HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN INN COMMON RETAINING WALLFnom nDvfr{cED L'FILL STRL'CTURES PFFNE No. : 6L2 447 7W ADVANCED WALL STRUCTT'RE8, tNC. 5650 STARVIEW LANE PRIOR LAI(E, MN ''372612.447-7300 Irax 612-447.132r DATTNT TIMEI FROM: -JE!5 T!-No. or P^aEs I INCLUDINO COVER i.l TOr _?to - ?ab-31)7 COMMENTS ' i $PECIAL,, INSTRUCTION$T a ---Kir&:-l[b--&Jts*1,--1te---!xr-r3?!3!-L"/-,r/vl:y:.n a? ---cxlr*j-gg!,-$--l,:Jl-.f s-J*+--fu yl,-J*y---L1dT_ ---rl/bgcJ:-.:g:r--Srtscl-fo--s*--gt+-er-fcx--t*Ud.-#_ --ps:J!*:lb--1".r{r--Gf:-gr!--b*v-----.JL:t*t!:L_W*/t-, ay o( *Lir p)<*e coll. na. Sa. i€ go* Co* erp*a/,[t 1& p ro s,<sr tc w+ c'ts A* +, ,r,.r k . "TL**k. g"*. fi;a ,:^^r-ll t^ljt-sL+&in*JJ---- COMPANY ATTN FAX ' .\ --Flk9:.L-G+- yt ai\ Jun.24 1.997 4: 31Ptl Pg1 Fnonr : ffDUAIICED UALL STRLrcTURES 6-34- tOE7 1 ,37rrM Fnor"t / vvrlrg''l a,oBlE rJuullLy ASutaBoYt'_ a_t_ 9.70;328-8640 fot parcrl l.IARCEL 0 r |...''..-F--. PHONE No, | 6LZ 44? ?9@ LODGE AT AVON CENTER 97O9497767 Uttlce TO9W OF VArI, CONSTRUCTION PENMTT ADPIICABI9N FoRI.IDAIEI Jua,24 1997 4 : 31Pll rez F.3 PERIIIT // J AppLIcATroN ltuslt BE Fr&LED OUT CoMpLETEDy oR rT uAy Nor BE AccEprED f***************.**.****r.r***** pERMTT IN r.gRt{ATroN rlrr************************rtrl'6s5-sutrdtne [ ]i-prunbtng I J-Eroorricar I J_rrreohantbal F€-Orher 'lif ,i,,r, rob Narne: w -l1F+t'10tst'l lN!!- rob Addrconr l@V*tt^ t,egal Daecriptlonr, tr,ot_ Dlook__.... Ftll_rrg_ ; oenere Naaer Lce-: (zhnzl ,{,,*nX_ Addtucaar Architeet:Addrees: ceneral DoEotJ.ptioni ^l {.;l ?lurnbing Contractorttddress: {echanigql Ccrntreetor ;rddress: Ph. Ph. work crass: ( J-New ( r-Atrterarton [ ]-Addrrionar 1 1l-p"o"i':"f'j Nuhber of DwcLllngr:Unltsr //Nun0rer of Acconnodatlon Unlt,c: til : :: i .;il ilil ;: ;. " ;: ;): :... :rNg&Acron rNronMArroN ** * ** * * t* ** * ** ** **** r r,l* !r ** ACldres6 t Town of vall Rcg. No.?r8-SPhone Nunber: e.;o - q^ /--Egleotrlcal Contrbctorc\ddress:Toqtn of VaiI ReE, Nb.Phone Nunber: - .T- l,-"J -ith er Town of Vail Req. No.Phgne Number! Torrn of VaiI Reg. NO.._Phene Nurnber: !*******r**************a*l**at**fOR OFFICE USE ** **r*****r,**** * * rrr*** **** *****.IIITLDXNG PERI'I? FEE! 'LUI'IBING PERMTT F8E: IECHAI{ICAL PERI{IT FEEs ;EECTRTCAT FEE: : TTIER TYPE OD FEEs RB FEE: EUfLDINGT SIGNTTIT'RE3 ZONTNO: SIGNAT{IRET EUTLDINC PIAN CHECK FEE; 3_r{ll,!BrNc PLA}I cHEcK tEi;MECTIA}TCAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE:,RECREATION FEE: C',EAN-UP DEPOSTTISOITL PERl|rr AEE6: ? tl\l lrfi rrrr!,r.rrt From : RDUtrl€ED tnLL STRUCTURES P|0NE No. i 612 447 739l@ -24-.1997 I ,30Fr,r FROM LODOC AT AVO{ CCNTER 97grj,49779'r 75 routh tronhg. rord vlll, o016fid6 gtaSt (30r, 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: Jun. 24 t997 4i 32Pt"l F63 F.4 otflo. of Communlt, rlavrtsplnlql FRoM; i *owN oF vAtL puBrrlc tfoRKs,/couMuNlry DEyELoPMENT ..!v... i *"wN oF vAlL puBIrIC tfoRKS,/COuMUNITy DEIrELOPMENTDASD: I unRcH 15, re88 suBJEcrrl coNerRuctroN. DraKINc s uATERIAL sroRAGErn sumn{ry, ordinance Io. 6_stares !