HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 VAIL SPA UNIT 321LAh }* 10-17-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 35 4:16 om Vail- CO'- City Ol - Requestgd Inspecl Date: llednesday, October 18, 2006 lnsoection Area: CIA Site Addrsss: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VAL SPACONDOS UNIT321 A/P/D lnformation Activitv: 805-0329 Const Tvo6: Ou;rier: M. R. VAI Aoolicant BLUE Rl\ Cohtractor: BLUE Rl\ Descriotion: VAIL SPANbtice: OIJTSOU Tvoe: A-MF Sub Tvoe: AMFOccupahby: U'se: llA Status: ISSUED lnso Area: GIA )RRIDOR HAS IN ADDITION TO Comment ROUTEDT( Comment New Master Requested lnsoection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final 3stor: BLUE RIVER L(rents: will call (970) 38 rd To: GDENCKLA' Requestor: BLUE Cofiiments: will c€ Assioned To: GDEI'" Action: Comment: TFIFI Item: 30 BLDG-Framino 01l12lOO-lnspector: cdi Comment: Elebtrical rouof 01120106 lnsoector: S+ Phone: 970-453-7639 Phone: 970-453-7639 PLAN REVIEW FEE. - LCAMPBELL. JSUTHER Reouested Time: 02:00 PM' Phone: 970-389-5803 Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K firr<" n rD 4ut{'"'S -f-^t t'Li- Q ruur* hn o(<,/()//8/Oa Inspection Historv tlem:. 226 FIRE DEPT. NOTIFICATION10/05/06 Insoector: m\ Comment: locbtion of wall Heat detection Comment: Item: 50 Item: 60 Item: 70 Item: 90 Comment: LOG HOMES 389-5803 REPT131 Run Id: 5821 , 9.9;n20"#oo lnspec$on F?{ruFqt *Porfing eage ss R€quested lnspect Date: Wednesday, Septembor 20,2006 Inspeclion Area: SH site Addrees: ll9Jtbf 88ilBbB tT,Y,th A/P/D Information Activitv: E05-0307 Tvoe: B-ELEC SubTvoe: AMF Status: ISSUEDConslTyp6: _ Occupahby: U'se: Insp Area: SH Oivrier: M. R. VAIL 321 LLC Applicant: WILLYNN CONTRACTORS OF COLORADO Phone: (719) 836-0337" tNc. Contractor: WI_LLYNN CONTRACTORS OF COLOMDO Phone: (719) 836-0337 tNc. Description: ELECTRICAL FOR VAIL SPA CONDOS #321 REPAIR AND REMODEL Requested lnsoection(sl Item: 190 ELEG-Final Roouested Tlme: 08:30 Altl Reoueston WILLYNNCONTRACTORSOFCO/W|II Phone: 97048+2002 Coniments: Vail Soa #321AssignedTo: SHAHN _ Entered By: LTILLMAN K- Action: Time Exp: Inspection Histo Item: 1 10 ELEC-SeMceItem: 120 ELEC-Rouoh ** Aooroved *' _ 01/19/06 Inspector: eg ' ' Action: AP APPROVED Comment:Item: 130 ELEC-ConduitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.ltem: 190 ELEC-Final <rit n. t- A O lito d(aFLe- 7 lvnc , r t >f,u"l N/ t('o(CI (* t"''* !t (vl o t h,r n L- ^'n" r tre/^'J a Dtf'F^ Itv "VFp?5;,* S P'"-{{l'.- REPT131 Run Id: 5676 1.or-Joo#00 lnspec$on,Fe,{luFqt Reporting eage g Requested Insp€ct Date: IqesUay, October 17,2006 lnsoeclion Area: CG Site Address: 1787 ALPINE DR VAIL 1787 ALPINE DRIVE, LOT 39 A/P/D Information Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: W Comment: Comment REVISIONS SUBMITTED ADDRESSING STRUCTURAL CHANGES. ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION AND Activitv: 80$0090 Tvoe: B-BUILD Sub Tvoe: NSFR Status: ISSUED Const Tvo6: 101 Occuoahbv: 7 Obe: V-B Insp Area: CG Owrier: DANTAS BUILDERS INC ' Phone: 970-376-5444 Conlractor: DANTAS BUILDERS. INC Phone: (970) 37G5444 _ Applicant qANIAS BUILDERS; lNQ. Phone: (970) 3765444 Desiriotion: DANTAS-NEW SFR.'LOT 39Cominent: DRB set consolidated on 08.26.05 Comment NEW STRUCTURAL REVISIONS REC'D 1228105 ROUTED TO CHRIS G AND .E.E - JSUTHER COMMENT FOUNDATION REVISIONgSUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION. NO ADDED VALUATION. - Comment: REVISIONS SUBMITTED TO MODIFY FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATION WALLS TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF SOILS. ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION. NO ADDED VALUATION. - JSUTHER Comment: foundation modifications aooioved and issued on I 112"x11" sheets. - CGUNION Comment ADDITIONAL REVISION INFORMATION SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION-COLD ROOF DETAIL. NO ADDED VALUATION - JSUTHERComment Comment lefter attached to revised olan submittal. No number to fax comment letter. Called Mike Dantas 10:45 a.m. on 01i09/2005 and notifibd him of the conections required.fgr resubmittial. Requested new lower level architectural sheet and comolete floor area calculations. - MROYER Comment: Added 140 souare feet to the lowbr level. Additional fees due orior to release. Field and Ofhce set of plans are in Chris's'revision box waitino for aooroval from Plannino. Buildino has aooroved revisions. - MROYER Comment Revisions indicatingp^ew [o_o1.q@a at lbivest level (90 squafe feet, dr5060010) approved by planning; still Comment Comment lefter attached to revised olan submittal. No number to fax comment letter. Called Mike Dantas 10:45 a.m. on 01i09/2005 and notifibd him of the conections required.fpr resubmittal. Requested new lower Comment: REVISION SUBMITTED ADDRESSING STRUCTUML CHANGES TO THE ROCK RETAINING WALL. ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION. ELISABETH ECKEL AND PUBLIC WORKS. NO ADDED VALUATION - level architectural sheet and I Comment Added 140 souare feet to the Comment Qn 10-J92005 GC approved revisions. Structural revisions approved by Matt Royer the week of 1-9-06. - CoMMent: ILC SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO ELISABETH ECKEL - JSUTHER Comment: ILC to verifo heiqht conformance aooroved bv olannino - EECKEL Comment: LETTER FROMXRM SUBMITTEd ADDRESSING BIJILT CONDITIONS AND AN ERROR ON THE Comment FOUNDATION ILC SUBMITTED AIComment insoection reouest delaved until fric Comment: No Planninq final c/o is5ued until fo residence: 2)all utilitv boxes. etc. to sorinkler box to be c'onstructed at e cbmplete and final do may be issur item5 are comolete: 1 ) sewer p lted to match dtucco: 3) trim td r of residence for screehing. Ag no additional visit at that tihe. - -H ECKEL. site then. - d at west side of )nt door; 4) once item6 are Reouested Inspection(sl lnspection Historv Item: 502 Item: 503Item: 10 rNc Time Exp: ** Aooroved '*GCD ' Reouested Tlme: 08:00 AM' Phone: 3766111 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Item: Reouestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: + 7u>u F , v rfl fuf ''ov(PS+J,+J " """! !1/l at Action: AP APPROVED orks, to REPT131 Run Id: 5817 $' vAlL MOUNTAIN -r* ,,cond,:Naste.tbp.ti\ nrripirti, Siin.rorrr-rr,*rdl'linntr M*!L ggg? (6^*",-.,/ RESORT & SPA ,\arnott October ll.'20ffi To whom itmay concern; subjecc unit693/695 Perour conversdionwith Rys Olseo U Shcltering Sky, th following information was ncedod for Units 6931695: 1) The fan coil unit has been approved by the hotel management. 