HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONSHEAD FILING 6 LOT 2 VAIL RESORTS MAGIC CARPET LIONSHEADProject Application (<v Sfi o^,. s /ac/q-s Project Project Contact Name: Descriplioni Person and ttC. tli'Ct. /ts'X Y V&r( .lc-,*(/659'' Owner. Address and Phone:{::.atu,l4* ct :, ,< be u< Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description, t-ot h*C,i-, eto"t zr{r--v;,'( ( i,o].oJ. , ,on"cc*7 t'43 t/| /,/ Motion bv: /v //t Design Review Board /VLer ir { l'rv-< L-r a D ISAPPROVAL @F ;"7 -. U{ Town Plan nerr/o^," 5/ i;6/qz lt/ Approval E+?i-i:'r?Y. : ,-'il I ./ ./o". //// t/ 4" Project Name: Project Description: Project Application (..& /.^ Contact Person and Phone Z",</?" {aor/r Sdsr'aOwner, Address and Phone: 6 Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: y)wn Ptannel o^., 11/t t//2 +.fu*s ,ry ),, ,{4-/ E Siatt Approval I NOV 1"L '9. 11:49 \NI TELECOFT'II w/475-?g77 P.?/4 ET|CROACHIIEIItr AGREE}IEII!! TIIIg AGrREE!|EN1E, ls nadc and entered lnto thla ith tlay ofNoveuber' 199?, by val,l Agsoclrte;, rnc., hare!.nsfter refrrrdd toaE rProp€fty ctirna:f;t' and th6 gppER EAGIJE vAr.,LEf cot{gor.DlrEDSAIIITAIIIOI{ DISTRICE ANd thc VIII, VAI;LEY CONSOI.ID}TED NAIER, PrsrRrcr, guasL-mrntctFal car?oratlons of, the gtat€ ot cororarlo,Derelnafter referrgd to at ilDigtrlctEr'. IlllEREAg, Prolr€rty Offirca Lt presently the ormer of qertalnreal _propertsy dsscatbea on-Exhlbit lr' attach* hereto tncorporatedIrereln b1z thts reference; lfttERBAg, thF Dtstrtct ts prescntry Ln poasesrl,orr of sn€llcD€tltr 20 feet ln width, nrnntng ttrrough tlre aforencntl.oneclpropcrty, whLch easem€nt Lg degcrtbed-on Exhlbtt B, attached heretoand iilcorporated horeln bV thtr rGf,erencei and WIIEREAS, Pfolteaty owlrer de3l,tes to construct a pemancntEtructur€ that lrLlI encroach upon the descrtbad easenent in an area _apPTpTlnetely - l0r ,r ?8., EAid encroachrilent bcing deccribed onExhtbtt Bt and WgEnEAg, the eaeenGnt lt an actlve eaee[ent prese$tly tnusc by the Dlgtrlct. NOW, 151E33FORE, Ln consideratLon of the coyenants and ElronlleeheroJ.n, the partlg6 hereby agreg cB followgr I. Ths Distrlct ihill lretutt the pefnanent structuffi t6encroach upon the aforamentioned iasenent. 2. llhe ProB€rty Ctwnrtr ahall lndennify the Diitrl,ct fromthe eocts of any_retrElrs to th€ DlFtrLct's utlllty llne8 wh!.ch nayoccutr at a f,e8urt of the constructl,on of the peimanent EtEuctufeover and upon such eaaeneilt. 3. ThE Property O{rn6r ehall hold hafiulecs the Dlatrtctf,rotB the cost of re$trtng any clemrEe to the EtrEsturar rhlchd:Tagr rnay be caused-by thd tnFtaltatlon of n€w utiliry linea inthra easementl or by e breah rn prrsent antl luture uttltty rlnes. ofthe Dlgtrlct, or by the repalr of cuch break by the Dkt;lct or byothea naLntenance of the llnca 4. Th! Property Orvncr ghell tndennlfy the Distrlet frenany-Lnc:eaae Ln ths cobt ol conrtructlon of anlinew utlllty Iinesor ln the cost of any repalrs to thc Dlstrlct's uttttty line-s, suchLncrgaser_lf arvl clrie to the proxLmtty of the pErman6nt structureto thc utlltty lines, 5, lrhlr Agre€ncnt thall lfnC irhp auccessors and arslgngof the. _rrong{ty or,rn:r, and shall be apputenant to and deemad-tonrn wlth and for thE beneftt ot thF af-olenenttonBd property tn . l{ory' tt ,w. 11:49 \nI T&ECCt$t W/47}iffi77 VAII,, rtrc. Bg VPFER EAGTJE VATL YAI.IE? VALITEY coltsoL trr€n !1, AIIITESTI Eagre county, cororado unttl guch ttne that the D.lstflct abandonaBetd .ar.&€nr. lhrg Aqrye4nt rharr ui *ao;eea agarrili iaiaproperty rn accordance wlth the laua of the-Cti[e or C-ororaoo..-- IN ItITltESs tftIBREOF thr partL.! hereto havr cluted tht,Agrcetsent to be. cxecutrd m 6l the Oiy anA i,ea, tlrrt a,bovewrltten. P.3/4I WATER /l Isr.|[rT4Tlol{ DTEtrRICT/ DT$TRICf By ) ) ) - The foregorng lnstrunent waB actcnorredged before mc this5_ day ot nh+,it*i---- ;iiliruy--:i;1il=r:;*--= "- -"*: rfr corurrrsgton el.pr.resr o f/a/he strATE OF corsRADo l couNrs or EAGTTE i "= .F ._-- _-lhi,toEegging ingtruncnt HaB aclmonledgecl bcforc ne th.i.s trl4iiijtffi,l'"?'a,H"Iii:E:","J1?*:i";'",ilni:laftt tho vart val-r-ey con-soltdatE Wator O-is-trGL -- Bv - eatl3tant sccEetEry STAEB OP couNrY oF COINRADO EACIfi 5Er l4y Coilntstion e*pires : L1" '9? l1:sB \nl_TE-Eqfi_ffi3/-ri3*.44?-;rr .,uinsrr$S- F.{.dr*-diri It,r - F,An,b* A SltcEr, 'DEgcgtFuIOlr e.t pnrrt €E IBacO_De vci.lfLiorahcril Fj!.q?r Fillag? aeoodtng b tbsI1p tb.rcof rreco3rdcd r.a the offtir g! ttr.-rl-CtJ'cdfrty. cdLoreco,ellrrf, Erd Eecotater, dsewl,bod as f,sllcr.Et - --- BggS-Errrrs .t.3h*-emthrso-tsrlrr- cor!€r-o! ssld TregE Dt thetrgr,etr'ors tLc soBtuerrv liue or elro'eicr-o, xs-*;6E'o5-Eict.stiEei, ii#I'.HS,-1flt'-q":,,'g+H:"l.nr*trt*g.si{i"il*ElHlgs6so.Es' ss'E Eg, ge rceE,- to' tlE -Jcstr;..ii ifu; *' -;al6'-LiraEt-.5i _tficDc_s,- aLOugt satq EoutBGrly'ltne. gOanOC.O-E'D- fOll{}ect, to ttiTrrr€ Polrt of Eeglodrg. eoJtutuiuir ?0S squ.ro faeii-ro"e ff lGfE. PIBCEL .DESCNIB:IXON Tllt DaS, of {Eist !. Tdlt/&Lonsh€ad fttst &llilg, r66ddiBg to the!n9 thergcf raaordrd in the ollico af Bb. trg1..--collr,rf.-C6fo'aq(r.gJ'sh olrd ff€gorder. deegLbsd ae follorer f_cr-Inni,ne qt.rs eretle Follt ou tie aortiberty ltla .cf eal,d tEraot rEIIEE. ar alro tFfl sorttht{GrEesly GOscrF o,f trnot D of erjdVat|./st onqha$@_!fr*r EllLng 3 Bbeaccr aloae| tAr -aortpsfr,-liui-oF Er;f(l *l3ct 8r-!f64306'OInE 250,54 feat, tg tl*r ltrr€ poist ot99q*f++49! tborcc,_ ' €orrtiruitrs donn ea:lQ nor-tt-irrF r*nel!15{'o5'0$'E Eo.Ft f:erv ttenecl tterrrltpg gera-riortbiFiy rtni,F-q|l!l:qF:F !0,01 feeri theuca s3!cs5th!,r fg.oo--rEert- rh"DE;Iil6E€53'55r$ 63.99 tcet, to tbo Ests Doist ot sJEi-ErrnE, c,indrifiE8!l5 equeae fort, Errr€ otr legs. 1 I i I -tr't'74M/479-fr77vttl TELECoftloLl,'9. 