HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT COMMON SPRINKLERS LEGALTOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 13m WESTHAVEN DR VAIL I,ocation.....: VAIL CASCADE CONFERENCE BUILDING Parcel No...: 2l03l2lffil2 Project No : -e R \O 'l - 60 3 L1 r-,-o VAIIJ HOLDTNG INC 02/0L/2O07c/o DEI,oITTE & ToucIIE LI.,P 555 l_7TH ST STE 3500 Permit #:F07-0008 DENVER co 80202 AppIJTcANT TRr COIrNry FrRE PROTECTTON 02/0L/2O07 phone: cel1 303-591-31-1L PO BOX 309 RIFIJE co 815s0 License: '727 -S CoNTRACTOR TRI COITMIY FIRE PROTECTION 02/OL/200'7 Phone: cell 303-591-3111 PO BOX 309 RIFIJEco 815s0 License: 127 -S Desciption: VAIL CASCADE CONFERENCE BUILDING 2ND FLOOR-INSTALL UL 300 ANSUL SYSTEM Valuation: $4.000.10 FEE SUMMARY lr****rt++t+**{.**ir*t t {.**r***r('t**:l*'i**1.**l.tl.l.'l.t {.'ir.r(*i.r'***rt't*i.'r**,i Status...: ISSUED 2ND FlOApplied . . : 02/0112007 Issued. . : 03/02/2007 Expires . .: OWNER Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call---- > $0.00 Resnrarant Plan Review--> $3s0. 00 DRB Fee------------------> $0.00 ToTALFEES--------> $0. 00 So. oo Total Calculated Fees--> S0.00 AdditionalFees--:---> $520. oo Total Permit Fee----*-> Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE...--..-- > $520.00 ($462.00) ss8.00 sss.00 s0.00 Item: 051-00 BUII-,DING DBPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI o2/27/2OO7 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struch[e according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FORTNSPECTION SHALL BEMADE TWENTY- FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPffONE AT 479-2135 f*+ri++*'afa**+t***t**f*{t****+***'}+t+t*****a**++*****'t't't***********+****'}t*********{r*a**+'}'l*** TOWNOFVAII. COTORADO Sate'me'rt a*tfaffftttta*a*f,aa**'iftaataaaa+++t**tatt't*attttatattfff*'***!t***t***+l******aiaaaaftatta'l'll'l Staeenent lihnber: R0?0000230 Amount: 958.00 03/O2/2OO7O2229 PI4 Payment Method: Check Init: LT' Notation: Tri Corrnty / ck 330 -:--------- Permit No: F07-0008 ft4)e: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel l{o: 2103-121-0001-2 Site Addrese: 1300 WESTmVEN DR \IAIIT' Location: \IAIL CASCADE CONFBR"mICE BUILDING 2tfD FI,o Total Feea: S58.00 Thi6 Payment: $58.00 Total Ar,r, Pmtg: $58.00Balance: $0.00 t++l{|lltl*tlllll****{r****la*l*a*a*t*********ltt*****'|ill*********'}tfffft'tll****'t'll*tftlfll'l* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description current Pmta PF 00100003112300 PIrArr CI{ECK FEES 58.00 Best copy Available AITI5UL-Instaff Date: 2-O1-07 VAIL CASCADE CONFRENCE 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 ,JASON } 97 0-47 6-7 1 1 1 Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4533 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LIC #1 16 NICET #94172 Untitled System -ia.lr,vD"{-'fu2 =\Jason Ukich, CET **rffit'f - ^ ^ -ru ilflrJ TFvlVlc{4 NICET 94172, FLe Sprinkleq LEvol III ff W wtul oaqe 'l of 5 n lnstafl Date: 2-O1-O7 VAIL CASCADE CONFRENCE 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 JASON 970-476-7111 Tri County Fire Protection 3I59 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 8'1650 Jason Uhrich 970-62s-4533 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LrC #1 16 NTCET #94172 (1 t tl Untitled System CONFRENCE KITCHEN t SJrrrr|. Brlrr i'*..nd r!. 3O'r 12 rr Flow Summary: Coveruge Ove|all Dlmensions Nozzle Flows Nozlo Locstlon Hood: Single Bank Ducl: Square Duct: Squ€re Ouct: Square Ouct: Square Griddle Range: 4 bumars Char Broil€r 216 x 48 in. 1N x2 2 0-a in. from lilter face,center of height dimension, aimed down filter length. 14 x 8 in. lW 1 2-8 in. into c€nter of duct opsning, aimed up 14 x 8 in. 1W 1 2-8 in. into csnter of duct op€ning, aimed up 14 x I in. 1W I 2-8 in. into cant€r of ducl op€ning, ajmed up 14 x 8 in. 1W 1 2-8 in. into csnl€r ot duct opening, aimed up 38 x 36 in. 1N 1 35 in.-40 in., G2 in. inside perimeter, aimed at center Fryer: 1 vat. d,ipboard 18 x 36 in. 3N 3 25 in.-35 in., FRONT HALF of rrimeter. aimed at cenler Tilt SkilleuBraising Pan 36 x 36 in. 3N x2 6 25 in.-35 in., toward ftont ofapplianca to minimiz€ inlgrference, aimed at center 20x36in. 245 2 40in.-50in., canter of cooking surfac€, or 113/8 in. max to centerline ofsn .. See Not€ 1 38 x 36 in. 1N I 15 in.-40 in., alongh,vithin p6rim6ter, aimed at center 36x 16in. 1l2N re 1 One nozzl€ abovs th€ grale, pointed at back opposit€ comer. Oth6r nozzle poinl ... S€6 Note2 20 Salamander Broiler Total Fld,v Poinls Lt-X Q.p*'lcts t^G< oC ttz,>b NsPe*r> t/o| oaoe 2 of 5 AhrsuL"lnstalf Date: 2-o1-o7 VAIL CASCADE CONFRENCE 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 JASON 970-476-7111 Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4533 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LtC #1 16 N|CET #94172 Notes Fusible Links: => To determine actual fusible link ratings, temperature readings must be taken during peak cooking time. CONFRENCE KITCHEN: Note 1 => Nozzle: 245 x1 : (Range: 4 burners) nozzle position: 40 in.-50 in., center of cooking surface, or 11 3/8 in. max to centerline of any grate, pointed vertically down Note 2 => Nozzle: 1/2N x2: (Salamander Broilqr) nozzle position: One nozzle above the grate, pointed at back opposite comer. Other nozzle pointed down into center of drip pan. oaoe 3 of 5 i|^|Rrus.,r..fnstall Date: ?-O1-O7 VAIL CASCADE CONFRENCE 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 JASON 970-476-71't1 Bill of Materials for VAIL CASCADE CONFRENCE Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4533 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LtC #'.r 16 NICET #94172 Descrlption Quant , Price USD Ext. USD Wt.lbr Wt-kg 430299 3 Gallon Tank WANSUL AUTOMAN Mochanical Reg. Release 430317 3 Gallon Tank; Stainloss Ste6l Enclosur€ 19372 ANSULEX Low pH W6l Ch€micalAgant, 3 Gallon (11.6 L) (UUULC) 79'150 Adaptor,3/8 in. Pipe Compr€ssion-Seal 428311 Alarm Initiating Switch, SPDT 423443 Cartridge, Carton Dioxide, 101-30 (16/carton) (unit price) (OOT/TC) 417369 Det€ctor, Series (Scissor Linkeg6) 417368 D€tector, Terminal (Scissor Linkag6) 550009 Fusible Link, 360 d€9.F (ML Style) 13710 Gas Valv6, Eleclrical, (1 10V, 60 Hz) 2 in, 419334 Nozzle, 1/2N 419335 Nozzl€, 1N 419336 Nozzle, 1W 419340 Nozzle,245 419338 Nozzl6,3N 423250 Pull€y Elboq Compression Typo 426151 Relay, Manual Reset, (120V,60 Hz) 54011 Remotg Pull Station, Aluminum (w/50 fr. of wir€ rope) 423679 Switch. El€ct,ic. DPDT 15821 Wir6 Rope (5O ft. (15 m)) 1 722.00 722.00 33.2 1s.06 '1 332.00 332,00 20.O 9.07 2 129.00 258.00 72.0 32.66 14 21.96 307.44 7.2 3.26 1 24.m 24.20 0.1 0.05 1 112.00 | 12.00 3.7 1.68 5 26.20 131.00 4.0 1.81 1 33.80 33.80 0.7 0.32 6 9.75 58.50 1 447.OO 447.00 5.3 2.40 2 28.78 57.56 0.2 0.10 4 24.24 96.96 0,5 0.24 4 23.12 92.48 0.5 0.21 1 23.44 23.44 0.'r 0.06 3 29.44 88.32 0.4 0.20 20 10.56 211.20 6.0 2.70 1 147.00 147.OO 2.0 0.91 1 87.50 87.50 0.9 0.41 1 36.20 36.20 0.2 0.09 1 29.60 29.60 0.4 0.18 157.4 71.41 Additional Parts: Totals oaoe 4 of 5 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3.1 3-1-04 REV 4 EXTINGUISHING AGENT ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant (1.5 gallon - Part No. 79694 or 3.0 gallon - Part No. 79372) is a potassium-based solu- tron designed for fast knock-down and suppression of grease- related fires. The agent is shipped in plastic containers which pro- vide one complete lank charge. Agent storage life expectancy is twelve years. The dislributor must record the batch numbers and dale of shionrent receiot to be flled with each installation record. ANS!].EX- LOW OH LIOUIC F'RE SUPPRESSANT "ANSUL AUTOMAN' REGULATED RELEASE ASSEIVlBLY (MECHANICAL) NOTE:AGENT TANK MUSI AE OROEREO SEPARATELY OR S€E PAGE 3-'l 3.'] GALLON sHfitrrrrNc \ryT .J5 Lts (16 kgl 1.5 GAILON SNIPPING ffi. l9 LB (9 k0) REGULAIOR SHIPPTNG Wr 25 tB (11 (!l FIGURE,l REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (MECHANICAL) The ANSUL AUTOIVAN Regulated Mechanical Release Assembly (Parl No.429853) contains the regulated release mechanism, expellant gas hose for agent tank hookup, and enclosure knock- ouls lo facilitate rnstalling actuation piping; expellant piping; detec- tron system, and additional equipment. This regulated release assenrbly rs used In single, double, and multiple-tank systems and nrust be mounted to a rigid surface. The release mechanism can be used to interconnecl both the actuation and expellant gas lines as requrred per systenr design. Tlre regulator is designed to allow a conslant flow of gas into the tank at 110 psi (759 kPa) when the systenl rs actuated The agent tank must be ordered separalely, In slngle, ciouble, and multiple.tank systems, the provided expel- laft gas hose connects the agent tank to the botlom outlet ot the regulator. ln double and rnultiple-tank system configurations, the back outlet of the regulator is used as an expellant gas feed for one addrtior'ral tank-enclosure or tank-bracket hookup. The enclo- sure conlarns lhe required knockouts to facilitate this connection. ll a pressure switch is to be attached to the regulator, additional fit- l[']gs are requrred. 'The lank is mounted within the enclosure. The tank contains an adaptof,/tube assembly with a burst disc union. The burst disc helps prevent siphoning oF the agent up the pipe due to significant temoerature fluctuations in the area where the tank is located, The tank is milC steel and, under normal conditions, requires hydrosta- lrc testing every twelve years. The detection and additional equipment required per system design afe connected to the release mechanism. The enclosure contains knockouts to facilitate detection and additional hookups. The syslenr can be actuated automatically or manually. Automatic actualion occurs when a fusible link within the detection system separales ir a fire condition. lvianual actuation of the system occurs when personnel pull on the remote manual pull station pur flr'rg FIGURE 2 REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (ELECTRICAL) The ANSUT AUTOMAN Regulated Electrical Release Assenrbly (Part No.429856) is identical to the mechanical version excepl it also contains a factory installed 120 VAC solenoid and electrical switch. The solenoid is used to provide electrical actuation of the felease mechanism. The electric switch is used lo protect the solertorcl tJy opening the circuit to the solenoid once the syslenl is frec, Additional electrical switches can be added as required for auto- malic equipment and gas shut-off accessories, as we I as intttal ng audible and visual alarms. "ANSUL AUTOI\,IAN' REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (ELECTRICAL) NOTE AGENT TANK MUSI BE OROERFD SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3-4 FIGURE 3 RELEASE f.-'.---\{$ \ SHIPPING WT 34 La (15 t!) SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-2 REV. 4 3-1-04 SINGLE TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMgLY The S ngle Tank Enclosure Assembly (Part No.429870) is used in double and multiple-tank systen]s and must be mounted to a rigid surface near the regulated release or regulated actualor assembly its expellent gas line will be connected to. The enclosure rs designed for mounting either a 1.5 gallon (Parl No 429864) or a 3.0 gallon tank (Part No. 429862) in a minimum a nlount ol space. ENCLOSURE ASSEIVBLY REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY The Regulated Actuator Assembly (Part No. 429850) contains tlre regulator, pneumatic actuator, expellant gas hose for agenl lank ' hookup, and enclosure knockouts to facililate installing expellant pip- ing. This assembly is used in multipl*tank systems and must be mounted to a rigid surface. The regulator contains two outlets 135' apart One outlet is used lo interconnect the expellant gas hose to the enclosed agent tank. The other outlet connects an expellant gas line to an additronal enclosure or bracket assembly. The reguiator is designed lo allow a constant flow of nitrogen into each agent tank connected (two tanks maximum) at 110 psi (759 kPa). The pneumatic actuator is designed to puncture the expellanl gas carlridge seal upon receiving pressure from the regulated release assembly actuation piping. The enclosure contains a knockout to facllitate distribution piDing hookup. REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY NOTE: AGENT TANK MUST BE OROEREO SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3.4 iAOUNTING ENCLOSURE FIGURE 4 RED PAINTEO BRACKET ASSEMBLY i'he Bracket Assembly (Pad No. 429878) rs used in double and nru trple-tank systems and must be mounted to a rigid surface near the regulaled feease assembly or regulated actuator assembly thal its expellant gas line will be connected to. Tlre tank bracket is constructed of mild steel and painted red. lt is designed for mounting the tank in a minimum amount of space. The Erackel Assembly can only be utilized with 3.0 gallon tanks (Pad No. 429862). BRACKET ASSEI\,IBLY MouNlNG FIGURE 5 SHIPP NG WT 19 LB (9 k91 FIGUR€.6 AGENT TANK ASSEMBLY The agent tank shipping assembly (3-Gallon, Part No. 429862. and 1.5 Gallon. Part No. 429864) consists of a stainless steel tarrk and an adaptornube assembly. The adaplor/tube assembly con' tains a burst disc. The bursl disc prevenls agent leakage due lo significanl temperature llucluations in lhe area where the tank is located. Under normal conditions, the tank requires hydrostat c testing every twelve years. The date of manufaclure is stamped on the lank nameplate. The tank is shipped uncharged and must be Jilled with on y ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant during installation TUAE ASSEI'IBLY NOTEiAGENT IANK MUST BE ORDEREO SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3,4 BRACKET 3 GALLON ShIPP|NG WT 7 LA (3 k9) 1.5 GALLON ShIPPING WI, 5 LB. 12 kg) AGENT FIGURE 7 SHTPPTNG WT 7 LB (3 k!) OEM RELEASE/BRACKET ASSEMBLY (FOR OEM IN.CABINET USE ONLY) The OEM Regulated Mechanical Release/Bracket Assembly, Part No. 79493, contains the same regulated release mechanism as the standard ANSUL AUTOIVAN Regulated Release Assembly. The OEM Regulated Electrical Release/Bracket Assembly, Part No.418054, is identical to lhe mechanical version except it con- tains a factory instailed 120 VAC solenoid and electrical swilch. These release/bracket assemblies must be installed in a suitable equrpment enclosure either horizontally or vertically. They contain al the necessary mounting and conduit holes needed to fully inslall the assembly. The agent tank is installed separately and need fot be brackeled once it is piped and filled. NOTE: OEM Release/Bracket Assembly must be installed high enough in cabi- net so thal there is sufficient room lo install and remove cartridoe. R€LEASE MECHANISM + I.IEGULATOR FIGURE 8 OEM REGULATEO ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY The OEM Reguated Actuator Assembly, Part No. 418691, includes the regulator, pneumalic actuator, expellant gas hose and OE1V1 bracket. Also available is an OEM Regulated Actuator Assembly with all the above mentioned components except for the brackel. This assembly is Part No. 418522. FIGURE 9 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 3-3 3-1-04 CEv i TWO TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY The Two Tank Enclosure Assembly, Part No. 429872, consisls of two expellanl gas hoses, two grommets, and the mounting enclo- sure. The assembly is used in I gallon systems. lt can be coupled with a 3-gallon regulated release assembly or a 3-gallon regLr aled actualor assembly to give a total of I gallons of agenl Agent lanks must be ordered SeparatelY. The tank enclosure is designed to mount in a minimunr amount of s0ace. SHIPPING \,4/T 25 LaS t1: kg) FIGURE ,10 24 VOC REGULATED RELEASE ASSE[NBLY (ULC APPROVED ONLY} The 24 VDC Regulated Release Assembly, Part No. 429859. is used where electric, thermoslal deteclion is required via the use of a refeasing control unit. This assembly consists of a 24 YDC ANSUL AUTOMAN ll-C regulated release mechanism, expel anl gas hose, and enclosure knockouts to facilitate installing actuatron piping, expellant piping, detection system, and additional eq!ip' ment. Agent tank must be ordsred separately. The system