HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED FORD PARK PROJECT MANUAL PHASE I 1988I I I I I I I I Gerald R. Ford Park - phase 1 t Park lmprovements t Owner: Tollr,l oF vAIL Dept. of Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Krlstan Pritz, Town Planner I Landscape Architect: THK AssocrATEs, rNc.r 40 Inverness orivC east I t38li',988:rcororado 80112 I Attention: Mike lrlore'll i, Project Manager I I I I t I April 13, 1e88 il \ t I t I{OTICE TO BIDDERS A pre-bid conference for this Project will be held in the Council Chambers,l vail rown Hall, 75 south Frontage Road, on llednesday, April 27, lg8g ai I 2:00 P.ll. I All- interested contractors are encouraged to attend. The conference will I include a visit to the site. I I I I I t t I t I I I I I \ T I I T I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I ITIYITATIUII FOR BIDS The Town of Vail, Dept. of Conmunity Development, rill receive separate sealed oids for the construction of Park Improvements of Gerald R. Ford Park, unti'l 2:00 p.r. on llay 5, llltt8 at the 0ffice of Connunity ueve'lop- ment. The bids sha'll be opened publicly in the Counc'il Charnbers at 2:00 p.rn. that rlay, where they will be read aloud. Drawings and related procedural docu- ments may be examined at the following locations: THK Associates, Inc., 40 Inverness Drive East,(303) 790-2435 Dept. of Community Development, Town of Vail,Vail, Colorado (303) 47d-7000 Dodge Plan Room,/Daily Journal , 101 University, Colorado (303) 394-6728 Englewood, Co'loraoo 75 South Frontage Road, Suite 260, Denver Bid documents may be obtained on or after April 14, 1988, at the offices of THK Associates, Inc. A nonrefrrndable feE-offiFffi-frill be require<l for each set. The fee should be in the form of a cfieck made payable to THK Associates, Inc. Major items of work for the Park are generally describeci as follows: 1. Site preparation.2. Minor grading.3. Concrete pavi.ng, walls and steps.4. Interlocking pavers and curbing.5. Asphalt playcourt and access road.6. Boulder retaining walls.7. Subsurface drainage.8. Irrigation system,9. Planting.10. Seeding and sodding.11. Site lighting ano electrical.12. Restroom foundation and utilities. A Pre-bi<i Conference will be held in the Council Chambers, Vail Town Ha'l l, 75 S. Frontage Road, on lednesday, April 27, 1988, at 2:fl) p.r. Landscape Architectt THK Associates, Inc. 40 Inverness Drive East Englewood, Colorado 80112 (303) 7e0-2435 Town of Vail Dept. of Cornnunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vai'1, Coloraoo 81657 (303) 476-7u00 0wne r: INDEX I I t sEcTroN ootoo BrD coNDrrroNs SECTION OO3OO 8ID FORM/BID BOND/AGREEMENT I sEcTIoN 00s00 GENERAL c0NDrTI0Ns/B0liDS/TNSuRANcE/cERTrFrcATEs I sEcTroN 00700 APPLICATI0N/CERTIFICATE 0F pAyMEr{T I sEcTr.N 01000 GENERAL REq,TREMENTS I SECTION O21OO DEMOLITION/SITE PREPARATIOI.I SECTION O22OO EARTHWORK I $crr.N 02500 pAvrNG AND suRFAcrNG r sEcTI0N 02510 SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGEII SECTION 02580 PAVEMENT MARKII{G I sEcTroN 02760 srTE FURnrsHritGs SECTION 02810 LAiIDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEI4 I sEcTroN o2e2o sorl 'RE'ARATT.N SECTION 02930 SEEDING AND SODDINGII SECTIOiI 02950 PLANTING I CTr0N 03300 cAsT_rN-pLACE CoNCRETE SECTION O44OO STONE MASONRY VENEER UALLS t sccrrolr 16300 ELEcrRrcar APPEiID IX DETAI LS T I I I I t I I sEcTrolt 00100 BID COIIDITIOIIS 1.I I t t I I I I I I I I t I T t I RECEIPT OF BIDS The Town of Vail, hereinafter called the "Ov{ner", invites bids on the forms attached hereto for the Gerald R. Ford Park-Phase 1 Park Improvements. Submit bids in sealed envelopes bearing the address andinfornation shown below. If a bid is to be submitted by mail, then enclose this sealed envelope in an outer envelope and send to the following addressee: Town of Vail Dept. of Cormunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 }lork Bid Upon (ProJect's Name) Name and Address of Bidder DEADLIilE FOR BID SUBIIITTAI SHALL BE 2:fl1 P.ll., THURSD Y, llAY 5, 1988. Bids may be withdrawn prior to the above schedu'led time for receiving bids or authorized postponenent thereof. 2. BIDDIIIG INCUIGIITS 0nly Bidders and authorized materials suppliers may obtain sets of the Bidding Documents from the issuing office designated in the Invitationfor Bids for the sum stated therein. Bidders shall use complete sets of Bidding Documents in preparingbids. The 0wner and the Landscape Architect assume no responsibilityfor errors or misrepresentations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 3. EXAilIT{ATI0]| 0F SITE AXD Docl'ilEt{ts Each Bidder shall visit the site of the proposed t{ork and shall com-pletely inform hlmself relative to all existing conditions, construc-tion hazards and procedure, labor and all other conditions and fac-tors, local and otherwise, which would affect completion of the Uork and its cost. All such factors shall be properly investigated and considered in the preparation of the bid. Eich Bidder shall ful'ly examine the Contract Documents and acquaint hlmself with the require- ments and conditions affecting the l,lork. He shall be fully familiarwith and informed of all facilities, difficultles and problems attend-ant upon prosecution of the |lork. Bid submlttal shall be taken as evidence of compliance with this requirement and as an acknowledgementthat the Bidder has received all the required documents and hasvisited the site. There will be no subsequent cost adJustment forlack of such prior information. 00100 T-614 sEcTlolt 00100 T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I 4. 5. 6. BID COI{DITIONS IIITERPRETATIOI{S AilD ADDEIIDA Direct inquiries and questions of clarification to THK Associates, 40 Inverness Drive East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, (303) 790-2435,Attention: tlike Morelli, at least 72 hours prior to deadline for bid submittal . No questions shall be directed to the 0wner. Interpreta-tions made $o Bidders will be in the form of Addenda issued prior tothe bid subrilittat dead] ine to persons to whom contract Documents have been issued. Addenda become part of the contract Documents and thereceipt of Addenda shall be acknowledged in the Bid proposal. PREPARATIOX OF BIDS One copy of the Bid Form shal'l be submitted and shal] remain bound inthis booklet. Bids shall be made on unaltered Biffi ElTnfsdcei and submit. In addition to the tump sum-base Bid, theBidder shall include lump sum bid alternates and supplemental unitprice items shown on the Bid Form, which shall not'be nodified orconditi_oned in any manner. Failure to comply may be cause for rejec-tron ot thq bid. No segregated bids or assignments will be con_sidered. Bid items shall be filled in with words and numbers, inpermanent ink and shall be printed. Bids shall be.signed with name printed bel ow signature. l,lhere Bidderrs a corporation, bids shall be signed with the lega'l name of the cor-poratjon followed by the name of the state of Iniorporation and thelegal signalyre o-f_ an officer authorized to bind the corporation to acontract. List all anticipated subcontractors in the spai:e provided. BID SECURITY A certified check or bank draft, payable to the Town of vail, withoutqualifications or a satisfactory Bid Bond executect by the Bidder and an. acceptable surety, in an amount equal to five (5) percent of the !9ta] Bale Bid, shal I be submitted with each bid as a guarantee thatif the bid is accepted the Bidder shall execute the contiact and shallprovide Certificates of Insurance and bonding as required. The Owner reserves the right to retain bid security until thirty (30) days after bid submittal. If the selected Biddei refuses to enterinto the corptract or refuses to supply the required certificates ofInsurance, Pbrformance Bond, and Lad'dr-and Material payment Bond, the0wner will have the right to retain and tiqui<tat6 the selectedBidder's Bid Security. PERFORIIAIICE BOIID, LABOR AilD I.IATEIIIAL PAYIIEIIT EOIIO The Owner sllall require the Bidder to whom a contract js awarded tofurnish both Performance and Labor and Material and payment Bonds inthe-amount of 100% of the contract price coverinq- the faithfulperformance of the contract and the payrne'nt of atl-outigaiiJns arising 00100 T-6T4 7. I I sEcTr0r 00100 BID COTDITIOIIS 8. 9. t I I I I I I I I t I t I T t I t thereunder within ten (10) days after Contract Award and prior topurchasing of materials or beginning construction. l,lhen Performance and Labor the bonding shall remain ining shall also remain in period. antl Material Payment bonding is required, effect until Final Acceptance. This bond-effect for the duration of the warranty l,lhen required, the Bonds shall be executed by a surety company autho-rized to do business in the State of Colorado and acceptabli as suretyto the 0wner. Failure to deliver required bonding shall be consfderedas having abandoned the Contract. Accompanying each bond form shall be a "Power of Attorney" authorizing the attorney in fact to fund thesurety company and certified to include the date of the Bond. IIODIFICATIOII OR ITITHDRA}IAL OF BIDS Bidder may withdraw or nodify his bid if written request for with- {fq"!l signed in the same manner and by the same person who signed theBid Form is received by the 0wner prior to the submittal deadline. NoBidder shall withdraw his bid for thirty (30) days following the sub-mittal deadline. TAXES AIID PER}IITS Bidder shall inc'l ude in his bid all taxes and permits necessary to bepaid on the t,|ork covered by his Contract. 10. I{ETHOD OF ArARD The 0wner reserves the right Bidder, and to accept the bid including full considerationreject any and all bids; andin any bid submitted. to award this contract to a Qualifiedwhich, in his judgement, is the best bidof Bid Alternates and Unit Pricing; toto waive iregularities or informalities 00100r6F4 Totals in the Bid Form will be subject to verification by the 0wner.In case of variation between the line-item prices and the suffnarytotal, the individual line-item prices will be considered as the bid.If written prices differ from numerical prices, the written price willbe used. The Owner reserves the right to omit portions of the l'lorkdescribed under the Base proposals aJ necessary tb achieve a desirable lid ^tglal or to_ expedite the project by rebidding those portions ofthe Bid Proposal deleted. The'0wner reierves the riqht to neqotiate.but only qilh the Bidder set -ab'le funilf. -- .l* tr.--ful Bidder vill be notified by telephone, all others willbe notified by mail. I sEcTIoN 00100 BID COI{DITIOI{S COIITRACT EXECUTIOII As a part qf this bid subnittal, the selected Bidder shall submitqualifications of the anticipated job superintendent and a list ofanticipated subcontractors with their qualifications, if required bythe Owner and Landscape Architect. contract Award will be cdntingent upon the Owner and Landscape Architect's approval of the job super-intendent and subcontractors. The se] ected Bidder shall furnish certificates of Insurance and bond-ing-within ten (10) calendar days of Contract Award and prior tobeginning the work. Failure to do so shall be just cause for the annulment of the award. Award may then be made to another Bidder, orthe 0wner may reject all bids, or call for other bids. Specific insurance requirements shall be obtained from the Owner. 12. TIIE 0F CUtpt_ETIol{ A}tD LIQUIDATED DA!{A6ES Bidder must agree to conunence work on or before a date to be specifiedin the "Notice to Proceed". Failure to complete the project on thedate specified shall require the Bidder to pay as liquidated darnages,the sum specified in the General conditions, unless the contractor can show cause for excusable delays as specified in the General Condi-tions. 0010t1Tnr4 I I I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I 11. A. B. I I sEcTlolt 003m BID FORII .00 t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I PRNECT: BIDS CLOSE: TO: FR(X: Gerald R. Ford Park - Phase 2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 5, The Town of Vail, Departnent I Park Improvements i988 of Cormunity Devel opment The undersigned tas examined the contract Documents, prepared by THK Asso-qia!9!, Inc.,40 Inverness Drive East, Englewoort, ColoraOo, g01lZ ana isfamilfar with the s'ite and location oi tni proS'eit, the work to be done, and the local conditions affecting the cost of the tlork under which it musibe perfonned and hereby proposes [o furnish all labor, materials and equip-ment for the comp'lete construction of the project desiribed. In submitting this Bid I agree: 1. That I have read, understood and agree to all provisions of the con-tract Documents. 2. To enter into and execute.a contract on the basis of the Bid withinthe amount of time stated in the Bid con<litions and to furnish allrequired qualifications, .lnformation, insurance and bonding. 3. To accomplish all l,lork in accordance with the contract Documents. contractor agrees to take full payment for the work on the following lump s'um prices submitted in the following Bid Schedule: A. BASE BID: Iter Io.. llescription LuT Sur 1. Demolltion, Site Preparation, and Earthwork including, but notlimited t0, examination of site, clearing and grubbing, removal and disposal of existing asphalt paving, protection ofa(iacent improvements and trees fo remiin, marshalling and access, excavation, filllng, compaction, finish gradlng, sub-grade preparatlon, boulder retainage and related itens of work shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. The sum of dollars and no cents. 00300 T-617 I I sEcTro[ 00300 BID FORII .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I Itf,r l|,o. 2. The sum of 3. The sum of 4. The sum of 5. The sum of 6. Cast-in-Pl ace preparati on ,stone veneer shown on the lbscrlption Lup Sun Paving and Surfacing including, but not limited to, subgradepreparation, asphalt path, asphalt game court, interlockingpavers, colored concrete pavement, colored concrete edger,pavement paint striping, playground sand and pea gravel ,temporary road base path, grave'l paths and related items of work shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. dollars and no cents. Concrete including, but not limited to,subgrade colored bench footings, colored concrete steps, masonry concrete walls and related items of work Drawings and as specified herein. Restroom Bui'lding Foundation and Utilities including, but notlimited to, subgrade preparation, waste and sanitary pipeinstallation, sleeving, colored concrete screen footings, concrete floor and foundation and related items of work shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. dollars and no cents, dollars and no cents. Surface and Subsurface Drainage including, but not limited to, subgrade preparation, play area inlets, lawn inlets, PVC drainpipe, CMP drain pipe, cobble swales, PVC erosion liner, drain- age fabric and related items of work shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. dollars and no cents, 00300T617 Site Furnishings including, but not limited to, subgradepreparation, basketbal'l goal installation, bike racks instal-lation, picnic tables installation, hand rails, tree grates, asphalt road guardrail, timber landscape steps, timber edgerat play structure and related items of work shown on the Draw- ings and as specified herein. The sum of dollars and no cents. T I sEcTroll 00300 BID FORI{ .00 9. I t I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I Iter ilo. 7. The sum of 8. The sum of The sum of 10. The sum of Description Lup Sur Landscape Irrigation System including, but not limited to, excavations, trenching and backfilling, water service tap to existing main, providing and installing new water service, double check valve, copper service to restroom, PVC mainlines and laterals, PVC sleeves, sprinkler and bubbler heads, auto- matic electric control yalves, manual drain valyes, isolation valves, stop and waste valves, quick-coupling valves, auto- matic controllers, electrical connection to "J" box, control valve wiring, and all related items of work shown on the Draw- ings and as specified herein. .00 dollars and no cents. Seeding, Sodding andlimited to, subgradestructural path edge, shown on the Drawings Soil Preparation including, and soil preparation, seeding, maintenance and related item and as soecified herein. but not soddi ng,of work .00 P1 anting including, but not limited to, providing and instal-ling plant material , plant backfill, rock and cobble mu1ch, wood chip mulch, steel edger, landscape boulders, maintenance and related items of work shown on the Drawings and as speci-fied herein. dollars and no cents. dollars and no cents. Electrical and Lighting including, but not limited to, provid- ing and lnstalling al1 light fixtures, wiring, panel boards,fuses, secondary service and distribution, switches, wiringdevices, concrete footings, meters, feeders, connection toexisting pad mounted transformer and existing panel andrelated items of work shown on the Drawings and as specified herei n. .00 dollars and no cents, GERALD R. FORD PARK - PHASE I TOTAL BASE BID The sum of .00 00300ftil dollars and no cents. I I I I t I I I I t I t I t I I I I I The 2. sEcTIor 003qt BID FORI{ B. l. ALTERIIATES: Additive Alternate #1 Provide and install 5" thick concrete game court (no color pigment)with expansion joints as drawn anO specified, in'lieu of asphalI game court. Additive Alternate #2 Provide and install al1 plant material along the asphalt path, with thelimits shown, and as specified and detailed-herein.' sum of sum of Additive A'lternate #4 Provide and install wooden Drawings, and as specified dollars and no cents. dollars and no cents. veneer monumentation wa1 l, column, plant asphal t path entry to the frontage road as as specified and detailed hereln. do'l 'l ars and no cents. transformer screen structure and detailed herein. as shown on the .00 .00 The 3. The 4. sum of Addi ti ve Provi de materi al shown on Al ternate #3 and instal I stone and irrigation at the Drawings, and .00 .00 The sum of dollars and no cents. 00300Ttr7 I I sEcTIoI 00300 BID FOR'I .00 I I GERALD R. FORD PARK . GRA}ID TOTAL BASE BID PI{ASE I AI{D ADO ALTERIIATES The sru of dollars and no cents. .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Deductive Alternate #1 Deduct amount from Base Bid to cap in lieu of poured-in-p1 ace,play area walls where shown ondetailed herein. provide and install stone veneer wall steel reinforced concrete wall cap, onthe Drawings, and as specified and The sunr of dollars and no cents. C. SUPPLEIEilTAL U]IIT PRICES: The following unit prices are intended to be the basis for additions,delet'ions, or substitutions to the llork if required, the va'l ue of such changes to be detennined by the quantities involved. All unit price amounts for each of the items listed below sha'l I include its pro rata share of profit, taxes and overhead and for the item instalted in full accordance with the Contract Documents. Iter Unit Cost 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. t2. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. Demolition of Asphalt Pavement inc1 udes Removal Boulder Retainage }{all 3"/8" Asphalt Path Col ored Concrete Paving Colored Concrete Edger Interlocking Pavers Playground Masonry Sand Pl ayground Pea Gravel Road Base Path, 6 ft. width Gravel Path, 6 ft. width 'Geoblock' Structural Path Edge Cobble Swale w,/Erosion Liner - 10" CMP Orain Pioe8" PVC Drain Pipbti' PVC Drain Plpe4" PvC perf./Non-perf. Drain pipe Drainage Vault as detailed 15" Dia. Inlet with Grate 'l'li racl e' Basketbal l Goal #360-504 $ s.F.$-ron$---s. v.^'--^-) ),r.s---1.r.s----s.r.$-.Y.t---c. v.$-1. F.s-----L. r.g---1. r.r-...-.-) ).r.$--1. r.$--L .r.$-1.F.s-1.r.$-----EA.s--En.$-rn. 00300mTf SECTI0]'| 00300 BID FOR'II I I t I I I I I I I I t t I Iter 20. 21. 2?. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Descri pti on 'Miracle' Basketball Goal #360-755 'Cycloops' Bike Rack #2L70-5 'Cycloops' Bike Rack #2170-7 'Cycloops' Bike Rack #2L70-9 'Timberform' Integral Picnic Table #2056 Tree Grate, R-8726 Neenah Two Piece unit 'ilooden Hand Rail, 6 ft. Unit M-606-1 Type 3 'tl' GuardraiI 3,/4" Josam Yard Hydrant Hauled-in Topsoil for Soil Preparation l{i I dfl ower Seed Sod as specified Rock and Cobble Mulch Wood Chip Mulch Stee'l Edger Narrowleaf Cottonwood - 2-L/2" Narrowleaf Cottonwood - 3-l/2" Quaking Aspen - 6' Quaklng Aspen - L0' Colorado Blue Spruce - 6' Colorado Blue Spruce - 8' Colorado 81 ue Spruce - 10' Colorado Green Spruce - 6' Colorado Green Spruce - 8' Colorado Green Spruce - 10' Lodgepole Pine - 6' Lodgepole Pine - 8' Lodgepole Pine - 10' Thinleaf Alder - 8' Clump .Hopa Crabapp'le - 2-t/2" Pink Perfection Crab - 2" Shubert Chokeberry - 2" Deciduous Shrub - 5 Gal. Evergreen Shrub - 5 Gal . Ground Cover - 1 Ga] . GroundCover-1Qt. Ground Cover - F'l at Perennial - I Qt. Unit Cost $ EA.s---e n.s---En.s--rl.E----El.s--En.s----rn.s----L. r.s---En. $ L.F.s--1.p.$--En. $ c.Y.s-T.r.s-----s. r.$-----s.F.s----s. r.s--L. r.$----m.s--En.g--en.E----rn.s----El.s---rn.s--rl.$--Tn.t--El.$-En.$-En.$--rn.$-En.g--En.s---en.s--Er.$---EA.s----En.E--En.l--En.t-Er.s-En.s--rn. cap cap 58. 59. 60. Stone Veneer l,lall w/Conc. Stone Veneer l,lal I w/Stone Light Fixture - 12' 00300ffiT'7 I I sEcTro[ 003@ BID FORII I Bid security in the amount of $ being 5% of the total Base BidI accompanies this Bid, the same ber-i!-T6ftt to lorfeiture as described in the Bid Conditions. It is understood by the Unders{gned that the right is reserved by the 0wnerto reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn forthirty (30) days following bid submittal. If this bi<t is accepted, the Undersigned agrees to promptly furnish required qualifications information, insurance and bonding, and to execute ilie contract now on file with the 0wner and further agrees, if awarded such contract, that all I'lork will befully performed within the time perlod outlined in the General conditions. By: By: By: By: No. No. No. No. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I The prices quoted in the attached bid are fair and proper and are nottainlgd by any collusion, conspiracy or unlawful agreeineni on the part ofthe Bidder or any of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or par-ties in interest. The Undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of Addendum No.Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Addendum Addendum Addendum Addendum tr|itness: the following addenda: By: Respectful ly submitted, Firm Name Tiile 00300 TTTT State in l,lhich Incorporated: I THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS 19 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I AIA Document A310 Bid BondsEcTioN 00300 KNow ALL MEN BY THE5E PRE5ENTS' thtt *fi.,.,ht.'r rlt d.mr r.d..rd,.,r o. rc!.r rirrc or conrr..o.l as Principal, hereinafter called the principal, and . {H.r. i.rCrt tull nrm. rnd rddrccr or lat.l titlc ol Surlry} a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto iH?.. rnr..t tull n.me rnd rdd?!t! o, lcttl t|tl. ol Own.i as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of Dollars (f ),for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and rhe said Surety, binJourselves, our heirs, executont. administrators, successors and assigns, iointly and severally, firmty UVthese presents. wH E R EAs, the Principal has submitted a bid for (HGr. inrc,r f.[ nrm., rdd.G' rnd dcrcriprion or projlct) Now, TtltRttORt, il thc obliScc sh.ll .ccrpt the bid ot thc Principal end rhr principrl rhafl cntcr inro r contnctwith the oblitce in rccord.ncc with rhc termr of iuch bid, rnd givc ruch dona oi bonal ir-,Iiv bc rpccificd in rh; b;il,"rot conttrct Documents with tood and sufficrent rurety tor rhc-f.ithfut pertormrnrc ;i ;;.ht""t",4;ii-ri'i iil i'r-"",ij"iprym?nr ot lloor lnd mrlarirl turnithcd in the prorccutron thrrqot, or rn thc event ol the hilure of the principat t6 cntirsuch conttrct .nd Sive tuch 5ongpr,lonor, jl thi Principrl shall pry o tr" outi-g ir,i oti.r.^." not to erc.cd thc prnrlty .l_:::.j_Ty-llh: .ltoyJrt tq:.iff in c.id bid.erd suth hrgcr emounr for whlch rhe obti3cc m.y in tood frirh c'onrnci Itll,itl:!Tt ?1ny-lo Pcttofm the wotk concrcd by crid bid, then this oblitrion shall bc nulfrnd void, oihenvisc to r.mrinIn ru|| rorce ano enect. Signed and sealed this day of (Principal)(serr) (Wianest)I (W itnatttI T (Sutety)(5eal) Arl_o_ocuM€fir A3l0. Ero golo . ere 6.JtgiuAry-ry06;HE AMcRTCANlflslTUTE Ot ARcHtrEcrS, 1715 N.y. AvE., N.W., WASitNETON, O. C. 2@6 I THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS sEcTIoN 00300 AIA Document 4107 Abbreviated Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor For CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OF L|MITED SCOPE where the Basis of Payment is a STIPULATED SUM 1978 EDIT|ON TH1S DOCUMENT HAS IMP9RTANT rEc t CONSEQUENCES; CONSUT.IAT!9N wtTH AN ATTORNEY 15 fNCOURACED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODI| ICATION I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t I ACREEMENT made as of the Hundred and BETWEEN the Owner: and the Contractor: the Project: the Architect: 9opyriSht 1936,.1951, 1958, 1961, 1953, 1966, '1974, @ 1978 by the American Insrituie oi Architects, 1735 New york Avenue, N.w., washingron, D.c. :m06.Rep.oduqtion of the material herein or subJranrirl quotltion of itr p.ovisions wirhout permission lf tf," lre'rio]"L, the copy.itht laws of lhe United Stare!'and will be subject to le8.l prosecution. AIA DOCUMENT 4107 . AEEREVIATED OWNER.CONTRACTOR ACREEMENT . EIcHTH EDtTtON . APRIL 1978 . AtAoo 1978. TH€ AMERTCAN tNST|TtJTE Or ARCHITECTS, 173r NtW YORK AVENUE, n.w.. wlsrrr,rcr<ir*r, b.c. zoooe day of The Town of Vail, Colorado Gerald R. Ford Park - Phase I Park Improvements THK Assocjates, Inc. The Owner and the Contractor agree as set forth below. in the year of Nineteen 4707.1978 1 I I ,H#oE** I 1.1 The Contractor shall perform all the Work required by the Contract Documents for I (Herc tnsett the (aption desctiptive ol the Wo& as used on other Contract Dq/cuments.) I T ARTICLE 2 I T|ME OF COMMENCEMrr.rTlliibJtBsrANTtAL COMPTETION 2.1 The Work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced I and, sublect to authorized adjustments, Substantial Completion shall be achieved not later thanr (Herc inte/t any special ptavisions lor tiquidated damage, rctatint to tailute to complete on tjmc,) I r ARTTGLE l CONTRACT SUM I 3'1 The Ownershall-pay the Contractor in current funds for the performance of the Work, sublect to additions andr deductions by Change order as provided in the Contract Documents, the Contract Sum of I 3.2 The Contract Sum is determined as follows: (Jlate hele lhe bate bid ot olhet lump som amount accepted altenates, and unit priaet, u applictbte.l I I II I I AIA DOCUMENI A1O7 . ABERTVIAT€D OWNTR.CONTRACTOR ACREEMENT . €IOHTH EDITION . APRII. 1978 . AIAOo 1978 ' THE AMERICAN lNsrlruTE oF ARcHlrEcrs, 173s N€w YoRK AVENUE, N.w., wlsxrNcroN, o.c. iifioi A1O7-1g7t 2 I I I I T I I I I T T I I I I t I t T I ARTICIE 4 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 4.1 Based upon Applications.for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum tractor as provided in the Contract Documents for the period ending the month as follows: (Here insert paynent procedures aod provision lgr rctainage, it any.) Submit ro r,he Architect for approval AIA Document G702, Application andfor Payment, pages I and 2. Payment_Retajnage shall be in the amount of IO% of the completed work or stored maf,eri al . 4.2 Payments d99 a1d unpaid under the Contract Documents shall bear interest from the date payment is due at therate entered below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing at the place of the froject. (Here inseft any rate ol interest agreed upon.) (utury laws and rcQuircmenlt unde/ lhe redall fruth in Lending Act. similar ttare and local contumer crcdit laws and othet regulntionr at theowner's and contnctor's Dliac.ipal .places ri lrri""ri, ,r," l".Jiio"n of rt e 1,t,]"rt-ini' uti"ii"rJ-ili"iit""t the vatidity ot thit ptovirion. speciticlegal advice rhould be obtiined'witli t"tpt.i rr J"i"iii i,'iiliiiitiii"r, or ornet te.,utrcmentr ruch ar ,n,,inen disctosurc ot waive6.) ARTICTE 5 FINAT PAYMENT5'1 Final payment, constitu.tinB ,the.entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be paid by the owner to thecontractor when the Work has been completed, the Conrract iurry performed, and a fihat Ceitificate for eayhenthas been issued by the Architect. ARTICTE 6 ENUMERATION OTIdMCT DOCUMENTS6'1 The contract Documents, which constitute the entire agreement between the owner and the Contractor, arelisted in Article 7 and, except for,vtodifications isir"J.rt"iti".uii;;liiti;;g;u;ment, are enumerated as folows: (List below .the Agteement. lho conditionJ ol lhe Cont,i,ct, lcenetzl, Supplementary, an<! orhct cohd;tioosl, the D6win8s. the spec/ficatio.rs, addanv ArJdenda and .ccepted alt 'nttes. showing page o, sheit iuiiers in utt carer aad Jarcs iniii iiic"au.t Agreement General Condi ti ons Beneral Requirements Drawi ngs Sheeus 1 through 13, dated 4/I3/gg Speci fj cati ons Detai I s Addenda Accepted Alternates and Unit Prices for Payment to the Con- day of the Certi fi cate AIA DoCUMENT Arot . ABSREVTATED owNER.coNrRAcroR ACREE €NT . ETGHTH EDrfloN . ApRrLo 1978 . TH€ AMERTCAN rNSTllurE oF ARCHTTECTS, rZls :rtw, vbti .rvrr,rut, N.!v., lvAsHrNcroN, 1978. AlAo D-C.20006I A^107-1978 3 the 0t'rE t.L 7.2 7.3 I T t I I I I I I I T I I t t ARTTCLE z. OTHER CONDITIONS OR PROVTSIONS HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120) calendar days from the Noticb to proceed. - This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above. DEFINITIONS The term "Architect", as used in these documents, shall also refer to"Landscape Architect", which is THK Associates, inc., and is referredto throughout the contract Documents as if iingutir in number andmasculine in gender. The term "Landscape Architict" means the Land-scape Architect or his authorized representative. NOTICE TO PROCEED The contractor shall cormence the work to be done under this contractwithin seven (7) days after being instructed to do so in a writtenNotice to Proceed from the Owner or Landscape Architect. The workshall be comp'l eted in accordance with the tenirs of the contract on orbetore the termination of the construction period as defined inArticle 11. TIME OF COMPLETION It is hereby understood and mutually agreed, by and betweencontractor and the 0wner, that all wori< stratt ne c-ompleted within 7.4 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES It is hereby understood and mutually agreed, by and between thecontractor and tle Owner, that for-eve-ry aiy irt delay past theschedule.d cnmpletion date of this contrait, is stipulated' in theNotice to Proceed, the contractor will be liable t6 the 0wner as It.qy!9qtgO damages and not as penalty, in the amount of Tt/0 HUNDREDD0LLARS ($200.001 for each and 6very idtenoar day rhe contiEEl6iTfiETf6-1 nT'eTaiT't-Tee exc r us i on s to t-hi s provi si on' i n'nni tcr-e r t . T oWNER CONTRACTOR T I AIA DOCUMENT 4107 . AB8REVTATED-OWNER.CONTRACTOR ACREEMENT . HCHTH ED|TTON . ApRtL 1928 . AtAoo re78. THE AMERTCAN rNST,arrE or ARCHTTECTS. rili xsw -iiiii 'nvENUE, N.w.. *ASHTNGTON. D.C. 20m6 xot-tgtg 4I sEcTlolt 00700 GETERAL COXIIITIOflS . ITDEX 6 6 7 7 7 7 I I 8 I 2 4 t T I t I I T I I I T I T I I I I I t ARTICLE PAGE DEFIXITIilS IilIEf,T OF COTTRAGT DOCWEXTS2.01 SCOPE OF GENERAL CONDITIONS2.02 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS2.03 DIMEI{SIONS & ELEVATIONS TO GOVERN2.04 REUSE 0F DOCUI'IENTS2.05 VERBAL STATEMENTS NOT BII,IDING PRELIIII]IARY COITRACT PROCEDURES 3.01 COPIES OF AGREEMENT3.02 COPIES OF PLAI.IS E SPECIFICATIONS3.03 CHECK PLANS & SCHEDULES3.04 NOTICE TO PROCEED PHYSIGI STTE COXDITTOXS4.01 EXISTING CONDITIOI,IS 4.OZ UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS IIISURAXCE AIID PROTECTIOT5.01 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE5.02 INDEMNIFICATION5.03 CA}ICELLATION OF POLICIES5.04 O[,|NER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE IORI( BY OTHERS AXD ACCESS TO SITE6.01 COORDINATION OF I.IORK6.02 SEPARATE CONTRACTS6.03 O}INER'S RIGHT TO DO l.lORK6.04 ACCESS T0 XoRK6.05 RIGHT OF OCCUPANCY COXTR'ICTON' S RESPOXSTBILITIES7.01 C0IIMUNICATIONS BETI{EEN C0NTRACT0R & 0l,lNER7.02 SUPERINTENDENCE OI' t.lORK7.03 CHARACTER OF }IORKMEN7.04 suBcOilTRAcToRs 7.05 LAYOUT OF t.lORK7.06 METHODS AND PROCEDURES7.07 SUBMITTALS, TESTS, SCHEDULES, AND INSPECTIONS7.08 LICENSES, PERMITS AND REGULATIONS7.09 PROTECTIO},I OF PROPERTY & PUBLIC SAFETY 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 8 6 9 9 9 9 10 10. Index no700 sEcTr0lr 00700 GEXERAT COf,DITIOIIS . IIIDEX ARTICLE TITLE PROTECTION OF l.l0RK PROVISION FOR EMERGENCIES DUST, DIRT AND RUBBISH CONTROL STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT MATERIALS AND PERFORMANCE TESTING RECORD DOCUMENTS }IARRANTY OIINER' S RESPOIISIBILITY 8.01 COMMUNICATIONS8.02 REQUTRED DATA & TNSPECTIoNS8.03 PAYMENTS TO THE CONTRACTOR LAIIOSCTPE ARCHITECT' S STATUS OURITG COTSTRI'CTIOII9.01 Ol|lNER'S REPRESENTATIVE9.02 OBSERVATION OF l.lORK IN PROGRESS9.03 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION CHAIIGES IlI THE IORK 10.01 MODIFICATIONS AND ALTERATIONS 10,02 FIELD ORDERS, CHANGE ORDERS IO.O3 EXTRA }IORK AND COSTS COXTIIACT TIIIE 11.01 DEFINITION I1.02 COMI4ENCEMENT OF I,JORK 11.03 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 11.04 SUSPENSION OF I.,IORK ON NOTICEilI05 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 11.06 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 11.07 LTQUTDATE0 DAMAGES PR(NECT CfiPLETIOT AXD ACCEPTAItrE 12.01 CO}IDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE 12.02 C0RRECTION 0F l{0RK I2.03 FINAT ACCEPTANCE PAYilETTS TO COf,TRACTOR 13. O1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS/RETAINAGE 13.02 PAYMENT WITHHELD 13.03 FINAL PAYMEI.IT SUSPEIISTOT OR TEilII{ATIOI OF }IORI( 14.01 CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP I{ORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT 14I02 OI.INER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT I ndex 007m PAGE 7.10 7. 