11:51 * F*hsrlaB" \" \1 '1 MJ 1. ..\ I \ Ni\- \ ',t :i t: !, r*t; 'Il .rl \1, [\: u\ ..\r. { .} r4 \ I I lt.Yt!.'7 Public Servicer PrtllcScrvr:cc Gonprny of Cololdo P.O. Box 4iD Minlum, CO 8lBl5 (3&t) 9495181 Octcber I2r. L992 Itr. Joe Masy, I"!f,uttajn Planner Vail Associates Inc. PO Bo)< 7vail @ 81658 Dear Joe, mblic Senrice Ccrrq>any of Colorado has no cbjection to t}le installationof ttre "llhgic Cartr)et", at drairljJt +8, i:r f,iqrstread. If you do happen to e>qlose our natr:ral qas piping, please cal-l ne, so \rc may observe ttrc ba*fill and condition of our facilities. Representati ENCROACHMEIIT AGREEMENT ^ -rrt THIS AGREEMENI, nade and ent,ered into thl_s = ZQt,* iay o-f lr.aAFFR ,tgg2, is by and becween vailAssocraEes, rnc. hereinaft.er referred Eo as 'rproperty owner' andu. s. west corununicatione hereinafter referred to as-icompanyn. WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the o\rner of thatc-ertain propert,y described- on the attiched Exiibit A, a copy ofwhich is attached hereEo and incorporated herein uy itre re?lrence(the "ProperEytr); and WIIEREAS, the properEy Owner plans E.o const,rucE cerEainimprovements encroaching upon Ltre ease;enE. described and shown onExhibit_8, ?.copy of which is at,tached hereEo and incorporatedherein by this reference (the lEasemenEn); and WHEREAS, Company desires to grant its consenE t,o theconstruction of euch improvements upon the Easement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideraE,ion of Ehe covenants andcontained herein, the partieg undergigned hereby agree alr 1.) The Company sha1l permit a prom].ses follows: 4#the t'Imp ovement, s i ) to roachset forthherelo and on the attached Exhibit.incorporated herein by upon E.he EasemenE, as C, a copy of which is this reference. more fully attached 2._) 'rhe Property owner shalr indemnify the company from Ehe costso{ 3ly installation and/or repairs ro Lhe Compa-ny,i utility lineswithln t,he Easement. which may occur as a resurt -ot the tmplovemenE.supon the Easement. 3-) The Property owner sharr hord harmless the company from thecosE of repairing.any damage to the rmprovements, whicn damage naybe caused by the installation of new uliliEy rines within Eh6Easement,, or by a break in present, and/or future utiriEy lines ofthe company within the EasemenE, or caused by the repailing by EheCompany of such break or other maintenance oi Lhe lines wiEfriir ctreEasement. 4.) This agreement shalr bind tbe successors and assigns of theProperty owner anq the company, and shall be appurt,enant to anddeemed to run with and for- the benefiE of the nioperty until sucht.ime t,hat. Ehe Company abandons the Easement. sisned and dat,ed thia ZO1H day of /)CTOtsER , Lss2. U. S. west Corununications "Companytr By: vail Associar.es, rnc. "n6il3lf" "r, eo**UprAIflht" rA*u@e-, Ao/,<gq ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered lnto thls 5th day of November, L992, by Vail Assoclates, Inc., hereinafter referred toas "Property Owner" and the UppER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLDATED SANITATION DISTRICT and The VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATSD T|ATER DISTRICT, quasi-municipal corporatlons of the State of Colorado,hereinafter referred to as "Districts". WHEREAS, Property O$rner is presently the ovrner of certainreal property described on Exhlbit A, attached hereto incorporatedhereln by this referencei WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of an easement, 20 feet in width, running through the aforementionedproperty, which easement is deEcribed on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by thls reference; and WHEREAS, Property Ovner desires to construct a permanentstructure that wiII encroach upon the described easement in an areaapproximately 10' x 28', said encroachment belng described onExhlbit B; and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently ln use by the Dlstrict. NOW, THEREFORE, in conslderation of the covenants and promisesherein, the partles hereby agree as follows: 1. The District shall permit the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnlfy the District fromthe costs of any repalrs to the Dlstrict's utllity lines which mayoccur as a result of the construction of the permanent structureover and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shall hold harmless the Dlstrictfrom the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage may be caused by the installatlon of new utility llnes inthis easement, or by a break in present and future utillty lines ofthe District, or by the repalr of such break by the District or byother maintenance of the 1lnes. 4. The Property O$rner shall lndennify the District fromany increase in the cost of construction of any new utility llnesor in the cost of any repalrs to the District's utillty lines, suchincrease, if any, due to the proxirnlty of the permanent structureto the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assignsof the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed torun with and for the benetit of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such tlme that