HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE CASCADE CREEK COMMON LEGAL (3)U^scacle- Ui\\c.1<- fni\\ Rc.c< { Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: McMahan Residence DRB Number: DR8030519 Project Decription: 250 ADDffiON - Enclose west side covered deck (120 sq,ft,) Pafticipants: OWNER MCMAHAN, JOHN T. & LYNN G. 1V172003 Phone: 676 N SAINT CLAIR #1575 CHICAGO IL 60611 License: APPUCANT MCMAHAN, JOHN T. & LYNN G. 1V172003 Phone: 676 N SAINT CLAIR #1575 CHICAGO IL 60611 Liaense: ProjectAddress: l333WESTHAVEN DRVAIL LocaUon: 1333 N WESTHAVEN DR Legal Description: Lor B Block Subdivision: clSCnoE.*rVjI0' ost- Parcel Number: 210312117003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SfAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: 1V19l2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 IOIANM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submitlal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unUl all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commencG within one year of the approval, Description of Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:Block: * Subdivision: Physical Address: ParcerNo.: a8/?tt ?od](Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zon.ns: -A J., /ta / Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: ','//t /a wner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:C, Type of Review and Fee: D Signs D Conceptual Review tr New Construction $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Review Board. tr tr tE eaaition S"--.'-t.d Q*'-s \- ^651{ t/o Des ign Review Action Form rcWNAFVAIL TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: McMahon Residence Project Description: Exterior Y2K Generator Owner, Address and Phone: Mr. McMahon ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: D Jensen Electric, Boxl22l, Gypsumo co E1637 Project Street Address: 1333 Westhaven Drive Legal Description: Millrace / Cascade Village Parcel Number: 2LO3-l2l-17-003 Buildine Name: Comments: Project#:PRJ99-0229 TownPlanner: BrentWilson Date: E/5199 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S20.00 (please add to permit) F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99WCMAHON.WPD Board / StaffAction Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1) Pursuant to Section 12-11, Town of Vail Code, the entire Generator must be painted to matc,h the existing building and heavily screened with landscaping. Failure to do so may resuit in a penalty pursuant to Section 1-4-1, Town of Vail Code. I PRE-APPLIC'ATION CON FERENCE A prc-npplication contbrcncc rvith Town of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thc nranrlatory prc-application mccting ha.s bcen conrplctcd. lt is the applicant's rqsponsibiliry to schcdulc this rrrecting by caf ling 970-479 -2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc De.sign Rcvicrv Board mccts orr thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of each month. A conrplctc application fornr and all accornpanying rnaterial ruust be accepted by the Comnrunity Development Departnlent a nrinirntrrn of thrcc and a half (3 l/2) wecks prior to thc date of thc DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be rcvicwcd for conrpliancc with thc Dcsigrr Guidclines as sct forth in Section 18.54 of the Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. tfapropcrtyislocatcdinamappcdhazardarca(i.c.snowavalanchgrocldatl.floodplain,a"Orir' . flow, rvetland, etc). a hazard study must bc subnrittcd and thc orvncr nlust sign an affidavit rccognizing thc hazard icport prior to thc issuarrcc of a building pemrit. Applicants are encouragcd to chcck rvith thc planning staff prior to subnrittal of a DRB application to dctcrminc thc.relationship ofthc propcrty to nll rnnppcd hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Forntat. For all survcys. sitc plans, landscape plans and othcr site irnprovctncnts plans, all of thc follorving nlust bc shorul. Plan shcct sizc rnust bc 24" x 36". For largc projccts, largcr plan sizc may bc allowcd.2. Scalc. Thc mininrunr scale is l"=20'. All nlans nrust bc at thc santc scale. 3. Craphic bar scalc.4. North arrorv. Titlc block, projcct namc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription. Indicatiorr of plan prcparcr. ad&css aud phonc nunrbcr.- . Datcs of original flau prcparation and all rcvision datcs. Vicinity nrap or location map at a scalc of | "= I ,000' or larger. Slrcet label.s and nunrbcis. . A bordcr with a minimum left side rnargin of L5", Narncs ofall adjnccnt roadways. Plan legcnd. For new constnrction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate Propcrly lincs. proposed buildings and building corners, All trces to be removed must be taped. Thc applicant must ensurc that staking donc during thc rvinter is not buried by snorv, All site tapings and staking must be completcd prior to the day of the DRB mceting. . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled neeting date and who have not asked in advancc that discussion on their item be postponed, will have thcir itenrs rcmoved fronr the DRB agcnda until such time as the itcm has been rcpublished. If the DRB approves the application with cond.itions or modifications, all conditions of approval rrrust be re.solved p[q! to the issuance of a building permit, s. ': Updated 6/97 II II I. ry. 5. 6. 1 It, 9. t0 I l. t2. c. u. E. o STAFF APPROVAL Thc Adminishator may revicw and approve Design Rcview applications. approve with certain modifications. deny the application. or nray ref'er the application to thc Design Rcview Board for dccision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. Thc foltowing types of Dcsign Rcview applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architccrural desigrr. rnatcrials and colors ofthc building. and approval has been rcceived by an authorized mernber ofa condominium association. if applicablc; B. Any application to nrodiff an existing building that does not sigrrificantly changc the existing planes . of the building and is generally consistent with thc architcctural design. materials and colors ofthe' building. inclrrding. but not limited to exterior building {inish materials (e.g. stonervork siding. roof nraterials, paiflt or stain,), cxterior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fences. antennas. satcllite dishes. rvindorvs, slqylights. siding. nrinor cornnrercial facadc improvcmcnts, and other similar modifications: C. Anv application fbr site improvements or modifications including. but not limited to, driveway rurodifications, sitc grading. site rvalls. removal or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this applicariorr requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Tolvn ofVail. thc application fce shall bc increased by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicrv. may includc. but are not limitcd to: Colondo Dcpartrncnt of Highway Access Pennits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If. at the applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published. then the entirc fce for such re-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. C, Applications dcemcd by the Commrurity Devclopnrcnt Department to have design. land usc or other. issuas which may have a sigrificant impact on the community may requiie rbview by consultants in . addition to Town staff. Shoulda determination be made by the Town staffthat an outside consultant is necdcd, the Community Developmcnt Departmcnt may hire the consultant. The Department shall cstinatc the amount of money necessary to p'ay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Torvn by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount ibrwarded by the application shall bc paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Torvn. Any excess funds will bc retumcd to the applicant upon review cornplcrir.rn. Updated 6/97 VI. o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERTALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: o BUILDING MATERIALS:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trint . Doors Door Trini Hand or Dcck Rails Fluc.s Flaslrings Chiruncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Pleasc specify thc manufacfurer's color, number and attach a small color chip t* All extcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 1S.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate thc numbcr of fixturcs and locations on a separatc lilhting plan. Identiff each fiiture typc and provide thc height above grade, lumens output, luminous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures. : k .j.; ..,'' Updated 6/97 o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Boianical Nanrc Contnron Namc Ouantitv Sizc* PROPOSED TREES ANb SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: ' tMinintunr iiquircmcnts for landsiaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons ' TYPC Squarc Footaae CROUND COVER IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL SOD] . OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES'(retaining waiis. fenccs, swirnming pools, etc.) Please specif. Inilicate top and bottom clevations ofretaining walls. Maxinrum height of walls rvithin the front setback is 1feet. Maxirnlm hcieht of walls elscrvherc on the property is O lect, r, ','. F _!i u;iiul.a onz I olign Review Action Fth TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbet - ql.tr /dtDate llt@l70.. Proiect Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecUcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision e f4 ttTA- Zone District SDD PfoiectstreetAdoress: l3b-( GJpl\ \d*,rr D.r,ve . Motion by: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval IStafiApprovat (5 1^tt,'n u'") Conditions: -l i, "t ,^., lJor tv. an.tr Wp-r*. Town Planner o*' 'T'lU/qb DRBFee ere-oaia ta.ou ,ffi'\ gLEg 9l" A16 I$NOC =hEIS-AVUS hor'J lrdTE,Al g65r-Se-6 ta C ^u .- S'J-.n- Cu.^, TOWNOFVAIL RECEIIT !iO- , DE ARTML\T OF COII}'IJNITY Df,IELO?MENTtlf]..{9)D,-. nlf) /n 7b/ I\J LDATE_____/__L_ . CIIECXS MADE 'AYAIIJ TO TOWN OF V^I. rrEM - _:_" ._..-._ _.-.-_-;..r Nc:_.- _. ltrr-_.:_ o(ItTll;._ .- .rETrL-. 0I 0000 41540 zoNtNcex s5.00 l+0l 0000 42415 UMFORM BUILDIFGTODE s54.00 0 t 0000 4241 5 umronu pl s39.000l 0000 424 t 5 uNtroRv 5J7.000l 0000 4241 5 UNIFORT,I F]RECODE s36.00,l ooo0 424 l5 NATIoNALELEcTffi s37.OO0l 0000 42{lt OTIIER CODE BMKS0l 000041548 BLUE PRTN 57.00 01 fi)0042412 XEROX COPIES s0.250l 0000424T-STUDIES 0l m00 42412 TOVFEES COIi,,IP $5.000l 0000 42i71 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPETMNS--0l 0000 4 r.332 PLAN RE\IE 0t 0000 42_1i2 OFF HOURS INSPEETAITEEES E: Fji E |!B ttl a4l 0r 0000 4l4lF CoNTR.ACTORSLW 0t 0000 41413 slcN jAPPLTc ToNFEE-s20.000l 00004t413 ADDlrloi.NAI SIGNAGE FEE tsl.@FERTO.FT-I-0l 0000 42440-vTCARTPROJffi 0t 0000413i1 PREPAIDDESIGNW uI (Xr(ru 4.57I tNVEsrrcATroN FEE aBDITDINO 3 t 0000 451 to TOVPARKINGFre 0t oo00 3:027 TOVNE\\'SPAPERDISPEffi* 0l 0000 2ll12 TffiTBEE-@tr.5ffi* 0I 0000 41010 T,U(ABLE@1.OZJTOWN) 0l 000042i7t B UILDING INvEST]GATIOTI OTIIER , 0l 0000 4t330 ADDITI(XT I 5Z(ru.000t oo00 4ljif CONDITIONALUffi s200.000l oo00 4t330 EXTERToRALTER^TIOW s200.000l 00004133-rxrERroR ALTERAIToN IMoETFAT]m-5OFTT-s5(X).0001 00004t3i0 i sPECrAfw sr.500.00(tl 0()u) 4t 3i0 SPECIAL DEV sr,000.00 |0t 0()004ti30 SPECTAL pEY s200.00 |0t 0000 4tffil SUBDIVISION 0l oo00 41 3i0 VARIANCE s2s0.00 |0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AM.ENDMENTS 52s0,00 |ol 0000 413-i0 |RE-ZM s200.00 |UTHEK l,,b- O i)E -TOMMEiTTS:---- uCASE I I cr.r r =tlu (P rU.Ol-J REc By: I l/wl+r, ,tptey - rril; 11 , l"'-'rvllrueJtrneaat- TCXrrFt (IF UF| f L Iliscellrcoirs Cdr 67_t t_96 Receipr. * ZgSABgxccourt* cK*48656Rnv_5TOr,rE coNirrror.o'r rcno*r*jmYcrl0Hrffifpg_1g DRB FEEre.w Ir€, F€id hqrrr psid Btaa6B4l33l8A6 n.ag C1r*nge returned > o.gs Tr#fHr< vol.f o*gn Review Acilon Filr TOWN OF VAIL ,n +ltt Uu ero;earuame: $,\\ {ace TTT-- D-rplzv- Building Name: Owner. Address and Phone: f,tb- ?<r'2"t71 Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Gralt lcnc - 4>A ll\6- I b't f Legal Description: Lot_ Block_Subdivision ZoneDistrict S0O Project Street Address: Comments: Board/€frEG;\ Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval n Disapproval flStaff ARproval Conditions: Town Planner o^*' ) i t, I q b DRB Fee ere-paia 12-o .0 D I t.rr.d,.lt7f91 O DBSI@{ RE\'ITEI{ BOARI' APPLTCATION o - TOIIN OF VAIL, COITOILAI)O DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. A. *alrtl*t*** *at******!r B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construcrion (9200.00) /( Minor Alterarion ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) - conceptual Review ig0) t.-'-\.> ,.1 li ADDRESS Tc. D.IJEGAL DESCRI Subdivision If property is d.escribed bydescription, pLease provideto this application. a meets and bounds on a separale theet legal and attach ZONING: H. G. I'iLAt'{E OF OV{NER (S) : APPI.,ICANT: Address: APPIJICANT I S REPRE Add.reEs:1 E. F. I. .t. NAME OFMailins Phone Mail.ing Address: Phone APPrECAlrroNs wrrr! M)? BE PRocEsgED JtrrfioU? onNER,s sr@aruRB Condosdniun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submit,tal of the DRB application. r,iter, whenapqlying for a building per:mit,-pLease identify the accuratevaLuation of the proposal . The gown of vait witl adjust thefee according to the tabLe bel.ow, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDI]tE: VALUATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo$10,001 -$ 50,000$50'001 -S 150,000 $150,001 - $ soO,OOO $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Orrer 91,000,000 DBST@{ REUTEI9 BOARD APPROI/AIJ EXPIRES APPROVAT. UNI.ESS A BUXIiDIIIG PERI.IIT ISrS SEARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400. 00 ss00.00 ODIE YEAR E'rTER FITIAIJ XSSI'ED EIiID COIISTRUCEIOT{ rr. "*=-oo"r.r*irn* o"'r"n,o A pre-appLication meeuing with a mernber of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibiLity to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are addit,ionaL subrnitEal requirements.P1ease note that a COMPIJETE application will streamline thereview process for your project. In addition to meeting submj-ttal requirements, theapplicant must. stake and tape the projecU site toind,icate property l-ines, building Lines and buil-dingcorners. A1l trees to be removed must be taped. A1Isite tapings and sLaking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. Ttre review procegs for NEw BUIITDINGS nonnally requirestr'ro separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. ApplicanEs who fail to appear before Che Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their iten bepostponed, will have their iterns renoved from the DRB agenda untiL such time as the iten has beenrepublished. The foLlowing items [rdy, at the d.iscretion of t]rezoning adminiEtrator, be approved by the ComunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylight.s and similar exEerior changeswhich do not alter the existinq plane of thebuilding; and b. BuiLding additlons not. visible from any other lotor public space. At the t.ime such a proposal_ issubmitted, appl.icants must incl-ude letters fromadjacent property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstating the association approves of the addition. If a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall. ffood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study nust be submit.ted andthe or,yner must sign an affidavit recogmizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building perrrit..applicants are eneouraged to check with a Tolrm pla[nerprj.or to DRB application to detendne the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For aLL resident,ial. construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior EtructuraL waLl_s of thebuild.ing; and b. rndicate with a dashed line on the site pLan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walts or supporting col.umns. If DRB approves Ehe application with conditions ormodifications, al.I conditions of approval must beaddressed prior to the applicat,ion for a buildingpermit. t III . TMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDIT{G AIJL SI'BIiIISSIONS IDO THE DRB: A. B. c. D. E. F. G. IV.I A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survey, stantped bya cororado ttofeasionar r,iceaiea-guffeyor,-at a scareof 1" = ZOt or J.arger, on which *re toifowinjinformation is provided: IJot area, and buildable area when different thanlot area. Legal description and physical address. Two foot conlour intervals unLess the parcel.consists of 6 acrea or more, in whieh cJe", -s, contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees lravj.ng trunkswith diameters of 4n or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and othel significant naturalteaEurea (Large boulders, intermittent streang,etc. ) , Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfalL, €tc.),centerLine of st,reams or creeks, reguired creek orstrean setback, and 100-year fLood plain, ifappLicabLe. slopes of 40t or more itratt Uecl.early d.elineated by cross hatching. Ties to existing benchmark, either USG9 Landmarkor sewer invert. This infonnation nust be cJ_earlystated on the survey go that. al_L measurements arebased on the sane starting point. This isparticularly important foi deterrrining buildingheight and d.riveway slope. See poLicy On SurvEyInformat.j.oD, for more information regirdingsurveys. Locations of the following must be shown: a, Size and ttpe of drainagre cuLverts. swales.etc. b. Exact location of existing ut,iLity servicelines from their source to ttre structure,including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cable T\I TeJ.ephone Sewer Water Gas El.ectric c. AlL utility meter locations, including anypedestal.s to be located on site or in the. right-of-way adjacent to the site. il. Pro?erty Lines - d,istances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. Indicate all easements identified on thesubdivision pLat. 9. Provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalt,along the st,reet frontage of the property attwenty-five foot interval.s (25'),-anA a rninirnum ofone spot elevation on either side of the lot. Site Plan 1. Locations of the following must be ghown: a. Existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. B. oc. c. Proposed driveway, including percent sl-ope and spot eLevations at the property 1ine.garage slab and as necessary along thecenterl.ine of the drive t'o accurat,ely reflect, driveway qrade. el. A 4, concrete d.rive pan at the edge ofasphalt for driveways that exit Ehe street inan uphilI direction. 2. All existing improvernents incl.uding stmctures,Landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-Etreet parking, loadingareas, retaining wal1s (wittr top and botton ofwa11 spot elevations), and other existing site improvement,s. 3. fn order to determine proposed building heightseLevations of all top roof ridges, and eaves when determined necessary by the zoninq administrator,ehall be indicated on the site plan with existing and proposed conEour l-ines sho$nl underneath. Landscape Plan (1', = 20' or l_arger) - 3 copies required1. AL a minimum, the fol_lowing information must, beprovided on tbe landscape plan: a. Location of existing trees 4" d.ianeter orlarger, b. Tlt)e, size and location of all existing andproposed plant material , c. Location of all trees to be trEmsplanted, d. A detailed legend of aL1 proposed plantmaterial incLuding cotlunon and Latin n€rmes. 2. The location and tl49e of existing and proposedwatering systens to be employed in caring forplant mat,erial following its j.nstallation. 3. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retainingwalls shouLd be included with the contourinformation wLth top of walI and bottom of waIIelevations li.sted. 4. Conplete the attached Landscape materials list. Sion eff from each utilitv comoanv verifying thelocat,ion of utiLity service and availability (seeattacbed utiLity verificat.ion forrr) . A preliminarv titLe report Schedule A and B must accompany all submittals, to insure property ownershipand identify al-L easements affecting UrE suUjectproperty. Arcbitectural Plans (t/8" = 1, Or larger, L/4" ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. FLoor plans and all eLevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and ful1y dimensioned.The elevation d,rawings must show both existing andfinished grad,es. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to ahowhow the gross residential fLoor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Exterior materiaLs and col_ors shaLL be specifiedon the at.tached materials List. fhis materialsList, muEt be compJ.et,ed and Eubmitted as a parE ofthE appLication. Color chips, siding saqltesetc., ehall be presented at the Desigm ReviewBoard meeting. Details incLuding, buE not limited D. E. F. to fascia, trin, railings, chimi-ey cdp, met€rLocations, etc. mrst be shown qraphiciify anafuLly dimensioned.. G. H. I. Zone eheek Liet (attached) must be compLeted if theproject is located within the Single-rimity,Prinary/Secondary or Duplex zone districtsl' PhotoE of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. The Zoning Adninistrator'and/or DRB may require thesubmission of addit,ional. plans, drawinis, - specifications, samp].es and other nateiials (incl.udlnqa model) if deened necessary to detemine whether aproject wiJ.1 compJ.y with oelign GuideLinee. v. Photos or Eketches which clearly convey the redevel.opmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevel6pmentproposal. may be submitted, in Lieu of the more formalrequirearents set forth above, provided aLl important,specifications for the proposal including coLors andmateriaLs to be used are submitted VI. ADDITIOISS - RESIDENTIAIJ OR COUMERCTAL A.original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor pLans !/g" = 1' or l.arger(L/4" = 1, is preferred) Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown uiderneath. El.evat,ions of proposed additj.on. Photog of the existing structure. Specifications for aL1 materials and, color sanples onnaterials list (attaehed) . At tle request of tbe zoaiag Adniaistrator you nay also berequired to subuits A statenent from each utility verifying locat,ion ofservice and availability. See attached utilityl-ocati.on verification form. A site improvement survey, stanFed by registeredCol.orado Profegsional Licensed surveyor. A prelininary title report, Lo verify ownership ofproperty, which lists alL easemenbs. VII. FINAI, SITE PI,AN once a building permit has been issued, and construction isundenray, and before the BuiLding Departnent, wiLl sehedule a{"*+!q inspection, two copies of an- rmprovenent LocationCertificate survey (ILC) slamped by a regisEeredprofessional engineer mrst be- suomitted. The folrowinginfornrat,ion nust be provided on the ILC: A. Building location(s) with ties to proBerty corrers,i.e, distances and angl.es. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. c. D. E. F. G. H. I. c. D. E. G. H. All lr$ty service rinemat,erial used, and size as-buiLEs, showing tl4)e of and exact locat,ion of lines. Basis of bearing to Lie to sect,ion corner. AlL property pins are to be either found or set and.staEed on improvenent survey. AlL easements. Garage slab elevations andwith existing and proposed aLL roof ridge elevations grrades shown under the ridgelines. VIII . COIICEPTT'AIJ DESI@I Rg\ilTETf A. su-bmittal recruirenents: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit pl_ans for conceptuaL reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department ofCommunity Developnent. The conceptual revierc isint,end.ed to give the applicanL a bariic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the TownrsDesign Guidelines. This procedure is reconrnendedprimarily for applications more complex tha! single-family and two-family residences. However, devel.opersof sinqLe-fastily and trdo-fardly projects sha11 not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must, be submitt,ed10 rorking days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The foll-owing infonnation shaLL be submitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and land,scape plan at a mininumEcale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materialsand a description of the character of the proposedstructure or strucEuresi 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development stand,ards of Ehezone diEtrict in which the project is to belocated (i.e. cnre, site coverage calcul.ations,nunber of parking spaces, etc.), 4. Completed DRB appLication form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an appJ.ication forconceptual design review, the Department of ConununityDevelopmenb shal1 review the submitted material.s f,orgf_eneral compl.iance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in bJsiccompliance wiEh the zoning code requireraents, theproject shaLl be forwarded to ttre pnn for conceptualreview. If the applicaeion is not genera].ly incompliance with zoning code requirenents, theappLication and submitt,aL mateiials shalL be returnedto the appl.icant with a written er<planation as to whythe Comnunity Oevelopment Departnent, staff has foundthe project not to be in conptiance with zoning codereguireneats. Once a conrpLete appJ.ication has beenreceived, the DRB shaL1 review rhe subrnitbed conceptualreview application and supporting material in order todet'errn:ine whether or not the project generally courplieswith the desigm guidetines. itre-One does not vore onconceptual reviews. Tbe property owner or hisrepreEentative shall be present, at the DRB hearing. Irrslr oP narERx.AI_,S TiIAME OF FRO.IEC": LEGAIT DESCRIPTION; LOT_ BIJOCK _ SIIBDIVISION SEREET AI}DRE9S: The following information is required for submittal to the Desicrn Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUIEDIIIG UAIIERIAL,S: ,tEfpE OF ttATERfAL COLOB Roof $idingl otber waL1 Materials Fascia 9offits Windows $Iindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck nails Fl.ues FLashings Chimneys Trash BncLosures Greenhouses Retaining waLls Exterior Lighting Other B. IIATiIDSCAPING: NANC Of DCSiqMCTI Phone: PI,ANT *'"*'Q,', PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRT'BS Bot,anicaL Name ouantitv SiZg.: o Co|Iunon Nane **Indicat,e size of proposed shrubs.5 aaL1on. Minimum size-of ghrube is Tqle Souare Foot ade GBOtn{D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CO!flr'ROt c. LAlrDscAPE r-'TGBTTNG: rf exterior lightinE is proposed. p1ease show the nwnber of fixtures and locations on a separatel-ighting plan. Identify each fixture from the 1iqht.ing plan lT _the space below and provide the height above giade.-tlqpe of' light proposed, Lumen output, l-uminous area and i cut street ofthe f.ighE fixture. (Section 19.54.050 *t) *Ind,icate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum _qalioerfcir.d,eci4gous trees is 2 inches. Indicate treiqhi forconif erous trees. M,inj.murn heicrht for coniieroustr$es is 6 feet. orHER LAI'IDscepE FEI,TURES (r€taining wall.s, fences, swinuringpoo1s, etc.) Please epecify. Indicate heights of retaininfwalLs. Maximum height of waLls within the front setback ii3'. Maximunr height of waLLs elsewhere on the property is 6. D. relrl..t 8117l9l .'OB NAME ST,BDIVISION LOT BLOCK FIIJINGADDRESS The form is used to verify service availabll.ity and rocation. Thisshould be used in conjunclion wirh prep;G;-y;"i urir.ity ;i;n ;aseb,eduling install_ations. For any nerconslruction proposal , theappJ.icant must provide a compr.ecel utiritv-veiiii""rion- rorm. The location and avaiLahility of utii-ities, whether they be main!ty$ lines gl.proposed r-ines, must be approved ana veiiei"auv-ur"foll.owing utilities for the acco4panying--site pf"". All authorizing signatures need to be orig_inals. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. west Comnunicati.ons 468-5860 or 949-4530 Public Serrrice Company 949 - 6135cary ltaLL/Riih Cooley HoIy Cross ELectric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering DepL.Ted Husky/Michael Iraverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rocki.es 949 -L224 Mark Graves **ttpper EagLe Val.Ley Water& Sanitat,ion District * 476 - 7480 Fred Haslee TiIOTE: **A site plan is required. physical locatioa of lsaora utilitiesmust be shwn or tle site plan. utility loeatioss nay or nay Dotoff,er ser$ice to rbe propeity tine. aai utirity exteieioa iEquiieaghaX.l be the responsibility of the Broperty owDer. 1. ff a utility company has concerns with the proposedconstruction, the utiliby representat,ive should notdirectly on tbe utility verilication forn that thereis a probLen which needs to be resolved. The ieeueshould then be spelled out in detail in an at,tachedletter to the Town of vai1. Howevetr, pLease keep inmind that it is the responsibiLity ot ltre utifit-ycomp;rny to resoLve identified problems. 2. If the utility verification form has sigrnatures fromeach of the utility conpanies, and no cornrents aremade directl_y on the forn, the rown wiJ.I presumethat there are no problems and that che dEveLopmentcan proceed. 3. These veri.fications do not rel_ieve the contractor ofhis responsibility Lo obtain a street cut pem:itfrom the Tordn of vail, Department of publ.ic workeand to obtain utilitv locations before disgino inany public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVai1. A buiLdino oermit is not a street eut oermit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. 4. InstaLl-ation of service lines are at bhe expense andresponsibility of the property o$mer. O zoNE csgcK v-FOR - '' Single Family Residence. Duplex, Prinary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAT DESCRIPTION: tot - Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: OlrlNER ZONE DXSTRICT ARCHITECT I,OT STZE PROPOSED USE Heisht, TOt,A} GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front. +425= +425= 20'Sides 15' Rear 15, SiLe coverage Landscaping ReEaining Wall Heights 3'/5' Parking carage Credie Drive: NO Z', PercenL SLope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic llazardsa) Snow Aval-ancheb) RockfaLlc) Debris FLow 4) wetLands view Corridor Encroachment,: Yes Does Lhis request invoive a 250 irritiiLicru? Hovr much of Lhe allowed 250 Addition is used with Lhis requesE? Previous condiLions of approval (check property fiLe) : \ PHONE PI{ONE BUII,DABI,E IJOT AREA All.o$red Existinq Proposed TotaL (30) (33) Complies with T.O.v. I,ighr,ing Ordinance Yes No waLer course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) EnvironmenLal/I{azards: 1) Flood Pl-ain Reqrd -Enc1(3oo) (6oo) (9oo) (1200)_ PenniLted Slope t Proposed Stope * YES No, 10 APPFOVED BY T}IFrowu or vnr'r- 'T DESI GN nEvlEwtaqhag jzr< at I -lo*r, ] ltr ltb r--- u,\/a 1{" NOR.TH ELSVAT %t :*1iT1.i3 *]'j.gfitilA " t' il\J tf) 1.".',rif1' f,:-1 h-i-;:. !,'J?:i ri :: i '1,'-ilfi 5rIo APPROVED BY THb .^.I?XTS:,^uflh^*' i+&' DESIGI'J REV IEUJ'EC'AfiO o^-r- ?l:tlt- PLIi..-.. O{A ' X Q.-.-\ \\aN .E)z =$s*\d\.sqs ffif i/ lbll T oo o J|o c; J{l dlJ t 3J ---h-_.1______t-i lr --] nffi // I i I lrlil.{ dl85t* $l$ ---__f i Ih- _*____]:- tsign Review Action t* TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proiect Name:Ft,' Building Namel Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Addrees and Phone: _ Project Street Address: uu& 753 - gY 3? F'/E:5 Commentsr Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Developme'lrt Departnent February 12,1996 A request for a Minor sDD Amendment to allow for ohanges to the development plan iocated at Millrace Phase III, 1335 Westhaven Drive/Development Area A of the Casoade Village SDD (SDDNo. 4)' Applicanf Steve Riden representing Gregory Walton Planner: Jim Curnutte L BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF'THE RNOUEST Steve Riden, on behalf of the property owner Gregory Walton, has requested approval of several minor amendmeuts to the previously approved development plan for the Millrace III properly' looated at 1335 Westlaven Drive/Development Area A, Cascade Village sDD. On February 8, 1993, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved a Major Amendment to the Casoade Village SDD, in order to allow for the constuction of one duplex and one single family residence on the 0.819 acre Q5,676 sq. ft.) Millrace trI site. Lata thatyear, final Design Rwiew Board approval was granted for the project and a building pemit was issued for the construction of the single family residence. This reside,nce has subsequently been completed oocupied and subdivided from the remaining duplex portion of the property' On November 6, 79t5, a building permit was issued for the duplex" and oonstuction has been oompleted through the foundation stage. The applicant is requesting approval of changes to the previously approved plans for the duplex stucture. The proposed changes will not affect the footprint of the building its location on the site, setbacks or the previously approved maximum GRFA on the property. The proposed changes doo howevei, increase the previously approved site coverage on the lot by approximately 100 sq. ft. Additionally, the applicant is proposing changes to the building roof form, fenestation, exterior building materials and vehicle turnaround area. Attachmelrt #1 includes the site plan and elevation drawings of the duplex as originally approved, Attachment #2 inoludes the site plan, landscape plan and elevation drawings ofthe proposed building. The proposed changes to the previously approved plans fol the duplex are further described as follows: Site Coverage Changes - The overall site ooverage of the duplex is prcposed to b€_. . increased by approxiriately 100 sq. ft., This increase is dfuectly atEibuted to the additional stone veneer being added to the building and the expanded roofs over eaoh unit's enbry stairs. f:\everyore\peo\B4ros\walto421 2 Roof Form Changes - The applicant has changed the previously approved roofplan for the building by increasing the size of the dormer elepents and by providing more substantial covered entries to each of the rmit's main entry doors' X'enestration Changes - The placanent of all previously approved windows is generally unchanged with this application, however, the quality of the windows has been significanfly improved, (ie. more divided lights, more variation in shapes, etc.). Building Material Changes - The applicant is proposing to sipificanfly increase the amormt of ttoo" on the building, as well as to provide a richer palette of building materials throughout, (ie. upgrades to window tim, eave details, balcony railings, entry colurnns, garage door upgrades, etc.). Vehicle Turnaround - The vehicle turnaround area for the north side of the duplex has been relocated from the south side of the driveway to the north side of the driveway. This chmge will provide for additional landscaping in front of the buildingn as well as an improved sidewalk leading from the driveway to the main enfy stairs. II. STAXX'DECISION Staff has reviewed the applicant's Minor SDD Amendment request and has approved the changes requestedpursuanttoChapterlS.40.l00(A)oftheVailMunicipalCode. Staffhasfoundthat the proposetl changes do not alter the basio intent or character ofthe approved Special nevelopment Disgict and that the proposed modi-fications me consistent with the desip oriteria of the SbD. Staffhas attached the following conditions to the approval of this Minor SDD Amendment: 1. In order to insure compliance with the Town's lighting ordinance, the appficant will provide detailed information regarding all proposed exterior lighting prior to the placement of any exterior lighting on the building or property. 2. Prior to the Town's issuance of a T.c.o., the property owner will provide the Toum with a letter indicating that if the 12' access easement located along the northproperty boundary, is ever needed by the Town, he agrees to relocate his driveway tumaround space to the opposite side of the driveway and to relocate the landscaping currently shoum rdthin the easement Said modifications will be made solely at the owner's expexrse. f :\9veryorctseo\neno8\waltoL2l2 Y + rttfttcr iiiiiiifi :)(i:-\$::.-:. . --- -llr''-\;----- J----=-:Nii:=;''- -- $== -:=-:S*+;4;=-- \t.. \ ::\ a\\ 1 \' FI q/ g-7 { -ll-\| tl fttq) {..-_s U b'+ \ wj { t, -|. I '$i t* +{ -7 L+ 0 rl+ ry-E7-\,--i*-:'yi*)'l-,"-):<-- \ ! 4-l ll ?f tLs-tiE q$*c f;-'i;w:: --)*ffi';= ru:Zl-Y;;','-"'TK f6 q/ m c_ f "lI *Po--6i trl -t 3 oa M\ q/ tt').f,- t * -------..-.-______.-.---_ i 4H}I $-r --'./ [,,---'.-.-.-"--=4' ----- .' fi--t/'-'.,:).:t ,-r-''_" 4-1'--: .).-::14'-i:X- .L"' ';AQit-__- , , --_,,-r,,-/A- -' -A' .' "'o----' ')'-r"'X.,'z--;X-.1;=i-#. :yrA=;j-=.:50*-$R* q \ D rl .}g tiif 6 :i \ )L ,.6rO-\ -/ I $ ro e-{t h. FrGs+- \.\$''\ a II I riii!iiii# THE VALTON DUPLEX ratLtr,acg PHA3E I HAVTN Dt. VtrL. co, r E!.8."f ;,tf,qsE*;,+t D j 9$ .o" ;;,;;;;;lJltt trvtra rcvttlrrtXT1{Nq NOT'IV.|, :IHT #iiiiiili iiriiii, + n rii !fi!i -l CTvv) {_ ( $ -l tI :tt liq e]EE $--\..trl-_r--.=..- 'oc '.ltYA 'tC lrt^vE rrr.rtlt ttYE{ rovtluixgl{nq NoJ'lvl' rHt f4 $rn { ? I h !l! ! EtiI Iri l! dl ! 6 Il |llir lH*iriiii ,li iiiilil'ii N I I t E ! !!I II E I t I ! zo 1.. lrl r| !-6 r{ra-lc E Fp o 4a i h rli tr ir hlt ili I f !'II I t I l till i|li II dI Iti ilIi r.||liit - E |lBat -'oo '!rYA 'tc f,r^vn rtrltlt trYtrf rovlttttllxxltrnq NorTYl :rgr .J q.,n .E ? lrt9 fl! l|E 7o lr t{ H H El.Io2 I lllI I It I I --J--, zoi; ;> a{ !{. rfrl>: l* tir It II I h I ! Iat I I itiii efaf;a PEC M+g t1ll {r3-o k"t ,rl(f" h dD -J&ltrg|Vb9+ FEE-AE-1995 ES:41 t\ q $- t_i- .ts \n E STEUEN JRI{ES R1DEN AIfl 363 943 6384 P.A2 t#" "3*ffi -Tod&f rtorar"i&rr ' Tr rrrfr lt!/G {@ ngfupant' rr?drd Fdrf'.m Ini t ' Yor've qcri: .1 - lTJ-;';-; t'r.e' h fral poinr tvm-r r'lr *ra 'na*rn'ryl i*n r*'*E rcr.runrt' Ttrarrrl' Trrr l*lntninet' ipvn *,lurl , fropF€alhee r flq'?|uc . frtaur fqr' --+* lqt RI*t EIt $ t\Trl I#Fy if- TOTfu P.gT 5ir<rC; {rnv: ill e> \rere ' i, \\3 \L:(rG \Q t\or,,e \te p;6r;r{LurJ t"$..* n:l to \Nc \}\Y4 \-€$\-'' .. Olt*' )' ut ,.-' t-'+ 9: 'K\ ng'''\c tx- '"{<" "-'etJ ' 'l - I.t,":'<,,t' \tJ'd"crr9'.\t1- \< Vs' I <\^c(\\\c$ (r! \\"'$ cn t\-ao'i\''c-f "ri\e r:'$' \t-e tYu-1c ' )- g,oc,eil'1o1k Ffi-n^ E'ri$1' - Andl FEE-86-159ts A9:41 STEUEN JAI'185 FIDEN qlf] RR \I frffi''tsrtPoe- JE3 94S 8364 l,/nty aqq4. *-'}b- t( THIT w.?fr?"* fEh+El46LtT' 'E---'r wt v#+Et1vr{*' # th tffir*'utfrt \\ \ot*ff"fE,P /*rs ffttrtF 7t \, l 1 I $ .r1$f ',r tU *j:^l Ll" \ TETf,L P.E3 FEB-45-1935 $qt4?STEUEN JFNES RIDEN ffIf, ffR o 3S3 949 A3A4 P,Et litcvr:rr J*rur* llhlct r\|r\ r\r.rkitr,r:( lt.O, l.hs 1l-'ltt Ai0rl- ColQr;t(l$ B l{i?1, lfnx Cover $hectt/ ,ne,4fbf?6ttro:7itl w+prfuL7.- Ftlom: 35J* RE: tlAl,t7tJ F}IONEi F/\X: PIIONE: , FAX: TIME: qfl _ zt&E tt Zt6{e 4il3/94S.4tel 303/S49-03u4 Itlurnber uf pages llrclurling rover $heet: ? ll lt:ss:rge t ( d Wl t Fdfrltffi. a&*r#tl' W dt?#il*d 'fu'M 6f,T & frup ltrF'Wf w& 'W ufWrw ft#s tdlflr 6 otl;- /Fa* / fW F"tPfn*arF aF r7# ht*rf N 'j+nrr) FtN i'* *f lr wffiiuLr fa rct< fl# &uF'& cff fiAi '4'; v*P*' tt!{il '# / frf ata'w ffittr;{" r'M :*T'*:::"*"h to Jil|, oJ "J*F PA"oo Y* o+*eft{'*' ' fr.e!* /6r I (g$(I, l$ N t3tl3l{bst llawn lhftt Nortil Residencr Vall, Colordo ffiG Bcdroom 2 12 x lrL n o€ Entry Level ApBllanccc: Range/Oven Jenn Air Microwave Sharp Refrigerator &D-Zero Dlshwtrher KitchenAkj Washe/Dryer GE Profite Plumblng: Kohler "Revrival Series- Dtn@es Include: Clrerry wood cabinetry with granite orCorian ccurrterop,s O Hardwood floors at main levetand stairs Cherry wood trim and detajl Hardwcod solid core doors [hroughout Flagsrone in entry areas and patio Rerniurn carpet in bedrooms Ceramic and marble tiles in baths Hand ffowefed walls and ceilinc trl o =-A'1 --t----1 (r. ^ 1 l cleo d En gin eerin g iptdi$o'*I 8'ns"o'nnte'ho*"n"' 7835 Everett WaY Arvada, Colorado 60005 (303)-422.1494 Avon office (303) 9494121 949'0304 Fax :il January 11,1996 Graystone Gonstruction 2672 A Kinnickinniek Court Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: SUPPORT TRUSSES I.]NDER GARAGE FRAIVIING WALTON DLTPLEX, MILLRACE PHASE M WEST HAVEN DRIVE, VAIL, COLORADO Sirs. This letter is to clarify the capacity ofthose tnrsses under the garage ftaming. I have instructed Superior Truss and Component ofEator\ Inc. to desigrr and build these trusses to supporr 50 pSF live load at 30" on center spacing. The 50 pT -":rytfom the Uniformly Distributed Live Load requirement calted out by uBC. The I l-7l8" TJV25DF floor joists doubled at 16'' on center are designed to handle the dead load ofthe floor system and the 2000 lb' Concentrated Load requirement called out by the UBC. Superior Truss should be able to provide truss designs with a Professional Engineer's seal upon your request. Per instructions of the Building Departrnent, the trusses and the purlins above them are to be installed at 30" on center in ptur" of tf," 3T' oncenter called out on the drawings from Steven James Riden Architedt. please feel free to provide this letter to the Building Department as to clari$cation of the pur?o$e of the trusses which they had question in regard. Sincerely,f ./ L^l-Ir'* 2' llnt " KimE. Mcleod, P.E.b&#l'Hn o."g: -*'1'b i= zesss E;qi t tn.4ti* K#fT# I r 97A 454 J654 5UPER I OR TRU55 SUrIRIOR TRUS$ & COMPONENTSof EATON,INC. I'.O. EoX1{{ EATON,@ 806!5 (970) {54-3686 $AX (970) {54-363d l-800-TltUSS'S or 1.800-487-gz2 \la o"to, - :!-(!_': : - _ _:: - _. !f.t ,/ ,-" ^ \ - company: 27f _r:L :' ! : - .,.':'!! _:! _'_'_ 4_' !t/_//!: :: . ./1.t/ Deprrtment: FAX Numben ( Numbcr of Pagcr (lncludlng cover shect|: Si.4 {.,. Ifyou do not receive all of the pagcc, please cEll {9?0} {stl-35E6. 9ll I t/96 !9:J5 1r*-"rri lFrAr 36 r3 I 3613 I l 979 q54 5654 5UP€RIOR TRU55 P,g2 : Job t421 I t ,uo" l^ R IRUS$ jo'']"v I - le it I GRAY-ST0NE r{ 6!0? Gr0? LgAglNG Fsl I spAclt{6 z-ti.$ | cal :r ioo" sip zo r4.es Mire* tndustri*, hrc itrulirn'i r t0:{6:55 1996 Fais r . t1&{| - ' r 3f>$ l.5x,l rr 5 t" I-r l. !/ ljga lil0t l&sll 399 999 rt'a 1 .Srtf 2 3x{ - 3 ,.1i1 3x4 4 DEFL (in) {loc) ve (LL) 0.06 716 Ve"t{TL) 0.07 ?rE Hor.t] tl 0.0? S Mirr Length / LL ddl - 3Cl0 PIATE9 M20{mga) 6BIP 149,'04TCLL 50.0 i Plates Increase 1 15 1 TC TCOL 80 I Lumbe( Inffeaie 1.19 | Bc BCLI o o I Rep Sus6s tnc( No I WBBCDL 80 i Codo UBC-94 Wsigil:68 (lb, sn ctHG TOP CHORO Sheathed or 3+4 on cenlct purlin 3p6cing. txcqPl end wrtr:ah BoT CHORo Rigid cGiling dnectty appti€d, or t0-(xl00 on ce'|ler bracing. 0.80 o3s 0.63 LUi,IAER TOP CflORD a Xq SrlF 2100F 13F BOT CfiORo 2 X 4 SPF 1650r {.5t WEBS 2 X4 HF.G Stud REACT'OII9 {rb$/r'ze) t =110510-58, 6=l toliE-5 B FORSEE TOP gHORD 1.2.,:.248. 2.3.0, 3.4=-866, {-5=0. 516=-2^{E BOT CHORO $7;8O1. 1-?:BO1WEBS '1.3=-1125, $7=93, 4-7.93, 4.0..112b NOTES I ) ProyidD adequale drninru€ !o prc16nt nfdcr pondtng 2) A plale rd|ng reduction D{ 2OqL hai lDen gppled lor the greeh klmller nlertbel {,. LOIID CABE{3| stsndatd 91,.11/96 -l;^-"'P I FLAT l6:35 8, | 978 45.t J6J4 5UPERI OR IPU55 P.95 l*' i*ls l1 3.300eSep20 19!l'5 MiTek trduuties.lnc. Thu Jan 11 10:47:04 1996 Page I ,ro$ r421 ?rursr a GRAY-SIONt SUPERIOR TRUSS a5!4 asrr I 3xB 3 i r t-t7 'lXla 1.5x4 ll rl 1-5x4 2 Il ct co c.) I l . asrtI 4..!ta I 6 .5x4 li r E 1!-1? 15 ta gEfL {t,D &c} Wol ver{r t) a.ot C6 999 V€ (rL! 0s2 UE Sgg Flor.(TLl O01 S rva Minlenglhlll dell = 3O0 tl I PLATTS GRIP Mi0(209a) 1trWt04 weigtr 52 (bs) cslTC 0.5/ BC 0.17wB o41 I 1 3x4 LOADTNG [prl1TCtL 50(,TCDL 80BCLL OO 9CDL 8.0 LUMSER TOP CHORO 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1 5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 $FF 1660F r.sF Vl/EgS zX4HF.gSlud REACI|o S {lba/size) 1r717/O,i-8. $=7'l7m-i)-s FORCES TOp CHORD 1.2..31r. 2.3-0.3-43(). {{,=-311, 80T Ctro8o 5.61461. 