HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONSHEAD FILING 6 LOT 2 VAIL RESORTS CHAIRLIFT 8,try \AilAssociateqLrc. Creaton and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creeko SITE OF THE 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS be be AE August 12' 1988 Mr. Rick Pylman Planner Town of Vail 175 South Frontage Road VaiI, CO. 81657 Dear Rick, Attached are three copies of the site plan for the lower terminal of chairl-ift #8 in LionsHead. The color scheme, sinage and terminal materials will identical to the Vista Bahn. Ho\^rever, the signage will "regular" size not the downsized version which was utilized the Vista Bahn, A11 disturbed areas will be revegetated with natural seed and mulched or sodded to match the conditions existingprior to construction. The access road for maintenance vehicles will be graveJ-led. The lift shack wiltr be slightly J-arger than the one at the Vista Bahn. I am planning to present this application at the DRB on August 17th. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerelyl Manager Mountain Planning JM/kL Attachments: Site Plans - photos - list of materials Prst Of6ce Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 4765601'Glex: 910920-3181 SIGNAGE DETAIL Material: FIat White, Komapoor, N inch thick 3 each "Born Free Express,' 16 inch tetters 42 sf 3 each vail Associates, rnc. t-ogos 4 sf .. ra s€ *odq I 3 each #8 16 inch letters 3 sf TO: Town Council FROM: Connunity Developrnent Department DATE: October 4, L988 SU&7ECT: Request for a sign variance for the Born Free ExpressApplicant: VaiI Associates, fnc. Vail Associates, Inc. is proposing to locate the Born Free Express at the base of Vail Mountain, the location of thepreviously existing Chair 8. Due to the fact that the Town ofVail sign code does not specifically address this type ofstructure, it is necessary for Vail Associates to request avariance to the sign code for signage on the lift structure. The signage for the Vista Bahn in Vail Village went through asimilar variance process during its construction. The request to the Design Review Board is for three VailAssociates, Inc. logos, 4 square feet each; three numeral 8, L6inches high; and three each Born Free Express signs with 16inch letters. The proposed signage would be located on theeast, west and north elevations of the Born Free Expressstructure. The Design Review Board approved the request with areduction of letter size from 16 inch to 1"4 inch. The staff recommendation is for approval. l,tpn*J i %",l- !GI' s.i-a-JN a Su+.-/t*'l v6E i o=d kil-s TO: FROM: DATE: Design Review Board Comrnunity Development Departrnent Septenber 21, 1998 SURTECT: A request for a sign variance for the Born FreeExpress APPLICANT: VaiI Associates, Inc. THE REQUEST Vdil Associates, Inc. is proposing to locate the Born FreeExpress at the base of Vail Mountain,at the location ofthe old Chair 8. Due to the fact that the Town of Vailsign code does not specifically address this type ofstructure, it is necessary for Vail Associates-Lo reguesta variance to the signage on the tift structure. Thesignage for.the visti ninn in vail village went through asinilar variance process. VaiI Associates reguested itotal of 4'7 square feet and the Design Review Board, dueto concerns expressed by a neighboring property owner,approved a reduced signage program that consisted ot 32 leuare feet. The proposal for the Born Free Express isidentical in size to the signage that was regue-sted forthe Vista Bahn, with the inclusion of three VailAssociates logos. The request is for 3 each Born FreeExpress signs of 15 inch letters, for a total of 42 squaref.eet, 3 each Vail Associates, Inc. Iogos, for a total-of12 sguare feet, and 3 each numeral g 16il letters for atotal of 3 square feet. When added up, these signs create a- total square foot signage request oi 57 square feet.The east, sest and north elevations of the Born FreeExpress would each contain one VaiI Associates logo, oneBorn Free Express sign, and one numeral g for a totalsignage of 19 square feet per elevation. II. I. Before the Board acts on a variance application, the lPPlicant nust prove physical hardship-and the ioard nustfind that, A.ere are circumstances oapnltoIand, buildveqetaton, s structures Ttaeff tionsthor oth tters on a t-of-d substantia s then; provided ad oweve that such sDecla rcumstances o conditions are unicrue to the particular businessqr enterprises to which the applicant desires to businesses or enterprises. Staff Response Staff does feel that the Born Free Expressdesenres special consideration due to the factthat it is a structure and use that is notaddressed in the Town of Vail sign code. TheBorn Free Express must be easily identified by many visitors to Vait who are often unfamiliarwith the J.ayout of the ski rnountain and the basearea. Staff considers the Born Free Express tobe a special circumstance that is unigue to thebusiness of running the ski resort. The newsignage cornmunicates effectively the name of thelift without drawing undue attention to thestructure. The proposed signage is in scalewith the lift structure. Staff believes thatthere are special circumstances which justifyallowing this signage for the