can be actuated automatically or manually Autornalc actualicn occu.rs when the control panel receives a slgnal from the detection circuit. The panel then sends an electr cal signal to thr) 24 VDC regulated release, causing it to acluate. When actuatio| occurs, the gas cartridge is punclured, press!rizing the agent lank and discharging the agent through the dlstribution piping. Manuai actuation of the system occurs when personnel pull on the renrote manual pull station pull ring. NOIE AGEN'I TANK IJUST I' OqO€RED :JEPANATi.Y SIIIPPING WI 34 LB (15 rq) FIGURE 11 SHiPP NG WT I LB (2 k9) Pad-No. Description 430299 3.0 Gallon Mechanical Release Shipping Assembly including; 429853 lviechanical Regulated Release Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly 430300 1.5 Gallon Mechanical Release Shipping Assenlbly including: 429853 l\Iechanical Regulated Release Assembly 429864 1.5 Gallon Tank Assembly 430309 3.0 Gallon Regulated Actuator Shipping Assembly including: 429850 RegulatedActuatorAssembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly 430316 1 .5 Gallon Stainiess Steel Enclosure Shipping Assembly includingl 429870 Single Tank Mounting Box Assembly 429864 1-5 Gallon Tank Assembly, 418511 Hose Assembly ,130317 3.0 Gallon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shipping Assembly including: 429870 Single Tank Mounting Box Assembly 429862 3.O Gallon Tank Assembly, 418511 Hose Assembly 430324 6.0 Gallon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shipprng Assembly including: 429872 Two lan k Mounting Box Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly (2) 430332 3.0 Gallon Mounting Brackel Shipping Assembly including: 429878 3.0 Gallon Mounting Bracket Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assemblv SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paoe 3-4 REV. 6 3-1-04 ADOITIONAL SHIPPING ASSEMBLIES Several complete shipping assemblies are available containing both lhe release or actuator mechanism and the agent tank. When ordering a complete shipping assembly, order the following part numDers: Shipping Wt.lb. (ks) 33 (15) 30 (14) 36 ( 16) (18) GAS CARTRIDGES Ths R-102 system uses gas cartridges to store nitrogen or carbon dioxide expellant gases under pressure until the system is actual- sd, at which time the cartridge seal is punctured and the released gas expels liquid agent from one or more tanks through the dis- charge piping and out the discharge nozzles, Four nitrogen gas cartridges and lhree carbon dioxide gas car- tridges are available as shown in Figure 12. Cartridges notad as TC/DOT are both Transport Canada (TC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) approved. cartridges noted as DOT are Deparlment of Transportation approved only. Cartridge seleclion options are provided in Section lV under Tank and Cartridge Requirements. NITROGEN GAS CARTRIDGES 2l12 tN. (6.4 crn) 2InN (6.4 cm) -Ail1ttl 11 3/8tN | |(28.e cn) I I IUL.r I 'L I I !4 5/8 rN 137 1 cmi I l ,t. {AIl ,, or l" I I(ze.s cml i IIt,-- | i.1'"1|, CARTRIDGES -&1t-)tll 77l8rN. | |(20 cm) | | I l*,)4 1t-----t 2 ll2lN. (6.1dn) {A|1 10 1r2 rN. | | (27 cm) I I I l'-lL'l;1 ,l3/151N. (10.6 cm) (8)18 /al 3 9rl6lN (9 cnll OOUBL€.TANK LT-A.101.3IJ CARTRIOGE CARTRII)GE PART NO.423493 pART NO a23(91frcrDol) {rc/Dor) @!.t !orrr1! 'OI.3O CARTRIDGE PART NO a23da3 lTC/OOrj FIGURE 12 (e) LT.2}R LT.3O-RCARTRIDGE CARIRIDGE PAFT NO. 423:t29 PARf NO. .123,135(rooor) oc/DoT)000ra5 0001.3 tO1.1O CARTRIDGE IOI-20 CARTRIOGE PART NO. a23439 (IC/DOT) PART NO. {23141 PART NO. 15850 (OOT) OC/OOT)0611' ooor3n CARBON DIOXIDE --p\lt'1||lelN. I I(22.s dn) I I I t-JLYI 2lN (5.1 cJn) Altlrough lhese nozzles are similar rn appearance and have cerlan con]nron parts, the tip of each nozzle is designed for a specific application and must only be used in lhose areas. See Nozzle Application Chart in Sectlon lV - System Design, for ind v dual nozzle usage. 3/8, IB NPT FEI.,IALE Ti]READ RECTSS rOrr 8r.or / oFF CAP LCOP 1 1W Nozzle 2. '1N Nozzle 3. 1i2N Nozzle 4. 3N Nozzle 5. 2W Nozzle 6 230 Nozzle 1!V Nozzle 419336 1W 1N Nozzle 419335 1N 112N Nozzle 419334 1/2N 7. 245 Nozzle 8. 260 Nozzle 9. 290 Nozzle '10. 2120 Nozzle 11. 1F Nozzle 12. 1100 Nozzle NOZZLES There are twelve types of discharge nozzles each designed to dis- lnbute the liquid agent in a uniform pattern throughout the hazard atea SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 3-li3-1-04 nev s SWIVEL ADAP1 OR The Swivel Adaptor Assembly, Part No. 418569, consisls of a swivel nut, swivel body and swivel ball. All are chrome-platcrd rhe swivel adaptor allows any nozzle to be rolated approxirnalely 30 in all directions. Swivel Adaotors must be ordered as a Swrvel Adaptor Shipping Assembly, Part No.423572, which conlains 25 Swivel Adaptors. 3/8 . r8 NPT FEMALE ] BREAD 30 DEGREE ROTATION FtGUR-E"14 RUBBER BLOW.OFF CAPS The Rubber Blovv-Olf Cap, Part No. 77676, help keep the orif ce o[ lhe nozzle free of grease or other subs'tances that could inlerfere with agent distribution. A retaining strap attaches lhe blow-off .ap to the nozzle. Rubber Blow-Off Caps must be ordered as a Shipping Assembly, Part No. 77695, which contains 50 blow'ori caps, or Part No. 77411, which conlains 12 blow-off caps. FIGURE'.J.I METAL BLOW.OFF CAP Two types of metal blow-off caps are available as options to the standard rubber caps. The metal cap can be used in unusua l), high heat conditions, generally over 400 'F (204 'C) The rnelal blow-offcap is allached to the nozzle by means of a stainless steel wire which prevents it from falling into the appliance during drs- charge. Shippinu Assembly Part No. 79745 contains 10 nretal blow-off caps for use on standard, non-swivel nozzles and Shipping Assembly Part No. 415568 contains 10 metal blow-off caps for use on swivel nozzles. NOTICE lf metal blow-off caps are required for upright broil- er or salamander protection, use (2) two 'lN noz- zles {Part No. 419335) instead of 1/2N nozzles. FIGURE ,16 NO22LE STAMPING Nozzle ldentification Chart Nozzle Nozzie Nozzle* Flow Pad_No Siamping t tp, Nozzle .fype Xlezzle ldentification Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body 112 Chrome-Plated Body FIGURE 13 Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body M-"Lal b Dw-oll cirps are not allowed wilh the 'llzN nozzle 3N Nozzle 419338 3N 2W Nozzle 419337 2W 230 Nozz e 419339 23O 245 No?zle 419340 245 260 Nozzle 419341 260 290 Nozzle 419342 290 2120 Nozzle 419343 ?'l2O 1F Nozzle 419333 1F '1 100 Nozzle 430912 1100 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 1 'No7-zle slamDrnll Inay contain an additional letter indicating a vendor's code. fuYY)) SECTION III . SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX 3470 ULC CEXT 47 Paoe 3-6 RFV 4 10-1-02 CONDUIT OFFSET ASSEMBLY The conduit oflset assembly, Part No. 79825, is used to change drreclion of the wire rope on detection, mechanjcal gas valve, and remole pull station lines. The conduit offset assembly can only be used n the area where the conduit altaches to the regulated |c'1ease assenrbly. When using the conduit offset assembly, the maximum number of pulley elbows is still allowed. The Conduit Offset Shipping Assembly, Part No. 79825, consists of 6 conduit ofJsets ..CO M P RESSI ON -S EAL" ADAPTOR This adaptor is a mechanical bulkhead fitting that prodLrces a liqujd-tight seal around pipe and conduit when insialling distribu- tion piping and deteciion conduit through restaurant hoods and ducts. The "Compression-Seal" adaptor is a stra ight-thfoug h design requiring no culting or threading of conduil or pipe The adaptor is available for pipe sizes of 1/4 in- (Part No. 79148), 3/8 in. (Parl No. 79150), 112 in. (Part No. 79146), and EMT conduit size of 112 in. (Part No 79152). Each "Compression-Seal' Adaptor Shipping Assembly must be ordered as stated below: Shipping Assembly Part No. Qty. 1/4 in. Pipe / 1/2 in. tube 79149 3/8 in. Pipe / 5/8 in. tube 79151 1/2 in. Pipe 79147 1/2 in. EMT Conduit 79153 FrGURl,.J,? "HOOD SEAL" ADAPTOR ASSEMBLY This adaptor is a mechanical bulkhead fitting thal produces a liq- uid-tight seal around 112 in. EMT conduit when installing the delec- tion line through restdurant hoods and duct. The adaplor accepls a high temperature pulley elbow and, when used, coneclly pos - tions the elbow or conduit in line with the conduit adaptor hole r'l the detector bracket. The "Hood Seal" eliminates the need tor nrul' tiple elbows when penetrating lhe top of a hood when install ng lhe detection line. "Hood Seal" Adaptors are available in quantllies of 6 as Shippjng Assembly Part No. 423253. SEAL NU-T WASHER CONDUIT COUPLING CONDUIT Size USE ONLY PULLEY ELAOW PART NO. .423250 Hole Srze Required FIGURE 20 24 314 n. 24 1 118 ir. 24 1 1/8 in. 24 1 1/8 in. {;oNDUrl (iONNECTI)R FIGURE 17 0r,\)rsl , QUIK.SEAL" ADAPTOR -i he Quik-Seal" adaptor is a iisted mechanical bulkhead fitting that produces a liquid-tight seal around both diskibution piping and detection conduit which runs through rsstaurant hoods and ducis. The "Qu k-Sea " adaptor accepts threaded pipe or conduit. The adaptor is available for 1 /4 in. (Part No. 781 95), 3/8 in. (Part No. 77284), 1t2 in (Parr No. 77286), or 3/4 in. (Parr No. 77288) pipe or condurl sizes. When using with EIVT conduit, a conduit con- rlector must be installed in each end of the adaptor. The "Quik- Seal Adaptor Shipping Assembly must be ordered as stated IJE OW Shipping Assembly Parl No.Qty. 24 24 24 ?4 FIGURE .I8 Hole Size Required!1," ill n) :li B In ii? tn 314 n. 78196 77285 77287 77289 SEAL ADAPTOR 314 in. 't 1/8 in 1 1/8 in. 1 3/8 in. ADAPIOR BOOY GASKET LOCKWASHER NUT BOOY PUIL€Y ELgOW (NOT PAR] OF ASSEMBLY) SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-;' 1A-1-02 REV 4 DETECTORS The detector consists of three basic components: the bracket, link- age. and fusible link. (Fusible links are not included and must be ordered separately.) The bracket holds the entire assembly to the n]ounting surface. The linkage is used to support the fusible link, The fusible lrnk is designed to separate at a specific temperature and release the wire rope, thereby actuating the regulated release nlecnantsnl. There are three styles of detectors available: the clip-on style, the hrnged style, and the scissor style. ihe clip-on style allows the wire rope to be strung compietely lhrough the detection system conduit and brackets first and the detector linkage assemblies are then clipped on laler. Tl]e hrnged style detector requjres the wire rope to be strung to the dctedor bracket, and then "threaded" through the linkage assem- bly before continuing to the next detector bracket. fhe scissor slyle allows the wire rope to be strung completely through the detection system conduil and brackets first and the detector linkage assemblies are then clipped on later. Each slyle of detector consists of two types of assemblies: The Terminal Detector (Part No. 56838, 15375, or 4'17368) ficludes a test link and is placed last in a series of delectors. This detector is sometrmes referred to as the end-otline deteclor and rs lhus nan]ed because it is at the ooint at which the wire rooe "ter- mrnates.' or s anchored at the detector bracket. Only one termi- na detector is required per detection syslem. The Series Detector (Part No. 56837, I 5373, or 417369) is any delector located in-line between the regulated release ass€mbly and the terminal detector. yr'hen using Pad No. 56837 and 56838 style detectors, a total of 12 detectors can be in one deteclion system: 11 selies deteclors, Part No 56837 and 1 terminal dotector, Part No. 56838. $/hen using Pari No. 15373 and 1 5375 style detectors, a total of 5 detectors can be in one detection system: 4 series detectors tJarl No 15373 and 1 terminal detector, Part No. 15375. YVhen Llsrrg Part No.417368 and 417369 style detectors, a lotal of 15 detectors can be in one detection system: 14 series detec" tors, Part No. 417369 and 1 terminal detector, Part No.417368. sctssoR sryLE - PART NO 4173684NO417369 FIGURE 21 PULLEY ELBOWS There are two types of pulley elbows used lo change the direclror.l of the wire rope by 90'. Ansul recommends for temperatures not in excess of 700 'F (371 'C). Part No. 41 5670 has socket ends with set screws lot 'l12 in. conduit, and Part No. 423250 has cc)nr- pression ring ends also lot 112 in. conduit. Pulley elbows rnusl be ordered in quantities of 50 as Shipping Assembly Part No 4 1 5671 (socket end type) and Part No, 423251 (compress on end typ€) PART NO.415670 PARI NO I?32!O FIGURE 22 CLIP.ON STYLE . PART NO 56837 ANO 55638 HINGED STYLE - PART NO, 15373ANO I5375 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paoe 3-8 REV 6 3-1-04 PULLEY TEE The Pu ley Tee (Part No 427929) is used to change the direction ol two wire ropes by 90'. lt must be used in areas where the tem- oeralures are within the range of 32 'F to 130 'F (0 'C to 54 'C). pulley tees can be used in mechanical gas valve actuation lines anci remote manual pull station lines. Pulley lees cannot be used lvithin a detection line. FIGURE 2.3 STAINLESS STEEL CABLE The I /16 In. stainless steel cable is run from the terminal detector, rhrough conduit, all series delectors and pulley elbows, and into the reguiated release mechanism trip lever. When any fusible link separates. the tension on the cable is relaxed, and the trip lever actuales the regulated release mechanism. The cable can also be used for nrechanical gas valves and remote manual pull stations. 'f he cable is available in 50 fl. (15 m) (Part No. 15821) and 500 ft. (152.4 mI (Parl No. 79653) lengths. REMOTE MANUAL PULL STATION The remote rnanual pull station (Part No. 4835 or Part No. 54011) rs ro.qurred for manual actuation ol the regulated release assem- bLy The remote manual pull station should be mounted at a point of egress and positioned at a height determined by the authority having jurisdiclion. Trim rings, Parl No. 427074 (pack of 10), are ava ilab le. PAR1 NO 4835 (WTTHOUT CAAL€) PART NO, 54011 (W TH 50 FT, OF CABLE) [lETAL STAMPED FIGURE 24 MECHANICAL GAS VALVES The mechanical gas valves are designed to shut off the flow ol gas to the appliances upon actuation of the r€gulated release assenr- bly. The valves are a../ailable in sizes of 3/4 in.. 1 in., 1 'l/4 in ,1 1l?in., and 2 in. Ansui style; and 2 112 in. and 3 in. Asco style. The valves are raled for nalural and LP gas. Both slyles are UL Listed ' and includes the air cylinder, tubing, and fittings for conneclion to the release mechanism. Part No. 55598 5560r 55604 55607 5561 0 25937 25938 Valve Size Maximum Operating PressureDescription 3/4 in. cas Valve (ANSUL) in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) '114 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 112 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 2 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 2112in. Gas Valve (ASCO) 3 in, Gas Valve (ASCO) ABin. (mm) in, (mm) 10 psi ( 69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 5 psa (.35 bar) 5 psi (.35 bar 314 in. tn. 'll4 in. 112 in. 2 in. 2 112 in. 3 in. 3 3t4 (gs. s) 3 3t4 195.3) 4 7t8 (123,8) 4 7t8 (123 8) 5 7t8 (149.2) 713/16 (198.4) 7 2st32 (197 .6) 6 3/8 (161 9) 6 3/8 (161.s) 7 3/8 (187.3) 7 3t8 (187 .3\ 7--7 t8 (2oO.Ol tn (mnr) 5 '12 (139.7) 5112 {139.7 ) 6 3/8 (161 9) 6 3i8 (161 9) 6 11/16 (169.9) 9 1/16 (230.2) I 1t16 i.230.2) 2 1'2IN THRU 3IN FIGURE 25 ELECTRICAL GAS VALVES The electrical gas valves are designed to shut off the flow of either natural or LP gas to the appliances upon acluation of the regulat- ed release assembly. The valves are available in sizes of 3/4 in., 1 u't . 1 112 in., 2 in., and 3 in. The valve is held open by an ener- gized solenoid and upon system actuation, the switch contacts in lhe regllated release assembly open, thus de-energizing the cir cuil lo the gas valve solenoid. causing the valve to close. Valves are available in 120 VAC and are UL Listed. SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paae 3'9 3- 1"04 nrv. r ELECTRTCAL SWITCHES The electrical switches are intended tor use with electric gas valves, alarms, contactors, lights, contractor supplied electric power shut-off devjces and other electrical devices that are designed to shut off or turn on when the syslenr is actuated Switches are available in kits: One Switch Kit, Pan No.423878 Two Switch Kit, Part No.423879, Three Switch Kit. Part No l'423880, and Four Switch Kit, Part No. 423881. Mounting hard ware and 12 in. (305 mm) long wire leads are provided willr eacl, kit. Each switch has a sei of single-pole, double-throw contacts rated at: Pan 11" a 137 C7 137 08 13709 13710 17643 Description Max. Operating Pressure 3/4 in. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1.7 bar) 1 in. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1.7 bar) 1 1i 2 rn. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1 .7 bar) 2 id Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1,7 bar) 3 In Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 5 psi (.35 bar) ABin. (mm) in. (mm) 3 5/16 (81.0) 3 5i8 (52.1) 5 (127 .0) 6 27 t32 (173.8)5 (127.0) 5 15t32 (142.1) 6 3t32 (78.6) 51s/16 (150.8) 713/16 (198.4) 7 29132 (200.81 UL/cUL/CSA Rating 250 VAC, 21A Resistive 250 VAC, 2 HP 125 VAC, 1 HP ENEC Rating lE4T'105p Approved 250V, 21A Resrstive 8A Motor Load Va Ve Srze 314 in 11n 1 1i2 in. 2n 3 in FIGURE.28 ALARM INITIATING SWITCH The Alarm Initiating Switch Kit, Part No. 428311, can be field mounted within the ANSUL AUTOMAN release. This switch musl be used to close a supervised circuit to the build ng main fire alarrrl panel when the ANSUL AUTOMAN release acluates. Thrs adtor] will signal the tlre alarm panel that there was a systenl actuation irr the kitchen area. The switch klt contains all necessary mour'ltir'lg components along wilh a mounting instruction sheel. The switch is rated 50 mA, 28 VDC. FIGURE 26 WI]EN SPAC€R ANI) SWITCI-] AR€ PROFTRL i lvlOl-INTED TH S t) tlDtir MUST 8E 8ETWsIN T] t N.O. ANO N C TIFN' i.JA] S MANUAL RESET RELAY l'he nranual reset relay, Parl No. 14702 or Part No. 426'151, is required when using an electrical gas valve shut-off syslem. Afler tl're electflc gas valve has closed, either due to syslem actuation or power farlure. the valve cannot be re-opened, allowing gas t0 flow. until the resel relay button is manually pressed, re-energizing the circuit. The reset relay is available 120 VAC. The manual reset relay is also recommended for electrical shut down. FIGURE 27 - cot/ b .-, '/' *" ALARM INITIAT NG swtTcH FIGURE 29 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 3-10REV.2 3- r-04 REGULATOR TEST KIT The Test Kit Assembly (Shipping Part No. 56972) is required to lesl lhe regulator setling and nitrogen flow during 12-year mainte- nance examinations. This will ensure thal the requlator is func- lronrng properly. FIGURE 30 doi 59 FUSIBLE LINK Select correct UL t-isted fusible link(s) for installation in detector(s) accord ng lo the temperature condition chart below: , K STYLE ; HOSE/GROMMET PACKAGE I tne Hose/Grommet Package, Part No 418511, consrsts o'a 24 I in. rubber hose and 2 (two) grommets. This package is req-ired I when mounting an AUTOMAN Regulated Release (or Regulated j Actuator) and a tank enclosure (or tank bracket) side by side in I'either a manifolded system or an independent piping system BURSTING DISC The R-102 Burstrng Disc is installed in the tank adaplor assembly The bursting disc eliminates the siphoning of the agent up lhe p pe during extreme temperature variations. The bursting discs are available in oacks of '1 0. Part No. 41791 1 . FIGURE 32 NOZZLE AIMING DEVICE ' The Nozzle Aiming Device, Part No. 431992, is available to orop- erly aim each nozzle to the correct aiming point The device clamps to the nozzle and emits a small laser light that reflects on lhe surface thal it is aiming at. The nozzle can lhen be rotaled to point at a predetermined aiming point and then lightened to hold 'that angle. The aiming device adaptor attaches lo the nozzle The > shipping assembly consists of the aiming device and the adaptor i,ffi--.p FIGURE 33 STAINLESS STEEL ACTUATION HOSE The Stainless Steel Actuation Hose is used to connecl the aclua' ' tion line compression tees between each pneumatic actualor The hose has the same thread, 7/16-20, as the fittings The actuatro hose allows tlexibility between the AUTOMAN and each regulated actuator. ' ML STYLE Fu s ible L nk P-cd-No- d 15739 (1) 4157 4C ('t ) 41 57 4', li ), 415742 (1) , 4157 43 (1) Fusrble L INK Pal|.Nu 5503ri5 (1 ) 550366 (1 ) 550009 (1 ) s6816 (1) 56816 (1) Fusible Link Shipping Assembly Part No. 41 5739 (1 ) 415744 () 4157 44 (25\ 4157 45 (25) 4157 46 (25) Fusible Link Shipping Assembly Pan-Ne, 551522 (1 0) 551524 (10) 5s1525 (10) 551526 (1 0) 551527 (10) 73867 (251 Temperature Ratino 165 'F (74 "C) 212 "F (100'C) 280 "F (138 'C) 360 "F (182 'C) 4s0 'F (232 "C) Temperature Rating 165 "F (74'C) 212 "F (10O 'C) 280 "F (138 "C) 360 'F (182'C) 450 "F (232 "C) 500 "F (260 "C) 500 "F (260 "C) To Be Used Where Does Nol Exceed 100 'F (38 'C) 1s0 "F (66 'C) 225 "F (107 'C) 300 "F (149'C) 375 'F (191 'C) To Be Used Where Temperature Does Not Exceed 100 "F (38 'C) 150 "F (66'C) 22s "F (107 'C) 300 "F (149 "C) 375 'F (191 "C) 475 "F (246 "C) 475 "F (246 "C)firo @@ t-it I N3r. Ilil lr- |tfil t::::llill 1",;;1i.1 | -EMPER^rudE II IC:= I RA'TING STAMPEO ONlflj l:-lg I susrslE LrNKsoovd[ l,,Al ^ '4qlr v 3El_ Hose Part No. 31809 JZJJC 32336 430815 Fitting Part No, 3181 0 31811 32338 Length 16 in. (41 cm) 20 in. (51 cm) 24 in. (61 cm) 42 in. (107 cm) Description Male Elbow (7116-20 x 1/4 in. NPT) Male Tee (7116-20 x7116-20x 1i4 in. NPT) Male Straight Connector (7116-20 x 1/4 in. NPT) K SiYIE ML STYLE 500'F (260 ',C)ONLY FIGURE 31 MAXIMUI\4 REGISTERING THERMOMETER The Maxinrum Registering Thermometer, Part No. 15240, is used lo rndrcale the highest normal temperature for the protecled area. Once this is eslablished, the correct rated fusible link can be chosen TOWN OF VAIL FIREDEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: VAIL CASCADE CREEKSIDE KITCHEN LOWER Parcel No...: 2l03l2rcn12 ProjectNo , f1tSO1 -o6gr1 F07-0009 Status...: ISSUED LEVApplied . . : 02/01/2@7 Issued. . : O3lO2l2W7 Expires. .: OWNER IJ-O VAIL HOIJDTNG INC O2/OL/2007 C/O DEI,OITTE & TOUCIIB I,I,P 555 17TH ST STE 3600 DE}[VER co 80202 APPLICANT TRI COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION 02/Oa/2O07 Phone: cell 303-591-3111 PO BOX 309 RIFI,E co 81550 Lricense : 7 2'7 -S CoNTRACTOR TRr COttNTy FIRE PROTECTTON 02/0L/20O7 Phone: ce1I 303-591-311L PO BOX 309 RIFI,E co 816s0 Lricense : 727 -S Desciption: VAIL CASCADE UL 300 FIRE SYSTEM UPGRADES Valuation: $4.20?.m FEE SUMMARY **:i{.***+trt'*r**+**'tr.***+rt*t*ir**:t+:r:f 't**:t:ltl'rt+1****)t:r:$'. jli:}:rt*'*!r**,r Mechanical-- > PIan Check-- > lnvestigation- > will cdl----- > $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $3s0. 00 DRB Fee--------------------> $o . oo TOTAL FEES------------> s0.00 so . oo Total Calculated Fees-- > so . 0o Additional F€€s---------- > s528.80 Total Permit Fee----- > Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE-.--- > $s28.80 (9470.80) 958.00 s58.00 ItCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI,IEI\flT Item: 05600 FIRB DEPARTMEM| 02/27 /2OO7 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot ptan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWXNTY-HOURS IN ADV TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CO CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF **********l'*!t*l******{'***t******lt*t'}******+*******'}t*****t***++t***{.{t'}*f,*********r!*:l'**i**** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statenent *{'***'l***************{'{'**********t*******{r*****t*'1.*+*****'}***f*****++t*******'}'}:f:t'}'}*****'}{.*t} statemenc Number: R070000229 Amount: s58.oo 03/02/200702:28 PYI Payment Method: Check Init: L,TNotation: Tri County /ck 330 Fermit, No: F07-0009 T!pe: SPRINICLER PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 - 121- 0001-2 Site Addre8s: 1300 WESTHAVEII DR \IAIL L,ocation: \IAIL CASCADE CREEKSIDE KITCHEN L,OV|ER L,EV Total FeeE: $58.00 This Palmene: $58.OO Total AL,L Pmts: $58.00Balance: $0.00**fta*****++++'}+f**+++*++l'*++f+*+++*{r**'t******lrf*********t:}*+t*****+***********,}t}:t+********* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptsion Currents Pmtsa BP OO1OOOO31111OO SPRINKI.,ER PERMIT FEES 58 .00 Best copy Available ANSII."Install Date: 02-01-o7 VAIL CASCADE CREEK SIDE l3OO,WESTHAVEN DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 JASON 970-476-7111 tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-62s-4533 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LrC #1 16 NICET #94172 CREEKSIDE KITCHEN # Yl - oeaf.Wr 5f oaoe 'l of 5 fi.lnstall Date: 02-01-07 VAIL CASCADE CREEK SIDE 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 JASON 970-476-7111 Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4s33 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LrC #1 16 N|CET #94172 CREEKSIDE KITCHEN Creekside Kitchen 6;r )/A Flow Summary: Coveragg Overall DimenEions Nozzle Flows Nozzle Location Salftt'dlr 8.ulcr rt€rd atea 32r12ir 36 x 2.t Ir Hood: Single Bank Ouct: Squar 168 x 48 in. lN x2 2 o-4 in. frcm lllter face,centsr of heighl dimension, aimed down filter length 20 x 14 in. 2W 2 2-8 in. inlo c€nter of ducl opening, aimed up Fryer: 1 vat, dripboard 16 x 36 in. 3N 3 25 in.-35 in., FRONT HALF of perimeter, aimed at center Frysr: 1 vat, dripboard '16 x 36 in. 3N 3 25 in.-35 in., FRONT HALF of perimeter, aimed at center Char Broiler Rang€: 8 burners Griddl€ Salamander Broiler Total Flow Points 40 x 36 in. 1N 1 15 in.-40 in., along/within perimeter, aimed at cenlor 50x36in. 245 P. 4 40 in.-50 in., c€nter ot cooking surface, or 1 1 3/8 in max lo c6nterline of an ... SeeNote2 40 x 36 in. 260 2 30 in.-50 in., 0-2 in. insid€ perimeter, aimed 9t cont€r 36x16in. 1l2N x2 1 One nozr€ above th€ grate, pointed at back opposits corner. Other nozzle poinl .. See Note3 '18 bL- k<r"*u, Loc$neD Bf SPSr'='a zeJsPe<;a=) t4"" paoe 2 of 5 ANSIJL lnstall Date: oz-o1-47 VAIL CASCADE CREEK SIDE 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE vAtL, co 81657 JASON 970-476-7111 Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4s33 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LrC #1 16 NICET #94172 Notes Fusible Links: => To determine actual fusible link ratings, temperature readings must be taken during peak cooking time. Creekside Kitchen: Note 1 => Range: 8 bumers: Additional nozzle combinations are possible for this range. Please refer to the manual, Note 2 => Nozzle: 245 x2: (Range: I bumers) nozzle position: 40 in.-50 in., center of cooking surface, or 1'l 3/8 in. max to centerline of any grate, pointed verticalty down Note 3 => Nozzle: l/2N x2: (Salamander Broilelr) nozzle position: One nozzle above the grate, pointed at back opposite corner. Other nozzle pointed down into center of drip pan, paoe 3 of 5 ANS['L lnstall Date: o2-o1-o7 VAIL CASCADE CREEK SIDE 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE vArL, co 81657 JASON 970-476-7111 CREEK SIDE Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 8'1650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4533 juhrich@tcf ire.net srATE LrC #1 16 NICET #94172 Quant Price USD Ext. USD Wt-lbe Wt-kg Bill of Materials for VAIL CASCADE Part DoEcriolion 430299 3 Gallon Tsnk WANSUL AUTOMAN Mechanical Reg. Rslees€ 430317 3 Gallon Tank; Stainless Stesl Enclosure 79372 ANSULEX Low pH Wel Chemical A96nt, 3 Gallon (11.6 L) (UUULC) 7728/ Adaptor, 3/8 in, Quik-Seal 428311 Alam Initiating Swilch, SPDT 423443 Cadridge, Carbon Dioxid€, l0l-30 (16/c€rton) (unit price) (DOT/TC) 417369 Doteclor, Serios (Scissor Linkago) 417368 O6tsdor, Terminal (Scissor Linkage) 415742 Fusible Link,360 deg.F, (K Styl6) 556'10 Gas Valve, M8dranical. 2 in. 419334 Nozzle, 1/2N 419335 Nozzl€. 1N 419340 Nozzl6,245 419341 Nozzl€,260 419337 Nozzle,2W 419338 Nozzle,3N 423250 Pulley Elbolr, Compression Typ€ 5,1011 Rernote Pull Station, Aluminum (w/50 ff. of wiro rop€) 423879 Switch, Elociric. DPDT 1582'1 Wir6 Rope (50 ft. (15 m)) 1 722.OO '1 332.00 2 129.00 I 15.05 1 24.20 1 112.OO 4 26.20 r 33.80 5 6.76 I 332.00 2 28.78 3 24.24 2 23.44 1 24.00 1 23j2 2 29.44 30 10.56 '1 87.50 1 36.20 1 29.60 33.2 'rs.06 20.0 9.07 72.0 32.66 3.6 1.62 0.1 0.05 3.7 1.68 3.2 1.45 0.7 0.32 0.3 0.13 c.o z,o.t 0.2 0.10 0.4 0.18 0.3 0.12 0.1 0.07 0.1 0.06 0.3 0.13 8.9 4.06 0.9 0.41 0.2 0.09 o.4 0.18 722.00 332.00 258.00 't35.45 24.20 112.O0 104.80 33.80 33.80 332.00 57.56 72.72 46.88 24.00 23.12 58.88 316.80 87.50 Additional Parts: Totals 2A41.31 154.4 70.05 oaoe 4 of 5 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-13-1-04 REV 4 EXTINGUISHING AGENT ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant (1,5 gallon - Part No. 79694 or 3.0 gallon - Part No. 79372) is a potassium-based solu- tlon desrgned for fast knock-down and suppression of grease- related fires. The agent is shipped in plastic containers which pro- vide oFe complete tank charge, Agenl storage life expectancy is twelve years. The distributor must record the batch numbers and date of shrpment receipl to be filed with each installation record. ,lNSllL!x LOW D:i LTQUIO FrRE SIJPPRESSI\NT .ANSUL AUTOI\,1AN" REGULATED RELEASE ASSE[/BLY (rvEcHANtcAL) NOTE:AGENT TAN( MUST BE ORDEREO SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE }4 FIGURE 1 REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (MECHANICAL) rhe ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Mechanical Release Assembly lPart No.429853) contains the regulated release mechanism, expellanl gas hose for agent tank hookup, and enclosure knock- outs to facilitale installing actuation piping; expellant piping; detec- lron systern; and additional equipment. This regulated release assenbly rs used In single, double, and multiple-tank systems and n]ust be mounted to a rigid surface. The release mechanism can be used to interconnect both the actuation and expellant gas lines as requrred per systenr design. Tlre regulator is designed to allow a constant flow of gas into the tank at 110 psi (759 kPa) when the systern is actLrated. The agent tank must be ordered separately. In srngle. double, and multiple-tank systems, the provided expel- lant gas hose connects the agent tank to the botlom outlet ot the regulalor. In double and multiple-tank system contigurations, the back outlet of lhe regulator is used as an expellant gas feed for one addrlional tank-enclosure or tank-brackel hookup. The enclo- sure conlains the required knockouts to facilitate this connection. lf a pressure switch is to be attached to the regulator, additional fit- l||'rgs are r€qulreo. 'The tank is nrounted within the enclosure The tank conlains an adaptor/1ube assembly with a burst disc union The burst disc helps prevent siphoning of the agent up the pipe due to significant tel1lperature Fluctuations in the area where the tank ls located. The tank rs mild steel and, under normal conditions. requires hydrosta- I c (esting every twelve years. The cjetection and additional equipment required per system desrgn are connected to the release mechanism. The enclosure coniains knockouls to facilitate detection and additional hookups, The syslenr can be actuated automatically or manually. Automatic actuation occurs when a fusible link within the delection system seoarates in a fire condition. Manual actuation of the system occurs when personnel pull on the remote manual pull station oull flnQ. FIGURE 2 REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (ELECTRICAL) The ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Electrical Release Assembly (Part No.429856) is identical to the mechanical version except it also contains a factory installed 120 VAC solenoid and electrical swatch. The solenoid is used lo orovide electrical actuation of the release mechanism. The electric switch is used to protect lhe sole|lorcj by opening the circuit to lhe solenoid once the system is frred Additional electrical swilches can be added as required for auto- matic equipmenl and gas shut-off accessortes, as well as ilrtialrng audible and visual alarms. "ANSUL AUTOIVAN' REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (ELECTRICAL) :} O GAILON sHrPrrrN{i liJl 35 LB (16 (!) I 5 GALLON SHIPPTNG Wl lS LE (9rg)REGULATOR SHIPPING rr1rr 25 t8 i11 i!) NOTE AGENI TANK MUS I BE OROERED SEPARATELY OR SEE PACE 3.4 FIGURE 3 [--r---.