11 7 .t2 7 .r3 7 .14 7. 15 7.16 11 1l L? I2 L2 l3 l3 16 l6 16 i6 L7 10 1t L2 13 l4 I5 13 13 14 L4 14 15 15 15 l8 18 18 19 20 2t ?L ?2 I t sEcTIoil 00700 GEIERAL COIIDITIOIIS - II{DEX I ARTIcLE TITLEI15 DISPUTES AXD IRBITRATIOII I 15.01 DISPUTES AND CLAIT'ISI 15.02 ARBTTRATToN 15.03 CONTINUITY OF I.IORK I 16 oTHER C0rDITroilS 0R pRovISIoilSr 16.01 TIME oF col'tptETroN--. 16.02 LIQUIDATED DAMAGE I I I I 22 23 23 23 23I I I t t I I I I I Index !07m sEcTI0N 00700 GEIIERAL COI{DITIOIIS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ARTTCLE I: DEFINITTONS whenever used in any of the contract Documents, the following meaningsshall be given to the terms herein defined: 1.01 C0NTRACT D0CUMENTS: Bid Conditions, Bid Fonn, Agreement, General and Supplemental conditions of the contract, Drawings and specifications, Addenda, Notice to Proceed, approved submittals and shop drawings, approved Field 0rders and change 0rders, and approved contractor's Requests for Payment. 1.02 C0NTRACT: Those items enumerated in Paragraph 1.01 of this Section. 1.03 wORK: The conplete construction required by the contract Documents andincludes aIl labor necessary to produce such construction and allmaterials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in suchconstruction. 1.04 PR0JEcr: The total construction of which the liork performed under theContract Documents may be the whole or a part. 1.05 0HNER: The corporation, company, partnership, firm, entity or individ-ual named and designated as such'in the cdntract Documents which hasentered direct'ly into this contnact with the contractor for the per- formance of the work covered thereby, and any persons or entities ict-ing on its beha'lf. 1.06 C0I'ITRACT0R: The corporation, company, partnership, firm, entity orindividual named and designated-as- suih in the tontract Documentswhich has entered direcily into this contract with the 0wner for theperformance of the l'lork covered thereby and any persons or entitiesacting on its behalf. 1.07 sUBC0NTRACT0Rr A corporation, partnership, entity or individual havinga direct contract with the contractor for performing work and/or furl ni shi ng I abor^ or materi al whi ch i s i ncorporated i nti the I'lork at therequest of the Contractor. 1.08 LANDSCAPE ARCHI'IECT: THK Associates, Inc., acting through its dulyappointed. representative, as designated bi the 0iwner, 6r its dulyauthorized nepresentatives, acting-within ihe scope of the particula;duties entrusted to them to provide administratioir of the Cbntract asherein describeo. 1.09 INsPEcr0R: Engineering or technical inspector duly authorized by the Landscape Architect or the Owner, limiied to the particular outtesentrusted to him or them. 1of23-ou'7To- I I sEcTIor{ 00700 GEIIERAL COI{DITIOXS I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1.10 DATE 0F C0NTRACT: The date stipulated in theAgreement. If no such date is indicated itthe Agreement was signed by the last party to 2of23-00'm- first paragraph of the means the date on which sign. 1.11 DAY 0R DAYS: Unless otherwise expressly defined, a calendar day or days of twenty-four hours measured from mianigtrt to the following mid-night, including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidiys. 1.12 EXTRA tlORK: All work that may be required by the Landscape Architector Owner to be perfonred by the Contractor to accomplish any change oralteration, or addition to, the tlork shown by the Contract Documentswhich is not covered by the original contracl and not otherwise pro- vided for. 1.13 PLANS 0R DRAIIINGS: All (a) drawings and details prepared by the Land- scape Architect as a basis for proposals, (b) alI supplementary draw-ings furn'i shed by the Landscape' Architect or 0wndr as and whenrequired to make clear, and to define in greater detail, the intent ofthe contract plans and specifications, (C) snop drawinjs submitted bythe contractor to the 0wner during the progress of the work as pro- vided for in the technical specificitions. 1.14 LAB0RATORY: Any test'ing laboratory designated or approved by the 0wneror Landscape Architect to make tests of the materiils to bL furnishedfor the work involved in the Contract. 1.15 whenever in these contract Documents the words "as ordered", "asdirected", "as required", "as permitted,,, ,tas allowed,,, or words or' phrases of like import are used, it shall be understood that theorder, direction, requirement, permission, or allowance of the Ownerand Landscape Architect is intended. 1.16 Similarly the words "approved", "reasonable,', ,'adequate,', "suitable,',"acceptable", "properly'i, "satisfactory,', or words'of Iike effect andimport, unless otherwise particularly specified herein, shall neanapproved, reasonable, adequate, suitable, acceptable, .proper, orsatisfactory in the judgement of the Owner and Landscape nrtniteci. 1.17 whenever any statement is made in the contract Documents containingthe expression "it is understood and agreed", or an expression of lik6import, such expression means the mutual understanding and agreementof the parties executing the contract Agreement of which these GeneralConditions are a Dart. sEcTrol{ 00700 GEilERAt COIIOITIOIIS I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t ARTICLE 2: II{TEIIT OF COITITRACT DOCUiIEIITS 2.01 SCOPE OF GENERAL CONDiTIONS These conditions are general in scope and may contain requirenents covering conditions which will not be encountered in the performanceof the Work covered by this Contract which for this reason are not applicable thereto. Where any stipulation or requirenent set forth herein applies to any such nonexisting conditions, and fs not appli- cable to the t'lork under contract, such stipulation or requirement will have no meaning relative to the performance of said |lork. 2.02 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The plans and specifications are intended to supplement, but not necessarily duplicate each other and together constitute a completeset of documents so that any llork exhibited in the one and not in theother, shall be executed just as if it had been set forth in both, inorder that the l,lork shall be completed according to the completedesign or designs as decided and determined by the Landscape Aichi-tect. It is the intent of the plans and specifications to describe a cofiFplete project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance withthe contract Documents. Any l{ork that may reasonably be inferred fromthe p'l ans or specifications as being required to produce the intendedresult shall be supplied whether or not it is specifically cal'led for,to complete the project in an acceptable manner, and to fully completethe llork, ready to use, occupy, and operate by the 0wner. l,lhen words which have a well-known technical or trade meaning are usedto describe work, materials, or equipment, such words shall be inter-preted in accordance with such meaning. Reference to standard speci-fications, manua'l s, or codes of any technical society, organizalion,or association, or to the code of any governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual , or code in effect at the time of open-ing 9f bids (or, on the effective date of the Agreement if there irere no bids), except as may be otherlise specifical ly stated. 2.03 DIMENSIONS AI,ID ELEVATIOI.IS TO GOVERN Dimensions and elevations shown on the plans shall be accuratelyfollowed, even though they differ from scaled measurements. shoullanything be omitted from the specifications and plans which is neces-sary to a clear understanding of the l,lork, or should it appear variousinstructions are in conflict, then the contractor shall seiure writteninstructions from the Landscape Architect before proceeding with theconstruction affected by such omissions or disirepanciei. It is understood and agreed that the l,lork shall be perfornied and completedaccording to the -true spirit, meaning and intent of the contract Docu-ments. 3of23 T',700- I I sEcTIoil 00700 GEITERAT COilDITIOIIS I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I 2.04 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS The Contractor shall not have title or rights to reuse of the Contract Documents without prior written consents of both the 0wner and the Landscape Architect. 2.05 VERBAL STATEMENTS NOT BINDING It is understood and agreed that the written terms and provisions of these Contract Documents shall supersede prior verbal statements ofofficials and other representatives of the 0wner and such statementsshalI not be effective or be construed as entering into, or forming apart of, or altering in any way whatsoever, the Contract Documents unless such statements are documented in written form within five (5) days fol lowing. ARTICLE 3: PRELIIIII|ARY C0XTRACT PR0CEDURES 3.01 COPIES OF AGREEMENT Three (3) counterpart copies of the Agreement will be prepared, by the Landscape Architect or Owner, and shall be signed by the Contractor and then submitted to and signed by the 0wner; one copy so signed willbe returned to the Contractor. The Landscape Archit6ct and the Ownerwill both retain one copy each. 3.02 COPIES OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The 0wner wi'l I furnish to the Contractor up to five copies of thePlans and Specifications for the execution of the l,lork. Additional copies will be furnished, upon request, at the cost of time and mater-ials needed for reproduction. 3.03 CHECK PLANS AND SCHEDULES The contractor shall check dimensions, elevations and quantities shownon contract Documents, and sha'l 'l notify the Landscape Architect oferrors or omissions rhich he may dlscover in the course of the Work.The contractor shall not be ailoweo to take advantage of errors or omissions in the Contract Documents, as full instructions will befurnished by the Landscape Architect should such errors or ormissionsbe discovered. work performed by the contractor without consultingthe Landscape Architeci when the liork requires a decision or interpreltation shall be done at the Contractor's'risk. 4of23 00700- sEcTI0ll 00700 GEIIER'IL CO}IDITIOIS 3.04 NOTICE TO P CEED The contractQr shall commence the ilork to be done under this contractwithin seven (7) days after being instructed to do so in a written T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ARTICLE Notice to Prroceed from the 0wnei or Landscape Architect. The workshall be completed in accordance with the terdrs of the contract on orbefore the tprmination of the construction period as defined in the :Ipp]glgnlaryl Conditions, subject to ARTiCLE 11.0A, DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS IN TIME. LE 4: PHYSIOAT SITE COTDITIOISSITE COIIDITIOXS 4.01 EXISTING CONTIITIONS Existing con{iti-ons including surface features, soil boring data andunderground !tilities shown on the plans or referred io fn thespecificatioris are for informational purposes only and shall not beoeemed as part of the contract Documents. The contractor shall verifyand augment such information and data to fully satisfy himself as t-othe_conditiorfs under which the Hork will be done. The contractorshall maintaJn in operating condition all active utilities invo'lved 1l!_:.lall h{ve the utilfties' representatives locate their pipes,conduits' ca0les or other facilities before construction is stirled.The Owner an{ the Landscape Architect do not assume relponsibi'liiy forlocation or disturbance of utilities or other existing featuris orconditions encount-ered on this project. Repair, repiacement, andrelocation.costs for damages cauled- by the cbntrictor shall be theuontractor's responsibility, unless otherwise specified. 4.02 UNFORESEEI'I COIDITIONS The contractor shall promptly notify, in writing, the 0rner and theLandscape Archi^tect of any subsurfaie or latent-[hysical site condi-tions which Effect the l,lork. If, in the opini6n- of the Owner andLandscape Arlhitect, after further inspection these conditions couldnot. reaso.nablf have been anticipated by the contractor, and if Extray{orK.ls deemgd-necessary by the Landscape Architect because of theseconditions, a change 0rder will be issued incorporating the necessaryrevisions to the Contract. 5of23 TOTTjr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T sEcTI0il 00700 GE}IEML COI{DITIOI{S ARTICLE 5: IilSURAIICE Al{D PR0TECTI0X 5.01 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE The Contractor sha'l I secure and maintain for the life of the contract, such insurance policies to protect himself, the Oyner, and others as specified, from claims for bodily injuries, death, or property damage, which nay arise out of or result from the Contractor's execution of the tlork, whether such execution be by the Contractor or by any sub- contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any ofthem. Certification of such insurance shall be submitted by the Contractor to the 0wner prior to beginning any t{ork, and as further defined in the Supplementary Conditions. The Landscape Architect and the Owner shal'l not be responsible for determining the adequacy of the Contractor's insurance coverage. 5. 02 INDEI'INIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the 0wner and the Landscape Architect and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including but not limited to attorneys' fees arising out ofor resulting from the perfonrance of the l{ork, provided that such c1aim, damage, loss or dxpense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangibleproperty (other than the Work itsetf) including the loss of useresulting therefrom and ()is caused in who'le or in part by a neg'l igent act or omission of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyonedirectly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whoseacts any of them may be'liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. In any and all clalms against the 0wner or the Landscape Architect or any of their agents or employees by any employee of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirect'ly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemni-fication obligation described above shall not be lirnited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or bene-fits payable by or for the Contractor or any subcontractor underworkers' or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 60f23 TUroO- sEcTI0l{ 00700 GEI{ERAL COI{DITIOIIS I t 5.03 CANCELLATION OF POLICIES Contractor's insurance shall contain a provision that the coverageafforded shall not be cancelled, material 1y changed or renewal refus6duntil at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice has been givento the 0wner and the Landscape Architect. such insurance shal'l rimainin effect until Final Acceptance and thereafter when the Contractor iscorrecting, removing or replacing defective t.|ork. 5.04 otlNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE The 0wner may, at his own expense, obtain insurance which protects him from- possible contingent liability to others for damages because ofbodily injury or death, which may arise from operations under thecontract, and any other liability for damages which the contractor isrequired to tnsure against under provision of the contract. suchinsurance by the 0wner shall not be considered as a waiver of theContractor' s insurance requi rements. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Br UT The contractor shall finish the l{ork in compliance with the contract Documents and shall coordinate trades involved in the separate Sec-tions of specifications to secure the best arrangement of work of eachSection with the l,lork of other Sections. 6.02 SEPARATE CONTRACTS The 0wner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection withthe Hork. The contractor shall provide reasonable access ano oppor-tunity for others to do their work and shall fit, connect ano cobi-ai-nate hls l{ork with theirs so as not to cause them or him any undue de1 ay or impediment to the prompt and proper performance and comple-tion of the work by each. ARTICLE 6: tl0RK 6.01 COORDINATION OTHERS AND ACCESS TO SITE l.lORK 7of23 00'm- I I SECTION OOTOO GEIIERAT CONDITIOIIS t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T 6.03 O!|NER'S RIGHT Tt) DO l,lORK The Owner, without prejudice to any other right or remedy he may have,shall have the right to prosecute ihe Work in ttre event the Conlractorfajls to perform the Hork properly or fails to perform any provisionsof the contract. I prerequisite 6t such action by the 0wnei shall bethree (3) days' written notice to the contractor ind approval of suchaction by the Landscape Architect. The amount charged'the contractorfor.making good such deficiencies shall be approvec uy tne LandscapeArchitect and shall be deducted from payments-then or thereafter duethe Contractor. 6.04 ACCESS T0 il0RK It shall be the obligation of the contractor to provide proper facili-ties to permit the 0wner and his representativi to observe the workduring any stage of the construction. 6.05 RIGHT OF OCCUPANCY The 0wner shall have the right, if he deems it necessary or advisab'le,to take possession of and to use any completed or partially completeoportions of the work, even if the tlme fbr completing the Lntirb workor.such po_rtions of the l{ork has not expired and even if the }lork hasnot been finally accepted. such possession and use shall not consti-tute an acceptance of such portions of the work. The 0wner shall alsohave the.rfght to enter the premises for the purpose of doing l,lork notcovered by this Contract. ARTICLE 7: C0I|TRACTOR'S RESP0ilSIBILITIES 7.01 COMMUNICATIONS tsETWEEN CONTRACTOR AND OI'/NER The contractor shall issue his comnunications to the Owner through theLandscape Architect. 7.02 SUPERINTENDENCE OF WORK The contractor shall employ a competent superintendent yho shall atall times be in attendaice-at the'project site ouring the progress oithe uork. The s.uperintendent shal'l iepresent the contractor-and allcomunications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as ifgiven to the Gontractor. 7.03 CHARACTER OF WORKMEN The contractor shall employ only workmen who are competent to perfonnthe l'lork- assigned to them and, in the case of skilled 1abor, who areadequately trained and experienced in their respective tradei and whodo satisfactory work. 80f23 TO700- sEcTIol{ 00700 GEIIERAI. COIIDITIOIIS I I I T I t I I I I I T I t I I t I t I'lhenever the Landscape Architect shalI notify the Contractor that any person involved with the Work is in his opinion incompetent, unfaith- ful , or disorderiy, or who uses threatening or abusive language to anyone representing the Owner, that person shall be imnediately dis- charged from the l.lork and shall not be reemp'l oyed thereon except with the written consent of the Landscape Architect. 7.04 SUECONTRACTORS The Contractor shal 1 not assign or sublet the !'lork or any part there-of, without the previous written consent of the Owner. Nor shall heassign, by power of attorney, any of the rnoney payable under this Con-tract unless by and with the like consent of the 0wner to be signifiedin like manner. Should any subcontractor fail to perform in a satisfactory manner theHork undertaken by him, his subcontract shall be immediately termi- nated by the Contractor upon notice from the Owner. The Contractorshall be as fully responsible to the 0wner for the acts and omissionsof his subcontractors, and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them as he is for the acts and omissions of person!directly employed by him. Nothing contained in this Contraci, shallcreate any contractual re'l ation between any subcontractor and the. 0wner. 7.05 LAY0UT 0F l,lORK Unless specified othenrise, the Contractor shal l perform and beresponsible for the accurate layout in line and grade of all portions0f the Work and shall establish intermediate lines or grades asrequired. He shall verify dimensions on the drawings and shall report to- the Landscape Architect any discrepancies before proceeding with rel ated work. 7.06 METHODS AND PROCEDURES The contractor alone shal 1 be responsible for the safety, adequacy andefficiency of his p1 ant, equipment and methods. Work itratj beperformed to the best standard practice of the trades by skilled mech-anics.. The approval by the Landscape Architect of any plans or methodot worl( proposed by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor ofany responsibility, therefore, and such approval shall not be con-sidered as an assumption by the 0wner, bi" any officer, agenE, oremployee, thereof, of any kind of liability and the Contract-or shallhave no claim under this contract on accouni of the failure or ineffi-ciency of any plan or method so approved. 7.07 SUBMITTALS, TESTS, SCHEDULES AND INSPECTIONS Samples, test results, shop drawings, or schedules required forapproval shal I be furni shed and submitted by the contractor asdirected, and are subject to approval by the Landscape Architect. TheWork shall be done in accordance with these approved'items. 9of23 To'7Tlt- I t sEcTrol{ 00700 GEIIERAL CO]{DITIOilS I I I I I I I I I T t T I t I I I The contractor, prior.to beginning construction, shalI prepare andsubmit for the 'Owner's and Landicape Architeit's infdrmition an estima-ted progress and payment schedule. The progress schedules shallbe related to the entire Project to the ixtint required by thecontract Documents, and shall provide for expeditious arid practicable execution of the Hork. The contractor shal l give the Landscape Architect a minimun of 24hours advance notice to any on-site approvals or inspections asrequired in the contract Documents. If the contractor in the opinionof the- Landscape Architect is not prepared for the inspection whbn the Io"! is inspected, or if the l,lork'does not recelvb approval, thecontractor will be..billed by the 0wner for the Landscape'Architect'sreinspection on a "time and expense" basis. Inspections made neces-sary by avoidab'le delays of the contractor will aiso be billed to thecontractor on a "time and expense" basis. The Owner reserves theright to deduct costs for reinspectlon or inspection made necessarybecause of avoidabl e de'l ays from the fina'l payments due theContractor. 7.08 LICENSES, PERMITS AND REGULATIONS Permits, licenses,_ royalties, 'l ien fees and certificates necessary forthe prosecution of the t{ork shall be secured and paid for by thicon-tractor. The contractor shall give notices and comply with laws, ordinances,rules and regulations -concerning the compl'etion of the l,lork. If thecontractor finds that the contract Docunients are at variance there-with'._he shall immediately notify the Landscape Architect, who willpromptly make such changes as are necessary. The contractor shall arrange for inspections by regulatory agencieswhich are required by city or state codes or othir re-gulations.- 7.09 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND PUBLIC SAFETY The contractor shall assume full responsibility for the protection ofpublic. and. private property, structures, seweri and utilities, along,beneath, aboye, across, or near the site or sites of the noir ueii!performed under this contract, or which are affected by the prosecultion of the t{ork or the transportation of personnel oi materials inconnectlon therewith. The contractor shall give reasonable notice to the owner or owners ofpublic or private property and utilities when such property is liableto injury or damage through the perfovmance of the Hbrk' and- shall makenecessary arrangements with such owner or ov{ners relative to theremoval and replacement or protection of such property or utilities. The contractor shall sh-ore, support and protect structures and pipes, lew9ll:, drains, conduits, shrubs, trees, fences, etc., anO 'ottrei facilities belong.ing to the Owner and shali be 10 of 2310700- sEcTIoil 00700 GEI{ERAL COilDITIOI{S t I responsible for damage resulting thereto. The contractor shall not beentitled to damages or extra pay on account of postponement, interfer-gltce:.or delay.caused by any such structures and iacilities being onthe line of work whether they are shown on the p.l ans or not. Streets, roads,- hlghways and other public thoroughfares which areclosed to traffic, under the authority of a proper-permit, shall -be protected by means of barricades upon brhich;hail bb placla warningsl.g!9. such barricades shail be l6cated at the neares! intiriJclingpub]!c highway or street on both ends of the blocked section of suc6public thoroughfare. The police Dispatcher shall be contacted andrnrormed as to the nature of the work and whether the roadway ispas sabl e. 0pen trenches and other excavations shal'l be provided with barriers,signs and.lights to the extent that protection is provided to thepublic against accident by reason of suih open construitlon. 0bstruC-t!ons, such as materiar pires and equipment shalr be provided withsimilar warning signs and'Iights. The contractor shall indemnify, defend and save harmless the 0wner andother owner(s) a.gainst damages or alrqged damages to property, struc-tures and utllities, .together with cliims foi oamagbs'for-fiersonalinjury, including accide-ntal death, arising out ;i h'is operations inconnection with the work. Ail-property so damaged sniti'oe-repiir"oor replaced to a condition equal'to'its-condition- inmeoiately prior tothe time of damage and to thd satisfaction of the orne"tij t-teFeoi. -- 7.10 PR0TECTI0II 0F l,lORK The contractor.shall be fully responsible for repairs or replacementsmade necessary by dqmage, rois, or theft of any materiats or'equifmenior to.any portion of the l{ork until final acclptance unless otneivijistated in a certificate of conditional Acceptance. protection of thet{ork shall be provided at no additionar cosd to the 0wner. 7.11 PROVISION FOR EMERGENCIES }'lhenever, in the opinion of the Owner, the contractor has not takensufficient precaution for the safety oi tne public, inottte protectionof - the l,lork, and of adjacent structures, ario proierty wtrittr rt b;injured by processes of ionstruction, and on account of t I I I I I I T I I I t I t I I I il of 23- 0070r I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I sEcTlolr 00700 GETEML COI{DITIOIIS such neglect an emergency shall arise and irmediate action shall be considered necessary in order to protect public or private, personalor property interests, then the 0wner, with or w'ithout notice to thecontractor, will provide suitable protection to the said interest bycausing such work to be done and material to be furnished and p'l acedas necessary. The cost and expense of such work and material asfurnished shall be borne by the contractor, and if the costs are notpaid on presentation of the bills, the c6sts will be deducted from amounts due or to become due the contractor. The performance of such emergency work sha'l I in no way relieve the contractor of responsibil- ItV fgr- damages which may occur during or after such precaution has been duly taken. 7.12 DUST, DIRT AI{D RUBBISH CONTROL The Contractor sha'l I not a'l |ow the site of the !,lork to become litteredwith trash and debris, shall maintain the site in a neat and orderlycondition, and sha'l I employ satisfactory methods of dust controithroughout the construction period. The Landscape Architect will havethe right to determine what'is waste material oi rubbish and the man-ner and place of disposal . 0n or before the completion of the l,lorkthe contractor shall, at no additional cost to the Owner, c'lean outpits, pipes, chambers, or conduits and shall tear down and removetemporary structures built by him and shall remove rubbish of everykind from the tracts or grounds which he has occupied and shall leavl them in acceptable condition. 7.13 SToRAGE 0F MATERIALS AND EqUIpMEr.tT storage of materials and equipment shall be allowed only within thoseareas .designated on the Drawings by contract Limit Lines, unlessotherwise authorized by the 0wnei and-Landscape Architect. No materia'l shall be stockpiled, nor shall equipment be parked orrepaired within the dripline (outer edge of dhe'branch cinopy) of. existing trees designated to remain. The contractor shall not encumber the project site with materials orequipment not necessary for the project. 7.14 MATERIALS AND PERFORMANCE TESTING 0wner shall pay for materials and performance testing as required bythe specifications, if those tests prove compliance with specifica'-tions. contractor shall pay for testing and rdtesting those items notmeeting specifications. The Owner reseives the right to withhold pay-ment in the amount necessary for reimbursement df costs ror faillotests and for associated retesting. 12 of 23 --0urc0- sEcTI0N 00700 GEIIERAL COI{DITIOI{S 7.15 RECORD DOCUMENTS The Contractor shall keep one record copy of the Contract Documents and approved samples at the site, in good order and annotated to show changes made during the construction process. These shall be avail- able to the Landscape Architect for examination and shall be delivered to the Landscape Architect for the 0wner upon completion of the Work. 7.16 IIARRANTY The Contractor warrants to the Owner and the Landscape Architect thatall materials and equipment furnished under this Contract will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all l,lork will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in confonnance with the Contract Documents. All l,lork not conforming to these requirements, including substitutions not properly approved and authorized, may be considereddefective. The Contractor's warranty excludes remedy for damage or defect caused by abuse, modifications not executed by the Contractor, improper or insufficient maintenance, improper operation, or normal h,ear or tear under normal usage. If required by the Landscape Archi-tect, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to thekind and quality of materjals and equipment. This warranty is notlimited by the provisions of Article 12. ARTICLE 8: OLllER'S RESPOI{SIBILITY 8.01 COMMUNICATIONS The 0wner will issue his cormunications to the Contractor through the Landscape Architect. 8.02 REQUIRED DATA AND INSPECTIONS The Orner will furnish the data, surveys, and easements required for execution of the Work promptly so as to not unduly delay the tlork. The 0wner will provide periodic inspections of the l,lork, as requested by the Landscape Architect or as required under governing rules and regu 1 ati on s . Should the Owner, through failure to respond to calls for authoriza-tion or to supply data as required by the Contract Documents, causeadditional time to be expended by the Contractor as determined by the Landscape Architect, the Contractor shall have the right to claim re- imbursement from the 0wner for the additional contract time, provided that such claims are judged reasonable and approved by the Landscape Archi tect. 8.03 PAYMENTS TO THE CONTRACTOR The 0wner will make payments to the Contractor after Landscape Archi- l5:il: approval of 'pay requests as outl ined in Paragraphs' 13.01 I 13 of 23- 007T0- I I I t t t I I I I I I I I I I I t I t sEcTI0il 00700 GEI{ERAL CO}IDITIOIIS I I t I t ARTICLE 9: LA}IDSCAPE ARCHITECT.S STATUS DURIIr|G COI{STRUCTIOI{ 9.01 OI.INERIS REPRESENTATIVE The Landscape Architect will be the 0wner's representative during the construction period. The Landscape Architect wi'l l, either in person0r by a r-esponslble senior member of his staff or through employmento.f a qualified person approved by the 0wner, endeavoi by'general observation to protect the 0wner against defects and deficienCies inthe llork. 