2) The chimney stack has be€n abandoned and is no longer in use. Any questionq please feel fiee to contact me. Robert Velasquez Chief Enginecr Vail Maniott Mountain Resort and Spa 715 West Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 P:9704794981 F:97M79-6953 F-mail: Robert.velasquez@rriott.com Ti5lVest Licrnshead Circle . Vail. Colorado 81657 . O70\ 476-1414. Fax (970) 176-1647 . rvh/w.v.1ilmarriott.com TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: EO5-0307 3os -oS a1 Job Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL SPA CONDOS UNTI 321 Applied . . : l2lffilz0f's Parcel No...: 210106317036 Issued . . : l2lDl2005 Project No : aqa65 'o x8 ? Expires . .: MlUlzW owNER M. R. vArL 321 r_,Lc L2/o6/2o0s 5151 COLLINS A\IE 1727 MIAMI BEACH Fr. 33140 APPIJICANI WILLYNN CONIRACTORS OF COLORL2/06/2005 Phoner (719) 835-0337 PO BOX 820 FAIRPI,AY colroRiADo 80440 License: 367-E COI{TRACTOR WIIJITYNN COIflfRACTORS OF COIJORL2/06/2005 Phone3 (719) 836-0337 PO BOX 820 FAIRPLAY coT_,oRADO 80440 I-,icense: 367-E Desciption: ELECTRJCAL FOR VAIL SPA CONDOS #321 REPAIR AND REMODEL Valuation: $4.000.00 Square feet lz0{J Elecnical----- > DRB Fe€----- > Investigation-- > Will Call--------> TOTAL FEES.. > $57. 50 $0. 00 $0. 00 $3.00 $60.50 ToNal Permit Fee----> S60 .50 Toal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-------- ) Paymems--------- > BALANCE DUE.-_--> $60.50 s0 .00 s60.50 s0.00 Approvals: Item: 05000 EITECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT L2/06/2OO5 SHAHN Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIflT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI'ICE. Cond: CON0007738 MAII{TAIN 1 HOI'R FIRE RATING FOR CEILING. PROVIDE FIRE RATED RECESSED FIXTT'RES OR TEIITS AS REQU]RED. Cond: CON0O07739 :-Hl-ll3P*-F-l.-|-#-r-*Il*?Ift;******".*t*t**}tl|lt+||*+i|:t|.:t*'':t|+*|i:i'lll:3*:t,|t+*.*'t+**+:**l*l*: DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accuraie plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto, PM. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,'R HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJ'R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OR CONTRACTOR HIMSELF AND OWNE}TURE OF ++++tl'{'**ltt+{t'l'l**!tt*t**+++'i+'t*****l+{r{'l'l'l'{'**l*fft*ttt***t}*****************************t**** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Staternent +*+*++'l'l{'****+++++*{'***r*****++**********++++t***t'**+**+++++++****************************ff Stsat.ement Number: R050002133 Arnount,: $50.50 t2/09/2OO5I0:20 Atrt Payment Method: Check Init: L,C Nora!ion: #L792/WLl-IyruL ::::::::::: Permie No: E05-0307 ?ype: ELECTRICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 053 - 1703 - 6 SiIC Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIIJLocation: \TAIL SPA CONDOS ttNTI 321 This Payment,: ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code 00100003111100 0 010 00 03112I0 0 $5o. so Descript ion Total Fees: Total ALL Pmte : $60. s0 $60.50 $o. oo CurrenC Pmtss EP wc EI,ECTRI CA]., PERMTT FEES WILIJ CAITIJ INSPECTION FEE 57.50 3 .00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) MVNWVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrica I C.ontractor: lrYlLuYNN za*rrzeeoes Town of Vail Reg. No.:3bz- €cylcadperson and phone #,st v7o-/tf-z&t/ h//LL t/OJrl e->Z- z+-ztsL-D3.t? E Q E-Mail Address:Fax#: YY)H;Wa,.-^ ,4 COMPTETE SQ. FOOTAGE FORAREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) AMouNr oF SQ FrIN STRUCTURE: lry 1 2DOSQFT-ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ ?OOO - Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name: DAN r €L lobMdress: 3?.-l vAtv gFQ cdNDc descriptionof work FVU.cc*t-g MA-/t{) p,&!Cz-C- 7H/3 o/ntn- WorkOass: New(") Addition( ) RemodelQ() Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior fi) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Typeof 8ldg.: Singlefamily( ) Duplex( ) Multi-familyfi) Commercid ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of AccommodaUon Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Alarm Exis[ Yes F:\cd6AFORM S\PERM lTS\2005\elcctical-permil2005.DOC REC'D DEC;f,,2005 t t t o o Amendrnent to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seryices shallbe in conduit (PVC) from he utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical disbibution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be rcadily accusible, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In mulU-family dwelling unib, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are exempt NM Cabfe (Romex) can be u*d only in single and multi-family dwellings net exceeding 3 sbris, Type IIM cannot be u*d in any building mixd widr Type A.B.E F.H,I,M &S oeupancia. Aluminum conductotssmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDEUNES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installati6n of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated plafform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriry that it will suppoft the added concenfated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet sbmped letter or drawing with this application.o If this is a remodel in a mulU-hmily building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required.o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one-line and panel schedules are reguired if load is added or distribution is alhred. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you baclc F:bdev\FORMS\PERMITSVOOSblcctbal-perrnitj005.DOC T.ilHI tv23n005 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P05-0185 3os osl"t Job Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: VAIL SPA CONDOS UNTI321 Applied . . : l2ll2l2$O5 Parcel No...: 210106317036 Issued . . : I2ll2l2ffi5 Irgal Description: -?RSOS -O\&1 Expires . .: 0f,ll0l2006 Project No : owNER M. R. VArIr 321 r,LC I2/L2/2OO5 5151 COLLINS AVE 1727 MIAMI BE;ACH FI_, 3 314 0 APPI,TCA}IT WARI,I SPRINGS HEATTNG & PIJUMB].2/!2/2005 PhONC: 719-395-3930 PO BOX 281 NORTHROP co 81236 License: 347-P CoNTRACTOR WARM SPRINGS ITEATING & pr,IrMB12/L2/20O5 Phone: 719-395-3930 PO BOX 28L NORTHROP co 8L236 L.,icense z 347 -P Desciption: VAIL SPA CONDOS #321 REPAIR AND REMODELADDING SHOWER DRAIN IN MASTERBATH AND MOVING DRAINS IN I.OWER BATH. Valuation: $4.800.