HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE CASCADE CREEK UNIT N LEGALTOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 wL11 ce11----> DEPARII4EIIT OF COMMT'NITT DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON .JOBSITE AT AI..L TIMES ELE TRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0114 3, 700 .00 'lrrr'r,ralr'ttaii*lrt*rt.ttrrttti,rti'lttrt'rttr*tlttt*'}tttrrtrtrttr*tt FBB SWMARY rtttr't'***lrrrrl*tt*tt"rt*'t**,'ttt*tt*rttiii+ Elcctrlc.l--->72.OO Tot.l calcuLal€al Fces--->?9.OO Addlglonal F..a---------> .00 To!.1 Pcloits F.!--------> ?5'oo prlmcnEg-------- 75.00 BAtArilcE DUE---- .00 .IOb AddTESS: 1333 WESTHAVEN DR I,OCAEiON...: 1333 N WESTHAVEN DR Parcel No. . : 2L03-L2L-L7-003 Project No. : PRiI99-0113 APPLIEAI{T DOTTBLE DIAIqOIID SERVICESp. o. Box L452, EDWARDS, CO 81532 CONTRACTOR DOI]BLE DIAIIOIID SBRVICESP. O. BOX 1452, EDWARDS, CO 8L632 OIINER MCMAHAN ,IOHN T & IJYNN G -ifT 52 AINrRE RD, ST. CHARLES IL 50174 Description: EL,ECrRICAL, FoR BASEMENT ADDITION DR8 F.. Inv.rtigaLion> .00 Status..,: ISSITED Applied..: 07/n/1999 rssued...: 07/L4/L999 Ercpires. . : OL/LO/2OOO Phone z 970-925-6202 Phonez 970-926-6202 Valuation: 3.O0 TOrAr, REES---> 75.00 ar.ratt],rrtira,r,r trtf*taarlrtai*rtalrlrrttttttt*!rrt *.trrttata*tttrttttt'rttir tritartttttl it *ttttt*rt'r"trrrrrt'ta' Item: 06000 ELEC1TRICAL DEPARTITE!{T -P-ept: BUILDING Division: 6i7Iz t7555-unt'l------ -ection,- AFDn appnovED ilPrrr-rtem: 05500 FrRE DBPART!{ENT Dt'pt: FrRE Division: 6i7 ii ti655-,rfrfr'- ---fctioiil appn w/a a*!rtarf* tt*r+r** rrrl,ri.rirrrrrtt*t.'af,rr att*ttrlt**rtt*rr*,r*tr tr*ttf.tt*i trtt*tt*ttrrJ*tt*t*rir.rtt*rtrtt 'rtttt tt *ttia*ttrtt*' t*tl*trt*lt EONDTTION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE RSQUIFSD TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. DECI,ARA'TIONS r h.r.by .cknorl.dg. thag r hrv. rcad chL. rpplicecion, flll€d ouE in full ch. inforlrrtLon rcquir'd, cotlplcrcd rn acculltc Plob plrn, .nd ttrt. Ehtt .rr ch. lnforErElon provid.d ea rrquircd lF cotr€ct. r agr.e go couply itibh lhc infomrtion rnd p1ots phn' go conply !{ith rtl Torlt ordlnlticc. and a€rEc lar., lnd ro bultd !hi6 Etrueeur. accolding !o ts}tc Totn'. zoning end 'ubdLvl'tlon cod.., d..lgn rcvl,rv approvrd, uniforu Building cod. rnd o!h6! ordinancc. of th€ Eo{tl Epplic.blc th.r.to' RBOUBaT8 FoR rNspEcrloNs gHAIJL BE !,!ADE TwE$f,y-ForrR Hot RE rN AD\aNcE BY TEr,EPttollE AT {?9-213s oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM 8r0o A}l s:00 PM llld Ol VlIl,' OlOntDO gsrg.urE at|'flattt.taatttta'rtlart!r.tt.tattttrto.lttatritltrttralrti+ftaattta!,ta'tatt+t lcalofc furD.rr Rtc-o5ao lDunc ! 7E.oo oTll,lltt lle.L1 9ryDrB l|Choatr Cf trotrglon! '900/DBIJ DffmD Inr.t 3 itN FonlC lfo: lt9-01rr lYD. ! E-tGlc llllcm,Icrtr, PlR rr l.ro.l f,o, 2103- 121-17-001 !Ia. ldd!..r I 1313 nifn|rvlt m IJoc.tt dr: 1ll3 I tflalnvlf, m ToErl 1..a, t8.00 tblr tqrrme 75.00 locrl ll.L Pucr ! t5.o0 Ll|lrcar . oo titi', ttltt ttt'rtt!atttr', trl,, *tart ta!, ttatlt ttttattratt!r aa 'ltttt t t tttilt Acocunt Codr D..cflPtlott lDunt lE 0010000l1llao0 lI|EClnICll, Pl lT tlBll 72.00 t|c 00100003112t00 tlu,L cltrJ. rtrS9lelroN tlE 3,00 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Cnnted the E glo courty Assess.rs Otrcl- d s7o-32&8640 for Parcel* Porcda i7l13.: | 0 J : l1:O03- Dare: lotNane: lTl0 Buildine( ) I*gal Dercription: Phrobin8( ) ld BlocL Jul-lZ-99 OZ:SEIP