the Distrlct abandonssaid easement. This Agreement shall be recorded agalnst saidproperty in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. _ IN ?'ITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused thls Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first abovewritten. VAIL ASSOCIA , rNc. By UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT/ DISTRICTVAIL VALLEY, CONSOLIDA WATER By Ylarren M. ATTEST: Asslstant Secretary By STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. -/ The foregoing instrunent vras acknowledged before me this i day of ,t/tttnlr.cr.l , L992, by Ja-e- tl(trq,l t/ My Commission explres: O f/e/ft(" STATE OF COLORADO CO1JNTY OF EAGLE 5S The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5- o"y of l/me---l,oxl , Lgg2, by warren u. -earbe, as General Manager of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanltation Dlstrict and the Vatl Valley Consolldated Water Dlstrlct. My Connission expires:sfu/so Ji,t jr! 'JJ.(.,a .r i :LI-LL,I il I JJi/ .1I J-.;ti I I JUii!s,llirc_oFx\tb.t A r'-Z/'< td002 IARCEI, .DESCRTPETON That part of Tract D, Vail/Liotghead First Piling, accordiog to th6map thBreof fecorded J-u che offlce of the Bag1e CauEtlr, Colorado.CJ-erk atrd Recorder, deecribed aE follqws: Begj.nntng at the eouthneeterlt corner of eaid. Tract D; thence,aloug the Eoutberly liue qf eatd ttact D, N64oO6'OE'E 460,84 .f,aet,to th,e Tnre toiut of Begrinrltgi thence deFartLns sairl southerly liSg._I!q8o53'85'rw 40.01 fset; thence lI21!05.95.E 15.00 feeri tbenc6S68153r55'E 53,99 feet, to the eoutberly lir,e of saLd Tracu D;thenee' along satd Eoutbarly line. s64o06'05"il 20-51 feet, to theTrue Point of Beglnnlng, containiugr ?05 square feet. Brrre of l_esd. PA.RCEL IIESCRTPTION Ttat Fart of Traqt B. Vail/&ionshead r.l.rst FiliuE, ascoadiBE ta theuap thereof rBcorded. in the office of tlre EagLe Counw, Co].orad(J.Clerk agd Resourder. descibsd ss fol,lower Beginningr at aa Ergle poiat on the nqrtherly line,of said Tract Bthat is a-1gb the soutbwesterl.y corner of Tract D of ealdVail/Lriosehea{/)tiret Fil.lng: theace, alolrlr the northerly liue oEeaid ltact B,"N64"0E.O5iE 250.54 feet, to the ft1re poilt ofBeg1b.Etng; thence, cotrtiruing along said northerly lin€,N5{oO5'05"8 20.51 f,,e"Ei thelce, departingr oald northerW LiDe, S6Eo53'SSnE 50,01 feet; thencs g?L('S6'05'15.0O feet; tlrence N58o53'55"I{ 63.99 feet, to tEe frue Poi..c,t +f Begiuing, contaJ.4ing855 square feet. more oE l.ess- REQUESTED BY: DATE: TITttE: WHO IS DIGGING: I.,INE LOCATION REQUEST HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCTATTON, rNC. PHoNE -L);ti " b4 JJ 0l^' TOCATION DATE: TIl,lE3 frrr| ASSIGNED TO: COMPLETED BY:DATE:TIME: RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT It is the Associationrs responsibility to locate its PRII'IARYelectric underground facilities within eighteen incheshorizontally from the exterior sides of the facilitieE upon request according to SECTfON l. Title 9, Colorado Revised StatuesL973, as amended. The Association does not own, install normaintain SECONDARY electric underground facilities. Said SECONDARY electric underground facilities are the property andresponsibility of the property ovrner. As a matter of convenience, the Association will attenpt to locate the property ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities upon request. However, the Association will not guarantee such locations of theproperty ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities' norwill the Association assume- liability or responsibility forinjuries, danages or associated costs which may result from an inaccurate location of the property owner'E SECONDARY electric underground facilities. If this request is for the Association to locate secondaryelectric underground facilities, the undersigned' by naking thisrequest, does hereby assume all responsibility f_or injury or' damage arising out of the line lgcation and specifically agreesto hold the Association harnless against all cIaimg' demands,suits, or liability for injury or damage arising out of the line (Rev. 11/85) location. - FxhJa+ G' 'r9\e ( ( \( :.\ *r \\ \l \ a\ I 'i .:i t/'tii ( ll I t'l ,f ',-fi n\ '. .l (,t l( ', /c, t,ti I I \ i I I I li/a12 t G/ \i h\,/l I 8 J IVID l 3€ Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 439 0l,O Mctcelf Road Avon, Coloredo 81620 (303) 9.+9-5530 LINE LOCATION REQUEST HERITACE CAELEVISION REQUESTED BY: DATE! TI}IE: WI() IS DIGGING: LOCATION ISTES OR DIAGRAM It ls Hericage s regDonsL sidesof the facllltles upon request a Colorado Revised Statues 1973, as ame tleritage Cablevlsion does not guaran facllltles. If a cable is danaged o for a pedestal co pedestal replaceme SHALL BE DONE BY HAND. AI1 lOcatEs pnoN5 528- 6,/ z Z IOCATION SCHEDULED DATE: TIME: ASSIGNED TO: horlzontally to SECTION ,*, t '( /z< lIlty to inches courding ded. cable television from the exterlor I Ttrle 9, cut the contractor t. ALL EXCAVATION under gound rnay be responsible WITHIN 18" of UTILITIES rs only after location. 