HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT 15AED&fr@reh! mot00tot e$FfiJonrefledll lrrreu,fiSll cqmrrl|i FrcurrbtllrrDadOrh:- hrsdlbnAnr:Slbffir|3: *firfP|U|rc"fitl *Affiqrtar- $m|il- TlilI|(by,Ir|.l0,ZS4 t?egsltAsTAPLvmtTttSlrilbPlftc *tB: ffPlrm: 6t3{614123 Plrom s7s3aEs79nrnirnior-DEOftlA COffTRrclOR.DFLOREStL..Lsfioqra FOR REIEW. DFLORES Actotr: APAFFR0T/EDA[[ofi IPAFPRO/ED slr; Bil.EDhmAil: CD r.-'r.-n{* -"" " *rrd lcilrilMcflrtTyri:ffihAlo|hltt-lfticr: t{olh.:l{obr:Cilnn|[Canrr*Comilt BAN.D 7 tlm:R{r*CflirfiirlrbndTo:- Arilo.r: /"* $i,f .J}.l.:. i TN:hrhr: w,6810i 201 dm $l In: bn: ll|r: FOOTIFS(ITtY*&lrqid* eD " lsn: APIPPFOIIED ATDNTERFRFDNWAI.A. ra.a l.i--t tt A.!on: IPAI'PRCXED,[qt^Egtli h h.$r or h* ul$r rF- tl. DttrE aod. ]qar':lr. O'l/G,Ot hr|cbn OCD Af{oni APAFFRC/EDComrir: TETTER ffiN tr}ru ETG IFPRCWED AAP N FTE. mll82l|O3REOtrEFEgfEil.Irm: @ EDc.||ilrftn :MAI nEP|[l31 Olll*V hf.dm ;Sftutid"tculn: AltAPFnOiiED Run 1965 lrn: e, stDq$!$d.1||. "-lfDro|S" Comrnla:hm: 70 glDol}. TPAPFRCnIED 'l :t, finr: S A.DO+hllbm: fiD EL^DOTdnD.CrO "ADru!d-o'tol,oa fn cbc .Ftr. -' ffin: AP^PPRO\IEDConrffB rfiPPrP6gY6gIn: 6Cl PIV-TEI|P.CJO -Ap9|uutd- Gl,3troa rrD*bc I t |bo: cohf,)APPROI'EDrCOhlOfiEilSCcrmrL ff- c.lff rnirvin cgr hn'3h€ltrc. I thtr ff mh lr cqnclq crr rfFf cr{f tfii IndrTltg b co||Taf.bu Sl3 Plrl$'tEF.Cfit iADoNr.d" OlrolrDf lroffi lhnrl'- Afrin: COISAPPRO/EDCOT€fiEilSCmrrB ti Fih b lnrdu r @ luctm f|r dt,lHv rnd r! Hrlcoff l|rl Dr ffi5.ti Tlrid.trdorfrtfrl boia De p.hltlb ||*h tt tilcco@tsr-.hn: 5ii7 Pl.|lSFltllLC/O 0Or0t3O4 ho.cbr: krur &flott: DNDEIGDComrr Bi6a |[fnrdfl Frd CO h|3.cthntbfrliltlg hl| mrr b. codftE I I Thl I Ol5r.J6rcJ Dc lrd-!'n il r* b. !-rfd b ttr-lr tr dE. 2l Tlrt fr uuorx tnr or ftod ldt locd on |rr rcorl tDry t|.l h tffi t |f.tlriw !. il*ni d Ir aso B-ut. O ffi'r-Ci6 Rrvh ffitr ni cmncr o lrona Dbrr D. rnilH hr tt il Fd, coSr on_!!t-f-i,-d.cfi pdb, dlEr-nftg polL rnd nxt F - D. rrlttrrd. Tltq|o .pFtotdtoobt , Ei{f,r|fr liloorda8moliffir. C.frEitotlLd. .,hm: 5(F PW.FftlALclO ''I |btt 6,n ELDl}FhIC/o .,f, hrt: 2'l Ptll{.f.CFotnfiiloilFhn "Aoqqr.l" :. WIdZB llgrDc d.E Acsn: rE)tf,)TFEDCmrmnlr Lcto{Sblfanrn. (n,26,00 l||F.cfr Wr|ll| Ad0|x /IP.FFRCi/EDCocnrl|l: lcao|llre b|h aC Cr hll(En ril5 t rqn|d ||G.cb. ':: r:{ l'',,.,, lzlZCl(B fnGbc OCD ldon: IPAPPnCnEoCoflrnh EXTERffil.Am :i . i,q 'I r'\' .3+, i rj ffiffi REPT131 Run Id,: 1965 86lg7l2gg4 L4tLA 974-32S-5599 DIDIER CONSTRUCTIBN Phone (970) 92v5579, FAX (9701 32E-s58e PAGE AL FAX PO tsox 4990, Eogle, CO 81631. Re,. SidinS qt l71i st*iloThe, +l* tb"ttoq ?€'ilme B? lF Boi- ots) llrre are ++',1' invoicot s[roorirrq 11,,(. ,br that ,ntos qp?U<4 *o 1+,t eidihq *,d tlre trior" baards, Wewt ,4( ,*'$ (e? ttv l*o- ,f J{a,s ls ocreTtafu , th^fu,Pioo SHIPPING ADDRESS 01129 Edwards AccesE Road Edwads. CO 816s2 Phone (970) 92€-8733 g6167l2g$4 L4tLA 974-328-5589'NL,r.t I nu lAlt LUME EFt ANU DIDIER CONSTRUCTION nuME utrN I El't REilTTTANCE ADDFESS P. O. BOX 468 Avon, CO 81620 Fax (970) s26-8744 DIDIF.R EfiN$T - ttlUUL'iON tr, 0" BDX /+?riP-l EA6LE, [:,3LBR*I}U $FIIP FNUL'ICIhI RESISENf]H Tllu 1793 ,SHtl.€Tf; FLRCE ufl'I L, 66 OUR Pil r 4il&liiP, TSFltl$r hlET 1fiTH RE9 fJ 163 t f UST+ r S L 6Et, BESU tlHL bATE r t flJ /$ I /fi:'l I! ED .:u 4D 5D AD 7D 8t, 9D l ttD ltD leD t,3t) t4D 15D i6 e cl 1B 7 I a ', [0 4 1 fiLL CEDAR I5 $TSEE WEETREil +** PX6X8 R/S CEDAR*** e){EX16 R/5 CEDRR Ex5rt12 R/S CEDftR ?x6x16 R/S CEDffR flrr6xl& R/$ CFDAR €xGxP@ R/9 *EDAP Bx8x15 ft/$ CEIAR ?x8rl$ F/S x€6 ft/s $90e06088 590eB6tDB !i98e06128 5E0AB6i6E 599e66ISS l+48" 0ff!'lBF' 1448. G0l'lEF l+4{. o0ltlBF t448" SEI'IBF t448. rA0l(EF i446.08r{9F 1465. s0hlBF 1463" OO|{BF i4.6F.00F|BF 1465. B0lrlBF i4as,00HBF t469.00r{BF 487,S3 ES e3.$4 1e9.6CI t?4.88 ?30.ItV l&l. t+ri e6.8& 31^ A5 t7E. B0 E3rr. *O 1e5.0! e46. !e t9,67 4&7.93 ,6 9A lEB 160 1E5 'eVJ ex. 33 Taff leBs ffi'q - E6.AF Esnttnrred to rrext Erage IVCIHTI.ISTAR LUMFEM AhTS HOME CHNTEH FRBlvl I 0 BENJflI{IN I{OORE st&iY imr.hrrAlNg eEDf,R :ADlNc EeFOBE SleNlNG: TERMS OF SALE arRct{AsEi AcnEEs as FoLLowsr rncuil6krr$ !E duedd Dit*re rtllrr bd oltctdtlr ftqptry on af bdffi hr 'l0h 4f 0f tit rnnthtCbr&g hi ndlhdrdlsd t[ CalMlfttotlfllafbt|l326ud4ofodinl6. fr|rtcounlilh{oE!l!rd.lldtorh.prtEnloh.E nJ{tcflARoF)tryLlnFEcdrm!|ttrddh.R T€ ofr tsflurh Ed utsnh. Frib|'3urp !C.r. $n. nrtt|r||l d.|I| C $.0 rt|(|| bgl rr[lutrr PrRC€ITA0€ iAl! dt!i. h rddthl.ljulbddrrtlh.Id!.drb.dollEytf !!lo*i ]d0rryos0aECkfra|labsdtrdbdtddEsrtrr|h,ncE: cu|l/d3 FoR tr{oEEiBE wLL Ndt at AIO$ ED Uttlcs MA!'E Ar nrra oF riaJvEFv ALL E<TENEONS EUArEClloCOAeEenON, RECEIVED BIt a6|97|2aa4LA..La97s-328-55SgDIDIERcoNsTRUcTIoN, .N9FTHSTAH LUTUIEEH AND TIOME CENTER SHIPFING ADDRESS 0429 Edwads Access Road EdwardE, CO 81692 Phone (970) 92S8798 PAGE g3 REMTTANCE ADDFESS P. O BOX 468 Avon, CO 81620 Fax (s70) 9eFE744 1 !;11:'il1::':ltt,:i:lr:11lr j .'. . ra i .in;4i-:rar';irri'":1i:-:,;'rl'., .,S,Nf.t,trltr.EE;,1 . :':!,,rr,rn,,Lri,..:;i,.,,, .,:.- ...i , r ',. -;;.i,.i.. . . i:",jr;. ,. u+.t.U,L., DII-)IHR trON8T - MUUL-r8[t tr. ri, Bux 49Tul EfiELET trflLORnDO SHiF T,iCIUT"TilN RESIDENCE T$r 1793 tiHRSTfi PL,FlCE'vRrL"r Dn 0UR FIO: 4ilS5'Z TERl4Sr NET lsTi'l RES B 1631. EI.JST$r 3tES,Til5O DEL BQTErlS/3I/BE'FROltlr O EED ETDea1 43Ar&008E lel1.97 EA te1t.97 55.{3,lO tr26f"30 6se1" 46 eg6, 94, 680e" 4E 0be60 0ctD10 $ + ilE ffift IEIWW uf sfftf,EEe E $n ffiD suET0TAr-. Sf,LEE TNX TOTNL R.ESE r,$ US rm$tn |F ffi [08rntsur En un ilsf;gR?FtsTAR LU M B ffi m AN S F{OMH CENTH R tADtNq BEFORE SIGNINGI TERME OF SALE FUFCHAS€H AsREEs aE Folt_ornE:pulbaSlF!ildrFrdDq,|dsnhlbcidlLsdlracontrfiyql..!.h[fi. | 0h6tol$rDcih lot]hrh6 h. rg|i d rtud ti thtrhifml 0 Flro |lrzor drvdl,ln{tlnh. |'!tr iaclurllsh ffill rdatulmbr.Jiradd[f tl,All CtUROn mV 6r hEd co|!|thd d ha RA]t !tfi 9..|lrlrh ET! $q tt-. Fs,lq! unp.d !!LEc 'rth. t|riflr drb-dtt O iildi i rn fliu[ fuhm[iri nfn-otlSt.-t, iEfr-; 5rElrtru|Iy|Ier!,tDxtUntraD.rtcylka&alhttll!|llwj*ol9!*llorr la|tttatlddllqr reqra,msE: cLans Fon €ft,F GE w{.1 r{Ot tg AlJ.orvb uN[.E89 trt,|DE ar nI|E oa tiaiJutfrv:-''Au_ EtirEtsroNsATBJEcTTgCOnREC|IIoN, FECEIVED BY: CUSTOI'EF OOP} Acftfrtf Cond Tyla: otrmf: Appllcanl: Conhrfrf: Dcc|Ftbn: lfr[ce:lblh.: l,follce: Commdrt Comment: Coflilnl|t: @!gEl!!g$segrl lEm: 540 Buc+lndcroR{II*C DI'IER CONTSIRI'CTK'NCOPAI'IYcdri|lrdilr: nlllcdl 3g!.4lol ^*,sH,t cDAvls GryZm4------ 6:31 am ArPrD lnlbnnltl,on Item: Recucdor: Cmirnenb:A$lgn d To:- Acdon: FrlcLy, Jun.0{, AX}lRcouocbd Inrpect Drb:' lmPectonArur:slbftflruE!:I7S8 STIAJgTAPLVAtr f7e:I Sht.tr Fltce *tlBi Phone: Phonc: Plloni: !:ll l,!li HXNntHl 101 Arevocsbh ROI'TEDT 'flm€ Erp: 5t)3 PUY+lnrl drlvcwlv qrrde ixDER cotlsrRt clctNco,ilPAttY will call 30&.{t0l LSAIOOVAL l.lgFR Silrtr: ISSI EDvN lmpA : CD 513tr1{C29 9?DS|E{579 9?t!fit&6679 chsle and stsr ftr ttt,Lu - DllEDltlA CONTRAC'TOR - DFLORES ft.. - tSANDOvAt t. . Lartrtt/\Jvr9 AlDl'rrBlrc uvonxs FoR REvEw - DFLoRES R€ques$Tlme: (tr:mAt' Ptnr: ffit0t EnffiBY: DGOLDEN Reorncbd Tlmc; 0Gl0o Al5- Plrom: 3EXl.41Ol EnbndBY: DGOLDEN ltnrElp: i o a ftcrn: S, Rcou.crd Th.l 08:00 Ail q.oq 1:1p4ffi H..LT'* brnal arrE!^bur4 i,;SJ * rnntl aa wdl aa qdo nt-ha-. Fil l'r}$ - Ar.^) *@'!!$J Yltu'a ' N ftl rfl *J *ltt AIi^ )^'i,,.*,i. 64 *: * _.qryn|l$ .r.ltFRloRFoonN€8o$r-Y enJ pafr wc^r|utr: 20 Ajx>Fou|floiltu "A0plotcd-!"'|r' cv ffifrffi*ffi"ffi;r*ffil1*A*.*ED &^*j^,l" y'tl,t tilr 5it0 *#lff*"ffi"* *iff] - .