HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED FORD PARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE 1996\.t- '/'' d-c)AO,j--..{t i,/z(TN.-'/ \) \( <O <--t-.1.--\tr-L, BETTY FORD VI S TTOR FTSHER ARCHITECTS ALPINE GARDENS CENTER | ---" it-F.-- o, a t a, t]. 61' I|| ^oolttor to '|t! tti€! llllltltac G^iD?ts,frr u5?rr t!-1,| oa Titi ttrTt ?aRo atput!c^ar*r! ||.<ruors ix lt-ptt! toct( caln€|| atol !l t rfor (lxiEA. il5 GALVIN DESIGN s' l-i - I r.. ao/trlr.t' rtrlDt LORDIABK "{rnon crl:ir 6 Y -- -- \ ';--u-=.,. ./ \ : t rxrorD rl.rtt-!,r'.. ! 'l E d'r;. 'i i --..')-I . '!/ '.: },ft -"''^',-1-: VTCINITY MAP 4\\y -/L-a, at, to. r00, 200. trl taotoalo vltrtoa ctrrnt ^ltD LatIl eoctc^lDli rtlL atttttl txt c^aotxs. at n6LL l,t(xD rMr rao tra coniuittr rntclt tt 5!Ry!3. BETTY FORD VT S ITOR FISHER ARCHITECTS ALPTNE GARDENS CENTER il,'*i .i.. -.-. ' j i Ii i.'ir '..i. - .l'- -titi..-r I ir'lni lir'', J " GALVIN DESIGN SOFiEALL CCMPLEXF@rl- CG-t@ ^,rd t-l6d AY AREA PICMC AREA SKATING PONOS wrnvl Hsr i r.*€6. w.r Foter tof i!.rd ihe =nt;rn'-',A V""1 1o'ny'el hns 6ea A?rl.euc,e5, tO Au<>,J fre The Te^-r4it Loqcf F*)t;rt1. IVIASTER PLAN DE"YEI,OPMENT r!*Fl* I MASTER PLAN TfIK rsca.ilg. ioa ---. ,- 6. adjacent to a large recreation field and the playground. The VailAlpine Foundation is proposing an amendment to the Ford Park Master Plan. An to fie Master Plan, if approved, would require text changes to the existing plan. Plan: applicant is proposing ftat the following text be added to the Master Since this is a However, staff session, no formal staff recommendation will be provided at this time. receive specific 7. v. *The enNironmental educdion buitding of the Alpine Garden (sincf- IqAA cailed Betty FdJd Alpine Garden), provides a communv frcilv devoted to fostering undercfiNing of Vail's hqile high aftintde environmerrt, the native planB it supportg, mans reldionship to them. lt also seryes b ortent visltors to Betty Fotd Alpine Qardens. Designed to be passive solar and energy conseruing, the building is earth sheftered and constructd of ndural rod< aN tinbers. ft ties uncler ttle foutth phase of the gardens, the alpine rd< garden, aN is lcr'aled diacenlto the existing gardens on the north side. As with the frrst three phases ot Bewt1ord Alpine Gardens, the education frcility willbe built and dmlnistered by privale, non-profit otganization, the Vall Alpine Garden foundalion, for publicuse." f Other lssues. The cornmunity Development Department routed the proposed plans to both fie Town of Vail Public worlrs Department and the Town of Vail Fiie Department. Each department has returned thqir written comments. The written commenB have been attached for your review. amendment all new and equests that the above-listed issues be discussed so the applicant can direction on how to proceed with the proposed Ford Park Master Plan lf the applicant wishes to reappear before the PEC at a luture date, intormation must be provided to the Communlty Development staff no later than 15 prior to the meeting at which an appearance is requested. ffitlqz F! \everyone\pEc\nemo 3.Visuallmpact. As discussed in the Ford Park Master Plan, park visitors shoutd notice that care has been taken to conserve natural areas, plant communities; and slopes and creek edges. Where new construction of trails, buildings, roads and other facilities disturb natural areas, tne creative blending of grades and the use of trees, shrubs and ground cover (native to this area) should be used to revegetate the disturbed areas. Denie planting buifers should be.designed to provide privacy and protection within the park developments by screening adjacent public roadways and nonrompatible land uses. A sensitiv6 develophent ptan- responds to these qualities. The plans proposed by the applicant appear to lOOresi mis issue very well. However, additional measures may Oe nririOeO to riritigate the visual impacts from other areas in the park. staff is specihcally referring to tlie proposed parking area and the area north of the education center, Uses. The Master Plan amendment proposed by he applicant includes a variety of uses. The applicant is proposing to operate an education center comdete with an oifice use, a retail/commercial use, and a passive outdoor recreation uie. A precedence for sucir uses has been established within Ford Park. Currently, the Vailitecreation District gperates an oftice-type use and retail pro-shop in both the tennis facility and the Golf Course Clubhouse. These uses, whil6 deem6d aoceptabte in the past, must be revierved by the PEC. Gurrently, the office and retail/commercial uses are nbt in existence at the alpine gardens. Affect Upon Other Uses Currentlv in Ford park. Ford Park ctrrently offers a diverse recreational opportunity to the park user. Both active and passive recreation is available. Staff has inteiireteO trre propdsed education center to be a passive-type use to the visitors of Ford park.*An issu-e uinicn needs to be addressed is the effect the proposed education center will have on existing uses, as well as the effect the existing uses will have on the proposed use. * In statf's opinion, parking wilt have the greatest impacts to the existing and proposed uses. As mentioned earlier, parking at Ford Park is currently deficient at certain times of the year. There is simply not enough parking spaces availabb to accommodate the current uses. The parking lots at Ford Park can be lilled to capacity during a concert at the amphitheater or a sottball tournament at tl're softball fields. { A conllict in uses may occur between the amphitheater and the education center. Statf is" specifically concerned witr the potential impacts of noise generated at the amphitheater. A concert at the amphitheater may negatively impact the dperation of the eduiation center since a "library and educational" opportunities are being proposed. The existing.maintenance road currenUy serving the amphitheater and alpine gardens may see an increase in vehicular traffic. As proposed, the applicant wisties to provide five parking.spaces between the alpine gardens and tne amihitheater. The fivb spacesproposed will be used for employee and handicap parking. Additionally, the existing maintenance road will be needed to provide loading and delivery to thd new educatlon center as well as fire protection access. The existing maintenance road is currently 4. 5. tsn-u'E..nw ( CompatlblliV. Flexibilitt ' Material Conlinuitv. materlals expressive of natural and native material, not contresting. techniques able to adapt to futlre expansion needs and programs. materials heme with interrelated lorms and color. rle, but realistic in cost with ease of accomplishment, in consideration of maintenance expendltures. a formal arnendment 4. 5.Maintenance. 1. /u.=\\+ / 2. Parking has proven to be a reoccurring problem at Ford park. The construction of an education centef associated with the Betty Ford Alpine Gardens would no doubt increase the parking demhnd on Ford Park. At this time, staff would like the applicant and the PEC lo discuss the pArking issue. Access Accesslo the lolver bench of Ford Park is cunently an issue the Toi,n is struggling wifr. Cunently, vehic{rlarqccess to the lower bench of Ford Park is provided via the- maintenance road. (n accordance with the Ford Park Master Plan. staff does not feel that it is appropriate-to allow any additional vehicular traffic into Ford Pafi)he staff does realize howeverlthat some lorm of vehicular access may be necessary t5-provide for handicap droporff and for loading and delivery of goods to the lower bench-of Ford park. staff would sugqest that the applicant pursue design alternatives for constructing a pedestrian path,lthat would connect the proposed education cenEr with the existing parking lot locatfd on the upper bench oi Fdrd park. -Da ..ror t:Old - vD 2rzr7/ F,-a<.I leoc*, 5 d. Density control;e. Site coverage;f. Landscaping and site development; andg. Pa*ing and loading. The.development stiandards shall be proposed by tfre applicant as part of condltional use permit application. Site specific development standards shallih-en be det6rmined by the PEC duhng the review of the conditional use request in accordance with Chapter 18.60 (conaiUonal use permitsl. Any.add.itional regulalions pertaining to site development standards, in the development bf the land in the General Use District, are found in Chap'ter 18.58 (supptementat regutaiions). B. Town of Vall land Use plan ,, Acc:ording:!o thq,Tgw! of=vait l-and use plan adopred on November 19, 1996, he enrire Ford'' .Park alea lie? v,vithin lhq fark (P) land use cateooff. Included wi$rin ttris categoiy are Town owned parcels lntended.for both active recreation activities such as athletic fiJldd, golf courses and playqlounds, as w-ell qs areaq for various passive recreation activities. Staff his interpreted the Ford Gardens to fall into goal of the Land Use Plan is to provide continued lmpiovements to existing spaces within the Town. A key C. Ford Park Master Plan 4s gtatgd previously in he memorandum, the alpine gardens have been determined to be a desirable use within Ford Park. To insure that all future improvements, such as the education center amendment proposed by the applicant, are compatible with the existing uses and developm.ent goals of Ford Park, tf,e Master Plan identilies design criteria anJsite guidelines for park and landscape development{According to fie Ford Park Master Plan, the foll6wing design criteria should be considered wherl proposing a development within Ford park: 1. Site preservation2. Revegetiation3. Activity transition4. Definition of activity spaces5. Views6. Energy conservation7. Accent8. Accessibility9. Separation/integration10. Existing character of the site During the construction phase of a project within Ford Park, materials should be chosen and construction methods should be used which adhere to the following general guidelines: 1. Approoriateness. ' Materials and detailing fit into the park's environment and is bofi inviting and functional. 4 ., 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A location/layoqUsite plan; A survey and grading plan; A landscape and danting plan; An irrigation plah;and A construction phasing plan. ,/ for the of an the Ford Park allow for of four new tennis courts (to add to the six existing courts)An voted u to re@mmend urere never VMRD did receive a shop in Ford Park. use permit to construct two new tennis courts and a tennis pro III. REVIEW OF RELEVATTIT PLANNTNG RELATED DOCUilENTIS The review criteria for a iequest of this nature is not specifically defined. However, tre emphasis of thjs review is on the proposal's compatibility with the Town of Vail Zoning Code, he Oerl6 R. Ford Park Master Plan, and the Town of Vail Land Use plan. A. Comnliancewiti the Town of Vail's Zonino Code According_tothe Tou4 oil Vail Zoning map, Ford Park is currently zoned General Use (GU). As stated in the Zoning Codp, the purpose of the Generat Use zone district is as foilowsj- "The General Usq District is inlended to provide siles for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristic€, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development staddards described for other zoning districts, and for which developrirent standards especidlly prescribed for each particular development proposal or proj6ct are necessary to achiFve the purposes prescribed in Section 18.02.020 (general provlsions) and to provide for the public wellare. The General Use District is intehded to insure the public buildings and grounds in certain lnces of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize withLsurrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to insure adequate lioht, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate permitted types of uses." The General Use district allows for uses. conditional blac and standards in each of the shallbe a. b. c. Lot area and site dimensions: Setcac*s; Building heights; Gouncil the Because PEC with the amendment T.own Council. The Town Councilwiil receive The PEG willhave the the amendment II. BACKGROUND The land on which Ford Park sits was acquired by the Town of Vail in 1g73. The expressed goal of the $3.3 miuion land acquisition was to'preserve the quality of life in Vail. On Janlary 18, - 1977, the VailTown Coun_cil unanimously passed a resdtutioh designating the property-as we know it today; the Gerald R. Ford Park. This unique and highly valuable 5g acie pa*-site represents the last rernaining parcel ol land central to use 5y iill residents and viditors of the Vail community. ,/ .!n Janu{v 9f 1985,lle