\_hu f->--'---tsl SHIPP NG WT 34 LB (1s kg) SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULQ CEXT 47 Page 3-2 REV.4 3-1-04 SINGLE TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY The S ngle Tank Enclosure Assembly (Part No,429870) is used in double and mult ple-tarrk systems and must be mounted to a rigid su|face near the regulated release or regulated acluator assembly ts expellent gas lne will be connecled to. 'fhe enclosure is designed for mounting either a 1.5 gallon (Part No 429864) or a 3.0 gallon tank (Part No. 429862) in a minimum anrounl ol space. HNCLOSURE ASSEMBLY REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY The Regulated Actuator Assembly (Part No. a29850) ccntalns lhe regulator, pneumatic actuator, expellant gas hose for agent tank ' hookup, and enclosure knockouts to facilitate installing expellant pip' ing. This assembly is used in multiple{ank syslems and must be mounted to a rigid surface. The regulator conlains two outlets 135' apart. One outlet is used to interconnect the exfellant gas hose to the enclosed agenl tank The other outlet connects an expellant gas line to an additional enclosure or bracket assembly. The regulator is designed to a low a constant flow of nitrogen into each agent tank connected (tv/o tanks maximum) at 110 psi (759 kPa). The pneumatic actuator is desjgned to punclure the expellant gas cartridge seal upon receiving pressure from lhe regulated release assembly actuation piping. The enclosure contains a knockout to facilitate distribution piping hookup. REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEIVBLY NOTE: AGEN-f TANK r,lUST SE OROER€O SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3.! IJOUNTING ENCLOSURE FIGURE 4 000t.2 RED PAINTED ARACKET ASSEMBLY ihe Bracket Assembly (Part No. 429878) is used in double and rnullrple-lank systems and must be mounted to a rigid surface near lhe regulated release assembly or regulated actuator assembly lhal its expellanl gas line will be connected to The tallk bracket is constructed of mild steel and painted red. lt is designed for mounting the tank in a minimum amount of space. The Bracket Assembly can only be utilized with 3.0 gallon tanks (Parl No.429862). BRACKET ASSEN/BLY 1!IOUNTING BRACKET FIGURE 5 19 LB (9 kq) FIGUR€,6 AGENT TANK ASSEMBLY The agent tank shipping assembly (3-Gallon, Parl No. 429862, and 1.5 Gallon, Part No. 429864) consists ol a stainless steel tank and an adaptor/tube assembly. The adaptor/tube assembly con- tains a burst disc. The bursl disc prevents agent leakage due to significant temperature fluctuations in Ihe area wher€ lhe tank s located. Under normal conditions, the tank requires hydroslatrc testing every twelve years. The date of manufacture is stamped on the lank nameplate. The tank is shipped uncharged and must be filled with only ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant durlng instal at on. I(JBE ASSEIIIBLY NOTE. AGENT TANK MUST BE ORDEREO SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3-' 3 GALLON SHIPPING WI 7 tB. (31(91 1 5 GALLON SHIPPING WT. 5 LA {2 rgi FIGURE 7 Sr.{PPTNG WT 7 LA. (3 kgl AGEN I TANK OEM RELEASE/BRACKET ASSEMBLY (FOR OEM IN.CABINET USE ONLY) Ihe OEM Regulated Mechanical Release/Bracket Assembly, Part No 79493, contains the same regulated release mechanism as the standard ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Release Assembly. The OEM Regulated Electrical Release/Bracket Assembly, Part No. 418054, is identical to the mechanical version except it con- tains a factory installed 120 VAC solenoid and electrical switch, These release/brackel assemblies must be installed in a suitable equrpment enclosure either horizontally or vertically. They contain all the necessary mounting and conduit holes needed to fully irrstal the assembly. The agent tank is installed separately and rreed nol be bracketed once it is Dioed and lllled. NOTE: OEM Release/Bracket Assembly must be installed high enough in cabi- nel so that there is sufficienl room lo install and remove cartridqe. RFL:ASE MECHANTSM ---------> FtGURE,S OEM REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY The OEIM Regulated Acluator Assembly, Part No. 418691, Inc udes the rsgulator, pneumalic actuator, expellant gas hose and OEM llracket. Also available is an OEM Regulated Actuator Assembly with all the above mentioned components except for the trracket This assembly is Part No. 418522. FIGURE 9 tt222t SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe il..l 3-1-04 cev z TWO TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY The Two Tank Enclosule Assembly, Pan No 429872 consrsts of two expellant gas hoses, two grommets, and the ntounting enclo- sure. The assembly is used in I gallon systems. lt can be coupled with a 3-gallon regulated release assembly or a 3-gallon regLrlated actuator assembly to give a total of I gallons of agenl. Agenl lanks must be ordered separately. The tank enclosure is designed to mounl in a minimunl amounl 01 space. SHIPPING I,4/T 26 LBS (12 kg) FIGURE,10 24 VDC REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (ULC APPROVE D ONLY) The 24 VDC Regulated Release Assembly, Part No. 429859, is used where electric, thermostat detection is required via the use of a releasing control unit. This assembly consists of a 24 vDC ANSUL AUTOMAN ll-C regulated release mechanisnr, expellaft gas hose, and enclosure knockouls to facilitate installing aclualon piping, expellant piping, detection system, and additional equip- ment. Agent tank must be ordered separately Th€ system can be actuated automatically or rnan!ally AulorTratrc actualicn occurs when the control panel receives a signal frorn the detection circuit. The panel then sends an eleclrical srgnal to tir{,' 24 VDC regulated release, causing it to actuate When actualror) occurs, the gas carlridge is punctured, pressurizrng the agenl lank and discharging the agent through the distribution piping Manual actuation of the system occurs when personnel pull on the rerrrote manual pull slation pull ring. NOTE AGENT TANK I'11.]5I i] ORD€R€O I]€PANAT[.Y sr-rlPPlN6't,T 34 LB. (15 kg) FIGURE 11 SHIPPING WI a LB {2 kg) SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 UIC CErT 47 Paos 3-4 REV 6 3-1-04 ADDITIONAL SHIPPING ASSEMBLIES Several complete shipping assemblies are available containing bolh the release or actuator mechanism and the agent tank. When ordering a complete shipping assembly, order the following part nu nrbers Shipping Wt.lb. (ks) 33 (15) GAS CARTRIDGES The R-102 system uses gas cartridges to store nitrogen or carbon dioxide expellant gases under pressure until the system is actual- ed, at which time the cartridge seal is punctured and the released gas expels liquid agent from one or more tanks through the dis- charge piping and out the discharge nozzles. Four nilmgen gas cartridges and three carbon dioxide gas car- tridges are available as shown in Figure 12. Cartridges noted as TC/DOT are both Transport canada (Tc) and Department of Transpoftation (DOT) approved. Cartridges noted as DOT are Department of Transportation approved only. Cartridge selection options are provided in Section lV under Tank and Cartridge Requirsments. NITROGEN GAS CARTRIDGES 2 1/2 tN. (6.4 cm) 2 1/2 lN 4 3/16 lN. 16.4 c,.n) (10.6 cm) P€rt No Description 430299 3.0 Gallon Mechanical Release Shipprng Assembly including: 429853 MechanicalRegulated Release Assembly 429862 3,0 Gallon Tank Assembly 430300 1.5 Gallon Mechanical Release Shipping Assenrbly inctuding; 429853 lvlechanical Regulated Release Assembly 429864 1.5 Gallon Tank Assembly 430309 3.0 Gallon Regulated Actuator Shipping Assembly including: 429850 RegulatedActuatorAssembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly 430316 1 .5 Gailon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shipping Assembly includ,ng: 429870 Single Tank Mounting Box Assembly 429864 1 .5 callon Tank Assembly> 4'18511 Hose Assembly 430317 3.0 Gallon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shipping Assembly including: 429870 Single Tank Mounling Box Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly ' 418511 Hose Assembly ,130324 6.0 Gallon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shrpprng Assembly including: 429872 fwo Tank Mounting Box Assembly 429862 3.O Gallon Tank Assembly (2) 430332 3.0 Gallon Mounting Bracket Shipping 20 Assembly including: 429878 3.0 Gallon Mounling Bracket Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assemblv 30 (14) 36 (16) (18) 1flIl1i 318 rN. I I (2E.s c'nl | | IU,p,-) l I 1.{ 5/8 rN (37 1 cmj I J (8)18 (s)20 40 3 9t16 tN tt-A-10r.30 CARIRIDGE PART NO {23491 (TC,/D01) LI.2GR LT-30-R OOUBLE.TANK CARTRIDGE CARIRIOGE CARTRIOGE PART NO. a23.129 PART NO. il23,l!5 PART NO. 423.93 rc/Dor) oc,DoT) lTc/DoT)@1a5 @1aa 0@ra7 XIDE CARTRIDGESCARBON DIO -&il --1ttlelN | |(22sun) | | I l-JI r\--l)-F*l 2lN (5.r.rn _&1t -l| -l ttlttl 11s'EtN. I I (ze.s cmr | |ttl| \. -,I \--,/l,-' i 2 lQIN {6...ini 101.30 CARTRIOGE PART NO !23443 nti?3'' FIGURE 12 (e) 2 1/2 tN. ) (6.4 cm) 1OI.IO CARTRIOGE 101.20 CARTRIOGE PART NO. 423439 iTCI/DOT) PART NO. 4234.1 PART NO. 15850 (DOT) (TC/OOT)0m1as o@t!a 1 7 7/8 tN. (20 cm) I 1 1W Nozzle 2. 1N Nozzle 3. 1/2N Nozzle 4 3N Nozzle 5 2W Nozzle 6 230 Nozzle 7. 245 Nozzle 8. 260 Nozzle 9. 290 Nozzle .10. 2120 Nozzle '11. 1F Nozzle 12. '1 1 00 Nozzle NOZZLES There are lwelve lypes of discharge nozzles each designed to dis- lnbute the liquid agent in a uniform pattern throughout the hazard atea SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 3-1i 3- t -04 nev. s SWIVEL ADAPTOR The Swivel Adaptor Assembly, Part No. 418569, consisls of a swivel nut, swivel body and swivel ball. All are chrome-plated fhrr swivel adaptor allows any nozzle to be rotated approxirnately lJo' in all directions. Swivel Adaptors must be ordered as a Swrvel Adaptor Shipping Assembly, Part No. 423572, which contains 25 SwivelAdaptors. 3/8 18 NPr FEMALE THREAI) 30 DE6REE ROTATION FlGURE,,14 RUBBER BLOW.OFF CAPS The Rubber Blow-Off Cap, Part No. 77676, help keep the orifice ol the nozzle free of grease or other substances that could In'rerfere with agent distribution. A retaining strap attaches the biow-ofl oap to the nozzle. Rubber Blow-Otf Caps must be ordered as a Shipping Assembly, Part No.77695, which contatns 50 blow-ofl caps, or Part No. 7741'1 , which contains 12 blow-off caps. FIGURE 15 METAL BLOW-OFF CAP Two types of metal blow-off caps are available as options to the standard rubber caps. The metal cap can be used in unusuallv high heat conditions, generally over 400 'F (204 "C). The rnetal blow-off cap is attached to the nozzle by nteans of a stainless steel wire which prevents it from falling into the apPliance during drs- charge. Shipping Assembly Part No. 79745 conlains 10 nretaj blow-off caps for use on standard, non-swivel nozzles and Shipping Assembly Part No. 415568 contains 10 metal blow''Jil caps for use on swivel nozzles. NOTICE lf melal blow-off caps are required for uprrght broil- er or salamander protection, use (2) tlvo 1N noz' zles (Part N0.419335) instead of 1/2N nozzles Allhough lhese nozzles are similar in appearance and have certarn con]mon parts, the tip of each nozzle is designed for a speqFic application and must only be used in those areas. See Nozzle App|cation Chart in Section lV - System Design, for indivrdual nozzle usaoe. 3/8 - 18 NPT FEI\,14I-E THREAD R!CESS I.OR BL0!V OrF cAP (Cr)P Nozzle Ty.p"q 1W Nozzle 419336 1W 1N Nozzle 419335 1N 1i 2N Nozzle 419334 1/2N NOZZLE STAMPIN6 Nozzle ldentification Chart Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle' Flow Pid-Ne. Slanpiros llo- FIGURE 13 Nazzle..lklentifi cation Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body 112 Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body [4elal blow-ofl caps are nol allowed with the l/2N nozzle 3N Nozzle 419338 3N 3 2W Nozzle 419337 2W 2 230 Nozzle 4'19339 23O 2 245 Nozzle 419340 245 2 260 Nozzle 419341 260 2 290 Nozzl-. 41 9342 294 2 2120 Nazzle 419343 2120 2 1 F Nozzle 41 9333 1F '1 1100 Nozzle 430912 1100 1 'Noz?i.j sta.rDrnq may conlain an additronal letter indrcatino a vendoa's code. 3/8 - 18 NPT MALE THREAO SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX 3470 ULC CExT 47 Paoe 3-6 REV 4 10-1-02 CONDUIT OFFSET ASSEMBLY The conduit offset assembly, Part No. 79825, is used to change drfection of lhe wire rope on detection, mechanical gas valve, and femote pull station lines. The conduit offset assembly can only be used In the area where the conduit attaches to the regulated release assenrbly When using the conduit offset assembly, the maximum number of pulley elbows is still allowed. The Conduit Offset Shipping Assembly, Part No. 79825, consists of 6 conduit ofisets '.COMPRESSION.SEAL'' ADAPTOR This adaptor is a mechanical bulkhead fitting that produces a liquid-tight seal around pipe and conduit when installing dislflbF tion piping and detection conduit through restauranl hoods and ducts. The "Compression-Seal" adaplor is a straight-through design requiring no cutting or threading of conduit or pipe The adaptor is available for pipe sizes of 1/4 in. (Part No. 79148), 318 in. (Parl No. 79150), 112 in. (Part No. 791461, and EMT conduil size ol 112 in. (Part No 79152). Each "Compression-Seal" Adaptor Shipping Assembly must be ordered as stated below: ShiPPing Assembly Size Part No- Oty. '1l4 in. Pipe / 1/2 in. tube 79149 24 3/8 in. Pipe / 5/8 in. tube 79151 24 'l 12 in . Pipe 791 47 24 1/2 in. EIVT Conduit 79153 24 SEAL ADAPIOR BOOY PULTEY ELEOW (NOT PART OF ASSEMBLY) USE ONLY PULLEY ELBOW PART NO. 423250 FIGURE 20 CONDUIT COUPLING CONDUIT 3/4 in. 1 1/8 in. 1 1/8 ln. 1 3/8 in. ADAPTOR EOOY GASKET LOCKWASHER NUT Hole Srze Required 314 tn. 1 1/8 in. '1 1/8 n 1 1/8 ln lii)Nourr ()0NNECTOII FIGURE I7 ,,QUIK.SEAL'' ADAPTOR'lhe Qurk-Seal adaptor is a lisled mechanical bulkhead fitting that ofccuces a liquid-tight seal around both distribution piping and detection conduit which runs through restaurant hoods and ducts. ihe "Quik-Seal" adaptor accepls threaded pipe or conduit. The adaptor ls avarlable for 114 in. (Parl No. 78195), 3/8 in. (Part No. 77284i, 112 in. (Parl No. 77286), or 3i4 in. (Part No. 77288) pipe or conduit sizes. When using with EMT conduit, a conduit con- ,rector musl be installed in each end of the adaptor. The "Quik- Seal Adaptor Shipping Assembly must be ordered as stated below S hipping Assembly Part No. FIGURE 19 ,.HOOD SEAU' ADAPTOR ASSEMBLY This adaptor is a mechanical bulkhead fitting that produces a iq' uid{ighl seal around 1/2 in. EMT conduit when inslalling the detec- tion line through restdurant hoods and duct. The adaptor accepts a high ternperature pulley elbow and, when used correctly posi- tions the elbow or conduil in line with the conduii adaptor hoie in the detector bracket. The "Hood Seal" eliminates the need for mul- tiple elbows when penetraling the top of a hood when rnstaliing ltre detection line. "Hood Seal" Adaptors are available in quantilies of 6 as Shipping Assembly Part No. 423253. SEAL N1JT WASHER llr" i 14 r'l :Ji I In 112 n 314 n Hole Size Oty. Required 78196 24 77285 24 77287 24 77289 24 FIGURE 18 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX, 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-7 10-1-02 REV 4 DETECTORS The deteclor consists of three basic components: the bracket, link- age and fusible link. (Fusible links are nol included and must be ordered separateiy.) The bracket holds the entire assembly to the mountrng surface. The linkage is used to support the fusible link. The fusible link is designed to separate at a specific temperature and reiease the wire rope, thereby actuating the regulated release nrechanrsnl. There are three slyles of detectors available: the clip-on style, the hrnged slyle. and the scissor style. The clip-on style allows the wire rope to be strung completely lhrough the detection system conduit and brackels first and the detector linkage assemblies are then clipped on later. The hinged style detector requires the wire rope to be strung to the delector bracket, and then "threaded" through the linkage assem- bly before contanuing to the next detector bracket. fhe scrssor slyle allows the wire rope to be strung completely through the detection system conduit and brackets first and the detector linkage assemblies are lhen clipped on ialer. Each style of detector consists of two types of assemblies: The Terminal Detector (Part No. 56838, 15375, or 417368) Includes a test link and is placed last in a series ol detectors. This delector is sometimes referred to as lhe end-of-line detector and rs lhus named because it is at the point at which the wire rope "ter- nlinates. or ls anchored at the detector bracket. Only one lermi- na detector is required per detection system. The Series Oetector (Part No. 56837, 15373, or 417369) is any deleclor ocated in"line between the regula(ed release assembly aNd lhe terminal detector. Vy'hen usrng Part No 56837 and 56838 style detectors, a total oF 1 2 detectors can be in one detection system: 11 series deteclors, Part No 56837 and 1 terminal detector. Part No. 56838. !!nen using Part No. 15373 and 15375 style detectors, a total of 5 detectors can be in one detection system: 4 series deteclors, Frart No. 15373 and 1 terminal detector, Parl No. 15375. When using Part No. 417368 and 417369 style detectors, a total of 15 detectors can be in one detection syst€m: 14 series detec- tors. Parl No.417369 and 1 terminal detector, Part No.417368. sclssoR s'vLE - PAF] No 41'358 ANO 4.7369 FIGURE 21 PULLEY ELBOWS There are two types of pulley elbows used to change the direclto|r of the wire rope by 90". Ansul recommends for temperatures no1 in excess of 700 'F (371 "C). Part No. 415670 has sockel ends with set screws tot 112 in. conduit. and Part No. 423250 has coftr" pression ring ends also for 112 in. conduit. Pulley elbows must be ordered in quantilies of 50 as Shipping Assembly Part No 4 1 567 1 (socket end type) and Part No. 423251 (compression end lypei PART NO.4156?0 CLIP.ON SIYLE - PART NO 56837 AND 56838 !