Born Free ExDress. B.That ial tances we reated bthe applicant oapplicant. Staff Response: Some type of variance Ls necessary in order toallow any type of signage for the Born FreeExpress. Staff does feel that the Born FreeExpress is a special circumstance. c.That the inq of the var be ineral ha with the o tlewil1 not be nateriall tal to thersons residinq or nor n the vic n ad acent property, to hborhood or totheublc welfare in eneral . Staff Response: The 57 square feet of signage is conpatible with theintent of the sign code. Distribution of 19 squarefeet per eLevation is in scale with the building andpresents the infornation adequately. The code - states: Section L6.16.010 Harnonious with Town scale.sign location, configuration, design, materials and colors should be harnonious with the najesti.c mountain setting and the alpine village scale of the Town. Section 16.L6.020 Not doninating. The sign should not visually dominate thestructure to which it belongs or call undueattention to itself. Section L6.16.14o Architectural Harmony The sign and its supporting structure should bein harrnony architecturally with the surrounding structures. Staff feels that the signs are in harmony with the purposes of this title. D. The variance applied for does not depart fromthe provisions of this title anv more than is reguired to identifv the applicant's business or use. Staff Response: Staff agrees that the proposed variance is within thegeneral intent of the sign code. Signage must be visible from several sides of the structure, as skiers are arriving at the lift from many different directions. The signage is also in scale with the size of ttre structure. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends approvalof the 57 square foot sign variance for the Born FreeExpress. Staff agrees with the applicant that there arespecial circurnstances unigue to this particular structure due to the fact tbat the name of the lift must be clearlyidentifiable to skiers in the general vicinity of the Born Free Express. Staff believes that the signage on the liftis in compliance with the Town of VaiI sign code andprovides necessary identification for skiers. ( APPLICATION DAIE: a/n/ee DATE 0F DRB l4EETIi'lG i a/r.7/aa A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: r,ower terminal- Chairlift #8 aod noElion of chairlift ir- - Tract A, Vail Village Sixth Filing AS Addfess - An unplatted parce'l as , Legal Description Lot B'lock Filing Zon'i ng DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I^IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTID***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with-a planning staff mernber is strongly suggested to aetermihb 'it any additional information is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion rvill streaml'ine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address Vail Associates. Inc. P.O. Box 7. Vail. co 81658 tel ephone _4J-G-J6or REPRESENTATIVE:,:roe uacy te1 ephone D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S \ Address E. NAI'IE 0F OWNERS: vair Associates, rnc. Si gnature Address te'l ephone F.DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 II4PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS nill normally involve t\,Jo separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Reviel Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. be paid at the time a build'ing permit is requested. $ 1o.oo $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $roo.oo . $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: 4. The following items no longer have to be presented.to the Design-Review Board' They, howev;i,';;;;;; il i;;';iiia-io-ini ioning niminiitratoi for approval: a.l.|indows,skylights.and.simi.larexteriorchangesthatdonotalterthe existing Pline of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space' which hive had'letters submiiiad'iiom-adioinins pr;perty 9!le: approving the addition; and/or upp"ouii-i.or'itre-ig"ni idri'ol-maitger of a condominium associ ati on s. you may be required to conduc_t Natura'l Hazard studies on your property. You should cnecI i'rith a Town Planner before proceeding' NAi'lE 0F tl9!!9Ii.. clsjlrLift 8, Lower rerminal _. LEGAL DESCRI PTI0N :-L0T STREET AODRESS: DESCRIPTIOi{ OF PR The folloling informatjon is required for subrnittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I,IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIALLIFT SHACK TERMINAI, Roof Si di ng 0ther l,.lal I l'laterials Fas ci a Soffi ts lli ndor.ls Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash i ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LIST OF IiIATERiALS by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR LIFT SIIACX TERMINAL Metal .Blue Rs Cedar MetaL ASC Pacific Dark Brown mah.'e Blue Metal Metal 'Flhoe Rlrro Tah..e Blue Plexiglas plexiqlas Metal c-^.4 n-?t lrr^r^m B. LANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani ca'l Name EXISTING TREES BE REI'IOVED T0 none Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height - PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RT|'IOVED GROUND COVERS Eotani cal l.lame Conmon i'lame ttarttF I J 9--Square Footage s0D )tr.u TYPg OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I1ETHOD EROS IOi\I CONTROL 0F Straw Mul"ch Hay Bales C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (r:etaining wails, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. January Vall Asgocia*es, Inc.P. 0. Box 7 Val l, Colorado SubJect:. Llff 0perator Eulldlng Cha i rf I ff Number I Gent I emen: Due to the absence of called Inspectlons tor the above proJect, 8n unsch€dulad lnspectlon was made upon fhe proml*os to detormlns the ste$e of consfruetlon. Through thls lrnspactlon lt Hs$ dlscovered that the bul ldlng ls completed and occupled, vhlch ls in dlrect vlolatlon of the-fof lowlng Sectlons of tha Unlform Bul ldlng Code, l97O Edltlon: l. 304 (a) - F..e-a,ul,fe4.,.l n.soectlons: Relnf lrclng steel $r structuralframeuork ul ldlng or stiucture shsl l not bo covared or concsalsd wlfhout flrsf obtafnlng the approvel of the 8ul ldlng Offlclal.&. Foundeflon lnspecflon.b. Frame inrpecflon. c, Lafbhand/or *al lboard Inspeetlon,d. Final Inspectlon. 2. 306 (a) - Use or Occupancy: t{o bui tdlng or structure sha I t be used or oceuptoa unfl t the Bul ldtng Offlcfal hag lssuod a Cert I f I cate of Occupancy . At ths tlme of permlt lssue, th* roqulred Inspecflorrs H616 stlpulafed fo Mr. J. B. Meadous lYho stated cornpllsnco trould be mst. As In- dlcatod, *hls eas nof the caee. I feel cer*aln that the falluro to call for the r6quired Inspectlons yae due to noglect and lack of conc6rn rather *han lack of knorledge of proper proc6dures In ordor *o el irnlnate the necesslty of lagal actlon and lo agsure cornpl lance, lt ls raquestod that al I lnterf or ralt/col tlng coverlng be remov€d fo facllltate fromlng Inopectlon and thaf dlrt be re- moved alongslde a portlon of an exterlor relI to the base to fecl I Itate a foundatlon lngpecflon. Upon cornpletlon of the above, call 476-5613 for fhe requlred Inspectins, and l-468*2109 for rough elecfrfcal Inspecflon. Upon approva I of framlng, foundatlcncalling materlal mny be relnstallod. made *hen complefsd and upon *pprovalwlll b6 lesuod, ttren the bulld&ng ?n6y Page 2 Val I Associ ates, I nc. Jerry L. Aldrlch Bui ldlnS 0f f iclal df snd electrical, fhe wall andA flnal lnspectlon wl t I be, a Certiflcate of Oecupancy be occup I od. lf you have any guestlons on thls natter, please feel free to con*tacf fhe Bul ldlng Departrnent You rs tru I y, TOWN OF VA I L Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditionaluse permit. The application wi'll not be accepted until a'l'l information js subm'itted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT Vait Associates, rnc. ADDRESS Post Office Box 7 co. 81658 ppgpg 476=5601 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S ADDRESS REPRESENTATIVE Joe Macy Same as above PH0NE sarne c.NAME 0F 0l,lNER(S) (print or ot^JNER(S) : .STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS 1 Associates' Inc. Post Offi Box 7 Vail co. 81658 PHONE 475-s50I D. LOCATI0N 0F PROP0SAL: LEGAL- LOT BL0CK FILINGAn unplarted parcel in LionEEEEiI . TEEE-E--BpvaiT-trfonsFsatfT:fTst AftEfiSffiM r,ilin!. Tract A Vail Village Sixtfr Filing. Tract B vail Address: South of LionsHead Centre 81d9. at existing location of F. A list of the names of.owners of all property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS; THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPON5IBLE FOR CORRECT II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE E. FEE $'I OO PAID CK# BY Chairlift #8. THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l.lILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. adjacent to the subject property and .their mai'l ing addresses. oIJNERS AND CoRRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE ilITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION |,IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THEAPPLICANT'S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT t.lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SVIMREI,SING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED HITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISS:I]ED. OVER t, I ta-fFb EB'i.1lffi,d r.o. I lrL. Yrll rt- Lfl. olf& .-t-drE! l-'- ."a IFE"a raa nrrtrrlrr ooi'16e3'cro -. i J ia. E-, rair. -a'-rIJt = rrlrrl ,rf,L*',r,.+orL,na AII of Prrc.Ia 6-!t rn'r -6-82 rnd rn undlvld'd 8il iiri-l.c.t.rt in 'r'l.to Prrc'l c-c r' iiiitiili- a"llit ua on Er' lbit A rtt'chtd lrrGto ;il;;;t-i;""rPont'd hrrorn' Ale 0 d.v ol : c{< DlonlieiC \ iti .: \. 'tir- ,bf. 'o r-- b €z uw'tT- 42'g'-lL1 {D u'+tco / /kc / /'/ c) Co ./" 'r z/ {Ldfi,-t'-fL rr --fdDz.*'v- 7o z ritl| ell itc rpsrdorlclr' |'i rrrrrltt" thc title to tl* ..g"lilla!" taxe! for 1978 rnd subsrquent vttt"l'i!*ti"tlon8 of'record' cltrnents of ;:;;.;";^; on iltt, Prrtv Hall Asrednent ot rccoru' --usrllrGr |s *4t it f ti!:i-Ni'i H i; ilili il'lj ti It r J ! i F I 3tI IJ T i- 1I i$TIl'I ililit il f,IIr8 IE iF I I i-i-. { #lI.E E 3 srAt! ot corrR^rro )) a!' Ccunty ot Etgla ) The fcregolnq tnFtrunant vas ., cknoulcdgad before mG Bc(l . ..,r i rJ l.r't- 6 I d r.,)inr,( r wal| 't r-,- -'1.,, tr.,ln: f ol l,:,.ri rj !