orocess of creatinq a master olan for the develooment of Ford Park -began.. ln August of that same year, the eeratO to the linal report prepared by the proiect consultant. fie Master future improvements to the park. The Ford Park Master Plan.includes mahy recreation and cultural features. Of the many features included in the Ford Park Master Plan is the alpine garden. According to the Master plin, the alpine garden was originally located in the arei of the Vail Nature Ceiter. This was done to isolate it somewhat from the more intensive, actively used areas of the park. The garden area was also reduced in size and placed in a number of separate locations inrougnoutine park. As a part of the Master Planning process this concept was changed and the alpi-ne garden was substantially relocated to the area adjacent to th6 west side ot the AmphithAaterl This was done for the following reasons: ' ll was felt (ftom members of the Alpine Garden Club) that a larger area of approximatety 1.5 acres was needed to adequately design the garden; ' lt was suggested that the garden could serve as a buffer area between the Amphitheater and the rest of the park; ' lt was felt that the Alpine Garden was more compatible with the Amphitheater in regard to the types of uses; and . lt was a desire of the steering committee that the Vail NatureGenter remain undisturbed." In the creation of the Ford Park Master Plan, the project consultant recommended that the following information be submitted to the Town oivdit, prior to finaldesign consideration of any improvements to the alpine gardens: , TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUU Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 8, 1995 A request for a worksession for an amendment to the Ford Park Master Plan to allow for an expansion to the Betty Ford Alpine Garden located at 183 Gore Creek Drive/an unplatted parcel of land located in the northeast y. ol Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth principle meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle Cdunty, Colorado. Apdicants: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Represented by Sammye Meadows and Helen Fritch. The DESCRIPnON OF THE REQUEST Vail Garden represented by Executive Director, Sammye Meadows, is anning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC) to discu;SEn education center. The emendment proposed by the applicant concerns the area of Ford Park immediately to the north of the existing developed Alpine Gardens, south of the sofurall fields, east ol the playground lnd west ot the Amphitheater (see site plan attached). In the 0.575 acre area described, the Madter Plan presently indicates that the area is to be developed as an additional alpine garden; (Phase lV). The apdicant .ft.of museum {retail r orade. constructing the center below gr-cte ffi The Vail Alpine Garden Foundation expects to have the funds raised for the custruction of the visitors center and planted in an alpine rocl{ garden theme. The center is designed for passive solar heating and will provide an attractive, enPrgy conserving, open space within the garden. lt is designed tb be very practical from a maintenance standpoint and to attract visitors without distracting them trom lhe natural beauty sf thsr park. The materials to be used in the construction of the centerzwill include native lichen rock, flagstone, wood beams, and soils suitable for growing ptants. \f{eecommqdate an increase in parking demand, as well as provide better service o OisaUtW visitorsl The applicant is proposing to add five parking spaces on the lower bench between the Alpine Gardens and the Fmphitheater.phase of the Bettv Ford Abine Garden. by the late spring of 1995. At the present time, he oroiect is blic use by the summer of 1997. and Helen Fritch. George Ruther "/ The amendment to the Ford Park Master Plan before the VailTown tuv l,ur \ SHUIi urstorplrn revlitutur€. Pleaae c[11 h€,qumtl.on ngardyou for thc ocr l,|Jrfy Giraf SuEaR Pan B IU ! 4 /9-21$U HPR 20'9b Lb:15 N0 .UU5 P.U4 $hlclr I will be etartlng ln the verlz n€ar have the Foundatlon call ne lf tb€f,6 are any thsge coilrnentc ou the marterplan projeet, Thankrnity to revlew the submittal, IUV PIT SHTIP iu :479-21J0 HPR ?0'95 lb: 1"4 No . UUb P . U.5 thr plan8 which they have for expansion of the rennis Center and urr of the fleldg. Wlth the conneotion beLng handicap aoccceLble there ehould be no need to provide actdltlonal handlcap or aurployee parlcing on the lower bench. Thie will reduce the nunber of vehicler needing accegg to the lolwir bench. Vehlcular accegg to the lowcr bench Elrould be lfunitrd to eervlce and dellvery vehioles only. Thls wtlt be addreeeed ln tha Torn's [asterplan revision. II. Winter naLntenancen Currently the Town plorrE only the two parking areas in Ford Park. vRD plowe the peoeltrian watfwaye fron the pFkl[r9 1ot .t_o -theTcnnis Center. -No wlnter rnaintenance of any kind is provided on the l6uer bench or Arnphltheater. The Foundationts reguest for winter maintenance for aeceEE and firr protection has significant finaneial and logistic inpacte to Town resourcee. |Ihegc impacte r:lnforae the conclpt sf having th€ prlnary acsees to the Educational Centar eotne fron the upper bench rather than thc lower blnch. fII. Erflranded Lnage Area.Ari aepeet of ttre Educatlonal Center whlah hae -not _ yet been dlecusied is the locatlon and connectl-on of utility lines. A bullding of this nature will riqulre a Beparate water connection fsr fire and doutestlc use, connlctlon to the Townts eewaEe llf,t ctation, uuttlple telephone and flberoptic lLnes, eJeatrical rcrvice, and cable teLevision. The auendnent to the l{asterplan Fhoulil includc the tocatlon of carenents in which these utilitiesqtn be lnBtallrd. In addition the rrgchool llousa Gardenrr trhlch has been proposed acroEs the blkepath fron the maln garden Ehould also be included in the arnended nagterplan, If the Foundatlon dcelree ts proceed wlth the congtructl,gn og tfrie garden the lease area wlll have to bc expanded. IV. Con6tructlon Acceee. A reparate sgreenent for construction acceEe and etaging for the Educational Center and Fharo fXf garden ehould be processod at thistlne. Thig construct.lon wiII reguire two to three yearE to conplete and wlll have serloue inpacts to the rest of Ford Park. CornpletlnE the aErecment now will help to avold problerns. and delays in the future. The agreemrnt ehould inalude constructlon routec, etaglng arGaa and repalr reaponslbilities' It ie not my Lntentl-on to slow down the Foundatl-on's ef,f,orte 9n thJ-e proJeot. Ac mrntioned earlier, r ful,Iy ;upport tha concePt 9fan Edudatl,onal Center in the Garden. Howcver, I would be remies l-n uy dutles if I ctid not bring forth these concerns. I am availableto the FoundatLon to assist then J-n eolvlug these problerns in any say that I cqn. I also am looklng f,orward to uorkirrg hrLth thetn on the Ford Park I UV i'lr,SHUI'tD | 4 t9-2L3U TEIOIIIDTIII Sor 8ro[3 Dat€s RE: I have Eeveral regardinE the Garden Foundatl to include thePark. I fullyMasterplan for Eduoational Cerr and feel it wilr Garden and to Town. FiPR 20'95 i.6:15 N0.005 P.0? Gcorgc roddApril 20,Vail Alp Garden - Ford Parlt l{agterplan revision subnlttal by Educational support thebe of great thc Vail AlplneCenter ln the concept of thebenefit to thc When tlre p Educational Cenf€eting at that was to look at atl of rord Park' angwer the dlfflcultparklng, etc Fountlation rev Center bacltLdea. Ne$ the propoDal te 6 Ford Park, I f arnendment. Thie does not va to have a slgnif,icant hnpact to the council's Tlrera are four Foundatlon befo rtparkrr facillty The Anphitheadirrct trdurinE rpeclal Educatlonal ctraftia that whish Garclen wan orlginally presented by the Feundation the was outside of thc exleting leaee area' Uy regardlng highway access' Io$er bqnch lcceaa, aneid th; Ua-etefptan only otlo€. - l{hen the thelr propoeal ind brougnt the Edueational the lease er€lr I backed off on the tdasterplangltuatlon has changed again. wlth ths vA/vRD Gold Peak tannie courtE for addltional courts at it as problen for the Gardcn and tbe Anphitheater. deats with the problen by provldinE staff and atlon for thore -indlviduals needing acsistance this in not a practical solution f,or the will be open tb the tane general walk-in hag new. approval of thccent€r in thc aclcnowledged aathat the Foundat we should proceed wlth the larEer rraeterplan iFoundattons prolosal to include the Edueatlonal I{af,terp1an. The Educational center hae betn a part-of thl Garden for sometine. The anendnent ofi eeeks is sonewhat of a formality, The decision I now or wal,t f,or the rnastorplan revl-eion ie counciL of concern that Ehould be addressed by the trhcEe areaa are and how it wllfrelateal rpecif the proposal goes to Councll . lly to the Educational ccnter functlon ln the Farlt. I. AccegE to Bench. to .pprove thrultinately up curr.ntly, pl Ford Park le . Thle is not a najor Problem for thehandicap access to the lower bench of Thls is not a naior Problem for thelan and Thle proposal ehould include a direct handieap ascessible :tion frorn thc parking areaa through the VRD Iennispedutrian Centcr and go II fJ.el-ds to dn upper entrance to the Educational canter. This wlll have to be coordlnated wlth VBD snd 42 West Meailow Driae Vail, Colorailo 81657 t0t-479-22t0 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Vtil Fire Department MEMORANDI'M GEORGE RUTiIER }TICHAEL MCGEE, FIRE MARSHAI.,, APRIL 18, 1995 FORD PARK EDUCATION CENTER We received a set of proposed plans for the above project. Upon revievr, we have ldentified the fo1lor/ring issues: t. The l-ocatioh of the proposed structure ie not within firedepartrnent vehicular access. In order to provide vehicular accessfor fire apparatus, the rrbike pathtr on the south side of the playground would need to be rebuilt to neet minimum access reguirenents(width, load capacity, turnl-ng radius, etc.). . .The other option Ls to have a fire sprinkl-er system install_edwithin the structure. An exterior hose station may also berequired due to the lack of accegs. 2. With an additional structure in the Ford park pavilion, r^rewill need to see a fire hydrant installed in ttre viclnity of theManor Vail covered bridge. The onry fire hydrant within Lhe FordPark area is too far away and in and of itself, cannot provide asufficient volume of water to fight a fLre. 3. The proposal- to designate the access road. a rrfire lanen hassgng 5.mp1.ications. The codes define a fire lane as having aminimum width of 20 feet. The raw wilt not alrow such a thing- asa ltcasual flre lanerr wherei_n loadlng and unLoading, parking (vfF orotherwise), handicap parking, or other uses are rnixed wittrin tnelegally defined boundariee. ?he issue of winter use is neitherapproved nor disapproved by the Fire Department. That is nore ofan issue for Public Works than us. 4. There are some Building code issue that may pertain, that arereferenced in the Fire code. sorne additional attention needs to begiven to the number and location of exits. The cod.e addressesbuildings trbelow gradett and some special features may be reguired.The architecturar prans will need to be more detail-;d, indfcatingoperable windows, ventilation, and other aspects. These issues we have identified are prelininary and are notintended to be a conplete 1ist. we will obiiousl.y need to see themagain as changes are made durl-ng the various review processes. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April 14, 1995 D epartment of Communiry Deve lopment Public Works $epartment F'ord Perk Master Plan Amendment Commetrts It would require widenin$ the existing 'toad'. Additional maintenanc. {rno* plowing) dovrn here wouldbe expensive. Is the Town willing to take on this cost for 5 palking spaces? Should provide accessiblb parking for whole park and arrphitheater up above. Connect walk at playgrofrnd (N side to path at Tennis and Softball) across their frontage. Plan appears not to encoprage area to walk between soflball fe,nce and their landscaping improvements outside stfging plan. 1 'A*p*r fue*, Ulildee,J ' 6o b,"!- {o eihzs-,o utl fuqp Fnortb. 'tn*re, P<la 6 flMnztpur=. df fi.lru"wlfr ffiJuo4- rfrfla Ford Park Open House Survey Results To-date 7116196 Center Court for tennis I I Allow only Cushman_typecomplex? , i vehicles? 