HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED FORD PARK AMPHITHEATER SOIL & FOUNDATION REPORT 1980chen and CONSULT assoctates. lnc. ING ENC] I. :: SOIL & FOUiIDATION ENGINEERING SUITE C_7 VILLAGE PLAZA o GLENWOODSPRINGS, COLORADO 31601 o 303/945-7458 SOIL AbID IUJNDAIICI\I D{VESTIGATICT.I PROPGED FOFD PARK A4PHTTHEAIER \a,rl,, coroRAm PrqareC Fcn: RuoffZt{srtr,oorth AIA P.O. Box 2178Vail, Colorado 81657 Septerbr 30, 1980Jcb No. 2I,0Sz -:r: -,- \ '--:.- @.iGXSIO{S sc@E TABI,E CF. CCNIH\TIS PRCPGED OiSTFIJCTICN SIIE CCNDITICD{S SJBSOIL @{DIIICNS IUJNDA:TICN RroVMENDATICNS @dJND FIOORS AND FDGD SEATING GRCTJND IGtrER OCNDITIO{S SJFI'ACE DRAII{Affi MiSCH.;I,ENEUJS FIG. 1 - IffATICT! CF EEI.oRAI'ORr HOLES FIG. 2 - IG CF E(PIORAI'ORr HOI',ES AND I,ffiND A}.ID Nc'IEs FIG. 3 - SITELL.CO{SOTIDAIICN IESI RESTILTS FIG. 4 AI{D 5 - CADFITICN 1EST RESIILTS SETE I - g]!MAFY CF' IABORAIORT TEST RESUTSS CCIICIIJSIChiS The pncposed tleater can be for:nded wittr spreadfootings placed on the q)per natural soilgdesigred for a macim-m bearinq pressr-re of 4000 psf witJl design details ind precautions as discr:ssed belsw. S@PE Thr:is rreport Plssents the results of a soil and foundation investigaticn for tlre prcposed arphitteater to be located at Ford park, Vail, Colorado. Thre reporE. presents ttre reccnmended epe fowrdaliql and alrorrabre bearing pressure. general subsoil crcnditisrs togiether with ottrer soil- related design and ccnstructicn detai_ls. PROPCsED CCT{SrFIJCTICN the prcposed facilitry will ccnsist of an cpen arphitheater tlpe structure havirrg a cast-in-place and precast for.rrdation sr-pporting a steel franre sr4rer structure. Fourrdati.cn loadings had not been dete::ojned at tfre tine of tl.:i.s report r"rriting and are assr.cd to rarge to an appro.imate mardrm-rn of 8 kips per lirreal foot. rixed seating will extend tp tte slq>e fron the orchestra pit and utilize casL-in-plaoe ccnstn:cticrr. Aborc the fixed seating the srcpe will be graded for J-andsc4ing and seat5ng. The stage froor witr hare a finish revel at elevaticn of 79 feet. Ttre baseirent level wilr be slaFcrarade at an appro:cirmte elevation G7 feet. SITE trNDITICNS fhe site is located on a gentry slcping bench betl^rcen Gore Geek cn the louer soutt,east side and tlre eristing Ford park fields tc tle north. vlithdrr t]re trrilding area, tte gro-rd sr:rfar,-e slcpes cn ar aFproxinate -2* 5t grade and st€epens to about 20c within tle fixed seau-ng and rpper lardscaping. Elevation differential is about 15 feet. vegetatirie csver ccn"rsj.sts mainly of sod at tlre prcposed facilitl' w:ith seve:al tlees sunrounding t}e site. SJBSOIL CCNDITICNS The subsoil conditiqrs r.rer.e inr.restigated by driUinq 5 o<plonatory holes at the 4prcocirnate locatlons shovn cn Fig. l. Graphic logs of tie subsoil profiles encor:ntered at the test borings are shcrm on Fig. 2. In general, tie subsoils consist of 4lproxirnately l_l to 17 feet of silty oarse granular soils to boulder size, orrerlyilg stratified sand, gravier and obble rnixed soirs to the naxjmun rrepth Srnrestigated., 34 feet. At lest licle 5, located cn t}e landscaped bank, a granular tlpe filr material was encountered. Results of in-prae penetration resistance tests, presented cn Fig. 2, irtdicate the granular deposits are sed.iun dense to dense. A consolidation test perfo:ored an a very silty sarrd laye encountercd within the near surfae'soj_ls shcn"ed ncderace crorpressibility rden loaded and r^etted. Gradation analysj.s perforned cn sna11 dianeter drive sanples obtained frccn tlle test brings are slsvcr on Figs. 4 and 5. I"Ioi_stuxe ccntsrt of thre r4>per soils was dessri_bed as being nearly dry to slightly moist. ecrund water was encor:ntered in the deeper bcrings, Itrores 1 and 3, at 4procjrnate d@ti, 16 feet. Ttris rcter depth corr"eqcnds to el-evation 52 to 64 feet *rich is approcirnately I0 feet above Gore Creek level. l{e undesstand flood leve} for Gore Creek is