-i'r'r'/ A;' .f Vail- ((" r d.'5u rL ! .. alorlg tl c by Adelalde I,. Blonficld. rfltnes! ny hand ':rd of f lcIll. t"of .6.;, rdsl lly cdwniSaion expirea: ,:( ts/6 'lj .! J &.bl"blt T *'4 t l-l 1tL l, Drrt ot t t t. Dtc* lt -or .rerr,'c5iilv-or-iiri. F.b F dcacribcd rr follar, b ll13r " ' !.gtnnt ni rt r Pllt Fr rdrl-c ""ia r,ot-i'iearr'g. rr'a-oiit' f. ltt:L E ; ;"-"; ,aii rno cxtcngloor !l-t!91t l:l:";;;;q-;;;-iire "",m'r nllr- 'droi roving couraaS 'txl tll rtrnctt' 7.'r7 3-t la .34 t-t 2t.aa t-ttl. t0 f-t 2a . !O t.!t 21.22 fcrt 9.02 fcr t 2a.67 tcct 52.25 fcct s- ?2' 13'57'1. lf. l?.15'ol'1. 9. ? 2.13 | 5?'8. 9. r7'{6 | 0l'r. s.72.13'57'!. s. r?.a6'o3'r. N. ? 2' 13' 5?'r. s.17.{6rO3.tf. N.72'11'57'X. .l to th tEltt oa f'aL8lf' Plrcel 6-82 A Dar t of r't 6' Block 3' -vail vlll'9'-thtrrt ?tllnl' t|'i of Vail, ctunty "r eog t"' "i;i"-lr'ioiottco' blnlt tsrG lt'rtlcul'rrt i.-iiiu.a .- r'tto's' to eit:t .o.r'r,.i^g-::""n::ll:rf's?Tr'h;;hr:T.::':i$:;ltlnon""lnrnnr o[ soid tat 5 bear :,.t,.. ;i;'.il i"ii""ing coursos and distrnccs: N.I7o46'Ol'E' 28'57 feeL. l.iz"rIsr"E. 26.2t feet !.rr"le'ol'*' 28'57 feet ..-i 1i. i; {lti . ill t! :ii' t ''i{ **#*'*#f''ilj:_u"=ruE f,i" or ttrcGl 5-c ::^:" i1,i\1i'?:'i'l::*'';:i' "li l"';13: *ri.l}i" il':'* \ i I I I \ 135t13 tdl c oalID t_8.,xtf| --ll t -- Ltrdri-i!. &oo/- ./ ,)r'1(\r,i-tl) ' \ $.*'8 tl-' trbl n. F...r .r- .Lt d I t' tr 'l'ttts Itr rr, rr.,. .. Jgth t,. . ., . , *lrlv t,f (l r,l,lrrr-'- Apr I I ' 6t CARY R. B0SS0ll and iIARA R. B0SS0r,l Eagle H. LlllOLEY GRUBBS and CLAUDIA C. GRUBBS 2300 Berver Ro.d Lrndover, llrryIrnd 20785 I I' Ir r\ ,' !,1 I lrr r.r r,'r'l t,rr r $tl\l:ssl;t||.Ihtrr r tn, ..,,1 t,.,, rr,.r It,, OIIE IIILLtot' IXREE HUIIORED IIJET{TY F r tlE THoUSAilD Ar{D N0/ 100--( tl,3?5,000.00)-------- I r. [.t. A Rl rnd,'lltrr t,""l .rxlrrl,rit,!...,,".r,trr,,r,,,',.r,,rr,...r,t rlr,tr,,t rh, r,,h,t tr!,,1 t,r rt,r.rr,t t||rtr.rnf ihr r 1{r.lp!rl trr.t..rrln thdrttrrrhr'!r.\,"rrr...r,lnr'rn lI'u:!.,1{i,t r i. r,.,r ri r rtbrttn{t. r.n,t i Inl . ,r, frt.nl. .h.l b) !l,r* t'rr-r,r..1,+.yrfirr. t,rr{n|l, .rtt ,,,,r\,\ tr,,,1 , . , , , r , , , r , , , , . . r1,....,,,t j,nr,,...,,f -.,,,,r.t r,r,t. rh?r, hrtr. rn.l Ie9l e Prrcel B. a resubdlvlslon of Lot l, Slock l. VAIL VILLAGE STITH FlLltlc. .ccordlng to th. Pl.t recordld June ll, 1986 ln Book 413 rt Prgt 168. County of Eagler Strte of Colorudo rrri,rr,,,nr\ir',,,r,r,,r',,,,,,rF, 496 Forest ROrd. Unlt g flx;l:llll:ll rrrl, rll Ir,,] r'r,!t] r, rr, r! r,. t,,.,,,, ,.,...,,,r ,r,r, ,.. ,.r,, t".,,,r,r rr.,,, In rnrr,r.rFr. rr,.!r',! rr',1 rrr.',.t.r\'{r r",t r..r. .,,.r,,.,r,t rrrrn,,r.,. ,., ,,-n,,t tr,,trr. rh.rd,li rrd a[ th. ''rl.l. traht lrl[ ",,',.r 'rni'ir'r,t l,r'.,,,r\r.n'- iJ,,, ., , |,., t,irr r, ,rrnl.r,,rr{urtt.,ttn rrr,ll,,lhrnh"\.l,rr(r r",l t'r,,rr'"r. $ I | ' | | , , . I I . r ! , | , I . , I r . i I ,,r,,t,tl,r,,r L r.rl Tlttlltl: t\lrltrllol tr,rt -., I r,, ,,, ,t,t.,rr,n.rxrr.uhtrthe.rtd t'e.rn..,'ftl,r.i.,',l r,rrt ',, I r,, ., ri ., tr,r,,, ..,t,,,. I rr!.t,,.t t,rrr. f.,, hflnrlt, ht, hrtrr. .r""i,"..|l, lrr.i,. "-,"r r-,1 .,. ..,.t trrrr...,ttlf ...or!.l p.rt. rl|'rrh ,rtrtJ,l .r.rrrr1. r r , r ' , r r r t . , . r . r , ,,.,, rr, i,,! f ,,.,,,,.,... r,1 ,.rr[*rr.,l,,lt]rlrrrhlr. rrr'rr '.rrrr.rl h.,,1 |,.1 .'rr t,,r , , , ,,,t,r,. I tr,r.., , .|rlr$ rhfu" h .. ao.l h., I,'xl r'flr' ( rl t,.{, r ..r r rrr ,,!,, i, , ,t rr rr,rnrtr rrrt fnrnr rforoOd rrrl lrrnr trtt .r"t.,i' r'.! i.,l ., , , r!,,,,r r.r, ,. t,,!ri. r..|. l!,r,r. rrrf., rrflnrentr lrt||rr" r' r"n' " Isr''!' 'r ' ' rnd except generrl prcpcrty trxu for tha yatr 1987 and subiequent years, raienrrnts of record or ln cxlstonc!, racordad declaratlons, restrlctlonsr reservltlons !nd covrnrnti, l.'lrf\ll rl a4ru r;AltY i:. B0S50f/.nd MRA R. BoSSOlt 0-/ s4 dr/-, ':.;ny .)c Er.---. C.-.. r.. g \r, \\r\ t,r . | 'i.r.lt ,.r\ll' rrrr l,*:' i6 d?0 fut- f1...i_ IACLC r I r 50 P|{ '8i ,,t p.r.'l d trr,l Sl rt, ,fI,1,'.r.ln,Inrrt I nrr! ' ,,1 llrr rr,trnrl paal. tlr. r3 I rll Irt'r r\' 'r lr'rn'tr rf lr?r.r'||r I .r. -i trl' .,,, | {,tr ltlLl{.1\.-Tlsl} I r . , ,,r' I lr" ,', .'l x,r\ frlrh.r f,.2\,,,, Aprl I \\ >o U e") \ tr\.,) "' ..5r' l'r\"J (01 ,1dI' bE, rr tori .11'.961 .rt5 5 E R- CllE .d nrlr!! CI,rII... bD.d .d !df. Hra E a-db.atloriatib-rt - |l:tt'!al Itll'tt 'tiT \fifl ff i"I;.lf$lsofr .*-'sq$g"t(I.frbr, oi tb t cdtd lrrrt: lEl L i. { t-l.I- -, td, bra r -dB Jt-,tcn lbllarr a.rd otbr .tood ard va!'.! bla conaidaratrqt |lEIrrlbdflt i-3 atb-tr,trl..t-l|dt- y Jb-t-a,-r.{a-- -'-- -a -4tr b ti-r r.a-l.r-aG*...rrb-- -ts1{qrd-,r---ttr. t' a-d iDla b-.t-bGa-tsrHab -- dH,.y.tsdHfr-(-|a t tl. d-aob,-- Lt l, llct l, VltL VIILB SIIll "ILIG, l'u ot Y.iI,tuty ol !Tl'G. St ta of Color.& E.rf t d -r- - f- - tr- a- Hhr - b.a-.<-at, ri a *-l-ts r- -a -, r-l l-d*..rd.d-r--h, r|l *, -, -bdr-lrl---dr.. i e! i-- --l b -tar l' l- - --E--,---rlt--,DllE.IDtl rtbdtr-rbrrrl| d --I| rl tL .Ir-r, -- -.lF y d Q-_*htt bd---,--.rr- lcr d--F,L tti a;3 E!ff,rq,d.E-,,) -r-,t+d{Drd-a.dl rra y d--ltl, Li-d-r---tba-*lh a - -, tbt .rara.-a a t- trb - -rl, -aa{, r,r-, -d 5.-.1-,tts l--l-lbtc a-{BItEdn-5d, h.'