HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT O VAIL INTERNATIONAL GALLERYVql vi4uy' F*aaa /- Etokss, Lat o t)0,/ VitlnTu Zu Hl Vt ifm"wt;d.6* ( Vat-Vf ll",fo /s* /ar O, btegO crtite tb+I7 m;fi3gt11 trtErtrtcac Design Revlew Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Cqmmunitf Deyelopment 75 South Frsfttaoe Road, Vail, Coloredo 81657 tel:970.+79.?139 fex:970"479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: VAIL INT. GALLERY AWNING Proiect Descriptlon: RNAL APPROVAL FOR INSTATIATTON OF AWNING Participants: DRB Number: DR8070596 owNER NrCO VArL rNC 7011912007 C/O SUFER MGMT 143 E MEADOW DR STE 360 VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT VAIL INTERNATIONAL GALLERY I0l l9l2007 Phonei 970476-2525 MARC LE VARN 1OO E. MEADOW DR. #17 VAIL co 81657 Prcject Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL location: VILLAGE INN PIAZA UNIT # 16 & 17 tegal Description: LoE O Bbck: 5D SubdMsion: VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA @NDO Parcel l{umber: 2101-082-5601-6 Commenb: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Dab of Approval; tol24l2w7 Cond: CON00095,14 No changes to these plans may be made without written consent of TOV Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward aompletion. Cond: CON0009545 Clean existing awnings to match new Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO General InformaUon: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review __ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vaii, Colorado g1657 tel 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com This applicadon is for minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as re-rooftng, painting, windowaddiuons, landscaping, fences and ietaining *iirr, "t .- ar1.or":*E requiring design revrew mu$ receive approvalprior to submitting a building permit applfation.' en apprilatbn ror riesigi n""iZ*'i.nnot be accepted untit atlrequired information is received by. ttre iommunrty oeu6iop*ent Department. The pro;ect may also need to bereviewed by the Town council andlor ttre erannini anJ'invironmentat commission.'' besgn review approvallapoes unlecs a bullding permit as iseu"a anu'cinJlucion -,n-.n""" *ltiiln oi. v."r of the approval. Fee: f25O for Multi-Family/Commerrial g2O for Single Famlly/Duplex Description of tlre Reque *, , ftit Wlhil. Locadonof theproposal: Lot: O aro.r,.. dP suwiuxan, l/a, L l/,1 lnru f fa%, ( rnpa t brrir /(f\ oPa E e) q {/tI //ruu'| ( Physical Address: a Parcel No.t L Zoning: l{ame(s) of Owner(s):fi rco '^i L. ( c,, Owner(s) Signature(s): l{ame of Applicant: Maillng Mdress: I(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) sEO s( 2t-- ko n^L(.e p /t,o->oo/fuY C-'\Documents and SettingsWlarc\Local Seftings\Temporary lntemet Files\Content.IE5\t02D7RO0\drb_minor_alt0i I gOZ.do.' Mailing Address: Ua;l (r,q( af? phone:: SSt - t(ef 93ff"f$5'%he*No.: *, f l - z-.1- t7 DRB No.: Page I of8 l0/lC/100t tt;0i FAI lioot ffi E/,'/ t!,/n1t Hiz-t_t, (Fir n-nt"fu&--rfuuo f& u rn&r $trurd of ttre ptrr, aibd lo4d f s*t 0|t d*n holr lrlor&ted burt yhndvrr cLrrnflv^i-r__ -^_ ' ---* 'r"! {'Ergtrnhrry DilhrnartDqatr:nt lbr tfr DapE, frpromrntl b bc W:*,* * Y t uurrurr $r b nn* r'noyancr* h.,*; .E- .4_-- 8.//4/i:7n d7-. fu* A;o,r.tb arrarrr trbr .m, jm-#_u."J l= o I t4,F wil ry *r.'.c'*** ,"t'r,,rflrdt o t_ *t ffi a,'o,.E2WEH;#"ffi:**-bi*MwEbil adrad f< Iuwnnrfu;XLffiPHffiWE:*8{E,G,q '(nn/d'r|.) C'lh't|t 3rd f,tgntbEl,ao.*"r,h?ffi% ?)rat f"uo^ ti.-t f"tt"rra 100 East Meadow Drive t1-7 Vail, CO 81658 (970) 476-2525 Below are views of the west facing exterior we want to place the ProPosed awning on SCAI.E w I l t .*r'/ i !''