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TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMML]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M00-0168 Job Address: 2773 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED L,ocation.....: 2773 KINNICKINNICKRD#D-3 COLUMBINENOR Applied.. : l2ll2l2000 ParcelNo...: 210314306014 Issued. .: l2l2ll200o ProjectNo : Nc'- Expires. .: 06/19/200I OI{NER MOORE, STEPHEN M. t2/L2/2000 Phone: 1232 BIRMINGHAM RD WESTCIIESTER PA 1-9392 L,icense ; CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPL,ACE & STOVE SHOL2/L2/20OO Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO I0443 License: 101-M APPIJICAIflI FRISCO FIREPI"ACE & STOVE SHOL2/12/20O0 Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO 80443 License: 101-M Desciption: INSTALL EPA COMPLTANT WOODBURNING INSERT INTO NON-EPA RATED WOODBURNING FIREPLACE. Valuation: $1.823.00 Firepfacc Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Ap,pliances: O # of Gas togs: 0 . . . . . . .t of- Wood Pe ct: 0 |'|'...|....li||tt*'t.',.'||||..'||'l..**lt*|**|'t|ilt|t|*:|:|**|i''..*'...|| Mecharfcsl---> S4o.oo Reshrarad Plan Review-> So.oo Total Cslcuhlsd Fo€s-> 553'00 phn Check-> S1O.0O DRB Feo--> SO.OO Addilional Fees-> S0.00 lnvestigation-> so . oo TOTAL FEES--> S53 . OO Total Permit Fee-> S53 - 00 Will Call-> S3 . oo Paymenls--> $53 .00 BALAI{CE DUrE-> S0.00 al'lll'laat*laa***'laItem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMnflI I2/!2/2OOO KrIARREN Actsion: No ROIITED TO CHARI-rIE FOR REVIEW L2/18/2OOO cdavis Action: AP see conditions It,eM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIEI-'D INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IA}TCE. Cond: CON0004518 laattllttlllttIraaltttt:r***ratattalaa DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town trdinmc€s mdstrte laws, mdtobuildthis strucune acccdingtothetovms z@ingmdsubdivisimoodes, d€sigtEti€'$'approv4 Unifcm Building Cod€ md olh€r ordinanccs of thc Twn aplicable lt€rcto. RIQUESTS FOn INSPECnON SI|AII BE MADB TWENTY-IIOUR II()(TRS IN ADVAIIS BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-213t OR AT oIJR OmCE ROM t:00 Altd - 5 PItd. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE 't,t't* *'i*+ +!t+* t t* lf t*,t,t* 'l * *'t* +***f +*'tr*i'i t*'*{tf | {t *'lt:lt* * t * * ** t**** * +!t*'f t '1.4t:lt't* +*!i.** * * * * **'l'lt* **** *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcprinted on l2-21-20fi) frI2222:10 l2l2ln000 Ststem€nt ***+*+*******:t'***'t********++*+*+!*!t******'r*******+*'|**********'|!t*****,1++*!*!t*****t'l'f+********* Statement Number: R000000295 Amount.: 953'00 L2/L5/2o0oo2:53 PM Palment. Method: check Init: Le Notation: i24246/Friaco Fireplace Permit No: !,t00-0158 T]4)e: Ii{ECIIAIIICAL PBRI'IIT Parcel No: 2103143 06014 Site Addresg t 2773 KINNICKINNICK RD \IAIIJ L,ocation: 27?3 KINNICKINNICK RD #D-3 COLUTIBINE NOR ToEal Fees: $53 ' oo Ihis Payment: $53.00 Total AIrIr ltnts: $53'00 Balance: $0.00 * ****'i't******'t***t,*'*{! *'trtr***+:t***+******!t**'}*{' *'**{t '|t'l:l*!***** * +'lt+***{tlt '} ***** * *****!**{'*+ **** *+'*!* ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113()[) MECHANICAL PERM]T FEES 4O.OO pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 10.00 t,lc ()()1OOO()31128OO MLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.