HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE CASCADE CREEK COMMON LEGAL (2)(Req MEETING DATE: must be given to the secretary to the Town Manager by g:00 a.m. Thursdavs.) (PrepAre. d separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a work Session anb an Evening Meetiig, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time nbeded during each meeting.) { Work Sessiontr Evening Meeting "/-an" u,.,, TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED : TIME NEEDED : h Lr ,' . [^' WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF?1, NO' . r , / / | rg' YES. Specilics: ;i tcL-o*. L L , -,rn^., WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, i.e. overhead pro.iector, etc.? NO.O YES. Specifics: WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? tr /./NO.V YEtlf yes, is the material also for oublic distribution? El-fes. O No.sSr o y'o |TEiJ|/TOPIC: ,4 7"'g.r*f ct wq,r"e\*,<-rWi- 4e, C*s -.u)li t( ,{ t 4r;,4" ) ft\; (61ce + , rn" cerde/' -b , '{s}ri A. qrno5,{e Cqtu , Cy fq; t#nvt€ * F *l*f, Ce K ACTION REOUESTED OF GOUNGIL: flpcu=*ceto -.tL/ BACKGROUND RATIONALE: STAFF RECOMMENDATION:I C;{rSCv,S-S t Lt(Rg-j: ,Employee Signature/Departmont CIAGENOA.REO I lre,risec COLORADO s/4/et RECO TEB 1 0 1995DRB APPITICJLTION - TOI{N OF VAII,, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING:Eebruary 17, 1993 ********** TS'IS EPPLICAEIOT{ WILI. NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTII, AI..I. REQI'IRED INFORITITEION IS SSBMITTED PRO.]ECT INFORMATION: ********** A. DESCRIPTION: Single Familv and Duplex Srructure B.TYPE OF REVIEW: x New Construction D. ($200.00)Minor Alteration (S20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceplual Review {$0) ADDRESS: 1335 tJesthaven Drjve LEGAI., DESCRIPTION: Lot^ NA BlocK Subdivision __Uillrace Phase III. Cascade VillaEe If properLy is described by a meets and bounds leqaldesgription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: SDDE. F. NAME OF APPLICANT: MichaeL Laurerbach LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current Mailing Address: p.O. Box 3451 VaiL- Colo 81658Phone 476-6944 NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATlVE:See Aoolicant Phone I.NAME OF O$INERS: *SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Address: Condoninlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlrne of submittal of DRB apptication. Lat.er, whenapplying f,or a building permiL, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiIwill adjust t.he fee according to the table below, Lo \T. K. ensure the correct fee is paid. / ./--- FEE pATD. S ?oo" oo 2-1( o/ 7 5 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0-$ L0,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000$ 50r 001 - $ 150,000 $150r00r- - $ 500,000 $500,001- - 91-,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 * DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER ETNAIJ APPRO\I]II. ITNI,ESS A BUII,DING PERMIT IS ISSUED .eND CONSTRUCrrON IS STARTED *'tNO APPIJICAIION }TILI.I BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER' S SIGNATUREi.! "t 6{a FEE s 20.00I s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 Phone 476-6s44 -vFrsrs4,FE:r* EGfflr: Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Proiect Application t33 €or e€ n<u) lt,; k" L^-krbor l,-- 476- €qqr{ f.r b-x s{-s[_-]JaiL,Co, gt€S-g Sqeqq q S qLv'eOwner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone:s#<ue A;)"n Design Review Board -irllrtfonf secsnambT* ry+asr,{g *t eeedqf *([ - *,4cr Lek't ' -rto ( ef 'bL e ,let e-5 waY q ,k2 e(etJ 0x fu*< )e s*r*.t) Uot €- 1,9< n/ Town Plann€r ,^r" {*tL eo, nqj col,r€Jn.k &r" qn*tl*r Cenc*f{at /avi<r.v 4/r/€/},*g 9 - =[*tc^ol be -b# (v,'htt:!€ +gf:t.y- l,-b laQL9e s{eps.A-rr,t k skeQ *e,* &i fq,p0.g3ut ?,€""1sffi,x.=%!tft{ffi F;dv#tri'; grz r-4 /\.,t./ | .(lt I !.t-qv ov.-,| [J starf Approval ,Vr-+. Jl QyS . i lv i. i I t l I I r PLEASE MAKE ; TOWN OF VAIIr- D EPA RT;\{E.\.T OF CO JVIMTJNiTY DEVELO P}IENT S.\LES ACTION FOR;\,I DATE 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLO '7 :TIC 0l 0000 4t540 ZCI\TIIC,r,hD A DDRESS,!'{A}S 0l 0000 424 | 5 LTNTFOR.\ { B UIL D 1..-C C O D E 0l 0000 {24 t5 UMFOR.\{ PLUI&T\C CODE 0l 000042.115 | UMFOR*\f lrGCHAl\'tCi.LCoDE 0r 00m {2d 15 UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE 0t 0000 42.115 N,ITIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0l 0000 {24 t5 OTIJER CODEBOOKS 0t 0000.rt543 BLUE PRD|IS OIYLAN 0l 0000 .12412 XEROX COPIES / S']-UDIES 0t 00c{ 1237 |i prx,rr-Ty FEEs / RE-brspEcnoNs 0l 00!0.{r:32 i pr-,r.,v RET4RvRE.cHEcKFEE [S<O pER HR.l 0l 0000 4?3?1.OFF HOURS L\iSPECNON FEES 0t 0000.11112 CONTL\CTO RS LICENS ES FEES 0l 0000 { 1330 SIGN APPLICAT]ON FEE.0t 0000414)3 0r 0000414r3 ADDIT]ON^I- SIONAGE FEE IS I .OO PER SO.IT. 0t c00042.1.{0 IvTcARTpRoJEcTDONAI0N 0l 00004t33t PRE PAJD DFJIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE *.01 0000 41010 TAx TOTAL DUE: }-$ .'. - COI\DI'DONAL US E PEL\{lT 0l 0000.it LXTEruOR ALTERAT]ON hiORETHA.{ I 0l 000041330 lSPEClz\ 0l 0000 d l:]30 S PECLA Yyl , l( * * t * * t, * * * /\u -rfll*lH DF |*lF I f- f'liscel lanetrus Cash {r:- 15-F;:15r 33:46 F:Er*j.Ft. {+ 1lTfit' *r':':unt. i+ f,fi * f6€.t t'11 l- tJl:rtr! I rfl lTtrF trnr-U '. f 'trF: Firii':,'-irr t. t *nde r+,1 ] :SB , Egt Ite* paid H$mjnt paid !:11.',;::tjlf:!il"+1f,::.t:i** I8F.0g i:h.rtigij r*t.rjrn':d i 13. Ettll -r*HFh.{l< \ftflj ri'*r-rr';5g1,i*r 5TEFHFFIIE a,a FIL E COPY 4. Diana Donovan stated that the sculpture, if moved, needs to be even with the entryways to Krismar and Colorado Insight, not out in front of the shops in the way of pedestrian traffic. Joel Fritz inquired about if the Bird of Paradise was gone, how far out can the deck come. A general discussion then took place regarding the size of the deck, and it was a oonsensus that the deck and cart should not interfere with pedestrian traftic through the area. Greg Amsden stated that if the sculpture was removed then fencing would need to be included in this project. Diana reiterated her leeling that the carl needs to look incorporated into t e deck. She then inquired whether the applicant would consider tabling this item for two weeks in order lo look into getting the Bird of Paradise sculpture relocated. Jefl Bowen stated that he was not completely against this proposal but he would like to see modiftcations and dialogue with the Lionshead Merchant's Association and AIPP concerning moving the sculpture. A motion was made by Kalhy Langenwalter and seconded by Chuck Crist to tabte the request. A unanimous vote ol6-0 tabled this request until February 22, 1999. A request lor a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village Area A, Millrace lll, to amend the approved development plan to ailow for one single family residence and one duplex located at 1335 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as follows: A parl of fre SW %, NE l4. S€crlon .t2, Tonnship 5 Sbufi, Fang6 gt W6t ol fio 6rh p,M., de6cribod as bflows: B€ginnino at a point ol fis Nonh-South ceffeitn€ ot said Secllon !2 whsnco an kon ]in uiih B plasdc cap rflartirE th€ conrer of sald S€ction 12 b€a|g SooeaE's{y\w 455.06 t€et rh€nc€ atong said centgdln NCIO"3S.S6E 12a.Bt toet to f|e souttFdy flOW fino ot l-70; lh.nce dopanlng said FOW fino N56"5i25'E 39.t5 f€et; thenc€ d€pq ng sald FOw tin€ S8t 'tyE 165.42 t6sr to a pdnt ot curv€; thence 122.8:t l€ol alono the arc of a '143.20 loot lEdlrJs cirw io th€ lstt, hsving e c€nral argtc ot 49e085t'snd a chod thst b6aE s1557'if5-E r is.to teot; th€roe si4o"32'to-E 3.oo toeli 6eDce 66,30 b€t atong ths arc ot a 7t.2.t loot radius curvs b lhc dght having a cartsa, angte ot 4f1z'to. ard a cfiord that b€ars st5656'o5iE 64.28 toeli lh€nce s8.40bow 90.27 bot lheira N39"42'24'Vr/ 2e4.55 le€t thence S78"tO'OfW 101.,i4 l€€t to ths point of Eeginnieg, Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that Mr. Lauterbach has made changes to his proposal in response to the pEC's comments from the January 25, 1993 PEC meeting. He then reiterated statf's concerns with regard to this project. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon February 8,1941 t -F, The lirst staff concern discussed was the circulation system (westhaven Drive). Jim stated that westhaven Drive would probably become a public road maintained by the public and that Greg Hall was currently working on developing his recornmendations for improvements necessary to bring it up to Town standards. He further stated that Mr. Lauterbach has agreed to contribute to the cost of bringing Westhaven Drive up to Town's standards. The second concern with regard to this project pertains to the functional and aesthetic landscaping of this project. Jim said that this new proposal moves the buildings further out of the Gore Creek riparian zone than the previous proposal showed, to within 1-1/2 ft. of the front propefi line. He stated that Mr. Lauterbach must state the limits of what the dislurbance will be with regard to construction activity. He further stated that the applicant has no problem with a 10 ft. wide fishermen's access easement along Gore Greek. Jim Curnutte stated that staff was recommending approval of this request with certain understandings between the Community Development staff and the applicant. The understandings consist of: a physical construction activity line/barrier be placed on the plans and on the ground prior to the issuance of a building permit, a fishermen's access easement, additional landscaping on the north side of the recreation path, the applicant will bring the portion of Westhaven Drive in front of his property up to Town standards, the plans need to be corrected and the southern half of the single family unit shall be shifted 3 to 5 ft. away from the road and the whote building shifted 5 ft. to the north. Mike Lauterbach stated that he is in agreement with staff's recommendations and that he is willing to pay for road improvements in front of property prior to issuance of TCo (see attachment). Jim Gurnutte inquired how the PEC wished to proceed with this item (i.e. approve or table) with regard to the minor modifications that still had to be made. Kathy Langenwalter inquired whether the corner stakes they viewed during the site visit were at the maximum corners of the buildings. Mr. Lauterbach responded that they were give or take 5 ft. Greg Amsden inquired what kind of treatments and extensions were to be used off the sliding glass doors off of the bedrooms. Michael Lauterbach stated that there will be a couple of feet for a walkway but no deck or patio. The deck that would be used by the resldents would be off ot the living room. He said that snow storage for the south unit will drop off of the drivenvay. The west unit will be away from the bikepath. Kathy Langenwalter voiced her concerns regarding the architectural design. She staled that she is displeased with Spruce Creek, the project Mr. Lauterbach is cunently Plannlng and Envlronmental Gommlssion February 8, 1993 ^ tJ. involved with down valley and she is concerned with the quality tor this project. She also said that Mr. Lauterbach should consider putting a deck over the shed roof. Mr. Lauterbach responded that the project down valley is not completed and that he himself is not csmfortable with it the way it looks right now either. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she is concerned with window treatments. Jeff Bowen motioned lor approval of this request in accordance with the findings in the staff memo with the provision that the applicant work on the seven staff concerns elucidated by Jim Curnutte. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. Jim asked the PEC to consider approving this request with 6,450 sq. ft. of GRFA, calculated according to today's definition, rather than as 6,000 sq. ft. of GRFA with a stair credit. Jim felt ttris would be preferable for consistency's sake so that no proiect would be calculated differently than our new definition allows. Jeff Bowen amended his motion accordingly. The motion was seconded by Chuck Crist. A unanimous vote of 6-0 gpproved this request. 5. A request for a work session to discuss setback variances to allow for an addition to the residence located at 4582 Streamside Circte/Lot 1, Distelhorst Subdivision. Applicant: Drs. Fred and lnes DistelhorstPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte presenled the staff memo and outlined the concerns that staff has with this request. The first of these was the removal of the 2 ft. diameter tree on the south side of the building and the three trees on the east side of the buiHing (25 tt., 25 tt., and 35 lt.). Staff feels that the applicant and PEC should consider a remodel to the entryway of the building in order to save the group ot 3 trees on the east side of the building. The second concern pertains to a wetland encroachment of the proposed deck. Staff feels that the encroachment can be avoided by cutting back the deck or placing the deck on the east side of the proposed remodel. The third concern staff has with this project is the proposed landscaping. Specifically, there is a net loss of trees with this proposal and additional landscaping needs to be added. Kyle Webb stated that he would like to ask for an enlryway roof overhang setback endoachment on the east side of the building. He then showed the PEC what he had in mind. Jeff Bowen then inquired why it was not possible to save the tree. Kyle Webb stated that there was no room on the site to shift the plan around and make functional rooms. He said that the placement of the sewer lines by previous construction really limited the buildable area of the lot. Plannhg and Envlronmental Commlsslon February 8, 1993 o 1\{EN{ORANDUT'I TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: A request for a major amendmenr to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Ir{illrace III, 1335 Wesrhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follorvs: FIL I COP Y Comrnunity Development Department February 8;''1993 A Pan of lhe Sw ,{, NE v. Section 12, ToNnship 5 Sourh, Rlngc 8l Wesr of rhc 6lh P.M.. describcd !l follo$E: Bctirurirg st r poiot of rhe .\arih-Sourh ccnrciline (,f said Sclrioa 12 *.hcacc aa iroD pin wil.}, . p)aslic c.p tnartitg rh! cent4a of rrid Scarion '12 tr.r! S00"38'56'W d55.06 fccq Lrrcncc atong said ccnlcrtinc !i00.3t'56-E l2t6t fcet to lhe sourherly ROW line of Ltq $encc dcpsning laid ROW line .\*66'53'25'E 39.15 fceq l}|cJ|cc dclaning srid ROW linc SBl.23'19'E t65.d2 feer 1o r p6i'|t gf curlr: thcnc€ t22.tf fcct eto'|g lhq rrc of r 143.20 fgot radils cunc to rhs lcft, h.virg . ccnnsl rnEtc of 49.08'51' |'d I cbord rttrt bqt! St5'5?'45'E I l9-)0 fccq 6c$cc Sa0'32'f trE 3.00 fear; $cncr 66.30 focl slonli rhc rrc of r 77.2t foot r.dius cur,/c b rhs righl hrving r ccnurl .n8lc of,:9!12'10' rnd r chord rhat b@rs S!5.55'05'E 64.28 fccq $circc S8"40'00'W 90,2? fecq fienco !i36t{2'2{-W 2?{.55 fea[ rbcnco S76.IO'32'W lot.1{ fccr ro Urc Poinr of Bcginnir!. Applicant: Planner: \,lichael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte The applicant is seeking approval of a major amendmenr to Cascade Village, SDD No. #4, Area A, Millrace III, in order to construct one duplex and one single family residence on the .819 acre (35,676 sq. ft.) it{illrace III site. Each unit is approximately 2,000 sq. ft. in size and will have a two-car garage and a gas fireplace. The buildings rvill have a maximum building height of approximately 35 feet and a total sire coverage of 3,907 sq. ft. Since rhis property is currenily unplatted, the applicanr nlust also receive approval of a minor subdivision prior to the issuance of any building pernits related ro rhis project. Follorving rhe construcrion of the residences, the applicant rvill file single family and duplex subdivision plats. The Millrace III property is bounded by Westhaverr Drive on rhe Easr, the South Frontage Road right-of-way and the westhaven Apanment propeny (the ruins) on rhe north, Gore Creek on the sourh, and the Cascade Club tennis courr properry on the wesr. The property is clrrently vacant with the excepdon of trvo paved parking areasr one unpaved parking area and the paved recreation path. Thc former orvner of this property has allowed the Millrace condominiums ro maintain and use rhis property for parking for a number of years. I However, rhe Association does nor have any legal right ts use this propeny. It appears the Millrace III property has been zoned SDD since the time it was annexed into the Town of Vail in 1974. Access to rhis property will be from Westhaven Drive, which runs along the eastern property line. II. BACKCROUND In lvtarch of 1980, a development plan per the SDD rvas approved for this property by the DRB. Under the approved plan, development was to occur in a single triplex buildins. Thc totat GRFA for rhe building rvas calculared at 5,660 sq. ft., according to the definition in effect at rhe time. This figure equates ro 6,355 sq. ft. of GRFA if calculated using today's definition. The maximum height of this building was 36 feet and the total site coverage was approxirnately 3,800 sq. ft. Approval of this plan has since expired. In May of 1992, rhe applicant requested a rvork session with the PEC in order to receive feedback on his conceprual plan ro ptace rhree sinele familldrvellines on the property. Each of these unirs rvas approximately 2,000 square feet in size rvith a combined site coverage of approximarely 3,800 square feer. Two of rhe units were proposed to be three levels high with thc last unit being limited to trvo levels. At a PEC rvorksession on December 7, !992, Mr. Lauterbach presented a ne'iv scenario for developing rhe properry. The conceptual sire plan shorved a duplex buildine near the southern end of the site and a sinsle familv residence at the norrhern portion of the site. Each of these units was proposed to be approximately 2,225 sq. fr. in size and the combined site coverage of the project rvas 5,570 sq. ft. The purpose of the December 7, 1992, rvorkscssion was to receive direction from the PEC regarding a number of development parameters. The PEC agreed that the single family/duplex approach rvould be acceptablc as long as the building sizes could be consolidated to reduce sitc coverage and overall lot disturbance. The Planning Commission agrecd not to count overlapping stairs as GRFA in the new development scenado. Another item discussed by rhe PEC had to do rvith setback requirenrents from Westhaven Drive and the recreation path. The PEC felt that a minimum selback of 8 ft. would be desirable along Westhaven Drive rvith a 12 ft. setback from the recreation path. The Planning Commission discussed abandonment of the existing rccreation palh easement which does not line up rvith the aetual locadon of the path. The Commission agreed to abandonment of the easement provided that a new l5 ft. wide easement be platted directly over the existing recreation path at the time of minor subdivision. The final comments from the Planning Commission at the December 7, 1992 meeting had ro do rvirh minimum distance between buildings and the proposed building locations. The Planning Commission felt that the.two buildings could bs as close as l2 ft. betrveen building foundations, horvever the PEC requested that the locations of the single family residence and the duplex be switched so that the duplex is located on the north side of the lot. At the January 25, 1993 PEC rvorksession, lr{r. Lauterbach presented his new scheme for the propeny which took into account many of rhe commenrs made by the PEC at their Decembcr I 7,1992 meeting. The plans submitted at rhis rvorksession were much more detailed than had been previously provided (i.e. scaled floor plans, elevation drarvings, landscape plan, etc.). Upon revierv of these nerv detailed plans, the staff and rhe PEC suggested addirional revisions that the applicant should make prior to requesting final SDD Anrendment approval. These revisions involved the reduction of GRFA, site coverage and building heights from rhose shown on the plans, preservalion of thc Core Creek riparian zone, architectural changes to the buildings, and Wesrhaven Drive improvemenrs. With regard to protecting thc Gore Creek riparian zone the PEC agreed ro allorv Mr. Laurerbach to move his buildings closer rhe front property line than the previously imposed 8 ft. setback limit. The PEC felt rhat the building setback reduction would be acceptable in light of the distance between the front properry line and the edge of the Westhaven Drive pavemenr. The PEC felr rhat the nade off betrveen having the buildirrgs so close to the road and protecdng rhe Gore Creek natural area was acceptable. The applicant has addressed each of the recomnrendarions raised at the January 25, 1993 meeting and nolv rvishes to be considered for final SDD Anrendnrent approval. m. zoNrNG CONSTpERATTONS Each of the development paramelers have been compared rvith rhe previous approval (1980 triplex) and the plan being proposed today. Section 18.46.050 - Permiued Uses Allorted: The applicable uses pennitted in Cascade Village ar this location include single family drvellings, rrvo-family drvellings and multi-family dwellings. Pretious Approval: One triplex building Proposed: One duplex and one single family residence. Section 18.46.103 . Development Statistics for Area A (Millrace III) Allorved: Three dwelling units, 6,000 sq. ft. GRFA, six on-sire parking spaces. Previous Approval: Three drvelling unirs (riplex) 5,660 sq. fr. of GRFA (calculated according to' the definition in place in 1980), 6,355 sq. fr. of GRFA (calculated according ro today's definirion), 6,063 sq. ft. (calculared according ro roday's definirion, not including overlapping stairs), and thrce on-sire enclosed parking spaces. Proposed: Three drvelling units, (l duplex and 1 single family) 6,422 sq. fr of GRFA (calculated according to roday's definirion), 5,972 sq. ft. (not including overlapping stairs), and six on-site enclosed parking spaces. Scction 18.46.120 - Setbacks Required: The minimum required setback on the perlpferv of all of Area A shall be not less than 20 feet. . . 50 foot sream serback from Gore Creek . . . Previous Approval: In 1980 rvhen rhe rriplex building was approved both the recreation path and rhe nonhem propeny line did not exist. The building was setback 15 ft. from the front prcperty line and 30 ft. from the centerline of Gore Creek. ', Proposed: The proposed plan shorvs rhat rhe duplex building is setback 15 ft. from the norrh property line (adjacent to the ruins), 12 ft. from the recreation path,53 ft from the centerline of Core Creek and 3 fi. from the fronr property line i , adjacent to Westhaven Drive. Section 18.46.140 - Heisht Allorved: 48 feet Previous Approval: 36 feer Proposed: 31 feet (duplex) and 36 feet (single family) Section 18.46.160 - Site Coverage . Allorted: 359o (12,486 sq. ft.) Previous Approval: 10.77o (3,800 sq. ft.) Proposed: 10.97a (3,907 sq. fr.) ',' - Section 18.46.170 - Landscaping . Allorved: 507o (17,838 sq. ft. minimum) Previous Approval: 82Vo (29,200 sq. ft.) Proposed: 827o (29,400 sq. ft.) Section 18.46.180 - Parking and Loading : Required: i 759o of ail required parking shall be located within the main building or .i. .. 'i':.". buildings, and hidden from public vierv from adjoining properties within a t,- .r;,: landscape berm. Previous Approval: i,-:-: ':'.', 5A9o of all requircd (2 spaces per unit) were located within the main building. ' ..;. r. Proposed: 857o of all required parking spaces are located rvithin the buildings. Each unit has a trvo-car garage, Secdon 18.46.190 - Recreation Anenides, Tax Assessed Required: 25 cents per square foot of 6RFA must be paid in conjuncrion with consruction but prior to the issuance of building permits. Section 18-46.280 - Conservation and Pollution Controls Required:Protective meaiures must be used to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, both during and after construction. IV.. SPECIAL DEVELQI,_I\4ENT DISTRICT CRITERIA The criteria to be used to evaluate this proposrl iue the nine Special Development District (SDD) development standards set forth in the special developnrent district chapter of the Zoning Code. The criteria are as follorvs: Design conrpatibility and sensitivity to the imnrediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relatile to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, idenlity, character, visual integrity and orientation. Thc applicant has made several revisions to his original building design and site planning in order to respond to previous PEC rvorksession comments. These revisions have resulted in a beuer utilization of the flat buildable area on the nonh side of the lot, a reduction in building height from 43 ft. ro 36 ft., a change in the type of roof form from gable ro hip, a reducrion in GRFA and site coverage, and an increase in the amount of landscaped area on the lot and reduced impacts to the Gore Creek riparian zone. Staff feels that the architecrural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, idendry, character, visual inregriry and orientation of the proposed development have been designed cornpatibly and sensitively to rhe immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properdes. We rvould, horvever, recommend cenain minor revisions ro lhe buildings' architecrure and the proposed site planning rvhich rve feel rvould irnprove rhe overall developmenl plan. Staff has visired the site ro revierv rhe proposed sraking of the buildinit locations and suggests thar the soulhern half of rhe single family drvelling unit be shifted 5 fr. roward rhe Creek and the entire building shifted north Bpproximately 5 ft. We believe that rhis minor building location change will improve rhe appearance of rhe projecr as vierved from Westhaven Drive. A. Staff s concern is that the present location of rhe buitding may Present a significant unbroken plane along Westhaven Drive and this may be reduced with the building shifr. Staff rvould suggest that the visual appe'arance of the north side of the single family dwelling would be improved rvith the addition of windows and by carrying the stone wall all the way ro the end of the building. Staff would suggest that the applicant consider revisions to the west elevatiOn of the duplex building Io lessen the ntiror image cunently exhibited on this side of the buildine. - Staff has observed certain minor discrepancies betrveen the site plan, landscape-: plan and floor plan drarvings. None of rhese discrepancies are significant enough to recommend rabling of the application at this dme. Horvever, staff . would like to see revisions made to the plans to retnove these minor discrepancies as soon as possible. An example of the differences are as follorvs: The deck on rhe west side of the southern duplex unit is not shown on the sire plan. The covered enrryways for borh of the duplex units differs from that drarvn on the floor plans. The floor plans do nor reflecr the large deck located on the west side of the norrh duDlex unit. .'. The UuifOing heights shown on the site plan do not match those - -ii exhibited on the elevation drarvings. The drivervay rvidth ro the sourhern duplex unit must be revised to be a minimum of 12 ft. wide. The landscape plan does not reflect rhe nel driveway location being "i j proposed for the north duplex unit. The applicant has stated that a new. Iandscape plan rvill be revised after the Planning Commission meeting in order to incorporate all of the recommended changes the PEC may ''' ' " have. Some of tbe differences are due to rhe fact that the applicant has::l r ' tried to respond quickly to staff comments. :: :;, .t, - : B.Uses, activity and density rvhich provide a compatible, efficient and n'orkable relationship rvith surrounding uses and activity. The uses, activity and density being proposed rvith this development plan appear to be compatible with surrounding uses and acdvities. The locadon and use of the existing bike path wiil be unaffected as a result of approval of this plan. As mentioned previously, some residents of the Millrace Condominium Association use a portion of ihis property for parking. The condominium owners are aware that they do not have any legal right to continue using this property for parking purposes. The applicant is not proposing any uses, activities or densities different from that originally approved as a part of the overail Area A development plan for Cascade Villagc, SDD No. 4. The staff has not asked for employee housing because rve believe the site is too constrained to provide for more developrnent. This SDD is also providing housing in more appropriate locations rvithin the SDD, i.e. - Westhaven, Waterford, Cornerstone, and Glen Lyon. We are looking at the entire SDD in respect to rhis issue. C. Conrpliance rvith parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52. Under Section 18.52 of the Vail Municipal Code, each drvelling unit rvith less than 2,000 sq. ft. of GRFA has a parking requirement of 2 spaces and those with over 2,000 sq. ft. of CRFA rvould require 2.5 spaces per unit. Trvo of the three units (the single family and rhe nonh half of the duplex) within the Millrace III project are under 2,000 sq. ft. of GRFA and rherefore require 2 parking spaces to be provided on-site. The parking requirement for the third unit is 3 parking spaces, as its total GRFA is over rhe 2,000 sq. ft. rhreshold. The proposed plan meets rhis requirement by providing artached two-car . garages rvith each unir, plus room for several more cars in front of each garage ..door. Confornrity rvith rpplicable elenrents of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Torrn policies and Urban Design Plans. The applicable goals and objectives from rhe Torvn's Land Use Plan for this area include: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a',. .. . balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve . ... . ...: both rhe visiror and the permanent resident. i.Z The quality of the environment including air, water and orher natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. D. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. l.l2 Vail should accommodale most of the additional grorvth in exisdng . developed areas (in fill areas). l.13 Vail recognizes irs stream ract as being a desirable land feature as well' as its potential for public use. 5.1 Addirional residential growlh should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. -"r; E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect' the property on t'hich the special development district is proposed. :' There are no natural and/or geologic hazards affecting this property which. ; would require mirigation or resrrict its developmenr. The proposed buildings do not encroach into rhe 100 year flood plain or the 50 ft. Core Creek setback, with the exception of a I fr. deck encroachment rvhich is allorved pursuant to Secdon 18.58.060 of the Vail i\,tunicipal Code. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional der,elopment responsive and sensitirc to natural features, r'egetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. 'Staff believes that the proposed site design, building design, and locadon and,. open space provisions do provide a functional development, responsible and'sensitive to the natural features, vegetation and overall set equality of the ' community. As mentioned previously, horvever, rve do have somc concems with regard to lessening the overall construction impacts rvithin the Core Creek ' tip-ian zone and offer specific recommendations at the end of this<!' ' memorandum. G. A circulation s]'stem designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing The on-site circulation system being proposed in conjunction rvith this -'', i development plan is accomplished by rvay of three separate drivervays. ' accessing the three drvelling units from Westhaven Drive. This plan has been reviewed by the Torvn Engineer and found to be acceptable. As mendoned previously, the recrearion parh location and use will be unaffecied as a resutt of 1" . , :::'apProval of this developmentplan. There are some concems with regardto off-site circulation which have not been resolved at this dme. Currently, I H. Westhaven Drive, from the South Frontage Road to Gore Creek Bridge, is not a publicly dedicated and maintained road. The road is orvned by I{EClt{ Enterprises, Inc. and does not currently meet Torvn standards rvith regard to grade, consrruction or minimurn clearance benearh the pedesnian bridge connecting rhe Cascade Club to the building to the south and other standards. The Torvn is interested in u'orking with lt,lr. Lauterbach as well as the developers of the Cornerstone and Waterford projects (developments being proposed at the upper end of Westhaverr Drlve) and other owners rvithin the SDD to bring the road up ro Torvn standards and have it dedicated to the Town for mainrenance purposes. Staff does nor feel that it would be equitable to require I,[r. Laurerbach to cornplete all of rhe road irnprovements necessary to bring Wesrhaven Drive up to srandard. Instead, rve feel that Mr. Lauterbach should only be required to bring that ponion of rhe road directly in front of his propeny up ro Torvn standards. The applicant has agreed to complete this tvork prior ro the issu.?nce of a TCO for the project. Functional and aesthetic landscaping arrd open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, viets and functions. A significant portion of rhis sire has been previously disturbed as a result of the construction of the paved parking areas, paved bike path and insnllation of a buried gas line. The applicanr has arrenrpred ro locate rhe buildings as close to Westhaven Drive as possible in order ro optimize rhe most buildabie area of the site and presen,e the remaining natural features, such as the heavily treed Gore Crcek riparian zone. The proposed building placemenr, within 1-l12 ft. ofI the front property line, makes the proposed landscape plan an especially important element of the overall development plan. The applicant has anempted to provide significanr landscaping in the right-of-rvay in front of the proposed drvelling units rvhile at the same time maintaining the Torvn's minimum sire disrance requirements. In addition to providing a building setback of l2 ft. from rhe existing recreation Path, the applicant rvill be berrning and heavily landscaping an area south of the path to help buffer future residents from path users, and vice versa. The applicant rvill be replardng rhe recreation parh easement to conform with the existing locarion of the recreation parh and rvill dedicate that easement to the public. Although the applicant has made several revisions to his plans in order to lessen rhe overall impact to lhe Gore Creek riparian zone, tbe current plani -still calls for the removal of a significant number of rees and site disturbance' that will impact rhe creek vegeration on rhe wesr side of rhe property. Staff believes that rhe applicanr's proposed landscape plan goes along rvay toward , midgating the impacts of his development plan, horvever, rve would recommend that additional landscapc materials be added to rhe property. Specifically, staff would recommend additional trees and shrubs be provided along the north side of rhe recreation path. Ahhough the Torvn owns most of the tracts of land immediately adjacent to Core Creek throughout the Torvn of Vail, the river corridor through the Cascade Village SDD is in private orvnership. Staff recommends that a fishermen's access easement be provided approximately 10 ft. from the high rvater mark along the entire length of Core Creek through this property. In order to protect the Core Creek riparian zone as much as possible, and as specified in Section 18.46.28 (Conservation and Pollution Conrols) of Ordinance No. 41, Series of 1991, Cascade Village, staff recommends that significant protective measures be used to prevent unnecessary damage and destruction of vegetation and to prevent soil erosion into Gorc Creek, both during and after construcrion. We would recommend that the plan be amended to designate an allorvable iinrir of constnrction activity and require that certain physical barriers be in place on the ground prior to the issuance of a building permit. It appears that the 50 ft. setback line rvould make a logical limit of construction activity, with rhe exception of the southrvest corner of the property adjacent to the single family, where construction may be allorved to encroach 10 ft. into the 50 ft. serback line. Thc development plan shorvs a significant distance, approximately 40 ft.. between building foundations in order to provide a view corridor to the river aroa through this developrnent. Staff supports the idea of providing a break in the line of buildings so that viervs of the Core Creek natural area remain open. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that rvill nraintain a rvorkable, functional and eflicient relationship througlrout the devetopment of the special developnrent district. It is the applicant's intenrion to construct these units at the same time in the Spring of 1993, therefore, no phasing plan has been submitted for staff review. STAFF RECOIT,IMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed Millrace III major amendment to SDD No. 4. As mentioned previously in rhis memorandum, there are still a' number of concerns rvhich staff feels should be addressed and the applicant has'.' agreed to each of these concerns: l. The site plan shall be amended to shorv a designated limit of construction activiry line. This line should follorv the 50 fr. setback line rvith the exceprion of rhe area behind rhe single fanrily residence. The I. .:': .' v. l0 purpose of this line is to ensure that construction activity be limited to the area east of the line. A physical barrier along the limit of consrruction acdvity line shall be in place prior to the issuance of a building permit for rhe project. Staff rviil then make periodic inspections to the property throughout the construction to assure rhat no disturbance occurs west of the consfruction barrier. The barrier should be of a design which not only delineates the limit of construction activity, but also provides for the control of sedimentation into Gore Creek. This barrier may be accomplished through a combination of snow fencing, hay bales and fine me-sh neuing. A 10 ft. pedestrian/fishermen's access easement shall be provided along the shore of Gore Creek. This easement should extend approximately 10 ft. from the high water mark of the creek to allorv fishermen access up and dorvn Core Creek. This easement rvill be dedicated ar rhe time the minor subdivision is approved. Additional landscaping shall be provided on the nonh side of the existing recrealion path. This vegetatiotr in additiorr to that shorvn on the landscape plan rvill help mirigare for rhe los.ses being proposed as a result of the constructiotr of the trvo buildings. At a minimum, 10 aspen or ash trees (3" cal. nrinimurn) shall be provided along *re parh along rvith l0 - 20 evergreen and deciduous shrubs. 4. Since this property is currently unplatted, a minor subdivision plat must be submitted, revierved and approved by the Town prior to rhe issuance of a building permit for rhe project. The applicant agrees ro provide the necessary improvements to that portion of Westhaven Drive directly in fronr of his propeny line to bring the road up to Torvn standards. These improvements may include, but are not limited to, curb and guner, drainage, and a nerv lift of asphalt paving. Certain minor modifications shall be made to rhe site plan, landscape plan and floor plans so that features shorvn on any one of the three are accurately reflecred on all plans per rhe smff memo on page 6. These changes shall be made before the project proceeds to first reading by the Torvn Council. The southern half of the single family residence shall be shifred 3 -5 ft. away from the road and thar rhe enrire building be shifted approximately 5 ft. furrher ro rhe nonh. 1 J. ). 6. 7. ll I ,::-:::: o ?a TE; I o $. +'1.:l:\NNi*rMi \itat".t.\Si ,t-i,6 G 1r. \ \\\ .) ta.ta nt''.i')i1;ffi 'iriri,'l \:tiii\\--.','llf$l\--;+ rr t.r),,;t']-.,) r. \...--, \\. \ \r..\ \ t-\,! \. ",.. \i!{' \"'r! T:!Er-lriil Mlllrace Phaee IIIMJL Developm€nt Vail, Colorado RIU.- .r,o d E rt H Fq( Millrace Phase IIIill MJL Devolopment Vail, Colorado I 'z ola lt' i Millrace Phase III-fl fvff, Dsrrelolrmenttull vatl, colorado Io ltifrl:lilll MillracE Phase IU MJL Dwelopment Vatl, Colorado t Mlllr*ce Pbaee IU MJL Developmentllrll Colorado o ,l I i S Itfrrsr!isi Millrace Phaee III IvIJL Detlelopftent Vail, Coloredo 5o Mtllrace Phaee III ill MJL DevelopnentlJl Vatt, Colorado /'-zl.-:l\ra s +- .. ({ iI \\\ ul \\.t '/lrlr,,' 1llF"ilnr lfrrt| lrlil lrirl i l'l$I ||llJ I'd[r lfltta\# ry I I tcr!. t'trt-F$\\\o 'W \.. --i\.r;:\$ \* i)\ ffi 4 \ o :g?r{ r{s 5. $: \W'--:lliro K''N \t,,t'tu Millra,ce Phase III Ir{J l, I)evelonrr,?r,t : ril (-.tlnt.,.l ) qi vt-- ----t4=-=' t", / ,/ "01H -2-F e / /$ ---- ////,//I I / .r'n' /,i///:/i ')(,'," / '' ',, / ...-,-- &wr-t\i.F'- :iar*.6e.J%--/ ( ,) ix7-- -/.V --' // Yd- ,'' ,.t:"' ,, ' ..., " ,/' u'\'" a.../ ,r'"r,1^ ,/. ,, /' 4. @7 6?EeYy ,l.. /* /* -lt ls'I{r i, ril t.-\ :.. .t! nIuA F#AL €L."tJ .-t l\ 1 ^\{l } c\\ t" !) I , 4 7*t LA\-\.- f, [{ tn'-- - i\_ ti! \-'---- Wffi.-4?,, [-;Jrl?uarvasa AaaA gFlCd daN,l trz-': xtrfii#{I31',VA al#41* *4*= ,,u\s -, _\* \ t>? d ,QA'\A 'r' $-& & KFJ \\?,6 r' PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JANUARY 25,19Sl MINUTES PBESENT STAFF Diana Donovan Kristan Prilz Chuck Crist Mike Mollica Dalton Williams Shelly Mello Jeff Bowen Tim Devlin Greg Amsden Andy Knudtsen Gena Whitten Jim Curnutte Kathy Langenwalter Russell Forrest 1. The Planning and Environmental Commission was called to oder at 2:00 p.m. to discuss an update ,or the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor suMivision, a zone change, and an amendment to View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A,B,C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicanl: Golden Peak House Condominium Assoc.A/ail Associates, Inc./Partners, Ltcl./Margaritaville, Inc.Planner: Mike Mollica/Tim Devlin TABLED UNTIL APRIL 12,1993 Clark Willingham requested that this item be tabled until March or April of this year so that he could tie up loose ends concerning covenants, zoning, etc. He also stated that he wanted to wait and see what happens with the possible redevelopment of Cyrano's. A general discussion was then held concerning looking at both the Golden Peak House and the Gyrano's projects together. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlssion January 25, 1993 Dalton Williams thought that this made sense, to look at the whole area and then establish general guidelines concerning property lines, setbacks. easements and variances. Chuck Crist inquired about whether it was possible to have an SDD with dilferent owners. Kristan Pritz responded that it is possible but all the pieces must fit together (i.e. Cascade Village). She suggested that a work session regarding the Golden Peak House and Cyrano's would be wise prior to a Jinal hearing. Clark Willingham stated that the Golden Peak House and Cyrano's need to be organized and eonstructed as one project with regard to Town disruption. Greg Amsden stated that he was in favor of a postponement in order to get the specifics concerning the Golden Peak House worked out. Jeff Bowen motioned to table this discussion. A unanimous vote of 7-0 tabled this request until April 12, 1993. 2. A request for a setback variance, at the Manor Vail Lodge, to allow the construclion of a trash enclosure, located on a Part of Lot 1, Block B, Vail Village Sevenlh Filing/S95 VailValley Drive. Applicant: Manor Vail LodgePlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 8, 1993 Dalton Williams moved to table this request with Chuck Crist seconding the motion. A unanimous vote of 7-0 tabled this request until February 8, 1993. 3. A request for a work session for a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village Area A, Millrace lll, lo amend the approved development plan to allow for one single famity residence and one duplex located at 1335 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as follows: A part of lhs Sw %, l.lE '/., S€dion 12, Township 5 Soutl, Ranoe 81 wrst ot fie 6rh P.Nl,. dss€rib€d es bllows: B€ginnlng a! a poinl ol f|s Nonh.Sourh cemerline of said Sedion 12 wh€nc€ En ircn lin wittl a pl6s$c cap naddng fle @ntor ot seid Secrion 12 b93rs $O0"38'56'W 455.00 tsst: th€rce 6long said c€.ris.lino N0(f38'568 122.81 fs€t to ule loulh€rlt ROlr{ lhs of F70; th€ncs d€parling said ROW lin€ t166"53'25€ 39.15 frct: rhsnca deFading said ROW lins S81?319rE 165.42 hsr to a lDiot ol cuNei thonca 122,8:, teor along ths arc ol a 143.20 loot radius curve |o rhs l€fi. havlng a cont.al angL of4$085t'and € chord thal bears S 1557'45'E 119.10 le€li rhenca S40"32tCfE 3.00 tosr: honcs O5,3O tect along tie arc ol a 2.21 fool radlu8 curys b lho right. having a c€nral angle ol 4ft 2'1 0' and a chord thar b€ars S1 5"5,6'OfE 44.28 l€di rhonce S8o40bOT', 90.?7 beq thcnce M8"42'24'W 22455 feot; th€nce 578"1032'W 101.44 l€ar ro ho Poi ol B€ginnino. Applicant: MECM Enterprises, Inc. represented by Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte Planning and Environmental Comrnisslon January 25, 1993 2 Stafl made a presentation per the memo reiterating the staff's concerns pertaining to this project. Mike Lauterbach then explained to the PEC his position regarding the staff's concerns. During the last work session on December 7, 1992, there was discussion concerning GRFA credits for overlapping stairways and up to 600 sq. ft. on the garage. Mike stated that since his garages are only 500 sq. ft. he assumed he could use the additional 100 sq. ft. per unit elsewhere in the units- He would also like to stay at the site coverage that he has now. Concerning the Gore Creek riparian zone, he leels that he is within the parameters ol the SDD for setbacks. Concerning the building heights, he believes that he is within lhe parameters of the SDD, but he would be agreeable to lowering on the roots a few feet, so that the building height of lhe single family unit will be 40' and the duplex will be 41'. Mike stated thal in order for the single family unit to get lo 33 tt., it must shed from the east and west, and the building would end up looking like modular construction. Concerning the road setback, if the buildings are moved back from Gore Creek there will be virtually zero landscaping in front of the buildings due to sight distance requirements. Mr. Lauterbach believed the buildings will look better the fariher they are from Westhaven Orive. Mr. Lauterbach was agreeable to the minor lacade changes that the staff has proposed. The issue of Westhaven Drive improvements was then addressed by the PEC. Mr. Lauterbach stated that Fred Otto owns Westhaven Drive and that his share in the Cascade Village Homeowners Association is less than 3% . He does not believe that he should have any bearing on the road or that he has a legal requirement to bring it to the Town's standards. He feels that this is an issue betvveen Fred Otto and lhe Town of Vail and thal it has no bearing on this present hearing. Slaff pointed out that one of lhe criteria used by the staff, PEC and Town Council when determining the appropriateness of this request was adequate and safe circulation. Diana Donovan stated that Town Council will have a meeting to discuss the road issue before the PEC meets again on February 8, 1993 to discuss this application. Kristan Pritz stated thal Town Council will meet on February 2, 1993 and the Mr, Lauterbach's final hearing is scheduled for February 8, 1993 so hopefully this issue may get resolved before Mr. Lauterbach's final hearing. Chuck Crist inquired about how much GFIFA Mike Lauterbach was asking for. Jim Curnutte advised him that 6,309 sq. tt. is currently shown without counting stairs (150 sq. ft. per unit) or garage areas. Jim then pointed out that the previously approved triplex, if calculated according to today's definition was 6,355 sq. ft. including stairs. So, in order to compare apples to apples we need to add back in the 150 sq. ft. per unit for stairs. Now the comparison is 6,355 for the triplex and 6,759 lor Mike's project. Plannhg and Envlronmental Commlsslon January 25, 1993 3 .1 Dalton williams then advised ihat this project was 404 sq. ft. larger than the GRFA of the previous approval. Michael Lauterbach stated that it was his betief that the GHFA for this project was always under 6,675 sq. ft. and that he did not know it was calculated over that. Diana Donovan inquired of Mr. Lauterbach what his basis was for his square footage calculations. Michael Lauterbach stated lhat in the old GRFA definition there were allowances ranging from 200400 sq. ft. for stairs, closets, mechanical rooms, etc. He pointed out that he assumed a credit ot 225 sq. ft. per unit which is what is used in the multFfamily density zone districts for single family units. This interpretation would allow him 6,675 sq. ft. of GRFA. Kristan Prilz stated that LDFM and RC single family units get 225 sq. ft. allowances. Othenruise, multi'family developments do not get a flat out attowance per un1 of 225 sq. ft. Michael Lauterbach inquired about the common area credit in the multifamily zones. Kristan stated that common areas are not included, up to a certain percentage ol the GRFA. Dalton williams inquired about what ihe base zoning is for this project. Kristan Pritz responded that lhere is no underlying zoning for cascade Village so, when appropriate, community Development lries to use BC zoning (i.e. collstream). Diana Donovan stated that she thought it would be helpful to explain how Mr. Lauterbach got his numbers. Kathy Langenwalter stated that it was her teeling that it is not the numbers that are thekey concern, it is the design. This design stilt does not appear to be sensitive to the s.ite. The extra 300 sq. lt. is a moot point because it does not meet sDD criteria (i.e. design compatible and sensiiive to the environrnent, neighborhood and adjacentproperties, etc.). she furlher stated that the exterior lacade (i.e. gable rooil is not appropriate for the area and that a lower prolile is needed. Dalton williams agreed with Ms. Langenwalter concerning the 300 sq. ft. not being theissue' The issue is that the project is not sensitive to the site. He further stated that everything (ltems A,B,o,D of the memorandum) excluding the corrugated metal pipe and Westhaven Drive were real problems. Greg Amsden stated that the building is very heavy on the creekside and thar the structures need to be moved from the creek. He also stated that three buildings maybe too many for this area and that a major building with stucco exterior is scary. Ha Planning and Environmental Commlsslon January 25, 1993 4 suggested to Mike Lauterbach to move the bike path to work in his favor. He stated that this may not be a site to build economically on and made five suggestions to Mr. Lauterbach: 1.) get more creative with the design of the project; 2.) minimize setbacks along Westhaven Drive; 3,) there wiil be some participation required on your (Mr. Lauterbach's) part for upgrading Westhaven Drive; 4.) provide a better turnaround so that cars can head out onto Westhaven Drive facing fonrard; and, 5.) build as far from Gore Creek as possible. Chuck Crist agreed with all of the items that Greg Amsden suggested except for relocating the bike path. Jeff Bowen then suggested that i{ the dead trees on the site were removed that the smaller living trees would be allowed to grow. He stated that moving the bike path and adjusting lhe project to the north would place the residence very close to the road. He also stated thal he has a problem with the size of the development going in on this site and that it does not seem to work well. He finished by suggesting that Mr. Lauterbach consider reducing the size of the project. Gena Whitten slated that it may need to be a smaller project, one that is more sensitive to the site. Diana Donovan stated that the northwest corner o{ the single family and duplex needed to be pulled away from the creek and flip flop the single family unit to create a single driveway at the north end of the single family unit. She then asked staff about the need for sidewalks. Kristan Pritz stated that none were proposed in that area. Jim Curnutte stated that Greg Hall did not say anything about them on either set of plans that he reviewed. Michael Lauterbach said that it would be difticult to move the bike path. Greg Amsden inquired about the bike path being moved to the creekside. Diana Donovan inquired of Mr. Lauterbach what questions he had to ask the PEC. Mr. Lauterbach stated that he will redraw the plan with possibly a hip roof and he will get the volume package down. Dalton Williams stated that the general design was all wrong and that Mr. Lauterbach needed to "start over". He said that nothing there works on the site. Gena Whitten concurred with Dalton Williams and added that the degree of steepness warrants less building on the site. Planning and Envlronmental Commisslon January 25, 1993 4. Mr. Lauterbach responded by saying he had done what the PEC had told him at the last meeting. Dalton Williams responded that Mr. Lauterbach needed to create a design lor a small site and that the current design, in his opinion, is not sensitive to the SDD criteria. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the duplex has a flat area that can be built on and pull it out of the steep hillside and that a hip roof would lower the profile ol the building. Greg Amsden inquired why the project could not be moved up 8-1 0' towards Westhaven Drive away from the creek area. He said what the PEC saw staked during the site visit "knocked our socks off". Michael Lauterbach responded that the lirst 15'ot the north end of the site is for the bike path and that an entry or driveway could not be moved into that area. Greg Amsden stated that it appears that the driveway is currently blind and that the setback was more sensitive along the creek. Chuck Crist suggested pufting a stone wall between the buildings and the bike path so that they can get a little closer. Kathy Langenwalter restated her feeling about working with the flat area and showed one example to PEC about how this might be accomplished. Greg Amsden stated that creek front preservation is the most important issue and that PEC will work with Mr. Lauterbach on the other sides. Jeff Bowen stated that the buildings are square and rectangular and that reshaping the buildings could possibly help the site. Michael Lauterbach stated that this would be difficult to do. Jetl Bowen responded that a different shape and smaller buildings were needed on the site. Kristan Pritz said that il Mr. Lauterbach desired to go ahead on February 8, 1993 that additional information would need to be submitted by this Friday January 29th or Monday February 1st at 9:00 a.m. at the latest. It was then determined that Mr. Lauterbach would appear again on February 8, 1993 lor a linal hearing on this ilem. A request for a work session to amend Chapter 18.24 Commercial Core I and Chapter 18.26 Gommercial Core ll of the Town of Vail Zoning Code (relating to exterior alterations). Planning and Envlronmental Commission January 25, 1993 I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ME]\{ORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Dcvelopment Department f a'.rrr.rrrr tS 1OO? A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace UI, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part of the SW t,/a, NE tA, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point of the Nonh-South centerline of said Section 12 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S0O'38'56"W 455.06 feet; thence along said centerline N00"38'56"E 122.81 feet to the southerly ROW line of I-70; thence departing said ROW line N66'53'25"E 39.15 feet; thence depaning said ROW line 581'23'19"E 165.42 feet to a point of curve;.thence 722.83 feet along the arc of a 143.20 foot radius curve to ths left, having a central angle of 49o08'51" and a chord that bears S15o57'45"E 119.10 feet; thence 540'32'10"E 3.00 feet; thence 66.30 feet along the arc of a'17.21 foot radius curve to the right" having a central angle of 49"12'10" and a chord that bears S15"56'05"E 64.28 feet; thence S8o40'00"W 90.27 fe,et; thence N38.4Z'24"W 224.55 feeu thence S78'10'32"W 101.44 feet to the Point ofBeginning. Applicant: Planner: Michael l-auterbach Jim Cumutte I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Millrace III property ig'bounded by Westhaven Drive on the East,thc South, Frontage Road right-of-way and the Westhaven Apanment propeny (the ruins) on the north, Gore Creek on the south, and the Cascade Club tennis coun property on the west. The property is currently vacant with the exception of two paved parking areas, one unpaved parking area and rhe paved recreation path. Thc former owner of this property has allowed the Millrace Condominiums to maintain and use this property for parking for a number of years. However, the Association docs not have any legal right to use this property. It appears the Millrace III property has been zoned SDD since the time it was annexed into the Town of Vail in 1974. Access to this property will be from Wesrhaven Drive, which runs along the eastem propeny line. The applicant is seeking approval of a major amendmen! to Cascade Village, SDD No. #4, Area A, Millrace III, in order to construct one duplex and one single family residence on the .819 acre (35,676 sq. ft.) Millrace III site. Each unit is approximately 2,100 sq- ft. in size and will have a two-car garage and a gas fireplace. The buildings will have a maximum building heighqof approximately 43 feet and a total site coverage of 3,920 sq. ft. Since this property is currently unplatted, the applicant must also receive approval of a minor subdivision prior to the issuance of any building perrnits related to this project. Following the construction of the residences, the applicant will file single family and duplex subdivision plats. II. BACKGROUND- In March of 1980, a development plan per the SDD was approved for this property by the DRB. Under the approved plan, developmenr was to occur in a single triplex buildinE. The total GRFA for the building was calculated at 5,660 sq. ft., according to the definition in effect at the time. This figure equates to 6,355 sq. ft. of GRFA if calculated using todays definition. The maximum height of this building was 36 feet and rhe tonl site covcrage was approximately 3,8@ sq. ft. Approval of this plan has since expired. In May of !992, the applicant requested a work session with the PEC in order to receive feedb4ck on his conceptual plan to place three sine& family dwellinsg on fie property. Each of these units was approximately 2,000 square feet in size with a combined site coverage of approximately 3,800 square feet. Two of the units were proposed to be three lcvels high with the last unir being limited to two levels. At a PEC worksession on December 7, 1992, Mr. Lauterbach presented a new scenario for developing the property. The conceptual site plan (see attached copy) showed a duplex building near the southern end of the site and a sinele familv residence at rhe nonhern portion of the site. Each of these units was proposed to be approximately 2,2?5 sq. fr in size and the combined site coverage of the project was 5,570 sq. ft The purpose of tfte December 7, 1992, worksession was to rcceive direction from the PEC regarding a numbcr of developmcnt parametcrs. Specifically, the applicant received PEC comment on the following issues: L Is an increase in GRFA from 6,000 sq. ft. to 6,675 at this site appropriate? i.-,c The applicant believed that allowing an additional 225 sq. ft. per unit (675 sq. ft" totat) was appropriate because granting rhe additional square feet would be consistent with the Low Density Multiple Family (LDMF) Zone District and because the GRFA credits (storage, mechanical, and airlock) allowed when the development plan for the proJect was approved in 1980 are no longer allowed for this single family/duplex proposal. The staff pointed out that the most recent modification to SDD No. 4 occurred in November, 1991, in conjunction with the redevelopment of Millrace IV, the Cosgriff parcel. Under that review, the GRFA was calculated under the 1991 (new) GRFA definition, and the only credit granted was a 600 sq. ft. per unit per 2-car garage credit. In addition, the Comerstone and Waterford projects used the 1991 (new) GRFA definidon. Staff did not believe that it was appropriate to allow the consmJction of additional GRFA on the site. Afier considerable discussion about the appropriate amount of CRFA, and rccognizing that garag€s are not counted so each building will actually be closer to 2,600 sq. ft. in size, the PEC agreed to allow the developer a "stair credit". Under this scenario, no stair levels above the first are counted toward the GRFA maximum of 6,000 sq. ft. 2. Should the applicant be allorved to construct a duplex and a single family residence on the site? Both the staff and the PEC felt that the single family/duplex approach would be acceptable as long as the building sizes could be consolidated to reduce site coverage and lot disturbance. Many of the commissioners suggested that the building locations of the single family and tbe duplex be switched. Per this recommendadon, the duplex would bc on the nonh end of the parcel and the single family would be on thc soutn end of the site. All commissioners directed thc applicant to significantly reduce the amount of building site coveragc proposed on the lot. 3. Is an 8-foot setback from the paved recreation path acceptable? The PEC felt that a building setback from tbe recreation path was necessary. The coBscensus of the group was to allow a l2' building setback from the path, provided that a berm and substandal landscaping be placed between the path and the nealest building. 4. Is the abandonment of the existing recreation path acceptable? AII membcrs of the PEC and staff agreed to abandon tbe existing eascmcnt and plot a new 15 foot easement at the location of rhe existing recreation path, if necessary. 5. Is it appropriate to allow a minimum of 10 feet between building foundations? All members of rhe PEC felt that the two buildings could be as close as 12 feet between building foundations. 6. Is an 8-foot setback from Westhaven Drive appropriate? The PEC agreed to allow the buildings to be as close as 8 feet from thc property line adjacent to Wcsthaven Drive. This setback distance was allowed with the understanding that the building facades would be broken up so as not to present a continuous uninteresting building line along Westhaven Drive. Mr. Lauterbach has made many revisions to rhe development plan as a resu.lt ot the comments- he reclived at the December 7, 1992, PEC worksession. There ale, ho*€ver, selerll issues related'to this project that need additional review and clarification. Previous PEC worksessions related to this project were geared toward discussions of development parameters, with little or no review of actual plans. The applicant has now provided staff with plans of a sufficient deuil to adequately assess the irnpacts of the proposed development. We have developed a list of discussion items for PEC review and comrnent. These items are found in Section V of this rnemo. NI. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following are the panmelers for the development cf this site, which are set foflh in Ordinance No. 41, Series of 1991, the SDD #4, Cascade Village Ordinance: Secdon 18.46.050 - Permined Uses Allorved: The applicable uses permitted in Cascade Village at this location include multi-' family dwcllings, single family dwellings and two-family dwellings. Previous Approval: One triplex building Proposed: One duplex and one single family residence. Scction 18.46.103 - Development Statisrics for Area A (Millrace III) Allowed: Three dwelling units, 6,000 sq. ft. GRFA, six on-site parking space$. Previous Approval: Thrce dwelling units (triplex) 5,660 sq. ft. of GRFA (calculated according to the definition in place at rhe time), three on-sire enclosed parking spaccs. Proposed: Three dwelling units, (l duplex and I single family) 6,309 sq. ft. of GRFA, six on-site enclosed parking spaces plus room for several more cars in front of cach garage door. Section 18.46.120 - Serbacks Required: The minimum required setback on thc periphery of all of Area A shall be not less than 20 feet . . . 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek . . . Previous Approval: The uiplex building appears to have complied with the required setback specifications set out in the SDD. Proposed: The proposed development will comply rvith the required 20-foot periphery of Area A setback and the 50-foot Gore Creek stream setback. Section 18.46.140 - Height Allorved: 48 feet Previous Approval: 36 Feet Proposed: 43 feet for duplex and 42 feet for single fanqily- Section 18.46.160 - Site Coverage Allowed: 3570 (12,486 sq. ft.) Previous Approval: 10.77o (3,800 sq. ft,) Proposed: ll%o (3,928 sq. ft.) Section 18.46.170 - Landscaping Alforved: 507o (17,838 sq. ft. minimum) Previous Approval: 82% (29,200 sq. ft.) Proposed: 807o (28,500 sq. ft.) Scction 18.46.180 - Parking and Loading Required: 75Vo of all required parking shall be located within thc main building or buildings, and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscape berm. Previous Approval: 50Vo of all required (2 spaces per unit) were located within thc main building. Proposed: 5 807o of all required parking (2.5 spaces per unit) is proposed to be located within the main building or buildings. Section 18.46.190 - Recreation Amenities, Tax Assessed Required: 25 cents per square foot of floor area paid in conjunction with construction but prior to the issuance of building permits. Section 18.46.280 - Conservation and Pollution Connols Required: Protective measures rnust be used to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, both during and after construction. 1: IV. TSPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CRITERIA : The criteria to be used to evaluate this proposal are the 9 Special Development District (SDD)- development standards set fonh in the special development district chapter of the Zoning Code. The criteria are as follows: A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Uses, activity and density rvhich provide a compatible, efficient and rvorkable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. C. Compliance rrith parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter : 18.52. ., D. Conformity rvith applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plans. E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on u'hich the special development district is proposed. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. 6 duplex. Staff suggests that it would be beneficial to allow borh buildings to be closer than 8 feet from the front property line in order to reduce the impact of rhese buildings on the vegetation along Core Creek. Shifting these buildings closer to Westhaven Drivs can be accomplished in a number of ways. The single family home may be shifted forward in its entirety, or perhaps only the nonhern half of the building can be shifted forward. Likewise, it appears that the noflhern half of the duplex can be shifted forward significantly while the southern half of the duplex can remain in its. current locadon, or be shifted a few feet away from the river. Section 18.54.050(8)4 @esign Guidelines) of the Vail Municipal Code states that: "if necessary, the DRB may designate allowable limits of construction activity and rcquire physical barriers in order to preseile significanr natural features and vegention upon a site and adjacent sites during construction." Suff suggests that this requirement be a condition of PEC ,-, approval as well as DRB approval. D. Architectural elements. In response to PEC comments from the December 7, 1992 meetjng concerning unbroken facades along Westhaven Drive, the applicant has added considerable interest to the appearance of the duplex building. However, staff feels that the appcarance of the sinele family residence, as vierved from Westhaven Drive, would be improveds@$ h c srs^tq-bs psse r -or i l etry gr.lte f gf ao11:r* --elsnifiglt.alqhitqctural element to break uB the building facglg. Smff would suggest trrat *'"qffiroffiift-ffiElfG-;#G;a;; sdl" r*f. The mosr imponanr architeciurd?GFent affectin!'the visual character of these buildings is building height. Although appearing to be two story buildings from Westhaven Drive, all three levels of the building, including loft space on the third level, are visible from the Coldstream Condominiums across Gore Creek. The maximum building height currently being proposed is approximately 43 feet. This proposed building height is not in character with building heights normally allowed for single family or duplex residences, nor do these heights appear to be compatible with properties surrounding this lot. For comparison purposes, the building heights of the following surrounding projects are listed below: The Cascades - 36 ft. Millrace Condominiums - 43 ft. Coldsneam Condominiums - 39 ft. Millrace III Triplex Bldg. - 36 ft. ( previous approval) E. Westhaven Drive irnprovements. .-'.---^-r*;sthaven Drive is currently not a publicly owned and maintained road. The land on which Westhaven Drive is located is currently in private ownenhip. Maintcnance of thc road is being conducted by th"@ which the Millrace III propeny belongs. Westhaven Drive currently does not meet thc Town's minimum H.Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. L Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. rTEMS_FOR pTSqUSSTON A. Maximum GRFA allowed on this site. After considerable discussion about whether or not to allow more CRFA on this lot than the 6,000 sq. ft. specified in the SDD ordinance the PEC concluded that the only credits ailowed would be overlapping stairways and up to 600 sq. ft. of garage area per unit. The floor plans associated with this new development exceed the maximum GRFA allowance by 309 sq. ft. Although it is rrue rhat the total GRFA of the previously approved triplex building rvas 6,355 sq. ft. (calculated according to tday's definition for comparison pulposes) smff still believes that it is not appropriate to allow the constuction of so much CRFA on rhe site. The lot is very sensitive to development. It is heavily vegetated and 51.57o of the slopes on the lot are at 4AVa or greater. Staff believes that rhe maximum GRFA on rhe property should be limited to 6,000 sq. ft., excluding garage space and overlapping stairs, assuming the stairways are v. not excessive (i.e., exceeding 150 sq. ft.) B. Reduction of buitding site coverage '{se_ef "5q+Although the applicant has significantly reduced the amount of building site coverage from what was shown at the previous worksession, staff feels that what is currently proposed is still too much for the site. Staff would suggest thar, at *re very least, site coverage on this lot not exceed rhar previously approved for the rriplex building (3,800 sq. ft.). This would mean a reducrion of at least 128 sq. ft. C. Preservation of Gore Creek riparian zone. The current proposal appears to be significanrly better than the one presented to the PEC on December 7, 1992. The staff, however, still has some concerns related to the proposed building locadons. Sraff feels that rhe proposed buildings encroach too far into the Gore Creek riparian zone. Although Mr. Lauterbach requested and received approval from the PEC to locate his buildings eight feet from thc front property line, the staff would suggest that we reconsidcr that setback requirement due to the disance of the property line from the edge of pavement for Westhaven Drive. The distance from the front property line to the Westhaven Drive concrerc drainage pan ranges from 9 to 19 feet in front of rhe single family home and 72 to 18 feer in front of rhe road standards. The Town is cutrently working rvith the developers of the Comerstone and Waterford projects to resolve the Wesrhaven Drive issue in order to bring the road uP to Town standards so that it may be taken ovcr by the town for maintenance purposes. Staff feels that Mr. Lauterbach should participate fully in the effort to provide adequate and safe public access to this property. To that end, the Town . would ask Mr. Lauterbach to agreer at a minimurn, to provide an as-built survey of that ponion of Westhaven Drive directly in front of his property, along with at least one core boring of the road, and participation in the improvemcnts to Westhaven Drive which will require funher discussion (i.e., casb confibution to road repair fund or commitment to complete road improvements adjacent to Millrace III.) This information will be used by the town engineer to determine what improvements will need to be made to bring th€. road up to town standards. Staff direction on this issue is based on recent discussions the Council is having with CVA and the developers of thc Comerstone and \iy'aterford projects. F. Other issues. Tha site plan and the survey provided for this property show rhe location of aU inch com:gated metal pipe (CMP) on rhe propeny. The applicant has been asked to research this pipe to determine what it is being used for. The applicant has acknowledged that the pipe does have water flowing out of it in the spring. It appears that a drainage easement rvill-be:equired at the time a minor subdivision is approved for this property. Staff requests that the above issues be discussed thoroughly with the applicant so that he has specific dircction upon which to proceed with his final drawings. Mr. Lauterbach has indicated that he is on a very tight consruction schedule with this project and would like to prescnt his final drawings at the next PEC meeting on February 8, 1993. clpcc\ncmocVnillraceD? ::i.iri-ii '-.;,.' ;\ , ll \\ i;/ il, / iiiI t'li I ti \]V \IY ,^il\li\ lll 'lilr ili! tr 'iii '11 lri $t' ii r;# i:i .,i '.'.\ '. 'it t,iA \.,;\1:; I ):==-'- l---==J -,=2-:;i fr<ti a *; __=*,. $'' rr\^K:ii:: \\ ii'' \t -1 t( .?\ -t -)\r ;\i \,r-\l J\ \ I \\, /'li.Vt] "\i ,i i,'ltrri i.t i1 {ii :il :T '{.";;fri :4;.:, f o tl -* Millrace Phase III MJt Development . \,/ai h"9qlo,!a,4$:i;r.-*,'..,,, . .- L+ o .\ . ltt= aa X{.J 5c e{o B .F] I I Rikl sFiii.tgi t t"r;A l:1l.(lI .-l I I ,l --r.-1r--;''..' t ': 7S South Frontoge Rord Vail, Colorado 81657 i0t-47 9-2r t I | 479-21 39 Departmcnt of Communitl Detelopn ent January 13, 1993 Michael Lauterbach PO Box 345'l Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Documentation of todays meeting with staff concerning an application for a major SDD amendment, Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace Ill, 1335 Westhaven Drive. Dear Michael: This letler is intended to document this morning's discussion regarding staff's comments on the above referenced application. Staff would like you to address the following issues: Site Plan As suggested by the Planning Commission at the December 7,199? work session, please add a berm along the existing bike path. This berm and all landscaping between the bike path and the house should be set back at least four feet from ihe path to allow for future maintenance. Please amend your site plan to show the revised driveway scheme as discussed this morning. Feel free to add landscaping in fronl of the homes, and in the public right-of- way, provided said landscaping stays outside of the view triangle lhat we talked about. Please show all easements which curently altect this lot on the site plan. The survey shows a 24 inch CMP on the lot. As you mentioned, this CMP does have water flowing through it in the spring. Please research and provide information about the ownership and use of this drainage way. Please amend your site plan to show the location of this CMP on the plan. Page Two January 13, 1993 Lauterbach Will the car turn around area on the east side of the site actually function for the intended purpose? lt appears to be too short to actually allow a vehicle to lurn around and head out onto Westhaven Drive facing forward. Please review and amend accordingly. Also, consider adding a car turn-around on the west side of the lot. The site plan should show the existing concrete pan adjacent to Westhaven Drive along the front of your property line. The site plan should show the roof elevations of all building roof ridges on the property. Please amend your landscaping plan to specify the species of all trees and shrubs. The plan does not currently show the location of any proposed shrubs. Please amend accordingly. The top of the river bank location must be shown on the site plan. Please provide a topo survey al the same scale as the site plan. The site plan is 1"- 10'. Single Familv Besidence Please consider reducing the building height of the building lo better conform with maximum building height allowed in the single family, duplex, primary/secondary zone districts {33' maximum.) Please consider carrying the stone all the way to the end of the house on the north elevation. The elevation drawings do not show the small window located on the lower level of the building, north side. Please amend the drawings accordingly to include this window. The site plan shows that all building overhangs are 21/2 feel or less however the elevation drawings show 3 foot overhangs at some locations. Please amend the site plan or the elevation drawings to match. Consider breaking up the facade of the single family residence especially on the side facing Westhaven Drive. Duolex Residences Please consider adding more windows around the building. Page Three January 13, 1993 Lauterbach Other lssues Please add dimensions to all floor plans. The title report that you provided with your initial application, refers to a 20 foot sewer easement somewhere on the property however you have stated that a rnore recent title report does not include a reference to said easement. Please provide a copy of the latest title commitment to this property. The Holy Cross electric line referred to in the title report must be shown on the survey. You mentioned that you have in your possession a new survey which does show the location o{ this line. Please provide copies of the new survey. lf the existing bike path easement is proposed lo be vacated, the Town must be provided with assurances that it will be connected to the road. As we discussed, foot easement along the east proerty line may be necessary. a15 The Town will require as-built surveys of Westhaven Drive along that portion of the road adjacent to your property and one core sample of the roadway. The location of this core sample will be determined by the Town Engineer. Also the Town will expect your continued cooperation in resolving the issue of bringing Westhaven Drive up to Town standards. Consider using the same building materials and architectural style as that currently exhibited throughout SDD #4, Cascade Village. these stakes so that the outline of the buildinqs is obvious. ln addition, the fifty loot river setback line must also be flagged. All staking must be completed by noon, January 25, 1993. As we discussed, you will llag all trees which are proposed to be removed as a result of this project. The trees are not just those located within the proposed building foundation lines, but any tree within the proposed limit of disturbance- Sections 18.58.050 and 18.58.060 of the Vail Municipal Code allow decks, steps, terraces, etc. to project 10' into a setback area if said projection is at or within 5' of finished grade. Any projection that is above 5' from finished grade may only encroach 5' into the setback area of the single family residence and amend accordingly. Page Four January 13, 1993 Lauterbach iE As I mentioned to you during our meeting I have calculated the total GRFA of the triplex building previously approved on this lot according to todays definition. The total GRFA of that building was 6,355 square feet. The total GRFA of your project is 6,413 square feet even after deducting 75 square feet for stairuay overlap as directed by PEC at thev 12ft/92 meeting. As you'llrecall, the PEC agreed to allow this project a maximum of 6,000 square feet of GFIFA, not including the above mentioned staiMay credit. I believe you should adjust your buildings to fall within the GRFA allowances agreed to by the PEC, however, if you wish to pursue the GRFA issue, you should at least keep it at or below the 6,355 square feet previously approved for the triplex building. As we discussed, all of the above information, must be provided by noon, Monday, January 18, 1993. All new information must be provided in at least three copies. lf you have any questions or comments about this letter, please feel free to contact me at 479-2138 at your convenience. Sincerely,fu*tutu Jim Curnutte Town Planner cc. File TTIIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 10, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request tor a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to review a request for a conditional use, a paving variance and the cemetery master plan and management plan for the proposed design oI the Vail Cemetery to be located in lhe upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast ot the Matterhorn neighborhood. 2. !). 4. A request lor a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction of the parking area at the tirst BanUl7 Vail Road/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicanl: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen First Bank of Vail Andy Knudtsen Vail Associates Jim Curnutte Arno Brinkman Tim Devlin Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello A request for a conditional use to allow tee-pees to be used in conjunction with Vail Associates summer programs to be located adjacent to the Base of Chair 8, Tract A, Lionshead 1sl Filino. A request for wall height variances to allow for the construction of a driveway to the residence located at 2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. 5. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the conslruction of an addition and a garage located at 2409 Ghamonix RoadiLot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Planner: A request for a front setbaok variance and a site coverage variance to allow the construction of a garage located at Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing1165 Forest Boad. 6. Applicant: Paul RaetherPlanner; Jim Curnutte 7. A request for a work session for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a request for variances from the subdivision road standards, wall height standards and to allow parking in the front setback at Lots A'l and A2, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 1/1 139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/The Fleinforced Earth Co.Planner: Shelly Mello 8. A request for a work session for a major amendment to SDO #5 to allow for the development of the remaining portion of the Simba Run SDD, Savoy Villas, located at 1100 North Frontage Road. ', Applicant: Simba Land CorporationMalid Said tr . Planner: Mike Mollica 9. A requesl for a work session to discuss proposed revisions to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space Districl, and Chapter 18.32 Agricultural and Open Space District, of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Planners: Town of Vail Jim Curnutte and Buss Forrest 10. A request for a minor subdivision and a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village, to amend the development plan for the Waterford and Cornerstone parcels in area A, described as follows: Thar part of rhs SW 1/4 NE 1,/4. Secrion 12. Township 5 Sourh, Range It W6sr of lh€ Sixth Principal Msfidian, To$,n ot Vail, Eag'e Counly, Colorado, dsscribod as follaws: Bsginning al a polnl on ths soulhsrty righl-of-way llne of Inlersral€ Highway No. 70 wh€nc€ an iron prn with a plasic cap maAing lh€ cenler ol said S€cllon 1 2 bsars S 33'1 0'1 9- W 1 u147.03 leot: lhenc€ along said soulh€rty rigil-of-way tin€ trrc cqu.s€s 1, N 52'50?9" E 229.66 tsst 2) N 7438'1r E 160.70,eet; lhenco d€paning said soulhsrly right-of.way line N 98o45'57 E 138.93 l€st; fianc€ S 40"45'14'W 94,32 leoti lh€nc€ S t8' 1836'W 54.08 |s€l; thoncs S 01o2t56- W 205.02 16€ti rhencs S l2'07'36'W 110.25 te€t $enca S 28"28'3fi W 164.48laoti th€ncq N 40 '17'04" W 211.16lsoli trtsnce N 49!42'56- E 97.80 feel: thence Sl37T93l" W 95.59 fosl; thence S 52"50'29'W 55t0 teet lhenc€ 69.48 fe€t alang lha arc gf a non-tangqit cun/o to lhe lgft having s radius ot 65,00 lssl, a conlral anol€ ol 61014 42' and a chord thar bears N 58" 55'53- W 69.22 l€€l; lhence N 376093'l'W 118.50 feel To Tha TruE Point of B€ginning, Colnty ol Eagl€, Sral€ ol ColoGdo: Applicant: MECM Enterprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina and Commercial Federal Savinos.Planner: Shelly Mello 11. A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesUan unplatted parcel located west of the Vail Associates maintenance shop. Applicant: Planner: Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd. Andy Knudtsen * 12. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendmenl to a previous PEC recommendation for approval of a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A Fart of ths SW y., NE y4, Sedion 12. Tovrnship 5 South, Range gl W€sl ol lhs 6lh P.M.. descriDod as tollows: Beginning at a poinl ol lha Nonh-South canterllne of said S€ction 12 wt|ence an iron pin with a plrstic cap marking lha cen|er ol said Sea on 12 bears S0ff38r56'W 455.06 t€€t; thencg qlong said canbfline N00P38'56"E 122.81 l€€l lo Itrs southorly FolAI lino ol l-70i hencs d€partine said ROW lin€ N66'53?5"E 39.15 feqr: thence d€parting said ROW tiir€ S81623'19-E 165.42 feel lo a Foin1 ol curvg; th€ncs 122.83 f€er along ths afc ol a 143.?0 toor radius cu(vs to lhs 19ft, having E c€nral an9l9 ot 49rc8'51' and a chod lhat bears S15"57'4SE 119.10 fe€t: rhenc€ 540"3?10"9 3.00 fqst: lhence 66.30 teer along th€ arc ofa 77.a1 toor radjus curve lo tha /ighl, having a cenlra, angle o149"12'10' and a chord rhar b€a€ S15'56!5"E 64.28 lset: rhsnce S8"4O0O'1,J 90,27 lrset; thancs N38"42?4"W 2e4.55 fed; rh€nc€ S78o103?'W 101,44 ts€t to lh€ potnr of Beginning. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte MEMORANDTJM TOt Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Departrlent DATE: December 7,1992 SUBJECT: A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Miltrace trI, 1335 W'esthaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part of the SW 1/n, NE 1/t, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point of the North-South centerline of said Section 12 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S00o38'56'W 455.06 feeg thence along said centerline N00'38'56"8 122.81 feet to the southedy ROW line of I-70; thence departing said ROW line N66"53'25"E 39.15 feet; thence departing said ROW line 581"23'19"8 165.42 feet to a point of curve; thence 122.83 feet along the arc of a 143.20 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 49"08'51" and a chord that bears S15o57'45"8 119.10 feet; thence 540"32'10'E 3.00 feeq thence 66.30 feet along the arc of a77.21 foot radius curve to the right, having a central angle of 49o12'10" and a chord that bears Si5"56'05"E 64.28 feet; thence S8o40'00"W 90.27 fent; thence N38"42'24"W 224.55 foet; thence S78o10'32"W lOl.M feet to the Point of Beginning. Applicant: Planner: MECM Enterprises, Ltd./Ivlichael Lauterbach Jim Cumutte I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Millrace Itr property is bounded by Westhaven Drive on the East, the South Frontage Road right-of-way and the Westhaven Apartment property (the ruins) on the north, Gore Creek on the south, and the Cascade Club tennis court property on the west. The property is curently vacant with the exception of nvo paved parking areas, one unpaved parking area and the paved recreation path. The former owner of this pmpefty has allowed the Millrace Condominiums to maintain and use this property for parking for a number of years. However, the Association does not have any legal right to use this property. It appears the Millrace III property has been zoned SDD since the time it was annexed into the Town of Vait in 1974. Access to this property will be from Westhaven Drive, which runs along the eastern property line. The applicant is seeking approval of a major amendment to Cascade Village' SDD No. #4, Area A, Millrace III, in order to construct one duplex and one single family residence on the .819 acre (35,676 sq. ft.) Milhace III site. Each unit is approximately 2,000 square feet in size and will have a two-car garage. Since this property is currently unplatted, the applicant must also receive approval of a minor subdivision prior to the issuance of any building permits related to this project. Following the construction of the residences, the applicant will file single family and duplex subdivision plats. In March of 1980, a development plan was approved for this property by the DRB. Under the approved plan, development was to occur in a single triplex building. Total site coverage for this building was approximately 3,800 square feet. Approval of this plan has since expired. In May of 1992, the applicant requested a work session with the PEC in order to receive feedback on his conceptual plan to place three single family dwellings on the Foperty (see atuched minutes). Each of these units was approximately 2,000 square feet in size with a combined site coverage of approximately 3,500 to 3,800 square feet. Two of the units were proposed to be three levels high with the last unit being limited to two levels. Although no detailed site plan, grading plans or architectural plans for this latest lequest have been completed at this time, the applicant will prepare these plans following this PEC worksession review of the applicant's proposed development parameters. Specifically, the applicant is seeking approval for: 1) a maximum 8-foot setback from Westhaven Drive, 2) a maximum 8-foot setback from the paved bike path (which is not located within the dedicated bike path easement), 3) a zero setback from the existing bike path easements, as well as approval to seek abandonment of that easementr 4) an addition to the approved site GRFA allowance of 6,000 sq. ft., as set forth in the SDD ordinance, of 225 sq. ft. per residence (675 'sq. ft. total), and 5) a minimum of 10 feet spacing between building foundations. The applicant has indicated that the residences would be constructed of materials similar to the materials which currently exist in the area, with a predominantly stucco exterior highlighted with accent siding and rock, and roofed with cedar shakes. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following are the parameters for the development of this site, which are set forth in Ordinance No. 41, Series of 1991, the SDD #4, Cascade Village Ordinance: Section 18.46.050 - Permitted Uses Allowed: The applicable uses permitted ia Cascade Village at this location include multi- family dwellings, single family dwellings and two-family dwellings. Proposed: One duplex and one single family residence. ' Section 18.46.130 - Development Statistics for Area A (Millrace III) Please note that tlese development statistics are not final, as the current plans submitted by the applicant :re very conceptual. Allowed: Three dwelling units, 6,000 sq. ft. GRFA, six on-site parking spaces. Proposed: Three dwelling units, (l duplex and 1 single farnily) 6,675 sq. ft. of GRFA, six on-site enclosed parking spaces. Section 18.46.120 - Setbacks Required: The minimum required setback on the periphery of all of Area A shall be not less than 20 feet. . . 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek. . . Proposed: It appears the proposed development will comply with the required 20-foot periphery of AreaAsetback and the 5O-foot Gore Creek stream setback. Section 18.46.140 - Height Allowed: 48 feet Proposed: Unknown Section 18.46.160 - Site Coverage Allowed: 35Vo (12,486.,sq. ft.)' "-- r :-' Proposed: Unknown a 5t S SO T Section 18.46.i70 - Landscaping Allowed: 507o (L7,838 sq. ft ) Proposed: Unknown Section 18.46.180 - Parking and loading Required: 75Vo of all required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings, and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscape berm. Proposed: IOOVo of all required parking shall be located within the main building or uildings. Section 18.46.190 - Recreation Amenities, Tax Assessed Required: 25 cents per square foot of floor area paid in conjunction with construction but prior to the issuance of building permits. Section 18.46.280 - Conservation and Pollution Controls hotective measures must be used to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, both during and after construction. m. spEcIALpEvEloPMENTpISTRICTCRITERIA The criteria to be used to evaluate this proposal are the 9 Special Development District (SDD) development standards set forth in the special development disrict chapter of the Zoning Code. The criteria ar",e as follows: A. Design compatibitity and sensitivity to the immediate environment' neighborhood and adjacent properties retative to architectural design,' scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible' efficienf and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52. D. Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan' Town policies and Urban Design Plans. E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. o I. Functional and aesthetic tandscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. V. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: A. Is an increase in GRFA f.otq e,O0;-sR, ft. to 6,675 at this site appropriate? :I';;i-;r"-'::--'-" The applicant believes that allowing an additional 225 sq. ft. per unit (675 sq. ft. total) is appropriate because granting the additional square feet would be consistent with the Low Density Multiple Family (LDIG) Zone District and because the GRFA credits (storage, mechanical, and airlock) allowed when the development plan for the project was approved in 1980 are no longer allowed for this single family/duplex proposal. The most recent modification to SDD No. 4 occurred in November, 1991, in conjunction with the redevelopment of Millrace IV, the Cosgriff parcel. Under that review, the GRFA was calculated under the 1991 GRFA definition, and the only credit grantJ:4was a 600 sq. ft. per unit per 2-car gaxage credit. In addition, the Cornerstone and Waterford projects used the 1991 GRFA defrnition. Staff does not believe it is appropriate to allow the construction of additional GRFA on the site. The site is very sensitive to development. It is heavily vegetated and 5l.5%o of the slope on the site is 407o or greater. Based on a buildable area of 17,297 sq. fr, the development density proposed is 7.5 units per acre. In comparison, allowable density in the Residential Cluster (RC) Zone District is 6 units per acre and 9 units per acre in the LDIvIF Zone Disrict. If this propefiy were zoned RC, the ,,.irf.,&;9maximum amount of GRFA allowed would be 4,999_square feet. Under LDN,B* ''i?.1,' ;a 5 f zoning, the maximum allowance would be 5,864 square-frbi of GRFA. The j* . construction of additional GRFA on the site will likely cause the buildings footprints and/or heights to incrcase, neither of which staff believes are desirable scenarios. B. Should the applicant be allowed to construct a duplex and a single family residence on the site? As previously mentioned, under the May, i980 approved DRB plans, the construction on this site was proposed to take the form of a multi-family dwelling unit (ri-plex). However, given the topography 9-"f..$e site, staff does not necessarily believe consfiruction within a single buildirlg at this Iocation is the only solution. Both staff and the PEC felt that the May 1992 proposal of three single family homes was not acceptable because of the likelihood of a greater amount of site disturbance and the H. close proximity of the units (within 8 feet) to the bike path. Although the applicant was directed to combine two of the single family buildings into a duplex, it appears that the sprawli0g desiga of this latest scenario may actually result in more site disturbance and crowding of the bike patl, river bank trees, and Westhaven Drive than the two previous proposals. We believe that the design of the units need to be more compact given the site constraints. The duplex/single family approach will need to be consolidated in order to reflect good site planning. If this is not possible, perhaps the original concept of a triplex is appropriate. C. Is an 8-foot setback from the paved recreation path acceptable? There are instances along the recreation path where buildings arc set back less than 8 feet. Where possible, however, the Town encourages a $eater setback from the recreation path. At the May, lggZPEC meeting, the applicant was directed to combine the two northemmost buildings in order to increase the setback from the bike path, from the proposed 8 feet to 18 feet. Also, the applicant agreed to consider moving the path slightly to the north to increase the separation. Staff suggests that the applicant be required to maintain a reasonable (10-15 feet) recreation path setback, and to create a landscape buffer between the path and the residential development. D. Is the abandonment of the existing recreation path aclceptable? Staff recommends the existing recreation path easement abandonment be allowed to occur, provided all parties to the easement agreement support such an abandonment. Further, staff would require that the applicant plat a new l5-foot recreation path easement which corresponds with the location of the existing paved recreation path. The Public Works Department staff concurs with this recommendation. E. Is it appropriate to allow a minimum of 10 feet between building foundations? Although a 10 foot separation between building foundations is requested in the application, the conceptual site plan shows a 21 foot separation betwesn the duplex and the single family residence. At the May, 1992 PEC meeting, both the staff and the PEC felt that by combining the trvo northernmost units into a duplex suucture, a minimum of 12 feet between building foundations was possible. This was considered to be the minimum drstance that should be allowed- F. Is an 8-foot setback from Westhaven Drive appropriate? Under the submitted conceptual development proposal, the duplex structure (south end of the site) shows a fairly consistent building facade 8 feet from the Westhaven Drive property line along its 115 foot length. The garage of the single family dwelling unit (north end of the site) is setback 18-22 feet from the Westhaven Drive property line. This building is laid out perpendicular to the road and extends approximately 110 feet toward the northwest. Staff recommends that the applicant break up the duplex building facade along Westhaven Drive and provide substantial landscaping along this elevation of the project. The single family residence should be moved away from the bike path and creek bank. It appears that swirching the locations of the single family and duplex buiidings could possibly reduce overall site distubance. c:\pcc\nemos\millraceDT 2'. lTr oa) Rick thanked the Commission, indicating he had a good idea of what the applicant needed to do. Applicant: Vail Yentures.Ltd.MichaelLauterbachPlanner: Jill Kammerer. Jill Kammerer explained rhe history of the parcel, the proposal' and staff's suggestions' ' *o.o hod l.ecn nrevinrr( ted for the CascadeGreg Amsden asked if there had been previous increases in GRFA granr Sn5. Xristan Pritz answered that Coldsteam Condominiums had requested an increase, but it had not been approved. Under the recently approved Millrace IV development, there had been a.decrease in cRFe from previously approved plans. Kristan pointed out that the Cascade SDD allowed for the divelopment oi single family homes on rhis site because of the Millrace IV recent amendment to allow single-family units, and the allowable uses listed in the SDD for Millrace III were now tbe same as those listed for Milbace W. Diana Donovan asked if the project would be 6,000 sq. ft., or have 6,000 sq. ft. of GRFA. Kristan replied it would be GRFA- Greg asked how large the garage would be on the southemmost garage. Mike Lauterbach, theio-applicant, sai-d it was an oversized l-car ganrge' but if the design were increased by 2 feet, it could become a?-cat garage. Plurning and Environmental Commission ' lvfarch 9, 1992 'Page 4 ,.. Ii Di*" "rked Mike if he was receptive to developing 1 duplex and"l single family residence .. - ';;;ii;;;;;;Jio.io"" single famity t*tiat*"t ui te ttad proposed. 'Mike r1di9a5d i; fr"iltt, whichis less than the 48 foot height maximum allowed in the SDD, but did not described as follows: P.M.. described as follows: oint of Beginning. \'r. l"\. Chuck Crist stated that as long as the project was built within the GRFA paramelers, hc did not havc significant difficulty with the projoct. He preferred 3 buildings to a ri-plex. He agreed with Dalton that the buildings should be moved to the north. He was concarned that the southem building was very narrow. Greg agreed with Chuck, and stated tbat 6,000 sq. ft. + addirional GRFA (not to exceed 6,675 sq. ft ior the site) was acceprable. He also agreed with staff's suggestion of one duplex UuitAing and one single family. He preferred to see the buildings moved to the north, and a minimum distance between buildings of 12 feer He felt that 8-foot setbacks along Westhaven Drive and the bike path were okay. Kathy did not want to see three single family strucrures. She did not believe there was enough of a setback either along Westhaven Drive or the bike path, and encouraged extra utt"ntion be given to the Westhaven setback, stating that should be 20 feet from the road right-of-way where possible. However, she thought an iS-foot setback from the recreation palh would be acceptable. She believed the GRFA question was simply a matter of dcfinitions, arid had no problem with whatever sbff determined. Ludwig Kurz asked what would happen with the parking currently taking place on this properry. Mike said the individuals utilizing that parking were trespassing. Jill explained there was no formal or legal agrcement to allow parking in that location. However, the existing Millrace Condominiums €hases I and II) had improved and maintained the property for their use. Ludwigfelt rhis was a sensitive site, but that there were development fights. He preferred to se" 2 buildings, and believed the land could support that if done sensitively. He had no problem with the GRFA, per the previous discussions. He found an 8-foot setback from the recreation path to be acceptable, but prefened t0 se€ mole room between the buildings. He also believed there should be more than an 8-foot setback along Westhaven Drive. He suggested a minimum setback of l2 feet be mainnined along Westhaven drive, but he understod that would make for narrow buildings. Kathy thought developing the site with 3 torvnhomes would be workable. Gena said she couti suppJrt that propoial. Mike $,as concerned that if the site were to be developed with townhouiis, having the garages open all in the same direcdon (Westhaven Drive) would be unatFactive. After a general discussion of credits, Diana proposed shifting the bike path location to the north in-order to allow for greater setbacks berween the bike Path and the new building. Thc final architecture and design would determine where the path would be located- She preferred ro see the buildings closeito Westiaven Drive than to thc stream, and supported the 6,675 sq. ft. GRFA total requested. A straw poll of the Commissioners favored the buildings closer to Westhaven. Planning and Environmental Commission ' March 9, 1992 ' Page 5 I i. ?" r t'$p}, 75 Soatb Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 101 -47 9-21 3 I / 479-21 39 D epertment of Communitjl Deoelopment November 19, t992 Michael Lauterbach PO Box 3451 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Staff review of applications for a minor subdivision and a maior amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive. Dear Michael: As we discussed over the phone Wednesday, the Vail Planning Staff h'as reviewed the above referenced applications and has determined them to be incomplete. While discussing the list ot items necessary to complete your applications, you indicated that you do not wish to proceed to a more complete level of detail on lhe project until you receive some interpretiations from the Planning and EnvironmentalCommisslon (PEC). Specifically, you wish the PEC to consider allowing an additional 225 square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each residence, in addition to the 6,000 square feet of GRFA total site allowance. ,Also, you would like a reading from the PEC concerning the acceptability of a maximum setback of 8 feet from Westhaven Drive, and possibly a bike path. I suggested, and you agreed, that it would be appropriate to present your concerns to the PEC as a work session item on December 7, 1992. After presenting your conceptual development plan to the PEC, and receiving the direction you are looking for, you will move forward to complete your subdivision and your major $DD amendment application. Even though you do not want to have final design drawings done until after the December 7, 1992 PEC meeting, I would recommend that you provide at least conceptual floor plans and elevation drawings for PEC work session review. Also, the building corners should be staked on the site, along with the 50' setback line. An initial review of the information you have provided to date indicates, that, at a minimum, the following additional materials must be provided to complete your applications: 1. MINOR SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Since the parcel of land located at 1335 Westhaven Drive, is currently unplatted, it must be created as a legal buitding site prior to the issuance of a building permit. Although we have t received a minor subdivision application form, most of the submittal information required has not been provided, including the $250.00 application fee. I have enclosed a packet of minor subdivision submittal requirements for your review. 2- SpD AMENPMENT APPLICATION The following information must be provided in order to proceed with your SDD request; 'A fully compteted SDD amendment application form. This form should be signed by the property owner or the owner's authorized representative. - A more complete list of the names and mailing addresses cf adjacent property owners. - Detailed site plan, gradingr/drainage plan, landscape plan and architectural plans (floor plans and elevation drawings). These plans should include a minimum level of detail as described in Section 18.54.040 (Design Fleview-materlals to be submitted) of the Vail MunicipalCode (see attached copy.) I had hoped to provide you with staff's opinion of your GRFA and selback requests prior to writing this letter, however, I am unable to reach a consensus at this tirne. My guess is that staff's recommendation to the PEC on these issues will be similar to that offered at the March 9, 1992 PEC work session. I will continue to discuss the issues with the other slaff members and will keep you informed. As mentioned previously, you are currently scheduled for a work session with the PEC on December 7,1992. After the PEC meeting, you will provide the above listed information in order to proceed with your major minor subdivision and major SDD amendment applications. lf you should have any questions or comments about the information contained in this letter please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, t!r*C,*'-ffi Jim Curnutte Town Planner cc. File enclosures o t REc'0tl INTER.DEPAHTMENTAL REVTEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF THE PHOPOSAL: Sl0p on<n.ln""u+ -te cors{*.,c* f<siJ*pc< e,-.oL a^ c=1.:ft<5 exl I srfu/e Q2uc'CfLoa Lu€-S* oF(-fl-e {'rti u9" FIRE DEPARTMENT /*Yt* LEP' Reviewed by: Comments: Date: /tlff (',,,^. Town Planner ,h.d I l/iYgl Cascade Village Properties 1476 Westhaven Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Westhaven Apts. Stephen Salyer PO BOX 34401 Seattle, WA 98124-1401 Colorado Dept. of Transportation Division of Highways 4201 E- Arkansas Ave. Denvsr, CO 90222 {V4!-, f l.*et'ltsc$?"-1{v ; " ,..* /\n.C '-" 1tl"\lv 'v *.{ue - <,-.6*"{fuL %?* /aa*"-&z- 'f+ THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 7,1992, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to review the proposed design ot the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood. 2. A request for a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss the establishment-ctf a-Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor subdivision, a zone change and an amendment to View Corridor No. 1 lor the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B, and C, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant:. Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen Golden Peak House Condo Association, Vail Associales, lnc., GPH Partners, Ltd., Margaritaville, Inc. Mike Mollica/Tim Devlin Greg and Michelle Hall Shelly Mello 3. A request for variances for site coverage greater lhan 18%, driveway @verage greater than 10%, GHFA in the front setback and wall height, to allow for the construction of a primary/secondary residence to be located on Lot 3, Block B, Vail Ridge/2612 Cortina Lane. 4. WITHDRAWN A request for a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village Area A, Millrace lll to amend the development plan to allow for one single family residence and one duplex located at 1335 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as follows: A part of the SW y1.NEV4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: t\ Beginning at a point of the North-South centedine of said Section 12 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S00"38'55.W 455.06 feet; thence along said centerline N00'38'56"E 122.81 teet to the southerly ROW line of l-70; thence departing said ROW line N66o53'25"E 39.15 feet; thence departing said ROW line S81"23'19'E 165.42 feet to a point of curve; thence 122.83 feet along lhe arc of a 1213.20 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 49"08'51'and a chord that bears 515'57'45"E 119.10 feet; thence 540"32'10"E 3.00 feet; thence 66.30 feet along he arc of a 77.21 toot radius curve to the right, having a central angle of 49'12'10" and a chord that bears S15o56'05"E 64.28 feet; thence S8o40'00"W 9A.27 teet; thence N38'42'24"W 224.55 feet thence 578"10'32"W 101.44 feet lo the Point of Beginning. MECM Enterprises, Inc. represented by Michael Lauterlrach Jim Curnutte 5. 6. 7. 8. A request for setback variances, stream setback, and a slte coverage variance at the Manor Vail Lodge to allow the construction of a trash enclosure, located on Part of Lot 1, Block B, Vail Village Seventh Filing/595 East Vail Valley Drive. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request tor a conditional use permit to allow a major arcade (family entertainment center) lo be located at the Crossroads, Shopping Center, located on Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing/141 East Meadow Drive. Manor Vail Lodge Andy Knudtsen Charlie Atexander Tim Devlin BSC of Vail, Colorado, L.P./Frank Cicero Mike Mollica Vail Associates, Inc. Jim Curnutte A request lor a malor amendment to SDD #6, Vail Village Inn, to remove a previous condition of approval for Unit No. 30, Phase l, Vail Village Inn/located on Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing/100 East Meadow DriveA/ail Village Plaza Condominiums. A request to amend Chapter 18.32, Agricultural and Open Space District, of the Vail Municipal Code, to add "sledding and tobogganning parks'to the list of conditional uses in Section 18.32.030. A request for an exierior alteration and setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing\s20 East Lionshead Gircle. 