-d-!r--Lrrr'db --,--- --bd--a ----,tsrt,-, h, rr - d - d iF H - -nr cce6 for tuct fc ltTl .d subCaqrnnt tE rs, crrcenta rGstri.ctiona ad right{f-€y of rccord- dt.bffrlt-a-a-dtrf |_r-.rtra y d-dtt, hi! bd-rrrb-dr[- -F-f q - -- -- h".tltssflal" Ibrrhla.dGflt:d_ S'F^-, i'.":g lr rlttH|-rf - lar at-t-rl-a-talttDlGlmr tr lE-tE-dri| ier J-Lri|lve h-.rlir?iH . -a- = tiE-at-!t-E-',| 1 '.' ../ ')- -l' -l t;k{'*(a1*:'6i,$ r.',, f yX.^-r.-*.r(tr?.1, .sr;>I J itri..n cr'rr ..rlrri lct ------ l E:\-aia-.t-,h,-b .-l t =F-rln tt[ Irr rrirrr- *-" -ttict;; -r r t-4 .- 5)/ (,0 !/', ,t | 0t/ tt r'- : ii Ll a' ,/- 2*g ,' " ' ,').' '' ' -i't+o"- Fk Sii g;W i Tro Drro. rre. rla l"l 5t' ArJ|ri ' rt'z " ,UK'U n L't,i kn',5j Z.,le: &' 6 I l.t s..rr nlColtdo of tl|t fttt F?t' rrd '.--"iEl!r-'.,.rr]:r:il-{Fi!GlF.l|-IF. LIO ?AT|l, 3oo ( "!n!.' 6f J Gf I crloo ln ra: Da! raa i"tea rebtt.rY ?E. l9tt) 'd,;gl:.i.:il':,iil'$H'::';il:^Fffi Ist.r.at ln f.. St+l' .-;;;.----- (oJntY I J"f'r'oo t-ohr.d.. al t tt. "'"nd !"t tnr3rtr t I I rt.r t h' "d t'rt v l tT-t'-,Tll5i.':=:'- t ".t ij,.1T -".nrr rooa eoa ;'Y!l*T'.T!'j,:bllrrs .od oth.r sood_ - :::f.tlil?';i'rl,i-f,r .r rr. -.rr F r' rlr r.-. to lh. rld Dr. y "rih' tlrit P"t -Lr -.d..it ta,..a l' !lta?Jte-':::,'.:::;::i.,,...i:::J;'*'"'.'JJ'lT.il;'il}1i'l'r3ii|*ngl3a.onf..*d rn. l.rnor '-- , .* ..,a lrrt lll ot tb ...di ,t!.,.rrr,r,. ar[..ont.] rnd confrli' urr!' lrtdana Ltat t ( olnt ' ,l frSle L!,! :, f,lock 4' V'tl vtllrl" lhtrd Fi'l ln8' (rh!s D".d ,. rdc Pur'r$: tt:t:::::-::tH:"0*1.*ffi1 .n.l lt.t. of Coloi"o' lo t[ I r\' .l r. rrrlr.h ',,ir ! "l DenverCtry.nd r. 8: \l '.' 'rln"x Ltndr'l l! ' ' ' LEU 8A\NE b-tr-llftrl* EDb' ,. "*lT.- rnd !ld..l -oiEl td. gur.rrnt to f3!-rrrn '..;;;r-; p.F. Ea Jc- l. ,,,t Dlaaaluslo'r of l{'rrtlll I ' * j,T;il;l ::J,:l; ::;':*" L"'..?:::ls. l'liil;"""'"llt*t##:,Hg*t : ::::,ilTJ I li:;i *:,':*:;:::::llll;'::":'tjff ;':! 1...,*.,,.*- . D.'r r.. ,: rh. r(uhd *',.n'.',:,Il ;l::,;fi;:; ..!,n.nr n.nr. b'rDr. r.. rtr ?Q r.,. hb.. t.h11'''" '*'"'-' '""'f;i'l':"'"::.:::. ,*.. .. ". u..ol,..i-.x'rd"q'' ''rhth..r'.it,r'r l.a "'Ih' "' 'un'""!Elr h'r'rn'l rr'flr !htl-t-t' l.",n "a..u-',tlxi ll,fl- .,r!hr>, r,.frrnr, h€ ts ..rr r.,r.d c(rh. !rn""' rtrv'?onr"t' r'-";ij,.. iri-i,* r.,i.a- ,'' ,i...,u* 'u ^,. '' 'ni'"rr 'ln" '' r'r' '|n r" 't''tr"n'r hr t ":;;:;-,;.....n tr! "'--,, ,..., ',....,^ F, ,nd(onv.! l-:::: lJ:. .]l.':'j::^:.:.'.,""":.'-:J":;:;"r,r'.r:--rrr,r :'.;.: . :lI' il:;;' i:T'l i'i?:;' ffi J - t'u" to nrj"trc 3'vt:'rlofirtiilfr t. ,";"; ;o''i.;;; D€Gd qf Truit tc Jo'n E Pdvn' ln crtrt ., .n" oan.a ?n[\.|rnbr'oc" of l'c(]rd' ,(t rl3Al,t (st'ALl 'A;.r l,l :10 t "t ro l.uE Eufldtsl '; t).nver, Colorlao E02O2 l*.t-.r.a tltt _Ai r't- ' ro'!r' 't'r|rt__ r'r r..l^\rL 1I9 ;'t\v \ ./v YrL- lb Dq lttJ.b bb l3{r 1'lSrgterbg mttlD F. ! IiI & ETrt t|. a{rlf, O€l- d lrFe db.t r-rb had htl.: catrtc,calql qrd rD-ttrr IlIr sEP lt/?rjaAT .-.....--{tr4 !m 8. nrtlxar t l|tlt 8. EEEITAX:r-..... -Et..qg*- - -a: #gh ff ' t.n lbll.r. rnd othrr good rnd nrlurbk con.ldcr.tloa rrrl i!aa1 |3l ! --* =g1-L : -r ll { - -. r-r - rq. - bffib-=;;E?Ei;=Fi__L=r - b r r =..r l.-=;.F ?,= -=.T.E= l"l ?;,1!.:f 2, vrrl vrlt.se slrrh Filrq,:^'T'i'G-...*iri-ii ;L';;";ili' pr.r rh..rcor l-.-........... .ts.l irIE - -r.rxEll.- -- .J3!ltv Hoyrrd F. Sdrh.nd lbtry lt. Silrh.,. t-b+. t l. It .trta.tL-rhadal-r t/r.- ttl -l-Jtrr.-a h.,---.rit6. tr-b-ah, h__+rrLE.r-E ---rEt_r a.r{ '^-.r..m d n t 6tf- d&r-G _i fro+*/ o tt+ Fi Mtz,.rc r 4. (s.466. -Z{.:n" ..o} r,*.ztc - y ,^1..-ro-Cl^.c-e-ru 6A6ost L't" nDolrttt tr. d * bh- d F--..- r.rb, - - * lltt-{a. t rrrE.h ra irr..l-r - f --t * -,a, -__l p frr, r f c. 11-l tll Ir h.r,.b .r l| .. 1..,. JF:Iiil-*.. r_r,_b b_ ll-tt - I rr - - D- -e r-. F_ -_-L__n't'ttrtDronrrr**rrri-.-E=;-.-L rf,,"H llrr= ---. ;E-+.- - E:E = a'ff:' -::.:' a--rt-.a-rGq..-_---jl.-_a * f f_b --8.-..--r-ryt --,-----r.a{, _ arrt b_lhd - -ar -- b - -a b H,--L;_;hd_i- ah ll.o-"'o?sGl-Frrrla|d*f Af f f rf .gf Af U.ArftFtrril..r..rrlcrln covro&r.' rrcotdrd erqurr fO,-ffCt i;, t";i iif-ii-ir.,r7e,.. qrdcd .ad rcord.d rrD. r. Igdi ii'oo6i-rii ii-i.il-r'illrtii'glLWrllriiilc$L*eHdt.. -:;,,;*-r..=l;il*Fr}ffi FE jff ffi *.Iii+F+fr !,8:{.{ *mr-el- rlQ-rr- ?3 | bJzL-T''[TE D- - -b&9-- E por Y-! oo(, V"# -) 3 rt s 46) e;'lL*t;#-u' liowrrd A. K! i6er rum[E ul;i r _- ---_ C.!lt|t' ot .ad 8t t. 6l Color.,lo, oa ri. ( s! p$r, $ri ccorqc R. Caf,non an(l Sue Cilt::..ril cl !L ,- - - - - C.unr' ot Dcr,vcr .!d S!!! ol Color..jo, o.l rb. t.cola Frt: S ITXESSE?U, Th.t rl. .dd D.!t y ol rh. iFt! DAr! for .Du ,n Jon.id.otlot| oa tb. ruh ol?cr. a:1q io/100 DoI!ars r.r: oi::.(:ra .coi, :, v,,l!:.rt,Ie con6l(1c ra t IOOLLTIS t6 th...j.l Fny 6! tb tir.t r.rt tD hrhd D{nl br Eid D.rt ic:; ej th. r-crd trrl tt Eltt 'b.@! i. h.t tt .ortsd .!d rl@rL{a.d, h. vc inn!.d. D..s.tn.d. .ol.t ..J .ont.t.d. ..d tt tL. Pd.rL d. s"ur l.lfdr, rU .ov.t |!.l cortlrt, uL *. xid D:ra la .'.'ot !b. ...'ad D.4 thellt&r .d.-tr tcr' .r.r, .! tL lol.lrrl||t dclt d Lt or D.!c.l ot ;rid, .tFrit . Iy' r |!d b.lry || O. ---- Cocdrr ot l-agl c |!d !i.r. ot Colondo, to $ir: i,ot Five ( 5) , illock oic (l ) , !'.it: ';Tr-:..::.i, SI:{T:I PILIr:c, ;,cco:.li.nq to t'he rccori.c.: l:.r'- 'i .:co:, Coui.t], of laale, State of CoLorado. r-u;ATHEa rilh.ll .rd ,insltt! !h. htrcditrn:rnb :h.i rrt,!ren$..t tb.nio h.Llaina' or in '!t'l!'