HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 10 11 RETAINING WALLrcl'lN oF vAlL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEs THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERI4IT Job Addressz 792 POTATO PATCH-DR, ;;;.li;;: . - z 7e2,?e4 PorAro-PArcH Faicef No.. : 2101-063-01-04s Project No.: JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Pernit #: 895-0131 Status...: ISSUED cor'nrepPried'- . t 05/.29/}29^9----J-s'suea . . .. os /29 /.t999 n*pit"". . , LL'/25/1996 OccupancY: R3 Type Construction: V N Sinqle Family Residence ryp6 v Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: Phone: 3035260802 Phone: 3035260802 Total, c.l'cutat.d Fees--) APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Bui tding.---> Ptln Chcck-> lnvlstigrtiorDtliLl Catl'--> BRYAN MILI,ER COMPANY g.OE- SOUTH WAGON TRAIL, EVERGREEN BRYAN MILLER COMPANY s63lourn wAGoN TRATL, EvERGREEN LUDWIG ALAN & SUSAN iose-gasrwooD, HTcHLAND PARK rL co 80439 co 80439 60038 DescriPtion: nilrovn'AND REPLAcE RETATNTNG wALL Valuation:45, 000 fof Gas APPti.nces:fot Gas Logs:fof Uood/P8tl'Gt: Fi regtrce lnfornation: Restri cted:rr rePrsr,c ***Ht***tfHr*r *r*******r@****t|*T:i^rEE*su1'lnARY ffi 1,0s3.75 455.00 295.75 .00 3.00 Restuerant Ptan Rcvierr-> DRB Fec-:------- Recr.ation Fec-------> Ctcan-UP DePos i 1-----, Additionat Fees------> Total Prrnit tcF----> PaYnents-----------> arieHce oue_- .00 50.00 .00 250.m 't ,053.75 .00 1,O53.75 1,053.75 .m 'ffi*\lll BUILDING DEPARTMENT "$il*th.^;EiiRi'dfiEi "-FT-*t B"rifiEifi ft i "n"* 'BtEl* *8fik*"": APPR c-nlnt ie Action: APPR Dept: cHAFrrE ooBIEr, PER LAUREND$., N/A Dept: N/A BUILDING PTANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Divieion: see page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this pernit' DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknovredge that I have P1.!!i:-:t?lI"li"9^llllt'.,*"11.:l:t lt:,*"if:#,1'lll[1i.'?#lil*tll accurate Ptot .nd p[ot ptrn, 3ubdivisionpti", i'.,0 "l?:. lP:_:!t^:he.inforration providcd "" "*",'iii,i'.iii'!ii"*r.l"iil"oing io'tr'. r?I11:^10ni'u "na[o-.l'wty tith !tl' Toun ordin€nccs-:!! ll?]9.!l-il,ln1-lt^.r.. ^rdin.ncls of the ronn aipiicabtc thcreto.:L::I:1"!;:',:llJ':lr::*f";fi,:ffi il?t;';;t;d:':i-"fi;;-"i1i"""i.. "t the roun appr'icabte th.'eto' t, l,lii'31"!l#':i:: :ti'.1.n?xlriEifili::jii}":l"lillril:*:l::i;".i.1':::"li'il'ly;:'TJ::"ilfilil'::l REOIJESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE 8Y Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: BRYAN lllLLER CO' ItlC' ICE tRO 6:00 A **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAII, COLORADO .!+{****r Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Nurnber: F.EC-0149 Amount: 1'053 '75 05/29/96 09232 n---^-.. varhnrl: CK Notation: *5634 Init: CD Pavment Method: cK oo"i:l:'j:-111::----- A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUrl',D PE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Payment 896-0131 TYPe: 2101-063-01-045 792 POTATO PATCIT DR zgi,lgq PorATo PATcH coMMoN AREA Total Fees: 1,053 .75 * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r-^rii{.AmountAccount Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 o1 0000 41335 1r 053. 75 1r053.75 .00 455 .00 50.00 295.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN FAVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANT'P DEPOSITS WILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE 250.0.00 3.00.00 Paqe 2 *************************************iiii*i************************************* CONDITIONS Permit *: Be6-0131 a;-;f-o'7'e/'.1 --' statue---: rssuED *****************i*****************ii******'***i********************************* Pernit Type: ADD/ALS sFR BUILD PERMIT epplicanti-: BRYAN MILLER COMPANY 3035260802 Job AddTEESZ 792 POTATO PATCH DR ;;;";i;---z 7e2,7e4 PorAro PArcH coMMoN AREA Parcel Nq--: 2.101-063-01-045 DeecriPtion: REMOVi AND REPTACE RETAINING WAI-,IJ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Conditions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I.FIELDINsPEcTIoNsARERBQuIREDTocHEcKFoRcoDEcoMPtIAIIcE. Applied-- z 05/29fi996 riiued---:0s/29/te96 To Expire: LL/25/L996 a: : fOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL' CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI4ENT NOTE: Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. BRYAN MILLER COMPANY 963 SOUTH VIAGON TRAIL' BRYAN MILLER COMPANY 963 SOUTH WAGON TRAII,, LUDWIG AI,,AN & SUSAN THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES Permit *: 895-0131 ?92 POTATO PATCH DR 792,794 PoTATo PATCH 210 L-0 6 3-01-045 Status. . . COMMAPPIied.. Issued. . . ExPires. . ISSUED os /2e /tee6 05/2e /Lee6 tL'/25/Lee6 APPIJICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER 1656 EAsTwooD, HIGIILAND PARK ]L 60038 EVERGREEN CO 80439 EVERGREEN CO 80439 flof G.s L€s: Phone: 3035260802 Phone: 3035250802 Jof tlood/Pa I' tet: alllnce oue----=l:? DescriPtion: ffiMonE'AND REPLAcE RETATNTNG wALL Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Single FamiIY Residence Type V Non-Rated Valuation:45,000 Add Sq Ft: Firepttce Informltion: Rcstricted:flot Gas APPtiances: fi*r -FEE-sutill{ARY '"""-:oo--- Total' cal'cutlt'd FceB--> 1'053'75 5o.m ^dditiomt "l"-=, 1,053:;.00 rottt Pcrnit'_"-::i i,otl'-i5250.00 Paynents--- - rrr Bui tding-----> Ptan Chcck-> Investigrtiott ui l.l, catt--> 455.00 2%.75 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ctJ--> DRB FcF------ Rccreation Fec---) Ctcan-Up Dcposi t----> TOTAL FEES.---.- .00 1 ,053.75 tEz,I:l,lii\:i:i'flmfi $::stti*',qilh::i-i:.::i#iEtai r[ i i E ::EI*fiiffiliE+tfiixfllh ::i*i:.:ilFF' Dept: BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division; FIRE Division: PUB woRK Divieion:?iz??