HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT ENTRY SIGN LEGALDesign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: Cascade Slgn and ProjectNumber: Landscape Improvement Project Description: new sign. landscape lmprovements Owner, Address, and Phone: Gary Fries 1300 Westhaven Dr{ve Vail, CO 81657 47v7428 Architect/Contacto Address, and Phone: same as above Project SteetAddress: 1300 Westhaven Drive kgal Description: Cascade Village (SDD#4) Parcel Number:3si[dingNane: Comments: was awalting r-o-w permit prior to approval form Motionby: Secondedby Vote: 4{ Conditions: Board/StaffAction Bill Pierce Action: Melissa Greenhauer 1. only use real stone Allison Ochs DRB FeePaid: $20 Cascade sign and landscaplng lnprovements approved wlth condition TownPlanner: Date: 6nn0 hojectNarne: Documentl -( DESIGN RB/IEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 7, 2000 3:00 P.M. MEENNG RESULTS PROJEGT ORIENTATION TAPPRECIATION LLTNCH - Communitlr Development Dept 11:30 pm /-'i,r /'.{r i. ] 3'0,,*{L,, _ al MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer stTE vtstTs 1:00 pm 1. Cummings Residence - 5146 Gore Cirde 8. DonancE - 97 A/B Rockledge Road 2. Dreyer - 5114 Grouse Lane 9. Nine Vail Road - 9 Vail Road 3. Meadow Creek Condos - 2500 Kinnickinnick 10. Whitewater Park - Gore Creek Promenade 4. Reeman/Randall-28t15 Snowberry 11. Vail Athtetic Oub - 352 East Meadow Drive 5. Cascade Village - 1300 Westhaven Drive 12. Ford Amphitheater- 540 Vail Valley Drive 6. Brandt residence - 1150 West Haven Lane 13. Rembert.- 1547 Spring HiU Lane 7. Mckers - 375 Forest Road George MEMBERS ABSENT no PEC member present PUBLIC HEARING . TOTA'N COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Bmndt residence - Finsl reviEw of a new singl+family residence wtth EHU. Allison 1150 West Haven Lane/Lot 39-2, Resub Lot 39 Amended Plan, Glen Lyon Subdivision.Applicant Gary Brandt, represented by Segerberg Maytew Arcfiitects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That all Public Works and Planning conditions must be met.2- That the windorv mullions be approved by staff. 2. Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater - Final review of proposed expansion. 540 Vail Valley Drive/Part of Tnac{A, VailMllage 7' Filing. George Applicant Jim Morter MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That there be a flat roofatthe concEssion booth.2. That the west enlry feature be revised. VOTE:4-0 I 3. Gore Creek Whilewater Park'- Gonceptual review of the placement of boulders and plant Brent materials wilhin the Gore€reek Stream Tract. Gore Creek Promenade/Tracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Mllage 1$ Filing.Applicant Vail ValleyTourism and Convention Bureau & Town of Vail CONCEPruAL- NO VOTE 4. Meadow Creek Condos - Repainl Ann 2500 KinnickinnicULots A-N, Meadow Creek SubdMsion.Applicant Meadow CreEk Condo Assoc. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 5. Reeman/Randall residence - Final review of minor addition and roof change. Allison 2865 Snowberry/Lot C, Resub of Lots 2&3, Block g, Vail lntermountain.Applicant Clive Reeman & Louise Randall, represented by Railton McEvoyArchitects. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE:4-0 DENIED - Incompatible with existing architesture. 6. Oreyer residencE - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 51 14 Grouse Lane/Lot 6, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision.Applicant Raynond & Margarita Dreyer, represented by John Railton MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 TABLED 7. Nine Vail Road Condominium Association - Removal of 5 irees. George 9 Vail Road/Lot A,B,C, Vail Mllage 2d Filing.Applicant Nine Vail Road Condominium Association, represenled by Bruce Gillie MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the staff review the landscape plan. 8. easg|@ - Final revieur of a subdivision sign. Allison 1300 WesihEven Drlve/Cascade Mllage.Applicant Merv Felman MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That only naturaUreal stone be used; notfake stone. 9. Donane residence - Gonceptual review of proposed acsEss. Allison 97 NB Rockledge RdJLots 2,3, Block 7, Vail Mllage 1d.Applicant Resorl Design CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE I 10. Mckers residence - Conceptual review of neiu.secondary residenca & EHU. Allison 375 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 3d.Applicant Gwathmey Pratt Sctrults CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 11. Casler residence - Final review of a proposed gamge addition & EHU. Ann 2490 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 17, Block 2, Vail Milage 1gb Filing.Applicants: Mary & Sonny Caster, neprcsented by Ben Aguilar MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 (Melissa not present) APPROVED W|TH 1 GONDTION: '|. That the architectural design be approved, but the landscaping and site plan require further revision and review. 12. Cummingsi/Reske residence - Review of revised site plan. Ann 5146 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 2, Bighom 5h Addition. Applicants: Greg Cummings & Brian Reske MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: $0 (Melissa not present) APPROVED WTH 1 CONDTION: 1. Thst the applicants and owners of Lot 7 attempt to come to an altemative agreement regafding the use of the side setback of Lot 7 to locate the proposed sewer line, wlse the applicants post a $5000 bond to be held for a perior of 18 months to guarantee revegation in lhe easement. 13. Rembert residencE - Finel review of deck expansion. Allison 1547 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 2, Vail Valley 2d.Applicant Marleen Rembert MOTION: Bill PiercE SECOND: Hans Woldrictr VOTE: $0 (Melissa abstained) APPROVED Vlr|TH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the new rails be painted to match the trim. 14. VailAthletic Club - Review of landscape plan, signage, mechanical venting & lighting plan.George 352 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract 3, Vail Mllage 1o Filing.Applicant \A,lL, L.L.C., represented by Tom Braun MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:4-0 APPROVEDW|TH 1 GONDITION: 1. That there be no ramp at the east end. 15. Pearson residence - Final review of proposed 250 addition and exlerior remodel. George 303 Gore Creek Drive #2elLol2, Block 5, Vail Mltage ld.Applicant Vickie Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 21,2OOO Staff Approvals Rubenstein residence - Addition of stone. 1463 Greenhill CourULot 8A, Glen Lyon SubdMsion.Applicant Jeffrey and Susan Rubenstein Tezla residence - Replace existing deck and retaining walls. 2613 Corlina Lane/Lot 2, Block A, Vail Ridge.Applicant Anthony Tezla Vail Conoco - Replace existing railroad tie planterwith interlocking block. 2154 S. Frontage Road/Applicant G.B. Caster Coldstream Condo - Pool decking. 1476 Westhaven prive/Lot 53, Glen Lyon.Applicant ColdstreamCondomlniumAssocialion McLean residence - Dormer addilion, replace windows and garage door. 4284 Golumbine Drive/Streamside Townhomes, Unit A.Applicant Margaret McLeEn Finishing Touch of Vail - New hanging sign. 1?2 Easl Meador DriveMllage Center. Applicant James & RuthltVilson O'Loughlin/Steams residence - VVindow addition. 4708 Meadow Drive, #4A, Lot A1/Bighom Townhomes Subdivision.Applicant Susan A. Steams Moritz residence - Remodel and addition. 788 A Potato PatchiLot 13, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch.Applicant Terry Moritz Mill Creek Circle - Staging lot. A portion of Tract E/Vail Village 5m Filing.Applicant Vail Resorts Development Comparry Amold/Newman residence - Replace wood deck with stone. 3954 Bighom Road/Lot 6W, Bighom Subdivision.Applicant AndrewAmold and Ann Newman Alpine Standard - Shed and dead tree removal. 28 S. Frontage Road/Lot 9A, VailVillage 2d.Applicant Jeff Moellentine Cohen residence - Door replacement and skylight addition. 2721 Kinnickinnick, Unit B-l/Meadow Creek Tournhomes.Applicant Harvey Cohen McCartney residence - Residential addition and deck. 1984 BuffehrCreek Road/Lot 19, BuffehrCreek.Applicant Brian Mc€artney Allison Allison George Allison Ann Brent Allison Allison Brent Ann Allison Brent Brent o .t The applicrtions and information about lhe proposals are available for public inspection dufing regular office louF t! the projec't planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Deplrtment, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation availabta upon request with 24 hour notificailon. PlEase e,all 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing tmpaired, for information. a ,ilr Qucs$oTs? Call thc Plimning Staff a;47rr-l12$ APPLICATION FOR DESI REVIEW APPROVAL Date Receivee CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rwicw approml: rcccivc Design Rwiewapprovat priorto submitting fora buildingpcrmil For specific information, see the submittal rcguircmcnts for thc particular approval rhat is requcsted. Thc a be acrepted until all the required information is submittcd- Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Commission. Design Rcview Board approval cxplrcs building permit is issued and construction i$ stlrted. ycar after ffnal approval unless a DESCRIPTTON OF TI{E REQUEST: LOCATTON OFPROPOSAL: LOT:- PHYSICALADDRSSS: PARCEL#: /.Ut.2e figg tz:cro projcct rcqurnng ocsrgn rfficw mus:I FILING: Ofifrce at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) PHONE: B. c. D. E. F. c. (Contact Eaglc Co. ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILING OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINGADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Constnrstion ofanew E Addition -Inctudes any addition whoe commcrcial buililing footap is added to any rcsidential or {minorruteration - $20 lncludcs minor changes to and site improvernenB. such as, roroofi ng, painting window qralls, etc. landscaping. fenccs and retaining DRB fqes are to be paid at the time of submittal. [.ater, whco for a building pennit please ideotiff thc accurate valuation of the project The Town of Vail will the fce according to the projsct valuatiorL PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON. ALL SUBMITTAL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT. 7 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VATL, COLORADO 81 $s0 PHuNE @ ?-1a.1f,h.A'4^6 AI{D THE FEE TO TIIE o MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXTERIOR OF BIIILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS M126')26 20 21 tr tr GENERAL INFORMATION This application applic to changes rnade to a site oi erscrior alterdtions of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will requirc an 'bdditions" application" I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTF Phgtoq or sketches which clearlv convey fre existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clearlyconvey thg proposeil building or site atteration(s). All relevant specifications for the proposaf incfuding colors and matsials to b€ used. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicate4 6e Adminisntor may de,termine that additional materials are necessary for the review ofthe applicdion tr q tr L! ..'l lt. III. tv. o PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc rvilh Torvn of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thc ntandatory pre-application nccting has becn conrplctcd. It is thc applicant's responsibility to schcdulc this mecting by calling 970479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS ThcDesigrrRevicrvBoardmccbonthctstand3rdWcdncsdaysofeachmonth. Acomptctoapplication fornt and all acconrpanying matcrial nust bc accepted by thc Cgmrnunity Developmart D€partrnent a rninirnunr of thrcc and a half (3 l/2) wecks prior to thc date of thc DRB public hcaring. REVIEWCRITERIA Your profioiit will be rcvicwcd for comptiancc rvith thc Design Guidelines as sct forth in Section I 8.54 of the Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. If a properfy is tocatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchq rocldall. floodplain. debris '. flow, rvctland, etc), a hazard study nrust bc submittcd and thc orvncr nrust sign an affidavit rccogrrizjng thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building pcrmit. 'Applicants are encouragcd to chcrck rvith thc plaruring slaff prior to subnrittal ofa DRB application to dcterrninc thc.rslationship ofthc propcrty to lll nroppcd hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Fonnat. For alt survcys. sitc plans, landscape plans and othcr sitc improvemcnts plans. all of thc following mtst bc shorvn.n. Phn shcct sizo must bc 24"x 35". For largc projects. targcr plan size may bt allowcd.v2. Scalc. Thc minimum stale is l "=20'. All plans nrus bc at thc samcscalc,v3. Granhic bar scalc. @ North anorv. XS. Titlc block. project name. projcctaddrcssand tcgal dcscription./(t. Indication ofplan prcparcr. address and phonc numbcr,r'i , ' . Datcs of origin-al fian prcparation and ati rcvision datcs. X- 8, . Vicinity map orlocation map atascalc of t"=t.000' or larger. ,/ 9- Shcct labcls and nun:bcir./tO . 'A bordcr with a minimum left side margin of L5". cal t. Narncs of att adacurt roadways. .. Y 12. Plan legcnd" C. Fornew constntction andadditions,theapplicant muststakeand tape theproject siteto indicate proPsrty lincs. proposed buildings and building comers. All trces to bo rcmgved, must be taped" Thc applicant must ensure that staking dono during thc winter is not buried by snorv. AII sitc tapings and staking must be completcd prior to the day of the DIIB meeting.. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Revicw Board on their schcdulert necting date and who have not asked in advancc that discussion on their item be postpone4 will havc thcir items removed lionr the DRB agcnda until such time as the item has been republished. E' If the DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modificationg all conditions of approval must be resolvcd E-9l to the issuance of a building permit ,, ,r, t. zlpnate|6197 a I v.STAFFAPPROVAL The Adminisrator may rcvicw and approve DesignRcview applications. approve with certain modilications. deny tbe application, or may refer the application to thc Design Review Board for decision. All saff approvals are subjat to final approral by.the DRB. Thc following types of Dcsigr Rcview applications rnay be staffapproved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is ionsistent with the architcriruat dcsigrr. Inatcrials and colon ofthe building and approval bas been rcceived by an authorized member ofa condonrinium assooiation. if applicablc: B. . Any applic*ion to nrodiff an existing building that does not significantly changc the existing planes ofthe building and is generally consistent witb the architectural design. rnataials and colors ofthe-' building. including. but not limitdd to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonewodq. siding. roof .tnaterials. paint or stain,). cxterior lighting. canopics or awnings. fences" antcnnas. satcllite dishes. rvindows, slcylights. siding. minor cornmercial facade improvoncnts, and other similar modifications: C. Any application tbr site imprtivements or modifications inclurling. birt not limited to. driveway .rnodifietions. site gnding. site nalls. removal or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or rccreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a 5eparatc rwiew by any tocal. state or Federal agpncy o$er thsr thc Town of Vail. thc apptication fee sball bc increased by $200.00. Examplcs of zuch rcviw, may includc but are not limited to: Colorado Dcpartmcnt of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in excess of5Oo/o ofthe application fee. If. 3t the applicanfs request. any mattcr is postponed for hearin& cau{ring the mtrtter ,,., to berc-published. then the entirefce forsuch re-publication shall bepaidbythcapplicant C, . Applications deerncd by the Community Devclopment Dcpartment to have design" land use or other 'iszucs which may bave a significantirnpact on the.community mayrquire reviewby consulEnts in addition to Torvn staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staffthat an outside consultant ' iineedcd. the Conrmunity Dwclopment Departmcnt may hire the consulbnt The Department shall cstimate the amount of rnoney necessary to pby thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardeC to' the Town by the applicant at the time offiling an application. Expenses incurred by tbe Town in excEss of the amount tbrwarded by the application shall bc paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Torvn. Any excess firnds will bc retumcd to the applicant upon review complerion, $ I Updated6/9? LrsT oF PROPoSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* oo BUILDTNG MATERIAIS: Roof Siding OthcrWal[ Materials Fascia Sofiits Windows WindowTrim N/A Door Trini HandtirDcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncy:s : Trash Enclosures Grecnhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lightingl* Other * Please speci$ the manufacturer's color, numbe and atbch a smatt cotor chip *t All cxtctior tighting must meet Se Tom's Lighting Ordinance I F.5{.05q(D: If.extuio:r ligl-ting is proposed, plcaseindicatetbenuurbcroffixtincsandlocationsonasqranatctigtrtingptan lAmtifyactriiituetfrpeinAprovide the height above grade, lumens outpul luminous are4 and attach a cut shect offre lighting fixtrues.' .,'. ';, ',lt d ..,''Updated6l97 t PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrnron Namc Sizct lot Ouantity 7 PROPOSEDTREES -ANb SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO -Z-4 " atl. ,a @lu3 wiq>F ;a' DAI{@ &4-,t d o,., 9b" tQ/ilb4,;' .Rdl't d'r@e -*<ts 6 4 6'o,c. lr€a futal ?tu- b BEREMOVED: {atb,llil *Minimum T{uircmcnts for landitiaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footaqc Typc SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATuR-Es'(retainingwails, fences, swimming pools,'etc.) Please specify. Indicatetop and bottom elevations of rctaining walls.'Maximum height'ofwalls-ivithin thc front setback i" I feet. Ma(imtrm hcight of walis elscrvhere on the property is b t'eel .;1 b .. f ':' Updatcd 6D7 o UTILNY LOCATION VERIFICATTON ..This form is to vcriff scwice avaitatitity and location for nerv construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvithprcparingyourutilityplanandscheduliuginsfallations. Thclocationandavailabilitybfutilities,whcthcr thcy be main trunk lincs or proposcd lincs, must bc approvcd and verified by thc following utititics for thc acconrpanying sitc plan. Authorized Sigmature Date U.S. Wcst Communications t -800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 9494530 Public Service Conipany 949-578 t GaryHall Holy Cmss Elec-tric Assoc. 949-51t92 Ted Huslqy/John Boyd T.C.t. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc RivoWatcr & Sanitation District * 47(t-74110 .Frcd Haslcc * Plcisc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvatiirns whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagle Valtcy Watcr & Sanitaiion signnhrrcs. Firc florv nceds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: I.Ifthc utility vcrification form has signagrcs fronr edch ofthe utility companies, and no conmcnts arc madc dircctly on thc fonn. thc Torvn rvill presumc that therc arc no problenrs and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procced. If a utility company has coirccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility r€prcscntative shall note directly on the utility vcrification fonn that there is a problcm which needs to be rcsolved" Thc issuc should then be dctailcd in an attached tetter to the Town of Vail. Howevc;, p!:ase kccp in mind tbat it is thc responsibility of thc utility company and the applicant to resolvc i1;aiiiicu p,,Ll:i:::. Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the contraitor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit fiom the Dcpartmcnt.of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utililv tocations must be gbtrinrcd.beforp digging in any public right-of-way or cas"r*t *iUtinE" fo.Im of Vuit. A building permit is not a Public Walr pcrmit and m$t be obtained sgrarztely. - " Updated 6/97 z. J. \e tr Co o mmunity t Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:8/4t99 Reflrn Bv:ASAP hojectName: Froject Address: hoject Legal: Project Description: Cascade Improvements to landscaping/sign Westhaven Drive Improvements to signage, berming, landscaping 2,tt ./- Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) -,fiepproved with condihons (. 2- F:\EVERYOI,,IEDRIP\ROUTING\9SROUTI IG\PIJBLICS'O\IMASIERJRM FILE $OFY o FAqD 75 Sowh Frantage Road. VaiL Colorada 81657 97M79-2140 FA)(970479-2157 3. --'$-"6 o August 19, 1999 PamCrranade DesignWorkshop 953 S. Frontage Rd- Vail, CO 81657 476-849 RE: Entry lryrovements of new signage, berming aad landscaping at Cascade Village. DearPam, Jftg Comrrmnqr Development Deparu:cent has reviewed the plans zubmitted for the srgnage, landscaping, andberming at Cascade Viilage. The following items mrst be addre.ssedpriorto receiving your approval: 1. Arevocable right-of-waypermit forthe new enty-way features rrmstbe subninedtothe Town of VaiL The form has been included for your use. 2. A letter of approval from the r$iiify coryanies .must be zubmitted for the additional landscaping in the easernerd. The desip needs to accommodate the approved truck lending for ttre convention cedef,. A copy of the CDOT State Access Permit mrst be zubmittd. All iryrovements in the CDOT right-of-way must be coordinated appmved/coordinated with CDOT. Please include a letter of approval fromCDOT regarding the proposed additions. Aprwious approyal required a siftwalk fi'omlhqparking gpragq,to the Frontage Rd. ?nDuJ ^ll flVdUq wr04 tt{ t 4w6n11* There is aa electric box on the" sectiofi ofWesthaven parellel to the Frontage Rd- which is not shown on tle plans. Please rwise. The plan needs to show pbased iryrovements for the roadway and.a schedule for these imorovemeuls.-"dd\ Ar 0,'d^n/ ivrfirtno', -';,6ruw n'tnl], t' d'o*{fu^l {p*o'*,n"o _ Fr f. As soon asthe above revisions and conditions are met, the application'wilib'b approved by the Commuity Development Departnent. Please do not hesitate to coutact me at 479-2359 wiih any questions or concerill. Sincerely, t1 - - 4\1 4i{t*l,t dt$ Allison Ochs Plannertr TownofVail ,/\ /rr"*,o, M+nhole ao* \ {\ ."1) ** \-\ I hcYo rnust I e^ fiyu- in horo s# {sA n--fr----. \=2/- Existing .fiitiorm View south from Frontage Rd. Close view south from Frontage Rd. Existing .onJilon, View east from Frontase Rd. View west from Frontase Rd. DnsuNATroN IIOTELS & RBSONTS 19 March 1999 Paul DeJulio PO Box 298 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado Vail Caecade Resort Dear Mr, DeJulio: The following is our application for State Highway Permit Access. The attached should give an explanation of the requirements and reason for change. We have a landscape project scheduled for May 1, 2OOO. lt is only peripherally related to the project described in this application but the Town of Vail wants us to get the total project resolved prior to allowing us to continue with our landscape project. (! have attached a plan showing scope). Since we were not aware of this requirement, we did not apply for an Access Permit until now! Therefore we are obviously in a hurry. Any help you can give in this regard is greatly appreciated. Let me know if there is any way I can help. Shirli Sensenbrenner Assistant Vice President, Project Manager CC: Mike Smith. CDOT970-9496399 Sherry Dorward, Design Workshop, 970.476-84o;9 Gary Fries, Vail Cascade Rssort,97M79-7Mg 10333 East Dry Creek Road Suite 450 Englewood, Colorado 80112. 1561 303-799-3830 Fax, 303-799-601 I www.destinationtravel.com STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT APPUGATION Y: - contad ft6 tleparfrFnt of Tmnsprtafon or ydrr l@l gowrnmenl b debrmlne your bsulng auuixlty. - contad fte lesdng autirority b detwmhe wllat pbrc and other dooumenls ars requhgd lo b€ submlued wilh your applicalion. - compl@ thls lbm (sdnE quesdolE may nol apply to you) and attadr a[ nscesary ddrments and subm[ lt to the lssdng aufiority. Submll an applcafon for eadl access |gqueded, if you havE arry quesfions oontad lhe lssulrfg auhorlty. Pieag€ ptlnt A+W, oN @4S DE OW Feq( nele tr tllJ lls r€qu{Furg o ney asoess O tomporary access Q.lmPrwemsll to e)ds0tE aoogs O chatlge ln accgss uso El tBtnoval of acc€ss MAT O no El yes, If ps - whal are [r€ p€rmlt lioh yo, halr6 a Fop€|tl hbr€81 andd, psrmlt daie: l) Do€a d|e pdoF(V o erdrfl 6haEary@ESh€rty O no ofyes, f yes - ple€ss d€sotlbe: yes, It yBs - lH lham m your NA hour vdurrea or El average dally voluttEs. o) ProP€rty nsp hdkdE ofF a{oess,bqd€ltE|osdsaqdstrs€b. t Ptop6sd alEe8e dedtrt O Parcsl Erd snasldp mapg hc&dtrg o€B€rtt€nb, h) Sbtfrg Ird eilpeqdans tl Tranceqtd dEr.ll P|oC' ot [8bny hsrsrrs. (phnesl|qJd b no laEp.|han 22f rSdl s) .Htstnmy ard drlwayF €np(do. b) ttrat€gs pbslEnho lipadtotheftttEydgtrt otrFf o) itapEd kiEs delde4 ud[Vhcaen8beredd e depbpe||th ad sery 0Edgtt d-{6} d) st$6.Mrat€| 6dg|re|wno'|lpla! lf an access pernrlt ls ls$red to ydl lt wil std€ tlra tanns and condl0onstor ns use, Atry cllangss ln lhs use of thE psmmed acoess not consl$ent wlth the brms and condl[ons llsited on lhs permit may be csrFldqed a yiolafion of ihs p€mtl The appllcant de€larea undrr penalty of p€rrury ln tho second degtgq and any other appllcable stalo ot lbderal larE, that an ldbrmaton provlded on thls form atd submlfied &chments are to tho bost ot tholr lg|o}tlsdge lruo and complsb. tf the appllcant ls not the orner of the propeny, we rq|se thls applhaton also to bs signBd by lhe prop€rty ouner or helr lEgally aulhofted representa0va (or other acceplablo uflfrsn €n ld6rEs). Thls slgttatre shall constltlte agt€€menl wllh thls applicadon by all onneIs-of-lnb|€Et unl6 sbted in wflfig. lf a psrmlt ls authoftad, tho properly orner wfll be listed e lhepemlt@. &ftu\le $ rwW*s R@ft-€.F€.Nh-fw1\j/tu D2l29l2^8g t2i22 97A7484474 ' a,- .-oor rg! teamioEsrf ,o" HorELs I{}CA GRAPHI C DESI6.|| ,"";i azl1 PAG A2 7Ee 9.A7 Hlo:]ltuAy AccEss pEdsr AFpucAnoN tr Fsg and offrsrdcsnErt3 se m quEslh o|ry tEt ryFty E yg4 md ffii all deosassry eunqy. S!trmlflr aflea[or fu aadr ee:e requad.' 'lt qtEElltrF @$l! s||horhr. tEr? &ooE A hqomry.*|! q Ir|F|F[r€nt b E:Wtg EE@ao e dsrge h Eoc$s ua le, ryes. dtst sre oo Flml ' O no f yen. [yoe-trt ouo sr yur@-ad i!&{o!rs plpod-CId o&eiE aEirs 8Erred4H4l3F, &&tqtotdar Iter @s9€fitlt19 hndlbyarlnS sl&fte lrrFrd trns UBE AnyClrms b Ep re rrn 6a no[ er€lEtsnt!fiUt tt Eur ard oo,6mB@ q| @ pffittt mat be 6(dderEd rvbhnm ot nn rpptlanl teCvae rnrdrr i|fllv of Fdllr b tts lolsd d{rBir dtd e|t, o0|otr ardbsEtr hfl3,0trf E[ Hlrndho povHed o irla lqm md n|h|tiid.ttilh'|ot e'.rr to lh lrEl DI tftdr edrd!|Fld, b rd Slo ournsr d tho prEF V.ltE |Eqdtg nb StsEtlon dso to b€ algncd by tD F! rd |EFrs8rbltr€ (a.lbacEagdEsiIE| sruaE{.il& dgrEtursshal csElfula 4!flEfon !y sn oil|g rd{nls€4 wlsss drhd h rrihg. f a Fn! b rulEtt6d, 0E FWe,V I|opcmhu. Vail Cascade Resort Exhibit Space The following is an outline explaining ourrequest l- The Toqm of Vail has approved the use of orn indoor tel:nis courts for exhibit space on the following conditions a- will be used l0 times ayer\ maximum b. primary users will be guests of the hoGl so that parking and taffic will not be adversely affected; other users might include guests at other Vail resorts who would be brought to space by shuttle c. Town of Vail would be notified of aU evelrts to alleviate any problemdiszues dning the set-up andthe event 2- for these events (10 per year, maximum), access will nsed to be provided for delivery trucks 3- twogptions are requested t';.!."i)the first request allows for tnrck access on the existing concrete slab to the $../east of the building. 1. This will allow for trucks to pull onto the slab and rmload 2. the structual requirements of the existing slab allow for single a:de tucks with a limit of 20000 lbs. only 3. this will be the main access encouraged by the property for unloading 4. this will require trucks to pull oflof Frontage Road onto the slab (see diagram) 5. in order to facilitate access, impnovements will be made to the intended drive way b. the second request allows for semi-truck access at the north o1'1trs 6uilding off the Frontage Road l. this is for semi-tnrck unloading only 2. access would be through tle double doors oh the no'rth side of the building for quick access 3. these trucks would park temporarily on the side of the road (see diaeram) t ' iiif$J \ )j PiilJv'--.) /J I t{! ! i Knf*e= fr,.I cAscAEEAn{Lenc ,, ll,i fill E--Tl ,d + GLUB ! iil I llll E Wi ( E*snnsooncreiledeckoverparkrns I I I .---41 l./ \Illllliii::'z----I I I /F45' hpqC.gd tlud(onl gntlqonerele.{ls( li 1l 1l tl Fptnl I t I I I I t I -,:,:,:l:lffij i,i,ffii,; - - -' - - t i<5ll,5iiii ((i(-.+,tiii\I{''ilirll /---.,--,/o\t6../6 ./ c, l|l i, F z o E E E F I o v, i5 E I I .I I I I I I I I a ,lll\il\i\\\,---o'- lil ilr\\i\\uii il1"\t r\i \\ \ - b I I I . '"'.:iriJElK.r$ "': t.'..* :!f.:F$li*' .1!:.:t-i:.' 'ir-F-.-.:.:i*:it- ':;:.:.rer!.F:n!'lgi.iFj.!tti!rr,."-._!.c..aai. -..- .... . I Enlry and edl pokrts .