.!D.!r.itri.a, r'd th. r.ydion rnd ny.r.'oDt, rcDlin.:cr ri.l r.iai,,,l".r' rttrt+ Lrec| .!d Profit' lhtrtof, 'ad rll tl. .rur.. ri{hi, titl., tri.tr.! .l.lD .nd &rsnd $h: lrc vlt !j :ir! er.l p3d v d tL liEt F'!..lth't itr bt or.quiay, cI, i! &d ro tb..b.t. b.4.it.d DRbl&!, $ir, l,.c t',r(..-ud.q rn,l rrpuunocer TO IAYB IXD m UOLD rt sid D!6ii.. slnr. l:I r.ii.d ; l d.rilx'd 'ilb tL .DDun tl.lE.' unto :h' t.ld D.n I e s ol th. ...o!d r.!t, t hc i! h.it. lld !.rilni ioev(r' Atd ll. .'ld ,.!t v ol tht llrrt t'rr' for :i1'r_ ' i'i6 h'E 'r"uloq urd rdaiDirltarB' 'lo c"Y'!'!r 'rEt' b'4da '!'t 'tm r' sd rllh ah. Ln prtt iesof *.. ..coad Ftt, ! l: ):rir c[.l e..i:n|' "l.r: .r tle dm. o( ll' 6|.'litrs 'rd &liv'rv ot 4.4 D!s.r4t: eY are tdl..L.d ol tI. Dr.|nl..t ilott $!r(t.,I. s ol ss'' rxr" D'r!-t' 'b'l!t'.' 'odird.t .dbL.*rt. ol b!.ttlrD.., i. l.r, h l.t .iDDl., riJ i,\'c rodl !tal!' n Dc?a '|ll bttul 'ltltotilv ro ir.!!, badria -ll .!a .o'rt tb. ..s. io n ::e* e.d toif, .. aJ"&ai(l ul lbd tL rtr ''| tr! rt' c]{r t oo .U torur &d orr.! |r|[r., t.lsdn , d€!. :i.u, l.rl|' !!!$mcDt. .ad .o.!mbt|s. an trd'!!t lid o' B.Jr' \)oo b.ef .Dd tD. .!ot L.{rb.d Dl-b b t!. qsi.! &d D.s.!r,:. lotrssloa o! tl. |rtd P.tlies ol u' '..{il t'rt' thel! h.h .!d .r.iaD. qrlD$ rU ud .rctv p.5on or P.Eotr l..'t(lnt cLinbr c. ia cLll lh' tloL i! .lr Drn rLr$.. rL. r.ld Ftrv .a i!. tit ! F t .iEl .d 'iI wall )lT ll:D tolwll DE ExD' Dl TITNEaS VHETEOF. lL rrld rrn ',' o! r}'. lint Ds.t b^ s btor...d hls Lld .d -l t &t .ra t .r tt* rh.r. tti!b!- 4 ^ Il/-i t lil t ..Lt_i..d_.Lt -- ....1i..Lf {sEALl ; '.. ,t rtlTE ot c€lttf,Do, -.|'| I,IILR L.r rlir At c! '. |t.-'i..b.t llr "' ' 6Flct aauL^rrll taoltt\ t !l I'i, -1.1. oi taE tdt to, ar Ot95- 75 QU6.|E Cqlt rsr' lrrr.| trr.$ l}. tf, , r,. / . gitrt Gt 4!d .!a lalii.l r..l I ;;:JT:i|t rr Sl 1'.:ffiH.5.lr!r. htt h-...-..-.-,". Trr. I);1;p. *.n,. ,,Ith ,t.,,,r ltkr.uraf mnD L. my rd EI'fi {,,.rs,.,r u, " ;;;'*-.j. :'-,mtuoan E !trPRrlEs, Dc., lnreof , tlui{; ttt|F ,tlllt !;,,;t tiiit;l !8, ,lt,I I I I L FEB zl ivSt - i s€S 7e*fsj c/o JfrE s. l.b, p.c., 283 Fltrt t tr!t, x.r., crr,rLd, ', fiutter! of rc(Drd cn tll. dfto t/ l - -rl Idl a..i ,, ,;.1 - -t l s;: A t_l lsr.A t.l lsr:At,l ir llr Mat r l'/'n in )rr ".. l ".1 ) t^3tt, e.y'<_ (i X,r! t. , , trtn.., JZf,ia lla. l..'r O.^.w^Ir^rtl' trtttt_i- pt...lhrata a.o.r_rh. r I tl- 9;9\'- 1 It( rrll rrlFl ' !t'ttv ,,. 249.::l . rrtr Jil ,*, _ilt,l #.?fJl'*l:lfll?i irO I lf r- .y 'h.|. prer.n(! d€i lt|nt. batt.l .ira ?0..\c. .ll O. ,O.Lrt D: \i 1I,lINIUI1S Itl A(,CORDAIICT HIr1i tTl0fi5 A 0 RtSTRIrTIoilS 0F, ;i:r APY ?2, l98l lti B00K 317', 0rr0f iu7 AT pA6t :59.'!. ., i. rkr ,0 lfr txctuslvE ' ,s ! r frturty oa. .rr, . i! r,. trr.r '. (, r I,,'n r, I Tar|,s lrlr tht, yedr',r,t ,tnrl r.rcor.dpd ..-l l 1tl/--<11 v-16il Tttr Dtro. r.,t. rh,r 2lst .r.r,,, Jtlurry clrynx B. FRfr.toN d*t aruLM FEnll , o,,rr r {r Eaqle 4oI hbat B.lavFr oan crrL.I., .rr 0C \A,l\f-\l l tr ,,,rr ',r !.r,t t,nrlr,rr,rr,,art,dr!r,,r.r,r,rr..,h.ktri.r,,,n{th.r,holtil(lr K;{}iED '$t(IFAiD ^ND In./l OG___________ (SBOO, mO. OO} __- i (.i 4, i rurrti VAll- VlllAL ,ntlFo I ILnX;, dcrnnllIrl tD Up wjd pLti'l !:qir', St.rie ()f 'orftl). ... {nt trat. ttt r\rr \ j,'.r{r 'r. 'i "ranarrr *Lrn\ixa\?alD \rl{fl, I I i.r+ *n rt-. ., i \ I ';i..li \-('- - --,l,r,'t(;l: h.-i.;r rrt^Ll /) ^.U,.,,r( '4 ( .Nvr .l .. s.. Fftr ul ,,.ruarry *., -.. tr, I hrnd.i.ldrt r.l...l.FtTHLEETI t f.,tA:. !lloi!/y FrDltc. BlJrn! Co(l. 1,, t-r-\o 17 Clnmirson F! rrr Ap. \l_Uliil \.. lll l. rira.rh BtD '.r-r r--r. 'l a:t ' - ' o'ty n %_, .._st r. o( olciib ) J.ury, 1tr5 by a6u,rFs! FE!|u{. Itry d|tnirriql coqJu:a: l{r tress n1,hand ard of?lEi TtE futgoirq trrrtrrn:t f, dli.fala btor r ttlr ,raf , dar o!. H.'f.ff;:,m ucmtr, Cobrado l)2011 lt I r,r-t t,r .iir,t rh. lla rren A. taxes for rccoroed 'l'rrr.llrr rr. \.r ,r,.r l3th r.8/ r, ,.,, Don C. l{i ller , , r,!., ,.r,i,,. ,. 424 34th ONt HUI{DRI0 TH0USAr{D DoLLARS At{o ilO/100-------- -__--__----noLlars.ro th! rtd gaaly ot th. n[t Drn In h.nd Fid bv thi rrd p..tv ol rhr reoon.l prrt. tht ..rGrDt Eh.r.ol i. ha|tby rckno*ladlld rnd conlctr"d. har b..taincd. trrntld, rold tnd corr?!!o. .nd bv rh$r prrr.nrr d(rr lfrnt, baaltln,rrll. convay and "oollnn. ||nto tha arid Frfy ot th. rlcond p.rt. hrr h€in and rr\tlhr lollvcr rll tha fofior trl d6crib.d lot or p.raal o, hnd. rr',rrt.. ly|ni ond t|Grnl In thr(,)unty ot tagle Parcel B, n resubdlvsion of Lotto the Pl.t recorded l,lrrch 24,5t.te of Colorado arl arl lrx,] llllH $,rr,.'l .",1 -,,,r /1.', ILI t | ! . ' | ' | , | . , , , , ' . ' , i - . , ' , , 1 ,'r,r,,r' r, r, n',, I t L, r. r,, li.l,,,'s',,r ,, 'r' l|n\ s,.' r.t,prr. 1 ,!,'r,!rrlL' r,\rr. ',"rtl 'r\',. r,- r ' r | | , ' | ' ' ' I r . | . , ' , i I ' | ' I i ' ' | | , | ' | . r,ll- '.- r \ Ii.l r",,frr- | [rrrlf. .ri'rl rll tho l\ \lll\l\- \llll Hl l ',. l\ | ' i,r'l"li \lr') IaqlP i, y r,r ,rrttl ll,r 'ti ll/):;/ t / ll . lj v(' r., i; rtsl.cro..larj^ ({trrPtrrrf, sAtrAn r Y ||r I r}-r (r rrrdorr.rrtl4P. tl. criitndo,lia\Ii " ,*,(,,.,,.r ll , 3i 7 ) lt'i -1!_' ' ' April Byers and l{ancy R. Byers Street, Manhattan Beach. CA 90266 t,r,rr Er'.C L I L, L r,- ^.