9.02 OBSERVATIOI.I OF I{ORK IN PROGRESS The Landscape Anchitect will perform technical inspection of theWork. He has authority to stop the l,lork whenever such stoppage nay be necessary to insure the proper execution of the Contract. He willalso have authority to reject t{ork which does not conform to theContract Documents and to decide questions whlch arise in the execu-tion of the l{ork. The terms "observation", "inspection services" and ',general observa-tion and inspection" for the purposes of this Agreenenl shall mean theobservation of construction for compliance wittr ttre requirercnts ofthe Contract Documents prepared for the Project, with the'exception ofthose portions of the llork that are governed by city or state codes orother regulatr'ons. Acquiring and schedulfng oi inspections andapprovals for t{ork governed by codes and regulations shal'l be theresponsibility of the Contractor. The Landscape Architect will not be required to make continuous on-site inspections, unless otherwise specified, to check the quality orquantity of the tlork. The Landscape Architect will not be rdsponsiblefor actual construction means, meihods, techniques, sequences or pro- cedures' or for safety precautions and programs in connection with thework. The Landscape Architect wil'l not be responsible for thecontractor's failure to carry out the uork in accordirnce with the con-tract Documents, which failures were not in any means attributable tothe Landscape Architect's duties or responsibil-ities hereunder. 9.03 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION The Landscape Architect will make decisions in writing on claims ofthe 0wner or the contractor and on other matters reiating to theexecution and progress of the l{ork or the interpretation of thecontract Documents. The Landscape Architect's dlcisions will befinal. The Landscape Architect will issue Field Orders and change Orders as approved by the 0wner and contractor, furnish conference Reports asrequired to all present at the conference or inspection, and reviewcontractor payment requests and either fonrard th6m to the Owner for payment or return them to the contractor for correction or adjustment. I I I I I I I I I I I I 14 of 23- 00'70T'- sEcTroil 00700 ARTICLE 10: C IiI THE HORK iO.Ol I,IODIFICATIONS AND ALTERATIONS A. Unit prices stated in the Contract Documents. 10.02 FIELD ORDERS, CHANGE ORDERS The Landscape Architect will authorize minor changes in the Work not involving Nn adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time, which are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. Such minor bhanges will be authorized by Field Order. If the Con-tractor believes that Work described in such a Field Order justifies an increase in Contract Price or Contract Time, he shall make aclaim for Extra Work as described in Article 10.03 prior to accept- ance of the Field 0rder. If a change in Contract Price or Contract Time is approved, it will be issued as a Change 0rder. All ordersfor modifications, alterations and changes of-Work will be autho-rized in w4iting prior to execution of lhe Work. Field 0rders and Change 0rdei"s will be considered valid only if signed by all threeparties -- Contractor, 0wner and Landscape Architect. 10.03 EXTRA WORK A},ID COSTS No extra c0sts will be allowed without previous authorization bywritten Chaflge 0rder. The 0wner reserves ful'l authority to rejectcontractor'$ claims for extra costs for Extra l,lork performed priorto Change 0rder approval . It is agreed that the Contractor shall perform Extra l{ork under thedfrection qf the Landscape Architect, when authorized in change 01der by th$ Landscape Architect and Owner and it is further agreedthat the codpensation to be paid the contractor for performing Extrallork shall $e determined by bne or more of the folloiring meth6ds: GENERAT COIIDITIOilS the 0wner and Contractor of a lump sumof payment mutually agreed upon. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In executing the Agreement, the Contractor agrees that the 0wnershall have the right to make such modifications, changes, andalterations, as the Owner may see fit jn the 1ine, grade, form, arrangement, dimensions, or extent of the lrlork agreed to be done or any part thereof, or in the materials to be used therein, either before or after the beginning of construction thereof, withoutaffecting the validity of the Contract and all applicable bonding.If such modifications and alterations constitute a 10% or greater increase tg the original contract price, the 0wner reserves theright to rdquire the Contractor to furnish additional bonding for the full ambunt of the modifications and alterations. B. Mutua] amount 15 of 23-TUroU- I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I I sEcTIoN 00700 GEIIERAL COIIDITIOIIS C. If unit costs are not included in the Contract and the 0wner and Contractor cannot immediately mutually agree on the amount, the Owner will order the Contractor to irmediately proceed with work on a cost-plus-limited-basis. A cost-plus-limited basisis defined as the net cost of the Contractor's labor, equip- ment, and materials plus fifteen percent (15%) of said net costto cover overhead and profit, the total cost not to exceed a specified I imit. D. In the case of unclassified additional work performed by an authorized subcontractor, the total percentage to be paid the Contractor as compensation for profit, overhead, general super- intendence, field office expenses, etc., as defined above, for both Contractor and subcontractor and Contractor shal I not total in excess of 20% of "actual field cost" in any event. ARTICLE 11: C0)ITRACT TIIIE iT.Ol DEFINITION Unless otherwise provided, the Contract Time is the period of time allotted in the Contract Documents for Substantial Completion of the tiork as defined in Article 12, including authorized adjustments thereto. Ii.O2 COMMENCEMENT OF IIORK The date of comencement of the }'|ork is the date established in a notice to proceed. If there is no notice to proceed, it shal 1 be the date of the 0wner-Contractor Agreement or such other date as may be establ ished therein. i1.03 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION The Date of Substantial Completion of the t{ork or designated portion thereof is the Date certified by the Landscape Architect when construction is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended. 11.04 SUSPENSI0N 0F l,l0RK 0N NOTICE The Contractor shall de'lay or suspend the progress of the Work or any part thereof, whenever he shall be so required by written order of the Owner or Landscape Architect, and for such periods of time as shall be required. Such an order by the 0wner or Landscape Archi-tect shall not othertrise modify or invalidate in any vtay the provi- sions of this Contract. In the event of such delay or suspension of the l.lork, the time for completion of the l,lork so suspended or delayed will be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reason of the suspension. 16 of 23 -TO700- sEcrlot 00700 I I 11.05 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME GETERAL COTDITIOTS the l,lork, and, in the event of as specified beyond the dates be difficult to determine the If the Contractor is delayed by action or neglect of the 0wner or the Landscape Architect, or by a separate contractor employed by the Owner, or !y changes ordered in the Work, or by labor disputes,fire, unusual delay in transportation, unusually adverse weather conditions not reasonably anticipatable, unavoidab'l e casualties, orother causes beyond the Contractor's control, which the Landscape Architect determines may justify a de1 ay, then the Contractor's sole remedy shall be extension of the Contract Time. The Contract Timeshall be extended by Change 0rder for such reasonable time as the Landscape Architect may detennine. Claims for extension of time shall be made in writing to the Land- scape Architect not more than ten days after the cofimencement of the delay; otherwise the claim for time extension will be rejected. The Contractor shall provide an estirnate of the probable effect of such delay on the progress of the llork. The Landscape Architect's deci- sion as to the allowable length of time for delay will be final . 11.06 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The Contractor shall begin the l,lork on the date of cormencement as defined in Article 11. He shall carry the l{ork forward expeditious-ly with adequate forces and shall achieve Substantial Completionwithin the contract rime. It is hereby understood and mirtually agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that all workshall be completed within the specified number of calendar days fromthe Notice to Proceed, as defined in Article 16. 11.07 LIQUTDATED DAMAGES Time is of the essence in completingdelay in the completion of the Work scheduled in the Contract, it wouldexact amounit of the loss or damages suffered by the 0wner due todelays in cpmpletion of the Contract. Therefore, for every day ofdelay past the scheduled completion dates of this Contract, theContractor will be liable to the 0vrner as liquidated damages and notas penalty, in the amount as specified in Article 16 for each andevery calendar day the Contractor shall be in default. This Sectionwt'll not apply to dglayain completion of the t{ork due to the actsof God, actp of the(lubilnemy, acts of the Government (in eitherits sovereign or contlaifual capacity), fires, floods, strikes, and unusually severe weather; provided, that the Contractor shall withinfive.(5) days of the onset of any such delay, notify the LandscapeArchitect in writing of the causes of delay and the-facts re1 atihgthereto. NQthing in the above clause shall be interpreted as limit- ing i.n any hay the Owner's right to proceed against the Contractorfor.damages or losses due to delays in the c-ompletion of t{ork asdefined above. The Owner reseives the righi to deduct saidliguidated damages from any amount due the c6ntractor under this !9ntrggt gr, at its option, to collect such liquidated damagesdirectly frcfm the Contractor or its surety. I I I I T t T I t I I T I I I I IL7 of 23 T0700- I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I sEcTtoil 00700 GEI{ERAL COI{DITIOIIS ARTICLE 12: PROTECT COltpLETI0[ AilD ACCEPTAIIE 12.01 CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE when the contractor considers that the work, or a designated portion thereof which is acceptable to the 0wner, is substantiilly coirplete,the contractor shall prepare for submission to the Landsiape Archi-tect a list of items to be completed or corrected. The f;ilure toinclude items on such list does not alter the responsibility of thecontractor to complete the work in accordance with the contractDocuments. when the Landscape Architect on the basis of an inspec-tion determines that the work or designated portion thereof is sub-stantial 1y complete, he will then prepare a certificate of condi-tional Acceptance stating the resporist6ltities of the 0wner and thecontractor for security, maintenance, damage to the l{ork and insur-ance' and shall fix the time within whfch the contractor shallcomplete the items listed therein. The Certificate of ConditionalAcceptance shall be submitted to the Owner and the contractor fortheir written acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them. 12.02 CORRECTION OF l.lORK Hork condemned by the Landscape Architect as failing to comply withthe Contract Documents shall promptly be removed, replace-d, orre-executed by the contractor as directed by the Landscape Architectand as necessary to comply with the contraat Documents.' This shallbe done at the expense of the contractor without cost to the 0wnerand shall include making good the work of other contractorsdestroyed or damaged by such iemoval or replacement. Neither finalpayment nor any provision in the Contract Documents will relieve thecontractor of the responsibility for negligence or faulty materialsor workmanship within the extent and period-provided by 1aw and thisContract. 12.03 FINAL ACCEPTANCE The 0wner, the Landscape Architect and the contractor, together orthrough their duly appointed representatives, shall inspecfthe trlorkat a mutually agreeable time within ten (10) days after the Uork has been. completed.- The Landscape Architect will iake a written reportof-this inspection and forward a report to the contractor withjn ten(i0) days after completion of the inspection. The contractor shallirmediately initiate remedial work as required and shall notify the 18 of 23--0u/T0- sEcTI0lt 00700 GEXEMT COXDITIOI{S Landscape Architect upon completion of such remedial work for reinspection by the Landscape Architect. Upon reinspection, if remedial work is not totally completed the Contractor will be billedfor further reinspection time and expenses in accordance withArticle 7.07. If the remedial work is approved by the Landscape Architect, he will prepare a Certificate of Final Acceptance. When the Certificate ofFinal Acceptance has been issued by the Landscape Architect and approved by the 0wner, the I'lork under this Contract will be deered as having been finally accepted by the 0wner. ARTICLE 13: PAYIGXTS T0 COilTRACT0R 13.01 PROGRESS PAYMENTS/RETAINAGE As the Work progresses, but not more often than once a month, the Contractor shall submit to the Landscape Architect for review a pay- ment request filled out in triplicate and signed by the Contractor covering the I'lork completed as of the date of the request and accom- panied by all supporting documentation required by the Landscape Archi tect. The amount of payment due the Contractor will be detennined by add- ing the total value of Work completed to date and deducting the per- cent retainage as outlined in the Supplementary Conditions, and the amount of all previous payments. The total value of l.lork completedto date will be based upon the estlmated quantities of l{ork com-' pleted to date. No certificate for a progress payment, nor any pro- gress payment, will constitute acceptance of l,lork not in accordancewith the Contract Documents. Unless stated otherwise, the Contractor will be entitled to includein his requests for payment bi'l ling for inaterials purchased and stored on the construction site. Billing for materials stored onsite shall be for the actual materials cost only, shall not includeprofit and overhead, and sha'l t be accompanied by signed invoices. The Contractor shall be responsible for storage and protection of stored materials and for repair or replacement required because of 1oss, weather damage, theft, vanda'l ism, or similar peril. li lantfma-ts(ial ,'\oFfbrh ltems trill ema 19 of 23- 00iT0- I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcrlox 00700 GETERAT COXDITIOXS I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall warrant and guarantee that title to the Work, covered by an Application for Payrnent, whether incorporated in theProject or not, will pass to 0wner at the time of payment free andclear of all liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances(herein referred to as "Lieni"). prioi to issuing progress payment,the 0wner reserves the right to require lien -releases foi t{orkincluded under previous progress payments. 13.02 PAYMENT !{ITHHELD Payment will be withhe'l d by the Owner to the extent he deems neces- sary and reasonable to protect the 0wner should the Landscape Archi-tect discover evidence of: A. Defective work not corrected. B. Claims filed against the Contractor. C. Reasonable evidence indicating probable fil ing of claims against the Contractor. D. Failure of the Contractor to make proper payments to his sub- contractors and materia'l s vendors. E. A reasonable doubt that the Work can be completed for the then unpaid balance. F. Unsatisfied damage to another contractor, or to public orprivate improvements. G. Unsatisfactory progress of the l,lork by_the Contractor. H. Violation of any of the terms of the Contract Documents. I'lhen the above grounds are removed, the amount withheld because of them wilI be paid to the Contractor, subject to and within the otherterms of this Contract. If the 0wner fails to pay the amount stated in any Certificate of Payment issued by the Landscape Architect or in any award arbitra-tion the contractor will receive, in addition to the amount certi-fied to, interest thereon at the legal rate at the place of the lrlork. 20 of 23-T070r sEcrrox 00700 GEXERAT CflDITIOIS 13.03 FINAL PA Before find'l payment is made, the Contractor shall furnish the Ownerwith a full release of liens signed by all subcontractors, material statement) to the effect that all claims of any character pertainingto the perfprmance of the Contract, including subcontractors, mater- I I I I I I I I t I t T I I t I I I I A. ia1 suppliers and labor have been paid in ful'l and that the accept- ance of fin[l paynent is acknowledged as a release of the 0wner from any and a1 [ claims arising under, or by virtue of, the Contract except- clllms previously made by the Contractor but as yet unsettl ed. The payment a waiver of A. Cl aims ment,s. B.Cl aims defect[ author the co l{orkty for ractor of the ffnal amount owing the Contractor will constitute claims by the 0wner except: arising from failure to comply with the Contract Docu- arising from Contractor's negligence, faulty work, or ve materials appearing within the warranty period. C. Claims arising by virtue of any special guarantee specified inthe Cohtract. D. Claims of the 0wner previously made against the Contractor but as yet unsettled. ARTICLE l4: SUSPEIISIOX 0R TERfiItATI0t 0F lt0Rr 14.01 CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP I.IORK OR TERMIilATE CONTRACT tractor sha[ have the right to tenninate the Contract and recoverfrom the Otner payment f.or l{ork comp'l eted including proved loss sustained {pon equipment or materials and reasonable profit and damages, pr$vided that fourteen (14) days written notice is given to Upon the ocfurrence of any of the situations listed below, the Con- the 0wner ahd the Landscape Architect. If is stopped under court order or other public a period of thirty (30) days through no fault of or of anyone employed by him. 2L of 23 --00rc0- I sEcTlolr 00700 GEI{ERAI COI{DITIOXS B.t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14.02 OIINER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT In the event of default by the Contractor, the 0wner, withoutprejudice to other right or remedy he may have, wilI have the rightto terminate the contract after giving the contractor seven (7) diysvJritten notice. such notice of termination will be subsequent todefault by the contractor and after receiving written notice fromthe Landscape Architect certifying cause for such action. It shall be considered default by the Contractor whenever he shall: A. Declare bankruptcy, become insolvent, or assign his assets forthe benefit of his creditors. B. Violate or disregard important provisions of the Contract orinstructions from the Landscape Architect. C. Fail to prosecute the lrlork according to the agreed Schedule of Completion, including amendments and modlfications thereof. D. Fail to provide a qualified superintendent, competent workmenor subcontractors, or proper materials, or failure to make prompt payrEnt thereof . Upon termination, the 0wner will take possession of the premises andof materials, tools, equipment and appliances thereon and finish the|lork by whatever method he deems expedient. The Contractor shallnot be entitled to receive further payment until the Work isfini shed. In case the cost to complete the llork, including compensation foradditional landscape architectural, managerial and administrativeservices, is more than that which would have been the cost to the 0wner had the l.lork been completed by the contractor under the termsof the Contract, the Contractor sha'l 1 pay the Owner the difference, as certified by the Landscape Architect. ARTICLE 15: DISPUTES AtD ARBITRATIOil 15.01 DISPUTES AND CLAIMS Claims and disputes between the Contractor and the Owner relating tothe execution or progress of the tJork or the interpretation of the Contract Documents shall be referred initia'l ly jn writing to the Landscape Architect for decision, which he will render in writingwithin ten (10). days of receipt dt ttre letter requesting the Landl scape Architect's decision. If the Landscape Archjtect fails to either approve or reject a payment request, through no fault of the Contractor, within ten(10) days after formal request for payment is made by the Contrac tor. If the 0wner fails to pay the Contractor within thirty (30) days after the Landscape Architect has approved and forwarded a payment request or a Board of Arbitration has made an award. 22 of 23 Toreo- sEcTroil 00700 GEIIERAI COXDITIOTS I I If the contractor or 0wner reject the decision of the LandscapeArchitect, they shall notify him and'the other party involved of therejection of the decision by registered mail within-ten (10) days ofreceipt of the decision. Failure to provide written notiie ofrejection of the decision shall make the Landscape Architect's deci-sion final and binding on the Owner and Contractbr. 15.02 ARBITRATION If the Landscape Architect's decision is rejected, the Owner orcontractor have the option of making a written demand for bindingarbitration in accordance with the-current construction industr!Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitratlon Association. If the Owner or contracto,r rejects binding arbitration of the dispute, theparty rejecting, binding arbitration nay proceed with litilati6n ofthe matter in dispute under the laws of the governing state. 15.03 CONTINUITY OF I{ORK The Contractor shall continue the tlork and maintain the progress andcompletion schedule during the appea'l process to the Laniscipe Arch-itect, and during pending arbitratioh or litigation procbedings. The 0wner will continue. payment to the contractor tor it1 portiinsof the lilork not under dispute according to the contract. The Land-scape Architect will be the judge as to the limits of |/ork anddegree of completion of the ttork affected by the dispute. The workunder dispute can proceed with the mutual consent oi ttre Owner andContractor, under conditions agreed to by both parties. A,RTICLE 16: OTHER COI|DITI0XS 0R pR0yISIOils 16.01 TIME OF COMPLETION It is hereby understood Contractor and the 0wner, ONE HUNDRED AND T}IENTY 16.02 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES It is hereby understood and mutually agreed, by and between theContractor and- the Olner, that for -eveiy OaV of delay past thescheduled completion date of this contract, is stiputitei in tneNotice to Proceed, the contractor will ue iiaute td the 0wner asliquidateo damages and not as pena'lty, in the amount of r|{O HUNDRED D0LLARS ($200.00) for each and eveiy carendar oay ttre-co.n'fFiEt6?s,erTTE-Tfr-iGTEl'tt. see excrusioni tJ irrit pro"ision in ARTICLEII. and mutually agreedthat al t work shal i 23 of 23 T0'7TO'- by and between the be completed within from the Notice to I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS sEcTIoN 00500 AIA Document A311 Performance Bond I I T I t I I I t I t I I I I t I I I as Surdty, hcreinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto lH.tr in$.r tu n rDr |nd addr6r o. lalal trrl. o, Owna., as Obligcg hereinafter called Owner, in the emount of Dollars ($ L lor the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administratorr, succ€ssorr and assigns, jointly and severally, fiimly by these presents. KNOW A[[ MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: thar as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and, WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement dated (t{rr. inrc.t Jull ..r!. rddrEr ..d d3t<ription oJ proic<tl in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by lHcrc in,r.t full r||r|. .fd .d.lr!$ or lG!.| litlt of Co. r*to.l lllct! in .,t tr,ll n||r|C r|d .ddr6t o. ht l tidr o, s.rtttl 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for lHG.c 6tart ,ull nrmc .nd add.6t o. l.!al trtt! ol Ar<hitlc0 Contract.which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the AIA OOCUMINr Alll . PtRfORrlANCt BOND eHD teBon ,rrO NtArtRtAL pAvMtNT gOr*O . Atr OTtBRUARY rt:0 !o. . THt AMrRtcA! tNslTUTt Or lfcxritiis, 1: |5 :\.y AVt., N.w., wAsHtN(;r()N. D. c. ?0006 19 I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I t T Now' lHERlroRf' THE coNolrloN oF THls oottGArloN is such that, if Contractor shall promprly and farthfjlly performsaid contract' then this obligation shall be nriiind-uoid; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effecr. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration orextension of time made by the Owner. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by Ownerto be in default under the Contract, ,t " -O_^"? i.","gperformed Owner,s .obligations G;.;"d";,'- il; ;;;;1,may prompUy remedy the default, or shall promprly 1) Complete the Contract in accordance with its rermsand conditions. or 2) Obtain a bid or bids for complering the Conrract inaccordancc with rts terms and conditiois, .;J;p;;;;:terminetion by Surety of the lowesr ,esponriLte'Uija]"-r.or, if the.Or,vner elects, upon O.t.iniin;;;; ;;;;Lrwner and the sur€ty jointly of the lowast rsoonsibleorooer, arange for I contract between such bid'der anduwner, and makc available as Work progress€s (eventhouBh rhere shoutd be r defrutt "r'"-iriiliii,ji-.i PERFORMANCE BOND day of defaults under the contrdct or conlracts of comDletionarranged under this paragraphi sufrrcient funds to pav thecost of .completion less the balance of the contraci price;Du( noi.exceedrng, includrng other costs and damaeesror whrch the Surety may be lrable hereunder, the amointsel forth in the ,rrst paragraph hereof. The term .,balance o? the -contract pfice,,, as used in this paragraoh, shallmean the total amounr payable by O,"r,". to"C6nir..toiunde. the Contract and any amendments thereto, lesslhe amount properly paid by Owner fo Contrador.-' --- ., Any suit. under this bond must be instituted beforetn€.exptration of two (2) years from the date on whichrnat payment under the Contract falls due. .. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or forIne use ol any_ person or corporation other than the(Jwner named herein or the heirs, executors, adminis-tralors o. successors of the Owner. Signed and sealed this I Wian..sr, ,lirlcl (Wito(.st, rlrll(') AIA DOCUMINT ^ttr . .,rrBru^Ry ro70 rD. o THC AMTRTC^N rNsirruiE <ir aiixrirtii r;s x.v. rve., N.w., w^sHrNcro,.. o. a. #I THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SECTION OO5OO AIA Document A317 Labor and Material payment Bond THIS EOND IS ISSUTD SIMUI,TAN.T,OUSI.Y WIIH PERIORMANCE BONO IN TAVOR OF TH€owNrR coNorroNro oN THE tur.r er.ro rrrrnli.ri irii'oiiuircr or rHt coNrR^cr I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I I I I t KNOW AtL MEN By THESE pRESENTS: that as Principal, hereinafter called principal, and, as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated. {Herc inlerl full namc. rcldrcrl and de$tiption ot p|'ojeco lH.rc inlc.t I .um .qorl ro .t la.ra onc.hrll of thc (o^t..(r p.i(al DOllarS ($for the payment whereof p.rincipal and .surety bind themserves, their heirs, executors,successors and assigns, jointly and severally, fiimly by these preients. {Hcra i6ran lull n.rna rnd rddrirr or lcaal trtt. oi Coat,.cto,} lH.r! in!?rt full 6..r! and rddqr or lcatl ritlc ot Surctyl unto lHcrc inr!,l toll n.ln! |nd .ddr!'' or lag.l trtl€ ol Owna,l 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for as Obligee, hereinafter cdlled Owner, for the use and benefit of claimants as hereinbelow defined, in the amount of 'l administrators, in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by {Hera intc.t lull nrrac rnd addrcr! o. lct.t ritl. o, l.chit.<t} which contract is by reference made a part hereof. and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. 3 ArA DocuMtxr lrtr . ptnroeMa f rsRUARy 1970 tO.. THE AMIRTCAN rr*Strruie or.*CxritiiC, r73s N.y. Av€., r.r.w., wlsnrxcrbN. O. C. 20006 I TABOR AND MATERIAT PAYMENT BOND I Niow' TH[REF()RE, THt coNolrloN oF THlS o8tlcATloN is such that. if Principal shall promptly make payment to all. clarmants as hereinafter defined, for all labor and maten.rl used or reasonably required for use in'rhe ferformance of theI contlact. then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full iorce and effect, rrbl.ft, f,o*uu.r, to the fol-I lowint conditions: 19 I t T I I I I I I I I t t 1. A claamant is defined as one having a direct con.lract with the Principal or with a Subcoitractor of thePrincrpal for labor, matenal, or both, used or reasonablvrequired for rrse in the performance of the Contraci.labor and material being construed to include that oart ofwater, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental of equipment directly applicable io the Contract. 2. The above named Principal and Suretv herebv iointly and severally agree wrth the Owner that euervclaimant as herein defrned, who has not been oard rnfull before the expiration of a perrod ot nineiv tSOrdays after the date on which the last ot such cla,mant.iwork or labor was done or performed, or materials *.eielurnished by such claimant, may rue on thts bond forthe use of such clarmant. prosecute the suit to finaljudgment for such sum or qums as may be tustly dueclaimant, and have execution thereon. fn" O**i,nrrfnot be liable for the payment of any cosrs of.ip"nr.,of any ruch suit. . 3. No suit or action shall be comrqenced hereunderby any claimant: a) Unless clairnant, other than one having a direrlcontracl with rhe Principal, shall have givin writtennolace to any two of the following: the Frincipal, theOwner, or the Surety above named, within nrnety (90) days after such clarmant drd or performed the last ofthe work or labor, or furnished the last of the maierialsfor which said claim is made, stating wirh ,rUrt*ri"i accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished, or for whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such notice shall be sened by mailing the same.by regisrered mailor certified mail; ps916gs prepaid, in an envelope ad- dressed to the Principal, Owner or Surety, at any place rvhere an office is regularly maintained for the trans- action of business, or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which the aforesaid proiect is located, save that such service need not be made by a public officer. b) After the expiration of one (1) year following the date on which Principal ceased Work on said Con-tract,it being understood, howeve?, that if anv limitation em. bodied in this bond is prohibrred by any law controlling the conslruction hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amend€d so ar to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law. c) Other than;n a state court of competent jurisdiction in and for the county or other poliiical subdivision of the state in which the Proiect, or any part thereof, is situated, or in the United States District Court for the district in which the Projecl, or any part thereof, ir rit. uated, and not elgewhere. 4. The amount of this bond shall be reduced bv andto the extent.of any paymenl or payment5 made in'good faith hereunder, inclusive of the paym€nt by Sureiy of mechanics' liens which may be filed of record agiinst said improvement, whether or not claim for the ariountof such lien be presented under and against this bond. Signed and sealed this day of (Pnncryal)l5..ll / Wi t n('ss,) (T itlt') I I (Sut|.ty )lscrl, (T ittt') ArA DOCUMTNT A3l . I'trf ()RM^N-cj _8gj.rDrtERUAR' 1970 t1), . rHt AMIRTCAN rrrsrrruit 0r nnixritii.i 17 r' N y. Avt., N.w., WASHrN(;loN_I 4 .AlA@ D. C. 2(x)06 PRNECT: Gerald R. Ford Park - Phase 1 Park Improvements The General conditions of the contract set forth the requirements for contractor' s Liabil ity Insurance and l.lorkmen's compensation Insurance. This is to certify that policies of insurance as described below have been issued to the insured named below and are in force at this time, The insurance covered by this certificate will not be cancelled or materiallyaltered, except after ten (10) day's written notice has been received bycertified mail to the party designated be'low to whom this certificate ii i ssued. this Certificate is Issued CERTIFICATE OF ITSIIRAXCE t I I I Type of, Insurance A. Standard [,,lorkmen's Com- pensation & Emp'l oyer'sLiability, including Occupational Disease Coverage B.