HomeMy WebLinkAboutB04-0194 FINAL INSPECTION i :; - -___.. __ _----._ �_.._ .__ ._ � .._._ _ �---_ � ..- ---.:_ --__ - -- -—.�__--___ ,. »_�a-''�J04 __ _ Pa e 4 �� � . � Ins ction €te uest Re ortin 9 �:, :' 6:�7 a��--- __._vAi�.,_L:G_-�'�'i.�tM[� t��= , - -.___ _ _ __ � � , � RequesXed Insp�rtDate: Tuesday,December2i,2r' ' c(_ � Inspeckion Area: CL� ���Q 62 L� 5ite Address: «lotte UsMdy % :;, 7B0 WEST�IONSHEAQ G:;_._ '� AIPiD Informatlon ' = AtliVity: B04819-0 Type: i3OMBUILD 5ub TYpe: NCOM Siatus: iSSL4ED '� ; Const Type Occuyancy: Use: p FR Insp Area� C9 ' iiwn�?c VAILCURF� ,� ' Appsn dnt: it!� ►vcLSaN 3�ASSC)i,lR i ta.INC i=twne: 97u-9�i5-515� C;oritractor. k.A.NeLSdN��tS�CX.ik fES.tl�hl:. Phene� 970-9d9-5752 n.� Qee.cnptian: MUUIFICl�TKN�! Jr EYJSTtnrG MARRlOTT PAfiKIMG STRUGI��Rt Nouce: ILG to�drhrewav �ranQ rec�r���r�nd routed tu Public vmrKs �' -CD/�1�'tS � M1Jotke� RA Nelscsn se�!:-,no[her rh�r k tn the Amourit�it 5157.8.75 to�over The�lanCe-Dut thiB��s 8lreedV Deen paid. 'a1 •, Need tn rattirn*h•�r_heck with a cot�y af the recelpt. -LCAMRBELL Y � Notice: AddRional info re•is3vec!?Q,'5�04 �, a No turhter revfeYr�arttil parKin garage anaiysis is pertwmed stwwing it garage Is ogeree or dos9d.A .� w , commitment to iro��taU e 5prin�er systetn aiso required due to loss ofactess on south side oT siructure- Y. CUA111S Gnmment: UPD,�TED t2EV;;;IONS BUBAAIttED AND ROUTED 7d WARl2EN CAMPBEIL,GtiARLIE DAVIS,FtF2E AND � PUBLIG WORIC:�-JSUTFiER � � C.ammenk C�CiVE AND PFv'tKlAiu F,CTEf2ATtt3N GF�AWINGS SU6METfED AhiD F2GU7ED TtJ GHARLIE DAVIS. VURRREAk CAMi'B���I.,FittE ANG FUSLiG Vd.^.S2i�S-JSi1FFiER '� C:anment: FIRE DEr^T.5`i A4 iMCi AREF�DFrA1r;l�RVVS�UE1Ai r-tEG ANiJ RGili'kC+Tf)CWiiiLIE DAV1S.YYARR[i3 • �, 4ANi1�%EELL F-1�r ANG PUti�ii�V�C+fiKS-J��;i riFiZ "� Comment: ROUTE'v l��J C:t1+4RL1E QAViS. 1NRRREN i:AP!!'t-F3�L1.FfRE AA1D Pi18in:,WQE�KS-JSl)1HEfi �g Requested Insaection(s1 ��� � ; I It?m: 5d0 BIDG.�.r.+k�;+1�; �,- .,:,_=��f, T��;;p� oT�on Pnn � � R9f;ll6'SlQr, P A � . �, �°...�„�,r,�rce:. �F.�;•� � €�hnne:� 471-?Q44 Assigned To. _�;r� ,'� .,-�d 8y� DG4LCEtd ,` '� //�CCt�0I1:�. .f �-jrr,; i=.sj� . . v . .. ^ E � � � . d�.. � � ���� o� �� fnsr�ecaon Hismrv �y, � !tem� 5C+2 P►N-�?o!f^" �rsa� � ft9nt: 5U3 PUV-FiT18Tdfi+ ��e>', -�- ,.-.r-.__: : . �?;1AlQ4 i�,�..,. :;:.� ��. - � _�, � � ttem� 10 BLDG-F'aotmgs;x�� � •• a�,�;�cve� .. � ` � 10.;1f31(14 InSt�� tnr. .Arl A ! � Commen►s� APP^�\!FD FO(3TIFfG SrEEt.AT SC� "'' - --FsC3?'T(JM L�vE� Kem; 20 BLDG-Fcundaticm Fteet "`APPr6ved"` 1�?C��4 9ns�r��or' GGD A[�, ,; �.•.-<- �FCTiC}N Gommer+�: 2 CC' ElMNS AND FDF!WAl.L dN GARA�E 111751U4 Ins �: sor: GCU Acfion: ,4PAPPRfJVEi� � �: Camn;enYs: St�t R[TRCdIt�SG U+IAl±- '' 12am: 3C QLDG �'�amin� v� ltenl 50 SLCG I:;sulafi�n Y4i4il' Fi:i F3L.ha.,i)tt81((iCk AI<��i �� fidril: Iu bLLnrNN�i.. � . . i 1�t 7%{}4 ins�:Y.or: c�Savis Actwr�: 5vu�Ul IF+�D ' �, ?