HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT O ANNIE'S.'i.,/I Project Applicalion aals lZ - - :'l L' l\ ", ^, -!t tltf Et Proiecl Name: ll iV "U i e- l' f y'P Pro,ect Descrip lion' a \ 'TF:- ll | (' | ') -.' '/:':j 4-./t Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - : t 1 ./Comments: Motion by: Design Review Board r'' / t /,t ,'.i -' i l"i 1 '*' r'- f'tate 1-'.i / ' - ,/ .t' Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPBOVAL ;-.-/,trTfiptJ gb u 1.,6.1 oa4rZ fiyfzfr-ffir> - tnner '1 t,,,{!^,,Approva, l' ." oo1 2rqJb PeD.ooco ' G{zuct> lpraKc r?ouruD: Ga-eenl /-gr-re't-? =1 'Bor'€De'2: GoLt> + Ftsl,.Je-l.zS r ^J Color2 S \k Snnftlr'Y Project Application Project Name:/E,s ,4rrvtrtl Proiect Description: t/rrus, t 'a'u Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: n/ a Legal Description: Lot o Block gD r,tins Va'l V'llo3^- F ',"* , ron" Com ments: SOD Design Review Board Ieavs*nf f , f o^,. 6/za/ / t-t Motion by: Seconded DISAPPROVALu& 3-o Su m mary: Approval a Project Date of -dtapplication!__Js/,/z PEC nir Ef / t- t /-. Town Council F ,4u-t;a -;// ,utv<. *A+ /_f_ 4iX.tt I p.-/( / ^f et"*2J s;V'x-. ,,h.t-;, <.e,c! =(o', rr") r (a,... ) , :.428". 2.3 -otrAf /"-t- "rt^ = gr/. y/4q - &54 o. = S,S { 4;s/ a-r*--lr/ s,'fn t Z(?., r//,4 -- 9zt q,, = 3,b { aan;*6 r c-r;s/, A*^ll , 2.3 " 3.h = C. 1 V 4.-;r' -u@ ,!-f /.-f*r { ''?''<= /,b 4t+ alJr'/ Jz 4rc-ca"f-tupl^ Print or PRO.'ECT PERSON SUBMITTING ( hUvl ftt t9hn puoNaJlJz*).t? Stgn IUN 11\sS APPLICATION DATE AIGN/ITNING IPPIJICITION A nnt((Please NN.IE OF NAI{8 OF ADDRESS NAI,TE OF ADDRESS OT{NER StcttltunE oF IDCATION OF DESCRIPTION oTl[Ea PROJECT OF PRO.TEST TIIE FOLI'WING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBI'TITTAL BY THE APPLICN{T PRIOR TO rHE REQUESI BErNG SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A.DESCRIPTI9N oF THE SrGN/A$NING (FREE sranorne,1dffi1, o#E:==---...n 7J'. ---t mr.l Tlrrr?tttrF eTl:l' llfFqRlt?ll -TC), INCLUDE SIGN UESSAGE. NNI B.SIGN OR AIINING I,iATERIAI., c.SIZE OF OVEF"LLL SIGN,SIZE OF I..ETTERINC AND I'GO f t t( TT. ft ?A0 C U*r,no rutttf D. E. r{ErcHT oF srcN ABovE GRADE' B(4 ' DESCRIBE IJIGITTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) IENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONIACE (FT) CONDOI{INIUU ASSOCIATION APPROVAL $20.00 FEE No NE F. G. H.cHBcK a d4kirQV Site Plangievations showing exact location of sign or awnins on the building if,oto6taphs showing pioposed location Colored scale drawing Sanple of Proposed materialsfi;I;;";;n'li-"ie" ii avattarle I ,oto / B:tgm_BED 1. - 2.- 3. - 4. - 5. _D,r_ 6 Sign Adninistrator I ',',J !** 114zrbt LutSster'lgcl 0533 EO: SIGN APPIJCANTS l{hen appllcatlons for slgnns are gubnitted, ttre followJ'ng infornation Ls requlred: t' t (\ 5r.' $9/t IV 1. 2. A conpleted sigm,/awnlng appllcation (attached) . A site plan ehoring tlre exact locatlon vhere the slgn is to be located. r$ 3. A photograph if poselble and buildlng elevation sbowlnE the location of the proposed slgin. 4. A scaled drawing which details the desLgn of the sigm, as follows: Colored exactly as sigm will be. A list of nateiials to be used J'n eiEn (netal, wood, canvas, paint etc.) Photograph of siEn Lf availabfe. Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, subuLt drawlngs ehowing exactly how-and ihere the awning ls attached to the buildtng and how the awning is to be constrrreted' 6. Descriptlon of lightlnE that uill be used ln conJunition sith itre sign or awning. -rf proposlng- an awning, Iighting ls not-allowed to ehine through the entlrE awning wtrictr calls undue attention to the business. r.ighting na1 spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECOI{T.IENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verLfy site, height etc. 2. Be speciiic. vagueness-on design, etze, congt:rrction nay delay the aPProval of Your El'En. 3. Ueaaure frontage of business. (a) (b) (c) (d) rEEs A 9ZO.OO APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUTRPD AT TIIE llll'lE oFAPPLrcArroN' I"'[ fd f^ ''vI Ino ,rl*^it # u'.V " *- \,'f7. nbr-rbs I