HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ06-0318 DRB060325lltuni""p*Eld( unitdLx- aoit,rfiwEtELtrExt Deeign Review toard ACTTOI{ FORlrl Departnent of Community Oevelopment 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colordo 81657 tel: 9t0.479.2139 faff 970.479.2452 web,: www.vailgov.com Prctect l{ams TeV WIRELESS POLES Prclect Descripdon: DRB ]{umber: DR8060325 FINAL APPROVAL FOR NEW POLES FOR WIRELESS EQUIPMENT, CAMEMS IN VAIL AND' uoNsHEAD pEDESTRIAN vrLr-AGEs ro MoUNT oN eirmruc BUTLDTNGs AND poLEs. Padlclpants: OWNER VAIL COLOMDO MUNIAPAL BLDGO7i26|2006 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81557 APPUCA]{I VArL CO LORADO MUNICI pAL BLDG07 | 26 | 2W6 75 S FRONIAGE RD VAIL co 81657 Prut€ct Addr€ss: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL VAIL VILLAGE AND IIONSHEAD VILI-AGE Location: fegal DescrlpUonr Lot: A @B Btodc 5D Subdlvision: Vall Village Filing 1 Parcel Number: 2101{61-0000-3 comments: sEE coNDmoNs BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Modon By: Se@nd By: Vote: CondlUons: DUNNING Donryard s-0-0 AcIm: APPROVED Date of Approvalt 09107 12006 Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail stafi and/or the appropriate rwbw committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prlor to @nstruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not beaome valid for 20 days follorttlng the date of apprcval. Cond:202 Appruval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constructlon is commenced aM ls diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008421 All nodes wlthin Vatl Village and Uonshead shall: 1. Nodes placd on $gnposb wlll have oftended wood posts and nodes mounted on the top. 2. Nodes plaed In Aspen grores will be mounted on a beige pob. 3. All other nodes will be mounted on a post similar to the new lampposts in Vail Village with a lantern encbsure. Condr CON000842,{ All nodes plaed outside of Vail Village and Lionshead: 1. The applicant shall paint all nodes to be installed on exisUng llght poles the same color as Ste light pole to which they will be afftxed at the time of installaton. 2. The applicant shall rcturn to the DRB at a future trearing to addrcss the conerns of fte Boad in regards to design and location of tfre 15 proposed nodes b be located within Vall Mllage and Lionshead. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRE F€e Paid: 90.00 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.\allgov.@m General Information: All projects requiring design reviar must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partiarlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Communfi Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenoes within one year of the apprcval. Location of the Proposal: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Block: o nl Physical Address: A.z- S*to"xa U\a\ Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Description of the Request: Name(s) of Owner(s): .G.,* + \)dr\0 6- ou\t 1 Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): r5 <.. Go*+-*e- Qoa.), €\€?g1 Phone: Rxo -r(rQ'-5tEq Name of Applicantr Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address:Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Altemtion (gulti-family/commercial) lDl Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans n Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indude 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For rwisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee rOw 0Fvlttt 75 SouthFrontageRd. Vail. Colorado 81657 97 0 -47 9 -2138 / 47 9 -2139 Fp']{970479-2452 August 28,2006 Ron Braden Sent Via Email to: Rbraden@vailgov,com Re: DRB064325 Departnent of Cornmunity Development Dear Ror4 Thank you for attending the August 2, 2006 Design Review Board hearing regarding your application for wireless nodes in the Town of Vail. I followed up that hearing with an email on August 3, 2006 outlining the comments made by the Design Review Board. I have received your