HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT O CLAGGETT REY GALLERYVari'r'r#!{e fMr,/-et'o !$,Ytri[f'F TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2138 OTTNER APPIJICA}IT Building------ > Plan Check-- > InYestigation- > Will Call---- > DEPARTMENT OF CO NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603 210108254032 MMUNTIDEVELoPME*, !.-.-! o g\\( sD \)o.-.\ \),\\.*- ,{ JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES C) Permit # 806-0145 Project # PRI060I23 CONTR,ACTOR Desciption: REMODEL COMMERCIAL UNIT 603 OF THE VAIL VILLAGE INN. Occupancy: B Type Construction: Valuation: $85,000.00 Revision Valuation:$0.00 Add Sq Ft: FEE SI,JMMARY VAIIJ VIIJIJAGE INN IIIC 1OO E MEADOW DR #T: VATIJco 81557 C]-,AGGETT REY GALIJERY ]-OO EAST MEADOW DR, BLDG #10 VAIL coLoRADO 81557 I-,icense: 389-L, CI-.AGGETT REY GALLERY 1.OO EAST MEADOW DR. BIJDG #10 VATI-, coLoRADO 81_6s7 License: 389-I-, 06/o7/2006 06/o7/2006 Phone: (970) 476-93so 06/07/2006 Phone: e7O) 476-93sO Stanrs...: ISSUED Applied.. . : 0610712W6 Issued...: Wl24l2W6 Expires.....: 0ll20l2007 2407 Approvals: ITCM: O51.OO BUILDIIIG DEPARTMENT o7/20/2006 UROYER sqJuare footage. ftem: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENT 07 /24/2006 warren Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEL 06/26/2Oo5 JtR sprinkler and fire alarm licensed contractors . ILem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS $0,00 $0. 00 s1,459.44 Action: AP Action: AP No additional Action: AP Update fire systems. Submit shop drawings S888.75 Resnnrant Platr Review:> S577.59 RecreationFee---------) $o . oo TOTAL FEES----------- > s3.00 Total Calqrlarcd Fees- > Additional Fees----- > Total Permil Fee----- > Payments-:-------- > BALANCE DUE------. > 91,459.44 1L , 469 .44 s1,469.44 s0.00 by See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sffuchne according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOIJRS IN AM-4PM. BY TELEPTIONE AT ORATOUR OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *****rt***********,1***1.***1.***tr***************ti**tr*'t :ltrt't *rt*:i***:F***********:f t 'ii.*,t:fi*rt{.***:1.*1.******:+******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit#:806-0145 asofOT-24-2N6 Satus: ISSUED *:t****+*+***++*'F*********{.*,*****.{<*********{.***,t *1.*'t ***1.*1.*1.***:t+*+*+*+*++**1.*,1.{.,1.{.'t{.'1.*t *,1.**+*+*+*+*:F*:F{.+{. Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant: CLAGGETT REY GALLERY (970) 476-93s0 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603 Parcel No: 210108254032 Description: REMODEL COMMERCIAL UNIT 603 OF TI{E VAIL VILLAGE INN. ,F*,F* *.tr *1.***********************Conditions:1.*,1.*,1.********!**!***:***{.'1.*******!t*******!****!*****{. Applied: 0610f12006 Issued: 0712412W6 To Expire: 01l2Ol2M7 Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQ WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008148 The applicant shall zubmit to staff and have recorded an amended condominium plat showing the two teftmt spaces beoming one tenaot space prior to requesting a final plarming inspection. The process for submiting an amedded condominium plat to staff for review and approval can lake up to four weeks. This time frame should be taking intf account when planning to request final inspections for occupancy- Cond: CO['{0008304 THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT AND HAVE APPROVED. AN AMENDED CONDOMINIUM PLAT SHOWING THE NEW CONFIGURATION OF THE TENNANT SPACE PRIOR TO REQUESTING A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY. BEFORE ANY CHECK FOR CODE 0tZ3 I INCOMPLETE OR 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 NOT BE ACCEPTED IF VAI are requ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION t APPLICATION WILL?tr\|)(Jb'6tys Project #: Permit #: IVE Separate al. etc.t 06 200fi COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT & Materials BUILDING:$ q{, (reO ELECTRTCAL: $ It OOO oTHER;$ lO. O()O PLUMBTNG: $ t9, OO.D MECHANICALT$ IO,OOO rorAl: s 85.oo o For Parcel# Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at970-328-8640 orvisit ffi*ffi[ffi 2-lo\- o8z--'tfr3-z Job Name:-ei;sieklPst 6+terq Tlao/ A^rv-lb) JobAddlg;;: (og E tv^eqdoN D".Vdlr fArlr \,rvirt too3 Legd DEcription ll r-ot:E-lo"r'5$ llntins,Subdivision: \,;1 \\a-q.e Tr^"e laa owners NameBr\[ q.-l'al o[9$b v,.,-*rrr,.r Dr* 33 Va.-r \PhoHo-trrro-g3g o*n*ReYPT:nHt^*,7 i"8i,esc"*t Dnze- B"*bl.aJ.ll 9?B- a".-t-?o82 Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: C4al*eao( C","",. ora".t rr<.i 6bAe tt$ ca-<srrtcrcLg4g g+ -etq-t\ftJ WorkClass: New() rygti"{l Remodet(f,) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ll'zl Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial fl,) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: No/Type of Fireplaces Exisling: GasAppliances ( ) Gas Logs (' ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins ( No/Type of Fireplaces Propqsgd: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loss (X) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NoT ALLoWFD) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (K) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ([) No ( FOR OFF]CE USE ONL F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildin gJermit.DOC Page 1 of 15 0449/200s l,' lji ; : :I ,lla i ,tji :'l ,,.: .' t':rtir ',lri; tl:, , tr.. rii,: ,] :!'i rrJ:i .ij: :: iiir , ,;t; :i,: I , ;:i i r, ir: ti: Ilr-: ; trii:ll:: . ; tri,:ti'i ,:1 .: cona: coNotss The.applicant shall match, in collor and material, all new materials (stucco and verticle siding) to those exisitng on the structure. vefticle wood siding shall be installed in a manner as to not clearly identiff that a "patch" was donl where the window is being removed. Cond: CON0008096 The applicant shall remove the unapprwed light fixture adJacent to the window to be removed prior to requesting a temporary certificate of occupancy or certificate of occupancy. All holes created by this removal shall be repalred to rnatch adjacent material. Cond: CON0008097 Planner: WarrenCampbell The applicant shall install a new full light door whlch is either a dark bronze aluminum or a wood frame door which is painted dark brown to replace the existing door on the south elevation. A door which matches the one being iemoved on the east elevation would be acceptable. DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO o g{a,r\tJhlirr oEllELOPMEfrt Design Review Board ACTIOH FORI,I Department of Community Development 75 South FrontaEe Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479'2139 fax:970.479'2452 lYeb : r!rwv{. vaitgou'com Project Name: Project DescriPtion: Paftlcipants: /REY GALLERY DOOR/MNDO DRB Numberr DR8060096 RNAL AppRovAL FOR THE REMCjDEL oF A COMMERCIAL UNIT, #603 OfTHE VAIL VILLAGE rNN. INcLUDES THE REMoVAi or slVenau wINDOWs TO RETURN THE STRUCTURE BACK To ITS PREVIOUS DESIGN. VAIL co 81657 APPUCAIIT BILL REY THE CLAGGETTIREY GALLERY 1OO E' MEADOW DR. BLDG #10 VAIL co 816s7 Project Address: 58 E MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603 OWNER VAIL VILI-AGE INN INC O4ILOI2OO6 1OO E MEADOW DR #33 O4t LOl2005 Phone: 476-9350 Location: Legal Descriptionl Lot Blodt: 5D Subdivision: VITIAGE INN PLAZA Parcel Number: 2101-082-5403'2 Comments: SeeConditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of ApProvalt MlO7l2O06 C.ond:8 (PLAN):NochangestotheseplansmaybemadewithoutthewrittenconsentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 tpr.qnl:DRBapprova|doesnotconstituteapermitforbui|ding.P|easeconsu|twith iot"n br vail Buitding personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 ORg approvat shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) v""-ll!l9*'19l"-9^ti" ofhnat approu"t, uniess a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Berope AFTW- t- ?eFoee i' kTrZ? - ,( \ . ": I| .' ' .\ .,.;.* r {* 3" .-" : I I I I i \ I |. i i 1- i , ,fi #;elr : s.i i., o o Y Tufi!