1120,| .to t,l | | 1^ | 12 1__ t0 II I Allow only Cushman i I vehicles? -ll 1120,I t18L-20 18 16 14 12 10I 6 4 2 0 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 4 SlrorEly A016!SUoiSt234stroogty Dilagree Agre€ DoNot 2 Suppon 34 20 18 16 14 't2 1qI 6 4 2 0 20 18 16 14 12 10I 6 4 2 0 Page 6 Ford Park Open House Survey Results To-date Tl16tg6 i-3 =iu9 .,=ssEs! '^-.Sorl'si!.trl Employment Status l I _l Gender of respondents Female 47%Male s3% Home Not maker working Working Retired pan- time Working full-time Page 5 80 60 40 0 Ford Park Open House Survey Results To{ate 7t16t96 Parking Structure Preferences 15 10 5 0 23 Structure Altemative lmportance of ba rrier-free access20 18 16 14 12 10I 6 4 2 0 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 o 4 0 Not a Problom lmpoatanl Not23 lmportar{ Page 4 Ford P.rk Open Flousc Survey Results Ted# 7t16tg,5 Employment status \l\lorking tull-time Working part-time Retircd Home nraker Notworking 31'6 4 5 1 Hou*hold ageproftle "<8 9to14 14 to 17 18 to 25 26 to 35 36 to 45 46 to 55 56 to64 65 to75 Over 75 3 2 1 8 15 14 18 11 11 86Totalln hougplrold Gender yes HousehoH rrernber witr disa Female No 21 Page 3 F.ord Park Open Houss Survey Rcaults Todde 7l1E€€'' BC , .rr, tz \ Prcferrd Concept; Residore EaetVail WmlVail VailVillage A 12 12 10 6 Lived in Vail Year round resldent 10 6to l0 7 2 I 2 1 2 40 <l ItoS No ll tom 21+10 13 Page 2 Ford Park Open House Survey Results To{ate 711619f How do you getto Ford Part? Amphitheater events Visit Alpine Garden Watch athletic event Play softball Use the park Walk 21'20 15 6 15 Bus Drives28 419 616 19 220 Blke 2 6 I 2 3 Parking structure preferenc First choice Second choice Third choice Tobl score Fotd Pa*entry Tum lanes Roundabout 2 13 '11 4 65 I 16 8 5 69 3 10 11 10 62 4 0 6 I 20 18 20 Not a Problem Significance of Parking on Lo 't7 Not lmportant f mportance of barrier-free acc 4 Do Not Support Policy: All park at upper loi an 10 Strongly Dlsagree Allow only Cushman-type veh 6 Strongly Dlsagree Alpine Garden Ed. Center in 2 Strongly Dlsaglee Center Gourt for tennis compl 15 Strongly Dlsagree Bleacher seating for sports fie 5 2 11 2 2 2 3 2 7 2 1 2'- I 2 I 3 rG 3 12 3 6 3 10 3 4 3 11 3 14 4 Problem Score 7190 4 lmportant Score 7 20 172 4 y Support Score 11 10 128 'l gly Agree Score 11 10 144 4 gly Agree Score 7 28 184 4 gly Agree Scorc 72104 4 gly Agree Score 86127 Page 1 i"r Ornn Housr Sunrmy Rnsul,rs (TnRoucrr 07 fi6196) I'fim Town of VailFil?r,a=rm;rrasd;eni l.Adequate parking (for the park's needs) is to be provided in the Park or conveniently nearby. Capability will also be reserved, through the Master Plan, to accommodate additional Town-wide parking needs in the park, as long as it meets the other criteria in these Policies. Vehicular encroachment into the park will be minimized. Thconly vehicular usesall'owe*in the park are for: maintenance, delivery of goods and materials to large or heavy to be carried by non-motorized means, access for people with disabilities, and emergency services. a) Parking and auto-intensive uses are to be located near the Frontage Road. b) No cars or trucks may remain on the Lower Bench longer than is required for immediate loading and unloading. c) Whenever possible, access by allowed vehicles is to be scheduled for times when the usage ofthe park is least, such as early mornings. d) Whenever possible, vehicles shall use Road B for access to the Lower Bench. The maximum fevel of use for autonobiles and/or trucks on Road A is I round trip per hour. The maximum level of use for "Cushmano-type vehicles on Road A is I round trip per 20 minutes. No new or changed uses of the park wilt be permitted that cause these thresholds to be exceeded. Users are to feel safe and secure in the park. The master plan is to build-on and incorporate previous master plans, where applicable. It is desired to increase public use ofthe park in the off- (winter) season. Other 3. L 2. 2. 3. F ord Irark it{anasenreut Plarr I'age l I 'I'cq'n of Vail l\r[r \Vorks Depaftnrent t. Management Ford Park is a Town of Vail facility. The land is owned by the Town and is within tlie limits of the Town. The park is the primary recreation resource for residents of the Town of Vail. In the case ofconflicting uses, functions that best serve the interests of the Vail community will have the highest priority. In all cases, final decisions regarding the Park rest wittr the Vail Town eoune il. The day-to-day management and coordination of activities in the Park are the responsibilify of the Parks Division of the Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. In this capacity the Parks Division will be advised by a Coordination Committee, that will include a representative of: a) the Town b) the Vail Valley Foundation c) the Alpine Garden d) the Vail Recreation District The Coordinating Committee shall meet monthly, or as otherwise determined by the Committee, to advise the Patk Manager on matters such as a unified schedule, user confl icts, maintenance problems and responsibilities, proposed Park improvements, budgeting and park policies. Each park user is responsible for mitigating for the impacts created as a result of it's events or use ofthe Park, unless specifically exempted by Council. Each major park user (Town, Vail Valley Foundation, Alpine Garden, VRD, etc.) is responsible for the maintenance and improvementsr to its own area, as designated in its contract with the Town as per the attached diagram. Each park user shall be responsible for the clean up and any repairs, to any area of the park, that are necessitated by an activity the user has sponsored. 4.Costs for maintenance and minor improvements to the common areas of the Park are to be shared amons all users on an equitable basis. 5. For the maintenance and improvement of the common areas, a unified annual budget shall be developed for the park, with appropriate conhibutions from all the major park users. Pedestrian Access 1. Pedestrian access to the Park fiom the Vail Village shall be easy and visible. The Park shall be pedestrian-friendly. a) There shall be no barriers to free access within the park or between the park and the surrounding community. This includes providing barrier-free access to the Park for the elderly and those with disabilities. Parking and Vehicles 'All improvements need to be permitted through applicable Town of Vail procedures. c) 2. J. a) b) ['ord Park IVlanac.entent I'lan Ilap,e I(l 'l'orvn ol \jail Public \\rorks Depaftment 1. Pnoposrn PolrcrEs Ford Park provides a setting and facilities for a variet5r of different functions: passive and active recreation, spectator sports (such as the lacrosse tournament), and cultural and educational events in the Amphitheater. It is intended to be apark foralt agesand krterests. Tbis variefy ofuses and facilities in the Park are important to accommodate the diverse interests of the Vail communitv and will be preserved. No one event or type of use will be allowed to dominate the setting of Park or its usage. For example, even though there will be special events with tents and catering, they will not be allowed to consistently exclude casual, unprogrammed uses of the Lower Bench. All the uses in Ford Park contribute to the health and well- being of Vail Valley residents, and all contribute to the tourism and economic base of the community. It is important that all functions in the park be maintained, and allowed to function, at a high quality level. Functions that do not maintain high standards ofquality, or that cause a diminution of the experience of park users, will not be permitted. The historic qualities and natural character ofthe Nature Center are to be maintained. New or changed facilities or uses will not be permitted to curtail existing public uses of facilities in the Park unless there is either a compelling public interest or adequate alternative facilities are available to its users. Changes in the character ofthe Park are to be kept to a minimum. Additional structures in the park will be permitted only upon demonstration that: the use is consistent with Park character and park policies; there is not a non-park location that adequately serves the both the public and proponent's need; the structure can be integrated into the park with minimal change in the character of the park; impacts on other uses in the park, due to a proposed use or structure (including its installation/construction) will be mitigated fully; the proposal is accompanied by a thorough disclosure of potential impacts to the Park, including visual, functional, services and traffic; and ifthe proposed change is not consistent with the Ford Park Master Plan, the plan must be amended prior to approval ofthe proposed change. The amendment process will include an opportunity for the general public to review and make comment on potential changes. 5. a) b) c) d) e) f) 2. J. 4. Ford Palk lr,lanagement Plan Peo,' g 'l'own o1'Vail I'ublic Works Deoartnrent U F] trlFFH Uv) v E, o-o E,olJ- g tr = trFfFtv t BSr9 €e('Jut -2 u t! g (,ot c a F c OIttlg ol()l 3l El EI I IvlEI<lo-l alElol lJ.l tlk3 tlbF ( u oc,o ! a,ooa co EC I 3t 66tDorPact €e|,tAD- Ar,tnnx.q,rrvn Masrrn Pmxs (Dru,rr) Vail Fublic l Department IT It Town ef Vall, ColoradoFORD PARK :f":;;;#"#*flWnston Arsociates, Inc.GRANDSTAND SEATINC .-__-}-- '--X-kf"^--T}E[l4irrlrlI iiltilr fllffilffil r'!.'-ll N] FORD PARK no*"**r*","'" Win$on As3oclat.s. Inc. .lrrrru l?. | 995 5OOO SEAT CHAMPIONSHIP C()T ITTT F F F C ( F tr F I tr C il b<rrrl cilg 9ca!c.J:o- <_ olTtlg ol(rl 3l El CI EI I IvlEI<lLl alEI ottrl {J 1- a) x O ,+ rq f.- .n q., E E L '13 iI" E3E*pE$$Et*SFbi's. o:'sE:q)t,sAR*'FFsisEBEEi a38€r-r o6,i SoE$gt'irI 'i A)X.A|l zr,ii. Is* "S C\.E q,i3$tES8*hd*RHq * {:s b.'ti $E* *F$ FI\ or €'E :i'u 6oix $F.u gs F Sbfr Eg ik =.: *.: I h\x t) $ .4 F.t s a),s si 3 x I R. iss R 3 E € E P\*t\ it d "s s.Tt -e...oEot sbsF8 =6RE=s3EJ.cE.a_ =--Y=q)6Rt .Y(')()EE€eF'th =5tdS.: ElEdI9e:? EFfrE EEEut€ Ooh* E -A.Evd(E.9> tr 6qH = B-E€T9c,a '!06g4r >ic€*Eg;m ; gF fi 9 qJE(B: - ta= E -EOr--1 'E t 9l o'?i- .EBT)X Er lSE E>E.Ea E EE ,,L g€ g FX 9EBsE gEE{i EE#{z ;Ed;I .piE F = ; FF 6H nEuffA EEfii;4 EinE{ gTFE E {;s;a s'E,"E EP E e-a F - F= d i3 EOBLPAR ALPINEED. CENTER VYinston A*roclato!, Inc.,1TlTrr1\T O FORD PARK ,"*."u* ."-0" f ATPINE ED. CENTER Winston Associrtc!, Inc,:::il:;,r'#Ltrl npTTnr\T t Alprxn G^mnnr.l Enuc.lrtoN CrNrrn The Betty Ford Alpine Garden Foundation estimates that the Garden is visited by approximately 85,000 people annually. In an effort to increase its educational outreach, the Foundation desires to construct an Education Center on the hillside area at the northern extent of its lease area. The Education Center has been designed in a horseshoe form that recalls a Native American Kiva. The Center would contain formal displays, conference rooms, offices and storage. A rock garden on the hillside would extend onto the roof of the Center. Two options considered by the Advisory Committee ue shown on this board: a location in the cwrent Alpine Garden, and a two-building scheme with a year-round building at the Soccerfield parking lot, and a smaller summer-only building in ttw Aljine Garden. The Foundation no long". views the two-building scheme as viable, so only the Alpine Garden location is shown on the Alternatives on Boards 7. 