8','r{ \S r.lt /1 L\ H Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 439 01,O Mctcdf Road Avon. Coloredo 81620 (303) 99-553s LINE LOCATION REQUEST IIERITAGE CABLEVISION t) '(/a,c ilssacREQUESTED BY! DATE: TIME: a/2"/9> PAINE 97?.3aD- ?uu TII{E: ASSIGNED IOCATION SCHEDULED DATE:WHO IS DIGGING: IOCATION TSTES OR DIAGRAM /o3 ulo, J,n,rtr Itf COHPLETED B\t */zea{et'1 DNIE;T Ac-% rD{E: It ls Herltage Cablevisionr s responsiblllty to locate its cable televlsLon underground facllitiee wlthln eighteen inches horlzontally fron the exterior sidesof the faclltties upon requesE accourding co SECTI0N I Tlt1e 9' Colorado Revlsed Statues 1973' as aoended. lleritage Cablevislon does not guarantee the depth of its undergound Eacilitles. If a cable is dauaged or cut the cont.ractor nay be responsJ.ble for a pedestal to pedestal replacemen!. ALL EXCAVATION WITHIN 18" of UTILITIES for 48 hours onlY after 19cation.SIIALL BE DONE BY IIAND. All locates are va EIPCK lrhe l0cation and avallablllty of utl.ll.tl.es, rbeurer tbey be ualn tnrnk lines o" erii"""a gne-", utlt E"-ipeioved-and vcrLlled by ttre forrosr"g "tiiiii; i;-IfrJiEc"op"ttvrng alte pran' SI'BDI\rISION JOB IOT ADDRESS U.S. ttegt Couunicatlone 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 0r 9{9-{530 Pr:bllc Senrice CouPanY 949-5781cary HaU Boly croBs Electrlc Asaoc' 949-5892 Ted Euslq,/t{1c}rae} t vGtty Heritage cablcvl'slon T'V' 949-5530 Steve ltiatt urcDer Easle vaIlGY lfater- -l santtatlon Dlgtrlct * 476-?480 Fred llaslee NOTE: rrrthorLzed Sl'cmaturo lrle tr-F,o-ta I'eo'qJ- -g-Pd'?-( f-2 o-rz llbeae verlflcatlone do not-reIleve tlre contraetor of tris responaibiliy-tl-ottafi-a-ctrcet cut per:ult fro:n the Town or vail]'oiitffil"t ot nrlrt" flo:lss and !o il'i:" 1:""rrglt:of-11v_?I ',- -^* r alracr ;;;;ia.- r itreat Ttrlgtonlsto-verlfyserrriceaval.labl.lltvatr.lIocatl'on. :t'lrls ehould ;;'i;;- fn -og191ct-Lon sl'th p""pttiiig viiii-"liirEi pran and ee'bedull'ns linslallatlonr' * please bring a elte p1?1, +-"9f DIan, and clevatt'one uhen obtainlng upper EaEle _vauey w"r"""i-sltrtt ttott slgnatures. Firc flov needs Dust be addreEseq' (d*,:**gx* GAS AND ELECTRIC LOGATIOil SKETCH P$AVGI ooo0g Q?/:Jfj/?z O4r32 Ptt OOt6ZgOt NORiIAL GRID 'f I{:KET N0 r 0O167501 PSE0 N0 r 199?09?SOOB4O t'iAp REFC r ORIIiINAL CALL 0ATEt A9/?8/9?. TIHE.r O4:?5 pH Opr APP0IN'TMENT llATli t Io/oI/92 rJ$E**1.0*e$. Atl REQUF:$THn F0R IlA"t'E t IO/OL/?t TIME I J.O r 45 Al,t HRS li IATE r C0 COUNTY I EASLE C I Ty : All0R r O $1'REET r LION$l-lE.AD CIR E NEAIT IN HR$HCTON(S) I SRI Il$ | OSS|OEOIJO${.{. I o$$oBOUOZ** i ill TYPE: 0F UURK r NHIJ SKI LIFT l*OCA"l'IONr l.-(l(l AREA IMl.lEIl g/ 0F t-IflNsl{EA0 pARt(INB r CONT 150 FT E,/ Of: BA$E ***lilEET e BASEr ** ACCE$S {IFEN ** C0MPANY : J T BER$A & C0HPANY CALI.ER : JACH BERBA ALT C{lNTr 'II},,| KEI{08 IttlNE: F 0R r VAIL AS$OCIATH$ RF-MARK$ i 345779 NEB NOTICS! 066 HEETr Y VAIL LEBAL I N F-XP, r N BTRUCTURE O BASE OF trHAIR i6 " OF LIFT*** PHONET (303)3?8-6432 EXT, r PHIINE r ( 303't 47?-AI4O EXT, r HEHfIE:Rgi rPSAV6l rUSUIJl3 rl.tE$S$? BEFOBE YOU DIG REOUIRES TWO BUSINESS DAYS NOTIGE STATE LAW CRS lm,9-1.S101 (SENATE BILL NO. 172-1981) requires EVERYONE planning to dig in or neara PUBLIC ROAD, STREET, ALLEY, RIGHT-OF-WAY, ol UT|L|TY EASEMENTTo notify the utility owners of your intent TWo BUSINESS DAYS BEFoRE YoU DIG -- CALL 1-O0-ga- lStor in Metro Donvor 531- efltr 4lBrA oR Dlvrsr( ' .i tr l'l ,I 'tJ A COMMITMENT TIME i, ,'t' l ''"'iot"o, ,\l',, This DIG VERY CAREFULLY . PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITY, CABLES, PIPES, WIRES, AND OTHER EOUIPMENT. HowMarked: E Srakes I Paint I ftags I NylonWhiskers 18INCHES HORIZOIUTALTY FROM IHE EXTERIOR SIDES OF THE FACILITIES IS COI\ISIDERED A CORRECT TOCATION approximate. The stakes, or paint marks denote the Locator's best estimated location of underground utility facilities. -tLOCATOR INDICATE NORTH ]'--t'.,'l* (" ..1 I-'-.''...''- g6141v1p111g(JQ ; ! zr ^r: LOCATOR'S NAME Signature of person contacted WHITE - GAS DISIRIBUTION DEPT. FORM {C) 410- 22,5912 DATE /tt !- 7t YELLOW - CUSTOMER PINK - LOCATOR revis€d 9/4/9L APPLTCATION This procedure is requiredvariance. The applicationinformation is submi.tted. A. NAME OF APPLICAI{T '/Appricari on Dace {/?{-/ ( Z-- PEC MEETING DATE rOR A \TARIAI{CE for any project requesting awill not be accepted until aII ss $ ..:-.) {F- r. iz-rSo c ?a.L c.NAME OF owNER (S) ADDRESS OWNER(S) (type or print) SIGNATURE IS) Se-e: /.Es,c 7-<.< pnoNe n LOCATION OF BLOCK_ ADDRESS PROPOSAL: FILING LEGAL DESCRI{TION: LOT $250.00 PArD #sY THE FEE MT'ST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. A list of the names of owners ofto the subject, property INCLUDING ACROSS STREETS, and their mailinq ADDT.Talf\fT t^ITl I DF DEtcYl.\t\rcrttt Er t...|ni all property adjacerrt PROPERTY BEHIND ANDaddresses. THE r( .nruusfP 2stw o Orait@. Vail Associates, Inc" Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creeko Resorts September 22,1992 Mr. Gary Hall Public Service Company of Colorado PO Box 430 Minturn, CO 81645 Dear Mr. Hall: The purpose of this letter is to r€quest your utility's @nsent to the insallation of a 'lvlagic Carpet' oonveyor belt system acn)ss an easement in Lionshead, Vail, CO, just east of aiO adjacent to the lower terminal of chairlift #8. This piece of equipment is 76 feet long and can be set in place or removed by a crane. The concrete footers necessary to support the structure have been redesigned to locations outside of the easement. The site is accessible to a crane year-round. Ifa problem occurred with any utility in the easement which required temporary removal of the structure while the utility installation was repaired or relocated, a crane could remove and replace the structure temporarily. If removal of the structurc w:ui required, all