HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT COMMON HVAC LEGALTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 807-0107 3rl 6\-?l Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: CASCADE HOTEL Applied . . : 06/25/2007 Parcel No...: 210312100012 Issued. . : 0813012007 Legal Description: -pRS o-\_ o 4 c( f Expires . .: Project No : coltTRAcToR-D.P. ELECTRIC 05/09/2OO8 Phone: 97O-926-4t40 P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS co 87532 License: L19-E OhINER L-O VAIL HOI...DING INC 06/25/2007 c/o DELoITTE & ToUcHE I,I,P 555 17TH ST STE 3500 DENVER co 80202 APPLICANT PRTDE ELECTRICAL SERVICES LL O6/25/2OO7 PhONC: (9?O) 390-1050 OO89 STONEGATE CIRCLE EDWARDS co 81532 License: 342-E Desciption: INSTALL HEAT PUMPO TO EA GUEST ROOM, POWER TO BOILER, CHILLERS Valuation: $350,000.00 Square feet: 0 :* * *:r )r *:l * { *l t 'r 'l 't '1,} 'l * * a * * * * * * * + ** + * * Electrical------> S7,302.5o Total Calculaled Fees-> S?,305.50 Investigation--> 9o . oO Additional Fees---> S0 . 00 Will Call____> S3 . OO Total permit Fee_> S7, 3 05 . 50 TOTAL FEES-> S7,3os.so Payments---> 57,30s.s0 BALANCE DUE__> So . oo Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07/03/2007 SHAHN Action: COND AS NOTED ON ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS: PROVIDE C. HEAT TAPE PANEL AND INCLTIDE IN LOAD CALCUALTIONS. PROVIDE 4 WIRE FEEDER WHERE REQUIRED ON PI.,ANS. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT + * + + r + i i +t + * * t * + + CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. a rl ll * l l l ll r l + rl +rr a r r r,r r:t' t+,i t t* tl DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wift all Town ordinances md state laws, and to build this stucturp according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Inbmational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto REQI'ESTS FOR INSPDCTTON SHAII, BE MADE TWENTY.FIOT.]R HOIJRS IN ADV OR AT OI,R OFFICE FROTV{ t:(X) AM - 4 PM. OFOWNEROR FORHMSELF AND OWNER E6I-010? Town of Vail Attn: Building Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Transfer of electrical permit #E07-0107 To whom it may concern: Pride Electrical Services, LLC gives permission to transfer the electrical permit #E07-0107 to Dave Peterson Electric for the Guest Room AC and mechanical modifications to the Cascade Hotel. Dave Peterson Electric will be completing the additional work required under this permit. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you, Chad Dyson Managing Member iD) ii|[ ffiG |lV I-EL!= \Z r:- u " l|AY 0e 2008 TOWN OF VAIL Liense #5322 0089 Stonegate Circle Edwards' CO 81632'970.390.1050 tel '970.926.8995 fax' .r.ilstn;l.Frrdiele(irrrll rori: i if TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E07-0107 16o1 - o(? -l Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: CASCADE HOTEL Applied . . : 06/2512007 Parcel No...: 210312100012 Issued . . : 08/30/2007 ProjectNo : G ,] -A-Vq^a ?R-\O1-oZt(s- Expires. .: 02/2612008 OWNER L-O VAII-, HOLDING INC 06/25/2007 C/O DEI-,OITTE & TOUCHE I,I,P 555 17TH ST STE 3500 DENVER co 80202 APPITICANT PRIDE ELECTRICAL SERVICES LLO6/25/2007 Phone: (970) 390-1050 OO89 STONEGATE CIRCIJE EDWARDS L\./ AlOJZ License : 342-E CONTRACTOR PRIDE ELECTRICAIJ SERVICES LLOS/25/2007 Phone: (970) 390-1050 OO89 STONEGATE CIRCLE EDWARDS co 8L632 License z 342-E Desciption: INSTALL HEAT PUMPO TO EA GUEST ROOM, POWER TO BOILER, CHILLERS Valuation: $350,000.00 Square feet: 0 rt * * * r * *1** * * *:l:* * * Electrical---------> $?,302.50 Total Calculated Fees-> $7,3os.so DRB Fee*---> So. Oo Additional Fees-----> $0. oo lnyestigalion--> $O.OO Total Permit Fee------> $?,305.50 Will Call-----> S3.oo Payrnents------------> gz,3os.so TOTAL FEES-> S?,3os.so BALANCE DUE------> 90.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07/03/2007 SHAHN Action: COND AS NOTED ON ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS: PROVIDE C. FOR HEAT TAPE PANEL AND INCLUDE TN LOAD CALCUALTIONS. PROVIDE 4 WIRE FEEDER WHERE REQUIRED ON PLANS. Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: l-2 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in ftll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structurp according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQLTESTS FOR INSPECTION SrhLL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOITRS lN ADVAI.ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21,19 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER tttt *ttttttttt*{ t t{ atl*tttat{ t{t' { * trt{ 1*tt{'{l*t***t*+*a+*'}**ll**a+f,'|ll*a*+all'}tt*allllal * * * * | * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t'| *t*t***t*tf ***a**f ****'t**ti**ataat++Xt* tt * | rt* * * * * * t * t | | | | t * *** ** I't * *i* t* * * *,tt * *t *** * * t * * 't statement Nunber: Ro?ooo1?16 Amount: $7,305.50 O8/3O/2OO7LO:52 ASI Payment Method: Check ck 5993 Init: LT Notation: Pride Efectric / PermiE, No: 807- 0L07 Parcel No: 2103 - 121- 0001- 2 Sit,e Address: 1300 WESTIIAVEN Location: CASCADE HOTEIJ Total Fees: $7,305.50 Thia Payment: $?,305,50 ToEaI ALL Pmtsr $7,305.50Balance: $0. OO * * * *'ll{"t * * * * t *'t *l'}* * *r** * * * *t{'l1'|**'}'}*rlaaaaaa'ttall* i *}* * | * | * * * * '} 'l |} | | '} + t t * t t * 't * * | | * | | t** ** * * TYPE I EIJECTRI CAI.J PERMIT DR VAfL ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111100 vfc 00100003112800 Description ELECTRICAI PERI.IIT FEES I{ILL CILL INSPECTION FEE current IrrnEE 7 ,302.50 3.00 *m 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tF \V1 tF|:= CONTRACTOR INFORMATION AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: S 3€O O& |] U Town of Vail Reg, No.: CHlp ?vsoJve gt&1'watcNl E-Maif Addressz 9v i {e.cl <<;lv i<.a,1 Q. Co m ca.S,+. n<. COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) Assessorc Offie at 970-328-fi40 or Pa 3to3 t?l oo o t Detailed description of work: lssg{.a s.taa, o4 of )4Aa'P:-efs t) f,acl 't{eTrt-qv'84&4rn- fzovt+ 7eu>ptz- -7:o P&/ futuea-+, @z-'v'4'26.^rE/L5 4 Ag* WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel F4 Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both |d Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other X) + No. of Accommodation Units in this building: j/5-No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: it for a hot tub: Yes Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: YesDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X) No ( ) **********************r(****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****'t*:l************:t**************** F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\electical_permit_1 1-23-2005.DOC SZ:os5b TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-01l l G6-? -6(?? Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: CASCADE HOTEL Applied . . : 06/25/2007 Parcel No...: 210312100012 Issued . . : 08/2012007 Legal Description: -rc*-O -J -6 ZL(J- Expires . .: 0211612008 Project No : OlrlNER I-,-O VAII-, HOIJDING INC O5/25/2OO7 C/O DEI-,OITTE & TOUCHE LLP 555 17TH ST STE 3500 DENVER co 80202 APPr-,ICANT R & H MECHANTCAL IrLC 06/25/2007 Phone: (97O) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGI,E co 8L631 License:184-M coNTRACToR R & H MECHANICAL LLC 06/25/2007 Phone: e1o) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGI.,E co 8l_53L L,icense: L84 -M Desciption: NEW BOILERS HEAT XCHANGERS, PUMPS COOLING TOWERS Valuation: $750,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restsicted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 ++.+**+{+:lil'!t,l*t':rl|+''li.+'t.'|+.*|t.l|'tt*ttt:t*'|*.il**l't*t*'l{*'f|*t Mechanical---> g15,ooo.oo Restuaranl Plan Review-> go.oo Total Calculated Fees--> S18,?s3.00 Plan Check---> $3 , 7so . oo TOTAL FEES-------> gt8, ?s3 . oo Addiaional FEes----------> 90 . 90 lnyestigstion-> $0 . 00 Total Permit Fee-----> S1S, 753 . 00 Will Cdl--> $3.00 Payments---------> 918,7s3.00 BALANCE DUE-----> $o. oo t t t,t l l *a l l tt at + tt +l * +'l lr *tl* t *l,l t* Ifem: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 08/]-6/2007 jplano Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMc AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOhIN OF VAIL, Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOTILER INSTAIJLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHAL,,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 rFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 oF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. LINLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FI,,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMTT,PIJANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOIL,ER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF I-,IQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1"004.6. l i it t i i * t:i it *i i * a DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SIGNA 2149 0R A ':'y*''"" ELF AND OWNER * t * *'t*'t't ** ** * * l atl***r*'i***'l * 'l f 'f 't'tl tr * ****tll't{'tl{l{' {' l"tt {"t *'l' * r*ll*t{'**t**ll***t*************f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment {'i * i * 'a 'l * 'l ** * * l l' l * i 'l !t t t i l' t{' l' l l * 'l't * * l t *!t'l tataaatt+ta***r*t******f f **r**tt****tt*t*t*tttt***{'** Stat,ement Number: R070001576 Amount: $18,753.O0 08/20/200709:47 AItl Palment Method: Check Init: DIX9 Notation: R & It Mechanical :.27:-g Permit No! M07-0111 T14re: MECHAIiIICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-121-0001-2' Sl.te Address: 13OO WESTHAVEN DR VAIIJ IJocation: CASCADE HOTEIT Total Fees: $18, 753.00 Thi6 Payment: $18,?53.00 Total AIJIJ pmts: 91"8,?53.00 Balance: S0.00 + * + I *'i* t * * * * * I l*al***'l*'l +*a*'}aal| i*l*ai** * * * * *'itttt'.t * *i* * | + * * * *tt!i**** *dr * * **** f*****tt{' * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current pmts MP O O ]. O O O O 3 1 1 1 ], O O IiIECHANICAI, PER"I4IT FEES'PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJA}I CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAIJI' INSPECTTON FEE 15, 000 .00 3, ?50.00 3.00 I0mf0r 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Contact Assessorc OflTce at *********x************ 97 O - 47 I -2L49 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scaleX Mechanical Room DimensionsX Combustion Air Duct Size and Location )tr Flue, Ventand Gas Lane Sizeand Location rt/e D Heat Loss Calcs.- .K Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION or vislt forParcel # LY*********x**********x***** JUN 14 2007 TOWN OF VAIL Mechanical Contractor:(,1l-l H*aua,.rrcx- Town of Vail Reg. No.: tgLt - |'4, Contact Person and Phone #'s:Sutr Yaupw E-MaifAddress: Sqdfiy eLanlhne,rlna,n,i,0,i.cnw.r Fax#: na6-j?,8-A231 "\T5r bor & Materials IN \\ coilIPLEtt VALUATIoN FoR MECHANICAL PERMIT f, MECHANICAL: $ 75O,0OO # Job Address: /-@ t'lffl-k1'{€l Z-F/W1e5 116ms; YA/- Engineer: l-$e; t t F€bc- -/ ) ^Y,- Detaifed description of work: t'tEu) &>t L-€#/ lleqi fxz2aLnt6FP+- ?oF, let- )^-q IW Vurn t tJ fu<: WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other6() Boiler Location: Interior P4 Exterior ( ) Other (an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi{amily ( )( ) Restaurant ( ) Other (g) No. of Existing Dwelling Ufits in this building:of Accggmodation Units in this building: 3tt ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) F: \cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\mechanicaLpermit_1 1-23-2005. DOC \,e'9:--e--Ltl23l2005 ffi:Ytl CONSUTTING ENGINEERS August 29,2007 Mr. John Plano Plans Examiner Town ofVail Condensate Drain Pan Heater lnstallation For Vail Cascade Resort & Spa 1300 Westhaven Drive. Vail. CO. Dear John, The electrical desigrr for this project has been calculated so as to accommodate the installation ofthe drain pan heaters in each room ofthe facility having a heat pump installed. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, AND ASSOCTATES,INC.\fif George E. Hadji, P.E. APPROVED Community.Development Depadment rruilotng satety ancl Inspection Services 1825 Lawrence Street. Suile 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Telephone: 303-293-3800 Facsimile: 303-293-3884 E-mail: Hadji@HadjiEngr.com Re: {ubt Codc Va::aity ct pcrrnit The issuance or grantino cf e F.r:- : . ..^,j nol 0c c:::::,rcd tc bc a permit for, or an afprovai cf, aiv r;:. _.,::r ofany or r I E:o../icicns of this code or of any dther ordinanc'e cl tlr lurisdic:.:: .Ircrniis. presuming to give arjtnority to uioiatoii ".r.rr tn"provr!l::t: c ttilii cade or other ordinances of thd lurisdicticn ahi:l i1:t bevalid T,:: i-:u:n3o of a pormit based on constrli:cn J..urr,n:, onOorner c:t: : l): I n3i p:.cvenl the building official frcm requ:r.n0 lhccorrcc::c:r c' c::_:c :.1 thc ccnsiruciion documents and dthe r"C:ir. The Sectioil =(g+l- tnternationit auitoinl Coailnternailonat R3!:idnniial b.uildln3 cllicr*l i: ali3 authorj;od to pruurni o..rp.;;y ;;-"r; ;;structuro ,,';hcro in vi an\f this code or of any bthei ordinances ofthis jurisdiciicn -bo7 -6t11 frR a;?9 PI.ANS E)(AMINER:941E: 9'-6-cl? orfi[,f'dtipv EOUIPMENT DRAIN PAN HEAT PUMP ALUMINUM CONOINSAIE DRAIN PAN trII}I A I9O SECONDARY DRAIN PAN WATT, r.65 AMP, ll5 VOLT, SELF-REGULATINC HEATER SWITCH WRED TO SHUT SYSIEM OOSI,I IF IIOtSruRE |s DETECTED. DRAIN PAN HEATER DETAIL m{or-ron&|Is,E ld. -trtl.r*.qtlct ||r,.rha#ridl -,t{.rtt b Frq-FF, -' rdb5Jral-.I' VAIL RESORT AND SPA GUEST ROOITS AC lA3 brrE Sl.r.l" 9i. 20hr.ldccb@ ldrthott. JOil-z9J-SoFdilc i0(t-29J-t684 TILE: UECTIAT{ICAL SCHE)UITS & DETAIIS AS t2 ORA c lr-0 rarrh Cqn-050@.02.d'9 nRAEE- RocW Mountain Trane 445 Bwant Street unit 5. Denve. CO 802A4'Tel 303 228 3300'Fex fr3 228 2828 August 24 2OO7 Hadji & Associaies Attn: Scott Harbaugh 1825 Lawrence Street, Suite 200 Denver. CO 80202 RE: Vall Cascades lllSHP Installation Scoti: The question regarding the condensate pan with heater in lieu of a condensale drain system (a near impossible option for this existing building) has been reviewed by our WSHP engineering group and they ieel this is a perfectly acceptable solution. We had a couple of concerns regarding location of the d€vice, but those have been resolved. interesled in knorving just how much condensate actually gets evaporated at the low wel bulb temperature. Rocky Mountain Trane A bus,ness o, Ameican Stendard Companies [(!rn, &l\' DE STI NATION lloTt !s r hlrotTt Alrgust29,2007 Mr. John Plano Plans Examlner Town of Vail RE:Vail Cascades & Resorb 13)0 Wesftaven Ddve Vall, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Plano: Destination Hotels & Resorts approves the option of using drain pan heabrs for removal of the condensate produced by the heat pumps In our Vail Cascade Facility. Sincerely, Rick Burcham Destnatlon Hotels & Resorts A dbtlrcdvc erpet'brcc provlded by Deitlnrdol Hotclr & Rerortt A9PEN.AU5fliI€HARIESION.OHTCAOO€ !LA3.oAyl!r{ BE CH AHORE9TOENVER.trTRTIAM tAItr.lOWmN'rACriSoN llol!.U JoLLt.l,JrXr TAI|I)B.MAUI IALM $Pf,NOS.tltOEND(.tOln:U{D.KXI,Y .SAN D|!{|(r.it{OWMl|SN.i \4U^OB.$TNTM .IARRYmWN.fELIJRIDE.TIX?A.V L.WASUIN0I{|NDC lqlLL/2607 74:'42 orrloe & Ncwc8^fh..!.. f.c. liI}.|QE I.EIJELL PAGE gLIgS 4,o.. vart. ftscDrl.(F- A t4t . lrtto}'La ra-r ^r- Ca.r- llo(br taf-ltaa ut^4 rFta|,rae-i|r- rtl l\/|'l6h. l.|. D|lFCa*arl ' l^Jtool &l{€I||A! a--l---'.Uh L ti ix ii I ^l 8lililII lLC'CJ ETCJr-T&lr-ct 5 oc 3 F 9b1- 6t1-1 CA*AOE HOTEL lql1I12667 14:42 3A36235602 MONROE }.EUELL PAGE A2IE5 Monroe & Newell&ftr€n,l.e. tats |J'' to !-rli.r ltt l{. tat daal |trotrDI B n-n-du- ltal !alrr-.n. k-tEE-Ca.t*Ert t xlllorr*!an! A'dn---lr- f,:Clt CAx,ADE HOTEL tzt-, Af ftP ffik ffi,W-Kf' tfvA6*E LAl77/29b7 r4i42 3636236602 I'IONROE NEWELL PAGE O3/O5 Monroe &NewellE drdd.Ina. t.G t- t''nL.lr.lLaFaA'-.Cg ,|rnoot tt .rt.l !4..!. r.-.i;ba-.|r- Itor u rr- rL a* !Dbii. C.ri|. &tr.'!r.l|'-tntrx (Dt ,|,{ar'|Ga [ aF.arri'-{- tl,r{lalltt il. ^rLn 2ro "alJlrrlrE^tte tAlr:)aAft r{TlI CZl!:) Iaa|Tr|at g.tt'alEt{,t E-rtat 4.4a .c, w:"Ert---t!arDtt;atlFAlEr{ t€|,a4 €t r*t FAg, l!' Fl^ra t9.EC'CN4i \E-. f- ----/ \-A= -l'--P -R. ,CVATION & Erraria;. -.-r:9.i,! ll!**iffi tlr rrra- r- b r!LrY.(ll*l& ru". -.j5j!ffi 0ct, 9, 2007 l:20P[,] Alpine lflountain,Buildsr.s' to, ci4),Ril lEt,o FAR, FIEINFOI?6IN9 HOTJSE {<EEPtr.lct PAP, REr P!-AN (2)-.6 X C'-O" 2'-4- F]ELO VER,IFY)(FIELO VERIFY) No, 9774 DA A (2)-.9 x- CONTINLICIIE?f L z € o -li Exr9flN6 STRU6TURE f;$sy " voto FoF,fi €RAPE BEAM Gi.-,c'. LEI€'TH I,tAXti4JFl' t gECT ICN b} 0ct. 9. 200i 1 : 19PM Alpine Mourrtain.Bui I dfrs' Monroe ItJo 9774 P,3 LAODER REINFORdII{€ REr GENRAL NOTE9 e)-r6 x@NrtuJong. ToP ANO EOTTOH. TERMIT{A.rE F{rH 5TANOAFID l'-4' HO?iIZ/,.NT AL HOOK'. EACH END - "f "r,"*,-"AT l'-4. voto FaRr,| '"-,alfifi59 -.^".,.-Ld!E# Itnl lYlol!. lrLrrrEE, rl.nio@&r a^ -.#lXl?lIiP 16 VERIICAL AT .6 \i'tRTfoAL Af O. -EXTENO tNr6, 6,,At 2t-o. HOI'SE.KEEPINO PAP,-REI PLAN .IELA VERIFY) TTPIoAL 6,FIADE AEA}4 AND FONP BEAMAT. NOFrrr,lFRN t IALL ffid':*$';'4f;ti6;-"*.; $ffficru uwPY AnCH ITECT,S Su ppITvENTAL lNsrnucloNS trtrtrtr f G foHNsoNARcHrrEcrs HOSPITALITY & }IOUSING OESIGN PROIECT MANAGER: CONTRACTOR: CONSUTTING ARCHITECT: Tobias Strohe Craig Bruntz Scott Harbaugh JC Johnson Architects Alpine Mountain Builders Hadji & Associates 303.892.7062 970.926.8703 303.389.6980 PROf ECT: Vail Cascade Resort & Spa Renovation PRO|ECT NUMBER: 0705 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 ASI NUMBER: ASI#6 (revised) (Fuel Tank Storage) Date of lssuance: March 20, 2008 (revised March25,2008) (revised March 31, 2008)I VI tvp f." o F.d The work described in this ASI shall be carried out in accordance with the Contract Documents. Changes in Contract Sum or Conffact.Time shall be approved before work is commenced. Proceeding with the work in accordance with these instructions indicates your acknowledgement that there will be no changes in the Confract Sum or Contract Time. Description: Modified mechanical room layout. For code compliance and through coordination with the property the fuel storage tank is to be enclosed by a 2 hour separation, access is provided by a new ladder and a properly fire rated door. Arch itectural plans, elevation ApFmvEE, rEX-1, rMX-l) Ir-/>/ !-lul N/c/KII ;*'{runtb_dy0aft E:!,vlollql?l'_.jg1i::loi;' d*infoEct d ttti F isdiction shar I tl p€tdttasld mconsfii'dion docrmen:s iriipilvim tre hrndng.ofrclal hom-rcQuiring the firtie cinttructonEocuments and other dala' :ed to prevenl occlpancY or use or a this code or ol any other ordinancesanyicioe oi'ot any bttreiordinances of DATE: Equitable Building 730 1 7th Street, Suite 'l 10 Denver CO 80202 Fax: 303.892.7059 Studio: 303.892.2062 www.jgjohnson.com P:\0705\CA-ConstrtrdionAc|minislratiorr\2j].Architeo'sSt|ook'n1entdrv|nstr||(1i()n\L()\r,erl-r've|Retltr,atilllH lssued Bvl Sven Adkins JC Johnson Architects l0=Gtrl n APR -4 Community DeveloP Brriklino Safetv and ge3!i1- /c5'{ . .ffi4q4911l.:':.-C.-iftl pirmn natenme qqg{lg -'i 1 i.:k;..ild-fti-ffi;canaiprovat-ot' anv vic'::' I rr of 0ifgcodgordanyoli€roldinanco ot nr . /1,anY ot-rer odingc€ ol thr ment Department lnsDection Services not be construed to b€ a Attachments: B-1sffi k"- 4<rY FUEL TANK T. O. FLOOR DEMO EXISTING STAIRAND RAILING MECHANICALROOM MECHANICAL ROOM DEMO 112' = 1'4' Project # 0705 trtrtrtr f G JonNsor.tAncn trrcrs riolttr^ttYt I Nolratt€ oaargN tl r7r r!{ arr. fla ofr C.lrr& n|O *Lrn- r-&- tc, SK-01VAIL CASCADE RENOVATION RE: A01.01 DATE: 03l2OlAB @PYRGI{I BY J G JOI.TNSON ARCHmCIS, P.C (JC,A}. AtI ORAWN AND WRTTTEN |NFoRMAnoN lPp€ARtNG HEREtil S}rAlI NOT BE [rOOtFtED, OUruCATED, OISCLOSED, USED FOR ^r,IOTHER PRO'ECT. OR OTHERTUSE I'T'ED MTHOUT IHE T}RITTET CON|SENT AI{D TNOEI'{TFICATIOI{ OF JG.'A. FUEL TANK NEWI.ADDER so MrN. *TEHS8'E MECHANICAL ROOM LOWER LEVEL MECHANICAL ROOM '1f2" = 1'-O' Project # 0705 trtrtrtr )GfonrusoNArcHrrrcrs lrosttlAttlt t 80u5tto otltat rrrrfird r,Jh rra o..i c.r.a, rral nrtdds aLa--,- SK.O2VAIL CASCADE RENOVATION RE: A01.01 DATE:03/20/08 @PYRIGHT BY J G JC}HNSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. (JqA}. AI.I ORAffII AND WRITIEN INFORMAnoN APPEARING HEREIN SIIALL NoT BE oDIFIED. DUPLICATED, DISCIOSED, US€D FOR AT{OTHER PRi},ECT, OR THERWISE USED WTHoUT THE WRTTTEN coNsENT AND INoEm,IIFICATIoN oF JG.In. NEW 3'-0" , 90 MIN. RATED DOOR MECHANICAL ROOM ELEVATION 1lT = 1'4" Project # 0705 trtrtrtr JG I or-rN soNAncH rrEcrs rol?rIALtTi a IorJsti0 DESrGr{ 'r rld| rld !4. rr0 D-! C.L.ra blll nti.ro._ SK.O3VAIL CASCADE RENOVATION RE: A01.01 DATE:03/20/08 COPYRIGHT BY J G JOTINSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. (JG.'A). ATT DRAWN A O WRITIEN TNFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SMLL NOT AE ODIFIED, U'PIICATED, DISCLOSED. USED FOR ANOTHER PROJECT. OR OT}GFIWISE USED WI'THOUT THE \AIRITIEN CONSENT AND INOEMNIflCANON OF JG'A. CROWN MOLDING AS SCHEDULED DEEP LEG SLIP TRACK 31r" ACOUSTICAL BATT INSULATION 3 5/8'METAL STUDS (2) LAYERS 96'TYPE X' GYP. BD. BOTH SIDES BASE AS SCHEDULED COPYRK}HT BY J G JOTi'ISON A,RCH|TECTS, P OTJPLICAIEO, DISCLOSED. USED FOR AT{OTHER ALL DRAWII AND WRrTIEN INFOR|IIATION APPEARING HEREIN SIIALL NOT BE MC'DIFIED' , on orlEmanse usED wrHour rHE wRtrrEN coNsENT ANo INDEMNIFIcATIoN oF JGJ " '' METAL STUD INT. WALL - 2 HOUR 1 112" = 1'4'BASED ON U.L. DESIGN NO. U423 - 2 HOUR Project # 0705 trtrtrtr fGJouNsosAncntrrcrs '|oStiTAtllY a llolr6ltl0 0Ealatl 7r0 |trlr rd rrr. tro nll-.-- rE to ao rg aL. tc r ,- SK-04 VAIL CASCADE RE N OVAT IO N RE: SK-02 DATE: 03120108 tllTft(t I .--.-<- ac iat tcDE rl^nISIGAFT'D'58C C Dr!EOIIT' Tt! t fr.|lra lrt I .Erc lr r Sro$rr rrat: u-G g:s a tua.G 'EC rlctlcrtutE D trurtl. r-r/ir rrt-rtfaa aiE D3p at|lr^Esr|r Dtt PARTIAL EAST MECHANICAL ROOM PIPING PLAN SCtrl-E: l/8' = t'-0' l ,r--' ?I !l ill llo -d r a'.c r|.r: - ,dfu,am,fls)ffi'.9 9351 fu^-'q VAIL CASCADE RESORT & SPA IE25 TAWnTNCE STRET, JUM 2M D€r{vER. C0L08^DO 6{n(n PARTIAL MECHANICAL ROOM PLAN t: TMX-1oiAstG: ll-l tL Edotg.d ||cch Roo.t'r Pl6t-0O0E2.02.01.dr9 Wru MO.'NIED, EXPLOSION PROOF INCANDESCENT LIG}IT FIXTURE WII}I IOOW' A-19 LATPS. TYP OF 3. SEAL-OFF (E)EMB-t8 (PART) MAR 3 I 2008 PARTI MECHANICAL ROOM LIG ING PLAN -T. I AL T HT ry .