{trrfft hprbnent of &tnmunity hvelopment Building hfety and Inspection ,ervies 75 tuuth Fronhge Road Vail, domdo 81657 970479-2138 FAX 9704n-2452 www.uailgtov,com BUITDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PIAN REVIEW COTyIMENTS: TO:Contractor/Aoplicant Claggett/Rey Architect Michael Folwell (303)62s-1030 2 John Plano, Building Plans Examiner 1210712006 806-0145 Bill Rey 68 East Meadow Drive M FAX/Email #: 476-0495 NUIIBEROF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUITDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCYGROUP: TYPE OF OONSTRUCTIOI{: NUMBEROF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003InternaUonal ResidentialCode, 2003International Mechanical Code, 2003International Fuel Gas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following @mmenB wlll nd b E addrcd prlor b lssuance of a building permit: For processing:r Please submit four comolete sets of revised construction documents containino the reouested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please resoond in writinq to each comment by markinq the attached list or creatino a response letter. Indicate which olan sheet. detail. specification. or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the olans examiner with the building permit application number noted, o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamo, sionature, registration number and date on the cover oaqe of any structural ctlculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the olans must be stamped. Architecftrral Comments: I This letter is generated based on a one page, AD-l, submittal. 2 Provide a permit application to accompany the drawing. 3 Provide wet stamped architectural drawings. 4 Add a listed 2 hour floor ceiling assembly to the drawings. If the "UL listed intermescent paint" as called out on the drawings, is intended to be Ure separation, provide technical information for the exact paint to be used and the listings indicating it is approved for this application and it provides a 2 hour assembly. (IBC Table 302,3.2) 5 Indicate the operable windovrrs on the drawings. Provide calculations to verify minimum ventilation is met. (IBC 1203.4) 6 Change the floor plan to maintain required accessible approach to the new sliding door. (ANSI A117.1 Figure 404.2.4.2) 7 Provide a site plan to indicate location of public restrooms. (IBC 2902.5) Please rcfer to the cover sheet for information on rccubmitting plans. In order b avoirl dclays in issuane of a p€rmit, please chedr dl requested infonnadon ls Induded with the recubmittcd plans. Please submit rwised plans as a compleb set Partlal plan rcsubmittale wlll not b€ rwleuled. John Plano I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2140 jplano@vailgov.com F: \odev\CHRISIPERMIT.COMMENTS\80G0 14s\80G0145. DOC . ') ;( * x coH|,cATIoNRESULTRE'.RT (DEC.?."{D 3:4'pr'r)x )e i( FILE MODE OPTION T. ! ADDRESS (GROUP) TTI RESULT PNGE 6E3 T4EflORY TX 94764495 OK P. ?/? RERSON FOR ERROR E-1 ) HRNG UP OR LINE FAILE-3) NO ANSI,IER E-2) EUSYE_4) NO FRCSIMILE CONNECTION From: To: Date: Sublect: Mike Mccee Charlle Davis; John Plano; Mike McGee L2lL9lZO05 4:35 PM Re: 806{145 CC: Fire_Inspectors; maE.myer@cia.om I just spoke to the technical rep frcm PTP "Flreprcof Palnf'. Tt€ podr,rct ls not llsted for use on rnetal, steel or other non- absorbant appllcatbns. Therc is no testing to determine appropriate appllcatlons when a flre sprlnkler system ls present. This prcduct is not st.rltable for tfib applkatlon. Mike McGee Fire Marshal Vail Fir€ Department 970479-2L35 >>> Mike Mccee 12118/2006 4:49 PM >>> I har/e atbmpH to re{e\riew this project. I find @mmenb under "F:\cdgAC[iRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\8060145\B0G0145.DOC' VFES does not harre access to this file. I canot appmr€ the re\rision undl we reoeive specificauons on the "2 hour inbJm€s@nt painl' From: Mike McGeeTo: william.davls@nist.goDate: L2lL9l20W 1:06 PMSubjecE Intumescent Coatings CG: Charlie Davis; Fire_Inspectors; John Plano; matt,royer@cia.com I am the Fir€ Marshal in Vail, Crlorado, I have received a request from an architect to allow intumescent paint (PTP, International Fireproof Technology, Inc.) to be used as an equivalent for a 2 hour celllng and structural protection for a 14 inch steel I beam. I have placed calls to PTP but I am not aware of any testing that has been done with a passive system (intumescent paint) in the presence of an active system (fire sprinkler system) in the same environment. It seems to me activation of a fire sprinkler head in proximity to intumescent paint may cause the bubbhs and coating intened to protect the steel to be wash€d off, Without knouring the flre size, growth rate, etc,, I am Currendy unwilling to grant his reque*, Are there any tests or results of which you are aware wherein an active fire sprinkler qtstem ard a passive intumescent coating have been comblned in the sarne ceiling space? This partkular appli@tion is a 10 ft ceiling on the ground floor of a seven story rcsidential condo building. The ceiling is conegabd metal pan beneath a 3 indr concrete topping with 14 indt secondary steel I beams. The Primary steel beams ar€ being wrapped in drywall per the UL assembv, Any particular Inslght or guidence would be appreciaEd. I am still going to rcquire the applicant to zupprot their request but I told the Chief Building OtFrial I would try and do nry hom€nvork flrst. Thank You! Midnel McGee Fire Marshal Vail Firc Dept 970 479-2135 Otrrce 970 376-0738 cell PTP Fireproof latex paintJlntumescent coating,Fire Retardant paint, Sr.[rCeUGt Cil|llAErnnd &|!r Sl&.{[I:blI3 Eoheelselr IIIE !!a.unDErd.crt& l--g'u'u { n"tytoAppl-v N-uE{rffi,.-1,- y' AfTordable I 1< ,F Warer Based Acrylic Larex PTP DC-333 is a New State of the Art Fire Retrdmt Paint @a Resideotial. Commercial Buildingso High Fire Areasa Gpsurn / Sheettrck Assemblies. Store Dsplaysa Kitchcns, Gflagcs. Hospitalsa Convalescent Homeea Schools, Universities. lndnstrid Buildioga Marine Adicatiotrsa Nursing Homesa State Institutionso Mobile Housing. Modular Buildingsr High Density Housingo Food hep Areas, Reshurantsa Thealcrs. Clubg 2006 03:22 PM H! b|!t ;rir \.7 @llIE (w ffi rfrFH r/ Fire Resistant r/ ApproYed Thermal Barrier .,.1 funy Tested and Approvedy' Btack Mold Inhibitor Beneftts of Usin&Ifll Single Coat Coverage Fire Retardant Y&u,.u-S!ql Ylde-clglE:qr r Single Coat CoqFo Superior Qualig Iltex Painlr Maximrm FjlfBarrier Pnxe{ln. lfllldl*l]dAp,proved. lHRetardanta Fire Resistant. N6-Toxico Non-Cacinogenica Hypoallerg€oic. C-overs up to 2m square feet per g"llon a a a a a a No special equipment or uaining to apply Easily wipe off din & grime with w€t cloth of spmg€ Now with !fuf,1[el! hhibtor Safe aouad childrrn, aad pets Paint over existing lnint Affordable State of The Art Protection-Stops Fires*FlrcproofPaln& DC-333 .Wood: li2" Douglas Fir *Torch: Butane GasrTcmpcrrture: 18500 - 2050 .TcsE Ignited Butsne Torch was place in direct contact "Superiorn'FIre and Mold hotection in One Application. 1t'p1pt'1 11C.333 is a new state of the rt lire retardant paiot using proprielary culting edge lntunescent Fire RetEdanl, Fire Resistmce and Mold Inhibior Technology. Our Supcrlor to the wood for the miDutcs indicated. http:/ /www.painttoprotect.com/index.html Page 1 of 2 PTP Fireproof latex paint,lntumescent coating,Fire Retardant paint,LZllS12006 03:22 PM "||Ial, producr has been highly tested ad * *,f,m"** lests from nationally oertilied laborites and testing facilities. PTP has been proven to have the ability ro prEv€nt v€fiical flame sptrad, flashover and to prcveot fire penetntions ofa wall assembly for up !o trvo hours!! and has a 0 mold growth. Simply paint PTP m the interior of yorn home or building. This will create unsupassed fire and oold protection. When PTP is exposed to high t€mpcraturcs or direct flame there is al! "Inn@esc€nt r€acaid.' Simply stated, PTP expaads, caraneliring od forms a 'char barrier' that lifis off th€ surfa@ of ihe material. In so d<ing, PTP offers an effective ad durable barier rhet cuts off the fuel source that fire needs to &velop. Sincc a/l1 llrc Codra:.Ar€ being constedy re*ricen and erforccd. Fdint To Proa€ct mP DC333 not only saves lives and property but il can savc you rnoney, meering or exc€oding fire codes for less cost and less labor. Hrctrr()of ptbt nc.a33: has passed many test to prov€ it iB the Best Fireproof Paint UI 723 | lsted fUnderwrlicrs Laboratorv) This test is used as a means of measuring flme spread and smoke over a horimntal surface, resulting in either a class A, B or C rating. Paint to Pmtect qras Givetr a CbEs A Rating which ie the Best Rati4g available for a Fire Retsrdant painl Our mmrtracnrring facility is inrpected by Underwriten I$oratory (ltl) quart€dy to itsul,e coDsistcnt oanufac$rhg ed perfcoocc etodalds. ASTM trl- B|: Mcets lfl , 72jl (Undcrwriters I .aborator.v) This test is us€d as a means of measruing flame spread aad smoke over a horizontal surface, resulting in either a class A, B or C rating. Paiot to Protect was giveo a Cbse A Ratlng which is the best rating available for a Fire Retardant. NFPA 2t6: Meets llf | 7 | 5 (Under*'ritcm I.aho,retorvl A method for determining how interior finish mabrials, like paints, affect ihe growth of a fue in a rmm. It is used to evaluate the flammability characteristics of wall and cciling interior finishes, including flashover. F-lashover occurs when a fire reaches a certain poiot wherc it can ignite materials many feet away from where the fire suacd. Paiot to hotect paseod with No Fluhovcr. UD9J[22 Meahod for Bvslurdon of Thermrl Barrler$ A thernul borrlcr prcvents h€ot ond llre from posing through a wall or door. This tests a poduct's ability to slow lbe t€nperaure rise drning fire sitrations. Paint !o hotect Passed with Ereptbnal Rcsultg. This lest messures the ability of walL systems to stop flame or hot gases ftom p€netrating or destoying a wall for (l and 2 hours), a Temperrture of l7?Ootr'. 