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ts BEST tCOPY AVAILABI.I nt l.. rd b -- l-4-t!.rr r -. r*-r.--IlQlA--- l8r ... ..- ^.o. 'r.-f,i. -, 3lQ5,r.r.r. .ttr. .....p,3r|!ll R. B.r-s.,.IT9TDB Gbil L6, *"" roth -'d aOd&bdrrd sir3y-61no l|r|.AliTllOLz:. alsu r.ruror dlr Lf,tM ANTIt(tl,Z ):3-l b U. ta.r ot ..lr L.d lll\lii W. ,\\Tlltll.l ar*l l,l:{r\l l:, d l-. ct C..I{.r d tL ltr Frr, ddaf.Cfr'd llo[troae .,|bO*.a Col fll fl-..l ff.t tb rr|. t !i i(,s d t}. !r.r ,.t! tr ra || cordanth. ot rL r! otIen Dollars anq other valuabit'cr,rrsideratiorr ----.d....!rcrldFllrs .f tL irl ,.ri ir Lld Ff tttL-taFn y o, !L.Grd FrL t| t-.lt,t r-tb f.!at taa d .&oddar+ L v(, Grfad. L[$r.a. -td. |'d co[r.tr.t. rld b, tllr ,r-d. rlotrd, fqt a.4.-nt -d crar. r.t tL-!FtI dr!. rGld )dl' his f.i|t.d altrf.E, .I A. trlr.ira'--ro.d lc o, F|r.l ot taj. riud., l'i{ .l ldl. in l|. cort, .tEagle rt b d clntr. b.r{r: The fast 2i l,cncent ol thp tract of l! d ulrlch .is desciibqt InI:\hlbir A r.hi(.D is atta.hed b(..to arr(t bJ rr.tnrencc incor?rrratrrt'tr r,re I rt - -:':Sl$l&tB.n r '* ::lli xftlt i llty.- ;1 .1 I a(' j5 tr* tfll .[ .d .i{drr tb l-talt -r .!a TtridE [.rrt Llqn|. c, ir .rytt- .rr-,trfli' -a Or lrrrrlr .d t?i.rd..+ r-.[- .d !otrd..r, ,rrt r ita, rra D.r6r. U-..a; ea dl Ua..oar ltl.r !hL, it 'ra, "t b .t ai't.aa ,|,.t-i' ot tl. -r., Fnj ( 5 o, tL tt r t.rr .atbr tr Lrot {r|lt, d. h .!d r. rL .larr brtdDd trd.., rnh it br.ditJ..n| .rd rrF,rrrt!T. Ln d L i{ n! {td pr! r q rlrr ts?rliid .||{ a-dr.r. r$ i|'. .'rn rr.tl .!!. t i .|rdF.y dr|.d ].rt hjs id|| |!d |'.l- td+tt . ld iL..i Et i|s .166r1a*lq thpnr J\csrErfjr b&., arr-gto.r.rl rbt&tr|k,\ de er-sl.,rut br|th.rdl3E r. r|a riu rb -d F ry .a tf Eq{il.i, lr i bh .!d .{I| .|a |t .b tb. i U. --lt d &tttrrt C tl.. lr..rt+ tl! 1 -'l.X -tr.{ nt tj. Drr !... .5rr..6'. rd. |t .t r-rd, ,r,t itrt .f-. .d 3-i|l. ,r- a llttE, tr br, b t- rrir. da b\,( tlqt ,gc ttu rot.,..J htll tnfot||t| r arrr! f.|!i,r al d a..ttt b aDa b -r! rd t - - g.i-!t, rd tl|.r rlDE rt tt- .d .Laa ft- aI tor- d o0rr ttria. bttati+ aa|l, X.i* ]rrr, -tEar al crrn.IrE d tti.r." !t r tr q' r'rccpt thc tart s tor tlr' \r.sr l.l:.t r.fri,l,rhrll be pFlrrted a! o! th. dtt(, ^. this df',i1. d r|. .fa frt-d t -l-r a tL dat d F.