}lt tt.ie unlawful for anyperson qo lltter, -traci-or-d;;;"-il any ssif, Iookr sand, debriBor lnaterlial, ihclrrdlng trash i"npJt"rc, portqble tollete andvorknen pehtcres upo"-any-r-C.;;U-;tgo.r.rgrkr arlcy ar pubrlcPr9:c orj any portr6n_thcieoi]--i(o-rrgnr-of-way on alr Tor"rn offii: 5;ffili"l"iii?.S? i: lnnroiiiutriy_s rt. -i,ri' pii",nont. '.rbric r.rprks o.o,ji-13*"tt*:!U_gntor"ia-uy-ir,.-i"ili'or vair Deparrrn e{r r ur r r raiovr 1-i r i'iiiti?il i'ii "t,,:n:d:l: : " oI";::, on#;if*Sj" Il"":::j*:i:r_;r_qil,l.o*,un.a ghalr not be -TPl i: !f brks o"p"ii'iit: *iliii":"i;fi ;""l5rlii"lTilrl t":iii" "".il'in:""fl:Xin i.'3.1:H ::t:::l.l:i':: :o remove said rnateriar.In the epent"the-; "--- 'rrr'LEt(r noErcc Eo femove said fnateri 3:;i*":ltrjr, $:lil"itil:iiilii33, ii:i, "t;. *lrii""*::;F; ALL coNl".eeroRs cE /-\ Tor{lt oF vArL -tRRENTtr'JRForsrERED }trTH THE ljag t/-( apprlcabfe to-"E"".i,ii&i;^:'di#;il::.:;".:X:il ;::J::r" - any stregt or allcy or any'utlfitfcg ln tho righr_i_way. l*illii{dii'B$::.il1;.'"1'"flll; i'^"::.: ctop bv the rown orcooperatJion 5n-if,Le nrtter, a copy. Thank you ror y-ir Read and tD*ll '&.f',';'t Wtil AHfuL,hr(i.e. contractor, oerncr)-L4- F.rom : FDt trtlCED UALL STRUCTURES Pf{Ot lE Frc. | 6t2 447 7W J-24-19E7 I .3sPM FROM L@GE AT AVON CENTER 97a94s77s7 Jun.24 L997 4:33Ft'1 P@4 ortlcO ol cgfnmUnllt dcvOloprnorrl P.5 luwnl If'thl.s tng inee; review or Depa rtmen as three |lfl ?5 routtr lronlrlr rorC 1.11, col'f.tto QICET(r01t 479-2138 or 4?9_2139 '('l arge BUILOTNG PERI.IIT ISSUAI{CE TIIIE FMIIT ,rm-tt regult.g a Towrr of Vall-flrc Departncnt.App.o".l , - ,:iilrli:lliiil"l.rripl,#*Hffi f;in;5, iiill;'.'.,l.ili .r,trrted ilme ror'a {otat';;i;, il"y take a5 lons lnd s reglc depa r al so Every pernl.' I' th frame All havt !nd reg I Cepa !l so J con ve tC d sma slden )a rtf, 'rnl. t tbe me. tot mai'l snt{ tr,on ta l(e att l.as. I UD( al ow oJ( ,t1'lgl Itr )n ii9 la lo r0 o w rie comDerc to fq? smai'l lpdent{{1 rtftonds talie ltt fq?lc'l lprc:f{1 o f nus h re ltne I teiurt s. F.go Indfrs tta'llf rl ts Re How men tst rllI der '8F t 0ne ent r! ned Its wl Res ld Howeve nentto ts nay rrml H em ect ite thls re and time ta a I the abo ects shou smal I ertll regard threc wee will be ma as possi oedl u rnd !ll ned maxlt I esser lmpact isary rc lls depr the pla I -faml ly requ I remenntoft var'lous I these nt t0 ex'ped eck procedu ,ro toip de le en ors )ve ri rul d' pro.d to rek p made ible nder: pe nts me. bovr roJr ,l me abo Pro rul t'mr mou ev/ ew. mut DUm amc the vieq rtnre rch lr xln ertt rev p|r lan ndlr, les npa '"1 a I ss :) ;lor iea :t5 rCeS od, a'l l ntlr clte ect! ntc( rtor )yt :and th sna men tcl oJer0nl pErl eb) I rs ta e. rs ht /nq"*l u'o Fr.om : trDUffNCED UALL STRUCTLFES PHONE No. : 61,2 447 73E,@ Jun.24 7997 