*ya;6 VAIL CASCADE RESORT & SPA 1825 LAWnENCE SrREEr, SUm 200 D€XVER, COLORIDO UNM PtOt{E: 303-?91-lElI)FAXi 103.291-16t4 ONE. PARIIAL MECfIANICAL ROOM UGIITING PLAN TEX- 1ORA*{G E-l u.ri Room-(F@.02.01.d'9 SC,(E: t/A'= t'-O' @ DETAIL NOTES: 7. ALL ELECIRICAL EOTJIPMENT IN THIS ROOU SHALL BE EXPLOSION PROOF ANO INSTALLED pin Htt REOUTREMENTS. ENSURE ALL COr.lDUlT PENEIRATING otJT OF THE R00M SHALL BE SEALEO OFF, IF REO{JIRED, DTSCONNECT EXSTING UNIT HEAT AND EXTEND CIRCUIT TO NEW LOCANON AND NECOTITIECT AS EXISTING. COORONATE WTH MECHANICAL CO'{TRACTOR FOR SCOPE OF t|oRK. t<t\i=Il\!7trl= !Y i'- I iiAlpine Mountain Bu PO Box 69 105 Edwards Village Blvd #0 3 ?n0g Edwards, CO 81632 970-925{703 fax TOWhI OF VAI TO: TOV Coummity Dev WE ARE SENDING YOU X Attached Under seoarate cover via _Shop Drawings _ Prirts _ Plans _ Samples _Copy of Letter _Change Order Olher LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL the following items: _Spedfications RE: Vail Cascade Hotel l?o tlr. COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 11,0308 SK-01 Lower Level Conidor fire rating detail ESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For appro/al _Approved as submitted For ),our use _Approved as noled As requesled Returned for corrections For revia, and @mment For Bids Due Resubmit _ copies for approval Submit codes for distribution RefrJrn conected orints PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Chris, please revieur the attached conidor seclion showing existing conditions and solutions to achieve a rated conidor requiring a non rated ceiling. Please call with questions or comments. cnll= 471-5847 email = craig@ambvail.com TO:SIGNED: ,t encrosuras ar€ not as no'F{', t{rr y ,Dtily aB at ofte. Thant( TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: VAILCASCADECHILLER ParcelNo...: 210312100012 Project No ' '?fi-5-oG'O,{q q outNER t-o vArr, HorrDrNG rNc 07/20/2006 c,/o DEI,oITTE & ToUcHE LIJP 555 17TH ST STE 3500 DEIIVERco 40202 Permit #: 806-0119 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 07/20/2W6 Issued. . : 0712512006 Expires. .: Oll2l/2007 $68. ss $0.00 APPI.JTCANI JOE LYNCH EIJECTRIC 6992 ESTES DRIVE ARVADA coLoRADO 80004 Iricense: 374-E CONTRACTOR iTOE ]-,YNCH EI-IECTR,IC 07/20/2006 Phone: (3O3) 424-2302 o7/20/2006 Phone: (303) 424-2302 6992 BSTES DRIVE ARVADA coLoRiADo 80004 License z 374-E Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT-VAILCASCADECHILLERREPLACEMENTELBCTRICAL Valuation: $2.800.00 Square feet: 0 ElecEical---- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Cdl-----> Toral CalcrdaBd Fees-> $68.55 Additional Fees----- >$0.00 Total Permit Fee----> $68.55 Payrnen6---------- > BAI.ANCE DUE-------- > $6s. ss $0.00 $0.00 $3. OO TOTAL FEES--> S58. s5 Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAIT DEPARTMENI o7/2o/20o5 caunion Action: AP IteM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, lntemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RTQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?q2149 OR AT ouR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4PM ,-2 "/f,ta//*azu tt{'*+*+l'+{"1!t*t*****ltt**tfl****+****l*{r*'t,l'l'**'}***'}f**+tt{r*{'{'tt*+*1tt{'+*{'*l**+ffff*fl*'}+*'}**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Slatement +****f+****{r******************************+*****t****'t't'l+*+****+***t*******t'}lt*+'*********tt'}* SEatement Number: RO6OOO1O71 Amount: $58.55 07/25/2O06L0:13 At'l Palment Method: Cash Init: DDG Notatsion: cash Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees : Locatsion: This Pa)rment,3 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Accourt Code EP 00100003111100 wc 0 01000031128 00 **t**'!r'lf****+*****+*+**++**'i{t*+'i***t'{r*++*********i**l****'}***f'}*tt*+:f**t***{tlt********'*,}'f*'t'} E0 5 - 0119 TIG)e : EIJECIRICAIJ PERIIIT 2103-121-0001-2 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIII V"AII, CASCADB CHII,I,BR Total Fees: $68.55 Total I{IJIJ Pmts: Balance: DeacripEion EI,ECTRICAI. PERUIT FBBS WILIJ CALIJ INSPECIION FEE $58 . ss $58 . ss $0.00 Current Pmts 55.55 ? nn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CONTRACTO R IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor:{at tyt'c11 g:tEcTR./4 Town ofVail Reg. No.:37/-L ?81)"Y:f/'iH:#,It.f t{/( O 1 Fax#. jaj ?*y_77rj contractorrrnn;*,-,fr o1_% COMPTETE FOOTAGE K*o**AND vAtuATroN oF woRK (tabor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $'.aOAMOUNT OF SQ FI IN STRUCTURE: Awrc at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parel # rob Address: / 3n u.E{/lt/EA/ /4,tob Name: yfirL 4i cruE,2E s oKT '/aj3 3 tnf /,Namet L-a uAlL l/'ft.L iled description of' ^./eu o//tLL AE-4auf wr,/at4 ,tr(44- at-/t e#tlLf A ft7vA 4 ,- t<zt/-E tqprafula 2/+LuE) 4fl fLarzik rfc Temp Power ( ) Other PJWorkClass: New() Mdition( ) Remodel( ) Repair Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: lntcrwrJ,A Exterior( ) BoUt( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single.family( ) Duplo<( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial (y) Restaurant( ) Other(. ) y'afZt- Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exise YesDoes a Fire Alarm Existi Yes ! F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Bullding\electical-.pem iLl l-23-2005. DOC Page I of 2 IU2312005 o EI *ffi l Amendment to the 2002 t{.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4- Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seryices shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be radif aresible, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multFfamily dwelling uniQ no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are exempt NM Cabfe (Romex) an be ud only in single and mufti-family dwellings net exeding 3 sbfies, llpe IIM annot b ud in any building mixd with Tlpe A,B.E EH,I,M &S occupancies. Aluminum onduturcsmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDETINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form aftached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an o<terior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriff that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multFfamily building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one4ine and panel schedules are requircd if load is added or distribution is altered. read and reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. Date Signed F:\cdev\K}RMS\PERMITS\Building\electical-permit-l 1 -23 -2005. DOC Page 2 of 2 rtl23l20n,s TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M064172 Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL [,ocation.....: VAILCASCADE Parcel No...: 210312100012 'I_egal Description: ?t:Sg_ O2r(\Project No : ovitNER I-,-o VAII-, HOL,DING IIIC 06/14/2006 E/O DEIOITTE & TOUCHE I.,LP s55 17TH ST STE 3500 DENYERco 40202 APPLIEAIiTT TRANE,DIVISION OF AMERICA}T S06/L4/2005 PhONE: (303) 228-3300 445 BRYAI{IT ST I'NTT 5 DENVER COIJOITADO 8O2O4 License: 344 -M CoNIRACTOR TRANE,DTVTSION OF AMERICAN 505/1.4/2006 Phone: (303) 228-3300 445 BRYAI{TT ST I'NIT 5 DENVER coLoRADO 40204 License:344-M Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT-VAIL CASCADE CHILLER REPLACEMENT Valuation: $98,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 **'t't ***t*+*+*t+t**'ail,t't'r.'r{r**+*+*{r* Mechanical-- > g1,950.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $o.oo Total Calculated Fe€s-- > $2,453.00 Plan Check--> $49O.Oo TOTAL FEES---> $2,453,00 Additional Fees------- > $0.00 Investigation- > $o.oo Total Permit Fee------> $2,453.00 Will Call---> $3.00 Payments------:--- > $2,453.00 BALANCE DUE--*-._> SO. OO ftem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI'!{ENI 06/23/2006 cgunion Action: CR 07/03/2006 cgunion Action: AP ITEN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT cond: 12 coNDITIoN oF APPR.'AL (BL,,DG.): FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC Ar.ID SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOT,IN OF VAII-,. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): BOIIL,ER INSTAITLATION MUST CONFORM TO DTAI.IUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS Ar'ID CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : Mll4lzffi Issued..: 07lM/2006 Expires . .: 0ll02l2007 Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIAI{CES SHALL BE VENIED ACCOR"DING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECI{AI',IICAL EQUIPMEITI MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2003 IMC Ar.ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC.. Cond:31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALIJ BB MOUI{TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOITNIING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PL,AIIS AIID CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED wrTH A FI'OOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEAIIS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. Cond: CONOOO824O NORMAL A}ID EMERGEIICY EXIiAUST SYSTEM TO BE ADDED TO EXISTING ROOM PER IMC 1105 Cond: CONO008241- DISCTTARGE OF MACHINERY ROOM VEIUII,ATION SHALL COMPLY WITIT TMC 1105.6.]. Cond: CON0OO8242 **ttttti********* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building ard Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:fl) AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF **l'*+l+++**{'{'*'}******{ilr'}'}{'*l**{t*****+**tf*al**tllffff******+*t****{r*'}'l'l*+********'a't't'i******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *********************'tt't'i'i*{.*{.rt*'}'}******************************4.+********,t'}'}'t*********'****t Statement Nunloer: R060000934 Amountz $2,453.o0 07/06/200603r03 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDGNotation: Michael w. Surber 13 61 Permit No: M06-0172 I:rpe 3 MECIIANICAL, PBRMIT Parcel No3 2103-121-0001-2 Site Addreaa r 13 00 I|ESTHAVEX\I DR VAIL Location I VAIIJ CASCADE Total" Fees: $2,453.00 This Palzment.: $2,453.00 Total ArJrJ PmtE: $2,453.00Balance: 50.00 +*++++++*+*+**r'+++ti,a**'$**'t***l'*******************t****{'!i++++****l'{'*tl**+ff*+******+********** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP 00100003111100 MECIINiITCAL pER!4rT I'EES 1.950.00 PF 00100003r.r-2300 pr,AN cHEcK FEES 490.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CALIJ INSPE TION FEE 3.OO --:-------- APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNE TOV Project#: o Combusdon Alr Duct Slze and Locationo Flue,Ventand Gas LlneSizeand Locadono Heat l-oss Calcs.o EqulpmentGut/SpecSheets CONTRACTORINFOxMA-TION 'RJae-<lzYf 75 S. Fmntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tvtoC-O t7a *i;!,iip'*.-- ra TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be aocepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn b scale to Indude:o Meclranical Room Dlmensions '1,il3H; OPI W|*^bactor: Town of Vail Reg. No.:'\/q- n4 C.ontact Person and Phone #'s; zZo,y' & /n-*r E-Maif Addrcss. z-s.. lr.t.<i-/tr I d 4rarrz., car,1, Fax#z Zo3 - A rf - l.t( E ContractorSisnature: ruZ / M COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERI,IIT & Materials forParel F : \cdev\FORMS\PERl4IT5\Building\medranicalJrermlLl 1-23-2005.DOC ConEct AwrcOffieat or visit wtvw.eaale-countv.com for Patel # Parcel #1/D)/2/ooa/A rob Name: ur; / /nr.o./Job Address: -I Jq) U)ot//taorz ln L* Legal Descripdon Lot lBlock lFiling:Subdivislon: o$,neB Narne: f -a U.t/ H4/lldJarefrs:/or7t flr. /o_f ll Phone:tor_ 7gq -js 3e Engineer: k ./,'; ,/tto. llAddress:, 72f, /a-rnzzz,Phone: aor- t"i-stoo Detailed descriptlon of work: ( /r://---,/t-/til/ar.o-z#.f Work Class: New ( ) AddiUon ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair (X) Other (t-) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) O$er( )Does an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg: Single'family( ) Duple,r( ) Multi-family( ) Commercjal ()/ Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Exi*ing Drvelling UniE in this building;No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoe of FireDlaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet (la.Ede'rudl Y/ lE tni Noffype of Flreplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet (llilood Buminq (NOT ALLO( - 'r ^^ia ) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes (NoelDr - - ''r'vv t1 *** ******************* **FOR OFFICE USE ON LY** *** ** *u * J r rtUlttltt 0F lrfAl k* * * * * ffi i-'-_-$+"""'-..;,-- ./ 955 rrl23lz0p5 Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria o You must obtaip Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This indudes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt sysms. Please cxrntact the Development Review Coordinator at 479-2128 for addiUonal information. r The Town of Vail has adopted the 2003 International Mechanical Code and the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code. o All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechankal eguipmenL Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the VailTown Council adopted an ordinance which restricts b consbuction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open hearfi wood burning fireptaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. Dwellino Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (f) EPA Phase II ceftified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no mole than two (2) gas appliance ftreplaces (B bent). Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (f) gas log fircplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. Accommodatioi Units- Each new acoommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. fftwo or morc separate dwelling units or accommodaUon units are combined to form one latger unitn the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fircplaces, or may conveft up to two existing fireplaces to gas. If during the course of a remodel an exisUng woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or rBplaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. F : \cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Building\mechanicalJerdt-l 1-23-2005. DOC 7tl23l200s REPAIR & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Agreement, which bears the dale of May 23,2006, is entered into between L-O Vail Hotel, Inc. ("Client"), whose address and phone number are 10333 East Dry Creek Road, # 450, Englewood, CO 80112 (telephone: 303-7993830), and Trane Company ("Contractor"), whose address and phone number are 2387 River Road, # 1 10, Grand Junction, CO 81 505 (lelephone: 970-242-4361), upon the following terms and conditions in connection with the construction work described below: Name and Address of Proiect Site: Vail Cascade Resoil & Spa 13(xl Westhaven Drave Vail. CO 81657 1. Scope of Work and Aqreement Price, Contractor shall, in connection with the Project site identified above, perform the scope of work described generally as annual maintenance on chillers to set operational baseline for full servlce agneement, per Exhibit "A" (Scope of Work) for the sum of Eight Thousand One Hundred Seventy Three and no/100 Dollars ($8,173.00). Client, without nullifying this Agreemenl, may decrease, increase or modily the Project work, in which case the Agreement price will be modified by either utilizing any unit prices set lorth by Contractor, or by an equitable amount if no such unit prices have been established. Contractor's receipt of final payment shall be deemed a waiver of additional claims for compensation or damages that are nol expressly identified in writing by Contractor in Contractois application for linal payment. 2. Insurance and lndemnification. Insurance. Conlractor shall maintain at its own expense throughout the life ol this Agreement, the following insurance with insurers reasonably acceptable to Client, and each policy shall require the giving of wriften notice to Client at least thirty (30) days prior to the cancellation, non-renewal, or material modification of any policies as evidenced by retum receipt of United States certified mail: (A) Workers' Compensation Insurance in the greater sum of (1) the insurance currently maintained by Contractor, (2) any amounts and scope required by statute or olher governing law, or (3) the following: (l) bodily Injury by accident - $100,000 each accident; (ii) bodily Injury by disease - $500,000 policy limit; or bodily Injury by disease - $100,000 each employee. (B) Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis in an amount equal to the greater of (1) the insurance currently maintained by Contractor or (2) $2,000,000 each occurrence; and such insurance shall include the lollowing coverages: (i) completed operations coverage, (ii) contractual liability coverage, (iii) personal injury coverage, (iv) an endorsement naming Client, the Project owner (if lhe Project owner is ditferent than Client), and the Project construction manager (if any) as additional insureds, including completed operations coverage, and (v) an endorsement providing that such insurance as is afforded under Contractor's policy is primary insurance as respects the additional insureds.p[!: The additional insured endorsement required herein shall be an ISO Form B (CG 2010 85), or equivalent. (C) Business Automobile Liability lnsurance in an amounl equal to the greater of (1) the insurance currently maintained by Contractor or (2) $1,000,000; and including the following coverages: (i) owned aulos, (ii) hired or bonowed autos, and (iii) nonowned autos. No endorsement limiting or excluding a required coverage is permitted. In addition to securing the above insurance policies, Contractor shall also require all of its subcontractors to mainlain lhe same types of insurance required ol Contractor under this Contract, and, in connection with the subcontractors' commercial general liability insurance policies, Contractor shall also require its subcontractors to provide endorsements (i) naming Client, Lender, the Project owner (if the owner is different than Client) and Client's and/or the Proiect owner's construction manager, as additional insureds, including completed operations @verage and (ii) providing that such insurance as is atforded under the subcontractor's policy is primary insurance as respects the additional insureds and that any other insurance maintained by the additional insureds is excess and noncontributing with the insurance required hereunder. Contractor's lnttiatst 14, W Page 1 of 5 , parent or affiliate corporations of each of them, and all of their directors, officers, agents and employees (collectively, "lndemnitees") harmless from all losses, claims, liabilities, injuries, costs and expenses that Indemnitees may incur by reason of any injury or damage or loss sustained to any person or property or entity, with respect lo all work which is covered by or incidental to this Agreement. Contractor's duty to delend and indemnify lndemnitees shall exist even if the alleged injuries or damages or loss sustained by the claimant are the result in part ol Indemnitees' active or passive negligence, but the duty to defend and indemnify Indemnitees shall not extend to inluries or damages or losses that are the result ol Indemnitees' sole negligence or willful misconduct. Contractor's duty to defend is separate and distinct from the duty to indemnify and shall immediately arise when a claim is asserted against Indemnitees in connection with the performance of Contractor, or those for whom Contractor is liable, in connection with this Agreement, and regardless of whether others may owe Indemnitees a duty ol defense and/or indemnity. The indemnity rights and obligations identified in lhis Agreement shall be, and are, the only indemnity rights and obligations between the parties, in law or equity, arising out of or related to this Agreement, the Project, and any claims asserted in relation thereto. 3. Aoreernent Terms. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the construction work identified herein. All prior negotiations, representations and agreements with respect therelo not incorporated herein are hereby canceled. Moreover, to the extent that the lerms contained in Contractor's aftached proposal (i) supplement, (ii) vary from or (iii) are inconsistent with the terms contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern and any supplemental, varying or inconsistent terms in Contractor's proposal are hereby deleted, with the following sole exception; the scope of work and related price as set forth in Contracto/s proposal shall govern over any inconsistent descriptions in paragraph 1 above. 4, Waiver of Jurv. In the event of a lawsuit arising out of or related to this Agreement, the matter will be tried to a judge, and the parties hereby expressly waive their righl to a trial by jury. 5. Miscellaneous. (A) lf the owner of the Proiect is different than Client, then the rights of Client shall extend with equal lorce to such owner, and such rights shall also elilend to the Project construction manager, if any. (B) Contractor shall cause to be removed (by way of release bonds, if necessary) all mechanic's liens, stop notices and/or bonded stop notices reclrded and/or served by subcontractors of all tiers and suppliers in connection with the Project. (C) lf Contractor claims entitlement to extra compensation for any reason whatsoever, notice of any such claim shall be submitted to Client in writing by Contractor within five days ol Contractor's knowledge of the basis for the claim; otherwise the claim shall be waived and released. (D) To the extent, if at all, that this Contract or the Contract Documents (including the Project drawings and/or specifications) contain a warranty or warranties for all or any portion of the Proiect, the time limit identified in any such warranty or warranties only relates to the specific obligation ol Contractor to correct lhe work that is the subject of the warranty or warranties, and the time-period in any such warranty or warranties shall not be deemed to be a period ol limitations in which Client may seek damages from Contractor for deficiencies in Contractor's perlormance under this Contract. Y "NoIEy: Acfsperled-qed and prccreatirrg but only in rfiffirEd6ffifi{ff* Proposal dar.€d 5 / 22 / 06 Date Signed: License No.: Dale Signed: 5/24/06 z)r Contractois Initials, -I >fif Pag€ 2 of 5 ctientstnitiaE@- EXHIBIT "A" COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL INSPECTION SERVICE ROT-310 1. Report in with the Customer Representative.2. Record and report abnormal conditions, measurements taken, etc.3. Review customer logs with the customer for operational problems and trends. 1. General Assemblya. Inspect for leaks and report leak check result.b. Repair minor leaks as required (e.9. valve packing, flare nuts).c. Calculate the refrigerant loss rate and report the results to the customer.d. Check the condenser fans for clearances and free operation. e. Check tighlness of condenser fan motor mounting brackets.f. Check the set screws on the fan shafts. S. Visually inspect the condenser coil lor cleanliness.h. Verify the performance ol the fan control inverter VFD, if applicable.i. Grease bearings as required.2. Controls and Safetiesa. Inspect the control panel for cleanliness.b. Inspect wiring and connections lor tightness and signs of overheating and discoloration.c. Verify the working condition of all indicator/alarm lights and LED/LCD displays.d. Test oil pressure safely device (as required). Calibrate and record setting.e. Test the operation of the chilled water pump starter auxiliary contacts.3. Lubrication Systema. Pull oil sample for spectroscopic analysis.b. Test oil for acid content and discoloration. Make recommendations to the cuslomer based on the results of the tesl. d. Verify the operation of the oil heaters.4. Motor and Startera. Clean the starter cabinet and slarter components.b. Inspect wiring and connections lor tightness and signs of overheating and discoloration.c. Check the condition of the contacts for wear and pitting.d. Check contactors for free and smooth operation.e. Check all mechanical linkages for wear, security and clearances.l. Verify tightness of the motor terminal connections.g. Meg the motor and record readings.h. Verify the operation of the electrical interlocks.i. Measure vollage and record. Voltage should be nominal voltage +10%. ROT-210 1. Report in with the Customer Representative.2. Record and report abnormal conditions, measurements taken, etc.3. Review customer logs with the customer for operational problems and trends. 