HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 VAIL SPA COMMON GARAGENOTE: TH,S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS,TE AT ALL TIMES ,,.?\ l\\\f lrl Trfr'rdtrUIilV Town of Vail, community oevelopmenffiffiulh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 047 9-21 39 t. 97 0.47 9.2452 inspections. 97 O.47 9.21 49 MECHANICAL PERMIT ACOM Job Addross: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location.....: VAIL SPA CONDOS Parcel No...: 210106317001 Mechanical Permit Fee--> $520.00 Will Call------> Plan Check----------> $130.00 Use Tax Fee--*> Investigation--------> $0.00 Permit #: M08-0299 Project #: PRJ08-0647 Status...: ISSUEDAppfied..: 11l24l2o1g lssued. . i 12J15/2008 Exoires. .: 06/13/2009 OWNER LOFTON. KEVIN E, 1112412008 47 TAMARADE DR LITTLETON co 80127 APPLICANT MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEA 1112412008 Phone: 970.479.2981 P.O. BOX 4564 VAIL co 81658 License: 241-M CONTMCTOR MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEA 1 1 12412008 Phone: 970-479-2981 P.O. BOX 4554 VAIL co 81658 License: 241-M Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT: INSTALL GAMGE EXHAUST Valuation: $26,000.00 |d#*fff*ft*i*suil|MARYrrtrrff $4.00 Total Calculated Fees--> S0,00 Additional Fees---------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE-.> $654.00 $0.00 $6r+.00 $6s4.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $654.00 Payments-----*-> BALANCE DUE-.--> APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/2512008 caunion Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEtD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR lS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL, Cond: 23 (BLDG,): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 1O OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHATL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED lN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WlTtl A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. mechcanicaLperm il_04 1 908 DECLAMTIONS I hlrlby ackno/yledgo thlt t ha|,r lged thb appltcatbn, flt€d out in tullthg intormatlon requit€d, complet€d an accurft plot plen, and 3l8t6 that all thc hbnnation ae roquircd i! cor€ct. I agGa to comply wilh lho information and plol plrn, to comply wih all Torvn ordinancss and stati larv!, and lo build thl3 lfruclure accoding to thr towns zonlng and subdlvbion oodre, dcrign rovLw approwd, lnlornationel Building and Rcsldential Codes and othor odln.ncls of th€ Tofln applirbls thrreto. REOUEgTSAil.' PT. TWENTY.FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE N 970t79,2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:0( l=t I t L// 5 /oa 5Z mochcanicalJtotm it_041 908 ** * ** rt*t' * ** *a'ta*ti't t I t'i * *t*'t t * | * | * * *t*t t* * tt* **t* * * * * I * 'f*l* * * * * * I I I * *** * * a*lt:r'|*r***l ta*t* * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * *rt* * { * { { + * rt * I * * +t' **taa{ {r* t1* rttt*t* r t * i i{ * { t { {'t'*{'i *{rt+ +lrtf*{{'{'{'{' * I * * {l * { t t { {' {' {' * tl t { t { * { * * Slatement Number: R080002351 Arnount: $654.00 L2/L5/200803:32 Pt{ PalmenE McEhod: Check & H L2042 IniE: DDG Notation: Meado!,r Mountain P Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees: Location: Thia Payment: M0s - 0299 2101-063-1?00-1 710 W IJIONSHEN) VAII, SPA COIIDOS s554.00 TIE)e r MECHAI\IICAL PERMIT CR VAIIJ Togal Fees: Total ALL PmES : Balance: $654.0o 9654. oo $0.00 * * I'tt * * * * * t t aat * * * a*****+*att+t*t****a*t*ttaaat a** I * * * * * * * t * * * i * I * * * r.***t I *t*f*afl*t**i *ta*r ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts MP 00100003llt 100 PF 00100003x12300 wc 00100003112800 MECITA}IICAIJ PERMIT FEES PI.AN CSECK FEES WILIJ CAIJL INSPECTfON FEE s20.00 x30.00 4.00 NOV-eE-e@8 69: l? From:To27489476 Page I 1/5 APPLICATION The tollowlnd ttems MUST be afr.lched to Uris ocfmit aoolicalion MechlniFel Room L-evout drawn to ecale to insludej Mechanicnl Room Dlmensions Combuslion Air Duct Size and Localion Fhrc, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locallon He.l l.oss Calculations Equipment Cd / Spec Sheets ProiastAddre$ Vqil CO. --fl_O-t^t. LiorushnJ &,"1e Blto67 MechanicarPerm ltn l40g- - 0Lq1 Poject #l Building Permil #: Company Addres3: city:-l{rJ Starc: h z;p: Conlacl Name: Conlaci Ph: Contractor Signature Conb?ctor lnformation Deteiled Description of Work: orJrr {r,o ce4\a.re r@ Complel6 Valualion br Mechanical Permit: Mechanlq€l $ Proporty Infonnatlon - -r-1parc.r #, 4?