24 er8 flernc6 blrst dlrcctlv on the wall lor I rnd 2 hours. What makes Paint to Protect so inpr€ssive is thal our coating r€flecb the heat away from the wall keeping the t€rnperafiu€ of the wall in a safc range and the wall is kept sorcurrally inlact and in sound condition. Paint to Plotcct Parsed with NO trqmrgc to thc Well rftcr one llour. AiIM-D$f0r.El$8.!4Cld'fhe t€sring was cmducted by Accug€n kborarorie,s lnc. is FDA regietered, an AIHA acsedited laboratory, md confomred to guidelines de{incd by the Americm Socicty for Testing and Materials in ASTM D 5590, 'Standdd Test M€thod for Determining the Resistarc€ of Paint Films and Related CoatinSs to Fungal Defaoement by Acceleral€d Four-Week Agar Plat€ Assay. Prht to Prot ct Hc Zcro Mold grolvth. NEW lrc310 fire resistart coating for wirc and cable is devdoped on the trewest t€chnology. S/ten !o when fire siarts, the coating rvill rapidly expand" then become uniform and compact l'oam ro sSop the 6re migrating effectively. Also, the most imlnrtmt is that if the EG base fire retedant add€d in it will rcducc the smoke eojfting md miasma coosi derably. lHomel [ElP.Fjrelrso[-bbt1 IEinJnfOl [FAO] IMSDSI [Tast Resultq] [Cable paint] [Rlack Mold] [Contact Us] IOrder] PTP@hinttoProteclcom Copyrlght @ 2{XlJ by Internaflonal Flrcproof Technologr Inc. All rlShts reerycd. a a http://www.painttoprotect.com/index.hrml Page 2 of 2 Fireproof latex paint info,lntumescent coating,Fire Retardant paint, EIEDC{IIS EIE&.rS.cI0rdgr$l.gnnecl h&r Slre.ellleAd Elf!!fllls&Js Els Now wlltr Fl.ck Mold |![&|!cr Ns.Ursectg}lcblll H @ @tltE {Wffi rstF?t' 'Superior" Fire and Mold Protection in One Application. PTP ltC-3ii3 is a rurique fire rcsistant coating !'roYen to withsiand extreme temFratures (more thgn 2000'F) and resist fres for over 2 hours witl one coat. Paint to Protect is the frst mtumescent coating to proyide fir€ retardflt and fire resistmc€ to a wide vafiety of materials such w sheetrock, wood, concrele, sheet metal, tbam, composite panels, fiberglass and cartrm gaphite wilh one coat. Paint 1rr hotect is applied a.s a paint, is water based, and has been fully tested and approved. :g 12l13/2006 03:33 PM t -7!,- vt|\op3rlnEqV'AYEIIIYD'vGtPnotEnirn rc-fl8 -ItIl5 r'*d Ht, Fr\ F*df f r&r||. (]ll.k Above to do*n load e short vid€o of Paint 'Io Protc"t You will bc Arnazed! | ! alqrLrdt Ert ra rlt-.r.*rlrr.rLjb|:ftrQ .glClC-.!t r La rtr -A r ,b rr .rl r('-.nt-ItFrtir Ft-rX.;dJ.*--na-at rE-i.rl-r-. tH-.r-.*ld.--ih!Profrrct ) I)C.333 is a new slate of 0le art lir€ rctardant llainl usirg p,ropricttry qrtting edge Intumesceut Fire Fire Resistanc€ and Mold Inhibitor Technology. Our Foduct has been higbly tested and ha^s passed tesls from nationally certified labs aad t€stiog facilities. PIP has been proven to havc the ability to prcvent flame spread. flashover and m prevent fire penetrations of a wall assembly for up 0o lwo bollls!! and has a 0 growth. Simply paint PTP on th€ int€rior of your home or building. This will create unsurpassed fire and mold Wher PTP is exposed to high tempera rres or dir€ct flame there is ar "Intumescent reaction." Simply PTP expands, caramelizing and forns a "char banier" that lifts off the surface of the material. In so doing, PTP that cuts off the fuel souf,ce that fire ne€ds to walls, ceiling, doors, any type of wood, drywall, anywhere you want to prolect your family, and pets houses, fences, sheds, barns, garage, doors, pet houses, roof eaves, sbingles, fascia atrd trim. Psitrt To Protcct PfP DC33it Fireproof Paiut has been mt€d a @ and has been tested by the following facilities IIL 723 (Underwriters Leboratory) (ASTM E 84O5 rneets UL 723 (Underwritcrs Lsboratory) [CNS) Chinese National Strdard Ultn Tratr & Indusuial Safetv Hysi€ne (voc) NFPA 286 meets UL l7l5 (Underw iers Laboratory) uBc 25-2 ASTM E I 19 One Hour and Two Hour Burn Tcsts meet UL 263 (Underwriters Lsborstory) ASTM D 5590 Black Mold http:/ /www.painttoprotect. com / html/ptp-fi reproof-paint. ht ml Page I of2 Fireproof latex paint info,lntumescent coating,Fire Retardant paint, rHomel [PTPFireproof Paint] tFirsJlfel [EAQ] [Msnsl tlest.BeErlrrl t9trh-bblllBlaeL!4qldl tf,onec.t'Urllqdql PTP@Pa.inttohotect-com Copyrigbt O 2qXi by Intcrnrdonal Ftrcproof Tcchnologr Im. All rlghtr rcscrvcd. 12l 13/2006 03:33 Pl\,| composed by somc inorgaic and organic, likes ammonium polyphospbate, crbon formiag titaaium oxide. vesicant or EG based fre retgddt to touch after 3 to 4 hours. 7 days for fully curcd. This may vary due to weather http:/ /www.painttoprotect,com/html/ptp-fi reproofJraint.html Page 2 of 2 Fireproof latex paint Test Results,lntumescent coatinq,Fire Retardant paint, Elt&r.CeE[rd CL$3-Ellllloflrbl S!rr!rr$!.Ad hoft€flon Stoc IIE No!-!|t!-Eb*-tlou bb&lcr Nrs-tblrlsflrt&hbr Ch<nse Business Name or Comany Addrcss CitY State Zip Code Email Reason For Request ru PTP pC-333 @ @IT|IE {ftffi r$tltFt 12/ r 3/2006 o3:2 r PM cenlrat ioniractoi F ?,''[3i Teet Reports PTP DC-333 has been rated Certified qbEE lLE;iI3Dt gil.Eti11 and has been tested and proven to be the !g1i This test is used as a msans of neasuring flame spread and smoke over a izontal surface, resulting in either a class A, B or C rating. Paint to Protect was Given a Class A Roting which is Best Rating available fo( a File Retardat paitt. Our manufactwing facility is inspected by Uaderwriters ASTM E E4-05 meeb UL 723 l,esl is tued a6 a m€ans of measuring flame spread and smoke over a hodzontal suface, resulting in either a class B rx C rating. Paint to [tolecr was Giv€o a Cbinese National Sundard Ulaa Trace & IndNtrial Safety Hygiene (VOC) (NO. U92005i50009). Test result lower than detection limit values ltltr?A 285 meets uL 1715 (Underwrlters method for determining how inlerior fidsh materials,like affect fte growth of a fire in a room. It is us€d to evaluate the flammability characteristics of wall ad ceiling finishes, including flashover. Flashover occurs whon a fire rcachcs a certain point where it cao ignite mat€rials feet away from wbere the fire started. Paint io IMt test is the Method for Evaluation of Thermal Barriers. A thermal barrier prer-enrs heat and Er€ from passitrg a wall or door. This tests a productrs ability to slow the temperature rise during fire sinrations. Paint to hotect ASTM E 119 One Hour and TVro Hour Bnrn Tests mset UL 2.6.3 test measues rhe ability of wall systems to stop flame or hot gases from penetratitrg or d€stroying a wall for (l 2 hours), a'femncranrrc of 1770oF- 24 pas flames blast dirccdv on the wall for I or 2 hours. What mal(es Paiot to so irnpressive is that orn coating reflects the heat away from the wall keeping fte emperature of the wall in a range and the wall is kcpt snucturally intact and in sound mndition. Paint io hotecr Prssed with llg.DlDlgCJh ASTM D 5590 Bkk Mold The testing was cmductrd by Accugen l-aboratories [nc. is FDA registered, an AIHA laboratory, md conformed to guidelines defined by the American Society for Testing md Materials in D 5590, 'Standard Test Method for Determiniue the Resistanc€ of Paint Filns and Related Coatinqs to Fr.rngal Accelerated Four-Week Agsr Plate Assay. Pslnt to Prot€ct Hrs Zcro Mold http:l /www.painttoprotect.com/html /test-results.html Page I of 2 December 13,2fi)5 BillRey Claggett-Rey Gallery 100 East Meadow Drive Vail,CO 81657 Dear Bill, Enclosed are the drawing sets that you requested along with information regarding the intermescent paint. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. MichaC Folwcll Arcfiibctuic t3't CrEd DdYr 8ou5.r. Cclc.|do Gl05 Dlr 3cl-aE,.slt7 cdl 72t .3sa.tl88 nh|lrdodd-rdlor..cn TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT oF coMMUot oru"roPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit # 806-0145 Project # PRI06-0123 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603 Applied .. . : Ml07l20M ParcelNo....: 21010825N32 Issued...: 0210912007 Expires.....: 0ll20l2007 OWNER VAIL VIIJITAGE INN INC 06/07/2006 1OO E MEADOW DR #33 VAII., co 8l-5s7 APPIJICAIIT CL,AGGETT REy GALITERY 06/07 /2006 phone: (920) 426-9350 1OO EAST MEADOW DR. BLDG #1"0 VAIIJ coLoRADO 8L6s'7 License:389-L CONTRACTOR CLAGGETT REY GAIITERY 06/07/2OOG phone; (97O) 47G-935O 1OO EAST MEADOW DR. BIJDG #]-O VAIIJ coLoRADO 81657 I-,icense: 3 89 -Lr Desciption: REMODEL COMMERCIAL UNIT 603 OF THE VAIL VILLAGE INN. Occupancy: B T1,pe Construction: Valuation: $90,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Add Sq Ft: 24n7 FEE SUMMARY Building--- > $923.75 Restuarant Plan Review--)$0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> S1, 857 . 19 Paymen$---------- > $1,857. 19 Plan Check-- > $500 . 44 Recreadon Fee-------- > 9o . 0o Additional Fees----- > S0 . 0o Inyesdgation- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES-------------> S1,9S7.19 Total Permit Fee-----> 91,85?.19 Will Call--- >$3 .00 BALANCE DIJE-------_ > Approvals: IICM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 07/20/2006 MRoYER Acrion: Ap No addit.ional square footage, t2/o7/2OO6 iIPLANO Action: DN r': \cdev\cHRrs\pERMrr. coMMElilTs\Bo6 - 014 5\Bo 6 - o14s . Doc t2/2t/20o6 JPT,ANO Action: DN FIRE-PROOF PAIN| NOT I-,ISTED FOR THE APPIJICATION r: \cdev\cuRrs\pERMrT. coMMErrrs\BoG - o14s\BoG- o14s_2 . Doc 02/08/2007 jplano Action: AP NBW FIJOOR CEILING ASSEMBI-,Y APPROVED IIEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEMT 07/24/2005 warren Act.ion: Ap so. o0 1,2/L8/2oO6 Warren Action: su.bmitted on December 15, 2006.IIEn: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{:T 06/26/2006 JJR Acrion: sprinkler and fire alarm systems, licensed contractors. AP Revisions AP Update fire Submit shop drawings by o approved Item: 05500 PTBLIC WORKS See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS rOR INSPECTION SUALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM 8:fi) SIGNATURE OF NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET v- *q(*:k'*{.***************{t*rt*****t(f 'f *****************{.***ri.,irl*rl*i.*{.*{.*i({ri.*i.*,t **t * t< * * *ir *ir **r * * '1.:f **,F*,F*'r*,k****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0145 as of 02-09-2007 Status: ISSUED:*{.:e***i(***.*****,1.*'t **tr************tr *******,r*'t(:t*:F*,**,***********rr*************.****.**.****.**.**:t *,tc*,F***{<*,k**(**. Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 06107t2006 Applicanr CLAGGETT REY GALLERY Issued: U2l09l2W7 <970) 476-9350 To Expire: 0t12012007 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603 Parcel No: 210108254032 Description: REMODEL COMMERCIAL UNIT 603 OF THE VAIL VILLAGE INN. {.*'k* *********************,1.*************{.r!******conditions. *******i.*:r***:F*:F******;}**i.***i.*{.*+******+*+*:F*:F* Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008148 The applicant shall submit to staffand have recorded an amended condominium plat showing the two tenant spaces beoming one terunt space prior to requesting a final planning inspection. The process for submiting an amended condominiurn plat to staff for review and approval can take up to four weeks. This time frame should be taking into account when planning to request final inspections for occupansy. Cond: CON0008611 The applicant shall submit a seperate design review application for the new signage on the awning for review and approval prior to installation. \oBo6-VVf- APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN Permit #: tl 6'$rf5 T$tr!{0Frflr, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657*All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans. No further inspections Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! will be *** h TOR INFORMATION COMPLETE REVISIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor'& Materials REVTSED AMOUNT: S 51do,aa ELECTRICAL:$OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REV|SED roBt!$-{da do For Parcel # Contact ll Assessors Office at 970-328-Al ilF,g,'a*)!&rl Eatr ;#vl \n FEB 0 ? 2tl0? 1", JobName: rt I r n f' trLl^.qc^q Tt-F.r^/ \Ia /[rcv Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners N"t"' All{ [...1 Address: tooE'nul*.,t 0r,+<enone:qyd -fJ,fo ArchitecuDesign"h t, L. "( E I n, || Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS: ,r.t ,i' I tr J ,/ l,-{ r,rtOctll c(i {t",^ lti //\e<Y LOI< WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel KY Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior $1) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial 0() Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffvpe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (X) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) - Noffvoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )T0e5€ F-FeEprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Flcdev\FORMS\Pe.mits\Building\building_revision-1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 1 of 2 ,\!b1]t 12t8t2005 February 1,2OU7 Mr Bll Rey Claggett-Rey Gallery 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Proposed linished ceiling system for Claggett.Rey Gallery Dear Bill, We are proposing a iinished ceiling system to cover the existing steel loists and $eel lorm and @ncrete ceiling to be: From rable 720.1(3) 2{Xt6 tBC Itlinlmum plotec,tion fol floor and rool systoms Floor & rcof constructlon: Steel ioists constructed with a poured reinforced concrete lab on metal lath fonns or Steel form units ftsm number: Ceiling of 5/A Type X wallboard attached to 7/8' deep W 2 518" by.O21 inch (No. 25 carbon sheet steel gage) hat-shaped furring channels 12" on center with 1" long no. 6 wallboard screws at 8" on center. Channels wire tied to bottom cord of joists with double 0.049 inch (No. 18 B.W. gage) wire or suspended below joists on wire hangers. (see attached table) We would like to use a 1.58" deep hat channel vs. a7l8'hat channel and use metal L-shaped brackets spaced @ 24" A.C. to cover the steel joists. (Please see attached sketch.) All existing ceiling penetrations to be sealed with 3M Fire Barrier CP 2swb+Caulk (see attachment for UL listing) Sincerely Michael Folwell Architectu re t31 Crlacant Orive Bould.r, Coloddo 80303 ph 303.490,4337 cell 72O.33,1.1108 mk h..l@tolwell6tudio6.com Fire Barrier CP 2sWB+Caulk Product Data ffi,, FILL \r'CID OF CAVITY MATERIALS CLASSTFIED BY UNDEFWRITERS LABOFATORIES, INC.O FOF USE IN THROUGH.PENETMTION FTRESTOP SYS1EMS (XHEA. SEE CURHENT UL FIRE HE$STANCE DIRECTORY 50L5. 90GS 1. Product D'eecription a a3Mw Fire Banier CP 25WB+ Caulk is a premium elaslomeric latex caulk designed fur use as a oneaart fire, smoke, norirrus gas and u,ater sealant. ln addition, the un[ue intumescent property of thb material o (opands when heated) means lhat as ' cable or pip€ insulation is consumed by fire, CP 25WB+ Caulk eogands b mainbin the penetsafon seal. CP 25WB+ Caulk features sr.pedor adhesion sfength, caulk rate and ne sag applicatirn with etpanded UL Chs.sified fire protecton sll3tems plus a halogen-free fcrmula. 3M Fire Banier GP 2s\fitB+ Caulkcan be installed wih a stardard caulking gun, pneunatic pumping equipment or it can be easily applied with a putty knih or bowel. CP 25WB+ Caulk will bond to concrete, metialq wood, plastic and cable jacketing. l'lo mixing is required. CP 25ttB+ Caulk Featurs r Water Base: Easy cban up, no special handling, routine disposal.. lnhrmescont: Ereands when heated to seal around items consumed by fire.r Endoftermic: Absorbs heat energy, releas€s chemically bound water.. Thixotropic: Wll not sag or run in overhead or wrtical applications.r Halogen-free.e Fast dry:Tack-hee in appro<imately 1 0-1 5 minutes.. PainEble. (Best results obtained aller 72 hour cure.). Minimal shrinkage. Brcwn color. Water seal: Seals against inadr€rtant uater spilb in he unoganded stata. High caulk rate: 1000 g/min. with in. nozzle, Foint contact allolrcd. 