1-S=4Sl WEBS ilorFs 1.33-58it. 3-68S7. 3 5;.5S4 'l ) Pnvdc ad4uate drainsge lo Pfeyed u.ater ponding. 2) A plale rating redrrction ol20?6 has bcan npplcd for lh€ grcen l nrber men}Ders. LgAo cASElsl Stantlard SPACING 2-6.0 Pkte6 lncreage 1 15 Lurr rer lncrcas€ 1 15 RepStrEsslncr NOcode UgC'94 SRACfiTG TOF CHARD She-th€d or $$(l rnr r**{er p!$Hr 6padhg, exc?pt and vGrliceti 8O1 CHOfIIJ Rigd o€ilrrg direct y aprred, s 1S,0&00 on Defief bracrng irt*o I tv l SUPERIOR THUSS 1 .3x4 rl I I I g1/ll,'96 l0:35,-a I rn ss { ype ItLAr ilt Istli 970 454 3614 laty lP'rlo ll 3.3OO € Spp ?0 199'r 16 {r G 3,i 5t,'PER I OR TFU55 I FIATE$ ER|P M2q20g8) 119i1M Weigtt 6s (hs, 8t P. 9.1 Job 1421 GflAY.SIONL LoAD|lrtG [prf)TCLL 50.0TCOL E.OBCLL OOECOL 8.O q1,n sPACttrG ?-s-0 Pldss Lrcrcasc 1 .13 I umber lmr€es€ t 15 ReF Strecr lrcr N(r Codc UBC.94 069 032 054 t-u{tt8ER TOP CHSRO BOT CIIORO WEB$ BEACIIONS FORCES IOP QHORO BOTCHORO WEBS NOTfS 1l Providc ldcguatc dlart'€o Ir pr€yent rl,ala fror ding 3 A date rating reduition of 20% ht€ bq€n applird lor llro gr6n brlbtr rr rr;rr rlrerr'. LOAD CASEIS, Staniarc I 3x4 4 ./rlr 1? 11.9 ttt I 1.5x4 tl 5 r?-41_o l'!'a IDEf L (tn) (loo) l,tlen vc.r(Lt! o9{ ?6 999 Ven{IL) Oa6 7ffi 9SS I lot:(Tl) 0 0l G nrir Mn Length / LL defl - 360 BFACtfiIC lop CI'IORO Shcslh8d or 2.11'$ on cenler Fnlin cpaoirig, oxcaFl 6nd vetlhalg. tlt,l CH(}R0 ftbid oefiing d'rec{y aFdied, or 10Q0-00 on c8flter braclng. o 60 14 3xi 3 Irl,t z ,,1 I I 1 ,l"l I I I i I I'l f I I B 3x4 lJl 7 3x{ 3x4 . c$l TC BC WB 2 X 4 SPr 16601 1.5E 2X4f.pF1$5OF 1.5E 2}(4HF-G$lud (lb'srsire) 1=104?/0-5-8, 6e1042ro 5.8 1-2=-2314, 2-3={. 3_4=-770. {-5:-O, 5.6:_?3{ 6'7;7t2.1.7t712 1.3*.103{1, S'7s86, 4.7=E6. rl.6=-1{t.'10 t0r37 t t 970 454 1554 SUPER I OR TRUSS P,gj 'lhu Jan l1'10:47;1? 1990 Fage'1 1,5xd tt 4 t.l t: 3x4, I PIAIES GRIP M20t2OCa) l4g10{ Welgh. 5a (bs) Job 1421 SUPERIOI{ I I Truss I 't nuss rr t1.g 4.r t.t, 6 1 .5x4 ll 4 tr 0 cfi0 LAAO|l,lc (psflTCLL 5OOTC0L 80 BCLL OOECOL BO LUTIBER TOP SHQRD BOT CHORO WEBS R€ecnolrs FORCES TOP CHORD 8OT CHORD wEas fitoTE$ 1) Plovide adequat€ dri{rfigeto pertnt wrl€r ponding 2) Aplale lathg reduLtion of 20''6 has been applied fo.lhe gleen lumt et n)elnlr€t$. LOADCASEISI $Enda'd sRACiftG TOP CHORo Sheathcd ot S0-0 ('r cenlcr Frrtln cpoclng, Gxc€Pl thd vettisirls. 8O1 CHORtt Rrgld cdlhg dhectly Elplied, or lGocm on c€r{er hacln0. I : 5 I I tl l.gxi$ lr 2 rfil;il1Ii-llldt ttnl llIl Iti.Lrl H 1 3x4 Fr+0 a"t1.n 010 0 afi0 OEFL ('n) (loa) Ydeflve(llt OO2 66 999 VcrtfiL) OO2 66 999 l{orr{) L} O O1 5 da MinLengthllLdefl=36O I SPAC|HG 2.6 0 Plst€8 frcreas€ 1.1S Ltxtrtr€r krx'eaae 1-15 Rep$tresslncr Ho Code UEC-9.1 cslTC O6eBC O21 wE 0.54 2X4 $PF 1650F 1.5F 2X4SFr1650F15f 2X4 HF-G Stud (lbs/size) 1G7670-5.8, 5:7g7tg.,.r.g 1-2*-346, 2.3=0, 34-O. .-5=_346 $.&5bs, 1'6=$56 I -3=-68?, 3-6:95. 3.5...682 E r {oZ t)C.Ur mX o v fr ov Er(tT ofn g| rFoIoz o.}N\ rx$(Dro T2Fr-C,r-tffi'o-tE8ro\(rr {l- lo>nlI}>{m(, (to{{o3 'ur {.II| NX ]U (J CI,{ol c ot '{o0):fnc -E-Iouaft=9z>.4tnt-t'r-t(rer(,l(Ir>{(tucruoo)([ oov>>az>FOont.I o$ Iv ofll io ('l $oN IoI e'-E'to'- L+',- oorc)rtsCOITT-.>C -{rl0 Eo!rf-ro(tco oT o-tso-b> -ro0rt$-tr (G -:- -t Ioooo o{TO(}t's -.1STooiOFT3:r- olr -1tOrt(9!'roooo oo(|..or-D@-tO o r- o 9. au o ooo3 5 lc tr IFo o f-fo-oLoOot--bTC! -o'l ( o -.o oo 0-0-TO O-b\oro+rO O =-.Gtr}-.O5tolo ilI E -{:E 4lJ ; 3 :t{ Er[ #$ E gaeendl ttMl titrtof.l lorc\uJFtcc rq eTlvl,l ?-lcJtdc c ggnr{t eEssrHr J.tM Hrnoe !ISICVrJ.!NO3 lC S"l-IyH €''tCdl!C .r/t g-,21 ".q serrcl - b c een:|t - b c ger|dl. - b Y €gndj. - b o?cEEltr eegendr s # (970) 949-4121 E N .l A M E S POST OFFICE BOX 32 vAIL, CO.81658 Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. FrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 Deceurber 8, 1995 Re: Walton i url - C0lVllyr, Uty, Dtfr SDD/I\dajor Amendment This proposal is fior an amendment to the Cascade Village Special Dorelopment Dietrict, specifically Millrace Phase 3. This proposal is to amend the approved deeign firr floor plans, elwations and driveway (North unit'only). No additionat square footage is requested, maximum heights approved and the building footprints and site coverages rffiain as approved' Landscape quartities rernain as apprbved with minor alterntions to the locations. IDE FN( 949-0304 . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. : ""'.'.ut* ut.t.UIJ 9 J o DATE APPLTCATION | | tg95 narc34<:M o|n|lr(c, UAILIFG Sldrllorl(8' ADDR883 D.LOCATIOI{ OF PROPOSAL: S'REET ADDRESS: ,il^,#Tf,, Y ,"1"1'b o-o"JH iff"H,B*H"ffi* : U u . UijlVlM, Df; y; pFi, . t' :l*"3il"if:"I$.1i.i"3:i:i30f:;.'3{.tffli1.::*"Hrd no The sppllcatlon $ilt, not be rccepted untll .11 infornation18 aubnltted. (gleace prlnt or tltpel 816)zsz e433 -8.IPPLICAI{T' S REPRE SENTA" 1 ADonesslt?32 C. PROPER?I ot4NER (31 LoLBloctL-sunorvrsron Mit-r-Er+l€ . Fl+q:a 3 E. STAI{PED, }DDnE qED Et{vELOpES OF ?rrE NATES of orrNEhs oFAl,L pgQgsg1'y AOJACENT ro TttE SUBJECT pRopERTt e.ru i -- LIS" OT THEIN T {ES AND I{AILING ADDRESSES. F. A TITI.F EEPORT TO VERIFY OT|NERSN,F AIID EISSUENTS. lI. Fo.ur, (4, .coplea pf the follofllng tnformatlon muet besubnitted: A. DotallG(l rrittea/graphlc dorcripiion of proposalr- B. lUt envlronnentrl. ftnprct report Bball be subrritted tothe_zonlng adnlnlstlator l-n accordance lth Cr,"ii"i - tO.56 hereof unlcsa ralved by secai;;-lC-i-o.o-Col-die"pcproJ€cts, C, iY oqcn epacc and recreatlonal plan sutflclent to neetEne Clenandr gcltcrated by the dsvelopment l'ithout undueburdGn on avallable 6r propoacd puui ic io.r r ii ii"i-'--- D. Eralst lng contourE having contour lritervals of not rnorethan flve fest lt the average Blope q! the slte irtn€nty parcent Or lesa, or rlch cbntour lntervali oCnot nore !htn.trn feet lf rhe tverage slope of the slf,els greater thrD tr.enty pcrcent. E. I p-ropoaeO slte plan, at a aCalg ttot amsllar than one1l?! ?So"rt fifry feet, lhorlns the approainaie-- --'- rocat.ions and dlnenalone of all bulldinqe andatructures, usee therein. and ,Il prlncipat siteqev€lopnent f,Qaturea, auch ts landscaped arear,rscrolclonal faoilttieB, pedesE.rian piazae inO'ralhptys{ scrt.lca enr.rliel <trtverays, &nd of!_streetparKlng and loadlnE areas rrlth propos€d contours aftergradlng and sl"te developnenE, i .rL Mr. & Mrs. Misbael Flower 1335 Westhsv€'n, Unit #1 Vail, CA 81657 Jerry l!ffilikin Westkven/Camade LLC do Sliftr, Smith & FramPton 230 Bridgs Street Vail, CO 81657 Mllrme Condominium Addosiation 1476 Westhaven Ddve Vail, CO 18657 ,.t THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPEBTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a pubfic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on February 12n1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a Maior Amendment to SDD No. 32 to allow for the construction of an Employee Housing unit located at The Cornice Building, 362 Vail Valley DriveiPart of Tract B, Vail Village 1st Fiting. Appticant: David SmithPlanner: George Ruther An Amendmentto the Zoning Code, Medium-Density Multi-Family District, adding a provision limiting the density to eighteen dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. This provision was inadvertently omitted from Ordinance No. 1 6, Series of 1991 . Applicant: Town of Vail Community Development DepartmentPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to an existing single lamily residence located at 2299 Chamonix Lane/Lot 7, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing #1. Applicant: Frank D. D'AlessioPlanner: George Ruther A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for an expansion to the secondary residence located at 275 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 40, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Steve BerkowiizPlanner: RandyStouder A request for a Minor SDD Amendment to allow for changes to the development plan located at \;Millrace Phase 3, 1335 Westhaven Drive/Development Area A of the Glen Lyon SDD (SDD No. Y" Applicant: Steve Riden representing Gregory WaltonPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for an interior residential addition, utitizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow tor an interior storage area, located at 1881 Lionsridge Loop #zslLot 1; Block 3, Lionsridge 2nd Filing. Applicant: Matt KingPlanner: Lauren V$aterton A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow tor an expansion to an existing unit and a front yard variance to atlow for a garage to be located in a front setback in association with the construction of a new Primary residence located at 325 Forest RoadiLot 18, Block 7, VailVillage 'lst Filing. Applicant: Planner: Steve Riden representing Tim Drisko Jirn Curnutte t l"" Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published January 26, 1996 in the Vail Trail. o Fggn FILEMPY TOWN AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community D eve lopment ,l*rr0' December 22,1995 Mr. Steven J. Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, eO 81658 RE: Walton Duplex, lv{inor SDD Amendment, 1335 Westhaven Drive/Mllrace III Dear Steve: Staff has completed a revierv of vour Minor SDD Anendment application at the above referenced properfy and has detemined that your applications are incomplete. Plcase address the follorving: As required on page i of your SDD amendment application, please provide stamped, addressed envelopes aud a separate list ofad,iacent property owners. Your relocated vehicle tumaround does not meet turniug radius code requiremeuts and is not approved. Please amend your site and landscape plans to depict the tumaround as originally approved. Your plans shorv a nerv patio extending bcyond the limit of construction activity line. Please rocluce the size of this patio so that all construction activity is east of the previously approved line. In order to veriS, cornpliance with building height requirements, all building ridge elevations rnust be indicated on the site plan. Please provide a section drawing through the garage, in the opposite direction of Section A/46, so that staff can verifu that this area is not GRFA. Please provide detailcd drarvings of the proposed entry monuments and light firtures. Also provide information to shorv that the proposed iight fixtures comply with the Town of Vail lighting ordinance. Please provide a draft easement encroacllnent agreement for the two eastern most stone monuments ra'hich identifu the fact that these improvements as well as landscaping and * c2ryds- A"*P- d" *#"q # {g *rn uor*"" portions ofthe drivervay are located in a public access easement, and ifneeded by the Tort"'n, rvil!. be rernoved at the o$.irsr's expense. The four stone moouments proposed to be located within the Westhaven Drive right-of- 'r"ray 'will requre the approval of a rer,ocable right-of-rvay perrmt. The final location of the monuments shall be subject to field location and approval by a member cf the Town of \iail Public Y/orks Dcpartment. Ygqr revised draivings currently exceed the maximum GRFA allowed by the property by .{35 square feet and the maximurn siie coverage by 202 square feet. Please rel"ise your drarvings accorCingly or sct up a meeting with me as soon as possible to discuss tirese issues in more detail. Upon receipt of the above requested infonnation staffwiil conduct another review of the applic-irtion and if detemrined to be complete u'iil schedule your application for review by the Vail Planuing and Environmcntal Commission. If you should have any questions or comments about "he information contained in this letter, please feel free to contact me at your cont'eniettce. Sincerelv. -n '/t / fur^,(Stn,ru_-ndlim Curnutte Senior Planner JCljr cc: Gregory Walton TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8a657 970-479-2:l.38 APPLICA]WT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMEMT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT Cs-ar-'.-!^ U itt"* W\*.LUo-".,.--?furj"-tr Status...: ISSIJEDApplied..: 09/At/L998Issued...: a0/26/]-998Expires..: 04/24/1999 Phone: 8l-6 "753-2a2]- Phone: 8l_5 753-2t2L NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMIT PETM1T #: B9B-0253 Job Address: Location. - . :Parcel No..: Project. No.: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR ]-333 WESTHAVEN DR 2LO3 -1_2L-t7 -002 WALTON CONSTRUCTION CO., TNC. 3252 ROANOKE, KANSAS CITY, MO. WALTON CONSTRUCTION CO., TNC. OKE, IGNSAS CIT'Y, MO. RYR&SANDRAG 118TH TERRACE, LEAWOOD 64Ltt 6ALLT KS 662L1 DescripLion: ADD CITIMNEY Occupancy: R1 Tlpe Construction: V N T14pe Occupancyr Valuation: FireFlace Inforrnalioo, ReFtrictedl Building- ----> 3s.00 MuIti-Family Tlpe V Non-Rat.ed l_,000 #of, cas Appliancc€: Add Sq Ft: FEE SUMMARI #of wood/Pallet:*Of Ga6 LogB: Depts: FIRE DepE: PIIB WORK Plan ch€ck- - -> Il1vesLigatsion> Re6t.uaranb PIan Revi.e!,r- -> DRB Fee-------- R€creation Fee----------> clean-Up Depoeits--------> TOTAIT FEES-..-- Toeal Calculaeed I'ee6_--> AdaiEional Fees---------> Total Pemits Fee--------> Pal nehCs------- ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 80.?5 -20 -oo 60.75 BAI,ANCE DUE-.. - Item:051-00 09 / oL/L998rtem:05400 09 / ot/a998ILem:05600 09 / oL/1-998Item:05500 oe / oL/1-99e BUILD]NG DEPARTMENI DEPT: BUII,DING.fRM ACLION: APPR APPROVED JRI"T PLANNING DEPARTMEIII DEPI: PI,ANNING.fRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-BRENT Division: Division: Division: Division: FIRE DEPARTMENTJRM ACt.iON: APPR N/APUBLIC WORKS,fRM Aclion: APPR. N/A * * * * a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , * * * * * * * * * * i i + * * * * * * * * :! * * I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * r * 1l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * I See page 2 of this Document for any conditi-ons LhaL may apply Eo Ehis permit DECI,ARATI ONS I her€by acknor,rledge that I have lead this aFplicalion, filled ouE in flrll the informatsion required, codrPLeted an accurace p1ots plan, and Etate that all the j.nformation provided ae required iE corrects. I aglee to couply with the informaEion and plot plan, to comply with all Tor,,n oldinances and eLatse Lavrs, and fo build Ehi6 structure according to the Town's zoning and subdiviEion codeE, deBig! review approved, uniform Building eode and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. OFFICE FROM a:OO AM 5:00 PlvlREQUEST.S FOR INSFE TIONS SIIALL BE MADE TIIBNIY.FOUR HOURS IN AD NCE send clean-Up Deposit To:. WALTON EY TEI]EPHONE AT 4?9.2138 FOR HIMSEIF AND OWNER * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *** * * * ** * * * * * t * CONDITIONS PermiE #: 898-0253 as.of 3-0/26/98 Status: ISSUED * * * * ** * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * *** * * * t * *** * * * * * * * * *** * ** ** * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: o9/oL/t998Applicant: WALTON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Issued: 10/26/]_998 8L6 753-2t2L To Expire: O4/24/A999 ilob Address: LOCATiON: 1-333 WESTHAVEN DR Parcel No: 2103-L2L-L7-002 Descrj-ption: ADD CHIMNEY Conditions:].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIR.E MATERIAL. 3, SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS pER SEC.121o OF THE 1991 UBC. 4. FIRE DEP.A.RTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. TOI4N OF VAIL. COLORADO stat€unts Number: REc-o459 Amount.: Pa!.ment' MeEhodr CK NoEaLioni 31,00 60.7s 7A/26/9e a5t4a Sca! emn E Permit No: B9e-0253 T]4)e: A-MF Parcel No: 2fO3 -!27-L7 -oa2 siEe Addrese: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Locat'ion: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR ADD/AI.T MF BUII,D PER ToEal Fees: 50. ?5 Tor.a1 ALrr Pmts:ahia Paynent Aecount Code Balance:, oo DR OO1OOOO31122OO PRE PAID DES REV BOARD BP OOIOOOOfll],10O BUILDING PERMIT FEBS DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIQI REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO3l1?3OO FI,AN CHECK EEES WC 00100003112S0O I{ILL cAIIr INSPEdIION FEE Descr.iption Amoun E. -20. o0 20.00 3.00 ,: 3oncacc Eagle County Assessors 0fftceac 97A-328-8640 for parcel {. fowN oF vArL coNsfRucrroN pEtu\rIT f$EL ,:J103 - tz-t- 17 -bisz,". -piiNrr AppLrcATroN F.RM ---.___-\ DATE: . APPIICATION MUS? BE FILLED OUT COMPTETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED/ r * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * FERI'IIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,tr -I{l-Buirdins [ ]-Pluhbingr [ ]-E]ectricar. [ ]-Mechanrbal [ ]-orher ...--......-_rob Name: lr'{4CtJDriFX Job A<ldre.=, &f!_ Legal Description: Lot_ Elock_ "ifinS%rwners Narne: ft e WMEN Address: KJfZnrlW& F.2itt/',tnvtm.ph- rrchitect: frnQ t$w+wr' Address: MilL". leneral Description: lork cLass: [ ]-New [(J-Alteratio [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Juhber of Dvrelling Unitst I Number of Accomrnodation Units: lhber and TyFe of Fireplacesi cas AppLiances 1*:r*tt*:t*'tr****'trt*****l-Lnlt**l coNTRAgToR rNroRMATroN ***.************************ O.rddr€ss: .trecrrical contracror: Fg.t* n Zfeiddress: % )Iunbing contractor: rddress: _ -"-"""-"'- techanical Contractor:tddress: % Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet Town of Vail Reg. No. "5'l-LPhone Number: Tovrn of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nuriber: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunrber: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nur,rber: r rt rl rt rt * * *:t * * * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )t * * * * !t )t * 't:t ?t' rl * * ?t * * }UILDING PERMIT FEE:,LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: ]LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: PLUHBTNG PLAN CHECK TEE:MECHANICAL PIA}T CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: n [ ] -Additional GROUP VALUATI.ON CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT REFTTND TO: 75 south f ronlage road vail. colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 or 479_2L39 of flce ol communlty developmenl REGISTERED WITH THE TO: FRot'I : DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYLTOI{N OF VAIL ToFIN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/cO}AIrJNITY DEVELOPI,IENT IIARCH L5, 198I CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGEIn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlaqrful for anvperson to litter, track "r-a-p"irt.any soir, rock, sand, debris;5'ffi:;'i:ii"i::t"dins tiisr'-5l*p.t".;, ;;;i.ii! toir"ts andpr?e" ". ;;;-;;;.iir}f,il.3fl""ii""ii;fril5;-l]i;:";:,$:#-",Vait streeti ini.roads i= approii*.r"iv-s"ia]'it, pavemenr.?his ordinance riii-r" ;;-;5[i;^enforced bv the rown of VairPubric works n"oarEm"rtl--pIi=lns found vi-tating this ordinancevill be given a-24 hour rri;i;;"notice t"-i"*;"" said materiar.In the event the person so notj.fied.does not compty vith thenotice within the 24 nour time lpecified, the public WorksDepartment wi'l rernove said nrateii.r it-'ir.rJ"I*plr,.e of personnotified' The nrovi=io"=-or"'fiis orainance srr'irr not beapplicable to c-onstruction,-^.iit".run9e 9r repair projects ofany street or aLley o...,y'"tiii.r"= rn.the right_a_way.. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i.::i13i"9,";f;i:'*:*"::""iili" a copv. ri,ank you ror your ;iii acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) 7.'tl '11 75 routh lronlage road vall. colora do 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olllce of .orrunity devolopmerrt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI\IE If thi's permi.t requires a Tov,n of Vai'r [ire Department Approval ,Engineer'.s (.pub'l ic l.lorksj ;;;;;'ani'ipprovut, a plannins. Departmentrevr ew or Hear th Deparrmint. ieview, -.nr'u- "uui.; ti'li.i;.';, i 1 di n9liri[l[E'*;.1: urttruted time tor'u-totur i"uien"i'ar,,;.;; as lons All commercial ('rarge-or small) ana alr rnurti-fami'ly perrnits wirlhave to fo'ilow trre irove ;;;;i;"il-rl*ir* requ.irements. Residentia.rand small projects snou]o iiie-;-i.;;e; amount.of time. However, .ifresident.i al or snral t er .projectr-i;;;;;' the various above mentioneddepartments with rega.rd' t"-n"J"rilii"""ui"n, these projects mayalso take the three week period ::::{_.lioTpt wilt be made by this deparrnrent to expedite thispel'ml. t.as s.qon as possi bl e. v vv e^t.se ' ''s ' l:-l!. undersfgned, trnderstand the p.lan check procedure and timeTrame, K, kUUuu at/tuntua4t =-----o ProJect Na Communi ty Devel oprnent Depa rtment. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS FEQUIRED ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of lhe right of way, easements or public [rope6y? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Right CI Way permit, required? 8) A. ls lhe right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for slaging, . parking or fencing? - B. lf no to gA, is,a parking, staging or fencing'plan required by CommrJnit! : Development? f f-vgu- algwered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public way permit' must be obtained.?ublic way- Permit" applications rnay be obtained at the'public work,s office or atcommurity Development. .f f you hlve -any questions please cattbnartie Davis, lhe Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 47g-215g. Please answer the following qrrestlofime rerarding the uAt-flA) cvt need for a 'Public Way permit": YES NO L'--' t/ 1) 2) 3) 4) s) ,-/ ,/ L-r'' ,/ -/-' / 6) I have read and answered allthe above questions. X,T/4 DateJob Name r's Signature Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Walton Residence ProjectDescription: ChimneyAddition Owner, Address and Phone. Greg Walton,3235 Roanoke, Kansas City, MO 64111 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:Steve Riden, P0 Box 3238, Vail, CO 81658, 949-4121 Proiect Street Address. 1335 Westhaven Drive Legal Description: Millrace Phase III, Cascade Village Parcel Number: Comments: Buildine Name: Motion by. Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 27,1998 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved F:\E,VERYoNE\DRllV\PPROVAI-\9ll\,WALT( lN.WPl, DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 It Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Walton Residence Project Description:Chimney Addition Owner, Address and Phone: Greg Walton,3235 Roanoke, Kansas City, MO 64111 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Steve Riden. PO Box 3238. Vail. CO 81658" 949-4121 Proiect Street Address:1335 Westhaven I)rive Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments. Millrace Phase III, Cascade Village Buildine Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 27,1998 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved li;'tYl.lR Y( )\ l:\l)R B\.^PPROVAJ eli'W.U.l ( rN.WlD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 gr.rtio,'r,|ll thc Pla;rning StatTrl .i7.,r-l i2it APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEIV APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION Th is. application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr rcviev nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvi$v approval prior to submitting for a buiiding pcrmit, ior spccific infomration, scc thc subrrrittal rcquircnlcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquqstcd, Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircd inlornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvtd by thc Torvn Council and,/or thc planning and Ett viron tnctltal Conlntission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approvrl cxpircs onc ycar aitcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is startcrl. A. DESCRTPTfONOFTHEREeUEST: 4ffi r t ,./ T LOCATTON OF pROpOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:-- FILTNA: Lll/tL lZ4LD pHAAh H_ pFfysrcAl ADDRESS: /??6 i//y/.fH n,/4o41 f et [4 , -.,. Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 foiparccl #) B. c.'7. D. E. PARCEL #: ZONINC: TOWN OFVAIL F. C. NAME OF O\M{ER(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:E NCrv Construction - $200tr Addition -$50 $20f'lflinorAltcration - PHONE: Construction ofa nerv building. Includcs any.addition rvhcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcrrtial or conuncrcial building. Includc.s nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc intprovcnrcnts. such as, . 1croofing. paintihg. rvindorv additions, landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRBfecsarctobepaidatthctinrcofsubnrittal. Latcr,tvhcnapplyingforabuildingpenuit.plcascidentify thc accuratc valtration of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust the fce accordrng to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VATL. COLORADO 8I657. . Roof slolng Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Sot'tits Windows Windorv Trirn Doors Door 'I'rirn lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: o Cgl,OR:* Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting*+ Other i Pleasc specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip * * All cxtcrior lighting ntust nteet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicatc thc nuntbcr offixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Idcnti! cacrr nxture tvpe and provide the height above grade, lumcns output, lunrinous area. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtlres. Updatcd 6/97 : \" J^-&, In Attendance: 6. Calendar STAFF MEETING MTNUTES Thursday, August 27, 19gg Bob Mclaurin larry Grafel Dominic Mauriello Steve Thompson Annie Fox Anne Wrlght Pam Brandmeyer Dlck Duran Greg Morrison John Power Suzanne Silverthorn Item Action/Follow-Uo 1' Brownpaper Team presentation by Annette McC.orkle, Lori Aker, Layana Doster, Leonard Sandoval, Suzanne Silverthom and Scott Spann. The recommendatlons are based on 4 themes. They are:l. Optlmize utilizadon of the voice mail rystem. !. Move rapidly to an elecronlc format for disuibudon of information (lntranet). 3. Actively seek opportunities for 2-way communicatlons (face-to-face) 4. Create a mechanlsm for rapid cross-frrnctional problem-solving (TOV Solufions Group) They asked the Executive Team to: '| . seek to understand and evaruate the basis for the suggested changes. 2. Consider lmplications for your depanment in implementlng thesJcommunications changes. 3. Be open to and acknowledge the contributions of the communications team. 2. Town Council Meeting Reviewed the agendas for 9/llgg Council meedngs. 3. council Meeting Follow-up Reviewed rhe Town council meedng of g/2s/9g. 4. Couricil FolloW-Up Sheet Reviewed the Council follow-up sheet. 5' Clttzen Input Response. Suzanne won for follow-up to letter o Marshall Turtey. MON - 8/31 O8:OO a.m. 08:30 a.m. TUE - 9/l 08:00 a.m. 08:30 a.m. O9:OO a.m. O9:30 a.m. l0:0O a.m. l0:30 a.m. 12:OO p.m. 02:OO p.m. 07:OO p.m. wED -9/2 McL weekly mtg MSuzanne. McL weekly mtg w/Greg. McL weekly mtg w/Russ. McL weekly mq w4P. McL weekly mtg w/Annie. McL weekly mtg dPam. McL weekly mg dSteve. McL weekly mtg MDick. McL open for employees. Town Council Work Session. Town Council Meeting. I"t 08:0O a.m. Ol:0O p.m. THU .9/3 O7:30 a.m. 09:OO a.m. l0:00 a.m. l2rO0 p.m. 0l:00 p.m. FRI - 9/4 McL weekly mtg w/Larry Common c.ouia rGin com. Dev. large conf. rm. McL breakfast mtg MSuzanne & Chrls Cares @ Dancing Bear. Direcor's Saff. Village Construction mrg @ Red Lion. McL mtg w/Terry Minger, Russ, et al. @ Com. Dev. Lionshead Team mtg @ Design Wkp. 7.Pam Pam Annie Robin Litt called to inform Pam that VA would like ro reolace the I o-day pass with a one-day-a-week pas for $499.0O. In the event the passholdlr wishes to ski a second dan he/she may go directly to the lift to iharge for that second dat at colorado card rates. Last year 49 employees too-l ttre lo-day pass. After discusion it was determined that tlre l O-day pass ispreferred. Pam asked Deparnnent Heads which date was preferred for the five year dinner, Fridan october l6th or Friday, october 23rd. Larry Grarelwill continue canvasing his employees and get back with pam. Handed out the amached flyer for a free Internet seminar. xc: A. Mccorkle, P. Pietery M. caster, L. Moore, D. crenn, s. combs, c. Anderson, Library- Judy R., Public Work C:\5TAfFMTc.MlN Proiect Name: Walton - interior conversion Project Description: Conversion of crawl spacc to storage area Owner, Address and Phons: Gregory Walton, 3252 Roanoke, Kansas City, MO 64111 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Steve Riden Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number:BuildinsName: Comments: Maxed out on GRFA. Allowed under interior conversion ord. o Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL 1335 West Haven Circle MillRace III, Cascade Village Motion by: Sccondcd by: Vote: Conditions: Board i Staff Action Action: Staffapproved Not approved as bedroom of living area. Approved as storage only per Building Code. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 10-15-97 F:\EVERYONADRB\A PPROVAI\9IWALTON,O I 5 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? fir. Planning Staff at 479-2l2tt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TOWNOFVAIL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct requiring Design Rcvicw approval. Any projcct requiring dcsigr rcview nrust rcccive Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting tbr a building pernrit. For spccific infomration, scc the submittal requirements lbr the particular approval that is requcstcd. The application cannot bc acccptcd trntil all thc reqrrircd ilrlbrmation is subniittcd. Thc project may also nccd to bc reviewcd by the Town Council and/or thc Plauning arrd Environntcntal Clorrrlnission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unless a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THEREQUEST: B, LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:FILINC: PTTYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofllce at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) c. c. D. D. ZoNINc: lPP ln F. NAME OF OWNER(S):4 04. MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Constnrction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition whcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or cornurcrcial buildins. El Addition -$50 fiftlinn, Alteration -$20 Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcments. such as. . reroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping, fenccs and retaining walls. ctc. $0 For ariy applicatiorr where the applicant wishe,s to mcct with Design Rcvicw Board to detcnninc whcther or not the project gcnerally complies with the design guidelincs. The DRB docs uot vote on conccptual rcviews. E Conceptual Review - DRB fecs are to bc paid at the tirne of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit. please idcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthe project. Thc Town ofVailwill adjust the fce according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. MAILING ADDRESS: VAIL. COLORADO 81657. (970) e494r2r October lq1997 To Whom it may Concern; Town ofVail Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re; 1335 Westhaven Drive Vail,Co. 81657 To the best of my knowledge all availabte square footage has been utilized prior to theproposed re-model ofthe crawl space . Regardq Steven James Riden A.I.A JAMES POST OFFICE BOX 3238vArL. co.81658 FAX949-03U . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. MEMO To: Millrace Phase 3 File From: Dominic Mawiello, Planner Date: May 4, 1996 Re: GRFA allowance at Millrace Phase 3 This memo is intended to olarifr GRFA allowances and approvals at Millrace Phase 3' Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1993 limited/allowed the GRFA for three units on this site (a single family home and a duplex (Walton Duplex)) to 6,450 sq. ft. (see chart on page 9 of the ofdinaoce)' The approved plans for the single family house allowed 2,157 sq. ft' of GRFA' The approved plans for the Walton Duplex allowed 4,093'22 sq. ft. of GRFA (excluding double stairs on two levels). The total approved GRFA for this site (i.e., as delineatcd on the approved plans) is 6,250'22 sq. ft' which is under by 199.78 sq. ft. f ldominictrwpfdes\mertos\millrrcarpd TOLIN OF VAIL COM-DEU 03-479-2452 N0u 11'9I 10:48 No .002 P .02...-. [a,"tt2'sr - tt \ , . Lrsar Ddffi;i;L: a"ii-f"'el6, t"#i$""B4lffi-lffil iIhautptuc*h Gnpb!#r toii},*Wv*il"- l- - , r - J a.a ^. t\. - Aooount Nurflbo.:01{000'22026 !b/6lfV, gt i **n'NumpEt'v''w'v-c'"'" i DEVELOPEh.IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ;,. ind entered lnto thls l,JA-day of {J.a. . lg-?trby and among &qs-gbFlg,-- -. 't OF VAIL (herelnEfter called ths "Town").-'(herelnafter callEd die 'Dwelopef), and lho TOWN cAsH DEFOSIT FORMAI .t,r THIS AGREEMENT, made and tlt WHEREAS, the Devolopor, ag a condltlon of approal of the plans, dated -[jg:nZk.--... lgsiiWlshes to enler Into A Developer lmplovement Agrsemont; and set lorth belowiand for the followhg: tMPSIV_EMENT WHEREAS, the Dsvoloper lgohllgated to provlde sriietrtty or collateral sufilolent In th6 judgment of the Town to make reBsonante provlslons for completion of cErtaln lmpovamanb WHEREAS, the Developor wiahee to provldg cotlatetAl to guaranteg perlormance oI-. thts Agroement, Inctudlng consiructlon ot the ehovsrgforofibAd hprovomonts by means 0f lhs following: Devetoper agrees to establlsh q caeh deposlt wlth tllg Town of Vall ln a dollar amount at g.t*{pai"#-(125% of thb totatcost of the wor{rbhown below}to provido aecurity Pt-"fri-,LJ>* d--*- NOW, THEREFORE, In conElderatlon of the followfli mutual covenants and Bgreomentg, the Dwelopor and tho Town agree as follotrtS: 1. The Devoloper agroee, at lts sole cost and olpenses, to lurnish all equlpment qnd patoriat-necessary to perlorm aird complete all lmprovbments. on or belore lWe--/-- f 7 --, rne Developer shallcomplete, ln a good se4164nlike manner, all 4mpfvefients as listed above, in a@ordenco with ell planeiend Epeclflcatlons fllEd ln the ollico ol ths Community Dsvelopmbiit Department, ths TOWII ol Vall, and to do all work Incldental thereto accordlng to and In compllanco with the following: ..i. . i Such other deslgns,rxllgplngs, maps' speclfloatlone' akotchsa, and oflrEr matter submitted by tho Dwoloperto be spproved by any ol fie above'referencod governmentat entltlOgi "All sald work shall-bd.{one und.or.the lnspoction ot, and I govemmenflEntltle-8.;' All sald work shall bd dons under the Inspectlon of, and i?li:,iil'tT,$hll;Ji,i:,'tfl LlTtfr'-I3:i#ffi ?Tiflig;ffi.*, as thelr respectlve tr;tlsr,gst may appsar, and;fhall not be doemed completg untll approved and accepted,as compleled by thenTown ol VallOommunlty Development Depafifi ont and Publlc Worke Oepartmont. 2. To eecure and guarantgo performence ol ltE'.Qbllgatlons ae set lor0r harcln, tho Doveloper agroes to provlde securlty end collatEral as followe; t4l l4 Pege I ofg TOUN OF UAIL COM-DEV have. uo= *r:-24s2 11 '95o 19:48 No.002 P.03N0u i,' A cash deposft socount in Bra,amountot SJi*-W.to bc hoH by [tcTorn' ae escrow agent, shatl provide th!:aecurl$ for tha fmprdvemsnts ret fortl above lf there la a dafault under ths Agreemefit by Developer g. Tho DevolopBr may al'any tlme substltute thg collatoral orlglnally set torth above lor anothet form of collaterht.doCiptOtg to fio Towrtrb guaranlea the falthful compteilon otlhose lmprovomonE fofered to horeln and thii_pedormanoa of the t0rms of thls Rgreement. Such acciptanco by thd.Town of alternatlvs oollaleral ehall be at the Town's mlo dlscretion. 4. The Town $hall not, ngr shall any offlcer or gmployoe th6reof, be llable or responsibte for any accldont, loss orfiamage happenlng or'bccurring to the work speclfled ln this Agreement prior to the complellon Bncl acc€ptance of 0i9 same, nor shall tha Town' n0r any oiiicor or omptoyee thereof, br lable for any persons or'property Inlured by reeson of lhe naiure ot satd work,-bur all ol satd lldbjlltles shail and are nFO, aesumed by he Developer- The Dsveloper heroby agroe! to hdemnlfy and hold,harmless the Town, snd any of its otficers, agents and employaes ldfttipt any lossis, clalma,'tlarnages, or llabllltl$ to whlch lhe Town or iny of its officers,'agenrioi emptiyeog may become subJeat lo, lncolar at any such tosses, ctalits, damages or tiabititleg (or actions ln respeot tharaotl that arlse out of or are based upon any porf6rmance by th.g Dovoloper hereundoq-a.nd the Developer ehall roimburse the Towi.r tor any and all legal or otllsr oxpenses reasonably lncurred by he Town In connecilon wtth investlgaling or delendlng any such loss, clslm, damege, llablllty or sctlon. Thts tndomntty provlslon snit Ue In additlon to any other lldblllty whlah the Developar may 5. lt ts mutually agroedfiet th6 oevelopor maryanoly to the Town end the Town shail aurhortze for partial rbtease Of ttls collateral cleposltad.trvltt tho Town for each cal4gry ol improvement at such timE as euch lmprovomenF are @l,lslructed ln cornpllance.wlth all plang and speclflcatlons aa referonoqd trereund6r anU acoePtcd by the Town. Under nO conditlon witt ttre amounl ot the collitcral that ls belng held.bE reduce<l below he amount necessary to comploto euch improvements. 6. lt the Town det6rmlnoB thet any of the lmprowments c,onlemplated harein are not conslructed In compllance wlth'the plans and speclflcatlone set lorth hereln by tho dats set lorth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but ehall not be requlred to, wihdraw from lhe oa$h depostt sucfituirOs as may be neceseAry to complste tlre uhflnlshcd lmprovements, The Town ehall releaee euch fundg upon'tle wTltten rsqusst of fie stafl of the Communlty Development Department etatlng lhat fre lmprovementg havo not been comPlgtod 9s requked by the agreement. The Town stratl not r€qulro the concurnlnce ol tho'd€v€loper prlor to the roteaee 6f the funde, nor ehall tho Toum b6 requlrgd to vef,fy lnCeperdgntly ttrat the lmprovements have not been compieJed es requlred by thlq Agrsemenl, u.tt thall releass such lunde aolaly upon the request of the'Community Dovelopment Departmont. lf the co8t8 ol comploling thg;work exceed ths amo{nt ot ths depoelt, th6 excess, togethor wlth intoro8l at twelve percent por Bnnum, shatl be a llon against the proporty and may bs collected by clvll eult or may be certlfled to the treazurer of Eagle County to be collectsd in the same mannsr as deltniuent ad valorem taxgr levied agalnst such property. lt the pormit holder fails or refuses to oompteta the cleanup and landscaplng, as deflned In thls chapt6r, such fallure or rgfusal shtll bo consldered a vlolaUon of the Zonlng Codo. 7. The Developer wElTentl all work and materldl- for a perlod ol one year after accaptance of all work referred to'ffi'fllla Agraement by thdllown pursuant to gectlon 1 7.1 6.250 ll such work ls located on ,Town of Vall property "or wlthln Town of Vall rlghl'of'way' I TOLJN OF VRIL COM-DEV IT3-4ie-24s2 11',I 96 10:49 N0.002 P.04N0u .t STATE OFCOLORADO ) ) ss. ,, ) ,.' , r. The foregolng Developer lmprovemo Jl=aav ot Ylgt*rwl.o '-" 10%.by.--v COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLOHADO ) ) sg, COUNTY OF EAOLE } My commlaelon oxplros:,Zls dz ffi : : '; t -- {t-T hs fofegqlng De\r.FlPPer D1+day ot /\XtWt- 1 Wltn€Bs my hand and offlolal teal. My commleelon explres: updatcd 0t28r9.1 I HrlU- I 1-98 €9 : 1e A14 J. 9f'IART !,vr.rs |r ^s rr' Environmrniol !rlvlc 5i grouP Poqr llff #e 3dx ?lJb 4"1,,-, , i-6ig;t1'11;r 8i620 '.c- t. lrrr -.lrlo i\1 t\)l 't.:o :i.)r[; J].r\/.. N\ofjrl d7l -il'|14 AAr,Ii)i', Dt IFLEX l'lHw LQi\e:r:'JFe Iii.,l WHrlf nv'.r'l Dr'' Vr:ll 3E= 4?E. ?bEE coNTAcT DATE; Bl2i1t6 E$llfnAIE bAIE: ?? A'-'g'e6 REVlSlr;rN I)AIE I l, itt' 'dil.'|.lrrG ADDRL\! atL:-l!'i(r 7l'Jol i; rJlL;"i17:l I IA]. F- E].l -n A^pl FT!.!rlYli bs, r,.,1f h l" li N OIES rOIALMlSCErll hFT(:FIPTIC NFOFIABOF I QIY UHIT RATE $e().00 (:.le(lr1!,fr :r nf $lf r1(i 5150 ilt frlL.l ?rI 171 i)il WORK TO BE COMPLETED (FRll'iLl l9?i EXlEHsIOH-ffitIEM -qrv UNII cogT --- ru6TrL e:E%1Ax:77?' tasoJ_ 540fl,0c $2(x).40 5570 0{; t?S{-r 00 .!oci r)crl rrtfl tl-15 $i50.,10 $a51 C0 s57t) (x).',nf#l'.+r'jl4 00 $iD0.0n-::-:=srilrli l',r \ Jfri 3B l?r:0 ,:l!)!J ;?i,')0,00 $16.0q g::- $l 7.0fi sl:i6 $3t1 $21 .?S n67.{J0 F rn-rr:olti ,i(E':ltJl j,s.00 s150.00 $ | 47-3i t'lc,liv+ iJrf ,r ::e r.l tt500rtlfli It'r $8 qq u.!9 $,0.0i) $?40110 $r54i SVqw l./.'.1 Fr t0 $so (4_ 271 25 It-:r.l!riii+r I r-ilci(ili 2tt).0c Fzso oo 554,3.80 I{#fr(:frel i r-I d iry ;?B{) b0 )lfr,l IJU $2?r).00 $r8 i. 0 $?lf1 7c lrrrilair.1q ntr C, E'TTMATE COTORADO AtPINES. lNC. Envif on n rentol Setvic es Group i'r','(,illi. (i tlr)): ;','t):l /,vc,rr, ( olor(|(l() {11620 l.)/0) e26-5504..1.505/ lilx 5506 ^^rl)il 4/ l-0354 C-Otrtni- inall, ESTIMAI T DAT F: FLVI:iIO]'J OATI: I iLl lI](; ADDIIL:Ss: BrLt|NG Pfl()r.,lt-: FAX: tl/)/ lt,6 29-A\1(f96 nlt?196 82i-\2:\1 4 / 9- itg</ 4 L,l(lytl()itrj i I (-.r .i 1.,| ral!,-.itlrc \i!(.,Sll ri:l vril I Ilt. V(|1l Vy'crllorr Dril-.le x Irees Norfh of Poth QlY UNIT cosl SU BTT I,e5%t Ax TABOR EXTENSION Moieriols: 4r,r"'i - sl66llslMrrlli t0 3"$ | 65.00 $ I ,650.00 $ | 40.25 $750.00 $2,540.25 Stclkirrct kils 30 6'$6.00 $ t 80.00 $ r 5,30 \225.00 $420.30 2 8',\22o.OO $440.00 $3/,40 $300.00 $7/7.4O J u r'lit)el t0 #3 $24.00 $240.00 $20.40 $ r50.00 $4 10.40 D.ici(lol.rs Shrulf s )2 lt5 $ I 9.00 $228.00 $ r 9.38 $ I 80.00 s427 .38 N{rlive l:|r rJsJ seed 2 lt)$8.00 $ | 6.00 $ 1.36 $ I 50.00 $ | 62.36 Shcrw MLjlch 5 l](rles $5.00 $25.00 $2.1 3 $60.00 $8/.1 3 I r i0 crlion lol $ I 50.00 $ | 50.00 $ | 2./s $250.00 \412.7 5 Equiomenf; Urlilocrcl€rt 0.5 (lcty 5240.00 $ | 20.00 10.20 $ r20.00 s 250.20 B(|c kh{jr--0.5 clo f $265.00 t32.s0 $ I 1.26 130.00 $27 3.7 6 MISCEII..ANEOUS IAEOR DESCRIPTION U NIT RATE NOTES IOIAI C:le(ll| r.rt)4 nl $30.00 5 r 20.00 L;rcraliriCJ (,lI $30.00 $ r80.00 TABOR FX'fN9ION EITM,rt{LolA1 NOIES, IENMS E COIAJDII'ONS I l.(tl)or t)ric{i5l IR RIGAI IOIJ GENERAT IABOR FORLMAN MARIIN JONES ON SITE MARIlN JONES CONSULI $40 t'ER MAN r'lli $30 PER MAN HOUR $38 PER MAN HOUR $/5 PER HOUR $IOO PFR HOUR 2. Acliuslntenls lo the conlroci Cflnounl mcy occuf orily with lhe crgreetrtent ol bolh pqrlies clncl tlrust be illiticlle€l by t)ailr. 3. All nrcjlericlts onal lctbor will be clocutnelrlecl lo ownef s solisf(lcliorl, 4- Work shall be cotrciuclecl in on ellicierrl ctlld wol kli-rcln-like nlclnner. 5. eucrlitv of oll t)lctnf ril(|leriol shc|ll nteel wilh owner's crpprovol. All rrursery slock plclnl nlotelicll cJUcllorrteecl lo l)e heolthy. llee ol pesis, lrue to u(n]e, a cl to be crble lo survive tronsplolllilrci clssulllirrg proper Inclinlellclrlce i)y ownet' No other guorclniees ex1:tessecJ or irllpliecl. 6. Hclll ol the estimcttecl conlroct omourrt is clue upor] lhe sigfring ol lhe corrlrocl. Requests fof cllclws tllc|y be nldcle crurit-tg lhe corrslruclion period, wilh lhe flncrl bcrlcrnce clu6 wilhirr fen clctys ol completion' Shoulcl lhele be (lTry rlee(i fol liligcrion lo collecl the llill, lhe owner will be resDonsible for the legcrl fees ol both porties. Inlefesl will be chcrlgecl ol I '5% per ntorrlh oJ l8% pet veor beginning 30 clcrys cfter conrplellorr. All .c]Uclctrrlees mctde by Colcroclo Alpines, Inc. shctll be I rull crncl voicl if fiil(i paynienl is not receive(l within 30 doyr of tinol billing. Z. hfigation clesigrr oncl ntolerials specificotion by others. Alloworrces shown ore bes'i guess estinlc|les lrorlr site inlormolion Psge I of 2 b(et- *4/n xs"PARIS WALL AGREE!,IENX WHEREAS, Gregory R. Walton and Sandra G. Walton (herein sometimes referred to as "Declarants") are the owners in fee simple of the following described real estate: Parcel B, FINAI PLAT, CASCADE CREEK, accordj-ng to the plat recorded December 20, 1993 in Book 627 at Page 873 as Reception No. 523935, Eagle County, Colorado. WHEREAS: Such Declarants have constructed on said premises a buiJ-ding consi sting of two tovrnhouses knovrn as Parcel B South and Parcel B North, which townhouse units are connected by a conmon wall; WHEREAS! Declarants have divided such lot into two separate parcels as follows: Parcel B South. containing the portion of such building kno-lvn as the South Unit and Parlel B North, containing the portion of such building known as the North Unit. Both parcels of which are more particularly described as Parcel B South and Parcel B North, a Resubdivision of Lot B, Cascade Creek, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. WHEREAST Declarants wish to create easements relating to the party walI (placed equatly divided on the conmon boundary separating Parcel B South and Parcel B North!, the footings underlaying such party wall and the roof above such party wall (such waII, footings and roof being hereinafter designated as the "Party WaIl"); and WHEREAS, Declarants wish to provide for certain restrictions and easements \,'thich relate to both parcels and will run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Declarants, their successors and assigns forever. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, the Declarants hereby provide the following easements and restrictions which shall hereafter run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Declarants, their successors and assigns forever: 1". The subject property is hereby divided into troo parcels as follows: Parce] B South Parcel B North 2. Each parcel shall constitute a separate fee simple estate containing certain easements and rights-of-way appurtenant thereto. I lllilr llilt ilil ]llt ]|| il]r llililr ilt illlt illilllr F.9J2,1? . 11113/1996 1l:501 BK 711 PG 31E 298 q\ q t.l en(tl REC 31.00 DOC 0.00 NOT 0.06 Easle Caunl,y Clcrk 3. The above described parcels and improvements thereon may be conveyed and described for all purposes as Parcel B South, a Resubdivision of Parcel B, Cascade Creek, Town of Vail , County ofEagle, State of Colorado, and Parcel B North, a Resubdivision of Parcel B, Cascade Creek, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 4. The said Party ![atl dividing Parcel B South and Parcel B North is hereby declared to be a Party Wall and shall be construed as a Party WaIl between such units under the laws of the State of Cglorado except as specifically provided herein. 5. Each owner shall have a perpetual reciprocal easement in and to that part of the subject property owned by the other owner and on which the Party WaII is located, for party wall purposes, including maintenance, repair, and inspection; neither olltner shall alter or change the Party wall in any manner, interior decoration excepted, and the Party WaIl shall always renain in the same location as \dhen erected. 6. The costs of maintaining the Party Wall shatl be born equally by both owners. Maintenance of external appearance and of roofs shall be undertaken with the unanimous consent of both owners and at the proportional expense of both ottners, unless the owners unanimously agree to the contrary. Said proportion sha1l be determined by each owner's portion of the square footage of maintained or repaired area to that of the square footage of the entire maintained or repaired area. 7. fn the event of damage or destruction of said wall from any cause, other than the negligence of either party thereto, the then owners shall, at joint expense, repair or rebuild said walI, and each party, their successors and assigns, shall have the rightto the full use of said wal1 so repaired and rebuilt. If eitherparty's negligence shall cause damage to or destruction of said wall, such negligent party shall bear the entire cost of repair and reconstruction. If either party shall neglect or refuse to pay his share of such costs, the other party may have such wall repaired or restored and shall be entitled to have a mechanic's lien on the premises of the party so failing to pay, for the amount of such defaulting party's share of the repair or replacernent cost' vtith interest at the rate of 188 per annum, costs and reasonable attorney's fees. B. Either party shall have the right to break through the Party WalI for the purpose of repairing or restoring aeltagJe, water, utilities, etc., subject to the obligation to restore said wall tt: its previous structural condition at his own expense and the payment to the adjoining ovrner of any damage negligently caused hereby. tl{ f llH[!l!|111]1,lj|tl|lll!illlllllilllllr,,6.9J2,es" REC 31 .00 DOC O.O0 NOT 0.00 Ealle County Clcnk 9. No owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including color change) of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of any improvement on the property without obtaining the prior written consent of the other owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Shoutd either owner fail or refuse to pay his proportionate share of the cost of any decoration or Btructural change as such proportion is determined in paragraph 6 above, t.he other owner may pay for said cost and shal1 be entitled to have a mechanic's lien on the premises of the party so failing to pay, for the amount of such defaulting party's share of the repair or replacement cost, with interest at the rate of 188per annum, cclsts and reasonable attorney's fees. 10. rn the event of destruction or damage to either dwelling unit or any portion thereof on the property, the dwelling Eio destroyed shall be restored at the joint proportional expense of bot,h parties as determined in paragraph 6 above, according to a uniform architectural plan and finish. If it is determined that the negligence of either ovrner was the cause of said damage or destruction, such negligent party shall bear the entire cast of repair or reconstruction. If the okrner of the damaged improvements does not conmence repair or reconstruction within thirty (30) daye from the date that the darnage occurs, the other owner may do so provided, however, that such repair or reconstruction shall not be undertaken without prior notice to any holder of the first deed of trust encumbering the improvements damaged or destroyed. and, further, provided that such beneficiary of said deed of trust mayt by reasonable notice, refuse to consent to such repair or replacement.Should any owner fait or refuse to pay his proportionate share of the cost of repair or replacement, the other owner may make payments and shalL be entitled to have a mechanic'slien on the premises of the party so failing to pay for the amountof such defaulting party's share of the repair or replacement cost, with interest at the rate of L88 per annum, costs, and reasonableattorney's fees. LL. Each olvner shall obtain and maintain at all times insurance against loss or damage by fire and such other hazards as are generally covered in the area under standard extended coverageprovisions for at leasL the fult insurable replacement cost of the improvements on the subject property owned thereby. Proof of such insurance shall be supplied by each olwrer upon the reasonable request of the other owner. The insurance shall provide that it cannot be cancelled by either the insured or the insurance comPany until written notice has been Eent to the other owner. Each owner may obtain whatever additional insurance he so desireg. Each o\Atner may, at any time two years or longer after the most recent appraisal , demand of the other o\"ner an appraisal of the improvements for insurance purposes, or at the option of the other ownerr a comparative market analysis from a qualified real estatebroker, and shall not be required to share the cost of the 3Jlo f l,]Hl !]!| lll l lllltllrllJ|llil ilil r l],€"9.? 2.e.F . REC 3l .09 DOC O.O0 t{OT 0'00 Easlc Countv Clerk appraisal if the demanding party is intending to use the appraisalto facilitate the sale of his property. L2. The owners of each unit shall be individually responsiblefor the upkeep of the appearance of the yard and other outside facil-ities loeated on their respective parcels. However' the owners shall frorn time to time mutually undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements as they mutually and unanimously deem proper for the harmonious improvement of both parcels in a conmon theme. The owner of one parcel shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other parcel such as by shoddy upkeep outside, and both ownerg shall make reasonable efforts to preserwe a harmonious conmon appearance of the building and the grounds. In the event the owner of one parcel shall rrot reasonably undertake to keep up the general appearance of his parcel , the other parcel ohrner may enter upon said parcel for the purpose of preserving the upkeep of said parcel and may hold the other owner liable for the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in such upkeep. The owner entering upon the other's parcel to maintain the upkeep and general appearance of said parcel shall be entitled to have a mechanic's lien on the premises of the other party for the amount of the reasonable cost of said upkeep, with interest at the rate of 18?per annum, costs and reasonable attorney's fees. L3. A mutual easement for the location, installation, maintenance, repair and removal of utility facilities (including' but not limited to, systems, lines, pipes, tanks, metering and distribution services for water, sewer, electricity, telephone, and cable television) is hereby granted, together with the right of ingress and egress therefore t errt above, over and through the subject property and the irnprovements constructed thereonr subject to the obligation to restore as nearly as possible said subject property and improvements. All maintenance and repair with respect to said utilities shall be accomplished at the expense of the owner requiring said maintenance and repair. If both owners require maintenance and repair, the expense shall be borne equally by both owners. L4. Each owner shall be permitted not more than two pets (not incJ"uding any pets which never.l-eave the interior of saj-d owner's unit) and each owner shall be completely responsible for said animals. Tenants shall not be allowed to have pets, L5. The easements and restrictions hereby created are and shall be perpetual and construed as covenants running with the land and each and every person accepting by deed or otherwise anyportion of the above described premises shall be deemed to have accepted such to the benefits hereof and that any other present or future owner by deed or otherwise is similarly bound hereby and entitled to the benefit hereof, all to the same extent as though he had signed this instrument. The undersigned, in executing and delivering deeds to the above described premises may provide' by I llllll llll llllll lllll llll lllll lllllll lll lllil lil ill F".o.T zoe.F, 11113/1996 llr50H BK 71r PG 31E 298- (Jt(t REC 31.00 00C 9.00 il0T 0.00 Easle County Clcrk o reference, in said conveyances, that the same are subject to theterms and conditions, reservations, restrictions and covenantsherein contained, and may designate the book and page of the records in which this instrument is recorded. 16. These easements and restrictions may be amended or revoked only upon the reeording of any instrument duly executed and acknowledged by all the then record owners of the subject premises. !7. If any provision of this instrument or any section, sentence. clause, phrase or word, or the application thereof in anycircumstance, is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this instrument and of the application of any such provision, section, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in any other circumstance shall not be affected thereby. 18. Ownership of these unj-ts may be by any number of entities, but for all purposes herein there shall he deemed to be only two "o\,.nersr " the owner of Parcel B South and the owner of Parcel B North. lfhe parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such parcel shaIl agJree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership. 19. Each parcel and townhouse thereupon shall be considered a separate parcel of real estate for all purposes, includingr bY way of illustration, real estate taxation and mechanic's lien. 20. Prospective purchaeers of units shall be entitled to determine if the selting owner is in default with respect to any maintenance obligation or other obligation under these covenants by delivering a written inquiry with respect thereto to the owner of the other unit. If no response is received to such inquiry within thirty (30) days of the date of said notice, the non-selling owner shall be deemed to have waived any claim of lien or claim for damage. The existence of a recorded notice of lien, however, shall constitute notice to a prospective purchaser of a claim by an ownerof the other unit, and shall not be affected by the foregoing request for information. 21,. If any encroachment by the improvements now located on the subject property, or any minor eneroachment deriving from replacement or repair thereof, exists upon the other parcelr a valid easement therefore and for maintenance thereof shall exist. 22. This Agreement shall not be subject to the doctrine of merger, and no merlter shall result at any time from common ownership of both Parcel B South and Parcel B North by a commonparty. 23. Should either party be required to take act,ion to enforce, by legal proceeding or otherwiser dny conditiont restriction, covenant, or other right or obligation imposed gro lllllllllllllllllllllll llll lllilililllt ilt il||t ]il||] t*oJ?s.F .It/13/L996 1l:50e BK ?11 PG 318 298 - REC 31 .06 DOC 6.00 MIT 0.08 Eaele County Clcrk pursuant to this declaration, the prevailing party shall beentitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorney's fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this instrument this Ga-r day of NovemSer, iSge. ss: County o on ti* b&-day of November, L996t before me, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared GREGORY R. WAITON AND SANDRA G. WALTON, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Party wall Agreement and acknowledged to me that they executed the sarne for the purposes therein stated. In Testimony Whereof, I have set and affixed myofficial seal . My Commission Expires: {-3 -?tr c : \rap s 1 \wayne\walton\vaildplx\prtywJ!2 . agr olts -! f illlllll!| 11I llltpf l||uilr |ilr |rr,,5.9J ?1F, REC 31.00 DOC 0.00 I'l0T 6.00 EaEle County Clerk 6 Lae-za/-<-h\4fur.< ; TOWN OF VAIL RECEUT I\iO. _ | EpAnTllEliT oF col uut\Tn, DElT'l-oplrrEi\.7 ,*",. ?']e/€- E, b'/<- ADDRESS-.--o^r"-k-,-/Z ,--/l,r\ ll 11 \ -peonc-r I A.la |'11>rt lJtQl e-:d CI|ECI(S A{ADE 'AYABLE TO TOTVN OF V N-llquuj\ I ]io. - - -. - ITEy .-.-- rr..o -- TIX- -- C^osTlia, - ,. Total., ol 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS IVIAPS s5.000l 0000 .1241 5 UNIFORM BUILDINGEODE-s54.00 01 0000 4241i UNIFORIvi sJ9.000l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MEC s17.00 0 | 0000 .+24 t 5 LNIFORI,I FIRE CODT s36.00 r I 0O00 42.115 NATI oNA L ELECTRICAIToDE s17.000l 0000 41.{ l5 OTI{ER CODE BOOKS 0l OO00 4l 5.i18 BLUE PRINTSlMYLARS !i /.00| 0l 000042412 XLROX COPIES s0.250I 0000 .124 | 2 S I UDIES 0l oo00 .12.1 I 2 TOVFEESCOMffi--s 5.000l 0()00 42i7t PENA'TY FEESTRE.FISFEETMNS_--_ 0t oo00 4ti32 PLAN R F,\I I: W RE- C t IEEKTEE_TSTP E R I{R. 0 | oo00 42_ii2 oFFIIouRSNstrL.ffi 0l oo004t.ilt CONTRACTORSLICffi 0l 0000,4t.l11 SICN APPLICATIONFEE s20.00| 0l 00004t411 ADDITION,\LM u l (ru00 4?-140 VTCARTPROJECTffi | 0l 00004rjil PKL, PAID DLSIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 7,Or,n q-0.dcui u()t)o.11i71r-_;=-i--x;=;"':";:--I I.^/ EST IG A-TION-FEEIBUTLDINd Jl r^rtu +)l lu I UV PAKKINCi FUND:r 0r oot)o 12027 IOV NL,WSPAPER DISPENSER FUN-r 0l 0000 tlTtt T, ABtEEI-ffi 0t 0000.1t010 T,L\;{BI_Er4' { . qZ-Trot^'NJ r1 0l 0'000 4:tT-IJ UILDINC INVEST]G^T]oII- OTIIERrIiai .El =J::1 UI TA,'VU I+ I JJU AUUI I .IUNAL URFA "250 --5T0-0.-ddl 0l oooo 41i30 CONDITIONAL USEItrRMT $200.000l 0000 41330 EXTERtoR ALTERATTON lLESST-ITAN I ooSQlFl s200.00 1 0t 0000 41330 EXTERIORALTERA@ s500.00 01 0000.113i0 sPtcl;\L DEVELOP\,1ENT DISTRTT INtrW s I.500.000l 00004lji0-S PbCIAL DEVELOPM ENT DISTR IEL MA]E R EWND-s I.000.00 ts =0 r 0000 .1 I jio SPECIAL DE 5200.000l 0000.11.]io SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 .1lji[VAzuANCE s250.000l 00004t330 ZONINGCffi s250.000t 0000 4ti-i0 RE. ZONING 5200.00 :R :t O'I'HER & g 'c = 5 @ ntVFE, qSE I I cxo1 It. o t-J a Tf,lNfl.I EF I#IIL f,nEFffil xtf,x\FnEmlo 0E5I6fl 'fifulft{ Fgf\H I|.r grtd Larnr Frfd *qlcl4pr * ?f9619&coulit : txttrHt{d ol#l$slt[# Chgrgr rrrntctx.4 I N.B 8.n lf1#l}r( ffi,t OGign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL category Number-oate ttltZtqt., ProiectName: i=LJr, I 1-un L-l. rOi9( Building Name: projectDescription' AJd 3 l'{*-[ +lirr {- r' ]^ /Jr'^ D.,,pto. i- Oe.-r. Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: LegalDescriprion:Lot- Block- sundivision Qarrc( ' b!' Gl+^ Lt,,a./'\;ll{rit# tN ProjectstreetAddress: 1732 v\)eA d<^,tea, OrN e*. Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval 3 Disapproval (starnpprovat Conditions: Town Date: t14 A DRB Fee Pre-paid'{ C. I O I r.Ylr.a l/l7ltr DBSIGN RSI'1IEI| BOARD APPIJTCATTOII ' IFOIIN OF VAIIJ, COIJOR..}DO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. A. B. DEscRrprroN, AJA h+t'ub< +- kJ^ //-v^ [\i^/e{ Block P,rrze I B- TYPE OF REVIEW: New Consrrucrion (g2OO .OO, )Anor Alrerarion ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) - ConcepruaL Review iSo) ADDREss, /?14 LUqLhrze.t /r.c. D.IJEGAI.' DESCRIPTI Subdivi.sion If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach E. trt!tt*tt,a*!l **!a*l*t*** PROjIECT DTFOR.T{ATrO!I: F. G. NAI,IE OFl,!ailing APPI.,ICAIifT: Address: Pltone APPIJICANT ' S REPRESEIiIIATIVE : gTe,J. Ktn(<Address: Phone 8/( - ).<r -4ozS' NAI'{E OFt'lailingf H. NAME OF OWNER(S): @TITER(S) STd,0IATTIREIMailiog Address: I. ,t. APPrJreANoNs wrrrrJ f'ftr BE PRocEssED wrrfiow owNERrs sr(ifffrTfiRB Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of srJbmittaL of the DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building pernit, please identify the accuratevaLuation of the proposar. The iown of vail. wilL adjust tbefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUAIION$ o $ 1o,ooo$10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESI@T RTVIEI| BOARD APFROI'AIJ E:(FTRBS APPROVAI, T'IITJESS A BUXIJDITIG PERIIIT IgIS STARTEI}. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 O![E YEAR AFIEB FINAL, rssuED a![D co\tsTRucTroDl Jo PRE. APPI.TICAtrIOII TTEETilIG :II. A pre-appLication meeting with a mernber of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionaLapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment wich the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements. PLease not,e that a coMpLETr application will streanl_ine thereview proceas for your project. rII . rMPORlpAfllr IIOIIICE REGABDMG,ALL SIIB]tISSrdlS tFO EIIE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requiremenbs, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building Lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Al1site tapings and staking must be completed piior to theDRB site.visit. The applicant must eDsure that scakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUIIJDINGS normaLLy requiresturo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconcepEual review and. a final review. C. AppJ.icants who faiL to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and wlro have not,asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, vri11 have their items removed from tbe DIIBagenda until such tine as the item has beenrepublished. D. The foLLowing items may, Bt the d,iscretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Connunity .+' Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing pLane of thebuilding; and b. Buil.ding additions not visj_bte from any other lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must incl_ude LetEeis from- adjacent, property olvners and/or from the agent foror manager of any ad.jacent condominium asEociationstating the association approves of the addition. E. rf a property is Located in a mapped. hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc. ) , a hazard study must, be submitted andthe owner.must sign an affidavit, recogrnizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buil_cling perrrit.Appl-icants are encouraged to check with a Town Flannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For aL1 residentiaL construction! a. CLearly indicate on the floor pLans the inside. face of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicat,e with a d,ashed tine on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting eol.umns. G. If DRB approves the appJ.ication with conditions ornodifications, alt conditions of approvaL muEt beaddreesed prior to the application-ior a buildingpermit. $$$$$ ko:d 3\z. X: ro' \ \ \ ./ -z/-l 4'i --/ ./ ./-'7- {r?ryn5 qt $d $I s rar\ s$ \h $"r" []\- \)- s /./-- _ TOWN OF VAIL DEPA-RTNTEST OF CO}$IL}iTN' DE}TLOP]IIE]\T tl,tO 6(ltt ,^,'-4---J2-,-/.(b CBECRS M.IDE P YASLE TO TOWN OF VAIL 0 0000 41 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MATS s5.00 0 0000 4241 5 UNIFORI,I BUILDING CODE s54.000l oo00 42415 UNIFoRMPLUMBIM s39.00 0 0000 4241 5 LTNIFORM N4 ECHA NIEAIEODE s37.00 0 0000 424 t5 UNIFOR]\{ FIRI] CODE s36.00 m00 42415 NATIONALELEETM s I7.00 Lt! F- 0t 0000414t5 OT]IER CODE BoOKS 0 t 0000 4l 548 BLUE PRiNTS (MYLARS s7.00 0 0000 .12412 s0.25 0 0000 12.112 STUDIES 0 0000 J24t2 TOVFEES COM PUTER PROCfuT]\4 55-00 0 0000 42i71 PEN^LTY FEESTRE:TNSPEETM 0 0000 41332 PLAN RE\'IEW RE.CHECK FEE TS4O PER HR.I 0 oo00.12_132 OFF IIOUR 0 0000 4 t.+ t:CONTRACTORS LIEENSES FEES 0 oo00 414t3 SICN APPLlCATION FEE s20.00 0 0000 4 14 li-AppIIIoNAL stcNAGE FE-TS I mTER-SQTT 0 0000.42440 v IC ART PROJhCT DONATIONot oooo4tjil PRE PAID DESICN REVIEW BOARD FtrE ooo0 413 7 I INVESTIGATION FEE { BUILDINC 0000 .+51 t0 fOV PARKING FUND 0 oo00 2:027 TOV NEWS PA PIR DISI ENSFM*0 I 0000 ?l I I2 T/L{ABLErs-{-ffi* 0l 0000 41010 f,f-Xrf gLE 0r 0000.11371 BUILDING INVEST]EATION 0l-OAaa - Lzctu'QJf iER lW, f",---;,Att-tr'.-J-t6o' U PEC APPITEATTOFFEES- .T -To-Td"f =i 0l 0000 4li3il CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.000loo00 4t330 EXTERIoRaffi s200.00 I 0t oo00 4l jio EXTERJO s500.000tooo0 4ltiO S P ECI^ L D EV E LOP\I E.\T DI STRTeT-TNtrw s I .i00.000l0000 4ljiil SPECIALDEVELOPMM s I .000.01)0l oo00 l l3ir SPECIALDEVELoPMffi s200.000lm00 4t3i0 ;UBDIVISION 0l oo00 413i0 VARIANCE s250.00-0l oo00 4 i330 ZONING CODEEiENDMEFTS-s250.00 g 5- 9t 0l 0000 4t3-10 RE. ZONING s200.00OTIJF.R-OTEER--_- |T.)TA I . :OMME}iTS: CASE t t cr.*1 M.oll *,u".{.luL4 . WALTON CONSTRUCTION CO.' INC.1526 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPT]ON LL/IL/96 CASH BOD{D FOR ]NCCI{PI,EIE r-ANDSCAI INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE ING $13 ,400 . 00 CHECKD^rE. LL/LL/96 CHECKNUMBER L526 TOTALS >$13 , 400. 00 PLEASE DETACH AND RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS -rEL-r--t EF LJFl r [_ f'ligcel I Enecu= C;=h E,:,r*iFt. *'1[1?1.:i i--j,:rr,,-rr:t it ilr. + i:::{, lilt:tlT'--rt.i !:':r:rti::.TF;Lr['l : irt] i*i,1Fiii.i?. ; i.iir'.ilTHEF.:..f F l.i I r1r' Hr:F:Ei:l,tEi i: llirti'r-rr: t t.Fr|j* f 't',j ;, I f,4r:1,,J, U,r:1 I tem paid u L f i*'J.::fii-{tfii!: L.h€n*€ ;;;.l:-:11;E'J,. ffrriaun t p.=id l.jir+r_ir_i , rJLr '.:i i:r i.ii -rHFlr-{F: '-l{f |- r,r.:l-r I- ca=iri,t r .-lilit.lUE 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8/479-2 | s9 FAX 970-479-2452 odober30, 1996 Connie Kincaid-Strahan 281 Bridge Street Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: Application for a duplex subdivision plat Dear Connie: D e p ar t ne nt of C onnunity Deve lop me nt f Gl*,Lnan/ 1,,t , r[ corZ rrr L /rteLB (oY"'AecleEL I have reviewed your application for a duplex subdivision. The following issues musl be addressed on the plat, prior to approval and recordation of the final plat. 1. The Party Wall Agreement needs to be revised to reflect the same lot descriptions 1q on the plat. Thti plat shdws that "Parcel B South" and Parcel B North" are being created.. There is already a Parcel A in this subdivision and therefore it should not be used to describe one 0t these parcels. Submit two mylars with all required signatures. Please submit recording fees via check made out to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The fee for recording the plat is $1 1.00 and the fee for recording the Party Wall Agreement is $6.00 for the first page and $5.00 for each additional page. Based on your 6 page common wall agreement, it appears that the total {ee will be $a2.00. The certificate of taxes paid must be completed prior to approval of the tinal plat. The Town of Vail recently adopted an ordinance regarding the title of plats. Please revise the title on this plat to adhere to this new ordinance. To summarize: the phrase "iinal plat" should be replaced with "duplex plat;" the second line should read "Cascade Creek;" : :":::ffi:::::i:il #Hff::::J,I" s,a,e., Colorado." Otherwise the duplex plat seems to be in order. Please make these changes and submit the corrected mylars with the appropriate signatures. lf you have any questions please give me a call a|479-2148. Thank you for your cooperation. 2. a 4. t Town Planner {P o""'""o '*u* r.,r,I Er v'zII EBI.IIJ I.A'UIT T I'l|JurJr.};,ZOU, tfr l/ U lrgr: 1 ccRT * a79rRcooat Drtr: fO/O2/!16 EM["E COUllrY TnEASUnEF CCNNFCATE OF?AXETI DUE OROEF !,lO: 771893 VENDOF NO:35 FTRST AMEFIICAN R.E. TAX CERTIF1CAIION ATTN;CURT H 41OO E. lllsslsslPPl AvE- S|IE,ToO DENvEn CO 80222 LEGAL SU8:C.{SGAoE CREEK BlJc' UIT:' DESC: PICL B BK:O68O PG:O4.I8 MISC: BK{o597 O@3 Sll,D 1Z'18'Ez M|SG SK4627 PG-0873 MAP 12-2G93 CTASS: OIoOASSD VAL: 114920 PF&F130328 PTRCEL: 21Oit12l 17Oo2 SITE ADDFESST 0O133 WESTHA\CN DR VAIL PARCEL:2rO312'117002 tIIlIS ADD: SCHEDI t"E M): RO{o675 ASS€SiED Tq: i WALTON,GFEGORf R- I SANDRA G. 3O1O W lr8rH TESFAC€ I TAX YEAR TOTAL TA)GS TAXAilOUilT rtT rilouilT tEAr^rooo. Ks orrlitil3 vtfiSTHA ADV TOTAL TOIII. DUE o-00 TOTAL OUE o.o0 DUE o.oo ASSESSN'IEilT TOTAL ASf,It ASMT AMOUTIT ITIT AMOUI'T TA)( UEI{ 'TOTAT CEFfr TLs Af,fOUNT ITTAMOUTIT 0.00GRAIID TOTAL OUE GOOD THROUGH 10,30'95 ORIGII{AL TAX BILTII{G FOR 1995 Authotity EA6LE GOUNTY cMc RE50J sCHff'L TOWN OFVAIL MINruRN CEMETENY OISTFICT VAIL PART A RECBEATION DISTRICT CASCADE VILI-AGE METRO DISTRICT UPPEF EAGI.E VATLEY SAN|TANON DISTRISI COLORADO RJVER WATER CONSERVATION DI VAIL WA?ER DISTRICT VAIL VALLEY CONSOUDATED WAT€R OISTflC UPPER EAGLE VALLSY CONSOUDATED SAN DI EAGLE COUNTY EMERCENCY SERVICES IIOSP illll Lrry 8.t!3? 3.3tS7 26.OlE '1.450o.o33 2.760 2r.600 1.2'6 o.3a3 o.ooo o.975 o.5r3 1.086 tlf|toult 10,21.V 459.34 2989,99 E34,38 3.79 3r7.rE 2474.78 144.3,[ 44.o1 o.00 1r2.O5 88.S5 1e4.AO 72.tOE 8286.65 p.rlon l Ptq.rly trr6, cl FEE FOR THlg CERTIRCATEi . lO.0O rrcbil, hofilt. unl.€ .e.if edly acntioaod. ALL TAx ullt gALE (Tts] AMou Ts AnE suluEqr rg ct{Atlc? ouE to ENootsEMlltt? oF GdReEur ratEs BY !l{E UEI'|HqLOER oR To ADrcRnsNc AHD otsri;ixr wlnninr rees. ct{Ard€s liii ociun Ailo THE TREAsuRri's oFFlcE wll'l ilEEq rs BE co TAsrEo FRroR Ts i$lrrAxcE AFrEB THE Fol,t.o'rlto;;+;;-*iiorlrl paorenrrr epo MoB[! HorGs ' SEPTETEER r' FEAL PRoP!RfY. OCfOEEB r- i sPECraL T^xlltc olBrllcrs ^NO rHE BoullDA e!. oF su-qlgTlllct3 ilAY 9E oN HLE wlrll "l{€ toAHD oF COUffTY EiiMiiEittii[A],-rHE Eoul{tY sttnlc oR rHC coumY ^ltcsson' ; Tlir ccrdflclr d6.a nDt inc||Jdr land or ltFrovf,rrra! urrrrcd undat a tapatatr aaf|.dula ltulot u.Ja rs sr mtc' t,t oo[oo.d in bfiai cf othrr rnttlct' 'prcid ct bci Lrgtrrnfi|lt dsBlc( l, thc urdodgncd. do h.rrw Gltlift rhot rha rnln croum ol rsto dtr' r,Pon * *;:.4 in r"*-J.[J-.. to, ,r,plt tsir ar rhorn by rr1 n3rer t 1r1"tltt-!.1n.:*1]1at*"r tqt ff fur '.dontprion rro rc notrd hrrola' In wltn"t wlr'rrolr I h'vr h'?totto rrrd rrdth iEAL TRIASITRER, EA6I,! COUI{B' TAAEN $IEISFEA' BT Revised 5/2/92 Development DePartmen!: APPI,ICATION FOR DUPI,EX SIIBDXVISIO}T RE\TIEW (Chapter l'l -24 vail Municipal Code) (PIEASE PRrNT OR TYPE).- t -A. aPPtrCaNr f7€C6oeY (r )nLTbN MAITING ADDRESS 31 5} RONXOICA Date Received by fl" "o**,rr,,r, 4{arc*< &ry Mn 64ttt Pttoun L 8t(a.zS:.-el-al- B.APPTICANT' S REPRESENTAT IVE E. F. ADDRESS Jtl Be''dg.r,(qtr€fr- vqiL co Rtas? pHoNn33Q.:{?G-5b93 D. PROPERTY PI1ONEOIINER'S SI MAITING ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS r,oT BLOCK-SUBDrvrsroN V cHEcK *nlq(o 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision ptat ihatl bL subrnitted to trre Deplrtment-of-Cornmunit'y bevelopment. The plac shall include the following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor i-n tndia ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably rnylar) with dirnen-sion of twenty-four by thirty-six incfres and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one- half to two inches on t'he left and one-half inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearesL one-hundredth of a foou for all lines, angles and curves used to describeboundariesrstreets'setbacks'alleys' easements, sLrucLures, areas to be- reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other importint featirres. AII curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius' central angle, are scored distances and bearing' AII dirnensions' both tinear and angular, are to be delermined by an accurate control survey in the. field which irust balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North arrow and graPhic scale' d. A systematic identificalion of aII existing and proiosed buildings' units. lots' blocks, and names for all streets. e. An identification of the streets' alleys,-parks' and ottter public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, lnd a dedication thereof Lo the public use. An identification of the easemenLs as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use' Areasreservedforfuturepublicacguisitionshallalso be shown on t'he Plat. f. A wriLten survey description of the area including the Lotal ac.eage Lo the nearesl appropriate significanL figure. The acreage of each lot or oaicel shall b6 shown in this manner as well ' APPTICATION FEE $1OO.OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: O. A description of all survey monlffents, both found ind set, which mark the boundaries of the iubdivision, and a description of all monuments ;;;d-in conducting Lhe suivey' Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes - Two perimeter monuments-"n.fi be established as major control monuments' t,he materials which shall 6e determined by the town engineer . h. A statement by the land aurveyor explaining how bearing base was deterrnined' i, A certificate by the registered l'and surveyor as outlined i"-Ct.itt"t L7 '12 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat' and.that the survey "."-p.itorrned 6y him in accordance with ColoradoRevisedStatutesLgT3|Tit}e38,Artic}e 9r. j. A certificate by an attorney admi!t'99^t:.,pluetice in the State of Colorado, oi corporate title insurer' itat the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way' areas or facilitie" ^" uito*n ther6on are the owners thereof in fee ti*pia, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted ' k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagll CountY clerk and recorder' l.Certificateofdedicationandownership.Shouldtn. ".tiiii.iiu of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvemenus to the prUti", all' beneficiaries of deeds of trust ana morlfiqe-hofders on said real property will be requlred to sign the certificaee of dedication and ownership in aidition to the fee eimple owner thereof - m. All current taxes must be paid prior to the Townts app.o.r.i-of pf.t - This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due- The-cert'lficate of taxes paid must be signed on the prat or a statemeit-iio* irte nagre county Assessors office must be ;to.tio.a wiLh the submittal information stating 'ttft"t att taxes have been paid' n. Signature of owner. 2. The plat must contain the following sLatement: "For zoning purposes, the loLs created by this subdivision Lre- to be treated as -@. IoL wiLh no more than !g a*eiring units alLowed oiThe combined area of the g;o-fots." The statement shall be rnodified to indicate tne number of units and' Iots proposed't' 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating !o the subdi"iuio", -*tti.f, shall assure Lhe maintenance of any common areas which may be created' The covenants shall run wlth Lhe land and shall be in a form suitable for recordinq witfl the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder' 4. Schedules A & B of a title report' APPROVAT PROCESS' REVIEV'I CRITERIA Upon recelving two copies of a complete submittal along with fiyment of th6 upptopiiutg fe?f thl zoningr adrninisLrator sbaf l- route o". -"-opv'-oi-tnu sile nap to the- town. engineel for his review. -i-ha ;;"ing administrator shall then conduct this review soncurrently. The town enginggT s!?ll review the submi-ttal and returi comments and notifLcations to tbe "."i"q jdministritor who shal] transmit the approval' disapfroval or atprovat with rnodificatj'ons of the plat within fourteen iiy" t" the appticant' The zoning administrator sniii-sign ttre piat if approved or require - modifications on t,he piat for approval-- br deny approval due 9. Revised 5/L192 n to inconst"a.r,tt with the originall" uotr"d plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community oevelopmenL wilL record the plat and any reLated covenants wiLh the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Cornmunity oevelopment Department will retain on-e mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/l/92 If thls applLcation reguLres a separate revJ'ew by- ?ny local' State or Federal agency other thin the Town-of Viil, the aplticition fee shall be i;;;;;;;'uv-$zoo.oo.- nxanptes of such review, may incrude, but are note limited to: Coloraii-o"pili-*"tt ot Hilit"uy Access-Permits, Army Corps of Enqlneers 404' etc. The aPplicant shall be responsibl-e. for. Paylng any- publish-ing fees "hi9lare in excess of SOt-oi-t'f," applicati6n-fe6. 1f, at the applicant's reguest, any matte;-i"-po"tp""*-i toi-tt.Jring, causing. the matter to be re-published, ttren,] ifru t"tit. tee for such ii-pubficition shall be paid by the apPlicant. App}icationsdeemedby.theCommunltyDevelopmentDepartmenctohavesignifJ-canr design;-I.,id rr"" or other issues "tict lay hiave a significant impact on the "orr*rirfty .aV r"qufre t.t le* by consultints other than town staff. Should a determination Ue rnaaeE tlie town staff that an outside "irs"it."i-is needed to review any applicitlon. the Community Development ;;;-;i;; ;n orrtstae ttnsurtant,'if'shall estlmate the amount of monev necessary to pay fri*-oi her and this- alnount sha1l be forwarded to the rJir-l''tn" ippficinJ-a[-tl" time-tre fifes his application with the Communlty DeveloPment Department. UpJn conptetion.oi tne review of tbe applicatlon by the conluLtant, ani or the funds forwarded by the applicant for payme.,t -of -the consultlnl which have not been paid to the consultant shaLl be returned to the appticant. Elrpenses incurred by -the Town in excess of ifre amount forwarde^d^ by the appl-icant shall be paid to the Town by the "pJfl"""C within 30 dayJ of notification by the Town. oo TOWN OF VAIL roNl ADDRI,SS 3J3 %DATE PRO.'F-CT CHECKS I{ADE PAYAIILE T(} TO\I'TI OF VAIL 0l 000041540-di-m00"rrTr- -olm00?24Tt l zoNrNG -= T-T- |-- T---Tmotr-_-f--552.0d1---i--T3q0-ola-0l 0000 424t5 UNIFORMMECHATIEffi s37.000l oo00 t 2115 UNIFORT,I FIRE COTE 536.00 r I OO00 .12.1 I 5 NAT]ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.000l 0000 414 t 5 OTIIER CODTTOOKS-- r)1 0000 41518 BLUE PRiNTSIIIYTTRS s7.00 t! 0l oo00 4 24t2 X.EROX COPIES s0.250l oo00l2,+-T]_S I UDIES 0l 0000 4I4TT s5.000l 0000 4ttT-PL,NALTY FEES / RE-INSP ECTIONS L: ta 0r 0000 4ti32 PLAN REVIIJW RE.CHECK FEE IS4dPEtrIR0t oo00 I O FF I] O U RS IN S P EETIOIIilEE S0l 0000 4 t+ t:coNrR^croRSLtcEr!!ry r oo00 4 l4rl SIGN APPLICNTON FEE s20.00ur oo00414tl ADDITIONNLSffi 0 | 0000 41.140 VTC A RT PROJ F-ETDO NATIOII0l 00004ljil PRE PAID DESICN RF.VIEw BoARDFEE-0l 0000 4237t INVESTIGATIONFryil 0000 451 t0 TOV PARI.iING FUND 0r 0000 2:027 TOV NEWSPA PF.R DISPENSEMr 0l 0000 2 t lTt TffiTEIEre)T_Jffi* 0l 0000 1t010-r,L\ABLE@1.02 (TowN0l 0000 42J71 UUILIJINC INVITSTIGATIO v -t g g UI I1LR 0t oo00 41i30 ADDITIONAL CRFA__-?50 5.tuu.0u0l 00004 JJU CONDITIONALffi s200.000l ooo0 4 330 EXTERIOR ALTEI{ATION LESS TTIAN IOO SO.FT.s200.000i 0000 4 3i0 EXTERIOR AITEFA-NOF MOR.E TIIAN I OO SO.FT.s500.00 =l 01 0000 4..-i.:.-=:=-r1i9 T SPECI 5l ,)00.000l 0000 4 rsio T::::-J 5PhCIAL DbVELOPMENT I ISTRICT MAJOR IWEND s 1,000.000roo004r3i0 ISP}.CIN L DEVELOPMI]NT I I STR I CT MTNOR_ ANIE-FiD 520U.00ut 0000 4 i30 JUtsDIVISION-t 0l 00004ri30 s250.00fl0l 000041130 -';-i_==-:-^1.-'.--ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 u r \rtruu z+ | J_lu .-, /) CASE I t cx.rt M.OLT *...',( tL./ - RECEIPT - Tre Town of Vril 2, DATE /o Jql , rq 'to Ng {?$?s (,, ^l Al I u t l..1(4# RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS F t '> / <.'i'/ gr-rt*r+ r-.-!F !J++ ! L- li z -=.=e | \ zr e *t:= {-' :='='l t i' I I 'ri':l; n;:' :. + -''illj -'iil . rr r r:il1 i:1:.-,:,...,-.:'i' .l - ' ',-.i ti ..:,,r,'.:. l,;, '",,,,,'" ti'r,,1, ''-.''1'f"lt i'"rtr'-l'r ri:i. . j:rr: ',-l r,-, -i:-, i '';: ;ri '-'-:-' i t*ttr P-=!d fii'r*t.lrt-'- F=id ir .1. :l'iiiii:11i' ii'i:i+!:t'l i,ir.::'i;-r!rj tii: i: i': ii i+'j l' T}-t!=t-ltj'' l. rrii;i " 'iii:i :,-:: ,, j,,.+ '-lCr# ,.rr -... r r" " :-'., i j. : i iir:'l rl ll''1 MEMO To: Miltrace Phase 3 File From: Dominic Mauriello, Planner Date: MaY 4, 1996 Re: GRFA allowance at Millrace Phase 3 This memo is intended to clarify GRFA allowances and approvals at Millrace Phase 3' Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1993 limited/allowed the GRFA for tbree units on this site (a single family home and a duplex (walton Duplex)) to 6,450 sq. ft. (see chart on page 9 of the ordinance). The approved plans for rhe single family house allowed 2,157 sq. ft. of GRFA. The approved plans for the walton Duplex allowed 4,093.22 sq. ft. of GRFA (excluding double stairs on two levels). The total approved GRFA for this site (i.e., as deliueated on the approved plans) is 6,250'22 sq' ft' which is under by 199.78 sq. ft' f :\dosiBic\t?liles\drdlo3\Edllric€.{,pd aJl&nrlll qffi Dlr.GIIFA Can ri.rcl.l Eft|Inid On-Slto Cc acadr Str.ucturod Porklno ffi ' 5. Coscade Club Addlrlon Al.J or TR DU GRFA Commerclsl Sduaro Feel ln-si !o t6rldnd (;accado Structured Porklnd uconaMo I (Wollnoss C€nler) o( Sc€nario e lcvmnasfuml 4,500 4.500 n.5 o IgIALS S@nado 1 Scenrrio 2 4,500 4.500 n.5 6. Plezo ofilcc*AU or TF DU GRFA commerclol Souare Feel On-Sl!s Parklnc Cascade Structured PBrklnc s25 TOTAL 64 TA 50 DU 1O41550 t6,525 4,500 ztE .F,ndoF t!!tu t'd Dor coon b*.id d6n il,' or CnFA f6 d. prtFt. of thir SDD, ..P|r,..F..trrrL!.d,b..43ol'nbdIor..!dll?(li4EquirdFnLTh.IEwp.*ir&qIiF'rg|ti.b.!dorttl5diI&'6nc6tolr'cct|dto'!lril.ndofflooP.'lin ... Totrl lh|!. rnplerl hlfhcd &uhy ud conurF|lbl rel|'ior, .*i,i ';r:.'.: Parking for Completed Projects per Chart 1 in Cascade Parking Structure Parking Spaces 426-7 Proposed Projects W req. parking In the Cascade Parking Struc.: Scenario 1 - Wellness Center:oR Scenario 2 - Gymnasium Plaza Oflice 22.5 0.0 o.7 S!btolal 449.9 Less 17.5% Mixed-Use Credit -78.7 Total Re+. Patkmg afB[ild;Out of Area A in Cascade Struc.371.2 Exist. Parking in Cascade Structure 421.0 Required Paking in Cascade Struc. at Build-Out of Aroa A With 17.5% mixed-use credit 371.2 I ]:, l! II:lil ittl. 1' 18.46.104 Development plans site specific devefoprnent plans are approved for Area A and Area D. Thedeveropment prans for Area A are comprised of those prans submitted by Vair ventures, Ltd.and other devebpers. The development plans for Area O are cornprisec, of those planssubmitted by the Gren Lyon office Buirding, a cobrado partnership. The fo'ovving documentscornprise the development pfan for the sDD as a whore, warerrord, cornerstone, cascade ::iltffenario 1 and 2' Mirrrace rv' and Area D-cren Lvon commerciar sire and is 1' waterford, sheet #L-2, dated 1'r-12-g2, Landscape pran, Dennis Anderson. j"n",O.*"r"rford, Sheet #1.1, dated 11_13_92, Site/Grading pfan Gwarhmey, pratt, l"n",o*,"rford, Sheet #2.1, dated 11-1g_92, pran Levetg'/4g,g", Gwarhmey, prart, ;__, a::rord, sheet #.2, datedll_13-e2, ptan Levet 48,-6ys3,-0,, Gwathrney, S. Waterford, Sheet #A.g, dated 11_13_92 plan Level 59,_0:/64,_ Pratt, Schultz - v- ' 's'rr r-ttvcl cv'-g:/64'-3" by Gwathmey, 6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 11_4_92, plan Level 69,_6,,t74,_9,, Gwathmey,pratt, Schultz. 7' waterford' sheet #2'5, dated r 1-13-92, pran Lever go,-0,785'-3. Gwathmey,Pratt, SchulE. 8. waterford, sheet #2.6, dated 11_13_92, plan Levet 90,_5, Gwathmey, pratt,Schultz. 9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11_1g_92, plan Level 101,_0, Gwathmey; pratt,Schultz. 10. Waterford, Sheet *e-g rf^t,'A .r {,.r ^^ _. Schuttz. :#2.8, dated 11-18-9A, ftan Levef Ii1,_6, Gwathmey, pratt, 11. waterford, sheet #2.9, dated 11_13-92, Schultz. 12. Waterford, Sheet #2.10, dated Schuttz. lan Level 1ZZ,_O Gwathmey, pratt, 12-14-9Z,iRoof ptan Ail Lovofs Gwathmey, pratt, 13. Waterford, Sheet #8.1, dated i 1-1g_92, tl levafions Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. twj o 14. Waterford' Sheet #3'2' dated 11-13-92' Etevations' Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 15. Waterford, Sheet #4'1' dated 1'l-4-g2'sections Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 16. Waterford, Sheet #4'2' dated 11-4-92' Sections' Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 17. Waterlord, Sheet #4'3' dated 11-4-92' Sections' Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultr' 18. Waterlord, Sheet #9'1' dated 10-20-92' Unit Plans Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 19. Waterlord, Sheet #9'2' dated 10-20-92' Unit Plans' Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 20. Waterlord, Sheet #9'3' dated 10-20-92' Unit Plans Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 21. Waterlord' Sheet #9'4' dated 10-20-92' Unit Plans' Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 22. Waterford' Sheet #9'5' dated 10-20-92' Unit Plans Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 29. Cornerstone' Sheet #L'1 ' dated 11-13-92' Landscape Plan Dennis Anderson' 24. Cornerstone' Sheet #1 ' dated 12-21-92' Cascade Village Master Plan GwathmeY, Pratt' Schultz' 25. Cornerstone' Sheet #2' dated 12'29-92' Floor Plans Gwathmey' Pratt' Schultz' 26.Cornerstone'Sheet#3'dated12'29-92'FloorPlans'Gwathmey'Pratt'Schuttz' Schultz. 27. Cornerstone' Sheet #4' dated 2g. Cornerstone' Sheet #5' dated Pratt, Schultz' 29. Cascade Club Addition Site Plan' Roma' 10/10/88' 30. Cascade Club Floor Plan' Roma' 10/10/88' 31. Mlllrace lll, sheet #1' dated 5/6/93' slte Plan' steven James $den' 32. Mlllrace lu, sheet #2' dated 4/13/93' Floor Plans for slngle Famlly Resldence, Steven James Rlden' 33.Mitlracettl,sheet#3'dated5l6tg3'ElevationslorsingleFamilyBesldence' Steven James Rlden' 94. Millrace lll' sheets #4 and #5' dated 3/20/93', Floor Plans for Duplex Bulldlng' Steven James Biden' 35. Mlllrace lll' Sheets d6 and #7' dated 516193' Elevatlons tor Duplex Bulldhg' SEven James Rlden' 36.Mlllracelll'SheetLl'datedS/6/93'Slte/LandscapePlan'StevenJames Riden. Millrace lV, Scenario l' atklacosgriff Parcel' Site Plan' Arnold Gwathmey Pratt' t2 1 2-21 -g2' Elevations Gwathmey' P ratt' Schu ltz' 11-13-92, Site Plan/Grading Plan' Gwathmey' 37. 