-3a*i-414ing$P^ffi,^qh"ifkiilrqS^Qflggt rr hrghi ff h:n, wtttclt tttcs{n lonrrg co{b Fqulrtrrf,nil3' tvl FER S4AT e^f p,oaf, ,tta^. kl* V.r t ildu@ ET.[LT.ALSO ,AlrDSlDOLl oN(TohlsullTE REPT131 NS|PECTIoN. }GADER Rlrn Id: 1! 6:56 am R€quested ln3p€ct Oate: Tuesday, tarch 30, 2004 Inspedtl,on Area: CD Slte Addre::: 1703 SHASTA PLVAIL 1793 Shrstr P|rce ArPrD lnlbrm.ilon Acthdtv: MO$O206 T\ne: &MECH Sub Tv"€: NSFRConcTyp5: Occuoaircv: [Ae: O$,rhr: iTOULTON.JONAT}IANS. Ptlono: 51&561-5229,Fplh.nt R & H MECI'IANEAL LLC Phono: 30+6$9894 Colnm€nt NEEDII.IG A READABLE/UNDERTA'{BALE DRAWI].IG FOR THE JOB - CDAVIS Comment ROUTEDTOCI.IA,RLIE FOR REVIEW- DFLORE$ ReqsesEd lnspectodsl Sm|3: l1l9pAIr.: IgSI,,ED CD lErn: 390 ilECH-Fln l R€quedol: R&HMECIIANICAL LLC Ar.lon€d To: CDAVIS- Actbn: Tlm€ Exp: 35oeV InrpecdonHrsrorv Til.r\c\Ce- tQ..c-1'" T'a..sp*<.{loru It m: 2OO MECH-Rouoh - /ADororrld " Ia/1ZJO3- InsD.ctor: JRM " Acton: AP APmovED ComMenb: MECH ROUGH FOR FORCED AR SYSTEM.. DI,CTIT.IG O$ILY APPROVED MECH-l'l€dno PLM&Ga3P{f,no MEcF!.Exhruh l:|oodg MECFlSupply Alr MECFI-Mtsc. - MECI-l-Flml RequesEd Tlme: 08:00 Afl' Phon€: -or- 32&2699 Entor€d By: DGoLDEN K llim: 31o n3m: 315 n€m: 320 ilem: 330ilsn: 3{Oldn: 3g) rilsl REPT131 Run fd,: L746 Inrpec{on Request Requested Insp€ct gab: Iqesday, flarch 30, 20(X' lncp€ddonArea: CD Slh Atdrcst; t793 SHASTA Pl-VAIL l7g3 SHASTA PL/{CE AIF,D Inlbrmr[on MGIO?64 Typo: Occupaifty: T,OULTON, JONATI.UN S: BMECH S-ifrrs: lncp Ar€q: (9SUED CD Reoueebd Incoec8on(sl ttem; 390 tUECH.Fln.l RcqueCor: RODMLLCOMPANY Co{rimonb: wlll csil Rhco 3q)'4t 0l Ar$hmd To: CDAVIII- Acdon: Insp.cuon Hlstorv ftanr: 2O0 iGCl.l-Romh 0111216 lmp.cbr: Itcm: 310 MECl.l-Fh.tm ' Item: 315 Item: 320 Item: 330 ltem: 34t) llem: 39) Appllcaflt ROO IULL COMPAIIIY PLM&Ga3 Tlme Exp: r Appfot rd * cdarl3 ffis subrlm: ASFR PtFfl.: 3oe777-7nx) RequesH Tlme: 08:00 At' Phone: &1777-T7W Enbr€dBy: DGO|DEN K flfraarrz F/rz< Ft4€c A.don: APAPPROVED REPT131 Run Id: L746 0$30-2004 lnspecdon Reque^rt Reportlng Pagel7Q;5=6-eln-- --- - vAtL- co -To-wt{ oF *- - R€quesed lnspeet Date: Tuesdry, lftrch 30, 200/t In3p€cflon Arer: JRtl Sltt Address: 1793 SHASTA PLVAL 1793 Shstr Plrce A/P,D lnformrt on Acihrh,: Con*Tw6: oriier: AFplkrDt MO&t,268 Tlpe: SMECH Occupai*y: II'OI,LTON, JONATHAN S:JS&Mlilfincnhrl, lnc. subrlffi: ASFR Ptlone: 51+6€1-5229 Phoni'97tr94945& glrtr: Irlsp Atoi: ISSUED JRM Requesbd Insp€cll,on(sl Itrmr 390 tfEcH+lnal Requestor: J S & M Mechmlcal, hc. Comm.oB: wlll c.ilRlcr{} 3m{1olAslon dTo: JMOf.IDRAGON- A.don: fl4aarr a 3^32et nmeExp: Requested Tlme: 00:00 AIU' Plrorie: 970-94$45m +r- 970"390 5€it4 Enlered Bf OGOLDEN X .s$l vlp lnrDec{on Hlstory lLfir: AD MECFFRoUoh - ADDroi,rd " 1231/03- lnlgector: GCD" Acthfl: APAPPROVED Co'nmenb: BATH FANS. DRYER DTJCT AN,D KITCHEN EXII.AUST. MECI-Gf|cd|g PLM&C'.c Pltlno MEcl-l- E lhrsLt Floo6 MECI-iSupptyAr MECFI-M|C.' MECI.SFlnal ttdn: l€fli: 'Lm:llem: It m: frorn: 310 315 3?O &30 34t) 390 REPT131 Run Id: L746 / 6:56 em --lAnL_C,-OJoWl{ OF - Reguesterl Incpect Date: In3pecuon Areri SlbAddrctr: ArPrD lnlbm.tlon Acdtw: POlOtoO Tvoe: BPLMBConcTwi: occurni*v:otiii€I: f|llOULTOtl. JOtIAIttAN S. ApDlhant ArchiHurllscrvlc6 Cdnmeild: rouH lo Charlls Davb - LCAI'PAELL lbesd.y, lt|arch 30,2Cn4 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL 1703 Shastn Pbce subrlffi: NSFR Ptlofl€: 519561-5229 Phort: 92&7606 Sir&r: l'|!pAna: ISSUED CD Reou.$bd lnsoecuon{s} lbmr 290 PLtlB.Flnll Requactor: J3& M MECIIANICAL Com flit3: w'lllcall 39G4tO1 Arebncd To: CDAVIS Ac'tlon:Tlmo Exp: Fffnatlrr lrcoecdon lllsbrv Itdtr: 2lO PlM&Undeforoond *ADororr€d" 09/1709'lnqoedor: JRM Commonb: APPRO/ED10 FGAD ftom: 22O Pl-M&Rouoh/D.l,V.V. * ADcrov€d - 12I3CYOJ Insp€cbr: GCD Comment$: WATER COLUh,S.| TEST" Item: 23{} PLMBRough/Wd€r *Appfoved* 1"3CY0g ktsp€cbr: GcD Coflrrn.||b: 95!cl TEST.Itfir: 240 PLtlSGss Plelrir " ADDrowd * 1U06lff3 lnsFcdc cdavb" Cmrm€nts: 3(' alrt€sllhrt: 29(, Pltl&Flnel Requested Tlme: 08:00 At' Phon€: 97D3q)-1138 or- 3SL 4101 EnbrcdBy: DGOLDEN K AdIoN: APAPPROVED Ac0on: APATffioVED Actlon: APAPPROVED Aclbn: APAPPROVED ffisl REPTl31 Run Id: L746 Oale: 11712004 Timer 10:41:20 AM Page 1 of 3 From: 1im Boyle To: Rico Didier tr 'Po,.l Bo3- otgl Fl,ou>("p- FatWr+tg l"-1.,-'\ boyt€ engkt6orlrg, lrE. l@ffi#"#'."rdtr;o^-u 7- b -o?, Dale: 11712004 Time: 10;41:20 AI\,4 Page 2 of 3 From: llm Boyle To: Rico Didier boyle or€ln€efiO hc. 14) e. m€o.br <ttv€ sile 39o croGroods trrotdtt conlel u,l. cdordo 81657 970t47G2170 CHECXEO 8Y Da'€t 1n/2OO4 'lime: 10:41:20 AM Page 3 of 3From: Tim Boyle Tor Rico oidier #T _.j...a 14965 :'iI /1 '''' j frilff *". I /sa o).l ,\ ,/n /'o + REVIgED PARTIAL ROOF FRAIIING PLAN HA,LTON REgIDENCE t193 9+tA91A VAIL, COLORADO b?glr 'gtr-r€, hc' l.l9 r. rado{| 4.ac'ff;oa1 *ffi c'|/lrv.ll.@b*'llA1{lotaW.rr\O 4'la.aati} |'r Ao3-0072 &3-0(63 : ISSUED : 12115/2003 I t2/31/2003 | 06/28/2004 ouD{ER MOITIJTON, ''ONATHAN S. 24 CAMARGO CA}IYON DR CINCINNATI OH L2/L5/2OO3 Phone: 5L3-55r-5229 45243 I-,icense: coMrRAcToR suPERroR AT,ARM AltD ETTECTRONIL2/a'/2OO3 Phone: 970-926-8788 P.O. BOX 2568 EDWARDS, CO. 81632 License:429-S APPLICAIiIT SUPERIOR AI.,ARM AI{D EIJECTRONT.L2/L5/2003 PhONE: 970-926-8788 P.O. BOX 2558 EDWARDS, CO. 4L632 L,icense z 429-S Desciption: FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM PER CODE Valuation: $2.000.00 FEE SUMMARY TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Job Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL Location.....: lT93ShastaPlace ParcelNo...: 210312306014 ProjectNo : TRTO3<)og\ Permit #: Status. . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . E lecuical---_.> DRB Fee--> Investigation--> wil cal-.._-> TOTAL FEES-> $0. 00 s0. oo s0. oo s3.00 $310.00 $310.00 $0.00 $310.00 $310.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s--> Additional Fecs---> Tolal Permit Fee-----> Payments------> BAtrANCE DUE-.---> Approvals:ItCN: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENT L2/29/2oo3 mwaughan Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS ADVANCE BY AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATIJRE OFOWNER 4 HIMSELF AND OWNEF * ** * * * 'l' * ** ** * ** * + * * *,1' ** * * * * * * * *rt * * * * * * * * * * *,i * * * ** * * * * * * * * * {. * * * * {. {. * * * +:l,lt:} * *:l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **+**+* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * + ** * t * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,i * * 't :t ,i + * * * * *t * **** * ** * * * '| * * * * f * * * * Statenent Nurnber: R030005319 Amormt: $310.00 L2/3L/2OO3O8:34 Atrt Palment, Method: Check fnit: DDG Notation: Superior Alarm 3565 Permit No: A03-0072 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3L23O5O14 Site Address: 1?93 SIIASTA PIr VAIIr Location: 1793 Shasta Place Total Feea: $310.00 This Pa)ment: $310.00 Tocal ArL Erntg: $310.00 Balance: $0.00 * !t* * * *1* ** +* 'i ** * {. {. * *{' * ** ** t * * +l t** * *t +**i *+ + **i **** * * **** ** +l' '} * * ** * ************ * +***** * * * ** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cument Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO FIRE ALAR}4 PERMIT FEES 75.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 232.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0268 Job Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL Location.....: 1793 Shasta Place ParcefNo...: 210312306014 ProjectNo: ?RbS-60g\ 520.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $5. 