/ig e s i"llt-#B""ifiFffift i T::Dept: '"At' /1,!i2';fi[Rllg *REll'" : APPR N/A N/A I h.reby acknowredse thrt I have T{.1!i:-:t*i:'ll"Llll5o,l":"11.:l:t lt:,}::"i1":l:l,i"lil[ti.il?lil*tilI h.reby acknowtedge thrt I have rcad this rpplicstion' fil'l'ed out in lutr tnc tnttt'"iii'Jtv-Iiii-ii.-iniit*iit" iili,'Iiilii;i;'ir'li itt tt'''iiio"'iiio" i:*i:* ":-:T:tffl,:",i:l'lih.ri"lnill.l!,nn .o the rovn's zonrne anqitl",-"ia statc th;t stt thr infornation provided "" "*u'iii,l'rii!'Ii".t""l'ii.o.Jing io'tt'. r::l::-:*ine "ndi#;i; ;il-"aa ionn ordinanccs.lil il?l!.!l.ll1n1^lo^,".. .idinan*s of the rovn ;;pricrbtc thercto'io coryty vith att Torn ordinanccs lno srarE rcrs' orr. appticabtc thercto. codcs, dcsign ..ri.* "pp,ouj]"ffi1;;; i'iiii^g i;di tnd other ordinanccs of the rovn t, Dept: lccurrte Plot and ptot Plrn, subdivision seePage2ofthisDocumentforanyconditionsthatmayapplytothispermit. DECI.,ARATIONS REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E ITAOE TIIENTY-TOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctcan-Up DePosit To: BRYAN nILLEn Co' tNC' tCE FROTI E:OO Ail 5:OO Pil **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAILI COLORADO .!++*r**: statennt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0149 Anount: 1'053 '75 05/29/96 09232 Pa)nnent t'tethod: & Notation: #5634 Init: CD Permit No: 896-0131 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PE Parcel No: 2101-063-01-045 Site Rddressz 792 PoTATO PATCH DR , ----L;..tio," 7g2,7g4 POTATO PATCH COMMON AREA Total Fees: 11053'?5 This Payment 1,053'?5 Total AL',L Pmts; 1'053'75 Balance: '00 * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** Account Code DeecriPtion Anount 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 455'OO 01 oooo 41331 DESTGN REVTEW FEES 50'00 01 0oo0 41332 PLAN cHEcK FEES 295 '75 01 oooo 22002 CLEAIIUP DEPosrrs 250'00 01 OOOO 41335 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO Page 2 ***********!t***************************i**************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: Be6-0131 aZ-it-oi7zgl21--' statue---: rssuED ****************************t******ii******i**i********************************* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicanll-: BRYAN MILLER COMPANY 303s260802 Job Address: 792 POTATO PAICH DR ;;;.[i;:--z 792,?e4 PorAro PArcH coMMoN AREA Parcel No--: 2101-063-01-045 Description: REMOVE AND REPLACE RETAINING WALI' * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * Conditions 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK Apptied--z 05/29/L996 ri-sued--- : os /29 / L99 6 To Expire: tL./25/1996 ****************************** FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2138 Valuation: lnvestigation>IitL caL l---> DEPARTMENT OT COMMUN]TY DEVEI-'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AI.',T sFR BUrL'D PERMTT Job Addreest 792 POTATO PATCH DR Location .. .. 792t794 POTATO PATCH Parcef No.. : 2101-063-01-045 Project No.: APPLICANT BRYAN MILLER COMPANY 953 SOUTH WAGON TRArL' EVERGREEN CO 80439 CONTRACTOR BRYAN MILTER COMPANY 963 SOUTH WAGON TRAIL' EVERGREEN CO 80439 OWNER LUDWIG A],AN & SUSAN 1656 EASTWOOD, HTGHLAND PARK rL 60038 Deecription: REMOVE AND REPLACE RETAINING WALI, ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: 896-0131 status...: APPROVED coMrlApplied. . : os /.29 /.L9-96_riiued. ..2 05/2s/L9e6 Expires. . : fi/25/L996 Phone z 3035260802 Phone: 3035260802 OccupancY: R3 Type Construction: V N Single FarnilY Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: Fireptacc Infornation: R.strictcd:#0f Grs Apptirnces: ***r*********ri FEE sultllARY Bui Ldiqg----> 455.m Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> PLan chack--> ?95.75 DRB Fcc-------- 45, 000 .m Recreation F!e------->3.m Ctean-UP DrPosit------> TOTAL FEES----_ #0f Gas Logs:#0f tlood/Pa t tet: *ti****firrr*trt*JnltM .OO Total' catculated Fees--> 50.00 Additional' Fees------> .m Tota[ Perrit Frc------> 250.00 Payn$ts------ 't ,ot3.75.m 1 ,O53.75.m 1 .053.751 ,O53.75 BALATICE DUE_-- Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT - --Pept: BUII-,DING Division: oF'7 i i t 1 g g 6- cEifr.tIE.- -A;Ei6ii;- ApFn cnenl, r E DAvrsii6fr:' 6s+oo-ill,ififrIl'tc--DeFARft'{t-Nt- ---Depu: PLANNTNG Divreaon: 6tE'7ii t 1g 6 a- cirffr,IE-' -A;E iiiri;- APFn psn LAUREN vr'.iE6fi:'ds6oo-iltfiE-bnpfiF.ffiEiir Dept: FIRE Divrsron: 6E?gti6-6--a.cfiAii['r!--a,clion] APPR N/A r.',,t, prrB woRK Division:Tt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSos/2g/tss6-cHARr,iE Action: APPR N/A Dept: PUB woRK Di r.**r**,rffi***l****ffi***t**rt*rt**r**:#'tr*srriHr***1'*******t******ti******************ti*t*i* see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may aPPly to this permit' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorrtedge that I have read this appl.ication, fil.l.ed out in ful.t the infonmation requi red, corpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state thrt att thc iniornation provid.d as requi rcd is correct. I agrce to conpty riitn the informtion and Ptot ptan, to co pty yith att ToHn ordinances and stlte [aus, and to buiLd this structurc according to the ToHnrs.zoning tnd subdivision coOes,'aislgn rcviev approvcd, Uniform Br.ri Lding code and othcr ordinances of the Toun appticabte thcreto' REouEsrs FoR lNspEcrlol{s SHALL BE nADE Tt,ENTy-touR HouRs IN ADvANCE BY TELEPHoI{E Al 479-2139 oR AT ouR oFtIcE FRoll 8:m Ai 5:00 Ptl Scnd Ctran-up Drposit To: BRY II IIILLER C0' Il{C-slEfrIiffi'or oTNERTRE or ofiER oR cofirR CToR FoR HT SELF AllD otlllER Page 2 ***************************************I****************************!t*********** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0131 a8 of 05/29/96 statu6---: APPRoVED ******************************************************************************** permit ?1pe: ADD/Ar,T sFR BurLD PERMTT Applied--z os/'ls/.lts-ll Applicant--: BRyhN Mrr,LER COM'ANY risued---z O5/29/L996 303s260802 To ExPire' lL/25/L996 Job Address: 792 POTATO PATCH DR Location---z 792,794 POTATO PATCH COMMON AREA Parcef No--: 2101-063-01-045 Deecription: REMOVE AND REPLACE RETAINING WALL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * condition8 * J.lr * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * L. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' C /n"/'e Fr.n)t tuYo|J': "/ '- '*Contact Eagle County Aesessors offlcelf at' 970-328-8640 _for parc-el #. Towlf OF VAfL CONSIRUCTfON pERllIT it.fiPancn #: llolQ-bSetg?o roe -peRl.t11' AppLfCATfON FoRl.t' lr :i""1 * l ZiZ}! ,:"". DArE:Ztot oto-, o r o45-- ltA ttg a raffit ^ APPLfCATION UUST BE FfLLED OUT COUPLETEIJY OR IT I,|AY IIOT BE AcCEpTED.lIr********************r**r***** IIEIU{IT fNFORl.lAlfON ****r***********************fl []l-Building I j-plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]_Mechani-cal t l_other Job Narne: Loo<^trr^ CannruaN Job Address: fu;f.trl;;, *r, Legal Descripti onz t-rlt lOi t t - Bloek;J_ owners Name: Att6},.l t-"d-; Address: 1?u Ph. Architect:Address:Ph. General Descripti.on: T'Elbeduf i peprare ^ ' n*r,.l{orkC1ass:[J-New'Gon[J-A.td1tionalt]-Repatr[\J-ucner.3EPtxtJ- NuDber of Dnrelling Units:Nurber of Accornnodation Unlts: lrtoU"r and Tlpe of Flrepraces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs- r{oodlpellet_ {**********E;el*AFt*************** vALIrATroNs ********************************* ll -J-r6 ^O8o<_Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** tsUILDING PER}TT EEE: PLT'MBING PERMTT FEE! I,IECHANICAIJ pER[fT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF EEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiL Reg. tfO.Phone Number: oFFrcE USE ***************************r*** BUTLDTNG PIAIT CEECK FEE: PLIIUBTNG PIAN CIIECK fEE:}IECHANICAL PI,AN CIIECK FEE: RECRE.ATION FEE:. CI.EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: Torn of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. FOR BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE! CI.EAX I'P I'EPOSIT IEII'XD I1': 75 routh tront|gr r!.d r.il, colorr.lo 81657 (3031 479-21.38 ot 419-2t39 TO: EROM: DATE: su&TEer: ottlcc ol contnunlly dcyolopmenl AI.L CONIRACTORS CI'RRE}TTLYI REGISTERED WrIH THETOT{N OF VAIL TO!|N op vArL puBLIC lfoRKs/co!.rMt NITY DEVET.oPMENT I,IARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARIGNG T UAEERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No- 6 states tbat it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, rrack or aeposit. ilt;;ir]-"JJi, sand, debris;:"ffi H'+*i. il:t::i1s _tr.=1, -5'lipsteT3, -p"il"iiJ' to n"ts and $i51!L:s ff riii:dll":::'T1=:iil;lll5r*l{':,1{:i;'o, rhi : ;ni;;;. ;tiil!i^ ::,!:1il.:$*il.'"f{:*"n-:Fiil, "' Pubric works o.o.rtr"ttt. --iJilinl rouna .riiracini this orclinancewitt be Eiven "- ze rtoui-rri;;;;';otiJ"-ti-iiloilr=.id nateriar.rn *'he event the person so notitiea.aoes-not-ioiprv with thenotice within the 24 nour tine-iiecitied, the p,rf,ri" r{orksDepartnent will t""o.r"-=lii-fi.!iiar a[-[rrJ'iqp.-i=" or personnotified' The provisions-or-iiil orainance shirt not beappricable to c-onstr""ii"", -liiii:llnge 9I repair projecrs ofany street or alley or any utifiiies in the "-igrr[_"_*"y. l::i.:li#i:":iif#t.".t""ftli; 5'E3ii. =.;i":il ;* H:"":f, PrrrJ ' : r'r"(i.e. contractor, owner) 75 routh trontrgG ro.d u.ll, colortdo tl65?l{3, 479-2L38 ot 419-2L39 ottlcc of comrrunlty dcvrtopmcnt EUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIf,tE FRAME If this permi-t requi.res a Town of vail Fire Department Approval,Ensineer's (.pubrii 1g1p1 1;i;i.,r .nl'ipprovar, a prannins Deparunentrevrew or Hearth Departmint.review,-"ni a-review by the 6uitoing 3:ril;,3:k"t!: ."r*ted ti,ne.6"'.-a-tur ;;;il.-;.;.,L[!,., rons All commerci.al fiarge or small) and all multi_family permits willhave to fo'tow drre iuove ;.;ii6";;;iirrm requrrements. Residentiarand small proiects strouio"'taie-."-i.i!"i'anount of time. However, ifresidentfal or small g",p-i".is-iil;;i' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoa.rd to-necessaiy-review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be ryle by this departnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possibie. - i;.jll undersigned' understand the pran check procedure and time v r Date XoiR sneet wa i-tu riEtTi6-th'E Deve'lonment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIBED 1) ls this a new residence? 2') ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocabte Right Of Way permit, requred? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staoinoparkinj oiten-cingz - -. ---e"'wr - B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required Oy Community Development? !t_y?y. "Tyrr?d yes to any ofthese quesfions, a.public way permit'must be obtained.'Pubfic Way- Permit' qppiicationt miy bE obtained at th;'pubtic work,s oftice or atc.o.TTt,ty Devetopmeht: _rlyol t.*!1y-erestions prease cail chartie Davis, the Townof Vaif Construstion Inspector, at 479-215g.' Job ,Nane: ?9* i ^e z lamm a ftr-ett 'ae :?a PleasE answ€rlhe tottowi-g queEionnaire@arding the need fora "public Way permit.: & F YES F k )< v K I have read and answered allthe above L lalrtda ////d Job Name Contractofs f'st'2" 0t099',fi 'ann:il\oa sllvf}IeMNMl?A NWd tif fl& ^..rl{Ttic i/ri*no oavuol)c'Amnoc:n,w I yco?g Lt 8 0t stol HCwdO_LVtOd !0rw'(t0sbflJ tmr'r?drost o('vuo]oc'Eulclo ol:unlAvttovoE N00ll 'CN NEIS:l\i StI\drlE[Jo:) h <r! t "'.-.-. i" I{ d ollr6 i$ ll dq ta eo' '! U $s- $\$ s€i tp F iqJ:r.