€ffirogdlvith $as6ot€tepaYer suface ))/ ... ;:' .:.'i,.li::*:;Ar;l$11...';sr...,,.. , I , I l COLORADO DEPARTilT OF STATE HIGHWAYACGESS PERMIT APPLICATION - contact tho tlsparlmenl ofliE rsportalon or your local govemrnent to dEtsrmLrs your lssulng aulhbnt - conbcl th€ Issullg autEr y b delermlns whal phhs and olhor docllments ate requkEd b be submltted wilh your appflcatlon. - complsb hls form (song quesfons may nol apply to you) and atlactr all necessary dofumsnb and submn ft b $e lssl.dng au0prlty. Submlt an applcafon for each acce€s requ6ted,- It you tra\D any ques0or6 contact fte lssulng auhorlty. Pleaso Nnt or typo g. *d-r* ro r* r**b r* 8) lYrtard'b dho bhi'rat ON {S OE OW n€ffi accese El tBmpotary accss O Jnpran ement io o(lsfrng acc€ss El c,har€a ln access uee El rernoval d access O no Ef yss, lt )rps - what are th€ p€rmlt numbe(sf: U il {h Nn ard/d, permll .lata: thersoOE@dsnbgrordsdioalsd t[6!ceEE& rosds,tfiteys 6€sc€6go6€|rE rb bqd€rtE dvfthlhop6pod!r? O no t[.ya8, It yes - nd t|ern on ydJr pls|s and fdlcab fts propodsd ard erdsdng accsss pohis. vnalb0E typo (8lr€lsffitt, €potn€td. Mru€o) yd&l€cdr edfhabr lbEldd€s IMEII usg ho scEsss. hdr yolumss or O at€lare dalv volunss. o) ProFty [tap hrfira&E dE a€co.q bordeftE rd8 arld !irs*. 0 Pr@6€d @d€s€'t B) Pard ard a'gstdpmaF hdrdhg os8orn€'ll8. h) SE'rhgard sfipeE l|ang 0lldcrqdlUpgtr ll Prod dkbmy hsrsrca. ($dt8 ehou! bs Do hrg€r 0lan 24'r 3df a) lqhrrry atd drlv€n ar plan frde.q Oraerage phn sllgritrg tnpad to 0rshb'!!,4rldtld{€, c) Map od letbm debllhg udlfy bcaths berds ard an8 dqreb,[nenthe|rd ah[E&sridtkfu,, d, Aubdi Aqo,:oftg! or dqdent€ot pbt It an access p€rmll b lssued to you lt witr stals &e lsms ard conddons br tts uss. Any changes In lhe us€ of the p€nnltlsd acc@ nol conslstsnt wlth tha term.s and condt[ons lHed orr tha pennit may bs consldored a vblaton of lhs permlr." The appllcard declarea under penalv ot p€rrray ln the s€cond degrse, and arry other appllcabla stata or i8deral laws, lhat all Informaflon provldad on lhls iorm and submltGd allachments'ato to ths bast ot thelr kno$ledgs trus and clmpl€te. f lhs appllcant ls not the ovner of lho ploporty, w€ reqdre |hls appllcaton also to be slgned by |he property o\,tfier or thsir legally auhorlzBd rspreser aive (or oth€r accep.table wrlttBn wlderEs). Thls slgnalure shall consdfule agreement wih this applhaton by all omarc-of.htaresl unles sbt€d in wd0ng. It a permlt ls aulhorzed, the plDPerty ovnor wll be lsled as the pfinnoo. ,ilA&WlS &ffip}/*&*tuMr#nw g2l29l2^gq LZi22 97A74884V4 ' a^ !-ooi{o: r sa!.; DEST f ,on HcrrELs FIT]VA G|RAPHI C DESI o 6.l t g6p-.r 769 '|407 PAG A3 63/4 ii ETATE }IIGJ|WAY AGCESS PET{ftTr APFUCAfl Ofl q|bd|l|e lsflfut €|lfteriv b ninlulrdhs[lrL ibls drd dttrdqm8fiE sIB - odnFIBb,Ob tur (eona quetba ruay |d rPpt, te FU) sd aHr €l neeE;,y *p11llg ry-Fry {ug srai-or.FCryfc r.c, tla;;8q,re"r"4. ,lw @!EE Q tenpo|Eysettsso D $fuepe{il n eW|E sEDrs O &E EBh arEcstso O no trrt@, ilyfs-w|ltrElE lltfcmfl d ,HllnrEil dt alffif plg|Fdr. b) gr!@sretit'@roFcb6rlhlq*E€t'rry,q l&F !!d HrDdelrtculyE8d D!6ft ddar d'd@rr U qt dq t!6tt{,{3d, O Sddtrdst,zllt trqd!4@dFr 6[ls!@Dqrdtb bss€d loFtltr$l&lsllEEnegld B!E@ ncfl cw|gHgt nlh h tenns 6ri aortroE EEbd g| lie psm[ msy bo conslde|ql B dolg8Dr ot Ths spDlkfi d.€lr!.r rdsr pENry d po{Ei h tfu eg3|Ird dtenor dd ary o0rcr EDdtloUD l8r4 ftEt dl llf4acufi grqfitad on &lo fq[| etc 4ll[dttd itlrd$n8fiEse lD lbo !3rl c$dr f he applEr*i h rar ha omr ol up pttp€fry. E requfs hle f,DF8leilc| Etro to Ds dEnBd bU ha F! bgafiyBtxtB@ rEF€s€rrtsd\F (oroltB BsqSE erffen ddsrE]]tts ItgnEhne shgll oor|stlMe amnrafonW s0qnsr{t{rt6r@t&kstsbd hsdlh4 ltapmrlt to al|Edad 0re popo'nr enal h! n6nrlh6. Vail Cascade Resort Exhibit Space The following is an outline explaining ourrequest 1- The Town of Vail has approved the use of our indoor tennis courts for orhibit space on the following conditions a willbeused l0 times ayear, ma,rdmum b. primary usen will be guests ofthe hotel so that parking and traffic will not be adversely affested; other users might include guests at other Vail resorts who wouldbebroughtto space by shuttle c. Toum of Vail would be notified of all events to alleviate any problemJissues during the set-up andthe event 2- for these events (10 per year, manimum), access will need to be provided for delivery trucks 3- two options are requested a the first request allows for truck access on the existing concrete slab to the east ofthe building' 1. This will allow for tnrcks to pull onto the slab and unload 2. the structural requirements of the exising slab allow for singlg atrls trucks with a limit of 20000 lbs. only 3. this will be the main 4ss6ss encouragd by the property for unloading 4. this will require trucks to pull offof Frcntage Road onto the slab (see diaeran) 5. in order to facilitaie access, improvements will be made to the -'{ft1 intelldeddrivewaY IAW p. second request allows for semi-tnrck acsess at the north of the building off \7th" Frontage Road 1. this is for semi-truck uloading only 2. access would be through the double doors oh the north side ofthe building for quick access 3. these tnrcks would park temporrily on the side ofthe road (see diagram) iti N I I t fi :, E :'le .j-*i ,rn i{t "ln I I I I t I I JFrre e> o $'tt 'l @ 't ,, I @. t I I I I o tu{F Departnent of Commwity D ev elopm.ent 75 South Frowage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 March 1,2000 Sherry Dorwood DesipWorkshop 953 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 47G8449 RE: Entry Impmvernents of new sipage, berming, and landscaping at Cascade Vi[age. Dear Parn, The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans submitted for the sip.age, landscaping and berming at Cascade Village. The following items must be ad&essed prior to receiving your approval:'-;. J 1. A renocable right-of-way permit for the new enty-way features must be zubmitted to the Town ofVail. 2. A letter of approval &om &e utility companies must be submitted for the additional landscaping in the easement. 3. The desip ueeds to accommodate the approved truck lsa.ling for the convention cent€r. A copy of the CDOT State Acqess Permit must be zubmitted. All improvements in the CDOT right-of-way must be coordinded approved/coordinated with CDOT. Please include a letter of approval from CDOT regading the proposed additions. 4. A previous approval required a sidewalk from the parking garage to the Frontage Rd- If you are not proposing locating a sidewalk in tl.is area with this application, all gading and lardscrying must be designed to accommodate a future sidewalk. Please revise. 5. There is an electic bsx on the section ofWesthaven3arellel to &e Frontage Rd- which is not shown on the plans. Please revise. 6. The combined size of all faces of the sip may not exceed 20 sq. ft. I was mhtaken earlier when I discussed this with vou at the co mter. S*4* ,. 1I e r' ' ] 7.ThE -?,to show@sed inrpnmren* forthe impnwemw. Tlre To\m of Vail crmtly hae plare e next few yeas. Previowly, discueebs hcve been hcH on feogoadithg crcasqratks in diftrart parbg rrat€riab). Ifthcse iryrovecuaroeffi wiEr tha.TorNn of Vail, thay will not be ellowed Please coatut DirEctor with any qucntions. As soon as the aboverevisions dconditims are ne! the applidm t*$ Commmity Drvclopmcat Dcpr@nt. Plcase do not hesitab to any queetions m conffilfit. Sincerely, Allison Ochs Plannertr Town ofVail I I L- (j- 5-U(); rJ:53AlVl; trEiVl ll'lAl lor.l HolELs {Ar i i3O3 /n8 e4g7 x DBsrrr\TATror\T IIOTELS Ar NESOI3TS q,#,- Transmittal NlfuonOch TomofVail ?5 S. trbontageRoad Ysil CO 81657 Bus: (970)479'2Ui8 Bus F'ax: (970) 479-USz Fron: Shfu{iScns€nbneuer Company: Destination Eotels & Rcsott Phonq (3113)26E{El7 Fax: (glO76e94ff/ Ilate: 5/sCIit Re: msmos iirtrhontage Road PP: 5 CC:L Grry['ricc9/ll-479-7ffi9 Please review and give me a call to dissuss. thmks. I t' t i_I 6- -\t 6-00; g:6SAM; DEST I NAT I ON HOTELS v o tsoS 7ea 94s7 #3/5 l A sranll sample of the rock was made and is now * the site fu yorrr rwiery and appval. As we discusss4 you will do a site review with ths DRB. Gry Fries, Cr€n€sal lv{anagFr of 'hg Rson ltlould like to k pat ofthis review Pleaee give him a call to cordinae time. Belorr is a map showing wherewe looated thesaryla WI *t * ls L lV bNU.. hcru;h 6t{ls inpth/ dond \n .ttc"t A,,r 6qtt+ 1t 6ie + 'th- {vr^'tta/ 'dlff,r ?ebrzwyf a** aua W{ftli4lu^ Wvt -eccEogD00R ^lD@il fd|u@ ot$!P! hosrcei 9:6ed0fi!,h CtntF, C0 &5l{ s01818107 ItL&Inui6|eb4!lB0d !!ind d !&b lglt bl!@lEl h@qclEtryb ri.!l8!tEh[ td!!tu|rldur oga!. aiatbtmqidldoCqd!E t'dmrodd0ditdElq!l4 bLDllr{trd4d!d.b' F t o f. 06d$ PFP!.I 01{s2@ lq!Fod@ llllGc!d! lb6l u[q,)o DG'U llld Dr ln@lhlFir: lrrrE F*a[@|E cE@Atlnd Ddl 8@lln!t 7916 e$dEwMdhD EDdt'$#?ffi" * "tl J ut 'F o I lir PUlnua =1 ol ut 3 {o I o 6 o u) I @ rdALuuL(@. sTlr! iloul{rro ARfiFE|AIROCK t,FALIJM LE TERE rrvNEo{ PAtrtt BACKTI€ SAIC OOlRA8 FRO T srdro '15 flF-r- -:" -f 6- 5-OO;I : 53AMi DEST r *F|o* *ota.=o -I DnsttNATror\T ITG,TELS & RES('R'TS Memo #2 To: Al|lsonOc.h$TomofYail Fax: nG9494399 Fron: Shlrll Sensenbrenner, Desthdotr Eotels & RForb Ilate 6/5/00 REr YaiI Cascade Rcsort, trronbge Roetl CC: GaryX'rtes Allism I got'an email from Sherry Dorwad of Desip Workshop staing that th€re rrere some isses with fitting the fes in thrc space. As you lnow we harre a ve,ry limited ma to lmdscape i!" I guess solie of the Spuce trm - once they grow to their firU dimension - migbt conflict with tbe futrre side$alk I spoke with the Resort and we ce in agreemsnt I would lika to assure you and confirm once ngqin: if t}€re are any codicts with sme of the tes when uE go to do the sidcqralk, we will removethose trees at thd ti-eand ruplace wilh dhrubo # i3O3 768 a4s7 4 E/ 5 ToumofVall . ., of Gommutitty De.vBlopmsFt, 75 S. Fronttge Road VaILCO 8165l ,ilc =t =*aeJ o*"--€-L-19t-ad PlEaso make checks papble b the TOttVH OF VAIL 14 1110 001 0000 314 1112 0000 314 1112 Unilorm BulldinE Code - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 3141112 141112 0000 314 1112 0000.314 1112 314 1112 't 0000 314'n12 1 0000 314 1112 of Revlslons to 1997 1 0000 314 111 001 0000 314 1211 314 1111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 315 3000 1 0000 312 1000 AltEraffon - LEss than 100 001 00003112s00 v i l-_-- =-- , '-Tsn of Uail ilr BEIIBGB REIEIPT rrr !fitt! in{/ts El RECEIPh ffi$ii __ ffiIpIIm sil ff{nffI rp il -EIq @Imr${ r f4.ffi @ cn ruutrnElF uilwm -EIB_EPLICITTE{ I lt5.