9. ./( Applicant: Oscar TangPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 10. A request for a setback variance at Crossroads Shopping Center to allow the construction of an exterior stair more than 5' above grade located on Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village Fkst Filing/l4C1 E. Meadow Dr. Applicant Garton DevelopmentPlanner: Shelty Mello THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on January 11, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request lor a work session for the establishment ot a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor subdivision, a zone change, and an amendment to View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Golden Peak House Condominium Assoc./VailAssociates, lnc./Partners, Ltd./Margaritaville, Inc.Planner: Mike Mollica/Tim Oevlin 2. A request for a work session to amend Chapter 18.32 and Chapter 18.38 of the Vail Municipal Code relating to uses allowed in open space zone districts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase lll1480 Buffer Creek Rd. Applicant: Steve Gensler/Parkwood RealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4- A request for the establishment of a new zone district called Ski Base Recreation ll. Applicant: Ron RileyPlanner: Mike Mollica/Tim Devlin 5. A request tor variances tor site coverage and setbacks to allow the remodel of a residence located at 315 Mill Creek CirclelLot 2, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Howard and Judy BerkowitzPlanner: Shelly Mello 6. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village Area A, Millrace lll to amend the approved development plan to allow for one single family residence and one duplex located at 1335 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as follows: A part of the SW 1/c, NE 1A, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point ol the North-South centerline of said Section 12 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S00"38'56"W 455.06 feet; thence along said centerline N00"38'56"E 122.81 feet to the southerly ROW line of l-70;thence departing said ROW line N66'53'25"E 39.15 feet; thence departing said ROW line S81"23'19"E 165.42 feet to a point of curve; thence 122.83 feet along the arc ot a 143.20 toot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 49'08'51' and a chord that bears S15'57'45"E 119.10 feet; thence 540"32'10"E 3.00 feet; thence 66.30 feet along the arc of a 77.21 fool radius curve to the right, having a central angle of 49"12'10" and a chord that bears 515"56'05'E 64.28 feet;thence S8'40'00"W 90.27 feet;thence N38'42'24"W 224.55 feet:thence 578"10'32"W 101.44 feet to he Point of Beginning. 7.A request for setback variances to allow the construction of two awnings to be located at the Mountain Hau9292 E. Meadow Drive/a portion of Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicanh Planner: Applicant: Planner: MECM Enterprises, Inc. represented by Michael Lauterlrach Jim Curnutte Preston Jump representing the Mountain Haus Condo Association Jim Curnutte Manor Vail Lodge Andy Knudtsen Charlie Alexander Tim Devlin 8. 9. A request for a setback variance, at the Manor Vail Lodge to allow the construction ol a trash enclosure, located on a Part of Lot 1, Block B, Vail Village Seventh Filingl595 East Vail Valley Drive. A request for a conditional use permit to allow a major arcade (family entertainment center) to be located at the Crossroads Shopping Center, located on Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing/141 East Meadow Drive. 10. Review of staff policy on vending carts (ie. espresso carts). Staff:Tim Devlin I I MEUORATSDOU TO: Kristan Priiuz^r.tFROM: Larry cr,+tuf.ffigDATE: October 19, 1992RE: Cascade ViLlage Roads I am enclosing a memo dated October 14, 1991 to the Westin HoteLwhiclt outLines the deficiencies on Westhaven Drive from the SouthFrontage Road t.o the bridge on Gore Creek. As you know the roadis not Town property nor is it maintained by the Town. Before Ehe ?own could accept this road, the deficiencies lrould have to be connected and it would have to meet all of theengineering standards as outlined in the Town Ordinances. The estlnated costs Lo correct the road deficiencies are very,, rough, but give a good range for negotiation purposes. firo' options are provided. OPTION 1- 9105,000 - Work would consist of the following: o Remove e><lsttng surface required and compact subgrade.o Either lower grade of road to gain clearance of 15,under the pedestrian overpass and relocate utilities as.requi-red or revise the pedestrian bridge structure.o Repair/replace curb, gutter.o Drainage inlet as reguired.o Overlay the road.o Clear up other deficiencies in regards to sightdistance. oPTroN 2 - $200,000 o Completely rebuild road from subsurface, sub-base,base, overlay, regrade, new curb and gutter and eit.herlower road and utilitles under t.he st.ructure or raisethe structure to gain the 15' cl-earance. Of courser our preference 1s Option 2. If you have any questlons, please call me dirpctly. ( 't (- lf $orrl Frortr gc Roal' Vril, Colorelo t1657 t|t.r79- 2 t t il FAx t0t -1? I -2t 65 DcPtrtmcat af Pullic WotlslTransportttion exlstingcuts. Ingutter. October 14, 1991 !lr. Paul. cregg Westin Hotet 1300 Westhaven DrVail, co 8165? RE: Westhaven Dr Dear Mr. Gtegg, As you know, westhaven Drive as constructed at tlre l{estin Hotel hasnever been accepted by the Town. t{hile the Town has assisted withglow,ing _of the road ln the past, the Tour is not nllllng to do sqln the future without sone resolution of how the streit wlll beconpleted to Town Standards and dedicated to the Town. rn order for the Town to accept this street, the folloring Lssuesmust be addressed: 1) Several sections of curb and gutter need replacenent. 2, There is sorne questlon about adeguacy of thepavement structure due to the number of utilityaddition the pavernent does not meet the curb aid 3) The existing large rocks placed near the travel lanesrestrict stght distance is well as preventlng snorlstorage.adJacent to the roadway. 4', There are several large trees inpacting sight dlstance. 5) The pedestrlan overpass was not constructed ln accordancewith the Town standard of 15 feet rnininun clearance.The existing -overpass has a clearance of approxlmately13r8'r. This has caused large vehicles to be-Ltuck undeithe structure Ln the past. This problern is compoundedby lle overpass being heated, caullng additlonai tcing. on the road, and thus further reducJ.ng the slearance. tl t LETTER TO I'!R. PAUL GRECOctober 14, 1991 Page 2 T}:ank you for Sincerely, your immediate attention to this matter. Ken Town of Vail,ubl ic lrlorks/Transportat i on KH/JW CC: Pete Burnett Greg Hall Ron PhiLlipsLarry EskwithKristen Prit.z Prior to the Town accepting thls street each of these 5 issues mustbe addressed. r suggest you schedule a meeting wlth Greg Hal.r,(Town Engineer,), and Pete Burnett, (street superintenddnil t;discuss these itens. a9 l! rerates specifically to the issue of snore removar, we arewilring to enter into negotiations for a contract. This also willreguire communications between Greg Hall and pete Burnet,t, with thesubsequent contract meeting approvlr of our Town Attorney and rownmanager. 'ft A,nerican Laict TitlE Aisoctation Cqmmhment - ,utfi"o .r0rr" COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY Png ^ar:<, STE\,YAXIT TI.SLM GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY CO A Texas n, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby com its of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed A;,qs owner or mortgagee of the eetate or interest covered hereby in in {phedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; a A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. a This Commitment shall be proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies comm le A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of uent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to or policies of tltle insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder or when the policy or policies co after the effective date hereof failure to issue such policy or pol first occurs, provided that the . This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thE COM become valid when countersigned by itment to be signed and sealed, to of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws This Commitment is in Schedule A as "Effective Date." ST TLE Counrersigned by: ),jaatit). t'! { t}ittt{t.'l seriol No. C.1601. A327 86 I SCIIEDUI.',E A oRDER NUMBER: 92008525c4 1. EFFECTIVE DATE: December O?' 1992 at 8:oO A'I"1' 2. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: A. AI,TA OWNER,S POLICY^' Ftoi;oii-o-rusueeD: urcHAEL J' IJAUTERBACH B. AI.,TA I,OAN POLICY"' pfroiiosst rNsuRsp: vArL NATToNAL BANK C. ALTA I,OAN POLICY PROPOSED INSURED: COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO TnE ESTATE OR TNTEREST rN,fgg !*ND DESCRTBED oR couMrrMENT AND cdini[o nunA;qls FEE sr]lPLE AND ilffiFrEairvp-oerr HEREoF vEsrED rN: MECM ENTERPRISES, LTD., A COLORADO I'II'IITED PARTNERSTIIP 4,THEI.,ANDREFERREDTOINTHISCOMMITMENTISDESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS: A part of the SW1/4N81/1' $ection 12' Tol^tnshjD 5 South' Range 81-west of the sixth principli-iljriai"", desc'ribed. as folrows: Beginning at a point of.the North-South t1:irline of said Section ]-2whenceanir.onpinwith..'ir.sti"c-p..n."riinqthecenterofsaid section 12 belrs s oo aef,ilEJ-Is;5'6rr w^455:06 feet; thence alonq said cent"rrtn"=fr*66-a6qt""t-?P;ue" E L22'81 feet to the south".iv"iiirrt:iji:r"v, iiii"-ir-ifiters-tate Hicrhwav No' 70 ; thence aepartins-said rignt-i^il"Iv ii""-rl 66-d;;i;;s' E:'25'r E 3e' 15 feet;thencedepartingsaidright.of-waylines81degrees23,19''EL55.42feet to a point-of curvel ^. - .', ^.t ?o foot radius curve to thence r22.8t feet a1on9 lhe arc of a 113'20 foot radius curr rhe ]eft, r,l"iii-i EEntiar ;";i; "7 ig g?gr?"" o8'51t' and a chord tr,.t t"iil3 ; 15 daqr"";'5i'+s" F rle.10 feet; i[:*:":.i I.;igk;:'33;'$""'3;o 3'|31\-lt7\ -'"ot radius cuxv? to the right,naviis-I-it"ti-"i1lg1;or-asdesreesii;ro"andachordthat bear"'i'rE ;A;a; se;-os" E 64'28 reet; thence s e i.6i"a;-40'99':-w. eo'27 feet" iffiffi: U ?g-*ii::: ta;31: $ ?1,i'.77 fEEE''" rhe point or Besinnins' AMOUNT OF INSURANCE $ 600 ' 000. oo $ 350 ' ooo' oo I $Tffitr8R"Hgn5*'E"li Continued on next Page CONTINUATION SCHEDI'LE SHEET A oRDER Nttt{BER: 92008s25c4 schedule # 30324 PRET{IUU: o$INERS ! 1, 425 . O0 MORTGAGEE: 50.OO TAX CERT.: 20.00 coPies to: t'til.e lauterbach MECM EnterPrisesFrederick S. Otto William Postvail National- Bank STEWART TITI,E oF EAGLE couNTY, rNc. P.O. BOX 2000vAlL, Co.8L658 (303 ) 94e-1-011 AmtroRrzED COUNTERSIGNATURE SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER NSMBER: 92O08525C4 REQUIREMENTS THE FOLIJOWING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE COMPL'IED WITIT: rTEM (A) PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE-AgcouNT oF THE -gl${roRs OR I'IORTGAGORS oF TrrE FULrJ coNsriiniirbrl--roii-rnn"iirlre-on rutnnnsT to BE INSURED' rrEM (B) PROPER TNSTRUMENT {S)--CREATTNG THE -E911IE OR TNTEREST TO BE rNsuRED Mrrsr BE ;ffiailiffi'eui-bulv'*riirp ron REcoRD' To wlr: 1. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and L'iens and its return to stewart Title GuarantY comPanY' 2. Evidence satisfactorv t9 stewart ritle Guarantv "S:nl:It?ft"upalrnent "r uir-""islinaing taxes and assessme 6Y'tne Eagle county Treasurer' 3. Execution of Certificate -.Entity Transferor/Individual Transrerot d'"i:ii3-i"i"i" to the- office' 4. Evidence satisfactory.to stewart Tit1e-Guarantv company thlt the rearestatetransfertax."=r!!-=Ia^rt-tn:rown-ofVailhasbeenpaid. or that-lhe transacti"n-I=-e""inpt frorn said tax' 5. pa1'rnent of any and alr Assessnents and gxP:?:e" as required in the Decrarati'on of cascad".viii;;F ;li'":i1:iicate rrdm cascade Village a"=Iiiutlln-veritying-rhit such pa'ment has been receiied. 6.DeedfromMECMEnterqrises,Ltd.,aColo:adolimitedpartnership, vesting fee .iitpil*iitie-i"-l'ricta"r J' Lauterbach' N0TE: NoTATIoN oF THE-LF-G-II ADDRESS 9I-II1I-GRANTEE Musr APPEAR oNTHEDEEDAsPER].9?6.aunrioffifrt'-toitaruTEoNRECoRDINGoFonuus cRs 38-35-109 (2)' T.Asurvey,meeting.theninimumdetailstandardsoftheALTA/Acgl{'prepared uv=I"iiiil*IEtEa coloraao surveyor'-ti-tnit' the }ast two months, *u=t*bl"ii"='"t"d t;-;[;;aii titre Guaranty company' foritsappiova}^prior.to.tt""iEiEiion-or.anysurveyexceptlons li:*"i['.Ttlt' "n:i*1,';"::'i::"i*"":Eili:!i take exception to any adverse natters "= =iiii "ii-s"id survey, or make further inquiry "t -i'-"i" iieraents r e lat ive ttrereto' Continued on next Page CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER NUMBER: 92OO8525C4 8.Deed'ofTrustfrorntheBorrol,ilertothePub}icTrusteefortheuse of the proposed lender to secure the loan' NoTE: For an additional charge,. Stewart Title of agle County will provide any ^;;i;;-"i--"i6"pti"ns as shown on schedule B - Section 2. scHEDuLEcS"rrS$E to* t ORDER NUMBER: 92O08525C4 THEPoI',IcYoRPoLIcIEsToBEIssUEDI{ILLcoNtAI-{ExcEPBIoNsroT$E FOLLOWTNG UNLESS"iiE-;A}IE ANE OTSF5SiiO_OT-iO THE SATISFACTION OF TIIE CO}TPANY: l.RIG$TSoRcI.AIMsoFPARTIESINFossESsIoNNoTSHowNBYTIIE PUBIJIC RECORDS.2. EASEMSNTS' OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS' NOT SHOWN BY TTIE PUBLIC REcoRDs' i rN B.ItNDARY r'rNEs' sHoRTlgE-I-r AREA'3. DISCREPANCTES, CONFLICTS ENcRoAcIIMENTS' AND ANY raiis-wni"tt-l-99q*Ect suRvEV AND INSPECTION OF THE PNTUTS;E.frOi';P-iJTSCLOSE AND WHICII ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LrEN, oR RrcHT rc a'i'iill' FoR sERvrcEs' LABoR oR MATERTAL unnrronoirE oR HEREAFTER iffiisieii,-illposno'BY LAW AND NoT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. DEFEeTS, LrnNS, nHcuMsRiii;ii' apvnRsE-_cl,All"ts oR osHER I'IATTSRS' INANY,CREAIED'rBst.fnFEi.iriieit.t.-tgn.puBl,lcREcoRDsoR ATTACHTNG srrBsEQUENr rO-rii'Trrsciivn DATE HEREOF BIII PRIoR ro THE DATE pRoposro msffifro-iieuiR!._9l REcoRD 3'oR vALItE THE ESTATE OR INTENNSI 5i,fr6NiCiCN-iNSREON COVERED BY TII1S COI'{MITMEN?.6. UNPATENTED MTNTNG CLArllSt RESERVATT-qNq-9R EXCEPTTONS IN PATENTS OR AN ECT EUifTOiiiZi}'iC T}IE TSSUANCE THEREOF; wATsR riicnts cLArMs oR TrrrJE To wATER' NOTE: I'MECHANIC'S LIENn AND/OR "GA!::-PROTECTION tnxcnpt'i6r'rli a-eHp s esovu)-MAi BE 4-v-AI1$BLE wr?H AN owNER'i-iiiiriv-orrrtr,riftsunalrcnoN_RESIDENTIAL PRoPERfluPoNcoMPr-,rancn*iiiic_sruwent_TITLEGUARANTYnrournrinNti - - pr.,nasn- car'i-ron' runmBR-rNFoRMATroN As ro rnosg sPucrFrc nsituieul'tuNT (s) NEcESSARV To OBTAIN THIS COVERAGE. T.Anyanda}lunpaidtaxesandassessmentsandanyunredeemedtaxsales. 8. The effect of inclusions. in any 99n"T3l^3r specific water conservanlvl-rirE-pi"t-dctrJnl--3"ir cons-ervation or other district or inclusion In any'w"t"r service--oi street improvement area. Reservations or excePtions Auqust 16, 1909 in Book 48 ttr6 ptoprietor of a vein or itt"rEtrbn and 2) rights of contai-ned in U.S. Patent, 59c.o5dedii--page saz, reserving r) $g1t!s^or-Iod.e-to extract and remove rris ore "iv-i"i ditches and canals' continued on next Page CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB.5ECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBERI 92O08525C4 constructed under the authority of the United States' 10. Terms, conditions, reservations' lgstrig!1ons and obligations as contained in the Decraratioi-di6ating co-velants, conditions' Restrictions and Easements_ld";-;;;;&e-virraqe iecorded July 17' 1981 in Book 326 at Page zsi--a=-iE""pii"" Nol ezzetg' 11. Underground $ig.ht-of way Easement grSntgd-!Y Mansfield Lirnited' a colorado rinited partnersti;-[; fiory -crosi Electric Association'Inc.,bydocumei[i""6iaLaeuqu=t_so,1982inBook344 at e-gJ'923 ai Rdception No' 241268' r.2. Risht of wav Easernent.sr3nted to wester" ""E"i:g:l: i?*li:X' " coloraito "6ip"iition ri Mansfietd' Ltd" a-' partnership,'recorded ;anui;i-t';]1'?: in Book 4os at Pase 524 is RecepriS; N;:-36ldoel--i"s6far'as it may affect subject PropertY. 13.EasementfromVailventure,Ltd',tgqa:ca+eclub'ltd.,acororado Limited partnershipl-i"l"ided^Rpril ra, igas in eook 4l-l- at e"g"--6fS as Receptioir'No' 307893' 14. Order For Inclusion.in t-he Casc-ade Vill3g:.Metropolitan District, civif Action }ro' e6cv:9' recoEdg{eniii rz' 198? in Book 461 "I-P;;" -iii-is Reception No' 3s7350' 15. Terms, sonditions' reservations' restrictigl:-utd obligations as contained in Declaration or neltriclive covenants recorded June 23,1987 in B;i-464 at Paqe e9e as Reception No' 36L123' 16. Right of way for the flow of Gore creek' lT.ApparentBikeandPedestrianEasement'-asshownontheSurveybynaqre valley Engineering a s'uii;tf;A' lnc" dated Janaury 3Lr 1992. 1S. Any and aII existinq leases and tenancies' 19. Parking Areas and tele' ped' as shown on'the survey by Eagle valley Engineering & surv"vi"il il;;; ait"a Januarv 31' t9e2' Pursuant to senate Bill e1-14 (c'R't'"31;1i;:3'1"*::ii"nli"n"'"o" ORDER NIIMBER: 92OO8525C4 given that: a) The subject real property may be located in a special ' taxing district; b) A certificate of laxes. due listing each taxinql jurisailifi;-';ytE"utii"ed_from'theCountyTreasureror tne-county Tiea="ret'i authorized agenti c) Information regarding snecial districts and the boundaries of such distl;;i;-rn"V-rE obtained from the board of county co**tttiii"isl--tr'e county clerk and Recorder, or the CountY Assessor' CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS g2-L43 (c.R.s. 10-L1-122) Notice is hereby due listins each taxinq i]t=i:9-1:!i""th; a;Gay-Treasurer or the counEY agent. Pursuant to Senate BilI given that: A certificate of taxes shall be obtained from Treasurer' s authorized SCHEDULE A PROPERTY DESCRTPTTON ORDER NO.: 92008525C4 A part of the swL/ANEt/+' Sectign 12' Township'S South' Range BL west of the sijtlii-iliircipar u"tialut' desciibed as follows: Beginning at a point 'of .the North-South cent-erline of said Section 12 -whence . un i'oi^pi''-ii[ii-' pr1"[il*:15";1;5-*E:r:n;";Ei:": :: -^in:*"*:r:;; :3t3"-:H.:'i?J"fl'33"uli'!!= ie;ui: F 15i"et reet to thesoutherrvrrin;;;:;;ttineor*iii5i"-tli"'1191'""No'70irhence departing'Iiil-rigirt-or-w.i ii""-ll-ee aeqiJt;- 53' 251t E 3e' 15 lh::a" departing said right-of-way line s 8l- degrees 23'19r' E L65'42 ieet to a Point of curvel thence L22.a3 feet along the a59 of a 143'20 foot radius curve to the left, having-i centiar ansl9 Ii ig-ti"siees-08'sltr and a chord that beart ; ;;"#if"F^u::as" n rrs'ro reet; im*:":.il."FEk;:':l;'$"uui;03"3'\+'" r?e9.r'dius curve to the risht, havinq a centrai angle--of ig'a!6ilJ5-!2i1s" and a chord ttrit bears s 15 ;;;;;;; se1o1'1 I 64'28 reet; thence s I ctegreei- aotoorr.-w--9o'27 feet-i iffiffi: I ?s]:.gi::: ia;3;x fi ',7i'."^7 i::i'ro rhe point or Besinnins' COUNTY OF EAGT,E STATE OF COLORADO schedule # 3o32e FRO},I STEli,AR T TIo TtE T0 4?9046? Beginninq at E fi('t ir'rt ,)l [,r" r'.,: tl ' l2 uhenee iln !ron Ftt' :J.itlr .r lti,r'.'Iatld s6ctlon ! J lr.'irr'!' ji (tll l'| r " : tho|lc..' dlonq lidiLl frlnLr.'t I i',r. r; r. i ,:. ?he gouEher ly rrtlht-dr,l -v'lY llir. ' 'r1 , 'thence depilrt. in'J r'.i irl ! :rtitt ,l fEst ithcnce dep$Fltng eord rir"thr 'r)r q i rr', f,€€t to t psint crl !:urve; tli€hc+ 13f,,tr! f n$t _rI.rn't i l:r .r'' th€ l€ft' havintl !r !:.'rltritl ,:i.1:f' chofd thAt hci'r* $ I.? cl..rl|,., 'l ' r thcnce S {,J dEgre4li .t2 ' l{rrr I : ' thcn€€ 6d.lO td*t + l.Jflq lli'. ,r. riqhl,, hAV.n9 a Lrentf tt ) ntl'l: ": ; ihlt bears S '. r:r degrec'l' ',i,' 't Bhenae S I dol tcr":r '1{l' (\l;rr i'i ehdn6* H Ju dFgf.l(l$ 12'la" tr tlignce fi ?6 degr#4'rr l r'}' r:"' ii : couhtv oF Ea6t,r: STATE Ot' COUII{ASCI 5ehedul€ t ln j?Jl !a knorn bY strr,ut ilnd nL/n,r('r ToGfflrER Yith a'lf flrd' ringdlfir Lfllt h.ir nu.l Ldturrtli * thirol.o b€tor.Tin.t, nt' ra. irilyl":. . f gvef Rionaf rs'nrr irldarl' ;lnd .t'ir'.r I i I i r thereo(i {nd rll tho &9tatr', r-i iL, , uhit.:roevBr ol thr (JrAntnr, t')t!!t th.! ,!bo\.o l'.rr.Jir i r.r'.1 pE.'r': i':r ": / aFuft(rn*In.;eF ! P002 l:^ hi.til'1it: ".lltlt ,r '1, .rlr)',rr,, '.' .i,r*r " i(! ,1 f' - 1 -. ., ' Al,reric.n Lahd T:tte Association co*-itn e.,t - | led 1o/j3 SCHEDULE A ORDER NUMBER: 92008184 1. EFFEC?IVE DATE: August 21, 1992 at 8:00 A.M, 2. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: A}IOUNT A. ALTA OWNER/S POLTCY $ PROPOSED INSURED: MJL DEVELOPMENTINC., A COLORADO CORPORATTON B. ALTA LOAN POLTCY $ PROPOSED INSI'RED: VAIL NATIONAL BANK C. ALTA LOAN POLICY $ PROPOSED INSTIRED: 3. THE ESTATE OR INIEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SIMPIE AND THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN: OF INSURANCE J, ooo. oo lJ, ooo. oo REFERSED TO IN ?HIS TI?LE THERETO TS AT THE LAND REFERRED TO IN SEE ATTACHED LEGAL PREMIUM: SUBDLVIDERS OWNERS:713 . 00 I'IORTGAGEE: 50. 00 TAX CERT.: 20.00 copies to: MJL Development,.Fred OttoLisa Dillon, VaiI THIS COMI'{ITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Mike Lauterbach National Bank STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, TNC.P.O. BOX 2oOOVAIL, CO. 81658(303) e49-1011 SCHEDULE A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ORDER NO.:92008184 A part of the SI,t1l4N81/4, Section .l2, Township 5 South, Range81 west of the sixth principal Meridian, aesclitrea-;;--i"ii;;;, leginning at a point of the North-south centerline of said sectionr-2 whence an iron pin vith a plastic cap marking the center ofsaid section r-2 beirs. s oo ae'qrees 38r5-5rr 1,J 455;06 feet;thence p]"rg said centerline fr oo degr"Js Js;se;-s Lzz.BL feet to!l:_::"!!:Ily,risht-of-way. line of rfrterstiie Hisnway wo. 70,.Enence d.eparting said right-of-way Line N e6 degiees-53r25" fr 39.15fao{-. thence departing said right-of-way line s 8J. degrees 23119. E a6s.42feet to a- point-of curve!thence 1,22.a3 feet along'the arc of a 143.20 foot radius curve to!l: l"Ilf-having a centiat angle or +s-Aeiiee=-oe,51rr and acnorcr tnat bears S ls_degrees S7t4Sr E 115.10 feetr.thence s-4o_degrees 32r1[rr g 3.00 feetithence 66.30 feet along the arc of a 2i.21 foot radius curve to theflgl,t., having a centrai 1!gle of-49 aegreEs-ii,to" and a chordthat bears S 15 degrees 55795r E 64.28'feet; lfenee S 8_degrees 40r00il W 90.27 feet;itl:n!" I l! q"Srees 42'24't w z24.ss te6t;thence s 78 degrees 10t3zt, w 101.44 feet'To The point of Beginning. COTJNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THIS CoMMITMENT I'{As PREPARED oN AUGUST 25, tgs2. FoR eUEsTIoNsPLEASE CALL SANDY CAPELL AT (303) 949_1011: I SCHEDULEB-SECTION]- ORDER NUMBER: 92008]-84 REQUTREMENTS THE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH: ITEM (A) PAYI''ENT TO OR FOR THE ACCO{,]NT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORSOF THE T'ULL CONSIDERATION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE TNSURED. ITEM (B) PROPER INSTRWENT (S) CREATING THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED MUST BE EXECUTED A.ND DULY FILED FOR RECORD, TO WIT: 1. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return toStewart Title Guaranty Conpany. 2. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title cuaranty Cornpany ofpayment of atl outst.anding taxes and assessrnents as- celtifiedby The Eagle County Treasurer. 3. Execution of Certificate - Entity Transferor/IndividualTransferor and its return to the-office. 4. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Titte Guaranty Conpany'that thereal estate transfer tax assessed by the Town of VaiI has beenpaid or that 'the transaction is exeinpt from said tax. 5. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty companv that theassessments levied by cascade Village Association hlve-been paid. 6. Part,nership Agreenrent for MECM Enterprises, Ltd., a ColoradoLinited Partnership rngst be presented to Stewart'Title of EagJ-e county,' but will not need to be recoided. 7. Deed from MECM Enterprises, Ltd., a Colorado 1initedpartne:ship, vesting fgg simple titte in MJL Development Inc., AColorado Corporation. NOTE: NOTATIoN OF THE LEcAt ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE I'IUST APPEARON THE DEED AS PER 1975 AI,IENDMENT To STATUTE oN RECoRDING oFDEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). NOTE: For an additional charge, Stewart Title of Eagle Countywill provide any copies of ex-eptions as shown on Scf,eduLe B i Section 2. SCHEDULEB-SECTTON2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 92008184 lHE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED I^TILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THEFOI,LOWING IJNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OFTHE COMPANY: 1. RTGHTS OR CLATMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THEPUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEMENTS' oR CLAIMS oF EASEMENTS' NoT sHowN BY THE PUBLTCRECORDS.3. DISCREPANCfES' CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA,ENCROAC}I}{ENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SI'RVEY ANDINSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND I.JHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, oR RIGHT To A LrEN, FoR sERvIcEs, r,ABoR oR I'{ATERIALHBRETOFoRE oR HEREAFTER FURNTSHED, rMPosED'BY LAw AND Nor SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.5. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUUBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS oR oTHER MATfERS,IN ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS ORATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIORTO THE DATE PROBOS.EJD INSURED ACQUTRES OF RECORD FOR VALUETHEESTATEoRrNfEREsToRMoRTGiGETHEREoNcovEREDBYtHIs COMMITMENT.6. UNPATENTED I{TNING CLAIMS; RESERVATTONS OR EXCEPTIONSIN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TSSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RTGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. NOTE: TTMECHANICTS LIEN" AND/OR rcApr PROTECTION(EXCEPTIONS 4 AND s ABovE) MAy BE AVATLABLE WITH ANOWNER'S POLICY OF TTTLE TNSURANCE ON RESIDENTIAL. PROPERTY UPON COMPLIANCE WITH STEWART TITLE GUARANTYREQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FT'RTHER INFORMATTONAS TO TE99! SP.ECTFTC REQUIREMENT (S) NECESSARY TOOBTAIN THIS COVERAGE. 7 - Any and afl unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed taxsales. 8. The effect of inclusions in any generar or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, soit conservation or otherdistrict or inclusion in any water service .or street irnprovernentarea. g. Reservations.or exceptions contained in u.s. patents, or in Actsauthorizing the issuance thereof, recorded Auqust 16, 1909 inBook 48 at Page 542, reserving fi Riqnts of th6 proprietor of avein or Lode to extract and r5moire his ore there?roin and z)Continued on next page L2 o:*?" 13 *}>* CONTINUATTON SHEET SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTTONS ORDER NI.IMBER; 92008184 rights. of way. for ditches and canals constructed under theauthority of-the United States. 10' Terns' conditions, reservations, restrictions and obliqations ascontained in the Decr.aration ciiatiil-a;;;;"tr,'*cliiiii;;;;'Restrictions and Easernents ror cascid.-viiiuge recorded. Jury 17,198L in Book 326 at page 2S5 as nEt"pti""-11". ZIZ6LB. 11. Terms, conditions, reservationsr -rgstrictions and obligations ascontained in lhe Agreement uy iia-n-irE"n-ibiy crosi-iiJ"tii"Associarion, f nq. , -a colorad6 a;;p;;;[i;{,,-'ba-scaoe iodt;; -;-- colorado Joint veiture and Mansfilra r_',irnit.ea, a colo;tdo'rimiteapartnershi!1 5".oqded_August 26, rssz i;-Bo"r saa-at-Fiq.-Biras Reception No. 24t]S6.- . underground_Bigltt.of way Ea ernent granted by Mansfierd Lirnited,a colorado lirnited partiership to fiorv ciosl rrectricAssociation, rl"-, Ly docunen^i recora'.a-aug""I 30, iiez in eoor344 at page 923 as Reception No. Zitiie. - . A 25 foot wide giFline easement and 20 foot wide sewer easement .as shown on the rinprovernent Locaiiol qui""y 6!-raqre vail;y:----Engileering.gnd suiveying, Jnc., dated Septern6er s, LgBz,insofar as it rnay affEct-subjecl propertyi f.4. Iight of vay_Easement.granted to Western cas supply company, acororado- corporatign bi uansfieid;-iad:,' i-Eororado r_irnitedplrlnership, recorded Jan\rary _za,' :.iei in-e""[.-aos-at-i;;;"- sz+as Reception No. 3o18og, insifar'ai ii ro"y-aire"t suuiec€property. 15. order For rncllrsion in the cascade virrage MetroporitanDistrict, civir Action llo. e6cvss, recorded Ap;ii-i7]-iesz i"Book 4Gl_ at page j-22 as necepiion'll"..iEiisol 16. Terms, condit_ions, reservations, restrictions and obrigations ascontained. in_Degliration ot nestri;ai;;-c;;"i.r,t. recorded June23, 1987 in Book 464 at page g9g as Reception No. 3G1123. L7. Underground Right of WayAssociation fnc., by Vaill-988 in Book 481 at-page E_a_sement granted to Holy Cross Electric -Ventures, Ltq., recordEd March 24,107 as Reception No. 372315. 18. certificate by Eagle county Assessor, recorded rtarch 1g, 1992 inContinued on next page CONTINUATTON S}IEET SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUHBER: 92008184 Book 575 at page 279 as Reception No. 471393. 19. certificate by vail Tov/n cr.erk, recorded March L8, Lggz in Book 5?Fat Page ZBO as Reception No. 471394. 20' Notice of Assessment.,_by Eagre countL Asges:gr, recorded March 13, r_9in Book 575 at nage iz is-ieception No. 47ILz6. 21' certificate-by Vail Town crerk, record.ed lrarch 13, 1992 in Book 575 apage 11 as Re-eption No. qinzb , F[I.I COPV Jeff Bowen said that he telt that the appli:ant had done a good job with this site. Diana Donovan stated that the landscape J islands should be extended if possible. Jeff Bowen made a motion per the staff r remo and staff recommendations 1, a, 4, 5 and 6 and with the additional condition th rt two employee housing units will be dedicated before a building permit is relerised for Phase lll and that Phase lV will be either two units or four units with two beirg free market units and two units being restricted for employee housing Per Chuc k's description ol the phasing discussed earlier in the meeting. (Please see the tc p of Page 2). Dalton Williams seconded the motion. Kathy Langenwaltef added that Conditior, 1 should be subject to DRB review. Jeff Bowen stated that Condition 1 shouk, be stricken from the motion and that the landscaping should be reviewed by DRB and amended his motion accordingly. Dalton Williams amended his second to the mot: rn. A 6-0 vote approved this request for a miror subdivision, an amendment to a previously approved development plan ar d a conditional use permit. Kathy Langenwalter abstained as she is the app licant's architect for the project. 2. A notification of approval of a fthtr SD araendnrwt *f attow for a changq in-building location ancl building height tocated at 13lb WesthaV6fi'DrivetLot Atff Subdivision. Applicant: Michael LauterbaclPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per tht, staff memo. He said that the applicant was proposing to move the single family unit ir feet to the north to avoid encroachment into the pedestrian easement located on the r,ast side of the residence and the 50 foot Gore Creek stream setback and to revis€ the grading plan which will result in an increase building height of 3.25 feet. He said that staff was recommending approval of this request with the condition that the la;,dscape plan be approved. Dalton Williams pointed out that staff war recommending six aspen trees and two spruce trees but that the drawing showec eight aspen trees. Jim Cumutte stated that staff would requ "e the eight aspen trees a$ shown on the landscape plan. Diana Donovan made a molion to upholc the staft approval of the request lor a minor amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Lot A, Millrace lll with Allison Lassoe seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote appro''ed this request. Planning and Environmon 3l commission Minutes January '' J, 1994 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ,f D! r nf?mq,t! rr,*d_ l;_"d" J MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 10, 1993 A request for a minor amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Lot A, Millrace llli1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village more specifically described as follows: A pa,t ol ihe SW %, NE %, Section 12, Township 5 Sourh, Ranoe 8l West ol ths 6th P.M., described as lollows: Beginning 3t a poir( gl the ilor$-South centorline ol sa'xt Sgction 12 trhEncE an iron pin with a plaslic cap marking $e c€nter ol sajd $ection 12 bears S0e38'56"W 455.06 teef thsnce along said centerline N0e38'56'E 122.81 leet to the southedy ROW line ol l-70; thence departing said ROW line N66'53 2y8 39.15 {eer; thence departing said ROW line S81.23'19"E 165.42 teer to a point ot cu^€; rhence 122.83 leet along the arc ol a 143.20 loot radius curve to the lett, having a central angle oJ 49"0851'and a chord fiat b€a(6 Sl5'57'45"E 119,101€et; thence S40"32'|O'E 3.00 {eet; thence 66.30leet along the arc ol a 77,21 toot radius curvE to the right, having a centrel angle ot 49'12'10" and a chord that bears 515"56'05"E 64.28 lesr thence S8'40'00"W 90.27 feet: $ence N38'42'24"W 224-55 leel thence S78'10'32"W 101.44 leet to he Point o, Beginning. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Michael Lauterbach, developer of the Millrace lll project, located in Area A of the Cascade Village Special Developmenl District (SDD #4), has requested a minor SDD amendment in order to modify the approved development plan. The minor mddification involves changes to the approved building height, footprint location and final grading for the single family residence located on Lot A of the Millrace lll project. The applicant has stated that it was necessary to move the single family residence approximately 3 feet to the north in order to avoid encroachment into the pedestrian easement located on the east side of the residence and the 50 loot Gore Creek stream setback located on the west side of the building. The original drawings placed the building outside ol this easement. However, the problem occurred when the building footprint was located by a surveyor on the property. Mr. Lauterbach is also requesting approval of grading revisions on the west side of the single family residence. As proposed, the revised grading will result in an increased building height of 3.25 feet on side of the building. Although the maximum building height allowance on the Millrace lll property is 36 feet, the building permit plans approved for the project showed a maximum height of 32 feet. The proposed revised grading will result in a maximum building height of 35.25 feet, or 0.75 of a foot below the maximum height allowance on this propefi. The proposed grading revision is prompted by the future ownefs desire to have a more useable or flatter area on the west side of the building. The application includes an amended landscape plan that $hows a net increase of six aspens and two 6 foot spruce trees along this side of the property from that originally approved in conjunction with x the issuance ot the building permit. Please see the attached landscape plan. [. AMENpMENT PROCEpURE9 Section '18.40.100 (Amendment Procedures) of the Town of Vail MunicipalCode stipulates the following for minor amendments to Special Development Districts: "Minor amendments: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.40.0208 (attached) may be approved by the Department of Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and tiled by the Department of Community Development." In addition, the Municipal Code also stipulates that the Community Developmenl staff shall inlorm the PEC of the staff action on the request for a minor SDD amendment. III. STAFF ACTION The Community Development Department staff believes that the proposed modification to the building height, location and grading for the single family residence located on Lot A, Millrace lll, would be consistent with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.40.0208 (attached), and has approved the applicant's request to modify the approved development plan as described above. The staff does not believe that the applicant's request would alter the intent of the SDD, nor would it have any negative impacts upon any of the adjacent property owners. c:\pec\m6mo€\millrace. 1 1 0 ., zoliiNG crs if authorizcd io conformitllS cntsl-F-{r:{4a:lirj rcqutrcmc nts o ilsociation's dcctara- tions and rcqurrctrIc!s doroinium Minor amcndmcnt (Staff rcvicw)" shall mcan roodifi- cffidscaPcPlznsthatdo n6t altcr thc basic intcnt and cbaraclcr of thc approvcd spccial dcvcloPmclt dislrict, ard arc consistc-nt *-ith tbc disign criteria of thjs chaptcr. Minor amcndEcDts may includc, but not bc limitcd to, variations of ::ot morc than five fect to approvcC sclbacks andlor building footprinrs; changcs to Iandscapc o'i'sitc- plans th.at do not advciscly impact pcdcstrian or vehicular circulation rhroughout thc spccial dcvclopncnt ciistrict; or cbangcs' to gross floor aria (cxcluding rcsidcntial uscs), of not ' moic tban fivc pcrccnt of thc approvcd squarc fcotagc of rctail, officc, iorntnon arcas and othcr aonrcsidcntial floor arc:. $ajor ancndmcnt (PEC andi or councit. rcvicv)I mH .nv. proposal to chanqe uscs; incicesy'gross resiCcNci floor-are a; cSangc tlc :runbcr of ficliing or accomm agpry>4a s pccial dcvclopmcat district' ord.l{(l988) $ l.) (vril l?.39.69) 382.10 r t <l-ol .-J:ltlUI)t9lul f\r Ivl -r1t^lVI JI)l I.:--,, Iolq"' Ipl "_lX*lql I ' a' \ tnlD t$-rFlr 'l'r r " E}s--f- *trR* n S!_n tl --D (\ rA- ft\ -T\il. 'nftr-\ \ !l \\"\ t,a I .T..- 7 (>--lor \ \\ ttt-'' I I W 5- tc? *Apb ? L JNz 4-I ? a! t\ rh'\a u t-''r\ r=2 -Ji"-aastr\) -+\ -kA,- K-<'.\' /.b.€<FE --e.c-- Kt _/25( ''\w .. \ \,1 orfNER(s) MAILING ,RE0:D NoV 9 r995, EPPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAI DEITELOFMENT DISIRICE DE\TEI"OPMENT PI.A}T I. This procedure is required for any project t.hat would gothrough the Special Development Olstrict. procedure. The application will not be ascepted until all informationis submitted. (please print or type) DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED A. APPTICANT MAITING ADDRESS /a,-[. C,I ,C58 B. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE *4 ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER(S)firl,wl1 --.l - e-l- PHONE 47G-L?(+ STGNATURE (S) ADDRESS 4-* 7+rf {tc{g D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: srREEr ADDRE;;;" tl, { 1t..- r{ ( ^--*. L^,,- * Lor,1-BtocK-suBDrvrs roN---lC-1l5f*-. C'..-.--t E. STAMPED, ADDRESSED ENVELOPES OF THE NAMES OF OI{NERS OFALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ALIST OF THEIR NAMES AND MAILING ADDRESSES. F, A TTTLE REPORT TO VERIFY OWNERSHIP AND EASEMENTS. II. Four (4) copies of the following information must besubnitted: A. Detailed writ.ten,/graphic description of proposal; B. An environment.al irnpact report shall be submitted tot,he zoning administrator in accordance wit.h ChapterL8.56 hereof unless waived by Section 19.56.030; exemptpro jects; C. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meetthe demands generated by the development without undueburden on available or proposed public facilities; D. Existing contours having contour int,ervals of not morethan five feet if the average slope of the sit.e istwenty percent or less, or with contour intervals ofnot more t,han ten feet, if the average slope of the siteis greater than twenty percent.. E. A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than oneinch equals fifty feeL, showing the approximateIocations and dimensions of all buildings andstructures, uses t.herein, and aII principal sitedevelopment features, such as landscaped areas,recreational facilities, pedest.rian plazas andwalkways, service entries, driveways, and off-streetparking and loading areas with proposed contours aft.ergrading and site development.,- /11 ,.-A. -_/ B.v (t- I, C' k'l A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feetr showing exisLing Iandscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped siLe development features, such as outdoor recreaLionaL facilities, bicycle paths, . trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, r^raler features and other elements; Preliminary building elevatj-ons, seccionsr and floorplans, at a scale not smaller Lhan one-eighth eguals one foot, in sufficienL detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation,Iocations of uses within buildings, and tbe general scale and appearance of the proposed development. III. TIME REQUIREMENTS p The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on t,he 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanying material must be submiteedfour weeks prior to the daLe of the meeting. The developer must beqin initial consLrucLion of the rV. FEES Application Fees are as follows: a. Establishment of SDD : b. Major Amendments: c. Minor Amendments: $1,500.00 $1,000.00 G. A. special development district within three years fron the time of its final approval-, and continue diligently toward the completion of the project- If the special development district. is to be developed in phases, the developer must begin construction of subsequent phases within one year of t.he complet.ion of t.he previous phase. NOTE: Il is recommended that before a Special Development District application is submitt.ed, apre-application neeLing should be set up wit.h a rnember of the Department of Community Developmenl . Application fee paid: $2oo Date Q-1- 1t CheckucrLrurr re pcrrQ a Q t-.rv - u dLe__2,3 LIrecr{ i_ l'-t -/Z YNrf this application requires a separate review by any \) Iocal, State or Federal agency oLher t.han the Town ofvail-, the application fee shaLl be increased by$200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot l-imited to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Arrny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 508 of theapplication fee. If, at the applicantrs reguestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the mat,ter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha1l be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by Lhe Community Development.Department t.o have significanL design, land use orother issues which may have a significant impact on thecommunity may require revj_ew by consultants other thattown staff. Shou1d a determination be rnade by t.he townstaff that an outside consultant is needed to reviewany'applicationr. Corununity Development may hire anoutside ionsultant, it. shall estimate the amount of ;H3 V.A. -j+.--\! 200.00 Io49y ne.eeasary to pav,him or.her and this amounb shallbe forwarded to the Town by the appJ.icant at the time .I" fll.e"ihts application with the- -Community Development'Department.' 'Upon comptet,ion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds,forwardeE Ff Qhe applicpnt for pAyment of theconSultant which have not been.pAid to the consuld.antshall be returned to the applicint, Expenses incurredby the Town in excess of the amount forivarded. by theapplicant shall be paid t.o the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. Ju-- T- 1o-fL 4ff ''' *ff t-a - ..- / r.9 ,,{... - ,( " . flr--, L--{,,'f ,-o/o 5 ,at t e .-- 5ru2/-- {-4 4-u a , log r- l,a-u,* a-y'[ o,-k a.9 , 'aA (_/ft-* F,. +, n,'*(-,f 7-'(- /t-- /z,--- f^^,'rz+.U '{ a/' eAc-t'o t-t,'V I *r'^* w {o' O* -.-rQ L<g * C -4-r fno r- 4c-L? 5,'J.- +t*- Co- u {*s l--- f o tl "l /<- a-Pf r os -9 t rra- oL d- -^y' .f [.- (-r-l ,'a^-*€. f -rf 3 o n .1 a- dc- /".4.-(fi-f,-,.,(,,7 ag,,, flpl/"c"+ <-r,., - "/<*- oL-4r ugl {.uks . Q-t 7 'ou *-1 3t' o&- t/ 4-L_ +t*- 4s' ' 4ffr"-+-* ort'y tr.-./ly a. 7 r <-SU 6f r^ w ec--,1 -.9 ,'u t'g /u -{t u f rofo: -/'t*-lL-7 --l --"( efr-w a-/r'o v- o{6,'q 7 /.- - (.o*,54nu ,-.(v.t e'l gL 7t*CoLgr'gl-u4 c' "4Lgn"*L *-* a-( (c ,._, 4lL -Tl *-'( I G, o.(,,V -.-' - f{ 1" lo-l' &- y'.-As C o r.^-.i-.' 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PLEASE I'AKE CHE D EPA RTi\{ENT OF COivl ;vlLn'{iTY DEVEL O P}tENl'' s,lLES ICUON FORI{ 75 SOUTH/FRpNTAGE N,I}IE TOWN OF VAIL ZChT\'O tu\D ADDR-ESS )',A-PS0l 0000 4 t5{0 0t cs00 424t5 LD\.ITOL\{ BLMDL\-G CODE U MFOR.\{ PLU:'G L\-C CODE0l 0000 {2415 0l 0000 42.1 l5 'l ul'fl FoR.\.t I{EcHAlcAL CODE UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE0l c,000{2d15 Iis,rnopil rlrcTpicAl coDE I 0r 0000 124 J5 | OnIER CODE EC\CKS 0l 000042{15 BLUE PRL\fiS (\lYL;RS)0l ctr00.lt543 0r 0000 r21l ?>:EROX COPFs/S'iUDIES 0t 00co42i7l PEN,{ I.TY FEES / R E.t..-'S PECT]ONS 0t 00co.r,3i2 i pr-,r"v REr,tg'v RE.CHEC,K FEE tyo FER tiR.l I 0t 0000 42323 OFF I]OURS [\.$PECTION FEEJ c oNId\cTO RS LIC L\s LS F[l:S0r 0000.{ l{ | 2 0l c{r0041330 .01 c\)00 414 t3 SIGN APPL]CA]'IOi.I FEE 0t 00004t4t3 ADDITIONA'- 5IGNAGE FEE 15I.o.] PgR, S 0l 0c0c.r2i-{0 V-TC A RT PRO'ECT DONAT:ON ot 0000.{t331 PRE PA.ID DESICN RE\4E1V BOARD FEE OIOOAO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI"IPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 TAx 0I 0000 42371 TNVESTTGA?r0N FEE (BUILDrNG) TOTAL DUE: 0i 0000{13 I Crocr34l330 0l 00c0.1t 3-i0 LKTER]OR ALTER.'\TION IIiORE fi fu\ ICO CL4L DEVELOP.i\ICT tlfii\iOR l1,ll0\D JtSin ivA 0l co00.0330 * * * * * * * * *' RECEIVED FROM RECEIPT - Thc Town of yeil 1q ""'N9 45422 5 '',.]'" '- Permit Numbers ','HOW PAID-Cash_Check ' / ., i Police Receipt Numbers tu -l-El'rhl DF Lrtrl I l- l'ligcel I anesus Cgsh L- I E -:r;l 1S:55:.i4 Flr'c*i.pt. * 1]5rlEl Htr::CrLrrrt. #r::li # 75'-13 f.t i r:HF{EL- t-truTEEErfft:H....FEr: $irt,-:t-tn t l*ndrr red :' Item paid rl 1 IEE n 4 I f ;int-lr:]Et [:h.:rn,J* re iu rn*,J :j Hrr . T E.E-:l :rlFJ . Lrl:l Hrroun t paid ':!F. f_irj.l i:i " iJii -THt|F{T< afEIJ \":ir-r r c.:=fi ie r FIEHTHFI o.-f*O1 t I ILL,r3 i' Cascade Village Properties 1476 Westhaven Dr. Vail. CO 81657 Westhaven Apts. Stephen Salyer PO BOX 34401 seatde, wA 98124-1401 Colorado Dept. of Transportation Division of Highways 4201 E. Arkansas Ave. Denver. CO 802?2 l^-i -\ \ -\-2 I Ll <--'1.- .l I.{ --' I L .- t-, I I ccLl Srrt tLLl- aj{ a * . -ia. f di;.,"'&d{" TH|S ITEM MAy EFFECT YOUR pROpERTyF PUBLIC NoTIcE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 10, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, tn consideration of: 1. A request for a minor suMivision and an amendment to a previously approved development plan and a conditional use permit for four Type lll employee housing units at The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick RoacUa portion of the SW 114, Section 14, T5S R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. Applicant: T. Charles Ogitby and Stanleigh H. CotePlanner: Shelly Mello 2. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4, Area D, to allow an expansion to the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 Soulh Frontage Road WesVLot 45, Block K, Glen Lyon SuMivision. Applicant: Paul M. DeBoer, representing Calumet Federal Savings and LoanPlanner: Shelty Metlo 3. A request for a worksesslon to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: Vail Valley MedicalCenterPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4, A request for a minor subdivision tocated at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vait Vittage 3rd Fiting. Applicant: John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr,/Robert TylerPlanner: Shelly Mello 5. A request for a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Charles Bosenquist, represented by Kevin Clair and Tom ArmstrongPlanners: Randy Stouder/Sheily Mello d-. i, 6. A request for an approval of the master plan to allow for an expansion and renovation of the Town of Vail Public Works siie located at 1309 VailValley Drive/an unplatted parcel located north of the t-70 right-ot-way, immediately north o{ Vail Village 8ih Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen t 7. A notification of approval of a minor SDD amendment to allow for a change in building,,ji location and building height located at 't335 Westhaven Drive/Lot A, Millrace lll Subdivision.t* Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte 8. A request to amend Section 18.69.050 - Special restrictions for developments on lots where the average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure and parking area is in excess of thirty percent in single family residential, two-family residential, and two- family primary/secondary residential zones to allow the standards of this section to apply to the Hillside Residential zone district. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner; Andy Knudtsen L A notification of approval of a minor SDD amendment to allow for the addition of an airlock entry lo the Gateway Building/Lot N, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing/12 Vail Road. Applicant: Leo PalmerPlanner: Mike Mollica / |l ,lr FILI 8$P}f, Kathy Langenwalter stated that she agrees with staff concerning reducing the storage space in order to reduce the site coverage and that this situation is not a hardship. She also stated that she was concerned with how the stair tower and the garage are attached and the proposed rools. Greg Amsden stated that he agreed with Kathy's comments. Bill Anderson stated that he agreed with all of Kathy's comments except concerning the roof pitches, he feels that they are okay as proposed. lrwin Bachrach added that the roof proposed will shed from west to east at approximately a 6:12 pitch. Jeff Bowen stated that he has no problem with this request and feels that the storage space issue is insignificant. Dalton Williams inquired where the second means of egress was located. Shelly Mello responded that €gress can be through a window as well as a doorway. Dalton Williams slated that he had no problems with the requesl and added that the closet has a dual function - airlock and storage area. Diana Donovan stated that she was sympathetic lo the applicant's situation, but that she did not feet that a hardship exists on this site. Anneliese Taylor stated that it was her opinion that the closet was the most important aspect of this project. lnivin Bachrach stated that the proposal was only 1.87o over the allowed amount of site coverage. Shelly Mello stated that if one ot the projects was eliminated that the applicant would be able to have the closet. frwin Bachrach requested that this item be tabled until May 24, 1993 to discuss with the applicant what direction they wanted to go in with this proposal. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to table this item until May 24, 1993 with Dallon Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item until May 24, 1993. 7. A request for a minor subdivision for Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A pafl ol lh€ SW y1, NE y., Secllon 12, Tov'/nship 5 Sout|, Rangs 81 West of the 6lh P.M., doscrib€d as 6llow8; Bsginning at a poinl ot the Nonh-Soulh c€rtorline ot said S€ction 12 wh€nca an lron pin wlth a plastic cap matklng the cantgr ol E6ld Seclion l2 b€ars S00"38'56"W 455.06 f€6r; th€nce alono 6ald cantsdins N0ff38'56"E 122.81 fssl to the souhsrly ROW llne ol l-70i Planning and Environmenial Comm ission l,lay 10, 1993 '/ .ar l' . . honc€ deFarting said ROW lino N66"53'25"E 39.15 l6€ti thencs depErting sald ROW lln€ 981'23'19rE 105.42 lssl lo a pdnt al curyg; lhsnce 122.83 fgsl along lhs arc of a 143-20 foot radluG .xJrve to ths letl havlng a c€ntIal snglg ottlg.txtSl'and a shord ftal b€arB $15"57'45"E '119.10 feet: th€nc€ S40"32'108 3,00 fe€t frgncs 66.30 ioet along the arc ola 77,21 tDol radlus cufve b lho dghl, having a 'rsntral angle of 49"19't0- aM a chofd rhat b€ars St5"56!5"E 6/1,28 test; h€nc€ S8"40'0OnV 90.27 lsor: thencc N*42'24"W 224.551eEl; lhsncs S78'10'32"W 101.44 fosl to ths Point ol Beginnlng. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a brief presentation of the request and asked the PEC to make a formal motion and vote on this request. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approved the applicant's request for a minor subdivision per the staff memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion and a 6-0 unanimous votg approved this item. 8. An appeal of a stafl interpretation to not allow a cantilevered portion of a building into an area exceeding 40% slope. Applicant: Michael Lauterbachffhe Reinforced Earth Co.Planner: Shelly Mello Staff explained that a formal motion was not recorded at the April 26, 1993 PEC Meeting concerning this item and requested that a motion and vote be made. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to uphold the staff interpretation that a building cannot cantilever into an area exceeding 40% slope with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 unanimous vote upheld the statf interpretation. 9. A request lor a wall height variance to allow for the construction of a retaining wall exceeding three (3) feet in height in the front setback for the driveway to the residence located at 2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Arno BrinkmanPlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that the staff was recommending approval of this item with the condition that the steps be heavily landscaped with a mix of junipers, aspen and evergreen trees. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve this request for the wall height variance per the stafl memo with Dalton Wlliams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote approved this item. 10. A request for a discussion regarding The Valley, Phase ll, upper development area, concerning the soils testing requested by the PEC. Applicant: Steve GenslerPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Planning and Environmental Commission May 10, 1993 I MILLRACE PHAST III s 40'32'10' E - R:1 18.20 L:200.83 LC= 177.53 CB:S 08'08'18" PARKING AREAS 3.00 I 8025.0' fo 8024.5' MILLRAC PHASE l:49'12'lC" t R:102.21 t L=87.77 | LC:85.10 t CB=S 1556'0S Er 8016.0' E014.6', I 9014.3' I \ I \ 6),otfrlrnl .t \ 3V B\ 2-r"ffi n- 8015.7'q)" MILLRACE PHASE I .TD etrn .t r 6 q p Rl Af: MEMORAND.UM '; Planning and Environmental Commission ' Community Development Department Michael Lauterbach Jim Cuinutte $#F,v ,hpo€ .do qfpret/€ ilLI DESCRIPTION OF THE FEOUEST Michael Lauterbach, owner of an unplatted parcel of land located at 1335 Westhaven Drive, is , requesting minorsubdivision approvalin orderto platthe 0.819 acre (35,676 sq. ft) Millrace lllsite. The Millrace tlt property is bounded by Westhaven Drive on the east, the South Frontage Road righFof-way and the Westhaven Apartments property ("the ruins") on the north, Gore Creek on the south and the Cascade Club tennis court property on the west. The property is currently vacant with the exception of two paved parking areas, one unpaved parking area and a paved recreation path. il.BACKGHOUND The Millrace lll property has been zoned SDD since the time that it was annexed into the Town of Vail in '1974. There is no underlying zoning. ln 1980, a development plan (per the SDD) was approved for this property by the DRB. The approved plan allowed lor the construction of one triplex building on the property. One of the conditions attached to the original approval of the Millrace lll development plan was that the parcel be platted prior to the issuance of any building permits on the property. On February 8, 1993, ihe Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved a major amendment to the SDD in order to allow the applicant to construct one duplex and one single family residence on the site. The PEC recommended approval ol Mr. Lauterbach's major amendment request with seven conditions. Gt'(eS6o May 10, 1993 I A request for a minor subdivision for Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A,I Millrace llh 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village. more specilically described as follows: A Fa o{ fio SW y., NE %, Section 12. Township 5 Sourh, Range 8l We6t of fi€ 6th P.M,, d€s.dbsd ss bfows: . Beoinning at a point ot tho Nqdh€outh centerline ot said Secrion 12 whenc€ an iron pin with a p,astc cap msfklru the conlar of said S€clion t2 b€ars SO0%8'56"W 455,06 foet; rh€ncq along seid centerlin€ N@.3856"E '122.81 lssi to the soutrterly ROVV tlne ol l'70; lh€oce dopanlng said ROW lina N€6"53'25€ 3d,15 lser: th€nca deparlin! sab RArJ llna S81'23'19"E 165.42 le€t lo a pojnl of curye: th€nce 122.83 fsst along the arc ol a 143.20 toor radius curv€ to th€ lefr. . having a c€ntat aogle ol4goo851' and a chord lhat bears St 5'57?5-E r 19.10 le6t: rhence S40"32\O"E 3.OO fe€r; . rhooce 68.30ied along lhesrc ofa 7221 foot fadius curve to rhe righl having a conrral angle ot 49"1?'10'aftd a chord : lhal bears S15"56O5E &1.28 lest; rh€nce S8"40'@'W 90.e7 f€et thence N3E.4g'24'W 224.55 teer; f|gnce S78o1032'W 101.44 f€et to ths Poinl ol geginning. Applicant: Planner: G{ Please take note of condition No. 4, which is listed in botd type below. i ' l. : tne 6ite plan shall be amended to show a designated limit of construction activity line. This line should follow the 50 ft. setback line with the exception of the area behind the single family residence. The purpose of this line is to ensure that construction activity be limited to the area east of the line. A to the issuance of a building permit lor the project. Staff will then make periodic inspections to the property throughout the construction to assure that no disturbance occurs west of the construction barrier. The barrier should be of a design which not only delineates the limit of construction activity, but also provides for the control of sedimentation inlo Gore Creek. This banier may be accomplished through a combination of snow fencing, hay bales and fine mesh netting. 