tt,* d\ (v" Y ur( l"*t ")ir -ttlPr .G\ - .4' t +:t fl.n.?,'}0 4.2 o \0- Verr Vrt-l.qce NN lillage kur Plaza Condomuuums June 7, 1990 Sign Review Board Town of Vail VaiL, C0.81657 Gentlemen: This ls to advise that lre approve the awning proposed by AI{NIE I S at 100 East Meadow Drive, Vai1, CO. If there is any additlonal lnformatlon you require, please contact us. Sl.ncerely yours, AlL VILLAGE INN >+-^#f oeef Staufer Pres j.dent & tlanaging Director JS: fm 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-5622 'l Project Application \vl o^t" 3-/- 71t Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description,tot D ,eloct (P ,riring Com ments: Design Review Board I -t Motion by: \J4*r;< /4 /\ t , /'tu, - JSecondedby: Yal t{ 4-O 9'/- fa ,i. DISAPPROVAL Summary: o^r", k-/-fD El statt Approval ^/lPro)ecr. /tl*ies /dtt*;*, toatlor@7-76 PEC DRB -&'l'9o Town Council :t .i.'' 'ilt' ,,,,,, yWl| ' ,, : :,l :,:,: . :it'l ..:.: :... : ... ")+(0"*zS (/" (a" r /2,) 342 23& l) ; ^r-o i t:*s at - oo 2.3 23 4 / 21a/'JA>-\o- 7arq4,44-4 4a 4/, I < 'T. tr -//t*.-l Srtr* i3 Ct July 30, 1990 Town of Vail Deslgn Review Board Vail, CO.81657 Gent lemen : This is be located on the west Drive. We understand and approved by you. VILLAGE ]NN PLAZA CONDOMINIIIM ASSOCIATION 1OO E. MEADOW DRIVE vArL, c0.81557 to advlse that we approve of an ar,rning to wlndow of ANNfE|S shop at 100 E. Meadow that the drawlngs have already been subnLtted Sincerely yours , VILLAGE INN PLAZA CONDOMINII]M ASSN. It ' . " MlW Y+9-u)b O' kn u dd=ez'l TO: SIGN APPI,ICAIflTS Irhen applLcations for sJ.gns are gubnltted, the followinE l-nfomation is required: 1. A conpleted sigm,/awnlnE appltcatl.on (attached). 2. A site Plan shoulng the e5egg locatlon rhere the sLgm is to be located. 3. A photograph if poselble and buildlng elevatlon ehowLng the location of the proPosed siEn. 4. A scaled drawLng ryhich details the desJ.gn of the Bi9n, as follorts: Colored exactly as slgn viII be. A list of nateiials to be used in sign (netal, vood, canvas, paint etc.) Photograph of sign if available. Specific lettering style and size. (a) (b) (c) (d) 5. If an awning is proposed, subnit drawings showing- exactly how-and itreie the awning is attached to tlre building and hov the awninE ls to be constructed' 6. Description of lightinE that will be used I'n conjun-ction with ttre sign or awning. .If proposing- an awning, lighting is not-allowed to shine through the entirE awning ntrictr calle undue attention to the business. r,ighting nay epotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECO!.TMENDATIONS OR POTNTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, helght etc. i. s" speciiic. vagueness-on deslgm, eLze, constrmction nay detay tlre aPProval of Your slgn. 3. Ueasure frontage of business. F8E: A $2O.OO APPIJCATION FEE IIII.L B8 REQUIRED AT :ITIE IIII.TE OF APPLICATION. 1lt . (PIease NAI'iE OF NAI.IE OF ADDRESS NN.IE OF ADDRESS r- R'cC'0 JtlL 1 '7 1990 APPr.,rcArroN DATE ALIV /q10 SION/I'NINO IPPIJICIATOT Print or nrpe) A -.-., ,n ,'o\<PRoirEqr Fr Ir | |4 r pERsoN suBtrrrrrN" Wtft'l( ftUthj oo", 41tt 'tPl47 r'quaau OWNER ErctrllunE ol IPCATION OF DESCRIPTION Ort|ER PROJECT OF PROJEqT THE FOLIOWING INFORUATION IS REOUTF.ED FOR SUBMITTAL BY |IIEE APPLICANT PRIOR TO TltE REQUEST BEING SCHEDUIJD BEFORE I'IIE DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD. B.SIGN OR AWNING I{ATERIAL hrvn ta nta* cwafun A,Hnwue ft) C. SIZE OF OVERALL STGN, SIZE OF LETTERING A}D a.3 D. 8. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE F. G. H. DESCRIBE I.,IGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSStI% LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) coNDol.trNrw As s ocl*t""f IPPROVAL Xl-JiEENtL g2o.oo FEE eero ntlfl cHEcK * r tg{V Site PIan Elevations showing exact location o awninq on the building ino[o6raphs showing pioposed locatl colorAd Lca1e drawing Sanple of Proposecl roaterials Photograph- of sign if available 1 2 3 4 5 6 f sign on or Sign AdrniniEtrator '---- -.3.4 -*1 ,.t7 1' {|],tI I r h., I--'-- I - j- . -_.,.- . - I I !l4unJrt#:- rrl -r'-- -l