00 DRB Fee------------> SO. OO TOTAL FEES-> $3.00 Status... : ISSUED Applied..: 12/30/2003 Issued..: 12/30/2003 Expires. .: 06n7/2004 Mechanical-> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> $0 .00 Total Calculated Fees-> 90. oo Additional Fees------> $28. oo Total Permit Fee--------> Payments----------> BALANCE DLIE_----> 3b3-6t6 3 $28.00 90.00 $28.00 $28.00 $0. 0o | +t* ll+**:t{ * l* lit*'l' f* *:*l *'l.l l:} ++,ltl +a t i f ,tt * Item: 05100 BUII,DING DEPARTII{ENI L2/3O/20O3 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond z 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MAIiIUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 owNER MOIJTTTOII, ,JONATHAN S. L2/30/2003 Phone. 5A3-56L-5229 24 CAMARGO CANYO}I DR CINCINI.IATI OH 45243 License: COIiITRACTOR ,J S & M Mechanical , Inc. L2/30/2oo3 Phone: 970-949-4500 P. O. Box 09338 Avon, CO 8152 0 License z 246-M APPIJICANI .I S & M Mechanical, Inc. 72/30/2003 Phone: 970-949-4500 P.O. Box 09338 Avon. CO 8L520 I-,icense t 246-M Desciption: vent bath fans,dryer and kitchen range Valuation: $500.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas lrgs: 0 # of Wood Peller 0 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SHAIJIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AIID SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 T'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Condr 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF T}IE 1997 I'MC AIiID CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG. ) : BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOII!.ITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. ITNLESS ITISTED FOR MOUNIING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond:32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED fN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRATNAGE OF MECIIAIIICAIT ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS SIIATJI., BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DR;AIN PER SEC. tO22 OF THE 1-997 UMC, OR SECTION 1_004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. |i|*lt*||l|'ll|.+tl+..*'l|:t,'.*|{+.|*|'l*.}'|*.:t*|.|*'t'}.1t|t*!*|*t|*'}.l.!..'t**|t*'.t'.'+.t***:||*|t,}.l'|l**:}.,|'t+,}t,l.|!'|***.t*+{*.*.|l DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY STGNA CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Slat€medt * ** ***f * * + *'| * * * *l ***l* * *+*l I ++'t'i '|****t '|t **** *t{r!t *t* '|*'| * ***'}****** t | **f *f,f +*****'}'l'}*t t * * '|*'}'}'} Statenent Numberr R03O005315 Amount: $28.00 L2/3I/2OO3O3:11 Plrt Palmrent Method: Check fnit: DDG Notation3 {IS&M MechaDl-ca1 2343 Permit, No: M03-0258 Type: MECIIANICAL PERIIIT Parcel No: 210312306014 SLte Addrees: 1793 SHASTA PIJ VAIIJ Location: 1793 ShaEta PLace Total FeeE: $28. OO Tbj-8 Payment: 928.00 Total ALL Pmls: $28.00 Bal.rnce 3 $0.00 ft*ll**aaa***ff{'*ftfl+**f+l+tfltll.tl+tllala+flattt*'}'}a*t+:tattt**'}**1"}il+f***{'ttt*{'ffllt****t ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current fints MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PER}IIT FEES 2O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAI{ CHECK FEES 5.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO I,IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Building Permit #:--- .-l \ ^f,L\bA/\\\ rtF-Na/^h-\Ll I r./ mm,tMy Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81 D tr o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: tayout Mechanical Contractor:qS+H /"ltda;,.t Town of Vail Req. No.:dlb -pt Cogtact and Phone #'s: q (q- /fOD/v-di. fi1 d&/f SQo-t tZd EIGmAaress: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT & Materials 0.oD Contact Assessors Ofllce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Patel # Job Address: / 7q 3robNaneffilbu%. a/r2el- ,4.tclt-- WorkClass: New[$- Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg: Single-family No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Woo!Jq Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gai Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) device? Yes( ) No( ) ****************** ******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************ Esrtri A\Jtt ttE \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM,DOC w D6n002 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMIJNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0206 303_6( c(3 Job Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1793 Shasta Place Apptied . . : 101152003 ParcelNo...: 210312306014 Issued. . : 10129/2003 ProjectNo : TtrSC&oOe .{ Expires. .: 04126/2004 owNER MOIILTON, ,JONATHAT{ S. L0/15/2003 Phone: 5t3-55L-5229 24 CA!4ARGO CAITYON DR CINCINNATI OH 45243 I-,i-cense : CoNTRACTOR R & H MECHANTCATT rrrrc L0/I5/2OO3 Phone: 303-543-9894 1047 CHERRWAI,E ROAD BOI]IJDER, CO 803 03 I-,icense:184-M APPLrCArirr R & H MECHANICAL LLC LO/L5/2OO3 Phone: 303-543-9894 1047 CHERRYVAIJE ROAD BOI'LDER, CO 803 03 Li.cense:184-M Desciption: NEW HEAT-GAS FURNACE FORNEW RESIDENTAL Valuation: $10.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Mechanical--> 5200 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Phn Check--> Investigalion-> Will Call---> # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY **tl*{*a*r++*a*L*.**.t***'.r't*:*t:}*+'r+r++*'**'****:r**r.t*,r.**a*** So. oo Total Calculated Fees--> S253.00 S5o. oo DRB Fee-----------> $0. oo Additional Fees------> S0.00 s0.00 TOTAL FEES----------> $2s3.00 Total P€mit Fee-----> S2s3.00 $3.00 $253.00 BALANCE DUE---.--> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{II L0/28/2003 cdavis Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP subject to field inspection CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI_,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTAILATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TT{B 1997 I'MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BIJDG. ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SIALL BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO CI{APTER 8 AND SHAI-,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1.997 T]!,IC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CI{APTER 3 AND SEC.LOL7 OF THE 1997 I'MC AND EHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3L (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAIJIJ BE MOITNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. UNLESS I,ISTED EOR MOI}MTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI-,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG . ) : PERMIT, PLAIIS AIID CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANTCAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG.): DRAINAGE oF MECHANICA! RooMs CoNTAINING HEATING oR HoT-WATER SUPPLY BOII-,ERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIm 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 gR AT FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *+ * + *+,1* + *{' ** * *+ | *+t'l't**** ****+** *+{"1'tl' * ** **lr'} ***'t * + **{.'