.) . , 7t\\lAtttttltrlJ t-rlr[trAN r'l7w 7? I(alanath Sueet Denveq Crlorado EM23-1549 (303) 8217600 FAX (303) 523-2670 ,,r.,1 CTECIGD B' l.la" L.Jetd€d Vo,\a*rce. l,llIrt Il'll .ql,oorsbo'ltA 6Z I|Nn - nA IllLI z{J,LildtoI 9il :il 9tutrl 9i $toi ! o1si 8r P] + - | - ,-I t.\/*"ns"" ,r1 Pa oPt*< d-&h'Lirro { tntla)Jlz'l.'OS I $I 1lr Ig []IJ iffii fl cl!:1:Jlii :;t!dl tr*;l -;l---- li;;?i: fl UF A'TI,RICA.INC 77 Kalama$ Strcet Denver, Colorado g OZn_$4g (303) rf25-7600 FAX (303) 623-76?0 Pt0trtlfil0a t 65Cr g{hl tG I lhddtdl OF AMERICA.INC ?7 Kalamath Sreer Denver, Colorado E0223-1549 (303) 825-7600 FAX (303\ 623-2670 $.€ErNo.- 5 -- .- o, 6 I .*r*^r* ",-fin 3.- r rr - / o'2o -<sS CI.IECX€D BY DATE ..i i finmr*l l$d.SLr)t0'r {Pffl C)c)\of.\ I u) ru OJ ..1 cr)c).. rtl -t" t--- :<L >- \i- I :l N l'.r .\ -.f\_r) Az't_J_ I1LL.I:t 'd l. {le x 3,/4'rcK scR€VS f oLllv,i, i-NT e' a4. D.C, l./ 4'9 X 4' RtD' HEAI)'st.EtvE At{ctt0RS, HILTtKVtK-BnI5 nR ZEE '.rlo,Hu-tb..,- ' Yt*'tt t/ r\ fr i I Design ReYiew Board ACTIOI{ FORM Departme{t of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage RoaU, vaiL Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax; 970.479.?452 web: www.vaiigov,ccrn Project Name: VAIL INT. GALLERY SIGN ProJect Description: Participants: OWNER NICO VAIL INC C/O SUFER MGI'|T. 143 E MEADOW DR STE 360 VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT MARI,A LEVARN PO BOX 214 VAIL co 81658 ProJect Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL VILI.AGE INN PI.AZA UNIT # 16 & 17 DRB l{umber: DR8050570 Awnings on north, south, and west sides of building; north and south awnings include lettering of 2.75 square feet in size each with white lettering on "Captain Navy" Sunbrella fabric #4646. Window decals on South and North facades. r01241200s t0 l24l2WS Phone: 479{435 LocaUon: Legal Descdption: Lot: O Block: 5D Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE PLAZA CONDO Parcel ]{umber: 2101-082-5501{ Comments: See conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/StrAFF ACTION Adion: APPROVED Date of Approvah 10/31/2005 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate rerdew committee(s). @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 dap fullowing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of flnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued towad completion. Cond: CON$07693 No lighting shall be installed for any of the proposed signage/awnings. Cond: CON0007694 o Application for Design R evrew DeparUnent of Community Development 75 Souft Froflbge Road, Vail, €otorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 i,;x:. 97A.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us 7K See attached lavouts Location of the pro osal:aor, &r*r, il subdivision: IOl|,NM Geneml lnformation: All proJec.s requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please rerbr to.the submittal requtrements for the particulii "pprdlrat that is requested. An appticatbn for Design Reviewcannot be accepted ufiul all requircd information is received by the Cornmunity Develbpment Departrnint Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or r|e Planning and fnvironmenal Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and dnstrucuol @mFences witfiinone year of the approval. Description of the Request: l- at a later dav. Physical Address: ofrrp D "l vl \,o Parcel No.: Vilraee elaza conOo lff;l 082 56 016 082 56 017 Zoning:SDD#6 Hame(s)of Owner(s): Luc ldever / s\rLc \l Atu,f*C $650 For constnrtion ofa new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residerftial or comrnercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buiuings and site impro/ements, sudr as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc$20 