1ll I:ll l Ii1l j r,ll' ,1., l ; I I;l ,g,i I't irl il ,,i1 tl ,, t. : : t. t-t FILE i\18]\{ORANDUTI Planning and Environmental Commission Community Developmcnt Department February 8, 1993 A request for a major amendmenr to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, lr{illrace IIi, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follorvs: A lzn of tjlc Siv'1. SE 1l. Sc.rion 11 To*nrhip 5 Sourh, Range !t Wcsr of $c 6rh l'.V.. dlscrit'qt r{foth"r: Bltir.nin8 ,t r point of A€ .\nflh-Soij:h a.^lrcrline ('f rtid SF,.ion ,1 \r,h{D.e rr iton pi:r wi'Ji e phstic a.p rtlirirs Ots caDEr of rrid S..rion 12 tces 5GI':E'-<6'W lSi.O5 fccu ricnca slcng ,.id E.r!:rliDc .\..OC'-i5'-{6-E I2afl fcer lo U€ roudrctly ROW lioe of l-?Q rheaca dgrrirg s:iJ ROW |trc N66'J3'25'E 39.15 fca; drcdce dcl.lring 3.;it ROw tiDc 56t"23'l9E 16J.!2 lc€r lo I Poinr of cs'rq tb!r.! t2:!s3 fcct sloDB rllg rrc of | 143,20 fool r.diur cun c ro lhr llfl }|lhg r ccntsl rntle ofi9'08'5t' rtld r chotd thrr t'c..! Sl5'Jt'45'E I19.) 0 tccq ricr.c Si0.32'10'E 3.00 fccr; orcn;c 56.10 fccr rlong ihc $c of r ?7:l toot trdiut cutr'! ro U€ righl, hrr.bg r ccnr.rl !:!1. of.9't2'10' .nd I rhord lhrl bcrn St5'S6't.i5'E 61,?8 fcc{ Decc S5'.10'00'W 90.27fa!J;thence :t-3E 42'24'W 2l4.Jj te.q rhcnc! Si8:10'32-W l0l.4i fccl lo Uc Foiar of Bcginoiag, [OPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicanu Planner: \{ichael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte Tha applicant is seeking approval of a major amendment ro Cascade Village, SDD No. #4, Area A, tr{illrace III, in order to construct one duplex and one single family residence on the .819 acre (35,676 sq. fi.) \{illrace III sire. Each unit is approximarely 2,000 sq. ft. in size and rvill have a two-car garage and a gas fireplace. The buildings rvill have a maximum building height of approximately 35 feet and a toral sire coverage of 3,907 sq. fr. Since rhis propeny is cunently unplatted. rhe applicant n'rusr also receive approval of a minor subdivision prior to the issuance of any building pernrits related to rhis project. Follorving the consfruction of the residences, the applicant rvill file single family and duplex subdivision plats. The Millrace III property is bounded by Westhaven Drive on the East, thc South Frontage Road right-of-way and the Wesihaven Apafiment propeny (rhe ruins) on rhe nonh, Gore Creek on fte souft, and the Cascade Club rennis court propeny on rhe west, The property is curently vacant wifi the exccption of r\r'o paved parking areas, one unpaved parking area and thc paved recreation parh. Thc former orvner of rhis property has allowed the Millrace Condominiums to mainpin and use rhis properry for parking for a number of years. '-:': However, rhe Association does not have any legal right to use this proPeny. It appears thc Millrace lll properry has been zoned SDD since ihe time it rvas annexed into the Town of Vail in 1974. Access ro rhis property will be from Westhaven Drive, rvhich runs along the eastern propeny line. II. BACKCRC)UND. In lr{arch of i980, a developmenr plan per rhe SDD was approved for this proPerty by thc DRB. Under rhe approved plan, development was to occur in a single triplex-buildine.- The roral GRFA for rhe-building rvas calculared at 5,660 sq. ft., according to the definition in effect at the rime. This figure equares to 6,355 sq. ft. of CRFA if calculated using today's definition. The maximum heighr of rhis building rvas 36 feet and the total sile coverage was approximately 3,800 sq. ft. Approval of this plarr has since expired. In May of 1992, the applicant requested a rvork session rvith the PEC in order to receive fee.dback on his conceprual plan ro place rhree sinele familv drvellines on rhe property. Each of these units tvas approximarely 2,000 square feet in size rvith a contbined site coverage of approximarely 3,800 iquare feet. Trvo of the units rvere proposed to be lhree levels high with the last unit being limited to trvo levels. At a PEC rvorksessiorr on December ?, 1992, l\4r. Lauterbach presented a ne\e scenario fol developing rhe propeny. The conceptual site plan shotved a duulex buildine near the southem end of rhe sire arld a sinele familv residence at thc northern portion of rhe site. Each of these unirs rvas proposed ro be approximately 2,225 sq. ft. in size and the combined sire coverage of the project rvas 5,570 sq. ft. The purpose of the December 7, 1992. rvorksession was to receive direcrion from rhe PEC regarding a number of development pammeters. The PEC agreed rhar rhe single familiy'duplex approach u'ould be acceptable as long as rhe building sizes could be consolidared to reduce site coverage and overall lot disturbance. The Planning . Commission agreed not to count overlapping stairs as 6RFA in the new development scenario. Anorher item discussed by rhe PEC had to do rvith setback requirements from Westhaven Drive and the recreation parh. The PEC felt thar a minimum setback of 8 ft. -would be desirablc along Westhaven Drive rvith a l2 ft. setback from the recreadon path. The Planning Commission discussed abandonment of the existing recreation path easement which does not line up rvith the actual location of the path. The Commission agreed to abandonment of rhe easement provided rhat a nerv 15 ft. wide easement be platted dircctly over rhe existing recrearion peth at rhe rime of minor subdivision. The final comments from the Planning Commission at the December 7, 1992 meedng had to do rvith minimum disBnce between buildings and the proposed building locations. Thc Planning Commission felt that rbe.rwo buildings ceuld be as close as 12 fr. betrveen building foundations, horvever rhe PEC requested rhar rhe locations of the single family residence and rhe duplex be srvitched so that rhc duplex is locarcd on thc nonh side of rhe lot. At rhc January 25, 1993 PEC rvorksession, I{r. Lauterbach prcsented his nerv scheme for the propeny which rook into account many of fie comments made by the PEC at their December o 7,l99Z meeting. The plans submiued at rhis $'orksession were much more detailed than had becn previously provided (i.e. scaled floor plans, elevation drarvings, landscape plan, erc.). Upon revierv of these nerv drtailed plans, rhe staff and rhe PEC suggested additional revisions thal the applicant should make prior to requesting final SDD Anrendment approval. Thesc revisions inrolved the reduction of CRFA, sile coverage and building heights from those shown on thc plans, preservation of rhe Gore Creek riparian zone, architectural ihanges to the buildings, and Westhaven Drir.e irnprovements. With regard to protecdng the 6ore Creek riparian zone the PEC agreed ro allorv )t{r. Lauterbach to move his buildings closer the front prope$y line than rhe previously imposed 8 ft. setback limir. The PEC felt that the building setback reduction uould be acceprable in light of the distance berrveen the front properry line and the edge of the Wesrhsven Drive pavemenr. The PEC felr rhat the rade off betrveen having the buildings so close ro rhe road and protecdng rhe Gore Creek natural area was acceptable. The applicant has addressed each of rhe recomnrendarions raised at the January 25, 1993 meedng and norv rvishes ro be considered tbr final SDD Anrendnre nt approval. M. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Each of the development parameters have been compared rvirh rhe previous approval (1980 niplex) and the plan being proposed toda1,. Section 1S.46.050 - Pernriued Uses Allol'ed: The applicable uses pennitted in Cascade Village at this location include single fanily drvellings, trvo-family drvellings and multi-family drvellings. Previous Approval: Onc riplex building Proposed: One duplex and one single family residence. Allol'ed: Three duelling units, 6,000 sq. ft. GRFA, six on.sire parking spaccs. Previous Approval: Three drvelling units (triplex) 5,660 sq- ft. of GRFA (calculated according to the definition in place in 1980), 6,355 sq. fi. of GRFA (calculated according to today's definirion), 6,063 sq. ft. (calculated according to today's definition, not including overlapping stairs), and thrce on.site encloscd parking spaces. fi'stpteranfirs{n$hw &r (calculated according to roday's definition), 5,972 sq. ft. (not including I overlapping stairs), and six on-site enclosed parking sPaces. Section 18.46.120 - Setbacks ' Required: The ninimum required setback on the peripherv of all of Area A shall bc not . Iess than 20 feet. . . 50 foot sueam selbsck from Gore Creek . . ' Previous Approtal: In 1980 rvhin the rriplex building was approved both rhe recreation path and, the nonhenr propeily line did not exist. The building was setback 15 ft. from ihe front propeny line and 30 ft. frorn the centerline of Gore Creek' Proposed: The proposed plan shorvs that the duplex building is setback 15 ft. from the nonh property line (adjacent to the ruins), 12 fi. from the recreation path,53 fr from the centerline of Gorc Creek and 3 ft. from the front property line adiacenr to Westhaven Drive. Section 18.46.140 - Height . Allorved: 48 feet Prelious Approval: 36 feet Proposed: 3l feet (duplex) and 36 feet (single family) Section 18.46.160 - Site Coverage . Allorled: 357o (12,486 sq. fi.) Pretious Approval: 10.77o (3,800 sq. ft.) Proposed: 10.97o (3,907 sq. ft.) Section 18.46.170 - Landscaping Allorted:507o (17,838 sq. ft. minimum) Previous Approval: 827o (29,200 sq. ft.) Proposed: 829o (29,400 sq. ft.) Section 18.46.180 - Parking and Loading 4 Proposed: . 85Vo of all required parking spaces are located rvithin the buildings. Each unit has a nvo-car garage. . Section 18.46.190 - Recreation Anrenities. Tax Assessed Required: Setdon 18.46.280 - 25 cents per square foot of GRFA must be paid in conjunction wirh construction but prior to the issuance of building permits. Conservation and Pollution Controls Required: Protecrive meaiures must bc used to prevent soil erosion into Gore. Creek, both during and after construction. TV.. SPECIAL DEVELOP}{ENT DISTRICT CRITERIA The criteria to be used to evaluare rhis proposal are rhe nine Special Development Disrict (SDD) development srandards ser fonlr in rhe special developnrent district chapter of the Zoning Codc. The criteria are as foilorvs: A. Desigrr conrpatibilit-v and sensitility to the imnrediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architcctural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer r-ones, identity, character, r'isual. integrity and orientation. Thc applicant has made several revisions to his original building design and . site planning in order ro respond to previous PEC u'orksession comments. These revisions have resuhed in a berter utilizarion of the flat buildable area on the north side of rhe lor, a reducrion in building height from 43 ft. to 36 ft., a change in rhe rype of roof form frorn gable ro hip, a reducrion in GRFA and site coverage, and an increase in the amount of landscaped area on the lot and . i i , . reduced impacn to the Gore Creek riparian zone. . Staff feels that the architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, characrer, visual integrity and orientation of the proposed . : development have been designed cornpatibly and sensirively to rhc immediatc environment, neighborhood and adjacent propenies. We rvould, horvever, . . ' recommend cenain minor revisions ro the buildings' architecture and the . ,i ' . proposed site planning rvhich rve feel t'ould improve rhe overall developme;:t plan.. Staff has visited rhe sitc to revierv rhe proposed staking of rhe buildinl: Iocations and suggests rhat rhe sourhern half of rhe single family drvelling unit bs shifted 5 fi. torvard the Creek and the entire building shifted nonh approximately 5 ft. We believe rhat this minor building location change will improve the appearance of rhe project as vierved from Wesrhaven Drive. 5 Staff s concern is that the present location of the building may present a . ' significant unbroken plane along Wesrhaven Drive and this may be reduced with the building shifi. Staff rvould suggesr rhat rhe visual appe;rance of the nonh side ofthe single family drvelling rvould be improved with the addition of rvindows and by carrying the stone rvall all the rvay to the end of the building. Sraff rvould suggest rhar rhe applicant consider revisions to the u'est elevation of the duplex building ro less€n rhe niror image currently exhibited on this side of the building. ; Sraff has observed cerrain minor discrepancies between the site plan, landscape-:' plan and floor plan drarvings. None of these discrepancies are significant ," enough ro recornmend rabling of the applicadon ar this time. Horvever. staff .' rvould like ro see revisions nradc to the plirns to rernove thesc minor discrepancies as soon as possible. An example of the differences are as follorvs: The deck on the west side of rhe sourhern duplex unit is not shown on the site olan. The covered enrryways for borh of the duplex units differs from that' drawn on the floor plans. The floor plans do nor reflect rhe large deck located on the *'est side of the north duplex unit.... '' -..:1" The building heights shorvn on rhe site plan do not match those -:,'l' . The drivervay rvidth ro rhe sourhern duplex unit must be revised to bc a , minimum of 12 ft, rvide. . :, --t -" ' ': The landscape plan does not reflect the nerv drivervay location being ':' i:- proposed for the north duplex unit. The applicant has stated that a new: - . landscape plan will be revised after the Planning Commission meeting in order to incorporate all of rhe recommended changes the PEC may 't:1" ' -:' '. have. Some of the differences are due'to rhe fact rhat rhc applicant bas 1:'.' : . : : ;.,' - tried ro respond quickly to staff commenB. a t Uses,activityanddensityrr.hichprovideacompatible,efficientand n'orkable relationship t'ith surrounding uses and actir,ity. . The uses, acrivity and densiry being proposed rvith this development plan appear to be compatible rvirh surrounding uses and activities. The locadon and use of the existing bike path will be unaffected as a result of approval of this plan. As menlioned previously, some residents of the lt'lillrace Condominium Associadon use a portion of this propeny for parking. The condominium owners are arvare that they do not have any legal right to continue using this . property for parking purposes. The applicant is nor proposing any uses, activities or densities different from that originally approved as a part of the- overall Area A development plan for Cascade Village, SDD No. 4. The staff has not asked ior emploS'ee housing because rve believe rhe site is too consrained to provide for more developrnent. This SDD is also providing .housing in more appropriate locarions rvirhirr rhe SDD, i.e. - Wesrhaven, Waterford, Cornerstone, and Clen L1'on. We are looking ar rhe entire SDD in respect to rhis issue. Conrpliance rtith parking and loading requirements as outl;ned in Chapter 18.52. Under Section 18.52 of rhe Vail \{unicipal Code, each du'elling unit rvith tess , than 2,000 sq. ft. of GRFA has a parking requiremenr of 2 spaces and rhose'. with over 2,000 sq. fr. of GRFA rvou)d require 2.5 spaces per unit. Trvo of rhe' three units (rhe single famigle family and the nonh half of rhe duplex) rvirhin rhe Millrace III project are under 2,000 sq. fr. of CRFA and rherefore require 2 parking spaces Io be provided on-sire. The parking requiremenr for rhe third" unit is 3 parking spaces, as irs toral GRFA is over rhe 2,000 sq. fr. threshold. The proposed plan meets rhis requirement by providing artached r\\'o-car - garages rvith each unir, plus room for several more cars in fronr ofeach garage . ,. door. ' Conformity rvith applicable etenrents of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Torm policies and Urban Design Plans. The applicable goals and objectives from rhe Torvn's Land Use Plan for rhis area include: . ;. l.l Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environmenr, maintaining a . -. ',: ,.,... .: . balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to seri'e . . _,.. :..r both the visitor and rhe pennanent resident. t.' . .. -.i: ...-,. .1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and orher narural '-':: '.:j'... i .":-. .. resources should be protected as the Town grows. .,I j 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded rvhenever possible. L.lZ Vait should accommodate most of the additional grorvth in existing developed areas (in fjll areas). l.13 Vail recognizes irs sneam rract as being a desirable land feature as well' as its potential for public use. 5.1 Additional residential grorvth should continue to occur primarily in existing, planed areas and as appropriate in nerv areas rvhere high hazards do not exisr. fdentification and mitigation of natur:rl and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on ruhich the specirl development district is proposed. There are no natural and/or geologic hazards affecting this propeny rvhich rvould require mitigation or restrici its developnrent. The proposed buildings do not encroach into the 100 1'ear flood plain or the 50 ft. Corc Creek setback, rvith the exception of a I ft. deck encroachment rvhich is allorved pursuant to Section 18.58.060 of the Vail ivtunicipal Code. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional delelopnrent responsive and sensitile to natural features, r'egetation and olerall aesthetic quality of the community, 'Staffbelieves that the proposed site design, building design, and location and open space provisions do provide a functional development, rcsponsible and 'sensitive to the natural fearures, vegetation and overall set equality of thc community. As rnentioned previously, horvever, rve do have some concems rvith regard to lessening the overall construction impacts rvithin the 6ore Creek .riparian zone and offer specific recornmendations at the end of this 'memorandum. A circulation sJstem designecl for both vehictes and pedestrians addressing ' on and off.site traffic circulation. . The on-site circulation system being proposed in conjunction with this': developme nt plan is accomplished by rvay of rhree separate drivervays accessing the three dn'elling units from Westhaven Drive. This plan has been reviewed by thc To*'n Engineer and found to be acceptable. As rnendorcd previously, the recreadon parh location and use will be unaffected as a result of ':':! approval of this developmcnt plan. There arc some concems rvith regard to off-site circulation rvhich have nor been resolved at rhis rime. Currcntly, F. Westhaven Drive, from rhe South Fronrage Road to Gore Creek Bridge, is not . a publicly dedicated and maintained road. The road is orvned by \IEClt{ , . .. Enterprises, Inc. and does not cunenrly meet Town srandards rvith resard to grade, constiuction or minimuin clearance benearh the pedesrian bridge. connecting the Cascade Club to rhe building to rhc soulh and other standards. The Torvn is interested in rvorking rvith i\.fr. Lauterbach as rvell as the ' developers of the Cornerstone and Waterford projects (developmcnts being proposed at ihe upper end of Wesrhaven Drir.e) and orher owners rvithin tha SDD to bring rhe road up ro Torvn srandards and have it dedicared to ths Town for mainrenance purpos.i. Sraff Coes not feel thar ir rvould be equitable to '. require l\1r. Lauterbach to cornplere all of rhe road improvements necessary to bring Westhaven Drive up to standard. Irrsread, rr'e fcel that Mr. Lauterbach , . should only be required to bring rhat portion of rhe road directly in front of his propeny up to Torvn srandrrds. The applicant has agreed to complete this rvork prior ro the issuance cf a TCO for rhe project. H. . Func(ional and aesthetic landscaping arrcl operr space in order to optimize and preserle natural features, recreation, r'ierrs and functions. ' A significant portion of rhis site has been previously disturbed as a result of the construction of the paved parking areas, paved bike prrh and insralladon of a buried gas line. The appliclrnr has arrenrpted to locare rhe buildings as close to Westhaven Drive as possible in order lo oDrimize rhe most buildable area of' the sile and preseneihe remrinlng n.,rr.ifeatures, such as the heavity treed Gore Creek riparian zone- The proposed building plncement, wirhin l-1/2 ft. of'.: the front properry line, makes rhe proposed landscape plan an €specially' importanr eleme nr of rhe overall development pian. The applicant has attempted to provide significanr landscaping if rhe right-of-rvay in front of rhe proposed drvelling unirs rvhile at lhe san)e rime mainraining rhe Torvn's minimum sire disrancc requirements. ' In addition to providing a building setback of I2 ft. frorn rhe existing recreadon ,',- , :-:" path, the applicant rvill be berrning and heavily landscaping an area sourh of the path to help buffer furure residenrs fronr parh users, and vice versa. The applicant rvill be replatting rhe recreation path easement to conform rvirh the existing location of rhe recreation paih and rvill dedicare rhat easement to the . public. A)though the applicant has mirde several revisions to his plans in order. .. - -to lessen the oterall impact to the Gore Creek riparian zone, the current plan.. ' .-: 'sdll calls for the removal of a significant nunrber of rees and sire disturbancc: that rvill impact rhe creek vegeralion on rhe wesr side of the propeny. Snff believes rhat rhe applicant's proposed tandscape plan goes atong rvay torvard _ midgating rhe impacts of his developmenr plan, hou'ever, rve u'ouldt_i ..) ....:.t recommend rhat additional landscape materials bc added to rhe propeny. . ' : Specifically, sraff would recomnrend addirional rrees and shrubs be provided along the nonh side of the recreation path. Akhough the Torvn owns most of the tracts of land immediately adjacent ro Gore Creek throughout the Torvrr of Vail, the river corridor through the Cascade Village SDD is in private orvnership. Staff recommends that a fishermen's access easement be provided approximately l0 ft. from the high rvater mark along the entire length of Core Creek through rhis property- In order to prolect thc Gore Creek riparian zone as much as possible, and as specified in Section 18.46.28 (Conservation and Pollution Conrols) of Ordinance No. 41, Series of I991, Cascade Village, staff recontmends thar significant protective measures be used to prevent unnecessary darnage and destruction of vegetation and to prevent soil erosion into Gore Cleck, both during and afrer construction. We would recommend that the plan be amended to designate an allorvable linrit of constntction activity and require that certain physical barriers be in place on the ground prior to the issuance of a building permit. It appears that the 50 ft. setback line rvould make a logical limit of construction activity, rvith the exception of the southrvest corner of the proPerty adjacent to the single family, rvhere construction may be allorved to encroach l0 ft. into rhe 50 ft. serback line. The development plan shorvs a significrnt distance, approximately 40 ft., betrveen building foundations in order to provide a vierv corridor to the river area through this developrnent. Staff supports the idea of providing a break in the line of buildings so rhar viervs of the Gore Creek natural area remain open. I. Phasing plan or subclivision plan that rlill nraintain a rvorkable, functional and efTicient relationship throughout the developnrent of the special developnrent district. It is the applicant's intenrion ro corrsrruct these units at lhe same rime in the Spring of 1993, therefore, no phasing ptan has been submitted for staff review. v. ,: sTAFF RECOI\{},fENDATION: ": . . Staff recommends approval of the proposed N{illrace III major amendment to SDD No. 4. As mentioned previously in rhis memorandum, there are still a-' number of concerns rvhich sraff feels should be addressed and the applicant has ,.:-.. .. " agreed to each of these concems: a "" -- l. The site plan shall be amended ro show a designared limit of construcdon acdvity line. This line should follorv rhe 50 ft. setback line- rvjlh the exception of the area behind the single fanrily residence. The l0 purpose of this line is to ensure that construction activity be limited to the aiee east of the line. A physical barrier along the limir of consruction activity line shall be in place prior ro the issuance of a building permit for rhe project. Staff rviil rhen make periodic inspecdons to the property throughout the construction to assure rhat no disturbance occurs rvest of the construction barrier, Tha barier should be of a design u,hich not only de)ineates rhe limit of construcrion acdvity, but also provides for rhe iontrol of sedimentation into 6ore Creek. This barrier may be acconrplished rhrough a combinadon of' snorv fencing, hay bales and fine mesh nerting. ?. A I0 fr. pedesrrian/fishermen's access easement shall be provided along the shore of Core Creek. This easemen! should extend approximately l0 fr. fronr the high rvarer mark of rhe creek ro allow fishermen access up and dorvn Gore Creek. This easemenr rvill be dedicared ar rhe time the minor subdivision is approved. 3. Addidonal landscaping shnll be provided on rhe nonh side of rhe existing recreation parh. This vesetation in addiriorr to that shown on the landscape ptan rvill help mitigate for rhe losses being proposed as a resulr of rhe consrrucrion of the t*,o buildings. At a minimurn, 10 aspen of ash rrees (3" cal. nininunr) shall be provided along the parh along t'irh i0 - 20 evergreen and deciduous shrubs. 4. Since this property ls currently unplatted, a minor subdivision plat must be submitted, revie*'ed and approved by rhe Torvn prior ro rhe issuance of a building permir for rhe project. ' 5. The applicant agrees to provide the necessary improvemenrs ro rhat ponion of Wcsrhave n Drive direcrly in fr<rnr of his propeny line ro bring the rord up to Town standards. These improvemenrs may include, but are no( limited ro, curb and gurrer, drainage, and a nerv lift of asphalt paving. 6. Cenain minor modificarions shall be made lo rhe site plan, landscape plan and floor plans so that features shorvn on any one of the three are accurarely reflecred on all plans per rhe staff memo on page 6. These changes shall be nade before rhe project proceeds to first reading by rhe Torvn Council. 7. ' The southern half of rhe single family residence shall be shifred 3 -5 fi. away from rhe road and rhar rhe entire building be shifred approximately 5 fi. funher ro rhe nonh. II o I !tt /-')---- aY-----r-+.-----' f-------I o lm l6 L?_e I 6o. t'tL C-r)it.l\l1-:.-1-r\)-\-\ .R*H.I.)ffiLt ..\ +t\ttril,r^".S )'r.\r\r -\N \\\\ 6a L $ tr tr.\.\r \ tr)r\rtr,$ rt.,\. \\.\'r\ t. \\ " \\ i'ijii+l\s'rilii1l--.-'llfq l\-'t:qr.tii.]-._ ",\i\tl\\,i. I ETIr!i rilitl Millrace Phaae IffMJL Dewelollaeat Vall, Colorado ,REL, =#;:tt#=.-_:_-:t,--..-)Y--i --tr-: .Fo doFl td F tt l:tIil Millrace Phase III MJL Dervelopment Vatl, Colorado o t :'z'o 4 F' I ir It-Il t"tittracd Pbase III-:fl MJL Developmentstll vall, colorado -v .F {r(D:4 iltilrl:Filll MillracE Phaee IU MJt Dwelopment Vail, Colorado Jio=, Ifrl..lJli Millrace Phaee III MJLr Dgvelopnert Vsll, CotorEdo t I E 1_ itttl uittrace Phaee III i*Hl VJ'lAff1,X"'*' li F6 I .l f 0 lil r"rtu"a"e rha,el tu l.-l[ MJL Development Vall, Colorado -;a/;;25=4919-{<.:..-r"S$N F;=St&\i*^N-....: rgltfi.{. F a $;rEl.6i t{ -1).r'r,l\i \:'.,.'.':\ i:==:=T_.=-i\\R^N '-ll\-*r--\ff tcs t-t I $+ 6a r$ IrW ,,\ \r.'".}|} I t t I l!lI lri'!,',#Si"iir'trF .i'llll$lH I fl'ltfli IJIIr $'._,l!il lr{illrace Phase III: I Ir{Jt., Develcnr"'rrt' | -'rit (-;,lnr.,.l r Rccordcr..plrt- eulr cLArMTEbn OcI z s tggS ,- l"ll:;H#l:*;J :1'#:#Jmilff . of thc edd county of 4, Anq"bS and sr-crc of califoruLa r.{r cEArL ir. LrurERaA eV- whosc lcgal addrcss is Vail co 81558 of thc said County of Eagls and Srnrc of colorBdo o'clock P-478 IL/O8/95 03:55P PG I oF 2 Eagle County Clerk & Recorder , Srontcc: $ WmNeSS, that thc grantor, for and in considcration of rhc sum of f EH & OO/ IOO DOLLARS, the rcrcipt and sufficiency of which ir hercby scksowlcdgcd, has rcmiscd, rclcascd, sold, convcyed, and QUIT CLAIMED, and by thcsc prcrcrits, do rcmise, rclcasc, scll, convcy and Quit Cloim uoto tbc grantc4, hir hcim, succcsror6 and arsigns, forcvcr, all thc right, titlc, intlrcst, claim and dcmand which thc grrntor hss in rnd lo tbc rcEl propcrty, iogcthcr with improvcmentr, ifany, riturrc, lying ond bcing in thc ra id County of Eaglc and Statc of Colorado dc.scribcd tc followr: That Portioa of tbo Accaaa Ea8an6at, whicb Lg descrlbed i[ Book 411 at Pag(615 as R6coption No. 3O7893, dopictad by tbs CroEB Eatcb attacb€d hereto and furthGr deacrLbed on tbo Flaal Pfat, !{l,llrac€ III, which i.g recorded J.rr Book 611 at Page 685 as R€captlor tto. 50??63. 576487 8-680Sara J. Fisher REC 11.00 DOC as known by strcct and number as: TO IIAYE AND TO IIOLD thc smc, togcthcr with all nnrl siugulcr the appurtcnanccs and privilegcs tlrcrcrnto bclonging or in arry- wisc thcrcunto appcnoining, !.nd dl thc catstc, right, titlc, i|ltcrcrir dnd cl&im whutEocvcr, ofthc gran(or, ciahcr ir law or cquitl, to tbe only propcr usc, bcnclit and bchoof of thc gr8ntcc, his hcirs and assigns forcvcr. Thcsingulu numbcr shall include thc plural, the plura.l and thc singular, and thc usc of any gender sha.ll bc applicoblc to all gcndcrs. lN WITNESS WllIiREOl", lhc Brsntor lros cxc4utcd this dccd on thc daiq sct forth abovc. L-O WESTHAVEN, INC,,A COLOn-hDO CORPORAT r Oll ,,',.,, Cr\,t, lrr^trt , My ' \ ,,, i) s"' counry of Lt D llvt\U trl Iu iliifiTi riffi '"J t" ;il""ff'T;l' rrlov at hlh4 tqct b Natalio A. Brown i Comm. *9794.1 7 i(;Omm. *V /'ri': ' n rARY RIBUC . CALI| lariiAX Log araqErIs cou^trY \, fllc No. No. ,31 QltlT CLAII' Dl:liD Rcv, J/ S Ccilr ErDarla f'bv. 29. tt96 i 96*rrt Tlll. ot Ea8lr Co nly, l.|.. o' Uhttha,fun , { v I alr).f t-.tr) io a ll CDO Lo ilSnqI ?i?H8:L E -Jl- ) 6?64A7 - 8-6.80 P-478 Lt/O8/95 03:55P PG 2 oF 2 ".* .r li : '{r Ut a :t- i) ,. .( rr :l ql ' r-- )'. I a !? <'r O,F ! : ir::i 6'r :; -. 3. d-*_4.<- () . +(J!.' ''-r {_: ': *,r.l'= I -!_ ?:iN:. I],. < :) bi: -I .a : : :.1 t laI ii-l' or 7L z Kt'novFN ':i Juv I o tt. -: ( 't c d z <o'O v-, l;i.:- r,: e\f+()(ol -l 'l;l LdFa z.IJ I F_ar! = ru st, s l-J -.9 -r"j1 I '6. ..J-. a t'\t :tt '\ . .: ,J,|.\ :/;), tc ;t ' t- -'. &.-'. +...:- :ii. b-,),: . \;. : i j'-\ I!,:'' , i=i L,: .r--i rl H::' L:'i:r o- ' i-tt, 'i ,.r ui oi\.! <r_ Cl \ Po, ro, Cj-, 'l I 9S 99 lg'7,2t-3,,99,9f.00N tlo** Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: Morgan, l,ewis & Bockius LLP 801 South Grand Avenue 22nd Floor Los Angeles, California 90017 Attention: John M. DeMarco, Esq. REC 36 .00 DOC t' *r" \ 5?6488 B-680 P-479 L!/08/95 03:56P PG 1 oF 7 Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Reeorder EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into as o[October 11 , 1995, by and between MICHAEL J. LAUTERBACH, whose address is P. O. Box 3451, Vail, Colomdo 81658 ('MJL") on the one hand, and L-O WESTHAVEN, INC., a Colorado corporation, whose business address is c/o Lowe Enterprises, lnc., L1777 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 900, Los Angeles, California 90049 ("L-O"), on the other hand, rvith reference to the following facts: A. L-O is the owner of that certain real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Tennis Parcel"). B. MJL is the owner of the real property described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the -MJL Property"). C. By that certain Conveyance of Easement dated April 10, 1985, and recorded as Reception No. 307893 in book 4ll, page 615, of the office of Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, State of Colorado on April 18, 1985, Vail Venrures Ltd., a Colorado partnership (predecessor in interest to MJL with respect to all or a portion of the MJL property) granted to Cascade Club, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership (predecessor in interest to L-O with respect to the Tennis Parcel), an easement as described therein (the "Access Easement"). D. In connection with deve lopment of the MJL property, MJL has requested that L-O quitclaim a portion of the Access Easement pursuant to the form of quitclaim deed that has been or will be recorded substantially concurrently herewith. E. L-O is willing to execute, acknowledge and deliver a quitclaim deed to MJL on the corrdition that MJL grant to L-O, its successors and assigns, for the benefit of the Tennis Parcel, the easement set forth hereinbelow. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOINC, THE PARTIES ,A,GREE AS FOLLOWS: LA[r/86742.4 5 76488 B-680 P-479 tt/08/95 03:56P PG 2 oF7 l. Grant of Easement. MJL hereby grants a non-exclusive easement over the area described in Exh-ibilC attachecl hereto ancl made a part hereof by this reference, for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, repairing, enlargening, reconstructing and using a roadway thereupon providing vehicular, equestrian ancl pedestrian ingress and egress to and from the Tennis Parcel, the rights of which may be granted, conveyed, leased, encumbered, licensed or otherwise alienated to any person or entity from time to time by L-O. 2. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns ofany ofthe individual parties hereto, and the successors and assigns of any of the parties hereto. 3. Counterpglts-. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument, which may be sufficiently evidenced by one counterpart, notwithstanding that fewer than all signatures appear on any one counterpart. 4. Cantions. Al[ captions and headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties, and shall not be used in any way to modify, limit, construe or otherwise affect this Agreement. 5. Severability. In case one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement (or any portion of such provision) shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforeeability shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement (or any portion of any such provision), but this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision (or portion thereof) had never been contained herein. 6. Governine [-aw. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. 7. Entire Asreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties in respect of the transactions contemplated hereby and supercedes all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof. No representation, promise, inducement or statement of intention has been made by any party to this Agreement, or their respective agents, which is not embodied in this Agreement, and neither party shall be bound by or liable for any alleged representation, promise, inducement or statement of intention not so set forth. 8. Amendment and Waiver. This Agreement may be amended, modified, superceded or cancelled, and any of the terms, covenants, representations, warranties or conditions hereof may be waived, only by a written instrument executed by the parties hereto, but, in the case of a waiver, only by the pafty waiving compliance. The failure of any party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect the right at a later time to enforce the same. No waiver by any party of any condition, or any LAo1/86i42.4 .tl breach of any term, covenant, representation or warranty, contained in this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be or construed as a further or continuing waiver of any such condition or breach of any other term, covenant, representation or warranty of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signarures as of the day and year first written. L-O WESTHAVEN, INC., a Colorado corporation 5 76488 B-680 P-479 71/08/95 03:56P PG 3 oF ? d l, l '.ztZ ,r, /hl),/,(Ir--, , Title: 3\//'/(t;) LNt/86742.4 5?6488 8-680 P-479 tL/A8/95 03:56P PG 4 oF 7 EXHIBIT'A' (Tennis Parcel) That certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SE I/4 NW 1/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 8I WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE NORTHWESTERLY HICFI-WATER-LINE OF GORE CREEK AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 6. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH.SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 12, WHENCE THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SArD SECTION 12 BEARS NORTH OO DEGREES 15 MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST 2167.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO DEGREES 15 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 85,44 FEET ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION I2TO A POINT ON SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 75 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 27 SECONDS WEST 138.98 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 54 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 192.76 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 45 DECREES 55 MINUTES 47 SECONDS WEST 87.97 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE; THENCE SOUTH 34 DEGREES 43 MINUTES I I SECONDS WEST 80.29 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE: THENCE SOUTH 04 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST THENCE SOUTH 16 DECREES 44 MINUTES IO SECONDS WEST 102.85 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER.LINE; THENCE SOUTH 30 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 2I SECONDS WEST 22.27 FEET ALONG SAID HIGH-WATER-LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 02 MINUTES WEST 388.21 FEET ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY zuGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY; THENCE NORTH 52 DEGREES 35 MINUTES EAST 866.87 FEET ALONG SAID HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 66 DECREES 53 MINUTES 25 SECONDS EAST IO4.2O FEET TO A POINT ON TIIE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SECTION 12, TO POINT OF BEGINNING.CQ it', ; '"*1 576488 8-680 P-479 l1l08/95 03:56P PG b oF ? EXHIBIT'8" (MJL Property) That certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: PARCEL A AND PARCEL B AS SHOWN ON THE FINAL PLAT, CASCADE CREEK, A RESUBDIVISION OF FINAL PLAT MILLRACE III, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1993, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 523935 IN BOOK 627, PAGE 873 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. ) i'. i) 6 76488 8-680 P-4?9 11/08/95 03:56P PG 6 oF ? EXHIBIT "C' A TIil/ELVE FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND LYING WITHIN PARCEL B, FINAL PLAT, CASCADE CREEK, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID STRIP LYING SIX FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCELS WHENCE THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL B BEARS 6.00 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 143.20 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02'24'05", AND A CHORD THAT BEARS N07'23'55"E 6.00 FEET; THENCE, DEPARTING SAID EASTERLY LINE, N81'23'19'.W 52.29FEET; THENCE S58'06'44"W 47.48 FEET; THENCE 565'27'22"W 35.10 FEET; THENCE S7l'34'52'W 39.67 FEET: THENCE S80'55'06'w 38.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL B, WHENCE THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL B BEARS N00' 38',56',E 65.79 FEET. THE SIDELINES OF THE ABOVE STRIP ARE SHORTENED OR LENGTHENED TO TERMINATE AT THE PROPERTY LINES. rf )it: ti 1) 5 ? 6488 8-680 P-4?9 n/a8/95 03:56P PG ? oF 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OFCOLORADO I) ss. couNTY oFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /gn". day of d(rcjt E , 1995 by Michael J. Lauterbach. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES n , D%-,before me, a notary public, personally appeared , personally known to me (oJ4tqve5! to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) td be rhe person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledsed to me that r hdv -_1_ ,.he' executed the same indrilherauthorizedwlthrn rnstrument ancl acKnowledged to me that f h9 executed the same rn(lls/heftuthonzed capacity, and that UydDnersignature on the inffiment the person, or the entity uponbehalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal.(seal) ie A. Brown Comm. *971 9 17 ARY PUALIC . CALI:';; LO8lN6elc9 COUTIY Car tt. fuCr.r i5v. 29, 19!t6 )) ss. ) My Commission exp q;-\tjrA4.;:;oj rprDcrar seat. t! r---. !'r.- - - i",, ,{' \ -r..ar.- ^lr,-€or co"Y it Category Numbet Date I LEs;,; Proiect Name:t.' Building Name: Proiect DescIiption: Owner, Addrees and Phone:- 4 Y6- 6qc/' _ _ f,a, Botr tvsl / y'sit t Q. Er /6sF Architedlcontact, Ad(lrees and Phone: /q,'( . Ca . ZoneDisrrid MY-/ Staff Action L.C Ltq DRB Fee Pre-paid f , h"-' ' MEMO T0: Jirn Curnutte Town of Vall Planning Department ,//FROM: Michael Lauterbach //J//-\ DATE: November 4, 1993 RE: Millrace III Enclosed is a copy of newly revlsed elevat,tons r^rhlch I am proposing for the single family residence. Now that the buildiog is three dimensional onsite, Lt becomes easier to enhance it. ?lease note the rooflinen ihimtrey:.and flue, dorrner, north end s!'me try, aod general overal]- lnterest. Itm assuming that these modifications can be staff approved. Please 1et me know if you requlre further information or if you have any questions and thank you in advance for your assistance. II MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MDETING JI.INE 1, 1993 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of tJre Vail Town Council wag Council Chambers of the VaiI Municipal Building. P.M. Fil f flfipvI ;iLL ,**,;! d held on Tuesday, June 1, 1gg3, in the The meeting was called to order at7.40 MEMBERS PRESEI{I: peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Gibson Jim Shearer Tom Steinberg Rob I-eVine Bob Buckley TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ken Hughey, Acting Town Manager pam hgndmeyer, Assistant to the Town Manager Holly L. McCutcheon, Towa Clerk Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney The first item on the agenda was citizen Participation of which there was none. ttery No. 2 on the agenda was the appointment of ttrree (3) Members to the Iocal Licensing Authority. There were three (3) positions available, each term beginning in June, 1gg8, ani. expiring in June, 1995. The candidates were Bill Bishop, Linda Fried, and Davey Wilson. All three of these candidates were applying for reappointment. No other applicalions had been received. A ballot was taken, and Merv Lapin moved to appoint Bif bishop, Linda Fried, and Davey Wilson to the Local Licensing Authority until Ju:ee, 1995. Jim Gibson seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unani4susly, f-6. Item No. 3 was a Consent Agenda consisting of th,ree items: A. Approval of Minutes of the May 4, 1993, and May 18, 1993, EveningMeetings. B. Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1993, second reading, an ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1993, to provide changes to Area A requirements for SDD No.4 that concenr the development plans for the Millrace III Development Building site; and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach. C. Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1993, second reading, an ordinance o-ending Section 16.24.010(G) of the Vail l\l[',nisipal Code, setting forth provisions relating to signs displayed on balloons which are associated with a special event within the Town of Vail. Applicant: the Town of Vail. Mayor Osterfoss read the titles in fuII. Mew Lapin moved to remove item C from the Consent Agenda for further discussion, with a second from Tom Steiaberg. A vote was talen and that motion passed unat'rimously, ?