/d/0k3 1'l oo f tllglolo3l T o 55 L€gal Descrlption: Ld # Subdivision: Bll( f Job Nama: Mailing Addrees: (For palcet, conta-Eeg6touifr iGEiibfrffifiiiior "isnfirw..aEl6corrnty. us/patie) Wor* Class: Ncw( ) Additionp$ Ramodel( ) Repak( )Other( ) Boler Locaton: lnterior( ) Exteilor( ) Orherb4) No/Type Exirting Firedacesl Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs (x) Wood/Feilet 0<) NorType Proposed Fireptace!: Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/pelct ( ) Building Type: Single-Fenily ( ) T.wo-Famity ( ) Mutri-Famififi ) Cornmercial S) Torvnhome ( ) Other ( ) Architect ( ) Name: _ Phone: Fax: E-Ma0: Oalc Roceiyed: *^Z \.r'/ l- l^\ lt\l 1|lt 2008 il // :J VAIL lnltul lnl t-//i=ilq \\-- ri I NOV 24 TOWN CF uffilulD consulting engineers, inc. RE; Vail Spa Condominiums, Pool Room Ventilation Project No. 8579.00 DearRobert: New ductwork shall be installed from the current termination within the garage to the location of the new exhausl fan, located on the low roof betwee,n the two towers. The $(baust tumel from the spa equipme'lrt room to the lower garage shall be sealed to the new ductwork. The contractor should not disturb any ofthe ductwork or piping within the exhaust tunnel. Upon leaving the tunnel, lhe ductwork shall tum up tbrough a new penefration in the ceiling of the garage and continue up the wall of the upper garage. Once the duct reaches the structure of the upper garage (above the ceiling) the duct should be routed horizontally to the location ofthe exhaust fan then penehate the roof and tie into the roof curb supporting the fan itself. This routing should be field coordinated by the installing confractor, the size of the ductwork may change but the intemal free area shall remain constant. Refer to attached sket'ches for additional information" Cunently there is not a fire darnper installed within this exhaust syatem- A fire damper shall be installedwhere the ductwork exits the exhaust tunnel and enters the garage; the delineationpoint between the old s)rst€m and the new ductwork The fire damper shall carry the same rating as the walls of tho epa equipment room and be sized to fit the fielGcoordinated ductwork Betwee,n the drywall ceiling of the upper garage and the roof penetration, the ductwork shall be wrapped with 3M Fire lVrap, or equivalent. This urrapped section shall be sealed per the Banufactur€r's specifications to the drywall ceiling and fire caulked at the roof penetration. 'l1o E. geaver C,e€k BIvd.,!AP, P.O. Bor( 9650. Adr, @ 81620. p.970.949.6108. f,970.949.6159 VA|L 1626 Cole Blvd., Suile 300, Building 7, Laken/ood, CO 8040t . p.303.278.9820. t. gO3.2ZS.3g/|it OENVER 1143O Oe€rfidd Drive, tB5, Truckee, CA 96t6t . p. Sg0.5S0.Z3g4, f. S30.SSO.733B LAKE TAHOE 251 Linden Sl,, #200, Fort Coltins, CO 805a4. p.97O.'21.5/.i/91, t,9t0.22 j.5697 FORT COLLINS www.bgcs.com Novembcr2l,2008 Mr. Robcrt Cr-rant East WestResorts 710 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of Vail OFFIGE OOPY EtrcErlr=n ill Nov 24 2ooo V) TQWN OF VAII- East West Resorts Vail Spa Condominiums November21,2008 Page-2 The new spa exhaust fan should be a Cook 165 ACRU-A or equivalent, and be looated on the roofnear the edsting garage exhaust fan. Fan shouldbe all aluminum and have a Phenolic EpoxywAfV coating. Fan data should be as follows: 1,500 CFM and 0.5" ESP at 8,150 feet above sea level (to be confirmed based on aotual duct routing and sizing). Motor should be totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) tlpe. The new fan shall be interlocked with the exhaust fan within the existing pool room