@ rS m RHmUEtrc qD@fS IEOM EMII s_ Ms rs,B UIE! E1?UEE ItEr l5r35rE3 IUIE-IW ts.g ffinm mw aisEE nffi tut Fm run mtffiI! - The Tonm ofVail ,p 0c)H9 e_. s089a Folice Recdpt i l',. ' .l; 'i, r { 1tl !1 Protect Vail CaEcade Hotel Frontage Road Signage AN-rHOUSE Layoll Sign 1 Date July, 1999 /LLL: sc.l-) Hc+',e /s 7V/e- paro/a>(4._> lfCrl RL1- 7:ft€ Wtc Gsc,,<oe &vrztv lP( | t-a3; tF 6u roat{ (o^,r^, ,") Fte f(tue Qtr6zto"*rg - -77+t*'rc> - Zlhrczy &Ee Anr tr*sq h-sqa 3o3 g? Z -7K(€ AnrHouse tttrsl Prciect Vril Cercade Hotel Frcnt ga Road SignaOe Lalrout S.'l f Date: F.b,z(xrc Pag6: 1 953 So. Frontage Road Vest Suitc 102 \hil, Colorado 81657 Telephone '970+76-8+0A 'Flcsinrile . 970 476-8409 Aspen Albuquerque Dcnvcr Jackson Hole Phoenir Santa !'e 56o Paulo Design Worlehop, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Deeign Tourism Plen'ring Aplil24,2000 Ms. Allison Ochs Community Developm€,trt Deparhl€lrt Town of Vail 75 West Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vaii Cascade Hotel Fjnby Signage md Lanrlscaping Dear Allison: The enclosed mat€rials complete the application from the Vail Cascade Hotel for apprcval of a new entry sign and landscaping at the intersection of South Frontage Road and Westhaven Drive. As you requesteq the submittal includes the following: e A revocable rigfot-of-way permit application signed by Gary Fries, the hotel manag€4 o A let0er from Holy Cross Electric, dated October ll,1999, allowing improvements above their underground power line; o A letter from US Wesf dated March 15, 2000, regarding improveme,nts above their underground lines; r Schematic plans from ArtHouse Design, the hotel's signage consultant, illusfrating the new signage at the enty, as well as two small directional signs at the parking structue €nfies along Westhave,n Drive. The illushations indicate the ge'neral character of the manufactured rock on which the lettering will be mounte{ and samples are being made. r A final grading plan" showing the 6-foot flat area along the curbing requested by Greg Hall for a possible firtue sidewalk; o A final landscaping plm, showing planting as well as five landscape up-lights along the landscape strip. LeGiiii [rE APR 2 5 2000 DESIGN\UORKSHOP o Vbrkshop Inc.Design r A letter from the Colorado Dept. of Transportation has been requested and is forthcoming. CDOT staffhas indicated verbally that there should be no problem with occasional mall bucks tlriving onto the slab directly from the Frontage Road- As there is not room to make a l8O-degree turn, trucks entering that way will have to exit the slab at the comer of Westhav€n Drive, where grasscrete pavers arc indicated on the plan. The overall desip intent of this project is to accomplish a significant improvement in the aesthetic appearance of the entry to Cascade Village and the hotel complex. The planting (particulady the 11 conifers) and the proposed berm are intended to creale a more complete screen in front of the concrete slab at the east end of the Cascade Club. The hotel would like to receive staff approval of this application so that work can begin in May simultaneous with other site imFrovem.e,nts being made around the hotel's pool. Please call me, Allison, with any questions. We greatly appreciate your prompt consideration of this matter. Sincerely,hMa Principal Cc: ShirliSense,nbrerner,DestinationHotels Gary Fries, Vail Cascade Resort senl berDEsroN uoRKsl{oF lnus-63-ee lsrssab _."r: r-:..C4oe>e?647ez4sz psse I DEstct.lvtfllnt€HoP Facsimile TFansmittsl . Lal$cape Atchibcfirc Lsdndtutos. Datr; 6lqenrsf' lgtrgl' &tarDgeign TourMPlaniqg ro +LHaor.J.Plav."qgh?{'. ei3s.Fronago*dw. d{+deFsJ +udJK/ Sub t02 vaiLcoloru&8165? .IobNumber 2255 97947GEl/'6 FA:(476-E40q Nrmberofkgee(inclrdinggmitat) ?- Conmms l1^, L a,, */*l"i f?* & l--ufq ftu fV M $,34eu/n'a, o*/. ftu [,;^*. f4 ry p4^Jr<J- ./r - Tul*, "4 Lftt, a,^*L #*lA ,'tUl fu obi'k4. firarqt ' t' DESIGNWORKSI-.IOP senl bs IDEglGN i.fr.{lirl:i tL}r0+$l ijf.lt',. S-,. .r'3. 3r} t.iir + i t:{'i I ir:.lr*t i.lhf r ASS]ti..9| !-.tyr r E lrr,ri t:$I I {r,Es:{,t qtr:.,'SJ..)l ti,F I ts,, i l.rqt!rJEtt*tl S'r;r' btor fr?,iuli.t".rF'Iiexs ?Jnn -s.rhsrlrr | ! nr1 oeabep$ F1*eF,F a€€ i Statet il{J f.o;rnl.-,rl EIIS-E ilr{rli'r ii'99 'ltrqr*ts !.&.BTHFllrF.N r",fl t'.fu"'ldri &56?Ertl'tt$.tl* r 'l'.i{po *i: liur.hr $ti.Etsrq.stJIL rE:sT I irr.q* t;;*r tJr,iil {rty.l;{l!}f_ r,r.1,.6/FFLrlf l:J.F iliE .J..:.!il trF I til t{i N-/c ffi t!|iS'rH$itG'N QF+-q** e Fl'l .if il{rl}'3 'tir6psqi, : tl$ei[&rt t]lftlti$tlfF l-sl Ict' r *l-fi]tilJfd Ht:lllFl Dtplre iiao.r 4it+rtl€S$ Ftao ar'k t r frrrlrns d reTE! *',tt' -{irri4B &tesbFr'* !lrtiF q;'1 ;ll{:ri.0$ lPlfrttfil oftl?}lltfli tTf It:..'l rUitJS.,i i EFal ' ' CAUTION: lrt^oLm4 BEForB ulxirc $:', { *{ *q s r rl tr( It {r\it ti .t. d ,i9 itr' t , lso 1 rl u rl lf I ,715 lf {, * v ,l('ft, Ati t FtS rc uoRKsHo P tHbltltY'l-Ucandlif gt(ftrH's4, e2 432 sl.r$.I.*z I I l',lrir?{iL (lFlll, I I ! ,-..r lqfi iJ|' t A(f l Serf$ llFl lir's l'Jnt rr- :o',r otl. r.+.rlttqEl. {:rl {[o.t* alrr![:rtyc Ufiil, {F *.ri.l lirrr,.1 I i' I i gc., .rr 5.; X i ;'rr i{ :rSPf . l'sqal r {: EirF.; trl f'nFl i,'i'r I i'i,lf t. "lh '.: ' 2,r 2 -$ r+til',, I , ,!i rr '.t -12 " 5'nt (iwt &t*tl-t t LOCA'IIO'I IIDTIAIE NESTH tr DIO ALEFT Idor fl.ll[t It ot 6tot 4a arrr. Plaraa itBd dlt t!{ arr6. $ asn&a qrqo ldt L!!rc! ood. b 8t&b!ral tr Standby Roqulrd E Copy tefl at slte TUi|€:IAH PU rultrY[$ns mrHE0 odrr_.,ill_Ihte -.!Jiu ru tjd 'rl il t ,.";+ o$r0GaflEdl r.ure r wdrt - tat sFg - . SKETGH IB APEFOXTdATE! ffiFEcE ryl-ry--gl*lErlOEmf,EflfT *'i,'LOCATOR€ Nilrn€ '.ci t, ,; sigFstrrB ol pqson qr lo0 slte .: t0il-,$-t orcf,ng'lv and t5!rEorqthg or{rBl bce .Pr b dn si!3r|ttdTob e|d ud briE sil bE ddte ar 6do$to.ds/ bds. Noasdto $dl EHD lhcrrd|ib sh'E, p+amsr h ccofirql by ar Cqrfi' r&rfis CB als (frdtEl e|ebrrggrdne TOV-CO t 5l AFR-24-@6 tEr29 !,I-DEV-DEPT.rD ta764742442 PAGE 2/3 SIGN/A$A{ING APPI TCATION Hagbgsign AxEinS o tr D6cribaUgttingofsip(cxi$ingspposcd): On the largg l[ain sign we will-kre uding_Indirect halo illumlnated, the oth'er 2 small signs are non-illuminated o.Business licenss qd/or salcs at( licqe velificetioD is REQUIRED plor to planaing rrvisrN: # I 9 2 6 Salcs Tax Adminisn"ato/s oigDnarc (Satly Lortor a79.2125): FEE: 5?0.00, PLUS S1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. g ecefve( O Quecirns? Call rhe Planning Detk tt4W-217E This application is for ary $gn eat is locared !ii&i! the Toc'd ofVait. Specific reSdno€ots sre available tou tic Dqrrumt of Coaurtmity Developna,Dt NameqfBrxb,es$ Vail Caslade B€Sq4_ .BuildingnameondiddressJ-300 Weslllaven Dr. valt, c Nansoffiraer. . Destination Horc e,. 303-799-3830 - Maitinga ewood CO 80112 t $ipaturcof l.lamc ofpcrsot (If diff€rcot tb@ ovruer) Addrrss: Type ofsigl (scoback for dednilions): tX frcesanahg tr Wallsign 'tl Otber,Weci$n Signnea$aC?" SeF Attached Dr ,-- tiiz.o of sign end dzo of lefiering for each dgg propos€d see Arie.h."t n r;';l ng.....-...-* Lery3h orftufiessfiomge; Hoigbt of dgn s&cve gade -:-e-g-Al- Nuuibs qfsiSls proposod;3=- Nunberadsizo cf cdr€ug To Be Removed Locatisn of cach sip (afiach a $to dan gl an dqnrion &asing s a photograph clcady brticding thc proposedtocationtt SSt ntt"cneO Ora Matqialsattdcolorofsip(atachsaplcs):-Alluminum E Aftlficial Stone .- -,.. TAVNOF A, B. c. D. E. F. G. H. I L J: K L HAY 18 2000 t 'l l I I , I frf." A",rn Client Servicee_\ 9m4}43fi],7 Fax ..E4 3639 Denver 303 442 g8t3 meckman@adcon-signs,com ^oeil@ 3725 &nal Drive, Fort Collins, co g0524 wwtv.adcon signscom Rock s3 WESmAVEN DRM Locaton ffi Rekft front trotile ARTHOUSE Ittttf Location Rock g2 Bock *1 Pbn vi€w | *r*. vatt cagoade Horer I Hotd Er ranco Road Srgrnage Fock f2 PIan view Rock f2 front orofila l.ayolrt Ilate: Rock tamlly April, t99o Rock C3 Plan view Fock f3 kont profilo ROcK#2 1/4"=1'-0o ROCKfS 1/4'=1'-0" ^offi Ailnrtising Goncepb lncorpordsd 3725 Canal Driw, tul Collilts, C0 80524 970 484 3637 thb donma[ offi hs copfi ghlod r&rhlardtado sosdhffion bolong[U odrFhEly t0 Adc0n Slgm lnc. fuy uufioted ue, dlsdosm, dlssomha[on or fupllcat0n 0f sny otho hffion cffilosd herBh rEy rrsult tn lhblltty tndor appllcablo lars Deslgn Proposal 05-15-2000 Roclr Signs Vailkssde Hotel Vail, C0 Drawn [: Nsal D. 1 Account Managm MeryE. Holsctl&lagsc Customer Appmval Me Ihdgn flumisr 7915.1 . Rwisiom/tlescdptlon *,rrrot, NO. Dh AM M, 1 - -ffi - Depat'trnem of Communlty Developrnent 75 S. Frontago Road Vall, CO 81657 o l.+vAiidC-T. r$,n-6t.9 b\r^- ,bi,+ Ca^r';S Please mako checks payable b the TOWN OF VAIL Receipr No. rt? [5 Date 5l ,UD Account No.It6m No.cod€f Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1 1 10 Zoning and Address Maps 7A 5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildins Code - 1997 -Volume l&2 CB i50.95 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq CodE - 1997 - Volume 3 ,57.20 001 0000 314 1112 Internatonal PlumbinE Code - 19tt7 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 lnternatonal Mechanical Code - 19gg CB 35.