HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS UNIT A12 (2)TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 Job Address: 500 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 2l0l08l I l0l2 Project No : o$tNER MCTJAUCHLAN, GABTJA L. O5/09/200L 9301 PRESTON TR, SAWGRASS C.C. POM|E VEDRE BEACH FI., 32082 I-,i.cense: CONTRACTOR PHOEiIIX FIRE PROTESTION 711 HARRISON, IJNIT B LEjADVILL,E, CO VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMIT Permit #: F0l-0010 Status . . . Applied. . Issued . Expires. . Phone: : ISSUED : 0510912001 : O6/1412001 : l2lll/2001 I0461 I-,icense: 226-Vj Desciption: install fire sprinkler system unit A- 12, northwoods Valuation: $8,228.00 05/09/200a Phone: 719-486-0188 FEE SUMMARY s0.00 s0.00 9228.00 Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Invedigation-> Will Call---> Rostuarant PIan Review-> DRB Fee--_---.-> TOTAL FEES---.__-> Tolal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--> Total Permit Fse.--> s180.00 94s.00 $0.00 F228.0O 90 .00 s228 . oO s228.00 s0,00BALANCE DUE.-------> Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMHII 06/L4/2O0L mcgee Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA]'ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required" completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS TOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUAS IN ANCE BY 479-2135 FRoM E:fi|AM - 5 PM SIGNATURE ORCONTRA FORHMSELF AND OWNE ..-._.:_..--. APPI.ICATION vvILL NOT Bt! TICCEPTED IF IIaCTJHPLETE OR UNSIGNTD frt-oolo ProJsct #: Bulldlng Ponnit f: M€dranical P€rmlt#: 97 V 47 9-21A9 (Inspections) Permlt will not be accept:ed wftfrout the follo,vlng: Protr'lth l.ledtanlcal Room layxrt dra$rn b acate to Include: o Hedranlcal Room Dlmandiom a Combudion AlrDuctSlzc attd Loilfon o Ftucr Vent Fnd 'Clt Unc 9tre sdl utcation o H€tLo.f Crlqto lqulpnratCWSpGcSha.ttr 75 S. Frontago Rd. Vail, Colorado E1557 trcB c@'964' t/L''c6{ I Iol:r' for # iFvct-- trbAddn*s: (.(rr (r.r,\ u,.li, h 11] -ra t-egrl Dcsctip$on ' I Loe ]l Blod: - | Filng:5uMMsbnl O$ners tL(rE:Ad&Ess:Pbne; Englnecn Addrrss:Pfpne: WortClass: New( ) Add'Uon( ) Altrration( ) Rerplr( ) ittu cxist-afurls-tocauon: Yes ( ) Np ( ) typce eog: sngbEm||yaFde((.) Muld.fifttiV-ffi C*ttr,crOcl( ) Rc$aurant( ) Ourcrl 1 No. of Exbtirtg Drvellhg UnlF ln thb brtildirp:llo. of Accommodauofl Unlts in thb bulldlng: I'tqfrvpeof Fttptaccs@:ca;Apdlartcr( ;, CasLogrr. ) woqC/Pellet( ) WoodzumkEOOTAIIO!1/ED) , tn EFFffiitse-ft dffi?-Ff) No ( ) OOIiIPLETE VALUATION FOR MECtlAt{IcAL PERMTT (hbor &. Materialr) CPIITR'CTOR, INIORIIATIO 1{ IJ f e/BfGrltoc/iofrF/mcdrpann RECEI'lED MAY t o ?!pl W&+E *13*!fi 1.**13l.t *ll.tl lr** *,t***d.*Y3r**rtrl **+*lr*:r** rr **** * * a **** *** TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VALL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0100 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED location.....: UNITA 12NORTHWOODS Applied..: 06126/2001 Parcel No...: 2l0l08l I l0l2 Issued . . : 06/2612001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 1212312001 OWNER MCLAUCf,ILAII, GABIiIA L. 06/26/200]- Phone: 9301 PRESTON TR, SAWGRASS C.C. PONTE VEDRE BEJACH T'L 32082 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR EDICOMPASS MECHANICAL SERVICE06/26 / 200L Phone : 97 0-949-0259 DBA Encompas s Mechanical Srvs. 5541 CENTRAI, AVE}IT]E BOI'LDER. CO SO3O1 Lricense z 147 -M APPLJICANT ENCOMPASS MECIIANICAL SERVICE06/26/2O0t Phone: 970-949-0259 DBA Encompass Mechanical Srvs . 