\, .i .i- i4 v Bq(':0 ts$ o s 0 t- b 8. Qao I F. ]: gl$ tt $$ II [3 0N -^- $$ E$ii p3 cI I 0 d q NoI ; Ci]i POTATO PATCH LOTS 10 AND 11 BLOCK 1 TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO VENTURE BLOCK RETAINING WALL TECHNICAL SCOPE OF WORK TERRACON PROJECT NO. 25965070 MAY 24, 1996 pfeparcd for Brian Miller Company lnc. 963 South Wagon Trail Evergreen, Colorado 804{19 Attn: Mr. Brian Miller prcpared by Terracon Gonsultants Westeln, Inc. Empire Division 71OO Broadway, Suite 7G Denver, Golorado 40221 Phone: (3031428-4OOl Fax: (3031 428-4102 I[erracon I t T t I I I t I t I T t I I I I t t 'llerracon May 24, 1996 Brian Miller Company Inc. 963 South Wagon Trail Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Attn; Mr. Brian Miller CONSULTANTS WESTERN, INC. Et\4PlRE DIVISION 7100 N. Broadway, Suite 7G Denver, Colorado 80221 (303)428-4001 Fax (303) 428-4102 Richard T. Kanemasu, PE. Jere A. Strickland, P.E. Re: Technical Scope of Work, Venture Retaining Wall, Potato Patch, Lots 1O and 1 1 Block 1, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Terracon Project No. 25965070 At your request, Terracon Consultants Western, Inc. has completed engineering design of a proposed Venture Block Retaining Wall for the referenced project. The results of our engineering design, including the typical cross-section and specifications for construction of the wall are included the attached scope of work. The soil parameters used for the design have been assumed because current data was not available. Terracon has assumed these parameters based on previous experience in the Vail area. Prior to construction the excavation should be inspected or tested by Terracon or a local Geotechnical Engineer. These walls have been designed for a drained condition (no hydrostatic loadingl. Furthermore, the gravity walls have been designed for overturning and sliding along the base and the reinforced wall has been analyzed for internal and external stability, sliding along the base, overturning and limited global stability. The reinforced wall has been designed using Strata 2O0 as reinforcement. Terracon has not determined the feasibility of constructing the retaining wall at the location shown on the civil engineering plan provided to us either geotechnically or geologically. Such determinations should be made by the Design Engineer for the entire project. lt is Terracon's understanding that the Venture block walls will replace existing 20 year old timber walls. We are available to discuss the details of this design with you. Please call should further consultation be required. Sincerely TERRACON CONSULTANTS WE Empire Division Reviewed By: Senior Project Manager Copies to: Addressee (3) n \. l#/w U ebtnch^A-( I Jere A. Strickland, P.E. Senior Proiect Manager Otflces of Ths Terracon Compsnie8,Inc. Goolechnictl, Envlronmenlal and Materials Engineers Arizona l| Arkansas I Colorado I ldaho I lllinois I lowa I Kansas I Minnesota Missouri I Montana I N€braska I Nevada a Oklahoma I Texas I Ulah I Wyoming OUALITY ENGINEERING SINCE 1965 I T I t POTATO PATCH LOTS 10 AND 11, BLOCK 1 TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO VENTURE BLOCK RETAINING WALL TECHNICAL SCOPE OF WORK TERRACON PROJECT NO. 25965070 MAY 24, 1996 Section " 1 " General Technical Notes Terracon I I t 1.O1 Description: I The work shall consist of furnishing and constructing a Venture Block and Strata Geogrid I retaining wall system in accordance with this technical scope of work and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the plans and details r included in ApPendix A. I 1.OZ Work lncluded: ' A. Furnishing Venture segmental concrete facing and cap units as shown on the construction drawings, - B. Furnishing Strata structural geogrid reinforcement as shown on the construction drawings. r C. Storing, cutting and placing structural geogrid reinforcement as specified herein and as shown on the construction drawings. t D. Excavation, placement and compaction of unit wall fill and backfill material as specified herein and as shown on the construction drawings. I E. Erection of Venture segmental concrete units and placement of structural geogrid. I 1.03 Plan Provisions (Aooendix A):r Appendix A: I A. Sheet 1 of 3: Typical Cross-section, Venture Block Gravity Walls B. Sheet 2 of 3: Typical Cross-section, Venture Block and Strata Grid B. Sheet 3 of 3: Construction Details I I T I I Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block It Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 2596507O I 1.04 Reference Documents: Terracon A. GeosvntheticResearchlnstitute GG1-87 Standard Test Method for Geogrid Rib Tensile Strength GG2-87 Standard Test Method for Geogrid Junction Strength B. American Association of State Hiqhwav and Transoortation Officials T-99-9O Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 5.5 Pound Hammer in a 12-inch Drop C. American Societv for Testino and Materials Standards CB-9O Specification for Concrete Aggregates C 33-92a Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates C 90-85 Hollow Load-Bearing Masonry Units C 9O-9O Hollow Load-Bearing Masonry Units C 140-90 Methods of Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units C-l45-85 Solid Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry Units C 150-89 Specification for Portland Cement C 595-89 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements C 618-91 Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete C 989-91 Specification for Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Cement D 422-63 Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils D 698-91 Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soils Using Standard Effort D 732-90 Shear Strength of Plastic by the Punch Tool Method D 790-92 Flexural Properties Testing of Plastic D 1 556-90 Method for Density and UnitWeight of Soil In Placebythe Sand Cone Method D 1557-91 Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soils Using Modified Effort D 2922-91 Methods for Density of Soil and Soil Aggregates In Place by Nuclear Methods D 4253-91 Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table D 4595-86 Tensile Properties of Geotextiles by the Wide-Width Strip Method E. Layouts by Eagle Valley Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Project No. 482 dated October 19, 1981. I I I I T I I I t t I I I I t t n:\walls\965069.rpt I T T I T I I I I I I t T I I I I T I Potato Patch Lots 1O and 11 Block 1 Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965O70 Terracon F. Where specifications and reference documents conflict, the Engineer shall make final determination of applicable document. 