HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED FORD PARK BIKE RACKS 1988o Proiect Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block Zone Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Date: Town Planner Stalf Approval Choose from weather-resistant galvanized these rugged racks will stand up to pipe ends or environmental Construction vandalism. Our bike racks are available in S, Heart Redwood ends. Both modelsiih be - - .ald 1o' lengrhs. bolted to coocrele.toc edded security, and **,to,fr4|11,;li,^ '".'. #_ futr[ o{fl\b6 :Ta diriensioni shatl b€ 31-3/4" htth x 35-1/2' wide x 5, (model 5O{-p5,) o, {model 504-P10'). Horirontal fiamework shatt be t-5l8,, O.D. sreel Dioe. All ial cornponents,shall b€ hot-dipped talvanized afrer iabricarion. tn! irame: bb la6ricated horn three p.uiiiion irilled and norched Consirr.r.t.. i;;;; Redwood 3" x 5- planks. Vertical wheel suppotts sh.ll be 1/2' steel bars sprced to hold 4 or 9 bikesor mopeds on each side (8 of 18 total). Wood shall b€ finished with deep penetrating walnul stain. Specify lron Mountain forge MoDf L s03 BICYCLI RACX Ove.all dimeniione shJt b€ 32-1/2" hi8h x 35-1/4" wide x 5' (model 503-55) or 10'lmodel 503.510) lont. Horirontal lrrmework rhall be 1-5,i8" O,O steel pipe. Ladder racks shall ba hot-dipped talvanrzed .fter fabricrlion. tnd framesshallbe 1-S/8" O.D, t.lvanized steelpip€ bent on a 5" cente.lin€ r.diur. Verrical wheel supports shall be 1/2" ieel barr spaced to hold 4 or 9 bikes o. mopeds on each side (8 o. 18 total). Celvanized rain caps $hall cover all open pipe ends. MoDtL 503-504 BtCYCtE RACKS 503-55 Eike rack, all rieel, 5'long503-510 Bike rac[, allsteel, 10'long50{-P5 Eike racl, Constauction Heart Redwood ends, hot-dip galvanized rack, 5' long504-P10 8ike.ack, Conslruction Hea.t Redwood ends, hot-dip talvinized rack, 10'long 100 lb5. 160 lbi. 110 lb'. 180 lbs. ?n UWILOERNESS STEEL FRAME SHELTERS V wlth Sleel 8eam3 and Columns and your Choice of Plne or Weslern Cedar Root Deck Pag.Width r Lcngth Storl B€ama with Staal Cotumn! tnd Pine D.ctlng Slc6l Ecrms uith Sts€l Columna and W€tlcrn Coder Decting Ocducl lo Omit Shinglsr, nool Fall and Rooling Ndla lv.lghl 36-37 20x28 s4.3s8 ss.025 $20r 1170 36.37 20r36 5,310 6.169 258 9350 20\44 6,246 7,315 3r6 | 1275 3&37 30x36 6,947 8,24 363 r 4ax) 36-37 30x44 8,299 9,867 440 17(xX) 36-37 30x52 9,852 r |,704 5Zb r99m 36-37 30x60 1t ,2't7 13,355 603 23(x)O 36-37 30x68 12.555 r4.978 679 28rm 36-37 30x76 r 3,995 r 6,702 765 29200 "'To ordff rny ol lhr rbovo ahaltsrs, you muat rp€cily to us tha tollowing 4 itema: t) STEEL FRAME SHELTEF 3) TypE OF OECKTNG (rine or w€stem c6d8rl2) slzE 4i SH|NGLE PACKAGE bR No SH|NGLE p cKAcE o MOOEL PAO€ NUI'BEE OESCNIPTrcT WT. PR|CE MODEL 522 STATIONARY PLAYERS EENCHES (cont) All benches shipped K.D. Fo( C.C.A. Nessua-teatad saaas lo( 8, 'pinch, add 52.00 pq bench. For 15' banch, add t4.0O Nr !€]nch. 8e sure to sryily tead lumbac it Eoqtbndl So€ic/ly bt subsn'Miry E "T" in fttsr,o ol tho "U" intr'E n& numbar, For playors benches with backs, soo park !