},1' + *+ * * * ** t f *{t****'lt+f * | f*** * r* * * ***i * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *t * * * ****'i+*'|**t * * * ** t*+ ++ + + + ** * * * **** * * t+****f** * ***** * * * ** 'i + + +* + * ************t*** +* + * + ++t + Stsatsement Nunber: R03OOO5O2? Amount: $253.00 L0/29/2OO3O9:39 AIII Payment Method: Ctreck Init: L,C Notsation: #133 01,/R & H Mech Permit, No: M03-0206 Type: MECIIAIIICA! PERMIT Parcel No: 2103123 05 014 Site Address: 1793 SHASTA PL \IAIL IJocation: 1?93 Shasta Place Total FeeE: $253.00 This Payment: 9253.00 Total ALL PmtE: $253.00 Balances 50.00 *+ +{t{r | ** +'}********* * *t t * * *+ | + + *.' * * a**l' I' t ****t t*i++ +****** t * ** + * * ** * ****t***** f *****'} *'t 't + *+l + ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PER},IIT FEES 2OO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 50.00 I.IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO PL Building Permat #: Mechanical Permit #: wiurout the following: INTORIYTATTON APPLICATI FFL bn sro'47e-zt4e(rnspections) TWNOFWN 75 S. Frcntage Rd. vail, Colorado 81657 MECFI/ANICAL: S lO ,OOo at970-Parcel # Contact JobMdress: l?9SJob Name:$\Ov*-\\ '(Se..,-i"<t---..5€^\t WorkClass: newh Attdiuon( ) Alteration( ) Rcpair( ) o6er(,-l ta;ilu exist "t tt 'slocation: Yes ( ) No ( )Exterior( ) OUerl ;Boiler Locauon: lnterior ( Drpl* ( ) l4rlfl-f"tilv - Commercial ( ) Resburant ( ) ottpr ( ) f'fo. of nccomnnOation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwetling Unlts in this building: @ood Burnins (NoIlLo*ED) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas sn 5Pa P1656 11 device? Yes * r rl $ rF)i * *:* + + * :r++ +1.*,| * *!r **y** ,F+**+* {.1tliil****+*t*t*t * ** \W.1iM|tr\cdlv\tORM s\PEtuvlTs\L EctlPetuv. IOC fit&nour, A.tt= - - a.::-.- _1 .,=,. lrtTlce GtBuilding Safety and Inspection Services - - r' 15. South Frontage Rd. VaiI, Colorado 81657 (97 0) 47 9-2L38 PIan Correction based on the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code Project Number: M03-0206 Date: October 28, 2003 Project Name: Moulton Residence Mechanical System Address: 1793 Shasta Place Contractor: R & H Mechanical Occupancy:R3 Designer:R&HMechanical Construction: V-N Enqineer: N/A ReoJrt Bv: Charlie Davis.rvlrv ! e sJ . NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1997 UMC. It is a quide to selected sections of the code. Corrections 1-) Manufacturer's instal-lation manual shall be on site during inspectlons. 9? UMC -- sec. 303.1 2) Access to equipment shal-l- be maintained for service and inspection 97 UMC -* sec 307.l- 3) Duct sizing for blower type furnaces shaLl be sized according to 97 UMC -- sec 603.5.2 4) Ducts must be supported per 97 UMC sec--603.1.2 & 603. 1. 3 5) Air ducts passing through the garage sahll be of No. 26 gauge metal and have no openings into the garage 97 UBC sec-302 exception #3 t11t.> ^ o'h' c\ rfl \Lf i I v2" I I IL_EV =Eta I t2 TO SLOPE l/2" ICINE(\ (o :l CABINET fo it rt\ 3W BArH-2lb 4'4':'-4' t I o '211. c\.> {I -iq. 3'|m-:II oes rtBeo t L P.'*P[U vb+r FT \ Allifs-l't!i**"ft''|!rre"! DUCTI^IORK /$> TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES OWNER MOIIJTON, iIONATHAN s. 09/23/2003 Phonez 5!3-561-5229 24 CAMARGO CAIVYON DR CINCINNATI OH 45243 License: CO}{TRACTOR AVAIJ\NCHE EITECTRTC coRP 09/23/2003 Phone: 970-468-0249 P O BOX 2715 DILLON, CO 80435 License: L88-E APPIJICANI AVALANCHE EIJECTRIC CORP 09/23/2003 Phone: 970-468-0249 P O BOX 2715 DIIJIJON, EO 8043 s License: 188-E Desciption: WIRE SFR Valuation: $1.500.00 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL Location.....: 1793 Shasta Place ParcelNo...: 210312306014 ProjectNo' t fr5o 3 - O(frr( Elecfical------> g149. oo Permit #: EO3-0167 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/23/2003 Issued. . : 09/2412003 Expires. .: 03122i2004 FEE SUMMARY ia.trtt'lltt{aa'r1**ta:rrta't*rt'rl:li!la'lllll+r'lalrt..trt*a*'rra*'}:}* Total Calculated Fees-> $152 ' 00 Additional Fees-----> 90.0 0 Total permil Fee___> 5152.00 DRB Fe€-----> lnvestigation--> wi calL--.-> 09/23/2oo3 DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBI\rT $0.00 $0.00 $3.oo Pa)'ments--.--------->s152. OO TOTAL FEES-> $152.00 BALANCE DUE----+ 90.00 :|ll alatl*trtta'lal ll,l ala ltltt +t*a t *a Approvals:I€em: 06000 ELECTRICAf-, DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RIQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS Il.jrtDVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM.'(,r"Vdin- SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET l*+**'+******** **+***++***+**********+*****+*+**f**t+*++*****{.****+*++***tf*t+****l*:}+******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement t | ***** * * * * + +.1. i. * * i. 'i **{.*******+ *+***********{.******a****+**************l'*'}+4t*+'f +*++*******f +t Staternent Number: Ro30O04?52 AnounE I $152.00 09/24/2OO3I0:34 AM Paymenb Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Didier 4528 Permit No: E03-0L57 Drpe: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210312 3 05 014 Site Address: 1793 SHASTA PIJ VAIIJ L,ocation: 1793 Shast.a Place Tota1 Fees: 9152.00 Thia Palmer.t : $152 . O0 Tota1 AL,L Pmts: $152 . 00 Balance: 50.00 *+t{r'}*'* * * t+ ** * * * * * *+ + + ++{' * '} t ** * * * *** * * * ** *** {' **{' {' ****+,1' + i +* * * + ** + + ****+***ltlt'}*l'*l**+ **'}t{' ** * ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111[)O TEMPOMRY POWER PER}IITS I,/C OO1OOOO3112BOO I/IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 149.00 3.00 #ffialorVIIF INCOMPLETE OR UN Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 I - 2t49 (I nspections) APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED\ 6',r mvnaFwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C.olorado 81657 c'Jl , COMPLETE SQ. FEET NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No.: ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: S I { rcAMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: 1.---- ,/'d-AAAile countyAsse€ryrs offi@ at g/o'g28-I6'm or 1l Parcel # ) 2lo3l2"3obolt d/r-/*- A robAddress: |113 Shat[q ?lqce Legal DescripUon lot: t5 Block:Filing:e ,uod,u,r,on, tlail Vt\oge l^)est ffiFadress14 ce nerxo tot 1!r anc;u fii,oll+s2lill Phone: s I 3 - s6t - 5-l au qY]:t, ".lYll Phonet q7o' 116 - LtTo Detailed description of work: .l',r1DUtze 5 fn work Class: New 0d Addition ( ) Work Type: Interior{ Exterior ( ) Bothlt ]Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) to A( Typeof Btdg.: Singte-famifSd Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( )'a No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No K) - - , , ******r.*'l****t!**********t{*'t****rt****'t**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*************'r********'t -.ss h,*x***71*pA*k2/ ai ,/v/ \WAiMAIA\CdC FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC 07 D6n002 ft o o q ! D TOWN OF Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker oanel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #B will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations oF exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriff that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. have read and understand the above. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mailand the inspector will call you back. oqln log@ TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 97M7%2r3E Plumbiug--> Plrn Cbtct---> lNrcstigarioF> Wi[ Cs[-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JMTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMTMUSTBE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI.JMBINCPERMIT Iob Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL Location.....: lT93ShastaPlace ParcelNo...: 210312306014 ProjectNor ?RAO3-(Jc'6i'{ Permit #: P03-0100 'so16 t6 3 Status.,.: IIISIJED Applied.. : 0910912003 Issued. . : O9ll0D003 Expires. .: 03n8n004 APPf.,fCAI{f Architectural Senrices Da'E.rly Swertfeger POB 385 Edwards, CO 81532 Lricense: OWNER MOIIrTON' iIONATIIAII S' 24 CAIIARGO CANIrOI'I DR CIIICINIiIATI OH 45243 L,icenge: CONIT,ACTOR iI g & M MECIIAI{ICAIJ P.o. Box 9338 Arron, CO 81620 LLcerree:280-P Desciption: install waste & vent, waterpiPitrg, install fixtures Valuation: $20'000.00 FireDhcr InfomEtion: Reltricted: ?? # ofGrs Applfunccs: ?? .