HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT O SUNLAND SILVER GALLERYDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L39 faxt 970.47 9.2452 web: vww,ci,vail,co, us Project Name: Sunland Silver Gallery DRB Number: DRB010401 Project Description: 2 projecting signs Participants: OWNER HANLON FAMILY PTNSHP L2l05l2Cft Phone: Vail, CO 385 GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO Monica & Mafty Stewart 100 E Meadow Drive #20 81557 License: APPLICANT Monica & Marty Stewart l}05l20oL Phone: 479-6088 100 E Meadow Drive Vail. CO 81657 License: Project Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Formerly Vail Village Travel Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA CONDO Parcel Number: 210108256020 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz L2llOlZQOL Conditionsr Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005141 This approval is for the 2 hanging signs only. The third sign (wall) is NOT ALLOWED BY CODE. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $24.68 Questions?e Planning Sbfr at 479-2i3B SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION This aoplication is for any sign that is locarcC within ihe Town of Vaii. Specific require'nen6 are avaiiable from the Department of Community Developmert. Call tho NAME OF BUSINESS: BUILDING NAME And PHYS]CAL ADDRESS: PARCEL# ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIUNGADDRESS: IOO f fltOI', D,' UAr, OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): H.NAMEOFAPPLICANT: lat/(- ar4 erlouc MAIUNG ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for.definitions): Free standing A6c I Lsz '!/-Ln6t 7€r)t,7a- n tr. F. G. ADDRESS: ao-/ puone.,f /L t/7A.6otf ,X. Wail Sign / X. Hanging Sign;| NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED: Sign Awning Other. specjry: A ( K., L. 4 NUMBER. OF SIGNS E{ST]NG: SIGN MESSAGE:er tt SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on 8.5" x 11" LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE: HEiGHT OF SIGN(S) ABOVE GRADE: .T ,-IJI A' SIGN LOCATiON (Attach a site pian and an ele./ation drawing or a photograph ciearly indicating the proposed locadon of sign(s)): /-- M. N, o. },. a. R. 57 d; /u ru FEE: $20.00, plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area DRB fees are to be Daid at the time of submittal . l. -.i ,, -;. | | :- t,.',/ ",\ '';"/4-" 1r -) -) PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI{T, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAfl_ COLORADO 81657. 'Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Offlce at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) MATERIAE AND COLORS OF SIGN (Attach samples): DESCRIBE SJGN UGHTING: NO o SUBMITTAL R EOUIREMEI'TTS: X Complete Appiicaticn. I A site pian showing the exaci location where the sjgn is to be locateC tr Ele'ration drawings or photos showing proposed locaton of the sign or awnrng. rl Colo;'ed scaled (1/4"= 1') drawing, including specific leftering and dimensions and a ohoto, if availabie. E Sample of proposeC mate:-iaE. D Drawings showinq how and where sign or awning will atiach to the buiiding and how the awning will be constructed. C CcnCominium Assoctation or Landlorc approval - attach a letter. SIGN CATEGORIES: 1. -l 3. SUGGESTIONS: 1. q Freestandino 'A single or muii-faceC sign affixed to a supporting structure, or imbeCded in and extending from the ground and detached from the building. Awnino or Hanoino -Any sign artacheC to a building and e{ending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the building line. Wall - A sign attached to, painteC on, or erected against the wall of a building or structure with the erpcseC face of the sign in a plane parallel to the face of the wall and not prolecttng more than 9', from the fuce of the wall. DisoiaY Box - A freesianding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the express purpose of displaying menus, current entertainment or real state listings. Joint directory sion - A freesianding, hanging or wall sign thar lists all the tenants within a multF tenant buiiding Subdivision entrance sian - A sign to identiry a major subdivision, a concjominium compte\, or group of apartment buildings having at least i00 linear feet of frontage aiong a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDtvlF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone disiric. o. A Copies of the Sign Code afe available from tie Department of Commun1y Development. you may wish to check the Code to verify the type and size of sign you are allowed. Be specific. Vagueness in the description of design, €ize, consiruction may delay the approval ofyour slgn. Measure the frontage cf your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowecj. Llghting for awnings may spotlight oniy the sign lettering on ihe awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways. All individual business signs wiil be reviewed by the Department oi Community Development. New sign programs or amencjments to sign programs will be re.riewed by the Design Re.riew Board. I,, \ I a,\.\ \, ,J-)\\ \\\ \\sr\R\ \ I\'\- U\ S .-t-rN \ \ vt) \ l:EI!-' '* I ;+ i= f " I U) -1 xf 6!t Ft? Ro GI C'6Ort RtO e o 3o E ltlEg -Fe,L =6 e d ie 6-E tltro e rOobnt t(C'E od e e E -G'6 E- =gt Erc) ttt fr ,r) V5h -ft_ rv Itoi* -l,-* ir I-F- I at \o {rii \.4 *OJ -- J>-!-l -s(]3 l1 htr e,IT -l {Dg a \3/ Ir @>r|rIrrt!-vg {u -rE3s OUd MIIS : HOUI68T489?BZ6 : 'ON XUJzd r,rugts:trT 680e T0 'des ^ ,/" A i* ,L rlt' ,llfan3;^' Srln 5s+ i* '/ lO $( t t\ul . ri v.11.5-. i '-, l.' -,,ril\ !--' -J l )6+"a ' 3'15{+ 7 1tr./ =\'n i 1r =0{' 54 \'\ lil-lrr,t6 ',| ( "' t, ..i \J-t -t nt AI e'- r4' / 4 l. -/,a ))i /' t I l>,'o- _ t: 1'\i| /ot,/ Qti