1.O5 Special Provisions: A. Terracon assumes no liability for interpretation of subsurface conditions, suitability of soil design parameters and subsurface groundwater conditions made by others. B. The contractor shall be responsible for the cost of all means of subsoil improvement; cost of additional subsoil exploration; and for all labor tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. C. The contractor shall be responsible for complying with all federal, state and local requirements for execution of the work, including local building inspection and current OSHA excavation regulations. D. Prior to undertaking any grading or excavation of the site, the Contractor shall confirm the location of the retaining wall and all underground features, including utility locations within the area of construction. E. The Contractor's testing agency should confirm the use of geotechnicai parameters and conditions used for design prior to construction. F. Terracon has not determined the suitability of constructing the retaining wall at the location shown on the civil engineering plan provided to us including geotechnical or geological suitability. Such determinations should be made be the design and Geotechnical Engineers for the entire project. n:\walls\965069.rpt t I t I t I I I I t I I I t I I I I I Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965070 2.O1 Definitions: A. H. t. 2.O2 Structural Geoqrids: Terracon Section "2' Materials B. Structural Geogrid - a structural geogrid formed by a regular network of integrally connected tensile elements with apertures of sufficient size to allow interlocking with surrounding soil, rock, or earth and function primarily as reinforcement. Segmental Concrete Facing Units - a Venture segmental concrete facing unit, machine made from portland cement, water and mineral aggregates. Cap Unit - a Venture segmental concrete cap unit. Unit Fill - granular fill which is within the segmental concrete facing units. Reinforced Backfill - compacted soil which is within the reinforced soil volume as outlined on the plans. Foundation Soil - compacted or in-situ soil beneath the entire wall. Leveling Pad - a level gravel footing upon which the first course of segmental concrete facing units are placed. Subdrain - a combined system of slotted pipe, drainage composite, geotextile fabric and gravel, provided for internal drainage behind the reinforced backfill. Retained backfill - soil that is immediately behind the reinforced backfill. c. D. E. F. G. A. B. The geogrids shall be Strata Grid 2OO or as shown on the plans, or equivalent, consisting of regular grid structure of select high density polyethylene or polypropylene resin. The minimum allowable junction strength of the geogrid, as per G.R.l.-GG2, shall be equal to or greater than 8Oo/o of the ultimate strength of the geogrid, as per G.R.l. - GG1. The manufacturer shall provide certification of the ultimate strength and junction strength as per GG2 of the specified product (with accompanying test results if requested by the Engineer). c. n:\walls\965069.rpt 1. 2. D. c. D. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I t Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block 1 Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965070 Terracon The manufacturer shall provide the certification that the ultimate strength of the geogrid as per GG 1 is equal to or greater than the ultimate strength called f or on the drawings. E. The manufacturer shall furnish the Engineer with written certification that all purchased resin used to produce the structural geogrid is virgin resin. 2.O3 Seqmental Concrete Facinq Units: A. The segmental concrete facing units shall be manufactured by a licensed Venture Representative. B. All concrete wall units including cap units shall have a minimum net 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. The concrete units shall have the required freeze/thaw protection with a maximum absorption rate of 8 percent in southern climates, and 6 percent in northern climates. Cementations materials used in the manufacture of the units shall be Type I or Type ll Portland cement in accordance with ASTM C15O. All aggregates used in the manufacture of the units shall be normal weight conforming to ASTM C33. 