email containing attachments of three designs for disguising the nodes as lampposts in Vail Village and in Lionshead. In order to present these options to the Desip Review Board, you must submit scale drawinCs of the proposed options, as well as a more detailed materials outline by Tuesday September 5,2006. A materials board showing what kinds of materials and colors you will be using would only strengthen your case to the DRB, and while not required, is highly recommended. I would also suggest that each location in Vail Village and Lionshead be individually considered, with a solution for placing the wireless node on that location specific to the location and sunoundings. I am available throughout the rest of tlre week to go on a visit to these locations in order to help deterrnine what the best solution is for each site. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to schedule a time when we can walk through the sites. I appreciate your cooperation in this application and I look forward to the Septemb er 6, 2006 Design Review Board hearing. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems. Best, Rachel Friede Planner, Townof Vail (970\479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Town of Vail DRB06-0325 Planner: Rachel Friede Final review of a minor alteration (wireless internet equipment) Vail and Lionshead Villages Applicant Town of Vail AGTION: L Application except for 15 locations in Vail Village and Lionshead approved MOTION: Fritzlen SECOND: Dorward VOTE: 4-1-0 (Dantas voted no) coNDrTroN(s): 1. Nodes shall be painted to match existing poles. ll. Apptication for equipment in Vail Village and Lionshead tabled MOTION: Fritzlen SECOND: Donlrard VOTE:$0-0 Summary of hearing (as written by Rachel Friede, Planner) During the site visit portion of the DRB hearing, the DRB, along with Rachel Friede and Ron Braden, walked through Vail Village and saw each potential location for nodes, At the official hearing, Rachel Friede made a brief presentation to the Design Review Board regarding the proposed wireless network. The Design Review Board was given a list of locations, a map showing these locations throughout the town as well as numerous pictures that depicted what the nodes would look like in locations throughout Vail Village. Margaret Rogers was concerned about informing the public of the nodes going into neighborhoods. Ron Braden responded that the local newspaper, the Vail Daily, covered this item in the newspaper on numerous occasions. Rachel Friede added that this item was on the agenda for Town Council and this agenda was published in the newspaper. Sherri Dorward had a preference of putting the nodes on buildings. lf the nodes were to be mounted on poles, they should be disguised. Later in the meeting, she suggested disguising the nodes as lampposts similar to those already in the Village, but that these lampposts should not be too close to existing lampposts. This was discussed in detail and a majority of DRB members agreed that this is the best option for disguising the poles in Vail Village and Lionshead. Sherri also identified three locations that are not appropriate for the nodes: lnternational Bridge, Pepi's (at exact cunent location shown (l in photos) and on Gore Creek Drive near Staub Park. lt was agreed by DRB members that the nodes should look like lampposts, match the new streetscape rnotif and should not be close to other lamps. , Lynne Fritzlen suggested moving the nodes near other visual clutter, such as the trashcans and mechanical boxes. This was not favorable to other DRB members. Margaret suggested contacting the Art in Public Places Board in order to get more input. Mike Dantas and Sherri Dorward agreed that faux painting is not an option, but the lamppost disguise would be most favorable. Lynne Fritzlen suggested that nodes should not be located in visual centers, such as the location next to the Popcorn Wagon. Lynne Fritzlen motioned to approve the nodes that are not in the Village or