HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE MILLRACE CONDOMINIUMS COMMON LEGALCo.s cc"clq, Argc\ A f5v,\c\rn1 V',\\aq L Pernt.,h I F,iE r]O,p;n Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r38 FAX 974-479-2452 May 19,2000 Mr. David Nudell P.O. Box 3715 Eagle, CO 81631 SENT VIA FACSIMILE, E-MAILAND U.S. MAIL Re: Cascade Viltage / Special Development District#4 (SDD #4) Dear David: This letter will summarize our conversation this morning regarding the above-referenced property. Following is a descripiion of the procedural requirements for a change in use from restaurant to office space within SDD #4. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2, Town of Vail Gode, any proposal to change uses, increase gross residential floor area, or change the number of dwelling units within an approved special development district shall constitute a "Major SDD Amendment." Major amendment procedures are as outlined in Section 12-94-10, Town of Vail Code (attached). The process usually involves at least two meetings (each) with both the Planning and Environmental Commission and Vail Town Council. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, P=*-'*-a-e-..---- t Brent Wilson. Planner ll {p *uno"r ror"" Questicns? Cail the tn,nn Staff at 479-?138 sPECTAL DEVELOPMENT DTSTRTCT (SDD) suBMrTTAt_ R.EQUTREMENTS This application is ior any projec rhat is acarving for a new SDD, or making an amendment to an existing SDD. I. DEFINI-JCNS Maior.Amendment - AnY lrooosal ic cnange uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number- of Cweiling or acccmmocation Jnits; modify, enlarge or expand any approvec Speciai Development Distncts. Minor Arnendment - Mooificaticns io buiiding plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special development district, and are consistent with the design o1teria for speciai devebpment districts. Minor amendments may include, but noi be iimited to, variations of nct more than five feet to approved setbacxs and/or building footorints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adverseiy ,mpact pedestrian olrehicuiar cjrculation throughout the Special Development Districl; or cnanges io gross floor area (excluding residential uses), of not more than five percent (596) of the approved square footage of retaii, office, common areas and other non-residential floor area. PRE-APPL]CATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with e planning staff rnember is strongly encouraged. No application can be accepted unless it is compiete. It is the applicanfs responsibility to make an appointment with the staffto determine additional submittal reouirements. SUBMITIAL REOUIREUENTS tr FEE: $1,500.00 - Estabiisnment of a SDD $1,000.00 - Malor Amendment $ 200.00 - Minor Amendment The fee must be paid at lhe time of submittal. r stamced, addressed envelopes and a iist of the names and mailing addresses of all properW owners adjacent io the subject propefi, including properties behind ' and across sfeets" The :pplicant is responsible tor correct names and mailing adciresses. This information is avaiiabie from the Eagie County Assessor's office. X A massing modei Jepicting ihe prooosed cievelopment in reiationship to development on adjacenr parcels. t Ii. uI. I Fcur (.i]i ccoies of ihe ioilalyllo: r r-l i-1 n - l-_. 'A surve'/ siamped b'r a iic:nsec surveyor ndic3rlng exrsting condit:ons ri the :rcoery :o be inclucec in rhe soecja: Jevelopmert disirrct, to incluoe in location of improvements, exisiiirg ccntour iines, :atural features, existing vegetaiion, water courses. end Del'rmerei- propeiq lines of ihe parcel. A vicinity plan ihcwing ilre proposec improvenrents in relation to atl aojacent :ropefties at 3 scaie nc; smaller than 1"=10'. A proposed site pian. at e scale nctsmailerthan 1" = 20', showing ihe aoprcximate iocations ano dimensions of atl buildings and strucures, uses ther.ejn, and ail princrpal site de'/elopment feetures, such is iandscaped areas, ,,valkways, service entries, dnvewa'/s, and off-streer parking ;nd loading areas with proposed contours arter grading and site ie'/eioprent; A preliminary ianciscaoe pian, at a sc=ie not smailer than 1" = 20', showing existing landscapei features to be |etained 0r i-emoved, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site cevelopment features, such as outdoor recreEtronal facilities, bike paths and trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water fe:tures and cther elements. An open space and reci'eational pian sufficient to meet the demands generateC by the de'reiopment withour undo burcen on available or proposec public facilities; Prelirninary buiiding eievations, :ections ancj flcor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, 1n sufficjent detaii to determine floor area, gross residential flccr area, interior circulation. iocations of uses within buiidings, and general scaie and appe3rance of the proposed development. A .cmplete set of plans depictjng existing ccnditions of tie parcel (site plan, flocr plans, elevarions), if applicabie. A complete zoning anaiysis of ex'sting and propcsed de..relopment ro include a square fcotage l:reakdown cf ail proposed uses, parking provided, and proposed densities. A written statement describing the nature cf the prolect to include information on proposed uses, densities, nafure of the de'relopment proposed, contemplated ownership patterns and phasing illans, and a state.rnent ouflining how and where the proposed lerrelopment deviates from the oeveiopment standards prescribed in the property's underlying zone district. Photo overiays and/or other acceptable techniques for demonstrating a visuai analysis of the proposed develcpment in relationship to existing conditions. An Environmental Impacl Report shall be submitted to the Administrator in accordance with Chapter :8.55 hereof unless waived by Section 18.56.030, exempt projecE. I n J -hrr lha l_1 Additional informatjon or materiai as deemed necessary Adminisiratcr, PLEASE NOTETHAT ONLY COMPLETE APPL]CANONS CAN tsE ACCEPTED. ALL CF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION rqusr BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FoR THIS AppucATjrtN To BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTS A' The Planning and En'/ironmental Commission meets on the znd and ,+th lvlindays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying matenar (as described above) must be accepted by the community Deveiopment Department by the appropriate submittai date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC nublic hearing. Incomplete applications (as determinec cr/ the planning staft will not be accepted. B. PEC approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within hvo veers cf ihe date of approval and diligenuy pursued to completion. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. if this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agerry other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Depaftrnent of Highway Access permits, Arrny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall 0e responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicanfs request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-pubiication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have ciesiEn, iand use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require re.riew by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town $aff that an outside consultant is neeCed, the Community Development Department mav hire the consultant. The Deparunent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay $re consuttant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by rhe applicant at the time cf filing an applicaUon. Expenses incurred by the Town in qcess of the amount fonvarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town, Any $(cess funds will be retumed to i}re applicant upon review completion. VI, 12-94-10: AMENDMENT PROCEDURES: A" Minor Amendments: 1 . Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 (definition of "minor amendment") of this Article, may be approved by the Depa(ment of Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the Department of Community Development. 2. Notification of a proposed minor amendment, and a report of staff action of said request, shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to ihe special development district that may be affected by the amendment. Affected properties shall be as determined by the Department of Community Development. Notifications shall be postmarked no later than five (5) days following staff action on the amendment request and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the staff decision. In all cases the report to lhe Planning and Environmental Commission shall be made within twenty (20) days from the date of the staffs decision on the requested amendment. 3. Appeals of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent property owners, owners of property wiihin the special developmenl district, the applicant, Planning and Environmental Commission members or members of the Town Council as outlined in Section 12-3-3 of this Title. B. MajorAmendments: 1. Requests for major amendments to an approved special development district shall be reviewed in accordance with the procedures described in Section 12-9A4 of this Article. 2. Owners of all property requesting the amendment, or their agenls or aulhorized representatives, shall sign the application. Notification of the proposed amendment shall be made to owners of all property adjacent to the property requesting the proposed amendment, owners of all property ad.iacent to the special development district, and owners of all prope$ within the special development district that may be affected by the proposed amendment (as determined by the Department of Community Development). Notification procedures shall be as outlined in subsection 12-3-6C of this Title. (Ord. 21(1e88)S 1) 1 2-94-4: DEVELOPMENT REVI EW PROCEDURES: A. Approval Of Plan Required: Prior to site preparation, building construction, or other improvements to land within a special development district, there shall be an approved development plan for said District. The approved development plan shall establish requirements regulating development, uses and activity within a special development district. B. Pre-Application Conference: Prior to submittal of a formal application for a special development district, the applicant shall hold a preapplication conference with the Department of Community Development. The purpose of this meeting shall be to discuss the goals of the proposed special development district, the relationship of the proposal to applicable elements of the Town's Master Plan, and the review procedure that will be followed for the application. C. PEC Conducts Initial Review: The initial review of a proposed special development district shall be held by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting. Prior to this meeting, and at the discretion of the Administrator, a work session may be held with the applicant, staff and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss special development district. A report of the Department of Community Development staffs flndings and recommendations shall be made at the initial formal hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission. A repoh of the Planning and Environmental Commission stating its findings and recommendations, and the staff report shall then be transmitted to the Town Council in accordance with lhe applicable provisions of Section 12-16-6 of this Title. The Town Council shall consider the special development district in accordance with the provision of subsections 12-3-7D through G of this Title. (Ord. 21(1 9S8) S 1 ) 1 2-94-5: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Information And Materials Required: The following information and materials shall be submitted with the initial application for a special development district. Certain submittal requirements may be waived or modified by the Department of Community Development if it is demonstrated that the material to be waived or modified is not applicable to the design criteria (Section 12-94-8 of this Article), or other practical solutions have been reached: 1. Application form and filing fee. 2. A written statement describing the nature of the project to include information on proposed uses, densities, nature of the development proposed, contemplated ownership patterns and phasing plans, and a statement outlining how and where the proposed development deviates from the development standards prescribed in the property's underlying zone district. 3. A survey stamped by a licensed surveyor indicating existing conditions of the property to be included in the special development district, to include the location of improvements, existing contour lines, natural features, existing vegetation, watercourses, and perimeter property lines of the parcel. 4. A complete set of plans depicting existing conditions of the parcel (site plan, floor plans, elevations), if applicable. 5. A complete zoning analysis of existing and proposed development to include a square footage breakdown of all proposed useS, parking provided, and proposed densities. 6. Proposed site plan at a scale not smaller than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20'), showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures and all principal site development features. 7. Preliminary building elevations, sections and floor plans at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot (1i8" = l') in sufficient detail to determine floor area, circulation, location of uses, and general scale and appearance of the proposed development. 8. A vicinity plan showing the proposed improvements in relation to all adjacent properties at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet (1" = 50'). 9. Photo overlays and/or other acceptable techniques for demonstrating a visual analysis of the proposed development in relationship to existing conditions. 10. A massing model depicting the proposed development in relationship to development on adjacent parcels. 11. A preliminary landscape plan at a scale not smaller than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20'), showing existing landscape features to be retained and removed, proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as recreation facilities, bike paths and trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elements. 12. Environmental impact report in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, unless waived by Section 12-12-3 of this Title. 13. Any additional information or material as deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Community Development. B. Copies Submitted To Town Officials: With the exception of the massing model, four (4) complete copies of the above information shall be submitted with an application for a special development district. At the discretion of the Administrator, reduced copies in eight and one-half inch by eleven inch (81 /2" x 1'1 ") format of all of the above information and additional copies for distribution to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council may be required. (Ord. 21(1988) g 1) 1 2-94-6: DEVELOPMENT PLAN: An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses and activities of a special development district. A development plan shall be approved by ordinance by the Town Council in conjunction with the review and approval of any special development district. The development plan shall be comprised of materials submitted in accordance with Section 12-94-5 of this Article. The development plan shall contiain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which the special development district shall develop. The development plan may consist of, but not be limited to, the approved site plan, floor plans, building sections and elevations, vicinity plan, parking plan, preliminary open space/landscape plan, denSities and permitted, conditional and accessory uses. (Ord. 21(1988) g 1) 12-9A-7: USES: Determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as a part of the formal review of the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed special development district, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in a property's underlying zone district. Under certain conditions, commercial uses may be permitted in residential special development districts it in the opinion of the Town Council, such uses are primarily for the service and convenience of the residents of the development and the immediate neighborhood. Such uses, if any, shall not change or destroy the predominantly residential character of the special development district. The amount of area and type of such uses, if any, to be allowed in a residential special development district shall be established by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan. (Ord. 21 (1 988) S 1 ) 12-94-8: DESIGN CRITERIA: The following design criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed special development district. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved: A. Compatibility: Design compatlbility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, bufferzones, identity, characler, visual integrity and orientation. B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 10 of this Title. D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans" E. Natural And/Or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. H. Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. l. Workable Plan; Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. (Ord. 21(1 988) $ 1 ) 1 2-94-9: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverages, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan with consideration of the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Before the Town Council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district, it should be determined that such deviation provides benefits to the Town that outweigh. the adverse effects of such deviation. This determination is to be made based on evaluation of the proposed special development district's compliance with the design criteria outlined in Section 12-94-8 of this Article. (Ord. 21(1988) I 1) Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 2, 2000 Bill Kanowsky Prudential Gore Range Properties SENT VIA FACSIMILE Re: Cascade Village / Special Development District #4 (SDD #4) Dear Bill: This letter will summarize our conversalion this afternoon regarding the above- referenced property. Following is a description of the procedural requirements for a change in use from commercial floor area to gross residential floor area within SDD #4. Pursuant to Section 12-gA-2, Town of Vail Code, any proposal to change uses, increase gross residential floor area, or change the number of dwelling units within an approved special development district shall constitute a "Major SDD Amendment." Major amendment procedures are as outlined in Section 1 2-94-10, Town of Vail Code (attached). The process usually involves at least two meetings (each) with both the Planning and Environmental Commission and Vail Town Council. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, 19*--.*r (/,-1- Brent Wilson, Planner ll {p """t"uo 'oo'* '4 V' I t4j+2 C*ca"k* tr 4 /-nL7 o , fu-c 7 TTMES TSSUED oa/04/ree7 oB /o4 /reej ot /3t / reeB TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-4'19-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST aoo/er_,t MF BUrLD Job Addressl 1320 WESTHAVEN DR Location. .. I MIL,LRACE CONDOS parcel llo. . l--ffiffii-11-ooo Project No. I PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920 | AVON CO 81620 PI-,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 MILLRACE CONDO ASSOCIATION BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL PERMIT Permit *. 897-0246 Status. . . AppIied..Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REROOF Phone: 9709491905 Phone: 9709491905 Phone I 970-476-6106 Occupancyi Rl Type Construction: V 1-HR Type Occupancy: MuIti-F amily Type V 1-Hour Valuation: Fireptace Information: Restricted: Plan Check---) 100.75 Investigation> !,i l,L cal. L----> Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs:#Of Gas App[ i ances: DECLARATIONS IO | 32t flof !ood/PaL l,et: **********Jr*****-t*********ffi******************rt**********tr* FEE SUttllARY **i**************************xa*************************** Bui td'ing----->155.00 .00 Totat Catculated Fees--->Restuarant PLan Revi e!,--> DRB Fee--------,00 AdditionaL Fees--------->.O0 Recreatioh Fee----------> C I,ean-Up 0eposi t-------->.00 100.00 Payments------- TotaI Permit Fee--------) 358.75 .00 358.75 3.00 ******r******'r******r******************lllll*lii.l;;;;;;;;;;;*i*i**********iihli-***?lillli-lll;;;;;;;iiiiiii************ill*** rte.m: .05100_EVrLDrNc DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:eg/04/\s_97_cHARLTE' AaEi6;i: EpFn cHenLrE DAViF-'rt'em:' 05400_PLANNING DEPARTMEN!_ , -- -- Dept! PLANNTNc Divisionr 08/O4/1997 CHARLIE A.Eion; APFR N,/A Ite{r;-,g5qq0^EIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division:0B/04/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A rtem:' 05500^pUBLrC WORKS ____ _':_ Dept: puB woRK Division:08/04/7997 CHARTJTE Actj_on: AppR N/A ********************i************************************************************************************************************* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in futt the infonmation reouiped.pl'an, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. r agree to "omptv.rljitr ifi"completed to -compty Hith aLL Toun ordinances _and state-Laws, and to buiLd this stnucture according iri{" io""i codes, design review approved, unifopm Buitding code and other ordinances of the r*",i6iip46\" i REauEsrs FoR INsPEcrIoNs sHALL BE t{AoE T!,E}try-FouR HouRs rN ADVANcE By reLeptote erl429- an ion and accurate ptot and ptot p [an, subdi vi sion Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: PLATH CONSTRUCTION TURE rng H I}lSELF ***************************************************************************tr**** CONDITIONS Permit #1 897-0245 as of 08/05/9? Status: IssuED ******************************************************************************** Perrnit.Type! ADD/ALT MF BUILD pERMrr Applied: 08/04/1997 Applj-cant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION risuedl. OA'/04'/Igg7 e?09491_905 To Expire t Or/3r'/1,ssT Job Address:Localion: MII,LRACE CONDOS Parcel No: 2L03-l2I-1 1-000 Description: REROOF Condi-tions:1. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQU]RED BETORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * *,* * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWI\ OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************tr************************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0308 Amount: 358.75 0B/OS/97 11:44 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #19882 lhit: CD 358.7s **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No: Si-te Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41"31-0 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 897-0246 Type: A-MF 2703-1"2I- 1l_-0 0 0 ].320 WESTHAVEN DR MIIJLRACE CONDOS ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 358.7s 358.75 .00 Amount 155.00 100.75 100.00 3.00 . Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE TOI,{i,f OF' VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0- 47 9 -21,38 APPI-,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descrj-ption: REROOF Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Invest'i gat i on> tliLL catL----> 155.00 100.75 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT MF MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,IJ BUILD PERMIT Permit *: P-97_0246 Status. . .epplied.. Issued... Expires. . ISSUED 08/04 /res't 08/04/t,ee7 01/3r / reeB TIMES accurate ptot and p[ot ptan. subdi vi si on Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920t AVON CO 8l-620 MILLRACE CONDO ASSOCIATION 1320 WESTHAVEFT DR MILLRACE CONDOS 2lo3-L2 L-11-000 Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: VaLuation: L0,321 Add Sq Ft: Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB Fee--------.00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Additionat Fees---------> -0O Phone: 9709491905 Phone: 9709491905 Phone: 970-476-6106 TotaL Catcutated Fees---> 35E- 75 TotaI Permit Fee--------> F i reptace Information: Restr'icted:dof Gas App I iances:dof cas Logs:fof Uood/PaL l.et: t********************************tr************************* FEE SUI'tt4ARy *****-******************************rrJr***********t********* .00 C Iean-t p Deposi t--------> TOTAL fEES.---. 358.75 358.75 EALANCE DUE---- .00 100.00 358.75 **************t*************************************************i***************************************************************** Items .05100 qUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:99/04/!997_CHARLTE- AAEiont -Appn cnanlrE DAtiS-IIeM:. O54OO-PLANNING DEPARTMPNT- -,- _-- _-'N6[t: PLANNING DiViSiON:08/04/1997 cHARtrE- -AcEioni AppR N,/A ItEm:' O56OO -FIRE DEPARTMEN oB/04/L997 CHARLTE--Actionl AppR N,/A Item:'05500_PUBLIC WORKS ,-__ --',- Dept: pUB WORK Division:o8/o4/1997 CHARr_,rE acLion: AppR N/A ****************************************************************|H********************i******************************************* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. I. hereby .acknolrtedge that r have read.this app[ication/ f il,l,ed out in ful,l. the information requ p[an, and state that atl the information provided as riquired is correct. I agree to i.rpti,,r]j to -Gompty with al'l' Toun ordinances and state Laws, and to buil.d this structure accordino !codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the rown ai6[ DECLARATIONS REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIEPHOHC EI479- jled, completed th the i D,f6rmat an ion and IO. oFt Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Town 'rng H II.IS ELF ********n*************************************************t(********************* CONDITTONS Permit +t 897-0246 as of OB/05/97 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** PCrMiI-TYPE: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT APPliCd: OB/04/!gg.I Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Iisued: OB'/O4'/Igg7 97o949t905 To Expire z oI'/3t'/1998 Job Address: Location: MILLRACE CONDOS Parcel No: 2L03-121-11-000 Description: REROOF Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. F]RE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. **.*****t******************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0308 Amount: 359.25 OB/OS/97 llz44 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #19882 Ihit: CD Permit No Parcel No Site Address Location Account Code 0l- 0000 41"3r0 0l- 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4l_336 897-0246 Type 2ro3-L21-11-000 ].320 WESTHAVEN MIIJLRACE CONDOS ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER : A_MF DR This Pavment 358.75 * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * ir * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . Total Fees:Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 358.75 358.75 .00 Amount 155.00 100.7s 100.00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF ^t"nrr"4 O 9'5-?7 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT roirry or verl 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 897-0246 Job Address Location... Parcel No. .Project No. 1320 WESTHAVEN DR MILLRACE CONDOS 2103-121-11-000 Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . APPROVED 08 / o4 /7ee'l o8 / o4 /1.ee7 oL /3r /7ee8 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REROOF Occupancy: R1 Type Construction; V Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi reptace lnformation: Rest ri cted: PLATH CONSTRUCTTON DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 MILLRACE CONDO ASSOCIATION Multi-Family l-ItR Type V 1-Hour lo ,321 #of Gas Apptiances: Add sg Fr: #0f Gas Logs: 100.00 358-75 Phone z 97O94919O5 Phone: 9709491905 Phone:970-476-GLO6 #of l,lood/Pa [ let: 3s8.75 **f*************!t**trlffirtr****r.*H**tt**ffi********t*ft FEE SUfil|ARy *id*#***tr*l********t**ffi******t**rr***ffft********rr** Bui tding-----> Pl.an Check---> Invest i gation> tli tt calL----> 155.00 100.75 Restuarant Ptan Revi elr--> DRB Fee--------.00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 Ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----- .00 Tota[ CaLculated Fees---)-O0 Additional. Fees---------> .0O .00 Total Permit Fee-------->356.75 .00 354.75 Payments------- BALANCE DUE----*f,*************rt**t***ffi**trr.***ff**ffi****ir*****ffi***************************rrti********i*******tri*********t********** Ileryr; .Qg1q0_ElrrI,DrNG DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:08/04/7997 CHARLTE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAvrs Itb.m:'.05400_PI.,4AINING DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:08/04/L997 CHARLTE eciion:-AFpn llZe Ite!ri'.056q0_EIBE DEPARTMENT _ DepL: FIRE Division:08/04/L997 CHARIJIE Action: APPR N./A Itemi'.05500_EqBLIC wORKg Depr: pUB WORK Division:08/04/L997 CHART,TE Action: AppR N/A *l******f,'tffi*****tdr***#ff**ff****rt******f,t*t****t*************t*********tr********t**#****************i****************tff See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I_hereby aoknou(edge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in ful,l. the infornation required, compl.eted an accufate ptot Ptan/ and state that atl the information provided as requi ned is correct. I agree to compLy rJith tire iniormation and pl,ot lrtan,to colaP [y gith al.t To]rn ordinances and state LaHs, and to bui l,d this stfuctuFe aceording io'the Tounr s zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appt,icabLe thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT otJR oFFrcE FRoI'I 8:OO AIt 5:m Pn Send Clean-Up Deposit To: PUTTH CONSTRUCTION SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HT SELF AND OIINER * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * ** ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * CONDITIONS Permit #t 897-0246 a6 of OB/O4/97 Status: APPROVED **************************************************************tr***************** Pernlt Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: o|/04/Igg7 Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTTON Issued: O|/04'/lgg7 97O949L905 To Expire. Ot/3L/t998 Job Address:Location: MfLLRACE CONDOS Parcel No: 2103-121-l-l_-000 Description: REROOF Condi-tions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED, *,*Con raL [ 'at 970 I penael ) Of flce o TOWN OF VArL CONSTRUCTTON PER}IIT /I DATE: - t APPLICATToN MUSf BE FTLLED oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAy NoT BE AccEpTED x***************************** PERMIT INFORMAUON *****************************rl [ ]-BuiLdinq [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrlcat [ ]-Mechanlqal_ [ ]-other ,fob Name:@ Job Address: Legal Description: Lot_ Block fifirs SUBuTVTSION, owners Narne:O.Gor.fr,o+, Address, t4l[ t^l" h Cou 0f - ti Architect;Address:Ph. Assessors ar cel tl .u^ooa Ey rP t- gle -B 64 ro3 fiori'g l*AadiEional [ ]-Repair 2(1-ottrer Nurnber of Dwelling UnJ-ts:Number of Acconmodation Units: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEEI MECHANTCAIJ PERHIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER'TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 17- RMATToN ********************* Town of Val_l Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg, NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PLILN CHECK FEE!MECTANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE! ZONING: SIGNATUREI * *****tractor Address: Electrical contracLor: Address: Plumbing contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: CLEAN I'P DEP,OSIT f,EEIIIID o page 2 of4 Aprtl 17, ftt? tSo" R*f I. TEAROF$/}Ir8CELI,ANEoUS: .t] Rernovc ec<isting soil fiom roof and save for re-use. Remove the exirting insulation /"protedionD boerd from the incide of the verticar wafls and aispose ofthe sime. netrr con$rustion will kep thcjobdte as clean at possibie and practical d"ti"g tt" ;"$ruction, and a tho.rough 9!t*it g of Plathb work areas will ul perroitn"a upon completiin. riartr construction will take all reasonablc precautio'n$ to prot€ct tt. intoior otthe builiing frorn*ate. and weather.Howcrrer, Plath Construction will not bc nao table for any interior aui"e;;"*hired from leaks caused by gudden and/or unforseen storm$ that occur during the tear orpnase of trris wort. 2l Ptarh construction will provide all insurance and permirs rcquired by rlrc;ffii#i*iffffit Building Department. Erclurionr and eualificrtionr: 1l This proposal inchrdes saving tht existing soil and re-installing the same. plath Construction :fyT"t no responsibility or liab-ility.for maintaining or restoring any of rhe existing plant life.2l I! is our opinion that some oithi leaks may be iming from the top of the stone parapg wrlt.If after the new roof system is installed *a oirting l*nks nert lo rny of lhc walls rsoccur in those same locations, it woutd be advise.d ltrat a qriamea masonry company remove the existing lllt:.fr."t thetop of the Psrspet walls and a di$ance down the fronr of the walls of no less than o". I hls would allow for the installation of a new membrane up and ovcr the parapet walls.Pricing for this item is in the Optlonl{f s€ction.II. Srucr,np ll Thoroughly clean the epristing mcmbrane, 2l Water test the o<isting membrane for positive roof slope. (The water strogld be directed to the draiB |nd teave no mqe than l/2" of rlanding wster in any location.) If thcre ir cvi6cnce of etrnding wetor whicb wourd indicetc poor roof rrope, rcfcr to option #2 for pricing on r tapcr ryrtem thrt wourd co'cct thc probhm. we rdl proceed *irt tt i, option only after an ownsr or ownEr's reprctentative is shown the problun and give s written authorization io proceed. 3l Instdl stone mfll over the existing nwmbrsne to s€fve as an addhional protection layer. 4l Install ballasted,iHif$il EPDM according to spccifications by ,Firestone* or nshueiler,,. Extend membrane up walls to the base ofthe stone parapet cap sl 01 puryls Gap at location over sliding glass cntry door, remwe the existirg redwood trim and 3ssociated flashing that is attact€d to the top ofrhe parapet cap. watorproofiop ofprrapet cnp in 'het location only wirh EPDM membrane flashing tnstall paintJock drip eage flashing (over theEPDM membrane flashing) thrt will extend onti the top ofthe parapeicapioown ttre face of thewall and provide a drip edge that erttends out and over tlrc cxisting siding. Strip in ths metgl flashing with EPDM membrane waterpraofing to keep moisture on to! of tfr parapet cap from zo'd vgE:OT 4a-g7-tdv pagc 3 of4 migrating under,the flastring and pot€mtislly behind the siding. Install new Redrvood trim over rhe new watcrproofing and paint-lock drip edge. No painting or finish has been figured for the redwood. 6l Cover membrane on horizontal and vcrtical walls wirh mira-drain 9000 protection board. ?l Ballast mcmbrane.with existing soil that was remwed. Price for work ar rpccilied above : Ercluriont rnd Qurlifi cationr: -{-\( /so,snno ) \----l ll This work has been bid to ra.ke place after July ?th, ard during the sufiner months of 199?. tf worft is dclayed ufiil the winter months of lOl6M through 4/3-0/9t additional costs will apply.2l No rdditional soil has been figured to recover the new menrbr-". 3] Acccsrto onsite restroom facilities to be prwided for plath conrtructio4 Inc. workers. 4l A licensed electrician to install heat tape it, urd continoustlrough, thc oristing 3,' drain pipet ,F, otrnd thmugh thc wall, This work to be coordinatea and coripieted after plath construction has install€d the new membrane and before the roil is put back in placc ilI. Gwnnnr,Norns: l I Pleare be advised thst materials for this proposal have beeer bid at cuff€nt market prices. Due to volatilily ofthe mrrket, material prices cannot be guaranteed prst 3O days.I Plt$c tekc notc that a trlettcr of intentr' rcccived by Plefh Conrtmction, lnc. witbin thc 30 dry period will rllnrr uc to 'rlock in', curretrt mtrtCrisl pricel eyen if rctu{ purchrra erc madc sevcral monthr htcr. 2l Plath Construction caries property damage liability insurance in thc amoutrt of $2,000,000.00 p€r occutrence. Plath Construction carries auto iusuranca in the amount of $2,0O0,000.00. Plath Construction carriet appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorrdo State compensation. No firrther iruurance coverage is included in our price, and i-f required, the additional cost will ba added to the contract price. 3] Upon roceipt of the contract price, Plath Constnrction will issue a warranty certificate guarantecing new EPDM roofing against leakr dne to lllws in worknanship for a period of 2 years from the date of roofing completion. (Erccpt es noted on pegc 2, scction I, Exctusions rnd Qualificetiorr iten #2,) L€aks quali$ing under the terms of said wananty will be repaired promptly at no cost to th€ owner. ThiJwuranrty does not oovor any subsequent interior damage that may occur. lV. Oerrons: lJ Additional charges, a$ identified below, will apply for roofwork done between October lsth and April 3fth.4.. Ice and snow removal, daily covering and uncovering ofthe roofdeck with plastic, and bb| * Ft' t'4tf r :-Jr'-F!/'! ; 5t P".o eoit^'* fla Y c:' l{" tt< ljoeJlr 9qvf3 llt ' P'fL Lo D ^n^. aFBl^'1 4 s.APPLri / Dca^t ePauc-s \ hVclar fsarrss ho-sn-^ f. rte^our- S*o,te ", T-of t+ doi{ 4 Ryio"t 5" '[ Q.-ou*'{ g- tr- ot o cle.L s lope c-{t". Cieo" FPCrn Ac\a Fnt. rto-, ;1)eo O PTr o{ {or 5 oi( \t Fe^r..re }'sui' €ro* CJoil tJaoe- i€ n'f ? l^"d ft"plo.- i-f S, i { ,:d CPT;64 He^: *aroc- i a . Fr:4;\ cirairp;7a " .6v a*icr's (. EPAr/, \ f "'k d n".d./ op*i.n €n -f27",^ SyS{''n- 0 'v @ Dff | rsN Fat Sta^"odlt @ fi"F"J s*ffo THEWESilNRESORI \atl Don MacLachlan Condominium Operations General Manager 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 47S6106 Fax: (970) 47G4946 I $ .{gxu,*ot**:.. .._,_.._.....r",*j. t' -,*..-.,-,.)' cr-rECK REgUEST', I'RDPAITIID DY:DAl'U: VENDOR NAME: VENDORNUMBER: A DESCRIPTION Oll EXPENSE: CLIIAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR Bp # NAM[, OF JOB: fr: ACCOUNTNUMB 0l 0000 22002 AMotINr oF REFUND, fuaa, '3 DATE APPROVED: A}PROVAL SIGNATURE:- t3-97 ,.! REPT T31 tA/3A/97 87 t9,fl ToHN OF VAIL, COLORRDO REOUESTS FOR INSFECTInN UORH SHEETS FORT IAl38/97 trtrGE NREA: CD Activity: 897-4e46 tB/3&/97 Type: A-l{F Address: 13PO WESTHAVEN DR Location: MILLRACE CBNDUS Far^ce I : ?1O3-181-1 1-rAra0 Deseription: REROtrF Applicant : trLATH CONSTRUCTION Ewnet: MILLRACE CONDO ASSOCIATION trontractor: trLATH CONSTRUCTI0N St at r-rs : I SSUED Con st r: AltlF Occ:Use: U l-HR Frh on e : 97O949 1985 F,h on e : 978-476 -G 166 F,hone z 97fi949L98t3 Inspeet i on Fequest I n forrati on. . . . . Requestor.r STEVE Req Tine: B1:0O Itens requested to A@A9A BLDG-FinaI Comarent s : be 'Inspected. . . Fhone r 949-1988 Act i on Csnnent s Time Exp ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;. ::. . ---- Item: EA51O driveway grade final Iten: fi8010 BLDB-Foot ings/SteeL Iten : EraEEtA BLDG-Faundat isn/Steel Item: O05gE F,LAN-ILC Site F'lan Iten : ggr03g BLDG-Framing Itemr 0004Ct * * Not On File * x Itemr @AOs€t BLDG*Insulation ltem: 0SS6& BLDG-Bheetrock Nail Iten; 60680 * * Not 0n FiIe * * Item: 0407ft BLDG-Misc. Item: ESff9O BLDE-Final Iten:. 0@534 BLDE*Tenp. C/u Item r firzr531 FIRE-TElrlF . tr/tr Item: 66538 trhf-TEMF'. C/e Iten: Oer533 FLRN-TEMF,. tr/O Itern: 40537 F'LAN-FINAL C/A Item: 4ft53e FIRE-FISIAL C/O Itenr er05Sg trtJ-FINnL C/u Iten: S@544 BLDG-Final C/O O 'tli'' l( n'o;' tl r ,tlra.I LVI' DEpARTMENT oF coMMUNrry DEVELopMEr.rr tr;;{-rn " I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO B\657 97 0-47 9-21,38 REI'IODEL CRAWLSPACE Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: F i nep [ace Informaticn: Restricted: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR 1.335 WESTHAVEN DR 2 L 0 3-1_21-17 -0 02 PRJg 7_02 O B Status. . . App1ied..Issued... Expires. . TotaI catculated Fees---) Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- NOTts: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TI}4ES ADD/ALr sFR BUILD pERMrr permit €: 897-0321 APPLICANT WALTON GREGORY R & SANDRA G -366-m 11BTH TERRAcE, LEAwooD OWNER I4ALfON GREGORY R & SANDRA G 3040 I{ 118TH TERRACE, LEAWOOD CONTRACTOR WALTON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 3252 ROANOKE, KANSAS CITY, MO. Description: Job Address Location. , , Parcel No..Project No. TSSUED Lo /Lo /tee'1 10/r'7 /reel 04 /15 /1"eeB 354.90 50.00 404.90 104.90 Restuarant P Lan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------- C Lean-l.Jp Deposi t--------> KS 66211 KS 66211 641,Lr .00 20.00 75.1' 100.00 TO CREATE STORAGE R3 Single Farnily Residence VN TvpeVNon-Rated 4 t50O Add Sq Ft: 501 f,of Gas Apptiances: {of Gas Logs: Phone: 816 753-212I fof ttood,/Pa t tet: *tr**rt*****tr**fi**********:k*****H***trtrt*****tr**Jr**fftrl*** FEE SUI'lllARY **iH(LH****t ktt****rcHrrffi***#i*/r**t lrt*ff*rntffi********* Bui Ldi ng-----> PLan check---> Investigation) 95 .00 61 -75 ui I L Ca t L----> 3. C0 .00 Recreation Fee---r------> TOTAL FEES-----BAI.ANCE DUE.--_ *************JctJcr'*rht*******lcl#*********t-t#lr**H********tr,**'rj*rF**lci******ffi)ffirt*ffi**rffiit**trf't#*lrt******fir.*ir.*tdrt***tr* DeD-L: BUILDING Division: DAVIS Dept: PLANNING Division: PLANNING ?? Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: *r.i******Jr**ffitnt**ffr****trJrl***h**it#rM**Jr*#r****#*frtrt****lnitoh**';t*f1k1Hr**trrcflr#rtitlhf**:*t*}**J.f*JrJnh*n)*ir*JnHr See Page 2 of this Document for any condiLions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this application, fitted out in fuLL the information required, comPteted an accurate plci ptan.. and state thit att the in,'ormation providxi as required is correct. I agree to compty i/ith the information and Plot plan, io cbnply with att Tovn ordinances and state laHs, and to buitd this structure according to the Townts zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, unifofr Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appt'icabte thereto. RSAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TiIEI.ITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT ltem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT IO/L4/L997 CHARLIE ACIJ-ON: APPR CHARLIE Itbn:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1O/T4/.T997 CHARLIE ACI1ON: NOTE PLANS TO 7O'/15'/1997 DOMIIIIC Action: APPR It'emr' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT i0/14/1997 cHARtrE Actlon: AppR N,/A Itbn:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 70/14/L99't CHARLTE Acrion: APPR N/A Send Ctean-l.Jp Deposit To: UALTON FICE FROH 8:OO AI.' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2I38 o DEPARTMBNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLIJMBING PERMIT PETMit Job Address r Locat,ion . , , : Parce1 No..: ProjecL No.: t\m ALL TIMES P97-0152 €: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR Status...: ISSUED 1335 WESTHAVEN DR souTH uApplied'.z \o/ts/Igg? 2103-121-17-OO2 Issued...: LO/1-7/799'l PRJ97-0208 Expires..: 04/1"5/1998 APPL]CANT MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBINC P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81.620 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HTGH PLI]MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 OWNER WALTON GREGORY R & SANDRA G 3040 w 118TH TERRACE, TEAWOOD KS Descripti-on: PLUMBING FOR BATHROOM ADDITION **tb*"'r***-*1ffir*:t***t*Jrt*Jn#**ihJrf**lrf:ffitr**t*.i****ffir tEE SUl4tlARY ff##rhhrnf**Jr*l*lrt#r.tf#(*lit*****,rf***tc***:t-t(H(**pLumbing-----) 15.00 Restuarant P[an Review--> .0O Totat Calcutated Fees---) 21-75 Pl.an Chick---) 3.75 ToTAL FEES----- Investigation> .OO Totat Permit Fee--------> 21 '75 [itt ca l.l.----> 3.OO Payments------- BALANCE DUE---_ *)Hrlrrt*rrffitd**r*rt*#******trfffi*Jrttr*Jr*******t*****Jrlr'Wffir*tr*trliRJri****rr**rhffitiffi*tffi(rr*ffiir**#frr**tnt*trtr*rrtnHr***** Iten: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept3 BUILDING Division,10/$/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Itern:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Drvlsron: IO/I5/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A *fd**tr*'dr*r*****trt**t**fr**tf****tftl*t*tf***td't**f**tLt#tnt**tnbtrfrtln**khlJr*trllr*l**fH"r*trtt t**triif*l#h*ffchk** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR coDE CoMPLIANCE. ***********Jr**rtrhffii**roH****rt*rt#r****Jrt***********rl#rff*****ff****-t****ffiffi**fiffi***r*f****Jnlitr-rk**'lr*JrfHnhtlr****** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl.ication, filted out in ful,L the information required, compteted an accurate Ptot ptan, aid state th;t aLl. the information provided as riqui ned is confect. I agree to compLy with the information and P[ot.Ptan, to compty wjth al,t Town ordinances and state [aws, and io buil,d this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, dlsign revie!, appfoved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town aPpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE }IADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT HIMSELF AND OI,'NER 662LL Valuat,ion: Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 800.00 OR AT OUR OfF'CE FROH TOWN O}' VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 E Iect r i ca t---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1333 WESTHAVEN DR StAtUS.,. 1335 WESTHAVEN DR SOUTH UApplied.. 2103-l2l-L7-OQ2 Issued...PRJ97-0208 Expires. . 50.00 ON JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES Permi-t l: E9?-0258 Job Address Location. . . ParceL No..Project No. TSSUED 10 /15 /7ee7 70 /r"7 /1ee7 o4 /15 /Lee8 APPLICANT RESORT ELECTRIC INC P O BOX LO79 | AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT ELECTRIC lNC P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620 OWI'IER WAL,,TON GREGORY R & SANDRA G 3040 w 118TH TERRACE, LEAWOOD KS 66211 Descrj-PIion: ELEC FOR CRAWLSPACE CONVERSION Phone: 949-6013 Phone: 949-6013 Valuation:2 r 00o. oo FEE SUllflARy t*tolcffirrt***ldr*rffi*r.ffiHrffiirt#rr**irffi*tt****** Total calcutated Fees---> 53.00 DRB Fee .00 3.00 55.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Penmi t Fee--------> .00 53.00 > 53.00 Invest i gation> ['i l. L Ca t L----> TOTAL FEES---> Payments BALANCE OUE----.00 'r***'c******,r******************ffi*Jct#****ffiffi*ffi(#r**'*lr,rtlctliffi#lr|rffi*'*lffi*Jrlr,nttrtstiffir*ffnkJc*ffir*Jrt*****Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: ***ffiff*****lr**tiffitr*lr******rikffffi*********ffi**Jr***rri#tr**tffi*t*Jrffiffi#rtnt*frffi,ttr*****#.#rtsffir*ffir***** CONDTTION OF APPROVAL *rffi *rffi Jcffi ,rf *rrF#rlir*Jr*rffirrttr**ffi *ffi('rtdn*ffi ***ffi*Jcffir*ffi ffi **,r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowl.edge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futl, the information required/ cotrPleted an accurate Ptot pl,an, aid state th;t atl the information proiided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y with the intormation and ptot.plan, to compl.y r{ith aLt To}rn ondinances and stbte [aws, and io buil,d this structure according to the Townrs zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabl'e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T€LEPHONE AT 479-?136 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROH 8:OO AI'I 5:OO PM Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 70/15/1997 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR IT,em:' 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 70/15/L997 CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A PERIIIT iI r APPLICATToN MusT BE FILLED J I****** ********* * ***** **** ***** 7t lxJ-Buildins [ ]-Plunbing t ouT COMPLETE^LY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED pERMrr rNFoRHmfl ? ;.?*.19* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Job Name; Lega1 Description: Lot Block_.- riling n//Lt4p,g;, owners Name:Address - 426" lzcthuhh? jl& nA. Architectr qftieil?r*tfr,eth,r' Address: PB gZll *laa p'..f??-qnf tu) SIBDIVLSION: ?tt' General Description: work class: [ ]-New t(j-art"r"tion I J*Additional I j-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:T [,Nurnlrer of Accohmodation Units: L N-pmber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appli..t..*_ { cas Logs_ wood/pe}).et_v l|f,********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* BUTI.,,DTNG: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ P^LUMBING: $ TION ********* * * *********:t * * ****Contractor:-Q37t Town of VaiL Req. NO.Address:Phone Numbert ff4o-?t Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDINC PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT T'EE: I'{ECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: oTHER rYPE oF FEE: &Al DRB FE8: Cornrnents: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:e /67 ING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT RSFIIND TO: VALUATION 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o rn sumnary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, incruding trash d.urnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles. upon any streetl siae*ait, -;ii;y or public prace or anv oortibn theieof. --ti" right-oi-;;t-;, arr. Town of Vail streeti ana.I3a.d= is approiimatety 5 ft. off pavenenr.This ordinance wirr be. stribliv--lnforced by the Town of Vair Public works Denartment. pers'"ns found viaraain; this ordinance yirl- be given a 24 hour writien n"li""-t"-;;;;;"r"id materiar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi- "o*pry with the notice within rhe 24 hour.tirne-speci;i;;,"itt""i"tiic works Department wirr remove said mateii"i-it-itr""I"pli=e of person notified- The provisions or iti= ordinance shall not be applicable to cbnstruction, *ui'l"r,.r,ce or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities i-n tne-rlgii_._r.V. To review ordinance No- 6 in fur1, please stop by the Town of Ylll B"llding Department to obtain a copy. tnanr you for your cooperation on this natter. ofllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VATL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVSIOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE owledged to ProjecE FrrrrPr'n" nq/ (i.e. contractor, ohrner) 75 south lrontage road vtil, cotorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty devclopmet|l BUILDING PERI.JIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit requires a Town of vair Fire Department Approvar,Engineer'.s (.pub1ic Works) reyiew and app"ouui,' i iii.,itni'bepurtment review or Health Departmint review, anb a-review by the Building Oepartnrent, the estirnated time for-a total "!ui.n-iluv"L[!'as rong as three weeks. All commercjal (targe or smalr) and a'lr murti-family permits wirl have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnti. Residential and.snall projects shourd take a resser urorni or-time. However, .if residential or smarler projects impact tne vaiious-urou" mlntionea departments with regard'to necessary review, the;; t;;j;.ii'ruy a'l so take the three week perioJ. Every attempt wr'l1 be made by thjs departnent to exped.i te this permit as s.oon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and t.ime frame, Communi ty Deveiopment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: BE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REQUIRED lLtt44ob4,u Oalc: abT t0 /17'l Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'public way ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditlerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done af{ecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pafting or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES Permit":I 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) t/ t/ t-/ t/ 8) t/ lf you answered yes to any ol lhese questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Gharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 47g-2158. Job Name Contractor's Sig natu re Mr /a /fr October 10,1997 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 To Whom it may Concern; As of this date I ,as owner of 1335 Westhaven Drive Vail Colorado South Unit a portion of Millrace Phase III, certify that the space that occurs below the garage in this unit is to be utilized for storage.only, until modifications are made to comply to cuffent building codes for the matter of egress, light , and ventilation. Sincerely. Subscribed cnd sworn to before me this lfth day of October, l9fil,by Grcgory WaIton. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Reprintedt 10/74/97 15:14 Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0343 Amount! Payment Method: CHECK Notation! #1052 32e.75 tO/10/97 !2t05 Init: CD Permit No Parcel No Si-te Address Location Account Code BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 cL 00100003123000 D1 001000024031_00 wc 001000031L2800 Total- Fees:329.75 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: DescripLion BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESTGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CONTRACTOR L]CENSES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0371 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD pE 2IO3-L2L-L7-002 1333 WESTHAVEN DR ].335 WESTHAVEN DR This Payment trtr * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * r, * * *** * * * * ** * ** * **** * * * * * * * * L * * * * * * * * * * * * 329.75 329.75 .00 Amount 95.00 20.00 61.75 50.00 100.00 3.00 Ir*Cdntact EaC] : County l,"""""offf i.. APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED oUT CoMPI,ETELy oR IT I,TAY No4ltsF I _. r gr\,-r rr,rr r.rv.) r Er& f ILL!;L, uu,I coMpLJErELy oR IT uA l***************+************** PERMIT TNFORMATIoN ***** rv -[ ]-BuiLding ffi-efurnUing [ ]-Etectrical [ ]_Mect Job Name: l,l lf .(@** Job Ad,dre ss: t3B3 *********************** BDIVISION: Architect: ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratioi gX]_eaaitional [ ]_Repair I -other Number of Dr'.reLling Units: Legal Description: Lot Owners Narne: P^LUMBING: + h0. Address: Address: AI",ECTRTCAL: $ Number of Accommodation Unit,s: cas Logs__ Wood/pellet rr************ ******************** AtE- Town of Vail_ psq. I,,16.Phone Number: ryftn"" and rype of Fireplaces: cas Appliances {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *'t * * * * * ** * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING: $th'IIER: TOTAL: * ** ** * *,+* * ****rl** **** * * * * ** Address: Electrical Address: Contractor: Plunbing C ctor: Address: Mechanical Address: Contractor: fown of VaiI R g$dhone Nrrmber: Town of Va,il Phone Nurnbe.r: Town of VaiL Phone Number: eg. NO. Reg. NO. **** *************** * ****** * fr* ** *FOR oFFrcE usE ******************** ***********BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTITER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: AUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDfNGS SIGNATURN: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: t CLEAT I'P DEPOSIT REN'ilD lnwn 75 louth fronlrge road v!ll, colorEdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oftlco ot communlty dovclopmant BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII,,IE FMME If this permit requires a Town of Vai.l Fire Department Approval ,Ensineep''s (pub) ic fi$) ."vi.n una'ipb"ouui,-i piiiiiiilS'bepartment rev iew or Hea r th Dena rtm6nt. iev'i ew, -r n['"-""ui J ;;-;il;";rit ar ng SSri[H3',1;.ll: ""i'uted tjme ro"'u-totur ".ui"n-ilu;";.il as lons Al'l commercial fiarqe or sma.ll) ana all multi_family permits wilI have to fo] low ihe iuove mentioneJ rixirrr reguirements, Residentia.r and small projects shourd iii" i-i"ri""'urount of time. However, if residential or smaller.projects impiii the various above mentioned departments with reqa.rd' to-necessi'iy-revien, these projects may a1 so take the three week period. " Every.attempt wil'l be made by this departnent to expedite this permi't.as soon as possibi e. - l:-ll" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time T rame . t rrry Communi ty Devel ooment Department. 75 south tronlaEe road veil. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2t38 ot 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURPSNTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pUBLrc lloRKS/COMMtNITY DE\rELOpMElflr MARCH t5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfuJ. for any person to ritter, track or deposit any ""ir,-rJ"i<, sand, debris or naterial, incf-1lfnV trash hurnpsters, portable toilets and worknen vehicles. upon any streetl sia"wailc, -;Ii;y or pubJ.ic place or anv porti-on tneieoi.-Jf" rish;:;i-ii"-;" a1r. Town of vail streeti ind.:3"-d, i= "piroiinateiy 5 ft. iff pavement.This ordinance *lll b.. "i.il[iv"enforced by the Town of VaiI Pubric works Department. persins found vioJ.ating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour writi"n--notice-to-;;;;;;'=uid materiar.rn the event the person so notified.ao"s-nlI-I"iprv with the notice within the-24 hour ti*"-=p""ified, the puLtic works Department wirr remove said nateli.r "t ttt" -""i""se of person notified' The provisions "r-trti" ordinance siriri not be applicabre to c-onstruction, r"irrl".rurce or repair projects of any street or ar.r_ey or any "aiiiai;;"i; i;"';i;;i_"_r.y. To review ordinance No- e in ful1r please stop by the Town of :::i.::iili"9"";ilir*:lt"::"";i*;i" a copv. rnani vou ror vour Rea F d and acknowledged by: Fu;* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REGUIHED Job Name: Date: following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a "public way permit.: YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Bevocable Right CI Way permit" required?. 8) A. ls the right of wAy, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. tl no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f_Vgu_ alswered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit" applications may be obtained at the pubtic Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construetion Inspec'tor, at.4Zg-21 ffi . I have read and answered allthe above questions. Please answer the 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Job Name Conlracto/s Signature Date .1, TEL:.3[j3-{J4ffi953 RESMT SERJICES P.W PfNUIT ' soru oF vrII, @usrrcGrotr gE8lgll rFPriIctTIoDr tlollt nrrg: la-l.f-t? I€gal Detcrlptl.on: Irt_ Bloalc_ Ptllng ontr.'" ""r.r G ft .lddr:gr: .llldlrere :lrsbitectl ri @nersl Deacrlptionl 7r Pb.4?'F'IBff Cf,ltt work clasa! [ l-xes t j-Afterrtfon ,(eAAirional I f -Repair I l-otber-_ Ifurbor og Dnelltrrg Unltsi I rnrlb€r 6t rcc@oatadlon [tn1ts: I d* and !f1pe af rirlrpl.Err: Gat3 nppllelrcta_ cas r.€|gE_ tfood,/pel,let_ /ltl*trla*tlt..trtt*******!r*!t*'laf *** VII.('ATfffiS atatl*tralttfttti***t**t***!rr r*t rI Fjg*:: + ffi,H:l4g ffi: - /l.****.i*****.*.i*t**lrf .fi.tr ll[Fdnlff,:[foil *aat*******tl*******r!rr.***a /Eenerrl contractorr l[[al*on Gcrcrr,l f-orft.f;,. toyrr of vail neg. rro._lddressi prone lftnb€r: Contractor:Eleetrlcal Addreae: lot'n of vel!'Phsrre lnrnber: Toun of, Val.I Dlbone lfi$her: Ttrrr of, Vall Phone lllubcr: ldCress: tGcibanlaal contraetor3 Lldraaa: . 8eg. lso- tttf ttaarttrtrtt*****t*atat**rtf noR oFFICD US3 r*rrfrrtt**itt*ttttt***t**t*t** EI'II|DIIIG PMUIT rESI PII'UEITfG PEUIT TEE: ItEcItAIfXCAL PERIIIT fE: EI;EsttsIGh! FEE:A$ffi TIEE OF EEgs DBE SEEI EUILI}INq El |I CBECX TE: PI.IIIIEIIsC EIAil CECf, FEBs UECEIIIIC}I, PT.nlT CtrIECf, FEEI RE'CREITTON EEE! CIjENI-UP DEDOEI1f: TO|ITL gEroIT EEEEI BTIII,DII{G: STG!|ATT'BB: ZONrilG: sICl|rIUnl: tfo. TEL:383-845-9553 o RESIF-T SERUICES P.@t 479-2138 Resort Electric, fnc. P,O.Box 1079 Avon, CO 8f620 970-9{9-6013 970-945-9553 ' Foflowing is Confidential and Private lnformetion. tf recetved in error pteaso call g?O-g4$6013. Fax Transmission Date: Oct. 14, lY!r1 To : Town of Vail Fax Numhen 479-2452 Voice: tr'rom: Our Phone; Our Fax: No. of pngcs includlng cover page:02 Following is a reque$t for a Electrical permit to be issued. The General Contractors' Permit is in progress in your ofrice. Our Insurarrce expires on the | Sth and a new certificate is already on its way to your office. If you have any question or need additional information please call. When the permit is ready to pick up call mE and I will hring a check !o you. ThankYou!!! It you do not reosit€ all pagee, or have proHems tecorvrng pf€a3b can : g|7(Fg'lgFE0rs ,/ ,/ -v-' 1'':l-t'r FoolcJ / ?rtrtrde6..-*.//.p;.* /- pdd _-"Tr.Ct. lto. _--- slrx - r\rry.h$. &)( CHECK RESUEST *roat no Bi'.4-,,2;; i/--Z) DArE: ,ULf/f f VENDORNUMBER: / TO V447 DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE: CLtrAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP *B3lAAI| NAMEoFJoB: fuZ^r/&)i*) /saz Afu ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOLTNT OF REFUND ' F7aa,a € DArE APPROVED; i?* l-17 ,n, APPROVAL S'A*O' -/Ma l'iltjr'.t t]i: ,., ii t 1.. " i.:i:li .!:tir:fil.tii 7l/1.,+/t,i'i j4rl!* FrFr-;l,lfiljT5 FiJ[] 'lf.J'-:;FjtF,.:r'fi:,i',I ilr:li:rl lil-ll;:.F.-:"! aj Fr-.il'jt;:j.I,i.il7 fl[:.f-t-f 1 -:, .1 ii,":i:.vj.Lyr f:f;?--!il;::'5i-i i1,/1S,.'!),/ l-./tixl iJ i,-i-.i i- 1.jt--ilri', r".lrjillr: iir, : 1. 3"i.!; hf[.!:iT]ltlUg61 1;1 l-ii**i; i c'n: '1 ,ri.:,il bl{lilf i-16\tiFN iilt iiiil i"r:i : LJi.! i ! L:'"ir"r: +* l. I ;:l l. tl,.i- 1 i;: I *-J. ?*flfi';t i-.ii:;'-: ; Fe-,rr-'i'ipti+i"r: lii*L-l- Fili:i i:iir:lbl|*iipr-li .i: L:i.lil .,rI;l?1]l.iiFl l.lnrr] i{:arit: l?tlliLiRT i:i".ElllF1]L Ii'{f lr'frr'rrr; {Jrrn nrr : r"..lfit_Tr"lr,,{ 8f?tlFllnY R $ ajFjill:;:if;' i.i ;.rr" r-'1-r.- . []i:ntr'i:r:f r,r.: [tF:5flRT E:L,E.iiTplfi lf.ir: !.;r ir-r]rr':; F'RfiI, J, QRFfi I Fa"i:i : t1;;la;tltiD {lafiEt?' l: ADi.Jtl Llse: -.. .,-',_\r:r I \:i ':J jr ii - ir: Ll .1. .i ilr;s;:,eri:t j c,tt [t+r::] r.,rri:;f; R * c1 r..t e t t ci i" : llilll! I$ fl*q 1 j nie: ft[JrtZttlit ll ternr i" c a r.r F r;. I r'' il t.- $Ei {:1ril E.l-Et-.)*i:' i rr.el. f rrf ortiiat t iin, , " ",* LitiL, rijN t.:(ji.l1rl'i., Ilo rrr ni prit'"; : .L iii:ifili:i I !+ T ri $ f", F c f; a ij , ,, . i-!!!f!iir 11 i.,r,1_.-1l*ilr+ lili ir.|-iiilr....i i:.li ['r-]::irilt[.l--. T r il e [i.:; [. Iir..n*'r-hirin lttin; ILrinl flr€+. fr'.l i 1 fn frl;} i ;iU! i. Ull;::i i tllfi I .irir ofi j.4rlr *qr 1$r.:i rirfi;ii:4 rlri5Jtl ijf'y,, !,,.. I 1..,F:[;--T * iti1.i, F"rr':,t-;:, Fi. F: l-; ' " f+ ii i_t Ll li t'4!:-! I tl':'f,rriirtflt : [:: l:i li--!"-EC L.orrd'-r i "r: i:-1..l:1,,.' tri 1 :; t.. lii.- F.{-l - r: i. i; "ir } |r.[ Ri:...-.fir, i::] t1lf"1 Fui_..til;1",i [r I fit.::,...f: I ili:il.,- r-: / i.] 1t1. r'; i. li p ' i:.lfrt.:l ia r., i-:r i:. it i lv Iirlm; l'l:erii : l.tprir l I h*rir r i .l; e rn l U-s eo-lz,/il ,O'*O' UO" DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #:897-0102 AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas lngs: 0 # of S0.00 Total Calculated Feer.> 6342.25 go. oo Additional Fees->s0. 00 ]ob Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.......: VAILCASCADEHOTEL ParcelNo....: 210312100012 ProjectNo.: ?? Status...: FINAL Applied. . : 05/09/1997 Issued...: 05/14/1997 Expires. . .: 11./10/1997 APPTJICAI{I LOWE ENTERPRTSES/WESTIN RESOOs /09/L997 phone: 97O-4j9-'tOO9 13OO WESTTIAVEN DRIVE VAII-,, CO 8L657 License: 51-3-8 Also is CONTRACTOR OViNTER IJ-O VAIIJ HOLDING TNC O5/O9/L997 PhONC: WESTIN HOTEL THE VAIL, CO 81657 I_,icense: CONTRACTOR LOWE ENTERPRISES/WESTIN RESOOs /09/A997 phone : 970-479-7OO9 13OO WESTIIAVEN DRIVE VAIL, CO 81-6s7 I-,icense: 513-8 Also is Applicant Desciption: TNSTALL TEMP TENT 6/ +10/751997 Occupancy: A3 A3 TypeConstmction: VN TypeVNon-Rated TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace Infomration: Restricted: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved '44-amount w date ffiT (s Wood Pellet *****' FEE SUMMARY Building-> $145.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> $94.25 DRB Fee-> Investigation-> will call-> $0.00 f{sfieationFee-->$0. oo Total Permit Fee-> $342.25 $3.00 Clean-up Deposit--> 9100.00 Payments-----> i342.25 TOfIAL FEE!_> 5342 .25 BALANCE DUE->s0 .0o Approvals:Tte'm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O5/L4/I997 CHARI-,TE ACIiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS ftem: 05400 PLAI{NING DEPARTMEIiIT os/L4/L99i cHARrrrE Acrion: APPR N/A Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT O5/L4/L997 CHARI,IE ACtiON: APPR N/A Item: 05500 PttBLIe WORKS 05/L41L997 CIIARTTIE Action: AppR N/A tr*rir***r#*i'**r*r*****rfl****rr.hr**** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarg to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sffucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF O!\A{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O TNJEI PAGE 2 *****.{'lk*lr****ril******rr*ln****?wrl*****,****rk******li*t *!ffirt****************rt***************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 897-0702 as of 0G18-2003 Status: FINAL ******trit*itlntl*rll}ffi****lr*ti'tti*******tit******#***************************************x************** PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBLIILDPERMT Applied: 05/09/7997 Applicant LOWEENTERPRISES/WESTINRESORT Issued: 05/14/1997 970-479-7OW ToExpire: 11/10/1997 ]ob Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: VAJLCASCADEHOTEL ParcelNo: 210312100012 Description: INSTALL TEMP TENT 6/4-10/151997 Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BESTARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ** +* * * * * *** * ** * * * * * * * ** ** ***** **,F* * * * * * * + +** * * * * * * * * * *1.r.,F* * * * ** ***** * d. * * * + * * * * **** * + {. * * * * ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlnicd on tlGl&20tlt fi 16:3&U 06fi8/2003 Statement *******************+**************'t't * * d. + * * * +* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *!N.* + * '(.* * + * * * + *:t *:t:* * *.t Statement Nunber: REC-02?3 Amount: 9342.25 O5/t4/I99701 :54 pM Pa)ment Method: CHECK fnit: CD Notation: #95105 Permj-t No: 897-0102 Tl4)e: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMI Parce1 No: 2103 L210 0 012 Site Address: 1-300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIIJ LocaLion: VAIIJ CASCADE HOTEI, ToLal Fees: 9342.25 This Payment: i342-25 Tot.a1 AlIr pmts: i342.25 Balance: $0,00 *******************'l+*******************'t ****** +***,N.*++***++********************{.,t *:}******:}* ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts AD D2-DEPOB CLEANUP DEPOSITS 1OO.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILD]NG PERI4II FEES 145.00 PF OOiOOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 94.25 hic OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN ,OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2t38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER LOWE 1300 LOWE 1300 ENTERPRTSES/wESTrN RESORT Westhaven Drj-ve, Vai1, CO ENTERPRT SES/WESTIN RESORT Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO Restuarant P tan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------- Recneation f ee----------> CLean-Up 0eposi t--------> .00 Total Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additional. Fees---------> Job Address Location... Parcel No. .Project No. 13OO WESTHAVEN DR VATL CASCADE HOTEL 2l_ 0 3-121-0 0-012 81657 81657 .00 100.00 IL HOIJD]NG INC EL THE, VAIL CO 81657 Descri INST 4-to /1,5 r9e7 A3 A3 VN TypeVNon-Rated Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: VaLuation:L0, 000 Add Sq Fr: Fireptace Information: Restricted:#0f Gas AppI i ences:#Of Gas Logs:#of t,ood/Pat Let: ***i**********tr*************fl********tcl****i***ff******** F EE SUli'tARy *********************11*******J.t)t**trtr*11****************** Bui Lding-----) Ptan Check---> Investigation> tli l. L cat l-----> 145.00 .o0 5.00 TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 3r4.25 .oo 3t+2.25 3ta.25 *********i*****************************]llll*liiililil;ii**********i1fu******lllilll-3li;;;;;;;**i*i************ill*** Ite{'i ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:95/t4/!9_9i _CHARLTE Actionl--EpFn cHenlrE DAViS-IIEM:' O54OO_9I,4iNI.IING DEPARTMENT _ _DEFI: PLANNING DiViSiON:05/14/7997 CHARLIE ACaioni- [ijpn N/a rt'em:' 05600_F_1E|E_DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division:9.?/L4/\pgT CHARLTE Acrionl AppR N/A Itbm:'0ss00 pgBLIC WORKS _r__ -_',_ Dept: pUB WORK Division:os/L4/1,997 CHARLTE Ac-rion: AppR N/A *****ff**********f**trt******#**#****************************fl****t**********************ff***********ff*ff******************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECI,ARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that r have read.this appl.ication, fil,Led.out in futl, the infonmation requi red, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information Provided as required is corfect. I agree to compl,y viith the in'formation and pLot pl.an,to compty with al'L ToHn ordinances -and state.taws/ and to buiLd this structure according to'the Town's zoning and subdivision code-s, des'ign review approved, LJniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the ToHn appticabt,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENIY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: L-O HOLDTNGS INC ( -ruac.:-.-\*- U,\** Trrrrup<@{ J--X n() DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0102 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: os/09/L997 Issued...: 05/14/1-997 Expires.. : Lr/L0/1,997 Phone. 970-479-70O9 Phone r 970-479-7009 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT tion: AI 479-?13A OR AT OUB OFFICE FROII ..****.****.*****.***.***.*.*.***************************.*******************************.* ..- CONDITIONS Pernit #: 897-0102 as of OS/I4/97 Statusr ISSUED *************************************rrJr************r.*r.************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Applicant: LOWE ENTERPRTSES/WESTTN RESoRT 9't o-4't 9-7 009 Applied | 05/09/7997 Issued | 05/14/7997 To Expiret LI/LO/7997 Job Address: LocaTion: VATL CASCADE HOTEL ParceL No: 2lO3-121-00-012 Description: TNSTALL TEMP TENT 6/4-L0/L5 !997 Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. '47q- 3150 2. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 419 ^ lt,l g **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ******************************************************rr********* ,statemnt Number: Rgc-0273 Amount: 342.25 05/r4/g-t 13:54 Payment Method: CHECK Notatj_on: #95105 Ihit: CD permir uo: !f]-o]!z rype: A-coMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILD p Parcel No: 2103-121-00-012 Site Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR LocaLionI VAIL CASCADE HoTEL Total Fees: 342,25 This Payrnent 342.25 Total ALL pmts: 3 42.25 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ].45.00 0l_ 0000 41-332 pIrAN CHECK FEES 94.25 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 100.00 01 OOOO 41336 W]LL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.OO ttr*ContaC t ( ac 97O-3 lpeRcrr, il: ) TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE.S-'?-.ZZ - t APPLICATIoN MUSI BE FILL!:D oIIT COI'{PIfTELY oR IT lifAy NoT.BE ACCEpTED ." Ii***************************** PEIII,IIT INFORMATION ***************************** t !.\.A -D,,.! '! r: --tx-nuiraing [ ]-ptumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechantbal [ ]-other Job Name!Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block Filino qrTRn r\/r q rnr$. Owners Name: Eagle County Assessors 28-8640 for Parcel /i- Office Address: Address: MECTnNICAI: $--.___- PERI'IIT // -oll.i LiTtl * General- Descript,ion: work ctass: [ ]-Neh, r r-TtrJ;:Ii;i -Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other ir. Nurnber of Dwel_Ling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: .$nber and Type of FirepJ-aces: Gas Appriances- ., cas Logs_ wood/pellet_v ft********************************* vALUATToNs ********************************* iurr,otuc: +r#.5 t-occl@ nlrctRtcar: $ Architect: PLIIMBTNG: $ Address: Phw-7q Ph. OTHER: $ ToTAL: $- ****CONTRACTOI RIr{,ATION *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: 7Zo-vl Electrical contractor: il /,+Address: Plumbing Contractor: a)/rq-Address; _ Mechanical Contractor: z,//*Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ***************************+**** FOR oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PER}TIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT TEE: MECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEB: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE3 DRB FEE; BUTLDTNG PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:onnents: CLEAN IP I'EPOSIT REFIII{D !O: 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYT REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OT VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC rvoRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATER]AL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit ""y ,"if]-rJ"i., sand, debris or material, including trash hurnpsters, portabre toilets and.workrnen vehicles.upon any streetl siaewair<l-;ii;y or public p1?:" or any portion rheieor. -rn" risht_oi_;;t-;, arl Town of Vail streets and.:ga-d= is approxinateiy 5 ft. -Lfi pavement.This ordinance wir] ue. striEiry--enrorced by the Town of vai-r Pubric works Debartnent. p""=6rrr found ,riirrilinq this ordinance wiII. be given a 24 hour writien -n"ti""-t"-;;;;;;'""i.d marerial.rn the event the person so notified,aoes noi--""rprv with the norice within the 24 hour time "p""iii"a,";;"';ilt]ic works Department wir.r renove saia niteii"i-i[-irrJ"I"pli=e of person notified- The provisions "r [i,i" ordi_nance sharl not be applicable to cLnstruction, tniir,l"nurce or repair projects of any street or al1ey or any utilities i" ine-ritii_"_r.y. To review ordinance Nd- e in full, please stop by the Town of vail Buirding Department to outiin a copy. tirani< you for your cooperation on this matter. (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh lrontege road vall, eotorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflce of communlty deyelopmetrt UILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this permi.t ,.qrllil a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approva.t,EngineerLs (pubrii rgtft) reyiew una-ipp"ouul, a pranning Department review or Health Deoartmint ieview,-un['u-review uy itre-Euiioing Department, the estimated time tor'a-iotat review may take as rong as three weelts. All commercial rrarqe or smail) and arl mu]ti-fami'ry permits wilr have to fo]low iire Suove menti6neJ ri*irur requirements. Residentiar and small projects shourd take a reiser amount of time,'Hoiever, if residentia'l or smarler.projects impiii the various above mentioned departments wi th reqard' to- necessary rev.i ew,-il,"t" ir"j..tl' ruy a'l so take the three-week period !I:I{_u^tluT?! *1ll be made by this department to expedite this permtt.aS sgon as possible. l;.*!l undersigned' understand the plan check procedure and time Commun ity Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: <!q- tr1 + Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit': YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easernenis or public prope{y? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other lhan existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, edsemenis or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Chartie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158, I have read and answered all e abo 4( 1) 2) NO K X r, 0( A K K 3) 4) 5) 6) Job Name n N LU '1 t\ -\V' -r'i'L-5 A I I ttt -t I -Lt t, '' I J +O rt' ><L6--+ :l-L-tj +- oA-+ o'I \ s t \ \it i' '} I <-'-.$'- il tt il l.i Ir-fn ,orlt diY 6 I otl JY I n io'* > .-e\ s { }' \.fi 'vb ,'-, \A I' (A g- r! rb x .-\h"-l .z \D w -e .; t<L€ d)E c0 m d (\ F.,m fl d H a o z { :I I t\a d o E T (n T o @rrttfftstt of flurm lstststsrut Ilrjs is to cerrify lftol lha mateilals detcriqal on re reYrfic fida hereol fisve baen foma retcrdani treoled (or orc inhercrfly nonffonnoblc)' clry ros ANGEIEs , -srATF ca ' 9oo4o Certifcotion lr hereby mqde thdtr (Cheek"d or"U') l-l (o) Thc orliclc: dsrcrlbcd on thr rcvcrro rida of thls ccrrificotr hove bccn lrcofod with s ffqmFtetardqnt | | chsnicol qpprovGd "nl'-gitt.t"a by thc- Stotc Firr Morrhol ond thot tha opplicollon of toid chemlcol wor don. ii'"*tiirrron." *irh tho Iswr ol tho Stota o{ Colilornlo and lho Rulcs ond iigulorionr of th: Stotc Firc Mcnhol' Nomc of chemicol usrd-...-..---..-.----- -------'-"- --'-"- -Chtm' Rog' No""""""""" " "' Jr\elhod o{ oPPlicotion-"-""' f-l G) The oriiclor dercribcd on thc rrvcr:s rid* hsrooi ore nodc from o flomo-raristcnl {obric or motcriol bJ *' t"gril;"i."a opprovcd by tha St'ote Fire Morshal fot cuch ust' Trodo nome of flome-rasistonf {obric or mqierlol ured.--....}89'O..!.-I.T-8 ..I-I.--.....-nee. No.€-l-7-5--O-1" NFS.r'oR nAv INO --- N6.rr. of tPpt cd0ot.. frodu.tior Ssp..in,ttdtlt' The Flame Refardanl Process Used gpr".J||FTn".Be Removed By Washing *@7,?.,/.t, ntdsIno |PruEAnotl C0llElft l{0. lSslrED 3Y CANVAS SPECIbLTC 7344 B. BANDINI BLVD LOS ANGELES, CA. 9OO4O Dst. rrxrH ot rnaaufockrrd o- i CONTROL NO.r+ 1o4201 CUSTOMER ORDER NO,_---EN6!9-L CUSTOMER INVOIGE NO YARDS OR QUANTITY SEE BELQI4 coLoR-, -ldtslr.n-- 5iTYLE.-,--__J\RGQt, ITfi T T DATE pRocEssED_ s./r2 /9J__-- ____ o o m I N r-. 14 6 F d o td UI (t z o tr d s d rJ) ('} $o l, 2-EACtl-40'x40'EXPANDABLECANOPIESMADEOUIOFWHI?EARGOLITEIII4ATERIAL'i -;;a; - ro, x 21, CANOpy }rADE our oF ltHrTE &RGoLltE Ir UATERIAL. AE ._iiCH - SIDEWALL CURIAINS HSDE OUT OF HHITE AR@LITE I: I''A1ItsRIAL SOLD TOI TiESTERN VAIL CASCADE HOTEL 6 CLUB }3OO !{ESTHAVEN DR. l/ArL co. 916 57 {a i$ +ta;sgI t '{. l-Ic-l I Pe tdt/^O vJU ;ld*lC I i rl sitR s i.x a $ af,A.c.ZLE Le I-MC3dS'SV NVC NOUI r{va@'E S66l-W-g 6-(€-1995 @,@9AM FROM CAWASISPECIALTY 2I 37243S44 6-€t6-1995 @. @At'',l FRO[1 CANVAS"SPECIALTY 213724?84A BEAI\^ ilACK i*L I f,/< IsffiM J.ACK # BrRfB PRSPARED 6/L9/03, 12 t 26 toa PROoRA MR415[I To$n of vail DEPOSIT REFUIID REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CUST-ID CUSTOMBR NAI{E CHARGE CODE DE€CRIPTION DEPOSIT DEPOSTT-AD.f AD.'UST!{ENT AFTER-REFI]T.ID TX-DATE AiI-DATE A!''OI'NT }.Ii'OUNF AI'OTJNT A],IOUNT 683 897-0102 Lorre Erterpriseg D2 DEP08 Dep-cleanup 1,/rr/9a 6/19/03 100.00 100.00 r.00.oo- TOTAL FOR CUSTOMBR TYPE: D2 G,/1, BATCI{ CREATED: BATCH-01940 2003/06 USERID-MKOTI{ICA AP HELD COUNT-1- 00 AMO['NT- .00 100,00 100.00 100.00- GRAr'rD TOTAT,: 100.00 100.00 100-00- DEPOSIT COUNT: 1 .00 100.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: APPLICANT TURNER MORRIS, INC. 25958 GENESEE ?RArt RDr+403' GOLDEN' CONTRACTOR TURNER MORR]S, INC. 25958 GENESEE TRAIL RD,#403, GOLDEN' OVINER COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE FOUNDA PO BOX 1?63, GLENI{OOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS. ' 1310 WESTHAVEN DR Status.. COLoRADo MNT. COLLEGE 131App1ied. 2LO3-121-14-015 Issued.. Expires. ON JOBSITE AT ry,}., TIMES Pennit #:896-0153 Phone: 303-61.7-1887 co 80401 Phone; 303-617-188? co 80401 occuPancy: BZ/EL tlpe Construction! II FR Tlr1le OccuPancy: Valuation: Fireptace tnformstion: Restricted: Not in table! Type II Fire Resistive Add sq Ft: #0f Gas App[i ances:#0f 6as Logs: DECI-,ARATIONS 195,864 fof tlood/Pat tet: tEE SU iARy *iots*i#drrrr*.ffi********t*t*rits*jr*#H'h(*riHd.ir.**rikklr Bui tding-> 1,124.W Restuarant Ptan ievieH-> ,oo Totst ca(cul,ated Feas--> 2'357 '60 Ftan Check-> T3O,@ DRB Fee-_---___-> .OO Additional' Fees-_-__) '00 InvestigEtion> .00 Reclestion Fee----) .OO Totat Permit Fee----> 2'357 '60 n;ii-;;ii-; r.OO it""n-up Depesit--> too.go Paymente-__----t Z'157 '60 TOTAL FEES-----> 2,357.& BALANCE DUE------> '0O rt****f**f***f** ****'r*'rr*f******t**f ilr'Jrfrd **ffi Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARSMEN! __Pgpt: BUILDING Division: d67Iilfia6-CHARIIE -aSliSrri. APFR CHARLIE DAyre rtbm :' os40o-Fl,itffrliuo'DEFEiltuEiri^' -'. "*-- -"o6it : PLANNING Division : A6/L2/r996 cHARLTE Astrstti APPR. N/A rt'em:' osstio-Fi?E-5ep/iRfl.aEiit '*-'- '''. - Dept: FrRE Division: 6F'7TillidF;-ciiEiti.re--Asiiont APPR N/A ---- ..^*, ^.,--:iE'efi;' 65 560*ijiib;ie w'dRIiF-" - 067I2/16t6'cueni,re Action: APPR N/A ,,:1t***ffif**k*fi ffi il**t****'R*ld****}'#iirtsfi*i*iikt***}*t.lrjr*i See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay aPply to thiE pennit. r hc.!b), lcknoHtedge that t have read this appl.icstion, fiLted out in futl. thc infornation. requl:{l .?T!:!f.an eccu:"ate ptot pti", "ic ii"t. thlt Et.r ttr. inio.*iioq p"ouio.< as raquirec is cor.ect. I agree to corapty riith.!? ill9lryti?i 1nd !r9t.ptan, to coholy vith al,t fogn orotn";i"s'iii .'t!t. [avs, end io buitd this structurr €ccording io the Tovn's zoning and suMivision codes,'disign rcviev approvcd, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ofdinances of the Tolrn appticabie thereto. IATURE 'oFldIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SEU ARO OIINER S.nd Ctean-Up Deposit To: TURNER/I'IoRRIS INC Permit rype: ADD/ALT coY{-BUIlq PERMT - Appriciirt: 3Hy:lrTRRrs, rNc' Appried: 06llzh996' iisuea: o6'/t2'/Le96 To Expire. L2/09/L996 , . .i,..., Job Address:-- i,oCAtiON: COLORADO MNT. COLLEGE 1310 WESTHAVEN DR Parcel No: 2103-121-14-015 DescriPtion: REROOF WITH L]KE MATERIALS Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROYAL-r-S-BEQUTRED BEFORE ANY I'JOR'K C-rN BE -' iiantip----ln - '?so FteE Dttrr' 2. FIELD INSPECiIONS ARE.REQUIRED to cHEcK FOR coDE couPLlANCE. ll_.r.***lrrtrtrt*******************************************************.***** rowN oF VAIL{ 9919l+?9 T?yl.:l. Ili;i.;;il;T;f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . )- ^ t^ z a a - 4.1 -*t(:t :1. statemnt Nunber: REC-0155 Anount:2,357.60 06/72/S.A t!:4:47 ... StaEgmnc N urttl.tlt! '. Payrnent Method: CK Notation: #5906 Init: CD ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P Statemnt Pernit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Palrnent ****************************************************************ni^rrn+. 896-0153 TYPe: A-CoMM 210 3-121-14-01s Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 1310 WESTHAVEN DR ;oioR$o-m'u. coLLEGE 1310 wESTHAVEN DR Total Fees: 2,357 '60 2 t357 .60 Total ALt Pmts z 2' 357 ' 60 Balance: ' 00 DescriPtion BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES' CLEANT'P DEPOSITS WILI, CALL TNSPECTION FEE Anount 1, 124 . oo 730.60 500.00 3.00 f?6Q DATEs PERI'IIT Ii --_ ^ t APPLTCATTON uusr BE FrLr.,ED ouT COI.|PTJTELY oR rr I'ray Nor BE AccEgrED IT X***************************rtr PERMIT fNFORI,[AlfoN ****************************rl []-Buirdingt].P1unbing[]-EIectricaI[]-IttechanibaI[(-o,n", rob Name: blrrywg lvtru - Job Address: l3lO L*:gsfa*p,nt T)y> LegaL Description: Lot ,EyqJ. .,e.'srr.pr;i,/on: J.,ot Block_ Fifirg@ oldners Name: - FEtpt Fu"t o- Address: l@rn. Architect z U4{,E ,, General Description: Nurober of Drelling Units: Address:pn?i.-stu2. I{ork C}ass: [ ]-Nes [ ]-Alteration I rU l-Aclditionat fv-Repair [ ]-orher l - Nunber of Acconnodation Units: #*"" and T11pe of Firepraces: cas Appriances_ Gas r.ogs_ r{ood/perl.et_ {******* "*"6W:UIgg.:;--******* vALuATroNs ******************************i** BUTLDTNG:EI..ECTRTCAI,: $ I{ECHANICAT: S-OIHER: *TOTAL:- **** * ***** * ***** ********** * Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: !!echanical Address: contractor: *:lt+******** * ******* **** ** * * * * * * *FOR .BUTLDTNG PARMIT FEE: PLUUBING PERUTT FEE: MECIIANICAL PERUIT FEE:EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE O'F FE8: DRB FEE: CONTRACTOR rNFOR!.TATION 't'nlZIz-T4, t JENC- Tordn of Vail Rec. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vai] Res. NO.Phone Number: - -- Town of VaiI Reg. lfO.Phone Nunber: OFFICE USE ** **** * * * *** * * * * ******* **!r*t***BUfLDfNG pLAt{ CHECK FEEI Contractor: _ll{ryBrNc PraN cHEcK FEE:UECHN{rCAI PI,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREJITION FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.III FEES: ON BUTLDTNG: STGNATI'RE: ZONING: SIGNITI]RE: PlttMBfNG: $ ------v lll*************,r*************I Eeneral contractor: T\LIL&JE Address: -7lr.nsa UP DEPOSIT EETUND TO:4olzt ->s -E ^C.. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit *: 895-0388 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/4 79-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 13OO WESTHAVEN DR. PRJ95*0233 Department of Community Development Status..,: ISSUED Applied..: to/3t/teg Issued...: Ll/Ol/t99 Expires..: O4/29/t99 Phone: 97 O-47 9-7 OO9 Phone:970-4?9-7009 #of llood/Pa t Let: APPLICANT LOWE ENTERPRISES/WESTTN RESORT 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO 81657 CoNTRACTOR LOWE ENTERPRISES/WESTTN RESORT OI/VNER 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vai_l, CO 81657 COLORADO NATIONAL BANK-ANCILLARY c/o JANET BONESTROO, pO BOX 5168, DENVER CO 8021? Description: OFFICE FINISH Occupancy: 82 Type Coustruction: LL FR Type Occupancy: 82 Valuation: Fireptace Inforiation: Restrict.d: Bui tding---*> Ptan Check---> Investi gati on> Ui tl, cEtt---> 2 ,0O0 . #0f Gas App[ i ances: 82 Not in table.! Not in table! Add Sq Ft: #0f G8s l-ogs: ff*ffi****rr***fffiffi*ffiffi***rr***#*ffi***ffiffi* tEE SU IIARY **********#**#**rffi**********Jrffi*ffiffff**#*fi 65.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> 12.25 .@ Recreation Fce---------->3.0O Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT \t/Ol/L995 CHUCK Action: AppR Item:-.O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT IL/AL/L995 CHUCK Action: AppR Item:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT LL/OL/L995 CHUCK Acrion: APPR Item:'_05500 PUBLTC WORKS LL/Ol/199s CIIUCK Acrion: AppR ffiffi****ffi**ffir||F***'trt***r.**ffi******rrfrrr.***ffi*H**ffi**ffi*******tr***ffi***ffi***.t*ff*t***ffi**'rliffi*ir**ffiffi See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that rnay apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS .0O Total Catcutated Fees--->20.00 Additional Fees-------->.00 Total Pernit Fee------->100.00 Pay!ents------- the i nfornat ion Toun's zoning and 230.25 .00 ?30.25 230.75 accuratc ptot and ptot pl.an, subdivision 8:m An 5:0O P I hereby acknortcdge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in ful.t the infoFnatioa r ptan? and state that atl thc lnformation providcd as required is correct. I agrle to corFty Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: red, conpleted an to comPty Hith aLt Tovn ordinances and state tavs, and to buitd this structure according io codes, design reviev approved, uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toun .nafi, REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS I ADVARCE BY send C[ean-t p Depasi t To: {Su.."oor*", te thereto. TOR HIITSELF AND OI'NER ***Foll4|I **************************************************************J 75 South Frontage Road CONDITIONS Department of Community Development WHt&ilnr&o 88S.0388 as of L1,/0L/95 stat,us: ISSUED *t W0-479-2fiffa|9t2,139*******************************rr*****************************l FAX 970-479-2452 Permir Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant: LOWE ENTERPRTSES/WESTIN RESORT 97 0-47 9-7 009 Job Address:Location: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR.Parcel No: Description: OFFICE FTNISH Conditions:T. FTRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED.2. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR Applied:10/37/199s rssued: ll/ol/1995 To Expire. 04/29/1996 ANY WORK CAN BE CODE COMPLIANCE. {p*,,uo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 895-0256 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX970-479-24s2 Department of Cornmunity Development Status...: ISSUED Applied..: to/3L/199 Issued...: LL/Ol/199 Expires..: o4/29/L99 Phonet 970-479-70O9 Phonez 970-479-7009 OWNER 1300 Westhaven Drive, VaiI, CO 81657 COLORADO NATIONAL EANK_ANCILLARY c/o JANET BONESTROO, pO BOX 5168, DENVER CO 80217 Description: OFFICE FINISH Valuation: 500.00 *rrffi*ffi*ffi********{r*******t*fft*lr**lr**rr********.|Hr FEE SUlll'lARy **t **t11ffi*11*tr******* APPLTCANT LOWE ENTERPRISESTTESTTN RESORT 1300 Westhaven Drive, VaiI, CO 81657 CoNTRACTOR LOWE ENTERPRISES/WESTTN RESORT Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.m 13OO WESTITAVEN DR. PRJg5-02 3 3 E tectf i ca [-_> DRB Fee Invest igat ion> tli LL ca L l.----> TOTAL FEES---> Total. catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees------> Total Permit Fee-------> Payntlrts------- BALAIICE DUE---- 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 ffif*ffi **}*t**ffi *lrHffi(*rrl*tt******tffi#ffi ,*ffi **'********##*ffi lr*2t*rr Iterni .86000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTITENT lO/3L/7995 CHUCK Action: AFFR-Dept; BUILDING Division: tH*******untffi**ffi****ffi********,ntffi****ffirffitffiffr***t*ritfi**tffirHr****f}tr*ft r**ftftr*rh*ffi*rr**tffi*ffi*** CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, ffifr*tr*********irrrffi*#*,.**#dr***i***rcH**ffi**trt*t*rrrrrir*Hi}iffirffi****ffi*tr******* DECLARATlONS l.hereby acknovtedge that I havc read this apptication, f il,l.ed out in futl. thc information required, compteted an accurate ptot iltan, end state that att the informati.on provided as r-gui red is correct. t Egree to compty vith tfie inforrnation and ptot ilan,to compLy Hith eLt Torn ordinances and stite [aws, and io tnri l.d this structur€-accofding io the lovn's zoning and subdivisiln codes, design PevieH approved, Uniforn Buil,ding Codc and other ordinances of the Tonn appticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIE'{TY-FOUR II(X'RS IN ADVANCE {Sr*n"or*o ******!********************************************************** TOVIN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ********************************************************lr******* Statemnt Number: REC-0094 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #175 s3.oo LL/al/9s t3245 rnit: r.,RD 895-0256 Type: B-EIEC EI'ECTRICAL PERMfT 13OO WESTHAVEN DR.Total Fees: .53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: ********!k******************************************************* Permit No: Location: This Pa)rment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WIIL CALT INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 AInount 50.00 3.00 TAWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE MECHANICAL PERMIT POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: M95-0193 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: D epartment of Communiry Development APPLICANT LOWE ENTERPRISES/WESTIN RESORT 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vai1, CA 8L657 CoNTRACTOR LOWE ENTERPRTSES/WESTTN RESORT 13OO WESTHAVEN DR. PRJ95-0233 Status.. Applied. lssued.. Expires, VaLuation: fof Gas Logs: .: TSSUED .: L0/3t/tees .: tL/oL/rees .: o4/2e/teeG Phone: 970-479-7009 Phonez 97O-479-7QQ9 s00. 00 #Of ttood/Pa l, Let: OWNER Description: OFFICE FINISH Fireplace lnfornation: Restricted: 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO 81652 COLORADO NATIONAL BANK_ANCILLARY c/o JANET BoNEsrRoo, po Box 5168, DENVER co BoztT -********:tffi*****ttfr****l**i'***tr*t**|Ht *#int**ffi***Jrlrl* tEE SUl,lllARy ***********t r***rHfiHtrr*ffi**{ot#rfflHr**irtffirr*****#t .00 ToIAL FEES---- 3- 00 fof Gas App[isnces: Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------.00 Total Catcutated Fees---).00 Additional, Fees-----> the information requi red, compteted an I agre! to compty eith the inforDation according to the Torrn's zoing and 14echani cat--> Ptan Check---) lnvestigatioD trli l, L Ca L t---> 20.00 5.00 26.00 .00 26.00 €ccurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivi sion 8:00 Alr 5:00 Ptl ?E.00 Totat Permit tee---*--->Payments---------1 28.00 BALANCE DUE-------> .0o ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi,r*l**t*rt*Jr****HrtrffiffiHff **rr*ffi ffi **** Dept: BUILDING Division:IEEi z? E I 8 '.fi UIko' """38I3*T*Ril$* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. E'IEID INSPEqTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK TOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. PEBUr?,prrANq AND coDE ANAiySTS l,riu5i-ed i'd-srno-iN ltetHAi,ircEr,_ RO9M pRrOR TQ-_AN rNspEcrr0l.r-nEoiinst: -- ----3. EIEE DEPARTMENT AppROVAL,-nn0rirFED-Fnroe To THE START oF ANy WORK 4. FIRE SPRINKLER SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPT. **********************L***************:!**************************************** DECLARATIONS I_hereby acknortedge that I have ?esd this appt ication, fitted out in futt ptan, and state that al.l the information provided as riquired is conrect.to.co[pty sith al.L Torrn ordinances and stetc taus, and io buiLd this stru codes, design revicv approvcd, unifopm Bui tding code and other ordinances REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TADE TIJENTY-FCIT'R HOURS IN SI6NATURE oF ogNER oR coNTRAcroR FoR HI SELF AND ouNER f|puttoto'uo the Town appticabLe thencto- *********J.*************************************************'***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *********************************r************t****************** statemnt. Number: REc-0094 Anount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #175 28.00 LL/DL/95 13:46 Init: LRD M95-0193 Types B-MECH 13OO WESTHAVEN DR. Total Fees:28.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: *****************************:*************:t********************* Permit No: Location: This Palrnent Account Code 01 0000 4t3t2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 MECHANICAL PERMIT 28.00 28.00 .00 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PI.,AN CHECK FEES WTLL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 20. 00 5 .00 3.00 NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E95_0256 75 South Fromage Road Departrnent of Community Development VaiL Colorado 81657 97A479-2Bq/479-2139 Job Address: Status. . . : rsSuED FAX970-4792452 Location...: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR. Applied..: t!/3t/tgg Parcel No..: fssued...: ll'/Ot'/Lgg Project No.: PR,f95-0233 Expires..: O4'/Zg7$g Phonel 970-479*7009 Phonet 970-479-7009 OWNER 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO 8165? COLORADO NATTONAL BANK-ANCILLARY c/o JANET BONESTROO, pO BOX 5L68, DENVER CO 8021? Description: OFFICE FINISH Valuation: 500.00 ffi *,ttf, FEE SUI,I ARY *r*tr*f,ffi***ffi*ffi#r****f,rnHrffi*t*ff*rht*rt***fffi* APPLICANT LOWE ENTERPRTSES/WESTTN RESORT 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO 9165? CoNTRACTOR LOWE ENTERPRISES/WESTIN RESORT E l€ct r i ca l-> DRA fee Imrcstigation> }|i lt Catt----> TO'AL FEES_-> 50.00 .oo .00 3.00 53.@ Total Calcutated Fees---> Additional, Fees--------> Tota I Pernit Fee-------> Paymenl5----- BALANCE DUE-_-- 53.00 .00 .53.00 53.00 .00 I!qn: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT lO/31,/L995 CHUCK Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: ffi*******'rrt rr*f,f,ffi**rrt****J.****,**rrffi**ffiffi****H********ffi*tr***ffi**ffit**lr***ffir.l*trtffi******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffi*********'r*****f*ffi**t,r***ffi***********t**rr*********ffi**ffi***rrt***ffi*ffi*** DECLARAIIONS r hereby acknovl'edge that r heve read this apptication/ fiLted out in tutl, the infornation required, conpteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that atl the infornatl'on provided as required is coFrect. I agree to compLy nith the iniormation rind pl,ot ptan,to somPl'y rith att Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io'the Tovn's:oning and subdivisibn codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Bui]ding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INS?ECTIONS SHALL BE ttADE TIIETITY-FOiJR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8I $**""oo*n J ******************tr********************************************* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **********'****************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0094 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #L75 53.00 !1./oL/e5 13:45 rnit: rrRD Permit No! Location: This PalrmenL Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 895-0256 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 13OO WESTHAVEN DR. ****r.*!******************************************************i*** 53. O0 53.00 .00 Anount 50.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit *: M95-0193 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address.,.: Location. .. . .. : ParceL No.....:Project Number: Department of Community Development 13OO WESTHAVEN DR. PRJ95-02 3 3 Status...Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ]SSUED t0 /3L/Lee5 tt/ot/tses 04/2s /tee6 APPLICANT OWNER Descr OFFI CTOR ption: FINISIl LOWE ENTERPRISES/WESTTN RESORT 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO 81652 LoWE ENTERPRISES/WESTIN RESORT 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO 81657 COLORADO NATIONAL B.R,NK-ANCILLARY c/o JANET BoNEsrRoo, po Box 5168, DENVER co Phone z 97 Q-47 9-'1 009 Phone:970-479-7009 802L7 Valuation:500.00 #0f Gas AppLiances: #of 6as Logs: #of Uood/pat Let: F EE SUlll.lARY *ff(ttffi *#**t*tr**rr**#ffi ****ffi *H*******r**t*** Fi replace llechani cat Plan lnvest i gat l{i tl. Catl, 1. rr 2. PE 3. FI wo 4. FI ******* ron:Rest ri cted: 20.00 5 -00 .00 5_ 00 on> tem:0510O o /31./tees Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> oRB Fee------ TOTAL FEES----- .@ .00 2E.00 Total Catcutated Fees--> Additional Fees------> Totat Permit Fee---*--> Paynents BALANCE OUE---- 28.@ .00 26.00 2E.00 .00 accuratF ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL Q_INSPEqTIqNS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMpLTANCE.r !. BIANE _Al_'rD coDE_AN4lyS r S r,l i u 5r- sE FoSreD- TN -M-EeHAii r eAi PEI9B-Eq AN INSPECTION REQUESi:DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIFED-FNTON TO THE START OF ANY SPRINKLER SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPT. *********************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t. hereby .acknoutedge thst r have read.this appl.ication, fil,Led out in fuu. the .information required, conpl,eted an p[an, and state that atl the infornation proiided as riqui red is correct. I agree to conrpty riitn tire iniornation to.comply nith att Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this st according to thc Toun's zoning and codes, dcsign revieu approvcd, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinance"l ift. -i*r" appticabte thefeto. REOTJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE 'IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SI{'NATURE oF oltNER oR coNTRAcroR FoR HI}|SELF AND or.,NER {Sr""r"r.*ruo 79-2136 0R AT oUR OfFTCE FnOi 8:@ A 5:00 ptl **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt * r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * * * * ** * *:* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0094 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK NoLation: *L75 28.00 ll/oL/es 13:46 Init: LRD Permit No: M95-0193 ?ype: B-MECH MECHANTCAL PERMIT Location! 1300 WESTHAVEN DR. Tota1 Fees: 28.00 This Payment 28.00 Total ALL Pmtsi 28.00 Balance: .00 ************************************************************l*** Account Code Description Arnount 01 OOOO 4I3L2 MECHANICAI. PERMIT FEES 2O.OO 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.00 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO tgr+r*q"i+l';t#'fggl. r, vArL coNs'*J tr *f;l'ilfrffis'o*PERT1IT # APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COT.TPLETELY OR IT I.TAY NOT BE ACCEPTED , .*'s-Lv6rrrvrl &iu;rr EE rrJ.r!.E;L,t)UT COIIPT.ETELY OR IT !.tAY NOT BE ACCEpTED al tr********** * ******************* PER!{IT INFORIIA1IJON ****:t************* ******** ***n/n/[v]-Building 1 ]-elurnbing [ 1-Electricar I l-uec]ranibal [ ]-other Job Name: Legal Oescription: Lot Block_ Filing Address: I Address: s rob Address: lYn Lil 1' U i General i"ru;:cription :./ r work class: [ ]-New Jvf-arteration [ ]-Additiona] [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of DwelLing Units:l{uruber of Accommodation Uni.ts: ***t*-** Contractor: Address: ELectrical Cont Address: PJ.unbing. Contr cti Address: ltechanical Contractor 3 Address: ***.******* * ********* * **** ******* BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERUIT TEE: EIEC?RTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: TNFORMATToN * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * lpyl-"I vail Reg. -,uo. :iri - pr $f,fn-"" -n"'o"r t - $ :ljd . Town of Vail (J Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number:ry?5-ol?3 Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ** ****** * * ********** *********** BUTIDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI.IBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CIEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT roR BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATI]RE: fr'/ r, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E95-0286 -l ,' 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8f47e-2 I 3 9 FAX970-47%2452 APPLICANS CONTRACTOR OWNER Etectnicat-) DRB F?e InvcstigatiorD lli L L ca l.l.----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address tocation. . .Parcel No..Project No. 50.00 .@ .00 3.00 53.00 80223 80223 DENVER CO Tota I Calculated Fees---) Add.i tiona L Fees---____> Total PerDit f ee------> Pa)ments BALANCE DUE---_ Phone: 3A3-922-3395 Phone: 303-922-3395 802L7 53.m .@ 55.@ > 53.00 .00 13OO reAIf,,l\fEH DR D epartm ent of Community Deve lopment Status...: ISSUED WESTIN PARr(rNG Lgf TEVP nepplied..: t2/15/199!2103-121-00-012 rssued...: rZ'/LS'/L99 PRJ95-0249 Expires..: O6/!2/L991 HEAD ELECTRTC COMPANY 2490 wEsT 2ND AVCNUE, DENVER, CO HEAD ELECTRIC COMPANY 2490 WEST 2ND AVENUE, DENVER, CO $&PIOTAI, BANK-&$EItbARY ''6ot(Es?ROO, PO BOX 5168, Deecription: TNSTALL ELECTRICAL FEEDER TO ***** **** FEE SU nARY TEMP BOILEValuation:2,000.00 *ffi Jr*#****ffi ffi ******ffi*ffi *ffi * **'*f,f,**iffi***t**********rrr;ffiffiffiffiffi*fiffirHrr***trt*rrtri**ffi***tr*ffi***t*f,*rf*ffi*******t*ffi*t*ffi . Ite.fni .06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT L2/15/t99s cHUcK ection:- AFFR-Dept: BUILDING Division: ******ttffittsf,lrffi'r**i****'tt*l|*ffi**ffi*#*ffi********************r.tr***ffi*fiffirt**.***ffi**ffi**"*|*rr**********"t**,!** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *******f ffiffi**ffi*Jr**fHiffi*ffilrirt*ffiffi*rt******ffi********ffiffiff DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknoutedge that I have read this appl,ication, fiLLed out in ful"t the information requi red, compteted an aecurete ptot ptan, and state th€t alt the information prcvided as rlquired. i.s correct- I agnee to cornpty with tire infornation and ptot pLan,to -comPl'y uith att Toun ordinances,and state [avs, and io buiLd this structure-according io the rovn,s zoning and suMivisiofl codes, design reviee approved, uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE IIADE T!'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 479- {pu"nuo"*u TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,( * * * * * * * '. Statemnt Number: REc-0105 Amount: 53.0O l2/15/g5 L6 26 Payment Method: CASH Notation: CASH fnit: LRD . Permit No3 E95-0286 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-121-00-012 Si-te Address: 1300 VIESTHAVEN DR Location: VIESTIN PARKING LOT TEMP BOILERS Total Fees: 53.00 This Payment 53.00 Total AL,,L Pmts: 53.00 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Anount O]" OOOO 41373 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OO 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AL-_L TTMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PermiL #: E95_0286 75 South Frontage Roa.d Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 E lectri ca t-> DRB Fce Investi grat ion>ttiIL cat l.----> TOTAL FEES-> Depanment of Conmunity Developnent APPLICANT HEAD ELECTRTC COMPANY 2490 WEST 2ND AVENUE, DENVER I CO 80223 CONTRACTOR HEAD ELECTRIC COMPANY Job Address Location.. .Parcel No..Project No. 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 13OO WESTHAVEN DR WESTTN PARKTNG LOT TEMP 2103-t2I-00-012 PRJ95-0249 Status...: ISSUED BApplied., : L2/rs/7se5 Issued...: t2/L5/1-99s Expires..: 06/12/L996 Phone : 303-922-3395 Phone: 303-922-3395 53.00 .00 53. 00 53. 00 .00 OWNER 2490 wEsT 2ND AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 COLORADO NATIONAL BANK_ANCII-,LARY c/o JANET BoNEsrRoo, po Box 5168, DENVER co 80217 DESCriPt,ion: INSTALL ELECTRICAI, FEEDER To TEMP BollEvaluation:2r000.00 tffi**ffiffi******it*t*lr******twnhf*|t*ffi*ffif****t FEE SUl ,lARy ****tffitiffilrtffi*t#*rr***t******lrrffirrtr*Jr*Jr**rnt*f* TotaI catcutated Fees---> Addi tiona L Fees-------> TotE[ PerDi t FeF-----> Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- . Ile4ri .06900 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12/L5/1995 CHUCK Acrion: APFR-Dept: BUILDING Division: f **ffi ##nl******ffi ffi ***tdl***ffi ****#rtr*****rt# * ffi 9t #rffi t*#*****ffiitf*ffiffi ffi ffi ffi CONDITTON OF APPROVAL ***f,f,*f,* *ffitffirtsfffi,***tr*#.rt*Jr*******t***HM*ffiffi****ft* DECLARATIONS l. hlrlby -acknovtedge that r have reed this appl.ication, titted out in fuiL the infornation required, coripteted sn 6ccurat. pl.ot ptan, and state that att the inforrnation Provided as rEqrired is correct. I agree to conpty vith tire in?orrngtion and ptot ptan,to conPly Hith al't Tovn ordinances,and state [aws, and io UuitO this structure according io ttre tor,m. s zoning and suUOivisiln codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the town afpticabLe thereto, REAUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IAOE TI.IEI{W-FOUR HOURS ItI ADVANCE BY 179- |trr"n"*oru* .ttv **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * ** ** **** * **** ** *** * ** *** * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * **** - Statemnt Number: REC-0106 Amount: Pa\ment Method: CASH Notation: CASH s3.00 72/15/95 16:26 lnit: LRD E95-0286 Tlrpe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2103-t2t-00-012 ].300 WESTHAVEN DR WESTIN PARKING I-,OT TEMP BOTLERS Total Fees: 53.00 53.00 Total AL,,L Pmts: Balance: * * * * * t( * * * * * *** t? *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * *** * rr t * * * * * * * * *** * **tt ** ** * *** . Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 0l_ 0000 4131-3 01 0000 4\336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMTT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 .00 Amount s0.00 3.00 o NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TTMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 13OO WESTHAVEN DR r-,,ocation..,: wEsTrN PARKING LoT TEMP BApplied.. ParceL No.. : 2L03-L21-00-012 Project No. : PRJg5-0249 APPLICANT HEAD ELECTRIC COMPANY 2490 WEST 2ND AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 CONTRACTOR HEAD ELECTRIC COMPANY 2490 WEST 2ND AVENUE, DENVER, CO 80223 OWNER COLORADO NATIONAL BANK-ANCILLARY c/o JANET BONESTROO, pO BOX 5168, DENVER CO 80217 Description: INSTALL ELECTRICAL FEEDER TO TEMP BOILEValuation:. 21000.00 *#*rrffiffirffirffi*ir,liH*lr*ffr*rrirffi FEE SUI'll,rlARY *SrJrffiffiffilrtcffit**lt*ir*irlik*****rd Electricat---> 50.00 DRB Fee Investigat i on>.o0 i.riffi *,cff*rdt,rt****raH**ffir#r$iJ(*#r***ffi ***JnHr***ffi 'rft.ffir#rffir*,r*'dr*rtr6*ffir**rffi ffir,r** DeDt: BUILDING Division: *ffi(**tr*trffi ****rHrtr**J*rdrrddffi toffi rffi *ffi **iriiffir**tt*rrffi.ffi * CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffi #r*ffi .ffi(#tdnk************rU(1t**icffiiffiffidrlffi rH(***)ffir*tffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fitl,ed out in futt the information required, comPleted an accurate pl'ot pl,an, and state that atl the information provided as requi rqd is correct. I agree to compLy with the information and Ptot pl'an,. to compl.y r.,ith al,t Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the Tol,n's zoning and subdivision codes,, design revieH approved,, Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl'e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A1 479-?13E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI'I 8:OO AI'I 5:OO PI'I SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII''ISELF AND OI.INER Permi-t # ! 895-0286 Status. . .APPROVED 1.2 /rs / Lee5 12 /L5 /Lee5 o6 /L2 /Lee6 Issued. . . Expires. . Phone. 303-922-3395 Phone t 303-922-3395 Total catcutated Fees---> 53-@ Addi t iona L Fees---------> .W Tota[ Perm'it Fee--------> 53.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE-__. uiLL caL !----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 Ite-m: -06000 ELECTR]CAL DEPARTMENT L2/L5/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR FROII HERD ELECTRIC (FRI)I2.T5.'95 15134 NO.s FFGE ? '.*.1. r- s.st. l coun.y e.r"s eortf rr"" .ticii'oi'T0llt,rni{,ffi.' -.'33il!i_iiii,.trti3$"#wffi' :,,?odil)': n**-_., DArE: -ta-ls{r,s., " t-t$ ,Ec , _ _,jfii.', | --Fpsrrc{trox ursr nr-r:r,ruo our cor.pr'tii, o* FflW6iif;fr'one"rpno [*t*t*r**************r***t***ft BgRM'ff INFORHATfOH r*rr**iLi#It:#&t**r*******r*r. t..I.\'ru.tr..v.t [ ]-Burldtng [ ]-Plunblng IxJ-Elcctrlcal [ ]-Mechani'ca1 [ i-other - Job Nanel L6giI DseortptLon: tot_ Oegne;.s Nafia I Weqtin iloqel Archltect: r7eb"Addressf ll00 w Haven ps - tdest u.ail. ffi 8155? : Eloclc ir __ Fj.Iing_- _ - suBp,lvlsloNr ,. . _ AddrasE I Addresst prr.4j9-?00e * Ph, cEnBraI D*ccriptlonl HETA!! xxljfntkilNeNte ELEcfRfcAL FEEEER FoR Ternp Boile/- c {lork clr,ser I j-H€w I J-Alterartsn i 1-Addttj.snar I 1-nepalr I J-other t{umber of Dt'telllnE Unltgt -...-, .1. : Nu:ab$f sf Aseo:nnrodatlon Unlts: yftber and tlpe of, Flreplacesi Qae lpplldncea_ Gat Logs__* lrood/pellet**...:. * i * I * * * * r * * * * !t * * * * * * * * r rr * I * * * r r !r * * VAIUA11ONS *r****{****** t* * * * * * * * r * * i * * * I * r , li':191i.q1wct ELEcrRxce[: l-4e1:09 o$HER: I ?LU!{BING r T-*7-.-:--lrEcHANrqALrt;l- To?Ata ffi l*ttt*********i****r'r!t,**ri+ co.l{1T,l!cfaR IFFORI{SBIOH *******ri*i****r***ritrt*ri idneral cgntractor!'-T & M service co aor.rrr aF urtl tazr- xn.Csnt'ractorl' T & 4 Service Co Tot{$ of ValI Rag. No. llunbingconttractorr., r,rddresci ," . --*--..*-j -,l: Phone llunber | 303-922-3335 ToHn of Val.l ReE. NO._-.Phona ltumber: - f* Tosn of vatl Reg. NO, Phons NumbEri: . lddr8sr s ld'dreesl techanleal Contractos : rddreeE: r**l*********************r**ri** FOR ,UELDIN6 IIII!'IBINC ,UTLDIN6 FERI'IIS FEE! *_ o!'!Shone Hunber;( l{3) 7_81F1 )96' OFFfCE U$g *+*'**t*i,** r *f *** ti ***** *** l** r { EUTIJDI}TC FI.III CTIECK FEEI PLTN.IBIHC PIAIT CHECK FEET HFCHTNI€AIT PI/ilN CIiECK FEE: RECREATTON FEEi CLEAN*UP DEFOStrE: III'I'TBINC FER}TIT fEE: IEFHINICTL FTS$IT FEEs IIJECTRICAIT FfEs |f}I8R TYPE OF FEg' ffi-.,!-r.?d I IFB FEE3 :OEECNI lLEl{|| [rF DSFOSIT f,trFlllD TOr 4, TOTAIJ PERI{IT ./2 - NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI-, PERMIT Perrnit #: E95-0238 3"r 75 South Frontage Xoad Vail, Colorado 8165V 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: APPLICANT FR.ENCH ELECTRIC P-O BOX 3L46, EVERGREEN CO 80439 CONTRACTOR FRENCH ELECTRIC OWNER Department of Community Development Status. . . Applied. . Issued. , . Expires. . lSSUED to /!3 /Lee ro /30 /tee 04/27 /tee 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 TotaI Catculated Fees---> Additionat Fees-------> TotaI Permit Fee-------> 55.00 .00 53.00 Paymenls----- 53.00 BAUTNCE DUE__________> -0O Ileqr! .96800 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT 70/I3/799s DAN Action: AFFR- |, {( U y., Phone: 3036740227 Phone: 30367 4O22'l P.O BOX 3t46t EVERGREEN CO 80439 RYT,N RICHARD R & MARY RUTH _ RYAN MARY RUTH - TRUST, 401 N MICHIGAN, CHTCAGO TL 606LL4277 Description: ltlRE PORTABLE SpA Valuation: ******r*ffi'rr",tth|t FEE SUllllARY ,r**t tffiffi***tnht r**r.tr*Jrt**rrt***ir*f***f*t****** E Lectri cEt-) DRB Fee ->Invest igation> Hi tt catt-> TOTAL TEES_-> trftn****iffi*f,i**f}***ftt**l*t*ffirt*|t'(*tt*ffit*fr*trt**fiffi**t(ffi**ffffiffii*ffiffrffitot**rtlt*****rrff**ffi*rrrrffi***r** Dept: BUILDING Division: ***fiffi***ffiffiit*************Jr|hflrtt**ffi*****rr***#rrP*ffiffi*****rrffiffitt*#*ff****ffir*ffitrrr**trffr**ffif,***ffi**li CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi *****ffi**ffi ******tr**ffi ffi ffi **ffi ffi #**tr{rffi *rtffi ffr*tt***rctttffiitft *ffi **t *ffi *** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknortedge tlBt t have read this application, fiLLed out in futl, the information required, completed an accurate plot plan' and state that aLt the information providld as required is corrcct. I agree to conpty riitn tire information and ptot ptan,to.Gorpty Hith att Tolrn ordinances and statc [avs, and io buil,d this structure according io'the Toun,s zoning and suUaiviiibn codes, design FevieH aFProved' uniform Buitding code and other ordinanccs ot the Toun afpt,icabte thercto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TI'E TY-FOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE AY'IELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFIICE FROI.I 8:OO AII 5:OO P}I 500 .00 {5"*rt*"ruu" **************************************************************** gowN oF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **********************J.***************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0092 Amount: 53.00 10/30/95 L5.47 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1063 Init: LRD 895-0238 fype: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2LO3-L2L-14-008 1310 WESTHAVEN DR CMC BLDING #2 Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance:**************************************************************** Perrnit No: Parcel No:Site Address: I-,ocation: This Payment Account Code 0r.0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CATL TNSPECTION FEE s3.00 53.00 .00 Amount 50 .00 3.00 I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSfED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pernit #: 895*0238 APPLICANT FRENCH ELECTRIC P.O BOX 3746, EVERGREEN CO 80439 CONTRACTOR FRENCH ELECTRIC 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 E l,.ctri c€t--> DRB Fee ->lnvestigation> Ui tL catt-> TOTAL FEEts--> Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Froject No. 50-q, .00 .(xt 3.00 53.00 1310 WESTHAVEN DR CMC BLDING *2 2ro3-L2t-14-008 Department of Community Development Status...l ISSUED Applied..: Lo/L3/7ee rssued... : IO/30/L99 Expires..: 04/27/L99 Phonez 3036740227 Phonez 3036740227 OWNER P.O BOX 3L46, EVERGREEN CO 80439 RTAN RICHARD R & MARY RU?H _ RYAN MARY RUTH - TRUST, 401 N MICHIGAN, CHICAGO TL 606TL4277 Description: WIRE PORTABLE SpA Valuation: 500.00 ffi********ffi#ffi***** FEE sulll'lARy *****ff*ft********rit********t*ft*****rr******i.ffi******** Tsta I Calculated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Tota I Pernit Fee------> Pay0ents------ BALANCE DUE*-- 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 ****#ffiffi*********t}ft*ttff*||t,r****ffi**rt*tr|tffi#r******ffiffiiHrffi*tgr******t**##tffiffi*tt**ffi****t}**ffi******* Itqm: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 10/13/1995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDfNG Division: *,t*****ffittrrr***'r*****ffitr***|t**rtff*H********ffirffiffi**ffi**ffr***ftHrhffi1ttr***rtsHr******ffii***ffi**i****i*#***ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***rr***ffi*rrffi****i*1t**}*ffi'r|t*ffilhr***k,Hr#ffi*#*****ffi*rffiffiff*#ffi*ffi***ffiffi*i***tf**trl*ffiffi*ffi** DECLARATIONS I-hereby acknouledge that t have read-this aPPticetion, fitl,ed out in futL the infopmation requi red, cornpleted an sccurate plot Ptan, and state that atl the information pfovided as required is cornect- I agree to compty Jith tire information and ptot ftan,to.conply Yith att Tor.rn ordinanccs and state [aus, and to buitd this structure acconding iothe Tom,s zoning and subdivisiln codes, design reviev approred, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHoNE AT 479-213E oR AT oUR oFFTcE FRoI.I E:Oo An 5:Oo PIT {g'u"""u"uo ********************!**************************************.****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ***********************************************!***************** statemnt Number: REC-0092 Amount: 53.00 70/30/95 t'z47 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *1063 Init: LRD E95-0238 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2to3-t2L- 14-008 13].0 WESTHAVEN DR CMC BLDING #2 Total Fees:53.00 Tota] ALt Pmts: Balance:**************************************************.************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account, Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMII FEES WILL CALL INSPECTTON FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Amoulrt 50. 00 3.OO [ ]-Building I J-plrnhing [ ]-Electricat [ ]-uechanibar t l-other Job Name: R,unn Rp^, Job Addrese: ,.ro ,f 3-o-34;,- # Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Fillng OlrrnersNane! , y' CU: Address:Ph. Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]_Repair I J_other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Uni.ts: #*"t and rlpe of Fireplaces: cas appriances_ Gas r.,ogs_ wood/pellet_ fi********************************* vALIrATroNs * * ***************** ************** Contractor:Electrical Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ************* ***** ** ******* ***** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE' PLWBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: EIJECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE usE ******* * ****** * * *************** BUILDING PI,AN CHECI( FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATIoN FEEs CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: Town of Vail Phone Number: Toryn of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No.;IAsE Z7t-z,rz;z ?eA.A,j4r6 Rect. NO. DRB FEE:TOTAL PER!,IIT BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: qLEAr{ nP ITEPOSIT REFIIIU) 1.0: l SENT BY:^"L-;12-o ?