition of epoxy adhesive. Srip I forms after grout has hardened and provide specified finish. Moist cure or apply specified clear curing and sealing compound immediately after fmishing. I b. Defects Grealer than l/2 inch depth not exposing reinforcing: Chip, clean, andt apply specified epoxy adhesive. - Dry pac-k using specified non-metallic, non- shrink grout prior to development oftack-free condition of epoxy adhesive. Provide specified finish and cure as specified above. I c. Defects less than ll2 inch depth and tie holes: r ' l:::ffiJff.Tl#;'lJji*:1:iTlfil.'::i:#,:fl"H:'J specified above. I d. Other equivalent repair procedures may be used subject to review and acceptance by the Architect and Structural Engineer. I B. Unformed Surfaces: l. Test unformed surfaces, such as monolithic slabs, for smootbness and veriff surface plane to tolerances specified for each surface and finish. Correct low and high areas as herein specified. Test unformed surfaces sloped to drain for tnre-ness of slope, in addition to smoothness using a template having required slope. 2. Correct high area in unformed surfaces by grinding or other methods acceptable to the Architect after concrete has cured at least 14 days. 4. Correct low area in unformed surfaces during or immediately after completion of surface furishing operations by cuning out low areas and replacing with fiesh concrete. fmish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. Where acceptable to the Architect and Stnctural Engineer, the specified under-layment compound applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may be used. 5. Repair defective areas, by grooving the top of cracks and cut-out holes to sound concrete I I I I I HLMsunn-ol I VAIL VALLEY MEI'ICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTUNAL FRAME Congrualon Doans8 9 JuLv200l I I 03300-20 3.r2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t T SECTIONO3SOO CONCRETE and clean of dust, dirt, and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply bonding compound. Mix dry-pack, consisting of one part portland cement to 2-12 parts fine aggregate passing a No. l6 mesh sieve, using only enough water as required for handling and placing. Place dry pack after bonding compound has dried. Compact dry- pack mixture in place and finish to match adjacent conct€te. Keep patched area continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. 6. Repair all random cracks, by use of an injected epoxy method. Provide a repair method that is suriable for the width and depth of crack to be repaired. Submit detailed method for each type of repair to the engineer for approval. TOLERANCES: A. Formed Surfaces and Building Lines: Conform to ACI 301 4.3 as modified and amended herein. l. Sleeves and Blockouts in Grade Beams:a. Size: +1l2", -0". b. Location: (l) Minimum dimension 6" or larger: +l-1D,,. (2) Minimum dimension less than 6": Locate in nearest open spa.ce between reinforcing, not less than l" clear from nearest reinforcing bar. B. Slab Finishing Tolerances: l. Slope to Drain: l/4 inch per foot. 2. Tmwel Finish: Overall: FB6lFl20 Local: Fl24lFll5. 3. Floated Finish: Overall: FP5/FI20 Local: Ffl7/Fll5. c. Embedded Items: unless otherwise noted on drawings, tolerances shalt be as follows: l. Anchor Bolts: a. Adjacent anchor bolts in a group receiving a single fabricated setting piece: +/- l/8". b. Location and alignment of anchor bolt groups from designated location and alignment: +l- l/4". 2. Ernbedded Plates and Weldments: VAIL VALIEY MEDICAL CENTER I' E MOLITI ON AND STN A CTA ML FMME Consfiudion Docrrnunt 9 JULY 2001 HLM98OO7I4M 0337&21 I t I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I I I SECTION 03300 CONCRETE Locations: +/- l " vertical. +/- 2" horizontal. Plumb and alignment: l/4" in 12. 3.I3 EVALUATION AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: Evaluation and acceptance ofwork under this Section shall be in accordance with the provisions ofACI 301 Chapters 17 and 18. A. Anchors: Install anchors furnished under other sections in accordance with shop approved drawings and/or setting instructions. B. Equipment Bases: Install concrete bases for all pumps, boilers, tanks, fans, fiansformers, floor mounted lectrical equipment, etc., including anchor bolts and inserts in accordance with setting instructionsfumished by the Contractor responsible for installing the equipment. Finish all bases in a workmanlike manner with a troweled finish. The bases shall be located and sizes determined by the Contractor fumishing the equipment. 3.14 QUALTTY CONTROL TESTING DURTNG CONSTRUCTTON A. The Owner will employ a testing laboratory to perform tests and to submit test reports. B. Sampling and testing for quality control during placement of concrete may include the following, as directed by Architect. C. Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C 94. l. Slump: ASTM C 143; one test at point of discharge for each day's pour of each type of concrcte; additional tests when concnete consistency seems to have changed. 2. Air Content: ASTM C 173, volumetric method for lightweight or norrial weighr concrete; ASTM C 231 pre$ure method for normal weight concrete; one for each day's pour of each type of air-entrained concrcte. Adjust testing to exclude entrapped air. 3. Concrete Temperature: Test hourly when air ternperature is 40 degrees F (4 degrees C) and below, and when 80 degrees F (27 degrees C) and above; and each time a set of compression test specimens made. 4. Compression Test Specimen: ASTM C 3l; one set of 4 standard cylinders for each compressive strength test, unless otherwise directed. Mold and store cylinders for laboratory cured test specimens except when field-cure test specimens are required. 5. Compressive Strength Tese: ASTM C 39; one set for each day's pour as follows: I sa for each 5 to 25 cubic yards; I set for each 50 cubic yards up to 100 cubic yards; l set for every 200 cubic yards rhereafter; one specimen tested at 7 days; rwo specimens tested at 28 days, and one sp€cimen retained in rcserve for later testing required. When fiequency UAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER D EM OU TI ON AND STRACruRAL FMM E Constaction DocurrwnE 9 JULY 2001 ELMgilnn-U 033M22 I I I t I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I SECTIONBSM CONCRETE oftesting will provide less than 5 strength tests for a given class of concrete, conduct testing from at least 5 randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than 5 are used. When total quantity ofa given class of concrete is less tJran 50 cubic yards, strengtlr waived by Architect if in his judgment, adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate current operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing the in-place concrete. Srrength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if average ofsets ofthree consecutive strength test resuls equal or exceed specified compressive strength, and no individual strength test result falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. D. Test results will be reported in writing to Architect, Structural Engineer and Contractor within 24 hours after tests. Reports ofcompressive strength tests shall contain the project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete lesting service, concrete tlpe and class, location of concrete batch in structure, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials; compressive breaking strength and type ofbreak for both 7-day tests and 28-day tests. E. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permined but shall not be used as the sole basis for accepance or rejection. F. Additional Tests: The testing service will make additional tests of in-place concr€t€ whcn test results indicate specified concrete strengths and here characteristics have not been attained in the structune, as directed by Architect. Testing service may conduct tests to det€r:tnine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by other methods as directcd. Contractor shall pay for such tests when unacceptable concrete is verified. END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNACTUML FMME Con\fiuction DocumcnE 9 JULY 2OOL IIIJI9&N7I.A 0330tL23 I SECTION 04200 aNrr MASONRr ASSEMBLIES I SECTIONO42OO.UNTTMASONRYASSEMBLIES I PARTI-GENERAL -I 1.1 RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A' fralilss and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary t Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply ro this Section. I r.2 sr.lMMARyI A. This Section includes unit masonry assemblies consisting of the following: I 1. Concrete masonry units,2. Mortar and gout. I 3. Reinforcing steel. t 4. Masonry joint reinforcement.5. Miscellaneousmasonryaccessories. I B. Related Sections include the following:r 1. Division 7 Section "Firestopptg" for firesropping at tops of masonry walls and at openings in rnasonry walls. t C. Products installed, but not furnished, under this Section include the following: I l' I.::?ffij3t*1ffi::.,,""n masonry openings, tumished under Division 8 Section II 1.3 SI.JBMITTALS I A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract andDivision I Specification Sections.- I B. Product Data: For each different masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured product specified. r 1.4 DEFIMT]ONS I A. Reinfonced Masonry: Masonry containing reinforcing steel in grouted cells. r B. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article. r HLMggMTr-M ,NL,ALLE,MEDI,AL,ENTER uz,bl r DEMOUuONANDSTRUCTIIMLFMME I Corctruction Docurrrerrts 9lub 2MI r c. 1.5 I I I SECTION O42OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES Cold-Weather Procedures: Detailed description of methods, materials, and equipment to be used to comply with cold-weather requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE Source Limitations for Masonry Units: Obtain exposed masonry units of a uniform texture and color, or a uniform blend within the ranges accepted for these characteristics, through one source from a single manufacturer for each product required. Source Limitations for Mortar Materials: Obtain rnortar ingredients of a uniform quality, including color for exposed masonry, from one manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source or producer for each aggregate. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Where indicated, provide materials and construction identical to thoseof assemblies with fire-resisrance ratings determined per ASTM E l 19 by a testing and inspecting agency, by equivalent concr€te masonry thickness, or by another means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. DELTVERY, STORAGE. AND HANDLING Store masonry units on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in an enclosed location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting securely tied. ff units become wet, do not install until they are dry. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cenrentitious materials that have becorne damp. Store aggregates where grading and other required cbaracteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. Store masonry accessories, including rnetal items, to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. I.7 PROJECTCONDTTIONS A' Protection of Masonry: During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in progress. l. Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches down both sides and hold cover serurely in place.' 2. Wherc one wythe of multiwythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other wythes, se4ure cover a minimum of 24 inches down face next to unconstructed wvthe and hold cover in place. B. Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or colunms. VAI L VALIEY M EDICAL C E NTER DE M O UTI O N AN D STRA CTA RAL F RAME Constructian DocumenB 9.IaU2M1 I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I B. 1.6 B. D. HLM 98007r-U M200-2 I SECTION 04200 aNTTMASaNRrASSEMBLTES I C. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left't exposed or painted. Immediately remove grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such. masonry. I l. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and from mortar splatter by coverings spread on ground and over wall surface. I 2. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortardroppings,I 3. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral finishes, from mortar droppings. fl 4. Turn scaffold boards near the wall on edge at the end of each day to prevent rain from f splashing rnortar and dirt onto completed masonry. I D' Cold-Weather Requirements: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice I or frost. Do not build on frozen subshates, Remove and replace unit masonry damaged by frost or by freezing conditions. Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in r Section 2104.3 of the Uniform Building Code.rr l. Cold-Weather Cleaning: Use liquid cleaning methods only when air temperature is 40 deg F and above and will remain so until masonry has dried, but not less than 7 days after t completing cleaning. I 1.8 UNTTSTRENGTHS I A. All completed masonry assemblies shall have a minimum 28 day compressive prism strength of - l500psi. '- B. hoportion all mortar and grouts to provide the minirmrm 28 day compressive prism strength indicated'It PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 CONCRETEMASONRYI]NTTS I A. General: Provide shapes indicated and as follows: I l. Provide special shapes for lintels, comers, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding, I and other special conditions.r 2. Provide bullnose units for outside comers. unless otherwise indicated.3. Provide square-edged units for outside comers, unless indicated as bullnose, I B. Concrete Masonry Units: UBC Standard 2i4 and as follows: I L Unit Compressive Srength: Provide units with minimum averag€ net-area comprcssive I strength of 1900 psi. 2. Weight Classification: Nomal weight, unless otherwise indicated. 11 3. Provide Type I, moisture-controlled units. I HLM98N71.O4 UNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER O42OE3 DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FMME I Constttction Documents 9 JuIy 2ffi1 I I SECTION 04200 uNrr MASONRr ASSEMBUES I 4. Size (Width): Manufactured to the following dimensions:r a. 8 inches nominal;7-5l8 inches actual. I 5- Exposed Faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, unless otherwise indicated.I I 2.2 MORTAR AND GROUTMATERTALS I A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II, except Type trI may tr used for cold-weather I construction. Provide natural color or white cement as required to produce mortar color as I selected by architect from manufacturers standard selections. I B. Portland Cement-Lime Mix: Packaged blend of portland cement complying with ASTM C 150, t Type I or Type trI, and hydrated lime complying with ASTM C 207. C. Mortar Cement: LJBC Standaxd 2l-14. I D. Masonry Cement: UBC Standard 2l-ll. I l. For pigmented mortar, use a colored cenrent formulation as required to produce the color I indicated or, if not indicated, as selected from manufacturer's standard formulations, f| a. Pigments shall not exceed l0 percent of portland cement by weight for mineral I oxides nor Zpercent for carbon black.b. Pigments shall not exceed 5 percent of mortar cernent or lnasonry cenrent by weight for mineral oxides nor I percent for carbon black. r E. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144; except for joints less than l/4 inch thick, use aggregate graded with l(X) percent passing the No. 16 sieve.rII I ' White-Mortar Aggregates: Natural white sand or ground white stone. I F. Aggregare for Grout: ASTM C 404. !G. Mortar Pigments: Natural and synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides, compounded for user in rnorcar mixes. Use only pigments with a record of satisfactory performance in nrasonry I morraf. H. lffater: Potable. I 2.3 REINFORCING STEEL I A. Uncoated Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/4 615M; ASTM A 616l| 616M, including Supplement l; oTASTM A617lA 617M, Grade 60. I 2,4 MASONRYJOINTREINFORCEMENT I A. General: comply with UBC Standard 2l-10 and as follows: HLM 98U7I.U VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER U2OM 3 DEMOUnONANDSTRaCTURALFRAME I CotatuctionDocuments 9IuIy z(MI I B. B. D. B. 2.5 2.6 3.1 t I I t t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I sEcTroN u200 U NIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES PART3 -EXECUTION E)(AMINATION Examine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for instaltation tolerances and other conditions aJfecting performance. L Mill galvanized, carbon-steel wire for interior walls..2. Hot-dip galvanized, carbon-steel wire for interior walls.3. Wire SizeforCrossRods: Wl.7or0.l48-inch.4. Prwide in lengths of not less than l0 feet , with prefabricated corner and tee units where indicated. For single-wythe masonry, provide either ladder or tnrss type with single pair of side rods and cross rods spaced not more than 16 inches o.c MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES compressible Filler: Premolded fiiler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2Al; compressible up to 35 percent; of width and thickness indicated; formulated from neoprene or urethane depending on compatibility. Preformed Control-Joint Gaskets: Material as indicated below, designed to fit standard sash block and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall; size and configuration as indicated. I ' styrene-Butadiene-Rubber compound: ASTM D 2000, Desigrration M2AA-g05. Bond-Breaker strips: Asphalt-saturated, organic roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt). Wicking Material: Cotton or polyester rope, l/4 to 3/8 inch in diameter, in length required to produce 2-inch exposure on exterior and 18 inches in cavity between wythes. MORTAR AND GROUT MD(ES General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-rePellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, tmless otherwise indicated. l. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout.2. Add cold-weather admixture (if used) at the same rate for all morrar, regardless of weather conditions, to ensure that moriar color is consistent. Mortarfor Unit Masonry: Comply with Proportion Specification. VAI L VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Cowtruction Docu.ments 9 July ZNI u20b5HLM q8OUT.U B. B. c. D. A. B. D. E. 3.2 3.3 t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION UaOO UNIT MASON RY ASSEMBLI ES l. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance. 2. Verify rhat foundations are within tolerances specified.3. Verify that reinforcing dowels are properly placed.4' Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Before installation, examine rough-in and built-in construction to verify actual locations of piping connections. INSTALLATION, GEMRAL Thickness: Build cavity and composite walls and other masonry construction to the full thickness shown. Build single-wyhe walls to the actual widths of masonry units, using units of widths indicated. Build chases and tecesses to accommodate items specified in this Section and in other Sections ofthe Specifications. Lrave openings for equipment to be installed before completing masonry. After instailing equipment, complete masonry to match the construction immediately adju""nt to the opening. cut masonry units with motordriven saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. cut units as reggSed to provide a continuous pattem and to fit adjoining ionstruJtibn. Where possible, use full-size units without cuning. Allow units cut with water-cooled saws to dry before placing, unless wetting of units is specified. Install cut units with cut surfaces and, where possible, cut edges concealed. Select and arrange units for exposed unit rnasonry to produce a uniform blend of colors and textures. CONSTRUCTION TOLERAT.ICES Comply with tolerances in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 6@ and the following: For conspicuous vertical lines, such as external corners, door jambs, reveals, and expansion and control joints, do not vary from plumb by more than 1/4 inch in 20 feet nor l/2 inch -maximum. For vertical alignnrnt of exposed head joints, do not vary from plumb by more than l/4 inch in l0 feet, nor l/2 inch maximum. For conspicuous horizontal lines, such as exposed lintels, sills, pardpets, and reveals, do not vary from level by more than l/4 inch in 20 feet nor lt2inch rnaximum. fo1 elRosed head joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than plus or minus l/8 inch Do not vary from adjacent bed-joint and head-joint thicknesses by more than l/g incb. LAYINGMASONRYWALLS3-4 VAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL C E NTE R DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME C o nstntction Doctorrents 9 July 2Nl NLM98M7I.M 042M-6 I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION M2OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond pattems with uniform joint thicknesses and for accurate location of openings, movement-type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid using less-than-half-size units, particulady at corners, jambs, and, where possible, at other locations. Bond Pattem for Exposed Masonry: L,ay exposed masonry in the following bond pattem; do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. Lay concealed masonry with all units in a wythe in running bond or bonded by lapping nor less than 2 inches. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners orjarnbs. Stopping and Resuming Work: In each course, rack back one-half-unit length for one-half running bond or one-third-unit length for one-third running bond; do not tooth. Clean exposed surfaces of set rnasonry, wet clay masonry units lightly if required, and remove loose maionry units and mortar before laying fresh masonry. Built-in Work: As construction progresses, build in items specified under this and other sections of the specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. F' Fill space between hollow-metal frames and rnasonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. Fill cores in hollow concrete mirsonry units with grout firtl height under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar items, unless otherwise indicated. Build non-load-bearing interior panitions full height of story to underside of solid floor or roof structure above, unless otherwise indicated, l. Install compressible filler in joint between top of partilion and underside of structure above. 2. At fire-rated partitions, install firestopping injoint between top ofpartition and underside of structure above to comply with Division 7 Section "Firestopping." 3.5 MORTARBEDDINGANDJOINTING A. Lay hollow masonry units as follows: l With full mortar coverage on borizontal and vertical face shells.2. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and in all courses of piers, cotumns, and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be filled with grout.3. For starting course on footings where cells are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed, including areas under cells. B. Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using ajointer larger than the joint thickness, unless otherwise indicated. l. For glazed masonry units, use a nonmetallic jointer 3/4 inch or more in width. VAI L UALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER D EM O UTI O N AND STRA CTARAL F RAM E Construction Documents 9 JnIy 2Ml B. D. E. G. H. Irlfi[ 98N71-U 420b7 I SECTTON U200 aNrT MASONRYASSEMBLIES I 3.6 ANCHORTNG MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL MEMBERS r A. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces structural members to I complv with the followine: L Provide an open space not less than 2 inches in width between masonry and stmctural member, unless otherwise indicated. Keep open space free of mortar or other rigidI materials. 2. Anchor masonry to structural members with flexible anchors embedded in masonry joints I and attached to structure. I 3. Space anchors as indicated, but not more tban?.4 inches o.c. vertically and 48 inches o.c. horizontally. - 3l coNTRoLANDExpANsToNJoINTS I A. General: Install control joints in unit masonry as required. Build-in related items as rnasonryr progesses. Do not form a continuous span through movement joints unless provisions are made to prevent in-plane restraint of wall or partition movement. I B. Form control joints in concrete masonry as follows: I 1. Fit bond-breaker strips into hollow contour in ends of concrrete rasonry units on one side I of control joint. Fill resultant core with grout and rake joints in exposed faces.2. Install preformed control-joint gaskets designed to fit standard sash block. 1; 3. Install interlocking units designed for controljoints. Install bond-breaker strips at joint. I Keep head joints free and clear of mortar or rake joint. 4. Install temporary foam-plastic filler in head joints and remove filler when unit masonry is comPlete I 3.8 LINTELS I A. Install reinforced concrete lintels over all openings. I B. Provide minimum bearing of 8 inches at each jamb, unless otherwise indicated. I I 3.9 RETNFORCED T.JNIT MASONRY TNSTALLATTON t A. Temporary Formwork and Sbores: Construct formwork and shores to support reinforced I masonry elements during construction. I 1. Construct formwork to conform to shape, line, and dimensions shown. Make it zufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar and grout. Brace, tie, and support forms to I maintain position and shape during constnrction and curing of reinforced m onry. I 2, Do not rernove forms and shores until reinforced ma$onry members have hardened sufficiently to carry their own weight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction, I HLM98OO71.A VAILUAIJ^EYMEDICALCENTER A42UA I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTURALFRAME I Cortctuction Docu.menls 9 July 2MI I B. c. B. B. D. I t I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I SECTION M2OO ANIT MASONRY ASSEMBUES Placing Reinforcement: Comply with requirements of Section 2104.5 of the Uniform Building Code. Grouting: Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained sufficient strength to resist gfout pressure. 1. Comply with requirements of Section 21M.6 of the Uniform Building Code for cleanouts and for grout placement, including minimum grout space and maximum pour height. 3.10 PARGING A. Parge predampened masonry walls, where indicated, with Type S mortar applied in 2 uniform coats to a total thickness of 3/4 inch Scarify first parge coat to ensure full bond to subsequent coat. c. 3.1l A. Use a steel-trowel finish to produce a smooth, flat, dense surface with a maximum surface variation of l/8 inch per foot Form a wash at top of parging and a cove at bottom. Damp-cure parging for at least 24 hours and protect the parging until cured. REPAIRING, POINTING, AND CLEANING Remove and replace rnasonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units; install in fresh mortar, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement, Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge voids and holes, except weep holes, and completely frll with morta:r. Point up joins, including corners, openings, and adjacent construction, to provide a neat, uniform appearance, Prepare joints for sealant application. ln-Progress Cleaning: Clean unit rnasonry as work progresses by dry brushing to remove mortar hns and smears before tooling joints, Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows: l. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. 2. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave one-half of panel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain Architest's approval ofsample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. 3. Protect adjacent stone and nonmasonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyetbylene film, or waterproof masking tape. 4. Clean nmsonry with a proprietary acidic cleaner applied according to manufacorer's written instructions. 5. Clean concrete mffionry by cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 8-2 applicable to type of stain on exposed surfaces. VN L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM OUTI ON AND STRA CTURAL F RAM E Co ttstttction Doc wnen8 I lub zMI HI.M98A7LU u20b9 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I SECTION M2OO A NIT MASON RY ASSEM BLI ES 3.12 MASONRY WASTE DISPOSAI A. Recycling: Unless otherwise indicated, excess masonry materials are Contractor's property. At completion of unit masonry work, remove from project sirc.. B' Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess masonry and other masonry waste by legally disposal of offOwner's property. END OF SECTION O42OO VAI L VALIBY MEDI CAL CENTER DE M OUTI ON AND STRA CTA RAL FRAME C ottsfrttctia n Docame nts 9Jub2M HIn'|98W71.04 u2M10 I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I SECTION 01230 REI N FORCED CONCRETE MASONRY T]NITS SECTION 04230 - REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS PART I .CENERAL 1.OI SUMMARY . A. Section Includes:L Concrete masonry units.2. Morkr and grout. 3. Reinforcement,anchorage,andaccessories. B. Related Sections: l. Reinforcing bars for reinforced unit masonry: Division 3. I.O2 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Perfonnance Requirements: Minimum ultimate compressive stength of engineered mason4r, determined in accordance with ACI 530.I/ASCE 6, is based on a prisn strengtlr of 1500 psi. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. hoduct Data: Submit published data from manufacturerr of products and accessories specified, indicating compliance with requirements. B. Test Reports: Submit results of masonry testing specified, including the following information:l. Age at test.2. Storage conditions. 3. Dimensions er/t).4. Compressive strength of individual prisms.5. Coefficient of variation (v).6. Uhimate compressive strength of masonry, which has been corrected for the coeffici€Ntt of variation and the M ofthe prisms tested. 1.04 QUALTTYASST.IRANCE A. Conform to the mosr rigid requirements ofthe following, except where exceeded by provisions ofthe confact documents:l. ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 - ..Specifications for Masonry Strucrures,'.2. Colorado Masonry lnstitute Standard 301 'Building Code Requirements for Masonry Construction". 3. "Uniform Building Code" chapter 21. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver' handle, and store masonry units by means which will prevent nechanical damage and deterioration due to moisture, ternperature changes, and contarnination by other mareriali.l. Provide protection which will limit moisture absorption of concrete masonry units to fie maJdmnm Percentage specifi€d for Type I units at relative humidity which is nomal for the projcct site. B. Protect cementitious materials from precipitation and absorption of ground moisnre. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTUBAL FMME Constaaion Docutttttx 9.tuly zMI ELMgEMzI.U aB0-1 r.06 I I I t I I I I I I t t t I t I I I I SECTION 01230 REINFORCED CONCNETE MASONRY ANITS C. Store masonry accessories to prevent conosion, dirt accumulation, and other deterioration. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Construction Protection: Cover tops of incomplete masonry elements with waterproof sheet material at end of each work-day and when masonry work is not under way.l. Secure weather protection in place with weights or by use of temporary fastenen.2. Immediately remove mortar, soil, and other such materials from exposed masonry faces to prevent staining.3. Prevent splashing and soiling of masonry near ground level by spreading sheet material to cover soil or masonry faces.4. Protect horizontal masonry elements from mortar droppings. Loading hotection: Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours, or concentat€d Ioads for at least 3 days, after completion of masonry elements. HohWeather Protection: Cover or shade masonry units and mortar materials and use cool water for mortar whenever ambient air temp€rature is 90 degrees F or greater. At air temperatures of 85 degrees F or above, ifrelative humidity is l€ss than 30 percent or wind is in excess of l5 miles per hour, provide protection by immediately covering newly constructed walls, by providing windbreala, or by using fog spray to reduce rate of evaporation. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS Concrete Block: Comply with reference standard for types required, and as follows:l. Size; Standard lighnrreight units with nominal face dimensions of 16 inches long and 8 inches high (15-5/8 by 7-518 actual), with nominal thickness as indicated on drawings for various locations.2. Special shapes: Provide special block types where required for comers, control joints, headers, lintels, and other special conditions, whether or not specifically indicated on the drawings as special.a. Outside corners: Square-edge units exccpt where otherwise indicated.3. Hollow load-bearing units: ASTM C 90, and as follows:a. Type l: Moisture-controlled units.b. Lightweight. c. Exposed faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, except where special fmistr is indicated, as follows:l. Matcb architect's sample for color, pattem, and texture.a. Finish: Standard all locations. l. Standard smooth texture for I by 8 by 16 and 8 by 12 by l6 inch units for all interior locations. 2.02 MORTARANDGROUTMATERIALS Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type l. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144. YAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Construction DocamenE I July 2NI B. c. A. B. c. HLII| 9800711M u2iL2 I T I t I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01230 REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY ANITS D Crout: ASTM C 476; provide consistency required at time of placement to fill completely all spaces indicated to be grouted. L use fine grout in spaces less than 2 inches in least horizontal dimension.2. Use coarse grout in spaces 2 inches or more in least horizontal dimension. 2.05 MISCELLANEOUSMASONRYACCESSORIES A. Prism Testing: Test masonry prisms in accordance with ASTM E 2t47, Method B, for wall types as follows: l All construction. a. Procedure: Prepare two sets of prisms; test one set at 7 days and one set at 28 days.b. Concrete masonry prisms: Fabricate with height+o-thickness ratio ofnot less than 1.33 and not more than 5.0; apply correction factor as specified in ACI 530.I/ASCE 6 if ratio is other than 2.0. B. Flexural Bond Strength: test masonry prisms for flexural bond strength in accordance with ASTM E 5 18, with tooled joins facing downward. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATIONPROCEDURES A. Concrete Masonry Units: Do not wet concrete masonry units prior to laying. B Reinforcement and Anchorage: Before placing metal milsonry accessories, remove loose rust, dirt, and other coatings. C. Masonry Thickness: Build masonry to accommodate the work of other trades, including chases and recesses a; shown or:equired. Provide not less than 8 inches of masonry between jambs of openings, chases, recesses and expansion joints. I . Build single-wythe walls to actual thickness of masonry units. D. Chases and Recesses: Build masonry to accommodate the work of other trades, including chases and recesses as shown or required. Provide not less than 8 inches of rnasonry between jambs of openings and chases and r€c€sses. E. Openings for Access, Equipment and Services: Leave openings in masonry as required for subsequent installation of doors, windows, equipment and services. Make openings in desigrated locations and in exact size required, ifknown; otherwise, leave rough openings in approximate size required and complete masonry work after installation of equipment, matching adjoining masonry.l. All masonry openings shall have reinforced concrete masonry bond beams as shown in detail 1302. sheet S1.3. F. Cutting: Where cutting is required, use power saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges.L Do not use wet cutting techniques with concrete unit masonry. 3.02 CONSTRUCTIONTOLERANCES A. Variation from Plumb: Do not exceed the following constuction tolerances in vertical elements, including surfaces of walls, columns, and arises: 1. ll4 inchin l0feet. 2. 3/8 inch in one story height, or 20 feet, whichever is less, except Ii4 inch for extenral comers, expansion joins, and other highly conspicuous vertical elements. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FMME Construction Docarrgnfi 9 ru$ 2001 HLMgEWTI.IN I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01230 NEINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 3. l/2 inch in 40 feet or more.4. Plus or minus l/4 inch in l0 feet l/2 inch maximum, for vertical alignment of head joints. B. Variation from Level: Do not exceed the following construction tolerances for bedjoints and lines of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves, and other conspicuous horizontal elernents:1. l/4 inch in one bay or in 20 feA maximum.2. l/2 inch in 20 feet or more. C' Variation from Plan Lines: Do not exceed t}le following horizontal construction tolerances for related portions of columns, walls, and partitions. l. ll2 inch in any bay or 20 feet maximum.2. 3/4 inch in 40 feet or more. D. Variation in Cross Section: Do not exceed the following construction tolerances for thickness of walls and other masonry elements:l. Minus l/4 inch.3. Plus 1/2 inch. E. Variation in Mortar Joint Thickness: Do not exceed the following colstruction tolerances for thickness of mortar joints: I . Bed joints: Plus or minus l/8 inch.2. Head joints: Minus l/4 inch, plus 3/8 inch. 3.03 MASONRYCONSTRUCTION.GENERAL A. The basic wall reinforcing is as follows:l. # 6 @ 16" o,c. vertical in solid grouted cells with 9 gage horizontal joint reinforcing at 16" o.c. in exterior walls.2. 2#5 in bond beam @32" o.c. spaced vertical in 8" cmu. Place bars v€rtical in one layer.3. 4-#5 in bond beam @32" o,c. spaced vertical in 12" cmu. Place 2 bars in each face 2518" from the exterior.4. 28 day prism srength shall not be lessthan tS00 psi.5. See sections for additional wall reinforcing. B. Layout Lay out masonry for accurate pattern bond, for uniform joint widths, and for accurate location ofspecific features before beginning actual construction. Avoid use of masonry units of less than % size. Do not us€ units with less than nominal 4 inch horizontal face dimensions at comers and jambs. C. Pattcrn Bond: Lay exposed masonry in pattem bonds indicated on drawings.L Lay all masonry in running bond.2. Interlock wythes at comers and offsets in each course with masonry bond beams. D. Stopping Work: Lay masonry in proper sequence to avoid toothing. Rack walls back in each course at end of each work day. Before resuming, clean exposed surfaces and remove loose masonry units and mortar. E. Built-in Work: As work progresses, build in items indicated for installation in masonry, filling around built-in items solidly with masonry.l. Filljoints between masonry and metil frames solidly with mortar, unless specific conditions are otherwise detailed. 2. At locations where built-in items are to be connected to hollow unit masonry, solidly grout cores to provide adequate anchorage. UAIL UALLEY MEI'ICAL CENTER DEMOLNION AND STNACTUML FMME Con$ruaion Doumenls 9 July 2001 HLMgEM7llM B. c. t T I I t I I t I I I t I I I I t I I sEcnoN 01230 REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY Al{jTS 3. Unless otler conditions are specifically detailed, solidly grout cores for at least 24 inches below bearing plates, lintels, and similar features and conditions. Expansion and Control Joints: Build in movement joints where indicated, installing accessory itcrns as masoffy is consffucted I . Install prefabricated elastic joints in accordance with Division 7 specifications.2. Install non-elastic joint fillers as indicated.3. Do not exceed 24 feet between expansion joints. 3.M LAYING MASONRY UNITS Hollow Masonry Units: Install so that face shells are solidly mortared, horizontally and vertically. Bed webs solidly in mortar at starting course.l. Bed webs solidly in mortar at cores to be grouted. Joints: Make mortar joints visually and dimensiona y consistent. I . Except as othenvise indicated, maintain mortar joint widths of 3/8 inch. Concealed Joints: Cut flush, unless otherwise detailed. Exposed Joints: Using concave jointer slightly larger than joint width, tool exposed joints before mortar has assumed final set. Resetting: Do not pound, tap, or otherwise attempt to adjus masonry units after initial set has occurred. Remove units which require adjusting, clean thoroughly, and reset in fresh mortar. 3.05 JOINT REINFORCEMENT, SINGLE.WYTHE WALLS General: Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcement for specific single-wythe masonry walls indicated. Lap reinforcing a minimum of 6 inches. Vertical Spacing: Not more than 16 inches on center. Continuity: Use prefabricated L-shaped and T-shaped sections at comeni and intersections. Do not span movement joints with reinforcement. 3.06 INSTJLATION lnstall granular insulation for masonry walls as specified in Division 7. 3.07 INSTALLING REINFORCED IJNIT MASONRY Preparation: Clean reinforcement bars ofloose rust; do not use bars which have nrsted excessively or which have bends or kinks not shown on drawings. Placing Reinforcement: Secure rcinforcement accurately at locations indicated and to avoid displacement; minimum spacing between bars or to masonry surfaces shall be bar diam eter y. lrtrch for fme grout % inch for coarse grout. Splicing: Provide lapped splices of minimum size indicated or p€rmitted by governing code at locations shown; other methods or locations must be approved by the architect. YAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STNACTAML FMME Constnacfron Docurrnnt 9 Jaly ZMI E. B. c. D. E. B. c. ELM9EA7T4I ABL6 I I t I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I SECTION U230 RE I N FORCED CON C RETE MAS ONRY ANITS D. Formwork: Constnrct formwork where required for temporary support of reinforcement is required in mortar joints, adjust joinr thickness to provide not less than % inch of mortar between reinforcement and masonry surfaces. E. Mortar Joints: Where reinforcement other than prefabricated joint reinforcement is required in mortar joints, adjustjoint thickness to provide not less than % inch of mortar between reinforcement and masonry surfaces. F. Reinforced Hollow Unit Masonry: Maintain vertical continuity of core or cell cavities to be grouted. Keep cavities clear of mortar, including bed area of first course, to provide minimum clear dimension indicated, to provide minimum clearance and grout coverage for vertical reinforcement bars, and to provide direct grout contact with supporting surfaces.l. At bond beams or other horizontally reinforced masonry, provide special masonry units or saw units to accommodate reinforcement.2. Contractor option: Fill all cores with gout in lieu of closing core spaces below bond beams and providing mortar bedding of masonry cross webs. 3,08 GROUTING A. Grouting Standard: Grout reinforced masonry in accordance with requirements of ACI 530.I/ASCE 6. l. Do not pour grout until mortar has cured sulliciently to withstand grout pressure:2. Use grouting techniques that comply with chapter 2l of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Provide clean-outs at all grout locations. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Compression Tests: Test masonry prisrns for each wall type indicated, conducting sampling and testing in accordance with ASTM E 447, Method B, and as follows: | . Prepare one set of prisms for testing at 7 days and one set at 28 days. Testing at 28 days will not be required if 7-day tests indicate that 28-day strength will be equal to or greater than required minimum ultimate compressive strength.2' Concrete unit masonry prisms: Match preconstruction prisms in height-to-thickness ratio.3. Prepare and Gst prisms for each 5,000 square feet of masonry installed. B. Flexural Bond Strength: Test masonry prisms for flexural bond strength in accordance with ASTM E 518, with tooled joints facing downward, and as follows:l. Conduct test for each 5,000 square fcet of masonry installed.2. Acceptable results shall be not less than the following:a. 50 psi. C. Report test results in writing, and in the form specified under applicable test method, to both the architect and the contractor not later than the day after the test is conducted. 3.IO REPAIRINC MASONRY A. Replacement Carefully remove areas of damaged masonry and replace with matching, undamaged units using mortar which matches original work.B. Pointing: As joints are being tooled, remove mortar with visible holes or mortar which cannot be compacted properly because ofhidden voids, and replace with fresh mortar, filling each joint completely and tooling to match adjacent work. 3.II CLEANING AND PROTECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FMT.IE Constnction lrocarrstE 9 JuIy 2lMI HLM9EM7I4|aBbT I sEcrloNu12nr RErNFoRCEDcoNcRETEtuIAsoNRyuNrrsr I A. Clean masonry after mortar is thoroughly set and cured.l. Scrape off adhered mortar particles by hand, using non-metallic tools. I 2. Test cleaning methods on half of sample panel, leaving other half in original state.| " r"Tis;iffiil:iff;T,T'*iffi*#i'""ff:ff#ilf,Hsi#m'dHl;,ry immediately after cleaning. I 5. Use bucket and brush hand-cleaning method described in BIA Technical Notes No. 20 I Revised for brick masonry, except use detergent mixture only.6. Comply with directions of concrete unit masonry manufacturer and NCMA Tek Bulletin No. I 45 for cleaning CMU. I B. Protection: Institute protective measures as required to ensure that unit masonry wor* will be clean and undamaged at substantial completion.I I t I I I I t I I I END OF SECTION 04230 I HLM,EIMN-A VAILVALLEYMEDICALCENTERr rrEMoLITIoNANDsrRacraRAL FMME Consfi uctlon l)ocatncn8 lt 9 July 2lMI I Iir u23tL6 r SECTIONO'I2O STNACTANALSTEEL I SECTION05I20-STRUCTURALSTEEL I PARTI -6ENERAL I.O RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of ContracL including Specification Sections, appty to this Section.I I.OI DESCRIPTIONII A. Work Included: This Section includes fabrication and erection of structural steel work, as shown on drawings including schedules, notes and derails showing size and location of members, typical connections, and types of steel required. f l. Structural steel is that work defined in American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) "Code of _ Standard Practice" and as otherwise shown on drawings. I I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Reference Standards: Comply with provisions of following, except where more strigent requirements are I showr or specified: I I. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)"Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.', -I 'ut, l":;:::"::J"#::J,J:i:::::;#:::,"- ;tr 4. American Welding Society (AWS) Dl.l "Srudural Welding Code - Steel." I 5. ASTM A 6 "General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use." I} I B. Qualifications for Welding Work: Qualiff welding procedures and wetding operators in accordance with AWS "Qualifi cation' requirements.I I l. hovide certification that welders to be employed in work have satisfactorily passed AWS qualification tests. I 2. lf re-certification of weldcrs is required, rc-fesdng will be Confactofs responsibility. I.O3 SUBMITTALS t A, General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division I Specification S*tions. -.i I- ELMgsNTr4t UAILYALLEYMEITIoALoENTER ^sr2ulI DEMOLITIONANDSTkACTUMLFMIIEI Construdon Docwunar gJatv2MI I -,r I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I SECTIONOSI2O yTRACTARALSTEELB. Product data: Submit manufacturet's specifications and installation instructions for following products. Include laboratory test reports and other data to sbow compliance with specifications (inchJing specified standards). l. Structural steel (each type), including certified copies of mill reports covering chemical and physical properties. 2. High-strength bolts (each type), including nuts and washers. 3. Structural steel primer paint. 4. Non-shrink gout. C. Shop- drawings: Including complete details and schedules for fabrication and assembly of struchlal steel members, procedures, and diagrams. l. Include details of cuts, connections, camber, holes, and other pertinent data. Indicatc welds by standard AWS symbols and show size, length, and type of each weld. 2' Show all field connections (bolted and welded) on shop drawings. Details shail be shown in such a manner that all connections necessary for a complete assembly are on the shop drawings so that no reference back to the sbucnral drawings is required. 3. Use of the structural drawings as part of the shop drawings is prohibited. All drawings will be independent of the structural drawings. 4. Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other anchorages to be installed as work of other sections. I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. General: Deliver materials to site at such intervals to ensure unintemrpted progrcss of work. B. Storage: Store materials to permit easy access for inspection and identification. Keep steel members off ground by using pallets, platformg or other supports. Pnotect steel members and paciaged materials fiom erosion and deterioration. lf bolts and nuts become dry or rusty, clean and re-lubricate before use. I' Do not store materials on structure in a manner that might cause distortion or damage to members or supporting structur€s. Repair or replace danaged materials or stuctures as directed. PART2. PRODUCTS 2,OI MATERJALS A' Metal Surfaces, General: For fabrication of work that will be exposed to view, use only matcrials that are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, rust and scale seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, and roughness. Remove such blemishes by grinding, or by welding and grinding, prior to cleaning, treating, and applying surface fmishes. VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I'EMOLITION AND STNACTUNAL FRAME Cowtrudion Docunu ta 9 July 2NI ELM9TMTT4M 05120-2 T t I sEcTroN 05120 STRACTARAL STEEL B. Strnctural Steel: ASTM 4992, Gr. 50. C. Angles, plates: ASTM A,36. D. All Threaded Rods (Anchor Bolts): ASTM A 449-105. E. Structural Tubing, Cold Formed: ASTM A 500; Grade B, ff = 46 ksi. F. Seamless Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53; Grade B, fr = 36 ksi. G. High-Strength Threaded Fasteners: Heavy hexagon structural bols, heavy hexagon nuts, and hardened washers, as follows: l. Quenched and tempered medium-carbon steel bolts, nuts, and washers, complying with ASTM A 325. H. Electrodes for Welding: Comply with AWS Code. A. Shop Fabrication and Assembly: Fabricate and assemble Struchral assernblies in shop to greatest extent possible. Fabricate items of structural steel in accordance with AISC Specifications and as indicated on final shop drawings. Provide camber in stnirctural members where indicated. l. Properly mark and march-mark materials for field assembly. Fabricate for delivery sequ€,nce that will expedite erection and minimize field handling of materials. 2. Where finishing is required, complete assembly, including welding of units, before start of finishing operations. Provide finish surfaces of members exposed in final shuchre free of markings, burrs, and other defects. B. Connectiolrs: Weld or bolt shop connections, as indicated. C. Field connections: Bolted, except where welded connections or other connections are indicated. l. hovide high-strength threaded fasteners for all bolted connections. D. High-Strength Bolted Construction: Install high-srength threaded fasteners in accordance with AISC Specifications for "Sfiuctural Joints using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts". l. All bolts are A 325-N, unless noted Type "SC". t I I I t I t l t I. Structural Steel himer Paint: SSPC - Paint l; Code compliant. J. Non-shrink, Non-Metallic Grout: Comply with CRD-C-621 and ASTM C-1090. Grout shall develop nor I . less than 9000 psi compressive strength in 28 days. r 2.02 FABRICATIoN I I t t I I VAIL VALLEY MEI'IA'L CEITTER DEMOLINON AND STNACTUNAL FMME ConsrrucTion Document 9 JuIy 2lN1 HI],T98M7141 -,Ir SECNONOSI2O STNACTURALSTEEL I 2. homptly notifu Architect whenever design of members and connections for any portion of snucture I are not clearly indicated. r PART3-EXECUTION r 3.or ERECTIoNS I A. Surveys: Employ a licensed land surveyor for accurate erection of structural steel. Check elevations ofI concrete bearing surfaces, and locations of anchor bolts and similar devices, before erection work proceeds, and report discrepancies to Architect. Do not proceed with erection until corrections have been made or until compensating adjusfnents to structural steel work have been agreed upon with Architect.l B. Temporary Shoring and Bracing: Provide temporary shoring and bracing members with connections of I sufficient strength to bear imposed loads. Remove temporary members and connections when permanent I members are in place and final connections are made. Provide temporary guy lines to achieve proper alignment of structures as erection proceeds. 