4:33Pfi res F.O,-24- 1997 70: FROM; DATE: RE: 1I39T!M FROM LOOCE AT AVON CENTER 97a/9497767 MeMoRAlpll& ALL CONTRACTORS. TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT [4AY 9, 199t1 wl{EN A..PUBLIC WAY PERMIT.'IS HEQU'BED .tob t'tame: n4*.tlarh.i*. f,,^r, /Pat n,l"aAlsro Dar6i uWP|casean6worthoto@ardingth9need'ora'Pub|icWayPermlt": r) 2t ls thle a new resldenoe? ,s demotlrlon work belng performCd that requireg the usg oithe rlght ot way, easemenls or public prope(y? ls any uitlty woft needed? ls tho ddveway bslng repaved? ls ditlerent e,ccegs needed to slte other than exlstlng &Iveway? ls..any dralnago worft being done atlecting the rlght of way, easoments, ot puOllo property? ts a "Re.vocable Rlght CI Way permit. reQul16d? 8) A.. . ls the rlght ol way, sas€menle otpublic property.to b0 us-ed tor stagtng, parktng or fenoing? B. It no lo BA, ts a pafttng, slaglngor fencing ptan raquired Uy CommJnlfi Development? 'y,Es.xq x x 3) 4) 5) X X X Y X 6) 7) lt_v?y "T.*rro_d yes to any oflhese quesilons, a "pubilc way permlt, musl be obtatned.'Public way Permil' aPpllcaiions miy be outatneo at the publio wort,s otfice or atcLTlTltv Deve.ropmeil -,lryq h.ry_aFl,_d;sioni p-rease ffilJil Davis, the rownol VailConstruc,ilon Inspec,toi at a79-215S.' I havo read and answered altthe above tu Job Narne S Slnnetr t?a -- Fro : ADUFNCED tA-L STRL'CruRES PHOi.€ l'b. : 612 447 73A@ j-24-r997 l:53PM FROf"l LOOGI AT avON CENTER g7@€,a97787 PUBLTC WoEKg PERMTT PROCE9g How it relates to Building Permlte: 1) Fill out our cheok rist providod wlth a buridinq perq.it aopticatro!.lf yoe was answ6r6d.to any ot ttre auoviquJsions.l6EiZ-''publc way., isroquired. You can ptck up an appllcatien at eliher Conrrrruniry Oevelopmenf,. located at 75 S. Fronlage FloacJ or Public Works, tooatect ar 1gdg Vail Viroy Dirve. 2') Notice sign offe for utility. companies, All utilities must fiEtrl vertfy (locate) rospective utilitiss prior to Blgnlng appllcatlon. Some utltlty companles iequire u[ to a 48 hour notlcs to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controfstaging plan.must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approvcd slte plan may also bs used. -thls ptan wilt show locationsor all trafflc control devices(slgns, cones, eto..) and the work zone, (aroa ofconstructiorr, staglng, etc..). Thls plai will expiie on oot. lsth. and will'need tobe resubmlrt€d for apprbvalthrough the wlntoi, 4't Sketoh of work being performed must bs submltted Indicating dimensions (tength, width & dopth of work). Thle may be drswn on rhe traffic control ptan oi a iiteplarr for tho Job. 5) Submlt cornpleted applicatlon to the Pubtic Works's office for revlew. lf roqulred, locates wlll be schedulsd for the Town of Vail Etectriclans and lrrigation crew. Thslocates take place In the mornlng but, may rgqutre up lo 48 hou-rs to pottorm. 