For minor dranges to buildings and site improv€ments, s.rch as, reroofing, paanting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For rs/isions to plans already apprwed by planning Staff or the Design Revierrr 8oard. No Fee Mailing Address: Phone:+76- Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: MailingAddress: P.O. Box 214 Vail. Co. 81558 E-mailAddressr@fax, +Z TypeorReview ";,I Signs $50 ptusgl.oopersquarefudoftoht s(1narea.tr Correphral Review No Fee Il Nery Constructiontr Addfion Cl Minor Alte-ation ( multFfam riylcommercial) tr Minor Alteration (gnglefamity/duptex) tr Changes to Approved plans tr Separation Request For Ofhce Uge.Qnlyl FeePaid: 1 *t; .puoro.,-/O9Zu,, E Apprication Date: { ( - /b 6{ DRB t0o.:_ r0lyAi ",,"#fls,!illF,?ii=General Information This application is for arry sign that is located within fie Town of vail. speqFrc requirements are avaihblefrom the Deparbnent of Community Owelopment. I. SUBMITTALREQUTREI|ENTS A. a U. E. F. G. I. J. K. L. NameofBusiness: Vall International Gallery Buildingnameandph),sicaraddres: vitrage rnn plaza, phase r - 100 E. M""ddlb$17 writien approral ftom condorninium associauon, randlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Type of sgn (check a[ that apply); trFreestanding Skjn tr Building ldenUficationtrWall Sign E Mural - DHanging_/ Projecting Sign E Window SigntrDisplay Box G Sign program _ IDaily Special Board tr eas filb1F:oiniDi'=.bt-sie; _or"r*,.ojlffioot'1. ,FlsubdivisionEntra-ncesisn Xd;l::"iif #;ffUl Numberof signs prarxrx*,: 2 l/ nf,lr#olrdnrexistiil :'qJt Lgcatign (attadr a site pran and an erevatircn dnwing or a photograph creartyindicating the proposed location of slgn(s11: se" rrra#ngs F C"'-' =-"' Sign rssg"t sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (at6ch a colored scaled schematic drawing@th"=l'): Length of business fron@e: Height of sign(s) from grade: Materials and colors of sign (attadr samples): iign lighting ptan: a Indicate type, . o Include tnightE Acadt a cut sheei for each proposed fixture. lW Drawings showing ho,rr and where tie sign or awning will attacrr to tte b(iHiftthe awning will be consuucted. n tI t0 tr* Dx 4.,2- Pr. W Page 3 of4l0 I /l 0/02 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)'/77.&24: "/PA 6. z4raeaz'>i/e provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvemenG to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modificaUons may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of 4/04/28/04 S hft Management C omplny Property Management & Leasing October 21,2005 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 111 S. Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 Re: Units 16 and 17, Vail Village Plaza Condominiums To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the property owner, Nico Vail, Inc., and the Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association have approved the proposed awnings and window and door logos for the new Vail International Gallery to be located in the above referenced retail condominium units at 100 E. Meadow Drive in Vail Village. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, h-a%z/Trc<rVT Steve Stafford Managing Broker, Slifer Management Company, Inc. Managing Agent For Nico Vail" Inc. and Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 360, Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (970) 476-1063 Telefax: (970) 476-2523 townof vail I cde.doc **+i***'lt***++***+**'t*********+l++*{.d.*****tXt*'tit*t*******al*************lt't'*'i******'}******** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement**:t********++************{.'*+**+++t****************'}'t{'********taaff*********'t4.t'N't,1.