2. Applications Us€ b seal constructfrm openings, Uank openings and penetrating items against the passage of flame, nuious gas, snoke and rrrrater. Restores fire rated conslruclion to orbinal integrity. Also fur use with 3M Brand Fire Banier Continuous Operating Temperature FS19S+ WraplStrip and CS-195+ not b exc€od 120"F (48'C). Cornposite S'heet. 3. Specifications Prcduct The frr€etopplng caulk ghall be a onepart, Intumescent, latex elastomer. The caulk shall be capable ol epanding a minlmJm of 3 Um€s at 1000"F. The material shall be thixotropic and be appllcable to overhead, vgrical and horizontal firestops. The caulk shall be lisbd by Independ€nl tesl agonci€o srch as UL or FM and b€ bsted to, and pass the cribria d, ASTM E 814 Fke T6t, bsted und€r positive pressure. lt shall corply with the requirements of tre NEC (NFPA-7o), BOCA, ICBO, SBCCI and NFPA Code #101. Typically Specifi ed Divisions Dlvlsion 7 Therrnal and Moistur€ Prol€ction Fhestopping 07270 Division 13 Special Consuuctlon Fke Suppresslon and Sup€Msory Systems 13900 Dlvlslon 15 Mechanlcal15250 Mechanical Insulauon Flre Protectlon 15300 Dlvlslon '16 El€ctrlcal.|6050 Baslc Ebcfbd Materlals and Methods A. lyplcal Physacal Ploportio3 Tack Fee Tlme (ASTM C6'l9-87) E$ansion at 664"F (350'C) Color Densrty Adheolon Apdhation Durqnetor (hardness) ASru E84 Flame Spread Smoke Dwdoprnent Solkls voc Odor FlilRate 1/4 ln. (6,35 mm) noEd€ at 50 psl ' Boohg Flow Mlnubs atPF (22"C) x LbJgal. (Ksn) All construction substrates Method ShoreA _ Percent (%) ry w€ight Percent (7d by urelght Grandrdn. Inches Value 10-15 2.0-3.0 R€ddlsh Brorvn 11.2 (1,35) \rery Good Caulk guns, fowsl, spatula pr€ssuriled pumps 70 c 0 79 0 Ploasant non-lnitetng 't000 0 4. Ferfomance O o B. Finstopplng Propett€c Meels the criteria of ASTM E 814 Fire Test, t€stecl under posltlve pr€ssure. Consult cun€nl UL Fir€ Rosislance Diroctory lor sysl€ms listed under 3M Ppduct CP 25WB+ Caulk C. Firstopping Code Requiremerts ICBO Unlbm Building Code (199i7 Edltlonl sBccl standad Bulldlng Co(b {10O7 Edirionl BOGA Basic/f{alioul Building Code (1996 Edition) NFPA Lib Salbty Cods 101 ll007 Edilionl tt2 DEFtNtTt0trts 706 COiISTRUCTION JOINTS 708 WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION FIREBLOCKING 709 WALL & PARTlTl0l'l PEl{ETRATIOI{ PROIECTIOI{ 709.3.2.2 CURTAltrl WALL GAP 710 FL00RtElLll{G 0R RO()F/CEILING PENETMTION PRo1ECTl0r{ 711.3 SHAFf ATIERIIIATIVE 714 fiR(UGH.PSIIFTRATIOttI FIRESTOPS F&T REOTJIREMEIITS UBC STAI{DARD 7.1 EOUIVALEI'IT TO ASTI E 119 UBC STNOARD 7.5 EOUIVALEI{T TO ASTT' E 8I4 10/..2.4 PTANS MUST SHOW HOW INTEGRITY IS MAINTAIiIED FOR ASSEMBLIES PENETRATED 705.3 W00D FMtttE c0NsTRucn0il FIREELOCKII{G 705.3.1.5 CURTAII,I WALL GAP 705.4 (GENERAL) PENETRATIONS OF FIRE MTEO ASSEMBLIES 705.s (WALLS) 705.6 (FL00RS) 706..7 FIRE RESISTANT JOII{T SYSTEMS 202 DEFINITIONS EXPAI{DED DEFINITIOT{S TO 714 FOR PEIiIETRATIONS Al'rD iolt{Ts 709.7 JOINTS 703.1C0NSTRUCTI0I'l 711.0 DOCUMENTS SHALT FIRE PARNTIONS IiIDICATE OETAILS AND MATERIALS FOR 711.6 P ROVIDI I'IG RATI I{GS AT PENETRATIOI{S . REFERS 702.0 REVISED AI{O JOIiITS AIID PEI{ETRATIONS 703.1.1 PEI{ETRATIONS AND JOIiITS SHALL IIOT BE CONCEALED FROM VIEW BEFORE tilsPEcTt0trl 703.2 BUITDINGS FOR MORE THAI{ TWO STORIES SHALL IiIDICATE ALL PENETRATIOTIS 704.1.1 SUFFICIENT DATA SHALL BE AVAILABLE TO JUSTIFY UI'ITESTED MATERIALS USED FOR RESTORATION OF FIRE RATINGS 707.0 FIRE WATLS AND PARTY WALLS 707.10 PEiIETRATIONS . REFERS TO 7I4 707.8 JOIilTS . REFERS TO 709.7 7no n 709.6 PEI{ETRATIOI{S. BEFER T0 714 711.7 JOINTS. REFER TO 709.7 713.0 FLOOR/CEILIl{G AND ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBLIES 713.2 CURTAIN WALI GAP 713.4 PENETRATIOI{S. RETERS r0 714 713.5 J0ll'lTS - REFERS T0 7N.7 714.0 PEI{EIRATIOI{S - ALL REOIJIREMEI{TS (GENERAL) 714.1 THRoUGH 714.1.0.2 IJVALL ASSEMBLIES 7'14.2 TItR0UGH 714.2.6.5 FLOOR/CEILIIIG AiID R0OF,f,ElLlilc ASSEMBLIES 714.3 IHR0UGH 714.3.2 NONRA1ED ASSEMBLIES 6- PENETMTIONS AND MrSC.0PEr{rNGS &FIRE BARRIERS, EXCEmoil 5 OPENINGS (B(PAIISION 0R sErsMrc JorlrTst rN FLOORS APPENDIX A{-2.4.2 0-3.6.1 PENETRATIONS AND MISC. OPEilINGS IiI FLOORS AND SMOKE BARRIERS NFPA f22I FIRE WALLS AND EARRIERS IIFPA Cotle70llEC Natimal Electric Code 300.21 FIRESTOPPING GASO One andThp Family Dunlling Code (1905 Edirion) 6M.7 FIRESTOPPING (FlREBtoCKlttlc l1'l oTHER iroDEr cooEs) 5. Inetallation TechnQtf Shown are o<amples of apprwed applicalions of CP 25WB+ Caulk. Addilional drawings and details are availsue through purAlhorized 3M Fire Prot€ction Products Distributor. Installation Noteg: 1. M€tal Pipe/Conduit applications through nominal 12 in. (fl)4,8 mm) outside diameter.r Installed depth of CP 25WB+ Caulk depenG on annular space.o Wh€n the annular space is l€ss than 1-114 in. (31,8 mm), a 1 f2 in. (t 2,7 mm) minimum depth ot cP 25wB+ Gaulk is required. r When the annularspace is greater than 1-1l4 in. (31,8 mm), a I in. (25,4 mm) minimum depth of CP 25WB+ Caulk is requircd. o Common building materials, such as backer rod may b€ usedlormetarl pipe apdications. 2. Metal Plp6 epplications larger than norninal 12 in. (3O4,8 mm) outside dameter.r All cases require a 1 in. (25,4mm) manimum depth of CP 25WB+ Caulk. 3. Insulet€d Cable Applications.r Allcases require a 1 in. (25,4mm) minimum d6pth of CP 25WB+ Caulk.r All cases require mineral wool (safing) br packing. 4. Fiberglass lnsulat€d Pipe Applklataons.o 1 in. (25,4 mm) of liberglass insulalion on up to a nominal 12 in. (304,8 mm) of metal prp6 may b€ fir€stopped wi0r a 1 In. (25,4 mm) depth of CP25WB+Caulk. o I in. (25,4 mm) depth of mineral wool packing required. T/plcal Femtratlo.r Or"*.!"., trtdat PtpdOordutr and lnsulatcd CabteThrough Fhs Rat€d eJonctrucilon rrb! fr. a Cqd,a {ir-thCtm+ef. So|dCrE-Fld flFttlrbcPdl+el l-lrdn.ftrFbr l'r -.! ta-18sdCqE*Fbo. Iti? Ddt IllrffiCtl*D+crr |/hrd lt od P.ddlelnCf Dfi f f,bdttlrArrrE Ap@ t-Ddt{ttr -r- CD lflt Crl r-Odriftr*Uad Prddllt l-OdrIh -rhCtfll.Cl|f Soad CdErb Ic|SE 6. Malntenance The CP 25WB+ Canlk is stable under normal storage conditions and has a one year shelf lib. Normal stock and slock rotation alg recommended. Rccommcndcd Storc bctwccn 4(rF (4'C>90'F (32'C) for muimum shcll life. lGcpfromfrcezing. WJTrnty rnd Limitcd Remedy. This product will be frec from defects in material and manufacture for a period of ninety (90) days from date of purchase. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIIItrTED TO, AI\Y IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fir for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of application. tf this 3M product is proved to be defective within the wananty period stated above, your exclusive remedy and 3M's sole obligation shall be, at 3M's option, to replace or rcpair the 3M product or rcfund the purchase price of the 3M product. Limitrtion of Liebility. Except where prohibited by lrw,3M will not be lirblc for rny loss or dameges rrising from tbe use of this 3M product, whether direct, indircct, specirl, incidentrl or consequentirl, regardless of the lcgal theory esserted, ilcluding wsrrrnty, conarlct, negligence or rtrict lirbility. il Btrl@ S.fdy Somoru Dcprtmcrt 3tdocn,w22Y2$?/ St hul, MN 551.1+1000 Phone 80G32&1687 FaxE8S36L2737 7. Avalhblllty 3M Brand Firc Banier GP 25WB+ Caulk is anailaUe lrom Authoriz€d 3M Flre Prot€clion Produols Distributors. lt is availaHe in Standad 10.1 fl. oz.cartridge,20 oz. sau{nge, 27.O oz. a,;tfiidge, 2 gallon pail and 5 gallon pail. Recydcd pqcr 1096 ore.+ornncr u0p ln U.S.A Edssr 5050080 hpartrnent of hmm unity Development Euilding Safety and Inspection *ruies 75 South Frontage R@d Vail, @londo 81657 9704n-213t] F4X9704792452 wwwvailgtov.