6) The Public Work'6 Consvuctlon Inepector will revlew the applicagon and approve or disapprove the permlt. vou wllt be contacted as to th6 siatus and any thai may needed. Most permltc are roleased wlthln 4g hours of being recilvod, 6ur pteas6 altow up to ons week to procot8, 7) As soon ae the permrt -16 processed, a copy wlll be laxed to communlty Dev,elopment allowlng the "Buildlng Permlt" to bb'released. please do not confuscthe nPubllc way pormtt" with a "Bulldlng permit,'to do work on a proJeot itself. NOTE: * Theobovg.proogss.lt.for work.ln a pubilc way,onty.' Pubtic Way permits are valtd onty uhtil NovedrUer igttr.'A new Publtc way permit ]g requircd each yoar lt work.ia nol comprolo. Jun.24 L997 4.34Pn P@6 P,7 cggnry Fpom : AD{TANCED Ufl-L STRUCTURES Pr-{h{E r'b. : 6L2 447 7gO Jun.24 1997 4:34P11 P87 offlcr et oommenlly dcvclopmgnl 6...24 19,97 | z^@PM FROM LODGE AT AVChI CENTER 910€,497767 tnttn 75 roulh |ronlre. rord r.ll. color.do allst (30t) 471t1cr (aot) l?F2|t0 P.8 . NOETCE lto coNtrRh,ctroRs/ot{NrR BUILDERS III:f:1Yq .r:1"-?9r lgsl; the rown or vail Buirdlns DeparEmenr, nasoev€roped Lhe forrowlng procedurGg co snEure that new -construcrion :)::: l,u-": "_L"-gltp..fy esrabrished proper drainage lrom buildinfslE€B ar.ong and adjacenE to Town of Vail roads of streers. The Tonn of vrir pubrto gtorka Departmont *trl bc reguired teinspect end -approve dralnege adJadcnt to fgw$ of Vail -roeds oastreets nnd the I'nstar.tatlon of, tinporary or psxnBnent curverrs ataccess porntt from the rold or screbt on !o lirc consbnrciior, sita.such. approvat _must-be obtlined pri,or to any rcguest'for inepectionby the Town of ValI B!.llding,Deparrment f6" fo'ot,ingJ or senporaryelect,ricar or any. other lnspe'ctton, pteaae call c'rg-ziaa torequgst an rnspectlon from ths pubrlc rtorts Deparenent.. Alrow amlnimunr of 24 hour nollcc. llgo,-.the'T6r'rn of vail Fubllc r{orks Dopartmen! wirl be approvincrtll-Jf:+ drainase and cutvere lnstatiation wfrrr i"""rii[s-;;;6paLcnlng as necessa_ry_. suph approvar rnust be obr.alned prior toFjnal Cert.iflcatc of, -Occupancy ilsuance. F1om : ADUFINCED IRLL STRT CTURES PHSIE No. : 612 447 ?W Jun.24 L997 4:35Pt1 re8 Date: .rutr 25, tr9978y; l,lRJ wall 8yst6ros, Irrc. l,l rsa --rt J - trtl E |r KBYSTONE REIAINING I.'ALI DBSIOHElced on nanklno-w,/Botter Methodology KeyWall Verglel 3.1b, JAN 9? KEYSfONE RETAINTNG WALL SYETEM Project; MATTERITORN XNN WAIL vAIt,. CgDroJ. No.: Dea l,En PafarnetercSolI peramoters . pht c gBnmaReinforcod FIIII 30 O izoRetetned Soll: 30 0 IZOFoundatlon Soit l 30 O 1?ORelnforoo FllI type: 6tltg 6. eandsUrttt FtlI Cruohad 6tone, I {nch n{nu6 FactorE of Safety9lidlnE:1.50 OvertuEnlng: Z.eO Bearing: Z.OOPulloutr 1.50 Uncertalntiear I.50Connectlqn Peakr 1-50 0.7G Ln: N/A Reinforclng ParamaterB: Strata-Crtd Geogrlcle.tcr FSdu Fscd r,TDg Fgun Td Ci CdsStrata-300 1884 7,\7 1.10 1464 1.50 976 O,go O.80 ADalysts; Unit,-TypB: STANDARD WalI Eatterr 0.00 degreesLeveltng Pad: Cruehed Stone $1e11 