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: ?'!# of Gas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: 2? # of Wood Pallet: ?? a**'t***:|*,t**'t*******:|*:t,t*,t*+*:r**:t'it ,tt:ta*a:t*:at *'.r*a*a:t****tt*ai*'t'*t***t, FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-- > g75.oo Restuarant Plan Review- > 90.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $95.75 Plan Ch€ck-- > 918.?5 TOTAL FEES------> 996.?5 Additional Fees------> $0.00 Inve$igation- > wi|l cdl--- > $o.oo s3. oo Total Permit Fe€---------> 596 . ?5 Payments-----------> $95.75 BALANCE DUE---_.>s0. 00 *,t|lt*++t*:}***,t.*********:|**|**ttt+iit|t|+t:|i++t*+1ii*+|++|'+*i,|.*|t|t***t||t|*********dl**t|i|++:f***{.**||*'|*******+,|.+***********| Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEMI L2/t2/2oos Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 l"*?f;J,;,,-lT.Tk?-,.lT:.t-l-:H..?*--*I*-}.TPJI*T**J9-fll"*9*.*T3*-:.o*?*-f:lg*lH*"*T********',i*{.,,*i.,.,}'**i**++++**,', DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fitled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is conect. I agree to conply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEMY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2t49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET {"1:}*ff***,}*******!t{'ff**t*l'*'*****t*i'{rt'}****tttt*lttt**+******+*****+**f+t*t****it************ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement++t+*'t*****t+'i'i'i*'l**ttl'{t*'l'}'tt******t'}'}*****+ttlllff++*l++tt**********************1.********** Statement Number: Palment Method: #s457 R050002147 Anrount: $95.7s L2/L2/2OO5O1 :38 PM Check Init: LT Notation: warm springs / ck Permi-t No : Parce1 No: Site Addres8 : Locat.ion: ThiB Payment: ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 0 01000031123 00 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P05-018s rype: PLIJMBING PERMIT 2101-053-1703-5 710 W IJIONSHE,AD CR VAIII VAIIJ SPA CONDOS UIITT 3 21 $95.7s Description Total FeeB r TOT I AIJIJ PMtg T Balance r $95.7s $95.7s $0.00 PLAN CHECK FEES PI,I]MBING PERMIT FEES WILI, CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE Current Pmta 18.75 75.00 3 .00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR Project #:oJ-'oY8 2 Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: V1/n o*,1 o n', *,, l"l i ^'t Olo-L,r*, Town of Vail Reg. No.:3{"-?Contact and Phone #'s: Ri .L 9 7c, 3y 9 45 '4q E-Mail Addressl ,,1 Contractor Siqnature: hv(;.l-J€fiJ^*o^^=- tl COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUilfBING PERMIT ([AbOr & MAIETiAIS PLUMBING: $$b ContaLt Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # rob Name:AR- i'.a, r ryil ?*.,*J.l Job Address: 4 rc w./r-,^rl,**\ cg-{311 Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: ow€aDTF'qel LLL llAddress:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: A/n}-^ cl -.*-- A'.-^t',U,L + .//,r; ^,. /-oi^-, i-f-*Ak Work Class: New ( )Addition( ) Alteration( )Repair ( ) other (!) Qe,rpJ) Type ofBldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (!i Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ********rr**r(*********r.**rr*'r**r.******rr**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********************t(************* Other Fees:Date Reeived: DRB Feest Accepted By: Planner Siqn-off: 4llv \WAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PE RMITS\PLM B PERM. DOC t --,.,noFC. 12 2005 t{L\ru ''- - li$ffi 0726t2W2 @T?vN0/F.vuIly , .!, }--al * HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest, Director, (9701 479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. 4. 5. 6. Was your initial contact with our staff immediate no one available ? slow lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? Was your.project revieared on atimely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? Was tttis your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ IUA Please rate the performance of he stafi person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overallefiectiveness oifte Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our seMce. t. 8. gEsT lJth't A\lfil,tsE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 : n0479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Permit #: 8054329 Job Address.: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location......: VAIL SPA CONDOS UNTI 321 Parcel No....: 2l0lffi3l7036 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: l0ll9l2005 Issued ...: ll/301?fr05 Expires...: 0512912006kgal Description: Project No...:P1 os-o(f, 7 OWNER M. R. VAIIJ 321 IJIJC 5151 COIJIJINS AVE 1727 MIAMI BEACII FIJ 3 314 0 APPIJICAIIT BIJUE RMR LOG HOMES IO/L9/20O5 Phone: 970-453-7639 4OO IVHISPERING PINES BRECKENRIDGE co 40424 Licensi: 835-B coNTRAeroR BIJITE Rr\rER LOG HOMES t0/L9/2O05 phonel' 970-453-7639 4OO WHISPERING PINES BRECKENRIDGE co 40424 License: 835-B Desciption: VAIL SPA CONDOS #321 REPAIR AND REMODEL Occupancy: R2,S2 Type Construction: It A Type Occuparrcy: ?? Valuation: $80,024.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplac€ Infonnation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Apptiances: 0 # ofcas l-ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 l.'t'ta'lltt'tl*:a,a:t:i:tl'a Building---- > S850. ?5 Resturrant Plan Review- > S0. oo Total Calculated Fees- > 6r,423 .2a Plan Check--> $559.49 DRB Fee----> $0.00 Additional Fees-----) S0.00 lnvestigation- > $o.oo Recreation Fee-------- > $0.00 Total Permil Fee----- > 5r,423.24 will Call---> S3.00 cleatr up Depoait----> $0.00 Payments-------- > 91,423.24 TOTAL FEES-------- > $t.423.24 BALANCE DUE--------> 90. 00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTUENr ]-L/3O/2OO5 CDAVIS Action: AP PER C.I.A. PLAI{ REVIEW COMPL,IAT.ICE TO RED-IJINE CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTT{EhII t0/20/2oo5 bgibson Action: AP IteM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Ll/30/2oos mvaughan Action: AP contractor shall aE sure spri$kler coverage is not affected. Fire alarm system shal1 be made to be safe as to prevention of false LO / L9 /20Os PAGE 2 **rN*****:1.