*alta+atta+rtlaatarirtttattaraltll'tlalaaalittfililiit"tl'l"lt'lltt 09/09/2003 Phone: 926-7605 og/ogl20l3 Phone: sL3-s6L-5229 og/og/2003 Pbone: 970-390-x138 5378 . oo Toal Pcrmit Fc+-'> PrYncntr-"----+ BAf.id{CE D[JE-'-> # of Grs Logs: ?? lt of Wood Pallct ?? rEE SUMMAiY rl++ttir**rtrt*t'irttt+ti+ttrrtf'rff ""ir"rt"r't'ir..ir*:itt' So . oo Tolsl Calculttcd Fcca-+ 93?e ' 0o S0. oo Additiuaf Fccs-.--> 90.00l30o,oo R.'strdtnl Pln Rrvi{ru'+ s?5 . 00 DRB Fce--------.> $o . oo TOTAL FEES-----'-> s3 ,00 $378 .00 $378.00 $0 ,00 Item: O51OO BIIIITDIIIG DEPAR1'II{E!|T og/:J:o/zoo3cDAvlsAction:AFgI'BiTEcTToFIEI,DINSPECTIoN Itern: 05600 FIRE DEPARll'tBtitT Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIEI-,D IN9PE9IIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE' DECLARATIONS I haeby acknowledge that I have read thls application, filled out in full the information require4 complcted an accurate plot plan" and star€ rhat all rhe information as rcquired is correct i'"g.;i;;;ply witb the informaiion and plot Plan, to comPly with all Town ordinanccs and state laws, and to build this structlrre according to-ttt" to*nt zoning and subdivision codes, desigp review "ff-".4 uoifot Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *'lf+tt+l'l"l***fft*+**t****fl+f*'lt+**+***r+***l{"}**+t++++l'*****t+*a********+**f**l+{'**l++*+lt* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Satement*+ft*'}***+t*+'ta****taa*f*'i++t*a**r*+**+f*t**+*t++**++*f**++++***************{t********{rrt*l** Statement l{umber: R030004659 Amount,: $378.00 09/tO/2OO3O2:58 PM Palment l{ethod: Check Init: DDe Notation: itS&M Mechanical 2L9'l Permit, No: P03-0100 Tlrpe: PLIrI{BING PERI4IT Parcel No: 210312306014 Site Address: 1793 SHASTA PIr VAIIJ Location: 1793 Shasta Place Total FeeE: 9378.00 ThiE PalEenC: $378.00 Total ALL PmtE: S378.00 Balance: $0.00 **++t't'+** +'t*f+ +++++aaa++****** ** *+*t*t *+tt**a*+ * **f++******* * a+*** *+*******t*+++ + ***+******* ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 75.00 PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 3OO.OO tlc 00100003112800 I'JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 {APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR $ 3&*97 O - 47 9 - 21 49 (I nsPections) Plumbing Permit #: rort{0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CTOR INFORMATION Plumbino Contractor: Js.+}i- 'Wd";l^u '"*^"ilffi-'Y5 6;tact anilfhone #'s: E;E:qCo- o-'- 3qo- ttstr - E-Mail Address: CoMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $r d?)D c6 fnntat*Assessrc Office at 970'328'8640 or visi! Parcel# .e/b3 - la3 - 0lo - O lLl , //_a&-une-.t", ^rrr*t'J-m "g'/lrs1* Plau- Lesal Description ll Lot: /( lletocxt Filing: e Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: WorkClass: New$() Addition( ) At"tulon( ) rep.it( ) @ um-famity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaunnt ( ) Other ( ) No of Existing Dwelling Units in tt'is UrifOing' I ll No' of Accommodation Units in this building: t! Is this a conversion trom a device? Yes ( ) No (29- for Parcel # ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* W \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM,DOC ^Hffi qw ^ ' or,r.uooo, C? TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 803-0183 Job Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1793 Shasta Place Applied . . : 01/1612003 ParcelNo...: 210312306014 Issued. . : 08/18/2003 ProjectNo : PRJ03-0084 Expires. .: 02114/2004 ol{NER MOI'LTON, \TONATIAN S. 07/t6/2O03 Phonez 5L3-56L-5229 24 CAIIARGO CANYON DR CINCINUATI OH 45243 L,icense: CoNTRACTOR DTDTER CONSTRUCTIOTI COMPAIIy 07 /L6/2O03 phone: 97O-328-5s79 P.O. Box 4990 Eagle, CO 81531 I-,icense: 150-B APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPAITy 07 /L6/2003 Phone : 970-328-5579 P.O. Box 4990 Eagle, CO 8163l_ License: 160-B Desciption: New single-family residenceOccupalcy - - Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 1 v-N Basement L7.70 1,015 $17,965,50 Dwellings zone 1 v-N 81.50 2,305 $187,857.50 Private Garag'es zone 1V-N 2L.3o 584 fi12,439.2o Totals... 3,320 $258,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $268,000.00 Fireplace Infomation: Resticted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas L.ogs: 0 # of Wood Psltet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *a't**r+l'.*r*a'rt*'*{*t'}l'.****t+a+ra+*,}*!t'ta*'}.*r.*r.*:ri*.**,}*r*t So . oo Total Calculated Fees---> $3, 527 . 01Building--> 51,934.55 Restuannt Plan Review-> Plan che€k--+ S1' , 257 . 46 DRB Fee---->$0.00 AdditionalFees----->s7s.00 Investigation-> wi csll->53. oo Clean-up Deposit---> TOTAI FEES----.-> S3 , 52? . 01 BALAIICE DUE->$0. 00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEI{Ir SO . O0 Recreation Fee----> S332 . 00 Total Permit Fe€---> S3 , 602.01 S0.00 Palments-------> $3,502.01 Action: AP subject to field inspection AcEion: AP Erosion control fence needs to be o8/L!/2o03 cdavis Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEMT 07/29/2003 warren installed in areas where drainage leads to the core creek or off site. Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII{ENT Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS PAGE 2 * *!t,l *,t *!N:lr !* !* *!t * + * **'t* 'F ** 'F* * * * ** * * ***{( * * t * * *,t * **:t * * **:f *********t't **,* ** !* * 't ** * t *:* * * ** !* * !*:lr:t:t * + *:f !* ** **+ *:* *:f * *'* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0183 as of 08-18-2003 Status: ISSUED *****'|t**'}{t,tf**t,tf'i**'t*,t{''*'t*:ti******:i*'t*:t:|t!t!tt'ti:t*****'it*'tt**{'*****,|t,tf,****t'|.****'**'l,**:f:f*:f****!t'|***i******* Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 07116/2003 Applicant DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Issued: 08/18/2003 Job Address: 1793 SHASTA PL VAIL Location: 1793 ShastaPlace ParcelNo: 210312306014 *'|.**'t*'tf***:|****:}{',|t*:***'(**:|*:|f1.**:f*:|:*{',t:*!tlt|*****l****!t!*,t!t*'t'}*'}****,tt**{.********:|***'*'.*'t*:l't*:t*********+* CONDITIONS *,}*;t***{'***!*,|{.***!t*t***.t*!****{t'i*,|t**{.*!***'}*,t,t***************{.*!t*'t******{.,},t,}**,}******|t'|!***** Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CffiCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0006005 No grading allowed within 100 year food plain area. Cond: 5 (PLAN): PRIOR TO THE TOWN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONDUCTING A FRAMING INSPECTION, AN IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE OLC) SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTA MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHTHOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE REQUESTED INSPECTION. ROOF RIDGES AND BUILDING FOOTPRINT SHALL BE INDICATED ON THEILC. 07/2s/2oo3 ts Action: AP IIEM: 05550 ENGINEERTNG .tl|tl||.i|*|.t*i||||t|.tl.*xtt|tlt+|tlt..l.t*.|t||t||lllt|*t..ll.i|l*+.tt+t|***l.l|.*.|.**.*...'