HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT O TO CATCH A COOKrt Vtz lfl\-A t l* o, aF- ao Eeo.q*^6r Prctect Name: TO CATCH A COOK AWNING DRB Number: DR8060213 Proiect Description: TO CATCH A COOK-RECOVER AWNINGS Participants: owNER STAUFERCOMMERCTAL LLC 06/05/2006 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT ANNIE EGAN 06/05/2006 Phone:328-6825 PO BOX 2103 EAGLE co 81631 ProjectAddress: 100 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: 1OO E. MEADOW DR. UNIT #4 Legal Descrip6on: Lot: Block Subdlvlslon: VILLAGE INN PLAZA ParcelNumber: 2101-082-6100-4 Comments: 6 square feet, replaxing exlsting sign BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Mouon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcvalt O6lOil20A6 Conditlons: C.ond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Torrrrn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 dap following the date of approval. C.ond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward compleUon. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $56.08 Sign Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 E:l: 970.479.2139 f u: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All pmjects reguiring d€!$gn rariery must reoeine apprwal prior to subrnlting a building permit applkdion. Please r€fer b the submfrtal reguir€rnents fur the parucular approval that is r€que9ted. An appliatbn br Deign Revi€rw cannot be accepted until all rcquired information is received by th€ Community Dareloprnent Department. The pIojst rnay also need to be r€rriewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commissbn. Dcelgn €yiew apP|oval lirpcec unls a buiHing perrnit io bcu€d and oomtuctiorr comtnsree wlthln one year of tfie apgrcYal. ofl 0toLocatlonofthePrcpocal: loe Bbck_s|rMivision: fficarAddrese . lO0 E. an^enl'- \n. #q fl57 ParrceN lfo.: Al0 IOYIL l@ Ll (Cmtact Eagte co. Assessor at 9Zt-32&8640 tur pard no.) Zcring: tlam€{s) of Owner(s): Hailtuig Address: Pfrqre: Omer($ Slgnatrc(s): tlame of Apglicant: llaillng Addressr tr/dE Phone; E-mail Address: Q. n n i Ps u e@ rn o4iftt n tna-x, n Type of Review and Fee: f o rvrFu$50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 fur constsucton of a new hrilding or denp/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & inbrior @nversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings ard slb improrements, such as, rercoftng, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, fenes and retaining walls, *. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improrements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fene and retaining walls, eb, $20 tur rwislons to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revlew Board. No Fee ,{ signs E Conceptual Review tr New Con$ructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( mult-family/com mercial) tr Minor Alteration (singlefamily/dudex) tr Changes b Approved Plans tr Separation Request For Offie Use Onlv: .,- -r c / Feehid: SG : checkNo.: Ll { e By: /MeetingDaE:@DRBNo.:Planner: Proiec SIGN APPLIOATIOT{ SUBTTIITTAL REQUIREiI E]{TS General Informatbn This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are arrailable fiom the Departmert of Crmmunity Development. SUBMITTALREQUIREMEI{TS t t r-t^ I A. NameorBusiness: T0 eJU' a-t{: ^ raeeB. Buildins name and phvsrcaladdress: V; ttas6-+^nP laza- 'l;fl c. D, E. F, G. H. I. J. K. Type of sign (check all that apply): EFreestanding Sign QWallSign DHanging / Projecting Sign lDisplay Box trDaily Special Board lJoint Directory Sign gsubdivision Entrane Sign ateriab and cofors of sign^(attadr samples): Chdtglf l, i Tu -.r' a r. u I naV'/"t.Tiiiz#i?"Nra "r, * tcftzrtyMateriab and colors of sign CJ.e icp #ls t -+nalcate type, location anq!..,nr.rm'bersftlXEifts.Inctuo@ ouFut, luminou s area. y f7{Atia€hffut sheet for each pro@d{xture. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the buil{ing and how the awning will be constructed. rLC-Auv-{ I Sa,,.a- o,4 eyishr-qJ The Administrator and/on DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine wlrether a project will comply with Design Guidelirrcs or if the intent of the propcal is not dearly indicabd. q 0 o M, N. Ervtrn 022006 a OF VAIL le /At_E \, JUN TOWN D Tarr/srb, Written approval from condominium associatilrn, landlord, and i)int o^rner, if applicable. tr Building ldentification tr Mural tr Window Sign tr Sign Program tr Gas Flled/Fiber Optic trTemporary Sign {od' a"**;+ /\Pe-A}UL U Number of signs Sign message: Sgn and lettering dimensions br eadr drawing@Vr"=1J: Length d business frontage: Height of sign(s) from grade: 2t'. 3', Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Soe 4 F: \odev\FoRMs\Permts\Planning\DRB\si gn_application_12-0F2005.doc Page 3 of 4 ru0s120{/5 Mayt 2.6j0.'2a Ann Egam (97U) 328€B2o IOITT PROPBTY OWTIER WilTTEil APPROIIAT TETTEN' I, (Vltx r**,l_*@a totnt o',rr of property locfrd at (adds$egal ocx'wl /ooE rflry/"uD'uuE#7- ' ." -" prwidedJsfetgasurlurappmddtheCans@bd 5 /az, L wfildrhae bccn grilrwd b tfie Tiln dvail conrnrity Der,?lo[|rrF1t D€9afiEnt for the rqoerd rr".otpjnents b be sr?|€Ed * the dd€se ned 'bop- t rnderbnd t|d ttp pmpocrd ifl?|q'eilEnls itdutl€: ,ANew (lutr'ttt't6', ,. p.3 *m nrorllftarEcrsnny bG madebOE pbnso'lrthcou|se dthe rcvb'{ rvilr the Tqrt's |g0fcable @dcs and t€gdaEons' F:@tL.eCcilbn-l3{*am6rbc Eead4 t2rurfx,o5 e b{.n f,/uarta-u ,'ff l'lu* +-&- n!/ rffil .\iL 'Lrl . /LAAdq_ - ''1 rt /') .'t,/ I ^ |,t b' ,z'> 4\l' L4 -* u'fu / // {,/ $ I \9 tl lffi oo oo TO CATCHA COOK NEW STAIRWELL REVISED PROPOSAL APRIL 26,2000 II Ln T {- -7 J_ U ,$ IuM I N Kr-- q..,i CI: ft= ,tr$ lY, r,l tur "tLV{l l.- 1+ $L ip( fi ::lzt otl t-- ill li h- rrl ' 'rj-b F/. fl '\l\l\ f,1' U {') \J !lI on .J r-'(+ @ *7 L*4 -J0_ll *I J..-, -{:, -__t F_ [r\- ;a[ '\t L "<L ._l r- O o I o i; o. o d + .Z 0 \: \) \1.+rt \ H IL It---t--t,. t-P:l; l-'| I ... ii.. . . . r.ir.r ,. i.rl. i. i rl. i .:,i'.., ; . j' ::. ,. :. .l;it,,'; ':,,i ,t'. -' i'.'-: o o o o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o DEpARrIvtENr oF coMMLNrrCvelop# Permit #: 800-0258 Og/26/2OOO Phone: 970-82'1 -5924 CONTRACTOR MINICK CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 4018 VAIL CO 815 58 L'icense:224-B OIiTNER JAMM I.TD 1OO E MEADOW DR vAlr-' co 81-657 License: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PEKMT Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL ;;;;;...