{NGEO STYLE - oAFrl NO 15371ANO 15375 EDIAl( o )L*-.'\\ /Afr1\zljtj FIGURE 22 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 3-8 REV 6 3-1-04 PULLEY TEE The Pulley Tee (Pad No 427929) is used to change the direction ol iwo wire ropes by 90'. It must be used in areas where the tem- peral!res are within the range of 32 "F to 130 'F (0 'C to 54 'C). Pulley tees can be used in mechanical gas valve actuation lines and remote manual pull station Iines. Pulley tees cannot be used wrlhrn a detection line FTGURE*2.3 STAINLESS STEEL CABLE The 1/'16 In. starnless steel cable is run from the terminal detecior. thfough conduit. all series deteclors and pulley elbows, and into tlre f egulaled release mechanism trip lever. When any fusible link separales. the lension on the cable is relaxed, and the trip lever acluates the regulated release mechanism. The cable can also be used for mechanrcal gas valves and remote manual pull stations.'rhe cable is available in 50 ft. (15 m) (Part No. 15821)and 500 fl. (152.4 rn) (Part No. 79653) lengths. REMOTE MANUAL PULL STATION The remote manual pull station (Parl No. 4835 or Parl No. 54011) rs rcqurred for nranual actuation of the regulated release assem- b y The remole nanual pull station should be mounted at a point oi egress and positioned at a height determined by the authority havrng jurjsdiction. Trim rings, Part No. 427074 (pack of 10), are a va ilab le. PARr NO 4835 (V!'|THOUT CABLE) PART NO 5.'0,11 (W TH 50 FT. OF CABLE) MEIAL STAMFED FIGURE 24 MECHANICAL GAS VALVES The mechanical gas valves are designed to shut off the flow of gas to the appliances upon actuation of the regulated release assenr- bly. The valves are available in sizes of 3/4 in,, 1 in., 1 'll4 in ,1 1l2in., a d2 in. Ansui style; and2112 in. and 3 in. Asco style. The valves are rated for nalural and LP gas. Eoth styles are UL Lisled > and includes the air cylinder, tubing, and fittings for connection lo the release mechanism. Description Maximum Operating Pressure 55598 3/4 in, Gas Valve (ANSUL) 10 psi (.69 bar) 55601 1 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 10 psi (.69 bar) 55604 I 1/4 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 10 psi (.69 bar) 55607 1 1/2 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 10 psi (.69 bar) 55610 2 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 10 psi (.69 bar) 25937 2 1/2 in. Gas Valve (ASCO) 5 psi (.35 bar) 25938 3 in. Gas Valve (ASCO) 5 psi (.35 bar Part No. Valve Size 3/4 in. in. (rnm) 3 3t4 (gs. g) 3 314 \95.3) 4 7t8 (123.8) 4 7t8 (123 8) 5 718 (149.2\ 713/16 (198.4) 7 25t32 (197 .6) t' in. (mm) 6 3/8 (161.9) 6 3/8 (161.9) 7 3/8 (187.3) 7 3/8 (187.3) 7--7t8 (2OO Ol c in. (mnr) 5 ' 2 (139.7) s 1t2 (139.7) 6 3/8 (161 9) 6 3/8 (161 9) 6 11/16 (169 9)I 1t16 (230 2) I 1/16 i230.2) tn. 114 in. 112 in. 2 in. 2 112 in. J tn. 3/4 rN. THRU 2 rN 2 1/2lN IHRLi 3lN FIGURE 25 ELECTRICAL GAS VALVES The electrical gas valves are designed to shut off the flow of either natural or LP gas to lhe appliances upon actuation of the regulat- ed release assembly. The valves are available in sizes of 3/4 in., 1 n . 1 112 in., 2 in., and 3 in. The valve is held open by an ener. qized solenord and upon system actuation, the switch conlacts in itre regulated release assembly open, thus de-energizing the cir- curt to the gas valve solenoid, causing the valve to close. Valves are available in 120 VAC and are UL Listed. SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-!) 3-1-04 REV. :i ELECTRTCAL SWITCHES The electrical switches are intended for use with electfrc gas valves, alarms, contactors, lights, contractor suppled electric power shut-off devices and other electrical devices lhat are designed to shut off or turn on when the system is actlated Switches are available in kits: One Switch Kil, Part No.423878 Two Switch Kit, Part No.423879, Three Switch Kit. Parl No 423880, and Four Switch Kit, Part No. 423881. N/ounling hard ware and 12 in. (305 mrn) long wire leads are provided w th eacll kit. Each switch has a set of single-pole, double-throw conlacts raled at: Pan Ng,_ ' 137 A7 13i08 13709 1i710 17643 Description Max. Operatlng Pressure 3/4 in. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1.7 bar) 1 in Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1.7 bar) 1 1l2 in. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1.7 bar) 2 iri. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi ('1 .7 bar) 3 In Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 5 psi (.35 bar) ABin (mm) in. (mm) 3 s/16 (81.0) 3 5/8 (92.1) 5 (127 .0) 6 27 t32 (173.8) 5 (127.0) 5 1st32 (142.11 6 3t32 (78.6) 515/16 (150.8) 7 13/16 11584) 7 29t32 (200.8) uL/cUL/CSA Rating 250 VAC, 214 Resistive 250 VAC, 2 HP 125 VAC. 1 HP ENEC Rating lE4T105p Approved 250V 21A Resrslrve 8A Motor Load FIGURE 28 ALARM INITTATING SWITCH The Alarm Initiating Switch Kit, Pad No 428311 can be rielcj mounted within the ANSUL AUTOMAN release. This swrlch musl be used to close a supervised circuit to the building main fire slarrrl panel when the ANSUL AUTOMAN release acluales. Th s a(li{ln will signal the fire alarm panel that there was a syslenr actualrorr rrr the kitchen area. The switch kit contains all necessary mourrting components along with a mounting instruction sheel. The switch rs rated 50 mA. 28 VDC. NC / coM ," _ Ntlb ,o,./ Va lve Size 3/4 in 1 n. 1 1i2 tn. 2in 3 in FIGURE 26 MANUAL RESET RELAY The manual reset relay, Part No. 14702 or Part No.426151, is required when using an electrical gas valve shut-off system. After the e ectric gas valve has closed, either due to system actuation or power lailure, th€ valve cannot be re-opened, allowing gas to flow. until the reset relay button is manually pressed, re-energizing the circuit The resel reiay is available 120 VAC. The manual reset relay is also recommended for electrical shut down. FIGURE 27 TOWARO ANSUL AUTOMAN WHEN SPACER ANI) swrlcH aRE PnoaecLi MOUNTED IHrS Or!rOEi? MUSI BE EETWEI:N I;TI. N.O ANO N,C IIRUI\IAi S ALARM INITIATING SWITCH FIGURE 29 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS t]L EX 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-10 REV 2 3"1-04 REGULATOR TEST KIT The Test Kit Assembly (Shipping Part No. 56972) is required to test the regulator setting and nitrogen flow during 12-year mainte- nance examinalions This will ensure that the regulalor is func- lronrn9 properly. FIGURE 30 000159 FUSIBLE LINK Selecl correcl UL Listed fusible link(s) for installation in detector(s) .rccordrng to the temperature condition chart below; , K STYLE To Be Used Where Does Not Exceed 100 'F (38 'C) 150 'F (66 "C) 225 "F (107 "C) 300 'F (149 "C) 375 "F ( 191 'C) To Be Used Where Temperature Does Not Exceed 100 "F (38 ',C) 150 "F (66 'C) 225 "F (107 'C) 300 "F (149 "C) 375 "F (191 "C) 475 'F (246 'C) 475 "F (246 'Cl ' HOSE/GROMMET PACKAGE I I The HoseiGrommet Package. Pan No. 418511, conststs of a 24 I in. rubber hose and 2 (two) grommets. This package is requrred I when mounting an AUTOMAN Regulated Release (or Regulated I Actuator) and a tank enclosure (or tank bracket) side by srde in ; either a manifolded system or an independent piping system BURSTING DISC The R-102 Bursting Disc is installed in the tank adaptor 6ssenrbly The bursting disc eliminates the siphoning of the agent up the prpe during extreme temperature variations. The bursting discs are available in packs of 10, Parl No. 417911. FIGUREJ2 NOZZLE AIMING DEVICE ' The Nozzle Aiming Device, Part No. 43'1992, is available to proi)- edy aim each nozzle to the correct aiming point. The device clamps to the nozzle and emits a small laser light that reflects on the surface that it is aiming at. The nozzle can then be rolaled to point at a predetermined aiming point and then tightened to hord ' that angle, The aiming device adaptor attaches to the nozzle. The ' shipping assembly consists of the aiming device and the adaplof irnfd FIGURE 33 STAINLESS STEEL ACTUATION HOSE The Stalnless Steel Actuation Hose is used lo connecl lhe actua- > tion line compression tees betriveen each pneumatic actuator. The hose has the same lhread,7116-20, as the fittings. The actuatio hose allows llexibility between the AUTOMAN and each regulated actuator. Hose Part No. Length F usib le Lrnk P-art-No- 21157 39 (1) 41574C i,1) 11 5741 (1 ),415742 (11 .4t574:i (1) ' l\41 STYLE l-| l usrDle II L r'1'( lPo-rrN<r I | 550368 (1) 550365 (1 ) Fusible Link S hipplng Assembly Part No. 415739 (1 ) 415740 (1) 4157 44 (zsl 4157 45 (25) 415746 (2s) Fusible Link Shipping Assembly P-a4l!a, 551522 (1A) 5s1523 (10) 551524 (10) 551525 (10) 551 526 (10) 551s27 (10) 73867 (25\ Temperature Ratino 16s 'F (74 "C) 212 'F (10O 'C) 280 "F (138 'C) 360 'F (182 "C) 450 'F (232 "C) Tenlperature Rating 165 "F (74 "C) 212 "F (10O "C) 280'F (138'C) 360 "F (182 'C) 450 'F (232 "C) s00 "F (260 "c) 500 'F (260 'C) t;50009 (1 ) 550367 (1) s6816 (1) 56816 (1) fi at ,,|A (edilb) l'\-Z | \-/ ll | : ::::t Il."t:i.'i. I TEMPER^IURE I E:] I RATING STAMPEO ON I l: I O I FUS BLE r- NK aooYt[Oi il,/]\Y/ .=gEJ K SiYLE ML STYLE 500 .F (260 "C) ONLY 31809 32335 JZJJO 430815 Fitting Part No. 31810 3181'l 32338 16 in. (41 cm) 20 in- (5.1 cm) 24 in. (61 cm) 42 in. (1o7 cm) Oescription Male Elbow (7116-20 x 1/4 in. NPT) Male Tee (7116-20 x 7116-20 x 1 /4 in. NPT) Male Slraight Connector (7116-24 x 1/4 in. NPT)FIGURE 31 MAXIMI,JM REGISTERING THERMOMETER The l\,,loximum Registering Thermometef, Part No. 15240, is used to rnd cale the higlTesl normal temperature for the protected area. Once this is established, the correct rated fusible link can be chos en 7/16.20 FIGURE 34 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F07{010 Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: VAIL CASCADE BAKERY KITCHEN LOWER LEVEL Applied . . :02l0ll2W Parcel No...: 21031210C012 Issued . . : O3l02l2W7 Project No : PR5 o -l - Oo 3 L{ Expires . .: OWNER Ir-O VAII-, HOLDING INC c/o DELOTTTE & TOUCHE LLP 555 1_7TH ST STE 3500 02 / oL/ 2oo7 DENVER co 80202 APPIJICANT TRI cotli|:tY FIRE PROTECTION 02/oL/2O07 Phone: ceII 303-591-3111 PO BOX 309 RIFI.E co 81650 I,icense : 727 -S CONIRACTOR TRI COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION 02/0L/20O7 Phone: cell 303-591-3111 PO BOX 309 RIFIJE co 816s0 L,,icense z 727 -S Desciption: VAIL CASCADE UL 300 FIRE SYSTEM UPGRADES Valuation: $1.436.00 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical--> Plan Check-- > Inv€stigafion- > will Call--- > $0.00 Resoarant Plan Review-> 53 s 0 . 00 DRB Fee------*---* > s0.00 TOTALFEES_-----> So. oo $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > 90.00 Additional Fees------ > 5411.03 Total Permit Fee----- > Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE.-----..- > $411.03 ($353 - 03 ) s58.00 ss8.00 $0.00 IIeM: O51OO BUII.,DING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN| 02/27 /200'7 mvaughan Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWNNTY-FOIJR HOI]RS IN ADVAI{BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *******+*{r***'}'}*lr***a***t'}*tr}'}'}**1"}:}+aaa*+ta***ta***{r{r++++**l{'l't*+t**{.a'*+*******+****+***+*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€metrt ,|lfa*l*l**fla*aal***l***a+*a'tt1*{.+lr***++++**+*+ttt****t+tt+++*l*+++**t'}fa*fff*taaa++ff***ll* gtatement Nunber: RO?OOOO228 Imount: $58.00 03/02/200702t27 PNI Payment Method: Check Init: LrT Notation: Tri CouDtY/ cK 330 PermLt No : F07- 0010 Ttrl)e : SPRfNICIJBR PERMIT Parcel. No: 2LO3-L2L-O00L-2 Site Addresa: 13oo ITBSTHAT/EN DR VAIIJ IJocation: VAIL CASCADE BAICERY KITCHEN IJOWER ITEVEI' Total Fees: $58. OO ThiE Payment: $58.00 Total AI,L Pmts: $58.00Bafance: $0.00 Ittttttffttirtit**tftfttftt*******t****+ft*iff'r****'rttt***f'r*{.****'t***tff**i'lr**'l'*tft*'|t't't***** ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account, code Descrlption current Pmtg BP OO1OOOO31111OO SPRINKT.,ER PERMIT FEES 58.00 Best copy Available lnstall Date: 01-19-07 VAIL CASCADE BAKERY 13OO WEST HAVEN DR vAlL, co 81657 undefined undefined Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, C0 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4533 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LtC #116 NICET #94172 VAIL CASCADE BAKERY .f 94172, Fire Sprinklet I€vel tII \j f7-o-10 /hur' s8s= oaoe 1 of 5 ANSUL- Flow Summary: Coveraga InstallDate:01-19-07 VAIL CASCADE BAKERY 13OO WEST HAVEN DR vAtL, co 81657 undefined undefined Ovgrtll Dlmonslons Nozzle Flows Nozzla Location Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4533 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LtC #1 16 N|CET #94172 down filter length. max to centerline ofan .. See Note 2 VAIL CASCADE BAKERY VAIL CASCADE BAKERY Hood: Single Bank Ducl: Squara Rangs: 2 bum€c Total Flow Poinls 72 x 48 in. 10 x 14 in. 36 x 36 in. 1N 2W 245 xz '| O.4 in. trom filter [, U'-R ga.+'-b &@*,esn\*lt oaoe Z of 5 lnstall Date: 01-19-07 VAIL CASCADE BAKERY 13OO WEST HAVEN DR vAtL, c0 81657 undefined undefined Tri County Fire Protection 3159 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4s33 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LrC #1 16 NTCET #94"t72 Notes Fusible Links: -> To determine actual fusible link ratings, temperature readings must be taken during peak cooking time. VAIL CASCADE BAKERY: Note I => Range: 2 bumers: Additional nozzle combinations are possible for this range. Please refer to the manual, Note 2 => Nozzle: 245 x2: (Range: 2 bumers)'nozzle position: 40 in.-50 in., center of cooking surface, or 11 3/8 in. max to centerline of any grate, pointed vertically down r t"l oaqe 3 of 5 AilSTL lnstall Date: 01-19-07 VAIL CASCADE BAKERY 13OO WEST HAVEN DR vAtL, co 81657 undefined undefined Tri County Fire Protection 3'I59 BARON LANE Rifle, CO 81650 Jason Uhrich 970-625-4533 juhrich@tcfire.net STATE LrC #1 16 N|CET #94172 Quant, Pric€ USD Ext. USD Bill of Materials for VAIL CASCADE BAKERY Part Darcripllon 430299 3 Gallon Tank dANSUL AUTOiTAN M6dranical Reg. Rel€ase 75372 ANSULEX Lo,v pH Wet Chemical Agent, 3 Gallon (1 1 .6 L) (UUULC) 79146 Adaptor, l/2 in. Pips Compression-Seal 79150 Adaptor, 3/8 in. Pip€ Compr€ssion-Soal 428311 Alarm Inithting Swilch, SPDT 423441 Carlridge, Carbon Dioxid€, 101-20 (16/carton) (unit prics) (DOTiTC) 41736E Detector, Teminal (Scissor Linkage) 550009 Fusibl€ Link, 360 deg.F (ML Style) 13707 Gas Valve, Electrical, (110V, 60 Hz) 3/4 in. 419335 Nozzle. 