|,lt+|t See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. c OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF EPPLICANON UVTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOIIPLETE OR UN Project#:fu3-6.l;MI COMPLETE VALUA.NONS FOR BUILDING PERTIITT Buildinq Permit#:p;ffi General Contractor:Djlg Cons1. Co. ,lnc.Cortact and PhonE#rb: cclf 4q1;mi Rico Didicr, Szg-6s71 Emaif address, Fia;@ia i lA & BUfLDfNG: $ llbto^O ELECTRICAL: $ lO,ooo OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$ 2orooo MECH4NICAL: $ l2) ooo rOlALt$ Iblt.oo? turParUel#Confalci dssessorc Ofriceat %oR I to3 ll23 06 0t1 Job Name: floulf,oq Resi dcnce JobAddress: l7% Shalq ?lqce subdivrsron: V<i I V t lle6c U esTO,vne* tlare1gn"12aa p,li]ffi h, da'in*i o,11511t Phon"tf,3.t6, -f11? El^ttls, Co g0lz Engineer: Boge F^g;Nu;,De , Vtil , Co 8l/6j7 phone: q1L- 2llo WorL Cl""", N.r (X) Additior od"l ( ) Repair ( ) Demo( ) Other ( ) WorkType: tnterior( ) Exterior( ) Bo0l(.rt)Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No (X )r::Type ofBrdg.: singre-famiry (s) Two-family ( ) Multi-famiry ( ) comnrerciar ( ) Resraurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwefling Units in this building:No. of Accommodalion Unib in this building: a) Wood/Pellet (o) Wood Bumino (o Does a Fire Alarm gxist--Tes nVanOaeTcOeUfORMSIpERMfiSALDGPERM.DOC 11t13r2w2 Project Name:lt4ru l1o" lesii.erce Quedions? Gllthe &ilding Team at 4TV2gZs Department of @mmunlty Development t Project Address:shailq ThisCheq:kltsf musf be ampleted hefore e Buildtng turmlt apptietion tsaccp'oted- 0 0 e e 0 e Al pag€6 of application is compl€te tlas DSIB approrral obtain€d (if require<l) Ftovide a opy of approval form ondominium A.sociation retter of approrar attadred if projed is a Murti-Family oompro< Omdete dte ptan submitt€d (4) Rrblic way furmit application ind'ded if appucable (refer to Rrblic works cfred<ri$) $aging plan (4) induded (refer to RrHic works cfrecklis) r{o dumpst.r.parktng or materaal o AsbeSc ted and reslts g.bmitted if rtemolition is ocorning0 Architecf stamp and signature (All Commerclal and Mutti fariity)/'s Frtl flotr ptans lnduding builtting ecilms ard elenation{l js of ptans fc ifulti-Fmlty and""\,r i. :._',. Oommercial) f-nilA;-trrddoorsctrJub - /\-:, .e Rlll structural planq induding dedgn critaia.(ie.loads) I ,., e Strudural Ei'lgineer slamp and signature on $rudural plans (All &mmercial and trfirfti Family) 7 .,e Sils fupqt musi be submitted prlor to footing hspection e Fire redstive assemblies gecified and pen€trations indicated O $noke detedors shnrn nn ntanc - ^- , / , I$noke ddectors stroam on ptans - Utl f+4 T!,pes and quantity of fireptaes *tofln _ CalLAZr/ Appllcant's Slgnature:R*Vil,- Date of submittal: \Valldabtd€vtFoRMS\PERMTTSBLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 11|1UNV, MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Pleas€ read and check off each of the ltems below. (Copies of complete text are avaibble upon reguest) GODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLTC WAYS PRoIilBtIED e Unlawful deposits: Su$ect to subsectisr C thereof, it b unlawful for any person to litter, track ordercit or caus€ b be liftered, tracked or depcited, sa|d, gra\rel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow. ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pudic plaoe, or any portbn thereof. e i,lotie; Abatemerf: The Diredor of Pubtic Works rnay notify and require any person who violates or causes a|other to violate the provision of subseclion A hereof, or wtro has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes aroti|er to violab the same, top remore grch sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or mabrial within twenty tatr (24) houa after receipt of said nolice by the Drector of Rrblic Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the perind of time herein specified, the Director of Prblic Works, or other aulhorized agent, may €use any sJch sand, gravel, rods, mud, dirt, snor, ice, debrb or any other material to be rernoved from any street or alley at the experse of the notified. e Summons and Penaltyr: As an alternative io the notice for remoral provided in subaedion B above, any peFon who viohes or causes another to violate ttre sane, rmy be issed a summons to appear before the Municipal Oourt of the Torrn for said viohions, and upoir being found guilty of a vioiiion hereurder be punished a prcvided in Sedion 1-4-1 of this code. 0 Notlce and P€nalty: lt b unlarlftrl for any percon to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Dircctor of Public Worfts as provided in subsec{ion B hereol and arry sucfr person strall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal inorned by the Dreclor of Public Works, as provkled in subsectlon B h9re9l unon beirB found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishabh as provkled in Seclion 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). @DES 7.3A.1 AND 7-3A.3: PARKING OASTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IilPOUNDIIENTAUT}IORIZED e No person shall park any vehicle upon a sheet or at any other plae within this Munir:ipality in sucfi a manner or under sucfi conditiors 6 to interfere with the free molement of vefrhular traffic or proper street or highway mainbnance. (Od. 2(1968) S 1) e Whenever any pdice offioer fnds a \,ehije attended or unattended, sErding upori any portion of a steet or upon any plaoe within thb Murfcipality in such a rn€tnner ai to constitute a violation of any secfion of this Artide, or left unaftended for a period of turcnty lotr (241hours or more and Fesumed to be abandoned under the.condiliom prescdbed by dorado Re\rised Statutes section 4i{-1102, as amended. the offier shall require the ve*riCe to be remored or c:llJse it to be rerroved and placed in storage in the nearest gar4e or other plc of safety de€ignated or maintained by this tr&.rnicipality, and the darges br towing and storage of sch rrehicle sttalt be cfiarged to the o ,ner of the vehide in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundmenr ctrarge. (Ord. 2(196S) g 3: Ord. 2S(199i) S 1) I have read and will comply with thc above code pmvisions:Ddin. Positim or Relationship to Pmject: ?;. @.ooc F/crcrymclbntts/blQcrnT Signaturc t;/t,o 11t13t20@. DRAI NAGE AND CULVERT I NSPECTIONS ARE REOUI RED BY PUBU C WORKST Please read and check olfeach ofthe items below: The Town of Vail Brilding Depatment has devetoped the fotloring procedures to ensrre that nerrrr condruction sites have adequddy established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or dreets. The Town of Vail Rrblic Works Deprtment will be required to inspeci and appro/e drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the in$allation of temporary or permanent culverts at acess points from the road or street onto the construction site. S.rcfr approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspedion by the Torrn of Vail &.rilding Department for footings, temporary decirical or any other inspedion. Hease call l-eonard Sandoval at 47*2198 to reque$ an inspection from the Rrblicworla Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notie. Also, the Town of Vail Rrblic Works Department will be approving all final drainage and orlvert installation with restlting road patdilng as ne€ssary. Slcfi approval must be obtained prior to any Final Grtificate of furpancy issuane. Agreed to by: Ffojed l',lame: Date Sgned: ?ico D'd,nr .