-0. Merv Lapin then moved to approve Consent Agenda items A and B, with a Becond from Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. There was briefdiscussion about safety issues related to height restrictions for tethered hot air balloons and quality of the balloons. Mayor Osterfoss asked Fire Chief Dick Duran for his input pertaining to expressed safety issues. Dick stated he did not feel there was a problem, emphasizing hot air balloons could only be operated by licensed pilots. He did not feel it was necessarJr for this ordinance to i:rclude mandatory Fire Department i:rspections ofthe balloons. Ken Hughey reminded Council all applicants would need to proceed through the full special eveuts process before receiving approval, and Kristan Pritz felt the Fire Department could be requested to insp,ect for safety issues if there were any questions about safety. After further technical clarifications, Jim Shearer moved to approve Ordinance No. /, Owner. Address and phone: Legal Description :-tt tr t--r-,PIq Comments: Sgzr q Project Name:e.{ Proiect Description: ftn"t Contact person and phone VAIL TOWN COUNCIL ' project Appfication feur o F n*.,-t s, ^,Q-{crtoA3 c/s ve^,1)71,-1 ryt(y s- -[ Ta ,* eq Ve,'Co. Btss u Ca 8/€ss3;ls +i+mg ' '.onu sAQs y Architect, Address and phone: Design Beview Board rf ro"" C'/e/q3 ptsAPPROvAt .@,r ,I fJ staff Approval 8:'15 P.M. Shelly Mello 8:45 P.M. Tim Devlin 9:15 P.M 8. 7. Commission lor the purpose of transporhtion planning. Aclion Reouested ol Council: Approve/deny/modify Resolution No. 6, Series of 1993. E3gkoround Rationale: The Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficie-ncy Act requires each state to have a statewide Transportation plan. The colorado Legislature has determined the Flegional iransportation Planning Commission should carry out this task. An Intergovemmental Agreement is required to establish the lntermountain Regional Transportation Planning Commission. Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 6, Series of 1g93. Review of the Art in Public Ptaces (AtPp) Board approval of acquisition and siting of Tsne Haute" by Bryan Hunt. Action Reouested of Council: Ap,prove/modify/deny Alpp decision. Backo.rqund Ratonale: On May 12, 1993, the Alpp voted unanimously to accept Terre Haute" by Bryan Hunt from a private benefactor. Atter reviewing possible locations, the Alpp board felt that the piece should be sited at the new Mayor's Park. The board found that this piece met all of the criteria set forth in the AIPP Guidelines and that tris site would give this piece high visibitity. Appeal of the Design Review Board (DRB) regarding a deck, hot tub, and required lanGcaping at the Kandell residence located at 4259 Nugget Lane/Lot 2, Bighom Estates Resubdivision of Lots 10 & 11 (east hJtiot duplex). Appellant Dr. Robert Kandeil. Action Requested of council: Make a determination on the DFIB's decision to remove a portion of the deck (constructed without DF|B approval or a building permit) located in a required setbach as well 'as required landscaping. Backoround Rationale: Please see the attached memo to council from the Community Development Department dated May 27, lggg. Slatf Re.commendation: Uphotd the DRB,s decision regading the deck, hot tub, and required landscaping. Adjournment. *S**t***t****:F THE NEXT VAIL TOWN @UNCIL WORK SE$SIONwlLL BE oN ruEsDAY, 6/8/9:t, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. T}IE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCNL OVERVIEW WORK SESSIONwLL BE oN TUESDAY,6/15193, BEGINNING AT 6:30 p.M. tN Tov coUNctL OHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCTL EVENING MEEnilGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 6/15193, BEGINN|NG AT z:30 p.M. tN Tov coUNctL cHAuBERs. C:\AGENo^.rcE te*rF********t+* ORDINANCE HO.7 SEBIES OF 1993 AN ORDINANCE REPEALTNG AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 1, SERIES OF I993, TO PROVIDE CHANGES TO AREA A REQUIREMENTS FOR SDD NO.4 THAT CONCERN THE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR TTIE IIILLRACE III DEVELOPMENT BUILDING SITE; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, lllchael lauterbach hae requested an amendment to the existing Special Development District No. 4, Area A; and WHEREAS, the Planning and EnvironmentalCommigsion has recommended that certain changes be made to Special Development District No. 4; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordlnance No. 1, Serles of 1993 to provide for such changes in Speciat Development Disfiot No. 4, Cascade Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. '1, Series of 1993, is hereby repealed and reenacted, as follows: Section 1. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Plannino Commission Report. The approval procedures described in Chapter 18.40 ot the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Torrn Council has received the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission lor an amendment to the development plan for Special Development District No.4. Section 2. Special Develooment District No. 4 $pecial Development District No. 4 and the development plans therefore, are hereby approved for the development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town ol Vail. Section 3 Chapter 18.116 Special Development Distric't No. 4, Casoade Village, is hereby repealed and re-enasted with amendments to read as follows: 18.46.0'10 Purpose Special Developmant District No.4 is estabtished to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious wlth the genoral character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote tha objectives of the Town of Vail Gomprehensive Plan. Speciat Development District No. 4 is created to ensure tlat r|e development densig will be relatively tow and suitable lor the area and the vicinity in which it is t situated, the development is regarded as oomplementary to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning Commission, and because there are significant aspects of the Special Development Oistrict which cannot be satistied through the imposition ol standard zoning districts on the area. 18.46.020 Definitions For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall appty: A' "Special attraction'shall be defined as a museum, semlnar or researc-h c€nter or performing arts theater or cultural center. B. 'Transient residential dwelting unit or restric:ted clwelting unit" shall be defined as a darelling unit located in a multi-family durelling that is managed as a short t€rm rental in which all such units are operated under a single managernent providing the oecupants thereof customary hotelseMces and facilities. A short term rentalshall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit in a closet. A tansient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common conidors, walks, or balconies nithout pa$sing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or a transient residential &velling unit. Should such uniB be developed as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set {orth in Chapter 17.26 Condominiurns and Condominium Gonversions. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling unitrs. Forthe purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient residentiat dwelling unirrs shall be counted as one hall of a rhrelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA with a mo(imum of 1.0 space per unit. 18.46.030 Estabtished A. Special Development District No. 4 is established for the development on a parcet of land comprising 97.955 acres as more partiallarly descdbed in the attached Exhibit A. Special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be refened to as'SDD No. 4. B. The disrict shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the lollowing approximate sizes: 2 Area Known As _ Develooment Area _ - Acfeage Cascad€ Vi]lage Cof dstream Condominiums G.l-en Lyon Duplex Lots GIen l,yon Commercl-al Site Dedicated Open Space RoadsTOrAl, 97.955 18.46.040 Development Plan-Required-Approval Procedure A. Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shall be subject to a singls devetopment plan. Development Area A shall be allowed t0 have two development plans for the Cascade Glub site as approved by the Town Gouncil. The Waterford and Cornerstone Bites shatl be allowed one dwelopment plan each. Development Area D shall be atlowed to develop per lhe approved phasing plans as approved by the Town Coundl. The derreloper shatt have the rBht to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in Section 18.46.103, 14. B. Amendmentrs to SDD No. 4 shall comply with the procedures outlined in Section 18.40. C. Eaclr phase of development shall require, prior tro issuance of building permits, approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with apdicable provisions of Chapter 18.52. 18.46.050 PermitEd Uses A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe 1 . First f100r commercial uses shall be limited to uses listed in 18.24.030 A-C. The 'tirst floof or'street level' shall be defined as that floor ol the building that is located at grade or stred level; 2. All other floor levels besides fimt floor street level may include retail, theater, rcstauranl and ofiice except that no professional or business office shall be located on street levet or first floor (as defined in Section 18.24.030 A of the Town of Vail zoning code in Area A) unless it is clearly accessory to a lo€e or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square footage of 925 square feet located on the first floor on the northwest comer of the Plaza Conference Center building; 3. Lodge; 4. Multi-family d$/elling; 5. Single Family drelling; 6. Two-Family dwelling; E D 1? Oqt 4.000 29.100 1.800 40.400 7 - Transisnt residential dvuelling unit; 8. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 18.46.?20: 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1- Two-familydwetling; 2. Multi{amily dwelting. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots 1. Single famity drreiling; 2. Two-famity ctvuelling. D. Area D. Glan Lvon Commercial Site 1. Retail; 2. Restaurant and bar; 3. Business and professional offices; 4. Multi-family dweiling; 5. Employee dwelling as delined in Section 18.46.?20. 18.46.060 ConditionalUses Conditional uses shallbe reviewed per the procedures as outtined in Chapter 18.60 of the Town of Vail zoning code. A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe 1. Cascade Glub adclition of a wellness center not to ex6€ed 4,500 square leet. 2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipat Code, Section 18.04.135 shallbe a conditional use for clwelling units in the Westhaven multi{amily dwellings. Fractional fee ovunership shall not be applied to restricted employee drelling uniB or transient residential dwelling unib. Ornership intervals shall not be less than five weeks. 3. Special attraction; 4. Skitifts; 5. Public park and recreational facllities; 6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, wallway or mall 4 B, Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1. Public park and recreational facilities: 2. Skilifts. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots L Public park and recreational facilities; 2- Skilifts. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commerciatsite L Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vail Municipal code, Section 18.04.253. 18.46.070 AccessorvUses A. Area A. Cascade Viilaoe 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1g.Sg.1g0 through 19.59.190. 3. Attlached garages orcaports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 4- Other uses customarity incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and neoessary for the operation thereot. 5. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permittsd or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation hereof. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1. Home occupations, s.r$ect to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 19.58.130 through 19.59.190. 2. Attached garages or carports, privah greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational tacilities customarily incidenhl b permitbd residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof, 4. Swimming pools, tennis @urts, patios or other recreational facitities customarily inckjental to permitted or conditional uses, and nscessary b the operation fiereof. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions ot sections 1s.sg.1go through 19.s9.190. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhousss, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1- Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home. occupation permit in acc-ordance with the provisions of sestions 1g.sg.lgo through 1g.5g.190. 2. Attached garages or carports, privab greenhouses, swimrning poors, tsnnis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incldental to permitted residential uses- 3' Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and ne@ssary for the operation thereof. 4. Minor arcade. 18.46.080 Location ot Business ActiviU A. Alloffices, businesses, and servies permitted by sections 1g.46.050 through 18.'16.070 shall be operated and @nducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outtoor display of goods. B. The area to be used for ouHoor display must be located direcfly in front ot the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishmenfs own properly. Sidewalks, buiHing entrances and exits, driveways and streets shallnotbe obsfruded by outdoor display. 18.46.090 Densitv-DlveilinoUnib The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following: A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe In Area A, a minimum of three hundred fitty-two (352) accommodation or transient dwelling unib and a maximum of ninety-four dwelling units as delined by the tables in Section 18.46.103 for a totratdensity of two hundred seventy (270) clweiling units. B. Area B. Coldstream Gondominiums Sixty-tive (65) dwelling units C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots One-hundred four (104) clnretling units. D. Are{_D. Glen Lvon Commercialsile 4. Three dvvelling units, two of which shall be employee d,velling units as defined by the table in Section 18.46.103F. 18./16.100 Densi&-FloorArea A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe The gross residential floor area {GHFA) for alt buildings shall not exceed 289,145 square feet. B. Area B. Coldstream Condgminiums Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 s.f.) GRFA. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duplex Lots GRFA shall be calcutated for each tot per Section 18.13.080 density oontrot A and B tor the Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code. D. Area D. Glen Lvon CommercialSitq The gross residential floor ar€a for the two employee dwelling units shall be 795 square feet and 900 square feet respectively. The gross residential floor area for the free market &velling unit shall be 1,630 square feet. 18.46.102 Comrgrrcial Souare Fookoe A. Area A. Cascade Viilaqe Area A shall not exceed 35,698 square feet ol commercial area. Commercial uses include retail, office, theater, restaurant, uses listed in Section 18.46.050 A-1, andthe special attraction use. B. Area D. Glen Lvon9gmmerdd Site Area D shall not exceed 16,730 square leet of office for Phase l, lA & ll or 15,584 square feet of office for Phase lll per the approved developnnent plans. The micro-brewery and associated uses shall be constructed per the approved development plan. 7 18.46.103 CommercialSite r....ltir[*F,'''otl!rofcdcu|atingolU.Aforrirc(Jrrgriff|rrrcct([till'!cctv),'roc'ctJit'rh8|l|,G8i9sncr@f,('t'3lx)Ji|.It.|o| {occ. tct Scctior I S.{6$0(rXtUI 18.46.104 Develoomentptans Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans for Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and other developers' The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plans submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Padnership. The foilowing documenb comyise fre development plan for the SDD as a whole, Waterford, Cornerstone, Cascade Club Addition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace lv, and Area D-Glen Lyon Commercial Site and is not all inclusive: 1. waterford, sheet #L-2, dated 11-12-92, Landscape plan, Dennis Anderson. 2. waterford, sheet #1.1, datect 11-19-ga, site/Grading ptan Gwathmey, pratt, SchulE. ' 3. Waterford, sheet #2.1, dated 11-13-92, plan LevelSg/43'3" Gwathmey, pratt, Schuttz. ' 4. waterford, sheet#2.2, dated 11-13-g2, plan Level49'-6./53'-0", Gwathmey, prail, Schultz. * 5. Waterford, sheet #2.3, dated 11-13-g2 plan Levet 5g,-0:/64,-3" by Gwafrmey, Pratt, SchulE. ' 6. waterford, sheet #2.4, dated I 1-4-92, plan Level 6g'-6"n4,-g,, clr,vathmey, pratt, Schultz. - 7. waterford, sheet #2.s, dated 11-19-92, ptan Levet 80'-0vgs'-9. Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. * 8. waterford, sheet #2.6, dated 11-19-92, plan Level g0,-6. Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. ' 9. waterford, sheet #2.7, dated 11-19-92, ptan Level i01'-0. Gwathmey, pratt, SchutE. * 10. waterford, sheet #2.8, dated 11-ig-92, plan Level 111'-6' Gwathmey, pratt, SchulE. * 11. waterford, sheet #2.9, dated 11-13-92, plan Lwel 122'-0' Gwathmey, prafi, Schultz. 12. Watertod, Sheet #2.10, dated 12-14-92, Roof Plan All Levets Grrvathmey, pratt, SchulE. 13. Waterford, sheet #3.1, dated 11-13-92, Elevations Gwathmey, pratt, schulE. 14. waterford, sheet #3.2, dabd i 1-ts-92, Etevations, Gwathmey, prat, schutts. 11 15. Waterford, Sheet #4.1, dated 114-92, Sections Grvathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 16, Waterford, Sheet #4.2, dated 11-+92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 17. Waterford, $heet #4.3, dated 114-92, Sections, Gwathmey, pratt, SchulE. 18. Waterford, Sheet #9.1, ctated 10-20-92, Unit plans G/athmey, pratt, Schultz. 13. Waterford, Sheet 1t9.2, dated 10-20-92, Unit plans, Grrathmey, pratt, SchuFz. 20. waterford, sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, unit plans Gwathmey, pratt, schulE. 21. Waterford, Sheet #9.4, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmay, Pratt, Schultz. 22. Waterford, Sheet #9.5, ctated 10-20-92, Unit ptans Gwathmey, pratt, Schuttz. 29. Comerstone, Sheet #L-1 , dated 1 1-13-92, Landscape plan Dennis Anderson. 24. Comerstone, Sheet#1, dated 12-21-92, Cascade Viltage Master ptan Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 25. Comerctone, Sheet #2, dated 12-2g-g?, Floor plans Gwathmey, pratt, Schuttz. 26. Cornerstone, Sheet #3, dated 12-29-92, Floor plans, Gwahmey, pratt, Schultz. Schultz. 27. Cornerctone, Sheet #4, dated 12-21-92, Elevations Gnvathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 28. Comerstone, Sheet #5, daEd 11-13-92, Site Plan/Grading Plan, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultr. 29. Gascade Club Addition Site Plan, Roma, 10/10/88, 30. Cascade Club Floor Plan, Roma, 10n0/89. 31. Itlllrace lll, Sheet #1, dated 516/99, Slte ptan, Steven James Rtden. 32. illlllrace lll, sheet #2, dated 4/19/93, Floor plans for slngte Famlly Realdence, Steven James Rlden. 33. Mlllrace lll, Sheet #1, dated St6tgg, Etevailons for Stngte Family Restdence, Steven James Rlden. 34. lrlllrace lll, sheets #4 and #5, dated 31201$', Ftoor Plans ior Duplex Buildtng, Steven James Rlden. 35. lllllfiace lll, sheets tr and #?, dated s/6/sl, Etevailons for Duptex Buildtng, Steven James Rlden. 36. lrtllraae lll, sheet Ll, dated 5/619g, slte/Landscape plan, staren James Rlden. 37. Millrace lV, scenario l, alkla cosgriff Parcet, site Plan, Arnold Gwathmey pratt, 10t28t91. 38. Millrace lv, scenario l, alwa Gosgriff parcet, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey pratt, 12 10t22t91. 39. Millrace lv, scenario l, alwacosgriff parcel, Floor plans Amold Gwathmey pratt, 10t23t91. 40- Millrace lV, scenario l, akla Gosgrifi parcel, tandscape plan, Dennis Anderson Associates. 41. Cosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, Inc., 10191191 stamped. 42, Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Letand Lechner, 6t8t87. tl3. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, t0n0/gg. 44. Cascade Village Special Development Disrict Amendment and Envircnmenlal hpact Report: Peter Jamar Assoclates,Inc., revlsed lllnl8nd. * A manimum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved plans, may be added to the Waterford project to allow for compliancc with the Uniform Building Gode, Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The staff shall review alt sucfi additions to ensure that they are required by such codes. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercialsite 1. Area D Master Site Plan, Geodesign by Sherry Donrard, UZAIO. 2. Landscape Plan for Area D, Geodesign by $herry Dorward, ZlZZlgO. 3. Area D elevations, Geodesign by Sherry Donrvard, Zgl90. 4. Vail Micro-brewery, Seracuse, Lawler, and partners, Denver, CO., sheets A2.1, 4c'2, M.3, A3.1, A3.2, A4j, A4.2, dared 1l8tg0 and sheet A2.4 dated 12/13/89. 5. Vail Brewery Roof Study, Frank Freyer, 1/8/90. 6. Glen Lyon Parking Garage Floor Ptans and Site plan, Roma, 11l2glgg. 7. Glen Lyon Pafting Garage Sections/Elevations, Homa, 11128/88. 8. Glen Lyon Condominium, Roma, 11l2$lg9. 9. Glen Lyon Condominium East Buitding, Roma, 11/2el88. 10. Deck Enclosure (Phase lA) to Gten Lyon Office Building, pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh, dated 9/20/90. 11. Landseape Plan, Phase lA Deck Enclosure, Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh, dated 8/19/91. 12. Otfice Addition to Glen Lyon Office Building, Bu?f AmoldlNed Gwammey Architects August 25, 1989 Sheets A1 through A4. 13 13. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental fmpact Reporfi PeterJamarAssociates, Inc., Revised fimf,8. Letterfrom PeterJamar Associates, lnc., dated January 16, 1990. 14. Decelerauon lane design tor south Frontage Road, RBD, october 19, lggg as approved by Co. Div. of Hgwys. 15' A resubdivision of Lot 54 amended plat Glen Lyon Subdivlsion, Eagle Vatley Surveying Inc. as approved by T.O.V. 16. Vail Brewery Parking Anatysis, TDA colorado, Inc., August 10, 19gg and vail Brewery Parking Analysis updab, TDA cotorado, Inc., January 16, 1990 pages 1-9. 18.46.110 DeveloomentStandards The development standards set out in Sections 1 8.46.120 through 18.4€.1 80 are approved by the Town Council. These standards shatl be incorporated into the approved dwelopment plan pertinent to eadt developrnent area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum development standads and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town council. 18.46.120 SetbacK A. Area A. Cascade Villaqe Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the perlphery ol the property ot not less than turenty feel lvith the exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on February g, igga, by fre planning and Environmental Commission. All buitdings shall mainhin a 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek. The waterford building shatl maintain a minimum 20 foot setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Required setbacks shail be as indicated on the development plan. C. Area C. Gten Lvon Duotglf Lots Heguired setbacks shall be govemed by section 18.13.060 setbacK of the Primary/Secondary zone district of the Town ol Vail Municipal Code. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commarcial Site Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans. 18.46.140 Heioht 14 A- For ths purposes of sDD No. 4 catculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a llat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otheruise specified in approved development plan drawings. B. Area A. Cascade Viltaoe 1. The maximum heightforthe westin Hotel, cMC Leaming center, Tenace wing, Plaza conference Buitding and cascade parking structure/Athtetic Glub is 71 feet. 2. Gomerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 fe6t. 3. Waterfod Building: Maximum height ot fuet as measured from finishect glade to any portion of the roof atong the north elevation shall be 55' (South Frontage Road), 56'along the west elevation Wesfiaven Drive, and 65 feet along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade. 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum o{ 55 feet. 5. Miltrace tlt: A maximum ot 36 teet. 6. Millrace lV: A manimum of 96 feet. 7- Cascade Glub Addilion: A manimum of 26 leet. 8. Cascade Entry Tolrren A maximum of 96 teet. s. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 4g feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The ma,rimum height shail be 48 feet. D. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots The maximum helght shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a ffat or mansard roof. E. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 51ol" ot the roof shalt have a height betvreen 32 and 40 feet. 49% ot the roof area shalt have a height under 32 feet. On the pedmeter of the buildings lor Area D, height is measured from finished grade up to any point ot the root. on the interior area of any building, heighl is measured from exisling grade up to the highest point of the roof. Development plan draurings shall constitute the height altowances for Area D. 15 18.46.160 Site Coveraqe In Areas A and B, no more than 35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an inslitutional or educational center, rts% of the area may be oovered unless othenrise indicated on the site speciffc development plans. In Area C' no more than 25o/o of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 18.69 of the Vail Municipat Gocle apply. ln Area D, no mors than 37"/" ot $e total site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure. 18.46.170 landscaoinq At least the following percantages of the total development area shall be landscaped as provided in the development plan. This shall include rebntion of natural landscape, if appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent, and in Areas c and D, sixty percant, of the areE shall be landscaped unless othenrvise indicated on the site specific development plans. 18.45.180 Farkino and Loadino A. Area A. Cascadg Villaoe 1. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance wnh Chapter 19.s2, except that 75% of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace lV, Scenario l, where 66.60/o of required parking shall be enclosed in a buitding. lf the development table in Section 18'46.103 is amendsd, the parking requirements shall be amended accordingly. 2- There shall be a totar ot 421 spaces in the main cascade Glub parking structure. A 17.5 percent mixed-use credit per he Town ol Vail parking code, section 18.52.20 has been applied to the total number ol required parking spaces in the Cascade structure. 3. There shall be a total ot 58 on-site parking spaoes on the waterford buifding site with a minimum ot z5% of tre required space tocated below grade. No mixed use credit shall be spplied b this site. 4. There shall be a minimum of g3 enclosed parking spaces located within the comerstone building with sz of the required spaces available to the public tor short-term parking. No mixed use credit has been applie<l to this lot. 5. The third floor of the cascade parking structure shall not be used to meet any parking requirements tor accommodation units, tansient residential dwelting 16 unils, employee drrrelling units or dveiling units. 6. Phasing: All required parking for comerstone and waterford shall be loc€rted on their respective sites. All required parking for the Gascade Club Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be providect in the Cascade parking structure. 7- Seventy'five percent of fre requlred parking shall be located within the mah building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a lanclscaped berm for westhaven condominiums, and Millrace lll. 8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved in the development plan. B. Area B. Coldstream Cordominiums Fifty percent of the required parking shatl be located within the main builcting or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duptex Lots off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Ghapter 1g.52. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercialsite 1. Phase l, lA and il shafl incrude g0 surface parking spaces ptus 6 varet parking spaces on the east end of the surface parking lot, Phase tA shall include 2 additional required parking spaces for a total of 4it required parking spaces. 2. Phase lllshall include a minimum of 10g parking spaces. A minimum of '100 spaces shall be located in the parking structure. All required parklng for fie east building shall be provided on-site per Town of Vailparking requirements per section 18.52.100 for residential and office use. A minimum of eleven spaces shall be located in ore garage of the east buitding and a maximum of 5 surface spaces shall be tocated adjacent to the east buitding. 3. Area D development shalf meet the operational requirements oudined in the TDA colorado Inc. Report, section parking Anatysis considerations, January 16, 1990. Parking Analysis Considerations pages 1-8. 4. Valet parking shalt be prohibited on the west end of the surface parking lot 5. The Brew Pub shall not be open to the public until after 4:30 p.m. for Phase I and ll Monday through Friday. when phase lll devetopment occurs including the oarkino strucftrre, the brew pub may opaete during the weeldays 17 o onoe the parking structure is available tor public use. 6. The Beer Hall shall not oprate or be used by the public before 4:30 p.m. on wealrdays, Monday through Friday at anytime. 7. Once the parking struclure is constructed, the parking and access to Area D shall be managed per the TDA Parking Report, Paking Management Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 1988, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery Parking Analysis Update, dated January 16, 1990, both written by Mr. David Leahy. L No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the grblic right-of-way along ihe South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development. S. The owner of the property and brewery management shall prohibil semi-truck and trailer fuck traftic to the Glen Lyon Commercial site. The only truck loading that shall be allowed to the site shall be vans having a maximum length of 22 teet 18.46.190 Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due lor the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapter 3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cenB per square foot of the floor arsa in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate nol to exceed fifteen cenF per square foot of GHFA in Developmenl Area C; and at a ratB not to exceed seventy-five c€nb per square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each oonstruction phase prior to the issuance of building permib- 18.46.200 CjnservationgndPoltutionControts A. The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollution from surface runotf. B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water @nservation controls as general technology exists at the fime of @nstruction. C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in Section 8.28 of the Town of Vail Municipal as amended. D. lf fireplaces are provided yrrihin the development, they must be heat elficient through the use of glass snclosures and heat ciranlafing devices as ischnology exisb at the time of development. E. Allwater features within Development Area A shall haw ovErffow storm drains per 18 the recommendation of the Environmental lmpact Report by Jamar Associates on page 34. F. All pafting structurss shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt from draining into Gore Greek. G. In Area D, a manhole on the brewery service tine shall be provided so that ue Upper Eagle valley consolidated sanitation District may monitor BoD strength. H. In Area D, the brewery managsment shall not operate the brewery process during temperature inversions. lt shall be the brewery owne/s responsibility to monitor inversions. l. All trash compactoni and trash storage areas shall be oompletely anctosed within Special Development District 4. J. Probctive measures shall be used during construction to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D. K' The two employee dweiling units in Area D shall onty be allo,ved to have gas fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances goveming fireplaces. 18'46.210 Additional Amenities and Aooroval Aqreements for Soecial Develooment District No.4. A. The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provide adequaF private transportation services to the owners and guesb so as to transport them from fie development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the approved development plan. B. Developer shalt provide in its approved development plan a bus shelter of a design and location mutually agreeable to developer and Town Couneil. Said shelter to serve the area generally. C. Area A, Cascade Village 1. The developer shall be responsible for providing a break-arnay bollard for the emergency access road between Eagle Pointe/Park Meadows, 1472 Matterhom Circle, and Westhaven Drive. ThE design ot the boilard shal he mutually acceptable to the developer and Tourn of Vail. This improvement shall be construc'ted when a building permit is requested tor the Comerstone, Millrace lll, Millrace lV, Westhaven Condominiums, WaErford buildings, or Cascade Glub addition. The bollard shall be included in lhe permit plans. The bollard shall be 19 constructed subsquent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certlflcate of occupanry for the Comerstone, Millrace lll, Millrace lV, Westhaven Condominiums, Waterford buildings, or Cascade Club addition. 2. The devetoper shall constuct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the cascade club along westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front ol the westhaven building to connect with the recreational pafr to Donovan park. The walk shall be constructed when a buitding permit is requested ior westhaven condominiums. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit plans. The sidewalk shall be constucted subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certficate of occrrpancy for westhaven Condominiums. 3' The developer shall provide 100-year floodplain inlormation for the area adjacent to he waterford and comerstone buildings to the Town of vail Gommunity Development Department before building permits are released for either project. 4. The conditions for Area A in Sections 18.46.020 B, 19.46.190 A. l-2, 18.46.200 A - F, t, J, 18.46.210 C, 1-9, anct 18.2t6.220 shail be set fofih in restrietive covenanb subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle Gounty. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attomey for approval before a building permit is requested for the comersbne, or Millrace lll, or Millrace lv, westhaven condominiums, or waterford buildings, or cascade club Addition. 5. Mlllrace ilt a. The devetoper of the tililrace il project understands that the developers of the waterford and corneEtone prclects located In sDD #4 agreed to fulflllspectftc obilgailans setforth In paEgraph 1g.46.a0 czbl - 4 (cornerstone) or 8c1 - 4 (wabrford) hereof In order to lepalr and re@nstruct westhayen Drlve. The lilllrace il developer egrces that It these obllgatlons are not fulfllled by the developeB of the comeretone and Waterford prolects at the {me a bufldtng permtt ts Stelned tor F"Veilsd. 2A lllllrace lll, the tvllllrace lll developer shall fuffiil ail such obilgailom In the manner as setforth below: 1. Prror to the ume any bulldlng permlt ls l$ued for the illllrace lll proJect and no later than Deoember 31, 1g9il, the devetoper Bhail pay to the Town by cash or ca$hler's check the sum of $gZ,S00 to be used by the Town ior the repalr and rcconstrucilon d we3thayen Drlve as set forth In more detail tn pangraphs Sb2 - 4. 2. Beforc any Temporary Geftillcate ol Occupancy ls bsued tor the bundlngs, the Town, at no expense or oost to the Town, wlll obtatn tltle to westhaven Drlve, After the transfer ot iltle ot trvestharren Drlrre to the Town, the developer ghall prcvlde, at lts cost a ilile |nsulanoe pollcy In the amount ot $50,000 Insurtng that the Tourn has fee ttile of westhaven Drlve. lf the owner of wegthaven Drlw ls unwllllng to voluntarlly transfer fl$e sf westhaven Drlve to the Town, the Town ot vail shall lmfitute an acflon ln condemnatlon to obtaln fitle to westhayen Drlve. should euch an acilon be ]equlred' the developer shall pay all costs thereof, Includlng attorneys fees, @urt @sts' appralsal !ees, any eacrows requlrcd prlor to taklng lmmedlate poss€sslon of the property and any award rrrhlch may flnally be awarded by the Court or by the Commlttee. The selectlon of legal counsel and apprabers to reprcsent the Town, should condemnatlon be necessary,3hall be selected by the developer with the spproval of the Town, oonsent ehatl not be unrcasonably wlthhetd. 3. The Town shall commenee the t€palr and Eoonstruc$on of westheyen Drlve and lts ongolng malntenance, subsequent to the reoelptof the $97,500 provlded for In secilon 5.a.1. of thls ilue and the sa$sfactory conveyanoe of tltle to westhaven Drlve to the Town of vall. The date for the oommenoement ot the repalr and Gconstructlon and for lts oompleuon shall be entlrely at the dlscrefion ot the Town. 4. Should the Town not requtre the enilre amount ot the g97,500 pald by the developer to the Town ior the }tpalr and the eoonstrucilon of Westharten Drlve, the Town wlll forward eny amount rcmalnlng after all construcuon and retated costs har€ been pald In full to the rterreloper wtro 21 ehall refund such amount prorata b the parHes orlglnally contrlbuilng the $97"500. 6. Millrace lV, Scenario l. a. The developer shalt obtain an easement from the owners of the property adjacent to the eastem boundary of the property commonly called the cosgriff Parcel, which is more specifically defined in Exhibit A, attached to this odinance and in@rporated herein by reference. The easements shall be sufficient to permit the construction, maintenance and replacement of retaining walls forthe purpces of grading and boulder retention all along the western property line ol said adjacent property. The easement shall be in a form acceptable to the Town Attomey, shall run with the land, and shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County prior to Design Review Board review. b. The developer shall provide the community Dwelopment Department of the Town with written consent from the Upper Eagle valley water and sanitation District psrmitting the encroachment of certain decks specified in ffre devetopment plan for the Millrace lV condominiums, as set forth in section 1g.4.6.140(tg) of this ordinance into their sewer sasement recorded in Book 217, page 429 of the land records of Eagle county. This consent shall be submited prior to Design Review Board review. c. The developer shall receive final approval of the site grading plan for the construction of Millrace lv, scenario l, trom the Town Engineer prior to Design Fleview Board review. d. The Millrace Gondominium Map, recorded at Book 326, page 2s7, of the land records of Eagle county shall be amended so that the accsss sasement shorvn thereon shall align with the present location of the roadway on the western property line of he cosgriff Parcel, and the amendment shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. e- The developer shail install ls (6'-10) evergreens souffr of fre south Frontage Hoad adjacent b the cascade club building, and 5 (6,-10) evergreens to the south of the westhaven Aparfinent foundations and north of wesfraven Drive. The developer shall obtain the written approval of ure colorado Departnent ol Highways (cDoH) permitting the installation of these trees along the south 22 7. Frontage Road prior to said installation. lf cDoH approvat cannot be obtained, then a minimum of 10 {6'-10') evergreens shall be instatted adjacent to the Westhaven Aparfnents. f. The developer shall apply for and complete the minor subdivision process for the Gosgriff Parcel and a suMivision plat signed by the Town of Vail shall be recorded on be land records of Eagle County prior to the release of any building permits for the construction of any structrre on the Cosgriff Parcel. S. Landscaping along the south and west property lines ot the Cosgriff Parcel shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board to insure a suitabte butfer area between it and the other properties along said f@erty lines. h. The Design Reniew Board shall review the architecture and lardscape plan further for compatibility with the sunounding area. i. The developer and the adiacent property owners shallsubmit a landscape plan for the area north of the Gosgriff property to the Design Review Board for review. j. For purposes of calculating Gross Resldential Ftoor Area permitted on the Cosgriff Parcel, no credits of any kind (overlapping stairs, mechanical, etc.), except for 300 sq. tt. to be allowed for each enclosed parking spaoe, shall be given. Comerstone a. Belore the building permit is released for the project, the developer shall permanently resfid three employee housing units in accordance wifi Section 18.46.n0 of this ordinance. b. 1. Prior to the time any building permit is iissued for either the Comerstone or Waterford projects and no later than December 31, 1993, Ure developer shall pay to the Town by cash or cashier's check the sum of $97,500 to be used by the Town for the repair and reconstuction of Westhaven Drive as set forth in more detail in paragraph 7 b 2 through 4. 2. Before any Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the building, the Town, at no expense or cost to the Town, will obtain tite to Westhaven Drive. After the transfer of tite of Westhaven Drive b the Tourn, the developer shall provide, at ib cost a tiUe insurance policy in the amount of $50,000 insuring that the Town has fee title ot Westhaven Drive. lf he owner of 23 Westhaven Drive is unwilling to voluniarily tansfer title of Westhaven Drive to the Town, the Town of Vail shall institute an action in condemnation to obtain title to Westhaven Drive. Should such an aotion be required, the developer shatl pay all cosb thereof, including attomeys fees, court cosb, appraisal fees, any escrows required prior to taking immediate possession of the property and any award which may finally be awarded by the Court or by the Committee. The selection of legal @unsd and appraisers to represent the Town, should condemnation be neoessary, shall be selected by the de\reloper with the approval of &e Town. Consent shall not unreasonably withheld. 3. The Town shall commence the r€,pair and reconstruction of Westhaven Drive and its ongoing maintenance, subsequent to the receipt of the $97,500 provided for in Section 7.b.1. of this title and the satisfiactory oonveyance of title to Westhaven Drive to the Town. The date for the eommencement of the repair and reconstruction and lor its completion shall be entirely at the discretion ot the Town, 4. Should the Town not require the entire amount of the 997,500 paid by the developer to the Town for tne repair and the reconstuction of Westhaven Drive, the Tovn will fonrvard any amount remaining after all construction and related costs have been paid in full to the developer who shall refund such amount prorata to the parties ortginally contributing the $97,500. c. The landscape plan set forilr in the development plan for Comerstone between the Tenace Wing and Gomerstone building shall be revised prior to the review of the project by the DHB in the following ways: 1. Foremergency services, an ac@ss lane shall be provided from the westem courtyard to the ski lift. 2. lf deemed necessary by the developer and the Community Development Department staff, the water feature on the landscape plan may be removed or revised. The landscaping in this area shall be part of the Comerstone development, and, thsrefore, it is the Comerstone developer's responsibility to complete this portion of the project prior to the release of a final Certificate of Occupancyforthe project. These plans shallbe inctuded in the building permit for the Comerstone development. 