2. A 10 fi. pedestrian/fishermen's access easement sfrEit Oe provided along the shore ol Gore Creek. This easement should extend approximately 10 ft. Irom the high water mark of the creek to allow fishermen access up and down Gore Creek This easement will be dedicated at the time the minor subdivision is approved. 3. Additional landscaping shall be provided on the north side of the existing recreation path. This vegetation in addition to that shown on the landscape plan will help mitigate for the losses being proposed as a result of the construction of the two buildings. At a minimum, 10 aspen or ash trees (3" cal.. minimum) shall be provided along the path along with 10 - 20 evergreen and deciduous shrubs. Since this property is currently unplatted, a minor subdivision plat must be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town prlor to the issuance ot a buildlng permit tor the prolect. The applicant agrees to provide the necessary improvements to that portion of Westhaven Dilve direclly in front of his property line to bring the road up to Town standards. These improvements may include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, drainage, and a new lift of asphalt paving. Mr. Lauterbach presented his own wording to this condition which the PEC found acceptable. Mr. Lauierbach's wording is as follows: "l agree to comply with staff recommendations. I agree to participate with CVA in a road solution acceptable to the Town of' Vail. lf no solution has been approved by the Town of Vail prior : to a request for a TCO, I agree to bond or pay for the streeti improvements directly in front of my property line prior to issuance of a TCO; with recourse only to the CVA and Seller." 4. q lll, 6. Certafn minor modifications shall be made to the site plan, landscape ptan and. . floor plans so that features shown on any one of the three are accurately ,l reflected on all plans per the staff memo on page 6. These changes shall be 7. The sbuthern half of the single family residence shall be shifted 3 -5 ft. away from the road and that the entire building be shifted approximately 5 ft. turther to the north. The standard criteria for any minor subdivision includes lot size, road frontage and lot configuration which are different for each zone district. Because this is an SDD and there is no underlying zoning, there are no lot size, road frontage or lot configuration requirements for this minor subdivision. The minor subdivision is being completed in order to carry out several ol the conditions of approval identified at the February 8, 1993 PEe meeting. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the applicant's proposed minor subdivision with the following condition: 1. That technical corrections to the plat be made as identified by Town slaff prior to the issuance of any building permits on this property and prior to the recording of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. .l 2 #tdttP DATE RECEIVED BY GOMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT kruDDEC | 1992 APPLICANT APPUCANON FOR lfl NOR SUBD|V|S|ON REI/|EW CI{APTER 1720 VAIL ilUNICIPAL CODE (4 OR FEWER rOlB) (plaase print or t!rye) Mlchael Lauterbach MAILTNGADDRESS t'o' t'" 3451 u"tl' puoNeilE-E2jLn<o4tr B.PROPERTY MECM Enterorises.erick S. OEto OWNER'SSIGNA IilAILING ADDRESS Vai1, Colo PHONE 949-5380 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL (street address)1335 Wes thaven Drive LOTS FLOCK SUBDIVISON Mi11t""" Phtu" rrr D. E. F. FEE $250.00 PeD_l >so --_CHECK #-6jE-_DATE /r-l- ?r- (h/ The first step is to requeGffi rre zoninlEttiiffi assisi-ifr?-ty applicant in meeting the submittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylaF, of the proposal following the requiremenus tor a final plat below. Ceftdn of thes€ requirements may be waived by the zoning administator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission if debrmined not applicable to the project. 2. A list of all adlacent property owners (including those behind and across the street) WITH COMPLETE ADDRESSES shallalso be submitted. In addltlon, subnlt addressed, stamped envelopes for each of the aboye. 3. Title Beport verifying ornership and easements. lscneOutes A A B) 4. An environmental impact report may b€ required as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 of he zoning code. 5. FINAL PTAT - REQUIHEMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some ol thess requirements may be waived.) a. The subdivider shallsubmit four copies of the final plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any additional matedal as required below. Within thirty days of receivirq the complete and oonest submittal for a final plal, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy ol a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and poposal to be published in a nsutspaPer of general circula$on in the Town of Vail at least fifteen days prior b said hearing. Also, adjacent prope{ owners to tre poposed subdivision shall be notified in wriling at least seven days prior to the public headng. c. * ?-. Flnal Plat - Staff Revierrrr. The final plat shall be drcxrlatecl to and revlared by the lown's departnenB, Induding, but not limited lo Public Works, Transportalion, Community Development Recrealion, Administrauon, Police and the Flre Depaiment. Commsnb and concems of these &partments wlll be lorwaded to the PEC prior to the public hearing. End Plat ard qgpolBmentarv Matedal - contsnts. The final dat and supplementary materi.al shall contain tha folloving Inlormation: 1. The final plat shall be drawn in lndia ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably myhr) wiBr dimersion ol twenty-four by thlrty-six incfies ard shall be at a scale of one hundred fest b on€ inch or larger with magins of ons and onehalf b trffo incfiss on fte left arld one.half incfi on all other sldes. 2. Accurate dinrensions to tho nearest on+hurudredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, stegb, selbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved of dedlcatod for public or common uses and other impoilant fgatjres. All curves shall b€ circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc cfiord distances and bearings. Alldimenslons, bofr llnear and angular, ale to be determined by an accurate conbol surysy in ths fieH which must balance and close within a limit ol one in ten ftousand. 3. North arrow and graphic scale. 4- A systematic ldentification of all existirg and proposed buildirqs, unils, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. 5. Names of all adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of ahutting lots. lf adjoinlng land is unplatted, it shall be shoyvn as such. 6. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other publlc areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thoreof to the puUic use. An identification of the sasemenb as shonn on ths plat ald a grant thereot to the public use. Areas rsgerved for future public acquisition shallalso be shown on the plat. 7. A written survey description of the area includlng the total acreagg to the nearest appropriate significant fQure. The acreage of each fot or parcel shall be shown in lhis manner, as well. , 8. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a descripfion of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument porlmsbr per Colorado statutes. Tvvo perimeter monurnenb shall be estaHished as major control monuments, the materials which shall be debmined by the town engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10. A certificate by the registered land survsyor as outined in Chapter i7.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and hat the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revisad Statutes 1973, Tiile 38, Articte 51. 11. A certificate by an attomey admitted to practice in the state of colorado, or corporale title insurer, that the ovnerg) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are /I kruuDEC 1 I'TIIItI rtl Coldstrearn Condominium Associationtttillrace Condoniniurn Associationc/o Cascade Village properties 1476 Westhaven DriveVail, Colorado 8L657 Westhaven Apartmentsc/o Seafirst BankAttn: Stephen SalyerP.O. Box 34401Seattle, Washington 98L24-l-4Ol Colorado Department of Highways Mr. Chuck Dunn P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 / llLtj'UlttiU ;ii., t')- 'Pho':*> J'vl* 1 I O corostref condominiun Associatj-on " rA\"/ Millrace/Condorninium Associationc/o Cascade Village properties l-476 Westhaven Drive lail, Colorado g j_6S7 Westhaven Apartmentsc/o Seafirst BankAttn: Stephen SalyerP.O. Box 344o1_Seattle, Washington 98124-1401 Cb OT ctt-r*tlt ile+Y.,4io'n r4 o{ ,P1*-, r \*..-- o€ H.3L".J<{fs ,lao( Q,4rk*"-*9 r4"e" 0ei't<f C., . 9<> Rea 5+&t FOREST )UNDA LING NO. 3 PARCELS B,C,E, ; RIDGE FILING 2 ILvA oROIJSE GLEN 1480 PHASE tr TRACT B VAIL FOST OFFICE 1300 COLDSTREAM 5C 1476 9rga RLtl lroo G38 ||50 4 tol TRAST B tei MEUO TO:Jim Curnutte Toqrn of Vail Planni$g Staff FROM: Michael Lauterbach rK DATEr NoVember 11, 1993 RE: MiLl-race trr - cascade creek =;o#t &^^)(7 gJtl';. Attached are t\iro copies of the proposed subdivsion plat for Cascade Creek, forrnerly Millrace III . As soon as the ILC is complete, I would like to supply you with signed mylars and record the subdivision p 1-at . Please contact me i-f you have questions and thank vou ln advance for your consideration. ,t1 ntd..d tl,l2lgl DATE RECEIVED BY COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLICATION FOR MINOR-9UBDIVISION REVIEW 17.20 VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE (4 OR FEWEB LOTS) (please print or type) APPLICANT fu,,*1, n *f fn.lorlo-*L A MAILING ADDFIESS /5,* 9 A TI Va,'|, ca PH3NE 1'tC-C?44 B.PROPERTY OWNER /yl ,r:e-A s,_f ., t or-(- OWNER'S SIGNATUH MAILING ADDHESS 6o, i{rt Vq,{. Co PHONE 41c-(f# c.LOCATION OF PFIOPOSAL (street address)/aa { L-sf(.--- X".,-.-- D. E. LOTS ,4 +8 BLOCK SUBDIVISION C.<c.(.- Cr-*K FEE $250.00 pAro-$,-359-:91 cHEcK *--_-1 ttl- DArE-_:/-,t >:!2 The first step is to request a meeting with the zoning administrator to assist the applicant in meeting the submittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following the requirements tor a linal plat below. Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmenlal Commission if determined not applicable to the project. 2. A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the street) WITH COMPLETE ADDRESSES shall also be submitted. ln addition, submlt addressed, stamped envelopes for each of the above. 3. Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A & B) 4. An environmenlal impact report may be required as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. 5. FINAL PI3T. REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these requirements may be waived.) a. The suMivider shall submit four copies of the final plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any additional material as required below. Within thirty days of receiving the complete and correct submittal for a final plat, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of a notice ol the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Vail at least fifteen days prior to said hearing. Also, adjacent property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. r. B. c. Final Ptat - Staff Revigw : The final plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the town's departnents, including, but not limited to Public Works, Transportation, Community Development, Recreation, Administration, Police and the Fire Department. Comments and concems of these departments will be fonvarded to the PEC prior to the public hearing. Final Plat and Supplementarv Material - gontqlrts. The finalplat and supplementary materialshallcontain the following information: 1. The final plat shall be drawn in lndia ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one'half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. 2. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth ol a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. 3. North arrow and graphic scale. 4. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streeb. 5. Names of ail adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. It adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shown as such. 6. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification ot the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. 7. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner, as well. B. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado staiutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. L A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in chapter 17.92 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Articte 51. 1 1. A certificate by an attorney admitted to praclice in the state ot colorado, or corporate title insurer, that ihe owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are PLEASE }IA(E CHECK TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RTI{EN T O F CO iVl]VlTJl.{ iTY DEVELO P }IENT . S,\LES ACT]ON TOR}'T 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLOMDO 8i657 N,rltE ZCTE\'G .fu\D ADDRTSS !''A-PS0t 00004t510 LTNT.':O L\{ B IIjLDL.'-G CO D E 0l 000'J .{ 24 I 5 UMFOR.\,( PLU}'4BDiG CODE 0l Cfu1012415 0l 0000 42.r l5 | ulrrFoR}t trGcH,t{lc}.L coDE UNIFOR,\-' FIRE CODE0t 00c0 {:,{15 0t 0000{2.{lJ { N,rnoN,rlrlEcTPicALcoDE OTIIER CODE iCOKS0l r-'L'100 {1415 0t cs00 .i 1543 BLUE PRBfTS f\tYLAN 0l 0001{?112 | >:eaox coPEs/s'ruD[Es 0t 00c{ 42 3? I PENAI.TY FEES / RE.ij'-sPECTIONS 0l c4co"1t3i2 | pl,t\ REvigv F,E.cllicK FEE [s<0 FER liR. 0t 0000 4232r. I oFF t-louRs L\is?EcTtol'{ FEES C ONTi.\CTO R S LI CL\ S ES FE.I50r 00oo .{ l{ l2 0l 0000 4 1330 .01 0c00 41413 slcN APPLTcAt-ioi{ F;E ADDITION,\I. SICNACE F;,E ISI.O3 PER SO.IT.0t 000c 4l{ l3 VTC ART FROJECT DONAT]ON0t c00c.{21-.t0 ot o30o.t)331 lpaEp.a-ln DEstcN RE\lEvBoAR-D FEE OI Oo0O424I2 I NUTT,OTUC.CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI'TPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 TAx 01 0000 42371 INVESTIGATIoN FEE (BUTLDTNG)e50 0 0t 00001i330 lcoNDfn LYTERIOR, ALTI:.RAT]ON IIIORE THI.V IC,C SO.FT. SPECIAL DEVELOP.\{E,Yf D,113i0 lsPEcl,\LD 0t 0000 / l3i0 SFECL4L DEVELOP]\fENT DIS 0l 0ir00{t3 { 1i30 ; VARI.A,,\CE .11330 IZONINC CODE,LVE-vDl't LoTS A q {3 , C,ftScre? Go ?h * * * * * * * * x 5u -r{f LrFt aF uFt I t_ l,liscel l sneous Essh 11-lE-S3 E*r*ipr * l-3lsriiFlcr,:unt# i:ir.#i549 I{ I f, HF]EL LFLITEF.]Fff I:H'..5LIEII J J.I I'I I I.{TIFJ Hrric'Lrnt tE'ndE're,J .:' :5€r_ rr.lF Item paid Flmount paid 81ff€i8fi4133fi88fi tsr:t, ElEi llh.an'fe ret.urned :' iii" rri,J -I-Htfb{H v01J V,:,ur r.=:rhi*r FIEHTHFI , PLEASE TOIVN OF VAIL D EPA RTI{ E}iT OF CO lvl}Il,'i,l ITY D EYELOP}IENT' S,ILES ACTION FORI{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CoLORADO 81657 ZCT'L\IC .fu\D ADDR.EJS hfA}S0t 00004tJ{0 LrNFO L\{ B LTILDL\*C CO D E UMFOR.\{ PLU!6DiC CODE 0l 0c00 424 15 0l 0000{2415 UM FOR.\'T I{ECH,I-I{IC}.L CODE0l 0000 4 2.il 5 OI C4CO{:,{I5 I UNIFOL\{ FIRECODE 0t ocoo {2{ t5 | N,rnopit- ELECTtuCAL coDE I 0l 0000{21r5 loniER coDEiooxs 0t m00.llJ13 BLUE PRDTIS O'YLAT{S ):EROX COPEs/s'iUDtES0l 00{}1 {211 ? 0l 00co 423? I i pux,rt-ry FEES / RE-r'''-sPECltor..'S 0t 00c0 .{ t 332 | FL,LV RE\.J5ir' RE-C|]ECX FEE [Sr0 PER FiR.l I 0t 0c,00 42321 | OFF ltOURS biSPECTtON FEES CONT}{,\CTO RS L]C L-\S ES F E.EJ0l 0000.11{!2 0l 0000{1330 I oT}tER FTES .0t 0000 41113 | slcN APPL:CA]'IoN F;E ADDIT'ONA', S1CNAGE F"E ISI.D.1 i:ER, SO.IT.0t 000041413 0t 0000.12.i.{0 !.TC ART PROJ;.CT DONAT]ON PRE P.dJD DESIGN R.EVIEW IOARD FEE0l 0co0 '{ t 33l OI OO.]0424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI'{PUTER DI *'0I 0000 4r0r0 TAX .01 0000 42371 INVESTIGATIoN FEE (BUILDING) TorAL DUE: S trc- 000,t I r 330 R ALTTRA]ION ILE5SI c0004t330 0l 0m0.1t330 EKIER]OR, ALTE.q.{ L DEVSLOP,\0t 0000.t l3 )'lz\JOR Ar\4 EVELOPIfENT DISTRICT ll't6r'OR AI',E\D0l 01100 ! l330 r sPEcL4 0t ft1004t330 0t 0000 J t3 0 t 0000 .r I 330 0t 000041 ., , ': : Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. MeadowDrive, Suite:90 Vail, Colorado 81657 3A31476-2170 August 10,1993 ChuckFcldmann Town of Vail Building Dept 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Mill Race III Westhaven Drive Vail, Colorado Dear Chuck: This is to confirm that the foundation walls on the above noted residence described by Section B will be appropriate for I l' heiglrt within 12'of a building comer providing that the floor diaphram is ledgered into the wall to provide resi$tance against the lateral forces from the additional soil height. Please give me a call if you have any questions regarding this matter. t President fl.$ii:s;l.ietsrso;:.{ 14s os if, 'rt e! fu.-t'$r$ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of cominunity development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL SpLuMerNcI rounoRrroru NOTE DATE - I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP DlvlsloN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF !,I New single family TYPE GROUP ALTERATION () DWELLING UNITS - AC HEIGHT IN FT - N( TYPE T'I *G I IIN >1 q' Ttr,I't\ I i' l.t 'j 3 !D 'rc ;8 t. tlll 5 t\!lstfer R'.. rk\\\Y J? ;{5 SOLAR AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEE ST. CUT I hereby acknowlec comoleted an accur agree to comply wil laws, and to build I review approved, Ur CLEAN UP DEPOS. FI -ll-fl z{ C f1zrJze o t\) b..J N) tfJtvI rr1la| 1-l t'jI t; tvtz- IY X zU)fi - z ru 'u) 4 z 'vIt tr z \J z- z z tlJ s q-\ \ (\t-; 5" \{J F..i l'!r F{ V) \l .l rtl c\ e\ tr Ft t$r t). \.\ \ INSULATION: TYPE .a r TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT i.HILLRACE IIl PERMriNo. 002S3S contractor's copy to b6 kepl on lobslte. 1335 T{ESTfiAVET{ DRIVE Permit F€e $ 75 ' oo Bill to: p6;6. JTNEIL TURNBULL -\\A (Publlc Wofks) INSPECTION REMARKS: Receipt#: 3992 (Fubllc Work8) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED ,&' APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT Mlllrace III tt tI 19 ?l ; 1335 l{erthaven Drivc 1.Job Name W Y Conrtructlon Legal Description Eggle 328-6641 Streel Address P.O. Box 508 Excavating Contrac'tor Name 11- l-93 Address l1-4-93 Phone #TOV Contractor's License Numb6' 3. workistor6irce"^{T^p sewer \"--13-ndscaping Trench-width 4' Start Date (min. 4') BondAmount $ 0 06 Town ot Vail: lrrigation (479-2161) Comoletion Date Length CATV (Permit Expifalion Date) OtherGas Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access /,ttt Depth 1t .: I I Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ 6. 7. 8. ALL MATERIAL. EQUIPMENT. AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt sudaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option ol routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagfe Valley Water and Sanitation (476-74.80l, j /, Pubfic Service Company (1-800-922-1982) i'' i i{,. /t..ia-- {'4 /,s ,' 'l { ?' PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) .: Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) 'l t: - ''i U.S. West (1-8oo-922.r9r#j -J TCI Cablevision of the Rockies,(949-5530)r I tttL*tl-) 'r> (479-2171) Public Works (479-21 58) l THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bnl fl2). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. '1 2. I certity that I have read;il| chapters of T'itle 12 - Streels and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Cod€ and all utility company Dale of Signature Electricians 9. 10. 11. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PI.AN I Shoraj streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. i I Ili I i P'! I <4^rT \'.: \ ,.,,"+11-.,..- t.,.. \t..o Q-- ,,,., \ -ah,J' 4 t/,'v<-'4pr\.r\..-_- '.za\ -----r ,/ \* -\\-.\i\ -TlP 3 | ttrr < ''---..-_ AIt4tt"? r/. tt'ti4ar'r THIS lS NOT pUBLIC WAy pERMIT! While - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor Contractor's Signalure of Agreement PERMTT No. C: i 0 !i'*1 Contractor's copy to be k€pt on iobsile.IT -l TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERM 1.335 Westhave:.r Drlve1. 0. lltul 4 I{irrLurr. Co 31 (Excavatlng Name. Address. Phong, and Lic€ns€ No.) LANDSCAPING TEMPORARYSITEACCESS Work is for (circle one) permit Fee $50,00 - Bill at end of 'r'cirr Bill to: Publ.lc Servl-ce Compr'rn_.1 Paid: (PublicWorks) INSPECTION REMARKS: /'WATER SEWERL*qAS,.ELECrH|C TELEPHONE CABLE rv OTHER . ', .. ; rl' . t ,, '-:.-'' '< u- ' (Contractor's Signalure) (Job Name or Localion of work) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATT :l ifloN FoR VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 Legal Description Street Address TOV Conlractor's Licens€ Number Starl Date 4. Work is for {circte one)Water Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric Temporary Site Access Length Permit Fee $ Telephone CATV (Permit Expira'lion Date) Other Landscaping Trench-width (min.4') Depth t::' Bond Amount $rotal idimit pee g 6. 7. 10. I t. \.. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES N,TTJ}V Sg'OTVTT\EJOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. '\.\ ' . ,'^\\,..\ '.. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment wfren wortiffilrfih.tt. n Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times."ll : 8. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town oJ Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. .. . - UpperEagleValleyWaterandSanitation (476-7480) t, .,, iI i | -L't^. / '' Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-8OO-922-1987) / ' TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) . --- t"_- Town of Vail:r lrrigation (479-2161) ( Public Works (479-21 58)to- ,-E- ? THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 1 8" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in torfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contraclor's Signature of Agrsement Date of Signature 'lJ ATTACH PLAN OFWORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. . THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PEFMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Commulnity Development Gold - Contractor --"\--- /.^, Electricians (47s-2121) (,\'Lt < 9. 12. PUBLIC WAY IT TOWN OF I VAIL PERM PERMrr"o.0[e52? Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. 1.UILLMCE III !.{I,I,Li'"ACE IIl , CASCA}E T/ILLAGE -4ry co:{STRUcTIO}'i pO BOK 50:? EAGLT:. CO (Excavaling Contraclor's Name, Address I I o E I ii I 'o) E 3 3. Work is for (circle one) WATER SEWER GAS ELECTFIC TELEPHONE CABLE TV OTHER LANOSCAPTNG TEMPORARY S|TE ACCESS ,.. ./ /', 1..-f' / Permit Fee nalnuffist" $75.00 t.".','."", " -g".*q Ef,I{XXL\X3XXTtrf,tsBill to: Paid:JAI{EIL T1J}iBUI,L Receipt #: 594! (PublicWorks) INSPECTION FEMARKS: (Public Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED .4rt .,. "l'3APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL t PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 93 Mlllrace lII Mlllrace III, Caacade Vlllage ,i 1335 Weethaven l' Drl.ve Job Nam€ WY Congtructlon Legal Description Steet Address , Box 502 EagIe Colo 158-X Excavating Contractor Name TOV Contractor's Lic€nse Number " July l. 1993 Decenber l. 1994"' start Date 4. Work is for 6ircte one) Water Sewer Landscaping Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth NA Bond Amount $ {rr- Permit Fee ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT. AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be Drotected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessaryTownofVail signatures.Pleaseallowonewee\to11"::?" ,,frh r.^t It'I1../ Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) ! : ' r Public Service Gompany (1-800-922-1987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987), Arl ^[L- { Gas Electric Telephone CATV Other , Acceee"!l- Temporary Site Access NA 7. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail:(Dlnigation (479-2161\Electricians (47 9-217'l) Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 1 8" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department al 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I cenity that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, sigped by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been noti{ied as required.' //! c'7 I ! :.-/ ). '.r. ij Contractor's Signature of Agreemenl , Oalo of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PI_AN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. .\. \ White - Public Works 10. 11. 12. Yellow - IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMITT -^/ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO TSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT flpLuMerNc FOUNDATION ^-ruCp BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL Df JOBNAME: Millrace IIl S.F. FILING M{llrnre TTT neue Michael Lauterbacl] MAILADDRESS BoX 3451 clTY Vail 81658 pa 6-6944 F|RM Steve Riden MAtLADDRESSRox 32 38 GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM MichaelLauterbach TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, 374-8 47 6-6944 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO FIRM Statewide Electric TOWN OF VAIL HEG. NO, 128-E 438-6927 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM ccl P&H _ MECHANICA CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, E NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOSSITE June 23, 1993u,tttE - PERMIT NO. I hereby acknowledge lhat I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEP0SIT TOLn,,l*XHuPfue SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOB FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNEf,. ,s+ 51 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I II III I V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 122a.34 GENERAT OESCRIPTION OF WORI( ' New single fanily residence onlv. TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT 1252.00 ELECTRICAL 53.00/PC 13.00 /i4NEWXX) ALTERATION ( ) ADDITIONAL ( I RFPAIR OWELLING UNITS HEIGHT 'N FT - ACCOMMODATION UI.{I]S _ INSULATION: RECREATION FEE TOTAL PERMIT FEES 3433.00 --Eel"duaur - - L-U-9L-OFFICIAL OATE {ING & BUILOING NOTES: "'"arrier has been installed & Dlat has en recorc.e THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PROJECT TITLE: WALTON DUP NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT T^,tt6 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 895-0381 Department of Community Development75 Soath Fronnge Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX97U79-2452 Occupancy Dwellings Privat.e Garages Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 2103-t2L-L7 -002 PRJg 5-02 31 Status...: ISSUEDappIied..: 10/27/199! Issued...: 1L/06/t99!Expires..: 05/04/L991 Phone; 3038275231 Phone: 3038275231 AP"LICANT GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 721, MINTURN CO 81645OWNER LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J PO BOX 3451, VAIL CO 81658 Description: DUPLEX ^ /--- /r\ fru --1-.o'^ , ',.'l'.uH4h-rysl'- 'r/ (,\ 3 L{z- ILsctnctcz- l@W o . Nurnber of Dwelling units ,"t662 Table Date: 06/20/1995 Tor,tn F ireplace InforDat ion: Restpicted: Y Total Val-uation:of Vail Adjusted Valuation: #0f Gas App[ iances:#0f Gas Logs: 2 TYPC Zone 3 V-N zone 3 V-N Recreation Fee--------> C lean-Up DePosit----> Factor Sq. Feet Valuation 325,5L2.94 18r315.46 343,828.40 343 | 828 .40 420,000.000 dof tlood/Pal,tct: 4,1.f.3.15 .00 1,443.15 1,483.15 .00 L32 .43 35.02Subtotal: 2 ,459 523 2 r9g! Totat catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees------> Tota I Permit Fec----> **********ffirkffi*rr***.rttrffir.r*tr**rcffi*t*ffi FEE SUI'll,lARy Jr:H HffiH*{r******t***H*tnti**fr*rr**r******tr Bui tding-->' 2,020.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev i ev--> Pten Check-) Investigation> [itt cgtt--> I ,,313.00 -@ 5.00 .00 400.00 417 .15 500.00 4,4E3.15 BALANCE DUE--_ rffi**irr*ll'rlr*tt*l#,t***rrt'r*********ffifirH*t**ffifi**ffiffi******************ffi**#tr*ffir*****fi*tr***/r**ffitr trtem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTa!/o6/1995 CHUCK Acrion: APPRItem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT1L/06/L995 CHUCK Acrion: APPRNtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTLl/O6/1995 CHUCK Action: AppRIteM: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS LL/.O6/L995 cHUcK Action: AppR REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IIt ADVANCE 8Y Send Cl,ean-tIp Deposit To: GRAY-STONE Dept 3 Dept: Dept: Dept: BUILDING Division; PLANNING Division: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: OFFICE FROII #(*#tlrtrr*uik*:f***t r**t*********ffi*****ffiffiffi*ffiH*#t**rri*Jr|**Jrt*f,***********tf**t*ffiffirritr**********f,**i*ffi*** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATlONS I hereby acktovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,l, the information required, conpteted sn €ccurate ptot ptan, and slFtc that alt thc inforeation providcd as required is coFect- I agree to Gompty vith the information snd plot ptan, to comPty vtth aLl, Toirn ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure according to 's zonihg and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, UniforR Buil,ding code and other ondinances of the {S'"n*o'ui' OR COI'ITRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF ANO OII},IER 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Permit #: 895-038L PAGE 2 Department of Community Development StaIus: ISSUED *******************************************************************************l CONDT?TONS OF APPROVAI, as of t7/06/95 *******************************************************************************t Pernit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMITApplicant: GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION Job Address: 1333 WESTHAVEN DRLocation:Parcel No: 2LO3-12L-L7-002 ****************************************************************************J.**, CONDITIONS****************.***************************************************************{ ].. TI{IS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUDST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAI, MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. Applied: Lo/2? /]-e9sIseuedr lL/06/1995 {S*un"uoruo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** **** ** * r. * * * * ** * * * :t** * * TOWN OF VAIt, COLORADO Statemnt*********************r******************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0095 Amount: Payment Method: CK4399 Notatl-on: 4,383.Ls LL/06/95 15:32Init: DIMC Permit No: 895-0381 TIT)e: B-BUILD NEW (SFRTP/STDUP) PE ParceL No: 2lA3-12\-17-0OzSite Address: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:41383.15 Total ALL Pmt6: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PIAN CHECK FEES CI,EANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 4,483.L5 4,483 .1-5This Payment * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. -:il?i::i * * * * * * * * * * * * i 19 * * Anount 2,020.O0 100 . o0 1, 313. 00' soo.oo 447.t5 3 .00 NOTE: TEIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: WALTON DUPLEX NEW (SrR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 895*03 81 ALL #: 75 South Frontage Road Vai[ Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Description: DUPLEX 0ccupancy DweJ.lingsPrivate Garages Department of Community Development Job Address:Location... rParcel No..:Project No,: 1333 WESTTIAVEN 2103-121-1?-002 PRJg5-02 31 ISSUED LO/27 /leelLL/06/Leel 05/04 /199t DR Statu6,.. Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . APPTICANT GRAY_STONE CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 721, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645OWNER LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J PO BOX 345L, VAIL CO 81658 Phonez 3O38275231 Phone: 3038275231 Number of Dwelling Units:. OO2Factor Sq. Feet Valuation132.43 2,458 325,5I2.9435.02 523 18f 315.46 Subtotal z, 2 ,981 343. 828,40Total Valuationi 343,828.40Vail Adjusted Valuation: 420,000.000 .00 Totat catcu(ated Fees*> 4,483.15 200"00 Additiona{, F€es------> .00 447 .15 Total ParDit Fee-------> 1,4E3.15 Deptl BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNfNG Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DeDt: PUB WORK Division: offlcE Fno Table Date: 06/2A/1995 Town of Type Zone 3 V-N Zone 3 V-N ?.0?0.00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu-> t,313.00 DRB Fr€------- .00 Recreation Fee---------> 3.00 Ctean-{rp Dcposit---*-> TOTAL FEES-.--- Fireptace Information: ReEtricted: Y #of 68s Apptiances:fof 6as Logs: 2 fof l,,ood/Pattet: ******.}tffiffiffr't********* FEE SUI IARY ***iff*ffir.*'ffi*f,ffi* Bui Ldi ng-----> P lan Check-> Investigatioh> l,liIL catl---->500 , 00 Paymenl s---- 4,ra3.15 BALANCE DUE------>.@ ****|**tr**i"**ffitri#ntf,*f*'r'r***!ht^f,****t**tfkt}******r.*ffitrH*S**lrt**ff*******ffit**ff******ffi*ffi*Mrt*t***ttr*ffidctrr* ITem: 051OO BUILDING DEPAR?MENT7l/06/1995 cHucK Acrion: AppRITem: 054OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT LL/CI6/L995 CHUCK Acrion: AppRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTll/o6/I99s CI{UCK Action: AppRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS LL/o6/1995 CHUCK Action: AppR ,****tr}**r'***tfftrk*lrfi,rtr***ti**'t*rt***fr***lrf,***t******#*i*ffi*t"tr.f,r**tffifffffr***#********t##*t****tH**Hdiffiff See Page 2 of this Document, for any condiLions that rnay apply to this perrnj-t. DECLARATIONS I hereby Ecknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out ln futl, the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptot pl'an, and state that aL[ thc infornation provided as required ls corlect. ! agree to conpty uith the infarmation and ptot pl,an, to conpty Hith att ToLrn ordinances and stete [avs, and to bui td this structure according to 's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Unifofn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the REqUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STTALL BE TIAOE TTIENW-FOUR HOURS TI ADYII{CE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: GRIY-SToNE {;*ot uor*i* OR COITRICTOR FOR HII'ISELF AI{D OI.INER 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21s9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Communiry Development PAGE 2 *******************************************************************************l CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 895-0381 as of !!/06/9s Status: ISSUED*******************************************************************************t Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMITApplicant: GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION Job Address: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Location: Parcel No: 2103-12t-17-OO2 Applied: 70/2't /L99sIssued: tL/06/L995 *******************************************************************************t CONDITIONS**************************************************************:*****************, 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE TMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SUR\rEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAT MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. {p*"uo o * ** * * * * * * * rl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * rl * * * * rr* * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC*0095 Anount: Payment Method: CK4399 Notation:4,383.L5 r7/06/95 15:32Init: MMC This Palment * **** **** *i *******d.********* ********---nl*:i** ***** ******i99** Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:4,383.15 Total ALL Pmts: Description BUILDING PERMIT I'EES DESIGN REVTEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEA}IUP DEPOSITS RECREATTON FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE Permit No: 895-0381 Tlpe: B-BUILD Parcel No: 2103-L2L-L7-OA?Site Address: 1333 WESTI{AVEN DR NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE 4,483. 15 4,483. 15 Amount 2,O2O.OO 100 . 00 1, 313 . 00 500. oo 447.L5 3. O0 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: WALTON DUPLEX NEW (SI'RrP/STDUP) PERMTT Job Address: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Locati-on. . . : ParceL No.. ; 2L03-I27-17-002Project No. : PRJ95-023L APPI,ICANT GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 721, MTNTURN CO 81645OUINER LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J Po BOX 3451 t VArL CO 81658 Description: DUPLEX Occupancy DwellingsPrivate Garages JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 895-0381 ALL #: Table Date: o6/2O/L995 Fi reptace Inforration: Restricted: Y Status..,: APPROVEDApplied..: L0/27/1995 Issued...: LL/06/7995 Expires,.: 05/04/1996 Phonez 3038275231 Phone! 3038275231 Number of Dwelling Unita: 002 FacLor Sq, Feet Valuation L32 .43 2,458 .325 r5L2 .94 35.02 523 18,315.46 Subtotal z 2,981 343,828.40 Total Valuation: 343,828.40 vail Adjueted Valuation: 420'000.000 #0f Gas Logs: 2 flof t ood/PaL Let: Type Zone 3 V-N Zone 3 V-N Town of #of Gas Appti ances: *** FEE SUi tARy ffi*flt*****t****l**f**tri Totaf. catcutatcd Fees---> 4,$3.15Bul tding-----> Ptan check---> . Investigation> l,,i l. L Ca L L----) 2,gzo.oo Rastuarant Plan Revi eH*-> 1,515.00 DRB Recreation Fee--------'-> Ctean-Up Deposit-------> Additional, Fees---------> Total Pemit Fee------> Psyrents----- BALANCE DUE_-- Dept: BUILDING.Divieion: Dept: PLANNTNG Division: Dept: FIRE Division: .m 3.00 .00 200.00 447 .15 500.00 .00 4,Aflfj,15 100.00 4.3E3.15 #ffit**rr** TOTAL FEES_--- Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT LL/O6/L995 cHUcK Action: APPRrtem: O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMENT 11/06/1995 CHUCK Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTrI/o6/L995 CHUCK Action: APPRrtem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 17/06/L995 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: PUB !{ORK Division; See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hepeby acknovledge that I have read this appLlcation, fil,Led out in fuLl the information required, coipleted an accurate P[ot plan, and 3tatc that at[ the inforrEtion providcd as requircd i3 cqrrcct. I agrce to compty yith thc information and ptot Pt!n, to compl,y Hith atl, Tonn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure acconding to the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codes, desigLn reviev apprcved,, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the ToHn appl,icabl,e thereto. RESUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 47}-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO ATI 5:fi) PlI Send C Lean-Up Deposit To: GRAY-sTol'lE SIGilATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELI AND OINER PAGE 2 ********************tt*********************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 895-0381 as of l!/A6/95 $tatus: APPRoVED****************************.**************************************************** Permit Type: NEw (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: tO/27/1995Applicant: GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION lasued: lI/06/1995 Job Addrese: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Location: Parcel No: 2LA3-'1.21-I7-002 ****rk**r?****************************************************r.**************.***** CONDITIONS ********!t*********************************************************************** ].. THIS PROJECT WII.,I, REQUIRED A S]TE TMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SSRVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REOUEST FOR A FRAME ]NSPECTION.2. A?TIC SPACES SIIAI,L ITAVE A CEII.,ING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM gHE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTI,Y ABOVE. *.*Cont ac t f,';*.iJ';i 't Eagle County 28-8640 for PERMIT APP DATE , Appr,rcATro' MUsr BE FrLr.ED our "l#o*"o" o* It ***** * ** ** * ** * * * * *** * * * ** ** * * PERMTT TNFORMATIONtl . 2 r"""""d| orrr."$ n' *Vfc- ParceL //. ToI{N oF vAIt coNsTRu D Job Name Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: "*"&furyt **************************i*, Ph.9t 2 | g7{"uLtuinn Job Address: Address:.? ,n.?(t t I J-other ,/'rtwork class: lPf-Nev [ ]-Arteration t l-Aclditional t l-Repair t l-other Number of Dwelling Units. Z Nunber of Acconmodation Units: .Plumbing Contractor; Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUII{DING PERMIT FEE: PLUI.IBING PERI.IIT FEE : MECEANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAT FEE: OITIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: lP*"r and rype of FS.repJ-aces: cas Appliances ' cas Logs_ wood/petlet_ F*tt'tr.***************************** VALUATToNS ********************************r turrorne , W ,ry ELEc?RrcAr., + ,( orHER: $ ^Bf,nHBrNG: $ ,y MECHANTCALTIIr-- ToTAL:-}T ^*:r***************t *)F|*C****A/CONStRACIIOR INFORMATfON ***************************'Y:i:I1l c1g$acf-oyz rown or vail Res. No./v-6_Address: 2rd72 ,(thnr phone Number: Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Torn of Vail Phone Number: Address: * *it** * * ***+** * *** *** ** ********* FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* PI.AN CHECK F'EE:AUTLDTNG PLIII'IBING PLAN CHECK FEE: II'ECHANTCAL PI.AN CTIECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAT PERMIT BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! CLEA}T TIP I'EPOSIT *XPIINI} TO: TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM o ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PEHMIT'- IS REQUIRED 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Job Name: l.)afa' Please answer lhe following queslionnaire regarding lhe need for a "Pubtic Way Permit': NO Is this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other lhan existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easements, or pubfic property? ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or fencing plan required by Community Development? ll you answered yes to any ol lhese questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at lhe Public Works ofiice or at Communitlt Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis,thaTown of Vaif Construction Inspec{or, at 479-2158. / t '// ,/ PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fillout our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoplication- lf yes was answered to any of the above questions. then a "public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development,. located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 VailValley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate, 3) A construction traffic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all trafiic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 1sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not eonfuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit'to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above process is for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. cdlFrray TOI{N OFVAIL 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 t 38 / 479-2 r 3e FAX 303-479-2452 IITFORMATXOIT $EEDED 9fiEil APPTYIIIG FOR Department of Communiry D.eveloprnent ITECHAITCAI.. PEn}lrIA HEAT LOSS CALCULA"TONS. fO SCAI,E FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANTCAL ROOM WITH EQUIPI{ENT DRAWN IN ?O SCAI.,E, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSTONS AND BTU RATINGS oF ALL EOUIPI'{ENB IN r'IECHANTCAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND r,ocATroN oF coMBusTIoN ArR DucTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS IINES. NOTE WHETHSR ELEVATOR EOUIPT'{ENT WJLL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM, FN,ILI'RE 1'O PROVTDE !HIS TltFOnl'AlTOU }'I!T DEI.|AI YOTIR PERMII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 75 south trontrge road ysll, colorado 81657 (3{r3) 4792138 (30o) 47$2r3s office of community dwelopment NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/O?{IIER BUr&DERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following: procedures Lo ensure that new const.ructionsites have adeguately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail PubJ-ic iforks Department wiJ.I- be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of VaiI roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points frorn the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelect.rical or any other i-nspection. Please call 4'79-2160 torequest an inspect.ion from the Public Works DepartmenL. Allow a minimum of 24 hour not.ice. A1so, the Town of VaiI Public Works Department will be approvingall final drainage and culvert installation wiLh resulting roarrpacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior toFi.nal Certificate of Occupancv issuance. 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 oftlce o, communlly development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: AtL CONSRACTORS CI'RRENTIYL REGISIERED WITII THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBLIc woRKs/coMMttNITy DE\ELOPMENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & IIATERIAIJ STORAGE rn surunary, ordinance No. G states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any ."irr-t""k, sand, debrisor materi-al , including trash i,umpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehictes. upon any streetl =iaE"airl -;t;;y or publicpI?:" or any porrion theieor. The risht:;;_;;-an att Town ofVai] streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off, pavement.This ordinance wilt be -triEiiy-enforc'ed-uy-it"-town of vai]Public works De'artment. Bers6ns found viltating this ordinanceyil]- be given a 24 hour writien notice to remove'said rnateriar..fn the event the person so notified does-";i-;;;pty with thenotice within rhJ 24 hour time-"p""iii&,"il"';;ltic wortcsDepartment wilr remove said nateii"i at iir"-'"xpJ"re of personnotified- The provisions or ini= orainance ,h;ii not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,.irrt"rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or aLley or any utilities in it"-iltiri_"_""y. To-review ordinance No- 6 in fur-r., prease stop by the Tolrn ofY1_iI Bui+ding oepartment to obrain a copy. ttrant you f,or yourcooperation on this rnatter. pto (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 south frontege road Y8il, colorado 8f657 {so3) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 ofllce of communlty devclopment BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FM}IE If this pe"rylt requires I Towl of Vail Fire Deparfnent Approval,Engineeq's. (Pybtic Works) review and approvai,' " piinnini'oepartnent review or Hea'tth Departn6nt.review, anb'a-review iv-iiii duifiing - - Departunent' tlie estimated time for a totai ieuie"-fov"Ll! as r6ngas three weeks. l]1,.1ry:l:ial (.large or sma't't) and alt mu.tfi_family permits willnave to foltow the above mentioned maximum requiremEnis. Residential :19.:i11]-p"ll"!t:.shouid take a 'lesser anouni of time. However, ifresroenE]'ar or smaller.projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with regard' to-necessary review,-tG;; p"oj..Ii ruyalso take the three weet pe"ioC.-- r' - Every attempt wil] be Tlge by this department to expedite thispenni't as sqon as possible. I-' the undersr'gned, understand the plan check procedure and timef-rame. Comrnuni ty Development Department. o EVELOTOWN 75 S. VAffO DEPARTMENT OF COI,IMIINITY D PMENT 97 75 Sauth Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 NOTE: 97 0-479-2 I 3 8/47e-2 I 39 FAX970-479-2452 THIS PERMIT MUS3 BE POSTED PLWBING PERMIT Departntent of Community Devehpment ON JOBSI?E AT ALt TIMES Permit, *: P96-0025 I"IOUNTAIN HIGH PLU{BING P O BOX 54?, AVON CO 81620 },IOUNTAIN HIGH PLUI"IBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J PO BOX 3451, VAIL CO 81658 150.00 .00 3.00 StaLus...: ISSUED Applied. .: 0a/t/1996 Issued...: 04/Ll/1996 Expires . .: L0/08/1996 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 40, ooo . o0Valuation: Totat calculated Fees--> AdditioEl, Fr?s----> Tota[ Perrit Fcr--) Paynents-----___-1 Job Address Location... Parce1 No.. Project No. 1333 WESTIiAVEN DR 1333 WESTTTAVEN DR 2103-121-17-002 PRJg5-02 31 Description: PLUUBING FOR NEw RESIDENTIAL ffi*t*kt*kfffilfJ'**t*r**r tEE SUl.lllARY P tumbing--> 500.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev-) ToTAL FEES---------> APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Ptan chcck---> Investigation> lli t t cstt._> .00 753.00 753.00 .00 753.00 753.00 ffi **t*ffiffi ffi ir**f, ******r***l***i****r*-***:i"T:llljfu ** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/ll/t996 cHARtlE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVrS fi rffi*t**l*******f i*i:ts**ff #*t#*ffi**ffi**tr**t*********t****fi**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. TIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE **t*****litfu.tik**#** DECTARATIONS I hcreby .cknovLedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futt the infornction rcquired, conptcted an rccuratc ptot plan, and state that alt thc in{orraation pfovidcd as required is correct. I agree to conpty vith lha inforration and plot ptan, to cor'ply uith atl, Toyn ordinances Bod statc [avs, and to buiLd this itfuctur. according to th! Tovn's zoni ng and gubdivision codcs, dcsign revier approved, Uniforr Buitding Codc cnd otheF ordinancca of the Tom apptl cabl.e ther.to. REOUESTS FOR INSPEC'TIOXS SHALL BE I,IADE TIJENTY-FOOR HOURS 1I{ AOVAiICE BY ottlcE FRolt AI{D OIINER fr RECrcLED PAPER to coirpty codes, des i REOUESTS TOR TUTN OFVAil" 75 South Fronnge Road Vail" Colorada 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 .". "nd "Of"vs, and to bui td this structure "".o"aingJh Tovn's zoning and subdivision unifofr Buitding code and othef ordinances ot the Toun aPPflcabtc th.reto. BE IIADE TIJEIITY-fOUR HOURS IN 479-213E 0R AT oUR OFftCE rRo[ 8:00 A[ 5:00 Pfi {7'*o'o'^'o DEPARTI"IENT OF COI4,fUNITY D PMENT o EVELO +i,f0il63 75 South Fronmge Road VAiI, COIOTAdO 81657 NOTE : THI S PERT"'IT MUST BE 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAXg7O.47g-2452 MECHANICAL PERMIT **H**rffil***r****i******f,*#tiit*ffi rhl*k}l|1h'it*ffi* .00 TotaL catcutated Fcrs--> 1.m3-00 .00 Additional Fees------> .00 1,m3.oo Total, Pefnit Fec----> 1,005-00 Pay sri-Alce ouE-*-- 97 TOWN OF Job Address...: Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 1333 WESTHAVEN 210 3-121-17 -002 PRJ9 5-02 31 D eparfinent of Community Development POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0022 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . z 04/.LL/.tss6 Issued...; 04/LL/L996 Expires. . : 1o/08/t996 Phone:827-5'124 co 81501 Phone:82"1-5724 co 81501 APPTICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION OWNER LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J PO BOX 3451, VArL CO 81658 Description: MECH FOR NEI^I DUPLEX Fireptace In{ornation: nestr i cted: Y #0f 6as App Ii snces: S0C.00 Restuarant Plan Revi eH-> 200.00DRBFee__---_.m ToTAL FEES------> 3.00 Valuation: #Of Gas Logs: 2 4o/ 000.00 fof t ood/Pattet: **l*rJr*'i*lrtirrii*****frllt**riir:l**l**th#trirf,trtr*rr*iiffi****i*t.i FEE SUlll'IARY I'lechani cat*-) Ptan Chect-> tnvestigat ion> ui Lt catt-_> *ffi*****i*ttirt ***t ***t**ft***t*****rrt*irft*Fi***:H*t***|r***t***fl*t******"tsi**ti*il*****i*****"i'* rten: 05100 BuILDING DEPARTMEII! --Pgpt: BUILDING Division: 447T1/1996 CHARLIE Action: AP?R CHARIJTE DAvIs CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO-CHEqK EqR-qgDE CQMPLT-ANCE. 2 . cofreusii6ir-AiR- 15 itnEul$o gER sEc: -qo?-QF-TEE- le91 -lJuc,.--3 . if dinii.,eilo-ti-iiuSi Cbfr Foml- 1|-MANUTASTqRE s INsrRUcr IoNs AND- to APFENDTx cHAPTER 21 oF THE 1991-Ul=19..-- -- ----+. Gis'ai,FiI[iicE5---sFnill-Bu VsNrEo AccoRDIblG-To qHAPTEB 9 AND-- Snllt-teru'tixEfn-as SpserriEt rN sEg.996 9E-THE-1991-uUQ-.s. ECCESS-rii-H-tiAiInG-EOUTPMENT MUsr coMPLY wrrH sEc.s05 AND 703 OF THE 1991 IJMC.o. 6oitBir.s-Sfraii-ee-iA60Nrnp oN FLooRs oF NqNcQMEqETTBLE coNsr.-- UNLESS-Lrs?ED FOR MOUNITNG ON COMBqSTIELE-I qRrNG?. FEFfrIT,FiENS-AiiD--c6t8-ANAtYsis Miusr BE PosrED IN MEcHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION RF'^TrPcrF8. DRATNAGS or frECiiAfiidi{-nddiis'-d6fiiIinttrc HgAT-rNCr oR HQ! w4!ER-' SirpFiT-soileiG-5HAi,i,-Be nQurpPED wrrH A FLooR DRAIN PER sEc. 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. *********************************************************************!r:**!******** DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknoHtedgc that t havr resd this apptication, {itted out in tutl, thr infornation required, conpteted.an ac€urrta ptot ptan, a'nd statc thit aLL thc infornation provided as rcquired is correct. t agre! to comPty vith the infornation and Ptot pl'8n, {S *to'"uoruo * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * I * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - Q:;:il;'TOWN oF VAIL, COTORADO *****************************t********************************** sratennt Nurnb.er: REc-0121 Amount: 1,003 'oo o+/tt/96 16:35 palrnent Method: c;- Notation2 #4679 hit: cD Permit No: M95-0022 TlPe: B-MECH MECHANICAT PERI4IT Parcel No: 2103-12L-17-002- Site Address: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR L,,ocation: 1333 I'IESTIIA\IEN Total Fees: This Paynent 1,003.00 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: **************************************************************** 1r 003.00 1r 003 .00 .00 Anount' 800.00 200 .00 3 .00 Account Code 01 0000 41312 ' 01 0000 4133.2 01 0000 41336 DescriPtion MECHANICAT PERI''IT FEES PIAN CHECK FEES WILL CATI.I INSPECTION FEE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * - -.. Q:;:H:'TOWN oF vArt' coLoRADO **********************************:****************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0121 Anount:7s3.00 o4/LI/96 16:35 rnit: cDPalrment Method3 cR Notations *4679 PermiL ro: p96-O0zs Tlpe: B-PLMB PLIIMBING Parcel No: 2103-121-L7-002 Site Addrees: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR LOCAIiON: 1333 I{ESTHAVEN DR PERI4IT This PaYment 753.00 753.00 .00 Total Fees: ?53.00 Total ALt mts: Balance: **************:l*********************:*:r************************:l* Account Code DescriPti'on Anount Ol.OOOO'41311 PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES 5OO'OO 01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 150'00 01 0000 41336 v{rLL CALL TNSPECTTON FEE 3'00 $.wttfirutr nf (Drruflurtrg @uurn (Df liluilfruiliing Erpurtment .rHI.S C'F,R-T/T'CA7I. ISTUED PL/R.SL/AN7''TO THE REOU/REMENTS OF THE UN'FORM BUII.DING CODE CTRT/F)'/NC 'THAT AT THE'TINIE OF ISSLJANCE THIS STRUCTURE \VAS IN COMPI-IANCE WITH THEyARIOIIS ORDINANCE.S OF THE TO\VN RI.G-UI-AT/NG BLI//-DING CONSTRUCT/ON. AND OR USE. TO I'H1., gT,ST OF O[iR KNO\Y/I-EDC[. \unrc.