3. Other Constituents - Air entraining agents, coloring pigments, integral water repellents, finely ground silica, and other constituents shall be previously established as suitable for use in segmental concrete retaining wall units and shall conform to applicable ASTM Standards or shall be shown by test or experience to be not detrimental to the durability of the segmental concrete facing units or any material customarily used in masonry construction. Exterior dimensions of units may vary in accordance with ASTM C9O-85. Delta I units shall have a minimum of 1 square foot face area each, Segmental concrete facing unit dimensions shall not differ more than i 1/8 inch {3.2 mm) from the manufacturer's published dimensions. Venture standard units shall provide a minimum of 150 psf of wall face area. Fill which is placed within the dimensions of the units may be considered as 80% of the effective weight. E. Units shall have angled sides capable of concave and convex alignment curves with a minimum radius of 3-1/2 feet. n:\walls\965O69.rpt t t T t t I I t I t T t T t T I I T I Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block 1 Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965070 Terracon F. Units shall be interlocked to provide the minimum Venture block setback per course of wall height. G. Finish and Appearance 1. All units shall be sound and free of cracks or other defects that would interfere with the proper placing of the unit or significantly impair the strength or permanence of the construction, Minor cracks incidental to the usual method of manufacture, or minor chipping resulting from shipment and delivery, are not grounds for rejection. 2. The exposed surfaces of units shall be free of chips, cracks or other imperfections when viewed from a distance of 10 feet under diffused lighting. H. Sampling and Testing 1 . Sample and test units for compressive strength and absorption in accordance with the applicable provisions of ASTM Method C14O-9O. Compressive strength test specimens shall conform to the saw-cut coupon provisions of section 5.2.4 ot ASTM C140-90 with the following exceptions: a. Couoons shall have a minimum thickness ot 1-1 12 inches (38.1 mm). L Rejection 1 . lf the shipment f ails to conform to the specif ied requirements, new specimens shall be selected by the Engineer from the retained laboratory at the expense of the manufacturer. lf the second set of specimens fails to conform to the test requirements, the entire lot shall be rejected. 2.O4 Anchor Bar Assemble Unit A. Anchor Bar Assemble units shall be obtained from a licensed Venture Retaining Wall representative, constructed of extruded plastic. B. Anchor Bar Assemble units shall have a minimum flexural strength of 12,50O psi and short beam shear strength of 600O psi. n:\walls\965069.rpr T I Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block 1 Te,racon Venture Block Retaining Wall r Terracon Project No. 25965O70 I 2.OS Base Levelino Pad Material and Unit Fill for Block: ! A. Base Leveling Pad Material: Material for leveling pad shall consist of compactedI liH*"J.'"":T,"niiJ3',"1,1'*'"'i.""1JffiJ:,:?:iifl"T:llfihT,H:J*:"""nih;I on the construction drawings. I B. Unit Fill: Fill for units shall consist of free-draining well graded 3/4" minus crushedf stone or angular faced granular fill, meeting the requirements of the following gradation: I Sieve Size Percent Passinq 3/4 inch 75-100No.4 0-60 I No.40 O-5O No.200 0-5 I 2.06 Reinforced Wall Backfill:I I A. Wall backfill shall consist of on-site soils provided they meet the design criteria. lf t 'fl!l#::;:::"Jl?:;j:rected, a sradation or the materiar must be provided to the I B. lmported materials meeting the requirements of the following gradation could be- used on-site without submittal to the Engineer. I Sieve Size Percent Passinat 3 irrch 1oo 1 inch 75-100 3/4 inch 65-100t No.4 0-60No.4O 0-5ONo.2OO O-1OI C. Where hand compaction methods are utilized in portions of the wall backfill, the maximum particle size shall be limited to 3 inches. t D. All backfill materials, whether on-site or imported shall be approved by the Engineer prior to construction, t t I I n:\walls\965O69.ror I I Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block 1 lerraconr Venturo Block Retaining Wall - Terracon Project No. 25965070 t 2.O7 Deliverv, Storaqe and Handlinq: r A. Structural Geogrid I 1. Contractor shall check to ensure that the proper materials have been I received upon delivery. 2, All geogrids, geotextiles and drainage composites shall be stored above - I 2OoF (-29oC). I 3. Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement, epoxy, and like I material which may affix themselves to the gridwork, from coming in contact with the geogrid material. r 4. Rolled geogrid material may be laid flat or stood on end for storage. r 5. Geotextiles and drainage composites shall be stored according to I manufacturer's recommendations. - B. Segmental Concrete Facing Units I 1. Contractor shall checkthe units upon delivery to ensure that proper materials have been received. I 2, Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement, epoxy, and like materials from coming in contact with and affixing to the units. t 3. Contractor shall protect the units from damage (i.e. cracks, chips, spalls). Damaged united shall be evaluated for usage in the wall according to ASTM : C9O-75 (1981 Rev.) and ASTM: C145-75 (1981 Rev.) I I I ! I t I n:\walls\965069.rpt I I t I Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965O7O Terracon Section "3' Execution t 3.01 construction: B. c, D. I I t T t I t I I I I T I I A. The excavation shall be carried to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings, and to the extent necessary to place structural geogrid at the required embedment length. Contractor shall be careful not to disturb base or existing soils/fills beyond the lines shown except for that necessary to comply with applicable safety regulations. B. In-situ materials excavated f rom the location of the retaining wall shall be stockpiled on-site at locations designated by the owner and in locations which will not interfere with the execution of the work. 3.02 Suborade Preparation: A. Subgrade shall be excavated as required for placement of the gravel leveling pad as shown on the construction drawings, or as directed by the Engineer. Subgrade shall be examined by the Engineer to insure that the actual foundation conditions meet or exceed assumed design assumptions. As a minimum, soil shall be proof-rolled before construction proceeds. Subgrade conditions not meeting the required strength shall be removed and replaced with acceptable material. Over-excavated areas shall be replaced with granular backfill material to the lines and grade shown on the construction drawings, Granular backf ill shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 1O inches in thickness, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D698. The moisture content of the backfill prior to, and during compaction shall be uniformly distributed throughout each layer and shall be within a range of 2o/o below, to 2o/o above optimum moisture content. 