8 and 9. Ford Park lvlanageinent flal Page 6 'fown o1'Vail Public Works Depamment 6: f,,grArNlt6 WArctllAxil\ti\ tEranr dA.D t l'. ftr'.e. ($er:fz\ l. *9._e. ({EtrJ FORD PARK .rownorvair,cororado Winston Associst6s. lnc. Jrrtru 12. l9J6 ROAD B SECTIC)N Erirting Grade/ AppuimErcC\r/Fi[ Llner lotDy VailVallcyDrive Proposed Bus Dropoff Plopgodlly&rulic Elovatqstructurr GoreCttpk ELEVATOR@Van \/AT I IT\r nDr\rE Qrr\Frtr^rr FO_RDf Winslon Associ6t€s. Inc. .,rtne I ?, 1996 FORD PARK ,*'"u* **0"il:il;#'ffWlnrton A3loclotrl Inc.TNTEIf I(.)R (-IPnr IT ATrr^rr\T IntnRroR CmculltroN Issuns Since many of the major destinations within the Park are far from parking and entry points, there are a variety of special access needs within the Park: elderly patrons, people with disabilities, strollers, people carrying picnic coolers, delivering perfonnance equipment and goods to the Amphitheater, and maintenance/ repairs to all of the facilities. Currently, cars, trucks and "Cushman-type vehicles (golf carts) are used to transport people and materials within the park. However, vehicles are increasingly creating conflicts with pedestrians on paths and a number of people feel that increasing number ofvehicles parked on the Lower Bench detract from the ambience ofthe Park. The two major paths through the Park are designated as Road A (near the Wren) and Road B (from the North gravel lot to the Amphitheater). The Master Plan considers eliminating all but emergenq) access on Road A, and requiring that sll semice, deliveries, shuttles ani buses use an upgraded Road B. Upgrades to Road B would consist of widening certain sections through the use of retaining walls. Some ofthese needs can also be addressed by better pedestrian access. A number of the paths in Ford Park have sections that are too steep to comply with the American Disabilities Act [ADA]. To make the paths accessible (barrier-free) will require longer paths, to make them less steep, or mechanical lift devices such as elevators. Making the paths longer increases the effort required by the elderly and people with disabilities. Longer ftail and elevator options (C, D, E) are illustrated in the accompanying diagrams and in the Alternative Concepts (Boards 7, I and g). Ford Park lVlnnagement ltlar fage 5 l'ow'n of Vail Putrlic Works Department FORD PARK Scalc: 1'- 5O Junc 12, 1998Winston A8|oclrtca, Inc,ACCF,T,/DECFT T ANFS :ORD PARK ,*,n*un,,*,o,,oo ::::;l;,f 't'Hhtirrinston Arsocialo3, Inc.R(^)I II$N ARr)I IT FRoxrlcn Roln Issuus Ford Park access from the Frontage Road is not in compliance with current standards (turn lanes) ofthe Colorado Departnrent ofTransportation (CDOT). While CDOT has not requested turn lanes yet, such a request is imminent, especiatly if there are any modifications to Ford park. Two possible options for the Frontage Rod are illustrated: standqd nrn lanes, and a roundabout, Note that the widenjng'to accorrmodatsiho Arn lanes,like lanes and shgulders is extensive. Even though it is still within the CDOT right-of- way, it expands onto land that is now being used Preliminary analysis indicates that the traffic levels are not high enough to justifu a roundabout - it does not work properly without a minimum traffic level. Nevertlteless, if a parking structure were located in the Park, the roundabout might be warranted. The location of either the tum lanes or roundabout will be determined by which parking structur€ option is deemed preferable. Park lvlanagement Plan Page 4 Town of Vail Public Works Department N PT AI\I n rr-s{ut \_.-\-. SCALE: l"=4g' FORD PARK r* "un,,.o',.ooWnslon A*ocieter, Inc PARKING STRUCTURE Juno 12. 1906 Jlli TIT Arr7 lt RoADC|AY q|SNNGBERM.PROFOSED PANXINO GARAGB PROFOSED RAI.()ATTAD SOCCER FIELD SECTION C-C .--.^rL-J\ L-- --r!--..- SCALE: l'r=,49' i*^""*r,*l . llll ROADWAY ngiu it7' EXISTTNC EI(BITNG SOCTCER FTELD DRIVWAY EXISIINC CRAVEL PARISNGTOT SECTION C-C SCALE: l"=40' FORD PARK ,o*n*ur,,.o'o,,oo Windon Ar$cl.tct, Inc,Jun. 12. 1908 PARKING STRUCTURI #l. SFnrr.t,^tr\i ffi'J i'iriiri: Hy&rutlc lloFd Ornjc hopo&d Ecvrloa FroohSc Rod hoporcd Frootrfg Rod nmh3 trnc PARKING STRUCTURI Jr{ ctnTTarT\ 'Acccrr lo Wdl Section A-A Scale: l"=30' FORD PARK ,o*""u"o*,oooo Winston Associalos, Inc. Juna 12, 1996 r\min j Lenc-ffit lillrll \ill,it \ -=-- |# I iilil PARKING STRUCTURE Jl 4 DT Ary Plan A-A Scale: l"=40' FORD PARK ro*norv"ir,coro,.oo Wnston Associates, Inc. Jun6 12. 1996 ltrn4Jal,t r f - td.d{otfDlt|!t{r! | - U-o'+ZAeFiE A4,o{L FORD PARK Winston Alsocietes, lnc. June 12, 1996 PARKING STRUCTURI Jrn cr]nFrrrn I\.' FORD PARK ,*,,"ynl."*,0" f Wnrton A$oclrtcr, Inc,il:il;,# itrifii PAIIKTN(? (.)EYTTNT\TE PaRxnc Issuns Parking is inadequate during peak events in the Park. For Ford Park peak summer events (50 or 60 times per summer) there is a parking demand of almost 600 cars. Current available parking in the Park (Paved lot + gravel lot) = 213 cars Apart from Ford P1k Rlking needs, Vail needsadditional winter parking, probably equal to the Park's needs (at least 600 cars). The Town council has stipulated that the Master pla;ne"d, to pr"r"*" ii" *rto'irr;;";;*;; .i",".". rr,i. i, "r "...rr".ily un endorsement for locating a parking structure in the Park. The task of this Master Plan is to identify where inthe Park a structure woutd best be located, if in the future the Town determines the Park is the appropriate place. 0@ 50 4@ 3@ 2@ 1@ 0 Four possible parking structure locations are shown here. All would be buried. Only Option I would have sudace level parking. All others would have grass fields or londscaping on the surface level. Therefore, the best interim solution must combine parking at the TRC with some other alternative, such as the bus system, There are potential impacts of parking structure on ball fields -they would be displaced for at least 2 years during construction. Cumrlative ParkirB Fdd Pak - Sutlrn€r a y Ford Palk lr'lana*ement l)larr Town ol'Vail fublic W ii;.a:- -:'- - - - - - -)s t'- ---: : ------- : :'...4f.-"49F:- ..!-rlr_:t :- a + tlmorto t-r! ffin{ot tg.lo7 FORD PARK To*."u",,*,o,0"Colorado Scrlc: l'' DO Jun 12, 1006Win3ton Asroclrt$, Inc.DilSTING CONDTTIOIVS v.rrzct\ II -lreI-al B8rP €Eo:oa + ol!tl el C}l sl 3l El EI ,al I IvtEI <to-l alEIol lJ-l (,E aoEEoofl co lt: .E = Fonn Panx -RnsouncEs AND CH,lr,lnxcns Ford Park is one of the most impgrtant recreation assets of Vail. Within a very small area (39 acres) it provides facilities for a wide variety of activities, including: > a community park - with picnic pavilions, children's playground and open fields> competitive athletic fields - softball soccer, lacrosse - for local players as well as national toumaments> over 70 cultural events each summer at the Ford Amphitheater> the Betty F€rdAlpine Garden that attraet+sver*5$00visitors per summcr daily tennis play and tennis tournaments on 8 courts the Vail Nature Center in the historic Anholz ranch house next to Gore Creek natural, quiet areas along Gore Creek bike and walking paths summer parking for park users and winter parking for employees and skiers Problems that need to be addressed: > Short-term and long-term parking needs> Finding/encouraging other means ofaccess to reduce parking needs> Improving barrier-free access for people with disabilities> Finding a suitable location for the Alpine Garden Education Center ' Minimizing vehicles in the Parkr Provide CDOT-required turn lanes at the Frontage Road entry to the park > A central point of contact for scheduling Park activities As a result, the Vail Town Council assigned the Parks Division of Pubtic Works the task of updating the I 982 Master plan and in doing so, to address the management issues of the Park. This Open House is to seek ideas and comment from Vail community on preliminary concepts that have been developed for the Management Plan for Ford Park Park [r,tnnngernent Plarr Page 2 'fo*'n of VaiI PuLrlir": Works l)epartrnent '"nl$ Fonn P.tm M^l,nacEMENT PLAI\ Syporsrs or Oprx Housn Pnnsnnr.lrlot{ AND SumprlRv or Oprxrox Sunvny 07116t96 Towx or Vur, Punuc lVonxs Dnpmtunxr FHt'-14-19S t6?6 APTtsl|DIX ultEltl.t ffiIlc. It{c 49 69LL P.6 Iuluittan avemp rutd FWfu OoepcrEour Onpcrtf mo One wc{'y20 nirnrtes One wcrt'y l5 miuutos Oncevcdy l0minrcs One cvcry 5 minutee For all other trctorEed ve"hbla (rurnd tipe) Onc ever5itwo horus Onoperhbrr ftcpcr'4hour orrc nrcry120 minutes Onc wurl l0 ninrfics Total Yote* 8 12 l3 l4 l5 0 4 5 7 ll 12 TOTH- P.G 1'H/-14-19*; Lg.gE tJIh€TtI.t ffitr- IFrc 449 69LI P.gl commurity p6rk sctting with with a more park-likc clraractmwith quite for mediedon- Passive uses only in a riparian chaacterwith quitc places for The existing naunal character and vegetation is to bc A separatior/hrirnsitior ehoutd bc maintained these primary uss arEas. 20-Attesrtiotr rcedd to bc paid !o the visits'c .$rst i " ofthc park from cach m4ior €ntry point Thts includco Tnakirry the view ofthe as attactivc as possible trom theFrcmgc Road h borh dirwtions (do not .?rite off'north graycl lot visually). ) The parkneeds a.tsnt door" wift an us€rt. &op-off and pick-up arca for I-ourcrpench: Sftameide: A taditicral park-likc playand sani-passivc rtrrocidar. IDE. lfY-14-1996 IAtA4 t,INSTIll{ ASSUC. Il{C Phn Policirs 18. New stuctures, if ary shouldbe as invisible as with thc surourdingc, o Spaces for difrerent rcsrational activities should be Rcursve creek dcbris, any rmdesirable (or oubr udcrgrou'tlr, and diseased sud damaged plant I Rcplant disErbed areas to cncouragc plant specific sitc conditions. planting. r Plantings urd landforms strould ftame interesting mouilain range$, pondq or the Gore Crrek nanrre r Arers of spocial interem or activity andpcd€strian provide color, trrxturc, form and scent to higlrtight these places. 449 69L1, P.% man-nadeelomflts, s&ub that dwclop naturally rmder these by landforms, sfirchtrei or atbastivc feahrres suctr as distant should have plarrtingc trat emphasize the special character of (a'hon-building') and blend in acc€nted to attract visitors without andbuffering fromwind- placed whac liulegnde change Adapt major strucftres to the site rcpognphy sr.rch into the qpcr bench slope. Major arahitectural structurcs should be dcsigrcd al becoming a distrasting visrul clcrneot to tt" Va["v. Neo6sary scrvice facilitics, such as lrstrrooms,fountains, atc., should bG locat€din or adjacent to aptivities with a high user dcm*nd- r Oricnt buildings to Uke advautagc of warm winter r Padc signagc s),stcn should be rmified. Trails gnd othcr pathwayl through ndural arcas strall rs r9qulllgo[ o Use intalocking concretepsvcrs where appmpriate pedestian areas. 19. The primary ctaracter/tse reas of the park are: > UppcrBench:Active rccrealio r u$es evenftr, andprkingfor cnrphasize important feahrrcs o,r proFaned spcctator rccrcatior Park. t1AY-14-19116 LB.@4 t^lINSTtI.l ASSOC. IFE 449 69LL P.6 Saisfr the aeeds of the community resident$,a park for all ages and intcrcsts. Site Plan Guidelines/Chrrrcter Statementc . Crcate continuous bike/pedeshian paths through the r Locatc parkhg areas adjacent to Fronfage Road. sefiicsvisih Pavhg is to be ninimi.ed in the parkt7. o a heserrrc Core Creek and its natural charactcr. Nahrral aleas of meadow, woodland and sloping with exposed rock provide for the buildings, roads aud play and noncompetiblc laad where potential conflicts are wildlife and its habitats and should remain tbr all to enjoy- Blend maintained, active recrcational areas with passlve are8s. Conscrve natural areas, plant communities, slopcs creek edges. Dcstgn Guldcllnes r Revegetatc d€as disturbed by new construstion of facilities. Use dense planting buffers ro scr€en adjacent public uses. Protect and s€parat€ adjacent use arcas withjn the prEscnt. a fordpolLdoc MAY-14-1996 r8t@4 Other 14. 15. 16. a UINSToN R5S0C. INC 449 6911. P,U Ford P.rk Plen Policies shall be as pcdcstrian-friendly as possiblc. There should be no barriers to free access the park or bctween the park and thc surrounding community. This includer acsees to the park for the eldcdy and tlrose with disabilities. Parkhg and Vehidec I l. Adequate parking (for the park's needs) is to be in the park or conveiriently nearby. Capability should also be resened to Town-wide parking needs in th" park, as long ss it meets the criteria in these Vi Ststcneirts. t2.Vehicular cnsroachmetrt into ttre park will bc mini The only vehicular uscs allowcd in the park are for: maintenancc, detivery and materials to large or heary to be cerried by non-motorized mcars, access people with disabilitieg and crnergcxlcy scrvrces. > Parking and auto-intqnsive uscs are to be near the Frontage Road. t No cars or tnrcks may remain on the Lower longcr lhan is requircd for immediaG loading and unloading. Whenever possible, access by allowed is to bc schcduled for dmes ufren the usage ofthe park is least, such as early Whcneverpossible, vehicles shall use Road for acccss to the Lowcr Bench. The maximum level of use for automobiles and/or on Road A is I round trip per hor.u. The maxim'rn level of use fot.Cushman',vehicles on Road A is 1 round trip be permitted that cause these 13. pcr 20 mimrtes. No new or chnnged uses of the park threehholds to be exceeded. Uscrs arc to fccl safe and secure in the park. The master plan is to build-on and incorporate mast€r plflrq where applicable. It is dcsircd to increese public use ofthe gark in rhe : (winrcr) scacon. Accoumodate the diverse interests of the communi Asscirtcg lrc. MAY-14-19*' tA.@. f'ord P&t I,JINSTON ASSOC. IhIC theTown the Vail Valley Fornrdation theAlpine Garden thc Vail Recrcation Distrisl 449 6911. P.A3 PIaD Poliaics ffi > l ti H$ffiffi#B$ffi#ffir Each park uscr is responsible for mitigating for the sreatcd 8s a result ofit's cvqrt$ or uee of the Parh wrlcss specifically by Council. E ffifiarfiiri*ffi Pedeeulan Accecs 9i 10. Pedestian sccess to the park ftom the Vail Village bc easyandvisible. The Park HAY-14-19% LA.