24 8. d. After the Torrrrn of vail has tide to westhaven Drive, it shall convey title to the developer for the area of westhaven Drive under which parking is located for the comerstone project. The amended minor subdivision plat shallbe submitted by the developer before a building permit is released lor the cornerstone site. The developer shall dedi,cate an access easement to the Town over this portion of Westhaven Drive. e. All fireplaces shall be gas appliances pursuant to sec.tion g.2g of the Vail MunicipalCode. f. Those sp.rces allocahd to commercial areas as short term public parking shall be permanently resficted for the use of the comerstone project. All required parking associded with the uses shalt not be conveyed, used or leased sspafately from the uses. Public parking on the westhaven Drive level of the comerstone proiect shall be made avaitable to the public for short term parking. Waterford a. The developer shall permanently restrict the two employee housing units provided in the waterford Development plan in accordance with section 19.46.pa of this ordinance. b. A minor subdivision plat shall be completed and recorded prior to the release of any building permib for either the comerstone or waterford developments. c. 1 . Prior to the time any building permit is issued for either Comerstone or waterford projects and no later than December 91, 199s, the developer shatl pay to the Town by cash or cashie/s check the sum of $g7,S0O to be used by the Town lor the repair and reconstruction ol westhaven Drive as set forth in more detaif in paragraph I e 2 through 4. 2. Before any Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued for fre building, the Town, at no expense or cost to the Town, will obtain tifle to westhaven Drive. After the transfer of tiile of westhaven Drive to the Town, the developer shall provide, at its cost a title insurance policy in the amount of 950,000 insuring that the Town has fee title of Westhaven Drive. lf the owner of westhaven Drive is unwilling to voluntarily transfer title of westhaven Drive to fie Town, the Torrn of Vail shall institub an action in condemnation to obtaln title to 25 Westhaven Drive. Should such an action be required, the developer shall pay all costs thereot, including attomeys fees, court cosF, appraisal fees, any escrows required prior to taking immediate possession of the property and any award which may finally be awarded by the Court or by the Committee. The selection of legal counsel and appraisers to represent the Town, shoutd condemnation be nsoessary, shall be seleeted by the developer with the approval of the Town. Consent shall not unreasonably withheld. 3. The Town shall commence the repair and reconstuction of Westhaven Drive and ib ongoing maintenance, subsequent to the receipt of the $97,500 provided for in paragraph 8 c 1 and the satisfactory mnveyance of tifle to Westhaven Drive to the Town. The date for the commenosment of fie rcpair and reconstruction and for its completion shall be entirely at the discretion of the Town. 4. Should the Town not require the entire amount of the $97,500 paid by the developer to the Town for the repair and the remnstustion ol Westfiaven Drive, tte Town will fonrard any amount remaining after all construction and related cosb have been paid in fullto the developerwho shall refund such amount prorata to the parties originally contributing the $97,500. d. The recreation pattr shall be relocated as set forth on the development plan and shall be amended on the minor subdivision plat tor the Waterfod and Gomerstone lots to conespond to the new location. e. The DHB will review the landscaping in the areas of the retaining walls on the west and east ends of the site. The DRB will review the north elevations architec'tural details. The applicant shall review the possibility of eliminating the skier access on the east end of the project. However, if the applicant can significantly decrease the retaining walls necessary to build the access, the skier access may remain. f. All fireplaces shall be gas logs permifted pursuant to Sestion 8.28 of the Vail MunicipalCode. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site. 1. The developer shall agree to construct a bus lane per Town of Vail standards in the area of the porte-cochere of the Micro-brewery in Area D. The D. 26 specific location for the bus lane shall bs mutually agreed to by the Area D owner and/or dewloper, Golorado Division of Highways, and Town of Vail. The bus lane shall be constructed subseguent to the issuance of a builcling permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either he brewery addition, otfice expansion excluding phase lA, east office building, or parking structure. The developer andlor ovvners of arga D shall be responsible for maintaining the new bus lane, including snow removal. lf the lane is not maintained properly or snow removal is not adequde, the Town will not provide bus service to the site. 2. The developer shall relocate the existing bike pa$r on Area D and provide a new bike path easement across the Glen Lyon property and CDOH property per the development plan for Area D. The bike path shail be constructed per Town of vail standards. The bike path shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certllicate of occupancy for either the brevtrery addition, office expansion excluding phase lA, east office building, or parking structure. Sucn temporary certificate of occupancies shall be conditional upon construction ot the bike path provided for herein. The bike path easement shall be replatted and approval obtained from the Town Council prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupanry for either fte Brewery addition, ofiice expansion excluding Phase lA, east ofiice building or parking structure. 3. The developer shall underground the elecfical utilities along the north side of the Glen Lyon property from the northwest comer of the property to the northeast corner of the property. This utitity work shall be constructed subequent to tie issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary ce rtif icate of occupancy for ei$rer the Brewery addition, oflice expansion, excluding Phase lA east otfice building or parking structure. 4. The developer shall be responsible for retocating the 20 foot utitity easement on the western portion of Development Arsa D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail for the relocated utillty easement before a building permit is released lor the mioo-brewery addition. 5. The developer ot the Glen Lyon Office property shall not file any 27 remonstrance or protest against the formation of a local improvement district ol other financing mechanism approved by the Vail Ta,rrn Council which may be established f,or the purpose of building road improvements for the South Frontage Road. 6. The developer shall provide a lire hydrant per Town of Vail Fire Department requirements on the northwest portion of he property. The specific location for the fire hydrant shall be approved by the Vail Fire Department. The fire hydrant shall be provirled subsequent to tie issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east office building, or parking structure. 7. The Developer shall construct a deceleration lane along Soutr Frontage Road per the GDOH aooess permit. The developar shall submit plans for the South Frontage Road improvements to the Town of Vail Engineer for review and approval before a building permit is released for either Phase I excluding Phase lA, ll, or lllconstruction. 8. The conditions for Area D in Sections 18.46.180 D, 18.46.200 A, B, F - K, 18.46.210 D,1-7, and 18.46.220 shall be set forth in restrlctive covenants subject to the approval of the Town Attomey and once so approrred shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to he Town Attorney for approval before a building permit shall be issued for the Micro-brewery, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east otfice building, or parking structure. 9. The minor suMivision for Area D shall be developed per the following conditions: a. The development of parcels A, B, C, and D, shall be timited to he SDD No. 4 development plan and govemed by the SDD No. 4 ordinance as approved by the Town ol Vail and on file with the Department ot Community Development or as amended and approved by the Community Development Deparfilent, Planning and Environmential Commission, and/or the VailTown Council. b. The minor subdivision ptat shall include a statement that development of the four parcels shall be govemed by the approved SDD 28 4 development plan for area D and goveming ordinances. c, The Community Devsf@ment Department and Town of Vaif Attomey shall have the right to review and require charqes in any "Agreements of renants in Gommon', 'conveyance of Easement and party wall Agreements', and any other easement or ownership agreements related to the development of parcels A, B, C, and D to ensurs that the four parcels are dweloped per the approved development plan in SDD No. 4 Ordinanee. d' The developer shafi be responsibre for repratting the a0 toot utirity easement on the western portion of development Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of vail for the, new utility €asement before the minor subdivision ptat is recorded. Any modifications or amendments to the minor suMivision cpnditions of approvat agreement shall be reviewed as a major amendment under the procedures ouuined in Section 18.40 of the Tarrrn of Vail Zoning Code. e. The conditions for tre minor subdivision in section I g.116.210 (Dg) A, B, C, and E, shall be set forth in restrictive @v6nants subject to the approval of the Torarn Attomey and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle county. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attomey before the minor subdivision is recorded on the land records of Eagle County. lO. The entire Glen Lyon Otfice Buitding and Brewery Buitding shail be sprinklered and have a tire alarm detection s)rstem. Town of Vail Fire Department approval of the sprinkler and fire alarm systems shall be required before a building permit is released for Phase I exduding phase lA or ll. 11. The developer shail submit a set of amended ptans to ths Colorado Division of Highways for review and approval. The improvemenb on CDOH property proposed by the developer must receive CDOH approval before Phase I, excluding lA, ll, and lll are presented to the Town of Vail Design Revien' Board for final approval. 12. The east building including the two employee dnelling units shall be constructed when the parking sfucture is built to ensure that the emptoyee units N are built. 18.46.220 ErnploveeHousinq The development of SDD No. 4 will have impacts on available employee housing within the Upper Eagle Valley area. ln order to help meet this additional employee housing need, tre developer(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. The developer(s) ot Area A shall buiE a minimum of I employee dwelling units within Area A Westhaven Condominium building, 3 within the Comerstone Building and 2 within the Waterlord Builcling. Each employee dwelling unit in the Westhaven Condominium Builcting shall have a minimum square lootage of 648 square feet. Each employee unit in the Comerstone Building shall have a minimum square footage of 600 square bet. There shall be a total ol2 employee dvvelling units in the Waterford Building' One shall be a minimum ol 300 square feet and fte other a minimum of 800 square feet. The developer ol Area D shallbuild 2 employee dwelling unib in the Area D east building per the approved plan for the East Building. In Area D one employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GBFA of 795 square feet and the second employee drvelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 900 square teet. The GRFA and number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for sDD No. 4. In Area A, the GRFA and number of employee dwelling units shall be restricted as employee dwelling units for 20 years plus the life of Tiffany Christine Lowenthalfrom the date ol ftnal certilicate of occupancy for said units except those units in the Comerstone and Waterford developments. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall be restricted as renlal emptoyee dwelling units permanentty. ln Areas A & D the following restrictions shall apply to atl employee dwelling units except for those units in the Waterford and Comerstone Buildings. The employee dwelling unit shall not be teased or rented for any period ol less than 30 consecutive days, and that if rented, it shall be rented only to tenanb who are full time employses in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Mintum, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their sunounding areas. A full time employee is a person who works an average of 30 hours per week In Area A, if an employee dwelling unit is sold, it shall be sold only to a full time employee in the Upper Eagle Valley. The owner shall occupy the unit or lease/rent as per the requiremenls in this section. In Areas A & D he employee dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of timeshare, interval ownership' or fractional fee ornership. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed on re@rd in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attomey for the beneftt of the Town to ensure that the restristions herein shall run with the land 30 before a building permit is released lor the @nstruction of the employee unib in eittrer Area A or Area D. Before any buiEing permits shall be released for eifier the Comerstone or Waterford developments, the employee housing units shall be permanently restdctod per the Town of Vail Housing Ordinance as follows: 1. The EHU shall have a parking requirement of one (1) on-site parking space and the EHU shall be located "on" tre Town's bus route (as d€termined by the Town Zoning Administrator); 2. The EHU shall not be subdivided into any form of time shares, interval ownerships, or fractional fee; 3' The EHU shall be leased, but only to tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. The EHU shall not be leased for a period less than hirty (30) consecutive days. For the purposes ot this Section, a fulFtime employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours eacfi week; 4' No later than February 1 of each year, fte owner of the employee housing unit shall submit two (2) copies of a report (on a form to be obtained from the Gommunity Development Department), to the Community Development Department ol the Torrrn ot Vail and the Chairperson of the Town of Vail Housing Authority, setting forth evidence estabfishing that each tenant whom resides within the employee housing unit is a fult-time employee in Eagle County; 5. This agreement shall be recorded at the Eagle County Cterk and Recorder's Oflice. 18.46.230 TimeRequirements SDD No. 4 shall be governed by the procedures ouflined in Section 18.40.'120 of the Town of Vail Municipal Gode. Section 4. ll any part, section, subsection, sentenc€, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such dedsion shall not afiect the valklity of the remaining portions of this ordinance;and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, eubsection, sentence, clzuse or phrase thereof, regardless of fie fact that any one or more parts, sections, suhections, senlences, clauses or phrases be dedared invalid. 31 o Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and re-snactment of any provlsions ol the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occuned prior to the effective date hereof, any prosscution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 6. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsisEncy. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, rssolution or ordinance, or part thereot, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 18th day of May, 1993, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the lst day of June, 1993, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Holly L. McOutcheon, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING fris _ day of Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: 1993. Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk 32 L/I '.:.-'. '.!-.'.'.E;illIDIT r"\r'' t "'-"'-' '- :"': '' "' ' , 'l.:, '. .:. . ' .. . -:1 ,.1j.I.Jn..r, . ;.:*. --:.__.'.* '1., ' 'ur$1.:..r,....". .1I!ELDEL PROPEF.TT. "i '. ' ,. . 'i.i:ii."r:.. 'jip.E.vELOFit..FiiT A.RE/)_ ti ;tt i .. ,.l l.). ./ri--, i:) ,: ., , .-'..:; VEll-Rosa...1",'. ..... .q r...':l"t.7;.:..,i"ii..'l..'.li:...:,1.2.370actrcr i':,ir:,*:ttpi;q:lt;Ei[i ;f;illoi",,](l :! t(l ?tn'iii1?nul3r.ioou "; : ..'.:: . .:follohrs r;.. li: i,.. ..r. .....i..-... . -- -- r'r'' r,, Lrl r.l . ,:. . ' i.:J..,': a': ii...-' 'ir.::li .'._ . .u:gllt.tliroi a polnt on rhc, l{esr IInc o{ satd sr.t 1/4'NE 1'/4'from rlr:t! ttrc NoiLh-rl"-q,r.rr,cr corn!r of. rald secLion'beors rrort'!r''prs-'.iiir"iicl'..r0 r-d"u.j-ii,"nIl"nor-_h oor5,.Easr ... .along saidrt{est:linel-fS:.ii fccE, to a-point on thc southeaste:fy' ':., right' of 'way line oft'u.S. .if ienriay llo. 6; thcncc, l,Iong said .''.southcaste=ry Flghc bf wiy ii!|cr rs forrorrs. r-ur rrr.,Dg .'arq' ,l'".'."rii'',;';.'i.].. it:i:,r,li . . North:F2o2?t..'East, I02. jI f eer,;"1ir1.-. !.1?":lt ,!t:jg''.Eaot, trc.li,;;;i; and : .:.'.. :.",..Norrh .tBoIJ, Easr, s.is.0i'i;;i; ilo=" or Xcss, _ro a poinuj on thq Norbh-rlnc of sarE-sri'r/{ ni-r7r;-lnii.ce Nor!,1.r BBo33r' '. Easr, aronq llrg. N?rrlr' lrnc or iara-sri itq-iii, rss recL, Norc or.'-lou:! !? a-.pgint on d,rre-lenieqiinE;i e'";c"Eicer,.; ilrcnee, arons rhe.i.centcrllne'of, Gore Crcel.., as follovsi . South 360.1 g, uest, 101 .O,l feet; :'..' ..:.i lotrtir .lq?3I' uesu, s.rlos -r"lil 'Soutlr:Io2.lr 11est, 203. OZ !eeLiSoulh 1?oI0. t est,, II0. 25 f eet : arriSoutlr Zgo4Ir - lrcsr, , Z,lz.35 f cci, . if,*n"". sotirh ?50I5 r1064i10 .f ceE to the poinr of begfn;i;j.-". - ----' . , :..'i. ' "j' '..: -.;..,1;1.1g5gt ' ' .'Ttose Frrcc I ''l'r. .r i:l:,.3.190 actrcr ]t'trrci of, land sLCu:t,ci, in thc St:t}:El of Scction 13,'.',l.Tp 5 S.; R; :.Bl:,.l.t.:,..9f .!h. 6tlr p.i.t., 1.1ing Sour.hc:ly ol ttiiU'cc:iaLn ' ' .trlct_ of ..l'and'clesc:ibiti.Ln Book I9i,i i'aei I9z, r+oilfrci:.y ana- . .. ::llesccil)' o{ i.!lre. cinier rinc of cori'ltreit:, ino iii;d-l;itrr"iry'oira'': ''..:' .'Eastev"f i,::of ';ithose certain trlcts deslcribci in go'ok il,t qu pagA 'r06 r.rl jDoo!: 2ll ag'Page 108 and Dool: lL5 aul Fage f,65, rJcscrilcd as - ' ' {ol'lor'rs ! .".ir; "';.1..'; ', : .' .. .:..i...' : . ;'.i, Deginning .aE a point on Lhc l{orrh-South ccnier Iine'. . of said 'Scetion 12 .r.lhcnce.thc NorLh quart,e: corncr of sald Sc,ction'. tZ be'ars tl. 00oI5r E. 2?69.tg t""c,j i'. ;...1:. ..;.i tlrcnce N.: ?5ol5.t E. 346.2i6 f ecu io the true poinL'of' '".'i I '.:.: tnebce I{.,; /)-l).' E. J4 b. Zrb IeeE tO the ErUe pglnE'Ot .' bcginning, iaid point bciirs on the sburh linc of, that tiacs dctcribed : from the llorth quartcr corncr of caid Sec:ion 12;. ,,'. _.. .''. .'rl':.;.: thcnic'N-' ?.5oI5' !. ?1?.84 f,cc!, along the souuhcrly' .r'.'linc of tlrat Erac! dsscribcd in Dook 1,99, !.age i9? to llre ecpter" .'1 .'linc of tlrat Eracl, dsscribc<I in Dook 1,99r'!'agc tg? to llre ecn-ter ,.,'.'t,r.;.O.e GOl. C::CfCek; !ti.. li,.r,;. I'.i'r. ; .i-t. i nence 5. LtJ-tlL ' yl . rJu. ur IeeE aron9 tne ccnEcr J.1; Gk ; i {i;l :t '; .'. .'l .thencc S. 05024rJ0[ D. 104.50 fcet a1oa9 the cenLcri .,. llnc of^cald:Crcckti -.,. --.,. ::.:.. _. ' thcncc 5. 4r"29 | lt. 95.50 fect, nlong thc cenigr J.J.ne ;l - i' ..:ol'sa.{d-."9rccht.:-i*',1;. ",i' -thcnce'S. ZZo34r H. 124.47 fect.along thc senE,er IInet'i ilr..t^r. e:r {.i t-e;-1 .:..rl .'.it. of: sal,{.pre.ek;.!:.i...,. .....r.., . . r ':-1.,1".1 .r - - thencc S. 5lo00r.l.l. 1,19..34 f,cet.along thc cent,er llne....-.'i"'t., of .aaId'Crcekl1.to. tha.Southcast cor.ncr of, tlraE ccrtaln tract of' ... . land.. tlcs.crlbcd, J.n..Dook ?1I r Pagc l0D I | .;.,.:.1', - " _-.' 'thc'riec'N.'"33016i30u'lf. 14o.Iz fcet, alonE thc EasLcrly.j.i.:'1..1.1in9 g.f'^tho;t,-,tr.act, $escrj.bcd in Dook 2II at. page 108; :. . r : ; ";, xer:hcas'.sttl:i.iilii;i'iilt'',l.nt' ul!l;11.5:i: il:il"iluo. oon o rba ; -' ., ;s,;tinc of.r.,!!rg1c ..tri'itb"Joiirirr"a fi nooL-iri:oE ;;;""roc-tooi-iir-'' "'laE lage,'l;0G;to:.a'pointi . 'j. .i "i - '"'theiicc-u'.'rioszrf,0" 1{. ?6.0s fccE along thcNorBheusqcrly llnc of lhDg Lracl rlcscrj.bccl In Dooli 2I5 at lage . , .t . 3 65 ' to tlrc poin c of bca i rrnlng'. ' -, r:'. 33 rl. ai co:lrr:.:uED i- IND 'l : '. t' : .'" j i: " ." i r:. ,1,i. 'r.:':: I -"" Irrr EhsE parE.of hhc strli{El br so"tion 12, lvlnq'souihcrr.., ofthe cenrcr' of, corc cfccL..a g.[crrouni "" trra-ir"ir'Ji:'rti'.j' ii;tnc::of f lcc o! tlrc Eaglc courity clcrk'and nccoi:dcr-as'ootuncnt-iio'.. 9?.1 99, dc.se:ibed-as f oltoirs , ; ".- i .:'.: i nc{inning 1! lfg^fgliheast corncr of said SghtE!1 r,,i'.r.'.'. .,,:!:r thencc south .80o3lr ucsr llr.6i rcer, t,J-a pliiiu'i" thi'ienrcr"oE:ll-:. 'rald Creeh: :thcnce South aolglr l'rest 9.r.04 Jlccr, arong rtrc cc:rt,cr 6f said ciecklthcncc south r8:3r:r l{esE s.r.oB iccc a}on6 iii;.incor of sard creep.i:thcnce sout'h rolJl.r{esr 205.02 tcei arons ii;; cinrer of sa.irr cruuii.'thcnee sourh rzlrri, r*oit-irb.is-r"uc oroie-irru-;;;;;"-;:-iiia-ii""r,;thence souLh Zgo.tt,. rr;;E .5t0:00 f ceB; . ...:. .. .thencc soue.rr 5o2{,:'0', iaaul';.ito.0o ;lou ir"nd'.d,[;::;;'iici'.o! cridcr'cdl: IthEncc' soirth ??ao0r03n lfcst 85.24 fec,t arong the ccnd,Er of cardtcreckt 7 --'- .;ltllD . :...':. The l'lh'hSEh of Sect,ton 12, TownshJ.p 5 Sough, nangc 01 t'fcst of, thciil t,,' . 6 th P.il.-;, i :.i , 1,.\ ,1:. . . i,.. ..:. Tl . i...:. ...i. . ..til,lD : . ii' :'ii'. :rJ 9,. t llL-_that qart' of 'Ehc sElil.ll{lj'of Section l2,'-Tb..rnl.hip'S SouLhr nan!i '.:81 llest,' of the 6 Lh F.It.., lyin9 soutlrcrly oi. .thi' lsoutherly r.iShe 6fvay line of U.S. llighuay }to. 6, as shor.rn on-the.'plat on filc.ln theaflice of'the Eaglc County Cler.t: and llccorder.'as Dosulncnt No. 9?'489rCcscribcd as'follows!:- : 'l1i.i; . : r :fi I .thence. South 5{000t t{est 259.3.1 feet aroncr the cenber of saidcreeki. -thcnce south 6503{t lrcst 10g.62 fee't 'arong-'the'center of saldcrccY.; ,: !.thcnci Soulh 69:9i!' t{est;fOC.13 fecs.along.the'ccnter of sald c:ceki".'thcncc 5ouch..85of5r.ltest.60.0B fcer,..a1ong'thc..conior'pi sai6 creeki-thencc.tlorth l??36' l{cst 26.96 feer alongr the cenccr'of sald c:ee!,.i. .'thcncc.llorth 50ol? | l{cst }9g.19 f ecE arong Etrr ccn^-er of said c=cei:ithEnce i.torih 300.1 0t lites-. 239:09 f ccE aron!:utre Fcrjter o! said c:eekithcnce soui,h 75035' licsi, s9.91 f eeu arong the cdnt,er o! said c:eek;to a point,.on thc Uesterll' Iine of saja iliEi'leh; rtl:ence souEh 0ol5r $csi 46r.90 f ccu g6 lLlrc'icnter.'of cald sctticn 12ttlrcrrcc North !9.02r East t30z.6i feeu along thc. jouLlrclry llnc.oi.said. StflrliEk to thc Sou:hc!,st eorner o!, sairl: St.il:ttE!;thenbe l'lorLh 0o06r East r3E.l .32 fjccg aron? .tl-.c. Essterlir rine or s'aidsl.;r".tlEY to bhe Nori,heasL coraer o{ said slilr}ttk,. the poiit oibeginningl I ... i lcginning agthcncc Souhl.. sai d SElil.il{tr )tighway Itlrencc Nortlrof, way Llne sEttil.lk; thcnce Soubh SEtiNlfk E,o the bc'gtnnlng t E):CEPT- TIIE that Drrg the Southcast corncr of rairl sEktlNrr;g9"o2i Hcsr:l 036.95 f ccE al.ong:.Flo,. Coutherly Unc oi.to a polnE on thc SouLlrcrly righb'of, way llnc of baidl 5Zol5r !ast I05?.0? fcet'a1ong' thc:Southcrly rlalrtof salcl lrlghway 'co a polnt on thc..EasEcrly llnc ot oolsr-lrcsb 628.2I' feet alonq. tli .E-1:!el1y ttnc ofSouLhcasb corncr of sakl FEklll.lli'..'thc polnt of :...'' :' thaB parl descrlbed ln 191 aL 'that part descr.lbcd ln Dooli 203 at page 231; sakl . sakl 34 to "..'r: colfir.r:ugD . t:' -.'.i: ... .J.i.r1,il:.' . .. I::.'$:t' Par'E f elcrtbcrl ln"Booh 201 rs page s3t; . '.' :Ttt'trj"t ccrrain*'r'i''i]:,,,q:iiiil".i'. '',?_!!i'above-,jcsc;ibed.propcrry, uniji:-ro'caLed- in . ihe.rii6d1e.6':i;r-o-irepl:, .rvlrich..rhe pu:::os :.nrcn.l:":, to" esclud d f r'im this trensac:ioa i ...' i -"f ,. County ef Eaol , rt --.. 'i, , -j.rt.. I tr? cr,'..Df I and s i rua rc d in t,he Stf I /4 NI I /4 of .,.. 'y,$e.c.E1ott".l2, To'..rnship 5 Souclr, Rang,r Bl 1{c,sr- if .- . , tlc 6th Irirrcipal I'l'eritiian, lying=t{orthvcstcrly.'': " ;l;9t.*.the:.ccnrer i,inc of Gorc CrLcX,"rjessribcii.es rlT! ;.::. F.LSO Df,SC?.lEiL :' :'-'i,leglnn'lng -at I poin{ uhencc rhc ltorrh QrorLcT. ... ;lr.Cc'iner:..rof..:saii Scction l! bears li. llh[i3,.l.',,:,:2291..?,?:f cct:'Il.rcnce S. 66.02'30" f,. &9.50'' fecr: .Lhence;S. 5q.42'30" E.. 169.86 fccr:. thencr'.,,.,irS;,i331)6:,30"..t. l\0.12 f .ecL "Eo E poiat in rhs;:.'...:;-c.enLer o[:.sai.d. crcck.. Llrenqc 5. 6]c.Jr.' 11...1 09.63 'fe'et.'a).on5, the ccnrer Jjne of said crcrk: thgnce'.. '.' r.:ri.S-::i 69a.1rrL1. ll .. 9(r.?8 'f cct atonn the senter I jnc of '' '''i. s'iiri.,cr'ick:.tlrcnce li. 21")2'50" tJ.'3 l?.)4 f ccrro thc poinr ol beginning, conta5ning. l.q5 acrEtr r lr|OIC Oi JCS!. I .i,.:'';;,;;'.To'crlttrn".t^'.lJll_an, crl,..?3nl gl q:t::lb:!. il locunlnr,.:fj'*"+i 'r' ": i' 'lj''""";;;;;;t;e niii'.rst 5, :194(' in'-Doot 39Q ot-"?pr.e 4t^'J -': ' .,i:'.,,iI .i...,. 1r,..,i*and.te.cofdrd l:r ltrol( 30] t,t Puge 96'of the '.'brninnjni oi a F(,int tli-,srrcc thc l'torth Qucrtch rio?ner oi said Stc,tion lf beart 11. ll'03' tl. ;.. izgi.zz tc{!:_!1.,!!S.e _s. 85'43'lq" E.'91.8q !ce!r.' . .. thi-nce S. 57t3J'ifl" L. 169.q6 ftet: tlience S. ' : i"''i ':.*::rzo:9'30T E.' 141.47 f cct'to a polnt ln rhe.:-.'..'-: 'j.llf Zo:9'301! E.. 141.47 f cc!'ro a polnr ln rhe,:' "''"::ilrr"tr':["1;-.it:or riia irecl*; rhcncc s'. 65n3]',36" H. i | ' '.;ri n tt a, f ,-^r elr'l.., tl'a r^',nr ar. l lno ni r-l{d nrnt'l-r..' "::'.i iO.g.g? Ieet. clong rhe ccntcr lJne oi-saJd crcek; 'r: r'.'i's"' thtericc"s. (;9'trl'36" Lr. 103:0? f eaL aJong tlre crntei lJne'of rliti'crceki thence ll. i!3'24'09" "'-"'. recordtd'{uP.'.:st 5'' l9 ''.'.". iii-riiand' te-cordri{..1:r ltro( i ..r. . . '1"i..!;iEa El..r', C.ounty..l'ccolos . ''.i". l4i0i;'ii5r.i,-ilrt',ri-ooiro_"{ in.civil {1rl'9rr, .. . .rl j l'::,: ' iCr.i;iriI': .;.r i*-j!:: .i-i f:. .l" ..',, r ..ALSO. includJnt olf ltaEcr and t'tcll ,EtElhEs : br,:,!. ?;'. 'r" "': r." o rhc' nbove 'dcscrlted property.. ' :i.,Ut ril. | ;;:l".'.,:..'-'.;r'pDup.tGr0nl L Hcll Fcrnit.t{o. :-.-;i...?.. , . ''i 1!lyC i'ng rri th9u3 l ili tari on . ^,.-.! .'. . {.__:" 9+70?. rialer: rJ[hts ticcre ed ln CiYiJ ftclIoil ': Iiri. ii75 in Eo6) t count]' Dt grrt ct ,coYl-tt'l'ld......'. i'.'..ri ,i1 Cgr.e.'llo..,igtt C.il 4t0, Hater DJljslon lio. 5...;:. 1., icli-'itl;-i ir'tj-:'oloi-;tii--- . ".:.. ' \$'Y'L "v' --r' I :.qi- ". 9+70?. riiter:-lJEl'.rs dccre ed ln Civil Acllo'r . r.- ---.rr !- ri-1, t ^..-'.. n:.r-{.r C.otrf t -- frnil 35 cou'it,y.9!FoqreanctStateof..Colorado,towiuiJr t,rscs of land iir,uctc.i-jn--t,tro-juir.leii".l-i;;;i;; .rz, Tolnstrrp 5. . ,.,.,"" T5out't,'l$rrgc.SIt'testoicr'"i.ci.i.rrr'ci?rI}icridlon.dcscrlbctlas f ollo'."s : Eeoirr'ing-J g. J-p"iiit' on. Eire. ilor Etr-souc,h centcrline-or scid sicrio^'lz-rrr,oiill"ir,o.'Hoi[r,,'c"J;;rii-corner of soic.fec.Eiol-12 bcars_rrorrii oo";;;;.lis,*ino. Eosr 2f,69.48 fEcLr thcnce..-,-,i.r .trorch 75 dcss. r5 rninc. .Easr-r.r6:;t"';;;lr-;ir;":z-sorch f z dess. '' ' "':'' ..5? mins. f,c-Eecs. EosL re .oo l"it; lbrrcrrcc soutlr.rr dcas.!.00. rnins.30 sccs ' hrcst' 2?9 -tg-i";i'.!o. i''i"ritL lrr Llre'ccntc't'rof. 6orrj,lcreE]r.i,'i' .'..r.'- ,:'tltettce l'to"-tlr 5s dcgs. 32 niirts. i.resc rrr. jr-r""i-irong the-ccn:e::,1',,-. iri ..i. ,,,linc of said cieari-irr"n"o-iiiirii 30 rlcgs. 40 rnins. lrcsr 219,09 feer ... .... ...orcns Lhe cenliet ii"g";;-i"id:i'if"P,r irr"n"":soi[ir.,,zp;rde9s:.:r:(i .:..35 tnins ' ticsr se.9r. icci ;i;;9 .irrc icnici:iiii:"1 sairr,jcreekr.ro .a :--, r,r.. .,; to+n.E on 'clre nor:tr-soui; ;;;iEt'l,rinu oE:saicl sei.r,iorr'i'l2:: thericc: r. ...:.ir.j ; . .rlj?iih 00.deg9. rs.tnini. riii-ii.95.feer aton'g'rrre . nort.h:.souttr,..-.,.,...;:;,r j'..rccrrEcr rine b.( said sccrion r:-io-riii,pri"i:iIr"ii.gtnning;: ..,.:.. ..., ';..;Ji,:,:, .;: t'{tlt that_pr_rt of Secuicn 12, Toipship S souti, nange Bl l{esl.of . .,,i,,f,tlrc 6 Lh p.:.1 . , d e sc: jberl as IoIlo.i.rs :I I '.. r .4nII tha! Par:. of, Ehe lillllrrlri of sJction 12, fyj.,rg'Sour:frcrly of the ,ri, ..Soutlrerly righL-ol-rr.ay Iinc of U. s. 'ltlgh:rayl lto:...6 anit,ltoitfrerif : . ... . - .'.'of ttrc sbu:her Iy line- of said i.l\itE! , il sr,-o"n-in:ttru ptii--on .iiie,'.' .i:ln tlrc .eIf ice o? the Eagle counii': Cler)...and nccorcler is ,UoeunrenU._'..;:i .r. l.to. 9?409, describcd as- f ollor.rs: .'.:'. ;.,,.. r; ,,. . ...t - . '....;lcginning aE, tlre highr'ra.y surve'y.monutncnL aL Lhe lnhcrsccLion o! blrc"SouElrerly line of said highr.ray'and tlre tasber11. line.of'.ral.dllli.tf,l, ultcnce Llre ltortheasL c-oi;rer o.8'saidl SccLion'l2tbearstNorlh r;.' ':'.rliNL,:, wr)cnce .EJle llortteaSu col;ler oI salg SccEron J./. Dears:Nor:h ii.t0oOJ' irlcst, 614. ?85 f cab: ltlrence south 73o2ir30't l.lest ltl2.13 reeb oron'g Lhc Southcrry right'of vay Line cf salgJ higlrwa.y; : '': i:':.."'j .'.i.. .,.'. ..:,:-r:,..i'il'thencc SouLh 70o14 | llesL 125.10 f cct olong thc Soubherly. rlght.o.E ,:.r.rray llne of, sall highwayl'-'- -- t'*' **":'?, '"*':::;.:';-"*J: ^.i11:1'::.;i ::' tlrcncc Sough Ggo25 | ?lcsE, 100. 00 f eet, nlong' the SouLherllr rlgbt of .. vcy .llnc of aald hlglruoyl "r'' ' ":' '- .i .-..i. .' :i.! "- cf,tlrencc sou th,65o50 | - ltcst 100.00 rcet along the .Southcrly, llnc .of '. l .,: .cald hlghway, : .,| " ._,.:;.,. :.".thenee south 62015r Vlcst 100.00 fecb along thc soubherry.rlght,"of.:.:-;vay llne of cold hlqhlrayi " ..' ... ..:;:i..:.' 'thince South 5Bo40r-lrest'I00.00 feeb along'tl,e Southerly righL of. i ruay J.:'.ne of saful hlqh$rayl ... '::''{" :! . thcnce South 55005'-t.lcst 100.00 feeL along thc Southcr.ly ltsht og..:vgy J.ine of solcl hlgbvloyy ' .:',,r'. if thincs South 51of,2"vlasir'100.00 feet along lltc SouLhcrly. rlghl of.;,' l.uay llne of, said hlglrr.ray | ..thince south 47osi; "fiesi'?12.58 'f eeb'aloirg the south.cflv:ilehL,"or,l ''' ' uayilne.oIca1dlrlghwaytoapolnLonLheSoubharly1'1n6.lof:JEald:. tll|:: 'rrorrlr iuorrr Easr, 4ez. 6? rcct atonn ''rni. ,"urnijrr"rrhc or ::: -:nntd l.ltJtlEk to tlrc ccnFcr of the.NEh o.[ caicl"SccLlon'I2l :' thcncc ltorLh 8bo3lr East 1179.35 f,cct alon'g the-southirly:.}lrie 'ogi noi,1 111;tlEY bo the SouLheast 'corner o.f .sald NhtfE!t..'.'' "1 j. . thcnce l{orth 0o0lr }lcsb 760.95lfeet alon'g thci'EasLdrly:l.ine of''said -... ll!!il"l: *: i:iiI"3?'ili,Illl[:': souther]v,.1t".i:'?'':"':,, . :'j,,1 36 ..-r'."./i i{,i'::1 ORDINANCE NO.14 SEHIES OF 1993 AN ORDINANCE AIIENDING SECNON 16.24.010(G) OF NrE VAIL I'UNICIPAL @DE, SETTING FORTH PROVISIONS FELANNG TO SIGNS DISPLAYED ON BALLOONS WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED Wrft A SPECTAL EVENT WIT}||N THE TOWN OF VAIL WHEHEAS, Town Councilwishes b provide for signs to be displayed on both hot air and cold air balloons and other tJpes of battoons within the Town of Vail subject to certain conditrons. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Gouncil of the Town of Vail, Colorado: Section 16.24.010(G) is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 16.24.010{G) Signs displayed on balloons which are associated with a special evsnl as that term is defined in Section 5.20.100(8) of the Municipat Code of the Torvn of Vail purcuant to the foflowing conditions: 1. The special event wif| wtrich the balloon is associated has obtained a Special Evenb License from the Town as provided for in Section 5.20.100 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. 2. Any indivictual b'usiness partnership or corpoetion wishing to display signs on a balloon shall file an application with the Town Clerk on a form to be provided by the Town Clerk. Each sponsor shall be entitled to have no more than one (1) batloon for each special event. 3. There shall be not more than three (3) balloons lor any special event. 4. Cold air balloons shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in height as measured lrom existing grade to the top of the balloon. 5. No balloons shall be permitted to be inflated within the Town until evidence is given to the Town in the form of an aircraft liability insurance policy or certificate of insurance evidencing that the applicant has obtained aircraft liability insurance for the balloon covering bodily injury or death and property damage in an amount of not less fian 91,000,000.00 (one million dollars). All such policies shall name the Town of Vail, its ofiic€rs, and employees as additional insureds. 6. Balloons shall not be tethered or attacfied to the roofs ol buildings with tre exception of the Lionshead Parking structure and the Vait parking struc{ure. 7 ' Balloons shall be disptayed only durirq the length of the special evont wtth which the balloon is associated or lor seven (7) days, whiciever time pedod is less. 8. The applicant shall designate the specific location at whictr he or she desires to display the balloon and that location shall be subjea to the approval of the Director of the Community Development Department or his designee. 9. The applicant, his agent or employee shalt be present at alltimes when the batloon is inflated to make sure that appropriate satety measures for the protection of the public are taken. 10. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, dause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining poriions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby dectares it would have passed this odinance, and o each part, section, subsection, sentence, dause or phrase thereof, regardless ol the lact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. 11. The Town Council hereby ftnds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, satety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and the Inhabitants thereof. 12. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not atfect any rightwhich has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proc-eedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. 13. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the elctent only ol such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, fieretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 18th day of May, 1993, and a public hearing shalt be hetd on this Ordinance on the lst day of June, 1993, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. ATTEST: Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor Holly L. McOutcheon, Town Clerk READANDAPPRovEDoNsEcoNDREADlNGfris-dayof-,1999. Itrlargaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Holly L. McOutcheon, Town Clerk ctoRD*r.14 f ORDINANCE NO. 12 SER|ES OF 1993 AN OFDTNANCE AilENDtNG ORDTNANCE NO.31, SERTES OF 1992, TO REDUCE THE INTEREST RATE TO BE PAID ON INSTALLMENTS OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENfti AGAINST AFFECTED PROPERTIES WTTHIN THE BOOTH CREEK LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Torrn Council of the Town of Vail (the 'Torn) has heretofore by Ordinance No. 13, Sedes 1989, authorized and ordered he construction and installation of improvem€nts therein described (the "lmprovements') forthe Town ol Vail, Colorado, Booth Creek Local lmprovement District (the 'Districf), and determined b lwy special assessments against the afiected properties in the District specially benefittd by the lmprovements, according to the method and within the limitations therein described; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has heretofors by Ordinance No. 31, Series 1992 levied the special assessments against the affected parcels in the District especially benetitted by he lmprovements; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has heretofore issued special assessment refunding bonds designated Town of Vail, Colorado, Booth Creek Local lmprovement Districl Local lmprovement Refunding Bonds, Series 1993 in order to reduce the total interest payable on special assessment installments against affected parcels in the District; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL, THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO; 1. Section 12 of frinance No.31, Series 1992, is hereby amended to read as follows: AssessmenF not paid on or before Januayt8, 199.3, shall bs payable in ten substantial[ equal installments of principal, payable March 1, 1993, and annually on March 1 of each year thereafter until and including March 1,2002, with interest on the unpaid principal amount at the rate of nine and one-half percent (9.5%) per annum through April 1, 1993 and commencing April 2, 1993 with interest on the unpaid principal amount at the rate of seven and three{uarters percent (7.750/4 per annum, payable on each I principal payment date. 2. The officers of the Town are hereby authorized and directed to take all action necessary or appropriate to effectuate the provisions of this Ordinance. 3. All action heretofore taken by the Town and by the officers thereol not inconsistent herewith directed toward the levying of special assessmenb against parcels within the District specially benefitted by the construction and installation of the improvements therein is hereby ratified, approved ard eonfirmed. 4. All acts, orders, ordinances, resolutions, or parts thereof, of the Town in conflict with the Ordinance are hereby repealed, except that this repealer shall not be construed so as to revive any act, order, ordinance, resolution, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. 5. lf any part, seetion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not aftect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed tris ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, senten@s, clauses or phftFes be dedared invalid. 6. The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and tre inhabitanb thereof. 7. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision ot the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not atfect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occured prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as @mmenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. o 8. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parb thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this _ day of this fuinance on the ---day of of fte Vail Municipal Buitding, Vait, Golorado. AfiEST: Town Clerk ATTEST; f I 1993, and a public hearing shallbe held on 1993, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gouncil Chamberc Margaret A. Osterfoss, lvlayor READ AND APPFOVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this _ day of 1993. Margarel A. Osterfoss, Mayor Holly L. McOutcheon, Town Clerk ctoRDqL12 the motion. I ilLt coP y Before a vote was d"l, Y", Spillane suggested tabling this ordiuance until Lanry Eskwithcould be further cousulted about whethei-the adfitio"J."a J*g* *ua* sirr** i*ruge orthis ordinance on first:eading _were subjeci to challenge. Meri Lapin agreed. wirh thissuggestions. Kristan {4.b h"9 no objection to tabhn! the ordinance fo.-r further legalconsultation' After brief discussion about the specific guilance giuen in the ordinance aboutmeasuring non-conforming lighting, a vote was Lken and. the *Jtioo passed 4-1, Merv Lapinopposed. Item No' 4 was ordinance No. 18, series of 1gg3, fi.rst reading, an ordins,,ce amendingpamgraphs 16.32.030(F) and 16.82.o40(A) of the Municipal cd; ;i the rown "g v.ifl8provide for the termination of any non-conforming sign five years all,er the effeciive date ofany amendment to the Sigl Codg ordinance, uttd "etti.,g iorth details in regard thereio.Mayor Oslerfoss read the title in full. Jim Shearer mo.red*to table Ordinanr" fio, 13, Seriesof l'993, to June 1.5, 1993, wiih a second from Merv Lapin. A vobe was taken and the motionpassed uaanimously, b-0. Item No. 5 was ordinance No. ?, series of 1gg3, first reading, an ordiaance repealing andreenacting Ordinance No. 1, Series of L993, to provide "hungis to Area A requiremenl,s forSDD No.4 that concern fhe developmenl plans for the MillracJ ItI Developmenf Building site;and setting forth details in regard thereio. The applicant was Michaeliauterbach. tftuvo"Osterfoss read the title in full. Jim Curnutte riotud tttat in 1980 the developm"nt pianapproved fgr,lhis proper[y, the Millrace III site, called for a tri-plex to be built on theproperty. Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1gg3, was requesfing a major'amendrnent to the SDDto allow Mr, Lauterbach to nmend the 1980 plan so he.orrld "o.rui.*rct a duplex and a single-family residence on the property. Jim indicited that on February 8, tgg3, ihe planning indEnvironmental commission (PEC) had reviewed and recommended approva.l of nn .Lauterbach's application with seven condibions as detailed in the Communii! DevelopmentDepartment'g (CDD) memo to Council dated May 1.8, 1.993. Jim advised that six of the sevenconditions had been met by l\{r. Lauterbach; tle exception being the conclition to provide necessary improvements to lhe porticn of Westhaven D"iue direcly in front of his property to^ !{ng -t!e road up to TOV standarde, Jim nobed that as part of Ordinance No. ?, S"ri"*of 1993, Mr- Lauterbach agreed to grant to TOV a ten foot pedestrian fisherman's easenenlalong his property ten feet in from the shore of Gore Creek aiong the eatire length of his P-!9ge*v and a public access easement over the bike path which runs through hislroperty.With regard bo the unmet' condition, Mr. Lauterba"h ha,l agreed to be bouid by ihe'sameconditions agreed to br t\e developers ofthe Waterford and Cornerstone projecis, with the except'ion that Mr. Lauterbach wanted to have a clause added lo the condiiions which wouldrelease him from the obligations contained therein when and if the developers of theCornerstone and Waterford, project applied for a building permit before he did. If thedevelopers of Cornerstone or Waterfordapplied for a buildin! permit prior to Mr. Lauterbach,they would provide the $9?,500 necessary to upgrade ttre ioad and, th.erefore, if would noi be aecessary to bind Mr. Lauterbach to the conditions contained in Ordinanee No. ?. Ordinance No. 7 would repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 1, $eries of1g93. After discussion and brief comment from Mr. Lauterbach as to his underslanding of Ord.inance No. ?, MervI.'apin moved bo approve Ordina-nce No. ?, Series of 1993, on first riading with minor verbiagechange in Section 18.46.210(C)(bXa) to state, "... at the time a building permit is obtainid for Millrace IIL.." Jim Gibson seconded the motion. A vote was taken aod the motion oassed unanimously, 5-0. Item No. 6 was Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1993, first reading, an ord.inance amending Section 16.24.010(G) of-the Vail Municipal Code, setting fo*h frovisions relating to sig:nE displayed on balloons which are associated with a special event nithin the Towu ofVail. fhe applicant was the Town of VaiL Mayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Tim Devlin reviewed ordinance item numbers 1-9. Jim Gibsoa moved to approve Ordinance No. L4, Series of lgg3, on first reading, with a second from Jim Shearer. A vote was taken and the motion purr"d unanimously, 5-0. Item No. 7 was Resolution No. 4, Series of 1993, a resolution approving of the purchaoe by the Towa of Vail from the United States Forest Service two parceis of land commonly known as the Spraddle Creek Parcet and the Golf Course Maintenance Parcel, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Mayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Merv Lapin mJved to approve Resolution No. 4, Series of 1993, with a second from Jim Gibson. A vote was taken nip*1eS S,nor.t ^of ,rrfCSF. T&E# ceaeeotc "ufi. l. 2. 3. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY,I|AY 19,1gg3 7SO P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Update and Discussion Re: Vail Valley Performance and Conference Center. Consent Agenda: A. Ordinance No.5, Series of 1993, second reading, an ordinance amending Chapter 16.M, and Sections 16.12.010, 16.20.22A, 16.22.160, 16.26.010, 16.20.015 and t6.22-016 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code to provide for the prohibition of neon lighting and signs and exterior gas filted, illuminated and fiber optic lighting and signs, and providing regulations regarding the review of all other gas filled, illuminated and fiber optic lighting and signs, and providing details in regard thereto. B. Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1993, second reading, an ordinance amending Chapter 18.04 of the Vail Municipal Code by the addition of Sections 18.04.13?, 18.04.205, 18.04.251, t8.U.273 and 18.04.367, setting forth new definitions relating to the Zoning Code; repealing Section 18.54.050(CXll); amending Section 18i4.040(CXl) of the Vail Municipal Code by the addition of Paragraph (m) providing for outdoor lighting plans to be submitted to the Design Fleview Board of the Town of Vail; amending Section 18.54.050 of the Municipal Code ot the Town of Vait by the addition of Paragraph (J) providing a new Section of the Design Review Board Guidelines relating to outdoor lighting; and providing details in regard thereto. Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1993, first reading, an ordinance amending paragraphs 16.32.030(F) and 16.32.040(A) of the Municipal Code ot the Town of Vail, to provide for the termination of any non-conforming sign five years after the effective date of any amendment to the Sign Code ordinan@, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1993, first reading, an odinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. l, Series of 1993, to provide changes to Area A requirements for SDD No.4 that concern the development plans for the Millrace lll Development Building site; and setting forlh details in regard thereto. The Applicant is Michael l-auterbach. Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1993, first reading, an ordinance amending Section 16.24.010(G) of the Vail Municipal Code, setting lorth provisions relating to signs displayed on balloons which are associated with a speciat event within the Town of Vail. The Applicant is the Town of Vail. Resolution No. 4, Series of 1993, a resolution approving of the purchase by the Town of Vail from the United States Forest Service two parcels of land commonly known as the Spraddle Creek Parcel and the Golf Course Maintenance Parcel, and setting forfrr details in regard thereto. Resolution No. 5, Series of 1993, a resolution recognizing 'June Recycling Month". Request for Approval of Utility Encroachment Agreement for 2983 Bellflower, Intermountain Subdivision. The Applicanb are David A. and Leslie A. Danielson. Adjournment. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. **{c**********:F THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION wlLL BE ON TUESDAY,$12iE[3, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COI'NCIL OVERVIEW WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 6/1/93, BEGINNING AT 6:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 6/1/93, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. *:Nc*********tt* TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department May'18, 1S3 Ordinance No. 7, Series ot 1993, a request for a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, lgg5 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte On February 8, 1993, the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC) reviewed and recommended approval of a request to amend sDD #4, Cascade village, Area A. The vote was 6-0. See attached statf memo to the PEC. The PEC attached the following conditions to their recommendation of approval: l. The site plan shall be amended to show a designated limit of construction activity line. This line should follow the 50 ft. setback line with the exception of the area behind the single family residence. The purpose of this line is to ensure that construction activity be limited to the area east of the line. A physical barrier along the limit of construction acdvity line shall be in place prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project. Saff will then make periodic inspections to the property throughout the construcfion to assure that no disturbance occ{rs west of the construction barrier. The barrier shoutd be of a design which not only delineates the limit of construction activity, but also provides for the control of sedimentation into Gore Creek. This barrier may be accomplished through a combination of snow fencing, hay bales and fine mesh netting. 2. A 10 ft. pedestriary'fisherrnen's access easement shall be provided along the shore of Gore Creek. This easement should extend approximately 10 ft. from the high water mark of the creek to allow fishermen access up and down Gore Creek. This ensement will be dedicated et rhe time the minor subdivision is approved. 3. Additional landscaping shall be provided on the north side of ehe existing recreation path. This vegetarion in addition to thar shown on the landscape plan will help mitigate for the losses being proposed as a result of the construction of the two buildings. At a minimum, L0 ,L J.t $- ORDINANCE NO.7 SER|ES 199:t AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 1, SEFIES OF 1993, TO PROVIDE CHANGES TO AREA A REQUIREMENTS FOR SDD NO.4 THAT CONCERN THE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE MILLRACE III DEVELOPMENT BUILDING SITE; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Mlchael Lauterbach has requested an amendment to lhe existing Special Development District No. 4, Area A; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended that certain changes be made to Special Development District No.4; and WHEREAS, the Town Councilconsiders that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1993 to provide tor such changes in Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1993, is hereby repealed and reenacted, as follows: Section 1. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Plannino Commission Report. The approval procedures described in Chapter 18.40 of the Vail MunicipalCode have been tulfilled, and the Town Council has received the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission for an amendment to the development plan for Special Development District No. 4. Section 2. Special Development District No. 4 Special Development District No. 4 and the development plans therefore, are hereby approved for the development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail. Section 3 Chapter 18.46 Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows: 18.46.010 Purpose Special Developmenl District No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive developmenl and uso of an afea in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectives ol the Town ol Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 4 is created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the area t-l and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning Commission, and because there are significant aspecb of the Special Development District which cannot be satislied through the imposition of stiandard zoning districts on the area. 18.46.020 Definitions For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. 'Special attraclion" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or performing fis theater or cultural center. B. "Transient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be defined as a dwelling unit located in a multi-family dwelling that is managed as a short term rental in which all such uniF are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so ttJat it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient drvelling unit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing through anotrer accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or a transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set forth in Chapter 17.26 Condominiums and Condominium Conversions. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit. 18.46.030 Established A. Special Development District No. 4 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising 97.955 acres as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A. Special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as "SDD No.4. B. The district shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes: r tl Area Known As Development Area Acreaoe Cascade Village A 17.955 Coldstream Condominiums B 4.000 Glen Lyon Duplex Lots C 29.100 Glen Lyon Commercial Site D 1.800 Dedicated Open Space 40.400Roads 4.700TOTAL 97.955 18.46.040 Development Plan-Required--Approval Procedure A. Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shall be subject to a single development plan. Development Area A shall be allowed to have two development plans for the Cascade Club site as approved by the Town Council. The Waterford and Cornerstone sites shall be allowed one development plan each. Development Area D shall be allowed to develop per the approved phasing plans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the right to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in Section 18.46.103, 1-4. B. Amendments to SDD No. 4 shall comply with the procedures outlined in Section 18.,[0. C. Each phase of development shall require, prior to issuance of building permits, approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with applicable provisions of Chapter 18.52. 18.46.050 PermittedUses A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe 1. First floor commercial uses shall be llmited to uses listed in 18.24.030 A-C. The 'Tirst floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level; 2. All other floor levels besides first floor street level may include retail, theater, restiaurant, and office except that no professional or business office shall be located on street levelor first floor (as defined in Section 18.24.030 A of the Town of Vail zoning code in Area A) unless it is clearly accessory to a lodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square footage of 925 square feet located on the first floor on the northwest cornor of the Plaza Conference Center building; 3. Lodge; 4. Multi-family dwelling; I I 5. Single Family dwelling; 6. Two-Family dwelling; 7. Transient residential dwelling unit; 8. Employee dwelling as delined in Section 18.46.22A; 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Two-familydwelling; 2. Multi-family dwelling. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duplex Lots 1. Single family dwelling; 2. Two{amily dwelling. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Retail: 2. Restaurant and bar; 3. Business and professional offices; 4- Multi{amily dwelling; 5. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 18.46.220. 18.46.060 ConditionalUses Conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 18.60 ol the Town of Vail zoning code. A. Area A, Cascade Villaoe 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 4,500 square feet. 2- Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal Gode, Section 18.04.135 shall be a conditional use tor dwelling units in the Westhaven multi-family dwellings. Fractionalfee ownership shall not be applied to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units. Ownership intervals shall not be less than five weeks. 3. Specialattraction; 4. Skilifts; 5. Public park and recreational facilities; 6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or 4 mall area. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Skilifts. C. Area C. Glen Lyon Duplex Lots 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Ski lifts. D. Area D, Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vail Municipal code, Section 18.04.253. 18.46.070 AccessorvUses A. Area A. Cascade Villaqe 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 4. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 5. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation thereol. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58,190. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, srrimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidenlal and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Swimming pools, tennis courts, palios or other recreational facilities n customarily incidental to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation thereof. C. Area C. Glen Lyon Duplex Lots 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, srimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational lacilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Minor arcade. 18.46.080 Location of Business Activitv A. All offices, businesses, and services permitted by Sections 18.46.050 through 18.46.070 shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display of goods. B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. 18.46.090 Densitv-DwellinoUnits The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following: A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe In Area A, a minimum of three hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation or transient dwelling units and a maximum ot ninety{our dwelling units as defined by the 6 tables in Section 18.46.103 for a totaldensity of two hundred seventy (270) dwelling units. B. Area B. Colgstream Condominiums Sixty{ive (65) dwelling units C. Area C, Glen Lvon Duplex Lots One-hundred four (104) dwelling units. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 4. Three dwelling units, two of which shall be employee dwelling units as defined by the table in Section 18.46.103F. 18.46.100 Densitv-FloorArea A. Area A, Cascade Villaoe The gross residential floor area (GRFA) for all buildings shall not exceed 289,145 square feet. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 s.f.) GRFA. C. Area C, Glen Lvon Duolex Lots GRFA shallbe calculated for each lot per Section 18.13.080 density controlA and B for the Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site The gross residential floor area for the two employee dwelling units shall be 795 square feet and 900 square feet respectively. The gross residential tloor area for the free market dwelling unit shall be 1,630 square feet. 18.46.102 CommercialSquareFootaqe A. Area A, Cascade Villaoe Area A shall not exceed 35,698 square feet of commercial area. Commercial uses include retail, office, theater, restaurant, uses listed in Section 18.46.050 A-1, and the special attraction use. B. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site Area D shall not exceed 16,730 square feet of office lor Phase l, lA & ll or 15,584 square feet of office for Phase lll per the approved development plans. The micro-brewery and associated uses shall be constructed per the approved development plan. I 18.46.103 Commercial Site e Hnnf 1: Arca A Complclcd-P-r-9i-c..gls & Rostaurant '....'..*'l'"'-'t.".*fcf"|din!ctu.,rr"''i'"c*g';rrti,"""iirrtiir'o""lV).nocrcr.|itrrhll|lrgivcncrccptf6300'.l,fl,!b|llowdff rpncc. ;rcr Scction l$.a6rlqcx5)O, r. CONNERSTONE AU orTR DU GRFA Commsrcldl Sourrc Feal On-Sltt P3trklna caEcad. Sbuclumd Parllnd 64 TR 28,1 ryee unils'3 1,80( .5 28.110 2. WATENFOND Atl orTR DU GNFA Cornmarclal Sdurro Feet On Slb Parklnd C!tcad. Structrf.d P.rklnar a 56 weo Unils .5 27 47,58 3. Westhrvcn Condot AU or TR DU GRFA Commerclal Sduare Foel On sllo Parklno CaScada Struclur.d Pe*lna nits e.t0 ov60 unil6 {Max #l 6.,4 e. /L Mlllrac. lll A[, or TR DU GRFA C6mmerclal Souera Feel On-5lt Plrklno GaScoda Sbuclurad P.rklht s 3 3DU 5. Cascada Club Addltlon AU or TR DU GBFA Commerclal Souare Feet On-Sits Parklnc csseada Structur.d P.rkln! scenaflo I (Wellness Cents') ot Sconario 2 lcvmnasiuml 4,500 4.s{Xt 4.5 0 IOI ALS Scsnario 1 Scenario 2 4,50O 4.500 2,.5 6. Plara Omc.n All or TR DU GRFA lommarclal Sduaro Fe6t ()n |' o Parklnat cracada Stuctured Parklnc 925 .7 -- r(,IAL 64TA 50 DU 104,560 15,525 4,500 214 23.2 . fudorlo r&itr du[ lol cqea tDs|Id doBrity 6 ORFA fts tb6 Flporc of rhit SDD. " nu. 4|co ht ldt bod coudod f('' r lcoil Fttitl! Tb. t!'ry pr*hf rrquiGdrcrt Ir b.rod oo tb. di$cl!n6 botwan tlc rrril rad ollioc prrti4 rcquiw"... Tor.l li$!!a llprErad! hitb.n rLarity Dd mEttirl rcc{dix. i .:-,;r;j" 1lt Parking {or Completed Projects per Chart 1 in Cascade Parking Structure Parking Spaces 4'16.7 Proposed Projects w/ req. parking in the Cascade Parking Struc.: Scenario 1 - Wellness Center OR Scenario 2 - Gymnasium Plaza Office 22.6 0.0 a.7 Subtotal 449.9 Less 17.5% Mixed-Use Credit -78.7 Total Reqr.Parldng at Build-Out of Area A in Cascade Struc.371.2 Exist. Parkinq in Cascade Structure 421.0 Required Parking in Cascade Struc, at Build-Out of Area A With 17.5% mixed-use credit 371.2 J\re a(rlero '15. 6Bbrjginal Parcel 2s2,00 256, 437:- ------- L-t1.vv Z,JrJ1.lJt Itobblns Parcel Cosgriff ParceI f- iJltlUS -1 6 . DU /Jrc re 19.68 I 16 ..?g 288.40 Pl'tAsE IrIa & LI DEVELOPMENT 78 t752 15. 9-32 2gr,72t PHASE IIIaIII AND III DE\IELOPMENT Sq.Ft,. / Parklng 1.23 1.045. 1?.gss SDD I4, AREA ,D DEVELOPMDI,IT sQUnRE iEOOTACet\tlD PARI(ING PER TOWI{ OF VA:{L REQUIREMENTS FEBRUI\RY 26, 1990 PHASE Ia DEVELOPMENT . ,-.t.l ,,. r Fcrr.rr.rrg oq.t: L. ../ paff.f ng Sq.FE,., Sq.Ft . ./?.r5klng Sq.Ft . / parklng , Glcrr l,yonCffice Bldg.(ErLsLlng) 10, 150 .4 0 . 6 Jis1:*iE IA- Glen lyon 0f f:ice BIdg. 4 00 1 . 6 PHAISE I GIen lyon 31drl . - O.fflcc 0 Illw9.n-.E! I?4ic:ro-Brcwery -Office 0 -RecepLlon./ Museum -ReEalI-FermentaEion/ Sr.evlhouse -Beer llalL -Br.ew Pub 10,150 40.6 400 1.6 2t400 9.6 3,?80 15.1 2,400 9,6 2t 634 10.5 480 0.0BB5 3.0 lt 406 0. 0 1, ?00 18. B*(150 seats)1r380 10.0*(S0 seats) 10, 150 .400 40 ,6 x.6 0 0 n 0 480 175 nn .6 970 0.01,?00 18.0* (150 seats)1,380 10.0*(80 eeata) SUBTOTJ\L 10,550 42.2 ztt 435 96.3 i 21r 435 94.1 Y}LA5T; III I East Eulldlng ; t -2 Empioyee -1 Dnelllng I , ..r31' /..v . :Unit 0 0 0 .0 i. 1, 630-OffLce 0 0 , 0.0 i 2,400 Lrll.rl- u u V.V !. IrOJV | /..V , : )fflCe 0 0 r n-O i .i ,n'r .' ,.1 ,6.' ,..vrV I tl.rvv :).-____i-___ SUE,TOTAL - O . .0 0.0 TOT'AL COI'IMERCI'IL A}qD RESIDEI.ITI}\J, sa:]|Rq FoorAGE AND PARKING: 21, 4 35 96.3 *USiED HIGHEST P]IIIfiING REQ. POSSIBLE BASED O}I 10 18.45.104 DeveloomentPlans Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans for Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and other developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plans submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership. The following documents comprise the development plan for the SDD as a whole, Waterford, Cornerstone, Cascade Club Addition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace lV, and Area D-Glen Lyon CommercialSite and is not all inclusive: 1. Waterford, Sheet #L-2, dated 1 1-12-92, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson. 2- Waterford, Sheet #1 . 1 , dated 1 1 -13-92, Site/Grading Plan Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. * 3. Waterford, Sheet #2.1, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level38143'3", Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. * 4. Waterford, Sheet #2.2, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 48'-6Y53'-0", Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. ' 5. Waterford, Sheet #2.3, dated 11-13-92 Plan Level 59'-0/64'-3' by Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. * 6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 1 1-4-92, Plan Level 69'-6"/74'-9', Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. ' 7. Waterford, Sheet #2.5, dated I 1-13-92, Plan Level 80'-0'/85'-3' Gwathmey, Pratt, Schults. * 8. Waterford, Sheet #2.6, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 90'-6" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. - 9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 101'-0'Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. ' 10. Waterford, Sheet #2.8, dated 1't-13-92, Plan Level 111'-6'Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz, * 1 1. Waterford, Sheet #2.9, dated 1 1-13-92, Plan Level 122'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt, . Schultz. 12. Waterford, Sheet #2.10, dated 12-'14-92, Roof Plan All Levels Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 13. Waterford, Sheet #3.1, dated 11-13-92, Elevations Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 1t 14. Waterford, Sheet #3.2, dated 11-13-92, Elevations, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 15. Waterford, Sheet #4.1 , dated 11-4-92, Sections Gwathmey, PraU, Schultz. 16. Waterford, Sheet #4.2, dated 1 1-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 17. Waterford, Sheet #4.3, dated 1'l-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 18. Waterford, Sheet #9.1, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Praft, Schultz. 19. Waterford, Sheet #9.2, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 20. Waterford, Sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 21. Waterford, Sheet #9.4, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 22. Waterford, Sheet #9.5, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 23. Cornerstone, Sheet #L-1, dated 11-13-92, Landscape Plan Dennis Anderson. 24. Cornerstone, Sheet #1, dated 12-21-92, Cascade Village Master Plan Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 25. Cornerstone, Sheet #2, dated 12-29-92, Floor Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 26. Cornerstone, Sheet #3, dated 12-29-92, Floor Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. Schultz. 27. Cornerstone, Sheet #4, dated 12-21-92, Elevations Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 28. Cornerstone, Sheet #5, dated 11-13-92, Site Plan/Grading Plan, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 29. Cascade Club Addition Site Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 30. Cascade Club Floor Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 31. Mlllrace lll, Sheet #1, dated 5/6/93, Slte Plan, Steven James Rlden. 32. Mlllrace lll, Sheet #2, dated 4113193, Floor Plans for Slngle Family Residence, Steven James Riden. 33. Millrace lll, Sheet *Kl, dated 5/6193, Elevations for Slngle Famlly Resldence, Steven James Rlden. 34. Mlllrace lll, Sheets #4 and #5, dated gl20lg3, Floor Plans for Duplex Bulldlng, Steven James Riden. 35. Mlllrace lll, Sheets #6 and f/, dated 5/6/93, Elevatlons for Duplex Bulldlng, Steven James Rlden. 36. Millrace lll, Sheet L1, dated 5/6/93, Sltellandscape Plan, Steven James Rlden. 97. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alVa Cosgritf Parcel, Site Plan, Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, r2 10128t91. 38. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alWa Cosgritf Parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, 10t22t91. 39. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alWa Cosgriff Parcel, Floor Plans Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, 10/23/91. 40. Millrace lV, Scenario l, aJWa Cosgriff Parcel, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson Associates. 41. Cosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, lnc., 10/31/91 stamped. 42. Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner, 6t8t87. 43. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 10/10/88. 44. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmential lmpact Beport: Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., revlsed 1'|'122188. - A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved plans, may be added to the Waterford project to allow for compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The staff shall review all such additions to ensure that they are required by such codes. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Area D Master Site Plan, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, A2A9O. 2. Landscape Plan for Area D, Geodesign by Sherry Donrvard, 2122190. 3. Area D elevations, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, 219190. 4. Vail Micro-brewery, Seracuse, Lawler, and Partners, Denver, CO., sheets 42.1,44.2, A2.3, A3.1, A3.2, A4.1, A4.2, dated 1/8/90 and sheet A2.4 dated 12/13/89. 5. Vail Brewery Roof Study, Frank Freyer,1l8l99. 6. Glen Lyon Parking Garage Floor Plans and Site Plan, Roma, 11128188. 7. Glen Lyon Parking Garage Sections/Elevations, Roma, 11/2A88. 8. Glen Lyon Condominium, Roma, 11128188- 9. Glen Lyon Condominium East Building, Roma, 11128188. 10. Deck Enclosure (Phase lA) to Glen Lyon Office Buibing, Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh, dated 9/20/90. 11. Landscape Plan, Phase lA Deck Enclosure, Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh, dated 8/19/91. 13 '12. Office Addition to Glen Lyon Office Building, Bult Amold/Ned Gwathmey Architects August 25, 1989 Sheets A1 through 44. 13. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental fmpact Report: Peter Jamar Associates, lnc., Revised 11/2488. Letter from Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., dated January 16, 1990. 14. Deceleration lane design for South Frontage Road, RBD, October 18, 1988 as approved by Co. Div. of Hgwys. 15. A resubdivision of Lot 54 amended plat Glen Lyon Sub-division, Eagle Valley Surveying Inc. as approved by T.O.V. 16. Vail Brewery Parking Analysis, TDA Colorado, lnc., August 10, 1988 and Vail Brewery Parking Analysis Update, TDA Colorado, Inc., January 16, 1990 pages 1-8. 18.46.110 DevelopmentStandards The development standards set out in Sections 18.46.120 through 18.46.180 are approved by the Town Council. These standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council. 18.46.120 Setbacks A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, with the exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shallbe two feet as approved on February 8, 1982, by the Planning and Environmental Commission. All buildings shall maintain a 50 foot stream setback lrom Gore Creek. The Waterford building shall maintain a minimum 20 foot setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots Required setbacks shall be governed by Section 18.13.060 Setbacks of the Primary/Secondary zone district of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. l4 D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site Bequired setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans. 18.46.140 Heiqht A. For the purposes of SDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ri@e line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved development plan drawings. B. Area A. Cascade Villaoe 1. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Learning Center, Terrace Wing, Plaza Conlerence Building and Cascade Parking Structure/Athletic Club is 71 feet. 2. Cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet. 3. Waterford Building: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation shalf be 55' (South Frontage Road), 56' along the west elevation Westhaven Drive, and 65 feet along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade. 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet. 5. Millrace lll: A maximum of 36 feet. 6. Millrace lV: A maximum of 36 feet. 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet. 9. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 48 feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The maximum height shall be 48 feet. D. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat or mansard roof. E. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 51% of the roof shall have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49to ot the roof area shall have a height under 32 feet. On the perimeter of the buildings for Area D, t5 height is measured from linished grade up to any point of the roof. On the interior area of any building, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point of the roof. Developrnent plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D. 18.46.160 SiteCoverase In Areas A and B, no more than 35% ol the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or educational center, 45Vo of the area may be covered unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. ln Area C, no more than 25% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 18.69 of the Vail Municipal Code apply. fn Area D, no more ill'an 37% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure. 18.46.170 Landscapinq At least the following percentages of the total development area shall be landscaped as provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if appropriate. Areas A and B, filty percent, and in Areas C and D, sixty percent, of the area shall be landscaped unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. 18.46.180 Parkino and Loadino A. Area A. Cascade Villaqe 1. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance wilh Chapter 18.52, except tdr'at75l" of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a parking slructure or buildings with the exception of Millrace lV, Scenario l, where 66.6% of required parking shall be enclosed in a building. lf the development table in Section 18.46.103 is amended, the parking requirements shall be amended accordingly. 2. There shall be a total of 421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parking structure. A 17.5 percent mixed-use credit per the Town of Vail pafting code, Section 18.52.20 has been applied to the total number of required parking spaces in the Cascade structure. 3. There shall be a total of 58 on-site parking spaces on the Waterford building site with a minimum of 75/" of the required space located below grade. No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site. 4. There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located within 16 the Cornerstone buibing with 37 of the required spaces available to ttre public for short-term parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot. 5. The third floor of the Cascade parking structure shall not be used to meet any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwelling units, employee dwelling units or dwelling units. 6. Phasing: All required parking for Cornerstone and Waterford shall be located on their respective sites. All required parking for the Cascade Club Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Cascade parking structure. 7. Seventy-five percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm for Westhaven Condominiums, and Millrace lll. 8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved in the development plan. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duplex Lots Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52. D. Area D, Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Phase l, lA and ll shall include 80 surface parking spaces plus 6 valet parking spaces on the east end of the surface parking lot. Phase lA shall include 2 additional required parking spaces for a total of 43 required parking spaces. 2. Phase lllshallinclude a minimum of 108 parking spaces. A minimum of 100 spaces shall be located in the parking structure. All required parking for the east building shall be provided on-site per Town of Vail parking requirements per Section 18.52.100 for residential and office use. A minimum of eleven spaces shall be located in the garage of the east building and a maximum of 5 surlace spaces shall be located adjacent to the east building. 3. Area D development shall meet the operational requirements outlined in t? the TDA Colorado Inc. Report, Section Parking Analysis Considerations, January 16, 1990. Parking Analysis Gonsiderations pages 1-8. 4. Valet parking shall be prohibited on the west end of the surface parking lot. 5. The Brew Pub shall not be open lo the public until after 4:30 p.m. for Phase I and ll Monday through Friday. When Phase lll development occurs including the parking structure, the brew pub may operate during the weekdays once the parking structure is available for public use. 6. The Beer Hall shall not operate or be used by the public before 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, Monday through Friday at anytime. 7. Once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to Area D shall be managed per the TDA Parking Report, Parking Management Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 1988, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery Parking Analysis Update, dated January 16, 1990, both written by Mr. David Leahy. 8. No loading or delivery ol goods shall be allowed on the public right-otway along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development. 9. The owner of the property and brewery management shall prohibit semi-truck and trailer truck traffic to the Glen Lyon Commercial sits. The only truck loading that shall be allowed to the site shall be vans having a maximum length of 22 teet. 18.46.190 Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapter 3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cents per square foot of the floor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed lilty cents per sguare foot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permits. 18.46.200 ConservationandPollutionControls A. The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollution from surface runoff. t8 B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction. C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in Section 8.28 of the Town of Vail Municipal as amended. D. lf fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists at the time of development. E. All water features within Development Area A shall have overflow storm drains per the recommendation of the Environmental lmpact Fleport by Jamar Associates on Page 34. F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt from draining into Gore Creek. G. In Area D, a manhole on the brewery service line shall be provided so that the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District may monitor BOD strength. H. In Area D, lhe brewery management shall not operate the brewery process during temperature inversions. lt shall be the brewery owner's responsibility to monitor inversions. l. All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within Special Development District 4. J. Protective measures shall be used during construction to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D. K. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall only be allowed to have gas fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances governing fireplaces. 18.46.210 Additional Amenities and Aooroval Aoreements for Special Develooment District No.4. A. The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provide adequate private transportation services to lhe owners and guests so as to transport them from the development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the approved development plan. B. Developer shall provide in its approved development plan a bus shelter of a design and location mutually agreeable to developer and Town Council. Said shelter to serve the area generally. r9 C. Area A, Cascade Village 1. The developer shall be responsible lor providing a break-away bollard for the emergency access road between Eagle Pointe/Park Meadows, 1472 Matterhorn Circle, and Westhaven Drive. The design of the bollard shall he mutually acceptable to the developer and Town of Vail. This improvement shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for the Cornerstone, Millrace lll, Millrace lV, Westhaven Condominiums, Waterford buildings, or Cascade Club addition. The bollard shall be included in the permit plans. The bollard shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the Cornerstone, Millrace lll, Millrace lV, Westhaven Condominiums, Waterford buildings, or Cascade Club addition. 2. The developer shall construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the Cascade Club along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the Westhaven building to connect with the recreational path to Donovan Park. The walk shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for Westhaven Condominiums. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit plans. The sidewalk shall be constructed subsequent lo the issuance of a building pernit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for Westhaven Condominiums. 3. The developer shall provide 100-year floodplain information for the area adjacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail Community Development Department before building permits are released for either project. 4. The conditions for Area A in Sections 18.46.020 B, 18.46.180 A. 1-7, 18.46.200 A - F, I, J, 18.46.210 C, 1-3, and 18.46.220 shallbe set forth in restrictive covenants subject to the approval of ihe Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney for approval before a building permit is requested for the Cornerstone, or Millrace lll, or Millrace lV, Westhaven Condominiums, or Waterford buildings, or Cascade Club Addilion. 20 5. Mlllrace lll a. The developer of the Mlllrace lll prolect understands that the developers of the Waterlord and Cornerstone projects located In SDD #4 agreed to tulflll speciflc obllgatlons set forth In paragraphs 18.46.210 C 7b1 - 4 (Gornerstone) or 8cl - 4 (Waterford) hereof In order to repalr and reconstrucl Westhaven Drlve. The Millraoe lll developer agrees that lf these obllgatlons are not fulfllled by the developers of the Cornenstone and Waterford prolects at the tlme a buildlng permit ls requested for Mlllrace lll, the Mlllrace lll developer shallfulfill all such obllgatlons In the manner as setforth below: 1. Prlor to the tlme any bullding permlt ls lssued for the Mlllrace lll prolect and no later than December 31, 1993, the developer shall pay to the Town by cash or cashler's check the sum of $97,500 to be used by the Town for the repair and reconstruction of Westhaven Drlve as set forth in more detall In paragraphs 5b2 - 4. 2. Before any Temporary Certiflcate of Occupancy ls lssued for the bulldings, the Town, at no expense or cost to the Town, wlll obtaln tltle to westhaven Drlve. After the transfer of tltle ol Weslhaven Drive to the Town, the developer shall provide, at lts cost a title Insurance pollcy ln the amount of $50,000 insuring that the Town has fee title of Westhaven Drlve. lf the owner of Westhaven Drlve ls unwilling to voluntarlly lranster tille oI Westhaven Drlve to the Town, the Town of Vail shall Instltute an actlon In condemnatlon to obtaln title to westhaven Drlve. should such an actlon be requlred, the developer shall pay all costs thereof, Includlng attorneys fees, court costs, appraisal fees, any escrows requlred prlor to laklng immedlate possession of the property and any award whlch may llnally be awarded by the court or by the commltt@. The selectlon of legal coutts* and appralsers to represent the Town, should condemnatlon DF l|ecessary, shall be selected by the developer wlth the approval of the Town. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 3. The Town shall commence the repair and reconstrucllon of Westhaven Drlve and lts ongoing malntenance, subsequent to the recelpt 21 of the $97,500 provlded lor In sectlon 5.a.1. of thls tltle and the satlsfactory conveyance of tltle to Westhaven Drlve to the Town of Vall. The date for the commencement of the repalr and rBconstructlon and for Its completlon shall be entlrely at the dlscretlon of the Town. 4. Should the Town not requlre the entlre amount of the $97"500 paid by the devetoper to the Town lor the repalr and the reeonslruction of Westhaven Drive, the Town will tontrard any amount remalning after all constructlon and related costs have been pald In full to the developer who shall refund such amount prorata to the partles orlginally contrlbuting the $97,500. 6. Millrace lV, Scenario l. a. The developer shall obtain an easement from the owners of the property adjacent to the eastern boundary of the property commonly called the Cosgriff Parcel, which is more specifically defined in Exhibit A, attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein by reference. The easements shall be sufficient to permit the construction, maintenance and replacement of retaining walls for the purposes of grading and boulder retention all along the westem property line of said adjacent property. The easement shall be in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney, shall run with the land, and shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County prior to Design Review Board review. b. The developer shall provide the Community Development Department of lhe Town with written consent from the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District permitting the encroachment of certain decks specified in the development plan for the Millrace lV condominiums, as set forth in Section 18.46.140(18) of this ordinance into their sewer easement recorded in Book 217, Page 428 of the land records of Eagle County. This consent shall be submitted prior to Dgsign Review Board review. c. The developdr shall receive final approval of the site grading plan for the go0qfucflon of tllllrace lV, Scenario I, from the Town Engineer prior to Design Revior Board review. d. The Millrace Condominium Map, recorded at Book 326, page 257, of the land records of Eagle County shall be amended so that lhe access easement tia3a shown thereon shall align with the present location of the roadway on the western property line of the Cosgriff Parcel, and the amendmenl shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. e. The developer shall install 15 (6'-10') evergreens south of the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Cascade Club building, and 5 (6'-10') evergreens to the south of the Westhaven Apartment foundations and north of Westhaven Drive. The developer shall obtain the written approval of the Colorado Department of Highways (CDOH) permitting the installation of these trees along the South Frontage Road prior to said installation. lf CDOH approval cannot be obtained, then a minimum of 10 (6'-10') evergreens shall be installed adjacent to the Westhaven Apartments. f. The developer shall apply for and complete the minor subdivision process for the Cosgrilf Parcel and a subdivision plat signed by the Town of Vail shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County prior lo the release of any building permits for lhe construction of any structure on the Cosgriff Parcel. S. Landscaping along the south and west property lines of the Cosgriff Parcel shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board to insure a suitable buffer area between il and the other properties along said property lines. h. The Design Review Board shall review the architecture and landscape plan further for compatibility with the surrounding area. i. The developer and the adjacent property owners shall submit a landscape plan for the area north of the Cosgrifi property to the Design Review Board for review. j. For purposes of calculating Gross Residential Floor Area permitted on the Cosgriff Parcel, no credits of any kind (overlapping stairs, mechanical, etc.), except for 300 sq. ft. to be allowed for each enclosed parking space, shall be given. 