(1) Comprehensive General Public Liability E Pro-perty Damage Insurance Bodily Injury Property Damage B. (2) Comprehensive AutoLiability & Property Damage Insurance Bodily Injury Property Damage C. Umbrella Coverage Limits of Liability Statutory in Conformance with the Compensation Laws ea. person ea, person Aggregate Pol icy l'lo. Policy Period Eff. Exp. Eff. Exp. Eff. Exp. ea. person Eff. ea. occurrence Exp. ea. occurrence Eff. Exp. Eff. Exp. I CERTIFICATE OF IIISURATCE I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I Under Section B(1) "Comprehensive General Public Damage Insurance", have the following exclusionspolicy? Answer "yes or no" where indicated below: Item Exclusion (x) Exclusion (c) Exclusion (u) This Certificate of authorized official "blasting and explosion" "col 1 apse" " underground" Insurance is not valid unlessof the company. Liability and Property been removed from the Yes or No it is executed by a duly 1 2. 3. By: Authorized 0fficial Date: Agenl, or uroKer I t ilorrcE To pRocEErf I GERALD R. FORD PARK - PHASE 1I PARK II4PROVEMENTS I Date: I To: t Bv:Ti tl e: You are.are hereby authorized to proceed on this date,I 1988, with the wiri- iou""ea by 'the contraci ooiuriiirt-ffiEl-'ffiinlI Ford Park" Phase 1 park Improvements. I Your completion dare of this project is , 1988. I ATTEST: I Bv: I I I I t I I t I Tiile: I I NOTICE OF ACCEPTAIICE I GERALD R. FORD PARK - pHAsE II PARK IMPROVEMENTS I T0: I I DATE 0F N0TicE: I TOtiN 0F VAIL - By:Ti tl e: Tiil e:I Attest: By: * I'lhen project construction is completely executed, this form is to be sent I by certified mait to the Contractoi. I I I I r Gentlemen: T Notice is.hereby given that the Town of Vail, Colorado, accepts as complete r the Gerald R. Ford park - phase 1 park Improvements. I As stated in .the Speci-fications, this Notice begins the Warranty period, expiring one (1) year from the said date and is iubject to the pirovisioni I contained in the General Conditions. I I I I I I I NOTICE OF COTTRACTORIS SETTLEITIIT Notice is hereby given that on the day of , 19at _, Coloradi]FTfr'Efsetlternen'tTTlTte m-dii-uy tf6'Tow@: r herefnafter called the "Contractor", for and on account of the contract forI the construction of a ProJect described as GERALD R, FoRD PARK - PHASE Ir PARK IMPROVEMENTS, located in the Torn of Vail, Colorado. 1. Any person, co-partnership, association or corporation who has anunpaid claim against the said proJect, for or on account of thefurnishing of labor, or consumed by such contractor or any of his sub-contractors in or about the performance of such work, may at any timeup to and including said time of such final setilemnt, file a veri-fied statement of the amount due and unpaid on account oi such claim. 2. A11 such claims shall be filed with Town of Vall, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado, 81657, Attn: Department of Conmunity Develoi- nent. 3. Failure on the part of a creditor to file such statement prlor to suchfinal settlement will relieve the Torn of Vail from any and a'llliability for such claim. I I I I T I I I I I I T t I Dated this day of '19 Totrn of By: Yai I Ti tl e: ; ol F\ t:;t.ct<-l<2l=it:z l$$;tiz z7 =;tr. E> :l 52Er a; ZE<Fzi ::a?<!* <=.=fl=x;9Z 31 3; 8r<=?: I -] lCo -:-:!:i!E; X '!.Y* a\J e= =C:: + r= \JrJ:llvF- 1:zY6 -=!n-CY F,C<. =\)<E!r, do€ e: ";95E EO'; ,./) : gco -gg -! i'-o>- :EE ,=:!iv9? ,a.l :i; \JL:(,c- '=^!vl FU O-I P P il: -aX'|- ;E P 5z E; A'5lll E s sH = isra 3 ;;r:5E ie€!E P * gii3 LU F.9E EY E Ei€i: i!e€;E s:Fsiip;35E: h = l! -'',r >': H E=ig+: =;li3iU:s-::ic, t i z:1,( s€; !E E i I i I I I i I I I I I I I ; l:) OJ it) tr . (,, qJ J qt ..::." OQl- i=d*>us< o at zf : c q) CJ Ei x;YTac, J;.Eg^5 E ,: >.o FEVa2i c (J z 4 ? a rt z o U z o o, : : o z = z et4:l ; o (l oU .; E € c) J z E ea ta E< oitc!{:v 9r f cC5! ttrat N !z 4q zC .O J O ."rlA= ^Pli; roI saiQIEh *E>x.n-! i.;;? H E O ,9O.!'- oEc .. * c - c :v :ES:;EE:J= rd ld&d Ed .o F L.i ? c (t\ .l g E a\ r Eftt\ h 4 z {, q, 00 r! {lt EO nta q,z r.i E c z z (J c . clo ,' Fz l.) E E ,J ; ; 'z u;.:, t: t(!.O .v| laYt\ HE qE FO :<€< O.r r'?! lu.€, -o-'5.= rt !€ <(J FzIll E s 4otl zo EU -Je. O. p EIFI 4FzoU t Ez U z- FUlo J .:in ;t +- :.::> v, : UU5o<ES =--*;=r=vc;U<Uii- r-r- -!!-i_Ji O ,.;ize Z ai O9orZrF !,/K n tsl"i Sv ; =ts i:J = i'i = 7E fr EU 6<. o. <o- U FU F .1. FU v, U<ca F; Y v,Yr! !, .: z 3- ;- I 5 rZI3IIJ N Fzr{l U 11 FzllJ E scott lrlh In LL tr a2|lJ(J oz zo -F<lUI -tl-Jlalal<l I I I I I T t t I I I I I IE = lg U' I I €oatt l\ t1 z- I ?io<=r <^Y U e< 1. ^o 'E5E;pElE6 ?lnz- EFH!B rlJ : 1.l g o- ? F IuEI 2z gk? cYn xd=v< U J.,. =1. E3U :a&I z tr E Erl ?z E !,!t a-\ a\Httrz<:xl"';z 6J* 6REE sd L:? H 4 NT ^- <i t=5(,;= s3i;.iz zi =f{vcts Bv H3 152 E5).{ . 29<E2=9gk<9H <q.tr R6t3Z zz g-9 tstA< <::* :Es+Ef".hFEz; =FI ,.: r: ; *PI ;: !! 9; ,-: (, 0D = o!!*.€EU! o i:!t-: 2H d.E JE E !ts.9 o 9E: F ES'; s E +€Es<b E:n;esbRP6U 9 $3 5 tr; l^ - E-e 6 E-9 E 56H=Ee: € Y<: - v?o c 5 s ii{ q,) qJ o N z. r{J Ftll|lI.Fr-(t zo -h Jz -FzoI I I I I t I I I I I T T I I T I I t t 1. 2. I I I I I t I I I I SECTI0II 0lm0 GEXERAL REQUIREICilTS A.st[flARY 0F l{oRx Scope: Furnish alI materials, labor, appliances, equipment, transporta-tion and perform a1 l operations required to complete all the workin accordance with the intent of the Contract Drawings and these Spec i fi cati on s . Reslmnsibil ities of the Contractor: The work of this contract comprises the Phase 1 Park Improvementsof the Gerald R. Ford park, Vail, Colorado. a. Construct the work under a single fixed price contract. b. Contractor shall be responsible for protecting and maintain-ing the fo1 lowing areas during grading operations: 1) adjacent existing site improvements;U adjacent propertr'es;3) existing buildings or structures;4) existing trees;5) existing playfield and recreation areas; and6) stream environment. c. Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintain- ing access to the project site for the 0wner,0wner's Repre-sentatives, or other persons as designated by the 0wner. The Owner will coordinate access requirements with the Con-tractor for the following agencies and parties: 1) Holy Cross REA2l Upper Eagle Valley [ater and Sanitation District3) Vail Associates - Amphitheater4) Vail Alpine Garden The 0wner will arrange a coordination meeting bet*een the Contractor and those parties requiring site access, to dis- cuss access needs and schedules. Supervision of Construction: Coordinate all trades involved in the separate Divisions of Spe-cifications to secure the best arrangement or work of each Divi- sion with the work of other Divisions. llo*ranship: Sitg]l Ue performed to the best standard practice of the trades byskil leO workmen. 01000 TTF-z T I I T I I T T T 3. 4. sEcTI0il 01m0 GETERAL IREIIEI{TS actor shall perform and be responsible for the accurate al I dimen- Archi tect ncies before proceeding with related work. cal Iayout points, Iines-, and grades may be staked in Iby Contractor and certain areas of detailed layout for I T T Iall portions of the work. He shall verify the drawings and shall report to the Landscape re_ executed by specific trades may be staked out by ther's "in-house" forces. If, however, it is determinbd byr and the Landscape Architect that the Contractor isof performing this field staking, the Contractor shalln a licensed surveyor, at his own expense, to performrt. All layout shall be approved by the Owner and the Layout and sequence construction operations to facilitate safety, of the work.efficiency and proper sequencing 6. Lines Levels: Check base lines and gradesings. E$tab'lish intermediate 7.latchan Empl t of a watchman The Con l ayout sl ons on any disc Al'l cri the fiel work to Contracthe Own i ncapabl corrni ssi the I ayo as indicated on lines or grades the Contract Draw- as required. I t T I I I t I I I I I I I left to discretion of responsiortoa for other than working hours shall be the Contractor, but he shall be fully or damage to any materials or equipmentI e for any theftportion of the project. 8. It shal I that al I compl ete "l{ork by be the responsibility of the General Contractor to see items in all sections of these Specifications sha'll be. Articles such as "Prepartory tlork Not Included" or0thers" shall be the responsibility of the Genera'l Con-;o inform the various subcontractors of their required on of such work. actor shall provide, or al'l ow for, adequate protectfon rnstruction until surfaces are no longer susceptible to or damage arising from negligence or from any actnot authorized by these Specifications on the partactor, his agents or person employed by him, shall by the Contractor. 9. Loss or tractor preparat The Conof new c damage. Al I loss omi ssion the Cont or of be 01000 TNTT Landscape Architect. 10. sustai I I I I I I T T I I t I T I I T T t I SECTI0I 01{Xn egffirult neQUlttEtgltS 11. Building Codes: A1 'l applicaole state and local codes shall apply to the work to be performed under this contract. L2. Definitions: a. Owner.: The &rner is the Town of Vail, Dept. of Conmunity D&Topment, 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail, Col'oraOo 81657, aniits authorized representatives. b. The 0wners authorized representatives are Ms. Kristan Pritz, Town P1 anner, the Town Engineer, and the Town Building In s pector. c. Landscape Architect or Project Representative: The LandscapeArcnltect or Project Representative are personnel of THK Associates, Inc. 13. Utiltties: The Contractor shall verify the location of al'l utilities shown and noted on the drawings with the local uti'l ity agencies. It isthe Contractor's responsibility to locate and idenlify any otherutilities or improvements on the construction site, and notifythe Landscape Architect inmediately in writing as to their type and location. Contractor shall use every precaution to prevent any damage and be entirely responsible for any damage thereto. 14.Contractor Use of Pr-erises: Contractor shall confine operations at site to areas permitted by 1aws, ordinances, permits and Contract Documents. Do not loadexisting pavements, or adjacent properties, either with vehiclesor temporary storage, or with weight that will endanger or causefailure of the pavement by settlement, cracking, etc. Assumeful1 responsibility for protection and safe keeping of products, materials and equipment stored or stockpiled on the premises. Move any stored materials, products or equipment that interferewith Owner's operations or cause safety or security concerns. Cooperate with Owner personnel to provide free passage to andfrom the site during construction operations. Coordinate with Owner for additional off-site marshalling areas. 15. Exarinatlon of Site: Failure to visit site will notmaterials or performing work accordance with drawings andcost to owner. rel ieve contractor from furnishing required to complete the work in speciffcations with no additional 01000 3TT-z I sEcTI0il 01000 1.Construction Schedul e: I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I 2. GEI{ERAt IREI,IEXTS 16. Pre-Construction l{eeting: A pre-construction meeting of the Landscape Architect, 0wner orOwner's Representative, Contractor and Superintendent shall beheld on site prior to beginning any of the'work. Time and dateof pre-construction meeting to be determined later by all parties invo'l ved. Administrative requirements such as materiald list, payment applications, change_order procedures, and project closeout will be reviewed. 17. Prcgrcss lleetings: The Contractor, if required, will schedule progress meetings atthe job site to review construction progress and discusi any probl ems/concerns. B. SUBI{ITTALS The Contractor shal 1 provide the 0wner and the Landscape Archi-tect rtith copies of the projected construction schedule at thepreconstructi on meeti ng. Subrission for Appr.ovals and Substitutions: a. After award of Contract, within 10 calendar days and beforeplacing orders or cormencing work, submit to the LandscapeArchitect, for written approval , a comp'l ete list of mate-rials.or equipment to be used on the job. Include manufac-turer's name and address, catalog numbers and descriptive'| iterature wherever possible. b. Submit substitutions in writing with all items cross-refer- enced with the specified itern. Catalog sheets and technical data. necessary for comparison shall b-e submitted to permit check'i ng. c. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without theprior written approval of the Landscape Architect may bereJected and the Contractor required td remove such mater-ials from the site at his own expense. d. All work shall be done subject to the approval of the Land-scape Architect. All decisions and questions which mayarise as to the quality or acceptability of materials fur-nished, work performed, progress'of the iork, interpretationof drawings and specificaiions, and all questions as toacceptable fulfillment of the Contract by'the Contractorsnall be made by the Landscape Architect. 01000+ot I I e. € 9. h. 1. c. D. I t I I I I I I t I T T I I I I I I sEcTI0ll 0lm0 6EXERAL IREIfTTS The 0wner shalI provide periodic inspections of the work, as requested by the Landscape Architect. AlI cormunications from the Owner to the Contractor will be through the Land- scape Architect. The Landscape Architect's decision shall be final in all qu rocar cooes. rne oeclsron ot the approprtate clty lnspector.-'.rr-Fr_--.. sha'l I be final in all matters governed by city building codes or other rules and regulations. Should the Contractor or the 0wner, through failure to callfor or respond to calls for inspections as required in these Speciflcations, cause additional time to be expended by the Landscape Architect, he will be billed by the LandscapeArchitect for the resultant loss at the Landscape Archi-tectrs rates. Samples: Samples of materials or construction will be sub- mitted according to the technical specifications. : Testing shall be performed as required in the Conditions, and in the technical specifications. QUALITY COilTROTS Inspection of lor*: 1. The Landscape Architect will inspect and approve al1 install- ations and operations. 2. The Landscape Architect shal l be given a 24-hour notice prior to work inspections requested by the Contractor or his subcontrac-tors. Requests shall be made by the Contractor's construction superi ntendent. 3. Prior to cormencing work, arrange a meeting with the LandscapeArchitect to be informed of specific instructions required and the method of calling for such inspections as the individual workis completed. TEI?MARY FACILITIES AXD COTTROLS Signage and Barricades: The Contractor shall submit a plan for use cades, and other warning and traffic control intended locations, to the Town Engineer forthe beginning of work for all constructionri ghts-of-way. of signage, barri- devices, with their approval prior to within the public 01000 1617 sEcTI0il 01(X)0 I I t I t I I a. b. 2. 3. I I I I I I I t t I I a. b. 4. 5. 6. GETERAT IREICITS Storage bf Equip-nt and llaterials: of equipment and materials'limit l ines of the project Perrits: The Con actor shal I takeCity business be employed. requi red shall . be only wjthin thesite, and approved marshal- out any and all permits that may be licenses shall be required;for a1'l s. Porer and Cont,ractor shall provide and pay all costs, until final acceptance of work, for all temporary facilities, connec-tlons and controls as specified herein. Conpractor shal'l make and maintain al'l temporary connectionsto utilities and services in locations acceptable to theOwnpr. Remove same when no 'longer required restoring to proper operating condition. er will pay all costs for temporary power and water I trades to and'Rubbish Dur sna si Vai havF the right to determine what is v{aste materia'l or rub- bi sh. ng the entire course of construction, the ContractorI employ satisfactory methods of dust control on the, according to standards established by the Town of and the State of Colorado. The Contractor will, at the end of each working day, removeall rubbish from the adjacent streets and site aieas, and rempve all dirt, mud, or other material from paved surfacesto | "broom clean" condition. The Landscape Architect shall Te+orarl Sanitary Facil ities: Furnish, install and maintain sanitary facilities for the work-men. If the need arises, a sufficient number of enclosed tempor-ary toilfts shall be convenlent'ly placed as required by the sini- tary_ codFs of. the state and local government. Drinking watershall bf provided from an approved source, so piped or-trans-ported as to keep it safe and fresh, and served from single ser-vice containers or satisfactory types of sanitary drinkin! standsor fountains. All such facilities and services sha'l I be fur-nished i;.t strict accordance with existing and governing healthregul ati gns. 01000 16T-7 Storage contract l ing are E. F. I I T t T I t I I T t I t I t t I I I sEcrrox 01000 GELER L REQUTREffif,TS PRO]ECT CLOSEOUT 1. lbtice: At least seven working days notice shall be given to the Land- scape Architect. tfarranty: AlI warrantees required by the following Divisions of these Specifications shall be presented in writing to the 0wner prior to final acceptance of the work and shall be in addition to the requirements set forth in the General Conditions of these Speci ficati ons. 3. Darage: Damage to existing structures, utllities, pavements or other pro- perty caused by the Contractor shall be restored to origfnal con-dition at the Contractor's expense prior to final inspection. 4. As-built Drarings: \. Submit to the 0wner prior to final acceptance all as-built draw-' ings, maintenance and repair manuals required by the General Con- - ditions. 5. Flnal Inspection: The final inspection shal'l take place at the end of the installa-tion period upon request made by the Contractor to the Landscape Architect allowing at least seven (7) days of notice. 6. Lien lalver: Release or lrlaiver of Liens as required by the General Conditions. 7. Tax Refunds: 2. + Sales and Coordi nate appl icabl e TIRRAXTY PERIOI) Use Tax Refunds as required by the General Conditions. with the 0wner for information on applications for any sales and use tax waivers. At the end of the warranty period, the Owner, Landscape Architect and Contractor will perform a walk-thru inspection of the project site. At this time, the 0wner will release the Contractor from the warrantyperiod if the work is accepted to meet requirements of these construc-tion documents. 01000 TTTT I I sEcTror 02100 DE}OL ITTOX/SITE PREPARATIOII I I I I I I I I I T I T I T I I T PART 1: GEilERAI 1.01 REFERENCE: The Bid-conditions, Bfd Form, General conditions and supp'l ementary condi-tions of the Contract apply to the work in this Section. 1.02 I'IORK INCLUDED: Furnish materials and perform'l abor required to execute this work asindicated on the drawings, as specified and as necessary to complete thecontract, included, but not limited to these items: A. Clearing and grubbing.B. Removal and disposal of existing asphalt paving.C. Protection of adjacent improvemEnts'and ti.ees io remain.D. Marshalling and access. 1.03 RELATED WORK SPECIFIEO ELSEI{HERE: A. Earthwork sEcTI0N 02200 1.04 FIELD CONDITIONS: Verify drawings with actual field condltions. llotify Landscape Architectof any discrepancies that wil1 prevent proper executiin of this work. com-mencement of demolition and site preparation will constitute acceptance byContractor of existing site conOidioris. 1.05 SITE EXAMINATION: A. The contractor shall visit, inspect and thoroughly familiarize himselfwith the site and with the scope of I'lork 1o-be done under thiscontract. He is advised to cirefully examine -any and all work lequired--under the contract and to judgi for himseli any conditionsthat will exist when he carries out-nis contract as he will beentitled to no_extr-a compensation for any additiona'l work requiredthereby. see Article 4 of the General conditions for provisiohs onunforeseen condi tions. B. when the contractor submits his proposal , it will be interpreted tomean that he has examined the sitd, fully understands the existing andproposetl conditions and the requirements and coordination required byhim, and he has made due allowahces for them in his proposal . c. survey data describing existing conditions is available for examina-tion at the office of the 0wner-for this project. This information isnot to be considered a part of these contract documents, nor is itindicative of the exact nature of all surface conditions to beencountered on this project site. 02100 1612 sEcTIor 02100 DETOLITIOI{/SITE PREPARATIOT I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t PART 2: IIATERIALS None specified. PART 3: ExECttTIOil 3.01 CLEARING AND| GRUBBING: clearing and grubbing consists of removing all natural and artificialobjectional mater]ials which includes miscellaneous pieces of pavenent fromthe construction areas wi-thin the grading limit line or as designated onthe drawing. The natural ground surface shall be cleared of all stumps,branches, brush, prass and weeds prior to grading operations. Boulders'or logl( uncovered dpring these operations shall be stockpiled on-site forfuture use as dirfcted by the Landscape Architect. 3.02 ASPHALT REMOYAL: Asphalt to be reinoved shall be neatly sawed in straight lines at rightangles !^o.e,xistirfg alignments. saw cuts shall be made to a minirnum depthof two (2) inchesl, 3.03 DISPOSAL OF ilIATERIALS: All materials rempved, or exposed by the contractor, shall be disposed ofoff-site at a location approved by the owner at the contractorls expense. No nesting of materials shall be perrnitted. 3.04 PROTECTION OF TREES TO RE}IAIN: Trees designated to, remain shall be protected at alI tines during theenErre. contract period. No materia] shall be stockpiled, no equipmentshall be p,arke.d- lr repaired within twenty (20) feet o? existing trees toremain. .-No oil.' g-asoline, concrete or dther material shall be-dumped ortemporarily stockpiled anywhere on-site unless permission is first obtainedfrom the 0wner. ftefer to SECTI0II 02200 EARTHlt0itK. 3.05 MARSHALLING AND ACCESS: The. contractor sliall meet with his sub-contractors, the Owner, LandscapeArchitect, and otfer parties to determine the polnt of access aird marshai-nng area or arels to be utilized to execute the work. The contractorshall limit his access to the job site and on-site marshalling areas. 3.06 FIRE PROTECTlON: Maintain adequate fire protection while clearing operations are undertray. 02100 Toa'2 t t sEcTlolt 02200 EARTHI{ORI( t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I PART 1: EEIIERAL 1.01 REFERENCE: The Bid conditions, Bid Form, General conditions and supplementary condi-tions of the Contract apply to the work in this Section,' 1.02 I.IORK INCLUDED: Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this work asindicated on the drawings, 91 specifled an<t as necessary to complete thecontract, included, but not limited to these items: A. Grading and finlsh grading.B. Fill and soil compaction.C. Subgrade preparation.D. Boulder Retainage at playground Area 1.03 F IELD COT{DITIONS: Verify drawings with actual field conditlons. Notify Landscape Architectof any discrepancies that will prevent proper executidn of this work, com-mencenrent of site. grading will constitute acceptance by contractor ofexisting site conditions. - 1.04 TESTS: A. If in the opinion of the 0wner's Representative or the LandscapeArchitect there ls reasonable doubt th;t fill material is not beihgplaced according to these specifications, a soils engineer shall uiretained by the owner to supervise placement, compiction and anynecessary tes-ting. The soils engineer's declsions and test result!shall be ffnal. B. Determination of re'l ative compaction shall be based on Test Method ) AsrM 01557-i0. Tests shall be performed by a certified soil testing . l]rm.rn. Ene quantlty the owner deems necessary, with a minimum of one., rrerd densrty test for each two feet of fill, but not less than onetest shall be made for each 500 cubic yards. Exact location of testsshall be detennined by the Soils Enginier. c. Test results sha'l 'l show the location, depth, percent of compaction and !yp9 ot material, if imported, of- ari tisls incruding 'ttroie tniifailed and rfere retested. 02200 TTTT' sEcTloir 02200 EIRTHI{ORI( T I D. Al I testing shall be paid for by the 0wner, except for re-tests offailed locations whjch shall be paid for by the Contractor. 1.05 PROTECTION: A. Protect and maintain barricades around hazardous excavation. Provide sheathing and/or shoring as required to maintain excavations. B. Provide for surf_ace drainage during construction. De-water al I excavations imedi ately. C. No material shall be stockpiled, no equipment shall be parked orrepaired within twenty (20) feet of trees to remain. No constructionroads of any type are to be created within twenty (20) feet of trees designated to remain without the approval of the Landscape Architect. No-gasoline, oil, concrete, or other debris shall be dumped or stock-piled anywhere on the site. D. Al1 grading within the dripline of trees to remain is to be done onlywith direct supervision of the Landscape Architect. The propose-dgrading plan is to be altered on site as necessary to allow-mihimaldisturbance of tree roots which the Landscape Architect feels areessential to the continued health of affected trees. E. where operations expose or compact around root systems of treesdesignated to remaln, remedial measures shall be taken imnediately atthe direction of the Landscape Architect to insure the health of thetree. F. If in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, the contractor exhibitsat any tine during the course of construction a disregard for theprotection of existing trees, construction within the -area of thetrees shall be stopped inmediately upon notice from the LandscapeArchitect. {pproval to continue ionstruction shall be given suus!-quent to the Contractor's installation of approved protective barriersaround all trees or tree masses designated'to remain. Barriers shallbe installed no closer than fifteen-(15) feet from a'l I trees unlessotherwise directed. Barriers shall remain in place and contractorshall maintain barriers in good condition until further notice by theLandscape Architect. G. Any trees damaged during construction shall be irmediately repaired byan approved tree surgeon. Any tree judged by the Landscape Architectto.be damaged beyond satisfactory repaii strail Ue inmediately rerpvedand grubbed at the contractor's expense. For each tree erloneouslyremoved or damaged beyond repair, a One Thousan<t (1000) Dollar finlwill be assessed to the contractor. This fine shall be irmediatelywithheld from the Contractor,s progress payments. I I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I t 02200 2-6T-5' I I sEcTIoil 02200 EARTHTORI( r The maintenance period for this work shall begin irmediately after eachI area is graded and shall continue in accordance with the following require-r ments: T I I I t I T t I I I I I I I I 1.06 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY : AlI earthwork operations shall be executed in a manner which minimizes dust, noise, excessive accumulation of debris, danger to the public and interference with other construction. 0n1y pneumatic-tired equipment shall be permitted over paved streets, walks and curb surfaces. Any damage by the Contractor to any improvements or utilities on-site, directly adjacentto the site or along haul routes, shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor prior to final acceptance. 1.07 TOLERANCES: Cut and fill all areas as indicated or required to permit insta'l lation of other materials to finish grades indicated. Grades shall be held within a tolerance of t0.05' at the centerlines of all drainage swales havinggradients of less than 3%. Grades shall be held within a tolerance of10.10' in these areas under future planting and pavelcnts. 1.08 DAMAGED EARTH: Earth that has been rendered unfit to receive planting due to concrete,water, mortar, fuel , lime or other construction waste or debris dumped onit shall be completely removed and replaced with clean earth. I.09 MAINTENANCE PERIOD: A. Protect newly graded areas from erosion, traffic and repair andre-establish grades in settled, eroded and disturbed areas to speci-fied tolerances until final acceptance. Contractor shall be respons-ible for all damage and subsequent repair of graded areas prior tofinal acceptance. B. Maintain specified compaction under all surfaces to be pave<!. Any areas retested at the request of the Landscape Architect that fail to meet compaction specified shall be recompacted. Payment for tests which fail and subsequent retesting sha'l I be borne by the Contractor. 02200 TTT-6 T I I I I. 1O GRADING ACCEPTANCE/ITIARRANTY : A. Upon complelion of earthwork operations, Contractor shall warranty that no congrete, construction materials or other rubble lie within twenty-four inches (24'l of the ground surface in disturbed areas other than tlose designated for rubble fill. B. Contractor {ha1 I also warranty against settlement for one full year after final lacceptance of the project by the Owner. Any corrections required to meet this specification, including repair/replacement of seed, sod, poulder retainage, pavenents or other site improvements shall be at fthe Contractor's expense. PART 2: IIATERIAI.S 2.01 FILL: Existing on..lsite soils shall be used for fill and for backfill. Addi-tional fill lmaterial location will be provided by the 0wner if neededto complete ]site grading. Contractor shall be responsible for loading and hauling additional off-site flll material. B. All fill malerial, whether acquired on-site or imported, sha'll be freefrom vegetaple matter, frozen material and other deleterious sub-stance, and shall not contain rocks or lumps larger than 8,'in itsgreatest di{ensions, except where noted othewise on drawings. Any such materi{l not usable shall be separated fron usable fill material and shall bE disposed of off-site at a location approved by Owner atthe Contractor' s expense. 2.02 BOULDERS ANO BOULDER RETAINAGE: Use existing on..lsite pit run river boulders, as stockpiled by others or uncovered-duringlgrading operations. size range shall be 12" or larger inoverall dianeter] Chink voids with smaller rock. PART 3: EXECUTI0il 3.01 GRADE LAYOUT/APPROVAL: The contractor sfrall set grade stakes at maxinum 25' spacing along center-llne alignments, at rnaximun 25' spaclng along centerlines of swales and atall spot elevatiQns. The contractor shall obtain the Landscape Architect's approval of grad{ staking prior to continuing with the related work. i I I I I I I I I 02200 T-6f-15', I I I I I I I I I sEcTlolr 02200 EARTHIIORK I I I I T I I t I I I I I 3.02 EXCAVATION, FILL AND SOIL COMPACTION: A. Scarify to a depth of six (6) inches the cleared surface of all areas over which fills are to be placed to provide a bond between the exist- lng ground and the fill material to be placed thereon. Compaction offill material under all areas shall meit 90% spD to within'three (3) feet of finished subgrade. contractor shall compact the top three (3) feet of fill material under paving to 95% Standaid proctor iensity t3z of optimum moisture, the top three (3) feet of fill material in areas designated for planting to 90% SpD at 3%+ of optimum moisture. Com-paction under all pavements shal'l be accomplished by use of a vibra-tory smooth drum, steel wheeled rol'l er. B. Distribute fill material so as to avoid fornration of. lenses or layersof material differing substantially from surrounding material.De'liver material at unifom rate to permit satisfactoiy procedure resulting jn we-ll and unifonnly compacted fil'l. Avoid unnecessaryconcentration of travel causing ruts'and uneven compaction. Regrade and compact ruts and hollows more than six (6) lnches deep before com-pacting. Spread fill material in horizontal layers not greater thansix (6) inches thick when compacted. If, in the opinlon if the soils engineer or Landscape Architect, the material propbsed for use in the compacted fill is to9 wet to permit adequate conpaction, it shall bedried in an acceptable manner prlor to placement drnd compaction. c. Material in each layer during compaction shall contain optimum mois-ture necessary for requi red compacti on. lr,lioi sture content shal 'l beuniform throughout layers. Add moisture to fill materfal prior toplacennnt if, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, it is notpossible to obtain uniform moisture content'by adding water on fill surface. 