@t 449 69rt P,@ DRAFT Working Dmument Winiloa Associateg I^IINSTON ASSOC. INC F'ORD PARK POLI Merch 21,1996 [Note that numbered items have been developed in the are from the 1986 Master Plan.l active recreatiorL spcstator sports, and culturat and thc hcalth and well-being of Vail Valley residentq Master Plm cffort. Bulteted itens ional events. All contribute to all contribute to the tourism and recreation rcsourc€ for thc Vail ttrst best servc lhe interc$ts of the Uses and Chsracter t.Ford Park provides a setting and facilities for a of diffcreirt firnctions: passive and economic base ofthe community. It is important all fi"srtions in the part be level. Frmctions thst d0 notmaintained, and atlowedto function, at ahigh mainain high standards of quality, or tlat cause a users, will notbe permitled. ion ofthe experience ofpark Thc varicty of uses and facitities in the Park will be No one event or t)pe of use will be allowed to dqminate the setting of park itsusage. For examplg wcn though thcrc will bc largc spc€tator events, they will be allowed to consistently exclude casual, unprogrammcd uses of the Lowrr 3. The historic qualities and natural character ofthe N Certer ar€ to be meintained. 4.New or changed facilities oruses will not bc to curtail existing publis us€s of public interest or adcquatefacilities in the Park unless there is either a altsrnstive facilities are available to its users. ffi#*iHffi,.ffiffi Mrmgement 6. The park is a Town of Vail facility, and is primarily cornmuri$r. In the case of conflicting rnes, Vail commuity will have the highcst priority. In Park rcst with thc Vail Tonn Council. cases, ftrral decisions rcgarding the tft tfiY-14-19:% t@=AL I^IINSTT]N ASsOC. INC 449 69Ir P.At }t'INSTON E{TTIRONMEI\IIALHANNIIVG . UIBA!.IEESIGN .T.ANIXTAE ARCTTTTECTTJSE FAXCOVER ,/4,To: iffiAza,t neYzZ- Far Nr:rnbet Phme Nunben Fr yotr approval As requested Rrrnarls: Sinnsely, Fu 3{B/{9€tr K o Fmpuhformadcn netun$ng DsE Tinrq PloFct|t: * Pages: Grduding th8t paep) Fc your runicwand conm€llt Fc yoru use/files Copca b; s2{sf g EI u tr Pl€$emfify rre if this mersagele crlrlsc. lD!31U.crYr{F1IIC,Ea IEAL lrtr3f, l|Au. gttztlr E .U,Gc|.oIlS tlt o{rdn Total Parking Demand All Uses (Not adjusted for staggered demand) Current Parktng in the (Includes hanilicap parking) Paved lot north of Gravel parking lot east of Total Extuttng Parklng (approximate) Cumulative Parking Fotd Prrk - Summer only I 6pm 8pm topm I ntphc Garocn 703 cars 53 cars 160 cars 213 cars am 600 500 400 300 200 t00 0 t 10 amr 4Pm Sonba Nbhd Park!r 2Pm I E # (o,'-* Associates, Ilc. S:v) - 6:n . Pgbt aot Arnre.rrta*rr o<t D;sy'ry (liuatsl &Pn+ri*-e) a ''-'l:';?j E|d nJlor r996IFodPskMr AI?ENDTx Total Votes 0 4 ) 7 lt t? Evnluatfon ofTlrffrc One per Oacper % Otecvcry One cvery Onc every Oncwery Onc cvcry Onc per Oncper % Onewcry Orcwery I ueir'clel (rornd tips) c : 8 t2 t3 l4 l5 Fod Park Arcas of special ihterest or rexture, form and sccnt to hi Structurcr New stnrchrrcs, if hny should suuoundings, Materlels o Park signage systen should be Adapt major stuctiucs to the te topography such a.s stepping irto thc upper bench slopc. Major architecturall structures be designed aad Ecccnted to a,ttract visitorg without becoming a distrac'ting r.isual to the Valley. Necessary sewice ftciliries, adjacent to activitiep wittr a Oricnt buildings to ipke of warm winta exposursi and buffering &orn rr.in4 and pedestian areas should have plantings that providc color, and ernphasize the special character ofthese placcs. es iovisiblc as possiblc (a'hon.building') srtd bteod in with the as rcstrooms, drinking foutains, ete,, should be located in or user demsl1d. wherc appropriate m euphasize important featuas or ,<---rI Trails and other pathitays naalral ar€ss shall be placcd wherc littlc gndc changc is rcquired- Use interlocking condrete pedcstiur areas. l .lr.5? ocel-cl- ll{l,l Phrt Policics plantings. Usc dense uses, Aueution necds to be paid t9 point. This includcs making buffsrs to screen edjacent gublic roadways aod incoupatible land visitor's "6rst iupression" ofthe park fiom each major eurry view of the park as attractive as possible from fic Fronuge Road in both dircctions (do '\prite off'thc north gravel lot visually), ' The par!.nceds a Crestc continuous Locate parking areas adjaocnt Fronage Road. Paving is to be minirnized in park. hescrr-e Gorc Creck and its door" with an efficient &op-offaad pick-up irea for users. paths ttuough tlre park. Natu^-al ateas of meadow, wildlife.and its habitars and remsin uncha[ged for all to enjoy. Blend maintained. active onal arcas wih nanual pec$ive Breas. Consewe natr:ral areas, plant es, slopes nnd creek edges, Revegetate oreas disturbed by naftrally unda thcse spccific and diseascd and darnaged character. and sloping tcnain with exposed rock provide for tlre constructiotr encouragc plant associations thst develop conditions, speclmens. Vegctatlon Remove crcck debris, a:ry le (or ouffioded) man.madc elements, scrubundsrgrowdr, Pla:rdogs and landforms should lntcresdng and attractive featres such as distqt mouDtein rangcs, ponds, or the Gore natufc areS_ Plan PoliciEs psrkhg nccds in the Park, as g as it neets tlre otlrct criteria is tlese Policies. 13,Vehi cular enuoachnedt into park will bc minimized The only vehicular uses allowed in the ofgoods and rnaterials to largc or heavy to bc carried by norr' with disgbilities, and erocrgency serncas' uscs ar€ to be located nesr the Fronuge Road. remain on the Lower Bench longer than is rcquired for immediate loading and c. Whenever Possible, usage ofthe palk is d. Whenet'er possible, by ailowed vchicles i.s !o be schedulcd for times whon the The maximum level of usc for Thc maximum level of Pse for rninutcs. No new or chaoged of the park will bc perrnitted that car:sc thesc tbresbolds to be excecded,tl Other 15. Users are to fccl safe and in the psrk. The master plan is to bqild-on It is dcsirpd to iocrcase $ublio park are for: mainrenarice, dr motorized mcans, acceis for a. Parking andauts' b. No cu's or trucks such as early mornings. shall usc Road B for acccss to the Lower Bench. Nr-.. <. 16. 11 [Note tbat riangles indipate itcms hare the 1986 Master Plsn.l Site Plannlng/Prrk Character ts and/or trucltson Road A is I round trip per hour' I 'e'7f h'f * 'lrype vehicles on Road A is I round trip per 20 . r' I I ru71 lvzl cnu- incorporatc previous master plans, where applicablc' of the park in the off- (winter) scason. GT.IIDELNES devclooed in the cLrra4l Mastsr Plan effort, Buileted itcns are Aom should be enclosed by land fonns, stnrcturcs orSpaces for different recrtational ^! ,, r ^.1ed!.1 rrn l cN l m tZttl 966T-EI-AUI^I 9. The Coordinating Committce rncct moothly, or as otherwise determined by the Commifiee, to advise the Park Manager matters such as a naified schedule, user conflicts, maintenance probtems and reryonsibilities,Park improvcnants, budgetitg ald park policies- Each park user is tesponsiblc mitigating for the impacts created as a resutt of it's events or excurpted by Corncil. own, Vril Valley Foundation, Alpinc Garden, VRD, ctc') is arrd improvctirartst to its own are4 as designated in its as pet the attachcd diagram. Each park user shall resporuible for lhe clean up and any r,epairs, to sny area ofthe park that uc by an activity the uset has sponsorcd. i0.Co.rts for rrainteflance and improveroents to thc common arcas of the Park are to bc shared among all users on an basis. For the maintenance improvement of the common areas, r unified urnual budget Parh with approprirte confiibutions ftom all ihc major park the Vail Villegc shall bc easy and visible' The Park shail bq There shall be no to frce access rvithin the park or benreen the park aud the This includcs providing banier-free access to the Park for thesurounding eldaly and those with Parklng and Vehicles 12. Adequatcparking(forthe needs) is to be provided in the Park or cotveniently nearby- through the Master Plan, to accoumodarc additional To*'n'wide through applicable Town ofVail procedures. use ofdte Pmk, uhless qPecifi a. Each majpr park user responsib[e for t]e m contact with the Tov Capability will also be need to be az ! br e66I- T-AUl,l Fod Park New or changed facilities or will not bc prrmitted to curtail cxistilg Public uses of facilities in thc Park unless therc is availsble to its uscrd. a compelling public interest or adcquate dternative facilitics are Fark rre to be kept ro a minirnum.Additional sfirctures ir the6.Changes in the charaqter of park wili be pcrrritted only dcmonstation that; the r'tse is consislent Park charsctcr and park polieies; thcre h not a that adcquately scrves the both the public and proponent's need; the structurg can be park: into the park wirh rninimal change in thc character of the imoacts on dthgf uses irrstallation/ & b. w r,$d' thc parlq due to a proposed use or strusturc (including its ) will be mitigatcd tully; the proposal is by a thorough disclosure ofpotential impacts to rhe Parlc, se*ices and traffic; endincluding vipual, functr ifthe proposcd change not coDsisrent wirb the Ford Park Master Plur, the plan must be amended pripr to of the proposed change. The amendment process rvill include an opportunity for the public to review and make comment on potendal changes- Mrnagement Fotd Park is a To*a of Vail . The lmd is owned by thc Town ud is wi0rin rhe lirnirs of rhe To*n. Thc Park is the recreation rcsource for residcnts ofthe Town ofVail, In the casc of conflicting uses. thehighest prioritv. In all Council.Eunlu*+e4 8.The day-to.day ruansgsment coordination ofsctivities in the Park are the rcspoasibility of thc Parks Division of the Public orks Department of the Town of Vail. In this capacity the Parks Division will bc advised of: a Coordination Committec, that will include a representative rhe Tonn the Vail VallBy F the Alpine Garden l that best serve thc intercsts of the Veil comnunity will hsve t final decisionslegarding the Park rest with tbe Vail Town\., F the Vail Recicarion a?.t 'r aEg.l-Cl-lfirl Uses and Chsrecter 1. The primary chamctet/use ' UPPer Bencttt " Lower Bench: Sneamside: Nature Center Soccet Field Ford Park providcs a setdng recreation, specrator qports ( RD PARK POLICIES March ZLrl996 ofthc park arc: Active rccreation uses and prograrned specutor tecreation events, andparking for the Park. A traditional parkJike sctting commrrnity puk setting, with play and semi-passivc recreation, *'ith a more park'like character with quite places for meditatlon' Passive uses ouly in a oatr.rralized, riparian character with quitc plaees for meditetion. The existing nahnal cbara,cter snd vcgetation is to be Preserved. A natural area Sour} of Gorc Creek, east of the pedesfian bridge, lt consists of open gass fields, a historic ranch house used for uature exhibits. and a FaiI along thc creek with educational signage. The area south of Vail Vailey Drive includes a socccr field, parking resEooms and uocleveloped areas. facilities for a varicty ofdifferent functions: passit'e and active as the lacrossc tounumctrt)' and cultural and educational cvents in the A-rnphithcater. It is to be a park fot all ages and iutcrests. This varicty ofuses and facilities in the Parh are to acconrmodatc the divmse int€rests of ths Vail commr.rnity and wiil be No one event or $?e of use will be allowed to dominatc the setting of Park or its usage. F cxample, even though therc will be special evurts uith tenu aad cetcrilg they will not be to consistently exclude casual' unprograuned uscs of thc Lower Bench. J-All the uses in Ford Bark to the hcalth and well-being of Vail Valley rssidents, and all cougibrute to the tourism and base of thc commulrty. lt is important that all functions in thc park hc mainuind and owcd to firnction, at a high quality levcl. Functions that do not EaintaiD high standads of will not bc pcrmined. , or thal causc a diminution of the experietce of park users. character of the lialure Center are to be maintaincdThe historic qualities ud 1LI .1nqqH NOISNII'I 97,2V1 9E6T-ST-AUt'l TcalPrrkhgDculrdfor A[ (Not adJustcrl for saggcrcd Curcnt Prrtd:ng ln the frrk ' Pavcd lot north of Tlll can 53 carg 160 cars 62cus 27S cr$ hrndicep Perkln$ )Crravel Parking lor c$t of teut Paved lot rt Vail VallcY Dtivc ToalBisltng Parkilg !,r .