1. General Assemblya. Leak-test the chiller and report the results.b. Repair minor leaks as required (e.9. valve packing, flare nuts).c. Calculate the refrigerant loss rate and report to lhe customer.d. Visually inspect condenser tubes for cleanliness.2. Conlrols and Safetiesa. Inspect the control panel for cleanliness.b. Inspect wiring and connections lor tightness and signs ol overheating and discoloralion.c. Verify all settings in the electronic conlrol panel. . - l, ---Contractor's Initiab: *>E(Page 3 of 5 Client's Initials: d. Test the operation of the chilled water pump and condenser water pump starter auxiliary contacts.e. Verify the setting of the current control device.3. Lubrication Systema. Pull oil sample for spectroscopic analysis.b. Test oil for acid content. and discoloration. Make recommendations to the customer based on the results of the test.4. Motor and Starter Clean the starter and cabinet. Inspect wiring and connections for tightness and signs of overheating and discoloration. Check condition of the contacts for wear and pitting. Check contactors for free and smooth operation. Check the mechanical linkages lor wear, security and clearances. Check lightness of motor terminal connections. Meg the motor and record readings. Verify the operation ol the electrical interlocks. Measure voltage and record. Voltage should be nominal voltage r'10 percent. scR-210 1. Report in with the Customer Represenlative.2. Becord and report abnormal conditions, measurements taken, etc. 3. Beview customer logs with the customer for operational problems and trends. 1 . General Assemblya. Inspect lor leaks and report results.b. Calculate refrigerant loss rate per EPA guidelines and report to the customer.c. Repair minor leaks as required (e.9. valve packing, flare nuts). d. Visually inspect condenser coils for cleanliness.e. Grease the condenser fan bearings, il applicable.2. Controls and Safetiesa. Inspect the control panel for cleanliness.b. Inspect wiring and connections lor tightness and signs ol overheating and discoloration.c. Verify the working condition of all indicator/alarm lights, if applicable.d. Test the operation of lhe low water temperature safety device. Calibrate and record setting.e. Test the operation of the low evaporator pressure safety device(s). Calibrate and record setting.f. Check programmed parameters ol SCM/SMM control, if applicable.3. Lubrication Systema. Check oil level in the compressor(s).b. Test oil for acid content and discoloration. Make recommendations to the customer based on the results of the test.c. Verify the operation ol the oil heater. Measure amps and compare reading with the watt rating of the heater, if applicable.d. Grease the condenser fan bearings, if applicable.4. Motor and Starter Clean the starter and cabinet. Inspect wiring and connections tor lightness and signs of overheating and discoloration. Check the contactors lor free and smooth operation. Check the tightness of the motor terminal connections.e. Meg the moto(s) and record readings. f . Verify the operation of the electrical interlocks. S. Measure voltage and record. Voltage should be nominal voltage t10%. AIF-COOLED CONDENSERS (1 1 -100 Tons) cDS-230 Clean air-cooled condenser, using pressurized water. a. D. c. d. e. s. h. a. D. c. d. -rcontractor's tnitias, JF 8fi[--Page 4 ol 5 Clienl's Initials: OIL SAMPLE/SPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ANL-I10 Pull oil sample for spectrographic analysis. WATER COOLED High Pressure Leak Check LCK-110 a. Inspecl for leaks and reporl results. b. Repair minor leaks as required (e.9. valve packing, llare nuts).c. Calculate relrigerant loss rate and report to the customer. AIR COOLED High Pressure Leak Check LCK-120 a. Inspect for leaks and report results.b. Repair minor leaks as required (e.9. valve packing, llare nuts).c. Calculate refrigerant loss rate and report to the customer. EDDY CURRENT TESTING ANL-150 Perform eddy current test on the tubes to determine the condition of the tubes, and if corrective action is needed. Contractor's fnitiafs: # #Pag€ 5 ol 5 Clienl's lnitials: Vail Cascade Schld Maint TNAITE' May 22,ZOOG Destination Hotels & Resorts 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 USA Attention: Mike Shutts Opportunity lD: 350238 Project Name: Vail Cascade Resort & Spa Trane Company is pleased to offer you this proposal for performance of the following services: Eouioment Trane Company 2387 River Road # 110 Grand Junction, CO 81505 Phone: (970)242-4361, Fax (970)242-4566 Equipme nt Chiller Chiller Chiller Manufactu rer Trane Trane Trane Model Number Serial Number CGACC2O6]<ANBB22EHWD J87G81995 RTWAO9OAYEOID3DOWFNTH UOlFOO877 RTAClSS4UBONUAFNNlNX,ICDCNNS UO1GO1231 EAlOAROEXN Task SCR-21 0 Annual Maintenance ROT-3'l 0 Annual Maintenance ROT-21 0 Annual Maintenance CDS-220 Condenser Cleaning LCK-1 10 Leak Test ANL-1 10 Oil Analysis EDDY Test Condenser Tubes Scope of Service Perform annual maintenance on chillers to set operational baseline for full service agreement. @ American Standard Inc, 2006, A/ Rlghls Reseryed.Trane Service Quote Vail Cascade Schld Maint COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL INSPECTION SERVICE ROT-310 1. Report in with the Customer Representative. 2. Record and report abnormal conditions, measwements taken, etc. 3. Review customer logs with the customer for operational problems and trends. 1. General Assembly a. Inspect for leaks and report leak check result. b. Repair minor leaks as required (e.g. valve packing, flare nuts). c. Calculate the refrigerant loss rate and report the results to the customer. d. Check the condenser fans for clearances and free operation. e. Check tightness of condenser fan motor mounting brackets. f. Check the set screws on the fan shafts. g. Visually inspect the condenser coil for cleanliness. h. Verify the performance of the fan control inverter VFD, if applicable. i. Grease bearings as required. 2. Controls and Safeties a. Inspect the control panel for cleanliness. b. Inspect wiring and connections for tightness and signs ofoverheating and discoloration. c. Verify the working condition of all indicator/alarm lights and LED/LCD displays. d. Test oil pressure safety device (as required). Calibrate and record setting. e. Test the operation of the chilled water pump starter auxiliary contacts. 3. Lubrication System a. Pull oil sample for spectroscopic analysis. b. Test oil for acid content and discoloration. Make recommendations to the custom€r based on the results ofthe test. d. Verify the operation of the oil heaters. 4. Motor and Starter a. Clean the starter cabinet and starter components. b. Inspect wiring and connections for tightness and signs ofoverheating and discoloration. c. Check the condition of the contacts for wear and pitting. d. Check contactors for free and smooth operation. e. Check all mechanical linkages for wear, security and clearances. f. Verify tightness of the motor terminal connections. g. Meg the motor and record readings. h. Verify the operation of the electrical interlocks. i. Measure voltage and record. Voltage should be nominal voltage +10%. @ Aneican Standad lnc. 2N6, A/l Righfs Reservad.Trane Service Quote Vail Cascade Schld Maint COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL INSPECTION SERVICE - TRANE ROT-210 l. Report in with the Customer Representative. 2. Record and report abnormal conditions, measurements taken, etc. 3. Review customer logs with the customer for operational problems and trends. 1. General Assembly a. Leak-test the chiller and report the results. b. Repair minor leaks as required (e.g. valve packing, flare nuts). c. Calculate the refrigerant loss rate and report to the customer. d. Visually inspect condenser tubes for cleanliness. 2. Controls and Safeties a. Inspect the control panel for cleanliness. b. Inspect wiring and connections for tightness and signs ofoverheating and discoloration. c. Verify all settings in the electronic control panel. d. Test the operation of the chilled water pump and condenser water pump starter auxiliary contacts. e. Verify the setting ofthe current control device. 3. Lubrication System a. Pull oil sample for spectroscopic analysis. b. Test oil for acid content, and discoloration. Make recommendations to the customer based on the results ofthe test. 4. Motor and Starter a. Clean the starter and cabinet. b. Inspect wiring and connections for tightness and signs of overheating and discoloration. c. Check condition of the contacts for wear and pitting. d. Check contactors for free and smooth operation. e. Check the mechanical linkages for wear, security and clearances. f. Check tightness of motor terminal connections. g. Meg the motor and record readings. h. Verify the operation of the electrical interlocks. i. Measure voltage and record. Voltage should be norninal voltage +10 percent' @ Anetican Standard lnc. 2006, Ail Righls Rese/ved,Tnne Service Quote Vail, Cascade Schld Maint COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL INSPECTION SERVICE SCR-210 l. Report in with the Customer Representative. 2. Record and report abnormal conditions, measurements taken, etc. 3. Review customer logs with the customer for operational problems and trends' 1. General Assembly a. Inspect for leaks and report results. b. Calculate refrigerant loss rate per EPA guidelines and report to the customer. c, Repair minor leaks as required (e.g. valve packing, flare nuts). d. Visually inspect condenser coils for cleanliness. e. Grease t}re condenser fan bearings, ifapplicable. 2. Controls and Safeties a. Inspect the control panel for cleanliness. b. Inspect wiring and connections for tightness and signs of overheating and discoloration. c. Verify the working condition of all indicator/alarm lights, if applicable. d. Test the operation of the low water temperature safety device. Calibrate and record setting. e. Test the operation ofthe low evaporator pressure safety device(s). Calibrate and record setting. f. Check programmed parameters of SCIWSMM control, if applicable. 3. Lubrication System a. Check oil level in the compressor(s). b. Test oil for acid content and discoloration. Make recommendations to the customer based on the results ofthe test. c. Verify the operation of the oil heater. Measure amps and compare reading with the watt rating of the heater, if applicable. d. Grease the condenser fan bearings, if applicable. 4. Motor and Starter a. Clean the starter and cabinet. b. Inspect wiring and connections for tightness and signs ofoverheating and discoloration. c. Check the contactors for free and smooth operation. d. Check the tightness of the motor terminal connections. e. Meg the motor(s) and record readings. f. Verify the operation of the electrical interlocks. g. Measure voltage and record. Voltage should be nominal voltage +10%. A Anerican Standard lnc. 2006, All Righls Raserved.Trane Service Quote Vail. Cascade Schld Maint AIR-COOLED CONDENSERS (l l-100 Tons) CDS-230 Clean air-cooled condenser, using pressurized water. OIL SAMPLE/SPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ANL-I1O Pull oil sample for spectrographic analysis. WATERCOOLED High Pressure Leak Check LCK-I1O a. Inspect for leaks and report results. b. Repair minor leaks as required (e.g. valve packing, flare nuts). c. Calculate refrigerant loss rate and report to the customer. AIR COOLED High Pressure Leak Check LCK.I20 a. Inspect for leaks and report results. b. Repair minor leaks as required (e.g. valve packing, flare nuts). c. Calculate refrigerant loss rate and report to the customer. d. EDDY CURRENT TESTING ANL-150 Perform eddy cunent test on the tubes to determine the condition of the tubes, and if corrective action is needed. Trane Sevice Quote Vail Cascade Schld Maint Total Price ...................$8'183,00 &!€:L Applicable taxes are not included and will be added to the invoice.2. Any service not listed is not included.3. Work will be performed during normal business hours Thank you for giving us this opportunity. lf you have any questions or concerns, please call me at (970)242- 4361. Best regards, Ron Hall EBS Sales Account Manager This agreement is subject to the attached Trane Terms and Condltions. Proposaf Date: May 22,2000 Submitled By: Ron Hall Authorized Representative EBS Sales Account Manager Customer Acceptance TRANE, a division of Amerlcan Standard Inc. Authorized ReDresentative TitleTifle Acceptance Date @ Ameican Standard lnc. 2006, All Rigfts Reserved. Signature Date Trane Seruice Quote Deqrhtent of @mmunry Developnent Euilding &fety and Insp&ion *ilics 75 tuut| Fronbge R@d Vail, Colomdo 81657 97H&2138 FAX97(H792452 wwwvaiuov.com BUILDING SAFETYAI{D IT{SPECTION SERVICES PLAN RHIIEW COMMENTS: Contractor/Aoolicant Trane FAX/Email #: 303.228.2828 copy NU]IBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUGTION: NUMBEROF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: mshutts@destinationhotels.com 93 - 266 - t+tLo Engineer Hadji Associates proj# Vail Cascade 303.293.3884 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 0612312006 M06-0172 Vail Cascade 1300 Weslfiaven Drive R-1 I-B ? ? The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 Intemational Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conseruation Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. Thefollowing @mmerrB will nedto EaMrc*d priorb isuaneof a building petmiE For procasing:o Please submit four complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise idenUfied. o Please respond in writing to each comment bv markino the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet. detail. soecification. or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building permit application number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enginee/s or architecfs "wef'stamp, signature, registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations. all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-family pCIects all sheets of the olans must be stamped. I A Town of Vail elecfical permit application is required. Architectural Comments:2 Fire resistive separation is required for the machinery room per IBC table 302.1.1. Please veriff existing, or proposed room enclosure and construction. Mechanical Comments:3 Provide complete mechanical drawings showing compliance for both normal operations ventilation and emergency ventilation requirements per IMC 1105. 4 Show discharge of exhaust ventilaUon per IMC 1105.6.1 5 Revise plang supply and exhaust ducts to the machinery rooms shall serve no other area per IMC 1105.6.1 6 Include sequence of operation for emergency shutdown. Include plans for refrigerant detectors. rMc 1105.3 7 Relief piping cannot be routed thru the elevator machine room. IBC 3006 Electrical Comments:8 Include a worknote concerning the maximum overcurrent protection allowed by manufacturer. Plcase !€f€r to the covor she€rt for Infonnatiron on resubmltdng plan* In order b avoid delays in lsuance of a p€rmit, please checl dl rcquesbd information is included wlth the rcsubmitbd plans Please submlt revised plans ac a compl€te s.t Partal plan rusubmittals will not b€ ruvicwed. F: \odev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\M06-0 172u{ffi -0172. DOC Conf i rmat I on Report - MemorY Send Pag6 oate & T lms L ine I E-nai I Machine l0 001 Jun-z3-06 08:04an 9104t92152 T0Yll 0F VAIL C0li,illUNlTY DEVELOPICNT Job number Date To liu[ber of pa8es S tart t ina End t ire Pages sent S tatus Job number 759 Jun-23 08:03an ESt3032933881 002 J un-23 J un-23 002 ()K 08 :03am 08 :04am : I58 *** SEND SUCCESSFUL **+ M.tzr.ttt 4 @ft"rr1.4r&y &rE@rt-rc a.t&ra, *ray lrd rt *dqt * .75.h.ta1, Fralrga .Wd '4aaa. &r& at657 !9ZHE-22.fi F,ru( gzHB-iX':;Z Dtutu-v-nOov-cdn BUILDIIT|GqAFEaa./l|YDIdEPE.cTrosEr\Ttc!3Pr-.AnRt'|'I!r^,ccll.i|Ei|T.: EDS|.E.=.EEHadjl AsertclEt€3proj.f Vsll Cascade 303.293.3444 rcosv r|.|shu|lt(Od-tunaltgnhgEl9-cornnrrir..rs=n cDF PAoE5, 2 FRoirt chrI3 Gqnfon, B|-rrldlng Pl'ns E<'rtllncr f.r^Tt! cB/?3t2ato6 DUI!-CDa}{O FlRLrr*t r^,Io6-()L7Z OVffXrnS faAttlEr V.ll C.tc.d. 3tT! EfDRllt.tr 13O(' V\,-5th.v€n Drlw' 'fGt!. F^;x.r;n-!! *l OGCTTP,IIr|CV rG:trllctu PtTYPE C'F GC'i|S-TTT4'CT8C'N ti|rrr{BER 'E F !sroFl.lE3.Et rt-E rJit€ Alllar . CorrF'EtuF/AEEll€ri!'Tl.-n- 3o3-2ZA-2€24 Fl-aI-E}7? -rtr€ docr.rrntnts subrnltted tur tltts proJ€ct hslre tteeli r€n i€i^r€d lbr cornptrance wlttr the 2oo3 IntertrEttonat Bultdtno coai,-zooi fiiGrnr€onaf nrc'licntltl Cod€- 2oo3- lrrt;erfrauonal MechErrlcal ced€. 2o(I3 rnternrtiona-t-Fi.t -G$-C;a;, too3 In:t i;;uJnal Pturi-rolng code, zoo3 Irttert.|stl-ortal Encrgy consc.vEuort c-ii anb 2ooi rvjitonrl erectrl-Ei'coo€ ac rr|odtfred and adoetsd bv ltre Tovvn of VEll- ,7r- rd,ro(t rgt @r"rr.&rb.*tttn-d@ e t&& t*-tor a tstttte ott butal'4f pen"tE fuapa@.raf:-'- dad or olfrenarl=_ tatnrtAta_ HN HADJI AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS June 14, 2006 Destination IIoteIs & Resorts 10333 E. Dry Creek Road, Ste 450 Englewood, CO 801l2 Attn: Mike Shutts, Corporate Director of Engineering Re: Vail Cascades Resort Chiller Replacement Dear Mike: The existing York chiller was removed - 90 ton capacity. The York chiller had reciprocating type compressors with R-22 refrigerant. The new chiller produces 100 tons of refrigeration with less electric FLA draw. 200-amp disconnect @480Y/3pW60w. Power wiring with single point connection to a prewired panel on the machine. Control wiring provided to DDC controls per enclosed schematic wiring diagram. Interlock cooling tower, chilled and condenser water pumps with chiller. We will test and balance water flows during start-up and checkout of the machine. 1825 Lawrence Street. Suite 200 Denver. Colorado 80202 Telephone: 303-293-3800 Facsimile: 303-293-3884 E-mail: Hadji@HadjiEngr.com Four (4) 3/8" reliefvalves are required to be connected together to a header and piped to the outside with l" copper pipe. 2-318" valves per circuit required. Use braided flexible connections at chiller. Unit is provided with y4" Armaflex insulation including loads and plpmg connectrons. Product Data - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Series RrM Water Cooled Chiller Factory Assembled 100 Nominal Tons Dual Compressor Circuited 92# of R-22lcircuit 460 VolV60 Hertzl3 Phase X-Line Starter Standard Cooling 40 to 65 degrees F, 240 GPM @ 55' '45"F Condenser: Long Shell, Standard Temperature 300 pm @76" '86' F UL/CUL Listing ASHRAE 90. 1/CSA compliant JlVail Cascade Resort\Do,:uments\kners\Resort Chillcr, 6. l4.06.doc o! w' \' Inverness Hotel & Golf Club June 14.2006 Page 2 of2 ARI certified Ship with skid (flat bed tnrck) Duplex 2-compressor model; 2-circuit model. RTWA 100. Trane chiller replaces existing chiller. Connected to existing chilled water and condenser wat€r pumps and piping. The chiller is located in a separate chiller room. Ventilation is provided by make-up and exhaust grille. Sized for 500 cfm available capacity. Based on 92# of R-22 refrigerant per circuit. We calculate per MC Code 0.5 cfin/s.f. @ 250 s.f.: 125 cfin minimum required. Required em€rgency chiller shutdowr must be provided to stop chiller and turn on the exhaust system. If you have any questions regarding the above, please call me. Sincerely, HlrD)l AI\[D ASSOCIATES, INC. ,b-*QW George E. Hadji, President GHlcar Enclosures P.E. JlVail Cascade Reson\Documents\Leners\Resort Chiller, 6. l4.05.doc GJ . 100 WC Chiller Mechanical Specifications - Water Item: Al Qty: 1 Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Gen6ral All components on Series R chillers are tested. Each unit is shipped with a full operating charge of oil and refrigerant. Exposed surfaces are painted with an air-dry beige primer-finisher prior to shipment. Compressor-Motor Two direct drive 3600 rom. semi-hermetic Trane Model N helical rotarLcompressors. Each compressor has: oil temPerature Protection; loss of oil charge protection; low oil flow protection; double mesh suction inlet screen; electrically actuated variable and step unloaders; rubber-in-shear isolator mountings. Motor is suction gas cooled and suitable for voltage utilization ranges of +/- '10 percent from nameplate voltage. One sensor in each motor winding protects against excessive winding temperatures. Starter Unit contains a full voltage across-theline starter. Evaporator Dual circuited, shell and tube design with seamless internally finned, copper tubes roller expanded into tube sheets.'ncewithASMEpressurevesse|codeforrefrigerantsideworkingpressUre of 300 psig (2068.5 kPa). Waterside working pressure is 215 psig (1482.43 kPa). One water pass with -a series of internai Oafftes. Each shell contains temperature sensors to provide leaving water temperature control, freezestat protection, and low refrigerant temperature protection; as well as vent and drain connection and 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) Armaflex ll or equal insulation (k=0.28). Evaporator Operation Temperature Unit is designed for standard evaporator temperature operation (40-65) degree F modes. Refrigerant Circuit All units have two comoletelv independent refriqeration circuits. Each circuit includes an oil separator, liquid line service Gl7e-s]Tii6 Orier, combination moisture indicator sight-glass, electronic expansion valve, charging valve, and insulaled suction lines. Condenser Two independent shell and tube condensers designed with seamless internally/externally finned tubes expanded into accordancewithASMEpressurevesse|codeforrefrigeranlside working pressure oi +SO psig (3102.75 kPa). Connected in series on lhe water side with single inlet and outlet piping conneCtions, and a working pressure of 150 psig (1034.25 kPa). Each condenser includes a subcooler circuit, and an oil cooling circuit. Tubes are cleanable and replaceable. Gondenser - Standard Temp Unit is designed for standard condenser temperature (less than 1 10 leaving water temperature) degree F operating modes. Control Panel All controls, including sensors, are factory mounted and tested prior to shipment. All cataloged units are UL tested prior to shipment. Microcomputer controls provide all control functions including startup and shut down, leaving chilled water temperature control, compressor and electronic expansion valve modulation, anti-recycle logic, aulomatic lead/lag compressor starting and load limiting. The unit control module, utilizing Adaptive Control Microprocessor, automatically takes action to avoid unit shutdown due to abnormal operating conditions associated with low refrigerant, high condensing temperature, and motor current overload. Should ihe abnormal operating condition continue until a protective limit is violated, the unit will be shut down. Unit Protection Unit protective functions include loss of chilled water flow, evaporator freezing, low refrigerant pressure, reverse rotation, compressor starting and running over cunent, phase loss, phase imbalance, phase reversal, and loss of oil flow. by Tnne / lnstalled by - 100 WG Chiller The standard confols package also indudes digital cycle counters and hour meters for each compressor, under/over voltage protection, remote alarm contracts, compressor run indication contacts, maximum capacity contacts, and a percent volts disPlay. A menu driven, digital display with two 40 character line provides a full array of operating conditions and diagnostic readouts. The standard power connection is for the main three phase power. 