-' 100 E MEADOW DR fto catch a cook) ParcelNo....: 210108261004 ti",..r*. , TKTOO-OOA? ro'frN orV.qn 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 APPI,ICA}CT MINICK CONSTRUCTION P o Box 401-8 VAIL CO 8155I ticense: 224-8 Also is COTffRACTOR Og/26/2000 Ptrone: ISSUED 0912612000 l0/0e/2000 041011200r 970-827 -5924 Also is Applicant 09 / 26 / 2000 Plrone : # of Wood Pellet 0 0 i115. Oo i7+ .7 4 .'15 50.00 Restuaralf Pla$ Review-> DRB Fce-----'-----> 90.00 $20.00 $0.00 $100,0o 9312 .7s Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee----> Palmenls----J BALA}.ICE DIJE..*'> $312 -7s 90.90.oo 53L2.1s 131,2.1s $o. oo 50. oo Reqeation Fee----_-> g3 -oo clean-up Deposit----->Clean-up Deposit-----> TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund .lapproved & amount lDo ' date t|q(r'... Add SqFt: 0 Building--> Plan check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call'--> Desciption: NEW STAIRS"AND DOOR Occupancy: R1/82 Multi-Family Residence w Twe Construction' I FR Twe I Fire-Resistive Type OccuPancY: ?'l Valuation: S6,500'00 TOTAL FElls------> f8.PL,"Jt'; r, o BUr LD rNG og/26/2ooo JRYI o9l29l2000 JRM Item: 05400 PLANNING 09/26/20oo JRM t0 l05/2o0o ao DEPARTMEIiIT Action: ?\^fi/'\fl' DEPARTMENT Actionl Action: NOTE PI.,ANS TO JRM APPR APPROVED NOTE PI,ANS TO AILISON AP onlY for starlway - does not include canopy L€em: -05600 FIRE DEP 09/25/2OOO JRI( Item: 05500 PUBI-,IC WORKS 09/26/20oo Jwr Action: APPR N/A Action: APPR N/A oARIMENT r*ttlXltttt'l*+f*** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hcrtby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiog filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the infomration as required is conect. I agree to comply with the fuformation and plot pla4 to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLTESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLIR HOLN.S IN ADVA}.ICE BY AT 479-2138 OR AT OIJR oFFIcE FRoM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Scnd Clcan-up Dcposit To: MINICK CONST CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2 it {. *'l':i. * ** 't***+ + * *** *t | * ** ** ***!& * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** *x* * ** ** * {.* * * * * **** ** * ** ***** * x.* ** *** * * *** * * ** ** * * {! * * * ** * * CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: B00-0258 asofl0-09-2000 Starus: ISSIIEDt'f:ftt***+**++******rr****+*++*+++*******!t!t!********+**'l***********++*********++**********+**a*:t*r!:*,*****!G** Perrnit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 09/2612000 Applicant: MINICK CONSTRUCTION Issued: 10i09/2000970-827-5924 To Exoire: 04/07/2001 JobAd&ess: I00EMEADOWDRVAIL Location; 100 E MEADOWDR (to catch a cook) ParcelNo: 210108261004 Description: AIEW STAIRS,A]iID DOOR Conditions: Cond: 1 FIRE DEPARTMET{T APPROVAI, IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA]ICE. Cond: CON0004396 DRB approval for sLairway onIy. does not include canopy MWNOFYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, ColoraEo 81657 AppLrcATroeLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLtR uNsTGNED Project *z O C '- Do Gat Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 I - 2149 (Inspections) Separate Pcrmits are required lbr electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! F Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O # Parcel #SU 2l o t Otz b+ 6L-7 ./,- v tt- Job Name:Io c,r(TcH A u-oo\< r- Job Address:t6o E ft'lCA$rr.,t/Dr. "*o Legal Description Lot: O Block: $ )y Filing: ltt Subdivision: orrrnerstu*t'/A./r* 1r"n1 s.tli Address: A96 I2(,n <,.t*ttJ9,crt( GI Phone: 4-.79. eBgz ArchitecVDesioner: i l ,l'--*ne< +ir:ll{ - Address: 89 ' do It <-,.nn<-tar€ / t enone: {lt 1i1 iEngineer: Ll/ ^ Address:Phone: Detailed descriptlon of work: 5*AbDr-rr o*/ /o-,.-r- t^#arfa-|l o"/Arr WorkClass: New( ) Addition(X Remodel ffi Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior$4) Both( ) ll noesanEHUexistatthislocation: Yes( ) No( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial 9d Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ({ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (:Q No ( ) COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ tr,o C>O,-ELECTRICAL:$ bOO.--OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $forAl: s kSOcZ -- REF-UNDcLEANUPDEPoSI'I 'lO: Tb LATL l-A Coczl CONTRACTOR INFORMATION NECD SEP 1I Generaf Contractor: lYl, a1t3 €o,.5fcurf,'q1M/Town of Vail Reg. No.:\L1 I Contact and Phone #'s:7 8>7*sqz'/ / 4oq -svct Contractor Signature:Al*tu,/h,'-t-/ ****************'!*****************rf****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************^J**rr****rr************** REC'D SEP I2000 F :/everyone/forrns/bldgperm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 T0l,f',ry Department of Community Development ProjectName: G CArCI-\ .4, cc.."K Proiect Address: / This Cheklist must be comoleted hefore a Buildino Permit aooh'cation is acepted. {ell pug"t of application is complete {Aut DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form,- O/Qondominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complexy' Complete site plan submitted s Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) B Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval/- ly'/sbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring V )Stchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi famity) d ful floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Jommercial) d Window and door schedule {frtt structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) ltA Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) D Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection E Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on olans u Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signaturel Date of submittal: F:/everyoneforms/bldperm2 Received Byr BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review wiil take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projecG should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project oate, S<ioJ '. \ B, Zooo ( Print name F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMTT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOMNG QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A..PUBUC WAY PERMIT": o o o o u o Does demolition work being performed require the ustdfthe Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO_t/ No/ Is this a new residence? YES NO Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?YES If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-ZL9B. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. Contractor Signature Job or Project Name: Date Signed: No t/ ""31t'."nioyta D ./' Is the Right-of-Way, ga(ements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO / Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO ^aIf answer is NO, is a ggilfing, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES- NO 't/ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES Is any drainage work blng done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? F i/everyoneforms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permitsl Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is requircd. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhom Drive. Notice sign-ofFs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will bescheduled fortheTown of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locatestake place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permif' with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. ) t 6.oo F :/everyone/forms/bld perm5 Date Signed ?JJ/WNOF DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check o{T each of the items below: V6" Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. / fne Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. {Orro,the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by: .IfrmL Project Name; Date Signed: Print Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 9'th.oo IVWNOF MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) ./ CoDE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED y'Unbwfut deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to titter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any gther debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any poftion thereof. fr Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removedtfi anV street or alley at the expense of the notified. 5 Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hgr€under be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. Y Notice and Penalty: It is unlaMul for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section L-4-L of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A.I AND 7.3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED / No p"rton shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper gtreet or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1),/ d Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seqtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: JA.mg:_ Position or Relationship to Project: Datesisned: Q-l*-on I :/everyone/forms,/bldpermT %-- ,fuaufe, Gro*tofn{, L. L. C. lmnsttileaiwEdae#31 t/ai[, Cobrafo glg57 April fi12m0 Phase lll Condorniniwn Asociation hrlara, Just a short nob b let wu knorrv that the Droposed neuv $airwa, has been aooroved bv the Board €f C*rectors cji tre VnAge Inn illaza'Pfnse lil Gordomiirium Assoddion as per the plans submitbcl. Miss Laura GenEv Owner To Gatch acook Vail,Co. Prtorc {970)47e5450 fax970)476-5461 s. a'l$= StrpfOE€/{MIFE'V, ANTIeUES LTD. ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION PRODUCTS Since 1976 Steptoe hai provided fine quality decorative cast iron spiral and straight slaircases for a wide variety of projects, both residential and commer- cial. Steptoe staircases are effective design solutions for sophisticated townhomes and rural cabins alike. they have been installed in hotels, reslaurants, shops, office, casinos, nightclubs and custom residences. The quality look and feei of cast iron makes it a natural choice, indoors or out, Steptoe stairs are supplied as complete staircues in a black, rust-preventative paint, with all hardware and fittings. Landings, brass handrails and additional matching railings are optional. The 4' diameter Al bd fty model is extremely popular, especially where space is at a premium; it occupies only 16 sq. ft. The 5' diameter BarClay model is our most sought'design, with 5o"a more tread surface than the Albary. Where Barclay is well With its 7" rise adapts well to Sold in guaranteed. nental usa is shop or to the For technical catalogs and p 1-800-4 Endorsed Steptoe & Metal Call us now to our new go rYcos DRlvE, TO oNrARIo, CANADA M6B www. ttePtoewife ' com ru r.: (4r 6) 7I0.17 07 F Ax: (416 ) 760.t8t4 e-mail: info@$teDtoewife. Steptoe & Wife Antiques Ltd.,-o o y B A R' \ cast iron staircase S MS aooo TO CATCHA COOK NIEW STAIRWELL REVISED PROPOSAL APRIL 26,2000 Town of Vail OFFICE GOPY ?po'oz5( t\fj LA r( ql- -l-'r/,." _\. J t\\l t-- \ \l 'l ):t"ft 7 l'i' ",,-, af .-{ \i d\ ''' la- r'til)i/ :r' {i {i llf' rt... t.- rtt :-iL -f'-: 1r' I l, a/l ,;1 I I l./ i i \ GO.?'x + ), €5!/r\=j'-j -4t-f\,liv/'\ bsrglvrt>, ,11:s -I I i I f{YlA a)-r7 .,'',-Eiio? "V F|?LV;- clT aooo __j r UJ A n n {) \,J \l\ N/f-gu 5 QJ ru r0s 00\r <rs5 tr Y ulr/:\, (D '+ t N< l.'- 0J. I _\/* 0 t)s J{ t: s -l- A\or) Jo $n lr ---tF+'(} \L Z:tt\ $F n 'FIl-t i- b$$ TT -_a $I ft ,b 'rrl)',':ii rl Ili H H l1 i:ii ,lrl i . .jilil\r g ii LI P.n if, F-l H i H H (I1 CI 15'iT Ft {\j o o' =t\ -\A_ v\ : \1\*T .J w I\, I K -r ;i (.1 Ft)\r$ fl $ \f' JI \:r 6.L r\T] lttr $ J + S \rZ F =-{+J at- I'l L\I' \lo o o N \\s\J Z \--l { Itro E h € <J ct u f', \"'; f.l_\ 'l r.,\(_**-I _-, rQ, ,r- (> o ^r)') i\rer .'. ' {'i i'r u ,."' \j I N f, n, t,'x., I n1 r,\ $ i,4 \l l t';.' l. ,r t."!r e ,'r t'. rf): ,-\T\l \...- J.I ,[, i\.\ t.)- 0 I r.- lr)-l0,,7 i-(ilJ , 1r II I tl \ \rl\ t_l ,-r]'!.t,{ir.",,,",,- .-- o (r () --(t r"( *t-\J :l il-rl: ill ' irl.l ' l (i,l I iy-'l- rz-l l''l' 0l l-r.l fll fil4l-il-'l rrl'iilRll 5l isl pl fl It" ---*-'- | ,-'u.--"-. - --.-*--// fl v e Design Revieur Action Form- TOWI\ OF VAIL ProjectName: To Catch a Cook ProjectDescription: stairaddition ProjectNunrber: prj00-0069 Olvner, Address, andPhone: Joseph Staufer 702 Sandy Lane 476-s962 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Laura Gentry and Jarmes Holley 895 Red Sandstone (ir. Vail, CO 81657 479-7373 Project Street Address: 100 E. Meadow Dr. #4 Legal Description: Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Parcel Number: 210108251004 Building Name: Vail Village Inn plaza Comments: approval for stairway only (now awning) Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Board/Staff Action Brian Doyon Bill Pierce Action: 1.. awning must be approved by staff or DRB Approved with conditions Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: Sll7l00 Project Name: To Catch a Cook Document I DRB Fee Paid: $20 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, May 17,2000 3:00 P.M. MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION I LUNCH - Community Development Deparfnent MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Briftain BillPierce Brian Doyon (PEC) stTE vlsrrs MEMBERS ABSENT Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer 11:30 pm 12:30 pm 1. Caster residence - 2490 Bald Mountain Road2. Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road 3. Ford Amphitheater - 540 Vail Valley Drive4. Knobel residence - 392 Mill Creek Circle 5. Village Center - 124 Willow Bridge Road 6. To Catch a Cook - 100 East Meadow Drive7. Vickers residence - 375 Forest Road 8. Adam Residence -765 Forest Road 9. Brandt residence - 1 150 West Haven Lane 10. Garnie residence - Site 4, Unplatted Driver: George PUBLIC HEARING, TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater - Final review of proposed expansion. 540 Vail Valley Drive/Part of Tract A, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: Jim Morter TABLED UNTIL JUNE 7, 2OOO 2. Knobel residence - Final review of amended landscape & lighting plan. 392 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 1"t Filing. 3:0 George George Applicant: Peter Knobel MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:BrianDoyon VOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the existing aspen at the north east corner of the house remains and that if the existing spruce is removed it must be replaced with a minimum of a 25 foot tall spruce to be planted i the same location.2. The eight Bristle Cone pines that were originally approved must remain on the plan. a'o 3. That none of the L-22lights are approved and that there be no more than 1 3 light sources on the property that are not exempted and that a revised lighting plan must be submitted for staf review and approval. 3. To Catch A Cook - New staircase, awning and doors. Allison 100 E. Meadow Drive, #4, Village Inn PlazalLot O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1st.Applicant Jim Holley MOTION:Brian Doyon SECOND: BillPierce VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That any proposed awning will be reviewed by the DRB. 4. Caster residence - Conceptual review of a proposed residential addition & EHU. Ann/ 2490 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 17, Block 2, Vail Village t3th fiting. Allison Applicants: Mary & Sonny Caster, represented by Ben Aguilar CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 5. Vail Mountain School - Final review of a proposed expansion atVail Mountain School. Brent 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lol12, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Filing. Applicant Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey Praft SchulE Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant must retum with a detailed plan for the screening of the mechanical equipment prior to the issuance of a TCO.2. That the Town Engineer approval is required. 6. Carnie residence - Final review of a new single- family home. Brent Site 4, Unplatted. Applicant: John A. & Joan T. Carnie, represented by Michael Lauterbach MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH 4 GONDITIONS: 1. On the west elevation, the band should be carried around the bay window (with the window roof raised to accommodate the band) and additional braces should be added under the cantilever.2. This approval is for the architecture of the proposed Lot 4 single-family residence only. The proposed feeder road is still under review and Town Engineer approval is required prior to building permit issuance.3. This approval will not be valid until the applicant provides proof of legal access to the subject property. 4. Required road improvements must be constructed in full prior to the issuance of any TCO's on the Potato Patch Creek project. 7. Village Center Building - Replace retaining wall. George 124 Willow Bridge Road/Lots C&K, Block 5E, VailVillage 1s'. Applicant: Village Center Homeowner's Assoc., represented by Fritzlen Pierce Smith MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 2-0-1 (Pierce recused) o 8. Pearson residence - Final review of proposed 250 addition and exterior remodel. George 303 Gore Creek Drive #2GlLot2, Block 5, Vail Village 1"t.Applicant Vickie Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl TABLED UNTIL JUNE 7,2OOO 9. Brandt residence - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence with EHU. Allison 1 150 West Haven Lane/Lot 39-2, Resub Lot 39 Amended Plan, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Gary Brandt, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects CONCEPTUAL _ NO VOTE 10. West Vail Lodge - Final review of a proposed redevelopment plan. Brent 2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)iLot 1, Vail das Schone #3.Applicant: Reaut Corporation MOTION:ClarkBrittain SECOND:BillPierce VOTE:2-0-1 (Piercerecused) APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. The pedestrian path at the NW corner of the property should be routed up towards Chamoni Lane.. 2. The applicant must return at a later date for DRB review of a comprehensive signage program. 3. Town Engineer approval is required prior to building permit issuance. 1,,1. Adam residence - Final review of architectural projection Brent 765 Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 2, VailVillage 6h Filing.Applicant Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 2-0-1 (Pierce abstained) APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. This approval will not become valid until an improvement location certificate (lLC) has been submitted to staff that verifies compliance with building height restrictions.2. The vents must be squared.3. All exposed AC units must be screened with landscaping. 