-s4 i 2:3BPit i NELSON &303 a?9 ?453:$ r t R.A. NELSON &essocrATEs/ rNc.IEe FAX COVEN SHEET rFYOU ltAVErRANSMtSStOt{ ?n@LtMS, prGASt LGT trs KNOW. r}tANt(st OAT& IO: COilTPANY: D str 71 199{ FAX NUMB* FIOM: 47!L,1S43 , PHONE NUMBtk tthdy Me[o NUMBTR of PAGES (ltrlClUDlNG Cove8l / 7- BEMAIIGT firn: T;t At this tine RA. Nelson & associmes is arubipating reqresting a Temporary Certlficffi cf oocupancy for the tifride project in cascade village on Friday December g, lgg4. I wanbdto cstfirn $atwe have zubmitted all of the required documefts and thatthey have been executed to the Town's satisfaction. There arc two written docun€nts relaled to the SDD approval that ha\re not been executed which are the bus stop easerneflt between MECM Enterprises and the Town and ttre pedestrian easement between the Town and the.swner"s of the comentone property. Both of fiese documents are in the prclcess of being devetoped bv ttre Tsrvn- while charlh Davis har listed these the ocecution of thes€ easenenb'as a condition of hB approval for- a T.C.O. for the property, I have discussed the issue with Creg Hall. Topn Engineer, and he has agreed to wairre this condition should tlp Town not haw the docunrene ready for execution. As MEgh,l Enterprises only has control of the tifbide FroFerty, the en only bd responsible for dre scecutiiin of the-bus *op easement. Thev'hane aireeu reruafly tq granting this easement and will sign the necessary docunrent as thsy beconre available.-i-, P.O. tugli/w 5400 . Avsr, Colord 8164) . 303-9i9-51 5? . cs AE ?49-4379 sE'{T EY: att- ?-s4 i 2:3?Pn NELSoN + ^:)-803 /r?9 ?45a;* e P4e 2, J. Curnutte Should you or any other departrnent at the Torrn need any further infonnation that would impact the issuance of a T.C.O. on Friday, December 9, please contact either myself or Rick Agett immedialely so that we rnay prod iE noaestxrry. ThankYqr for all ofyourhelp and cooperation. cc: Fred Otto, MECM Ric* ABBtt, RANA GregHall, TOV 552229 8-656 P-19{i Lr/30/94 Sara J. Fisher Eagle County 04:11P PG 1 qF 4 Clerk & Recorder REC 20.00 t CONVEYANCE OF PUBIJIC ACCESS EASEIi{ENT FOR PEDESTRIANS AND ROADWAY THIS EASEMENT is granted as of November 17 , L994, by L-O WESTHAVEN, INC., a Coloiado corporatj-A (t,crantort) to VAIL- ASSOCIATES, INC., a Colorado Corporation, and the CASCADE VILLAGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, a guasi-municipal Colorado corporation (herein col-lectively referred to as trGranteestt). WTTNESSETH:crantor is the owner of certain real property (the rrPropertyrr) l-ocated in the Town of Vail, county of Eagle, State of Colorado. Grantees desire to obtain an easement over the Property for use in connection with the operation of a ski lift to be known as the rrCascade Lifttt. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby se11s and conveys to each Grantee a non-exclusive perpetual easement and right-of-way (the rrEasementrr) overr across, above (to a maximum height of twelve feet above ground 1evel ) and over that portion of the Property described in Exhibit rutrr, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, (a) for pedestrian and vehicular access by the general publie reasonably relating to the pursuit of skiing and skiing-related activities on Vail Mountaj-n, including but not limited to ingress and egress between public roads or rights of way and the Vail" Ski Area, and (b) for use by either of the Grantees, their agents, employees. invitees, successors and assigns, to the extent reasonably necessary or convenient in connection with the or,rnership or operation of the Cascade Lift.Neither Grantee, however, shall exercise any rights hereunder which unreasonably interfere with the right of the other Grantee to own, operate, and maintain the Cascada Lift and to exercise other functions reasonably related thereto. Grantor reserves the right to grant other interests in the property comprising the Easement, provided, however, that the rights granted thereby shall not unreasonably interfere with the rights granted herein. Grantor shall not construct or allow the construction of any improvements on or over the Easement at a height lower than twelve feet in order to ensure sufficient headroom for pedestrian and vehicular passage. Grantor shall not cause, nor shall it permiL any of its agents or contractors to perform, dDy activity within the Easement that would violate any governmental regulations, including but not limi-ted to Forest Service regulations pertaining to the operation of the Cascade Lift or m t-t'i ,-t, the use of the Easement by the general public in the pursuit of skiing or skiing-reLated activities on Vail Mountain. ShouLd Grantees cease operation of the cascade T,ift for five consecutive years, then the lignts granted to Grantee under this conveyance shall terminate and the Easement shall revert to and be thereafter merged with the then owner of the Property.Grantor, its successors or assigns, may record a statement to this effect (which such statement may be based sole upon ttre information and belief of the party signing it) , and when recorded sha11 constitute prirna facia evidence of the truth of the matters stated therein. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said Easement and right-of-way unto Grantees and their successors and assigns. Each Granteers rights under the Easement and right.-of-riray hereby granted may be assigned by such Grantee, its successors or assigns, to any party entitled to own or operate the Cascade Lift, and shall run with and be a burden upon the Property, subject to the provisions for termination contai-ned herein. Grantor warrants that it has full right and authority to execute this Conveyance of Easenent and to create the Easement herein provided, with the effect that either Grantee (its successors and assigns) shall have the 1ega1 rights as set forth herein. EXECUTED as of the date first set forth above. L-O WESTHAVEN, rNC.,a Colorado corporation By: Nam Tit 1b t.{ Peter R. Or ff Sr- Vice Pre 552229 8-656 P-196 tLIIO/94 04:ttp pc z oF4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ss. On Novenber 17 , L994, before me, a personally apfearea@ n.-ir."ff"notary public, *, personally known to me 'erri+ence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that: executed the same in @h€r-€uthorized capacity, and that by @lh*=-*ignature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of r,shich tbe person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal.(seal) 552229 B-656 P-196 Ll/30/94 04:1lP PG 3 oF4 r1.i Iffi\ ffii:f$l$ etrrffii*',Kfi€li6""d*ll#" I \l&tzt'rv comm. Expir$ ltltAR 28. i997 EXHIBIT 'A' PROPEHTT DESCBIPTION ghat part of the 51{1,/4 NEf/4 Sectlon 12, lorner}rip 5 South, lant;81 WEat of thc S$stb Prlnclpal t{eridlan, lcnra of VaLl, Eeg1e Couty, Colorado, doacrlbed ac f,ollolra: Eejlnalaf at a goLat on tha aouthmly right-of-way line of a Snrecl &nosn ae Weathavcn Drtvs Additioa whsncc al j.ron gLn wlth plaatlc cap aaetslng thc ccattr of rald Scctlon L2 bcars S{O'50'18..W !31?.53 lcct; tbcncs, dcprrtlnS cald ritht-of-way 11u.s, N52'43'41'B 86.59 fact to lrcLd rllht-of,-wey lim; thcacg, along raLd llne' 7{.O5 feet along tba arc of a noa-tanjrnt survc to thc rltht, havlal a redLuc of 55.00 fact, a ccntral an8lc of 77'0,8'43", rrrd a chord tbat bearc S52'43'41"W 68.59 frct to thr Polnt Of Bsgltuin5, contalnlng 581.9 cEu:rrc f,act, Eorc or lcga. D&at f/,y'rr !l tl'-l rl Start 552229 8-656 p-196 U/B\/C4 04:1tp pG 4 oF 4 t TYPE-III EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS. certain property ("the OwnerJ described as: Qondominium Unir E-l as is the owner of described in the tion for I1llltside Condomlniums recorded on Ehe Con niurn Map for Liftside Condominlums recorded on ("the Property); and WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment located on the Property for the benefit of the Owner and the Town ol Vail, Cotorado (,,the Town,,). NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, declare lor the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions, covenanls, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respective granlees, successors, and assigns. 1. Unit or Apartment E - 1 , containing 300 square feet, is hereby restricted a$ a {1pe-$f Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which must comply with all the provisions of Seclions 18.57.020. 18.57.030, and +&.#=0€O 18.57060 (AXB) 5, 6, 7 and g through 13 of the Vail Municipal Code as amended and as per Section 18.46.220 of Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1993. 16s Type4l Employee Housing Unit shall not be leased or renled for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are lull time employees who work in Eagle County. Fol the purposes of this paragraph, a lull time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week. A rypel+ EHU may be sold, lransferred, or conveyed separately from other dwelling units or Employee Housing Units that may be located on the same lot or within the same building so long as it meets the following conditions: a) lt must be used by the owner of the EHU as a permanent residence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habilation is fixed and lo which one, whenever he or she 2. 3. is absent, has a present inrention of rerurning atter a crepa(ure or absence therefrom, regardress of the duration of absence. In determining what is a permanent residence, the Town starf shall take the following circumstances relating to the owner of the residence into account: buslness pursuits, employment, income sources, residence ror income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse ancl children if any, location of personal and real property, an motor vehicle registration. b) 11 3 $ypn-ll+ EHU is sold, rransferred, or conveyed separatery from the other dwelling units and/or T{p€{l+ Employee Housing Units in a multifamily structure it is apart of, or from other dwelling un11r xn67s1 T+p€-$l EHUs located on the same lot, lhe T.yp+lll EHUs in the structure or on that lot shall be subiect to all the provision set forth in Section 19.57.020. 4. Thirty days prior to the transfer of a deed Jqy a Typ€-ltl EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application to the community Development Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the crileria set lorth above and shall include an affidavit allirming that he or she rneets those criteria. 5. The T{B€-U+ EHU shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or flactional lee ownership as those terms are defined in the Municioal Code of the Town of Vail. 6. No later than February 1 of each year, lhe owner of each employee housing unit within the Town which is constructed tollowing the effective date ol this ordinance shall submit two (2) copies ol a report of a form to be obtained from the community Development department, to the Community development Department of the Town of Vail and. Chairman ot lho Town of Vail Housing Authority setting forth evictence establishing that each tenant whom resides within their employee housing unit is a lull-time employee in Eagle County. 7, The provisions of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by the Orner and the Town. 8. The condilions, resllictions, stipulalions, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by the wrirten consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the property. By: Et^v ot Ne"ee-*.jaq,, /?1(. My commission expires: i:iJ t--c :,' : -..' .. ., .,. .. , ,. was acknowledged before me this lsr day ot My comn,ission expires: tz/t/qg ca'houslne\adr nlEtlulll TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation Bob Mclaurin T'ha foregoing instrumerit was acknowledged before me this {druf€rht+ *ctng tow- taanller Property Owners ,u|, "(,utl/til/J, ilf;v, ffi#{, and che Condominium Map for Liftside Condominiums recorded on pe bk . ("the Prope(y"); and WHEREAS, lhe Orner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment located on the Property for lhe benefit of lhe Owner and the Town of Vail, Colorado ("the Town"). NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, declare for the benelit of all persons who may hereinatler purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions, covenanls, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed lo run with the land and inure lo the benetit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. {Unit or Apartment E-2 , containing 800 square feet, is hereby restricted as a {lpe{f Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which must comply with all the provisions of Sections 18.57.020, 1 8.57.030, and -1&6&060 18.57060 (AXB) 5, 6, 7 and 9 through 13 of the Vail Municipal Gode as amended and as per Section 18.46.220 of Ordinance No, 7, Series of 19-93. 16s {yp€-[t Employee Housing Unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full lime employess who work in Eagle County. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week. 3. A +yp€-$l EHU may be sold, lransferred, or conveyed separately from other dwelling units or Employee Housing Units that may be located on the same lot or within the same building so long as it meets the following conditions: a) lt must be used by the owner of the EHU as a permanent residence. For the pupose ot this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habilation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she TYPtr IU EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT OEi;5 1994 WHEREAS, MECM ENTERpRTsES. LTp. is the owner of certain property ("the owner") described iISi condominlum uniE E-2 as described in the c..do*iri,,* D""l..rtion for Lift"ldu cotdo*iriu*" t""ord.d o, pq bk 2. is absent, has a present intention ol returning atter a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. ln determining what is a permanent residence, the Town stalf shall take the following circumstances relatlng to the owner of the residence into account: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital stalus, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, an motor vehicle registration. b) lf a +ypo-ltl EHU is sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the other dwelling units and/or T{p€lt+ Employee Housing Units in a multifamily structure it is apart of, or from other dwelling units and/or Tlp+lll EHI_ls located on the same tot, the +yB+{f EHUs in the structure or on that lot shall be subiect to all the provision set torth in Section 18.57.020. 4. Thirty days prior to lhe transfer of a deed for alypeJll EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application to the community Development Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth above and shall include an affidavit affirming that he or she meets lhese criteria. 5. 169 +ype-[[ EHU shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or lractional tee ownership as those terms are defined in the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. 6. No later than February 1 bf each year, the owner ot each employee housing unit within the Town which is constructed following the etfective date of this ordinance shalt submit two (2) copies of a report of a form to be obtained from the community Development departmenl, to the community development Department of lhe Town of Vail and Chairman of th€ Town of Vail Housing Authorlty setting torth evidence establlshing that each tenant whom resides within their employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. 7. The provisions of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by the O^rner and the Town. I' The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be By: waived, abandoned, lerminated, or amended except by the written consent of both ths Town of Vail and the Owner of lhe property. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation Bob Mc Laurin ' By: The foregoing instrumerit was acknowledged boforo ms this _t-llOay ot Ae<-z-*.A "", ,. / ?a/ My commission expires:Lly Ccmnis:i::: l::;:::t;t:,):;nc 17, 1995 acknowtedged before me this lsr day of Decsp^rrer., (Ql* My comr:rission expires:tzls/qL cltrouslng\zlnln\EHulll Owners 7; -^oo oo 75 Sautb Frontagc Road Vzil, Colorado 816J7 i 0 j -47 9 - 2 1 t I / FAX 30 3 -4? 9 -2 t 66 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Departrncnt of Public lllorkt/Tran sporta t ion MEMORANDUM R.A. NELSON, R]CK AGETT, DAVTD SHRIENER, DAN STANEK (TOV), JrM CURNUTTE (TOV) CHARLIE DAVIS, TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR NOVEMBER 29,1994 TCO FOR LIFTSIDE These are the last iiems required to be completed before a TCO will be released by the Town of Vail Public Work's Depadment: 1) All easement agreemenis to be complete including easements for pedestrian access and Town of Vail bus shelter. Z) A letter stating that a one year warranty will be given on the bike path. Warranty willstart the day a TCO is issued. 3) All staging and parking must occur on Liftside property only. All sidewalks and the enlrance to project must remain open for access. 4) All landscaping on south side ol bike path must be bonded, including the removal - of temporary Qus shetter pad and resodding. -Some drainage work is also needed on the nofih side of bike path . Include this in the bonding process. S) We also reserve the right to reinspect projecl in the spring, maybe requiring more work. At this time most of the project is covered with snow, making inspection of drainage and right-of-ways most difficult. All other work has been completed to the Public Work's satisfaction. This has been a challenging project and without everyone's cooperation it would never been completed. Thank you, Charlie Davis, Construction lnspector EOUE tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIBED ltL Destination Hotels & Resorts, lnc. I1777 San Vicente Boulevarcl. Suite 900 Los Angeles, California 90049 Telephone: (3lO) 820-6661 FAX: (3rO) ZO7- l r32 November 18, 1994 Mr. Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Town of Vail Community Development Office 75 South Frontage Roac Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Curnutte: Per your request we have revised the easement regarding the Cornerstone & Liftside Properties that we sent to you on September 30, 1994. In that regard, enclosed please find the Conveyance of Public Access Easement for Pedestrians and Roadway. We have previously signed the plat on the condition that the written easement is recorded prior to the recording of the plat and that no changes are made to the plat before its recording. We do not approve the recording of the map if either of these two conditions afe not met. Please return, in the enclosed envelope, the document entitled "Conveyance of Public Access Easement for Pedestrians" that is dated September 30, 1994- Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Robert J. Lowe, Jr. Vice President RIL/ss Enclosures *?u'** oo-rt 9r..'4 .1 Sd,,r rw P\+$Jr--b' A Lowe Enterprises Company il o LE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 9, 1994 Deparunent of Comnunity Development Mr. Danny Swertferger Gwathmey Pratt Schuliz 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Liftside revised grading plan Dear Mr. Swerlferger: As you requested, this letter shall serve as written notification that your regrading plan for the southeastern corner of the Liftside project has been reviewed and approved by myself and Greg Hall, Town of Vail Engineer. The staff's only concern with the proposed plan are the notes which say that regrading will be "as close to 2:1 as possible". Town of Vail's regulations require that any regrading be laid back no steeper than 2:1. lf an area needs to be steeper than 2:1, it must be in the form of retaining walls. With the above-noted exception, staff approves your regrading plan. lf you should have any questions or cornments, please feel lree to give me a call al 479-2138. Sincerely,A-: r -11\,pl".u Ur/ut *.diL-) t/ Jim Curnufte Senior Planner xc: Greg Hall File WJn 7rn ,trrr1,n,, !^^t f, , "4Al a tt? o August 1, 1994 Mr. Jim Curnutte Town of Vail Community Development 11 1 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Fe : Uftside project Dear Jim: Attached please find our plan for regrading the east end of the Liftside Project, This plan is a response to Greg Hall's concerns regarding the plan I submitted to him on 7-21-54. To the best of my knowledge this addresses all of his concerns. lf the attached plan meets with your and his approval, I would appreciate a written response as soon as is possible. The General Contractor would like to schedule this work to start immediately. Please call me if you have any questions or require additional information, Sincerely, o o f - r Afeq , .flet re,-ct-t h J/ ./', - f,kasz/.^tt ryq_ t *^,ne-liqA7 {o s-(date o ^3, iG g* outt f* ., a Ce ovt rrr^-C,alV-k August 1, 1994 Mr, Jim Curnutte Town of Vail Community Development 11 1 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re : Llftside project Dear Jim: Attached please find our plan for regrading the east end of the Liftside Project' This plan is a responseto Greg Hall's concerns regarding the plan lsubmitted to him on7'21'94. To the best of my knowledge this addresses all of his concerns. lf the attached plan meets with your and his approval, I would appreciate a written response as soon as is possible. The General Contractor would like to schedule this work to start immediately. Please call me if ycu have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT S (__wlre o STATE O a FC OLORADO DEPAFTIIIENT OF TRAT{5PORTATION 6{E gordr t{n$ Sb.ot Grard Jrhrtitn, Colof|do S t 50t F03)44&78fl) Nov. 3, 1994 Henry Ptatt Gwathney, Pratt Schultz 1000 S. Ftontage Rd' Uest Vail' C0. 81657 {oLAqI llr. Pratt AfLer revleving your landscaging proposal I see no probleus. Thetefore this is to allo* landscaping on C.D.O.T. Rlght of lfay' The Colorado Departuent of Transportation Reserves the Rtght to teminate thts igreesent at any ttse. At, such tine the PfoPerty fi.neE t.ill ba required to plaee landscape area back, eg closely as possible, Co lts otlginal conditlon' ir to a condilton agreed upon by lsnd dtner & The Coloredo Dep*rtoent of- . Transportatlon Hainienance-$uperlntendent, ln llainterrsnce Seetion 2t or hls Representative . Vcry ?ruly Yours' t'llchael E. ftr-v. Mtce.Sugervlsor I #""T"14 ff- :,;.rr- ?pFrirs+tiilfz s rmHflEIS,F.C.-q\i SENT BY: d-17-e4 ;12!17"M ;BIGI-E f-r T g4g77I3i# L/ L Pagc I Roport Dete: 1Or17194 EAGLE COUNTY TREAIiURER CERTIFICATE OF TN(ES DUE OFDER N0: LINDA W VENDOR NO: STA/VART T]TLE SCHEDULE NO: R030331 ASSESSED TO: MECM ENTERPRISES, LTD. % OTTO FREOERICK PO BOX 3149 vArL, co 81658 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECT,TWN,RNG: TMCT: DESC:PCIIN SEC/TWN/FNG: 1 2-5-81 SWI /4NE 114 AftIA MANSFIELD PARCEL DESC: BK-O577 PG-O215 PTD 0.8-(}8-92 B K-0578 PG-0294 PTD O4-O8-92 CLASS: O2OO ASSD vAL: 38339O PRE:R030788 AND/THRU: TO: PARCEL:210312100019 SITUS ADD:ootooo W FRONTAGE RD VAIL TAX YEAB 1993 TOTAL TN(ES TAX ATIOUNT 0.00 INT AMOUNT o.00 ADV,PEtf.MISC 0,00 TOTAI DUE 0.oo 0.oo ASSESSMEIIT TOTAT ASMT ASMT AilOUtttT INT AilOUilT ADV,PEIT,MISC TOTAT DUE 0.00 TOTAL DUE 0.00 CERTIFICATE TOTAL CERT CERT AMOUNT INT AMOUNT REDEMPT FEE GRAT{D TOTAL DUE GOOD THROUGH 1O/31/S4 0.00 ORIGII{AL TAX BILIIUG FOR 1993 Alhofity EAGLE COUNTY cMc REsOJ SCHOOL TOWN OF VAIL MINTUBN CEMETERY DISTRICT VAIL PARK & RECREATION DIS CASCADE VILLAGG METRO DIS UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITA COLORADO RIVER WATER CO VAIL WATER DISTRICT VAiL VALLEY CONSOUDATED UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSO EAGLE COUNI'Y fMERGENCY S FEE FOR THIS CERTIFICATE Mill Lovy 10.o18 3.997 28.306 6.200 o,o27 1.321 27.395 2,622 0-394 o.ooo 1.334 o.7M 1.163 Amount 3840-?9 1532,41 10852.24 2377.02 r o.35 506.46 10502.97 1005.25 1Sr.06 o.oo 511.44 269.91 448.14 83-487 TAX LIEN SALE AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHAIIIGE DUE TO ENT'ORSEMENT OF THE CU;IHENT 'IAX BY CEFT OF PUBCHASE HOLDER. AFTER SEPT, 1. FERSONAL PROP, & MOBILE HOI/E AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHAIiIGE. AFTER OCT. 1 REAL FROP.TAX AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.PLEASE CONTACT THE TFEASUBEFS OFFICE FOR CORRECT AMOUNT PFIOR TO REMITTII'IG. SFECTAL TAXING DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE ON FILE WITH THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK, OR THE COUNfi ASSESSOR. Ttis cortifiooto door not Includo land or lmprovomanlt ossasg€d under e reporetc eqhodule numbst, Pgrsonel PtoDony tax€t' r.ansfor t€x or misc, t6r coll€at3d on bohalf of o*ter.ndri.e, spocial ot loc€l imptorrsmant dlslalol arcas*monts of mdbllo honcs, unloss sprulflcslly maniiono.l. l, tha und€r9ioned, do herebv oanifv lhst thr Fntito propoty arrJ oll outetanding caloe lor urpeid terra dua uDon tho abovo do$cdbad patcsls ot roitl in my offioe from whioh lho iams Inay rtill ba rodoomcd with tho .mount roquirod for s€t my ha||d and sool this 10117194, In ritnarB wh.r1of, I hgvs har6u||to ra TREASURER, EA6IE COUNTY, SHERRY Fogt-lt' brand iax lransminal m€mo 7671 32008.08 10.00 folp.F ) | "T;JoWiffi"m,F'"^'lPees *'#uu)or+Tiflp__Go(;(n*"8 Depl.n*n'EiE-rN6CI" R.A. NELSON &assoctATEs, tNc. MEMORANDUM TO: Kristan Pritz FROM: Rick Agett DATE: July 26, 1994 . RE: Bike Path Landscaping at Liftside We will provide the following along the south side of the, bike path: 1. A two foot wide shoulder. 2. Five planting beds will be established along the path from the large evergreen at the west end to the large boulder at the east. No boulders will be removed, but planting beds will be established, 12" of topsoil added, and seven 5-gallon shrubs will be planted in each bed. Shrubswill be peryour memo of May 19, 1994, Woods Rose, Twinberry, and Alpine Current. 3. Beds will be fertilized, seeded (native seed mix) and mulched. Thank you for your consideration. Please call me if you have any questions. Best of luck in your future endeavors. : cc: Fred Otto Danny Sweltfeger Frank Freyer Field P.O. Drower 54OO . Avon, Colorodo 8l 620 . 303-949-51 52 . rp,tt.303'949'4379 )LETTT OF TRANSMilTTAT DAIE 1-lfS- q + | JoBNo. 1Z l? ro' J O.V' IZ-**rr,-a Dr..p-i-. t( ec<reru Purrz i F{tr: Llel<rn€ WE ARE SENDING YOU V ! ShoP drawings ! Copy of letter Attached VVia n Prints/sepias ! Change order the following items: n Specifications n ! ! n Plans Originals Samples COPIES DATE NO.DESCBIPTION -7-t5 -74 LETfgra- rttbo\JT VeLR.t*mt[.tt,. oF EI4+iT F-l-lD OY Rtltr- rrfr t*J[r 1 '7"t5-q4 AX-61 PA'e-n D l{r.l L"Ptnr-) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! n n D tr For approval For your use As requested n ! n Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections n For your records n Revise and resubmit ffi review and commenl N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS lf enclosures are not as noted, kindly notity us at once, t ?^+ tg UEn{ July 15, 1994 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Planning Department Re ; Liftside project Dear Kristan Attached please find our plan for regrading the East end of the Liftside Project. This plan is a response to Greg Hall's memo dated May 20,1994 and reflects the solution I presented at our meeting on July 14, 1994. At that time you, Greg Hall and Charles Davis gave me a preliminary approval of that solution, which is now described on this plan. Please review the attached plan and call me if you have any questions or require additional information. Hopefully we can get this issue resolved prior to your leaving the planning department. Sincerely, GWATHMEY// SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. w'i,\^t itEMoRAtttouM via faceimile TO: Krlstsn ftitr Grsg Hsll Sick Agott Frrd Otto Frank Freyer FFOM: Hanry Pratt DAIE: June 3O, 1994 FE: Ufuldr BfG Frth Lenftcaphg ,rfi',ftf*.T'ffi''*.Ji;"ts i[, +iqqq h ffiil1"urorJu +luflrl In responre to your msmorandufi of May 19, 1g$rf, I hav€ diBcilsB€d fie edditionEl landscaping you have requested witr Euetaquio Conina and he has informed me that he is rcluctcnt t0 provide landsctpirE t0 thE extent that you documented. lt is cstimdt€d that your list wouH cost EomEWfEro bstween S3k and e5[ to inEtall and the aeEthstic benefts woukl be negli$ble. Plmse r€st assured that EustEqulo end tfis owners at Liftside haw no intsfltion sf l€aving the area Bouth of tfr psth in an unsighfly condition, but I'm totd ffi r+.s€sding with native grass oeed whh pedrape some wildflower seed rnixed in is what they s6e as the b6at aFproach, | 8fk th€t you look egaan at my rnano to you of MAy | , f 994 and | $routd like to Bmind you that in lowmirg fis hike path we were seeklng no advantage beyond rhat of bilnging the relAtlortship of the building to the bike potr into ccnpliance with whnt wss preseryted to End apDrwad bv the F'lannhg Conrmis$on antl DHE. The 4t eror in tho ruruey has now b€al conflrmed and lt appears trat drs enor was local ro rh6 blks path dovadons at the cast end af fie $ate. Giv€n better infiormEtion. we would hav€ Smply rai$ed tfE building to maint{in tf|e desire<f rdlsfon$hh tp the path. As lhse was never any discuspiorr of sdditionil land$caping before now, ws feel that your requoat for this addhlonal landscaping is unwErranted and unre6$0ntble. It as lrnportard b bring this issus to dosure before yeu leavB since it se€im3 to be 5pr€sding to qthEr TOV deperfrnenb and is becoming q de facto rquir€ment for the bulldlng TCO. Wth yeur impending deparfirre, we ruill hc fluicc removcd from the TOV staff individuale involved with thi$ buildng and the pdential for misinformetion and confusion will increase dramatcally. HRP r-{tr I 5 U Il s ns 5 u L r u ; 1cu.l4 r o.lFb) ssI (ilrcl.uDrlrc cov8R) JUN '14'94 o 1I:4E.NO.UU/ P.U1 R.A. NELSON frrnSSOClATES, lNC. nEx govsR susElq PROgLElrs, PLEASE LHt IF YOU HAVE ro: moH: ilIilBER OT'PAGES US I$IOH. TITAHKS! 77-zKL iroB#: -?{tc DArs: c le{/q/-------- "'&rr-*/r*, fu*t*-e gLE*.*s7s*. f*-.,-- *A firr,n 7V,1x^ro,t-, /Ak-/t)24tJ RErfABKst /{**rfrr, &g..'otet E ffi ,fuoor** Ewr.,to /re di 4*0, E,*-g{a {"* &t,x or E**-r,;*4,/** (."- //h {,"*, f*- E /o*, frrry-*tr*7*,u.er*, {u,*4f*,* P.O. Drower 5400 . Avon, Colorqdo 81620. 303'949'5152 . rAx 303.9r'9-d329 R,q, NeISBN & FISSEc ID:13054765665 Viil EY rAcsnqd rF^It$MIIts,IQr'f 416-366t Bury$i$rf D-4. I\Irlron , IJftriic Condominiurnr DrrrBsry; TYc 8rG in N8rcGmffit wtth ysur pli$ t0 m0v0 t[0 trrilsrN tbr your opffrilo4 }Gdu@. $psoif,elly, one trlils will bo mowd *onr tho clrolc down to thc monutront etoa sr€c wi[ tE gr{.vclcd |Ird ured for pn*tng thnc vrhldc8. Tht oirch wlll bc trdLrt rfd trnad trr pnrlr e,pJrrnrdmtr*7 1t v*lr{drr fnr *rndsr fnronaur T}a filramon lh,rfu rmploy*r ta thr Lloqlq*d p*r{ing rrc*, Tht erpactul dntc io rremove the tnller iotn rht ns$' lofitioh will ber lrte Nwrmbr, 1994. lirflocrcly, ,t9 rn^ Wrl4"ld*,,^^.;u DodMrcl{cldst r.ondotntnh tn fF|r|tlnir Mtritgtr DM:tmd THI\A'ESNN RESORT JwHA4, 1994 ISQP Watthtvl'r t1rrr, V$ir, 9!,tgfB{ir tralt l Frc 'l I Y/r ?t5'?&'Elr:r JUN Itlii {tt'llu t6r ($0i11 4lf,?911 !L etL) u:c er Nl*Jru!d.Jt\xt r\lvEg I I ll-:48 N0.UU/ l".UZ wG f|icwrd thc llS. Tbs of rundhfrg r,hrn alurtflo 24'94 o or +rrly H.H. Ne lson u Hss0c . lu:1suJ4/b,{bb5 R,A. NELSOT*P ' . CrASEOCIATES, tNC.SPEEI MEM JUN 24'9ct 11:49 N0.UU/ P.U$ , z,l F,O, Dr6wu 0a00 Avort Go5l[agc 01620 to$9dg.fl& " ru tfit.l|ll.4iif ,klrr.erer neer"v D H.ri, I{elson s HSSgc.I +U a J4 tOJ0trf,J UI{14 y4 I rl;4Y tlu.uuf Y,t-t4 j ; )k flN* ] *aora*b \\,'l/ \r . a?tr' \ --7 \L.# :'*- -l; -at\IE f Ji.* 4= " ' ilN fllnt* 5t LIF y|hlru*+J fttrv" FL'DL'$*u rA '1, |*r,L tu*r' Yn1'ft i r'l d .-{F.ri t;$* r:a ffi 1v fil*lg, t t Satr{' I'EN I EY; / ++s 4-'- NW r/,Artt*t- 6t J-21-e4 ; 3:13P[/| ; t,-D&-**u /\ 6- F*r+'t7 $*r NEL$(JN & ASST]IJ, +TUi{N (JF VAIL [;UM-UEV;S Z o & uski -;$ 11tl#ttt*+5 Wft I rv fkutfr- t , [\# ,i:i W;;B .5 5s*;" -r)ffipfur& .R.A, NELS '&esgocrATEs ON F,O. Brgwer Avon, Colorddo 0l $00-94*5]5Q . rrr aF fi+/u- o, r-u4 r rJ; I drfl i ,lNc. z Jffil 2 1 rnt ",r.t . r, i tj, " i*iy,itvj, ilfV, IIELUUI\l ilt AiiUUt,I PEE s af r# ' ,t_- I F)FLEASE REPLY tr NO Y NECESSABY T/nf ffi $$e'tcto [rcKi+o''o,[ (lor0rqlnpk/ i,fi;L{ 1n1,Hl_gkL-W uv fu\\"t"i June 15, 1994 Site lssues for T.C.O. 1. East bike path r o B.R. NELsoN o &assocrATEs, tNC. Meeting Agenda Temporary Ceftificate of Occupancy Liftside Gondominium 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. etainins wal'\'0utr1 o^1i'imk'l 6*d\*bllrnlt ur"l' 'ti c^ \U' Bike path and associated landscaping lriUg .'ut^1fo{t-N'!1lO' Emptoyee housing unir agreement{.&l 6iltdr, - *ni+r uri\t 5n *ut4ffiotr tcO Minor sub-division ptot {*d tu'\\ 49 - \-wru) "ooJ< io 'lo Joqn'- hk t'j'\\o'tt-"tr Landscape bono [lcLrJor'M b tp'uq-b"rl''"1'TJ olr$]rt Exterior com pletion u,l\ !n- crv^pded- Bus stop rocation :uarl r{ q f Ft , '. 0 P g q' ;|.1": '{ \B 1b'"'1'- ir cl'r' C I 'N,u,t* ft{ WUA 4 Wdh u {ccess for construction vehicles after TCO of buildings B and C, taV io \d\ $i[Lc-!&t'&+ oud tnOP6 .\ aillbu irrq- Ic P.O. Drower 5400 . Avon, Colorodo 8'l 620 . 303-949-5152 . rx 303-949-4379 Building lssues for TCO A' Fire alarm complete '.6't'&{'s 1'74q-firltrar'"'qlrotct B. Fire protection compretr-fninfnil^T,t- ittlt'*$l$ *,i C. Separation of construction and Occupiable space D. Exits E. Schedule status F. Parking garage separation G. $cc0,, kc {v.,',,v}t t" ^ul, r ,,..,rr.Q .. op.Q_ a,Jru^^rd sy#rnf .' ; $a:il;.slf'!ilr;lit"/t-i' '+trwri h h wui"d 7J Soatb Frontagc Roarl Yail, Colorailo 816J7 tot -47 9 -2 r t I / FAX t|t -47 9 -2 r 66 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Dcptrtrnent of Public Works/Transportation MEMORANDUM I*.1Otlg, Eustaquio Cortina, Dave Schriner, Dave Agett, Kery Brtn-"r Henry Pratt, Ned Gwathmey, Kristan Rritz, 6rei ttati Totld Oppenheirner, Dan Stanek and Gary Murrain Public Works June 15, 1994 PRE TCO LIFTSIDE PUNCHLIST Landscaping for bike path must be comptete. Revise and submit plans for the retaining walls on east end of project and receive approval from Town engineer to construct revised plan. The stairs that tead from westhaven Drive to ski lifi must be complete and inspected. njj ot tlrg right of way musl be vacated and inspected. No more staging wiil be allowed in the right of way and CDOT wiil atso need to sign off. When willthe bus shelter be retumed to original site? when TCo is ready to be apptied for all plats/easements, etc. must be resotved. The approved driveway access must be built and inspeded. All drainage must be complete and inspec{ed. The following lisi of pre TCo punchtist items need to be completod at Liftside: 1) All density tests.for bike path work must be submitted and reviewed (subgrade, base course and asphalt). 2) 3) 4l s) 6) 7l 8) e) TO; FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o MEMORANDUIT Fred Ofto, Euslaquio Cortina, Dave Schriner, Dave Agett, Kerry Burns, Henry Pratt, Ned Gwathmey, Charlie Davis, Greg Hall, Todd Oppenheimer, Dan Stanek and Gary Murain Kristan PriE June 9, 1994 Review of May 31, 1994 lmprovement Location Gertificate prepared by Dennis O'Neal A. lmprovementLocationCertificate I reviewed the lmprovement Location Certificate (lLC) dated May 31, 1gg4 for the Liftside project I am happy to say that all of the ridge elevations were exactly as indicated on the approved plans. Congratulations! I will need some additional information on a new ILC to finalize the documentation of the building fooprint. These dimensions include: 1. A horizontal measurement from the southwest corner of the portion of the building over the entry otf of Westhaven Drive to the western property line. 2. A horizontal measurement from the south end of the building over the entry off of Westhaven Drive to the south property line. 3. A horizontal measurement from the southwest corner ol the building above the Pool. 4. A horizont'al dimension lrom the north end of the porte cochere facing the Fronlage Boad to the north property line. 5. All foundation walls and any other structure built along the Frontage Road must be identified on the next tLC. Please note I have indicated these general areas on a xerox copy of the May 31 , 1994 ILC as it is difficult to describe them withoul a drawing. B. Temoorarv Certificate of Occuoancv lssues On June 15, '1994, we will be having a meeting to discuss outstanding issues for the Liftside project. Just to give you a little time to think about a few issues, I have provided a preliminary list for you: F EI-E OOFY 1. Revise the design for the retaining walls on the east end of the building and ' receive approval from the Town Engineer and planning staff for these changes. Construct new design. . 2. Complete the bike path as approved and associated landscaping. 3. Complete the Employee Housing Unit Agreement. 4. Complete the minor subdivision plat. 5. Belore the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) is releas€d, you will need to provide a letter of credit or bond covering 125/" ot the cost for any incomplete items which may include paving, landscaping, etc. The exterior of the building and roof, painting, etc. must all be linished before the TCO will be released. The developer is responsible for providing bids from contractors to verify the cost of the work rernaining on the project. Please allow two weeks for the Town to review the developer's agreement, bids, and letter of credit. See you on June 15, 1994 at the Large Conlerence Room at lhe Community Development Department. 2 l|!n.6 irT ilr-rt ,ts- \\::$si$S u'$$;;9 aH- r.? s! t ft qt- LI :1611 68C4 361168A ry q ^T ^(r tg A .d SLOd( REIAtt{lt'lG WAII.S glXE PATH EOZ COMPLETE S'IEEL & CONCRETE cotDoulNluM BUILDING l* .3 rr${$r P"u +l*i! PTD€STRIAI{ EASEUE}TIS K# LtFTg0E/cORNERSIONE SI'IE Jb I roo 3361168A1 J61 1 68C3 75 Soath Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81617 t03 -47 9 -2I t 8 / FAX t0t -47 9 -2 I 66 Dtpartment of Public llorks/Transportf,tion TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM -/Kristan Pdtzt/ Greg Hall May 20, 1994 Liftside Retaining Wails Based on our site visit of May 18, 1994, it is apparent the block retaining walls on the east side of the Liftside Building will need to be e)dended and a portion of one wall rebuilt to accommodate the slopes. The need for the wall extension follows the current slopes exceed the two to one slopes required' The attempt to use boulder retaining walLs, causes a dangerous situaiion adjacent to the bike path in one section, the slope between the bouldei and block wall above exceeds the two to one slope and the boulder wall will exceed 6' which would require a variance. The developer, will need to provide a plan which shows the e)dent of the extension, The plan will require an updated survey of the area, a review of the walls by a structural engineer and review by the Town. Once the extensions are approved, the work can begin. This will delay the paving ol the bike path. We, the Town will need to extend the limits of the path ciosure to Jine 10, 1994 versus May 20,1994. lf you have any questions please contact me at 479-2160. GH/dsr DR:Lifi.ret Dave Schriner and Rick Aggett, R.A. Nelson Kerry Bums, Stan Miller Excavating Henry Pratt and Ned Gwathmey, Gwathmey pratt Schultz Architects Charles Davis, Greg Hall and Todd Oppenheimer, Town of Vail cc: ?f,4'-'Pl,t al,tPlO ltO. Zg'Zm 400 SETS VHIL TUtsLIL IJJUI(KS lu: $u54 /921bb TO: COMPI}{T NA},E: FA"Y PHONE NUMBER! FROMI DATE I NO. OE PAGES IN RESPONSE SENT BYT TOT{N OF VA NUMBERT (3031 419-2166 ?r't PBOHI lFilllEptrrrr! EsElL f IllE r (NOT INCLUDING COI'ER SHEBTI : ?r ARTT{ENf OF PUBI,IC T{ORfiS/TRANSPORTATION FN( PHONE l"lftY 20'94 o 6t47 N0.002 P.01 ?I Scrtl Frcsttgc *ctl Vtil, Ccltrtlt lI6Jl ,0 r -17 r. 2 I J U FAt( t|r.r7 e -z r 6 6 Dcplrtnen of Ffilh Wwlr,r'fnl,qwttti*s URIL PUELIC LJt]RKS 1D r3034792166 MffY 2 0'94 o 6 :47 No .002 P .02 75 Soath Frcnttgt Rond Vail, Colorldo 8165? t 0 r -+7 9 -2r t I IFAN t a, -47 I - 2t 66 TOr FhOtrl: DATE: HEr MEMORANDU]II Krfstnn ernzy' Srrg l{ell Itlay 4, 1994 Uftside Retrlnlng lffalls Based on our eite vleit of May 19, 1094, it is apparent the block retailring walls on th6 east side of the Ufiside Building will need to be esended and a psrtion of one wall rebuilt lo accommodate the slopss. The need for the wall extgnsion followg the current glope$ gxceed the two to one slope$ required. The attempt to u$e boulder retaining wall6, causes a dangerous situaliun adjacent to ths biks paih In one section, the slope botween the boulder and block wall above exceeds the two [o oile slope and the boulder wall wiil 6x@ed 6' which woukl require a varience. The developer, will need to provide a plen whieh shows the eH€nt of the extension, The plan will require an updated $urv€y of lhe ar6a, a roview ol the walls by a structural engineer and roview by the Town. orlco the enensionE are approved, the work can begin. This will delay the paring of the bike path. We, the Town will nesd to extend the limits of the path closure to Juno 10, 1994 versus May 20, 1994. ll you have any questions please contact me at 479-2160. GH/dsr DR:Uft,ret cc: Dave Schriner and Rick Aggett, H.A. Nelson Kerry Bums, $tan Miller Excavatang Henry Prail and Ned Gwathmey, Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects Charle$ Davig, Greg Hall and Todrl Oppenheimer, Town of Vail I)e4t?ttncdt a! Pnblit l$|otk TraatPortntioa SENT BY:i 5:19-94 ; 2r05Pil ; NELS0N & ASS0G,TT0I|IN 0F VAIL 00iI-DEV;# 1 41q- L+s 7-O SPEED MEM ffi ,pr#T r#-. ydl R.A. NELSON &nssoclATEs, tNc. P.O, DrdwarS4m Avon, Cololodo 81610 303-949-6162 . re* 303'940'i1379 tr PLEASEREFLY N NOREPLYNECESSARY I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: [LE COPY MEMOBANDUM Dave Schriner, Rick Agett; Kerry Burns, Henry Pratt, Ned Gwathmey, Gharlie Davis, Greg Hall, and Todd Oppenheimer Kristan Pritz May 19, 1994 Landscaping along the south side ot the bike path adjacent to the Liftside project o F I reviewed the landscaping situation on the south side of the bike path adiacent to the Liftside project with Todd Oppenheimer, the Town ol Vail Landscape Architect. We are asking that you finish the edge of the bike path in the following manner: 1. Remove all of the small rocks {rocks less than 3 teet in diameter) from the edge of the Path. 2. Create five planting beds along the length of the path from the large evergreen on the west end to the large rock on the east end. Several layers of boulders should be removed in this area and planting beds created. Topsoil should be added to the bed and be a minimum of 12 inches deep. Todd estimated that approximately seven to ten shrubs should be placed in each bed depending on bed size. We reviewed the location of the beds with Rick Agett and Kerry Burns. 3. The beds should be planted with the following S-gallon shrubs: .Woods Rose (rosa woodsii); .Twinberry (lonicera involucrata); and, -Alpine Currant (ribes alpinum). Please plant the shrubs 4 feet on center. 4, The beds should be fertilized. seeded and mulched alter the shrubs are planted. Please use a native seed mix. ln respect to the area on the east end of the building, there is a concern with the steepness of the slope. Greg Hall is in the process of determining how this issue should be addressed. ff you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 479-2138' e o i ,]""',1'r. \,1 lrcri ^1 . t: , ..\ I, r'.1 ci .1 1r'-) /--t ;' 'I.]t tu IICIDUII \)r 1155UL rIHT Uf,'Y4 13::b N0,U1Z t'.Ul R.A. NELSON &nssocr,ATEs, tNC. 5/ 5/ Lle4 L IFTSIDE COI{STRUCIION I.,EETISG ATTENDIUG: I Rrist{n Pritzr Gregrlfall, David Schreiner, Charlie Davis, DE9P.SsIST f. i;?.};riitl require a revised landscape Ftan to be srrbmitted 2, Silt fencq_qill be inetatled roday.3. R.A.H,A. will be iit"ii"a*io conrinria wlth remqval of exiEtinE bikepath, excavation to ex-pore_ to,i'*"t.J, iine "na insulation inerclratron et wat,er iin"' ""a instittiti"i ot ner pauino.: f:-ffi:||ii,ff#';Ft;l*"il r"-t.'JIIi^ii"itl'ii.'.;;'i;';;i;'5' ?tllll?lf. edsi sr-pi;;;;; uirr be construsted as per r.o,v.6. No foot tre_ffio *ill be allowed along edge of Gore Creek (eo as not to damage folage) --y-'E vs:'E r 7, HdE of Bt gradd ar lif."-,p'Egh (tf be field verlf iad by charlie ^ Davis rqior bo insralt;tt; '"t J"nii,Ji: '-.8. At compler:gl of. ""; ;;;i;'o q ".;. top-ioit i.E beins Flaced another site naetins ;itt Le n_eta i"-alieimine the extent of addltional l.andscanins oiolrs south eioe oti"pikepath.e. l{o horizontal .chang-ej- "tj r-il .ri i;;"!;-i.iiio"r chansee wi I I be ae per revis"o "ar**I"s" "unmitiJJ'l;;i-i".*.Nqte: As per the dlscussion today the add_itionat Iandscape will consist of topsoirlno expoeed roaa-"uaie- e loutc'l-i;;";i'path, broadcasr seeding of topsoired "-"" ""J-iosslblr idding some s galron sire HiIIolrs along South eiae of-petl. At thls tiftc we-do not Eee. these.requirements ts be out of line,horrever rhis addirjon of w"rjt ft;-b. ;;;;;r-.0"[r"ir,. Architeat and Owner. Frior to beginni"C-l"i-I*tra sork. should you have any questions or_cornm_ent' regarding this meeting or these noteg pleaat o"fi,ru-g-;rs_Sese or 4?l_lg9o. Sineerel y, David $chreiner csl Rick AEett Charlie Davis U.}I+ f DJtrO-J Henry Pratt ,tGf f KeI ly Kristen pritz Greg l11l I P.O. Dr$iver 5400 '.Avon, Colorodo 8l620 . 303-949-5152 ' rAx3Q3-949'437? tt-R.A. NELSON LETTEmIEF TRANSnfl ITTAL f:'ASSOCIATES, lNC. P.O. Drower 5400 Avon, Colorodo 8'l 620 , 303-949-5152 r rnx 303-949-4375 ro K n ist-an Pcif a- > WE ARE SENDTNG YOU E Attached E Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter E Prints D Change order E Plans E Samples the following items: n Specilications o^" 4-71- q4 l'"" "93 rd €A c6!,+: tF.r${fi #tFull D}ir, . ' ,t)\'' jf ii i.' c^J b''.:: ApR ZTlg$4 'A, r r'.^,itllttil nE\, ftEPT lUt{'t vtvttvl' vLrt Yrt COP}ES PATE ,NO.OESCRIPTION I 'l/n/qq imtrnu..*..n* /eaa/;on. O*+{,''(i ro,{.(l THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval E For your use F As requested D Approved as submitted ! Approved as noted D Returned for corrections D Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit-copies for distribution ! Return -corr€cted prints E For review and comment ! tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- O PRINTS RTTURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS lt aDcro$u/rr ara not st notad, xindty! r\rtrr 'ir{; L-trrt \)i n+,}uL ,/ I.U'JJUJ+IOJ(JDJ flnT !.f f, Yl{ Y:lJ t10 .UUl r,UI .rt.J\t .t .|,i 4!.,!.{r.t i., Hj Mlili ,'t '' .t,: TOV 'u'Jirtl'ri' LI.EV' , EPT' ll r1, J3, ).!4y t BaegllqE survcys I-llt: .P,0. Eox 7b'tA " Bre*kenrldgF co. E0{?{ i. Rt,uk Agatc ,' A. Nelson I tgsociAtag tr.0. Drayer Fd00 4v0h co, 81520 sci Lif tsldlr Sep66plnl une. tlear ltr . Aglto r ror *rrer, r H:i":";iff ;*, :i:": :'ilf,:' F:3"i1..il;, lln,$ * o.lli"ll;*, no . 1) Uiltt c-51 & e 108.25.-i'; ;;316 ;*:$,ft'.{3i;il:r"r:'ii*1r;:,n,") berle ?) B pod' shest 4'1- *'rchrtectur:rr-dravings) berng 111.0r) e 10r.00. rhc freld;A;;;;;;if'atrnns beins iii,or & t'r.0e.3) l Pod, ..{heet {-l_(Archittctural drtvtnge) belng lJ4.E0 c re{.00. rhe rlcra'il;;;;fi-;i;;"Ii;;;,,8;in;"ill, u, i i24.02, Fisase f +el frec tc, c:r.1.;igt. or-rr rri:i i.,r.r !!r_... r -ques'j,ion6 or-iiq,'-r.tr ani ai.iit,';;..,l"ir;l;i;:i.:l:uIo you h.rvs any , \u,g4 tui\\ tr trrbi, &rd -r1 o nrfl )]'rl l. c ur:e .fi ;/'--- #'it!F"\../' soi--" 'De Col I LIi RL P. nl l [f';.,i 11; z, ":t MEMOBANDUM via facsimile TO: Kri*in Pritz FROM: Hanry Pr*tt OATE: May 1, 1994 iE; Llft5ldE 8lk6 Prrh As you requested, I spoke to your former employee the other dry ef?er wc spoke. end indeed, much to my surprise, she said thdt additionsl landscaping south of the path was hor intent, Ned handled the bike path negotiations and he uaually tclls mc when thingr change, but this is nows to me end to Danrry. I will ask Ned when he returns from vacatisn on the gth to se6 if he doe$ rec€il any additional planting. lt indeed N6d agreed to edditional landscaping, I will scremble to make the additiorrs arrd suhhit drawings to you. on the oth6r hand, if $helly Mello has unilaterally ineerted this requirement, then wc naed to talk becarrse | +ee no justification for changee snd no reason to re-submit drawings you already have on record. complictting matters, and unknown to $helly Mello, another Town department hit us with a last rninute requirement changd last time we paved th€ gath fliterallv, we were infsrrned 24 hours before the stdrt of pavingt. publlc works now requirer a widsr path than was originally there and they require much wider shouldere, These requirements will seem to me to preclude putting indigenous plentinge in the supposedly wlder shsulders we will eoon be cre€ting, You are a veteran of the East Vail bike path; if we plont the thoulders of the new path, worr't we be setting tltc Tuwrr up for artditional weed control tpraying as is done out east? Unlesa you find documentation where we agreed to additionel lsndseaping, I will contact you when Ned returns. , 6adia^o Ilvil-{-U r^i\d ulll k" &ds t &h{in t--- FfLr $$Fy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 April29, 1994 Department of Comnunity Deve loprnent Mr. Fred Otto Otto, Porterfield and Post P.O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658 BE: Liftside project, Cascade Village SDD No.4 Dear Fred: ln order to avoid any complicalions for the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the Liftside project this fall, I wanted to remind you of the fact that we will still need to complete the minor subdivision and the employee housing agreement for the project. My undertanding is lhal you and Shelly Mello have discussed what needs to be done concerning these two issues. I would appreciate it if you would try to address lhese items as soon as possible so that we can be sure everything is wrapped up in a timely manner. lf you have any questions or need any help on lhese two items, please feel free to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, (n'+d^ ttt* Krisfan PriE Community Development Director P.S. Don't worry, these issues will nol require an amendment to the SDD!! xc: Jim Curnutte Greg Hall Charlie Davis Dave Schreiner Jeffy Kelly oo Fd{. f s$Py 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 1 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparune nt of Community Development January 26, 1994 Mr. Fred Otto P. O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Conditions of Approval For Liftside Project Specified In Ordinance 1, Series of 1993. Dear Fred: ln reviewing the approval for the Waterford/Liftside Project as specified in Ordinance 1, Series of 1993, lfind that there are two outstanding issues on the project. They are as follows: 1. The developer shall permanently restrict the two employee housing units provided in the Waterford development plan in accordance with Section 18.46.220 of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1993; and 2. A minor subdivision plat shall be completed and recorded prior to the release of any building permits for either the Cornerstone or Waterford developments. At the time that the building permit was released, the minor subdivision plat was under way. I have been working with Jerry Mulliken representing Commercial Federal to complete this, however, at this time it has not been approved or recorded. As to the first condition, I am enclosing copies of the appropriate documents for restriction of the two employee housing units. They will need to be completed and returned to the Town of Vail, at which time lhey will be recorded with Eagle Coung as will the minor subdivision plat. These have been changed as you will see to address your project. I have also included the ordinance establishing the restrictions for Employee Housing for your in{ormation. These two items will need to be addressed prior to the release of any temporary certificate of occupancy for the project. As you know, I will be leaving my position with the Town of Vail as of January 28, 1994. At this time, Kristan Pritz will be your contact for this project. Good luck with the project and I appreciate all ol your {orts. Kristan PriE ni^r, A-,^1r n 4 Ne0 Gwaiit{iiey, f- !ntcrn .,nzl 4 nnr,ri^lr-.a Ljwaininey Praii Jchul{z XC: t t F!!-t ffffiFll TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479,2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 January 10, 1994 Departnre nr of C om n uniry Deve lopme nt Mr. Rick Agett R.A. Nelson and Associates P.O. Drawer 5400 Avon, CO 81620 RE:Vertica|re|ocationofrecreationpathonLiftsideproperty Dear Rick: The Town staff has reviewed the Floodplain Analysis of Gote Creek completed-by Alpine., - Engineering tor tne area aJp""rt t" th; Liftside project. After reviewin_g,the information, the staff finds that it can "pproi" the vertical relocation of the recreation path with the following conditions: 1. A landscape plan for the new recreation path shall be submitted for review prior to any constriciion. fnis plan should initude both shrubs and trees which are indigenous to the area- 2. A fence and/or hay bales will need to be installed to prevent any construction debris from entering the creek and to protect the existing landscaping' 3. Construction may not commence before the closure of Vail Mountain and must oe compteteJ oy rrioay May 20, 1g94 with the bike path being open for use on this date. Again, we would ask the proper barriers and appropriate signs be installed to redirect the recreation Path users. o Mr. Agett January 10, 1994 Page 2 Thank you for your patience in addressing this matter' was very helpful. Please contact me should you have The information included in the report any questions. XC:Greg Hall Kristan Pritz Russell Forrest Jim Curnutte Charlie Davis Ned Gwathmey, Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Henry Pratt, GwathmeY Pratt Schultz Fred Otto Dave Schreiner, R.A. Nelson Px, futtD tNb- Sh J Uppen Eecue VnlutY CaHeoltonteo .-EE7' SnNrrnTloN DlsrHlcr r)- :{E FOpISt arae ' varr. a:;eiace al6!7 . f:91 4r5.rrgc ' ..x r!6!' ,rtB'roBE JJ t)ile:fu TQ: FRQTTI: f,tE; Numrrl- of l*{lgc ,f/elgmitt€d ,tili'udittg cov.'. 'ry,e: 4- For cofilnrnttan et7i'/at Frablg't6 withthia trat15mftrsto4 plag5eil Kffiy al(gdgi 478-748tt rarrxttr fE|| ?t t Folrawrc W^cr OlJ"fi€ t N AttEtrr{C^El flEtrc wa?Efr . llt|,EF r}qEar i|IYRO wa?Ei o lfttr Cl!E( HEITO sa?ti Att =,rO+]3'YxL trfif,O wA f ' Eg{atfir| rrrr!] w^'-rr ' w^nr Clrqr' i'=.rd€tec.it!a!lh I t\ |J'|iF lrArs tEoErr! $AlGl A$tl{lllltl I v'|! u'r.llt cE t1lllg'{tll' lYstr - lfr'A 7.\p7#.V 'o'S'f 'n'3'n llllul l-ldEtr rfE ts66I-?e-TE FTECOFTD OF PR.OCEEDIIU€S Minutes UppeE EaEj.e Valley Consolidated $anltatlon DiEtrict Deeem"ber l$, 1993 Page 9 REgUEST pOR GEbIERAI, UTILIITry EASEIIEIIT DISCUEEION OF PBI$TIIT{g OE' HA9g Bob Mssten and Toit Vaughn, IJeonard Rice ConeulttnE Enginccts and Joe Macy fr?or Vail- AsEociatsF, She reported that the represantatLveg ff,oflr the Depaftment of Transportation retrrorted that they would not havc thc fEndo t"o wlclen the road and lnstall the bike path in 1994 and the funde fiey not be applied for ftve (5) years. lhts w{ll result ln constructlon coBt l-ncreaaes for the seeiler ll.ne reBlaeement aF a result of the neerd to install 6" of asBha1t. Ms. Grlder r€trrorted how€ver" that 6he w€s lsol(lnqf for weys to cut eoEts usiflg a piping called trgaFlock" t which would allovr the water llne and seweE lines ts be plaeAd ifi the nlne tr+nch. The Boarcl diseussed pursuing the shared funding of the proJect wlth the Colorbdo Depirtmant of llraneportEtion and obtaining eome paliticel help ln this arena. lds. Gficler Eaid wtth regard to the on and off ramp at Eagle-Vail' tshe Federa]. Depaltuent of trransgortation neads to gl-ve their apBroval , wnicn nor:mally takes approximateft--6 nontha. lhlrefore the Digtriet ehall eontinue tel-th traffie eontrol versus rarnp. Mr. llaBlee reported that he had feceived a feguest front Liftside CornersLone that a rurrtually exclBel,ve eSwEr easement be redeeignated to a general utility eaFenent. A copy of the regue*t is abtechsd hercto as Exhibit R' and incorporated herein by thia reference. UBon ilotion duly made End seconded, it wse unaninouely RBSOLVED that tha rcqucet to chango the e:*alueive sevrer easenent to a general utility eaeement at LiftEtde CorrlerEtone be and hef,elty .ls aPPtoved ' Mr. Hflslee f,eErorted that the 1994 upidated afiApe could be printed f,or $51510. ttr. HaElee englained the procedure for lhc updating of changea cf, the books in thc fteld. He reporied that the red line ahanges r*ere given to the fleld crcrr in sanstructian hcctingg' -FerLodically chanEet sould be printed out on rerrieFd napB, He reported that thefe ar€ 1?0 sheets in eech book and th6t thcra ere 3O booka in the fieLd. Upon notion duly made and g€cond€d' it was unanimouely REFOLVED that ataf,f be qnd hereby iE direeted to print the 1994 updaged ftaps and bE it fucther REsoIryED that Etaff be and hereby i$ directecl to develop a plarr Cas ulxl{rLes afid c}ranges L(' Lhe uaPs. =a'd zeFea.Jb o1 '0's'f,'n'3'n HBHJ !'ldFI rtE vA6l-FZ-rA ATTACHMBNT IO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED $nnttalor.r Drsrnlcr erg FoREST ngAE . vArL. COLOiADO 9!69r i3E3) 476.74€0. FAX {ioi).7|-4DAE MEMORAHDUM Boarsi of, DifBctors IJppes Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation DLstrlct I'red $. Hasiee, RegulaLions AdninistratoE November 29, 1993 ?r li SIJBJECTi :.if t Side,/Corner Stgne Platt - Reque3t to Grf,nt Exc::tslve Sewer Easement to General Utllir,y HaBemenE, lesrgnatron. The property orrnerB of the above referenced platt, has requested from ihe Disrrict the abil.i,: ia change a nutuarly exciusive s€$€r easefl€ntr lo a general uttlity eaeement as shown on LhB attached exhrbit. Staff and the District constructi$n review team have both reviesed this Froposal and reco!ruilend its approval. Board action is reguired aE lhis action l,nvolves properET ohrned by the Districg for Dtstrtct use to be conveyed and transferred to a seneral uttlity easen€nt. FSII: sld \ 8dlta\hrcl rrJv-F],+Ll, ry fO! fROMr DA1E: MAHAE'I fOF "HE FOLLOWIT{O WATIF QII|FlaTA! ATTOWHEAD M€:FO WATE'I I BEAVEB CPE€K VSIIO WA-IIR . gEIRY CFEEK TJE.TFO I'IA?EF .IAALE'VAII, MET?O WATEE T EDWAFEE MEIFO WATEE ' LAKC €REEK MEAOOINE WA?EF UPFEI EAGLE H:GIOHAL \'YATEF AtfiHOHt?Y . vAtL VALISY CO SOUDATEO WAIEN rfi 'J 7cb?e).b nt N tB'd'iH10r Ei Err Bl fri Bi oa !!H ; !q - r ,!!i : ;;I '- ri i i F6 B f 9T : i ii F i Ei ir ti a.' i3 F E :f,ri ? 1 ,",r, oq %.lrl E f i i at d; Ui5 E E t I E !tt r0 i/ _rt rt lD b q tt o is _r |gi!"!!:g. : i-t 3 5b a. Hg :w .E t5 EJ ft I (3^Eg Niluhrs.*fil ", ':l \!:A\ frr"'.\' iitsi\ n ,1, p ij s / it t I lt - ti i,l lfri-ri .t4,{ j #t / IJJJ.T rfft btr.trT-tP-Ifi 'fi 'c':l'n'1'n un).1-.1 u1 p6'd 19F7,6LF ) Ll,FZ srArE tt*ffiptoF rxe t*riSUHIX * E|} { CEf,TIFICATq gF IAXEI DUE ,. tiJV rtf{fi 0FDER tO: 1F19173 VENITOR ll0: €OoO2 tSE{rED TO: LA{D P. O. VEILT TITLE EUANANTEg EBX 3t7 co gt6ts PAFCEL l{O; OOOE|IOO ABBESSED TEr COI{}IERCIAL FEDEFAL iAT${ E BIEELE TT 8TE ?OT DEHVER, GO !oEOA AFISUNTS REFLECIED AhE VALID S{LY I.'IIITIL l,7tgt/|r7,Frudrlct C. I Sara T. Erald FfigPEFTY SEECBIPTI rAcT: iEc/TlJf{/ilto: tE-t-el ]L I H-St'4l / ltl{E I r' I IX LTEI{ SiLE AT'IOUHT I5 SIJDJECT tD .lAHoE WE TO EttlDOiSEl.lEHT EF THE JRRET{T TA; 9Y CSRT OF FI.,RCHATE ]LDER. AFTEB EEFT TI PEF€OilIAL IRSP. I{OAILE }t0l"lF AltOUl{T 19 EU8I|ECT lO :{AHGE. IFTER PCT. I IEAL FROP. TAX .IEUI{I 13 zuBi'ECT TO GHANOE. FLEASE flrlTACT TFIE TRgAeUREnE oFFICE FOR IRFECT AT{OI'I{T FRTffi 'E REIIITTINC. SFECIAL IATINO DISTRICTg AND THE Bq,NDfiIEg'OF EUCI{ DIETRICTE HIY BE ON FILE UIT}I THE BOARD OF COIJhITY COIIIIISEI9HEFE, THE COUNTY CLERI(, EN TT{g 6Outl|TY AESE55OH r€e ron rsgutfrtc rHrE cEBTrFl€AT€ rro. oo ADI/EETI8INO .O- OO . PEI{ALTIEE ilInc. TOTAL ?AX DIJE O,CO rtl rAr LIEI,I3 ffi DELIlfCtEltT rAf, TOT*L AIIOUNT Ttr NEDESI " o'oo FPEcIAL ASSESSICITJI* DT'E ': TOTIL I'PEC. TES{T8 DI'|E o. oo TOTiL DUE Tllrl CHTIFTCATE TAX ?, TAX DI.IE TiITEREET o- oo ooo o.@ o. oo $1,o. oo hts srrttflertr {crr not lntludr lrnd ol lcpnovlmlntt arlrl S! fsrrrr ttrnrlrr tgr ol nllc. ar lacrl lrtplSvnnrnt dlttrtct nrnt l onrd. I rrlfFr trr eollrstrd sn rrilrr|trntl ol rheCulr nuFbrr. !€rtonsl proPCrtl e[cll gf othrr rntltic*. lptcltl e0llr homr!r unlr*r rprc l#ltalll rdcrord rrlth thi emcuni rrlulrrd ior rrdroptlorr .It rr notrd irnln. In-rltnrrt .. tir undrrlignrd, do hrr.bg ccrtl?l thrt thr.t|tlrr. ount of trrir dut lFon thr .tovl dcrcrtbri gatcrlr cf iret preirntq rnd lll outtt.ndlng lrler fcr-snltld rrtr rr rlrcen brl fhr rrgcrdr in'oU'cfficr froo uhish thr rrne aru rtlll lr rirrrofr I hrvc tlrrvnto rrt nI hrnd rnd rrrl trtlr 17 TREASURER. EAGLE COUHTY SHERRY BHAI'|D0N 9Y Attu'r t??3 i...r.r.rrt-E rrun|'Efi - g(}(.ttllg(l I ;:'AJEJARCEL NU[iEEf, - ero3.2nr-OO-Ooe lo. o4E iAeLE COUNTY En - elosct-*- :l'fc . g, ??T !E 5OJ ECHEOLS .trlrtrr oF VAIL 38' 306 !r!1un.u cElr'rEny '3:l3i ilqq4oE vILLrsE ttErRo DtsrnrcT ee.3o4 |PFER g. V. SAtrt e. &ea OLO FVH }'ATER O.3?*rPFER E. v. corus o. zolt :c EI,tER/Ho8/ave t.3t, O EPECIAL ASEEES'.IET{T FOR t??E tt,l$e.79 f{?s. gF It. Ee+. l? tz&,o.61 t3. g7 l3r 780. E6 )3l?'6,?l t{?. re te7.17 tt6Er.95 a Associates, ProJect per R.A. NELSON &nssocrATEs, tNC. December 17, 1993 Ms. Shelly Mello TOT/$N OF VAIL 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI, colorado 8L657 Re: Liftside Bike Path Dear Shelly: Per our conversation, R.A. Nelson &revising the Bike Path at the Liftside Revised 1"O/O5/39 by Alpine Engineering. We wiLl-begj-n this work after the last day of ski season cornplete the work prior to tllemorial Day Weekend. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call . ASSOCTATES| INC. Fred Otto Ned cwathmey Franlr Freyer Inc. will be Drawing AX-6, and will Hand Delivered December 7, 1993 Ms. Shelly Mello Town of Vail Planning Department | 11 South Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Liftside Flood Plain Study Dear Shelly: Attached please find two copies of the flood plain study prepared by Alpine Engineering. When you review this report and the enclosed plan, you will see that the 100 year flood plain is no less than three feet below the proposed elevstion of the lowered bike path. Based on the attached report, I feel that the lowering of the bike path, which had previously been approved by the Town, should be allowed to proceed. Please submit written approval for this work and a schedule indicating when the work could start and when it would have to be completed. Please call if you have any guestions. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT SCHULTZ ARCTIITECTS, P.G. ard M. Gwathmey, Jr., AIA EMG/ad Enclosure copy to: Fred Otto Rick Agett Frank Freyer Danny Swertfeger TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX s03-479-2452 October22. 1993 Department of Communiry Developnent MECM Enterprises, Inc. C/O Fred Otto P.O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Relocation of bike path adjacent to Gore Creek on Liftside property Dear Fred: I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the Town of Vail's position on the relocation of the bike path on the Liftsid-e property. As has been represented to me by both the architects, Gwathmey Pratt SchulE and contractors, R.A. Nelson, there was a "bust" in the topographic survey documents. As a result, there have been some problems with the relationship o{ the floor elevations and the bike path elevation. In recognizing some ol he survey discrepancies which may have happened with the project, the Town feels that it is necessary to consider all of the implications ot changes which may result. During the course of the review of the project by the Town of Vail, the bike path was to be moved horizontatly, but as a resutt of the survey problems which occurred earlier lhis summer, I was informed that it had to be moved vertically. At that time, I had not Feceived any drawings showing the proposed design. What I understood was that the bike path was constructed at the wrong elevation. I assumed that it was installed 4 leet too high in June, not that it would be lowered from the preexisting condition. On Wednesday October 6, 1993, I received a telephone call lrom an adjacent property owner concemed with the vertical relocation of the bike path on the Liftside property. He was specifically concerned with the ability of a skier to progress down this arsa to the ski lift in Cascade Village. In discussing this item with him, I felt that I needed to further research the issue in order to answer his questions tully. On Thursday October 7, 1993, I visited the site with Dave Schreiner and Rick Agett of R.A' Nelson to further understand th€ issues related to the relocation. Later that afternoon, I met with Henry Pratt and Ned Gwathmey ot Gwathmey Pratl Schullz, Architects, and Rick Agett on th€ site to discuss the issue. At this time, it was discussed that due to the change in the landscape plan which as a result of the bike path relocation, il may be necessary for the Planning and Environmental Commission to review lhe change. Also, at this time' the floodplJin location was discussed. The survey for the proper$ which indicated the floodplain did not have the topographic conditions on the side of the bike path so it was ditlicult to Mr. Otto ocrober 22,1993 Page Two determine the physical location o{ the floodplain. This information was not necessary during the initial review of lhe project as there was to be no grading in this area. The main issue during the review of the SDD was the floodplain location and the 50 foot creek setback which were indicated on this suruey. However, as a result of the proposed changes to the vertical alignment of the bike path, it was apparent that the available survey information on th€ south side ol the bike path was insufficient and that this information would now be necessary. After meeting with the representatives of Gwathmey Pratt Schultz and R.A, Nelson, I again visited the site with Kristan Pritz, Director of Gommunity Development. lt was at this time lhat we determined that this item would not go to the Planning and Environmental Gommission. However, there was lurther information that we would need prior to approving the vertical realignment of the path. This included the following: 1 . The developer would submit a stamped survey which included the '100 year floodplain and the topographic conditions on the south side of the bike path. 2. The developer would need to have the floodplain and high water mark staked on the site by a surveyor and the staff would review it. 3. The developer would provide a fence between the construction and the existing vegetalion and the creek in order to protect the vegetation and eliminate the possibility of construction debris entering Gore Greek. Further, Kristan and I agreed that Greg Hall would need to be consulted regarding the completion date for this project. The developer was requesting a deadline of November 1, 1993. After meeting with Kristan, lconsulted with Greg Hall, the Town of Vail Engineer. He telt that due to the possibility ot inclement weather in late October, thai we should specify a completion date of October 23, 1993, for the vertical realignment of the palh. Provided that the other issues were addressed immediately, this would allow approximately two weeks to complete the project. On Friday October 8, 1993, I relayed these conditions Kristan, Greg and I had discusied to Dave Schreiner who I had been working with up until this point. He indicated that these items would be completecl. However, he was unable to commit to the October 23, 1993 completion date. I relayed that this was a very important element of the approval, and that unless there was inclement weather which would prohibit construction during the period before the 23rd, that the Town would expect that the improvement would be done by the 23rd. Should there be delays due to weather, Dave and I agreed to discuss the deadline. Mr. Otto october22, 1993 Page Three On Monday October 11, 1993, I again relayed these conditions lo Flick Agett. lt was represented to me that the surveyor was in the process of staking the proposed vertical elevation of the path as well as the floodplain and that I would be called to review this when it was completed. On Tuesday October 12, 1993, I received a telephone message from Dave Schreiner stating that the area had been staked and that he requested that I review the staking on-site. That afternoon, Charlie Davis, Town of Vail Construction Inspector, and lvisited lhe site with Dave Schreiner and at that poinl, after discussing with the surveyor the location of this high water mark from the spring of 1993 and the proposed bike path elevation, lfelt that additional inlormation would be necessary in order to approve the realignment. At the time, I did not witness the location of the floodptain per the FEMA documenls cited on the survey. As staked, it indicated that the high water mark was approximately 2.5 feet below the proposed elevation of the bike path. The location of the high waler mark from this past spring was of a concern to me because this spring we did not experience extreme tlood conditions. One would assume that the 100 year flood condition would be more restrictive than this past spring's high water mark and therefore the waler level would be higher than the conditions witnessed this past sprlng. This would put the proposed bike path in direct conflicl with the 100 year lloodplain. My decision to rsquire further information was based on the location of the proposed vertical location of the bike path in relationship to the high water mark as seen in the spring of 1993. Charlie Davis was in agreement with me that the Town would be assuming liability to allow the relocation of the bike path until further information was obtained from the applicant which would verify the 100 year flood conditions. Later that afternoon, I received a telephone call from Ned Gwathmey who stated that the floodplain had not been staked at the time that I visited the site. I agreed that I would make another site visit at such time that the floodplain was staked properly. At this time, I raised the concern with Ned Gwathmey regarding the location of the high water mark in relation to the proposed elevation of the bike path. I recognized thal the lloodplain was not staked and that it could actually be lower than the high water mark. However, I remained concerned with the high waler mark location. On Wednesday October 13, 1s93, I visited the sile with Rick Agett and Greg Hall, Town Engineer. At this time, the tloodplain as wellas the high water mark and the proposed bike path elevations were staked, The staff at this point recognized that the proposed elevation was nol interfering with the tloodplain, however, that the high water mark was actually above the floo@lain. This caused concern with Greg Hall and he concurred with my October 12th decision to require additional floodplain studies prior to altowing the relocation ot the bike path. We discussed the possibility of moving the bike path 2 leet vertically versus 4 feet as proposed. Again, further study would have been required to complete this move. Rick Agett indicated that this was not the devetoper's desire and the issue was not discussed further. The possibilily of having the developer's surveyor or engineer certify and therefore guaranlee Mr. Otto October 22.1993 Page Four that there would be no conflict with the 100 year floodplain and bike path relocation was also discussed. Rick Agett indicated that Alpine Engineering was una.ble to certity that there would be no conflict. Because of the discrepancy between the high water mark and lhe mapped flood plain, the statf {eels that it is possible, due to changing conditions upstream, thal the 100 year floodplain could have been altered for this site. Therefore, the floodplain as mapped per the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Floodway Boundary and Floodway Map performed in 1983 from Community Panel08005rt00002 could possibly be invalid for today's conditions. In a letler to me dated October 13, 1993 from Rick Agett, it is stated that "it it is determined that the bikepath is in jeopardy, we will take immediate action by conslructing a dike after the floodplain data has been assessed". Unfortunately, we are unable to consider a possible solution which would be built after the fact. This is because, if the cunent floodplain information is invalid and the floodplain is relocated, work of this type which would alter the floodplain must go through the FEMA and possibly the Army Corps of Engineers and the floodplain would need to be remapped. This is not a Town of Vail process nor are we authorized to approve such changes. Also in this letter, Rick indicated that they would not be able to meel thB October 23, 1993 completion date, but would preter to be allowed to work through October 27,1993. The extension of the deadline was not acceptable. Please accept my apology for not laying out this background on the issue earlier. However, I feel that it is important to lully address issues of this nature which may have significant impacts prior to construction, rather than attempting to "fix it" next spring when possibly there could be flooding of the area. As a result of these evenls, I would ask that the developer study further the implications of the lopographic discrepancies especially as they relate to access to the property as well as the relationship ol the parking area to the Frontage Road. lf the building is in lact 4 feet lower, as it has been represented to me by the architect and the contraclor, then I would assume that there could be implications upon the access to the property in regard to the driveway grades as well as the vertical location of the parking area and the retaining walls adjacent to the Frontage Road. In respecl to ihe next step to resolve the issue, I would like to meet with the owners, contractors and architects as well as the Town of Vail staff in order to further discuss the implications of the topographic discrepancies. o Mr. Otto October 22,1993 Page Five Thank you lor your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions, please conlact me at iZg-et38 or Kristan Pritz, Director of Community Developmenl at the same telephone number. f\ldm" Rick Agett, R.A. Nelson and Associates Dave Schreiner, R.A. Nelson and Associates Ned Gwathmey, Gwathmey Praft Schultz, Architects Henry Pratt, Gwathmey Pratt Schultz, Architects Greg Hall, Town Engineer Chartie Davis, Public Works lnspector Kristan Pritz, Community Development Director R.A. NELSON &nssoctATEs, tNC. october L3, 1993 l.tE. ShellY Mello r"*n "t viil conununity Development 11I South Frontage Road t{est Vail, Co 81657 Re: Liftside - Bike Path Daar SheIlY, t{e understood re could proceed with the lowering of the bike path p""ai"s-tfte staking ot ihe f lood Dlli.tl. In going. to the site' you ;;;;;i;rd tfrat ifre- lowering of tlie bike path cotrld jeopardir. !h:ltiuctural integiftf of th6ibike path, and we apPreciale your p,oint of view. ne wouth propose, therefore, that lte be allowed to pio.""a with the work ind that lre will order a flood plain study in the Epring. If it ig determined that the bike path is in jeoPardY, !9 will take ienediat action btr c6nstructing i aife after the flood plain data has been assessed. We removed the fence at great.expense and prepared to start/work qn the bike path. and would like-to proceed with the understanding that.we will plan to finish this work byWednesday, octobet 27, if we qan start inunediateltr. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerel y, E ASSOCTATES, rl{C. Project Marrager P.O. Drower 5400 . Avon, Colorodo 81 620 . 303-949-51 52 . rAx 303-949-4379 ek Agett 14r55 Ns.003 P.02 r{.H. NEISOn & HE30C.r p15034763665 06 '93 I 0tT t".r\ ? F I rt o q E t' { I E *J |,lJ El-o, .t ?,1 EL,4r|-J 4 |J'> dt rtl :t t!!n€ El rrl 'e,.e rt- dl N =stu 'UC liih 5{-F .r}9e,* 'h ElE s, t"E! E E g* F' 4J {F #rE" E n 13; s E d _gt -fi i;EE+83 -Sg'fi 6 o ,^l-.: - h it .o d " gEEg ta g *oi-" E'ot E ::8fl sE h f;+Er s-e H' FlEh ;-- E g*li ;t E E.!:E F; E € 38= u i:' u EH=aE Efi H gg,F S-i t cg "lr '$+*t? i't r:4.p €! :.'-E OJ 6J L'H-t! Dd ,fL I E Et|J rJ c's i$ rn 'F rF ;^- c rJ!di; g 5*ar= k b€e ltltP l'r g'r 'ts n 5$.r € =g lti (r € -Tf P s 5 ii f gE s| d v..J . :4.L O , : ;5.'i fn € e i/'r ;i EE m tu4 hE n ,.r''E: ET A ut t-iir'r!r.,E 8 cPE H I {A iU F EJ ul (fl o,tt Er{ P.rE rt ,;E {.e o (!t EC' AE E' U L (')g F: E U o UI !n { 0 z c m J |JJ :-4; { 01 a (u E F Lf TOWNOFVAIT 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -47e-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 September 13, 1993 Departrnent of Comrnuniry Developrnent Mr. David Schreiner Fl.A. Nelson and Associales P.O. Drawer 5400 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Relocation of bikepath adjacent to the Littside project Dear Dave: As we have discussed, the Town of Vail teels that the relocation of the bike path should occur between September 15th and October 1 Sth lor a two week period or for a two week period prior to May 15, 1994. The decision is up to you as to during which lime period you would like to move it. Proper signage and notification will be required as previously done in June. Please contact me should you have any further questions. Sincerely, l! 365934 ...L.&e!L ..t-&t- .. - \'.r.t.i l.H|l_Ltr:;. .r . | ,.:l t. . iqt.fil,l,_t t:l l'l l0.t H'fl gl lrlusr (e p .. ulrlssifr *, Gr.b!r! lr Ghr oulrr of ierrtrla rr.1 gro!.t!t (tqr rFrcFrtlrl T] -, {tr Qh. .!arr al ?.1.1. co|tlcr ol lrrh. glrta af calorraa. -f .j locectd I[ Gb. torr of.?rll. Ccuacy of l.3la. glrta -cf calolra'r r; c;;;;; lor-root ul:yitulir corrlrtrteclolr ghr rrillDB rll C"aACCl tOt IOO! a[I 'YllllDfa Bglarllra5tpl, 5rrt yrte!"b r" rsttlcrlel ol rhlcb.:lr b*r!J reLlorhtllrtlr dorl bwby-r'lll rll coltrr to-G.ret.. r !ca-.tc1ir1rt grrpriurl .ll|rtlB !!lar r 9!l!r rcrori, .bora a!6 ttrosth lhrt llortlon ol thr'-Progrrtt -{rrcttlaa l! IrDtLlE lr .tSrcta{ t.s.tc a!d. incosPotrEaal iar.!! to! l!' ,l;rfi;;-;a liaitiqiiirt. i.lotrhtai.-riprlrtrs, rarlfrlllr-lld.- f ircirrBrsctlar . tlctei. Drthr.t. tblr r.qJr.rg rhrll Dr lrao Dt ai;-l;;;;;i-iitilc-il. pricrtrlia' bl'ctcl. -fta rtttrt rcttrtttrrr .i.;t.;i lO XfVt IID f,Ofg rrld rrrrrrlt dllo C!.!3.. .!d llr ir-nceltrgrr "]'i .or .llriill T;.-;;.:;;; ii"iti-iri'iio-iu.ii-'ur-rt-[ Elt-ir;; "':lii ;ilii ;a'riiiriiiiii io iui-irirrrtt. .och Ghrt r ttu.trt-ot 'j.: iii:!iii':'':::,:::::':,:::':i:::':: ;"":.. :. :,. n'q Frciriii-cofll trlrj tlrtr rrrirrat' grort{rd' hofl.r.r. !bt!--th:. - i rtjitr irudid.trrirtt .h!11 lo! uatrloa{tl' lallrfrtl r1$t tt';i;iil i;;;;;c trrirr. ; SrarBor' il.lt bi lolely rergolrlDll lor rll Inltld coarl,iiittor cot3. s.ltlr.tt- to calDl.t. thr tlctel,. D.Eh to lt' rdrolrbli lrltfaactto! of G rtrl. Brrltrr rblll br rarDolattlr tor all coatl rld atgrlrr. rraoclrttd -9ttb th. ralltatrlcar rrprlr3 rrllacrlrlt ao' oP'arclo' oC tbr .trironE .r . grClrtrtu , tlatclr ![d rrlar tllthrrt r lha ir.!! of .rr...!b rhrlt be btodllj lPos .rd lb.ll lalla co thl-lciiiii ol ebt Dlr!t.r, ch.tr r..!!atlic rsqcrrrclr lad a18[r. . Crattor rrttloG. 3h!t t! blr frrtt.rlStt eld ttthorllt to- ctc"uil cblr Colrryooct of Erramn! .ad to cr€rl. tta raaurrl harcla grorldcd. Er.cst.d ar af thc {sto flraE lrB (orlh .bor.. uloe. 08/26/92 16:44 clsos s{6 s6o4 SURVEYING @ ooz 08/25/92 16r{8 €lsog B{E s6o4 E V SURVEYING Woog 08/ 25 / 92 cl3os o4E B Y SURVEYING B oo4 08/25/92 16:{9 83os s4s 960{E V SURVEYING _ iort{ LttS tftrtiftta ttctol rl Boos t 'l : .. c. ..-- _l {g +o ..t"" ,1 I I t 3 I ""-". {, l , of o ro rt"t c'ilr .ttctrox tr Golardo I ilorrt'!o.r.|.{J ||ttf||'@'f. tratl . atfrfault oF crgEltrr \" rrt t?3!-t. aa?1. r4!.||1a-t. latJ Et*t t l $rii-,,,I :ttl TEI,EPITONE CONFERENCE MEMORANDUII! Shelly MelJ-o, Town of Vail Cornmunity Developrnent Ned Gwathmey '!0 A,ugust 1993 Waterford/f-,if tside Blke Path Correction Between: Date: Re: In discussing the fact that the bike path was built 4' hlgher in places than the approved drawings, Ned said that the developer wishes to make that correelion. Shelly said she felt the Town dld not have any problem with the bike path being corrected. Ned reguested that the parties get together to establish the best tine of constructlon. Shelly said it could not be done before tabor Day and must be completed by October 15. The foregoing constitutes ny understanding of matters discuesed and decislons reached. If the interpretation of others varies, pleaee inform us 1n wrlting. EMG copy to:Eustaguio Cortj.na Fred Otto Frank Preyer Rick Agett Rtc'D AUG ',r 0 1993 Wr,tWb4*te August 11, 1993 l{s. Shelly Mel}o, Planner #2 Town of VaiI Community Development 111 South Frontage Road West Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Waterf ord/f-,if tsiOe Dear She11y: Unfortunately, we have discovered that the bike path was constructed this spring not in accordance with the approved plans and we intend to correct it. Thls means lowering secti"ons of the bike path approximately 4'per the enclosed plan, understanding that. it will interrupt bike/ski trafflc for an estirnated one to two weeks. The owners would like to do this {,,rork this faII and we would like for you to teLl us the earliest date when this work could be started. thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ARCHTTECTS, P.C. Enclosure eopy to: Eustaqulo Cortlna Fred Otto Frank Freyer Rlck Agett rHMEY/PRATT/SCHUtTZ Edward M. Gwathne El{G/ad May 18, 1993 Ms. Shelly Mello, Planner #2 Town of Vail Community Development 75 SouLh Frontage Road West Vail, co 81657 Re: l,iftside - Skier Stair Dear Shelly: Per our discussi-on and at the request of DRB, enclosed please find a sketch of the plan for replaclng the skier stair from Westhaven to the Westin lift. We feel the proposed design will be user friendly having some the characteristics of the oId Vail Village parking strueture stair. The user is not vlsually confronted with the entire risel the landingrs are large enough to rest and breathe. I underst,and this is still temporary and will be .incorporated the fuLure building design for CornersLone and that we need Cornerstone's owner's approval to proceed. Please see the enclosed letter to Jerry Mullikin. Pl-ease don't hesitate to cafl if you need more informatlon or have any questions. Sincerely, TZ ARCHTTECTS, P.C. d M. Gwathme EMG/ad Enqlosures copy to: Jerry l"lu1likin Eustaquio Cortina Frank Freyer of J-n ol TELEPHONE CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM Date: Re: - Rich Perske, Preconstruct,lon Engineer Colorado Department of liighwaysr Region P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junctionn eO 81502 - Ned Gwathmey Ittay 17, 1993 L,iftside - CDOH Review o Between: Mr. Perske called to discuss the proJect and to request plans. CDOH rirants to avoid snow shed and shadorir on the right-of-way as experienced with the existlng Cascade CIub building. Ned explained that the structure near the right-of-way is the proposed parking structure with fLat surfaces, snovr melt, and has a low profile. The landscaping in the right-of-way was dlscussed, and Ned reported meetlng with Leonard Oeltjenbruns on November 16, 1992t to revi.ew maintaining the existing landseaping. The contractor Ls proposing removing the 30 odd existing lrees and returning them after the constructlon i.s complete. Ned requested, per dlscussions earller with Ed Hill, that CDOI| consider tle-baeks for shoring into the right-of-way. Rich requested plans and sections which will be forwarcled to him as soon as possible for review. The foregolng constitutes my understandlng of matters dlscussed and decislons reached. If the interpretation of others varies,please inform us in wrlting. EMG y'sUetty MeIIo. Town of Vail Comrnuni-ty Rick Agett Frank Freyer Eustagulo Cortina Jim l4cNeil copy Development May 'l 8, 1993 Mr. Jerry Mul1ikin, Trustee for Comnercial Federal Slifer, Smith & Frarnpton 230 Bridge Street vail, co 81657 Re: Cornerstone - Skier Access Stair Dear Jerry: Per our discussion the other day, please find enclosed a proposed plan of the wood stair for skier access to the Westin lift. The proposal is to remove the existing stair which is partly on the Waterford Tract, to improve the pedestrlan experience ln the process, putting the new stair in the easement on the Cornerstone Tract for that purpose. Although this stair does not benefit Waterford, the DRB has reguested the design be addressed/lmproved concurrent with Waterford's review. We would like the ourner's, Commercial Federal's, approval to proceed. Actually, the Town wants this in operation by 1 October 1993. f appreciate your help in this matter. Slncerely, { THMEY PRATT/TZ ARCHTTECTS, P.C. d l*1. Gwathney EMG/ad Enclosures copy to: Shelly Mello Eustaguio Cortina Rick Agett Frank Frever rfitt'il lvlAil 'j *w{ Ittarch 5, 1993 Ms, Shelly Me1lo Town of Vail Comnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81 657 Re: Liftside Dear Shelly: Thanks for taking the time this mornlng to help with the problem of the extra common areas in the Liftside/Waterford project. I would l1ke to document some of our findings and discusslons: 1. Without looking at the units thenselves, rrre digitized the additions and deletions to the common spaces and arrived at a total of 1049 SF of additional "space."This incLudes approximately 350 SF for an elevator egulpment room atop elevator "A'r. This does not include the common area for shafts inside the units which we estimate to total several hundred additional sqluare feet. 2, Most of the additional common area is for space required by the UBC and ouE electrical engineers. Some of the other additional space occurs in the covered "arsades" at the west end of the building. We also have re-configured some public spaces to better suit the buildlng. I tried to offset these latter changes by delettng or shrinking other spaces inslde the building. 3. Both you and Kristan agree that there is some justification for these additional areas and that they can be approved by the Staff in a minor amendment to the S.D.D. prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. You are not sure there ls justification for the expansion of the east skier entry at the lowesL level . My argument is that the building inspector wants a i l\ Ms. Shelly Mello March 5, 1993 Page 2 wider path of travel. I have agreed to take another look at this area and see if I can either make it smaller or bury more of lt. I also agreed to reduce the widLh of the dining room window at Unlt C-22 to aLlow a wider bench at each level of the adjacent retaining wal1s. We discussed the developer's desire to enclose the pool . Vou made it very clear that such a move would not be well recelved unless the pool was cornpletely buried - somethinq we cannot live with. Despite the fact that the current drawings show thls enclosure, I will go back to our previous design. Should the developers wish to pursue this, f understand that they wilL have to take the route of a major amendment to the S.D.D. with aI1 of the political overhead. We will meet again to review the GRFA and common areas within the units, but I need the time to do my own calculations and verify compliance before we do, If you do not agree with the above, please let me know as soon as possj.ble. Also, please let ne know how to most expediently get these additional common areas accepted and approved. Sincerely, G}''ATUIUEY I PRATT / S CHUI,TZ ARCHTTECTS, P.C. 5. 6. Henry R. HRP/ad copy to: PratL, AIA MECM Enterprises Mo' %q November 11, 1992 Ms. SheLly Me11o, Planner #2 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81 657 W Re:Waterford,/ti fts icre Temporary Site Development Sign Dear Shelly: The Owner,/Developers of the Waterford/f,iftside project wish to instal.I" a discreet sign on their property which has a perspective which announces and identifies what is happeningr on the slte. Enclosed please find copies of your Sign Code 16.04.300 Temporary Site Developrnent Sign and subsequent 16.22.'1 10 whieh beg guestions: 1. fs this the section which pertains to !'l/t at this time?2. At what point in time can the siqn go up: now, at perrnlt to remove the rosks, or buildinq permit?3. As the property is nei.ther in CC3 or ABD is this applieable? We understand all of the poj.nts related to DRB approval prlor to proceeding. I appreciate your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, GWJITHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. \t tt _ta I \gv t\Eilward M. Gwathmey, AfA EMG,/ad Enclosure copy to: Eustaquio Cortina { t DEFINITIONS more parcels. sites or lots for which a plat has been submitted and approved by the town. (Ord. 9( 1973) $ 3(9).) 16.0.{.290 Subdivision entrance sign. "Subdivision entrance sign" means a sign permitted to iden- tify a major subdivision, a condominium complex, or group of apartment buildings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage along a vehicular orpedestrian rvay inany RC. LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone district. (Ord. 14(1982) g la (pan): Ord. 4(197s) $ 2(D) (part): Ord. 9{1973) $ 3(oX7).) 16,04.300 Temporary sile development sign. "Temporary site development sign"means asign permitted to identify a project under construction including the project name. general contractor, architect, prime real estate agent and may include "model apartment". (Ord.4(1975) g 2(D) (part): Ord. 9(ts73) E 3(o)(8).) 16.04.310 Traffic-control sign. "Traffic-control sign" means a permitted sign for the pur- pose of identiff ing private parking areas and directing the flow of traffic on private property. (Ord. 4( 1975) g 2(D) (part): Ord. 9( 1973) ss 3(oX9).) 16.04.320 lVall sign. "Wall sign" means a sign attached to, painted on. or erected against the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of rhe sign in a plane parallel to the face of the wall and nor projecting more tha nine inches from the face of the wall. (Ord. 4( 1975) $ 2(B) (pan): Ord, 9( 1973) $ 3(oXI).) 16.04.330 Window sign. ; "Windorv sign" means a sign affixed on or located within thirty-six inches of the interior surface of a window fronting a f .+ '))1 (v|ir ?-2{}E21 (Ord. #28 (ord. #28 SIGN CATEGORIES FOR CC3 ZOT{E DISTRICT pedestrian way, the provisions applicable shall be the iame as for a business ironring on an arcade, subject to the approval of the design review- board' a] 'Under rhis provislon a business or organization which fronts on bbth the arcade and the end ofthe building may have a maximum of two signs with a maximum size of twenty square feet (based upon fronmge) com' bined, allocated in any manner the applicant chooses' subject to the approvil of the design review board' b. This provision is not applicable to businesses with frontage adjacent to exterior boundaries of CC3 or ABD other (1989)) than the North and South Froatage Roads. 5. Any sign erected which is part of the sign program must receive approval of the design review board. 6. ln the case where the applicant wishes to amend a pre- viously granted sign program, he may do so, but all signs in the program will be reviewed in terms of the proposed addition. (Ord. 3(1982) $ l(part).) 16.22.110 Temporary site development signs- Temporary site devetopment signs shall be regulated as L follows: A. Purpose. to indicate or idenrify a {evelopment of real prop- (1989)) erty under construflion in CC3 or ABD;' B. Size shall not exceed twenty square feet, with a borizontal dimension no greater than ten feet' Combined maximum area for more than one sign shall not exceed twenty square feet; C. Height, the top of a freestanding sign or wall sign shall be no higher than eight feet from existing grade; D, Number. one sign; E. Location shall be subject to the approval of the design review board. A wall-mounted sign shall be placed parallel to the exterior wall adjacent to the street or major pedestrian way which the building abuts and shall be subject to the approval of the design review board; F, Design, subject to the approval ofthe design review board; 256-r7 (v.il 7-20{tl STCNS c. H. 16-22.LzO traffi.c Traffic control (' Lighting, indirect or pan-channeled; provided that signs only be lighted during hours of construction; Special provisions shall be as follows: l. Temporary site development signs shall be rcmoved within ten days afier an occupancy permit is issued. The sign shall be permitted for a period of one year. 2. The information permitted on temporary site develop- ment signs is limited to project name, prime real estatc agent, general contractor and architecl. (Ord. 3(1982) $ l(part).) coltroL signs for priyate properEy. signs for CC3 or ABD shall be regulated (ord.lt28 (1989) ).A. as follows: Purpose. to relieve vehicular and pedesiiian traffic conges- tion and promote the safe and expedient flow and parking of traffic on private property; Size, all vehicular traffic control signs shall not exceed one square foot, except multi-purpose signs, which shall not exceed four square feet. All pedestrian traffic conrol signs shall not exceed one square foot. except multi-purpose signs, which shall not exceed four square feet, subject to tbe appro- val ofthe design review board; Height, no part ofthe sign shall exrend above six feet from existing grade. Number, subject to the approval of the design review board: Location shall be determined by design review board; with a letter of approval from the town engineer for any sign placed adjacent to a public street or way; Design, subject to the approval of the design review board; Lighting, indirect, at the discretion of the design review board; Landscaping at discretion ofdesign review board;' Special provisions shall be as follows:l. May be either free-standing or wall-mounted. with same size requirements; 2. No individual sign will be approved unless it conforms to an overall sign program for the entire building, submitted by the applicanr; B. c. D. E. F. G. H. t. t V.il 7-!Ot1)256-r 8 166 g, tyfl o,cju TTFTSTDE PRECONSTRUCTTON MEETING MINUTES 5-13-93 I. PURPOSE: IMPROVE CO$MUNICATION A. ON-SITE UEETINGS DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTION:1. Shelly MeLlow lndicated that neetl-ngs such as today's should occur throughout the construction process. r]. STEPS FROM, NOW TO FINISH A. BUITDING PERII{IT REQ.IITIREMENTS I ATTENDEES: Danny Swertfeger Frank Freyer Jeff Atencio Michael l4ccee y.{ristan Prltz Heiko Mues Dan $tanek Greg HaIl SheIIy Mel-lo Ned Gwathmey David Schreiner Rick Agett Eustaquio CorLina . Garry lturrain Tom Sheely GPS Owners Representative TOV Fire Department TOV Fire Department TOV Planning Department Aipine Engineering TOV Building Departnent ToV Engineer TOV Planning Department GPS Nelson Zeeb Construction Nelson Zeeb Construction Owner TOV BuiLding Department TOV Police Department ACT]ON: Shelly 1. Owner Olltner 2.Shelly indicated that the foJ.lowing lnformatlon * l:?"1".,!:,,::l*ttted prior to a buili#t"r*p t being issued:a. A retter of credit r" ''41,ffi COMMENTS! Eustaguio asked shellyEEE-reguirements for employee housing. She indicated that she would get hin that information immediately.Shelly indicated that the foJ.lowing lnformatlon liesthaven Drive . A minor subdivision plat showing the new location for the bike path. Ned Gwathney pointed out that there may be a problem with b. COUMEN?S: t. May 13, 1993 AGENDA FOR WATERFORD PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Purpose; lmprove Communication .On-site meetings during construction process Steps from now to finish .Building permit requirements .lLc .TCO .Letter of Credit, appropriate form and items that can be included Specific issues to discuss y'Road - Letter of Credit and title l,Bike Palh LMinor SuMivision Plat ll. il1. Wrw\f &rt *{*,unru,,.Hf 0.4tu' Snt( - ?uv^nl - (,71 ,oac [n i ngV &t)c - IplW g'fin Ld tc li if- tztx .U VrM<- ll 0+l ,Lryry.l,orhl*- y*l .Fra nZzr-maefl*Z PEq 'CoNETPucrtoF-r vl4E6TrN6 .- (.^ rlc). (wFtY' b lb"'ffi#) 'G 5 CONT'ERENCE MEMORANDUM Date: Place: Present: November 13, 1992 Public Works Offices Larry Grafel, Director of public Works Greg HalI, Town Engineer Shelly tilello, Planner #2 Ned Gwathney l0atcrtord and Cornerstone Assndrrent to SDD 4 Re: After reviewing the pJ-ans as subnitted to Staff, public Works had the following points: 1. As the Flre Departnent was not concerned with getti_ng on the parking deck, the clearances for vehicles will be dietated by the size and reguirements of UPS and BFI eguipment. Ned will meet wlth officials and get back with findlngs. Greg was concerned about the blke path durlng constructl.on and Ned w1ll specify that the path be relocated initially and fenced off from construction durJ-ng constructlon. A new easernent will need to be recorded for the new bike path. Shelly explained the understandings on Westhaven Drlve:bringing j.t up to Town standards and dedicating it. Curb and gutter need to be added at both Cornerstone and Waterford, as they are built for drainage. Greg did not want to see everyday vehicular access from Westhaven at the bus stop across to the parking st.ructure,but that the occasional movinq van could be accommodated- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. .-.-(.+i?\1 S1\ff'SJ. \S' Ts,. 'i '-*'+idrare A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS PHON APPLICATION FOR CONDOMINIUM/TOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEW (Chapter 17 .22 Y ail Municipal Code) B. b{y D.2?5 E. F. b. c. d. (please print or type) K APPLICANT'S REPRESE *-'O''U' FKED Ore oooaes pnoNe 9V/1- {3ffi C. PROPERTY OWNEH OWNER'S SIGNATURE PHONE MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION OF PBC STREET ADDRESS LOT_ BLOCK_ SUBD|V|S|ON APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. cHEcK #J&j-D^rE ttlhtf Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall include a site map with the following requirements: The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substiantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty{our by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one- half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a loot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated lor public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which musl balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. e.An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public area! or _ facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on lhe plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat . A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the suMivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 0f this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 51 . A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, lhat the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facitities :rs shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. m. All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approvat of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Otfice must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, elevations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determine individual air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantially the same as the approved plans. A copy of the condominium documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas. s. h. k. 2. 3. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA upon re_ceiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shalt tnen conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and return comments and G. H. notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved pian or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shall be the final signature required on the plat so that the Department of Community Development will be responsible for promptly recording the approved plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Community Development Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, tfre application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc, The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- pubtication shatl be paid by lhe applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonrvarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment ot the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. ? : r ,! i---., : .r :.-- i i-i i- "l !-j 1. L. , ,__- i -:i-._ a... , =..,i, '.,.' RECETPT - Thc To*r ofVail 4?188 RECENED FROM ADDRESS Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Check Y* A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDHESS PHONE APPLICATION FOR CONDOMINIUM/TOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEW (Chapter 17.22 Yait Municipat Code) K ,l 0t|j 5 1994 B.AppLrcANlsREpRESErrolu. FKF-D O"flD ADDRE PHON C. PHOPERTYOWN pao*e ?/f-fStu -owNER'S Sl MAILING ADDFIESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS 27q 'n\€rv''t LOT BLOCK_ SUBD|VISION FILING E. F. APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID I./cHEcK *1/1e ,/_onr MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of community Development. The plat shall include a site map with the following requiremenls: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale ol one hundred leet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one- half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot ior all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important leatures. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be delined by the radius, central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the lield which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North arrow and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. (please print or type) + {: TOIIN OF VAIIJ CONS1TRUETION PERUTf APPLICATION FORI,I djt{,{- . . vS--+P<x IER}lIT - - 1193 , AFPLICATIOI{ UUST BE EItI-,ED OUT COUPLEfELY OR If UAY NO{I BE ACCEPTED I [*********************** ****** ITERMIT TNFgR11ATJ9N *****************************,l $-auiraine N(1-eru*ing $/l-Electrtcat fif-!{echanical [ ]-other Job Nane: IAJr:/,'^- R-t"*l ,fob Address: Iegal Description: Ipt Block Fil DATEs- Caac*j< UiL\ Ph. [(€t ffi Ouners Name: Archltect: Address: Address:Ph. ^ qrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet_\t lt********************************* VALUATIONS ****** *** ************************rl BurLornc: g l4,ooo ELECTRTcAL:$3lco orItER:f PJ,WBTNG: TEo rQ'.t r.J,"l)urcgenrcAL3 S-ffio-- ToTAr,: $-PJ,WBING: $ _jtr!e /r.rhl r.Jtrl)MECHANfCAL3 $ r-Loo - v I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * coNIRAeIOR INrO.Rl{IEeneral contractor: C,.1 Guto^-bn fl'hrLarLb r/^,rl General Descriptionr, &:-,.-*:y! t,,".,, s ( rl f Q-'t rJ fr .u5 S fl cxc .- t"- l{ork class: [ ]-Nen' g4'l-Alteratlon t l-Additional I l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dnelling Units: C)Number of, Acconnodatl.on Units: O TOTAL: I eIoR INT.qRMATION * * * * * * il * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *lEeneral contractorz,.f"..-l Qr+Zr-MA fl,hcLacl^[,arL T_own of Vail Reg. No.3-r3-4 AddreEs: ;"th vac-s-[L,-".* D",,Q_, 47n-'To,sg Phone Nunber: ?zz Zool Electrisal Contractorz T/l* o---o"nr.J Town of vait Reg. No.Address: Phone Nunber: PlunbinE Contractor: Address: Itlechanical Contractor: Address: ***************************t** BUITDING PERMIT FEE: PLT'UBTNG PERUTT FEES I.IECHANICAL PERMIT EIECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: of Val-I Reg.NO ail Reg. NO. Number: i************* *a***i| ******it** PI"AN EBECK FEE: G PI.A}T CHECK FEE: CAI, PI-,AN CHECK TEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PER!{If TEES! ON BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAI'T'RE! Connents: l/Jo-t/ i^:or] .f. 75 3outh lronlage road vail, colo.rdo 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROMs DATE: SURTECT: olllce ol communlly deYelopmonl AI,L CONTRACTORS CURRE$TLYL REGISTSRED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAI! PUBL,IC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVEIOPItENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !{AIERIAIJ STORAGE rn surnmaryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful. for any person to litter, traek or deposit any soiL, rock, sand., debris or naterial , including trash dunpsterl , poriable ioileti and workmen vehicl.es upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or pubJ.ic F_I?g" or any portion theieof. The rigbt-oi-way on ali Town of VaiI streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wllr be strillry enforcid by the Toirn of vail p9!]ig lforks Department. persons found vi-otating this ordltr"n""will- be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said materiaL.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specifJ.ed, the puific Works Departrnent will remove said rnateriaL at the expense of perEon notified. The provisions of this ordinance sfritf not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way, To review Ordinance No. 6 in ful-I, please stop by tlre Town of vail Building Department to ohtain I copy. tirani you for your cooperation on this natter. cknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 .outh ironlirge roed rril, colorrdo 81G57 (313) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olllce of communlly drvclopmenl BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI'IE If this peryit.requ'ires a Town of Vaj'l Fire Deparfinent Approval,Engineel's (Pgblic Horks) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Department revtew or,Health Department review, and'a review by the 6uilhing Oepartment, the esti.mated time for a total review lrny take as 16ng as thl.ee weeRs. All commercial (large or sma'l'l) and all mu]ti-family permits will have tq follow the above mentjoned maximum requiremenis. Residential and.small projects should tal(e a lesser amount of tjme. Howevern if !"esfdential or smaller proJects inpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary rev'iew, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite th'is pennit as. sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. f= , ,', , (;': ft.-: o ,l - Pfoject Name r 6 -ZZ- 73 Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. \ N g .{ iIIH ll lti rq-i e s$nx r \,! tq it-r il iN{ i=i lL l tl tt I l-, --J BS Nh \r' Bfr ,f\t+l $s El N R\ hBs lEUl fIPT u ltr F T A\\(--p ,r1 =\/A>x (/ Bll ff i-l $ t/r ,sa ,:d lf.) \U s .o r\o ni F F \ a -t r{ tr N N \(\ \ -l N s n b. R'r ;-F , h o o \+- rbl In F \-) , -f.\ ,,,n ;, \t :\- c\ f.J ,,J iI TilE UESTU{ il0TEL, VAIL FIRST FLOOR :*] _l d.t-:l i il[EilEEME rasl lrsel lt83l lr07 rsrq lr0rl lt95l lr I I R.l*: I I OFFICE PROPOSAL Fax/Copier/Coff ee (approx. 8'x 8') Olf ice - 258 lt2 (21'6" x 12'0"1 -258ttz l/PhoE l6lror dn.fofib.- ll i ..i. .h r,.-t x.ri * - '' '- \- cJ *--:.f -j- I r,--tx -l +r_ ] l>r +-cc it e F {',{li a <r]'\.-r >t p F< ?t F 9_ I a P L .-\ (\) .F t)< :.E-ou1 c-(+L \ (r e-:- ,r.3€ tn n' ?r F -l t s t'I .l\ e-i EI \\F is c't n p r t o L'l Bt $rF 9- t F I ^s -a- i.rl o-t X. .Nm o 1J -5 t : ,Lnfl@kl QtffiHfr4 mafa? rv L-, t/ - 'tt''JJ 'll'^ azyyo ll v ryotl4vC ,lalYl 7 u (t I ,oii?+frf-[3 t-: MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 16, 1993 7:30 P.M. 4 "nsol* meeting of the vail rown counsil was held on Tuesday, March 16, 1gg8, in the Council Chambers of the VaiI Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at ?:4b P.M. MEMBERS PRESEI{T:Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Jim Gibson Jim Shearer Tom Steinberg Rob LeVine Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Bob Buckley Larry Grafel, Acting Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant to the Town Manager Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. Bill Hanlon noted. he had spoken rvith Ken Hughey conceming increased policing in the Village and walk-throughs on private properties as a deterrent to any potential problems during the upcoming Springbreaks. Ken Hughey noted TOV did not have the stalfrng levels to meet peak demand times, but the Police Department had been trying to respond to all requests for additional walk-throughs in hotels and the parking structures. He added there were contingency plans to put stalf on overtime to meet the needs of lodge owners and people the Village if needed. Mr. Hanlon also expressed his feeling that TOV was at a point where a fi.rll-time Mayor and Council, as well as a Town Manager, were needed. Item No. 2 was a Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1993, second reading, an ordinhnce repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 41, Series of 1991, to provide changes to Area A requirements for SDD No. 4 that concern the development plans for The Waterford and The Cornerstone Development Building Sites; and setting forth details in regard. thereto. The applicants were MECM Enterprises and Commercial Federal Savings. Mayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Shelly Mello discussed issues addressed in the Community Development Departmenr"s (CDD) March 11, 1993, memo to Council requesting an insertion into paragraph 18.46.104 of this ordinance to allow the applicant, rilith staff review, to modify common areas and add up to 1,000 square feet of additional common area in order to meet adopted TOV codes. Shelly explained, after further development ofthe structural plans for this project, the applicant had found bhat, due to the American Disability Act, Uniform Fire Code, and the Uniform Building Code there was a dema.d for an increase in common area and modification to common areas for the building. Shelly noted stalf found this was a corrmon request once building plans moved from planning stages to construction stages, and felt the requested insertion into this ordinance was an appropriate addition. Council agreed to the requested insertion. Fred Otto advised he had learned he did not own Westhaven Drive; it was still owned by Vail Ventures. However, he said a coalition of the four remaining undeveloped parcels, the MECM site, the Building C site (Cornerstone), tJle Ruins site (Westhaven Apartments), and the Triplex site (Millrace III) and the Cascade Village Association (CVA) would make a contribution of $97,500 to TOV to assist TOV with refurbishing Westhaven Drive and taking it over. Mr. Otto stated the $97,500 would be contributetl as follows: $24,000 from CVA, $23,000 from Commercial Federal who owns the Building C site (Cornerstone), $5,000 from Mike Lauterbach for Millrace IV, $24,500 from MECM, and $21,000 from the owner of the Ruins (Westhaven Apartments.) The $97,500 figure was the frgure derived at and detailed in Larry Grafel's memo to Council dated Februwy 72, 1993, regarding Westhaven Drive improvements. The memo indicated the Public Works Department (PW) had reviewed the infonnation provided by the applicants at a meeting with Greg Hall, TOV Engineer, Estaquio Cortina, Ned Gwathmey, Jerrry Mulliken, and Larry Grafel on February 10, 1993, a:rd PW had analyzed that information with regard to the subdivision ordinance standards for public streets. The memo listed specifis improvements required for Westhaven Driver ani cost estimates for those improvements. The mechanics of transferring title and dedicating Westhaven Drive to TOV were discussed. Mr- Otto noted that Andy Norris had no problem himself deeding over the road, but Mr. Otto indicated that Mr. Norris could not supply information about the status of transferring title from other owners. Mr. Otto said this issue would. require further investigation, whih he felt was a responsibility he hoped TOV would assist with. There was discussion about the timefrane lor payment of the 992,b00. Mr. otto said he had hoped to have that as a condition of Certificate of Occupancy (CO). He did not, however, harre a problem either putting it up before that time or bonding it. He assumed if "OV received tiile, TOV would take over maintenance and snow removal. Mayor Osterfoss felt it would be sensible for TOV to consider taking over maintenance and snow removal once it received title to the road., and, in conjunction with that, felt that would be the appropriate time for the applicants to pay the $97,500. Mr. Otto said that would work, but felt it was important to the participants in this project to understood that the only thing that was going to happen was an overlay. There would be no change in the curvature or line of sight, no change in the bridge, and that existing encroachments lyrng within Westhaven Drive would not require a license or encroachment agreement. Mr. Otto anticipated the deeding of the road and payment of the $97,500 would occur in 1993. He felt construction ofthe road would. not no"m-aUy be done until heavy construction was completed, so he expected, if they could get started this sgmmer with the heavy equipment and steel erection, construction ofthe road could be done in the srunmer of 1994, Mayor Osterfoss asked if there would be any cost changes as a result of proceeding in 1994. Larry Grafel stated if there was a delay, current prices with an approximate 6Vo increase would be appropriate to consider. Mr. Otto pointed out the $97,500 estimate in Larry Grafel's memo contained a $19,b00 contingency, and Mr, otto hoped if conetruction was less than that, the difference would be returned pro rata to the participants. Mayor Osterfoss felt that was a reasonable request. There was further discussion about the projectis timeframe, Tom Steinberg indicating TOV did not want to be held to this agreement indefinitely; this agreement was for 1993 as far as he was concerned. Mr. Otto also indicated his group felt TOV should participate in this in some form. He said he has been struggting to get GIen Lyon to participate in this as they were the direct beneficiary ofall ofthis, but to date they have not been able to find a way to get Glen Lyon to participate. Tom said the building permit was tied to TO\ts receipt of the $97,500 and the title to the land, and if Mr. Otto could not get title until 1994, the project would not go until 1994. Mr. Otto felt TOV had to cooperate and conduct, at his cost, a condemnation proceeding. Mr. Otto and Larry Eskwith discussed the details and timing iavolved witJr condemnation proceedings including appraisals and public hearings. It was noted the condemned party had thirty days to obtain an appraisal, and Mr. Otto would be responsible for charges incurred for that. Larry felt it could be four to six months before actual receipt of immediate possession could occur. Mayor Osterfoss summarized the sequence of events to occur: the title for Westhaven Drive was to be presented at no cost to TOV, that $97,500 would be contributed to TOV by the group of interested property owners in the area, and following that a building permit would be issued. Larry Eskwith confirmed that MECM did not presently own the road, and because TOV could possibly be taking a Quit Claim Deed, La:ry indicated he wanted a title commitment policy. The building permit issue was discussed. Mr. Otto felt it was reasonable to make that a condition of occupancy. All agreed it would be to the benefrt of all to see building commence this summer, but Mr. Otto felt if TOV made acquisition of the road a condition of the building permit, he did not feel summer building would be possible if Larry's four to six month estimate was correct. Mr. Otto saiil the money would be there, but title to the road may take the amount of time Larry Eskwith thought. Mayor Osterfoss stated until title and the money were there, TOV would not be maintaining the road. She also said because Larry Grafel and Greg Hall had analyzed the coet for this prdect, at $97,500 it should be considered TOV was contributing the cost of design, testing, and project management. There was additional discussion about the 1993 cost estimates versus future costs. Larry Grafel noted, as Mr. Otto had mentioned, there was a contingency ia the $97,500, it was preferable to do the project all at once, and he felt it would be possible to do it after the heavy equipment was there and construction was underway. Larry Grafel felt the damage would be minimal and it could be done at a later time without major cost implications. After further conversation regarding timing of the road construction, an agreement was reached that, upon paJrment of the $9?,500, a building permit could be issued, even if title had not been transferred to TOV with the understanding that maintenance ofthe road would not start nor would there be issuance of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) until title was also transferred. It was also established that if TOV was iequired to proceed with condemnation, that would be at Mr. Otto's expense. LarrT Eskwith said it needed to be clear in the ordinance that when Mr. Otto s expense was addressed, not only the expense of the proceeding was to be addressed, but also the expense of any bond as the escrow for immediate possession. Mr. otto said he then wanted to have a heavy hand in the condernnation p-roceeding because he felt he could do it very fast and very cheaply and wanted to be able to select the attorneys. It was mutually agreed that the developer would participate in any necessary condemnation proceedings. After further discussion, Jim Gibson moved to approve Ordinaace No. 1, Series of 19g8, on second reading, with the following conditione agreed upon by TOV and the property owner: an effort would begin to obtain title to Westhaven Drive at no cost to TOV, $97,500 would be paid to Tov by the group who had made commitments to pay that, subsequeat to the payment of the $97,500 building permits could be obtained to begin projects in Waterford and Cornerstone, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancies would not be issued by TOV for either building until title for the road had been transferred to TOV and at that time maintenance of that road by TOV would begin, if the project came in for less than $97,500, those funds would be returned by TOV to those who contributed, condemnation costs would be paid for by the applicant and TOV would cooperate in conducting condemnation proceedings with the applicant choosing attorneys and appraisers, the specific improvements required to Westhaven Drive were those things specifi.ed i:r Larrry Grafel's memo dated February 12, 1993, including that all transverse and longitudinal cracks would be sealed with a pave prep fabric prior to overlay, that any asphait distress areas would be removed and reworked prior to overlay, 2' ofasphalt would be removed and the base recompacted and new asphalt placed from Station O+00 (Bridee) to Station 6+75 (Westin Hotel Entrance) right edge and once that overlay was completed, the minimum section would be 4" asphalt over 4" basecourse, tinat2' of asphalt would be removed and tJle base recompacted and new asphalt placed from Station 5+00 (Westhaven Apartments/Parking Strrrciure Exit) to Station 7+00 (lower Cascade Club Entrance) le{t edge and once that overlay was completed the minimum section would be 4" asphalt over 4" ba$ecourse, that the existing concrete pan would be removed and replaced with type II B curb and gutter at Station 0+00 - 5+00 right side, that the existing concrete pan would be removed at Station 0+00 - 1+90 Ieft side and \pe II B curb anil gu.tter would be installed and appropriate drive cuts and drive pans would be provided as well as a 6' sidewalk installed, Type II B curb and gutter would be installed from Station 1+90 -5+00 left side and appropriate drive cuts and drive plans and a 6'sidewalk would be installed at Station 1+90 - 5+00 left side and a 6'walk would be installed from Station 2+50 - 5+00, that at Station 5+00 - 10+00 left side, the existing concrete pan would be removed and replaced with Type II B curb and gutter and appropriate drive cuts and drive pans would be provided as well as a 6' sidewalk, that at Station 6+?5 right side, the pan would be reworked to ensure storm flows stay on Westhaven Drive, that at Station 8+40 right side, the curb would be reworked and drivecut to ensure water would not flow into delivery doors of the couference center, that Type II B curb and gutter and a 6'sidewalk would be installed at Station 8+60 - 9+80 right side, that any broken curb sections in the cul-de-sac area would be repaired prior to overlaying and that it would be assumed there would be 30 l.f. of curb replacement, that the entire road would be overlayed with 1 f/2" hot bituminous pavement , that 2 hooded inlets with sediment traps and 15" cmp piping to discharge the flows to Gore Creek would be installed al Station 0+10 left and right eide, that at Station 5+oO left side the existingvalley inlet would be converted to a hooded inlet, that at Station 2+00 - 3+50 right side rocks ard landscaping would be modifred to improve sight distance, that at Station 3+00 - 4+?5 le{t side rocks would be moved back to improve snow storage capacity, that at Station 3+50 + 4+75 right side rocks would be moved back to improve snow storage capacity, that any settled pave$ wouldbe reworked and brought up to grade, and that applicant would work to control runolVicing problem on the stairs to the Cascade Club, and there would be a paragraph added to ofthe ordinance to allow the applicant to add an additional 1,000 square feet of common area in the Waterford Building. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. Larry Grafel introduced T\JVs new Town Clerk, Holly McCutcheon. At 8:20 P.M., a motion to afiourn the meeting to Executive Session to discuss legal, ,l-rt o o rerrloved. - Tom suggested if the end solution was a park on top of a parkjng structure,perhaps the street would not need to be nanowed to put in iandscaping f,ecause the landscapiag would be in the park. Mayor Osterfoss advised a site visii to the area was planned, and felb it woulcl be an interesting leaming experience for Council and stalf to go out and enforce regulations. Merv noted the Transportition and Parking Task Force rvis reconvening so this could be another issue for their review. ltem No. 2 was the appointment of 3 new members to the Planning and Enviroumental Commission (PEC). The candidates, interviewed by Council on Februar5r,28, 1gg3, were BiII Anderson, Chuck Crist, Kathy Langenwalter, and Gena Whitten. There were B positions avaiiable, each term for two years. A ballot was taken, and Merv Lapin moved. to appoint Bill Anderson and I(alhy Larrgenwalter to the PEC unlil February 2S; 1995- A majority of votes had not been received for any candidate for the third open position, and. sia{T was directed to re-advertise the position. Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. Ite'n No. 3 was the appointment of 2 new members to the Design Review Board (DRB). The candidates, interviewed by Council on Februarl' 29, 199A, weie Michael Arnett, Sally Rich Brainerd, Alice Cartwright, Dan Doerge, Florence Steinberg, aad Carmen Weiner. There were 2 posifions available. Tom Steinberg stepped down due to conflict of interest. A batlot was taken, and Merv Lapin u.oved to appoint Michael Arnett and Sally Rich Brainerd to the DRB unt'il February 28, 1995. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. A vbte was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0-1, Tom Steinberg abstaining. Item No. 4 was the appointment of 1 new member to the Housing Authority. The candidales, interviewed by Council on February 23, lggg, were Duane piper and Dan Doerge. There was 1 position available for a five year terrn. A ballot was taken, and Tom Steinberg moved to re-app-oint Duane Piper to the Housing Authority until January 31, 1995. Bob Buckley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unaaimously, 6-0. Item No. 5 was appointment of 4 new members to the Art in Public Placee Board (AIPP). The candidates, intervierved by Council on February 23, 1993, were Alice Cartwright, Jim cotter, Dan Doerge, Eddy Doumas, Iolita Higbie, Erich Hill, and Kyle H. webb. There'were 4 positions available. Two terms were for two years and two terms were for three years. A ballot was taken, and Merv Lapin moved to appoint Jim Cotter arrd Lolita Higbie to ihe AIPP Board until February 28, 1995, a:rd Alice Cartwright and Erich HiIl until !'ebruary 28, 19g6. Jim Gibson seconded the motion. A vote was taken anil the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. Item No. 6 was a Consent Agenda consisting of two items: A. Approval of the I\{inutes of the February 2, 1999, and February 16, 19g8, Town Council Evening l{eetings. B. Ordinance No. 3, $eries of 1993, second reading, an ordinance concerning the issuance of Local Improvement Refunding Bonds of the Town of Vail, Colorado for the Booth Creek Local Improvement District; ratifying action heretofore taken in connection therewith; prescribing details in connection with said Bonds and District; prescribing duties ofcertain Town olficials in connection therewith; repealing all ordinarrces and other action of the Town to the extent inconsistent herewith; and pmviding other matters relating thereto. Mayor Osterfoss read the titles in full. Tom Steinberg moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with a second from Jim Gibson. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0 Item No. 7 was Ordinaace No. !., Series of 1993, second reading, an ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 4L, Series of L991, to provide changes to Area A requiiements for SDD No. 4 that concern the development plans for The Waterford and The Cornerstone D,evelopment Building Sites; and setting forth details in regard thereto. The applicants were MECM Enterprises and Commercial Federal Savings. Mayor Osterfoss read the title in full. Larry Eskwith explained that it had been assumed that Westhaven Drive was owned by MECM, who wag the developer of the Waterford site. However, it appeared there was now some question as to who had title to that road. He advised documents had been discovered in the foreclosure papets which made it unceriain if MECM owned that road, Consequently, rt o o |": v o it yq"-la be imFossible for MECM to dedicate the road t,o TOV if they do not own it. After brief discussion, Merv Lapin moved to table second reading of Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1993, until March 16, 1993. Torn Steinberg seconded the molion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. Item No. 8 was Resolution No. 3, Series of 1993, a resolution approving and adopting the l-993-1997 Town of Vail Transit Development Plan (TDP). Mayorbsterfoss read the tiile in full. Mike Rose briefly explained the content of the TDP, and advised that it needed to be submitted to the Colorado Department of Transportation by Aprii Lb, 1998, in order to compete for $900,000 in grant money the state had available this year. Tom Steinberg moved to approve Resolution No. 3, Series of 1993, with a second from Jim Gibson. Before a vote was taken, Merv Lapin inquired abouL time scheduie and allect if TOV were successfui in receiving funds. After brief discussion, a vote was then taken and ihe motion passed unanimousiy, 6-0. Item No. 9 was a Town Council appeal of a Planning and Environmental Commission (pEC) decision regarding a Conditional Use Permit, for the expansion of the Municipal Building to house the Vail Police Department, localed at 75 S. Frontage Road West. Mike Moilica referenced his memo to Council dated March z, Lgg8, detailing the February 22, Lggg, pEC meeting during which they approved, by a vote of 4-3, a Conditional Use per:nait request including ten conditions of approval, for the Police Department expansion. Mike noted the first seven conditions were recommendations made by the planning staff and were carried, forth by the PEC. Those seven conditions were fully detailedln the Community Development Department's (CDD) memo to the PEC dated February 22, 1998. The pEb acldedthree additional conditions which were detailed in the above referenced March z, IggB memo. There was discussion concerning additional landscaping, particularly with regard to snow storage, parking requirements, the heliport, and communication with the Colorado Dep-artment of Transportation (CDOT) regarding some of their rights-of-way. Mike said the CDD was trying to keep all development proposed for this project on TOV property, inclufing the parking spaces presently on the CDOT right-of-way. He confirmed itrut -CnOf Uua agreed to allow plantitrg and berming in their righl-of-way. Mayor Osterfoss noted Lhere had been discussions rvilh We Recycle and olhers about possible relocation because Council was in agreement with the PEC's concern that all on-site parking should be maximized. Jim Gibson turned the discussion to Ken Hughey's March 2, 1993, memo to Council regarding a cost analysis of the Police Department expansion based on thti PEC and CDD recommendations. That memo explained that the PEC's approval of the Conditional Use Permii request for the Police expansion contained ten conditions, most of which were not included in the approved project budget, and detailed the cost ofeach condition. Jim Gibsoo felt a number of the costs shown in the memo did not belong in the Police Department expansion budget. Tom Steinberg agreed some of the items, such as crosswalks and sidewalks, were projects which should be done as a matter of course. Before further discussion of budget issues, Mayor Osterfoss asked if there was Council consensus for the ten conditions approved by the PEC. Tom Sieinberg asked if the architectural modifications lo the existing building conformed to the new building. He asked why the new building was not automatically conforming to the existing building to avoid expense' Mike Mollica explained there were numerous meetings with the DRB at the PEC work sessions, ald it was felt that it would not be appropriate to carr5r the architectural design ofthe existing building over to the proposed new expansion. Mayor Osterfoss askeil if the architects had a design that would match the existing building. Ken said they did, and, in short, that design just showed the new building looking like the exjsting building. Ken explained the $103,000 was for architectural modifrcations to make the existing building conform to the new building. If the new building were built with new architecture, the cost would be $103,000 to redo the exterior of the existing building to match the new building, $27,000 of that amount for modification to the west entry of the existing building. Tom Steinberg pointed out if this building were modified, the Municipal Annex would not match. JeffBowen, PEC member and Police Addition Task Force member, said the PEC felt it was important, even with consideration of addibional cost, to note that this was, in essence, the creation of a new Town Hall. IIe felt the buildings should match, and rather than trying to make the new buiiding look like the existing building, the existing building should be modified so the architecture of the new building would be carried through. Dalton Williams, PEC member also felt the two buildir:gs needed to match and needed to be more attractive oo !li - ,irj :i il *i-il* lrr o F rL I OOPV Mr' Abalanalp noted the Board of Directors of the Berry creek Metropolitan District lupPgted the positioa of making the additional 5 acres a rif"Ur" if the School Districb decided to construct an appropriatily sized middle school at tn* "it". He felt similar support from Tov, which was,the .oiitv o**ing the largest irrterest in irrln""y creek Eth Filing,seemed appropriate. In suYrmary, Mr. Abphnati r"eg.tea tov "*a-ioe this question an<i.take two steps: (1) a{oy.the Eaele counitsch'oo] frIrt"i*it" *Jth" """"ug" in the Berry creek.5th Filing, and (2) permii "r" oii"tt" Berry creek Eth Fiuxg fbr construction and operation of a middle school. He felt this was a unique opportuniiy which should be taken advantage of to avoid,the future possibility of having t [iilo."tntirely separate middle school at a substantially increased cost. Me"rv requested at least one or two Council members accompanv him to the Thursday ,Zl}llgl,meeting of the Eagle clrrrrtv n""ruation Authority to hear The Eagle County School Districi,s proposal. Item No' 2 on-the agenda was ordinance No. 1, series of 1gg3, second readirg, nn ordinance repealing and reenacting ordinance No. 4t, S""i". ofrsgi, i" p"""ra" changes to Area A requirements for sDD No. 4 that con@rn the developm*t;il6;lhe waterford andr6e,cornerstone Development Building siteg; and settiil {ilil;t"til in regard thereto. The applicant was MECM Enterprises*and Commercial Flderal s;;;;.. sheuy Mello advised the applicants had asked for a continu";; the next eveni;--;;it"c. Rob Levine moved to continue ordinance No. 1, series of 19g8, second reading, untir March z, r.gg3, with a second from Jim Gibson. Before a vote was-taken, she[y explaio"d th" Lpprl"""fLa received To\Ps requirements and estimate for the roaa 4f",i*-i*", and had also pursued a private estimate whr.ch appeared to be in line with To\rs. At thil time the ,ppri.-",ri-**,communicating with the individual entities involved to *"""" ""ppo"t fo" f""ai"g. tn"y proposed to come back.in two weeks dlt ? proposal for how tne road i*p*oo**"oi* *9o1i be funded. Merv Lapin noted Larry Grafei,s memo to council art"a r."u"r., ary 12, rgg1,regarding Westhaven Drive Improvements stated the Public Works Depaytment had reviewed information prwided-by the applicants and had aaalyzed it witrr iug.a to the subdivision ordinance standards for prrblic-Jtreets. The memo prwicled details concerning what TOV felt was necessary to bring tlre roa{ up to TOV standards. The cost for that *i" u.ti-.t"a ,i $97'500' In that -.*o, Larry crafel also stated .o*" typu oi*""""""" ha4 to be provided f T^OJ, perhaps through performance bonding-of 125?o of ttre project cost. Further, Larry Grafel felt a time frame for completion shouft be establishld"u""J ti*a to the Temporary Certificate.of Qccupancy (TCO) oiCertificate of OccupancylCOl "rif," project. M;;;k-e Kristan Pritz if she had reviewed a]l of the documents of the SDD to be certain that all of the requirements of the SDD were being satisfied at this time so tlr""" ,u""" no renaining requirements, including recreational amenities, tree planting, landscaping, etc. Kristan said there were a few things still to be done, but they were unrelated to these projects. Shelly felb the biggest.condition remaining dealt with ihe construction of a sidewalk in front of Westhaven Apartments, and she said that was being addressed *itl tni. project. Because t{r y3! originallv a single developer sDD and *r.-rro* ; *Jt pi; aeveffi" soo, u"*asked-if there was anything the original developer did not do that rilt n.a t" fu aon". 'Sh"Uy said there was one recreational amenity that was to be placed in the center courtyard area between the Cornerstone Project, the Conference Center, and the Tenace Wing. Shelly said that this was addressed tlry Planning and Environmental Commission (pEi) t"r,a, anJii y^" ry.t_Tgdifigd by tq"-PPC,but they allowed for it to be modified by the nesign rt;;;Board (DRB)' The PBC left that op*tr to the DRB. The PEC aia ooire"t that water Gature was necessarily critical or even sensible with tlre curyent plan. She felt that was tne oJy wide spread anenity througlout the project that was "oi "o*prJ"d in its ""u""ty. j# Gibson called the question. A vote ** t"t "" and the motion pissed ,roaoi*orr*iy, "e-0. -_ Item No' 3 was Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1993, first, reading, an ordinanee concerning the ij*"lry" ofr,ocal Improvement Refunding Bonds of the C";";f v;, colorado for the footh CreekLocal Improvement District; ratifying action heretofore taken in conaection therewith;prescribing details in connection with said Bonds and Dirttil; ;;;."ifios a,rties of certail Town o{fieials in connection therewith; repealing all ordinance* u"Jotrt"" i"tr"" "r-ti" i"*to the extent inconsistent herewitfu and providing other matters relating thereto. Steve Thompson explained t+ry ryT-lhe_r^efunding issue which would refund rhe b;dso;l;t;di;;now. He said_or_April 1, lgg8, TOV wouil call g68,000 wortU oiine bonds because of thE as$essments Tov had received to date, so the refunding was for $800,0o0, a,,d the new interest rate was 7.25?o as opposed 6 9.57o on the bonds-. He said the bonds matured on April 1, 1999. He noted the owners had ten years to pay their assessments offfrom lgg3,so the bonds were due sooner than the assessments were due. If there *ere "ny UoAi outstanding on April l, 1999, TOV would have to loan the boud fund money to call the bonds. ';t'vt MINUTES ylll Tolvr{ couNCrL MEETTNG i,3f}:^fl'2' ..ss' A regular meetins of the Vc'Town counc' was helll on Tuesday, February 2, 1992, in the 3:;:t chambers of the vail rvr"*.i,.iiiiliing. rhe meetins *as caled to order ar ?:4b Id0t lllJ MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Peggy Osterfoss, Mavor Merv Lapin, Mayor Fro-Tem Jim Shearer Tom Steinbers Rob LeVine Bob Buckley Jim Gibson TOWN OFFICIALS pRESEI{I: Ron phillips, Town Manager itr"ff*ffi'*J:ffi ,tf*T;'*"r"wnManager Before beginning *.thl-hs meeting's first, agend.a item, Ron phillips announced that Bill Lowe, mechanic with rov's Freet M-"i";;;;; n"p""t-"rri.t"Jd.ton"", 198r, had passed :trlit_Tlffi h f8ir: n u"e *us ;L;;"ot oi.'",,ipi.y.it"iooo" orn*,s rong-rerm, The first item on the agenda was citizen participation of which there was none. Item No' 2 on the "*"*9" y39-t-h* presentation of plaque from the colorado Department of Tlansportation tcnor) to ron6; il;"f;; ".ru*"a piuJJ."t ri"-n . z0zo seat Belr usaee safetv Honor Ro'. Mary Lawrence, Tov s;fetvM*-.e"r,]"#a".ili n,*" smith of cDoh who described the nrogram, and advised 4ii" seatbelt usage was hoped for by 1gg5. Marvin Leach of cDoT prLsented ttt" ptuq,r"-to rir""o" o.t"*r"."l"ra*lJlirri.ua that rov woutd appear on the National Honor it"tf i" D.C. - Item No. B was a Consent Agenda consisting of two items: A' Approval of Minutes of the January E, rgg', and January 19, rgg', vail Towu Council Evening Meetings. B' ordinence 1rl_o. t series of rgg8, second reading, an ordinance of the Town of vail' colorado, decriminali"ioe i"alfi" i"r"..ti"il.laiii:rg the availability of jurv trials and jail sentences flr ^s1ch "iorutio"*l-"riJ'[ou,,g amsndms4ts to Titte 1o of the Municipal Code of thu To;-;iv;il-* - Jim shearer moved to approve the consent Agenda, with a second from Merv Lapin. A vote was taken and the motion purr"A.ro.oioro""ir, e-0. Item No' 4 was ordinanc" No.^l, series of r9g8, second reading, an ordinance repearing and reenacting ordinance No. jl, s""ie* or rsgr,t o"q*qg *&3i;Ar"a A requirements for sDD No. 4 that concern tni a"""i.p-""iiq"; t9" The w;;r6rd-aad rhe comerotones DeveloFment Buildine sir€"r r"a ""tti"*e i."ri'Lr*r" ;;;#;;;"do. lhe applicanrs were MECM Enterprises."a c"*-""L-rr-rEa'J"ri fagnss. c;il;ffi;;ceived a memo dated February t, 19e8, fromrar:rv c;;J, il;;*"j*-tr""gr"i, prlli.'turs meering advising that a meeting with Ned c*i't-*lv,'u"ii.*i" co*t .,;;"o"M;ili[n, nrank Freyer, IGnt Rose, Greg HaIl' and I,*v rt"al:"" i"rJlilr.i.aul,grnuary 29, 1998. The memo stated that meeting was positive ,-ta E;;q;'ffir: Fd. been mlde bv rhe parties trying ro resolve/determine what needed to u" aoltt",'*a at what cos[, to bring westhaven Drive up to Tov standards, but indicated il;;-"#po..ftr"-i* JilJlilL information to be ffi:.:rl"ilt;:ffH:_* time for tr'i" .*"ii ieading. lr"a-cr"u,-"y requesred this item whatcounar;;'tu;;iil:"-J:1trl:";Ll#TTJ"liltXriF5:*nlt#*; i, t'i! l 'o **'#T"Trffi"d either an inevocable letter of credit Tov coutd draw on if certain rovcoJd;;il;;[Fi:l#**:ffi *-,ilj:,,"J,fr"#ff :n*"'J*:F,l#i"ft I bonding companies *oua uelet""tiltT""""-ter into r"y tt"d;l;rety agreement for this tvpe of projecr. Larry said .n "*u-utl .,"ni.r, *;;;;;J.i uia would not be roo%accurate' but felt an .agreement could be entered into *hich *oria ,"qoi". the posting of a letter of credit from thI "ppli"r";;;;i""J"*a"a th; ".ri;;;:"frh:* was discussion abour what the range of costs tis'it b.. ir- stJ"gs r-#;;;;iii*1,rra u" wiser ro sripulate that this road should h"L*"uni "pi" iov -t""d;d.;; l*o"o." to Tov before a certificate of occuoancv_(co)"was-i-sr"""jro" .rJ ;;;"iljilg]' r,.-" said that was a possibilitv, but Tov.wolra "oi il;"*JJ, to d"d. ;6;#;?o'e which could creare a situation where builrri"e.-*"i" """.lr"Jt"a, ""-co;*il;j,'Li"rn" road might not be completed' -*' 11"-r-t::"J:t"t-bJ.""qi r"a lr"d-cJ"tffi"v "g"""d they wanted anangements for either a set' aside in a bant< ";;;; r" #ffi"ule retter of credit and a developer's agreement tun"g o.l "rr'"?;# terns and ""rJi;;;i.how rhat eolraterar was to be used' Tov would then be able ro iltai onthat ""ri"l""J.l"Jd the required work not be done bv a certain a"t". urv* i[t"i"lJlr,ia, u* puJoi-tnil;;;r, based on estinates,an amount would be ascertained, and, in aaartion L'trrat, . i""f;"L"cy would be set up so thar Tov would have r d"n;;;;b; c'""""rr *r, ."-r,irt-Jii'#trr. tn", was acceptable from Mr' Gwathmet's perspective. shellv Mello ."ia izs,Z-rilil" "rh."t"a cost to cover the work and ury orn"""g-* ql,i""- *J-1i""0'"'"""rr*uu generaly used. Rob Levine moved to continue ordinance No. 1, Series "r islti, Ilil *,"-e"t;;;i'6;ft evening meering, wirh a second from Jim shea:er. Before " ""t*';;; taken, Mayor"d;;;; expressed appreciation for the cooperation of a[ in"oi"eJf* ;;-L;* toward trr" "".ol,rtiJo of t]ris long unresolved problem. A vote was taken ""a ifr" *.iio"r. p".*"a unnniaqusly, g_e. Item No' 5 was Resolution No, 2, series of 19g8, a resolution authorizing the purchase of an unplatted piece of f:Lc".T;;il'L""*" as the v*' c;;;;;s property, and more particularly described in-Exhibit e "ttr"ma neretoand made a parifrereof l,,the property,,).Larry Eskwith explained thi. **l;;;;'*l"ra ""tn"J* nirit*pL.n*" a parcel of land located on the wo'tn r"o"tag RJj;;;il;rv rr*"- *H" #iib"--ons property. He noted negotiations had 151-o"s9i"i iJ" "*"lrr.ia.rable period of time, and terms had now been agreed upon bv the seu"r.'ine"n"".irl mce f9r thl p*""r, "pp**i*ately 6.9 acres,was g8'16r,922' The crosing *ur ;;h;;i"d .fo" ArJ {*lrdb]' r,rro said the only contingencv that could fu"1 irr" p"t""ii"rl""chase o? irr" ir"Juy Tov, other than titre,survev, or environmental problems, was trafttre ilt;;;i;lii Jt "" an appraisar which would show he was sellins the;;;i,""" ilTov Ib" l;;. th;]Jr"ia"t* value because he wanted to take a charitable d"d*;i;; f* ihat po.tioo of the ditreientiation between the purchase price and the value. L;;;;;irrui.J,pp"*r;;;;"; show the value of the land to [s g':rfficisat', _then tn" F"'."li""" ?ryr_u rr"".i *" oppo*rrity to terminate the conrract. other than that, the "orrt"a.i *u, f.;ry ;;d;;. "6#t*rouerg asked if rov had an environmsplal report racu o"-trre]"operty yet, but Larry said he did not want to expend funds on an environmentar ""p"J"'itiii"-ilj;";t#ffi;il1r, o,rr ro" conrract was totallv contingent on Tov [i"c r;i"dJ,"i" it. ""1"-afr"*;irr\ iitr, trr* reeurts of the environmenral survev. rom st€tbe;;;;; ;6;;;il;;il;iJ No. 2, Series of 1ee3,#: " second from Merv Lapin. e ""li*"r'trren talen ""dlh* ;;;;" passed unanimously, Item No' 6 was a review o{1sien varnance request.for curtin-Hill sports (previously vail ski Rentals), 2b4 Bridee str"uyr,oii, rr".n sa, vtr vi[qge lstFiling. ^T]re appricants were Jack curtin and Teak simonett. At g:0b p.'rra., tt" appli-cant haln-ot vet arrived, and Mayor f,::XtnHffiirnT ne"no to' il.k; ;:rr#"i, ?ir'ril Xo,nill,", berore beginning while waiting for a resoonsefrom Jack curtin,council discussed a work session item moved to the Eveni:rg Meetine, Tov """grJ".ti"i.'bt rre n""G.r ar"iJu"#d a proposed schedure entitled "schedure oraggviligs o"-nl""r"pil"i, ofN"*.ru-n M;;c";ent/Budger syslems,,which showed how Tov *ight p"ocleJ#ft; of the reorganizatiins discussed within the last few weeks. steve aeke; c;";"il lb.;;lt"rt o.o the-schedure, and, if council agreed to the recommended steeringTeam, ;;ili i;d*ncil member appointments to the Team. He reviewed the recommended ream g";;;ftt"; He.said- lhis group would be charged with investigating the various aspects of the program-au_d melring recommendations to the Town about format changes in Torn";r;A;;;;;ia buaget systems. Estabrishmenr of the Team would take place at this meeting, pii tn-"-iil" ftuJ" oo th" ;;;il; steve reviewed the tl.-'l JOHN W. DUN N ARTHUR A. AB PLANALP, JR. ALLEN c'. CHRISTENSEN LAWR E NC E P, HARTLAUB DIANE L, H ERMAN TELEPHON E: (3O3) 476-75s2 TELECOPIER: (3O3) 476'476s LAw O FFTGES DUNN, Aepl-eunLp & CHRtsrENsEN, P.C. A PROFESSIONAL CORFORATION VAIL NATIONAL EANK B U ILDING SU ITE 3OO I c)8 SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAD WEST VAIL, coLoRADo 8I657 SPECIAL COUNSELT JERRY W, HAN NAH ? January 1993 Town of Vail Department of Community Development Attention: Kristan Pritz ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Speciat Development District No. 4 Dear Kristan: Ae you are aware, this office rePresents the owner of the Westin notet. In that capacity, f have had the opportunity-lo attend the Town of VaiI work session which occurred on the 15th of December and the Town council meeting of the 5th of Januaryt at which the redevelopment plans related to the lfaterford and Cornerstone aspects of Special Development District No. 4 were considerect by the Town Council and staff. At the latter meeting, it was clear that the Town of ValI wlshed to have some response regarding the willingness of the various property owners in Ca6cade fittage to pirticipate in a joint effort to resolve the problems whicfr surround Westhaven Drive. Having conferred with 6ur ctient, and with ot,her nembers of the Cascade Village Association, it seems fair to state that there is a consensus which may be the subject of discussion at the meeting involving the Town of Vail scheduled for the 8th of January. First, our client l'tishes to emphasize its enthusiastic support for the plans recently submitted tor the redesign and ft;al developmenl of the Waterford and Cornerstone projects-. Secondly, oui client is in agreement with the goals volced by the members of the Town Council ihat the Westhaven Drive situation should be resolved in association l^tith the development revised plans for the waterford and cornerstone projects. rn order to lchieve that goal, the o$rner of the Westin Hotel is willing to participate in an equitable program to share reasonable cogts -necessaiy for the resolution of the Westhaven Drive problems. Before getttng into the specifics of the proposal' it seems appropriate t6 review the background of our client's analysis. tne slffent points upon which we rely are the following: 1. The present basis for allocating assessments among the mernbers of thl Cascade Village Association is based upon assessed valuation. For that reason, at the present time the responsibllity for assessments borne by the Waterford and Cornerstone projects would be minimal . The bulk of any assessment wouLd be borne by the oerner of the Westin Hotel property. 2. The property which is the subject of the MECM proposal is effectively the remainder of the undeveloped portion of Casqade Village. As such, the property includes not only (a) the Waterford site and (b) the lands upon vrhich that portion of llesthaven Drlve to be dedlcated to the Town of ValI is located, but also that land under the balance of Westhaven Drive, betvreen the Waterford sj,te and GIen Lyon subdivision. It seems appropriate, therefore, that the Town effectively provide for the completion of the balance of the lands (specifically Westhaven Drive) which are part of the Special Development District while it considers the revisj-on of the development plans for the I{aterford project, the adjacent portion of Westhaven Drive, and the Cornerstone project. 3. The Town of Vail has a direct interest in the resolution of this problem, due to the fact that GIen Lyon subdivision was approved, and substantlal investments have been made in that area, notwithstanding the fact that the subdivision is not served by a public road. 4. All of the property osrners in Cascade Vlllage, as well the Town of Vail, have a slgnificant lnterest in the resolution of the problems associated with liesthaven Drive. Based upon the foregoing considerationsr our client belleves that the following prollram may be generally acceptable by all parties, if it ls acceptable to the Town of VaiI: 1. Based upon the information available, our client belleves that all existing construction associated with tlesthaven Drlve was in compliance with appllcable codes and standards in effect at the time of construction. However' if the Town of VaiI believes that any aspect of Westhaven Drive is not now in compliance with applicable codes and standards' then the Town of Vail would grant variances or such other rel.ief as may be necessary or appropriate to permit the maintenance of Westhaven Drive in its present condition, including but not llmited to the pedestrian way over !{esthaven Drive, the Millrace curve and any other presently non-conforming conditions. 2. westhaven Drive, and not an easement across westhaven Drive, would be dedicated to the publicr not necessarily dedlcated to and accepted by the Town of VaII. 3. Responsibility for the maintenance of Westhaven Drive, in its entirety, would be assumed by the Town of Vail, in recognition of its use as a public road, beginning on or about the 1st day of November, 1993. 4. Any borings and other tests necessary or appropriate to satisfy the Town of VaiI of the adequacy of sub-base will be performed, €rf,y correctlve action w111 be taken, and adequate asphalt will be placed over the road, on or before the lst day of November, 1993, or by the issuance of the first temporary certificate of occupancy for either the Cornerstone or Waterford projects, whlchever is the earlier date. The costs of the foregoing would be borne in the followlng manner: a. The Cascade Village Assoclation, of which the owner of the westin Hotel ls the major contributor, lviIl contrlbute a reasonable amount toward the road up-grade costs, in comparison to the road maintenance expense which would otherwise be incurred. b. The balance of Lhe costs necessary for the road improvements wiII be borne by the MECM, Commercial Federal Savings, and the Town of VaiI, as may be mutually agreed among the three entlties. This allocation of additional costs ls necessary, as to MECM and CommerclaL Federal Savings, due to the fact that those entities witl not bear an appropriate share of the assessments allocated through t.he Cascade Village Association. The involvement of the Town of vail' seems appropriate because of the fact that the Toetn of Vail has some exposure regarding its approval of a subdlvlsion without public access. The foregoing has been generally discussed among most of the members of the Cascade vlllage Association. Members faniliar with the proposal find it acceptable. The proposal involves the participation of most entities affected by the Westhaven Road problern. We have not identified an effestive way to bring the residents of GIen Lyon into the package, and our client does not wish the waterford./Cornerstone project to fail because vte are only able to develop and effective and not a perfect plan. For that reason, our client feels that the foregoing proposal is as equltable and reasonable as possible, allocating costs among most of those who will beneflt, while recognizing that developers of the Waterford and Cornerstone project,s will benefit to the greatest extent. The foregoing proposal relies, of course, on the Town of Vail's wlllingness to have some flexibility regarding the standards of the roads it maintains. It appears that no one's pocket is so deep that a perfect road or a perfect solution can be created. That being the case, our client is Waterford and vail favorably resolution of AAAJT:xc: Mr. James Wear Attorney for Cascade village Association Mr. Fred Otto Attorney for MECM enthusiastic about the opportunlty offered by Cornerstone proposals and urges that, the Town consider those proposals in association with the Westhaven ur A. Abplana the of the ery truly TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Town counci, E@BANqgu Community Development Department December 30, 1992 Ordinance No. I, Series of 1993, addressing a proposed maior amendment to SDD #4 - Cascade Village. On DecemberTth, 1992, the PEC recommended approval for a request to amend SDD #4, Cascade Village, Area A. The vote was 5 - l, with Diana Donovan voting in opposition. The PEC's conditions of approval are specified in the attached memo to the Town Councildated December 8, 1992. On December 8th and lsth, 1992, the Town Council reviewed the proposed amendment during work sessions. At this time, the Town Council suggested a number of modifications to the project which included changes to the density and unit types on the Cornerstone building site. _rleJe was also further discussion as to the status of Westhaven Drive. As a result of the feedback from the Town Council, the applicant has chosen to modify the Cornerstone project to allow a single development plan for Cornerstone with 64 transient units versus the two development scenarios previously proposed to the PEC on Decembe( 7,199?. With the current proposal there are no dwelling units located in the Cornerstone project. The applicant has not made any modifications to the Waterford project since the Planning Commission review. All statistics listed in the December 7th, 1992 memo to the PEC from the Community Development Department are up-to-date. The changes to the Cornerstone project are listed in the proposed Ordinance No. #'t , Series of 1993. Ordinance #1 , Series of 1993 has been written to address the applicant's current proposal which was a result of the Town Council's direction. This ordinance does not inctude those recommendations from the PEC which addressed the change to the definition of TR, as well as the restrictions on proposed dwelting units. These items are discussed further in the December 8th memo to the Town Council from Community Development under Cornerstone (item #2 and item #6). Because Scenario 2 has been deleted, these recommendations are not included in the proposed ordinance. The Ordinance will be delivered to the Town'Councll on Monday. I UEMORANpUM TO: Town Council FROM: Community Development DATE: December 8, 1992 SUBJECT; Planning Commission recommendations to the Town Council to approve a - minor subdivision and major amendment to SDD #4 Cascade Village to amend the Development Plan for Waterford and Cornerstone paroels in Area A. On December7,1992, the PEC recommended approval for a request to amend SDD #4 Cascade Village Area A, The vote was 5-1. Diana Donovan opposed the application based on concerns related to the following: 1. The change in the TR definition to allow for uniis larger than 645 sq. tt. of GRFA, The proximity of the Waterford building to the creek; and The 20'width of the emergency access befween the Cornerstone Building and the existing Terrace Wing Building. She afso stated that she was generally more comfortable with the proposed Waterford project than the proposed Cornerstone project. The PEC also approved a request for a minor subdivision lo create two independent lots for tho two sites in question, the Waterford and Cornerstone building sites. The following items were conditions of the Planning Commission's recommendations to the Town Council. The staff's reccmmendation is listed in the attached memorandum, to the PEC dated December7,1992. Cornerstone l. . Before the buitding permit is released for the project, the three proposed employee housing units shalt be permanently restricted per the Town of Vail Housing Ordinance The EHU shall include two (2) on-site parking spaces gg the EHU shall include one (1) on-site parking space and the EHU shall be located'on'lhe Town's bus roule (as determined by the Town Zoning Administrator); 2. 3. The EHU shall not be suMivided into any form of time shares, interval ownerships, or tractional fee; The EHU shallbe leased, but only to tenants who are full'time employees who work in Eagle County. The EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty 2. 3. 4. (30) consecutive days. For the purposes oi this Section, a fulFtime employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week;, d. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the employee housing unit shall submit two (2) copies of a report (on a form to be obtained lrom the Community Development Department), to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail and the Chairperson of the Town of Vail Housing Authority, setting forth evidence establishing that each tenant whom resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. This agreement shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. Transient residential units proposed on both Scenario 1 and 2 shall not be individually - condominiumized at any point in the future. These units shall remain as renlal units : used in the same manner as holel type units.and are not intended for individual l ownership. The definition of TR shall be changed to accommodate this proposal. :'The developer agrees to complete asphalt borings and an as-built survey and to - provide them to lhe Town of Vail for the area of lhe road adjacent to their property in order to determine the condition ol Westhaven Drive. The Town Engineer shall determine when these drawings shall be required. The proposed landscape plan between the Tenace Wing and the proposed Cornerstone building shall be revised prior to the review of the project by the DRB. For emergency services, an access lane must be provided lrom the western courtyard to the ski lift. In meeting this condilion, the waler feature on lhe landscape plan for this amendment may be removed or revised accordingly. The proposed landscaping in this area shall be part of the Cornerstone development and, therefore, it is the developer's responsibility to complete this portion ot the project when the Cornerstone project is constructed. These plans shall be included in the building permit for the Cornerstone - development at such time that it is developed. The area of road in which parking is proposed under Westhaven Drive for the rCornerstone pioject shalt be conieyed and transferred through the proposed minor . ; ' i'subdivision td th'e Cornerston" proierty. An easement shatlle granted to the Tor,vn of ;'Vail over this area for public access. 6. ln Scenario 2 of the Cornerstone project, three DUs will be condominiumized and available on the free market with iro iental restrictions. ln addition, two DUs that each have ons AU and one lock off, shall have the rental restrictions applied per Section 17.26.075 of the Subdivision Regulations. An additional DU will ti6 availaUte with one fock off for condominiumization. This DU/LO unit will also have the condominium- conversion rental restrictions applied to it per Section 17.26.075 of the Subdivision c. I 1. 2. lffaterford ]!e two proposed employee housing units shall be restricted per the Town of Vail Housing Ordinance. This agreement shall be submitted before the building permit is released. fol lhe project. This agreement shall be recorded at Eagle Counfu'Cterk and recorder's Office. Please see the specific provisions of the ordinince under item 1. Comerstone. The developer agrees to complete asphalt borings and an as-built survey to determine the condition of Westhaven Drive from the South Frontage Road to the south end of the Cul-de-sac. The applicant agrees lo provide stamped, engineered construction drawings for any road revisions that are necessary to bring the road up to Town slandards. These construction drawings shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail's engineer prior to lhe release of a building permit. All road improvements shall be completed by the developer lor the project prior to T.c.o. The road will also be dedicated to the Town prior to the release of a T.C.O. The dedication of the public access easement for the remainder of Westhaven Drive shall be conveyed at such time that the minor subdivision plat is submitted prior to a building permit being released {or the project. The public access easement shall allow for parking enforcement by the Town of Vail. The bike path shall be relocated qnd the existing easement shall be amended if --possible on the minor subdivision plat to correspond lo the new location. lf the bike ' path is relocated while Waterford is being constructed, the bike path must be relocated and the easement provided to the Town for public access before a T.C.O. is released. The minor subdivision plat shall be completed and recorded prior to the release of any building permits for either prbject. The minor subdivision plat shall include the conveyance of property lo Cornerstone for its parking located below grade, the Town's public access easement over the underground parking area in the cuirent cul-de-sac, and lhe relocation of the bike path on the waterford site, and the public access easement across Westhaven Drive. The DRB will review lhe proposed landscaping in the areas of the retaining walts on the west and east ends of the site. The DRB will review the north elevation's architectural details. The applicant has also agreed to review the possibility of eliminating the skier access on the east end of the project. However, tne pEC felt that if the.applicant could significantly decrease the retaining walls necessary to build the access, the skier access could remain. 3. 4. Waterford/Cornerstone L The general condominlum pfat and declarations shall be reviewed by the Town ailorney and lhe Community Development Department. The primary concem is that the parking be made permanently available to the users of the project. This includes the permanent dedication of those spaces allooated to commercial areas as short term : public parking. All proposed required parking associated with the uses shall not be conveyed, used or leased separately from ihe uses. Public parking on the third lloor of the Cornerstone project shall be made available to the public for shorl term parking within the building. The wording of the agresments listed above are also subject to the Town Attomey's review. These items will appear in the proposed ordinance for this amendment unless otherwise modified by the Town Attorney or the Town Council. o .I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 7,1992 A request for a minor subdivision and a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade- Village, to amend the development plans for the Walerford and Cornerslone parcels in area A. The Waterlord site is generally located on the SE corner of the iritersection of Westhaven Drive and the S. Frontage Road. The Cornerstone sile is on Westhaven Drive south of the Cascade Village parking structure. The legal descriptions are as followsi Waterford Sil€ That pan of s|s SW 1/4 NE 'tl4, Secrion 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West ot thg Sixfi Principal Meridian. Town ot Vail. Eagle County, Colorado, desctibed aF follows: Eeginning al s point on ha southerly right-of.way line of Interstate Highway No. 70 whence an irori pin with a plasli.t cap marking the center ot said S€clion 12 beafs S 33"10'19'W 1447.03 teel; lhehce along said southerly right-of-way lins two cpurses 1) N 52o5O'29' E 229.66 {e€t 2) N 74'38'17 E 160.70 feet: th€nc€ dsparting said southerly. riglt-oJ-vray line N 88"45'57' E t 38.93 feet: henca S 40'4t14'W 94.32 leet; thence S 18" l8'36'W 54.08 teet; thencs S 0l'?t'36'W 205.02 {eet: thence S lfOT'36'W 110.25 teeti lhenc6'S 28"28'36'W ,|64.48 feeq henc€ N 40 o17'04' W 211.16 teef thenca N 49'42'56' E 97.80 leett henco N 37q09'31' W 95.59 fe€l; thence S . 52"50'29' W 55.10leet; hencs 69.48 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left having a radiug of 65.00 te€t a csntraf angle of 6 t'14'42' and a chord that bears N 58" 55'53' W 66.22 feet; thence N 3709'31'W 118.50 fe€t To The True Poinl of Beginning, County of €agle. Stat€ ot Coloiado; and the Cornerstone parcel desqibed as follows: Comsrsbns Sile That part of fiB SW 1/4 NE V4, Secdon 12, Township 5 South, Fange 8l West of the Sixfl : . Prin<iPal Meddian, Town ot Vail. counu of Eagle, State ol Colorado. desctibed es tollo,/€:: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of a non+xclusive easement for lngr€ss and egress knonn .as Wesfraven Drive recorded in Book 421 et Page 551 in the oflice ol the Eagle Counly, Colorado, . Olerk a;d Recorder whence th€ center ol said Section 12 bears s 38'34'43.W 1.168.27 leeti thence along said line ol Westhaven Drive N 52'43'41'E 143.92 feer; thencs deparring said tine ol Westha,ren Drive, 132.24 feet abng $e arc of a non-tangent c{five lo th€ lett having a radius of 55.00 feet, a cental angle of 137'45'30'and a cho.d that bears N 42'11?6'E t02.61 feet; henc€ N 52'50'29'E 55.24 feet; thenos S 37'09'31'E 95.59 te€ri thenoo $ 49'425614t 97.80 f€ett ftenoa S 40'1704'E 24.12 leeq henoe S 5250'29ryV 213.65 teeti fiencs N 3f0g'31'W t 05.76 fs€l to fie point o! beginning contraining 0.6848 acrcs more or less. MECM Enterprises, Waterford Site and Commercial Federal Savings, Comerstone Site I. INTRODUCTION ln July, September, and October of 1992, the PEC reviewed a proposed amendment to the Cascade Village SDD #4, Area A, Development Plan. The initial proposal specifically addressed the Waterford site located at the southeast corner of Westhaven Drlve and the South Frontage Road. lt has been decided that, in order to move forward with the amendment to the Waterford site, that the Cornerstone site to the west of Waterford also needs to be amended. In Oclober, 1992, a third work session was held which specilically addressed the Cornerstone site. The changes to the Cornerstone site are necessary because curently there is an interdependence ' between the two sites in respect to the provision of parking. Each siie is owned by .- independent entities and it is their desire to eliminate any interdependence between * the two sites. The qQal of this effort is to aporoie tgo developlnent plans which can be consiructed independent of each other. il. DESCRTPTTON Of THE REOUEII The applicant is requesting a major amendment to Special Development District (SDD) No. 4, Cascade Village Area A and more specifically, the Cornerstone and Waterford sites. A minor subdivision is also being requested to create two individuat lots. The Cornerstone parcel is bound by the proposed Waterford project to the east, Gore Creek and the Westin Terrace Buibing to the south and Westhaven Drive to the no-rtFi- The Waterford parcel is on the corner of the South Frontage Road and Westhaven Drive with Gore Creek to the south and the Waterford site to the west. The parcel was zoned SDD from the time it was annexed into the Town of Vail in 1974. There is no underlying zoning. The current approval for the Cornerstone sile allows for one development scheme with two options for the commercial area. The applicant is proposing two scenarios for this -. amendment. Scenario I includes transient units and commercial area while Scenario 2 .! includes a mixture of dwelling units, transient units, and commercial area. In addition,' i both Scenarios incltrde three employee units. The Cornerslone site modifications are -ibeing necessitated by the inclusion of parking which previoristy was located on the ,,, .,Waterford site. Parking has been accommodaled below grade and on the second and 'third levels' Scenario 2 calls for 34 transient units, 6 dwelling units with 3 lockoffs, 2 accommodation units and 3 employee units in Scenario 2. Scenario 1 would allow 52 lransient units and 3 employee units. Under Scenario 2, the applicant has requested that three of the dwelling units located in the east wing be free market and proposes that the remaining 3 dvvelling units, the 3 conesponding lockoffs, and the 2 accommodation units would be condominiumized and restricted bv the "condo conversion'requirements. The 1989 approved plan allows for 50 transient units, In both scenarios, the applicant proposes to permanently restrict the transient residential units to a lodging use, ie. the units will not be condominiumized. Please see Section - lV (A) Zoning Consideration for a detailed cbmparison between the approved plan and ' the two proposed scenarios. I The Comerstone proposal currently being reviewed does propose to locate parking below a portion of Westhaven Drive. The applicants propose to lransfer ownership ol a portion of the road with the proposed minoi subdivision to allow for this. The 1989 approved Waterford plan allowed for two scenarios. The applicant is proposing only one development plan for this amendment. The tirst included 75 accommodation units and the second atlowed for 30 dwelling units. Both included 3,800 square feet of commercial space and parking for both the Waterford and Cornerstone sites. The applicant is currently proposing only one scenario which allows- for 27 dwelling units and 2'employee units. -No increaie in-GRFA has been requested and the parking for the Waterford dwelling units will be provided on site. The appticant also proposes to relocate lhe recreation oath 10'to the south. Please see Section lV (B) for specific zoning considerations. III. BACKGROUND The Cascade Village Development was previously owned by a single development entity. As proposed by the past developer, the project was a system of interdependent phases to be built into an integrated complex which provided commercial areas, short- term and long-lerm residential units and consolidated parking facilitieq.-Since the bankruplcy of the original developer, ownership of the sites has been dispersed among different owners. This plan is now more difficult lo execute, as each owner has ditferent development objectives for their respective sites. The change in ownership etfecls the Cornerstone project because, as approved, all of the parking for the Cornerstone project was to be localed on the Waterford site. These projects are now held by two entities who want to provide their own parking on their respective sites. 166 parking spaces were to be provided in the Waterford project for the Cornerstone development. An additional outstanding issue in the Cascade Village development is the ownership btatus ol Westhaven Drive, from the South Frontage Road to the Gor6 Creek Bridge. The road is owned by the oWner of the Waterford site, MECM Enterprises, and is privately maintained by a separate entity. This road has not been conveyed to the ' Town because it does not meet the Town's minimum road standards. 1) Denslty (# ol Unlts) : 2) GRFA 3) Common Area 4) Commerclal Space 5) Credits Glven ...] ,_. : 6) Helght , North of ridge South East West Approved Scenario_ 50 TR' 28,1 10 sq. ft. 34,919 sq. ft. 26,040 or 29,065 sq. tt. None 71'max on lo top of ridge NIA because buildings are connected Proposed Scenarlo'l 52TR+3emp. units " 28,110 + 1800 sq. ft. for emp. units 16,817 sq. ft. 1 1 ,1 00 sq. ft. per multi-family zoning 71'lrom plaza 49 70 67 10,817 sq. ft. 11,'100 sq. ft. per multi- family r,r .zoning l. i: .' 71'from plaza i , . ..'totop 0 .54 A. Cotlparlson of AForoved and Proposed Develoolnent Plans for Cornersfone Proposed Scenarlo 2 34 TR 3 DU's (free market) 3 DU wl3l.o. and2 AU's (restricted) 3 emp. units*' 28,110 + 1800 sq. ft. for emp. units 49 70 67 7) Setbacks North 0 South Dislance between Tenace Wing and Cornerstona 45'East 0 0 54 0 West 8) Slte Coverage 9) Parklng 1) Denslty (# of Unlts) 2) GRFA 3) Common Area 4) RetallSpace 5) Credlts Glven 6) Helght North South East West 0 26,533 sq. ft. 155.9 or 166 spaces enclosed in Waterford Structure Approved Scenarlo 1 75 AUs 47,500 sq. ft. 14,297 sq. ft. 3,800 sq. ft. Nsne 0 20,930 sq. ft. 89 req. spaces wt75h 84 req.enclosed; wftS"/" 89 proposed w/ encfosed; 100% enclosed 89 proposed w100% enclosed 0 20,930 sq, ft. B.comDarlson of Approved and ProDosed Development Plans for waterford 48 feet 61 feet .. 61 feet 48 feet Approved Scenario 2 30 DUs 47,500 sq. ft. 14,297 sq. ft. 3,800 sq. ft. None 48 feet 61 feet 6.'l feet 48 leet Prooospd 27 DUs+ 2 restricted emp. unils " 47,500 sq.fl + 1 100 sq. ft. restricted emp. units'* 33,913 sq. ft. 7) Setbacks (Building) North 8'-15'-18' North (lo parking lot) NA South 20 min. East 8'-15'-18' NA West 8) Slte Coverage 9l Parklng 18 26,186 sq. ft. 72.7 spaces all parking enclosed 18 26,186 sq. ft. 87.7 spaces allparking enclosed 10 19,230 sq, ft. 11,100 sq. ft. surface lot2 - 25' 58 spaces required; 60 proposed 43 enclosed or 75o/o - or req., 19 surface .i ' i SDD # 4 delines a transient as follows: "Transient residential dwelling unit or restricted -. dwelling unit- shall be defined as a dwelling unit located in a multi-family dwelling that *- is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operated under a single ' management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. - A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unii shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing through another accomrnodalion unit, dwelling unit, or a transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominltl"nfs, they shall be restricted as set forth fn Seetion 17.26.075--17.26J20 governing iondominium conversion. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one ' half of a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA with a t maximum of 1.0 space per unit.':k. r : .l::. Permanently restricted employee units do not count towards density or GRFA per the current SDD#4 Ordinance. Lock-off Unit: A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one attached accommodation unit no larger than one-ihird of lhe total floor area of the dwelling. ':r _=: :.-'ll .: ;::, :.;,L.:. :.. ' ,:-, :r- .:i :- :;,:-:,,,' .,..: -r''l ' ,,::' i' E o I The proposed proiects depart from the existing definition of transient unit provided in this SDD. This definition witl need io be revised to allow for the larger TR units proposed in Scenario I and ll for Cornerstone. The proposed size of the lockoffs do not conform lo the definition provided in the zoning code. As approved, the Cornerstone and Waterford buildings were connected below grade. ln the approved plan, a large portion of the Cornerstone common area was located on what is now considered Waterford properly. In the proposed ptan, the two projects are completely separate and the parking structure for Waterford is located in front of the residential development. In the previous plan, Waterford residential structure was located directly above the parking. For this reason, the statf feels that it is more accurate to consider the projects together when reviewing common area and site coverage as shown below: Cornerstone/Waterford Approved Total Site Coverage 52,719 sq. ft. TotalCommon Area 49,216 sq. ft. Co rnerstone/ll/aterf ord Proposed 40,160 + 11,100 parking $tructure = 51,160 sq. ft. 50,730 sq. ft. V.SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CRITERIA The criteria to be used lo evaluate this proposal are the nine Special Development Dislrict (SDD) development standards set forth in the special development district ' chapter of the Zoning Code. The criteria are as follows: A. ' Deslgn compatibility and sensitlvity to the lmmediate envlronment, nelghborhood and adlacent propertles relatlve to archltectural deslgn, scale, bulk, bulldlng helght, buffer zones, ldentlty, character, vlsual Integrity and orlentatlon. 1. Cornerstone ; r ,. The mass and bulk of the proposed project is similar to that of the approved development plan. The building shell will remain the same for each proposed scenario, This buifding shell is similar to that of the approved plan in mass and scale, however, it is no longer connected to either the Gonference Center to the , ,.wost or the Watertord Building to the east. The proposed building footprint is , : smaller than lhat of the approved development plan with the proposed site '.. coverage at 20,930 square {eet and the approved site coverage at 26,533 :::ri, ,: 1.: square feet. , The South elevation has 6 exposed levels. Levels 3-G are .:'i:.!l:ir:,:, ,. exposed on the north elevation adjacent to westhaven Drlve, for a total of 4 ' : exposed floors with the following uses: .:.:.1 I '€ 1st Level Commercial (9,900 sq. ft.) 2nd Level Parking/Employee units (3 units) 3rd Level Parking/Commercial (11,200 sq. ft.) 4th Level Residential Sth Level Residential 6th Level Residential This proposaladds an additionallevelto the building compared to the 1989 approval. The approved development plan has a total of 5 exposed lloors on the north elevation and 3 levels on the south elevation. However, the overall height of the building has not increased. This additional level was accomplished by decreasing the floor to ceiling heights at each level and increasing the amount of usable area in the roof form. The need to add parking on this site has changed the overall program for the building. This effects the building becAuse more floor area is needed to accomplish the development standards set forward by the SDO. This was accomplished while working wilh the existing building envelope, by first adding betow grade parking and second by adding an additional level above grade. The amount of approved commercial space has been decreased from 29,065 square feet to 11,100 square feet. The qtaff recognizes that all of these changes are necessary in order to accommodate the need {or on-site parking. This proposal also includes a reduction in the mass over the pedestrian access area which is a focal point for lhose entering Cascade Village. The decrease in the mass will allow for dn increase in visibility of the mouniain behind. The proposal includes the use of architeclural details similar to those of the other existing buildings in Cascade Village. This includes a metal roof, protruding balconies, stucco linish and p-ainted metal railings. In addition, arcades similar to those in the Terrace Wing have been incfuded at both the Terrace Wing level and the Westhaven Drive pedestrian level. . a. Wth the approved development plan, lhere was a great deal of consideration ' ,-t given to the public spaces on the site. These areas include, the mall area and :r -' the outdoor stair through the Cornerstone building connecting Westhaven Drive ,i. '- :-: to the ski lift, the public space between the Tenace Wng and Comerstone, as well as public areas connecting this site to the rest of the Westin Comptex.' This was accomplished with a series of connected plazas and other site . :' amenities starting at Westhaven Drive leading to the ski lifypedestrian area.', , Due lo emergency access requirements, the applicant has proposed to include a modified plan of the approved landscape plan for the area between .' , .; Comerstone and the Teiiace Wng with inis amendment tt is the staffs ':' :i!,1 :':':'i,: 'findings that these off-site amenities are to be completed by the developer of :.. . : '' the Cornerstone project at the time ot the construciion ot this project. There is a severe grade change on this site from Westhaven Drive to the skl I lift\public space levei. This, along with the configuration of the site, present many practica! dilficulties. Due to the grade change, the visual impacts of each , building ele.vation are dilferent. Because each side of the building is exposed ' to public ways, sta{f believes each elevation of the building to be very important. landscape material and berms have been incorporaled into the plan in order to decrease the visual impacts of each of these elevations. The staff finds that although the proposal includes a net increase in square footage because of the additional parking level below grade that the proposal is in compliance with the intent of the Cascade Village development and is compatible with lhe area surrounding the project. Please note site coverage, GRFA and common area have actually been decreased. Waterford This site is disturbed due to the dumping of excess fill from other projects in Cascade Village. For this reason, there are few nalural characteristics remaining on the prope(y. There is also a severe grade change on this property from the South Frontage Road to the bike path (adjaeent to the Creek.) The proposed plan for the Waterford project is more of a departure from the approved plan than that proposed for Cornerstone in respect to archilectural style and site planning. The architectural details a{_e-g,imilar to those of the Westin, however, the massing incorporates a series of smaller roof forms in a series of staggered towers versus a single roof mass as seen in other Cascade Village buildings. The proposed building does exceed the maximum height on the west and south elevations. Per the SDD and the approved plans, the maximum height allowed is 48 and 61 feet respectively. The height of lhe proposed west elevation is 56 feet. The current proposal is to allow for a building of 65 feet from finish grade to the top of the ridge on lhe south side. The staff feels that due to the changes in the project and the relocation of the mass, that this is an acceptable solution. The main increase in height along the west elevation is acceptable for the same reason. As approved, the minimum distance from the buitding to bike i : path was 20 feet. As proposed, that distance would increase to 26 feet. Again, tha staff feels that this also supports the ability to increase the height to 65 feet because of the increased distance between the pedestrian area and the bike path. The staff tinds that the relocation of the building and the decreased height adjacenl lo the Frontage Road justity the increase in helght on the west elevations and along the pedestrian path on the south elevation. While the approved plan proposed more mass adjacent to the Frontage Road,": I ' this proposal shitts the concentration ot'mass to the south. The staff finds that this is an improvement to the plan because it will provide relief along the Frontage Road. Atgrade surface parking willbe located befween the Frontago Road and the building. There is no surface parking in the approved plan. The surface parking will be five feet below the top of the berm adjacent to the 2. I I I Frontage Road. This parking and landscaping will provide a buffer between the building and the Frontage Road. In addition, a 5-25 foot wide strip of landscaping is proposed between the parking and the applicant's property line. As a result of the shilting of the mass away from the Frontage Road, the mass is closer to the recreation path on'the south side, While there are 2-4 slories on the north side (Frontage Road view) lhere will be 4-5 1/2 stories on lhe south (Gore Creek side). The proposal maintains a 26 minimum setback from the bike path which is proposed lo be relocated 10 feet otf to the south. A landscape which includes berming between the bike path and the building helps to maintain ihe pedestrian scale of the area. Staff also looked at the approved building mass adjacent to Westhaven Drive, - (west elevation). The staff feels that this proposal addresses the locaiion of mass and bulk better than the approved plan as less building is proposed in this area. Originalty, more building length was proposed along Westhaven Drive. Though the building's height impacts the bike path and the properties to the north and wesl. The staff finds that, although the proposal includes an overall increase in common area the proposal is in compliance with the intent of the Cascade Village development and is compaiible with the area surrounding the project. Please note, GRFA and site coverage have not increased and a substantial amount of floor area is below grade. The staff encourages the applicant to add addllional architectural detail particularly windows on the north el€V6lidn prior to DRB review. B. Uses, activity and density whlch provlde a compatlble, efllclent and workable relatfonshlp wlth surrounding uses and acfivity. l 1: Cornerstone :. The applicant is proposing two scenarios for this site. Previously, there was a t single development plan which included transient units and retail uses. The . proposed Scenario I provides for 52 transient units, 3 employee units, 1 1 ,100 square feet of commercial area,2loading berths, and 8g enclosed parking spaces. This would allow 2 additional transient units or 1 DU over the existing approval. Scenario 2 provides 34 transient units, 3 free market dwelling units, 3 dwelling units with 3 lockoffs, 2 accommodation units to be restricted per the Gondo Conversion requirements, 2 employee units, 11,100 square fbet of commercial area,2loading berlhs, and 89 enclosed parking spaces. The resulting residential density is undel the approved density by 1 DU. Of the three restricted units, two woutO each be sold with an associated tock-off and an AU ...'. 10 Applicant's Proposal Unrestricted Condominiums: Restricted Condominiums: Transient units: Employee units: 3DU 2 DU each w/ 1 lockoff and 1AU 1 DU with 1 lockoff 34 Transient units 3 units Scenario 2 invoives a substantial depariure from the original plan for Cascade Village. The requested change involves three unrestricted dwelling units in instead of all transient units. The initial intent for Cornerstone was to provide short-term rentals which, it was believed, would subsequently increase the use oi lhe entire Cascade facility. The staff has researched this lssue and found that there is a demand for short-term rentals of this type in the Valley. Curently, the bed base is split 50/50 between condos and accommodation type units according to the Vail Ftesort Association. Demand for each type of unit seems to differ between season. There would appear to be a greater demand '-fsr-accommodation type:-rnits during the summer for short 2-3 day stays, while ' during the winter, stays tend to be longer and condominiums are more desirable. For this reason, we feel that short{ern rentals must be included in the proposal and if Scenario 2 is approved a minimum of 3 DU's with their lock offs should be permanently restricted per the Condo Conversion requirements. The two AU's in Scenario 2 should not be condominlumized with the adjacent condominiums as the applicant has proposed. This would keep the AU's in the rental pool. We also believe that allowing 3 large free market dwelling units is acceptable given the change in development requirements for this project such as parking. lt is fett that the mixed use character of the project is still maintained. Staff's Recommendation 11 2. Waterford As proposed, the project includes 27 tree market condominiums (with 47.5O0 squarb leet of GBFA) and 2 reslricted employee housing units (1 1 00 square - teet of GRFA) for a total ot 48,600 square feet of GRFA. Historically, the GRFA and the units in SDD #4 dedicated to employee housing have not been ;:HHl;;:iltj:5ffi :"il#H'1""iI'-F;: j:::JrfiX:::t,:",'f ?::;,ff with the original development scenario and is compatible with the surrounding " area. ' 3. CornerstoneMaterford Emolovee Housino " : ta" aptt*, tor *nerstone is proposing 3 employee units. ln reviewing the application, the staff used the suggested employee housing criteria. This study , suggested that the following formula be used to determine employee housing requirements for projects that do not exceed density. ii' : Cornersione ', sc6Eii6:i]- 52 TR x .75 emp. per unit = 39 11,100 sq. ft. of ._o.j9.5 emp. p/1000 sq. ft. = 72.15 -rr1-?.{5 ' x_J! housing multiplier , 16.67 Scenario 2: 34 TR + 2 AU x .75 emp per unit = 26.25 6 DU x .4 emp per unit = 2.4 ' 11,100 sq. ft. com x 6.5 emp per 1000 sq. ft.= 72.15 100.8 x-!! housing multiplier 15.12 Waterford 27 DIJ x .4 emp per unit 10.8 x .15 housing multiplier ':' : .: - . 1.62 Assuming 2 employees will share each unit, 9 units would be required for Scenario 1 and I units would be required for Scenario 2 for Comerstone, One unit would be required for Waterford for a modmum possible total of 10 units for both projects. c. Because a total of 5 employee units are being provided between the Waterford and Cornerstone projects, where previously there were none proposed, and because parking must now be provided on sits, the stalf finds that 5 units are acceptable. The proposed Waterford project is below density as is Scenario 2 of the Cornerstone proposal. As proposed, Scenario 1 for Waterford is 2 transient units over the approved densily, but there is no increase in GRFA. The staff sees the provision of employee housing as a benefit to both projects and will not require additional employee units as a result of this. Historically, in Cascade Village' GRFA and units attributed to employee units have not been eounted towarci ciensii,y or GRFn for ihe project. Compllance wlth the parklng and loadlng requlrements as oulllned In Chapter 18.52. Cornerston elfVaterf o rd Under Section 18.52 of the Municipal Code, each dwelling unit with less than 2,000 square feet of GRFA would have a parking requirement of 2 spaces and those with over 2,000 square feet of GFIFA would require 2.5 spaces per unit. Those with less than 500 square leet require 1.5 spaces. The parking requirements tor accommodation units and transient units are as follows: .4 space per accommodation unit, plus .1 space per each 100 square foot of GRFA with a maximum of 1 space per unit. Each employee unit will require 1 parking space assuming the units are one bedroom units. Each site will now satisfy its parking requirement on site. As discussed previously, this has significant implications on the program for the Cornerstone site. The statf believes that this change is very positive because it allows each site to be developed and operated independent of each other. The parking provisions are listed befow: Required Parkino Combrslone Scenario 1 Scenario 2 89 spaces with 75lo enclosed 84 spaces with 75% enclosed Prooosed 89 spaces proposed with 100% enclosed 89 spaces proposed with 10O%enclosed 13 Waterford 58 spaces with 60 spaces with 75% enclosed 43 enclosed or 75% of req. The Comerstone project will also provide 2 loading berths along Westhaven Drive for the commercial uses. Staff believes this criterion is met. D. Conformlty wlth the appllcable elements of the Vail Comprehenslve Plan, : Town policies and Urban Deslgn plans, .;.ffiobjectivesformtheTown,sLandUseP|anforthisarea lnctuoe:: ;- 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a -i balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve : s both the visitor and lhe permanent resident. .. 1:- -i ''' 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additionat growth in existing ,,* 1.13 Vail recognizes its stream tract as being a desirable land feature as well as its potential for public use. - _ 3.1 The hotel bed base should be preserved and used more efficiently. 3 3 ll:E;lJ".ilg:lil [ gilHlili'fJ:ff:ii;i $:"1:ff1*u' 1: ': 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated in existing commercial areas -: ;r to accommodate both tocal and visitor needs. ' 'i: 3.5 Entertainment oriented businesses and cultural activities should be encouraged in the core areas to create diversity. More night time be encouraged."...''. i ': 5.1 Additional residentialgrowth should continue to occur primarily in :' -' existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made availabte through private ' efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with t The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additionat employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. 'l . Cornerstone When the Cascade Village development was proposed, there was a comprehensive plan developed which provided a balance of long- and short- term housing. The Goals 3.1 and 3.3 specifically address the Town's desire to maintain holel type units. In considering each proposat, the staff considered three points: 1. What was previously approved, 2, What are the curent goals and objeclives of the Town at this time, 3. We recognized that the conditions of ownership of Cascade Village have changed. Both proposals allow for residential and commercial growth in a recognized core area which are discussed in goals 1.1,1.12,3.4, and 5.1. The provision of employee housing as addressed in goals 5.3 and 5.5 is being incorporated into each project which is a benefit to the Town. The Scenario 2 proposal involves a change to allow some dwelling units versus all short-term transient units. The staff feels that it is important to maintain units which are available for short-term use, however, we recognize the importance of providing a {ull range of housing types. Scenario 2 provides dwelling, aqcommodation, lransient, and employee units. This scenario will be a positive change for this parcel if 3 of the dwelling units were restricled and the lockofts attached were also restricto-d by the Condo Conversion requirements. The staff would recommend that the two accommodation units in Scenario 2 not be condominiumized and sold and therefore remain in the rental pool. The remaining three dwelling units would be free market. This area is also considered to be a mixed use commercial center for the Town, similar to Lionshead and Vail Village. The reduction of commercial square foolage has been carefully considered. The staff finds that some reduction in commercial space is necessary in order to accommodate on-site parking. Waterford The Waterford proposal request is tor 27 free market condominiums, 2 employee units, and no commercial square footage. The staff feels that the elimination of the allowed 3,800 square feet of commercial space is warranted due to the location of the project which is more removed from the commercial areas in Cascade Village and the change to the overall design schems tor the project. 5.5 2. 15 Waterford fnffiseO building does not encroach into the 100 year ftoodplain or 50' Gore Creek setback. The relocated bike path will not encroach into either the creek setback or 100 year floodplain. Site plan, bullding deslgn and location and open space provlslons deslgned to produce a functlonal development responslve and sensltlve to natural ieatures, vegetatlon and overall aesthetlc quallty of the communlty. Oornerstone The at-grade building foolprint of the proposed plan and the approved plan are similar however, Cornerstone is no longer connected to the Waterford building or to the Conference Building to the west. When comparing the current proposal to the approved plan, the overall setbacks are similar. An additional floor has been proposed in ihis project as a result of reducing the floor-to- ceiling heighls at each level and using the areain the roof form more etficiently. The total height of the building has not increased. The maximum height as measured lorm the plaza to the highest point on the roof is 71 feet. Landscaping has been incorporated on the east elevation to screen the lower building mass. The parking will not be open to the exterior and at any level and the exterior of the structure will be detailed with inset stucco arches and.painted metaf railings A landscape plan has also been included for the plaza area between the Terrace Wing and the Cornerstone project. The approved plan has been modified in order to allow for emergency access. The staff feels that this area should be constructed with the Cornerstone project. Waterford The proposed building uses a series of staggered towers and broken roof forms with the parking facilities located to the north of the building. The approved building for this project was a series of lower struclures and a more unified roof plan. The parking {acilities were located below the facitity. The building mass was similar to lhat of the olher Cascade Village Buildings. This proposed plan concentrates ihe mass and bulk such thal the result is a more vertical building which is setback farther from the South Frontage Fload than the original approval. The site planning of the proposed project and the approved project also differ. The approved plan incorporated residential dwelling units over the parking . , facilities and spread out the development. The proposed plan does not overlay the. building and the parking facility. Instead, they are separale entities. A 5 - 25 foot wide landscape buffer has been proposed between the at-grade parking and the property line in order to insure adequate landscaping area on the applicani's proplrty. There is approximately 25 feet Oetweei the property line -J ^l-- -l^--^ 2. F: .., I ; : .; f. - ;i 1. -'f 16 landscaped CDOT right-of-way between the property line and the road. lf all of the existing vegetation in this area is destroyed during excavation, it will be reptaced with trees of comparable size. The applicant will be responsible lor documenting this existing vegetation prior to the release of any grading or building permits for the project. When comparing the current proposal, includino the parkino facilitv. to the approved plan, the overall setbacks are similar. The biggest difference is the tocation of the massing. This relocation of mass is especially apparent in the area along the South Frontage Fload. However on the south side, it is similar to the approved plan along Westhaven and the bike path. The statf is concerned with two elements of the site plan. The first of these is the series of retaining walls on either end of the project. The staff recognizes that these walls are necessary due to the severe grade changes on the site, however, we leel that the landscaping should be more dense for better screening. The second issue is related to the retaining walls on the east end of the property. The staff would like to see the proposed skier access into the building eliminated and the building used as a relaining wall. This will also decrease the impaet of the east elevation as viewed from the bike path. G. A circulation system deslgned for both vehlcles and pedestrians addres-slog on and off-site traffic circulation. 1. Cornerstohe and Waterford The Town is interesled in resolving an off-site circulation concern. This involves the dedication of a portion of Westhaven Drive lo the Town. Currently, Westhaven Drive from the South Frontage Road to the Gore Creek Bridge is ' owned by the Waterford project applicant, MECM Enterprises. The road does not meet the Town's standards and certain improvements related 1o the grade, construction and building clearance beneath the pedestrian bridge will need to be addressed prior to th-e conveyance of the righi-of-way to the lown. The staff does not feel it would be equitable to require the Waterford developers to complete all of the road improvemenls in conjunction with their project. lnstead, we feel that the Waterford developers should be required to bring the portion of .the road from the South Frontage Road to the cul-de-sac up to standards and dedicate this portion and also dedicate a public easement for the remainder of ' . to. cdmplete this work prior to the issuance of a TCO for the project. The ' Cornerstone developers have also agreed to perform the necessary tests which to determine the condition of the road in tront of their project as part of this amendment, however, they will not be required io complete the necessary r .. ,, . improvements. Public Woifsl opinion is in that it woulil be impractical to have . . Cornerstone rebuild the portion of Westhaven Drive in front of their project ; - - because all of the road improvements from the cul-de-sae should be completed ' r: ' ." at the same time. 17 2. . Cornerstone ' With the proposed minor subdivision, a portion of Westhaven Drive, where the . Cornerstone parking is located under the roadway, will be conveyed to the Cornerstone property owner. The Town will then obtain an easement for public access where ihe Westhaven Drive will now cross private property. The Town staff finds that this is a reasonable solution. Pedestrian circulation through the Cornerstone building to the ski lift is . proposed as a series of plazas with tandscaping from Westhaven Drive to the ski lift pedestrian area. The staff feels that the proposed stairway is an inviting element which is pedestrian friendly. The plaza arcaal the bottom of the stair - between the buildings includes an arcade with landscaping and will incorporate concrete unit pavers for the walking sur{ace. The staff feels that the pedestrian area addiesses the circulation needs in an aesthetic and functional fashion. The staff would like to see the concrete unit pavers used in two areas which are currently proposed as asphalt and concrete. These areas are along the sidewalk adjacent to Westhaven Drive and at the ski lift approach where it connects into the bike path. .., .Yl: t H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optlmfze and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functlons. Both sites are subslanti6lly disturbed, there are few remaining natural characteristics. With the proposed development, there would be limited rernaining open space on the site. Because of this, the remaining landscaped areas become critical. Landscaping is especially important along the South Frontage Road, Westhaven Drive, and the pedestrian mall area. The applicants have proposed landscaping plans which address these areas. Cornerstone The applicant has included the approved landscape plan for the public space between the Terrace wing and the Cornerstone site as previously discussed. The need tor emergency access has resulted in a modification of the approved 'plan. The proposed fandscaping for the area in between the Tenace Wing and Cornerstone includes a series of low concrete planters having irregular shapes. This landscaping is shifted towards Cornerstone to allow for the 20 feet fire lane. ln respect to the landscaping sketch adjacent to the southeast corner of 'the building, the applicant proposed to keep the green space as is and will provide a 20 foot accessway through ihis area. Final design details will be ' provided prior to DRB review. Staff believes that a paver walkway and additional landscaping are acceptable in place of the original plan's tenace and water teature. 2. Waterford The applicant has met with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to discuss the limitations on landscaping along the Frontage Road. CDOT has indicated that all existing landscaping may remain and that additional landscaping may be added to the south of the existing vegetation. For this reason, the staff finds that the proposed distance between the parking struciure and the property line is adequate. As discussed previously, any landscaping which is destroyed during the construction process witl be replaced with comparable vegetation. The staff would also request that all walla,,rays be made of concrete unit pavers versus concrete. The applicant is proposing to relocate the recreation path approximately 10 feet lo the south. This is being proposed in order lo increase the buffer between the recreation path and the building. The staff has reviewed the site and feels that this is appropriate for the lirst Z2S-ZS0 feet of the palh from east property line. The relocation will not displace any vegetation nor will it encroach into the flood plain or creek setback. However, we do not feel it is necessary to move the remaining portion of the path. The applicant also proposes to rebuild the existing pedestrian access form Westhaven Drive to the ski lift should the Cornerstone project not be built at the time of the construction of the Waterford project. l. Phasing plan or subdivislon plan that will malntaln a workable, functlonal and eftlclent retationship throughout the devetopment ol the speclal development district. Cornerstone and Waterford As initially proposed, Cornerstone and Waterford were to be constructed simultaneously. This simultaneous phasing plan was necessitated by the . provision of parking on the Waterford site for the Cornerstone project. Due to the subsequent change in ownership of the two sites, this becomes a difficult proposition. An interim landscape plan for the Waterford site has been ' proposed in the event that these projecls are not constructed simultaneously. ln the proces$ of reviewing each of these requests, it has become apparent to ths staff that when parking is added lo the approved development plan for '. Comerslone, it becomes difficult to maintain the approved development rights .', - (ie. GFIFA, numberof units, and commercial space). Both proposals include a net reduction of development rights while adding employee units. The staff ' linds that it is absolutely critical to the approval of any amendment for either the Waterford or Cornerstone project, to resolve the parking issue in a workable solution. In the staff's opinion, the applicant's have achieved this goal. 19 vl.MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CFITERIA The standard criteria for any minor subdivision includes lot size, the road frontage and lot configuration which are different for each zone district. Because this is an SDD and there is no underlying zoning, there are no lol size, frontage or lot configuration requirements for this minor subdivision. A minor subdivision is being completed in order to create tvyo independent lots as well as deed a portion of the road to Cornerstone. Historically, these sites have been portioned off as the project developed. Because there are numerous owners now involved in the development of Gascade Village, the staff feels it is necessary to complete this minor subdivision. The minor subdivision completed before a buiHing permit is released for either project. VII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The staff supports the applicants' requests to amend the development plans for the Waterford and Cornerstone sites located in SDD #4 - Cascade Village Area A. - The staff finds that each proposal meeis the SDD criteria as well as the goals and 5-'objectives of the Town. in considering each application, the staff workedto achieve . solutions which take into account the changing conditions of Cascade Village and the most appropriate development for each parcel. In the Cornerstone project, the stafl remains concerned with the applicant's request to condominiumize the proposed AUs. However, we lind that the merits of this amendment are substantial and do not find that the AU issue is reason enough to .recommend denial of the project. We also lind that the request to allow for 6 DUs, 3 of which will be condominiumized without the condo conversion requirements to be acceptable. -, With the Waterford proposal, there is an increase in the proposed common area. The :i total increase in common area for the two projects in compirison to the original two * projects is 1514 sq. ft. Given the fact that the density GRFA and site coverage are : below the previous amounts for both , staff believes ihis average is acceptable. The ." same reasoning is also applicable to the height increase of four feet on the south and j.''' east elevations. In addition, stalf prefers the building massing of ihe proposed project i gu"t the previous projecls. The staff has some design concerns with the landscaping and architectural details for the Waterford site which-we believe can be addressed Ui tne OnA. The staff would like to see lhe skier access on the east end of the building removed and the building be used to retain a portion of the slope. We would also like to see the landscaping in ,, both of the retaining areas increased to screen the proposed keystone walls as well as the east elevation of the Cornerstone building. This element should be reviewed by the DBB in detail. The staff would also require that the DF|B review each building : elevation tor architectural details especially those on the north elevation. On both sites, the staff would require that all of the public walks be of concrete unit pavers. Thjs includes the path from the recreation iath to the ski lift and the public wath'r,ays adjacent to Westhaven Drive. 20 The staft finds that each proiect can now function independently of the other. We recognize the need to make certain allowances because of changes lo the parking and the change in ownership and feel that each project meets the sDD criteria ino rdwn of Vail objectives. The staff also supports the applicant's request for a minor subdivision in order to create two independent lots, one for each project and lo dedicate that portion of Westhaven Dri'.'e needed to construct the underground parking in the Cornerstone project. A public easement for the portion of undedicated right-of-way will also be dedicated at this time. This must be completed prior lo the issuance of any buitding permits lor either project. The staff assumes the following conditions will be met with this amendment. Development Aoreements Cornerstone: The three proposed employee units shall be permanently restricted per the Town of Vail Housing Ordinance. The agreement shall be submitted before a building permit is released for the project. This agreement shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk Flecorder's Otfice. The transj.e-ntlesidential units proposedin both $cenario 1 and 2 shall not be condominiumized at any point in the future. These units shall remain as rental'units used in the same manner as hotel type units and are not intended for individual ownership. The developer agrees to complete asphalt borings and as-built surveys and provide them to the Town to determine the condition of Westhaven Drive in the area of the road adjacent to their property. The proposed landscape plan between the Terrace Wing and the proposed Cornerstone building shall be revised prior to the review of the project by DFIB. A 20 foot access lane for emergency services must be provided from the Westin courtyard to the ski lift. In meeting this condition, the Water feature on the landscape plan for this amendment may be revised accordingly, Waterford 1.All proposed employee housing units shall be restricted per the Town of Vail's Housing Ordinance. This agreement shall be submitted before a building permit is reteased for the project. The agreement shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 1. 2- 3. 21 .i 2. The developer agrees to complete borings and provide an as-built survey to dbterm'ine the condition of the road from the Souih F ontage Road to the cul-de-sac. The applicant agrees to provide engineered drawings for any road revisions necessary for review by the Town of Vail Engineer prior to the release of a building permit All road . improvements and dedications shall be completed prior to TCO. This includes the dedication of a pubtic easemenl across Westhaven Drive from the culde-sac to the bridge over Gore Creek. 3. The bike path shall be retocaled and the existing easement shatt be relocated on the minor subdivision plat. 4. The minor subdivision shall be completed prior to the release of any building permits for this project. 5. The DRB will review proposed landscaping in the areas of the retaining walls on the west and east ends of the site. The DRB will review the north elevation for architectural detail. These items are all subject to the Town Attorney's review. The staff appreciate the applicant's effort to work with the PEC and staff to develop two projects which meet the SDD criteria. The staff betieves that the proposals are positive. The changes were arrived through a series of work sessions and have helped to make &Ug_Ufell designed projects which are independent developmOn-tiifrithin Cascade Village. The staff would like to thank the PEC and the applicants for their work in developing and reviewing this project. The stafl believes that the proposal for each building are positive and that ihe changes make for a better project. ;t .!- LEVEL 102 9'r\-5-t'. t>'O1 :i+..''-i'l..2.,fF"a fg',r , .i_.i$ | | | ! lll,,ffilf lr :mil i., i tiffi ffilmlj+::i'ilfTL'$FT. ou-l ,:F.A 'rF-\:irF ii-^a I i . -l-.,. ! :' ...- -:,.--r .i _ :-r-r":F,r - ,! -- '-:- -- ,'..' a:' ' _ - .i '' ' Lr\Ti-rA.fi.A 'iL.A ><'lW #r,H 'i||| IF;;;=l'ih-€:,i .,._-:nr r.rJ'r&;q}x; di;!i,i$,.:;;*r:r+:F,-_;i*;. - !=:-:: 3:tLgg.l-|r.,:...-i--.lu:{.ri.flj:t tcr...Fir,!.:-'rri"r-r -::-. li':r:rii*El*';5lE r!+di*#;Xt rPA TF,IA T-2\'iiF..A fF.a i-:!r-i:r-ta.:.€_+:q:jr ;+rl,ta-F-,- :.'-: :-:!14:rrr--l a,:'^-l 'r'6Y/.t sr.UU ll:sgi.:€!:r'E .;..'rgr'r-IlE Itilttglilll,*sifl llilli:: 3 =11' *l*._:. l:,.,, r'. -.ii'1,;\,,.:,_ l':_'_ij, ,. 1f,-EVEL 82 .tnso 6 / D-$ g\LE 1..9'9.%EA,efit'D,\ t t LEVEL 38 *-L. r..zat-d ztM "br{ iEr:,a<-Z LJ'r-:- | t .ie:Ji.t\ hrt::- ^ I I i---l,,o,,o tr+#j-" FEd€tl?r.-Y.+t-tZ| '412.2* PA:Ltr.tt- '.5..\u"!c> p ) '.|R2!-f 'cf TY..o- 7Pg^"- .t fF t; IT f; IN a!ii 2 t I t' I - l, I. € 0 a s B \e F f ,)b ->$-ct e (,"ti rir \lf,',llij t t ifi ilt 'iL ?I 1 :l t: n!I f Frt n! F [{ n/ n u fl u I Il -l I d L,-.--)Itl_qt I vL:-; + it--.i-: r-fF-- rfiF -1 jliiH'ilHltrlj it ltJ 'ar - t:l t--- :i J. I F tl" L D t 0 I ! s R l N 5 $(il $ z E R 7t JJ e @ ilE tlZ iH F D a ) @ ["l' I rrr i_ lf I t- [}I I !i li / I I I 'l .| .l I 1 i I I \-T 70 '> a , II -) v $\ q b 7 lil I ll -- I L.- : !:r-:r ir.-tr- ; I I I I I I I I L -tt- !I rt lL !i lr* t'l_-' I l,- ra l- 'ri r:l fl t\ ri li rl ,rj I I I i f E 3 L x e -\(-r rY\ki s <1 R ) )lt 3 fi)g .' i lu :r,i { .i !+ ! *r- ! *t'. ml nn t]I rin UJ.J ml ml m m m LTU m u]l m ull i+l [,u !i;il.l ., ' ' /i--- I /:i _trs;MTil l --L{ . m laT | --.J4.mlFl l:-:*mIEl' iil' '' 1:.,. ':i :l '., z 6 -I rn.I- .. m -{o':z Ii .. B s b) 2 4 $ e Frontago Road Waterford' Le gcn d (E5ti'nnl.d orantitleel Ot oo -, /tr (dv /,;'Pl 0(,o/ i r4' 'G oo, ffimffi: (v€s?HAV=N DarVEt Il TF ol.'ll ^.z .F F I z m-'n __lfl ; .. nl .N Sl 6" $v € E $ \ I tl 1l tl \J I z : ; ^ a'7?fffi :+?-azz %.r -2-E d.'ii:g _7 :3 gfr ",g;$ao ?= E-E (?} F-o^ A_;il T' )'t' m a -l rn f-- m {:o z o I i I' I EY g€.-c tr F (\ "'7 1 u o $ -tl ntI 5l Trl ol el i l I I * I t Itl 5 .n o : ol ol 71 r|ll atl {I 9l rn l' I .l .*.t -; rr+ €EE ?97 < -1 / q.g- qF- 6F--- -QrZ ts-w ?--L a d i,..=., t i. -.. i;{! r "71 ,. i-*'r.' l,*. ',-,.ifi: U i i .l I 'a 'rj i I {c4 , ,l,t .];;? 'ti r: -l t d+sl ' iri t -r'!J z F z o (t -+ I I t ri ti II o qr lt' h{ t;: rl; o rn cl f-C o t [:_-l .Il \\ G -'1 fn rn !z o o o c f-'o z o t--l_l 1 )n z -t f, 7_'I 2 ) 7 ;) Fii*P v .J n s J -.-i ffi$$F"' J fri*q;i*'_-r Aii'r ---l s'il+i '* i$Ei --{IN o- d 9;eil ;:.f '1 ,. \_-.-----...--.| PLAZA bUILOING \f,tt ^r: ,-{ l: I '1 \ .' 1 :;'' ,., ,1 ..u^rE#FoRO / p-ani*c ., 6GAt a ail suo. ,T4rl }RNER 5T RTTAL dacrtar|d i.ilii'$,- e*:i-i:+ tt.liv.rqtr( eciirei.nr totti- . . 5r,ro , rl f'..11:' Fleu'ti. TiRRACE UIf.I6 -l ..!'' i -. !.l 'l I I I I .t I I I I t I , ; I I I I i I I I I I , t. I I 'l =l il I I I I t. I I (l ia t I lr C ri*"i'j I i q c n I r I E R ?. z'..hn l- -l o o-t*B 2 s Fi$ T b t E :- {€ f qI t' '' o F-rt, ;13 d rl n ;l : f s -0 lr-t> - LE 7 2rn 27 = r ;: e in E .r<$ .-> a5O >z J i,CI '.!'or FI{i6 6 o8 F t"r *.." i d ;ii;i*:$ F- "t'-o:i .rYttr't't+tlg{.l,3f i:.t$f -+::i:'.1:+...,.ie e \ I I tt i t.lgi ,;k \'/) 'r) l./ .4. - -i. -7 r\\ '{- > t-'. =i> /'J t- i\ /'J &at..atJd:/ffi /iFna+{sr.:il I 10'. 08t$1o,*91.:&i,&,'K.,J*.{HLH" e=o sr ssr oseobar 9, Lg?z trtrwn of Vllt c@unlty Dovrlolrurnt, OttLc.t g"-"rrctal Erdlrel- Bank- took pgrrrrrl0n oE tre colzrrrrtonq Flr€c.r. rur .,__g:f.3rd_lytil ";i;G;t-di".iiprfor rb,! casssda ;ll}:i:' cotecxcl'al sc&eiii -ie a. raruct-a,ii- qirrnrr or rhts csrrrrr-t'nr' anld , Erv.rax oilrer qlSceda vltl*Er propcr*lc!1 H€t6 offsrsd Ec' securrty i;i -J-tuioropna.t roan r,n t.c ascunE cf €8.eH. rtt of,. tfre o*er-p";;;rri;;-il;""*;;;-;i"td olf except ror the eornerrron;- p"tIhi'-oi*ur, vrtrr- a rirJ Jr ehrs parcrr,connrrchr'Fedaral srrnii-iJlo".-affriiG"i.ii'iqi' on .ne loan.cornersrar Fgderal' Ban*rs trnano{sl- lcss rl npt lhr concdle-of,tQ€ Torrn of vatt .ane tl" ,i"iil curhJifry] b; fl ie Lnportanr toE thc tcr.-n ro_ know tn"J'i"iu.ar.c"-i[6 i!!rii"a ecenarlor,caEEercl.r:. Fecerlr "" th"--oilIf . of _thr ccririretone parecl Le golng to ro'e , q. cubstalti"r-ioo-int_of noney. rtu1s6g64.sr it la ffi:r! ii. irF lr:li.i; i;ilI r: r j, i*: t*"tun*,:*' : :ii#lli'*riltotilt .ffiX.lfr" erie i" k-civerJ!.a Jiir.Ir aoa;y-;;-lE *519 PBz Vlc{l ptrnldcnt Flrn gfglr CaEllttsltl Frdrrel. P 0.2 .- { Tot Srant 8rr coElL+roh1 Frderal BanJ( irJ.U noe, ba - thr drvrloper nf tb.r ....-: fl;l"'if:n-e er{ei-.rr-'"rri. re rJia "ir iJ-.. devqloper rrho w{il .,,:,.:, j 1? i -"riiiJiis':i* 3iii :tif :t ! iil fl;, ; g;.4 *$;:il{: Ttt "" j& :$;;,' - -.:-. ,: an{.- bulld.- . we niea -s6au for:a ir zonlng ilhlch allovs for , . €ondonlnlilue t"- rl--l"iii"_q. p+re -or--GL proJects. t{E ba,ve propoaed 6E .Fert .eg oui scenaiJolrr-a-d&eropn$1r plqn vhlch ' atlot,s for eii- -ariiirdii-"nrtr, sr iiin"iiii reetaentrat unlrer ' qndl atx ao.oulbaciioi-"inite .; _ part 6t. thls pran B,ould .tnclud.n ' - tr.o enoroyrc__trousihg uil"ii-vurc;-;;" ;u#stry nct requrred on _, ttrc colncistcne slti. ---trro.."o;";i;;i-t**.lo rr arE qultr j ' ':,'----Eisptqi ttre p{in "iii.'r roi six ,dnamini""I:rrtrt"t, courd be gord '-'-or't rnd wquii- rr"rp a"ii; -ag_-;'"E-'6r*-urudrng rho enttrs , ,r iililltf.;"___?o ER- ""ii;- coutd, therr -f,. f""-qra_our r_b,rough a ..,,,.,,n"*E-o-ri-- -ane.,9enflt coDPBnJ , or 'thiouea -thi- we"tii-Hffii-il*, -;..,';-i-|it;ir; ,.-,.:-,.,. ' ,l' :--'-,r.-:*ii;r;; : 5-.;i..11.: . tl.-1-1r-r.:' ,, .;:i1,...5r:ti-: ag"S6rrrt_ - -,.-, ' : ," . 1 o. ogr#l*,fi to',&*f*.,{ t&i T*k flT" betrei:n. cdrnereiong ead, the Hectln bull4lng, greatly regUClng thc ot)an atr!, nhlcb vr feEl le qutte $rportant. Thle arra Lr tlght enough ar tt Ie and rddlng to tbn bulldtng in tlrlr areq vlll, only rlake lC feel uore rqqceted. Conrrrjsslul Fed.eral . Bad< hat Eubtrttt€d tuo proFoeals vlrlch nE f,c€I La a grBtc lrprrrveraeflC ov.E .tha cartnen9 zontng for the dorneratona bulldlng. Iife ar. a.sklng thlt, thcge-planr, both bulld, ln- the arss curr€.rrtfy deetgnell-a* parkLngr at tbe coat of oulrcf ln Etle dSea suErenEly cearEnscr- A{r parJ<rnlf aE EBe seEE of vatrrable _parflng 6prces!. .-inoglag.La- to_Eutl,A Ir, tlrg op6n arca Scenarlojl nnd-Ir. be alrproved'ar they hivc b+en subr.Lttcd. cO Po3 -r 383 3313581 K5r9 P4r \ ?lEc I Torfir of vrll Sernrrl,o rr tc ac! thrt dl(fcr.ng f!.eE ehr gurrrnt ronlnfl Ln fatrt; Le cbrnE.r tE vct':f llttlc. Undrr t&r plrnr vr hrvr au.hlttedr tlttr thr lf,R unl.tr. tbr rV turltrr and, tle tbrcr raall drrlllng urLtl, . ther6' souli br' * pstrntlrl lor {l 'un{tr cqu{vrlint, tE xI un{ti. gnd.r currrnt ronJ,rig, ra havr 50r lfe lr. ;IIII aeklnq thet thr AIttB and DErg nots br fastrletr{ to rontal usl on1y, bug cot*Blnly the potrgrtlal far th€Il b*r.ng' uEed a4 {rosonc}datlon unltr uay bc Ettf{cElvr to gone of, tlrc gt|nerc rnd vculd b. rrntcd aE'ruch durlng pealc tlrres., Sath Becriirl,ot I rnd, If lncluct. F1tnt tilac grcaely =rdueo tts.t .'ounb 'oE raqulred conrrerclal rpaie , rn 'nany dlrquaclons ultlr tha Fldnfihg. D€ptrt$+ntr t&ls asalri3 to be a c6nc€,irrr. l{a b.trva analyrcd,' the cora:rcrclal Fotcntlal for the area and find, there, 1g very littlc hee{ today for anlr add{tlonal coruarclal qgac,o end can gre no Ecenarlo vhlqh gould change that ncad eleniflsa$t1y ln tho fututr. Doth' planu eontrin l2,0oo rf, of coulerclal 'Epac., aad ffe adaraantly believe tlat thls la suff,icicnt epace to uret the naede of.the vlllag* in the future. If rorc conraexcial aFacg lc added to the budldfi1g, it will bc esa.'ltlally forclng tha develoiler to butld ebFey Epace. ry adding ccqnerclel to tha current plan, tl1er6 are only tHo placer to do co. Onc ia go TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Gouncil Communily Development December 8, 1992 Planning Commission recommendations to the Town Council to approve a minor subdivision and major amendment to SDD #4 Cascade Village to amend the Development Plan for Waterford and Cornerstone parcels in Area A. On December 7, 1992, the PEC recommended approval for a request to amend SDD #4 Cascade Village Area A. The vote was 5-1. Diana Donovan opposed the application based on concerns related to the following: 1. The change in the TR definition to allow for units larger than 645 sq. ft. of GRFA,2. The proximity of the Waterford building to the creek; and 3. The 20' width of the ernergency access between the Cornerstone Building and the existing Terrace'Wing Building. She also stated that she was generally more comfortable with the proposed Waterlord project than the proposed Cornerstone project. The PEC also approved a request for a minor subdivision to create two independent lots for the two sites in question, the Waterford and Cornerstone building sites. The following items were conditions of the Planning Commission's recommendations to the Town Council. The stalfs recommendation is listed in the attached memorandum, to the PEC dated December 7, 1992. Cornerstone 1. Before the building permit is released {or the project, the three proposed employee housing units shall be permanently restricted per the Town of Vail Housing Ordinance as follows: a. The EHU shall include two (2) on-site parking spaces gg the EHU shall include one (1) on-site parking space and the EHU shall be located "onn the Town's bus route (as determined by the Town Zoning Administrator);b. The EHU shall not be subdivided into any form of time shares, interval ownerships, or fractional fee;c. The EHU shallbe leased, but only lo tenanF who are fulFtime employees who work in Eagle County. The EHU shall not be leased lor a period less than thirty 2. rt. -. 6. (30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this Section, a full-time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week; d. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the employee housing unit shall submit Wvo (2) copies of a report (on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Department), to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail and the Chairperson of the Town of Vail Housing Authority, setting forth evidence establishing that each tenant whom resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. This agreement shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. Transient residential units proposed on both Scenario 1 and 2 shall not be individually condominiumized al any point in the future. These units shall remain as rental unils used in the same manner as hotel type units and are not intended for Individual ownership. The de{inition of TR shalt be changed to accommodate this proposal. The developer agrees to complete asphalt borings and an as-built survey and lo provide them to the Town of Vail for the area of the road adjacent to their property in order to determine the condition of Westhaven Drive- The Town Engineer shall determine when these drawings shall be required. The proposed landscape plan between lhe Terrace Wing and the proposed Cornerslone building shall be revised prior to the review of the project by the DRB. For emergency services, an access lane must be provided from the western courtyard to the ski lift. In meeting this condition, the water teature on the landscape plan for this amendment may be removed or revised accordingly. The proposed landscaping in this area shall be part of lhe Cornerstone development and, therefore, it is the developer's responsibility to complete this portion of the project when the Cornerstone project is constructed. These plans shall be included in the building permit for the Cornerstone development at such time that it is developed. The area of road in which parking is proposed under Westhaven Drive for the Cornerslone project shall be conveyed and transferred through the proposed minor subdivision to the Cornerstone property. An easement shall be granted to the Town of Vail over this area for public access. In Scenario 2 of the Cornerstone project, three DUs will be condominiumized and available on the free market with no renlal restrictions. ln addition, two DUs that each have one AU and one lock off, shall have the rental restrictions applied per Section 17.26.075 of the Subdivision Regulations. An additional DU will be available with one lock off for condominiumization. This DU/LO unit will also have the condominium- conversion rental restrictions applied to it per Section 17.26.075 of the Subdivision Regulations. o 3. Waterford 1.The two proposed employee housing units shall be restricted per the Town ot Vail Housing Ordinance. This agreement shall be submitted before the building permit is released for the project. This agreement shall be recorded at Eagle County Clerk and recorder's Office. Please see the specific provisions of the ordinance under item 1. Cornerstone. The developer agrees to complete asphalt borings and an as-built survey to determine the condition of Westhaven Drive from the South Frontage Road to the south end of the Cul-de-sac. The applicant agrees to provide stamped, engineered construction drawings for any road revisions that are necessary to bring the road up to Town standards. These construction drawings shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail's engineer prior to the release of a building permit. All road improvements shall be completed by the developer for the project prior to T.C.O. The road will also be dedicated to ihe Town prior to the release of a T.C.O. The dedication of the public access easement for the remainder of Westhaven Drive shall be conveyed at such time that the minor suMivision plat is submitted prior to a building permit being released for the project. The public access easement shall allow for parking enforcement by the Town of Vail. The bike path shall be relocated and the existing easement shall be amended if possible on the minorsubdivision plat to correspond to the new location. lf the bike path is relocated while Walerford is being constructed, the bike path must be relocated and the easement provided to the Town for public access before a T.C.O. is released. The minor subdivision plat shall be completed and recorded prior to the release of any building permits for either project. The minor subdivision plat shall include the @nveyance of property to Cornerstone for its parking located below grade, the Town's public access easement over the underground parking area in the cunent cul-de-sac, and the relocation of the bike path on the Waterford site, and the public access easement across Westhaven Drive. The DRB will review the proposed landscaping in the areas of the retaining walls on the west and east ends of the site. The DRB will review the north elevation's architectural details, The applicant has also agreed to review the possibility of eliminating the skier access on the east end of the project. However, the PEC felt that if the applicant could signilicantly decrease the retaining walls necessary to build the access, the skier access could remain. Wate rfo rd/Co rnerstone 1. The general condominium plat and declarations shall be reviewed by the Town attorney and the Community Development Department. The primary concern is that the parking be made permanently available to the users of the project. This includes the permanent dedication of those spaces allocated to commercial areas as short term 4. public parking. All proposed required parking associated with the uses shall not be conveyed, used or leased separately from the uses. Public parking on the third floor of the Comerstone project shall be made available to the public for short term parking within the building. The wording of the agreements listed above are also subject to the Town Attorney's review. These items will appear in the proposed ordinance for this amendment unless otherwise modified by the Town Attorney or the Town Council. +f't era "Vall.ttt, Gr"A _+IJ,rt*"qdn +YP:! +n ryrw Mt *GW +ry op + fitu& + ql; W )raqil ^*tut4+ +2\ d_L ag* , ? 4tb'Q\- L'r e trlwv- tva _::, "ttl, 4tnw V q* T1,*$e4' fv r{r*r &* #erfa r $ffi tu -u- -- -- ar .s ,A rUAaW'n t t l,/l,ut6' "-;EA +r ",hdtfluvAf - t o / tlli'dh '+l^w ul t'i, ' 1tr,ffw, p,",1 fLu[C$ii'V v^-tv rYW'k& . 'lc*"tYlurty uarl P ix U @'JWvl Krzn't P""lt bbrd ),te b-o vortu1 \/,1vy D!- J D w Dr '&tV - rv;lUct ti[x r LP Sur,o1t*' 1k fuKnrU lL4'v l v\/teJ'twWu9\ Lrlu, \ -t ^hCclu[A l*L t;l* nr f\0, 5 rJ1 D 0'E ,;1,V J1q C1r+o':l L"tt, CetLdll' 'lpt,v\;;it- t( ltprc v *ki* ( ft+KntftcL vArv;v<A Ok * *fl..t q,i,vfu'"'tcf , ,l"vr- A {T' +1",(' \M*q, ltJ,vrT . W - Y\r-t ,,sq.i l'fira 1lAt(tw tvX 'Jrr(ftnr* (,(trutl1e,,", Cvkn"f \^urr,,-,1,-t L!,Lil \ , gtr-- Iuf ^'[ Dill+,rt - F"D\C*, , U ,\\,. l,t 0r lr( 0ntt d'o^n 'v'-'t z{& :lthr+ p*f U irD'^^ t?@tI ,-L (^J{sT- g7iv rMuy f,e,,t 1d,{latuy Jrg - 6v*,f Prf"t *'1uo tl , ",r.ny Itr,bU tJI NMW tfll '*; TO: FROM: DATE: DecembErZ,1992 SURJECT: l..Fqrr"rt for a mrnor subdivision and a major amerdment to sDD #4, cascade viilage, to gmeng tre deveropment prans ror mE wierrori and comerstone parcels In area A. The waterford si'te ls generatry locaiio on ths sE comer ol the rntersecrion of westhaven Drive ano Ire s. i;fiage Road. The Comerstone site ls on WEsthaven Drirre south or neb?scaoe vlilage pa*ing structure. The legal descriptions are as follows: . - W.tsrbrd Sire Thet tsl-oJ tt€ sw t/4 NE 1/4, Soslim 12. Tow'r3hip 5 Soutr, Rangs Bl h,bst d $e Stixfl pnhcipar ^feridian, Tom of Vair, Esgre counry, couioo. oi*LJ'o uro",",Beginning ar a point on fre aoutrerty righr+r-d f;?ir,er.aJffi9-h*"y l,fo. Zo ufrenca an iron ein wih-a_etas_dc.ep rnar*ing the c6ntsr ot calo-ssalon tz uear" s 5g.tqtg. w t.t47.og het; tr{rlll,elli_t$s:i9,ilffi ,#"il:trffi ;l;u,ffia,r_'gig,$' ji$; bet t6nca s 4$.15'14' w 94,32 b€t: lhence s te. ta;ge:w sl.d bet nenoe s ol?t'g6. w 205.02 feet; trenoe s l,no736'w tto.as bet; ttr"t* s aa;iidi: w t6.t..tg hsq h€nc€ N 40 '170^1:!.?!!16 test; tlence N 4s4256' E ez.so tesr; he; H gtoe'sr. w 9s.s9 feer; rhence s 52!50'29'w 55.10 h6t; $enca 69.48.!91_1ry rtr. a* oia nonirnanr cr,tw b rha t€ft haring e tEdus ol. q5j^00^b?! ? csltt4 angle of 61o1il'4t' anc a ctord trar belt N sa' s5.oy w 66.a L"r;tience N 37'0931'll\' 118.50 het To The True Point ol Boginnltr. Co*ry of Eagte, $are oi- --" Cobradoi and the Comersone ggrasl deslribed ae bllows: Cortefsbne S:ita Thet Fl.ol qte st ' 1/.1 NE l/4, soctiofl 12, Township 5 south, HerEe st utgat ot ura siixth Pr;ndpal lileddan. Tom ot vail corllty of eaee. sdo ol A6caooltsccrtec as toilo,6;Beginning al a Point on tre eascrly tine of a non+xclusive easemenr 6 ingress and gg€3g k^own .t w6havEn Driw reoorded in Boor azt st Pag€ 65t irn tre ornce oiirrJE"gb co,rfi, c;;;;,clerft .nd Flecorder wtrnca the cenbr ol said Secrion 12 bo.r8 S ge"3arg.vi t,t6s .zi i*i; - -' lf|€nce along said tine ol Westhawn Drive N 62"r1341'E r€.ei h"t tt*,r" oeparung said line of w*taT-D::, r:3,rJ rrl-lglg-tr arc of a non-tans€nt o*" ri o" teft halns ;;il;l - ss.mree-r' lcentsal angle ol 137%5'30'and a cfioc nrei tears l.r l2:irre-g roa.6i g"t; t*".N S?50'29.E 65.24 ber:6encB S g7qog.gt.E eS.Sg feer; hence S b.la,Sefry eZ.eO f"ti 1,"n."S.t0'17'04.E 24.14 teer: h€nc€ S S?50.A9fry Zre.ee b;t fi€r,J Hif.Offit.Vlr tog.z6 fir u t"poant ot b€ginniru conEining 0.6949 aer€s mors or l6ss. ' Applicant: MECM Enteryrises, Waterforrt Site and GommercialFederal Savlngs, Comerstone Site Planner: Shelly Melto I @ MANSFIELD LTD / Devetooer ROMA / Architects & Urban, Designers ALLEN GERSTENBERGEH / program Consutrant CHN MB ASSOC / Landscape Architeds '#E5-HAVEN C',RCLE CASCADE VILLAGE MASTER PLAII VAfl- COLORADO $qb fi[{;u etP 1 s1995 l{rbO lTrh Sr. Su irr: 325 Dt rrvcr. (llloratl,l 80202 li,lephone :JO|J 62li-5r lt6 Fhcsim ile :]03 623-2260 -\spert P hoen ir Design Workshop, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban l)esign Tourism Planning PROJECT MEMORANDUM: TO: Skip Behrhorst FROM: Greg Ochis DATE: RE: b. Westin Vail Resort Hotel September 14,1995 Meeting notes from the meetings held in Vail on September 1,1995 Attendees: Skip Behrhorst - DGB Properties Chris Hanen - WestinVail Resort Greg Ochis - Design Workshop Mary Dewing - DesignWorkshop Andy Knudsen - Town of Vail Planning Departnrent Greg Hall - Town of Vail Engineering Departrnent Distribution: Attendees David Oswald - Destination Hotels and Resorts Dean Manning - Westin Vail Resort I . A discussion was held resardins the Town's requirements for streetscape improvements which couid be ldcated within thd V/esthaven Drive RO'W near its intersection with the South Frontage Road. a.Westhaven Drive is currently 50+ feet wide at the point where it intersects the South Frontage Road. Ii would be possible to reduce this width to approximately g6'. tnis would accommodate two outbound lanes of tralfic and one inbound lane of traffic. The project will have to be reviewed by the CDOT and will likely requiie a modification to the existing access permit. At the l,ocation of the existing bus stops, Westhaven Drive is approximately 64 feet wide. A plan which providedone 16 to 18 foot wi't driving lane in each directionlone southbound and one northbound) and used the remainder of the existing street to create a center island would be^acceptable to the Town. An island30 feet wide and 125 feet long appears feasible. , /,- The existing bus stop may be moved to a new location on the cul-de-sac. It --l\'(-/ is unclear riho will iay fbr the new bus shelter. However, it is more likely that the Town will pay for it if we use one of their new style structures. An easement to city may be needed here. DESIGNWORKSHOP t Desrgn Workshop. Inc. d. The existing cul-de-sac dimension must be maintained in order to accommodate a bus tum around. However, it would be acceptable to the Town to incorporate some firc of center island at this location. (Original development plan had a center median).e. The existing turn lane on the north side of Westhaven Drive may be eliminated. f. o h. i. A new concrete sidewalk between the South Frontage Road and the east -,)i entry into the parking structue will be required by the Town. A continuous sidewalk between the Liflside project aud the Westin will be required by the Town. They will likely require that this walk be constructed of modular pavers. The existing overhead lighting along Westhaven Drive will be adequate. The improvements discussed to this point can be accommodated under the Town's Minor SDD Modification procedure. This process requires 6 weeks for PEC approval and an additional 4 weeks for DRB approval. It is possible to obtain concurrent approvals in some situations. A new project wall-sign will be incorporated into the median design. In order to create the type of sign desired by the Westin, in addition to a public information sign for Cascade Village principal complexes, it is likely that a variance will be required. Obtaining this variance will require approximately 4 weeks for DRB approval and an additional 2 weeks for Town Council approval. The vadance process can be organized concunently with the Minor SDD Modification approval process. (20 sq. ft. maximum lettering would be allowed). J. 2. 3. Additional survey work will be required on the east side of Westhaven Drive. Design Workshop will obtain a fee proposal from High Country Engineering and forward it to Skip. Work will include existing improvements, grade elevations, and property boundaries. Skip will review Design Workshop's draft fee proposal. Preliminary comments are as follows: . Due to approval schedule, construction will occur nexi spring. . Only two sketches will be prepared for the September 22nd meeting. The rernaining two sketches will be prepared after comments from that meeting have been incorporated into the design to be used for DRB and PEC submittals. . A fee estimale should be prepared for Task Four based on the results of the meeting. . The schedule should be revised to indicate the amount of time required for Tasks Four and Five. Preliminary plan concepts will be faxed to Skip for review and comrnent early in the weekof September 15th. +. Design Wtrrkshop, Inc. 5.Presentation materials on September 22rld, management meeting at the Westin Hotel will include: . Two alternative plan concepts reflecting a base or minimum approach and an "enhanced" plan. . The minimum requhements specified by the Town will be clearly delineated as part of the base plan and identified as separate line items in the landscape cost estimate. . A development program which specifies the elements included in each scheme. Chris Hanen was going to research title work of the deed back sliver of land by the City of Vail in conjunction with High Country Engineering "as-built" survey. 