'l 15 volt control power transformer is provided factory installed and tested. Warranty A First Year Parts Warranty is included, covering the whole unit. GJ - 100 WC Chiller May 22,2OOG ;7q EH UJOloo .^Pi E8q gul: dZZk >1 +<6 !u>E obt3J? ::: G= ^-e.^f, trx5 e276EE Alrr dR 6F +XY<<6 Unit Dimensions - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Item: Al Qty: 1 =lll Fzot l.L GJ - 100 WC Chiller May 22.2006 Field Wiring - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Ghillers (Duplex) Item: Al Qty: 1 fi-: r::iiiEi o r < @< rD !ttttttt\ft I-tt-tt-tlo9 loa l<o3 |ET igT luT I'.)t tu)t t(jl I 5. (J 6 LJ6: (J vi v _v NY++ >= :<< YJ^91 9V oV ii\ F() Foi67 xo xoEI uJ lr>ouz iF:" i s: ;Eeg ,i3g * * EgiA,EggE ; E?r Ei*ii 95ir p i:=?=E;E3lg= i ;gr;ggEi;e:i E IEeeHEtE=g!EEa Bg:85=5s lari""F9 ;igEi;iEHEEfEg;:: o 6 ! UJ TLx = Qo o> 63t9 o EI tt zzzl tsz 1Ecx d? ;. BS p F I rij ldI rF'EI l.r" 0,I (L ltr : 6l bl? a 5t | fr ^t t I i f. | .A F<l lz 3ig F =oo z: uJF 1 Fzotr LU U,l {E = 3 c 3 F z lu tf(.)tr 5 G, t =F- UJ llJ(t, c =oE z o u, z E. ;F zIu zlz 2 qJ Fz tr UJ a r!E =E IJJ =Fal(J 100 Ton RTWA Denver (S04) Mark Redman e iwruE, Tag RTWA.t Chiller model Series R(TM) Water Cooled Chiller Model number RTWA100 Unit nominal tonnage 100 Quantity 1 Capacrty 119.10 tons 3032282808 Denver Sales Ofnce 0949:49a m 06-14-2006 7A-125 Ton Water-Cooled Chiller - Series R(TM) Job Information This unit complies wih the effciency requirements of ASHME Sbndard 90.1-1999 and CAI,I/CSA C743-02. Certified in accordance wih the ARI Water-Chilling Packages using the Vapor Compression Cycie Certmcation Program, which is based on ARI Standard 550/590 and lhe shndard ARI rating condiiion (44154 deg F and 85 deg F/3 GPM per actual ton). Note: Condenser pressure drop and flow rate values are given br standard series condenser inshllations on lhis unit. AC\ @t1zh-- \ ooY, Y 174 RUE T'r'.. D:{U 4o a, 12N -:T=-^"/' Y1z A;--IoBl'9oY" ls-D / r 'l'?.?. J:Uado\100 Ton RTWA.psd t_qA A- Evaporator Information Evap leaving temp 45.00 F Evap flor rate 285.10 gpm Evap entering temp 55.00 F Evap pressure drop 19.80 ft H2O Evap fouling fuctor 0.00010 hr€q ft-deg F/Btu Evap fluid type Water Evap fluid freeze point 32.q, F Evap fluid concentration 0.00 o/c 40to65F Gondenser lnformation Cond application Long Shell, Std. Temperature Cond entering temp ?6.00 F Cond pressure drop 17.30 ft H2O Cond leaving temp 86.00 F Cond ffuid type Watet Cond florv rale 335.80 gprn Cond fluid concentration 0,00 % Cond fouling hctor 0.00025 hr-sq ft.deg F/Btu Electrical Information Unit power Single point power MCA Single point porer MOP 81.,O kW 16200 A 225.00 A RLA LRA Comp A 72.00 A 410.00 A Comp B 72.00 A 410.00 A 06/142006 Produd Version 1.97 Page 1 of 1 l3o JNANE' Prepared For: Sold To: Submiftal Date: May 22,2006 Job Name: GJ - 100 WC Chiller Tnne A Division ol Ametican Standad lnc. Trane is pleased to provide the enclosed submittal for your review and approval. Product Summary Qty Product1 Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Gurt Schnelder / ll Trane 445 Bryant St., Suite 5 Denver, CO 80204-4800 Phone: (303)228-3300 Fax: (3O31228-2828 describes the equipment we prcpose to lumish lot this proiect, and E sub,nitted tor your awroval. C:lDocuments and Settingsltsdvr2l5Local SettingslTemporary lnternet FileslOLK2lsub.doc Table Of Contrnts Product Summary tUater Goolcd Hellcal Rotary Ghllbrs (Duplex) (ltcm A1) Mechanical Specificatione.........,.. ...............................4 W€ight, Cloarance & Rlgging Diagram .......................7 Field Widng...............................8 GJ - 1OO WC Chill€r May 22,2006 Tag Data - Waler Cooled Hellcal Rotary Chillers (Duplex) (Qty: 1) Item Taq(s)Qty Descriptlon Model Number A1 No Taq 1 100 Ton Water-Cooled Chiller - Series RTWA1OO Product Data - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Item: A1 Qty:1 Series R(TM) Waler Cooled Chiller Factory Assigned 100 Nominal Tons 460 VolV60 Hert/3 Phase X-Line Starter Standard Cooling 40 to 65 degrees F Condenser: Long Shell, Standard Temperature UUCUL Listing ASHRAE 90.1/CSA compliant ARI certified Ship with skid (flat bed truck) FLD = Fumished Iry Tnne / Installed by Others Tnne Equlpment Submtttat Page 3 of I GJ - 100 wC Chlller May 22,20Oo Mechanical Speciflcations - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex). Item: Al Qty:1 General All components on Series B chillers are tested. Each unit is shipped with a full operating charge of oil and ref rigerant. Exposed surfaces are painted with an air-dry beige primer-finisher prior to shipment. Compressor-Motor Two direct drive 3600 rpm, semi-hermetic Trane Model N helical rotary compressors. Each compressor has: standard suclion and discharge service valves; internal pressure relief to suction; high oil temperature proteclion; loss of oil charge protection; low oil flow protection; double mesh suction inlet screen; electrically actualed variable and step unloaders; rubber-in-shear isolator mountings. Motor is suction gas cooled and suitable for voltage utilization ranges of +/- 10 percent lrom nameplate voltage. One sensor in each motor winding protects against excessive winding temperatures. Starter Unit contains a full voltage across-the-line starler. Evaporator Dual circuiled, shell and tube design with seamless internally finned, copper tubes roller expanded inlo tube sheets. Designed, tested, and stamped in accordance with ASME pressure vessel code for refrigerant side working pressure ot 300 psig (2068.5 kPa). Waterside working pressure is 215 psig (1482.43 kPa). One water pass with a series ol internal baffles. Each shell contains temperature sensors to provide leaving water temperature control, freezeslat protection, and low refrigerant temperature protection; as well as vent and drain connection and 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) Armaflex ll or equal insulation (k=0.28). Evaporator Operation Temperature Unit is designed for standard evaporator temperature operation (40-65) degree F modes. Refrigerant Circult All units have two completely independent refrigeration circuits. Each circuit includes an oil separator, liquid line service valves, filter drier, combination moisture indicator sight-glass, electronic expansion valve, charging valve, and insulated suction lines. Condenser Two independent shell and tube condensers designed with seamless internally/externally linned tubes expanded into tube sheets. Designed, tested and stamped in accordance with ASME pressure vessel code for relrigerant side working pressure of 450 psig (3102.75 kPa). Connected in series on the water side with single inlet and outlet piping connections, and a working pressure of 150 psig (1034.25 kPa). Each condenser includes a subcooler circuit, and an oil cooling circuit. Tubes are cleanable and replaceable. Condenser - Standard Temp Unit is designed tor standard condenser temperature (less than 1 10 leaving water temperature) degree F operating modes. Control Panel All controls, including sensors, are factory mounted and tested prior lo shipment. All cataloged units are UL tested prior to shipment. Microcomputer controls provide all control functions including startup and shut down, leaving chilled water temperature control, compressor and electronic expansion valve modulation, anti-recycle logic, automatic leadilag compressor starting and load limiting. The unit control module, utilizing Adaptive Control Microprocessor, automatically takes action to avoid unit shutdown due to abnormal operating conditions associated with low refrigerant, high condensing temperature, and motor current overload. Should the abnormal operating condition continue until a protective limit is violated, the unit will be shut qown. Unlt Protectaon Unit protective functions include loss of chilled water f low, evaporator freezing, low refrigerant pressure, reverse rotation, compressor starting and running over current, phase loss, phase imbalance, phase reversal, and loss of oil flow. FLD = Fumghed by Trane / lnstalbd by Others Tnne Equlpmqrt Submittal Page 4 of I GJ - l(xl WC Chlller May 22,2OOa . The standard controls package also includes digital cycle counters and hour meters for each compressor, under/over voltage protection, remote alarm contacts, compressor run indication contacts, maximum capacity contacts, and a percent volts display. A menu driven, digital display with two 40 character line provides a full anay ol operating conditions and diagnostic readouts. The standard power connection is for the main three phase power. 1 15 volt control power transformer is provided factory installed and tested. Wananty A First Year Parts Warranty is included, covering the whole unit. FLD = Fumbhed tV Trane / lnstalled by O,herc ftan Equlpm6''lt Su,,t lttal PagcSdS GJ - 100 WC Chlller May 22,2006 Item: A1 Qty:1 =uJ oz UJ FTg E E\JO:22-0-z ;:s zFEr"6= =IJJ CEF lrJ (t) =uJ =aEH UJOcooPiE !+: dZZ!iii Jt,t *i<6 ul>E (JrL? ZuzSdE q[; geBde4A, EE E6 iu =z << o Fz 9(9 #5e sax619 m\ 3 IJJ =FzoE1l =UJ5zI(L i U' UJf a,,gEE tr sitrJr TIJ "'36 ezl 6Eo 3=EAEu, S?Y6=9 E F F so E r.r.r r; ; o!{ v_: <'sgd b>3 FLD = Fumished by Trane / lnstaled by Others Trane Equlpmet t Submlttal Page 6 ot I 3 UJ >-oz IJJ FIg TE -igllgg;*glsgElsgg,l GJ - l0() WC ChlllEr Mav 22.2OOG Item: A1 Qty: I EI-_lui jgl I ElEl "l slil el tPt I 3 IJJ Fzotrtt =g z 5& FLD = F/Jrnbhed W Tnne / lnstalled by O//l,ers Tn E Equl nent Submlttat Page 7 of I d)FI 6 z =ulFz- Fz tr UJa uJ =(r llt B utFoz llr uJq) Ef E a 5 (! F lJ-z tr() E - Fz o fi IEoaz uJ II ;F z UJ =l =x GJ - 100 wC Chlller May 22, 2006 Item: A1 Qty: 1 $$*E 8-r !;;teEe S E:Eg;5: e;E;sE:a P= e <",=qFfr ';sQ H3EI oE;€ i H*; sEdF 3 3?*EcgEi ; =F;F',=:i? i EqE;EEF;-f; is;$ =3?;:=5=EEHEEEE? FFHFEi4;;6 EiEgfrEEEEE OF ix?;H ff ezHfXE*e = . =E;5EgHE$IEE?;ue5i fi! 9 E ;F6 a EEEEEFEE=E:EE"E :lgEi*Egg:FIEi3E ElEEgggIEglillggEiE a t!s llt ; = o>lE6 t+; 0l6Xf o =zzl(! tszf 3 33 3l|l Fil lntt-| ltt\-Jtt.o- i-l =E ri- =3 P f,s I r ltr 6t Et? e EF :f F3 zo ^l tr | 3trt o t- o <vo az.= b+5 Page I of ITrane Equ lpme,rt Subm itta IFLD = Furnished by Trcne / lnstalled by Others HNU.I tNc. Nl;k 1825 Lawrence Street. Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Telephone: 303-293-3800Facsimile: 303-293-3884 E-mail: Hadji@HadjGngr.com June 23, 2006 Town of Vail Department of Community Development Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Chris Gunion Building Plans Examiner Re:Vail Cascade 1300 Westhaven Drive Chiller Replacement Dear Chris: We have reviewed your plan check corrections and have the following answers and comments: The Electrical Contractor will get his electrical permit separately. The manufacturer (Trane) shows a maximum overcurrent protection of 225 Amps @ 460Y13pW60-. Architectural Comments A machinery room is not required to be 1-hr rated since we are venting the R-22 refrigerant relief to the outside with pressure relief piping. R-22 refrigerant is not flammable or toxic and is classified as A-l per MC Table I103.1. Also, it complies with the requirernents of IFC Section 606.5 since it has only 92# and does not exceed 220# maximr.rn required. The building is a hotel with some ancillary uses such as mechanicaVelectrical equipment rooms. Mechanical Comments Please refer to items #8, 9, and 10 in the enclosed letter. Normal ventilation required 0.5 cfm/s.f. x 250 s.f. = 125 cfrn. Emergency conditions refer to IFC section 606.9. R-22 is non-toxic and is non- flammable. 1. 2. fu0,0,,.9K9 JlVail Cascade Resort\Documents\t etters\Chiller Replacqnent Vail Bldg Dspt, 6.23.06.doc Building Safety and Inspection Services June 23, 2006 Page 2 of2 Q=100 x./c = lo0 x {92 - 959 cfm An additional 12" x 12" opening will be provided to exhaust 500 cfm. We will Test & Balance air quantity to exhaust a total of 1,000 cfrn under emergency conditions. 4. Exhaust ventilation is ducted to exhaust fan and to outside the building and will complywithlMC 1105.6. 5. Per IMC Section 1105.6.1 we will discharge the mechanical room exhaust to the outside, 20 feet from property line or openings into buildings. Per IMC Section 1105.6.2, make-up air is being provided from a separate duct. 6. We don't have to provide for remote controls per IFC Section 606.9' I . Owner requires and will provide a shut-off emergency manual switch to stop chiller and open emergency exhaust damper to exhaust possible refrigerant leak' 7. Elevator machinery room has been relocated during the renovation of the elevators in the hotel. 8. Electrical contractor will apply for permit separately. See enclosed letter items #1 and#1. Ifyou have any questions regarding the above, please call me. Sincerely, HADJI AND ASSOCIATES, INC. J:Wail Cascade Resoft\Documents\Lrn€rs\Chiller Rcplacement Vail Bldg Dept, 6.23.06.doc HND) :3i3'fiff#i:i^l 2#zr ll 1825 Lawrence Street, Suite f00 Denver, Colorado 80202 Telephone: 303-293-3800Facsimile: 303-293-3884 E-mail: Hadji@HadjiEngr.comtNc. June 14, 2006 Destination llotels & Resorts 10333 E. Dry Creek Road, Ste 450 Englewood, CO 80112 Attn: Mike Shutts, Corporate Director of Engrneering Re: Vail Cascades Resort Chiller Replacement Dear Mike: 1. The existing York chiller was removed - 90 ton capacity. The York chiller had reciprocating ty?e compressors with R-22 refrigerant. The new chiller produces 100 tons of refiigeration with less electric FLA draw. 200-amp disconnect @ 480 V/3ph/60 cycle. 2. Power wiring with single point connection to a prewired panel on the machine. 3. Control wiring provided to DDC controls per enclosed schematic wiring diagram. 4. Interlock cooling tower, chilled and condenser water pumps with chiller per Trane shop drawings. 5. We will test and balance water flows during start-up and checkout of the machine. 6. Four (4) 3/8" reliefvalves are required to be connected together to a header and piped to the outside with l" copper pipe. 2-318" valves per circuit required. Use braided flexible connections at chiller. Unit is provided wifh3/e" Armaflex insulation including heads and piping connections. 7. Product Data - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Series Rru Water Cooled Chiller Factory Assernbled 100 Nominal Tons Dual Compressor Circuited 92# of P.-22lcircutt 460 Volt/60 Hertl3 Phase X-Line Starter J:Wail Cascade Resort\DocumcntsvJtt€$\Resort Chiller, 6. l4.06.doc Destination Hotels and Resorts June 14. 2006 Pase 2 of 2 Standard Cooling 40 to 65 degrees F, 240 GPM @ 55o - 45'F Condenser: Long Shell, Standard Temperature 300 gpm @ 76" - 86" F ULICUL Listing ASHRAE 90. IiCSA compliant ARI certified Ship with skid (flat bed truck) Duplex 2-compressor model; 2-circuit model. RTWA 100. Trane chiller replaces existing chiller. Connected to existing chilled water and condenser water pumps and piping. 8. The chiller is located in a separate chiller room. Ventilation is provided by make-up and exhaust grille. Sized for 1,000 cfin available capacity under emergency conditions. 9. Based on 92# of R-22 refrigerant per circuit. 10. We calculate per IMC Code 0.5 cfin/s.f. @250 s.f. = 125 cfin minimum required under normal ventilation. 1 1. Required emergency chiller shutdown must be provided to stop chiller and tum on the exhaust system. Ifyou have any questions regarding the above, please call me. Sincerely, IIADJI AND ASSOCIATES. INC. t ,-a,,/-\. , ?\2.67-, ,/ V.A''|', \,r'-rl ?ra\tg?0- . ll x".-. George E. Hadji, P.H President GIVcar Enclosures J:Wail Cascadc Resort\Documents\l.etten\Reson Chiller, 6. l4.06.doc TRAIIE' Prepared For: Sold To: Submittal Date: May 22, 2006 Job Name: GJ - 100 WC Chiller Trane A Division of American Standad lnc. Trane is pleased to provide the enclosed submittal for your review and approval. Product Summary Qty Product1 Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Curt Schneider / jl Trane 445 Bryant St., Suite 5 Denver, CO 80204-4800 Phone: (303)228-3300 Fax: (3Q3)228-2828 attached information describes the squipment we propose to fumish tor this prcjed, aN is submitted for your awroval. J;UOBS\ 1 7 1 \63359\4\sub.doc Table Of Contents Product Summary ..........,.........,..... 1 Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) (ltem A1) Mechanical Specifications... ............. 4 Weight, Clearance & Rigging Dia9ram............ ...-.......8 GJ - 100 WC Chillar Product Data - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Item: Al Qty: 1 Series R(TM) Water Cooled Chiller Factory Assigned 100 Nominal Tons 460 VolV60 HertzJ3 Phase X-Line Starter Standard Cooling 40 to 65 degrees F Condenser: Long Shell, Standard Temperature UUCUL Listing ASHRAE 90.1/CSA compliant ARI certffied Ship with skid (flat bed truck) Tag Data - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) (Qty: 1) Item Taq(s)Qtv Description Model Number A1 No Taq 1 100 Ton Water-Cooled Chiller - Series RTWAIOO GJ - 100 WC Chiller Mav 22.2006 Mechanical Specifications . Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Item: Al Qty: 1 General All components on Series R chillers are tested. Each unit is shipped with a full operating charge of oil and refrigerant. Exposed surfaces are painted with an air-dry beige primer-finisher prior to shipment. Compressor-Motor Two direct drive 3600 rpm, semi-hermetic Trane Model N helical rolary compressors. Each compressor has: standard suction and discharge service valves; internal pressure relief to suction; high oil temperature protection; loss of oil charge protection; low oil flow protection; double mesh suction inlet screen; electrically actuated variable and step unloaders; rubber-in-shear isolator mountings. Motor is suction gas cooled and suitable for voltage utilization ranges of +A 't0 percent from nameplate voltage. One sensor in each motor winding protects against excessive winding temperatures. Starter Unit contains a full voltage across-theline starter. Evaporator Dual circuited, shell and tube design with seamless internally finned, copper tubes roller expanded into tube sheets. Designed, tested, and stamped in accordance with ASME pressure vessel code for refrigerant side working pressure of 300 psig (2068.5 kPa). Waterside working pressure is 215 psig (1482.43 kPa). One water pass with a series of internal baffles. Each shell contains temperature sensors to provide leaving water temperature control, freezestat protection, and low refrigerant temperature protection; as well as vent and drain connection and 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) Armaflex ll or equal insulation (k=0.28). Evaporator Operation Temperature Unit is designed for standard evaporator temperature operation (40{5) degree F modes. Refrigerant Circuit All units have two completely independent refrigeration circuits. Each circuit includes an oil separator, liquid line service valves, filter drier, combination moisture indicator sight-glass, electronic expansion valve, charging valve, and insulated suction lines. Gondenser Two independent shell and tube condensers designed with seamless internally/externally finned tubes expanded into tube sheets. Designed, tested and stamped in accordance with ASME pressure vessel code for refrigerant side working pressure of 450 psig (3102.75 kPa). Connected in series on the water side with single inlet and outlet piping connections, and a working pressure of 1 50 psig ( 1 034.25 kPa). Each condenser includes a subcooler circuit, and an oil cooling circuit. Tubes are cleanable and replaceable. Gondenser - Standard Temp Unit is designed for standard condenser temperature (less than 110 leaving water temperature) degree F operating modes. Gontrol Panel All controls, including sensors, are factory mounted and tested prior to shipment. All cataloged units are UL tested prior to shipment. Microcomputer controls provide all control functions including startup and shut down, leaving chilled water temperature control, compressor and electronic expansion valve modulation, anti-recycle logic, automatic lead/lag compressor starting and load limiting. The unit control module, utilizing Adaptive Control Microprocessor, automatically takes action to avoid unit shutdown due to abnormal operating conditions associated with low refrigerant, high condensing temperature, and molor current overload. Should the abnormal operating condition continue until a protective limit is violated, the unit will be shut down. Unit Protection Unit protective functions include loss of chilled water flow, evaporator freezing, low refrigerant pressure, reverse rotation, compressor starting and running over current, phase loss, phase imbalance, phase reversal, and loss of oil flow. by Tnne / lnsta ed by Othe.s GJ.100WC Chiller u@- The standard controls package also includes digital cycle counters and hour meters for each compressor, under/over voltage protection, remote alarm contacts, compressor run indication contacts, maximum capacity contacts, and a percent volts display. A menu driven, digital display with two 40 character line provides a full anay of operating conditions and diagnostic readouts. The standard power connection is for the main three phase power. 115 volt control power transformer is provided factory installed and tested. Warranty A First Year Parts Warranty is included, covering the whole unit. z uJ =,"x^|rl urO Pi E l{; <t7Z!\3;<o uJ>E ()I.L< z9gzs tu c u.l[= p 9!{ J 9= E .,, FE 95 lB g 2 << O Unit Dimensions - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Item: Al Qty: 1 =uJ Fzox. E z Jo- s, uJ fs5ggrr us6 E2 d.t-\Or!e 32U o-vr^ ;55 j ii2<9 =h>2 2A:6 GJ - 100 WC Ghiller tslu ozllt r? e Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Item: A1 Qty:1 il---lttt i ',i l9l I Et:t ,l rlil rl;I lr-l ' It9t It-tl,ill;gg;gigggEllgE*I =llt FzoEIL 3llJtz 5(L GJ - 100 WC Chiller May 22,2006 o e. zul E IF zul =: (lt- I 6 z =e. Fz oFz tr UJ LUa uJ ;E 3 ul z lurll al(.) E() UJ E F 3 E z tr ut ul ul ; z o E!