12. Vickers residence - Conceptual review of new.secondary residence & EHU. Allison 375 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 3'o.Applicant Gwathmey Pratt SchulE CONCEPTUAL _ NO VOTE Staff Aoprovals Timber Falls Condominiums - Window replacement. Ann 4469 Timber Falls Court, Building #19/Timber Falls Condominiums. Applicant: Bluffs at Timber Falls, LLC., represented by Greg Amsden Pine Ridge Townhomes - Replace roof. Ann 2195-2199 Chamonix Lane/Lots 2,3,4, Pine Ridge Townhomes. Applicant Pine Ridge Townhomes Manor Vail Lodge - Snowmelt boiler installation. Ann 595 VailValley Drive/Lots A,B,&C, VailVillage 7h Filing. Applicant: Manor Vail Lodge La Bottega - Louvres installation. Ann 100 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 37lLot M, Block 5D, VailVillage 1"t Filing. Applicant: Staufer Commercial LLC Pinos del Norte - Heated sidewalk. Allison 600 Vail Valley Drive, Bldg. C/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 7th.Applicant Pinos del Norte Byme residence - Driveway widening. Brent 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, VailVillage 1$ Filing.Applicant Ron Byrne A&DBuilding-Re-roof. Allison 286 Bridge StreeVLot A, Block A, Vail Village 1sI.Applicant John Everly Ernst residence - 250 Addition and remodel. Alli 802 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch.Applicant Gerald R. Emst Deevy residence - Temporary site development sign. Ann 736 Forest Road/Lot 11, Block 1, Vail Village 6s Filing.Applicant Brian and Caryn Deevy Lodge at Vail -Addition of pool decking, ADA ramp & stairs. Brent 174 E. Gore Creek Drive/Lots A,B,C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"t Filing.Applicant Vail Resorts Diener residence - Enclosure of 2M floor balcony. Ann 1975 Placid Drive, Unit #1/Ptarmigan Townhomes. Applicant: William Diener / Dion M. Flannery Walzer residence - Enclosure for new boiler. Brent 333 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 41, Block 7, Vail Village 1st.Applicant Mr. Walzer Ganick residence - Addition of rock to existing residence. Brent 493 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Village 6h Filing. Applicant George Garrick Schwartz residence - Deck extension. Brent 1 1 36 Hornsilver CourUlot 10, Block 6, Vail Village l" Filing. Applicant Alan SchwarE Lionsmane Condos - Window replacement. Allison 1116 Sandstone Drive, Unit 601, Lot A, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Ed Drager Nicks - New wall sign. Allison 228 Bridge St./Lot H, Block 5A, VailVillage l"tFiling. Applicant: Tim Goff Mango - New fence. George 1817 Meadow Ridge Road/Lot 21, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Phyllis Mango Bald Mountain Townhomes - Interior/exterior remodel and addition. Ann 2350 Bald Mountain Road, Unit #4/Lot 26, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing.Applicant Mountain Enterprises Bald Mountain Townhomes - Interior/exterior remodel and addition. Ann 2350 Bald Mountain Road, Unit #3/Lot 26, Block 2, Vail Village 13h Filing.Applicant Harry Greenberg and Ann Ferris Village Center - East window well replacement. George 124 E. Meadow Drive/Lots C&K, Block 5E, VailVillage 1'r Filing. Applicant: VillageCenterHomeowner'sAssociation Perry residence - Deck addition. Brent 758 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Tony & Terry Perry The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular offic hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. t Miss Laura Gentry To Cabh a Cook Vail,Co. Staufer G*nint, L.L. c. 700 tust Mea[ow Drioe#3l ,I/aiI, Cobra[o 51657 Afril4fi 2000 Phase lll Cordornhium Assiation Dear Laura, Just a short note to let \rou know that the prmosed new stainrav has been aooroved W the Board cf Directors d tne Vinage tnn Plaza'Pnase lll Condominium Assodatibn as p€r the plans submitted. efioru (970) 4765450 faXP7])47G5461 a"J;";"ll;=e'hnnrns statr at *lillr, " " lffw-we? APP|ICATION FOR DESIG'T REUIEW APPROVAL GENRAL INFORMA'IION Ti,t4rylts.bt .nV prsJect reguning Desbn Rederv apprwat. Any project requiring dcign review must Foq,e Deryq ReYia" apprst al prortt $bmfthg fun a buitsing pcrmit. For sBecinc infonnado+ see ure srrhointrequiwents brtte partlcular approalfx is.rqu€sH. Tt€ippliotioo tanirot be acepted uitfl an un requifu irtforrBtrrn 6 $b{ntted. The proiect may abo need b be rer'Eneo by ttre Tswn council and/of the Rannini anc Eoviranmental Cpanntssion. Dccign Rwierr Eorrd rpproval cxpflo one yGar efter final approval uilecci milafrq plqnrt is bcrcd."f,"otr"*lcll""-t-Jrt a. A. DESffiTPTIQN OFTHE RFQUEST: w LOCATIOT.I OF PROPOSAT:a c .D. F w[-l-*wr-i D-rnme, P}|Y$CILADDRESS: #4 Vi.t-laee In-n Plaza 100 E Meadow Drive PffiELt! zoiltr{G: MMEOfOWNR(S); Joesph Sraufer^ _ MA,IIINGADDRESS: z.o? i""dy L" pnoNE. 47.6-5962 owrrER(s) TUUNGADDRESS: 895 R ircleVail C0 816 ffisry€3 479-7373 ?.f O f 0€z6lodtootact Eagte Cg. As$esssa ffie at 97G328€640 tu parret f) lJ.TYPE OF RMEWAND FEE: Con*uciio.r of a nerv ilik'|ng. Indodes any addition where square resitentbl or @rul|ercbl bultling. C] Ile* Conrtrrrcinn. le00tr Additbn - fso U MinorAltcrstion - S2g IrElud€s minor danges b buMirqs ard site improenents, such as, rcrcofing, p9i.rBng, winrlow adlitbnt landscaprlp, ferrces and retain'mg |Yalb, €fr. ,41-utg fomg€ is added to any DR8fE€s arc b be Paid dt SE tirne of $tbmfial. Lnter, wlcn applying for r buiHing pemf,; phase aider*fy tte mrrmc valuation of fte wiect TtE Tsvyn of vdl wil adjust t€ h accoKling to tt|e wr*E yafuabl. PI.EASE SUBIiIIT THIS APPLIGAIIOIII AI'L SUBIIITTAL REqJIRETIIEilTS ANO T}IE FEE TO THE DSPARIIT|IIiI? Or @T{HI']$TY DEYELOPIIET{r, 75 SO|rfH FROTTACE ROAD, VAIL COTSR.ADO 81557. TOWN OFVAIL FILE /j/iP, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 April 20, 2000 Laura Gentry and James Holley 895 Red Sandstone Cr. Vail. CO 81657 Fax: 477-2518 RE: New staircase at To Catch a Cook, #4 Mllage Inn Plaza, 100 E. Meadow Dr. / Lot O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1"t Filing Dear Laura and James, The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the proposed staircase at To Catch a Cook at their April 19, 2000 meeting. The following were their comments and concems, which must be addressed prior to final approval: 1. The railing needs to be consistent throughout the area.2. The Design Review Board was generally not in favor of the steel grate steps, preferring some sort of solid stair surface such as stone.3. The Board felt that the stairs needed some sort of an anchor. One member felt very strongly that there should be stone walls on both sides of the stairway.4. All members felt that it was important that the design was consistent with the surrounding area.5. Board members felt that they needed more information on the awning over the stairway, including information on how it attaches to the building, materials, and colors, before they could share an opinion on the awning.6. Please provide more detailed drawings, including a site plan of existing and proposed conditions. Please submit revised drawings as soon as possible. I will schedule you for another Design Review Board meeting once I have received revisions. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369. SincgelV, .4 / lrt,' //l[4l,uu--, u-vL^_ Alllson Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail tp *'"ouo 'o'o' ,-. as PRO.TECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development D,epartment DESTcN REvrEw BoARD AGENDA fh , wednesday, Aprit 19, zooo t\ e f n ^ -3:00 P.M. uuf f MEETING RESULTS MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain MEMBERS PRESEITIT Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Bill Pierce Chas Bernhardt (PEC) SITE VISITS 1. West Vail Mall-2211 N. Frontage Rd.2. Dreyer - 5l 14 Grouse Lane3. Cummings-5146 Gore Circle4. Bald Mountain Townhomes - 2350 Bald Mountain5. Northwoods - 600 Vail Valley Drive6. Ford Amphitheater - Ford Park7. Talalai -223E. Gore Creek Drive8. To Catch A Cook- 100 E. Meadow Drive #4 Driver:Allison 1130 am 1:30 pm PUBUC HEARING - TOWN COUNCILCHAMBERS 1. LandmarkCondominiums-Commercialarearepaint.. 6101612 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'o Filing. Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association, Inc., represented by Geofl Wright MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED Bald Mountain Townhomes - Conceptual review of proposed two 250 additions and exterior remodel, 2350 Bald Mountain Road, f3 & #4 / Lot 26 Block 2 Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicants: Dr. Boscardin, Harry Greenberg & Ann Ferris, represented by Dale Smith CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Cummings/Reske residence - Conceptual.review of a new single-lami[ home. 5146 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 2, Bighorn 5' ' Addition. Applicant: Greg Cummings & Brian Reske CONGEPTUAL_NO VOTE 2. 3. 3:00 pm Allison Ann 'r h 4. West Vail Mall - Final review of a proposed amendment to West Vail Mall sign program. Brent 2211 N. Fronlage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vail das Schone #3. Applicant: Gart Properties MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED ./ 5.Allison Allison Brent To Catch A Cook - New staircase, awning and doors. 100 E. Meadow Drive, #4, Village inn ptaialtot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1d. Applicant: Jim Holley CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 6. Talalai residence - Enclose existing decks at Creekside Condos. 223 E. Gore Creek Drive #3/Lots eJ,g,h,l, Block 58, Vail Village 'l'. Applicant: Phil & Kay Talalai, represented by Larry Deckard CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 7 - Axelrod residence - Conceptual review of a new primary residence & EHU. 1977 Circle Drive/Lot 25, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Judith & Arthur Axelrod, represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 8. Dreyer residence - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 51 14 Grouse Lane/Lot 6. Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Raymond & Margarita Dreyer, represented by John Railton CONCEPTUAL. NO VOTE 9. Fahey residence - Final review ol proposed exterior modification. 225tivall Street, units 301 & 303/Lbts B&C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Gene Fahey, represented by RKD Architecture MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH .I GONDITION: 1) Addition of wood band at bottom of sided portion of building. 10. Northwoods 2000 - Final review of proposed improvements. Allison 600 Vail Valley Drive/Part o{ Tract B, Vail Village 7' . Applicant: Northwoods, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED 1 1. Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater - Conceptual review.of proposed expansion. 540 Vail Valley Drive/Part of Tract A, Vail Village 7"' Filing. Applicant: Jim Morter CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 12. West Vail Lodge - Conceptual review of a proposed redevelopment plan. 221 1 N. Frontdge Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot t, Vait das Schone f3. Applicant: Reaut Corporation CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE George/ Allison Brent Statf Aoprovals Mahaffy residence - lnterior remodel. Ann 1620 Sunburst DriveA/ail Golfcourse Townhomes, Phase ll, Unit 20, Building F. Applicant: Patrick and Cynthia Mahaffy Hicks residence - Extension of flagstone patio and addition of Snowmelt system. Ann 332 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: David Hicks Thornburg residence - Interior/exterior remodel. Allison 1460 B Greenhill Court/Lot 20, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Tom Thornburg Hurtt residence - Deck enclosure, bay window addition and ski locker' Ann 272W. Meadow Drive/Lot 9, VailVillage zno Filing. Applicant: Caleb and Maryann Hurtt Arosa/Garmisch Park- Change to picnic shelter and restroom. Allison lntersection of Arosa/Garmisch, Applicant: Town ol Vail Dore residence - Pool room remodel and replacement of windows. Ann 100 Vail Road/Lot 35, Block 7, Vail Village 7h Filing. Applicant: William and Kaye Dore Campo D' Fiori-Addition of window boxes. Brent 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant: Silvia Revello Golf Course Pump Station - Demo/rebuild pump station at 18'n tee-off. Ann 700 S. Frontage Rd. EasVUnplatted parcel, VailGolf Course Applicant: Town of Vail Fabiano residence - Deck extension and hot tub addition. Ann 275 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 40, Block 7, Vail Village 7'n. Applicant: Rocco and Joan Fabiano Tall Pines Lot 14- Rear deck addition. Dominic 2241 A Chamonix LaneiLot 1, Tall Pines Subdivision. irt L, Applicant: Chamonix Development Group LLC Montanas Salon -New wall sign. 2077 N. Frontage Road WesVLot 39, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision. Applicant: Jayne Brandess Town of Vail - Rooftop receiver antenna for Channel 19 audio. 75 S. Frontage Rd.A/ail Village Filing #2. Applicant: Town of Vail Ann Ann The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for information. Sign language interyretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone lor the Hearing lmpaired, for information. i- :., l- - r' !:{> s tr.+i ?.+,^.Y ti' l' -C- / 'tI -- \J 7 +- i.. \--.<(\ 'i alln lt] (|i Fi x t ={!l'T\{3 \.} .I * j-. >, -.r-l " _\ f -i-_ :: 5 .'.a .-=4 J -= L ;- _1- .