3.03 SUBGRADE PREPARATI0I'l - PAVEI'IENTS, STEM l,lALLS, FOOTINGS, F0UNDATIONS, EDGERS, STRUCTURAL PATH EDGE AND PLAYGROUND SUBSURFACE: A. Excavate to Ievels twelve (12) inches below required subgrade eleva- lignt_ Replace materials ln six (6) inch lifts.'Cornpact iach lift to 95% -sPD. compact with a mechanical tamper, vibratory smooth drum orsteel wheeled roller, applying moisture as neceisary to attainrequired compaction. B. Excavate to levels six (6) inches below required subgrade in fill areas already cornpacted as per 3.02 this SECTI0il. 3.04 TRENCH BACKFILL & COMPACTON: lsplglg and compact as necessary to meet the minimum SpD's as per 3.02 this SECT I ON. I I T I 022105-r6', I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t t T T EARTHTOI{KsEcTIoil 02200 BOULDER RETAII.IAGE: plans and delails - See 3.03 for subgrade and 3.02 for backfill. INDIVIDUAL BOULDER PLACEMENT: plans and delails. FINISH GRADIING: sh grades shall be as indicated on the drawings, subject to minor stments as may be directed by the Landscape Architect. Tops and toes ;lopes shall be rounded, and the necessary swales for the runoff of ace water shall be carefully malntalned. END OF SECTION 3.05 Per p 3.06 Per p 3. 07 Finis adjusof sl surfa 02200 5-T16 I T sEcTI0il 02500 PAYI}IG AIID SURFACIIIG T I I I T T I I I I I I I I t I I PART 1: GEIIERAL 1.01 REFERENCE: The Bid Conditions, Bid Form, tjons of the Contract app'ly to 1.02 I.IORK INCLUDED: A. Concrete pavingB. Concrete edgerC. Cobble, rock and wood mulchD. Pavement paint stripingE. Structural path edge General Conditions, and Supplementary Condi- the work of this Section, sEcTroN 03300 sEcTI0N 03300 sEcTIoil 02950 sEcTIoN 02580 sEcTIoN 02930 Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this work as indicated on the drawings, as specified and as necessary to complete thecontract, including, but not limited to, these items: A. Asphalt pathB. Asphalt game court - base bidC. Interlocking paversD. Playground sand and pea gravelE. Temporary road base path 5' wideF. Gravel paths, 6' nide 1.03 RELATED t,lORK SPECIFIED ELSEI{HERE: 1.04 STANDARO SPECIFICATIONS: State of Colorado Division of Highways Standard Specifications for Road andBritlge Construction, are hereby include ence, unless otherwise specifically stated. 1.05 SUEMITTALS: Contractor shall submit written certification that root inhibitant soilsterilants or other related naterials have been applied according to thesespecifications. See 2.03 thls SECTION. 1.06 USE OF SOIL STERILANTS: Use of any.of those soil steri'lants listed below fs expressly prohibited. colorado Highways speclfications for Herbicide Treatment do noi ApTfTAe2.03 this SECTI0N for approved root inhibitor. Product Name (s) Eri-o-madinffianry and xL) promotone (Pramitol ) ureabor (a borate-chlorate, bromacil diuron (Karanex) 2,3,6,-TBA (Trysben 200) tebuthiuron (Spike) picloram (Tordon) ManufacturerInFonf- Gei gY mi xture) DuPont DuPont E'l anco Dow 02500 foT-4 sEcTIoil 02500 PAYII{G ATD SURFACII{G I I I1.07 }IARRANTY: See General Conditions. PART 2: I,IATERIALS 2.01 AGGREGATE ROAD BASE: CD0H Class 6 2.02 HOT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (RSPHRUI): CD0H Grade E 2.03 ROOT INHIBITOR: "Casaron" by Thompson Hayward, or equal ,tions. 2.04 CONCRETE INTERLOCKING PAVERS: 02500z-ffiv as per manufacturer's specifica- "Vail Cobble" - 80rm (3-L/4") Arapahoe B'lend by Clalite (paving Systems, Inc. ), Denver, Colorado, or equa'l . ' 2.05 GMVEL TOP DRESS: - 3/4" washed crushed aggregate. 2.06 PLAYLOT SAND AND PEA GRAVEL: A. P1 aylot sand for Playlot D shall be clean ,,nasonry sand,,. B. Pea-gravel for Playlots A, B and C shall be rounded, clean pea gravei, maximum aggregate size !/4" suitable for play areas - submit sample. PART 3: EXECUTIOil 3.01 SITE PREPARATION: A. Minimum two weeks prior to any paving work, apply ,,Round-Up', non-selective herbicide to all exisiin! plant materiai'wjtnin the edges ofthe areas to be paved or surfaced at rates and with methods suglestedby the manufacturer. Do not apply "Round-up" un'l ess weed-growthexists on the area to be paved or'suifaced B. Apply "Round;!p" 9_nly during period of total absence from any wind.Herbicide drift will result in severe darnage or death to any piant it comes in contact with. contractor shall be liable for all-dimage to a] I surrounding plant material and shalI replace all injured or deadplants as specified by the Landscape Architeit. I I I I t T I t I I I I I I T T t I sEcTrolr 02500 PAYIIIG AXD SURFACI}IG I I I I 3.02 SUBGRADE PREPARATION: Grade as necessary to establish subgrade as described in Section 02200. Immediately prior to placing aggregate base course, apply a root inhibitorto the prepared subgrade in areas of new asphalt only, to prevent future growth of flora. Take precautions in areas adjacent to existing planted buffers, gardens or sod. 3.03 ASPHALT PATH: A. Prepare site and subgrade as required in SECTI0N 02200 EARTHIIORK. B. Aggregate Base - P1 ace aggregate in one (1) 8'lift, compacted depth. Compact by means of a vibratory smooth drum roller to 95% minimurn SPDi2% optimum moisture. C. Asphalt - Inmediately prior to placing asphalt, app'ly a second coat of "Casaron" to base course. Place 3" asphait and compact to minimum 95% marshall density. 3.04 ASPHALI GAI'IE COURT (BASE BID): A. Prepare site and subgrade as required in SECTIOII 02200 EARTHIIORK. B. Aggregate Base - Place aggregate in (1) 6u lift compacted depth. Compact by means of a vibrating smooth drun roller to 95% rninimum SPD t2% of optimum moisture. C. Asphalt - Irmediately prior to p'lacing asphalt, apply a second coat of "Casaron" to aggregate base course under'future'asp-tratt only. place 2"- asphalt and compact to minimum 95% Marshall Density. Place androlI asphalt in same direction as drainage. Final mat shall have a uni.form.2% slope which shall not vary from a true plane more than 3/8"in ten (10) feet as measured in any direction. D. Pavenent Marking (paint striping) See SECTION 02580 3.05 INTERLOCKING PAVERS: A. Prepare site and subgrade as required in SECTI0N 02200 EARTHI0RK. B. Aggregate base - Place aggregate in t1) 4" lift compacted depth. Compact by means vibrating smooth drum roller to 95% minimum SPDI 2%of optimum moisture. C. Instal 1 I - l-l/2" clean, washed concrete sand. I I I I I I I I I t I I I 02500frTT sEcTlolt 02500 PAYING ATD SURFACII{G D. Pavers shall be laid hand tight and vibrated in place by a plate type vi brator. t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t E. 3.06 A. B. U. 3,07 A. See "Specifications for Concrete Interlocking Paving Stones" byClalite (Paving Systems, Inc.). 6' I.IIDE TEMPORARY ROAD BASE PATH: Prepare site and subgrade as required. Excavate existing soil to depth required for installation of road base material . Install 3" compacted depth road base material to 90% SPD. No edgers required. Repair adjacent sod along path to match existing as required. 6' I,IIDE GRAVEL PATHS: Prepare site and subgrade as required. Excavate existing soil to depth required for installation of road base material . B. Install 3" compacted depth road base material to 90% SPD. C. Top dress with 2" gravel top dress, compacted. D. No edgers required. 3.08 PLAYLOT SAND AND PEA GRAVEL: A. Prepare sites and subgrades as required in SECTI0N 02200 EARTHI{ORK. B. Install sand and pea gravel to required elevations and as detailed. END OF SECTION 02500 T'6TT t I SECTIOI 02510 SURFTCE ATO SUBSURFACE DRAIXAGEI I PART 1: cElrER LI 1.OI REFERENCE: I The Bid Conditions, Bid Fonn, General Conditions and Supplementary Condi- tions of the Contract apply to the work in this Section. I 1.02 |,l0RK TNCLUDED: - Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this work as I indicated on the drawings, as specified and as necessary to complete theI Contract, including, but not limited to these items: I A. Subsurface drainage system including play area and lawn inlets, andI plplng. r B. Cobble swales, detention and outfalls.II 1.03 COORDINATION AND PROTECTION: I A. Contractor shall coordinate and schedule the work of this Section toI ensure no damage is done to work previously accomplished on site. I B. Contractor shall protect and maintain work of this section and shall I repair at no additional cost to 0wner any damage done to these itemsuntil final acceptance. I 1.04 PRoDUcr HANDLING:T A. Pipe shall be handled, de1 ivered, and stored in a manner which willI ensure instal'l atlon in a sound and undamaged condition.T B. Special care shall be taken to protect joints of pipe from contactI with dirt or other forelgn materia'l .I C. Pipe or fittings with chipped or broken areas, cracks, embedment of r foreign material s or other mechanical damage wil I be rejected. I Reiected pipe shall be removed from job site wiinin 24 hours. 1.05 WARRANTY: I See General Conditions. r PART 2: |OTERIAIS II 2.01 PVC PIPE AiID FITTINGS: I All pvc pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM DZ7Z},I A. 4" perforated pipe, bell end. I 02510 T ofTI sEcTI0lt 02510 SURFACE AXD SUBSURFACE DRAI]IAGE I I B.So1 id pipe, sized on drawings, bell end. Joints - All joints in pipe and fittings shall be solvent welded per ASTM D2855. Cement and primer shal1 conform to ASTM DZS64. 2.02 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AND FITTINGS: New 10" comugated metal pipe and fittings conforming to colorado state Highway Standard Specifications, Section lOt.OZ. 2.03 BACKFILL: A. Trench backfill for a'l I solid pipe shalI be excavated naterial from trench. B. Trench backfill for 4" perforated pVC shall around pipe. See detail. C. See SECTI0N 02200 for compaction requirements. 2.04 CONCRETE PIPE . INLETS B,C,D,E,F,G: Precast concrete "Bell and Spigot', type, minimumsizes as required. 2.05 CONCRETE INLET A: Custom precast concrete vault and top as drawn and 2.06 LAI{N INLET GRATES: Neenah Foundry R-4350 Beehive. 2.07 PLAYLOT INLET GRATES: Neenah Foundry R-4040 light duty grate. 2.08 DRAINAGE FABRIC: be 3/4" washed gravel strength at 3500 psi, "l'lirafi" 140 polypropylene contlnuous filament fabric equal . 2.09 CONCRETE FOOTINGS AND CRADLES: See SECTION O33OO 2.10 COBBLE: 4"-L2" Pit-Run river rock, locally obtained. 02510 2-613 I I I detailed. by Celanese Corp. or I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I sEcTIoil 02510 SURFACE AXD SUBSURFACE DRAITAGE 2.11 EROSION LINER: Erosion'liner shall consist of virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet, 10mil. thickness. 2.12 MORTAR: See SECTI0N 04400, 2.03. PART 3: EXECUTIOil 3.01 EXCAVATION: Excavate to grades required as per SECTIOI{ 02ZOO. 3.02 }IATER REMOVAL: Provide and maintain means to promptly remove any water which may enter the excavation until backfilling is completed. Dispose of water in a manner toprevent damage to adjacent work, 3.03 INSTALLATIoI't 0F II'ILETS A,B,C,D,E,F: Install per plans and details. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF COBBLE SI.IALE AI{D OUTFALL: Install per plans and detai'ls. 3.05 I}'ISTALLATI0I'I 0F PIPE: A. Place. pipe in trenchs per p1 ans, ASTM specifications and manufac-turer's recormendations. All pipe shall be kept clean and free of gravel , dirt and debris. ,l{henever work ceases for any reason, unfinishe<t end of pipe shall be securely closed with a temporary plug. Minimum gradient on pipe is 1%. Notify Landscape Architect 48 hours in advance of pipe installation. Do not cover until inspected by Landscape Architect. 3.06 BACKFILL AND COMPACTION: Backfill and compact as per SECTI0N 02200. END OF SECTION 02510 3 oT-3' I I I I I T I I I I I t I I t I B. sEcTroil 025&) PART 1: GEIERAL I.O1 REFERENCE: The Bid tions of Condi ti s, Bid Fonn, the con ract apply to PAYEItXT IIARXII{G General Conditions and Supplementary Condi- the work in this Section. I t I I I I I T I I I I I I T I I T I I.O2 I{ORK INCLU Furnish materialls and perform labor requlred to execute this work asindicated on thel drawinos. as soecified and as necessarv to comolete theindicated on thei drawings, as specified and as necessary to complete thecontract, including, but not limited to these items: A. Paint strip$ game court - basketball court, dodge bal1, hopscotch (3), and four sq$are (2). 1.03 PROTECTION OF I{ORK: Take necessary pfecautions to protect this work and work of other trades. Furnish and pla(e drop cloths and masking to fully protect work during execution of thi$ contract. Be fully responsible for paint droppings andoverspray. Entifely remove all droppings and repair all injured surfacesin a manner sati$factory to Landscape Architect. l PART 2: I{ATERIALS 2.01 PLAYING LINES: Paint shall be lqtex acrylic of colors and width as shown on Paint Striping Schedule, Sheet J. Submlt paint chip color sample for approval. PART 3: EXECUTI0il 3.01 PLAYING LINES: t Paint two (2) ingh wide striping as dimensioned on drawings. paint shallbe-applied in suph a manner as to create true, uniform lines. Line edgedefinition shall be crisp and clean. Ragged oi blurred edges will not 6eaccepted... 4pptipatfon rates for paint striping shall be 500-600 linealfeet of 2" wide striping per gallon. 3.02 CLEAi,lIl'lG: I upon completion {f work of this section, remove paint spots from surfacesadjacent to thos4 painted or finished, and remove rubbiih, paint cans and accumulated matefials resulting from work of this section. Leave workclean, aligned anp in approved dondition. END OF SECTIOI'I 02580fofT I I sEcTIot 02750 SITE FURXISIIIXGS I PART t: GEIERATt 1.01 REFERENCE: I The Bid Conditions, Bid Form, General Conditions and Supplementary Condi-tions of the Contract apply to the work in this Section. t 1.02 ilORK INCLUDED: Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this work as I indicated on the drawinjs, as specified and as necessary to complete theI contract, including, but not limited to these items: I A. Basketba'll Goal Installation t B. Bike Racks InstallationC. Picnic Tables Installation r D. Hand Rail sr F: Ii::ou[:li'G. Transformer Screen Structure T 1.03 RELATED I.IORK SPECIFIED ELSEI{HERE: r A. Concrete footings - See SECTI0I'| 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE C0NCRETE. I B. Subgrade and Backfill - See SECTI0N 02200 - EARTHWORK I r.o4 cooRDrNATroN:I Installation of a'l I site improvements shall be carefully coordinated with I re1 ated work as to time and sequence of construction/insta'l lation. AnyI damage to.completed improvemnts must be repaired, replaced or redone atcontractor's expense. t 1.05 APPROVAL: 0btain approval of all equipmnt location prior to any work. I 1.06 wARRANTY: I See General Conditions. I PART 2: IATERIALS I 2.01 BASKETBALL GOAL: #360-504, 4-L/2 OD pipe, rectangle backboard, steel rim. I Miracle Recreation Equipment Company BoO Churchich I 7L74 Four Rivers RoadI ?331i"!t!lli['* 80301 r Hf+ SECTI0L 02760__1_SITE FURIIISHIXGS t I 2.02 BIKE RACKS: "Cycloops" bike racks Model #s 2L70-5 (21 2L7o-7 lLl 2170-9 12) Columbia Cascade Timber Company Recreation Plus P.0. Box 31067 Aurora, Colorado 80041-1067(303) 343-7249 2.03 PICNIC TABLES: A. Columbia Cascade Timber Company, "Timberform" integral table and seats I T I I I I I I I I I I I I B. 2.04 A. B. L. #2056 (3). See 2.02 foi" HAND RAILS: Suppl i er. 6" x 6" pogts shall be Western Red Cedar, rough sawn, dado (1" x 1.") and chamfered as 2" x 6" raills shall be Clear Heart Redwood,to hand raill pattern. Use 5/16" f 4" cadium electroplated Ia9 5,/16" washers to attach rail to post. Usi each post. 2.05 TREE GMTEST Neenah Foundry, R-8726 180" square grate, two piece unit, 4g" with 1-114'type "x" angle fpame (4). Regional office - Lakewood, Colorado(303) e88-8327 2.06 GUARD RAIL: see^co-lorado D-eqa5lpelt of Highways standard specification for guard rail,M-606-1, Type 3, 'l'l' Beam. 2.07 TRANSFORMER SCREEN STRUCTURE: A. Posts shall be 6" x 6" western rough sawn. B. Framing and joist members shall be wolmanized fir or pine. 02760Toti Standard and Better Grade, shom. kiln dried with top milled screws, countersunk, with redwood 2" x 4" spacer at red cedar, standard and better grade, I I I I sEcTI0lt 02760 SITE FURXISHIXGS - C. Siding shall be western red cedar, S4S, l,,x 4,, Shiplap Siding. I D. Facia shall be western red cedar, S4S, 2,, x 6,,. E. Gate posts shall be 4" x 4" western red cedar, standard and better I grade, rough sawn. I F. Plywood underlayment APA C-C plugged exterior with exterior g1ue. I G. Building paper, asphalt saturated felt, non-perforated ASTM D 226. H. Shingles shall be cedar shake. I I. Hardware shall be cadium electroplated or equal. I J. Fasteners and anchorages, nails, screws, etc., shall be hot-dipI galvanized fasteners or equal . I K. Concrete footings - See SECTI0I,I 03300. r pART 3: EXECITTIOX I 3.01 BASKETBALL GoAL: As drawn and detai'led. I 3.02 BrKE MCKS: As drawn and detailed. I 3.03 PICNIC TABLES: I As drawn and detailed. 3.04 HAND RAILS: I A. As drawn and detailed. B. Finish sand all field cuts for hand rail. pre-bore holes for lagscreh,s; screw, do not drive, lag scrers. 3.05 TREE GRATES: I As drawn and detailed and according to manufacturer reconmendations. I 3.06 GUARD RAIL: I See Colorado Department of Highways Standard Specification for guard rails,M-606-1, Type 3; 'I.|, Beam. I 3.07 TRAI'ISFORI{ER SCREEN STRUCTURE I I As drawn and detailed. I END OF SECTION 02760x6Fs sEcTIox 02810 PART 1. GETERAL 1.01 REFERENCE: 1.03 QUALTTy ASSpRANCE AND REQUTREMENTS: A. Explanation of drawings: LAIIDSCAPE IRRIGATIOII SYSTEII The Bid Form, $eneral Conditions, and Supplernentary Conditions of the Contract apply t0 the work of this Section. 1.02 I.IORK INCLUDED: A. Furnish all work, materials, appliances, tools, equipment, facilities, transportatfon, and services necessary for the complete installationof the lanpscape irrigation system, as shown on drawings and asspecified hbrein. B. llork notedi as "N.I.C.", "existing,', or "to be supplied and/orinstalled bf others", is not a part of this Section. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. 3. 4. Drawingf are generally diagranmatic and indicative of the work tobe instllled. The work shall be installed in such a manner as toavoid donflicts between electrical systems, planting and archi-tectural features. Due to lthe scale of drawings, it is not possible to indicate alloffsets, fittings and sleeves which may be required. The Contracfor shall carefully investlgate the structural- and finishedconditifns affecting all his work and plan his work accordingly,furnishing such offsets, fittings and ileeves as may Oe requirLOto meeti such conditions. All work called for on the drawings by notes or details shall befurnishpd and installed whether or not specifically mentioned inthe spefifications. The Conltractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system 02810rn-fTz I t sEcTlolr 02810 LAMSCNPE IRRIGATIOII SYSTEII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. 0bservati on: The Contractor shall request the Landscape Architect to approve a1 1 materials before installation. Approval of materials shall indicate that all materials visual 1y meet specifications, but does not relieve Contractor of warranty for the materia'l . The Landscape Architect will have the right to reject all material which he feels does not meet speci fi cati ons. C. Ordinances and Regulations: Local , municipal , and state laws, rules and regulations governing or re'l ating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these Contract 0ocuinents, and their provisions shal'l be carried out by the Contractor. The contents of these Contract Docu- ments shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above stated rules and regulations, or requirements. However, when these Contract Documents call for or describe materials, workmanship, or constructionof a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is required by the above stated rules and regulations, the provisions of these Contract Documents shall take precedence. 1.04 SUEMITTALS: A. Equipment: The following equipment shall be turned over to the 0wner at the completion of the project. Before final acceptance can be given, evidence that the Owner has received the material must be submitted to the Landscape Architect. l. Two (2) sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling . and adjusting each type of sprinkler head and valve supplied on thi s project. 2. Two (2) five foot keys for operation of manual drain val ves. 3. Two (2) six foot va1 ve keys for operation of gate valves or stop and waste valves (where applicable). 4. Two (2) keys for each automatic controller. 5. Four (4) quick coupler keys and four (4) matching hose swivels for each type of quick coupling valve installed. B. 0peration and Maintenance Manual: Prior to Final Acceptance, submit trro sets of the Operation and Main- tenance Manual . Each manual shall include the following informationin clear acetate sheet protectors: 02810 Tnr-T7 sEcTlolr 02810 LAI{DSCAPE IRRIGATIOI{ SYSTEII t I I.Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone nunber,list of equipment with names and addresses of local manufacturer's representati ves. Catalog and parts sheets on materia'l s and equipment installed. Complete operating and maintenance instruction for normal opera- tion of system, winterization and spring start-up. Builts: Contractor shall maintain a red'l ine as-built drawing on site atall times during construction, and shall update drawing on Friday of every week. The Contractor shall dimension from two (2) permanent points of reference, i.e. building corners, sidewalk, road intersections or any permanent structures, the location of the following items: a. Connection to existing water 'lines b. Routing of sprinkler pressure main lines (dimension max. 100' along routing) Sprinkler control valves Quick coup'l ing valves Drain valves Drip line blow-out stubs 41 I gate valves Controller wire runs when not in pipe trenches. Other related equipment as directed by the Landscape Archi- tect. The Contractor shall also indicate all non-pressure piping changes on the as-built drawing. Prior to Fina1 Acceptance, the Contractor shall submit to the Landscape Architect one set of final , reproducible mylar as-bui'l t drawings prepared by a qualified draftsperson. The LandscapeArchitect will reject as-built submittals if as-builts are not complete, neat, we1 l-organized and legible. Final Acceptance willnot be granted prior to the Landscape Architect's receipt and approval of finished as-builts. 02810fofTZ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I 2. 3. C. As I J. z. c. d. e. s. n. i. t I sEcTI0lr 02810 LATDSCAPE IRRIG.ATIOT SYSTEI,I I I t I I I I T I I I I t I I I t 1.05 ALTERNATE MATERIAL APPROVALS: A. Requests for substitutions shall be made in writing to the LandscapeArchitec-t prior to the bid opening. lJritten requests shall speciiyreason for substitution, and shall ouiline "equali' product specifica-tion. B. Approval of an item, alternate or substitute indicates only that theproduct or products apparently meet the requirements of the drawingsand specifications on the basis of the infovrnation or samples su6-mitted. Approved equal information will be issued by Addenda. 1.06 WARRANTY: A. Trench Settlement: warrant against settlement greater than rl2" below finished grade,trenching for a period of one year after date of substantial compte-tion. Make corrections required to meet this specification includingrepair of planting, seeding, sodding and pavemeni areas. B. Irrigation Systems: l'larrant entire irrigation system for a period of one year after dateof acceptance, against needed repairs or'replacements iue to defectivematerials or workmanship. Promptly remove and replace any materialsor parts found to be defective during warranty period. 0wner reserves right to make temporary repairs during warranty periodas necessary to maintain system in operating condition without voidingthe warranty or responsibilities of tne irrigation installer. Damage as a result of vandalism or under this warranty. Notify Owner intions are not being followed properly others' actions are not coveredwriting if maintenance instruc- or if any damage occurs. 1.07 PRODUCT HANDLING: A. Deliver, unload, store, and handle materials, packaging, bundling,products in dry, weatherproof, waterproof condition- in manner ioprevent damage, breakage, deterioration, intrusion, ignition, andvandalism. Deliver in original unofened pactaging contiinersprominently displaying manuflcturer name, iroprietiry, volume,quantity, contents, instructions, conformance 'to' local ,- -state anifederal law. Remove and replace cracked, broken, contaminated itemsor corrosive e.lements prematurely exposed to moisture, 'i nclementweather, snow, ice, temperature exiremes, fire, or jobsite damage. 02810 T-:oT-rT sEcTIor 02810 LATDSCAPE IRRIGATIOII STSTEil B. Handl ing of PVC Pipe: 1. The Contractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading and storing of PVC pipe. All PVC pipe shall be transported in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or concentrated external load at anypoint. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discarded and, if installed, shall be replaced with new piping. C. Storage of Materials: 1. All materials shall be carefully stacked or stored at an area acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Contractor must make prior arrangenrents with the Landscape Architect or 0wner's Representa-tive before moving materials on site for storage. 1.08 REPLACEMENT OF PAVING AND CURBS: t I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I A. Where trenches and linesetc., damage to these shallto original condition. Allto one another. 1.09 EXISTING SITE COI'IDITIONS: cross existing roadways, paths, curbing, be kept to a minimum and shall be restored asphalt cuts shall be saw cut and parallel A. l,lhere trenches and lines cross existing utilities and irrigationlines, etc., damage to these shall be kept to a minimum and shill Ue restored to original condition. Cal 1 utility companies and the Ownerpligr 19 beginning trenching operations for location and staking oftheir lines. Existing irrigation heads removed during these opbra-tions shall be restored to original condition and grade as approveO bythe 0wner. Trenches made upon existlng turf areas shall be compacte<!,fine graded, topsoiled, fertilized and seeded to match existing turf surface. PART 2. PRODI'CTS 2.01 GENERAL PIPII,IG: A. lyppty--l-ines from point of connection through back-flow preventer: Class 200 PVC BE. B. Supply lines to yard hydrant: Class 200 pVC. c- Pressure lines downstream of backflow preventer: class 200 pvc BE. D. Non-pressure lines: Class 200 pVC. 2.02 COPPER PIPE ANO FITTINGS: A. Supply line to new restroom: 1. Copper pipe shal l be Type K, harcl tempered. 02810 E-oFTZ I I sEcTIox 02810 UIXDSCAPE IRRIGATIoT SYSTE|,I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 2. Fittings shall be wrought copper, solder joint type. 3. ,Joints shall be soldered with silver solder, 45% silver,copper, L6% zinc, 24% cadnium and so'l idus at 1125 F.liquids at 1145 F. 2.03 BRASS FITTINGS: A. ltledium brass, screwed 125 pound class. 2.04 P.V.C. PIPE AND FITTINGS: A. Identification markings: 1. Identify all pipe with the following indelible markings:a. Manufacturerts nameb. Nominal pipe sizec. Schedule of classd. Pressure rating p.s.i.e. Date of extrusion B. Pipe (PVC solvent weld type): Manufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride compound in accordance with ASTM 0 zz4l and AsrM D r7e+, ceitclassification 12454-8, Type l, Grade l. 1. Fittings: Standard weight, Schedule 40, injection molded pyC. Comply with ASTM D 1784 and D 2466, cetl ctassification IZ4S4-8,a. Threads: (where required) injection molded type. b. Tees and ells: side gated. 2. Threaded nipples: ASTM D 2464, Schedule 40 with molded threads. 3. Joint cenent and primer:a. Type as recormended by manufacturer of solvent weld pipe andfi tti ngs. 2.05 GATE VALVES: A. Gate valves through 3'shall be of brass construction, solid wedge,I.P.S. threads, nonrising stem with wheel operating handle 2.06 QUrCK C0UPLING VALVES: A. Quick coupling valves shall have a brass one-piece body designed forworking pressure of 125 P.S.I., operable with {uick coupler. B. Quick co-uplers shall be equipped with standard covers. Key size andtype shall be as shown on plans. 02810 6-6,TT/ $% and sEcTIox 02810 LAXDSGAPE IRRTGATIOII SYSTEII I I 2.07 VALVE BOXES: A. For gate valves and quick-coupling valves use Carson or Ametek 10" round box as per detail. Include corresponding cover with locking bol t. B. For automatic control valves 3/4" through 2", use Carson or Ametek 12" rstandard box. Include required extensions and locking green cover. t C. For wire stub boxes and control wiring sp'l ices, use Carson or Ametek 10" round box painted gray with locking bolt, as per details. D. For backflow prevention device (see plan), use Carson #173C1-128 jumbo box or equal . Include required extensions and locking cover. 2.08 ELTCTRICAL CONTROL I,IIRING: A. Low Voltage to Control Valves: The electrical control wire shall be No. 1.4 Ga. direct burial copper wire AliG U.F. U.L. Approved or larger, if required to operate system as designed, Cormon wire shall be No. 12 Ga. Control wire connec- tions and splices shall be made with Rainbird Pentite connectors, or similar dry splice method. All control wire shall be red. All cormon wires shall be white. All spare wires to be a different co'lor. If multiple controllers are being utilized, and wire paths of different controllers cross eachother, both cormon and control wires fron each controller sha'l I be of di fferent colors. B. High Voltage to Controllers Shall be of type as required by local codes and ordlnances, properly sized to accormodate needs of equipment it is to service. (See irrigation and electrical plans). 2.09 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER: A. Automatic controllers shall be of size and type shown on plan and detai I s. B. All zones are to be clearly labelled on chart inside controller door. 2.10 BACKFLOU PREVENTIO}'I DEVICE: A. Backflow preventer shall be of size and type shown on plan, and as approved by all local codes and standards. 02810 TVr-T7 I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T sEcTlofi 02810 LAXDSCAPE IRRIGATIOX SYSTEII 2.I1 ELECTRIC CO}ITROL VALVES: A. Electrical control valves shall be of size and type shown on p1 an. B. All electrical control valves shall have manual f'l ow adjustment and manual bleed nut. 2.12 MANUAL DRAIN VALVES: A. The system shall be equipped with NIBC0 #75-K 3/4" manual globe drain val ves. B. Valves shall be of bronze construction with threaded connections, cross handle and operating key. 2.13 SPRINKLER HEADS AI'ID EMITTERS: A. All sprinkler heads, spray and drip enitters sha'l I be as indicated on construction drawings. B. Riser units shall be fabricated in accordance with the details pro- vided. C. Riser nipples for all sprinkler heads shall be the sane size as theriser opening in the sprinkler body. 2.14 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK MIX: A. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2,800 psi at 28 9ays. Concrete shall be a five (5) sack mix with maximum slump four(4) inches. Portland cement shall conform to ASTII C150, Type II. B. Aggregates for all concrete except exposed aggregate shall be 3,/4" conforming with Colorado State Highway's Clasi uBu designation for course aggregates. 2.15 SLEEVING: A. S'leeving shall be of PVC Class 200 pipe, sized and located as shown onthe pIan. 2.16 PIPE THREAD MATERIAL: A. All_ threaded pipe connections shall be made with 'liquid teflon orteflon tape. 02810 rT'r-T7 I sEcTr0il 02810 LAflDSCAPE IRRIGATIOI SYSTEI.I from on-site stock- as required. I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I t T I 2.17 RAIN SHUTOFF DEVICE: A. None specified. 2.18 BEDDING MATERiAL: A. Bedding materjal for pressure mainlines, shall bepiIe (see plan), and hauled-in pea gravel squeegee PART 3. EXECUTIO]I 3.01 SITE REVIEWS: A. Before conmencement of work,site with 0wner and Landscapeject. 