1N 419340 Nozzle.245 419337 Nozzle,2W 423250 Pulley Elbor, ComprBssion Typ€ 426151 R€lay, Manusl Ros€t, (120V,60 Hz) 5401 1 Romote Pull Stalion, Aluminum (w/50 fr. ot wire rop6) 423879 Switch, Elocfic, DPDT 15821 Wre Rope (50 fr. (15 m)) 1 722.00 722.OO 1 129.00 129_00 1 24.09 24.09 4 21.96 87 .A4 1 24.20 24.20 1 89.00 69,00 '1 33.80 33.80 I 9.75 9.75 1 185.00 185.00 1 24.24 24.24 2 23.44 46.88 1 23.12 23.12 20 10.56 211.20 'r 147.00 147.00 1 87.s0 87.50 I 36.20 36.20 'I 29.60 29.60 _!Lrb: wr.Ig__ 33.2 15.06 36.0 16,33 0 6 0.25 2.1 0.93 0.1 0.05 2.7 1.22 0.7 0.32 1.8 0.82 0. r 0.06 0.3 0j2 0.1 0.06 6.0 2.70 2.0 0.91 0 9 0.41 o.2 0.09 0.4 0.18 Additional Parts: Totals 1910.42 39.5167.1 oaoe 4 of 5 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-1 3-1-04 REV 4 EXTINGUISHING AGENT ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant (1.5 gallon - Part No. 79694 or 3.0 gallon - Part No. 79372) is a potassium-based solu- tron designed for fast knock-down and suppression of grease- related fires. The agent is shipped in plastic containers which pro- vide or're complete tank charge. Agent storage life expectancy is twelve years. The distributor must record the batch numbers and date of shlpment receipt to be filed with each installation record. ANStjlIr'!Ow od LIOUIO FIRE SUPPRESSANT "ANSUL AUTOMAN- REGULATED RELEASE ASSEIVBIY (MECHAN ICAL) NolE:AGENT TANK MUST 8E ORDEREO SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3.1 :} O G LLON SHIF', N(i !(l 35 !B a16 kg) 1 5 GALLON SHIPPING wl 19 1,8 (9 rg)RE(jULATOR SHIPPTNG 1,1/i )5 r g (11 all FIGURE'I REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (MECHANICAL} The ANSUL AUTOI\,4AN Regulated Mechanical Release Assembly (Parl No 429853) contains the regulated release mechanisrn, expeliant gas hose for agent tank hookup, and enclosure knock- ouls to facilitate installing actuation pipingi eXpellant piping; detec- tior systern; and additional equipment. This regulated release assenrbly is used In single, double, and multiple-tank 6ystems and nrusl be mounted to a rigid surface. The release mechanism can be used to interconnect both the actuation and expellant gas lines as required per systenr design. The regulator is designed to allow a constant flow of gas into the tank at 110 psi (759 kPa) when the sysiem rs actuated. The agent tank must be ordered separately. In s ngle. double. and multiple-tank systems, the provided expel- lant gas hose connects the agent tank to the bottom outlet of the regulalor rn double and multiple-tank system configurations, the 5ac( oullel of the regulator is used as an expellant gas feed for one additional lank-enclosure or tank-bracket hookuo. The enclo- sure contains the required knockouts to facilitate this connection lf a pressure swilch is to be attached to the regulator, additional fit- lr]gs are requrreo. 'The tank is nrounted within the enclosure The tank contains an adaptor/tube assembly with a burst disc union. The burst disc helps prevenl siphoning of the agent up the pipe due to significant temperature fluctuations in the area where the tank is located. The tank s nTiid steel and, under normal conditions, requires hydrosta- Irc testrng every twelve years. The delection and additionai equipmenl required per system Jesign are connected to the release mechanism. The enclosure ccJnlarns knockouts to facilitale detection and additional hookups. The systenr can be acluated automatically or manually. Automatic actuatron occurs when a fusible link within the detection system separates rrr a fire condition, Manual actuation of lhe systenl occurs when personnel pull on the remote manual pull station oull flnQ FIGUR.E 2 REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (ELECTRICAL) The ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Electrical Release Assenrl)ly (Part No.429856) is identical to the mechanical versron excepl rt also contains a factory installed t20 VAC solenord and electrcal switch The solenoid is used to provide electrical actualion of lhe release mechanism. The electric switch is used to protect the solenord by opening the circuit to the solenoid once the systenr is firecl Additional electrical switches can be added as required for auto- matic equipment and gas shut-off accessories, as well as irrrt alrrrg audible and visual alarms. "ANSUL AUTON,'IAN' REGULATED RELEASE ASSENI BtY (ELECTRTCAL) NOTE: AGENT TANK MUST BE ORDEREO SEPARATELY OR SEE PACE 3.4 FIGURE 3 REI.EASE l---r.--\_ts SHIPPINO WT 3a LB i15lg) SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-2 REV.4 3-1-04 SINGLE TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY The Single Tank Enclosure Assembly (Part No. 429870) is used in double and multiple-tank systenrs arld must be mounted to a rigid surface near the regulated release or regulated actuator assembly rls expellent gas line will be connected to. 'rhe enclosure is desgned for mounting either a 1 5 gallon (Parl No 429864) or a 3 0 gallon tank (Part No. 429862) in a minimum anrounl of space. ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY REGULATEO ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY The Regulated Actuator Assembly (Part No. 429850) contains tlre regulator, pneumatic actuator, expellant gas hose for agenl tank > hookup, and enclosure knockouts to facili(ate installing expellanl p,p- ing. This assembly is used in multiple{ank systems and must be mounted to a rigid surface. The regulator contains two outlets 135' apart. One outlet is used lo interconnect the expellant gas hose to the enclosed agent tank. The other outlet connecls an expellant gas line to an additional enclosure or bracket asssmbly. The regulator is designed lo allow a constant flow of nitrogen into each agent tank connected (two tanks maximum) at 110 psi (759 kPa). The pneumatic actuator is designed to puncture the expe lant gas cartridge seal upon receiving pressure from the regulated Ielease assembly actuation piping. The enclosure contains a knockotJt to facilitate distribution piping hookup. REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY NOIE: AGeNT TANK MUST BE OROEREO SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3'4 I,IOU NITING INCLOSURE StsIPF NG W.A r3 La (5 i9t NOTE AGENT TANK MUST BE OROEREO SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3.4 FIGURE 4 RED PAINTED BRACKET ASSEMBLY ihe Bracket Assembly (Pad No. 429878) is used in double and rnultrple-lank systems and must be mounted to a rigid surface near the regu ated release assembly or regulated actuator assembly thal its expellant gas line will be connected to. Thr..,tank bracket is constructed of mild steel and oainted red, lt is desrgned for mounting the tank in a minimum amount of space. The Bracket Assembly can only be utilized with 3,0 gallon tanks (Parl No 429862). BRACKET ASSEI\4BLY MOUNTING BRACKET FIGURE 5 SHIPPING WT 19 LA (9 k9) FIGURE 6 AGENT TANK ASSEMBLY The agent tank shipping assembly (3-Gallon, Parl No.429862. and '1.5 Gatlon. Parl No. 429864) consists of a stainless sleel tarrk and an adaptor/tube assembly. The adaptor/tube assembly con- tains I burst disc. The burst dtsc prevents agent leakage due to significant temperature fluctuations in the area where the tank rs located. Under normal conditlons, the tank requires hydrostatrc testing every twelve years. The date of manufacture is stamped on the tank nameDlate. The tank is shipped uncharged and musl be filled with only ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant during installation TI.]BE ASSEII/BLY 3 GALION SHIPPING WI 7 LA (3 kg) 1,5 GALLON SHTPPING WT 5 LB. (2 kg) FIGURE 7 SHIPPING wr 7 LA (3 kgl AGENT TANK OEM RELEASE/BRACKET ASSEMBLY {FOR OEM IN.CABINET USE ONLY) fhe OEN,4 Regulated [,4echanical Release/Bracket Assembly, Parl No. 79493, contains the same regulated release mechanism as tlre standard ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulaled Release Assembly. The OEM Regulated Electrical Release/Bracket Assembly, Part No. 418054, is identical to the mechanical version except it con- tarns a factory installed 120 VAC solenoid and electrical switch. These release/bracket assemblios must be installed in a suitable equipment enclosure either horizontally or vertically. They contain all the necessary mounting and conduil holes needed to fully rnstall the assembly. The agent tank is installed separately and rrced r'lol be brackeled once it is piped and filled. NOTE: OEM Release/Bracket Assembly must be installed high enough in cabi- rrel so that there is sutflcient room to install and remove cartridoe. RELEASE IVECfiANISM ------.--"' SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 1l-.1 3-'1-04 Cev r TWO TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY The Two Tank Enclosure Assembly, Part No. 429872 consrsts of two expellant gas hoses, two grommets, and the nrounting enc o. sure. The assembly is used in 9 gallon systems. lt can be coupled with a 3-gallon regulated release assembly or a 3-gallon regulated actualor assembly to give a total of I gallons of agent Agenl lanks must be ordered Separately. The tank enclosure is designed to mount in a min mum amount ol sDace- SHIPPING WT 26 LBS (12 x9) FIGURE,10 24 VOC REGULATED RELEASE ASSEIMBLY {ULC APPROVED ONLY) The 24 VDC Regulated Release Assembly, Part No.429859, is used whers electric, thermostat detection is required via the use ol a releasing control unit. This assembly consists ol a 24 vDc ANSUL AUTOMAN ll-C regulated release mechanism, expellanl gas hose, and enclosure knockouts to facilitale installing actuation piping, expellant piping, detection system, and additional equrp- ment. Agent tank must be ordered separately. Th€ system can be acluated automatically or manualiy. Aulotrlatrc actuaticn occurg when the control panel receives a signal from the detection circuit. The panel lhen sends an electrical signal to lh.) 24 VDC regulated release, causing it to actuate. When aclual ort occurs, the gas cartridge is punctured, pressurizing the agenl lank and discharging the agent through the distribution plping. Mant)al actualion of the system occurs when personnel pull on the renrote manual pull station pull ring. RESULAIOR FIGURE,S OEM REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY The OEM Regulated Actuator Assembly, Parl No. 418691, rncludes the regulator, pneumatic actuator. expellant gas hose and OEM bracket. Also available is an OEM Regulated Actuator Assembly with all the above mentioned components except for the bracket. This assembly is Parl No. 41 8522. NOTq' AGENT-TANX IJI]SI IIF OROEREO :IEPARAT[ !Y 34 18. (r5 kg) FIGURE 9 FIGURE 11 SHIPPING WL a [B (2 kg) SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paoe 3-4 REV. 6 3-1-04 AODITIONAL SHIPPING ASSEMBLIES Several complete shipping assemblies are available containing both the release or actuator mechanism and the agent tank. When ordering a complete shipping assembly, order the following part nu nlbers: Shipping Wt.lb. (ks) 33 (15) Parl No Description 430299 3.0 Gallon Mechanical Release Shipping Assembly including; 429853 rVechanical Regulated Release Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly 430300 1 5 Gallon Mechanical Release Shipprng Assembly including: 429853 lVechanicalRegulated Release Assembly 429864 1.5 Gallon Tank Assembly 430309 3.0 Gallon Regulated Actualor Shipping Assembly including: 429850 RegulatedActuatorAssembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly 430316 1.5 Gallon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shrpprng Assembly including: 429870 Single Tank Mounting Box Assembly 429864 1-5 Gallon Tank Assembly ' 418511 Hose Assembly 430317 3.0 Gallon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shipping Assembly including: 429870 Single Tank N,,lounting Box Assembly 429862 3.0 callon Tank Assembly ' 418511 Hose Assembly 430324 6 0 Gallon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shipprng Assembly including: 429872 Two Tank Mounting Box Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly (2) 430332 3 0 Gallon Mounting Bracket Shipping Assemtrly includ ingl 429878 3.0 Gallon Mounting Bracket Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly 30 (14 ) 36 ( 16) -.-r3il1rtl 77l8IN. I I {20 cm) | | | \-ltri 21/2lN (6.1cm) -gtr)ttlltt 1,1 5/8 rN I l(37 1 cnr ) |tllll| \-/J r--j 3 9j16 lt (9 cnl LI-4.101.30 CARTRIDGE PART NO a2t.{91 tTCiDOl ) i.n inl;lxll | *';rl IIH LH (8)18 (e) 2 1/2 lN 4 3/16 lN {6.4 c'n) (10.6 cm) 40 (18) r1 5/E rN {29.5 cn) (e)20 2112 tN ] C 1.30 CARTRIDGI PART NO ,{ 2344 3 (rC/OOIi FIGURE 12 GAS CARTRIDGES The R-102 system uses gas cartridges to store nitrogen or carbon dioxide expellant gases under pressure until the system is actual- ed, at which time the cartridge seal is punctured and the released gas expels liquid agent from one or more tanks through lhe dis- charge piplng and out the discharge nozzles. Four nitrogen gas cartridges and three carbon dioxide gas car- tridges are available as shown in Figure 12. Cartridges notsd as TC/DOT are both Transporl Canada (TC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) approved. Cartridges noted as DOT are Oepartment of Transportation approved only Carlridge selection options are provided in Section lV under Tank and Carlridge Requirements. NITROGEN GAS CARTRIDGES LT.2GR LT.3O.R DOUALE.TANKCARTRIOGE CARTRIDGE CARTRIOGE PARI NO. 423429 PART NO. .123,135 PART NO. 423493 fic/ooT) (Tc/ooT) (Tc/Dor)000ra5 000116 0001.7 101. t O CARTR]OGE IO1-20 CARTRIOGE PART NO. {23439 (TC|oOT) PART NO. 423441 PART NO. 15850 (DOT) rC/OOT) 60150 CARBON DIOXIDE --p\il1rllerN | |(rr9cm) | |I t -_-4I r\---l,F*l 2lN (s 1 .m) CARTRIDGES _€l1t-)tll 77l8rN. I I(20 cm) I Itk)-r It----l A1'"jl,' NOZZLES There are lwelve types of discharge nozzles each designed to dis- lribule the lquid agent in a unifornr patlern throughout the hazard atea SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 3-5 3-1-04 nrv. s SWIVEL ADAPTOR The Swivel Adaptor Assembly, Parl No. 418569, consrsts of a swivel nut, swivel body and swivel ball. All are chrome-plated l'he swivel adaptor allows any nozzle to be rotated approxrmalely 30" in all directions. Swivel Adaplors musl be ordered as a Swrvel Adaptor Shipping Assembly, Part No. 423572, which contains 25 Swivel AdaDtors. 3/8 - 18 NPT FEIVALE IHREAC l lWNozze 2 1N Nozzle 3. 1i 2N Nozz e 4 3N Nozzle 5. 2W Nozzle 6 230 Nozzle 7 245 Nozzle 8. 260 Nozzle 9. 290 Nozzle 'l 0. 2'120 Nozzle 11. 1F Nozzle 12. 1'100 Nozzle Although these nozzles are srmilar in appearance and have certa n common parts, the tip of each nozzle is designed for a specific application and musl only be used in those areas. See Nozz e Appiication Chart in Section lV - System Design, for Individual nozzle usage. 