3.03 Base Levelinq Pad A. Leveling Pad materials shall be placed as shown on the plans, upon undisturbed soils or compacted subgrade, to a minimum depth of 6 inches. B, Leveling Pad materials shall be compacted to provide a level hard surface on which to place the first course of units. Leveling Pad materials shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-99 n:\walls\965069.rot I t I Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block 1 Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965O70 Terracon I I I I I t I I I t I I I T I I or ASTM D698. The moisture content of the backfill material prior to and during compaction shall be uniformly distributed throughout each layer and shall be within a range of 2% below, to 2o/o above optimum moisture content. Leveling Pad shall be prepared to insure complete contact of retaining wall unit with base. Provided that compaction is maintained, Leveling Pad materials may be extended linearly beyond the profiles shown on the plans to accommodate full-sized facing units, 3.O4 Seomental Concrete Facinq Unit lnstallation: A.The first course of Venture segmental concrete facing units shall be placed on top of and in full contact with the leveling pad. The units shall be checked for proper elevation and alignment. Units shall be placed side by side for the full length of the wall. Proper alignment may be achieved with the aide of a string line or offset from baseline. A maximum of 2 units may be buried below the finished grade at the base of each wall. D. All excess material shall be swept from the top of the units prior to installing the next course. Each course shall be completely filled prior to proceeding to next course, 1 . Provide a drainage zone within the unit cores and between units back to the tail of the units. E. Where the wall changes elevation, units can be stepped or turned into the embankment with a convex return end as appropriate. Provide appropriate buried units on leveling pad in area of convex return end. 3.05 Cap Installation: A. Place Venture Cap units and align as specified. Provide permanent mechanical connection to wall units with construction adhesive or epoxy. Apply adhesive or epoxy to bottom surface of cap units and install on units below. Construction adhesive shall be "Stay-Stuck SS-20O" or equivalent. c. D. B. c. 10 nlwalls\965069.rpt 11 A. B. c. D. E. F. G. B. I I T I I I I t I T I I t t I I I I t Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block 1 Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965070 Terracon B. The top course of Venture Block units, located below the cap unit, is to be installed inverted with the ABA channel to the bottom. This will allow more surface bearing area for cao installation. 3.06 StructuralGeoqrid lnstallation: Geogrid shall be oriented with the highest strength axis perpendicular to the wall alignme nt. Geogrid reinforcement shall be placed at the elevation(s) and to the extent(s) shown on the construction drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The geogrid soil reinforcement shall be laid horizontally on compacted backfill. The geogrid shall be pulled taut and anchored prior to backfill placement on the geogrid. No tensioning of the geogrid materials shall be required. Geogrid reinforcements shall be continuous throughout their embedment length(s). Spliced connections between shorter pieces of geogrid will not be allowed unless pre-approved by the Engineer prior to construction. Tracked construction equipment shall not be operated directly upon the geogrid reinforcement. A minimum fill thickness of 6 inches is required prior to operation of tracked vehicles over the geogrid. Tracked vehicle turning should be kept to a minimum to prevent tracks from displacing the fill and damaging the geogrid. Rubber-tired equipment may pass over geogrid reinforcement at slow speeds, less than 1O mph. Sudden breaking and sharp turning shall be avoided. No changes to geogrid layout, including, but not limited to, length, geogrid type, or elevation, shall be made without the approval of the Engineer. 3,07 Reinforced and Retained Backfill Placement: A. Reinforced backfill shall be placed, spread, and compacted in such a manner that minimizes the development of slack in the geogrid. Reinforced backfill shall be placed and compacted in lifts not to exceed 6 inches where hand compaction is used, or 12 inches where heavy mechanical compaction equipment is used. Reinforced backfill shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D698. The moisture content of the backfill material prior to and during compaction shall be uniformly distributed c. n:\walls\965069,rpt I I Potato Patch Lots 1O and 11 Block 1 ,"r'""onr Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965O7O I throughout each layer and shall be within a range ol 2o/o below, to 2o/o above I optimum moisture content. lf a well defined maximum density curve can not be I generated by impact compaction in the laboratory, the backfill shall be compacted to a minimum of 70 percent of relative density as determined by ASTM D4253. I D, Reinforced backfill shall be compacted in all areas to the lines and grades shown on the plans including all sloped areas above or between wall tiers. I E. Only lightweight hand-operated compaction equipment shall be allowed within 4 feet of the face of the wall. I I 3.O8 Site Drainaqe: I A. At the end of each day's operation, the Contractor shall slope the last lift oft fII?:""f ?:"JJi,il:lJ:"#n#3:il'":?:',,:'fl,',j;;:::',il"Jli[ilfil:1: areas to enter the wall construction site. - 3.o9 Qualiw Assurance: I Jn,r::ffH":l,1l"T',:?Jr,T"T[1il:s.J,",n"":'"'i?,?1":'!"