Ht: '/.0(tt), enbedmr rl.0(tt) Eackf,tll. Geonetry: l,0.rl0 degree alope 10.00(ft) high- -Surcharge: 250.0 (psf,) urrlfosn eurcirargeResultg: Slfttlng Ovarturnlng icartng Shear BbndingFactorB of Satoty; 1.08 4,45 - .6,26- L0.29 3,obCalculated Beartirg preeeure : 1134 (psf) -eccsntrlctty at base: 0.39 (lt)Relnforctng: ft & lbs/ttLayar Ht. Langth Relnf : Td fen€ion Tconn FSpo2 4.67 6,00 Streta-30O t 712 gO{ ?tZ* t.gzI 2.00 5.00 Strats*3OO t 976 69 10gl FS>10Reinforcing Quanttttee (no wagt6 lncludad) !Strata-300 1.33 eylfi. xsystone Retalnlng 14116 lloo+ ?!+lr |l+Y.-^! H## Fr.om : QDUANCED Uq-L STRUCTI-RES PH0.IE No. i 61,2 447 7366 Xcrrstono Xe talnlnr llqll Sgrteus Datet rlunr 23' 199? . Floirrot! il0TTEntlOBN tNN'llALL UiILr C9tloJeot No: Cenc: Dor I crne r. ! llRrl l.lall Holgtit: 7.O f 0r BtDrdnan0 E t.O f t Dao!<f ill? l.B.{ rl,cgr rtottcr .1€.9 ft Esrchrsgr t zEe.g t:sf unlforn Jun.24 L997 4: 35Pt'l P@9 aa a a . a a a a a a a-a r-a-a-a-a a-t-a-a-a-a-a-.'a'a'a-a-r-a-a-,-t-r-a-a-,-t-a-a-r- t. r....'.],l,ilrii]r}].]r'.-r.lrr",rrr.'.'rrrtr',lr'r',rrtrtr'.tr',lrirrrt trr,l,t,"tr!,irlrrr'rr,rrirrr'r','.','r',','r',' .','r'r],ielrrrrrrrrr'e'rt.r.tr.r!,.;'1. .rr,r'rrr.r;r;r'i rrrr!rit'r r;.rrr{ r;rtrtrtrr..;trr..;.;.,.,.,.,.;.,...;.,. ttlT .a ,' ar .\ ,\ ,r ,r rr r ', r ,l r'r'r'rrr'.rrl z:l? tt t' ,t tt tt ,t 7'zr rrr r I t.r,'1r r', I ,1 . i,' .' ,',l{t t'.' t' t'.\ rt ttrt,tr',',',',',',',',',',"',',',1a? tt ot tr t' ,t.t e'.atatiartt.tr ti\r\t-iraA tt ot.r lt.t.t rt. l. r,'.t,t,t,t, t rt,--.tratatiartt rrttt\ -nffrtt\rar"1r\rlrlrlrlrlrtrtrlrlrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt,trtrtr' -/4 r' t' rt r' rtrt rtrtrtrtrtatatrt.trtrtr'r'rirrr"rrrrtr'r'rirtrtr'rtrtrt,t,' --rarr r r t a . I . r i a r r r I r a I t t . I . . t r t I r ! a I r .a'a a a a J , a a ,.:t a a a a-a a a a a a a a a a . t a a _,4.rr\rlrlr\ra.trrraatr..rrlrr.rrartrtri,irrrtr.rr,t,r,.,...,.,.,,..,.,.,t..,.,.,.,.,. 4a . a a a a , a a a a a a a a a a a a , a , a t a . t , . a t . . arrf ! r t . t I r r t . t I r I t a t I a t t r a a t I I t i a r r I t t . I i r t41?-a a. a a a a a a. a a a a a a. l a a l a a a a a a a-rrt a. r a t t t r t r r r a t r a i r a t..1.. t r. a r. a r.-na a t t. a a, a a a a a a a a a a a a. a a a a. a. a. aa. a Jin'.'.r.'a\a'.\.lrtrtrtrt;lrlrtrtrlrtrlrlrt.trlrtrtrtrtrtrtrt.trtrtrlrtrtrrrtrtrrrt.t.lrtrtrrrt.',trt,'.trtr',-t r r-a rr ttt tr r I tt r1. r rr r . I rr i I rr.. \ r \ t r r r,/t. . .. . a. a a. a . a I a a . a a a a t , . a . a a .. a. . a . . a .. .\1!.r i...r_.-i-r r.!-r r t-r.-\ r.