approxirnately 66 feet. -3- FCTJNDATIO{ RECCI44NDATICNS The subsoils near prcposed foundation bearing leve1 csrsist predon-inarrtry of coarse grained soils witie occasicnal firre silt and sand rayers. considering the subsoil ccnditicns and prqosed tl4le ccnstrucCicn, v"e reccnmend tlre use of spread fmtilgs placed qt the rpper natural soils for sr4port of the stnrcture. The follo,ring design and ccnst:ucLicae details should be obsenred: (1) Footings should be plac.ed cn the r4per natural soils belot all tqsoils or existing fiu naterial and designed fon a nracimln bearing pressure of 4000 psf. under this plessure and assured loading ccu'rditicns, \de estinete settlq€nts bet\^reen approximately ! to 3/4 rrrd-L rihich should essentially occur during ccnstnrc-uicn. (2) Minirun foting width slrould be taken as 16 inctes for walls and 2 feet for colurns. (3) ccntinucr:s for.rxlaticn walls shourd be :einfcred te and bottcrn to spel an ursr4ported length of at least 10 feet. Bassnslt wal-1s act5ng as retaining structures" stror:ld also be designed to resj-st an eqrrirralent lateral ead.h pressrlre of 40 psf per fcot nf rf cn'rf 1r fith i .\./! !.s!, utr rri-r-s pfsssrrr€ assunes a ue11 ccnpacted granular bacidiu havilg a swface grade slcped ar,ey fron the strJcEure. (4) All t4soi1, o<ist.irrg filt ard any lenses of fine silts and sands fiourd at tbe base of ttre footing e<ca.vaticn should be rqrprred and the foLings erEenited to the 1q,,rer dense soils. Boulders encountered at ttle base of the excavaticn stror:Ld be carefully -rsrcved to nirtimize distr:rbance.- (5) S{terior footings should be plaed belqs frost d+th. -4- RCI.]ND FIooRS A{D PDGD SEATING The natural granular soils other than tqsoil are suitable to srryport slatson-grade onstructicrr. In the seating area, tle e<posed surface shoul-d be cl-eared of all vegetatior, tcpsoil and any ocisting fill. In areas slcping g:eater ttran 5:1 (horizontal to r.rertical) tte grror:nd surface shourd be benched to prorride a revel surface for filt plaenent. The oposed subgrade ttrrorghout tlre entire seating area should be scarified at least 5 inches, ncistened and corpacted to at least 9Og of standard Proctor density (AS'IM D69B). nequirea fill should ccrrsist of non-erq>ansirze granular soils ccnpacted to at least 95t of standarrd Proctor derrsiQz at a nrcistr:re ccntent near cpLimun. Gr-site grranular soils should be suitable for reuse as fill nraterial prorided all otrersize rock is rsrprred prion to placernstt. To redue tte effects of scre diffecential rnJv€rent, builcling i;]abs should be separated frcnr bearing rrErnbers wittr a posilive erpansicn joint and adequately reinforced. A 4 inch free draining grarrcl layer should also be prowided irnrediately beneatlr building slab floons. A g::avet layer is not needed beneath the fixed seati-ng but a tJlin layer of collcacted road base tlpe material could be used to facilite.te c€ncete placsrent. GRSJ}{D lEftER CCNDIIICNS Ground r,later ler,rel was encq:rrtelad at q4lrorirnate dqth 16 feet il Test Holes 1 and 3. rtris ccrespcnds to ryprc*drnate eleratiqr 62 to to 64 feet. Gare eeek appears to be at 4prroximate eleration 55 feet with a high water leve1 at approcinate elerraticn 66 feet. Lcnrler 1errel of the structure near elerraticn d9 feet is both abcnre existing grotrrd vrater lerrel and hiqh \dater of tlre creek. Hcnever, sjlce existing free water level is above Gore creek, it is possible that this lerzel could rise at Line of peak nnoff . therefore, tfre lcmer -5- level of tle structure should be protected. against wetting fu an t,.derdrain systsn. The 'nderdrain shourd consist of a perforated pipe installed in a gravel filled trsrch praed. at. least 2 feet belo,tr finished floor leve1 and slcped at a minirmm rE grade to suitable gravitl, c'tflow. A Lateral drain sFrould also be provided aqrGs t}te enter of tlte stnrqtr:r:e to shorten ttre flovr path. The gravel beneath t}e froor slab shouLd ccnnect