*******rN*****rt**:t!*+:t!*:**rt******:t!t****'******rt *'f *!t tt***rf *,t(***!t**********{.**!t *****{(***{.*{.*t *****{.*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0329 as of I l-3G2005 Status: ISSUED :|t:|t**:f!t*:t*:t't,t*:t*******!t*'f*!tt,f*!t*,f*'t*'i*'f*:**'**:t'*:t*{.'!*********.:|.**,f***'N.'f,t*1.*:**:*****;*:tl(*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: l0ll9l20[.5 Applican* BLUE RMR LOG HOMES Issued: lll30/200r5 n0453-7639 To Expire: 05129/2W Iob Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL lncation: VAIL SPA CONDOS UNTI321 Parcel No: 210106317036 Description: VAIL SPA CONDOS #32I REPAIR AND REMODEL Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIRED TO cHEcK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALI-S, CEILINGS, AND FL,OORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:210 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. alarms. Replace smoke devices with heat.s.Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of *ris Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordirnnces ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ll IOVNuvYtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION W]LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS Bos-a Project #: oFv LDI IT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: k uE hue* @6 Hoilt') Town of Vail Reg. No.:?36'B Contact and Phone #'s: 770 " 7?0^ 76 3? Email address: {-ed e L/ue f}vtn /,o, lo^ts - (arr-r Contractor Signature: t"'4nd ]/*,a COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUTLDING:$ T3 .{ }t1 eE'ELECTRICAL:$ tctdo €OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ ifOC)MECHANICAL: $rorAL:$ Xtl eZ ? LY- For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ffiFOROFFICEUSEONLYffi 2to I 063 l'7 0 Job Address: 1,/... , I 51o .. C <" n z4,a;;.*,, a* <a I 11 t.o cil /. i ..., , /*'.J/ c,t. JobName: D c'n ir'l led description of rti- 4 2*rnr, Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (f) Repair (1) Demo (16) Other (' ) Work Type: Interior (!J Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (X) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : GasApoliances( ) GasLoqsk) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED Oocument2 05/20/2005 '}'i'i'i***r**+*t'l*l++***taa'}{'{'**+ff+++***'}*+*****r++*++*f+++ff+**+***+*****'}********t*'}++****{rt! TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statementr+*lt******a{*afaa*r**ff*taaa'tt***attttta+tt***lfaa*lf*******tr}t,lta****+ftfa**ttaaf***tttaat Statement Nuniber: R050002051 Amount: Pa)ment Method: Check RTVBR IJOG HOMES $1,423 .24 LL/3O/200511:55 AItl fnit: iIS Notation: Lo25(BJ-luE Permlt, No: 805-0329 T14)e: AI)D/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMIT Parce1 No: 2101-053 -1703 -6Site Addteaa: ?10 t{ IJIONSIIEAD CR VAIIJ Location: VAIIJ SPA COIIDOS Inf,tI 321 Total FeeB: iL,423,24This Payment z $t,423.24 Total ArrL pmtsE: iL,423.24Balance: $0.00***+'t't*******+ll+++t+ta****t*{r*+++**++l*l***+*lttf***************{r*****r**t**{'**f*'l+****t**t ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current Pnts BP 001.00003111100 PF 00100003112300 PF 00100003112300, wc 00100003112900 BUII.,DING PERT,TIT FEES PIJAI{ CHECK FEES PIJAII CK - proj ect GFPo12 WIIJJ CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE 850.75 279.74 279.75 3 .00 ll NVNnpww 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81652 APPLICATION WLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Bos:ailt BUILDIN ADeparare permits are required for electrical,umbing, mecha etc.t Project #: coMpLEIE !4\LUATIONS FOR BUILD|NG PERMTT & Materials 99jlDrrer T3 t|L/o.r ELECTRTCAL:g f0o0Y OTHER: $ PL(JMB|NG'$ ifOO MECHANICAL:$roTAL:$ f,C7 eZ / ,E- For Pargel # Contact Coun Assessorc Offc e at 970-328-8640 or visit rtr'*rrtr l r*r**nr* r***ltt r**r*. rr* 1r.**FoR OFFICE USE ONLyffi zto ! c763 t7 o JobName: D,.n;r,-l Job Address: l/x, I 5p.o C t''. t/tn,e,,r-.. l^) /,!-^-- /-, i r t .tt_ + U-"rk. l workclass: New( ) t|:1l!r|]!---_)Remodd(V) Repair(t) Demo(16) other.(, ) Work Type: Interior (kl Exterior ( ) Both ( ) TvpeofBldg.: single-famiry( ) Twetumily( ) Murti-fa;ilyt(l C"n"r""i.r t I n*taurant( )other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: t5- Gas Appliancls ( ) Gas Logs &) Wood/peltet ( ) Wood GasLoss( ) WoodlPe!! t( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED DocumenE I01,1/Nm Department of Community Development Project Name: ProjectAddress: This Checklist must be omoleted before a Buildina Permit aopliation is acepted. U o, pages of application is complete ,t Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form ,/a)dnao inium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex -/ etan Check Fee required at submittal for projecG valued over $100,000.00 (See attached F Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated --\/g,.Smoke detectors shown on plansa"' ll ci,= Construction Fee Schedule for calculaUons) *f Complete site plan submitted / Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) y' Staging plan included (refer to Public Work checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurli Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial Full floor plans including building sections and elevati remodeiladditions, 4 seB of plans for new SFR and Duple><, 5 sets of plans for eommercial Buildings) indow and door schedule ull structural plans, including design criteria (i,e.loads) SEuctural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection A*l Anl,hf td TVpe and quantity of fireplaces shotn I have rcad and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Date of submittal: Document2 Received By: 05t20t2005 ll mmtw BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning DeparUnent review or Health Departnent review, and a review by the Building:Department, the estimated time for a total review may take up to six (6) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howwer, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above