Lionshead. Sherri seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-3-0. A short discussion ensued. The DRB expressed interest in keeping this project alive and allowing CenturyTel to order the nodes. Lynne Fritzlen made a new motion to approve the proposed location and installation of equipment on existing streetlamps and utility poles except in Vail Village and Lionshead. This was seconded by Sheni Dorward. Rachel Friede asked that a condition be added that the nodes be painted to match the poles and lamps. Fritzlen amended her motion and Sherri seconded the amendment. The motion passed 4-1-0 with Dantas voting no. The partial application for wireless equipment in Vail Village and Lionshead was tabled until the August 16, 2006 DRB hearing. tL tsl PFqJECT: SKY D(|ENOEF EI{CLGt FE 6NCEF[: \rASE rrfDO/vAl.A@.!6 3 E lI-. j: , r,q. ; t. ,s':'! iile t t\ Srii ,f'j ;*!. ;;sws- s;j ou'ffi b".* dtrry *t-4. s f 'iiri ;=,;.. 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This data indud€s infomatbn tak€n with p€.missbn ffi Candian arthoritiee @ Her Mq€sty Vail Locations Letter ts,: 76 180\rao a {p€I Bighom WestVail 173 173 .Sagles Nest Mid Vail Vail lvlountain Omi 1 2 Copyright @ 1 98&2005 Microsdt Corp. and/or its suppliers. All rights r€sorued. http://wr,vw.microsoft.com/str€€ts/ o20gMwEQ.A||rightsreservgd.Thisdatainc|udesinformationtakenwithp€rmissionfrom Vail Locations Letter "s.: lsoRrao o (pG I Bighom WestVail 173 173 $agles Nest Mid Vail Varl Mountarn 24 Min$m Omi 1 2 Copyrighl @ 19E&2005 Microsoft Corp. ancl/or its suppliers. All rights ressrv€d. http://w.microsoflcom/strs€ts/ @ 2004 NAWEQ. All rights rser6d. This data includ€s info Vail Locations Letter Omi 1 Copyright O 198&2005 Microsofi Corp. and/or its suppliers. All rights res€rv6d. trttp:/wwwmicrosd.com/str€6tB/ @2m4MwEQ.A||rEti6rs6rved.Thisdatainc|udEsinformationtak6nwithp€missimfromcanadianauthoritj€soHerMajestyth€ot|nR Vail Locations Letter ts,: 76 180 R*tao a (p€t- Bighom West Vail, 173 173 Eagles Nest Mid Vail Vail hlountain 24 Ml,nturn Omi 1 Copyright @ 1988-2005 Microsoft Corp. and/or its suppliers. All rights res€rved. http://ww.microsoft.com/str€€ty @ 2OO4 NAWEQ. A 2 Vail Locations Letter r4 76 t8o\rao a tp€I Bighom West Vail 173 173 $agles Nest Mid Vailo Vail Mountain mi 1 Copyright @ 198&2005 Microsoft Corp. ancl/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. http://w.microsoft.com/streets/ Tvpe of NodeTvpe of Node Lat Triband lfloand Triband lfloano Triband 39.64086 39.64076 39.64011 39.63954 39.63986 39.64008 39.6412 39.64211 39.64228 39.6423 39.64219 39.64223 39.64193 39.64211 39.64219 39.64272', 39.64284 39.64349 39.64413 39.64424 39.64434 39.64431 39.64373 39.64349 39.64377' 39.64392 39.6448 39.64415 39.64447 39.64038 39.63846 39.63846 39.64284 39.64238 39.64238 39.64024 39.64186 39.64333 39.64425 39.64535 39.64s58 39.64614 39.64376 39.64284 39.64299 39.6437 39.6441 1 3s.64416 39.64285 39.642851 39.64101 39.63829 39.63745 39.63486 39.62827 39.62514 39.62001 106.3741 3 106.37321 106.37321 106.37306 106.37356 106.37388 106.37571 106.37602 106.37418 106.3744 106.373/,4 106.37321 106.37167 106.3766 106.37893 106.38054 106.38336 106.38387 106.38438 106.38518 106.38592 106.38699 106.38712 106.38794 106.38809 106.38892 106.38916 106.38004 106.38108 106.37081 '106.36735 106.36603i 106.35466 106.35706 106.35706 106.36357 106.3689 106.97674: 106.37346 106.37873' 106.38142 106.38882 106.38955 106.38976 106.3906 106.390s5 106.38988 106.39155 106.39238 106,3934 106.39717 106.40216 106.40401 106.40801 106.41908 't06.42442 106.42795 Lonq Pepi"s Gorsuch Hanson Ranch Pirate Sharp Park Los Amigos Popcorn Wagon Int'l Bridge Crossroads VTC West VTC Center VTC ail lnfo C East Park Supv Secret Garden Fire Station #2 House at 142 Vail Valley Med Ctr Library lce Rink LH East Parking LH Middle Parking LH West Parking LH Bus Stop LH Double Diamond LH Bart Yeiis LH Arrabelle Park LH t-70 City Hall Tower Vail Com Dev Bldg Tivoli Lodge Vail Ski Club Ford Park south entrance Public Works