-t'r ?q ly rnl Stoto D;lo 5 rird Sltl. of Colr)rrd0 to rrrt 5, Block 3, Vail Village Thtrd Ftllng. accordlng 1987 ln B,rok 459 at Page 683, County of E.glr. 1 | .f'1 r,, r' ',. 'r tr,, ., rt.,, .,ll t.,r[r. I r'.1 , rtrrr ttn.rl. |,tr!tli'. .tr|.. lr.,||. trrri, and except general property the year 1987 and subsequent yedrsr easements of record or ln exlstencr,lecldrations, restrictionsr reservations and covenants. E 5 t\l tl I ls ): \ l.l t.l: \l I Ndncy R. Bye rs l3th Aprl I l r^r'l I.!c Ctrrr."rloe Corn4gy , 1i9l- I 'rt rl r1 $ rl[ .,r) | -- .;l 1''::.:l'd "iTA 8f .',-9- (- v loh \r ttx rt n Dt..t.,tr '\l,l l l I,t ,l l l,Avltl Ir liA Ns lr II(:,tA'\ lrutt(; nn,, ,r,.r,*^r,'j,lj''j'. " ll{ ltovr. t. I)lnr.r,, ps,e;tn, .6l6la .Nr'r',. ,, /0N ar,. ,.. lll .1r)l, :,lil ;'ff ; #,l.t:li; i,'il'",r," . ".,,k,.,u,n,,r rH .un,l','lr lfi "ffi* lir'vAl.li^tt t: a,,t*if,r:,Uf i , in j'q u r "{rxkrift,h ,t rhc .unr ot 'ftN lX)Ll ;,:' "' ; j:j|:|riil i;;.;il;;"m;;:;#;T"|lT:iI3-:ll::-:T3-^9,..,*;'.;'1il'n'Jif sri:i:"t!;",;fi il#;#T,#.I]]:'==TJ':# Lllinoir ,{ l:.1 ,r.nr. h.rr.h *tt..,.r.1 "r*t.,",,,rru;1.:.l'' ,trrt d hrtrn rt \)ld d rl n.,, ,n, -.r r.,,,..,,r ,,,rcrL.r $nh '*;;*::l;:;.,:,j:*;{i:.-\iii;H:}#.*?,:*ffil "'''iLi;..',.: ;1;i-; i;l"liri:ii'ffi,,I",J:l:;,,T,',"I,:i;1;;ilifrii'lJ.I..?,:ilffi r.0l tu/rcl { $#; Il'illi rHrrD FrLrNc u)tllTY r r1 L,11;g.1.Ettl[ ('' ( gl6n.^lx) .ttx1 ltdr. 'rl (i,tir.rt.,. *"r,f".,r ".'ii,ff*'. 9 t r, r.rra|,' \., ". {ll } lkuvor rLh Rotd. v{f l, (iol.rrtdo Sl6j, r a tt rttttl ,a aaac. ,' c-L aY ,r,\ ,.r At,r t I >,,J r,ra t,|ft rrr.I .||l nrxt; tt'' {,b. .rir krr,rr,.r ,.,.,ra, .* ,:,:.:l]t'rtrnrt .rftl nflurn n.r{(r rhrNu ".-r rrrltr{. ,,r ,rr. ,,.,,,.{,., ,.,,,-::T" ^ t' "',.'' "^, ,",u,,. i*l'';""' n'"'n,'' rt ri rt}srf rtlrllrrt, tr;.rivt(-., r., x, t.$ , ",," ,u ,, "n.i,,, ,xiilll lT-:"'T t'* trllr. trb, rrr... cbi d It,'.t t t\tr ltrltrl lrth ..drhrn,_...!_.d .,rr.. r.,r.. \..r; ;,ilfl::.|": r''v.'n\rr{'rt,t\',h.,r x,rh, d .r,r- .J .r,,. t, -, .,,,,,"'l'....If ".:..'t. ;;.' ;;. :il '* 'rF ncnd'. ri' unk' :,mr'r, irrrrr .(rrr.,r.r, ,1,.:ll' '"'] "'' .t "*'r". 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Rrkrr ' - - .1,r lli IHt\||lIl) 3(, ilr -k1'* \\\ltR\\l\ 1)l l tl t('ber .:: : i. i)lllfll:r, L;. ?473 "it. ,r', J(rl-L\k: \D (,illER GOoD A..;D . .,,t \ | .:l P lr.i ri -lr. fit lEr ?3 2n r , rhe Condoltnlur : .rge ltlt/ ra R.cept1on f{tr llcave! Dat '1r 1 .)79 €5 llgc€ptlon i ,!r.( |{MtAJrl eL IV$l r,. rt;U.Elt X ard B\R \rri\l\\!ttl ltt - r. SL]/EIITY ,,r r,gp11;. 4' EI(:' r Str ixr, , .r l L.rr, ,1ri Ilrr l ir rl r,|s, ']L J{jiti Sr.t rl':'11:t, ttr r. ,A Dtt |ltrt |llll.!{u Li f€ Acrtsro 63131 .nl {t.|.d lJ[Elt 3 rf I t0 {n ,rr .ofrrfltl . ^cle sl t. 14 (j(rn(ty St. Lr]r s, r. i, t,rrr! !n rtr I rrt t,.rr f TVE NUISATD ,I|D - I_{i'J.il Lb$rj.pLion attdldl ) t0 ttpy1,r tEn Circle llonolulu rtf I rtr{l -_ trtAll I sl|A Ll tE to .rd irrF*d , , | ,, ... ,, ! rh, ..,,t ,t.rtrrr, , .! r .r.,,,.r .,, ,,,,, , "t tt'' k{nd ,..t. rr.'\vf F.ron ., ,.rr._'| ,ir f',.r ,i$ r .t,.i, r'!t r lrr tt I tt \.T.llID 'i r nrrLn hr,ir .r.t rr,.-:1.\ .,!t rr.? I'E t Tth ,. ., Jun. I l1't 5 2a .' lfg June tl'rnr.,, n,r r.n,t rnn.,fti rrt n.t(/n /'/ \ r hr. r€t A.(r,r) A COrlDl-,1, lll lrJlle 3! IooB r-,r,r&5t a-Dl .r FArtr O t Of a, t €(JnlL, LOLr.t Y q Ea.f.r-r{xT tctr.ar! Y lftct,I! I r.a.t b 72 I,t. o*r.a a a6r'lr{Jlty 57 -{ [ r;|tala f,-ttr 5 l7ta(atLb ti l.-. I LL t lO trl p0lt{l Ot lOtlr|ltrrs. rr*ctl a_lJ i Plrl {rf Lvfr-iL, cctuarl /i-|ilr I I Lq_AfiLy f,Afictl t-c ,,, | (, L,Jl r,, /xJl . t0ttatV * A O ll /$r!r | ^r'11)li 4' :ffiri;?|||lf;o":rrfiilil, (|r_r*,, r}rrrf,., rH ri& ro p,*rr!L ,-fl.cal .-a A Pfllt C' ,y-I tr ti.r. rq.( oF'e^ir,'F:gJ 1:9cx t' t/tt!.vlLL&€, tflh! n ir eHr i i'^* ;-;iii|E;,A:f ,ffiI. .13T, ;r; c crjresJ,-. oi r r, lrr0t^rllf6 at A tol|.T ,t*#B#ffiffim ffiiffiiffi;irt FSCI x ItDtfrrCIB I -lll'aVCl rr.s€c{r{t^ t -r.,,1FCf,T 5 7: ;ti. if,!;1.H,?i*'ffffrL.,lJ,ff il::, l.^vAlL.vtLLt.{ rXtt(D FtL lr.1, rOsr urg";ilL::ffff... xr,lo ,.s bLotr|t|tr€ Ar a tolr, ,o:,Aro Lo, 6 y.,I,-. ,- jl!!!q- TrS t(rrr}rf |TE'L v C{rrt{nt; ? ; ?1, I ?f TL :J.-rltq;1'o' ti,tiiiTi.L?,LlTi i, I,,, ;l LU :'^l' l, rr.*.-e.ilo-. -g!i{At f*'ffffi ,;":,, i: i:1: "i,, L 3::tf*_*;ffiifr ttoffi :.li: iff l Ja5"T3r;11ji3..hi-sfi{ffi,.^id. 3,"*^,,n';;t!: t1,.;_li: ",:*d.i,€_co;giE ;t;:,#1. .' J,-l fr ilii; ; j lj 54.: cr--ifroiTiioTy_.i.i,ffi,L.i,'j" :; H;;: g,,f, !lT!, i. t. : :.-l.i:j.. i. ii E[ti", LTffit,.j,ilif:",i 3;"1!"I.TI:.:rr{.i fi ;iffi:: # ilHff: iI LLr 6 72 Df(,IE:a lO fltl n..i,rr. sit DC LUaIOJ !l I l..r,r r,r \,xlfs .d lrrr|,rr. ^, .yli:_ 0.1 lt'c qr&t 5 za.9o FEET 5 r7:i ;:i:: $ I:?J:: l.-slgT1:. *_ ,.liz-7iir'i' il fiil,i,' i," ; :ili: :,,r:i'".gi. | :. * lii, "5_;i.Lti!J.".i."h?i! r r, Lrrr(A ! 2a.ol SEit rf i'--' e .' . rr.rBBr .6 llll{Jfh8 O.r LL r ro rr* |,frr!, rr *^J._Tfft, tJ |llruIGS '7 ILCONO$ r,l|J -,.:. Jl ":,. 1{x 3, vAtL vtLLAd IXtfrD ,tLtM,, r 0..r{ uf5. i:*T: srArE Cf coL(.'kAr{), rstrro ru*e -' * tLbCR|ll! Aa tcra_Lt,.b, fO rltl ":,,i1Tji""Ll_!oj,"I_rg3j cl-rs *)Rrr{*8rEiL y :{rtin x ur*ll. aor 6 !tAl{8 x ey g,- ,i,{,ru'urr.I|-t .. I i r r,r\ra,r', ^. llfElb /r? Ftr{Jr5s 33 t5coNr... ;,:,i 1,,' i ;'i,Jj. I 513-*_t9 ;L''-, i;lii fi i,HllH"'"ij; l;ll:,,,."l.:::. :".r noiis i l, li;;;i'l !fi i|, 3o. u-l l' ",,,, r ,xt r I I r rti&ltb !7 ba-.