-r..recu \n I q'.,llfll SZ:tI 966T-gT-Atill 5. > Three softball fitlds Tennis Couns. Thc 8 (tnis Assuming 2.5 PeoPlc Pef court 1 umil coun le available (holting assumpdon. and 2 PeoPle Per 20 cars Eight rcnnis couns Geratd Fort AnPhilhcqter. The is no &ta on Parhing d{oand' tr holds around 70 to ?5 eveol$ Per year' Again' therc tre fottowing informadon "vas available: Thc average atpudance Peak atandanqe is tlpic At least onc third of tht all cveuts is 1,080 wirh a peak amendancc of2'650' y reached tbr 12 evcnq Per Year. evcn$ are oonfcrences ol otbEr special cl'ents tbat do n0t as user walk or are buscd to Ue Pa*' r uscrs stay in Vail with 40% mrting a day uip or commubng in pairs wittr a perceoage in largcr blocts' 5.Bctty Ford AIPtw C'aldea. Anrl, arourd &5.000 visitoi's, based on se&90n. average atteldance is avcrage mon&, 120 visitors t will walk to the galdbn (as with coming o thc Park for a.norhcr et spccifically would be arouud 420 at least 2 pcoPle willl anivc in vehicle. , 4ZZ visitorsftur at 2 per vebicle It should be noted that the Peak is ofr-pcak from thelmajoriry of Based on the discussidn which for the amphithcatcr is as follows: ' 1,200 PcoPle atZ.vritb 10% nol atriving bY cat based ou tbe rcquiremcrrr fiat at field changeover' four rcatns Bnd i.iot **. tiriu t t*oa 12 ro 15 ears per fnld)' We bare. fieldisthcmostcoftsronnumberuscd'Also'itisassutnedtbat ,oru:affandu.rrf-baseevents$imultaDeoutlyasthcfteldsovcrlap' ar fie Alpiue Garden for dre sumncr $cason averagar ,utioos of gnrden votunrccrs. .Over tlrc ftve momh-summer ,C tf ,OOO visimrs per month' or 567 peopte pcr day'.In an by tus (or + pcr &v)' Assunlng I.0S.o-f t{rc rc6sini'g I'isitors irnprriO*ttil and ano$er 15% will visit 0tc gardetr aftcr t. tbe nunbcr of visiroru aniving by car to visit the gardea od for tbe Alpinc Gardeu is from l0:fi1 Ah{ o 3:00 PM whicb other uses bthe park' Tbis stroutd rpducc thc rct ParkinB 150 cars 432 cars day. It woutd also be rcasonable to a'$sume tbat' on avcrager 211 cars rr \,rr-yrs dcnaDd for this usel ^!,' . -.!-rccu NnlqNlm ,e.?'l 966r-sl-Att^l FORD P ARKING DEMAI{D AI.IALYSIS TOWN OF VAIL May 15, 1996 The following Parking park and the previous analysis based on infonnatiou provtdd by the rccreatlon provide s in thc of Agsociates. Dcsilcd raffie studiat are not avaitable; thcreforc, a numbcr of parking were made. Furthermore, the dcnand below wert bescd ou tbe bllowing assumptionel It is not ftasible,effecdve use of land and otlpr rcsorccs to build parking to meet the rccds of ewry lle solnc cvcols - such as maJor spora tournsngots or time$ wher the is at - which may nevcr bc addressed praperly unlcss a major parting stnrcturc is on Bccause of irs from main functions in the parl, we have ouly asnrmcd use of tltc €r eveDrs. We have also not included pa*ing for uses on tbesoccer field parkirg soccct field in $e Teo perccnt of tbe 's uigrs wdk ro tlre site ftorn rheir lodging or take otbcr formg of transPoflarion such bikes or Tbe parking denad l0%), Tbis is bued for each use cal bc reduced sligltly when conbincd (596 to on the aloue *nt thc demaad flgures includc a -hufbr" which le , but which bccomes rcdundant atrd erctsslve when a mrmbct of 50 parking spaces is an adeqrrarc rnltber to usc ln this facilides are 10gether. The parklng for the in the aaalysis- e suurrBcr only demand. Ski scason puking is lot includcd In additioa, tlcre is littlc or reftrence availablc on parking dernads for recreation uqcs. Most parkin! requlrements are by loc*l nunicipality and apply to buildings. Parktng Ilcound by I Neighborlwd Park This inchdcs all of rbe gcocral park uses su$h aE the play arcas' plcnic shelters,trails un-programned turf atcas. Il Ford Park' tlcse uses are gencnlly fouud on Lpwer Wc recently complctcd a 13 acrc rcigtrborhood puk in I"alewood with off That park lncludcd 52 parking rgaces in tbrcc slult lots, In our expelieoce, tiis to be on higb eud of tbc amount of parking typlcally fotd in necessary for a neighborbood patk cetc. park uses 50 cars Sortbolantl complaed extcnsive rcscarch ou thc parking providcd for The typical range for softball or eoccsr ficlds i$ 45 to 55sports factlitieu Fle&{r. Tfe ^. .. .^#n rr..tt6\llti'l ez lbl C66T-qT-lUt^l 2, What are the potential impacm ol structure on ball fields. The disposition of rhe so{tbaU Plan to address in its eodrcty. wcll as down-vallcy residems. is prubably another issuc th* is beyond tbc scope of tbc Masrcr softball asd lacmssc fields arc cleuly important to rhc Town as ficlds are aecded to meet cven tbe cuffsnt demands growth will condmrc to incrcesc lhat demsnd. Thc Town bas Thc stongest potentid lies with the 8erry Crcek 5rh Flliug panicipation of other communitics. Il fact, recreation neqls arc Park plays a key rolc iu the currctrt tupply of frcilities. lf a stilrclure in Ford Park, lr will only happen after the Tows Council public necd. Tbe VRD has censin aseurance$under ie leese ne have previously discused unmmcnding to rhe Couucil a displaccment of fields, the Town would make every $c fields on Town-coutrollcrt property and/or rc worl with that replacement fields are provided.r as to how to i:aplement aad enforce Policy ll4 reguding They bave coucemll tlmt pmbably warrant reopening tlre in thc Part. expericnced by the VRDI lioitcd rcsources in Donr wlth the Town. Over ard above th policy rhat, Prior t0 a tegporary 0r efbrt within irs control tb ei&er re the VRD and o&er con$unitlcs to 3- What sbould we presenr a! tbe fteettlrgs. We dist:ussed prcviously whether t, might be simpler to comprehcnd if elemcnts of the Plan. drawings mounted on bdards, and quesdons. We also .rugiest a quer Exhibit I, for example, poindng c rcader to Exhibit 2. etc. its key fcatures, askiog one or more quesiions, tbcn directing the the Advisory Comnrinqc mcmbers availablc ro answer re thrt acts elso as a touf guide, diregting drc rcader to lioitpd rcsources in Donovan Park propeny, but it ls compliparctl by r a valtcy.wide issue. Nerlenheless, decisioo is made to locad a parkin has detErmincd tbat therd is an ove can also get fcedback on therp at thc pul rhree meetings ago (Vlsion s$ssion) and policy starcmeuB. Wc have fnovcrt sou Gridelines fron *re previous Mastcr Pl The Town staff has givcn ad{itional t! traffic frequency in on rhe p4tlrs in the discu.ssiou on car and Cushnlao frequc sltow ihe various Altcrnadvc Concegs to public or wheiher is showed, and a.sked for a rcacdon ro, only thc indlvidsal Wc suEgest rhat wc do tloth - tbat show and cxplain &e individual elems61s, followcd by dre thrce Alrernarives. We also dliscussed u drawings mounted on bdards, and an Opeo Housc format for the public meetilgt having the h addltion, it is apparcnt tbel wc treed rcvisit rhe Vision and Poticy aspccts of the Master Plan so *rat we meedng. Accordingly. we have raken the cofimeils gcnerard , combined, clarified and evenexpanded upon thern as items into the Guidelinc eficgory and uarrled them with tbe review. Please crlrique and brhg your A very prcliminary draft pliry docum€nt ie aruched fur your ;estions for expanding, rcfining ad/or rcvising. Wc lookforward rc seelng ylu tontorrow I PM at Qttrudniry DevelDpmed Cotference rcom, obligatcd to pruvide replaceoeat facilitics ltr rhaf $e VRD ir revenue-gorrating nring powen, md cenrcs e largcr public ihan tAcbovdcdgitrg tbat rlre Town is geparaB from rhc TswD of Vnil, has its ol just frc Touro of Vail. -tr'lt'aale(:u hll.|lC[llm cP ! ttt qAF,I-CT-lFllJ TO: FROM: PAR,|( IUANAGE}(ENT PI.AN Ford Park Advisory Jcff Wiastorf AGEITIDA Thrday t6 May 1996 l;00 PM Devclopnrcu Confercnce Room At our last meeting you bcgad to discr discussion a number of concclns werc concerns and the responscs I'Jvc beard a potendal 3d alprnarlvc plan for Ford park, In the course of the ln prcparatiou ftrr our mecting tomorrow, let me list thcse date: L Is rhere a n*ed/jurtifica$on for a pa*ilg nced in 0rc inedim? strucure in Ford Pa* aod if so, what do wc do to mcer the !'ord Pgkf According t0 6e iofornation cach user gave us. for deuand.of apJro(ioarely 600 carr - - at 50 or 60 times durirrg analysls.) Town sufffcclg strongly rhaq apilt frorn Ford pirk al winur parking. protutrly equat o tbe paik's nccds. additional parkiqg sructurc is necded, and where in Vail it scopc of dccisions rhat tbis Mester plan cgn addrus, We are nor placcfor an additional parking stuc re. Sy'c are mcrtly would besr bs locarcd, if at some point in rhe fuffic rhc Town Membeft Cotncil dctermiaes tbe Fark is rhe s Msster PIar witl allow drrhcr <tecisio smlc re in the futurc- l Even if a decision r+rre fmade to plar of ycars to implemeut. fihcreforc, Icolc*rls wirh parking afong rtrc Fro nccd to addrpss parkinglon ao inrcrir Nonrithstanding the unflopularity of capaciry sevcrd rimps dirriug rhc sur system is rhe b€st intcnln soludon, , Town immcrliarcty OeCd 6edng alre ropriaB placc. Identifying rhc prefcrrcd potenrlat locxlon ia rlre to bc rnadc alnut tbc Fark thar wtll not prectude a parking a parHng shucare in Ford park, it world still rcquire a numbcr co tbat the Town and CDOT havc eryressed signi-ficant safety pc.Road, it appears thar witb or without a parHng structure, we basiq. prevrous ancmpt to usc the TRC, ald thrt fu ls already nearr, some combinadon of parking at &e TRC and trsi4g rhe bus recomncndation from rhis }fascr plan should be thaithe ivc bus/TRC combinadoru. ll fact, staffbas aftcady dlscusscd shffdtre$cd parking sr t[F gravel tot und] tull, then J park users into thc snrcfiuc. Should rhcrc be a parkilg $ruc re Just Fod Park uses therb is a oarkiJuSt Fotd Park uses therf is a p rc sumner. (See thc attached puking rceds. tte To*t nceas Tbc acnral decisiou abcn|r wberher could/should be located ils bevondcould/should be located ils beyond t tryrtrg ro decide f Ford $rk is thc tryltrg ro ideutify ufteru ln the park witb some of you oDc possibtc at activating signs west of rhe TRC 'j. al :.':: '.i l:, j |:,i .i':l ,,::l .::,:i ';.:i ,,::| i:,rL .;:;! COURTYARD EXHlBIT CALLERI MEETINC HAI,L INFOR}IATION LIBRART . I{ORIGPACE KTTCHElr A/v ?IIEATER }'I ECHAN I CAI, l'rB atrfttLr Dtstot oF t8t vltttor cE||ttirtLL lcfodxoo^tl l Stcl.uolo canoltcouitt^io As rtu. As tprcES tot eouc^ftorla|,orsrraYs, 6@|,r ltlatltac3. {tattoRorlftt^?tart, arl, a G^rnc LtaI^tY. SECTION THRU CENTER ,E1-{r.-iF_.o t ta. lt' rIjOOR PLAN A\t/ -r-...-0. a' ta. t, t tto 5.t BETTY FORD Vr S rTOR FISHER ARCHITECTS ALPINE GARDENS CENTER GALVIN DBSTGN TOWT{ AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I i8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April t4, 1995 Department of Communiry Development Publlc Works Department Ford Park Master PIan Anendment Comments 'Reviewed by: Teni lvlartinez Greg Hall Access to the proposed pg*iug is difficult. Shoutd have a 20' center line radius into the spaces. It would requit" qddsnin$ the existiug 'toad". Additional maintenance (snow plowing) doq4 here would be orpensive. Is the Town willing to take on this cost for 5 paflcing spaces? Should provide accessiblt parking for wholc park and amphitheater up above. Connect walk at playgroirud (N side to path at Tennis and Softball) across their frontage. Plan appears not to enco$rage area to walk between softball fence and their landscaping improvements outside st{ging plao. T0IYN OFVAIL 42 Wcst Mcadow Driae Vail, Colorado 81657 30t-479-22t0 TO: FROM! DAfE: RE: Vail Firc Departmcnt MEMORANDI'M GEORGE RUTITER MICHAEL I'!CGEE, FIRE MARSHAL APRIL 18, 1995 FORD PARK EDUCATION CENTER We received a set of proposed plans for the above project. Upon revielr, we have identified the following issues: 1. The location of the proposed structure ls not within firedepartment vehicular access. rn order to provide vehicular accessfor fire apparatus, the rbike pathil on th6 south side of the playground would need to be rebullt to meet nlninum access requirenrEntl(width, load capacity, turning radius, etc. ) . . - .The other option is to have a fire sprinkler systen instalredwit'hin the structure. An exterior hdse statio-n may also bereguired due to the lack of access. 2. with an additional structure in the Ford park pavilion, qrewill need to see a fire hydrant instarled in the vicinity of theManor Vaj-l covered bridge. The onry fire hydrant within the rordPark area is too far away and in and of itielf, cannot provide asufficient volune of water to fight a fire. 3. The proposal to designate the access road a rfire laner hass?n? irnplications. The codes define a fire lane as having arninimurn width of 20 feet. The raw will not arrow such a thing- asa frcasual fire lanefr wherein loading and unroading, parking (Vr-r orotherwise) , handicap parking, or oLher uses are irixea wiltrin ttrelegalIy defined boundaries.