-ta. t -r ot rt rit Fn i or rr. *rrrf.tt his Llr d..{l^ {rr{..[ d.'6r r.rn o. rrr Lrt ltr.trmr{ !r !c d.- rl tE o.-t Fi 6..a.a, tf -lt Fi ir.\ottl ai,.n-..'rdtll t.rtr t,l p.'r!., A:.,.Lb || !r tl.d, t\. .L Fl,ri(. ct rl arrt Frr a\, \.rsrr rt tr.. i, i,rrr.rd rd tL .t r rd rrr fta .Li rdl| . SaH4 S..Ld rd fti:'rrrt ir Pnanr cl | .2,yy.fr4'#*o:', 1 ('.;,'.:,"r' i, ' ,:t; ;V. ) .. ... /.: . y* {,5t :iEt ",:l #rn o BEST *"-:a i9l[*'* totEmntl .rnrr r O /4D?nvf Lrrtr' ) t!. rBtEDED,i|..tht...!.nt..nt|td.t'o!9€Pti!6b.!lnqlteyoaroi. our tortr ar. uourtBd ntnr huDdrld 4!:d 'cvrnty-thr!' b€tu€en IlAgrl.ti,-xrrcr YAIL ' r J'rfat vtltur' @a'irtlng of rtrvel'l l:'laloFDt Capaa? , ' De1!trr' ctrPorrtlon ' rnd rhnoE Va 1I frv.loF L Co.. a olosldc corlrrrtlon ' of tb€ ftrrt part' 'nd !I Ot ttl:!, a @Iotado n|nlclpr! @rporation' of the second trtt t lrttlllsllltl ' tbrt th' 'rlit P'tty ut i'he f lrr' part ' for rnd b co: lldJrlLton ol tht s't o! ethlt conridgrati"n ani rcn Lroll6rg to tba raid prrtt ot thc llrtt p'tt tn n'nd P'id Lr the 31id lEtt ot tb *q:od p'rt ' thc r'c'tPt ehcr€of is h6rcby confeeged d &tDrladt"t, hrtb grr:rt'd ' o'rtgairr"l' sold rild 'nnveyed' atto !t ti.ata lFlaanl5 d-3 !t'tit' b'r9rin ' 1€ll' c-or'vt'Y --r {nf :nn' l-o !- xti Fl ttt of tbt t'cond P'tt ' rt! suct-c56of3 :nd aGi'igns 6svrr, rll tb tottgttrlg d"crtb'd lindr or patcels of !6nd' a&a*a, ftlq aoA Fru, ln tb Oounty of E'gl' rnd state o: cldd€, ttdt t NXNN|II DIED Itnct ffi #Fi:ff,uilii*,ilt*'i il t ;,*i',,* ffift= i#;g= ;i-aPq*rh;^ri*,w-", ;&ffi;:.ii#' !".?i{};t :::'T,;".1'?:*'*''ffi:r-"'l i.ii iE' rqa::ii=[:i.' I : j,,1"..ffi$$:nftlff 'l":5:*I".t ""[*I1,,, !r .'+ '.,f;i ,,a -, BEST COPY AVAILABLE r[tr|lll Ls,l'P3ir- Atl(lfs.t NG; i-lOt .2 v ffi, '., t6l3 rlth 'tl !r' rllFr't tb bc"tr-tt r' gr tl.-ri€.. th.tlrntlto t'LieLq ' Or b rldr lrct'rdtt d rl| rdtr8.Io ro' rr*rlcr ' *'t* d t-'f!frt ' lG.' t.|Fl -a gsotit' tfro8 r '!d df tb 'rt't" rilitr tltlr r lrt#t cr..rr eit (rdr 'i't'sr!s oi !b r't' Fstt o' tb ttt* t-g' rlglr ia l'Y or '$|I!t ' ot' tl d tc tb 'Etr fclfrf pdfr ttt! tb. freiltrrocr '!i rt$ltt-'F ' lrldlq! 