HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT O VALBRUNA(i' ;' Design Review Action Form TO\il]\ OF VAIL Project Name: Valbruna Mural Proiect Number: Project Description: Mural depicting Valbruna, Italy to be painted on exterior wall of Valbruna (retail store) facing E. Meadow Drive Owner, Address, and Phone: Marco Tonazzi P.O. Box 4115, Vail, CO 81658 827-9091 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Bobbv Koller 476-3444 t827-g0gl Project Street Address: 100 E. Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Filing ParcelNumber: 210108256018 Comments: Building Name: Valbruna / Vail Village Phase I Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: 1. , TownPlanner: Date: ll/18199 Project Name: Board/Staff Action Melissa Greenauer Action: Hans Woldrich Approved wilh conditions That the mural be reduced to 5' x 6' in proportion with the adjacent window. That the edges ofthe mural be softened or feathered with the top ofthe mural inline with the top of the adjacent window. Ann Kjerulf Valbruna Mural DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 qu.rrlo,r*oll thc Pliu rain g S tai i r i 4 i' >r -l 1 2 3 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Desigrr Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign.revicrv must rc-ccivc Design Rwicw approval prior to srbmitting for a building pcrmit For specific informalon, see the submitbl rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval drat is rcqucstcd- Thc application cannot be acceptcd until atl the requircd inlbrn:ation is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicr cd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Corlrnission. Design Review Board approval expircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRTPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: TOWNOFVAN LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:V;,ttoB. PHYSrCAL lD.D,Htr; C. D. E. PARCEL#:2to1o925661 q ZONING: (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAMEOF OWNER(S):--i-. O/'\cdcb I o^q-ZZ- t MAILINC ADDRESS:S VcJl AIGSb F. G.NAME OF APPLICANT:V"^"[bc,rna.- MAILINGADDRESS: l60 Ea>+ /"1cc-.d,4.-r b'r-;!'c r.fo-l Cz> 8(e"57 , - PHONE: R7d-'+76' 3'{qcl H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E Ncw Construction- $200 Construction ofanewbuildine. Yn-Qoqr tr Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commercial building. ;dMinor Altcration - $20 Includcs minor changes to buikiinp and site improvcmenB. such as, rcroofing. painting window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at thc timc of zubmita.l. Latcr. wh<n applyrng for a building permit. pleasc identi$ thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. The Town ofVail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLE..!.SE SUBMIT THIS {PPLTCATTON, ALL SUB|VITTTAL REQUTRENIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE D 8P:\RTi!IENT O F CO NIIIUN ITY DE VELOPIV(ENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROA D. vAIL, COLORADO 81657. Slilr Management Corfr*y Property Management & Leasing October 18. 1999 Valbruna Attn: Ned Mataraso and Marco Tonazzi Hand delivered Re: Board approval for mural Dear Ned and Marco: I have received approval from the Board of Directors of the Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association for you to have a mural painted on the store front of Valbruna in Vail Village. As per your request, the approval is for a mural similar to the attached postcard (scene of the Town of Valbruna, Italy) that would be approximately 9 ft. X 7 ft. in size. The mural has been approved to be painted on the stucco wall immediately to the left of your entry door, or on a removable material that would be attached to this same atea. If I may be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, WYo///+ Victor A. Chaffiot Properfy Manager 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 360, Vail, Colorado 8165? Telephone: (970) 476-1063 Telefax: (970) 476-2523 o D esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Valbruna Project Description: New Wall Sign and Window Sign Owner, Address and Phone: Valbruna. c/o Amy Wheeler. 100 E. Meadow Drive. 