Double Oiamond Scrvicc 97(, 926 52O3 "-rt-y Filine__-.". - on,rcnxu"": IYICff)AlU'tn nu,*r' l33E lt). Neftlv'Wn bttr a or"ro*,, Dl A_. Arkhrss:-PIlorrc# -{1 ,J Descriptim of JoD | ---rc.m mLL-- Work Class: New ( )Alt+ruion fS Addiliorut() Rspdr() Oher() Numbcf of fucammodAdon UnilsNumber of lhrclling Unils: _. Nunrbcr and 'Ilpc of Fircpkucs: Cls Appliarc* BUILDING: 3 Plnnc# Grs log ., . vALUATIOt'ls ELECTRTCAL: t-3108- MECHANICAL S CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION Wmd/Psncl OTI{EK $ PLT]MBINC T TOTAL I Gcncret cnrrrrrcror: 5t , ,ry' ,r'0 A-ot,ift rcl;ad Addnss: Tovm of Vail Pcgi{tralion No. Etcc,tricel contrrctor,-brUUtg.D{0.op0dr111xl5 ladress: Towrr of Vnrl Rcgirradon No-at5-E n'o,rs*-9lElp:lo&D1- Plumblnr Cotr.ctor Addcss: Phone { -Qtl5 Ad*gEr; Plnnc # Tosr of Vsil Rcgirrtion llo, Dlccb$iarl Co.aractor: Toun dVeil Rcgirlretim No. FOR OFFICE USE P -O2 Pnmit#_ gQa -ooaQ - IobAddresc,l3A4 n). NPf+hnMn bf iU ucchenical ( )Oher( ) Subttivision CLEAN uP DEPoslT REFVND rO: -.,, .., TOIIN OF VAIL75 S. FROIIIAEB ROAD vArr.,, co 91657 970-479-2L38 ilob Address: 1333 WESTHA1TEN DRLocation...: 1333 $tesEhaven DrParcel No. . : 2LO3-L2L-L7-003 Projects No. : PRJ99-0113 APPLIEANT VAIL VALIJEY PI-'I'MBING & HEATTNGP O BOX 2048, AVON CO 81620 COtillfRACTOR VAIL VALIJEY PIJIJMBTNG & HEATINGP O BOX 2048, AVON CO 8L620OWNER MCMATIAI{ ,'OHN T & LYI{N G -iIT52 AINIRE RD, ST. CITARLES TL 60L74 DEPARII{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMBW NOTE: THrS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTB AT ALL TfMES PLI]MBING PERIT{IT Permit #: P99-0072 statua...: rssIIED Appl-ied. . z o7 /LS /L999Isgued...: 07/L5/L999 E:<pires. . : Ot/LL/2000 Phone: 970-949-777L Phone:. 970-949-7771 Deecriptionr Move washing machine box Valuation:2, 000 . 00 t+tt*rtrr*.'r*tr FEE sglotARy ..;".r"*.,*. PluDblng-----t Plrn Chlck- - - > lnv. at l grt l on > ttill cr1l----> Raaturlant Plan Ravier-- > rorll, FEEa- - - -- tot.l crLcul,.t.d Fc.r-- - > AddiElonal fa6.---------> To!.I Pclnits F..--------> Pryuant B - - - - - - - - 30.00 ? .50 .00 3 .00 .00 40.50 t0.50 {0 .50 a0.so,,,*,,*,,**,**. .,...-...,1HS.?H;;,;;;;.:.;i,.".."".,,..;::".. Ilqmi .05100 BurLDrNc DEpARrrr{ENT Depr,: BurLDrNe Division:97/L5/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR ADDroved Der-Kl{/otc{te.m: .05500_FIRE DEPARII4EI\}T -DepE,:'FIRE Division:07/Ls/L999 KAlrry nCr{oril AppR N/A .rtll r a *t rtar r rrrr rr * rrr rr *. rt r 'r !r ra J.r trlr aa rr * * J +,r rr r * * *J *rrfl'a *r t,,,,,r i i.r r i ri CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLTAIICE. *al,?ttttatttat*ttit!lJt'rtttrltttrtttt|,ttlaraarr'rtatr*aa*irrrrr. *.rr.rrar,rafrrrairr.at,,itr|,tiatrr'rrr*a*rrtrrt,rrr*tra* DECLAXATIONS I harahry rcknorladg. chrt l hrv. raad uhi.. rpplicrcion, flll.d out ln full thc lnforErgl,on rsqulr.d, conpL.L.d .n .ccurac. plo! Plan, and .lac. that .Ll ch. lnfor! tlon provld.d r. rcquirod l. corr.ct. I .9r.. t9 coriply vlth th. LnforErtsl.on rnA lrloc pl.n,to conply Yifh rll Town ordinmccr rnd !!r!a 1w!, |nd Eo bulld thl. rlrucgu!! eccordlng to lhG torn, ! zonlng end lubdlvi.ioncod.!, d.3lgn rcvlcv epprovcd, ttnlforn Butlding codG End otshr! ordlnrncet of rh. Tavn appllcablr REQOEST9 FOR ItfsPEelIONlt SHIITI] BE ti,tADE Tt{EltTf-rOUR HOrnS IN.