- The issue of winter use is neitherapproved nor disapproved by the Fire Department. That is more ofan issue for public Works Lhan us 4. There are some. Building code issue that rnay pertain, that arereferenced in the Fire code. sone additional_ atteition needs to begiven to the number and rocation of exits. The code addressesbuildings rrbelow g'rade, and sorne speciar features nay be required.The architectural plans will need to be nbre d.etail;d, inaiJitingoperable windows, ventilation, and other aspeets. These issues we have identified are preliminary and are notintended to be a cornplete rist. t{e will oliri"uriv-need to see themagain as changes are rnade during the various re.rier processes. T(EHORTIIDUU Bo: Gaorge RulherSroni Todd opperiheinerDatet April 20, 1995ni: v;it alpine carden - Forci Park !'tagterplan revirion I have several cohmentE regarding the eubmlttal by Garden Foundatlon to inolude the Educatlonal t{asterplan for Ford Park. I fully support the EducatLonal Center and feel it will be ol great th6 vatl Alplnecenter ln the'concept of thebcneflt to the addresEed by the TheEe atreas are and how it wiLl Garden and, to the Town. t{hen t}re proposal was orlglna}Iy presented by the Foundation thc Educationil Center wle outside of the exiEtinE lease area. l{y feelinE at that tirne wae to look at alL of Ford Park' answer the diffloult questlons regardinE hlghway ac€ees, loper bench accesEfparklns, elc anF aaeid th; uieteiplan only once. - when the FounOaiion revigbd thelr proposal and brought the Educational Center back lnto the lease area, I backed off on the Uastarplan ldea. Now the gituatlon has changed again. Wlth the vA/vRD propoEal to swap GoId Peak tennis courtt for addltional courts at Fori park, r fidr we shourd proceed ulth the larger rnaeterplan amendnent. Thls doeE ngt have to have a sl.gnificant irnpact to the Council'e approval of the Foundatlons propoaal to include tbe Educationalcenter in the $aeterplan, The Educational Center hae been acttnowledged as { part of the Garden for sometine. The a:nendment that the foundatlon eeeks is somewhat of a forrnality' The decision to approve the proposal norrr or walt f,or the masterplan revlsion is ultixrately up to Councll There are four eireas of concern that Ehould be Foundation beforb the proposal goes to Council.related apecif,lcalIy to the Educational Center function ln the Parlc. I. Aecesg to Lottgr Bench.Cunently, pedes[rian and handicap access to the lower bench of Ford Park ls euhstandard. This is not a major problem for the parkrr faci1lty, it as problen for the Garden and the Amphitheater. The Anphitheater deals with the problen by providing staff and direct- tranepordation for those indlvlduals needlng agsistanoe durtng speclal elvents. This ie not a practical eolution for the Educational'CentFr which will-be open to tfie'Eane general walk-intraffic that the carden has now. Thie proposal should include a direot handicap accessible pedestrian conneftion from the parking areae through the \rR.D Iennis Center and softball fields to an upper entrance to the Educatlonalcenter. Thla connectl-on wlll have to be coordinated wlth VRD and T t thr plan5 whlch they have for expansion of the Tennis center andus. of the fleldg. Wlth tha connectLon beinE bandicap aeeesslblc tbere ahould be no nead to provide adldltlonal handlcap or enployee parking on the Iower bench. Bhts will reduse the nurnber of vehiclrg necding accegs to the lower bench. vehlcular access to the lower bench should be llmited to Eervice and dilivery vehicles only. This wlll be addresscd ln the lown,s maaterplan revlaion. If. winter naLntenance.currently the town plovs only the two parklng areaE ln Ford Park. VRD plows the pedestrian walkwaye fron the parktng lot to the trennig Center, No winter maintenanoe of any kind ie provided on the lower bench or Anphltheater. The Foundatl-on's reguest for wlnter naintenancc for-access and fire protectlon has slEnificantfinanclal and loEirtlc lnpacte to Town resourceB. llheEe lnpacts reLnforce the conce5rt of havlng the prluary access to the Educatlonal center cone from the upper bench rather than tha lower bench' rII . E*panded Lras€ Area. .A.n aspect of the Educatlonal center whLch has not yet been dlscucged ls the locatton and connectiott of utility linee. Abulldlng of thls natute wlll requlre a aeparate water connectionfor fLre and dornestic use, connection to the Town'g Bewago liftatation, uultlple tclephone and flberoptic llnes, electrlcaleervice, and cable televlsion. The anEndnent to the l{asterplan 6hou1d include the locatlon of easements in which these utilities can be lnetalled. In additlon the ISchooJ Houee Gardenl whlch hae been proposed across the bikepath from the nain garden should also be lncluded inthe amended naaterplan. Mhe Foundatlon dealrer to proceed withthe construction of, thls garden the lcase area wlll have to be expanded. IV. Construction AccesE.A ieparate dgreeroent for constructlon acoees and staElnE for the Educational Center and Pha;e fff garden ehould be proccsged at thistlne. This conetructlon 9111I reguire tlo to three years to conplete and will have serioue lnpacte to the rest of Ford Park. ConpletinE the aErcement now witJ help to avoid probleps and delaysln the future. The agreernent ehould inslude constructlon routec, staging ar€as and repalr responaibillties, It is not my lntentlon to slow down the FoundatLon's if,fortB on thl-a proJect. Ae mentioned earlier, I fully support the concept of an Educatl-onal Center in the Garden. Horrnver, I wguld be rerniss Ln my dutJ-es if I dld not bring forth these concerns. I am availableto the Foundatlon to lssist thern in eolvlnE th6se problerns ln any way tbat I can. I also arn looklnE forward to uorking wlth then on the Fordl Park uaf,tgrplrn revlsfuture. Pleaee eall ne,qumtlon rrgardlyou for thr ccr LarEy Grafe EuBan Conno Prn I I q. :r'* a whlch I wllt b6 st{rrtl.n$ in the very near have the Foundatlon ca]l na Lf there are any theco cornnsntl or the nasterptan proJect. ThgnkIty to revl,ew the subrnittai. VIEW OF MODEL FROM THE SOUTH As shown by this aerial view, the Visitor Center "disappears" into the landscape of the Alpine Rock Garden as the rocks and plants of the garden gently dissolve into the stone walls and deeply recessed doors of the building. Visitors are drawn into the Alpine Rock Garden by an entry gate (bottom left in the photograph) whidt frames a unique view of the Gore Range. Passing through this gateway, visitors will find the gardens all about them, and before them, an inviting path runs along side a stream leading through another gateway of massive stones and timbers overrun by flowers. Within lies the "heart" of the gardens, a courtyard with plants and stones fumbling down one side, a waterfall cascading down the other side, and the inviting doors of the Visitor Center in front. VIEW OF MODEL WITH UPPER PORTION OF GARDEN REMOVED With the top of the model removed, the building under the garden is revealed. The plan of the Visitor Center embraces the courtyard to bring the garden into the building. In the summer, the building can open up to the courtyard such that the interior and exterior of the Visitor Center can be used simultaneously. The arcing path of the building plays against the arcing path of the sun, providing an ever shifting natural light to the building from hour to hour and season to season. Within, richly textured natural materials capture the sun's light and warmth. The simplicity of the plan provides a suitable and flexible framework for the constantly changing exhibits and activities that will occur in the Visitor Center. FIL E COPY nd adopt the Gerald R' Ford 5.A request to amend the Park Management Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Lany Grafel, Pam Brandmeyer, Todd oppenheimer' Planner: George Ruther Todd oppenheimer said he wanted to focus on specific concerns the PEC had brought.up at the ra"ir"Eiing inO ne saio itrat aiiineinput receive'd had been taken into account in the document' Todd said the VTC would-b;-reli;d up6n neavity to fulfill the needs ol parking and he proceeded to go over the changes to the docurnent since ine hst meeting. l-19 sald that if future conflicts exist, this document will t"i." pi"."O"n"Jouet the 1989 plan ind that the intention was that the tro ifans would work togetht. ie said th_at there was d difference between staff and administrative ottices ani t-nJi onfi stitf offices were referred to and the document now made that distinction. He also laiO tnathccess with'limited mobility" was used to include he disabled' as well as senior citizens. He said Goal No. 4 had been completely rex'ritten' He said the iignJge haAUeen changed and shuttle bus service would be'proviOed tor :pgclil gv.en!s.1,nd niln O-emanO days, as dell as the in-Town shuttle bus servicewas expanded' Todd said the Or"op-otr aiea "rofutit be used as a turn-around space, with attendants managing the droPoff ip"."i. -He explained tnli cf oiJin pa*ing couiO Oe reserved through the ticket purchase or s.et uF on i tee oasis witn pairinjinen[ints.-ne said a ticket surcharg! wo.uto cover the cost of the ihenOints anO snuttlebuig;il; or a charge of $5.00 per space. Todd said a sidewalk was proposed.to ue construci"ffiomthe VTC tolord Fark. 'He mentioned that Policy statement No' 12 had been rewritten. He went over Objective 4.3, saying that a parking structure would be anatyzeO wnen all other sites had been exhausted and-that it would really be the last site to "o"iO"r, but would n""O to go inrough a public process. He pointed out on pag.e 181 l1t* . , ,^ questions arose about the streamwalk; whether or not there were covenants on tne propeny' He dxpaineO that he was still researching tnat and said that the intention was to keep the reconstrucrion within Foid p-*r. He joinieo out that the athletic field parking *9919 b." about 300 feet from tre fields. Todd said the dicument added snow storage sites. He said that grass pluing *a; notcompatible witn ino* pfo*s and was therefore riot an option. He demonstrated IompiraOfe walking'distances *itnin iown, using a 2 milesPer hour sPeed' He explained that tf'e riiiOm ot Vait Valley Orive Uy the soccer field ilas only 30' wide and that did include the curb' where the minimum width required was 29'. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. Ross Davis Jr., a member ol the VRD Board ol Directors, said they wanted to move the administration offices to ine fennis Court Building and sunender the library offices back to the Town. He said the position of VRD remains that our leases are not modmed In any way' He stated that the TOV had made a major change in the policy statement, using stakeholder fanguage which means that the TOV had now dropped out of being assessed' Planning and Envirorunenlal Commission Minutes March 10, 1997 He lelt this planning process was by ambush, since in all the meetings that were held' the general consensus *as t["t nb tri,iciure should be built at this location or anphere on this site' He said the VRD naO a pro6lem with the removal ; d;'.6t 6"nis court'-Hgsaid that changing the language trom staXenotOers to leasehotders wls very d'isturbing- He asked who was going t0 pay for this parking tttu.iri".'iJsin tnJposition of thd VRD wasto maintiain the golf course 'and oppose any encroachment into that course' Greq Moftet perceivecl a real problem wifll notification of this document' He asked if receiving it todaiy, as the PEC and the public had, was due process' Tom Moorhead stated it was not a due process issue whether you have had adequate opportunity to review it. Larry Grafel explained that the document had responded to the concerns of the PEC and that the Town Council would see it tomorrow. Ross Davis pointed out the deletion of the TOV as a leaseholder' John Schofield received this document 2 hrs. earlier and he felt that the leaseholders were not in agreement. Gene Uselton said he too was uncomfortable with taking any action, just having received this document. Greg Amsden said it would be important to hear public comments' Galen Aasland agreed. Diane Golden asked if this was wriilen with eveqpody's permission' Larry Grafel said when the document was written, all the parties gave input, but he said he- would noi i"."isariti oe aote to pfase everybody and ineir lob'was to present the plan as best they could. Henry pran said he would like to hear the public comment and the PEC could decide to vote after the public comments to see il there were any common public threads' Todd oppenheimer said during the course of the meetings, the stakeholders language was never OroughiJd ind the athletic fieid lot was never talked about, nor was putting parking on the soccer field. Henry pratt mentioned that the term athletic field was used to describe both the athletic field and socc6r field and it should be referred to as the soccer field and the softball field. Todd Oppenheimer said he would make that designation. Henry Pratt asked il today we could agree on that terminology' Planning and Environmeotal Commtssion Minutes March l0' 1997 Bob Lazier, owner of the Tivoli Lodge, brought attention !o pag-e 15'.Objective 4-3, Ford Park F;rfi;";binat *itn citegorv lll a-nd'the 1-eq lilts at colden Peak this was a limiting circumstiance. Bob felt tnl"priiniry uses should be to feed the east side of the mountain and that ;;;kdf";ihe generar puuric anoiriers accessing the eastern part of the mountain should be considered. Herman Staufer, Chairman of the VRD Board, said that the VRD was concerned about p"net"*ini-into ie"seO piopetty.