'll -G'r' 'll d rLrrrl rtglrt' {|l'rt'ili!4t tbt.tt ' to rrtt rf,D lto Itr'D lb "tt grrlrr rbt' LsFrd a' O.dlDd. rldr !b t"t"ttt-t-t 6to tb ..l. Fsty of tb rrod prrt, rtr stt'Drt J *t'-t ' tcE r's ' rd tb "r' ltfi} rrt[ vrr&, 9'ttt ot - "tt" F*' rot lt-lt ' rt. reoarcr d rralglr, itoc! GEi.D'DG ' tr'at ' b|ag'l! 'd .'r- to 'd ttlcl t'b r|$ P.ltt ot !!r "Gd|a 9'*' fGt @'ct '' "f$t' ts It tb dr ot tr t"tttlroa 8i 'bUr'!t ot tb- rlt"cl' tt L' rtl drrd o! t|I Ps-!ro3 ee.!'it'A' rr ot 'od' g1' ;cl*t' .bfsc' r' |'ft"dbf"rt'tt ot l&tlcF ' l! lt' It t' rlrPlrr d h'Gb d rlgf!' t8lt tflt '!f lt'rl '!t|f!3t F F-tt Er!'le' tttl -r'!' Golr" tb ll- b rrr "' lcF dlorreet& t' tr't; t- |s' ts- 'd aha fst 'Ir l* d otba la8!" b'89'rrt ' $lrr' lLtsr trtt ' "x'F t' d fr €3'E ct ttr!'!tt ltd a 'rc'r' c-s' €! tos'f d trl3s- t-t -t t"'' D'FDL l! lt?" rr' ry t-bf {a' nt' ta rt?! rd I rt- t --"*-r:||.fft .- r&El oC -t tc Cli3b' "A cD'lr d dEttl o' t- -- tG'E " 'rE ?t" ttc tb Dlt.. tt'tt' %:T "fft; &rtc! rr...d .. ti rttBr tr t'''| f.'arr I d -t- BEST COPY AVAILABLE [gDt ot ny !.8 tb r|.lgtrclrl ttdt oC Cr Ca"[ " lt .rl.t. .loorJ r"D. toGbslt ?.rt ol 'cDr'ol lcoFttt ' 6d tb. .bon bir!.l!.d IDt-l|.' ls cb $|ltt rd D'E Drt 9o's- rlo ot th. |.ld graly 'f tbr rod D'8t ' ltt xcrorl aall a.alt!. ryrtD.t atl rld .vaa!'9'a'oD G Fr'ct Lrtdly ol|fdry ot to cl.tr tbr rtgl. or r!t' tllst tbtrt ' tb' tdn D'rty ot tb tlr.t P.rt..bdt .!a rfll lurrrf rD r.ortttlr DE'D' tt rrff38 ErlF , tb F rty o! tb' tts't P'st b" c{rt'd thi. h.tnrnt to b. .t!G{t'tt th' dAt '!d ytrt llrlt rbol| rrlttan. SAtll of @uDttt ol eotlorrlxt )I ... ) Tb. for.'g|ol4 tnrtnDnt ttlr rcfrts!'iltd b'!or' r tbtr l?th iii "i-s:F.'*-r r'?3' bt#-'il.;]*tiItl'i--il;,;*i"nlihi'Ml"'fffWf,l-ner*ri Y\tL, . io!'t't V"tu$ ' lltn ra tly hcnd rEd otftclrl rr1'rl tatr ca-rlrrlon aqrirar r ?' 9 '1 " t "la/ BEST COPY 12txlr9 s?Alt C d.or^m.r - : clt cor}{n. -l*\ I fr,at a-r *r llr i**| rnle SLeloC 'lll^fl)r E8 'O.d lll^/.rslryqcu.ol d i 4lv rrrrlJ .oqu4u BEST COPY AVAILABLI a BESr COPY AVAILABLI aoBESr copy AyArtAE{€ !!€ l--*d tIAtl!.t -ra^X! Y lL.. JrLaV-rr L{d -.c*t?d- L ..a to*t - O. rbdb. frlur r,A,. 1ffi8$:tt!!?tst?5,:ffi.r.r. rrr!