*iiii Field Wiring - Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chillers (Duplex) Item: Al Qty: 1 HF$E fi-r ,E*! EgE E:;i E?E ErE: 8*e .5EEEHEg E;=;EE;; i*EE=',iE8 FlE=HEfr:Eg" E;eggEEgEEf; = IJJN uJ ogl o> F '., *.8 0= 6Y. I It- I 1zzl =z AE FJ!,!> Lll < 3 3 lf | 6 ldt9()l.'lP-'s ot rJ I< o- =l I t-,t ,. I uJ ^t E I t l. r .: F<l az -4.1 5 Page I ot ITrane Equipment Submiltal-Flo -- rwnisnea W rraie t ln*itua ry otners Confirmation Report -Memory Send Page Date & T ime L ina I E-na | | Machine lD 001 Jun-23-06 08 :03an s704792452 T0l|lt| 0F VA I L C0[fil|Jli ITY DEVELOPI'C]IT Job nu|nb6 r Date To l{umber of pages Start t i|||e End t ine Pages sent Status Job nunber : 758 : Jun-23 08:02an : E913032282828 : 002 : Jun-23 08:02am : Jun-23 08:03am : 002 :0K 758 ++* SEND SUCCESSFUL *** Owt-rrart aa Curraaratt Lr. 4ryrratataLwvt -W.rrd 2.9.-dot #a25.*.rd, ParAo. @dVa4.@gt€5792tE-<7-2zg F.4X9ryNsi;? .+1'..>y. vdueg-@t, BIIII-E)IIUa S^FETY.tnlCt lnfs9Ecnarhf SEtllttCES l'tratr| RE\aIErrt dctlr]rEffrl3! TiEnc 30et-224.2;a.2aCopy r'|stiutt3tlDdcsttnsuonhotels-corn ^||JJ|IEER. OF PACGS. 2 TOt Fa-1|EtttaL #: PR.C'Irat E AT!!!rJILE lltac PGRLrr *trratvY'f{llu3 NA!|iE!3itrTE AE E i,ESS:CtGGT'PAIITCY Gi!CtUP! H.dJl AssoclaEsproj* \/all Carc.de303-293-t8,a4 chrts cqrrlorr, Bulldtn€| Plans Exa'|,|l.rGro6/zt/2(Jo6MO6-OI72vall Casclde. 13OO lweattrBvan Ctrivje FL-I.TYPE OF qC'II|STR,UGTICDNT I.ENrtllElR. CtF !3TfGtRr!:3. ?IIJILE Il{C A;LE'\: ? The docurnents sLrbrnltbd lbr thls protect hev- be€fr rErrl€l^ ed lbr cornpla.nae r dth ttrc 2OO3rrrterrraltonEl E rrudlng Code, 2OO3 InEiTt.ttonel Rcsldenljsl C9clc, 2OO3 Interfr-|Jonal Meclranlcalcodc, 2OO3 frrt rrraltonla Fuel Gias Code, 2OOB lrrEtrrtrtCon€t Plurnblng Cgdc, 2OO3 IntErnauonslE.terg|)/ Con en atton C'-ode and 2(,O2' Nab-onsl ElGctrlcal Cod€t as rnodtt'l€d and .dopt d by l+re 'fown ofVsll- ,b3 tWblvraE, @rt rxyrE E 0 d b Ae -&.od/ryto- @ ttuE ra of - /CutHt rgt pzrrtct,tuptec-gtgtt - Ple-3e 3ultrirlt furrr cornElet- saGs of ra\rl4ad cAnstt"rlcuon docarryrents corrtalnlrro the r€oue-st€ClIn+br1'rartlton r.rlttr -ll pbn rE\rlslorr ltcrlrs clouded 6'r dttr-]-r rlse idenrlfl-d- llrJl#ou In"p""$3!l,F"3yF?L*Po'ting t'n" u Requesled Insp€ct 9ate: Eqday, August '18, 2006' Inspectlon Area: CG Site Addross: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL VAIL CASCADE A/P/D lnformation Activitv: M06-0172 Const Tvo6: O^frier: LO VAIL Applicant: TR\NE,D Contractor: Descriotion: Comment: Comment: Tvoe: B-MECH ICAN STANDARD OF AMERICAN STANDARD GUNI SubTgne: ACOM Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG Phone: (303) 228-3300 Phone: (303) 22&3300 -VAIL -ER REPLACEMENT ETT AND FIRE - JSUTHER s€nt to contractor. enqineer and Vail Cascade 172\M0il)172.DOC - - CGUNION Comment: NORMAL AND EMERGENCY EXHAUST SYSTEM TO BE ADDED TO EXISTING ROOM PER IMC 1105 - CGUNION Roquosted Inspection(s) ltem: Requestor: Comments: Assiqned To:- Action: Comment: Comment:IMC refers to lFr room and visual oFAMERTcANSTANDARD Requestedprlmoi (0nti89$T",r* 103, has long way to trav€l , Cascade Hotel ,.roanlift.cEfi '=#**orEDoNrrEMEsn;e;;:;:':tTr'::iul.or.or,- T*o *- R"4 {-.,"J,k-zJ c I t< r {.*- J . *, wpeJ " ..-f h"'"/#"rH|} ;Bc(( + &'t<l* o{ ' Item: 200 ID TO BE ON SITE FOR NE)CI INSPECTION. IT FOR EXHAUST AND WATER FLOW. AP APPROVED FINAL REMOVED FROM CHILLER ROOM. /1 I l4 rJroalnbrwd o tu21 Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: 310 315 320 330 340 390 07l2uo6 t1 REPT131 Comment: ??o'?77 ^ ( Lof Run fd: 5502 Trane Company Rocky Mountain District TNATTE" Chevanne WvomingAir Conditioning, Heating, and ro irce:1-888-323'1884 Energy Management Work Order # Fax: 303-527-0845 Technician Job AddressJob Name Job Contact Trane Authorized Warranty Service Denver Phone: 303-228-3300 Fax: 303-228-2828 Tol I Free : 1 - 888- 323 - 1 884 Eoulder Phone: 303-527-0677 Bolse Colondo Spings Phone: 719-599-3900 Fax: 7l9-268-0200 Gnnd Junctlon Toll Frce: 1 -888-323-1884 Phone: 1-970-242-4361 Fax: 1-970-242-4566 Phone: 208-362-0916 Fort Cotlins Toll Free : 1 -877-652-93 1 6 Phone: 970-490-1052 Fax: 970-490-1191 Satt Lake City Phone: 801 599-3900 ToI Frce : 1 - 800-288 -7 263 Fax: 801-486-0752 rc"nni",,^n /fi,y'- { :, tr Phone # Serial Number Recommendations Dato LADOI Tavol Miles DriveoReoularjvenineBeoulallvenine 8/t z/ot L q/t x/r, t 3 tgnaure WHITE 'can Stgnalure YELLOW. CUSTOMER au.Material Vendol P0# huck Stock wmty. t'loO Complete o Premises Clean & Neat Page - oJ SERVICE FILE PINK - SALES SERVICE USE HND) :Ri#'Rffii^illftr ll 1825 Lawrence Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Telephone: 303-293-3800 Facsimile: 303-293-3884 E-mail Hadji@HadjiEngr.com August 7,2009 Vail Cascade Resort and Hotel 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Cascade Resort and Spa Guest Room Air-Conditioning Project Completion Hadji Job No.06082.02 Attn: Curtis Heath 6ot -o)f I I:D ,l o,l oFffilH'ilipv Dear Curtis, Hadji and Associates, Inc. performed a final observation on the project involving the installation ofa new heat pump air conditioning system for the above-referenced project. All observed deficiencies have been resolved by the contractor and as the Engineers-Of- Record, we have signed off on this project as being complete. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HADJI AND ASSOCIATES, INC. fuEg-#*)e- Scott R. Harbaugh Principal J:Wail Cascade Resort & SDa\Guest Room AC\06082.02\Documents\Lene$\Completion lrtter to VCR.807.09.doc w4=ryI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1825 Lawence Street, Suite 200 Denver. Colorado 80202 Telephone: 303-293-3800 Facsimile: 303-293-3884 E-mail: Hadji@HadjiEngr.com fuE/e**g- Scott R. Harbaugh Princioal ffit -oltt August 7,2009 Vail Cascade Resort and Hotel 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Cascade Resort and Spa Guest Room Air-Conditioning Project Completion Hadji Job No. 06082.02 Attn: Curtis Heath Dear Curtis, Hadji and Associates, lnc. performed a final observation on the project involving the installation ofa new heat pump air conditioning system for the above-referenced project. All observed deficiencies have been resolved by the contractor and as the Engineers-Of- Record, we have signed offon this project as being complete. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HADJI At[D ASSOCIATES, INC. J:Wail Cascade Resort & Spa\Cuest Room A(106082.02\DocumentsUrtters\Completion titter to VCR.807.09.doc NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES-,-'.\ /r l' (\-.'\ CS1'/'t WNtrlIIil.V Town of Vail, community D"u"lopr"ntffiuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0.479.2139 t. 97 0.47 9.2452 inspection s 97 0.47 9.21 49 ELECTRICAL PERMIT ACOM Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: CASCADE HOTEL Parcel No...: 210312100012 Permit #:E09-0063 PRJ07-0245 ISSUED 0st20t2009 05/26/2009 fit22no09 Project #: OWNER L-O VAIL HOLDING INC C/O DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP 555 17TH ST STE 3600 DENVER co 80202 APPLICANT D,P. ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 'l 1$E CONTRACTOR D.P. ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 1 19-E o5t20t2009 0512012009 Phone: 970-926-4140 O5t2012O09 Phone: 970-926-4140 CASCADE HOTEL REMODEL: WIRING FOR NEW FIXTURES lN CORRIDOR $55,887.50 Square feet 0 FEE SUMMARY Desciption: Valuation: Electrical Permit Fee-----> Investigation Fee--------------> Will Call Fee-------------------> Use Tax Fe+----------------> Total Calculated Fees----> $1,216.70 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $1,220.70 Tolal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> TOTAL PERMIT FEE.-> Payments--*- BALANCE DUE------.> i1,220.70 $0.00 $l,220.70 $1,220.70 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05/20/2009JlE Action:AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internalional Building and Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable therelo. BE MADE TWENW.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970,479.2149 OR AT OUR of Owner or Contractol elecJtrm_o41908 Mlay,20, 2009 33AMI N0,0008 P, 1 ELECTRICAL PERMIT : Prcjsct Stre€t Addr€E,klro L \c < (Numbrr) (St ,eet) . (Sutts #) Buiidins,compr* *.r", I4r, ) B"r elL. fH*? I,Zi' Y%a1-ozq< Bulldins Pcrmlr* WL1 111 EhctncarPemit* E: Aq -A0V3 Lott: _ Block# - SubdMsion: t \ Conlacl Name: .Contad Cell::i 'E.Mail o Deblled Descdption of Work: 1t,ue oh c.czt/l : (usa idditional sheet it rcoessary) Town x Con (For parcel *. contact Asscasors . Tenant Name: : ' Owner Name:f: COMPLETE SO. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUA. . TION OF WORK (Labor & Matedal) . Amount ot SO Ft: . Elec{rical S: /lg-F :i i Work Claasr ,t"*t t Additbn( ) Remodely'fi Repair( ) Otrer( ) : ,. Type of Bulldlng: 'Single-Family( ) Duple,\( ) Multi-Family ) Commercial i^,Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) : Date Recelvedr uektJP visit ri,u n eaglecouty.us/patic) Erv=lnl 2ozooe a OF VAIL r= ,/a\ MAY TOWN F] iltl 4t,ztn 1o * * * * * t t * * !l I * | * t*t f * rt* t *t t t t* 't t't * 't 't rt ** 't * a' a t* * ** a* i I | * * * | * | * t * * * * |t * * * * t * | | '} * 't * * * * t t * | | | f* ** ** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *a'tl'|*'}t*lt**+* * I + *****alt* * * * * * * | t * * | ***|*|*t**** i * r * * 't* * I' t* l***tl***** * * * ******tllr* * * * 'l * * statemen! Number: R090000555 Anoun!: il ,220,7o 05/26/200901:37 PM PalmenE MeEhod: Check PETERSON Init: ilLE NoEation: 25350 DAI'E iL,22O.70 **i'**tt*lt'tir*it *****'t***t'tl*************i***t***t'it*r************t'|'l*****r.***r.***rlll**d'*irl"l* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Permit No: Parcel No: Sit.e Addreas 3 Iccation: This Payment: EP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 wc 00100003112800 E09- 0063 2103- 121- 0001-2 13OO WESTHAVEN DR VAII., CASCADE HOTBI., Type: BIJECTRTCAL PBRMIT Total Fees 3 Tota} ALL Pmts : Balance : $1,22O.7O $L,220.70 $0.00 Current PmtE L,2L6.70 4.00 EI,ACTRICAL PERMIT FEES WII,L CATL INSPECTION FEE Wl -VA'&( 1J:5b F nom: hp-rrhu |ELH . v rby95B.{).t to:yr6 ycb urg> l-{epw,rnh -P,r*lak Oetrt.'chnicr l, Inc. 5020 ( irrrnry R,'il |5{ Lilerruood Spnngs, Crrk,ra,.lo 81601 Phone: 9?0-945'7984 Flx: 970-945-ti{54 cnrailr hpgeo@hpgerrtec lr.t'ror P.e.5 L- o Va" on'l $ o'l' HEPVYORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL October 9,2007 Alpine Mountain Builders, lnc, Attrr: Don Naill P.O. Box 69 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Subject: DearMr. Naill: As requested, a representative of Hepworth-pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observcd the excar-ation at thc subjcct site on october 2,2007 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings ofourobservations and recomnendations forthe foundation design are presented in this report. The services were performed in accordurce with our agreement for professional engineering services to Alpine Mountain Builders, dated October 2,ZOO7. The proposed chiller tower is located south of an existing building in the area of an electrical vault and will be supported on foundations designed foi4,000 psf At tbe time of our visit to the site, the foundation excavation had been cut in one levet about 4 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The soits exposed in the bottom ofthe excavation consisted ofdense, sandy gravel with sorne cobbles. The existing buitding footings and the bottom of the electrical vaull were exposed near the bottom ofthe excavation. No free water seepage was encountered in the excavation. There was some minor water fiom the ovemight r-ain and the soils were rnolst. considering the conditions exposed in the excavation and the nature ofthe proposed cgnstruction, sprcad footings placcd on thc undisturbed natural soil designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 4,000 psf should be adequato for supp-ort of the proposed chiller tower. Footings shoutd be a rninirnum wiAtn of l6 incires for continuous wall-s and 2 feet for columns. Loose and disturbed soits in footing areas shoutcl be removod and the bearing level extended down to tho undisturbed natural so ils. The bearingsoits should be protected against fiost and concrete should not be placed on frozen soils. Exterior footings snouH be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevations for tost protection. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottorn to span locai anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least l0 fect. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures (if any) siould also be designcd to rqgist a lateral earth pressurebased on an equivalent nuiO unit weight ofat least 45 pcf for on-site soil as backfill, Structural fill placed within floor slab areas can Parkcr 303'841-7119 o Coloradosprir.rgs ?19-533.5562 r Silverthorne 9?o46g-i9lt9 Job No. 1A7 0"184 Observation of Excavation, Proposed Chillor Tower, Vail Cascade HVAC, Westhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado U-l -t4-J-&( tJ: !,b F romi t-IJ-(rEU tELfl , rb:.t58+5+rortlE Jcb tstu5 Alpine Mountain Builders, lnc. Ootober 9,2007 Page2 coruist of the on-site soils compacted to at least 95% of standard Proctor density at a moisnne content near optimum. Backfill ptaced around the slructure should be compaoted and the surface graded to prwint ponding within at least | 0 feet of thegtn cfure. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and do not include subsurface exploration to evaluote the zubsurface conditions within the loaded depth of foundation inhuence. This study is based on the assumption that soils beneath the iootings have equal or better $uDport than those exposed. The risk of foundation rmvcnrent may be greater than indicat€d in this report because ofpossible variations in the subsuiface conditions. In ordcr to rweal the nature and extent of variations in the subsurfacc conditions below the excavation, drilling would be reguired. It is possibte the data obtained by subzurface exploration could change the recomrnendations contained in this letter. Our services do not includs determining the presencg prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MoBc) developing in the future. Ifthe client is concemed about MoBC, then a professional in this special fietd ofpractice should be consurted. Iflou have any questions or need further assistance, please cail our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTC}INICAL. INC. {}^^J,.L P,E, Rw. by; DEI{/]tsw 9.ls,i6 384S9 t-i ffir,tl, Job No. 107 0784 cst'ech 0ct, 9, 2007 l:19PM Alpine Mountain Builders l'l0.9774 p1 Eatlnaan, ln(. r.-.*,EIE -.^,.-*est*H rr|l trA- a! t- tbrE-r.(.Lrb a&tr'lD .rr{|etoro -i#lSi;i3 lO' CW, REt 1Et.O FOR REINFORC,TI{g HOI'5E KEEPIN6 PAP, REr PI-AN (2)-.6 x q.-o^ (2)-.' X- 6ONTINJAJ6ti 2_ .T ! o t EXl97rN0 STRUCTURE 1" VO\O Fa]F,} l i$sy 2',4" rF|ELO VE:RIFY',(F1ELO VERIFY) TYPI6.A;L€RAOE BEAI.,I G'-A' LEI.IGiTI{ MA)(IM]I!{, t gECrON >) 0ct, 9. 200i l:20P[,] A]pine Mountain Builders No.9ii4 P. 6 A al,,t3b4n -.." #,gge$E! lo' cw, Rh lEto FOR REIIfORCIN€ FIOU3E K!!PIN6PAP, FIEI PLAil EXt5flN6 37R)X.\rRe 4' VO)o FoRw 2',1" (FIELO VERIFY' VEFIIFY, ryPI6AL6R.AnF FF,|M {!',-0" LEit€i?H MA)(IMJMJ 9ECT ION fl b9 hliffifilr)i" Deprfrnent of Community &velopment Buiaing gfety and Insrytion *Ni@s 75 fuuth Fronbge Rnd Vail, hlorado 81657 9704n-238 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgtov.com CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR B07.O177: TO:Contractor/Aoplicant Alpine Mtn. Builderc (970)926-870s FDVEmail #: ulftrvo@vail.net Architect JG Johnson Architects (303) 892-70se The re-submitted drawings indicate the removal of the condensate drains and installation of a heating element in the primary drain pan of the heat pump unib. The installation instructions for the heat pumps does not allow for this option. The drains are required and will be mandatory to be installed. The re-submitted drawings show the upper combustion air run upward from the termination. This is not allowed. Reconfiguration will be required prior to inspection. There are no details for the stairs from the mechanical room. The stairs are required to comply with rBc 1009. If a roof is framed over the space between the cooling tower and the building, a I Vz hour assembly is required. These conditions have been red lined on the plans. John Plano I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Seruices 970.479.2t40 jplano@vailgov.com F:\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT,COMMENTS\807-017n807-0lZ/.conditions.DOC , )"'| Deryftrnmt of Community Development Buiding Safety and Inspection Seruices 75 South Fruntage R@d Vail, blorado 81557 970-4n-2138 FAX 970479-2452 www,uailgov.com BUILDING SAFETYAND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO:Contractor/Applicant Architect Alpine Mtn. Builderc JG Johnson Architects (970)s26-870s FAX/Email #: ulftwo@vail.net NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUITDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCYGROUP: TYPE OF COT{STRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: (303) 892-70s9 3 John Plano, Building Plans Examiner 07/1s12007 BO7-OL77 VAIL CASCADE RESORT AND SPA 1300 Westhaven Drive R-1 IA 4 shown on plans unknown The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas @dg 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2005 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following commenB will need to be addressed prior tu issuane of a building Permit: For processing:o Please submit four comolete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please resoond in writing to each comment bv markino the attached list or creatino a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet. detail, specification, or calculation shows the reouested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building oermit aoolication number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enginee/s or architect's "wet" stamp. sionature, registration number and date on the cover page of anv structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-famiV projects all sheets of the plans must be stamped. Buildino Deoartment Comments: .l40.0 - The Town of Vail's records indicate this building was constructed as a Type IFR building under V me Uniform Building Code. This is the equivalent to a Type IA in the currently adopted code. Add the construction type to the Code Analysis, Response: Information has beon added to code analysis on sheet A0.0. ,,.d X.t- Note 6.2 is indicting a wood HVAC enclosure. The framing is to be non-combustible. Please change accordingly. Response: Therc will be no wood framing, all framing is going to be of metal studs. As discussed, the keynote mentioned rofens to millwork, this correction has been made. t'-' . Y A5.3, A0.1 - Provide a listed tVz hour assembly for the new roof associated the chiller enclosure. (IBC / -(dable 601) Reeponse: The inlent of a roof is for the protection of a building. he Intent of the code would suggest that ln order for a roof to be fireproofed there would need to ben] SOV somethlng to flreproof it from. Slnce thls void space does not contain anything combustlble nor / ctt provide any occupiable floor area, there should be no reason to rate the assembly.v .;/eO.t - Please change the notes associated with'"Through Penetration @ Rated Floor/Ceiling" to reflect that the fire-stop s),stem utilized will meet F and T ratings unless installed within a wall then T rating will only apply. (18C7t2,4.2) Response: Note has been revised to comply with IBC section 712.4.2, see sheet A0.1. l.f,/IS3 - The door in the new wall enclosing the generator is indicated as a metal door and frame. Please indicate on the drawings that this door is to be 90 minute rated. (Irc 604.2.L4.L and IBC 715.3) Response: Doo6 has boen lndicated as 90 minute rated, refer to sheet A1.3, keynote 8.6. V g5,3 - Provide adequate detail to veriff that the chiller exhaust termination complies with IMC 908.3. Response: The cooling tower exhaust is open to air at 18'above grade with no occupied spacos or openings within the general vicinity. ,/ , \,7 Al.l - With the addition of the new boilers in the mechanical room, 2 exits are required from this ^l (+oom. Add an additional exit to this room and provide an enlarged drawing of this room. Note: the "f ,{ exits are required to be 7z the diagonal dimension of the room apart. Theie is no sprinkler exception . ;9' for mechanical rooms. (IBG 1014.4) Response: A second exit has been added to the exteriorwall of L"'t the mechanlcal room. -/\-,f A1.1 - There is a concern regarding the fire-resistive integrity of the existing mechanical room, horizontal and veftical shaft housing the new 12" flue. Provide detail showing existing assemblies and how these elements will be revised to meet listed assemblies. Response: Refer to Insulated wall thimball detail on mechanical sheet M.0. ,,.5 M-0 - The new condensate drain lines for the heat pumps are indicated as 3/4" throughout. The code Where the drain pipes from more than one unit are manifolded together for condensate the pipe or tubing shall be sized in accordance with an approved method. Revise the condensate sizing acordingly. (IMC 307.2.2) Response: Per the attached calculations from the Trane Company, a 1-lr4 ton heat pump will produce approximately 0.0387 gallons per minute of condensate. A 55 watt, low voltage electric drain heater will be installed in the primary drain pan of each heat pump to evaporate the condensato. S€o ettached detail. ,y'0 tnt-t - Provide detail for the combustion air ducting. Cleady show separation of the high and low ,/ ducts to the outside and clearly show how upper combustion air is within 12" of the ceiling without # ^,gsloping downward toward the source. (IFGC 304.11)4-Ofr sloping downward toward the source. (IFGC 304.11) ,,rP' l., Response: A "Combustlon Alr Duct Detall" has been included on Sheet M-{1, See attached detall. u{t l,t-t - Provide a secondary drain pan and piping under the heat pumps. (IMC 307.2.3) Response: In lieu of a secondary drain pan, a wet switch ls being installed in the heat pump drain pan that wlll deactivale the unit upon detectlon of wator. ,r{Z tl-Z - Room 43 indicates return air being pulled from the corridor. This is not allowed, change the drawings acmrdingly. (IBC 1016.4, IMC 601.2 Response: Sheetg M-2, M4, M6, and M{ - Return alr from corrldor. When new backgrounds werc Ineerted In the mechanlcal plans, the return arrowa were inadvertently mlsplaced. The drawlngs arc being revised to indicate the return air coming from each individual unit and not the corridor. 