menUoned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take up to six (6) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to oeedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must stillbay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Ro Eot. ^,4 u Print name ,-"';;=----- Signature Don i"'/ Date: /0- t 3- O s- Project Name: DocumenE 05/20/2005 WHEN A *PUBLT WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PTIASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTDNS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A ?UBLT WAY PERMT|": o Is this a new r€sidence? YES NOX o Does demolition work being perbrmed require the use of the Rightof-Way, easernents or public property?YES_ NO X a EI o Is any utility work needed? YES_ NO_X_ Are here any improvemenb being done b $e driveway ? YES , NO' X Is a dlfferent access needed b the siE other than the exbting driveuay? YES- NO Is any drainage work being done that affecb the Right{f-Way/ easernenE, or public property? YES NO X' Is a \,evocable Rightof-Way Permit" required? YES- NO l' Is the Rightof-Way, easenents or public property to be rsed for staging, parking or fencing? YES NOx If ansuer is NO, is a. parking, sbging or ferrcing plan required by Public Wor|s?YES_ NO v' If you arswered YES b any of these questions, a Yublh Way Permit" must be obbirred. ,t:,,.u Y ubllc Way Permif' applications may be obbined at he P ublk Workt office or at Community Development (a sample's atbched). f you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Worls at479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVE QUESNONS. o [? iu,.".- 2;u.- l"g t'/".,*-t ComPanY NameContracbr Signaure Job or Prcject Nane: DaE Signed:lc- 13, &<- Documena 05t20n005 APPLICATION FORTO\4{\i OFVAIL PUBUC WAY PERMIT 20_ I Parcel #: Bldg. Permit#: B tl ,-m Job Name Shcet Addr€ss (lf unknown call2. 479-2139\ Excavating Contractor Name Mail Addrcss TOV Contractor Liccnse Number - REQUIRED City State ziP Phonc # Start Date 4. Work is for (circle one) Other Completion Date Weter Sewer Gas Electrlc (Permit Expiration Date) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Accers 5. Trench-width l,ength Depth (min. a') Bond Amount $ Total SF $ Permit Fcc $ ALL MATERIAL, EQTJIPMENT, AND TMFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE TT{E JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out*iggers are required on excavating equipmcnt when working on asphdt. fuphalt surfaces undemeath the bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times. A signatwe below indicates a rcview ofthe area and utility locations and approval. Once all utility company signahrr€s are obtained , permlttee hes optlon ofrouting appllcatlon through the Public Works oflice to obtrh the neces3ary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one wcek to process. Xcel Energr / Public Service Company (l-80G922-1987) Xcel Enerry High Pressure { 1-80G9?2-19E7) Quest (l-800-922-1987) Comcast Cable (1-800-922-l 984 Eagle River Watcr & Sanitation District (97H7674E0, o<t. I 14) Holy Cross Elecric Company (l-800-922-l Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2 I 5 8) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CL,OSURES! A construction trstfic control plan must be subrnitted and approved by the Public Works DepamneDt prior to issuance of the permit. 9. All orcavation must be dotre by hand within 18" ofutilities - (Seirate Bill 172). 10. Pernrittec must contact the Public Works Deoamnent at 47G2198 24 hours orit)r to ccrmmencinq of work. Failurc to Noti& the Town will result in forfeiture ofbond money. Schedulcd inspections that ar€ not r€ady may result in the Town charging the contractor a re-inspection fee. I l, I certiry that I have read all chapt€rs of Tltle E - Publlc Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility Company agrecmcnts, signed by me, and will abide by the samg and that all utilities havc been notified as rcquired" Toal LF Total Peanit Fee $ 6. ., Confador's Signature of Agreement Print name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show street with names, buildingg and location of cuts. USE DASI{ LINES FOR CUT' Documene Date ofsignarure W}ite - Public Works Yellow - Contractor 05120t2005 tl MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of compleb bxt are available upon requet) CODE 5.2.10: DEPOSIS ON PUBLT WAYS PROHBITED o Unlawfitl deposib: Subject b subsection C fiereof, it is unlawful for any person b litEr, tack.or depcit or cruse b be litbred, tracked or depcited, sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewal( alley or public place, or any pottion thereof. o Notice; AbaEment The Directcr of Publ'c Works nny notry and require any person who violaEs or c.ruses another b violaE the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Direcb/s employment a peson who violaEs or causes another to violaE the same, bp remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt snow, ice or any oher debr's or material within tweng four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Direcbr of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, he Direcbr of Public Work, or otnr authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocls, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debrb or any other mabrial b be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the noUfied. B Sumnrns and Penalty: As an albmaUve b he notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violaEs or causes anotrer tc violaE the same, rnay be bsued a summons b appear befure tre Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hercunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o l{o6ce and Penalty: It b unlawfr.rl for any person b fail or refuse b comply wi$ the notice of the Direcbr of Public Work as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by tre Direcbr of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being tuund guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of $'rs Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1AND 7-3A-3: PARKII{G OBSTRUCTING TRAFFT & IMPOUNDMENTAUTHORZED o No peron shall park any rchicle upon a sfeet or at any oher place within th's Municipality in such a manner or