�amments: iN�Fr_l:Ti(NdtJUi kEi.2UESTED�t?R TOf3�Yti.014TkA�i�ORSi`ATES11�fSPEC'i{C1N (71;C>1ftREU YEST�RDAY 'i'� �!qm• '?*! E�LDG-Ffnaf :� 12���'Q4 Ins.���.c�sr� GCD Acll�n: pfV GEMED ; Camments: P�bitlltdG. PURUC 1N4RKS AND FfRE AF`PROVALS RFn[;. '3lDG-TAm .t:.rp � 11+2d/� f�vspe�;lor: cclavis Acti�: LW DENfED � � •� � y'�,��y-�� q�y 4 KMv", .Y '.e '�h . �:. � F �.yi �f Y ! � . 1M � -V � 31a�-"WC� ^Y *'j � y �a'. 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'_'__'"'._...._...`_..__Y..,.._"_..r . � ::� . i�'2�"�tJJ'-I . . . _ . . . #nsp�ctian �t�:c{uest �teporting Page s = " 6:47 em _ .___�/liiL, k.1� - 'i�V1�i!1 t3�.,___�__ �..�.Y -. - < ------ -- _ --. - ----_.. ` Ccmm�9nts� Pfa�F�i^;Fire and PuDlk�Jt�orks aaFrcvats requlred _ � -Must p�y fee and P�ckii�ra.y�sod drawtngs , � -Lan Plna ret�uirsid at eniry d+.ar ta -Frar��ing�Siructural engineer a�provet reyuired ' -Alf�!ectri:ai conduii shaii!�e seu�red in an apptoved snanner �' -Rer iove iemp stafrs hom Marno-i hctei �� . -Fire�O�rm shall operatlonaf and recertifired .� -RefnspecUon te uieed �''� 12,'Q9�'04 3nShA:�tqt; cda�s A�:tia�: idO NOTifIED ;� Cornments. S�riN Erx3irrear repat recwvc�d see file �,� itam: 5"s'i FiRr-TEAAR �„v Iten�� 5.i2 F1M1f-7t�iAi�.GrC'i . Ftp�ovecJ " t�.�.'��,�kt im�.* .:tcs: k eicu�n. iiN trENisi, y Commerrts: !v�,t ready. 12�ip�t74 insp�rtor- fs AcUon: �!UElVlEG� CanmPnts: t� A P,ls!son has provirie me wiffi @riveway aratFes hom PIG.but stamped from Alpine '; Engi�.,�enr.g !neF,;l pLC to siamp thsir twtm drtvev,�Y gra.3es �r t?�1d�n4 insr*-�tnr� Is ACtkm: AP APPRnilEp ' Comments� Stam;�c!drlveway grade from PLC has Men provide a!�apprcwec4 by�±^1 Rem: 533 PLAN-TE��!P.C+Q "Ap{tr^ve�" ;� i7;2�1Q4 insp<.�ior: Warren Actlon: C�ND£i�tiED �4 Cornments: Ni:•�:lii�gs anC cut concrsta r�ead w 6e�»aite�i. The new rsteining�vall neetis to bs painled: A!i a � tand�,;,aptng wt;ech was remav�d neads tu be repWced. We nead tu woAc together tn sse it ifiere ts " a beir;�,r opUon in lerms�i fw.ation fw Uw caslarn gata arm op�swr. ?< 12,'j4/04 Insp..ctor: Wsrren Aciion: AP AFPRdVED : ; Cau�rxinfs: icre:+,.'cabie teter uf CredN au:cwpteiJ�n t�cetnber 1d.2�]4 , �,;: Itam: 537 PLAN-+�INAi.G�G ' � itam, 538 FfRE-'rii�iAL t;t0 � ttem: 639 P1Ai-�iNfu C:f3 item: 54f1 BL[?G-Ffnai C!O � ���. r, `y '�inY �.. f J ' i: _ 'z : : �t'�� _ S �r�'� . �� 1 �e� �� � ' � r� /rtl, .[!- L`� '� �'}. `�:P �kY�b .., ,� .JII � � '? �{ �� 5: ,A 1u. y�.� S �`.` �} ._ �'?6" � y�� ' Y '�" 0.� _ ���. ��F�� . �: 4 - - � ��g"• � �� � , i � a� ". p� �.4 ��.amd F ' � �' ::. ,r q $ ' � Ak��,F ;:.� ' . :: .: x+ y. �, ".t1' ,f'� j'+1 . . d' � ` K ����p� ��yd ' ° .��.` . � _ � M �e2T�y P _i���, �� y IS {3.q.: . ` }. �I`'�� 1 .X +. � ' . i ' �� � s� { � _ �y 'T � � 3� F � �..� q r i 7S �. fx��� :' . -` _ i' `} ��:. � � l, t � Y.. S'�yBF.� '� �' '+�4 'c•,, � ° !� . � )� Fa`�, .. . ,�) �/i� "'��1�d d �z � 1(+ � F 'Y t ix - }{ . 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