@m BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: FAX/Email #: 476-0495 NUIIBER OF PAGES: FRO}I: DATE: BUITDING PER,MIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPATTCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Contractor/Aoolicant Claggett/Rey Architect Michael Folwell (303)62s-1030 2 John Plano, Building Plans Examiner t212L12006 806-0145 BillRey 68 East Meadow Drive M The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003International Residential Code, 2003International Mechanical Codg 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 Intemational Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conseruation Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following commenB will nd to be addrcad pdor b lsJaane of a building pemtiE fur processing:o Please submit four comolete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please resoond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creatinq a resoonse letter. Indicate which plan sheet. detail. soecification, or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the buildinq permit application number noted. ! o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enoinee/s or architect's "wet" stamp, sionature, registration number and date on the cover oaoe of anv structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-familv proiects all sheets of the plans must be stamped. Architectura I Comments: 4 Add a listed 2 hour floor ceiling assembly to the drawings. If the "UL listed intermescent paint" as called out on the drawings, is intended to be the separation, provide technical information for the exact paint to be used and the listings indicating it is approved for this application and it provides a 2 hour assembly. (IBC Table 302.3.2) The information provided is not the technical data required for permit rcview. I have contacted the manufacturcr and I have not had a rcturn l€sponse. Mr. McGee, the Firc Marshal for the Town of Vail, has made @ntact wlth the manufacturer and has determined this is not an apprcved application for this product. It is not listed fur use on non-absortent sudaces. Please rcsubmit a lisbd 2 hour assembly to be used forthe floor/eiling assembly. 5 Indicate the operable windows on the drawings. Provide calculations to verifi7 minimum ventilation is met. (IBC 1203.4) It is unclear where "Window #3" is located. If this is a replacement of the existing front window dimensioned 6'-6 Vz'r then the natural ventilation is adequate. Please clarify. Pleas€ rcfer to the cov€r sheet for information on rcsubmlttlng plans, In order b avold d€lays In issuance of a permit, pleaee check nll rcquested informauon ls Induded with the resubmitbd plan$ Pleas€ gubmat revlsed plans as a complete sct. Partial plan resubmittals wlll not be reviewed. John Plano I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2L40 jplano@vailgov.com F:\ade'r\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\80&0145\806-0145 2.DOC DAI't! BUITDIN€ PERJTIIT#: owilERS ]{AilE: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPAT{CY GROUP: WPE OF CON$fRUCfTON: ilUTIBER OF STORIES: BUIIDII{G AREA: 806-0145 BillneY 68 East Meadow Drive M o dfNSNU ON (E-f"tIUl SNI] UO dn $NUH ( T-fuouu3 801 No5uld o Thedocumentssubmlttedforthisprojert!u*.1'.nrflielvedforc.qPjiancewiththe2003 rntemational Bui66s crdJ, dfi fi#tiu.*f.#li-tiiii citu' zoo3'International Mechanical code. 2003 Internationat'F-rli dis lJe, 2003-ltt#;ilih pii'-ti'Uitg-Code' 2003 International Enersy conseruation c"de;il-tilt N;[i*iier.#.iii"oe iim"o-iried and adopEd bv sre Town of Vail. the fottowttg @,,,t]w,E witl tt.f,i b be a&,6d Pfur b igfuanoa of a buildittg p*tttitl NOIlf,3NNOf, f']II,IISJUJ ON ASNH (?-f(e-f for prwessing: licadalurutrbeL-E z/z 'd EEETSE9EASI6 xl AUot^l3t^t LFg rtnsSE I11 (dno89) ssfuoou NOrldo fflOil ltrj l,o r( ,( x ( NdTZ:aT gAEZ'Ia'3fo ) lUodfu 1-1n538 NoI-LUf,INnNHOf, x * * TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 97U479-2135 OI^INER CI.,AGGETT/REY GAIJIJERY LIJC 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL co 8L657 CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAI-, SPECIALISTS OF WESTERN COI,ORADO, rJIJC P.O. BOX Ls72 SIIJVERTHORNE co 80498 License: 1- 51- -S APPI,ICAIIT SIU\NBR LIFE SAFETY DEBORAH L. SIANER P.E. PO BOX 1073 FRISCO co 80443 License: C000001-971 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL lncation.....: VAIL VILLAGE INN #607 ParcelNo...: 210108256008 Project No , F{tsoc" ,o \ 7. S Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued. Expires . 406-0103 3oc otqi ISSUED tUt3t2ffi6 02t26t2W7 08t2st2007 LL/ L3 / 2006 Electrical ----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call--------- > TOTAL FEES-- > Approvals: IIEM3 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI 02/a5/200'7 mvaughan s0.00 90.00 $322.00 $322.00 $322.00 $322.00 Total Calculated Fees- > Addidonal Fees----- > Total Permit Fee---- > Payments------------- > BALANCE DIJE.---.- > Actionr AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. U.-*^\ $'.L\.-g* &"-- tt/L3/2006 Phone: 970-513-7100 1-]-/L3 /2005 Phone: 9?0-409-9082 Desciption: CLAGGET-RAY GALERY REMODELFIRE ALARN SYSTEM WORK; ADD SMOKES AND MODIFICATIONS Valuation: $2,400.m *tt*:it++8+++++i<+*:t:*+'f :t*:*:|**,t **rt*:F:t*+*:t :*:F:ti:t *:*r(**,i.{r***********:t*ti:itt t FEE SIIMMARY BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 910-479-2138 l**r"rNr oF coMMUNrrY oru#nrro* NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: EOffil7O -Boc -o1'1S- Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Satus . . . : ISSUED Iocation.....: VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603-CLAGGETT-REY GApplied . . : 0912012ffi6 Parcel No...: 210108254032 Issued . . : lL/14/2W6 Project No : -q'Tt-:rOG -o\, S Expires . .: 05ll3l2w7 owNER VArL vrLLAcE rNN lNC 09/20/2006 1OO E MEJADOW DR #33 VAII.,co 816s7 APPIJICANI SHAW EITECIRIC 09/20/2006 phone: 970-926-3358 P O BOX 1451 AVON CO co 81520 Lricense: 105-E CONTRACTOR SIIAW ELECTRIC 09/20/2006 phone: 9i0-926-3358 P O BOX 1451 AVON CO co 8L620 License: 106-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL A COMMERCIAL UNIT 603 OF THE VAIL VILLAGE INN. Valuation: $10.000.00 Square feet: 0 {rl*:.*t,|!rl.l{rtlt'|.l.l{.rl.t{.*llrr*lri*r'rttt*ttl.tl**t+!r{.*********:**r.*******,t** FEE SIIMMARY Electrical---- > S21B.5o Total Calculated Fees- > $221- 50 DRB Fee----- > InYestigation-- > Will Call---: > TOTAL FEES--> 3221. s0 Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT to/04/2005 SHAHN 1L/t3/2006 shabn Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Total Permit Fee----> S22r.5o 90. 00 $0. 00 s3.00 Additional Fees------ >$0. 00 BAI-ANCE DUE-_-..-> $221. s0 $0. 00 ACTion: DN SEE NOTICE. MEP DRAWINGS REQUIRED. Action: AP APPROVAIJ PER ENGIIIEERED DRAWINGS RECEMD. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. FROI"1 :SHNU ELECTRIC 75 $. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorrdo 816U7 o;;"it*o q?-b-+)# AMoUNToF se FT rN srRucruREr l"ffi ffiffi Job f{ame: {Ia4fe+l -la{ G6(t*''.3 l€gal Descripdon I Lotr I BSockr I Filing:Srrbdh,bbn: Phone: Dabir€dd€sc'iprirnof work: {gn*nV Ftnitt* * Sa.lloZ =?*- WorkQassr New() rMdition( ) Renrodet( ) Repair( ) TtrtlpPo$,er( )I Efu ocstatttru locatton: ves( ) Ho (/) Ttpe of Btdg.: Shgte-f€dty ( ) DWI€'( ( ) l4rff-fdrw ( ) Commertial 5/1 nestrurar* ( ) Odtff ( ) No. of Existing Dwetllng Unlts ln thb bulHlng: ,r.JA-flo. u fecrvrnoaauont Unib in thb bui:ditlg: A)f Is this rermit for a hot orb: YeVt ) No (/ Does a Fire Ahrm kist; Yes (J) No ( )ffiExt*: ves(.,/J N9{ } r ,, ,i J5 |f-... | ,:v/,l 't II' F:/eeerlioftEr'fu rft 3/Eecpaffi 4*l t? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 lro*r*rNT oF coMMUNrrY o",rt.rr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0342 So. 00 Toal Calculated F€es--> S1o3 . oo Payments---------- > $103 - O0 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENI Lt/o2/2oo6 Jwr Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condr 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIA].ICE. Cond:22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 oF TI{E 2OO3 IMc AND SECTIoN 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII-,. Cond:23 (BLDG.): BOIIL,ER TNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CTAPTER ]-O OF T}IE 2OO3 IMC, Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALIJ BE VEnilIED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 5 oF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAI EQUIPMEITT MusT coMPI,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 oF THE 2OO3 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC.. B()G, O(q> Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603 Applied . . : lll02l2ffi6 Parcel No...: 210108254032 Issued. . : 11117120Q6 I-egal Description: ?K5OG -6 ( / 3 Expires . .: 0511612Cf7 Project No : OI{NER VAIIJ VIIJLAGE INN INC LL/O2/20O5 1OO E MEADOW DR #33 VAILco 8t-657 APPLICAIIT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, I,NL!/02/2006 Phone: (719) 591-0020. 1685 PAONIA COIJOR,ADO SPRINGS coIroRADO 80915 I-,icense : 323 -M coNrRjAcToR WESTERN FIREPLACE SUppIJy, TNLI/02/2OO5 phone: (719) 591-0020 L685 PAOI{IIA COLORADO SPRINGS coI_,oRADO 80915 License: 323-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $3,247.42 Fircplace Information: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet; 0******************t ******r.!k**rr*****:t*********+jt*********r.