43 M-q - Rooms L43, t45, 147, t49,151 and 153 indicates return air being pulled from the corridor. This is not allowed, change the drawings accordingly. (IBC 1016.4, IMC 601.2) Response: Sheets M-2, M-.0, M6, and M{ - Return alr from corrldor. When new backgrounds were inserted in the mechanical plans, the retuln arrows were inadvertently mlsplaced. The drawinge are belng rovlsed to indicate th€ return air coming from each indivldual unlt and not the corridor. t6 ltl-O- Rooms 2Ig,23O and 243 indicates return air being pulled from the corridor. This is not allowed, change the drawings acordingly. (IBC 1016.4, IMC 601.2) Response: Sheets M-2, M..4, M6, and M-8 - Return alr from corridor. When nerw backgrounds were inserted in the mechanical plans, the return arnows were inadvertently misplaced. The drawings are belng revised to Indlcate tho .eturn air coming from each indlvidual unit and not the corridor. U/fq-S - Rooms 3L9,332 and 343 indicates return air being pulled from the corridor. This is not allorred, changd the'drawings accordingly. (IBC 1016.4, IMC 601.2) Response: Sheots il-2, M4, M6, and il{ - Return air from corridor. When new backgrounds were inserted in the mechanical plans, the return atrows wene inadvertently mlsplaced. The drawings are belng revlsed to indicate the return air coming fiom each indlvldual unit and not the corridor. ./V6 All sheeb - Return air is restricted from being taken from a doset. (IMC 918.6) The materials in the closet will not meet smoke and flame spread required for plenums. (IMC 602.2.1) Duct the returns so the closets are not being utilized for air movement. There is the physical issue that clothes in the closet @uld block the appliance intake opening also. Response: We agree that this would be appllcable for gas-flred appliances, such as forced-alr warm-air furnaces. Howevor, thls Installatlon Is for wator€ource heat pumps and no gas is involved In this installation. Durlng doslgn, wo anticlpated the pGslbllity of clothlng blocking the roturn air openlng. Therefore, we have Indlcated two return air openings to each heat pump enclosure, on6 apptoxlmately 6" off the floor and one return opening approximately 6" below the ceiling. The clothing rod does not extend such that tho uppor oponlng could be blocked. Vf St.0 - The deslgn criteria indicates 80 mph wind at a 3 second gust. Town of Vail requires design to 90 mph at a s se@nd gust. Please drange accordingly. Response: Plans have been changed accordlngly, re: sheet31.0 .f/Sf .O - Provide a detail indicating how the new roof attaches to the existing structure. Response: Plans provlde a detall, sectlon 4, now showlng roof framing attachlng to oxlstlng structurc. See attached sheet Sl.0 1t/St.O - Add the rafters to the drawings. The section 1/S1.0 indicates rafters on the opposite side the- architectural drawings are sho,ving. I Response:Plans have been changed accordlngly, re: sheet S1,0 & E-13: FEEDERS FOR NEW PANELS M1 AND LPMI SHOULD BE 4 WRE, NOT 3W. This has been revised on the related plans, see attached drawing. il E-Ql: INCLUDE NEW HEAT TRACE PANEL lN THE LOAD CALCULATION AND SHOW CIRCUITING. Response: The heat trace control panel requires only one 277v circult. Panel has been modified to indicate such, see attached drawing. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check all requested information is included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit revlsed plans as a complete set. Partlal plan resubmittals will not be reviewed' John Plano I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Seruices 970.479.2140 jplano@vailgov.com F:\cde\ACHRTS\PERMIT.COM MENTS\BO7-0177\BO7-O177.DOC Electrical O DWG E-12 Response: De@ttment of Community Development Euildinggf etyandlnspedion*---------------rvies TSSouth Fronbge R@d Vail, Colondo 81657 9m4n-238 FAX 970479-2452 www.vailgovcom BUITDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PIAN REVIEW COMMENTS: Contractor/Aoolicant Architect Alpine Mtn. Builders JG Johnson Architects (970)926-870s FAX/Email #: ulftrruo@vail.net NUMBEROF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUITDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCYGROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBEROF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: (303) 892-70s9 3 John Plano, Building Plans Examiner 0711912007 BO7-0L77 VAIL CASCADE RESORTAND SPA 1300 Westhaven Drive R-1 IA 4 shown on plans unknown The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2005 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. Thefollowing @mmenE will ned to be addrsd prtorb issuaneof a building permiE For processing:o Please submit four complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the rEuested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the olans examiner with the building permit application number noted. o Please be iure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, signature, registration numbe{ and date on the cover oage of anv structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the plans must be stamoed, Buildino Deoaftment Comments: 1 A0.0 - The Town of Vail's records indicate this building was constructed as a Type IFR building under the Uniform Building Code. This is the equivalent to a Type IA in the currently adopted code. Add the construction type to the Code Analysis. 2 A5.1 - Note 6.2 is indicting a wood HVAC enclosure, The framing is to be non-combustible, Please change accordingly. 3 A5.3,A0.1 -Providealisted tl/zhour assemblyforthenewroof associatedthechillerenclosure.(IBC Table 601) 4 A0.1 - Please change the notes associated with "Through Penetration @ Rated Floor/Ceiling" to reflect that the fire-stop system utilized will meet F and T ratings unless installed within a wall then T rating will only apply. ([B;C7t2.4.2) 5 A5.3 - The door in the new wall enclosing the generator is indicated as a metal door and frame. Please indicate on the drawings that this door is to be 90 minute rated. (IFC 604.2.14.t and IBC 71s.3) 6 A5.3 - Provide adequate detail to veriff that the chiller exhaust termination complies with IMC 908.3. 7 Al.L - With the addition of the new boilers in the mechanical room, 2 exits are required from this room. Add an additional exit to this room and provide an enlarged drawing of this room. Note: the exits are required to be % the diagonal dimension of the room apart. There is no sprinkler exception for mechanical rooms. (IBC 1014.4) 8 A1.1 - There is a concern regarding the fire-resistive integrity of the existing mechanical room, horizontal and vertical shaft housing the new 12" flue. Provide detail showing existing assemblies and how these elements will be revised to meet listed assemblies. 9 M-0 - The new condensate drain lines for the heat pumps are indicated as 3/+" throughout. The code states: Where the drain pipes from more than one unit are manifolded together for condensate drainage, the pipe or tubing shall be sized in accordance with an approved method. Revise the condensate sizing accordingly. (IMC 307.2.2) 10 M-l - Provide detail for the combustion air ducting. Clearly show separation of the high and low ducts to the oubide and cleady show how upper combustion air is within 12" of the ceiling without sloping downward toward the source. (IFGC 304.11) 11 M-1 - Provide a secondary drain pan and piping under the heat pumps. (IMC 307.2.3) L2 M-2- Room 43 indicates return air being pulled from the corridor. This is not allowed, change the drawings accordingly. (IBC 1016.4, IMC 601.2) 13 M-4 - Rooms 143, L45, I47, 149, 151 and 153 indicates return air being pulled from the coridor. This is not allowed, change the drawings accordingly. (IBC 1016.4, IMC 601.2) 14 M-6 - Rooms 219, 230 and 243 indicates return air being pulled from the corridor. This is not allowed, change the drawings accordingly. (IBC 1016.4, IMC 601.2) 15 M-8 - Rooms 319, 332 and 343 indicates return air being pulled from the corridor. This is not allowed, change the drawings accordingly. (IBC 1016.4, IMC 60f .2) 16 All sheets - Return air is restricted from being taken from a closet. (IMC 918.6) The materials in the closet will not meet smoke and flame spread required for plenums. (IMC 602.2.1) Duct the returns so the closets are not being utilized for air movement. There is the phyrsical issue that clothes in the closet could block the appliance intake opening also. 17 S1.0 - The design criteria indicates 80 mph wind at a 3 second gust. Town of Vail requires design to 90 mph at a s second gust. Please change accordingly. 18 S1.0 - Provide a detail indicating how the new roof attaches to the existing structure. 19 S1.0 - Add the rafters to the drawings. The section 1/51.0 indicates rafters on the opposite side the architectural drawings are showing. Electrical Comments: 20 DWG E-'12 & E-'t3: FEEDERS FOR NEW PANELS M1 AND LPMI SHOULD BE 4 WIRE, NOT 3W. 2'l E-01: INCLUDE NEW HEAT TRACE PANEL lN THE LOAD CALCULATION AND SHOW CIRCUITING. Please tefer to the cover sheet for infomation on rcsubmitting plans. In order b avoid delays in issuane of a permi! please check ell requested infomation is included with the rcsubmitted plans. Please submit revised plans as a complete set. Partial plan resubmittals will not be rcviewed. John Plano LC.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2t40 jplano@vailgov.com F:\adev\CHRIS\PERMIT.@MMENTS\807-017n807-0177.DOC P, 1 + + + a0t1l,lut{Ir:FtTIOl, {rPTIOt't RE:IULT REFjIRT ,; lUL.19.lBil? 3:I9Fl"1 I + TTI fiIrnFEgg tGRlrUFr Rfi.Ul-T )-' + FILE I.II]DE .qE] t,tEtlDFi Tx 9130389:?05!ijl...F. 3":r F]EFI5I:iI.] Fi:IF' EFRTRE_1) Hr:titG UF, ,:,F LItlE FAILE-1r fl,:r Ff lStlER E-.it EUr.i' L-..! I r.{r.r F-r:ir: !iIl'1 I Lf COill'IECT I t-,.rf.l Depaftment of Comnunry Nvelopment Buildhg Safdyand Insredion ftruins 75 fuuh ftonbge Road Vatl, Cotarado 81657 970-4n-il38 FAX 970479-2492 www.vailgtov.@m TO: FAXlEmail #: NUMBER OF PAGES: FROMr DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAMEr SITE ADDRESS: ,1r..t IDAN,'v rlDf$ tor 9o, ntra c.tp r/Appl ipa nt Alpine Mtrt. Buildem (970)926-870s ulftWgtovail.neJ Architelg IG Johnson Architects (30s) 892-70s9 3 John Plano, Building Plans Fxaminer 07lL9|2OO7 807-0t77 VAIL CASCADF RESORT AND SPA 1300 Westhaven Drive o-1 F. 1 FILE t + +. tLll'1l'luHIcATI0N RESULT FEFORT i. JfL.l9.:BE7 t:e?Pt'1 I + + +: TTl '3FTIOIl FIDIREsS {GROUP) RESULT 95tE87ff5EEI I1fl.1r_:rF:.r' Tli F, 3"3 FTEFSOII Ft],R EREORE-lJ HilI1{:; IJP {]F LII1E FRILE-3J I,If-I HTENEF' EU5r' ftrJ FliiSIl,lII-.E ri0t.lllEr:T101'lr-jjE-4l S$' Oepaftnent of Comnunity Deueloryent Euilding Safety and Inswion *rvlces TSSouth Frcnhge Rud Vail, Colondo 81557 9m.,4n-2138 FAX 970479-24s2 www.vailgov.an TO: FAX/Email#: NUMBEROF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILFING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITEADDRESS: Architect lG Johnson Architects (303) 892-7059 3 John Planq Building Plans Examiner 07lL9l20o7 807-0177 VAIL CASCADE RESORTAND SPA 1300 Westhaven Drive ContractoriAppllcant Alpine Mtn. Builders (970)926-8705 Ar..rr .6. r.-r TNAIIE' Prepared For: HadJi and Ass3ctates SoldIo; R&HMechanical Hat-i ?rmry Submittal Date: May 12,2007 Customer P.O. Number: C ustom er Project N u m ber : Job Number: Job Name: Vail Cascades Resort and Spa Ph 1 (50) Tnne A Oivision of Amarican Standard lnc. Trane is pleased to provide the enclosed submittal for your review and approval. Proiuct Summary Qty Product 50 Water-Source Comfort SYstems 50 Measure Flow Hose Kits Joe Bushard Trane 445Bryanl St., Suite 5 Denver, CO 80204-+800 Phone: (303) 228-3300 Fax: (303) 228'2828 me aftacll€d information descdbes the equipnent we pto,c,se to fumish for this Wjed., and is submitted for your approval, lsolation Valves are included and is used to shut off the flow to the WSHP when the unit is off. The % inch hose kit appears to have a 1 inch slrainer. The unit will be shipped with a 'l inch filter which can be removed in the field. R410a is not an oPtion at this time. The compressor on the WSHP is a rotary compressor. When we use the deluxe24 V option the iiansformer is increased from 50 VA to 75 VA. Standard warranly for the compressor is 1 year. The refrigerant warranty has been added. Extemal controls (Thermostat and control of perimeter electric baseboard) by others. i :VOBS\I 1 117386315\Ftnal Submiftal after review.doc Table Of Gontents Water€ource Comfort Systems (ltom Al) Tag Data ...................................... 3 Pmduct Data Porfurmance Data Mechanical SPeciff cations Unit Dmensions l'easurre Flow Hose Klts (ltem Bll Tag Data Produd Data lvledranlcal Specifications..., Unit Dlmensions Field Ingtalled Opdonr - ParUOrder l{umber Summary Measure Flow Hose Kits ......,......--.. ...................,... 13 3 4 5 10 t0 11 12 Vail Cascades Rssort and qra Ph 't tag Oata - Water€ource Comfort Systems (aty: 50) Item Taq(s)atv Description Model Number A1 GEHV-1(208v)50 Axiom Waler-Source Comfort Svslems GEVBOl 51-RO--TRD Product Data - Water'Source Comfort Systems Item: Al Qty: 50 Tag(s): GEHV'1(208V) High efficiencY verlical 'l 'll4 ton nominal size 208 volV60 hert/1 phase power supply Copper heat exchanger Heating and cooling refrigerant circuit High static blower 20 degree F freeze protection thermostat Top supply air arrangement Right return air arrangement Deluxe 24v controls Condensate overflow sensor Enhanced sound attenuation package Standard piping with schrader connection for water regulating valve '1" throwawaY filter Compressor warranty 2nd thru Sth year 1st year labor warranty whole unit Refrigerant warranty first year only Vail Cascades Resort and SPa Ph 1 Performance Data . Water-Source Comfort Systems Taqs GEHV-1(208V) Desion airflow (cfq)475 Min airflow (cfm )368 Total cooling capaqlly (MqD 12.30 Sensible caPacitY (MBh)12.07 Coolins EDB (F)79.00 Coolins EWB (F)60.00 Coolins LDB (F)55.80 Cooling LWB (F)50.53 eoolins ent fluid temP (l)86.00 Cooling lvg fluid ternp (E-)93.56 Total heating capaclly (l\,|E!)17.26 Healins EAT (F)75.00 Heatinq LDB (F)108.19 Heating ent fluid temp (F)68.00 Heating lvg fluid temp (F)61.68 Heat of absorPtion (MBh)13.27 Heat of rejection (]v'lEtt)15.89 Cootlng Power (kW)1.05 Heating power (kW)1.17 Fluid type Water Fluid flow rate (gPm)4.20 Electric heat (kW)0.00 Electric heat FLA (A)0.00 gxtemat static Pressure (in H2O)o.41 Blower speed High Speed Blower hP (hP)0.125 dlower quantitY (Each)1.00 Blower FLA (A)0.70 Total FLA (A)6.10 Min circuit amPacitY (A)7.50 Max fuse size (A)15.00 Compressor quantity (Each)1.00 Compressor RLAlA)5.40 Compressor LRA {4)29.00 EER @ ARI(EEB)14.O coP @ ARr(CO!)4.80 Fluid freeze Point (F)32.00 nuu PO (ft H2O)8.80 'rane / lnstalled by Oahers Vail Gascades Reso( and SPa Ph 1 Mechanical Specifications - Water-Source Comfort Systems Item: A1 Qty:50 Tag(s): GEHV'1(208V) General - High efficiency horizontal & vertical unit Equipment shall be completely assembled, piped, internally wired, fully charged with HCFC-22 and test operated at the factory. Filters, thermostat field interface terminal strip, and all safety controls are fumished and factory installed. The system water inlet and outlet connections shall be female NPT composed of either copper or a bronze option. The equipment shall contain ETL, CETL, and ARI-ISO 13256-1 listings and labels prior to leaving the factory. Service and caution area labels shall also be placed on the unit in their appropriate locations. Unit casing - Horizontal & vertical units All panels shall be insulated with 1/2-inch thick dual density bonded glass fiber. The exposed side is a high density erosion proof material suitable for use in air streams up to 3600 feet per minute (FPM). The insulation meets the erosion requirements of UL 181. lt has a flame spread of less lhan 25 and a smoke developed classification of less than 50 per ASTM E-84 and UL723. Access for inspection and cleaning of the unit drain pan, coils and fan section shall be provided. The unit shall be installed for proper access. Procedures for proper access inspection and cleaning of the unit shall be included in the maintenance manual. Sound attenuation Package Sound attenuation will be applied as a standard feature in the product design. The sound reduction package (112 through S{on equipment) will include a compressor discharge muffler, vibration isolation to the compressor and water- to-refrigerant coil, unit base stiffeners, insulated metal compressor enclosure, and a second stage of vibration isolation to the compressor and waterto-refrigerant base pan. The unit shall be tested and rated in accordance with ARI 260. Compressor - Horizontal or vertical uni$ The unit shall contain a high efficiency rotary, reciprocating, or scroll compressor. External vibration isolation shall be provided by rubber mounting devices located underneath the mounting base of the compressor. A second isolation of the refrigeration assembly shall be supported undef the compressor mounting base. Internal thermal overload proteclion shall be provided. Protection against excessive discharge pressure shall be provided by means of a high pressure switch. Protection against a loss of charge shall be provided by a low pressure safety. Water-to-refrigerant system - Copper heal exchanger Heat Exchanger - The water-to-refrigerant heat exchanger is of a high quality coaxial coil for maximum heat transfer. The copper coil is deeply fluted to enhance heat transfer and minimize fouling and scaling. The coil has a working pressure of 400 psig on both the refrigerant and water side. The factory shall provide rubber isolation to the heat exchanging device to enhance sound attenuation. Reversing Valve - The reversing valve is a pilot operating sliding piston type with replaceable encapsulated magnetic coil. This valve is energized in cooling. Tubing - The refrigerant tubing shall be of 99% pure copper. This system shall be free from contaminants and conditions such as drilling fragments, dirt and oil. All refrigerant & water lines shall be insulated with elastomeric insulation that has a 3/8-inch thick wall in the air-side section of the unit. Air-to-refrigerant coil Internally finned, 3/8-inch copper tubes mechanically bonded 1o a configured aluminum plate fin shall be standard. Coils shall be leak tested at the factory to ensure the pressure integrity. The coil shall be leak tested to 200 psig and pressure tested to 450 psig. The tubes are to be completely evacuated of air and correctly charged with the proper volume of reftigerant prior to shipment. The refrigerant coil distributor assembly shall be of orifice style with round copper distributor tubes. The tubes shall be sized consistenlly with the capacity of the coil. Suction headers shall be fabricated from rounded copper pipe. A thermostatic expansion valve shall be factory selected and installed for a wide range of conirol. Vail Cascades Resort and Electrical The unit control box shall contain all necessary devices to allow heating and cooling operation to occur from a remote wall thermostat. These devices shall be as follows: -24VAC energy limiting class ll 50 VA (minimum) transformer -24VAC blower motor relay -24 V AC compressor contactor for compressor control -Field thermostat connections shall be provided for ease of hook-up to a terminal strip located in the unit's control box -Lockout relay which controls cycling of the compressor shall be provided to protect the compressor during adverse operating conditions. The device may be reset by interrupting power to the 24 VAC control circuit. Reset may be done either at a remote thermostat or lhrough a momenlary main power interruption. Thermostatic exPansion valve The equipment is provided with a bi-directional thermal expansion valve. This device allows operation of the equipment in the range of 25 to 120 degrees F entering fluid temperatures and 40 to 95 degrees F entering air temperatures. The equipment operates with one variable (entering water temperature, entering air temperature, cfm or gpm) at an extreme condition. All other variables must be within the nominal range of operation. Deluxe controller The deluxe control package provides a 75 VA transformer. The controller includes a lockout relay, anti-short cycle compressor protection, random start delay, brown-out protection, time delay, general alarm, compressor delay on start and an open relay for night setback or pump request. Optional wiring from the factory for night setback, condensate overflow, hot gas reheat, electric heat and compressor enable is provided. Three LED (light emitting diodes) are included for diagnostics of the equipment. Drain Pan The condensate pan shall be constructed of corrosion resistant material and insulated to prevent sweating. The bottom of the drain pan shall be sloped on two planes which pitches the condensate to the drain connection, this positively sloped drain pan complies with ASHME 62 for IAQ conformity. When the unit is installed and trapped per ihe manufacturer's installation manual, and local city specifications, the drain pan shall be designed to leave puddles no more the 2-inches in diameter, no more than 1/8-inch deep, no longer than 3-minutes following step 3 of the following test. 1. TemporarilY Plug the drain Pan' 2. Fill the drain pan with 1/2-inch of water or the maximum allowed by the drain pan depth, whichever is smaller. 3. Remove the temPorary Plug. Motor/Fan The motor has a permanent split capacitor with thermal overload protection. Options of standard static or high static can be selected and wired from the factory to match performance criteria suggested in the performance section. The motor contains a quick disconnect plug and permanently lubricated bearing. The fans are placed in a draw-through configuration. They are constructed of corrosion resistant galvanized material. Removal of the motor and fan wheel can be made with the assistance of a factory provided orifice ring device. This device attaches the wheel and motor to the fan housing in a single assembly eliminating the need for access to the set screw on the backside of the fan hub. 1" [25mml throwaway filter A 1" [25mm] throwaway fiberglass filter will be included. The filter has an average arrestance of 76 percent and dust holding capacity ol 26 grams per square foot. The dust holding capacity should include a colorless and odorless adhesive which retains dirt particles within the filter media afler they have contacted the fibers. Return air flange . Vertical WSHP 1/2 thru 5 ton Return Air Flange is a top and boftom flange to allow connection of retum air duct and is field installed. The return air flange does not allow for a fully sealed application. Service llterature Service literature available for Horizontal and Vertical is WSHP-SVX01D-EN. Vall Cascades Resot r4llqpl qhl! Unit Dimensions - Water-Source Comfort Systems Item: Al Qty: 50 Tag(s): GEHV'1(208V) TOP VIE]A/ 57iatr SUFfLY OPENIT{G DUCT COTLAR st6.ii333 ;o;o;o;o;o: o: o: o:o:o \J/1\J/1\J/1\J/1\J11 YoYoYoYoYoRoRolololo\J^ \J ^v,/.