under such condiUons as b inErfere Wth the free movernent of vehkular'trdffic or proper street or highway mainEnance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehkle atEnded or unatbnded, sbnding upon any portion of a steet or upon any phce within this Municipality in such a manner as b constituE a violation of any section of this Article; or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presunEd to be abandoned under the conditons prescribed by Colondo Revised SbUEs section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the veh'rcle b be removed or ca6e it b be removed and placed in sbrage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designabd or maintained by $is Municipality, and the charges for bwing and sbrage of such vehicle shall be charged br the owner of Ure vehicle in addiUon b a En dollar ($10) impoundmentcfnrge. (Ord.2(1968) 5 3: Ord' 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code prorririoos: i-. ,. n13., g. ,. -.,/ .] Print Name .- >-'- _,.--. . Position or Relationship to Project: Em{Egned: 1C. t3- t? 1-05/20n005 ll Vail 2004 Vail Village and Lionshead Village Construction Hours lnformation Handout Problem Statement The Vail Village and Lionshead Village are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy everything the Vail Valley has to offer. The community and merchants rely upon our guest to generate revenue. Our summerArinter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the community and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to creale and implement the Vail Village and Lionshead Mllage Construction Hours Handout. It would be inesponsible for the Town of Vail, the Construcfion Contractors and the Merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the.impact of construction in the Vail and Lionshead Village areas. New for 200+2006 will be the Vail Village Streetscape lmprovement Project. Work to Include all utility related improvements, streetscape, drainage, snowmelt systems and landscaping. All Gonstruction projects and/or remodels within the Vail Village Gore Area should contact Scott Bluhm Town of Vaif Streetscape Coordinator at970477-3418 for further information. Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by which construction will be completed in the Mllages: r The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times. r Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery, vehicle, and emergency vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained, o Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dirt and debris. r All construction deliveries, equipment, tools and materials entering the Vail Village and Pedestrian areas must go through Check Point Charlie. All Lionshead construction activity must go to the Vail Police Departmentfor a parking permit. Do not use delivery zones for construction parking, refer to approved staging plan or make other anangements for parking. il_,,, r The hours of Outside Construction Rciivity shall be as follows: - Aprill5 -June 18 & SeptemberT - November 19,7 a.m. untilT p.m., seven days aweek, June 18 thru September 10, work must end by 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. November 13 - April 15, 2005 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Bridge Sbeet. - Special Construction delivery permits must be requested in advance, from Public Works in conjunction with Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Chadie. - No construction activity shall occur on Saturday or Sunday between June 19 and September 5. - No outside construction activity shall occur on the following dates: DocumenE 05t20t2005 ocT. 11.2005(TUE) i4:19 EA6T ?{EET REEOFTS i 97A 949 93i6 15 HigLlmds Irn P.O, Bq54E0 BcorgGrokRorct Avur,fi) 81620 wytv94t}',ml rx 970-94$,5526 Em;WnsTREsoRTS rlAvIr clIEl OchDcr 11,2{X}5 M.R- VailS2l IJ.C 5l5l Oollioa Avcnuq Suitc IZZ? MiamiBesch,Fl- 33140 Rc: Vail Spa Condominiufii #321 DcqlMn Vail32f. r am wdting to confr tbd fr! v{il sp. hmhirm BordofDirrclqr gove tborroovdimr Fopnd ftr Fur crndo,ninft-ri Uuit #21, h spaordncc wie fi; eitb eobnitFd. Eccau* ftir projot- b rtre ftt'trN tbc Aerocidim'r oum cocmctio nryh yqr sE ,Equfuld o .pmvido a dgd ldatrdfdryr Agrc@eat, Drovidd proof ofinnuanoe oa ilinc tar p*contrcffi cdpErlls wnb 6E Ar'ocldim'e cmtactc and oqlier wi& tb rllosidinn'rregulaior cmcming cortsrgim rctivity. }t |gi*^ ir in rccaip oftu toiod copy of your elgnad lnd!trtriry Agrrcurr Sra ryprccean pr pro'irthgoy r,l4itional dmrmadim E.i$dc4 d to* tnru sc@rldcsfun wi6 pu coeacor. ffi:"'^g Oencd ltfaflag.r, m be,balfof 1te Vtdl Spa Condominiru Anoairtim PA,C=.2,/2 t- Oct 03 2OOS 8: 4l RFl FHMILY ENVIRO 3032S21451 September 27, 2005 RonBosanko General Mail Leadville, C,olorado. tO46 1 RE: Vail Spa - Unit 321 - Asb€stos Sunpling& Results Dear Mr. Bosako: As requested, Family Environncutal Conpliancc Services, Inc. conducted an asbestos sanpling ard inspection at the abovc refere,nced location- The pu4nse of the sarnpling nlas to document whd msterials may conain asbestos prior to any scheduled demolition or restoration to the tmit. Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. reviewed the analytcal rcsults to assist the project manager in dsveloping an abatement straregl bdore any deurolition or rsnovation activities could mmmence. The following table is a summary of orn findings, NFNonDetra NA=Not Aaabrzed p.2 3650 Choctnul Plaao ' Denrror, Colondo 8O216 AIHA (PAT) phom:303-256-6D22 . Far3O3-292-1451 . E-maihFamilgEnviro@eol.com .PRoFlclEMT- N\dAfl Semple Nunber Drt?Dcscriptinu Vail Spa - Unit 321 PIJlr ncarlt3 iffiwtffii:. ND321-SMW 1-l 09n?n5 Surface mrtcrial on thc rrall- kitchsn *all 32r-SMW l-z 09n3n5 Srrfrce material on frc *all- kitchea wall ND 321-SMW l-3 wtzSlos Surfrcr matarial on fte wall- baserne.nt b€&oom clos€t ND 32I.SMW 2-1 wn3n5 Surboe maerial m the wrll- sairvell rrall l{D 321-SMW 2-2 wntrcs Srrfrce material on fte wall- stairwell wall ND 32t-SMW 2--l 09D3tO5 Srrhoe msterial ol the wall- buift in entetainmt rysrrt ND 321-TJ I 09n3tos Tapc joint compound- kitchso waU ND 321-TJ l-l o9I23los Tmc joint co4ou44: kitc!€n -EalI ND 32r-TJ l-l 09123los Toc joint compornd - bascnt€ot @@otq c!o6€t ND VLAP LAB @DE:2btlc{) Oct O3 2OO5 8: 41Flf1 FFMILY ENVIRO 0r"??