()O \l^n rtEd) 12- /E- cto No Pqs* rowN oF vArL coNSrRUcroN peRutrxppLrcAtot tdRft0'olt'8 INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETf, OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contactthe Eagle County Asse$sors Office at 970-328-8640for Parcel # Pdrcel# e)r)L,J q\ Oro O/4 Building ( ) Legal Descri6ion: Lot Plumbing ( ) Block Owners Name: Jasort Drlooa€- Address: Architect: Number of Dwelling Units: I Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Job Address: Electrica.l ( )Mechanical )Q Other ( ) Filing Subdivision Repair ( )Other ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Description of Job: .r.;noiqlosfrd rr ol a PA. ('OmP/irrnT \.r li/^LplAce, ' ,'qpqnc<te Work Class: New ( ) Alterarion t/l Addidonal ( ) !) WoodlPellet X BLIILDING: $ PLTJMBING $ Gcsd.-gss!@$ Town of Vail Registration No Elglrical Contgplg: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Resislration No. OTHER: TOTAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Mechanical Contractor:Address: Torvu of Vail Registration t'to. / O t /4 Ynone * _!J 9_;(oUL37 t" o FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: 1.S Dare: tl-J urlco VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $MECHANICAL$]-Ts,-F- wlv oo- Sectd S?ec gtre* €ran fn scrr6 F.hDoe'Og l€6t } 'i p+i v:TUE 03:.hani)Ec-i2-2000 15 PM FROM:FRISC0fIREPLACE FAXr19706685506 PAGE 1 q 0 - Y-,{ &"Lu",a 2}11a t4 u*ha_l .6ou!v loa.ez<l _/,,0_( cJUl '4:rtu gfr;so F;,ry LOPI WOOD INSERTS r Ileer o$ur(eai-d Vood) fftcicncy OSQ) 'Modmum:Burtr I;u ' l IlNbox Sltc U*llntim to8 Sie. NSWER 7,3 5/6', 20y4. t61'n' 3" 11 l4' 6" ' 65,8OOB1tJ'efft 7096 ' . 6bgndur 1,6 c\btc ItL l8'. REVERE '24"t/4 L9 3/4'* 23 VE', l0'. 13 l/E'. t,9 CnrnUtr 1,200 to 2,000 Sq. Ft.. i?i{00 BIU'64.h, 70.4X t o 10 Houc 2.2 6rbic h 18 ',l FREEDOM 29 t/4 213/4', 20 tn' 7' (Boy! 5/s' 00 , i 13 l/2'GIt)/187/t.', Fl) o tl6- h Yt6' PlnE Steel 4t5lh. (Body) 3.2 Grar&/i{q 1,200 to 2,2t0 Sq.It,. (nxurdcd) 1,200 to 2,000 Sq. It,. (tlush) 73,300.011J'!/Hr 71.1% l0 b 12 Hou$ ?.9 cxblc 8t , FREEDOM EAY 4i3/4', 215/4' 20ltz' '434" . 153/4 6" tA6" 10 Yl6' Pli,c s{oel 1701b!. (Body) 2,6 Grrnu/Hr, 1,200 lo 2,250Sq, Itt.. 74,300 Bluvtlll 709, l0 b l2 Eorlts 3,1 Cnbtc $t. ?l.1 5/16" to Yl6' PleG $teel 6" t/16" lo Yt6" Phtc sted lbs. (Body) .380llr: (8ody) E@ A = I{rcboi hp h Mmdc \Virh Mnnde Shield . B i nryhorfrp,to,Ioplidru . Ind.U{i&$itld, , , ' C = Iirtbor $de to $lrtc Pnclng l. ttnbo+stdq tostilivdll ; 8"r8" 10"tx10" , , .1 12" x 12" !.tsIt(ZC) t,n' u w lvA1?', , l2l,M , '. ,lVA 9W" 12" 13" 30', 28 r/4', lt x 40 lA''. V '30 1/4''Hx44 1A" V N/A 30 l/2', 2422v2', N/A ?gtn 12. z0v2' . ' .N/L'13" 12', $" 30" , Uricndcd 1r" 30' 1rw,' l<n lv $!nrt Pl|!phs. MituJfl'y Mdrl(ZC)Fn6ttl'.c lllt{l||.(Flr.ph$r, Ilurh 20" t{/A 20" . .' IVA.' BN'1t,, : ?t' 19" 30:' 17. nln" 15, n 'Jiillno** li:,IfiP. 'B-li{toltiru6&pft ' '. I31n'' l4!nt' It = Mfnlmun lrcnt Wddr n rn" 25 5/8" . C - Urnrnurn ncfrVtat B 5t3' 25 itg' H . Minlnum tlri&ht 20y4' 203t4" 131/8" 1{ rE'24v4', 26u4', 2r5/8't nrn;r9y4' rgyf', 27 Y4^ tlxt,0ln"vl 293/4'Hl.44m'tV 3lY{"Bx48[A'v B rn' 18 ?/8"2gu4- 29y4' zllt{r .2lll','2ry4" 2t3t4'. 29ln'Ur45lts'Yt 31 ln- Hx49 Y8'v 33 l/2'Ilxt3Y8"v r5314': 29 rl4', 2rv4. tl Iar 291,n"Ux45W"w 3l m"Hx{93/E'v 33 1/l" lI x 51 1/8' v Idb,ts,'6 l"t.l, lNffi ffi yfi A"Lt f* ;ffi il *.l"iFil: Clearances to Unprotechd Combustiblos use this illuslfarion in conlunction wtrh rlle lnfofmallon under the "Cll6finc.3" hendlnB above. All fll.€places mus! ltavc B minirnutn of t6" of noncomb$5(iblc heflrdl in fronr of lhe LOP| Insefi and 8" lo lhc sidcs, slzlng Your Flreplace Use thi3 illug(ra.ion rn c0njunc(l0F wlrh rhe lfllofmalio;] undcr lho ,'Plreplace Slztng" nerdlng above Please use C1e providcd chSrt on rhe riShr to narh down youl IlrcDlace dl,nenslon; 'l'hls wlll asrirt you in dclermining lho righl Your Flrcplace Depin fronr vr'ldlh Bqc r Wldih H. l.leight LOPI ln3eff Fot yow iLreplsce