*t,t 'tlt *tt*t FEE SUMMARY Mechanical- ) Plan Check- > Investigadon- > Will Call---- > $80. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $20. 00 TOTAL FEF.S--_------> S1O3 . 00 Additiornl Fees-----------> So. 00 S0. 00 Total Permit Fee---------> S1o3 . 00 $3.00 BALANCE Dl]E----- >90. O0 Cond: 31 (BL,,DG. ) : BOII-,ERS SHAIJIT IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON Cond: 32 CONST. T'NI,ESS (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PIJAIiIS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTION REQTIEST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG. ) 3 BoTI,ER RooMs SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FI,ooR DRAIN oR oTI{ER APPRoVED MEANS FOR DrSpOSfNc OF LTQUTD WASTE pER SECTTON 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SI TURE OF O FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o IBI,E o BE MOINTED COMBUSTfBLE ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUST FLOORING. APPLICA o TION WILI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN -s rz5TOV Project #: Building Permit #trr 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 /Ior-\3Va Mechanical Permit #: 97 o- 47 I - 2L49 (I n spectlo n i TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPTICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room leyout drawn to scale to inctude:o Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationo Heat Loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFOR]\'IATION 6, for Parcel # *:t:t******{.,*:i:r***********FoR OFFICE USE ONLy**********x**x*************** \&/ Aswsrc Ofriceat or visit Parcel#.Ql slras(p0)b roo trame:fl- {.o&fit{J9 M ,r An I lo n u robAddress:,ua t, f{)oncla^r &. Legal DescripHolr Lot:Hro.r,Filing: I Subdivision: owners Nam{;4$, ,A,.rlloru , llAddress: t$, f{ltndal Dr. ll Phone: Engineer: 0 I ll Address;Phone: Detailed descripUon of work: c(YF*n:lj c\nc} r \r+ arfl l-r n n n\oC-n WorkClass: New() AddiUon( ) ot?ration t,7nepav(l other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHfxist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg: Single-family( ) Duplo(( ) Multl-family( ) Commercial (4 nestaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelllng Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in thls bullding: No/Typeof FireolacesExistinq: GasAonliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Nofl'ypeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances(1) CasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) F:\deAFORMS\PERMITS\Bullding\mechanicalJermiLl 1-23-2005. DOC LLl23l2005 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Coo*rrrrur oF coMMU*,r" o"utpMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Permit #: P06-0148 BoG 'o\ {S- Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603 Apptied . . : tttDZl2ffi6 Parcel No...: 210108254032 Issued. . : l2l1.3,/2CfJl6 Irgal Description: i?r-r..r /,\,j <_ Expires . .: O6llLl2CfJ| hojectNo , tRSOG -o\7 3 oIINER VAIIJ VILI-,AGE INN TNc L!/o2/2o06 1OO E MEJADOW DR #33 VAII.,I co 81557 Appl',rcA}flr slnlDAlreE pr_,ItMBING & r{EATrNc L1/02/2006 phone: 970-748-8977 P.O. BOX 3684 AVON co 81620 Li.cense: 101-P COTcTRACTOR SInIDA]ICE PLIIMBING & HEATING L!/02/2006 phone: 970-749-99'17 P.O. BOX 3684 AVON co 81520 Iricense: 101-P Desciption: PLLJMBING FOR A REMODEL A COMMERCIAL UNIT 603 OF THE VAIL VILLAGE INN. Valuation: $1.500,00 Fireplace Information: Reshicted: 2?# ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: l'! # of Wood Pallet: ?? $0. 0o Total Permit Fee------> $40.50 Payments---------- > $40.50 ,**)******++*+*:*+j!:Ft.N:|:t'a:*r$***,t't*****+******d.****:t**:f*,tctt*+,t*++*++**++*+ FEE suMMARy t<+* i<** * *** *** 'lir'lr,ltttlt'|*** *+:t *t * ,l.+{. *:f:f.}:*:ti<:F*i} t ** r.d<** *** ++* i! ** Plumbing-- > 930.00 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--) $40.50 $7. s0 TOTAL FEES--------> $40.s0 Additional Fees------ > $0.00 $3.oo BALANCE DUE------. >$0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT !L/O2/2oo6 cgrrnion Action: Ap ftCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fitled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state Orat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build ttris structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REeuEsrs FoR rNspEcrroN srrALL BE MADE Tt*-"o* "ouRS rN ADVAN.E ,rrrr"o""t-2149 oR Ar o'R oFFrcB FR'M E:.o AM - 4 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF nlAL|2AAE 14:5L 75 s. Frontagc Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 6D T01{1itryln'/PoL e/r8 PAGE AL Building Pelm Plunblng Permit #:B e70-479-2l41' 9788274224o SUNDANCE PUJMBING APPLICATIOI{ WILL l{OT BE ACCEPIED IF ItrCOl'lPtETE OR' Uf Prcject #: COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBIIIIG PERMIT (tAbOT & MATETIAIS) " ' -J-"----"-'"'I./ - WorkClass; New( ) Addifion'DQ Alteratlon( ) Repalt( ) other( ) Typeof Bldg.i slngl+hmlly( ) Duplex( ) Mulu'famlly( ) Comm€rdal ( ) Reshurant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling UnlE in this bullding: ***t*r'**f,**r*r*t****r**'rrr*****+*******FoR oFFtcl usl oNLY*"*******!r*!k**rr***tt****************r?* *z ?b- F:\€dE\,\FORM5\PERMm\Bulldhg\dumbtngJermt_l 1-23'2005.doc Pagc 1 of 1 Ltl23l20o5 TtltPo, Inspec$on FEdluFs.! Rl'orting eage ea Requested lnspect Date: Friday, June 15,2OO7 Inspeclion Area: CIA Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL VILLAGE INN UNIT 603 A/P/D Information Contractor: Description: Requested Inspection(sl Item: . Requestor: ASStOneO tO:" Action: Comment: Comment: ERY Phone: IAL UNIT 603 OF THE VAIL VILLAGE INN. ACOM Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CIA (970) 476-9350 Activitv: 806-0145 Const Tvo6: Ow'rier: VAIL VILL Tvoe: A-COMM Occupahbv: NN INC Sub Type: USE: ^/- l<- nequesteaH P;,lr*; O ' Phone: 330-5365 Entered By: DGOLDEN K J*,1 REPT131 Run Id: 6804 VruV,fiary tzt /t(4, blbSD o*ti.$tff cia/ELerfrfir Design Review Eoad ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontags Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 far: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgoncom Prciect Name: PrcJect Descript'on: Participants: OWNER VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT BILL REY THE CI-AGGETT/REY GALI.ERY 1OO E. MEADOW DR. BLDG #10 VAIL co 81657 Proiect Addrcss: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL VILI.AGE INN UNIT 603 C]AGETI/REY GALLERY DOOFyWTN DO DRBNumber: DR8060095 RNAL APPROVAL FOR THE REMODEL OF A COMMERCXAL UNIT, #603 OF THE VAIL VILLAGE INN. INCLUDES THE REMOVAL OF SEVERAL MNDOWS TO RETURN THE STRUCruRE BACK TO TTS PREVIOUS DESIGN. VAIL VrL|-AGE INN INC 041t012O06 1OO E MEADOW DR #33 04/L012006 Phone: 476-9350 Location: Legal Descripdon: Lot: Block: 5D Subdivision: VILLAGE INN PLAZA ParcelNumber: 2101-082-5403-2 Comments: Seeconditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvall. 0610712006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revie! r committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligentty pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008095 The applicant shall match, in collor and material, all new materials (stucco and verticle siding) to those o<isitng on the structure. Verticle wood siding shall be installed in a manner as to not clearly identiff that a "pakh" was done where the window is being removed. Cond: CON0008096 The applicant shall remove the unapproved light fixture adjacent to the window to be removed prior to requesting a temporary certificate of occupancy or certificate of occupancy. All holes created by this removal shall be repaired to match adjacent material, Cond: CON0008097 The applicant shall install a new full light door which is either a dark bronze aluminum or a wood frame door which is painted dark brown to replace the existing door on the south elevation. A door which matches the one being removed on the east elevation would be acceptable. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 -ffi Additions- Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review,:- Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction @mmences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: Loh-Block:- 5r,bd;y1s;sn; lr4lt V i | \ i ? i n n P ['no Sz physicatAddress: ldo Cl ryk4-c,t-6t^t ]r),-t-- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning;(>o y4m-crc;c-L Name(s)of owner(s): Rafr, "a.L. Prr-+^".. Lt-C- Mailing Address:t/Lt/L goztc) Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:'/a Phone: E-mail Addre ss: /; / I ?c /a 'ge ft re y . c','^ 17a2 '- Il\l illtlIl lul rr to E=cErv lll] APR1o2006 Description of the Request: 0,l\r C^)oF oo \() .o"\ Type of Review and Fee: B Signs D Conceptual Review D New ConstructionD Addition V Minor Alteration' - (multFfamiV/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-fa mily/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residen \ @mmercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). G25A- For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,v re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use O CLACCETT/REY GALLERY April 10,2006 Department of Community development Design Review Board 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 To the Design Review Board: Our proposal is to remodel the retail space currently the site of Robinson, Mitchell and associates Real Estate - Vail Village Inn Plaza Phase III - Llnit # 603. Our intentions are to remove the Non-load bearing walls and build walls tnore conducive to a fine art gallery. At this time we have no plans to remodel the exterior and will submit if we decide to change the exterior. At this time we have the approval of the condominium association from the manager and president Joe Staufer. The Retail Space is owned by Ray Duncan under Rawah Partners. Ray is my partner in The Claggett/Rey Gallery in the adjacent space. I will be the general on this project. Sincerely. bill@claeeettrev.com 476-93s0 1(]O EAST MEADOW DRIVE #10 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 970.476.9350 800,252,4438 WWW.CLAGGETTREY,COM JOINT PROPERTYOWT{ER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: o{ ,'A b r ,-9 4)a<--<-?n.l."o af z4n I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. '/rwt\to. \ril (lrr.rilW lt( 6u\rt\Itfivt't r",{ri 6I \- to- o,b (Date) F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_addition_l 1-23-2005.d0c /. ,- Page 2 of 14 17123/zoos ruIryNffi ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS General InformaUon: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area)' This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations, I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS*'T tr All pages of Application is completeB Checklist is completed and signedtr Stamped Topographic Survey*tr Site and Grading Plan* _-{-andscape Plan* (op'Jrchitectural Elevations* (1 set of Redlined elevations)(}'Exterior color and material samples and specifications.O Architectunl Floor Plans* (l.set of Redlined floor plans)D Lighting Plan* and Cut-shee{s) for proposed fixtures E*-Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* C_ELlhotos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.(El-ll/ritten approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable O Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*O The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines'or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Plcase submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). *xFor interior, conversions with no e><terior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and wriEen approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint oruner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor $9nature F:\dev\FORMS\PEMITS\Planning\drb_addition_1 1-23-2005.d0c Page 3 of 14 Lrl23lz00s ww -1 r {L\ i_![ AFTEP. t- WF-oeEr t' lqt,t'f "lla l-cwi{ CIr. vAtL PESIGN REVIt-.'V STAFF APPROVAI- npn c\o' FFre? wc G o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Claggett-Rey Gallery Project Description: Replace doors, remove exiting awnings and replace with one new metal awning Owner, Address and Phone: Bill Rcy, 100 E. Meadow Dr. Building 10, Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: same Project Street Addrcss: 100 E. Meadow Dr. Building #10 Legal Description: Lot O, Blk. 5D, Vail Village ls Parcel Number: 210108256008 Buildine Narne: Comments: Projec#: add to building permit Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: staff approval Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: This approval does not include the signage. Signage to bc approved by separate application. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:512811999 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 MAY-17-9S| 14, l9 FROM ' ToV-c rD,9704792452 LOCATJON OF PROPOSAL:LOl': O. BLOCK: 60 FILINO: Qucstions? fttrc Phnning Stali at 479-)- I2ll A,PPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review nnrsr rcccive Design Rwiew approval prior to submining fon a building pcrn$t. For qecific information. soe thc submittal rcquircrnents for thc panicular approval that is regucstcd. Thc application cannot bo accepted until all the reqgired infornrarion is submitted, The proiect may also need to be rcvicwed by rhc Town Councit and/or thc Planning and Environrtrcntal C'onrnrission. Design Review Board approval expircs oncyerr afrer finat tpprovrl unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: OM-DEl,-DEPT.o PHYSICAL ADDRESS: la PAGE 2/7 TOrfNOFV/'IL B. c. D. E. F. c, NAME OF ov"1i{ERqS): AW WI = , = - PARCEL#i2 (A I l\trL S6 AP (Contact Eaglc Co. A.ssessors Officc at 970-32E-86,10 for parcel #) ZONING: MAILING ADDRE.SS: PHONE: olvNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILNC ADDR PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: O Ncw Consfruction - 5200 D Arldition - S50 added to any residential or pMinor Alteration -S20 lnclude.s rninor changcs to buildings and sitc improvements- sucir as. rcroofing. painting. lvindow additions. Iandsuaping, fcrrocs and rctaining walls. ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at thc timc of submittal. Later. when applying for a building frrrnit. ptcase identiry the accuratc valuation of thc projea. Thc Town of Vail wilt adjust the fee according to rhe projet vatuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Fi.{rof-. Coustruction of a ncw buililing. Inch.rdes any addirion whcre squarc footage is conrnrcrciai bui lding. 12$-rzz y MAY- I ?-99 t4 .2.a L FROIi . TO1,-DEV-DEPT.rD=9784792452 LIST OF PROPOSED MATERTALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: coM-o PAGE 3/? BUILDINC MATERIAL9: Roof Siding Ofhcr Wall Matcrials Fascia 50rnt.s Windorvs Window Trinr Door-s DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails FluEs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurqs Greenhouses Rctaining Walts Exterior Lighting** oiher ti4vryrt 'ffifri'\n'r"''"Wt Cvui'tA ?rfO) | COI,Q,B:* * Please specify the manufacturcr's color. number and attach a small colm chip +* All exterior li!ftting must mcct thc Town's Lighting Ordinance 13.54.050(J). If cxterior lighring is proposcd, pleasc indicate the number of fixnucs and tocations on a scparatc lighting plar. Identiff sach fixture type and provide thc hcight abovc grade. lumcns output, Iuminous arca, and attach a cur shect of rhe lighring fixnrres. Updated 6/97 _-._o_ _ oSlifer Management Company Propefty Management & Leasing May 28,1999 Community Development for the Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Claggett/Rey Gallery To Whom It May Concem: This letter is to serve as fomral notification that the Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association Board of Directors has approved the request for remodel to the above-mentioned unit. Our fimr is the managing age,nt for the condominium association, therefore having authority to grant the approval to the Town of Vail as directed by the board of directors. Should you have any questions, please contact me at the below numbers. With lif,<lest ,"g*{ //il, ila/{J Nicki Viars Property Manager 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 360, Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (970) 476-1063 Telefa:r: (970) 476-2523 earwE A 'nv-n*9 bw@ w$Wiut tW tr{*<P at t^Ott, wlc^tJG A,\ttllNa wuow j '-1 I I I I I i! Cl^b,GGur-fI Oaux+1 ^W ilOr\r'4/rtr\" W{) Rf tzKowt'lo tl'-s\' o W#* Y?h' lFwNee wwrv?,oriir/t'vlr$v fltsrrz*. 24'pa146^o( a1uT. o d6ar' Vxtt' YWoY^a*r*Jffi1HFo I IW(r*\dl CoD -,rifi$ Cr,u'tzlNLt, 3,_0, I a,_0, I 1R?NT rACAzr KILV:l/2" = l'-C" Cl){o1ov*WI AbuH--I Z*ar UW tuffi u,ln4,t' V&tiP. aUhttt ?p*tgW L*r.* vtu?t^w- p( hv.gffi,F?.f|N( f ACMT /yprrr ?r1zaw w,rfu'r +lulJ.,&Y il"qiap /h'Wbxl/p"lop SCALV:l/2" - l'-O" aA(nvrT/tu( 6W r.laru Vr* fo ,aNA y@.tr oW\ Voop4 tl,(fr httw) l%,hrt wvY/ f Afi f NffiY h, /aw ?$w"+'\$E {,NV:l/ Ztt =l''Ot' o o