such costs would be the rl responsibility of Vail Associates, Inc. j I have attached various documents, site plans, etc. which show the location of the proposed installation and which depict the equipment. Although the equipment would be placed- over the easement, no foundations or any other non-removable stmctures would be piaced in the easement. I believe that the only utility in the easement is gas. Although we received all necessary approvals from the Town of Vail, they require that each utility approve locating the "Magic Carpet" in the easement. A simple foim lttter giving your consent addressed to my attention at Vail Associates is all that the Town of Vail requires. I will forward the individual letters agreeing to the use of tle easement 0o the town of vail. we are going to install the "Magic carpet' is october and November, 1992. Attached is a form letter for your convenience. Post Office Box ? . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 476.5601 Please call me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Thank you for your assistance on this project. Regards, VAIL ASSOCTATES, INC. 4*1 Mountain Planner c.c.: Andy Knudtson Orair,@. Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek@ Resorts September 25, 1992 Mr. Andy Knudtson Planner Town of Vail Vail, CO 81658 Dear Andy: Attached is a Variance ap,plication for the Magic Carpet at Lionshead. The variance is needed because the project does not meet the set back requirement. However, Vail Associates, Inc. does own the property line where the Magic Carpet will be installed. This application also includes by references the materials and approvals received from the Town of Vail Planning Commission on September 14th and from the Town of Vail Design Review Board on September l6th. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this application. ,4 Regards, //"d-- LlII? VAIL ASSOCIATES. INC. Jcre lv1acy Mountain Planner cc: Tim Kehoe Chris Ryman Attachments: check and application Post Office Box ? r Vail, Colorado 81658 r USA - (103) 476.5601 Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phonel Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone Com menls: /a, / 1D Design Review Board Motion by: L^* f seconded ,u /)r -* ./ @4c ,/t o^," %4ft2- DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner o^,., ild/fL E statt Approval zb-"t-b r r,tv-edg.Z'{f$ffi @ *eDz.n^r sa l+ <t.}l!H$rfl 30a<pS rtt{ar{ Z>?-rrJ <Ilcl(Fv l4ra ,s+iOu!:L2ra +OnncErEErt E^rS COr*t 'Orl leitraFrt * Etil gg 6f.lg r':"r : ,iueptGaDcr I rt, {stz vail Accoctatec, Inc.P.0. Box 7VaiL Cr.rlorado 818S8 At-Lrr; Th KahoC t{e havc cr,orreeoj tne ltdpotnt oo"rot{t of thaLionshead and Gold pleat cotvcysri, advaocfn3 botb oltlr{rse Eupportc 6'-0" itorarda thc tall, i I The belLlr4 re utter ta eonqldered III atablllacd,but sur:]lght elll evientually det€rlorat* thosc bclta.Frdtl8 rlll be extredcly ll.allrl, ;rc do ooccureto tbal'-lre Lrelt.s be elther doverod or rotatcd durlng tbi auuc !$orilg trl't.l b€ extreEe.l,y llallrl, :rc do oDccurelo tbat i'-lre Lrelt.s be elther doverod or rotatcd durlng tbi auucdFr",trthrj to enhance thclr ll!e, i The belr 1r ;upFortcd by r 1/l- etecl dcct Dletc, doessent:.a-!ry there lt ,no .'rpr1trg'. {o tbc cotector. DurfuiCthe s\.DDer oonthg Eooeone could fdII oft of tbc coDrctotedge. sc landrcaplng thc coaveyor tnto thc tGrraln riShtbe c rrttuldered. . Cull re if yr.ru irror,, .o" gueitloaa. t'bc rcelaGdf rnal dr.snlnge rfll bc 6ent to you thlc lrlday. tAaafor your hclp tn EllgfllnA ua to ptovlde tbiao cotrvoyotsr YAI. ilrilriiriiii Rcaard!, iiI OPtt-1{ I Davtd ifellD f ,; \li\4/,llrl llfi:illll ttti'llllillll . 6?s:I{E.4TTHevar,,lefnrr . {Ang,OOUr. . #trlcrn. *rX$oOlln'fti - .( f}f t- o \ DRB APPIJCAIION - SOltN OF VArL, COTORADO rrattttatl Elrl IPPITICIEIOX rI&! !SO! Bl lCeEs!8D UlmMLL DIQEIRED IXFORtllllON Ig SUEIIIEEED aattaaaaaa I.PROJECT INFORITATION: DESCRID1TION! east of Chair 8 InstalI a "ilagi .*Tarpetu c0nve.yor bel t in Lionshead for beg i nne r ch i I dren in ski school DATE TPPIJCTTTON RECETVED! AUgUSt 17' 1992 DATE OF DRB UEETING3 t. B.TTPE OF REI'IEWS L tlew Constnrctlon Addltlon ltlnor Alteratlon Coneeptual, Bevt'ew c. D. .IDDRESSI LEGAL DESCRIPIION: lot -Iract-D- Block lbilJoaslredJ^;t Filing Subdivlslon Li onshead E. F. If Droperty le descrlbed by a ueete and bounds legal aesirtitto-n, please provlde on a teParate sbeet and attach- to tbls aPPllcatlon. ZONfUG! Aori ctrltrrne nFen sF:rc LDI AREA: If, requlred, appllcant uust Pfo-vlde a current stanped Eurney showlng lot area.1.645 acres G. H. J. t(. NN,TE OF llallinE APPI,ICN{T: Address:Phone 476-55n1 - APPL,ICNITTS REPRESENTATI\IEs Joc Macy AddreEE: Box 7. Vail. Colorado 8165RPhoneW NN'IE OF DtalIlng I. NN.'E OF OWNERS! .StrcNASUBl (81 s Ualllng Address Phone condonlnlum Approval tf appllcable. rEE SCHEDULE: VAII'AIION $ o- $ lorool - v/€ 5oroo1 - $150,001 - s5oor001 -$ Orrer I 10,000I 5oro0o$ tsorooo$ 5oo,o00 s1, ooo, 000 $lr ooor ooo rEE- s lo.oo $ zs.ooI 5o.Oo $10o.oo $200.o0 9300. oo Vail Associates -fu .NO IPPITICaIION rILl,3l PnoclSSED l'llEoul! oruERrE EIONITUnE oI 1 !>{ .l t4 o. ulth the declgn guldellnee. The DRA does not vote on "i"J""iuai reiteie. lrhe ProPerty owner or hls ;;;#;aitfve EhdIt be piesent at ttre DRB hearl'ng' NA!