-|| Fr*qr Ell-t-.tF. t JLdri rb r€. rha l br.lEi:.rffi5=Er,a.a-_r+trL..IL rir rif,trtr-rr-Ea f.ab --aah,rrr 5a. rO *t _Lr._ ir tC l|}A r-r ti t- lrrtI/rn Va& ?tlto I LtdI Tlat-+ 3.ot tbr Lr .h Illlrladurt-fud * hr- kh, r r r* i -rh,-t rb r-b r t*, r--, -, b r * lrij-I - -E I* t, h, - drhra rb a ldgf aLf rl*rr--.-r,-; Id-4.-.qrlrbrl-h--.f l!hr, - - Irr Vrlt tll., r ltd.a htf.r.f4D, Ftar-ra-Hf.;l'rEntr:=eFra.sffg*'*=;i,* =ti t*-? q{ r d r.{ rrcr, r r rii r r tr_, rb.|t .S,-. nr-: t\x rara H €r r tF, e Jf E a ;--f---bfr{dt t--L.-f f t-f '.r-., ra.ab rr-1, brrr,trrf .ats tr*, brrr,trr *f--l-r-J-dra, {--aFr,EligE=1I=':IuErilfrtr5iffi--RDrFrd-- ir-{lfl'rr -aF-F;; r-. Eg::ll=!.-dbbb.r.1.Hrb 'l t, 7'---- - IAfg VA!. Pt Atf, r Ltarlrd ,l -l ott.q . t-n-.._..-,Ett-.brb.1*-a bE r-- [Y tttt?Ar JLdrr Llolt d t r Bsstr COPY o axntBtT "A,' Silil"ll tiT"ilnili";::i1*:-:::':: .9r tho .Bq3sbsrs3. onc - qular.r er Ecc - ;::r'i, :i*;i:;rtil::.Fii::iiilF:{f :5,i;i:ut:t#i#'ifr;, :i9lr". "r.r, ii,i"siir;;l;'"ffi;;q:;'jii j?r;ll"f::..to-_. por,,I-Jirill,- ;:;l:".;'ffil;lli;rl'lil:.:t:" oior""ora-i..Ji";'Hi::;';.llt;--'lrl;J3' I:.:, :: ".pJr"r oi'rni:[:":?::Tiii ,.ill"il:,:l:l-rorcsard-c-or:rr.-iii.rr i*.atfii#ffi**H*::: tlx:ncc N.02.30'fO,,f. nnJ'lji";jfi,#,*"iy*i:ifi ir" iiiri"ii t:;., ift. ji f;i:.:t*i.Tin :: r#rj:*;I'-;;t,lliii"t,i;ilil:lti,'itt"r ju'ii*,'r#; ll'U"lii,"l'::i:j:'ili:, :$ :;ii'ii',li"ri,".:;;:H"":;iii[it:::.,, leuifinr; jiiij;]i. i.ii::il'l;'1, il'i,';;;i:;i',::[.:'.":":li"i":,ii*, ; ;::;:" "i ; ; if- ;i? l,{' ;::il' -:i I lil j I ;ili ;'. i :.:#'# i6;liti;idilF "' r' f l; : risi l,,, : r'.' i.rt.' iti*i:+ir*i ryii iq 1#; **** t I BEST COPY AVAILABLE ffiffi*'gffiH o BEST igll*',t ;rof - - - ---ll.--r r-.-Lt--.,--.- rr --!!, --!1f!*-ir h.- rL 11672 rhDU L h.r Cbfi L6, ** roth - rb.dth. h-d atrtFntnaAlnllf,t, r,zVr LEOf, lXlf[il --3 lb-td --i&*b.abadfi.al l.rrl.rJ l- lly ltFt-tr h nrY I. lt LE rd lDclt E. .,1O-?.a lbntrc.r d-ah,J--Erl drbor.r. corfrr -Hffffif -ts Irl-.f l.b..dttlrs J tbh*b.abrr&bJbr{ten DoltrE ond othrr vrlu.bl" co.rlder|tlqt --------------------!IfflbllFtlrt albrrath.rft---y d-r-Fl'ttr.