-ftint MmeY,"Vil- Mr"lto^ Petitbrr,e z[t+[t $Vat\dabtcd€liFORMSIPERMnSBDGPERM l)OC 11n3mm How it rel.tes to g66ling permits: -' Fill out the attached ctreck list with the Building pennit Aoptication.lf yes was arswered to any of the qr.rcstiors tnen a guOtlc Way" permit b requlred. you can pick up an application at either @mmunity Developnrent, locaieO at 75 South Fron@e Rmd or Public Works, located at 130g Elkhom Drive. - Notioe sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities mr.rst field verifi (locate) respeclive utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hous notice to schedule a locate. - A corstruction traffic ontrol/staging plan must be prepared on a sepamte street of paper. An approved site plan rnay abo be used. This ptan wili show locations of all tnaffic control devioes (s(1rs, cones, etc.) and the nrork zone, (area of onstruction, staging, etc.). Thbplan will expire on lrlovember lst and wilt need to be regrbmiiled br corsideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter rnay be denied depending on the location of corstruction. -' Sketch of work being performed mr.rst be submitted indicating dimensiors (length, width and depth of work)' This may be drawn on the traffic control pl6n or a site ptan for the job. -' Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation qew. The locates take place inthe moming, but may require up to 4g houns to perform. -' The R-tblic Work's Corstruc{ion Inspector will review the application and approre or denythe permit' You will be contacted as to the status and any requiremene that may beneeded- ltlct permits are released within 48 hours of being fueived, but please alloyv upto one (1) week to process. -'' $; soon as the permit is approrcd, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the"Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the ?ublic Way Fermit" with a"Building Permit". 'r NorE: The above prooess ls for work in a public way oNLy. public wayPermits are valid only untll November 15th. A new Public Yfay Permit is requirei each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November lSth does notmean an automatic renewal. I havglgad and understand the above. -6sgPLE--Signature [VailtdatalcdevlFoRMstPERMITS1BLDGPERM.DOC ItzlttlJt 'l ------D;t;sls-";---- 11t13tw BUI tDI NG PERTIII T I SSUA}ICE TI ME FRATIIE lf this pemit requires a Tourn of Vait Fre Department Approval, Ergineer's (fublic works) revieur and approval, a Hanning Department rerrievv or l-lealth Department review, and a reviaz by the &tilding DePattment, the edimated time for a total rsdevvwill take as long as three (3) weeks. Al commercial (large or srnall) and all multi-fumity pennits will hane to foilortr the above mentioned maximum requirements. kidential and srnall projeds sfrould take a lesser amourd of time. lbwever, if residentid or srnaller prcieds impr361 the vrious above mentioned departments with regard to n@ssay revien, these projeds may also take three (3) weeks to rwiery ard approve. &ery attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon €ri posible. I' the undersigned, under$and the plan cfreck proedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the o<piratim date thd I mu$ dill pay the pfan cfieck fee and thd if t tuil to do so il nay dfe#.. future permits that I appty for. Agreed to by:R.' D,dter /-Sint narne'ft*Ylt*-- Ftojed t€me: Date: . Sgnature ,-, Ylr"lfo^ 'frs,ln^ra \Wail\data\cd€v'tFORMSpERMtTStBLDGpERM.DOC 11t13tN2 m/Wt(W WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED REASE FEAD At{D CI'EK Ot EAC}I OF TFE FOLl.ot\rlNlc QLESIIOI\IS REGARDIiIG TtE NEED FOR A.PUBLICWAYFEFMF. e ls this a new residenoe? ./ESA NO Does dernolition woft being performed require the qse of the Right-of-way, easernenb or puHic property? YES_ 1{O K e 0 Are there any improraernnb being done to the driveuay ? YES_X_ NO_ ls any utility work needed? \€S K* NO-her, dn,te'"tay ls a different ace needed to the siG other than the existing driveway? yES- l{o-l e ls_any drainage nolk being done that affects the FUght-of-way, easrpnb, or public propefiy?\€s_ Ilo )c._ ls a "Rwocable Right-of-Way Permit' re$rired? yES_ NO_ Is the Right-of-way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or funcing?YCS- tlo- lf ansrrer is tlO, b a parking, staging or fencing plan required by pr.rblic Wolks?\€S- No_ lf you answered YES to any of these questions, a "public way permit" must be obtrained. 'Public way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Ptblic work's office or at community tleveloprnent (a sanple b attached). lf you have any questions please call l-eornd Sadoval in Rrblic Works at479-2198. I I-IAVE READ Al.lD At{St/tERED Atl TtE ABO\iE OUEflONS. T,"Vd;* Contracbr Signature* * ;;;,,=, "-' r{rrli o n &s idure. DateSiqned: T-------i----i-- \WdldatelcdevtFoRMSitPERfrf TSIBLOGPERM.DOC F:ret eryorE/fi oms/bl@nn4 C.ompany l,lame 1',U13t2W AIG-26-2AA3 11:13 H-f t LUIh.LH 502C (-iorrrrry' lioerl 154 CiLor woc,ri $plurgs, L-.,k:rirJrr I I501 I'lrorre; l) 7C.?41.'1Q88 l'ax,:)?{J-945-845,} crnarl: irilrer(4h;,.lsot0ci1.c:{t!r! EOg- ot tl tu HEPWORTH - PAWLAX GEOTECHNICAL Town of Vall *OFFrcE GOPY Didier Constructiou Company, Inc. Attn; Rico Didier P. O. Box 4990 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Job No. 103 500 Subject: Observation of Excavation, Proposed Moulton Residence, Lot 15 ' F)ling 2, Vail Village West, 1793 Shasta Place, Vail, Color:ado Dear Mr. Didier: As requestd, a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc, observed the excavation at the subject site on August 20" 2003 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. Tbe findrngs of our observatious an<l recommendati0ns fbr the foundation design are presented in this repOn. The services urere performed in accOrdance with our agreemelrt fgr geotechdcal engineering services to yoU, dated Augnst 4, 2003. The proposed resi<lence will be a 1 and 2 story wood-fratne structufe over a walkout basemertt level with an attached garage. GrouM floors will be .slab-on-grade. The buildfurg has been designed to b€ supported on spread footings assuming an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. The site has a shong slope down to the northwest towards Gore Creek. Ar the time of our visit to the site, the foumlation excavation was nearly complete and had been cut in multiple levels f'rom about}lh to 7V' feet below the adjacent ground surtace . The excavation for the gamge was not cornplete. The soils exposed in the bottom of the cxcavation coluisted primarily of relatively dense, silty to very silty saldy gravel with cobbles and small boulcters. Along the northwest side of the residence, in the shallower cut areas, medium {ense silty sarul With Scatteled gfavel was exposed at footing subgrade. Results of swell-consolidation testing perfcrrmed on a sampl" of the silty sind taken trom the site, showtl on Figure 1, indicate the soils ale slightly to moderately cornpressible under conditions of loading and wetting. No free water was encountered in the excavation and the soils were generarlly slightly moist. Considering the conditions exposed in the excavation an{ the nature ofthe proposed COnstruction, spreaCl fOotings placed on the unCliSturbed nafural Soil desigued for an allowable bearing pr"r.u.e of' 1,500 psf should be adequate for support of the proposed rcsidence, There coulrj be some differential settlement between the gravel and sand bearirrg soils. Footings should be a rninimum width of 16 inches for continuotts walls aM 2 feet for columl]i. Loose and disturbed soils, and any cxisting fill, in footing Park,r^ .103-841-?i19 . C-lolorado Sprirrgs 719'633'5562 r Sik'crthorne 9i0'468'1989 euc-26-2ae,3 11:13 