6. fa- THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBy GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail Uf f hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town . of Vail on March 25, tgb6, at 2:00 P;M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for a Minor SDD amendment to allow for streetscape.irnprovements to the Cascade Viffatie Subdivision entrance located at 1300 Westhaven Driveilntersection of Westhaven Dr' and I South Frontaqe Road.Y. - l{nppticant: L-o Westhaven Inc., represented by Skip Behrhorst t Pfanner: Randy Stoude( A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the expansion.of the Hubcap Brewery (a brew pub) located at 143 East Meadow Drive/Tract P, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Filing' Applicant: Lance Lucey Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to an existing residence located at 802 Potato Patch DriveiLot 4, Block 1, Potato Patch. Applicant: Padraic Deighan, represented by Steve Riden Planner: FlandY Stouder A request lor a Major Exterior Alteration in the CCll zone district to allow for a lobby expansion at the Lions Square Lodge located at 660 W. Lionshead Place/ Lot 1, Vail-Lionshead lst Filing. Applicant: Lions Square Lodge Condominium Association, represented by John Railton Planner: Jim Curnutte A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to an existing duplex residence located at 14'l 5 Westhaven/Lot 52, Glen Lyon. Applicant:Neil Sirotkin, represented by David lrwin George Ruther ililililil| Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479'2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published March 8, 1996 in the Vail Trail. Planner: uM: DEsU r.roRKstHoF flcsign Wurkrhcp, lrrr:, l .lnllrcitpq A rtrh j tccturrr l.rrrrl Pllnning I lthrur f)t:sign Tourisnr Plnnning Facsimile DATE: r$: FAX # }'ROM: PROJECT: # of PAGES: (itrchuling irrn$r iitol) Transmittal \t4ts6 Rundy Stoudcr TOV e70 479 2452 Scott Chsnriak (.'ascade Village Enuy Denign I lE2 I cu7 b*W 6YNE-T t a DESIGNWORKSHOP Atp€n . Deltver . Vnil . Tcmpc. Albuquurqrr+ . Santu tc . Sio lt{uk) 1660 lTth Stre€t . Suitd 32,5 . Dcnver. Colofado 8n?Ol . (tql) 303 623 5ll{6 . (f{r} :l(}:l (rZt 22(r(l PAGE 1 I D, 38 3226s Comments: Randy: It warq a pleirsurc speaki4s to ygg_|il$t week and I look forwanl to meeting with you. As you ruluested latt week, I calhd Ed Hill at CI)OT to confirnr the Frogrc$$ of Thc tcvicw. He saicl that he has already completed his freld review;rnd would bc mceting ilith hi$ stalT irr Grlncl Juncticrn torntlrnrw. He alsn mentioned thal there is unother rcview just frrr landrcaping which cnulql [c completed by his ofticc in Eagle. He said what hc necdod itrr this rcvicw was-a cltar tlelincntion rlf the South Frontuge Road RqW. I havc scnt a print of thc existing impnrvemcnts survcy rrr High Country Fngineering to confiHn that the lines they tre showing aE in Tacr the ROW. Ed felr ovcr$ll, thut the hardscape impnrvements should not lravc any prohlom getting appnrval. He was ir littlc conr;emed ahout thc planting rhat wus treing addcd wirtrinitre Rf:W. I will keep you up to dtttc if nny olher conversutions nrisr-r. Fleure call if you have any questions. f fr{'f{?1 .tsEu-r l -llbr 2lr . rrl FRoM, DEU lr0pt{SHop rD' 3U232288 FAGE l)asign Workrhop, lnc' l,andsculx: AtEhhc(hx'c l,lnd Plunrtittg tJrhan Dosign 'liruri*tn ItlnnninP Facsimile Transmittal DATE: U22196 T(): l,uurcn WaErton TOV l'Ax # 970479245X FROM; Scott Chomiak PRO.IECTT Cirtoadc Village Entry Design I182 # of PAGES: 3 (inclurling transmilhrl) Commtnts: Lturen: I iust rcalizcd that I ncglectecl to send you these nrltclt froJn (lur mcctin$ last wcck. I'leasc rcview ;ffi;;iiltih ui,V quiiiiont. I am curuently prtparing a subtnission paikage to lrt: dclvered-lo ytxr "ri-Mo,iOri uioritiig. woura you plea.se ""Ii mc todly and tet me knw how muny ccrpics of thr: plcktge you woultl likc. Thank you' DESIGNWORKSHOP Arpen' Dttlvcr vlll r TomF ' Alhuqrrcrquc ' Sitntit liu ' Siirt l'irtr]r; l6tilJ lTlh $rreet. $uirc 32.5 . Dcnvcr, Cblunrrlo !10202' (t+l) 303 623 Sltlh ' (trx) 3(ll 6?3 2?60 ui{lt =llul-rD' 3TS22EE PAGE 2 ll, sigtt \l r rrL,.lr' 1r lrrr' l,rrtrrl*.11'r',\rl llllr'r'llltr' I l',,i l'llrrrri"g li,l,r,|l lf,,sill|l ' li,llr*rrr ltl'rrirrirrg PROJI:CT MEMORA,NDUM: Csscsde Villuge Entry llesign TO; SkiP Behrhorst - DGB ProPerties r,,rrr) r",r, .rr Andy Knudsten 'TOV ..rrrrr.ri ,r, Lauren Waterton 'TOV rr,.rr\' I t ,'1,,!i'(1,, FROM: gqe11 fhqrniak :il, ' .' 1,.1,11,,,,,, DATE: 2115196 tllii rrr,i rlill' ,,, ,;, ,,; " REI Meeting Note$, Approval Proccss and schcdule ,ll) .r'.r:'rr'li The Durpo$e of this mernorendum is to sunrnrarize my uncl_c-rstanding of the rncetinlg \ ,1rr r, notei, pioccss und schedule ftrr the rcview of thp Cascade Village Entry l)e$lgn. ii11111111r;'1r' Msetingl{o@gi 1r,,,,' ' l. ffiEffiTauren concur that thc re-locaterl bus $toP is in * gtxld location ('l't.)V will . , r r r, move bus shelter to new location if it is within their mcan!i). j'i: r. r l'rrll,2. Scott will illusuate site distnnce / view trianglc in subnritt,al. \ r tl 3. CDOT Approval (Accens Pcrmit will be raquired prior to fl TOV decisicrn or 4pproval)' +. The Tov anrl skip woulct like to sce the concrete pad on thc ciltit $ide of the crtscltdtl Club concealed bY landscaPe' 5, Seott will illustratc how dminage will tx handled on sitc' 6, $cott will provide Picture$ of site with $ubmittal' 7'scottwillcheckwithutilitycompanyforplantingalongWcsthuvenDfive. outstandbg-Qrcstisr$i . .I-ffitoiffi'ffid through planning revicw. Docs this Ho thruugh Coutrcil ot utn Creg Hall sign a rcvocable Permit? 3. Both the Tov and skip will research the- specific dcsignatkrn t'or thc $ t ?5'000 which 7 isin the Mctro District for improvements of wcstnaven urlve' DESIGN\YORKSFIOP "r',. ""u wl|rrE ra r'rrrJF r|.,: rglTzr4zEs FAr'E .t Ca,tcade Villnge Desi grt Februiuy 15, 1996 pugc 2 Rpyiew Prr\cess tirr lffdssaPc IntnrjryFqFqt$ -.L Submit apDlication on February 26tn to l ()v " -----"il'utn Councit review l'cir permission to procecd on March 5th - StaffReview . Stulf makes recommcndation to PEC on Man:h ?5th for itllptnvill uf nrinrtr tmendmcnt to SDD 2. Submit new ptan on February 26th to CDOT cnot' revicw ana isiuance of Acccss Permit pt'iof t() Mflrch 2-5tlr 3. Submit for overnll aesthetic rcview frorn DRB on Marclr 25th - l)RB makes decisioa on April l?th 4. Apply tbr Public Way Pcrmit on April lSth 5. Bcgin Construction on APril25th Rqview process f'or $igtlYari$nce L Srrbmit for sign vuiancp frorn DRB ort March 25th - DRB frakes docisi<rn on April l?th - Town Council clccision on Muy Ttlt 2. Submit for overull as$thetic revipw tiom DRB on Aprit 22ncl - DRB mukcs decision on MaY ISth Printed bY Lauren Waterton 3:53pm Fronr: Irallre!! Wa.tertolr To: Greg }Iaaa sulcj ecb : fvad: westtlaven Dl.ive ImI)Lovetnenis ===NOE============ :==2 / I 2 / 9 6,:=a. 4 2pn== Peopl-e from i:he cascade l{otel (weEtir!) tra\ze come |a to see me about dolngl arr uDqraile to the erltraJlce to ttre cascaCte wlifage (lrltersecLior1 of Frontage Road arad wer ttravert Drl.ve) - I trave f oulld some j.4formatlon ln our flaes about stsreeb upqtradtas for westhavela. We have $95,OOO of thel-r morle!' to \rse fo! s l:reet impf o\remerll:s . I rreed l:o l<rro-w exacbl], what ttte morley can be u6ed .for. can wE meeL sometime to qo o\zer ctle lrllolowe.rnertts tttey are requestarrgr to see lf-the $ we are troldingi wila pal' for ar]' of lt? Let me klrow when fTou calt meet - tharlks. Fwd=b!.: =c]:eg=rla]-l=====2 /1-2 /9 6==3: J- 5pm== F\^rd to: Lauren watef t:on |rhe Iml>:ror/eineht€! are paanned for i;frls sllmmer. we ale ettamatlng ttles e improvemerrts are actuaalL groiog to co€t mole ttrarr the monelt we recaeved- The improvements ale to b:ringl ttle stt.eet uI> l;o our standards $*ten vte aqlreed to take over ttte Inaintenaltce of ltre I:oadF "Ther.e is no motrey for their fii orovernDts. we do need to cooldirlate ou-r amprorrernerrts wittr what tlaeft are paannlng lra add1tlon to l.evl.elr' tlreir concep! trefore rde require frrll eiaglnee-red street p]-arls for ttre work t], e\z a:re p:roposlrl9f - CONFIRMED Page: L .^+--14, ," 1..: : !9"..*s: o AIUACENT OWN-ERS TO TVESTHAVEN I}RTVE t Caecadc Clth Cmdonidun$ Units 1- 2 and 4: Cfudo Nstional Banh as ancillar5r tru$ee 7 da Yail. Cqsctde Hotel & Club r3O0W@ttmDr. Vaq, CO't1657 Casade ChrbCaidonriaiumq Unit 3: Emsrald Acres L[,C cls ltcd 0tto P,O. Box3149 Veil, CO 81658 Liftdda: MECMEnt€rpxises c/o Fred frto P.O. Box 31'19 Vaq CO 81658 Vail Cascade Hotel &, Chrb: . -,eolmado National Bgnl, as aacillar5r ffu$ee " doVailCascadeHotel&Club 1300WestftavmDr. vs4 CO 81657 Etumnd E. Hill Colorado Depanment of Traruportation Region #3 Maiutenanec Section #2 P.O. Box 298 Eagle, CO 81631 1660 17th St. .qrrite 325 Dcnver- (lolorado 80202 'li:lcphixre 303 623-5186 liacsirnile tl0:J rt2J-2260 ,{slrerr ,\lbrrquerque Pltocniri Santa Fi' "9ro Parrh ' YaiI Design Wrkshop, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning [,rban Design Tourisrn Planning March 26, 1996 Mr. Randy Stouder Town of Vail Depafirnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Cascade Village Entry Design DearRandy: The purpose of this letter is to record some of the issues we discussed during our March 18th meeting and to document how we would like to proceed. l. Showing property lines on site plan. We have currently called our surveyor about clarifuing this issue and it will be clearly delineated on the revised submission. 2. Pull back spruce trees on west side of intersection to improve site distance. We will revise our submission to reflect this request. 3. Widening of inbound lane to 20' and out bound lane to 28' (these dimensions are from back of curb to back of curb). The original direction from the TOV Public Works Department was to allow for 16' travel lanes in either direction with the accommodation of approximately 36' width at the intersection to allow for two outbound and one inbound lanes. After further discussing, this with Mike McGee (TOVFD), we feel that the requested increased width to 20' for both the inbound and outbound lanes is necessary to insure the fire safety of the village. As for the related issue of how long the left tum only lane on to the Frontage Road Westbound should be. At the conclusion of the March 18th meeting, a decision by the TOV and us was made to wait for the results from the CDOT review before discussing this matter any further. We have currently received a full approval from this review and would like to proceed with our current configuration for the tum lane. This configuration includestwo 12'widelanes(faceof curbtofaceof curb)foralengthof approximately 46'. We feel that this configuration along with the widening of the entire outbound lane to 20' is a better solution which satisfies all the issues of left hand tum queuing, fire safety, and having a large enough median to allow for a quality landscape improvement. DESIGNWORKSHOP McLtee suggested. 5. Provide details on the content and purpose of the proposed signs. This was recofllmended by the TOV to submit as a separate sign application/permit. 6. Show areas of snow storage adjacent to roadways and on median. We will show areas for snorv llolage to the south of the cul-de-sac, where the Tov currenfly deposits snow on the vail cascade Hotel and Qlub's property. we would not like to siore any snow on the median itself because it would block the pioposed signage and would not bi aesthetically pleasing inthis zone. However, we will move-the planting back from the edge of the median to allow for increased space for snow as a result of-plowing the road. 7 - Extend paver _walk way from current terminus at north end of Lift side to Frontage Road and prov.ide curb cutfor pedestrians andwallaaays. We feel ihe following reaions justify our decision not to do this: '_ The purpose of this walk is to connect the Liftside development with the bus shelter and not to provide access to a frontage road which has no sidewalks. ' The current design_ atready limits the amount of room for landscaping at this intersection that buffers the corner of the building. The addition of I w-alkway in this area would not improve this situation.. For the cost of the improvement , we feel the impact is minimal. ' This area was just imptoved by Liftside and a walkway was not required of them at that time. 9. f!r, existtryEwidth of asphalt sidewalk along the south si.de of the cul-de-sac is inadequate. we feel that it would be ideal to improve the widthbf this sidewalk . However because of the c-ertainty of future development of this site and the cost of doing this.improvement, it would not be a wise use of the limited funds for this project. we - walked this sidewalk after-tlrg meeting and there is evidence that plenty of people do qurrenlly find the width-of this sidewalk adequate. Also we feel that rbOucing the radius of the cul-de-sac to allow for a greater width of sidewalk may be counter to whit is needed for future development. 9. The cost of re-lo_cating the bus shelter must be born by thc applicant. The original r_esponse {ro1nthe Tov was that if they had the equipment to aiCommodate this move, they would help us. lO. Afull set of enginelre4 construction drawings will be required by the town engineer for approvalfrom the PEC and DRB. Greg Hall asked that wi just include the add'ition of spot elevaiions on the plan to fulfill this requirement. Mr. Randy Stouder March 26, 1996 page 3 ll. Consider installing deciduous trees along the south side of the new sidewalk adjacent to the hotel.. This area is a proposed development site and is designated to be improved at that time. Also, much of this area is currently used for snow-storage by the TOV and the placement of ffees in this area would likely be damaged. We would like to submit a revised plan to be reviewed at the next available review time which addresses the issues as previously stated. Please let us know as soon as possible if these revisions would be sufficient for your approval. We understand that the TOV has many goals and objectives for this area and we also share many of these. We also mutually agree that these improvements will benefit the Cascade Village and the Vail Community. However, please understand that the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club is funding these improvements for the entire village and will have to prioritize them as to work into their budget. Please give Skip or myself a call if we can provide any more information or answer €my questions conceming any of these mattem. Sincerely, DESIGN Andy Knudtsen - TOV Greg Hall - TOV Mike McGee - TOVFD Skip Behrhorst - DGB Chris Hanen - CH&C David Oswald - DH&R By: WORKSHOP. INC. Scott Chomiak, Project Manager \I FPJ4D FILEMPY /'' TOW OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 A- 479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artnre nt of C ommunity Deve lopme nt March 13, 1996 Scott Chomiak 1660 17th Strcet, Suite 325 Denver, Colorado 80202 Skip Behrhorst FAX970-544-0423 RE: Cascade Villagc EntrY Redesign Dear Skip and Scott: Tbe Town has completed our initial review of the plans ycu submitted for the redesign of the Cascade Village entryway. We have the following comments to otler: e Show property lines and right-of-way lines on the site plan' r pull back the spruce trees along the wcst side, of the inbound travefaisle to improve site distauce' r widcning orboth the inbound and the ou,otolna .,"ll' f;i";ft #ioo#e!11: Ir:-, ^-U"putn"int an$,thg Department.of,Fublic Works havc reviewed the proposed destgn aDO are rcquc$rng u *ro"ning df ihe carj4e outbound trivel aislc. The outbound road scction should be redesigned to " t;;;i'i"idth "6ttiri.iiq* *lu iro-grtt.r). lhe inbound road section should be redesigned to a t;;;i ;ilth;lT0'iil;ili; ;;;b ;;a Euttui. contact Greg Hall and Mike McGee if yotr have any questions regarding this matter. o Provide a break in the island and a roll-over curb at the emergency access into Liftside condominiut"r i*il; p;;;dft;ih" "";;rih; ;id;walk)I rh6 island break should bc desiped to meet the turning radius require-ents oiine fire Department' Contact Mike McGee if-you irun" uny qucstion? iig*affihli itiu". iftittrquircmcnt crcates two scDaratc islands. We *ouiJ ,|g{.rt rh;;;is:';;;l?i ir'" uliiueguni'rulal"irion be placcd on the island.adjacent to the ir;;A;fr;d- Considcr relocating *re nig poies to this islarid as well and installingpl.anting beds for annuals ;;;;#"1;, Flalgs and fl"o'wers would create interest, add color and draw attention to tr,is iiilili.'pil;;; proiia" a"t"ifr oo ttt".ott"* and purpose of the two proposed signs- f1 *rrr"r"o r*"*!7 l-s.* cut exist Reset existin ng( cor I i ;A I t { I ONLY Cfeepihg-Ho1ly -a 9,/r{: n6 45111', \n .f, ll'.10'R BB Picea pungens glauca ONLY \(tsm?Tt---7 'c Colorado Blue Spruce ;--Saw cut existing concrete 1i)()0 llr h Sr. Su ire .]2i l)errver- (irrlrit atltl 80202 'li'llphont' jlott 6liJ ;1,30 l hr'sittt r lt' ri0:i (.,1:l.ll()o \spcrt P lrr rt'r t i '. Design Wrrrkshop, lnc. I-andscape Architecttrre Land Planninq llrban l)tsign 'lburisrrr Plannrng February 26,1996 Town of Vail Office of Community DeveloPment . Planning and Environmental Conurusslon ?5 Soutll Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Minor Amendment to the Qpeciat Development District -Cascaae Village EntrY Design Dear Planning and Environmental Cornrnission: On behalf of the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club'. *j q " pl".ustq to tily: the aftached plans for impro vem"n,,,o,t "'uH"u"J ;;;iilb*"^de. v iil a ge developme.nr. Located primari ly at the intersection or wef,huul."^ix"" ^"J south F^r;;;;; no"'o y.i1 y^", believe that lhe proposed renovarion.wililfi;il;;ily u^;orgy: ttr" u.iinEti. and functional experience for both visirors *o *r,o.n,i."i;';;;;;i. facilitate your review and to fulfill your reoui-rement for a written description of ttre proposJ' *" hu.'l" prepared the followlng sunrmary of the proposed plan' Currently,r'vlut" "*IT_9.^* rne Lascatrc Y .tu'sv ""';;";;i;is originalty created for bus unuiudf y l^rge area of vehicular paving contt:tl,g stops. While entenng ,n,. *"u from b6th "urr *O *"it Uound laneJol the South Frontage Road West, it is confusin"gi(rffiltv;g-r *ht"tr tun" to tu"t into. upon leaving the Cascade Village a"u"f opri"it'*J"rt*G ttt" "utiutiO *"*t tound lanes of the South Frontage Road wesr ,t " &;;iii;.onio"rlng to *frc; ioit" l-Jesignated as right and left hand turn lanes. As desisned, rhe bus pick up and drop-oft T"T T9 on the east and 1v^e;1;fes ol westhaven Drive. The uur'ar"a on the west side oi r-rte road has no pedestrian sidewalk teadins to it and you h^tJi" ;;;wt-'tt'uu"n.nn*'i.l e"iany*htt6' Ttre bur area on the east side of westhaven D;;" i^t";;Jlmmediatelv nliilo ttit Lift Side Condominiums and you have to "ros tt'ti'iu**uy ""t'u""" to getio the Westin Lift stairs' These functional deficiencies are a result of.new prosram elements such as the Lifside condominiums, mis-assumption of pedestriun putt"int, und too much vehicular pavement' DESIGNWORKSHOP coloneoo D EpARrn enY oF TRANspoRTATToN STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT tFl No/MP/Side: Local Jurisdiction: DistlSection/Patrol: DOT Permil No.: Permit Fee: Date of Transmittali 'toF/L74.5AO/R. vai I 03/32/t9 396039 0 .00 03/22/e6 THE PERMITTEE; 'r'own or vaar 75 South Front.age Road Vail , CO 81657 (970) 479-2138 APPLICAIVT: Chris Hanen 1300 Westhaven Drive Vai1, CO 81657 Chris Hanen - (970) 479-7033 is hereby granted permission to construct and use an access to the state highway at the location noted below. The access shall be constructed, maintained and used in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit, including the State Highway,Access Code and listed attachments. Th/s permit may be revoked by the issuing authority if at any time the permitted access and its use violale any of the terms and conditions ol th is permit. The use of advance warning and construction signs, llashers, barricades and llaggers are required at all times during access construction wiihin State right-ol-way in conformance with the MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, Part Vl. The issuing authority, the Department and their duly appointed agents and employees shall be helcl harmtess against any action for personal iniury or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of the permit. LOCATIONT On the souEh side of easE from Mile Post State Highway 1-74,. Westhaven 70 Frontage, Drive.a distance of 3078 feet. ACCESS TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO: City St.reet (1 sach) PERCENT 1-00 .00 OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: SEE ATTACHED SHEET(S) FOR TERMS AND CONDIT]ONS MUNICIPALITY OR Required only when COUNTY APPROVAL the appropriate local authority retains issuing authority. By (x)Date Title Upon the signing of this permit the permittee agrees to the terms and conditions and referenced attachments contained herein. All construction shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from initiation. The permitted access shall be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit prior to being used. The permltlee shall notlly Mount wllh the Colorado Department ol Tranrportallon In A .'l at least 48 hours prlor to commenclng constructlon wlthln the State Hlghway rlght-ot-way, The person signing a9 permittee must be the owner or legal represenlative of the property served by the permitted access and have full permit and all it's terms and conditions. Pe]mlltee (X) This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorized representative of the Department. DEPARTMFAfT OF rE^NSTRrATH) SrArE oF CoLORADO Bvrxr ( f a{ L / n^+o {-.}b.crL" rira Access coordinaror (Date of issue) COPY DISTRISUTION: Required; Make copies as necgEsary lor; 1. Oistrlct (Orlginal) Local Authoriiyy' Insp€clor 2. Applicsnt MTCE Palrol Trallic Enginoer 3. Staff ROW Previous Editions are Obsolete 8nd will not b€ used CDOT Form f10t 711t1 The tollowlng paragraph are pertlnerQhllghts of the State Highway lcceas CoOe]se are provlded for yourconvenience but do not alievlate compllanco wllh aii-sectlons ol the Access Code. A copy ol the State Hlghway Acce3s Cod€ ls availabls ,rom your local lssulng authorlty (local government) or lhe Colorado Deparlment ol TransPortation (Department), Whon lhis permil was lssued, the ls3ulng authorlty made llr declslon based in part on Inlormatlon $ubmilled by lh€ applicant, on the access category whlch b a$lgned to the hlghway, what all€rnatlye access to olher publlc roads and slreels ls svailable, and satety 8nd derign alandards. Changes In us€ or design not approyed by lhe permlt or the lssuing aulhorlty may cause lhe reyocallon or suspenslon of the permlt. I Appealg 1. Should the permittee or applicant chose lo object to any of the terms or conditions of the permit placed therein by the Department, an appeal must be filed with the Colorado Transportation Commission within 60 days ot transmittal of the permit for permittee signature. The r6quest lor the hearing shall be liled in wriling and submitted to the Colorado Transportation Commission,4201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver, ColoradoSO22?. The request shall include reasons for the appeal and may include recommendations by the permittee or applicant that would be acceptable io him. 2. The Department may consider iny objections and requested revisions at the requesl ot the applicant or permittee. lf agreement is reached, the Department, with the approval ol the local issuing authority (if applicable), may revise the permit accordingly, or issue a new permit, or require the applicant to submit a new application for reconsideralion, Changes in the original application, proposed design or access use will normally require submittal of a new application. 3. Regardless of any communicalions, meetings, or negotiations with the Department regarding revisions and objections to the permit, if the permittee or applicanl wishes to appeal the Department's decision to the Commission, the appeal must be brought to the Commission within 60 days of transmittal of the permit. 4. Any appeal by the applicant or permittee ol action by the local issuing authority when it is the appropriate local authority (uncler subsection 2.4), shall be filed with lhe local authority and be consistent with lhe appeal procedures oJ the local authority. 5. lf the final action is not further appealed, the Department or local authority may record lhe decision with the County Clerk and Recorder. ll Con8trucllon standard3 and requlremenls 1. The access must be under construction within one year of the permit date: However, under certain conditions a one year time extension may be granted if requested in writing prior to permit expiration, 2. The applicant shall notjty lhe otfice specif ied on the permit at least 48 hour6 prior toconstruction. A copy of the perm it shall be available for review at th€ construction site. Insoections will be made durinq construction. 3. The access construction within highway right-ot-way must be completed withit4S-day?. 4. lt is the responsibility of the perm ittee to com plete the constructio n of the access accord ing to the lerms an d cond ilions of the permit. lf the permittee wishes to use the access prior to completron, arrangements must be approved by the issuing authority and Department and included on the permit. The Department or jssuing authority may order a halt to any unauthorized use of the access. Reconstruction or improvements to the access may be required when the permittee has failed to meel required specilications of design or materials. lJ any construction elemenl fails within lwo years due lo improper construction or material specifications, the permittee is responsible for all repairs. 5. ln the event it becomes necessary to rem ove any right-o{-way fen ce, the posts o n either side ot the access shall be secu rely braced with an approved end post before the ience is cut to prevent any slacking of ths remain ing fence, All posts and wire removed are Department property and shall be turned over to a representative of thB Department. 6, A copy ol the permit shall be available for review at the construction site. ll necessary; minor changes and addilions shall be ordered by the Deparlment or local authority field inspector to meet unanticipated site conditions. 7. Theaccessshall be constructed and maintained in a man ner that shall not cause water to enter onto the roadway, and shall not interfere with the drainage system in the.right-olway. 8. Where necessary lo remove, relocate, or repair a trallic control device or pu blic or private utilities f or the conslruction ot a permitted access, the work shall be accomplished by the permittee without cost to the Department or issuing authority, and at the direction of the Department or utility company. Any damagelo the state highway or othBr public right-of-way beyond that which is allowed in the permit shall be repaired immediately. L Adeq uate advance warn ing is req u ired at all times du ring access conslruction, in conf ormance with the Man ual on U n itorm Traftic Control Oevlces forStreets and Highways. This may include the useotsigns, flashers, barricades and llaggers. This is also requiredbysection 42-4-501,C.R.S. as amended. The issuing authority, the Departmenl and their duly appointed agents and employees shall be held harmless against any action lor personal iniury or property damage sustained by reason ol the exercise of the oermit. Changes In use and yiolations 1 . lf there are changes in the use of the access, the access perm it-issuing authorily must be noti{ied ot the change. A change in property use which makes the existing access design or use in non-conformance with the Access Code or the terms and conditions ol the permit, may req u ire the reconEtructjon or relocalion of the access. Examples of changes in access use are; an increase in vehicular volume by 20 percenl, or an increase by 20 percent of a directional characteristic such as a left tu rn. The issuing aulhority will review the original permit; it may decide it is adequate or request that you apply for a new permit. 2. All terms and conditions of the permit are binding upon all assigns, successo rs-in-interest and heirs. 3. When a perm itled d riveway is constructed or used in violation of th e Access Code, the local government or Departmenr may obtain a court order to halt the violation. Such access permils may be revoked by the issuin.g authority. Further lnlormation l When the permit holder wishes to make improvements to an existing legal access, he shall make his request by tiling a completed permit application torm wilh th6 ;ssuing authorlly. The issuing authority may taKe action only on the request aor improvemenl. Denial does not revoke the existing access. 2. The p€rmittee, his heirs, successors-in-interest, and assigns, ol the property ,"ru,aro or,n, "ccess shallbe responsible for meeting lhe terms and conditions oi lhe permit and the removal or clearance of snow or ice upon the access even though deposited on the access in the course o{ Department snow removal operations: The Department shall maintainln unincorporated areas the highway drainage system, including those culverts under lhe access which are parl of that system within the right-of-way. 3. The issue dat€ oJ the permil i9 the date the Department representative signs the permii which is atter the permittee has returned the permit signed and paid any required lees. 4. The Department may, when necessary for the improved safety and operation of the roadway, rebuild, modily, remove, or redesign lhe highway including any auxiliary lane. 5. Any driveway, whether constructed belore, on, or after June 30, 1979, may be required by the Deparlment, with written concurrence of the appropriate local authority, to be reconstructed or relocated to conform to the Access Code, either at th€ property owner's expense if the reconstruction or relocation is necessitated by a change in the use of the property which results in a change in the type of driveway operation; or al the expense of the Department it the reconstructaon or relocation is necessitated by changes in road or tralfic conditions. The necessity for the relocation or reconstruction shall be dotermined by relerence to the standards set forth in the Access Code. ill IV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DATE: March 22, 1996 ACCESS PERMIT NUMBER 396039 - SHEET 2 ISSUED TO: Town of Vail 7. l_0. TERMS AND CONDTTIONS The fronL of the median shall- be 6 feeE from Ehe edge of Ehe speed change lane. If Ehere are any quesEions regarding this permit, please eontact Charles Dunn aE (970) 248-7234-' The PermiLtee shall refer to all addiEional sEandard requiremenLs on the back of chis permit and any encloeed addi"-ional Eerms, conditions, exhibiEs and noted aEtachments. This permiEted access is only for the use and purpose st.ated in the Application and Permit. The PermitEee is responsible for obtaining any necessary addiLional federal , sEate and,/or City/CounLy permits or clearances required for const.ruction of t.he access.Approval of this access permit does not consLiEuEe verification of this action by Ehe Permit.tee. Any work wichin SLaEe Highway righE-of-way shal1 begin aft.er 8:30 A.M. and al-l work and eguipmenE, shall be off the highway BEFORE 3:30 P.M. each day. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to prevenE all Iivestock from entering the guate Highway righL-of-way at Ehis access location, Any livest.ock that does enler Ehe highway righE-of-way shall be the sole responsibility of Ehe PermiLtee. A FUI,LY EXECTJTED COMPLETE COPY OF THIS PERMIT MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WITII THE CONTRACTOR AT ALI., TIMES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS OR A.I{Y OTHER CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENT MAY RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION OF WORK BY ORDER OF THE DEPARTMEMT INSPECTOR OR TT{E ISSUINC AUTHORITY. Survey markers or monument,s must, be preserved in t.heir original positions. Not,ify t.he DepartmenE, aL (970) 248-722A immediat.ely upon damage Lo or discovery of any such markers or monumentE aU the work site, Any survey markers or monuments disturbed during the execuEion of fhis permit shal-l be repaired and/or replaeed inunediately at the expense of the Permitt.ee. It shall- be the responsibility of the Permitt.ee to verify the localion of the exisLing utiliLies and notify all utiliEy owners or operators of any work that mighL involve utilities within tnl Suate Highway righu-of-wayl Any work necessary uo prot.eeE existing permit.ted utilities, such as an encasement, will- be Ehe responsibility of Ehe PermiEtee. Any damage or disrupEion to any uE.ilities during che consLruceion shall- be the PermitLee's responsibiliEy and shall be repaired or replaced aL no cost Lo Ehe DeparLment. Any d.amage to any present. highway facilities including traffic conLrol devices sha11 be repaired irnrnediately aE no cost Lo Ehe DeparE,menE, and prior to conEinuing oEher work. Any mud or other material tracked or oLherwise deposiEed on the roadway shall be removed daily or as ordered by Lhe Department inspect.or. Areas of roadway and/or righE-of-way disEurbed during Lhis insEallation shal-l be resEored to t,heir origional conditions, to insure proper strengEh, drainage and erosion cont.roL. 6. 8. v- t_1 . t2. DATE: Mayc}: 22, L996 ACCESS PERMIT NI.IMBER 396039 - SHEET 3 ISSUED TO: Town of Vail TERMS AND CONDI?IONS (CONT'D) 13. Any incompleEe consEruclion acEivity on the SLaLe Highway that must be lefE overnighE, shalL be barricaded and signed i-n accordance wi.t,h the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and other applicable sLandards. t4, open cugs which are 6 inches in depth, within 30 feet of Lhe edge of the SEate Highway Lraveled way will not be left open at night, on weekends, or on holidays. 1-5. No more Lhan 6 feet. of t.rench areas shaLl be opened at any one time. Open trenches and other excavations wiLhin the State Highway right-of-way shall be backfilled andlor paved before 3:30 P.M. of each working day or be protect.ed in accordance wit.h the M,U.T.C.D.. 15. fhe area around Ehe new work shal1 be weL] graded to draln,top soiled, ferE,ilized, mulched and re-seeded in accordance wit,h the Department standard specif icat.ions. t7. When iE is necegsary Eo remove any highway right-of-way fence, Ehe posts on eicher side of t,he access entrance shall be securely braced with approved end posts and in conformance with L.he Department,6 M-507-L st,andard, before t.he fence is cut, t.o prevent slacking of the remaining fence. Alt posts and wire removed shall be returned f,o the Department. 1-8. All excavations for uuility Iines, culverts, trenches or Eunnels shall meet t.he requirements of Ehe OccupaLional ,Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Colorado Industrial Commission, Colorado Division of Mines or Lhe Coloracio DepartmenL of Transportation, whichever applies. l-9 - The access shalL be constructed 1"6 feef. wide for the in only and 24 feet r,ride for E.he ouE only, wit,h 50 fooE radii. 20. The access shall be const.rucLed perpendicular to the Lravel lanes of the St.ate Highway for a minimum discance of 50 feet, and, shal1 slope down and away from the adjacent pavement edge at, a raEe of 23 grade for a minimum of 20 feet, If curb and gutE,er are present, the slope shall be calculaLed from pan line to pan l-ine. Any revisions to t.his reguirement. shall be subject. t.o Department. review and approval prior to commencement. ot any work wiE.hin Ehe highway righE-of-way. 2!. The access shafl be completed in an expeditious and safe manrler and sha1l be finished wiLhin 45 days from initiation ot construction wiLhin State Highway right-of-way. 22. Pursuant to section 4.10.2 of the St.ate Highway Access Code,the access roadway shal] not, exceed a maximum grade of L0 percent within the highway righc-of-way, as measured 50 feet.beyond E,he pavemenE, edge and extending to Ehe right-of-way Line. The access verLical grade shalL be designed and conslructed in conformance wiEh the Department M & S standard M-203-1-. 23. The design of the horizonLal and vert,ical sighL disEance sha1l be no less t.han t.he minimum reguiremenLs, as provided in secEion 4.9 of the St.aue Highway Access Code, 2 CCR 50L-r_. 24. All reguired access improvements shal-l be installed prior to the herein authorized use of this access. DATE: Mareh 22, L996 ACCUSS PERMIT NIJMBER 396039 - SHEET 4 ISSUED TO: Town of Vai] TERMS AND CONDITIONS (CO}i:I'D) 25. The access shall be surfaced inunediately upon compleLion of eart,hwork construct,ion and prior Eo use. 26. CompacEion of subgrade, embankments and backfill shall be in accordance to secCion 203.07 of Ehe Department's standard specificaEions wiL.h r.he test resulEs sent to and approved by Ehe DeparLment inspecEor. 2'7. The surfacing shall meet tbe DeparLment's specifications wiEh Lhe following material placed for final grade: 1-2 inches ABC, Class 11 6 inches ABC, Class 6 and 4 inches of Hot Bituminous PavemenE (Grading C or CX) placed in the following LifEs: 2 - 6 inch Lifts Class 1; t - 6 inch IifL Class 6; 2 - 2 ineh lift.s HBP. 29. Slopes shall be at a 6 Eo 1 rat.io on the roadway and a 5 tso 1 raEio on the approach. 29. No drainage from Lhis siue shall enter onLo the SEate Highway t.raveL lanes. The Permiteee may be required to deEain all- drainage in excess of historical flows on siEe. 30. All existing drainage structures shall be extended, modified or upgraded, as applicable, Co aecofimodaEe all new consLruction and safeEy sEandards, in accordance with Lhe DepartmenL' s sLandard specificat,ions. 31. The Permit.tee shall insLall a new l-8 inch corrusated meEa1 pipe. 32. AL1 cuiverts insEalled in open oitches shali have fi"ared enci sections. FILE COPY ,,;ffir, F45SD 75 South Frontage Rood Vai\ Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/47 9-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 -'t rt t D epartment of C ommunity D evelopment April 16, 1996 Scott Chomiak 1660 lTth Steet, Suite 325 Denver, Colorado 80202 Skip Behrhorst FAX 970-544-0423 RE: CascaCe Village Ent'y Redesigu Dear Skip and Scott: I write this letter as a follo'*-up and in response to your l{arcb26, 1996letter to me. The Town n'iil require the follouing tavel aisle widths for Westhaven Drive: 20' of width must be provided for the inbound aisle ind 28' of width must be provided for the outbound aisle (dimensions from back-up curb to back-up curb). You have agreed to address otber items outlined in my letter of March 13, 1996 as follows: .3 Indicate property lises on the site plan. rsF Pull back the spruce Eees on the u,est side of the intersection to improve site distance. B Provide a break in the landscaped center island to allow for emergency access to the north side of tbe Lifuide Condorniniums. !q Redislribute island plantings to allow for a small snow storage area on the edges of the median. I also understand that you propose to submit a separate applicatioa for two sie4s shown on the site plan" We will deai v.iti the signage issue whin yoo sirimit an application-for sign approval. {;'*"uo'*o r a v o ,.#{ Werecomnead,butwillnotrequire,thatyoudoaddresstbefollowingitemswhenyouproceed with the steetscape imProvements: js \ye have discussed the issue ofexten'ling th9 qxistilg the:i*y^**:"" the norlh side of Westhaven Drive out to the Frontage Roaa to- i6 current tenninus 5n the Liftside propertv' rn, ro'i?ililtil ihi-;hitti"iiiJ[t*ur' lPd would improve the i#.? ;i p ffi rt;; ;l, ilv;r t s t"t"ti"e the Village from off site areas' GrWideuthesidewalkalongthesouthsideoftheculde-sac-'whrreitpinchesdownto aooroximately 2,. rv" reJt tnat ].'is porrioo #tiii.*JrL it inadequate aod should be iiiiened to n6rmal sideq'alk width' 'glnstalldeciduousteesalongthesguqsideoftheuewsidewalk,betweenthesidewalk and the cascade Hotel. we feel that this *":rrr*n*". the proiect with minimal additional exPense' Relocatingtbebusshelterwillbe.yourresponsibility.TheTownq"ill.accept.forcoustuction DurDoses, a detailed ,it. pr.o,,."ii.d to u|dr.r, tJirqoit.o'tots outlined-above, with "frfi;4il;d*ttooifr"ia.t ., d..r"d o"..rsa.iJ, by the Town Engineer. If vou have any additional questions regarding this projett' p.Jtul! -t-ol3llMike Mollica at 479' 2144, Mike will either be alle to help you, or direci y6u to tne appropriate planner that will take olter for me from here on io' Good luck with the Project' SincerelY, m*2e Town Planner RSdr Cbris Hanen LaEy G'afel GreeHall uit!Mccee Ir{ike Mollica TOU BUs BNRI g9rE8/92 21.49 P. O2 iti2 )1,:,,1,'!:,jin'ff ',!;'o TOWN OFVAIL I fl 8€vergl sections of curb and gutter need replacehent. zl Ehere le sone queetlon about adeguacy of ttre exlstlng plyement strusture due to tba nunbdr oi utlllty sute. In additlon the pavement doeE not mest the curb aid guttet. 3) The existlng large roc*s ptaa€d near th€ travel laneE reetrict e-lght itiatanse -ae tleJ.l as prevenElng anow Btorage adJacent to th6 roadway. 4) There are aeveral large Cro6E lmpactlng slght distanee. 5) The podeetrian overpaEE was hot constructod !D accordailcc with the Towh stBndard of, lb feet mininuu clearancs,?hs exlstlpg _qverpats hae n oJ.€arancs of approxlurately l3r8rr. Thlg has caused lErge vehlcleB to be-ituck undei the structure ln the Faet, Thle problem Ie cornpounded by !_he ov€rpaEc being- heated, oauEinE additional loing on ths road, and thus turther roducl.ng the clearance. D 4enu cat ol Ptb lic lfior I tflt aa q ottrt i ott ,0 t -rI 9 - Z I t El FttX t 0 I -l 7 I -Z l 66 october 1{r i.991 !Ir. Paul CrGEg Waetln ttotel 1300 Westhaveh Dr VaiI, Co 81657 RE: Westhaven Dr Dear Ur. cr6gg, A8 you lcnow, lleethaven Drive as .onEtructed at the lyestin ltoEel hae never been Bcc€pted by the Tosn, fihtle tho Toxrn hils aselrged wlth plowlng of the roqd in the past, the Town Ie not vllljns to do eo In the future without sone resolutisn of how the ptreet wlll be corapleted to Town $tanclards and dedlsated to the $own. In order for the Tpwn bo accepb thls street, the foll,owlng Lseuee nluEt be addreesedr T TT*'i* &1 t Project Applicalion -/ / "o" 51"7 {?z Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: N,,Approval #rl ''."'i ,..' t'.\*,.i*qr]|;-;r:i$ :eir,"' lF r": 't I PERMITNO. SSfi$.| ? contractor's copy to be kept on iobsft€. i t !* l! 6 I ! a TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT l'M EIllu|trrl GTTCLI 1. 1. .t. (Job Narno or Location of PermitFee f5O.qL- lnl. Xl UD fr ttAB Bill to: ,s.'.1\ AFPUCATION FOR TOYI/NJpFVAIL th ? t,{ PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 1./, Job 2.Excavating Contractor Name company agreements 'r" S,'y'ti (, "(/. 2{ Legal Dsscription TOV Conlrac,tor's LicEris€ Complelion Dale {Permit Expiratton DEtts) CIher---------'4. Work is for "@ircte onel Water Trench-width (m'n.4') Length Depth BondAmount $Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphatt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall-Oe britect"o at alt times. A signature below inclicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has oplion of routing application through the Public Works oflice to obtain tlE necessary Town of Vail signatures. Flease allow one week to pro@ss. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (4 ,*,i r"t'"-'t Public Service Company (1 -800-S22-l 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528)-&.\.\ Holy Cross Electric Company {949-5892) U,S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Valli lNt'rY within 18" of utilities - {senate Blll 172). ,. Failure to notify the Town will in forfeiture ot bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may ractor a reinspection fee.result in the Town charging the 12.I c€rtify that I have read all f Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, ot the Vail Municipal Code and alt utility 'and will abide by the same, and that all utilitiFs have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAI'I WORK INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TFAFFIC COHTROL PI.AiI Show streets with buildings, and location of cute. USE DASH LINES FOF CtfT. I I I THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY FERIIITI Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contraclo,r \tVhite - Public Works _---\,(99Peari" Telephone liamporary Site Access ,,'{*S Landscaping { 7. lnigation {479-2161)Electricians (479-21 7 1\ Pubf ic Works (47 9-21 58J o THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL EET CLOSURE$I A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Puhlic Works Department prior All excavation must be done by issuance of the permit. 10. I t.Permittee must contact Public Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfitl operations. .flX CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF DATE AUGUST 30. PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE r994 ; osoq hn il rdll}z department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Et autorl,rc f pluMerHc D elecrRtcRl ! FoUNDATToN I-I MECHANICAL -I \ - 1JOO WESTHAVEN-DR . I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DfVfSION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : An TITCll|TI\Ta ADDDnltEn DEDMTT (Qn7 PERMITNO..- z o F f BUILDING l6.ooo-oo ELECTRICAL 8-OOO-OO PLUMBING REI'{ODEL INTERIOR ONLY MECHANICAL B .000 . 00 32,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION ' PERMIT FEES LEGAL d)ESC. LOTTBT\II FR D-Z BUILOING PERMIT 364.00 IJ \ 34 FrLrNc Qru uu.uru=/-PLAN CHECK 237.00 tioa Nnire' wESTTN/sKr LSSKERS ELECTRICAL 144.00 OWNER NAME WESTIN RESORT VATI.NEW( ) ALTERATION fi)O ADDITIONAL () REPAIR()PLUMBING MA|LADDRESS 1300 hTESTIIAVE DWELLING UNITS MECHANICAL 160.00iPc 40.00 # clrY vArL 81657 PH 476-7llL HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIFEPLACES RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-V DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MAIL ADDRESS FLOOR )/1.^,-'h l<AJ CTEAN-UP OEPOSIT 250.00 clrY /'-. tt4.-&//-Z ) /, . *or.. | ,/p tll WYfl'"1 USE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR ==., AlnfiJ+-(+z*-*r.ll*-I\A"t ltt^'*/t WILL CALL 9.00 ,*" of ul,l. ".u "o }waG)]"\\ 'oF HEAT soLAR I r7Y TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1204 .00 IELE-LEEEEEL WOOD DAN STANEK B-30-94 ]r-ecrnrcnr- CONTRACTOR FIRM 4n+ qtlr'5T,NDDITIONAL PERM-I7S NEEDED:'/,..- Y N tNtTtAL :,.r-"r " I | | iuTr-oneoFrrc-nL--- -6rft loltr daourlrsrnaron - o-Ire- - -TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE BLASTING ZONING & BUILDING NOTES: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM PARKING MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,lilled completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the . agree to comply with the information and plot plan, laws, and to build this structure according to the review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other OWNER OB HIMSELF out in f ull the inf n provided as UP DEPOSIT AND THE OWNER. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L LEG- UO. TELE. VdLl 'A %tte{ry ToI{N oF VAIL coNSTRUCTIOI.IO PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM oernz 8-26-?* 4sn"< PERMIT p{-Building [ ]-Plunbing I J-Electricat [ ]-Mbchanicat [ ]-other Job Name: Nemxl /Sut rcercg1.S rob Address: lV6o vJWAa4 DLTUE Legal Descripticjn: Lot Block Owners Name: Architect: Filing susplvrsroN, t I /^\ -l .tl"'tesnN K{soe-r V4 rc Address z l&p lJUfl--bftv€rtr )KL P:n.41t-7ltl Address:Ph. # b?09 , APPLICATION MUSI BE FfLLED OUT COMPITETELY OR IT litAy NOT BE AcCEpIED tl r't * * * ************* * ** * ** ******* PEFJITT TNFoRMATION **************************jr**ttl' . ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration ffi-Additional I 1-nepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: #*"t and Tlpe of FirepLaces; cas Appliances {* * * * * * * * 1* * *,*,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUAITONS iurr,prrc, 6 /[ooo EI,ECTRICALI } 8,46C, Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Pi.unbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ** *** ** ******** * * ** ************** OTHER: $ ToTAL: t_Zhppp__ *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Pbone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No.. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail- Reg. NO. Phone Number: ****************************.**** FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 3b4 --BUII.,DTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: /ZZ - PLIJMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHEcK rNez -ifrT-RECREATTON FEE:(4_r CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL P BUII.,DING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP 6-L CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: VESTIN RESIRT VA]1, CILIRADD TITLE S(I LTXXER STEAS SCALE t/r.r-o' I]ATE SS_NO- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT EF pluMemlo f rouruoerron NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATENOVEMBER B' 1994 ?109 department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRTOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT tr T BUILDING ELECTRICAL f MECHA,NTCAL J:::' JOBNAME: SMALL BATH REMoDEL OWNER NAME NANCY SMAI.I. MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NQ. lrr...r,.o,- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING FIRM VAIL VALLEY PLU}IBING TowN olrvartREG. No. r18:! UUNIKAUIUTI rFr F 949-777I MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO- OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TO!rylL-oE]VA[ EE-- tLO. TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DfVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : ADDITION OF 2 BATHROOM PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 2000.00 MECHANICAL LAVATORIES TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES ]I FR I]\.- r BUILDING PERMIT 14s 6- (F >'() |{-+. 4- #v7 *.F \Y, PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION ( n( AOOITIONALO REPAIR PLUMBING 0.00/PC 8.00 i1413 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS B-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN,UP OEPOSIT USE TAX WILL CALL 3 .00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 41.00 DAN STANEK IT-9-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL ST. CUT I | 1_ utLotNG oFFtctAt DATE )NING AOM INISTRATOR OATE BLASTING ONING & BUILOING NOTES: "^"-^ | | I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state reto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordina FOR HIMSELF TOI{N OI' VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APPLTCATION FORM DATE: iIzIqI ; .' -- -t.rr:1 7 ,,,%ag-I APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPI.,EfELY OR * * * **************** ** * ******,r pERMfT INFORMATfON ********* ** *** *************** Filing susDlvrsroN, Ph. Ph. Qther tJ\fue l- Work Class: Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconunodalion Units: ^ Brnber and rype of FirepJ-aces: cas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_v J|t********************************* VALUATIONS ***** ********** * * * ** **** ******* ** BUILDING: ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $ BLtnrBrNc: 1W.t.- Mi-HANicAr,i +- r;fi;; i ^ PrJu}{BINc2 $ 114trf-4eq".- MECHANICAT,' $_v ,l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * qONTRACTQR INFORI,TATION 7 Eeneral Contractor: \l a-ic VMs,e-l I) .t,an?tt,xl- 'r *** coNIlRjl a'u vNctet INFORIifATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * *Jk* e%Alh._ I:yl_"I Y:11 neg..,no. )18:.t- TOTAL: t Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO.Address, +tt+"t t+t^l z" prr"""-N"if,;;r-"?d Electrical Contractor: Town of VaiL Reg. NO._Address: Plurnbins "o'.,.". ;::"":":r.'."". "".-Addresss phone Number: a [ ]-New lrt'ttt ration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFTCE USE * ********* * * ******************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: @ MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: f76n; t=m/( Effffii$I"il*X33i', TOTAL PERITIIT FEES s BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments: [ ]-Building lr}Zptumbi-ng [ ]-Etectricat t 1- Job Nanes tJ$rlCj SinAAt-- Job Address: Legal Description: Lot owners ttane: ilkN Address: Address:Architect: General Description: MechanicaL Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMTT F8E: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION CLEATV UP DEPOSIT RBFI'ND TO: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depertmgnt of oommunity development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PFIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 96g AUGUST 26, 1994 6904 BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION fI MECHANICAL L IN LEGAL ]esc. Lor ( BLK_______i__ FrLrNc \111.-t CLUB 1_ JOB NAME : CASCATE CI-UN-SFA-TS--/ OWNER NAME ],-O VAIL HOTEL INC MATLADDRESS 1300 WESTHAVEN clrY VAIL 81657 PH 476-7 Ill ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO lrr.r*,.0. CONTRACTOR prnu RIVIEM ELECTRIC TowN oF vArL REG. No. r4b-c 949-6095 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. T T I E} PERMIT NO. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AAE H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : EI,ECTB.ICAL B.EMODEL/ SPA BJMODEL BP//6830-cR0SS REF. TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION () ALTERATION ()O){AODITIONAL REPAIR ( DWELLINGUNITS - HEIGHT IN FT ACCOMMODATION UNIlS - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEC. INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES _GJ"ATZLE LDING OFFICIAL ING & BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordin and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's z and subdivision , design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ord the Town appl thereto. GNATURE OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lur departm6nt of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION x tr tr E I BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CASCADE CLUB SPAS JOBNAME: CASCADE CLUB sPA RENovAT]oN NAME L-O VAIL HOTEL. INC MAIL AppRESs 1300 WESTHAVEN DR crrY vArL 81657 PH 476-7Ll MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM BECK & ASSOCTATES rowN or verL nec. No. 1 17-A 949-1800 IOIUN OF VAIL BEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OpffE .rrlr:{ ,), L994 6830 r. TYPF OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B EH IR M DIVISION t22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : B-ENOV.ATLON OF MENS & rjlOMEllS STE.^l'l- PERMIT NO. z tr BU ILDING 50.000.00 ELECTRICAT PLUMBING MECHANICAL ROOMS & SPAS TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II II{R B BUILDING PERMIT \ ^.8 f>.t$. .st \]cr -\]>r PLAN CHECK 351 . 00 ELECTRICAL NEWI ALTERATION ( XX ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIRO PLUMBING 00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 250.00 EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF WILL CALL 3.00 GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1144.00 DAN STANEK 7-22-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I | | utt_otne oricrnL - - DATE )NING ADMTNTSTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKING S FIRE DEPT PER MIKE MCGEE."*,. II F I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in f ull the information provided as required is required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the i agree to comply with the information and plot plan ply with all Town ord te laws, and to build this structure according t zoning and gn review approved, Uniform Building Code a SIGNATURE OF OWNER ANO THE OWNER. HIMSELF )to il?ilhtLp-'P^ .t Ut CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopsrtmsnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT X plulaerNc E rounoerron Q.oo n E ! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL VEN DR LEGAL |lrsc. tot ( z' BLK_____\_ FtLtNG \THE WESTTN HoTEL,= / JoB NAME: wusrrN ib'rer-mE6ilar, OWNER NAME THE WESTIN HOTEL MA'L ADDRES. 1300 I,IESTHAVEN l ctrY VAIL, C0 PH. ARCHITECT FIBM MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM SHAId CONSTRUCTION TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 1NA-^ 1s1-6. 242-5618 lrr.r*,.o, CONTRACTOR FIRM BRYANT ELECTRICAL TowN oF vArL REG. No. 150-E PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE s;;;s 513194 669'l I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION / tI rVV I r/l . 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP -.T H IR M DIVISION | ? 2a .!a -.l-. ,- GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK . AND MOVE FOIJNTAIN 24,500 GROUP G.H.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES NEW ALTERATION AODTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( ) DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT, - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - - NO. FIREPLACES THICKNESS R-VALLUE TOTAL PERMIT FEES AOMINISTRATOR laws, and to build this slructure according tg the Town' CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information f ull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply1wi ded as required is correct. I PERMIT NO. N I * lro* oF vArrJ coNsrRucrronnO 1 -'s PERMTT + HQI PERMIT APPLICATION FORM oere: t/ilfL nrcpi#' r pr -t l-Building [ ]-Ptunbing ..1)44-nfectrl.cat [ ]-r,techanical [ ]-other rob Nane: ft\--fl 0^\ oi-hf- | rob Addre"r, |SQO LJ. hlronDfl_ ,1 , APPLTCATTON UUSI BE FTLLED OUT COI|PLETELy OR rr UAy NOT 8E ACCEPTED I*********** *** * *************** PEIII{IT fNFORI{ATION ******* ******!r***************t\) L,egal Descri#ry BIo11E- Filing susprvl$roNr . Owners Name: Architect: General Description: Address: Address:Ph. workcIasss[J-New[}l-A1teration[]-Additiona1[J-Repair[J-otherJ Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: ^ ![rnber and T11pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/pellet_ trt *** *********!t ********* * ** *** ***** VAIuATIONS ******************** *************rl o Electrical Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: lteclranicaL Contractor : Address: ********* * * * * *******:t * * **** ***** BI'TtDING PERMIT FEE: PIJT'!,IBING PERMTT FEE: !,IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: EI.,ESTRICAI, FE8: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. /9-AF Phone Number: Toun of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number3 Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: FOR OFt.fCE USE ******rl************************ BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'I'fBING PI.AI{ CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE! RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAITTIRE: I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND 1I): CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE OCT0BER 13, L994 lul department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LJ BUILDING ffft e lecrnrcRl ! Ekpt-uMetnc X rounoerron r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ t tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK : - F]NISH CONFERENCE ROOM TO AC PERMIT FEES LEGAL DESC.FILING ITESTIN HOTEL 13 34 S \$ a JoB NAME: MONTANAS SALON 15.00/PC 4.00 //ROBERT RALSTON/NANCY MAIL ADDRESS 532 MAIN ST CITY MINTURN 8I64Fx. 476-86I ALTERATION (XX ADDTTIONAL () R€PAIR ( DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE ARCHITECT FIRM GREG AMSDEN MAIL AODRESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CL€AN-UP DEPOSIT GENERAL CONTRACTOR KED DEVELOPMENT 149-A towru or vntl REG. Ho. '' 949-5518 TOTAL PERMIT FEES DAN STANEK LO-L2-94 jrr_orNS-OFFTCt1L - - - - -DATE IO-r2-94 & BUtLotNc NorEs. FrRE DEPT. ALARM & A?PROVED BY TOV FIRE DEPARTMENT. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. s24-7 7 44 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR to*" o, uo'a are . ,uo. I I8-P 949-777 L I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordi CLEAN UP DEPOStrT TO: Town appl thereto. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL HEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. PERMIT NO.a *F €s / ^ 0 , - Totrlr oF vArL coNsTRucrroo ,rrKTn^' ", 0 -, Uto* oF vArL coNsrRucrronF ,rrffiit-"''' 't I t nY ' PERMTT APPrrrcATroN FoR![t-|1' oarii-5:)D:34 '"rrrrsfp a ; ,ee4 70<<' , APPLICATION MUST BE FILL,ED oUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE AqCEpTED If****** ** * * ************** * ** ** PERI{IT INFORI'IAIfON ****!r*********************** *tl- .1-- /-- /I J-Building [y']-prunuing g"/1-atectricat [ ]-rrrechanicat t4-otner ftUiS*t--M. ..r \Job Nane: I !tl!r+t,r\.\ aVL7N Job Address: Legal Description:Lot -- owners Name: Ao;ll Architect: Block '-Filing Address:Ph. b?to General Description: ,/ az Isork class: [ ]-New 1'l3-atteration t l-Adcritionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other_ Number of Dwelling Units: *0- Nunber of Acconmodation Units: - {pnber and rype of Firepraces: Gas Appli.n""= ^y'+ cas Logs - wood/pellet -v fi*********"*T*^******************* vALUATToNs * * ********************** ********* Py_ltplllg, ! : ??'? ELEcrRrcAr: $_ ffilDD orHER: +.__A- - ELI'MBTNG: $ l, ucc MEcHANTcAL. +=- TorAL: | ffi-;afrF r 5!urEbr.NG: r _.lr UCC MECHANICAL, S I C--v I, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?r * TONTRACTOR INFORITATf O,I Eeneral Contractor: k): n A-i],,-,,,,'.,,,,--.,.., - TOTAL: r r ; r _coNTSlAcToR INFORI'ATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Phone Nurnber: -9+ll-SST i#:::::"r contractor: dPsffi;r_ 6-LF pM:. ylll R"s;_Io:Phorg Nunber: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechani.cal Contractor: Address: / ^//+ - fd,'Jtt+#iR; "".Pddne Number: '+7i-+- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ******************** ****** * *** **FOR OFFTCE usE *** ** ******* ******************BUTI.,DTNG PER}ITT FEE:PII'I,'BING PERMTT FEE: I''ECHANICAL PERUTT FEE: EIECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF F8E: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLINTBING PIAN CHECT( FEE: !{ECHANTCAL PI,AN CITECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.IIT CLBA}T I'P DEPOSIT REPUND TO: SI|SAI,L . o-/z -tw l-l- BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: goNfNcs Cornrnents: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depertmont of community darelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ICAL DR -z -\ LEGAL -)ESC. Lor ( BUL__I FTLTNG \nsrrN uorrl -JoB NAME: 6ESTIN srDEWALXtIQUyjpr/ OWNER NAME WESTI.N I{OTEL MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ctry PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. l,-r.r*,.o'FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO (/(.I\txAUtur( PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM VAI,I.EY WTNE MECH TowN oF vArL BEG. No. 103-P IELE. 949-L747 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO, TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF MAY 26, DATE - PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE r994 *tt^t tr I il n BUILDING ELECTRICAL 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DfVfSION 122a34 GENERAT OESCRIPTION OF WORK r STDF.WAI.R SNOI^IMFI.T TN RACK n[' HOTFI PERMIT NO, z I k f J BUILOING ELECTRICAT PLUMBING MECHANICAL 8000.00 ryPE GROUP G.H.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II IHT R-l,BrA EUILDING PERMIT 14133\ 6 \#$\ *\ PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDT ONAT (XX REPATR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - MECHANICAL 160.00iPc 40.00 HEIGHTINFT, - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD ClEAN.UP DEPOSIT Exr wALLs | | |USE TAX WILL CALL 3 .00 TYPE OF HEAT SOLAR GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES ?o? on DAN STANEK 5-26-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL sr. cur | | I ItoING oFFICIA. DAT= )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES:ro**,"o f[ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale icable thereto. SIGNA review approved, Uniform Building Code and AND THE OlivNER. FOF HIMSELF -t PlF PER}TIT APPTTCATION FORM DATE: S/agh"J I! APPLfCATIoN IIUST BE FTI-,LED OUT COMPIETEI,Y OR IT I'fAy NOT BE ACCEpTED II X ********************t** ****'trt PERI{IT INFOR!,IAIIION ************************** ***fl I J-Building t J-plunbing [ ]-Electrical y'11-u""rr"nicat [ ]-other r. ^ l: r I r I ' \rob Nane: . Wedtn llolel rob Ad.dre"r, '/3Dd Fvs/layan 0r,w Iegal DescriptJ-on: Iuot_ Block_ Filing rowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroNR[C'u MAY 3 51!?l' PERurr &Z* Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration lff]-Additlonal [ ]-Repalr I J-other Number of Drrelling Units:Nunber of AcconmodatLon UnLts: lP*"t and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances cas Logs-_ rilood/pe]let_ l|t** * * * ******** ******************* * VALUATIONS ** ******************************* owners Nane: WtSli" goUl Address:Ph. BUILDING: T P.LWBTNG: $ Address: Electrical Address: ELECIRICAL: $HEcHANIcAu.IW Plunbing Contractor: Address: Ghin Phone Nunber: gpt- ? Town of Vail Req. NO. Phone Nurnber: liS-tl,lT- Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: ********** *** *******:r* * ** * * ***** FOR OFFICE USE *** ** ********* ************ ***** OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK TEE: t{EcHANrcArJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: =ej -_ RECREATION FEE:77TWOA.' 0 e Lu{l*,rl.r :ii - ir pos r r,W7-lt t-t-l-t-t cffi.s :7'z /m.^ H z;. E;; ) / 1' BUILDTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SICNATT'RE: bJi;14 l,lvp 0lb)b UtH+ fa{L X^e- BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLIIMBING PERMIT FEE: MECIIANICAT PERIIIIT FEI': _-7ffi ETECTRICAT FEE: CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT REFI'I{D CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 13OO WESTIIAVEN DR NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE II{ ON AUG 26, L992 i 005663 hn TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PBTOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERM{T TYPE OF PERMIT Elraurlorr'lc D X elecrRtcnl I T MECHANICAL N I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAT DESCRIPTION OFWORK : - ADD 3 SMALL WALLS. PERMIT T.IO. z tr J BUILDING 2,000 ELECTRICAL PLI.JMBING MECHANICAL TOTAL 2 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II B 0 2 .000 BUILOING PERMIT 65 m$$7+*fi1 PLAN CHECK 42 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATTON(XX AODTTTONAL ( ) REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION; TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD '.oo* | ll CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 Exr wnrLs | -lNoNE - |USE TAX ROOF TYPE HEAT ELEC. SOLAR GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $207= DANS STANEK AUG 1,7, L99Z ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: "r"u' Itlt l* lrr-ornc orrrc-r^;_ '- - - trATE NO PLANNER INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & SUILDING NOTES: J.lKts T.|!;TAR1IV}!;N.T AtsII(UVBAI NggUtsU IEBORE ANY TORK CAN BE STARTED.oeuo I lxl I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other o/lnances of they'own CLEAN UP TO: V.V.C.M. P0 Box 2201 vArL, co 81658 OF OWNER OR HIMSELF AND THE ER. CASCADE VTLLAGE LOe r,,tnile, KSL WAIL/MoVE rrrrue WESTIN HOTEL 13OO hIESTHAVEN DI MAIL ADDRESS crrY vArL PH. ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM vArL VALLEY CoNST. rowN oF vAtL REG. NO. 106-8 LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. 'a-\\\ \ '-\\'/ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ;orE - coPYftnfi?i#'J: T;"'oN JoBsrrE departryrdrt of community development TO AE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF P€FMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D f1 BUILDlNG ELECTRICAL ! ptulrerilc D rouNoerroir I MECHANTCAT u I I LEGAL \ DESC. LOT S4tt€to" BLIL_ fUne C *> c A0 f_!,rt_tnu,/t .,.sn, I ToBNAME: KS L u*t-t- /r.aua OWNER NAME A€t al rr ilaIre| AIL ADDRESS cllY PH. ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR iown or vet n:a. xo. /O 6 -.6 teteQ+1 -rt4L HilT^ti3h TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. T€LE. r. TYPE oF coNsrRucloN (dtt r v v zoccupANcycnoup {el x r n u DfvfstoN t22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPIION OF WORK : -*An J3 <11 H-r qJ A-L L \ PERMIT NO.ffi 3.Ellr!1 l6rao 2Oao or- It+ lth sH vt4 2ee.t TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUAIION PERMIT FEES -4' U.14 BUILDING PERIIIT L"9- rtt' PLAN CHECK I Z, c'c' ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERA ON q-.^DOInONAL ( ) nEPAtR( )PLUMBING OWELLING UNIIS - ACCOT MODATION UNITS - HEIGH' IN FI, -- NO. FTNEPLACES iIECHANICAL RECREATION FEE THICKNESS R-VALLUE TYPE OF ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INSULAIION: FLOON EXT, WALLS ELEC. ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING CLEAN.UP DEPOSII /,/ / j . a L' USE TAX TOTAJ,.fERMtT FEES 3c) 7, t'c: i //l' / - ', i.)_-Mgr_2.!.J___ A-(' 7r aurlorxc-orrtcr,r IONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE rrrrrr._.rr'||_- ZONING A BUILD;NG p1g16,- ,t'ttzt: 1"/.{l"t?zZ.=+z/ 4q,./*;r,t/1 423d '.'r:<ttz' q;" 2..., ./( . r':t-., 4. 'L;zz, t.:.'2., I herely acknowledge that I have read this appllcatlon, tilled out in fult the lntormation required, completed an accutate plot plan. and state that all lhe informalion provlded as reguired is coirect. i agree lo comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build lhis structure according to.the Towy's zonlng and grfi codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other o therelo. CLEAN T'P DEPOSIT TO: d 0 a''rt Jl-'IL I o6Y z-z-el @, (t65K AND ATURE THE OI ot lh€ OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF '€r-? d hoZa q.3trf, d ae-r^rv=l rB / (nrrsarr) ool 'Jr hS 'aO - n3^f +1;.€ecr- Ob\'l .r-cr ,0 aaliln1139 --O .)Ltil'-t tatl4il€C'lJglXJ . n UrJl{ 9J otn-Lxa-L lir<,"r c'i* '!:'J 'r d)ldAi Pal::1i pt[0jiith" o l, 7.L€. B \ lr 0\ ll o ",?riS 't{to3 :!:l 4 gfi? ,,Te aatth{lJ tzaJ9 ch19 I I i I I I I I l I t,I t Yq \s ,/ ll. \_'\- r\. $o N \o $\ $d' F.'vi+'.\t) \.lri s F h \t \ r, C1 \t { n $ cl \\ -\ot (t "i n.!\ F $I r IA G g or9 - tt n .-.,1[1$ *r,rrnt I t o1'n* *".i.il'ii,ll'$ ''^" g}}l-6t6/e08 8S919 0c "rHA toiz xo8 .o .d slB380H a9UO39 ln9n 'rsNoo ,gl1vA 1rv,\ ,,/J?, aTrt', |, i'o tr [ .?'.,' .-,t11 ''i1 - ll'li H$ i1,.,1,,;,1',u ,\tPlli'1 !o I t I a a I a I I I t I I I I I a I a I I I I I l, I I I I l.J I -aa -atL n FN 12 c:t -f) Oi (.o s n I I I I il I I I ,t .'. I I I I I I I I t I a iil trrttL I I I t. I a I I I br rrr -- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT h departmsnt of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOE TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT fl suu-orNc D pluuerNe EFelecrRrcRl I FoUNDATIoN n MEOHANICAL trr:oo rrEsrHAvEN DR LEGAL DESC, LOT BLK FILING OWNER saME ryElTIi! rroTEL 13OO WESTHAEBOODR MAIL ADDRFSS crrY VAIL PH 476-7111 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADORESS crry PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. - J.--1?'^??nh Eau J.L:F. EIlEtPlrSj S 242=T TOWN OF VIIL REG. NO. 524-7744 PLUMBING FIRM IOWNCF vAltBEG-t\10.UUNIKAUIU}{ MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM lolvtt oEllall EEQ-J'lo TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF ^.-. IN ON JUNE PERMIT TO 23, L992 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE NO PLANS PERMIT NO. DATE l. TYPE OFCO|{STRUCTTON | [ l lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR iI DIVISION !?2ag4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - INSTALL CDILING FANS IN THS MAIN TYPE GROUP G,B.F.A, VALUA PERMIT FEES N,.b NEW() ATTERATTON (X4 ADOITTONAL ( -- ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES ERNST GLATZLE JUNE 23, orFrc-t,nl- ---6-lTE NO PLANNER ADMINISTRATOR OATE ONING & BUILDING NOT€S: I hersby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in Jull the intormation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all lhe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state !aws, and lo build lhi$ structure according to the Town's zoning and g&division codes, design ?eview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanpps of the Tlwn apllicable thereto. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF NOTE * COPY.OF PERMIT TO BE I(EPI'ON JOBSITE oArE ntr0 JUN 2:11992 s515 tr tr n BUILOING ETECIRICAt CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dcprrtment of cornmunity dlllopmcnt rO BE FILLEO OUTCOT/|PLETELY PfiIORTO ISSTIAHCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E pturnstNc D rounoattoN PERilIT ro. r rvp€ or cot'tslRucfloN I ll tlr rv v 2 OCCUPAiICV GROUP ABE H I R II DrvtstoN 122131 cEr{EFAL oEscRrpitofi or woct( t IYPE CROUP G.R.F.A. VALUA OWELLING UNI'S .----_ HCIGI{I IN9T ACCOMMODA?ICr|I UNtts -NO. FIFEPLACES AODITTONAL PEBMITS NEEOEO: IMlIAL i:aa:-z<- I hereby acknowtedg€ lhar I have read lhls appllcrtlor, flfled-out In full tlt?]{.j.Tt^tj|o:1 l1lYll1dl iirpf"i"A a. rccuiite plot ptan, and state lhal;ll thc Informallon ptovlded a! requlrod i3 corect. I -^.^^ r^ r.nrrratw r.rtrh the lnior,mrfion end Dlol Dlen. lo comoly wllh all TOwn ordinances and 3l8tc agree lo comply with lhe lnlormallon 8nd plol qlan.lo cojnply ldws, and ro buitO this slruclure accordlng to ths Town! revlerv approved, Uniform Building Code and othsr otdlnanco! |oi|AN'RE OF Ar{O ilE OWI{ER. MECHANICAL TEGAL DFSC. r or BtK FILING n ;tE WA+in #"/e / I OWNER rnr ^nneFsq /300 Weol A are n cnv !/q,, l, /.oh , 116r,, ARC}IITECT n/tk c|tv PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 'OWN OF VAIL FEO. NO. CLECTRICAT ICONTRACTOR errnt-/-.E Erty'erprlqe9 ro,vil qF-vAfLE e,!t!.-'. 0 2 E tete.F24- 7744 PLUftIBING /14ft rowfl oF VA|LREG. iro.Ut,NIXAGIUK MECHANICAT FfRm lW * T()|t ll oF vAlL REo. t{o.UUNIi(AUIUK OTHER CONTRACIOR FlnM ttt/fr lomloF v lllE!-!to. _ TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Ll PLUMBNG L.] FOUNDATION LJ 13IO W. HEAVEN DR. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE _----005357 depsrtment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETFLY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D g f BUILD}NG EL€CTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL I \DESC. LOT BLK-*_- VILLAGE/WESTIN FILING CASCADE l JOBNAME: CliC ELECIRICaT. IfOtrK OWNER NAME KEVIN MACKAVICH MArLAogREss f 3 l0 IIESTEIEAVEN cTTYVAIL PH476e4238 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL_REG. AlO. ]r-ecrnrcar- CONTRACTOR F|RM roNls ErEgTRlc lOFE TOWN OI VALL REG. NO r.rr 949-L662 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F'RM rllryl[oF vartBEG. I\Jo MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EIRM TOWN OF VAIL EEq NO.- TFI F OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DrvtstoN GENERAT DESCRIPTION OF WORK INSTALT SIJBMETERS. PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILDIT'IG ELECTRICAL 4,000 PLUMSING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A VALUATION PERMIT FEES tl FR E.I 0 4U000 BUILDING PERMIT J q S $$ s PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL -7 ., NEW ALTERATION+^'i AODITIONAL i ) REPAIR()PLUM BING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -. __ HEIGHI IN FT -- NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULAT,ONT IYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO l.gg'_ EXT, WALLS CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT USE TAX GAS wooD HEAT ROOF TYPE TOTAL PERMIT FEES $/z ERNST GLATZLE I'TAR. 30, 92 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr.cur I lx I unorne oracrAl- -- - - trATE NO PLANNER ]NINC ADMINISIRATOR DATE ELASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale lhat all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ot the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OF CONIRACTOF FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. doprtmcnt of communitt doclopmrnl rO BE FILLEO OU'COMPTETELY PRIOR TO IS$'AilCEOFPERM|T TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAI MECHANICAL PLUITIBING FOUNDATION (, LEGAT Gr". LOT 8LK_ FILING JoB NAMi4;' t " *"oo,!ro " ;:;. OWNER xNoE i(E Yt h h! flc i(^!';'t4 U.NL,flaRE'is / 3 / a rua r't /11/ 0F Ctrf t/h,L Pn. Y/t"/z?t ARCHITECT FIFM lt]rrl /lDDnEss OW PH. GENERAT CONIRACTOR Ftnr "60vir oF val|. nEO. lilCl. Lr"t*,ro,. CONTRACTOR srpu i?o,- f Lt L L ( r rBfG qLtT- /1 ( Z PtUtrlB|NG co;rrRAcroR flnfl totvfl oF YAIL REO. llo- trr F MECI{ANICAT Ftlll TOWXOF_VAltlgQ-l.to-CUNIKAUIUII OTHER CONIRACTOR FIRTI TOWil OF VA|L ACO. irQ- __ TELE. u -1ftA CONSTRUCTION PERMIT *mfl l-',", NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSTE oor= ffiD UAR Z S €92 D D D D E D PERTIT r.lYFe Or CONSTRUCI(tH 2. OCCUPAIIICY GROUP otvtsK}lt (V 2 2r ! r - -A t L GENERA|- DESCRIPIIO}| OF tItORti : -&L.)- IYPE GFOUP G,E.F.A. V D\irELLnGUNlrg - A@OMMOOA O tnrs- ]tElGHr r}{Fr. - o. TnEPLACES TYP€ ?HICKT{ESS F.VALLUE AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: I hereby acknowledge that I havo .ead lhls appllcatlon, tlllod out In full lhs Inlormallon requlred' iirpr"i"O "" a"curite pf oi ili". "ta sr"re iryi'a1 tho lnformatlon provlded ar requlred ls corect' I ;;ig;i;-;o;tiinh tie rnloimiuon 6nd ptot plsn,jo compry wirh 8flroil!.ordinences and slal€ G-ws. ana to butto rnis errucrure iiiorOini to'the Town'r :dnlng -and rubillvlsion codo3' dcrign i"Jf6* ippibGJ, Uniform erilda"g CoAe a-nO ottrerorOlnances of the Town applicable lhsr€lo. ffie or omen on cottraAcroR FoR HlMsGLr 7 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE gtr1g October 27, L992 PLans ln Slot_ 005802 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D D [4 tg BUILDING ELECTRICAL g MFfdf ryJ8slh"",,R o,r.,. LEGAL DESC. LOT .* fiiiia- BLK-=- JOB NAMf,:tlestin Medhanical Remodel WNER s11y Vai1, C0 pl+76-7LIL ARCHITECT FIRM UAII ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRM Westin REsort Vail rowN oF vArL FEG. Nq. 353-B 476-700e (hs , ELECTRICAL fl)NrRAcroR flRld -E.t L Ent€tDrises rolvr{oF vaLL REG. No 202-E rELE. 524-77 44 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF V4ILBEO. NO- MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIE$ Srrmmit Mechanical TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I5?_S rELE. 945-2491 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG-NO. TELE. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V z.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DEscRrprtoN oF woRK . Reroutq manhan"l na'l nxh.arrcf ro brri I <1 floor tc PERMIT NO. -Y---? z tr = BUILDING ?_nnn ELECTRICAL 2,000 PLUMBING make walkway into retail space - mor MECHANICAL 13 , 000 el-ectrlcal outlets TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II a 0 BUILDING PERMIT 215.00 $s It4L33 /n N b + \ PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAT 50 .00 NEWO ALTERATION trCO ADDITIONAL () REPAIR()PLUMBING -0- owrur|c urutrs -- AccoMMoDATtoN uNrTs.-.- HEIGHT IN FT -- NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 260.00/pe=65.00 RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN,UP DEPOSIT r00.00 EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF HEAT SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 830 .00 Dan Stanek L0l2B/92 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST, CUT IrlotllC O]TrCrnl- o-ATE - -She-1i.y-Ms-11q L0/27 l9Z INING ADMINISIRATOR OATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NoTES: Uecb--43a-s€.-3o--be l^eets eO4SCSu.tJ Ot. Eiald itralror'ficrn ^^'.:*^,7 {^* ^a.{a ^n*nl .i anaa orrolll I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.Clean Up Deposlt To: ,4,//.,/ Westin Resort Vail 1300 Westhaven Drive \/ni1- CO RI657 OF OWNER stGf AND OWNEF. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT e1rg f;f0ll00p PERUIT TIO,,{roL dopsrtmsnt of oommunity dcvclopnrcnt TO AE FILLEO OIJT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCEOF PERUIT TYPE OF PEFMIT n tr ts BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHAN PLUMSING FOUNDATION r. rYPE oFcotsrRucnoN rcfiu rv v z. occuPANcY GRoUP A(D H I RM DIVISION 122t34 GENERAI. DESCRIPTION OF WORK : GROUP G,R.F.A, VATUATION ulrr lnonrss I Joo [r,o-.,/l-.,'* 4, ALTERATION OWELLING UNITS HEIGHT N TT ACCOMMODATION UNIIS -_-.- NO. FIREPLACES AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRm l71ra-5 i;. ll2t,,-l V;-[ loru-oEvatL8EG. [o. 3 J:3 - 6 10.V U?tr^tt - I BS1LDINO 11g7sg /Fa'/ ?/lta€+- tz" PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge thal I hava read thig appllcation, ,lll6d oul ln fufl th€ Informstion requlred, completed an accurete plot plan, end $tate that ell ths in{ormation provided as roquired is corrsct. I agree to comply wilh the information and plot plan. to comply wilh all Town ordinances end state laws, and lo build lhis slructure according to the Town's zoning and subilivision codes, dosign review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordlna-nces ol the Town applicable thsreto. CLEAI{ UP DEPOSIT tO: IGNAT *"r/;* l,?.,oi tr*|,1 OR CONTRACTOR FOE HIMSELF rovvfl oF vArL R6g. xg. 1 .r a -J OTHER CONTRACT IQWILQE]YAIL8EA,trO. d m l\iN i\) i,ri i.\J i\} i'ro =s 1A aq 3 2 -l tr'=J EH o; l----'H=FIF t-r t-t - J l- H :o J J EA l -R j rl' f) ,d F?ilz-8@ uEr €. fO r lf z,f -t I rl. ]} q - cFl*l r -tl tr .-r\i E v'i .\ " t '{ El r"Hi \ ti sle I t! c, - | tl . ct 5r I I i o .lD I ;EEI i" A -i; I i., <_- ii 'l i -* \* I Ii .9 il tl It'I,,, I | '1,\ I t\| "-/rt r(.t\ I I I I I I i ,x: tl I I t I I I I I I l:ll tt ll t!tl ll ll ll lt : l' <, { t lt. -. .t-' \ I i-l r]\.! lvtorrtot Neweu Englneers, Inc, OF OATE OAT€ fionffi Cn*{sl26r lhrdl@rrnq,cnl.t|' leror|7l. hoolnfitr0|t E rs&i'53l) ,q, rvlonroQ, Ne*,cll #i,F EllAinccrs. lnc {\ :CALE ,,,,, \r'\l ,-O \ [*,*r1 ll)\ \tU s I I I NO __ ^r' t h-'\ .^ "n.ru,o,,ou)L\]IfI- CIlECKEO AY tio0f,r a0+1 {6md g!a{r ?G t 1P!^d4r ffi-ro &.6,ohi. ||}r sitr to Ddr n{,[ rcu nff r.!0o2?5{1t0 tvton.o& Newell Iinginccrs, lrrc, #iFglsl 6,6 Wl,4xWl,+ -E vcm*{t) Br1 pr, (=) gflorr&tr {Shgf Sid.l?61lClfi,t @dl,. Gr0t6.lit r!.01.?I to Onr '|f|.t lou, ruf l$2ffi3t0 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT L-J PLUMBING Q rouruoarroru "1300 WESTHAVEN DRIVE NOTE DATE _ COPY OF ]N ON OCT PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 27, 1992 PLANS ATTACI{ED 005801 hm departmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOFTO ISSUANGEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EF eurLorNc Et ElecrntcRl M MECHANICAL JOB NAME: NAME WESTIN RESORT VAIL MA|LAppREsS 1300 WESTHAVEN DR crrv VAIL pH. 476-7IlL GENERAL CONTRACTOR 353_B TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, - 479-7009 ECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM E.L. F. ELECTRIC town or vlt Rec. ruo. 202-E 524-77 44 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, CONTRACTOR 352_s TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. 945-249r OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. |t t tv v ABEHIRM r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - REMOVE AND INSTALL NON-BEARING WALLI PERMIT NO. z E J BUILDING 9 ,000 ELECTRICAL 3 ,000 PLUMBING DROP CEILING, INSTALL LIGHTING AND MECHANICAL 3,000 IIVAC SPRIMf,ERS & SMOKE DETECTORS.TOTAL 15 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II 8 B 0 15 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT r95 $$\N. ft a FF \ N s tu PLAN CHECK L27 ELECTRICAL 54 NFW( ) ALTERATTON 6)q AODTTTONAL( ) REpAtR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL $60 / $15 ll4L335 RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 EXT WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. SOLAR HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ s51 DAN STANEK OCT 29, 1992 ADDITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED, Y N INITIAL .r. cr' I l_ | lrlott'tc-o+rct,nr-- D-ArE - JrM CURNUTTE OCT 28, L992 'NING ADMINISTRAIOR DATE BLASTlN6 )NING & BUILOING NOTES:NO A.DDITIONAL F].OOR PARKING AKSA SEING ADDED WI'I}I IttIS PtsKI"T'I. FIELD ]NSPECTION REQUIRED FOR A CODE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO: I^IESTIN RESORT VAIL 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE rATr,_ CO 8l 557 ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -- COPY OF PERM]T TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DArE .RELU0cl iiz l9'JL o 8o1 r. IYPE oF coNsrRucnoN dD' , u u 2. occuPANcY GRouP r6i r r nu OlVlSlOt{ 122134 cENERAL oEscRrpirox or wonx , L,3 o o Aooo TVPE GROUP G-R.F.A. V 1*',) G**'J neue, 161n, I G***t E *, nane l,*, ot f i - Q,- to"t l/. i I MAILADoREss/loo ru--lA-er! A1;-( cnv t/-,i I c"lo ( ) AtTERATtOfl $/I ArlOlnoNAL ( ) REPAIR ( DWELLINGUNITS H€IGIIT IN FT. -- ACCOMMODAIION UNITS - - NO. FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. rnu-lt/or{i- t?o to-} l/^i\ rowN or vnru neq. Ho. 3i3 -/TOTAL PERMIT FEES Ens"la. L . F. rown or vlt neo. no. L (.,Lf__ J"L.1- 77qC FIRM- I hereby acknowl€dge thal I hsve read lhis sppllcetion, lilled out In full ths Information required, completed an eccurat€ plot plan, end stale that all the Information provided as required ii correct. I agr€e lo comply with the information and plot plan, to compfy with all Town ordinanc€s and stale laws, and to build this slructure according to lhs Town's zonang and subilivlsion codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other o1d ot the Town applicable lhsrelo. CLEAN T'P DEPOSIT TO: urrrl,- py"or4 l/o, I OR GONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF rowN oF vArL REG. No. I ( Z ' s OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VA|L REO. Ner. PERIIIT NO. depertment of community dwclopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PAIOFTO TSSUANCEOF PERMIT WPE OF PERMIT tr E BUILDING ELECTRICAL I pLuuerNc FOUNDATION ( 6sn1 F/LDIJTAS o LegAAE /lt,,A "a- DA a r t tt to s'rf2atCrtt L€' ilMtnrlEn ldU06 -sr'€ -77/t u/s:nn/ t/owt- &tt(t fiBrn LattF€leucE TETL, J4€ W IUCJ fi t N TIIE UESTIN IIOTEL, YAIL FIRsT FTOOR l.liil dL, \M,. rh'-R", orl ,#l '\l ltl * t - 6',{cl1 t- P? fgg& :,--l C,l,rrf1e.l! Grrtler{ K-t*ll t8e | | tr3 07 1 lrtrl l17s . ', - ' :..::.-.:,:*F$ Fgf,WW #t*,FWg furfil-i $wtTwtAu fue. IAft. r-*m* tuL.A;ElztdL 'Rlt+Er. 'lxrr.r bfoeg P?a|lb Vf V@W'fa AertL'r.(TTP). lown ot Vait Communlil uevobpmEnt Fl16 f-t L_l rl tr r-ri-1 N t *,.uiif'r'ii!".il[ , ffi : :;,1 ii#i t','j,: $:l:]j,,:'^Tf ':ytl ol p r a n s and :l1iiltj,.h be a pormir ioi"o,. ,n il,:l',;;', j:*:l :l fl't ffi il,i, JII,T'j,'ff ;,'lil i"l..',ill1'l'::::"'ttniii'i'oi'lii"'lilii:il#'ffi ili?1,J:i:f, f ,j:,,,"?:!i:,leq'ililL1il;il',JT:ff :ill lh$,??ilr n.:: jt':r " r;:"'i*,? ffi ;,?i;n' lf; I ot errors in-saio prans,'speciruff"tJi|ltg,,i:: or ot tlut gqiro . Heatrh w,l,,L' " r:l j.tf lla l'-O l' . Cata. 1c- z'i ti u t-T tl g"+.0. ;,,- tl ajE IA K ! i -i*u,.r,1',|,!'0.ffil$A-A- lr1?:1,p, 'rC v*tl.leluBq QEi*, z't4'flOJL r.ra-i.f ftvat$(f"i). /r4 q]ffi.lEi 4vtua fl?)).ou.f ll@;az'"*A6, e?FtHFD #;4s1O Pr-Arl AFE3ffiffiVdffi / t/./'./ or 7h,* /r/'/-*-".- ""."'DAr u/::l't "!'t"" r/g',-,la.r,r.19' F"?pffi.#l,fffffi VAiI- o lo'ae4t. G'(r t $ s N{r U- .-J fl tr 5,.ic N .i!df- F !;t lt-l F :-:S s$Fs ...' $ r1 .- a s E s j { =J -{ \){f F \- \Y J s_ $ ,&Bp$t ffivf; # ,TOI.-'VN Ctr VAiI.- .., I 'tr f + I aFtl Fr-r'tl/FE, fD tn'anJ '!'F\rR T2 FO3€JI -- LtNg oF 4p*r*laPY rea4E HF.l d2or^rH /rJP vl (z uas.\ FUIUFE LA(^lbf NGt *z-'' tff Fixt€.-t?t{{7 |fW? tArALl-, rl[ xzt' €rEEL @-lea -AFrcr+B T?aW A,-b/ T,aBY Fxtsr6gTt Lrry{brr{(t f tAU d w@? tl*xtPelryr- @t-oo) Q Ffro ?rbr +fT. t _ _.,1 'i Bu,,fd ,rW c 4LAN€.Yt4t trJ n ,s .t) L-DATE. I_Iq 'fftcr GMCLEARNINGCENTER CASCADE VILLAGE CONDOMINIUMS I t \ 11r\tt f ". .*T*t# l r $I r e TI 1l LI IJ $ lil $ri [ 0l $$l 'ff 1r i Fll r-J_f n! i$i7 I $ 7 0 { il (= { F...* >- ,.\F f t Elf'!.ql f{# >-4 .a | ' ". -I. .fq*--i .O n\.l' n\#t-,,d --l \^T FflTT ti fl I*W ir t o r' I I I I l_ Ifil ll nl h I o T $ * N z -n B ]J 3l 3l CMCLEARNINGCENTER cAscADE VILLAGE CONDOMINTUM$ ENTRY PROGRAM -l Ta-*z- t $t { { ri $d fl# il $t x q I E', T \t $$: $gr FF$ d4 i I g 6 \, \ {r:{ad ..-f 0 €*J;!' w %='$'trf, ii (?q CMCLEARNINGCENTER CASCADE VILLAGE CONDOMINIUMS 1.7,1L ENTRY PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OFPEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF IN ON OCT. DATE - PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 23, t992 NO PLANS 005?97 ElraurLorNc ! rlEctRtcnr [] MEcHANTCAL LJ PLUMBING ! rouruoRTtott E3oo unsrnRvEN DRrvE LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK-- FIL ING THE WESTIN [otto"r*utt^ *u*RT aATELLTTE ANT. OWNER x6!rs WESTIN R-ESORT VAIL ruerr eobl@S WESTHAVEN DRM CITY VAIL PH. 476-4711 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FtRM TRI-CoUNTY CABLEVIST0N TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO 598-1048 ;t-'r?t^i?3,* FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG, NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NA MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOVVN OF VAIL REG. NO TEI E OTHER CONTRACTOR F IR I\,I TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF wORK ; --_-INSTALL 2 SATELLITE ANTENNAS ON PERMIT NO. 2 E J EUILDING 3 ,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL ffiITED TYPE GROUP G,R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES tt R,B,A,0 3,000 BUILDING PERMIT 75 1\J s B hr $$\$ PLAN CHECK +v ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATIONXXX ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR(PLUMEING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOT4MODATION UNITS - IIEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIFEPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLooB | | I -.=-_--rF--, 1.--=-f---CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 exr wnLrs| - torrrs - I --T USE TAX GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 224 WOOD DAN STAENK OCT 23, L992 aurr-oTNcoFFrcr,AL--- *driE JIM CURNUTTE OCT 23, L992 ADDITIONAL ST. CUT PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL | | xl ZoNING AoMINISTRAToR OATE 'o$lh8v?#o*IF#oJn=fi'ffi m t hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's 4)ning and codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ord'94 .' , .-/- v AbkaY;O8 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF e CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -- COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE - PERirllT NO.7 57? 7 I ryPE OF CONSTRUCTTON t(Jt,1n tV V 2, OCCUPAT.ICY GROUP A8 EH I R M LFl4^.t. S O TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION REPAIR DWELLING UNITS _- HEIGHT IN FT ACCOMMODATION UNIIS - NO, FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: INITIAL TOTAL,RERMIT FEES I hereby acknowledge thal I have read this appllcalion, filled out in full the lntormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the Informatlon provided a8 required is correct. I agree lo comply with lhe information and plol plsn, to comply with all Town ordinances and slale laws, and to build this structure according to lhe Town's revlew approved, Uniform Building Code and other CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT TO: B NAME: iilAlLAoDREss GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REg. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, rELE Gf '- /0{,7 0.*n- lm depertmont of ommunity dweloprnent TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION D D n ( a t WESTIN - MAIN BUILDING t rVorezl -l h''7;H p- in c"rt,, l$- g'c)o'l'BALCONY *o CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO IN ON JULY 10, 1992 DATE -=--- BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DRAWNINGS ATTAC}IED 005570 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I iI III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DtvlstoN r22a34 "EiFf{v"1l"h?fii'|oN oF woRK : PERMIT FEES GROUP G,B.F,A. VALUATION A,E,R,B LEGAL DESC.FILING JOB NAME: CASCADE VILLAGE CONDO. UETIE MY BRENNER - MAILADDRESSFWM 725 N AIA ctrY JUPTTER, SA ,tr ^l i1 o\i r? lr F ':i I a.l ni h rr' rl -Fl tt r-- PLAN CHECK OWNER NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL{ ) REPAIR() DWELLING UNITS HEIGHI IN FT ACCOMMODATION UNiTS - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATIONI THICKNESS F-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT v BLASTING Y PABKING DEMO x FIRM GWATIIMEY, PRATT MAtLAooRESs 1000 g FRONT. RD. ctrY vArL PH476-L147 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRMAMERICAN AI,iNING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 232-L612 TOTAL PERMIT FEES JULY 10, 1992 g{qg,YJE!10_ ING ADMINISTRATOR wLY 10, 1992 & BUILDING NOTES: -NOT TO EXCEED 3 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMEING TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struciure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision coctes, design Uniform Buildiqg Code.and offer ordinances oJ the Town applicable thereto. AND THE OWNER. MECHANIC TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. TELE, PERMIT NO. . department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PEHMIT . TYPE OF PERMIT Ef eutlor,lc ! pluraarruo B rlecrnrcnr- D FoUNDATToN n ME.HANI.AL trtroo 'ESTHA'EN DR. OTHER ^ONTRACTO b--- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT *ffifl ffLrruLloffi drprrtmrnt of commrinity devdopmcnt ra r,aarl our*tpLETELy PRtoR To tssuANcEoF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT L oEsc. JOB NAME: OWNER ARCHlTECT GENERAI :o \ \\\.\\' ELECIRICAL 30Nr P[UMBING CONTRACI OTHER tr tr tr BurLDlNc I Pt-ut atNc ELEcTRtcAL EJouNoerton il-eoinnicnr- filrrrllle *sa+-l crrY V-.1 t". TOWII oF vAlL AEG. NO. TELE s61s 1'1'{2-no.-ftZ,-- t.TYP€ OF CONSTRUCIION 2. OCCUPAIICY GROUP GENERAI DESCRIPTION OF WONK DW€LLING UNtls - A@oMMOO ltoN t'NlTs -HEIGHT IN FI. - t'IO. FIREPI.ACES ROOF TYPE OF tNsutAtloN: IYPE rryIM9 AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO:Uk-k,+Lt hereby acknowredee that r .nave rgi-t!r:::t',':.".tlt:fj15:,,'"'J,ill",:t"tlljtllT,llrll"il l"li,l'""fi I hereby a.cknowledg€ tnal I nave reaq trrrr rrPP'rrrc.''r!' 'x*iflo" iibitOeO aa requlred l$ corr€:f. I i::it,l":"*"t*ii1':,*ilil:fi"i,11'Jlf ;i5';':*i' comprv with arrrown or1rl*iii;:r;.1: agree to comply rYith lhe.l "nJrilor plan, to comply yvitn-a-tt-r-911 aoree to comply wath lhe Inrormatron arlq Prvr t''"' ;ffi'fin|fj ;ttd subitlvislon codeg, design [1i, iiiii -u,ilq.ig' "f i911,5_:"::l*1,:"^81.ar,,,,.* of rherowr qepii;ure thercro.-;;;il;;fi*d. Unilorm Buildins cod€ and ANO THE OT OWNER OR FOR HIITSELT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEHMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LJ PLUMBING n rouruoRrroru ?3OO WESTHAVEN DR. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE IN ON AUG 18. 1992 DATE - DMI,iINGS ATTACIIED I E ! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LOT- BL JOBNAME: WESTIN CAFE REMODEL NAME ITESTIN RESORT ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. 479-1009 ELECTRICAL plpM HUNT ELECTRIC 125_E TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. 949-4061 MECHANICA TOWN OF VAIL HEG. NO. TELE. I.IYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ t lV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WQRK :BUILD PARTTIUIION WAI.I..TNSTAT . NI'TI PERMIT NO. z tr J EUILDING I .000 ELECTRICAL 3,000 PLUMBING MECHANICAL TOTAL 4,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II XA 0 4 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT 85 ^l Jr $$oh { $ PLAN CHECK 55 ELECTRICAL 54 NEW ALTERATION (XX ADDITIONAL l REPAIR()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE !: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF ]NVESTIGATION FEE 8s /141310 TYPE OF ELEC.;;;----l HEAT GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 379 wooD DAN STANEK AUG 21 , L992 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL r'."rt I I x I BUITDING OFFICIAL OATE TrM DEyLIN AUG 20, 1992 IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILOING NOTES: - FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicaiion, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build lhis structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ot the Town applicable thereto. CLEAI,I UP TO:I^TESTIN llOTEL 2t stGNATgf;E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOF FOR HTMSELF ANDrtltE owNEF. -ffi 1300 WESTHAVEN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY-OF DATE iE['I i,US I TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE f6f7 { doprrtmont of mmmunity dovelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIf tr n trl tr EUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ECHAN !) recnr- I DESC. t OT BLK :ILING JOB NAME: wc,tfi;"- ?.ro-.t c*€., p.^J.l OWNER naur Wtr['- Ilr,or-t MAIL ADDREss ,1oO q/9.1(*"c', 0r. cffi U-ll Gk eu 4?j|osq ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR \ Frnn tr/.,rIi- (dto;t TOWN OF VAIL REO. NO. f ETECTRICAL rrnu C,, -{ /i/c.fri . TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.vvrrtn,.tulvrt rer-e.199 - /qqfl PLUMBING FIR'l| TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.(,IJNIKAt,I('K MECHANICAI CONIRACTOR EIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL 8EG. NO. TELE. r rYP€ oF coNsTRUCTtOt{ I Vm tv v fr 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP 0 EHIRM DtVtStOt{ t?2a34 GENERAI= OESCRIPIION OF WORK ;n.'.|-t - t t', PERMIT NO. J 3l 3'1 EULDrfrG '6Oo.oo /d0a ELECTRICAI.-/.Lffoo.oo 7e' \PLUiIBINC (recHmrrcru- 7d Tlfz-(/ddA , c-'c> TYPE GRqUP g.R.F,A. VAIUAIION PERMIT FEES .ta ll-q auf rDrr{G PERrrtr lh,l4t<(6ref ? /za.a PLAI{ CHECX 5T,ad ELECTRICAL ,jq,.D NEW() ALTERATION ) ADDIIIONAI REPAIR (PTUIIBING DWELLINGUNITS - MECHANICAT HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATIOII FEE INSULATION: TYPE IH|CKNESS R-VALLuE {a Paptrf,b FIOOn ctEA -UP DEPOSTT .^^-& EXT WALLS USE TAX FOOF IOTtt PERMTT EEES t7?,do k#:4 i%:--]ki;-- I BUfLotNc NoTes: fidf kV.+ar*---.4- PARKING iz,mz- /,rt)t t Et--t2 htktE /; E,>. oa*ro T I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read thi$ applicatlon, fllled out In full lhe Informallon requir€d, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provlded as r€quirsd as corr€cl. I sgreo to comply with lhe informatlon and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordlnances and stato laws, and to build this structur€ according to the Town's zdnlng and oubbivlslon codes, deslgn revlew approved, Uniform Bulldino Code and other ordinances of the Town sDDllcable ther6to.revlew approved, Uniform Bullding Code and other ordinanBes CLEA$ TIP DBPOSIT TO: AiID THE OWT{ER. T{wn sppl lcable ther6to. 7 \ El eurlou'rc El rlEcrRrcRl I MECHANICAL El pluuatruc I rouruonrroru ?3IO IJESTHAVEN CIR 6il eoNsrRucnoN PERMTT l*ffi 1.,','.- department of community danelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LOT UNTT R-3 BL FtL|NG cAsc4lE JOB NAME: BRENNER REMODEL unrr nJ*A&NING CENTER THE WESTIN ARCHITECT p16g JOIIN PERKINS MA|L ADDRESS P0 BOx 266 clrY AVoN PH949-9322 GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,nu csY BUILDERS, INC TOWN OF vAtL REG. NO_ 269_8 926-2567 LECTRICAL rrnr,r 3-D ELECTRIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 7 i 9-548-0510 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM VALLEY I,,7IDE P & H rowN oF vArL BEG. NO. 103_P 949-L7 47 MECHANICA CONTRACTO FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL HEG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PEFMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE rN oN MAR' 18' 1992 PLANs I^(AF{ro$NUNQN 005345 r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI DtvrstoN rz2a34 RM GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOR'( REMODEL OF UNIT, PERMIT NO. --*--:-- z. tr J BUILDING 25,000 ELECTRICAL 2 ,500 PIUMEING 2 ,000 MECHANICAL TOTAL 30, uuo TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 1 I'R R 0 30, 000 BUILDING PERMIT 350 $s :J., R +s PLAN CHECK 228 ELECTRICAL 4.1 NEW ( ) ALTERATIOMXX ADDITIONAL () REPAIR ()PLUMBTNG $]0 / $8 ll4r334 DWEL-LING UNITS - ACCOMIVODATION UNITS - HEIGH'IINFI - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION; TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR._ EXT, WALLS CLEAN,UP OEPOSIT 254 USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT GAS SOLAR wooo TOTAL PERM IT FEES $ 9r1 DAN STANEK MAR. 19, 92 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL BUILDTNG oFFICIA. - DATT JILL KAMMERER MAR. 19, 92 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING *f 'r$tB$fdi'?Hfi dooif 'om I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordjpfiic-es of I!€ Town applicable ttlrxeto.BW. .d. &{ga//h4 AND THE OWNER. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dcprrtmcnt ol community dodopmont TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY FEIOR TO ISSIJAi{CEOF PEFT,IIT IYPE OF PERMII dplutiletxc ET a D rouHolrpn rl 'n;;m NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DArE Pf['n MAR 1 B 1992 5 34{ BUILDING ELECTRICAL t.IYPE OFCONSIRI Cltol{ unl l|| lv v ?.occuPANcYGROUP ra e n qfi Dlvlsloil I22.ta GENEnAL DEscRtPitoH oF wonr : DEorrr? lo _j -5- ,,I F f J EUTLO| G 25r oo q EtECtnCfl--qoo PLUIdTG fpb o #itrmoDEt-HECHAT{IC t Y -r6\ttL'-4o nrsd, oo TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATION -T- PERiIIT FEES lr.A K EUTLOTNG PEnrr 3So.oc' PLAir CHECI(zzt, oo ELCCIR'CAL y'€,d') nu$Bltrc 7qe //e ? a NErv( ) ^rrEn^tiortX ^oq!!9I4!l_l--!EPAR -! olt ELLrNc uNlls - ACCO$MODATION UNlls ._- HETGHT IiI FT, - NO.FIR€PLACES INSULAIION: TYPE THICK'{ESS R-vAr.LUE 1t:on__- EXT. WALLS ROOF EC-HAt{lcAL RECREAT|()X FEE Nl4 SrL\-- cLEAt{.uP o€Fo5lT ?o'a. oa USE TAX TOTAI PERMII FEES 7//' oo 1*/e BUTLDT{G OFFIC|A a,{efu fovrcmf,ry|srl ' ./ 7-tf 9Z - tretE ryzztd!. /2'23- r tOR OAIE wa wneg,- -O y' Efr ' ar('Q-ft &<- ADDITIONAL PgH Yll"S NEEOEO: s7. cul EIASNMT PANT$IO N sNrrAL -1_-(tr ttt* I hereby achnowredse thrt I have rry{ {rr1agrric.1tb.1rll"L9$111Y1-*l1l'j.T,*",: l1lljlidi iiftftffi"ii'ii;ffi; il;i ;l,i;.il;i!. ir'"iili-rr'a ln'iormsuon p'oyqed as roqulrod l$ correct. I -^..a .^ ^^xnrre .-lh rhE t,'iarrnqflon end nlol Dlrn- lo comoly with all Town ordlnances snd Stalo ;ore; to comply with lhe Iniormatlon ang plql p.F!.i9 9:.Tq![1I, iio"ii''o.iiri'ir'i.'irir"irle i"ir;oi-.,-g io'the'Town'c zdnlngnnd _rubbluli,otgfntij:^tisn revlew approved, Unlform Bulldlng Code and olh6r or ffiRAcToRFoRHllrsELF ANO THC OTYilER. fJ MECHANICAT I r \ Tr"l;;r,* -s--tug OWNER ARCHITECT ''** tjot{N PepnrtS IAILADDNESS ow AvoN 0o w141-Bn GENERAT CONTRACTOR :r-.rELE- q%"- 256-l torrr. o, "1,. " es. no, AG{ - 6 rt ELECTRICAL COI{TRACTOR ,",o 7t1- 54t-ogto PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rwvAtt'F\.l uJlp(r. . rownorveir-Aeo.no- \-:l-\' rELE. 144' 17 t/} MECHANICAI, CONTRACTOR FINM IOWH OF VAIL REG. Ho. OTHER CONTRACTOR f tRll rowNOF V ll REO. ilO. rELE. -F (-\ urrFF L,E\reu Aal-lEro |.t lt.Jlut.t.E fl,f .1 6{t,f)/zy ,\ r r rR r /ar I ()Vv*ll.l u;r' CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 13OO WESTHEAVEN DR. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE _lllNEl_._ 1990 04409 department ol community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT f T T n tr n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAT JoB NAME: ______ . lpNlE-zvous_Iixsr LEGAL DESC. NAME RENDEZVOUS WEST 122 1,. ),IEADOW ctrY vArL PH 6-0320 ARCHITECT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL F|RM SToNE CREEK ELECTRTC rowrs or veru REe . Ho. l-08-E 949-6780 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DtvrstoN t2?a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; ADDED OUTLETS FOR OFFICE USE ALONG PERMIT NO. - z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL 2,000 PLUMBING MECHANICAT FLOOR. TOTAL 2 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 2 ,000 SUILDING PERMIT Lpf 6w affi t15/ th, t PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 44 NEW O ALTERATION l ADDITIONAL 6{.h REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECR€ATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT Exr. wALLs | -lNoNE - | - USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $44 GARY MURMIN JUNE 8, 1990 irr_oTne OFflCrAL- -DArE -ADDTrtoNAL penn,ttrs rude sr cur .r,*Turf DED: N INITIAL l* |INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE f,NING & BUILDING NOTES: '""*wn.tl I l oeuo '\l,lr\v I l I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the intormation required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inf ormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all.Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and othet otgiytnces ot the Town 19 AND THE OWNER. FOH HIMSELF t 4/'Jf ('i-'-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT JiJ;E6E,''"r! rv Dc ^rrr vrt.,L,rxr.'E fta r PERM|I IIO. dopartment ol communlty devclopmcnt TO 8E F]LLED OUTOOMPLETELYMTORTOISST'ANCE TYPE OF PERMIT PIUMEING FOUNDATION ! zurlorrc EFetrcrRtcar U MECHANICAL tr D tr F t )t y l. wP€ OF COflSrRUCltOr{ | [ lrt tv v E OCCUPAIICY GROUP A B E H I R il DfvtslOtf t22t3l DEscRlmoNoFwo ^ ,- Arl"l;"0 g!q!q c.R.Fr. vAt-u^iloN roe NAME: f*de7tout ul"lT' u'' v,nmoars t2J F. heAo,., NEW|' ALTERA ON( t rootrroxlt - A@OUI,|ooAnON LF{rS _ FINM AtL AnnRrss TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. :{^ft#.d- I hereby acknowledge lhat Iiave read thls applicatlon, tilled out In lull the Intormation requlred,completed an accurate-plot plan. and stalo that all the Inlormallon provided as required ls coirect i egtee lo comply wilh the Inlormatlon and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and siate laws. and to build thls slructure aclording lo th6 Tow-n's z6ning and subbivision codes. design review approved. uniform Building code and other or#lances oflhe Town qppllcabl;G;,ur;: FIRlI TOWN OF VA'L REO. NO. TEtE d€prtma,rt of community detrdopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING D ELECTRICAL ! MECHANICAL tr n ET n CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION JOBNAME: WE NAME WESTIN I{OTEL t,AIL ADDRESS ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR nnu SHEARON ELECTRIC 121_E TOTI/N OF VAIL BEG. NO. PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DArE _JAN.-Ls- i99g 004268 PERUIT I{O, DATE r. TYPE OF CO STRUCTTON I ll lll lv v 2. OCCUPAI{CY GROUP ABEH IR }I Dlvlslotil 122a34 GEi{ERAL O€SCRIPTIO}I OF IUORK : A}ID REPLACING WITII NEW. 2 WPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION NEW ( } ALTERATION (ff{XADDITIONAL REPAIR ( DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED: INITIAL $ 102.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES ERNST GLATZLE JAt{. 18, 1990 bFrrdirr_- 6-riE - OB CONTRACTOB FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I havo read this application, filled out in full the information requird, complei€d an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with th€ information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stats laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approv€d, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances ol the Town th€reto. AND THE OWNER. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT N\.ra ts - trl.rr t t r DATE --.---+ rEnMt a I L, crc' n t'r I vrra rrvc'ot I c PERilIT NO.r. TYPE OFC€NSTRUCTIOH | l| Ir tV V A OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H I RII DlvlSlON t22a31 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VAIUATION NEW( ' ALTERAITON { ) ADD|flONAL DWELLTNG UNITS - AC@IT'|OOANON UN]TS - HEIGHTINFT. - NO.FIBEPTACES INSUI-ATION: TYPE THTCKNESS R-VALLUE AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ,NITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in fult the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and slale lhat all the information provided as required is correcl I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances 8nd slate laws, and to build this structur€ according to the Town's zoning and subaivision codes, design reyiew approved, Unitorm Building Goda and other ordinances ol the Town OF OWNER OB CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANO THE OWNER, JOB NAME: TOIVN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM c\F+Ft-rF{O/\,/ E,lECf tal C_ TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rete. ?4- L4qa PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAILJEq. NO. deparment of c{rmmunity dffctopment TO AE FILLED OUT COMPLEIELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF TYPE OF PERMIT D D D n D u BUILDING ETECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION I /t CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartnent of community dovtlopmont TO AE flLTED OUT@MPTETELYPAIORTO ISSUANCE OF WPEOFPERMIT t-M sun-orHc ! pluuerNc fJ elecrntcal ! rouxonrroH r r x x T TEGAL DESc. JoB NAME: @ l*qq (l+ - Ba" 6 nll-ot u OWNER MAIT ADDRESS c|rY m.1444t4', ARCHITECT I/IAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR o*" t /r, ) 0 Bld \s. LJn row* orvarr-neo. *o. lZ-t-A ,rr.44Q 8lto4 ELECTRICAL rorrnrorvernEe.ro. 10,--4 t t/tr I ]{nu I vn 44-(-,,- 42{9 PLUMBING nau N.lpitoa {l4o hh,il;;-^'."'"r- Itz;El UIJN I KAUI9K rELE. C/41-f o5E MECHANICAT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.U1JNII(AUIUK OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRII TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE rEnMl| at, oB|\Erl t lr uLrEr'orrr PERTIIT NO. I.TYPE OF@ilsrRUCnOil | ll lll lv v AO@UPARCYGROUP A B E H I R IT DIVISION r22e3a C'' ' DWETI-|NG U trs - rc@r OOrfnON t trs- HE|Gr|TftFT. - NO.FNEPIICES INSULATION: TYPE THICXNESS R'VALLUE INITIAL OF OWNEA OR CONTRACTOB FO8 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applacation, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corect I agree lo comply with th6 intormation and plot plan, to comply with all TowQ ordinances and stato laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subilivision codes, design revlew approved, Uniform Building Code and otherordinanq€s of the Town appl ON PERMIT d.plrtmcnt of oommunity dsys|opnqrt TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO 1SSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT 6) coNsrRucrl h"w NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 6lL3l89 tr D trl !BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION fl MECHANTCAL );:s:LOT BL}(_ FIttNG CASCADE VILLAGE JOBNAME: Claggerr-Rey Ga1-Lery OWNER NAME Bill Rev MA'I. ADDRESS clrY eu.949-4L97 ARCHITECT FIRM N/A MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Vall Builders L!D- TOWNOFVAILREG. NO. 12I-A 6.r,6 al AL ) ELECTRICAL FIRM Shaw Eleslric TOWNOFVAILREG. NO, 106-E rJuNlK,tt'tvn rELE. 926-3358 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM Alpine Mechanical- TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 142.P MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO UUN I T(AU IUK OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. t. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTOT{ | ll lll lV V z.OCCUPAI.ICYGROUP AAEHIRII DIVISION 122a34 cEiIERAL DESCRIPTION OF wORl( ; - NEW WORK TENN AT FLNISE AS__PER- PERillT NO, z o l- f BUILOING 5-000.00 ETECTRICAL _oo0-oo PLU Stt{G $ECHAT{ICAL SPECS 6 ,000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATIOI{PERMIT FE€S II FR B-2 BUILOING PERMIT B1 .00 0# erw. e.t#sq kr M PIAI{ CHECK 53.00 ELECTRICAL 44.00 NEW () ATTERATION ( X) ADOITIONAL REPAIR (PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO FLooR | | |CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 exr wlr-Ls| | |USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. ,..,:1, '** GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 278.00 wooD Joe Nogrrs_ _ _1_J2JL89__ -__,rr_orfC OfftCt,fl- -Oaie - .BgEsy-Rosolaek _ _ *6L13L89 _ __ NING AOMINISTRATOR OAT€ ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: BLASTING )NING A BUILOIHG NOTES:,^il; | |NEED OWNER APPROVAL oemolll I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tllled out in full the information require(l, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I eor€e lo comDlv with the information and olot olan. to comolv with all Town ordinances and stat€agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state .-----'-'-:-, --r --,r.l:--:-, -la--ws, an<t to 'UuitO this structure according to the Town's zoning and subliviEion review approved, Unitorm Building Code and oth flt*ff*?0lff1i Ing an ot the design , (G coNsrRucrloN PERMIT . r- /-t - nnh# [-""'o' deportment of community devcloPmant TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOF TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING I plulaetNe ELEcTRTcAL E FoUNDATtoN MECHANICAL tr f,:::: - JOBNAME: WESTIN HOTEL OFFICE REMODI OWNER xays WESTIN HOTEL CITY VAIL PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS Clw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu JEMBOR, INC TowN oF VAIL REG. No. 126-A tet= 476-636I t."r*,"o.- CONTRACTOR rrnu DOUBLE DIAI"IOND Tori/N oF vArL REG. No. 134-8 rcLL 476-6272 PLUMBING FrRM suMMrT MEC!!4]qC4L 141-M TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO.UUNII{AUIUK -., = 945-2&91 MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM SIJMMIT MECHANICAL 141-M TOWN OF VAIL BEG, NO' 945-2491 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM rowN oElvall REG-NQ. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DArE MARCH 20, 1e8e 003774 E €E I' wPE OFCONSTRUCTION I ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION r2?a34 GENERAL DESCRIfiION OFWORK ; OFFICE REMODEL. PERilIT NO. =o J BUITDING 9.000 ELECTRICAL 3,000 PLUMBING MECHIfIIICAL 2.000 TOTAL 14 ,900 TYPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 14 , 000 BUILDING PERiIIT 153.00 \ B"- s-A ln \ C\){rJ \0 $s PLAN CHECK 99.00 ELECTRICAL 51 .00 PLUMBING NEW ALTERATIOM X ) ADDITIONAL REPAIR ( DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 30.00 RECREATION FEE INSULATIONj TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 Exr wALLs| -lUOUe - |USE TAX TOTAT PERMIT FEES $ 433.00 JOE NORRIS MARCH 31, T989 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT Illl Irr-OrxO Orrrcrru_ - - DATE INING AoMINISTRAToR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILOING NOTES:""*,; l I or"o I lx I I hereby acknoyyledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as r€quired is correct' I agreb to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state la-ws, and to build this slructure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision cog€s, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and oth€rrflinancgs of tfe Tow) appllcab)6fiegryl TURE OF OWNEB OR THE OWNEB."/t HIMSELF [n ilIaillT depsrtment of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PFIOH TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT )E )8 T BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT pLuMarNd FOUNDATION )B !n JOBNAME: THE WESTIN HOTEL SKI STORAGE NAME VAIL VENTURES MAIL ADDRESS CITY VAIL PH. ARCHITECT clrY VAIL ea. t+79-230 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rlnu EESTIN ENGINEERING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 47 9-2309 ELECTRICAL t I6-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 425-LOL2 AAA ELECTRIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. Itr prlnLry,tail NorE - coPY oF PEBMIT ro BE KEPr oru JoasrTe\q *55, N$s,NN 96g dec. 2, 1988 003 702 I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I RM DtVtStON t?2a94 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - BUILD SKI STORAGE IN TERRACE WING PERMIT NO. z tr BUILDING 4 ,000 ELECTRICAL I ,000 PLUMBING I ,000 RETAIL SPACE.M€CHANICAL TOTAL 6,000 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR 6,000 BUILDING PERMIT 8r AH o?Pt E,M oel/f/ '{a,,' lf,A M PLAN CHECK 53 ELECTRICAL ++ NEw( ) ALTERATTON(X4 AODTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING t0 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE R.VALLUE THICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 r*l ,"1..r1 { r.ronu -pffi USE TAX ROOF TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 288.00 JOE NoRRTS DEC. 15, 1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS ST. CUT ,ILDING OFFICIAL DATE KRTSTAN PRrTZ DEC. 17, 1988 INING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLA.'NG nlfln Vfill drf I )NING & BUILOING NOTES: NO CHANGE TO EXTERIOR CONDITIONS OF APPRI,VAI PER. LETIER DATED L2/7188 FROM oeuo r- | lx I ANDY NORRIS - STORAGE APPROVAL ONLY FOR 1 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowtedse that I have read this "oo,l#t['f?,'u"5 "u'fru,? t?ilH"iXt#"rt"T'lT"*t?tnBk, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO! fli?; \,\,'te,B$Adr-u vFrl- i..rt.SrAAVao* OL" l r.- t c,.,E ;J*.'$ .c CONSTRUCTION ' lottn utlail <lcp;r'rtnrerr t o f cornrnuuity rlevcloprnerr t vr r.ur rn(r try (rr:ve lol)nlc ll t r****rLIASE l'tt-L oun r,rtrrrre 'tre-iij'i.innr..s nnE TO AE FILLED OUI COI,IPLE I ELYPRIOF TO ISSUANCE OFPESMIT oF PEnt,ilr BUILDIIIG Et.ECl lltcAL MECItANtCAL [Xplurrrarrrc [] routroarrom u X f { TEGAL llor_nLx --- DESC. IFILING .loa runnref ub,Y owNER luau ELECTR'CAL CONTRACTOR MECt,f ANtCAt CONTRACION PLUf\'IBING ft&'j-__-_-_. OTHER cot{ rnAcTOl WN TEtE. ffiu Iowr'l oF VA|L nEG. NO. pEnrur ERMIT l. TyPe oF coNstnuclloN 2. OCcuPAr,tcY cnouP r@r rv v s( qlS9l G.n.F.A.vAt_uA oN &oriro;iAfa-t-li llf lGl|t tlJ Fr rccouub6arron uNlls_ NO. Ftne tt-AcES II IICXNESS n.vAtLU€ EXr. wAu_s nooF EIEC.GAS wooo AODITTONAL PEBMIIS NEEDED: t r'r s u la r ro r[----J vii- Pturr0rN6 r,rEc nNtc/lt g zo PENI,IIT FEES OUILDING PENMII PIAN C ECK EL€CINICAI. Pt-u g|l.lc MECItANTcAL NECN€AIION FEE t)[ srct{ n[vtEw uoAno cLEAf l.UP oEPOStr ADMINTSIRA'OR ALIENAI I hercby-acknowledge rat |.trave read this appticatit ::llllg]r9 on o..r,iro pioi p,nn, and sllrte tr.,nr orr rn",?li.ll,t:l,,:r^,_'l-ly| the inrormarion rcquirsf,,:;;:3'ij'3.';;il'#,r?Ji'rl?l,rln',1,:hrrjlr*Jf:jliiiif:i:ili'd:$:Jrlx'fr,xlT rlrJIl;ilsJ:.,1 :,. :: lt y,w i r r r lie,i ir io ; ;;;; ; ;:i ;ili Jr : ;: i !:.::,Tt!