ventilation system. Attached is a sample cut sheet of the Cook 165 ACRU-A forreference. Electrical power for the new exhaust fan shall come from tle main electical room for the building. A circuit shall be added to the panel ilistribution labeled 'PNL DH' and elechical pow€r to the frn shall be routed from that location. The circuit breaker shall be 20 Ampere, single pels. A contol wire shall be routed along the ductwork from the new exhaust fan to the spa equipment room to interlock the new fan and the existing relief fan. Conduit shall be routed horizontally to the wall of the elertrical room towad the doors. Upon penehating the wall of the elechical room, the conduit shall be routed througb the roof near the sprinkler stmd pipe. The conduit shall be routed parallel to the sprinkler pipe, utilizing the same uni-strut suppods, to the location of the new exhaust fbn. A single pole, 20 Ampere rated disconaect switch sball be installed at this location to serve the fan. Upon corcpletion, balance the complete system- P. Iarson, P.E S:\BGIsi.cEi8lt9.mVd Drt Sdc.oqd6|..1mcErtst9(trMfrarDdoc ?n Hg +g e9ea'Eg- f!Pt E's F',8. ; P E. x € x € 6 e { tl a F-g;Eqg F flI b'guY" )i .:-k fiRXH F H' -rE: Xoz '-1 = a P EF€tro€og $fi8N t b ,',.1' l' ggf;s o; FXI geE FFE$ SEg F EE€i As $f, iFFE; SeFH IiE€S, E $eE, F3$g EiirP Epc : TS F3g 9 EfiF"rd Eil T, F€ E: ['Fg ' 7g i13€d* !: gr $r{SE E F^F if,d65' i Fi *Ees Z HF q.o o @\r F'ii l-loz c p €u, *98s=ErH2 \) H fri : -nj -.';'-ti . - -'t .., 'ItI'ii n,TXRH? conSulting engineer!, Inc. Vril; (t0) 949i108 Lkc Tlhoe (130) J5O-7514 I)ctltr: (103) 278-1820 Foa Collior: (970) 221-J691 BY-onrE lg A)ou 08 suBJEcr Vrlt 5qa. Poot Ve,*t, SHEETNO. [ 9P 7 JOB NO, brL u '?ef?- bt Lt,l1 LC tLt J6 *r]-T*l- \r9 tEv il1T- tll(L-2 It 6 AC Lt rlz (tlL A I \dTAri l/J I f Qf t=A?€L I!'A LL l-a .l f-t-E?};EG E,tq-J-i\tt r51 Ar( 1 I 3-t-T_'Ieu E rr(?L J 'tt tiitrrcgILrJlTHLtt7a-Q'l^rEt J IL T/P lo ^tf/-7 LL [,,)'I tl l'I 4rl Ct \lt [:id IL N ir^l \),tc\tta .Ll T FI vrJ I ,I tr r f le >A Mr tu tt IT I I I ,--E r11 d I Ex s1 i a I to E rd,{.,1 r ,ri EI,-O ( FI t 1 J,r?I tc,rnl )d'.x \GI llr 5 rCt(Dq r (?A t,Qa A €?-_ J I t.r.l IP ( J(t (a a (/I I I tr.l ,g (q AI A 2e LC ,D z .Ntl tFi Qt. ${4 ?t- '.1 \";) a\1o I r ,,al {b Elri -t i rT €(E 'A rr > /t)/r )\&:..L l{E-ri-4 *$d'i iR\*\' "WIJ#Dconsultlng enOineers, Inc, vail: (90) 949-6108 l-rkr Trhoc: (J30) JJ0-7ljrl Dcmrr: (!O) 27&3820 Fo|t Collin3: (970) 22r-t69r DArE lB No,t OB SUBJECT e JoB NO. Bsz?- oe ETL SHEET NO ? t - ttt AA tr.f( FI iL\ti IE c )R1 \At IAJ T/{JJ F\.E t@ .a ft xl ,1. ]o to 4c 'j ,9 a rAl iL 1N!tAr 4(1 \ r,/P Pr )rA P ,Lt ,^),4 I { I 7 .>/l fi (?(r d\,Dr \o :_a 2A L 1 -l 4.P ({l J.'zo r,R{€b 4 €L 3e {c .l)' t I a t (((la La ,tt (L G ^O l,<aQ -.\\t! * ,41 Lll #?,,r.r"- s i!H ,$e tr,n 7D it tit,'4 7't 11 n B !+!sFnl. ^r'a €\,/A.T o.t \,, I 3ta kk?i,!.qtii S.*-72 cooK ACRU.A Aluminum Construction Upblast Centrifugal Exhaust Ventilator Roof Mounted/Beft Drive STAT{DARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: All alumlnum housing - Backward inclined all aluminum wheel - TWo piece top cap wtth stainless stoel quick release latches - Onc piece bottom spinning - Welded curb cap comers - Birdscreen - Vlbration ieolators - Lllling Lugs - Permanently lubricated ball bearing molors - Stat'rc resbtant belts - Adlustable pitc{r drives through 5 hp motor . Gorroslon resistant tasteners - Rcgreasablo bearlngc in a cast iron pillow block housing, rat€d at 20O,O00 houra average life - All fans factory adlusted to specif'red fan RPM - Transit tested packaglng. Standard molors ship factory lnstalled. '@" MARK: EF-l PR(NEGT: VAIL SPA DATE:11-21-208 Fan Curve Accessories: STD DIS@NNECT PREWIRED 8D.18 DAMPER ROOF CURB RCA 22.9,5 H WiTBAY PHEIIOLIC EPOXY w/W Altitude (lt): 81 50 Temperature (F): 70 Dimensions finches) A 20-15t16 B 3+11t16 c 30-3t4 G 2 T Sc.24 Rool Open. Sq.'19-112 Unlt Wt(lbsl"*122 ' B6f oprr$g &e for curb! rutpfid by tu( only,_.trdud66 ftn. nbbr & tcaa$o.loa. Fan Curve Leglnd CFl, vs SP GFM vs HP SyltEm Curvs Polnl ot Opcrution o