3/a - 18 NPI FEMALE THREAD ]NTERNAt CUP STRAINER rNsroE RECTSS fOR 8L O!1/ OFF caP rcoP VENDOR co0E (IF FRESENT) 30 OEGREE ROTAT ON FTGURE\ 14 RUBBER BLOW.OFF CAPS The Rubber BlovAoff Cap, Parl No. 77676, help keep the orlf ce of the nozzle free of grease or othef substances that could interlere with agent distribution. A retaining strap altacltes lhe blow-off cap to the nozzle. Rubber Blow-Off Caps must be ordered as a Shipping Assembly, Part No. 77695, which contarns 50 blol^'oif caps, or Part No. 77411, which conlains 1 2 blow-ofi caps. FIGIJRE.l5 METAL BLOW.OFF CAP Two types of metal blow-off caps are available as options to lhe standard rubber caps. Tho metal cap can be used in unus!a l!, high heat conditions, generally over 400 "F (204 "C) The nletal blow-off cap is attached to the nozzle by means of a stainless sleel wire which prevents it from falling into the appliance during d s- charge. Shipping Assembly Part No. 79745 contains 10 nTelsl blow-off caps fcr use on slandard, non-swivel nozzles and Shipping Assembly Part No. 4'15568 contains 10 metal blow'oii caps for use on swivel nozzles. NOTICE lf metal blow-off caps are required for upright broil- er or salamander protection, use (2) two 1N noz' zles fPart No.419335) inslead of 1/2N nozzles FIGURE 16 1 NOZZLE STAMPING Nozzle ldentificalion Chart Nozzle Nozz e Nozzle' Flow Pert No. Stamoing Ng FIGURE 13 Nozzle Type 1W Nozzle 419336 1W 1N Nozzle 419335 1N 1/2N Nozzle 419334 1/2N l\4elal blow-otf ciips are not allowed with the 1/2N nozzle Nozzle ldentiflcation Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body 'l12 Chrome-PlatedBody Chrome-Plated Bod), Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body Chrome-Plated Body 3N Nozzle 419338 3N 3 2W Nozzle 419337 2W 2 230 Nozzte 419339 230 2 245 Nozz e 419340 245 2 26C Nozzle 419341 260 2 290 Nozzle 419342 290 2 2120 Nozzle 419343 2124 2 TF Nozzle 419333 1F 1 1100 Nozzle 430912 1100 1 'Nor?1r., stan Drng nlay conlain an addilional letter it]drcating a vendor's code. SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX 3470 ULC CEx747 Paoe 3-6 REV 4 10,1-02 CONDUIT OFFSET ASSEMBLY The conduit offset assembly, Part No. 79825, is used to change d[ection of the wire rope on detection, mechanical gas valve, and remole pull station llnes. The conduit offset assembly can only be dsed n the area where the conduit attaches to the regulated release assenrbly. When using the conduit offset assembly, the nraximum number of pulley elbows is still allowed. The Conduit Offset Shipping Assembly, Part No. 79825, consists of 6 conduit ofisets ,.COMPRESSION-sEAL" ADAPTOR This adaptor is a mechanical bulkhead fitting that produces a liquid-tight seal around pipe and conduit when inslalling distribu- tion piping and deteclion conduit lhrough restaurant hoods afd ducts. The "Compression-Seal" adaptor is a straight-through design requiring no cutting or threading of conduit or pipe The adaptor is available for pipe sizes of 114 in. (Pat1No. 79148), 3/8 in. (Parl No, 79150), 112 in. (Part No. 79'146), and EMT conduil size ol 112 in. (Part No 791 52). Each 'Compression-Seal' Adaptor Shipping Assembly must be ordered as stated below: Shipping Assembly Part No. 79149 79151 75147 79153 3l SEAL ADAPTOR CONOUIT COUPLING CONDUII Hole Size RequiredSize 1/4 in. Pipe i 1l2 in. tube 3/8 in. Pipe i 5/8 in. tube 112 in. Pipe 1/2 in, EMT Conduit Qtv. 24 24 24 24 4 ln. 1/8 ln. 1/8 in. 1/8 in. i)oNourr (IONNECi{)R FtGUREoolT ,,QUIK.SEAL'' AOAPTOR 'T he 'Qurk-Seal" adaptor is a listed mechanical bulkhead filting that produces a |quid{ight seal around both distribution piping and detectron condult which runs through restalrant hoods and ducts. The Quik-Seal" adaplor accepts threaded pipe or conduil. The adaptor is availabl€ for 1/4 in. (Part No. 78195), 3/8 in, (Part No. 77284), 1!2 in. (Part No. 77286t, or 3/4 in. (Part No 77288) pipe of conduil sizes. When using with EMT conduit, a conduit con- neclor musl be Installed in each end of the adaptor. The "Quik- Seal Adaplor Shipping Assembly must be ordered as stated t)elow Shipping Assembly Part No. 78196 77285 77287 77249 FIG URE,I9 ,,HOOO SEAL" ADAPTOR ASSEMBLY This adaptor is a mechanical bulkhead fitting that produces a hq- uidiight seal around 112 in. EMT conduit when installing the delec- tion line through restdurant hoods and duct. The adaptor accepts a high temperature pulley elbow and, when used, correctly posF tions the elbow or conduit in line with the conduit adaptor hole rrl the detector bracket. The "Hood Seal" eliminates the need for nrul- tiple elbows when penetrating the top of a hood when installing lhe detection line. "Hood Seal" Adaptors are available in quantilies ol 6 as Shipping Assembly Part No. 423253. SEAL NUT WASHER !1,. i14 nj :]i B in 1i2 tn 3/4 tn. oty. 24 24 24 1/8 in. 1/8 in. 3/8 in. Hole Size Required 3/4 in. ADAPTOR BOOY GASKET LOCKWASHER NUT AODY PIJLLEY ELAOW (NOT PART oF assEMELY) USE ONLY PULLEY ELBOW. PART NO 423250 FIGURE 20 FIGURE 18 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 3-7 10-l -02 REV 4 DETECTORS The detector consists of three basic components: the bracket, link- age. and fusible link. (Fusible links are nol included and must be ordered separately.) The bracket holds the entire assembly to the mounting surface. The linkage is used to support the fusible link. The fusible |nk is designed to separate at a specific temperature a,rd release the wire rope, thereby actuating the regulated release nrechanism There are three slyles of detectors available: the clip-on style, the hrnged style, and the scissor style. Th-o clip-on style allows the wire rope to be strung completely through the detection system conduit and brackets first and the delector linkage assemblies are then clipped on later. The hinged style detector requires the wire rope to be strung to the delector bracket, and then "lhreaded" through lhe linkage assem- bly before conlinurng to the next detector bracket. fhe scissor slyle allows the wire rope to be strung completely lhrolrgh lhe del.ection system conduit and brackets flrst and the delector linkage assemblies are then clipped on later. Each style of detector consists of two types of assemblies: The Terminal Detector (Part No, 56838, 15375, or 417368) Includes a test link and is placed last ln a serles of delectors This d-.lector rs sometimes referred to as the end-ofline detector and is thus named because it is at the point at which the wire rope "ter- rninales." or is anchored at the detector bracket. Only one termr- nal detector is required per detection syslem. The Series Oetector (Part No. 56837, 15373, or 417369) is any detector located in-line botween the reoulated release ass€mblv and the terminal detector. When using Part No. 56837 and 56838 style deteclors, a total of 1 2 detectors can be in one detection syslem: 11 series detectors, Part No 56837 and 1 terminal detector. Part No. 56838. When using Part No. 15373 and 15375 style detectors, a total of 5 delectors can be in one delection system: 4 series detectors, Pan No. 15373 and 1 terminal detector, Part No, 15375. Wl e.r us,r g Part No. 417368 and 417369 style detectors, a lotal of 15 detectors can be in one detection system: 14 series detec- (ors, Part No.417369 and 1 terminal detector, Part No.417368. sclssoR STYLE - PART NO. 417368 AND 417369 FIGURE 21 PULLEY ELBOWS There are two types of pulley elbows used to change the direction of the wire rope by 90". Ansul recommends for temperalures r'ro1 in excess of700'F (371 'C). Parl No.415670 has socket ends with set screws tot 112 in. conduit. and Part No. 423250 has conr- pression ring ends also far 112 in. conduit. Pulley elbows must be ordered in quantities of 50 as Shipping Assembly Pad No. 41 5671 (socket end type) and Part No. 423251 (compression end lypel PART NO.415670 PARI NO. !?3250 FIGURE 22 CLIP.ON STYLE - PART NO. 56837 AND 56838 HING€O STYLE - PART NO 153734NO 15375 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paoe 3-8 REV 6 3-1-04 PULLEY TEE The Pulley Tee (Part No. 427929) is used to change lhe direction of two wire ropes by 90'. lt must be used in areas where the tem- perarures are within the range of 32 'F to 130'F (0 'c to 54 "c). Pulley tees can be used in mechanical gas valve actuation lines and remole manual pull station lines. Pulley tees cannot be used within a detection line. FIGURE 23 lFo"t STAINLESS STEEL CABLE The 1i '!6 in stainless steel cable is run from lhe terminal detector. through conduit, all s€ries dstectors and pulley elbows, and into the regulated release mechanism trip lever. When any fusible link separales, lhe lension on ihe cable is relaxed, and the trip lever acluales the regulated release mechanism. The cable can also be used for n)echanical qas valves and remote manual pull stations. The cable is available in 50 ft. (15 m) (Parl No. 15821 ) and 500 ft. (152.4 ml (Part No. 79653) lengths. REMOTE MANUAL PULL STATION rhe remote manual pull station (Part No. 4835 or Part No. 5401'1) rs required for manual actuation of lhe regulated release assem" bly The remote manual pull station should be mounted at a point of egress and positioned at a height determined by the authority having iunsdiction. Trim rings, Part No. 427074 (pack of 10), are available. PART NO. 4835 (WTTHOUT CAALE) PART NO. 510fi tWrTH 50 F.r. OF CAELE) METAL STAIVP€O FIGURE 24 f atlNo. Description 55598 3/4 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 55601 1 in. Gas Valvs (ANSUL) 55604 1 'll4 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 55607 1 1/2 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 55610 2 in. Gas Valve (ANSUL) 25937 2 112 in. Gas Valve (ASCO) 25938 3 in. Gas Valve (ASCO) MECHANICAL GAS VALVES The mechanical gas valves are designed to shut ofl the llow of g.rs to the appliances upon actuation of the regulated release assenr- bly. The valves are available in sizes of 3/4 in., 1 in., 1 114 in., 1 l12in,,and 2in.Ansulstyle; and2112 in, and 3 jn.Ascostyle The valves are rated for natural and LP gas. Both styles are UL Listed and includes the ak cylinder, tubing, and fitlings for connection to the release mechanism. Maximum Operating Pressure in. (mm) 3 3t4 {95.3) 3 3t4 (95.3) 4 7t8 (123.8) 4 7t8 (123.8) 5 718 (149.2') 7 13/16 (198.4) 7 25t32 (197 .61 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) '10 psi (,69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 baO 5 psi (.35 bar) 5 psi (.35 bar c in. (mm) 314 n. 1in. 'l 114 in. 1 112 in. 2 in- 2 112 in. 3 in. 6 3/8 (161 .9) 6 3/8 (161.9) 7 3/8 (187.3) 7 3/8 (187.3) 7 -7t8 (2OO.Ol s 1t2 (139 7)51t2 (139.7) 6 3/8 (161.9) 6 3/8 (161 9) 6 11/16 (169.9) 9 1/16 (230.2) 91i16 (230.2) Valve Size Bin. (mm) 314 tN. TI{RU 2 lN 2 II2IN THRU 3IN FIGURE 25 ELECTRICAL GAS VALVES The electrical gas valves are designed to shut off the flow of either natural or LP gas to the appliances upon actuation of the regulat- ed release assembly. The valves are available in sizes oi 3/4 in., 1 n.. 1 112 in , 2 in., and 3 in. The valve is held open by an ener- qrzed solenoid and upon system actuation, the switch contacts in lhe regulated release assembly open, thus de-energizing the cir- curl to lhe 9as valve solenoid, causing the valve to close. Valves are available in 120 VAC and are UL Listed. Descriptron Max. Operating Pressure SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Paqe 3.9 3-1-04 cev. r ELECTRICAL SWITCHES The electricel switches are intended for use with electric gas valves, alarms, conlactors, Iights, contractor supplied electric power shut-off devices and other electrical devices that arc designed to shut off or turn on when lhe system is aclualed Switches are available in kits: One Switch Kil, Part No.423878. Two Switch Kit, Part No,423879, Three Switch Kil. Part No 423880, and Four Switch Kit, Part No. 423881. N4ounlir,g hard- ware and 12 in. (305 mm) long wire leads are provided wilh eaclr kit. Each switch has a set of single-pole, double-throw contacts rated at: Part No a 137Q7 13i08 13709 1 3710 17643 3/4 in. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1.7 bar) '1 in. So enoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1.7 bar) 1 1/2 in. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1.7 bar) 2 id. Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 25 psi (1 .7 bar) 3 In Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO) 5 psi (.35 bar) U L/cUL/CSA Rating 250 VAC, 21A Resistive 250 VAC, 2 HP 125 VAC, 1 HP ENEC Rating lE4T105p Approved 250V 21A Resislrve 8A l\.4otor Load Valve A Srze in. (mm)in lmml 3/4 in 3 5/16 (81.0) 3 5/8 (92.1) 1 ,n. 5 (127 .0) 6 27 t32 (173.81 1 1t2 in. 5 (127 0) 5 1st32 (42.112in 6 3/32 (78.6) 515/16 (150.8) 3 rn. 7 13i16 (198 4) 7 29132 (200.8) FIGURE 26 MANUAL RESET RELAY The nranual reset relay, Part No. 14702 or Part No. 426151, is req!rred when using an electrical gas valve shut-off system. After the electflc gas valve has closed, either due to system actualion or power failure, the valve cannot be re-opened, allowing gas lo flow, Lrntil the reset relay button is manually pressed, re-energizing the circLrit. The reset relay is available '120 VAC. The manual reset relav ls also recommended for electrical shut down, FIGURE 27 FIGURE 28 ALARM INITIATING SWITCH The Alarm Initiating Swilch Kit, Parl No. 428311 can be field mounted within the ANSUL AUTOMAN release. This switch musl be used to close a supervised circuit to the build ng main fire alarrrr panel when the ANSUL AUTOMAN release acluates. This aclton will signal the fire alarm panel that there was a systenl aclualion the kitchen area. The switch kit contains all necessary mounting components along with a mounting instruction sheet The switch rs rated 50 mA, 28 VDC. SPACER WI]EN SPACER ANI) SWITCH ARE PROPIRL'/ r"loUNI€O TFls 0r'llDEP MUST BE BET!!E[N I ]I: N.O ANO N C T[:Rn]rNi, S c(-rf./ > '-, -"' *" '\ N(j ALARM ]NITIATING SWITCH FIGURE 29 SECTION III - SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-10 REV 2 3- 1-04 REGULATOR TEST KIT Tlre Test Kit Assembly (Shipping Part No. 56972) is required lo lest lhe regulator setting and nitrogen flow during 12-year mainte- nance examinations This will ensure that the regulator is fun6- lronrng properly FIGURE 30 FUSIBLE LINK Select corr€cl UL Listed fusible link(s) for installation in detector(s) accordrng to the temperature condition chart below: 'K STYLE To Be Used Where Temperature Does Not Exceed 100 'F (38 "C) 150'F (66'C) 225 "F ('tO7 "Cl 300 'F (149 'C) 375 'F (191 "C) > HOSE/GROMMET PACKAGE I The Hose/Grommet Package, Part No. 418511, consisls of a 24 I in. rubber hose and 2 (two) grommets. This package is required I when mounting an AUTOMAN Regulated Release (or Regulatecl I Actuator) and a tank enclosure (or tank bracket) side by srde in I' either a manifolded system or an independenl piping system BURSTING DISC The R-102 Bursting Disc is installed in the tank adaplor assembly The bursting disc eliminates the slphoning of the agent up lhe pipe during extreme temperature variations. The bursting discs are available in oacks of 10, Part No. 41791'1. FIGURE 32 NOZZLE AIMING DEVICE ' The Nozzle Aiming Device, Part No. 431992, is avai/able to pro;i- erly aim each nozzle to the correct aiming point. The device clamps to lhe nozzle and emits a small laser light that reflects or) the surface that it is aiming at, The nozzle can then be rotaled to point at a predetermined aiming point and then tightened to ho d ' that angle. The alming device adaptor attaches to the nozzle. The 'shipping assembly consists of the aiming device and the adaptol ' ML STYLE Fusible l-rfik P-ad,l!a. 415739 (1 ) 4157 40 11) 415741 \1), 415742 (1'l , 4t 5743 (1) Fusible Link Shipping Assembly Part No. 41 5739 (1 ) 4157 40 (1) 4157 44 (25\ 4157 45 (25) 415746 (25) Fusible L nk Shrpping Assembly P-a.d_N-o. 551522 (10) 551 523 (1 0) 551 524 (1 0)qql qrA /1n\ 551526 (10) s51 527 (10) 73867 (25) Temperature Rating 165 'F (74 'C) 212 'F (100 'C) 280 "F (138 'C) 360 'F (182 'C) 45O "F (232 "C) F u srble L r'rK PaltNi- 550368 (1) 550366 (1) n50009 (1) 56816 il ) 56816 (1) 100 "F (38 "C) 150 'F (66 'C) 225 "F (1O7 'Ct 300 "F (149 "C) 375 "F (191 "C) 475 "F (246 "C) 475 'F (246 'C) To Be Used WhereTempeTature Temperature Ratrng Does Not Exceed 165'F (74'C) 212 "F (100 "C) 280 "F (138 "C) 360 "F (182 "C) 450 'F (232 'C) 500 "F (260 "C) s00 'F (260 'c) i.l"-Td FIGURE 33 STAINLESS STEEL ACTUATION HOSE The Stainless Steel Actuation Hose is used to connecl lhe aclua- ' tion line compression tees between each pneumat c actuator The hose has the same thread. 7/16-20, as the fittings. The actualion hose allows flexibility between the AUTOMAN and each regu ated actuator. Hose Part No. Length 31809 16 in. (4'l cm) 32335 20 in. (51 cm) 32336 24 in. (61 cm) 43081 5 42 in. ('107 cm) Fltting Part No. Descriptlon 31810 31 811 JZJJO ,,':\/r'\\\l\-vl | : -_:: I I'Rl l,rn'lv VLE ffi til {t KST FIGURE 31 MAXIMUM REGISTERING THERMOMETER The Moxinrum Registering Thermometer, Part No. 15240, is used lo indicate the higlrest normal lemperature for the protected area. Once this is estabished, the correct rated fusible link can be chosen IEMPERA'IURE RAT]NG STAMPEO ON FUSIBLE LINK SOOY ML STYLE 500'F (260 "C)ONLY Male Efbow (7116-20 x 1/4 tn NPT) N/aleTee (7116-20x7/16-20x 1/4 rn. NPT) Male Straight Connector (7116'20 x 1/4 in. NPT) tz{o - 13eo Mfra':/Ls 8.8n-96-200e Inspe*ion,FedluFqt R8Porting pase tz Reouested lnsoect Date: Fridav. Auoust07. 