_l' lir a [.rowi-or <rrrr a n ces a nd s ta te laws, and to b;itd rr'it .r'rtr.,'" o;;;;;;"!'l;u,ilJ'rro complv with all rown or<rirranc"i J'o ii"iJ review approved, Unilorm uurrcring code and ott "rfrTlr"^"'::'l'P.l:,r-j.l!oivis;o'r.c.ocles; ;"rtg;re v i e w a pp r o v ed, U n i I o r m B ;i i ; ; ; ; C;;' H j i,il'r;rT;""; :; Hr[4sELF ANo THE 88. rnAcron \ArVrxiruRES - *%^*1,. \r'lq,\ n ft*a'o- *'t t ry Sincerely, Should you have any questions, please caLl constderation is greatly appreciated. D. Norris, III Partner Decenber 7, 1988 Mr. Peter Patton Director of Conmunit.y Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Val1, C0 81657 Dear Peter: Vatl" Ventures, Ltd., ovner of the Terrace Wing of the Westin HoteL at Cascade Village requests an energency variance for the L988/1989 skl season. The variance is to permit t.he westin llotel to operate a ski Locker facility for its guests. The request is required because the Cornerstone Building, which is designed and approved for seasonaL ski lockersr' has not been completed. Further,because of the Late completion of the retail element of the Terrace hling and the contiguous landscaping, it rrras inpossible to complete the tenant finishes in the Terrace at a date sufficiently early to pernit commercial tenancies. Accordingly, a substant j.a1- portion of the retail area wj.11 be unoccupied untiL sunmer. Vail Ventures viLl lease the space to the Hotel for this aeason on1y. It will be staffed by Hotel personnel. The requirement uill terminate at the close of ski season in 1989.Alternati"ve space uiLl be used, if required, for next season. ADN/ t 1mj 1000 South Frontage CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NoTE _ COpy oF pERMtT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE PLANS IN SLoT DATE pEC. 14, l9B8 003 701' hm depertment of community development t TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n tr D ffi tr tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I u lVV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PERMITNO. ----' z tr < BUILDING 89.000 ELECTRICAT PLUMBING TE},IPORARY BROSDCASTING SPACE 13OO UECHANICAL t l ,000 I.{ESTHAVEN DRIVE.TOTAL 100 , 000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT re#?c(# cKf t23L ry% M PLAN CHECK 416 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATTON ( ) AODTTTONAL( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL 165 HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW EOARO 250 CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT EXr.wALLs | -ll.ioNE - |USE TAX -.*-T i I CONTRACTORS LIC.100 TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. SOLAN GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ I ,570.00 GARY MURMIN DEC. 22, 1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL .'. "r' I lxl runorneoFrrcraa - - - -- - DATE ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING tt ]ONING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKTNG I l +** NOTE:: TEl"lP. USE ONLY FOR 60 DAYS. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other CLBAN-UP TO:COMMERCIAL BUILDING 2851 LARIMER STREET nces of the Town SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR DENVER, C0 80205 design Ft LtNe CASC@_!ENUI_E__C0UM,!_ JOB NAME: EUROPEAN BROADCAST NETWORK OWNER rueuE PARADISE DECOMTING MAILADDRESS 3305 LARIMER ST CITY DENVER PH. ARCHITECT FIRM CORK DESIGNS MA* AppREss 12 SOUTIIRIDGE I'IAI clrY LTTTLETON PH. 797-25 GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICA TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. thapd a.y/vail CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E sun-ontc D pluMarNe EkerecrRrcRl D FouNDAnoN tr MECHANTCAL [] NOTE _ COPY OF DATE NOV. 15, PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 1988 00366jr JOB NAME: I^IESTIN HoTEL- RETAIL AREA MA|LAppREsS 1300 tr'I HAVEN Ctry VAIL pH. F|RM DAVrD M KAZIN & ASSoC 118I S PARKER RD MAIL ADDRESS crrY DENVER PH. GENERAL TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. CONTRACTOR FtRM AAA ET.FCTRIC SERVICE 116_E TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. 425-LO12 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHAN TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE, I. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M OIV|SION r22a?4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO. - z tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL 12,000 PLUMEING POI.JER SERVICE AND RHU UNITS FOR MECHANICAL RETAIL STORES TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT crt# t?fl CKfr TtAt ,fu PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 204 NEW() ALTERATION OOU(AODITIONAL REPAIRO PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT - NO,FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW SOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT r*' *o.'-.1 { uour _ I USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAR HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 204.00 ERNST GLATZLE NoV. 15, 1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: .'"r' ltl* lP ,ILDING OFFICIAL DATE INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE B*tt'"G )NING & BUILDING NOTES: 'o**'*u I l* |oevo I lx I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the 's zoning and subdivision codes, design inances of the T nap !*"Ftt .T- SIGNATURE OF OWNEq OR CONTFACT AND THE OWNER. review approved, Uniform Building Code and ot FOB HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION DEMO NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE SEPT.7, 1988 DATE Ns \\.*^,,x 0035i5 departmont of community deyslopm€nt TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL tr E hn D f,tr LEGAL ]esc. |nr F K =-ffH-- JOB NAME: W.H. SMITH/ WARNET SI{OP OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrRu G.A.COMM. TNTER. IO7-B TOIUN OF VAIL REG. NO. 47 6-3027 )rr..r*,.o. CONTRACTOR FIRM TO]A/N OF VAIL REG, NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OE]VAIL REG. TLO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN Ol 'lrAlL FEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN QE]VAIL REG. ILO. TELE. lic prhlery/vail I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DfVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMITNO.- z BUILDING 500 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL DEM(' FOFTENENT REMODEL. TOTAL 5004 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II f,R B-2 500 BUILDING PERMIT t5 aw ?f6l 4K# nA-,,w PLAN CHECK 10 ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL () REPAIR()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIE$/ BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT tl EXT. WALLS I I USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 25.00 GARY MURRAIN SEPT. i9. 1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED. Y N INITIAL .r "ur I I I Itt_Ot'e OrnCni - - DATE INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: DEMO ONLY! I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this slructure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and oth(ft@inances oflhe Town applicpble tlFreto. AND THE OWNER. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT '!1' /* dcpartntont o f community r.lovelopment *****pLEASE FrLL ouR l,JtrERE'Tili '(-xj"iinnrs nne r TO 8€ F'!LEO OUr COMPLETELYPRIOS TOISSUANCE OFPESMIT ! D TYPE OF PERMIT BUTLD|NG U ptUrr,tsrNC LI ELECTNICAL fl MECHANTCAL i- --- --'-:-:.-*a !--\-'*,\,'t;., X LEGAL DESC, LOT BLK- FILING i {ploe runr'ae , I owNER (l (l ^""-'t:'l GENERAL ,f .*t*.t* CITY FIRM - NAMF - MAII ADDRFSS MAII ADDRESS .IQWN OF VAIL NEG r'i rf*l.,rual PLUMBTNG CONIRACTOR :**- I r.le cHnrurcntf corurnncronf ___l orHER I I ao* ron"to,.l Ftorr rOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rowN oF vAtL REG. NO. TELE. !^/NoFvA|tsEG.No T. IYPE OF CONSTRUCIION ?. OCCUPANCY GROUP 0tvtstof! fiuttvv ABEHIRM 122e34 CENERAL OESCRIPTTON OF WORK : ttEw( I atre nAirOlr () AoprTroNALt t neFarn z ; f .6UrLOrlG PERI,4IT FEES BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK E LE CIRICAL P!UMBING RECREATION FEE OESICN REVIEW BOAND CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES rc-ruriceffiHFnFon- & BUILOING NOTES: |}rerebyacknow|edgethatlhavereadlthisapplication,, compleied ,n n"iri.-r. pilt prrn, and srare u,o,,r, ,n.1li,1l'I9.,::t_l: lyll the inlormation required,il[:,ij"3#,il.#ix,i#:ltJx;ni;j:i;ji*iir :rti#r,#,Ji"y4r:Jt:",T;["[ l?,liJlili agree lo comply. with the iniormation;il;i;'il;.'q '.rrQrlnatron ptovided as requirsd is coirect. i law.s, and ro'OjifJ itiis irru"r'o accorrtin., ,^ ,r- ..1.-"_9T!l-y ytth all,Town oroinrn.u. rnJ.ioiu l1y,t^1.:to to 'oulto_tnis rrr""jriml""'0il;'ili;i";: comprv with all rown ordinanco. ,no iroiu review approveo, unitorm aurrdjns code ";,u o,r,"r_o,tfi:j^:::'lp,::d'--subdjvision ."ooi j".ig;review approved, Uni torm ariioi" g CJdi' ai j;d,; AND THE OWNEN. FOLLOWING IS |{EEDED FOR FILING PERMIT: !":::: I:'l^::lg: assn'. t iF nFPLitioiil @sslf-piu'uIio,i i I ) I I l', --. ji I rc-.f-x j'-a"6'-2" s9F 3*+ s},-$g {P r$ Rx h$ T->\?\-$\: rr.--a -7 --\s\a\, =\Y 7 r 9{E ${$*$'.rr iNo Etq \ 3-:r - e,, tr A{N,' r- -T rx)l to t_,i o_l t,tr Al Lz !) FE*)io $Fq rk5 snx F$F $i* sr ls € o I l-tr' -t '? I I I l-.t'.-t '+ r \l l-tr(tr ,+ 'rI I I I t' I I t!I ''' fil R}C rB $:r6 --{ T-N_ -1 -f sx Cr t$+,{ ss q\ .rr \ il x 6 F -r s s $ {n- j R il' s + fs J $ ={fi E i\ I (,}*+T \ rl I tl L-*:|. ? I t_ F l-= kv rl I s \rl {\ Ir. L} o irv {, $ \ a.:t:' i'' I I rF l' - ! l-r Efiffi ; $r- sl !$ t$ f$ :A ($ i *o*' ifE, [_ 1; i$f;,-r:[f=+,(!'u- nSp i JGH. lq.H NR EI GI "n F d F :- s.#dt4 nI $z D5 hs, f>-'7-- FS sq' ?dr l.E -7 :7 i :r\ z 5 s $z r {1\ z >r m x n f '1- s 6 $ +f '& th) -- 5t$${r $rf; f+l rfr9 t;F ss: iE lzb oF i15 F*kfi it En " 1l'"fl$ [*iiF i$'oF 7i \f htr't ;' r/r-Lc n*I lfr ]r K "Ei$ IPdF Fir Jrr:J = F\ "\;Ht$ Fr$'drA 'iFl'SFr FN q+ ti J$F 1$ Elr rr {li ( tq? $ [$f P Jiil I E$* $$3 fi$ftiF trF o :,{- f\J t+;d ffiit 7tr $F $i* rr Eg XGi }a h9 >* E4 E3 6:9- f +- lo \flll|)yfiihens GENERAL CONIRACIOR t 't ..\ I l, l/tAE, it"\Qril t'; Nfr* i-e.L itet ."p"F*t'-a' P, N€ril &o,op r'n fpll,ns 3, 6leeJne cuq-( J fu',u* *--{- 4" Sp;i; UE. Srls{e*" rw fri^ 6\r rtaLa r'r.in{fr nnt f,r'6{ra*'a. *d ef h-urn:ut-c.n, s', t/nIo wy &* d<.r r + \ !co-t -/,: Fl,yrjJ ,11a lt *,,t hk l+l_ \ b, eW T,e*',utat,U irJon -Ceo," {1i€,c{ E(utlg P O- hx 547 Vail Colorada RtAqn :-- |-io' gni{#3 ., I 1 t-*.ff\\7 ** CONSTRUCTION PERMIT deprtmefit of oommunity deYehpmmt TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT IJI BUITDING n etecrRtcll n pluMetne E rourolrtoH NOTE _ COPY OF spg;E 6/13/89 PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE !MECHANICAL , );:::: LOT FILING JOB NAME: Claggett-Rey Ga1lery OWNER NAME Bill Rev MAIL ADDNE$S clrY PH.9|+9-4I97 ARCHITECT FrRM NIA ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Vail Bu:ilders LlD TowN oFvArLREG.No. 121-A rFt E 9t!9-Rl 6l! ) ELECTRICAL FrPl, Shaw Electric TOWNOTVruLREG.NO. 106 UUNIKAI/IUN TELE 926-3358 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR plgit Alpine Mechanical TOWN OF VAIL REC.NO. 142.P TEr r qro-7n q ? MECHANICAI- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. 1. WPE OFCONSTRUCTTON lll lll lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AECH IR M OlVlSlOl{ r?2a34 GEl{ERAt O€SCRIPTION OFWORK : - NF IiI W0PR TENN A't T'TNT(H Aq PFIr PERMIT NO. z 9 k )J BUILDING ELECTRICAL I-000-00 PTUUBING mEcHAt{tcAL 6 ,000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 BUILDINC PERIIIT 81 .00 c# fl#sq ,4r H PLAN CHECK ETECTRICAT 44.00 NEIV ALTERATION (X) AODITIONAT ( ) REPAIR(PtU BING OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES R€CREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100.00 ExrwALLs| J I USE TAX HOOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAR HEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES 278.00 .JoeNgr-1s_ __ZlZlL8g_iunorrc-ofrrcTrL-- - -Drf _Bglsy_Rosolack _ _ _6LI3L89 _ __ ONIIiIG AOMITIISTRATOR DATE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: YN ST. CUT BLASTING ]ONING & St'tLOtNG NOTES: NEED OI.INER APPROVAL pEMolll I heraby acknowledge thsl I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, compleled an accurate plot dan, and state that all the information provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat6 laws, and to build this structur€ according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codgc, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ot$rrcdilgncas of the-tre3qtl$lttfttbtqCfhereto.o'flLgtff*,OF OWNEF OR CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. . ft--A CONSTRUCTION PE 'rrnffif, I dcpartmant of emmunity dorelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PEf,MIT TYPE OF PERM'T BUTLDTNG I pluuetxc ELEcTRTcAL D rounolrton MECHANICAL N E €E RMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE MARCH 20' 1989 0037 74 LTYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H I R Ti DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK ; PERiilT NO. - z tr sulLDttrlG 9,000 ELECIRICAT 3 ,000 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 2,000 OFFICE REMODEL. TOTAT 14,900 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 14,000 BUILDING PERMIT 153.00 $". R*t}\ la \-c-\X e6 \$ PLAN CHECK 99.00 ELECTRICAL 5r.00 NEw() ALTERATIOId(X ) ADDITTONAL() REPAIR(PLUMBING OWELLING UNTTS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 30.00 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLooR | | |CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT 100.00 Exr.wALLo | -ltoun - |USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 433.00 JOE NoRRTS MARCH A1, 1989 iiio-i-rFoFrd-nl- D-rE -ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT }NING AOMINISTRATOR OATE )NING & EUILDING NOTES: oeuo I lx I I hereby acknowledg€ that I have read this application, fitled out in full the information required, compl€ted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances 8nd state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision coq9s, design laws, and to bulld this stfucture according to the Town's zoning and subdivlslon collFs, review approv€d, Uniform Building Code and other,JDFinancqs of the Tow) applir,?b)Ethet' fl.,J NATURE OF OWNER OR CONT 3::::: JOB NAME: I^TESTIN IIOTEL OFFICE REMODE OWNER flAME WESTIN HOTEL MAIL ADDRESS CITY VAIL PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS crw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu JEMB0R' INC ,o*" o, uo,,- *au. "o. 126-A rct= 476-636I lr."r*,"u,rtnnlDOM rowN oF vArL REG. No. 131-B UUNIKAUIUI{ qELE.476-6272 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM SWMIT MECIIANICAI 141-I'f TOWN OF VAIL REG. NQ. . rFr F 945-2491 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM SIJMMIT MBCTIANICAL 141-u TO\I'N OF VAIL REG. NO. 945-2491 TFI F OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. 6)A coNSTRUcTloN PERMIT r+dr _fiil\ffi/ 1r,"",o, dopartmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Pf-UntetNd FOUNDAlION tr n ! I a n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING JOENAME: Tt{E WESTTN IIoTEL SKr ST0RAGE NAME VAIL VENTURES MAIL ADDREaSS CITY VAIL PH. clry VAIL pn.479-23O GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu WESTIN ENGINEERING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 479-2309 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 116_E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 425-tOL2 PLUMBING FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. ti. pdnle.y/val I NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE\tls N5..,N{\ DATE _!ec_ 3.:_!988 003702 r. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON | [ t tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B EH IR M otvrstoN r2?a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - BUILD SKI STORAGE IN TERRACE WINC PERMIT NO. z o ? BUILDING 4 ,000 ELECTRICAL I ,000 PLUMBING 1r 000 RETAIL SPACE.MECHANICAL TOTAL 5,000 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR R-2 6,000 BUILDING PERMIT 8r sffi olhlt bt# oalfl %,' /f,t e- PLAN CHECK 53 ELECTRICAL 44 NEW ALTERATIOID1 x4 AOOTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING 10 DWELLING UN'TS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - H€IGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 USE TAX i:- L- I #,f TOTAL PERMITFEES $ 288.00 JoE NoRRTS DEC. 15, 1g8B ADDITIONAL PERMITS xl JILD'NG oFFICIA. OATE -- -- KRISTAN PRITZ DEC. 17, 1988 )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLAS'NG nlE^ 4fl drf I )NING & BUILOING NOTES: PABK,NG V llf,t"^\O-l I NO CHANGE TO EXTERIOR CONDITIONS OF APPB.IVAL PER. LETNER DATED 1217/88 FROM ANDY NORRIS . STORAGE A?PROVAL ONLY FOR I ';". t r-l l;T OF CONTRACTOR FOF HIMSELF XEAK .fO B}; UI'ED ONLY BY WESTING TIODEL I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and 6tate that all the in{ormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and sqbdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TOI fllr- fiirc,XfN Ad,r"L vtt- r,itsruqvax OL- \rr-- ,C., 5l .:t .l ,J*coNsTFUCTroN PERMTT rt e n;i . ., . .,. ltgFgtnrerri of cornrnurrily rteveloprnerrt +*1*'tltt f Aet: t:rt I rrrirr ,','.,,.I'LIASE ilLL 0Ulr l,lltfltE lltE (i) t.nnr..s ntrrt TO 8€ frl(Eo our cor,rpt Er E ty pRtoR 70 tssuANCE OF pERMtr T OF PENI,,4IT OUIL DIIIG [|.Ecl filcAL MECIIANICAL [Xptunro,ruc D rouruoanonr D I X LEGAL DESC. JOB NAME:I GENEN^L CONTRAC]OR ELECTRiCAL CONTRACTOR .r_._+ P[UIIIBING coNrnAcTon CONTRACI cor{ rRACTot LOI-.- BLK-- FILING WN OF VAIL NEG.NO IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. Iowr{ oF vAtL REg. NO. NorE-copyoFirrmrroBEKEproNJoBsrrE -Z:ln) :' X onrE :)-:5d THE F'LL'u,r,,{G-rs re /oiffii'r,r,,,, pERr.rrr:l. Letrer from condo assn. fiF'rippliiiiore 2. _2 59ts, pf gompleto drawingslerpianaiio r. lyPE OF CONSTRUCItOt{ ?. occuPAr{cY cnouP . DtvtsroN GENEnAL DEScntPltofl oF WORK : t@r rv v trK @n@ te)a z t cnouP c.n.F.^.vAt rlE 4giEffiffi- ow€LLrruGut ts "ACCoMMOOATToN UNtIS _ lrflGttrtt,lFt INSULAIIoNi T YPE I'IICKNESS flo. FTnEPLACES fl_oon N.VALLUE EXr. W^Lt S EtEC. ADOIIIONAL PEfl MtTS NEEDED; Y IYP€ OF HEAT I lrersIy acknowledoe llrat l.llave ,cad lhis appficati, lSll:lllt9^': n""rioiro pioi p,an, and srhre rhar ",, ,n"ilijl',';'1,,::,jllyj,_,j" inrormarion requi,ed,cornpletcd an accu'Jte pror prnn,ini.'iri"'i,,,iiiiili'19n,. rrrrcd out in lul, the inrormarion required,a-gree to gomply wittr tlie inrormation anct Dr..,r .'",' ,"11111?ton.provided as tequired is coirect. i.l:::.J9 complv..wiltr ttie tuiorraiio-n;il;i;i';i;;:'e,rntorrnarion provided as 'e-quired ir.oli..r. i l1i:, 1no to build rtris irrucrrrro accordino ,., ,,," ,j-lj,Tll]_fllh all.Town orr,irrances;;J;rr;;ltil: "3il,lr Ji:l', #il1'si,lffi i Hixlil"'"*e ffi;i:i: ",,'fl iiH:r!!irr!!?: : T" ",;ii review approvec, Unitorm B;ii;;; ei6; ;; j;,,;g', applicable lherelo. XX or owr.lEa dF tnACrOn HIMSELF stcNn T o ETECIRICAI PLUIJBIN6 BU .OtNc p€nMrr PIAN CIIECK E tECl nlcAt PLUIJBII.IC RECN EAIIOII FEE t)[slcN nEVtEw tro^no ctEAtl.uP DePOS|l TOTAL PERMTT FEES t(]NtNc AoMtNisInAIoR ryF,A suttprNc NOT PENI,III FEES AlIEnAll \ArrVrxrruRES, - .Wf: \.'wl,n$*q'a- *'t t .,T" D. Norris, fff Par t ner I ADN/t 1nj Decenber 7, 1988 Mr. Peter Patton Director of Comnunity Development Town of Vai.l 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Pe ter: Vail Veniures, Ltd., owner of the Terrace Wing of the West.ln Hotel at Cascade Village requests an energency varlance for the 1988/1989 ski season. The variance is to pernit the westin Hot,e1 to operate a ski locker faciliuy for its guests. The request is required becacse the Cornerstone Building, which is designed and approved for seasonal ski lockers, has not been conpleted. Further,because of the late completion of the retail elemenl of the Terrace tling and the contiguous landscaping, it was inpossibLe to conplete the teoant finishes in the Terrace at a date sufficientLy early Eo perruit comnerclal tenancies. Accordingly, a substantlal portion of the retaiL area will be unoccupied until su$ner. YaiL Ventures will lease the space to the llotel for this season only. It ui11 be staffed by Hotel personnel. The requirement wllL terminate at the close of ski season in 1989 ALternaLive space r*i11 be used, if required, for next season Should you have any questions, please .cal1 consideration is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, //'*0 1000 South Frontage NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PEHMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ?],ANS pEc. 14, 1988 IN SLOT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 003 707 department of community development ! TO BE FILLSD OUT COMPLETELY PFIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT x U tr ffi T ffi BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL ]rsc. LOT BLK- FtLtNG cASc4DE__IENN!!__couRrL JOBNAME: EUROPEAN BROADCAST NETWORK OWNER uulea3'@IrE DJqotrAULc MAjLADDRE5S 3305 LARTMER ST crw DENVER PH. 296-8337 ARCHITECT FIRM CORK DESIGNS MAtLAoDREss 12 SoUTHRTDGE WAI clTY I,TTTLETON PH. 797-253 GENERAL CONTRACTOR .,*_10T{ExcrtL lulL-DrNG sR : rowN oF vArL Re-oroASrf-\> -.,. 295-2993 ).rr.r*,.u.- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIA/IILOF VAIL FEG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VJLL REG,I.{O. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TO\ryN OF VALL BEG. NO.: TELE. U|. pihl,e.y/vail I,TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH I R M DIVISION t22at4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PERMIT NO. --_'- z I J BUILDING B9 ,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING TEMPORARY BROSDCASTING SPACE 13OO MECHANICAL IL000 WESTHAVEN DRIVE.TOTAI.100, 000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT .bto 47 c(v cKf t23L %,/n M PLAN CHECK 416 ELECTRICAT NEWO ALTERATION () AOOITIONAL( } REPAIR( }PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 165 RECREATION FEE INSULATION; TYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ?<n CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT EXr *ALLSI -ltioi\Tr - |USE TAX @ F -t- r CONTRACTORS LIC.100 TYPE OF HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ I,570.00 GARY MURRAIN DEC. 22, L988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT I L{-l rutLDrNG oFFrcrAa DATE ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATF BLASTING :ONING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKING *'t NOTE:: TEMP. USE ONIY FOR 60 DAYS. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in {ull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's review approved, Uniform Building Code and other Town a CLEAN-UP TO:COWERCIAI, BUILDING 285I LARIMER STREET SIGNATU DENVER, CO 80205 THE OF OWNER OR CONTRACT design 'trf,> coNSrRUcnoN pERMtr F-->/-! - nmffi/ [,,,uo, departmant ol community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LJ BUILDING NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE oare -Sy'-15' rgsg \t \o.'x 003 66r* lxj( ELECTRICAL TI MECHANICAL n D u PLUMBING FOUNDATION r. TYP€ OF CONSTRUCTTON I lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A BEH IFM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO, - z tr BUILOING ELECTRICAL l2 ,000 PLUMEING POI.IER SERVICE AND RHU UNITS FOR MECHANICAL RETAIL STORES TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A., VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT ct# Ifdl ctff %ts ,fu PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 204 NEW() ATTERATION OOO(AODITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING OWELLING UNITS =--MECHANICAL HEIGHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE B-VALLUE THICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOAFD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT exrwn'.si l*oNe_ L USE TAX FOOF TVr,g .\E SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 204.00 FnNqT (:T.AT7r.r' r\rnr/ lq loA9 ADDITIONAL PEFMITS NEEOEO: ,r"r", l'l* l* rrr"orr're orrrcnl- 6nft - INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASIING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: oer,,to I lx I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ihat all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the /n's zoning and subdivision codes, design inances of the Tgwn appliceble thereto. .''; :"4; " : J:ff ', JI', l{,+,t review approved, Uniform Building Code and FOR HIMSELF JOB NAME: wEsTIN I{OTEL. RETAIL AREA OWNER MA|L ADDRESS 1300 I{ I{AVEN ARCHITECT DAVIDMKAZIN&ASSOC 1181 S PARKER RD MAIL ADDRESS ctrY DENVER PH. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR LECTRICAL FrRM AAA ELECTRIC SERVTCE I I6-E TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. 425-r012 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TgwN oF vArL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO TqwN oF vArL REG. NO- _ TELE. the prloteryrA/ ail depanment of community devalopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOBTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION f,n n & a-d.TI BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LOT- BL FtLtNG@ JOB NAME: Vuarnet NAME Vuarnet Inc. F1RM C.D. Pope AIA ulrr loongss 6511 Jade crest crrY soxins. Tx 773.89 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rr*u The ELectric Co. Assoc TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Alpine Mech. 949-7052 MECHAN TOWN OF VAIL BEG, NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TEI.E r\, --\*\ f_r NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT rO BE KEPr Or.r.rOASrre\\t\\\\\"-' " ' I t DArE -g3gls- nn r i r\'1,00346 i l.rvpEoFcoNsrRucnoN l{lrilr rv v rh 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB€ H I R M DlvfSlON rZ2a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORh :Remodel interior snace eg ner PERMIT NOl V !' \' ' V ' z E BUILDING 6 ,000 . 00 ELECTRICAL 8,000.00 PLUMBING drawings. Reurodel l-ocated in MECHANICAL 1 ,000.00 gift shop TOTAL 1s ,000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 15 ,000 .00 BUILOING PERMIT 162.Od eftf /o/3s LKf fiaF /d/z r ,# PLAN CHECK 105.@O ELECTRICAL 136.00 NEW ATTERATION (XX AOOITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT, - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - _ NO. FIRfPLACES MECHANICAL 15 .00 R€CREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 . 00 EXrwALLsl l\ll/ ll I USg TAX rye. l f \fl t flt ffi OF SOLAR HEAT TOTAL PERMIT FEES s18.00 - GarY--{qrr,ain *'JZAL'-- J|LD|NG OFFICIAL DATE K. Pritz 8/24/88 AOOITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED. Y N INITIAL sr.cur I l,/[INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: No signage qllrevqlunde! !e{!q!! orr building exterior. No new floor area added. I hereby acknowledge that I have read lhis application, filled out in full the intormation required, compteted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided ag required is correct. I agree to comply with the informaiion and plot plan, to comply with all To\rn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design ft,*. -AND THE OWNEF. ix 7 CONSTRUCTION PERfuItT dcpartm0nt o f community dcvelopment * ****PL EASE FI LL OU R I.JIIE RE, TJIE -iTj..iinnrs ro BE FiLLED our couprereliprio" io,r'rrl"";;;;ril, LEGAL DESC, gg.gqArYo -/-x pH. ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR ahl?'^ti3h TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, -SJ;' PTUMBING CONIRACTOR j MECHAN CONTRACTOR OWN OF VAIL BEG, NO. CONTRACT NOTE -f onre I' -rEFMrr TO I BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE 3{6 7 THE 1. 2. FOLLOWING IS Letter from 2 Sets pf c ARE ! L TyPE OF COIiSTRUCTtON ?. OCCUPANCY GROUP r@twv FF- ABEHIRM z o f IYPE , qnoup ," c.R.r.e. ,,/Ar.uATtoN PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMI' tgryr r eriEn-err6i lggtrqrurrr r t ne earn f ACCOMMODA]ION UNITS- NO. FINEP[ACES INSULATION: N.VALLUE TYPE AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED; N INIIIAL st. cuT FLOOR Exl. WALLS BLASTING PARKISTC MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSII TOTAL PgRWnFEES lEF|hqE I hereby acknowledge thal f ,have read this apptication, rifled..out in full the inlormation required,completed an accurale plot plan, uno it"i" lr'-"i[iiii'e_intormation prouioul'1, iequired is correct. l agree lo complv with rhe iniormarion and-;i;]il;;:'i" comp'y *iti-, uli io*n"oro,n"n.". and srare raws' and to buird this structure according to'the"Town,s zoning and subdivi:revrew approved, unirorm Buirding C"a" jij".rriif"qsr.r""*es o, rhe ,"*. "^jll^l^1gqe,^s^,-g.e^s,sn . _;-_... _,,,4. s,,jgrlrlgAggp | | c 40 I g the rc to. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT t\\ \.\ \ NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBStrE \N\\ \\r'\ C\ \e6s 8/i8/88 003q'l, department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO TSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D I ! E E tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION r.wpEoFcoNsrRucnoN r@rrr rv v FA. 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :Tennant finish es ner rirawinss PERMIT NO. z E f BUILDING 6 ,000 ETECTRICAL 8,000 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 3,000 TOTAL 17,000 TYPE GROUP G.R-F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 I7,000.00 BUITDING PERMIT 180.00 yffi lrtT r/rrk H" PLAN CHECK 1i7.00 ELECTRICAL 136.00 NEW O ALTERATION (A) AODITIONAL ( ) REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - _ NO.FTREPLAC9 MECHANICAL 45.00 RECREATION FEE nl a DESICN REVIEW BOARD 0 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100.00 exr. wnlLs I f\USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF Sl.)I AR HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 578.00 Gary Murraln I ll5l88 ADDITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I ltrl itrrlorruc-oFgcrlu OATE - _K. PEltz _ _q/l:/qq IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILDING NOTES:"*-^"----l Tru All exterior defalLing shall mqtqh existine exterior details on facade. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plsn, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's and subdivision codes, design ^ -review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ulean-up : _------.- AND THE OWNEF. OR CONTBACTOB HIMSELF LEGAL OESC. BL *'. JOB NAME; W.iI. Snith NAME trf.H. sMirh ,ro,, ooo*raa 1718 Lubbock St. 617y Houston, TX pn. prRu C.D. Pope A.I.A. MAILADDRE'' 651 I Jade Crest g11y Spring, TX pH.222-4543 GENERAL CONTRACTOR slpy Vail Builders Ltd. TOWN OFVAIL REG. NO. 205_4 949-",.. :. 522L ELECTRICAL r'"u The Electric Co. Assn. TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. 949-1662 PLUMBING plpp Alpine Mech. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-7052 CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. Itr pdoLry/vall CONSTRUCTION PERMIT departmDnt of community dovelopment *****PLEASE FILL OUR WHERE'THE tfj'-r.innxs nnE TO 8E FILLEO OUT COMPTET€LYPRIOfi TO TSSUANCEOFPEEMIT IYIPE OF PERMTT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL fF+tun'rm+e D rouruoelom tr LEGAL oESC. JOB NAME: ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECIRICAL NTRACTOR rowru op vnt aec rvo _t!_\,4 PLUMB'NG CONTRACTOR 4q MECHAN CONTRACTOR CONTRACTO TELE. I NOTE - COFY OF.FERM|T TO OATE BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 3rf7 FOLLOI,IING IS Letter from 2 Sets pf co I ete drawings/explana tion THE NEEDED FOR FILING FERMIT:condo assn. . (IF AppLICABLE)I. TVPE OF CONSIRUCTION E. OCCUPANCY GROUP $twv AEEHISM GROUP G.N.F.A. VALUAT PERMIT FEES EUILOING PERMII Itrry{ t aLrenarror.r ) AporroNAL( llEFlrnl -_ NO. FIRE TYP€R.VALLU€ TYPE OF ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED; Y N INITIAL sr. cur OWELLING UNITS HEIGHI IN FT. SLASTING PARKING PLUMBING RECREATION FEE DESIGN RTVIEW BOARD CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAT PJN{flTTEES -q-E lffii:t3'f:yJ:?f; ll3l i,*::;:.j#i"""?:li",i,:",trl:rfg.,lrr in ru' rhe inrormarion required,completed an accurite ptot prjn, anoltri"it?Tili?""rr' Irrreo out In lull lhe info_rmatio.n required, agree to corptv r,iiri'if, informarinn ah.r ^r^. ^,^^ :ln]9'tltion.provided as required is coi,eci. i e'J::;;..?fBL[,i[,:':,ll:::,TT::"1]?"ii",l{fij:iiT''",,}lJl,fl'1,1,i"""*i,.?flXlil,.' jfl,li,';J laws, and to buitd tnis srruciuie a;;";H#,;;i|;l;r,ru (;ompry wrrn a[ rown ordinances and state revie* ippiove;;iJ;ir;;';rirdino code and orho,.:Jll3:'l,s.3ld-r:uqdivlsign.codes, desisn ot lhe Town review approved, Uniform ariioi"j CJoi;;j;fi; wN ER oR coxraadron-F6ffiu-EElF .c' K-<'c"a14:t_,J< I t|i /{y O P-t- f:/*s'q ("u-.4 )/>4L DEC:,A-FATTON OF CC\TENAI TS CONDITIONS AND RESTRICT:ONS STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGT.,E ) KNOW AL], }IEN BY TI{ESE PRXSENTS: That Vail Ventures, !td., a Colorad,o lirnited Partnership (the rrDeclarant't) is the owner of all that certain tract of land plated and descrrbed as follows to-',sit: A part of the SW 1/4 N.E l/4, Section 12, Township 5 Soutl!, Range 81 West of the Sixtb Principal l{eridian, being uore particularly descriJoed as fol]-ows: Beginning at a point lrhence an iron pin with plastic cap narking t!.! center of said Section 12 bears S 42o50'19'r I{ 659.34 feet distant; tlrence s 85"43r14rr E 89.84 feett tlrence s 57"25',30rr E 159.46 feet; tlrence S 32"59'30'r E 141-47 feeti thence S 55'31'36'l w 95.04 feet; thence s 590 01'36'r w L03-02 feet,,' tlrence N 230 z4'ogtt w 319.09 feet; to the point of beqinning, containing 45r5OO square feet, or 1.045 acles' nore or less (ttSubject PropertY"). Declarant hereby declares that all of the Subject Property shall be beld., sold. and -cnveyed subject to lhe following restrictions, covenanis and conditions lrflich are a pat'- of a general scheme for the surroundinE d,evelopment and for Lhe . purpose of enlrancing and protac+-ing the valuL, att=activeness and desirability of the Subject -Froperty -and the surround,ing development and such restrictions, covlnanis and conditions shalt rr:n with the land and be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the iubject propeity or any par*- thereof and which shall inure to the benefit of each al,rner thereof . ARTIC:E I RESTRTCTTONS Restriction on Construction of Inprovenenls. - No building, structure or ot d' placed or ccnstructed on the Restricted Lanh without the prior written approval of the folrn of Vail-. The Restricted Land shali be that portion of the Subiggt Land which is located vithin the shad,ad area on the attached Exhibit llAr . A PTTI^',}I T7 GENEPAI., PROVISIONS Section 2.1- Conditions, Perpeluitv.shall be continuing and shall nrn vith ttre effected by any change in ownership. The preceding property and r.aei-i r.f i nn shalI not be be Dodified Section 2. 2 Alrendment- without rrritten approval from Executed i.lrri= JZAday of This agraenent llay not the Eown of Vail . //A.rt vEMnrREs, taD.,.sgt 44e.,a Colorado Liuited Partnership by I(ANSFIELD, LAD., its General Partner, by MONTANE CORPORATION, the Linited Genera]. Pa*ner of Mansfleld, I-,td. /) /), sv brL'/u-'sk' ['''P@-- EONSENT OF ITEN I'OLDER The und,ersigned being a lien bolder on the property affected by the foregoing covenants, conditi.ons and restrictions joins in €he execution of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the purpose of consenting: to the covenants' cond,itions and restrictions ttrerein contained. ,1988. COMMERCIAL FEDERAT Name: Anne L. Scul1 _-_=-__title: Assistanr Vice Pte-9l4egq--.____ sTAtE OF COLORADO )) ss. corrNtY oF EAGI,E ) This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions \{as acknowledged bef,ore me EtrLs t)..ru- day af (/rztl-ttat- , 1988 by Andrew D. Norris IIr as presiGF of ttontandGffiEhe General Partner of Mansfield, L'ud. the ceneral Fartner o't-Vait Ventures, Ltd.,a Colorado Limited Partnership. Witness uy hand and official seal . My Cornrnission *pires on: //,Ab.?A STAIE OF COT'NTY OF This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrietions ftuoucf , 1988 was by Ecknowledged before rtre this J,l/ft d+y of as rk<itzn7V,; e /res,.cbffi Corlnercial Federal . Witness ny hand and officiaL seal . My connission *gires on: ffi/Oa )) ss. ) t EXHtgrT o-f'o l- | tl I L_+_| Ti r Fi Ki )i fr' I Si FI tsi Fii I ci .Fl ri F. 5 x ) I 1t=!- t_l t-t :1 r-l -i Bg .- r! !r 9l .'r.- I :- :l ubjec: n o gl Ln tz- t-rul t-l n f] .z r-1 (E r. ..r \. ct a,| !!l -a cloclo r - =in-^aln iogl -9 t, ar3 't .- t CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION deFsrtmsnt of community development TO BE FILIEO OUT COMPTET€LY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERUIT n D D lun D u n BUILDING ETFCTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING naneur:fu46. lr KY', ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS pn{76 LS{o FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN 9F VA|L FECI. NO. TELE. 1 tVV ABEHIRfi l-22131 BUILDINC PERMI' ALTERATION il AODITIONAT il REPAIR( DWETITNG U trs c.Rf .A. COMIIIERCIAL SYST HEIGHT II.I FT. NO FIREPLACES - COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING INSULATION I herety acknowledge that I tave read this, applicalion, tilled out in full lhe information required, compleled an accurate-plot plan, and state that all the information provided as requlred is coirect. i agree to comply with lhe Intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and Btaie laws, and to bulld this structur€ ac^cording lo'the Toyyn's idning and subdlvision coAes, Oesign rsvlsw aPproved, Uniform Bullding Code End othsr ordinances oithe Torrvn applicable ttrerero - SIGNATURE OF OWNEF OF CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. PERMIT PERMIT FEES AOMII{ISTRATOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT h depsrtmont of community developmcnt IO 8E FILL€D OUT COMPLETELY PFIOF TO ISSUAT,ICEOF P€FMIT D ta+mcnl n iilcffiAr ,,m NOTE DATE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE .^4 t. TYP€ OFCONSTRUCTTOT{ | ru tVV 2. OCCUPANCY CROUP A B E H I N [I . DtVtStON t2?.g4 o r#Bl.- p:g1'1ln pr'onr' E###*;- PERMIT NO.: z F J J BUILOING ELECTRICAT PLUi/|8rflG ilrEcHAI{rCAt TYPE GROUP $O.FT, VALUATION PERMIT FEES EUILDING PERMIT 190, "''-.f-l FLAN CHECK 3d ,'o '/ELECTRICAL NEW( } ALTEIIATION ! ) ADDITIONAT il REPAIR (PTUMBING DWELLII{G UNITS G,R.F.A.- ACCO UODAT|O'I COMMERCIAI SY HEIGHT II{ NO FTREPL MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CtEAN.UP OEPOS'T /&,'" USE TAX rrfrsulerr-or'r ) TOTAL PERMIT FEES FLOOR EXT. fVAttS nooF w{e THICKNESS Tf.vatue :-- I AIOR - Ditr-E -f$p6---.4 LPrNG ertrurAl Klrts DIIG ADMINISTF / /-''./.y', laewrus a,BUILDTNG trores: 4 0oflJLl lllllnlr (trrNr\b-( /hr r ffiry r--T so[AR: / [*ooo' I hereby acknowledg€ that | .have read this application, filled out in full the lnformation requlred, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the information provided as required is coirect. i agree lo comply. with the Informalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanceg and stat6 law8, ard to bulld thls ctructure ac^cording to lhe Town's zdning and subdlvlsion codes, deslgn rsvlew approv€d, Uniform Butldlng Code snd other ordinances oithe Town appllcable th6reto. - SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA TOB FOB HtMg€LF AND THE OWNEF. 0€eegne LEGAL DESC, naNAue:ffiffiQ$Acc &7t" uAr r-- GENERAT FINM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, ELECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG.XO, FIRM IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. BE KEPT ON JOBSITE \\r*ox \\s\ NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO oora *t u' t"t D n E n tr n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION GNADING (1) (2) CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO AE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LEGAL *sc LOTP rLrr.rc BxP{Sr9Nj CAtrs= JOB NAME: ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS. OWNER NAMF CASCADE VILLAGE METRO MA|LADDRESS 1000 s FRoNT Rn crrY vArL PH 6-6602 ARCHITECT F,RM R. I^IEINGARDT/RBD MAIL ADDREgS ENGINEERING clry VAIL ea.6-6340 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. Qrr.r*'.o. CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, Nl]. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. lheprhtsrf/vail I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOI'I I ll lll lV V 2, OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEH IR M olVlSlON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - COMPLETION OI ENTRY DR. I]'IPROVE}TENTS PERMIT NO. z I F 3 J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILOINC PERMIT 180 s. l &sl tf) 0n s +iq I\J NONE -PLAN CHECK 30 ELECTRICAL NEW ( ) ALTERATION OCOXADDITIONAL REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HETGH'T IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT lo0 Exr.wALLS I - rloUn - r USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 310.00 GARY MURMIN MAY 20, 1988 AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT Y N lttjll4! I lJr I ttl uT1o-iHc-oFrct,lt-- - DArE _r(BISTANI'Rrrz_ _ _ _lrAY_2o-_ 1981 _ ONING ADMTNISTRATOR OATE :ONING & BUILDING NOTES:i* N0TE:: APPROVED PER. DRB PLANS & CONDITIONS ON PER}IIT PLANS. I hereby acknowledge that t have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurite plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is coffect. I agre'e to comply with ttie iniormation and plol plan, to cgnply with allJolS..ord.inances and stat€ laws, and to build this structure according to the I review approved, Uniform Building Code and olhe/frdinan \ISr.s\s,\\\'\e-\r \slS\s \tftD >\s\N \\. s fie Town app(iable thereto. //e?-/ / Aa_A:_V SIGNATUFE OF OW CLEAl.l UP TOI CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE - fim?25 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n f D g T T BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ff::'LOT FIL JoBNAME: 5/6 LrNE spoRTs cLUB OWNER NAM E -TOUTS FRONT RD. MAIL ADDRTSS 611y VAIL pH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR I rrrul| JE{!98_lrr t26_A TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO- rele.4 7 6-6361 Q,-."r*,.0. CONTRACTOR ,,r" DO1BLE mAM9ND I34-B TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO 47 6-6?7 2 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM SIJMMIT MECH. 141-M TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rcte.945-249I MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO TELE. lh€ prin!erylvail r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DrvlsroN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :]NSULATION OF PARKIN(]NSULATION OF PARKING STRUCTURE s PERMIT NO. z o F )) BUILDING 3 .500 .00 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL MAll $ 3,500.00 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II lHR B-3 3 ,500 . 00 EUILDING PERMIT 59 tt#,tgL zKb Jp6 w PLAN CHECK 38 ELECTRICAL NEW() ALTERATIONXXX ADDITIONAL () REPAIRO PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE IHICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD FLooR I n-rs I I .'i-CLEAN,UP DEPOSIT 100 Exr. wALLs | | --T- r ____=-l-USE TAX ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED Y N INITIAL ST. CUT TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 197.00 ilf,_B-, PHL+^ l- GARr- MuREArN - 6k2z-ea - - - ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE IONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, cAmpleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all_Town..ordinances and state laivs, and to buitO this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codet{esign review approved, Uniform Building Code and otheritdinance_s of thgTown ELEAN-UP TO: e€i-' -\Er*.ba'rr 1\w<--TURE OF OWNER THE OWNER. OR FOR HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE JUNE 17, 1988 003 375 hr dopartment of community dwelopment TO BE FILLEB OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT I eurLorllc X rlEcrRtcnl R MECHANTCAL n n tr LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING t"loa nRnar'aAscADE cLuB OWNER NAME CASCADE CLUB 1295 WESTHAVEN AV MAIL ADDRESS CITY VAIL PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM T_O_!VN !r VAIL FEG- t{O, !r."-*,.o.- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OE]{AIL BEG.NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM VAl.l,EU W0DE P & U TO*N oF vArL BEG. No. 1I8-P rsLe.949-1747 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWILOF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TEI=E. lha prlnia.y/vail 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E rv v HIRM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCFIPTION OF WORK : - RI'N I,IATER WASTE. VENT & GAS FOR PERMIT NO..-- z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL I ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II B-2 1 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT L(#14& o:K# ^6a7 ,ffi PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW() ALTERATION 6IryT ADDITIONAL I REPATR()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION LJNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL l5 RECREATION FEE INSULATIO FLOOR \,I: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP D€POSIT EXT, WALLS ROOF USE TAX GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $15 EXRXXXBKI:TXru JOE NORRIS JIJNE 20, 1 ADDITIONAL PERMI trr-or1e-orlcr,nt- - - DAiE INING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLAS'NG NN \".J|tN\\ |)NING & BUILDIN€ NOTES: oenao \N '\l | | t hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and siate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review aooroved. Uniform Buildino Code and other ordisances ofJhblown aoplicable thereto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and other FOR HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 003s37 g !! I a E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DfVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK :RETAIL TENANT FINISH. PERMTT NO. --- z tr J BUILDING 3 ,000 ELECTRICAL 2,000 PLUMBING 1 ,000 MECHANICAL 1 ,000 TOf,AL 7 .000 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 7 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT 90 cft# //&f alff eH( lza M PLAN CHECK -lv ELECTRICAL 44 NEW O ALTERATION (f!4 ADOITIONAL O REPATR (PLUMBING 10 DWELLING UNIIS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL l5 RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE THICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT r00 Exr.wALLsl +NoNE- |USE TAX FOOF TYPE OF HEAT SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 318.00 GARY MURRAIN NOV. 4, 1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED, Y N INITIAL sr. cur I l*l Itt-Olr'tc OFHC|AL - - - trATE INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )N N q g_B_U I L Dl N_GJ.|o^r_ESi 6- NU'IE: : KELOCATI; I|PKTNKLEKS AND II II(I; ALARM AS PBR. COPE. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAT REQUIRED, I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in tull the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning subdivision codes, design review aooroved. Uniform Buildino Code and other-o{dinances of cr.ua" up'ro *t-\5\*\-\o'1q*, ( | r, . applicable thereto. :ffi ' \\S \q.\X..s*+.-r, - \.* \\ \:s, -\OR CONTRACTOF FOR HIMSELF JOBNAME: CASqADE SpORTS RETATL /18 & runup ATHLETES CH0ICE uo,, oonra* uo* 1988 FIRM FISHER ARCHITECTS "o,roooRess Box 641 crTY vArL PH.9-5624 FtRu 0K C0NSTRUCTTON rowr or vnt Ree. Ho. 175-B 47 6-0942 TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. FIRM JERtrY STBT.EY PLIIMR. towru or ue,l Ree. ro. 134-P 827 -57 36 FtRi/| HrcH 0oIINTRY SHEET royyN oF vArL BEG. No. 140-M 949-0035 OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. tic Pdnt ry/vail CO.NSTRUCIION PERMTT 'l Nors-copyoFrEBMtTTotsEKEproNJoBstrE 7617 | " \, i -x D^rE I THE F0LLOt^tIltc Is rrtEDED FOR FILillc pERr.ilT:Lerter from condo assn..ttF nppliiisii;z st ts*g*t'p lL!g-qr4!i nss/e xp I ana i iDi . rleplrlntcnt ot cornrnunily rleveloprrrent r****tL[AsE rrLL 0UR ]lilE'rE lltE (ij'ilnnr,.s nnrr To 8€ F'LLEo our corrp[ErELy pRtoBTO tSSuANCe o, "ao",,TYPE OF PENMTI S.ourrorrrc p("ru*,0,,.0 q=IELECTRIC^L (f+A,Ur{o*r+t4U_ KL MEcltANtcAL D r.tYPgoFcoNsrnucTloN @n w v 2. occuP^r.lCY 6ROUP DrvrStoN lPttOH Of WORK ! ASETIIRM t22.31 c X- OW€LLING UNITS _ ACCOMMOOAIION U tTS- tl[rGHT lN Fr. _- NO.F|nEPLAC€S INSULATION:IYPE nIcxNESS rI oon Exr. WALLS EtEC. AOOITIONAL PEBMITS NEEOEO: TYPE OF HEAT llrerebyacknow|odgetlrat|.ltavereadtlrisapplication.,,,,ffi ::Ttl:r"9 on n."uiit-o piii p'nn, and siare rh;rr ",, ,n. ill,{','.'j1,,"^:tll^lyl tlu inrormarion requi,ed.cotnpfeled an accuritc plo, . o vlr' t,".ltto,n.t ttt red..o ut in tull the intorm tion required.as,eb ro c;pi;;iil'irl;jl,lijl,l;?,}l?l::i:15':H'?^'I:li?l,or.l;";Jol';;';;.r,rred is correcr. r 1Y.1:u]" compry..witrr ttic i,'iotraiion;;;il;t';;;:'e rrrrQrrnarron providcd as rcrluired is coirecr. i laws, and to .build 'ris stiuct,re accnr.tinn ,_ ,,,^ ,g..f_o,Tply with nll .lpwn or<Jirrances arO ir"i"laws, and to buitd tr'is .t'rctii,Ja;;J;H";'l:'iiilt'ro comprv wilh all rown or<Jirrance= ano irli.review approveo. uniiorr'sr,rdrng code and olher "ff|;"":::1'F,I:{f.:!d:l'.:ori.c.o<res. dcsigri review approved. Unirorm a;iiai-" j CJil' ;; j ;Ji; XX oR coNrnAcron FonT,MsE# ces oi lhe applicable ther€le. A(IEBA O 2 o f, .0u,lorflG 6+0'/toao .Y LAA9 / t&.:c) DtslcN nEVt€w 00Ano cLEAll.up o€POqtt TOTALg€4MtT FEES ff2ec.)Fz PENI.III FEES BUILDING PENMIT Pt AN Ctf EcK MECHANTcAL RECREATION FEE rc-n r G e 6'r,,r r r Ei ni'io n- zOJ.llNG & BUltiD{NG r.rOrES: J bPF t,ttr(LE+2 A e 6-ote---_ L-C&/-6 EZ4z'q- 7#4-a-8, LOT--- BLK- JOB NAME: e[:-Wta- (t Pr. tuar Surzr -q;7 TOWN.OF VAIL FEG. NO. ).. ^/ s -/Z WN OF VAIL REG. NO rcv.FzZ' s 7 v J/,',, O TELE. lowr{ oF vAtL FEG=.NO. OWNER --:-ARCHITECT G ENENAL CONTRACTON ECTRICAL NTRACTOR PLUMBING CONIRACION MECt-tANtCAt CONTRACTOR =:-=-=-:= OTHER cot{ rnACTOl ( To: Planning and Environmental Conrmission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: October 10, 1988 SUBJECT: Request to amend Special Development District #4,Area A, Cascade Village.epp)-icant: Vail Ventures, Ltd. I. BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION TO THE CASCADE VILT,AGE DEVELOPMENT Cascade Village was annexed into the Town of Vail in December of L975 by Ordinance No. 26. Before being annexed to Vail, the area was zoned for 6 units per acre with the option to propose a comprehensive development p1an. (PEC ninutes 2/5/L976). In March of L976, the SDD4 zoning was imposed. In respect to the underlying zone district, Cascade Villge is unigue in that the Town initially approved SDD 4 zoning. There was no other Town of Vail underlying zone district before the SDD. Special Development District No. 4 is divided j-nto the following areas: Developrnent Area Area Known As A Cascade Village B coLdstream Condominiums C GIen Lyon Duplex Lots D Glen Lyon Office Building The density altotment for Cascade Village, Area A in this original ordinance was 252 dwelling units located on L6.82 acres for a density of 15 dweLling units per acre. Ordinance No. 28 of L977 revised the original ordinance in a number of ways. This ordinance changed the development areas B,C and D and required dedication of over 40 acres of open space to the Tohrn. Cascade Village continued to be responsible for maintaining all conrmon areasr'interior roads and plazas for the project. This ordinance also revised some of the submittal requirernents as well as refined permitted and conditional uses allowed in Development Area A (Cascade Village). Some other minor changes such as numerical changes to section numbers in the zoning code were also provided for in ordinance 28. In January of L979 there was an amendment to SDD4 with regard to submittal requirements. The applicant requested that a determination be made as to exactly what tlpe of suburittal requirements would be necessary to review the project. This arnendment was approved in preparation for the April and May review of the developnent plan. (On May 22r L979, the PEC revieqred several amendment requests. The first amendrnent called for enlarging Developnent Area A to include the 1.25 acre Robbins tract.The new acreage for Area A would then total 19.078 acres.Additional commercial square footage was also reguested.The single najor issue in the approval process of the developrnent plan of L979 was the creation of a third vilLage for VaiI with respect to the amount of commercial proposed and the proposed educational/Learning center. Ernployee housing was an integral part of the development plan in the discussion in May of. 1979. The proposal at that tirne was for 32 rental units of approximately g5O square feet each. The possibii-ity of using industrial revenue bonds to construct the housing was discussed. The tining for the employee trousing project lras represented as the second year of construction, but earlier if possible. The Planning cornrnission approved the request for a total commercial square footage of 2L,7OO square feet. The developer agreed to easements for bicycle paths and agreed to vrork with the Highway Department to provide a left-hand turning lane and acceleration and deceleration lanes off of the South Frontage Road to Westhaven Drive, The developer also agreed to provj-de a bus shelter and turn-around in the project. The proposed employee housing units (2O) becarne part of the development p1an. In June of L984, a major amendment was again requested for Development Area A (Cascade Village). The amendment requested that the original density of 1.5 dwelling units per acre be applied to both the l-.25 acre Robbins parcel which had been annexed to the SDD in L979, and for the 1.045 acre Cosgrif parcel proposed to be annexed with this current reguest. 3'7,OOO square feet of comrnerciaL was requested with the rationale that it hras a necessity to the development program to provide suFport retail,considering the clientele the development was troping to attract. A revision to the employee trousing requirement and changes to the height calculation rnethod were also addressed. The staff supported the additional- density and commercial square footage. The ernployee housing issue was resolved by requiring that lron a yearly basis, a contractual agreement between the employer and the developer showing evidence of eruployee housing tlrat is satisfactory to ttre Tolrn of Vail be made available. il The present SDD had stated that the developer provide 20 dwelling units for J-ong term rentals to employees of the project on an ongoing basis. The staff felt that 2O units was the rninirnum acceptable requirement. The proposal for 1.8 fireplaces within acconnodation units was not approved by the staff or the PEc. The developer was reguired to (participate in the study to develop a reasonable plan for a left-hand turn lane off of the South Frontage Road into the Cascade Village development. parking requirements were also amended to require 40 spaces for the plaza conference facility. ( ( II. SI'MMARY OF AI'{ENDMENT REQUESTS Vail Ventures, Ltd. proposes to anend SDD4 to allord for changes in reguirements as well as adjustments to development of the remaining 5 undeveloped sites within Area A. These sites include: Cornerstone, Waterford, Westhaven Condoniniums, Millrace IfI and Millrace IV. The applicant has stated that [the amendments are necessary due to changes resulting fron the construction of the Cascade chair lift, the cornpletion of the Westin Hotel and the changing markets for real estate and guests servicesi all of which have affected the overall rnaster pJ-an for Cascade Village.', The following arnendments are requested for Cascade Village Development Area A: A. Approval of alternative developrnent scenarios for Waterford, Cornerstone, and Millrace fV sites. The developer is requestinq the flexibiLity to have options as to whether Waterford or Millrace IV should be developed using the transient residential, accommodation unit, or the dwelling unit plan. In addition, there would be d.ifferences in comnercial- development depending on qrhether the Cornerstone site was developed using the cornmercial plan rra, or special attraction/conmercial plan ttbtr. Approval of ttrestricted dwelling unit or transient residential dwel-ling unitrt for Cornerstone and Waterford sites. For the purposes of this memo. the restricted dwelLing units shal-l be referred to as a transient residential dwelling unit or TR in this memo. Transj-ent Resj-dential Dwelling Unit: A dwellingf unit located in a multi'fanily dwelling that is managed as a short tern rental in nhich all such units are operated under a single-management providj-ng the occupants thereof custornary hotel services and facilities. For the purposes of this SDD 4, a short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of tine not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shaLl not exceeo 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maxinum of 35 square feet. fhe kitchen shall be designed so that it rnay be locked and separated fron the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible frorn common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing B. (through another accommodation unit, dweLling unit, or transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condorniniums, they shall be restricted as set forth in Sections 1,7.26.075 L7.26.L20 governing condominium conversion. The unit shall not be used a6 a perrnanent residence.Fractional fee ownership shaLl not be allowed to be applied to transient residentLal units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre,transient residential units shall be counted as one-half of a dwelling unit. Transient resldential dwelling unit parking requirements shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each L00 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.o space per unit. Special Attraction: Conditional Use for the Cornerstone Building, 8o8o s.f. A special attraction is defined as a nuseum, seminar er research center, or performing arts theatre or other sinilar cultural center. Approval of ttFractional Fee ow:rershiprr as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal Code Section l-8.04.135. Fractional fee means a tenancy in comrnon interest in improved real property, including condominiums,created or held by persons, partnerships, corporations, or joint ventures or simitar entities, wherein the tenants in conmon have formerly arranged by oral or written agreement or understanding, either recorded or unrecorded allowing for the use and occupancy of the property by one or more co-tenants to the exclusion of one or more co-tenants during any period, whether annually reoccurring or not which is binding upon any assignee or future owner of a fractional fee interest or if such agreement continues to be in any way binding or effecive upon any co-tenant for the sale of any interest in the property. Fractional Fee ownershJ-p shall be a conditional use for dwelling units in westhaven's rnulti-fanily dwelling and shall not be applied to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residential dwellings. Approval for ownership intervals of no less than 5 weeks is requested. Approval of maximurn height for Waterford of 48 feet, as measured from the finished grade to the roof ridge along the South Frontage Road and Westhaven Drive. A buildingr eLevation height of 6l- feet frorn the lowest floor of the parking structure up to the huilding's c. D. E. (roof ridge and 40 feet from the lowest floor of the parking structure to the eave is requested for the creek side or southeast building elevation. Approval of maxirnum height for Cornerstone of 71 feet as previously approved for the plaza building.Height is measured from the roof ridge down io finished or existing grade, whichever is most restristive. Approval of addition to east end of the Cascade Club for either a lap pool , wellness center, or small gltmnasium at 4r5OO s.f. The wellness center would be a conditional use with required parking provided. The 2O foot setback is maintained along the South Frontge Road. The maximuur height is 26 feet. Approval of first floor office space in the nelr plaza Conference Center havj-ng a maximum square footage of 925 square feet. Presently space is approved to be retail . Approval of second floor, Room 2J in the CMC building to be converted from conference space to retail and/or theatre with required parking provided, 1387 s. f. Approval for the rnixed use credit of 17.58 to be applicable to the Cascade village and Waterford parking structures. Approval of request to eliminate reguirement for conmon carrier parking. Approval of request, to elininate the existing SDD4 employee housing requirernent that a rrContractual agreement between the employer and developer showing evidence of employee housing that is satisfactory to the Town be made avail-able to the Department of Cornrnunity Development.rr The developer proposes to provide a rninimum of l-o employee dwelling units having a minimum square footage of 640 square feet per unit within Development Area A and/or D. The GRFA and number of enployee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA. The units shall be restricted as employee housing units for l-5 years frorn the date of the final certificate of occupancy for said units. The enployee dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty consecutive days, and that if it shaLt be rented, lt shall be rented only to tenants who are ful-l-tirne enployees in F. G. H. I. J. K. L. (tbe Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilrnan, Eag1e-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full-tine employee is a person who rdorks an average of ttrirty hours per week. If the unit is sol-d, it shaLl be sold to a qualified purchaser. A qual-ified purchaser shall be defined as a full-time ernployee in the Upper Eagle Valley as defined in the previous paragraph. The ernployee dwelling unit shall not be divided into any forrn of tirne-shares, interval ownership or fracti.onal fee. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of record in the office of the Eagle County clerk and recorder in a form approved by the town attorney for the benefit of the town to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land before a building pennit is released for the construction of the employee units. Approval for 55 foot height for Westhaven building as measured from the finished or existing grade whichever is most restrictive. Approval for 96 trood-burning fireplaces which is eguivalent to the number of dwelling units approved yet unbuilt for the SDD. This means that transient residential , accommodation units, and dweLling units vould be alLowed to have wood-burning fireplaces up to ttre 96 maximurn amount. Approval for an entry tower located at the northeast,corner of rthe Cascade Club. The height requested is 36 feet. the 20 foot setback is maintained. Approval fbr a total commercial square footage of 53r5L3 s.f. or 56,538 s.f. Approval for 293,7L5 s.f. of total GRFA. ( M. N. o. P. a. t (ITT. DESCR]PTTON OF THE PROPOSED DEVEIOPMENT AMENDMENTS TOR THE FIVE REMAIXING SITES IN AREA A: A.CORNERSTONE BUII,DTNG Location: Site is to the south north of the Terrace Existing SDD Renaining Developrnent Potential 7Lr 20 au 15 du 25 du of Westhaven Drive and Wing. Proposed SDD Develop. Potential 7L, o 50 transient resid. 50 TR or 25 du Proposal: Fifty transient residential units are proposed. The request also consists of two alternatives for comrnercial development.Alternative A has 26,O4O sqluare feet of retail , whiLe Alternative B has 29,065 square feet which includes the rrspeeial Attractionil use. Ski accessory uses for the Cascade lift are also provided for in this building. Parking is provided in the structures, Please see Chart at the end of this section for a breakdown of square footage/use. zoninqs CORNERSTONE ZONING ANALYSIS Height AU DU Total Units GRFA Commercial 3Or 628 sf L9,2]-4 28, 110 26 , O4O 29 , 065 sf (A) (B) GRFA: Under allowable by 21518 square feet. Commercial: over allowable by 6,826 square feet (Plan A) or 9,851- square feet (Plan B. ) The increase in comnersial square footage for this site is the nost outstanding difference between the (proposed plan and the original plan. AlI retail ,offj-ce, and restaurant space has been included in the total commercial sguare footage. fn PIan A, hotel related retail and restaurant contributes 2,750 square feet. Accessory ski retail adds 2,190 square feet. The remaining comnercial of 2L,OOO square feet is general retail and office. PIan B shows an increase in commercial square footage due to the Special Attraction use which equals 8.O8O sqluare feet. The building foot print has been extended to the east to incorporate the ski accessory uses, such as a ticket office, ski lockers, public restrooms and skier retail . For this reason, site coverage has increased for this parcel but is still under the al"lowable coverage of 452. The 71' foot height also matches what was originally approved for the building. B. WATERFORD BUILDING Location: Adjacent to the South Frontage Road. East of the Cascade CLub across Westhaven Drive.Presently, fill is stockpiled on the si.te. Proposal: The Waterford Building consists of approxinately 3,8o0 square feet of retail space and either 30 residential units or 75 transient residential units. The GRFA for either scenario totals 47,50o square feet. A t!'/o-level underground parking structure hrould be built below the residential and commercial development. A 20 foot setback shall be maintained along the north property line adjacent to the South Frontage Road. A nininum 2o foot buffer shafl be naintained between the edge of the bike path along Gore creek and the Waterford Building. t (Zoninq: WATERFORD ZONING ANALYSIS Existing SDD Rernaining Development Potential 4g t 45 D.U. 49,227 o Proposed SDD Develop. Potential 48' to 61, Alt. L: 30 D.U.AIt. 2&3: 75 T.R. 47 ,5OO 3,800 Height D.U. GRFA Retail Number of Units: Plan L is under the allowable by l-5 dw-e[ing-unE: Plan 2 is under the allowable by-7.5 dl'reIling units. GRFA: Under allowable by 11727 square feet. Qqmmercial: Over by 3,8OO square feet, the or5-ginal proFosaf did not cart ior re€ail on this site. Heiqht: Over height linit by 13 feet on th southeast (Gore Creek) side of the building. C. WESTHAVEN CONDOS LocatioD: The site is located north of Westhaven Drive, innediately west of the Cascade C1ub. Presently, foundations exist on this site. The proposal was originally called Club Condominiums. Proposal-: The Westhaven Condominiums include 24 dwelling units that have 24,OOO square feet of GRFA. In addition, 7 employee dwelling units would be located on this site. The developer j-s requesting fractional fee ownership as a conditional use for the 24 dwelling units. Fractional ownership would not be applied to the required employee housing units. AII parking is provided on site. The 20 foot setback is naintained on the north, east, and west sides of the property. Westhaven will be connected to the Cascade Club by a sky bridge.( 10 Zoninq: WESTHAVEN ZONING ANALYSTS Existing SDD Renaining Proposed SDD Development Potential Development Potential Ireight 48, 55 ' D.U. 25 D.U. 24 D.U. GRFA 22,500 s.f. 24,000 s.f. Number of Units: Under allowable by 1- dwelling unit. GRFA: Over all-owable by 1,500 square feet for dwelling units. 6400 square feet is requested for the employee housing units. Height: Over allowable by 7 feet to allow for employee housing. D. MILLRACE IIT Location: The site is just north of the brid.ge connecting Cascade Village to the Glen Lyon Subdivision. The site is located on the west side of Westhaven Drive. Proposal: Millrace III is proposed to consist of 3 residential dwelling units having 6rO0O square feet of GRFA. Parking would be provided on site. zoning: }T]LLRACE III ZONING ANALYSIS Existing SDD Remaining Proposed SDD Development Potential Development Potential Height 48' D.U. 3 GRFA 61500 48', 3 6, 000 GRFA: Under aLLowable by 500 square feet.t 11 (E. MILLRACE TV Location: Adjacent to the west side of the Westin Hotel along Gore Creek. Millrace phase I is directly to the west. Proposal: Two alternatj-ves are conternplated for this site. Ptan A would include 8 residential dwelling units having 14,O0O square feet of GRFA. Plan B would be comprised of 32 accommodation units attached to the wast side of the Westin Hotel . GRFA for the accornmodation units \rould equal 14, OOO sguare feet. Parking for the I dwelting unit plan would be provided on site, The accommodation unit plan would rely on structured parking. Zoninq: MTLLRACE IV ZONTNG ANALYSTS Existing SDD Remaining Proposed SDD Development Potential- Development Potential Height 4g' 48' D.U. 8 Alt. 1: g A.U. O AIE. 2: 32 A.U. Total D.U. I Alt. L: I D.U.Alt. 2; 16 D.U. GRrA: 1L1200 s.f. 14,OOO s.f. Number of Unlts: Alt. 2 is over allowable by I D.U.s GRFA: Both plans over allowable by 2r8OO s.f. ( t L2 l|lr.l b"'- ,1 L._ .J (t ILLRACE tv SITE n 0tl Au TR 0u GRFA cu'r4 sQ FT sEATs oiilirn 'llillt Sloii CURNTRSTUIIE Lrl(l n Acessory Skl Retrl I Restaurant Hotel/Rest/Bar Uffi ce Conf. f,oorn Hotel Retal I Reta i | (A) ^-Retall (8) '' Access. Ski 50 28,110 . . (avg rm 561 sf @ .962 spaces) 2190 3000 ?46s 4850 ' 1725 285 on [13 ' 250 ' ($'zrs 7140 48.1 7,3 lB.4 10,3 . 19.4 7.2 1.0 or ! ll'i I J.r. J 147 82 50 2B,ll0 26,040 (A) 8865 229 29,065 (B)lt!'e (Al (A)8e,er5 too iD, (B)92,940 14 (IV. The trtro prirnary reasons the developer is requesting alternative developrnent scenarios is l_) to riallow flexibility in_terms of ttre nunber and types of RESIDENTIAL units within the Waterford and Millrace phase fV buildinqst' and 2) to aflow flexibil-ity in the amount of conunerciaL square footage aLLocated to the Cornerstone building. The exterior buil_ding design would rernain the sane regardless of which conbination of units and cornmercial is used. The alternatives are as follows: A. RESTDENTTALALTERNATIVES Alternative AU oT TR Cornerstone 50 TR Waterford Westhaven Millrace lff Millrace fV 32 AU Total Alternative 2 Cornerstone Waterford lilesthaven Millrace rII Millrace IV Total Alternative 3 l-25 TR PARKING DU STRUC. ON-SITE 50 75 32 30 24 3 24 3 48. L 60 26.A 134.9 48. I 75 25.4 L49 .9 54 48 6 TR rR ( 57 a2 27 48 6 54 Cornerstone Waterford Westhaven Millrace III l,lillrace IV Total Alternative 4 Cornerstone Waterford Westhaven Millrace III Millrace IV Total 50 TR 48.1 60 50 50 75 48 6 l_6 70 48 6 L6 70 30 24 3 I 65 24 3 I 35 r.o8:l- 48. 1 75 t25 15 L23.1, (Special Development District 4 allows a total maximum density of 288 dwelling units with a minlnurn of 3Og accommodation units and a maxirnum of 134 dwelling units within Area A. Currently, 38 dtelling units exiit and 2gg accommodation units exist, which is the equivalent of 1g2 dweLling units (2 au = 1 du). Under each aLternativer the total dwelling unit equivalent is less than the renaining equivalent of iOo dwelling units. Alternative 1! 8.0 units less than total allowed Alternative 2: .5 units less than total alLoved Alternative 3: 16.O units less than total all.owed Alternative 4: 8.5 units less than total alLowed A11 three alternatives rneet the minirnum reguirement of 3oB accomnodation units as long as transient residential units are counted as accornmodation units. All of the three proposals are 2624 square feet over the allowable GRFA excJ-uding the GRFA for employee housing. Alternative L:Alternative 2i Alternative 3:Alternati.Je 4t 370 over required rninirnun by 62 AUITRS 445 over required minimurn by L37 AUITRS 338 over reguired rninirnurn by 30 AUITRS 413 over reguired rninimum by L05 AUITRS B. In summary, the proposal does not exceed the allowable density and actually provides more AU,s than are required in the existing SDD. All of the alternatives are 2,624 sf over the alIowable GRFA. Employee units have not been included in these calculations. COUMERCTAL SCENARIOS The Cornerstone Building has two scenarios for conmercial developrnent. Plan A plus the existing comrnercial development eguals 53,51-3 s.f. Plan B plus the existing comrnercial development equals 56r538 s.f. The existing SDD allows for 37r000 s.f. of conmercial. The proposal ca1ls for an increase in total commercial of L6,5L3 s.f.to l-9,538 s. f . 16 (V.!oT4.I/ DEVELOPITENT COMPARTSoN BETWEEN THE REMATNTNG Agr$gYg.p iPEcrAr pBv DEVEI.OPMENT ALTERNATIVES This section compares the total existing approved developnent potential remaining in Area A to tfre proposed development requested through the amendment procels. The first chart at the end of this section shows the conpleted projects for Developrnent Area A. Below, the chart shows the approved total square footages for SDD4 and deducts the conpleted projects to indicate the renaining developrnent potential under the approved SDD. EXISTING SDD4 DE\IEIOPMENT SIJMMARY APPROVED EXISTING SDD DEVELOPMENT REMAINTNG DEVEL. UNDER EXIST SDD EOTAL DU AU OR TR DU GRFA I coMMoN 288 308 min* 134 max'l 29L,L?L 37 | OO0 LA2 288 38 L74,L35 L7 ,796 L06 20 96 115, 986 ]-9,2L4 *Currently, SDDA allosrs a total maximum of Z8B dwelling units. The maximurn and minimum nurnbers of aurs and duts were established to ensure that the project would have a greater enphasis on lodge rooms than dwelling units. The next chart compares the three proposed deveJ_opment aLternatives to the remaining development potential allowed under the existing SDD. EXTSTING REIIIAINING DEVEIOPMENT COMPARED TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DSVEI.OP REMAINING ALT *1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 TOTAL DU l_06 98 l_05.5 AU OR TR 20 82 L57 DU 96 57 27 GRFA L16,986 119,61_0 l_L9, 610 coMMER L'7 ,786 35 t727 (A) 35,727 or or 38 ,752 (B) 38,752 The folLowing surnmaries highfight how the the existing SDD compares to the proposed Alternatives J-, 2 and 3. remaining developrnent under deveJ-opments for 90 50 65 1L9, 610 (A) 35,727 (A) or (B) 38,752 (B) 97.5 L25 35 l_1_9, 6Lo 32.727 (A) or 3S,752 (B) t t7 (Alternative 1 compared to rernaininq approved development: Total Unit Nunber:I units under allowable Minimum Accommodation unit Number: 62 units over A.u. minimum Maximum Dwelling Unit Number: 39 units under D.U. maximum GRFA: 2624 s.f. over allowable Cornmercial: 16r513 s.f . over al_Iovable, plan A 191538 s.f. over allowable, plan B Alternative 2 compared to the remaininq approved development: Total Unit Nunber: O.5 units under allowable Mininum Accommodation unit Number: 137 units over A.u. minimum Maximum Dwelling Unit Nurnber: 69 units under D.U. maximum GRFA: 2,624 s.f. over allowable Cornrnercial: l-61513 s.f . over allowable, plan A l-9r538 s.f. over allowable, plan B Alternative 3 compared to the remainincr approved development: Total Unit Nunber: L6 units under allowable Mininum Accommodatlon Unit Number: 3O units over A.U. rninimum Maxj.mum Dwelling Unit Nunber: 3l- units under D.U. maximum GRFA: 2,624 over allowable Commercial: 1-6f 51-3 s.f . over allowable, plan A L9,538 s.f. over allowable, Plan B Alternative 4 compared to the remaininq approved development: Total Unit Nunber: 8.5 under al]owable Minimum Accommodation Unit Number: l-05 over allowable Maximum Dwelling Unit Nurnber: 61 under allowable GRFA: 2,624 ove.r allowable Commercial: L61513 s.f. over allowable, plan A L91538 s.f. over allowable, plan B Ttte following chart compares the TorAL approved special developnent district to the TOTAL proposed special developnent district alternatives: APPRVD SDD PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED ALT #]- TOTAL DU 288 280 AU OR TR 308 min 370 DU 134 max 95 GRFA 29L,LzL 293,'1 45 coMMER. 37,0O0 53,513 (A) or 56,538 (B) 2 287.5 445 65 293 ,7 45 53,513 (A) or 56, 538 (B) ALT #3 ALT #4 272 279.5 338 L03 293,745 53,51_3 (A) or 56, 538 ( B) 41_3 73 293 ,7 45 53,513 (A) or 56,538 (B) 18 (The proposed SDD alternatives are under the total allowable densitv and met the minimurn and maximum reguirernents for AUrs and DUrs. rie commerciar is 16,513 s.f. to 19,538 s.f. over the allowable under the existing sDD. This is a 45t to s3t increase in commerclal squar-footage. Total GRFA is over aLLowable by 2624 square feet. ( L 19 CUMPLETED PROJECTS IN SDD4 n AU 0u t]nrtt RETAI L/ cuMl'l sqff Nt]N-STRUCT PARKiNG STRUCT PARK I4ILIRACE I MILLRACE II l^IESTI N Alfredo's N) Cafe o Little Shop Pepi Sports hl & H Smith, Vaurnet I4 20,ooo ri,534 s5,457 l5,870 1600 4220 479? 9s4 I ?47 104 seats 74 seats 1250 2436 0 .r l5 0 0 0 u 0 to 13.3 a6 40 :b ?8 a3 0 0 0 u 0 148 900 CMC EUILDING Cascade !,li ng Clancy's Theat re College Cl assrooms Col I ege Offi ce l'ltg Room 2J TERRACE HII,IG Roons 120 Retai I 0 0 105 (.u 58,069 5856 c0t'tPLETEo PRoJECTS (CoN,T) AU DU GRFA RETAIL/ CUMM CN FT NON.STRUCT PARKI NG STRUCT PARK PLAZA I Rooms Reta i I PLAZA II Conference Retai I CASCADE CLUB Kela I I 8ar & Restaurant Uffice in CMC l.lel I ness Cente r 20 7205 1099 9?5 300 672 828 lJ60 8297 0 0 IO { N) 0 u I 5.6 TUTALS 42?53 288 38 174,135 L7,786 (VI SPECIAL DEVEIPPMENT DISTRICT DESIGN CRITERIA It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittar material and the proposed deveJ.opment pran comply with each of the follovring standards, or to demonstrate that one or more of them are not, applicable.or that a practical solution consistent with the public'interest has been achieved. A. DESIGN COMPATIBILITY AND SENSTTIVTTY To THE III{MEDTATE ENVIRONMENT, NEIGHBORHOOD AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES RXLATIVE TO ARCHITECTURAL DESTGN, SCALE, BULK, BUILDING HErcHT, BUFFER ZONES, IDENTITY, CTIARACTER, VTSUAIJ INTEGRITY AND ORIENTATION. Cornerstone: ( The overall design of this building is very positive.The building meei,s the height standard of 71r. The developer has redesigned the eastern elevation of the cornerstone building in order to pul1 the eaves line down to rninimize the height. A rninimum setback of Z0 feet will also be maintained from the bike path. Even though the building has been extended to the east to allow for the ski accessory as well as a srnall- amount of ski retail, this portion of the building consists prirnarily of rooms and hotel functions which are allowed presently under the approved SDD. Staff reconmends that the Cornerstone buiLding bridge connection between the east and west buildings be opened up. our opinion is that it would be positive to be able to see through more of the Cornerstone building and up to the cascade Lift and ski nountai_n Lnstead of being confronted by building mass on all three sides as you enter the project. I{aterford: The original proposed height was 7t feet. At the first work session on this project, the planning Conmission indicated that a 55, height tirnit would be appropriate for this building. The Waterford building is most visible from the South Frontage Road and Westhaven Drive. The height has been decreased to 48 feet as measured fronr finished grade to meet the previously approved height. The building is also situated below the Frontage Road to decrease impacts. The proposed 6i. foot height along the southeast elevation is acceptable, as the eave line witl have a height of 40 feet which will greatly decrease the irnpact of the 6l- foot ridge height. 2Z (The 20 foot front setback will also be maintained along the South Frontage Road which wilt decrease the inpact, of the building-nass. A 20 foot buffer witl exist between the building and bike path on the creek side of the project. The-bike path ;ill be rnoved 5 feet towards the creek and the building putled back to establish the 2O foot buffer. Staff feels strongly that substantial landscaping should be reguired along the north and. southelst-elevations of the Waterford. The developer has rnade a significant effort to respond to the pbc and staff requests to decrease the heiqht. However, frorn the view analysis, it is clear that the buildingrs mass will have impacts. Millrace IIf: The staff does not have a specific site plan for this property. However, the developer is proposing to maintain the same number of units and-height ind decrease GRFA. A 2O foot setback would be maintained along Westhaven Drive. Millrace IV: Staff's opinion is that the 32 accommodation unit site plan is nuch more compatible with the site than the proposal to locate I dwelling units on this parcel . The 32 accommodation unit plan allows for an adequate open space buffer het$reen the Westin Hotel and the existing Millrace development. The I dwelling unit plan needs to be consolidated to naintain adequate open space between the Westin and Mil1race. This buffer becomes even rnore important when private residential units are adjacent to a hotel operation. Staff believes that the additional GRFA on this site for the accommodation unit plan is appropriate.Lodge rooms meet a community need which has been encouraged in the L,and Use plan. We do not feel that the additional GRFA is necessary for the 8 dwelling unit plan. Staff recommends that the I D.U. plan be denied. The request for additional GRFA is unsupportable and the site plan does not meet the SDO crileria, particular-ly in respect to site planning, landscaping, and adequate buffer zones. ( 23 ( Westhaven: This project has already received a building perrnit which has since expired. Staffrs und,erstanaiirg is that the project would be constructed in a sirnilar manner to what has been previously approved. The developer is proposing to remove t dwelLing unit and increase the GRFA by 1,500 square feet. The Westhaven height will be increased from 48, to 55, to allow for the addj-tional employee housing units. The building-is situated balo; the Froniage Road, so the height increase wiII have very 1ittl6 irnpact. B. USES, ACTMTY AND DENSITY WHICH PROVTDE A coMpATIBr,E, EFFTCIENT AND WORKABLE RELAUONSHTP WITH SURROUNDING USES AND ACTIVITY. Alternate Development Scenarios: For the most part, the alternative plans focus on flexibility in the type and number of residential units and amount of cornmercial . Millrace IV is the only alternative that has two different site p1ans. The Waterford and Cornerstone buitdlngs would have the sane exterl-or appearance and site plan regardJ_ess of the residential unit mix and amount of commercial. Staff feels comfortable with the alternative development plans proposed for the project. It is felt that a good mix of office, retail , J-odging and residential units is maintained with these proposals. The changes in design for the various alternatives are minimal and therefore make it acceptable to approve alternative uses. Transient Residential : The concept is that the TR unit witl function as an accommodation unit, but will have a srnall kitchenette for convenience cooking. The unit is not intended to function as a dwelling unit. The TR must also be managed by a single management entity to ensure that customary hotel services and facilities are provided to occupants. These hotel services and facil,ities would typically include front desk services, lobby,housekeeping facilities, laundry service and recreation facilities. In addition, ttre fact that the units must be used according to the short term rental definition rrill ensure that the units function as acconmodation units. 24 ( The TRs nay be converted to condoniniurns under the Lodge Room Conversion sections of the Subdivision Regulations. Even if the TRs r.rere typical AUs, the option to convert the AUs would Ue aviitaUte.Transient residential units should not be allowed to have a wood burning fire place. Wood burning fire places should be used exclusively for dwelling units. Additional Comrnerciai : The increase in total square footagte for commercial space.has been designed so that the buildings containing conmercj-al rneet the existing development standards for the special development district except for the Waterfordrs southeast elevationrs height. Staff bel-ieves that the additional sguare footage should be viewed in a sinilar way to the manner in which Commercial Core I and ff p-ojects are reviewed.In tlrese zone districts, commercial square footage is unlinited and the buildings are reguired to meet design standards, Basically, Cascade village is very sinilar to a CCI or CCII type project. The staff feels that it would be reasonable to recruire that all buildings approved for comrnerciaL on first floor or street/pLaza level have the same uses that are perrnitted in Commercial Core I zoning. fhe intent of thls project has always been to creite a mixed use development. By adopting the CCI perrnitted uses for the first f1oor, staff believes that the rnix of commercial found in the Village and Lionshead would be ensured. Another reason that the CCI uses are appropriate is that 3, B0O square feet of cornmersial is proposed adjacent to the bus stop in the Waterford building. This cornmercial should not be convenience Lype retail which would encourage people to park on Westhaven Drive shops for easy pick-up of goods. The staff had a silnitar conc-rn with the Treetops commercial building. We feel that the Waterford retail space could have the sarne problems as Treetops if appropriate retail uses are not determined. GRFA: Staff believes that the project,s total_ GRFA must corne under the existing SDDrs approved cap of 29L,LzL square feet except for the additional GRFA requested for the Millrace TV 32 AU p1an. We do feel that the nix of accommodation units and dwelling units is very positive as long as transient residential units are not fractionalized. We support the exclusion of GRFA for empLoyee housing units. ( t 25 o (!'ractionalization: Fractionalization will be applied only to Westhaven and will be reviewed as a conditionaL use. The interval shouLd not be allowed to be less than s weeks to ensure a high guality project. The -conditional use process will require tbat customary hotel services and facilities be provided if fractional fee ownership is reguested. Special Attraction: staff supports the idea of the special attraction.It is appropriate to review the proposal as a conditional use. Wellness Center3 Staff has no problem with the request of a wellness center, as long as it is reviewed as a conditional use so that parking irnpacts may be addressed. If the space is developed as a srnall gymnasium or pool ,there would be no additional parking impact and,therefore, we feel it can be considered to be a pernitted use. (Eilgt Floor Office j-n Plaza Conference Center: Altbough at face value this request may seem very minor, staff feels strongty that the office should not be approved. As has been stated in the rnemo, the Lntent of Cascade Village was to create a mixed use project sirnilar to CCf and ccfI. The CCf and CCII zoning does not a1low offices on first floors. The reason for this is to insure that retail is 1ocated on the first floor to add activity and interest at the street level . To approve the office would also be precedent setting and woul-d mean that first floor office space could also be reguested for other projects, such as the cateway Special Development District or Vail village Inn Special Developnent District. Staff supports the space to a theatre reguired parking is reguest to change the conference or retail space as long as the provided. 26 o Employee Housinq ( Ernployee housing should be a requirenent for this proJect. We lrould ask that a ninimun of 10 units be grovided having a rninimum size of 640 square feet including a full kitchen. The 10 units would have a total nininum square footage of 6,400 square feet.Out of the total 293,'1 45 square feet, two percent or 51190 sqluare feet would be used for employee housing units. Presently, the Town does not have a formula for calculating ernployees required for certain uses.Hohrever, by using existing employee numbers and.naking some assurnptions which are conservative in respect to numbers of ernployees, the following dernand coul-d be ex;rected: Use Number of E4ployees 285 Ful1-time L5 fuIl-time 50 Part-tirne or 25 Full-tirne Westin Hotel (276 units) Cascade Club Clancy's cuc Office & Retail (54,973 sf)(total cornrnercial - 1,000 x lfel].ness center Cascade Theater Neu AU or TR (445 units)(.9 erTrployees x # units - 25?of employees for overlap) 4 or2 Part-tirne Ful1-tirne Fu11-tine Ful1-tine Full-tirne FulI-time Full-tiure L2 83 r. 5) 4 3 300 733 approx. * These figures are also probably low given the fact that if you look at other enployee housing reguirements for Snohrmass, Aspen and Breckenridg.e,the employee nurnber generated by this type of development is higher. Vail has taken pride in the fact that greater numbers of people are now staying in our conmunity and trying 27 ( to raise families or trying to establish theurselves professionally. It is often said that we have become a maturing resort comnrunity. Our main concern for ernployee housing, is to irnprove the living situations for many individuals working in vai1. However, this concern also helps to stabilize the economic and social base of our cotnmunity. A stable employee bed base is very irnportant for a maturing comrnunity and adds to stability in the work force. Staff believes that 10 units is a nominal amount of employee housing for the Cascade Village Development to provide. We agree with the developer that some tlpe of an employee housing task force would also be helpful . In addition, there are many things that the Town could do to encourage dispersed employee housing. fnnovative planning is needed to establish a housing council (as suggested by the developer),to provide incentives to assure existing rentals remaj-n in the housing poot. The employee housing problem is certainly not going to be completely addressed by the Cascade Village project. However, the staff does feels that the development has a responsibility to provide a certain number of units. In our request for 10 unit,s. we have tried to be reasonable and feel that this is not an undue burden on the developer. We also believe that trade-offs are in order due to the nts that are arl the reased amount of comrnercial scruare Densitv: The nixed use nature of the project is very positive.Essentially, Cascade Village has become the fourth core area for Vail. The developer has proposed more accommodation units and transient residential units than are actually required under the approved SDD. The number of dwelling units is actually lower than what would be all-owed. The balance of accomnodation unit use to dwelling unit use is very posltive. Staff does feel that the project,s GRFA should be decreased to the originally approved arnount of 29I ,LzL square feet. Basically, although a minimum amount of GRFA is requested above what Ls al.lowed, we feel that the request is not warranted. We feel that the 21658 sguare feet of extra GRFA could be taken out of the Waterford project or Ml-Urace IV (8 DU plan) to help with the height problem. The onty additional GRFA tht is warranted is for the Millrace M32 AU plan. 28 I REME COMPLIANCE WITH PARKING AND LOADINC REQUT SECTION 18.52.NTS AS OUTLTNED IN COMM STRUC.ON SITE The most accurate way to calculate parking given the proposed development alternatives is to ute-the alternative that has the greatest STRUCTURED parking demand. Alternative 2 has the gre-tEEE-sti[clured parking demand due to the nunbei of AUlTRs. MAXTMUM PARKTNG REQUTRED RESIDENTIAL Cornerstone Waterford Westhaven I{il1race III Mil-lrace IV COMMERCIAL Cornerstone Waterford Room 2J Theatre AU,/TR DU 50 75 30 3 32 48.L 75 60 6 26. B LL1.9 L2.7 5.5 22.5 .7 C.Club Well_ness Center 29 t065 3f800 1,387 4r500 Plaza Bldq office* Total t-57 27 38,752 309.2 66 *Plaza space has already been counted as ccmmercial. The parking requirement is based on the difference between office and retail parking requirements. The- Froject's parking has been calculated using arr of the standard parking requirements. Arr accessory hotel and ski uses have been required to provide the full amount of parking. * 111 parking for Cornerstone. Waterford, and Millrase IV (AU Plan) shall be structured. Existing Reguired parking Proposed Reguired parking Total 17.52 Credit -Total Required parking Existing parking structure Proposed parking sructure Reguired parking STRUCTIIRED PARKING CALCUI,ATIONS 422 spaces 310 732 I2A.L 604 42L 183 604 spaces spaces spaces The de_veloper proposes that the waterford parking structure shall be expanded if necessary to rneet the parking requir6rnents of various scenarios. Presently, the waterford structuie has 144 spaces. This means that if the developer chooses to buird Arternative 2, an additional 39 spaces rnust be added to the structure. The totar maximurn requi-red parking for the proposed sDD is 604 spaces. rf the, parking is not consolidated, the structures would be required.to contain: Cascade Structure: Total parking reguired 108 credit - Required spaces I{aterford Structure: 422 42.2 380 Total parking required 3O9.2 7.52 - 23.2 Required spaces 246 The total structured parking would be 66d spaces as opposed to 604 spaces if the structures are combined.. This is a difterence of 62 spaces. The deveroper is reguesting that the two parking structures be counted as one structure for the purpose of calculating the credit for a nultiple use parking structure. staff supports this request,as cascade virlage is an intense nixed use project. rt is reisonable to assume that a guest staying at the corneistone will frequent the r^etail shops, restaurants, and theatre located in cascade village.The amount of crossover among the various uses in Development eiea A is very high. For this reason, staff agirees that a i,7.sz rnixed use credit is supportable. (please see letLer frorn cMc concerning parking at Cascade Vitlage at the end of the meno.) The devel-oper is also requesting that common carrier parking be dereted as an sDD requirement. staff supports this reguest. rt is felt.that this project should. have the optioin to use the bus parking at the Lionshead structure, as olher projects arso have this right. Additional loading delivery is necessary for Waterford. (D.CONFORMITY WITH APPI.ICABLE ELEMENTS OF TI{E VAIL CoMPREHENSM PLAN, TOWN PoLICIES AND URBAN DESIGN PI,ANS The. staff agrees with the Environmental fmpact Report statement that the rrproposal generally is cornpatible with many of the goals and Town of va-il policy documents listed below: rl Vail Iand Use PIan: The proposed amendments to SDDA are consistent with rnany of the goals of the Vail_ I_,and Use plan. GeneralS-y, the proposed special attraction use and.ski related accessory conmerciaL uses acconpl.ish the overall goals of strengthening the balance of uses within the conmunity, inproving and increasing base skier facilities to keep pace wittr mountain expansion and improving and enhancing year-round tourism.Specifically, the proposal meets the foltowing goals of the Land Use Plan: l-. General Growth Development 1-.L VaiL should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential , contrtercial or recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. L.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grohrs. 1.3 The quality of development should be maj-ntained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.L2 VaiI should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 2. Skier/Tourist Concerns 2.L The community should emphasize its role as a destination resort while accommodating day visitors. 2.2 The ski area owner, the business conrnunity and the Town leaders should work together closely to make existing facilities and the ?own function more efficiently. 31 I 2 ( .3 The ski area owner, the business community and the Torrn leaders should work together to irnprove facilities for day skieri. 2.4 The conmunity should improve summer recreational and cultural opportunities to encourage surnmer tourisrn. 2.5 The community should improve non-skier recreational options to improve year-round tourism. Commercial 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated in existing commercial areas to accomrnodate both local and visitor needs. 3.5 Entertainment oriented businesses and cultural activities should be encouraged in the core areas to create diversity. More night time businesses, on-going events and sanctioned |tstreet happeningsrr should be encouraged. IDENTTFICATTON AND MITTGATTON OF NATURAL AND/OR GEOI.,,OGIC HAZARDS THAT EFFECT THE PROPERTY UPON WHTCH THE SPECIAL DEVEIOPMENT DISTRICT IS PROPOSED. The Town of VaiI hazard maps do not show that this area is in an aval-anche, rockfall or debris fLow area. FLoodplain does effect some of the property but no improvements are proposed for this area. eff buildings will maintain the 50, strean setback for Gore Creek. Staff is requiring that l_OO year floodplain information be provided for the area along the Waterford site as the site has been disturbed,and existing floodplain data is no longer relevant. SITE PIA,N, BUILDING, DESIGN, AND LOCATION, AND OPEN SPACE PROVTSIONS DESIGNED TO PRODUCE A TUNCTIONAL DEVELOPI'IENT RESPONSIBLE AND SENSITM TO NATURAL FEATURES, VEGETATTON, AND OVERALL AESTHETIC QUAITITV OF THE COMMUNITY, fn general , the site planningr for the project is very positive. The planning takes advantage of the Gore Creek area by locating a recreational path along its bank. The pedestrian arcades and plazas establish an attractive area for pedestrians. 3. E. ( r. 32 ( G. Millrace fVl The site plan for l,[illrace IV needs to be consolidated so that an adequate open space buffer is created betrreen the proposed I dwelling units and the hotel . A CIRCTII,,ATION SYSTEU DESIGNED FOR BOTH VEHICLES AND PEDESTRIANS ADDRESSING ON AND OFF SITE TRAFFTC CIRCUI,ATION. on-site vehicular access is well designed. The parking etructures are easily accessible for vehicles entering the project. The transit rnalL has been planned to Locate the bus stop in a manner that meets all the needs of the Public Works Department and is also readily accessible for pedestrians, There is also an adeguate mini-van loading area adjacent to the Cornerstone building. Staff would like to see specifics on loading/delivery for the l{aterford building. We are concerned that loading and delivery does not occur on Westhaven Drive, especially due to the fact that 31800 s.f. of retail is proposed for this building. Cascade Village is also designed well- for pedestrian circulation. The project has provided a recreational path throughout the entire length of the property. The location of the path takes advantage of the beauty of the Gore Creek area. The plaza designed between the Cornerstone and Terrace buildings allows for easy pedestrian circulation. A sidewalk will also extend along the entire north side of the Cornerstone building, past the conference center, and down to Colorado Mountain College. Staff recommends that the sidewalk from the cascade Club be extended along the north side of Westhaven Drive to meet the recreational path. fn respect to off-site circul.ation, tbe acceleration and deceleration lanes built by the deVeloper are very positive and necessary for the project. Staff does feel that Cascade Vitlage needs an additional emergency access point in the event that access from the South Frontage Road to Westhaven Drive is blocked. ft is reasonable to require that the developer provide a break-away bollard for the energency access road that exists between Eagle Pointe and the Glen Lyon Subdivision. We would also recommend that the developer try to provide adequate snow storage areas along Westhaven Drive. ( ( 33 ( H.FUNCTIONAL AND AESTHETIC I,ANDSCAPING AND OPEN SPACE IN ORDER TO OPTIMTZE AND IMPROVE NATURAL FEATURES, RECREATION, VIEWS AND FUNCIIONS. In.general , Cascade Village has been designed by using.a concept of paved pedestrian plazai, forinal plantings, and water features. This approach is conpatibLe with the architecture. Waterford: The landscaping al-ong the north and southeast eLevations rnust be substantial in order to rnininize the massiveness of the building. This concern should be passed along to the Design Review Board. The courtyard in the center of the Waterford building is a positive improvement. once again, the staff would recommend that substantial materials be located in the plaza to soften the building mass. Cornerstone: A sidewalk and landscaping simiJ,ar to what is on the north side of the Plaza conference center will also be constructed on the north side of the Cornerstone.ft is our understanding that the developer has taken into considerat,ion the snow shedding irnpacts on the landscaping. on the south side of the building, the conceptual landscape plan shows a plaza with a brick paver surface as well as patio space, water features,and large planting beds. Although the plan is only at a conceptual level , the staff feels that the design witl be very positive. We would suggest that the final design incorporate as rnuch green space as possible to soften the paved plaza area to avoid too much of a hard surface area as is evident in some areas of Lionshead. We also think that seating should be incorporated into the plaza. Once again, large landscape materials are needed to rninirnize the scale of the Plaza conference center, Cornerstone, and Terrace wing buildings.Both the Cornerstone and Terrace Wing buildings have ridge heigtrts of 7L feet, which makes for rnassive building facades. By using large J-andscape materials, the pedestrian scale of the pliza will be emphasized. 34 (Mil-Irace IV: As stated before, the eight dwelling unit plan for Millrace Iv nust be consolidated. .irea A iunctions well in respect to open space, as it is adjacent to Gore creek and the recreational path. Staif does believe that an open space area Llose to the urban developrnent in Area A will be valued by guests and residents. We would suggest that Milliaie IV be planned with this concern in nind, I. PHASING PINN OR SUBDIVTSTON PI,AN THAT WII,I, MAINTAIN A WORKABLE, FUNCTIONAL AND EFFICIENT REI,ATTONSHIP THRoucHour rHE DSVETOPMENT oF THE spEcrAr, DEVELOPI'IENT DISTRICg. The developer states: rrMy best estimate for projecting the tirne which a buiLding permit will be applied for on each of the undeveloped parcels is as fo1lows. please remember that achleving this schedule is dependent on reasonably conducive financing markets: It 1. Westhaven site - April L9g9i conpletion IL/gg 2. Waterford Parking Structure - JuIy L9g9t conpletio\ LZ/99 3. Mil-Lrace IfI - April 1999 r compJ.etion LL/ag 4. Cornerstone - April_ 1990; conpletion LO/9L 5. Millrace tV - april I99O; completion 12190 6. Waterford - april 1991r completion LO/92 The staff position is that a temporary certificate of occupancy for any of the buildings relying on the Waterford parking structure to meet parking needs will not be released until the parking structure is conpleted and ready to be used. L 35 ( -VIT. ENVIRONMENTAL II'{PACT REPORT A. HYDROI,OGIC CONDITTONS l_. Natural Features: ( We agree with the EIR statement that drainage frorn the parking garages should be designed in a manner vhich collects all silt and netal discharges that rnight occur. It will also be necessary that extra precautj_ons be talcen during construction of the Waterford and Cornerstone projects in order to prevent soil erosion into the creek. 2. Han-made Features: The nany water features in Cascade Village shall be required to have an overflolr storm drain if the system exceeds capacity. 3. Water and Sewer: Increased square footage in commercial is creating an increased water demand. These increases have been reviewed by the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District and they have been deemed acceptable. 4. Atmospheric Conditions: The existing SDD4 has a maximum of 95 wood-burning fireplaces that rnay be placed only in dwellinq units. Staff is strongly opposed to allowing the A.U.,s and ER's to also have wood-burning fireplaces. If the project is developed using alt the dwelling unit scenarios, 65 fireplaces could be added. This is a net decrease of 25 fireplaces which is positive. Air quality is probably one of the most highly prized amenities of the Vail Valley. To approve a reguest that would increase air pollution is not appropriate. In addition, if this request is approved, it would be difficult to deny other property owners tlre same benefit. 5. Geoloqic Conditions: Staff agrees that there are no irnpacts in this area. 36 (6.Biotic Conditions: Staff aqtrees that there are Noise impacts: Staff agrees that there are Visual- Conditions: The previous section of the concerns with visual impacts buildings. Land Use Conditions: t_0. 11. no impacts. no impacts. memo discussed our of the Waterford 7. 8. 9, Please see the previous section of the nemo concerning uses and densities. Circulation and Transportation: We agree that the intersection modifications and reduced speed lirnits along the South Frontage Road are adequate to handle the traffic from Development Area A. We also believe the j-nstallation of the transit facility is a very positive and necessary inprovement to the project. We support the idea of having a traffic attendant in the transit mall to regulate shuttle buses and cars if neeessary. Loadinq and Delivery: Staff feels that more infornation is needed on loading and delivery of trash areas for the Waterford Area. Two enclosed loading spaces of 72O a.f. are provided for the Cornerstone Building off of Westhaven Drive. t2. Parkinq: Please see the section of the memo relating to parking. In summary, the main environmental- impaet from the proposed amendments to DeveLopment Area A is the additional air pollution fron the fireplaces for dwelling units and transient residential units. The EIR confirms that additional air pollution will occur and we recommend that this request be denied. 37 VIII. STAFF RECOMUENDATION The staff recornmends approval of the amendments proposed ( for SDD4 with the following conditions: 1. Wood burning fireplaces shall only be allorred for dwelling units. The number of wood burni.ng fireplaces allocated to dwelling units shail not exceed the number approved under the existing Special Development District 4. 2. The existing first floor retail space in the plaza conference building shall not be converted to a real estate office. 3. The restricted dweJ_Iing unit or transient residentiaL dwelling unit shall" meet all of ttre reguirements outlined in the definition in Section IIB. 4. The Millrace IV developrnent plan shall be approved for the 32 accommodation units having a total GRFA of l-4,000 square feet. The Millrace IV development plan for 8 dwelling units having a GRFA of I4,OOO square feet shall not be approved. 5. The fractional fee use shall be approved as a cond.itional use for the dwelling units within Westhaven building with a condition that the nininurn ownership interval be five weeks. 6. Ten employee housing units as defined in Section IIL shall be prov5.ded by the developer. 7. First floor Commercial Core I zoning shall be applled to all first floor spaces of buildings having conmercial uses within Development Area A. The first floor or street level shaLl be defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street Level . The total allowed GRFA for the project shall be 2931745 square feet only if tbe Millrace IV 32 accornmodation plan is utilized. This allows for an increase of, 2.624 square feet of GRFA over the aLlowable. If the Uillrace Iv 8 dwelling unit plan is used, the GRFA shall be 11,270 square feet for the I DUs. The total allowable GRFA for the project if the Uillrace M dwelling unit plan is used shall be 29Or945 square feet. The Environmental Impact Report shall be updated before the amendment requests are presented to the Town Council . The Environrnental Impact Report shall be subnitted two weeks before the date of the first reading of the ordinance by the Town Council. The ( (- 9. 38 ( updating of the EfR is required due to the many changes that have been made to the proposal. 10. The ohmership entity for Development Area A shall enter into an agreement outlining the conditions that relate to the restricted dwelling units or transient residential units and restricted-employee housing units. 1L. A11 water features within Development Area A shall have overflow storrn drains per the recornmendation in the Environmental Impact Report. L2. The developer shall be responsible for providing a break-away bollard for the emergency access road between Eagle Pointe and Westhaven Drive. This improvement shall be constructed when a building pernit is reguested. for ttre Cornerstone, t{illrace III ar IV, Westhaven or Waterford buiLdings. The bollard shall be included in the permit plans. l-3. The developer shall construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the Cascade CIub along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west, in front of the Westhaven buildinq to connect with the recreational path to Donovan Parlc. The walk shall be constructed when a building permit is reguested for Westhaven. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit pJ.ans. L4. The devel.oper shall provide 10O year fl_ood plain inforrnation for the area adjacent to the Waterford building and Cornerstone building before building permits are released. L5. A11 required parking for the Cornerstone, Waterford, and Millrace IV (32 A.U. ) buitdings shall be provided within one of the parking structures. A tenporary certificate of occupancy shall not be released for any of these projects until the structured parking is available. The following courments are strong reconmendations whictr the staff feeLs should be passed alongi to the Design Review Board: l. Substantial l-andscapinq should be required for the Waterford BuiLding, particularly on the north and creek side elevations. 2. Substantial landscapingr should be reguired in the Cornerstone plaza to soften the paved plaza areas as much as possible. 39 ( 3. The mass and bulk of the bridge connection between the two buildings that conprise Cornerstone should be decreased as much as possible to open up the view of the mountain from the transit nall. 4. The floor plans for the Waterford building should indicate clearly enclosed trash and loadingt areas. 40 $ |\- .--r\ .{,: I </\\'.Jr t , -.t |l g^) fY \/ -4 t-l \tt\J tlq )tq //s V /-..t. =/>)N /N --V CA->\-.-\.'J--/ I rir {J ar 'Idb s€'1 \r ^'$ui S=i n:'f. I { .'IJ F Ur ,l $ $ S' a !.J N € -i\n ru k l- \1 \ {!IN -F f,n UI t,, €:+s\ '/l N S r-\v\i a 6 l,i ql t ! s $l |-. ffiil \ ( COLORMO MOU NTfi N COLLEGE August 25, 1988 Kent Rose, Mayor and the Vail Town Council Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, C0 81658 Dear Mr. Rose and Town Council Members: It'is my understanding that Andy Norris has recently proposed additions and/or changes to the Cascade Village development and is sbek'ing Town of Vail approval of those changes. I do not know the specifics of the proposal, but am awire that changes in the current parking requirements are included. As you may know, colorado Mountain college has been concerned about the adequacy of parking at Cascade Village for some t.ime and now, after five years of operation, some of our concerns have been confirmed. For example, on tvlo occasions this sumrner, June 14-17 and August 5-9, the Westin Hotel has hosted conferences for organizations from coJorido and surrounding states. Because of the distances,.most attendees drove to Vai'l , and the combined public and private (tn|estin Hotel) parking was not adequate to handle their guesti plus Cascade Club users and CMC students. The'l^lestin Hotel was coopirative 'in providing bus service from the parking structures during the August conference,but the frustration and inconvenience weie not well receiveO Uy oui students. The westin notified us early th'i s week that between August 25th and 30th, we may experience a parking shortage once again. Apparently a conference and a tennis c'lassic at the Cascade Ciub will iill the Hotel tb capac'ity and additional guests will be coming from other'local lodges. Most guests will be driving in |nq lt is anticr'pated that there will not be sufficieit parking for all of-the Hotel guests and our users. A1 though I cannot provide specific dates, we experienced a simjlar shortage of parking at least once last summer due to large conferences. Additional]y,last winter Cascade Club use was extensive, CMC-enrollments were high and ai-a result, the parking structure was frequently filled to capacity. -Day and evening users are overlapping more often now and it is the hope 6t all-busjnesses here that during the winter monthsskierswill stay to shop and eat, potentially compounding an existing problem. cMC does not have user numbers for either of the parking structures, but is attempt'ing to get all available numbers from the westin-and vail ventures. l.le will also be conducting an informal "count" several tfmes a day for the next 2-3 months to get a more accurate picture of the parking structure usage. As we compile the data, we wilI keep you informed. VAIL COMMUN ITY EDUCATI ON VAIL LEARNING CENTER .13'10 WESTHAVEN DRIVE r VA|L, CO 81637 r (!03) 476-4040 " -;J t I IJ \ ?.n't tlith the completion of the Westin's conference facilities and a tightening of parking in Vail and Lionshead due to mountain expansion and resultant increased skier numbers, we anticipate that the Cascade Village structures will be insufficient to handle the users. At this time, I respectfully request that you review Andy's proposal with a careful_eye toward ensurance of adequate parking. None of us can operate successfully here without parking Eid-ifFFeht inf6rmation indicates h,e are already on the short side. Further development without addjtional parking could cause the demise of businesses here, including Colorado Mountian College. A'lthough I will be on sabbatical leave from August 30, 1988 until September 1, 1989, Jim 01 son, Interim Center Director, Vail, and 0r. Bob Evans, Executive Dean,will be avaijable to work with you if the need arises. And thank you, in advance, for your consideration of our concern, and please feel free to call upon Colorado Mountain College as you review Mr. Norris' proposal. 5i ncerely,t{nt6'*,+-{ Kay Sau]sberry U Center 0irector cc: Dr. Bob Evans, Jim 0lson, CMC Krjstin Pritz, KS/i c cMc TOV rili ?5 south lrontege road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty development llarclt 22, 1988 Mr. Andy Norris Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vai1, Colorado 91657 Re: Submittal deadlines for amendments to SDD #4 Dear Andy: r thought it would be helpful if r risted the information you need to subnit for the planning commission review on April 25.Please submit by March 28, the following information. 1. A revised zoning statistic summary i_f any changes have occurred in these nurnbers since you surmitted nurnbers for the first pEc work session. 2. Three full sets of development plans, including elevations, site plan, and floor p1ans. I need three sets so that I can send the drar,rings to puutic Works and the Fire Department. 3. The breakdown of the brewery square footages. 4- A definition and drawing of a transient residential unit. 5. The fractional ownership definition revised to indicate that it will only apply to dweLlj-ng units. 6. A conceptual landscape plan (3 copies) 7. A proposal on what base elevations you propose to use on each building and the proposed heights. 8. The SDD ordinance wording revised for the following sections in order to reflect each of the proposed changes: 18.46.01_0 Purpose, 18.46.020 Established, LB.46.03O B,C Devel-opment Plan Procedure, l-9.46.050 penRitted Uses, 18.46.065 Office Use, L8.46.080 Densj-ty Dwelling Units,18.46.o8L Density Floor Area, 18.46.092 conmercial Square Footage, 18.46.089 Cornputer print Out table and Development Control (if changed since Last submittaL), 18.46.1-OO Setbacks, 18.46.120 Height, 1€.46.1_40 Coverage,18.46.160 Landscaping, Lg.46.t7o parking, 18.46.19O C.D.Fireplaces, 18.46.210 B. Bus Shelter, fg.+e.220 Ernployee Housing. It really help ne out if you can submit this on March 28tlr, so that Peter and I witl have a change to review it before I leave Tolln on April 4. I am asking that you subnit the EIR by April 4 at 5:OO pM. Peter has allowed some time to review the EIR and will present it to the staff as soon as possible. Thanks for your thoroughness on the work session information- Tlre two work sessions will definitely make it easier for the staff to prepare for the April Zsth neeting. If you have any guestions, please give me a call or call peter during the tirne that I am out of the office. Sincerely , /) Kristan pritz 6'tr Senior Planner KP:br o I* c ?miff Ksd 015 5 rtia u#\s,'D€' {- ENVIRON]\,IENTAL Itr,IPACT REPORTS Ch:rpter 1g.56 ENVIRON}IENTAL I|\TPACT REPORTS Sections: 18.56.010 purpose. 18.56.0:0 Apliticabilirv.18.56.0j0 Exemptp.oj".ts. li.l!.910 Studies and data retluired.18.56.0j0 Reporr_Cuntenrr. ' "--' 18.56.060 Report_Addirionalmnrerial. 18.56.070 Tirnescheduie. 18.56.090 Fee. I 8.56.090 Revierv_Submissiorr.I8.56.I00 Revierv_Tirrre fiinii_Supfri.nrelrr:uy infornurion.18.56.100 Revierv_Acrio" fry .",,"il,rri""-"" 19.:9 l!s Appeel to rhe to,uir .",;;.I;;:'""'I8.56.110 pcruri r issuarrce. 18.56.010 purpose. Submission ind revicrv of un environrnc,nt:rl inrp..ct rc:rorr on rny private developnlent proposul ()r nuhlic pro.lrct $jllit'll ::i_^.lft., .to .anJ' 'sisrriiicanr';;,,'* .iil";rirrirr, or. trrr_.envlronment in the torvrr or in surrourrtlin-,: lr.,:rs rs rc<prircrl to achieve the tbllorving ob.iccrives:rr. l o ensure tllat comnir.tc infilrrnlrriorr o1 tlrc r.rrvrrplllc'ti!l ::tTL.iiJli,;111"1.,';"u p,,ri"., i';,,,1,,ir,,i,L',., rhc (r,\.n B. T;_;;;;;;.if j"i,,f ,r,i_i.,rnr nrssrorr. :ur(t rtrc r*rrcrul nrr hi ic: ffi 1;1ffi i,',:,:,,il itfi ;ii : rr I ,..: iiH,l J . ijili:jflitf htT;ll] H,::li ;t il:. :t,,il I :l;l ;,;l*l;1,,. ol. pcrrnirs ()r ()rhcr ..:11,ltj:l",'::^ti lt'ttigcls ;rri.r ttr {r:trtrrs tlc't-,lop*tctrt: iltltllorl/itti()tl\ lirr ctrrrttrcter.;;"';;'.;; D. l'rl enstrrc tlt:rt l)ltil(l- r',,,u.,i ,,,..,,*.';;, ;:il ili:ul:l.,ll',11,,:'iil'llil:,I:l_:,:,;i:lif:ii: rrrrhs. r.ckf:rll urces. \r.hcri, \uclr t,,;;;;i ;.;,;;;, Pr:rcric:rilv tL- -t5-l- I ll'rrl .t.tl.:.ll (t { ENVIRONT\IEi\iTAL rltp.