02810 9 of-TZ Contractor shalI arrange for meeting on Architect to review requirements of pro- 3.02 STAKING AND LAYOUT: A. The Contractor shall provide alI materials necessary for the stakingof the irri gation system. B. Staking shall occur as follows: 1. contractor shall mark with powdered lime, or equal method, therouting of pressure supply line and f1 ag valve and head locationsfor the first few zones of each head- type and change in zone desi gn. 2. contractor shall contact Landscape Architect 4g hours in advanceand request review of staking. Landscape Architect shall verifywith the Contractor as to the amount of staking to be prepared. .Landscape Architect shall review staking and hake changes, ifrequired. Review does not relieve contractor of coverage problems due to improper p1 acement of heads after staking. 3. If the project has significant topography, freeform planting beds, 9r -any.other conditions which could require alteration bf tneirrigation equipment layoyt, as deemed necessary by the LandscapeArchitect, contractor shall not install any iriigltion equipmeirtuntil the Landscape Architect has revieweo itre equipment sdaking. 3.03 I.JATER SERVICE CONNECTION: A. Irrigation Taps: 1. 2" service stub from existing z" class 200 pvc mainline, north ofproject site at the existing restroom building shown on the plans. I t sEcTIo[ 02810 LIIIDSCAPE IRRIG,ATIOX SYSTEil I 3.04 PrPE AND sLEEVE TRENCHING:I A. Trench excavation shall fol 1ow, as much as possible, layout indicatetl I on drawins. B. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trench bottom shall be clean and smooth with all ground water, rock, and organ'ic debris removed. For aIl piping smaller than 3", trenches shall have a minimum width of7 inches. E. Vibratory Plow: 1. Non-pressure piping may be installed through use of vibratory plow method i f Landscape Architect detennines soi I conditions aresatisfactory for this method of installatlon. Vibratory plowing does not relieve Contractor of ninimum pipe depths. D. T I I t I I I F. Pi pe and l.li re Depth: 1. Pressure Supply Piping2. Non-pressure Piping (rotor)3. Non-pressure piping (pop-up)4. Control t,|iring 3.05 SLEEVE INSTALLATION: A. Sol vent llel d PVC: - 24" from top of pipe- 18" from top-of pipe- 12" from top of pipe- side of pressure main or 24" t I I I t I I I 1. All plastic to plastic joints shall be made and pipe laid fol]ow- ing manufacturers recomnendatlons for same.2. All sleeve runs over 40' shall have a 1/g,,cord installed with two(2) feet excess on both ends, taped to sleeve.3. Instal'l where shown on drawings and as detailed. Notify LandscapeArchitect of any location discrepancies. 3.06 PIPE INSTALLATION: A. So'lvent l{el d PVC: 1. All plastic to plastic joints shall be made and pipe laid follow-ing nanufacturerts recormendations for sam. 2. Pipe shall be snaked withln the trench as much as possib'le toallow for expansion and contraction. 02810IU-rT7 sEcTIoX 02810 3.07 TREI'ICH: A. Backfil I approval B. AII after back to walk-th The site o waste mate neat and Landscape D. E. No trenc I rri gati on material sclay, sand 4" in size. be dispo due to ext material by F.Backfi I I a material , Backf i l'l Backfi I I s accordance Puddl i Mechani H.Settl ing of LATDSCIPE IRNIGATIOI SYSTEII all not be done in freezing weather except with written m the Landscape Architect, s shall be left slightly mounded to allow for settlementilling is completed. Trenches shall be finish graded prior h of system by Landscape Architect. the work shall be continuously cleanedals as the backfilling progresses, andlike condition to the satlsfaction of the 0wner and hi tect. shall be left open for a period of more than 48 hours. avations shal'l be protected as required by 0.S.H.A. regu- trenches sha'll be careful ly backfil led with excavatedproved for backfilllng, consisting of earth, loam, sandynd other approved materials free of rock and debris oveiAll rock or debris extracted from backfill naterial shallof at Contractor's expense. All voids left in backfillacted materials shall be filled with approved backfilled Contractor at no expense to the Owner. nd gll .pressure mainline with a minimum Z" beddingspecified, to protect pipe from rock and other debrislinder of trench with on-site excavated materials and mound until all settlement is completed. up of excess and,/or shall be left in a I T I I t I I I I t T I I I I I I Al I open e I ati ons. Ur all be compacted to 85% maximum density determined inutilizing the following methods:th AssHTO T 180 and ponding al tamping backfll'l material during vrarranty period shall be repaired's ex_pense,. including ltt repticement or repair of soi|, I. 2. at Contrac sod, plant terial , parking surface or other pavencnt. 02810 1T-5',?-? I I I t sEcTIot 02810 I-AilDSCAPE IRRIG,ATI0il SYSTEI.I I I I I I I t t I I I I t t I I I 3.U8 PIPE LINE CLEARANCE: A. Provide not less than 6 inches of clearance between each line, and notless than 18 inches of clearance between lines of other trades. 3.09 PIPING UNDER PAVING: A. contractor shall set in place, cap and pressure test all piping underpaving, in. presence of Landscape Architict or Owner,s Repielen[ative,prior to the paving work. B. Provide for a minimum cover of twelve inches (12") between the top ofthe pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base for all pressure piiinginstalled under asphaltic concretE on concrete paving. -provide twbtveinches (12") for non-pressure piping. C. Piping under existing walks will be done by jacking, boring, orhydraulic driving, but where any cutting or breaking of sidewalks orother concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by thecontractor as part of the contract cost. permission to cut or breaksidewalks or other concrete shall be obtained from the LandscapeArchitect or Owner's Representative. D. If during the warranty period there is any setiling or heaving of anypaved areas as a result of the piping installation, the Contractorshall irmediately restore the paved aiea to its original condition.The damaged paving shall be removed 24" beyond the edges of the damaged area, or to nearest construction joint on both sides of damaged area if paving is concrete. The trench backfill shal'l bere-excavated, the area re-backfil led and re-compacted in 'l ifts,according to specifications, then the paving be rep't irced. 3.10 t,{IRING: A. Low Yoltage: 1. control wiring between controller and electric valves shall beburied in pressure suppty line trenches or in separate trenches. ?. All 24 volt wires shall be bundled at 10' intervals and laid withpressure supply line pipe to one side of the trench. 3. fn expansion loop sha'l I be provided at every pressure pipe anglefitting, every electric control valve (E.C.v.)'location'(in valvebox), and every 500 feet. Expansion loop shali be formed by wrap-ping wire at least eight (gi times around a 3/4, pipe ani with-drawing pipe. 4. AlI splices and E.c.v, connections shall be made using RainbirdPentite connectors, or equal dry splice method. 02810.T??trTT sEcTr0lr 02810 LTTDSCAPE IRRIG,ATIOT SYSTET 5.All c I wire spl ices not occuming at control valve shall be i nstal I d in a separate splice valve box. 02810 TfoFTT I6. Installl one (1) control wire for each control valve unless noted otherwi se. 7. R,ln twoJ (2) spare #14-1 wires from controller box along entiretyof pressure supply line to last electric control valve on each anievery leg of mainline. Label spare wires at contro'l ler and wirestub box. 8. Run sixl (6) spare #14-l wires a'long mainline as noted on the planfor fut[re expansion. iB. High Voltagp l{iring for Automatic Controller: 1. 120 voJt power with uJn box (Z circuits) for the automaticcontrol[ers will be provided by others inside of the new restroom plumbing chase. 2. L20 voJt power connection from the uJu box to the automaticcontrollers shall be provided by the Contractor. provide connec-tion wi[.h power wire to each controller. See Electrical plan and Specs. 3. All eleFtrical work shall conform to local codes, ordinances and union_ {uthorities having jurisdiction. A'll high voltage elec-trrcat Fork to be performed by a licensed electrician. 3. 11 AUTOI,IATIC CONTROLLER: A. Installatio[ shall comply with manufacturer's instructions and detail. B. Remote conlrol valves shall be connected to controller in numerical sequence asl shown on the drawings. c. Location o_{ controllers shall be for wall mountlng inside the newrestroom. pllumbing chase. Final location approved by ttre LandscapeArchi tect. D. Each contr_oil I er shal I have i t, s own separate ground rod i f mul ti pl econtrollersi are util ized. E. All above $round conduit shall be rigid galvanized with appropriatefi tti ngs. F. All.controlllers shall have a tag located inside controller, statingthat,all stpt_ion numb-ers a'long terminal strip correspond to irumberin!branded on falve box lids. Uart ail empty stations. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I sEcTlolr 02810 LAXDSCAPE IRRIGATIOX SYSTEII t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.12 BACKFLOt.l PREYENTION DEVICE: A. Install where shown on drawings and as detailed. B. Thoroughly flush and test device before beginning other work. callfor inspections as required by locat codes. 3.I3 ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES: A. InstalI where shown on drawings and as detailed. B. l'lhen manifolded together, allow at least eight inches (g") betweenvalves. Provide larger valve box for manifold assemblies. 3. 14 A. QUICK COUPLIT,IG VALVES: All quick couplers shall be installed on double swing-joint risers of schedule 40 PVC. Angled nipple relative to pressure iupply line sha'llbe no more than 45o and no less than l0o. Install quick coupling valves per detail. MANUAL DRAiN VALVES: Install manual drain valves at all low points of main pressure line, and at every 300 l.f. of main line. Install in locking valve box as per detail with gravel sump. VALVE BOXES: Install one valve box for each type of valve(s) installed as detailed. Manifolding equiprnent will be acceptable as shown on details and out-lined _on the ptans in the valve schedule. provide larger box formanifolded equipment. Gravel sump shall be installed after compaction of all trenches.Final. portion of gravel shall be placed inside valve box after valvebox is backfilled and compacted. Leave air space between valve andgravel . B. 3.15 A. B. 3. l6 A. B. D. contro'ller letter and station number are to be branded on both sidesof the'l id of each valve box. Letter and number size shall be nosmaller than 1" and no greater in size than 11/2,,, depth of brandingto be no more than 1,/8,' into valve box lid. 3.17 GATE VALVES: A. Install where shown on drawings and as detaited. 02810 TITTT7 I IsEcTlolr 02810 LATDSCAPE IRRIGATIOT SYSTET 3.18 SPRINKLER HEADS: I A. Install the sprinkler heads where designated on the drawings or where staked and as detailed. B. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the maximum indicated on the draw- ings {unless re-staked by the Landscape Architect). C. Rotary heads shall be jnsta'l led on double swing-joint risers. Angled nipple relative to non-pressure line shall be no more than 45" or less than 10". D. Spray headg shalI be installed on fixed risers or flex risers as detai I ed. I I I I I I I I T I T I I I I T B. E. 3. 19 A. 12" Hi-Pop spray heads shall be installed with polyflex riser (funny pipe) as detailed. TESTING AND FLUSHING: Fl ushi ng: 1. A1 I pressure supply'l ines shall be flushed from dead end fittingsfor a minimum of five (5) rninutes under a full head of pressure. 2. Before sprinkler heads are set, non-pressure lines shall be thoroughly flushed making sure no foreign matter is in the lines. Pressure Supply Line Testing: 1. The Contractor shall arrange for the presence of the LandscapeArchitect 48 hours in advance of testing. Contractor shall supplyforce pump and all other test equipment. 2. After backfilling, and installation of alI control valves, fillpressure supply line with water, and pressurize to 40 PSI over the designaifed static pressure or 120 pSI, whichever is greater, for aperiod of two (2) hours. 3. Leaks which occur during the test period shal I be repairedinrnediately folIowing the test. The pressure supply line shallthen be retested until accepted by the Landscape Architect. 4. Before final acceptance, the pressure supply line shall remain under pressure for a period of 4g hours. 02810 Tf oT-? I t sEcTror 02810 LAXDSCAPE IRRIEATIOT SYSTEII I 3.20 ADJUsTMENT AND covERAGE 0F sysrEM:T A. The Contractor shall f'lush and adjust al1 sprinkler heads for optimum I performance and to prevent overspray onto ialks, roadways and build-I ings as much as possible. B. If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, the Contractor shall make such adjustments prior to final acceptance at direction of LandscapeArchitect at no additional expense. Adjustments may also include changes in nozzle output, degrees of arc, and control valve throttling as required. C. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finished grade unless otherwise designated on the pl ans or details. D. Areas which do not confonn to designed operation requiremnts due to unauthorizeo changes or poor installation practices shall be inmedi- ately corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.21 CLEAN-UP: A. Cl ean-up shall be a continuous operation throughout the duration of the work. Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of, off-site,at no additional expense, all trash or debris generated by the instal-lation of the work. 3. 22 PRELIT'IINARY I,IALKTHR0UGH : A. The Contractor shall arrange for the Landscape Architect 48 hours in advance of walkthrough. B. Entire system shall be complete'ly installed and operational prior to scheduling of walkthrough. Test shall be acconp'lished before any groundcover or turf is p1 anted. C. The Contractor shall operate each zone in its entirety for the Land- scape Architect at time of walk through and shall open all valve boxes, if directed by the Landscape Architect. D. The Landscape Architect shall prepare a "punch" list indicating all items to be corrected prior to final walkthrough. E. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct inadequacies of coverage due to deviations fron plans, or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings whenit is obviously inadequate or inappropriate, without bringing to the attention of the Landscape Architect. 02810 T16rT7 I I I I I t t I I I I T I T I sEcTrox 02810 LAXDSCAPE IRRIGATIOX SYSTEII 3.23 FINAL ACCEP ANCE AND }.IALKTHROUGH: A. The Contr r shall arrange for presence of Landscape Architect 48 nours tn a ance of final walkthrough. I I l I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I to Ac B. The Contrac 0wner has equipment a c. D. The Contrac Items its entire insure c reworked to Final for a finaltect finds shal I ei ved requi red r shall operatd each zone, indicated on "punch" list, infor the Landscape Architect at time of walkthrough totion of alI items on the "punch" Iist. not acceptable by the the complete satisfaction eptance. show evidence to the Landscape Architect that theall accessories, charts, record drawings, and before Final Acceptance will be scheduled. Landscape Architect shall be of the Landscape Architect prior E. If after st by the Contractor is made to the Landscape Architect walkthrough of the irrigation system, the Landscape Archi-itens during the final walkthrough which have not been 3.24 WINTERIZATION AND SPRING START.UP: The Contractor shall be required to conduct one (1) winterization (blowout) and one (1) spring start-up (pressurization) of the irrigation system dur-ing the warranty period. 0perate all control valves and adjust system malfunctions and heads as necessary for proper coverage. Repairs made necessary becausg of freeze damage during the first winter following Final Acceptance wi'll I be the Contractor's responsibility. Thls stratt be conducted in the,presence of the 0uner's RepresentatJve with visual inspec-tions made on all components during operatlons. properly adlist genera usted, reworked, or replaced as indicated on the punch be backcha held from addi ti onal fron the preliminary walkthrough, the Contractor shallfor all subsequent walkthroughs. Funds shall be with-inal payment to Contractor, in the amount equal to the conduct time and expenses required by Landscape Architect to document any further walkthroughs as deemed necessary by Landscape Afchitect to insure compliance with the Contract Documents. END OF SECTIOI'I 02810fl-F? T I sEcTlolt 02920 SOIL PREPARATIOil I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I I t PART 1: GEIIERAL 1.01 REFERENCE: The Bid Conditions, Bid Fonn, tions of the Contract apply to 1.02 |.IORK INCLUDED: General Conditions and Supplementary Condi- the work of this section. 02920 TTFg Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this work asindicated on the drawings, as specified and as accessary to complete thecontract, including, but not limited to these items: A. soil preparation for all sod, seed, perennial and groundcover areas. 1.03 SUBMITTALS: See Part 2, Materials. 1.04 MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF FINISHED GRADES: Protect,newly graded areas from erosion, traffic and repair and reestablishgrades in settled, eroded and disturbed areas to specifietl tolerances untilFinal Acceptance. Repar'r all damage of graded and soil prepped areas priorto Final -Acceptance. Areas determined -by the Landscaie Architect to beexcessively disturbed by irrigation instailation shall' require additionalsoil preparation prior to planting PART 2: TATERIALS 2.01 TOP SOIL - SEED AND SOD BEDS: {PProximate]y 1647 cubic yards topsoil stockpiled on-site - see sheet l0for stockpile location. 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENT MATERIAL . PERENNIAL AND GROUNDCOVER 8ED: A. 50% nitro'lyzed aspen humus (2 pounds of nitrogen added per cubic yardof humus) as- pro_vided by Hes Moser & sons, 50f,dairy cow manure agla aminimum of L-L/Z years, screened and frel from st6nes, Iumps, plantsor their roots, sticks, weed stolons and seeds, high silt cbnteirt andother materials h_armful to plant life. Minimum -60% organic matterwith a pH range of 6.0 - 7.0. Bu'lk mix prior to site deli-ver. B. submit a one ga1 1on material sample and laboratory test resultsdesc.ribing mixture composition and inalysis. submit jtt toao ticketsto-.Landscape Architect verifying source and quantity of materialdelivered to site. sEcTroil 02920 2.03 FERTILIZER: A. Fertilizer phosphate ( statelEnt o days before B. Fertil izer ( 13-13-13 ) . C. No fertil iz PART 3: EXECUTI 3.01 GENERAL - B Upon approval by evenly spread 2 following order A. Areas to B. Areas aroun C. Area around D. Disturbed a 3.02 BED PREPARA A. See 3.01 th B. FolIowing ferti I i zers.f. and Ifor sodding Final fini achieved bracnleveo Dy uniform flr three-quar whlch has approval of psoil application, spread venly over the surface at SOIL PREPARATIOil di-arnonium phosphate (18-46-0) the rate of five (5) pounds/1000into the topsoil in preparation I I I I I t I t I I I I I I T I I I I delivery to the site. for groundcover and perennial beds shall be "0smocote" r shall be used for seed beds. for al I sodded areas shal I be granul ar di -anmoni um8-46-0). The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer's ana'lysis to the Landscape Architect for approval ten (10) D PREPARATION FOR SEED ANO SOD BEDS: the Landscape Architect of grading, the topsoil sha'll be /2u-3" thick over all areas to receive seed or sod in thetil stockpile is exhausted: lve sod. play area to receive seed. entry monumentation to receive seed. s to receive seed along aspha'l t path. ION FOR SOD: s SECTIoN. ghtly mix the fertilizer hed grading and preparation of the sod beds shall befine raking until the surface is smooth, friable and of ar texture and compaction having no lumps or stones oyerrs (3/4) inch. No sod shall be installed on any areaot been so prepared. 0btain the Landscape Architect,sprepared areas prior to sodding. 3.03 A. B. BED PREPARA See 3.01 th Do not add See 3.02-C ION FOR SEED BEDS: s SECTIOI{. erti I i zer. is SECTI0N for finish grade. 02920mr3 I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I I I sEcTIoN 02920 SIIL PREPARATIOX 3.04 BED PREPARATION FOR PERENNIALS AI{O GROUNDCOVERS: upon approval by the Landscape Architect of final grading, the soil amend- ment material shall then be spread over the area in a uniform three (3) inch layer. Spread "Osmocote" at a rate of 10 pounds per one hundred square feet and rototill to a nlnimum depth of four (4) inihes. Fine rakeuntll the surface ls smooth, friable aho of uniform texture and compac-tion. No plant material shall be instal'led on any area whlch has not been so-prepare_d. obtaln the Landscape Architect's approval of prepared areasprior to planting. EIID OF SECTIOI{ 02924fo?3 sEcTroil 02930 SEEDIIG AI{D $DDII{G I I PART 1:GETERAI t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.01 REFERENCE: The Bid Conditions, Bid Form, General Conditions, and Supplementary Condi-tions of the Contract apply to the l{ork of this Section. 1.02 I{ORK INCLUDED: Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this work asindicated on the drawings, as specified and as necessary to complete thecontract, including, but not limited to, these items: A. Seeding.B. Sodding.C. Structural path edge.D. Establishment, maintenance and wamanty of all new seeded and sodded a reas. 1.03 COORDI|{ATI0r,l: Begin llort only upon written notice of the Landscape Architect. Fine grad-ing' soil preparation, planting and irrigation -shall be comp'leted anoapproved prior to beginning seeding and sodding. 1.04 SUBMITTALS: See Part 2. 1.05 WARRANTY: A. seed and sod shall be warranteed for 60 days following Final Accept-ance. If Final Acceptance is issued after Septembef 15, then sbedand sod areas shall be warranteed until .luni l of the followingyear. This paragraph in no vray inhibits the other provisions oiwarranty as stated in the Genera'l Conditions. B. seed and sod areas shall be in a healthy and thriving condition atthe end of the warranty period. Repair dead or discolored areas atthe end of the warranty period. c. After Final Acceptance, the contractor shall not be responsible for damage-to the seed and sod areas which is due to natuial erosion,vehicular and pedestrian damage, or vandalism. Erosion and other damage due to-poor adjusilnent, malfunction, or improper controllerprograrming of the sprinkler system shall be the responsibil'ity ofthe Contractor during his maintenance period. D. Rep'l acercnt or repair of seeded or sodded areas due to vandalism, actsof outside parties,, or improper maintenance by the 0wner, after finalacceptance is excluded from the contractor'i warranty iesponsibili-ti es. 02930foTT T I sEcTr0il 02930 SEEDITG A}ID SODDI}I6 t t T I I I I I I I I I I t I I I PART 2: IIATERIALS 2.01 SOD Sod for all newly sodded areas shall be a turf blend of 0lympic Tall Fescue and Columbia Kentucky Bluegrass as grown by The Turf Farm, E. 126 Avenue and Tower Road, Henderson, Colorado, (pnone 659-97771. Sod shall be one(1) inch minimum thick, dense and free from noxious weeds and stones. AlI sod shall be inspected and approved by the Landscape Architect at the timeof delivery. Sod shal1 be sufficiently moist so that the sod will adhereto the roots when handled. Delivered sod shall contain not more than fivepercent (5%) broken rolls. Sod that has become moldy, withered, or dis- colored from storage or drying will be rejected. sod out for more than thirty-six (36) hours from the time of cutting shallnot be used without the approval of the Landscape Architect. Submit copies of all delivery tickets to verify sod type and source. No paJment for sod will be made prior to submittal of acceptable deliveryti ckets. 2.02 SEED A. Mixture: l,lildflower seed - Mountain Mixture #8047 at 8 lbs./acre Grass seed - Nativ-e Grass Mix H8091, sheep'fescue at 20 lbs.,/acre 999d bV Applewood Seed Company, Arvada, Colorado, 80002, (303) 431-6283. B. Qt4al ity Assurance: Seed shall be certified and furnished in bags or containers clearly labeled to show the name and address of the supplier, the seed name, the lot number, net weight, the percent of weed seed content and theguaranteed percentage of purity and germination. Furnish to the Landscape Architect a signed statement certifying that the seedfurnished is from a lot that has been tested by a recognized labora-tory for seed testing within six months prior to the date ofdelivery. Seed which has become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged intransit or in storage will be rejected. Seed and seed labels shall conform to current State and Federal regulations and shall be subject to the testing provisions of theAssociation of 0fficial Seed Analysis. Submit seed bag tags and delivery tickets to verify mix and quanti-ties. Bag tags must be approved by Landscape Architect prior to seeol ng. 02930 z.6r-3 sEcTr0il 02930 SEEDITG ATO $DDITG I I t I I I I I I I t I I I t I T I I l,leed con$ent shall not exceed 0.1% of seed by weight. Minimumpurity a4d germination shall be 85%. If seed available on the market dops not meet the ninimum purity and germination percentages of purity or germination by furnishing sufficient additional seed to equal thq specified product. Product comparison shall be made on the basis of pure live seed in pounds. The formula used for deter- mining thf quantity of pure live seed (PLS) shall be: Pounds of Seed x (Purity x Gemination) = Pounds of Pure Live Seed (PLS) C. Mulch: I Hay mulch shall consist of native grasses "field hay" or marsh hay, clean and free of seed of noxious weeds. Hay in such advanced stages of decomposition as to smother or retard the normal growth of grass will not be accepted. Straw wi'll not be accepted. 65% mini- mum of the mulch by weight shall be ten (10) inches or more in 1 ength. 2.03 STRUCTURAU PATH EDGE "Geoblock Landsc{pe system" by Presto, ss 363, charcoal grey, two pane'l width. Borman Conlstruction Supply 2310 S. Syracuse l{ay Denver, Collorado 80231(303) 696-8960 2.04 WATER water sha'll be sirpplied and paid for by the Owner. Distribution of thewater from the Or{ner.'s source for all portions of this Section, including estab'l ishment and maintenance, shall be the responsibility of the contrac- !or. Failures ip the irrigation system shall not relieve the contractorfrom applying thelwater to irrigate seed and sod areas. PART 3: EXECUTI0I 3.01 GENERAL A. Perfovrn a'l il work under the direct supervision of a superintendent thoroughly familiar with the t{ork of this Section who'shall be atthe proJect site for the duration of the work of this Section. B. Areas thatl have been prepared and approved for seeding or sodding and.becaus$ of any reason are not inmediately seeded oi sodded aresubject tol reinspection and approval by thi Landscape Architect. {o!ify the Landsc-ape Architect of intent to seed or sod followingdelays bec{use of weather, allowing the Landscape Architect suffil 02930fof5 I I sEcTlolt 02930 SEEDIIIG AXD SODDIIIG I T I I I I I I I T I I T I I I I cient time to inspect and approve the prepared areas. Correct all areas that in the opinion of the Landscape Architect require regrad-ing or additional soil preparation because of wind and watererosfon, or require additiona'l tillage because of compaction. c. Do not seed or sod until all other improvements are substantiallycomplete. No trucking or moving of equipment or materials will bLpermitted upon completed sod or seeded areas. D. Do not seed or sod when the site is wet or during freezing tempera-tures. 3.02 STRUCTURAL PATH EDGE A. Subgrade - See SECTI0N 02400 Earthwork. B. Aggregate Road Base - See SECTI0N 02950. Install as per 3.03 ASPHALT PATH with the exception that no soil sterilant or herbicidetreatment shall be used. c. Install Geoblock over aggregate base course as shown on plans anddetails per manufactureg recormendations. Backfill cells as recom- mended with on-site topsoil (See SECTI0N 02920). Install sod over Geoblock in areas to receive sod as specified in 3.03 this sECTI0N.Install seed mix over Geoblock in areas to receive seed with abroadcast seeder at seeding rates specified. Do not drill seed orcrimp hay mulch over Geoblock. 3.03 SODDING A. Lay sod on a firm, moist bed with tight joints so that no voidsoccur under or between strips. Remove depressions or mounds occur-ring.after sodding. Do not lay sod on frozen ground without writtenpermission from the Landscape Architect. B. Irmediately fol |owing |aying, water and roll sod thoroughly so thatthe sod makes a tight bond to the prepared be<l. c. In the event that sod dries and shrinks, brush a mixture of screenedtopsoil and seed into the cracks and tamp flush. 3.U4 SEEDING A. Apply seed mixture at a rate of eight (g) to ten (10) pounds purelive seed per one thousand (1,000) square feet. B. Drill seed to a depth of l/4" with a "tsrillionl'mechanical seeder,or by other approved method. 02930qor5 sEcTIor 02930 SEEDITG AIID SODDII{G I t 3.05 MULCHING I,lithin 24 hours after seeding, the Contractor shalI apply hay mulch uniformly and crimp into the soil at a rate of two (2) tons/acre. The mulch will be "tucked" into the soil with crimpers or weighted discs operated along the s1ope. The soil should be moist and as free of rocks aspossible. Set disc straight so that a minimum amount of soil wilI bedisturbed. Depth of cut should be 2-4 inches. 3.06 ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE A. Protect and repair seeded and sodded areas during the seed and sod establishment period. Al 1 damage to seeded and sodded areas shall be repaired prior to Final Acceptance and at no additional cost tothe Owner. B. Seed establishment shall consist of watering, weeding and repair of damaged areas for that periorl of time necessary to obtain 90% cover-d9€, with no bare spots larger than l foot square in irrigated areas. C. Sod establishment shall consist of watering, weeding, mowing, andrepair of damaged areas until Final Acceptance. Mow sod at leasttwice at weekly intervals at a height of 2 L/Z" prior to Final Acceptance. I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I D. Seed and sod areas sha'l I be weed free at the time of Final Accept-ance. I END OF SECTION 02930 50t5 I I I I t I I t I I I I T I I I I I I sEcTIor 02950 PLAf,TIXG PART l: GEIIERAL I.01 REFERENCE: The Bid-conditions, Bid Form, General conditions, and Supplementary condi-tions of the Contract apply to the l.lork of this Slction. " I.02 }.IORK INCLUDED: Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this workindicated on the rirawings as specified and as necessi"y to completecontract, including, but not limited to these items: A. Plant materialB. Pl ant backfi I IC. Rock and cobble mulch0. l.lood chip mulchE. Edger 1.03 SUBMITTALS: The fol I owi ng submi ttal s wi I'l Contract Award: be required within 14 days following date of A. conplete list indicating source and origin of ail material . 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Inspection: Plants will be inspected on the project site for conformity tospecifications. plants not conforming to specifications inattremoved at the Contractor,s expense. B. Plant Qualification and protection: 02950fof5 ?l.l: rgT:t,.ti1ilg, and grading standards shail conform to those pubtishedrn the Iatest edition of American Standard for Nursery Stock. Subititutionof size, grade, or variet permission ofLandscape Architect. A1 1 pl ants shal I : - equal or exceed sizes specified.- by true to name and type.- by typical of their species or variety.- have a norma'l wel'l -developed branch ltructure with a vigorous rootsystem.- be sound and healthy plants free from defects, pests, diseases, ori nJ uri es.- possess a nornal balance between height and spread.- 19..luTery grown and at least twice iransptanLeo.- nave a firm rootbail of sufficient c'r ay content to ho] d togetherduring transpl anting. as the the be sEcTI0r 0295{)PLAI{TIIIG I I Plants designated "B&8" on the plant iirnr soil, in sizes as set forth in and shall be: I i sts shal I have fi rm the Anerican Standard natural bails offor Nursery Stock I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I I I - wrapped firmly with burlap or approved material .- bind carefully with twine, cord, or wire mesh, in a manner so as notto damage the bark, break branches, or destroy natural shape.- covered with.moist soi'l , mulch, or other protection from'drying ifnot pl anted inmediately. qgllainer plant_material shall be estabtished to a point where root growthfills the container in which it has grown. 1.05 PLANTING CONDITIONS: A. Perform p'l anting only during periods within the planting season whenweather and soil conditions are suitable and in accordanie with localaccepted practice. B. Do not dig or transport plant material during times when high daytirnetemperatures would cause excessive desiccation to the plant ilaterial . 