H-P GEOTECH INC. David A. Young, Rev. by: DEH DAY/ksw aftachdlent - Figure 1 - Swell-Consolidation Test Results P.A3/A4 Didicl Construction Company, lnc- August 25,2003 PageZ areaU should be removefl and the bearing level extended clown to the undisturbed nar.ural granular s<lils. Exterior tbotings should be provided with adoguate soil cover above thlir bearing elevations for frost protection. Forfy-eight indres Of tiost cover is typically used in tlie Vail area. Cotrtinuous foundation walls should he reinforced top *na Uottoto to spatr local anomalies such as by assuming ar unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Flundation walls acting as retaining structures shouJd also be designed to resist a lateral earth pres$ure based on an equivalent fluid unit weight ofat least 55 pcf for on-site soil, exclucling topsoil and oversized rocks, as backfill. A perimeter foundation drain should be pr<lvicled t0 prevent temporary buildup ofhydrostatic pre$sure behind the walls and prevent wetting 9f the basement level. Structural fill pnr"a *iuin floor slab areaq can consist of the on-site sand and gravel soil.s compacted io at least 95% of. sUndard koctor denSity at a moisnre content ,'ear optimum. Backfill placed around the structure should be comprcted and the surfhce graded to prevent ponding within at least 10 feet of the building' l'he recommendations submitted in this letrcr are based on our observation of the soils exposed withifl t]re foundation excavation and do not include subsurface exploration to euiluare the subsurface corulitions within the loaded depth of ibundation influence' This srudy is baserl on the assumption that soils beneath the tbotings have equal or bettef support than those exposed. The risk of foundation m6vement may be g]'eater than indicated in this report because ofpossible variations in the subsurfacc conditious' In Order tO reVeal the natule and extent Of variatiorls in thc subsurface conditions below rhe excavafion, dritling would be required. lt is possible the data obtained by subsurface exploration could change the recouunendations contained in this letter' If couditions exioseil iu the remairting portion qf the excavation are different than described in this report we should be contacted' If tirere are any questions or if we may be of further assistance' please let us know' Sincerely, lou # 103 500 ceEtecn AUG-26-2AA3 LLtL4 n-r (lEU I ELf.1 HEPWORTH-PAWLAKN-NTtrCHNICAL- INC. P.A4/A4 Figure 1 Moieture Content = 1O.6 percent Dry Density - 96 Pcf Somple of, SiltY Sond p166; $ottom of NW poriion of excqvotion I I J Compression upon s,etting I I -l II( -1 -j.l I _l II ,l t-f-l t t L] L I I I Ir I F I L I L t N o 6It Ec Eo 1.0 1n APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf0.1 TOTRL P.A4 103 500 SWELL CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS E }.IOUL T ON 72 l95FB P. trt afffui:'ilopv BO3'o I Eav. f,his report pre$ents the resultg. ?l o*" geotechnical i.nveetlg*tlort conductcd .r oo*'ii. w*"t Vrff Vili"g" S,;ldiol=ion, Vall' Colorrdq' it|iiilleli"tiJn^*ls ieir";;ia tt-piovrJe- eurticient tnhormation a11out th6 supForilf"g-*Eii-rnantle to'enable a guitable fouhdatlgn deslgn f6Y the Propo*ect Done' qh6 conqlus-fons and rdcomnendatlons presented herein are based ort rhe data g.ruur*i"'Hdiug;;*i-iils, Ln'"e"t1gat1on and our etp€rLence $,lth Finllar soii iti,"Aiifo"".--i[t* tnveefl-gation.was conductsd ln eccordance vlrtrr preeently'accepted solls englneerlntt brdcedureg qonsietent lylth th6 FroPosecr o"""io!illt tnf,-"" *rlri"itty is lmp1led' rIELD INVESTIGATIO}I the d$bBurfece so^ll eOodltions sgss explor€d. on t''lay 11, 1993 by ? opEn t"nt Bf[i a"g *iti a foia ssi trackhce- the solls exposed on eita *t" p"oili"a ii Figure-2' Labor*tory teatlnq of sqLl sanplee waa no? performed d'ue to ttte ttfgh-g:!:t*-g"-of granular raat€rle,I anA rocflr-ii.i-tni-ivident non:ex-Banaive nature Qf the below footl.ns cJiil il;d"d in ttre test. Blf,' Fee Flgure 1 for the test Pit locatJ.ons- FROPOSED COI{SSRTJCTIOH Thr€6 Isvel co4ventionally frarned hone *t1gh galk-out basement' RECOIIME$pa'rIollF Based on the nonexpanslve eolls eEDoEEd ln the test plt and the proposed "ou"rrulii;;;-"; i."r ttL'r*ost econoNicallv deelrable type I;;ffi;;f.;-t;-il-"prela toottnqe, p"oi "r wall on qlade deslsned lor a rnaxirnuro *orr-"pi5's;;;"-;;-fi6i'pli pruced on the red sands artd qrav$lB founct "pf,il;ffii*iy i' to'ei [elow existlng grade in bhe il"i-iitil -*rtii ih* fotror+ins precautions: 1. gpqpdatloft grad'e beaqg ehould be daslgned and reLnforcrd to Bpan an uo"ippott"d diBtance of 10 fett' 2- LnEBect e*cavatlon for soll. untforrnlty End tyDe Prlor to any found.aripn corlFtruqtlon, eli l.oose oi solt gbckitn of soll wtthl^n thJ i;;;e];fi; or-'lrre-io"tinss ehould be rsnoued and r-praccd *tirr-' werl- compa'tii, ;;i:*i"::"ilitt3"ll"ffi estended br:- lorcer, lnore conpetsnt 80' coapact€d.ijr-'gn-riite to " nlnirnurn of 95* Hodltled Proctor DellBity wLth gravele-at a "tilf"liui" content-wlthln 2t of, oprimrr4i "ri"fi.iry placed. "ii-"inirnia washed roch nay ba used trr lleu of fLlls' 3. any flll corrtalning rock srust ba carafully nlxed to avol-d nestLng ana-eilacf6n of lteili'- firr snari no! be plac€d otl nuddr' 6r frocen Erourrd' Page 2 Jobf93?6es Eltx/93 4. I'laint"a_tn f,roet 9"pt{ for 6qo1lrrga eubJect to fre6t, Unlesa arrengln+,er,ed nhallow foundarLon dJetgn Ia lntpternented. 5. Ftalntarn the in situ moletutre content and avol-d weatherlnq of,the exposed bearing soils prtor to placlng foottnss.- 6- Frovide a minimum 6n gravel rayer under arr srabs. Bemove alltopeolla and_obJectlonabla matbrlare prl-or ta pracrns fiav"r.Fllp join* slahs at all lnterfaces. '1 , prqvicle arr adeguete underdrnJ.n eystem Errd dlvert arr eurf acedrainage at r.east l0' away fron ltr sldes of, the structure an,Jits f,oundation. 8. Dd nob backf-t_ll qntil supportlng floor €yEtems or adequate I!?*iTS"ls fn Fleee.. sacktill, io be granular tree arJtningIttfiterial , -cappe.d with.a 12" layer of lrater impermeable leqlqlay) to divert topsoll E€epagl away from the-structrrre. Elgnificant changdG in the E roposed ehructure or eubsoil condLt j.onsdrtterent than tho6e logged in Figure I may alter theser€oommendations and should he brought to the attent{on of thlsofflca. BincereJ-y, S FIOULTON 72t9386 page eTEzgettsf u9lr P. Sr ilobf93269s 5/17193 Sf:ET B56T-6T"I3O Ertgirl fnc. &na)^ystbyl revj,ewed: Feter fB'd S HOULTON F IGURT decreoses qppox irnate ly 1 ffi Test S ite's lopes here, down J'in 20' pit fiz il:\Y Tes p;t fft S ite here, down 2 'in -.1 14 -- t---F: /rt4.\\ B- gr0ss s lope increoses from f lat to oppox imote ly 10' Vegetat ion : EA',d Page 4 zr6e9atsEgf sulr -r '' "F 41/rtF"r' 2 "'- J' 7219544 rlo.b#93269e s llt ro"'' CE:AI ffiI-dI-IIl', ilopou*t helse ,---- Shosto C irc le S HOULTOH ?2 l95ElA P. g= F IGURT 2 TI$T Ptr I Inp of existing grde Iopsoil rrfroots PIT 2 Top of existinq g.ade iEST Topsoil Vrbots cnd rocks uix ond ond JOz (up of dqD red srrds gro'tels /rootr Sune topsoil, rocks 0rrd boulders to J' 0) tlix of donp red sonds ord grorels /roots orrd somo topsoil. lF rocks ond boulders (tp to J' 0) I Less roots Bottun of excwotion Note: Soil clossIficqlion bv llo Eodotions or other tecln icion j udqeoent onlv- clqse if icqlisn testirqj rere I r** 9rs,i6ls ,.t:t*""".-*--.*-_r.ig foier f louirg, Bottcm of excuyqtim performed- 5 Jrthrq a tf,o |' F ,1 't , r1' 9E;Er 966T-5T-1s PAC'A ATBE9ITS€E B9II ll' ll j I 0l t .D \ I 01 .e E€'d