*-brrrtffd..brtr'lr" rd,l:I, tir -,r ttb- -tbrrl..rrrd-rr- jaFy ff:ri tir ifrtrri-r,ai.fl-trEb -t- f f+*,Ff f-t-f -E|t!" dbJhl--t| lhc leri t5 paFcent of th't tr'act of trrd rhfd L .t..c!tb.at lnf,Ihlblt A rfilch lr .ttach.d lr.rrsto Jrd by rrfrr.trc trrconolatcdher"ln. :,{rEtt tthf .,t, ,ratUe,-- tlb tr ad.harb---l_tb,L{b-h.trt F.tf..if td- d r--irr rt d -r-r,* - f *f*f f'f -r tl' |I\ b..,- drhttb---dardc. Jtt-F,-rrh-*.d.tdItrbr r*rl trlrrrf Lf--E.,llLidtlItLd r.dr - hr5 f ff.f *f-tEl-|r.d lny dlldlr, hl. Ed-arh, .atb-F l|. d--t-,b !i? i""9, theti.r. rq, d *, - -rr,F,Irr -{E _!r rd..i r!. ri{ !.rr.,. dt-F, ht5 Sd.tf,tEaftfl*- a.kr dtb Efth€y asa---trr--.-,-dar{ q,t-'r* -b dH-*.alh,th,t-lar,-b v. latllFI|fd-l-r.r-, l-.d dqf --tr-b-H,dtb-r - - d - b a - - -- -, tr h, - r-ra- - b., rht U -- !r| .|ctDt tL tgt foa t|r !nr! lt6, rhtrh.h.ll b. pr.o..t.d .. of t|D a.b ;t a|.l. d..a. .l-||-lelr-,trL*dtrrbFbdtbrttif J-- -! --- r- --la-a- - -- at--t- -a -. -r -a-i ! Fi tb.4 rl F l.i--F-d --- dh H,LlbrH,tLdrf,allr a-b|.atvG b- d:lr ba, I \r ti,:,i r. tb -- b-6 rrlf y . r.tAl:'tr^!r , 1 l'.r !.."r,: IF -a i 'lI I ;rr^tttGlrtalE - (;u|lttrdr .--'Lla*.!rb ,OEt rlonF U. A'|th.rlr -llb tUda.J -l; r,-iri* ojrrr t^l4tn r'-D ori .- rr ,rt - ' -t o. --t tia, f-. A ttccta4. .-4 trtt. _!t.tl ti rr P "? i!.*- '! trFcdllr r {dd :rfarr, a-n rr..a { ia, , .,BEStf *4 i9[,t*tt" -et EXnSrr t iii##ffi 'Hlr,fl "isrfl iiff HT# :#'. '' .''*: ry,8ffifl|,H.rLS.il,r. srrb.rt Facor{cd '' l*'.lx[T;"S.ip.l,ilil$l6."St"mg* 'i.$* t''BEsr lffi,'-oPY \'' lILABLE tlfyi;; ' ''t 'i:ttt iQi t' :!" | .r ?,.-J Ati ,, 1zA ,it,.t,d,- I b'+.2. a,"*\... J Je!(..f '- 1 '! 71- ./1' to.,?, '1 }.,rd r"! .od $. 2nd A',.t JuIY r" 111025 ^ ,' 'i bt n ;: l5 ".r-r .Ar .;axrel,l i. -'rlrz 06srrantp trBee! t STATI.iTORY }IDIIII} lnob all frcn bp tlrdl Drdtntg't-t Gr'DD E' tdlr'r ol the Crarnty of rrxl Stete of f'I tit'lco ' lor !h€ coneideretton of One Dollrr rnd gther rcrd -l iJJfu "ttn"iaurttidu' in hlrd D'id' h'tttr '€ll ;;;;; i" lhnor val.l PLln, r trrtDcrthlP of the Cornty o( DeDnet ard State of colorldo i"rrii]* jiiir impertv rituoto in ihe coutrtv of Easre Colorrdo, towit: , th' rnd Strta of see Exhlbit A attached hereto and by referetrce ilrcotporat({l hcre I rr. dfi r! itr rlDtrd.!.E rrd tr't.lt ii. Uttt to tlt' itr'. s ubjoct to Cb t'r |ttd cordltlonr o! r ftr.t D..d of ?rut for