1.06 PLANT WARRANTY FND REPLACEMENT: A. For a period of one (1) year after Final Acceptance of all lJork and atno additiona'l cost to the Owner, the contractor shall replace plantmaterial that is d€ad, or that is, in the opinion of thi LandicapeArchitect, in unhealthy or unsightly conditioh, or that has lost iiinatural shape due to dead branchis or exceisive pruning of deadbranches. warranty replacennnts shall be made on a one-timibasis per p1 ant and affect irrigated pl ant material only. B. Replacement. planting shalI be executed within 30 days of notice toreplace such p1 ants, or at a time which is acceptableio the Owner. c. Insta'l I replacernent plantings jn accordance with the original specifi-cations. Area.s damageg- by tree or shrub p'l anting o-r replacementoperations shall be ful 1y restored to their original condition as speci fied. D. Replacement of planting losses due to theft or vandal .i sm after FinalAcceptance is exc'l uded from the contractor,s warranty responsibili-ties. 02950 TNT . I I sEcTIor 02950 PLAf,TIXC I I T I I T I I I t T I I I I I I PART 2: IIATERIALS 2.01 PLANT MATERIAL: Provide all plant material - See plant ljst and specifications. 2.02 PREeARED eLANT BACKFTLL, thdf;t fld.Ltl\0n\. IPrepared plant backfill shall consist of excavated soil and soil amenclmentnaterial in the following proportions: l/3 soil pnrendment material and z/3existing soil . f 2.03 S0IL AMENDMENT MATERTALT I't50% aspen humus as provided by t{es Moser & sons or equal ,50% dairy colvnanure aged a minimum of.r-L/2 years, screened and free'fron stones, 1-umps,p'lans or their roots, sticks, wLed slolens and seeds, high-ialt conient inoother materials harm-ful to plant life. l4inimum ooz orginic matter with apH range of 6.0 - 7.0. Bulk'mix prior to site delivery.- 2.04 STAKING, GUYING AND I.IRAPPING: A. staking po1 e supports: 6' t-bar metal posts, or g' minimum lengthsound lumber posts of minimun 2,, dfameter. B. Guy_stakes: 5' or 5' t-bars cut in half, or #6 deformed rebar of 30,,mininum length. C. Guy wire: #10 gauge or stronger, galvanized. D. Rubber hose: two-ply fabric bearing hose, black or green in color. 2.05 ROCK MULCH: J/tl" washed river rock. 2.06 COBBLE MULCH: 4-12" Pit-Run River Cobble, local1y obtained. 2.07 w00D CHIP MULcH: i- ,r f - . r\ \ lh^^likbd, d,aN pq*(E1 smarr bark cnip 'ut.r, tJllirH$ffi'l iro,nr.-r.ror.. | (J 2.08 EDGER: L/8" x 4" Ryerson steel . 02950ffiT sEcTI0r 02950 T TPLAIITI}IG 2.09 l,,lATER: llater shall be supplied and paid for by the Owner. Distribution of thewater from the 0wner's source for all portions of this section, including maintenance, shall be the responsibiliiy of the contractor. Failures fithe irrigation system shall nbt relieve the contractor from applying thewater necessary to irrigate the p1 antings. I I t t I I I I I t I I I I I I T PART 3: EXECUTIOX 3.01 GENERAL: Obtain the approval of the Landscape Architect of staked plant locations prior to beginning planting 3.02 PLANTING SITE: 029501615 A. Dig pits and prepare planting soil prior to moving plants to theirrespective 'l ocations for planting to ensure that they wil'l not beunnecessarily exposed to drying elernnts or to physical damage.Circular pits with vertical sides hand-trinmed shall'be excavated iorall plants. Diameter of pits for planting shall be at least twice thespread of balls or container, or as specified perdetail on the draw-ings. Plant pits shall be excavated below finidh graoe as required toacconrnodate a bed no less than 6" depth of prepared backfiil rnix. Compact setting bed before setting of piants. B. It is not anticipated that planting shall be done where the depth of' soil over underground construction bbstructions, or rock, is iniuffi-cient to accommodate the roots or where pockets in rock br impervioussoil wi-ll require drainage. If such conditions are encountered inexcavation of planting aieas, and if the stone, boulders, or otherobs.tructions cannot be broken and removed by hand methods in thecourse of digging plant pits of the usual size, other locations forthe planting may be-designated. Removal of rock or other undergroundobstructions and relocation of p1 ant materials shall be done oitv aidirected uv ![e Landscape Architect. If changes in the locatioir ofthe work or if the removal of rock or other o6structions, other thanexisting-underground util ities, involves additional work, the contrac-tor shal 1 notify the Landscape Architect for appl"oval of extra work. r l\ 3.03 sETTTNG NErl pLANTr, jou( t\r\r^d^^ard tqffl^iN A. unless otherwise specif_ied, all plants shalI be planted in pits tosuch a.{e,pth that the finished grade level at the irlant after's'ett]e-ment will be the same as that at which the plant was grown. Theyshall.be.planted upright and faced to give the oest appearance orrel.ationship to adjaceht areas. No buriap shall be puti'ea out fromunder balls. All wire and surplus binding shal'l be rbmoved from therootball. when the hole is hearly fill;d, the soil mix shall bepldql^"-q.with water to eriminate air pockets is necessary and ar'row iiro-_soaK- away. After the ground settles additional ioil shall befilled in to the tevet of th-e finistrea suogridi.- -iii pines ltriii ueset 4" - 5" higher ttrin irnisn griae *ith-uic[iiir siopea to trunk. all plant materials and operati ons. I I sEcTIoil 02950 PLAI{TII{G I B. Exercise care during handling operations to prevent damage to bark,r branches, and root system. No damaged p1 ants will be acce[ted. c. !mp1oy a-suitable method of handling to insure the careful deiivery of heavy balle-d plants to preclude craiked plant balls. No balled plantshall oe planted if the ball is deformdd, cracked, or broken eitherbefore or during the planting operation. 3.04 IREE AND SHRUB PLANTING ON SLOPES: construct a circular temporary watering sewer around each tree and shrub inseeded areas. 3.05 GUYING & STAKING: Trees sha'l I b-e supported imnediately after planting. AlI trees shall beguyed as detailed. }'lire support straps shall'be placed around the trunk ina single Ioop encased in rubber hosi. ttire shi]I be tightened and kepttaut. -l,lines in play areas and sodded areas shall be flagge-d with yellow brred colored plastic flagging materjal for visual protecti6n. 3.06 MAINTENANCE AND ACCEPTANCE: A. Protect and maintain planting until Final Acceptance of all l,lork.Maintenance shall include watering, weed'i ng, cultivat'ing, mulching,tightening and repairing of guys, rlmoval of-dead branches-, and resei-ting p1_ants to propbr giade or- upright position, pruning, ind replace-rnent of losses. Hand water plarit material insiailed pir'or to iirstal-lation of the sprinkler system as necessary, and at no'additional costto the 0wner,'incluoing non-irrigated pl anl material . Perform necessary repair or replacement of plantings and related l,lorkuntil Final Acceptance. Repiacement of plantin!s prior to FinalAcceptance does not waive normal plant warrahty. B. Final Acceptance of p'lanting will be made upon completion of all llorkunder this contract. plants sha'l I be in excel'l ent ind vigorous condi-tion. Excessively-pruned trees and shrubs which, in th-e opinion ofthe.Landscape Architect, are no longer excellent representitives oftheir species, shall be replaced prio-r to Final Acceptance. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I END OF SECTION 02950 50t5 sEcTlolt 03300 CAST.II{-PLACE COI{CRETE I I PART l: GEIIERAL I.01 REFERENCE: The Bid conditions, Bid Form, General conditions, and supplementary condi-tions of the Contract apply to the work of this Section. 1.02 t.lORK INCLUOED: Furnish materials and perfonn labor required to execute this work asindicated on the drawings, as specified and as necessary to complete thecontract, including, but not limited to, these items: A. Concrete walk and pavement/stepsB. Restroom building foundationC. Footi ngsD. Stem walls and wall caoE. EdgersF. Concrete game court, Alternate No. 1 1.03 RELATED I.IORK SPEC IF IED ELSE}IHERE: A. Subgrade preparation, excavation and compact'ion - sEcTI0N 02200 EARTH- dORK B. Irrigation sleeves - SECTI0N 02810 IRRIGATI0N C. Electrical sleeves - SECTION 16300 ELECTRICAL 1.04 FIELD CONDITIONS: verify drawing dimensions with actual field conditions. Inspect relatedwork and adjacent surfaces. Report to the Landscape Architect ali condi-tions which preyent proper execution of this work. i.05 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS: Testing of compaction and materials will be required. Testing costs shallbe borne by the 0wner if the materials meet spdcifications deicribed here-in. contractorr shalI bear costs of testinj and retesting of materialsfound not to be in conformance with these specifications. 1.06 COORDINATION I.IITH OTHER I.IORK: Prior to any formin,g or insta'l lation of concrete, ali pipe or sleevingbeneath concrete shall be installed and locations marked. 1.07 REQUIREMENIIS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES AND REFERENCE STANOARDS: A. All work shall conform to the latest edition of the u.s. uniformBuilding Code. 03300 T-dfe I I I T I I I T I I T I T t I I I I t sEcTIor 03300 CNT.IX+LACE COIICRETE t t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I ts. 9orypl.y with the following reference standards, unless modified by Bui lding Code. - Anerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)- American Concrete Institute (ACI)- Portland Cement Association (PCA) 1.08 PROTECTION: A. Installation of all pavements shall not be undertaken until adjacentsite improvements have been substantially compteted. No heavy truck-ing or moving equipment or rnaterials strail be'permitted upon cbmpleted pavements. B. Erect barricades, snow fencing, hire ternporary watchman or provide whatever other means necessary to totally'protect all concrete workuntil thoroughly hardened. Any area markld'or defaced in any manner,however slight, shalI be thoroughly removed to the nearest form oiexpansion joint and new concrete shall be poured. 1.09 CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATIONS: The contractor for all concrete work shall be required to provide aforeman or supervisor who has completed at least thiee similar instal-lations of high quality. contractor must be tooled, trained andexperienced in-the'p"oc6ss and will hotd the 0wner harmless from inyclaims or damages arising from patent or license infringement. 1.10 TOLERANCES: Finish surfaces shall not vary more than 1/Z,,horizontally or vertically ina 10' p1 ane from the layout and grades indicated on drawiirgs. 1.i1 SA.IVIPLES: The contractor wil1 pour a test panel, finished as specified, of coloredconcrete for approval by Landscape Architect prior to continuation ofconcrete work. coordinate with Landscape Architect for suitable samplesize and location. 1.12 HARRANTY: See General Conditions. PART 2: l,lATEllIAtS 2.01 FORM}JORK: A. Forms shall be capable of holding true to line and plane during pour-jlg. Form depth shall be a minimum depth equivalen! to the thicknessof work prescribed. 03300 Z-6T-s sEcrloll 0}lm CAST-II{.PLACE COTCRETE shall be galvanized and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I t B. Forms that are bent, twisted, warped, broken, or forns that have battered or sp1 intered top faces shall be removed from the job. Repaired fqrms shall not be used until they have been inspected and approved by the Landscape Architect. The top face of a form shall not vary from d true plane by more than one-fourth inch (1/4") in ten feet(10'). 2.02 CONCRETE MXX DESIGN: A. Concrete slpa11 have a minimum compressive field strength of 3500 psiat 28 daysf Concrete shall be a six (6) sack mix with maximum s1 umpfour (4) ipches. Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C150, TypeII. Mixin$ water sha1 | be fresh, clean and potable. An air-entrain- ing agent domplying with ASTM C260 and/or a nornal set or retarded-set water-reduqing admixture complying with ASTM C494 may be used, but nothing cofitaining calcium chloride is permitted in the mix. Air- entrainmen$ shall be five to eight percent. B. Aggregate lshall be 314' conforming with Colorado State Highway's number and designation for course aggregates. C. Concrete c{lor pigment - See 2.08 this SECTION. 2.03 EXPANSION JOINT MATERIALS: Expansion joint$ shall be constructed with pre-formed cork expansion jofntfiller, conformling to Federal Specifications MR-F-341, or wood fiberboard conforming to A$SH0 Designation M90. Expansion shall extend to the full depth of the cpncrete sections. A'l I expansion joints sha'l I be one-hal finch (1/2") thibk, unless othertrise stated. No asphaltic expansion joint material will be allowed. 2.04 REINFORCING STEEL: All reinforcin! steel bars shall be intermediate grade steel, sized as noted in detailb and shall conform to ASTM A615 Grade 60. 2.05 ANCHOR'IIES: Anchor ties for stem walls to receive stone veneer spaced as indicfted on detail. 2.06 BR00l'! FII'IISH TRATISPARENT CURING COMp0UNDS: A. Transparenf curing compounds shall meet the following requirerents:the compound shall be a liquid that, at the time of application, isfree from puspended matter. It sha'|1 be sufficienily low in viscosityto result ]in an even, uniform coating when applied by spraying. 033003Tr9 I I sEcTIor 0$m CAST-IT-PLACE COXCRETE I t t t t I t I I I I I I I I t T B. The compound shall be sufficiently transparent and free from permanentcolor to resu'l t in no pronouncei chanje in color from thai of thenatural or colored concrete at the conilusion of the curing perioo.The compound shall,_ however, contain a dye of color strengih'sutri-cient to rend the.film distincily visible on the Concrete fo-r a periooof at least four (4) hours afteiapplication. c. A1 'l curing compounds must be acceptable to the 0wner or his repre-sentative as to color, quality and moisture retention. D. leqify suitability of curing compound for colored concrete with DavisCotors, Mr. John Romary (30t) 77d_6849. 2.07 CONCRETE TREATMENT FOR SANDBLASTED SURFACES: "Tri-Kote UV18" 2.08 COLOR PIGMENT FOR CONCRETE PAVING, EDGERS AND EXPOSID FOOTINGS: A. Davis Co'l or Sunset Rose, I lb. color per sack concrete. B. use colored concrete for all concrete paving, footings that will beexposed and edgers. Non-colored concr'ete *y u" usid for restroombuilding foundation and miscellaneous concrete. c. Do not use color for seat wall caps or concrete game court AlternateNo. 1. 2.09 CONCRETT GAI'IE COURT REINFORCEMENT SYSTEM, ALTERNATE NO. 1: A. "Forta cR" concrete reinforcement shall be used in concrete ga[E courtonly. 2-L/4" bundle length, as supplied by: Local Representative: Mr. John Romary(303) 770-6848 Forta Corporation 100 Forta Drive Grove City, pA 16127-9990 1-800-245-0306 PART 3: EXECI[I0||: 3.01 SUBGRADE PREPARATION: See SECTI0tI 02200. 03300 4 ofg sEcTI0ll 03300 CAST.II{.PIACE COXCREIE I t I t I I I I T T I I I I I I I t I 3.02 F0RMId0RK: L A. Forms for poncrete shalI be use<t for all vertical surfaces, mortartype, true and plumb to required lines and grades and of sufficient strength tq maintain shape during the placing of the concrete and the mechanical lfinishing without springing or settling. Forms shall be thoroughly Eleaned of all dirt, mortar and foreign matter before beingused. Unit lengths of forms shall be joined in advance of the pointof p'l acing concrete. Forms shalt be given a light coating of oil orother equatly suitable coating irmediately prior to placing of theconcrete. I B. Forms shall be equipped with not less than three (3) staking points per each teir feet {10') of length with means for securely locking the form to ea(h stake. 'Fl ange braces and staking pockets shall extend outward on the base not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the height of the form. C. The building of pedestals of earth or other materials upon which torest the fbrms in order to bring them to the grade will not bepermitted. Sufficient forms shall be provided so t[at they may remainin place 24 hours or more after the concrete has been placed before itis necessarj to move and reuse them. D. The alignment and grade of forms shall be checked and approved by Landscape A{chitect irmediately before placing the concrete. E. Removal of forms: After forms have been removed, no honeycomb orminor defec{s will be acceptable and will be rejected unless accept-able repair$ are made. Forms shall be removed in such a manner.to ensure the complete safety of the structure. In no case shall supporting forms be removed until members have acquired sufficientstrength to support their height and imposed loads safely. 3.03 REINF0RCING $TEEL: A. Reinforcemenlt prior to depositing of concrete shall be reasonably freefrom rus.t, $cale, ol|, ice, or other coatings that will destroy or reduce the bbnding including mortar from previous concrete pours. 03300mFe t I sEcTIox 03300 CAST-IT+LACE COI{CRETE I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I T I B. Reinforcement shall be bent cold. No bars partially embedded in concrete shall be field bent except as shown on the drawings or specifical 1y permitted by the Landscape Architect. C. Reinforcement shall be accurately located in forms and firmly held in place before and during the depositing of concrete by means of metal-1ic supports, spacer bars, wire or other devices adequate to ensure against displacenent during the course of construction. D. Wherever it is necessary to splice reinforcement other than as shown on the drawings, the character of the sp1 ice shall be approved by the engineer on the basis of allowable bond stress in the reinforcement atthe splice. Splicing shall not be made at points of maximum stressnor shall adjacent bars be sp1 iced at the same point. (Minimum lapdistance shall be 36 dianeters, minimum lap of 19.,.) 3.04 HOT IIEATHER PLACET'iENT REQUIREMEIITS: A. concrete shall be placed and cured accor<ling to guidelines outlined in. "Recormended Practice for Hot i,leather Concreting" ACI pub'l ication 305-72, unless specified otherwise. B. Protection in hot weather:In hot weather the Contractor shal I use any devices or rnethods as necessary to avoid drying of the concreteprior to the finishing operations. concrete temperature shall be lessthan 90"F. A1 I concrete deposited in hot weather shalt have theproper temperature control so that there will be no difficulty fromloss of slump, flash set, or cold joints. 3.05 C0LD 0R I'IET I,IEATHER PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS: A. No pavement construction shall take place during wet weather or whentemperatures are less than 40oF. All such work shall be protected from rainfall or excessive drying until set. 1. Adequate equipment shal I be provided for heating concrete materia'l s and protecting concrete during freezing or near-freez- ing weather. 2. All concrete-materials and all reinforcement, forms, fillers, and ground with which concrete is to come in contact, shall be free from frost. 3. Frozen materials, or materials containing ice, shall not be used. 3.06 PLACING ANO FINISHING BROOM-FINISHED COI,ICRETE PAVEMENTS: A. Testing: schedule with Landscape Architect for materials testing 24hours in advance of pouring concrete. 03300 6TFg sEcTIol{ 033m CAST.IX.PLACE COI{CRETE I I t I I I B.Pl acement: 1. The concrete shal I be placed in the forms immediately and thoroughiy spaced or tamped so that there will be no air spacesin the mass. The pavement shall be brought to proper surface by running a straight edge over the fornnork with a sawing motion, so as to fill all holes and depressions. Immediately after usingthe straight edge, the surface shall be floated with a wood floatto draw the mortar to the surface and edged with an approved edger. ?. Expansion joints as described in 2.03 this section and as shownin plans. 3. No more concrete shall be poured in one day than can be finished before dark, the same day. No concrete that has begun to setshall be deposited in the forms. 4. No concrete shall be deposited adjacent to concrete that has already taken its initial set (90 minutes or older), unless the specified expansion joint is provided. Finishing: Apply medium broom finish perpendicularly to direction oftravel or as shown on the plans to produce a unifonn, nonskidsurface. Contraction joint shall be installed as indicated on draw-ings and details and shall be l/8" to L/4" wide and 1" deep. Do not add water to surface of colored concrete to aid workabi I i ty. I I T I I t t T I I I I I D.Curi ng: 1. Curing compound shall be thoroughly agitated during use and shallbe,uniformly sprayed in a single coat, Appiication sha'l I be on al I concrete surfaces at a rate not to exceea 135 square feet pergallon in place. Application shall be made as soon as httsurface water sheen has disappeared from the concrete surface.If concrete surfaces become partial ly dry, they shal I be thoroug_hly moistened with water inmediately prior to the applica-tion of the compound. If, in the opiniori 6t tne representativeof the Landscape Architect, pinholes exist, a second coat shallbe inunediately applied to the affected area. under no circum-stances shall curing compound be used on surfaces to which newconcrete is to be bonded. All curfng compounds must be accept-able to the Landscape Architect or- his 'representative as tocolor, qua'l ity and moisture retention. 2. If at any tirne during the curing period any of the forms are removed, a coat of curing compound shall be applied inmediatelyto the exposed surface. 03300 7TF9 I I sEcTIot 03300 CAST-IX+LACE COTCRETE I I I I t I I I I T t I I I I I I 3.07 PLACING AND FINISHING CONCRETE FOOTINGS, RESTROOM FOUNDATION, STEM IiIALL, CAP AND EDGERS: A. concrete shall be placed in uniform horizontal layers not exceeding24" in depth. Each layer shall be thorough'ly consoiidated before nexllayer is placed. Free fall of concrete-need not be timited unlessseparation of course partic] es occurs, in which case a maximun of 4feet will be allowed. Stem wall and footing for walls shall be con-structed in a monolithic pour. Provide expansion joints as shown.' B. consolidate concrete by irmersion type vibrators. The vibrator shallbe 'lowered into concrete and allowed to descend by gravity, Thevibrator shall penetrate to the bottom of the lift-ani about 1" toprevious lift. l{ork concrete thoroughly around reinforcement and intocorners and angles. . when the paste first appears near the top of thevibrator head, the vibrator shall be withdrawn vertically at slme rateas it descended. Application of the vibrator shall be unifonnly spaced at jntervals where the "spheres of influence', overlap. c. Yibration shall not be applied directly or indirectly to sections orlayers of concrete which have hardened lo the degree fnat ttre concrete ceases to be elastic under vibration. It shall not be used to makeconcrete flow in the forms over distances so great as to cause segre-gation, and vibrators shall not be used to tiansoort concrete in-the forms. D. Removal of Forms - see 3.02 this SECTI0N. E. After forms are removed, bulges and projections must be removed andresulting surfaces finished to the satisfaction of the LandscapeArchitect. Pockets and honeycombed areas shal I be fil I etl ahofinished and stained areas cleaned to the satisfaction of the Land- scape Architect. 3.08 FINISHING CONCRETE CAP: A. Sandblast equipmert should be capable of controlling air pressures ranging from 15-45 pounds per square inch with a 3/8" oiametei nozzle. B. Light sjndblasting shall not cormence sooner than 7 days after place- ment of concrete. cap shall be sandblasted starting on the tdp andworking downward- using a horizontal oscillating motion. If con'cretepavenent is in p1ace, care shall be taken to eniure no sandblasting orsealant will strike pavement. c. After completion of light sandblasting, surfaces shall be washed withwater to remove dust. sandblasted surfaces shall be sprayed withconcrete treatment. Apply in two coats at a low pressure (20-30 pounds) and at a rate of one (1) gallon per 500 square feet for eachcoat. Follow manufacturer's recomnendations for'application proce-dures. 03300 ETT-g sEcTI0lr 03300 CAST.III+LACE COXCRETE I t I t I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I See 3.06 this SECTI0N. "Forta CR" reinforcement. 1. Per mdnufacturer recomendations - See 2.09 this SECTI0N.2. FibroUs bundle length 2-L/4" (corresponds with 3/4" concrete aggregate).3. Condudt s1 ump test for concrete prior to Forta incorporation in ml x.4. If water-reducing agent is used, incorporate Forta prior to water.treduci ng agent. Game court 'is not colored concrete. Install expansion joints where shown on plan (2). No constructionjoints are required for concrete game court only. PLACING AND FINISHING CONCRETE GAI'IE COURT ALTER}IATE NO. 1: EiiD OF SECTION 03300 9TFS 3.09 A. B. c. D. I T sEcTI0x 04400 STOTE ilTSOIRY YETEER UILLS I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I PART 1: GEIIERAL 1.01 REFERENCE: The Bid conditions, Bid Forrn, General conditions and supp'lementary condi-tions of the Contract apply to the work in this Section. I. 02 I.IORK INCLUDED: Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this work asindicated on the drawings, as specified and as necessary to complete thecontract, including, but not limited to, these items: A. Stone Veneer tlalIs:1. Playground ?. Entry monumentation at asphalt path and frontage road.3. Monumentation at asphalt path intersection neai covered bridge.4. Entry wall column at asphalt path and frontage road. 1.03 RELATED }IORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: A. Concrete cap, stem wall and footing - SECTI0il 03300. B. Excavation compaction and backfill - SECTI0N 02200. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Materials and workmanship shall conform to applicable Town standardspecifications and building codes. In case df conflict between thespecifications herein and the Town codes, the more stringent shall apply. 1.05 REFERENCE STAITIDARDS: A. Portland Cement Assoc. (pCA). B. American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM). 1.06 SUBMITTALS: submit sarnple of stone to Landscape Architect for approval of material ,veneer and cap stones. 1.07 I.IARRANTY: See General Requirements. 04400TTTTT t sEcTIol{ 04400 STOI{E MASONRY VEIIEER I{ALLS PART 2: IIATERIALS 2.01 STONE: Stone shal I be Pit-Run river cobble native to the area and obtained 1oca11y. Stone shall be natural in shape, rounded, substantially free from breaks, gouges and other imperfections. The exposed face of stone shall be a mixed size not greater than 12" and not less than 4". 2.02 CAP STONE: cap stone sha1l be maximum of two stones and meeting the specifications stated in paragraph 2.01 above. 2.03 MORTAR: A. Cement - ASTM C-150 Type 1. B. Sand - Masons Sand ASTM C-144, or bagged 30-60 rnesh silica. C. Lime for mortar shall be hydrated, conforming to ASTM C207, Type S. 2.04 HATER: water used in mixing mortar shall be clean and free from deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, or organic materials. 2.05 DOVE TAILED ANCHORS: Galvanized, 16 gauge, 3-I/2' long at 24" o.c. each course. PART 3: EXECUTI0II 3.01 LAYOUT: contractor shaii field stake horizontal and vertical layout of all walls. He shalI verify a'l I dimensions wa] I drawings and shall r6port descrepanciesto the Landscap_e Architect before proceeding with any related work. Uponcompletion of fie'l d staking the wail layout-, but prior to any excavation,the contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect of the-necessity toinspect the layout. upon inspection, thb Landscape Architect will isiue awritten.approva_l for the layout. The contractor sha.l I not proceed wjthexcavation until written approval has been given. 04400z-r3 I I t t I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I t I SECTION O44OO STOI{E }IASO}IRY YEIIEER I{ALLS t t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I T 3.02 MORTAR MIX: Mortar shal .l conform to ASTM C270, Type S, consisting of l part Port'l and cement, L/2 part 1ine, 4-L/2 parts sand and achieve minimum of 1,800 PSI in three (3) days. 3.03 SETTING STONE: Stone material shall be as specified. Place stone in mixed sizes, but evenly distributed throughout the exposed face of the wal l. Stones shall be keyed in with each stones "best side" facing out. Exposed stone shall appgqr weathered and reasonably smooth. No scared or newly fractured stoneshall be exposed. Joints sha1 'l be deep raked and shall not exceed one (1.") inch width. See details. 3.04 CLEANING: A. Stone shall be washed free of dirt or other objectionable accumula-tions prior to setting. As the work progresses, all mortar droppings adhering to the stone shall be removed inmediately. After mortar has completely set, the job shall be brushed down with a stiff fiber brush using a mild soap solution, then rinsed with clear water. Mortar sta'ins not removed by this method may be removed with a weak solutionof muriatic acid (not over 12%) in water, applied to stone with afiber brush and then thoroughly flushed off with clear water. 8. At the completion of the work specified, the contrator shall removeall rubbish and accumulated stone masonry matter of whatever nature from the wall and adjacent areas, and shall leave the work in a cleancondition. Upon completion of stone veneer walls, contractor shallbackfill and compact to required finish grades. END OF SECTION 04400 3'6TT sEcTroll lffim H.ECTRICAT I I Generai Requirements 0iv'i sjon 0ne of these_specificaions or project Imanual governs and is hereby made part of a I I work of th i s secti on. 1. [qB[_I[ELUDEQ: Connect new facitit.ies for a completelyEooid-inaEE?-lnd integrated eteciricai -iystem. Furnish anijnstal l-any minor items omitted but obviously necessary toaccomplish complete installation. l.lork to be jncludei isgeneral as follows: a. Secondary service and distribution. b. Lighting system. 2. GENERAL ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS E'l ectrical drawinqsdesign and arrangement are' --- ' J"diagrammatic and shall not be scaled for-d.i mensions. A. ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS h Existin ipment, Pipes, Conduit: Locate existingp€s, condu i ts, etc. whether undergroundor exposed, prior to start of work and plan workaccordingly. Repa'i r or rel ace same where damagedduring constructjon. Take d imens i ons from Arch i tectural drawi ngs andequipment to be furnished. Verify dimensions infield. Drawings and specifications ire complementaryto each other and what is called for in one is as iical led for in the other. I I I I I I T I 1 I I I T I I I Comp'ly with I atestcompany; loca1, stateCodes; and I oca I hor i ty. Report toiscrepancies betweenheld responsible for regu 1 ati ons. Provi dewhere so i nd i cated on o.t":;.":" :i"ll?'.ii3[]l; I cond i ti ons Perm'i ts necessary e.Codes Arrange and pay and taxes. for al I requirements of locaT-uTTT.ity0SHA, National Electricai Architect immediately any ddrawi ngs and codes or be Electrical inspection Aut Arch i tect comp 1 i ance to these codes andj nstal I ati on superi or to code drawi ngs and spec ifi ed herei n. 16300r.rT Exami nat i on of S i te: Taxes: tS, fees, I sEcTI0n 16900 ELECTRICAT t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I t I Standards: Materials and instal I ation wi I I conformto standards and practices of Institute ofElectr.ical and Electronic Engineers (IEtE), Nat.ionalElectrical Manufacturers - Associat.i on (NEMA),Insulated Power Cable Engineers Associatjon (lpCfn) and the National Bureau of Standards unless drawingsanq !pgcifications require a higher grade ofmaterials and workmanship. v. h. k. t. m. ?roqress of Work: Scheduletrades and i n re I at i on tothatthe enti re proj ectconstruct i on schedu I es. Minor Deviations per Genera I necess i tated byapproval by Arch'i Installation shall be 'i n acCoFdance with contract drawings Conditions.Mi nor work with that of otherentire instal I ation socan be comp'l eted per devi ations be made upon lf op ?rawUqs: Submi t shop draw'i ngs, catat og cuts, o rmensl0na I and operational data, wiring diagramsand such other data as requested, for acieptanie byArchitect before installation. Review these :u!mittals _prior to submission for acceptance.lrUlit samples for acceptance when so requested byArch i tect. field conditions maytect. Constructi on Power and t:LI up oni nstal I ation of meter arrangements with Provide temporaryof de 1 i very and and make necessary company.Provi defrom I oad job uti I point siteitvtemporary wiring, outlets,side of the meter and aspower and l i ght ing. l ights, etc.nequired for construction Backfill:E I ectri cal Contractor i strenching and backfi I I for own work. Prg!ection: Provide bracing, scaffolding, quardral.t s and protective devices necessary to protect workmen and . personnel from personal i nj ury due toelectrical installation whjle'on job site. [,|orkmanship: Lay out work in advance and jnstall ina neat workmanship manner. provide competentworkmen sk i I I ed i n thei r trade and foreman orsuperintendent who will be on job at all times. Backfi I I perrocks, stones,spec i fi cati ons . Remove a I Ifrom bottom of trench and general etc.backfi l l material.Do not damage conduits orconductors during backfi l l. Repair and restoretrenches and surface where settiement occurs for aperiod of one year from date of acceptance of work. 16300-oru <-;.