}DVAICE BI lll 5,00 Pl'! OR COMIRAC!IC)R FOR AIID OI{I|BN **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO statennE t***************************************************!t**:l******** statemnl Number: R3e-0540 ArnounE,: Palment Method: CIIECK Notation: #18571 40.50 07/L5/99 13:30 Init: KMW Permit, No: P99-0072 Tlpe: B-PLIi{B PLIJI{BING PERMTT Parcel No: 2103-121-17-003 sit.e AddfeBs: 1333 I,{ESTHAVEN DR Locat,ion: 1333 Wegthaven Dr Total Feea:40 .50 'I'lris Payments 40.50 ToEaI A'Lr. t{nts: 40 ' 50 Balance: -00 ******************************:r********************************* AccounE Code De6cription Amount 30.00 7.50 3 .00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLIJMBING PERMIT FEESpF 00100003112300 Pr.,AtiI CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJL CALL INSPE TION FEE rusqq- olt3 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INX'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TEE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Pa,cet# 2Ji3-lZJ. /-7- Oo3 Building ( ) Legal Description: Lot totNa "' tThtrotnt- 1 dil57. t*mx"r* tjtZ3 h)zfrlAa,ua,l,Vrz Plunbing(4 Electical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Filing_ Subdivision omersName: MeN\nhAn Address: H:::,T#ffi tr; VALUATIONS FTFCTRICAL: $ Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: tt n" d Alteration ( ) BUILDING: $ PLTJMBING $__242-,__MECHAMCAL $ Generd Contractor: Additional( ) Repair( )Other( ) of Accommodation Units: tlaD O wood/Petretl\lQ4fu!. OTHER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # E!@..1@:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbine Contractor:Address: Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Town of Vail Registration No . I | 1l- P pno"" Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: l:i'. TO: FROM: DATE: SL'BJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CIJRRENTLY REGISTERED WTIH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMLJNITY DEVELOPEI\dENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $.2-10: DEPOSITS ON PLIBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEL A, Unlawfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any penon to liuer, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or depositd sand, gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snoq ice, or any other debris or material upon any stree( sidewal\ alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the samg top remove such san4 gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may c:urse any such sand, gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expens€ ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any wat€r mairq sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurt€nance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safetyl and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in zubsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the salme, rnay be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said'violatioqs, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Secdon l4-l of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereo{ and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incuned by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: ,^*,41sf-- TOWN OF \TAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGB ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARI1!Er{| OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AI.T SFR BUII.,D PERMIT ifob Address: 1333 WBSTIIAVEN DRLocation...: 1333 N. westhaven Drive Parcel No. . : 2LO3-1'2]--17-003Project No- : PR^i99-0113 APPLICANT SI'}IDIAI, CONSTRUCIION, LLC P.O. BOX 2222, EDIiIARDS, CO 81632 COIiI'TRACTOR SI'}IDIAI, CONSIR.UETION, IJLC P.O. BOX 2222, EDWARDS, CO 81532OWNER MCMAHAN .JOIIN T & LYlitN G -iIT 52 AINTRE RD, ST. CHARLES IL 50174 Description: Convert basement,/crarrlspace to st,orage area. Occupancy: R3DIIP New Duplex Tlpe Construct,ion: V N r)rI)e v Non-Rated Valuation: .'