1 C. Field Asse.mbly: Set structural frames accuratell,to lines and elevations indicated. Align and adjust various I members forming part of complete llame or stnrcfure before permanently fastening. Clean bearing surfaces and other surfaces ttrat will be in permanent contact before assembly. Perform neressary I adjustments to compensate for discrepancies in elevations and alignment. '! D. Tolerances: Level and plumb individual members of structure within specified AISC tolerances. t E. Erection Bolts: On exposed welded construction, remove erection bolts, fill holes with plug welds, andI grind smooth at exposed surfaces. I l. Comply with AISC Specifications for bearing, adequacy of temporary connections, alignment, I and removal ofpaint on surfaces adjacent to field welds.2. Do not enlarge unfair holes in mernbers by burning or by using drift pins, except inah secondary bracing members. Ream holes that must be enlarged to admit bolts.II F- Gas Cutting: Do not use gas cutting torches in field for correcting fabrication errors in primaryI :H'ffil"HLxflJ'l"xli'#::fl:1"*:y,:l::T:i*T:ffiffJ"ffiftT'*"'r . Grouting: Provide not less than I inch of specified grout under all bearing and base plates. I H. Touch-Up Painting: Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint. Apply paint to exposed areas using same material as used for shop painting. Ir ). 3i.'J#*:f:;1fifiIi"?il"m;*3",i'5**,'"'"::l'osllo",.*"sorshoppaint on structural steel is requi€d and shall be included in the General Contractors contract. r 3.o2 QUALITY CONTROL TESTTNG DURTNG CONSTRUCTTON r A- The Owner will employ a testing laboratory to perform tests and to submit rcst reports. I HLM 98W7T1Y UATL YALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 05120-5 DEMOIJTION AND STRACTUML FMME I Construction Docurrantsa gJuIy2NI I I t I I SECTION O5I2O ^'TRACTARAL |TEEL B. Provide access to testing and inspection agency so that the following testing and inspection can be safely accomplished: l. Field-bolted connections: Comply with testing and verification procedures in AISC "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts." 2. Field-welded connections: lnspect and test field-fabricated welds as follows: a. Visually inspect all field welds. b. Inspect 20 percent of full penetration welds using one of the following methods: l. Ultrasonic Testing (ASTM E 164). 2. Liquid Penetrant Inspection (ASTM E 165). c. Inspect 20 percent ofthe fillet welds, using test method as follows: l. Liquid Penerant Inspection (ASTM E 165). END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICALCENTER 05120.6 DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Congruaioa DocatmlB 9 Jah 2MI I t I I I I t I I t I I I I HLM98M711Y I I I SECTION 0s312 I sEcrIoNos3r2-sTEELDECKTNG 3 PARTI-GENERAL I I.O RELATEDDOCUMENTS STEEL DECNING I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental Conditions and Division | - Specifications sections. I l.or DEscRrPTroN -,A. Work lncluded: I l. Standard roofdeck 2. Standard floor deck , 3. Girder Fillers (Split panels).r i l:ffi','f;:*T,ilJ:- 6. Miscellaneous accessories. t 1.02 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Reference Standards: Comply with requirements of the fotlowing, except wherc exceeded by the contract t documents or requirements ofgoverning authorities: l. AISI "Specification for the Design of Cotd-Formed Steel Stuctural Members". a 2. ANSI/AWS Dl.3 "Structural Welding Code--Sheet Steel',. I 3. "Steel Deck Institute Design Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks, Roof Decks, and Cellular f Metal Floor Deck with Electrical Distribution.,' I B. Qualifications for welding work: eualifli welding processes and welding operators according to I procedures specified in ANSVAWS Dl.l. C- Testing: Welded decking in place is subject to inspection and rcsting by an independent agency paid by the I ffiE If testing indicates that welds do not comply with requirements, remove defective work andf replace at no additional expense to the Owner. I D. Fire-Rated Roof Assemblies: Provide deck units complying with requirements of Undcrwriters I Laboratories' "Fire Resistance Directory", for use in rated assemblies indicated. 1.03 SUMBITTALS -,t A. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division I Specification I Sections. r I I I YAIL UALLEY MMICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTARAL FMTilE Consfiuction Document 9 Jult 2001 HLM9ENTI4Y 0531Lr I t I I t I I I I SECTION 05312 STEEL DECKING A. General: Provide deck complying with SDI specifications for properties indicated. B. Standard Floor/Roof Deck Unit: Comply with rhe following: l. Profile rype: Type t.s'-"VL',. 2. Material: a. Minimum yield strength: 33,000 psi. b. Minimum metal thickness: .0358 inch. 3. Spanning configuration: Three span minimum. 4. Side Laps: Overlapping. 5. Finish: Galvanized. C. Ivlecha41gql 9creen @|Qgg! Ud!: Comply with the following: l. Profile type: Type 3"-"N". 2. Material: a. Minimum yield strength: 33,000 psi. b. Minimum metal thickness: .0474 inch. 3. Spanning configuration: Three span minimum. 4. Side Laps: Overlapping. 5. Finish: Calvanized. D. Detailing: Provide deck that is at least three spans and splices at supports. All deck to terminate at the diaphragm boundaries with a deck valley. Detail and provide girder fillers (split panels) when deck layout with standard width sheets does not terminate with a valley. Detail rhe composite decking so that girder fillers are provided at all girder locations so that the maximum flange width is available for the placement of welded anchor studs. f PART3 -ExEcurroN I 3.01 INSTALLATIoN t A. General: Install deck units and accessories in compliance with Steel Deck Institute specifications, I I t I manufacture/s recommendations, and requirements ofthis specification section. Fasten deck urits to supports prompfly after placement and alignment Do not leave placed sheets unattached at end of working day. B. Shop drawings: Comply with final shop drawings. C. Steel bearing: Allow minimum bearing of 2 inches at steel supports; align and level deck units. D. Placement: Place deck units flat and square, without excessive warp or deflection. E. End Laps: Lap ends ofdeck units over supports and make laps not less than 2 inches. F. Precautjq4q: Coordinate localion of decking bundles to prevent overloading ofsructure. I G' @*: HLM9TMTI4Y I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTAML FMME Construetion Docurnerrb I Jub 2MI t I 0s312.3 I SECTION 05312 STEEL DECKING I I ' Fasten roof deck units to steel supporting members as follows: Comply with details sheet S1.1. I 2. Ifl:" o""t o"tking units to steel supporting members as follows: Comply with details sheet H. Openings: t I ' Cut deck units and accessories to fit snugly around other work penetrating decks. I 2. fi;:.r",tft *" cut one deck venical rib, provide reinforcement as shown in details Sheets St.l., I 3. Install other metal accessories as indicated. t E. Touch-up Painting: After installation ofdeck units and accessories, wire-brush bumed and abraded areas | :t * 'jil;.,::to,.oJr';:*"aint to au surraces, compry wirh manuracrurer,s instructions. It ENDoFsEcrIoN I I I I I I I : ELMgEMzI-u uArL yALLEy MEDIoALaENTER 0sil24I ***':mx:;mF** 9 July 2001 I I I SECTION O51OO COLD FORMED METAL FRAMINGI SECTTON 05400 _ COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING I PART I - GENERAL I 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:I I L Stud framing of exterior walls to resist wind load. ll 2. Accessories such as clips, stiffeners, bridging, bracing, and fasteners. I B. Related Sections: a 1. Metal fabrications: Elsewhere in Division 5. , 2. Wood blocking: Division 6. I 3. Thermal insulation: Division ?. 4. lnterior non-load-bearing metal fiaming: t Division 9. a 5. Ceiling suspension systems: Division 9. I 6. Sheathing: Division Z. I t.02 REFERENCES: Comply with the most stringent requirements of the following: J I A. ANSI/AWS Dl.3-89 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel; American Welding Sociefy; 1989. - B. ASTM A 90-81 (91) - Standard Test Metbod for Weight of Coating on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Articles; l98l (Reapproved l99l).r _ C. ASTM A 446/A 446M-91 -- Standard Specification for Steelsheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by &e Hot- Dip hocess,Structural (Physical) Quality; t991.a D. ASTM A 570/A 570M-91 -- Standard Specification for Steel,sheer and Strip, Carbon, HoFRolled, X Structural euality;1991. r E. ASTM A 6l l-91 -- Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet,Carbon, Cold-Rotled, Structural Quality; 1991. I F. ASTM C 7g-gl -Standard Specification for Gypsum Sheathing Board; 1991.a G. ASTM C 954-86 - Standard Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Board or MetalPlaster Bases to Steel Studs fiom 0.033 In. (0.84 mm) to0.l 12 In. (2.84 mm) in Thickness; 1986. I HLM98M71.O1 UAILVALLEYMEDIAILCENTER O51OL1 I DEMOLITIONANDSTRUCTURALFRAME Consfiuctlon Docunnn8I gJuty2ool I I I I I SECTION O54OO COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING H. ASTM C 1007-83 (90) - Standard Specification for Installation ofload Bearing (Transverse and Axial) Steel Studs and Related Accessories; t983 (Reapproved 1990). 1. FS TT-P-6458 - Primer, Paint, Zinc-Molybdate Alkyd Type;1990. ],03 SIJBMITTALS f A. product data. I l.o4 euAlrry AssuRANcE I B. ShopiErection Drawings: Show in elevation type, weight,location, and spacing of members. Clearly identifr attachments and connections using AWS symbols for welds, standard designations for fasteners. Show bracing, supplemental strapping, clips, and other accessories required. A. Welding: Quali| welding procedures and each welder in accordance with American Welding Society (AWS) Dl.3, "Structural Welding Code - Sheer Stee 1.,' B. Framing Members Installed As Part of Fire-Resistance Rated Assemblies: Provide framinq members approved by goveming authorities. t- I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING I A. Deliver, store, and handle products in a manner to prevent damage and deterioration, including rust.I B. Store materials above the ground in a dry area, in manufacturer's original packaging. Keep labels showing r product type, name, and grade intact. J PART2 -PRODUCTS t 2.01 MANUFACruRERS A. Provide products complying with requirements of the contract documents and made by one of the I following: _ l. Unimast, Inc. (formerly a part of USG). 11 2. Steel Benden, Inc. 1 3. Knorr Co. I 4. Roll form produc.ts, Inc. I 5. U.s. Steel corp.r 6. Western Lath Co. - HLM gEu7l-a vAIL vALLEy MEDICALoENTER 0s100-2 DEMOLMON AND STRACTARAL FMMEt ,"**;ffi T I t I SECTION 05100 COLD FONMED METAL FRAMING 7 . Wheeling Comrgating Co. 8. Dietrich lndustries, Inc. I 2.02 coLD F'RMED METAL FRAMTNG t t A. Fabricate metal framing units from ASTM A 446, A 570, or A 6l I steel sheet. l. Yield strength: Manufacturer's standard for metal thickness used, but not less than 50,000 psi. 2. Finish: Manufacturer's standard rust-inhibitive primer or galvanized (zinc-coated) G60 finish. 