HomeMy WebLinkAboutSANDSTONE 70 UNIT D2TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL co 81657 E7M79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: MO1-0173 Job Address: 909 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: UNIT# 2-D Applied.. : W/20/2W7 Parcel No...: 2103011t01008 Issued. . : W/24/200I Expires. .: O3/23/2ffi2Project No : Y\-d-- OlilNER MARDIS, ANN C. O9/20/200L Phone: P O BOX 2394 EDV{ARDS CO sr632 License I CONTRACTOR AVALA}ICIIE PLIMBING & HE,ATINGO9 /20/2OO! PhONE: 970-328-442I P.O. BOX 428 EjaGIJE, CO 81631 License: L97 -Yl APPLICAIIT AVAIaIICHE PLUMBING & HEATINGo9/20/2O0L Phone: 97O-328-442L P.O. BOX 428 E;AGLE, CO 8163 1 License: 197-M Desciption: INSTALL NEW BOILER AND COMBO AIR Valuation: $2,000.00 Fireplace lnfomration: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pelleb Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> WillCall--> 940. oo Restuarant Plan Review--> 910. oo DRB Fee-----------> 9o. oo TOTAL FEES--> s3.00 9o . oo Total Calculated Fees--> 90. oo Additional Fe€s---> 953 - oo Total Pemit Fee*-> PaYments.-=---> BATANCE DUE-> 953.0O $0.00 953.00 s53.00 s0.00 Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMEM O9/2L/2OOL cdavis Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond:. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 70r- oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BIDG.): IIiISTALLATION MUST COIIFORM TO MANUFACfURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UII{C, CIIAPIER 10 OF,TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIAIICES SHALI-., BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AIID SHAIJL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLYWITH GIAPTER 3 Ar{D S8C.1017 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOILERS SmIJL BE MOITI\ITED ON FL,OORS OF NONqOMBUSTIBLE CONSI . UNLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOT]TiITING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FT,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERIIIIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHAIIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO Alr TNSPECTTON REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHAIIICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIAIN BE EQUIPPED WITH A EI.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR .'_"-:.::::::i_i*:Tl3l._Ti;.- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the in{ormation requtued, completed an accurate plot plin, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, io comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivisi,on codes, design review apprqved, Uniform Buildurg Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. SIGNA AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE f t*tf l****l**'i'l'}******'l'l{.***'t'}'l*+***'l*+*****{r*r}'}*l*'}***+*****t**'}'}***t'}*t'l+*f lt't'll*t'l *t't*'}** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Suemeni 'i'}t'3'tf tlttltrlt't|}++!t'il+*'|'|ll+****l+''+*+lf *l*ltl'|'ltl'l**t++*t{!'lr!i+t**'}*l*'}:r'}l{t*'t{t*{.*'ll+'t!t*tt'}'}l{t gtatement, Nuniber: R0OOOO1423 Anpunt: $53.00 09124/2O07-O8:41 All Palmcnt llethod: Check Init: .IAR Notation: 3953 Perrftit No: XO1-01.73 Tlpe: l,lECHAllICAL, PERI,IIT Parcel IIo: 210301401008 61te Addreee: 909 RBD SAI{IISTOITB RD VAIL' r'ocation: It'rr * 2-D rotar FeeE! gs3.o0 This Payment: $53.00 Total ALLI PtnEs: 953.00 rf ,* +{r**r*i*i*r{r:rr{trrr**'r*,r*rrr,,*t'r*+'r{"t***!t'}rtt't'r'tf **'r:t*"*****"***lil*Xlli************il;13."-- ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code oescriotion Current Pmts MP O(I1()OOO31113O() IIECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAI CHECK FEES t{C 00100003112800 Wttt CALI INSPECTIoN FEE 40.00 10.00 3.00 BulFing Pcnnlt#:- ttl*-hanlcal Permlt#: TTMI{UYAL 75 S. Fmntrgc Rd. Velf, Gobndo 81637 Permlt will not be acce@ wltlrout the following: tfi-wru+36plJr[Ero: 0-w3 v I ilahrlals) *Jobt{amel( 0_r ,,4-_ .s^4ds-ier\.L -/O 'oooojT'? n &J vJth*Pl e- n legal Descdpdon ! roe I en*: I rimg,SuMivblon:ounerst{Einr,ffi Phone:Englneer:re Phone: ueulEd descrlption of wo*.t /r/./ ': ,- 'l fi n / t'_ --[ns*alt( fl€ a eot le( a-nc,l (t;rubn-*t f WorkClass: New() lOOtUon( ) nmaton( ) n+atr(vf Odrer( ) Does an EHU erGt at $b locadon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Blrlg: O Ho. C grOsilng Nqrrtry of Flreplrc Proposed: Gas ( ) wood Buming (Nor AtrowED) rrrr*******rt*******rt* *,t**,r F:/.u.ton /ftm/trrdrpclm YT r* ooFh Dcr[n Ranhru Bold (DRB) approyat if any of tfre msdt'ntcd soft wilt Inuohc Atwcxbdor uolt nlr houae a,rc ri-i,ot-'rhfred Errernoyat and rcphannent of ddyrwry snow mcltffifi"|}* oontlct a planner *--Zig-ztze berorc iuthrruns yor;;;hilrc;t pcrmtt Thc Taun of vall heo ado*ed $G 1998 rnHndonat Mdrantcrt codG (n{c) wffi $e 1997 Unflbrmttrdnnlcat Aode (UltC) i" iniceptaOli alien ratre. All ncw Gonstucton wlurln the Torrn of vrll ls omlrlered b De of unusurlly tie ht cofl*n c[on, ur'call oombugdon air ls requlred u Effifi'fiom outsldc ure strucurre tbr rnectanlcrl cqulpm€ngRetbrcnoerhe t99t uiic sa-t0r2. rn seFhmber o11991, tfie vell Torn oounclladoptrd an ordlnane whldr rsbhts h oorctrucuon arduse of opan heefllr firlPho€, urldtln munlclpdl oounoarrC.---sinoe thet Ume gre ordinane hrcutdqonc nunrerous chd,tge" "na t-iri*+ rtt t"g tfiilfumbq rc c,rncrrensc In addresclngtfte afr quafitt ircue. rtcnffi ttrl6-ffirn crtte]tl has bcgr adopbrr: + oomtrus{on of oDon hc!flfi u,ood bumlng llrcplaoes ls no longer pcrmltbd nrttfiln Town of vallmunlclpel boundar{ee. o DweNllng.!|ills - Eachnw dwr{llng unlt mry oontainl ,"J?.tilr=* PhtG n erd fitd ;id uiming fiyie and no rprc unn two (2) s,n appri.ne, OR Tr,o (2) els lo9 lfrcplaceo and no rmrc tlril tw (2) gar epptiance fhcptrces (B bent).o Re*4ctr4Dunf[nq]nlF - Each nGw rcstrrcb.r dvrdring unrt may contrrn:ottc (1) gas ]oe treptace ani non ilte tran one (1) gar eptance fircflae. o lccolllrlPdeflo_n unlts - Erch neu, acommodadon unit may ontain:(xre (1) 9as tog flreptee o, on" tfl io applane llrepfaoe. o rf two or mong sePnF dwclllng unlts or asnmodrtion unlts arc omuned b lbrm one tr,rgcrunit' thecombinci unllrnay-tcil" Jlilwooaurnlng firrpree(lf oneatrsrdyextctr) and no morrthan 2 gar apprfance nrepiiesJiiiii bnrcn up 6 tndcxr*ns firepraces ro gas. I fftlut{ng tftc courre.of t -lclllotlcl an utstfrry rfloodDurning llruptaoe b albld oilnorred, thc unttmGt tfisl omplt urt$ att pruttom;he 6rdila;A riiit il-h" frruprece musr b€ @nrcr*d bnrhlrlr gDr or rcpraccd tv ln epa-prrase rr edted un ?.l.'/rro,ry'htn tm.6pl|n a ) ,\ :i N q'/ c --+ a') =ssq gl c3 G\--s\s- \n 2. f\:q? \€ 3