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code .1997 $:r3.60 001 0000 314 1112 Unibrm Fire Cod€CB 36.00 001 0000 314 1112 Natlonal ElecHcal Code CB 87.00 001 0000 314 1 112 Abatement of Dangerous Blds.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Enersy Cod6 - 1995 ;10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions b 1997 Unfform Codes .75 001 0000 314 1112 Otfier Code Books CB 001 0000314 1211 Qlqg PrintsA4ylar copy Fe6 BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 001 0000 3141111 Lionghead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 00003141111 Shrdies. Ma6ter PlaB. eto.MS 001 00003153000 Penalty Fees/Rs'lnEp@tons PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Rwieruv Rechdr Feo ($.40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractorg Ucenso Fe€s CL 001 00003124000 Sisn Applicadon Fee SP ;20.00 001 00003124000 Additional Sign Apdication FEe SP 001 00003112200 Deslsn Rwlqr Board Fes (Prepaid)DR a,- 001 0000 315 3000 Buildlng lnvesfi gaton Fe€PN 001 0000 240 3300 DdeloBor lmDruramE tl Asrsflrsrt D€peit D2-DEPI 0 AI) 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant Liceree feo (TOVI RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assss.-Re€taurant Fee b Co.DeotRw.sl '001 0000 201 1000 Taxeb|F@ 4.5% (State! - Tax mvable TP .001 0000 310 1100 Tarebla @ A.eh fioum) - Retall Ssl€s Tax w OtherlMisc -MS 001 0000 st1 2500 PECAPPUGANON FEES 001 0000 3tl 2500 Additional GRFA - '250"PV s200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV s200.00 001 00003112500 Exterlor Alteration - Le6s ftan 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 E)@rior Alteration - MorE than 100 sq. ft.PV 0.00 001 0000 31 t 2s00 Special Dry!ilopment Dbfkt - NEW PV i1,500.00 001 0000311 2500 Sp€cial Dqrelsment Distict - Malot Amend PV i't,000.00 001 0000311 2500 Special Developmgnt Dffiict - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000311 2500 Subdhdsion Fe€g PV 001 0000 31 1 2500 Varianca PV i250.00 001 0000 311 2500 bning Code Amendmonts PV i250.00 RaZoning PV i200.00 001 00003193100 Gre€nstar Proqram Other -MS TOTAL:7p.. Comments: Gash- Moneyorderf Gheckf 5ffi Recelvedby: LC FrEvqpne/Formsrsabsad.qs *t- ?,10t99 l_.I 'i} rlorn of Uail ||I dFflNM EtEPI $T MIEI 5/E4rB 0l ffiflPIr ffi{?E DfgIHI0t cn B{ffiI a n DESIffi trIIIET FE T H.@ IDF ts FRINruts MTG Irffi illl Fm finn mlm$! RECEIPT- The Town of Vsil €lzlin.ra 61315 Frulngk f--K".o\., -l IHDE ETRII cr 5s9 f&@ DflEr V83/ts III& lSdtrSP T||Itr. BEB( IS.B mntrI rB{m fB.@ DATE RECENED ADDRESS HO{ PAID_ l,nlnlL zd. z Poltce Recotpt .-a 50692 RECEIVED FROU Pemit l,fumben HOf,' PArD-Cosh -*"*@14 To: March 15,2000 Vail Cascade Rssort Gary Fries, General lvfanager 1300 WestbavenDrive Vail, CO 81657 n047G7ttl fax479-7049 From: U S WEST Subjecn Vail Cascade Resort Iandscape Project Froutage Road/lilestlaven Drive U S WEST op€mtes antl nrairrtains existing rmdergro"nd facilities within an easemeff conidor d Vail Cascade Resort. This area is at tle iutercection ofFronfage Road and Westhaven Drive. Ianascape areproposedalongthis easemed corridor. U S WEST will consed to a sur&ce encroachmed ofthe easemsd conidor resrfting from landscape improvemeds only, provided thst Vail Cascade and its suocessors and assigns abide by and are bound by the following terms and conditions: 1. Vail Cascade aoknowledges that U S WEST bas tbs rigbt, within ths easemed corridor, to construct, r€construct, repair, change, op€rde and maintain its underground facilities. 2. Except for emsrgencies, U S WEST will provtde timely notice to Vail Cascade regarding its ne€ds to access the undogromd frcilities. Vail Cascade shall remove and replace the lsndscaped arca to allow U S WEST acces to the undergpr:nd frcilities. Vail Cascade shall bear all costs associated with tle renoval and replacement. Vail Cascade shall bear tbe co*s of any damage to U S WEST frcilities resuhing fron the landscape impnovene,nts. Signed U S WEST VAIL CASCADE RESORT 3. 4. .. lt =r, - ,CIr(& -PrintName and Title fr *l'l O7r.'t6or" E PrintNahe md Title 5'a7tz,r15 2..n To: March l-5- 20(X) Vail Cascade Resort Gary Frics, General Manager 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail. CO 81657 970-476-7tll fax 479-7049 From: [J S WEST Subject: Vail Cascade Resort Landscape Project Frontage Road/Westhaven l)ri ve U S WEST operates and maintains existing underground frcilities within an easement corridor at Vail Cascade Resort. This area h at the intersection of Frontage Road and Westhaven Drive. Landscape improvements are proposed along this easement corridor. U S WEST will consent to a surhce encroachment of the easement corridor resulting from landscape improvements only, provided that Vail Cascade and its successors and assigns abide by and are bound by the following terms and conditions: 1. Vail Cascade acknowledges that U S WEST has the right, within the easement corridor, to construct, reconstruc! repar, change, operate and maintain its underground facilities. 2. Except for emergencies, U S WEST will provide timely notice to Vail Cascade regarding its needs to access the undergtound frcilities. 3. Vail Cascade shall rernove and replace the landscaped area to allow U S WEST aocess to the underground facilities. Vail Cascade shall beal all costs asscciated with the removal and replacement. 4. Vail Cascade shall bear the costs of any damage to U S WEST facilities resulting from the landscap improvements. Signed U S WEST VAIL CASCADE RESORT f, u t .(' ,if .' ''-f a,7 5 $n7tno 5 o,"' f Department of Community Developmcnt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r3E FAX 970-479-2452 May 17,2000 SherryDorwmd Design Workshop 953 S. FrontageRd. Vail, CO 81657 fax476-8409 RE: Entry Improvements of new signage, berming, and landscaping a, g*ru6s Village. Dear Sherry, I qpoke with Greg Hall today regarding the information that he needs. The following nust be submitted priorto begiming wolk l. A Public Way permit must be submitted to Leonard Sandoval, Pubfic Works. This includes a $75 charge. 2. Please submit $10 for recording fees o'n the revocable right-of-way pennit. 3. A roll-over curb mrst be installed where the loading and delivery acoess rneets Westhaven Rd- Please show tle tansformer box on the site plan 4. A1l of the proposed spruce trees trunks need to be a minimrm of 6 to l0 ft. from the proposed sidewalk location. Please submit a revised landscape plan before plantiug the tees. You can do the site prep work prior to the zubmittal of this revised landscape plan. As soon as the above revisions and conditions are met, the application will be approved by the Community Development Depatuent. Ptease do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369 with any questions or ooncems. ww_ Allison Ocbs Plsnner II L {p *otoo*o cR! 5s r, ,i 1 ':\ #bty. Grsis Ufrbrgy rdlll .fsngeilt to a surface encroachment of the Fasement corriddr from nn*cape imp#Vements drly, provided that Vafl Cascade, its succeSsors and GLENV\',€OD n$, Vail Cascade T er*tes arid maintains an existing undergrodnd electric powel line Ent corridor at Vail Cascade. Pursuant to your lett€r ds,td improvements are proposed along such following terms and conditions: rbtStn€rgencies, Holy Cross inergy will provide tjmely norice *r;gard.ing its need to access the undergtound electric f :i ' Vii{ Caisrde shal'l bi required to relnove and replace the'land allsw,,F=lq&Cross'Energy a.ccess to the underground elect*ic f' assoEta*i.with femoval and subsequent replasement of*he entirely by Vail Cascade. event of an emerg€ncy, Vail Cascade will hold harmlesr Holy, F,.-rL --- ^ -: rlii:l damages sustained to the landscaped area. Fu.rthermore'''l'l inicplacing the disturbed landscape area shall.be borne Vail- r :- - -:t-" ., - ', - ,t I : ,, ", .!,i.,.r, , Vail Qlscade acknowledges that Holy Cross Energy has the right, wilhln't*tg ' easement corridor, to construct, reconstruct, repair, change, enlarge; reJ$*a3e operrftq and maintain its underground electric facilities. ' .' Sent b!.DE5I€N goP[sFuP €o-ft€. 66 lt:ssai (Plsare typo or pdn0 APPLICATION,R)R REVOCAELE PERMTTO ERECT OR MAIf$IAIN A STRUCTURE oN A pueLlc nronroF-wni "" "" aron 919416A489+Page :.4 Fonce Wall Lardscaping Othor OWNER OF PROPEH'fY NAMEOFAPPLICANT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCFI TON OF PROPERW TO BE SERGD: t9T_elocx_EUBDlvtstoN 3W* + ttl neffiary, atach legal daacripUon on s Comer tot hsEo lot ln consldsauon ol fi€ lssuancE ol a revocailo pemit ,or $s stucuro abye hdcate4 epdkar{ agrees as lollotns: 1. Thal h€ st|lrture heteh arlhorked- on a re,vocaHg permut bads b rost kl€d _ eetudvdy to the laM above dOscribed.z That fte pormlt Is nmted sp6ltbfiy to $6 tlpe o, sfuc[.re rresribod hr fiils app[callon. I13"-reg*|ll ehall ooH! tre T-ooni,lansger, or-hls cbjy arttrc,tzed agen[ twenty-mur hours in advanc€ of ttle tlrno for commen&rnent ot conifrinn, In ord6r that pmpor l@don nuy he made bV he TuJvn. I ne aFd,cant agr€€E b lrd*ry_ry FH harmtees rhe Torrwr of Vs[, ns oflco|a ffpbv.eee ard agenb tum aM igatnst a[ iril'iitGfrs'il,i-"rd, on accolrnt of Inlury, bss or aamasq Irctudnq wft6,n [nH#im-"riiig?* boaty L{ury.rySfl h.lury, stcoress, .".+as", dedi, dpolti G'ir&?fr", * arry orre, hss c,,anyrhd wharsoBrr€r, wlrtdr artaebn o,0r t; n-sny;;G'l?irc.u *r',apptcan's acifi/die er$uanr ro trh p€,n tt tf ;;h f1;ilil;:'o} orra" U .o*U t ,:11l'.- l" qn ry, or.b cratmerr b de ,r,nd ilil#i;,#iftii qy, r# *t;ilfi.#:3pj: pI$|TA oror, mlshko, neslgilce orordl_tr iifii'rpemnl r,r cont'aclor or stbconraaor o, any otidr, *"pl"i;;6rH-Af,. or u,, astban!hls contiacror or h'rs subconrador. n; ;p;ttGft .s*JiLTJHts"te, n_db r€spofid b. and toFrovils ddense lor ani'OerenUijll*i-*v "*r, Eabliry, dahs, or demands ar th€ sote s&€me of ,tne apphsnt Th" fo;ti_;i ffi aEils6 to bea dl :I1_:FTT.ry!