-?001 00:004I tl0U'hrlyiisr 0roup cllenC, Srnily EnvlroDttren bal Coopliancc ?roJ ec!, ID; VriI 8Pr lrttit fl 121 +t 0r18!125r 3032S21451 p. s T-86{ ? 001/001 F-ll7 i tZrai PerursY1vanlr sErG'E ThornEon, Cololado 80241 (303) {69- g€68 (8OO) e?3 - 8? d? Faxi (303) a69-E25{ IJGN I ! 5 tzl.I Pagc; I o! ! 2!- Slfi,l l-2r 321- sl,lt{ 1-2 tAl !213)1299s 09l23l2oo1 teruLs! ot !I't{ +nrl'vris ! Sernple Mrrrbrr : 33.];fW-JI:- AEbclgitorm MLnerrls r 321=s n 1-1 3 21- Slrt^t l-2r rB! l2l -sFIw 1-l -----------... -C--..- f.4:SUC-g--ral -90 .0 l ---; AtloStEC Ant,hophyl I i. Ec chryaoE i le Crocidolite Trcmollte-AEElnoIicc rOTAL ASBESTOS O Oelrc! Fibrous l{dEerlals: Tfi: '0 0 0 ll--9-?0.0 rulglrs oF Euur rEllsros s!E!!F +!+IEIii-EI -DoErlrzp &rctt! urcnoseoPr (D s.8pl. De EeliD-tlca! garnple Nunbe,F SahPJe Date 3ZI-SIltl{ 1-tr 09/:?7 | 20ns 32LS!4d_l:!__I4L- oe/4!/2oOS I2r- sM!{ 1-l lEr or/i3/Z'os sGlvtrCOt,Inc De6criptlon lbrohrn/$h ila drvsrall l , lubile mud und€r nhica FaiDtl Surf ac. nrlte rlal I2 D.rts'l tbrown/ulrlto drvwalll ' E t imrs 1e.E!-lsi@,9sl9 F{blous GIa36 cclluloce 6ynchct ics Othct t Percen! Nqtf ibrour Haq erial . conPoEit€ ihrlyEi r 6r.0 30.0 (NrlEiliygled samPle' aco 10.0100 individunl LaY€r 53. 0 analyco!). ,\r,!1ysE Date: 09/26l20!5 Oct O3 2OOS 8:424M FRMI LY ENVIRO 0r-t?-1005 0lr00All Fn0tFAntlrtiG| GrouP Cllent : fanlLy Eavirstacntal CoNPlirnps sarvlcGr'I'tc Proj ecE rDr vail sFA ttnlt il!21 3032921451 p.6 +3031691151 T-t5{ P 00r/00t F-117 | I 12109 Ecnnbylvrnl'e SEteet-riornton, boloriao 8oz.bt (!ol ) r6 9- S8b I lB00| s73-8?p? Faxi (303) {69'5254 L,GN : 3 51211 Page r 2 of 'J 3aropl!--D-!-ge-ElEllQnl. sa$ol6 lnrlitbeE 321-8MH r-2 rAl 31 r - Stiltl 1-3r- @ 321-SMM- 3 IAI 321-Sl'lW 2-1' SrBels-le!! DescriDtion ogl23/2}Og Lwhite mud under vhlle oainb'l - : ogl21J2oo1 Surface rnateriaf 12 oqrEll , ' oglz7/zoos lbrourn/wlrihg drvuaLl] ' ' Ogl2fJzoos tuhicc mu,r under trhite.oaingl = og/23/2o1g surfacc Fet,erial 12 Darlcl . , sampls tvurnber: 121-SMw 1-2 321-SMil 1'3' lBl Asbestif orrn Minerafs : AnoEl.be 331lIl'L.3- :2t:st4lt-L3- 321 -suf, 2:l r tAl lBl . AnEhophyl].i te Chrysot I la CroctCollre lremo li tE -ActinoL ice TOTNL ASBESTCS O OBhcr pibrous j.,lggqri als ; Fibrous Gla8s Cel1ulose gyTlt hct i E! 0Eh6r: 9arcGnt Norrfibrous MaLerlal r Conpo3itc analysia 0 _9_ Le.0 60. o -g!--a- indlviduEl laYer ,100 analysesl . -.--.-..------i:- i 18.0 i .-------- -!2-._0_:-1oo a?.o (ault{layered sarr;:lc. lac Analyst D.Ee: 0912612009 Oct O3 2OOS 8:4241'l FRI,I I LY ENV I RO 0&e7-e0!l 0f :0lltl FR0ll-lnrlytin Group 3032321r+51 ,:, 130t46e520{T-t5{ ? . 001/000 F-: l? , tztoi P.orrsylwenLa strqst' Thorncon, Colorado 10141 (303' 46e-88q8 (400) 873-8?0? Fal.: (301) 459'S254 REsttLtS oF utr,r AsDtgfo9 SAI@II rrAltstS BY Cllent: farnitry lnvlroruesErl cdPlirac' Se"!tls'3' Inc ErojeCE ID: Veil SP. ullt lt2r IJCf,! | 1312t1 Erga: 3 of Eelple Duorl'otlonr Sanplc Nuiibgr 3Zr-sMtl 2-1 [Al L2l-St'ar{ 2-l IBI @ 321-SMl,{ 3-3 - sanple DaE€ 09 /2112005 921J112!95 09t23I2o,!s 09 / 2t l_2.eo5 09 /zt | 2005 De s crbtion lblornr/rthite drvval Il , . ' ' twhlEe wud under blue rainrl Surtace matarial fwhitel Taoc ioint f2 parLsl I n.eult! of D&!t lnrlvlla t garnplo Nutrber : 321'sHw 2-1 lAl Aabessif orn l{incrltre : ArnoElt! AnthoFhYIIiEeghtysot 1Ia Crocldolite T!enol l Lc-Acginolltc TOTAL ASEESTOS O . other f i.brous Dlaterialr : 121- s!4tf 2-1 &r-uw aa lal Pibrous clacs Cctlulose Synthc lies oEher I PorccnE Nontibroua Matcriel AnalysE g.-9- 3 21- 9ll!0 2-f -L@-- gnalyeeel , l -0!--9-i- 0- -j- . conpollta uraly! i 9 J-g-s- -lp-s-(Ifiultll.yered ssrq:Ie. see 100 lndiviatual IaYGr i gaEc r 92l2!.t-200s 0ct O3 2OO5 8:42F1'{FRI.l I LY ENV I RO 3032921451 P.8 T-r5{ | .005/008 Fl l? : 121c9 Fennsylvania St ract Tholnson, color.do Eoztl (303) ^69-e466(8ool 9?3- S7 0t Faxr t303 ) {69 -52J{ LlGlt: 3 511tr1 Page i { of , 01.el'2005 0l:0lAll Fi0ll'lnrlvlica Gtoup +3031695e54 Cf,ianE: fr[tly svlscrd'airt CodPI l6rrc€ s'rvLcaa' IDc Project, rDr vall spr unlt *321 sarFlc.DclcEiDtlon: CE@&_Nurnber 321-TiI 1'l tAl 121-.fJ 1-1 tBl , t21-tJ 1- 2. s?l-rrr r-a (A) 9SE1/]-995 321-r.r 1-z rE't , 92lall20os, leeultE of PI.l( LarlvllEt sanPle Nuitber I l2r-fJ 1-1 lF'l A8b€!llEoln Mlncralc : Amosi t c lntshophyllite chryao! I Ie Crocidolitc Trc ollre-Act lnolica r!TAL ASEESTOS O othe! Flblous Materi'al,t : Dis=r::=:c; !b!own/white di.vwal l I slnple D+bo 99l2\l20D6 09 | 2312003 09 / 23l2oDs 321-TJ 1-1 tDl 3?1-TJ 1-3r 321-TJ r-2 lA) 321-r'J 1-2--lEI -s--9- 18.0 0 -a- g0,Q,_Pibrous Glass ccl luloEc SlmthEtic! other: FGrcent N0nfibrous Mat crial r compo6tEc rnrlYsli l!.-9-- 1 A.| (riullilaycred aamPle, sec -91-.0-- indi.vldual Ilyer rq. 0 analysos) ' 19.0-- AnafYEE I Dare: 09126 | zao:' tbr€wn/nhite, dryrtal I I ' ' Oct O3 2OO5 8:43FFl FRFIILY ENVIRO 0-Fl7-?005 0e r0lAll FRSFlnrlytlor t roup 3032S21.151 p.S +t0t1tet25{l.tta P.00t/008 Fl ll 12rE; Pennsylvania geleic Thornton, colorado 80211 1303) 459-9868 t8001 s?l-€707Fax: l! 011 a 6 9-525{ LGII: 3 512L1 Drgr t 5 Ot rD SLLTS OE.BULX .A5EFSEOS SllDLE !|rr$I8IS BI ror.axrzlD l,lcllf lfrcroseoFv tPrfll lsarll' cdlDliracG ssr'lc.!,trncC1lent: lanlly bviro Prol ecc ID: Vail 9Pr ltbtt ll32l s S |trrp].c Dalcalptlon; Samolc Nunber 4 32l-T,J t-l tAr ]zr-tJ tr-t [El 32r-rJ :-3 lcl_-- Ejrmplc Dal e 09l2t / 2009 og/2!;2oo3 gf,tittzoos 09 t,23t 200s n,Frults DE Plrlf ArrrlvEis ! viBurrl Arle E6EtmaEionI PercentslqE6 DeBcctcd sanolcNuriber|321.TiI1.]r321-TrTr-]rAl32r.TJr.3lEl]2I.TJ1.3tcl ABbaBtiform Miaerals: At'iloFite Anthophyllite clrryso e tle CrocidoLite T!cmol i L€ -AcEinolitc rolAIJ ASBESTOS -e__Og.bef Fibroue Mat oti al t i Fibroue GIaE6 c€I1uloEc Synthrt Ica othcr: perecnc Nonf ibroua Matarial r CotlPoslt,e analYs i s -_q- 7?.O -9!.-0.