5541 CEIIfRAL AVET{T'E BOIILDER. CO S0301 License: L47 -Vl Desciption: TOILET DC{AUST,RANGE EXHAUST DRYER VENT AND HUMIIDER Valuation: $5,288.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: O I of Wood Pellet 0 ..'|,l.':|.11l'||l|||||||'|*l'''l'll**llilt|ttt'.''',t*.|.|'|tli,l|'l'll|ll**lt Mechanical-> S12o.oo Reduarad Plan Review-> So.Oo Toral Calculat€d Fe€s-> S153.00 Plan Check-> S3O.OO DRB Fe€__----..--> SO.Oo Additional Fees---> 50.00 Investigstion-> 90. oo ToTAL FEES---------> S1s3. OO Total Permil Fee---> $153.00 Will Call-> 93 . OO Payments--> $153 . O0 BALANCE DLIE-> 50.00 IE.em: 05100 BUIL,DIITG DEPARTMEICI O6/26/2O0L DS Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-'DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' Cond: 22 (BLDC|.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION ?01 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : IT.TSIALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MAIIUFACTITRES IDISTRUCTIONS Al{D TO CIIAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 I,MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE L997 rMe. Cond: 25 (BL,,DG. ) : GAS APPLIAI{CES SIIAIJI-, BE VEIiIIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I A]'ID SHAIL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.10L7 OF THE- 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOITMIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NIING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PER.IIIIT,PIANS Al{D CODE A}IALYSTS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQT]EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRATNAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPLY BOIIJERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WrTH A FLOOR DRjAIN PER SEC. L022 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR :"-::.::i--:.:.o.i:-l'-3-i..f'-1-?'1]''j.T'l-;.t*****+.*.t|.*|***:}:}..t|'ill..t*|lr|'****l!tt.*****,t***'|.*t*.***t**.|l1*l||||''..ttl.t'... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REeUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OF O FORHMSELF AND OWNE JUN-26-2001 TUE 09:08 All FA}( NO.P, 02/02 will not be accepted without the fottowing Air Duct $ze and Location Vent and Gas Line Slze and Location Cnt/spec Sheets coxt'n,rit'oh rxroRvnTron COHPTETE V tunAct * *:tt * I t||**.t{r*++:F : RsEc.*+=reffiFHELsBF.leeri-_ f Ete-'miiffii TION FOR ]IIECHANICAL & tlaterials # ;(Requlred if no EEg. :of Name: Ao l.eeartLaxl Qesi subdiviconr F@Ffphlaap?,nl'Ere' M f;lz.1s1svcdf, Fun'pirir*.. -i-%H!gf' ,,19.1!,-l--=,ggtio".( ) nre.tionftl Rcpair( ) other( ) Boiler Lgcation: Inrerior ( ) Ext"rio( ) -ffiilt t ooes an EHu exist at thiszlltion: ycr ( ) No ( ) Typc of Blds: sirur+ram*yO0l,pt",{j M,ls No, of Exlsting Dwelling Units ih Utis nuifo,n+ W;iorm;QIs this a convarsion ffim "Eq b-br *xtjttt**#1fl$!** F: / everyoec/fo rms/mcclrpirm LY********x*+ JUN-26-2001 TUE 0g:07 Al{FA)( NO.P, 0t/02 VrucorurPAs$ m;,r.AX COVER SHEET N0.95 PROJECT: Misc.JOB NO.:MISC DATE: 612610l TIMD; 9:17 TO: Townof Vail FROM: Encompass Mcchanical Services NAME: Doris NAME; HollyKlcin PIIONB: 970 479-2138 PHONE: 9i}-949-r747 FA)(3 970479-2452 l'AX: 970-845-7144 SUAJECT: Mechanical Permit DESCBIP'I'ION NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVERSHEET: 2 Good Morning, Doris!! Ilcrc is another Mechanical Pormit Application. If possible, cen you pricc this one as soon ae possible and I'll ssnd tsob Cumnrings over with a cheok and to pick-up the Pcrmit. IU grcatly appreciarc your help and look forwanl to