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiL #: 899-0099 Status...: ISSITEDApplied..: O4/28/L999Issued...: 05/26/L999 E)cpires - -: 1L/22/L999 Phone t 970-926-9LL5 Phone: 970-925-9LL5 330 *Of Gad Logs:flof Wood/Pall€t t TotsaI ca1cul.L6d FGca---> 424.75 ON Fl,r6pLace 12, 000 R.rtrlcg.d. y Add sq Fr: *Of ca€ Aptrrlirnc.. r Bulldlng-----> PL.n dreck---> Invc6tigagion> Iti11 call----> 165 , OO 107.25 . o0 3.O0 .oo .00 {9.50 100 ,00 424.7s 424.75 124.75 .00 FB8 SI'I'I'ARY Re9tuarants glan Rcvi.r*--> DRB Fec--------- Rccleat,ioD Feo---- - ---- -> Cl.an-ttr D.po6it-- - ---- -> ToreI, FgEs----- Additsional Fcc6- - -- -- --- > ToEal PerEit FcG-------- > Payuenua------- BAIANCE DT'B. -.. Item: 0510 os / 04/L999os/26'/L999Item: ,0540 05 / 04/L999Item: 05500s/04/L999It.em: 05500s/04/L999 0 BUILDING DEPARTITTENTKATIIY AcLion.: NO:TE GGOODETL AcIion: APPR0 PLANNING DEPARTIT{EI{TKAflTY AcLion: APPRO FIRE DEPARTMENTKATITT ACTiON: APPRO PI'BI.,IC WORKSKATI{Y AcLJ-on: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Ca-ry Depts: PLAIINING Division: DepE: FIRE Division: Dept,: PIJB WORK Division: Routed tso N/A N/A N/A ti*ittlttarlfr*ir*|r*tlr*tJtrratra*r****itr*ra**rrtrtrtlr*r*r*r* r**rtrttrriirltir**'r*trta**tta See Page 2 of t,his Documents for any condit,ions thaE may apply tso this permiE,. DECI,ARATIONS r h€r6by -cLnorl.dg. gh.t I h.v. rc.d thiE applic.tion, fillqd outs in full thc inf,olDalion rcquircd, coEpl.!.d rn .cculrcc plo! plen, end .t.c. thrt all th. inforu.tion providsd a€ rsquir.d i. corr.cts. I aglee tso couply riCh Ch. inf,oru.cion and plot plin, Eo cmply *ith all totn ordLn.ncc! and state 1ars, .nd co build this slruetsure according to tbc Torn's zoning attd eubdivision co&6, dcaign rcwiar rpprovcd, lrnif,oro Bui!.dinE codc and oeh6r ordinanc.s of t'h€ Toyn REQnESTS FOR TNSPECTIOnA SHAT L BB tnDE mBSTr-ForrR HOrnS Ilf ADVI!|CB By TELEPI{OIfE s6nd Cl..n-I+r D.Po.i! lo: gundi.l Con.tluction th.rato. Page 2*********************************:l**********:r*************************:r********* COI{DITIONS Permit, #: 899-0099 as of 05/26/99 St,atus---: ISSI'ED ***:l*****:l:l**:t**********!t**************************:l:l*************************** PermiE, [lge: ADD/AL,T SFR BUILD PERMITapplicant-- : SIINDIAL CONSTRUCTION, IJLC 970-926-9LL5 Job Address: 1333 WESTmVEN DRLocation---: 1333 N. Westhawen Drive Parcel No-- : 2L03-L2I-17-003 Applied--: 04/28/1999 Issued--- z O5/26/1999 To E:qpire: lL/22/L999 Description: Convert basements,/crawlspace Eo sEorage area. ************************************** COndiEiOnS ****************************** 1 . FrEtD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE CltrlPtrAr[CE.2. SMOKE DHTEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN AII, BEDROOMS AI{D EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.L 0F THE 1997 tBC.3. AIL WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDAIVCE WIIT{ THE APPLICABTE PROVTSTONS OF TEB 1997 I,MC, 1995 NBC, 1997 IJMC OR 1998 rMC, 1994 T]PC OR 1997 IPC AS ADOPTBD BY