- J_E-_Q__* 1o.o (nnrlE iJ.ayered aa|I[:le, tec -_s- <+.:- 98, 0 individual laYcr 100 anrlycec). : : Detar 09126120\5ANsIYEt ., November23,2005 Chadie Davis Chief Building fficial, Torn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: PROJEGT: PLAN REVIEW: ADDRESS: Danial Remodel #805-0329 710 W. Lionshead Cir. ffi21 J,: 1. Plans: a Dear Mr. Davis: Colorado Inspeciion Agency has completed a review of the following documents: 7 - sheets stamped by the architec{ Th0se documents were reviewed only for their conformance to the provisions of the 2003 Intemational Building Code, 2003 lntemational Mechanical Code, 2003 Intemational Plumbing Code, 2002 National Eledrical Code, and 1998 ICC/ANSI A117.1. Colorado Inspeclion Agency finds the documents submitted to be complete for construction and ready for issuance of the building permit. Please see attached conditions of approval. Matthevrt Royer Building Official Colorado Inspection Agency Sincerely, Enclosure Conditions of Approval: a. Construction of this project may cause a change from the approved set of plans. Any changes from the approved set of plans may require further review by the Town of Vail. b. Construction staging, material storage, construction debris removal and sanitary facilities were not part of this review. c. Compliance with all Town of Vail Codes and Ordinances is required and approval of these documents does not supersede any of the Town requirements. d. Lower level shower must accommodate a 30' circle. Shower as shown may be slightly small. e. Master Bathroom lavatory needs 21" clear between the lavatory and the water closet.f. Guards inside the unit must be 42" in height. g. All wall, floor and ceiling penetrations must be sealed with an approved firestop. h. Add smoke alarms throughout.i. Non-Combustible construction must be used. uoorj u3ddn cNU_SrX3 oovuo]oc '-ltvn Jo N/v\ol- rze # l.tNn vds -]rvn 3CN3orSlU r3rNVO 6C9L-e9t -OL6 rztoa 03'300lllN3r33lj€l I t6Z XOE| 'O'd s3noH 90r uillu 3n.1s ll oo 'F- +N =m=Sor.:r^i:oOQAs{ \ I \ ( t \ ( I I EJtrlpq ctzE(J l!tf IJ =-J E C) aec s'F$ \_- lsJ e--U g\hF B €?-{ra*=Y\4^J E \c=a-d IIHZ\EfJ,,F< 1|'.(,9*.< trl O-L! (J >- -<F-l-"UELLF r ,i\fy ce3 (r, a sl s\:l-l €o ato -E= P r E<a 6 c-E ..t, E'- E-Es:&P '=<oO =:>6€ o (f, cc |II odAo lz Y= 9.6S5e t5z. z. t.f E:>E;{E __J U o6(,)E8.rCxB.5.ErE!t-oF;(tl=ao3=t86 #te=E€E*E ffiffi EEuFtrlm u LJ o? t rJ 9u I i., Ffr. z,>P I tt EE9Z EEo6 EBFC EE Eqtaecto ieE @ /) u. t'--a ,/ /gt zIJ-(J F \Z @\ ('\ \u('i7I s)I i4i.\ 3{,' EoI lY{/ t{ '5& I n-' .- dffi")'; lkp'.t >F '({ I >rt \h J-+v(r $l $$*r ulzo o 2tio e 0r ? F ttt.,) J "ot, X R! .rha5zo< t: $c(.f ,. I -rl $s|ll \n'd q\ c(I \ ln & fl b tl + LIJ a )b N \.vrs\"\ N N t N )";l N ..\- t(Jz u.Fz. TJ v,/ vz \.-,7 \'t'4..0 "d...\* \* \* Jt J d! E \t: E\,\qa \L i4--gQ\s6"sF*s E 4DdE & 9yrd$:.:33trsJt dltr 2 f,'':r nD '\,<\F\n uoo-]j u3Mo-] 9NuSlX3 oovuo]o3 '-]|vn Jo NMoJ- rzc# rrNn vds .]lvn 33N30rs3ll -]SINVCs3l/\oH oo-1 ufdtu ,3n-'la r 162 xoe b .l tl * LI Ua I I rc q = \\\\ I LJ =\l trj>2EIF EE l-r Ccl<f, r.9 E Z.z'(A .-EJF FTEu= j ]- a/)o: =uF oEo I2Z & I\. I \.\ \' JJg\o d )Jf-.o ,\ I Iv.v,tdF l-H'z Z. Lrl -J()z L.,U.r-l uJ =7Ea fi-=\ rf \T U)I 8f \ a\ (9 =E trtu trJm w ru :EEutrl |.rJm tzrog 03 '390ruN3>33lj4 r r6z xo€l 'o'd s3l toH oo-1 u3n lu 3n-]€| OOVUO]OC '-llvn JO N/V\OI ^rzc# l-tNn vds -]lvn ( / l3cN3qrs3u-]3rNvc 8 ,j iitib uoo-'lJ oNnouc ONII-SIX3 t-irnLJI--o ls sfoEt\3 flY(t !|| t! EE vEtrlJ l.|- t!cl LJz ) o I * IJJ (_) a UJ Em z.tf F- Jf(/) z. o c.) Iu F LL Ll- EIa trltfE tf oJF () X UJ EF tfz. J LI(J F FEz riEFrlA =F<IJ= . Jv, trJ --r.q) <. F [9s{ E frHa=s= 'r^E? i Et -'1 \ -J@(9Fq tr)s I Yi .( E. (A )LrJFJF=O''71-OIf-O Z. o6 r-,- !4 -.tE{J --5f-=Fo;H_7t'l:u z. ><J LJ ./ t> / ,/ =J,/E \,/ =/\ Fl /'\! il n6uoorj usddn ;NV-ld NO lI l-lO lrl3 O g ;:B Ftri +LdI 6o oovuo-roc 'rrvn Jo NMO_L rzc# -LtNn vds -'ltvn 3CN30|S3U rf rNVCI 6C 9Z -Cgt -OZ6rzros 03 '30aruN3x33uE r 162 xoB 'o'd s3l\oH 90-r u3^ru 3n-la ; .l tl t uJ Oa l-r \ I \ ( \ t I tl)tJF LJz.tf(-) tLtrl IJ =J I I L! F ,,-iE]J 3tg<LJ(LL(J>.>f5E_e.a LLF s: C.,3 C' t:lz z F =:>=r--{ Ll)u. z.EEue LJ u LI]F(A : Ij is cf) EJ LJ Fq ciz.E(J L!cl tIJ =+ Iltl,/\,/ u. *-g ".nU?Z-lgd i trJ d01.tU 7a HF(J F V 4/ JFIJTJ s3,^= zv Z*t ilF a Lfl E =Ldv. LJE EF .JJ t3z. F(A >< LrJ 1fi E'Ezz.i-.ui;u frHEF LJ trl tde. trJm tf td I F (3 z. F(A >< trJ (/) Futz. c (J z.tJI r.,L =1V.J-o-u LrjZ.u F I.JV'A XEtrl F F LrJ 4]H{P=trlFU 1 tr.J1r_ Frl EF atrlv.:lF >< t! -t3 J Lfz. Fq x UJ trJ(J z. u F-z =TJFEELrJ I =FEia+ SHy L:l ;- F "r-7 t- (AE)(:rr- r.--{ .vrt- 11T=Lrd trlu v (/t Ot- t"J trJ =EE= 4 LIJ-u-7 trJfrFr9tr \Z (.3 z. F(/, >< trJ I "t,irl'r D R%' F LJ |r' LrJ I 6o l'IUOO]J U3/Y\O-] ;NV_|d NOlIllOlrl3O g; ;BS3NOH 90-] U3n lU 3nJA 6C9l' -CSt -026rzroB oc'3coruN3x33uEt I t6Z XOg 'O'd oovuo-]oc '- Vn lo NMol- LZtr# ItNn VdS -]tvn 3CN30|S3U -'t3tNVO b -l tl $ t!I oa cr) =EEutf LJ Fq ru :EDu.a l-rjm \ I I I/ EF u EfEtrIeur ,-r )7E =EFUJ(AU >< LrJLJE (/'t LJv.lFx HtL FF-Lltf =IU =(3uz.u FtJV'F ><DTJF )J I s, tJ/l =daEa=f Lrj -FEI-. s*oI EpEF-l\i(rt-= 8ra Lrl€ E LJJF 9 t-^L =aL{ 2d.xuJLnoz ot *) \\\ Ig>' y Et- tfF i-r cq<f, urE Z.z.u) g Jq F i-': Eug j ]- V,o5 =trl F oE9 ?z2 u I\. 1 \\'\\ J o.o od No Iu.v) LrJ F -zZilrA7 r. lJ =2Ea7t'tYz.\ I:'\r.l 6t92 -tSt -OZ6rzroa oc'39clruN3v33u€l r r6z xo€t 'o'd s3htoH co.l u3n ru 3n-1g OOVUO-]OC '-'llvn -JO N/V\O-L rz9# J-rNn vds rrvn f cN30ts3u -tf rNVo i& uoo-]J u3ddn NVrd o3sodoljd F Lrl (or!lI< AS sfo6s]r flvq 'oal b I :+ tu) a tl HFl(Al E) LrJ cq ctz.E(J t-t- C] LrJz. ) I LL Q /-'itrtlJ,,F<3'n9< Lrl O-L- CJ >--f,5 u.ELrF :ciaz c'j 3 (.f z. z a u, Zz.>fl ,... ElJV. :EEutrt l-rj v.IJ (/) :v)u \Ftd \ LrJ Z =zFIJd;(-)E 7au LrJ -J- F(J 1--y = 1,1vd >(. LrJz. u. {Fv, vtM LJ TJOZ =zJ>-!Le <Fl.lz.= -u cJ d l-''i ,E tJz. EJ trJ EI cizE(J L!E trlz. J ztdIO \l -.\i 1*I \' ini"\ {E3$i 4/ q Lrl LLEzE F OEJ LJu u LrJ EI V) ulz. r\/ (, );Ui: trl Cf E Lrl =oztrl)2.tPl-=Ex ol Lr- _l_ m2) oE"a LJLJ l-Ul- irrq iit- -J IgE trr{F A LrJ a/)z.> a tJOz u.Fz. trJ = 9atrl F-(J trl -JtJa IJJ t- trlz '3-P u ?do F uJ r-t.lj I-<a uoo-lj u3A o-l NV-rd o3sodoud 6S9Z -CSr -OZ6tzros o3 '39cruNf v33lj€l L t6Z XOA 'O-d s3hroH co-] u3n ru 3nr€l oovuo]oJ 'rrvn Jo NMor- tz€# l-tNn vds -ltvn 33 N3ClSaU r3rNVO z.E(JI prl b -l il n LIJ oa : I\ I I cr) =EEuFIlrjtrl nl Ecfu trltrl c.lt>(-,j (l\ u.EEF d J) LrJz (, t.tJu 3o. ;4 [rJ t---. -Z- r.L >2E F>-EAIrfF trj<Fm(J>3 ,Aul r.d -z(, )I r v EIv, Ldz. t-z f:l > :EtJ>(AA F Ldz. /' uEEc L.Jz. x- OJfvl \ !- IL 5 .Eq s dB! ?o- v\- ,aol s: {a0s-YSfi$. 5; ierEE i 'o E' (vt rt(,, e\ j \\\ Iy>' g EF Etcqr Fa<f, t9E Z.Z.(A E JF F-iE,qtrl J r- V)<q z.at,.tF- oEe ?z2 u I.I .\\ )J 0|'o d JJr\c) I Iua t-rJ F =2.[J ..Jt)7 EH;> FI fiY\ Ifrf