- He said tney naO spent many ho.y11 o!_ryOotiating and the town neeied to hold to ttriiici,mmitrnent as well. l-ie said th6 public was against palkiLqol'l-^ Ford Park. He didn't want to circurnvent the downtown area with parking' He also sa|o tne vHU "ranleOio put offices in thJexisting tennis structure and to free ui the Library' He felt.atter. all. the meetings were done and a concept was agreed upon, we are now starting ovef' l-le said the VRD intended to stick to ineir lease ind that Foss Divis was an attorney on the VRD Board' Galen Aasland asked about the leases. Pam Brandmeyer said the VRD lease was until 2015, the WF was until 2001 and there was a licence agreement for the Alpine Gardens' Greg Moffet said the document stated on page 9, Section 4 that the leaseholders management would take precedence. Lany Grafel said the plan would take precedence, not the lease' Greg Moffet said we were not trying to supersede leases. Larry Grafel said the leases are as they exist. Henry Pratt asked if the management plan took precedence over the plan. Todd Oppenheimer said the management plan took precedence over the Ford Park Master Plan' Greg Amsden said it would be to everybodys benefit to modify the language. Joe Staufer said he had a proprietary interest since he was one ot the people that saved it from nauing conOominium proiebs. He ailed about the reference to a public utility plant' Todd Oppenheimer said it refened to the existing utilities on-site. Joe Staufer noted regarding Policy Statement 13, fre parking structure issue, that at allthe public meerings the public iaid tnit there was to be nd parking structure, in th9 !_"!! lllll1t-. .^, btatt al*ays cime bick with the parking structure. He asked if skier parkingl"s :o-ll?o111ll1l9t Golden P6ak, why did they then sell their parking at Golden Peak. He said to keep Foro ParK lor ttre peopte anO ttt'e p"optdOiOn't want parking. Fle said the staff was talking about covered parfing'and we need to keep the community parking as it existed now' Helen Fritch, of the Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, said that David Kenyon of Design Workshop naO Orougnt with him his sblution to the parking problem by basement parking which was unOergroinO. She said it would remove the parking from the neighborhood's view Planning and Envirmmcntal Commission Minutes March 10, 1997 David Kenyon, a consultant for the Alpine Garden center Designworkshop, began his pteiJntati.in OV saiing nis intent was io show the parking for tfre Alpine Structure' Greg Moffet asked if it was germane to the Ford Park Master Plan' Helen Fritch said itwas germane to the Ford Park Master Plan' David Kenyon said it would allow additional parking with no encroachment into the Golf Course' Ken Wilson stated that he was a past Board Director of the VRD, but he was here as a resident' He stated that there was not a consensus among the users of the park.on how statl has shown this plan when the ,sers niuJ not agreed that thTs was a good oneand tq yote on this was prJriairte. He feh the parking lot should not enter into thE Master Plan. He said the new tennis courts came about at tnelaipiyliS etpense and now it was only 2 years later and in the plan to move fre tennis courts somdwtiere ebb, again at the taxpayer's expense. He said there were iatetylsiues putting the courts wnere thefwanted to now.'He also said to place- a parking lot.in- tne i6ccer tietif waJOangeroui, islne ex'isting restroom had been hit blgolf balls, as well as the ioccertietd. He said mai tnis vriaJthe #1 handicap hole on the Vail Golf Course an a signature. hole. He stated that this dtf coutse was our bestsummertirne amenity and it brought in a lot of money. Bob McLauren, TOV Manager, said the planning process generated by the Alpine Garden JnoufOn,t go fonrvard untesiwe revisited'the foiO ParX Master Plan. He stated there were well quifiiieO ieopre working at the TOV and he took offense that anyone would_suggestll-"Ll9Y: done soriretning underhanded. He said in terms of the parking issue' thedocument wanteo lo riJp itt oftioni open. He stated that there would come a time when cDoT would put.a stop to tne irariin'g on thd road. He felt with respect to moving the offices from the-Library to the tennis faciiity, an-alternate move might be to thb Golf coursel He advised the PEC to take as much time to make a decision as p6ssible and if the PEC needed more time, then to take more time to make sure there was a full understanding of the document. Bob Lazier said he disagreed with any structured parking at the soccer field, but that parking under the Alpine Gardens was ok. Greg Moffet told the public to take a look at the Alpine Garden parking proposal. Herman staufer said it was not the intent to bash the staff, but to only point out who told the staff to keep the parking alive. Diana Donovan said she had lived in the soccer field neighborhood lor 26 years and was real conCerned about a 50' wide paved surface, however, a wide SurlaCe was.needed to accommodate alt the activity there. She said she was in support of a parking structure, but one that was not visible and that there was a need for it there. She said the south side was not inctuOed in the Master ptan anO this was one of the places where families showed up and there was not enough parking. She said In the winter VA bmployees.parkthere because they get there first and rhat i-hiswas an opportunity to get VA involved in ihe financing. She noted that the uatfic was already there. plsnning and Envirmmental Cmmission Minuios March 10, 1997 Jim Lamont said staff was in a no-win situation. He said he thought there was a lot ol fon'vard momentum from when tnis itirteO a year ago, howLver, there wiii be no accePtance of.a P"tk!19 struchjre and that no amount ot reas6uranci would be icceptabte to the public. He said t9 pur it in the Master Plan was ,nnet"ttaw, iJit woutCn't tly if brought uq fol a ieferendum' He liked ine'nhion of maintaining tre eiiitin'ti pirfing and tha:t any paiking had to be undergrouqg'. . because you would n"u" Liiriniteo-tfie potEntial connict a'no woutd mat<e it more beautiful than it il-ai ft;i, *hicn inoura ue one oi ort gbab. He said there wasn't the money tg-malte U9P nEJu"fr"nts, as the fOV-waJa ieasetgent. He said the TOV should be glad forthe VRD' AlF"; drd;n ano tne WF and it was thdbase agent's iob to keep.pe199 among.lhe. . . leasehotders and the neignborliood. Jim felt the s6und of the amphitheater should be in this OoCument. He felt this document should be an extension of the doHen Peak Management Plan' oi a weOOing of the users and if all the players weren't at the tabte, why then were we going. nrorgh this;iercise. ffe noteO that thb dU Zone District allowed you to set any standard that . Vou *"1"ni"0, but how did we know how to set these stiandards and ihat is why we needed to look iia rinad,ment ptan. He said if we simultaneously tracked the Alpine Gardens and the Managem6nt Plan, ttren we could come up with something. Greg Molfet asked lor any other public comments as he wanted to confirm with Larry Grafel that it was ok to convert this to a worksession. Larry Grafel said it was ok. Galen Aasland said the underground parking was a benefit to the Alpine Gardens' Parking along fte Frontage Road is importait to pre'serve6ut in the future we do need an option forbelow.. |iouno piiring. rne urilge binrr-ahoivait shoutd be left at the height that it is. The VRD otfices should go to the Goll Course clubhouse. Diane Golden said it was important to keep language in this document to provide for the future patkingneiOs. Sne saiO reiarding parkin! on lne rrontage.Road, lnat$e^!p0-91-:nT:-Pt^t- be fep:t for parents to drop of cninr'en. She was concerned with aftendants to gyald me orop-on ipactis, as frere *eten'i6nbugh employees in the Town to manage this. She felt the VRD should look at offices at the golf course. Henry Pratt said he was glad that this was now a worksession, and this was the 3rd time we have discussed this. Thire were many faces not seen here before with a lot oJ good comments' ie iaidthat the reality was that we do'n't know what the future holds. He too thought the V-RD snouio put their officeL at ihe Golf Course, but if we allowed the Alpine Gardens to put.in offices' . wfrat ridnt OiO we have to tell the VRD to not put otfices in the tennis court structure. He said that putting?g' ot asphatt onlne fiontage noaO rirorked against the. goals ol Ford Park. He said statf ieeOet to negoiiate with the CDOfto get the minimum asphalt for the permit. He felt a landscaped idiand was noi tne right apfroach when you had snow.plows. He said at the last futfig he was not in favor of aiy pdri<ing at the Adine Garden site, but after looking. at the OauiO ftenyon ptan with ali unO-rirbunO pi*ing, he was in favor of underground,P3tl[gli: noted to ameni drawing #7 to noi show a 7s-space parking lotthat ensoached into me Derm' He iett parfing at the eisienO of Ford park would push the parking farther away from the uses mlfing it bsiconvenient which would lead to fewdr peopl.e using.the pal! ^I"lt1je]1,?L,,^ ,,^ allowaice should be made for the possibility in the future for parking under the sonDall flelos' |1e said there shoutd be " requirerneni tor all pirking to be buried underground with landscaping. on 16p ij; fett iiwis not raiito ne ruiuie to ironiuii the possibility of.parking. He said-the 0arki19 prbOf"r wis not a future problem, but a iunent problbm that woud get worse witr Category lll' Planning and Brwironmental Commission Minutes March 10, t 997 John Schofield said the staff should not take offense that there was not total agreement and he too said that it was nice to iee new faces. He felt there should be consensus with the teasehotders. He lelt cost should not be an issue, lJparfing nowwas marginal' lte aOr99{.yjtft Heniy iOourrhe median in tn"iiontige Road. He didn't want to dodge. th-e concrete and felt the pi6ri *oriO iat<e me .eOiin oui on fiegutar basis. He too felt that 50' of concrete on Vail valley Drive was too mucn. He aovised bouncil to stand up to cDoT to get what fit with the TOV and what was more appropriate, rather than what CDOT wanted' Gene Uselton asked what was the advantage, in Action Step #3, of listing things that couldn't be done in Ford Park. Larry Grafel said it was to show the things that had been denied in the past. Gene Uselton suggested minimizing the amount of legal verbiage. He said that Objective 1'3 was vague and he was not sure of its function. Todd Oppenheimer said the function was to address the buffer zones between the two venues anO tne'ihtent was to show the natural areas served a purpose for being there' Greg Amsden agreed wittr the outline given by John and Henry. He said people would pull up to O-rodof Oat Uag6 by the softball fieldsind thdt it was nice to ltave a drop-off area there' Greg Moffet asked Piet Pieters if the VRD offices moved to the tennis center, how many spaces would be vacated in the parking structure and how many would you need by the tennis Structure' Piet Pieters said 5 sPaces. Greg Moffet advised Ross that the VRD lease had provisiors for working out parking spaces with the to*n. He then asked how long the lease on tre Golf Course was for. Piet Pieters said it ended in 2015, with an option for a 50-yr. extension' Greg Moffet suggested being located tempo-ralily at the tennis court structure, then permanently out io the golf course. He asked why the TOV wanted the library space' pam Brandmeyer said, although not the highest priority, a space crunch in the Library existed' Greg Moffet said we needed parking now and that Joe changed his mind with his comments and that-underground parking wai the solution. He then asked why swimming pools were a prohibited use. Todd Oppenheimer stated that a petition was brought forward to the Council that it be deleted' Greg Motfet asked if it ever came up in focus groups. Larry Grafel said focus groups stated no more uses in the park' Greg Moffet agreed with Henry on 3 lanes changed to 2 lanes. Larry Grafel suggested coming back on March 24th. Planning and Environmental Commission Minul,es March 10' 1997 John schofield made a motion to table this itsm untilMarch 24' 1997. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. The motion passed bY a vote of 7-0' Plrning ard Envirmemal Cmniesim Mfuto! Mrroh 10, 1997 10 Page 14-rail Dairy Tuesday, October 1, 1996