3. C-Shaped Studs: Provide load-bearing rated studs fabricated fiom steel and sized as shown in derail 1300 sheet S1.3. B. Track: Provide Manufacturer's standard section with size and gage to match studs. Track shall have a minimum 1-ll2 trlrch vertical legs. C. Framing Accessories: Fabricate from minimum 14 gage steel sheet of the type and furish used for framing mernbers. Provide manufacturer's standard configuration for the following accessory items: 1. Track channel. 2. Cold-rolled channels, l-ll2 inch depth. 3. Vertical slide track. 4. Clip angles. 4. Flat strapping. 6. Web stiffeners. 7. Vertical slide clips 8. Web stiffeners. 9. Weld plates. 10. Bridging clips. I I I I t I I I z.o3 ACcESSoRy MATERTAL' I A. Welding Materials: Conform to requirements of AWS Code. B. Fasteners: HLM 98OO7I.A YAIL VALLEY MEDIOIL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTANAL FRAME Cons ucTton lrocarrrena 9 JulY 2MII t I 0s10&3 I - SECTION OjJOO COLD FORMED METAL FMMINGl. Threaded fasteners: ASTM A 90, hot-dip galvanized.T . Anchorage devices: Hot-dip galvanized steel or stainless steel. Acceptable types inctude: I a. powder actuated fasteners. I b. power_driven anchor screws. I c. Drilled expansion bolts. I C. Tough-up paint: FS TT--645, zinc-molybdare alkyd. I r 2.04 CURTAIN WALL PANEL FABRICATION t- A. Prefabrication of fiaming assemblies before installation is acceptable. Comply with applicable requirements specified under "Curtain Wall Framing" in Part 3 of this section for arrangcment of I components. -.r B. During fabrication, maintain correct alignment of framing members using jig templates. t C. Provide panels with framing members square, plumb, and accurately aligned. Brace against racking. Prevent deformation of prefabricated assemblies during handling. -I D- Fastening: join components by welding and by using screws or bolts only when and wherr indicated.I - I . Wire tying of framing elements is prohibited. If E. Install insulation to fill stud spaces which will be inaccessible after erection. - F. Clean welds, rernoving spatter and slag, and apply one or more coats of touch-up paint. I PART 3 - EXECUTTON I 3.ol E*AMTNATToNr A. Inspection: Veri$ that project conditions and substrates are appropriate to begin installation of cold formed metal frarning systems. -l. Veriff that ins€rts, clips, and similar attachment devices installed as work of other secrions are located and installed properly. r i.o2 TNSTALLATIoN - GENERAL I A. Comply with requirements of ASTM C 100? except where exceeded by other requir€ments.t B. Install cold formed metal framing compon€nts in accordance with approved shop/erection drawings and I manufacturer's insfudions. I HLMqEMTI-a qAILVALLErMEDIoAL1ENTER uilMJ DEMOLITION AND STRACTANAL FMME. '"**;K#r I \l Ir SECTION O51OO coLD FhRMED METAL FRAMING t C. Install framing accessories such as web stiffeners, diagonal bracing, and bridging as indicated or required. I D. Install insulation to fill spaces at exterior which will be inaccessible after framing is erected. t 3.03 cr.rRTAIN *ALL 'ANEL TNSTALLATT.N I A. Align and secure panels to building structure in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations forI substrate and fastener type used. I 3.M CURTAINWALLFRAMING I A. Place studs at 16 inches on center unless indicated otherwise. I B. Construct corners using minimum of 3 studs.! C. Splicing of studs not permitted. Studs to be considered full height unless a sptice is approved by the engmeer. I D. Make provisions for movement of building strucftre to pr€vent transfer of structural load or movement to curtain wall framing system. 4' E. Control and Expansion Joinrs: hovide discontinuous framing at joint using independent snrds and separate I runner track on either side ofjoint. Bridging the joint with system components or accessories is prohibited. I 3.05 ToLERANcES I A. Maximum Variance from True position: l/4 inch. t B. Maximum Offset of Any Member from plane: l/g inch.C. Maximum Ofrset baween prrefabricated panels: l/g inch. r ENDOF SECTTON I I t I I Errnn*n-u t I VAIL UALLEY MEDIC/'L CENTER DEMOIJTION AND STRACN]RAL FNAME Consnubn Docunwrt I Jult 2001 \t 0s1tNL5 t sEcrIoN 07141 coLD FLTIID AppuED wATERpRooFrNc r SECTIONOTI4I -COLDFLUID-APPLIEDWATERPROOFING t PARTI-GENERAL I 1.1 RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A' T"ryilgt and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemenrary t conditions and Division l specification sections, apply to rhis section. I r.z SuMMARYr A. This Section includes the following: I l. Single-component, polymer-modified fluid applied asphalt waterproofing nrembrane. r B. Related Sections include the following: T I l. Division 3 Section "Cast in place Concrete,, I r.3 PERFORMANCEREQTIREMENTS t A. Provide waterproofing membrane that prcvents the passage of water. I r.4 ST.JBMTTTALS I A. Product Data: Include manufacturer's written instnrctions for evaluating, preparing, and treating I substrate, technical data, and tested physical and performance properties ofwaterproofing. - B. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturers certiflng that installers comply withI rcquirenrents.I C. ProductTest_Reports: From a qualified independent testing agency indicating and interpreting I test results of waterproofing for compliance with requirements, based on comfrehensive testingt of current waterproofing formulations. r 1.5 QUALTTYASSURANCE 11 A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who is an authorized waterproofing rnanufacturer I to install manufacturert products. B. Source Limitations: Obtain waterproofing materials through one source from a single I manufacturer.r HLMqEMTI-M vATLvALIErMEDInALzENTER 07141-I DEMOUNON AND STRACTUML FRAME I Constuction Docuntents 9 July 2MI r B. c. D. B. 1.6 1.7 I I t I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I SECTION 07I4T COI.D FLUID APPUED WATERPROOFING l. Mockups: Apply waterproofing to 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m) of wall to demonstrate surface prePa.ration, crack and joint treatment, comer treatment, thickness, texture, and execution qualitY. C. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division I Section "Project Management and Coordination." Review requirements for waterproofing, including surface preparation specified under other Sections, substrate condition and Pretreatment, minimum curing period, forecasted weather conditions, special details and sheet flashings, installation procedures, testing and inspection procedures, and protection and repairs. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver liquid materials to hoject site in original containers with seals unbroken, labeled with manufacturer's name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, shelf life, and directions for storing and mixing with other components. Store liquid materials in their original undamaged containers in a clean, dry, protected location and within the temperature range required by waterproofing manufacturer. Remove and replace liquid materials that cannot be applied within their starcd shelf life. Protect stored materials from direct sunlight. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Apply waterproofing within the range of ambient and substrate temperatures recommended by waterproofing manufacturer. Do not apply waterproofing to a damp or wet substrate when temperatures are less than 20 deg F. l. Do not apply waterproofing in conditions not recommended by manufacturer. Maintain adequate ventilation during application and curing of waterproofing materials. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Special Manufacturer's Warranty: Wriuen warranty, signed by waterproofing manufacturer and Installer agreeing to repair or replace waterproofing that does not comply with requirements or that does not remain watertight within specified warranty period. l. Warranty does not include failure of waterproofing due to failure of substrate prepared and treated according to requirements or formation of new joints and cracks in substrate that exceed l/16 inch (1.6 mm) in width.2. Warranty Period: One year after darc of SubsAntial Completion. PART2-PRODUCTS HLM98M71.U VAILUALLEYMMICALCENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Construction Docume nts 9IuIl 2NI 07141-2 I SECTIONOTI4L COI.D FLI]IDAPPUEDWATERPROOFING I zt MANuFAcTuRERSt A. hoducts: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following products: I 1- Single4omponent, polymer-modified Asphalt rly'aterproofing: a. Koch Materials Company, TUFF-N-DRI Exterior Foundation Waterproofing I System. b. Architect Approved Equal. I' 2.2 WATERPROOFINGMATERIALS I A. General: Provide waterproofing materials recommended by manufacturer to be compatible withI' one another and able to develop bond to subsrate under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by waterproofing manufacturer based on testing and field experience. I 1. Produce waterproofing materials suitable for application to vertical, trorizontal, and I z. iiTl.'l,ti[ff];?i,,1tll?*iis with not ress than e0 percenr sorids.t 3. Two-component, unmodified latex-rubberwaterproofing. rL I 2.3 AIDilLIARYMATERIALS r A. Primer: Manufacturer's standard, factory-formulated polyrrethane or epoxy primer. f B. Sheet Flashing: Manufacturer's recommended contact adhesive. I C' Reinforcing Strip: Manufacturer's recommended fiberglass mesh or polyester fabric,!D' Joint Sealant: Multicomponent polyurethane sealant, compatible with waterproofing, I complying with ASTM C 920 Type M, Class 25; Grade NS for sloping and vertical applications f or-Grade P for deck applications; Use NI exposur€; and as recommended by manufacturer for substrate and joint conditions. I E' Protection Course: As recommended by manufacture and as indicated in Division 2 and 7 of Specification. I PART3-HGCUTION - t 3.1 HGMTNATTON I A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with I requirements and other conditions affecting performance. I 3.2 ST.JMACEPREPARATTON HLM 98M71.U VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 07141.3 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTITRALFRAME t ConstuctionDocwnenh 9 Jult 2NI tr 3.3 I I I SECTION 07141 COID F LA ID APPLI ED WATBRPROO F I NG Clean and prepare substrate according to manufacturer's written recommendations. Provide clean, dust-free, and dry substrate for waterproofing application. PREPARATION AT TERMINATIONS AND PENETRATIONS Prepare vertical and horizontal surfaces at terminations and penetrations through waterproofing and at expansion joints, drains, and sleeves according to ASTM C 898 and manufacturer's written instructions. Prime substrate, unless otherwise instructed by waterproofing manufacturer. Apply a double thickness of waterproofing and embed ajoint reinforcing strip in preparation coat when recommended by waterproofing manufacturer. l. Provide sealant cants around penetrations and at inside corners of deck-to-wall butt joints when recommended by waterproofing manufacturer. JOINT AND CRACK TREATMENT hepare, treat, rout, and fill joints and cracks in substrate according to ASTM C 898 and waterproofing manufacturer's written instructions. Remove dust and dirt from joints and cracks complying with ASTM D 4258 before coating surfaces. 