-\ F-{ , :- .1 :- Ii ts> j v'f ^z li -u i ^."-:,-' {: * ' i-, *,{ }l 2\'.; ;-i' 11t ?-/i...3Vtli.r' --- J +l r\.\ Fg.R(s*< _) \\- .g = +:- ''_ t.._: 9-.--.-.} \:- .-- i= - -: * F. a', ;l-_ r-i_ \ \_ L- --! 1._ ^ l_ 'ls n!.i$ir,'a_=i:r-i;i!l t\ l- i'r/ L \; ..1< S r\t '\-) \';t--FY-> I1 \\\ \:- "\ * j l? \ -t- - ." ,:- l-. r'J\i ' F!-_t i\i llj rt\x+^*iL ', l*-I - j\ r. --1-- ! Ilt -J-'r'J \- \F.,i + .F r-a -/ | i'.r-\ \. 13{;* \ \L- -7 _f l*,,t'4 \i +l- .!- -ii \,<{ r'i; !-- i : iT U IJFTF-_\\ ,-..'. f.i F{.r \l - r..\'l-.Ltla. It\ll .i>- -7il i (. t ll i"'.'' '. -i - , ,- \i\-/ II-{--ll ,\ti ll ,/ 'tf\ll rr'. ]i A -v,l T r.:. tr\-.ll ,z- ' \ <il '''- ;\ il _____.il i,\ r- t 'll ^- ii - r_ll J. \1. !;(,t\ ',r'l ' '\,1 -Uil.r- 1- 3.:..il ,lj li '_'- '=. :Fj + il r.'liit ,r,; l' ', I ' I / ,/i-a / L*_. / // ,/ ,40.i ,1 t.. : n hRrl'*i\tF rD.s"s4,?oirsz TIFEoFMATERIAL: lrAR-30-60 r7,63 FRolr = Tov-M-DEv-DEFT.PAGE 3/? BUILDINGMATER[ATS: COLOR:' Staingrade Stain Grad e Black t Plcasc qrecify the manufacnrrer's color, numbcr end attach s srnall cotor chip *a All cxtcrio'r lighting mu$ rneet the Town's t rgtting ordinance I &l4.osq(J). If cxtcrior tiglting is propo$cqplcasc indicate tbe numbcr of fixtrucs and locatiois on1 sct aratc tighti4g plao" Idcntiry cacrr fiiture typ€ ard providelhc hcight above gradc. luncru outpul rurninous arca- and enach a iut #; ;f ;; rg#ng f xr'res, f i. .t' Ubdet .l 6r!? MAR-36-00 l?. 04 FROtt.TOV-COI{I-DEV-DEPT. I' Botanical Nanrc PROPOSEDTREES ANDSHRUBS: . Flower box'es on r.ai1 to be vi.nca/geraniunrs/petunias rD,s7u24s2 PRO4psEpJrANpsQAnnc Conrr\rin Narqg Oranfiiv Sizcl PAGE 4/7 EXISTINGTREESTO NONC BEREMOVED: ' +Minimurn.icquircrncrrs for landscaping dcciduors trccs - 2 inch caligr conifcrora trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs _ 5 gallons Tvnc Souarc Footagc GROUNDCOVER SOD ctrtrn IRRIOAT]ON TYPE ORMETHOD OF SROSION CONTROL orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining*aiis' fcnccs, swiruming poors" erc.) pteasc spcciry. Indicatetop andbsttomclc'/ationsofrctainingwelts.-t*,l?Ii*;hJjr,i"i*"uti"i$,i"t-rrlr.Jr*6*t1"";ro. Maxim..rmhcighrofwalts elscrvhcrg on rhe propcny is O ttxt. k ':: gr;5arcc @? ltaR-30-oo t?'04 FRotrt, Tov_colt_DEv_DEpr . t D, s"T2{s2 I rTil.rTy r,O.tATIl.ri{ Vcq{FcAT$N -This form i$ tq vm'ry servicc a itability md location for ncw consrruction and should bc usc{ in conjunctionrvith prcpanng yourrtility plan and schcduliog insratlations. Thc location ana "nailability of uril;tics. wh"thcthcy be mafu trunk lincs or proposcd lincr mLst bc spprovcd an<I vcrificd byrt " ioi6*i"g.tilitics for thcaccompanying sitc plan. U.S. Wc$s Communications | -800-922-1987 468-6E60 or 949.4530 Public Scrvicc Codpany 949-5781 GaryHall Holy Coss Bcgric Assoc. 9{9-5E92 Ted Husg/John Boyd T,C.r, 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanimion Di$rict * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc Authoriz-cd SiEranrg Dals PAGE 5/? r Plsisc bring a sitc plao, floor plan, and clwations whcn obtaining uppcr Eaglc Vallcy watcr & sanirationsignahrr*i. Firc florv nccrls m$$ bc addr6$d. NOTES: I - Ifthc utility vcrification form has sigmturcs fronr each of thc utitity comparrics, md noc(xl'mcnts arc madc dircctly on lhs fontt. thc Tovn rvill prcsumc ttrat theic erc no problcms andthc dwclopnrcnt gan procccd. 2' If a utiiity company has conccms with thc proposcd cgnfirction. thc utiliry nq[Escorativc shallnotc dircctly on thc utility vcrification form that tbere is a probiem whictr ncoes o uc rcsot.,cd.Thc issuc $houi<r rhm bc dctailcd in an attachcd lctter to thc Town of Vail. tic*_cvc;, ;);.rse Lr:l:: ri"d.*l" it is thc rcsp'nsibilify ofrhc uri,irv com5n'rv and thc apprican*oresolvc rt-,.(lLlsrtl lr{ vvr.:;. :... J.*:."::I:..1,:"::90_"1 ..1i.-": lls conrractor oJthc reeponsibitity to obtain a tubtic Way :n:::T:illT Dcpartrncnt of pubtic Work* at tt " ro*n'oi v.'. i'd6-d;#; J# ^,S***f'.re*gg;nany pubtic rig!t-or.*"y o, car*,,*,t J"#tffi;di:t $ Urrdred 6/9? ltAR-3o-oo l?,c|4 FRoM,TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.rD, s"l)]24s2 PAGE E/7 at_ TII. IV. A prc':pplicario' confcrcncc rvith rorvn of va' staff is rcquirc{- No appricaion can bc acccprcd unrcss thcmantlatory prc-applicafion m_ccting has bccn couplcrcu- tiis rirc a5ryrr#;;;;;;rity to schcdulc trrisrnccting by calling 97G479-2129. T|ME REOtflREMENIS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Bonrd ,nccis on thc I st and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach nroath. A comDlctc applicadonforn and att accom;xnf ng nrarcrial nnle gg lccq,t a uy it o iern ,ru"lb, D"";i;;;;;; Depart ncnr anrinitnrrm sf thrcc and a hatf (3 l/2) weckr prior;;;A;" of thc DRB public hcaring REV|Ewc?rrERIA Your proposal witt bc rcviewcd for complianccrvith thc Dcsign cuidclincs as sct forth in Scctioo 1g.54 of theMurricipal C.odc. NOTFTOAI I APPLICANTS: A' lfa pmpcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hrzard arcn (i.c. snow avalanchq rocldall. floo<lplain. dcbris.' flow. rvcrland. ctc), a hazard study mun bc s'bniincd aod thc oiv"*;; ;;; afridavitreco8nizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuEncc of a_building peilii. 'npfii.no "r crrcouragcdto chcck with thc planning slaffprior to submital ora DRe apliicatio[ toij*nm rhcrclirtionshipofths propcrty to all rrnppcd hazards B' Basic Plan shcct Fo'tnf For all survcys- sitc plnns, landscapc plans and orhcr site improvcmcnlspliurs. all ofthc follorvin3 nlrrst bc shown. ----r- r---- 'r!u vr"vr ' | . Plan shcct sizc rnust bc 24"x 36'.. For fargc projccts- largcr plan sizc rney bc allorved. : scarc.. . Thc minimum scarc is r "-zo'. aif prans nrust bo ar fhc semc scarc.J. URtphrc bar scals.4" North arrorv,5. Titlc block, Fojccr namc. projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription_. ! . Indication of plan prcparct .iares *a nhonc nunrbcr- ! . . Datcs of original flan prcparation and ali reui,qioo datcs. I, Vicinity nrap 9r locarigs map et e scalc of t "= I ,000. or largcr.. 