-- - I,IAT.TON DIIPT.EX LIsc Cl:rrsiiicarion DUpl.EX Grt,uo Building l)crnrit No. Bg5-g3g1--T;;pc Construction Otner of Building WAITON C0NSTRUCTION Building Addrcsq I j?? WESTHAVFTI DRTVE Building Of f icial Th. building offcial may, ill writi[g, susFnd or rcvoke a G ificate of Occupancy issued under ftc lnovisioos of this code wheiever thg ccnificaB is issued in €rro., or on thc basis of iocorrect informadorl supplied, or ,rhen it is detennined that the building or structurc of porrion thercof is i.l violation of aay ordinanca or regulalioD of the Town of Vail or any of th. plovisions of this code. VN POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE "7"+*:l ' _t REtrT 1} 1 66/69/97 r7|9t TOttN OF VAIL, C0LffRADOlE RE$UE$T$ FOR INSFECTItrN bJFRK SHEETS FORt 6/ 9/97 F,AGE 1 AREA: CD Aetivity: F95-O341 6/ 9/97 Typer B-BUILD Status: ISSUED tronstr"l NDUtr AcJrJr.ess r 1333 WESTHffUEN DR Far.r:el: FlOf,-111-17-OgrE Bce: RJ Use: V N Descr iption: DUFI-EX ffpplieant: GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTIBN Fhone: 3|DJSE75E31 OwnepL{IUTERBFICFf-litICHBEb_-,} - ...---+d o F,hone :Contraetoft: BRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION ->-?') F,hone; 3O38E75831 -=-::,,i=:-:::;.;i,.".-tu --**=/- - -ocks, Flo lds, and Not ices. . . . AtrTIVITY Notice: Landscaping complete. Bond r"eleased Notit:e: Ok for- C0 by planning Inspect ion Request Requestat': Steve Req Tiine: 08:OO It ens r*€ q r-{e st ed to Information,..., Kirk Fhane: 816-336*O"$58 Comment s: lanrlscapi.ng f inal be Instrect ed. , .Exp aaa9E BLDG-Finar / ( Ot- Inspect i on Histol^y..... It em : raASrAg trU-Flouqh grade Lfilet7/Sh Inspector-: LF, Aetion: QF,FR NORTH SIDE ONLY Item I tl051flt dt'iveway qpade f inal l0/ I3196 I n s pect or.: LF, f,ct i on ; AF'F R AF F'ROVED It em r ralztlerlA BLDG-Faot inqs,/St eeI f1/e8/95 Inspector': CD Aetiorr: flF'trR SOUTH SIDE OF STRUCTURE 11189/95 Inspector: ED Oction: AF,FR NORTH BIDE Notes: F.ROTECT CONCRETE FROM FREHZING It em : frEEggr BLDG-For-rndat i onl5t ee I 1e/fi6l95 Inspector.: CD Action: AtrFR AFFROVED Notes: trROTECT CBNCRETE FROM FREEZING Item; OOfgtZt F,LAN-ILC Site F,lan tA1fL7/96 InEpector: DOMINII Action: RtrtrR AFpROVED Item : EtZr03rA BLDS-Fr*aming fi7 IIA/96 Inspector: DS flction: FA NORTH l/E ONLY AA/t4/96 lnspecton: CF Actisn: AFFR AFFROUED Notes: ENG AtrF'ROVAL OF eX6 HEftDER RT EXIT DBOR AT FIID LEUEL FRAIY1ING F.FNDING F'I-;UI"IBIN$ ROUGH Item: AOAEA FLDG-Insulation 67 /86/96 Inspeetot'r EG EB,/31/96 Inspector-r EG It em: A(Ztla6gl BL-DB-Shee'bt'ock Nai I &S/1e196 Inspector': EG rA8/eS/96 Inspector': HF Item : otztutTo BLDB-Misc. A7/Lil/56 Inssector.: CF Action: NO REIYIOVE 5I6NS FROFI SITE AS./gra./S6 Inspect or': CF ffct i r:n; NO NtrTIFIED' Notes: RECEMD LETTER FROfi ARCHETECT ALLOT^JING eX6 D$OR HERDER AA/eL,/96 Insoect or l EG ftet i orr: AtrtrR AF'FROUED QB/e8/96 Inspector: blG Action: AFIrR RFtrROVED Item : OUttZrqUl BI-DG-Fina1 Itenr: OD53A BLDE-Tenp, C/A Aet i on: AF'trR Act ion: AtrPR f;ction: fftrFR Ac"'tion; AF'trR AF.PROVED AF.trROVED AF'F,ROUED APPRtrVED r..'F-llJL: Ll:.rt i_,. t ;1 'i': ,,'r'- ? tUturont O^srk()cvo^) 3x+%'w,re lr-.L.bqr I €- UA,IfiIL\ + REFfi#Tot^,N oF VAIL, COLORADO trAEE AREA:A6/99/97 tZtE:lP REIIUHSTS FOR INSF,ECTION [^,ORH SHEETS FORz 6/ 9/97 -J;-------11/[g/96 tnspector. l CF Fction; DN 'north unit Notes: gar age man door r*eqnir.es a c:losur.e {lnc0 v e}" smokE detectons fire plaee damper renoved or. welded openplanning/public works appnoval r*equil.ed for tco t1/t3/96 Inspector:.trF t A.e_t+on: AF,trR TCo EXpIRgg 7/l/97 ;1!/18/96 Inspector': CF ftEtion: fltrF,R sorrth unit tco xprs 7197 "l{oEes-t- remove .eu&horJ,s€.- ..... ...---/ planning dept approval r"eqr-rired for f inal c. o. Item: 014533 trLAN-TEMtr, C/u LL/48/96 Inspector: DOMINIC Actionr AtrFR boncl on landscaping Itemr 0053E trW-TEMtr. C/0 Item: et05$7 F'LAN-FINRL C/O Qh/EE/97 Inspeetor: DtrMINItr Action: ApFR AFF,RUUED Iten: '4fi559 Ft'f-FINAL C/U Item: EOS4rZl BLDG-Final C/u /ro fuPeouil 0/,rt o nl O^'sr&() crTO r\) 3xs-%wuovz lf-C. {V t bqt I ftrf : [**u Utu@LS F trD i REPT 131 TUI^JN OF VAIL| COL0RnDO l1/15,/S6 O6;46 REOUESTG FUR INSFECTION t^l0RK SHEETS FOR! 1ll15/96 F,ff6E AREAI EG Aetivit',;: rra-aasS 11/15/96 Typer B*ELEC status: FINA\ Address: 1333 I'IESTHAUEN DR Loeat i on : Farce I : 810t3-lEf -17-lalaPDescriptionr ELECTRIC FUR NEW SFR Appticant: tIHITE RIVER ELECTRIC . 0wner; TJALTON BREBORY Contraetor: TJHITE RMR ELECTRIC T*ELEC ,^'*- Constr r. NSFR Utse rty'*ft S Fh on e r 3ff3949 14CtE Fhone r Fho,fYer 3O3949 14OJ Inspec Requ ,Req Iteni' aral{}s.. l. x. .*'i--- --rr- --:- unit Act i orr f,ommen Inspettion History. . ... Iten.: AOlEet ELEC-Rough. -r g5/e3/96 Inspector: LtrV Aetion: AtrPR -f nates: FAD I.,ITH 6OOD ROAD BA5E MQTERIAL. REI'IOVE RT]CKS fi' DEBR]. ..,..ri A7/L3l96 Inspector: EF Action: AFFR E7/ZIl96 Inspeetot'I EG Aetion: APPR , Itemi 0El4O ELEtr-Misc.!' ' 0]5/g.3/96 Inspector: LtrV ffct i on: AtrF'R ;. Notes: trAD WITH GOOD ROAD BASE MATERIAL. REIItrVE ALL ROCK AND DEBRI. It-em: 06f 9ra ELEtr-Fina1. LL/P8/96 Inspector: EG t i on Request est or'! st eve Tine: Etl:OQ requested to ELEC-F i na I Infonnbtion...., kinlr Comment s : Eouth be Inspected.. . Fhone z 479-78i4 Tine Exp - --r- AF'trRT]VED APF'REVED APtrROVED APPRAVED Action; AtrPR AF.F,ROVED REPTlSI TnwN oF UAIL, CUL0RADC]lI/gA/96 E7:31 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTiON TJORK SHEETS FtrR:11/ F'AGE AREAr EG e8 6 /96 Activity: E96-8855 lL/ 6/96 Type: B-ELEC Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Address: 1333 IdESTHAVEN DR Locat i on l Fance1: Descr i pt i on : Appl icant: Own er: Contract or: E1$3-1E1*17-rarzle ELECTRIC FOR NEI^| SFR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC WALTBN GREGORY WHITE RIVER ELECTRTC Oecr Use r Fhone: 3O3949 l4tDJ Fhone r Fhone: $O3949 14EE Inspeet i on Reqt"test Infor.mation..... Requestor": t.lALLY,/hlHITE RIVER ELEC Req Ti me: O]-rO0 Cornnent s : N0RTH Items r"equested to be Inepected... 6O1gra.ELEC-Final rfr/5' Fhone: 949-1483 UNIT 'V Act i on Comnent s L, Time Exp -:*_ Inspeetion History.....'. ltem; O01 1[t ELEC-Ternp. Frower Iten :. A0le@ ELEC-Rough" 03/e3l96 Inspector': LFV Action: AtrFR Not*s! trAD WITH 6BtrD READ BASF. MATERIAL. A7/L5/96 Inspector: EE Action: AtrtrR' A7/31 /SA Inspector: EG Action: AtrtrR It em : CrO130 ELEC-Condui tIten: 0rA14ta ELEC-Mi ec. A3/E3/96 Inspect or: LF V Act i on: AtrFrR Notes: trAD WITH GOOD ROAD FRSE MATERIAL. REMOVE ALL ROCK AND DEBRI. 401gfi ELEC*Final HF,trROVED AF'trROUED APPRT]VED .. Item: AtrPROVED e REF,T 1 31 T0HN OF VAILi CULURADo Il/IE/96 [16:51 RECUESTS FOR INSF'ECTIBN I^JORK SHEETS FORt II/te/96 Activity: E96*r?rrZr[r9 1ll1e/96 Type: B*ELEC StatuEr ItiSUED tronstr: NSFR Adclr"ess: 1333 TdESTHAUEN DR Location: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Farcel : f 1O3-181-17-AAE Desct'iption: TEMF. FOl.rER ONLY FOR Applicant: bJHITE RMR ELECTRIC Owner: LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J Contractor': hIHITE RMR ELECTRIC nh!/W-'<r- trffGE AREA: EG 0ccr Use: T,IALTON RESIDENCE F,hone: 30394?14O3 Fhone: trhoner 3O3949 14O3 Inspect ion Reque st Requestor: $TEVE Req Time r OSr[t0 .[tems r-eqr-rested to O{Al9A ELEC-Final Infor.mation.... KIRR Comm ent s r be Inspeet ed. . . F,hone z 476-78i4 ime ExpConmerr I t e rp.r 661 10 ELEf,-T e m p. Fower @t/34/96 Inspector: EG Itern r GAItsA ELEC*Ror.rgh I*em r 4013'a ELEtr*ConduitIt em: 0014'a ELEC-Mi sc.Iteml OO1g[r ELEC-Final Aet i on : AtrFR APtrRtrVED :.., i,i. , :., :l:.. l, 'l . .., r.,r-.,,.dJ:j t,l -i. -,;,(:f '.- ,l ' ;.:- r-l:l;i...d. REPT I3I TOI^JN OF UAIL,," COLORADO 11/I5/96 IZ6 I46 REGUESTS FOR INSF.ECTION T^IORH SHEETS FflR:1 Far'eel : *ltZt3-131-17-OE|S Description: FLUMBING FOR NEH RES-f 1. / t3/96 PA6E AREA: CD Activity: F96*OO35 11./15,/96 Type: B*FLMB Statr-rs: FINAL Rrjdr*ess; 13J3 l^,EgTHffVEN DR Location: 133: WESTHAUEN DR Constr: NDUtr Applicant: MOUNTAIN HIGH F,LUMBING Owner; LffUTHRBACH MiEHAEV,J,' fOwner; LffUTHRBACH MiEHAEV,J,' f Contr'*ctor: MOUNTAIN HICH F,LUHBING Occ: Use: Fhone: 3[t]94945OO Fhona: Fhone: 3BJ94945tZtla Inspect i on Req ug: t Requestor': STEVE Req Tine: El rEtO It ems r"eqr"rerted to rAAegA trLMF-FinaI I n f or.mat i on. , HIRH Comments: TCO be Inspected. F,hone t 476-7894 SOUTH UNIT , Aet i on Comment s t Time Exp Act i an : AF F'R APPR0UED BE CI"IFTNGED OUT F.RIBR TO DONCRETE trLACEME It e m : Ullztgt tA - FLMB-UncJergror-rnc{ A4/1,8/9$ Inspector": CD NoteE: ABS FITTING t^,ILl- It em : rZtAEgO FLltlB-Ror-rqh/fr. W. U.: @6/eal96 Inspeetor": CF fr7/16/96 Inspectoi: CF 1t em : rZt$E3tZr trLMB-Ror"rgh/l^lat er- A6le5/96 lnspeetorr: tlF ES/15/96 Inspector: {--F Item: UuAe4rA F,LltlB-Gas F ipinB A6/e3/96 Inspectstt: CF fr7 / l*t/96 Inspector: €F Item: EtOlTfi FLMB-Final LL / I?/96 Inspeet oi'r CF Action: AFFR Acbionr AFFR Rffi on : f,F'F'R Act ion: AtrtrR I A&t i on : AF,F R Aetion: AFFR Action: AFPR I.JATER TEST SOIJTH. UNIT_WNTER TEST STI1EET PRHSSLIRE st r.e et pl'ess[rre :OLB9i. AI R TEST 5O. UNIT EBLBs. RIR TEST AF,F,ROUED }.f t REPT I31 I I / 15,/96 {t6 : 46 REQUESTS o TIll,JN 0F UAIL, COLORADO FOR INStrECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:11/15,/96' PAGE 4 ffREA: CD Act ivity I M96-6O88 l1/ t-,t/96 Type: B-lvlECH Address: 1S33 TfFSTHAUEN DR . Location: 1333 WESTHAUEN i Far.cel: l1rZr3-1E1-17-OOE {escr.ipt ion: MECH FtrR NEt^f DUF,LEX : Applicant: STONE SHEETMENTAL htECHANIf,AL Dr^rner: LAUTERBRtrH MICHAEL- J Contractorr STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHRNICRL Inspeet ibn ReqLrest Inf ot.mat ion. . . . . Requestor": STEUE KIRK Req Time: 0l:tDrl Commentgr It€ns, r'eques,ted to be Inspected... gE39O MEtrH--FinHl' Status: FINHL Oee: F.thone. A?7-37e4 Fhone: F,hone: 8*7-5784 Fthone: 4767894 Eonnents ConEtrr NDUtr t. Use: Act i on Inspect ion''Item: Item: Histor'y..... A6310 MECH-Heat ingtA4/L7/96 Inspecton: CD Notesr Z0NE I 6g FSI AIRTEST;g4/e3/9h Inspector'; CF er03grzr MECH-Final fftrPR IN FLOBR HEAT 84 trS] NIRTEST RF,trR EBUTH UNIT 59LBS. AIR AF'trR AF'F'ROVED Action: ZONE g ffction: Aetion: ,*4 t It IT"; 1 1 / tel96 I nspect or*: CF i / T i ne:€x gt- TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 APPI,ICANT CONTRAClroR OWNER Description: Eteotri cat--> DRB Fee Invest i gation> l,itL CaLt----> o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED EI,ECTRICAI, PERMIT ON .fOBSITE AT ALL Permit *: TIMES E9 5-005s ******************************************rri***********'* FEE SUMIIARY **f,**********f,t**lr*ttrffir*f,H:t********S******f******i** Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Projeet No. WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 WALTON GREGORY ELECTRIC FOR NEW SFR 129. 00 .00 .00 3.00 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 2103-12 1-L7-AA2 PRJg5-0231 Payr!nts Statug...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04/23/.t996 IsEued...: 05/07/L996 Expiree.. r LL/O3/L996 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 303949L403 Valuation:22,OO0.OO Tota[ Catculated Fees---) 132'00 Additional, tees-------> .O0 Total Permit Fee-------> 132.W> 132.00 TOTAL FE€S---> 132.00 ,****t*******rr*i*******tsSfii*rr*.t****trt*t***trrf,i*t**i****ffifi*******t*#ff***t#rff.**#rtcHrt*lrl****#.lrt**trt*****Jri*lrHr*t**#*ffr* Dept: BUILDING Division: BALANCE 0UE---------*> .00 Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT04/23/1996 DAN Action: APPR *id****rr**************#*tl********ffi*****#**ttr*********r**ir****************rr*t**rr**t****rr*tH**rhffitr*******H*rnt** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi**#*********H***i'*t**trt****lr*lrrt**rrt**itrf,ffi**#r**rrttrt*rffi#r*ffi*tnttr**ffi*ffit|t*tr DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, lil,l.ed out in futt the informtion required, conpleted an accurtte ptot pl.an, aird state thit atl, the information pfovided as pequi red is correct. I agree to compl,y tith the information and pLot ptan, io mupty lrith att lolrn opdinances and stbte tavs, and do buiLd this structure according to the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniforn Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Toun applicable thePeto. FEqUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOHE Al| 5:00 P[AT 479-?136 0R AT OUR OFFICE *************************************************tt*************L Statemnt TOWN OF VAIL, COtoRADO**************************************************************** statemnr Number: REC-0135 Amount: 132'OO A5/07/96 11-12-e.y*""t Method: CrfSCI( Notation: #15986 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 0L 0000 41336 Totaf Fees: 132.00 Total AL,L Pnts: Balance: E96-0055 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMTT 210 3-121-77 -OO2 ].333 WESTHAVEN DR 132 .00 1 32 .00 .00 *****************'.******************,.*******'(******************* DescriPtion ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILI, CAI,L INSPECTION FEE Amount l_29 .00 3.00 TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMITNTTY DEYELOPMEN? NoTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Addreee: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Location.. ' I Parcel No. . : 2LO3-L2I-17-002Project No. : PRJ95-023L APPIJICANT WHITE RIVER EI-,ECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR IIHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1. 118, AVON CO 81620 OWNER WALTON GREGORY Description: ELECTRIC FOR NEW SFR ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: E96-0055 Statue...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04/.23/.L9e6 Issued...: 05/07/L996Expiree..: tI/03/L996 Phone: 3039497403 Phone: 3039491403 Valuation:22,000 . 00 *******t**trift****rr**.************rit**ffi*ftffi*t**ff*ffi** rEE sufi ARY **r*****************t'h*tr***ffi*****Hrt*ttrffi*fiffi***** Totat catcutated Feee---> 132.00Etectri ca [--> 129,00 DRB Fee Investigation> .00 l.li tt catt---->3.00 AdditionaL tees--------) Total Permit Fee--------> Paynents-----------> BALANCE DUE._- .00 152.00 132.00 .00TOTAL FEES---> 132.00 ***********t***tit*'(ff*ffi#H**ffir**ttr*$*****ftt*ff*fi******f,H*ffi****************'r*fff**t*rt ****fitf,t*l**l*ffffiffi*'r*f*|t***ftr* Dept: BUILDING D sron: ******t********rrri***,ri***ffitrt*rr***lcH********#*rr*fr*****************ffit***f,t**rr*t******i***#t*****t( CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ff**trtt*****f**ffi*ffi****#tnhH*r*H**rhrrrt***tr!t*rr**ffitrt*rt*tnk*rt**#*t**#r*******|t,r't*rr*Jr*irl****l**'.**rr*t**f*] ftem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT04/23/1996 DArt Action: APPR DECLARATIONS I I hereby acknon[edge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in ful,t the infornation required, compt.ted.an pt"n, "'nO state thlt att the information pro;ided as required is conrect. I agree to.compty Hith the infornation io cinpty vith aLL Toun ordinances and state taus, and do buil.d this structure according to the Torrn's zoning and codes,'d'esign revieu approved, uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicabte thePeto' *ffiffi****f lccurat" p[ot and ptot plan, subdi vi sion E:00 All 5:00 tREOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Ar 479-2138 0R AT oUR OFTTCE Palrment Method: cHEcK Notation: #15986 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 Total Feea 3 Total ALL PmtE: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0055 TyPe: B-EI-,EC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 210 3 -121-17 -0 0 2 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 132.00 *********************d.******************dr**********************,. t-32 .00 132.00 .00 Amount l_29 .00 3 .00 o o EVELOPMENETO$IN OF VAIT, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97Q-4?9-,2138 Etectri cat---> DRB Fee Investigation> tl i l. L Ca l. L----) TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY D NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST SE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Permit #: 896-0055 Phone; 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 Valuation:22, 000.00 Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. APPI.,IGANI+ilfffi .RTVSR ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVOU CO 81620 CONTRACTOR "*l*tr.488 r,**VER'"ELECTRI C P O Box 1118' AVON CO 81620 O'$'NER WA].,,TON GREGORY Deecription: ELECIRIC FoR NEvl SFR F EE SUI,IIIARY ].333 WESTHAVEN 2L03-!2L-L7 -OO2 PRJg5-0231 DR StAtUA...: APPROVED APPlied. . z 0a/*/7996' rliued... : 04/23/!996 ExPires..z tO/20/t996 129.00 .00 .m 5.00 132.00 Totat calculated Fees--> Additionsl, Fces------> Tota I Permit Fee-------> Paymentg------ BALANCE DUE---- 132.00 .00 152.m .(I) 152.m Item: .06000a4/23 /teg6 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTDAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI., DECI-,ARATIONS I heneby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLL the information required, c?n?l'e!{ an accuFate PLot p[an, and stste that alt the information prov'ided as required. i.s coPrect. .I ?gi:: to compty wtth the infornation and P[ot pl'an' to compty vith aLl, tonn ordinances and stlte [ans, and do btriLd this structure according iothe Tovn's.zoning and subdivision codes, design revi el, approv;]' unifo"r BuiLding codc and other ordinances of the Torrn applicabl'e ther"to' REauEsrs FoR rNspEcrloNs sHALL BE IIADE Tr,,ENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADvANCE By TELEPHoI{E AT 47ql2138 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoll 8:m A 5:00 PH ,Iob Na:ne'. -r* ,' O.lt" fl t J" t -- Job Addtess: l3.la -l+-r*rf I,s,_*-- f).*, -Legal Deacription: I.ot Bloclc__- rif ing sulDrv1sroN. /tL,il..-.-- lG"trl7 OHnerF Nane; Arehitect: General Description: AddreEE: Address:Ph. 9q,9. f/a/ t{ork Class: I l-]few I J:Alteration g l-Additionaf I j-ReFa3-r I J-Othcr ffiruber of Ih*eIlJ-nE Units;Nunber of Acso"'nodation Unl-ts: BUIIJDING: Electrical eontractort Addreeg: PlulrbinE Adrlresg: ltechanica]. Contractor I Address: *******tF*tt***** ****+i*********** FOR EUII.DING PERItrTT FEE tgIE!{BINE PERIfTT .FEE: I{ECHA}ITCAII PERUIT gEE: EI,ECTRICAIJ 8EE! OTIIM TYPE OF FEEI DRB EEE: Applianees Gas logs_ tilood/Fellet_,_ VAIIIetrIotilS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + ** * *** * * of VaLI ReE. Ho. Pbone NuEberir Ibsn of Va.l-I neg.-NO. .e-r {6- Fhona Nuhberr 9.rg-t.tn , Town of VaiI Ph6ne Nurnber: ![osn of Vail FhonF- l0rtmberr R.eE, NO. oPFrcE usE ***** ***++*** **** ** * *********** BUITDTNtr FIAN CffiCK EEE; FLIIUBTNf! FLnil errEC* !EE: l4ECHAllrClIJ Pli[tf CtreK FEE! RECRE.ilTIO}T EEE: ELEAN-UP DEPOSIT; TOSTL IrEnIf[I! FEE83 BTTIJINGT SICTABT'RE3 ZOHINGI SIGNAI$REr Contractor: o4/ iti!/ v6 t6 : 05 TO: FHOM: DATE: RE; F.'lX 970 849 6749 WEITE RIVER ELEC t MEMoBANDIJM v ALL COHTRAtrTOFS TOWN OF VAJL PUBHq WOFKS DEPAFTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A NPUELIC WAY PEFMIT'IS RECUIRED 40a2 l'r Date: . (r +_*{ (. ,_-. _ Jab Name: a.. f+,- O-f l-v UETTE'. Please answerthe lollowing quegtlonnaire regerding the need for a'FublicWay Permif: 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performecl that requires the use oithe dght ol way, Easements or public property? 3) ts any utility w.ork needed? 4) ls thc.driveway being repaved? 5) lE different acoesa nccdcd to site other than sxisting driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affec'ting the dght of way, easements,' or public prupedy? 7l l$ a'Revoceble Rigfit 8f way Fermit' required? 8) A. lE the right of way, eaEgmgnt6 or 7./ public property to bo used lor staging, Pafl$ng or tencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging ,r or {encing plarr required by Community '|r- Developrnent? lf you answered yes lo sny ol thase questions, a 'Public Way Permtt' mu$ be obtEtined. 'Public Way Pemif appticetions rnay be obtainEd at lhe Publie WodCs offics or et Communfu DevelopmenL lf you hava any q.rcstions pleaee call Gharlic Devis, the Town of Varl Conetruction Inspector. at 479-2158 YES NO I have read and enswered all the above quBstions. 04/22/56 lSr05 FAX 070 674 0940 o ?5 r rlh tnanlrt. l!.c r|alr Golof,rCc E 6tz (303t 479-ZU8 or 479-2139 TO: rRou: DAEE: EUSTEC!I rn_Eunsar-y,.ordinance $o. 6 states f-hat it is r:ntavful for rnyFerEon to lLtter, traclc o= deposit any sail, roclc, Eand, debriEor Faterial , incl-uding trash dunpsteri, Doriabl= ioilet_s andIrorrften vehrcleG upon any street, sidewallc, alley or g:rrblicpl+ge oE any FoEtibn tlreleof. rire right-"i-oriv -oo "ri Bewn afvali 6tr6eEs end coad.g is approrci-uately E ft. off pavenent.!hil. ordinanee sill be striitfy rnfore-e-d by ttre Toim of vall $Pli-" Iforks Departuent. pere6n" found vtirating-tr.ii-"raG.tr**ttl]l bg given a 24 hour rrlitten notiee ta rrnovc-said ratcrLal .rn the event the person sa natifiad does not ccnply with tbenotiee vithirr the 24 hour tiue -rpecified, thr p.,ifir WorkgDepaffient ,uilr reusve Eaid uateriar at ttre Grlslrense of persennotificd. Ttre provisions af thL.+ nrdinarrer enift not bc lFplicable !o eonEtflrction, uaint:nance or repair projcets ofany Etreet or al1ey or any utiliti.es in thc r-ight-l-uay, To.'rcview Ord,inanee tilo- f in fi:II, trleecr stop by thc Eoslr oEVail Buflcling DepatuBnt to obtain i copy. Eilanft you for youreooperation 6fi thie nattcr. FEITE RII'ER ELEC 14 003 ofllcg of c€mt'tunlly d€IeaoF.trcrtt AI.L COT{TRAETORS CTIEtrIETf,fLT]L REGISTERED ![TIE TrE TOYT.I OF \TAIIJ lor$r oF \IAIL puErJc woRKE/CorqllIJ]rIIg bE\tEldpr{gfr IIARGII 16, 1988 CONSIT,UC TON PARICTITG & IIATERIAtr STORJAGE (i.e. conLEBstor, obrre]fJ aeknowledg o sit ion / ReLaf, fi nefrlSr ull ZZ/99 16:0? lnttn 94StFAX. S70 67 4S zs rou$ fronlllG rsrd vrll' colorrCs 8 657(tot, 479-213E or 479_2I3g WEIIE RIYER ELEC .lg 001 olllcr of EfunrtxrlF d|trloilr.til BUITDING PEPF'TT I5SL|ANCE TII{E FRAIUE If this perrnit ,.eCril:I_l Town of Vail F{re Departrrent Appruvat,Engineer's (pubrii tJorks) rivi.. ani'upiiovar, a Frannlng Departaentreview or Health henarbndnt n""tc*l-ai5.i-review by tfie Euithing ff rilH:'fu"[!1 estimat.J ii"u' rJi'u'tith ;"ui;',-;uy.,Lil' jl ung All conmercial 'fiarre or sna't,l ) and tll mul ri-famf ly permits Hl.l Ihave to folrow ine ibove.mentinea' maxirnr.un requirenents. Rnsidentialand smal'l ppnjects shosld Fie-i"-ie;;1,1"L*unt.or dne. Horrever, ifresidential or smller.Frsjecis i,nilii'tie various above r€ntionedl9ylTil.l_wi.th rega.rli 1_;pq#ii-."ri"n, rhese proJects nayarso take tfie uiree week pEriod Everv attenrpt ni'l'l b"-Hg: by this departrnenr to expedite thispermi;i,.E$ EOOn cS posslDle. sAPEtrr LE r'rl rs I, the frame t undersigned, understand the plan check prucedure end time Cottmuni ty Devel onnrent DeparUnent. Job Name: Iegal Description: Lot owners Nane: Job Address: Block- ritirn r'"ffi"oflrr*, & &ff pn. /-a.hU=--r t ;n ptrd'rm-r4 . Address: Address: nlunUer and Tlpe of FirepJ.aces: eas Appliances_ Gas :.rlgs.Z Woodr/pellet_ /f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *ffiryg*i55g1OrroNs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** :r * *FEffryg.ib&B{fl.rr oNs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * Architect: General Description: work class: Pc-New [ ]-Alteratlon [ ]-Adclttional [ ]-nepair [ ]-other Number of Dwetling tJnitst Z-Nunber of Accomnodation Units: BUILDTNGs +Er,gcnnlcel: $OTHER: $P^I-,I,I''BING: $ Prunbins """r?"2{;?2 Towl of VaiI Phone Number: ryp- Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Recr. NO.qfr-/T nes. yo./fl-,/ Contractor:'" Address: Address: Address: Mechanical Con Addressz U// PLUI'fBING PER}TTT FEE: }fECHANTCAL PERUTT FEE: EI.,ECTRTCAT FEE: OIHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: rown of vail Res. No/2L!! Phone Nunber: <n-%- FOR oFFrcE usE ****************** *********.i.*** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK TEE: PLT'IITBING PI,AN CHACK FEE:IIECHANTCAL PI.AN CI{ECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUTT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNAIURE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE:Connents: GLEAT| I'P DEPOSIT REFMID rlo:/t n/L-fa,q , Jler<-_ /t lnwn TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECTI t5 south front ge road Y.il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposr.t i"i-""ir]-ri"i, sand, debri.sor materiar, incruding trash irripsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl siaewaix, ;Ii;y or publicplace or any porriln tri"i.""i. --;h"-;rd;:;i;;;-in arr rown ofVail streets ind.roads is approxinatety 5 ft. off pavernent.this ordinance wirr- be ;i"i;ii;'-enforced by the town of VaitPublic l{orks DeDartuent. -p.i"'"ns founa "ii,r"Ii"g this ordinancewil] be siven a-2e houi "=ifi;;';"ii""-ti-;;;;"'=.id rnareriar.fn the event the person so notifiea-aoes-";;;;;ply 'rith thenotice vitrrin trrg_:1 rroui tine-=p""iii#.' ;;";;;11c wortcsDepartment wilr remove said mareii"i-;I-ir.J'I*i!i=e of personnotified' The provisions-ot-trris orainance sharr not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,"irri".r"rrge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiiiires in the right_a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full , please stop by the Town of:::i"::ii:i"9"";flil*:lt.::""iili" a copv- rirani< vou ror your ofllce of conmunlty devalopmcnl ALL CONTRACIIORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WIIH TIIETOUIN OF VAIL TOrfN oF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEL,OPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSIRUCTrON PARKTNG & IIATERTAL STOR.AGE (i.e. contractor, o!,rner) o{. 75 roulh trontage road u!ll, eolo?ado 81652 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 otflcs of Bomtnunlty devclopmqtrl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permi.t ""Cri,I::-l Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approval,EnsineerLs (.public works) review anJ.ipb"ouui,'i piiiiiini"blp."t untreview or Hear th Deparrnenr. review, anl.a-ieuie; ;i-i;,""d"iiaing 3ir?[Hi"h"ll: .'.i'uted time rJr'a-tJtur il;i;.-;";"Lr.'i, r6ng Al] commerciar frarqe or sma]'r) and arl murti-family permits wirlhave to follow tne ioove rrntion"J-*ximum requirements. Residentiarand smali projects should tate i-ieiier"amount or iime.' However, ifresidential or smailer.projects rmpiit the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necesiiiy-""ui"n, these projects mayalso take the three-week period. - Every attempt will be $9e bV th.is departrnent to expedite thispemi't as soon as possible. - L^r'es' t'E t'rl l-ll" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. A/,%PO Wtlry ProJect Name eef was elooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Date: Please answer NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site olher than existing diveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for siaging, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !!V9u_ alswered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained."Pubfic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C9.ryry1ity Development. lf you have any questions please cail Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, a1.479-21#. I have read and answered allthe above questions. YES X1) 2) 3) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buitding permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildinq oermit aoolication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions ttren .fPublic Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, tocated at t30g VaitValey Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (tocate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire u[ to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used., This plan will show locationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan witlexpiie on Oct. 1sth. and will'need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being pertormed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic contol ptan oi a Eiteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail.Electricians and lrrigation crew. Ttre locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houis to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pteas6 allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit'to be-released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit'to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above process is for worlc In a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid onty until November iSth.* A new Fublic way permit is required each year it work is not complete. dlWey TOWI,I OFI/AIL Depanment of Comrnuniry Developnent75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 IXFORIIATIOf, XEEDET' r'HEtt APPLIIIIG FOR A UECHAITICAL PERT,IIT HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF HECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCAI_,E, WITH PHYSICAL DTMENSIONS AND B?U RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPT'|ENT IN MECHANICAT ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FtUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOEE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT W]IJIJ ALSO BE INSTAI.'LED IN MECHANICAL ROOM, FATLIIRE !o PRovrDE Tltrs rlFonuarrof, I{rLL DEr,ac youR PERttrE. 1. 2. 3. 4. hun 75 loulh hontage road Yell, colofi.do 81657 (303) {79213E (36) {B2r3S office of community derelopment NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS,/OMIER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, 199L, the Town of Vail Buildingr Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsi-tes have adequatery eqtabrished proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacenL to Town of vail road.s or- ".r.".".Tbe Towrl of vail public works Departnent will be reguired toiaspect and approve drainage adjacent to Towrr of vair roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points fron tbe road or streLt on to tlre construction site.such approval must be obtai.neci prior Eo any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Bui-ld.ing Department for footings or Eemporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please catt 4"tg-2i60 t;request an inspection from the public works Depart.menL. Alrow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of vai-l publ-ic filorks Department wirr be approvingall final- drainage and culvert instarlation with resurting roadpacching as necessary. such approval rnust be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 2s% )o7 S'on' 7 ffip /J{- r-r- /*f J'a re€,*\* .r r-/ V)r I ,-,,4 6'P'={'t< Gu tr^ lgb I t' .TOWN 75 S. vArl0 97 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 NOTE: 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Status. . . Applied.. fssued. . . Expires. , APPTICANT I"IOUNTAIN HIGI{ PLUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 CONTR.ACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING . P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 OI,INER LAUTERBACH MICHAET J PO BOX 3451, VArL CO 81658 Description: PLUMBING TOR NEW RESIDENTIAL Phone: 3039494500 Phone:3039494500 o D THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMII Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. Valuation;40,000.00 tdrr'*hlr**}}r**fiohit*ir**tiii**t*#r***frf,trf,**fft**k *f,ff,** f EE SUI'll,lARY fi-,tfff*r**** Pl.unbing--> 600.00 Rlstuarant Plan Revie*-) .00 Totrl CatcuLated Fees-> 753,00 pLan chcck-) 150.00 ToTAL fEEs----------> 753.ffi Additional Fecs----> .00 Investigatlon> .00 Totat Permlt FeF---> 753.00 tli tt crtl.---> 3.00 Payments-------) 753.00 BALAIICE 0UE_-_--) .00ffi**#r*tri*f,*HJ**Jnl**Hir**t'ft-******r##fi*****Jr**ffi****f,*f********ir*f*l***Jrfctrhtlr**f'**lrl-i*l* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepL: BUILDING Division:04/LL/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS ffi *drr*rcftH#irr****tih,r**r*ir*i*#r**i***iHri*ff * CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D FOR CODE COMPTIANCE *f*'rr***t****Hffi trt*f *r***lr*r** DECLARATIONS I hcrlby acknovledge that I heve rerd this Epplicltion, fil.ted out in fult the intormation raquircd, coEplrted an lccurat! plot ptsn, and strtc that au. th€ infornation providcd as rcquircd is corr€ct. I agrce to eobpty uith the inforDltion and ptot ptan. to cofipty Hith aLl, Tom ordin.nc€s snd stste [ars, and to buitd this structura according to thc Toyn's :oning and suMivislon codcs, design rcvicv approvcd, Unifonn Buitding Codr and oth;r ordinrncrs of the lovn app)f cabte ther.to. REOIJESTS FOR INSPECTIO}IS SRALL BE I4ADE TUEI{TY-fOUI HOURS IH AOVANCE BY OFFICE FROI,I 6100 Ar CONTMCTOR 'OR AND OI,,|NEN ISSUEDo4/tt/re96o4/tt/tee6 ro /08 /t996 EPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY D PMENT o EVELO Department of Communiry Development ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Permit *: P96-0025 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 210 3-121-17-002 PRJ95-0 2 31 {S rnnt*r*o tJ corpt y code9, desi REouEsTs ton ... ,na "O,"vs, and to bui Ld this st.ucture "o.o.aingfl" Tom's zoning and subdivision Uniforr BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabLe thereto. BE ',IAOE TUE TY-TOIJR HOURS IN 47y2138 0R AT oUR oFFICE FROB 8:00 A[ 5:00 Pl'l Development T0/iTN OFTIATT 75 South Fronnge Road Vail" Col.orado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 $AECTCLED PAPER ;i,foffi 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 NOTE: 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 TOWN OF DEPARTI'IENT OF CO]"IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 97 THIS PERMI? MUST BE POSTED }4ECHANICAL PERMIT Departrnent oJ Community Development ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES Permit #r M96-0022 Job Address...: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Location...... : 1333 WESTHAVEN Parce1 No. ... . : 2103-12L-17-002 Project Nurnber: PRJ95-0231 APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAI, 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION OVINER LAUTERBACTI MICHAEL J PO BOX 3451, VAIL CO 81658 Description: MECH FOR NEW DUPLEX Flrept€ce Information: Restaicted: Y fof 6as Apptiances: *'}f*jiti'i*trtJrl**rtlr*Jnt****-*'*-i'Fi*r*r*lr*r#**f**f**fnht*tf**lt FEE SUl4ttARY status...: ISSUED AppIied. .t 04/tL/I996 Issued...: 0a/tl/1996 Expires..: Lo/08/1996 ' Phone: 827-5724 co 81501 Phone:827-5724 co 81501 Valuation: #of Grs Logs: Z 40, 000 .00 fof Uood/Pal. Let: irirkt*1ffi lcft******r*rri*thi****}*fittf!ur**Hr|kl*'-'*r"tritr*'* l'l:chani eat---) Ptan check---> Invest i gation> tli Lt Cat L--> 80C.00 Rcstuarant Plan Revier,r-) .00 200.00 DRB tee-------.00 ToTAL FEES---- 5.00 TotaI Catcutated Fecs--) Additional Fees----> Paynrnts------ BALANCE DUE--_ 1,003,00 .00 Tots L Pcrfiit FcF--> 1rm3.00 1,S3.00 .00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEqK lQR CQDS COMPLI-ANCE.i . c6t{s0sii0N-Etn-t S neOurnEo eER SEq., -q0-?-qr-T{E-1991 -!lUC,.--3: iNSI.[i,LEiloii-iiuST coNrOmt T0 MANUFAcTURES INsTRUcrIoNs ANDro Appeuorx CHAPTER 21 OF rHE 1991 UMC.-+. els-'ApFi;lAiicnS- SHali, Be vnutEp AccgRDING-Eo qEAPTER 9 AND-- Sir-[rt,-tnru.ttuEte-AS SpecrrrED rN sEc.906 qE THE-1991-u$Q-.s. Adce5s-to-[EArrwe EQUTPMENT MUsr coMPLY wrrn sEc.505 AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.0. 66ir'eRs-Sttai,L-ee-Iiotfiten oN FLooRS oF NoNcoMEqlirrBLE coNsr. ur.rrESs LTSTED FoR MOI'NTTNG ON COMBUSTTBLE ELOORIIIG?. FERMIT.FiANS ENO COOE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.a. b-RAl-NAcE-or lteCnanrcAr, Roous cONTATNINc HEATTNq oR HoT:wATER- SiDFLY-soiLeRS SHeu BE EQUTPPED l^lrru A FLooR DRArN PER sEc. 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. *****:*******!r******************************************************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby EcknoHtedgc thgt I havr rcad thi3 6ppl,ication, filted out in futt thc information. raquircd, conPtcted.an aecurlte ptot ptin, i'nA siitc tnlt a1, the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to cornpl,y trith thc infornation and ptot plan, Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT --pgPt: BUILDING Division: 64/t1/1996 CRARLTE Action: APPR CHARI,TE DAVrS {7 rtn'"uoruo * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * *a** * * * * *** * J'* * * * * * * * * * -. - -.Q:;:;; TOWN OF VAIL, COI'ORADO ******************************************'r********************* statennt Number: REc-0121 Amount: 1,003'00 o4/Ll/96 16:35-p"yr;nt uetnba: ti Notation: #467s rnit: cD ------:---- -:-----_------' PennitNo:1t95-0022f1pe:E-MECII}GCHANICALPERIIIT Parcel Nor 2103-121-L7-Ob2' Site Address: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Location: 1333 WESTHAVEN This Payment 11003'00 Total A],L Prntsz !'003'00 Balance: .00' **************************************************************** Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILI CALL INSPECTION F'EE Account Code 01 0000 4L372 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 Amount 800.00 200.00 3.00 * * ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *f-' * 1 ** I 1 TOWN oF vAIt, CoLoRADO Statemnt Statemnt Nurnber: REC-O121 Anount:7s3.00 o4/tt/96 16:36 Init: CDPayment Method! gK Notation: +4679 Pernit No: P96-0025 Tlpe: B-PtMB PLUMBING Parcel No: 2103-121-L'?-002 Site Address: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Location: 1333 WESTHA1rEN DR PERMIT This Payment 753 .00 753.00 .00 Total Fees! ?53.00 Total AIJIJ Pnts: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * :l * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code 01' 0000'41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description PLI]MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE Anount 600.00 150.00 3.00 vt/ L4/v6 u9:46 ldJ' tru; 849 6748 Deg+l DescrJ.ptionr lot WEITI RIIEN ELEC ,fob Addr6Fs: td oor Floch of and llunber of, Aecor"modation UnLts: Appliancee eas Loge- Woo6/pe11et_ Fhone $unber: Tom of VaiI Phone l{unber: lown of Vail Fhone Nusber: ONS * i****!t**** * * *****i* ************* C'04 1_ fewn of vail ReE" ilO, #8!*39/ JAN 19 1996 d0[4ffiffiffit{***i+* t l-Builtllng I l-Pr.uEbtnE \-tf"oarlcal [ ]-]techani-cat [ ]-Other otmetrE Nauer w AaareEsr P,o, gnx lt/lfr vf,rt, ra *.lz- Ez.ll Archl,tect:tddress:Ph.-_General Deacription: wprkc1agg!h]-tfig[]-A1teration[]-Adlnit.i-onill[J-R.eI,alr[l.other.- Nuraber er lmeJ.lLnE TtE ts of Unitsr Flreplaees: caa * * * * * * * * *s$*ffi; * * * * * *. * *€4?_Yrl*tgrt BUIITDING I S EITECIRTCAJ.,: IITSCHANICA.I,J: colrTRActroR Atldlrees: ..Pluubing Contracter :.Aildresg;' l{echanlea} contraetor I Addreesl :t******r*lt*******t**i!r*****i*** FoR BT'TIJ}ING PERIfiT FEE: PI.TJ!{BI}TG PIF,EIT FEEI IIECEAIIIEAI.I PEEITIT FEEI EIiECTRTCAII 8EE: OEAER, :TYPE OP FEE: DRB FEE: orgffir I leTAL,: f- aFroBltasloll *******+* ******** t***+**I*r EIrul{DINGI Irt I:* t* ***** *tlt !*|t * ******l*!tt *iIEerreral ccntraetor t GhAY - sr,Eeneral Celrtractor: Adldlress3 Y.Q - &ax W BO. Eotrn of vail Reg. lro. Phone lilunharr FLIII.{Bnre PI.A}I. CffEeK FEE! TGC}NNICA.TJ PIJAI{ CTTECK FEE3 ItEenEl.tfOX FEE! CIiEA${P DEFDSIfTgOlIAI. EENXIE BUTLDTNG: STGNAIIIIEET ZONIHC: STGNAIITIREI G'ROtrP 0L/ 7g/ gB 09 : 4S FA.X 303 TO: FHOtrl: DATEI BE; 874S WHITE RI1ER MEKIEEAHD.'M ALt CONTHACTORS TOWH OF VAIL PUBLIC WOHKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, lgg{ WHEN A "PUEUC WAY PERMIT'.F REOUIRED 940I tsoo2 ls this a new residence? ls demolition work bsing performed thet requires lhe use ol the right of way, eetgments or public propedy? ls any utility work needed? ls lhE driveway beinE repaved? ls diflerent acceEs needed to gite other than existiflg driveway? ls any drainage work being done affeaing the rlght of way, easements, or public propady? ls e'Hevocaile Right ot way F€rfilrt' . rEqdked? 9) A. ls the rigtrt ol way, eageffi€ntg or public property to be used for staging, parhing or fencing? B, ll no to 8A, is a parking, s{aging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answersd yes to arry of these questions. a -Public Way Permff muet be Obtained. 'Public Way Fermit' applications ma)r be oblained d the Public Work's olfice or at Cornmunity Development Il you have any qucstione pleaee catlCharlie DaviE, thr Town of Vait ConEtruaion Inspector, d,479-21ffi. I have read and en$wered allthe ebovc YES v Ng 1) 2l v 3) 4l 5) 6) w W \ u .71 td ttri Contraaof/$igne&ure t -/?- ll/Lg/gg 09:4S FAX 30r 6?40 tnun 94St 7! toulh fr!.rtrt. rard r.all, €olcfrdr 8f857 (sdil 479-zl3E or 4?9-2I39 ITIIITE RIYER EI..EC 14 00$ alllce ol GaQrrunlty d.erlcpm.[l S,LL CONTRACITOAS CURRSNTTYL.RECISTERED FI!E TIIE EOIIII OF \UTIIJ EOI{I{ OF VAIL SITBLIC troERS/CO!$tI]NIlT I]EIIELOPffENT UARCH x6, xgBB COilSIEUCrION PARKINE E UA.IFEBTAIJ SIIORAGE (i.e. contractor, olfner) TQI EROI{: DAEE: suB.TECtr: rn Eumara?, .ordi-:rance llo. 6 EtateE tbat it is unlawful for aayFer$sn t6 littetr l|- ch or deposit any soiL, rock, ssnd, debtis.or Faterial , includind trash Eurysteri, Bo=i"-rrr" i,oirets andworltuen velricles upon arry streetl slderraik, alley or prrllic- F1?9e oE e$y PoFtion theieof- rtre right-oi-**y La alr Tosrr ofvall EEre€ts and fgE-ds ie approxinately 5 ft. off 5ravaent.IT+9.or4inance will bE striltry rnforc-ed by the Toin of vatl4lli9 'dcrks Depa*nenr. persins for:ncl v:ifaEing rhis orCinaneelrui. be giverr a 24 hour written notiee tcr Eenovc-eaid oategial,rn the event the person. so notified does uot conpry ritu tne--notice withirr the 24 hour ri:ne speeifi+A, tfrc-FGiic worrcsDeFa*aer,t uiLl renove said natetiar at i:he extrenEe 6f Ferso$notifiec. Ttre Frovisions of thiE ordinauee euirr not beaFB1icable to consiruetion, uainr*enance ar repair projects ofany street or a}1r1p ot a$y utilitioe in the riEht-i-way. Eo =eview Oril:lnanee l[a" 6 in fl,r1l, P].eaee stop by tbB fown trf Y_.i] *i+!ing D€parbenr to oltaiir I eopy. Biat* you for yourcoopefatioll on this Eatrer- F*tll_s{- _ 41118/gg 0Si48 FAX 30S E?ilg lnttn 8,lsI 75 rou r tron||gr m|dn , colcrld6 &1657 lloEl 479-2138 or 4?9-a139 BUILD]NE PERI.IIT ISsI'ANCE TITIE FNME If this permit reguires 1 Towl of Vail Fire Deparrnent lpproval tEnsi neer rs. (.pub't i i ry_l11 I levt ey ani ipirouai,'i pi iiirii rii'bipurrnuntreview'or Health tlenarilnint.revie,u, anh'"-re"ie* ly il* Euiifilj"Deparblent, the estirnated tirne tp"'a-totar reviey may take a$ ronga$ tfiree weePs.. AIl comnpreial flarae or small) and a1 1 nu.lti_fani.ly perrnits wflthive to follow ihe imve menti6neo ra*'irrm reguirernents. Res.identialand qmell projects should take a 1csso"-a,"*uni ot iioiil . Hu;;vcr, lfresidential or snarler.pmjecis 'irpiii tie various auJve "ention"cdeFarfnerts wi.th reqard'to-necessai.y i."it**, these projects maJalso take the three-week pericO.- Every.attsnpt wiil be plu ly this department ts expedite this .pemit.ag. goon as possible. - '- '"r-Y' l:_I!" undersigned, under.Elanrl the plan check pmcedure and ilme?ratile. WEITE RIVER ELEC @ ooa ontcr ot camrunity rlwrlopm:nl. LflO Proiect l{arrre Cormuni ty Deve'l oornc'lt Depa rtment, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado'81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 E te6t fi cat---> DRB Fee hvest i gat ion>uitt cal.t-> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location...Parcel No..Project No. .00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 2!O3-12t-J.7-002 PRJ9s-02 3 L TOI{N OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Department of Community Deve lopment Permit *: E96-0009 Status...: ISSUEDepplied..: iI/LelLget rssued. . .: 07/23/tSetExpires..: 07/2I/199t Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620OWNER LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J PO BOX 345L, VArt CO 81658 Description: TEMP. POWER ONLY FOR VIIALTON RESIDENCE VaLuation:500.00 ffi*lr*rtffir**tr***ffi*J(l(*lcrrffi*H(*rrH******rrf,******t FEE SUI4UARY **ffi****tlr**********Sffrf,,tt**f*r#******ffi***tffi* TotaL Calcutated Fees---) 53.00 Additiona( fees---------> .0O Total Pernit Fee--------> 55.00 PayDents------- BALAI'ICE DUE---- *|rffitt#t*rr*ffiffi*t***ffirh*|tlrffiffiff***H****tffirst**/r**#rt******t******rH****Htt#**f,*tiri***rrkffit**Hi* Ite-m: ,06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARfMENT DepI! BUILDING Division:OL/L9/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FoR ERNsf GLhTZLE ****Jnffi*:trh***ffi***}**{.***'.lh|t*,r*****ffiffi*t r**ff***#fi8***ff****Hr***rrffi***ffi*Jrt{n*ht**rr*f,iirt*rwffi***H#t** CONDTTION OF. APPROVAL *lnt**|tlrftirht***ftffirfttt*.!tf,f,ttti*ttt*,t*'*|Hi**f,**,|**{rft**Jrtffiffi***rdck**r***rrt#rt!*H.***f****}*t tffi*# DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtcdge that I have read this apptication/ fitted out in futl. the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and Etate that alt the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpl,y vith the inforBation and ptot pl.an.to conply trith atl ToHn o.dinances.and stetc taHs, and to buitd this structure accord.ing io- the Torn's zoning and subdivisibn codas, design reviev approved, Uniforn BuiLding Code and othef ordinances of thc Toun appLi oabl,e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURg III TDVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR Af OFFICE FNO {S *rnrrrr r*n OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII4SELF AND OIINER ,**I*********** TowN oF vArL, coLoRADO statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0112 Amount: Payment Method: CK . Notation: 15620 s3.00 or/n/96 t2245Init: JR Permit No: ParceL No: Site Address: LocaLlon: This Palment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 53.00 Total Fees: Total AL,,L Pmts: Balance: Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTTON FEE 896-0009 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2LO3-I2L-L7:-OO2 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 53. OO s3.00 .00 **********************J.***************************************** AIItount s0.00 3 .00 NOSE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ?OWN OF VAIL EI,,ECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: L333 WESTHAVEN DR Location...: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Parcel No.. : 2L03-12t-17-O02Project No. ! PRJ95-0231 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELESTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81624 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 OWNER 8165 B Description: TEMP. POvtER ONLY H#tn#**lrtt(ff(**rHnt#l**Jl5riffrffriffriri*#****Jr***|wf**# FEE SUtlltARY permit #: 896-ooo9 Status.. App1ied. lssued. . Expires. Phone: 3039491-403 Phone: 3039491403 Valuation:500.00 {rlr*********it***** l********rrit*****f,***f, i**Jr****t *** **i**iQt Totat calculated Fees---> 53,00 Additionat Fggs------t .0o TotaL Pernit Fee--------> 53 -O0 Payments------- ani-ANcE oue---- APPROVED 0L/Ie /tee6oL/te/tee6 07 /t7 /rse6 Etectricat---> .00 ORB Fee Invest igat ion> tli l.L caL t----> .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53,00 #eu.r***tr*Hffi(rr*******#(rdrffi *ffi *thf,f *:f ft***tr#lr*f,***MM Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARtMENT - ,- Depli-BUILDING Division:6I/7s/ts96 CHARLTE Action: APPR FOR ERNST GLATZLE *Srr**:H*rr*trt:Sitfiot*tf***S****'lrt***#****tlr****#************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ,ri***,tH******ffi ffi DECTARATlONS I hereby acknolrtedge that I have read this app(ication, filLed out in ful.l. the infofMtion required' conp teted an accurate ptot ptan, a'nd state th;t atl the information provided as required is correct. t agree to cc'mpty uith the infofmation and ptot ptan' to compLy |,tith al.l. Iown ordinances and state [aws, and io buitd this structure according iothe To$rnrs zoning and subdivision codes, dlsign revieu approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS III ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 47g- 'A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO M 5:OO P}I Eier'rarune or ouGc on. cournncron FoR Hll'lsELF AND oltNER t*of Vail *FFICH COPV 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 47e-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Community Development Town of Vai J- 75 SouLh Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81557(303) 479 -2138 Pl an ana'l wsi s haggd 61the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: PR,J95-0231 Address: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Planner: CURNUTTE Occupancy: R3, Ml Type of ConsE: V-N NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WAIJL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ml Ohr Ohr None Name : WAITTON DUPITEX Date: October 27, L995 Contractor: GRAY - STONE Architect: RIDEN Engineer: MCLEOD Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN NorE:The code items listed i-n this report are noL intended to be a completeIisting of all possibfe code requiremenls in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide toselected sections of the code. SE PARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 16.0 Feet 16.0 FeetEAST Public way 43.0 Feet 32.0 Feet SOUTH Buj-Iding 0. 0 Feet 0. 0 FeetWEST Property line 55.0 Feet 55.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 1"7-A & Table 5-A EAST SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WAIJIJ PROT WALL WAIJII PROT Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None l-hr* thr* NOP WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALI PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exh.erior walls may be of COMBUSTIBI/E material . Sec,2201. None - No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protecEed with 314 hr fire assembties. 50% of the area of the wall maximun. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single wind.ow size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensionqreater than 1"2 feet. -- sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wal1.* - - These walls may be required t.o have a parapet wa1L 30 inches'above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rating as bhe wal1. see section 1710. for details and exceptions. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorada 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Departme nt of Community Deve lopment AREA MIN. T,IGHT MIN,VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Dining room L522 Living room 4L1,2 Kitchen 1932 office 1052 Hal1s, closets. etc, 295 TOTAL FOR FLOOR ].168 1 Garage 5231 Bedroom #2 208 1 Master bath L01l- Halls, closets. etc. 37L TOTAI., FOR FI-,OOR I2O3 B Bedroon #1 113 B Bedroom #2 131 B HalIs, closets, etc. 366 TOTAIJ FOR FIJOOR 510 BUILDING TOTAL 237 t 1.6 .20 4L.l_0 19.30 10.50 0. 00 0.00 20.80 0.00 0.00 11.30 13 .10 0.00 8.10 20.5s 9.65 s.30 0,00 0.00 10.40 5.0s 0.00 5.55 5.55 0.00 No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes 1 1 L I 1 l_ 1 I l- l_ I I 1 I 1 1 FOOTNOTES: l") EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minj-mum clear openable area musL meetthe following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear heiqhL i.s 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 j_nches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 Equare feec4) The maxi.mum si]} height is 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used. in in lieu of exterioropenings for ventilalion. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basernent is based onSec. l-2 04 . ROOM DIMENSTONS: Habitable space shal1 have a ceiling heig'hf of not less than 7 feeL 5inches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toilet compartmenbs may have aceilinq heiq,hb of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum heiqht 1s required in only I/2 of the area. - - Sec. L207 . (al Every dwe11lngr unit sha1l have at least one room which has not less than 120square feet of f l-oor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens shall- havean area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. L207. (h') Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anvd-imension. -- Sec. 1207. {c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS :All glazj-ng in hazardous l"ocatj-ons is reguired to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1-) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) clazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swingring doors other than wardrobe doors. {P *un"'"o'*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 3) Glazingr in storm doors. 4) G1-azinq in alL unframed swinging doors.5) Glazinsf in doors and enclosures for hot tubs. whirlpools, saunas. sceamrooms. bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wallenclosing these compartments where the bottorn exposed. edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standinq surface and drain inlet.5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearestexposed edge of the glazxinq is within a 24-inch arc of either vertica] edgre of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed ed.geof the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walkingr surface.7) GLazing in an individual fixed or operable panel. other than thoselocations described in items 5 and. 6 above, than meeCs atf of thefol Iowinq' conditions :A. Exposed. area of an ind.ividual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge Less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edqfe greater than 35 inches above the ffoor.D. One or more walkinq surfaces within 35 inches horizontalty of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing j-n railings regardless of height above a walking surface.IncLuded are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fi11panel s . See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke deteclor is required on the ceiling or wall at a point. centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access Eo each sleeping area. - - Sec. 12L0 . (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on Lhe ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. - - Sec. L210 . (a\ 4.A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. L21,0. (a) 4.A smoke d.et.ector is required on all stories. ,- Sec. L210. (a) 4.rf the upper level cont.ains sleeping room (s) , a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildi-ng's power source andshal1 be equipped wit-h a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3.Deiectors sha11 sound an alarm audibl-e in all sleeping area of the dwellingin which they are located. - - Sec. j.2l_0. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMEI$S : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1-) Fireplaee must be supporled by a foundation. ,- Sec. 3?07. (b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and warls of firebox areto be l-0 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3702.(c)3) The minimum clearance to combustibre material is from the fireprace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch ofclearance, -- Sec. 3707. (h) tp *u'""""*"" 75 South Frontoge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 t i9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 support.ed by noncombustible material . The hearthIf Opening size is: Front extensionLess than 5 sq. ft.16 inches5 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches-- sec. 3707. (k) & (t) 5) Chimney helght must be per Table 37-B FACTORY BUILT FIREPTACE :L) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval .-- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney heiqht musE be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPAMTION: Between the garaq'e and the resid.enee. materials approved for Lhr fireconstruction are required on the garage s j_de only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self -c1os j_ng L 3/8 inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fire d.oor. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS :A stairway in a dweLling must be at least The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and:- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 330F. (i)bo 38 inches above the nosinq if Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height= 36 inches. maximum openinqf size = 4 j_nehes. -- Sec. L"l j.2. (a\ exc. #LThe minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor Lhr fire-resi.stive construction. -- Sec. 330F. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: inches thick, and size must be at leasr: Side extension 8 inches 12 inehes 35 inches wide. -- sec. 3305. (b) the minimum run is 9 inches. $ *un""uo '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Ratio t/!50 Minimum sq. ft. of vent 7.L9 D epartment of Community D eve lopment 1) ChuLes and dumbwaiLer shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 square feet may lined on the inside wit.h not tess than 25 gagegalvanized sheet metal with aII joints locklapped. The ouhside must. bet hr construction. A1I openinqs into any such enclosure shalf be protectedby not less than a self-closingr solid wood door 13/8 inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. L?06. (f) 2) Gas vents and. noncombustible pi-ping installed in waLLs passing throuqh3 floors or less do nob need to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents. factory-bui1t chimneys, pipinq-, or ducts that donot extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in I hour shafls.-- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required. to be enclosed in a t hour assembly,-- Sec. L706. (a) CRAWLS PACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openingrs in exteriorwa1ls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 sguare foot foreach l-50 square feet of area in crawl space. Qpeninqs shal] be disbributedon two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical.-- Sec. 2516. (c) 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10* of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved. vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves. For a 10?9.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note:opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is locat.edin the cravrl space. -- Sec. 25!6. (c) 2.3) unless bhe wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance todecay or treated wood, the mininum clearance between exposed. earth andfloor joist is 1'8 inches, The minimum clearance to beams and oirders isi-s 12 inches. -- Sec. 2515.(c\ 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREME}CTS :For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and. approved prior to request. for frame inspec tion . {p *""to"o 'uuo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Al1 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limitedstructural floor ceiling heiqht of 5', be earth floorventilated as per UBC 2516 (C)5 with minimum access as2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any buildingr siLe with a slope of 30 deqrees or moreengineer desigrn. Such desiqn shal_l address drainage.and structural d.esiqn. Department of Community Development to a earbh to only. beper UBC shall reguire ansoil retainage Excavation below slabs on grade shall- not be permitted without prior approval , Address numbers sha11 be posted plainly visible and. legible from For M1 occupancy 51ope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide af]oor drain with sand and oil interceplor to dry well or to sewer.Any garage f 1oor drain connected to sewer mus! be approved by UppexEaqle Va11ey Water & Sanitation District. In garaqes with tiving area above, the walls of the garage vriich arebearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503 (B) . {P *"""'uo '*"o ?o*of vail OFFICE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 30i -479-2 I s8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX i03-479-2452 Departnent of Communiry Development TowA of VaiT ?5 South Erontage Road.Vai1, Colorado 81557(303) 479-21-38 Plan review based onthe 1991 Unif orrn Buildinq Code Name : WALTON DUPIJEX Date: October 27, 1,995 ContracLor: GRAY STONE ArchiLecE: RIDEN Engineer: MCLEOD Pl-ans Examine CHUCK FELDMANN All electrical work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest National Efectrical Code,all Town of Vail Olrdinances, and l{o1y Cross Requirements. This project will require a site improvement survey.This survey shall be subrnitted and staff approvedprior to a request for a frame inspecLion. Under nocircumstances will a frame inspection be donewithout an approved site improvement survey. OnIy one wood burning fireplace may be installed per dwellingr unit within the Town of Vai1. cas appliances with rBu vents only are not restricted under this regulation. Gas 1og apparatus'retrofilted within wood burning chimneys arerestricted as such. Exterior surfaces wittr stucco shall be provided withexterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required. to beadequately flashed(not wiEh just screed metal). Alath inspection is required prior sLuccoapplication. All new construction within the Town of Vail will berequired to have a public Way permit plus an initial-j-nspection by the T.O.V. Public Works Departnent. to approve sile drainage and culvert inslallation priorto any Bui lding DepL. i nspecrions. Proj ect Number: PRJ95-0231 Add.ress: 1333 WESTHAVEN DRPlanner: curnutte n.-.-rrnar,1-rr. P? M1 Type of Constr V-N 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 t 38 / 47e-2 I 3e FAX 343-479-2452 Departnent of Community Development This project is resbrlcted from the burning of woodin fireplaees. Unless the lot is a restricted lotin size, three gias logs fireplaees and three gas appliances are pernitt.ed per unit a11owed. Gas Iogr chimneys enclosures shal1 be one hr. protecLed. THIS PRO.JECT REQUIRES TWO ONE HOUR WALLS BETWSEN EACH UNIT WITH A ONE INCH AIR SPACE FROM FOUNDATION TO UNDER SIDE OF ROOF SHEATING. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical venlilation system connecteddirectly to Ehe out,side shall be provided. Bathrms which conbain only a water closet or lav. may bevenlilated wibh a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). DomesLic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shalI beinsballed as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct conneciors may noh exceed 6' in lenqth and. shall notbe concealed within construcLion. Ducts sha11terminale outsid.e bhe buildinq and not exceed 14' l ength . No domectic dishwashing rnachine shal1 be directly connected to a drainage system wibhouL the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices sha11 be installedto protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. plumbing fixEures with rnechanj.cal- apparatus shalL be supplied with an access panel for inspection and.repair of equipment. UPC 904- Domestic rangies shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30', to unprotected combustible material. UMC L90l,. A chimney enclosure for a wood. burning fireplaceflue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resisCiveconstruction. UBC 1706. This involves lining theinside of such chase wihh 5/8,, Type X sheeErock- andfire - taping j oi-nLs . Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel-burning fireplaces provided the installation is accordingi to the listing instruc.lions. any dampersha1l be removed or permanent.ly blocked, and asafety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. L3 10 11 14 IJ a 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 30s-479-2 t 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 Deparnnent of Communiry Development cas fireplace appliances are required to beinstalled as per list.ing installation instructions -with a I'BD venE only. Combustion air must besupplied from the outside for af1 new constructionln EJre lown ot vaa_1 . Supply a mechanieal drawing' indicatinq' design ofsystem, size (BTU and. vol_ume) of equipmenL, ven!location and termination, and combust.ion air to besupplied prior Lo any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetls and shower heads are required to utilize flowrestriction devices. Also, the maximum water cl-osetflush usage is l-imited to a maximum of 3,5 qallons per flush. The enclosed usable space under the stairs isrequired lo be prolecled by thr fire-resistiveconstruction. -- 3305. (1) At eaves and valleys an adeguate underlayment shal-lbe provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid moppedto sheathj-nq and between layers or a conmerciaLwater & ice shield may be used. as per Table 3281,. Because of lhis project's location, t:he foundationis required to be dampproofed to prevent damage toareas bel-ow finished grad.e. UBC 1707 (d) . The structure is required to be anchored. to the foundataion wiEh 7/2 inch anchor bolte. The bolts must be lnto the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code foradditional requirements. - - sec. 2907. (fl Include a copy of the soils report for the site tobe built on. -- Sec. 2905. 1_8 rtr L7 2L 22 23 I9 20 {}FfiilF'd?iP' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorada 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Community Development Town of VaiT 75 South Frontage RoadVail. Colorado 81657 (3 03) 47 9 - 21.3 B Pl- an analysis based onthe l-991, Uniform Building Code Name: WAI-ITON DUPLEX #B Date: October 27, !995Contractor: GRAV- STONEArchitect; RIDEN Engineer: MCLEOD Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN EAST SOUTI{ WEST NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAIJL PROT I,IAI.,I' WALI, PROT WAI,L WALL PROTOhr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr NoneOhr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None COMBUSTIBTE malerial . Sec.2201. NQTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a conpletelisting of all possible code requirements in the t99t UBC. It is a guide toselecbed sections of the code. SEPARATT ON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA TNCREASE FTRE PROTECTION NORTII Buildinq 0. 0 Feet 0.0 FeerEAST Property line 3.0 Feet 3.0 FeetsouTH Building 31.0 Feet 15.0 FeetWEST Property line 60.0 FeeL b0.0 Feet EXTERIOR WAI,I, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PRO?ECTTONTable 17-A & Table 5-A Proj ect Number: PR'J95-0231 Address: L333 WESTHAVEN DR.Planner: CURNUTTE Occupancy: R3. M1 Type of Const: V-N NORTH OCC ERG NON-BRG OPNG BRG WALL WAIL PROT WAIJIJR3 thr* thr* NOP OhrMl Lhr* ]-hr* NOP Ohr The exterior wa11s may be of None -- No fire protech.ion requiremenLs for openingrs.Prot -- Openings are to be protected lrith 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50k of the area of the wa1l maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than L2 feet. -, Sec. 4306. (h) NOP - - Openings are not permitt.ed in this wa1l.* -- These waLls may be required. to have a parapet wall 30 inchesabove ttle roofing. The parapet wa11 is reguired to have the samefire rating as ttre wal1, see secti-on 1710. for details and exceptions. {p *no*o** 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 3 8/479-2 r 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comnunity Development AREA MIN.LTGHT MTN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Dini-ng room 92 10.002 L,iving room 395 39. d02 Bedroom #3 !f7 11.702 Kitchen I]-2 fL .202 Halls, closets, etc. 351 0.00 TOTAL FOR FTOOR 106B1 carage 555 0.001 Master bedroom 205 20.d01 Master bath 100 0.001 Halls, closets. etc. 342 0.00 TOTAL FOR FI,OOR 1203B Bedroom #1 113 11.30B Bedroon #2 l-30 13.00B HaLls, cl-osets, etc. 38L 0.00 TOTAT FOR FLOOR 624 BUII.,DING TOTAL 2271 5.00 19. B0 s.85 5.50 0.00 0.00 10.30 5.00 0.00 5.65 5.50 0.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 L 1- 1 1 1 No No Yes No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operabte window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. ?he minimurn clear openable area must meetthe following. -- Sec. L204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum elear area is 5.? square teet4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (D$re11inqs) 3) A mechanical vent.ilation sysbem may be usecl in in fieu of exterioropenings for ventil-ation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based onSec. 1204. ROOM DIMENSTONS : Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 'I feet 5inctres. Kltchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toifet compartmenls may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. rf Lhe eeilingis sloping. then the minimum height is required in only I/Z of the area. - -Sec. L207 . (a\ Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not Less than 120square feet of Eloor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shafl havean area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207- (b)Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than T feet in anvdimension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GI.,AZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of saferyglazj-nq material . -- Sec. 540d. (d) 1) GLazins i.n ingress and egress doors except jalousies.2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors, {p *""""uo'*"' 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 3) clazinq in storm doors.4) Glazins in a1l- unframed swinging doors,5) Glazinq in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sreamrooms, bathtubs and strowers. Glazing in any portion of a building wallenclosing these compartmenls where lhe bottom exposed edgie of theq'lazing is less than 60 inches above a sLanding surface and drain in1et.5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacenL to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxinqr is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed. position and where the bottom exposed. ed.geof the qJ-azing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an i-ndividual fixed or operable panel , other than thoselocations descritred in items 5 and G above, than meets al.l of thefollowing condit-ions :A. Exposed area of an ind.ividual pane great.er than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bott.om ed.ge less than j.8 inches above the ffoor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of theplane of the glazing. B) Glazing in railings regardless of heiqrht above a waLkinqr surface.Included are strucbural baluster panels and nonstructural in-filIpanel s , See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS:A smoke detector is required on the ceilinqr or waff at a point centrarlylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. - - Sec. L2L0 . (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa11 in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 121_0- (a) 4.A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.A smoke detector is required on all sLories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.rf the upper lever contains sleep!.nqr room(s) . a smoke detector is requj-redin the ceilinq of the upper 1evel close to lhe stairway.-- Sec. L2L0. (a\ 4 smoke detecLors are required to be wired to the building,s power source andshall be equipped wiLh a baLtery bac.kup. -- Sec. 12f0. (a) 3.Detectors s]-all sound an alarm audible in a1l- sleeping area of the dwellingin which they are locat.ed. -- Sec. L2LO. (a) 4. FIREPIJACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:t) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wa1ls of firebox areto be 10 inches thick. ff the li_ning is of firebrick then the wall_smay be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707.(c\ {P""ouo'*u^ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0 - 479 - 2 I 3 8/4 7 9- 2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 D epartment of Community D evelopment 3) The minimum clearance to combustible naterial is from the firepl-ace, srnoke chamber, and chimney wal1s is 2 inches. combustible material maynot be placed wilhin 6 inches of fireplace openinq and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project. more than 1,/B inch for each. j. inch ofclearance, - - Sec. 37A7. (h\ 4) The hearth must be noncombustible. a minimum of 4 inches thick, andsupported by noncombustible maLerial . The hearLh size must be at least:ff Opening size is: Front extension Side extensronLess than 5 sq.f t.15 inches 8 inches 12 inches6 sq.fL, or greaLer 20 inches-- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney heiqrht must be per Table 37-B FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approvaf.-- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 3?-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between t.he g'araq'e and the resid.ence, materials approved f or j-lrr f ireconstruction are required on the qarage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the resid.ence are to be a self-closingr 13/8 inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. *3 STAIR REQUTREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling musb h'e at reast 36 inches wide. -- sec. 330s. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minj-mum run j_s 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches, Minimum heiqht= 35 inches, maxinum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. Lj1,2, (a) exc. #l-The minimum headroorn is 6 ft.- 8 inches, -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be proteeted as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCTOSURES :1) Chutes and dumbwaiLer shafts with a cross- sectionaL area of not more than9 sguare feet may lined on the inside $rith not less than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal with ar1 joints locklapped. The outside must beI' hr construction. All openings into any suctr enclosure shal1 be protected.by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. l-706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombusLible pipinq instalLed in walls passing throuqh3 floors or less do not. need to be in t hour shafts.-- sec . 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents. f act.ory-bui1t chimneys, pipinq', or ducts that donot exlend through not more than 2 floors need noc be in 1 hour shafts.-- Sec. r705. (c) {P *o'""'o "*" 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Ratio r / 1,s0 Minirnum sg.ft. of vent 7 .37 Department of Community Development 4) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a L hour assemblv.-- Sec. 17 06. (a) CRAWLS PACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwalIs. opening sha1l provide a net area of noL less than L square foot foreach 150 square feet of area in cravrl space. Openings shall be distributedon two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical .-- sec. 2575. (c) s. Note: vent openinqs may be reduced Lo L0% of Lhe aboveif qround surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding of f icial approves.For a 1105.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access openinq ho the crawl space area. Noce:opening may be required Lo be rargrer if mechanical equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec. 251-5. (c) 2.3) unless the wood is listed as an approved. wood of natural- resistance to d'eeay or lreated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed. earth and.floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance Lo beams and gird.ers isis 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L5.(c') 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For R3 occupancyThis project will require a site improvement survey. Such surweyshaIl be submitted and approved prior t,o request for frameinspection. A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vai-1 are limitecl to a earth tostruceural floor ceiling heigrht of 5'. be earth floor only. beventilated as per UBC 2515 (C)6 with minimum access as per UBC2515(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sg. ft. Any building site wi-th a slope of 30 degrrees or more shall require anenglneer desigrn. Such design shall address drainaqe, soil retainageand structural design. Excavdtion below s1abs on grrad.e shal1 not be permitted without priorapproval . Address nunrber s shal1 be posted plainry vi-sibre and legiible from the6treet. €pouno"'*o 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 3 e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development For M1 occupancy Slope qarage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry wel-1 or to sewer.Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must. be approved by UpperEagl-e Va11ey Water & Sanitation Districc. In qfarages with livinq area above, the wa]Ls of the qaraqe wiich arebearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503 (B) . {,p *""""'o '*"* November 2, 1995 Mr. Jin Curnutte 111 south Frontage Roadvail. CO 81557 RE: Greg Walton building permit applicaLion, 1-335 westhaven Drive, Parcel B, Millrace IIr Dear Mr. Curnutte: The purpose of this letter is to request that you release the above described building permit under the following condiLions; r understand that the fown AtEorney (Tom Moorhead) must review Lhe Quit Claim Deed, which apparently vacates aportion of an easement. that is currently located under t'he building. Since Tom will not be available Lo review the deed until someuime next week, I agree to sLop all work on the project if he should determine that the guit claim deed is not acceptable or addiEional work needs Lo be done in relation Lo Ehe maLter,of vacat.inq the easement. I agree to continue t'he existing "1imit of construction activityx barrier further to the nortbwesL, to a poinL no l-ess Lhan 12 feet. fron the bike path. The conLinuaLion of the fence will- be complet.ed within two days of issuance of the building permit,. f agree to say noLhing but nice things abouE Ehe Department of Comnunity Development sLaff for the rest of my life, or at least until I leave bhe building. which ever comes first. With the above agreemenls, I requesE that you release the WalLon building permit- atr cL rMTErhD OcI z g ,sos yff ,i"*:rH'Til:T J :t H:f"#;#MM, ffir, DEH; of thc rrid Counry of !n<. A*yhS lrd srdrc of Call.fornl.a .8rf,nror. ard tlrcEtErJ .t. r.AuaERaAcE - , 8!|lnrc.Gl whosc legal addrcrr is ValI CO 81558 of thc said County of Eagl6 arrd Stntc, of Colorado WITNESS, lhal thc grantor, for and in consirlcrarion of rhcrumof TElf & OO/fOO DOLIARS, thc rcccipt ind Nufficicncy of which ir hcrcby acknowlcdgcd, har rcmircd, rclcascd, sold, colrcycd, and QUIT C|-A!MED, and by lhcsc prcffntr, do rcmisc, rclacc, tcll, eonvcy and Qult Chim unto ths Snnlca. hie hcirr, rucccsror! and aarignr, forcvcr, rll thc right. titlc, int/rcn, clrim md dgm$d which thc lfrntot hll hindtolhu rcrl propcrry, togethcr wirh lmjtr$varrunii, llrfiy, ilturtc, lylng rnd btlng Inthe seld edunty 6f EagI.atrd Strtc of Colorado rlcscribcd as follows; Acc.a8 Eraonent, nhlcb lt dsrcrlbad Ln Book ilo. 30?893, dapicted by the Crosr ltetcb furtber deserlbed on tho flnal Plet, lt.lllrace Book 611 at Paga 685 as ReccFelotr fto. 5O7763. lbat Portiol of tba PaE(615 ar R€ceptioB attacbsd harrto and wbicb Lr rocorded i.n {tlL at IIT, as known by otrcet and numbcr ac: TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD thc srmc, logcllcr wilh a.ll and silgular tlrc appurtcnrnecs ond privilcgcs thcreuntc bclonging or in any- wisc thctcunto lppcrrliding. md dl thc crtatc, right. titlc, intcrcsr orrl cluim $rhstrDcvcr, of tho grontor, citlcr ia law or cquity, lo tlc oaly propcr usc, bcnsfit ond bchoof of thc grantcc, hi: hcirs nnd asrigns forcvcr. Thc singular numbcr slrall includc thc plural, tbc plural and thc ringular, r.nd thc usc of any gcndcr rhall bo applicablc rir all gcndcrs. lN YyITNESS WIII'REOI', tha Brrntor lttr3 crccurcd thle decd on thc dltc CORPORAIIOil srouor C/\.tr{rr^rot , . \ , ,)ss. counry or Lt,p llvtl1/.J !r' tU w ilrl i-ll i?rrrr forth rhovc. My tlllyn i NotarylPublic L-O WESTHAVEN, INC., fw. , u \bt,{acl Witncil mv firnrj anrl ofliciat rcol, ftr Slctnrl Tlllc of Eajlc Co{tr|t, lr|c, o31se \\o' \\ e- .iLu.l,t.,-i- ii.. : ";:l *o\\'ux* 1o t'. ;r;ct.',s i.ri: r.rt i; r'' {iifl'.. i:'. PtGi./ \.1'\:\ti., '.'. i:.. r, JF 5An' ;\:--l ------'\\"'.\ \ \---t.\, i.\\ \ r . . s 6.+ _ -'f'r '>a t- -' 'i.'.: \cc5:5. !rlrAl?i;{;i k 'lllin' i-ASr- i.{t-ii l ,' . :-* :R:-{Tf _\ iiy THiS Er! A:'. WESTHAVEN SITE : 59(16'{'r' n lE,"? !].6i9 ACRE5 . JJ: '.rESTl.iA\trt1 !Rl','e ,.ur '.l iCCl:;:. !isFLtitr' aak(i:: xaICHf;' i '.'Jrah i''. PACf 6::. lii) ?rL ArrA:Jta)rit L r-rY stl-a;r;ii :'f 'cljME t"! i- .is.i ,r i r-r!)r D :D . r€rI t/)+ -b*,fz l:49'08'51' R:143.20 L=122.83 T:65.48 LC:1 1 9.1O CB=S 15'57'4 \ rlr 'rt \ s.rr')9'J:.'+. I r.o5 I : q C\ C! I i}J (^op co 11oo z. ;'., /c '.t+ .. ei1'{1{ ' - yr f(t ..-( ;g; .r8.iC.' WiTi.ii: it,'i.i - :'.,rLt. :'il r:i :aa. ': f[.i'lR ..'-'. '1^. :'6:''-ui .1 / PR0;ri;Tr ':i.'R::Ln.' i.l! ,: ,' j :ai i'. % ."t. \. o, -ft. 95.9 t Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: Morgan, l.ewis & Bockius LLP 801 South Grand Avenue 22nd Floor Los Angeles, California 90017 Attention: John M. DeMarco, Esq. EASEMENT AGREEI\{ENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into as of October [1 , 1995, by and between MICHAEL J. LAUTERBACH; whose address is P. O. Box 3451, Vail, Colorado 81658 ("MJL") on the one hand, and L-O WESTHAVEN, INC., a Colorado corporation, whose business address is c/o l,owe Enterprises, Inc., 11777 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 900, l,os Angeles, Califomia 90049 ('L-O"), on the other hand, rvith reference to the following facts: A. L-O is the orvner of that certain real property described in ExhibilA attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Tennis Parcel"). B. MJL is the owner of the real property described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "MJL Properry")- C. By.that certain Conveyance of Easement dated April 10, 1985, and recorded as Reception No. 307893 in book 411, page 615, of the office of Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, State of Colorado on Aprit 18, 1985, Vail Venrures Ltd., a Colorado partnership (predecessor in interest to MJL with respect to all or a portion of the MJL property) granted to Cascade Club, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership (predecessor in interest to L-0 with respect to the Tennis Parcel), an easement as described therein (the "Access Easement"). D. In connection with development of the MJL property, MJL has requested that L-O quitclaim a portion of the Access Easement pursuant to the form of quitclaim deed that has been or will be recorded substantially concurrently herewith. E. L-O is willing to execute, acknowledge and deliver a quitclaim deed to MJL on the corrdition that MJL grant to L-O, its successors and assigns, for the benefit of the Tennis Parcel, the easement set forth hereinbelow. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING, THE PARTIES .A,CRE| AS FOLLOWS: LAoi/86742.4 l. Grant of Easement. MJL hereby grants a non-exclusive exsement over the area described in Exhibit Q attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference; for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, repairing, enlargening, reconstructing and using a roadway thereupon providing vehicular, equestrian and pedestrian ingress and egress to and from the Tennis Parcel, the rights of which may be granted, conveyed, leased, encumbered, licensed or otherwise alienated to any person or entity from time to time by L-O. 2. Bindihe Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of any of the individual parties hereto, and the successors and assigns of any of *re parties hereto. 3. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shail be deemed an original, but all of which counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument, which may be sufficienrly evidenced by one counteqparti notwithstanding that fewer than all signatures appear on any one counterpart. 4- CaBtions. All captions and headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties, and shall not be used in any way to modify, limit, construe or othenvise affect this Agreement. 5. Severabilitv. In case one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement (or any ponion of such provision) shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement (or any portion of any such provision), but this Agreement shatl be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision (or portion thereof) had never been contained herein. 6. Gsvernine IJw. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. 7. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets fonh the entire agreement and understanding of the parties in respect of the transactions contemplated hereby and supercedes all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof. No representation, promise, inducement or statement of intention has been made by any party to this Agreement, or their respective agents, which is not embodied in this Agreement, and neither pany shall be bound by or liable for any alleged representation, promise, inducement or statement of intention not so set forth. 8. Amendment and Waiver. This Agreement may be amended, modified, superceded or cancelled, and any of the tenns, covenants, representations, warranties or conditions hereof may be waived, only by a written instrument executed by the parties hereto, but, in the case of a waiver, only by the party waiving compliance. The failure of any party at any time or times to reguire performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect the right at a later time to enforce the same. No waiver by any party of any condition, or any L 0v86742.4 o breach of any term, covenant, representation or warranty, contained in this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be or construed as a further or continuing waiver of any such condition or breach of any other term, covenant, representation or warranty of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures as of the day and year first written. L-O IVESTHAVEN, INC., a Colorado corporation 3v/t'7(/i-> n'37 LAol /8674e . 4 EXHIBIT'A" (Tennis Parcel) That certain real properry located in Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SE I/4 NW I/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., LYINC NORTHWESTERLY OF THE NORTHWESTERLY HIGH.}VATER-LINE OF GORE CREEK AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 6, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 12, WHENCE THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION l2 BEARS NORTH OO DEGREES 15 MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST 7167.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO DEGREES 15 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 85.44 FEET ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 12 TO A POINT ON SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 75 DEGREES 36IVIINUTES 27 SECONDS wEsT 138.98 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 54 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 192.76 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 45 DECREES 55 MINUTES 47 SECONDS WEST 87.97 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE: THENCE SOUTH 34 DEGREES 43 MINUTES II SECONDS WEST 80.29 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 04 DEGREES 4T IVIINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST THENCE SOUTH 16 DEGREES 44I''IINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 102.85 FEET ALONC SAID'HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 30 DEGREES 43 IVIINUTES 2l SECONDS WEST 22.27 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE oF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 02 MINUTES WEST 388.21 FEET ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY zuGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY; THENCE NORTH 52 DEGREES 35 MINUTES EAST 866.87 FEET ALONG SAID HIGHWAY RICHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 25 SECONDS EAST 104.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SECTION 12, TO POINT OF BEGINNING. I EXHIBIT'B'' (MJL Property) That certain real property located in Eagte County, Colorado, described as follows; PARCEL A AND PARCEL B AS SHOWN ON THE FINAL PLAT, CASCADE CREEK, A RESUBDIVISION OF FINAL PLAT MILLRACE ITI, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, RECORDED DECEMBER 20. 1993, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 523935 IN BOOK 627, PAGE 873 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. EXHIBIT'C" A TWELVE FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND LYING WITHIN PARCEL B. FINAL PLAT, CASCADE CREEK, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID STRIP LYTNG SIX FEET ONEACH SIDEOFTHEFOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL B WHENCE THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL B BEARS 6.00 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 143.20 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02'24'05", AND A CHORD THAT BEARS N07'23'55"E 6.00 FEET; THENCE, DEPARTING SAID EASTERLY LINE, N81'23'19"W 52.29 FEET; THENCE S58'06'44"W 47.48 FEET; THENCE 565'27'22"W 35.10 FEET: THENCE S71'34'52'W 39.67 FEET: THENCE S80'5s'06"w 38.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL B, WHENCE THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL B BEARS N00' 38'56'E 65.79 FEET. THE SIDELINES OF THE ABOVE STRIP ARE SHORTENED OR LENGTHENED TO TERMINATE AT THE PROPERTY LINES. 7 STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing e4i&r< , ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS instrument was acknowledged before 1995 by Michael J. Lauterbach. me this /8t' day of ) ) ss. ) My Commission exp Witness my hand srATE OF CALTFORNIA )) ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) appeared WITNESS my hand and official seal. /\/ 19 -(: , before me, a notary public, personally , personally known to me (or proved (seat) H to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) td be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and qcknowledged to me that th| executed &e same in$9nerauthorizedwithin instrument and ac-Ioowledgeal to me that _Lh€ executed the same rnous/her"uthorrzed capacity, and that by6'Jner sig*tu.e on the insFdent the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument- !\ii6fiibt:a-x?tncral seal. ?:: : l -|'-- \ pu;-;;q Natalie A. Brown Cornm. #97i 9.''7 rARY PUALIC . CALITJ;TITiAX LO8 ANGELES COUN;Y (, Cot tL Crfir.e Nor, 2e, 1998 t FROM GRAIil l-17-1996 l1 ,46PM Y-STONE CONST 974 475 P.2 GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENI, INC. so?z'lrmsficfirnxrcxer. . vArL, co Et6E7 . srott?6-r6e0 . ez0l4?6-60?srA,r Torm of Vail Cornmrnity Dq/€lopf,ert Towr ofVeil 75 $. Froutage Rd. Vail, CO Novenber 13, 1996 . RE: P€rffit #: 895-0381 To WhomitMayConcau; Cray-$tme Cofftructiotr and Dwelopment,Ino. aad Wahon Cosstnrcdffi have negotiated a ohmgg. Walton Cousnrotim will be the Gecreral Cootrecto'* ofRecord at the Wsfton [hrplErq 1333 We*hrym Dr., Millnce Phase ITL Vril, Coloredo. Ifyou hwe any Ereecions oonc,€mfug this changq please feel fiae to oell ne, 6@78 I i l-1 /-re95 11:45PM FROI4 ffiAY-STONE COf-lS'l 978 476 EATEtt GRAY-STONE OONSTRUCTION Al'lD DEVELOPMENT tNc. ?6tts-A KINNT'ETNMcK c"r. . vAu+ c0 srdsz r sz0l{?6-r600 . e?s{?6.60?s po* P. 1 rAX PO\f,ERSHEET i\ ro: /Jo\ of FRoM: ,{*'/ DArE: rt/7r/7a # OF PAGES INCLUDING CO\IEK OTIIERCOMMEITIT$I { hqr le e* i f* {*Ft' & S.- [fq/A, GA' , pu+,v<* LJn rn tn/n4 {q// ,/ T /*{-*h,* ,a//* M*,g RUG-14-1996 16:13 ARCHITECT'S Jft€S RIDEN QIN RR5lEUENI fi3 949 AW4 P.El t)E nct Arahiasrr (;gnr({lttrIl t C. rr'rt.ir{trtl rjsld Otltcr SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS ilA t)tJcu,lt6Mr G7l0 tl,t!';frlrtion!. on r.rr?+t-se vidfij trg ll 11 o tr PR0JECT: t Aci|rCU (mme etldrc$s) OVNER, Lo:_VA!.u f$u r uurn6 Dg.eT.(L()nrnrcRrr) CT)N]'ITACT FOR: CONTRACT DA'I'ET): ARCIITECt"ti suPPt.EunNTAL lN$1'trur:Tr0N No: I DA'I'E (rr rs$uANCE: g. n_qLt Ar{crf rrE(;F srevE$ ;sArrtK gl,wt l, ARCtItTEcIs PRoJEc't' NO' 539 the &rrk shrll bc r:rried out ln tcu(lmcc wktr thc frrll(ryinE sunrltnrentrl inslttrttiirrrr iaqucd irr lccrr$tncc nirh thc c(nlrrr<t *,:::T:"-:tll,,t:1.!I{n" rn Conrrrct Surn (r ConrriL'l fin,J Fi.,.lccrlng wirh ltre vrrk i,r *.cioir.,tqc. wirtr rhesc irr*rrrr$kr'rittdkll2t }lt ur lcknowkarlElr|t3nt tlur dlcfr will he no ch|ngc in thc ConrA!.r Sunr rrr ColrtJr.t .tirrrs tlcr(riplkrn; cllo,"M( lr-lapt ^f *.rt d,oav* I g*+l* 14}rt f,na1^n eX f ob *o ? -zxL'wil'l" ply r,trood so,radgzicl"td l."fr"{o[^. j-zlib is aa,' a,.LlFIaU/* erahs*i{r,rlrhA for .gra zxr atNsdxrr pytlrrrd,,Ia\ "We?Pu1*is Ls,sJ $^A^ 7 &L+ clp*r A{tfchlttqnt$ (k4 nt!.fi tit..tE 1l ulla',t teqt .a.t, ,vfrlar, d.4r4t 4,4 ) tssuuo Bt-t?gD +ldli\h^l sdR ABoHffF=:f5 TDTA* P.BI \ { il-L s-ootto /.4r{:i ,1 .M.,,,/rl ,,, ,) ,,x- 1.; {J{,ri| i -'-)-4 , --L. /-) +1i " " -' Present Greg Amsden Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langcnwalter Dalton Williams Gena Whitten PLANNING AND E}WIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 9,1992 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Molliea Jill Kammercr Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Bleckcr The meedng was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at 1:05PM. L A request for a worksession for a minor suMivision and a zone disrict change from Primarv/Secondanr Residential to Low Densitv Multiple Family, for the Schmetzko nroperty. eenerally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane. morg particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or less, located in the South 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE comer of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; thence westerly along the northerly line of said SW U4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft. distant from and parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance of 200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 ft. distant fmm and parallel to the north line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the norrh line ofthe SW l/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east ll2 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a disunce of 200,00 ft. to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the SW l/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 21'00" along the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE l/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft, to the NE comerof the SW 1/4 of the SE l/4 of Section 11, being the pointof beginning. Planning and Environmennl Commission . March 9, 1992 . Page I III Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. I according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicant Erich Schmetzko Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the request and issues surounding the proposal. Chuck ftist asked why the l,and Use Plan called out this area as Medium Density Residential. Kristan Pritz said MDR was a general range of 3-14 units, and was used as a guide. Grcg Amsden asked if the Commission should then give the applicant a developrnent range. Rick Rosen, rcprcsenting the applicant, said they wanted to obtain approval for as many units as possible. He said the hazard mitigation plans were still being worked upon, and that be would like to see direction from the Commission on the maximum number of units which would be approved. Greg asked for a history of the parcel. Rick responded that when Mr. Schmetzko purchased the properfy, it was not yet annexed into the Town of Vail. At that time, he believed it was zoned for 5 units by the County. When the Town annexed the atea, he believed the owner was given no notice that the Town was going to down-zone the prcperty. At this point, Mr. Schmetzko wished to rezone the property and replat it into one parcel for continuous access. Diana Donovan indicated that how the County had zoned the property was not the issue. She indicated she could only support increasing the density of the property if sufficient mitigation was performed. She believed it was unbuildable without mitigation. In addition, she ftlt it was critical that the mitigation be performed on the property, not off-site, as there would be too rnuch scaring if the mitigation went back into the BLM lands. She challenged tle owner to address the aesthetic coql:ems of the mitigation. Kathy Langenwalter was not comfortable rezoning the property. She thought a Special Development District would be more appropriate. She was leery of giving the parcel a new zoning, then having it sold. Since the mitigation was critical to the proposal, she wanted more development controls placed on the prcperty than just zoning. Diana agreed, but suggested placing plat restrictions on ttre parcels. Kathy did not believe that would be enough control, as the mitigation was part of the design process. Andy indicated that standards for the mitigation construction could be placed on the plat. Kathy believed the rezoning request would be easier to support if it was known who would develop the propeny. Rick replied that if the property was restricted through use of the plat, the developer would still be required to go through the planning process. If a site-specific request were approved, it would be difficult for Mr. Schmetzko to sell the property, as it would limit the use and value of the land, Kathy reiterated that the site is very sensitive, and she did not believe a plat restriction would sufficiently pnotect the character of the area. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9,1992. Page 2 Rick inforrned the Commission that, accorrding to Art Mears, a hazard specialist, the hazards on the lot may not be as severe as previously thought. Mr. Mears had indicated that mitigation was probable, but that parhaps the rernoval of the past "solutions" would lessen the scope of necessary on-site rnitigation. Kathy found 9 units to be an unreasonable lequest, as she thought it would entail some mitigation to be performed off-site. She believed all mitigation should be contained within the property. However, she said she would wait to make a decision until additional work from Art Mears was completed. Rick asked the Commissioners to give direction to him, stating the number of units they believed would be acceptable, if the dcvelopment would meet all zoning and design standards. Greg Amsden asked why mitigation would affect the number of units which could be built on the property. Kathy explained that the mitigation could cover half of the buildable acreage, and therefore the development would be restricted to a small portion of the site. Kristan further explained that, while mitigation did not affect the development potential determined by zoning, it did make the constructable area much smaller. Greg believed an attractive building of approximately 9 units could still fit on the lot once the mitigation was constructed, and the lot could bc attractively developed. Kristan indicated staff needed more questions answered before they could agree. Diana wondered if there could be a liability problem if the Town upzoned the propeny knowing it was in a debris flow hazard area. Rick believed the Town and Mr. Schmetzko could rely on Art Mears' assessment of the danger. Rick asked if, as part of the mitigation, debris flow could be channeled across the driveway. Michael Hazard, the architect for the proposal, indicated that a similar plan had been successfully constructed in Beaver Creek. Kathy believed any rezoning should be realistic as to number of units the site could support, and she did not believe 9 units were reasonable, and again questioned having some of the mitigation performed off-site. Rick indicated the current Town-built mitigation was not sufficient, and that since the BLM land was where the hazard originated, it was most efficient to mitigate in that location. Diana disagreed, stating mitigation on BLM land was too visible. Gena Whinen agreed with Kathy, that 9 units were not supportable after mitigation was performed. For her to make a determination, a morc specific mitigation plan was necessary, so she could see the size of the remaining constructable area. Dalton could support 9 units for the propcrty, depending on the mitigation plans. Rick Rosen asked if, once they obtain a fully-engineered mitigation plan for the lot, could Mr. Schmetzko rctum to the Commission to discuss the number of units which could be built. Diana said that would be acceptable, but believed the Commission would have to be given a guamniee that the mitigation would be performed, and that the additional density would be safe. Ludwig Kurz agreed with Diana's assessment. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9,1992. Page 3 Rick thanked the Commission, indicating he had a good idea of what the applicant needed to do. 2. A request for a worksession to discuss a majgr amendment to Cascade Village. SDD #4. Area A. Millracc Itr. 1335 Westhaven DriveJ0ascade Villgge. more specificallv described as follolys: A part of the SW t/+. NE %. Section 12. Township 5 South. Ranee 81 West of the 6th P.M.. described as follows: Beeinning at a point of the Nofth-South ce4terline of said Section 12 whence aLiron oin with a plastic cap markins the center of said Section f 2 bears S00o38'55"W 455.06 feeu thence alone said centerline N00o38'56"8 122.81 feet to the southelly ROW line of I-70: thence departins said ROW line N66'53'25"E 39.15 fee[ thence departine said ROW line S81o23'19"E 165.42 feet to a point of curve: thenge 122.83 feet along the arc of a 143.20 foot radius curve to the lefLhaving a cenrral anele of 49"08'51" and a chord that bears S15'57'45"E 119.10 feet thence 540"3210"8 3.@ feet: thence 66.30 feet alone the arc of a 77.21 foot radius curve to the rieht, having a central angle of49o12'10" and a chord rhat bears S15o56'05"8 64.28 feeL thence S8'40'00"W 90.27 feet thence N38o42'24"W 224.55 feet thence S78'10'32"I[ 101.44 feet to the Point of Besinning. Applicant: VailVentures,Ltd.MichaelLauterbach Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the history of the parcel, the proposal, and staff's suggestions. Greg Amsden asked if there had been previous increases in GRFA granted for the Cascade SDD. Kristan Pritz answered that Coldstream Condominiums had requested an increase, but it had not been approved. Under the recently approved Millrace IV development, there had been a decrease in GRFA fmm previously approved plans. Kristan pointed out that the Cascade SDD allowed for the development of single family homes on this site because of the Millrace IV recent amendment to allow single-family units, and the allowable uses listed in the SDD for Millrace III were now the same as those listed for Millrace IV. Diana Donovan asked if the project would be 6,000 sq. ft., or have 6,000 sq. ft. of GRFA. Kristan replied it would be GRFA. Greg asked how large the garage would be on the southemmost garage. Mike Lauterbach, the co-applicant, said ir was an oversized l-car garage, but if the design were increased by 2 feet, it could become a Z-car garage. Diana asked Mike if he was receptive to developing 1 duplex and 1 single family residence on the site as opposed to three single family residences as he had proposed. Mike indicated he could be receptive, and was testing the water. He indicated the roof would be 33-38 feet in height, which is less than the 48 foot height maximum allowed in the SDD, but did not Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9,1992 . Page 4 feel that I large building and I small building was as visually stimulating as 3 separats buildings, but agreed that 2 buildings would be bener than one large 3-unit building. Regarding setbacks, Mike said they would be no less than 8-10 feet, and more likely 10-12 feet, but did not want to be locked into the greater setback. In addition, he requested that an additional 250 sq. ft. per unit be granted to the project on top of the 6,000 sq. ft. to be used for circulation, as the definitions fon GRFA in place at the time the SDD was approved allowed additional squarc footage for stairs. Kristan agreed, stating that at least stainways and mechanical had not been counted toward CRFA when the SDD was put in placs. Diana said she could support 6,000 sq. ft. of GRFA plus what ever credrts were in place when the SDD was originally adopted, and asked staff to research that. The consensus of rhe Commission was in agreement with that provision. Kristan indicted it may depend on what type of building would be constructed with respect to crcdits. Jill indicated this direction from the Commission was different from that given during the Cosgriff (Millrace IV) approval. Shelly Mello said, under the Millrace W review, the Commission had dirccted staff and the applicant to determine GRFA using the 1991 definitions. Kathy Langenwalter agreed that all spaces should be counted, but was comfortable giving a credit for stairs and mechanical. Kristan agreed to check the GRFA definition in place at the creation of this SDD. Gena Whitten said the Commission should consider more than just the CRFA for the site, as she did not believe the site could support 3 single family homes due to other limiting factors on the site, such as the creek and the recreation path. Dalton Williams was concerned that the applicant was trying to put too much on the site, and from an environmental standpoint, he was concemed with the trees which would be removed and the impact of the development on the creek. He encouraged the applicant to re-think the development to move it forward on the site toward the smeet in order to avoid tearing out as many trees adjacent to tbe creek. Mike replied that if any development took place on this site, not all the trees could be preserved under any scenario. He could move the foundations closer to Westhaven Drive and cantilever the buildings in order to minimize the impact on the site. However, he said the options were to remove approximately ffiVo of the cottonwoods, or place the homes right on the lot line up against the road, or have very "skinny" buildings. Dalton suggested having 2 buildings, built closer to the road, and leave the beauty near the cteek. Mike said the neighbors he had spoken with preferred the buildings to be away l."om the road. He had not proposed the buildings closer to the road on the north end of the site because he wanted to install landscaping between the road and the buildings. He felt the Millrace Condominium owners would not be impacted by the removal of the uees. He believed only the Coldsream Condominium property owners would be affected. Gena Whitten could not support a variancc on the site, as she belicved it was too sensitive. She also thought there was too much square footage for the sits, and it was not appropriate. She also indicated an 8-foot setback from the road was too close. She preferred to see the site developed by two buildings instead of three, and wold rather see 1 building developed on the site. She suggested shifring the two buildings to the north to the larger portion of the site near the r .,sting parking area. Planning and Environmental Commission ' I{arch'g, 1992 , Page 5 t Chuck Clist stated that as long as the project was built within the GRFA parameters, he did not have signi{icant difFrculty with the project. He preferred 3 buildings to a tri-plex. He agreed with Dalton that the buildings should be moved to the nonh. He was concerned that &e soutbem building was very narow. Greg agreed with Chuck, and stated ttrat 6,000 sq. ft. + additional GRFA (not to exceed 6,675 sq. fu for the site) was ecceptable. He also agrced with staff's suggestion of one duplex building and one single family. He preferred to see the buildings moved to the north, and a minimum distance between buildings of 12 feet He felt that 8-foot setbacks along Westhaven Drive and the bike path were okay. Kathy did not want to see three single family structures. She did not believe there was enough of a setback either along Westlaven Drive or the bike path, and encouraged extra attention be given to the Westhaven setback, stating that should be 20 feet from the road right-of-way where possible. However, she thought an l8-foot seiback from the recreation path would be acceptable. She believed the GRFA question was simply a matter of definitions, and had no problem with whatever staff determined. Ludwig Kurz asked what would happen with the parking currendy taking place on this property. Mike said the individuals utilizing that parking were tnespassing. Jill explained there was no formal or legal agreement to allow parking in that location. However, the existing Millrace Condominiums (Phases I and II) had improved and maintained the property for their use. Ludwig felt this was a sensitive site, but that there were development rights. He preferred to see 2 buildings, and believed ttre land could support that if done sensitively. He had no problem with the GPSA, per the previous discussions. He found an 8-foot setback from the recreation path to be acceptable, but preferred to see more room between the buildings. He also believed there should be more than an 8-foot setback along Westhaven Drive. He suggested a minimum setback of 12 feet be maintained along Westhaven drive, but he understood that would make for narrow buildings. Kathy thought developing the site with 3 townhomes would be workable. Gena said she could support that proposal. Mike was concerned that if the site were to be developed with townhouses, having the garages open all in the same direction flilesthaven Drive) would be unattractive. After a general discussion of credits, Diana proposed shifting the bike path location to the north in order to allow for greater setbacks between the bike path and the new building. The final architecture and design would determine where the path would be located. She preferred to see the buildings closer to Westhaven Drive than to the stream, and supponed the 6,6?5 sq. ft. GRFA total rcquested. A straw poll of the Commissioners favored the buildings closer to Westhaven. Greg indicated the southernmost home was stuck in too close to the bridge. The Commissioners, staff and the applicant discussed altematives. After that discussion, Ludwig rescinded his comment about the Westhaven Drive setback. Dalton also withdrew his opposition to having the homes closer to Westhaven. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1992 , Page 6 As this was a wcrksession item, no vote was taken. The public meeting was called to order at z:50pM. All the commissioners were in attendance. t. Circlc, Applicant; Planner: Victm Cano Andv Knldtqen Andy Knudtsen presented staff's recommendation for approval. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the window cladding would match the others in Lionshead Center. She was assured by Mike l(rchn, the Cano's representative, that it would match the enclosure immediately above this proposal. Dalton Williams moved that thc request for an exterior alteration in the Commercial Core II zone district for ths Cano Residence, lor 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/520 East Lionshead Cide be approved per the staffls recommendations. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously, ?-0. $-rqqlest to extend a conditional use permit to exoand the yail-Mountain school. lgcalgd at 3l6Q Katsos Ranch Road/ tnt l2,!lock 2. vail viilaee iZih Filins.Apolicanr Vail Mounain School 3. Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained this was for a renewal of a previousty-granted conditional use approval, and the renewal would be in effect for two years. Staff recommended the approval be renewed. Chuck Crist moved the request to extend a cond.itional use permir to expand the VaiI Mountain School" located at 31ff Katsos Ranch Road/ lnt 12, Block 2, Vail Village l2th Filing be approved per staff's memo. Karhy Langenwalter seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved by a vote of 6-0, with Gena Whitten temporarily absent during the vote. Applicant Upner Eagle Vallev Cglsolidated Sanitarion DisricrPlanner: Shellv Mello Shetly Mello presented the request to add 4dditional adminisrative area to the existing Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Disrict facility. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1942 . pa:se 7 I Greg Amsden asked if any of the adjacent property owners had given feedback on the proposal. Shelly indicated none had been received and aU adjacent property owners had been notified. Steve Isom, representing tbe Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District gave a brief history of the property. He indicated a minor subdivision, as discussed in the staff memo, would be very expensive. There was no question of the boundaries, and the Disrict did not want to pay to "clean up" the problem. Shelly agreed that the current condition of the property lines was confusing, which is why staff felt it was important to address at this time. Kristan Pritz indicated the Town may be able to split the cost of the subdivision process. Diana asked if having the subdivision in place at thc time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued was realistic. Shelly thought it would be. Dalton Williams did not think it made sense to use tax dollan for a formality between two government agencies, especially when there was not a conflict between the entities. Steve agreed, stating that when the propeny was deede4 both sections were given ro the Town. He agreed to work with the Town to reach an agreeable solution. Kristan also agreed to work out the issues. Diana Donovan believed it should be a requirement of the project. Steve addressed the height and landscaping issues, stating that the exact height of the addition would be 25'-9" due to an increase in structure needed to cary the snow loail He did not believe 5 more trees in fhe front of the property would be benefrcial. Kristan suggested placing tho trees in a landscaping "gap" toward the gas station. Diana felt there were locations which could also benefit from additional landscaping. Diana asked if employee housing could also be built in conjunction with this application. Steve indicated that the offices were above the aeration and settling basin, and were definitely not desirable for housing placement. Diana did not see the justification for 6,000 additional square feet, as she believed the building worked at this time. Steve responded that % of the space was for public meeting area; Kathy Langenwalter was concerned *rat the architectural detailing be carried over to the addition and that it be consistent with the existing facility. Kathy moved the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District adminisrative offices, at 846 Forest Road/I-ot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing be approved per the staff memo, with the condition the Design Review Board review the addition's detail to ensure it was similar to the existing building and verify location of 10 additional evergreen ftes to be planted, noting rhe building height was 18 inches higher than reflected in staff's memorandum, and recommending that the Town of Vail and the District pursue a minor subdivision- Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. Before the vote, Dalton Williams encouraged the Disrict to consider additional landscaping, where appropriate. The motion was approved by a unanimous 7*0 vote. Due to the arrival of an adjacent property owner to the Schmetzko property, the Commission briefly returned to discussion of the fust worksession item. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1992 . Page I ..o sfrf ljori * TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: March 9, 1992 A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to Cascade Village, r SDD #4, Area A, Millracc ltr, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Villagen more specifically described as follows: A part of the SW 7+, NE %, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point of the North-South centerline of said Section 12 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S00'38'56"W 455.06 feet; thence along said centsrline N00o38'56"E 122.81 feet to the southerly ROW line of I-70; thence departing said ROW line N66"53'25"E 39.15 feeq thence departing said ROW line 581o23'19"E 165.42 feet to a point of curve; thence 122.83 feet along the arc of a 143.20 foot radius curve to,the left, having a central angle of 49o08'51.' and a chord that bears S15'57'45"E 119.10 feet; thence S40o32'10"E 3.00 feet; thence 66.30 feet along the arc of a77.21 footradius curve to the right, having acenffal angle of 4912'lA" and a chord that bears S15o56'05"E 64.28 feet; thence S8o40'00"$f 90.27 feet; thence N38"42'24"W 224.55 feet thence S78"10'32"W 101.214 feet to the Point of Beginning. Applican[ Vail Ventures,Ltd.MichaelLauterbach Planner: Jill Kammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Millrace Itr property is bounded by Westhaven Drive on the East, the South Frontage Road right-of-way and the Westhaven Apartment property (the ruins) on the no'rth, Gorc Creek on the south, and the Cascade Club tennis court property on the west. The property i-s currently vacant with the exception of 2 paved parking areas, one unpaved parking area and the paved recreation path. The former owner of this property has allowed the Millrace Condominiums to maintain and use this property for parking for a number of years, However, the Association does not have any legal right to use this property. It appears the MEMORANDTJM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department {/aVee ,4+a,eo*tffJ;i;z"I1i)7{)*-7urz.fu tf; /, /e.r.yy, r#eZar.+//.2e,4 €&l -rjJ :a+ *fieff/.r/'.x /J 4(t*r., 'rJ,?:1,4 ;t-ptplf.:rf, *n 4 r.-eL/,8.? {-trpio.aoi//,r-*e /o'*fud '(g Millrace III property has been zoned SDD since the time it was annexed into the Town of Vail in 19?4. Access to this Fopefiy wil be from Westhaven Drive, which runs along the eastem property line. The applicant is seeking approval of a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD Na #4, Area A, Millrace III, in order to construct three single family residences, each with a two-car galage, on the .819 acre Millmce Itr site. Following the construction of each rcsidence, the applicant would file a single family subdivision plat. In March of 1980, a dcvelopment plan was approved for this property by the DRB. Under ttre approved plan, developmcnt was to occur in a single building. Approvat of this plan has sincp expired. The development par€lmeters for this site arp incorporated into the SDD #4 Orrdinance. Although no detailed site plan, grading plans or architectural plans for the buildings have been completed at this time, the applicant will prepare these plans following this PEC worksession review of the applicant's proposed development parameters. Specifically, the applicant is seeking approval for: l) a maximum 8-foot setback from Westhaven Drive, 2) a maximum 8-foot setback from the paved bike path (which is not located within the dedicated bike path aasement), 3) a znro setback from the existing bike path eas€ments, as well as approval to seek abandonment of that €asement, 4) an addition to the approved site GRFA allowance of 6,000 sq. ft., as set forth in the SDD ordinance, of 225 sq. ft per residence (675 sq. ft. total), and 5) a minimum of 10 feet between building foundations. The applicant has indicated the residences would be consfucted of materials sirnilar to tlre materials which currently exist in the area, with a predominantly stucco exterior highlighted with accent siding and rock, and roofed with cedar shakes. The applicant must also file a minor subdivision under this rcquost, as the property is currently unplatted. II. zoNING COJ,{SIDERATIONS The following are the parameters for the development of this site, which are set forth in Ordinance No. 41, Series of 1991, the SDD #4, Cascade Village Ordinance: Section 18.46.050 - Permitted Uses Allowed: The applicable uses permitted in Cascade Village at this location include multi- family dwellings, single family dwellings and two-family dwellings. Proposed: Three single family dwellings. Section 18.46.130 - Development Stati$tics for Area A (Millrace III) z l. / Please note that these development statistics are not final, as the current plans submitted by the applicant are very conceptual. Allowed: Three dwelling units, 6,000 sq. ft. GRFA, six on-site parking spacos. Proposed: Three single family dwellings, 6,675 sq. ft. of CRFA, 6 on-site enclosed parking spaces Section 18.46.120 - Setbacks Required: The minirnum required setback on the periphery of all of Area A shall be not less than 20 feet " . . 50 foot stream setback from Gore Cleek. . . Proposed: It appears the proposed development will comply with the required 2O-foot periphery of Area A setback and the SO-foot Gore Creek stream setback. Section 18.46.140 - Height Allowed: 48 feet Proposed: Unknown Section 18.46.160 - Site Coverage Allowed: 357a (12,486 sq. ft.) Proposed: Unknown Section 18.46.170 - Landscaping Allowed: 507o (17,838 sq. ft.) Proposed: Unknown Section 18.46.180 - Parking and Ioading Required: 75Vo of all required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings, and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within the landscape berm. Proposed: lNVo of all required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. i I Section 18.46.190 - Recreation Amenities, Tax Assessed Required: 25 cents per square foot Section 18.46.280 - Conservation and Pollution Controls Protective measures must be used to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, both during and after constuction. III. SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICTCRITE&IA Tbe criteria to be used to evaluate this proposal are the 9 Special Development District (SDD) development standards set forth in the special development district chapter of the Zoning Code. The criteria are as follows: A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52. D. Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plans. E. Identilication and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall sesthetic quality of the community. G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. H. Functionat and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. 4 o t I a I. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will rnaintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district, V. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: A. Is an increase in GRFA from 6r{X)0 sq. ft. to 6,675 at this site appropriate? The applicant believes allowing an additional 225 sq. ft. per unir (675 sq. ft. total) isr, appropriate because granting the additional square feet would be consistent with the LDMF zone district. The most recent modification to SDD No. 4 occurred in November, 1991, in conjunction with the redevelopment of Millrace IV, the Cosgriff parcel. Under that review, the GRFA was calculated under the 1991 GRFA definition, and the only credit granted was a 600 sq. ft. per unit per 2-car garage credit. Staff does not believe it is appropriate to allow the eonsrrucrion of additional GRFA on the site. The site is very sensitive to development. It is heavily vegbtated arld- 51.5% of the slope on the site is 4OVo or greater. Based on a buildable uea of '\1-29] sq. ft., the development density proposed is 7 units per acre. In comparison, allowable density in the Residential CluSter Zone District is 6 units per acre and 9 units per acre in the l-ow Density Multiple Family Zone Disrictjs g_units-oet3cre. The construction of additional GnpA on the site will likely require the building footprint to increase, or the building height to inclease, nei*rer of which staff believes are desirable scenarios. B. Should the applicant be allowed to construct 3 free-standing single famity rS residences on the site? o&' , dd-rtl roi, In allowing the construction on the site to occur in the form of three free-standing Nyf r'3 single family homes, it is likely a grcater area of the site will need to be disturbed\, : - _ ' and the development will be construcrcd within 8 feet of the existing recreation path, Staff does not believe allowing the construction to take the form of thrse free-standing single family residences is desirable for these reasons. As previously mentioned under the May, 1980 approved DRB plans, the construction on this site was proposed to take the form of a multi-family dwelling unit (tri-plex). However, given the topography of the site, staff does not necessarily believe construction within a single building at this location is desirabls, either. Rather, staff recommends the applicant combine two of the proposed free-standing single family dwellings into a duplex. Under this scenario, construction on the site would take the form of one duplex structure and one single -#,$fr family structure. This will allow the applicant to better work with the grades on the site and possibly allow for a grcater setback for the northernmost building from the .Uf existing, paved recreation path from a distance of 8 feet to 18 feet. \ 0t C. Is an 8-foot setback from the paved recreation path acceptabte? ' (rV' \W. There are instances along the recreation path where buildings are set back less thr; ttth$iil feer Where possible, however, the Town encourages a grcater setback from the 4^,;,r:,,il V recreation path. If the development were to occur in the form of one single family Alt',,Sif' residence and one duplex development, it appears under the submitted schematic ' |ir1 ,11f,' development plan, the setback from the resreation path could be incrcased to 18 feet. (rfllu: tt' r{, Staff suggests the applicant be requted to maintain an l8'foot recreadon path setback, [ll$ ; ln .' ' and to ciiate a landscape buffer between the path and the residential d";.i;;;;; '-' flU,trpOflI ,l\u.D. Is the abandonment of the existins recreation path accentable? ".1 & ',,f'D. Is the abandonment of the existing recreation path acceptable? .,"'l ry Staff recommends the existing recreation parh easement abandonment be altoweJto {fth' occur, provided all parties to the easement agrcement support such an abandonment. \rfoccur, provided all parties to the easement agrcement support such an abandonment. yfr{ Further, staff recommends the applicant plat a new l5-foot recreation path easement J, fdq. which corresponds with the location of the existing paved recreation path. The Public Dr 0 works Departmenr staff concurs with this recommendarion. _pilE. Is it appropriate to allow a minimum of 10 feet between buitding ,6/ ffiffoundations? \W^rt,(rSbi ^,y Staff believes, through ttre combining of the two northernmosr unirs inro a duplex q,#: 4t" structure, a maximum of 12 feet between building foundations is possiblel *ilrirr" \ol.trtf ,nd'minimum distance between building foundations that should be allowed. Vi,t-PrrS F. Is an 8-foot setback from Westhaven Drive appropriate? ilflri4iaf il:r"'' Under the submitted schematic development proposal, the closest point the proposed b& - ,,A' structtues are to the Westhaven Drive property line is 8 feet, while the balance of the 'W, l0'' development on this site is set back from Westhaven Drive a distance which varies '.nfl from l0 feet to 60 feet. Staff recommends the applicant try to break up the building r"'- facades along westhaven Drive as much as possible, and ry to allow for substantial landscaping along this elevation of the project. As previously stated, staff suggests using the site planning approach which would include one duplex structurB and one single family unit. 'p,$$ rtL: 'f,fo ":,'r:#Hi,, * : :[ ! f{:9 ###'%ryffii#iYa*r Wrglox:YtrYlrt'r"P"""rrffiPAf"'e'rfi;;y''N 'Y'iii;gEffi;; 6 "4zflr,t, c:\pec\nemosVnillrace-3 09 iU,.',J Dr''" }|r4J*e ..+ '/e-- Feti 4r/r \ 1i?. <r<t j--. .irrB.-. I _ i4 lr 'L F-!.. * f./ €.// 1!' | . .- \' lr i\ tI a I I .] IrJ $; t| Pr -l F $ \ b N ./ F i ,t ,i l ,...,_o'H Rt\ r$ ./l / F\. , 'Tl/, .4/ '.,/,'/t F $,EiI ogvuolot'llt.rno9 ].19!f '-tt!n lo Nr orn d H!9 thl JO rvi t8 u' s t 1' zt lotlr3s, r/t :tit t/ I 4\s 3Rr Jo 1av3 l3^bns SHdVUgOdO.t :r.il'trrlxSrurs i anrr - :1. G,&t l'r' "t,.''.4'ta 'no A .1,1, . ,41 ,.c, .ul-"r"rr " /\ ,ft&/n ro ttet&Zt E,* Fat r.'oa' v4 f lErs , a## uf? .H "b, "a.ra?' x6tt' Forz! ? ,64 t9 /,!.,90.9q.;r S - tsl ,Ct 99. 1 __, -'\ ' ,.i|i. r" \ "Ot.2,.8 tA\ \ .o0 E \:t.,or.?t.0r s - r..r.{ .r r.l!r.(.r ,. r:.rt .ti ro ..rr .qr..1'l.r!cr r.rt .r .r{ rr.&r 6rt'ro r'.J.'nbr (69ift nrtulrrla. .hturrtrq ,o:rrod ali or i..l tr'tQ( fi..at!otrt! ! rru.qt rt..l l<,rz!' n,,rc.tt.N6 {.rc.q: ,1..t aa.q6 6..a{.ortt 5 .tu.{1 r1:.} lt rc t !,0.t1,61 q trttq rr'i Ptoqr | 9r.,0t.ar.6r,,o.rt!tIrrturt. rsl^q rqttr .qt .1 $rn! rnit.r te, tt tr r to ri.r{r turt, rDr 0t 9t.rq.{t :r..t 00 4l..ot.atior s.rEqr'r!.r 0r rt! t.,lr.aa.tl s r'.q r.tr Dr6qr. rqr..tr,r0.6+ ,o.t&r lr!!c.r r al4.q rrrDq, or -rni rartrr root ot-at( .,.,rt r{r tqrl. 1.., ta t|l .J@4r ,er6> 6 ruroi r or r..! at lll t,.6t.tt.lt t .utl lr._t6-rqirt etd nlli.drr.:@'r1rr..! <t.6t t.,tZ.a6.tt r.urt t..-]o-rqatr p!.r tuorr.*.qtrol on ,.aqttt .{Tg.1ct ,, dtl 1..-)..]{trr lrr.iun6r rqr6r ''..t tt'tal i ,.tE,if.oo [ '.grlr.tcD pr{ turlr ..:c.q1.r!., 9( tlt l.,r4.afr0o t rrrt9 zt sr..s 9r.r to t,:!.5r{t l!r{.r ar. rlr,rtl . 't:l{ rrd @rr ur ..u{r at 6rrJ'g ?trr Jo .srlrt:u.. q1no9-q1..{ .rit Ie :qod r :r lulNrt.r tr@1t.1r. Frqtr.tr9 rurttr.ra trdrrdl4 rF.lS *t! to rr.r! tt .tu..{i{rnos < ctqr|@! '!t o}r..s rllt 3t t/( nt .{, to lrtd ? .o 6l) t ?,lr,rg.6rS.raJi''-;;:;?, .\i.'r/ ) ,l r'zo tta lll zsur! 9{rrt!rDa63 $l1mrH ' ,:*., i .,t -. I, r.,, ".'f '{+"/4)E,rf"i;t ;' 1"";1t | tu, /14/ 4 *.t/ 2..,..4'2;:-:--1-, _-i, y'":n / Fut1i,' ?6/52./l I rlABnS lO :lVO , ea,,.r .arrtS 1r. os i$ rtr06a iEs r!1 6r!r$r I {r,s, '.n rr I!r..oaaJ' or .l d Fq tts k r- rdt e .5* iiF 6r -r d-r€ d &ercr- *.,,1Y$ -fr f-':-- :.+ iw Jinu ' I ORDINANCE NO. 4I Series of 1991 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 19911 TO PROVIDE CHANGES TO AREA A REQUIREMENTS FOR THAT CONCERN THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR MILLRACE TV, A/I</A COSGRIFF PARCEL; Al{D SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN THERE?O. WHEREAS, East weet Partners and Conaercial Federal Bank, bave requested an anendnent to the existing Special Development District No. 4, Atea A; and WHEREAS/ the Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended that certain changes be made to Special Development District No. 4,' and WHEREAST the Town Council considers that it is reasonablel appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens' inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 28t Series of 1991 to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 4r Cascade village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDATNED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: SERIES REGARD Repert. The approval procedures described in chapter 18.40 of the Vail Mrrnir-inal coda have been futfilled, and the Town Councll has received the report of the Planning and Environtnental Commission recommending approval of the proposed development plan for Special Development District No. 4. Section 2. Special Development-District No. 4 Special Development District No. 4 and the development plans lhereforel &r€ hereby approved for the developmenL of Speciat Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vai1. section 3 chapter 18.46 Special DevelopmenL District No. 4, Cascade Village, is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments Lo read as follows: 18.46-010 3-U-Ip-8. special Development District. No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that wilt be harmonious with the genera] character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenit.ies, and promote the object.ives of the Town of VaiI Comprehensive Plan. Special Development DisLrict No' 4 is created to ensure that the developrnent densiLy will be relatively low and suitable for the area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary Lo the Tovrn by the Town Council and the Planning Commission, and because there are significant aspects of the special Development District which cannot be satisfied through the irnposition of standard zoning districts on the area. 18.46.020 Definitions For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall appLy: A. "Special attraction" shalJ be defined as a museum, seminarorreSearchcenterorperforminqartstheater or cultural center ' B.''Transientresidentialdwellingunitorrestricted dwelling unil" shall be defined as a dwelling unit Iocated in a multi-family dweJ-lj-ng that is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operated under a single manaqemenL providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities' A shorttermrenLalshallbedeemedtobearentalfora period of time not to exceed 31 days' Each unit shaLf nor exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which sha11 include a kit.chen having a maximum of 35 square feel ' The kitchenshallbedesignedSothatitmaybelockedand separated from t'he rest of the unit in a closet ' A transaent dwelling unit shafl be accessible from common corridors, waJks, or balconies without passing through I t.I another acconmodation unit, dwelling unit, or 2 transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, they shall- be restricted as set forth in section l'1..26.075--17.26.12Q governing condominium conversion. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acrer transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit' plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA wiLh a maximum of 1.0 space per unit. I8.46.030 Established A. .Special Development Dlstrict No. 4 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising 97.955 acres as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A. Special Development DistricL No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as "SDD No- {" B. The district shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the following aPProximate sizes: Cascade Village Col-dstream Condominiums 1? oqq 4.000 Glen Lyon Duplex Lots C 29'100 Glen r,yon commercial Site I 1'800 Dedicaled open Space 40'400 4 . ?00 1,8 . 46. 040 Development Plan--Required--Approva} Procedure A. Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shal1 be subject to a sj-ngle development plan.DevelopmentAreaAshallbeallowedtohavetwo developmenl pfans for the Waterford, Cornerstone' Mil_l-race TV and cascade club sites as approved by the TownCouncil.Deve}opmentAreaDshallbeallowedto lJ -ll .r{ develop per the approved phasing pLans as approved by *l the Town Council. The developer shaLl have the right to ' proceed with the development pl-ans or scenarios as defined in Section 18.46.103 B-F. B. Anendments to SDD No. 4 shall comply with the procedures outlined in Section 18.40. C. Each phase of developrnent. shall require, prior to issuance of building permiLs, approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with applicable provisions of chapter 18.52. 18.46.050 Permitted Uses A. Area A. Cascade Vil_]aqe 1. First floor commercial- uses sha1l be limited to uses listed in 3,8.24.030 A-C. The "first floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street Level; 2. Al-L other floor levefs besides first floor or street Level may include retail, theater, restaurant, and office except that no p::ofessional or business office shal1 be located on street l-evel or first floor (as defined in Section 78.24.030 A of the Town of VaiI zoning code i-n Area A) unl-ess it is cfearl-y accessory to a lodge or educational- institution except for an office space having a maximurn square footage of 925 square feet located on the first fLoor on the northwest corner of the Plaza Conference Center building; 3. Lodge,' 4. Multl-family dwelling; 5. Single Family dwelflng;.'.6', Two-Family dwelling; 7 Transient residential dwelling uniti 8. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 18.46.220; 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool- or gynnasium. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums L. Two-farnily dwelling; 2. Multi-family dwel1ing. C. Area C, Glen Lvon Duplex Lots 1. Single family dwellin-o; 2. Two-fanily dwelling. D. Area D. Gl-en Lyon Commercial Site 1 . Retail,' 2. Restaurant and bar; 3, Business and professional offices; 4. Mul-ti-fanily dwelling; 5. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 18.46.220- 18.46.050 Conditional Uses Conditionaf uses shall- be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in ChapLer 18.60 of the Town of Vaif zoning code- A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 41500 square feet. 2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of VaiL Municipal Code, Section 18.04'135 shaLl be a conditional, use for dwelling units in the westhaven mufti-family dwellings. Fractlonal fee ownership shall not be applied to restricted employee dwelling units or transient resident,ial dwelling units. Ownership intervals shaff not be less than five weeks. 3. Special attraction,' 4. Ski lifts; 5. Public park and recreational facilities,' 6. Major arcades wi-th no frontage on any public way, streeL, walkwaY or mall area. B. Area B, Coldstrean Condomini-ums 1. Public park and recreaLional facilitiest 2. Ski lifts. C. Area C, Glen Lvon Duplex Lots 1. Public park and recreational faciliLiest 2. Ski lifts. D. Area D, Glen Lvon Commercial Site i.. Micro-brewery as defined in Town of vail Municipal code, Section 18.04.253 18.45.070 Accessorv Uses A. Area A. Cascade villaqe 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupati-ons, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18 .58 - 190 . 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhousesl swimming pools, tennis courts' patios, or other recreational fac!lities customarily incidental to permi-tted residential uses. 4. OLher uses custornarily incident.al and accessory to permitted or conditional usesr and necessary for the operatlon thereof. 5. Swimmj-ng pools, tennis courtsr patios or other recreational facilities customarily incidentaf to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to Lhe operation thereof. B. Area BL cofdstream condominiums 1. Home occupations, subjecl to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with t'he provisions of Sections 18.58.L30 through 18.58.190. c 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilit.ies customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to pernitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreational facilities custonariLy incidental to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation thereof. Area C, Gfen Lvon DuDlex Lots 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. Attached garages or carports, private greenhousest swimming pools, tennis courts, patiosr or other recreational facifities customarillz incidental to permitted residential uses. Other uses cusLomarily incidental and accessory Lo permitted or conditional usesr and necessary for the operation thereof. tt Area D, Glen l,yon Commercial Site Hone occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. Attached garages or carports, private greenhousest swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or ot.her recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to perrnitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. o Min arcade. ),8. 46. 080 Location of Businesslsljgit A. A11 offices, businesses, and services permitted by Sections 18.46.050 through 18.46.070 shal1 be operated and conducted entirely wit.hin a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and Lhe outdoor display of goods. B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishmentts own property. Sidewalks, bu.ilding entrances and exits' driveways and streets shall not be obstrucLed by outdoor disPlay. 1,8. 46. 090 Densitv--Dwelf inq Units The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following: A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe Two hundred eighty-three point five (283.5) dwellinq units, with a minimum of three hundred thirty-eight (338) accommodation units or transient residential dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-seven (9?) dwelling units as defined by the table in SecLion 18.46.103 A-D. B. Area B, Coldstrearn Condominiurns Sixty-five (55) dwetling units C. Area C. GIen Lvon DuPlex Lots Three dwelling uniLs, two dwelling unj-ts as defined 18.46.r"03r. which shall be employee the table in Section of by 18.46.100 Densitv--Floor Area A. Area A, Cascade Vil-laqe The gross residential ffoor area (GRFA) for all buildinqs shall not exceed 2+S-r445 288,695 square feet: except that the total maximum GRFA sha1l not exceed 292,245 square feet if MllLrace IV Scenario 2 (32 A.U.,s) is constructed. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 s.f.) GRFA. C. Area C, Glen Lvon DuDLex Lots GRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section 18.1,3.080 density control A and B for the Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail nunicipal code. D. Area D, Glen Lvon Commercial Site The gross residentiaL floor area for the two employee dwelling units shall be 795 square feet and 900 square feet respectively. The gross residential floor area for the free market dwelling unit sha1l be 11630 sguare feet. 18.45.102 Commercial Square Footaqe A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe Area A shall not exceed 561538 sguare feet of commercial area. CommerciaL uses include retailt office, theater, restaurantr uses listed in Section 18.46.050 A-L, and the special attraction use. B. Area D, Glen Lvon Commercial Site Area D shall not exceed 16,730 sguare feet of office for Phase I, IA & II or 151584 square feet of office for Phase ffI per the approved development plans. The mj-cro-brewery and associated uses shall be constructed per the approved development plan. 18.46.103 Development Statistics for Area A. Cascade Villaqe. and Area D, Gten Lvon Commercial Site 10 2- WATEFFORD AU or TR DU GBFA Con r|rcLl S..R sdurr. F..l flr|.siL Prrklt|o -Ct3c'.fai'Ilrrt ttord Stucnrr.d P..klno Unrls Scenario 1 ot Soenario 2 75 TR 30 17,ffi 60 ot 7S Fetail 3.&O 7TT TOTALS - /5 lH 2 - 30 Dl.J 17,W 3,800 1 - 72:l gf 2 - e7.7 3. WGlhev.n Condo3 AU orlR Iru CBFA Conml'rcirt S.!t3 Sour?a F..l On sltr P.rklno Carc.d.iwri.rturd Struclurad frlrkinc Units n 500 tlo eve€ Unils (Mar #l lo 4. llillrrcc lll AU or TB DU GBFA Comnrrcial S.!l S.uara Fa.t On-Sll! Prrklrr Ca3cada/rivrtartottl Struclsr.d Prrkln! s 3 $DU ce<qLL?l5-l,Ilt'!c.rV ll,Il AU or TR DU GRFA Co|Tmarcial S.at3 So urr. F..l O.!Slt P.rtlnc Cr.crdrlrydcriotd Slrucfut.d Prrhlnl Unils Scenario t ol Scenario 2 32 AU 10,450'"- of 14.000 l9 TC}IAL 5 Scsnario I Sc€nario 2 32 AU 60u 10,450-"' r 4 0tl0 19 5. C.rc!d. Club Addltlon AU or Tfi DU GRFA Commalclrl 568lr Souata Flat on.siia Prrklno Ca acrda/Wtt.rlo?d Slruclurad Plrklno l'cenano I (Wellness Cente4 or Scsnario 2 {Gvmnasiuml 4,500 4.500 a.5 o TOIALS Scenario I Scenario 2 .t,50O 4,soo a-5 7. noom 2., Gontelanca ConY.rt.d to Thuter AU of TR ou GFFA Comrmrcl!l Saat3 Soulrr Frat On-Sit P!rklng ciEcldalwaLafoftl Struclur.d Plrklng L Plrr. Otffc.AU or TR DU GBFA Commrrcbl Sart3 S{uar. F.Gt on-sit Pr?klm Greol(ta,ry,tt l|orlt Structurd Prrllno 925 TOTALl|Axtr rftl -"tor,5 Du 18,110 38J52 13,355 ul9 FIln Jm ot 23!i Mnlmum . ErlploF .Etr ddl &d aolEl losrrd d@rity d GRFA fot lb Frp... of &L S DD. .. Ro@ Z !.r atc.dy bcr court!., rr adtdlE F|!. Ff4. Tb Fe FrtbS r+6t't!! b hrd aa tb di!.rrE bat|,ta .sartoe .od tb.et F tq t!$tI@E .t. prtza q.e btt *t',ny b.?D corbEd tor r rGtdl ttrtiog rquir@ol Tb r* Frlht n4i'!4ot it f.rd A tb dffutoe tarGao 6 ttdr! ald odlc! F*bf ..qttl@l' ..r, To(., lL{,r. ,E!rrr!! niSht & lry !d c..nGcld t<tadq. .... r For & purlr-r ot cied.xlf cRtA fa rb Crtrif k€l G{ilhE rD. F .r.dlb $rll t th,rr rs(.9r fot 3m.q- rL b bc.llotd k..cn "l*d Frnbf rF..' F 8.d.4 rtr5.2l0(CX5XD. 11 Total Project Minmum AU orTRs and Maximum DUs tor Area A t:rr: ::.li . AU or TR complered Proiecrs I 288 AU I 3l Proleds'olel ., T2 I Development ControE. -RFA( .35) 256, 437 181152 15,932 29L, LzL . u;;'.5{t Original Robblns Cosgrl ff (Acres) 15.68 ,';. n' tirtt :t' F.I'" I .23 1 .045 17.955 Parcel ,tn i ParceI.,.x "'' ParceI, i'="-/ PHASE Ia DEVELOPMENT Sq.Ft. /parking Glen LyonOffice Bldg.(Existing) 10, 150 40.6 8rlASE rA Glen L,yonOffice Bldg. 400 1 . 5 PHASE I Glen Lyon 81dg. - Office O PI1ASE II Micro-Brewery -Office 0 -Reception/ Museum -Retail -Fermentat ion/ Brewhouse -Beer HalI -Brew Pub Units 16 DUlAcre 252 .00 19.68 L6.72 288 .40 FEBRUARY 26, 1990 PIIASE IrIa & II DEVELOPMENT Sq.Ft. / earking 10r 150 40.6 400 1.6 , 2t400 9.6 3,?80 15.1 480 0.01?5 .6 970 0.01,700 18.8*(150 seats)1,380 10.0*(80 seats) PHASE I,Ia,II A}ID III DEVELOPMENT Sg.Ft. / Parking 10r 150 40.6 400 1.6 2,400 9.6 2,634 10.5 480 0.088s 3.0 t, aa6 0.0 1, 700 18 .8*(150 seats)1,380 10.0*(80 seats) F. sDD *4, AREA D DEVELOPMENT SQUARE FOOTAGEAND PARKING PER TO!{N OF VAIL REQUIREMENTS 0 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 10r 550 42.2 21, 4 35 95 .3 21,435 94 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1, 695 1r 630 2r 400 4.0 2,0 9.6 PEASE III ,il*t-tttt&d, East Bullding -2 Employee Units -1 Dwelling Unit -Office SUBTOTAT 0.0 ?OTAL COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAT SQUARE FOOTAGE A}ID PARK]NG: 2t, 435 95.3 POSSIBLE BASED ON 3,325 'i 24 r7 6A 10.0 *USED HIGHEST PARK]NG R5Q. IJ SEATING r_8.46.104 v Development Plans Site specj-fic devel.opment plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans for Area A are comprised of those plans subnitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and otber developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plans submitted by the GIen Lyon Office Buildi-ng, a Colorado Partnership. The fol-Iowj-ng documents comprise the development plan for each area: 1. Cascade Village Master Plan and Building Height, Roma, L0/10/88. 2. Waterford and Cornerstone Floor Plansr Roma, f0/10/88, 3. Waterford and Cornerstone Sections, Roma, L0/10/88. 4. Waterford Landscape Plan, Roma, I0/10/88. 5. Waterford Summer Solstice, Roma, L0/10/88. 6. Waterford Site Plan, Roma, l0/10/88- 1 . Waterford Elevati-ons, Roma, 1,0/I0/88. 8. Waterford Winter Solstice, Roma, l0/I0/88. 9. waterford East Elevation Height Analysis, Roma, 9/28/88. 10. Cornerstone Site plan, Roma, I0/70/88. 11. Cornerstone Elevations, Roma, 10/10/88, p. 1-3. 12 . Cornerstone Sun/Shade, 1.0 / 10 / 88 . 13. Cascade Entry Renderi.ng, Roma, 10/L0/88. 14. Cascade CIub Addit.ion Site P1an, Roma, l-0lL0/88. 18. Millrace fV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Site Plan, Arnold Gwatbmey Pratt, 70/28/97. 19. Millraee IV, Scenario l, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwatbney Pratt, lO/22/9L. 20. Millrace IV, Scenario t, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Floor Plans Arnold Gwathrney Pratt, L0/23/91. 1A \15. Cascade CIub Floor P1an, Roma, 70/L0/88. :lflar-ie. Mitlrace rV, Scenario 2 (32 A.u.'s) pfan, Roma,<s4(.-(-l + J ro/Lo/BB. ( 17. Millrace IV, Seenario 2 (32 A.U.'s) Floor P1ans, Roma, L0/ro/88. rl 2L. Dtillraee IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Landscape PIan, Dennis enderson Asgociates. 22. Cosgriff Parcel, Surnrey, Alpi.ne Engineering, tnc., 1O/3L/91 stamped. 23. Survey, a part of Cascade Vil1age, Eagle VaIIey Engineering, Leland Lechner, 6/8/8'7. 24. Site Coverage Ana1ysis, Eagle Va11ey Engineering, L0/L0/88. 25. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental Impact Report: Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., Revised ll/22/88. Area D. GIen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Area D Master Site PIan, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, 2/22/90. 2. .Landscape Plan for Area D, Geodesign by Sherry Dorwardt 2/22/90. 3. Area D e.l-evations, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, 2/9/90- 4. vail Micro-brewery, Seracuse, Lawler, and Partners' Denver, CO., sheets A2.tt A2.2, A2-3t A3.1, A3.2r A4.1t A4.2, dated 7/8/90 and sheet A2.4 dated 12/13/89. 5. Vail Brewery Roof Study, Frank Freyer' l/8/90. 6. Glen Lyon Parking Garage Floor Plans and Site PIan, Roma, LL/28/88, -l . GLen Lyon Parkinq Garage Sections,/Elevations, Roma, 1.t/28/88. B. Gfen Lyon Condominiumr Roma' ll/28/88. g. clen Lyon Condominium East Building' Roma, 1L/28/88- 10. Deck Enclosure (Phase IA) to Glen Lyon Office Building, Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh, dated 9/20/90. 11. Landscape Plan, Phase IA Deck Enclosure, Piercet Segerberg and Spaeh, dated 8/19/91 . L2. Office Additj.on to Gfen Lyon Office Building, Buff Arnold/Ned Gwathmey Architects AugusL 25' 1989 Sheets A1 t.hrough A4. 13. Cascade ViIlage Special Development District Amendment and Environmental Impaqt Report: Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., Revised 1L/22/88. Letter from Peter Jamar Associates, rnc., dated January i-5, 1990. 14. Deceleration lane design for South Frontage-Roadr RBDt October 18, 1988 as approved by Co. Div. of Hgwys. 15. A resubdivj-sion of Lot 54 amended plat Glen Lyon Sub- division, Eagle Valley Surveying Inc. as approved by T . O.V. 16. Vail Brewery Parking Analysis, TDA Colorado, Inc., August L0, 1.988 and vaj-1 Brewery Parking Analysis Update, TBA CoLorado, rnc., ,January 16' 1990 pages 1-8. 18. 46. l-10 Development Standards The development standards set' out in Sectj-ons 18.46.120 through 18.46.180 are approved by the Town Council. These standards shalI be incorporated into the approved development plan perlinent to each development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum developmenL standards and sha1l apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council. 18.46.120 Setbacks A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe Required setbacks shaLl be as j-ndicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feett with the exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shal1 be two feet as approved on February 8, 1,982, by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Atl buildings shal1 maintai-n a 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek. The Waterford and Cornerstone buildlngs shal1 maintain a 20 foot seLback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek. 16 Area B, Coldstream Condomlniums Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development p1an. Area C, Glen Lvo,n Dupl-e} Lots Reguired setbacks shall be governed by SecLion 18.13.060 Selbacks of the Primary/Secondary zone district, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Frea D. Gl,en Lvon Comnercial Site Reguired setbacks sha11 be as indicated on the approved development pJ.ans. Heiqht For the purposes of SDD No, 4 calculations of heighL, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or fi"nished grade (whichever is more rest.rictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unleas otherwise specified in approved development plan drawings. Area A, Cascade Vil..1aqe 1. The maximurn height for the westin Hotelr CMC Learning Center, Terrace Wingr Plaza Conference Building and Cascade Parking Structure,/Alhletic Club is 71 feet. 2- cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 7L feet. 3, lrlaterford. Building: Maximurn height of 48 feeL as measured fron finished grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation (soulh Frontage Road) and wesL elevation (Westhaven Drive), A maximum height of 40 feet as measured from Lhe lowest floor of the parking struclure to the roof c:rrp i s ^nnroved for the souLh and east buildingvevv -u sFI/, elevations. A maximum height of 61 feet as rneasured from Lhe lowest floor of the parking structure to the roof ridge is approved for the souLh and east building elevations- D. 18.46.140 A. l'7 I ofWesthaven Buildinq: A maximum 55 feeL 5. Millrace IfI: A maximum of 48 feet. 6 - Millrace IV: A maximum of 4& 3tl feet -1 . Cascade Club Addition: A rnaximum of 8. Cascade Ent.ry Tower: A maxirnurn of 36 9, ?he remainder of buiLdinqs in Area A 26 feet. feet. shall have a maximum height of 48 feet. Area B. Coldst.ream Condorniniums The maximum height shall be 48 feet. Area C. Glen Lvon Dupl-ex Lots The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flaL ox mansard roof. E. Area D- Glen Lvon Commercial Site 51? of the roof sha1l have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49? of the roof area shalL have a height under 32 feet. On Lhe perimeter of the buildings for Area D1 height is rneasured from finished grade up to any polnt of the roof. On the interior area of any buildingt height is rneasured from existing grade up to the hi.ghest point of the roof. Development plan drawings shal1 constitute the heiqht alfowances for Area D. AG 16n f'a rro r.a rra In Areas A and B, no more than 35% of the lotal site area . sha1l be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is devefoped as an institutional or educational center, 45% of the area may be covered. fn Area Cr no more than 25% of the total sj-t.e area shalL be covered by buildings, unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 1"8.59 of the Vail Municipal Code apply. fn Area D, no more than 3?t of the total site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure. .46.1?0 Landscapinq At least the.following percentaEes of the total development area shall be landscaped as provided in Lhe developnent plan. This sha]1 include retention of natural landscape, if 1B -Lb _.1 6 appropriate. Areas A and B, and D, sixty percent, of the Parkinq and Loadinq A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe I fifty percent, and in Areas C area shall be landscaped. Off-street parking shaJ.I be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52, except that. 75t of the required parking in Area A shall be located vrithin a parking strucLure or buildings ritb tbe exception of Millrace rv, Seeaario f, rbere 66.5t of required parkiag sball be enclosed in a building. If the development table in Section 18.46.103 is amended, the parking requirements shall be amended accordingfy. There shall be a total of 421- spaces in the main Cascade Club parking structure and a rninj-mum of l-22 underground spaces in the Waterford structure. The Cascade and Waterford parking structures shall be considered to be one parking structure for the purposes of caLculating the mixed-use credit for parking spaces. Both parki"ng structures shall be managed as one entity. A 17.5 percent rnixed-use credit per the Town of Vail parking' code, Section I8.52.20 has been applied to the total number of required parking spaces combined in the Cascade and Waterford structures. Alternative development plans or scenarios which require additional sLrucLured parking shall require an expansion of the waterford parking structure below ground level- . The third floor of the Cascade parking structure sha1l not be used to neet any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwelling units, employee dwelling un.its or dwelling units. IY Phasing: AII required parking for Cornerstone' '4::-waterford,Vfri]]raae IV Scenario 2 (32 A-u-'s), and \_ the Cascade Ctub Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Cascade or waterford parking structures. At the time a building pernit apprication is submitted to the Town of vail Cornnunity Developnent Department for the Waterford building and parking structure, the developer shall be required to make a final decision as to which development scenarios shall be used for the Cornerstone' Waterford, Millrace IV and the Cascade Club addition. A temporary certificate of occupancy shall not be released for any portion of the Cornerstone, Waterford, Mi-Ilrace IV Scenario 2 (32 A.U.'s) or Cascade Club Weflness addi'tion, Scenario 1 which refies on required parking being provided in the Waterford parking structure until the Wat.erford parking structure has received a temporary certificaLe of occupancy from the Town of VaiI Building DePartment. Seventy-fj-ve percent of the required parking sha1l be locaLed within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm for Westhaven Condorniniums, aDd Millrace III# -C-.6-a-F-+-r-i-€---+ AI1 loading and buildLngs or as delivery shal1 be located within approved in the developrnent plan. B Fifty percent of the required parking within the main buitding or buildings pubtic view from adjoining properties landscaped berm. shall be located and hidden from within a 20 C. Area C, Glen Lyon Duplex Lots Off-street parking shafl be provided in accordance wilh Chapter 18.52. D. Area D, GIen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Phase I, IA and If shall include 80 surface parking spaces plus 6 val-et parking spaces on the east end of the surface parking lot. Phase IA shal-l- include 2 additional required parking spaces for a total of 43 requlred parking spaces. 2. Phase III shall- include a rninimum of 108 parking spaces. A mininrum of 100 spaces shall" be located in the parking structure. AtI required parking for the east building shall be provided on-site per Town of Vail parking requirements per Section l-8 .52 .100 f or resi-dentiaf and of f i.ce use - A ' minimum of eleven spaces shall be located in the garage of Lhe east building and a maxirnum of 5 surface spaces shall' be located adjacent to the east building. 3. Area D development shafl meet the operational reorrirements outlined in the TDA Colorado Inc. -v119-- Report, Sectj.on Parkj,ng Analysis Considerations, January 16, 1990. Parking Analysis Considerations pages 1-8. 4. Valet parking shall be prohibited on the west end of the surface Parking lot. 5. The Brew Pub shall not be open to the public until after 4:30 p.m. for Phase f and I1 Monday through Friday. When Phase III development occurs including the parking structure, the brew pub may operate during the weekdays once the parking structure rs avaifable for public use. 6. The Beer HaIl shall not operate or be used by the public before 4:30 p'm. on weekdays, Monday through Priday at any time - 2L Once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to Area D sha]] be managed per the TDA Parking Report, Parking Management Section, pages 6 and ?, August 101 1988, and TDA Report,, Vail Brewery Parking Analysis Update, dated January 16, 1990' bot.h written by Mr. David Leahy. No loading or delivery of goods shaJ-t be al.Iowed on the public right-of-way along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development. The owner of the Property and brewery manaqement shall prohibit semi-t.ruck and traifer truck Lraffic to the Glen Lyon Commercial site. The only truck loading that shal1 be aflowed lo the site shall be vans having a maximum length of 22 18.46.190 Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due for the development within sDD No. 4 under chapter 3.20 shall be assessed at a . rate not to exceed twenty-five cents per square fooL of the fLoor area in Developnent Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifcy cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a raLe not co exceed seventy-five cents per square foot of floor area in DeveLopment Area D,' and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to Lhe issuance of building permits - 18.46-200 Conservation and PolLution Controls The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevent.ion of pollution from surface runoff. The deveLoper shall- include in the building construction, energy and water conservation control-s as general technology exists at the tlme of construction. q B. zz c.The number of fireplaces permitted shal1 be as seL forth in Section 8.28.030 of the Town of vail Municipal as amended. If fireplaces are provided within the developnent, they must be heat efficient t.hrough the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists at the time of develoPment. Alt water features within Developnent Area A shall have overflow storm drains per the recornmendation of Lhe Environmental Impact Report by Jamar Associates on Page 34. A11 parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt from draining inLo Gore Creek. In Area D, a manhole on the brewery service line shall be provided so that the Upper EaEle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District may monitor BOD strength. In Area D, the brewery management shall not operate the brewery process during temperature inversions- It shal1 be the brewery owner's responsibility to monitor inversions. All trash compactors and Erash storage areas sha1l be completely enclosed within Special Developnent District Protective measures shall be used during construclion to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, particularly when construct.ion occurs in Areas A and D. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shal1 only be allowed to have gas fireplaces that meet the Tovrn of Vail ordinances governing fireplaces- n J. 11. 18.46.2r.0 Special DeveLopment District No. 4. The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provj.de adequate private transportation services to the owners and quests so as to transport then frorn the \ A. 23 B. c. development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the approved developmenL plan. Developer shal1 provide in its approved development plan a bus she.Lter of a design and location mutually agreeable to developer and Town Council. Said shelter to serve the area generally. Area A, Cascade ViI1a9e 1. The developer shall be responsible for providing a break-away bollard for the emergency access road beLween Eagle Pointe/Park Meadows, L412 YlaXterborn Circle, and Westhaven Drive. The design of the bollard shall he mutually acceptabfe to the developer and Toldn of Vai1. This improvernent shafl be construeled when a buitding permit is requesled for the cornerstone, Millrace III, . Millrace IV, Westhaven Condominiums' Waterford h*i r^i^^- cr Cascade Club addition. The bolLard! Lr 1.L !rrt tv o, ( shal.I be included in the permit plans. The bollard shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the lssuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the CornersLone, Millrace III, Millrace IVt Westhaven Condomlniums, Waterford buildingsr or Cascade Cfub addition. ? The clcwp i nner sha]L construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the Cascade Club along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the Weslhaven building to connect vrith the recreaLional path to Donovan Park. The walk shall- be constructed when a building permit is requested for westhaven Condomi-niums. The sidewalk sha11 be parL of the building permit plans. The sidewalk shal1 be constructed subsequent to the issuance of z9 -a a building permit and prior to the issuance of a cemporary certificate of occupancy for Westhraven Condominiums. 3. The developer shal1 provide 100-year floodplain informat.ion for the area adjacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Department before building permits are released for either project. 4. The conditions for Area A in Sections 18.46.020 B, 18.46.180 A. 1-7, 18.46.200 A - F, !' J, 18.46.270 C, 1-3, and 18.46.220 shall- be set forth in restrictive covenants subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shaff be recorded on the fand records of Eagle County' The developer shalt be responsible for submiLting the written conditions to the Town Attorney for approval before a building perrnit ls requested for the Cornerstone, Millraee III, Millrace Iv, Westhaven Condominiums, Waterford buildings, or Cascade Club AddiEion. 5. Dlillrace IV, Scenario I. a. The developer shall obtain an eas€nent from the owners of tbe property adjacent to tbe eaEtern boundary of the proPerty commonly called the Cosgriff Parcel, wbicb is more specifically defined in Exbibit A, attached to this ordinance and ineorporat€d berein by reference. Tbe €asenents sball be sufficient to pemit the construction, naiatenance and replacernent of retaining walls f,or the purposes of grading and boulder retention all along tbe western property line of said adjacent property. Tbe easenent shall be in a form acceptable to tbe Town AttoEDelr eball run nitb the land, and sball be record€d on 25 b. the land recorde of Eagle County prior to Design Review Board revien. Tbe developer sball provide tbe Corununity Development Departnent of tbe lorn ritb rritten consent fron tbe Upper Eagle Valtey tlater and Sanitation Distriet Peqlitting tbe encroacbnent of certain decks specified in tbe developrnent plan for tbe Millrac€ Iv condoniniuns, as get f,ortb in I 18.46.140(18) of tbis ordinance into their sewer easement recorded in Book 2L7, Page 428 oE the land recorde of Eagle County. lbis consent ehall be submitted prior to Design Review Board review. lbe developer sball receive fina1 approval of the site grading plan for the construction of Uillrace Iv, Seenario I, from tbe Town Engineer prior to Design Review Board review. fhe Millrace Condominiu.m Map, recorded at Book 326, page 257, of, the land records of Eagle County sbaLl be amended so tbat tbe access easement shown thereon shall align with the Present loeation of tbe roadway on the rtestern property }ine of the CosEriff Parcel, and the amendrnent shaU be recorded on tbe land records of Eagle County. The developer shall install 15 (5'-10') evergreens eoutb of tbe Soutb FroDtage Road adjacent to tbe Cascade Club building, and 5 15'-1.0') evergreens to the goutb of the Itestbaven Apartaent foundations and nortb of tteetbaven Drive. The developer sbal'l obtain tbe written apProval of the Colorado Department of Eigbrays (CDOE) pe:mittiag tbe installation of tbese trees along tbe Soutb c. d. e. 26 o Frontage Road prior to gaid installation. ff CDOB Epproval cannot be obtained, tb€n a miniuum of 10 16r-10') evergreeng sball be installed adjacent to tbe Wegtbaven Apartnents. f,. llte developer sball apply for and corplete tbe minor gubdivision process for tbe Cosgriff Parcel and a gubdivision plat signed by the Town of Vail cball be recorded on tbe laad records of Eagle County prior to tbe release of any building peraits for tbe construction of any structure on the Cosgriff parcel . g. Landscaping along the gouth and rest property lines of the Cosgriff Parcel sbatl be eviewed by tbe Design Review Board to insure a suitable buffer area between it and tbe other properties along said property lines. b. The Design Revierr Board shall revier tbe arcbitecture and landscape plan furtber for conpatibility ritb tbe surtounding area. i. Tbe developer and tbe adjacent property owlrera sball subnit a landscape plan for tbe area trortb of tbe Cosgriff property to the Design Revier Board for review. j. For purposes of calculating Gross Residential Floor Area pemitted on the Cosgriff Parcel, no credits of any kind (overlapping stairs, mechanieal, €tc.), except for 300 ag. ft. to be allowed f,or each €nclosed parking space, shall be given. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site. 1. The developer shall agree to construct a bus lane per ?own of VaiL standards in the area of the porte-cochere of the Micro-brewery j.n Area D. ?he ZT specj.fic location for the bus lane shall be mutually agreed to by the Area D owner and,/or developer, Colorado Division of Highways, and Town of Vait. The bus lane shall be construcLed subsequent to the issuance of a build'ing permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the brewery additj.on, office expansion excluding Phase fA, east office building, or parking structure. The developer and/or owners of area D shal1 be responslble for maintaining the new bus lane, including snow removal. If the lane is not maintained properly or snow removal is not adeguate, the Town will not provide bus service to the site. 2. The developer shall relocale Lhe exisling bike path on Area D and provide a new bike paLh easement across the Glen Lyon property and CDOH property per the development plan for Area D. The bike path shall be constructed per Town of Vail standards. The bike path shall be constructed subseguent to the issuance of a buitding permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase IA, east office building, or parking structure' Such ternporary certificate of occupancies shal"l- be conditlonal upon construction of the bike path provided for herein. The bike path easement shal1 be replatted and approval obLained from the Tohtn Council prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the Brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase fA, east office building or parking structure. 