{lr0 rrerero, Lrctroiris courr coss;; ali;d.s tees, nhsrhsr or not sny sucfi labflttl. datns. or OenranOl aUqeo _" S.-il;;,,Ahs, or frardUenL S_adtcant aolais b'prdur€ and mahrain;d G-"il;oi, i'ioucy or poncus or Insurance s!ffidefi h ensure atrarrist ar.[abifiy srairns, uemaitoianc odioii;grfon,3"Td by rne apprigant punvanri rrus p.;iil;dilfiffinrrnr tudhar asreas b rclease tho Toum ot Vai lte otrcers, agmb and employ€as ,rom 8ny ard all trEbfity. daims, demands, or acflona or aauses of adoirs wtrasoever aflshg out o, any damago,.t_ois or hlury to ho aprcant o, to n, apprilir" pioplirv o*.a ov rn" I31.1|]gt.,ts -orncers, agenie and ernproyees ri,nie-eng-{dilr r"nnn"*, or snow rsdEval acfir,t$es or arw ottrer amilUes wtrmoerrer-oiiown of vaf gryarty,sfeeh. side/valks, or righb_ot_waf,, DESCRTPTIoN oF-.sEucruRE OB ITEM(S) tN HTGHT_OF_WAY: metero mantrotes, anv orroraffec-iEi "p6idrrana;-d;, prlfuilar€E (io scato or dlmendoned) anu "."to(s) as weil s-fi;;;;1iffitr;T ba:0fS I Gt| lrORfSHoP 6A-RPr-43 0: t55Fn fFon 9784?644S9),taa ?/ 2 6. 7. d. s. 10. Thal the pornlt may !€ raroked whantsvet lt ls dot€rmhod hal the enctoaahment ohsttucfioA of oth€r sruc,ture consdMes a nrbarue, desmys ot Lnpait8 lhs use ot he rfotd-of-unay by lhe public, constitut6 a lralllc hazatd, or tho tropotly upot which . Ure ormaauienl oUuin aion, or gtrtotrre exbb ls requlred lot use by lhe pubfiq or h m4, bo reuoked at any dma br aw reas deqmd suffcisll by lho Toiiltr of Van. ThEt h€ appncanl will ramoue, al hts €rpetB€i, 0re etaroerhmenl obstir[on' ot sfuctue litihin ien days aftet reieiving nolbe ot eny rerocadon of said pemir Thar hg app[qnt agreos ro malnEln any landsEaCng as8daled wlh Btg HretogohmEnl on lhq fight-ol.way. Thal in ho 6vsnl said removel ol lhe enctoedmanL obctnailon, or suucn tE l8 not acoomdshd wlhln len dayq lhe Town ls hoGby aulhottzed l0 remwo geme and havo tho rlght b oEko 8n assesmd|t agalnst lho propgrty and collsct fia co8l8 or r€movel h lh6 sam€ mannst a8 genetal Ere8 er€ coll@td- Thal tro applbant has read and u|det$and8 a[ ol Ulo terms and conditiom 8et lbf$ ln. fib applidion. Special conditlons: ,t ltolel Jfu/^ NPPFOVED: r.b^a-9i| A;* {q Lo tt ;l ll*t,r^.. Date Prolqcl Planns(Date Town Englrtger thnafil (lr lolnt Propdty o'.J"nef {ship, boh dgufirrss} October I l, 1999 3799 HIGHWAY 82 . PO DRAWER 2150 GIEiIWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 8l@2 (970) e4s-s491 . FA( (970194$,4081 The above terms and condltions F{c'rcq r jlq qc"{ fl/Tltl€l VP. tracr'^-rr-r^ Uort l{alar,l*. JH,, L Date: tolrs./qq Vall Cascade Hotel and Club bary Frles, General Manager 1300 Westhaven Drive Vall, Colorado 81657 RE: Landscape lmprovements, Vall Cascade Dear Mr. Fries: Holy Cross Energy operates and malntalns an exlsting underground electrlc power line faclllty established wlthln an easement corrldor at Vall Cascade. Pursuant to your letter dated September 27, lggg,landscape improvements are proposed along such easement corridor. Holy Cross Energy will consent to a surface encroachment of the easement corridor, resultlng frorir landscape'improvements only, provlded that.Vall Cascade, lts successors and asslgns' abide by and are bound by the followlng terms and condltlons: l. Vall Cascade acknowledges that Holy Cross Energy has the right, wlthln the easementCorrldor, to Construct, reconstruCt, repalr, change, enlarge, re-phase, operate, and maintain lts underground electrlc facilltles. 2,, Excepr ior emergencles, Holy cross Energy will provlde tlmely noil9e ro Vall Cascide regardlng its need to access the underground electrlc facllltles. 3. Vail Cascade shall be requlred to remove and replace the landscaped area to ' allow Holy Cross Energy access to the underground electric faclllties. All costs associatei wlth rernoval and subsequent replacement of the landscaped area shallbe borne entlrely byVall Cascade. 4, In the event of an emergency, Vall Cascade wlll hold harmless Holy-Cross Energy ' forany damages sustal;ed to the landscaped area. Furthermore, all costs- . associatea inieplacing the dlsturbed'.landscape area shall be borne entlrely by Vall Cascade. Slncerely, HOLY CROSS ENERGY By: trt I Iz-r^l-S Rex O. Berens, Englneering Technlclan RB:rjm 5l -59:Landscape lmprovemen$, Vall Cascade battnr\nlcrrtrdg Anr HOUSE Ittlal Proiect: V.il Csrcrd. Hor.l Fronlag€ Ro.d Signrgs Lalout: Date: Shn I lrign L ono ridodl Apdl, 2Ofll M€ssage for Rock Sqn #2 Upp6r VAIL CASCADE RESoRT ) runr,rc PARKTNc SPA & CLUB A *"orrt*^rro* clrAPt RESORT PARKING Proisct V.ll Carcld€ Hotol Hot.l Ert?tnce Bord Slgntgs Sagn 2- Rock 213 Irorlt,wefut AnTHoUSE !attal Layout: Dale:Pa96: I Locatin m Rock fO WESTHAVEN DRIVE Locatil| Rock 12 Vlll C.rc.d. Horel Hotd E rtnc. Road Sfunage Rak 11 Plan vievv Rock 12 Phn viow Rock 12 lront profl€ Bek 13 Plan vi€r,v AnTHoUSE Itltat Layout: Dats:L"'?,."r""t ae Rock fl lrdrl p.oflo Rock € frdfl rofile o o o o calt- lu"-, e! .)tnD /mtuahbpu0 -*J';;wqw a,t&/*'ff,i )v VAIL CASCAD E RESORT & SPA CO M PRE H rii Sl,vEi$tctt PRocRAM . i ,! $t$w" of Vail Pre-submittal t :i t I nucusr 6, 2oos EN DESICN Package, DEVELOPMENT, DESTINATION HOTELS & RESORT 5 DESIGN\\ORKSII()I'JC JoHNSON ARCHITECTS VAIL CASCADE RESORT & SPA SICNAGE & CRAPHICS DILEMMA Competition amongst Hotels and Resorts in the Vail Valley is growing. While the Vall Cascade Resort & Spa has seen renovations and additions over the Past two decades, the project identity, wayfinding and resort experience remain weak and do not reflect the quality of a 4-star destination. Furthermore, the current Cascade Village, Parking Structure and Vail Cascade Hotel courtyard arrival experiences cause wayfinding confusion and are not aligned with guest exPectations nor do they celebrate the Mountain experience. THESIS By creating a cohesive identiry-based story as the thread of continuity for the Vail Cascade Resort & Spa, orientation and wayfinding will also be enhanced. Along with planninS, landscape and architectural imProvements/ enhancing identity and wayfinding will raise the bar on quality and help create memorable visitor experiences. DESIGN PRINCIPLES . A coordinated and controlled sign program will be designed based on both proiect requirements and the Town of Vail Sign Code. . Form, materialt liShting and typography will communicate a 4-star destination hotel and resort experience. . The communication of Core Creek as the primary resort amenity will be enhanced through references to water and stone, . Adaptive re-use of existing Entry Monument and - Directional Sign boulders will provide economy for the sign program budget. . Vehicular directional wayfinding will be strengthened to the Hotel and Parking Structure' DESICN INFLUENCES Reference CORE CREEK Dry-stack sandstone WALLS Blackened Corten Steel Re-use Existing BO U LD ERS IDENTITY OVERVIEW VAIL CASCAD E RESORT & SPA Hotel ldentity (for marketing) VAI L CASCAD E RESORT & SPA Hotel ld€ntity (for siSnage) TOWN OF VAIL: TITLE ll SICN RECULATIONS SUMMARY Lu<.:r^lsD a Fta xa"ntr:t ft:t \>rut>r o C Po)TAG; - tnarr'1 * ? D'nntU th f*cd SILJ 6t Sd9,t0,+Y€- f^c-\'{E r^/r.-t-? v\A/ . flc-r-O.1 ? 5 t{Ai( d\:, Sc$rra,'+rz-- ? */d , 3 :n f,tc(1. il<"es l5'n Pv \os.t:= SlCN DISTRICT: Vail Cascade Resort and Spa is within SiSn District 1 (5D.1) a. 11-6-3: Business Signs: SD1. One (1) per public entrance. Allowable Area: Up to 6 square feet. b. 11-6-4: Building ldentification Signs: SD1. Building Frontage (see following page):200+ feet. Allowable Total Sign Area:60 square feet. Note: Total area includes the total number o{ building signs, each y' )o,DT 'OtiLrot./ 1. Sign program: Vail Cascade Resort Renovation Sign Program will be issued as a Comprehensive Sign Program' measu red individually. -Sign Type A.1, Building lD FreestandinS= 11.0 square feet -Sign Type A.2, Building lD Wall Mounted= 48.5 square feet Total= 59.5 sq ua re feet ( c. Other Signs: 1) Sign Type Q, Menu Boxes (11-6-3): One display box per business. Area: Not to exceed six (6) square feet. 2) Sign Types C.l and C.2, Directional Signs: Exempt per 11-9-1. rr LISTOF SlGNS:ValtCascade Resort & Spa tl'|.Cc!.<r6lr..Frfr fqvrltlntttrnstbrddbtrqtlrdlbldldlnrL.|tn|updth9dd|r; f'tha{rft$'ll|yklddn ditarddgfor4$,|ndvkcfadanlfuIndrthndri,hg_$,hldLr.rbgt rt tt 3orl*tE f.& To\'I D.r.'tfdon QorntttY slg|tlYF *|t* i{ldho tDF|t. t ndlnq | 5r-A.l lufldlm lD l$0,to0nt d llhtcr|.r olrcnond 'I<1 st{.2 \'bhbrb *.cdood z I 2 ttull,bufid olrrcioit l ----------:-- Sfi l|o.|*.d qrGdonal Cortn dTrnrtD t5 a 24fr Dh0rbnd l.rEl| Otrfiio lbintr 5i.ndrd5&.ONrcloryDltphy - orLntfdgn lfiD I Tir|nt lbd. slcn Ad.ctlDtLqtx sol iool tuht Prrdrd tlrdrnr C Bcluttbr Td.thor.lnfoottatlo|r sr.l( sr-t I ,/ V 2 .odld E ldolc2 tnll ill|nld l|drttnCrxdv t l|o Rffiho oDh,|nc r?5H L'd lrs h5{bnltld . Erdr c. to h.lud.Inrt lldort Tat di Gdrd&aJ SICN LOCATION PLAN: ENTRY SEQUENCE nflbfi.fErfiF' : i5b! AI aln locdo||..tG fo. d.3}r|rnadc plrDo.- md .rt |rt b !cdc' Fnd dgn iocrlhrb b.iE frd btbedc.F rtil*tol lta SICN LOCATION PLAN: CREEKSIDE Hg$Ht-sPa&ioolRuh' Tclcphonc Xloct{ '. |-'""'fi,-J;""*, iH*Slt""i,""*unni Nam. rBD)' ua*a Cafc iird Rortaunnl l\lqmr TBD)' 'R€rtaurant and Pub (Namel T.B.D )' Menu Carcr tclephonc I nfornratlon-ffcbphonc Xlork ps & Fool Rule3 Mt'dmum lntct Tchphonc Not€: All sltn locruont.rc for diagratnmatic purpoccr md erc not !o rrle. flnel siSn locadom to be dctcnnlncd b'y hn&crpc erchlH on Ct€. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: ST'4.1 Day lsnderlng Sitn Area Calolation { DtFtNlTlONr Bulldint ldentlficatlon SIGN DISCRIFrION:2'X 12'alumlnum 3l8n cablnet Pdnted to matclr Gun lvletal with pinned-off halo tllumlnated dlmensional l€ttcrs. LetteE.rs I md 6' fabrkated aluminum with a bull.nore fece palntcd Matthews Erilllant Gold. Sign cablnet ls rff,nd to rupportlng rtone wall' Slgn lr poddoncd behlnd endiog boulder. NON-DIRECI ltLUMlNATlON: Halo llluminatlon rvlll be adrieved by using blue LED ltthtlng, ltlumlnatlon wlll occur alon6 the edge oI th€ stone wall, borlder and behlnd the rlgn letreE (nl8ht lllumlnatlon €xample b€low ritho. EOULDERS: ErbthS boulder and Placed bouldcr wlll randwldr rfin nall ln e ctettercd orbntatlon. SIGN AREAT 11 rquat€ fe€t '..