you call. Thanks again, Holly Toll+Xt* 6/28/2EAt 69:27 gAEEE4E39l LOREN HILL PAGE A1 KRM coNSULrANrs, tNc. P.O, Eox 4579 vAtL coLoF 0o s10F6 NAITE: COI'FANY: FlX: NAITE: COIIIPANY: Fn4 YO: eotry *trLNAHE: CONPANY: FAX: NAITE: COIIFAHY: FAX: F/fiTNANSMITTAL DArEr 6/29200'l FN( JOB NUIIFER: PRQJECT: PStrEk of MErk Nsdbo Constf, 1-970-945-987e Ray $bry 't-97tr47&5039 0011.06 Northvrcodr, Unit A'12 WE TFA'YS,U'T HERHIJTITI THE rcLLOWINGITETTS (IN ADDIflIOTI TO THIS TRANSMITTAL): ilPA@ES; DESCRIPflQN: t lield repoft 0/27101 (970) 9.9'€59t (FAXI 94$r 17? Drnvor 1-800.98491191 llrgl (nHJ)10,8U -'NI|lI00 'd 61669i8 0/ 6 :1gI S SNOJHJUVI /OBO3N _wzal26ut vY:2.(UUU9BC9T9T LI.}iLN HILL PAGE A2 KRM coNsuLrANr$, rryc. P,O, bOX +573 vAtL, coL0RA00 6tr5l (970) 9d$93s1 (FAto 9{+r 5rr Ocnr,.r !.800.98a-9901 FIEI.D REPORT TA: N€dbo Construc-tion ATTENTION: Patrick or Mark PROJECT: Nsnhwoode,UnitA-12 JO9 NUHBER: DATE: ARRIVE: DEPART: YIEAIHER: anw2001 7'.45 am 8:15 am Warm & sunny 0011-08 This h€s the final ftaming revisiv fcr thls project At he limo of visit, the majoriry ol lhe ough structural fremlng had been completed wlth the ExceFtbn ot the stairwell. The following ilems are noted: 1. An additional 13l4x1 112 LVL shall ba edded to the (3)-2x6 windo / heederE for the new upper floor dom9r, 2, Th€ upper floor tim joist et the edge of he flogr overlooking the roorfl below and jts gurrounding area ehall be packed solid for grcpsr ltansftr ol bad from abo\r€. 3, The hole drilled br s drein pipe lhrough th3 W 10x35 steel floor bssm hEB boen posltion€d and dtillad per KRM Consuliants, Inc.'s deslgn and speclficarion. OthaM$e, the laming appears to conform with lhe structural drqwings and specifications, REVIEIIIED: COPYTO: ArchnBct conlrsctor flle r00'd 6i669t8 0t 6 :1gI S gNOIHJUVg/OBO3N il ril (flt|JfI0 ,8?- Nf|l m[Em-f__ cqffiTffiporrflg --FasE25 -{aLEn--*- - -- *-*. *--yflL-c0.:-IQfrl{.oE- , -.--. Requerki lncF€ct t).b: Frlday, June 29, ?(X)l' lnsosdonArm: JRt Sfh Asldrrgr: €00 vAlL VAIIEY DR vAlL UNM A 12 NORTFIYI'OCDS ffi&je&[slssr Aclhrllv: 8(y1fi7{ 't\mr: r4-iiF $ubTYp€: AMF sto||: f,onC Typ6: Occupa-r&y: Obe: lfl {}Sl lncp Ats: osrirr: tlCLAUClfl.AI{,G AIJAL. Codracior: iEDAO COlttSTRt CTISNffiFilon: EXPA'ISI MASTER BR EhlCt.OSE AND zuiF Ot T PATIoS,SmINr.LER gYSTEM Rrsu€qF!htro€cuo${s} lnr!€sdfi HLtorY lrm: 10 BlDf'-Foothr{r/8tellhfi: 20 BtlxlFoudiilorusbr llom: gl BLDgFlnd tbmr S0 BLD0#ramlnoRrquctbr hIEDEOCOMilRIICTEN Contr$ntr: lJl.lfT tAtz WC llARl( 471-3515 30 ELDOFramho 50 BlD4hlrtdn 80 BLD+Shaetror*f.latodl6/ol hsdon CDAtllS frilon: PAPARTT LAPPROA/AL COIISTTIr: EXTERPR GYP SI-EETS\|e 70 BlDe'llffsc "A['oror|sd - 06/2O,Dl hcDscfor cdiri,b Acilon: lfr lKtT READY FOft hl$PECTIOt-l Conflrodr; }{CIT READY FOft I"-ATHE INSPECTI0}|og?ll0l &ntD€ctor CDAVIS Aciort' AP AP'pnO\/ED CgnrnCb: LATTIE FOR STIJOOO APPROVED ftsruerH Tlmc: 0S:00 Altl' Pipnel 970€4Stml Entlred$r: DFLOFIES K F8T.|ED JRM ftdn:ldn:lbfi: ESTomt A\ilTNE RSPIl31 Run 731, Rc+neEtl lmpectorb:- lntp€c'ton Arse : SlrcA&tn*r: 'l'yFo: Fl,lECH occ{lDaocv' GABIJAL.. sERr,,!ces DRYER VENTA$ID IIUHMER Frldry, June 20, 2O0l 600 VAILVAII.EY DR VAIL UilT A I2 NORT}IWOADS *W: * Phone: 97'$94SSa$* ArPrD lniofm.tton Contrcbr: D8ficrbfrm: fqo$Eted lruorsoot{ql Sld{ur: lggUED lnrpArc: JRM Itffiii 2t'0 HECH*ouqffR.qr.dor: El.icoilPAg$ tccflff{cAl- SERVICES .t* Raouegted Tl||lG: 08160 Afl' Fhono: 97Gg4S-m5O +t- 3{XF443 zS{F Ent€r6r|ry (fLOfiES K "Hffi 2(x) 310 316 il10 330 3r$ 3En hm:idtr: bm: |hrn: |bm: fhm: iHD: RSPTl31 Run ?31