3. The developer shall underground the elect'rical z6 q vrt utilities along the north side of the Glen Lyon property from the northwest corner of tbe property to the northeast corner of the property. This utility work shal1 be constructed subseguent to the issuance of a building pernit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the Brewery addition, office expansion, excluding Phase IA east office building or parking structure. The developer shall be responsible for relocating the 20 foot utility easement on the western portion of Development Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail for Lhe relocated utility easement before a building permit is released for the micro-brewery addition. The developer of the GIen Lyon Office Property shall not file any remonstrance or protest against the formation of a 1ocal improvement district of other financing mechanism approved by the Vail Town Council which may be established for the purpose of building road improvements for the South Frontage Road. The developer sha11 provide a fire hydrant per Town of Vail Fire Department requirements on the norLhv',est port.j-on of the property. The specific Iocation for Lhe fire hydrant sha1l be approved by the Vail Fire Department. The fire hydrant shal1 be provided subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase IA, east office buiLding, or parking structure- The Developer shal1 construct a deceleration lane along South Frontage Road per the CDoH access permit. The developer shal1 submit plans for the 29 o South Frontage Road improvements to the Town of vail Engineer for review and approval before a building permit is released for either Phase I exctuding Phase IA, II, or III construction. The conditions for Area D in Sections 18.46-180 D, 18.46.200 A, B, F - K, 18.46.210 D, l.-1 ' and 18.46.220 shall be set forth in restrlctive covenants subjecL to the approval of the Town Attorney and. once so approved shalt be recorded on Lhe land records of Eagfe County. The developer shal1 be responsj-bl-e for submitting the writLen conditions Lo the Town Attorney for approvaf before a building permit shall be issued for the Micro-brewery, office expansion excluding Phase IA, east office buildingr or parking structure. The minor subdivision for Area D shall be developed per the following conditions: a. The devel-opment of parcels A, B, Ct and D, shafl be limited to t.he SDD No. 4 developrnent ptan and governed by the SDD No. 4 ordinance as approved by the Town of Vail and on file with the Department of Community DevelopmenL or as amended and approved by the Corununity Development Department, Planning and Envj-ronmental Commission, and,/or the Vail Town CounciI. b. The minor subdivision plat sha1l incfude a statement that development of the four parcels shall be governed by the approved SDD 4 devel-opment plan for area D and governing ordinances. c. The Communit.y Development Department and Town of Vail Attorney sha1l have the right to review and require changes in any "Agreements of Tenants in Commontt, ttConveyance of ?n -Easement and Party wa1I Agreements"l and any other easement or ownership agreements related to the development of parcels A, B, C, and D to ensure that the four parcels are developed per the approved development plan in SDD No. 4 Ordinance. The developer shall be responsibfe for replatting the 20 foot uLility easement on the western porLion of development Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail- for the new utility easement before the minor subdivision plat is recorded. Any modifications or amendmenls to the minor subdivision conditions of approval agreement shalt be reviewed as a major anendment under the procedures oullined in Section 18.40 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. The conditions for the minor subdivision in Section 18.46.210 (D9) A, B, C, and E, shaLl be seL forth in restrictive covenants subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shal1 be recorded on the Iand records of Eagle County ' The developer shalf be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney before the minor subdivision is recorded on the l-and records of Eagle CountY. The entire Glen Lyon Office Building and Brewery Building shall be sprinklered and have a fire alarm detection system. Town of Vail- Fire Department approval of the sprinkler and fire alarm systems shaff be required before a building permit is released for Phase I excluding Phase TA or fI. The devefoper shall submit a set of arnended plans to the Colorado Division of Highways for review /.t 10 11 31 and approval. The improvements on CDOH property proposed by the developer nusL receive CDOH approval before Phase I, excluding IA, II, and III are presented to the Town of Vail Design Review Board for final approval 1'2. The east building including the two employee dwellinq units shall be constructed when the parking structure is built to ensure that the employee units are built. 18.46-220 Enplovee Housinq The deweLopment of SDD No. 4 wil,l have impacts on available employee housing within the Upper Eagle valley area. fn order to help meet this additional employee housing needt the developer (s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee hnrrc i nar 1rt\ 'm]-nlmum o Condornini The developer(s) of Area A shall- build a oyee dwelling units within Area A Irlesthaven 1ding. Each employee dwellilg unit in Area A shal1 have a minimum square footage of, 648 square feet - The developer of Area D shall build 2 ernployee dwelling units in the Area D east building per the approved plan for the East Building. rn Area D one employee dwefli-ng unit shal1 have a mi-nimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second employee dwelling unit shal1 have a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet ' The GRFA and number of empl-oyee unlts sha1l not b€ counted toward allowable density or GRFA for SDD No. 4-.." In Area A, the GRFA and number of empioyee'dwelling units shalt be restricted as employee dwelling units for 20 years plus the life of Tiffany Christine Lowenthal. from the date of final certificate of occupancy for said units. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall be restricted as rental employee dwelling units perrnanently. In Areas A & D the following restrictions shaIl apply to afl- employee dwelling units: The employee dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any perj.od of less than 30 consecutive days, and that if rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are v/,, JZ o full time employees in the Upper Sagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, EagIe-VaiI, and Avon and Lheir surrounding areas. A full time employee is a person who works an average of 30 hours per week. In Area A, if an employee dwelling unit is sold, it sha1l be sold only to a full time employee in the Upper Eagle Valley. The owner shall occupy the unit or lease,/rent as per the reguirements in this section. In Areas A & D the employee dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of timesharer interval ownership, or fract.ionaf fee ownership. A declaraLion of covenants and restrictions shal1 be filed on record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land before a building permit is released for the construction of the employee units in either Area A or Area D' 18 .46 .230 Time Requiremenls SDD No. 4 sha1l be governed by Lhe procedures outlined ln Section 18.40.120 of Lhe Town of Vail Municipal Code. Sec!ion _4 . If any part, sectionr subseclion, sentencer clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalidr such decision sha11 not affect the vafidity of the renaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, secti.on, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase Lhereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more part.sr sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. SecLion 5. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall noL affect any right which has accrued, any duty inposed' any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereofr any prosecution comrnenced, nor any other action or Proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby sharl not revive any provision or any ord.inance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5. A11 bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order. resolution or ordinance, or part. thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING 1'1115 T9th dAY Of November I 199L, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 3rd day of December , 1,991 at ?:30 p.nr. in the Council Chambers of the VaiI Municipal Building, Vail, CoLorado. Ordered published in full this 19th day of November , 1991. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Panel-a A. Brandmeyer, Town Cl-erk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED bv title this _\l day of December , L99t. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandrneyer, Town Clerk VaiI-Rose E:iIIIEIT,.A., XOELDEL PROPEF.TY DEVELOFIIE:IT AREA N 12.370 acrer of the Sl,t l/4 NE 1/4 of Secrion 12, Range Bl llest of thc 6tlr P..\l ., descr:bed as A part Tor.rnsh io ' 5 Sou th, f oI lorvs : Beginning at a point on the t.lest line of said Sl, l,/4NE -tlq trom wrlrch the North one-quJrter corner of, sald sectLonbears lJor:h 0ol5'East 2?69..r8 fdet; trrence Nori,h ool5, East,along said t'lest Line, 15f,36 feet to a point on the souLheaste:ry Iigh: of way line. of U.S. fiiahr".ay tto. 6-i thencc, along saidSoutheasterly right of way line,'as follorrs: North 520?2, East, !O2.31 feet;' Nor r.h 4 90?0, East., Sf g . 5? ; f eet i anCNorth 48ot3, East, S,l 9.09 feet, more or less, to a pointon the North J.ine of said Sl.t L/4 NE l/4t thence North ggo33' - East, along the North line of said Stf fil4 NE, 365 feet, nrore orless, to a point on the cenierline of Gore cree!,.; thence, arong thecerterline of Gore Creel.. , as f oIJ.orrs: South 36o49,uest, 10I.04 feet;South lBo?I' l.test, 54.09 f eet;South Io24' l.lest, 20i.02 feet; Sout.h 12oI0' t.lest, 110.25 feet; alrcSoutlr 28o41' l','est, 2,12.35 feet, thence Souih ?5015,l.lest, 1064.10 f eet. to the point of begin;.::ig. Rosc Fa rcc I 3.190 acres A tract of land sit,ustei in the St':!:l:E! of Section 11,TP 5 S.. R. 81 l{., of the 5th p.il ., Iving Southerly of that cer-*aintract of land describeo in Book I99, Page I97, t{or'..he:ly andl?esierl-i' of the cen:er line of Gore Cree!:, and 1i'ing llortlrerllr andEasterli' of those certa j:n tracts described in Book 2I1 at Page 106, Bool'" 2.ll aL Page 108 and Boo): 215 at Page 365, descrired as f ol. l.or.rs: Beginning at a point on the North-South center lineof said Section L2 whence the North quarter corner of said Section 12 bears tl . 00o15r E. 2269,48 feet; thence N. ?5oI5'E. 345.26 feet to the true point ofbeginlring, said point being on the South line of that ttact described in Book 199, Page l9? and uhich bears S. 08o26r E. 2203.34 feet from the tlorth ouarter corner of said sec:ion 12; thenie N. ?5oI5' E. 7l'1 .84 feeL a1on9 the SoutherlyIine of tlrat t-ract described in Book I99, Page 197 to the centerof 6ore Creek: thence s. 28041r W. 130.61 feet along the center llneof sa i 11 Creek ;thence 5. 05024r30" E. 104.50 feet, along the centerline of said Creek;' thence i. 49029' w. 95.50 feet along the centFr llneof said Creekt . thence S. 22o34r lt. 124.47 feet along the eenter lineof said Creeks thence S. 5{o00' W. 119.34 feet along the center lineof said Creekt to the Southeast corner of, that certain tract ofland dcscribed ln Book 211, Page l0B;thence N. 33"16'30" lf. 140.12 feet along the East,erly line of that tract described in Book 21I at page l0B;thence N. 57o42,30,' l{. l69.BB feeb along theNoriheastcrly line of thaL Lract described in Book 2II at page 108;ttrence N. 86002'30" I'1. 162.92 feeh along the Northerlylinc of thosc traccs described in Book 2ll at page 108 Book 2IIac Page 106 to a point; thencc N. 3205?r30" W. 26.08 feet along theNorthcasterly line of that. tract described in Boo[ 215 at page365, bo the point of begjnning. J) lleede Parcal 1.260 acres _ County of Eaqle and Strte of Colorado, to wit:A tracC of Iatrd situated in tlre St,tlNEl of Scction 12. Toznslrio 5soutlr, R.rrrge SI l.lest of Ure 6th pri,nciarl llcridian, tlescr ibccl'as f oll,ows: -Beginning at a poirrt on the llorth-South centcrline of said Section- l2 r,rhencc tlre North eurrter Corner of saiCsection 12 bears North 00 deqs. l5 mins. East 2f69.49 feet; thcnceNortlr 75 degs. 15 mins. East J,l 6.26 feet; thence south 32 degs.57 mins. 3C secs. East ?6.08 feet; therrce Soutir 1l degs. O0 mins.3o -secs. west 2?9.99 feet to.a point in the center of 6ore Creel,.;tlretrce Nortlr 50 degs. 32 mins. ilesL lll.l1 f eet arono the cen:erLine of said creep.; thence tlorth 3B degs, qo-rnins. 116st 239.09 feetglons tlre center Line of said creek; thence South 76 degs.35 mins. I'lest 89.9r feet along the center rine of said ireek to apoint on tlre Norih-south cent6r line of said sectiorr 12; thenceNorth 00 degs. 1.5 mins. Easi 13.95 feet alonc the North-southcetrter Iine of said Sectiorr I2 to the poirrh of beginning. Total 16.820 ac!es GORE CRES}i ASSCCIATES PROPER,TY DEVILOPITE:I'r AR[.\S B, C & D 80. ?00 acres Lec a l- De s c:: ct ! olr ttll that part of Section 12 , Tor.nship 5 Soueh, Range 81 l.tesi oftire 6th P.:.1 . , described as f ollo'..'s: AII that par'- of the NINE!i of Section 12, lyi.ng Southerly of theSoutherly right-of -r.ray line of U. S. lligh'..ray l'lo. 6 and llortherly of the sou:berIv line of, said i'l\NE\, as sho\.rn on the plat on f ile irr the off ice of the Eagle County ClerP. and Recorder as Docrlnent No.9?489, described as fo1lor'rs:Eeoinning at the highr'ray survey monument at the intersection of the Sou ttrerly line of said higlrr,ray and tlle Easterly line of said tlti'lEl , whence the llortheast corner of said Section 12 bears North 0o03' t'lest 634 . 7 B5 f eet; tlrence south 73026'30" west 1112.13 of way line of said highway; thence South ?0o34r West 125.10 feet feet afong the Sout,herly right along the SoutherJ.y right, of along the Southerly rJ.glrt of along the Southerly llne of wav line of said hiqhwav; thence south 69()25r -Wes-t 100.00 feet way Ilnc of sa ld lrlglrr'ray Ithence South 65050t WesL 100.00 feet .Baid hlghwayi - thence 5outfi 62015r west 100.00 feet, along the Southerly'rlght of wav l.lne of sald hlqhwav ithlnce South 58o4Ot-Wesi 100.00 feet along the Southerlv right of wav line of said hiohwav:' thLnce south 55005' -l^tes-t' 100. 0o f eet along the Southerly right of uay line of sald hlghway; thince South 5Io32'-Wests'100.00 feet along the Southerly right of vray line of said hlght+ay i th-ence South 47c57,-WesL 212.58 fee! along the Soubherly right of uray line of said lrighway to a polnt on Lhi southerly line of said Nqr'tEk;thence North 88o3f,rEast 497.67 feet along the Southerly llne of said NtTltE! to the center of the NElr of said Section 12; thence-North 88031| East 1379.35 feet along the SouLherly llne of ""i6 l,lrrt'lEl to the Southeasc corner of said N\NEI i - .thence'North 0003, West ?60.95 feet along the Easterly line of said NritlE! to lts lnte rsection wltlr the South6rty llne of said highwayr thc point of beginni.ng, 36 CO:11I::UED AND A1l that part. of the Sl'tlNEl of Section 12. lyincJ Southerly of the cetrccr of Gore Creek ss shor?n on Ehc plats on file ln theoffice of the Eagle CounEy Clerk and Racorder as gocu'.r|ent llg. 97.1 S9, described as f oll.orusr ne{inning at the Northeasi corner of said Slt!}lE!; thence South 88033'l{es! 13I.6? feet, to a point in Ehe center of said Creek; :thence South 40009 r l'test 94. 04 f eet alc,ng tlre cc;lter of said Creek I thence Soueh l8o21r l'lest 54.09 feet along the ccnter of sard Creehi thence South Io?.1 ' l,lesb 205.02 f eec along Lhe ccnter of said Creei-'; thence South I2oI0rh'est 110.?5 feet along the center o! said C=eeP.i thence South 2804I' llest 3?0.00 feeLtthence SouEh 5o2{'30" East, l?0.00 feet along the center of saici creel'. ithence Soith 27oOO t0?" l'test 85.24 f,eet along the center of said creek I thence South 54000r l{est ?59.34 feet, along the center of said creek; " thence South 65o3d'lfest. 109.62 feet along the center of said creek;thence South 59oo.t I l.test 186.13 f eet along the center of sald c:eeki thence South 85o25' t.lest 68.BB feet along the center of sa!d creek; tlrence tlorth ??o36t tiest 26.95 f eet along the cenrer of said cleeh; thence llorih 50o3?r l..'esi 199.19 feet along ehe center of said c;eeh; thence i'lortr 38040 | Ites-.. 239.09 f eet along the cen:er of said c:eek; thence Soutn ?6035'llesi 89.91 feet along the center of saici c:eeki to a point on the tlesterly llne of said Sliki'lEl; thence South 0oI5, l'lesr 4t1.9O fccI to the center of sald Sec'-icn 121 tlrcrrce Nor--h g9. O2' East 13S2.65 f eeU alorrg the [iouEher!7 Iine of sai<] SlililiEk to the Soutieast corner of said SliliilE'; i thence I'lorth 0o06' East 1364 .32 f eet along the Essier!-v lir.e oi said S!;lilE: to the Northeasi corler of said Slj'illE\, the Poi:rt of beg inning , AIID The llh,lsEk of Section 12, Tor.rnship 5 Southr Range gt'i'test of the 6rh P.fl.; AND A1l, that, part of the SEltllili of Section 12, Tovnship 5 Southr Range 8I l.lest o? the Stlr P.lt. , Iying Southerlv of the Southerly. right of way line of U.S. lligh..;ay No. 6, as shor'rn on the plat on fiLe ln the office of the Eagle-Couity Cler!: and Recorder as Documenl No. 97489, described as f ollot^ts: the SouLheast corner of said SEltll9kt egooz' l.lest' 836.95 f eet along the SoutherLy llne of to a point on the Soutlrerly right o'f I'tay llne of said 52035' East 105?.07 feet along the Southerly rigltt of said highway to a potnt on the Easterly llne of said Ools, tfest 628.21 feet along th9 Easterly line of said Southeast corner of said gElit{lfkr the golnt of Beginning at, thc rrce South ea i d SEtrNWt: Iti ghuay ;thence Northof way line sEkl{lrt; thence South SEkNtrlr to the beginnlng I EXCEPT THE T'OLLOI'III.IG: that part described thaE part described that part described ln Eook 188 at in Book L91 at page 545; page 24I; in Bool< 203 at page 231; 37 CO:IT1::UED th;tt part described ln Boot. 203 at. page 531i tlrat certain island ad jaceng to the above-tlcscribed proFert./, andloccted in the rnid,dle of Gore Cree.r:, rvirich the pattles ineendto e.xclude f rcm this transac.,io;r; Counti- cf Esgl.e, SLate o.f, Colorado ALSO lHE FOLLOXIiiG FARCEL TO$iERLY T.NOIJII AS TI{i "COSGIIFF PARC-l1' A tractSectiontlre 6thof the c f ol. l ors : of land sjtuated ln the Su ll4 liE l/4 of l?, To;nshio 5 South, Range 8I tlesc of Prirrci'.ral lleridian, ])ing l'lorthrtesterly enLer iine of Gore Creek describeci as Besinninc aE a Doint whence the llorth QuarterCoiner oi sa j i bect j on I ? bears li, 1l "03' li, 2297.72 feet r thence S. 66'02'30" E' 69.50 feer: thence S.5q'42'30" t' 169'66 feet; Ehence S. 33"16'30" E. 1{0.l2 leet ro a poini in 1'!gcenLer of said creek: chence 5.65clt.' h" 109'6? f eet, along the c ent er I jne of said creek i !hencp S. 69"qrq'-!l . 9(r,?8 feer- along. the centcr line of se;<j-creek; thence !i, 73"12'i0" t'J. 317'54 fepc .o- in. point of beginning, contain5ng | '05 acreJ 'nore oi less. F.LSO DESCi.I EEU Deg i nn i ni a i a prri nt tihs i',ct r lre NoYth 9y: fFt corner ot set u b*ct j on 1l bear! il' I l'03' ld' izgi.'/t leet; .i,in.* !. -b5"+:'!4" E' E9' 84 f eett iilr..-S.3i.25,3(l', L. I69,q6 feer: Eb€nc€ 5. ir;;9;30" r. 141.47 feer to a-point in the ;;";;t- or ", i d creek I thence S ' 65'31 '36" h" i0;:;i i*"t along the center-line of sairi creek; lh;";; i. (,9oot'56" l.'. 103.0? f eet..alglg-!llt-.. ;;;;;i i tn" or seid creek: thence N' 23'24'09" f':.'f t9.(r9 [eet tc! th€ pcint of beg.inninS' TOGETHEII lilTH en easioent as described tn'Docugrent reiorCed Aup.ust 5. 196(' in Eook 306 at Pape (43 ii'ti-iil,"rJ"l i., 3i,,,( 307 at Pase 86 o* thc Ea6l e C,ountv records. ALSO lncluding all trater and well -rlghrsaDDUrIenant. to the above described Property,. ;;;t;J:ne i;thout ljciresSep. r/ell Feroit t{o' 9+7D2, ril'ter riEhts decreed in Cjvil Ac:'ion ti;.-tizS i" Eagie c,ounrl'District Court' and Li r litt pnttii;, of rtatir righrs decrced in ;;;--;i;. Lir c'w 4lo, v"ter Dii'ision llo' 5' (Gore fJo. I tleli - ct.05 cis) Jd I r/ttt- 2BA INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EW PROJECT:ra Cascdp l//t DATE SUBMTTTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 3/9 T. BRTEF DESCRTPTION OF THE PR,OPOSAL: 5/L 2 ', " DATE oF gl;Bl,rc HE-ARTNG q ,, By: 3/g 4 pasblo ( ,l/ardanl ) \--/ PUBLTC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: n rhuz"clzrv4( ;);* iA -V";;'aryarcd aDz 'aa tztt'v&z- Tf' ::.'"','- - ; ^, ^,-.t -- )l,l / orr'r,'lb denqo- zwa*'z,Qz^7',#";;; 6r* -"D/'-n't"u den,w'wa*'z'Qz^z't a/lo Date: FIRE DEPARTMENT Z/- €'cs*-*?' /z'2 z- 4., 61,,.-t, l..U+r,a;r,ra-.* ,:-- t"t 1 """v' u (7j"tz;l'a \ C-4.u. j-t .r, Date: -'; ,rroo;l tilt -'u' 1'7;t aa:7] /- ..!1 {-t-{'e , '27' POL]CE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comnents: RECREAT]ON DEPARTMENT P arz i er^rad trrz. Comments: Date: Date: Dt2^.TF/-T. DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: JA PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: €D2 /2a &k l/ Dare: = /4lfz comrnents, t) Mpd. +; -{l'rl /a)t"tt, '. *.,I ! lcl n-t- J-,'"-ts o {/t-1 2/3a} INfER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW l/t//d BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: , $cz awltbzb a/fu?' Ud/z aTtpzar<d ,uraJqfurud - ang a'ar/fidffiJr- tho/J'{[n"*'ty' u /9 6/, f11ft.4e ) F4.fL4* l//.'re?ot + - (IV&J 4- clt*t uP D'l I 4 NreJ 1- 21u ,-'f"fd ; rz'*xA7 {*'* th.*prqcueJ ;tlr:fz ,:;7_,;" psq'a);^i: 'F e^( t- b! o[1o '*uJ +-- l,*cttl<t*u.,y'-s POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments; RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: 'f,- *u* )'V(/t FTRF, Dtr.PARfMFNT Reviewed by: Comments: j) '+h Date: l-l:l-a. r€vlgcd 9l4l9L A nM& ,*P2 rr'{A/f- APPLf CIIION I'ORM l'OR,l SPECIAL DEX'EIOPIIENI DISTRICI DIX/'8IOP!{EN! PLA}r This procedure is required for any project that would go in.ougn the Special Development District procedure' Tbe application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. (please print or tYPe) A.AppLICANT Michaef Lauterbach MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 3451 Val1 , Co1-o 81658 47 6-6944 nm'D MAR t 0p9e' DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED R ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY owNER(S) MAILTNG owNER(s) vArt, v STGNATI RE (s) LTD.ershi-p 1000 S. Frontage Road Wes Su{te 200 VaIl, Co.81657 Denver, Colo 80222 PHONE (303) 758-3500 LOCAT]ON OF PROPOSAL:1335 ![es thaven Drlve STREET ADDRESS: BLOCK_SUBDTVT S I ON Millrace ITI ADDRESS LOT II E.ALISToFTHENAMESoFowNERSoFALLPRoPERTYADJACENT ToTHESUBJECTPRoPERTYANDTHEIRMAILINGADDRESSES. Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: A B. Detailed written/graphic description of Proposafi An environnentaf impact rePort shall be submitted to f-nu-to"i"g aoministrator ih accordance with Chapter 1g:56 her6of unless waived by SecLlon 18.56.030, exempt rrrnier-fq: l?-YJve--. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demanos generated by the develoPlnen! *+!lgYt undue U"ia.tr on a.riilable or proposed public facilities; Existing contours having contour intervals of not more ah;;-ir;"-feet ii tne aierage slope of the site.is -Lwenty Percent or less, or with contour intervars or noL more Uhan ten feet if the average sfope of the site is greater than twenty Percent ' A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one l";;-;;;;rs-iirtv feet, showins the approximate focatio"s and diirensions of all buildinqs and. strucEuresr Ds€s thereinr and all principal site-evelopnent feaLures, such as landscaped areas' i."i""tional facilities, pedestrian plazas and *iir*"v", service entriesl driveways, and off-street parkin-q and loading areas with proposed contours after Lraoinq and site development; n E. P.z/?. 1992 t. F.PP!,rcalrr-igry E1658P.o, Eox' 3{ll'vrllr B. }DDRESS PBOPERIY orfiER(s) !,{ATLING 8rg[AtuHE (s) TDDRESS 52?1 i:iltCt Koaroer' E, Yf,1t ctrclq Dcnvar, Colo 80222 --.^.,- (303) 758-3500 DgrtllF. ___ ---.--.- r.ocrTtoN oE PRO9oSAL: strerr ADDRESSi.-1335 llortbav.n DtlesD- Ultlrrce Ilt sV Lol-BI,ocr-.suBD IVr s r ory ;F;'*[419*-g1o1*E*1,gl*.fi l,i?fi 'o'l##'g3gi-'E' t.'lil 3[,]*E'-1ffi;'R[t'Xffi]iyl^'}:'?u,H9"'u'' to TIiE suB'JEcr Eltqrrrnrr ,rt,, a /r@g +";))o u, :r:::::;::;,,*"iron nu', b(fre 4 t /o vz- ?;;- foltowlng lntornetloo nugt be Four ({) coPics o' subtrlt.f ed: a. Dcealled *rltton/graphlc drreripf'ton o! Progosal; B. An env,ron.:lill,ltlaii:lr#::itilf,tiiiltFJt*:.,, if '?'*ig"?*$t:; ;-Io ivc a uY ProJects;c' il""5:i.i'oi" ;. i:: "i:i:;l -::ril$i*luli' ;li*"i" "lffi : burden on a"itiaule or PrgPoE D tr:i'li?""?l:l'l? iiills:i3?;lll:lililtfi.ill-lii"" iiF:i}liiln.:l lEli''?iill'1";;:il"ir-'ii or the site 1o:ro LFtt orrrcfurrE s? vAtL co',l il *l t' (Fleasa Prlne or tYPe) !:t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on March 9, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an exterior alteration in the Commercial Core ll zone district for the Cano Flesidence, Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing/S2O East Lionshead Circle. Applicantt Victor CanoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request to extend a conditional use permit to expand the Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain SchoolPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a worksession for a minor subdivision and request for a change in zone district boundaries from Primary Secondary to Low Density Multiple Family for the Schmetzko property, generally located aI2239 Chamonix Lane, more particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or less, located in the $outh 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; thence westerly along the northerly line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft, distant from and parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance of 200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 ft. distant from and parallel to the north line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 0f Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east 1/2 of the SE 114 of said Section 1 1, a distance of 200.00 ft. to lhe point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 21'00" along the exlension ot the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to the NE comer of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 1 1, being the point of beginning. ,(r-* r-d./-.it) +K 4- Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. 1 according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicant: Erich SchmeEkoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specilically described as follows: A part of the SW 1/r, NE 14, $ection 1 2, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point of the North-South centerline of said Section 12 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S00'38'56"W 455.06 feet; thence along said centerline N00"38'56"E 122.81 feet to the southerly ROW line of l-70;thence departing said ROW line N66o53'25'E 39.15 feet;thence departing said ROW line S81'23'19"E 165.42 feet to a point of curve; thence 122.83 feet along the arc of a 1411.20 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 49o08'51" and a chord lhat bears 515"57'45'E 119.10 feet; thence $40"32'10.E 3.00 feet; thence 66.30 feet along the arc ol a77.21 foot radius curve to the right, having a central angle of 49o12'10'and a chord that bears S15"56'05'E 64.28 feet: thence S8'40'00'W 90.27 feet; thence N38%2'24"W 224.55 feet; thence 578"10'32"W 101 .44 feet to the Point of Beginning. Applicant: MichaelLauterbachPlanner: Jill Kammerer A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion ot the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District administrative offices, at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Shelly Melto A request to amend Section 18.34, Parking Zone District of the Vail Municipal Code to allow construction staging as a conditional use. Applicanl: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen An appeal of a staff decision regarding grandlathered office space in the Mill Creek Court Building, 302 Gore Creek Drive/a part of Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Appellant Ned GwathmeyPlanner: Shelly Mello A request for the establishment of a Special Development District at the Christiania at Vail, 356 Hanson Flanch Road/Lol D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, and Lot P-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village Fifth Filing. Applicant: Paul JohnstonPlanner: Mike Mollica Any items tabled from the February 24,1992 PEC meeting agenda. 5. 6. 7 c. 9. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on February 21,1992 o o ,tr/Alor frzcrzzn-ato{ 5u1Vs,,ay't:. SOD ry'd/ 4 "i"' - t), t, . t/7!" -,t j j;2 TTICIIAEI, TAUTERBACUP.O. Aox 3451 VAIIT, COITORADO 81658(303) 476-6944 ro: FROM: DATE: RE: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DdPARTMENT ///MTCHAEL T.AUTERBACH /4 TEBRUARY t_O/ L992 MILI,RACE III r am seeking approval for three single-family residences, each withtwo.car garages, to be individually subdiviaed on the site as eachresidence is constructed. eurpl0ying ordinance #25 0f L9g9. rnconjunction with the three residences, f am seeking approval for a) amaximum eight foot setback fron westhaven Drive which-iill pronote maximum exterior building appeal and also provide for adequitetolerances for siting each structure; b) a maxj-mum eight foot setbackfrom the paved bike path,. .c) a zero setback from the existing bikepath access easement as well as approval to seek abandonment of ttrateasementr dl in addition to the site GRFA allowance of 6,000 squarefeet, GRFA circulation allowances of 225 square.feet for eachresidence as is consistent with LDMF zoning; and e) a minimum of tenfeet between building foundations. The residences would be constructed of like naterials and colors witha predoninantry stucco exterior hiqhlighted with accent siding androck, and roofed with cedar shakes. Coldstream Condorninium AssociationMi-llrace Condominium Associationc/o Cascade Village properties l-476 Westhaven DriveVail, Colorado gL6S7 Westhaven Apartmentsc/o Seafirst BankAttn: Stephen SalyerP.O. Box 34401Seattle, Washington 9gj-24-l_4OL iB.le ,9A larla Lf,Ll orFa surTE s7 VAIL C0. a.vlr.d jlalgl P.2/? DA'E Alp,,rce?ror' *E*rrrED- 9.192 1 p92 A n,*JE. e,r*rttful tr" PROPSRTY o.lrEs(g) lsPlrctrTrffi tos$ ron, g$scr.r& Dwtt#mEHSDISllrcT Dnr-r0Plcrr tur I. Thtrs proccdure le tagu{rod fsr lny proJcct that *ould go through tho Spectal Developnint Dlstrict Froesdure. Ttre +ppllcailon $dtl noi be aoaopted unttl 11l lnforrnatlonls rubmlttid. lplease print, or typc) A. ApptICN{T tffsha{x tgyruhi I'|AILII|G IDDRESS nouu_i!!#__ B, APF}ICN.IT' S REPRESEN?ATIVE }DDRESE Plt0NE-.* 0!{NER(Sl v4rl-n! 8r$$ruRl (s) I'{AIIING }FDREBS , , ._ oro.'.,:, .:l: ,yil . urrorq.jgj3l* T'octTION Of FROP0SII,: 1335 ltorrhavrn DrtvcSTREET ADDRESS; -r,or-Br,ocx,-suao rvr s r oH -.. ql-r1:' ]11,,,, E. A LTST OI" THE N$'IES OF O}II{ER.s OF LL PROPERTV }DJRCFNT TO IIIB SUB,JSCT PRO3ERTY IIID STiETR I{.f,ILTNC }DDRES5ES. uV fre f a rc-f z (/?/ez t 673E a-fi1 anzazz"'{1 s 7a@ -epII. Four (il) coplcs of the followlrrg lnfofllation $ust be Bubnltted: A. Detatlcd rrrltton/grrphlc drrertpf.ton of Propogal; B. An ent'lrenmenta! lmpact sBFort shBtrl be sutrmitted to the zonlng adrnlntst,iator in accordangr Hlth Chapt8r r8.56 hrscuf unlctc welved by Srctlsn t$.55,030, exenpt proJects; c. An epan Bpaae gnd recrertlonal plan eufflclent tg !t?et tne Oenran'ds g€n*rabcd by lho davclopaent without usfr,re burden on Esallrble or DrsFoaed publtc laellitles; D. Er(lstlng contours havlng eonEour lnt,ervlle of not nore than flve fect if thc avcrage alope of ths cltc is tsenty petcent or Le93, or t{lt'h cgnEour lnEervals of nat- nn.l thrn ?sn fort lf tha lveraqe sl,one of tha s{te i L -Frll-r-th'l flrF" lJF{ I L i'littr*i i an'*ou= llssh i1 j: - f. ij .-'i' ,r; Fir:';;i: r.i. i.t il;:iifj:;.:{.r ...- *,: -, ' ,t ! i- l' ii '-"r'ir i. .-.iF -tl[:."- i'ri i i'-{i' ir 'ri.:. f i llltl ijiai.:r..rfr "r.- !+, t'::rir i' il1:1 I l*nr Pai'i t:.j l. t-lr:iil:iB,+ l. i.:;LriitJri ltir:i..i ir" " " j rjfril. Llirl Fniaunt- Paid 1.r]{tij. tittii l-! , lit:l 'r'iJU i ' ,-,.r. ii r"-l{l i +i:!-rittiil:i -t: -FH*:lh-{t+ AFrerican Lind Tirte Association Commitmenldif ied 1Ol73 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE ISSUED BY hF'r ',r' tNsuRANCE -: - . 'i l99a STE\^/AFIT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY This Commitment is preliminary t liability and obligations hereunder or when the policy or policies co failure to issue such policy or polici valid or binding until countersigned IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the com become valid when cou ntersigned by with its By-Laws This Commitment is airman of/ the Boar Countersigned by: 'poration, herein called the Company, for r policies of title insurance, as identified in tle A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate in Schedule A, upon payment of the les A and B and to the Conditions or policies of title insurance and all onths after the effective date hereof ever first occurs, provided that the pany. This Commitment shall not be 'agent. ' Qimmitment to be signed and sealed, to 'of agent of the Company, all in accordance e shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." I' seralNo C-l601 . 210738 DDttua).io Ktu)vps \ SCIIEDULE A ORDER NTIUBER: 92007485 i. rrrecTlvE DATE: Januarlz 28, tggz at 8:oo A.tt. 2. POLTCY OR POLTCIES TO BE ISSI'ED: E}TOUNT OF TNSURAITCE A. ALTA or{NERrs porrrey $ r82r5oo.ooPROPOSED INSURED3 UICITAEL I.,ATIIERBACH B. ALTA LOAI{ POLICY 9PROPOSED INSI}RED: c. ALTA LoAN PoLIgY $PROPOSED INSI'RED: 3. THE ESTAIIE OR INTEREST IN THE I,,AND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO TN THTSCOMMIT!{ENT AND COVSRED EERETN TS FEE SII,fPLE AI.ID TITLE THERETO TS ATTHE EF'FECTI\IE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN: VAIL VENTTJRES LTD., A COLORADO LTUTTED PARENERSHIP(See Requirements) 4. TIIE I,AND REFERRED TO IN TIITS CO}IITITIIENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLI,OWS: SEE ATTACIIED LEGAL PREX'IIUIII:OWNERS: 695.00TAX CERT.: 10.00 copies to: Mi-ke Lauterbach STEIIART TITLE OF EAGI.,E COUNTY,P.O. BOX 2000VAIIJ, CO. 81658(303) 949-1011 SCIIEDULE A PROPERTY DESCRrI{IION ORDER NO.:92007485 A part of the SI{1/4NE1/4, Section ]-Z, Township 5 South, Rancre81 west of the si)dh piincipar Meridian, desciibed as iorrorii: !9gi-nntng at a point of the North-south centerline of said section12 wrrence an iron pin with ! plastie cap marking the center ofsaid Section 12 beirs. S 0o delrees 3grse'r w 455:oG feetithence glong said centerline f oo deqrees 38r!tri g L22.bL feet to:I|:_:?.!!erly.right-of-way 1ir?e of hterstate Highsray No. 7O;:l:lge departing said right-of-way rine N 56 degriees-53'25tr i: ss.rsreeE i !!:I":^a:par!in9 said right-of-way line S 81 degrees 23,L9n E L65.42reeE E,o a point of curve;thence t22-.a3 feet atong'the arc of a 143.2o foot radius curve tollg 1"5!,. h3ving a centiat angle of 49 degree- oi,st" and acnoro t'nat bears S 15 degrees 37 t 45t, E 119.10 feet;tl-rence S -40 _degrees 32 r 16r g 3 . OO f eet ithence 56.30 feet along the arc of a 77.21 foot radius curve to the::glt., having_a centrai angle of 49 aegre-s-iiito" and a chordEnat .bears S 15 degrrggg 56r05x E 64.29-feet;!|ence I 8-degrees-40'Oon w go.i7 ee-t; :,Ir9nce I 19 {egrees 42,24.} W 224.55 fe6t;thence s 78 decrrees 10'32,t w 101.44 feet'To The point of Beginning.COIJNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THIS COHMITMENT wAs PRaPARED oN PEBRAURY 3, tgsz. FoR euEsTIoNsPLEASE CAIL SAlrDy cApELL, (303) 949-1011. ORDER NUUBER: 92007485 . SCIIEDI'LEB-SE TTONI REQUIREMET.ITS TIIE FOIJ,oWING ARE THE REQUIREX.IENTS TO BE COUPLIED WTTII: 1. 2- 3. 4. 5. ITEI.! (A) PAYI.{ENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE GRANTORS OR }IORTGAGORSOF THE FI'LL CONSIDERATION FOR TTIE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED. -ITE}T (B) PROPER INSTRWENT (S) CREATING THE ESTATE OR TNTSREST TO BEINSI'RED MUST BE EXECIITED A}TD bULY FILED FOR RECORD, TO WTT: Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return toStewart Title Guaranty Company. Evidence satisfactory t9 Stewart Title Guaranty Company of Payngnt of all outstanding taxes and assessmenis as- ceitifiedby the Eagle County Treasurer. Execution of Certificate - Entity Transferor/IndividualTransferor and its return to.the-office. Evidence satisfactory to stewart ritle cuaranty company that thereal estate transfer-tax assessed by the rown 6f Vair iras beenpaid or that the transaction is exeipt frou Jaid tax. Partial release by the public Trustee of Eagte County releasinqsubject property trom the lien of Deed of tiust fron-vaifVentures, _Ltd., a Colorado Linited partnership in favor of BHl_.l91tgage corpolation securing $Z,5OO,OOO.OO aitea October 31,1984 recorded November 15, L9g4 in Book 399 at page 843 asReception No. 296L33 Assignment.of.above Deed of Trust to Beverly Hills Savings tLoan Association recorded Decenber 31, 1984-in Book 4O3 ;t pase 531- as_Eeception No. 299912 and rerec6rded January 14, 1985 iiBook 405 at Page 5 as Reception No. 301290. ORThe consent of The Resolution Trust corporation, consentingto said foreclosure proceedinqs.NorE: The above_ls leguired Secause stewart Title of Eagle countyhas notice that rhe Resorution Trust corporation is now ictinqas Reeeiver for Beverly Hills Savings c Loan Association. Evidence of rrritten-notice given to Beverly Hills savings & roanAssociarion, as assisnee to-BH *E:gig;":EgT:iln5"!!-to trre 6. CONTT}IUATTON SHEEtr SCIIEDI'LEB-SECIION]' ORDER NI,MBER: 92007485 Resorution Trust corporation, as Receiver of Beverrv Hilrsg3vi!9g & rpq+ Association, 6f conpliincE wittr-pi;aaraph-a und,erthe rntercreditor Agreeneni, record-ed November 1.3, !,Sel- in Book399 at Page 846 as ReceptLon No. 296L36. 7. Public Trustee's Deed issued to Vail-Rose, a partnership,pursuant to the Public Trusteers Certificate of purchase, recorded January 8, 1992 in Book 570 at page 241 as neceltionNo. 456350. s. Deed fron vair-Rose, a partnership, vesting fee sinple title inMichae]- Lauterbact.. NoTE: NOTATToN oF THE T,EGAL N)DREss oF TIIE GR'algTEE uusT APPSARON THE DEED AS PER 1976 A}IENDUENT TO STATIIfE ON RECORDING OFDEEDS CRS 38-3s-109 (2). NOTE: For an additional charge, Stewart Titte of Eagle Countylill.provide any copies of ex6eitions as slrown on scfreaule B iSection 2. SCHEDTII-,E B . SECTION 2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NIIUBER: 92OO74AB lBE PoLIcY oR PoLICIES To BE IssuED WILL colfTAIN ExcEPTIoNs To THEFor.LowrNc uNLEss THE sAI'fE ARE DrsPosED oF To TEE sATrsFAcrroN oFtrIIE COMPAI{Y: 1. RTGHTS OR CLATMS OF PARTIES rN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY gHE PIJBLIC RECORDS.2. 84,SEI'!ENTS, OR CLAIIiS OF EASEI'{ENTS, NOT SHOWN By THE pttBLIC RECORDS.3' DISCREPANCIES, coNFLrcTS IN B0I]NDARY LINEsf SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACItrTiENTS, AND ANy FAgrs I{HIcfi A coRRECt stRvEy A}tDINSPECTION OF THE PREITTSES WOI'LD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT 4.SHOWN BY THE PI'BLIC RECORDS. I{I_!IEN, OR RrcHT TO A trEN, FOR SERVTCES, T,ABOR OR UATERTA!HERETOFORE OR I{EREAFTER FI'RNiSHEO, rttPOSED'By LAW Ar.rD NOT SHOWN BY THE PT'BLTC RECORDS.s. !EF!qTS, LrEr'IS, ENCUT,IBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIT,{S OR OTHER !{ATTERS,rN ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARING TN THE PUBLIC RECORDS ORATTACHING ST'BSEQUENT TO TIiE EFFECTIVE DATE IIEREOF BIIT PRTORTO THE DATE PROPOSED INSITRED ACQUTRES OF RECORD FOR VALI'ETHE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THISCOMUITUENT.6. ITNPATENTED I,IINING cLAU'tS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONSrN PATENTS OR A}I ACT AUTITORIZTNG THE ISSUANCE THEREOF;WATER RTGHTS CLAII.TS OR TITLE TO WATER. NOTE: NUECIIANIC'S LTENTI AND/OR XGADTI PROTECTION(FXCEPTIONS 4 AND 5 ABOVE) r{ey Sn AVAILABLE WrTrI ANOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSI'RANCE ON RESIDE}ITIAI PROPERTY I'PON COMPLIA}ICE WITH STEWART TITLE GUARJLNTYREQUIREUENTS. PLEASE CAIL FOR FT'RTHER INFORMATIONAS TO THOSE SPECIFIC REQUIRS{ENT (S) NECESSARY TOOBTATN TI{IS COVERAGE. 7. Any and arl unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed taxsales. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or otlrerdistrict or incrusion in any-water service or street iuprovementarea. Reservations or exceptions contained in u.s. patents, or in Actsauthorizilrg the issuance thereof, recorded Augrust f6, fgOg inBook 48 at_Page 542, reserving 1) Rights of th6 propri.etor of avein or lode to extract and remove his ore theretroi and 2)Continued on next page 8. 9. CONITNUATTON SHEET SCTTEDT'LEB-SE TTON2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER Nt[rlBER: 92007485 rights_of say for ditches and canals constructed under theauthority of the United States. 10. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations ascontained in the Declaration Criating covenants, Condit,ions,Restrictions and Easements for casCtde viirige ieioiaEa-Jtiii rz,1981 in Book 325 at page 255 as Reception Nol ZZZdtg. 11. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations ascontained in the Agreenent by aird between Holy cross Eiectric'Association, fnc., -a Colorad6 Corporation, Ca3cade Lodge, acol-orado Joint venture and Mansfiald Linited, a colorado-linitedpartnership, recorded Augrust 26, 19BZ in gook 34C at page 911as Reception No. 24LLS6. 12. underground_Right of way Easement granted by Mansfierd r-,imited,a Col-orado lilited partnership to Foly Cros3 EtectricAssociation, fnc., by docunent record6a eugrust 30, 1982 in Book344 at Page 923 as Reception No. Z4L26a. - 13. A 25 foot wide gasline easement and 20 foot wj.de sewer easementas shown on the Improvenent Location Survey by fagle ValleyEngileering.and suiveying, I!c., dated SepternBer 5, Lgg2t'.r-nsofar as j_t may affect subject property. 14. Right of way Easement granted to l{estern cas supply companv, acolorado corporation by Mansfield, Ltd., a coloiia6 fiuited'Colorado- corporation by MansfieLd, Ltd.,partnership, recorded January 24, 1985 ipartnership, recorded January 24, 19BS in Book 405 at paqe 524as Reception No. 3O18Og, insofar'as it may affect subjec€property. 15. Order For Inclusion.in the Cascade Village Metropoll.tanDistrict, Civil Action No. 8GCV39, recortied aprii ii, isez inBook 461 at Page 122 as Receptj.on-No. 357350. 16. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obtigations ascontained in Declaration of Resi,rictive covenants recoided June23, 1987 in Book 454 at Page 898 as Reception No. 3G1123. THE FOLI.,OWING THREE TTEX.TS WILL BE RIXTiOVED I'PON TT|E PUBTIC IRUSTEE,SContinued on next page 17. Undergrround Right of wayAssociation Inc., by Vail1988 in Book 481 at-page Easenent grranted to lloly cross ElectricVentures, Ltd., recorded Uarch 24,1O7 as Reception No. 377315. ORDER NUI{BER: 92OO74A5 DEED BET}IG ISSI'ED coNTI$UAtrO$ sstEn SCEEDULEB-SESTTON2 EXCEPTIONS AS STATED IN SCEEDIII,E B - 1. 18. Judgen_en!_1! favor of Frederick s. otto againqt vqil ventures Ltd.,Case l{o. 89000124, entered January-5, 1995, DLstrict Cor:rtr-faglC-'gounty, regorded.October 10, 1989-in'Book 5fS at page 36 ai 5eceqt!i94_No.-41121Or rfaTcb -2, 1990 in Boot( 523 at Fage 854 as ReceptNo- 42oo2o and recorded octobir 11, 1991 in Book 564 it rage- ez5 as-Reception No. 4EO8OO. 19. sheriff's certificate of purchase under Execution issued toFrederick S. otto, recorded october 11, 199i- i; soox 5Ea it eage575 as Reception No. 4GOBOl. 20. A Deed of Trust datgd June 24, 198G, executed by vail ventures,Ltd-,a Colorado limited partnirship, to the pubiic irusiCe oiEagle County, to secure an indebtediress of $5,OOO,OOO.OO, infavor of conam vail Advisors, rnc., a cariforiria 6orporationrecorded February 5, 1990 in-sook 5zz at page 498 as-neceptionNo. 418665. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS t. 2. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. lf the proposed Insurd has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse cfaim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covqfed by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act df reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose guch knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Gofipany, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its joption may amend Schedule B of this Gommitment accordingly, but such emendment shall not relieve the Company from liability prwiously incurred pun$uant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Comp{ny under this Commitment shall be only to the nam€d proposed In$red and sirch parties included under the definition of Insured inthe form of policy or pollcies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undCrtaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or {bl to elimidate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c} to acquire or create the estate or int{rest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall zuch lialility exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed fpr and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies comrlitted for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by referqnce and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herqin. Any claim of loss or dfmage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipu lations of this Commitment. STEWAR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252, and identify this lcommitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM-r\.srrLrr t rrrr-r i,\rrrrrrrrtrrrsrrL rJ l, tar Pr rrrrg\j \ri./rvrrvr r iJLrrrFtr- rrvrrr- BER which appears on the bottom of the front of the first pageof thiscommitment. 3. 4. Page 5 a ,,i ^H: \.1;{rr(iP,tr4av 5 f't E.r|dta ; r.1 t1 I FH Zmov,o{aT@Ot-P6P. I-lmmo r@(o(ooo,dt 'r1 trom2 =E=62ZatH "i'l=i* € 60f<zj sFtrl-a< o 'n mI at AI: \.,Jr{,>'irtq ll b- tt l.ra4::1.i-|' FFI :-'t o'o =Jn360 =c:od :DM Z{o m SCHEDT'LE A ORDm, $UUBER: 92007485 i. nprecTrvE DATE: January 28, :.;g92 at 8:oo A.lt. 2. POLICY OR POLTCTES TO BE rSSI'ED: al.IOI'lII OF TNSIISA}I A. ALTA OWNERTS poLrsy _ s 182'5OO.OOPROPOSED INSURED: IfICITAEL IAUTERBACE' B. ALTA IOAII POLICY SPROPOSED rNsuRED3 c. ALTA LOA}{ POLICY $PROPOSED INSURED: 3. TIIE ESTATE OR T$TEREST TN gHE I.AND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THTSCOT.IMTTUENT A}ID COVERED EERETN IS FEE SIUPLE A}ID TTTLE TIIERETO IS ATTHE EAFECTTVE DAAE HEREOF VESTED IN: VAIL \rENTURES LTD.,-A COLORADO LIIIITED PARTNERSHTP(See Requirements) ) 4. THA LAND REr'ERRED TO IN THIS CoI,iMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FoLLOITS: SEE ATTACHED LEGAI Ast,r/rvt"y.1.t l2{- -.y'4r lr,n,ntfittt t z:/ PREI'IIUU:OWNERS: G95.00TAX CERT.: 10.00 copies to:Mike Lauterbach STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COI'NTY,P.O. BOX 2000VAIL, co. 81558(303) e49-1011 rNc. / SCIIEDUTE A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ORDER NO.: 9ZOO7ABs A part of tbe SW1/4NE1/4, Seetion LZ, Township 5 South, Ranoe81 west of the siifth principal ueridian, desciibed as folto*J: Beginning at a poin! of the North-south centerline of said sectl_on12 vhence an iron pin nith a plastic cap narking the center oi----said Section 12 beirs S OO delrees 3815-6" W eSSIOO feetithence 3]ong said centerrine f oo degrees 38156, E L2z.g1 feet tottre southerry.right-of-way line of rnterstate gighway No. 70r.lhelce departing said right-of-way line N G5 degiees-53'25tr i: sg.rs?AA? 'thence departing said right-of-way line s 81 degrees 2j'19'r E r65.a2feet to a-point-of curve!trlence L22.83 feet along the arc of a 143.20 foot radius curve totn" l.f.t,.having a cential angle of 49 degrees Ogr5lr and achord that bears S 15 degrees-S7r[Sn E 115.10 feet;thence !-a9 agsrees 32116r E 3.Oo feetr.thence 66.30 feet along the arc of a 77.2t foot radius eurve to theflSfrt., having-a central angLe of 49 aegr--s-iiito" and a-ctrJrd- -" Enat bears S 15 degrrees s6rosr E G4.Zg-feet;thence ! Q-dggrees-4o'Oor W 90.27 feet;thence { 19 4egrees 42'Z4n W 2Z4.SS fe6t; Il-e_19: 9_79_degrees 10'32n W 101.44 feet'To The point Of Beginning.COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THIS CO!,IUITIIENT r{AS PREPARED ON FEBRAURY 3 , Lsgz.PLEASE CALL SAlrDy CAPELL (303) 949-1.011. FOR QLESTIONS / ORDER MIMBER: 92007485 : SCHEDULEB-SECITON]- REQUIREITtEt{ts TITE FOLLO?TNG ARE rITE REQUTRE}fENTS TO BE COUPLIED I{TTI{:rrru (A) PAyI'1ENT.19-98-FOR TsE ACCOLNT_OF Tt{E GRaNTORS OR UORTGAGORSoF THE r"uLL coNsrosRArroN-roii-riii nsiirs-oi--illiiFesr ro BE rNsrrRED. rTEI.! (B) PROPER IIETIq4ENI (S) CRE.R.TING THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BErNsnRED r.Rrsr BE rxscurED--nrd-6uiv rrr.ro ron iiiiino, ro-wir:-1. Execution of^affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return tostewart Title cuaranty c"nli"y. 2' Evidence satisfactory to stewart ritle Guaranty conpany ofpalarent of all outstindinq taxes ana asiJJia,encs as certifiedby The Eagle counry-ii"il'irJr. 3' Execution of certificate - Entity Transferor/rndividualTransferor and its ieiurn to..the-oiii;:--.--, 4' Evidence sat-i3-faglory. to stewart-T'tle Guaranty conFany that thereal- es*'ate transfei'tii iJJessea by the Tosn of vail lras beenpaid or that the irinJalitlJi t" exempr from sald tax.5' Partia.L release b{ the pubric Trustee of Eagle. cgunty rereasingsubject nrooerty_irou-tirE-ii;".of Deed of tiust fron vaitventuresl r,td-,-a.col0riao-iii-ilEa-iiiti!.iiip i' favor of Bnuortsase corpoiarion iecuri"i_triioi,ooii]6d'iatea oetober 31,i333nIffi'$:: H*l'-i"-l;ei in i6;i-i;; It iise-8i;-; -- Assignnent of.:!.y:_?::d-o_f Trusr to Beverly Hills Savincrs &r-,oan Association -record,ed oeief;e3-Jrl-iiie^rin Book eor it eage631 as Reception uo. zgggrT-ina iErrE5ri6i-.rir,,r""y 14, 1985 iirBook 4os at-page e-i=-n"Ilitl,"n No. 3o12eo. ORThe Conse"t ?f ^Tl:-R_e-solution_Trust Corporation, consentingto saj.d foreclosure pro-e"aiiig=.NofE: The above-is ieguii"d'i""ause stewart ritle of Eagle couDtyhas notice that rtre nJEJIiII"n Trust cor'oration is now ictinqas Receiver f or seveiri -niliI-'siiii;=*;'fiil -i,ssociation. 6' Evidence of written.notice given to Beverry rrirrs savings & roanAs s oc i at i o'.: "= as s i gntt J"'in -ii"#eii;ilsr#rliiiidiio'tit CONTINT'ATIO}I SEEEI SCI{EDT'LEB-S8qRION1 ORDER NI,IIBER: 92OO74A' Resolution lrust Corporation, as Receiver of Beverlv Hills:lyils: & Loan Associarion, 6r--oulriinEE ;ittr-par;ir"prr-l underthe Intercreditor Agreeuent recordEd Noveuber r-S, rSsa'in Book - 399 at page 846 as Reception No. Zg6L36. ..r7. !g!li" Trustee,s Deed issued to Vail-Rose, a partnership, !0."J1 pursuant to the public Trustee's certificite 6r purchasii',d,'ll' " recorded-January 8, 1992 in Book 570 at page 24]- as neceftionr No. 466360 8. Deed from Vail-Rose, a partnership, vesting fee sirople titre in .t o; MichaelLauterbach. l\ ,,,P If' {9f!1 NO?ATION OF THE LEGAI.,, ADDRESS oF TIIE GRANTEE IIIUsI APPEAR" ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 AITTENDUSTT TO STATTJ1TE ON RXCORDING oFDEEDS cRS 38-35-109 (2). NOTE: For an additional charger. Stewart Title of Eagle Countyrill.provide any copies of ex6eprio;t il ;[;wn on scf,Eaure-ij-:-Section 2. SCHEDIILEB-SECTTON2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NulfBER: 9ZAO74B1 F-I.O-!IqY OR POLICIES TO BE ISST'ED WII,L CONTATN EXCEPTIONS TO TIIEFO TO9{TNG UNLESS THE SA}IE EN!_OiSPOSED OF TO TIIE SATISFAqTION OFTHE COMPANT: 1' RrcHTs oR cl,Ar!!s oF PARTTES rN PossEssroN Nor sEowN By THEPUBLTC RECORDS.2' *E+qry-EITs' oR cl'ArMs oF EAsH'rElITs, Nor sHowN By rFE ptBlrc RECORDS.3. 4. 5. 5. $-9gB_EE4{crEs, coNFLrcTS rN BoTTNDARM{_EEr SHORTAGE rN AREA,5I919+grs{ENTS, A}rD ANy FACTS VftrrCH A CORREcT slrxrVsv A},rDINSPECTION OF TTIE PRE}TTSES WOUL' DISCLOSE AIID WHICH ERE NOTSHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS. }{I_!IE{, OR Rrcrilr_Tg_4 llff. FOR SERVTCES, r_,ABOR oR I,iATERTALHTRETOFORE OR HERSAFTER FURNiSTTNb, iilFO'ED'EY I,AW A}ID NOTSHOWN BY THE PT]BLIC RECORDSDEFEcrs, LrENs. EI9!rylR+IcEs, ADVERSE cLArMs oR orEER !{ATTERS,II-}NY' CREATED' FrRsr appnix.rllE rN THE pueirc-aicoRDs oRlTrlgIi{g_9uEleouxNr ro tir -uFrscrrvE DArE HEREoF Brrr pRroRTO THE DATE pROposED rNSirREo acournrs or nacono-ion var,trsTIIE ESTATE OR TNTEREST OR T'tONrEiCN THEREON COVERED BY TIIISCOMI''TTMEN?, IJNPATENTED MTNTNG cr.Arusi REsERvATroNs oR ExcEptroNsIN PATSNTS OR AI.I ACT AUrgONiZfurE- THE ISSUANCE trENUOr;wATER RTGHTS cr,Arlfs on trrin-io-waran. l-l9IS: nlfECI{ANfCrS LfENn AND/OR rcApx PROTECTIOI{(_E_xcEprroNs 4 Alrq s anovrJ -iray ei AVATT,ABLE wrrH AlrgIryFR,s polrcy oF TrrLE rftsunarci oN nssrDEuiier,' IBOqERTY I'PON COUPIIANCE WrrII SiEWART TITIJE GUARANTYREeurREuENTs . pLE4s E car.,r., - Fon- Frnrlrrn - ilrFonuei-r-oll4F to rrrosE spEcrFrc nrournsurNr ts) lreEia6Rt-io'OBTAIN TTITS COVERAGE. 8. 9. 7- any and all unpaid taxes and assessnents and any unredeeued taxsales. Tbe effect of inclusions in any general or specific naterconservancy, fire protection, 3oii--c"n1"i.."[iJi-6, otherdistrict oi' inclusion il-;;y'rl[!r ser"iEi-Ji-Jtilet iuprovementarea. Reservations or exceptions contained in u.s. patents, or in Actsauthorizinq the issuince ttrereof, recorded Auqust 16, igog in-- _p99! 19 at-pase se-2, -ii-diril-ii niEii!*Ei tn-E*iid;i"E6i-oi- avein or lode to extract and r6noire.l*":r:".*jlti;ru-ana-if -- - 8//- 7soy {\dl"l,,d' .nr" \*' ORDER NIIIIBER! 92007485 10. 11. corflrNuATroil sHEgr SCIIEDT'LEB-SECTTON2 EXCEPTIONS as it rigbts of way for ditches and canals constructed under tbeauthority of the United States. Terns, conditions, reserva'tions, restrictions and obliqations ascontained in the Declaration Criatinq Covenants, Condi€ions.Restrictions and Easements for cascade village iecorded JuIy 17,1981 in Book 326 at Page 255 as Reception No;222518. Telos, conditions, reservacions, restrictions and obliqations ascontained in the Agreement by aira between Holy Cross Eiectric'Association, fnc., -a Colorad6 Corporation, Ca-scade Lodge, aColorado Joint Venture and Mansfiald LiDiied, a Colora6o'linitedpartnership, recorded August 26, 1982 in Book 344 at page 811as Reception No. 24LLS6.- Undergrround_Right of Way Easenent granted by {ansfield Liuited,a Colorado linited partnership to llo1y Cros3 ElectricAssociation, Inc., by documen-t record6d august 30, 1982 in Book344 at Page 923 as Reeeption No. Z4LZ69. ' L2. ,' qY.'[u vrr 13.A 25 foot wide qasline easenent land aO foot wide selrer easenenUassho.w.nonEhe-ImprovemenE'LocaEffibvEaqleVallevas shown on the-Improvement Locatffi@ ly faqlii Valfei ;n'ft*-a qs srrawn en Ene rmprovemenE LocaELon srrrvey Dy Eagle vallEngineering.and Surveying, Ir-rc., dated septenBer 5, L9Bz,insofar as-it nay affEct-iubjee! property-.fl;'!t-14. Right of vay Easement granted to- Colorado corDoration bv Mansf i a]We_stern Gas supply corpany, a J" rt!7. A05'^ 0., ",- colorado- coiporation ui I'r-nsiiera,-iia.4int ur partnershlp, recordefl January 24, 1995partnership, recordefl January 24, 1985es Receptj.on No. 301808, insofar as it , a Colorado limitedin Book 405 at Page 524 may affect subject,',t,.. .t, >as Reception No. 3O1i't ,.i. \--"'r'-/ property.property. 15. Order For Inclusion in the Cascade Village MetropolitanDistrict, civil Action No. 86cv39, recorded aprii 12, 19gz inBook 451 at Page 122 as Reception-No. 35?350.- 15. Terns, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations ascontained in DecLaration of Resi,rictive covenants recoided Jnne23, 1987 in Book 464 at Page 898 as Recepti.on !Io. 3G1123. 17. UnderFolrnd Right of l{ay Easenent grranted to Holy Cross Electric J,a,!?Association InE., by vail Venturesi Ltd., record-ed uarch 24, r,,rr'rccl .1988 in Book 481 at Page 107 as Reception No. 3773L5." nIt TIIE FotLowrNG TTIREE rTElrs wrLL BEnRBlov.Ep"ffiXrffi";r"t" tRrrsTEE'S CINTII{UATION SEEEr S'-HI:DUT.EB-SEqrrolr2 o.RDER NUUBER: 92c,074A5 DEED BEING TSSU@ AS STATED III SCryIDUil.E B . 1. 18- rudseue,ntr|3.ffV"r of Frederi:l:_a._ otto_asaiA;t-vgif y"i{r_." ria.,counr' _--^jgli4A-:l!:Ieg^January- s , - igei ,-Distrl.ct court, Eacrte3H;.I:' -333:S:3';j:::i;F:;IkF, il-'i,;s;'ii:di:t H3:HT"li: EI(CEPTTONS countv, recorded g9$;-9i-i-ol *iiii' ii' rililt3'itsilE""lETgg9c.eq'!i9n No. 41121o, iirEi' z l-i6go--rr-i6"i-iziiig1:-ligq:o--i''a-!!eoiie-d 6r oi6r-ir. 1eer. rn so.,r. i.lagf g::Reception No. aeOeOO. v rrr I'c'o-x rz3 at I'age 954 as Recept, 1e91 in Book set 5t iige-625-ii' 19' sheriff's certificate of purchasg under Exeeution issued. to:;S':5t5.3;.S16;,"=;*9ff . 5aa;"i-iil iiii*i;-i;"T;il ii eie" 20' A Deed of Trust getgd June 24' 1-996, executed py.vail ventures,Ltd.,a colorado-iiTltee;tiier-srrip, to the pubris rrustee ofEagle countv, t_o secure in-inaetteEiesi Ji-S-slooo,ooo.oo, inravor or coirin_fftl ogi$;:r;;:iil. ;;-E"iirJi,irr." eorporationi::"IiE8.g,:bruary s, iggo-in,s"o-i-6zI ;E-i;;;. 4e8 as Reception