€,nches on paga ll. moo€t PAGE IIUI{E€A D€SCNIPIIOI{ WY. MOOEL 524 FORTABLE PLAYERS BENCHES 39 5?4-8U Play€rs bench, portabte, 6, tong, untroai€d 81 $56 pin6 s€at 39 524-84 Players b€nch, portable, 8'long, aluminum 52 396 soat 39 524-15U Playe.s b€nch, portabte, 15'tong, t(X i93 untr6at6d pane ssal 39 524-154 Players b€nch, portabts. t5'tong, 84 $185 aluminum s€at A bsnches shiwed K.D. Fo( C.C.A. prcgsua-treated saats lor g D€nch, a& 82.00 per oench. For 15' banch, add $4.0O pe( bench. Be sud to sof.cill areated lumber: ia isoptional. Specily W subsataunng t "T in placaot the "U" in tha mo.tel numhr. Fo. dalers benchos with bac*s, see parh D€,ncf7ds on !€96 tr. o MOO€L PAC€ UMEER OESCRIPIIOT{ WI. PRTCE MOOEL 522 STATIONARY PLAYERS BENCHES 39 622.8U Playors bench, stadonary, 8, tong. 6'| t44 unlroated pln€ s€al39 522-8A Pt8yer3 b€nch, statbnary, A,tong, 52 3tl2 alumlnum !sat39 522-l5U Pt8y€rs b6nch, staltonary, 15'long. toir itsunroded pino 3o8l , 39 522-t5A Playafs b€nch, stationary, iS,tong, 84 0144 aluminum soal o lrloo€L PAGE DUMAEB OESCiIP'IOI{ IVT. PRICE MOOEL 503 & 50{ BICYCLE RACKS 38 503-55 Biks f8ck, alt ste6t, S,long too $1343E 503-510 Bik€ rack, a ste€I, t(} tong t6O iZO238 504.P5 Bika rack, construction h€a.t r€dlyood I t0 t26S 38 504-Pl0 8lk6 r8ck, constructon redwood 1E0 S336 33 5't3-15 39 5r3,l5u MOOEL P G€ NUTACR OESCNIPNOT Wr. PRICE MODEL 513 THREE.RO" 15 FT. ELEACHERS Bleachors, thr€e row. l5, long, gstvaniz€d Zl3 S2SS lramework 8nd hardwar€ only Elaacbor, three rort,15, long, untroatod 450 $3gspina sssl md tootboards, galvanized fram€work 39 513-15A Btoachsr, thr66 row, 15,tong, aluminum 360 STO1 soat and lootboards, galvaniz€d lrameyvork All bleachers shippad K,D. For C.C.A. prassut''treated seats E lootboa,ds tor lhree-rcw blaachers, adct t16.@ Fr bleacner. g€ surc/Io spocily lrcated hrnbar: L ls optional. Sp€clly by subsfiutlng a "T, tn place ol tt]E .;U,, in the modal numbet. No. I Pin€ seats and l@tbosrds musl b di & du ng freH a6somo/y. i,lOOEL P GE itu SEn ocscRtPtKtl{ wr. PhtcE MODEL 515 FIVE-ROII' 15 Fr, BLEACHERS 39 515.15 Bteach€r, tivo row, 15,tong, gatvanizsd $:f $75 lfamowort and hardwars only39 515.t5U Btoachsr, fivo row, lS,tong, untrsarsd pino 775 $636 soat and lootboards, galvanirsd lramo39 51$'l5A Elsach€r, tivo row, t5,bng, atuminum saat 603 l.ll32 and loolboards, galvaniz€d lram6 Allbleachers shipp€d K.D. Fot C.C.A. pressurc-t.eated seats U lootboatds torfiye-ro* bLache.s, adct i28.00 Nr bteachet . Ee swe to spectty t.ealad lumbt: it is optiotlat. Specily by Eubstituling a. T', in ptace ot the ',1J" in the modet numb t. No. I Pine sea?s and lootboatds must bo dri €d durino lield rco€L PAGE NUMAEB OESCFIPTIOH TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL & EADMINTON Game Standardr 40 531 Heavy Outy Tennis Posts - $1/2'iron pips, set includes racket net tghlener, do€s not include n€t 40 542 On€ pair ol Ground Sockots compl€ts witi caps lor 3-1/2' tennis posts 40 532 Outdoor Gam€ Standa.ds lo. Vo ;ybaly Badminlon, etc., mads of 2-3l8" O.D, garvanired post with adiustable not tte b.acksts, do€s not include nst40 540 One pair ol Ground Sock€ts comploto with caps tor 2-3l8" outdoor gamo slandards 40 532-2 Hsavy Nyton Voloyba Not comptot6 with iop binding and il6 cords40 531.2 Nylon T€nnis N6t - l-3/4. mssh n€tting. oxtra h6avy whtte viny top binding. nylon tap6 bound on sid€s and bottom, nsning and tap€ bindings ar6 we€ih€..proof lrBated. fnod with gromnots and finings at lop and bottom 6nds, complet€ wiih ste€l cable through top white vinyt biMing 70 1O,l 36 0185 (on€ p8r4 $r75 (ons pa.r) 1157 {one parl tr3:t (onr pair) 196 3201 P!q. t