East Public Works Public Woks West Rec Center The Wren Mid Vail roundabout Spridle? Daycare Middle Creek Bus stop Gymnastics Center LH Arabelle West LH Lion Square LH Marriott East LH West Lionshead Plaza LH Moe's LH Marriott North LH Marriott West LH across VA warehouse Glen Lyon Bus stop Vail Cascade Spa Millrace Donovan Pavilion Marriott Streamside Chamonix Bus Stop Meadow Creek Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband lnband Gateway Triband Triband Triband 12 12 12 't6 12 12 16 B 12 12 tz 35 20 12 40 12 to 16 50 30 30 30 20 12 12 12 12 40 20 12 12 12 30 50 50 20 12 20 12 12 12 40 12 Triband Triband Gateway Gateway Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband rnoano Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband lnDand Triband Triband Triband rflDano Triband Triband Triband Triband lnoano Triband Triband Triband 1 1 12 12 20 16 30 16 12 12 Triband iriband Triband Triband rnoano Triband Triband i= :;tnoano Triband Gateway lTriband rTriband Triband tnband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband uareway Triband 'Triband iTriband Triband Triband 12 12 12 12 12 12 100 12 12 1 13th tee 20 20 25 15 20 20 20 zu 20 25 16 20 15 10 10 1o Bridge East Triband Location of Node Pepi"s Gorsuch Hanson Ranch Pirate Sharp Park Los Amigos Popcorn Wagon lnt'lBridge Crossroads VTC West VTC Center VTC Vail Info VTC East Park Supv Secret Garden Fire Station #2 House at142 VailValley Med Ctr Library lce Rink LH East Parking LH Middle Parking LH West Parking LH Bus Stop LH Double Diamond LH Bart Yetis LH Arrabelle Park LH r-70 City HallTower VailCom Dev Bldg TivoliLodge VailSkiClub Ford Park south entrance Public Works East Public Works Public Woks West Rec Center The Wren Mid Vail roundabout Spridle? Daycare Middle Creek Bus stop Gymnastics Center LH Arabelle West LH Lion Square LH Marriott East LH West Lionshead Plaza LH Moe's LH Marriott North LH Marriott West LH across VA warehouse Glen Lyon Bus stop VailCascade Spa Millrace Donovan Pavilion Marriott Streamside Chamonix Bus Stop Meadow Creek Tvpe of Node Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Gateway Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband 39.64086 39.64076 39.64011 39.63954 39.63986 39.64008 39.6412 39.64211 39.64228 39.6423 39.64219 39.64223 39.64193 39.64211 39.64219 39.64272 39.64284 39.64349 39.64413 39.64424 39.64434 39.64431 39.64373 39.64349 39.64377 39.64392 39.6448 39.64415 39.64447 39.64038 39.63846 39.63846 39.64284 39.64238 39.64238 39.64024 39.64186 39.64333 39.64429 39.64535 39.64558 39.64624 39.64376 39.64284 39.64299 39.6437 39.64411 39.64318 39.64285 39.64285 39.64101 39.63829 39.63745 39.63486 39.62827 39.62514 39.62001 Lonq 106.37413 1O6:37321 106.37321 106.37306 106.37356 106.37388 106.3757',| 106.37602 106.37418 106.3744 106.37344 106.37321 106.37167 106.3766 106.37893 106.38054 106.38336 106.38387 106.38438 106.38518 106.38592 106.38699 106.387'12 106.38794 106.38809 106.38892 106.38916 106.38004 106.38108 106.37081 106.36735 106.36603 106.35466 106.35706 106.35706 106.36357 106.3689 't06.37674 106.37346 106.37873 106.38142 106.38882 106.38955 106.38976 106.3906 106.39055 106.38988 106.39155 106.39238 106.3934 106.39717 106.40216 106.40401 106.40801 106.41908 106.42442 106.42795 Above Ground 12 12 12 16 12 12 16 B 12 12 12 35 20 12 40 12 16 16 50 30 30 30 20 't2 12 12 12 40 20 12 '12 12 30 50 50 20 12 20 12 12 12 40 12 '12 12 12 12 12 12 '12 't2 20 16 30 16 12 12 Lat Kinninick Bus Stop West Vail Lodge Bus Stop West Vail Mall Beuhfer Creek Park Timber Ride Vail Run Middle Creek Tower 100 Vail Road Willow Park BigHorn Park Sandstone School bus stop sunburst Bus stof Vail Golf Club Golf course restrooms 13th tee Aspen Lane pole Booth Creek Park Booth Falls Falls At Vail Bus Stop Pitkin Creek Park Bus Stop Fire station #1 Vail East Condos Bus Stop Columbine Drive Streamside Circle Vail RC VailRC Bridge Vail RC East pole Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband 39.61892 39.63051 39.63086 39.63309 