{CT REPORTS be mirigated to the sarisfaclion of the planning commission and the torvn council:E. To-ensure that the qualitv oisurtace rvater and groundrvater wlrntn rlre torvn rvill be prorccted from adverse irnpecri _ ^ andior cie_lrroation due to constnrcrion acrivies. lo.'9..1]fle80) $ l0 [parr): ord.. rs(rei6-$'l.i', orcr.8(i973)I r6. i00.) i3.55.020 Appticabititv. Ar environmenral irnpacr reporr shal be submitted to trr.e zonin-e adminisrrator ior ony p.oi..r ioi iuiri.illu.h a repot is requrred by federai or srare laru,. o. ,o. "oV proir.r rvhich the zoning adminislrator dercrmines may signiiican i.tv change rhe envtronment, either during consrruction or on I continullg basis, in one or more of the-tollorving *ro..ir, -" .4" Alters ln ecological unii or lanri tbrm. such as a ridgeline.saddle, drarv, ravinc, hillsiclc. clill, slope. creck, ma.rsh,_ watercourse, or otlter natural hnd torm tcaturc:B. Directty or indirecrly affecrs a r.il,jiii;l;;;;;;r. t-eertirrg, or nesting ground; C. Alten or removes natil,e grrsses. tieils, shnrbs, or other veget!tivc cover;D. Affecrs the apperrance or charlcier of r signit.icant scenic area or resource, or involves builtiings cr o"ther strucrures thar are of a size, Lrulk. orucat. rirri-ruoulJ'u. in nrlriierl colltrast to netural or existing urbrn terrurssi E. Porenrially rcsulrs in av]rhnc-lrc. --l,"lriia.. siltrtion.srttlelncnt, l'lood. or otltcr llncl tbrm ".h:',n!.. or ltlzlrd to hctit h urttl sr le ry:F, Dischtr:rcs toxic or . thcrrn;r_llv tibntrr.nrel su[]sttuc!.s, or ilvolvus 1se .rf hcrbicit.lcs. or pu.srie irl.;. ,;;';,"1; _ smok!,. grs. ^ stc: n, rlrrst. or otltcr |llrrttctrlll(d tn:lttCt:rr. lnvotvcs ilnv procd\s wltich rcsrrlrs irt rrtlor rlt..tt nrlv ltc . _ objcction:rlrlc or tlurn;uirtg:ll. Rcquircs i.lltv wJstc tl .r rcrl u i rcs,,., n,n o,.,,l,ll','l.,i] i. ..:ll:li',:i; ll,lil'il::[:.,'i;,,i;trcJIlnslr t dr tlispr;slrl :ritr:.l. l)isch:t r'jcs sirrr it ic;r rr I J. l lrrs rhu t)orcprirt ,,.''tll:1:l:.t ot'srrlid or' lirlttirl wlslL's:' str:un tlrr. s:tFucrtv ul. r:.ristirig or B t .t i: t Vrrl tt|-x ll ZONING planned selvage disposal. storm drainage, or other utility Systems; * IXI^"]::: an:/, process rvhich generates noise thar may be oI Ienslve or cirmacins:L. Either displaces sleniii.rnt numbers oi people or results in a - - signiticant increasJ in DoDularion :ilI. Preempts a site rvirh porenrirl recreetionai or open space value: N. Alters locrl tratt'ic p3tterns or c3uses a sjgnit)cenr rncrerse in _ tratiic volume or rransir ..".;.;;";;o' Is a part or a rarger project rvhich, ai any f'rure sr".e. mav .^ TIoryg any of the impacrs listed in itrls s"oiori'- qru-e! rrr4-Y (Ord. 8(1973) S 16.:00.) 18.56.0.i0 Exempr projecrs. An environmental impect reporr shall not be rcqurreti for the follorvlng projects: A. Alteration, reprir and rneintcncncc oi er:isting srnlctures and site improvements: B. A phase of a project for rvhich an environmental irnpact report previously rvas submittc,l and rcvierved covering the entire.project, provideri rhat the pro1..t irri "pproved aad not subsequen rl1, rl tered:C. A. . p_rojcct -rvhich. on the basis of u pruiirninary entlronmentel assessment col.r,nnq r,rch of the, trctors prescribcd in Scction 1S.56.0:0. is founrl to lruve tn insignificant implct on rhc r..rn.ironmc,r,. .n,* l)rclintinxrv . cnvironnrcntal assessmcnt rn(l rlle tiurling ". .rrJir",r,.l,rilf impilct shrll be rnaLlc hy, rhs, z.oninr: ,,r't,rri,iiJir,,tor.(Ord. lJ(l 973) $ I 6..300.) 18.56.010 Strrdie.s ;rrrtl rllt:r rertrrirr.rl.A Thc environmcrr tul sysrcm xr iu -,,,,r i., .J;lllii.",t,, ",1,j"1,,.'";:11,,1"r,,11,::f ll;pro ll'ssion:rl consultunts. us tlctcrrliltctl l11, 11ru zonirr,.:ntlrninistrutor. Tlrc crtr.it.onnrurr t:rl irnpuut ..p,,rt un il l)ll[)li,j projcct lniry Ic prr_,plre.tl [)y tllL. rcsponsif'rf.'1l,,irfi. rqcncy or by pro ll.ssi<lnut consul lrn ls il r.n g;u:cs.,n,..'r,,,,** o t- st u(l ids ( {- (Vxil | 0-61 I .!56 ;\ compatibility with,4 l)opulation ch eruc tt, ris t ics. neighborhood pxrrcrns, rcsidcn ts or b us irrcsscs. un pitcts. ENVIRON\IEN*TAL IIIP.\CT REPORTS {\ T._1:9 to develop. the technical data for an environmental lnrprcr report includes the fblrorving natural systems and *€:: st.dies: *-zeq-tv ffi:"fi,:#',i;l.f.m* % nitural warer teatures and ^, ciraracreristics. rnd anlz porentiai .t;"g;;;, impacrs:Q-) Ar mosp ireric contii tionr:, " J ;; ;;Jil Jlrara.re risrics.potenrial emissrons. anci any por.nr,.l 3 inrer.,r,-;;+t J/" dA..a? *o::")ffry - f L l:\ r:rPttc:s:- *O z"J,".l';"i).Lr"*\g/ Sorogrc cgndiriont.-,such as landAim{ ilooJ ,n{{ __.*L-lraracrerisrics. oorential hazarcs, ;n,l a;y -;;;i ^r"r"i- ffi i:l:.'"";',ii,i::::,,,.; ",- ":;;::.,,":,,:::":..: r"r; =t=t]iSl:9. conditions, such as vcgeretive ch aruc rc ris rics, ' f , -r wildlire habitats. and any porenii.t .n"ns"r-oi-;;;;;;, \ 15..,.: Orher cnvironminral condiiions. ,r.,"t, .r,ioirJ lcvels and ocior charac teris rics. and any potcntitl .lrrng*a o,,1 ln pacts; L6l Visual conciirions. such as viervs and scenic values, and -. tny potentif,l chances, imprcts, or rnarked conrrtsts;@ ^LTu_ - :,.:., !" " d i l i:g,**Lr -CC.9ii,:' o r use s. Circul:rrion and transportatiorl vOluntss and traffic I'low puttcms, alternttive transit systems. tnd lnlDtcts: conditions. such .rs transrI scn'icc needs, potcn riul ch:rngcs Or iuc lt :'rs r(:si(l,,r,ttiul tlcrrsirics,potcntirl tlispllccnrcnt crf nnd potcntirl ch:rnsus or U,'flrr:, cnvir,*rnr'ntirl ilnp.ct rdFort srrurr rrunnrurrzc trt,..lirrdings unti rcconr mcnri:r tiorrs oi ttr" ri,_.t, nic,,i' ,,n,r otf,",sul)l)ortitl,' studics in t!,rms that cen lrr: ,,ss.is.,..r'1 ,t,r,l cvillurrcd hy to!vn rrlt'ici:rls un<l ttrc scri.l;01 rr.rtrtic.Tcchnicll tlata slrlil . hc ,r',1.,r,.,it t.iJ ',o '''*,,npnrri,,* tlucumcrrf;rtion. Tcclrrric:rl rllt:r prc1,;1r.iJ,,*'; p;;i ir;' J;r;olhr;r pnrcr:rlrrrc or rr:t;trirurn(nI ol. this cllrpt*:r. .,; ,;; ,,;ri,othcr ortlinurrcc <lr lltlcr:rl, rtiltc Or t,,ru,, ,r.gr.,l,riir'r;: ;i.; (( .r57 (\'rrl lO.Sf I {\- ZONING may be used to suDDort an environmental impacr report.(Ord. 8(1e73) g 16.40i.) L Llj1].::lo_- . Renort_fontents. \\ --T"r.+l*nvrronmental_im oacrreilorrihall contri n in formrtion -- and anaii'sis. in.rurt.i.nr a-i.''#['.o.o.ately supnorred by technical srudies. ro enable ril;; council to judge rhe environmenral impact or the pio:eci and to judge mersures /-:_ proposed to reduce. or negate ing harmriri impacis ! B. The environmental rmpi* ,.pt"-rii"il incirrde a generli statemenr. describing-ttie ;fi5s-e; pror.", ancr irs purpose.identirying the .orvner o,iOi6. ,ponrors. and. if a pr.rblic projecr- identitying- the funding iource anu rime schetlure.Descriptive materials, rnopr, .i'd pfrnr.i,rff be submirreci .1 shorvjng rhe follorving inrbnnarioni --'- l--t.'fy,11t boundariis .nJ-o"r'ina*ies of rhe area rvirlrin wnlch environmenral impact is likeiy to U. sig,riri.unl:!.:21. Present and proposctl usei ol the site. i,,];. lresen.t ana propos"J i"rir,*,iir,, ,ir.,r *, S_,llltjotive informrtion rclative to the project. such as srre area, numbers of residential units, piojose; ;;;;;;and bulk of buildings, building lloor aree in .qurrri.=.i,and such .other duta ,, ,uJl contribute ti, .-.1r.,;-- undersranding.ot'the scale of the piojcct:+52 A ljst of regulatow or rcvierv agencics lnd thc specitic .-\ regululions to \vhich the project ivili-f;c subjc,ct:6. Copics of subdivision mups. rlcvclopme rr r plxns. or othcr _---- pcrtinent (l()cr.lnlcnts ill.ustrlrting tlrr, pro1.195,,,11 l)r()icct:( 7. Irrorirrrit' to \r'irt!'r lr.tiics. t.c rrist:rrrtc rrorrr tlrc ..ertter-\- rinc or' rii'c crccks (!r strc:llus icr ,,,i*r' rr,',rrr.*r..tr strrrctpr,:rl tlcvcklprncrr I tr.ithirr flrr_. l)r()irlct:N,\.8. Soii tt;1;cs h:rscrl trPorr 'ttrc'-,.,i,rri,,rr:rt (irrrlr\j1s11ry., 1i,,11 Sttrvcy, USI),\. Soil Corrscn.u tiorr .\crricc :rrrtl irrlr.r-pre.trti<lrts rri sorl. l),llcs. !.(.,-:ct:ltt()tr \ll.rll lrc rlcsur.ihtrl \ -/ lrntl tlrrcc ln:t\scs \ll(r\r.1. r'\.1:.^--1':::l',"t.:':]::.r1. irnprcr rcporr,.irrrl i'r:rurr,.. :r.l \rnvlronrncnIJl lllye,nl()rv.,rroyitiirt,": c<lrnplctc irttorntution .on lllc crtvironrncnlll \clttnr c\rsf i -: l)rirlr t(r tc l)r()l)osr(l Irrojcct :tnd conleining sull.ictrllt iuiirr,u,,f,,,,, (r) |g111111 { 18.55.050 (V:ril llt.8l,r 5.\ ENVIRO}I}IENTAL I]\IPACT REPORTS independent evaluarion by reviervers of factors thar courd be affected by the proposed project. The environmenrJ .\ ,inventorv shrll include mroi. -phorographs. or other )\::aappropn3re iilusrrxtive materiei. -,[in-i,tei1 care_qonzeci accorciinq ro rvpe oipossible imprcr shali '- \---'' be irlcntitieci. The envrronmcntri invenroru shall ci.:scribe ^ borh the piivsical and bioiogicai nalural jcrting, eno tlt:N)€),,nltnnl::oe serring oi the sirc unrr its suirounurngs.'Ll:a!ittc !:nvironmenritl irnp.acr rcDorr sirari inciudg J Z*r\m 1r.'i:ensrve. c; uuii !erive anci q ulnrr trr i,,.e un:riy.srs o r. anv slgnrlrcJnt rrnD:rcI li.lt titc proooscrt urolecr rvril have on ti,.:cnr/lronmcnt. nie lnail.sis slrail tjcscnbe tcmoorlr.l. cu!cis thar rviil prevaii dr,rnng consrnlc tron. enu long-t,.:rrn eitecrs tlrrt rvill preva litcr compic riou. Trit enail'sis snali descrrue borh beneilcial ei'fects anci dctrimenr3i dticcrs. Thc:rnuil,sis shall consicicr prirnarv eifccts arra seconciiry,'eirccts rviricit rviil resuir tiom thc projr.cr. The :nai1,sis !.orrion oi rl:e environmcntal impacr rcpor! shaJl lirlli' asiess tire io orvin,r. item s: l. Adverse effccts rvhich cannot be avoided ir'the proposal is imple mentcd:2. irlitigrrtion measures proposcd to ntininlizc th., irnpacr,inclutling rvatcr qulliry, erosion control ,,na r..,ri!.i.-tion ntccsurcs.3. l,ossiblc alternutivcs Io the proposetj acrron:4. l{elarionships lrclrveen short-tcrm urrd long-lcrnr uscs oi thc en viro n ntu n t:5' Irrc'ersibre crt'irorrncntar c'r'g.'s rcsurtirrg ri.ort ir'-plcnrc'nIa tio rr ot' thc proposul;6. Cirorvrh-inducing irnpucrs ot' tltc proiccr.(()rd.37(19S0) g l0(l)xrr):Ord. S( 1973) S 16.40:.) I8.56.060 Rellort-r\tlrlir iorurI rrr:r rc ril l. . Thc zrjnin! atrmirristruror m11' tirrtrrcr nrcscriL)e thu tbrrn llnd corltdnt ot':rn cr*,irontrtc.tll ir'p:rct r.1rirrt...,tt,,,g tbrth in grca(cr dctlri[ thc l'lctors Io trc corrsitlcr.,ti :rnrl llrc ,u*n,r., ii,rvlrich thc rcport sh'I rrc f rc':rrctr. u'tr r'uv rc(ltrrrL. strlrrnissi.'ol' intilrmlrtiotr in :rrlrlititrn kr tlrrt rctlrrirc,,t by Scction 1lt.56.0-50. (ortt. s( leTt) \ 16.J03.) l5q l\'.rrl lO.stl o 7 f'L- ZONING 18.55.070 Timeschedute. The environmental imprct reporr reouired under this chaprer shall be prepared rvithin rhirtl. ciavi of the date th3r plans rre submirred tbr dssign ,.u,er" is orescribed in Secrions 18.56.0-+0 throtrgh 18.56.060. subiecr ro 3.\rension of rire time period to a mrximrrm of ninerl- riavs by rhe planning commission. The t.ime perioci ma1. be e.vr:ncieJ io a mr.xlmum of one huncired eighry dr1.s ii sersonri contritions pr.".ni "comprehensrve anair.sis. tOrci. i6119lSr i ltr): Orcj. Sil97jt l 16.-10+. ) 18.56.0S0 Fee. In the event thrt the town enssqrs proressional consullanrs to preptre an environmental impact repon. !.11. cost shaii ba paid by the sponsor of tlie projecr. Tire sponsor nray b; reouired to deposit c t'ixeci sum in lr.jvan;e to cor.r the cosr oi the report. rvith the unexpendeC balans: rerurnabie ro tite sponsor. (Ord.3(1973) g 16.40j.) 18.56.090 Revierv-Submission. The environmentrl impacr reporr shcll be submittgd to the zoning rdrninistrator. The zoning rdminisrraror shall prr-scribi the numbcr oi copies to be srrbmirr..d. Tlie zoning ldmiiistrator shall notify the torvn council, the phnning L-omn;ission, antl rhe design revierv board of reccipt oi an cnvironmcntll irnplcr re'pon, lnd shrll trensmir copics of th,: rlport upon rc(ll.lcst.Envjronmcntrl .impact reporrs silrll br,, uvurl:ilric lbr public rcvicrv in thc oifices of thc tolvn. iOrtl. S(197j) S 16. j0l.l I 3.56. I 00 Revic'rv-Tir,c rirrir-Strllllre'.1('rrrirr* irri,rrrrrrti''.t\. Thc lllunnin,l conrrlissitlr,r sh:rll rlvrcu, rlrr, rcprtrt rvitltin tltirty dl1's ol'sullnrission su[ticct to ilp c\t(ll\totr rrt.tltr..timc' period rirty utlrlitionul rlar.s in ortlcr to olltlrirr Itlditionrl infonn:rtion lrtrrrr tlrr-. t()w1 slJll. l.r.rrr t1c sponsor ot' tltc pro jcct. or thc lutlx)r r)l illlv por!ion ()i tllL. rc po rt. lJ- 'nr.' cotnrtrissiorr rlJy 'ccci\.(. rrrltlititlrrlrl \t:l(dr'e r(s ()r i. (1':ril lu'Sl I -lIr0 r f , supporriilg nloterials fronr the sponsor of a project, from the Iown sraff. fronr protessionsl consuilants. or tiom others..Such atlditiotral rnuteri:rls nray be consiclered as suoole-n1e:!tlr\, <tr:r'rendurorl, to the erivironnrentel irnptct reoort.iurd. iiir l97S) j l(b) (prrtr: Ord. E(l97j) .s l6.j0t.) tli.i6. i l0 iisvierv-.\ction irv cournrission. . .\. iirllo,,r in!.1 rc,.'ierv ot' tlic en'iro'rtre'ral implc! report. Ihe pil.rnrln,: eournrissi<.ltt sitltl uppro,,,e. rrisappror.e. or req ucst ;il:i;tl:es ru IilL' l)rojec! irr rvririn!.1. The phlining cornnrissiorr -..lllil lDurovc thc Drotcct unless it fincis tirar either tlre piotect tvill ltave sirnitjcent long-rcrrn udvcrse etTccts on tlte cnvironnrcnt rvi!lt respcct !o the llaiurai systcrns or othrr facrors sruciicd :rs prescribed in Secrion l g.-<o.0J0. . 'Jr illc orolcct rvill lrrvc shorr-rcrm ldvcrse eii!cts on tlle cnvironlren! so tietrjmr,trrll thur pubiic heeliir. sel!t1, or weirlrrc considcrtrions pfeclude lppror.ul ot' the projcct.In tli, cese ot' eitlter tirrrling, if cliangcs in t.he projeci urc teasible rvitich arneliora!r, or avoid the adverse effects on ihe cnvirournent sufiicir,lttly to permit approval of the p.roie cr.. thc planning cornmission. in rvriring,'shall describe those chlngcs and requcst those chrnges be rnacle. If re phrrrri'g conrmissiorr dL't!-rmincs tr*t iire crrluges arc not t'ersrDls. ir shl.ll disappro\.e rhe projcct in rvritiug. tlescribin,.r u:e :rdversf el t!-cts on tllr, r:nr.ironn:ellt. thc siSnit.icr,raa oi.tirc r.itccts cither to tlle naturtl svstems or ()ther f:lctors sruJisd us pr.cscribc,rl in .scction lij.-(o.0_10 or ro thr.. public Iteulrh, sutitv or .,veltirrr, Jnd tllc pl:lt11it1r: co1nn1l15io11.5 f!,JsLrlls lbr. u(}ncltrtlin:t tlr:rt no sltitrtLl,Js itt tltc llro.lcr:t lrt lc;rsiirl,; to :lnlcliorxtc or :lvoid thosc eit.,cts.il. Il thc pllrrrri':: co,tn'sriolt rr,(l.csts :rrr!, cir:r'scs itr tltc protcdl. witielr rvtrtrld lltcr tltc ,lcsi:lri ot. tllc pr1li!.ug l)rd\'t()u)l) :rl)l)ro\.(.(l bt, tllu tlisj::rr rivicr,v l)(r;lr(t, ;tnd tllc :;p() sor ot' l ltc proicr:t rrt:rkr:s tltosr. e ltltrtr.:rs. tlf C rtr.is.,(l rlcrrgrt :irlll bc rcstrirrtri irl to tlrc tle,si,-:rt rcvicrv l)():lrrl li)r its ;rp;trgv:rl rrttlcss tllc l)l:lnnin,: corrrnli:siorr rv:rrt.l:s tltts I!'(ttritcnlc |. rl)rrt. l(,t lrTS) I l(b) 111;111 t:()r,1.:it l,)1.:) \ l(r..;r).t.) [\\'I i].O\}I E\T.I.L ITIP,-\CT REPORTS .l.r I (\'.rtl I lt.tr | | f \- ( 18.56.1 1 5 Appeal to the to\w council.A. An appeal to the to\vn council mly be rlatje by the appl!cant. adjacent property orun".. oi b1, the io*.n rnf,nager.I ue rown council crn rlso c:rll up r:.ttrtirs b,,. a rnrioiirv _ lote of those councii memoers prcscut.B. For all aopeals. the appeal nrrisc be riletj in ri.ritiug rvirhin ten days iollorvins rhe decision or musr t_.'e criled Lro bi,tire town council at their rrcxt rcgullril,- scireduietj nrde rin!:.C. The council shail hear rlre ippeui rt,irtrin,iurr1:i.ri'u,.i,, being iiled or called rrp. rvith u possrble, t.ir,,.,l-0"r, !,rtensio'if the councii tinds t.ltar thcre rs insurricicut r;rioriu,rrion.(Ord. 37(1980) i I I (partr.) 18.56.1 20 Pennir issuance.A. Upon approvol of thc pro.rcct. lpplicl.ulc r..,rrnirs nre1. 1,",issued and the project ul:lv IrocJc(i. s..ibir.,-.t ro sujtl :rddi-tional reqLriremcnts. pcnnits. trr:rrrri,.oiizLtions ss lllt)_ b!,required b1, this ritlc and by orltcr uppliciLril orctinrncis or regulrtions oi tlre torvn. No I'crmiis sirall be issueti and no authorizations shall be gruntcd *.iricit rr.oultl ;rllorv a projcct to proceetl in thc evc-nI that tllL. plJntlillg c,)rnmis-sion does uot grlnt rp1;roval ot. the ,.,nviionlltcnttl itnpaut repon aiter rcvierv. No pe nnits shall br, issu,_,t1 lncl rro lrrrtho-rizations shall be grantL.d tbr :rrrv proicct rvhich 1'to.,, nJr contbmt substantilllv to thr, dr,sclription oi thc !lrojcct conraincd irr Ihe cnvirorrrrrunt;rl irrrprci ruport.B. TIris srjctiolr shall not ll)l)l\. t() ,, 1,r,,i..,-'lilr rviric6 urr . cnvi ronrttc ir t el inrr.,uut rr,l)ort is not ltrIrirrri.:.ls I]i,_.icribcil in Sccf iorr 1S.56.0-10. (Ord. l6(197S) S l(tr)(plrr)t()rd. St l()7.1,y; lt.,.)tj+.) ZONINC .t fl lV:rtl l0.tl l )-l(r l l'fr'"'n' A-r" 75 south frontage road vail, colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly development March 16, L988 Mr. Andy Norris Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road Vail, colorado 9165? Re: Subnittal reguirements for amendnents to SDD No. 4 Dear Andys Peter and I have reviewed closely the inforrnation that should be_included in your environmental iropact report for SDD4.Originallyr w€ had stated that you would not need to address hydrologic conditions. After reviewing the information on the brewery, and seeing the location of the Waterford Building and the number of water features in the project, our opinion is that you should address hydrologic conditions. The EIR states in section 18.56.040 A.l. that, irhydrologic conditions such as surface drainage and watershed-characteristics, ground rdater and soil perneability characteristics, natural water features and chard.cteristics,and.any potential changes or impactsrt due to the project should be included in an EIR. It does- seem appropriate tnal you address this in your report for the proposed amendments.If you have any guestions, please feel free to call me. KP:br Arco 4 t TO: FROM: DATE: SURfECT: l.{ E I.{ O Planning and Environmental Comurission Conrnunity Development March 14, 1988 Continuation of work session on the Cascade Village Special Development District,s Anendnents. r.PURPOSE OF THE I{ORKSESS]ON On Februaty 22f 1989, the planning and Environmental Commission discussed the proposed amendments to Special Development District 4. Due to the cornplexity of the project, the cornmission, staff, and applicant were able to address only a few of the issues raised in the staff memo.For this reason, a second work session has been arranged to continue the discussion of this project. Andy Norris has subnitted a more detailed landscape plan an explanation of rrfractionalrt ownership (please see attached memo fron Andy Norris). Additional infornation may be submitted in tiure for the work session, however, at this time the staff has no new information. The developer is planning to have a model and elevations for the Planning Commission meeting. The staff feels that it is irnportant to reiterate that work sessions are opportunities to informallv dl_scuss a project. _ We feel comfortable allowing some flexibility as to when infomation is subnitted as we are not providing a formal review of the issues. For this reason, l_t is irnportant to remenber that new issues may arise when the final suburittal is made. AIso, planning Commissioners may feel it is necessary to adjust their opinions on certain - issues if new inforrnation is presented during a formal review. II. SI'MMARY OF FEBRU.ARY. 22ND WORK SESSION PEC COMMENTS reason, A. Alternative uses for special development district: In general the Planning Conmission felt comfortable with the three alternative use scenarios. However,several cornmissioners felt that nore study was needed on the third alternative of adding additional retail to the project. B.Density: Several members nentioned that they were concerned about kitchens being allowed in the transient residential units. Diana suggested that perhaps the size of the kitchen should be restricted. This approach insures that the unit would not become a Iong term unit. Sid Schultz suggested that perhaps there should also be a limit on the square footage for a a TR. Generally, the Planning Commission felt that it may be reasonable to count TRrs as accommodation units as long as certain restrictions are applied to these units. They also felt that the approved caps for density in respect to the nunber of units and GRFA should be respected. Promotional Scfuare Footaqe: In general , rnembers felt that the ski related uses were necessary to the project due to the fact that the Westin lift has been constructed. There was not agreement as to whether or not the sguare footage for the brewery should be considered in the total conmercial sguare footage for the project. Several members had no problen with the brewery being considered as special commercial as long as it did not add to the bulk of the building. The commissioners felt they could review the bulk and mass of the Cornerstone Building when a model and elevations lrere presented in the future. Other Comments: Most Planning commission mernbers felt that the Waterford Building Heights should be decreased to the originally approved height of 48 feet instead of the proposed 71 feet. Diana was also concerned that parking and particularly landscaping be addressed fully during the amendment process. It should be noted that the staff may not necessarily agree with the commissioners on how these issues shoufd be addressed. The staff will consider the pEC comments but reserves the right to develop our own position on the project. c. D. ITI. DISCUSSION ISSUES ON MARCH 14TH Staff has attached the previous memo dated February ?2,l-988. We wouLd like to continue discussing the issues outlined in the memo. If a model is avaitiUte for our discussion on the 14th we can address mass and bulk, and then conti-nue on with the remai_ning issues which include parking, fractional ovnership, employee housing, frontage road improvements, and fireplaces. Also, we will schedule a site visit before our discussion. An issue not listed in the t'ebruary 22nd memo relates to ownership approval for the SDD application. It is the staff opinion that all property owners within SDD4 nust sign off on the application to amend SDD4. This nrould include all condominium owners as well as individual property owners in GIen Lyon. o MEMORAI{T'UM T0: Kristdl Pritz FROM: Andy l.lorris SUBJECT: Fractional Ovnershlp - SDD4 DATE: Purpose To secure approval- for the ttfractionaltt form of ownership on the renaining undeveLoped parceLs in SDlt4: Cornerstone, llaterford, West,haven, Millrace III and Mill-race IV. Iref init,lon Fractional Ounership shall be defined as an inLerest ln a unit subject. t.o a condominiun reglne of no less t,han five (5) neeks or \OZ of the unttrs total or,rnership. Ownershlp nay be held by parttrerships, corporations, trusts or tenaat,s in connon. Intervals of osnershtp that are less than five (5) weeks sha11 be subJect to reviev and approval by the Town of Vail pursuanu to its tinesharinS regulatlons. Parki.n g Parking regulations sha11 be applied in accordance with the pernitted use for the project. Residential dselling units sha11 be subject to parking i.n accordance wi.th the size of the unit.Transient Residential, which restricts owner usage and long tern leasing (30 days or less) sha11 be subJect to parktng requirenents in accordance with the formula for accommodation units. General Conne nts Fractlonal Ownership is an expanding ownership forn for resort propertLes. It perrnits the owner with flexlbility in usage in contrast to thg tineshare concept of owning a fixed period. An approach that naybe appropriate to Vail ls one ueek ownershlp during the ski season (vhich Ls 20 weeks in length) which advances one wee[each yearr. one ski week by reservation (the priority is established by lottery) and t.hree neeks during the renainder of the year by reservation. The typical total sales vplu.e pf a tenth share fractional wil1 be about L75Z of the whole unit pri'ce. For exanple, a 2 bedroon, z bath at 1250 sf nlght seLL for 9300,000. The sales value as a tenth share would be about $525r000 which produees for each o$ner a purchase price of $52,500. The nuch higher. average purchase price than tiroeshare nakes the product aCtractive to real estate sales persoos enabling a nuch lower conmission structure than timeshare.Perhaps nost i6portantly, the opner has a substantiaL investnent in the real estate so the probabllity of default is great,ly dininished. O Fractional projects are generalry operated in a nanner siniLar t-hoters. service leve1s are high. Reservations systeEs are requtred to acconEodate the floating week program. owners who do not use thelr units nay exchange for other tine periods or nake t,hen available for rent. The Banager of a fractional_ project is encouraged to aggressively narket. the available tine. projects therefore typically operate at relatively high occupancies. The only fractional project the vail area is the park plaza ac Beaver Creek. la/o PI.ANNING AND ENVTR'NMENTAL "o*Vrro*February 22, L9BB -. -12:00 PIrf 2i30 3: o0 PM PIt{ Work Session: 1. Eagle County Recreation and parks ptan ' 2. Anendments to Cascade Village Site Vislt Erublic Hearing I. Approval of rninutes of L/25 and 2/8/Bg. 2. Appqal of a staff decision regarding a horne occg;ration license for Bowling Allei pizza at 2754 South Frontage Road.Appellants: Darlene and Steve Schwelnsberg 3.,' !"grest for a Special Developrnent District for Lot N, Block 5D, VaiI Vitlaqe First Filj_ng, (the Amoco site).Applicant: palmer Development Conpany 4. Discussion of Golden peak House conditions. o ' flrte+, l,{t , GroLq f\fra {tto''', 'fuiJr*,\, r$Joli'{s4 L ' t\*b - ftdilrt'k coog.6{ ofb'-hnrr ^5.r TO: planning and EnvironrnentaL cournission -- FROM: Connunity Development Departnent DATE: February 22, l-98g SURTECT: work Session on Cascade Village Special Development District Amendrnents I. THE REQUEST Andy Norris is requesting a series of amendments for the Cascade Village Special Development District #e. The anendnents are reguested due to the followingr factors: il th*_original plan and therefore changes must be made to the existing SDD. 2. The prograrn for the Westin ltotel is now compJ_ete. 3. The changing narkets for real estate and resort services have affected the plan for the project. The proposal .recorumends adjustments to the five undeveroped parcels within the project. These areas include: 1. Cornerstone Building (previously called plaza or Bldg. C) 2. Waterford Village (previously called MansfieLd Village) 3. Westhaven Condorniniuns 4. Millrace III 5. Millrace IV Please see the attached site pLan for parcel locations. The devel-oper is reguesting approvar for several alternative uses within each of the project areas, The al,ternatives are indicated as Alternative-1, Arternative 2, and ALternative 3. THE FOLI-,oWING IS THE APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: CORNERSTONE EUILDING Alternative I. Miiri-et'erdery: 1-S,Z5O sq ft (please see attached infornation on rnicro-Ereweries Alternat,ive 2. Special Attraction: LO,S7O sq ft Al-ternative 3. Retail-: 9,77O sq ft -o z_ TilATERFORD VILL,AGE I - Alternative 1: 30 du, 47,SOO sq ft ALternative 2: 75 transient residentiar units, 47rsoo sq ft Alternative 3: 75 transient residentl-ar units, 47,soo sq ft (See definition of transient residential on page 3) WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS Alternative I through 3. 24 d!, 24,OOO sq ft MTLLRACE TIT Alternatives 1 through 3: 3 du, 6'000 sq ft MILI,RACE IV Alternatives L and 2: 8 du for a corporate retreat, 14,OOO sf Alternative 3: 32 au, 14rO0O sf {n \lt ADDTTION TO TIIE EAST END OF THE CASCADE CLUB Alternatives 1 through 3: An indoor lap pool , mini gyrn or wellness fitness facility vould be added to the existing Cascade Club. ROoM 2J C-2oL CMC Buildinq This_space may be converted to office, retail, or theatre upon conpLetion of Plaza Conference Center. Parkinq 1. Dwelling units which are restricted to owner occupancy and/or short terltr rentals of no more than 3O days per year shall be subject to calculation of parking requirenents in accordance with the method used for accommodatiqn units.(.4 space per unit plus .1 space per lOO sf of GRFA). 2. The Waterfoid parking structure shall be entitled to a 1Og credit for nixed use. 3. Westin Conference Center shall require SS parking spaces. 4. No on-site parking for common carriers providing charter service will be required. *o a Conditional Uses: L. The proposed micro brewery and brew pub shall be a conditional use in Developrnent Area A. rn the absence of the breweryr Er nspecial attract,ionrr as defined. and approved by the Town of vail sharl be a conditional use in Development Area A. 2. Room 2J (C-201) nay be converted to office, retail or theater upon conpletion of westin conference center. 139s sq ft. 3. Addition to east end of Cascade Club may be added to include indoor lap pool, rnini-glmnasium-or wellness/fitness facitity. Accessorv Uses: The following accessory uses shaLr be pennitted in Developnent Area A: - Restaurant/rounge included and made a part of a transient residentj-al project (Cornerstone) - Meeting facilities and spa facilities included within a transient resl-dential project (cornerstone) . - Retail shop facilities included within a transient residential project. - Stcier support facilities including ticket offices, private and commercial locker rooms, publ_ic restrooms, and other facilities custonarily necessiry and perrnitted for the operation of a base ski facility. Definitions: 1. tr+gro:ETeweg. .A a micro-brewery processes water, malt,hops and yeast into beer or a1e by-nashing, cooking and fernenting. It is lirnited to a miximum cipacity oi to,ooo barrels per year. In addition to a brew houser-a brewiry requires loadinq dock facilities, administrative office - space, refrigerated storage, silo storage, and a bottling line. {o 2.Brew Pub. A produced by retail shop"nemorabilia. restaurant which is selling the beer products an attached brewery. Atso included is a for.lhq sale of brewery products and rel_ated Tf?nFignt residentiil. A rnul_ti-unit resj.dential project,which. is nanEgea ana operated as short term owner-=tri[(fractional) andrzor rental (hotel). Features would t^ypi91flV include front desk, lobby, housekeeping facilities nd J.aundry. Units have-kitchens. *o 3. a Coverage: Forty-five (45*)buildings. Landscaping: retained as natural landscape tract) or landscaped. Developer is relieved of any further obligations regarding enployee housing. 4. special attraction. An educational or research center or museum office Use: Professional or business offices may be located on the street level of the Westin Conference centir building. Heiqht: Maximum height_of 7t feet shall be perrnitted for the Cornerstone BuiLding, Westhaven Building and Waterford Building- A11 other buiJ-dings shalr be limited to 48 feet. Ownership: Fractional ownership (as defined by Town of VaiI) shall be permitted for the following residei:tial projects: cornerstone,Waterford, Westhaven and Millrace IV. of the total area for Area A nay be covered by At least t of Area A sha1l be (incluAin!-Ehe Gore Creek stream Ernplovee Housinq: II. WORK SESSION TSSUES A. Altefnative developrnent scengieE_l{ilhin__o4e Special The developer is proposing several use alternatives within each remaining element or build,ing of the Cascade.Villaqe project. Various uses are proposed.for sinilar spaces. As an example, in the-Cornerstone Building square footage will be devoted to the nicro-brehrery, a special attraction, or retail space. Staff 's'prirniry coircern in reviewini ttre-various uses per proposed building is that we do not !lf$ it is appropriate to review three entirely iiffelent development plans. The Special-5&EGpnent District clearly requires a sinqle development pian B. (seetion L8.40.O40 and section 18.46.030). It is reasonable that several uses be requested. for a building_as long as the uses have Jimitar irnpacts,use.sinilar space, and do not change the oveiall design of the building if one use is used j.nstead of anotlrer. This is typical of any zone district. ft is also inportant tlit one set ot maximum developrnent square footages be agreed to so that the ultirnate build out and ultimate impac.ts of the project can be reviewed. Work Session euestions: Does the PEC feel it is appropriate to revierr three use scenarios within one SDD? Density: The present SDD allows for a maximum GRFA of 2g1tL2L square feet and 288 dwelling units. The proposed changes keep the GRFA under the allowabte. - Alternative #l is actually below the allowable number of dwelling units by 22 du,s. Alternative #2 exceeds the total- nunber of allowable du,s by 23 aweflfif*units. Alternative #3 exceeds the alrowable nun6er of dwelling units by ff aurs. please see attached rrsummary of Amendnents, rr rrMass and BuIk Analysisr and ItDeveloper, s Statistics. rl The_developer is requesting a nelr category of residential unit called transient residenlial (fR).A TR is defined as a rnulti-unit residentiaf prdjett which is managed and operated as short term ienial use (fractional ownership and/or rental hotel).Featu_res would typically include front desk, Iobby,housekeeping facilities and laundry. The unit woirta also have a kitchen, etc. For this reason, the TRrs are consiOerdT6-Ee dwelling units. The developer is also proposing that no owner or tenant wiLl occupy the TR in excess of 30 consecutive days. At this time, the staff feels that there should be a restriction on a TR unit to ensure that it is used as a lodge room. IIow the fractional ownership and the 30 day use restriction interrelate reguires further definilion before staff wj_ll have a clear positler1 on this request. In general, staff,s preJ_iminary opinion is that the GRFA and total number of units should not exceed the agreed upon developnent cap for the proJect established in 1994. There have been n6 argrunents presented which would convince us that addiiional units are justj-fied. -o a Work Session euestions: I{hat restrictions on a unit with a kitchen (a TR)would be necessary so that it could be considered as an acconnodation unit for parking reguirements? Can those restrictions be easily enforced? Are there reasons that would justify allowing the pfoject to exceed the totaL number of dwettiig units allowed by the existing SDD? c.!{ass SDD ln rrson the Ex The Waterford Village height should be 4g' instead of the proposed 7l' due to its proximity to the Frontage Road and. iristr visibility. This is the existing,height linit for this building. The mass of the Cornerstone Building is extending further to the east than originally planned. Until elevatj-ons and a model are presented for the amendments, staff believes that the approved heights and cap on the total gross square footage for the project must be maintained to ensure that the projectrs nass and bulk do not become excesive. Our figures show that, nainly due to the brewery, the proposal includes approximately 20.000 additional square feet over the allowable. Moreover, this square footage has incresed (actually produced)building mass and bulk in the area south and east of the traffic circLe/stainray area. Work Session Questions: Is it reasonable too allow any floor area increase above the existing square footage cap for the project? Should the Waterford Village lrave a height of ?1r? ?roposed Uses and Compatibilitv with the Existincr Proi ect: The rnicro-hrehrery, special attraction, office on the first floor of the Plaza Conferenee Building, and transient rgsidential units, amount of skj-er support square footage and expansion of the Cascade C1ub, are all uses that should be allowed only if they are conpatible with the existing development. D. --o t nurtfretformation needs to be nroru"U by the developer to clearly show that a-micro-breiery is cornpatible with residential developnent in th-e sane structure. Please note that above the micro-brewery are proposed 50 transient residential units. The micro-brewery may be very compatible nith residential units. However, at this time, the staff guestions how the micro-brewery would relate to the residential units. The proposed office on the first floor of the plaza Conference building should not be allowed in the staff,s opinion. Cascade Village is modeled off of the nixed use type of developnent that is seen in Commercial Core f and If. fn these areas and in this spD, commercial office space is not allowed-GTf,E-first floor. Staff believes that it would be rnuch urore positive for the project to have offices on the second floor as opposed to the first floor. The skier support square footage and pool square footage for the cascade CLub aie uses that dre very conpatible with the existing development. However,staff questions the large annount of square footage devoted to ski accessory uses (9,395 sf) at this Iocation. comrnercial ski lockers do add people and cars to the site. Staff,s primary question is, is the treatment of the brewery square footage in the overall project context? It is agreed that a micro-brewery is not a straight commercial use such as retail or office.However, the staff does not feel that it is appropriate to exclude this sguare footage from the total square footage figures for the project, This tlpe of rrspecial commercialrr should be counted toward the total project square footage. Our recomrnendation would be ttrat the square footages for these uses be taken out of other square footages for the project. Whether it is residential or cornmercial would be up to ttre developer. We also feel that it is very inportant for the developer to d.ocunent that these additional uses are not increasing the mass and bulk of the project. Work Session euestions: Does the Planning Connission feel that the rspecial comrnercialrr uses such as the rnicro-brewery, special.attraction, skier support, etc. should corne out of the tota'l. pfqj.ect square footage? Does the Planning Cornmission feel that the rnicro-brewery is compatibte with the existing and proposed developrnent? (o *_o a E. Is office appropriate on the street level of the Plaza Conferenqe Center? Is it necessary to have 91395 square feet of skier accessory uses? (The existing SDD all_ows for 41000 sf of skier accessory.) Parkinq: The developer is requesting a 108 reduction in the parking reguirernent, as he is constructing a 144 space parking structure under the Waterford building. The proposed project generates a structured parking demand of 199 to 231_ spaces depending on the development alternative. Under the present regulatlons, this would allow for a 2.5* reduction or a 5.0 * reduction in parking spaces due to the nultiple use of the structure. Staff does not feel that there should be exceptions made to the required.parkinq. The amendment also cal1s for treating transient residential dwelling units as lodge rooms as far as parking is concerned. Once again, until the staff understands exactly how the short-term use restrictions relate to the fractional ownership, it will be difficuLt to determine if the acconmodation unit reguirement, for parking is appropriate for TRrs. The Cornerstone Auilding has an accessory restaurant for the hotel . The developer is proposing that accessory restaurant not have a parking requirernent,as guests from the hotel witl be using this restaurant. Staff feels accessory restaurant should have some tlpe of parking requirernent. Restaurants located in hotels have been required to provide parking in the Sonnenalp, Doubletree, Vail Village Inn and Christiania proposals. However, in the original developrnent of the Westin, the restaurants were not required to provide parking. The devel-oper is proposing that no on-site parking for commercial carriers be provided. Staff,sopinion is that it is appropriate for the developer to provide one bus parking space somel'rhere in SDD4.This is particularly necessary if the micro-brewery proposal is pursued. The intent is to have tours of the brewery which will most likely encourage buses to stop at the micro-brewery on their way through Vail . (r lo o F.Fractional Ownership: Fractional ownership is being proposed as a possible ownership for the Cornerstone, Waterford, Iqil.lrace fV and Westhaven Buil_dings. The zoning code defines fractional fee as: Section 18.04.13S Fractional Fee. trFractional feer meang a tenancy in common interest in improved real propeity, including condominiums, created or nefO-by person,partnerships, corporations, or joint ventures or sirnilar entities, wherein the tenants in conmon have forrnerly arranged by oraL or written agreernent or understanding, ej.ther recorded or unrecorded allowing for the use and occupancy of the property by one or rnore co-tenants tL tnb exclusion of one or more co-tenants during any period, whether annually reoccurring or n6t which is binding upon any ass!_gnee 6r future ohrner of a fractional fee i.nterest or if such agreernent continues to be in any vay binding or effective.upon any co-tenant fol the saLe oi any interest in the property. lhe staff needs more detailed information on this aspect of the proposal to rnake any judgements. It is unclear how many owners would be allowed and what use pattern is proposed. Fnplovee Housinq the developer is reguesting to be released frorn any lgsponsibility for employee housing. presently, the SDD states that rron a yearly basis, a contractual agreement between the ernployer and developer showing evidence of enployee houling tfrat is sati-sfactory to the Town of Vail shall be made available to the - Department of conrnunity Development,t (Section 18.49.22O'). Sone tlpe of arrangement for ernployee lrousing should.be.agreed to by either the deiel6per or enployers within the project. perhaps it is urore appropriate to trave the actuaL enployerl be responsible for providing this ernllolee housing as opposed to the developer. However, to totally remove the reguirernent to provide any employee housing is not acceptable. The best solution ii on-site - apartments sirnilar to the Vail Racguet Club. The staff-would, however, accept some other arrangement assuring a certain amount of employee houging for a portion of the large nunber of &nptoyees thii developnent will generate. (o G. -o H.Frontaqe Road Improvements: At this time, there is no flnaL decision on when the Frontage Road improvements will be constructed.Staff believes that it is important to take into consideration the nagnitude of the proposed amendnents and how they might affect traffic on the Frontage Road and traffic through this project. t'ireplaces. The developer is proposing to build gas firepLaces that actually are designed to accommodate wood burning. Staff has no problen with this request as long as the design of the fireplace areas meet the standards in the wood burning ordinance for the Town of Vail. I. ro 10 --l -l E Figure 5 Future O"*rU EXISTING DEV. BRE}JERY ALT 1 ALTl+ EXIST. DEV ALT2+ EXIST DEV RETAI L ALT 3 ALT3+ EXIST DEV SPEC. ATTRACT. ALT 2 SDD 115,750 289,885 289,885 115 ,750 289,885 GRFA ?gL,Lzt 174,135 115 ,750 286 32 318 f 308 286 0 286 0 160 ( i nc'ludes 125 TRL 168 152 (includes 125lll- 160 !t DU 134 8 115 123 (includes qO TR] 311 168 319 TOTAL DU 288 lbr 115 266 160 Access Skj 9,395 SPEC IAL C$MMERCIAL :Brewery 15 '250 Acces Rest. 5,875 Acces Ski 9'395 Room 2J 1,387 Spec. Attr. 10,570 Access Ski 9,395 19 , 965 g,395 TOTAL SPECIAL COMMERCIAL 31,907 18,840 20,650 lrrr*r,0,- (oFFrcE RETAIL) - L7,280 49,948 30,055 41.,198 TOTAL COMMERCIAL AND SPECIAL COMMERCIAL 37,000 ll,143 49,187 60,330 38,805 o r-J o t o I ) (r I'IASS AND BULK ANALYSIS Previouslv Plaza Cornerst Height AU DU Total Units Existing SDD Remaining Development Potential 7L' 20 au. L5 du 25 du Proposed SDD Develop. Potential I 7T o 50 du 50du* 6RFA Cornrnercial ,Special Comm. & Conference 30,628 sf 18 t704 24t25O sf ** 43 .8OO 't** 58, O50 ****(a 49,332 sf Proposed SDD is: * over 25 du,s allowed under existing SDD ! rtrr under 51676 sf GRFA aLlowed under existing SDD *** eygr 25,096 sf commercial allowed under exist. SDD **** over L8,1LB total sf allowed under existing SDD LO Waterford Villaoe (Previouslv Mansfield Villaqe) Existing SDD proposed SDD Remaininq Devel . poten. oev. potential tleight 48, Ur, * D.U. 45t Alt I AIt 2e3 30 '15 ,.t GRFA 49,227 47 ,soo Retail 0 4, ooo Proposed SDD is: * over 23, height aLlowed under existing SDD 'r* over L5-30 D.U. allowed under existing SDD *** under 1,727 GRFA under existing SDD (O westhaven condos Existing SDD Renaining proposed SDD Development Potential Devel . potential Height As approved As approved DU 25 24* GRFA 22 r 500 sf 24 , OOO sf rtrr Proposed SDD is: * Under 1 DU aLlowed under existing SDD. :t:t Over l-5OO sf GRFA allowed under existing SDD to MilLrace Iff Height DU GRFA * Proposed existing Existinq SDD Develop. PotentiaL 49r 3 6, 5O0 is: under 500 Proposed SDD Devel . Potent,ial 49, 3 d,ooo * sf GRFA allot*ed under (o SDD SDD. ltillrace IV Heigbt DU eu Total DU GRFA Proposed SDD is: over I DU (AIt #3) over 2,8OO sf GRFA Existing SDD Rernaininq Dev. Poten. 48' 8 o I 1Lr200 sf Proposed SDD Devel. Potential 4gt ALtr-&2 I . Alt3 32 Alt L&2 = B, Alt 3 = L6 14rOO0 sf {o allowed under existing SDD allowed under existing SDD TotaL DU GRFA Total Gross Cornrnercial & otber Uses Existing Renaining 106 1L6, 986 I8 r7A4 TOTALS SDD Developrnent Proposed SDD Development Alt. l-: 1L5 du Alt. 2: L60 du Alt. 3: L6B du 115, 750 47 tSOO ll.T TI : .,, j,ir ... Attotj t6 h IT l6 9 3 28 0 4 9 1 6 1B 20 93 n5 u2 104 74 I ln n o *r* Ccqleted hojects Mtl.race I Mifbace II I{esttu Hotel L{6 Alfredos Cafe Llttle Spp Pepi Sports Pl€za t evel Basgtsrt level Colorado Peddlen CASO1DE SIU,A6E ajIIG gtf,lARY apl8 gMffiAL PAKIE q{r Ul S GfiFA SF SdIS Projecr Stnrcnre -=- ==:t : !:==: !!=:: :!: 16 20,0m 20,m 14 17,5y. 17,5y 55,45/ AII B E 1I:l OA Bri-tdiry Cascade lEng (2 per udt) Clarrvs (k"'rheatre CoLfegedassrom Oollege-office lhetjxg RocD et Cascade Club netail Wel.lrless oent€r Terrace Wing Carst Rom (2 per r:ntt) Retail Plaza tuildirg Sst Roffi Reta:.f/Offfce Csrference Facl$ty'ilet Subtotals 860 1,363 1n073 9m 8 15,870 15,870 1,400 8m 4Jn 4,792 8W 1,387 33 l,4s ' 58,@ 5,856 .?:.8r Trwt I,0gg 8,3m 9m 1,400 8m Lr3ff m 1,483 5,856 ffi 38 88,146 174,837 t2,L% \m 53 4L2 Arr ArI ur s' GaFA W*o ffim.* =:: :-===-! :: :==::t : a=r: : : o (D Prapo€ed ProJects llestlaven Condm Correrstooe Bd.lding Bre€ry trcessort-Sd-ing lbansif,fit Resd.dential Accessory+estaurant Office Retail ltllrace ffi Mtttrre IV I{aterford VlX,age Residencief hmirrirm Retad.l Srbtotals ftand Totals (& Use Credit L@ \v hrtdng Requirwrt Faddng Strrrcbres &scade VilJage Ihterford erldrg Surplrs(Irftcit) Ietrelopnt. &ntrols trgfura1 Farcel Robbins hrce'l Cosgriff Parcel 24 24,m 15,250 9,395 E E 24,?fi 5,875 4,950 4,950 g,4s g,4n 36,m6 8 14,m $ 30 47,ffi 4,m 4,m 25 90 47,8C0 115,750 t7,?fi 0 ro 199 3U LB 137,25 290,587 8,6% L,2J3 Lg 611 (61) '25 45 19 '34 60 16 550 l+21 YA 565 Area Units trFA 16 B2 238ms I 20 18?53 I L7 r5s32 l8 2W 273se9 ' ALra o o{"rmclAl P,anruI\E m{r GREI S gfIS Project StnEttre : !=t:- =: ::: :=:t : 24,0C0 48 s 3 8 6,m 14,m 4,850 9,gm E t$ 19 tfi 75 16 6 16 73 47,ffi 4,m 4,m 135 38,S5 115,750 1.8,840 313 173 lm,24l m,87 31,196 1,213 18 634 (63)Itirced Use Credi.t lffi tr Proposed Pro3'ects lGsctsven Condos 0orrerstsre edlding Special Attretim Accessory-St<iirg lbansient Residential 0tfice Retail !fi.llrace Itr Millrace IV lbterfcrd Viltage lbansieot Residerfiial Retarif Subtotals ftard Totalc AIJ II] 2l+ 10,570 9,395 25 ?5 24,29 4,950 g,gs (l* Requir@t 571 4A-tu Padfurg Stnrcures Gscade Villaee l&terford hrldng 9rrph:s(tnfieit) Ieveloptu Controls ftieinal Farcel Bo'bbins narcel- Coseriff krceL 565 (6) nrea 16 I I E2 2ffi D 18753 t7 w32 28 2R589 rt (o ProF€ed Projects lJesthaven Condos 0orrrrstcrn Bi.lding Restaurant itccessrY-S<Ling lbarsient Regide{fial ffieice Retail Miflrace III . !4t1Lrace lY{edn Addition lhterford Village lbansient Resddential Retail !fi.led IJse Credit fCE hddry Reqdrecrt krldng Strrrtrres Casade Village lbt€rford Partdng $rplrrs(Inficit) Ieveloprt Contlols tlgtrnl Parcel nobbtus hrcel Cosgriff Farcel 'iu1;9.3 t gld@ffi L PARK}C Rq{T AIl ltl SF RFA SF' S:EAIS koiect Strucure :t-!:r :=: :== :: : - l: 24,m 3,040 2,m 147 9,395 24,?fl 4,950 4,850 g,'l70 8,TlO 6rm 14,m 47,5m 4,m 4,m 48 15 '45 19 35 a dnn 6 026 tz 75 16 75 16 I 1 rn 30,055 115,?50 19,820 v 345 165 118,?01 m,#7 31,976 l,3li7 Ar€a EZ 238905 n $753 L7 15f,32 &3 (64) 5;r9 tZL VA 565 .(14) 289 273589 Planning and EnvironmentaL Commission February 22, L988 Di.ana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfoss sid schultz 'Jirn Viele 2. 1.Approval of minutes of L/25 and 2,/8,/BB. P1n Hopkins moved and seconded by sid to approve both minutes.The vote was 6-0. fas ff decision a home ti A1lev Pizza aX 2754 South ontaqe The applicant asked to table this iten until March 14. It was moved, seconded and voted 6-O to table. 3. RgCfUeSt for a Snerri e'l Deva'l 6nmori+ Di e{- r,- i r-T f^r T 'r.F \r Rick {rLnan reminded the board that a work session was held two weeks ago on this itern. He described the proposed buitding and added_thgt the applicant had subrnitted a new proposal which showed that the east ridge had been lowered g felt and the west ri.dge lowered 3 feet sinie the staff wrote the memo. Rick reviewed the nine development standards for SDDrs and three criteria for the zone change. The staff felt the development of a gateway project shoul-d include revisions to the plan, such as the inclusion of a Left turn Lane and elinination of parking arong vail Road. Rick arso stated that the staff felt the l-0, setback from the Frontage Road uas inadeguate, and that there should not be any eicroachrnent into the view corridor as designated with the approval of the Vail village rnn proposal. Another suggestion iiorn the staff was a pedestrian walkway fron vail Road to the building entrance on the south side of the building, (" r'' L t-"Y-r STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick grlrnan Betsy Rosolack The meeting began with a qrork session on the Eagle County Recreation Plan followed by the cassade village-amendments. The publie hearing was calLed to order by the chairman, ilim Vie1e. PRESENT Appellants: Darlene and Steve Schweinsberq Dfstrfd for Lot N,Block 5D, Vail Villaqe Firstrili@ Applicant: Palrner DeveLopnrent Cornpany Rick then reviewed zoning considerations and stated that the staff felt the 75 parking spaces were inadeguate, since from 89 to 1o4 spaces were relluired, depending upon whether or not a bank is involved and what the size of the facility would be. Peter Jamar, representing palmer DeveLopment, showed photographs with overlaid lines indicating the relationship of the proposed \n/I building heights to the proposed Vail cateuay and the effect on the view corridor. In addressing the parking issue, Jamar stated that currently, the WI has empty paifing spaces rnost of the year, and felt ihat rnixed uses iroufa vary the parking demand during the day. He said the study used a I'worst case[ scenario, with a bank and felt the proposal lfas an irnprovement over the gas station. He agreed wittr tle staff that the roof should be stepped down and showed a changed roof pitch. He felt ttre building ehould not be lowered another story. Concerning the surface parlring, he suggested rnaking it nore defined and signing it for short term parking. Jarnar felt that if surface parking: were not provided, people would be dropped off anyway. Concerning the setback on the north side, Jamar claimed that the edge of the pavernent was 25 feet from the property line and he feLt there was enough of a pedestrian lane provided. Buff Arnold, architect on the project. discussed the lowering of.the building one story and changing the roof pitch. Arnold said he spoke to Centennial Engineer, who had done a study of the 4-way and they said they did not see a need for an additional turning lane. Richard Foy of Conmmunication Arts,design consultant, giave the background of tbe project. He stated that the aim was to try to get people to remember the building and to come back to it 1ater.- He felt the building had a small footprint and that the flat roof portions helped to rrpush the buil-ding downf' and sould allow the glass corridor.He added that the developer would use the flat roofs for many planters. Peter Jamar adnitted that with the present state of the Wf buildings, the primary pedestrian alcess would be on the south side of the building. He repeated that three surface parking spaces were needed. Joe Staufer, owner of the WI project,felt the project was better than the gas station. He poiniea out that the view corridor vas established by ordinance when the the WI project was approved. ttr. Staufer wanted to be certain that the board lras anare of the fact that there was no pedestrian easement across the wr property. Joe Lnsisted that potentiar buyers of condominiums in the caleway project on the east and south to be made aware through disclosure, of the potential construction of the approved. Wl property. Peter Patten asked tlr. staufer how he fel,t about the concept of a pedestrian access between the two buildings, and Joe answered that he did not know, but that it would depend on what was proposed. o Peggy osterfoss felt it was important not to replace the view with buildings, but was aware Lr trre econornic rlstraints involved. She felt the building was still higher than desirable and pointed out that ihe staff recommended 2 or 3 stories' Buff answered that the building $ras 3 stories plus a loft on the north and 4 stories on the west at the nost extreme southwest corner. peggy added that she would like to see a greater sethack on the Frontage Road as well as on vail Road.Bryan Hobbs felt the design was fine. Diana Donovan had several concerns. she felt the design was for pedestrians on a vehicular corner and that pedestrians were not encouraged to be in that area. Richard Foy answered that this was a site that had habitation and comeriial on one side,and heavy traffic on the other. He felt that this situation gave the.opportunity to change and to have sorne people orientation on the iorner. tte did not feel it wlur& change Vail's character i-n that it would, not remove people fron iridge street but it would put the entry on a hunan Scaie and "hint 6f things to come.* Diana felt the underlying zone shourd not be changed, and Peter Jamar stated that this froposar was in rine with the long range plans. Sid wondered if the proposed uses would be allowed if the underlying zoning was public Accommodation and was told pA r.ras quite different in that is was predominantly hotel with accessory uses, with rnost of the ernphasis on lodging r*ith a lirnited percentage of other uses. sid was conceined about the surface parking being so close to the 4-way stop. He fert that if it was needed, it would be better to haire it- on the south side of the building. He agreed that sorne tlrpe of disclosure to prospective condo purchasirs was importantl- Parn F{opkins fert the alrey was too narrow and stated it woul-d be difficult to maneuver even with snall vehicles. she stated that if Joe Staufer had enpty partcing spaces, it was a well kept secret, and that this was- not a-va1ia reason to have l-ess p-arking- than_required in the cateway Building. pam felt people should be told of available parking. The siie of the arrly ias discussed. Jirn Viele felt the basic issue was zoning. He reminded the board that the original WI plan eliminated the gas station.Jim's biggest concern was the amount of parking is he trad rnentioned at previous rneetings. Jin fell the ietbacks were adeguate and that it was unlikely the highway would be 6-laned.He stated that the vievr corridor was not included from the final view corridor decision. With regard to the access between the Gateway and WI , Jin felt the WI and the Gateway projects should be respected as separate pieces of land with separate ownerships. Peter Jamar and Buff Arnold responded that perhaps they couLd do without the parking on Vail Road, and peihaps- widening the driveway as Pan had suggested. They would 1ook at perhaps picking up more parking-underground-and perhaps traving a Z,covered arcade on the south. Buff said he could see perhaps opening up the south side of the building and perhaps providing some sbort tern parking on that side where they could be easily visible. Diana felt a door needed to be left open to work with WI and also that attention needed to be placed on the type of Iandscaping being proposed. She ielt there were I fot of nifstr and that usually an SDD works wittr what is presented. peter Jarnar said they vould be provlding rnore detail . peggy said it woul-d be helpful to have more detail. Dl"ana mentioned a concern that pedestrians vould be right next to a 4 lane highway vithout any barrier. peter jarnar repl_ied that perhaps a low barrier waII could be constructed to contaLn children - frorn the highway. Peter Patten listed concerns which included: an arcade on the south side landscaping 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. amount of parking width of the driveway approval of the underlying zoninq surface parking change unit restrictions He stated that the staff rould prefer to work further and produce a better product. Jamar replied that they wouLd be willing to work on the concerns witl tfre exceptioir of the restrictions on the units, Ite stated that thly were willing to go along with all of the conditions. Parn wondered if a speeial meeting could be held before the Town council meeting. Diana moved and aryan seconded to continue the rneeting until r{ednesday, March 9th at 2:oo prt. The vote was 6-0 in favor of continuing the rneeting. Discussion followed concerning parking. David r,eahy, a parking consultant, stated that the Urban Land fnstitute did not- -consider banking when determining parking needs, and so the bank vas incLuded in retai-l tor ituay puiposes. He added that in using a demand stud.y, ?A spaces wouf.a Le need.ed if the residential units nere accomrnodation units, and T9 if they were dwelling units. Diana was concerned aboui parking for the bank, and felt the bank should not be there because of the added traffic it would cause. 4- Peter clarified the board's intent on their conditions for the Golden peak House at the previous meeting. lod ,ko,*\ W h I{l{/6[ TO: FR0M r SUBJECT: DATE: MEMORANDUM Peter Patton/Kristin Pritz Andy Norrle SDD4 Anendment - Specific Proposals February 19, 1988 ControLs ! fr. (See attached schedule) Parking:l. DwelJ.ing units which are restricted to owner occupancy and/or long tern rentals of no nore than 30 days per year shal-l be subjeet to calculatlon of parking requirenents in aecordance with the method used for accomnodation unlLs, (.4 space per unit. pLus .L space per l"0O sf of GRFA). 2, The Waterford Parking Structure sha1l be ent,Ltled to a 108 eredtt for mlxed use. 3. Uestin Conference Center ehal1 requlre 35 parking spacea. carrl-ers providing charter 2. 3. No on-eite parkLng for conmon service ril-1 be requlred Conditional Usesl 1. The proposed brewery and brew pub eha11 be a conditional use in ltevelopnent Area A. In the absence of the brewery, a nepecial attractionrt as defined and approved by the Tovn of Vail sha11 be a conditional use in Develooment Area /I . Room 2J (C-201) ray be converted to office, retai.l or theatre upon completl-on of Westin Conference Center. Addttlon to east end of Cascade Club may be added to include either an lndoor 1ap pool, mini-gymnasium or wellness/fitnees facility. Acceesory Uses: The foLlorrlng accessorf uses shall be pernitted ln Devel,opuent Area A; - Restaurant/Lounge lncluded and made a part of a Transieat Resldential proJect (Cornerstone). - lteet5-og facllities and spa facllit.ies lncluded wlthin a Transient Residential project (Cornerstone). - Retail shop facilities lncluded within a TransLent Resl-dential proJect. - Skier support, facilities lncluding tlcket offlces,private and comnercial locker rooos, public restrooms, and other faciLitles custonarlly aecessary and peroitted for the operation of a base ski facility. Densit Def ini-tione t 1, llicro-Brewery - A brewery processes water, naLt, hops and yeast lnto beer or a1e by nashing' cooking and feruenting. It is limlted to a maxinum capacity of 10r000 barrels per year. In additlon to a brew house, a brewery requires loadiog dock facllities, adninistrative office space' refrigerated storage, eilo sLorage, and a bottling 11ne. 2. Brewpub - A restaurant whlch ls se1ll-ng the beer producte produced by an attached Micro-Brewery. Aleo included 1s a retail shop for the sale of Micro-Brewery products and related menorabilia. Transient Reeidential - A multi-unit residential project' which ls managed and operated as short tern ownershlp (fractional) and/or short-term rental (hoteL). Features uould typically include front desk, lobby, housekeeping faciltties and laundry. Office Use: 3. Professlonal or level of t.he Weetin business offices may be located on the streeL Conference Center Building (900 sf). Maxinun Height of 71 feet shall be Cornerstone BuiLdtag, Westhaven BuiLding AlL other buildiogts shall be llnlued to 0wner ship :Fractional Ovnership (as defined by pernitted for the folloving residential llaterford, Ml11race IV, and Westhaven, permitted for the and Waterford Butlding. 48 feet. Town of Vail) shall be projects: Cornerstone, Coverage:Forty-five percent (452) covered by buildings. Landscaping l At least _Z of Area A shal1 landscape (iocLuding the Gore Creek Enployee Eouslngi ----GeGper E relieved of any enployee housing. Alternate Ilevelopnent Prograns: 1. Cornerstone Bullding of the total area for Area A nay be I be retained as natural stream tract) or landscaped. further obltgatlons regardlng - Brewery - "speciaL Attractionrr - Netther 2. Waterford Building - Transient Residential (75 rooms) - Residential Condoniniums (30 units) o 3.MiLlraee IV - Accommodation (32 roons) - Residential Condominiums (8 units) Entry Tower and Stgnage r To be located at the northuest corner Weathaven Drive, a tower not to exceed 65 aa a atructure for Cascade VilJ-age proJect be provlded). of S. frontage Rd. and feet in height will serve elgnage (eign detall to \ALVrxruRES,. To: From; Re: Ilate: Baei s for Amendment: l. Impact of chairl,ift operations; not anticipated 1n original p1an.2. Progran for Westtn Hotel now finished.3. Changing narkets for real esCate and resort services. 0bjectives: 1. 0btain approval of final devel-opment plan with linited alternatives;?. Establish program for entry nonumentation and stgnage;3, Clarify open issues such as off street parking, bus-parking, employee housing, etc;4. Adopt parking requtrenents;5. Agree aa to reguired naterial for arnendment subniasion. Situatton Sumnarv: 1. Five undeveloped panels renain:ao Cornerstone site (Building ItCrr) b. I{aterford site (Mansfield Village)c. West,haven site d. Millrace III site e. Millrace IV site (Cosgriff site) 2. Units Renaining: - Dwelling 94 - Acconnodatlon 18 3. Peter Patton Andy Norris Anendnent to SDD4 January 13, 1988 Floor Area Renaining - CFA 20,50O sf Parking AvaiLability: - GRFA 116,250 sf 41 spaces (level 3)allocated to non-residential I 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, 4. Colorado 81657 r 303/476-6602 a Market Assessment: - Chalrlift and convenient accessibilitv will establish CV as third Vall Mountain base area. - Weetin Hotel guests can support approximately 6r000 retail (approxinate anount in Terrace Wing). - Retal1 activity including night life ts important to grosp marketing. - Over 602 of llotel occupancy witl be provided by groups (32,000 roon nights) .- Skier related retail (i.e. connercial lockers, convenience food and beverage, accessories will require 6500 sf;public facilities ( i. e. restroons, ticketing, etc . ) wiL require another 5500 sf. - Contlnued softness in high-end second home rnarkets is anti.cipated; markets have becone more user oriented. Approach to {nnended Development Plan I Approve aLternate development progran for each parcel,lncl"udlng parking requirenents. Elenen t s of Amended Development,Pl-an: Coroerstone Building sf of IIotel ttspecial Attractlonfi - ef Micro-brewery - sf \General Retail - etfi;,/.t4a/Skier Accessory - sf Skier Support Public Restaurant Transient - DU -sf - GRFA Total sf Parklng - apaces Special Attraction Mi cro-brewery General RetaiL Public Reataurant Translent Residential Notee: 1. 84, 700 89,200 g0,700 l0,000 13,125 6, 500 5,525 50 49, 500 26,700 15 , 000 L2,625 6, 500 5,525 50 49,500 26,70O L4,625 6, 500 5,525 4,5OO 50 49, 500 26,7OO 23 52 50 25 50 50 58 20 50 2. 3. Total I25 L25 L28 rrTransientrt incLudes restaurant and neeting space as accessory use.ttTransienttt are defined as dwelLing units but have linits on ouner occupancy; parking reguirenents are based upon hotel caLculations. Traneient ownership wouLd permit fractlonal, condoniniurn or partnership. ALternative rrSpecial Attractionrr to micro-brewery would requlre approval" by TOV. 4. Waterford Buildlng General- RetaiI Transient Dwel l ing MilLrace IV: Transient Dwel ling 47,5OO 60 60 A 14,ilo '32 24 A 4,000 16 6,000 3 6 A B 4,000 16 47, 500 30 60 B 14 , 000 I 16 Note: 1. Millrace III LtrrelLing - sf - units - parking ( on-sl_te ) Parking Summary (*,r;/,- ,l di+ L/) sf parking sf units parkin g sf units parking - lor-n*a#n4 A'/'/ ' - sf - unlts - parking -sf - uni ts - parking Transient parking requirements will be acconmodated in the Cascade Village structure, duel-ling requiremeots r/111 be acconnodated on-site. AvaiLable - Level 3 llaterf ord Requlrenents: Cornerstone lrlaterford MiLLrace IV Less: Credit at L0Z Net Balance (Deficit) 202 166 a+ 4t 145 4l 145 4I 145 186 t25 76 24 -?.3 186 t25 76t 0 ( 1e) 186 ( 16) o' I Specific Issues: - Vai I - Entry rnonument, f eatures and si.gnage - Addition to Cascade Club (east end) - Parking requirements for []-imit.edtr used dwelling unite - tlSpeciaL Attractionfr designation for Cornerstoni Buildlng - Skier Accessory and Support - Fract,ionaL Ownership Approval - Employee Housing - Tour Bus Parking - Westhaven Drive Parking - Landscaping - Sereening roon in CMC Buildlng - Exterlor signage program Brewerv Company I - Progranf Brewer y Museun Brewpub Reta11 Shop - Uater/Sener Requirements - 0perationsi Brewery Process EnpLoyeee Traffi c Air Quality Tour s - Architecture - Alternative Uses ALternate Attractions: - Food Fair - Speciality Food Store - EdueatLonal/Research Institute 4 !,r o t Mn'\ off lce ol communlty development 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476_7000 January 18, Lggg Mr. Andy Norris Vail Ventures Ltd. 1-000 South Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado ef6SZ Re: Subnittal requirements for amendments to Special Development District #a Dear Andy: As we discussed at-our meeting last week, the proposedt amendrnents to the cascade viriage speciai o"..r"i"p^.nt District No' 4 should be reviewed at a w5rk iession witrr-tne pranning Cornmission and Town Council as soon as possible. once I receive the following inforrnation, r wiir ="tr*a.rr" the proposal for a I'rork session: L. A zoning statistics sunmary.thqt compares the proposed development pJ_an to your eiisting "pir-*r"r. -- 2. A site_p1an shor+ing the existing development and undeveloped parcel-. 3. Elevations for the alternative 4. Floor plans for the alternative 5. Any additional inforrnati-on on micro-breweries that you may want the pranning commission and Town coun"ir t" review fn your rneno to pet,er dated January 13th, you sunmarize the issues related to the proposed. amendments. Below are three rnore issues that should be discussed at the ;;;;"session: a Three alternative develo staff's position is that appropriate. fhe staff requests for alternative strong position that one reasons for this policy 1.ment plans: At this time the one developnent plan is has reviewed several previous plan approvals and has taken a plan should be reviewed. ?he are: a. b. c. To approve three plans would be precedent setting. Other- applicants requesting SDDs would have to be allowed the option to submit various development rplans. This approach will put pressure on staff time to review numerous proposals. The nul-tipte plan approach tends to increase the confusion and complexity in the analysis of any project. It will be difficult to truty identily the areas of concern for each plan. The Special Developrnent section of the code calIs for one development plan. In addition, SDD4 also states that one development plan is appropriate. This is stated in section L8.46.O3O B of the SDD ordinance. proposed fireplaces per tlpe of unit and any rnitigation proposed. Presently, fireplaces are only allowed in dwelling units and this will be an i"ssue of concern if IEach development area with the exception of Development Area D shall be subject to a single developnent Plan. Development Area D sha1l be reguired only to go through the Design Review process. rl 2.Fireplaces: Please address specifically the number of 3. fireplaces are proposed for the lirnited use dwelling units. Office use on street Jevel in the Plaza conference center.: The existing zoning code -;-----:-from being on street leve1 in most prohibits office districts. Your request to locate street level would be in conflict code. of the cornmercial the office use on with the existing space zone zoning For a forrnal review of the project,should be subnitted: L. Th:-SDP ordinance wording should be revised for the toJ-r-owing sections in order to reflect each of the proposed changes: 18.46.0L0 purpose (possibly) L8.46.OZO B Established 18.46.030 B, C Development plan proced.ure 18.46. 050 pernitted Uses L8.46.065 Office Use 18.46.O90 Density Dwelling Units l-8.46.081 Density Floor Aiea L8.4G.092 Commercial Square Footage 18.46.o89 conputer print out rabr-e and. Deveropment controL 1-8.46.l_oo setbacks (possibly)L8.46.12o Height (pdlsibly)' l-8. 46. 14O Coverage 18.46.160 Landscaping (possibly)l-8.46.17O parking 18.46.19O C, D Fireplaces L8.46.2Lo B Bus Shelter (possibty) l-8. 46.22O EnpLoyee Housing 2- Environmental rrnpact Report (please see attached ErR section of the zoning coae; 3. The information listed in t-8.46-040 p, through H (please see attached SDD) rf you have any questions about these subrnittar requirements,please give me a call. the following information Sincerely,./.l 0.1 l\rr'rfufttift Kristan pritz Senior Planner KP: br Enclosures PI,ANNTNG 1988 DEADTTNE Decenber 29 ;Ianuary 11 January 25 February 15 February 29 March 14 llarch 28 April lJ.April 25 I'Iay L6 May 3I ,June 13 ifune 27 ,July lI .Tuly 25 August L5 August 22 Septenber 1_2 September 26 October L7 October 3l_ November 14 November 28 L989 December 12 December 26 January 16 January 30 HEETTNG DATE January 25 February 8 February 22 March 14 March ZB April 1L April 25 May 9 May 23 June L3 June 27 July 1-1 July 25 August I August 22 September 12 September 26 October L0 October 24 November 14 Novernber 2B December 12 December 26 January January February February AND EM/TRONMEN?AL COMI,TSSTON SUBMITTAL AND MEETING DATES 9 23 L3 27 I ?*fU'*4,'Sm i -r' I t I -1.,lq-\eviilN SPECIAL DEVELOP}iENT DISTRICT 4 't \,J' 18.46 .010 18 .46 - 020 18.46.030 18. 46 . 040 18.46 - 050 18 .46 . 060 18 .46 . 070 18 .46 - 080 18 .46 . 090 18.46.100 18.46- 120 18 .16 . 140 18.46. i60 18.46- 170 18.46 . 180 18.46.i90 18-46.200 18.46.210 t8.46 -229 PURPOSE. ESTAtsL ISHED DEvELOPIiENT PLAN-REQUIRED-APPROVAL PROCEDURE.DEVELopEENT pr_Rn_coilrenrs. . -:-': "'"' PERI!ITTED USES. fSill{;R}^brlf: (ot pER. CHAPTER re.oo or THE zoNrNG coDE). DEIIS iTY-DI,JELLI I,IG UNITS DEYELOPIIENT STT.iiDARDS sETs!.CKS. HEiGHT. coviP3GE. LAIJDS CI.Pi IIG P;.RKI:JG. RECi:.!.TJOi{ AI,iEI{ITIES TAX ASSESSED.cors:ryATr0lr AirD polLUrrol,t colrrrois. REC.-1 iATi OIJAL AIiEi.I I TI ES ADDITiO:IAL AI.IENITI TS. EI':PLOYEE HOUSIIIG. 4't2 .?La 0 .l ll;6fib ':tqRrp-s* Speciar deveropment district 4 is estabrished to ensure comprehensive development and use of an u".u in u rinn". that rvi'be harmonious with the general character-of^_tl. t*un,-p"iuide.adequate. open space and recreaiional amenitr'es.,-and-promoie'the obiecti'vei-oi"iiiu"loning ordinance AND c0ii/riuNITy ACTION p[nr,r fOiui ,-iSSi.',spucjat deve]opreni oirtrict 4 is created to ensure that the. aeveropmeni ge;;iit',riii-;;T;i'ltiu"ry rorv and suitabte for the area. and the vi;i;il; in,rr,i,.i,.'ii.ir-.iiJlred, the develop_ment is regarded as complemertJ.v'id"{h" to,un by the torvn council and the planning commission, ani because-ttti"""a"e s-igniticini-iip..t, of the special deve'lopment which cannot ue satisii'Ja*tn"orgn the impositi.on of standar.u zoning districts on the ur".l- 18.46.020 ESTABLISHEO A. special development district 4 is estab.r ished for the developnent on iri:if;:i EInlSif fil'o[JlJi3,n6;nim:n B,q,??ii.oi':li'ii:'x,opr.rlie^ir ;e refefr:ed to aS,:.SDD4.'., .-- --"-'j',_ yt.955 acres may be ,, .i, _ ". i. . -;l^l!::-Ihe ai.itr:i,.c-t,,,t-le..U-"iinr.riir:of ,f'^.:: 'ii--.:rl'----,' "-.. 'identir;ea 'in-*,i,'J;a,.;i";il;;;;il;il.:i';;:ti;i,t:#;f*fffill,,'i#:l;;il Area Knor.rn As Development Area g.h;rHEe-- Cascade Villaqe Coldstream Coidominiums Glen Lyon Duplex Lots Glen Lyon Office 81d9. Dedicated Open Space KOAdS 18.46.030 DEVEL0PI,IENT pLAti_REQUTRED_AppRoyAL ppOcEDURE. A. Eefore the or.rner corr,nences site preparation, building constructjon or oiher irnprovements r.rithin soa, ih"ru-siali ne-;;";p;;;;;d deveroprnent plan :::^:94' Deveropment of sD4.mav be phased 9v J"""i"ni5;;";;"u and rvithin ceveloprnent area. but a sufficiLnt airount or- inroimJii.r"rrrurr be suppiied rvjth respect to all deveiopnent areas in order.to arro,u tne-p:unnrng co;rnrssion ,litn,?i;l :#:;;1.:"";;ru: ii,"-io"puiiuiriiv ;i';y";;.;;;!; oEu.iop-.ni"pron t**+:;f it:ip'l:.,:*tlffrt*:},:ii;,#ii i3!$1Fd!:sn:trr!s:'d$if q*'li;iil,rf*itr*i;1il:;l,g':1":?;,i3l,it'uir bu';Lfridi:ll;; :f:.till:r ii!.il,ii''.:;:i; il, T,l:i i:;;:; ;ltliill:i,;rulj*, ;lt.lilt';i"; ;;;;i ;;i;" ; ;', ::::J:;:"'l]i ;il.H'i;ii ij:n"Irji, r.iii; ii,tl. it,i:;u :,,," ccunc i, ,11i .. ,,_... A tt c D 17.955 4 .00 ?9.10 'J.8) 40.4 4.7 $ gz,gq-E_"; t ' --j . "- .:t t b '.D. Upon receipt of the proposed deve.l opment plan and planning :i g9ryrr;sjgn'';p;;i;'inu toon-.5"'iii-ir'irr aelerrin!';h";;,;" rhe pran is ,:€acceptable to the torvn in accordance ,ritr, ir,.-ip;i;.;;;;";;ovisions of .section 18'66'150 ancl 18.66:tao-- ir,lt determinatr'on by the tor.rn councir shall be made through its-enactment of a ieiotution which incorporates the deveiop-ment p'lan as an official Toivn ot Vaii-iocurent. - E. The approvel=g:y.lgpT.nt-ptan sha, be used as the principai guide for all defelobhent rvithin sbq. nfi.rlments to un ipprouui deveropment ptan which do not chanqe.its substan." *uv-ru aoproved by the PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL C0r'lr'rrs5I0n ilr-ncdonop,lr'cE"ilrrH sECTr0N 18.66.060 _ 18.66.100 0F THE vAiL r'ruNIcIpAL coor. ru.i'-prrJ'tii""r' deve topmen! ihiii'.uquire, prior to issuance of buirding.permits, app"ouui of_the design reviery board fn accordance with appricab're proiiiions;f a[;;;;;'tir.sz. Doaro rn accordance 18.46.040 DEVELOPMENT PLAN- CONTENTS. The proposed deve)opment pian sharj incrude, but is not rimfted to the foi lowing data: @ + cornplete epvi 4onmen-tal. .impact gltupEil" ls.Ed'.''u;"a1fu./r1d k-t'i.n^,on-'FStott submitted in accordance wiih - .@ Existing contours having contour intervals of not reetYi t[" i'i.ris" srope-oi-ir,u'riiu'i. twenty percent "" T:i: *iiil :il?ri:)intervats of not riore tiran t"n-iroj'i";i ii-ih:;;;;;;; iiop" or the site is greater than tvrentv percent. extsitn!-and proposed c6ntours after grading for each phase. -.".@ A conceptual. site p1an, at a scale not smaller t,h;rirt)-feei,-;ii;;i;; the rocltio,is-inJ ai*"nrionr-;';ii i,.iilo?l!rtlch equals structures rvith thi-exception of singie-family and t*o-ru*i ry structures,uses 'therejn, and arl principui rit"'o"u:i;rT:1!_;";;;;;;,'such as .randscaped areas' recreationa'l faciritibs, pedestrj an.plazas and r.rarp.,.rays, serv.ice entries, drivevrays, and off-st""Lt anJ rouaing-".e;;. "''^' @ I conceptual randscape pran, at a scaie not smater than one inch equaFriftv feei, shorvi"e ""iitire"iuiar.upu-f;r;;;";';; ie rerained or removed' and sho'ring, prolosed tanascaping-!.a i.,ior.roii !rte development features such as ouioobr iereationii i1gjliti";;';i;;[;; iatns, trails,pedestrian plazas and rvalkl^rayt, "ii." features and other eiements. A pretin:inary building sections and flcor.plans at a scale not smaljer ilF{: inch equal's t\,ienty ieer, jn suffjci.ri oli.ii iJ i sross resic.ntiu'r-iioor ar-ea, seierar uses r.;irhin_the brirdiffiiTi:;otl.f;:r u."u' :::::.t scare and appearance-oi ti,e proposed c.uuropi.ii'io. .u.n deve.ropment ::::Qi:i,'ill'i'iriFl.:'ofil:llni.l'::ii:;,i;i'il:,:li':li'l::;,;3l,iiili'.nL'eds generated by the projict: " "Y L' crr I rc d -\ "" sJ.t.:;l ;,;" il:.,::f :'.;: ;:;"il;:.ito. ::lr;:.;' !:o'li o a scale not siral relationsirips oi forn and nass of 414 I er i,l-an one the prc;:oseC the proposrd inch equals fifty Cel,e i ol.;ent to bui ldin.os for @ I /<\( H'/ A DroDosed program indicating order of construction phases, trans-portEtion riciitriesl aio-r"i".riiJri amenjties. I' A proposar regur,r',jng the.deciication to the tor.rn or private owner-shjp and maintenance oi tt ai"poriion-or the deveiopment area within the one-hundred year f)oodplain oi e"'."'i"."r'. In-the .u.ii-in"-one-hundred year floodplain is not iedicated to-the-iown,. such tanas striit be subject to a right of pubric access to Gore cree[-ani tne.ighi-t;";;;. portion of the lands for a bicvcl:^t"i!l una-ro.-iu.l pu"por". provided that the location and use of the faciiities and access sirail .be beterminea'6!-mutuat agreeinent bet'rreen the torvn and the o*nur-or-ir,-e deveropment area! invoived. ,l'18 . 46 :050 "-tFEl'!|IIEq,*USEs . sinsle-ramitv iilii..ti.r ave.trinf _strili u9 p.i.it!9a tr,,s $;,oS-v_glgpryI3,area D. Two farniiy oi;ertingi, "uiii.'"iiur -ctuiteF]i".ir-ingr, and murtiprE..--familv dr'rel I inss shalJ. !e. oiilliile{-;ies....iqr^ development .areas_,A and B.'"professionar oifices'lha rli/rtef ,*iri."i,".rr:!n_,"_iilui iror, .fJoor.,area--not _i:"::;:"0 Jhi rteen thousahJ'9,!.*'rau 6' ifi ; r i'6;i;;ii tili"rri ii' aEi,EioiJlit 18.46.060 COI{DITiONAL USES ( AS PER Ci]APTER i8.60 OF THE ZONIIIG CODE). A. HAJOR ARCADES WITH NO FROITTAGE ON ANY PUtsLIC I.IAY, STREET, I.IALKhIAY OR I.IALL AREA. B. PUBLJC PARK AND RECREATIOTIAL FACILITIES. C. SKI LIFTs. 91a.qe.oos*-oFFice usE *rio*plbFifii$ot iF*lllle:.:*ttice-sirir-, ar iocrfEo ori-lrnrei'rrvrr"r "OR FIRST FLOOR .-ir! $qA A 00,,,iliibiitlfiiiiq#iclolv ;t t,tlfl,o5o,E5.,3l]Iilft^too,I "II.ISTiTUTION.'" 18.46.070 ACCESSoRY USES o, r l;o The follor'ring accessory uses shaitl ue permitted in development areas 1. Ho;ie occupatr'ons, subject to.ilssuance of a hone occupations permit in accorc:nce tiith the provisiol'rs of iuitionl-ii.sa.tgo throuoh i8 _ 58. 190; 2' 0ther uses custonarilr inciden[a] e.nd dccessory to per;ritted or conditional uses, and neceisary forltite opeiaiion-i'ner"or. 3. Attached carages or carports:_t:1yli:,greenhouses, sr.iirn.ing poo)s, tcnnis courts,-patios, or other fecreat.ional fiir r r cies custo;arily inciieniar i,o pernritted re{icentiat -uses.-- 4r5 ] :..,. ,.., _, S.:i+,,,ti..,. .t i.,-... b [o B. C only: The follorving accessory uses sha I be permitted in vate greenhouses. ational facilities qpc ory uses shall be tios, or other permi tted or be permitted devslopment area sr.rinni ng pool s , cus tomari ly permi tted in recrsa ti cnal cond'i tional uses , and in Developnent Area A: .^--tlr1:h"d garages or carporrs, pr cennts courts, patios, or olher iecr incidental to permitted residentiii' ^ -Swirnming pools, tennis courts.facil i tjes customar.i ly iniiJ;;i;i'necessary to the operation thereof. D. The follorving accessory use shal Fiinor arcade (Ord 6, I9g2). The rnaxinun of (retai t, oli;ie, ir,ouro" and restaurr exceed the follor.ring: ..- _Deveiopment Area A, Tlt0 HUIIDRED I MAXrMLin, l.lrTH A t1r;,lfi.tur.t oF-roi'icior:i D',.JELLING UNiTS AS oerirJE6. ai"iHE"iXiii Development Area B, sixty_five u Development Area C, one hundred a '-..rFr':;r-l tB .46 . 081 DEr,ts rry=iL'60R'hREA * , - _In Area C, any si te contain jnq tl.r iiilill"' exceed 40% or the aito*iute GiiTY SIVEN DI.IELLING UNITS TOTAL o8lls,lj,r*tts AiiD I.iAxil,iui,r 0F i34 The gross resjdential floor area area shal] not exceed -35 GRFA in are :l:.I: f"-:t,sixty five thousand squi ror the first fifteen ihousand scuare lla-l .10 CRFA shall be permitted for rltteen thousand not to exceed thirtv Ptus not more than .05 square feet o?area over th'i rty thousand square feet its; our uni ts 7,0CC scuare ) as defined feet of cc;;'.:ercial in the table in f^ai I. builrjings in each develop;ent A, rvhich is a naxirnum of Zgl, iZi" " e feet GRFA in area B, ina-.ii'lirn feet of site area, prus not more ach square foot of i;t. ur"u ou!"thousand square feet of slte irea,GRFA for each square iooi ;; ;;;;'in area C. , C'.;el I i ng uni is , one of ihe uni ts r.0Ea I gr0ss res i denti al f I oor ar.ea .1 Section 1S.46.Cig. 416 € PROJ ECT 1/1A 303 * 2 i34 =154 GR FA S ErirS 20 ,000 17,s34 55,4.57' 15,370 qn ?1()Jti PAIKIiIG RICil. '\on- SiruC 5 LruC 4(J .us I UJ 21 ?n OJ 40 (s;) t-;a,r.,r:rrirl vv] . 'i'\\9r.-lL 'l 1r1 4 . ,il or5,/9.5 I o nan ACCOit UNITS DI,JFLL I NG UNITS s?#::*i@ llillrace II Hestin Hotet (2/unjt) Al fredo ,s Cafe Li ttl e Shop Pepi Sports Cl'iC Bu i I di ng Cascade lling (Z/unit) uonpass Rose Cascade Theater Coi lege-Classroons Co l lege-0ffice l.ieetinE Room 2J 16 t4 2n nin 17 E,e A IU4 t+ 8 lR_Qigsro pno;Ecrs ,t tres tna ven Conoos f^r €rrac€ l,li nq ! Gr.resc_,Rocris (Z/unit) LZO RetaiI Plaza Bui ldinq Guest Rooms (Zlunit) 40 concomi n i uns Retajl/Office ... Conference Faci I . _l.let lrr rrrace IiI I'iillrace IV l{ansfield Vil.l aqe Condos Wes tin Addi tioni Retaii _Accessory Cafe Expansion ^ xufiours Expans i on Lascade cl ub Retai I _Accessory Restaurant ^ 0ffices-l.Jel lness Center LJScade Ccu rt Rctai l -Ski er Accessory uuest Serv.iccs 1) l5 I,250 D .A^ 15,970 3,111 4,220 4,r-92 Bi9 l. r JO/ 4.4,5UU 55 ,0c0 6,399 I(',JJJ 1 9 ,5C0 .|9,500 q (nn 6 ,500 l l ,200 aQ 2 )-1 900 ?2 \a^ 59,709 't8,333 l9, s00 6,5c0 'i I ,200 49,2?7 o IE 40 A .' 9 3 8 45 to 84 1 n?c Yrrf, 2,160 2 ,0cc _?_,!!'q 2e0 ,053 I nr< :rf, 2,lso 522 36 ,:.50 (r;i rlr: ti6 (:..u1 ii ol e ,iii',li;i,:,1.;",. tD 211 I to--- 417 29l,iil l,;i3 :-J tfif,"F!sF4!+r.-).t.\--' r h. q..'gglglallEll IqNTROLS -,i d'€Area Uni ts 0riginai parcel Robbins Parcel Cosgriff parcel 18.46.090 DEVELOPI4ENT STANDARDS 1*99JES9f (Acres)' 15.68 1?" 1.045 '17. 955 l6 d.u./Acre {aL 19.58 't6 -72 288.4 GRFA 256,437. 1.8,752 1q o?? 291 ,-121 I The deveioprrrent,siandards.set out_jn-Sections 1g.46.100 through ig.46.210 are approved by 16-- torvn councji. - ii,"r".standards ,r,iri'u" incorporated into the approved developnent ptan-iertinent to eJctr J.""i'rpJ,.it area to protect the intesritv or thb o.uuiopruli'."i"iiiq. ii,.v .r"';i;iffi deveropment standards and shan appry ,;i;;; iori"restri.iiuu .tunjuij, ."u incorporated in the approved o"vet6i"ini"pii" irtil, is adopted by tne ior,rn councii. i18.46.100 :SETBACKS- , ' t---.-l:oyired setbackt tl,t:, be as^indfcated in each deve'ropinent pran rvith a mlnrmufl setback on jl::-pgripnerv-or itq..glgrerrv of not less than tr.rentv feet.I'rITH THE EXCEPTI0N ruer' iHi"iEiirci ritiuine i'riiri'noinie r,rr'ib^ rn_E pARK*iG sTpucfuRE/ATHLETTc cLuB BUrLDnre sHnir-'eE"iuo rir'r ni nppnovib o'rv'rdi*unav 8, re82 By THE pLANNiNG AND ENVrRcxr,rrruinf coiir,rriiioru. fa. +o'. i zo ""rr,tr..H.t=j * .,.^--IN AREA A, rgr-,..ilXrrIUi'r^*]gIT I91 TII FOLLOI.IIIJG BUILDIIIGS SHALL BE 71 FEET:l'rEsriit HOTEL ' ci'lc/LEARriItrc cErliin' iEiinnce tliie , pinxirrc'ii*ucrunrrnrrlETrc f,hl?,lrfirfiffrfi?'bi'iS.rrrue neriniiiden'iji' eurLDi;iis'ii,i;ii;A"i 'HALL HAVE A IN AREA B. THE HEIGHT SHALL BE 33 HEiGHT SIIALL 8E A5 I'lAXIiiUI4 HEIGHT SHALL .BE 48 FEET. IN AREA C, THE IiA.t:IiIUi,I l!!I:.__ rN AREA 0, TnE rr,qxiiruu-iiie Hi"sijn,L Br 38 FrET. 'EFir'rED iN sEcrr'ir 18.04. rzo oF-iHi'ViiL i.iu,ricrpAL C'DE. So In areas A and B'. no. more than thirty-five_percent of the total site area shail be covered by buitarrer, p.orii.o,'ir'.rv'ijj.iion or the areas is developed as an instituiionat-o.-uiriuironar center, forty_five percent of the area may be covered. .In-areas C inJ-0, lo.Tgfe than tr,,enty-five percent of rne rotar si te araa_shar l be .ouu."J [v py] ldings, ur.LESS THE l,i0RE RESTRIcrivE STAiiDARDS OF C;.{AP I'iR r8.69_dr-iUi' iiri,r.rU,.rCIPAL CODE APPLY. ga. i_q ..1-6q .,.r,ai:?sci15iq; - At lcast the follfl'ring, proporticns of t.he totai developnent area shal.l be lendsceped as o'oviced in ir''!'iIreioi"unt pt.n. rnir-iniii incrude retentjcn of naturaj.l;ndscipe, if appropir.i.. -i.our A and g, ,irly-pur.ent end arr.as c and u' slxty perccnt, of ihe arca shall be tinJsiri.a- "'"J r' 4tg ]ta.ao. izo' pnnrii'rd off-street parking shail be provided in accordance with chapter rg.52, except that seventv-five percent of the F.qri.g!_nfrki;g;;';;"; A sha, be rocated within the main bui)d'ins or buildings. usine-lrE'oevrfdplrErvi'iieLe_rN^sEcrI0N r8.46.089,THE irrNri,rur4 pARKTNG Requrne.,.rrrur ron-nn.rn e_aHAii-b,E-A5o,iinces pLUs Tr.Jo spAcEs PER DI''|ELLING UNIT F0R l'lILLRAce collooiiinruug,-rle irHnvin-cdiroor,rrNruiis AriD riANSFr ELg vILLAGE c0ND0i4INIUMs' Ar LEAai iiverlii-Frvi'pEncii'ii'oi iili qso spAcES sHALL BE l{irHIN A PARKING sTRUcruRE- rHini-sinLr^si n-Miuir.rui'oi"i:s spAcES iN THE i.rArN PARKING STRUCTURE AND-A-I'IINll'luri-0F ii'uNoensRounb-ipicrs i* rHr pLAzA BUrL0nic.rF THE DEvEl'pr'rENT^Il!!q rn sicrib,l'is.qo.oss-i!-nr.rLNoid,'rHe 'ARKlirc REQUTRE',TENT'sHALL BE AT.IENDED ACcoRDnrGLy:- i;-;r;;r-, 3;q-;; ;;;;;;;rcent or rne requjreJ parking shall be located rvitrr;n {ne iiatn. uuitJ-i.g'or"uliidings and hidden frorn pubiic view from adjoining p"op."ti..'within . fuiai.upuO,U"r,n. *t;on-'iit. oarking' shau*ri""-p"ovi{.e.{=i-n Dgvgr.gpme{_A1ba A for'cfrmon".liii:iat3 . providing itrii.ter'i6rvice'to-tfie-Aiu-iiopr.nl:.] tsus parking shal be indicated :on the development pl.an. no parr,iig-or 1oad.irig area shati b;-i;.;;u;";;".;i.r.quired rr0nt setback area. UNLESs subir padRiile ls Locdrro-lroi"r,riiHrN A srRUcruRE. -r'0 cERTIFIcATE 0F 0ccuPANcv sHnll ae iiiiilo F0R THE-TERnnci^r,rnc, pLAZA BUTLDTNG.ATHLET'. .LUB 0R EXPANSI.N 'F-mr rrEiiil-lo!+ ql cibTiiniilnc cEpTE.q uNTrL THE PARKiTIG srRucruRE c.ERrtricaie oF-ociuinrucv nni aErN iliffi'F0R rHE ENTTRE FiNT'HED (AS AppR'vED) 'ARKITIG srnucruni- ' r/nJ uLLir rJJUi.u I 8. 46 . I80 RECREA]IOI,I AI.IENTI ES TAX ASSESSED. The recreational amenities tax due for. the development rvithjn SDD4 under chapter 3-20 shal'l be assesi;;-.;-; iiio not to exceed'trrenty_five cents per square foot of the floor ared in^Develofm.ni-nr.u A and a "utu-not ro exceed fifiy cents per square foot of GRFA in'oeuetop"ent Area Bi-J"o"ii a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of earA in^oevetof*eni;;;.-;, and at a rate not ro exceed seventy-fiv:.glis per square foot ir'O.r"f"pi"ni e.uu D; and shall i:rfii|l.in conjunction vrith eich constiuction pniru-p"loi"io the issuance or'tuiro;ns 18.46.I85 LEFT-TURN LANE. - THE DEVEL0PER SIJALL PARTICIPATE IN A sru0Y (lntttRrro By THE TolrN 0F vArL)r0 DEVELOP A REASOi'iABLE PLAI{ FoR A ieii iuirl-lruri'riru'iiii'5ourn FRcITTAGE RoAD. 18.16. I90 CCiiSERYATIOIi AND POLLUTION CO|{TROLS. A' Developer's drainage plan shail include provision for prevention of pollution rrom surface runoff; R Dc"'el oper shal l incl ude in .che cont|q l s as general ^r-echnoloqv buiiding ccnstruct.ion, cncrgy and r.rater ccnservation exists at t.he 'uine of consi-iiuction. - . f0 t00D_..9uBll.ittc llRqplAcEs/li0oDsiqy-qiil,ll!.-"qF.rLL0r1..q"g rli'ArcnrtobArr'oN-uirrrs: D. l1 |i r901.i., u.e*pioui.i.e.-d 11i tl:n ifis*lre.r,.e'.iot.riel,l, ..they " u: I l:l$l I t, : t,* :'ii: j: :; #i:!:i:i'. on rrl;rr' c i i cl n r * #S*t#ffiS[isi;S. 419-421 RDC6t 8 18.46.200 RECREATIONAL AI4ENITIES. ur"nilllrlopro'ed devel0pment p'ran sha' incrude the forlor.ring recreational Bike and pedestrian paih traversing.property from east property line to west oioperty-t.r'ni-ii,uii"be-provided by ieveroper with exact locafion to li mltuaily ;;.;;;;ur! to developer and tor.in counc.i.t. 18.46.210 ADDITiONAL A}|ENITIES. A' Deveroper shail provide 0R l.r0RK tITH THE T'',JN T0 pR.vIDE adequaie private transportation servi cer -tJ"tiil"o*ners. and. gu"r ti -or .uhe devel opiient so as to transport them from ttre aeveiopment to-the viitage core area and Lionshead area as ouitined-i'nH.';;;;;ired deve)opnent piin. -3' Deveroper shall pro-vide in its 3pplg.y.gg.deve'lopr,rent plan a bus sherter of a design and'rocation ;riliiiy'ug.ui.ur"'to-dbveropel^ inc torn councir saif "t-he1ter--to'serve u,.'i"ai'g;";;;;i;, . d.-,.__kr.-j-r. !; .. "^: ... -._ J8.46.220 ' EI.IPLoYEE HoUSiltc: 'b* a vrRnly BAsIS A colrrnecruAl AGREET4.NT BETTEEN THE Er,,,fL'yER-ANq._THE DEVEL.'ER sH''jJrNG r11091199. oi lipiijiri"ir'usnrc rHAr rs*sAr,SHii;ii +lo.Jlr,^,.,^,.0F vAIt'.sHALL-BE I'iADE-nvarLneLi:io:iii'brpnnTr.rENT'oF col"r,liffqJ.8.$lrl8r'lH'f.to"ry € / t)l ',"d a 'j:'il .i-7.; ' (o -42? t. t-.'O ENVIRONI{ENTAL I}IPACT REPORTS Chapter 18.56 ENVIRONi\IENT.{L I}IP,{CT REPORTS Sections: 18.56.010 purpose. 18.56.0:0 Apptic:rbilirv.l8 56.030 Eiempr proj".o 18. j6.0+0 Studies rnd lara retluired.18.56.050 Reporr_Conren rr. . ----' 18.56.060 Repo rr_ Add itio na I rnarerial.I8.56.070 Timescheclule. 18.56.0S0 Fee. 18.56.090 Revierv_Su bmissio n. I 3. 13. i 33 ffi:il-T:::^'jd -'t' u u *'"e" rarv' irrror:rra ri,'- r s.s6. i i ; ;;il ;fil';i;,.."J;i':l;:'",,18.56.1:0 pcrnrir issul nce. 18.5]5.010 purpose. .' ,iJrtTl];:",: ::|.,';Ji'- or an en'irorrmerrr,rr imp.,cr rcporr ::i_ 1 ff.'r - r; ;;;:iu Ll.:i?'i:1,i: iili, i,l1l!:. :i,.ii:envltonment in the torvri .r, ir, ,,,.r.,,,,,,,;,,-":,:.:1'.aclticve trr. roir,"r"i"g"oij:,;l;r,tJr,",'ttt'rttlitrg :tr..':ts is r'"tltrire rl to /r'. I O_ r'nsrlre tlrrt complul.e inlbrntlfiorr On tllc (:t,lvir()nntL,lltl!l errects of thc. pronoscd pr.j.-cs .* ,,*iir,,i,il.,o thr.. rorr.rr t' i:":;::,:'i,ll;' ?",Jli ::lm nrission' ""'i i r'''l..li""rr prrhric' su i,jins cri rer;;;;;=;l:.:il ^l'orcctiott or' t ltt' cnvirott rilur r is r i-*r.it"",tt' .l.1;i;1.1;"'it' ltl:tttttirtg' 'rr(l lh:rt t..",t ,'*.i,',.,,i r. a..ou,ir tr,. ,*r.ri,r*",,11;,',X':'i ,l:lilii" ll.,il,lli;ll::,jli.. i;;:;L. ro Irrovi(rc r)roccLrrrrc\ tirr rocri! ,._i;"".:;;;:":r,rtr,rrr.,rr .,r.rrrc :i}:"llii:J'llJ :,ll:.:l' l::,1':11'"'"'r 1"";i'-'i,l','u, ,., {ri,*r,,,s tlcvc lorr rttcn !: :ltltllotl/Jli()ll\ lilr cttttltttcrtct''lcrtl ()l D. fo ensrtrc th:rl htrrhl.lt.z"r.t ,,r...*,"irr';:;1:.'"it :rrc rr.t (('tt\l.r('tr'rl itt get>lrrgir' pa r hs. r.ck r,i r r,,",,,_. lli, li:, lii:,1,il:;,lill,:il:l;ili il;:.,,,ffi ( -t, ENVIRONI\IENTAL I},IPACT REPORTS be mirigated to the.satisfaction of tlie plannrng commission und the torvlt counctt:E. To ensure that the qurlitv ot surt.rce ryater and groundrvater rvirnin rhe torvn will b" prot..red Irorn iO".rr* irnpecrs __ anu/or cic3reriation due to construcrion aciivres. !o.'9..i-1les0) $ l0 (parr): o.,j. igiie;;i-S'j,i,ora. s(1e73)$ 16. i 00.) !3.5't.020 Appticabilirv. A-n environmenrar impecr report shall be submirted to the zoning aciminisrrator ior any projecr for rvhicli sucir a report is reouired by federal or zoning adminrsr*tor ,j.t"^T,lj]:' or lbr any- prolect wtrictr-ihe environment, .ithe, a,t"*rnes may si-lniticlntly change rlte basis. i*n;;.;;; ;',ili"i,:T'T!?il#, on x conrinuing A AJters an ecological unir. or^lani j",l.r-r. ?".i, as a ridgeline.saddle, drarv, ravine, hillsicl. ..-fiti,',i"p* creek, nrarsh._ watercourse, or other natrrral lend fo"" r"."iu.",B. Directty or indirecrly orie.m o-.,uiiJiii;';;#r,, r-eetjing, or nesting ground: C. Alten or removes natil,e grasses. trees, shrubs, or other vegeta!ivc cover:D. Affecrs t.he tpperrancc or character of I signiiicant scenic area or resourcc, or.illolves buildings "r-o-,i,., stntcrures that are of a size, b"rlf:-_9. scatc rhai r*uiJ,rr" in mrrked colltrast to natural ol '. :.:lisi:lli ;:*il1i,.T:::iinil':t 'il,jili,.,. si,,,, o' hcrlth ilnd sat'c(-vi ' otltcr lltrld lirrm cltlngc or hlzlrd-to F Dischargcs to*i" ot.,:l]:tllrilll' iiL)nornr:rl subsrarrcr.s, or involvcs rrse of hsrbir _ src,n, trusr, rrr ",,i";;lli;l.|il;:',:i:lil:j...,," e.rnirs smok... srs. C. llvolvcs unv proccss' rv1,i.f, ,.riiirr-l,l otl61 J11,r1 rrr:ry lr,-, . _ objcutiortrblg oy d111;1L1111,,.ll. Rcqurrcs ilnv \vi.lstc tr or rcquircs ,,,",u".ii",11'1,'"li'i:lll,,i;; i,l,ii,ll'illlilil.,,iJ,i;trctt lnclt t rlr rlis;>oslrl sr tc:l. l)isclt u llr:s siurtrtjcurrt J. l l:s thc porcrrri.l ,,'"il:I:ltt .l's,licl .r' litlttitl w.sl!'s:) striun tlt,: c:tp:rcitv ol. cxisttrrs or \- i o e , .t . '11.i'r"3,'.;r5.1.... F-rr It'.r;.--.1 .155 l\'.rd 10.8t I o . ZONINC : '-f planned servage disposal, storrn drainage, or other ut ity systems; *. lll*::^ any, process rvhich generares noise that may be , oI tenslve or damaerng:L. !,lther displaces sier ... . - ,re"iii.r-,.,,'i";;;;=';';'";j,lli},f,." or peopre or resurts in a Itt. ffiOts a site rvith poren rral recrerrtonal or open space N. ft-.^ir local traific parrerns or causes a signir.icanr rncrease in ^ traific volume or transtr servrce nceds:O. Is a part of a lareer -project which, ar any t.urure srage. mly ,^ 1n1o!_e any ol the impacrs Irtea tn'rr,ls.Jciiln.(Ord. 8(1973) g l6.lO0.r 18.i6.030 . Exempr projects.Ar envlronmenrrl impact report shail not be requrreci for the follorving projects:A. Alteration, repair and meinlenancc oi existing stnlclures _ and site improvernen ts: -ts. A phase of a project for rvhich an envir.onmental impact llf,o_r,t nre.vious.ly rvas submirtr..rl and revieruec.l covering the entrre project, provided. that the proj..t iu".-,rpproved e;rd _ not subsequen tll, altered:L'. A project rvhich, on the basis of a preiiminan,environmental xssessmenr "^r.,.;1, ''--.I] 1 prescribed rn s..,ioT"i ! r?;'ff t,,.';i,,,i:l,tj.,, iii'".*insignificrnt impacr on the cnuironni.;;'Ti;. prclinrinarv environmcntll csscssment rn,l r I r . , , .: , , . , . _ . - ' l"' im p a * s r r ar r be,",;,r; li,"i, il[,] [._' ]lli,iT;,:il c n vi ro n rn c,r r,ir (Ord. 3(19?3) S 16.300.) 18.56 0lO Studic.s antl rlata rc,qrrirt-rl.A The environmcntul ;ttl*, fm; ;,{iillll!',"',$"1,,.'";:11"' l': -li-::l ;l; i tr r n in is r.r t o r. n; ; l;;,:rl :;,,,t,, lii';;ll:ili i. llT., lli,, i:,:illi pro1cct rnuy bc prcpurr.d [:y thc rcs prrnsii,f" ll,,i,f i. lgcncy or by pnrf cssionul consrrltirnis it ",r r,f., "-:n ", t.lii,*, .,,,r,,,0i*. m.t (V:ril lt).ttll 4 5() * .l: ,,."r-'-: - .. L ( ENVIRONI\IENTAL Iil,IPACT REPORTS I B. rlru cnvirorrrncnt:rl inrplct re,port srrall srrrnnrurrzc thc tirdings rntl rcconrmentllriorrs of thc ic;1,;;;;lt :rnd oth..r sul)l)ortilt,, strr<jics in tc.rm s thlt cln hg :rsscssctl trrrtl cvuluarctl l,y torvn .ot.t.icirl:i ,rnr'f -'il,"'l*",r"r.t putrlic.Tculrnicll tleta shalt . hc ,,ii,,,'r1,,.i ,-rr," *.,ppnr,i,r*rL)crrm0ntlrron. Tcchrricll .lrt,r. ;;;;,1.',,;;; .r''. nrr,t',,. r,,r.otltcr procctltrrc ur rcrrrrir.:,'',.,,,'.:;',;,',--.,:.-...': or hcr orrri',rn.. .,, iu:l::::il":'ll""lrt'l :lJi'i:ffi ;:,,i: il:o r57 t vrrl t 0-li I I ZONTNC may be used to suDDort an environmental impact report.(Ord. 3(1973) $ ro.+oi.l 56.050 Reporr-Conrenrs. ,_I n',e environmental imD3ct r€port shall contain intbrmation and anaivsis, in sutficient deiail ana ,a"^,,.,-,_'",,*_^__ _ {I s,ru ,lu.rr\.Jrsr n SuIIlclent,d,etr.rl and rdeourtciv suDporled ^by.,technical stuciies. ro enxble tfre rorvn c-ouncit io 1uC_e the envrronmenral impact of the project "".j ;"i;l;; rr€xsur.,s Rl1pi._.q to reduce. or nesare iny harmrui i;;;;;r.Ine envrrorunenral irnpxgl report shall inciucie I oFnar^i ,tlil1T...t,. descri bin g rlie p roposed pr;;.; ;;; ;,r"rffil:;:loentlrying the orvner rndior sponsors. and. if a puulic lroject. .iden tifyin g rhe ru nriing -;;r."; ;";';;; scheduie. ."".::,:I:;: marerials..maps. and ptans shall be suomirreti 4Sgwin_e rire tbllorvinq intbrmarion: JuuIIrIrtcu Aty' Yrolect boundaries and boundaries of the arer rvirhin }fu ;"-1:1.":vironmenrrt i.p.., li-iiL.ri'to't'sisn,ri.unr :1g</ rresent and proposed uses oi the site: E g!: :l#if LT,X#lli"T i:i;,TT.'',1: l p.oy ".,. s u c,, rs - site area, numbers of resiaentiair',",", ,,i" li"*d 6eiglrr il j b":]l ", lui.rdin gs, bur.ldin g rto;;;;;' i.";quare r.eer.and such orher tlata as rviil contribute ;:":-ii:.,;,ff undersrrnriing of rhe scalc of tf.,. pro;r.i:-'-(/1^lTl .gf re-gulrtorv or rcvierv "g"n.i*. ,no tlrc sp.,ciric ;h re-grrlrrions ro rvhich the projec iuilf fr. ,iifri.rr, Gy ::j:::_".f_;lbdivision..laps. tlevclopm",'ip1.,'*. or orhcr pe r t i n c n t rl o c u rrr c r r rs i i I u s t r:r t i n q t t,i, p ru 1ro*",i' 1,,,1.,j...,,l)roxinrity to wiltc.r boclics. tlrc rlist:rrrcf l.rolll titr, L.cntcr-linc ol'livc crc'cks or strcl ac.'"1,,r,,i,.1,.,t'n;;l;';',';' ;i:l;:LIo ltr' llronosctl strttc trtrrtl , ,\ (r ! r L | (r I , | | | L-l I [ ,,\ t U l l n lc I)r()lcctl N'h' 8. Soil tr:pcs_1.,:rsc'tl .rrporr rt," -i,,ti,,,,,,t (.()r)r)cr:rrrvL .s()il Sun,sv, USI)-\. Stril Cu,rr"rr.,trio,,. .\crr.itc :rntl irrtr.,r-pretlliorrs {)1. sOil. t!,l)cs. t.\,!:ct:ttiorr rlt:rll hc rlr_.scrilrcrl { r n und tltruc rn:rssus sllos,n. fJ' n c' Xi:,";;:;:li',lllll1. . y"'n;.t rcpofr ..r'rn i'crrrrr.. :,' on llrc u'viron,lt.t-i.11ttt!,... prtrvll[ins ctrtnPicrc l,rr,,r,,i"ti,r,t ' rojcc r,, " u ..1il:: ll i,r;" lliii, I lil 1,,';, l,'xl:, I ;: l, ;;l ;ffiiii {-o lV:ril l ll-8l l t5s L ENVIITO}J}IENTAL Ii\1PACT REPORTS independent .evaluation by reviervers of factors that could be affected ,b{. ,1. proposed project. The environmcntal invenrorv shall include maoi, "phorograpns. or olher I I {1 ^ appropnare illustrrtive mareriri. lr/, t1 , ,. Areas caregorizeci accoroing ro type of possible imprct shail be idenritied. The envrronm.nroi inu.ntory shall describe both the phvsical .and bioloqicai naiurar serring, :rnci rh: I I A, dsTannruoc serting oi rhe sire ano its surroundinss.t\J. | \ IILW tr\e dnvrronmenrr.i. imprcr reporr shaii incrucje i.t (Z comorehensive. quaiirative ,na ouu'nlit"rlve anailrsis oi anv signir)ccnr imr-,ect that rirc propoied pro;ecr rvril have on rire envlronmenr. The anaiysis shail clescnbi ,.rnporurr; o*fii that rviil prevarl dunng consrrLlction. rnci lon_s-rerm eiiects that rvill prevail aiter compietion. Tlie anaiysis sirail describe borh bener-icial effects anci detrimenrai er'rects. rre *r.ri.vsri shall consicier primary eifects and seconciarl, eficcrs tviricii rvill resulr tiom rhe project. The analysis 'porrlon oiit,e environmental imp:rct report shall fully assess tire rollorving.items: l. Adverse effects rvhich cannot be avoided ii.the proposrl is implemented I 2. Mitigation measures proposcrl to nrininrizc. thr., irnpacr.including rvatcr qualiry, erosion conrrol _"J ;.:r;.s;;;-tion mecsurcs:3. Possiblc alternltives to the proposi.u actlon:4. Ir.erationships between shoit-t"'rm arrt.r rorr_g-tt.rnl uscs oi fltc environnrcnr:5' Irrcversibre r'n'iionnrcntal crrungcs rcsulti'g ri.orn i'r-plcnrerr ru tiorr ot' thc, proposul;6. Crt-rrvth-inclucing inrliucts ot. tllc protcct.(ortt. 37( l9g0) g l0 iplrt):i)rd. s( t973\ | t6.401.) \e 18.56.060 Rcport-,\tlrtiritrrral rn:rreri:rl. . Thc zoning administru!<>r m4, lirrthcr prcscriLrc (llu l.onl1 nd co.(unt ol'un crr'iro'r'cntll irnprrct,"puri, i.i,,,,* lbrt'i'grcltcr dutlil tlre tlctors to ttc c.r,rii.lcrc.i ,,n,i rl," nliulnur ul rvlrich.rhc rcport slrull bc prcpurc,rl. ,,,rA ,,iru ,.],i,,irc sllrrnissi6p ol' intirrm:rtion in ltklitrol- to, tlltt r"-tluirctl by Scction 1iJ.56.050. (Ord. S(Ie73) g 16..103.) l.;9 (\'.ril lo-ri I I {\o ZO\ING 18.56.070 Timeschedule. The environrnental impact report reouired under this chapter shall be prepared within rhlrtr. aaui oi the date thar ptans are submlrted ior desien reviery as prescribed in Secrions 18.56-040 through 1S.56.06b. subjecr ,o..**rion oIrhe rim3 period to a maximum ot' ninerl, ,irl,, lV' rlle pltnning co-mmission. .The time period mav be exrende j io a mitxlmum of one _ huncjrecl eighty da1.s ii sersonal .o^,irion, prcvent J comprehensive analy-sis. (Ord. I6( l97S) i l(at: Orcj. S( 197_ii s I 6..t04. ) 18.56.0S0 Fee. In the event that the torvn engtges proressional consultanrs to prepare an environmental impecr ripon. th: cosr sirall be paid. by the sponsor of tlie piojecr. 'Tite sponsor mav be required to deposit r fixcd sum in ltlvancg ro .or.., rh.'.;:r;;the report, rvith trre une.rpended balance returnabic ro IirJ sponsor. (Ord. 8(1973) S 16.405.) 18.56.090 Revierv-Submission. The environmental impacr reporr shall be submllt_,d to the zoning administrator. The zoning edminisrraror shali prcscrib:the.number oi copies to be submitrcd. The zoning .rt'tmi,l istratoi shrll norify the torvn council, the pl:rnning comniission. anC tli.i design revierv board of . reccipt oi rn .lnvironme,ntal irnpacr report, and shall transmit copics. ot' thr, rcporr [rpon rl-,(luest.Environmcntal impact reporis sirrril bc lvaileLric Ibr p11fli!j revierv in thc officcs ot'thc town. tOrii. St lt)73) ii t6.501.\ 1 8.56. t 00 Rcvicrv-Tirnc linrir --Su ppk,r1L.r.t (:l rv iliirrnr;rr i6rr.r\. T|c plannirrg conrrrrission shlrl rcr,ierv tllc rcport \vatrlin tfiirry da1's of subnrissiorr srrtr.ic.ct to:ln c\t!.nsiorr or. tr:c.tintu pcriod thirty utltlitionul tl:rvs irr t,r,.l..r to rrbtlin atJditionll inlbnn:rrion I'runr ilrc 'tow1 st;it-. I.r.rrr IIrr,sponsor ot' thc pro;r-,ct. or tllr.. :trrtllor ol :trrr. ;lortiorr tlt-tltr.rcl)ort. li. '[lrr' c<)r'rrtissio. rr*ly rccci'r. ;rtlrliti,rrar \t;rtclnc'ls ()r (\'xil lU.$1,.rlltl ' i"r*';'--r' ( {t E);\.IRONII[\T.\L I}IP.\CT REPORTS supl)orriilg milrerials from the sponsor of a project. from rhe lorvn 5in1g- rrom prot'essronar consuirants.'oi tiom ottreri.Such lrtlrlitiorrrl rnarerirls nray be *irria..r.o as suoole-menrarv or antendctor-r,, to the ertvrronntentrl i,noaa, iaoorr.rtJrd. itjrl978) S t(b) (parrr: ord. S(rctji J i6lb:.i--'-'"..- 1lj.j5.i 10 ltEvierv-.{c f io n irv conrrnissiorr..\. i:.llor,. ing re'ierv ot' rl.,e en"i.onlriclriri'inlur", renorr. tlle piarrrrint cournrissior: srr:rrl approve.'.iis"f f iu,,'e. or re(plesr jJtair::es ln Ille proje()! in ,rvrilins. .fhe plarining comnlssron shull aporove rile pro,ect unless ir iincis tiar elrher r.he pio,tccr l,iil have signiiicant long-rernr a<jvcrse elfects on Ihe cnyironnlcnt rvillt rcspect to the uurural systerns or r)rir!-r t'aclors srudied as prescribetl in S.;;l;,l IS.56.010.or tlle projcct rvill hrvc short-icrm a,.iue.se eitects on the cnr.ironrnenr so detrimentul thar public ire,rjiir. satitr. or ',vcii:rre considcrarions_ preclutie "ppro.:ri oi' in. ;;;j";.ln tlre case of eirher tjriLiin_g, lt .tia,ig.s-i,, "ri,. pro.,.., ,."feasible rviric' arneli.rr,. oi' a'oiJ-;ii;-rl;err. effe.ts on ilte environrnent sufj:icientty to periiiit apl.ouot of the projecr.. the plannine conrmiisiorr, ln ru.irin_i,'strall describe those changcs and reqlcst those chrnges b-e lrude. If the plarrrrinu cornmission cl,,.rcrmines tii"i'iri" Ii,",,*., ard nor fersrols, ir slrall disapp,ro\.c the projccr in ,uriiing. tlescribins the :rd'ersc cl'ft.crs orl tn., ,:nviioninenr. th;;s;;il;;;;;:l=.tire cr'tlcts cither to _ tlte na!ur:rl ,1,rrarn, 'o, 'urher tircrors stuLiicd ls 1>rcscribcrl irr .ie ctjolr f S.SO.Oj-O -or ro r., ptrblic [ealth. sutlt_v or ,.ve lt.;lrc antl the jf,ur,ri,* ctrrnnrissio1.s reusolls lbr. c.rrclLrtlirur r lrrt no .hui,g.,5 ii"i,,s l)ro_tcdt Jrr,. lc:rsiirlc to ;nndlionltd cr lrr.oirl thosc eit,",cts.lJ. If llrr' pllrrrrirrr ctrrrr rr*icur ru r r i..r.u.,,,rx:";i.1 :ilt'":ilJ-'lu .il,' il;J.,i:l,,ll.;llrcviouslf itt)[)rovr(l l)\, tllc tltsi!.:rr rcvicrv lrrr:rril. :rrrrl tlrc iltonsor of tltc Pr()tcct rr[tk*s llrr>s.: ,,1lirn!.:..s. titr,. r,..r,isctl tlcsir' :.ull llc rcsrrltrrritrctl t. l'c ,taa,,.,n l..irj,"r* '':rrcl lirr its uJrpr<rvll Lruluss rlr(. rrlunnin:: ..r;;;;;r:;.,;; rvrrrr.r..s rhis l ('( lt | | l'CnlL'l l [. r(,rrl. l(l( t97li) i l(b) {p:rrnr()r(1. ij( 1,,:.:) i I().-it}.i.)I o ;- i"1 ,:.{':;.. .' ;': .l (r I (\'.rtl I rr.ht t 5 ZONING 18.56.1 l5 Apperl ro the ro\.n council.A. An appeal ro the rorvn council may be rnade by the appli_cant. adjacent proDertJ, oruner. oi b1. the rorvn lntnJser.The torvn council cen also cell up ni"rr.o ilu ; ffi;;,i _ lote oi those council members Drdscltr.B. For ail aopeals. the. aopeal mtisr be rjied in. rvrrring rvirhin ten da-vs follo*.ing rhe clc,cision or rnusl i*.jrii.a un by. the Iorvn corrncil at tireir next regullriv scireutrlc,ci rncenns.C. The councrl shail hear the ippe ui ",,,r.,in ,iurruji"l=='oi i,,being iiled or cailed trp. rvith :r possrblt, ririrrrl<iav c.rrensrorr _ _ if the couircii tlncis rhar thcre is insur.t.i.i.,ir iurormrr,on.(Ord. 37(1980) i I I (p:rrrr.) 18.56.120 Permirissuance.A. Upon approval oi tire llrojcct. lrpplicirLric ilr.rrnrrs rluv Lr.,issucd anci rlte project nrry prodiL:(i. ,,,iri.., 'iu'r,,.1i,";U,!il tional reqLriremenrs, pennits. or rruthorizrrion, ,, ntry be requrred trv ihis rirle anci by orhcr applicible ordinlnccs or regttlations ol the torvn. No p..rmiii shall be issur",tl and no aurhorizarions shall bc gnintcti ri,ltich sould lllorv I projccr to proceed in the event thal tllc irlr,r,ri,.,g c,t11lmis-sion does .ot grf,nr .approval or' thc crviiournc.tar iurpacr report atter r;vierv. \o pe.nnits shlll be issr.lcii ;nd no xHtho-rizations sholl be grrntcd for urtv proi.., -" iri.f., tlor.s uor contbrnl subsranrirlly to thc dl,sclriprion oi t[c projcct contlined in the c'nvir B. rrris sccriorr srrar' ;;;',T;ii"il]'':.1,i:;L.T, r<,r rvirici.rrr cnvirclnnrctrtul irnt.rtrct rcport is rrot rlt;triri,r.i. lrs pr,,,scrib.,,.l in Scction I S.-s6.0-10. (Ord. I6( l975) \ 3(lr) lpurr):Ortl. Sr I07-ri ; 1r,..i0-1.) ''--a Rl lV;ril l0.lt I )+tt_ { I I ff,lr,' 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) tt76-7000 oftlce ot communlty developmenl October 28, L987 Mr. Andy Norris L000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado g1657 Re: Revised parking figures due to the construction of the Wellness Center at the Cascade Club building Dear Andy: Attached to this letter is a summary of the parking allocation for the cascade parking structure. plans have been submitted for the Wellness Center. Originally, you had allocated 9 parking spaces for the werlneis cenler. The proposed wellness Center has a total square footage of 1,386 square feet (per plans submitted by Ned Gwathmey) which requiies only z "iac.=.F-or this reason, l! ir necessaiy.to adjus€ the parking "i,u'na.y yhigh was originally written up- in a letter to |ou dated. March 3f 1987. once the wellness center has been conltructed, you will have a total of 41 unarlocated spaces in the parking'structure. rf you have any guestions about these figures, please feer free to contact me. Sincerelyrr-, ,t). I t/.\-)/ "I llfi -l\{lff4n 1Il t-f r'! | t\-zy \/, . 1 ,Kristah pritz Town Planner KP:br Enclosure cc: Frank Freyer Buff Arnold t cAscADE PARKING ANALYSTS THESE F'TGURES WERE REVISED FOR ADDRESSED TO ANDV NORRTS DATED }IELI..NESS CENTER FROM A AUGUST 27, 1987 IJETTER Below is a surnroary of the parking allocations for the cascade structure. r have calcuraled alr of the parking requir"rn"nis for spaces Located in Units t and 2 accordinq tJ iecent approved building perrnit p1ans. REVTSED tO/28/87 PARKTNG ANALYSTS FOR CASCADE STRUCTURE I. UNITS ]- & 2 PARKING A.Unit unit I 2 provides 122 spaces provides 150 spaces Total 272 spaces Total B.ALlocations for Units I & 2 .-\ Cascade l{ing (8 d.u.) re .. "r Westin Hotel l_ts . '. Terrace (Lzo a.u., GRFA 5g,069 sf) l_05 ..,Terrace Retail- (5,856 sf) ZO \-.,Plaza Phase I (20 1.u., GRFA 7,2O5 sf) l_6 ,.\Plaza Phase r Retail (1,099 sfj 4 -.-,PLaza Phase II Conference (g,297 sf) 35 \J Pfaza phase II Conf. Retail (9oo sf) 3 314 I I rI. T'NIT 3 PARKTNG A. Unit 3, provides l_49 spaces . B. Allocations for Unit 3 CIIIC: Clancyrs (J-34 seats) L7 Caseade Theatre ZA College Classroorns 40 college Office (954 sf) 4 CASCADE CLUB:Retail {30o sf) 1 Bar & Restaurant (985 sf) 8 offj.ce in cMC (82s sf) 3 Wellness Center 7 Total 16E- spaces III. TOTAL PARKING ALLOCATION A. Unitsl&2 3I4spaces unit 3 t-o8 Total 422 sr)aces B. Total Required Spaces with L0? reduction for mixed use: 3BO C. Total Spaces in Structure 4Zl Total Spaces Required with - 38O Total Rernaining Unallocated Spaces: 41 spaces CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF. PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DArE L0/9./87 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOFTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT T tr I n n f BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 1.'TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP l ltvv ABEHIRM 122a34 DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORX ."''"ddTo"c'dtri'aXiitiiri''jlsEITnsa-ndadd #new T-ghting and recp and panel PERMIT NO. z o F l J BUILDING ELECTRICAL 13,000 PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR R-i 13,000 BUILDING PERMIT d\) *€n*F J- oA ,s {o \)\ PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 221,00 NEW() ALTERATION (ADDITIONAL REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOIVMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN,UP OEPOSIT EXr. wALLS | |USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES Ernst Glatzle 10/5/97 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED Y N INITIAL ST. CUT rr_owS OFTTC|AL oArE INING AoMINISTRAToR DATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, filled out in full the information required, compleied an accurate plot ptan, and state that alt the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town..ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design inances of the Town applicable thereto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and MAIL ADDRESS ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS F|RM GE J0HNS0N TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM AM ELECT TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHAN CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. fet E OTHER CONTRACTO lh€ prinlery/vail I NOTE - COPY OF PERMTT /,-t 4 -i-i DATE /\ ',' .I:1 TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ?fa CONSTRUCTION PERMIT THE 1. 2. FOLLOI,JING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT: lurn department of community development *****PLEASE FILL oUR WHERE THE (i) NRnrS nnrt TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCEOF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT !n X X X X X K ( ( LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK- FILING dor^o*t'\DAW 'rr6WNER N^ME V\tL /+ra8z;- MAIL ADDRESS alY enhTl-(6az ARCHITECT PH, FIRM - MAIL ADDRESS CITY GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL SNrRAcroR ,err. 177 6 -- 7 46 5 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. -IELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE, OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEHIRM TYPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT !Egl--.I_ jlM4IlqN( ) ApgriloNAL( ) TEFATR( ) RECREATION FEE CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that l.have read this application, filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state tnat btt $re iniormation prouio.b "s ilquired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply witil all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure a"jrording to the Town,s i6ning ano suuoiuision cooes, oesigi review approved, Unitorm Building Code aid othe6prdinanceJoity," rJ*"!fpticaute thereto. CONSTRUCTION PERMTT l0m department of community development *****PLEASE FILL OUR I,{HERE THE (i) mnXS nnrt To BE FiLLED our coMpLETELv pRloF To tssuANcEoF pERMtr !n I u LJ 'r.' tr TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION t ,.;. i- X K ( I \ LEGAL DESC, LOT- BLK_ FILING J.roennrue' LW , 9WJlER I lb i-. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FfRM'-' t.t ;. .'.. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. J'^1?'^i:3h PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. tl NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO , , -:i''DAIElL" /- 'r { BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE 4-19 ,- )u l ( .l NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT: ''.r I l-tnE 1. 2. FOLLOWING IS Letter from 2 Sets pf co condo assn. {IF AppLICABLE) mpl ete drawin gs/expl anffi ion I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I V V z.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M DtVtStON l2?ag4 . t' .7- |";. .1r7'i/a-r.y i1 7S _,1 f ;,,,r 6 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT Hrw-l-f l!]frytq!( t ipprIANAt-) REpArRl ) R.VALLUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING ADMINISTRATOR #;:*{,!^#'fi* -LHi. I hereby acknowledge that l.have read this application, filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plol plan, and state thai all the iniormation prouio"o ir i"quired is correct. I agree to gomPly with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and lo build this structure a"-cording to the Town's z6ning and Juoiui.ion coctes, design review approved, unirorm Buirdins cooe ano oth:tor:inanc"" oitii.IT*i6;i;;b; il;'r;,r"# AND THE OWNEF. department ol community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT T m ! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION n tr D JOB NAME: MAIL ADDRESS rrnu G-F- JOHBS0N TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, GENERAL CONTRACTOR ernra MA ELECTRIC ffi LECTRICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. .TEI F OTHER CONTRACT NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OcT !. *k*8. t987 PERMIT NO. OSSO?8 DATE r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK , REBO TEMP, PSI.IER TO PROJECT PERMIT FEES TYPE GROUP G,R,F.A. VALUATION EI : 4t d PLUMBING ADDITIONAL O REPAIR (NEW{ ) ALTERATION DWELLING UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMi/ODATION UNITS - NO, FIBEPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS R.VALLUE INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES 0elr_!, !l*! DATE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, compleied an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corect. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town.ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ot v e APPLICATION FOR , Date of Applicatio Date of pEC Meetin CONDITIONAL USE PERI,IiT I.]!!s nrocedure is required use permit.for any project required.to obtain a condi tiona'l F 2.oo PHONE The apptication wlll NAI'IE OF APPLICANT tbe ln accepted until all information is submitted. L t4(E ADDRESS Z no B.NAIIE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS 1s PHONE NAME 0F OI^JNER(s) (pr.inr 0I,JNER(S) : SIGNATURE(s )_ ADDRESS PIIONE 2 r/i,46 E. _FEE groo pArD_yUb1 THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL, F. A list of the l$gs_gl_oyners of .JJ H:g:tty adjacent to !l,q subject properry ' INCLUDiNG pR0pERrv BEHTND nNo ninoss_bineEiii ;il-;;;;, mairins addresies.THE APPLICANT ldILL BE nisporlsreii-F0R coRRi;i or^irrrni"nnD coRREcr ADDRESsES.: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL-LOT BLOCK FI LI NG AODRESS gK g >d31 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT I,IiLL II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE-APPLICATION CON ERENCE }JITH A PLANNING STAFF MIMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED T0 DETERMINE IF ANY-ADorrIorlnl'iliriinr,rnrror'r is-r'relbeii.""r,r-ii eppr-rcATr0N l.lrLL fivinlli;iis[i:llidi:'iriffri*'iii1;;i6it,lil'ir'ffr-''iiltril,iffilii^-'-' ;:::l'tITH THE srnrF ro rrr'ro oui Ab0ui"liooirror,rnr_ suBMTTTAL REQUTREMENT5. i;:i *rA:r pr T!4r'4,!srf--!E+5.{t;il;;;;";;;,;;;:;-, ;;,ffi;. pR.cFsc.'i. F33 Lflv-r+i8Jiilr:t-r.-qTmr.rc iHi'*upr?Fr oF a'No''i'fi o'r.mprover- r.ur rHi r B'TLDTNG pEnNir i, ,*brflNDrTroNS ,or nppnovei-i,iGi.;;tdMpLrED wrrH. BEFoRE A OVER II.Four (4) copieb of the followj_ng information: .'A' 1*1"::liption of the. precise nature of the proposed use and ' ats operating characteristics, and. measures-proposed to nake tr ::r compatibJ-e with ott.r p.op.rties :.n trre vicinity.B' A site plan showlng proposed devel0pment or !!: site, i:rclrrd.ing : r. . topograPhy, buildiig- rolitio.,", parking, traffic circulation; ;::l*:":pen space, -ranascapea. aiea, :*ia "tii*ies and-a=*irr;g= . t .. : . :c' .Freriminarv building prans and erevations sufficie't to indicate the dimdnsion=, generlt."ppear_r,ce, scale, and interior plan of .,i.1 all buildings. :. :. l.;..' *"u3t3**Pt*T'l:I'31 T*'"::lTv.19' the review or rhe appricati.on ..v _ __-_-...!a oy tlre Zoning aarnir,istiui"i.--' ".: . fff. Tirne requirements The planninq and Environmental Corn:nission meets 'Mondays of 6ach month. a"--"iifi.arion with the material must be submitted ffi; .. weeks prior to . meeting. on the 2nd and 4th Decessary accompanying the date of the- s:]....- d€partmgnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION m D I m B BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 1 Wes #:::Lors"+ffiErbfmcr-- FILING B NAME| OWNER uer',re Vai I Ven tures LTD MATLADDRESS 1000 S Front Rd. crrY VAi 1 PH 6-6602 ARCHITECT Arnol d Associates MAIL ADDRESS clry Vai I pH.6-1L47 G ENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*u JEll.Bote Gu63. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ! si,1?'^ii3h FIRM LOIVN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OI VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TQWN Of VAIL REG. NO. TELE. thepdntary/vail Mrr ro BE KEPr o* ro"r,rr\\u$ 'N\ts\..