{E OF PROJE T!Magic Carpet Ride LEGAIJ DESCRIITfONs LOT- EI,CK SUBDfVISION Tract D LH 1st Filing STREET TDDRESS: None ' DESCRIETIONin Lionshead Of fnOfSCT, Install con.veyor be-lt s for qinner childre east of Chair 8 The folloslng lnfor:natio:r la requlred for subnlttal ili"r"* i"iia-*tore a f!'nar appioval can be given: A. BUII,DING I{ATERIAIS: TYPE OF I{ATERIAL B]ack industrial beltinq samole #54: --fl Tnffii7otfiloor carpte style "Brooklyn" to tbe Deslgn COIPR Roof SldIng Ottrer t{all l{aterials Fascl.a soffitr WLndovs l{indow Trin Iloors Door Trlu Hand or Deck Ralle Flues Flashlngs ChlnneYs Arash Enclosureg Greenhouses Otber B.I.,ANDSCAPINGt Naroe of Deelgner: Phone: P N{l UATERTAffIS PROPOSED ':TREES Dotanlcal Nane ggEseD-usEe O11gDlJg]t slze* NONE EXISTING TREES TO AE REI{OVED NONE for declduoue 7 rlndlcate call'Per tr€es. ldlnlnurn cQllP:r.fer' .. t t....,traes.Indlcate o hel ght for coniferour 'P&AllT !,IATERIIIS: Eotanlcal Nane Connon Narue Ouantlty glze* PROPOSED SHRI'AS NONE EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REMOVED NONE rlndlcate slze of proposed ehrubs. ULnlnunr slze of shrubs Le5 oallon. I\fpe Square Footage GROI]ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION 1000 sf ts - Vail Mountain Mix NONE TYPE OR I'TETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Straw Mulch C. OTHER LN{DSCAPE FEATIIRES (retalnlng ualle, f,enceg, ewlnnlngpoole, etc.) Please epeclfy. Indleate belghts of retalnlngvalls. Maxlmun helght of ualle wltbln tlre front aetback ls 3 feet. ltax&nun helght of ralls eleeshere on tlre propertyle 5 feet NONE a o ZONE EHECR FORsFR, R, R P/8 ZONE DISTRISIS aa 'r ,).. DATEs IEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON: Ipt Elock - alllng 8, LionsheadADDRESSsN0NE - Next to Chai r OI{NER tRCHI1Eqt NONE PrJ.nary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sldes Rear lfater CourEe Setback Slte Coverage Landscaping Retal.nlng l{all ltelghte ParkLnE carage credlt Drlves Exlstlng Proposed 03 PHOlrE PIIONE 476-5601 ZONE DISTRIga Agric. 0pen Space pROpOSED ggg "Magic Carpet" Conveyor belt system IgI SIZE Itelght Total GRFA Allowed (30) (33) (850' ({2s} - total 3 201 15 1 151 (30) (50) (300! (600) (e00) (1200)_ Perultted aloPe g* Actual 8loPe Date approved by Town Englneer: Envlronrnentalr/Hazards :1) Floodt Plaln Percent Slope Geologlc llazarda a) Snor Avalancbe b) Rocklall.NONE c) Debrls Flos NONE t! lfetlanda N0l'lE 2' .3) 3t /6. Regrd _iltos_ 10n0 qF NONE 250 Addltlon? iaat-dion -rs- ucee-Iffi-61 e request!DoeB ttrls reguest lnvolve a tsow Duch of the allowed 250 lo o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental C.ommissioir C-ommunity Developm ent Deparrnent September 14, L992 A request for a Conditional Use Permit and Setback Variances to allow a ski tow at the Lionshead base arca located on Tracts D & B, Vail\Lionshead First Filing, South of 520 East Lionshead Circle, (The Lionshead Center Building). Vail Associates, represented by Joe Macy Andy Knudtsen SH/ ,-/=t /,/t*t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE REOUEST Vail Associates is proposing to install a new ski tow at the base of the Lionshead Ski fuea It is called a "magic carpet" because of the way it is designed. The proposed location is to the east of the Bom Free Express and to the south of the Lionshead Center Building. It consists of a 36" wide conveyor belt that is approximately 76' long and has a vcrtical rise of approximately 9'. It is intended for children in Ski School to use. There will be a 4' widc deck on either side of the belt and landings at the top and bottom. It is intended that the conveyor belt and the decks will be flush with the snow. Because Vail Associarcs anticipatcs snow depth at the Lionshead base to be apprcximatsly 3 feet, the structurc will be constructed so that the surface of the conveyor belt will be approximately 3' above grade. The decks and platform that surround the conveyor belt will be calpeted with "indoor-outdoor" style carpeting. The carpet comes in a mnge of colors and Vail Associates has said they arc agreeable to several of them. Staff will have these color selections available for the PEC to review so that direction can be given to the DRB as to the most appropriate one. This rcquest is for a conditional use approval as well as a setback variance appmval. A conditional usc rcview is required since the "magic carlret" will be located in thc CCtr Zone Disrict. Section 18.26.040 (A) states that ski lifts and ski tows are a C-onditional Use in this Disuict. The request also involves setback variances. This is because the lift will cross tbe property line separating Tracks D from B, and will cross tlrough the ten foot setbacks on either side of the pro'perry line. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Tract D' Tanng: CCtr Reouired hoposed Setbacks Fronf l0' 0' Tract B Zaning: Agr/Open Space Reouired Proposed Setbacks Rear: 15' 0' Iu. CRTTERTA AND FINDINGS OF TI{E VARIANG REOTIEST Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Deparfinent rrcommends approval of the rcquested setback variances based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationslrip of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes that the relationship of the proposal to the surrounding uses is acceptable. As *ris is one of the major ski basc areas for Vail Associates, the addition of the "magic carpet" fm beginrnr skiers is compatible with the general use of the area. The property line which the lift crrosses, and the two setbacks located on either side of the property linc, arc not easily identificd by users of the area. In other words, in thc field, it is not apparcnt ttrat the Iift will encroach into the setbacls. As a rcsult, the character of the area will not be negatively affccted by this variance request. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this titte without grant of special privilege. B. Staff believes that relief from the srict intcrpretation of the setback standards is warranted in this case since the "magic ca4)et" requires that it bc cicnted in a manner that creates an appropriate gradc change for beginner skiers. The most acceptable location crosscs a property line and setbacks in order to provide the best alignment for teaching beginner skiers. Staff believes that there is not a grant of special privilege given the unique nanre of the proposed faciliry. 3. The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and trafllc facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes that therc will be linle impact on the above reference criteria. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before srantine a variance: 1. That the ganting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following rcasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would rcsult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or cxtaordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propenies in the same mne. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the qpecified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. o ry.CRITERIA AN,D FINDINGS OF TIIE CONDMONAL USE REOUEST Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Deparunent recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on develryrnmt objectives of the Town, The development objectives of this zone district can be found in Section 18.26.010, the purpose section for CCtr. It states that the CCII zone disuict is "...intended to ensule adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of building and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the district..." Staff believes that the proposed lift is consistent with these objectives and not only maintains the quality of the area but will enhance it since additional sHer services will be provided. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schmlg parks and recreation facilitieq and other pubtic facilities needs. Staff believes there is no impact on the above referenced criteria. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and cuntrol, accers, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that, again, there is no impact on the criteria referenced above. 4, Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and butk of the propoaed use in relation to surounding uses. Similarly to what has becn stated under the variance criteria, staff believes that the character of the area will not be negatively affccted by the proposcd use. As this is the Lionshead base area, the addition of this lift is compatible with the existing use of this ar,ea. The Uft will be most apparcnt during the summer months whon it will appear to bc app'roximately 3' tall. Statr believes that with the appropriate choice of carpeting to be used on the decks surrounding tlre conveyor belts, that the lift will be compatible with ttre base area and will not negatively affect its character. ' B. Findines The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followine findinss before grantins a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the wr rz,f c,r+_ conditional use permit section of the zoning code and tlre purposes of the district in which the site is located- *^-y'A { 1<-2, That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be derimental to the public g /*, STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the proposed 'magic ca4)et". We believe it meets the variance findings as it will not constirute a grant of special privilege due to the unique nature and shape of the ski lift; staff also believes it wilt not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare; and finally, staff believes that the variance is warranted because the strict interpretation of the setback regulation would result in a practical difficulty ofthe owner because the propeny boundaries, and associated setbacks in the basc area do not easily accommodate ski lifts. Regarding the Conditional Use findings, suff recommends approval since we believe the proposed use is in accordance with ttre purpose section of the Zoning Code; that the proposal will not be detrimental to thc public health, safety, and welfare; and that - the proposed use will comply with all the applicable provisions (with the exception A , ^ ,- , J /-yith thl setback variance)bi the Zoning Cde. sased on the criteria and findings,t-z "ttag fiar\rttl recommends approval of ttre requeit without any conditions. {/^- *^-Please note that, under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail Tnning Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not comm€nced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently punued to cornpletion-z at / -r/ f/" , f,'/-''- LAki'Tr" .rv/, / -yyt.-^-/'fi:r, *A:a_ f(\ FC *fu/ vt{s %rn J (t ft/ a-/1,s{/).^A &* .--.// ,.il16 *-/z*z,ea W e-rASf/1.6 o-^ot-''-4 v. nq #",r , J€/ ffi+ntr 3 /4A'4-cT I rr/"tJ '' 2.fu- /61, 7*-.A7 n^o{-tJ "n 5;1-', health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. dLhcoolcctvdhrgL914 Tz',--,,--^l a i lzz.r\J t s, Fa $ 5 F:!t Ii rf; -.1 Ea @ I IFFI rH 3, 35 i'r YI 5 ,41,// o \\!lt!H\\^ i3 l-t Tr9 :il= ,\ !ai\--Tr ifltt-z.r.z \ .