39.63921 39.64288 39.64591 39.63988 39.64075 39.62869 39.6456 39.64123 39.64157 39.64586 39.64669 39.64804 39.64759 39.64505 39.64201 39.63773 39.63894 39.63722 39.63327 39.63083 39.63092 39.63013 106.42842 106.41962 106.41712 106.41407 106.40397 106.39701 106.38055 106.37669 106.37633 106.28766 106.39028 106.34939 106.34499 106.33215 106.32638 106.32472 106.32198 106.30714 106.30511 106.30107 106.30087 106.29807 106.29',t41 106.28824 106.28898 106.28638 12 12 12 12 12 12 100 12 12 12 20 20 25 15 20 20 20 20 20 25 16 20 15 10 10 10 Location of Node Pepi"s Gorsuch Hanson Ranch Pirate Sharp Park Los Amigos Popcorn Wagon lnt'lBridge Crossroads VTC West VTC Center VTC Vail Info VTC East Park Supv Secret Garden Fire Station #2 House at142 VailValley Med Ctr Library lce Rink LH East Parking LH Middle Parking LH West Parking LH Bus Stop LH Double Diamond LH Bart Yetis LH Arrabelle Park LH r-70 City HallTower VailCom Dev Bldg TivoliLodge VailSkiClub Ford Park south entrance Public Works East Public Works Public Woks West Rec Center The Wren Mid Vail roundabout Spridle? Daycare Middle Creek Bus stop Gymnastics Center LH Arabelle West LH Lion Square LH Marriott East LH West Lionshead Plaza LH Moe's LH Marriott North LH Marriott West LH across VA warehouse Glen Lyon Bus stop VailCascade Spa Millrace Donovan Pavilion Marriott Streamside Chamonix Bus Stop Meadow Creek Tvpe of Node Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Gateway Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband 39.64086 39.64076 39.64011 39.63954 39.63986 39.64008 39.6412 39.64211 39.64228 39.6423 39.64219 39.64223 39.64193 39.64211 39.64219 39.64272 39.64284 39.64349 39.64413 39.64424 39.64434 39.64431 39.64373 39.64349 39.64377 39.64392 39.6448 39.64415 39.64447 39.64038 39.63846 39.63846 39.64284 39.64238 39.64238 39.64024 39.64186 39.64333 39.64429 39.64535 39.64558 39.64624 39.64376 39.64284 39.64299 39.6437 39.64411 39.64318 39.64285 39.64285 39.64101 39.63829 39.63745 39.63486 39.62827 39.62514 39.62001 Lonq 106.37413 1O6:37321 106.37321 106.37306 106.37356 106.37388 106.3757',| 106.37602 106.37418 106.3744 106.37344 106.37321 106.37167 106.3766 106.37893 106.38054 106.38336 106.38387 106.38438 106.38518 106.38592 106.38699 106.387'12 106.38794 106.38809 106.38892 106.38916 106.38004 106.38108 106.37081 106.36735 106.36603 106.35466 106.35706 106.35706 106.36357 106.3689 't06.37674 106.37346 106.37873 106.38142 106.38882 106.38955 106.38976 106.3906 106.39055 106.38988 106.39155 106.39238 106.3934 106.39717 106.40216 106.40401 106.40801 106.41908 106.42442 106.42795 Above Ground 12 12 12 16 12 12 16 B 12 12 12 35 20 12 40 12 16 16 50 30 30 30 20 't2 12 12 12 40 20 12 '12 12 30 50 50 20 12 20 12 12 12 40 12 '12 12 12 12 12 12 '12 't2 20 16 30 16 12 12 Lat Kinninick Bus Stop West Vail Lodge Bus Stop West Vail Mall Beuhfer Creek Park Timber Ride Vail Run Middle Creek Tower 100 Vail Road Willow Park BigHorn Park Sandstone School bus stop sunburst Bus stof Vail Golf Club Golf course restrooms 13th tee Aspen Lane pole Booth Creek Park Booth Falls Falls At Vail Bus Stop Pitkin Creek Park Bus Stop Fire station #1 Vail East Condos Bus Stop Columbine Drive Streamside Circle Vail RC VailRC Bridge Vail RC East pole Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Gateway Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband Triband 39.61892 39.63051 39.63086 39.63309 39.63921 39.64288 39.64591 39.63988 39.64075 39.62869 39.6456 39.64123 39.64157 39.64586 39.64669 39.64804 39.64759 39.64505 39.64201 39.63773 39.63894 39.63722 39.63327 39.63083 39.63092 39.63013 106.42842 106.41962 106.41712 106.41407 106.40397 106.39701 106.38055 106.37669 106.37633 106.28766 106.39028 106.34939 106.34499 106.33215 106.32638 106.32472 106.32198 106.30714 106.30511 106.30107 106.30087 106.29807 106.29',t41 106.28824 106.28898 106.28638 12 12 12 12 12 12 100 12 12 12 20 20 25 15 20 20 20 20 20 25 16 20 15 10 10 10 Vail Locations ARCH E i.' 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