TIIE TOWN OF VAIL. 7 -tAPtl s-gs 12.o1 FRoM: Tov-coIr-DEv-DEpr, r D,s"a4?s 24s2 ^SgE^ 6/rp, " __r1.Dr+t-otl3TOWI{ OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFORMA:trON MUST BE COMPIJTE ORISEAPPLICATION WTLL BE REIECTED Cootad the^Eqle Courry Assessorc Office et 970-328-8U0 for Paret # Pocel # Pcrmit# Job Nanc:Job Address: hrildi"cX Legal Descripion: Plunbing( ) Lor Block Elecuical ( )Mechanical ( ) Filin- Subdivision Clher( ) U %( ?pda, fzlre p//22 ,dddress: Phone # Address: Phone #-@ FoR OFFTCE |lSF APR 2 i, 1999 SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGMTURE: oenemuane:40/%i,0il- ndaress:52,4i/ra< H. St(hntz<ft. phorc#232-S(*/Al// o,*ir*r,,4u,/-7a?- ^e"E PA t222 EA,Ep/s CA ftDnd?2a!7>,$J6:? Descripion of Job; WqrkClass: Nen ( ) jyali*X Additional( ) Repak( ) Other( ),/y /\ ,4 Nuabet of Dwelling Vruts ,J4 Numbcr of Accommodad onlJnts; - V' Number and r1pe. orrircpracJs: c." Awti^r,*--Jd- crstogs-Z- \Yooi;Peilq;d- 3ffHfa'i 4W Gcncrsl Contr?ctor Toum of Vail Regisu:rtiqn No. Electricd Cortraqtpr: Towo of VaiI Regist'aion No. Pbnbine Contr-tgtor: To*o of Vail Regimadon No. Mechanicel Contractor: Tolrn of vail Regissadon No. VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: s 7A OTHER; TOTALMECI{AMCALS-' g_- CONTRACTOR INFORMAT]ON Phone # .Addrcss: Pbone # AeF.. 1s-99 12rOl FROI!. TO\,-COi'|-DEV-DEPT.tD,9?[,4752452 PAGE ?/ IE TO: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WT[{ TI{E TOWN OF VAIL FROM: TOWI{OFVAILPITBUCWORKSANDCOMMUNTTDEVELOPEMENT DATE: JAIIUARY I, l9e9 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTIONPARKINGAI]DIvIAIERIALSTORAGE CODE 52-10: DEPOSITS ON PIJBLICwA,yS PROEIEITED A. Unlawfrl deposis: Subject o subsection C thereof, it is uDlaqftI for ary person to litter, tack or deposit, or c:luse to bc liuered, tracked or depositd sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, moq ice, or any otber debris or material upsn :uy $recq sidewalK alle-v or public placg or anyportion thcreof. B. Notice; Abat€ment: The Director of htblic Works may notifr and require ury pcrson who violates or ct'ses aaodrer to violate the provision ofsubsection A hereo,f. or who has in the Director's emplo.wcat a pcrson vvho violates or causes anothec to violate the sanrg top remove such sand, gravel, rock+ mud, dirt, srow, ice or asy othcr debris or marerial withia twerty four (24) hours after receipt of said noticc by the Direaclr of Public Works. In 6e eveil the person so notifid does not comply uith the ncice withiu the period oftjme hereis specified, the Director of Public Wor*s, or uher arrdrori"ed rgettt may cause any uch sand, gravel rrcks, mud, dirt, sow, ice, debris or any other rnaterial to be removed from any street or alley attls el<pense of the notified. C. Exceptions: Thc prwisiora of srbsection A hereof sball aot be applicable:l. Within the imrnediue area of any constuction, rnainteoance or re,pair project of any sreet or alley or of any u/aler mar4 sewer main, elecaicity liae, gas linq telephone line or any appurt€nance rhereto;2. To dcposirs of sand din or naterials necessarl'for the protectioo of the public safety: and3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said matrrials- D. Summons; Penalgv: As aa alrerrurive ro the notice for reinoral provided in srbsgion B above, any person who violates or Gruses aaotler to violare the saarg rnay be issued a smsrons to appear bdore rbe Municipal Court