- ---\----\.r. :J.:f N 'f( \\' &ufrcz Ertects .*r... ,'::..r- 'a\ '/83 Earnwq T revis€d 914/9L APPLICATION This procedure is reguireconditional use permit. The application will notsubnitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS NAME OF APPLICANT' SADDRESS SAME I. $n ous 1?rsg -' Date of Application Blt7 l92Date of PEC Meeting qlA/92 COIIDITIOITAI. USE PERMTT for any project required to obtain accepted until all information is Assocl-at 8165 PHONE 476-560r REpRESENTATIVE Joe Macy NAME OF owlrER(s) ADDRESS OWNER(S) (print Vail Associates, Inc. srclrAurRE (s)4r/J PHONE TOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL:LOT BLOCK FILING filing ADDRESS Tract D, Vail Lionrs Head FiFst Filin E.FEE $200.00 pArD-41-4w cx *0,10%16\ at THE FEE MUST BE PA]D BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of aII property adjacent tothe subject properry INCLUDING pRopERTy BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WfLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additional information isneeded. No application will be accepted unless it complete (mustinclude all items required by the zoning administratorj. It isthe applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with thestaff to find out about additional subrnittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI'ETE APPTICATION WII,L STREAI,{LINE THE APPROVAL PRocEsS ToEEffinoJEcT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER oF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENV]RONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AIJL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT MUSTBE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following inforrnation must.besubnitted: 1. A descript.ion of the precise nature of the proposed use anci its operating characLeristics and measures proposedto make the use compatible with other properties in thevicinity. , The description nust also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. tb.f population, transportationtilities, schoolsr Parks and Effect upon proposed use air, distributionfacilities, recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. d.the character of the area in which the is to be focated, including the scale the proposed use in rel-ation to uses. 2. 3. As pro bui use dra Prel]iminary building elevations and floor plans. A ti.ltle report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumized, a letter fron the con{ominium association in support of the Proposal must be submitted to staff. 6. Any additional material necessary for the review of the applicat.ion as determined by the zoning administraLor. Jr*For interior nodificationsr an improvement survey and site plan nay be waived by the zoning adninistrator. and bulk of surrounding ip,e plan at a pbsed developlfling locations, parking, traffic circulation,alle open space, Iandscaped areas and utilities and iflage features. e plan at a scale of at least Ltt - 20' shotling sed development of the site' including topography, IV. TIME A. REOUIBSMENTS The Plan4ring and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each nonth. A conplete application form and all fcconpanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC bublic hearing. No incomplete applications (as determinpd by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planping staff before or after the designated subnitta] date. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if construcltion is not conmenced withi-n one year of tbe date of approval] and diligently pursued to completion' or if the usefor whifh the approval is granted is not commenced within one yeal. If this application requires a separate review by any local' State o{ Federal agency other than the Town of Va1I, the applicadion fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such rerfieer, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado uepart-fifit -Of ltr-Q'nTay Access- Pertrftrs'---Eriny Corps of Engineets 404, etc. The applicant shal1 be responsible for paying any publishing fees whlch are in excess of 508 of the application fee. If'at the {pplicant's requestr dnY matter is postponed for hearingi causing t.he matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicalrt. B. A. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to jcongestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and lconvenience, traffic flow and controlr accesst maneuverabilityr and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. B. c.Appricatioto".r.d by the community O"roo*"nt Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that Lown staff. Should a determination be made by the t.own staff that an outside consult,ant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estj-mat.e the amount of money necessary to pay him or her andthis amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicantat the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon conpletion of the review of the applicati-on by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. I o I IrI II | .-' t l'l l'l F Iaa '.l. tra la ?Vq l d o ffil$ F li r! E!t: i,. iF -=-:"--'-=-\r{l rr+.tt T c vi Fr n $ FIut It ^\P N F ING PARKING SHEAD STRUCTURE ElsT uoilsHEAD TRACT J -- UTfLATTED VAI 4rh. ot ' r '-t? cr*:, -"^) ";l:' , 114"i.1 ) ,t*". nw+vt ul '' ,i &x'