?ii"ilillill construction of the project. I B. Testing and inspection services shall be performed only by trained and experienced technicians currently qualified for the work they are to perform. I C. The testing agency shall submit written reports to the engineer of all inspections on a weekly basis. Such reports shall include a description of the work performed, I deficiencies noted in the construction, and corrective action undertaken to resolve I such deficiencies. The written reports will also include the location, type and results of all tests taken on the project. I D. The type and minimum frequency of testing for soils related portions of construction will be as follows: 1. Field density tests in accordance with ASTM D2922 or ASTM D1 559. Subgrade soils - One test for every 2,500 square feet per lift of material Base Leveling Pad - One test for every 1OO lineal f eet Reinforced Backfill - One test for every 2,5O0 square feet per lift Retained Backfill - One test for every 2500 square feet per lift I t I I I 12 n:\walls\965059.rpt t I Potato Patch Lots 10 and 11 Block 1r Venture Block Retaining Wall I Terracon ProjeA No. 25965O7O Terracon 2. Laboratory moisture-density relationships AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D698, one for every compacted material type. 3. Gradation Analysis in accordance with ASTM D422. Unit Fill - One test for every 500 cubic yards of material Wall Backfill - One test for every 500 cubic yards of material t I t I t 13 nlwalls\965069.rpt c. D. E. T I t I I I I T I I t I I I I I t I t Section "4" DESIGN NOTES FOR RETAINING WALL SYSTEM 4.O Desiqn Parameters: A, Design of the reinforced soil structure is based on the following parameters: (These parameters should be confirmed prior to construction.) Potato Patch Lots 1O and 11 Block 1 Venture Block Retaining Wall Terracon Project No. 25965070 Terracon Geogrid Strength 1.5 Geogrid Pullout 1.5 100% Internal Stability of Walls Minimum Factor of Safety on Minimum Factor of Safety on Percent Coverage of Geogrid External Stability Minimum Factorof SafetyAgainst Base Sliding (static condition) . . . . . . . 1.5 Minimum Factor of Safety Against Overturning 2.4 Global Stability '1.5 Uniform Surcharge on Walls O psf Backfill Slope on Top Wall 21 degrees Hydrostatic Loading None Wall Batter ....linchpercourse(minimum) Wall Segment Friction Angle Cohesion Unit Weight Reinforced Backfill 280 O psf 120 pcf Retained Backfill 280 O psf 120 pcf Foundation 280 0 psf 120 pcf 14 n:\walls\965O69.rpt ?NUK zorHzr{s$D(vr r0oru{soe}j o(|YuoTc'rB t€o 0l lluls lYl,lOYoUB 1,1 0011 3it'NEuill s.lr{vITFM,9 uaqgfiit 'orvj9trlud slvorJ9Ss-ssouc lvc tdKt S1IVM ENINMJJA HJAWAn VAe lsfilo 'f,&fprglf ic l..1l M,ito oowol}c'AtNnoc new L ycolg ,, ? 0L sJo'I H?tvd otvtod R EE .3 EH EP ur iEGJ Eg FFdPctEurIE-)lv E8 z6 3F E=I k _l_ 3FuJvEF e=I --ia",t'. o..o o.o."o FFt:;- \ !0! xzr{rorbdj r0oH&{80e) 00vu0103'E lEo ol lrBAY rovolE N 00lr 'aa.t'NU3ls:l\A stNvlrENoS 0t099092'oN tciloa fvo/Jcfs-ssoac ucldLl sllVMgNtNtVtlA HJAW SJZIIISVIS ANVCNVHC1W t6n tlL $c.wFxc tflJ\lffiug jQVUOIjC 'AtNnOC ileW L ycolg LL ? 0L stol HCtVd OtVtOd g g gE "* $o2 :tass F iH. HE ErE F P=!ft* I 1Ej|-EF E= E3r d 66?HE EZ v,q= 2 E-bEEfi in Efi E gFEqg gg F Ef, E 3 qE +E E F-, = E ;lfucgigErEgagEEg a E, ,UIt eP9(Ot= EP It) ty' I I I I I I I I I ,0c'l Eg UE =H =E26 =il ac EEctF H= EE>d 3F c.F E= IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII al099fiZ'Ull,Arou slMEA wOIJCnUJSfVOC slTVfAeNINtVtlA HLAW Q3Zt1 tsv tS A77V Ct NV H CaW g 's$rc5!ru tl:taF5 I:lt€rttr octwoloc'AtNnoc 119w t xcow LL 8 0L sJol HCtVd OJVtOd zotHzdclt}oj roomz{socl ta08 oqvlp]oc'ullNKt 0t :1|,9 AvtiloYor€ N 00ll 'cft NtEusSt stNrTEM)3 frl IG g$gFgs J * b UJ ?Lt- 5e,u- b3 J 3 ute, E d- E E Eoe.ou-z UJEoc, tll(, 5l HI gfiaFg 3 sl c! UJE. eUJd 3= eEzut-z -tr669 =ofio<uJ6r('urodF9E r= i5 Eq irg 9P fra eds6 EFgg{ €HEi5s EHSEJ391.8 ts f, o Joa) !"qt 3l 8lqEl EFE EEE fEHs8ts EI fl q, ggHEFg *'* E gFHEH oQf;5= zHE E8F F 3!4IJ ao Elt,ct u,e,p e HP Eg o- E ctt =o-6u,e eui \.'ii =q:re =F;=q; Eg>@ IIIrrIrIrrrr-r!rrrr REPT13I TBT.JN OF VAIL, COLORADOo9/e6/96 o6:5o REouEsrs FoR rNspEcrroN r.roRK SHEETS FoR: 9/e6./96 trEGE HREA: EG t7 Activityr Flddress: Locat i on: Faree I : Descri pt i on: Appl icant : Owner: Contract or: E96-Ol6S 9/?6/96 Type: B-ELEC Status: ISSUED Constr: ADUtr798 trOTATO PATCH DR 79EA trOTATO PATCH DR a10l-063-0l-o45 ELEC. b'ORK FOR FI]YER ADDITION EA6LE/SUI{I{IT ELECTRIC CO LUDI.IIG ALAN & SUSAN EAGLE/SUT{HIT ELECTRIC CO Occ: Use: Phone: 7198363559 Phone: Fhone: 719S363559 Inspeetion Request Reguestor: Dave Req Tirel OBrOOIters requested to OG190 ELEC-Final fnforration..... Corrents: A s ide be Inspeeted... Phone:471-f433 addition/will eallfoyer Act i on Eorrent;:. n fire Expj "" i,'r:4c!--i:--j--- gAlO7/96 Inspector: EE OOl3g ELEC-Conduit Ogl4g ELEC-llisc. OO19O ELEC-Final gIA??,4 FIRE-flLARH RTIUGH Otri3g FIRE-FINAL C/OIt er: Aetion: AFPR RPtrROVED JAN-68-97 l.IED e'9:€'3 AFI ERYAN 1'TILLER CO}iPANY l-8-96 TO: CHARLIE DAVIS TOWNOF VAIL I'ROM: BRYAIV MILLER BRYA}.I MILLER CO INC DID NOT DO TIIE WORK ON PERMIT # 896.01 3 I. DONOTRELEASE THIS PERMIT TOAI{YONE OR CONTRACTOR. RETAINING WALL CONSTR UgTION egs sourH wAcoll rno,r roaoliGffiE!il CoLoRAbO ao4gg . !3Os1s25-ggga