-r.. r I r. trrr.rtrat.t rr . rrt r r\ r \ I t. \r r frtrt.trrrlrtr}lerrlrt,!rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrlrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt,trtrrrrrlr'rlrtrr,l.trr.irlrtrtrt,lrtrt,t,trtrt,lrtrt,t,t,t,'r r t rrliaal.l lrrat r tt rir rrtr.l r !r r rarrtt. a\ r rr r rr . r r r \.t a aa. a a a a a r t a aa a aa t. aa r a a.a t. a ra a a. r a.. a t ar-. r,r,r t,r-a I || a. I t a I r.. I i . \ i. i | | t . r r. I I r a r. a i I r t . r i .. t r . I r . \ t 1 \ r r. a r. a a.a taaa,aaaa a a.,ta a . aa. rt.aat., .. t.... t t, tr t. i r r t.r t r I t t a i I t r I I t t rt ra t I I i r t t tt I r I i i r raaaaat al..a,I it i I t alrr I ta rt ar a r ai al r a i at r ri ra. t r t rr. I r.a.tr. aa.a..t..r..r.rl.arlattlrat.a trar.ttrali..i.t!rt. rla.lr.l.r\a a a a a a a t a a a a... a a a.a aa... a.. t..4 4.....,.4 aa l i. r r. \r. t r. I r t t..\.. r. Stnata-30Oi .i",h= ' 4 .&?.i.j.l = 6 ,08 l. j .i,i,'..i.i.i,i.t :.:,i.:.:'i.:'i'i,:':':".",'i,:':i'::,'....r.....ta.....i...trtrt.trt,t,o.t.t"r...r.....t.....t....rtrr.irr,rrrrrrirrrt trlrt.\trtrt.rrtr\t.trrarrtrrrriairttrtrrrrrlrri.\r\{l r{rrt\ t r t t t i i I t t | | | a r t I i rr.rl.rl..rr. . a . a a . a t a a a a a a , . a ,attataaaatt t.art..rtrlr.e.r.rrr.rrr.r.r.r.r.r.rr....r....tr.r.rt..r.rtr.r.r.r..rrtr.r.atrt1r,irir.rtr.rrr.,.rtz...,rr...,lrr,r,s,r..,r,i. '.w.:j t k"'j TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-4'19-2r38 Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Investigation> tlitL Cal.l----> Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. . Project No. 1550 MATTERHORN CR 1552 MATTERHORN CR 2103-123-16-006 .00 100.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit 4I 89.1 -0223 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . ISSUED 07 /22 / reeT o7 /22 / reel 01./rB/leeB APPLICANT GALLEGOS MASONRY, INC P O BOX 99, WOLCOTT, CO 81655 CONTRACTOR GALLEGOS MASONRY, rNC P O BOX 99, WOLCOTT, CO 81655OWNER MACALUSO PAT & JAMES 3762 SIMMS ST, WHEATRIDGE CO BOO33 Description: REBUILD FAILING TIMBER WALL WITH KEYSTONE SYS Occupancy: Rl MuIti-FamiJ-y Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuat ion : 15, 500 Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace Informat i on: Restricted:dof Gas App L i ances:tof Gas Logs:dof l.lood/Pa L l,et : *****************************************t(***************** FEE SUItrtARY ******************************************t*************** Phone: 9709263?37 Phone'. 9709263737 Tota t Permi t Fee--------> 191 .25 -8.25 /.83 .00 483. OO *************************r*************ll]ll*liii;;;;;;;;;;;*iii**********1ll;ii-***-llliHi-lli;;;;;;;iiii*ii************ill*** rtqm: .05100_EUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:01/22/t991 CHARLTE ection: ApFn cnenlrE DAtiSItEn:'.O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PLANNING Division:9t/22/!997 CHARLTE ecEion: AppR pER DrRK MA56NItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Oept: FIRE Division: 97 /22/1227^CEAB!IE Acaion: AppR N/Artb.m:'.05500 PUBLTC woRKs ' Dept: puB woRK Division:o7/22/1997 CHARLTE acLion: AppR pER TERRr FAFiCn- ***t********************t***************t***t**t****t**************1*******************f,**************i**********************1**** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknov ledge that t have read this apptication, fiLLed out in fuLL the information required, compLeted an accurate plotp[an, and state that atI the intormation provided as nequired is correct. I agree to compl,y iith tie iniormation and pLot i:l,an,to compty with al'l' Town ordjnances_and state [aws, and to bui(d this structune according to'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl.e thereto. 2O5.00 Restuarant P[an Review-->133-25 oRB Fee--------.00 Recreation Fee---------->3-00 C Iean-Up Deposi t--------> .O0 TotaI Catcutated Fees--->50.00 AdditionaI Fees---------> REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE },IADE TI,IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-l,Jp Deposit To: AITERHoRN IN CONDO ASSOC FRoil 8:00 Atl38 OR AT QR OFFICE 1/rl rl ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit *t 897-0223 as of 07/22/97 status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permir Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrrD PERMTT Applied. 0?/22/1997Applicant: GALLEGOS MASONRY, INC Issuedt 07/22/19979709263737 To Expire; O1/L8/L998 Job Addre6s: LocaLion: 1552 MATTERHORN CR Parcel No: 21.03-123-16-006 Description: REBUILD FAILING TIMBER WALL VIITH KEYSTONE SYS Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted: 07/22/97 10:51 statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0303 Amount z 483.00 07 /22/97 10:49 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: +2650 Init: CD Permit NoParcel NoSite Address Location This Payment 897-0223 Type: A-MF 2103-123-16-006 1550 MATTERHORN CR 1552 MATTERHORN CR ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 483.00 483.00 .00 483.00 **************************************************************** Description RECREATION FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Account Code 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Amount -8.25 205.00 50.00 133.25 100.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S, FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Bui Ld i ng-----) PLan Check---> lnvest i gat ion> Ui tL CaLt----> Job AddressLocation.,, Parcel No. .Project No. I55O MATTERHORN CR 1552 MATTERHORN CR 2103-123-16-006 I SSUED 07 /22/7ee7 o7 /22 / reeT0r/rB/lee} DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmit #: 891 _0223 Status . . . Apptied.. Issued. . . F'wn i rp q APPLICANT GALLEGOS MASONRY, INC P O BOX 99, WOLCOTT, CO 81655 CONTRACTOR GALLEGOS MASONRY, ]NC P O BOX 99, WOLCOTT, CO 81655OWNER MACALUSO PAT & JAMES 3762 SIMMS ST, WHEATRIDGE CO BOO33 Descr.iption: REBUILD FAILING TIMBER WALL WITH KEYSTONE SYS Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construct j-on : Type Occupancy: Valuatron: 15,500 Add Sq Ft: F i reptace Intor$ation: Restricted:dof Gas App I i ances:flOf Gas Logs:dof l,lood/Pa L l,et: ***************************************t*t***************t* FEE SUII ARy *****i********************t*****************t************* Phone : 9109263'1 37 Phone l 9'1 09263737 205. O0 Restuarant PLan Revie!,-->133.25 oRB Fee-------- .