into tie underrlrain wstem. S]FF'AM DRAII{AGE The follq.ring drainage precautiurs shourd be observed during constructicn and nraintained at arl tines after the buildirro has been ccrpleted: (1) Inr.ndaticn of tlre foundaticst excavaticn should be avoirted durilq ccnstrusticrr.. (2) t4iscellaneous bad<fill arourd the buildirrg should be moistened and ccnpacted to at least 90t stardard proclor density. (3) The grorxrd surface surrounding the exterlor of ttre buildinq stloul_c be slcped to drain ar,qg frcrn tte building jn alI djrections. (1) noof dcnmspcuts arrd drains should disctrarge ve11 beyond the rirnits of all backfill. lIISCELIANECI.JS Trlis report has been prepared in accordance w-itrr general-ly arcepted soil and forsrdati-cn enqineerirg pracLices in this area for the use tY tl:e clierrt for design pur?oses. fhe cqrclusicns and. reccnnendatiqrs $brdtted in this reptrt are based r.pcn tte data obtained frqn the test boni''gs drilled at the rocations indicated cn the test boring plan. rt€ -6- nature and extent of rariaticns betrrrql ttre test borings may not beccrne e\rident r:ntil excarratiqr is perfcned. rf , during ccnstnrqticn, soil and grou"rd water ccnditicns apFear to be different frcrn thcse described herein, this offie strould be adrdsed at drce so tlr,at reevaluaticn of ttre reornendaticns nray be made. I{e recqnnend orFsite of e:<carraticn and fordaticn bearing strata by a soil engineer. CIIEN AND ASSOC]ajIES, INC. By- S;PArb l"s , \ ///// //t \,/-\--- -ffil///,'{m$S ,P--:ltll l,l,.l ))Y ,'t' ./.-- ,,/ ,lll7//.17' .,/' l, llt,llli lril,'1,.'i lll"llll,t,' \--:j ,, ,/,/t[///l .:-f --- - a= =t; ' a c--ir r!6 -;i g r;I: $ sEt#H ,;; li; ;i r: i; g; ' I i ;;t i; :gFii lgi i6 i; ;l;A3 F :* s ;:i Tss Eri!; E;:, Z; ;l iE:;; "1., a=; e_c h,ri sHfp;t liua:i * ;*:il 3 :i i iie E;l li!;; ,i,:i::8: $"1 ;i:tF E $; { i$; i;E f i; 's ii:;€t{;E ;* ='*E;; I ::r * E;s #Fs cc+ EN xj" &""m "Eil -E- -l-t lr' <- H a o o (| OP \oo@!.! ei q r1 P6t 'roJ.>ir. o, F (, 9,5 E6 t'i+-2 D<ERwRws <- l5ffi:iRffiffi * I I L| ''qF ..,:i?I o' -''r 'lk-t .'i.';x {f;?8::l B*AT :Han : 11" I* Rl s 3 i3 3 5 ? J!3:t - No I J,v^il'l:I tSaJ - NOIlvAin3 , CA- l A-79 v,-chen and associates. in oc. o\" 0 I lra9-I 1 A Morstu.e Content - 3. 3 percenl DryUnrtWeighl . 99.2 ,"t samPre ol Very: si ltv snnd From. Test Hole 4 at 4 feet Y (\ -L_I 1 1 Ltional rtant P'ino. :es s,.re 5- dr t ll )c ( \ 1.0 10 APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf c'r:= | ,^-\r.rc\-\, ,fr-3-!-rl^.\.r -EcT eESlt*TS F,: 3 cA-; , :9 chen and associates, in I c. a,o rJrN rg MrN e MrN I ltlr,j ?tc 'tm '5C '.0 '30i5 rJlli IM€ CLAY TO SILT z nz 50c z 60() ?0 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL 18 % LIOUIO LIMIT SAMPLE oF Silty sand 60 cb SILT AND CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX grave I FROM TCSI 22* s Hol.eIat9feet SANO % and ? HR, 15 MrN E0 MtN. 19 MtN.. MtN. I MtN CLAY TO SILI cnevel 46 * snro 45 Lrouto LrMrr ryD SAMPIE oF Sand and gravel '50 '40 '30 .042 OIAMETER OF PANTTCLE IN MILLIMETERS z o q5 SILT AND CLAY PLASTTCTTY INOEX FRoM TeSt 9 Hole 1 at 14 feet STEVE ANALYSISrYDRCr.{ETEB ANA:_ySrS - -r' ' -')-GRADATION T:ST RESULTS Fic I IME 15 vri 60 tltN HR Mlr,l 21 chen and associates, i onc. 'r0c .50 '.0'30 '16 z z .92 50c z 60o€ ?o z 4 () cRAvEL0xSANDS6t LrourD LrMrr qr SAMPLS OF ve4, silty sand 2{ HFt 7 xR 15.MrN. !5 MrH. 60 MtN, 19 MlN. a MtN- r Mr DIAMETER OF PANTICLE IN MILLIMETERS slLT ANo CLAY 44 PLASTICITY INOEX FRoM Test Hole 'r0o .50 .a0'3o l9 MIN 4 lttN CLAY TO SILI CLAY TO StLI GRAVEL T6 LIOUIO LIMIT SAMPLE OF % % 4 at 4 feet .Ol. .rag 297 |.S$ l.r9 .0.2 DIAMETEB OF PARTICLE lN MTLLIMETEBS ;' I $ SILT ANO CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX FROM !YDRCIIET EF ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSTS GRADATION TEST RESULTS P .d xfr c) (9 lrJ -E^ i3t 2 rgYoEoo- r!} 1 (\ -ic! z. €oF]F Jlo !J tr F.naFurIF ; I -5 ta tt F ::;ztso { =J|rIEu.oo E Elo