\ v /1 vn -\J-\J^(J ./-\ (J /1 \J n \J n \J /-\ (J^(J/1\J/\\J/1\Jnoioioioioi \J^\J^\J^\J^\J/-\oloioioioia\"a'\"6"n".)" -\-/,-\J^(J^u^u^u^u^ oYoYoYoYoY RtcHTVtEl / 'Vail Cascades Resori an! !qp! l?1rl Accessory - Water.Source Gomfort Systems Item: Al Qty:50 Tag(s): GEHV'1(208V) !IE!I$qFllgrl'F.AIE AFACTCD Tt' BASEN.A'TE sPdFlo^llos R^IE\0.T Ge i8ro32VAG 50Sl€. MTEDACCIfiRE r qto^l?F{ilo 1.50^rf,s con}gjs 6 VA irAxttf,,l AT $ VlC, 5Ol! fC @i rRcL RAr€E l€ nt(l 4co Froo.o F c@JtG 45.0FTOS.0F DISH.AYACC{JRICfi 1'F C.tC) I lr[irrrEAD8Aro (EIWEE]I ]CAnNGA DCdUt{q2 rGtC dli.Ct€rcns 4 g'teH x7 gl6wx 7tr O oFERATIG '|AIGE 58a + S9s Rr( ro+coilE]st]G trER nlG IETIPERATIR€ RAI{GE a0.0 F TO 110.0 F ststcElgpCRAnf,E Mre -200F 101S.0 F lof6 r. !EN@R rO PACfiAGE PART lN A C RTCf,I S'ITAA.E FOR REEllPilBlt- 2 ItGtfAlrAIo{Al€eEnAIO{UIB nF.lnrtIlEPIO(lG€DrrVlH nC'}€F|Crar 1AI PUsrI A,|TTCI€ IAJST E I.AE.ED' { tNtlRrEnois rr.ET E PRNIE Oll}lE II€IDECO/ER f. Al-lqlMr€ESlO E 6 u'rllsotlcRllrsE SFEOFIED. a AssErgJEs ro Be FCFttAt€RY frlARGD V!fIH IrC OAIE CF it^t{.Frcn,nE Z TR&€ LO@ MSTAFPEAR CN 1€ FRO{T OJTSG COiER a FACT6Y UPSrV\fiOr SErnrG O[CF). ]T]Jooo su(E 9 fiE|l ON I l€t(4rT FE nFE E'$qID DtP2lSlgtt 3E tcll\r rEitcl(4Jr FEAME qP?ptpruE Vail Cascades Resort and qPl Eh 1 Field Wiring - Water-Source Gomfort Systems Item: A1 Qty:50 Tag(s): GEHV-1(208V) UNIT PO\A/ERWRING 1 PHASE POIAER SUPPLY na.owFtG Eq rE FoR r}cn6rat cot{tqno.{i GENERIC DELUXE THERMGSTAT CONNEC]ION (I\nT COff.,lECTlOt{s 11Bl - - - RE\ERSrrG VAL\E (C6.) 24 VAC FAN 24 VAC (@,tirc}.o --_)I) 2av ccct PREssfi osAs,E tt'lRjr I--- ) r€tEs I ll^g+Dut€trocarEitDF€@E^O wR|lG B/O|]CFS qs.COtic atl6.F€s Ar€ffi olstlE 06/rc8 q.mlE| rqc^rE CCi,tCr€{tS PRC|,/EED Brqt}CFA souo uf€s |trorcalEt/\F6 A/l}G l'Mr€@- 2 '(! FETDWFTG [.!tt E alrccm'l\EE !/vrxncit roaut aEqrrc cloc 0€q' TAIE |tATCA FE(IIFSENIS A\,1ARNIi'IG AA\ERISSEI,JEMT A,AEA/ERTErch |||:^n@(avd-tra€t rE.9oitoarxt€raEulE! wo(la.a Parxno6ot DlerttE'ouEEl^a:ia 'c!rc.EEEo-*lEcr!Eitr{'tlrfiei|coc E dEENS{qttEoAat tu6EaEEfEi^d !'d €'j.E*oa*|@a 6!.6 NGorOrrrEDrdrE axr.lEnsl adrtl\'r.@Yea c6.ctl.co€-|E^ &slb-cqrDiEr- s{ig'cdaaaGlisDa or6Era4^rlodrEEd9.n -E-M sarrl6iE!t-€MEaneE . Vall Cascados R6ort and Spa.?h I (50) . . . . May 12, 2007 Tag Data - Measure Flow Hose Kits (aty: 50) Item Taq(s)atv Description Model Number B1 No Tag 50 Havs Hose Kits 4123444.00N00 Product Data - Measure Flow Hose Kits Item: 81 QtY:50 3/4' diameter hose (Fld) 24'stainless steel hose (Fld) 4.0 spm (Fld) Strandard hose kit (Fld) Shainer with blow down valve and hose connector (Fld) Supply ball valve with pressure/temperature ports (Fld) Retum ball valve wilh pressurey'temperature ports (Fld) 3/4" condensate hose with molded p-trap (Fld) Vail Cascades Resort and Mechanical Specifications - Measure Flow Hose Kits Item: 81 QtY:50 Automatic Flow Control Each Hays Hose Kit shall contain a Hays Mesurflo aulomatic flow control valve, two ball valves, and two flexible hoses. The automatic flow control valve shall be factory set to a rated flow, and shall automatically control the flow to within 10% of the rated value over a 40 to 1 differential pressure, operating range (2 to 80 PSID). Operational temperature shall be rated from fluid freezing, to 225 degrees F. The valve body shall be constructed from hot forged brass UNS C37700 per ASTM 8'283 latest revision. Ball Valves The Ball Valves shall be constructed from forged bronze with brass ball construction. lt shall be rated ftom fluid treezing to 250 degrees. F. Valve bodies are suitrable for 400 PSIG, with a working pressure rating per ASTM A53B threaded joint type. A pressure/temperature port shall be provided for verifying the pressure differential and system temperature. Supply and Return Hoses (1/2-inch to 1 1/4-inch) All supply and return hoses shall be equipped with swivel end conneclions. All end connections shall be permanently crimped to meet state pressure ratings. Hose material shall be reinforced, bonded, CHAMFlex, fire retardant EPDM rubber, and rated for a maximum working pressure of 300 PSI (3/4-inch),400 PSI (112 &1 1/ -inch), 500 PSI (1-inch). The minimum burst pressure shall be four times the working Pressure. Hose material shall be stainless steel braid over a fire retardant EPDM liner, and bonded to the braid. Hoses shall be rated for 40 to 200 degrees F. Hose material shall meet the flammablility requirements of UL-94, V-0, component plastics, QMFZ2. Listing Card E80017 available on request. Strainer OPtion The Y-strainer body shall be constructed of bronze with a brass cap. The cap shall be sealed with a non-asbestos gasket. The strainer body shall be suitable for 400 PSIG, with a maximum pressure rating of 400, at 150 degrees F WOG. Working pressure rating shall be Class 125. The strainer screen shall be 304 stainless steel with SO-mesh (1/2-inch) and 2O-mesh (3/4 to 1 1/4-inch). The strainer shall be ported with f -inch size female pipe thread per ASME/ANSI b1.20.1, and B31.9. Vail Cascades and Soa Ph I Unit Dimensions . Measure Flow Hose Kits Item: Bl QtY:50 HAYS HOSE KIT .- EAIIVA\,/E \**^r.o* &ct At'rcr€ va\rE BAII VALIE VI{PT SIFAINER vtr'tsLol,Dol i.l v L\G & P|UG tnAN HOSE Coilt€cnoN 24' STAII.ESS SIEEI SUFPLY I{OSE Field lnstalled Options - Part/Order Number This is a report to help you locate field installed options that arrive at the jobsite. This report provides part or order numbers for each field installed option, and references it to a specific product tag. lt is NOT intended as a bill of material for the job. Product Family - Measure Flow Hose Kits Item Tas(s)ow Description Model Number B1 No Tao 50 Havs Hose Kits 4123444.00N00 Field Installed Optte! D9994p!!en ParUOrdering Number Supply ball valve wilh pressure/temperature ports 3/4'diameter hose 24" stainless steel hose 4.0 qpm Standard hose kit Strainer with blow down valve and hose connector Return ball valve withflqqqulqlellpelalq re ports 3/4" condensate hos l!!!! rnq!Eed-p:!!qp 3/4'CHK t4C A€t-E. F1BE €a7 r r"Kz Systen No. F-B-3005 MaylF,2005 F Ratins- I Hr TRatin;-oHr t*A | _A SECTION A.A l. Floor orWillAssembly - Min 6 h. (152 mm) thick reinforced lightweight or normat weight (100-150 pcfor 1600-2400 kg/rnr) concrete. Floor may also be constructed ofany min 6 in. ( 152 mm) thick UL Classified hollow-core Prccrst Concrete Units+. Max diam of opening is 2 in. (51 mn). See Prccrst Concrete Units (CFIV) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for rurnes ofmanufacturers.V 2. MetalClad Ceble** -Max one nom 12 in. (13 mm) diameter (or snaller) steel or aluminurn metal clad cable. 3. Fitl,Void or Cavfty Mrterialsr - Caulk-Min l-l/a in. (6 nm) thickues of fill material applied within the ann us, flush with bottom surface offloor Min l/2 iIL (13 mm) thicloess of fitl material applied wilhin the annulus, flush with top surface offloor. 3M COMPANY - CP 25WB+ or IC I 5WB+ caulk ++Bearing the UL Listing Mark +Bearing the IIL Classification Marking Iih molodolrms sxtrortod ond drown by 3fl tire Proterlion Producs from the 2006 edition of the U[ tire Resislon(e l}hedory. o o Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be rcadily accessible, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-famif dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are exempe NM Cable (Romex) can he used only in single and multi-family dwellings not exceeding 3 storis' Type NM annot be usd in any building mrked with Type ATB.E F'H/I'M &S occupancies. Aluminum conducturssmaller than size #8 are not permitted. TOWN OF VAII ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit, If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will suppoft the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Ela'trical one-line and panel schdule are requhed if load is added or distribution is altered' I have above. If you have any arding the above information or have additional questions' reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. Date Signed F: \cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\electicalJDermit_1 1-23-2005. DOC Page 2 of 2 11/23/200s 1 B.A.C. Cooling Tower Selection Program Release 6'10 NA Program data and calculations ate correct as of Mar' 10' 2005' Copy'lgltt O 2OO2 Baltlmore Alrcoll Codrp€ny, Inc Atl tlghB r€sowid" To: Attn: From: otv. 1 Hadii & Associates George Hadli CFM CompanY lnqulry No.: GKG775 Proiect Name: Westin Remodel Dab: Feb.21'2007 Selection Parameters Product Line:Series V (W0 /Tl) ffitr,,*ooo.ooGPM HotWaierTemP.: 85.00' F Cold Water TemP.: 75-00' F Wet Bulb TemP.: 60.00' F Selection Reouirements Number of Units: I to I Reserve CaPabilitY: -5% to 33% Max. Total Fan Motor Power 999 HP Max. Length (AlD: 9999 feet Max. Width: 9999 feet Max. Height 9999 feet User-Chosen Selection Thermal pertormance for this selection is certified by the Cooling Technology Inslitute (CTl)' ' Towel Total Pumplng Fen lutt Head HPrUnlt (Fl) Regcrve Capability ('hl Wamings, if AnY wo-1srcM 30.@ 6.08 5'06 This Selocllon assumes an open and unobslructed installation;.no extemal slalic pressure; andro a@essones whtch ma,, affect airllow thror.rgn iii" un1,lu"ft "" capacity controtOampers' solid bottom panels' discharge hood, and sound aftenuation. rr'on-e ii;;;;f rh;"; ;drmptions do not apply to this projecl, please use lh€ program to compute tne apptica--UG pertorm"n"" aet"t" oi "oniact your lbct g'n C' sales representative' ilr,-n'- 5Kil c'ool'12 -)ar'I i? dsi.-, ffi Baltimore Aircoil ComPanY Sound Ratlng Program, AA2007 Releaso Series V VT0/VTl Model :W0-155-OM Totat Fan Motor Horse Power: 30 HP Fan Speed & Totat Fan Power Used : Full Speed' 30 BHP Accessories : None Octave band and A-w€lgtrted sound Patssuls levsls (Lp) ato expr6sed ln declbels (oEirelarence o.otXt2 m-icrobar. soutd Power levels. (Lw) are exPresssd ln i".iber" fr]ii t"et"nce one plcowatt' o-c1ave band 'l has a contor ftsquency of 63 He1lz. I ToP Lp Sound Ptessure (dB) octaw Bard Distance 5fl 50ft 1 2 3 4) 7 a to 70 76 ,a 74 70 67 66 60 62 61 59 58 55 52 4E A{gts 7E 63 Back Lp Sound Prsseurc (dB! ocbve Band Distance 5fr 50n I 2 3 4 5 o I 71 69 66 64 61qo 62 60 57 56tt 51 46 42 A-vrg d 71 69 End LP Sound Pressure (d8l ochve Bard Dbtance 5n 50fi 1 2 J 5 o I T6 t? 71 71 68 66 62 59 66 63 58gl g 50 116 4t Ar,Wtd 74 59 End Lp Sound Pre$ute (dB) Odave Band Di$ance 5n 50 fl 1 2 4 6 8 78 71 tl 68 alt) oz oo 63 58 57 54 50 46 41 A-wgU 74 59 Air Inlet Lp Sound Pr.ssuro (dB) 06Yg Band Dblancs tft 50n 2 4 b I 81 75 74 TA 74 72 6E oo 66 63 AN 5q 57 ,1 6l A{'gUl 80 el EiunA Power (dB) Oclave Band Center FIequencY (ihu)L'e. 1 4 7I 63 125 1000 2000 .1000 8000 97 OR 92 90 89 86 82 79 E UJ = l- oz =ooo <lrolFIc{o To (D j o L)gF<z F-E AF2!lo =L)F-. ccl c) r) I ro a |q} Ift o : ol .l o o) I @ o I @ F F' -lN ao F ra! I 6l ro F o I'o to F o) I'o o F o Io }-H^oe Be z. .Er'\UJ <&mo {- \.1 s\ \ \ \ ''1 i\ \\* \\\{ \\) J-- rO f..No IO t-.|. a \\ __f, @ ro rl z I lr) I Ilt) IoF J IN I J Hc;oz z9FoltJ an FattiJ 3 T, I (,z Po at\elrjT t-o b otrl =oG ,u1 I lrl,c) ro IF ulE v, oL o-l UI tG i&i6'o rB ; lrl-2 !J ,1.a.)E:uld-LC) IF ^(,l4:o t8 1=59, JL!5oliz o- bE 1e,!lo -.k&!2tEU' tbtz Holrd sa 9 r.rl Itl !+ =o 9d vfr bHz2 o_ Y: to0ri!!rlri ifrf -(l)!!z.r:Fi :gi t6. !oi-Jl 2ZlZLi :r!lo 7atk FO ds AT!J5r r.i rrl =at3a>cr> b.ColI6-O&fFoc Jzl!trJ l/b; 8!h: siv, t,J!-:FIpi : llll lrt )E lrn- -F\2. at trJj>. .E :H 3r>:)a Xo. i'IFo UJzzo =:l ,5,' rE 6 IJJ ao (, oz zoJlrJ,}It'o rtst6 '5:d rd ,@:tlJ)c:< le-oigt5 {oi2 !n Jol ^zz fre 3?+6-r!6= a8t!JOzzf< EE uJ(9*2g< t^t,^J><= ae io= exirE rHc;6:-2.-t;; i-r1o i63F< 4ts0i zt!iz! z8: )Jr e4:, -o. tEi z6t-z !.1 - ' EU, zfr-at =a.-14 ti3 IlJc.i a<o>zo 112 2u frf * x9o-F-tI 9u_vi ,iIt!= oi =io- rt; F.|.|.li lrJ t"i1i l,r.t' <l ttzo tzt! 6 'SiLt<H 4- + >-lzl<lo.l>lolo)oo(r ulE 5 6 r(, E T!o() o I + ,', I \E\\ oroPB .r/c sl "+/t tz v "iidL TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit # B,07-0177 Project# PRJ07-0245 Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: CASCADE HOTEL Applied .. . : 06118/2007 Parcel No.,..: 210312100012 Issued...: 08/24/2007 Expires.....: 02/2012008 OhINBR L-O VAIL HOLDING INC 06/18/2007 C/ O DEI-JOITTE & TOUCHE LIJP 555 17TH ST STE 3600 DENVER co 40202 APPL,ICANT AI-,PINE MOITNTAIN BUII-.,DERS INCO6/18,/2007 Phone: 926-8703 PO BOX 69 EDWARDS coLoRADO 8),532 License: 336 -A CoNTRACTOR ALPINE MOI'NTAIN BUTLDERS TNCO6/L8/2007 Phone: 926-8703 PO BOX 59 EDWARDS coLoRADO ar532 License: 336-A Desciption: CASCADE HOTEL REMODEL.INSTALL AIR CONDITIONING IN GUEST ROOMS AND CONSTRUCT AN EXTERIOR COOLING TOWER ON RTVER SIDE, SOUTH AND WESTOF TERRACE WING Occupancy: R-l Type Construction: IB Valuation: 5,630,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 l|i'ltl.t|ltl'}'t'+:l|ll+t:it*'ttlii.i|+'|+}'+.+|:ltl,}'}|'.+l+t*t'}|l.}l||iiii Building----> 922,50a.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> $o.oo Total Calculated Fees-> $37,141.61 Plan Chcck--> S14 , 630 .35 f,sslssflgn fss-----_> S0 . 00 Add t'onal Fees-----> $0 . 00 Investigation-> go.oo TOTAL FEES--.-_> $3?,141,5r Total Permit Fe€---> $37,141.61 Will Call----+ 53 . oo Payments--------> $3 7. 141 . 61 BALANCE DUE-> $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O7/L9/2OO7 jplano Action: CR correctsion letter sent, F : \cdev\cuRrs\PERMTT . coMMENTs\Bo7 - o 177 \Bo7 - o 17 7 . Doc o8/L6/2oo7 jplano Action: AP See red lines on plans and conditions of approval fetter r: \cdev\cltRrs\pERMrr. CoMMENTS\B07 - 017 7 \80 7 -0!77. conditions . Doc al lt a*t'l,tl ta,i. ******+,f ,l+++**++**++*********{('t *{.*t 't*'t *,t ,i* '} **,t* * +:t!t'}:**** ** ** * ** ** t**,f *t ******t**,i*'i**'t******'f '}*:f *** +{.,t* * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B,07-0177 as of 08-24-2007 Status: ISSUED * * ** *'l * * * **** * **'i *********,**,i ** ** ************* * ** +,1* *d.**:* *:t **** **'i:t '*d.**:i**** *:l{.:1.{.**:1,}****:1. * * ++ * ** '}***,r** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 06/18/2007 Applicant: ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS INC. Issued: 08124/2007 926-8703 To Expire: 02/2012008 JobAddress: 1300WESTHAVEN DRVAIL Location: CASCADEHOTEL ParcelNo: 210312100012 Description: CASCADE HOTEL REMODEL-INSTALL AIR CONDITIONING IN GUEST ROOMS AND CONSTRUCT AN EXTERIOR COOLING TOWER ON RTVER SIDE, SOUTH AND WESTOF TERRACE WING ** ** ,.,i* * *'r.:r{.:++* **:} + * *:t * * * *!t,* * * +:t ,}* *******:t **+:}{.conditions. ** ** **+ ** **:t'i+d. *{. '}* 't **+* ***,}* 't *!t*i{.*ii,l. *,lt '1. * +:}* *** Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A].IY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0009231 The applicant shall replace any trees removed on a one for one basis. The minimum sizes shall be 3-inch caliper for aspens and l0 feet tall for evergreens. All trees shall be installed prior to requeting final planning approvals. Cond: CON0009233 -The re-submitted drawings indicate the removal of the condensate drains and installation of a heating element in the primary drain pan of the heat pump units. The installation instructions for the heat pumps does not allow for this option. The drains are required and will be mandatory to be installed. -The re-submitted drawings show the upper combustion air run upward fiom the termination. This is not allowed. Reconfiguration will be required prior to inspection. -There are no details for the stairs from the mechanical room. The stairs are required to comply with IBC 1009. -lf a roof is framed over the space between the cooling tower and the building, a 1 % hour assembly is required. Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/06/2007 Warren Action: AP The walls screening the air conditioner units are permitted to exceed six feet in heiqht in order to screen the mechanicals. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/03/2OO7 mcgee Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS o8/75/2oo7 gc Action: AP Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other prdinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 479-AREQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS 4 PM. ANCE BY TURE OF O E:00 AM . CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *+* * aa*l*l'ltttltt*f *t'|*t*tat*aa**+*a*** f{' {r{ri l' *'|' {' * *t***+****ltla+a'l**+*+***+41**{'**l******al+ TOWNOFVAIL,.COLORADO Statement ** l* * * * +* *{tltll I t t t{tt*lll'}ti +*ia*+a*al* t {' t* *'l ** I * ******+*aal*+ar*t+a*a**l**a**lla*l**l*a**+* Statement Number: R0700015?2 Ameunt: 122,IO7.92 08/24/200704:40 PM Palment Method: Check Init: LT . Notation: Alpine MounEain Buildere, Inc, / ck 211?8 Permit No! BO7-0177 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No3 2103 - 121- 0001- 2 Site Address: 1300 TTESTIIAVEN DR VAIL IJocation: CASCADE HOTEIJ Ttris Payment: 522,101 .92 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDTNG PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $37,141.51 Tota1 AIJIJ Etlts: $3?, 141.51 Balance:90.00 **t flll}'|l***** la'tlltt't*a''t t*'f'llt'tt****** *{' * ** * * * +**+*****{'+*t'tt++*r***************t:}{'{'liaal** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts 22,tO7 .92 tl *m-. Vail, Golorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Project #:gfl^l77 Separate ) hils o7-ozgf IN IT APPLICA are reguired for e l, plumbing, mechan etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Person and Phone #s: LlE LtNvLorH . ??o -S1o ^fl l'?,i;;^; "if;;tat ) 6tr-cazs Fax#:179-nLL- g?o PPI COMPLETE VALUATIONS FoR BU|LDING PERMIT (Labor4 fttlqtelqlg BU|LDTNG: S 4,5oo,OOo ELECTRTCAL: $ 31/OOO OTHER: $ PLUMBfNG:$ ?O,OOO MECHANICAL:$ ]5O,OOO TorAL: $ 5,bU,OOO For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visitffi zlostz loa012- Job Name: l/pru Crt<we- Wscg-r a 1PA GDe<t^ Eann- HVA1 lplvrdoVE4er:rs JobAddress: l3ao QESTAAVE'J Q(' VAI' Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision:W \rcnnecvuesrqner: . t C:r . lorrrrgS) AnO$?p-e;rs Address: 73o l-lqj DETJVET. a,b uo tq?.i, tiz- aaL-z5tsuifg Vn?4L ELqR",:t, :r Assoe.l@ srtrtz2@ ll Phone:I DEUVerz.Cg Jl @r AryccorrprtrorJr^)G lN GIJE't vLur'1.s Auw Carrr.rvt.rrcrr extE-tL.@r eeLlhr6 Towea, o) f?.tUea Stoe g.:.zUq()JVtT aF 1Ed'r?e wilrG. WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ff Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both QQ Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 0O Type of Bldg.: Single-tumily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ft AOtif',c No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: '315 *onuo"orrn ood/Pellet( ) woootsurnlw Noffwe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes () No (@st: YesftJ No( FOR OFFICE USE ONL yzz, ro? F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermit_4-17-2007. DOC D :- ^-i n F l= \v/ t=L-=Uv 14 2007 I OF VAIL **r***l'1.+ | | | | + | + I * * + * * * * * * 'r * * * * * * * * 't * **********'r*'*{.,1.* *:t:f'1.'1.+{.***{. '1.*:r * * * l' l. t | '} | * * * * * * * * t t '} + | * * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement +:i*++++**************lt++l'i+titt*t*+*++++++++++*1.****'i*+++*:1.++++++******+*++++*++***ttt*+++* Statement. Nurnber: RO?OOO1O09 Amount: 915,033 .69 06/L8/2O07o3:13 PM Palment Method: Check BUIIJDERS Init: JS Notsatsion: 20734/ALPINE l"fT Permit No: 807 -0L77 ParceL No: 2103-121-0001-2 Site Addresg: 1300 ITIESTHAVEN L,ocation: CASCADE HOTEL This Palment :$1s, 033 .59 Toual Fees: $37, 141.5L Total ALL Pnts: $15, 033 ,69 Balance: $22 , L07 .92 * * * * * ***** * ** * t'1.'N.*ir.l**** *i.*,t**,tt**** *ltr********* * * * * * *'i,t,i++* ****** * * * ***{.****'r***** t* * * * * ++ +* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts T)t)e: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMr DR VAII.,, Description BP 0 010 0 0 03111r-0 0 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILI, CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE 400.33 14,630 .36 3.00 tl ,.m hV h BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKTIS'I SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX CHECKLIST Jhis checklist is to be used with any single family/duplex permit (new construction , addition, or remodelapplication.) . b Town of Vail Design Review-Boaid apprwal must first be obtained (may not apply to interior remodels) \E Plan Gheck Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: Architectural Plans V Site Pfd"s. Provide all site plan information as required for the Design Review Application for your project. Refer to the DRB application checklist for complete details. Gonstruction staging ptans. Provide construction staging and materials storage site plans' Floor plagrs. Comptete floor plans provided for each level. Complete dimensions, drawing scale noted, use of each ro66 shown on the plans. Location of mechanical equipment clearly shown Building Elevations N,W,S,E elevations. Show all proposed exterior finish materials, guardrails, windows, , doors, and finish grades. b7 WinOow sizes and operation types. Specified on the floor plans or elevations. d Stainrays, guards, and handrails Show all stairway details with rise/run, handrail and guard details I Roof plan. -Show all roof covering materials (Class A covering required) and underlayment, roof pitch I Building cross sections. Show roof, wall, floor construction assemblies and insulation R values. Show roof and crawl space ventilation. Show ceiling heights in rooms and crawl spaces. D Rescheck compliance certificate anO lnspection checklist (new construction and additions only). Provide a complete signed compliance certiiicate and inspection checklist. Verify all exterior building is detailed on the building plans as required on the Rescheck compliance report. B Fireplaces. AtiRreptace types shown on the floor plans. Specify gas log set, or gas appliance at each fireplace. Structural Planstr Soils Report. Include 2 copies of the soils report for your lot. n All sheets of the structural plans stamped and signed by a Golorado State Licensed Engineer. ! Design specifications sheet. Roof live load, Deck live load, Floor live load, Wind Speed/Exposure, Soils report number and soil bearing capaci$ referenced per the soils report. I Foundation plan. Provide a complete foundation plan with all footing/foundation section details tr Framing plans. Provide complete framing plans for floors, decks, roofs. All beams, joists, rafters or trusses clearly shown. lnclude framing construction details and connection schedules. Other items n eslestos form completed. Asbestos test and report provided if any existing construction is proposed to be disturbed. See Town of Vail asbestos testing requirement form' D Plan check fees. Plan check fees must be paid with your application. The building permit and recreation fees will be paid upon issuance of a building permit. I have read and understand the requirements of this checklist. lf any required information is missing from the application, lu nderstand Applicant's Sig will not be accepted F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingJermit-4-17-2007.DOC Page z.of 7 ulL7l2o07 ll *m BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST COMMERCIAL TENANT FINISH/IMPROVEMENT This checklist is to be used with any tenant finish/improvement permit application. u Town of Vail Design Review Board approval must first be obtained for any exterior modifications proposed ! Plan Check Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: tr Construction plans stamped and signed by a Golorado State Licensed Architect. tr Original building construction type per IBC chapter 6 ex. ll-A, V-B D Tenant suite or tenant space number.n Tenant space location identification. Show location of the tenant space within the overall building. D Floor plans with existing and proposed walls. Show all wall assembly construction and proposed interior finishes with flamespread index. Proposed construction type must match existing building construction type. Clearly show proposed use of each room or space on the plans. ! Reflected ceiling and finish plan. Type of materials must match the fire resistance/type of construction requirements in the existing building. Show all interior ceiling finishes and flamespread index D Door schedule. All doors shall be clearly identified with fire rating, size, hardware and swing. tr Meansof egressplan. Showall occupantloadsandnumberofexitsfromthetenantspaceU Areas requiring two (2) exits: Exit doors shown to swing in the direction of exit travel, separation of exits comply with code, illuminated exit signs are shown. l,l Windows shall be labeled with size, operation, safety glass. ! All areas and rooms of the tenant space are accessible per ANSI 117.1 requirements. i Accessible maneuvering clearances provided at all doors for accessibility per ANSI 117.1 E Service counter-tops and built-in work stations provided with accessible areas per ANSI 1 17.1 tr Bathroom facilities, All accessible/adaptable features, clearances and turning spaces provided per ANS | 1 1 7. 