7. Cornerstone a. Before the building permit is released for the project, the developer shall permanently restrict three employee housing units in accordance with Section 18.46.220 of this ordinance. et b. 1. Prior to the time any building permit is issued for either the Cornerstone or Waterford projects and no later than December 31, 1993, the developer shall pay to the Town by cash or cashier's check the sum of $97,500 to be used by the Town for the repair and reconstruction of Westhaven Drive as set forth in more detail in paragraph 7 b 2 through 4. 2. Belore any Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the building, the Town, at no expense or cost to the Town, will obtain title to Westhaven Drive. After the transfer of title of Westhaven Drive to the Town, the developer shall provide, at its cost a title insurance policy in the amount of $50,000 insuring that the Town has fee title of Westhaven Drive. lf the owner of Westhaven Drive is unwilling to voluntarily transfer title of Westhaven Drive to the Town, the Town ol Vail shall institute an aclion in condemnation to obtain title to Westhaven Drive. Should such an action be required, the developer shall pay all costs thereof, including attorneys fees, court costs, appraisal fees, any escrows required prior to taking immediate possession of the property and any award which may finally be awarded by the Court or by the Committee. The selection of legal counsel and appraisers to represent the Town, should condemnation be necessary, shall be selected by the developer with the approval of the Town. Consent shall not unreasonably withheld. 3. The Town shall commence the reoair and reconstruction of Westhaven Drive and its ongoing mainlenance, subsequent to the receipt of the $97,500 provided for in Section 7.b.1. of this title and the satisfactory conveyance of title to Westhaven Drive to the Town. The date for the commencement of the repair and reconstruction and for its completion shall be entirely at the discretion of the Town. 4. Should the Town not require the entire amount of the $97,500 paid by the developer to the Town for the repair and the reconstruction of Westhaven Drive, the Town will lorward any amount remaining after all construction and related costs have been paid in full to the developer who shall refund such amount prorak to the parties originally contributing the $97,500. c. The landscape plan set forth in the development plan for Cornerstone between the Terrace Wing and Cornerstone building shall be revised prior to 24 the review of the project by the DRB in the following ways: 1. For emergency services, an access lane shall be provided from the western courtyard to the ski lift. 2, lf deemed necessary by the developer and the Community Development Department statf, the water feature on the landscape plan may be removed or revised. The landscaping in this area shall be part of the Cornerstone development, and, therefore, it is the Comerstone developer's responsibility lo complete this portion of the project prior to the release of a final Certificate of Occupancy for the project. These plans shall be included in the building permit for the Cornerstone development. d. After the Town of Vail has title to Westhaven Drive, it shall convey title to the developer for the area of Westhaven Drive under which parking is located for the Cornerstone project. The amended minor subdivision plat shall be submitted by the developer before a building permit is released for the Cornerstone site. The developer shall dedicate an access easement to the Town over this portion of Westhaven Drive. e. All fireplaces shall be gas appliances pursuant to Section 8.28 of the Vail MunicipalCode. f. Those spaces allocated to commercial areas as short term public parking shall be permanently restricted for the use of the Cornerstone project. All required parking associated with the uses shall not be conveyed, used or leased separately from the uses. Public parking on the Westhaven Drive level ol the Cornerstone project shall be made available to the public for short term Parking. 8. Waterford a. The developer shall permanently restrict the two employee housing units provided in the Waterford Development Plan in accordance with Section 18.46.n0 of this ordinance. b. A |nloor aubdivision plat shall be completed and recorded prior to the release of any building permits for either the Cornerstone or Waterford developments. c. 1. Prior to the time any building permil is issued for either 25 Cornerstone or Waterford projects and no later than December 31, 1993, the developer shall pay to the Town by cash or cashier's check the sum of $97,500 to be used by the Town for the repair and reconstruction of Westhaven Drive as set forth in more detail in paragraph I c 2 through 4. 2. Before any Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the building, the Town, at no expense or cost to the Town, will obtain iitle to Westhaven Drive. After the transfer of title of Westhaven Drive to the Town, the developer shall provide, at its cost a title insurance policy in the amount of $50,000 insuring that the Town has fee title of Westhaven Drive. lf the o$'ner of Westhaven Drive is unwilling to voluntarily transfer title of Westhaven Drive to the Town. the Town of Vail shall institute an action in condemnation to obtain title to Westhaven Drive. Should such an action be required, the developer shall pay all costs thereof, including attorneys fees, court costs, appraisal fees, any escrows required prior to taking immediate possession of the property and any award which may finally be awarded by the Court or by the Committee. The selection of legal counsel and appraisers to represent the Town, should condemnation be necessary, shall be selected by the developer with the approval of the Town. Consent shall not unreasonably withheld. 3. The Town shall commence the repair and reconstruction of Westhaven Drive and its ongoing maintenance, subsequenl to the receipt of the $97,500 provided for in paragraph 8 c 1 and the satislactory conveyance of title to Westhaven Drive to the Town. The date for the commencement of the repair and reconstruction and lor its completion shall be entirely at the discretion of the Town. 4. Should the Town not require the entire amount of the $97,500 paid by the developer to the Town for the repair and the reconstruction of Westhaven Drive, the Town will forward any amount remaining after all construction and related costs have been paid in full to the developer who shall ' ._. refund such amount prorata to the parties originally contributing the $97,500. d. The recreation path shall be relocated as set forth on the development plan and shall be amended on lhe minor subdivision plat for the Waterford and Cornerstone lots to correspond to the new location. 26 D. e. The DRB will review the landscaping in the areas of the retiaining walls on the west and east ends of the site. The DRB will review the north elevations architectural details. The applicant shall review the possibility of eliminating the skier access on the east end of the project. However, it the applicant can significantly decrease the retaining walls necessary to build the access, the skier access may remain. f. All fireplaces shall be gas logs permitted pursuant to Section 8.28 of the Vail Municipal Code. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site. 1. The developer shall agree to construct a bus lane per Town of Vail standards in the area of the porte-cochere of the Micro-brewery in Area D. The specific location for the bus lane shall be mutually agreed to by the Area D owner and/or developer, Colorado Division of Highways, and Town of Vail. The bus lane shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east office building, or parking structure. The developer and/or owners of area D shall be responsible for maintaining the new bus lane, including snow removal. lf the lane is not maintained properly or snow removal is not adequate, the Town will not provide bus service to the site. 2. The developer shall relocate the existing bike path on Area D and provide a new bike path easement across the Glen Lyon property and CDOH property per the development plan for Area D, The bike path shall be constructed per Town of Vail standards. The bike path shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east office building, or parking structure. Such temporary certificate of occupancies shall be conditional upon construction of the bike path govided for herein. The bike path easement shallbe replatted and approval obtained from the Town Council prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the Brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east office building or parking structure. gl 3. The developer shall underground the electrical utilities along the north side of the Glen Lyon property from the northwest corner of the property to the northeast corner of the property. This utility work shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the Brewery addition, office expansion, excluding Phase lA east office building or parking structure. 4. The developer shall be responsible for relocating the 20 foot utility easement on the western portion of Development Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail for the relocated ulility easemenl before a building permil is released for the micro-brewery addition. 5. The developer of the Glen Lyon Office property shall not lile any remonstrance or protest against the formation of a local improvement district of other financing mechanism approved by the Vail Town Council which may be established tor the purpose of building road improvements for the South Frontage Road. 6. The developer shall provide a fire hydrant per Town of Vail Fire Department requiremenb on ihe northwest portion of the property. The specific location for the fire hydrant shall be approved by the Vail Fire Department. The fire hydrant shall be provided subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy lor the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east office building, or parking structure. 7. The Developer shall construct a deceleration lane along South Frontage Road per the CDOH access permit. The developer shall submit plans for the South Frontage Road improvements to the Town of Vail Engineer for review and approval before a building permit is released for either Phase I excluding Phase lA, ll, or lll construction. S. The condltions for Area D in Sections 18.46.180 D, 18.46.200 A, B, F - K, 18.46.210 D, 1-7, and 18.46.220 shall be set forth in restrictive covenants subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney for 30 approval before a building permit shall be issued for the Micro-brewery, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east ottice building, or parking structure. 9. The minor subdivision tor Area D shall be developed per the following conditions: a. The development of parcels A, B, C, and D, shallbe limited to the SDD No. 4 development plan and governed by the SDD No. 4 ordinance as approved by the Town of Vail and on file with the Department of Community Development or as amended and approved by the Community Development Department, Planning and Environmental Commission. and/or the Vail Town Council. b. The minor subdivision plat shall include a statement that development of the four parcels shall be governed by the approved SDD 4 development plan for area D and governing ordinances. c. The Community Development Departnent and Town of Vail Attorney shall have the right to review and require changes in any "Agreements of Tenants in Common", "Conveyance of Easement and Party wall Agreements", and any other easement or ownership agreements related to the development of parcels A, B, C, and D to ensure that the four parcels are developed per lhe approved development plan in SDD No. 4 Ordinance. d. The developer shall be responsible for replatting the 20 foot utility easement on the western portion of development Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail for the new utility easement before the minor subdivision plat is recorded. Any modifications or amendments to the minor subdivision conditions of approval agreement shall be reviewed as a major amendment under the procedures outlined in Section 18.40 of fie Town of Vail Zoning Code. e. The conditions for the minor suMivision in Section 18.46.210 (Dg) A, B, C, and E, shall be set lorth in restrictive covenants subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney 20 before the minor suMivision is recorded on the land records of Eagle County. 10. The entire Glen Lyon Office Building and Brewery Building shall be sprinklered and have a fire alarm detection system. Town of Vail Fire Department approval of the sprinkler and fire alarm systems shall be required before a building permit is released for Phase I excluding Phase lA or ll. 1 1. The developer shall submit a set of amended plans to the Colorado Division of Highways for review and approval. The improvements on CDOH property proposed by the developer must receive CDOH approval before Phase l, excluding lA, ll, and lll are presented to the Town of Vail Design Review Board for final approval. 12. The east building including the two employee dwelling units shall be constructed when the parking structure is built to ensure that the employee units are built. 18.46.220 Emplovee Housinq The development ol SDD No. 4 will have impacts on availabte employee housing within the Upper Eagle Valley area. In order to help meet this additional employee housing need, the develope(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 8 employee dwelling units within Area A Westhaven Condominium building, 3 within the Cornerstone Building and 2 within the Waterford Building. Each employee dwelling unit in the Westhaven Condominium Building shall have a minimum square footage of 648 square feet. Each employee unit in the Cornerstone Building shall have a minimum square footage of 600 square feet. There shall be a total of 2 employee dwelling units in the Waterford Building. One shall be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum of 800 square feet. The developer of Area D shall build 2 employee dwelling units in the Area D east buibing per the approved plan for the East Building. ln Area D one employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet. The GRFA and number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for SDD No. 4. ln Area A, the GRFA and number of employee dwelling units shall be restricted as employee dwelling units for 20 years plus the life of Tiffany Christine Lowenthal from the date of final certificate of occupancy for said units except those units in the Comerstone and Waterford developments, The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall be restricted as rental employee dwelling units permanently. In Areas A & D he lollowing restrictions shall apply to all employee dwelling units except for those units in the Waterford and Cornerstone Buildings. The employee dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than 30 consecutive days, and that if rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shallbe deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full time employee is a person who works an average ol 30 hours per week. In Area A, if an employee dwelling unit is sold, it shall be sold only to a full time employee in the Upper Eagle Valley. The owner shall occupy the unit or lease/rent as per the requirements in this section. In Areas A & D the employee dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of timeshare, interval ownership, or fractional fee ownership. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed on record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land before a building permit is released for the construction of the employee units in either Area A or Area D. Before any building permits shall be released for either the Cornerstone or Waterford developments, the employee housing units shall be permanently restricted per the Town of Vail Housing Ordinance as follows: 1 . The EHU shall have a parking requirement of one (1) on-site parking space and the EHU shall be located "on" the Town's bus route (as determined by the Town Zoning Administrator); 2. The EHU shall not be suMivided into any form of time shares, interval ownerships, or fractional fee; 3. The EHU shall be leased, but only to tenants who are full{ime employees who work in Eagle County. The EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thidy (30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this Section, a full-time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week; 4. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the employee housing unit shall submit two (2) coples of a report (on a form to be obtrained from the Community Development Department), to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail and the Chairperson of the Town of Vail Housing Authority, setting forth evidence establishing that each tenant whom resides within the employee housing unit 3l is a full-time employee in Eagle County; 5. This agreement shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 18.46.230 Time Fleouirements SDD No.4 shall be governed by the procedures outlined in Section 18.40.120 of the Town ol Vail Municipal Code. Section 4. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase ol this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not aflect the validity ol the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not atfect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of lhe provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 6. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof , heretofore repealed. 32 INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON F|RSTREAD|NGthis-dayof-,1993,andapub|ichearingsha||behe|don this Ordinance on the _ day of , 1993, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this _ day ol . 1993. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: 33 \.,/. I. r "."'.. ': "':r:: . ''. l'lest, 10I.04 fcet;l,lesE, 54.08 fccLilJes:, 205.02 f ceb;l'lest, 1I0.?5 iecL: atlc1{est,, ?'l 2.35 fccE, ilrcncc. 1?, d c sc: ibcd '1.-2,3.7 0 ac.trcc :l r: 't !:,p.ill.ffi,r.r a potnr on Lhc t{csE ttne of; salrt su 1//4..Nl: r,/4'rrom l].ll:ti tiro Noiuir-onc-quirLer cornzr of.rald secLion "'bcars rrorr'!r'o9rs' -niJr"iicr..ro rd;r,;-ir'"^Il"iror:h 0or5, Easr," .alons said.r\.resr:r,inc, -Iit.5i r""i-il ;'_;;;;..on !h.e souLhga5Lc:ty'i' ... ,right oE 'uay ,Iilg. orr'u.il.rri9n,roy rro.-cl-iirin.o, r,Iong saj.d.. .'.SouLhcasr,erIy..IlShc o: way iin",- o;-ioii";;;. ; : r:1, i.'irt 1i ,..r.... sr -v'^'L\Jr':) ' ::.i. 1j1.::,;. Nor.lh:.5202?i...EasE, I02.3I teeL;...,.:ji.1,.,; ' N.orll il:iq'':;;;i, rrr.5TrfecLi anc : .:,'.. :.'"'.Norr.h 40oll,';;;[,-r.19.09 fecr,, mo:e or lcssr Lo a point: .;.ll_:h*_y::!h:llri.c of-iarI-iw rZt NE 1/4 i Lhence Norrn BBor3...' "'Easr', aronq -il:-u:l.f' rrnc or iara sir'r7l-.iii, j6s recL, rnorc or'. ' 'ress , t,o a po-int, on the lcniertlne .i cbic"crcep.; ilrcnce, arong the. .i .ce$gerLine 'of Gore Crec!:, as f oIIor.rs:. .: i' 'i'.{ i l "tlt Soubh J6049' :.'..' ..:.1 soF th .1Bo:l''Soublr:lo!4, south 1?oI0 r soutll ZBo4I' ;,,,.i,1.1e s E 1 ' .'Tlosc q ntir+ \ 't..o1q I 1064 i I0 fceE to thc poinr oI bcain;iig. FrrccI 'l 1nn :rFi.rt? : ,.,:.ip s s.; *.i;i,:,i:,:,.:i li:'rli';ll:: ilr:|",:Ill::.i.":"iil?'"1;i,r..".. , ' .'trrct of ..Ianct 'desc.ibird. in Dook rc i ,i i,;;e r;;;"Hli.r.,Irr;)"i"o .;l',.'. "1i1s1c.r]'; of "j.t'lte. cinl.er Ltnc of core'icr:ee]:, and Ii,ing ltorttrerly'.ancl' .-i.:1";. Jiast,e:'1i'::oi'.ithose ccrtain tro,cts cle:lcribcd in noolr itt qu p.^l r ne'j' ':"',Bool: 2ri au nole ror-ina"o;;;ttis-;lil:;;; l6s, dc:cri!ccr .r-"- rwv'' ' . '. 'f ol'Iotrs:.'.i,;..",.',..:1', : .*. t.i. :. ..' , - ,'.i, Deginning .d L .a poinL on Lhe l.lorill-Souli:r ccntc[ Iinc ' ' ' . of sa id'.Sccgion. I2 'uhcncc .ghc hlorch quarLc: cornc: oI sal<l Scct,icn',. :'. 12 beirs il. 00ors' E. 2?69;ts i;;r.; l'--- --- .'.. . ;'...1"" '...i Lhcnce t{.: ?50}5' E. 346.?'16 fecL to Lhc Lrue point.of .' bc9inlting, laicl poinL bcing on thc sbuth linc of LhaE t:acu dLrcribccl,.,i In Bool:,':L.99;:p3n'6'. 197 and.rvhiclr bcars s. oBol6' E. 2?05.34 fcer, .: f,rom thc llorth quarLer corncr of caid Sec:ion 12;.. , ,,.. . . j. jril.'..:l thcncc.Ni' ?50l5r !- ?I?. B4 f cet oLong Llrc SouLhcrIy*. :l J-inc of thab uracE, clcicribcd in !ooP. I99, !'age ig7 to Lhe cetltes . r.,,.'... ; . :. Of GOt. C ::Cf e ek ; i:ri.-, l;i.,.,. ..i. '.i ' :', .i.'. i thcnc'e s. Z0o4It 1'l . L3O. e I f ecL along Lhc ccnLe,r ]-lnc ,' "' ' gf,isatn' "':![l;;; !: ;;.rr'r0', E. ,on.roi ro"i, orone rhe ccn*cr .r. :1.ti . : 'thcnce !. ,tSoZl ' I'1, 95. 50 f eet nlong Lhc ccntg,i llne .tt . i' ..:of. sa.1d.,.grc-c\,.:.:,.,,-,:. ...t' thcnce' s. z2oJ 4 r Yl. Lz4 . 47 f ccb . n).ong the cenEer Lln.e:l:: ;'.:1 of: salS _pre-ek1 .i.r i...,. ...:,... . \ '': '1;.i''i .,' -...'. ;".' gf 'lo{q crcckr I to, thc'souLhcact cor.ncr of thaE icrtaln iract of, r,. ... lln9.idss.crlbcd".ln,.Book ,{11 , nagc 100 t ::: ...:,-...'. t,llcnce l.t ."'33"LG'30" l{. 140.12 f cet, aLong thc EasLcr}y'i.':,:,;.ii,.lin9 o.t'$ha;t'..tr.qc,F qg.:grtbc<t in Dook 2II ar. page toO;. :.....! ghcn.cc.tt.'.i57o42'f0,' l{.'}69jBB fcct ifonq ttrc:'. ; .:,Norihcasegtlillllb::gf ^!hlr, LracL'cte!cribcrl.rn nooi'2tI aL pagc r0B;., .'. ,,.:.,' -.: tlrcncc.rl.t.j..iqC9OZtjlO','l!. L6.2.92,feeE along tlrc ltorthe;ly'. 'r.:IInc of '1t',l1ose Fract,s'dcicribcrl 1n Iloo)'. 2II aE pDgc-10C Dook ZII - : ' "'.'a c Fn9 c"'I,0 6 ; co'.'.a" poin L; . .'r. .i ' i " ,"bhencc N:. 'f,2o5?rJ0,' l.l. '?6.08 fccL along L.heNortheusqcrly lrnc of ilraE [rilcL c]escriboa tn !oo]..2r5 ah pagc : , .! . 3 65 r t.o .tlrc poin u of bcg j nnlng . ".'". t, " : 34 rr /\. I nr I . ir r F-rLL/..r4\.Ul:ri, o f oLl-or+s : .trt.lD :: lr' ' "' . 'j' I i ':l': i 't ^" ' -c''r' |.rr !!ra! nar9.9f.,ghl s'.!i.rrt i!, i""rr"n rz, ,;i"0,;;;';irr, ;;' :tlLlrc ccnLcr'of,' Gorc cr'ccp...ao.i"trorn, on r.hc prrc.:..on,,iii'i"ii,.:ir.rl:' ":ri'r':of f rcc or Elre Easrc courir,y cr;;-k'a;i n;;.;;;;-;;.;;;;";'nu-ii"...,, ,i.::. 9?.1 99, dc.sc:ibecl os f ollovs r . .. i ::. i rjj ,. nc{inn!ng aF lhq-lgrLheast corncr of saicl sriL.ilE!; ,:,i'"r.'.'. r,.:i::'thcncc soubh .80o3lt pcsi: Ilr,6t reel t,o-i ;;i;i"i.A rt,t, iinrcr .eg:':ii. .rald Crc.cll; : i thcncc '5out'h 40o09' r'lest 94.04 fceE arong blrc cciucr if saitr crank;thencc souuh Is:2r' r.resE, 5,1.0d icec aloni ah; "inror of sarct cr"*'1,,i,tl'rcnce soush roBil.1{csr 20s.02 f cce arong aii; ."nu"r oi i.ja ci"uii.tlrence South t:otd, rrcst-ir6.ls't"ut, afoig-tfre-.onuor oi caicl c:eel.,;thence souLlr 2q?.!l:. il";i.320:66 recc;. ...:,..thence so'rqh so?.lf '''o,r EaEL,',ii0.0d:;;ou.orc,nl,.lfi;j:;;i|i"'l..of rriccr'c il: ! - ll::;: soirth ?'?o0o'0f " Hcs u 85 .24 f ccc alorrg rlrc ccnie: o.E sa'td fe-v-tf,'thence. south 5,1o00' l,lcst 25g.34 f ecL, orong thc ccnb,cr of salderceki. ., 1 ..:i.i,.j.,.. .. .i .thence South 6Soj.l I I.Iesi l0g. 6Z f ec.t..along.'tL" 'center of snklcrc c ]'. i . thance SouLh 6q:91r t.tcsLlfge .13 fecL olong.thc.ccnccr of saltl c:cekt'ithcnce Soucl'r,.Bsof st. l.test .68. BB r"ei-"ron!'tt.r"""tcr .oi cai6 creek;thencc .ilorrh ]??l6t r{csL 26:ga i""; ;r;;i i'ni. l*n."r of satd c:eep.; .thencc.llor:h 50o32t \.icsi. I99.Ig f eer: along [ic center of said c:cei:;Lhencc i'lorr,h 30o40,'t,res-..239:09 fccL aLoni:r,f.,e;;;i;i;i;;i; c:eef;thcncc South 76015'l.lesr,89.9I fecu arohg rhe ci'n'i"r oi siia c:"uil'tg e polnt . on thc ltesrerly lin'e of said itilri.lst; . . :tlrence 50uEh 00r5' ttcsr, 461.90 f ccL g6 rLhc;;dntcr.,of cal<1 sctticn Lztlrcncc Norih 09.02t EasE ll0z.65 f ccu arorrg-iiic. sourtresty llnc-oi|lid,st;:Ij}itrk.Lotlre5outhcl.ctcorn.erof,iaii:it.;Irltc.;:'tlrsnEc llorth 0o06t EasE 136.t .:z rjecL aron.3 .ti:c. EBs:crJ.ir 1i"" oi siia51';\ltE: to b,he l.lortheas t cornex o{ sa ii Slitr}:!! , . thc poiit oibeginning, ' . t t\rt^ ' :Jtliu The l,lh'hSEt of SectJ.on 12,6th P.11.-; }rl). tlraU pat';r: Towns.hlp 5 SouLh,nange BI Hesg of the Bl l.lcst,'of thcuay }ine of U. of fice of'thc,. Ccscribed cs. Iti ghway 1 of ' Ehc SElil'tl,tli'of 6Llr !.It.., lyin9S. Iliglr'.ray tlo. 6, as Eag)-e County Clerll 1-' ncainning aL thc SouLhcast corncr oI naid SEhlll.tk;thu'ncc soubh B9oo2' l.lcrL 836.95 f ccL a1.on9:.!ltg.souEherly ttnc oi.Eaid sEktlt'lt t,o n poInL on thc soui:lrerly ri(i9h t' of r"ray f tircgnc ol of raltlof. thence Nortlr 52of5| nast I057.07 thc: SouLhcrly rlght,of way Ilne of cald lrlghwaY to uot way sEtr.ll,lL; polnt, on the. Easrcrly ftnc-3f-safa J !'a ll ll'. t L)'tcnce.SouLh OoJ.5t l,lcsh, 620.?I feet aIon9. th9 Xastcrly Ilnc of'salcl6Et:Nt.lk Lo Lhe SouLhcasb corncr of sald SEkl.lnY','.'thc point ofbeElpnlng y , E)iCtrPT. TIIE FOLLOI.IIIIG: ,.: 'Lhai, part dcscilutd In Dqok 180 aL pagc 545';i.r. i ..'.'i' ..:.....-t ,thab parL clcscrLbcd in.nctok 19I aL pagc 24I,' 'thaL parb dcscribcd ln l)ooll 203 aE page 231i 35 I, tr i, I t :: tr rI tj' ';itlr: E, par.t dcscribeed l1:'Dooh 20J a L;;r ' . ..i i;r ; .f"'::':;:.: .. .'..... " .- . . .j ..:1 :, 1"s"Lil-nE acljacent f;o tlie'?i:'uiiiu ce r ta i .r"t'i"'i"1"-.,,''-l^'; ;;b:. cxcruo d' f i;d"i;j;" #:;::ilrEl cf Eug).c,of, C€Iortdo'''..r.i;--i.j .i , | .. ,';r 91139 cerbain"tilt1q"1E' ijio.onr,'r;o ttieii*i3s;;3i,i: : i'1.:],-ici riiS i lio,'" "E, oo,, page 531; above-d crc.;ibccl .propcr t?,,,rvlrich..bhc pr:lics intcnd rcd in thc Slt 1,/4 lit 1/4 of .,5 Sourlr. Ilang: El, 1|c,sr o[.irji an, l).inp l.lorEhvcstcrJ). Gorc Crcck rjcscriberi.cs - vhencc thc llorrh Quarrer'n l2 bears li. ll ?103' .\,.s. 60'02'30" E. 69.50':'30" E.. lC.9.E6 f ccr:. shcncg2 f 'ect'to a' poial f n theI Llrence 5. 65'.3t' L'...J09..6?r ljne of.siid crecki thrnc!':ct ;lonn thc centcr line of. 23"1?'j0" h,.'lt?.)4 fesrnnJr6, containjng 1.05 acrel t'i'''i't'" cii;br' r'inrr n j rua r.y,,S.e.c.E.l on.l2, To*nsh j o 5., Llrc 6rir'Prirrci.ral I'l'eri :;o[.,1hg :.cenLer. i,jnc oI';f o1ior.'s:;.. '.....::: ..;.i ..: '.'-',.Dcginn'l ng'.at a Doinri r.'i'::.Coi.ner:r:o f..;s a j c Scct j ot .':.:229L.. 7:2 :f ecr ; . Llrcnce,l' f cer : .thence.. S. 5q.42,i;S.....33.. ) 6 :.10".. t. I {0.I.1-.c'cnLer ol:, sr jd. creck:. :f o'n i..:r1.\FF rh.'u r.urrtr ||qrrLqt''.:lj. Si::r 6!c.1r,1-:: u.. 9(,.78 . f e:"j. s'iid.'crcek : . tlrcnce !i.to tl',8 poinr ol bcgin nor c, o; Jqss. I nnd uell rlghrs .'..i'dcl-ctlbed propctty.. :rion. HelJ Fernit lfo. ecd 1n Civil Ac'-l'o:r Di s rr.J cI C'ourc,..nnd r rinht: dtcrtcd lnr Dli'islor. lio. 5,cf!) ' ncJudJng o1,1 rloccr cnDnL to the' cbove ing riirhout llc,ite' \iaLeI.T)EliL5 0cCT ?5 in fa6) e C.ountl'iet pF:'tiol' of r;aLe to,,.g(r c.H 4l0, HaIcllo, 1 \li]l - 0.05 /-.LSO DESC;.1ti9 ','Deninnjni oi. a p:rink tJhsFrcrl !Ir flofth Qucrtt'r.-. Co-rner oi salrJ ltctjot, ll beart 1.1. !l'03' !1.'., ?.212.7? Icctt: Il,cnec 5. 85'43'lq" E,'B?.Bq fcef: ..rlre-nct 5. 57'?5'3(1" 1. l69.tr6 fLcl: []'rcnce 5.'""'i':.iti:31ilJ9'30'J E.'141.47 fcct:Eo a polnu in :.hc.'.t':"i-tiiice'ri l'ertof sajd creek: tircnce S. 65.31t36" 1.'.' ...,.::". 10.9.6? f c-ct. ulong.the ccnter lJnc oi szid crcek; therrc'c'S.' (,9'01 'J6" t'l . 103:0: f ect along tlrecsnre; l'Jne of rejci'crecki Lhence ?1 .23'24'09" . ,\.';;,J19..('9 fcEt 1cr thg point oI beEJnnln5,.. , ..,;;1..1 1,t.*^.^.-i,, _,i.,. l ' ..'r.s. J .rrr, ,rr-,.' .1,".] Tll. gn ec r, tocnt ^'."':reco;<icd {up.ust 5,'196(' J i,..". ll:.::ri0nd'te.coydtd i:r lrro( 30] . . .''..iri;:EFp)..r', c.ounty-.1ecolcis. oF dc,scrJbed n'Book 306 at' &r PLgc 86'o{- J n 'Docu:nen,_ 'Fap.e /r43 tho .;p.1 ..1...4LS(- 1.r'.'!!$l., i ncl. o"+11 . lio. sl l Ca r..' '(Go q l 0 EI !tlJI Ur ) ., t: f 36 trceoe l,arccl - , r r f-- 'r'uu Atrf cs'. :. . ".,__.. _" $?YllL,1,.of Eagla anc! SL,rb,c of '.CoJ.oracto, to wibi . ._..: 1.,,:fi:*":,{_l:,;i-,,"i!1.lil. i,,"-dt:"i,iifiu?..i"?"33Iti3; .r'i,'i5,,nurrrp 5. _ ,.:,",. tl ,. sour,r r - nnrse.st.r.rcs r: oi r.ii" 6'r.h F;;;i;iiii r.r.ii;i;;:-i.;;;i;;4" , ;as (ortov" : .D:sirrrrirg o r:. J-poiiiu- o"'iIr,[:iiorii,]itucrr cen!crlinc of said sccEiort-12 rvheircc [rrc r.roir:rr qu"ic"r-iir"rIi-Ji soie. ' :scctiorr l'2 bcars,l'torr:h 00 dca". rr!rnri"".' ;;;b-ii69.40 te cL: ttrcnccr . .:ir;' .tlorcll 75 dcos. I5 mins. Ea:L'l.r C.2tr (ecut cr.,"n.o souLh f,? dcqs.5? mins. re-scc!. EosL ?s. oo rcciiJui,i"il ilji'ii,lrivllij.lioi.:li"..f,0 sccs' l'rc5t 1?!.9s-i"oL-.to.i-:pol/rL I11 ilr;;;inuo'rror,Gore'lcreelii..'l',r,u'l ,.:' tltetrcc t'lortlr 5o <tcai.-ii-r,;iuol il;;L-ti;. ii'r.-i'i along. rlrc ccn:ell:1,,.'. i;:lr :i :..Iinc of said crecl'.i ulrencc-itoiuf, :B rleos^ 4o rni n,:- t.lo!:t 2lq-oQ f rroF . ...';rrnc or sars crecL: Llre.cc lrorLh 3B dcgs. 40 mins, t.tist 2Jg.09 f eeb :.,'." .,.along Lltc cenLer ti.ne'oi-ioialcrecp.; ilicnce;soith..;?pr.:degs;:r*ii ,. .:..f,5 mins ' licst 89.9.I. i";i ;i;;s , b.lrc ccnLcr,Iinc,of saicl,icrick,;.to 'a i.'r r,,'.. t:i,:l on t'lte l,ior:lr-Souetr ccneir,,f ine-oili"iit'i"".r.iorr-i.l?i.. rherice 3 :. ...:.;i;.i , . I 'Jliil""l'iln3; li,t'!l;.lli,'rl'rl';i::;"ii?r3,li':,iil;I;|,i?.".i1]',;:"!;;ili lr, ;: GO:IE C!(E51i iSSCCIATES DEVILOPIIEiIT AN[.\S BI PP.OPERTY' .l'r . c&D acr 9s J-,eoll Dcsc:i:tl-on ,i''t'llt lllt_pLrL of SecLicn 12, Toipship S sou!n, Range BI t{cst.of . jl,i;.;ittra 6Lh P.!.1 ., desc:ibcrl a.5 Iollol'..:s:I t' , '..',,.i ."ittII that pir: of, Lhc .l.llll{Eti oI Scctiorr I2, J"y5.rr9'souLlrcrly of h]:c ,r: ..SoutlrcrI5r righL-of -r*'ay Iinc o.e U . S . 'llIgh:.ravi tto.'..6 ancl f t'toitherl-v ; i.:..-.. "r:. of blre SouiherIy line,of said i.l\llE\, as shor.'n on'the plat on'f iIc..,,;.,' : itr thc oIf ici o1 Llre Eaglc CounLi'; cIerI'..ancl Recorrlcr islDocutnent.-.',;:.'. 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A request for a work session for an amendment to a previous PEC recommendation for approval ol a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part ot the SW 7., NE v., S€dion la Tov,/nship 5 South, Range 81 West of ths 6lh P,M., d€scrib€d as bllows: Beginning al a point of ths Norlh-Soulh canl€rlino ol said Ssclion 12 whencs an iron prh wllh a plaslic cap mariing ths canbr of sald Secfion 12 b€ars SO0"38'5dW 455.06 l€et thonco along said c€nt€rlih€ N@"38'55E '122.81 lest to lhq southerly Ro\^, line ol 1.70: lh€nce depa.ting said ROW line N66"53'25-E 39.15leer; thencs d€parting said BOW lins S8l'23't9"E 165.42 feet to a poinl of curve; lhsncg | 22,83 fE3t along th€ arc of a 143.20 toot radius curv€ lo lhs left, having a central angl€ ol 49p08'51- and a chord fial b€ars S15'57'45'E l'19.10 le€t; |h€nc€ S40"3210'E 3.00le€r: thenc€ 56.3) f€sl along ths arc ofa 77.21 fool radius curvs b lhs right having a cent.al anol€ ol49p12 10'and a chofd that b€ars S15"56b5"E 64.28 le€t: thenc€ S8'40'0O.vv 90.2? feer; lhence N3B.422CW 224.55 teet: fienc€ S78"10'32"W 101.44 teet to the Point ol geginning. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a brief presentation per the stafl memo. Bill Anderson began the discussion by stating that he has no problem with the new roof lines being proposed. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with Bill but stated that the proposed exterior building materials were a problem. Allison Lassoe agreed with Kathy's comments. Dalton Williams stated that he liked the old rooi lines better but that he was not that concerned about it and had no comments to add concerning the proposed new roof llines. Greg Amsden stated that he preferred the new roof lines. Dalton Williams summarized the comments that the DRB had concerning this proposal. These comments were that the window treatments were okay except for the removal of the heavy wooden sills at the bottom, that no masonite be used in conjunction with this proposal, that more natural colors be used on the exteriors of the units and that the building elevations be broken up by the use ol more wood siding. Dalton stated that it was his opinion that siding the bottom part of the structure and not the top as well made the structure look "funny". The members of the PEC held a general discussion concerning the siding and determined that additional siding on the buildings would improve their appearance. With regards to feneslration, the PEC determined that this was a DRB issue. Concerning the roof lor the duplex, Dalton Williams, Jeff Bowen, Diana Donovan, Allison Lassoe and Kathy Langenwalter all preferred the old roof lines but did not feel strongly about it one way or the other. Greg Amsden and Bill Anderson stated that Planning and Environmental Commisslon April 26, 1993 13 they preferred the proposed new roof lines. Diana Donovan stated that she felt that the proposed changes were minor revisions lo the previously approved PEC plans and that she did not think it was necessary to bring the plans back to the PEC for a more formal amendment of the previous approval by the PEC. Kaihy Langenwalter stated that she would like this request to go to DRB with instruclions from the PEC concerning lhe siding and the trim on lhe struclures- 10. Appoint new PEC Chairperson. Bill Anderson made a motion to table the appointment of a new PEC Chairperson to allow time for Allison Lassoe to get to know the board members. lt was determined that this item would be tabled until May 24, 1993 when adiscussion concerning the appointment of a new chairperson would lake place wilh th#actual vote being tabled until June 14, 1993. Jeff Bowen seconded this motion and a 7-0 vote tabled this request. 11. Approve minutes from April 12, 1993 PEC Meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 12, 1993 PEC Meeting with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 7-0 vote approved the minutes. Planning and Environmental Commission April 26, 1993 14 -l TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communig Development Department Fil_ { #spy Agil86, 1993 A request for a work session to review an amefidment to a previous 'FEC recommendation for approval of a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A parl of t)€ SW v1, NE v+ S€c|ion t2, Township 5 Soufl, Rang€ 81 W€st of $s 6th P.ir., doscrlb€d as lcllorys: B€olnnlng at a point of fie Nonh€outh c€nlcrllne of caid Soc{ion 12 whqrco an FDo Cn l,itl a pls8tjc csp maning $e center of said Ssction 12 b.ars SO0.3856"W 455.06 teet; rhonco along 6ald c€ntErlin€ NOO.3aEdE 1 22.81 legl ro tho Eouth€rly ROW lin€ of l-70: lh€nce d€parting said ROW line N6653'25"E S.15 lo€t; thencs d€paning Eaid ROW line S81'23'1S'E 165.42 tssl lo e point of cud€; lh€noe 122.83 loot along fie q.c of a t43-20 fool radiuE curvg t0 lh€ bfi, havin0 a cenrral angle ot 4g'O8'51'and a chord lhat bsa6 S15"57'45'E 119.10 fsst: thenco S40'32'10'E 3.OO t90l; lhsnce 66.30 l9€l along $€ arc of a 77.2! foot r€dius curvs lo ths right having a c€nral angle ol49p12'10r snd a chord thal b€ars S15"56'05'E 64.28 f€€t; th€nce S8o40!O'W 90,27 tsel; thqnc€ f,13E"42'24"W e24.55lest; lhonc€ S7E lO'32"W 101.44 l€st to the Point of B€ginning. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST On February 8, 1993, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, in order to construct one duplex and one single family residence on the .819 acre (35,676 square feet) Millrace lll site. The PEC recommended approval of Mr. Lauterbach's major amendment request with several conditions. These conditions are outlined below. 1. The site plan shall be amended to show a designated limit of construction activity line. This line should follow the 50 ft. setback line with the exception of the area behind the single lamily residence. The purpose of this line is to ensure that construction activity be limited to the area east of the line. A physical barrier along the limit of construction activity line shall be in place prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project. Staff will then make periodic inspections to the property throughout the construction lo assure that no disturlcance occurs west ol the construction barrier. The barrier should be of a design which not only delineates the limit of construction activity, but also provides for the control of sedimentation into Gore Creek. This barier may be accomplished through a combination of snow fencing, hay bales and fine mesh netting. a {2. A 10 ft. pedestrian/fishermen's access easement shall be provided along the shore of Gore Creek. This easement should exlend approximately't0 ft. from the high water mark of the creek to allow fishermen access up and down Gore Creek. This easement will be dedicated at the time the minor subdivision is approved. '3. Additional landscaping shall be provided on the north side of the existing recreation path. This vegetation in addition to that shown on the landscape plan will help mitigate for the losses being proposed as a result of the conslruction of the two buibings. At a minimum, 10 aspen or ash trees (3" cal. minimum) shall be provided along the path along with 10 - 20 evergreen and deciduous shrubs. 4. Since this property is currently unplatted, a minor subdivision ptat must be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project. 5. The applicant agrees to provide the necessary improvements to that portion ot Westhaven Drive directly in front of his property line to bring lhe road up to Town standards. These improvements may include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, drainage, and a new lift of asphalt paving. Mr. Lauterlcach presented his own wording to this condition which the PEC found acceptable. Mr. Lauterbach's wordino is as follows: "l agree to comply with staff recommendations. I agree to participate with CVA in a road solution acceptable to the Town of Vail. lf no solution has been approved by the Town of Vail prior to a request for a TCO, I agree to bond or pay for the street improvements directly in front of my property line prior to issuance of a TCO; with recourse only to the CVA and Seller." 6. Certain minor modilications shall be made to the site plan, landscape plan and floor plans so that features shown on any one of the three are accurately reflected on all plans per the staff memo on page 6. These changes shall be made before the project proceeds to first reading by the Town Council. 7. The southern hall of the single family residence shall be shifted 3 -5 ft. away from the road and that the entire building be shifted approximately 5 ft. further to the north. On February 17, 1993, the Millrace lll projectwas conceptuallyreviewed bythe DRB (see attached comments). On April 7, 1993, Mr. Lauterbach presented new plans to the DRB for another conceptual review. These plans retlected Mr. Lauterbach's intent to change the roof form and remove all wood siding lrom the project. The DFIB teet that the roof form change was positive, however, they recommended that vertical siding be added to the buildings. The DRB also requested that the large wooden window sills remain (at least on all of the smaller windows) and that the buildings utilize more natural colors to blend in better with the natural environment ol the river corridor. + Mr. Lauterbach is requesting this work session with the PEC in order to discuss his proposed changes to the previously reviewed and approved PEC plans. The proposed changes will not effect the footprint of the buildings, their location on the site, setbacks or parking. lt is possible that the proposed changes may have a minimal effect on the overall site coverage and GRFA on the lot, however, Mr. Lauterbach has stated that no changes exceed the previously approved maximum allowances. Specifically, Mr. Lauterbach would like to discuss proposed roof form, fenestration, exterior building material and building color changes. These changes are summarized as follows: Rool form changes - The proposed roof alignment of these buildings is being changed to shed predominantly in an east-west direction as opposed to a north-south direction. The addition ot dormers to each ot the units is also being proposed. Fenestration changes - As a result of the realignment of the buildings' roof form, window locations and shapes are being changed. These window changes are displayed on the attached elevation drawings which show the previous approval and the proposed elevations. Bulldhg materlal changes - Mr. Lauterbach is proposing to replace much of the vertical wood siding previously shown on the buildings with stucco. Also, the two story expanse ot stone work previously shown on the east elevation of the single family residence is being removed. Buildlng color changes - The February 8, 1993, PEC recommendation for approval included suggestions by the PEG members to use varying shades of gray as the predominant color scheme for lhis project. Mr. Lauterbach would like the PEC to consider more natural colors (browns, redwood, dark green, eto.) in response to DBB comments made at the April 7, 1993 conceptual review meeting. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since this is a work session, neither the stafi nor the PEC will make a formal recommendation concerning the proposed changes. lt would be helpful to Mr. Lauterbach, however, to receive input at this time so that he can complete his drawings and submit them for final review on May 10, 1993. Although statf feels that some of the proposed changes represent an improvement to the previously approved plans (heavier covered entry element, landscape plan, window additions, etc.), we feel that many of the changes are not an improvement to the project's overall appearance. Staff believes that the project was more appealing with the original roof alignment and liberal use oi vertical siding. Stafl would recommend that in addition to incorporating the PEC commenls made at this work session the applicant address and resolve as many of the previous conditions ot approval placed on the project at the February 8, 1993, PEC meeting as possible. Project Application I I Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Archilect, Address and Phone: e€ n<u) 'Lo.- L{76- €qqr{ f .f &. - =4st , Va i L,, Cc,. dt€sg I Owner, Address and phone: Sqf,q€ q S 4$eUq - . unsn(.o{led 6 Legal Description:*d-I- Eloqk- rTtlrrlr- , Zon -W- 5#e'..r< Design Review Board lAiL K€t/ (ed o,o ,lnt. z(Peflevrr k-Qr-..0-r e)rr ( *&s-**e[t r. ,puH o€M*rySh UX sdw< s#le on)""* M= qsy'e Jo -o *ul,,r*o^- J*hv "*( eGI le nitprviq 4o sor*4,€[,I Dare: {./ ?& rqqi CoA4€ Jn.k &,n qn.{l*; .-t^a; Conc*f{aa2 Tavi< ct': t + /.-ltgrrPForAr '1-,**{t)rl*u'r{d-rti,*lt* .,...,r,f ,,,.. lrri,'(luoli)43(I .t f'{III astsqd ecBrlllr^I I 1a t ItI 't' I \- ,..., $$ $B: t.. :..\\"' 1 ,) .\' \-' \. tl .\- \. t\ \r, a. . t-r'\t\ , \ r .!\ $l1t+ .o $+g'.,.t;# '-../ ,,(i.l.l 1u€urdo[e63(I TfIAI nI EB€q{ ec€rlnl l I ,**."H*rp;rft l#rIJJ e8?gd ec€qIII/|[ .llil .5 \lI\-J $ R s) e € U tUR g '1 -6nn \:t ;,fp -rg tr \ : Mlllrace Phaae fII MJLr DerreloPment a : l, Colorado ,:, .:r .r-;.:a I i ':'' \ [.\ t\.tl Jtr.'.\ t +. ' '.: .: t,- ii -''l :,...i: .l e $ .l''tiiiirii,l rif*fifi 1 -'..'1'ar:.i ,i,lirffi *'ri:..i: . '. ..t|.',-,lii 'j ::r rt 'i!'. '"::. \I(*_, T :.i:;t i!:l ;.' 1 ,,r.1 ,.4 ';.I;::li.i I''l'l. rl r':...:,;1'. 'r' ,lli;;r' iittlri;E,+, ::, r;:ill:, ffiiiiii. ,:i:.i*i,iri ' '':