--- NOTEi Foundadon required {or thlc dgn typ€. Fbottng should be phnned for irutallatlon prlor to 2008 Wnter ground freezlng. NlSht Renderint .'1' '; ;r', !:' { I I il' i"'i ,f PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: ST-4.2 l-'-,nr- j u$t cASCrDt ltsorI DEFINITION: Eulldins ld€ntmcatlon SlcN DESCRIFIION | 20 1ly x 1' deoq PlnnGd'off febrlcated l.tter3 Palnted to match Gun Metal. NON.DIRECr IIUMINAIION: Halo ltlurnlnadon wlll bc achlcwd by uslng blu€ tED Itghtlng. lllurnlnetlon wlll occu behlnd thc tbn letten (nltht lllumlnrdon eremPle belwv dgh0. WPEFACE: Opdmr Dcml S|GN AREA: /10.5 rquar€ fc€L Nlght R€nderlng ST-8.1 VAIL CASCADE -l-l_-'- At PORTE COCHERE RESORT f -:=^':.: I T-l i' DEf lNfTlON: Burin€rs SlSn SIGN DtSCRfPtfON;7 x2'1t2' kP Pinned'sft febricaH htte6 palnEd Matbewr Brllllant Cold. NON-DIRECI ll.tUMlNATlONr tlalo lllumlnrtlon wlll be achlewd by udng blue LED lightlng lllumlnatlon will occtr behlnd the Cgn lctbts (nlght illumlnatlon oomPle belor rlght), TYPEFACIT Op$ma Dcml SIGN ARtAr 6 rquar€ leeL Nltht Rendsrint Day Renderlng ST-8.2 CONFERENCE CENTER IDENTIFICATION DEFINITION: Eusimsc SiSn SIGN DESCRIFIION:7'f,at cut aluminum letten pelnted to match Cun Mettl' Flwh mounted to bulldlnt fagade uCng concealed fastenen and sili'cone. TYPEFACE: Optlma Demi slGN AREA| 9.5 tquarc fe€t dcoxrr.: VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL: ST-C.1 rt t;{ 'rl t.tf DEf lNtTlON: Direcllonal Sitn'ExemPt SIGN DESCRIPTION: 'l' 10'X 3'2" aluminum slgn panel palnted to rnatdr Gun Metal. 3' 3M Whlre Reflective vlnyl epplled to slgn prnel rurfac€' Sign panel ls plnned-off the face of boulder and wraPe rround the fiont edge' Slgn panel ls mounted with conc€aled f$tenert NON-DIRECI IIIUMINATION: Hdo lllumlnation wlll be achieved by uslng blue LED llghtlnt. lllumlnatlon wlll occw behind the slgn prnel (nlght llluminrtlon ersmPle bel.nv dgh0. ATTERNATE LTTIER APPLICATION: Routed sEncihcut letG6 backed wlth opaque $tite ecry'lc SoutoER: No effecL SIGN ARE rr! 5.8 square fueL h lr 5rlI i;' Day Renderlng VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL: ST-C.2 Day R€ndering Df FINITION: Dlrecdonal Sltn-Ex€mPt SfGN DESCRf FIfON | 2' 4'1t2" X g duminum tiSn Panel Palnled to match Gun Metal.3' 3M Whltc Ref,ectlve vtryl applted to cgn Prnel turfacz' Sign panel b plnned-off the face of boulder rnd wrrpo atound tlre front edgr' Sign panel is mounted with concealed fatten€F. NON-DIRECI lttUMlNATlON: Halo lllumlnrtion wtll be achlewd by using blu€ LED llgitlry. lllumlnatlon wlll occur b€hitd th€ Ctn Prnel (nltht lllumlnallon example below rlghD, ALTERNAfE IETIER APPL|CATIONT Routed stencll-dt lettert backed wlth opaque white acryllc BOULDER! No effect SIGN AREA 12 squarc feel {r WALL MOUNTED DIRECTIONAL: ST-D.1 :' j: "df ." {' DEFINITIONT Ex€mpt gt "*|{ ,ff slcN o€scRlFrloN: 1/{ Plate alwnlnum Pstnd}rtatthe$E MEl0191 to match de* bronze nretrlllc fnbh. C-ogy to be etched .nd pelnt'fill€d Maflficr'r Brllllant Gold. Mount uCnS concaled mechanlcelfrrteners end dlicme' POOL WALL MOUNTED DIRECTIONAL SICN s T- D.2 SIGN D€SCRlfnON: l/y Pbb etun{nu|n Flnlld lAtbtrt MP,10191 to ||Etdl derk brqrze mctrllc frdd;. CoPy to b. ed|td drd Flnt'flld tdtttlE$ aflhnt Gold. Mount ld|{ vtls t F tA cd||tsctott rftahrG Sho T.8.O' brrcd on nmc of r€ataurafrt COURTYARD TENANT & AREA IDENTIFICATION: ST-E CASCADT DEflNlTloN! Bu3inesf SlSn SICN D€SCR|PI|ONr 7'flet cut ilumlnum letGrs pelnted to metch Gun Metal' Flu:h mounted io bullding fagde udng conceeled fartcnen and slllcone' TYPEFACE: Optlma Demi CASo{Dt B LtnOOM- 5'5 iquete f€ct CONFERENCT CTNTER- 5.5 square fect (x2) iTIARKET & CAFE- 4 tquste feet RESoRT SHOP- 3.5 rquare ftet SAttRooM MArcT r c fI rt{)tt sHoP CONTTRENCf CENTER CARACE ENTRANCE & EXIT: ST-F Third Level ParkinS Entraoce q rr{i SIGN DESCRIPTION: 10" fat qlt aluminum lette6 Painted to match Gun Metal' Flush mount€d to buildlng faqede using concealed lasteners and silicone' TYPEFACE: Optima Demi lmprov€ tu€st exP€rience at garage entry' RECOMMENDATIONS; e Paint all parklnt equlPment (includlnt boolh) -Metallic Eronze' r More Coke nradrine inslde garage. . R€Pair curbs, Second Level ParkinS Entrance ORIENTATION MAPiDIRECTORY: ST-H SIGN DtSCnFrION: Alumlnum dlrectory cabinet Painted ['tatthet6 MElol91 io matdr dark bronze metalllc finlsh- Header coPy to b€ €tched and Print'filled Matth€ws Brilllant Gold. Hlnged door with high steryrh tlass end key lock 4'colot dlgltal prlnt wlth maP and llst of ameni$es apPlied to alumlnum backer' I TENANT BLADE SICN: SIGN OESCRIPIION: 1/4 Phc alunkrum Pdnbd MrtlhG*! MP2tn91 to mrtch derk brunzr rretalltc nnfl Copy lo te crCroa 3d P.lot'il|ed Mrtdr'tvr Btflhnt Gold. Morntlng herdmrc P.ldbd A,lttf|otrt Ermmt Gold. Fa8 mount to $|.ll rurhce urlng conoealed fasbnc* 1+ PROJECT IDENTITY PLAQUE,ST.K & MENU BOARD, ST-Q ST-K PROJECI IDENTfrY PhQUE:1/{ y'.te rluminum Palntld l{rtthew6 MP20191 to m.kh dark bronz€ m.tdtlc finl$. Copy to bc etch€d and Palnt-ftllod tltatt'tG$t Srllllant Gold. Mount udng concerlcd mcchmlcd farten€R ald slllcon€' NoTE: Restaurant and Pub logosio be determined' I ,l F St-Q MENU BOARD: Alumlnum dlroctory cablnet palnted Mattheti6 MF20191 to matdr dark bronze metelllc finlsh. Hlnged door wlth hlgh rtrength glag and key bck. a-color dldtd Ptrlnt wlth menu ltelE applled to alumlnum becker'.{fr POOL & SPA RULES, PERSONAL BEHAVIOR, MAX CAPACITY, NO NO DIVING: ST-1, ST-M, ST-O, ffi HYCIENE & RUNNINC ST.P glGN DESCRImON: 1/a' plrt |hrnrlrrum pdnted ltlatd|avr MPH!191 to mndl dark brona mctrltrc lntch. Copy o bc cchcd ild pdttt-frlhd rrr.trhgvt Btl$ant cdd. Liormt udlu conce.bd ;cduttlcd frrbnerr ld con tn cdon adheclt. T- 1'{r L TELEPHONE KIOSK & INFORMATION SICN ST.N i 1C J_ 1- SIGN OEgCRIPTION: SIGN R/\QUE-l/4 Plate aluml|xrm Pdnt d tlt tlhel'tt! MEl0191 to matdr &rk U.mze nretaltlc tnfh. CoPy to bc ctch€d and P|lnt'fill€d Mit$et||3 Btllllent Gold' Wall-mdnd Pliquer wllh mechmlc.l hrtanen. PHONE KIOSK- Fabrlcabd alumlnum klork pelntrd lirenhctw MP20191 to mltc'lr dark bronze mstalllc ftnbh. Mklng tcrlc| K-140o-6'EwP Hot'une Panel Phonc wlth lGypad to be Iniet Into kloik s4" o.l cener. Slgn pleqt|. to be Inr't lnto kl6k 38' fro.n bottom of kioik. LEGEND I.INFINITYEDGE POOL. /-2.NEWSPA. 3. TREB UTALL IIRE FEIITURE ... 4.BMNCTIWALLFIRIPEAn,RE, 5.NEWPOOLDECK. 6. NEW DINING TERRACE 7. CABANAS. 8. LAWN SEATING. 9.ADARAMP. IO. TOWBL STORAGE. II. GRAND STAIRCASE. 12. CAFE SEATINC. I 3, PRIVATE PATIO DECKS. 14. EXSTING BOULDER WALL 15. GORE CREEK BIKB PATH I I I I I I --+.--t --.-e _8r]fi .9u 69 C@ 6E gE gE ES F t o a lrJ E [rJ o () (r) o J !f;:ll. r :E:!lii!:=:rt:rr z' z: "'-- Eiiiliiui CREEX SIDE 91E Ptl}{ LOT"ER LEVEL BRANCH '/VALL LOCA LEVEL BMNCH WALL LOCATION EACH SQUARE IS 6'X6' PROJECT BRANCH AND TREE WALL CLIENT: VAIL DATE: MAY 6, 2008 BY: NIC SPITLER @ coPyRtGHT ALL RtGHTs REsERVED c0tot{00 cor$RUCTI0lt C0tP :H2 PoA AVE Ereo&F, NY | 1205 | 7 | 8.399.2233. F 7 | I 391t.2237 ftnhaur.con PPER BRANCH WALL LOWER BRANCH WALL LOCAT|oJ PROJECT: BRANCH AND TREE WALL CLIENT: VAIL OATE: MAY 6,2$8 BY: NIC SPITLER @ coevnrcnr aLL RTGHTS RESERVED c0l.0lrt0 coxstRuc 0L conP 342 Pak AVE Brcol{n NY I1205 f 7 1 8,399.2231' F 7 1 8.399.2237 ftlrhotutr.canr PROJECT CASCADE RESORT CLIENT: VAIL DATE: JUNE 9,20O8 BY NIC SPITLER @ coPYRtGHT ALL RTGHTS RESERVED c0t0||t0 c0xsrRUcTtoi c0RP 342 Pak A\t Brooldyrl NY I 1205 T 7 | 8.399.?233. F 7 1 8.399.2?37 {lntcot0lx.corn PROJECT CASCADE RESORT CLIENT: VAIL DATE: JUNE 9, 2008 BY: NIC SPITLER O COPYRIGHTALL RIGHTS RESERVED C0L0l'l BO COIISTRUCTI0II C0RP 342 Pq* AVE BrooHyr, NY 1 1205 1 7 1 8.399.2233. F 7 1 8.399.2237 firefoolurc.com PROJECT CASCADE RESORT CLIEM: VAIL DATE: JUNE 9,2fl)8 BY NIC SPNLER @ CoPYRGHT ALL RTGHTS RESERVED colorlo coxsttugTlox GotP 3a2 Fdl AYI B.ooldF, l.lY I 1205 | 7 | 8.*9.2233. F 7 | I 3.n.2237 ffr:bdur,om PROJECT BRANCH AND TREE WALL CLIENT VAIL CASCADE RESORT DATE: JULY 31. 2008 BY: NIC SPITLER o CoPYRTGHTATL RTGHTS RESERVED LOWER BRANCHWALL 3OO,OOO BTU BURNER cot 0r!0 coxsTRucTror coRP 342 Po* A\E Itoolfui. ilY I l2O5 | 718.399.2233. F 718.399.2237 finrlsafuits.cort PROJECT BRANCHAND TREE WALL CLIENT: VAIL CASCADE RESORT DATE: JULY 31, 2008 BY NIC SPITLER @ CoPYRTGHTALL RTGHTS RESERI/ED UPPER BRANCH WALL c0l0rl0 c0xsTRucTrox coRP 342 Po* AVE Brcollm, NY I l2O5 T 7 | 8.399.2233. t 7 | 9.399.2237 ftnhotres.con 3OO,OOO BTU BURNER PROJECT BRANCH AND TREE WALL CLIENI VAIL CASCADE RESORT DATE: JULY 31,2008 BY NIC SPITLER O GoPYRTGHT ALL RTGHTS RESERVED TREEWALL 3OO,OOO BTU BURNER c0t0r!0 coftsrtuc 0i coRP 342 Po* A\E Broollfn NY I l2O5 T 718.399.2233. F 718.399.2237 lircfrolurs.com h L",m 713rloE 6:20 na q @ 4 e E g e @ r E ,"ut$ 6r trFr rf rrft fi lt'.qn | *r I tu'.l tu j, lca P.tc f of f r2oflr:e 7/3lroE 5:20 Ptl tt h - q @ @ C q @ il @ @ @ Horlzonlal Conen Slecl B.anch Wall A 3O'l long oy 9ll rtqf curvec ta'rgle o ste€l br.rrrtes c-ts througF 'the landscape and hovers atop a shatlow collectrng pool The pool rs lrlled w(h pebtles m vanegaled shades ol whte Acu'ved burner lor gas rs h,'Jden among the brarirhos tor day or nrghl qrrtor' The surlace ol tho pool rnay be e her stll and r€llectve oI undulaie n endless tipptes lrom a watet agitatof The pool may also b€ closgn€d so waler cascades over hdden subqade sBll €dqes giMng the sound ol rushrng wal€r lrom a hEoen eurce Q rt.S db htF: r rnrcf cftins-cornrg.ldYrftcrcolne|rt-fu -f JpC Peec I of I