oftbe Tounr for said violations, and upon being found guifty of a violadon hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4- I of rtris code.E- Notice; Penatty: It is unlaqrfirl for any persou to hil or refuse to comply wirh tbe oodce of the Dircctor of Public Works as provided ia subsection B hcrco{ and any srcb person shall, in addition to palment of the e(pense of removal incurred by &e Dirocror of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being fornd guilty ofa violarion herer,ruder, be punisbableas providcd in Seqion l4-I ofrhis C,ode. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Readandacknowledgedby: 2, '- I PositioorRelarionshiprohojecr: PfoZa/ -,' ,/ ; (i.e. conuaoor or ouner) / Tlrc.V/tq/ee t/ aeSts-ss)2 ! o2 FRoM: Tov-coM-DEv_DEpT, ..o K-fl\) TOWN OFVAIL Departmcnt of Commuiry Developme nt 75 Sonh Frouage Road VaiL Colorado 61657 970-479-213E FAX 970479-2452 ro =9?@47924s2 PAGE 8/ IE BUIIJING PERMIT ISSUAI{CE TIME TRAME IfrhispermitrequiresaTormofVailFireDepartrneotApproval'Engneer's(PublicWorks) review and approval, a Planning DepartnCnt rwieqr- of Healrtr Dcparunerrt reriew, aod a review bytheBuildingDc'partmert'theestimatedtimeforatoalrwiw.mayukeaslongast}rree(3) weeks, All comrnercial (large or srnall) and all multi-family permits will bave ro follow the above meotioned mavjmum requirenrents. Resideotiai arrd small projecrs should take a lesscr amoum of timc. Hon'ever, if resideatial or smaller projecrs impaa tbc various abovo menrioned departmems wir! regard to necessary renieu', rhese projects may also take tho three (3) weck poriod. Every. a[empr will be made by r]ris deparunent o expedite lbis permh as soon as possible' I, the undersiped- understand the PIon Check proccdure arrd timC 6anre' I also understand tbat if thepermitisnotpickedupbytheexpirariondare,t}ralmustsciilpaythePlanCbeckFeeand tbat if I fait to do so it may affect funrre pcrmits rhat I apply for' Agrccd toby: hojectName: o the CornmruriE' Developmelt Dept' {2onotor^"* APpi- 1"-"" 12, @2 ppgy, TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.lD,9?@4?sJ2452 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOBNEME: MEMORANI}TIM ATI CONTRACTORS TOWN OFVAILPUBUC WORKS ]ANUARY I.1999 WHEN A .PIJBUC WAy pER.Mrr: r5 REQUIRED DATE: PI..EASE AT{SWER TIIE FOLI.oWINC QUESTIONNAIR,E REGARDING TIIE NEED FOR A*PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': l- Js rhis a nes rcsid€,loe? yTS No-/ 2. Is dernolition work being_ perfor:mcd rhar requireslc usc of the Rig[td-way, .4ccdrcrt, qptrbticpropcrt-v? yES_ NO__J/ J. 1. 5. 6. Is any urility work need€d? ES NOJZ Is thc drivcnay bciag repawd? Is a differerrt access needcd to thc site otb€r than t!€ aristing drivenny? yES No,-/ 7_ 8_ /LC Js_gf arainagg _ry* being done 6ar atreas rhe Rigbr<f-way, easemeDt$ or public property?LES_ NO_-,- Is a 'Revcable Right-oFWay pernir" requircrl? yES No-/ A. Is the Righr-o-f-way, grmears or nrblic prop€''.v to be uscd for $aging. prking or feocing? %r" -" . -$a," rW raging or fencing plan rcquired by Conrmunity Derelopnear? If yot an*cred )lES to any of these questioag a "hrblic way ltrmif' rausr bc obrained. "Pnblic way Permit" apprications oay be obuincd at ihe hrblic wo*.s offce or at commlmity Developmeil. If you have any quesrions ptease call fconard Sandora,l from Rrblic works ar 479219g. i HAVE READ AND ANSWEREDALL lIiE ABOVEQLESTIONS. PAGE S/ IB Company Name o*, /. ',