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 C(ean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 Tota t CatcuLated Fees--->50-00 Add it i ona t fees--------->.00 Total Perni t Fee-------->100.00 Payments------- 19',t -25 -8.?5 483 .00 485 . 00 ***************************************lllif*lili;;;;;;;;;;;iiii**********1ll;ii**-*ilfilll-lll;;;;;;;iiiii*i************il?*** Ite.m: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept': BUILDING Division:97/22/\997 cHARLTE acEion: Appn cHenLrE DAViS"ItEm: .O54OO-PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PLANNING Division:07/22/1997 CHARLTE ecEion: AppR pER DrRK MASbNItEm:'O56OO.IIRE DEPARTMEN DepI: FIRE Division:07/22/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A --E-- It'qm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS ' Dept: pUB WORK Division:07/22/1997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR pER TERRI FaFicir- ****************************ff****************i****************************t*********************************t****************t*** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknovtedge that I have read.this appLication, fil.Led out in ful.t the information required, compteted an accurate plotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compt.y with tie iniormation and ptot ]l[an,to compl'y with aLI Tovn ordinances_and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according io the Tovn,s zoning and subdiv.isioncodes, design review approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: ATTERHORN INN CONDO ASSOC 38 oR AT dNR oFFIcE ******************************************************************************** Status: ISSUED********************************************************************************Permit *z 897-0223 Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMITApplicant: GALLEGOS MASONRY, INC 9709263737 Job Address: LocaLion: 1552 MATTERHORN CRParcel No: 2103-123-16-006 Applied: 07/22/L9e7 Issued: 07/22/L997 To Expire z OI/L8/L998 CONDITIONS as of 07/22/97 Description: REBUILD FAILING TIMBER WALL IdITH KEYSTONE SYS Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted: o7 /22/97 l-0 r 51 statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0303 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #2650 483.00 07/22/e7 r.0:49Init: cD 483.00 ********************************************tr******************* Permit No: ParceI No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 897-0223 Type: A-MF 2103-123-16-006 1550 MATTERHORN CR 1552 MATTERHORN CR ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description RECREATION FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION F'EE 483.00 483.00 .00 Amount -8.25 205.00 50.00 t33.2s 100 . 00 3.00