-- ' .a.Ar TILI '- 7^ '',rr,.,rLb ut !r r'rh.r,o ., *':Y"yt t '''!! fllf E It r{ukLL,.r,lN,,lllb ('., L{ CO{rB l', ?a 'J r3r I o U l{ ul(t L - a,. u,rLtrt ri, Arrn ,",r....:3J. ttL,r rxEhLL aL r,rrtu rfrt (LNr€Rr. lri!'r ir,rLt ,lt rrr AtrD Ulltf6- -L vrc, |nt ( LNigRt. lt'|! r,l.LLt,rUb | 2L- L r.., '.',:} .1lti.:.t r_ N 7.t ttr*rr.a t .r a't I r.ul r.6 ,.tEt Io tlt Put \r of- !._rrrr,0alflo. . n99* 3. vAtr. vt(.LAL{, Tr{tr(u FtLt}r1,, Trr.ri Lf, i tllt' 'TArc t* '-uit",.ur. rrct,'r lL,1.1 pAkLrl $. (il-, .'//\ Oh , ,F'' f'/ .L o ,\'$..'rn ({o I'TI LIfi I,OC,\TION VER I F IC,\TION suaDwtsroN JZAD//FryzE JOD NA,\IE LOT BLOCK F I LING ,tUUi(EJJ The location of utilities,lines, must be approved an<i accompanying site p lan. Mountai n Bel l I -634-3778 Wes iern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Publ ic Service Companv Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Hus kylf'li chae I Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary John s on Upper Eagl e Valley l.{aterdnd Sani ta ii on Discrict0avid Krene k be main trunk lincs or proooseC the following utilirics fo; thc whether theyverified by Da teAuthori:ed Signature X.-rs-f/ {-// 6/ t -,r/ -€7 fllffi;i."fl"i'ii ai.i:ched sheet 916ai tr- / /6 -vI N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of public l,rorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in an). publ,ic righr_ of-way or easenent in the Tor,n of Vail. A building pernf.r is not a street cut pernit, A street cut pernit ,nust be obtained separate ly. This forn is to verify servicc availxblity and locarron. This should be used in conjunction vith prcparing your utj.Iity pl.an and schedulj.ng installations. \AilAssociateqLrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek@ SITE OF THE 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS April 25, 1988 Mr. Rick Pylman Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Rick, Vail Associates is applying for a Conditional UsePermit to replace the existing chairlift #8 with a detachablequad chairlift this summer. Chairlift #8 Replacement The "Born Free Express" will have an hourly capacityof 2800 persons per hour. The lower terminal will be situatedon the north side of Gore Creek in a similar location tothe existing Chair #8 terminal. The maze will be on thewest side of the lift terminal. No modifications to theskier bridge are contemplated at this time. The upperterminal of the new lift will be situated at the 'iunction of Cubs Way and Born Free. Existi-nq Chairlift #8 The dismantling of Chair #8 has already begun. Removalof lift towers will be done by helicopter - currently scheduledfor May 23rd. The lower terminal will be removed by atruck mounted crane and hauled to Minturn. The lift towerswiII be flown by helicopter to a Vail Associates storagearea north of Minturn. There will be no flights over existingstructures in LionsHead. The helicopter and fuel truckwill be staged just west of "Snow Central" on Born Free.This location is not in the Town of Vail. Construction of the Born Free Express Staging of the l-ift towers will be on Born Free just west of "Snow Central". Concrete and tohrers will be flownby helicopter. Concrete and steel for the lower terminalwill be brought in by truck and a crane will be neededto erect the steel. Eleetric and telephone utilities alreadyexist at the site and will be connected for the new tift, The lift shack will be identical to the one at the VIdta Bahn in Vail Village. Colors and lift graphics will besimilar to the Vi-sta Bahn. It will be necessary to close Post Office Box ? . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 476-5601 . Telex: 910-920-3183 Mr. Rick PylmanApril 25, 1988 Page Two Forest Road when the new lift cable is pulled and at other times during construction. The Town of Vail will be notifiedin advance when Forest Road has to be closed. The lower terminal area will be barricaded duringconstruction. Tower excavations will be barricaded until cement is poured. Depending on the type of crane required and the size of the trucks hauling the lower terminal steel,it may be necessary to access the lower terminal via the LionsHead MaIl. Concrete will come in on the bike path between tionsquare Lodge and the gondola building as will most other construction traffic. The site will be restored in the surmer of 1989. Sod will be replaced. The access road for maintenance vehicles will be graveled. No trees around the terminalitself wiII be losti however, several trees near Gore Creek may have to be removed to comply with tram\,vay boardregulations. Compatibilitv of the, use with neiqhborhood Lift #8 was bui-lt in 1972 and the new lift will bebuilt in the same general area. No previous conflictswith the neighborhood are known from the existing insta- 11ation. The increase in lift capacity will benefit the neigh- borhood by reducing lift lines and enhancing the overall experience of guests and residents alike. Please call if you or the staff have any questions or cornments on this project. Sincerely, 2@ry4Joe Macv / Manager Mount.ain Planning Jvr/kL Enclosures Site Plans Conditional Use Application