\-\ o r-)-s 1. TYPF OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DfVISfON 122a34 fi f ff f ff ll+T"f l'8 Rff Hlf r. uiru- I,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION 50 ,000 .00 -\Y _$ '\<r >* t..- BUILDING PERMIT NEW(YYYALTERATION() ADOITIONAL () REPAIR DWELLING UNITS - HETcHT rN Fr. 25' ACCOI\4MODATION UNITS NO. FIREPLACES THICKNESS R.VALLUE ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEES ztillet ING ADMINISTRATOR ING & BUILDING NOTES: appl FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is coffect. I agreb to compty with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the T , design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and ot CLEAN UP TO:1=-rr - i Va, r , Lf4 NOTE _ DATE No. 003011 PERMIT NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEPr oN JoBsrrE -\Nt \\t \NtF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 1300 t'lest Haven Dr oora l*lay 6, 1987 departmant of community dwdopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRTOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT [4 [E [E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL u u n I. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCYGROUP A8 EH IR M DlVlSlOl{ t2?a34 GENERAT DESCRIPTION OFWORK ; - PERMIT NO, z 9 F t BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 22 GUESTROOMS BDDIO TgE EXISTING ITtECHAt{ICAL HOTEL. WPE GROUP G.R.F.A,. VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT F-n U f-. S"\\*o SF F\ EJ "U \ PLAN CHECK dF{ ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL () REFAIR (PTUMBING l! lrl V1 LtJ LL DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS-MECHANICAL n dJ il -J HEIGHT IN FT. -- NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE Lr- <f .F INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARO Fr+ E z.E CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT tlJ ro o-o- co Exr wALLs| { |USE TAX dZ p*o ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAR HEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES GARY MURMIN llay 6, L987 JILDING OFFTCIAL . DAT-E KRISTAN PRITZ May 6, 1987 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING tl I I )NING A BUILDING NOTES: *** SFF PFRMTT 2R56 or"olll I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read this application, filled out in full the informalion required, complet€d an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with thg information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to lhe Town's zoning and subdivlsion codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tgwn applicable therelo. AND THE OWNEF. LEGAL lpEsc. LOT-BLK FILING UNPLATTED I OWNER nme Vail Ventures LTD ,r*ooo.* 400 S Frort Boad ctw Vai I PH6-4O77 ARCHITECT FIBM MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM G. F. ,INHNSON 128-A ]'-rct*,co.- CONTRACTOR TOVVN OF VAIL 8EG. NO. .TEI E PLUMEING .tnr \p-\ q'r.,\t r\s.'l U(,NIXAIWIUK rELE. \\\e\\ MECHANICAL FIRM TOIUN OF VAIL REG, NO UU.N I KAUIUH .l.Et t OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAJL FEG. NO. TEI,E. fia FliLr!/v.il ROMA I colrreneuce Loc^rIoN: RoMA suBlEcT: DOOrS Ar.hitedwt . Intcrior Design . Utban Duign . planning CONFERENCE MEMO PRoIEcr rvo: SJIQ.Q[ phase II oere: Qsfefsr ZS, l9g7 1. Re:_Door.207, from.my_verbal description of door 207 Gary believes he will find it acceptabte with ttre reinovi6te siiiioniry-ianel as an equivalent des.i.gn 20 minute door. 7'. Panic devices on doors between meeting rooms or ballroom and prefunction (corridor)--may not be dogled. Latching'iunction of device must be maintained. (Main entry doors from exteri6r to vestibules may be dogged.) MSN: kb cHl025GM cc: l4anifold Fred Christensen Frank Freyer nv: f,f6yy nowee /T///{ wtrH: SXpy lilurrain Town of Vail Building 0fficial TELECON r4zo Sutttr Stnct . San Frandsco, Calfornia g4tog . Tclqlnnc (+r g ZIS_+SSI f, fut*Lx *"?r+sr. .*tk t //rrrya aZ /1 \AltVrxruRES, * Dear Kristan, SDD4 was anended in l9g4 .to refLect at that ti.ne the developnent program for cascade vilLage. ro"iuo"i ir, tt.t anendneot were the Terrace and the plzr^ wirg-"dditions to the lrlestin Hotel-. The Terrace wing design has rEmained generally the :1:: 1" that approved although there-has been a reduction in the GRFA from 55'000 square feet ro s4,4rz "q;;;; i""t "oa a reducrion in retail fron 6,399 square feet to 5rOOfi "qurr"-i".r.a major design uodr-ficatlon has been made to the pLaza l{tng.The approved buil'ding has been divided in to three separare projecrss 1) Plaza conference cenrer, 2) p].a;;-wing Addltion to existing easr wing of tr{est.in Horel "na si aoiiJrnt "gr. The previously approved P\aza Wing contained 40 guest"roona, l5 residentlal condoninluns, 19,500 square fEet of ,.r"rr/oFii-" "p"". and 9,500 square feet of neeting facLlitles. - 22 guesr rooos (7,680 GRFA) - 2 hospitaltty suites (1,650 square feet) - 1,100 square feet of retail_ Two guest rooos ln the lfestin will be removed to corridor access to the Terrace Wing resufti"g in addition of 20 guesr roons tn the Flaz;-wi;;: -" * PLaza Conference Center (Phase II) of Eeeting facilltles of retail January 22, 1997 Ms. Krlstan Pritz Town Planner Torun of Vai 1 Box 100 Vail, C0 81657 The revised plan is as follows: * Plaza Wing Addition (phase I) - 8r400 square feet - 1r140 square feet pro vide a neE 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vait, Colorado g1657 r 303/476_6602 Ms. Kristan Pritz January 22, 1987 Page 2 * BulLding 'C' The addition of Cascade VilLage chairlift ulth 1ts required support faciLities t.e. restroons, ticket wlndows, etc.requires the developnent of an appropriate program for this bul1dlng. Generally, the building program includes 20,000 square feet of retail/conmercial, 5r000 square feet of chairlift support and 40,000 square feet of residential. It ls also expected that sone parking will be lnc1uded. An analysis of the narket will be made in the next four months which wiLl result in a detatled program for this butlding.The progran anaLyeis will- also include the Mansfield ViLlage and Cosgriff sites. I would propose that the SlrD4 be anended based upon the market research and resuLting progran developnent. The tining would be during the early sunner of 1987. Parking for both the Terrace Wing and trrro phases of pLaza I'Iing ri1l be accomnodated in the Cascade Village parking structure. The Terrace I'ling guest rooms vi1-l iequtre 102 spaces and its retail 19 spaces. The P\aza lflng addition nill- require l6 spaces for guest roons and 4 spaces for retail. The plaza conference center wilL require 70 spaces for neetlng facillties and four (4) for rerail. The _tota'1 parklng requlred for the Terrace/plaza (excluding retaiL of 27 spaces) expansion t,otal-s 188 spaces and 1s entirely acconmodated in Levels I and 2 of the structure. Conmltments to Level l and 2 to date !9tql 115 spaces resulring in a rotal of 303 apaces. Applying the 12.52 credir for multiple purpose parklng results ln a net asslgned parking of.26s "pules.' The two levels acconmodate 272 spaces 1-eaving a surplus oi 7 spacea to apply to the 24 spaces (87.5U ot 27) required. Level 3 has been all-ocated a total of 96 sDaces for the cMC Bu1lding. Applying the credit of 12.52 results'i-8. o"r requirement of 84 spaces whlch will be increased by 17 to acconmodate the retail ln the Terrace/plaza expaosion. Level 3 has a capacity of 149 spaces. conpletion of tire Terrace/ptaza expansion will result in 48 additional spaces available for the Butld lng |tCtt de vel o pme n t . .i Ms. Kristan Pritz January 22, 1987 Page 3 I belleve the Terrace/Plaza expansion prograo conslstent wlth the anendnents nade to Lhe SDD4 in we are prepared to seek approval to anend the SDD4 developnent progra!0 for Building ttCtt and the other more c1ear. as noodified is 1984. Houever,as the sites becone If you need addltlonal Lnfornation, please ca1L. Slncerely, Andrerl D. Norrle Presitlent Montane Cor poration ADN/sb o|)O TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, C0L0RAD0 87657 BASED OI{ THE 1985 UIIIIFORIiI BUILDING CODE THIS IS A FAST TRACK PERT,IIT APPLICATIOI{ CONTRACTOR: G.E. Johnson 1300 t,|esthaven Drive ARCH I TECT:Rorn OCCUPANCY:82 - A2.1 ENG I NEER :Ri chard lrleingardt PLAN EXAMINER:Gary Murrain ADDRESS: TYPE 0F CONST: II thr w/sprinkler substitution for thr OhlNER NAME:Vail Ventures L.T.D'DATE:September 3, 1987 PERIIIT ISSUAI{CE Sec.303.(a) The building official may issue a permit for the construction of part of a building or structure before the entire plans and specifications for the whole bui'lding or structure have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed e entire bu or structure will be qrante APPLICATION PROCEDURE YES N /fr N /x N /J- NO D t-i _Ll D n D laf REQ. N N N lx N N N lF R site plan? * a, Foundation plan? A soi1 test? Stamped str"uctural ? Floor plans? Al i elevations? 3"\,*r{-e& An el ectri ca1 pi an? Fire proofing? Sprjnkler shops? Fire alarm shops? Fin'ish schedule? Speci fi cati ons? other? lA^a*.77/t-* PUIITI CHECK I{ILL ITIOT BEGII{ UNTIL ALL OF THE BELO}I IS E0ITIEIED SB IUEUITTED. (1) requ j red .(2) Planning/Zoning final approval from Community Development Staff. (3) Al 1 records, agreements, title reports, letters of credit, bonds, etc. must accompany your appl i cati on. REQ. M N Nl- & R N ET NO M N N N & /x N- YES D D D r-7 !_/ D /_/ D A mechan ical pl an? COi'ISTRUCTION NOT PROCEED BEYOND THE POI *Must include alI improvements as required by Pl ann i nglZon in I. THE UI'IDERSIGI{ED. HAVE READ At{D UIIIDERSTAI'|D.SIGI{: OF APPROVAL. vw d, ^r"*, Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to froposed modifica- tions to the Contract Documents described herein. : . THIS IS.NOT A CHANCE.ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. DeScdption: (w.itrcn d$c.ipttoo ol'rhc work) c r4l#i1uft1' 6tA59;' Wrov lnBal: /tTr" +*vetp. Mu t-l-rol-( @.-. ?Utarle. frz. *g ar*owl*l ,,u*-- lz aA, oB-al]11.re2K-t ; vtew __"J ii'\_L: ?iL,aNe; a4 I tr "j---{l.-': . ,"Y h\ I *Ts::uv ,,i-,1,)'>c dr*fr'a:"Mi' ,r,,{r-_?y*.' r: - ff/{,:,frx; r' .$' 1f",ttr"ffff{&:#' ,1, A-t t-; -: .\i-l ll^*?tL'aNe;4ALlq , f f I <,-=i rt I tfr'+YP.- i li i -rii FROPOSAT REQUE5T AIA DQCUMENT 6709 PROJECT: (name, add OWNER: TO: (Contractor) T . OWNER , ARCHITECT , CONTRACIOR FIELD OTHER c0 80904 rT)KEf;A'N PRoPoSAL REQUEST *o' Zq -7*.f '67 GE Johnson 310 S. 14th Street Colorado Springs, 6310.00 : B7l313 PR Co ns truc tion' AprlJ- i9B7 fr)xuz-atu4 Sbaia*l SILLCoHE ruM&** al A.l,'l { l' , Colorado - ARCHITECT:n i,norEssrolel CORPOR{TION I 1- AtA DocuttENT G709".PROPOSAI" RTQUEST . APRIL 1970 EDTTION . AlA,0 . @19t0. THE A\/E., N,\V., \VA5Ht!6roN, D.C. ?CCO6 ATI€RIC,\N INSTITUTT OF ARC!IITTCTS- 1;]' N[W YORK coLoRADO TEST CErul tNc 135 SOUTH tttAVAJO DErwER. coLoRADO U1223 (303) 598-rO5O LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Inspector: lobf i zososq Date: Page: F, of f ten t J-+rslerxeD. STRUCTUFAL MECHANTCAL AND MATERIAT.S TESNNG coLoRADO TEST CEU1 tNc. 15s SOUIH l{^VAtO oEfttvEn, @LoRADO 80223 (s3) 698-1050 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location:1J.r ,ru Jobl : zosa3a Date: InsPector: D r- t) ,e_rznrtea_ page : lt or eported | * STRUCTUFAL MECHANICAL AT,'O MATERIAIS TESNNG c-e:aEffi f rrc,rrctn wG tcst/r{c ,,!sEZ;d '155 South Navap Oerver Cotorado AOA23 303 698 ro5o L'ST ITEM - TO CTC PROJECT NUMBEH (roi--s-s 3_) M, Oliver ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS, HELD OASERVATION PFOJECT NI.ME .':-: TECHNICIAN ST HR J. /5 coNT svc xTF SVC cooE * v OT HR TYPE OF INSPECTION - VTSUAL ULTRASONIC SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) ---. BOLT TENSION-, ,,","*ilU W€RE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES -.-._- 11P X ITEM NUMBER REBAR INSpmfOl-i DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Perfornrel visuaL inspection of rebar placed in footirgs at the follouirq grid locations: L,ine 17, N.G-T: Vertical bars ard. poured ttr-is date placed at tjme of all- horizontal bars in concrete inspection. #4 horizontal bars amve @ncrete at pier Details ll_3, inspection. A11 othen *4 trorizontal be placed later. Li"ne T, ]6.4-20.3: Vertical bars arri alL horizontal bars in concrete poural thj_s. date place.i at tjme of ixspection. #4 horizontal bars above concrete to be placai later. No detail inclr.rded for horizontal bars at Grid ?_IZ, Detail !F9; CF&I notj-fied. Detail nct ccrq)letd at tjme of irspection. Irr4 placed at tine of bars aborre @ncrete to f^/rc!r'ffF,rvo atsl,rvc,,vsracr,o,i t55 South Navap Oenver Cotorado BO2?3 303 698 1050 CTC PFOJECT NUMBEF (ru-r-o-:-s_) ',o .: PUNCH,LIST ITEM - TO FI ELD OSSERVATIOX NE'POAT oere L0/16/87 PFOJECT NAME V]esti n Ftrotel/Ierraee Wi nlr aridi l-ion --:, TECHNIGIAN sT HR oT HR coNr svc xTR svc coDE * v 8.00 TYPE OF INSPECTION . VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE ULTRASONIC WELDMENT -, ULTRASONIC SHEAF CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTGAL' -, BOLT TENSION-, FIREPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO -ITEM NUMBER OESCRIPTTON/LOCATION Visual inspection of the roof framing and corurections was conlucted betr,seen grids 1 o n .It fn q tn c,i fireprmfed. Itsns found were addaf to ttre attached (please refer) . on those connections not yet inoanplete anVor rejectable of discreparcies *42 tlru #49 to 6, to be list Roof bar joist. welds were inspected fourd to be rejectable were nrarked as such for repa.ir. Above infornration was given verbally to r..pR Erection forenan, Joe1, befi,seen grids 6 to 9. Those ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. C@EF' trrc//vaaflll,6i rfsTrwGt,vspfcro,{ 155 Soulh Navap Oenwr Colorado 80223 303 698 1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBEF ( :-o-. - -o-:- g-- ) FIELD OBSERVATIOH REPORT oarc ]''O/L4/87 pROJECTlllyg Westin Hotel_ Terrace VIfuq Addition TECHNTcTAN sr xi or HR t /.t /r ,.UU coNT svc XTR SVC CODe * TYPE OF INSPECTION - VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE ULTBASONIC WELDMENT -, ULTRASONIC SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) BOLT TENSION FIREPROOFING WEFIE ITEMS BELOW THE MTNIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO -ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Visual inspection of the roof deck arri attachfug prddle welds was corducted on the soutJ: slope, gri_ds I to 6 ard was fourd. to be acceptable on tlat r^trich was ccnpleted. Concernirg the fact tlnt td{ screbrs are rDt beirg i_r€taUed at deck ;nnel seans, '"lrlcraftdrawings call for attaclTnent every 3r0" center to center, vdrich is what bar joist spacing is. Itterefore, the 5,/8" diameter puddle welds at each joj.st, shall be acceptable. On the roof, south slope. at lszels L4 ard L4.5, there is a quesLion as to the reguired nrmber of bolts attachirg tJle dormer ACTION T o o tn tn q m r){ l_ I Arts borts ( -l- ^.: -^ r^^-- | --rz.e rJeqtLl. I re.cnea ror l_ AKEN REGARDING ABOVE CT_C-GEGT-E ts{ ing ineer ino lest ina insiit ion i55 Scruth Nava,jc", Oen ve-"i-' , f,r:l onecjI:(303) 6Sa*i0ifi Vai I Ven.rur-,rgs, icc_ ruUU 5- :-'r'()trtdtf i- nU Vai'l . JO ;toi; Actn: Fnarrk F.,teve. ies L. Nurnber" : , c b )'i.: rie : J oLr Acic ness : Ccn i rec r:c:r- I Sunoi ier.: Truc ir rio. : CiC Rer.r - : Loca i: ion o.i: iour: ,3C223 hes i:. OatE-. Cast : A9t'29/97 iei'r" a c e i4 inqrlFiaze i Va i 'l Co I oraocr G" f- ir:hnscrn ts & $ ixsavat ino J -:' r'' _ uitveT ir*ck s'i ab on hire 4.r; l-r L a / a613i 0i27/87 I tl ;/ 6 I Reoor.( io: Va.i t" Vencurr:ls, Lro_ G. E- iohnson Cons.t.rus L. it:n CO.SLp Arch.i cec ts Sl unr : 3 - ?i Conc rete Tenc.. i irllel i* i: l.-ir;*c : Air, a\\' f ickei:: liq:- i'l ix i-D-: 'f I r: r: r' !sscs ftl i x A,/ NOFi Ei{T> irt . "/Ci: - FC 6. e9 Air. T-,.., ^l;. .1 .-irle l-trs t.eci: ?;30 t4 {,5 C-QNCRaIE TESI RESULTS Cvl .inutai.. i ii UJ Au riil i i ii v:. zc Si::r,err.qtir (ps i) it tiu +YZl) + / OIJ Ave r.a g e Sclerrgcir 4 .J{+ U 0-u I ; -:J9 itpi)ainT,ilqIRl r,rov o 21s87 illjl :::::.:\- '--\rcu I an Rernari.s, VAIL VENTti,i-":, lTb] o Engineering festin: lnsneci ion i 55 Sou Ch Nava. j c.r 0err vtr i" , Ccll oracjg i303) 698-l0sC iers t l.i rr rn i: e r' : .jt:b liarne: i ob Adci reEs : Con t rac tor" : Supp'i ier: Truck i\o. : CTC Rec;.: Locac ion oi Pour': 0di:e Ca{r.C : jAi i S,/E'i i 9432 ierrace !{irrc,/F'l aza i va i I Cr:r'or,acicr G- e. iol-rnsan ; & I Conc re.t*e J- ? fi. Ol i ver Loug ia Fr;oi: irrc.t, phase frlo - : 1S997 .: ts-5S29+1 'i irre N.6*T, i l ine i6-4-20"3 Vi:r'i I Ven Lur.es , Ltu .i 00C S. Fron.i:ao*: Ru. lies.i \J ... .: 1 vq,!! urJ 5tt)5a A t.cn : Fnenk Frt*vel Repcrr l- Tct: Va i l G-8, $Lp ai26iBi t/ to/ai 1/ Ua/ | t 1./en i:ur,€s, Li:d, iohnson Cr:n:;.b ruc i: ion CO-Arc ili t {rc C:j G0223 T ickel: tellx l.J 5iunr;:: 4 -A Concr.eLe iernp. ^F: Time S,:: i::ched : A ir (e;):i^i+ /l ,"FL.: 144.3 D.i r;. : i-i J 6-6 Air Ternn. ^F: 54 Tirne T{:s i:ier: r 2:45 uvrjnQe:r. Lij UI Rerna n ks : Si:r'errgtfr (r:*iI i\vei:r.age Sc reng Cl-r Ocr 2 I 1987 vAL veruruRfs, L Tfr tNGtNttatNG r6srrc ta;-t;; t55 South Nava0 Denver Cotorado gO?23 303 698 lo5o CTC PROJECT NUMBEB ( 101 - 0 3 e ) . FIELD OSSERVATION R€PORT PROJECTNAME '' TECHNICIAN ., ST*R 7. fu O "u"", Lrsr lrEM - ro OT HR TypE oF lNspEcrroN _ vrsuAl x , MAGNETT. 'ARTTCLE uLTRAsoNrc *ELDMENT _-, ULTFIASONIC WERE lrEMs BELow rHE MIN|MUM PRoJEcr spEcrFrcATroNS NorED? yEs -_ No ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Visual inspection r.ras to be conlucted on the roof deck arrl a puddle welds on the ncrth slope of the Terrace Wirg AddiLion, grids 1 to 6_. Hov,/ever, upon arrival, it was ncted tlnt roofi_r.g pllnanod had already been instalred o'er t,.e deci., renterirg an inaccessi-bre con<lition. It !,ras rpted, fron urrderneattl, tlnt no sgrelrs, tvirq q.ecK seans together, had been installed. Also rnted, r,ras the fact that the original strap .,,oed l.cated a10nc tj]e top ncrth s10pe of the west stair core, had been cut 100se frcrn nelson studs (elevation reasons) ard had r't been reattached prior to deck placanent. G.E. Johnson personnel, Chuck & Jim, were nctified of ttris condition. After contacting tpR Erection forenan, Joe1, a prcblen was roted with lack of deck support at ttre roof "va11qzs,, ard. ,'hipg,, between adjacent bar joists. Structural Ergineerirq could nct be reached ACTION TAKEN REGAROING AEOVE ITEMS.ror ca&nent. m 1t tn (- m cJ T -r t T r i I +t sp;g L0n2/87 CONT SVC X XTR SVC CODE * 1 5li Siclr.r t ir Itavir.i(t i)tenvtgr". i)r.rlr;rguc.r iltl?-Z? (.JUJ./ tj'{,i)- rviril 1/a l'i V*rrtur,stl.; i-l:{- . i tjii0 .ci, Pr,cirri:a+s .i c.: hE:r;.i.: \''a-r'i ^ (.:3 il $ri'l Ai:1:rr: l r,a rr rs i:i'qJ\/*', ile Ce Cas'L - iA/19,it]'l Teg; i: i'iuritr:e:r.: .,loo iri<rr:irg; .j cJ Aeqir.erss;: Ctl:r'i r.acii:r: $urrr: -i iarr, : 'f r.uc x iri c.l . : CTC Ficirr.' - : l.OUa C ; O-r ': ;' J.J' J r' : coruc nri,F iESr QSg r-:g F'.|J_ tlct -. :_- i()b iriu- i'- tOooas . Iit+ pc.r r' i'. Oa.!:tes: 1O/2t5/87 ', '1,' 1r/1$/fr7 | 1/ UJ/ lt I R+i rJ(.r r" C r-'u : \/a i l c.i - r.-: _ $Lp Vtlni:uflesr, Ltu - iohnson OcrlrsgrLtction 0O- /'\r, il f i:ec i:$ ' ]Jt+ J /-'i€nrfiufi ral inur/i.)'i aza i ,r'* i I Ocl lclr'ctclc) G- E- .roirnsolr $ & ti Conc rei:e: :i--t tr' \J t lvet| Lt:trc ia Fooi int:, Phasu 'i'ickr:L irlcr " : ii!-ix -i-0-: ,t,t,lr ll r'1t* IY}JU 1 E'_C y l Y"r- t i\i,6*'i-- 'i-I rt16! l n-.+-zu-J Pl.r..Y.q IQA t.j R9 P E RILE$ S'i lrr,p: +. i)(iorrcr-sli:r, ie*lrr: . '';: - fi:i T i t:rtE ijati.r:l:e,.:: 2:$'i ili r {*; ):6-6 Wt./Cu- i:l-.": i4f*.3 r'{ : i' | (*titrr - r: i4 'i'i n:e 'ir;s;i:r*ri:. 2 t f+t"\ ,li 1.. r,,:,:lu i.: ir ills i ) t:i I tl .JO.rU Ji:'tU Ave r,eq: tr iii:r.enE1 i:ir 5U tU COMPRESSiVE STRENGTIj: Sr:ec,i.{ i*tt 2ij L.)*:rr i:;.i: i,r,r.-1(i.ci1 ( r:rs.i ) .jijili) 0'zl i rrqrerr, :i i) i)I ti2 TJJ i cre.is I Zt5 /- at $ r z-sr 5 - Sii O . iJU 5 - g!i ilglr:ra r ks; \- t(.-\)l:\J I n, .(|rlr. - C-jlC-.3 E_"ST E t-( Ensineerino iest tno iiGc,: ion 'l 55 Soui:n iri.r ve icl Denver , ji.:'r olc*c:(l]03) {i!j8-.iijiii; 'l'eilgtt Nulrruerr': ..r o r.r .ri <t t:: $ :. ,i tlD Aue r,a.'$s, , i)o:'r'i:'ac";or.: liu fro i r e:r, :'i r.rit:;< \i<: - : C'i-C iiE-.r"r - : Locar r ': olr r:.t lr:r.:r.: Ocs i ttt!Jit 'r-celr"ar.:t+ i,,l.i nu/F.i az_a i ir'"1 :' i ()cr'j or,uotJ G. [- ioirngson fr & ii txcavai: inc .)'- 3 ; . i'ionci -i errrqi it:nt ino 'i 'i rrtes; i ,f .t cr ?-i\tzz3 P-0- irlci.-':' Job No- :' ?0fi0d3 ilE:r:ont i)giles: i 'I i/13/E'l 2/2i /it7 VentLlr.B$, Ltd - "jc)i'tn$on Cc)nri.itr,u$t.i*n C0 - x r, c:; ili il t:(.i i- ri 1/el I ilelrll:ur.atr: !-.i_r 1 0 ii0 ii . i''orli-eros iii: h e, r..r i: iicr.: I - C{: i; .i ii ii.i rit trt : irarrx i::.sr,.7g,1. Rer.lol t i-cl: \/cr.i i G. E. i)L-P i i c kti*L f{o - M ix i - i). : !i' eE:r t of : tu.JUr+ 65!29 +i z\t tlnt?_ qtil'"9-i.-cA L,P-R_qP E Fr.i.€$ S!urnu: ,.. i i)t-.ti'tc;--ecg itlrr:r.t -';'j 'i i r:rte ii a i' c:: .1i+u : x'i r'(t): r\ i r. 'i-ernr: - -'F: 'i -i rne 'ies Led : vii - / tltt r+ .t | !: t".,u i: i: - :I JU - !J ii1 :II: ZE .).,. r::r.rt_... j. r) {.1 ! A(lti i (l cl\/Si i Jtze o, L,L/ ii i: r,ernu t. rr ( ps .i )Avetrercre iii: r'errt] t: rr EJ I U r(e; nl(| tr r( -<; I r.-- | (-. -rr5 =_r_.1 r EFL /l Enotneeri o iestrns tnspsc;ian It 'l 5ij $cru i:rr hi,:1,'re.io i)t+trver" . !-:u'r €r,.1i-l$ t,0223 (:i03) iiijti-iii:ii, :/e i i Vr..lrtur,Er$ r", 1..; !ilUt) ::i l',,:rrri::t.:r$ iic he)3i.(l ir4 , ', - {;:.; .i: : iiai': r'ri:trr : i:rart rr i:i.s.!r/e+: qpN$EETE rEsrQsuLJ$ t) () i'ir' ^ . iob i{o- :' . 7A4A43 '-l(+i lJCf r C Ucl Lt!!i : ': 1!rr' Re no r' 1: 'l'cl : l/a i i i.i - E. 3L.i) |,t I J/ tl ! Vr:rllu r els , Ltcj - ioirirr:crrr Corr*,t r.uct.i on 00 - /\r,(':n i i:{stltsi ']'es I r'inlrr.rg;:.: ..jurr ;\iar:r{!};. .iqrp r\cicir,ess:' ilt:nii"act.".tr r iiut.ro i ierr',-irtrr:x l{o-: Ci'C iieru - : i-ocer-i: : C)r'r r.) r' PrJr; ,. : Ja cn O*:, i: :- iiiO(iiA'i i ilSii.i -re'-f 'ctcri V,l inr:r/F i a.z.a '! iro : -i Oc:'i c:r-,.rciql 3.. E- ioirrrsorr il & A €xc;arra i: irtcr :; . i.ro r.d I urrc: i:nr.:* !r-lo -i irres i'I T i c kei: hio - iiiix i-D-: t. cl $' eilst r:rf : I rJ.ru.r t5 ):r z 5 -F r z\t I tr1{* _ PHYSiCAL pROp€RTies $-i ltt:lt;:^ +.:i (it':rrs; l"tt c+ !-*:r:ri: -'i'j: ti-'i irle rje.r.-]..i+{_1 : : il: UUFIPRL,'j:i.: y f 5;R€i.rG"ii.,r .. *ir'(*)I L'T i-j r: ter:r 'i i j t+ri 2 €] 5.8 r\'i r' 'i'elrno- "F: 4ii -i i rrt* 'iti:s i: gu : i 'i r 0 0 ilay ii i relu L, i'r ( r:s i ) iiil.,/[lu. i:t. : i3S-g .J tJ U {.t :{ fi.: :: i Lli.\/3;J.1 7- ti t'r-uLJ $ t: r" Eri'r tri: ir ( r:s i )Avgrr dcte fi i. r' ert 11 Lir dJ tL/ rr | \- -tr r_--tt I r_ n , I t\t \_ _ VTIL VENTURES, LTD. a(sllldf 'l(ti r ffi Ename$iaq for,'nq r-orr;" *-&, '! 55 $outir irrarza.it; Uernvtar" - r)t.r -i t:r,atlcr (303) $96-ioffc it+el t i\iu$otrr, : ic.rb Narrr:: i olr Ado rqsss: : Ctrnt r,irc;.c or: $uno i igr. :Trucx irir.l - : Lrr- Kg _: L,crcar t i olr o.t- ppu r. : M*i6-rl uu/-zJ i)a.Lr: Cast : 1 1 ,Y:'OY 'it*p 1",E1-* t$ i nr;,/p'l aza i/*r i i Coi onac.io (-j - F- .johnson !i ni ts Oonc rete 'i- lt i:.Nor.dlunci soot'irru Firerse iI ec P.O. No,: iob lrlo.::.' ?04043 i?epor.t Da{ r,ls : '. . | 1r 11/1A/B',l 'i2/a'i,/H'l i2/i6/tr? Va.i i Verr.i:ur.g::;. ..-i-(: 1000 $. Fr.qrrr:":cr* ilc . hs:s;..:\/ai-r , CC i;.i55t Ai: Cn : Flarrk F:,ti:./er r,, Reoor,t- io: V.r i I Veni:ur,es, t-.Ccl .(i- E. johnson [)onstr,r,rc.t.i orr CO-iiLp Ar,cir i tecit$ / $it / 8'l T icket No- : ivi ix i-3_: Iines 19-iJ_5 I U11-.\J ts-5929+j to l{-/l antr' f:.i las.ter ac. Si'i unp : lj . ii Cclnc reits 'i't+nr I 'i irnr: iie.i:cnt:u:I : i,it ii-i r' {*) :Nt - /c'",,ii.0 Air J'enro- ^F: 5i l' i rner 'ies.t eui : p- : t0 FL - : 'l 39. 6 Q.7'i i nci e; r' i r) al l ,ji i: *r :- i: :r ,.r:; )'ltr.ernqth (rrsi) zr+ /.u qd i lt)rls wdi:er, oclded rl.rera$e $t reng t it fi ize-. 6 - iiO I I I I I j i I t. I I I I i f.j0v 1 61987 ENTfnffirb: litnnta r xs; : F iani:y!,d i'-{:,r', fllUg; ItJ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE Iray 27, 1987 \\crts \N\uilno\ 002911 departmsnt of community dwelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANGE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT m(n n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL !n I FILING B NAME: MAIL ADDRESS crrY Vail px6-7111 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM 'OWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER FIRM PLATHC0NSTRUCTI0N roWll Or vail- nea. NO. 148-8 l.rypEoFcoNsrRucnoir ,@"' ,u v FR z.occuPANcYGRouP ree n r@r Drvrsror{ @z"r+ GENERAT DESCRIPTION OF WORK : --.#-DE onnc ADE A nVEB rt\trflv rl.f,v liflrrn PERMITNO,- o T t BUILOING 2,000.00 ELECTRICAL rLt,nl AT UIESTIN HOTEE USING Al,,tr PLlil Er*fl TYPE GROUP G.F.F,A. VALUATION P€RMIT FEES II FR R-1 2 ,000.00 BUIIDING PERMIT 45.00 \-) Frt. 9d"...) $oa crr X,'i PLAN CHECK lv.vu ELECTRICAI NEW( ) ALTERATION ADDITIONAL O REPAIR (X PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VAILUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 Exr.wALLsl I\/ / t USE TAX ROOF i* --rr*. --7 oF-_--.7---_ HEAT soLAF TOTAT PERMIT FEES ( 17l nn GARY MURRAIN M MAY 28, 1987 iurr-orueomcni__ _ _ daTE RICK PYLMAN May 28, i987 ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL st cur I l,,l ,ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING tl ]ONING & BUILOING NOTES: PARKING *** MAINTAIN trXlSTJNG AepEASlAAlnE ;" - Il'-l I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation reguired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uqiform BUilding Code and otlercrdi4ancq$*{fie Town applicable th€reto.U:i revaew approveo,,uqtrr EF{rorng uooe ano oPercfd.|.Tncx}lFrne r own appilcaBre rn€rero. cLEA$l uP To'\\\ ^\)$::::::::::_- iiT+IH5l^,flE_:wNER oB coNrRAcroF FoB HTMSELF \r\ $.vrttftrutr pf (Drrutrsnrg @nurn (D:f liluil fruilhing iBr purtmpnt THIS CERTIIJ/CATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIJ EMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYINC THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS ;TRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE YARIOUS ORDTNANCES OF THE TOWN RECT]I,ATINC ,JUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE, 7O THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. Namc CASCADE CLUB PHASE IA & 2A Usc Classification COMMERCIAL Building Permit No. I g 5 7 Type Consrruction _- Group A-3 TT I'R Owner o( Building CASCADE CLUB LTD Building Address 1295 WFSTHAVEN DRIVE. CAS',ADE VILLAGE I hc building o(ficial nray" in rvririrrg, snsJx$d or rcvokq a Ccrri- ficrrc of Occuprnct issucd undcr rhc provisions of rlris code rvhcn- cver thc ccrtificatc is issucd in r'rror, or on rhc basis of incorrcr:t infornration supplicd, or rvhcn ir is dcrcrnrirrcd rhar rhr brildilg or str$cr$rc ()r portion rhtrcof is in violarion of :rn!. ordinancc or rq;ularion of rhc Town of Vnil or nn! of rlrc provisions of rhis JANUARY GARY MURRAIN POST IN A CONSPICU )US PLACE . . d6) coNsrRucnoN PERMTT *tffi/ f '*,.",department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LEGAL 1.... foerueue: cLANcY's -coMPASsg RosE OWNER unue VIIL1IENTURES t IMLTFJI MAIL ADDRESS CITY llaiI PH. ARCHITECT rrnu BRINER !C0IT MAIL ADDRESS crTY PH. 6- ?n?q GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,rr, luLLlS :rij0! 1 CON "SI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ,t c 949-0177 Qr..r*,.o,- frurnrcron FIRM rowN oF vA,rL REe. No. 152-E .., .949-4155 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM RITI ANN PI IIMRING TOWN OF VAIL RES. NO. 949-7048 TELE. MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR rrnu lliQH C0UNTRY SHEET METAL aowir oF yArL FEG. No. 140-M rELE.q4q-nn?q OTHER CONTRACTOR FTRMSCI ,o*n, o, uo,a "an. "o. 17 5 - s TELE. n-ra -72f'r' NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBS]TE t/12t87 DATE J_ ' \\u,ss .r)\. \NqN &t LN$R\ ffi eutlotr'tc R ptur$erNe ffi elecrRrcRl f] FoUNDATToN n uecHetllcRt- tr i:tO ldesthaven Dr. r.rypEoFcoNsrRucnoN rdi\tt rv v IR \, z. occuPANcYcRouP @a e x r nu DlvlsroN GENERAT DESCRIFTION OFWORK : 472 OF NEii'l RESTAUMNT tzza@ SPACE ADDED. PERMIT I{O. z tr J E BUILDING 60 ,000.00 ELEgTNICAT PLUMBING 5 ,000. 00 IIECHANICAL 1 .800.00 TOTAL 74 , 300 .00 TYPE GROUP G.F.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR A-3 74 ,300 . 00 BUILDING PERMIT 527 .00 t, l.A s nl V o f* D'a fia > ?l\: PLAN CHECK .. ,-r.J+Z . 5C ELECTRICAL 128.00 NEW( ) ALTERATION(yf ADDITIONAL(yU REPAIR( )PLUMBING 50.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -- MECHAI{ICAL 30 .00 HEIGHT IN FT, -. NO.FIREPLACES *ecRrAr,o"re#l? =$l 00 472.00 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS H-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 50.00 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 250 .00 EXrwALLsl /\ )l / /J I USE TAX 371 . 50 TYPE OF SOLAR HEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES AD oc1 AE GARY MURMTN u* t/22/87 ADDIIIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL .t. crt I I I rul-olnc oFrrc-l,lL --- DATE KRISTAI{ PRITZ LII3/87 ONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILDING NOTES: "^"-'"" -- | .J pEMo l^l I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filted out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormafioa provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design ;' il T i$SlWq$Str "o *"?.*my T yyb'e'ihere'io CLEAI{ UP T0: \.i.{ \+;S \>tr-\ AND rHE owNER. , 'm> coNSTRUcrtoN PERMIT ' fS/': J nniffi l-"*' department of @mmunity development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ffisur-orNe n pturilerNo [] rlrcrRtcel D FoUNDATToN f] MECHANICAL tr LEGAL ]rs" LOT-BLK FILING ) .ro a ^rnnr e :ffiEffi ;bhit' OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRFSS crry Vai'l pn 6-7400 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS crw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR NRM VAIL BUILDERSJTq rowN oF vAlL BEc. No. - l2l'-A TELE. a1jLo-q221 l..r"r*,.^. CONTRACTOR FIRM TowN oF VAIL REG. No. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIUN OF VAIL REG, NO. TFI F OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. -TELE. lha pdni.rylvail NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE oora May 25, 1987 \uxx NN*NS I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON l rt D rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A8E H I R M DIVISION 122a34 GE ERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - INSTAI t 2 PARTITION IdAI I S T6U *, 1 PERMIT NO. z o F J BUILDING J'UVU.UU ELECTRICAT PLUMBING irEclrAN tcAt I)OOR TNJEPERATI SPACE- TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II RF B-2 3.000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 54. 00 -s -T t\ N -a T PLAN CHECK 35.00 ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERETION (^4 AODITIONAL ( } REPAIR(PIUMBING DWELLING UNITS -- ACCOMMODATION UNITS -- HEIGHT IN FT. -- NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 exr war-Ls I | |USE TAX TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAR HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES { 1oo nn GARY MURMIN May 27, l9B7 ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur | | I lUOtt'le OrnCtAl- - - - - - - -DATE KRISTAN PRITZ May 26, 1987 )l'llNG ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: per'ao I I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision , design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and oiher ordi \N\ \\qo<----->the T CLEAI,IUp t0: e-s^"\\OWNER OR CONTRACTOF FOB HIMSELF AND TIJE OWNER. \a.*.ssa- \\\\\ POSf IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE +i. t POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACC depanment of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PEHMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION tr D ! n DI tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL J::::LOT BLK FtLtNc ],Jestin sw corner $eneue, l,tEsrIN- I DAY EVENT OWNER vent,ures CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOI/VN OF VAIL REG. NO .IEI E 3l:"-nl* F|RM Kenoa I I TOIUN OEVAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAII REG. NO Itr E MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OE VAILIEG- lLO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OE]VAILBEG. NO. TELE. tllc prlnLrt/vail NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 0021{0? PERMIT NO. DArE 4/3/86 , r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II 2. OCCUPANCYGROUP A 8 n tv v EHIRI/t DIVISION L2?a34 o Sfi Etd?60' T olnfFilfSd' rdr-Tttr- event at transformer I ocati on r conversation with Erns PERMIT FEES TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION I I n l\n \J tO\ fY1 \-\Nr PLUMBING ) ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL O REPAIR A@OMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: V N INITIAL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Ernst 0. Glatzle 3117186 br ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE AND THE OWNEF, FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the T thereto. NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE Q\Hirx oN* E\c\CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DArE 9/30/86 gL".C., department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANC€ OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL n tr n fim ffi D r PLUMBING FOUNDATION r. TYPE oF coNsrRucroN r $tr rv v 2. occuPANcYGRoup @a e x '* "DrvtstoN t z za$e GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK ; DIIACF lA rnrl trtr 11n ntr r'l tlD PERMIT NO. z E J BUILDING Xfill$lxflH 4E.ooo. oo ELECTRICAL PLUMBING CONSTRUCATIO|.i OF PML MECHANICAL TOTAL ilx6frflx0u 46,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.F.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR A-J 46,000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 388. 50 \ 5 l>--l id :|> xd PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL ruCW (Xg ATTERATION () ADDITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEFS { Rql n2 GARU MURRAINT?- IOILO/86 3UILDING OFFICTAL DATE IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ZONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, ired is correct. I agree to comply with lhe information and plot plan, to laws, and to build this struciure according to the To all Town and state nd codes, design thereto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and Ing OB CONTBACTOR FOR HIMSELF ; luttn 75 south frontage road ' vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly dovelopment March 28, 1986 Mr. Frank B. Freyer III Vai I Ventures, L'imi ted 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81,657 Dear Frank, I have reviewed your proposal with Peter Patten and Gary Murrain. The proposal to remove the site debris from the area east of the Westin Hotel as described on your map is approved as long as the following conditions are meet: The site material transferred from the Cascade Village site to Fofd Park must be located within the construction boundaries for the Ford Park Amphitheater. Please talk to Jack Hunn about the limits of construction activity for the hmphitheater if you have any further questions on boundarjes.I am concerned that the material does not extend beyond the construction limit boundary so that other areas of the park are disturbed. If a building permit for the terrace wing is not obtained by July 3L, 1.986, the vegetation must be completed by Septenber 12, 1986. If a building permit for the terrace wing has not been obtained prior to May 31, 1987, a landscape plan must be approved by the Design Review Board and planted by July 10, 1987. It is our understanding that no excavation will c:c'.rr for the Terrace Wing. Any excavation for the Terrace llling building wou'l d require a building permit. If you have any questions about this approval please feel free to cal 1 Gary Murrai n as I wi l'l be out of town for the next two weeks. Si ncerel y, K'l.^h[ Kristan Pritz Town P'lanner 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 470-7000 or ,wW# L-" 6'ar.r*/ olflce of communlty development wing is not obtained by- compl eted by September lvlarch 28, 1986 Mr. Frank B. Freyer III Vail Ventures, Lim'ited 1000 South Frontage Road hlest Vai l , Col orado 81657 Dear Frank, I have reviewed your proposal with Peter Patten and Gary Murrain. The proposal to remove the site debris from the area east of the blestjn Hotel as described on your map is approved as long as the following conditions are meet: The site material transferred from the Cascade Vii'lage site to Ford Park must be located within the constnuction boundarjes for the Ford Park Amphitheater. Please talk to Jack Hunn about the limits of construction actjvjty for the hmphitheateri f you have any further questions on boundaries.I am concerned that the material does not extend beyond the construction limit boundary so that other areas of the park are disturbed. If a building permit for the terrace July 3L, 1986, the vegetation must be \2, 1986': If a building permit for iiie -Lerrace wing has not been obtained prior to May 31, 1987, a landscape plan rnust be approved by the Design Review Board and planted by July 10, 1987. It is our understanding that no excavation lding. Any excavation for the Terrace Wing building permit. If you have any quest'ions feel free to call Gary Murrain as I will be weeks. Si ncerely, Kt{.^?-f Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner wi I I occur for the Terrace building would require a about this approval please out of town for the next two CASCN)E I.IASTER PLAN DRAFT TRAFFIC STUDY Prepared for ROMA October 1985 P85201-0-1 DKS Assocnfes Section I GEIIERAT TR,AFFIC OPERATIOIIS A}IALYSIS DKSAssocafes TMFFIC DATA The traffic data used for this analysis is taken from the Glen Lyon EIR (September L977) and the Centennial Engineering Report for the City of Yail (February 1984). The Glen Lyon EIR, the original traffic asses$tent presented for Cascade Village, provides traffic data on the South Frontage Road in the project vicinity. (The count data from the Glen Lyon EIR was updated to existing levels by applying an annual grovrth factor of 7.7 percent, as referenced in the Sno-Engineering Report.) TRIP GEt'lERATI0t'l The number of trips generated by the Cascade Village upon build-out (projected as the fall of f989) is based on information provided by Andy Norris on the revised Cascade Master Plan. The total nunber of daily trips which will access Cascade Village via Westhaven Drive upon project build-out is 3,124. A breakdown of these trips by Iand use is provided in Table 1. The trip generation rates used to estimate the total daily vehicular trips accessing Cascade Yillage are shown in Table 2. In addition, the source of the trip generation rates are given. TRIP DISTRIBUTION The primary directional movenent for existing and future Cascade Yillage traffic is to and from areas east of the proiect. Traffic counts taken at the South Frontage Road/llatterhorn Circle intersection for the Glen Lyon EIR indicate a directional split for traffic accessing the South Frontage Road from l4atterhorn Circle of 70 percent destined to the east and 30 percent destined to the west. The 70/30 split was applied to traffic accessing the South Frontage Road from Cascade Vi I I age vi a l,lesthaven Dri ve . DKS Assocntes Tab'le I ESTII{ATED IIIJI'IBER OF T}AILY AUTOMOEILE TRIPS AT BUILD-OUT USING I{ESTHAVEII DRIYE ENTRA}ICE l,lestin llotel 340 {nj+s+",,-- ,.-r.-,, -. 173 Mul ti -Family Dwel l ing Units Mil'lrace Condos - 38 units FOR CASCADE YILLAGE '-(;;;;'';:-;asi ) (rnvffi- 1 ,405 203 187 240 103 124 W - + lt . ; ., | !.. y.,i,,r;'' - -'4J v|{''tt!''" t- i r-,- . J k.r,.^- , ' .i/ "t,ri d, (13 primary units, 25 secondary) Mansfield Village Condos - 35 units (12 primary units, 23 secondary) .,1 Co'l d.Strean Condos - 45 units (t5 primary units, 30 secondary) Club Condo'- 25 units {hotel type occupancy) BuildingC-30units ^(hotel type occupancy) to4 UuPtt- 5" fr+€ Family Dwelling Units Glen Lyon Hones - 52 units (4ffirimary units, ttr secondary) Health Club Facility .{t2O0-s.f. facility 1-' oc C\ Col orado l'lountai n Col I ege Center 160 students Transit service (buses) Town of Vail Beaver Creek -\ c\i,- r $lqshqre. Proiects/ !')viir ' ' ) (tl -t, | rc;: ,-.- ESTIMIITED TOTAL DAILY TRIPS - ' i Lrt" ll'( "t t f"r , " "" .t't !.r t a , i,-.t,.. < e1' : 28 104 68 44 3,279 503 { t 3ry.'dv'tr l,' t{,-:., . \'r'" ' '' ' 'tr't '!lO a r'-l DKS Assocrafes Tab'le 2 TRIP GEIIERATION CASCADE I'TASTER Land Use CASCADE VILLAGE Trip Rate Occupants Per Unit (bcupancy Rate RATES PLAII . T Hotel I Multi-Famlly DU3 Primary Secondary Single-Family OU4 Prinary Secondary Heal th Cl ub5 CMC Center6 10/uni t..,'i ",.,8.3/unit v.',' P{70; N/A n/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ,{" rl other than ski triPs. the l'lestin Hotel are ski tripsy ot 7o-' i Ut"' Glen Lyon EIR. Trip Generation Trip Generation Trip Generation 2.86/personZ 4," \" "' 6/unJt ' 5/uni t 1. Uroom NlA2, N/A N/A N/A trrrr;f' I I rdLtllt'I- t rf ti, C.(ttft; t40\,^ N/A N/A )- t'ltt"\ lL.l/]<000' s.t. 3-1, oo o 1.55/student 1. Based on In-room transportation surveys conducted by P'B'Q & D 7 in Snomass, Colorado. 2. The 2.86 trips per person is for trip Purposes All of the patnons who make ski-re'lated trips from assrmed to.utilize the proposed ski lift for their br'- -:| \t'LLl 3. Based on trip generation rates taken from the 4. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Report, 1982. 5. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Report, 1982. 6. Source: lnstitute of Transportation Engineers Report, 1982. U. tL(': "l DKSAssocntes 4 TRIFFIC OPERATIONS .nJ''. ,''lt ,,,' ' t 4 ,,, ['' ,ti' ., tr ", ,,.r/ "' ' The capacity of the South Frontage Road/l'lesthaven Drive intersection can be measured by using the unsigna'l ized intersection capacity method outlined in the Interim llaterials on Highway Capacity", Transportation Research Board, Circu'lar No. 212, 1980. The operational characteristics of an intersection are quantified by establishing a "level of service" - a neasure of the mobility characteristics, as determined by vehicle delay and a secondary factor, volune/capacity ratio. The level of service at unsignalized intersections i"s determined on the basis of the average delay experienced by stopping vehicles. Delay to the stopped vehicles on the minor street is dependent on the volume of traffic on the mqjor street. Vehicles can pull out,into the traffic strean only when.acceptable gaps occur on the mdor street. The intersection level of service is based on the amount 6f'reserye ,.'l capacity" available for mihor street traffic to pul'l out 'into or across ,.-,,- ,,i the major street traffic. The higher the reserve capacity,-the higher ." d' {the number of additional autos on the minor street that could be I i' -t', accomodated at the intersection. A table showing the relationship ^i \,'l- :itffi:.:"i"mter{ice, reserve capaclty and vehicle delay ranses is " .tr,,ri ,., 'uitt "t/ -\ / The South .frqntage Road/ltesthaven Orive intersectioqbperateF_at a. level rrt' ,,,, 'of service"A'during both the a.n. and p.m. peak hour'periods for the .' .,build-out (ygar_ 1989) scenario. Yehicles using this intersection will . oi' .,{''experience little or no delqy during typical rinter weekday peak'periods. The most critical movenent at the l'lesthaven Drive access.fs the inbound left turn from the South Frontage Road into the Cascade Village. Projections of traffic volunes at this intersection for the build-out scenario are shown on Figure 1. The volume of 97 westbound Ieft turns opposed by 445 eastbound through trips warrants an exclusive westbound 'left-turn lane on the South Frontage Road at l{esthaven Drive. Nill Since the South Frontage Road/Hesthaven Drive intersection,operat{l at a level of service'A"during both the morning and evening peait irour periods, there is a significant level of reserve capacity in the modified intersection design. The irbound left turn movement from the South Frontage Road onto I'lesthaven Drive is projected to have a'theoretical reserve capacityo of approximately 480 vehicles during the a.m. peak hour and approximately 360 vehicles during the p.m. peak hour for the year 1989 (assuming the projected annual increase of traffic on the South Frontage Road of 7.7%1 . The actua'l capacity of the left turn storage lane would be limited by the length of the left turn bqy: approximately 325 vehicles per hour, or an additional 228 vehicles during the p.n. peak hour. r -;\.( f ;l 1-: v.' '1. 1.,' '* lt ' 'r ;' '.' t: t l ,,11r\r1o,Ut F '0. 2 DKSAssocnfes '7 r t a.fa I >-TMFFIC OPERATIONS (CONTI}IUED) The design length of the left-turn storage'l ane is approximately 325 feet. The projected vehicle travel speed for this section of the South Frontage Road is 35 m.p.h. The turning bay has more than sufficient capacity for the projected turning volumes into Cascade Vfllage (l); the left-turn bay has been designed to provide additional access to Cascade Village via a proposed future access to Mansfield Yillage. DKS Assocrafes Table 3 UNSIGI{AIIZED II.ITERSECTIOII AMTYS IS LEVEL OF SERVICE AND EXPECTEO DELAY FOR RESERVE CAPACITY RA},IGES Reserve Del ay Range Level of Serv ice Caoac i t 400 or more 300 to 399 200 to 299 100 to 199 0to99 less than 0 ted Traffic OeI (Sec. per stopped veh.) A I c 0 E F Little or no delqy Short traffic delays Average traffic delays Long traffic delays Very long traffic delays Fai I ure 0 5 10 15 30 60 -5 -10 -15 -30 -60 or more DKS Assocntes Section 2 TRA}ISIT FACILITY AMLYSIS DKSAssocafes TRAI,ISIT FACILITY DEI.IAXD The installation for a transit facility at Cascade Village is based upon the demand for the addition of a proposed ski lift to serve Vail l{ountain. The proposed ski lift. would serve residents and visitors of Cascade Yillage (pedestrian access), overnight skiers from nearby hote'l and condominium facilities (bus access as provided by shuttles), and local employees (Towrt of Vai'l bus system). These three types of facility users have been identified as providing the primary demand, the secondary demand and the tertiary demand, respectively. The projected demand for the proposed ski lift for the year 1989 (build-out of Cascade Village) is shown in Table 4. A breakdown of the specific denand generated by each facility in the ski lif! vicinity is provided. The projected total daily demand for the ski-lifl in the year 1989 is 1,726 persons. The daily ski lift demand by trip type is as fol I ows: l{alk Trips (Cascade Village) - 728 Shuttle Bus Trips - 543 Town of Vail 8us Trips - 348 AuiJ iripi (Employeei) Lol 4 r;.r.'P The total demand for the transit facility is therefor"@ p""ron-trips on a daily basis. The peak period of service would occur betreen 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., rfien 80 percent of the ski lift users rould depart from the mountain. TRA}ISIT SERYICE The proposed transit facility will have three separate loading areas to serve buses making trips to Cascade Village. The Town of Vail bus and the Beaver Creek bus will each have their own stops. The shuttle buses fron the outlying areas, which comprise the secondary demand, will share the use of three gnaller bus stops. The Town of Vail bus is a 40-passenger bus which wi'l I arrive at l5-minute intervals during the peak periods - from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., and from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. The Eeaver Creek Bus is a 40-passenger bus which will arrive at 30-minute intervals. The shuttle buses are carry 24 passengers and do not operate on pre-arranged time schedules. -z /z-"---\I The capacity of the proposed transit facility&i]l--bd analyzed during the projected peak access period (3:00 to 4:30 p.rnJ nhen 80 % of the skiers typically depart from Vail lbuntain. The demand for the Town of Vail bus, operating between six and seven buses during this 90 minute period,will be approximately 280 passengers. These skiers would use between 100X and lL7% of the total capacity available on the Town of Vail bus system. o.'Jf):':-A"b DKSAssocnfes Tabl e 4 DEII'IIID FOR PROPOSED SKI LIFT YEAR 1989 - CASCADE YILLAGE Pe rso ns Per Unit Partici Primary Demand IleEi-n--HdteT- l{illrace Condos Coldstream Condos Club Condos Pl aza Condos Mansfield Condos Gl en Lyon Homes Village Residents Fal I Li ne Park l4eadows 1.7 4 4 3 3 4 340 41 45 24 25 42 48 30 54 33 150 l16 74 84 80 54 90% 50c 50% 95% 8076 60?6 50? 100% 90z 85% 903 80x 70x 85% 803 75z N/A N/A 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 30% ?0% 80u ' 70% 416 26 32 55 ta 42 40 15 97 49 -T57 -128 728 331 110 62 175 L28 99 TUs' -362 Secondary Demand Streamsl-dq; Raintree ffi" Roost Lodge Sandstone Creek Simba Run Yail Run 5.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Total 3.5 t.7 t.7 3.5 3 3.5 Total N/A N/A Total Less Skiers Using 0ther Facilities NET PRIMARY DEMAND 702 7M 702 701 70? 702 Less Skiers Using Other Facilities NET SECOI'IOARY DEMA}ID 543 Empl oyees 0ther Employees N/A N/A N/A N/A 348 126 nT{ Less Skiers Using Other Fac'ilities NET TERTIARY DEI'IAND 455 TOTAT DEI4AilD I,726 -19 Terti ary Demand DKSAssocafes IRAI{sIT SERVICE (CO}ITIIIUEOI -: The demand for the shuttle buses will be approximately'435 passengers during the 90-minute evening peak period. A combinatio-fr-of service by the Beaver Creek buses (three during the peak period) and the various shuttle buses (15 buses in three loading bays, assuming a 2O-minute waiting period to load each shuttlel rould provide for a capacity of approximately it80 passengers. The skier demand for transit facilities would occupy approximately 90% of this available capacity during the evening peak period. (A 20-minute waiting perfod for the shuttle buses would mean the shuttlep frq each outlying proiect rrould arrive every 40 minutes during the peak period.) In order to provide coordinated transit seryice, daily arrival and departure schedules should be assigned for each of the shuttle buses using the transit facil ity. Each shuttle service should be assigned to a permanently designated bus stop. The schedules should incorporate a maximum waiting period in order to allow for use of each bus stop area by mul tiple shuttle services. The Beaver Creek bus and the shuttle buses serving the transit facility provide adequate capacity for the projected ridership demands during the peak ski lifl operational periods. The Town of Vail bus will be heavily loaded during the peak flows. The provision of several direct buses from Cascade Village to Yall durfng the evening peak period should be considered to alleviate the antlcipated congestion. The nunber of additional buses will be dependent upon the number of non-ski trips made on the Tom of Vail bus during this period PEDESTRIAil CAPACITY The capacity of the walkwqys and waiting areas for pedestrian activities is an important factor in the design of the transit facility. 0f the 1,726 daily skiers using the proposed Cascade Village ski lift, approxlmately 1,380 will depart betmen 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. The breakdown of pedestrian trips by destination during the eyening peak period is as follows: l,lalk Trips to Cascade Yillage - 582 I'lalk Trips to Shuttle Buses - 434 l{alk Trips to Town of Vail Bus - 278 ttalk Trips to Garage - 86 The two primary capacity constraints for these pedestrian movernents are the proposed stairs at the base of the ski lift dividing the two structures of Building C and the waiting areas at the shuttle bus stops. ? PEDESIRIA}I CAPACITY (CONTINUED ) The movenent of pedestrians through the proposed stairs at the base of the ski'l ift should occur at a design flow rate of 2 people per minute per foot of wa'lkway width or less during peak periods. A total of 1,380 pedestrians traverse the 35-foot wide stai.rvay during the 90-minute peak period. This results in a flow rate of approximately 0.44 people per minute per foot of ralkway wldth. The proposed stairway design will allor uninpeded floxr even during peak pbriods for pedestrians departing from the ski lift. The waiting areas at the shuttle bus stops should provide approximately l0 square feet per person to allow for comfortable standing while waiting to load the proper bus. The proposed shuttle bus stop areas have seven foot wide sidewalks and have 45-foot long berths. This design provides 315 square feet of area for pedestrian storage. The total demand for shuttle buses during the 9O-minute peak period is 434 persons. This is an average of approximately 100 persons every 20 minutes (the assumed average waiting time of each shuttle bus). An average bus occupancy of 75? would result in 54 passengers boarding during the 20-minute period- The remaining 46 passengers would be stored in the three waiting a-reas. The demand for standing area rould then be an average of 150 sq. ft. per bus'stop (15 passengeri x l0 sq. ft. per person). This is well within the 315 square feet of area provided at each of the individual shuttle stops. TRANSIT DESIGil One of the most critical factors in the design of a transit systen is the implementation of an information system for passengers. It has been recormended that speclfic bus stop areas be designated for each of the outlying projects using the shuttle bus transit facility. This will eliminate the queueing of pedestrians at any sing'le location while they are awaiting shuttle irrivils. It will also allow for the preparation of a clear, concise infonnation system which guides all the pedestrians to their destination in an organized fashion. This information system should include directional signing, clearly drawn maps and easy-to-read schedules for each component of the transit network. The proposed design of the Town of Vail bus stop provides for difficult access for passengers as the circular driveway design does allow the bus to stop inmediately adjacent to the curb. Since icy conditions will occur on the roadway during the winter, it is recommended that heaters be placed under thls portion of the roadway as wel'l as under the sidewalks adjacent to the bus stop to al |ow for safe pedestrian access. 1 ) Ct' 0,y ['lo ,l- ./Jrt-' c ,= &, . TRAXSIT DESIGN ( COI{TI}IUED} l{hile the sidewalk which serves as a waiting area for each of the shuttle buses provides an adequate area for storage of standing pedestrians, the sidewalk width (seven feet) is not sufficient to provide for pedestrians rfto are ralking to the far end of the shuttle area. The size of the existing sidewalk width will result in a substantial level of conflict between skiers waiting to board at each bus stop (and their equipment) and sklers walking to a stop furthet-.downstrearn. It is recommended that the sidewalk width be increase<l tof19 feet. In addition, the bus stop waiting areas (five feet wide) shouYa be separated from the lralk portions of the sfdewalk (ten feet h,ide) by a railing divider or similar device. .l l0 iN l l:'TSTATE rlrGt! wAY N o. 7.) SO --T 11 FRONTAGE ROAl M lllroce Pnosolf a'] r -l i-, We slh c v.cn l ] U0nCurntn Ums Co:,code Slfuclure Club Porking I WISTITAVIN -'J t1 l I f- r- --l \ I ) -) r- I I r-t |--_ '-' t' r i I I I orozo S rilding -l -r; rj l-- l---- ll 'r---- t . Terroco W Ing - r____J l-t I \| lr litn Cosgrlll fiorccl ,.t.. 'a)of@ Lr4/6 ^b/U't€)zt-?uzau./6,V{f .d^Jf,rz//zzzD r- -r ri I -j ri I t\ L--! Mi!lrocc l'f ole IJ lo tl vAll_, co,_0RA00 A'J L CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBgITE DArE 9/30185 002218 PERMIT NO. departrnent of community dwelopment TO BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n m T I n n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION I.WPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll I V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M olvtstoN t22634 GENEFAL OESCRIPI1oJI-OF WORI i --- KeI'aln.lng wails and earcn worK _-----.--.+-,-.=-or path and courts 11"000.00 PERMIT FEES TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION Cascade Club JOBNAME: Cascade Village Tennis Cour rulrue Vai I Ventures un,.noo*... 1000 S. Frontage CITY VAiI PH. ALTERATION O AODITIONAL () DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODA RECREATION FEE errage & Assoc FrRM Va i I Bu il ders ^lI2 TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. N TOTAL PERMIT FEES -0aty-Ilu.rreia - - - - & BUILDING NOTES: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all th€ information provided as required is coffect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure according to the Town's zoningTgnd subdivision codes, design laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoni review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances !01{. 6t L04Ar+ Bo \E+Z Vtt/J) ANO T}1€ OR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWt\ T.EI,E. OTHER CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 12/24185 00235rr department of community development TO BE FTLLED OUT COMPLSTELY PBIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n D n n n a BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PERMIT NO. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON . I r rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H IRM DIVISION r2?a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK i - Firp snrinkler systpm Phese TT MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUAT \tn n8e 6 AL1ERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIR DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIHEPLACES INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE TOTAI PERMIT FEES Gary ltumain 11/25/85 j-uo-rle-bFrdi-ar-- - - - -oAtr I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided a6 required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OB CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNEF. JOBNAME: Cascade Fire Sprinklen MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. To!ry[oE !!/ArL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rrnu Summit Mechan'ical Sye, TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. fct E CONSTRUCTION PERMIT deportment of community dwelopment TO SE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING N PLUI'EINC ELECTRTCAL n TOUruORflON MECHANICAL I NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE oare 7-1I-85 ffi* n M fl r. TYPE OF COi{STRUSnON | |l l rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I R M . DlVlSlOl{ L2?a34 GEHFRAL DESCRIffiONPF WORK : -.'---- New servlce tor the wpstln hotFl PERMIT NO. z e k t { EUILDING ELECTRICAL 850 .00 PLUMBING MECHANICAL WPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 35.00 NEW( ) AITERATION AOOI]IONAL REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATIOI {: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEIiV BOARD FLOOR CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT EXT. WALLS BOOF USE TAX 35.00 TYPE ELEC. oF t** GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES Steve Patterso$1Q 7-11-85 - \'r'I- 'n"-'pffitp\ * ; - 6D - z- rTlEl-ADDITIONAL PEFMIT9 NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT lll-_]NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: "o**,*n | | oer',r o | | I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according lo the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. JOB NAME: TOWN OF VAIL REg. NO. GENFRAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Hess Electric ,o,"" o, uo,' ,ru. "o. 12 7E PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, t|t. prtak'rt/vail NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 4/30/85 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PTUMBING FOUNDATION 002039 dopartmsnt of community development to ar rruEd our coMpLETELy pnron To rssuANcE oF pERMrr TYPE OF PERMIT D n ! n n D BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANTCAL Afl,ic Vent-i l rt ion qvsf cmc nf P€RMITNO.- z 9 F BUILDING ELECTRICAL 5500 - 00 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 32300.00 cvictinn Rrrildinn - IA clg-300_00 TYFE CROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES r.t R -i <41 ?rc BUILDING PERItiIIT -lr PLAN CHECK 165 .00 ELECTRICAL 72 .00 NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLf NG UNf r9 - ACC'OWODATION UNIrS - HErcHr rN FT. - *o. a,{a"*"r* MECHAIIICAL 330.00 RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLooR l/- ll I CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT *'**'#\=JA / l',USE TAX aoor rl -ll / l/ _ ron{effin rte$$567. oo .A FI|| ntNt 5t2/s52 ADDITTONAL PERI\ffTS NEEDED: N INITIAL ST. CUT FFFtcuil- - - <-Py-]$an- - -\DMINISTRATOR w^ Ii'i,,u -Ricl :ONING I \-F- - oo-l TONING & BUILDING NOTES: pEMolll I hereby acknowledge that I have read this epptication, filled out in full the information required, compleied an accurdte plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agreb to comply with the iniormation and plot plan, to comply with all.Town ord.inances and state laivs, and to bultO this structure acoording to the Town's zoning and sgpjluision codes, degign review approved, Uniform Building Code and olptpor{t@tces ot tl;gfrdwngpplicable thereto. laws, and to build this structure acoording to the Town's zoning and TUFE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF *Fire Inspection re AND THE OWNE8. FTUNG sD_4 JoB NAMESEffiHfiTNTTLATToN Hnue Vail Vedrrreq Ltd., rlrnrreooness 1300 !'lesthaven Dr. CITY PH. FIRM YODER ENGINEERING TOWI\ OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM HESS ELECTRIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM PLUMBING FIRM SUMMITT MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. ltra prlnttl/vall CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 96g Aoril 3. 1985 002020 departmont of community development TO 8E FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PBIORTO TSSUANCE OF PERMIi TYPE OF PERMIT tr il n m m E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL r.rypEoFcoNsrRucfloN r@il lv v F. R. 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH @M DrvrsroN fuz"sc cENERAL DEscRrprroH or wonx l-Eglllgd€-l-existinqsp@ PERMITNO-- z o F BUIIDING 5.869 .00 ELECTRICAL 500.00 PLUMBING I,|ECHANICAL 5,740 .00 suite, (Znd floor) ]TAL $11.609,00 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II F. R.$t I ,609.00 BIJILDING PERMIT 56 60 R si N s{s) PLAN CHECK 36.75 ELECTRICAL 35.00 NEW ALTERATION (X ) AODITIONAT O REPAIR(PLUMBING OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO,FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR EXT. WALLS CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 USE TAX 150.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $378.25 >T*- f?74*- r/i,/rs ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: YN ST. CUT ,rlorf,rc oFFrcrAL -DATE - Rick Pylman 3/29/85 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILOING NOTE$:;^'il" | |oer,,ro I ltf I t hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in f0ll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that alt lhe inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ancl siate laws, and to build this structure according to the Tgnvn's zoning\and codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other thereto. return clean uD to: The hlestin Hotbl =1300 Westhaven Vail, Co. 81657 AND THE OWNEF. OR FOR HIMSELF Cascade V'illage JoBNAME: Westjn Hotel Hospitality Ro rurup Cascade Villaqe MA, ADDRF.S 1300 t^lestHaven crw Vail 'C0.81657pn. FIRM Yoder Engineering Box 5740 6,1y Avon,Co81620 rr. FIRM Brown -Wol i n rowN op vet neo. Ho. 101B 949 -4 186 LECTRICAL EIEIl, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. EIDI' FrRM Summitt Mechanical rowru or varr- nee. ruo. 14IM 945-2491 OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. tlta pdnt rylvail . rrrlll \\' I l. j \ I rt\r 298l0r, .^.,-,39'l ,offtl&fri,,,'flot t G-r! l ''ii 1' 'J,r l5 '3 :l ?fl tl'l -4.---i+*i---- - tr,r,r I llt l( ,, lrr ll\r I r\r, r' ' r 'tt !,,*ts l.Wdy*- |.' rt I ,ll rr 'rr*+,'iJ" .:.illlllr .r. , rr ,lrr. :riJ ,,r ,,! ,r,, I |r', 1 .. tit u f eec alon8 the ;. I r..r, ti,.1., :: r |.'I,r'I,l |I/.l1 ftr.t ' , ll1 ,.,, i : i,(i lirtr r,, ' lt1 r,r j |,lt i), ., .rrfl lr t,. ., :,Llt v(:y prepaf'd by t,rt l, r,rllr:' lrrl.irrr.i'rr11: r l1.ty l', lr.!.), ils i . ,,i ( r ,i, l. Ir.,,r-, I jl l) lf .r,''1 . /.' Ieet i thfnca S '' |. , ,'t ' i, r,1 : I i,,,r,.r. 'ttr" [ 169.46 frctl . r'1r" i l,l ',.' l(,," rr) ir 1,,)in( in lhe crnr"r . f ,,, I'l |, $ li,r,r r'q i L r ll 'lh" 'tr lrr'l 6/ lcet alon8, tlrc , r.rr. r r tt',,. ,f .r;,iii ,'t r.,.f r iotL{ r.. ', ", (ll' !fr" W Il)'r,02 fgol rr,rr, i !r 'i ri rrrrr. ,l ..,'r,j ,. t,'r'l I lr'ttrc(' ,, ,3'24'f9" l{ , : . , | (.," ,, rir I rrj,rl ,,: 1,.'r:t nrr 'r';: ,r;l:r: r, ilj , r'!,,irr, !,r I tl t, I | 4 l.ll'. I /4 0i )! ritr'6th t'rincllal I irre of Gora {itaal i lr(. :;olt h r?utrtft Cofnlt t: 't,' . / ,, Ict''l; thenco S 'l(,' I l6q 66 fa.tj I'r)a!rt ,l l lre CGnttl f,.' ! irl,'n[ lhf Ccnttr .! !,r r,r ilnlir,l ll.l.i). 1.r1,., ,, , I , {. , ,1 ,1",t r,,t ,,t.,, r' 1 6 , i' r ttr ',t'l'rl f L'Cofdt'.1 r',1 tr r., i4,t,1.rl I .1,i, l,td., t,, I"r,d 1, ,, , ()rnp.tn) , ,, )t(1{-(i ?. 5. ExHLB_lr ,'t,' Rer I Propeftv Trroe f or 1984. vtttch Crrntaa atslra and a8,rces to pav. Rracrvrilonr of P.natrrttng, vtl.n (2) rl!,ht of vry bv euthorltv of ricordrd luiurc ErrGcnt Srant!d by J. W.in Booh (I) ritht of proprtrtor of .nY -or Ioda to arDr.ct hla oaai aa6 for anv dltchar or can.lt coulanaaaa thc Unit.d Strcrr , ln U. S ' l.tl|c 16 . 1909 ln look 48 rt Pqe 142 . rnd tkh - of {ey for aewcr llnc or l1ml ro Uppri E.tle vell.v SrnttrEton Dlrtrtct. -.ROSE,'ln lnitruocnt rccordrd Janu.rt 19, lt70 216 rt Pegc 855. a . E.r.Dnt f or rlvrr : I n. trlnt.d lo UPP.r Bq: r VrllfT srnlErrlon Dtrrrtct bv FnAilCES r. [cDAIllL ln lnaBnrDt ' i.i"iaia ipiit tc, tsio tn look 217 lt Elte llf. D..d of Trurt frd !{rnrf l.ld, Ltd. , . Colorrdo tldcad pirinorrhtp to th. Publlc Tru.l.. of th. €orntt ol bulc for thr q.r of liur Rlv.t Tr.dtnt CoTrBt 30, rEurr 32!0,000.00 drt.d rrprtl I' l9tt end r.cofd.d Jr.rne 25 , l9C{ ln look 3E8 .t P.t. 41. ra MEMORANDUM T0: Town Council FROM: CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: .lune .|4, t9g4 SUBJECT: Information packet and ordinance for Cascade Village revision Attached please find the following information to help you review the Cascade Village proposal for Tuesday's,me6ting, I . staff memorandum J$nL l\ u> 2. Andy Norris' letter of request 3. Ilg,lTg49o Speciar Deveropment District 4 ordinance containing the condltions of approval the Planning and Environmental Commissi6n imposed at the June ll, l9B4 meeting. 4- The ninutes of the p'tanning and Environmental meeting of June ll, t9g4 Please feel free to come in and talk with Peter before Tuesday night if you have questions or corrnents. It 1 l,MEMOMNDUM l' 4rva.4 T0: Town Council FR0M: Community Development Department DATE: rlune 14, 1984 SUBJECT: Information packet and ordinance for cascade vi'llage revision Attached please find the fol'lowing information to help you review the Cascade Village proposal for Tuesday,s meEting:- 'l . Staff memorandum 2. Andy Norris' letter of request 3. Il:,1T:19:d_specia'l Development District 4 ordinance containing the condltions of approval the Planning and Environmental Commissi6n imposed at the June l'1, 1994 meeting. 4- The minutes of the plann'ing and Environmental meeting of,lune ll, lgg4 P'lease feel free to come in and talk with Peter before Tuesday night .if you have questions or corrnents. (l I ,\ d s- N p ry 61\ J t.t :.,\ \ a MEMORANDUM T0: P1 anning and Environmental Commission FR0M: Community Deve'lopment Department DATE: June 6, .|984 suBJECT: Request for major amendment to area A (cascade village) of lpecial Development District 4 Applicant: Mansfield Ltd (Andy Norris) I. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY {(\ Ifg-uppticant, Andy-Norris, 'is requesting a number of revisions to the Cascade village_portion of sDD q --in the'areis 6r toiai-aens.iiv, iotat connnercial square footage, building heights, park'ing requirements,'*pioy"e-torlin6-ina the.number of fireplacei to le aitbwea. Due to or" pr"uiols two work sessions on this item, the Planning and Environmental conmission ii-now quite familiar litl-thq proposal. Th'is fiemorandum will begin *itt'-"-t'ri"f chronotoqic history 9l:P"c''.al Development District 4 followed 6y an explanation of the riajoi iisuls lll"jYlg.l! t!9_gppl"oyal.of the_development plan 'in're79 and wirl procied with Ene speclrrc request by tltg_appl.icants. with-a discussion regarding'the various changes.PQPosed,_then we'll ibok at the related poticies i6ntain6a within'ifie Lommunrty Action Plan and conc'l ude with the staff recornmendation. I (0rdinance No. 5 of .|976 was the origina] establishing ordinance fcir sDD 4.This ordinance created_the special development district, while calling for a specific development p'lan with certain submittal requiriments at a laier date.The ordinance divided the total area of sDD4 into four separate areas known qs 4'B,Co and D. Area A is the Cascade Village project, i\rea B is the Coldstream condominjum project, while Area c is the Glen"Lybn Subdivision duplex-lois-ina--Area u is now the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building. The density allotment for Cascade Village.in this original-ordinance was 25l"dwelling uniti located on fO.eZ-iires I9l L density of l5-dwelling un'its per acre. Neiiher the density provisions nor tne bas_ic provisions of this origina'l ordinance have changed in-any significant manner until this point in time. 0rdinance No. 28 of 1977 revised the original ordinance in a number of ways. This ordinance^changed the deve'lopment areas 6f Areas !, C, and o anO requi..O"A.ai"ution or over 4u acres of open space to the Town. It also revised some of the submitta'l requirements-as wel I as.refined permitted and conditional uses allowed in Aeveiop-ment Area A (Cascade Village). Some other minor chang"t sJctr as numericil-;il;;es to section numbers in the zoning code were also provided for. in 0rdinance Zg. " In..Januaryofl979therewasanamendmenttoSDD4withregardtosubmitta.|re- quirements,once again.. The.applicant had requested_that ihe submiiial iequirements be up-dated and clarified.with regard to what actually was necessary intoimition to,review the pro_ject. . This was done at that date in prepa"aiion f6r the Ap;ii and May review of the development p'l an itself. 0n April 27' 1979 the Planning and Environmental Commission conducted a preliminary review of the Cascade llttage proposal. 0f note in thjs review was the bcknowieagl-ment that there were approximately l7 acres involved along with two approximuteiy sDD4 e 6/6/84 one-acre parcels zoned for 6 and 7 units, respectively. A.tso discussed was the proposal -regarding.on-site employee housing fbi-ih;-iiljeCi ano the tow rise nature of the build'ing heights._-0n May zzi tglg, in!'pEi-neru a pubric i.,.iiing for two requests. One, apfrovar oi th; oeveropm6ni'prii-rii" cascade viilage,and two, to enlarge Deve^loilment Area A to include the 1.25 acre-nounini il;;i.It was noted in the staff memo"anlum fhat tne new acreaqe in the Area A now totaled 18-078 acres-which, or iou"ie,'ii.iuj.,i"in."nr[Eili tract zoned for 7 units at the time. This developr.ni-ptun was subsequent'ry approved by the Plannins and Environmentar cJ*riiiion';il iilr-;;;;;;i.'"'"' t The single major is,sue.j1 t-he.gpproval process of the development pran of 1979 was the creation of.a third viliige for'Vail wiih reipeii-io'the amount of iom- T:I.i?l^tplo::9.1n{. the.educationar/rearnins center-iiopoJeo. -rt wii-ti'it-nv :::^!,lTlltp :tllf .that the reation of such-a third irajbr vitlase coutd-nesi!;ve'ry Impact tne bus system' road.system and other services within the-community.- There was also a-questioning of the- relationship between-ttre pioposea ho1gl with the educationa'l/learning. center. The staff rbtt tne rearniirg lenter shou]d be con-structed before the-hotel and that the applicant triJ noi"convincea itre-siiri-thut the. necessary link between the hotel ana'the tearning cenier wouio ever be estab- .,, i lished. 0ther staff concerns centered around the intersection of Westhaven Drive Ij!h_!outlr Frontage Road, access to the exctuoea-cost.iii-iarcel, providins onty one access point to the entire area, and lastly, the-overait iize inalnuil-oi""the parking-structure and hotel in ietition to-itre irontate rrad as we]l as to other buildings on the site and the duplex rots io ilre soiitr. The. Planning-and Environmental Cormission agreed in part and disagreed in part with the staff's recormendations and concerns. the Frc fe]t 2l,z6o square'ieet of commercial to be acceptable to ttre-project. llr. Noirii-expriinea-io-ir," .--conmission that more-specific information-on.the_potentiai uslns of the learning center and the relatio-nship of the hotet to ttr"-tEirnins-i"ni";.-*ort j"6"';;ilh: comfng, he.agreed to dedicition of stream tract and easimenls fo1 bicycle paths,he.agreed to work with the Highway_Department to provide i tert nana iurntfis-iin.and acceleration and deceleralion lanls on the solttr rrJniusl Roii,*i?i;;iiy';siu"a "to provide access to.the excluded cosgriff pa"."i. - co;;;;;irg an dutdoor'r.d"Ju- ....tion.area,-the Planning and Environmeital cbnuniision-i!ii'it was not necessary ' , '.,, t I:l!: ry-o:lggtl cgntrarv to.the planning stafr recommenaition.--rinirrt;-M;:'"Norrls agreed to the provision of a bus shelter and turn-around on the iroject I site' vi'v rr vrswe II. III. THE REQUEST Andy Norris has submitted the attached letter to ment concerning the request and his reasons for qo]lfq. housing was an integral.part of the development plan discussion in Mav of_1979. The proposal at th;t tiire was for 32 rentii-uni[i-Jt-ippr"iirit"iu"-"850.square feet each on the site with the possibiuiv Ji uii;; iler;triii-"iu"nuu bonds to construct that housi.ng. The timiirg for the-emptoyee"trousing proieci-'"was represented as the second year of constiuction, but eailier if posiiUie.- L . the Conmunity Deve'lopment Depart-his current proposal t |on+ -3- 6/6184 In summary, Mr. Norris is requesting to reprogram the remaining development of cascade viilaqe in order io fuliitt a ra"r.6ting-;;";;;; wniirr-irrev-'feel will be suciessful for ir'" Jeu"iopment and ifie-viir Conrmunity. Andy,s J:.1:l"d?": 1 ggog iob of outtining-wrr'at ttrev teei-ure'n"l"rru"y ingred.ients [o sucn a successful program are. Il.{..liS:_tith_regard to dens.iry, asking for the originat density of rf qweillng units per acre to be applied at this point to both t-he .I.25 acre_Robbirirs parcel which was anneied to the soo'in isig, and for the l:91!..i:".^!11u1t11 nrcgl qrynos"a Io be annexed wiu,-irris current request.moreover, tney feer the 37,000 square feet of commercial is a necessity lg l$^$y:lopment prosram to prdvide ror support ft#ii io the itG " or cnentete they are attempting to attract. 0ther parts of the request not addressed in the above letter are: A l9yi1ion to the employee. housing provision anA ai tfre urging of the p'lanninq llilll l9Ylsjlg the height resulation to become consistent witn tne bxistini nergnr definition as well_as cleanins up.qld up-dating the entire eight year old sDD ordinance. Finally, wiin iaaitiohai-aeniiiy-anu commeriiut,the parking requirements for ArLi A must be revised. IV.RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION FOCUS 'I l'Jith such a.major conceptual change proposed for cascade village, it is important that we look to the comfrunity Action pran ior-suiaun.. and criteria to evaluate this proposal . The fol low-ing are excerpts fiom various sections of the plan which are important in revieiing this-sbo-ptin amendment: A. Statemsnt of purpose , Po1 i cy. To recogn.i ze that Vai'l i s t. recreation and real estate quick'ly from an economy based mature resort community with a base. Marketinq the corrnunitv - mov 1 ng toa soci al on stronger more diverse economic and "and providing service to ests rema i ns extremElyl_rnpor bantl ,. ;Po1icy, To recognize ," -Business and and strengthen Vail's principal professional meetings products and services: B. Social/Cultural/Educa!!qnal Considerations Policy. vail should improve as an educational and intellectual center:3. -Promote seminars and conferences -Develop facilities to provide for these activitjes C. Economic Considerations Policy The summer season should Ooo -4- 6/6/84 be signiffcant'ly developed and promoted. summer programs, opportunities and facilities.programs, opportunities and facilities.programs to promote the surrner season. 3. Po'licy 4. -Maximize curuent -Study new summer -Set up marketing seasons a'l so shou'ld be siqnificantly develooed Pol i cy 5. -ExpanA snoutOer se and cultura'l activities. '-lsentlTy and prono slgay the feas'ibility of an economic deve.lopment commission to organize efforts to direct this activity. -!tq9y the feasibifity of building a convention fac.ility -Define the rsle of municipa] government in economic deielopment It is evident that the cormunity Action plan strongly promotes the type of qro{ggt.which the applicants. arL propos'ing. The piair is calling out-for facilities to allow'VaiI to-ligomE i'yeir-"ound resort atong wi[h ihe marketing and promotion of those facilities as ilell as explortng iri iossible avenues of_economic.development for the comruniiv. wiih ttrii"in miha,-irri-p""pJiii represents the willingness of a major private sector entity wittrtn ihe-;orilnunitv Ig._l:gomelish these s6al.s and ooieitivEs within the commun-itt A;iio;"pl;;':'"""'"'rurEnermore' with regard to defining the role of municipal government in economic _development,-certaintv one oi-il,ose rotes wouia d-iiil;;ie'ptun-ning and land usb regulations w-tr"n econorii-aeverop*eni'aciivities in concert ,C with the communities-overall goals ina oujecfives are prJpoiea, ]o+ -s- 6/6/a4 STAFF RECOI4MENDATIONS I!:^9"llyt1ty Develo-pment Department is highly supportive, with some mrnor except'ions, of this proposal to amend the ciicaae vittage poiiion of specia't Development oisiritt 4. lte feer alio;;iy-fiui'in" proposar is in concert with the_community,s goJts ano onjeiiiv"i-is-ouilined in the.community_Action pran. we ire 5i-tte oprnil;-;h;;-*hin, tn" private sector steps forward in this manner to accoinplistr nii.i ioria u. i signirt_cant contribution to the economic developmenl of the vaii-conrnunitv,"il,ui the municipal govenment should be highly'trppo.fiu". 'ir,. iaaitionii J.niitv requested is proposed to be put into-aciommbhation-uniii-so ttrat i suii.iiteirt number of accommodations can be'located on site in ordei io accompliitr : - the objectives of the overarl ruxuiy aesttnition i:eii"i'piin. ii'oniv makes sense that accompllyins that lritjcal mass oi-a"nsitv is a commercial support system of a sufficient size and nature to worl wit-rr ana compi;*;nt this overall goal. - {9 do, however, feel ,that the aspects of parking, employee housing, and f ireplaces, need to -be seriousry'addresreh ai tfiis-ili;"t-in time. The tllljlg must be sufficient on-the site to take care'of this project,s semands. Ihe zoning code calls for 494 spaces, and we feer strongly that this number should 5e met. currently-the'struiture is approved it +s5 -- parking spaces, and we wourd expect ihe appliiani io "tih!" expana tii :!iy!tyr: or provide orher surfice pair<ins'aistriuuieJ iiii;rgf,bui .th;- lrg!::i to supplement that number. There must be provision ior employee T,:]n9 on this project. whether or not the emproyee housing is oh site 1s probably_not critical to the success of the project, but iertainly on-site emgloyee housing for the westin Hoter -ii ifie-oesi-iolution. "The rlnal section of the revised sDD ordinance states that the developer shall lloyjd: 20 dwelling units for_rons-term rentars-io-e*itdveei ot thi pioJeit on an on-going basis. l,Je feel this to be the mininum'acieptab'le "eqiriiE*"nt.The.proposal for l8 fireplaces within accommodation units is not acceptable to.the staff at this timi. t,Je feel strongly tnat we-shouto-recognize' - - ,r,.,and deal with the Town of vaii's-;ir-poitition p.ouiemi-inJ toot'lioi.ru .1.!lt. precedent setting nature. of-grinting ttrii request. rurir,"rro"e," r .i within the last severa'l'yeari itre tTrepiace orainanie-wii "luliia lo'ii*ov" ":,:.,i the variance section whilh means that-to grant this i"qu..t *iui;;;c;;;;'" ,'-:,: aqgp{ing the fireplace ordinance. itre mait<eiing'i;p;;ffi;; or rirept'iili . . wrEnrn r_gxury accommodation units can be fulfilled with the provisi;n of gas f i rep'l aces. lJe also feel that it'is very-'important to the safety and the circulation .,;,i. system into and from the project that a left_turn tint on iJuirr F;ril;il -,..+*ij Road be provided for this'third major village ot Viiil -" -- In conclusion the planning staff is excited about the revised development plan for cascade viilage.ind its potentia't to turtiii ;i;i;l corrnunity-'.-goals and objectives. -l'tith the pi^ovisions noted auove,-inis project ian be a tremendous asset to. the comnunity ot viii-ina-iiri.i'iiriaad-viriage into the competitive market of destinition resorts around the country. - Our recommendations are written into the enclosed revii"J and updatel Special Development District 4 0rdinance. t V ,{ o lan ning and Environmental June 'l'1, 1944 Commission STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Lamy Eskwith Betsy Rosolack PRESENT Diana Donovan Duane Piper Howard Rapson Gordon Pierce l.li'l I Trout Jim Viele ABSENT Scott Edwards The meeting was ca] led to order at 3:05 pm by the chairman, Duane piper. 1. Approval of minutes of meetins if May_Z9r_l!.g4.. It was pointed out that Howa ,Viere-moveO and Rapson seconded to.approve the mjnutes with a correction to Rapson,s first name. vote was 5-0 with Pierce abstaining. 2.est to amend S al Devel nt District 4 (Ca cade Villaqe l'lows: l. Adoption of development plan b. I ncrease al'lowab'l e retai I . c. Rezone and add two parcels known as Robbins d. Request a variance to a'l low lB accommodation e. Make minor revisions to bring the ordinance regulationsandmake it consiitent with above and Cosgriff parcels units to have fireplaces. up to date with 1984 zoning revisions. Peter,Patten.presented the requests and explained that most of the board was proDably familiar with.the proposal through two previous work sessions. Basically,!: I:1t.!ha! ll'..private sebtoi" shoutd be-supported when tt'ev piopdsea to-ao'io*e or cne ltems that are stressed in the Community Action Plan, such'as develop'ing facilities for seminars and conferences. Pattin explained ihe request rJriher] Andy.Norris, the applicant, felt that there were three issues he wanted to address:l, tne parl(ing requirement and the requ'irement by the Town to have a Certificate of 0ccupancy on the parking garage.before starti-ng the Temace wing, ,l zt iiie employee housing requiremeit-and-3) the requirereni io'have a lefi'turn iine.- Norris stated that SDD4-was put under a new parking ordinance. He fe1 t that the conference. facility would be.used exclusively by wdstin guests and woutd;ot - generate the need for additional parking. Ub aaAeO that-the Westin did very few banquets, and for those-valet park'ing c6uld be used.l Norris asked that ttre toiat figure of required parking spates be-changed to 469. -irrr 6/11/s4 EYnloyee. housing was again discussed. Patten noted that the revised ordinance stated that the employee housing did not have to Oe on-irre'site. He added that the recently completed Eagle coilnty "rpiov""-r'or.i"g-i'r"il"y found that the need I:l ll::ilg for seasonal iransient"naa-aiminisrrea,'ina-it'i't norsing now was needed ror more permanent empIoyees... The. problem was afiordabie-trousing ior tle-more-pennanent employees. He added that the-though"tffiruin:trring e*iiJv." tousing at cascade villaqe was that the twenty units w6uld le i "holaing tinku'wrr'icn wouro give new 9mp'loye6s a place t6 i:u6-iii z-: monins-uniti tii" busy season was over.Patten fett that the temporary sorution *is itii'i i,,ipd"tiiii. Noruis stated that he vYalleq a. process that recognizes that the developer is not the.employel. .He added that inb r.l"iiin Hoter-rrad i-40 i;;; asreement wjth him that on september l5 of.each year the west'in ii-io-niiiiv-ihe"aJveioper'iire'numoer of-employeq units needed if t-he Westin can't provide the"units themselves. Trout felt uncomfortable with this solution because'the llestin may decide not to furnish 9TP]9I.e, housing. . Norris said that tre wouio-raih";-;ffi lili ro*n of vait the yearly agreement concerning employee housing between tne weslin ino tt" aeveioper.'- " Patten felt that ttrere inoirtd be a rinimur number or emptoyee trousing ilii;. i e'l ved and lierce seconded t approve the amendment to SDD4 as prese ![e fo 1 I owi nq rnod 'i cati ons : The vote was 5 1' The area and therefore the density on the table be corrected to show three additional dwell ing units; 2. lu"fjlg requirements be amended to require 40 spaces for the conference facil ity; ]hgljhi applicant participate in a study to develop a reasonabte ptan for a rert turn tane on South Frontage Road; 0n a-yearly. basis a contractural agreement between the emproyer and the developer showing evidence-or empioyJe'-housing that is-sitiiiacloiy-io tte Town of Vail, be-made available. 3. 4. in favor with Trout votin asainst, for the reason that he felt snou ave approva roces s the aqreemen e 3. A t for a rear getback variance in order to add to a dwellinq on ot ock 7. Va aqe lst. Applicant: Dr.ver Peterson Kristan Pritz showed,the site. plan and elevations while explaining the proposal . ''t':'Gordon Pierce, architect on thb project, stated that he ieit tn" Town of vair should require that the. app'l'icani uiito'ttre pil*iw-unit ii'ttre setback variance was granted. . Rapson askeb'where the pirking'wouii"ue."-p"itz stated that 3 more spaces would have to be provided as one of itre conaiiion, oi approval along with R3Ii:g_ih:.l"iylyly: pritz siiiea-fi'li the addition rrid-aiready been throush uKb wltrn tne exception of the approval of three windows, but it-was basicaliy the sane design ' vuw I 'vq' 'J '"' l\,1 | rr9lr a !l!x lltcr I v i\-,wrrL,t Des€n . Lanctscape Archrteclule ' Plq $r1ret. Se.t Frarrcro (!{,lotts garlQ l4l5l TOTAL. CASCADE VILLAGE .HOTEL & trLAZA BICYCLE PAT}I PREPARED BY FNTTH KAl JOB #/PROJECT G@St G o Pl anni ng ,, ^ -ion and Environmenta'l Commiss June .|1, 1984 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Diana Donovan Duane Piper Howard Rapson Gordon Pierce f l'li I 'l Trout rlim Viele ABSENT Scott Edwards The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm by the ehairman, Duane piper. 1,. Apjtroval gf minutes of meqting.if May 29, 1984. It was pojnted out that HOWaTO Kapson's name was typed as "Gordon Rapson." .viele moved and Rapson seconded to approve the minutes with a comection to Rapson's first name. Vote was 5-0 with Pierce abstainino. 2.qert to amend Special Devel nt District 4 (Cascade Vill as fol Iows: a. Adoption of development p1 an b. Increase allowable retail c. Rezone and add two parcels known as Robbins and Cosgriff parce'l s d. Request a variance to a'l low 18 accommodation units io havi: fireplaces.e. Make minor revisions to bring the ordinance up to date with 1984 zoning regulationsandmake it consistent with above revisions. Peter.Patten-presented the requests and explained that most of the board was probably familiar with the proposal through two previous work sessions. Basically, he felt.that the private sector should be-supporied when they proposed to do some ot the ltems that are stressed in the Community Action Plan, such as developing facilities for seminars and conferences. patten explained the request furtherl {ndy Norris' the app'l icant, felt that there were three issues he wanted to address:l) the parking requirement and the requirement by the Town to have a Certificate of 0ccupancy on the parking garage.before starting the Terrace wing, ,i 2) the employee housing requirement-and-3) the requirem6nt to have a lefi-turn line. Norris stated that SDD4 was put under a new parkinq ordinance. He felt that the conference. facility would be used exclusively by wdstin guests and would not generate the need for additional parking. He added that-the Westin did very few 11 banquets, and for those valet parking could be used. Norris asked that the-tota'l .'',:'figureofrequiredparkingspace5bechangedto469. Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack -2-PEC 6/11/84-' , ,, ., * I' Norris then discussed employee housjng, stating that this was more a concern of .the employer, not the developer. ue iaaea thaI ttre developir nia-adreeJ-wi1,-in.Westin to find employee housing if needed. Norris then went on to.say that it was difficult to work with the State Highway Department regarding the teft turn lane. He felr ttrit Cne iianairai-irpiridi'wl"e not easy_to work with. Nomis stated that he would accept the conditioh that the develo_per continue to work with the Town, bui reti iiiit-the Town should do a study of the South Frontage Road, and he would be happy to participate with the Town on the study. Piper asked about Town jurisdiction on the left turn lane, and patten replied that the State_Highway Department wou'ld consider input from th6 tocat municipitiiv. - Patten felt that a reduction in speed in that area was needed. viele agreed with Andy to. a large legree regarding the number of parking spaces required, and felt that there should-be a l6wer sfleed limii which'*ig-il"uii""-*o"e frlexibility'in the design_of the teft turn lane. Viele felt that emiioyee trouiing was.a private sector problem. He agreed with the staffthat this wii'ttr! [inO-ot project that supported connunity goils and would benefit the town, B?pto! asked Norris if, he agreed with 18.46.065 and .|g.46.080 and Norris said he 91d,yt!n the exception that-l3l dwelling units be changed io tJs. iripio"-*onJerea 1r rnere snoutd be some k'ind of letter regarding overflow parking. Rapson felt that there should not be fireplaces in the accommodation units, and felt that this was a matter of-ed-uiation i,o the publ.ic. Donovan felt most of her concerns had been covered and stated that this was a quality project with long term gains roi ltre town. 5te-ieii trrat ttre ieii turn lane-was imperative espe-iallv iittr more traffii at ifre q-way, and that gas fireplaces should be used. Trout'agreed-about the gas tlrepiicei-and-'ielt that there should be some solution to the employee housing'questioh. iioul stated that he lived in the Millrace condominiums ind felt viry stronglv tfrii-ttrere tvas not enough P{fins. He asked Norris if there were a-ny contin-genCy-piins roi-aaaitionii 'part<ing il llq ltttmptions being.made concernins n'unber ot'paiiiig-lpr."s turned out lo De unoerestlmated. Norris stated that Millrace parking piobiems were caused by lack of enforcement of rules, and added that now'ite ii"6ei-siqns were nroperli placed. He stated that-there were two parking ;p;;;r-;;;-ruir,"uniil'-HE ;il;j that the large parking facility would mbre ttrinp'rdvloe-ii'e-imount needed, and that lnere was a possibility that some spaces could be rented to Millrace residents. The ski lift was.discussed and Nomis emphasized that skiers would not be a'l lowed to park in Cascade Village. He said that it was critical that ttrerE-noi-U" "noih""base area for for day skiers. Norris iaaea tnat ineie-wouia ue aooitionui-purling under the Mansfield condominiums near the entrance to cascaae viiii6"l urt'irrii they. had an agreement with VA that no skiers would be allowed to parl-inywte.e-'in the Cascade VilIage complex. -lrr, 6/11/s4 Ennloyee. housing was again discussed. Patten noted that the revised ordinance stated that the employee housing did not have to Ue on itre'itte. He added that the recently^completed Eagle County employee housing survey-found that the need ror nouslng tor seasonal transient had diminished, and thal housing now was needed for more permanent emp1oyees... The. problem was afiordabie housing ioi irr" rorJ-pennanent emplgyees. He added that the though'I-6Eh'inilfu"nisting empi;y;; trousing l!..!u:g.|dq v]llase was.that.the.twenty units w6uld ue i "hola.ing tink','wnictr wouto g'fve new enployees a place to live for 2-3 months until the bus! season 1gas over.Patten felt that the temporary solution was stitt importini. Norris stated that he wanted a. process that recognizes that the developer is not the employer. He added that thb westin Hotel had u a0 i;;i agreement iritn trim that on September '15 of .eac_h year the westin is to n;ai?t-ir,""aeveiop""'iiie'nrmue"of-employee units needed if the tlestin can't proviae iniunits themsblves. Trour felt uncomfortable with this solution because'tt'e wesiin mav aeciae not-to furnisfr employee. housing. . Norris said that he would rather srrow irr! Town or viii-tn" year]y 39I::T.it,goncerning emp'loygq housing between the westin and the developer.rarren rett that there should be a minimum number of employee housing units. Viele moved and Pierce s nded rove the amendment to SDD4 as resented staff with the foll i fi cati ons: l- The area and therefore the density on the table be corrected to show three addjtional dwell ing units; 2. larfjls requirements be amended to require 40 spaces for the conference facj I ity; 3' That-the applicant participate in a study to deve'lop a reasonable plan for a left turn lane on South Frontage Road;- 4. 0n a.yearly. basis a contractural agreement between the employer and the developer showing evidence of empioyee housingtttrat is-ihtiitacioiy-lo ttre Town of Vail, be made available. - Kristan Pritz showed.the site plan and elevations whi'l e exp'l aining the proposal .Gordon Pierce, architect on thL project, stated thti h; ieit ilre iown oi vbit should require-that the appticant luita the primaiv rnit it-tt'e setback variance was granted. Rapson askeil'where the parking'would-be. Pritz stated that 3 more spaces would have to be provide{ qs one of ihe conditions of approval along with R*:i.tg-ih:, driveway. Pritz stated that ttre iaoiiiJn-nia-air"uiv ueen ttrroigh uRts w'l.th the exception of the approval of three windows, but it was basicaliy the sane design The vote was 5 in fa!ol__Uj!!_truU! ysting, gqainst, fol the rninq emploVee housi 4r'r,te- 4 (ase.,rrt' t#lrz1' dt"U-irs^ Ahr,:ni:' MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Deve'lopment Department DATE: June 6, ]984 SUBJECT: Request for major amendment to area A (Cascade Village) of Special Development District 4 Applicant: Mansfield Ltd (Andy Norris) Il,g_uppticant, Andy Norris, is requesting a number of revisions to the cascade village portion 0f sDD 4 --in the areas of totai density, total commercial square footage, building heights, parking requirements,-ernployee hous.ing and the.number of fireplaces to be a'l lowed. Due to our previous two work slssions on this item, the Planning and Environmental Cornmission is now quite famif iar with the proposal. This memorandum wi'l'l begin wjth a brief chrono'logic history of Spec'i,a1 Development District 4 followed by an explanation of the frajor issuirs involved.in the approval of the development plan in'.|979 and will proceed with the specific request by th_e_app'l icants'with-i discussion regarding'the various changes proposed, then we,ll iook at the related policies cdntain6o within bhe commun'ity Action Plan and conclude with the staff recommendation. I. CHRONOLOGiCAL HISTORY 0rdinance No. 5 of I976 was the orig'i nal establishing ordinance for SDD 4.This ordinance created the special development district, while calling for a specific deve'lopment p1 an with certain submittal requirements at a 'later date. The ordinance divided the total area of SDD4 into four separate areas known as A'B,C' and D. Area A is the Cascade Vi1'l age project, Area B is the Coldstream ' Condominium project, while Area C is the Glen-Lybn Subdivision duplex lots and ...lfgg D is now the Glen Lyon Office Build'ing. The dens'ity allotment for Cascade ';Village in this original-ordinance was 252-dwe1ling unit! located on]6.82 acres for a_ density of l5 dwelling units per acre. Neither the density provisions nor the bas_ic prov.i sions of this original ordinance have changed in any significant manner until this point in time. Ordinance No. 28 of 1977 revised the orig'inal ordinance in a number of ways. This - ordinance changed the development areas of Areas B, C, and D and required dedication of over 40 acres of open space to the Town. It also revised some of the submittal requirements_as well as refined permitted and conditional uses allowed in develop- ment Area A (Cascade Village). Some other minor changes such as numerical changbs to section numbers in the zoning code were also provided for in 0rdinance 28. In.January of 1979 there was an amendment to SDD4 with regard to submittal re-quirements once again. The applicant had requested that lhe submittal requirements be up-dated and clarified with regard to what actually was necessary infoimation to.review the project, This was done at that date in preparation for the April and May review of the development plan itself 0n April 27,1g7g the Planning and Environmental Commission conducted a prefim'inary review of the Cascade Village proposal . 0f note in this review was the acknowledge- ment that there were approximately 17 acres involved along with two approximately sDD4 -) urcrco one-acre parce'l s zoned for 6 and 7 units, respectively. A.l so discussed was the proposal _regarding on-site emp'royee housing fbr the-p"rojeii-and til i;w ,ii"- - nature of the building heights.- 01 Mgv 42:,!979, tnb pEc treta u-prliii r,"i".ing for two requests. 0ne, approvar of th-e aeie'i;ffi;ni prl"-tJ" caiciae viriis., " and two, to.enlarge Development Area A to inc'l ude thb .|.25 acre Robbins tract.It was noted in the staff memorandum that the new acreage in the Rrea A now-totaled 18.078 acres which, of course, included tne noU6ins tract zoned for 7 units at the time. This deveropment pran was subsequently approved by the Planning and Environmental ComriJsion'uio to"n Counci.l. II. The sing'le major issue.]l !t..gpprova'l process of the development plan of 1979 was the creation of.a third villige for'Vai'l wiitr reiptit-to'the amount ot iom- T:1.191-!pqo:gd ^gnl. the educatioiat /l earni ng center-bropoiea. - ri ;;; -ri.i t-iv cne planning staff that the creation of such a third majbr village could negiiivety j.Tt.:i^lttl bus system, road. system and other services wittrin ttre"ionmrunitv."-irrere was also a-questioning of the relationsh'ip between the proposed trotet wiiir ttre--educational/learning ienter. The staff tbtt ttre learning lenter should be con-structed before the-hotet ano ttrat-itr" uppii.ini h;;'ilt";;vinced the staff thar the.necessary Iink-between the hotel and'ltre learning ."ni"" would ever be estab- r llsneo. utner staff concerns centered around the iniersection of Westhaven Drive with south Frontage Road, access to the excluded cosgiiii parcel, providing onl.v one access point to the entire area, and lastly, the-overail size ina,isi-oi'-"the park'ing structure and hote'l in ielation to-it'e ironiii'e road as well as to other buildings on the site and the duplex rots to tne ioiirr. The. Planning-and Env'ironmental Commission agreed in part and disagreed in part with the staff's recormendations and concerns. The irEc f;ii ,i;;db-iduir"'i."t ..," 9l__lgrygrcial to be acceptable to ihe projeCt. r'ri. lorrii J*p'iiineo-id-ir'""';--f conrn]sslon that more.specific information.on.the_potential usbrs of the learning ""''; center and the relatiohihip 6r'it'"'r'oidi t6 ilrli-r6i.ri"g'center woutd be forth-coming, he-agreed to dedichtion oi stream tract and easlments for Uicvii" paths,he.agreed to work with the Highway,Department to provide i iert-iraniiuini[g run"and acce'leration and decelera[ion-'lanbs on the soirttr prontage noid"inaitnliiy'ig-reea to provide access to.the excluded coigrifi parcei.'- conierning an outaooi ieirea-tion area, the Planning and Environmeital cbmrnission-i"ii it ilas noi necessiry to the project, contraiy to.the p-lanning staff recomr"naition. -riniilt;-M;. Norris agreed to the prbvision or i uus-strelter ind turn-arouna on irriproject site. *pl:y:" n?l:i:g^:::_gn_inlgslal.part of-the^development plan discussion in May 31"'lIY:-^rne_proposar at that time was for 32 rental units of approximatery 650 square feet each on the site with the possibility oi using ihlustriai-r"ev"nr"bonds to construct that housing. The t'imiirg for the"efrployee-housing projeit was represented as the second iear of constiuction,-uut'"aitier if posiille. III. THE REQUEST Andy Nomis has submitted the attached .letter to ment concerning the request and his reasons for the Community Development Depart-his cument proposal. IV. fsoo+ -3- 6t6/84 In summary,. Mr. Norris is requesting_to reprogram the remaining development of cascade village in order io futfilt a mark6ting pios"il wrriitr-tnev-' - - feel will be successful for the development and tfre'vait community.'Andy's letter_does a good job of outlining whit they feei-tne'neiessary ingreai6nts to such a successful program are. T!.{ liS: with.regard to density, asking for the original density of lb oweilrng un'rts per acre to be applied at this point to both the 1.25 acre-Robbirirl parcel which was anneied to the sDD in 1979, and for the l.u4b acre cosgriff pgrcgl plgposed to be annexed with this current request.Moreover, they feel the 37,000'square feet of commercial is a necessity tg tlrq development program to prdvide for support ieiail to the type of clientele they are attemptihg to attract. 0ther parts of the request not addressed in the above letter are: A revision to the employee housing provision and at the urging of the planninq ll9ll: leYls]19 the height regu'lation to become consistent wittr tne bx'isting neight-definition as well_as cleaning. up,and up-dating the entire e.ight year old sDD ordjnance. Final]y, wiih ;dditjoiral aeni.ity ano conuneid:'it,the parking requirements for Area A must be revised. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN, FOCUS I985 l'lith such a major conceptual change proposed for cascade vi't lage, it is important that we look to the Comnunity Action Plan for guidance and criteria to evaluate this proposal. The following are excerpts fiom various sections of the p'l an which are important in revie;ing this sbo ptan amendment: A. Statement of Purpose Policy. To recogn'i ze that vail is moving quick'ly from an economy based on l- recreation and real estate to a-mature iesort communit/wtttr i iironger more diverse economic and social base. Marketinq ihe ionmunit.v und p"ouidino r""ui.u to gu.ttr ""ruinr ffi Policy To recognize and strengthen vai't 's princ.ipal products and services:2' -Business and professional meetings lrl ..r,F B. Policy. Vail should improve as 3. -Promote seminars and -Develop facilities to an educational and intellectual center: conferences provide for these activities ]+ -4- 6/6/84 C. Economic Considerations Policy The summer season should be significantly developed and promoted.3. -Maximize current surnmer programs, opportunities and facilities.-ltudy new summer programs, opportunjlies and facilities.-Set up marketing programs to'ilromote the summer season. Pol icy +.ntly developed and promoted. -f=xpara snortOef sea onal and cultural activities.-tncoufage c -taentify ana ation, shoppin etc. Policy Study the feasibil!l.y of an economic development commission to organize 5. efforts to direct thjs activity. -!tU9V the feasibility of building a convention facitity -Define the role of municipal government in economic de-veropment .;,tl' It is evident that the.conrnunity Action plan strongly promotes the type of project which the applicants arl proposing. The plan is calling out-for-facilities to allow'Vail to uecJmi i"yearl"ouna-rEsoit irong with the marketinq and promotion of those racirities as n"ir ui-""pi;;i;; iii i"riil'r;";r;;;""''of economic development for the communiiy. t{itl, ihia"in miio,-fire-p;;p;;;i represents the willingness of a major private secior entity wittrtn itre'iommunitv to accomplish these goals and obje;iiv5; within the conrnunitv nijiioi'Ft;;':""""'"'Furthermore, with regard to aeiining i[e ioi" or-rrniilpii"lovernment in economic development,-certainly on6 of those rores wouid bE agreeable ftan-ning and land use regulations w"tren e.ono*tc aeveiopmJni ictivtiiei in-c5niert with the communities-overarl goals ina Juiectives ii" ri"opiieo. V. OsDD4 -5- 6/6/84 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The community Development Department is highly supportive, with some minor exceptions, of this prbposal to amend tire ciicaae viriage po"iion gf !ge91at Development Dislrict 4. l.le_feet strongiy inai'ilre'prbposai ls ln concert w'ith the community's goa'l s and objectives as outiinbc in the.community-Action plan. we ire 5t ilre opin.i6n ilrat wten it" p"ivit"sector steps forward in this manner to_accomplish what could be i signiri-cant contribution to the economic.developmenl of the vai'l community;-thai the municipa] govenment should be highly'supportive. The additionii censity requested is proposed to be put into-aclommbiation units so ttrit-i-iuiiiii"it number of accommodations can be located on site in order to accomplish the objectives of the overall luxury destination iesort pian. It'only makes sense that accompllyins that Lritical mass ot density is a commlrcial support system of a sufficient size and nature to work witir and complement this overalI goal. l,!g do, however, feel .that the aspects of parking, employee housing, and fireplaces, need to be serious]y'addresseil at tfiis pbini in time.- The parking must be sufficient on the site to take care of this project's demands. The zoning code cal'l s for 484 spaces, and we feet itringly that this number should.be met. currently the'structure is approvea a[ 4ss parking spaces, and we would expect the applicant to eithbr expana the structure or provide other surface parkin!'distributed throughbut the project to supplement that number. There must be provision ior employee nousrng on this project. whether or not the employee housing is oh site is probably-not critical to the success of the broject, but iertainly on-site employee hous'ing for the westin Hotel ii the b6st so'lution. -The final section of the revised SDD ordinance states that the developer shalI provide 20 dwelling units for'long-term renta'ls to employees of tire project on an on-going basis. t^le feel this to be the minimum acceptable requirement. The.proposa! for 18 fireplaces within accommodation units is not acceptable to the staff at this time. t'Je feel strongly that we should recognize' and deal with the Town of vail's air pollutlon problems and look-closely a!.llle precedent setting nature of grinting thii request. Furthermore,within the last severa'l -years the fireplace ordinanie was revised to remove the variance section which means that to grant this request wou'ld require aTg1ging the fireplace ordinance. The maiketing impordance of firepiicei within l-rlxury accommodation units can be fulfiliea i^rtttr the provis'ibn of gas fireplaces. tle also feel that it is very important to the safety and the circulation system into and from the project that a left-turn line on south Frontage Road be provided for this third major village of Vail. In conclusion the p] anning staff is excited about the revised development plan for cascade Vi1'lage and its potential to fulfill stated conrnunity goals and objectives. hfith the pi-ovisions noted above, this project lan be a tremendous asset to the conrmunity of vail and launch casiad6 village into the compet'itive market of destination resorts around the country. - 0ur recommendations are written into the enclosed revised and updatel Special Development District 4 0rdinance. necessarry Eo n rlze REVISED SDD4 ORDINANCE 18.46.010 18.46.020 18.46.030 18.46.040 18 .46 . 050 18 .46 . 060 18 .46 . 070 18.46.080 18 .46 . 090 i8 .46 . 100 18 .46 . 120 18.46.140 18 .46 . 160 18.46.i70 18.46 . 180 18 .46 . 190 18 .46 . 200 18.46.210 t8.46.229 PURPOSE. ESTABL ISHED. DEVELOPMENT PLAN-REQUIRED-APPROVAL PROCEDURE. DEVELOPMENT PLAN-CONTENTS . PERMITTED USES. CONDITIONAL USES (AS PER CHAPTER 18.60 OF THE ACCESSORY USES. DENS ITY-D!,IELL IIIG UNI.TS . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. SETBACKS. HEIGHT. COVERAGE. LANDSCAPI NG. PARKI NG . RECREATION AMENITIES TAX ASSESSED. CONSERVATTON AND POLLUTION CONTROLS. RECREATIONAL AMENITI'ES. ADDITIONAL AMENITIES. E['4PL0YEE H0USING. zoNrNG coDE). ,iF 18.46.010 PURPoSE -,-.. .,!p..ig1 devetopment district 4 is established to ensure comprehensive 0evelopment and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with tne general character of the town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, an!_prgmote'the objecti'ves-oi'irie-Ioning ordinance AND C0MMUNITy AcrIoN PLAN F0bus 1995. splciii Jevetop*eni disrr.ict 4 is created to ensure that the developmbnt dehsiti wiii-ue'n"iativety iow and suitable for the area and the vicinity in whilh it is situated, ihe deverop- Tgnt js regarded_as comptementary io ine town by ine town-iJuncit and the plannrng comrnission, and there are significant ispects of the special development which cannot be satisfied-through the'imposition or standard zoning districts on the area. 18.46.020 ESTABLISHED A.- Special deve'lopment dr'strict 4 is established for the development on 3 parcel of land comprising 99.1. acres as more particularly described'in the ICgAI dCSCriPtiON ON-fi']C iN thE DEPARTMENT OF bOMMUNITY D.EVELOPMENT.special development district 4 and the 99.1 acres may ue rtierrea to as ',S04." shall consist of four separate development areas, as cons'isting of the following approximate size: Acreage 19.1 4.00 29 .10 1.8 40.4 4.7 oo1 B. The district identified on the map, Area Known As Cascade Vi 1l age Col dstream Condomi niums Glen Lyon Duplex Lots Glen Lyon Office Bldg. Dedicated 0pen Space Roads Roads:4.7 A b n n 18.46.030 DEVELOPMENT PLAN-REQUT.RED-ApPR0VAL pRocEDURE. A. Before the owner commences site preparation, building construction or other improvements within sD4, there shali oe an ipproved development plan for SD4. Development of sD4 may be phased by devetopmbnt area and within' development area, but a sufficient amount of information shall be supplied with respect to all development areas in order to allow the plann'i ng comnission and town council to ensure the compatability of any prolosed development plan with the remainder of SD4. B. Each development area with the exception of deve'l opment area D shall be subiect to a single development plan. Development area D shalI be required only to go through the design review process. . . q. A proposed development plan for SD4 shatl be submitted to the zoning administrator who shall refer the development p'l an to the planning cornmissioi and to-the design review board, which sha'l I consider the plan at i regularly scheduled meeting, and a report of the planning conrnission setting foith its findings and recommendations shall be transmitted to the town-council in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.66. -D. _ Upon receipt of the proposed development plan and planning commisslon report, the town council sha'l I deierm'ine whether'the p15n is acceptable to the town in accordance with the applicable provisibns of Section 18.66.150 and 18.66.i60. This determiniiion by tire town council shall be made through its enactment of a resotution which inioril";i;; ih;;;;"i;;-ment plan as an official Town of Vail document. F: .The_approved-development plan shall be used as the principal guide f9l 3ll. development with'in SD4. Amendments to an approved dbvelopment-plan which do not change its substance may be approved ny'ttre PLANNING'AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION TN ACCORDAN.E I{ITI]'SECTION-18.66.060 - 18.66.100 OF THE vAIL MUNIcIPAL c0DE. Each phase of development sha11 requir", prio"-to issuance of bui'lding permits, approval of the besign review doard-iir accordance with applicable provisions of Chapter LB.S?, 18.46.040 DEVELOPMENT PLAN- CONTENTS. - _- The proposed development plan shall include, but is not limited to the following data: A. -A complete environmenta'l impact report submitted in accordance with Chapter 18.56. B. Existing contours having contour intervals of not more than five (5)feet if the averige siope of the-siie is tw;;iy peicent'or tess with contour intervals of not more than ten (10) feet if thb iveraqe slope of the site is greater than twenty percent. rxist'ing and proposed c6ntouri after grading for each phase. _._-.,C: A conceptual. site p1 an, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals rirty teet' showing the locations and dirnensions of all buildings and structures with the_exception of single-family and two-family structures,uses therein, and 3t] n11 1c!nal site-development features, s-uch as landsiaped areasr recreat'ional facili'ties, pedestrian plazas and walliways, service ..,',-,-entries, driveways, and off-street and loading areas..":F -D.- A conceptual landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing,. proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as outdoor recreationat iacititjes, u.i cvite paths, traiis,pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and oi"nJr-eiemenis, E. Preliminary building sections and floor plans at a scale not smaller than one inch equal-s twenty ieet, in sufficient aLtait io determine floor area,gross residential floor area, general uses within the buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development tor 6actr development area. - .-f.- A proposed plan of parking, loading, traffic circulation, and transit facjlities; and a proposed program-for satiiiying traffic and transportation needs generated by the projbct. G. A volumetric model at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet'.portraying the scale and relationships of the proposed aevetopment to'the site and 'i llustrating.the form and mass of the pioposed buildinls for development areas A, A ana U. . l: A_proposed progran indicattng order of construction phases, trans-portation facilities, and recreational amenities. I.. A proposal reg-arding the.dedication to the town or private owner- :hiP and maintenance of that portion of the development area'within the one- lyl9tul year floodplain of Gore creek. In the event the one-hundred year rloodplain is not dedicated to the town, such'l ands shall be subject to a I]g!! gf public access to Gore creek and the right to use a portion of the lands-tor a_bicycle path, and for park purposes prov'ided that tne location and use ot the facilities and access shall be determined by mutual agreement between the town and the owner of the development areai involved. 18.46.050 PERMITTED USEs. Single-family residential dwel'l ing shall be permitted uses in development li:1.D. , Two.famity 9y"]1ings, residenliat ctustei- dwetiings, and mulripte ramrly dwellings- shall be permi'tted uses in development areas A and B.Protessional offices and business offices, with a total gross f'loor area not to exceed thirteen thousand square feet, ihall be permitiea-us" in o"u"ioimint area D. 18.46.060 CONDITIONAL USES (AS PER CHAPTER 18.60 OF THE ZONING CODE). A. MAJOR ARCADES }IITH NO FRONTAGE ON ANY PUBLIC l,lAY, STREET, WALKhIAY OR MALL AREA. B. PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATI]ONAL FACILITTES. C. SKI LIFTS. 18.46.065 oFFTCE USE . NO PROFESSIONAL OR BU5INESS OFFI.CE SHALL BE LOCATED ON STREET LEVEL OR FIRST FLOOR (AS DEFINED }N SECTION 18.24.030(A) OF THE ZONING CODE)IN AREA A UNLESS IT IS CLEARLY ACCESSORY TO A I-OOEE ON EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. 18.46.070 ACCESSORY USES A. The following accessory uses sha'l I be permitted in development areas A, B and C: 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupat.ions permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.s8.130 through 18.58. i90 i 2. 0ther uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swiruning poo1s, tennis couits,-patios, oi other' recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residentia'l uses, B. The following accessory uses shail be permitted in development area C only: . Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swirrning pools,tenn'is courts, patios, or other recreationil faciliti6s customiriiy -' r'nc'idental to permitted residential uses. C. In addition, -the following accessory uses shall be permitted in development areas A and B: - .!ryiryming poo1s, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational tacilities customari'1y incJdental to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation thereof. D. The following accessory use shall be permitted in Development Area A; Minor arcade (Ord 6, 1992). 18.46.080 DENSIIY-DI,IELLING UNITS. The number of dwell ing unj ts shail not exceed the forrowing: .....-Qg.ye]opment ATea A, Tl,tO HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE DWELLING UNITS TOTAL MAXlfvtuM, l,',rrH A.MrNrryq!,!_gF 308 ACC0UMqDATTqN uNrii-nNo'.mnxruuM 0F 131 DWELLTNG UNrrS AS DEFTNED ey rHE-iAeLE-iirioli;'"' Dbvelopment Area B, sixty-five units; Development Area C, one hundred four units. 18.46.081 DENSITY-FLOOR AREA The gross res i denti al f l oor area of a'l I bu'i 1d'i ngs i n each devel opment area shall not exceed .35 GRFA in area A, which is i maximum ot zsr,irl"-gquare feet' sixty five thousand square feet GRFA in area B, and .zs enrn for the first fifteen thousand square feet of Jit.'i..u, ptus not mor"than .10 GRFA shall be permitted'for each square root-or sjte area over fifteen thousand not to exceed thirty thousand square ieet of site area;plus not more than .05 square feet o? GRFA ior "jJrr iqrur" foot of site area over thirty thousand square feet in area C . _In Area C, qny site containing two dwelling units, one of the units shall no.t exceed 40"t" ot the allowible toiat gilsi reiiointial tioor area (GRFA) . 