tb b.lFtlt ol lbnry r' Antholr rtrd LoDr I. lr|tholz aod raal t:oFr tlt trr.a tG th' Frr 1969. at s.tl.d rrd drlivrEd .ha / f Y STATE ol' CaloErdoq,rr,A | 6tn ce3nF ct E .....: .,, ."'Y-t thi!. L l;,, 1..' i hy "1, i' t.' $r,rtl'T(rI A(alr0Trrmltsl I l r: fo.'rrial ilrlnrit'nt rF t'(t.lttL'3'd b"'tt ll|" l0th d.Y ol tlrY 19 6t c l.bn E. ,llllr l!t69 ;..r ',r,, I rr,. l'- r,!r lrn ]t,nhl l, '., , i.. \1{'.d.rr-rl rl'rh'! lF It,'. \ n.r, r,r I'rr!,td.nrrn e%-w trfti_ t.o D(IIIBIT A All-ol the Northeoat Quarter of..sectlon Etght (g) r Tornrhtp l.tve (i)South, Rarrgc l:lshtv (80) Wpst ol the S f x th-frf .e i jai ,iertrttarr, D(CEpt thefr}l I orri ng parta theneof: l. A parcel ot land dercr red r. follm: Cdncnclng rt th"Nortttweat co.ner of the Northcr.t cre_qu!!.te! "i-S.oti-, A. fof,lfrip -i-Sortfr. Range 80 l{eet ot the sixth prtnetprt uerrdran, c;;;; ;f rfufr, stiic oi--- 'colorado; thence s.oooor'or,-r. ad "r"ng ir'o'i.ii-iiie-or rera [ortherrtone-quarter 583.82 t'eet to a pol[t of lntrnoctton rtit tt|G Srrthcrly rigttol ea! o[ fnterttate ltg]rs), -t0 and the inra p"i.i ii'il.gr,",tng; thlncecontinul.q along th. afon'aid co'nre 3t7.62 iitJ ir,"""i N.d;ti8;;it:.189.8I-feet; thence ri.OO2Ol'0r,- u. 8nd .l;; ;-ii;.';;nerlel to thc xcltline of eald North?.st orre-qu.Fter ASrr.aa iL; ii'. iii"t of tntelsactiqlt{lth. asld Southcnly ntFht of_eay; ttrence X.Zij3iii,r-fi.-"r,a along ea!dsoutlrerly rlglrt of rrv ?00.00_feet to the inre point of begtnntrig; -ntalnlngqc.99c.li aquare l'eet or t.3;; .crer. ."ra-or-flri-- -' - 2. Tlnt plrt dercltbed tn Dctd to htlr lJ. Sclb€"t nlcotdrd,lune 2fr, l0{,3 ir lrook 177 rt psge llt. l. Tlrat l|terest In- ard to rBid NoFthart Quartcr gbrntrd to thastat€_ol colorado t^. Rtght of Hay Deed rccortJ .r"."f,=ii, t.rqf in rboi-fii-etprse i02. - ll. Srrbiect to a relervatlon lry the pt.cdac€dror' ln tttl! €nr' f.AntltoLz ard Leona E. And'olz to ttre pr"ociede, if ln1 . rhlch mry rre toittrlcdhlng out-of the pcndlnB corrdemnrtiirn proccedlng. iri nrrotltl6nr curr"ntlvDernE carrt€d on rtth tt. lllgt|yry lreport €nt of the state of colondo. arddeecrlb€d by DeDarbiant of lt igrriye i,-i.ct xo. i io-ii:tfar pr;;i-i;.-ticolrtalnlng 5,5fr7 acr:r morf or lerr.