1 requirements must be shown.! Separate sex bathroom facilities provided if the number of occupants or employees exceeds (15). I Toilet room floors/walls finish schedule.I Floors have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface such as concrete, ceramic tile or other approved material, extending upward onto the walls at least 5". D Walls within 2 feet of the front and sides of urinals and water closets must have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface to a height of 4 feet. I Occupancy separations for walls/ceilings between tenants clearly shown on the plans with fire resistive construction details and listings specified. ! Fire-stopping. Fire-stopping penetration details for plumbing, mechanical and electrical components in all fire rated walls and ceilings. n Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Plans stamped by a Golorado State Licensed Engineer Mechanical HVAC plans, plumbing plans, electrical plans/panel schedules/load calculations. tl Fire/smoke Dampers on mechanical plans at all duct penetrations into fire resistive walls and ceilings. ! Fire sprinkler plans. Show all proposed work per Vail Fire and Emergency Services requirements I Fire alarm plans. Show all proposed work per Vail Fire and Emergency Services requirements I have read and understand the requirements of this checklist. lf any required information is missing from the application, I understand the Applicant's Signature willpot be accepted 6/t" F:\cde/\FORMS\Permib\Building\buildirEiermiL4-17-2007.DOC Date Page 3 of 7 MlL712007 tls lmtrYrllttz ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application o I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant signature date OR r The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original construction date applicant signafure F:\cdeAFORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermiL4-17-2007.DOC Page 5 of 7 ulLT l2oo7 ll @ TffiItrtI&V WHEN A"PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A ..PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': o ls this a new residence? YES No-.-,x.- Does demolition work being performe{equire the use of the Rightof-Way, easements or public propertf YES__ /\_NO_ ls any utilitywork needed? YES-X-NO o o Are there any improvements being done to the driveway? YES -NO X ls a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES@- ls any drainage work being dgre that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES- NO---.A- oatesionea: b[b(oa ) ls a'Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES ls the Right-of-lVay, easementg or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES >< NO---------------- lf answer itNO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES >< .NO lf you have answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'applications may be obtained at the Public Works office or at Community Development. ff you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 970479-2198. I HAVE READ AID ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Ltpn"z Hrl (uprzs Company Name Job or Project Name: F:\cdev\FORMS\PermiE\tuilding\buildingL|]ermiL+ 17-2007. DOC Page 6 of 7 ulrilz$7 Alpine Mountain Bullderc PO Box 69 105 Edwards Villago Blvd # A205 Edwardr, CO 81632 970.926{703 far970-926{705 LETTER OF TRANSMTTTAL : June 6, 2007 JOB #: Vail TTN: RE: Cascade Hotel Retro Fit Under separate cover Va --------the tollowing items: Town of Vail: Chris Gunion WE ARE SENDING YOU X Shop Drarrirps _ Copy of Letter _ Prinb _Change Order _Plans _ Samples Olher so€citications coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION dl 6t4to7 Architeclurals AT 6t4n7 Mechancial atx 6/ult:tr leltrd'rc,x ' I a/'t/a1 P 4pttttr. (sqe<s) I ahloz A%3rcti tg*t.r I clels-+stn.aria Vzal For approval _Approved as submited _ Resubmit- copie6 for approval _ Submit -coFies for di$dbution _ Return - coreded prints For your use As reques{ed For review and comment For Bids Due Approved as noted Retumed for ooredions Other PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US lf a'rdoa|.uas are not ea I I I t T fr ,::,::::::illl,?;jlj ;. Asaesros . LBP. Corsurrnc . Tnrunc June 7,2007 10333 E. Dry Creek Rd.. Ste. #450 105 Edwards Village Blvd., Ste. #205a I Enslewood, CO 80112 Edwards, CO 81632 I RE: Asbestos lnspection at Vail Cascade Hotel Spa 1300 rVesthaven Dr., Vail, COr 81657 I Dear Mr. Burcham: I EEM Consulting, Inc. is pleased to provide this report for the above referenced site. Ther inspection was performed in association with the planned renovation of this building. I Thank you for the opportunity to provide our environmental consulting services. Pleaser call ifyou have any questions. t Sincerely, (303) 679-1851 . FAX (303) 679-1820 3350 El Pinal Drive . Evergreen, CO 80439 I A/,za* ( Ag"*-a William C. Oleskevich I President/Operations Manager T I I I I * EEM Consulting. Inc. t I Eurrn*..n Envrnolueurlr MrraceNent Colsumlc, hc. Asaesros . LBP. Colsuunc. TRetHtHc ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT VAIL CASCADE I{OTEL & RESORT 13OO WESTIIAVEN DR., VAIL CO 81657 For Destination Hotels & Resorts fm33 E. Dry Creek Rd., Ste. #450 Englewood' CO 80112 Jrune7,2(N7 (303) 679-18s1 . FAX (303) 679-1820 3350 El Pinal Drive . Evergreen, CO 80439 t I t TABLE OF CONTENTS I sEcrIoN t.ol E*ECUTT'E .'MMARY I SECTION 1.02 DATE OF TNSPECTTON SECTIONl.O3 LOCATIONOT'INSPECTION I sECTroN 1.04 EEM coNSLTrNG, rNC. R'RE'ENTATT'E I SECTTON 1.0s CLIENT REPRESENTATTVE CONTACTEn SECTIONl.06 EXCLUSIONSSTATEMENTS t sEcrIoN 1.07 'AM*LTNGRATI.NALAI\.D'AM*LEL..ATI.NS I sEcrIoN 1.08 INAccESSIBLEAREAS ATTACHMENTS I "-"?1H;Tl+b*" ^*"srs REP.RT I ott""ffAff3rArE oF coLoRADo rNspEcroR AccREDrrArroN INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ATTACHMENT#3 FIELD NOTES FOR HOMOGENEOUS DESCRIPTION ATTACHMENT#4 I IX17 SAMPLE LOCATION FIELD DRAWINGSI I I I I I t I I I ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT I 1.0r EXECUTTVE SUMMARY: r EEM Consulting Inc. (EEM) performed an inspection and collected samples in I accordance with regulatory requirements of the Colorado DeparEnent of Public Health and Environment, to determine the presence of Asbestos Containing r Building Materials (ACBM). I- The inspection included all accessible areas of the main building of the hotel, I including boiler roorn, service areas, offices, lobby, bar, restaurant, kitchen and t rooms, in both east and west wings. I A visual and tactile inspection was performed for all suspect materials and eighty I (S0) total samples were collected. All samples were analyzed by Reservoirs Environment, lnc., 5801 Logan St., Suite 100, Denver, Co 80216 I ACBM is defined as materials containing greater than one (1) percent asbestos. Iaboratory analysis deterrrined only two materials contained asbestos: I rl-----r-^--ritI o Tan or Brown, l2xl2 floor tiles present in various areas throughout the main building. o Black mastic adhesive under the snme tan or brown 12x12 floor tiles T Please refer to Reservoirs report #RES-139840-IR, pageT of 10, sample number CRV-MR-FT61P (attachment # I ).I These materials were non-friable at the time of the inspection. Therefore, no I ffi:ffff:"rsment is required. No other buildings were included in this I r.o2 DATES oF INSPECTToN:r May 31, June I & 2,2007 I 1.03 LocATroN oF INSPECTIoN:r Vail Cascade Resort and Spa 1300 Westhaven, Dr., Vail, CO 81657 I 1.04 EEM CONSULTING, INC. REPRESENTATIVES: U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State of Colorado accredited inspector William C. Oleskevich, Cert #5638 (attachment #2) assisted by Robert Ragan. T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I gnature 1.05 CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE'S CONTACTED; Mr. Ulf Lindroth Alpine Mountain Builders P.O. Box 69 Rlwards, CO 81632 l.I)6 EXCLUSION STATEMENTS: EEM Consulting, Inc., warrants that the findings contained herein have been with the level ofcare and skill exercised by experienced and knowledgeable environmental consultant who is licensed or otherwise trained to perfomr asbestos inspections pursuant to the scope ofwork required on this project. The asbestos inspection included inspection ofaccessible materials such as above or behind suspended ceilings or other non-perrnanent structures. EEM Consulting' Inc. did not inspect or sample inaccessible areas such as behind walls or within ductwork and did not dismantle any part of the structwe to survey inaccessible areas. For the purpose of this wanan! inaccessible is defined as areas of the building that could not be tested (sampled) without destruction of the structure or a portion of the structure. In the event that access to a portion of the building was not obtained (which otherwise would have been tested, such limitations are specifically identified in Section 1.08. I.O7 SAMPLING RATIONAL A}ID SAMPLE LOCATIONS: Sample locations for friable surfacing materials were selected in a random manor. Adequate quantities of each material were sampled to accurately represent each area. The minimum of three (3) samples was collected from each non-friable miscellaneous material. The minimum requirement for friable surfacing material is seven (7). EEM collected nine (9) samples of: spray applied fireproofing, trowel applied drytvall texture, spray applied texture on perimeter structural columns and spray applied "Popcom Ceilings". All spray applied "Popcom Ceiling"materials were considered homogenous in the mainUuifAing and the rooms of the west wing. Also, the lower level through the 4ft floor. Mr. Rick Burchman Destination Hotels & Resorts 10333 E. Dry Creek Rd., Ste #450 Englewood, CO 80112 William C. Oleskevich t t The east wing was considered a separate inspection area and all drywall was smooth finished with no add-on surfacing material. Drywdl tape joint compormd was I consideredhomogeneous. ! Each type of ceiling tile throughout the building was inspected and a minimum of I three (3) samples were collected. T Thermal System lnsulation throughout the building was determined to be fiberglass. I Therefore, no samples were collected, with the exception of mudded insulation onI the Hot Water Storage Tanks in the boiler room and one patched area of insulation on the adjacent circulation pumps and no asbestos was identified in these samples. r The following materials were sarnpled for asbestos content: o Interior Stucco, Trowel Applied on Drywallr : ffiffi18';#r##:'orco,umnsr I'xl' Spline Ceiling Tiles I o 2'x4'Acoustical Grid Ceiling Tiles o 2'x2'Acoustical Crrid Ceiling Tiles I ' SprayaPPliedfireProofing I e Sprayappliedpopcornceilingso 12'\12" white floor tile with brown mastic c l2"xl2" brown floor tile with black masticr o Wallpaper adhesive I Please refer to atlachment #3, hand written field notes for detailed description of eachr homogeneous area and attachment tl4 for sample location drawings. I Samples collected by EEM were analyzed by the following AIHA and NVLAPr accredited laboratory; Reservoirs Environmental, Inc, 5801 Logan St., Suite 100, Denver, CO 80216. Analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA I guidelines (EPA/600/R-i3/lr6).I r l.0E TNACCESSIBLE AREAS: I Reasonable efforts were made to locate and inspect concealed areas in accordancer with 40 CFR 763. Only the areas and the materials listed were inspected as part of this inspecfion. I I I I I T I I ATTACIIMENT #1 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS TABLE LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORTS FIEI LAB t t I I I I Reservoirs Environmental, InE. Laboratory cod€: Subcontract Number: Laboratory Repott: Prcject Dcacrlptlon: RES NA RES 139840-lR R207-55 Vaal Cascade Reso and spa I t I t I I I T t ?.<-v).-*,-'*t/ u-t:"t11 5801 Logan Street, Suite 1 00 Denver, CO 80216 June 7. 2007 Bill Oleskevich EEM Consulting, Inc. 3350 El Pinal Drive Evergreen CO 80439 Dear Customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Volunlary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code # 101896 and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab lD 101533 - Accreditation Gertificab 11480. This laboratory is cunently proficienl in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, lnc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with ihe appropriate methodology as strated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submifted to your office- RES 139&lG.l R is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endolsement of producls or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This report shall not be reproducad except in full, without written approval fiom Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of afrer sixty days unless longer storage is requesEd. lf you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call 303-9Bt-1986. Sincerely, ../..'.. Analyst(s): Paul D. LoScalzo Wenlong Liu Paul F. Knappe Rich Wegzyn Michael Scales I I P:30&964-1986 F:3O34774275 1€6&RESI-ENV www.reilab.com Page 1 of l0 I i 8f;8-f e Eoo €E-T-a Bc 38 *38 NB EE 3 --t.l.i! trF 't. o 6 .J$0, 6 Eo F |l IJ$ !, F z U z c ]t at lrt -2-a 9 i- tr Fot) oo roo rbo rl)o ooloo Qo l('o lf,(t) - q, E€l!o>E E tut EoE = IEouog !ooa o0-6-0 oo oo oeo oo Elcl cl == == == zz 2z= z= z= z €Eav)o-! EAU)'EF3o-E J<>UttI oo a0(lli= = E E E E E Eg E. 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I\ :E9Estl !r iEIl! TE;: if I'9!F:li ft FI?!iil !t djril! il 9lbl ! Ititr :: oP -9bE i.E7ItE; .lrulaoctxtF - J s "EllE+il().1 -t 'Es8*E sirrapoar , apo. 448$a Borv i (1) an'lpn a$1|8S ll I I I I :. -r--- -l - I E lD z outFdt UJ:oulg atttlv fjlr3 Olt- €u9 ]srrn Yl$l 'taxv9rF 'rBS la.|l arnl &,Oer,t. fnr €:]A {*l!",lErJV slY-llll qqeritsst lEol - l3m !1€O €O0'1 voatri - ln| ecia.id FalFr I c6t c F,r' 6,eN ';r'ttrt' rrss $?fij -i' oti i(Fi lla.rfi vu-:l]v lf:lr ,..c -og uod.r 6* l{ldd hl I I l el 1l .\|l rl €a,2aa Eis-:EI ZiFI- EisXIit.c Ilc ttli:lut rnIf fli *l I I IIBIE| :i ili 3; llE $s o E0 o t' Irl Ll'r?liilirl E: I liilliEl liEl llil lEillE= ili s ,1_l NI\| I*!l:l!'al-l "/. I\l-l .\.rti is v1 \i ( i) rlE ll! 1l lilri i tl r ' '' t i - I --- r . li - i - i..',- -' I I ---L , . .--_ -l If- -'- : I\l___I'r\l---. i I ';\J.lq\s\tr qctqc ':. l--"tri r'Hg'r\vt-r,lql ,','rla*l",Hsr- ll".-il **l'- *1 ri L Fj ' i.l -_t i | , ,'\,,t r Fi (l--- l'.' -r-.' rdsSa4t{ I .$\ l- . - lr'l-ti ., ! tl\HI-:F *l\ tl .5*1 {-r,-rl -r "r'rrl'-1 c'r' il- J-, 1,'.r,- ..r -l 'r,l 9,llt{.{d U'.r'r' rri t:t tt -rf sC ll -;i- cl '.'i .t "il>l r It* --:--r---------- I b_5 Ei!5 E; PEAbEiEi![t; ET{}"E I .p oz c E-e c E z \ :l r--l I I I il I'I:lil I ".'d "'l ^{ -,1 -] ir i[l*1-l :: caiql glrl; ilt\ l: :1. i '-' El ,J i i l1 =|El.I;l-Ioft- l- l- 19 l5 I$ lStlo I II-l iroSEf= d.o =F(, Fzo0 I\-l"l E I O rc)I i')I_ w u.lriY lil' lt1 t4 I Li B n tlttllr-l I Yl tlfl 4lol I Hgoi:a'luf2oo .? ll!i tp t ksqSfFr l $ilf ,{,J-:a}t-u\J rg:,,J gg.5J['-r.Jr |-]qt4tn r;t. jrl-t I I t I I I t I t I I I I I t I I I I el \t l-.r o E: E xrr.. E i !g Eo' 'qei" oF lDa3 i54li-o.3ij ;io ;liPi6 ,ruu,9' : F = --<dd sraJepqc og?c ,(rLcT1 c0rv / l, rlunton qduac IJ i I {.) & !l\:: . l'. E: {Ji cUIF.F., F..\. Fl\;.\i)rF uJ.; Fl, v.a llr., 5,1 aflr l!lrtl !tt!t d t rt o'1 tIJ l/ I I I I Il\ -l\I ,l\. I \ I o,.;- a .6 E a E u, 1'lt E otrlFo-o 5 .,EsE E'tr*! + o:Ej:t--g =;art i,r 9 ! e Ei8€t srourqucc t Dpoa r4c$l Erll I l a te 6 ri, F1\.\F ' i':i:+{,F. 0l :, F:F,\".F., F: )rF- llr Ft:': hU>lL' QJItt 0lE. ltl r.tl l=7lllf - j I a--t!.J ii 'lt!. r , , "i ,.!..]-.') ' rrt Q- r.-L r__C___l_ i, ' ' "?- ---7-a .,g,-r11 : -.. -d-i--rl(__-.j-r3 , c , !{{--cr-__r,1 r:l-'..il-rJ_..1s.i uJ l. J; -' -lv-*io-* J'....- tl tu.rutqj .-*- rl,ll lr r I f -{i(\l 6 I Q I i ;EB s i'.1...' -T,i ::t: :i-s i f.i! s x ii,_:q;rs tJ \J Iilrl trlI.l al-l It c, o I I o[3 H.E4e E'-.? -iq?@i !:- oa ?d# '-,., \,hltr !s Tt Ei "f IEilii il El ils rl|,aE {r\ t.lE i slgg le r|;i"ii olJo 'o8t '0$T 'lE!! ')elq 'ni.no L;. 'oar r0r1 t||tt tl r'rrti - |'"S ttr|.tr .|lnJalq*r 'd194 '0 i!,itrlFrv - lds€ risrirl (jsl ':.r.'rrrrJl ' ATTACHMENT #2 EPA AFID STATE OF COLORADO ASBESTOS INSPECTOR ACCREDITATION I I T t I I I T I t I I I t I I I t I :!4 NvZffirt,z STATE OF COLORADO ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division This certifies that William C. Oleskevich Certification No: 5638 has met the requirements of 25-7-507, C.R.S. Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B, and is Issued: 12/1212006 Expires on: 1211212007 state of Colorado in the following discipline: In spector/Nlan a gement Plan n er* * This certificute is valil oullt with lhe possessiott of a current Division-approved trui ing u)rrse certiJication in the discipline speciJied above. 'q 7/'i.NslI9rA.\E&!!iz'iJ GEEIIFICATE OF LtABtLfW lr.lSUnnUCe eoBk lE'trnDacr IDG -10901 r IOUor f, gtr Z0OLr'rt1.t@ @ 80127 ?boocr 303-98E-0t{6 llrr3O3-9g8_O8Oa ilgNERs AFFORDNG GOI'ERAGE So"tr'Stl$'t-HEn rgt 68r cO EOa3g I E - nct(_t tIE TE F Fst ED AE A IATTER OF nFOilATg+yllD_Cil4ry1to RrtrrE upor{ nrE cedffiTrE 4trElmltwIl ]|^tct r50 o00 t I TH r{E FoLEES OF rFr.nllcE tsfo qg! ffi wtDt F€sp€crtowHE t 'fi! carFE rE rAyE agrEDoisItrffi 'DdmE;'ffi ;Iiaffi il "81ffi ffi_ nYu!EPF{ia€.ql!lecl4!!t.I l' t l" rl 000 s3 oo0s1 31 r1 000 000 000 ooo 000000 000 I )10 drlt lotr,cc of T cencct' for ao-prymt. I llpf". tGulr.t.a &rtlatrraIttlt DrrsryDOlc69Itlrrralr cO B1C!2 co|.cnca Lcat^L UA fiY crerar rAoE p o"c.tProflclrlr. &d. DoUutLs/Ooatra €E T.|6GNEC'iIE I,UlTAPruE8 PER rnro1083{0602 09t30t06 09t?oto7 A'TOM!|.ELrulJTY ATTA'TO atouYr€atr6 SCICDTX'ED AUrOS }TREDAI'IG O {)WTGDA'ITX9 rfvo1083a0602 Enr010t3{o602 09ttot06 09t30t06 o9l30l07 09130107 3 1,000r 0O0 sEl8tnng.r./l UEUIY Iarsnoe D€N.EI TE RErElrnx I WON(ER' (*A'E'Jn| A5EFTOYERS UAEUTYffiHffiffi"* tou.ot vcrtlEaDvE o€rcisco Froa^EE ar celce.r-e ag* rrtor\rEncrEor,n:lJfFrlaliatvrrErrAyqrorrr .30 alvrwrrranrorrcrorrGcsiaci* [u.En*^Foro'G.a*, rra"Gnooosooral,r.roltro oa.E ,m on uA3njivc aflv K D uFo, nc lrtr.ntt, m! rcEfar! oRrlPiElA''AIYE 25 (Anro8) II.DG WfuD- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ffi A MATTER oF lNFoR lATloN 6lrrr-y-lno corurEns No Rlcrrs uPoN rHE 9ERTI1!94IE^-iiiloeii. rttls cEFrtFtcArE DoEs Nor AMEND' Err-END.o-l-. lr-r-en ixe covERAGE AFFoRoED BY THE PouclEs BELow- PRODIJCER CoBiz lttarrraace, Inc. 10901 w To11er Dr, St€ 2oo I,ittleton CO 80127 Plrone ! 303-988-0{{6 Fax:3 03-988 - 0804 INSUREBS AFFOBDING COVERAGE EE![ Coasultigg, Iac.3350 EI PiDaI Driv€EvergroeB co 80{138 tNsuRER B: Pitlrl'aCo]. AS6llraDce I t T I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I COVERAGES CERTIFICATE HOLDEB ffiHAVEBEEN|ssUEDToTHE|NsUREDMMEDAaoVEFoRTHEpoL|cYPERtoD|No|cATED.NoTw|THsTANo|NG A'{Y RFOUIREMENT, TERM 08 CONDTNON OF AI'IY @NTRACT OB OTHER O@UMANT WlTtI RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OF MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOFO€D BY THE POLICIES OESCRISED HEREIN IS SUB'ECT TO ATL THE TERMS' EXCLUSIoNS AND CONDITIoNS OF SUCH FOI-ICI€S. AGGREGATE LIMTTS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDI,CED "" "A'O * Nl'tltia TYP€ OF II{ST'RA CE FOUCY NLHBER POLI DAT 'El Ln|rTS A A A GENEFAL LIABILIW X I COMI.|ERCIA|- GEI.IEML I.IABIUTY ----.t-----rI lctArMsMADE lX loccuR tt | 6-^f /arl q { ia rtlr{a Brvo10 834 0602 09l30l06 09130 | 07 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 UAMAUE I(JtrENIEU PBEMISES (Ea occlrdco)$ 50, OOO MEO EXP (Any ono P€rson)s 5, OOO PERSONAL & ADV INIJRY $ 1, 0OO , OOO 'rr I o^'l 1fi|. 'i ^i lav..<aar GENEML AGGFEGATE $ 1,000,000 =JGEN'L AGGREGAIE LIMIT APPLIES PER: xl "o.'c" l-l 5F& l-l .oc PROOUCTS. COMP,oP AGG s 1,000,000 A A Att OMOBLE LIAB{JTY A''IY AUTO I ALL OWI.IED AUTOSl.*-*o** | ",** -ro. I I NON.OWNEO AUTOS EN\fo108340502 ENlro1083rlo602 09l30l05 09130 | 05 09130 | o7 09l30l07 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accid€oD $ 1,000,000 x BODILY INJURY (P€. p€rson)0 EODILY INJI,RY (P€r accid€d)$ PROPEFIY OMAGE (Per *cid€n0 cARAGE LNAIUTY-l ^" ^.tro_'l c()PY 7 AUTO ONLY . EA A@IDE}.TT oTHERTHAN EAAcc AUTOONLY: AGG EXCESgIJIIBRELLA LIAEIUTY_loccu* l--l o *u-t -l oeoucnsLe l"rte*t'* s EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE t s $ B wonxERs @ltPENsaltoN AxD EflPLOYERIY LIISUTY ANY PROPRIETOF/PARTNEB/EXECUTIVE OFFICEB/MEMBER EXCLUDEO? ll v€s. descdbo und€. sPEctAL PnovtstoNs b€low {038283 otloLloT oL/oLl08 x YLI E,L. EACI{ ACCIDENT s 100, ooo E.L- DISEASE . EA EIIPLOY€E $ 100,000 EL. OISEASE - POLICY Ui'IT 6 500, oo0 OTHER R€gerding operationa locatioa: vail caacade uotel & R€Eort' 13OO W€st Eaveo Dr., Vai1, CO 81657. *10 day Dotise of cancal for noa-payoeat ' CANCELLATION D€stitlat ion Eot.ls & Resorta Attn: Rick Burcbas 10333 E Dry Creek Rd, Ste f{50 Euglewood CO 80112 SHOULD A'{Y OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBED FruCtES AE CA{CELLEI' BEFORE THE DATE THEREoa rHE tssulNc rNsuRER wlLL ENDEAvoR To MAIL. *3 O olvs wnrrrelt NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICA?E HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, AUT FAILURE TO OO SO SHALL IIIR}SE NO OALEATPT{ OR LTABIUTY OF A'{Y KT{D UPON THE INSUREB' lTS AGET'ITS OR ACORD 25 (2001&8) DESTIIIA TtoN 1988 V+tz C#ctu€ Qew /560 /r{sfrfflqu Da FTELD /)d-tzS f af,,+VptL- C28t6s? 6' /' oryF0 1-zocqd 4{o4d)r ( ^)/w c€///^KS €ilt$ til fut d etnPf L-EY. 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