18.46.082 CoMFTERCTAL SQUARE F0oTAGE . Area A shall contain a maximum of 37,000 square feet of cornmercial (retai1,_office, theater ana resiiurant)'as aetinea in-tne table in Section 18.46.089. PROJECT 18.46.089 COMPUTER PRINT-OUT TABLE AS REVISED ACCOM DldELLING UNITS UNITS SF COMPLETED PROJECTS illTiTace-T-- Millrace II Westin Hotel (2/unit) , 148 Al fredo 's Cafe Little Shop Pep'i Sports CMC Building Cascade }Jing (2/unjt) Compass Rose Cascade Theater Col'l ege-Cl assrooms Coi 1 ege-Offi ce Meeting Room 2J PROPOSED PROJECTS Festh-;venTondos Temace !.|ing Guest Rooms {2/unit) 1.20 Retai I Plaza Building Guest Rooms (Zlunit) 40 Condomi ni ums Retail/Office Confefence Facjl.-Net Mil lrace III Millrace IV Mansfield Village Condos Westin Additions Retai I -Accessory Cafe Expansion Rumours Expansion Cascade Club Retai I -Accessory Restaurant Offices-l.Iel I ness Center Cascade Court Retai l -Skier Accessory Guest Services 16 14 20,000 17,534 20 ,000 17,534 55,457 GRFA SEATS PARKING REOM. NJJ-T:_ERIF. 28 25 1i5( s ) (sr) COMMERCIAL 3,111 4,220 6,399 19,000 104 74 x (a) 1,250 2,200 15,870 3,111 4,220 4,792 879 1,397 22,500 55,000 6 ,399 18 ,333 19 ,500 19 ,000 9 ,500 6,500 17,200 58 ,900 onn 15,870 22,50O 55,000 L8,333 19,500 6 ,500 11,200 49,227 80 275 319 16(s) 8(s) 28(s) 40(s) a(s) 3U ?5 l5 3 8 42 633 103(s) 21(s) 26(s) 30(s) 63(s) 7e(s)I 76 84 (a) (a) (a) 1,025 945 2,160 2 ,000 2 ,000 a(s ) 8(s ) e(s) 1,025 945 2,160 308 r 2 131 =154 168 554 36,860 (minus 70 (multiple use) 12 .5%) = 484 requirement. Structure Accessory f;i : 307,005 2gI,r2r I,493 DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS 0riginal Parcel Robbins Parcel Cosgriff Parcel 16.82 1.23 1.045 i9.095 Uni ts 15 d.u./Acre ?52 18 15 GRFA (.3s) 256,437 L8,752 15,932 285 29I,72I 18.46.090 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS -,-- -Jh. d"velopment standards set out in sections 18.46.100 through 1g.46.210 i|! iPPIgyg! !v tne town counci'1, These standards shall be incorp6iat"a inio lr iryryy?{ oev-elgnmqnt pran pertinent to each deveropment area i:o protect tne r.ntegnty of the development of SD4. They are minimum deve]opmeirt standards and shall apply unless more restriciive standards are incorporated in the approved developmint pran which ii auopteJ bi-;h; town councit'. 18.46.100 SETBACKS . Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of !!q ptqpqriv-oi nJi'tesi firin'twenty-ieet,IITH THE EXCEPTT0N THAT'THE SETbAcK REQUIREiqENT no,tnCirlr r0 THE pARKINc srRUcruRE/ATHLETIC CLUB BUILDI.NG SHALL BE FEET AS APPRO'ED IN 19 Ei FEi ANO COUNCIL. 18.46.120 HEIGHT .,-^--IN."4!lA A, THE MAXIMUM HEtGftr FoR THE F0LL0WrNc BUTLDTNGS SHALL BE 71 FEET: ryFIjlN-HgIqL, cMc/LEARNTNG cENTER, TERRAcE wrrue, Fnnrcille'srnucrunE/ATHLETic ' CLUB' PLAZA BUILDING. THE REMATNoER 0F BUrLDrnes rn nnin n sHnr_l irnvr-n---, MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 48 FEET. .]'." ..---..I.N 48F4 B, THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT SHALL BE 48 FEET. IN AREA C, THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT SHALL BE 33 FEET. IN AREA D, THE MAXIMUM HEiEHi"SHTL BE 38 FEEi: _ HEIGHT SHALL BE As DEFINED rN sEcrrdN 18.04.170 0F inr.vau MUNrcrpAL c06E. 18 .46 . 140 COVEMGE In areas A and B, no more than th.i rty-five percent of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provi-ded, if'jnv-portion of the areas is developed. as an institutional or-edubationat'centei', ioriv-itve pei."ni-6r'ir,"area may be covered. In aieas C and D, no more ttrari tweniy_five'percent of the total site area shall be covered tv uuitainsi;-tjniEib THE MoRE RESTRICTIVE STANDARDS OF CHAPTER 18.69 OF THE VAIL-MUNICIPAI dOOE_NPPLV. 18.46.160 LANDSCAPING - At least the following proportions of the total development area shall be landscaped as provide_d in the dirvelopment ptan. --itris-irrurr'tnciuJe-reitntion ot natural landscape, if appropriate, Areas A and B, fifiy percent and areas c and p, sixty percent, of the area shalt Oe landscaped. 18.46.170 PARKING. Off-street parking shall be prov'i ded in accordance with chapter 1g.52,except.that.seventy-five peryent of the required parking in area'A shall b6 located within the main building or bui'tdings. USING THE DEVELOPMENT TABLE IN SECTION 18.46.089, THE MINIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENT FOR AREA A SHALL BE 484 SPACES PLUs rlto spAcES pER DWELLING uNtr'FoR MTLLRAcE coNDoMrNIuuS,-wrsr- HAVEN CONDOMINIUMS AND MANSFIELD VTLLAGE cONDOMINIUMs. AT LEAST SEVENfY FIvE PERCENT OF THE 484 SPACES SHALL BE I,.IITI{IN A PARKING STRUCTURE. IF THE DEVELOPMENT TABLE IN SECTION 18.46.089 IS AMENDED, THE PARKING REQUIiEMENTS SHALL BE AMENDED ACCORDINGLY. In areas B and D, iifty percent of the required parking.shall be Iocated within the main uuiiuing or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within i landscaped-berm. .Onsite parking shall be provided in development area A for common carriers prov'iding charter service to the development. bus parking shall be indicated on the deveiopment plan. No parking or'loading arei shalT be located in any TEqU.ITECI fTONt SEIbACK ATCA. NO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY SHALL BE ISSUED FOR THE TERRACE WING, PLAZA BUILDING, ATHLETIC CLUB OR EXPANSION OF THE }IESTIN HOTEL OR CMC/LEARNING CENTER UNTIL THE PARKING STRUCTURE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR THE ENTIRE FINTSHED (AS APPROVED) PARKING STRUCTURE. 18.46.180 RECREATION AMENI.TIES TAX ASSESSED. The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SD4 under chapter-3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed'twenty-five cents per s-gqare foot of the floor area i'n development area A and at a rate not to exceed fifty cqnts per square foot sf GRFA in deveiopment area B, and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA in deve'lopment area c; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot in development area D;and shall !e pqld in coniunction with bach ionstruction phase pi"ior to the issuance of building permit. , 18.46.185 LEFT-TURN LANE. THE DEVELOPER SHALL PROVIDE A LEFT-TURN LANE ON THE SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD BY NOVEMBER 15, 1985. 18.46.190 CONSERVATiON AND POLLUTION CONTROLS. - A. Developer's dra'i nage plan sha11 include provision for prevention of pollution from surface runoff; B. Developer shall jnclude in the building construction energy and water conservation controls as genera'l technology exists at the time of con-structi on. C. NO WOOD-BURNING FIREPLACES/WOODSTOVES SHALL BE ALLOWED IN ACCOMMODATION UNITS. D. If fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technoiogy exjsts at the time of development. 18.46.200 RECREATIONAL AMENITIES. .The approved development plan shall include the following recreational ameni ti es : .,-, _ ?lk" and pedestrian path travers.ing property from east property rine to west.property line shall be provided by developer wiih bxaci location to be mutually acceptable to developei and town council. 18.46.210 ADDITIONAL AMENI.TIES, A. .Deveioper.shall provide 0R |J0RK WITH THE T0htN T0 PROVIDE adequate private transportation services to the owners and guests of the development 19 as.to.transport thgqr fnom the deve'lopment to thd viitage co"" ar.u ind"Lionshead area as ouilined in the approved deve'l opment p1an. B. .Developer shall provide in jts approved deve'lopment plan a bus shelter ot_a desrgn and location mutually agreeable to developer and town council.Sajd shelter to serve the area glneially. 18.46.220 EMPLOYEE HOUSING. WESTiN HOTEL SHALL MAKE AVAILABLE A MINIMUM OF 20 DhIELLING UNITS FOR L9I9-IE8! IENTALS (30 DAYS'OR MORE) TO THEIR EMPLOYEES ON A CONTINUING BASIS. SUCH HOUSING SHOULD BE BUT l,[LL NOi- BE REQUIRED TO EE LOCNiED IN AREA A. PROOF OF SUCH HOUSING AVA}LABILITY (COPY rJr ITRSE, ETC.) SHALL Ar PROVTOTO TO THE TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY.DEVELOPMENT DEPARTNTIIT EY."]RI'IUARY 31 OF EACH YEAR.ANY REVISIONS TO THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE REGARDED AS AN AMENDMENT TO SDD4 AND hrrLl FoLLo!il PR0CEDURES r.N SECTI.oN 18.46.030(E). _J ..') .+.(' { MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Conrnunity Development Department DATE: June 6, .|984 S|UBJECT: Request for major amendment to area A (cascade village) of Special Development District 4 Applicant: Mansfield Ltd (Andy Norris) { I ( I!9-uppticant, Andy Norri s,.is requesting a number of revisions to the Cascade village-portion of'sDD 4 --in the'areas 6t toiii-o"nsiiv,'iotal commercial square footage, building heights,_parking requirements,-employee housing and !!e,19mu91 of firep'lacei to ue aitbwed. Due to our previous two work sessions on this item, the Planning and Environmental Cornmission is now quite familiai-with the proposal. This memorandum will begin with a nrier'cnrdnologii hisiory g1f lgecial Development District 4 folrot^red-6v an'eipianuiion or ihe 'iajoi iisu6, :l]y"jy9!=ll the approval.of the-development plan in .|979 and will proceed with rne specltlc re-quest by tlg.applicants. with_a.discussion regarding'the various changes pryposed, then we'll look at the related policies cdntainEd wittin cfie Lommun'rty Action Plan and conclude with the staff recommendat.ion. ]:. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY Or'dinance No. 5 of .|976 was the original establishing ordinance for sDD 4.Tfris ordinance created,the special development district, wh'i1e calling for a specifi.c development pl an with certa'in submittal requirements at a laier date.The ordinance divided the total area of SDD4 into four separate areas known as A,B,c, and D. Area A is the cascade vilrage project, Area B is the coldstream Condominium project, while Area C'is the Glen-Lybn Subdivision auplex lois ina-Arqa D is now the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building. Tire density allotmeht tor Casiaae Village.in this original-ordinance was 252-dwelling uniti located on lO.e2-iires IgI g, density of l5-dwelling units per acre. Neiiher the density provis.ions nor the bas_ic provisions of this original ordinance have changed in'any signif.icant manner until this point in time. Ordinance No. 28 of 1977 revised the original ordinance in a number of ways. This ordinance^changed the development areas 6f Areas Bn C, and D and required-dedliaiion or over 4u acres of open space to the Town. It also revised some of the submjttal require+ents.as we'l 'l as-refined permitted and conditional uses allowed in deveio[- ' ment Area A (Cascade Village). Some other minor changes such as numericaf ifringbs to section numbers in the zoning code were a'l so provided for. in 0rdinance 28. ,',. In-January of 1979 there was an amendment to SDD4 with regard to suhnittal re-quirements.once again.. The.applicant had requested that ihe submittal requirements De up-dated and clarified with regard to what actual ly was necessary information to_,review the project. This was done at that date in-preparation f-or the nprii and May review of the development plan itself. 0n April 27' 1979 the Planning and Environmental Commission conducted a preliminary re'view of the Cascade Village proposal. 0f note in this review was the icknowledgL-ment that there were approximately 17 acres involved along with two approximaleiy V _\_ sDD4 e 6/6/84 one-acre parcels zoned for 6 and 7 units, respect.ively. Also discussed was the proposal -regarding.on-site employee housing fbr the-p"rojeCi-and ttre row iise-'--nature of the buildins heights.- Ol llv ?Zi lglg, tn! pEC-rreia a prnjii r,.iring for two requests. 0ne, ap[rovar of thL aeveiopmeni prr"-rii" caschae viriig", " and two, to.enlarge Development Area A to incllde ttrl t.as-acre Robbins trici.If, was noted in the staff memorandum that the new acreage in the Area A now totaled 18.078 acres which, of course, included the RobSins tract zoned for 7 units at the time. This development [ran was subsequently approved by the Plannins and Environmentat commiiiion";il i;;r-c;;;;ii-'"','' The single major issue.in the-lpproval process of the development plan of 1979 was the creation of.a third village for'Vail with respect to the amount of com- T:l"lgl proposed^an9,tl,".educationat/learning center iroposed. It wis felt-bv !l!-qlatling staff.that the creation of such-a third majbr village cou'td negaiively 'lmpact the bus system, road system and other services within the conrnunity.- There was also a-questioning of the relationship between the proposed hotel wii[ tne eoucatronal/learning. center. The staff fe'lt the learning center should be con-structed before the hotel and that the applicant had not-convinced the slifi-tfrat the, necessary link-between the hotel and'ihe learning center would ever be estab- ,llshed. 0ther staff concerns centered around the inlersection of l^lesthaven Drive with South Frontage Road, access to the exc'luded Cosgriff parcel, proviaing oniy one access point to the entire area, and lastly, the-overail sizi ind mass-of the parking-structure and hotel in relation to-ftre frontage road as well as to other buildings on the site and the dup'lex lots to the soith. The. Planning-and Environmental Comrnission agreed in part and disagreed in part with the staff's recormendations and conceris. the Frc felt Zl,zdo square'ieet of commercial to be acceptabte to the projeCt. Mr. Hoirii-exFiiinea-io-il,"'l-'cormission that more-specific information on the potential users of the learning ' center and the relationship of the hotel to the lbarning center would be iorlfr: l9t!ng' he.agreed to dedication of stream tract and easEments for bicycle paths,ne.agreed to work with the Highway_Department to provide a left hand iurniirg lane i ,.:and acceleration and deceleration-lanbs on the Soilth Frontage Road-andiini]"ly Jgreea 'toprovideaccessto.theexc.|udedCosgriffparce1.conieiningandutdoorreirea. tion area, the Planning and Environmental Cbnmission teii it ilas not necessary to the projec.t, contrary to-the p-lanning staff recommendation. Finally, Mr. - Norrisagreedtotheprovisionofabus-shelterandturn-iroundonthe-iroject II.ISSUES IN 1979 ADOPTION OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN fqplqyq" housing was an integral.part of the development plan discussion in May of_.|979. The proposal at that time was for 32 rentil uniis of approx.imately - 850.square feet each on the site with the possibility of using iiriustria'l rlvenue bonds to construct that housing. The timing for the emp'loyee-housing project v{as represented as the second year of construction, but eai.lier if posliUie. III. THE REQUEST Andy Norris has submi'tted the attached 'letter to ment concerning the request and his reasons for the Connnunjty Deve'lopment his current proposal . ,L Goo -3- 6/6/84 In surnmary, Mr. Norris is request'i ng_to reprogram the remaining development of cascade viltaqe in order do fulfilt a markdting-iiog"i* wtriin irrey-' -.- feel will be suciessful for ttre deveiopment and tfre'Vaii cormunity. Andy,s letter.does a good job of outlining whit-ihev ieii'-thl'n"."rr."y ingredients to such a successfu'l program are. I!..y ulg, with regard to density, asking for the original density of 15 dwel'ling units-per acre to bi-appljed ai thi; p;i;i"io both the r.25 acre-Robbirir: parcel which was anneied to the sDD'in 1979, and for the .191!..1...-cosgriff pgrcgl pryposed to be annexed with this current-iequest.Moreover, tlrey feel the 37,000 square feet of conmercia.l is a necessi,i lg !F 9:"Slopment prosram to prrlvide for support reiuii to ine itp; -ot ctientele they are attempting to attract. 0ther parts of the request not addressed in the above letter are: A revision to the employee, housing provision and at the urging of the planning ligll: f"yisilg the height resulaiion to become consisieit,fttn iiie Eii;j;d nelght defin'ition as well_as cleaniTg up.q!d up-dating the entire eight year old SDD ordinance, Finally, wi[n haaittoiral aeniity ana conrmerir,at,the parking requirements for ArLi A must be revised. t (Iv. RELATED POLICLES iN VAIL's c0MMUNrry AcrI0N pLAN: FOcus t9g5 hlith such a major conceptual change proposed for cascade vi1lage, it is important that we look to the Comfrunity Action Plan for-guidan.e and criteria !9 gyuluate this. proposal. The following are excerpts riom various sections-or rne plan which are important in reviewing this sDD ptan amendment: A. Statement of Purpose , Policy. To recognize that Vajl is l. recreation and real estate ,Policy, To recognize ,L' -Business and quickly from an economy based mature resort cormunity with a more diverse economic and and prqliding service to base. Marketing the conmunity remainsffi mov i ng toa soci al uests on stronger and strengthen Vail's principal products and services:,, professional meetings B. Policy :vail,should improve as an educational and intel'lectual center:3. -Promote seminars and conferences -Develop faci'l ities to provide for these activities Ooo -4- 6/6/84 C. Economic Considerations Policy The surmer season should be significantly developed and promoted.3. -Maximize current summer programs, opportunities and faci'r ities.-ltyoy new summer programs, opportunit.ies and facilitiei. -- -Set up marketing programs to'iromote the summer season. Pol i cy 4. Pol i cy 5. -Expand shoulder season educational and qurtura'r activities.-. -roenl]rv and promo sl,Jav.the feasibility of an economic development corrunission to organize efforts to direct this activity. -!t4V the feasibility of building a convention facility -Define the role of municipal gov6rnment in economic deirelopment ( It is evident that the-cornmunity Action pl an strongly promotes the type of grojggt which the appticants.arL proposing. rhe pian is cailing Jui"ior-facilities to a'llow'Vail to-oecomb i'yeii:rouna-risort irJng *iirr irre marketing and promotion of those facilities as well as exploring Jt1 fiossible avenues gf_gggnolic.development for the corrunity. uiih ttrii"in miha,-irre-p;;il;;i represents the wilfingness of a.major private sector entity witnin the'conrmunity lg.-lggomntish these goal.s and obie;tivbs within the conrnunity Action Fl;;. - '" rurtnermoren with regard to defining the role of municipal government in :::l"Tl9.,deve1opment,-certainrv onE of those rorei wouia uE agiijei6ie'pran-nlng and land use regulations when economic development activi[ies in cbncert with the communities-overa]l goals and objectives ire'-prJposea. shoulder seasons also shou'ld be significantly developed rif Qo+ -s- 6/6/84 STAFF RICOMMENDATIONS The community Develo-pment Department 'is high]y supportive, with some T:n:l lT.gptions' of this proposal to amend the chlcade vittage portion g] )p"g]ur Deveropment District 4. }le feet strongly that the-prbposal ls ln concert with the community's goals and objeitives as outiinba in the.community-Action p1an. |.le ire 6r ttre opini6n ttai-nnt"n-the private sector steps forward in this manner to accomplish what could be i stgnirt-cant contribution to the economic development of the va.i'l community,"ltai the municipal govenment should be highly supportive. The additionii aenstty requested is proposed to be put into-aclommbbation uniti-so that a sriiiiieirt number of accontrodations can be located on site in order to accomplfsh the objectives of the overall luxury destination iesoii pian. It'oniy makes sense that accomqqlyins that Lritical mass of density is a commLrcial support system of a sufficient size and nature to work witir and complement this overall goa1. we do, however, feel.that the aspects of parking, employee housing, and fireplices, need to be seriousiy''addiessei at t6is pbini in time. The park'ing must be sufficient on t-he site to take care of this project;l'demands., The.zoni.ng code calls for 484 spaces, and we feel strong'ly that this number should be met. currently the'structure is approved a[ lgs parking spaces, and we would expect ihe applicant to eithbr expano iii structure or provide other surface parkin!'distributed throughbut the-proJect to supplement that number. There must be provision for employee housing on this project. whether or not the employee housing is oir sr-'te is probably-not critical to the success of the project, but iertainly on-site snployee housing for the westin Hotet i! the b6st solution. -The ttnal sect'ion of the revised SDD ordinance states that the developer shal'l provide 20 dwelling units for long-term rentals to employees of the project on an on-going basis. hle fee'l this to be the minimum acceptable reqirir6ment. t v. ,( The.proposal for l8 fireplaces within accommodation units is not acceptable to the staff at this timb. we feel strongly that we should recognize'and deal with the Town of vail's air poltition problems ina took-cioiely al.lle precedent settips nature of grinting thii request. Furthermore,-within the last several-years the fTrep'lac6 ordinanie was revised to iemove the variance section which means that to grant th'is request would require aqrgfling the fireplace ordinance. The maiketing tmpoitinie or firepiicei wlf,n1n luxurv accorrnodation units can be fulfilled with the provision of gas firepiaces. l'le also feel that it is very important to the safety and the circulation system into and from the pro3ect that a.left-turn line on south Frontage Road be provided for this'third major vil'lage of Vail. In conclusion the. pl anning staff is excited about the revised development plan for cascade Village and its potentia'l to fulfill stated corrnunity goa'ls.and objectives. -With the pi^ovisions noted above, this project ian be a tremendous asset to the cominunity of vai'l ano launch iasiaoE vitiige into the competitive market of destinition resorts around the country. - . ' Our reconunendations are written into the enclosed revised and updatei r ,l Special Development District 4 Ordinance. I Pl ann i ng 4'€a 4 C-ss.i-/f ,&bd/t*and Environmenta'l Commission May 29, .|984 PRESENT Diana Donovan Duane Piper Gordon Rapson l^Ji I I Trout Jim Viele ABSENT Scott Edwards Gordon Pierce uest for setba nce and a itional use ennit in order to con-struc ties center at rontaqe West.i cant;st National Bank of Vail Trout moved and Ra son seconded to a rove the variance uest er the staff memo o 3.Work session to amend the increase commercia'l rev't se tional rep laces and ot nor rev s10ns. STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack 1. to 2. Approva'l .of qrinutes of meeting of May ,l4. Donovan moved and viele seconded approve the minutes. Vote was 4 jn favoa with Trout abstaininq. Peter Patten showed changes made to the sfte.plan since the last meeting. He felt that two things.could ctean up the. parkihs,]ot: Stt:iping-us ;;;,;fr; prJv.ious bank approval on vail commons (tnefe was to be a joint parkin! is"li"r"ni-wiii,'"e-.stripi.ng to include compact.cars which woutd add ilore rbu..ri, ;il-;h;'ifiii.uping islands which could better define driving 1anei. - Rick Baldwin, arc.hitect for the appl icant, showed e'l evations and perspect'ives 9I tt,q project. Discussion of reibcation of the bike path foilowbd aha tnen ':ltne slze of the planters was discussed. It was felt that they were too small "-''-to llpport plants. Patten reminded the board that this propoial would be reviewed at DRB. .._ nW_Easn"if Andy Norrisr gpplicant, explai.ned the changes ana #o#that a study had been made which indicated more need for hotel r6oms ano meeting space-wittr iooii{onat retail. Rapson felt.a need to know when the construct.ion 6f lhe phases would take place because the market could change again in 3 oi 4 yeais.' Norris mentionea that Cascade Village will be more self c6ntained so that it'can survive anythinq and can fill the shoulder seasons, plus compete with Beaver creek as well is Keystone, Copper Mountain, etc. meet i n cal I ed chai rman vote was ial Development District 4 ,t)-z- s/zs/84 Trout wondered how to..resolve.the,fireplace.request with other projects that require fireplaces. Norris stated thal.in_tris'originai piii.,, o2 iireiiai"i-nua been approved,. and he.was asking for onl.y 18. Tiout wbnoeied if afirJvii *orro come back at the board, and others would-ask for fireplaces. Norrjs stated that he planned to complete phase i.i, the parking structure and the athletic ctub and begin the Temice wiirs, to #;;;pi;ild Ey the tili oi rsss.Next spring start the.Plaza-wing _conference, quest.rooms and reiajl to be completed bv December of '86. Also finisfr west Haven next sumner. vieie-iir."i-uliri"'iifiiiov"" log:ing: and Norris replied that there were 20 uniii ieservea lor emprJveei it'Valli Hi, but these were.only 60% occupied. He added itrit most empibveli were llTj;ti"TlTl!'.lld.h0using was not an issue. patten staiea tnai in-irmpiovJi-nousrng survey had just been completed by Eagle county, but the staff hed ;ot yet had time to study it.- His feeling wis tiat employee trousing wis noi criiicat at this tine, but that Valli Hi was n6t a barometer. He felt tfiai ttreri wai a-need to plan for long term employee housing. He aaaeO itrui tt'e staff felt that not all of the employee housiirg ihould be ieleased. -noiirti added that seve"ii apartments at Coldstream were leased for employees. |?loy3l.,:ygggstel.sas firep'laces, ski trails were discussed, and the parking structure ]i:=:Ipllll9d. Piper then ment'ioned that dwelling units were changed'to aciommo-oallon un'lts' and then fireplaces were asked for.- He felt that ot[ers could say that they could change.accoimodation units to dwelting units and asi tor itiepi"aces.The study session ended here. 4.uest for a setback varia in order to enclose a covered deck and hot tub area at Lot prlcan :11 Il!stan Pritz-outlined the request. She explained that the adjacent lot was in ' ' tllg process of being dedicated to the Town as open space. The staff felt that this was a "no-impait' type of variance and reconrnenbed approval. Craig-Siowdon,architect for the.applicant, stated that the jntent was to try to use ex.i sting _:.posts and not disturb the site.''? Viele moved and Tfie vote wEl-5:0 in-TaVor.- 5.A uest to rezone lots 7 and 9. Block H Vail das Schone #2 from Residential ma VC str'r c anq a con ues r a mi nor v ision to ne thr t ree lots into one.l'lin Peter Patten reviewed the proposal and explained that an SDD will often result ,:,-il-:.!"!!:l 1it Rlan. tte itrowea srie pians which indicated an open meadow to remaln-open space. Patten.explained that original 1y the applicalrts had planned ::.,j:.1:* lp :Tf]ov"e units, ano iince the ipplicinis-rrii"removed *," i*piov..ylttls.rrom the proposal' the staff was recommending denial. Patten pointeh oiri-that the Comrnunity Action Plan streised the n"ea i6"-eriTov"" housing. John wheeler,one,of.the applicants, stated that he fert the.*piove"'uniis wouta cause a real hardship in marketing the project. viele felt^that such a.small project should not be required to supply ernployee housing. Rapson agreed with Vieie, Donovan added thai since the iit! wal vlry DA[E: Ifay 25, 1984 T0: Peter Fattsr, Toron of Vail FR0l4: Andy Norris RE: Developrnent Progranrs for MG(GROTND GIIEST ROC[6 o ,/i retail facilities at Cascade VillaEe occrrred in the earlv 1980's Fronr dre earliest der,elopnent pla:-rning in 1979-1979, it has always been d:e objective to create I self-contaiied conna-urlty at Cascade Viilage.consequently, plans included a con'plete hotel facility, restauranrs, sporcs facilities, residsrtial condoririair-nrs, and li:nited ret"ail facilities: r"-itially, it r,ras opeeted that dre Iictel would be able to acirieve adeqr:ate economic results based tpon the trans is'rt gues t urarl.et in vail , . q" ocerience at the westin Hotel (ard other cor:pa.rable oroperties)has nrade it clear that the transient nerket is inadequate and nrcir too se"sonal^to sLpport fiill seruice, first-class horels, consequently, ip to 60% of occrpancy nnrst be attracted from the srolp business narkeis.-T^ ^-^' '-i J^ r-L^ €- ^-' 1 .: --:r-u uruvlue ure raclrities that w'ill enable the lGstin to cofpete \,rid:r hotels tlrroughout l-i're nation, some cndifications to the t.tt.ltrtrrg develop-rent- Progrel at cascade Village are necessaay. These changes are requlred in three areas: I) guest roons, 2) neeting facilities, "rrd:) retaif. ..^^ hitlalll, tne llore1 was prograr.rrcd to iacrude 150 r-vpical hotel roon:s (400 sq. f_t.), plus exclusive rnanage-rwrL over an additionai 62 condominirrn units, each contairring 3 bedroonr.s,-kitchenette, fireplace, and parlor. At conpletion, tire developnmrt would'provide a troi:el lriih 336 "keyi", ph:s 62 parlors. Thi-s nix was believed to be optinum for v*r,at was 'eryected m be a guest profile that included a sigrrificant proportion of farr,l-ti.es.lhe condominiu:-s in the clr Buildhg iere construcled to acconr,ndate this Progran.fne radi,cal chances in the rnarket ttr,at vail' veJy_ few fanily-oriented gr.rest roon suites would be required in the future, tlry"glt corporate neetirqgs tlpically involve spousesi so a higlr percslt ot doub Ie - occrpancv is realized. The Euest rocfi1 eroa:s iqn Drosrarc for cascade v_illageiweitin-has been changed to-adopt to tl:g corporaEe groqr narket, Cordonriniur-type trr_its. including kitchens. are beine ieplaced bv-by required a re-evaluation of the guest roorn requ-Lred a re-evaruation of the guest roon program. corporate ueetings ald ssnirlars becane the rnrst inportant rnarket ttnt-cou1d appieciate arid afford rnarket, Cordonriniur-type ur_its, including kitchens, are being rep over-sized typical guest roorrs, including wet bars, refrigeraEors, and balconies. For corpetitive purposes, a lirnited nurLrer of-fireplaces (1g)jn the srrites are requested (according to actual westin e>eeriences, avail- .-1. Dt,t t /',lnutttl ,tf .llt tslir'ht. Ilorltrl|1{} (})|nftltio , }I.ttut+i q (i./8.!.tl part ef , lt)iX.i \int!iJ i:;tltitt.it( llt):r.l lt,(,st (.itut rulo nft>57 .Ji) lt.t76-6{i02 r.l{Y 25 1 qa/, t PEiER PATIN{PAffi 2 ability of guest rcrclr fireplaces is one of three nrcst irportsrt requests by corDorate,rEeling plerrrers booki:qg drring wjlter ronths). At cmpletion,a total of l6C additional g'.lest roor;xi t^rill be added to the eristing lB0. }IE,T]:{C FACILITIES The ir1^itial n:arLof T')rcrci-rra for- flra llotel ar:ticioaied a linited require-rsl t for *eii'! i*uiti"''l- A;";;iir;;;;'#tG;;A c ffitc;%' ffi ;'be shared rrith the college and could adequately slpport a lir,rited airor:nt of grolo br:siness. For reasons n'entioned earlier, the lictel has besr required to aggressively pror.Dte tire grot4 nrarkets. Tite exlstjng CIC facilities are :r4deqr:atg as to size, access, and qr:ality of furnishings. Accord.ingly, a najor conference facility has been r;lalned for the ptaza gtrildir4. In addition, Wgrad:ing of the G,lC facilities r,rill occur in tlre sulner of 1984. The Plaza facilities r.rill snphasize neetings radrer ttran banqr-rets. Detail-ing includes rich finishes, auclio-wisual eo.uipri:mrt, and corrvenisrce f-or the confer-eirces. A "finish" Litchen wi1l be jlcluded, altlrouglr fooC pro- &rction r,ri11 be prowided by Cre l.Iestjn's central l:itci:sr_ RETAl], A wcrw iTr".rnr|-r*t eri feri: ni tori i-r.-r rreorino n'l ln,rarq i"r col nnfifl.' r ::!gL!-by_a_r.!!:,=!'J-r-r.!oEr\;U(j!ri;q resort/neetJrg hotel is availabiliry of cc'npleie reta-ll facilities. This requirerrent recogrizes the hi3}. percent of slcuses atterdirq these neetir:gs. To fulfill this requir*ent, it is necessa-rry to have a sufficiqrt ar.ici-n-rt of retail to attracL a certatn dir,'crsify and quality of r'.erchandise. It is , also ir:oortar"lt tirat the developer control Cre leases to insure year-ror:nd additional reEail/restaurant of 2L,700 sg. ft. ftle revised retail progran prowidcs a total of 33,770 sq. ft. ofutrich 2,16C sq. ft, couldbe included as l.iellness Cqrter offices jri the Cascade Club. The 19,000 gross square feet to be included in the Plaza Building is considerecl'by liilcyon, itd.,al internationally recognized reLail consulting fi:m, to be the nfni:nra area necessary to slpport a srrccessfi:l albeit li:rrited retail facility. A portion of the space rrry be allocated to sr,raIl offices, such a travel agstcy, real estate, and oroperry nanagefEnt. As originally prograrued, the conrrercial actiwities of Cascade Village are designed to srpport a 340 roon hotel and approxirmtely 165 residsrtial u-rits (including Coldstrean) . l)t r vl()p, t a7 t r|.ila r:s.fi cttt. Ltri. Mf D i ^L ^^^'l ^*r. rr . r,\r\-rl vey ro.rr , Town Manager 'r ovrn or var- r 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Rich: lJith the opening of the Westin Hotel in December, 1.982, Cascade Village established itself as Vail's third commercial village. In April , 1983 the CMC Building was completed, adding a Lheater, restaurant and campus for Colorado Mountain College, Including the parking facilities and Millrace Condominiums approximately $4: mittion has now been invested in the project. Plans for 1983 include completing the Cascade Village Parking Structure- and constructing the Cascade Club, a ful1 service year-round sports and health complex. Work is now r.rnderway on major 1afld- scaping improvements throughout the project. This summer, Gore Creek Associates, developer of the Glen Subdivision, plans to complete the bicycle path from Red Sandstone Creek west to the recently eompleted bridge over Gore Creek, which connects Lo Cascade Vil1age. A1 so this Mansfield, Ltd. plans to complete the bicycle path through Cascade Villaee to a point where it would connect wi-th the Lutheran Church site and Donovan Park. 1, Accelerati-ng the coumitment to construct the South Frontage Road bicycle path to 1983. We irndeistand Ehat an agreement to share eonsLruction costs has been agreed to by the property owners and the Town. fhe expanding activity at Cascade Village is generating a major increase in bicycle and Pedestrian xraffic. summer, 'j r: ,t: o May . ,:i 2. Aggressively enforce the existing sign control and,,landscaping ordinances along the South Frontage Road. This is:clearly a most unattractive roadside. 3. Conmrit to construct the Gore Creek bicycle path frorn Red Sandstone Creek to T-ionshead. As plans now stand, the paved parh constructed by Gore Creek Associates will terminate at Red Sand-stone thi s srrrmer . 4, Prepare a plan for continuing the Gore Creek bicycle path from Cascade Village to the west and cormnit to it's construcEion in 1984 . 5. Study means of improving Town bus transportation during mid-day and evening hours to better accormnodate increased traffic to the Colorado Mountain College, theater and restaurant facilities at Cascade Village We believe that the increased. property values and sales tax receipts created by Cascade Village justify additional investment by the Town to enhance the "no-man's" land between Cascade Village and Lionshead. Please giwe our requests your careful consideration. I.1^ f^^1 +-L^,, ,,.i11 -ir.r]nrnrra rlra anf l'r^6 /-amfnr'{-rr l o imjaoo we reel E.ney w]-II -.. -1re conmunrE.y s l_illage. Sincerely, l'1r. Rich Caplan Page 2 Anrr /:l^r1urf ./ J rr cc: Town of Vail Council Dan McClaskey/Exec.V. P. Norris General Partner 6, 1983 Westin Hotels n, r rir', ',VAII, 'L(}iTN fl)IJNCIL 'l'ul;$lJAY, i.iovl'Ill]lill 16, Page 2 w-/ rtu'l 19 82 The next item on the agenda rvas an appeal of hej.ght varjance request fol_I.,gt 12, I3lock 2, a PEC decisi()n regarding a Gore Creek Subd Rielrard Caplan stated that' Ct>mmuniE vetop nt nao recel.veo a from the applicant witbdrawirrg his appeal, as a resolution had reached in compliance with the height zoni.ng regulations. The next item on tlrre A{66da was-bbe apploval of an Agreement for the Caseade /,.,- - \Bus service from the''\Yestin Hote! Jon Eberle presented the agreement to the Council. Andy No-Fri 'ascade V1}1age gave some input to the agreement, There were some questions as to the insurance coverage on the buses and as to where they would be stopping in Vail' After some discussion, Chuck Anderson made a motion to applove the agreement with the amendments he made and Paul Johnston seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously and the agreement was approved with the noted amendments. i The next item on the agenda lvas the appoint of the PEC and LLA vacancies. Gordon Pierce was appointed to the Planning and Envlronmental Commission and Fobert Buterbaugh to the Liquor Licensing Authority to fil] one of the two vacancies. Richard Caplan statbd that since one of the applicants was not available for interviewing, a second appointment would be made at the December ?th meeting. There rlras no Town Manager Report, As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ATTEST: Colleen II . Kline, Town Clerk 1)1il t:1' J.J-n--b/. A{ ilttiu t,{.i;t}.1'l' TIII S AORlilIlJflliS' br-1-i-ccn C:lscuilr: ("Cascade") and the TOWN Oll VAIL, a Cr.r.l orr"Co joj.nt vcntul:e mun i.c ip al corporati.on 10.R' T ...,t.r.1 -l'!.i'.-, , Colorado ("the Town" ) ou WHIIRIJAS, Cascade wishes to provide bus service for the patrons of the Westin Hotet ("the llotel'r) and has purchased a bus to provide such service, ano II'HEREAS, IYestin wishes to obtain and expertise in the main benance and services, and from the Town, its experience operation of scheduled bus 'IVHEREAS, both parties wish to coordinate the hotel bus service with the general bus service beit.rg provided the pubtic by the Town, NOI{, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutuaf promises and covenants set forth herein the parties agree as foll_orvs: 1. Cascade has purchased, prior to the signing of this agreement, a bus which has been inspected by the Town of Vail and which i.s acceptable to the Town. Sirould it be necessary for Cascade to replace the bus {or any reason rvhatsoever or should Cascade .desj-re to do so, during the term of this agri:ement, 4ny such replacement bus shall be subject to the approval of the Town. 2. The Torvn of Vail will provide Cascade with a sufficient number of Town employees to act as drj-vers for tl:e Cascade bus serviee ("the sen'ice") described in this Agreement. In addltion, the Town. shall be responsi-ble for the payment of a1l operating costs for the service, including general liability insurance. 3. The service shall be pror.j.ded by one bus and sha"Il be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. between the Westin Hotel plaza and the Lionshead Concert Hal1 p)-aza and the Vail Village Trnnsportati.on Center. The service shal1 ire for the u.se of tire guesls and patrons of tlre lYesbin llotel,. It is understood by the parties that this schedule is fixed and shall not be altered by Casc.ade wj-thout Lire plior wril,ten trpproval of the Torvn of \'r4,1 l. 4, Shou.ld thc Cascadc bus bc ulrablc to pr()vjd.e the set [or:bh her.'ein, tht: Town wj11 prtiviclet a birckup l:us at an services incrc-mt-:ntal I L1()St l_o the term Cascade of fj1Ly cents ($.50) 1:or rnilc. 'Ihe servj.ce shall begin on.l.)ccember 5th of each year of of .bhls agreement anci sha]1. tet.minate the followlng April 6. In exchange for the services provided by the Town, 'lfestin shall pay the Town its cost per mile or its cost per hour, whichever is greater. As an additional charge, the Town sha11 have the right to bill cascade an a"d.ministrati.ve fee of up to five cents per mile or $.40 per hour. The costs and adminj.strative fees shall be computed on a monthy basis by the Town. An invoice shall be submitted to Caseade within thirty (30) days of the end of each month during which the service is in operation anrl shalL be due and payable in {ull by Cascade within f if teen ( 15) days foll.owing its recei.pt. 7. The service shal.I be operated on a deniand basis except that it is understood by the parties that the bus must make at least one (1) trip per hour durlng the months the service is 1n operation beeause'of the cold weather. 8. A11 informatiori relating to thls service and all ma.rketing of the servj.ce will be the sole responsibility of Cascade. The Town shall have no responsibilj.ty whatsoever for these matters. 9. The term of thi-s a.greement shall begin on December 4, Ig82 and shatl continue unl-ess cance]1ed as hereinafter set forth until ApriI 1O, 1985. 10. Either party may cancel this agreement by glving the other party thirty (30) days written notice in advance. However, should Cascade cancel the brls service during the term of this agreement, they sha11 be obligated to pay the wages of the Town employees rvho have been provided to Cascade for the remainder of the time the service is scheduled herein for the year of such ca.ncellation. The employees sl'ral1 remain as 'Iorvn empJ-oyees alld not as employces of Cascade. 11,. Sliould the bus setvice lr$ sr:t f orth hcrein not commence by Decetnber' 4, 1982, through ncr f aul,t of the; 'Iorvn, Casc..ade will pay the wages oJl thc enrployees rvhich thc Torvn has hir:ed to opr:r'ate the scrLvice * "':t-. bus. 'Iltes;e wirgcs s;ha-l I be payrrblr: rit l"hr: s;rme i.'a.t.r-. tlrc Town of VlL.i l. norrna"lly pays its bus clt:ivcrs. !VcsLjn Ejhal-[ conLir)ue such paym1;rib unti I such time that the service ci)ntnences. IN 1YITN1ISS WIIXRIIOF, the partiesj have signed this agreement this day of , 7-g82 TOIfN OI' VAIL, a municipal eoapora"tion B.r'' Riehard Caplan, Town tr{anager CASCADE LODGE, a Colorado jolnt venture By: NOTE _ COPY OF PEBMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DArE 1l/16/84 001357 deprrtmont of community developmsnt TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PBIORTO ISSUANOE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT a x ! m L-AI E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL I DESC. LOT BLK- FILING CASCADE VILLAGE I JoB NeuE, 6ASSADE SLUB pHASE IA & 2A OWNER rueuE Cascade Club Ltd ur'rnooRrssl000 !o. Ftg. Rd. ! ;Gir.F1il5%; _ffi_ ARCHITECT r,*i/ Robert Arnold Assoc. MATLADDRE.. 1000 S.Ftg. Rd.bl slry Vail'Co. pH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR flnrl Hylter Construction rowN qF vArL REG. No. --L09A IELE. 399-1405 | ,rr.r*'.0,-FrRi, Kendal I Electric to*" or uo'. rro. ruo. - 196j \,\,I\IKA\.,I\JX rFl F 242-4752 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F1RM Summi t Flechanical rowN oF vArL FEc. No. 174P rELE 945-2491 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VJIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TEI-E. tta l.TYPEoFcoNsrRucnoN r@rrrv 2. occuPANcY GRouP @aexr v FK- RM DrvrsroN r z zfAf " ,df 5t."'1'fi - 5;h""lT *n9 Tt # PERMTT NO. --.---' z tr 3 BUILDING 4 .400 . 000 . 00 ELECTRICAL 160,000 . 00 PLUMBING 95 ,000 .00 MECHANICAL 260 , 000 .00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR A-3 67,000 4,400,000.00 BUILDING PERMIT I I .183 .00 g N,} g$ t-s \J\ PLAN CHECK 7 ,269,00 ELECTRICAL I ,660 .00 NEW (X ) ALTERATION ADDITIONAL () RFPAIR PLUMBING 950.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UMTS HElcHr rN Fr. - No. FTREpLAcEs ,Z-- | MECHANICAL 2 ,600 . 00 RECREATION FEE N/A INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.V \DESTGN REVTEW EOARD 300 .00 FLOOR ,t t{CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT I,000.00 EXT. WALLS ROOF 44 USE TAX 22-000-00 1_I TYPE ELEC. OF SOLAR ":--5, -8'*oopr*lru- pj TOTAL PERMIT FEES 46,962.00 ::::".-PERM'..**"T', "'*ffif tNG AOMTNTSTRATOR DATE BLASTING IING & BUILOING NOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot ptan, and slate that all the information provided as required is correct. I e.lrer td eomnlv with ihe information and olot olan. to coBd'v with alt Town ordinances and state agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to with all Town or laws, and to build this struciure acoording to the Toyfs zoning review approved, Uniform Building Code and other return clean uP to: Cascade Cl ub Ltd +3??"sg5:h Frontase Rd. !,r AND THE OWNER. codes, design CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERM]T TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE oarc lt/ru J r'7 001958 r' hnlmfil dopsrtm€nt of community danelopment TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n f,tr ts E E BUILDING ELECTRICAT MECHANICAL /-\ LEGAL f DESC. LOT BLL__\ugz nlrruc Cascade Village SD-4 4oe Nnue' I a OWNER urupVail Ventures Ltd gALnooeess 1000 So. Ftg. Rd s1w Vail, Co.8165tu ttle ARCHITECT FIRM Jim Ream MAILADDRESs A5lBeachStreel s,rysan Francisco,ffi . 6420 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Hvder Construc Lion rowN oF vAlL REG. r.lo. -1994 rELE. 399-1405 }5.'.t51g11 rrnu KenJal I E] d6.ir'i c. rowN oEvArL Fce. Nol06Ei. .' UUNIKAUITJK .,.E' c 24?-4752 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rrnu Summi t Mechanical tow" or vo,a "eo. "o. 1 rELE. 945'2491 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM same as above TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OF VAIL BEG. No. TEI,E. lna pdnLry/vail r.rYPEoFcoNsrRuctoN r@" 'v u {/( 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP (rr'a E H lR i' DrvtstoN ,rns PERMITNO.- z I E t ) BUILDING $1.807.007.00 ELECTRICAL 79,209 .00 PLUMBING Inc [IECHANICAT 122,,784.00 Total 2 ,009 .000 .00 IYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES .a BIJILOING PERMIT 5.205 .50 R} q+ $s aF-+r*9-\_-PLAN CHECK 3 .383 .50 ,-+.L 76196 ELECTRICAL RAN NN NEw (x ) ALTERATION ( ) AooITIONAL( ) REPAIR( )PLUMBTNq Mechani cal I , 230 .00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES tl5o$.rN${.kX RECREATION FEE 19 .049 .00 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 300.00 FLooR | |CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 1,000.00 EXT.wALLSI | |USE TAX 10 .045 .00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 41,073.00 ,, t!/tr/{j aulib-orrcorncrnL - - --fdATL ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: YN INITIAL ST. CUT tl NGAoMINISTRAToR DATE ING & BUILOINq NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, compleiect an accurate plot plan, and staie that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cgrnply with all Town ord.inances and state taws, and to build this structure according to the To,vc-n's zonin desi revie!,v approved, Uniform Building Gode and otherrldi return clean up to: Cascade Club Ltd, 1000 50. Ft. Rd.W Vail o Co. 81657 TURE OF OWNER OR AND THE OWNEF. les, oesrgn thereto. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ GOPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE t0[z3lB4 El eurlorNe D elecrRtcll fl lff:cHANlcAL l LJ PLUMBING n rouruoRrron lhr prhlrry,tail $,trttftrutr nf (Drrupunru Oumn (Df liluil fruililing lHrpurtmpnl THIS CERTIFICATE ISSI/ED PURSUANT TO THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDINC CODE CERTIFYTNG THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSI/ANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OT THE TO!(/N REGULATING BUII-DING CON.STRTJCTION, AND OR USE, TO THE BEST OT OUR KNOWLEDGE. Name CASCADE VILLAGE (THE WESSIN HOTEI,) UseClassification Dwelling/todging c Drinking/Dining Croup B-2, R-3 Building Permit No.00675 Typc Construcrion II F.R. Owner of Building Mansfield Ltd. Building Address 'l 3 0 0 Westharrcn nriva The hLrilding officiil may, in rvriting, suspend or revokt e Certi- ficare of Occupancv issued undtr the pnrviriorrs of this code when_ cver thc certific:ate is issued in crror, or ()n rhc basis of incorrect informarion supplicd, or rvhen it is deternrined that the buildingor stnrcture or portion th,:reof is in violation of any ordinance or regularion of the Town of Vail or an1 ol the provisions o[ this codc. Decemher q, 1q*+ - - POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Vail Department Fire lnrn Building name: Building owner: 42 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Date served: December- 7, 1q81 - 476-2200 Dateof originalinspeclion: December 9, 19R2 Building address: 1300 Westhavin Time served: CORRECTION NOTICE West i n Hoiel Mansfield Ltd. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: F UNTFORM FIRE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATIONS n o NATToNAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS D s NAT|oNAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS Et SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PBACTICES OTHER DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: FINAT- C.Q- rNsPECrrnN pacn t UFC 79.302(c) Tank Connections - Flammable Liguids Codet install protective cover over f ilI cap to deisel tank- Cover must bqjll-uqh-j^t:ilh sidewalk and tight fitting- Protect from ice build-up on cap. uFc 10-30L(b) Fire Protection - special ; design and mount fi.re zone map for attic zones, in PBX room adjacent to other zone maps UBc 430s ( a)Fire Rated Ceilings ; replace ceiling tiles in Cafe,f & B storage room, and replace grates in ceiling of 2nd floor employee meeting room vrith rated tiles' Meeting room is not approved for this usage until ventilation requirements are met. UFC l-0.315 (e),(f) Protection of Grease Hood and Ducts - secure surr ace nozzels over Cafe cooking equipment and install fire rated access doors to facilitate cleaning of ducts at 90" turns for Display Kj-tchen and Cafe exhaust ducts .Have ducts cleanei CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M./P.M. Oate: lH AccoBoANcE wrrH TowN oF varl r/ruxrcrpA,. cooE- rr.12 rF you FA'L To co*ply wtrH THls coRREcrloN NortcE ot{ oR BEFORE THE AAOVE STATED COMPLETION DATE YOUR FAILURE WILL f,ESULT IN FURTHER ACTIO EEING TAXEN UNDER THE pROVtStONS OF THE U.F.C. - EDlTlOtl, WHICH llAY INCLUDE YOUR aEING TSSUED A SUMMOHS TO APPEAR lN 'IUHICIPAL Oi COUHTY COURT FOR THE VIOLATIONS ABOVE SPECIFIED. UPON A FINDING OF GUILTY OF SAID VIOLATIONS YOU WILL BE SUB' J€CT TO THE PENALTIES PROVIOED 8Y LAW. BUILOING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPABTMENT OFFICEF: (Stgh.tutal (Stsnatur.)I rnt.t Vail Fire Department lnrn 42 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 Date seNed: ' 476-2200 December 9, 1982- Westin Hotel Building name: Building owner:Mansfield Ltd. Date ol original inspeclion: Building address' 1300 Westhavin Drive Time serve€t: CORRECTION NOTICE December 7. 1983 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: a uNrFoRM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VIoLATIONS o tr NATToNAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS O 0 NATioNAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATiONS F SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHER DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ( cont . ) FIIIAL C.o. jIISPECTTON PAGE 2 Have access doors to HVAC svstem Labeled as to sYst and purpose . UFC 85-104 Electrical Hazards - remove heat tapes from atrium and center UFC 10.302(a) Maintence of Fire Protection Systems - providF aeee.ss t(.l CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M./P.M. Date: IH ACCOROANCE WTTH TOWI{ OF VAIL ITUNTCIPAL CODE '5.12 IF YOU FAIL TO COTIPLY WITH THIS CORRECTION NOTICE O ON BEFORE THE ABOVE S'ATED COIIPLETIOII DATE YOUR FAILURE WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION BEING TAXEN UNDEN THE PROVISIOHS OF THE U.F.C. - EDITIO , WHICH MAY TNCLUOE YOUR BEING ISSUED A SUMIIONS TO APPEAR IN HUHICIPAL OF COUNTY COURT FOR THE VIOLATIONS ABOVE SPECIFTED. UPOrt| A FINOING OF GUILW OF SAIO VIOLATIO S YOU WILL BE SUB. JECT TO THE PENALTIES PROVIOEO BV LAW. EUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: lS'gntIut.J installed to give smoke tight seal betweglt ry1n4e\,t,3ng frames . remote ends of attic for inspection and service sprinkler system and smoke detectors All cited violations shal1 be corrected by 17:00 hours, Decenber 23.1q83. with the except ion of the installatlon of fire rated access doors and Display kitchen exhaust ducts. Doors shall be installed by 1-20-84. lSignrltj ,(Tlu.t department of comJnunity development TO 8E FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR fO ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TYPE OF PERMIT n euruor'rc n puuMerNo D elrcrRrcel I FoUNDATtoN r_: MEcHANtcAL tl LEGAL _DESC. LOT FILING los Neve, OWNER ARCH ITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR IELECTRTCAL CONIRACTOR PLUM BING CONTR^CTOR T t ,,^"4/ez-..@{- TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ,+e /-3#!- /485 TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. FIR M f.awN oF vAtL REG. No' TELF, I MECHANICAL I CONTRACTOR i 5:::-- El TOWN OF VAII RE6. NO, O THER EON TRACT F IRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, r:,} CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOJ€ _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE | -\r-- >,',, I _tgflfiYflff]i/ f-, rrrror.orsrRuc'oN T-r-F/m FERI 4 /artz ' /Lr? ' I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCIION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP otvtstoN GENEflAL DESCRIPTION OF @,ntvv ftK, @en, au rzzQe WORK FERMIT NO. z tr BUILDING L75zrc ELECTRICAL rb3"r9ffi PLUMBING /#,w, MECHANICAI 2,"4{-.571 ry?€ cRouP sQ. Fr. vALUAttON PERMTT FEF} 3 {,B tp,<zffi 2.:@,576 BUILDINC PERMIT -f > ?€.dc PIAN CHECK 3767.ao E tectnrcnl / a?e.oc NEW( } ALTERATION( } AOOITIONAL() REPAIRI PLUMBING /3 60 -oe DWELLTNG UNTTS _ ACCOMMOOATTON UNrTS_ c.R.F.A. T-eeonooNts COMMERCIAL SYSI - COVERED PARKING HEIGHT IN FT. - UNCOVERED PARKING NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL -=-?oo.Oe RECREATION FEE ,L,f ?eoo.oo D€SICN REVIEW BOARD -3cle.eo CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT /ceo.ao USE TAX //J2S.ee INSULATION TOTAL PERMIT FEES l/{3.tf.sz FTOOR EXT, WATLS ROOF TYPE THICKN ESS R.VALUE 4r4, -Eif,*L"- ]ONING & BUILOING NOTES:HEAT ELEC: I cns: SOLAR: IWOOD: AND THE OWNER. FOB HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that t.ha{g read this application, filted out in full the intormation required,completed an accurate.plot plan, and stata that all the information provided as required is coirect, i agree to comply with the information and ptot ptan, to cpfipty witir aI Town ordriances and stats laws, and to build this structurs according to the Tqry'n,s ioni desig n r€viow approved, Uniform Building Code and otheq -,]URE OF OWNER OR CONTBACTOB NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT OI.I.JOESITC CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION DArE 12/22/82 uu1243 dop€rtmont of community devolopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OT PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT tl T u tr m m BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 4 nf PERMIT NO. z o t- 3 BUI!DING 155.000 ELECTRICAL 55.000 PLUiilglNG I 5,000 MECHANICAT 60.000 restaurant TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 'l 55,000 BUILDING PERMIT 570. 50 PLAN CHECK 370. 00 ELECTRICAL 61 00n NEW ALTERATION () ADOITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING :l 50 .00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- G.R.F.A. -BEDROOM$ -COMMERCIAL SYST -COVERED PARKING HEIGHT IN FT. - UNCOVERED PARKING - NO FIREPLASES MECHANICAL 500.00 RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT USE TAX INSULATION TOTAL PERMIT FEES 3075. 50 FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VAtUE oru'r'romT''nrsrnlron - o-nre-- { HEAT :ONING & BUILDING NOTES: ELEC: X lcAs, X SOLAR: IWOOO: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requlred, cornpleted an accrtat€ plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review appr8ved, Uniform Building Code apd other ordin CONSTRUCTION PERMIT' PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 001237 depsrtmont of community devolopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOE TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT WPE OF PERMIT a n n a x ts EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL t:t:LOr_BLX,-KAA FTLTNG 5D++ 4--b JaBNAME:fi1rSBOgr@Xe OWNER NAME CITY PH, ARCHITECT rtauEtLED .tz!!5ax.- MAII AOORFSS ctTv PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,^&oSBl*@8fT;e? rowNoFvArLneo,r.ro. 195 A -zra -clztQ - <-a&<' a ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR r,^uVx)ft/5152,6- TOWN OF VAIL BEO,NO. ,r".233- +qBA PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rnufut AV:c+.l TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. ,.rt S'7 / 'SK.D MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO t.r, {?/'9nO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. r. TypE oF cousrRucroN (yy'trt rv v {- /a- 71 z.0ccuPANcYcnouP (yE j4 | R M DrvrsroN t@n t u GEXERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - f-;-;u<-sTt\ u-j- I nT4z)j?e E7-^ /-) 1>€ E<-ZPfEAW PERMIT NO. z I J BUILOING lfs.@c'c<> ELECTRICAL 15,oc=o.cr- PLUMEING 1:r,(m-oo MECHANICAL hO,W.OO 6F1 TYP€ GROUP SQ.N. VALUATION PERMIT FEES TT {//f€eo BUILDING PERMIT { 7o..{e I PLAN CHECK ,? 7e. oo ETECTRICAL z/2, Da ruew}<i ALTERA oN ( ) ADorfloNAL( ) REPAIR( )PTUMBING /5e . Oo DWELLING UI{ITS - ACCOMIT,IODATION UNITS- 6.R.F.A. -------r _BEOROOMS _ COMMERCIAL SYST -COVEREO PARXING HEiGHT IN FT. - UNCOVERED PARKING -NO FTREPLACES MECHANICAL /aoO AO REcrrfnorFEr- DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT USE TAX 7 7 s - oo INSULATION TOTAL PERMIT FEES ,7 a7 <-.€o FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE tut LurNti (,rrtutAL -t?DATE HEAT !oN ING A BUILDING NOTES: ELEc:X lons{ SOLAR; IWOOD: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiofl, litled out in full the inlormation requlred, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as reguired i3 correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat6 laws, and to build this structure according lo the Town's zoning and subctivislon codos, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of lhB Town applicable lhereto. STGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOB FOB HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT doportment of oommunity development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO TSSUANCEOF PEBM'T Nore - copy oF pERMtr rO BE KEpr oN JoBsrr€ DATE 9-w 001169 TYPE OF PERMIT BUTLDTNG E ELECTRICAL U MEcHANtcAL I PLUMBING FOUNDATION 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DtvtstoN tff)n o4 t@2" rv v f"( HIRM 3 4 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : Tannr* Ein{ch incir|a cnraa l.lac'1..i n PERMIT NO. ---:_-- z I k BUILDING 8-500 ELECTRICAL 5,800 PLUMBING 9,5oo Hotel MECHANICAL 10,000 TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II F.RI B-2 750 33,000 BUILDING PERMIT 206 .50 # I o d o ed d ( d' !d d PLAN CHECK 134 .00 ELECTRICAL 72.04 NEWO ALTERATION (A ) AODTTIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING 100.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS -COMMERCIAL SYST -COVERED PARKING HEIGHT IN FT. - UNCOVERED PARKING - NO FIREPTACES MECHANICAL 100.00 RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 25 .00 CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT 2s0.00 USE TAX 250.00 INSULATION TqIAL PERrt+tr FEES $ 1137 . s0 FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICXNESS R,VALUE ONTNG ADMINISTRATOR DATE HEAT IONING & BUILDING NOTES: ELEc: Exist. lces, SOLAR: IWOOD: I hereby acknowl€dge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and lo build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code LEGAL D.t. LOT BLK FtLtNc Westin Hotel JOBNAME: "The Little Shop,' OWNER NAME MAIL AODRESS CIIY PH. ARCHITECT EIBM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR F1RM Roupp & Co. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I CLE. lr,r"r*,.0. CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OE]VAII REG, NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO- OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OE]{ALL REG. NO TFI F E CONSTRIrcTION PERMIT PLUMBING '"'rpr*"n n n NOTE-4OPY OF PERMIT TO DATE 9-27-82 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ._.- 001162 hm departmsnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRTOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PERMIT NO. r. wPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll I V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IRM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Finishinq store TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VAL PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT r'; o NEW() ALTFRATION ADOITIONAL REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UN G.R.F.A. COMMFRCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FT, NO FIREPLACES -COVERED PARKING - UNCOVEREO PARKING INSULATION ING ADMINISTRATOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and othef ordinancts of tE Toyn appl LEGAL DESC. LOT BL K FILING loe luur, westin Hoter - ski shop OWNER NAME MAIL ADOBESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE Ei,l'-ltil; rrnnr Archer Elect. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. pn arylveil CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartfllent of community darelopment TO 8E FILLED OUTCOMPLETELYPRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMTT TYPE OF PERMIT -,a BUTLDTNG K plurtaarNc ELECTRTCAL I rounroarroru MEcltANrcAr ! NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9-27-82 001155 PERMIT 1. TVPE OFCONSTRUCTTON |[m tVV A OCGUPANCY GROUP AB E H I R M D|VIS|ON L?2a34 DESCRIPTION OF WORK : GROUP SO,FT. VALUATION a7 Or zr d ALTERATION ADOITIONAL DWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. COMMERCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FT. NO FIREPLACES :::T:Hilffi: RECREATION FEE 1513.50 INSULAT TOTAL PERMIT FEES & BUILDING NOTES:EAr q I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as reguired is correct. I agree to cornply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zo4ing and subdivision codes, design revieyv apploved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinancp-s o|*ffiFTovtn aoplicable thereto._revie/v approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanct-s olftFTovfn goplicable thereto. /hdn, OQd^- o(rp6,-, . ---iV", /fuA+.:1^ -/v a >l1l \ to "K E n BNAME: Cascade Lodge plaza & poo'l MAILADDRESS - TowN oF vAtL REG. No. 'v"'t LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL BEG, NO. TELE. lnm ollriliX department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLET€LY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOFPEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION n n n m tr LJ BUILDING ETECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL lD€sc. ba€rsn-4._BLK FITING 7.$e NnMf , Cascade Lodge OWNER crrv Vai1, CO pu.476-6602 ARCHITECT nnu CHNMB ffi crrY pH.821-3500 GFNERAL CONTRACTOR ]r..r*,.o. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TEt E Eagle Valley Electric PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM -TOWw OF VA|LiEG. NO. TFI F MFCHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM h. ,.SLrt v l NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PERMIT NO DATE - a o D ,r \/il \ ;' ld \( N .\\.. I \ i, :-\ rv-\ f'f q ls \ild")I= department of community darelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION tr D n LEGAL DESC- LOT BL K FILING *-DBNAME: Cascade Vi1'lage Bike Path OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRFSS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Ventres-Landauer TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TFI F FLECTRICAL ddfrrRncron TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAILJEG. NO.UUN I t{AU I UT( TEI E OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE - CO*\ OT PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 5-7-82 001.02"4 PERTIIT NO. DATE 7(?-s88U - ---n.15'x/torE - copy oF pERMrr'To BE'KEpr oN JoBsrrE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT'I " -DATE q,/1 d,/R?.AALL\2 teartrfrm/ . dGpartment of communhy darelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPL€T€LY PRIOR T€ ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E eurtorHc E pluuerNc E etecrRrcll ' fl pounontror'r El MECHANTCAL tl @rrr rvrfiF' ABEHTR[I t22e34 PERMTT NO. '---'- ., z I F I I BUILOING B ,500 .00 ETECTRICAL 5,800.00 Ptut|BrfiG 9 ,500.00 I{estin Hotel MECHANICAT 10,000.00 Tot-'-? 1 .ma. do WPE GROUP SO. FT. VAIUATION PERMIT FEES> | LEGAL -.DESC. LOT / , , $LKtm__f_ tl n fB,B- 2-750 33. aea BUILDING PERMIT 20 5 -5o FTLING @ PLAN CHECK /31,aa t 'u-t"IOB NAME: -.ThF T,i f *l p Shon ETECTRICAL 72 ars OWNER MuFCunninqham Druq Stor NEW( t ATTERATTON ( x) ADOTTTOT{AL ( ) REPATR( }PtUMEING /o e oo MECHANIgAL /aa,ao crrv Detroit , Mq pn.963-776 REoisflU|rFE- rtnu Nathan Levine Ass.DESIGN REVIEW BOARD .2c-. a o CLEAN-UP OEPIOSIT )sa' aa crw II1I(jJI J.L J (nrr]-h€ i a'l ^ PH.? Ra-?,4n US€ TAX 2f,o.oo GENERAL CONTRACTOR qnuJERoupp&Co INSULATION TOTAL PERMIT FEES / / i 7t,To TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE TELE.949-s885 Jm;^ult rrnm Intermountian Elect [/ f/, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. HEAT PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM Rami c D'l h -f. H+.r :{JNINq A t'UILUINlj |\.L' I EO: ELEc: FVX7 ,l cns, syg TELE- 1 -? ro-.1n1 SoLAR: lwOoot MECHANICAL CONIRACTOR ,,*u Cook P1b. & Htg.I hereby acknowledge that I have read lhis application, filled out in full lhe intormalion required, completed an accurale plot plan, and stat€ that all the information provided as reguired is correct. l agrce to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinbnces and stato law$, and to build this struclure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision code$, design rcview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATUFE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. TOWN OF VAIL FEO. NO. rrre 571-5300 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM IQUTN-oE \rAtL RrA. Ud. fr CONSTRUCTION PERMIT -gfi;; NOTE _ COPY OF DATE 5-5-92 PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 001019 " Jfrnffifz . " d€partmont of community dwslopmsnt TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFTORTO ISSTJANCEOF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUTLDTNG I pluMetHc ^r F,',:?'l^l?31. E'',"J|fiI'il.,tx"o{ PERMIT NO. z I F -J BUILOING Phase I and II ELECTRICAL 7e.640- PLUIIBING MECHANICAL 108,237 PERMIT FEES \ TEGAL Desc. LOT-BLK:--F. R.{ D,'1.43.432 I -813 -000 BUILDING PERMIT 4718. 00 \ \5 n$ Sh FILTNG *uf>Su\- -'PLAN CHECK 3066 .00 ,OU*OME,E ELECTRICAT 885.00 OWNER tIIEw (X I ALTERATIoN AoDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR PLUMBING MAIL ADDRESS DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS G.R,F.A. -BEDROOMS -coMMERcTAL sysr -covERED pARKTNG 1 50 HEIGHT tN FT, - UNCOVEREO PARKING -NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 1090.00 CITY PH.RECREATION FEE 10858.00 ARCHITECT FIRM OESIGN REVIEW EOARD 300.00 MAIL ADDFESS CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 500.00 CITY PH:USE TAX 9065.50 GENERAL . CONTRACTOR prnu Hydet" Construction INSULATION TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMTT FgES/f s30482.50 FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE tFt c -wk___ lrr.r*'.o.- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO,:ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE HEAT PLUMBING CONTRACTOR i,!.rrrr I q ELEC:GA$: Ttt g SOLAR: IWOOD: MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM t h€reby acknowledge that I have read this appfication, filled out in full the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agreb to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinancas" ol the-Qwn gpplicable thereto. nslt TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 'rEl OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM rowN oF vA& lEG,No. TELE. 0!a tdnbrr/vail \xr..$WK \s't.uiss.s-, bt\-t\ --_ ldwn departrnont ol community davelopment TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Dl autornc fl ElecrRrcll ! MECHANtcAL CONSTRUCTION PERMTT PLUMBING FOUNDATION D n tr LEGAL - DESC. LOI- BLK- FILING Zoe NRire, OWNER uo,. onn*..* 1000 S.Frort.Rd.W. cfry Vail ?H476-6602 ARCHITECT rrnu J.V.A. MAIt ADDRESS crrY Bonlder enl+44-I95l GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnn Ve'rtres-Ianlar:er TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rer-e. 949-5153 ],-ectn,co,- CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. PTUMBING CONTRACTOR nnu N/A _ TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FrRM N/A TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOSSITE DATE s/3/82 l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON |[ t tvv , I e.occuFn*cycRoup ^BEHr ^*N'#'DtVtStON 122834 GENERA! OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - C.ae.oaAa \/i'l I qaa Rilro Pqth Rri rloo PERMIT NO. z F J BUILOING 42 ,000 . 00 ETECTf,ICAL PLUMBII.IG MECHAITIICAL 42,000.00 _l!?l cRouP sQ.Fr. vAruATtoN PERMIT FEE| ,r il,t.t/.s,11.4.1) ooo BUILDING PERMIT J./7,ao I PLAN CHECX / /" o.s-f ETECTRICAI NEW (VlJ 4IIERATION ADDITTONAL REPAIR PLUMEING DWELI.ING UT{ITS - ACCOMMODATION UN G.R.F,A. -BEDROOMS /l coMMERcTAL sysr rt | /.fovenED pARKtNc HElcHr lN FT. f tL/luucoreRE' 'ARKTNG /U'' NO FIREPLACES I I MECHANICA! R€CREAIION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO t{,oo CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT /P o. @c) USE TAX JSa, eo INSULATION TOTAL PERMIT FEES 7xj;- FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THIC}(NESS R-VALUE /1 :---trtTzj '*q P^,fl n ?-t l\4 ,H%fr ZONING & OUILOING NOTES: ELEc: l l.fllees, soLAR: l\l 11 l*ooo' revi€w approved, Uniform Building Code and other ot6i s zoning a , ctesign I here.by acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the informalion required,compleled an accurate plot plan, and stat€ tnat att ttre int agree to comply with the Intormation and Dlot olan. to c agree to comply with the I and plot plan, to c lawg, and to build this structurs according to the T provided as required is corr6ct. I i, with all Town ordintnces and stat€ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depanmgnt of com|txrnity development rYPE qF PEtMtr ffi eutlor.rc KJ pr-uMarNc ffi elecrRrcel U FoUNDATToN oNLY palg B-19r81 PROJECT NO.-ii no. ---J.0}$4* MECHANICAL I LEGAL -.DESC. LOT , BLK FtLtNG Casnade Villagp Ioa ruRlar, cascade village Learning OWNER NaMf uenter MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Petrv:Vappi Const MAIL ADOSESS CITY PH- ;'-'l'-'^i?AH FIRM MAIL ADORESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS pu MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM - MAIL ADDRESS nrTv PH, OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II IiI IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAT DESCRIPTION OF WORK I Construction of thel-earninoCentpn PERMIT z,I BUILDING 3.901.115 ELECTFICAL 324.200 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 982,320 lnnatpd Jn C:snedp Villaoe bciwaen the Westln Hote'l and l,lesthaven Dr. TYPE GROUP SO, FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT 13 .203 . 00 I H9 a4s U See Anr I i cati on Sheet PLAN CHECK I .582 . 00 ELFCTRICAL 3.3i0.00 PTUMBING 9,830100 MECHANICAL rEwrA t nr"reRartoN ( ) ADDIIoNAL ( ) REPAIR{ DWELLING UI,IIT$ - ACCOMMODATION UNITS_- G.R.F.A. 2469lleeonoortas COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING -HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PAFKING - UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE 6 _172 -EA DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 300.00 CIEAN.UP DEPOSIT 500.00 / TOTAL PERMIT FEES $41 ,897.50 v #k"ffi^ ilMt- INSULATION I IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE FLOOR FXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE IONING NOI E5: See appl iheet HEAT ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & sAN. DIST. TAP FEE r SPECIAL NOTES: ,drbt/veil t * TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY tI I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lotr E m department ol community danolopment MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOT- BLK FILING I .loerunus' cascade Villaqe OWNER r'rmae l'{ansfield ttd MAIL ADDRESS cr-rY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIT ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR flnu Petry-Vappi MAIt AODRESS I ELECTRTCAL 'CONTRACTOR FrRM Intermountail MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTOR F IRM MAIL ADDRESS PH lhs sqlg 4-22-81 PRoJEcr No.-. ': PERMIT NO, t i f ftl-A A MANSFIELD VILLAGE I'IASTER PLAN PRELII4INARY BUILDING AREA SUMMARY April 26, 1979 A. Hotel - lst floor 3l,300 - 2nd floor 29,000 - 3rd f'loor 29,000 - 4th f'loor 12,000 (assumed) - ground floor .l1,900 (excluding dock, garage & service areas)- Total .|13,200 S.F. gross interior area under hotel - Service area, parking and storage areas under retail/condominium b1 dg = 9,800 S.F. Gross (approximately 3500 S.F. interior) B. Learning Center Complex - lst floor a. Retail .|1,800 S.F. net b. CMC - 3,400 S.F. gross c. Library - 4,500 S.F. gross d. Auditorium - 3,800 S.F. gross including stage e. Public Circulation/Lobby - all facilities - 5,500 S.F. gross - 2nd floor a. Cl4C = 6,800 S. F. gross b. Library = 3,2AA S.F. gross (allow for some Z-story spaces)c. Publjc C'irculation/Lobby - all facilities = 4,500 S.F. gross d. Condominiums (4) = 8,000 S.F. gross including circulation - 3rd floor a. CMC,/Free Enterprise = 6,800 S.F. gross b. Sports Dimension = I,500 S.F.c. Public Circulation/Lobby - all facilites = 4,000 S.F. gross d. Meeting Rooms = 3,800 S.F. gross e. Condominiums (4) = 8,000 S.F. gross including circulation - Total gross interior area of building = 75,600 S.F. C. Village Square Condominiums - lst floor a. Retail = 4,200 S.F. net b. Condominiums (a) 6,400 S.F, net c. Circulation/Public Space = 2,500 5.F. gross - Znd and 3rd floor (similar)a. Condominiums (7) = 11,200 S.F. gross (assume 1,600 S.F. each)b. Circulation/Public Space = 1,500 S.F. Gross - Total gross interior area of building = 38 jqQ_!_._E-, r ,'i*rrrrrD 'TLLAGE MASTER ,t PRELIMINARY BUILDING AREA SUMMRY Page 2 D. Stream Side Condominiums (2 buildings)- Each building = I8 unjts x .l,700 S,F. net = 30,600 S.F. of living area - Circu'lation/Pub'lic Space/Service = 6,400 S.F. gross - Total gross S.F. each bui]ding = 37,000 S.F.- Total gross S.F. = 74n000 S.F. E. 0wner-0ccupied Condominjums (34)- Each unit 1,000 S.F. net residential and 600 S.F. each for parking & serivce - Total gross area of units = 54,400 S.F. F,Renta'l Units (32) - Each unft 850 S.F. net residential - Total gross area of units = 27,200 S.F. Athletic Club H. Parking Structure (350 spaces)- Total gross area of building = 127,000 5.F. (equals 362 S.F./car) I. Large Managed Condominiums (28) - Each unit .|,700 S.F. new residential = 47,600 S.F. gross - Parking in garages for 6 units @ 300 S.F. each = .|,800 S.F. gross - Parking structure = I1,700 S.F. gross - Total gross area of all units = 6l ,100 S.F. Tennis courts (4) = 29,500 gross S.F. Handball courts (4) =T;000 gross S.F. Club (3 stories) including indoor pool area = 8,500 Public Circulation/Elevator Lobby = 5,400 S.F. gross Total gross area of building = 47,40A S.F. (excludes t:- S.F. gross exterior areas) J. Total Gross Interior Area of Entire '1. Hotel & Service Area 2. Learning Center Complex 3. Village Square Condominjums 4. Stream Side Condominiums 5. 0wner-0ccupied Condom'iniums 6. Rental Units 7. Athletic Club 8. Parking Structure 9. Large Managed Condominiums Project .|23, 75, 38' 74, 54' 27, 47, 127 , 61 , 000 600 500 000 400 204 400 000 r00 200 628,S. F. MANSFIELD VILLACE MASTER PLAN PRELIMINARY BUILDING AREA SUI4MRY Page 3 K. Parking l. Parking structure 350 spaces 2. Parking structure G Large Condominiums 3l 3. Under Hotel Service 8 4. 0wner-0ccupied Condos 34 5. Large Condominiums 6 6. Surface Guest Parking on entire site 10 7. Parallel parking - Temporary 16 Total 455 spaces '.Llrx. 14 , ttoa R^Lul.-o '27, tcoct 0"t''*' * ' t{00 ,4/€a 4 -aTncra^1 Crf,C I Mansfield Vi1la.ge Vai1, Colorado Prepared for Andrev Norris III Prepared bY A11en Gerstenberger As sociaLes 2040 14th Street Suite 100 Boulder, Colorado 80302 23 April 1979 ( 'I i 7- "Ft' 23 April 1-979 Andrerv l{orris III P.O. Box 294]- Vail , Colorado 81657 Deal Andy: mation mation concept RE: of additional but this c<-rmmuni-tY. phase of Enclos'ed is the final report and supporting infor-' for the proposed Va1l Learning Center' The infor- presenteil iL of sufficient detail to explain the and the space requirements of the various elements' As you are aware, there is a great deaL work required to refi.ne the building programs 'can be done once the soncept is accepted by the Should you have any questions about this the report, I'd be pleased to answer them. : -'D!t' sm'e fufu*ti Allen Gerstenberger Enc. AG: bg !,)ie1 l.iih Sir.,*t S,.rkc lC)J Bcui(er, Col,rnnio 8C(5Cl l.,rl*t-i-l?-B?if'l () TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary General Dcsign ConcePt Benefits to Vail Summary of Components Colorado r\{ountain College Vail Public LibrarY Center for the Study of Free Enterprise Commun'ity Auditorj-um and ldeeting Rooms ' Executive Seminar & Conference Center Sports Dimensions Center Appendices A; 1 3. 3 D 5 7 I 10 10 t2 B: C: D: ( Colorado llountain College: Analysis of Space Requirements and Supporting Data Feasibility Report for the Vail Public Library Exectuive Seminar and Conference Tacility Draft Statement for the Center for the Study of lree Enterprise I F' (r nq Center va i 'l , col orado slDtr{ARY mansfield vjllage The proposed Vail- Learning Center will provlde quality faciliries for educationil and cultural prograrns for Vaj-1 rs residents and guests ' Designed as an integral part of Mansfield Vi11age, the Learning Center rsi1l house the CoLorado Mountain College campus, the Vail Public Library,i a corununity theaEer'anri meecing roon0s, an Executive Seminar/Conference facility' and. several specialieed educational organizati.ons includln g rhe Center fot the Study of Free Enf.erprLse and Ehe S?o?ta Dimensi-ans Center' The total facility will contain approxinateli 37,000 square feet of functional- interlor spa ce , The types of programs to be provided chrough the Learning center include continui.ng education Programs, cultural events (including art, music, dance' and. li.nited Cramatic performances), research, professional training programs' and public neeLings and symposia. Functional areas included in Ehe Present design are: * An auditorium (seating approximately 250) with sloped floor . ana ftffiI-Gl'ting Lo be designed and equipped for audio-visual presenLations, lectures, plays and rnusical performancesl * A dozen seminar and class roo-ms (seati'ng 10-25 each); * A large ffi tooro, trith the ability to be srrb-divided into s".,erat Enatler meeting rooms (seating approximately 390 persons theater style and 350 banquet style); * The Y-ai1 Public Library, housing 50-60,000 volumes and providing necessary support facilities; . * A research library specializing in lieeralure and audj.o-visual infornation peifJining to Lhe free enterprise system, econoni-cs, taxation, and business operations; * Teaching laboraCor:ies, including dance and exercise studios, ;tudiot f"r cerattri.'s ' photography, graphic arts, and other fine arts Programs ; and * Adninistrative offices for a nutober of educational- and cultural @g Colorado 1lountain College, the Cencer foi ctre Scudy of Free Enterprise' the Vail Publ-ic Library' and the Sports Dimensions CenEer. Tf" 1Fr? l|r Pa'.e 2 General space requlremengs have been deveJ.oped for Ehe components of -the Learnlng Center. This anal.ysis was conducted to detersdne the comPati- bility of uies, as well as to ascertain the amount and characteristics of the f unct,lonal space requirements. Each of the uses viLL be brlefly described later in thls report, wlth supportlng data contalned in the appendices. The followlng exhibit outllnes the space requirements for Ehe cornporients of the Learning Center: i {Exhibit 1: for the Vail Learning Cencer Areas ('sq-ft-) Clas srooms Adminis cration Mlscellaneous Vail PubU.c Library ..., Book storage area Childrenr s area Reading area lleetlng room Adrni.riis tra tlon & work Miscellaneous 2;800 850 1,000 200 1,780 I ,150 4,430 1, 140 1.350 1, 100 840 4, 100 2, 500 800 200 600 . 8,490 1 ,700 3,500 990 . 160 . 2,140 7,4L5 sf. 1 ,010 Ir070 L r44O 11,035 sf 7,780 area Meeting/ s erninar Research library Admins tra t ion Miseellaneous ro ons Audltorium lleeting rooms (2) Adminis trat i-oo llisc ellaneous Executive Seminal & Conference Center Pre-funcLion area Funcrion room Meeling rooms Offices Kitchen and storage Sports Dimensions CenEer :............' 1t650 @nroom 8oo AdminisLtation 750 Hiscellaneous f00 GRAI\D TOTAL 37,485 sf .!F- '--rt- (r ot It should be noced Chat these are prellrui.nary esttnafes of. needs and may vary somewhaf followlng development of detailed analysis for the various uses. At thls phase of the plaoning process Ehe estinates are sufficiencly detaiLed. Genert Deslgn Concept The Val1 Learning Cencer is being designed as an integral . part of ltansfiel-d Village and the Vail comnunity, lt shal1 boLh contribute to and benefit from the life of Lhe area. Its central l-ocation rcithin the project was chosen tO encourage people to e*p1ore, participate, and share in Che variety of learning opporEunities. The programs offered, the relafionship between interlor and exteriot spaces, and the interacLion wit,h ofher func.tioos within Hansfield Village all reinforce acEive involvement by residents and vj.slEors in Ehe Learning Center. IL becomes an inEegral parC of 'the daily life in the Villager not an isolated camPus. There is value j-n Ehis approach. Not olrly does Lhe envlronmenc supPort the learning experience, it can even by the learning experience. As city planner Kevin Lynch phrased iL, t'...the environmenf can be an educational device, an instigator of human change, if it is open and explainable' if iL j-s rich in new inf ori,ration, if iE offers the opportunlty for the exetcise of nel.r functions. " Watciring potters, painters, and dancers at work, gtudenls cllsplaying their talents in publj-c arE festivals and outdoor concerts ' and visitors and loeals participating in short r.'orkshops aod discussions will all adci a new dimension to enj o;,'ment and vital"ity of the public spaces ' These. experiences will create a setting rich in conmunication' one lrhich is an education in itself because it pr-ociuces a ciranging flow of nerv information. One of the goals j"s to make i.fansfield Village the cenEer for srrch excilnent and learning. . The ruix of uses necessary to accomplish chis goal is critical. A variety of uses have been chosen because they al.e compatible, yet different enough f,o each add its own special ingredienC. \,liE.hin Ehe Learning Center iEsel-f , the conbination is logical: a college canPus' a public 1ib'ra{y' a specialized research foundat.ion, tied together wifh excellent meeting 'facilities rangigg f:om the small "boardroom" to the large auditorium. Each reinforces the others r,-hile maintaining a distinct personalily all i-ts own. The resulc should be an area Ehat is ali're, dynamic, fun. Benelits to VaiL There are a ngmber of benefits Eo the Vail- communj.ty resul-ting from the developmenf, of the Learning Center. Naturally, it will benefit Mansfield VlJ.l,age, buE not at the expense of the comrnunity or other neighborhoods in Vai1. QuiUe the conErary. It will provicle needed sPaces and activities for several existing prograns which donrt have adequace facillties. Think only of CllCt s A-Frame or the Vail Public Library or the lack of auditorium facil- ltiesinVail,Theproblemsareobvious'ThereisnocenEeroflearningor culture ln Vai1. Yet the nced exists. gF.!t' ("r /l r45s -t olt There are u tttitb*t of dlrect beneflts to Vall] lncLudlng'the followlng: * Ihe construction of an excelj-ent nevr canpus for Colorado Mounuain College td1l al-low them not. only the chance to lmprove lhelr present Programs 'but Eo expancl their curricula lnto ner.r fields (such as resort management t recreational training programs' and business progran$) * The new publlc library facility will be designed as a library' noE sirnply left-over space, Reading areasr lisrening rooms, organized book stacks 'and decent work areas foi the sEaff will all support more aird better llbrary programs. Access will be sirnplified by the proximity to Ehe p"""..rg.i unloading zone, the bus stop, and the structured parking 1ot. tt "it1 support the other educational facilities and benefit from theu as uell-. The near-by cormnercial and residential uses will also have a positive effect on the libratY. * Facilities will be available for use by cultural and educational groups ' such as the Vail Instilute, other universities, and specialized research organizat.ions . * The Learning Center r"ri11 offer new opportunities to residents and guests' ltcanmarkVai]-asanareavherepeoplegoEodiscussissuesandseek solutions and, rnosc importantly, lo learn' It ttas che potential to ex- pand our definiEion of the term "Lo lecreaEet' by returning to the concept Lf "t" cfeatett -- to begin anelt' Lo improve oneself ' SimPly' to grolt' The Vail Learning Centef cannot and will not be all things to all people. Its goal is not ro change.the imagie of Vail. or to touch Lhe lives of ..ru.yorl. passing througtr our valley. IE can, however, provide opPortu[- ities. It can provide needed courmuni.Ey facilities, assist in improving existing programs, and broaden our perspectives. The Learning center is an -exciting concept. I! j.s a concept that of f e::s something important to those who wish to share and to learn. The balance of this Ieport presents summarles of the conrponents of the Learning Center. and appendices vith suPporting daua' Thi's report has . attempt;d to address tirl quescion, "h'hat is a tlearning, cenLert ?" and to prtvide a level of detjit sufficienr to veigh irs value co Vail, Addi- tlonal progfam studies will be requi.red for each of the componenf,s' both in terrns of their internal needs, as r.rel'l as their relationships wif,h other . functions. This work will be done following conceptual approval of the proposal . I ot EaEe ) t- sulorARY OF COI{PONENTS 0r TXE-V-AIL-LEARNTNG C Thls secelon vri]-l brlefly describe the lndividual components of the Learning CenEer as included in the development Progran. The elernencs revieraed include coLorado MounEain co1lege, the vail Public Library' the center for the Study of Free EnEerprise, the Community Auditoriurn and MeeLing Rooms, the Executive Seminar / Conf erence faciLity, and rhe Sports Dimenslons Center' Support lnformatj.on is contained in the appendices. ': t Colorjldo l{ountai"n Colle.ge Colorado l4ountain College is a fully accredited community college, serving five counties in rlestern colorado. The continuing Educacion Division providescorununity.bisedoperationsandservlcestaj.loredtotheneedsof ihe local residenEs of the varj.ous communigies. Classes were first pr'ovided through.rhis program in Vail in 1969-70; since then the enroLlment has groi\'n to over 2,900 students in Vail and a combined total of over 3,500 for Vail- Minturn. The cnroLlmentg are projecfed to conCinue to increase, but at a decreasing raLe. CMC has been interested in securing iuproved facilities in Vail co repl.ace the 1600 sq. ft. former sewer plant that is presently their "campus.l' This study conside.red their scheduling, class charactelistics, and space require- xoents to detenuine the type of faciliEies needed to Lrest satisfy the vaiL progran. Irom this infotmation, it was derer:mined that the classes are gen- Lt"ffy srcall (averaging 9 sCudents/class), are scheduled during the evening hours (6-10 pm) llonday through Thursday, and a::e pr:edomirrately laboratory coufses (65'l ot the courses do not use a lecture or discttssion fornat) ' The uosL popular clases -- accounting for about hal-f of tl-re enloll:np-nts -- .are courses that require an open, gymnasium type of room suj-tab1e for.. physi- cal- exercise and dance. Based on the denrand analysis and numerous discussions r"rith the cMC staff, the buildlng program founci in ExhibiL 2 r'as developed' It reflects the conmunityt s desire for courses involving creative arts, physical conditj.oning, and acadenic advancement. The two generic tyPes of educa- tional spaces required are "lairoratories" and "class/r0eeting rooms' " Generally the classroons requi.re seats and tabLes; the "lab€" involve a variety of other programs, ranging in needs from open, unfurnished roornb (as for dance . elasses) io "o.rt"u" lri th specific equipement needs (such as ceramics). (More detailed inf ornration and backgroud daEa about CllC and the Vail--Uluturn Continuing Education Pxograms is contai-ned in r\ppendix A' ) 1*w (" ,.\/ ot Bv.hibit 2: sP$cE RgQUTRTMENTS FOR coLoRADg 4oUNTAIN CoLLEGE for the Vail. Learning Center Labora tories Page .r 500 500 500 a. Heavy workshops I. Cerami.cs 2. Metal .shop (jewelrY' sculp t ure ) Photgraph & Graphic Arts 1. Photography 2. Graphic arts '3. Video & film Printrnaking, fine ar:ts, .clean arts 1. Printmaking 2. Firre arts (2-D) 3. Fiber & clean arts llusic and dance 1. Music arts ?.. Dance Education & recreation 1. Exercise/dance studio Tood preparation studio Sub-tota1: LaboratorY sPace Cl-as s r oom€4'fge tjn g roons a. Classroom A (seating = b. Classroom B (seating = c. Classroom C (seating = d. Classroom D " e. Cl-assroom E t' f. Classroom F " Sub-total: Classroom sPaee Adminis tra t ion a. Sraff offices (5) b. Recep t ion./ re g i.s cration c. Xerox, Print & st.orage d. Res trooms Sub-rota1: Adninistration 650 sq.fE. i 390 1,040 sq.ft. b. c. d. I ,500 975 600 600 2,L75 e. 800 800 400 7,415 sq. fr. 30) r5) 10) 270 200 135 135 13s r35 tr0t0 sq.ft. 500 150 200 320 I , 170 sq. fu. 1,440 sq.fc. 1,500 157" of gross sq. t-t. .TOTAT, FIPOR AITEA I1,035 sg.fr. ot Va11 Publ-ic LibrarY The exlsting Public Library, operated by the Town' ls housed ln cranped quarters in Ehe H,rtrclp"f-SuiJ'ding" There has been agreement for the past' several years thaL Ehe present facility is totally inadequace to meet" Ehe needs of the communily.' tto!'aarur , other denrands on Ehe Toru'o t s resources have received PrioriLy and lt has therefore not been posslble to coosEruct an adequaf,e new li.brarY. In 1978, the Town reEained the firm of Royston BanamoEo beck & Abey to develope a "Library Feasibility SEudy"' It was completed in July 1978' The study outline g;;;t;i'6;t" ttqoitt*ents fot a new librarv facility and revieped alternative siEes. At the time of the RHBA sludy' the potenEial development of }tansiield Village and the Vail Learning center srere noE antici?ated and vere iherefore noL reviewed as a po.cential site' ThestudysetouteighE'criteriaforseleetingasite.Ascanbeseen' thelocationoftheLibraryinconjuctio:rwiththeLearningcenreriseon- sistenE \,rith these criterla: 1. A location which strengthens lhe total community ' promoLes inter- actj.on of residents and guests, an<l is cenrral t'o LionsHead and to the Village' 2. A location direcLly and conveniently accessible by pedestrian' bus rider, and bicYclist ' 3. A location reaionably accessible by automoblle' - 4. On a sice now ovmed ty tt'e Tovrn of Vail' or available aE lo$t or reasonabLe cost' 5. Within an environmental setling conducive Eo relaxing ' teading' repose' research' The surrounli"g tp""u" should possess a pleasant . exisEing landscape, or provitle aalquace area for the installation of a Pleasant landscaPe 6. Reading rooms' chi'ldrents library should orient to the gouth for year round sun and passive solar charac telist ics ' 7. -Vierus of the slopes or other pleasant feaEures are desirable' The viess should be outrsara ana open' rather than- contained and inrvard ' g. Abnormal, or expensive constru;tion probleras should be avoided. The ' space availabll should permlt normal construction techniques' The consulEants reconmended the site t'rhere the A-Frame is presently located, adjacenE to Dobson Arena. sirr"n tt. proposed development of the Vail Learning Cenler, the }tansfield Vi1-lage site has become a prime candidace for the Public Library site' The courpatibility with. other educational instirutions, the ease of access uv uii roa.r,- the pleasant landscaping andviews,andtheinEeractionbetv/eenbothresidentsandvisitors'makes ltansfield Vlllage a natural location for the Library' BasedonconversatlonsviththeLibrarian'CharlynCoscello'thepossi- bi1-ity ot 1ocatlng thc Library in Utnsiiefd Viilage is logical and would be consistent wiEh the llbraryt s goal of p rovid ing ,be tter and expanded communiEy programs. Ib is beneficlai foi the lltrary st;ff to be,involved with the planning process at this sEage Lo ensure Lia[ che faclllty saLisfies their needs. a () rr{{ YT ll A coPY of Based on this sPace progra$ Fogl! storage area 500 1,200 700 400 sg. ft 2,800 sq.ft. I ,000 850 I,850 200 150 800 150 180 500 1,780 Exhibit 3l uIRIslENrs FoR v,\I!-!!!!l-q'IIgRARY for tir" Vail Learning CenEer Page I --f, D the Llbrary Feasibllity Report ls includccl in Appendlx B' information ana Aisc.'ssions- with Hs' Costello' the following has been included in the tearoing Center proposal: -* Reference area Non-f icti-on Flction, Periodicals Er,lgg-Argas Adults Children Hee-ting F.oom Admini straLi on & work area Check out desk Work space Lib rarian Staff roon Audio visual wotk area card files Res trooms Misc. , circulaLioJr 'IIi sc e 11an eous 7,780 sq.ft' GRAND TOTALI e 1l \ _.' Exhlbit 5: Cr,ACN REQTIIRN{ENTS FOB THE EXECUTI for the Vail Learning CenEer ' CaPacity P.oom Sq, Ft. Auclitorium Classroont U-Shape Receptj'on BanqueE t an 95 240 I7O Iyu IJv ..rn (nn 350 Function Room 3500 390 270 ' 195 Jvv r ot Pag t Pre-Function 1700 Heering Rooms Roorit'A Room B Room C ' Offices S torage 25 15 45 30 25 15 45 30 25 ls 45 30 330 35 330 330 160 1000 35 35 , I Serving kitchen 1140 - TOTIL anSA': 8490 se'ft Y' |llFt . qa,t ot t\ SpgrtS Dlmedsions, CenEer I"lith the recreatj.ooal orientacion of vail and the developmenc of the Learning center, it is logical thal a Program be provlded_ehat weds athletics and academics. such a proposal has been received frour a local group.. It irr.rot.ru, the creatio.t oi ttu "Spor:ts Diuensions Center,t' whj"ch uill provide technical and psychological traini-ng programs on issues revolving around physlcal activiries and the mind. The general concePt involved is that physlcal activitj-es provide an appropriaEe media for addressing a.variety of psychological issues, rangi1lg from stress manage ent to self-imaging to irri.tp"riooal relationships. The sp'ecif ic educational programs have been in the developmenc pto.."u for several years by a number of groups around Lhe country. A pilot piogt",o has been tesued in Vail and irs success has led Lire sponsors to seek avenues Eo ins t j-Eut ionalize the prograns' The nature and quality of the piograns being discussed are consisLent with the overall goais of the Learning Center. Therefore, the space require- ments have been includecl in the design Pr:oglam. A major elemeDt of their frogt* is the "aEhletets evaluation room" vrhich will provide a tesring iaborarory for technical analysis of the physiological condiEion and responses of the human body to varying situations and pressures. The f ollot'ring Program requireraents have been developed for the sPorts Dimens j.ons center: l'Exhibit 6: SPA.CE REQUIREI1ENTS FOI. THE SPORTS Dril[i{s-roi'ls c],rNTER for the Vail Learniug Center Athletet s Evaluation Rooin 800 sq'ft' AdministTation & Reception (2 offices) 750 TOTAL I ,550 sq. ft. '!T" : IO!t{ II{ANAGR:CTIARD CAPI,I\}{ "ii,#/l on,*1{ DATE: a RI DPAffIt\rlEtfI DIFSCIOR :DfCI( RYAI{' C0.'$ruNITY DBVtr-Oplvffi{T T0: TOIIN ffi}CIL SII&IilT: PUBL]C HEARING IN CONS]DERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN FOR PARCEL A OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOUR (SD4), AND THE ADDITION OF ONE ACRE OF LAND TO TH]S D]STRICT. SIATISTICS: APPLICANT: Andrew Nomis II, Mansfield Corporation NAME 0F DEVEL0PMENT: lvlansfield Vjl1age AREA: 18.076 Acres ZONING: l8.B2B Acres-specia'l Development Djstrjct Four (SD4) 1.250 Acres-Residential Cluster (RC) R@UES'I: The apit'licant is requesting approval of the addition of one acre to the Special Development District Four (SD4) and approval of site plan that contains the following uses: Hotel , Commercial Space, Learning Center Complex Condomi.njums Renta'l Units, Athletic Club. For more detajl 'inforntation see the attached memoiandum, PI-AI{NING & SMMONI,MYTAL Ol[\fi SSICT{ ACTICT{ : A motjon was made to approve the site p1 an for Mansfield Vi11age, Parce'l A of Special Development District Four (SD4), and add'ition of onc acre of land to this District based upon the conditjons set forth on page eight of the rnemo dated 5-18-79 from the Departrent of Conmunity development with the exceptions and amendments to numbers 1,6,7, and 8 as mentioned above, Gerry White seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The items and comments are on pages two and three of the PEC Minutes for ltlay 22, 1979. DPART:\,IENT REOIIIMB'IDATION : The Community Development Departrent recommends approval of the lvlansfield ViliqSe project subject to the condjtions noted in the staff memorandum dated l,lay lB, 1979. The Cornrnunity Development Department considers that the commercial space should primarily be on'ly for residents and people that are coming to the hote'l and learning center and not the entire community, The applicant has not provided an economic study to justify the amount of commercial space requested. The issue comes down to "Does the Town Council support development of a third Village for Vail?" Through the proposal presented the Staff considers that a th'ird vi'llage is formed with impacts on the bus system, and traffic within the Community, TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI4MISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMJNITY DEVELOPMENT MY 18, 1979 PUBLIC HEARING IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOUR (SD4) OF LAND TO THIS DI5TRICT. SITE PLAN FOR PARCEL ADDITION OF ONE ACRE OF THE AND THE APPLICANT: Andrew Norris II, l4ansfield Corporation NAME 0F DEVEL0PMENT: l,lansfield Village AREA: 18.078 ZONING: 16.828 Acres-Special Developrnent District Four (SD4) 1.250 Acre-Residential Cluster (RC) REQUEST The Applicant is requesting approva'l of the addition of one acre to the Special Deve'lbinnnt Districd f'our (SD4) and approval of site p'lan that contains the STATISTICS fo1l ow'ing uses: ' Hotel :-Riloms 150 at 400 square feet Restaurant 88 seats Coffee Shop 20 seats Special ty Shops Conference Facility Ki tc h en s /Stora ge,/Serv i ce Sub total Parking Lobby, Public Area, Hallways Villaqe Square --ffinE-seE-eonAominiums l8 at '|500 Reta il /Restaurant/Nei ghborhood Sub Total Publ ic Space, Circulat'ion Service/Storage square feet l,larket GRFA Parking Spaces 60,000 28,800 tggat1r Jootage 6o,o0o 3 ,500 800 2,400 8.000 6,300 E1;00'0 .3,500 25,000 108';500 28,800 4,200 33,000 4,ooo 3,500 40;500 lFir lileno to PEC 5-'t8-79 - Page Two-Mansfield Vi'l lage Learning Center -TeEiiTResTewant/Book Store/ Photo Gallery/lline & Liquor Store/ Branch Cleaners/Office Space Library Auditorium F{anaged Condominiums B at 2,000 square ft. I'leeting Rooms Sub Total Lobby /Circulation Stream Side Condominiums (l',lanaqedl quare ft. Ci rcul ation/Publ ic a reas,/Service Owner-Occupi ed Condomi ni ums Condom'iniums 34 at 1,050 square ft. Encl osed Parking-on site 34 at 265 square ft. 17 surface parking Rental Units -Tp;ffimEF 30 at 75 square feet Enclosed Parking-on site 30 at 265 square feet 22 surface parking Residenti al Condominiums @0squareft. Enclosed Parking 28 at 265 square ft.(on site) 14 surface parking Parking Structure/Athl etjc Facil ity et Tennis Courts 4 . Handball 4 Lockers/Showers/Pool Lobby/Snack Bar T0TAL ENCL0SED PARKING (Spaces) TOTAL SURFACE PARKING TOTAL PARKING GRFA GRFA Parki$ Spaces 't6,000 6l,200 35,700 26 ,250 47,600 350 Square Footaqe I1 ,800 7,700 3,Boo 16,000 22,300 6'1,600 't4;000 75,600 61 ,200 '12,800 74,000 35, 700 9,0,I0 4f,z]5 26,250 8,480 34,730 5l 52 42 47,600 7,420 5,5_,om- 'l 27 ,000 29,5oo 4,000 8,500 5,400 t74;m'0 450 53 m 275,550 l'lemo to PEC 5-18-79 Page Two Continued BACKGROUND Town Council approved the Special Development District ordinance No. 5 in 1976. The il1 an contained four development areas: Co'l dstream with 45 units, Glen Lyon containing 52 primary/secondary duplex 1ots, Glen Lyon Office Building Site, and the parce'l under consideration in. this r-equest. Part of the purpose of the requirement of the Spec-ial Develop- merit District was to insure the quality of development and a'lso a'llow for some flexibility in the developnrent of this parcel of'land. Continued on Page Three -{pqr' t Memo to PEC 5-'t8-79 Page Three-Mansfiel d Vi 11age In reviewing Special Development District Four (SD4), the Community Development Department considers that the maior provision which effects the site plan irnder consideration.by the P'lanning Commission is the inst'itutibnal or educationa'l center. As defined in Special Develop- ment Distri ct Four (SD4 ), the 0rdinance s.tates: "Inst'itutjonal or Education Center provided that if the center is constructed then the following shall be conditional uses in coniunction therewith; l odges includjnq accessory eating and drinking or recreationa'l estab'l ishments not occupying more than 20% of the gross floor area of the Iodge 1o which it is an accessory." The other important section under conditjona'l use is uBI which prov'i des the definitibn of an institution or educationa'l center and discussion of the efficiency dwelling units. The wording of "Bu is as follows: "The term'institut'i onal or educational center'means a pub'l ic or pri vate institution for I earn'i ng, instruction br continuing education. Such facilities may be-utilized for seminars or educatjona'l programs and may include con- ference and meeting rooms, audio-vi sual facif ities and necessary accessory useage such as dining rooms and . effjciency dwelling units. The phrase'efficiency- dwelling irnits'means any room or group of rooms with- out fu'11 kitchen facil iiies, but which may incl ude a refrigerator, s'i nk, and cook top of no more than two heating units, designed for or adapted to occupancy b.y individuals attending the institutional or educational center. The effjc'i ency dwel I ing units shal I be access- ible from common corridors, walks or balconies w'i thout passing through another effjciency dwe'l I ing unit, accomodatjon unit or dwel I ing unjt and each said unit shal I not exceed f our hundred square f eet, and sha'l 'l ' be considered in determining the total GRFA a1'lowed for each deve'l opment area. " Other aspects of the Ordinance that should be cons'i dered are density and dwelling units. Densi t Units-Development Area A-Shall not exceed 252 unit, Density Fl oor Area-the Gross Residentiaj Floor Area of the deve'l opment in Devi'lopment Area A sha'll not exceed35% of the land area or 269'480 square febt. This includes an al'l ocation for the one acre parcel to be jnc'l uded in SD4 District based on the current zoning. Under the additional amenities section the developer sha11 provide adequate private transportation service to the owners-and guests. of the'deve'lbpment so as to transport them from the dbvelopment to,the Village Core Area and LfonsHead area as outlined in the'i mprove0 .G 3;13-13-" -Mansrrertfr r ase I A or deve'lopment plan in as an institutiona'l the event or educati Devel opment Area ona'l cen ter . B are developed P0L rcY quEsTI0Ns rty as proposed have an adverse L i on sHead area ? ment of a third village for Vail? n conformance with the approved (sD4)? ent considers that the need for quested has not been justified. commercial type uses. For a unt of commercial space is not ial space as a viable economic from other parts of the communitY automobi'l es wil'l eome to the site e Department considers that there ial for the residents and tourists evelopment District Four (SD4) pace, learning center' auditorium, locatjon the Community Development village wi'l'l be formed. This will road system and other services with between Vai'l Village and LionsHead ith the development of this Mansfiel de a good ljnk between Vail Village, i'11 even be more diff icult to cerned wfth the impact that this ad, as the Town is currently work'ing of LionsHead to improve the economic (SD4) clearly deals with the er. The appl icant i s Proposing h the Community Development e a direct relationship with the on of the Special Development es that if the center is con- be condjtiona'l uses in conjunction 1n Does the development of the prope 'impact on the Town of Vai I and/or Does the Town support the develop Is the proposed learning center i Speci aI Devel opment Di stri ct Four The Community Development Departm the amount of commercial space re Proposed js 21 ,000 square feet of development of this size, the amo needed. In order to have commerc enterpri se, residents and touri st will be a necessity. Additional and impact the street system. Th should on'l y be sufficient commerc I ocated in thi s overa'll Special D devel opment. By having the hotel, conmercial s and recreation facil ities at this Department considers that a third have an impact on the bus system,the community. The current I ink has not been wel'l establ ished. l.]Vi'llage Area the ability to provi .LionsHead and Mansfield Vi1'lage w establ ish. The Department i s con devel opment cou'l d have on Li onsHe with the merchants and residents v'iabil ity of this area. Speci a1 Devel opment Di s tri ct Four institutional or educational cent several uses for this center whic Department considers does not hav hotel . The conditiona'l use secti District Four (SD4) clearly stat structed then the fol lowing sha11 F t Memo to PEC 5-l 8- 79 Page Five-Mansfield Village therewith;'todges including accessory eating and drink'ing or recreation estab'l ishments, not occupying more than 201t 0f the gross floor area of the lodge to which it is an accessory. First, it is the opinion of the Community Develop- ment Department that the i nsti tuti on or educational center must be constructed before the lodge could be considered for construction at the site. Second, the Department considers that there must be a direct I ink between the loilge and learning center. From the infornation provided by the app'licant at this timen the staff is concerned that this link might not be there. The uses that are proposed at the learning center are: Vail Publ,ic Library ffia'l had Since that time the appl i the Town of Vai'l is consi of the Library, and will PubI ic Library at this si the Vail Public Library.cant has been notified that dering Site 24 as the'location probably not consider the Va'il te. is is mostly for the local community questions whether people staying at using the Col orado Mountain Col lege s to what this center is and its hotel . Col orado Mounta i n The Staff fee'ls the staff al lodge vlould Center This has been defjned as a proposaT at this time and the staff is not clear a relationship to the Sports Dimension This center would be a f ac'if ity that wou'ld most 'likely not use the hotel to any great extent. The auditorium arxl meet-ing-room-ls n-Aefinite community need and is supported by the Department. The staff, however,questions why 8,000 square feet of conference facjl jties are being proposed at the hote'l , The staff considers that the Iink between the hotel use and the learning center conference facility use has not been c'l early estab'l ished in the porposa'l that has been presented at this time. Memo to PEC 5-18-79 Page Six-Mansfield Vil Iage SITE PLAN REVIEl,J }.|e also fee'l that there cou'ld be r section of the access road with th South Frontage Road wil'l experienc from the developments. [,le bel ieve peopl e comi ng onto the s'ite wi I1 b area wh'i ch wi'l I necess i tate a I ef t To minimize possible traffic bui'ld movement, we woul d suggest a 'l ef t of an accel'l eration/dece'l I eration Frontage Road. l. The Site Plan as presented has many excellent features" These incl ude the waterways go'ing through the project, the creation of many exciting pl-azas ana publ ic open spaces., and the p'l ace- ment of buildings and the mixture of uses on the site. The overall plan, as presented, is obviously the result of a great deal of thought and experimentation. There are, however, a couple of areas that we feel stil'l need further siudy. Th; first'and most important one is the_general circulatjon bf automobi'les onto and through the site. The present design indicates only one access point.for both this broiect, Coldstream, and the G'len Lyon Primary/!ggondary duplex ioti. ihis one access point wi'll sLrve almost 400 units at total bujldout with alI the ti"affic from Glen Lyon home sites and Cold- stream being circulated through the Mansfie'ld Village^Proiect. i,le wou'l d su6gest that a second access point f or the Coldstream ana gten Lyon Deve'l opments be considered. eal problems at the inter- e Soilth Frontage Road. The e a mcrjor increase in traffic that a high Percentage of e driving from the Va'i1 Village turn across the Frontage Road. up associated with this turning tui'n'lane and also the possibility lane on the South side of the A third concern is the access onto the excluded one acre parcel . There were two approximately one acre parce'l s that were not includea in the bi^tg'inat SpLcia'l Development District. 0ne parce'l has been successfully acquired, but the other one remains owned by separate ownershib. Th'is parcel js in a Residentia'l Cluster z-onen'with the possibtl ity foi. six units. There is no designated access for thi s' parce'l and we be'l j eve that the proposed_ access is through an underground service garage. t,le do not beljeve this access to be satisfactorY Fourthlyr w€ question. the overall size and mass of the parking structui.e and'the Hotel in realtionship to the Frontage Road' to other bui'ldings on the site, and to the duplex lots across the street. A maising model is-being prepared'and will be presented on Tuesday. This-wjl'l hopefully-assist us in better reviewing and responding to these rel ationships. '!It- Memo to PEC 5-18-7e Page Seven-Mansfiel d Village 0ur overa'l I impress ion tl'i th some refinement a feel that it could be RECOMMEN DATION Last'l y, there does not seem to be an area site for outdoor recreational use and acti a site that js this densely developed that be a designed outdoor recreational area. b'i cycle path connecting the various parts health club present some excellent recreat suggest that an outdoor recreational site and-wouId be a real attribute to the site. Another concern is with the types of uses proposed at t learning center, and the real tionship betweel !lte cente anO totdt. It is clear to the Departnent that the ordin states that the 'l earning center must be constructed jn ioniunctton with and foi the primary use of llt" iearnin center. From the uses proposed to date for the learing center, only the Free Eirterprise Center seems to have a direct re1 ationship to the hotel . The Department con that this tie must bb stronger to have this area functi proposed under the ordinance. is that the site is s discussed through even better. provided on the vity. |rle feel on there shou'l d The pathways. and of the site and the ional amenities. I,le shoul d al so be incl uded wel I pl anned. our comments' we The Community Development Department recommends ap_proval of the proposal subject to the conditions noted below. The concerns irnd'pol icy questions raised in this memorandum need to be- iaOrbiseA-Uy ttre planning and Envjronmental Comrnission. A maior concein of the Department is the amount and types- -of deve'l opment on this 'site. The squa.re feet of commercia'l space proiosed has not been iustified. There seems to be iiiUituirttirlty more commericai space proposed.than needed ior a 150 robm hotel , eondominiirms, sal es units, and rental un.i ts along with a learning center and recereatjon facility. In addition the types bf commercia'l uses within Mansfield Vi'llage should oniy be complimentary to,Uut:!ield Vil1"S9' The D6partment rec6mmends no more than .l0,000 square feet of commerc i a'l type u se s . he r an ce s s i ders on as The Department also recommends that the 8,000 square feet iijnteiLnce facil ity of the hotel not be constructed. Mul ti- use of the learning center area would be a positive aspect in reinforcing the center. '-G' Memo to PEC 5-'18-79 t Page Eight-Mansfie'ld Village specifica'l 'l y, we would request the followin,g information and rbvisionsas i condition of this recommended approval: ' I . ) Revj sed pl ans showing the reduced amount of commercia't Square Footage. i 2.) More specific information on the proposed users 0f the Learning Center SPace 3.) A more detailed description of the re'lationship of the hotel to the 'l earning center. ' 4. ) A Devel opment Schedul e 5.) Dedication .of Stream Tract and Easement for Bicycle Path 6.) Two points of access, left hand-turni19 1ane, and an acceieration and dece't'leration'l ane along Frontage Road 7.) An offset sideuralk along Frontage Road 8. ) An outside Recreationa'l Area ( 9.) A driveway permit from the State Highway Department 10.) A Bus Shelter and Turnaround, with the design to be approved by the staff. I t . ) Sati sfactory access to the excl uded I ot ' I 'rll'f, ff G.N.SEME IIIO.ODHOIISE paililrEt e urcan ctesign consultant P.O.WX265,UA|L, coLoEADO 81657 PHONE 3o3 476 @40 October 12t I97B Mr. A1len Gerstenb:erger, Director of Communitv Deve fopment Town of Vai-1 Box 100 vail, co 81657 Dear Al-len: Following our meetj-ng on October 5, I would l-ike to outline how we can irnprove the approval process and better illustrate the proposed deve lopment of Area A, Special Development District 4. The approval procedure as outlined in the zoning ordinance for SD4 is a one step process with many illustratj.ve aids and relatively detailecl design necessary for Lhe submittal package. It is not our intention to eliminate any work, as it is necessary and within our own interests for this kind of development, to carry out sufficient design and to illustrate it extensively, We do believe however that it is in everyones interest to break the process up into a two step process so that Less detailed design work is done during the initial stages. The contents for the Development Plan as outlined in chapter 18.46. Sec. 040 seem to be intended for the whole of SD4. Area A is substantially different from the remainder of the district therefore the Development Plan should contain different information. For instance a model at a seale of no smaller than I inch = 100 feet and an architectural model of each buililingr, protraying design details are called for. It would seem more appropriate for Area A during the initial design stage and durinq the Planning Conmission and Town Council approval process to ilfustrate the project with one model at a scale and extent of detail somewhere between the above two models so that building relationships, massing, visual impact, pedestrian spaces and overall appearance is illustratecl and is appropriate for us as a massing study design tool . J. Mr. AIIen Gerstenberger October 12, 1978 Page Two The overall environnental impact report for SD4 as required by Chapter 1-8.46 Sec. 040 Para. A, prepared by The John Ryan Company and THK Associates in L977 dealt with the entire SD4 and covered maximum density for Area A. As we will be proposing lesser density than discussed in this EIR, \,/e request that submittal of the "supplementaf environmental impact report" as required by Chapter 18.46 Sec. 040 Para. 81 be waived. We request that the contents of the Development plan as required in Chapter l-8.46 Sec. 040 for Area A,SD4 consist of the followinq: 1 Existlng contours having contour intervals of not more than two feet. A conceptual site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 50 feet, showing the locations of all buildings and structures, and all principal devel-opment features such as landscapeil areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways and off street and loading areas. A corrceptual landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existingr landscape features to be retained or removed and showing proposed landscaping and lantlscapeil site development features, such as outdoor recreational facilities, bicycle pathsr trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways. water features and othe r elements. Sections through the development at a scal-e not smaller than one inch equals twenty feet illustrating the roug'h grading, building relationships, and building heights. Typical unit floor plans in sufficient detail to determine floor area and gross residential floor area. 7. A volumetric mode I of the site and the proposed development at a scale not smaller than one inch equals twenty feet, protrayinq the scale and relationships of the proposed development to the site and illustrating the form and mass of the proposed buildings. 8. Perspective sketches from eye level in the proposed streets illustrating the basic feeling of the developnent, the spaces buildings are containing and the scale of the development. A proposal regarding the dedication t'o the tol,m or private ownership and maintenance of that portion of the deve lopment area within the one hundred year floodplain of Gore Creek. In the event the one hund.red year floodplain is not dedicated to the town, such lands shall be subject to a right of public access to Gore Creek, and the right to use a portion of the lands for a bicycle pathr and for park purposes, provided that the location and use of the facilities and access shal1 be determined by mutual agreement between the town and the owner of the development areas involved. 3. o Mr. Al1en Gerstenberser October L2, 7978 Page Three The a]rove drawings and illustrative material would be the complete packaqe for presentation to the Planning Conunission and To\,rn Council, Once the approvals have been obtained more detailed design will continue and be presented to Community Deve lopnent staff and the Design Revie\^r Corrunittee for their approval. These material-s will be submitted in accordance with Chapter 18.54 Section 05O of the Zoning Ordinance which outlines the materials needed for Design Review approval. This final submittal to the Design Review Committee will be done as each phase of the development is designed and developed. If this approach and these presentation materials meet with your approval please advise us- Sincerely yours, GJW,/S