1. Comply with ASTM C I 193 for joint-sealant installation.2. Apply bond breaker between sealant and preparation strip.3' Prime substrate and apply a single thickness of preparation strip extending a minimum of 3 inches (75 mm) along each side of joint. Apply a double thickness of waterproofing and embed a joint reinforcing strip in preparation coat. Install sheet flashing and bond to deck and wall substrates where indicated or required according to waterproofrng manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Extend sheet flashings onto perpendicular surfaces and other work penetrating substrate according to ASTM C 898. WATERPROOFING APPLICATION Apply waterproofing according to ASTM C 898 and manufacturer's written instnrctions. start installing waterproofing in presence of manufacturer's technical representative. Apply primer over prepared substrate. Mix materials and apply waterproofing by spray, roller, notched squeegee, trowel, or other application method suitable to slope of substrate. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEM O U TI ON AND STRU CTA RAL FRAME Construction DocumcnB 9 Jttly 2MI I t I I I I I I B. c. 3.4 B. A. B. c. D. 3.5 I I I I I I I I HLMgSOUT.M 071414 l. 2. 3. B. c. 3.7 I I t t I I I I I I I t I t I I I t I SECTION 07141 END OFSECTION 07141 COLD F LA ID APPU ED WATERPROOF I NG 3.6 mLD QUALITY CONTROL A. Flood Testing: Flood test each deck area for leaks, according to recommendations in ASTM D 5957, after completing waterproofing but before overlying construction is placed. Install temporary containment assemblies, plug or dam drains, and flood with potable water. Flood to-an average depth of 2-ll2 inches (65 mm) with a minimum depth of I inch (25 mm) and not exceeding a depth of 4 inches (100 mm). Maintain 2 inches (50 mm) of clearance from top of sheet flashings. Flood each area for ?2 hours. After floo_d t"jthgr repair leaks, repeat flood tests, and make further repairs until waterproofing installation is watertight. CURING, PROTEqTING, AND CLEANING Cure waterproofing according to manufacturer's written recommendations, taking care to p(event contamination and damage during application stages and curing. Pmtect waterproofing from damage and wear during remainder of constuction period. Clean spillage- and soiling from adjacent construction using cleaning agents and procedures recommended by manufacturer of affected construction. VNL UALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOLINON AND STRACTARAL FMME Constuction Doum,cnE. grtIy2MI HLM98m7L04 07141-5 1.1 t.2 I I I I I I I SECTION O72IO BUILDING INSALATION SECTION 072 10 . BTJILDING INSULATION PART 1-GENERAL RELATED DOCI]MENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SIJMMARY A. This Section includes the following: l. Foundation wall insulation (supporting bacldll).2. Concealed building insulation.3. Vapor rctarders. B. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-place Concrete". 1.3 SI'BMTrALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated, including product test reports performed by a qualified independent testing agency complying with requirenrents. QUALITY ASSLIRANCE Source Limitarions: Obtain each type of building insulation through one source. Firc-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide insulation and related materials with the fire-test- resPonse characteristics indicated, as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated below by IJL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities baving jurisdiction. Identify rnaterials with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. l. Surface-Buming Characteristics: ASTM E 84.2. Fire-Resistance Ratings: ASTM E 119.3. Combustion Characteristics: ASTM E 136. 1.5 DELIVERY,STORAGE,ANDHANDLING UAI L VAILEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STTUCN]RAL FRAME Constraction Docaments 9 JuIt zMI I I I I A. B. 1.4I I I I I t I I HLM 98MN.A 07210-t I SECTION 07210 BT]IIDING INSIJIATION I A. Protect insulation materials from physical damage and from deterioration by moisture, soiling,r and other sources. Store inside and in a dry location. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, and protecting during insta[ation. I PART2 -PRODUCTS I 2.1 MANTJFACTURERS t A' Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the rouowng: I 1. Extmded-polystyrene Board lnsulation:r r i 3i:":8ffi:ff"mpanv c. ApprovedEqual. ;; 2. Vapor Retarder under Concrete Slab on Grade: I a. Fortifiberr :. 1f.3"f,**, I I 2.2 INsTJLATINcMATERIALs I A. General: Provide insulating materials that comply with requirements and with referencedI standards.r l. Preformed Units: Sizes to fit applications indicated; selected from manufacturer's I standard thicknesses, widths, and lengths. I B. Extruded-Polystyrene Board Insulation: ASTM C 578, of type and density indicated below, with rnaximum flame-spread and smoke{eveloped indices of 75 and 450, respectively: r l. Owens Coming Foamular 250, square edge. R-value 17.5 I 2.3 VAPORRETARDERS I A. Products: Subject to compliance with rcquirernents IJL Class A fire rating, provide one of the I following: I l. Vapor Retarder under Concrete Slab on Grade: HI.Iil 9EM7T.O4 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 07210.2 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARLLFRAME t CowttactionDocurnents 9 July zlNI r I s*crroNoT2ro I I ?#LHy;;:gerus BAILDING INSULATION I c. Architect approved equal. B. Vapor-Retarder Tape: hessure-sensitive tape of type recommended by vapor-retarder I manufacturerfor se;lingjoints and penetrationsin vapor-retarder.I I 2,4 ATIXILIARYINSULATINGMATERIALS I A' Adhesive for Bonding Insulation: Product with demonstrated capability to bond inzulation I secwely to substrates indicated without damaging insulation and zubstrates. Product to be as t recommended by insulatation board manufacturcr. I B. Protection Board: Premolded, semirigid asphalt/fiber composition board, l/4 inch thick, formed I under heat and pressure, of standard sizes. I 2.s TNSULATToNATTAcHMENT J A. Extruded Polystyrene Insulation Board: I 1. Adhesively Attached per manufacturers recomrnendations I B. Vapor Retarder under Concrete Slab on GradeI ^ *-Hffiru*TJ,ff:ffi"3"X",il'##il1";'$:HJ:;ft'H"F; manufacturers recomnpndations. ! PART3.HGCUTION I, I 3.I EXAMINATION I A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for' Sections in which zubstrates and related work are specified and other conditions affecting I Performance. I B, Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. I 3.2 PREPARATION I A. Clean substrarcs of substances harmful to insulations or vapor retarders, including removing f projections capable of puncturing vapor retarders or of interfering with insulation attachment. I 3.3 TNSTALLATTON, GEMRAL NLil[98M71.U VNLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER ONIO.3 I DEMOUTIONANDSTRACTARALFMME I CowbttctionDocamenF 9lab 2Mt r B. D. B. B. c. 3.4 3.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 07210 Comply with insulation manufacturer's written instmctions applicable to products and application indicated. Install insulation tbat is undamaged, dry, and unsoiled and that has not been left exposed at any time to ice and snow. Extend insulation in thickness indicated to envelop entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections that interfere with placement; Water-Piping and Electrical Devise Coordination: If water piping is located on inside of insulated exterior walls, coordinate location of piping to ensure that it is placed on warm side of insulation and insulation encapsulates piping. Fully krsulate around all devices within wall cavity. Apply single layer of insulation to produce thickness indicated, unless multiple layers are otherwise shown or required to make up total thickness. INSTALLATION OF PERMETER INST'LATION On vertical surfaces, set units in adhesive applied according to manufacturert written instructions. Use adhesive recommended by insulation manufacturer. l. If not indicated, extend insulation a minimum of 48 inches below exterior grade line. Protect below-grade insulation on vertical sudaces from damage during backfilling by applying Protection board. Set in adhesive according to insulation manufacturer's written instructions. Protect top surface of horizontal insulation from damage during concrete work by applyrng Protection board. INSTALLATION OF VAPOR RETARDERS $n"-l.. Extend vapor retarder to extremities of aleas to be protected from vapor transmission. Secure in place with adhesives or otber anchorage system as recommended 6y manufacturer. Extend vapor rctarder to cover miscellaneous voids in insulated substrates, including those filled witb loose-frber insulation. seal vertical joints in vapor rctarders over framing as recomnpnded by manufacturer. Firmly attach vapor retarders to substrates with mechanical fasteners or adhesives as recommended by vapor-rctarder rnanufacturer. D. Seal joints caused by pipes, conduits, electrical boxes, and simitar items penetrating vapor retarders with vapor-retarder tape to create an airtight seal between penetrating objects and vapor retarder. BAILDING INSAIATION UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER D EM O UN ON AND STRUCTARAL F RAM E Co ttsttttction Documena 9 July 2MI HLM98M7I.M 0n104 I sEcrIoN 02210 BUrrDrNc rNsrr^lrroN I E t:l:I;1ilfffi:,"TffffiIJ*:1ffff"i:l';lH;:'.':ll::rore concearnent bv other work I 3.6 pRorEcrroN I A' Protect installed insulation and vapor retarders from damage due to harmful weather exposures,I physical abuse, and other causes. hovide temporary "ouJrings or enclozures where insulationis subject !o abuse and cannot be concealed and protected by permanent constructionI immediately after installation. t EI{D OF SECTION O72IO I I T I I I I I I I I I I' Hl^rt9w)71'04 VAILUALLEY MEDI1AL1ENTER 072r0-s I DEMOLITIONANDSTRUCTURALFRAMEI ***;ffiitrf** I