****'}****++ Statenent Nr:mber: R050001793 Pa)rments Method: Check I NTERNATI ONAIJ GAIJLERY Amount: $54.00 I0/24/?OOSLO:08 AMInit : ifsNotation: LOO2/VAIL Permit No3 Parce1 No: Site Address: Location: This Payment: DR 00100003 172200 sP 00100003124000 DRB050570 2101-082-5601- 6 1OO E MBADOW DR VAIIJ VILI,,AGE INN PI,AZA I'NIT # $54.00 Tl4)e I DRB - Sign Applicat.ion 16 & 7-7 Total Fees: TotaL AI,t Pmts : Balance : $64.00 $54.00 $0.00*+++f*******t***||.******t+*:t!t*++!*****{'*'t*****t++**********,}+*f+a++****************'*********** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account code Description Current Pmte DESIGN REVIEW FEES SIGN FEES 50.00 14,00 f :- '4 , d.f/ ------J{ndow grophics = 6" x 19"=,79ro,'# r\ql"-d"rLa o o t/2" 1q4 t/2"t .-++ l=_ _?l+sl lJ T {&Wrl*.fu t. T DATE: STAFF T I / ,r ,;'ill I L. _;_',lt/:,f-r;";livAL \ /o'7t-as Et/ffi?^ a,/ auarm-s :ls iJ-F window grophics = 6u x .|9"=.79 sq, tt rJ^+{t. Y,-,-"-"y I o. F.'.-?" 4 t/2" -s * -o -lItl g .(\ -l - EG..EG}18Q. -.$ _l .l\ *l s *$ s NNl $ N ^\$ Fs '\-/ -) t T((y * v_) P o Jo-Iorata -II CLo J IIil5 o J -toata !l - f,''0, *, =7olo lt : I!t o/ \ -\NA SNN; $=N \N O "N,N .ir+' ;l lgt "'l r - | ,_i,(.t -to) CL.|loft o c, 0,3oo o .- og I? x |.otFTo!-'a o (rr IC,:x oocorlo Tor|s(go o-tr .D-F}r)o.l J+Ioa aa €II CLo €IIr+,5 !t j raIo-a n, -q,5oo A'5 CL.+o+ql T (r) aIo) CL-lott oI alr? 0t gts .H€ H Xoa':i.e+ a'6r t F*=?J.oX 'd $i 3qe@o)r O) \ Dr^tri^3 1-t o North Focing Awning Volonce 12'x14! 6u u/tcose 2.75 sq. tt ?)*tMfi'tt"n't South Focing Awning T*t %nt r-tt"r-t gtttntt S*v *qN \ \}t -\ iF ts ,-N +T.St\t f s *s d Od 0 O5 1l:30a Ann Egnm \ | (970) 328€e2O P2 ')d .\L, N +t\ Fe\ s '\ tss5 :t o t"+ 7 Kalamath Slre*C{LCTX-AIED BY ** /o-lo'of Denver, Colod:ado W223-1549 (303)82S7600 FAX(303)623-2670 (ps s) tlclded Vo.lq'*lce- 1."*{,'" '= IJo" Ap"'g' fUo*.es I 4ll F"-r",i +, b. li l'i.l?s Eq. ll,-.7.br-L Uetded (rnJlfi,ih) Frarr"s *o h-. co"..od ,^ri{h s*rb"-lla A-*,*rl frUr;.# +679 slc€r 1|o. CTGCIGD SY DATE h.d t :1:r Jsr'ls!{ .r'rFrq;l {. fl,-q Bldc. u,;llt Z'-cl, -" Vo; I ?-*, Cr*||","y' o*rr^.o. 3,= -o, 6' 77 Kalaooath Suet Denver, Coloredo S0 29.3- 1549 (303) 825-?600 FAX (303)621.2670 cr€crEo BY *n )O,2o-o{ DATE--- + - ,- ltilO" * \p. fr** 5".t;"- QrS) llo" t^t.ldad !6"1o*r.c- Nonlh tl.y*4risn) - 77 Ifulrmath Stset Denver, Colorado 8fI223-1549 (3O3) 82r76m FAX (303) 623-2670 Itr^t'#'_--------=r ,n )O-2P'o ljo" {r)e.l&d tJ.s* //W o o o o -- -7 o ALPEN ROSE REDEVELOPMENT val vtu6t hatvlf rc o,,f, sIt|IAr* Da|l/I vr,/L con65t rtoFct anE ! a I $ I o:l \ 3Fl:l \ *Fi:l \ 3zl <_-. f-l t-_ll:illllti; L_l Lliii . ;Hf---l f---l!lfil ll lrfill ll I:!!il ll I (l==--t lE* \ IItr; \ I (")l I i t' \ nn\- t IJ wvt nAdXA,r /u// 1- t CAPTAIN NAVY ' Styl€ 4il6 46" (1 15.8 cm) 100% Acrylic ffi_ sHlp*mLa- Page 9 Non Fire Retardant 'rt MTffilr \oF AMERTCA INC 77 Kalamath Street Denve! Colorado 80223- 1549 (303) 825-7600 FAX (303) 623-267 0 CHECKEO BY o"Ao-o{ Kffi\ OF AMERICA,INC 77 Kdama$ Street Denver, Colorado 8U)23 - | 549 (303) 825-7600 FAx (3O3\ 623-2610 -a .,1 J 7-/l(-t rJlloF'A ,ic (Pr A\YJ / l-1 \i \'. \\ \ .)., F t\ \1.at' I 6\ \ aJ \,ri \ I U r -_!.lq u(c L J "7 At lti - <:('O >e)V 6. rio.*€L Tt e,J / D c\ /'- lt-n"'lo t-) Pfro0lcT 2!4-r [i|0r s&.b)2rFl (M) i. R'..nB1q1yiaa, l/4'+ ^ 4. RtD HIAD ' SLEEVE ',ANCH0RS, HILTI , KVIKTBIII IS ttR.EoUIVA, aNr. e a4,, D.C. :r F-- , .,t >. \L -J'{'; ll Page? of 4t http:i/byl03fd.bayl03.hotmail.msn.com./cgi-bir/gernsg?msg:64149a C4-9Z7B-4F13-97E4-4... \0/ZUZ005 Page 3 of4 ,il.tl.:;l .:I ..t I ,t\! g i: I ^| : MSN Hotmail - Message - il http://byl03fd.bayl03.hotmail.msn.comicgi-binigetmsg?msg=64l4ECC4-9278-4F13-97t4-4... 10t2112005 l.j;;..;? t" J I w ffi