-iqlth.G sEcTI0il 16300 ELECTRICAL I I t t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I p. QqliLery an9 Stqrgge of .Mateli at s: Make ownprovisions for delivery and-iaTE--SEoraqe of ownmateri al s and make arrangements w.i Itr otnercontractors for entry j nto bu i iO i ng of equ i pment toolp"gg to pass through fjnished opeiings. Contractorshall be responsible for materials and equipmentfurnished to h'i m by others for his jnstallatibn.i nth'i s project. Store -materiais and equipment whereprotected from the weather. o.Materials and Dev'i ce s :Shall be new, Underwri ter'sDy. Manufacturers and cataloga guide to ipment may be Requ i rements .Repl ace damaged or defectj ve materi al s.Pri or tostart of work, subm.i t l.i st of materjals andequipment intended for jnstallation jn this project. ?nd Accgp!ange . Tests: Conduct operati ngtest on enffition. All 'systems must be complete and in good operating order.Takephase-by-phase el ectri cal I oad read ings on mai n numbers specifi ed are intendeq asqual i ty. Substi tute mater i al s and equsubmi tted in accord w.i th General service and feeders with all f .ights aid equipmentenergized so far as possible. piovide readingi at{J'- , r. main service equipment, all feeders and panelboards.lest ground-resistance to ground shal l not exceed Z5 time of final acceptance.Make insulation tests on ohms.Inspect djstributjon system and panelboards. 16300 3 oTT' Connecti on must be ti ght and seiure q. As:Bui lt . Drawjnqs: Furnish one set of marked_upprrnrs showing as-bu'i lt installation in accord withGeneral Requirements. Guarantee: t.Jorkmanship and operation of electr.i calTi'6TETI6TTon shalt be'guiiiniE.o for one yei" rrorndate of acceptance of woik. @ upon completion of work, presenrLertrtt lcate of Approval of local inspect.i onauthori ty before fi nal 0wner acceptance is madb. firsf qua I i ty, I sEcTrffi 16300 ELECTRICAL qalrq_uAlE_BTALS AND METH0DS Lt a. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Electrical secti on. General Provisions, Section A applies to the work of this IDENTIFIqATI0N _qt EQUIpMENT AND IIRING: providei tag s forservice entrance and distrjbutjon equipmen[. sizes of racer{ays as indicated or as required-by NationalElectrical code for conductors to be contained. nicewiys 2.qq[DU r TS AN D RACE[AYS :Provide a conduit raceway systemfor wiiing-anT-ond[CTors where shown on drawings.Provi de I ,rvyrus r,lr rurtotvlng rypes oT raceways ln accur(Fwith the specific application or Iocatioir indicated. r' Where exposed to theweather, for enclo-lng main grounding conductor,where,required for mechanicil proteit.ion, wherispecif ical ly indicated 3.99Ui!lL0s Al,|o C0HNEcr0ts: provide NEc approved typeggup]ings affi ail conduit runsi'make joiiistight. Provide insulated throats. provide flEC apiroved i. Actual conduit runs are not generally indicated;" instal I in most f easible manner iompat.ib-l e with theconstructi on of the bu i I d i ng and the work of othercrafts. Wire outlets shown-connected together tonsame circuit. { I 9. :l:";ril:ooi{. racerravs thoroushly berore ."fi.r;"It €'.. Provide the fotlowing types of racerlays in u..ffF !ype expansion coupl ings and bonding conductors foi' runsthrough structural .expansion joints] provide waterprooffittings for runs in iret locations such as where exbosedto the weather, buried in concrete slabs, etc 99n4uit,,,Fittings.i - -t,Jhere required, provide Appleton,urouse-Hinds or Ki I I ark cast steel or cast aluminuira1loy- conduit fittings of type and size to suitcondujt run installad. Fitiing shall conform to'latest requ'irements of Nationai Electrical CoOe forconductors enclosed and location where used. provide covers for al I fittings. shall conform to the following requirements: 16300mr-6 CONNECTORS: sEcTloll 16300 ELECTRICAL t I I I I T I t I I I I t t I I t I I Spl ices and Connections: Provjde spl ices only inread ily accessible outlet boxes. Provide spl it-boltconnectors or pressure connectors proper 1y taped forconductors #8 AI,JG and larqer. Provide insulatedpressureconnectorsor"cri mp-on" s l eeves withoveral I nylon insulators for conductors #10 and Connectors may be 3-M "Scotch1ok",Buchanan idealcapswi th 'i nsulated wrap or mp-S1eeves" with Wrap Cap Insul ator. sma spl "Cr I er. .A 90NDUCT0RS: Provide copper conductors,600 vo1t, of s.i zesindicated. Minimum size #12 except for signal and control c ircu j ts and where otherwi se noted. provi d6 Type THt.J ( 75degrees C) for serv'i ce entrance, feedeii and it tconductors #6 and larger; Type Thl (60 degree C) forgeneral branch circujt wiring; Type THHN (90 degree i1 forsupply connections to H.I.D. fixtures. *l, a.Direct Qurial Conductors: Provjde Type BRAND-REX t i nked poiyeihyt ene (irpe )compound, ULVt.|-1 rated XHHW w'ith hypal on jacket forunderground runs where direct burial conductors areindicated. Provide conduit sleeves and protect.i onfor runs under concrete s I abs and entrances to boxes,concrete pole bases, etc. Aluminum conductors wil'lnot be accepted for direct burial. Bury minimum 30,'below-^fjnish grade. Provide 6,, wide-ye11ow plasticband 12 " above ent i re 1 ength of underground run . 16300 5 of3' sEcTIoil 16300 ELECTRICAL 3. 4. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND DISTB!BUTION Electrical Genera'l Provisions, Section A applies to the work of thissection. GENERAL Furnish and instal I a complete system of electricalservice and distribution as indicated on drawjngs and asspecified herejn. In addjtjon, furnish and install allother basic materials, equipment, and devjces inaccordance with other sections of this Specification wh ichare applicable to this instal'l ation. Coord.i nate all workwith the Uti 1ityand service Company to provide metering instal l ation, entrance i n conformance with theirrequi rements and recommendat i ons. I nc I ude i n bi d and payto Uti lity Company their charges for the installat.ion 'oi high voltage service and of underground secondary serviceentrance. SECONDARY SERVICE ENTRANCE t I Secondary electrical service shal I be of voltage, phase,number of wi res, and type as i nd i cated on drawi ngs .Consult local porver util ity company and verify service vo'l tage and location of point of term'i nation, terminateservice entrance at this po'i nt; install all equipment toconform to their service entrance requirements. NotifyArchitect or Eng'i neer if point of termination or service vo'l tage js other than that indjcated on drawings. UNDERGROUND SECONDARY SERVICE ENTRANCE Furn ish and jnstal I underground raceway and conductorsfrom_pad mounted transformer directly to main distributionpane1. Verify location of pad mounted transformer before i nstal I ati on of raceways. Make al l secondary servi ceconnect'i ons and termi nati ons i n pad mounted transformers.Provide copper lugs of proper size and current carryingcapacity to connect cable conductors to transfoimeitermi nal s. GROUNDING Ground neutral conductor and conduit systems at the mainservice entrance. Provide ground rod to properly groundsystem per requirements of the Iocal and NationalElectrical Codes. Provide grounding connector to connectboth condu i t and conductor to pi pe and/or ground rod.Make all joints and connectjons of the conduit system 16300 o or u sEcTr0n 16300 ELECTRICAL I I I I I I I I t I I I I T I t I I I tight to majntain conti nuity of electrical groundthroughoup entire system. provide a bonding tiiup aroundwater meter of same size as grounding condJctor. Groundal I el ectri cal equipment. piovide i separate ground.i ngconductor for all exterior po1es, pbsts, "lightini fixtures etc., where di rect bur.i ai ' conductors areinstal led for circuit runs and/or other nonconductivemarerlals is used for conduit raceways. Sjzes of thesegrounding conductors shall be in accordance with NationalElectrical Code. Do not use neutral conductor as agrounding conductor. Ground al t panelboard cabinets togrounding conductor. Furnish and instal I circuit breaker type panelboards withmain and pf voltage and phase, with si)e bf bus, and withnumber and size of ful l w'idth thermal magnetic boltedbra19h cipcujt breakers as jndicated on drawings. provide neat Iy type directory card in directory fram6. providedoors with door locks keyed alike firr ail panelboards.wafer-Thih or "Twin" circu'ii breakers are noi icceptabrefor new work. Panerboards shal r be mounted surrate asindicated on drawings. circuit breakers snatt haveinterrupting capacl!y for avairab'l e short circuii current,Dut rn no case shal'l they be rated less than .|0,000 amperisymmetrical short circuii current at the rated voltigb oithe panelboard interiors shal I include provisions so thatcircuit breakers may be added in future. iinetboardssha | | be General Electric Type NLAB, or equal for 1ZO/Z0gvo1t, 3-phase djstributjon. 16300 7 oT-8" I sEcTr0t 16300 ETECTRICAT I T I I I I I T I I I I I I I T It I U.L I GHTI NG El ectrica'l General Provisions section A appl ies to the work of thissecti on. GENERAL: Provi de I i ght'ing f i xtures and 'lamps i nd i catedin--rj'-TF6cified. Secur6ly ilount fixtures. Fiitures musthave UL label. Clean fixtures and Iamps upon completionof project. Provide low temperature Ui'ilaits f or'H.I.D.fixtures where mounted.in ambient temperatures below 50degrees F. 2.LAMPS:Prov i de lamps in sizes, types, voltage andGeneral Electric, I.T.T., Sylvania,coTors indicated; l,lesti nghouse. 16300 TTT-T' 1I D€tal No. Boulder Retainage Proiqct l{o. 0 Z a \\ ttr $ L N [$ Ef,sz:ISi $ $ s r I F ; I .t Iz rye] Ni $l SI ;rlKI A1 II $ \s $ rf s r)-r F rft F ts { ZaF \\ Itrs ft \A- _)lr])t q PeiFZ I [lto:; sf$rs4 Boulder Retainage %T reftn,e io .tUt ffitA%bw .cld'l I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project No. t-fuffi,.r51 ?,*Ya1"WE I| tu?a?M ) 61y42u1@ Uvrt+e cor4Ppv) wffiw Detail No. turyafTuWH O( dftrtu COno, @trwc a ffiA ,hW gq74U#AZ 7A A?+NEU ?*ttluff*oe *ftE: | 0d I aQ?€ 3? *\Pl6O r+/A\/#?outafu tu frvltil , F8( 4Lqv\ft ltl fl.ffi qatlwY, DLYffiT, 'a,,0. W?*?n AehE plarArrh, 6,rrtNF Wllb flfllr QU4a6p- yzarf T t T I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Asphalt Path / Structural Edge oate Z'29 ffi Scate -t@- proiecr No. z-plL - \'NL Detait No. z,t yt?ttx3r)r HEAvy ?gfy t4@t_M.,\ 4 4o1 CH)\WtAl- qAZY. alAO TAleL NtWt+. W\F1-L CEU-+ N/foWre Mlxruhe wffi. AwLlft4q @ fr,&Q+*, #t)aaTaNQ wrJErifi,Ae @ re(4,#w, o z" d'M|NIMUM c;Aeb G?#D ZA*,, @17Kf, ro loV" *. a4?rcfFb auw ++ ?Egtts\ arA1le., , zAt v+q. ?Lre AWNq AJTI\?Ew+' @ D a'c' l' urlT"Acrh 6t{aLL 3Try4EF. a-ry, pLac€MENT ' AArzye VexMUM i-?rc TEAHM{ Crarxtrl z.fl-}cz aa)G Nrrl.l fiaJND tbt&, ra'tt{ Goncrete Walk Pavement @ Asphalt Road gA Project No.D€trd nb. 1u /&" A€fttfd.t FoAptiAY t-coFJcFFiE bt\lr FAvEMErrt -e&eF.AoE l"llNlHuf''l t?,trrta FlFs D,frfiea.l JaNrr t4lN. 14 p4 ee'bfiart ffiffiqEov 10% DEI.J€il/ NE\/ 6 A+EFEIEvf{# pxwma{' +4 8ffiAF 3{e&Fr @ EvFFEpN .Ut{F Typical PLAN Typical Interlocking Pavers 4 Oetail No.Project No. rr.rAL @AE,'t 1s"ryy44\U ?*tt€p-Aff?^fto? ?vela a-af l.l'Lt'akno 4t u1?trPo WTt+ rcP,o bF>e AV?ft/@ ?ta6l+rA€ e# lsa.6 Fq*a Playlot Inlet A - Custom Unit I t I T I Proiect No.Detail No. % nAylzT r'f,g\ oFAINffr-,leffiEFil'1 . i€g ?rr4) od nu Au.q'<r@ O\+v5'- I vffiyae.1a7tgP5f e& via4JvT _ FpgutE- 1fr.e2'roxta4n(M6 qPefr €*P1as, *rnrt w, b*ot1b P|.A.N ffi1?tP€ lt{v64f a-arTl?rs+ roreIffi'l| NE ft2rFigtfledc, 6t/n*vc 0 r.qt' o ,c)/ rtt' 9g ?rlO o Detail No. Playlot Inlet B,C, & D oate ?'7666 scare -NIa- proj€cr No. z'42' ull- K I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T 8Xx ffi >)* V '$ s ?Pe aLff, CL-rea 2@ 4tC CT'e) rf?v1 P 'm-t 4- aa.c+ uvhFre, Fatltu+ qAtuz avF$VJ q/rn+'AJ'- l. tAcflW, phllv D?p,'\F(pc-, jO tr-r',4 2. aez "LAN F* i$t.g:r L&A(a$b+ A?e 4La. 7LawnlnletE&F Oate 7'25'88 Scab ilf+ Proi€ct No. ?-frL'WAI- Detart No. DFat I r r=iutT d"PtE. sfttFlAfi 7 4?Oo hoefrp? 77gef Co t c.rha)- + rytu1' f;?a ?t uN%reHgn e ?c"da el r4r'-.t, ffi wI .8 Fff,Jf4{ .7?AW AVWI@ ?Actrtw lVWl f. rll6URF- @flTVE. gp;tl{if4e, 'r? $lL,,w 2.4e nAH WA trlLer vaffi445* l4ft qtza NC ?'"|H Pt?e 'W cur.fi *, wtuftar.a + ap'tT tu/qffi a4*stz wr1t9 * c*a6a3 r) I i I ==. 1 rl-t ii :=_!, =lli{}#[Tf*rrl=1ffi*m=n+nirHmg T t I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I Lawn Inlet G oate 2'24:b Scab -UE- project No. a-,+Z \NL D€tait No. ??qn rnv€( 64z; ?F-nlwe 7.4"ba ,ts Y7 1x W cono, ffia.rqa@T fi?? AE 8tt4.4aQlbo p1 i\4rn Kgffi'" IO\OU? AJT a'r h/, lN &Hc.'rwr*{a+ wLe, 7^\x Y< =ilr I [dq]FF- r4fi\.8 tF,FrN.&Er 1o t*6 Z. % ?rr+t W til.81 t-aAJ1or€..Fi.tD n?e. +lLv? t t I I t I I I I t I I t I I t I I I Perforated Drain Pipe Connection oate Z'A'ffi Scan fJTR project No. '142 -VAL Tgtz?TrqtQ A?€l'{(t o Detail No. 1H:qa @W€/WF ^4t>e0 4a buFNE Vdt t*"7nw eq2-, DNfrW f xaN, wfrwg, n?a |FiA 4 ?eF. Ml<gP aatrfto€ O0t124qz h*m,t lW" Ote. V**l't6O /t*l6t-. 4,t'677p79<rND ?t?d CIMWM W"We iw v-0t o"ao Perforated Drain Pipe/Connection oate Z Z4'fb Scde Nn proiecr No. ^142 -VAI]L lVgn 141*2np ddF.AvA- VhOFnW 10 Detail No. $+ s.l , ('?fuftqfts n€ a,' NrN, @fa?t\ao ?r4 Cobble Drainage Swale Oate / 29'86 Scate (-tZ: pro,ect No. 2a4Z -,,t+ie Detait No. tsfHF3H qtw. 11 Pr-ruJN BlvEh wh, 12t-6tt etTg ia vltL 7W LtNElF- tlore: 4Hll.{h dlfH aFALLffit'2 I t I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I Headwall / Outfall oate Z Z?'ffi gca6 Nl5 project No. Z'42 - VeL 4t'r/t Flr-KUN iryeh w ai GrFr€etz 4€rrtFq w. FLbeW*EA LINEJA JilffiA +eTrIN4lw ,AI€,F,e Au-Fpwf+E rLAl..l. OuTfx-u. 12 Oetail No. '-i-::JJ ll I ---+l lo't oyp tufff-s,aw??1d Wrz\No i1.tteV,p effirt Qt?? ,'..lU.l/, YlAv ?'.+\reO zlt? QAOrI IJqre' ultrln Nn* aMAI-L bwLE 00, 13 Detail No. I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I t I I Basketball Goal Footing Proiect No. YP*re DhHFbh,v @^,M.bo+.ffi4&1, 1v4t AO,AP2 LtrhqP6pl 06Me C eaAT, W AA o" Ol4 a/w ootvl#vIw ?UWW? aflc wl1tlu tE odg P $ d ) F Table & Bike Rack Footing 14 Proiect No. a#'tt*@26ay9 ?*vwt +Ott.?,ry.tly, .26 a.h\ bHro**wa ArV,ft-t|Wtrtta ?*vWdh\o o,u?Mfr nr4w6 atwzFatar^|L€ q 6aE+tz, Lobb+Uua?4?,€p*.r Detail No. nuwwn cft14,%e a)f b qa+ o?7t'ao aft F- @fl?fr^@ ApsF^OlS av,wfiiltt c)r tr-vi/Aptf ,Hfh$fi 6AtQ, @11>Vt, a&€p e*c, ltpygt+oFplt< 'Wt i+ffi t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Handrail oatq 2' 7q''4) Scah NI4z proi€ct No. 21+2 - \LlL Detait No. 15 .1 I l r..' Ilt IuwalE. gW- /4E W1AL / 4V wveL, FA$r a:tr/.-D (A-t1 N/ ?*wrNrvz f xt tADr ttopt+ 2ttxQ* 4a11214 bt-e,+\, NA|IED PlAI4re? ,6freA ?^fr.;gr" 1^effiffffi,uzrc* A1 €NA ?ed tlx6t 4BrfffN W Cfi+ @T caweE fAvEMAlf Ct44?ffiW :lllllll= tuJ?w @tlq1re lli.rt'ti +UV4#PE F@rNq I I T I I t I I I Tree Grate Detail to oate .2'lb'ffi scarc Uf3 proj€ct No. 7fi2.t/All Detal No. ffilm ? F4lt',lll.l4 --\ rr.trehr.anH q ?A\r efu , \+ee rernuL -1 \t\ Affivl. P&t wt*te U? E2 TE&tJlW Vh Ar.lqLE trtl4g. \%tFf c2)+4 rwh, M.nNUa.r-": &MW-TW AUbd?AtrE l. lNert-Al- AN4-E Z- ll.l4rTALL K? W, $',uztlA#e+\# aa*re,, 4HEENAII'r 6-612b v.l/ r4t "rY?et',/\ /il*lGLE F+3AI4E MUr4tt n,A|{f w*#u- t"ll4 I NT I 1T ^Eg p4rc!'reD bY FfiA64E wJa\lb h,atfirNq -rqw,. I4ANUFAaTU hh .JMt?.a^fA#. MAN U FA4TI.I A% +"A71 CAYI4EftA fr +Ne/ANqta **E I I I I I I I I aJw etweTeAW -rree *J-L (+ee -r?€e Pl}|l'flr.{E Wl*19 I T t I I I I I t I I I I t t t I I I Asphalt Path Guardrail Colcirado Department of Hiohwa 17 Detail No. s M-606-1,Tvpe 3 Project No. TF{a G) lbd GALV l.'rf{Le 6ttx8t ?nT 7 bt-e, Lauq cov1wffi s.rpqFAps 34 f6F rN ExCAivNEpMye 8 ?vercT p 1ao/" W.O. F4rPVr\Y euFFAcE WTrez LcqqFF-Ta-CeW1$ W €pAor.io €f{fLL s= }€ pLLovle. 3)5 plCF3 Af ('t-?''" o.AAT EAcrt -itF+4rNAL EUO f R.AiL b) s1o66,ut rrJ-Fe'Tv=su JEFT4INAL elros e*ixut re izi-[,,o.c. .FJuqf GLJAR.ORAL Alr sAc++ e'tD Se AGoycAlE ?eal-pflqlNE ,6EE LAyrLr1 pLANI FF x(?Forxtvrrp,' urcfibrl dLEuqp-p 6:*F?t-<|rL_ -€1i|i",^ ?-\^-Taft4 *,? 1avprW Oz?tffiaf, aprnG+ivAF gt-ahroAFo- 4d'riNat-wr- -oJFabF+d' jl - abaq lY?E 3,'w' bEAM.,€|+EETo 1iz,6:a-]* +d,nfuls'.'| ' -v 6'xb'dA?L{$-.q F ++aar-F*t+peo Z A-r]V6C4PK EFIALL U6E €I'N.{EARD .]EBMINAL €E6I'rAN(FLARED) Transformer Screen Structure - plan 18 Proiect No.Detail No. q'(t' ICfTE ?EtlNG -1 b''ol ,4: l-ron*a., cEDAffi ?aq ---f_ ?Z - C_u_e|p.r.*c a/ | ^'r €FAC,E €10tNq K?4 d^/ERl+ANq 1-1",.4, G_"]A'_bgl ,1aud AtCEOAR, I ?"x+il FFAM|NG, WaLMAtlrzEP Fll.JE l..lALEo 1'r'{ r+rr 51.+lpL\p €rOli.G46 'EC}.S'.,NALE€ z 11'-atr I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I l= sli I t Transformer Screen Structure - Elevation Project No. -- 19 Detail l{o. €flrNoLEe ,l..lAlLEo 2r,.6r FaCrl"' S4g CEDAF Q"*b' Wl #alq+ at CE0'\R 1''_r.1" g+tpLAf, SrOtHq ,6+e cEpAR ?o.r_+tr fftx|.4 I 5j€ " WaL|,4i$l lzw FINE.NAILEP AA€, F€EEMAY z )y'v" GELb" &. x 3' Hr6il AilCrief.Ta CoaA' FwrrtG vr/ lWb(2) vztvgri lt+ic+lae *zlle(2) vzt v btt lr+ic+laR aau€. ffYe> (4,' 5Q pa,R 4 "1" ffi\ 17',',,VA4" Cot..,16. F+4*A (Tt€),lzt Feg 4u,/1,' i6l - ' ' -" il;: ,:i t.t& rlh I'o f . ot.) 6pt<P&p €t b6FFc= @10% 5.?D Open Roof Section 20 I I I I I t I I T t I I T I I I I I I Date Proi€ct No.Detail No. *.*F €+1\t6tg9, \AuFl> v. F"AqltNt€i 1/4n c-c exT. tuvttw> =qt o^/# 6/ lq:.s;;?rc ryM^ffitr, FI^{LFI? 4\/. ,HeT H'6.hF}gR 2}x6IT FAFTFF 2ttvlr l \lL-ER, @ap1r.E dxd@y. FEr 1 l5*,4 t' €fl lFl\p € lpl l.{t4tGEW)F.}AILEp a\o,t 7ph wffE43F, cE%R-, i\A.lLF'D Enclosure Gate - Elevation 21 Project No.Detail No. oFFl'{ w lttxi F 6TwTftre_ -?a-T b4Qe' tptrpsa{ WllE' 4t5r- -/.i.€uFFfE:4 W111.6; :{tt I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Enclosure Gate - Details Project No. 22 D€tail No. qa\3\bl ffi7f+,ffi'tr/| &'rctry Tree Planting 23 Detril llo.Datr = Scrf Nl? projrct lto. 7YAre??Fl 2fu17t-vw r#tryor-nn?P.tYI dtffinffin,vfltpJfi, W'/:WmhFW' i-a* O+, ry alfltWffi fctfrE fti4, ffi'? lF4 7W{r1 44zTtv7| vf'; q+ftfrtw' 7ta$th rtuwutTw | &WyTrJW I R=v^E 'o? t5 O= a-F*+?| 1z-"T, I @6o1PF{Jt boi7I>I- JNPEF ALL-z*. #u- r,AufrNa abfllxwz I I Shrub & G.C. Planting Detaits 24 I I I I T I - t trt t>-I-r l__-l Detc : g<;61sV 44 Projrct No. YqwN EVERGREEN SHRUB D.tall No. lNavlptJ.L ?/1+ v,qt4- FSllplaP,?EF# fr tlUtrH rctJr4? 7lpl*1 W?/+'D ED (r;/Tn (4 ffi)-Fl AW?HftVfi'+#)0 q74'A tH hve,*rt#Ta?A'^ft?+ +Yl+|W l4tl-1477 e 64?i?,?V Wry1fffitPffi,!* ?r"attffi v$rlwluWA qtu4, I I I I I t I llir i:--it @l\-te.y. 7r*rn7 ffiO+ ?e? tht?"rl r4;tu. A1?+tft) ilitriN ftat'rfrAL 6 y1UW ?'F/|it.r 721 tuv 4 At*41fu4 ffi* i\ t:u=ffi1 wrld? qadEFI T I I >X+Flt t- fl\t'1qp r+t apt/i?? ryt'-E a?d=.12 )N2&? -ta€Tlttt 1*? W ?.1 - i,,,iri-l DECIDUOUS FYArlffi )\a?rf 'ffiW 4.t@tv Landscape Boulder Placement 25 Detail No.Project No. \JEW ,F. ExrqlNq CF'\OE Lrcr*t rcrArNEDKiv=fl @ugh=p PLACE ?lZuLOeR 2/D WWol) lNl-a- -gBfl|q MATo't_ hauLoe!-p GBtalFNf AwO =y@irft,F W\ALE, ALL l'/AK3 AFrpGeu*s 6l+ r.LL'e'E'ltrRl.lfp Ntla63ige. Timber Landscape Steps 26 t I t I I I I I I I I I I T I I I t I Proiect No. 3" GRAvEt t-lv(A b0d-peq peT'i-rNb\GE 3EE PLAN 'br* b TRe{=,P-lTlylEERs osptlzgw/ Pt oALv. sprFEg MrN.3 PaFTVaeS #4 ReP'r.n efAtlE @ 4'-o'Laue 'utN, TvJa \n W.SEdltaFl AAJNIEF3INF II1r? P? 1TMDER Detail No. Peva,- fFrFT "traE-fr,,lw.f ".'",J N{=: t.-7t=_s9 6uf rr|4aeR qEre bouvofl- R4INA€E '€tpe @ 1o't gf|$JnARp rcElaqPErrc61 T2 l4lqq+ claeLl wfltf er1/f,r,-- TD nerRE Tq$f F[: Concrete Walk pavement Detail 27 { 2- b. 4i. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I Project No.Detail No. aHIfr4oN Jr'lNfi€ ydt t^|8, 1'PF=? h/ t 'R aF Etc{+ TqWryV gxfrP9laN .ptNT | /2" ?f<EfuRyfr..,alu.' l4AlEFrtL FILL LEr{aF++ e"A.b, Tn,4-? Ept E@E,fr?. ft{<l4fx? CEI',IENI covl<qepA/fN€ ?up6g;>pe, c?yw€i:--;p to40%-5f I*IDAPP fg@Vt"Ef{etry. Ir? ANE END;.*: f,fl15.F-, *.lA!l lt1€ ieax-#at FNr€rlPERpENpta!-+F t?fiE dd#. *L_,."lEEF_Fpqes e+++l-L bE FlNtaHFp N/t4uc-alIa? Effie ffi,w jesHaNN,N1t+€ JaFn€ ffiffi!%T,Affi$ffi Concrete Steps Project No. 28 Detail tlo.Dale I I I t I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I ?t!o,tt"t+wr otlttw *bFa+& lOt vot'og 4(r ?UwWtU ?9ct*ato* g qo'F€aNrNcr vs'- tcar(., oN f t?,wCI\rr wl+.9e NOIEW,4!,#,Wrc Cheek Wall Elevation 29 Detail No.Project No. 6h l -rlI il_ N 5 I $ ) \ I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Cheek Wall Section 294 Detail No.Project No. 1?ffi6\rtyt.vtr| \:r/rya$ vq,ffiI12osq q1ffi-]9 pr.zeF+-g qaNE*)e-----,/ wralhof,0A @?rQa,Tf?, Retaining/Seat Wall 30 Detail No.Proiect No. 1?ED#, Z'l or-. '.MlFAFl 4a+l' tauren fp64g ?on +-i*^^*atrypan aE.uP kdeaTo <;.at"l 4Y?PTW WFrw + + ?q-. Arfr., 6,,6t*+:fE7p-t -p? qfax€ wE}..l 4F, N/torl^W9 ,|Fcqrfi4 !.l,aL{. r\ *\&lALWvelsls ,l|pew?+ lttbdEwtdbt O'ec. rcNl WTwt4ft bTee. o++ WrF,afiF tAM/ vx?t+$row z+1W*g , nJT. 6tt u-r.pigal€ h'? oalT' t? 4PWP-Q 'f' ac AxotW I I I I ? --l6lI-+ J---q. r@l I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I Steps To Wall Connection Oate 2't-" ffi Scate NfA proiect No. ?14, - V*l| 30A Detail No. fi 1 een$, @$r. *+ w @ Atac. Aaelefe qg,f l^lA L av]e vE$zEh ttwl\rM A-WP.efZ 41r,*a-Elr€Nt>*1 eElta ll.lD l^lAtl- H#tF6l JatNT ra nJN FuLr- |+Eq*f fr NAw Ncr-lANq ffi\q WALL EXPANSION JOINT Trfn>lcrrN -iT1 TkF{/ hp t?':a'ii atTli OLrl eq1^ Fy rlllllll:ilil iltlrl l: : i uiiTt-r tililil1 uu tdt Ftuwnlw,MlJaHT- N-XE EEINEEN r^ALL { aW r\\€/€. ga g&) U|WWilWW WE..4e, "1411 W\Jat$f Ledqt# vre..FlaJwzp Nwn AArI'#. 6Ttr Retaining Wall with Stone Cap Prqioct No. 308 Ostail No. \ 7z o R */-z Yt.t7^\\ZA\ -L r>.\vzttlfllrlill ?8. LMIEAIflJATTEF'wMrystatg AtW\'ft% rarcx-$ CPt"lWrTEb W#U- +'4 nEraA+4 c^$r,6t cj-axratl6e, 7Fa41WqralE vEtlEq w{r,rpFE'* etc.€frwl ht *l +1 E p,,,Aroc. l4lFAF._f t4?.N Ht'En, FAwtcd? fuUAL luo Nw +l&e>, doc. 2*4 PEAe,@fT 2+1 ,FP*, @+T.,dt 6r p+exca fffi4 wr6 Co\4WrzV alV4AW Entry Monument Layout 31 Oelail No. z_ 5a-s t_;-i".l:*t , lit ',7r= +-J .t\ \r- \.) zrT J \ Ll3lptsrL F-, $ n+ $ $z s 6 t I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t Entry Wall Column Pro,ect No. 32 Detail No. ffi z $ $ \tr I $nrct9i z E = s $+1.5: ?8 lilsrrlitt IL WD-rr tfeW +Totlz vE}lEEh vl7Kra^Pab, @trffie,qa4 hALu mtv ThtL ANaW, -rEe @"lP,otg? Fp4AFtlL +4AFae w Nlr'e *4 rc-aa TH VtAy4 CaU"NTw a)€qF,*pg Conctete Edgers-Playtots 33 t I I I I I I I T I I I I T t I t I I Project No. vwtut4 woDl4 FlNl€ll z*@eD 4LlBFAcEtb a-r"(?) i,' r+.tl o7 ?,/04fr €o@ a?E*z ca-,ffi t /2t{11\JouL,H/?'t:*A**toE ta? * Ya4 Detail No. /*ttVp.+ AO ilEl b;t;ug @,e7s177r- vAf 4,6.+7,tq: ;f o'nj -i UI?POIW a)bh<Ate.tc MAAUM Wtl FiNEI{ EVWaJ?w-% L1Y") t O W Oa4iereD rCor:=, 'n7 2ttrL,aiFl.t6e'roP a 'afM, l. +z W4JT ArJ? E.LZVATION?^ l"WtnShWEq ,fq ?XafeseS- gi'g' ryOM1 R-A$E W Lffi-flqg ++ t I I T t I t I I I I I I I T I I I I Concrete Edger-Landscape/ playlot Project No. 33A Detail No. IANtrEf.,Pft.LpNffi"yHWtrxaaeo, ?H4z *^p ye3lfr, @fWD +. a.ff, N otlctE&A|#e@+ Wrra4 ltFeDttb W++ w4e t, ?t.h/a.Fr e rytg nA# w uHwE+b.eVxtlala I I t I I I I I T I I t I I I I t I I Concrete Edger-Typical Project No, 34 Detail No.Dat€ w4U?E r,ErTUM *a4 flHefl,^w?pa$Arc CrY?) ?rttaT Ot Q6# tq'7ft rn?<trd OrffiI\?n 24 ?NtV,e{vifi.an +mntft,tUztlAEMNCE.ltt fralvh d,Pltrro wft nO* ffi?Ef HuelsE |.ftN, r0t Dd1\O gton vlerzufi E@rl F$lbft, e*wDatrcxb Crrr.) fbTrW^7 a^IT. retre L*)/zrt A:.aD€'AtJ{jF- = ?^ftF' 7&6 l4wt4vM, OottO, tr+ +rtl.o pho 2*2€ anw4frazoF+eg: l. ry tArarr +#vulc?Ft-ti,lbf*t-ffi6# AtJf2 aLe\frfl'4"+t" Playlot B Concrete Footing/Edger 35 I I I t I I I I I I I qeE ?$11 QP tQa116t 1 Proiect No.Oetail No. luTat* cdl?@D 4tu46 p??W *cd$f. r-116t1 C_lA*f.+V,Zr p?,+ Wlpt4 I I I I I T I I ffi wtL trAwbz,qfr wbt> ,a I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I T I Bench & Restroom Screen Footing Proiect No, 36 Detail No.Date ?at xrlfiF. AV-I% W n-Y*1.'leI+T td hrg, Nrlw, b^:r F4 eepJAn,?uf|it'tA-16 tz\t/'&xdt A|.l.lilaf,Wcr+,n#E,fla? alchexE.?,|yr.F.'?. +4FwAaofl I,,lAYq QM?9\W+UEA?$Ee d?vo ffi Play Structure Timber Wall 37 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t Detail No. O*utn( r\nXLNw1@1:1911t!ffi,qYE Hl Dx AAL\.qlt1e, wN.3 ffi 11MEEf-. WY-, t"tUt.Crl'aee{rt*N 6t?MW b^Ch?uL d'xq'xd treeouAlw 3 aw. NarcH ft'trow 7 aw' NqrcH ft.lTo 11t4WA I,IALL+qft\e dF43WF,6 I44'-or La*r.-ll^D Cz) MlN. W)LWA FE;TAN*CJ-,-, N/ M4Afi"PeW-,ftt-*E 4}tf IWE.:4E hlY AF€A A./lI', FA I-'cA'rtoN eNt7 [,E]lqTtitr rtw* l^lA|.l-. Project No. f:r iir 'fa Y*P iIlYPFAhtf I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Dato _ EXIg.ITNGA]NIM FRAH?vc v TA CO$IROVAI-VEig NalEz Water Service/Backflow preventer Prq€ct No.Detail No. + a cl 2oo Pw 3EF/|6E bn dP?; v4afE, vA-vE FEDUCE ?*,?l!?u ?EzuEE:]E ,#;771a z,f-ilrFp @tffi '7a Teelftmn aJtLDNc z,fiep + wf.{E vrxLra Snf,Sgef^*u a!'tp,Tq' ?', cL@ ?\G g,trczvoaAE hefir ra{-re 4:L".t: .V/c]eE, 1,' teaLrflaF1q+iIE \ALVE f cL za a.c SERVICE Ta YAROrtYPff$Jf @ Z+' MtN.pEpf?+ aF ' ?rRf F€f/w? 1" 91'Ot*6o+ap|(^frf2'Wc Lu.{|aN3 2' ceUALE CH6CF VAL'B t'. 4Ular - 6aupullg \rhLvEa,,w- avr ffi4fu?fuC1z a n€ F1fisalrl?log_ q D,orl. aaMuuiE t-{AtN IUMAa vALvE W*.,€eE €E6s T!-i€ DRlvrs6 ,g-cLAQeilviirc a,tt{it.lp a i\ar iNolcATl\E aFALL yATeF,Ar€ 4R Ffli'x€5 neorlreb'ti-can.i$iff*:.'- -i Backflow Preventer Detail Da!€Project f'lo. 10' Wuxp \a\LvF bd^ UreVE ffa4 2t' ?va Ta ?, WC MNN 1" 4Ljlcl. Cold)t JO VA-VE pLlj/'l2tJl O€tarl No. .W*T,WN'AL'E oa* 3' NC CLA€6 t6O 3LEE\E a,,G4 5@Fs Eoa pu*e cffi. /AL\,E fu51-zu 4 6U.FF CRAVEL 3,rMP a/1" CR:JA.+W zu cL-za PVc €ERVICE nu,<Z' ?VC ReafeS o' 3T4 t wlep \lALve 6 cu.fi. aRAva- SuMP ",: cL w 9,16 gERv€= !\=Ffiall bfu-?,2_9 f?-+. ZttZ't*| P\O TEE W ,lu roalATlal..t ctrE \AL\€- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Typical Trenching Detail Drtr sG11 NTS Proj.ct tao. 12',& 18" Drtrll l{o rutrto o|l wlt I|AI{ STPPLY. LATERAAto wnnc r^'t ero irror. ?ualro oi n|itf.oai ro FT. tNttivatt Material rI LT Bedding 12'& 18' MA|| S.PHJ ru tt rtu Lt- D trl |.tt r lcx tttI. rirra rllr:rEctI| edding Material LAIERAL rat i.anl rtl D raao r Eaa EO \NT rat - utt ln ront l!I-trl.I EC-E ;TT LCIL coG Trenching d€pths shall be as specified See lrrigation Section fla l r.c rt'Lonlr m.? ctrE! C OIEnC I',.|ltTlrrt td unra tI Lc trtlrrl comttn rrl ro rrl :tu * I I I I I I I I I I I t I T T *"1 Hf* *lE f-* $rFnLLArpil t€rEs I. AI-L f,ATI LTC l! E T.SIIIEO rO t| rlrl;rcnnEf,! r{snLLfiD tx3Tiue A Prat 0F nc 13ru-atn sPECt 2, >-- a€<) 2-f i, t _e *.r-4.,-./:/\'i, .\ -a= l4r -F1,,1 v aaa 4. a/U41 -e -arzta. taE:1t^t>EhLl A|-L rarl Lr: r9 E rSntLED lro tEsTEo lcco||olc rtIlll;rcnnEr! r{snLLfiEfl tx3Tiu€flo$t utf,H g,taLLe A Prat 0F nc 13ru.{tn sPECrE nc't6. >-. a=<) 'a-f --, t^-Q t /r- 4., /a->-.. Z.t .y,-./:/\'i, .\ '-=t Ar -F4,1 vA'.q>l.. ,H41 E --$eF,tC &-br4 lr-tz ?<- *.:sg)ra 143)4")_?-1 I I I I I I I I I I l- I t I I I I T t I CONTROLLER DETAIL TYP. D.t.ll Lo. 4artqrhu mt$ €{.ttFf W WFE roF R/tl'l5 -+*-\ I Drh-__ Scrf NTS prof*t lfa lP \taif |l\l|FA fFz'Apla# uq<E A{ftaLLEfi-- FeFHq 10 t4}1 Q, qgaWM-. 4 naufrpla frfil<r4cn+a Urytvtl htlFt @-qrcr- h{FF- i- ,iF, Otfr aJ<la+- r,*ll(Ff*[, P SuvI?-, @-Efiez-\A)t=a. wF-, FLI- NtRr{t p fulr+a7ps;o r, fu< @7a( AV@@ ?l.grr'ftplrlnplL FaNW q+tL W @tw p, W W q?&t1c*Va .t4lf, @t-tTl.auEl< ru-FrE qpL,&l all11lF-.?A&, Ftre M1ssa4 q?o{fte HlFe T? d A&JNO w. WIRE CONNECTION DETAIL TYP Dlo-- 96.6 NTS Prol.ct l.o. QU? ffi? W+IV*CNOAAIFEE zlw vlttv frTT$ll.1AV,Y VD" 7pf1 aEB tAqT ^wwql1*Ml%,*ldAt?pg 2TqtUNhW 71YY $vllYAtfrt fLth -_ L W dllwq.a/e NAzAtE awAtI? A,e\te , arT*f WfzlAvE n/U- me%ftTNAAtW 'ri?,f,?t rr fVzrl %uMtl tuvqifi, WE *F+r W*ttAtPE2p ^0 4 bvewr'? rcVe ctFlnqV Aehtxl+FaH\do? Dttrll llo STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 HtT"',ttNV?'* Wt"'. W l4lFE av& fv, tft 110,p1rye na lA, qH? vllFEh &aaMAEy EDtt tM4l$qf frW@4a* I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROTARY HEAD DETAIL ?trlwaF&E 4'+ (Ya qlu qo ft'a-v Drtr- Scrf Nr4. proloct lto 7a?- d? sr'H '/c-fr2 ftEF^W e#ra /@? ea D.t.il llo' f-AlEflAl- nft floctAufu1w *A)p tl#Lex azass zr-v (a") Ytrl. fr lou,fi, Amev s,Fziva-,ilY,? AT 44 W9, tre a+tfu, &Na fitffig-4'(tn .('a661 F+ %ia132S Tnffi4 a4FEt il- 7Ya, c<*W. 40 +fAL(MWrl"nl6Jt) let' flo cdtEa tu Ntlvp qdc/Ah4oefieat ?L). t)ilW lkp. )dezqWM nL, ?L WIALL la qry6 wrlat1 F2w4"t6lwaMJNa+1 4"tL. lalaA Yev4 -af VV:A POP-UP HEAD & RISER DETAIL D.t.-_ Sc.L Qtrw)Ne. NTg Prolrct llo D.tdl No. FlNl".t q^Da ' t' 1' ' tl t,'ll UNtlH4wtETD Oe ffi N;nt"6571OAH) VVg ifF\ilq-Er frw \%flFpat*Q fuow- dt< Ff-l-'. NlfH t/z' P1,,2ag Vy''+Hwut& tu fue<,L*ldn r, wurw. 1r1R#t'g19- otILq CUrya 0o ruO lPFfl- @ l?t /'trv, g,-jRf. a)- wp tF.)W +W?c nt6* Ftl-F*+N,TFI FNF'I etw,?, altYfr:f A)- Ab W#ru-. p ay12 D*E,T-(Fu\ryluW rcJ&JT 4t> NaIT..t I I I I t I I I I I T t I I I I I T T POP.UP SHRUB SPRAY HEAD DETAIL D.t.Scd. NTS proloci llo.Oriril llo. ,rytlr"frl fuc qawuv? bTW N/tuo AA-. t/2" l@ lb lJq AY flf,( Fta< of< frCffi)Nb tvTpz @tff€f M 4t1s *#lu- p qtE,WaTY fr Jtl9lFrTJW Aia.JFCcNT'4>' AL WY|W A*.J&WI# 4FJ_ geNtTtt'Ftrv et^N' tAJtO WtJ. FINEr'l oW 4?#( nW AEryf CW" tbo 7O r4A2+ ry eu- tFlaElsrx 111Ff,r' BUBBLER HEAD & RISER DETAIL TYP. Drteil t|o.D.to-- Scrf NTS piol.Gt ilo %4eolve 1O 7vo IHa3 a)- *J|IH 1?r 1l1qEP|o:.D OL\-q OUWLffi HE+o 4d'FlNltJF t\O.zA-e //\tl//ti +)Wre /\aTeneU , a?E- ftPNTNa F-PN1 Oq71sr. Vzn l4@gE Oo V/o FFAffi t/t't.'.tal1{ n O491Vh. ov+tQ WOaFl. t--vT?t tlwfif 4 PW d)aaLef tbata +tL De Iu- tlzueryc fl\t).l-fl aF 5x1ge14 F otw4w tr-J fla-Dtf t-'A' @r\?ft/] ?W 4ou- ?q<FilJ- p Atg ale1g;4Tf rn}JOFTT)WW ftarrc;gagT e-61a-. A)- A!\eOWffi 1" ffi,@\W r,,.rrftf s6<epv+?pJ t&vtp WloN' I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I VALVE ASSEMBLY DETAIL TYP Dot.al l{oD.t.- - 9316 NTS profrct lfo. Hf\qEt< ID-.V #ptfrtr5pffi# nF4v v'yx?WX Ntltt lt\FtTrtlN&Lata*rt AvW (+T FUH hlfTit FNIFtr{ A.i|E'-,\ Qorq. Cdrrgvd)te r^FtrRe bu_ft 1?F.q Ft qw)Ft?D. fiFrErf *p? qAw & 4tia1c'JlL ruo i}tl thl\? qp Ft \la1-VE-, wo q)lb 4afyeF Mvae 4W-bwatdrvb ffia4\ lptxp 42p Td qz9F vqwlwt-1 F b a$ PFPhltl..9 4 *, @tf1EE" 4rlep, fu voHrfL? 7u rr.tl51.161fil ?*IE€-tal-n fttW+Fl @f<v"()&x/+ryeruhI aHtT A froFltm,' +rtg qZD Pc'r VP4^/e(X FentIIFED\v.al.a{tlfu,p 316' A-.il?D. + FayAv,FE W\ lvc[J qz? P VPttE4t7Z @JtWc# o,vtro- Wc ourya t@ FT %tPtw lYlN. aJFr Ta4ffi| !< tlwh foOO-* w AFrt..t i'ffioF wuaqspffOffieu FfirrJr.lt2{ #{"ffi:l4iue@ dlru,rl ry1ilfl o itll nhl WT?' il-I\pTW aetgi.,1:a,,q Afuu W Unw KrTF+r97to#Lt Uqgo 13,4t^, rcJ!?rar- WrFDvp qw wht( e uHD'9TilFc€r2P>JPoe$f 4l--. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I ISOLATION GATE VALVE DETAIL Drtr 3615 NTS p?otrct t1a TYP. Ddrll llc wo lCileDAe #Tlww Felnan. fiNFn ffi-t o nrtlW VH)/e fuX V.uTd/ frlrJfiN, t4#rJg @4+T rus'n AY nNt?{ eFee, z/\ol.ttFt- aP \F-ve <,+lbge fu r[fn-gt 1lffil? af nr)'lre-€W FBa^elAao..J\pll:/? @X 'o"b A^e fu WO /1\FtFl wa, w4e AN ll^'.i'tl!.Np l^JFleFe +w.t aN trrc|A$e tEEl" P n,at! 1ryh vF tusef 1+uefra)ft/tE^rE--' I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I MANUAL DRAIN VALVE DETAIL Ortr, Sof NTS prol.ct Xq.9otrll tlo. lrfigt?r. lo\ lwfo vrtw, n, aWwtrqcN* FlNpirffi ag/€L *i7rr107x ,',i#t;arc,6r@ C',ffi b?vc l,'tan 4:tra.btv ttlfr,'te,LQ,t/{lH ft uP{vt?@ q+t6O,4O lV ed- NIW t+1?'n fi' 272151 Y&gb,tff?rwa wotE q^fr1? U Wc N?nSz ..qr4fij le ft&tfitu $8bno6' "s,so A)- \fr-+1lrllob €rNNecflaN4 qtrru_ ", aAlW 41111 {pp6p6p1,,t Ltqvto ff?41 4ffiPfr61? N4ltiu2?Yii$? 4 hw taA FPI{1D Mq HArN 4e Nwrl? nlei'tle rprl* **tfii,.rE b{r^,rw ,#4tE YArvca Aw Nor E k wtw I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I QUICK COUPLER DETAIL TYP. oot.il No.D.t.-- Sc|L NTS Prolrct lfa Uffirc, Wx t.t/ >eft\Qa!# AUifr A)futf-& 'ua,a;vB rVl.d*t16 vttlYt av# ?t\ftd qw" q?,x'tflL &UHD Ux -..a c,4rc4c, FTqNLINE i' 9, 2, -q tW, U 4tO 1 .e-vNatlt4 #610, 12' HlN.4w, @ ar6 Nifue(l'a,d)NO ryt'il-+ e'*ngg,% qf%el e* ("2 "27 44lN(f .J+) w6 %eatu?L' ltt a{iFD, h wc 4+180, @ 17? o7 tur h t"a, %fraD,Uqtz?t aL Notes q?:)fi _|1-Qott W4rci*IQ qry- nga E -tirOl4 aTggP liF'.IAdl1--ittf qAV, Side View Top View I I I I I I Yard Hydrant D"-t Sc€lc Proj€ct l.lo.Detail No. -Dex* cavep / byztl o"4, r- lxl! :@ t-rb I lll ilfi=ilI11 II H'ra' Pou?Fi 6aNi6CgTe Fro I I I I I I I I tI b d F .. F H /7'.',ift tvrr{ V€6t+. & sufrL*, I'_:?4" gLrPx FtFTREpuc[.t6 eLL 1'r 6L zoo Wc eLeev". /