9. Shcct labcls and nurnbcrs. I 0 . A bordcr with a nlnimum icft sidc nargin of 1.5..I I, Namcs ofall adjaccnt roa{w3y5-,2. plan legcnd. C' For new constnrgtion and addirions, tbe apFlicant mu$ $rlke and tape tlre project sitc to indicatepropcr$t lincs- proposcd buildi. ngs and buiiding comers. All trgss to be removod must be taped. TheaPplicant musl es$,rc that st€king donc durinirhc winarr;* * tuJ.c uyl""ri ou sitc tapringsand strHng must be completedprior to ttJdry of the DRB mcedng D' Applicants who fail to anrcar bsfore the Dcsign Revicw Board on theh schcduied mccting datc andwho have uot asked in advancc that discussioi on thcir itcm be postponed, will have thcir itenurcmovcd fronr the DRB .gcn& untir such rimsas ttrc ;tenr h'. bli'rcpuiitiJ E' If the.DRB approvcs tbc aPplication with cond.itions or modificationg all conditions of approvalmu3t be rcsolvcd pflg to thc issuancc of a building pcrmit, r : Uptiaad 6197 HAR-3o-OO t?.OS FROM,TOV-CO 'rt .V. STA,FF APFROVAL M-DEV-DEPT.tD. s?1t24s2 PAGE 7/7 u. Tbs Adntinistrator nny rcvicw and agnove Dcign Rwicr a5rplicxions. approvc rvith ccdain mgfifigatign5.dcny thc application. or may rcfa thc application to thc Dcsigr Rcvierv Board for dccision. Atl staffa;4rrovals ac subjccr to 6nal qrproval bv the DRB- Thc fotlowing B?es of Dcdgn Rcvicw epplications ,,naybe sraffafrymved: - A. Any application for a1{airigl 1o an existing buildirrg 1i61 ;, "onsistenr with the archircctgral dcsfn_marerials and colors of the buildiog. and approval haq bcrn rcceived bv an autrro.izcd mernbcr ofacondominium associarioo. if affrlicablc: B' Any applicadon to nrodiry 8n cxisting building thar does nor significantly cbange the existing plancsof tbe building and is gcocralty consrsreat with thc architccturai aesigr. matcrijs e.rd colors-oi'thc ' building- including bst not limitcd to exterior building linish matcriilsl"l ,ti**r,. siding: roof -materials. pint or stain)' cxtcrioc lighting canopics or awnings. fenccs, ait*n"s. sa.ttit" uist cs.rvindorvs. skylights. siding. nrinor comurcrcial facadc improvJucnB. ard orhtr $imilar moditicetions: c' An-v applicarion lirr stc imprdvemcnts or modifications inclutling birt not limited to. drivcway modificadonsi. sirc gradlng. sire rvalls. rcmovat or modificationsio cdsting fao'Oscaping insaifarionof acccssory slrrchrrrs or rc€r€ational facilities. ADDTIIPNAL REVIEW AND FEES A. Ifthis application roquircs-a separarc review by any locat. state or Federal agrzrcy othcr rhan theTon'o ofvail. thc application fea chalt bc incrcased by 3200.00. Eramptcslf;h rwicu. rnayincludc. but are not rimitstl to: cotondo Dcpanrncnt of Hig*r"y ncccss renJr, Army corps ofEnginccrs 404. ctc. B' Tbe applicant shalt be rc$onsiblc for pnying any publishing fccs which are in srcess of50% ofthcapplicationfec- r.atthc.aPplicant'sroquest.aniEatrr.itportpo"6iJioniog"""*irrgrhesrancr to be rE-Fblishcd. then thc cntirc fct for *.rqh re-publication shalt ilc paiA qlAirgrpticanr. c . epplie*ions dccmod by lhe C$mmunily Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmc$r to havc desigr1. taod rsc or othcrissu.cs 'itrich may hav_e a siguficant iniact on rtr. ro*tn*try rJ*q"Lttri"?uv consulb'6 ina$dition to Torvn staff- Shorrld a detentrination be madc by ir,. ro*n s*'tl"r an outsidc co&qdtantis nccdcd' thc Commrmity Dwclopme,nt Depertmcnt may birc tic consuturt, Thc Dcparoncnt shallcstis1131s ths an6unt of money nocessary to pay thc consultfit and tlds amount shs be forw3rdcC tothc Torvn by thc applicant at rheime of 6ling ao applicarion. Expcnscs inclncd t,h* i;;'-exccss ofthe amount fon*arded by thc ayrplication sball bc;uid to ttc Tourn by the applicarrt within30 days of notifrcation by thc Torvn. Any excess fimds *iti oc rgurncd to the'4prrcant upm revicwcomplcrioo. Ugiaad&97 a;)O ( {o#+, hft 6atolt, w 6aoh 6HL/n:/-" --\ -ti l,t)ee- dl(t5 onz I i/l -l..6,o-6 Qe^T*q _\l{ Ullog. h. 9loro r \\--r. l0O C6f n odo||, D.iw Uoll, Colond. 8f65t lcl 910.1?5.6Ell foE tt0.{76.66L Ioll i' .l.886.l59.COOX c-rnoll: <okl|o.levoll.r.t \X t\.\ 'AETEKF{/,flvtr. ;t /t r,-r ,,1 | | l, /l ,--.,,''\V(.1\ |(:'l"l l l\ ( .1..--r(..-r[\ :",;i..:i, :---;::31_:==.;_:::::J::i-,:*#=affi-- '.l i i.'. A,iJl l'1';1 'rI I l'r )l | 'l'V.l'.. l-[t.7;r,. 4t(r'l-r.rtr'- ,(xlt (u\, [1r,t lr lr/atrt (l:^r1)''. -ptrtlittb 4fnll' llijl i:/ 'ltt r*lry'rr.tl | 1' ^'J l: iwxr2 fl.iil-t. I I rl ;,f {rlll,l .)l"d.t,l<t:.t:lIl,l I -l,i:.,1i" "'iiV '1.:f i.[:i, ''; l/\t "'lJ':1' ,I l,-,1. t"f,:r/'l)'.{;(.1>t4l-tl .,1..2.. c1":> f :514 | 1( 1r1 :1..7\l'"i l'. . "' I i::': *(> l:., " (.\; l" t :,t'i' 1.. - c"l -lAt' lf.l ll l-* rndFll l',lL:,'11,,,1 1.t*'., -li::; l-- l1::,LrY,"" '-1'*1;1f 1r;,;,r'f.r - 1ii:r 11i,1,' -,'(-"l'1 Cl:11-.1-1:-- . ffiarEflnmg,ffiate ;,i l: ;r ! t,i l.l t! ffia!flimg, /f# I \M-lt{ 1.9^ 6" tDnglh wr. t0 92200f€l vvt g3,t4 .Ltltl.l4xli{ s.1/t6wx 13.3/41t Wl. 1.4 lbs. $8.75 fn) 18.t/8' jl ai{ w-80//l/9 . Mnl VYxlt4' 24/4Wx +1IEH Wt. ,4 lbs.gzoo r'8) wmoiMo 'Wlla'xlt{" 3-gt4'Wx E.lt21l wt".stb8. se.25 (*s) # m:sn.fr . 2,3/81l/xu _ ,t_r5/.t6'H 3 ah w1 .3 hs.q#pEi : Hfftmered €ndg rI|SbfEO SUpl tvF81?Jl2 .ro-. bi ubed wftr 'wH,cn ln!|ffiFffiff.H', gf#ffii hHr,il#'il".i-o-= W -.7-=\. Ui:-rr?5 E ilio'o*6i- Y,+--t- ) Srnt I fi.6' to oe rrt of lapld ship program, allow 1-g w6eks for shlpping,\-3 w6ets for shlpping.-'----(f€) Parl ol stoddng program, a[6vv A-5 day8 br shtpplng.'Lead tmee may vary dE to ptpductbn sdredulej ' - fffn-ffi**Wry*ffi$; . wFl t4/2 . ?-5l16'x9/l6' t0.5lbe. w.t t/u4 ]ll|f t -S,/t 6*tyt0, A LctElh 118.1/8' ' Ivr.16,5bs. \.Ilsr.so I I*'^ -/#lt wl-fl4/5 lvltl 1.9/181ff10. Lenglh 1l&l/E W. 16.5lbs. wLzB rn)*r iWd6 stb6l handrall Wdo s€rle6 br | .l /i 1", Stesl hand€ll to flt t' dannal or tublng fr,iffi / w pffi#ry,x i;lfJt; / .^ffijil f^ E:fl,Ji#ir.fr tr) rui'- L$#:t',- hammersd gnd rnatch€s 80/IVg \ ff1,,1"h,'* \f ilifi;',,,. ffi nnn .'r f,v Ji{" Lfffultfii'':': \;- , ..'R) Pa ol rapld shlp program, altow 1-3 .r" allow 1-3 wo€ks br shlpptng. .. '"/ ' q'rv'! 'qpru anrp program' atow l-.-we€ks forshrpprng.. 1."Q eart ot stoc*inglrogram, arow r . . -:+ead thnes mal wN due lo DtDdtfirnn A(:tlfl,/ttrlei--.; . r{AVf 4u{Hrtuti-A T-voR( TtL'trleo frRlr5' ..tr!2.|1!LQtL/.}(*eyL " t ;1 ,1i.\qi:/l':'J,"lVl::. r !, ;'l {i J 11, | "l '"' l,(1i::-,1(-1,, l'li::1q . I, l'l"r:'':t. "ii:M 1;rl:ii,l"r:, ATTEKN^f|VF' :[ntl{ |r'rtl- [r4l lt l,4cx,tz f\,\f1f.. "fht4tt(:\ n,1Atl tl,tf '17) t*l{1'( ' '"1 1,'nr.l i); wrxa2 l"ji.lt"l, U'(el<AP,("' 7: fi!i'1 )i: 1 f4+ntgt:tK' [ii) f"il 1 il d Ct:,F V p Wl0t!\tivt.". Wlkt,vltl"T ' 11t 1, y' 1'"t\fieqr) - $1Arl:. l',-,Ar:'l l fJ'I 1f1.," 1 h I*l / \ll.i "l/ '"1,"'6rr f f " [t-.L. 1t Ltrf' 1':il.lVl4( -'1't1:1"r/l l "g ''i+.r1" lgriyi,/1 . t ) .rqlAll( l.-l-l\P[: . fb t't ''. (];'t" t :,t'i.I..- , *1/\t. ll ;:,', | 1,,,:rl. [-E-1" 'l'):{:I1:|f-it-..1 4-'L.a.:;t 1*;q::,r,!..7':r - F) l:i,t.t. -r,,rt.t,l C[!l-.1"1:^ " tt!! , '211 _l/ni- ) 1'-i-'db'co