827-9091 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:Vail Signs, 4092E Highway 6, Avon, 81620, 949-6710 Project Street Address:100 E. Meadow Drive Legal Description: Sign File - Vail Village Inn Plaza Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: One wall sign at 8 sf One window/door sign at lioh of window pane Motion by. Seconded by: Vote: Conditions, Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: l0/S/98 Board / Staff Action Action: staff approved F: tE!'ERYONE\DRB\.APPROvAL9SWALBRINA.wPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $30.00 tD,97A4?sj2438 PAGE ?/3 ,a- (' I Ol,.rrinurr cill thc Ptmnirg ilct( er 479-2 l: |; r0lryN0FvAit This appliCRtrOn is tor rury sign thrt is iocatcd witliin thc Tolarr of Vail. $p:cit'ic Icquicnrcnts .rrc avail blc frorn thc Dcflantllclrt of Conrmrrnity Dcvcloporcnt. VAL BiLIIT,16Nanrt ofBusinqis: Building nartc and . \ilvc/'.itE x,'T -qNanrc ofowncr: Maiting addre;s: Signature of ow'ner: E. | !. t\'t, N, Nants of 0r:rson submitring;Phon (lf dlftcrcnt than owncr) Addrc;s: F. Typc of sign tscenect ior dcfitlitiot'.s): E , Frcc standing F Wnllsrgt Gl- Hauging srgn O A.wning tr QthEr, $pcci Sign tucsia NA'IE Lrngth ol husancss frontagc: Hcight of sign abovc gradc. bb'l. .I. K. i,.. q'b" Nun:bqref$ignsproposcd: 2 NunrbcranCsiz.cofexistings;gns:j) ?]P U lft- Location of'crrch sigrr (rrttacti a sitc plan ar'. clcvation dra*ing or a photograph cll'nrly indicating thc proposL-:d Iocrrtion): Siz-c' ofsig:r arrd si;r: gf lcltcrian for L-iich sign p:oposcd: lvl;rlqrial$ e!:d cAlors of sign ( ttach sanrplcs): Dc,rcribc lightirg of 9i o. FEE: 520.00. P.JJTSST.00FeRSQLiAREFOOTOFSTCNAREA. 4EO'-U o l. , sEP- t5-SlA OB, @et FROM : TOV-col.!-DEV-DEPA .o ID '97@4?32452o FAGE 3/3 fl tr n LI tr a u Conrplcti APPIicrtton-l-iliffi;t,il: s',t" cxact loc tion whcrc thc sisrr.is t"^l-.,13.1;:3. 3'l"i-i1," i**'.eii, piotos sr'o'"ing proposcd tcxitti"t qf ilt: :tiql.:.'-tl.I]]]18:lf;T;Hili,fl":i;'ilil,* irrctudirrs spccifrc lcttcrirrg urdiir'$r$io,rs and a photo. if*vailnblc. Sarnplc o[ ProPosc{t nlatcrials' Drurving.sshcwittghownndrvhcrcsignor*wningr,villattnchtothcbtrilcirrgzurtlhglvthcawfiingwillbc constructcd. i'oiion,i,,iun Ansocitriion or Lan<tlord approval ' att:rch a lcto' sIGICAIECOEIEST I . glsssAidi$s -A single or ruuli-faced sign aftixed to a supgnrting $trrrcftrc' sr irnbedded rn and Dxtcnding kottl thc gn'rrnd and derdchcd trort thc building' -2. A$nnss._0dluos4 -Any sigr attachcd to a brritding arrd $xtcnding in wholc or itr part morc than 9" bcy orrd thc '-" brdliting linc. 3. gu1l - A sign nnached tq. Frinrcd on, or crcctcd agFinst thc wall of a buitdirtg or stnrQturc with ths ':xposcd lirc.c ofthc si,n in a jonc pn*tict ro ii c tn.c of th-c rvall and ngt proicctilrg nrons tl*rr 9" lionr thc lirc'c ofthc wall. 4. Disp-l$igqll" A frecstrrnding or rvall sign cnclosr-d in glas.'; for thc cxPrcliq p{'rlTDtc of dis?ia}'ilrg tltcnt"i' currcnt cntcfiitinnlcttt or rcal critatr listings. t. Joidiirscior:i-rigg . A frce,llu:ding, hanging or wall sign that lisrs all thc tcnani's wiliriti n nltllti-tcllait building- {;. slLdivi\tgrcEE4lgLrigE - A sign ro idcntiiy l rn:tjor subdivision' n condonriniuu: conplcx' or group of apirrtnrcnt buildingsli-r,ing ar l,i* I 00 lincrr f,:ct ;f ftontagc Itlong n rchicular or pcdcstri*r way in A y R(" LDMF, MDMF. HDMF- or $DD zonc district' Sti(IGE$TIONS: _ I, Copics of thq SiEF Coac arc availablc frour rhc Dcpartmcnt of Cotttnttrnity Dwclopnrcnt. You nray rvil+h to chsck thc Codc to vcrify the rypc and sizc of sigtr you arc allorvstl' z. Bc spcci6c. Vaguen*s in the description of dcsign. siz.c, constnr$ion nray dclav thc approYal of yorrr sgn' 3. iV ia$rrft the frontage of youl busincss fo detcmrinc lhc sizc (arca) of thc sign yorr arc allowed' 4. Lighringt'or ao.niqg.s ntay qlotlight orlly thc sign lettcring on thc awning Lighting may no! shinc into pcdcstrian cr vehigular rva,vs. S. AII indrvrd,.ral bu.siuess sigus will be rsvicrvci by thc Dcfrarimcnt of Conutruniqv Dqv+loprncnt. Ncw sigtt piogmms or amendfienrs to sigrr prograrns will bc rcvicwcd by thc D*''igrr Rcvierv Boa.'d. [:c".*ry,rr ter linn{si515/signap p-l'l I 3 ?ffflgh{i,?ffim,, Lod Pl"tS ?H3 Plt9 Pn5 t?i0 790 ?96 ?17 **bv ' t otY ?a?-oeh *zz.ztt-t I o o f -\ ,\rf ab(. ,a * n{ (^