HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL VAIL RESORTS KIOSKSDesign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAL77 Category Numbef 5 o^," Pft(?= Proiect Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: fu a=e, q"re. * u;f, o>7et ArchiiecVContact, Legal Description: Lo Proiect Street Address: Comments: zone District rcrA Board / UotonOy: ldft Seconded ,rt i(/ tr Approval z oiVffivat v{tx Nprou^t / o ari,sf f Town Planner / /o= DRB Fee pre-paidon", / a./{qs DRB Fee pre-paid 4 n'QQ--' DRB APPI.,TCArION - IOWN.OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **rr******* THIS APPI.ICATION WILI.. NO:c BE ACCEPTEDIINTI]J aI.|L REQUIRED INI.ORMATION IS SuaMIfTED******r.rr** xsvised 9/4/9L COLORADO I. A.DESCRIPTION: 2J @ VxuVrtc.p4e-Vt srn E+.6 B. i/ IYPE OF REVIEW: t./_V New Constrdct,ion Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision ($20 .00) ($01 If propert.y is described, by a mdescript.ion, please provide onatt.ach to this application. ZONING: ts and bounds legal separat.e sheet and I.OT ARBA: If required, applicantst,amped survey showing Lot, area. NAMB OF APPLICANT. VIi(.Mailing Address: must provide a current Phone I. ,J. NAME oF owNERs: Vf Tr A<\/C.tA{F,i .lA{C, *SIGNATURE 191 ; _|Q--Mailing Address: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable.'.'' DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are t,o be paid atthe tlne of submitta+ of DRB application. r,iiei, wnenapplying for a building perrnitl please iaentify-ifreaccurat,e valuat.ion of t,he proposll . The Town af vailwill adjust the fee _according^ to the tabte Uefow, toensure the correct fee is paid. $r.00.00 $200.00 $400.00 9500.00 ONE YEAR ATTER FINAL ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTTON **NO AFPTTCJ\TION WU.IJ BE PROCESSED WITIiOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE..-.. --ri NAME OFMailing APPLICANT1 S REPRESENTATIVE :Addresst]].q. Ba*') PBE SCHEDULE: VATUATION$ 0 - $ L0/000$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000. $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001" - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000r 000$ . Over $1,000,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOAAD APPROVAS, EXPTRES AIPROVAL UNLESS A,BUITDING PERMIT IS STARTED. -$?€ffi01 Minor Alt.erat,ion Conceptual ReviewS' ? ^r-.ul, u Block Phone ( $ 20.00-T-sfff ID II. III. A pre-applic staff is stapplicationresponsibili determine if Please note. approval pro tion rneeting with a mernber ofngly encouraged to determineformation is needed. It is the planningif any additionaLthe applicant'sthe staff to A. y to make an appointment withthere are additional submittal requirements.hat a COMPLETE applicat.ion will streamline theess for your project. In addit,ion to meeting submittal requirement,s, theapplicant must st.ake and tape the project site toindicate propert.y lines, Uuitaing fines and buildingcornersi. AI1 trees to be removed nust be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking rnust be completed prior to the DRB sitp visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the wint.er is not buried by snow. The revj-ew process for NEW BUILDINGS normalJ_y requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptlual approval_ and a f inal approval . Applicant.sshouLd plan on presenting their deve]-opment proposal ata minimlum of two meetings before obtaj.ning final_approval . Applica[ts who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard oF t.heir scheduled meeting date and who have notasked i[ advance that discussion on their iten bepostponEd, will have their it.ems removed froft the DRBdocket Until such time as the item has beenrepubliphed. The fol!-owing it.ems may, at the discretion of thezoning pdministrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopinent Department staff (i.e. a formal hearlhgbefore phe DRB may not be required): a. windo$rs, skylights and similar ext.erior changeswh:ich do not al-ter the existing plane of thebu,itding,. and b. Buiilding addition proposals not. visible from anyot,her lot or public space. At the time such aprioposal is subnltted, applicants must includelepters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthle agent for or manager of any adjacentcondoninium assocj_ation stating the associationaplproves of lhe addition. is located in a rnapped hazard area (i.e. rl c. D. I.|. E' snow av]alanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetlanq, etc), a hazard study nust, be submitted and theowner rnlust sign an affidavit. recognizing the hazard.report prior. to the issuance of a building permit.applicalnUs are encouraged t,o check with a-T6wn planner Plio_r to DRB application to determine the relat.ionshipof the Froperty to all rnapped hazards. For all residentlal construction: a. Cl"early indicate on the floor p)_ans the insidefalce of the extetior structural walls of thebqilding; andb. Irldicate with a dashed line on the site plan afqur foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or support,ing columns. G. If DRB iapprovesmodifidations,resolvld prior I I t,he application with condit,ions orall conditions of approval must belo Town issuance of a building permit. NA}48 OF PRO.}ECT:ltb sv< LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO.IECT : SUBDIVISION The foI]owing information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING }4ATERTALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal_approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to t.he Design COLOR N zrut- l\ aCt t; u*lJ B.LANDSCAPING: Narne .of Designer:phone: PLANT MATERIALS: BoIanical Name PROPOSED TREES Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minirnun caliper fordeciduous trees i,s 2 inches.trees.Indicate height for coniferous i PLANT MATERI]AIS L PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVEP : Botanical Name Comnon Name Ouantitv Size* proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe *fndicate siize of5 qallon. GROUND COVERIS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR EROSION L TANDSCAPE L show the nlighting pI on the listgrade and t DOFME co IING: If exterior light,ing is proposed, pleaser of fixtures and locations on a separate _ Ident,ify each fixture from the fighting planlow and provide the wattage, height, above - of light proposed. D. Proiect Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner t{v \ [.\.,1s\;V l t'r \ sturr Approval t.,Y|'nl Project Application proiect tt"re' 'ii3: l' Proiecl Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board APPROVAL ;-1 o"," iJ, rl rllli ' DISAPPROVAL:/: ' I t..--l-t.i,,Flt'!ll,Y\. ill : \p: ' 1. tl Approval ;< i Staff ,oi Project Application o^r, 'Ji)1.:l ls itjr'';'.' project Name: \rA1i if'j'*:l ,.'-1A11 ;.:;/ t\-:'! \Vl1 ip;;--> KiLe+{:; projectDescrip,ion' \ifi--t.A;"/tLtf-'tr(AL/ A .llt,ll i1-t:-., k/e,-'{t} Contact Person and Phone *:!( ry^: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by:{4SEvtgut- DISAPPROVAL 6-'t - I Sum mary: E staft Approval