2009' Inspeclion Area: SH - ' - site Address: tT3"NE?tl6Yff DR vArL A/P/D Information Activitv: E09-0063 Tvoe: B-ELEC Sub Tvpe: ACOM Status: FINALConstTyp6: Oecupah'cy: Ube: Insp Area: SH OWrier: L-O VAIL HOLDING INC Conlractor: D.P. ELECTRIC Phone: 970-926-4140 DescTiplion: CASCADE HOTEL REMODEL: WIRING FOR NEW FIXTURES IN CORRIDOR Requested Inspectlon(s) Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 09:30 AM Requestor: DAVE PETERSON EIECTRIC Phone: 970-926-4140 -or- cell 904- Comments: wc 904-6369 t ll - 6369 Assisned io: SHAHI{-> , I t l/ Entered By: JMONDRAGON K- Action: /' a/+7{ Time Exp:uomment: 4ln noor terrace \ Comment: UNlTS244-265. COMPLETE. Comment: ROOMS 200 THRU 243 COMPLETE - NEW FIXTURES lN CORRIDOR ABOVE UNIT DOORS. ROOMS 244 THRU 265 ARE NOT COMPLETE AT THIS TIME. Comment: lobbv level soffil liqhls ok. Comment: third-floor terrace iecessed cans ok. ,?q,n{J-)*/--A"r.l' - Inspection History ltem: 110 ELEQ-Service VIWIU Iltem: 120 ELEC-Rouqh I IItem: 130 ELEC-ConduitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final *' Aooroved *' 06102109 lnsDector: MDENNEY Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: ROOMS 200 THRU 243 COMPLETE - NEW FIXTURES lN CORRIDOR ABOVE UNIT DOORS. 06/05/09 Comment: 06/18i09 Comment: 07to7tog Commenl: 07124to9 Comment: ROOMS 244 THRU 265 ARE NOT COMPLETE AT THIS TIME. InsDector: MDENNEY Action: AP APPROVED UNITS 2zl4 - 265. COMPLETEInsoector: shahn Aclion: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL lobbv level soffit liohts ok.Inso6clor: shahn* Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL 4th floor lerraceInsoector: shahn Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL third floor lerrace recessed cans ok. REPT131 Run Id: 10085 8lrl3l#on In"e""$:,T F?$rF".t nsPo'ting t.g" g Requested Inspgct pate: Iuesday, June 02,2009- Inspection Area: SH Site Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL CASCADE HOTEL A/P/D Information Activity: E09-0063 Tvoe: B-ELECConstTvob: Occuoahbv: Owh'er: L-O VAIL HOLDING INC Contractor: D.P. ELECTRIC SubTJpe: ACOM Phone: 970-926-4140 Description: CASCADE HOTEL REMODEL: WIRING FOR NEW FIXTURES lN CORRIDOR Stalus: ISSUED lnso Area: SH 08:30 AM 970-926-4140 -or- cell 904- 6369 JMONDRAGON K Requested Insoectionls) Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requestor: DAVE PETERSON ELECTRIC Requested Time:- Phone: Entered By: 2b> b-zqs Na,"u fuL^e-s \ *r----tJw- 4y ur;4- a'l*/ . Inspection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-ServiceItem: 120 ELEC-RouohItem: 130 ELEC-ConiluitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final REPTl31 Run Id: 9828 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F09-0017 /K:01'Mts Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 413,443 & 445, CASCADE HOTEL Applied . . : 0511312009 Parcel No...: 210312100012 Issued . . : 0511912009 Project No : Expires . .: OIdNER L-O VAIiJ HOLDING INC 05/T3/2009 C/O DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP 555 17TH ST STE 3500 DENVER co 80202 APPLICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTT 05/13/2009 Phone: 303-192-0022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD co 80112 License: 338-S CONTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECII 05/L3/2009 Phone: 3O3-792-0022 7026 SOI,ITH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD co 80r-r-2 License: 338-S Desciption: CASCADE HOTEL REMODEL: RE-ROUTED l l/4" PIPE FOR DUCT. LOWER TWO SPRINKLER HEADS FOR NEW CEILING (ROOMS 419,443 & 44s) Valuation: $ I,300.00 **)t***** |****** *I M€chanical--> 90.00 Restuarant Plan Reyiew-> So. o0 Total Calculated Fees-> $405.25 Pian Check--> $350.00 DRB Fee-_.------> So.oo Additional Fses-------> 1523L.25) lnvestigation-> 9o. o0 TOTAI FEES---._----> S405.25 Total Pennit Fee-------> $174 .00 Will Call---> S0. oo Paymenls--------*-'.---> $1?4 . 00 BALANCE DUE--------> $o. oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/14/2009 drhoades Act.ion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG. ): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinanoes ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY.TWO HOURS IN.ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.47Y2232 FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. t': - t\ OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER t* * * +**f lt*llar * * f **t**ll**l**ll**l*** I *t I I t* * I |! * *t*r* * r****r**** i* l* * * *** *** t:l *l ** rr * r* *** I * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * ** * * * * * * ,l * * ** t I I rt t t*:ta*t I I tt{ I * i i I t* I * * | I *t!t't'i:t {' i' ri I' I {' * * * * * i * * * * t * {' * * * * {' * * * l:t:l' l' * r' t 'l' * * * * * * { { Statement Number: R090000513 Amount: $174.00 05/L9/2O09LIz22 AItl Payment Method: Check IniL, r SAB Notation: 107718-WSFP Permit No: Parcel No3 Site Address: LoCati.On: Ttris Payment : F09- 0017 2103 - 121- 0001-2 13OO WESTHAVEX\I 4r3, 443 & 445, $174.00 Description I\/I)e: SPRINKIJER PERIIIT DR VAIL CASCADE HOTEIJ Total Fees: Total ALIJ Pmta 3 Balance: $174.00 $174 . 00 $0.00 *r{' 1t r.+trrr*rrri**rttalrtt{'t r*ttllr*r1{ { * * t' 't' *{' {r* {' {' {' * * *+ * { I { * {t**!ll' * * * t * { { l*:t I' I * * l' * t { { *t*l**l' ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account code Curren! PmLa BP PP 00100003111100 00100003112 3 00 SPRINKI.,BR PERIIIIT FEES PI,AIiI CHEEK FEES 55.25 118.75 EIRE SPRIIIIKLER PERMIT Conrmerclal t Rsidential Flre Alann shop drawings are requirsd .t the tam€ of tpptlcatloh submlttal and must Include the following Informatlon: 1. A Colorado Regblered Engineer's stamp or N.LC.E.T levd trI (min) stamp 2. Equipment cut sheets of materials 3. Hydraulkcalculatbrt 4. A State of Cobra(h Plan Registratbn form 5. Plans must be submltted by a Reglstered Fire Prctection Contractor o1L, re..o,^la Ilt{ p,ic - ciq.Cealean, i /stav:Co zip Wlt)- 1o, &'&, \o,ue, )r.'o gp,,ild', ir.ls contacrphone: 3o7'51(?' tll S Town of Vail Contraotor Registration No.: Detailed Location o1r11or2' Kcorqs I(t?, %3 arl qq{ Does a Flr€ Atenfi Exlst? Yes P.'- No ( l Does a SprinHer S)lrbm Erist? Yet t'{ No { ) Work Clart: Nsw( ) Addition 1 ; nemodetlA Repair ( ) Prolect greet Addr.ss: I loo u)e*thav<," (Number) (Strsetl (Sulto f) Bulldlngrcompl€r name, & scodrg Re s ar+ Fire Sprinkler $: Confacbr lniormadon: ""ro"r"'J "t{i'* st"+., Pt;t Ptto*'"t visit www.eagleoouty. ur/patie) Tenant Name: ownerName: L'O V".I N"lAi"A Tar- Compl€b Valualion for Fir€ Sprinller.P6rmit: hl,z-'ep Retro-Fit ( ) Other ( ) Type ot Bulldlng: Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family ( Commeroiap{ Restaurant ( ) Other( ) Date Recolv€d: Bot- or?-? {o, heu cic|', (use additional sheel if noco ?3A- S x 4-' Con gFctor slgnrqfe (rcqulr.dl tE I \ - lt\lilllllil| luiU IL TEFltrIlVlE \, t::] tr '-l |.4AY 12 2009 TOWN OF VA Iil iifi vAfl nm DfpAQriltNl Westerrr States Fire Protection Co. 7026 S, nrcsoo wav f-r*irl nn enl It (J0l) 792.0022 (JoJ) 792.9u49 F.d\ FIG P,rtac{6n SYd.|n .Eitnq!!!m. F dgdotrl]n{Uryon Cnffidcid. hdrt{d.i.Cltst{rl.lEafta..r., 6oadll fiEBrdr . l{!h Tldr . Drt !t . lllll![l' F.&ctl. Ssvi.. ' i.Ee..ii6. i/.&id'.tr. 5-07-09 llr ltlika \/ar rnhan Vail Fiie and Emergency Services 42 West Meadow Drive VaiiCoiorado 81657 RE: Cascades Resort, room$419, 443and445 [r. \/o,,,-hort This letter is intended to describe the fuli scope of work for changes to the fire sprinkler system thai wiff be performed by westem states Fire Protection in rooms 419,443 and 445. Required modifications to the fire sprinkler system are as follows. ; in room 419, reroute 1114 brancin line at eniry way ceiling to accommodate new duct for A C retrofii. : In room 44g,lowet existing sprtnkler head to ndl!/ finished ceiling. Existing c€iling is being lowered to accommodate new duct. : ln room 44S, lower exsting sprinlder head to new finished ceiling. Existing ceiling is being lowered to accommodate new duct It is our understanding that this letter will be sufficient to obtain a permit to proceed with the work described above. No other work will be done without authorization from VFES. lf further information is required to issue a permit please contact our office in Glenwood Springs at 970-618-3294. Sincerely, L trt \lilI \ Western Stat€stltt lFire Protection Co. ?'utctll,q .4ata ard W? Joe Hayden 303-&9-8979 Cell 970-618-3294 Offlce 970-945-8848 Fax vAll Rpt DEpADlilftt Brian Houser Westem States Fire Pmtection Ca. Nicet Level lll Registration #12i35i MAY Sprinltler 0I 2009 Signaturc TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES (o1-ot-rl SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F08-0104 ?3mr-oz"{S-t. Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: ROOMS 230 &243, CASCADE HOTEL Applied . . : I l/18/2008 Parcel No...: 210312100012 Issued. . : lll20/2008 Expires. .:Project No : OWNER L-O VAIL HOLDING INC 1,J,/18/2008 C/O DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP 555 1?TH ST SrE 3500 DENVER co 80202 APPLICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI LI/18/2008 Phone: 3O3-192-0022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD co 80112 Llcense: 338-S CONTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTEC'II LL/18/2008 Phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD co 8 0l_12 License:338-S Desciption: EXTEND ONE SIDEWALL AND ADD ONE PENDANT FOR NEW SOFFIT Valuation: $l,050.00 Mechanical--> S0. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> So. oo Total Calculated Fees--> $394 ,63 Plan Check-> $3s0.00 DRB Fee---------------> 90.00 Additional Fees------> (5220.63) lnvestigation-> So.oo TOTAL FEES-------------> 5394.63 Total Permit Fee------> 91?4.00 Will Call---> S0. oo Payments-------------> $1?4.00 BALANCE DUE--_-> SO. OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT lL/79/2oog drhoades Action: AP Scope of work letter approved. CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE CoMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 /.L------'t/ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER 1{'{'{'t{'r'{"t't*t't't{{*ttt***'tt**{'**{****{'*t*****t*t**tttt*ttti**'it * ** *t' **iii**l'***t**t*** *tt* 'i*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORI{DO Statement **tat'f*al'l'*ttttt*ittttttt**tttt***tt*t*t*ttIi**'i***'fri*'fi***f't***I*I*{'!+*'f*******I'l'*****I****{' SlatsemenE Number: R080002230 Arnount: 91?4.00 lL/20/2OO8O9r1.5 A!1 Pal.ment Metshod: Check Fire Protection 107 7 33 Init: DDG NoEatsion: WeEEern SeateE Permit No: Parce1 No: Site Address: Locat ion : Ahis Payment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 F0 8 - 0104 2103 - 121- 0001-2 13OO WESTHAVEN ROOMS 230 & 243 $174.00 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT DR VATIJ . C}SCADB HOTBI, ToEaI Fees: Total ALL, Pmts : Balance: $174.00 $1?4.00 $0.00 attttat****a**at*aata*tat*tttttttaaa*rt****att**ttt')ttttt*rttt 'r******t**t'ltttt*lll**** ****** ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current HnEE SPRINKIJER PERMIT FEES PI,A}I CHECK FEES 44.63 r29.37 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMIT Permit #: F08-0089 'tr<r-f -e{ -tl ?Rf6T'olt15 Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: SUITES 43,343,330 Applied. . : l0/nn008 Parcel No...: 210312100012 Issued . . : 10D912008 Project No : Expires . .: OWNER IJ-O VAIL HOLDING INC T0/23/2008 C/O DELOITTE 5. TOUCHE LLP 555 17TH ST STE 3600 DENVER co 40202 APPLICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI LO/23/2008 Phone: 3O3-792-OO22 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD co 801L2 License:338-S CONTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI TO/23/2OO8 PhONC: 3O3-792-OO22 ?026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD co 80112 License: 338-S Desciption: RELOCATE SIDEWALL ffiADS IN NEW SOFFITS. ADD PENDANT ffiADS TN SOFFITS. ADruST DROPS IN LOWER CORRIDOR. Valuation: $2.550.00 *++*.||+.t:l.*:l.*'|':}'l.*:|*,**r.|:tt'l|.+l.t|+,||i.+*.'l|.,|+lll++'tll||.{*+'* Mechanical--> So. oo Restuarant Plan Reyiew-> So. oo Totalcalculated Fees--> 9458.38 Plan Chcck-> 935o.oo DRB Fee---------> 90.00 Additional Fees------> ($284.38) lnvestigation-> 9o.Oo TOTAL FEES-_..--> S4s8.38 Total Permit Fee--> 51?4.00 Will Call---> $0. oo Payments----------> $1?4.00 BAI,{!CE DUE__> g0 .00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT t0/2'l/20Oe drhoades Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. l l ** a 'i r a* *,i a *:r t** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. BY TELEPHONE AT 970-419.2252 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER * **+** ** * * * rr * *ra*** * * {. * {.* *** * * {r {. {r * f, * * * ************** * * 'r* 'l"l * {. * * * * * * {{' * * * *** * * * * * * 't '1.*t*{'** * 'l '| 'l I TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement tt*irtr't**{.* * * **{.*'t**{.* * * * 't *:t*** *** * * * * * * 'f * * * * 'f * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * :} * * * * * * * f I * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statement Number: R080002052 Amount: $1?4.00 Lo/29/2OO8O8:35 AM Payment Method: Check STATES FTRE PROTECTTON IniE r L,C Notation: #10??26IWESTERN PermiE No: ParceL No: site Address : Locat ion : This Paynent: BP 00r-00003 l-r-l-l-00 PF 0010000311-2300 F08 - 0089 zLvS- LZ!-VVVL- Z 13OO WESTHAVEN DR VAIt surTEs 43, 343, 330 $174.00 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT ToEaI Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $174.00 $174.00 $0.00 ****f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it*s * ** * **** * * * * * ** *** ** * * * {**'t**** * * * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounc code Descriction Currenf F\nt,s S PRINKLER PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES 108.38 65 .62 FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at the time of application submittal and must include the following information: A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.l.C.E.T. level lll (min) stamp Equipment cut sheets of materials Hydraulic calculations A State of Colorado Flan Registration form Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor (use additional sheet if necessary) Property Information Parcel#: & t a 3tA, /Oadl A Value of Fire Sprinkler: (Labor & Materials) ;D 3, g.rd -oC, Legal Description: Lot #: Subdivision: Block #: Building/Complex Name: Does h Fire Alarm Exist? Does a Sprinkler System Exist?es WoIk Class: New( ) Addition( ) RemodelQ Retro-Fit( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Building: Single-Family (_ ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercidlfi Restaurant ( ) Other( ) Date Received: #r"F YY 9DL9Ill \J ICWWD I lr t/ .l I \rl"vl/r,n u \./ \-r. rul6S.ThoroWry Ccdlmirl CO &lr2 (*31 ElNn oo3) 79?-eo49 FA)( ffi!.n|I|E.l.ElbC-iral. E-3. t J-dta.daoL i..t}5tt. lthr.dt. o.l.t .. lIF id. taib. haFalcr.hHasa Ocbber,22200€ Mr. Mike Vaughn Vail Fire and Emsrgency S€rvices 42 West Meadow Drive VailColorado 81657 RE: Vail Cascadee Reeort rooms 43,343,330 and lmer level conidor. Mr. Vaughn, This lefrer is intanded b desqibe ihe full scope of wotk for changes to the fire sprinkle_r system that will be performed by W€stem States Fire Protection in rooms 343, 380 and 43 at the Cascades Resort. Required modifications to the fire sprinkler sysbm are as follows. Due to the HVAC retnofit in these rooms, soffits upre added to accommodate nerv duc{ work ln each rcom one sidewatl head will be r€located through the new soffit. In each Krom one pendent head will be added belorlrr the new soffit. In the louvsr level conidor, adjust sprinkler drops tO n€nv ceiling installation. It is our understanding that this leter will be sufficient to obtain a permit to proceed with the work descdbed above. No ottrer wolf wiil be done wtthout authorization from VFES. lf further information is rcqulred to issue a permit dease contact our office in Glennrood Springs at 970€1&3294- Brian Houser Westem Stabs Fire Pmtection Co. Nkpt tevel lll Registratkn #121351 ocT 22 2008 Sprinklerlstem t-alog Signature VATTMTDIDADTilITT <1, t Uil \lVesternStrtestlft ,IIrc Pnotecfion Co.v JreHayden 3B-AN97S 97&!618-3i29, c7o-u&ew Cerl Office fux Approved "" qi rhmitted U