HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOV ADMINISTRATION BUILDING POLICE DEPT. COMMON!r, ffl"irc"p*t Bur tdinq /onCiM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657dl 970.479.2139 tax: 970,4A,2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us ProjectName:1oryn oF vArL EMERGHTtr sERvrcE DRBNumber: DR8050414 TOT'ER Proiect Description: RADIO TOWER REPI.ACEMENT FOR THE VAIL POUCE DEPARTI4ENT Pafticipanb: owNER VAIL COLORADO MUNTCTPAL BtDG0S/12l200s 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT VAIL COLORADO MUNICIPAL BLDGOS/ 1212005 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 Project Addrcss: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WESI VAIL Location: 75 SOUfi FRONTAGE ROAD Legal DescripUon: Lot: Bloc*: SuMivision: Unplatted Parcel Number: 2101{64-00fi)-3 Comments: SeeC-ondiUons BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Acdon: SIAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval:08/16/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, C,ond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permlt is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pumued toward completlon. Cond: CON0@7.145 The applicant shall paint the new tower a dark brorrn/bronze color to match the standard Town of Vail ligtrt pole color prior to requesting a final planning ^'.rf hq oolaJr \ ,,,11 lnspecton. Cond: CON$07i146 The applicant stull rcnrore the o<lffrg bver wiBrin 30 drys of omtsucton of tfre ltew toryver, Planner: WanenCampbell DRE Fec PaH: l25O.0O ,) a- Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Informaton: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior !o submitting a building permit apptication. Please refer to the submmal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Radew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmenl The pmject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapsas unless a building permit is issued and onstruction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Prcposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address: HECHFFD AUG I 1 2665 rov-qsiw.oev. Parcet No.: ?lOl Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:-5 E $ <r\ts? Phone: n1()-Lt'lq '*v31 Owner(s) Signatur€(s): Name of Apptl".nt, Mailing Address: GJ Phone: Qro - \1 '1 ' ?ai I E-mail Address:Fax: :lTIf_. r--I -.'I -1-Y-oqb € \, (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,rc for parcel no.) $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of trotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition wtrere square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). s{ For minor dranges to buildings and site imprwements, slch as, NOfu,re-roofing, painting, window additionl landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painfing, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Type of Review and Feel tr Signs tr Conceotual Review tr New C.onstuctiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans $20 05-o3 $20 91r 7i S. lrontage Rrl. vell,0() E16t7 (r70) 479-22N lax (970) 479-2216 August 10, 2005 Department of Community Development Design Review Board 75 So. Frontage Road W Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Application for the Replacement of a Radio Tower To whom it may concem; The Vail Public Safety Communications Center is currently in the process of reviewing and upgrading the public safety radio towerc in the valley to ensure improved 800 MHz radio coverage. As part of this review process it has been determined that the Vail Police Department's tower located on the north side of the municipal building no longer meets the required minimum standards forwind load based on the required antenna parameters. To correct this problem the Vail Public Safety Communications Center would like to replace the existing tower with one that meets the following specifications: r Maximum EIA of 100 mph with 2" of radial ice.. Supports the following antenna parameters under the above wind load: 1. (1) PA4-59AC1S Antenna, with 12.57 square foot of projected surface area, 1'offset, weight of 204 lbs, and mounted at 40'. 2. (1) SPF2-52BN Antenna, with 3.14 square feet of projected surface area, 1.5' offset, assumed weight of 64 lbs, and mounted at 30'. The proposed tower would be at the same height and general diameter of the existing tower and could be painted green if required by the DRB. The tower placement will require a new foundation and we propose that the new foundation be place adjacent to the existing tower for ease of installation. To prevent interruption of the public safety radio system, the new tower will need to be erected and current microwaves moved before the old tower can be disassembled. As part of this plan all existing electrical and cabling will be used. We appreciate your time and consideration in this matter and thank you in advance for your timely response to our request. Vail Public Safety Communications Center ,Y aL ., ' Vail Police Department - Tower to Vail Junction (8/05/2005) 40 Foot Free Standing i,,r:r: .G JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print nare) 5\-r 2*-,.^b.,- , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) :S- < \?- \*e- 6\*0, t \\ co 9.f (f? , provide this letter as wrisen approval of the plans aaua t/ f o/of-which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvernents to be completed at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed imprwemenb include: \\"- C.r-g\*.,.\r-,,^ o\ .-.,,. t(o' r.-d(... \wo. .^.".J d\ C.-.n <:"J, .\ .^ o\& ,-tcl/ 6LiJCo \-,*.,- \o-.--SJ *^\ \,.*- 5.^"e 5 \\*-. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations, (Date) Page 2 of L3l$6l06l05 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AI{D SITE IMPROVEMENTS suBMrrTAt REQUIREM EI{TS fr:1""H,[:filT"r$,lred for proposars invorving minor o<terior atterauons and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB apprwal unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REqUIREMENTS** a Stamped Topographic Suruey*' B Site and Grading Plan*o Landscape Plan*o ArchitecturalElevaUons*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications.o Architectural Floor plans* o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtureso Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements*o Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.o Written apprwal from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableo Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicablexo The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will omply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an aterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no e><terior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of .existing and proposed floor plans, a title report and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. f have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Project tt"r", G GL.-"k o ]b^r *- Contractor Signahr Page 3 of 1406106105 +, o I a a a o structures. Page 4 of 13/06/06/05 I o Cable TV. Telephone a a t a Topographic sgrvey: Wet stamp and $ignature of a licensed surveyor Date of suruey Nofth arrow and jgraphic bar scale Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20) Legal description and physical address Lot size and buil{able area (buildable area exciudes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40oh, and floodplpin) Ties to existing bpnchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on fhe survey Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bebring must be shown. Show eldsting pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. Show right of wat' and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Indicate all easenients identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the ti$le report. List any easement restrictions. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street fionbage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elanations on either side of the lot, Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Existing trees or gfoups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot abwe grade. Rock outcroppingg and other signiflcant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams,etc.). l All 'existing improvfments (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris floar, avalanche, wetlands, floodplaln, soils) Water@urse setbafks, if applicable (show centerllne and edge of stream or creek in addition to the requircd strearf or creak setback) Show all utility meqer locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of exisUng utility sources and proposed seryice lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Sewer Water Gas Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.o Adjacent roadways fabeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the rcadway shown for a minimum of 250' inleither direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of l"=20'or lfrger. Prope0 and setbacft lines. Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed grades. Existing and proposS layout of buildings and other stnrctures including decks, patios, fences and walls, Indicate the fdundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.o Proposed driveways, jincluding percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary alopg the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. io Locations of all utilitids including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the '? o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.r Location of landscaped areas.r Location of limits of disfurbance fencingo Location of all required parking spaceso Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.r Retaining walls with proposed elevatrbns at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and eleration drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls betr,veen 4'and 6'feet in height.r Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20' or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.r Location of existing trees. 4n diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvemenb and grading,o Indicate all o<isting ground cover and shrubs.r Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.r Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction,o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of o{sting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material followlng its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elelations noted. o Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areilr Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. r REPAINTPROPOSAUi . For all proposals to repaint exisUng buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample induding the manufacturer name and color number(s)r Architectural elevation drawings whhh clearty indicate the locaUon of proposed colon (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc,) Page 5 of L3l06l06l05 Buildinq Mahrlals Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffib Windows . Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chlmnep Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other I{otes: Please speciry the Page 6 of 13/05/05/05 PR,OPOSED IIATERUIIS TVpe of Material nqme, the olor name and number and attactr a mlor drip. Color ,l SUPPORT PIPE 1.9" 0.0. x 8'-0" LG. 5.960.0013101 MOUNTING At'GLt 3.85.C019.001, CROSS ANGLT J.85.C020.02 i 1/2" I.J-BOL] ASSTMBLY J.96J.0001.0()6 MOUN-]NG ANGLI 3.85.0019.01 C CROSS, ANGTI 3 8s.C020 02 t DIAGONAL J.85 0022 1Jl DIAGONAL 3.8s.0022.1J1 DIAGONAL 3.65,0022.135 ASSIMBLE WTH 1/a" x 1/2" CR.5 BOLT ASSTMBLY JS5OO T^r_r a\rn -ir,.\ rI tll^|| tP \F { I \t .r+ r\r L,/t Ja-vrrvrr 'tv KNOCK-DOW\ P/N: a.94.006i2.000 PRE-ASSIMBIED P/N: a.95.0062.000 (INCLUDIS ALL PAFTS SHOWN IN :;[CTION 4A\n"t JS5OO SEt SECTION SPLICT 3/8" x 3/a" GR5 ,._ SPLICE BOLTS/ (4 PER LIG) @^- *ASHIR I,EXT TO NUT LIGS OF UPPER SECTION FII INSIDI LTGS OF LOWTR St CTION t(NOcK-D0wN PRT-ASSEMBLTD P/N:4.94,0061.000 P/N: 4,95.0061.000 COPYRIGHT HIREIN IS ]HT PROPERTY OF ]RYLON IIANUFACTURINO coMPANy tro. ArL OuplrcATloit, RtcoRDtNc, oEcr.osuRE 0R USE {S PROHIBITED Vi[I1OUT \IIRITIEN CONSEI.fI OF IR(ON MAN UFACTURI NG COMPAIfI tTO. STCTION SPLICI J.85.0021.006 DIAOONAL 3.85.0022.1J2 OIAGONAI 3.8s.0022.134 DIAGONAL 3 85 0022.136 DESCI?IP]'ION SUPTTORT P PE I 1.9" 0 D. x 8'-0" LG. 3.960.0013, icl DIACONAL J.85.0022.1J7 DIACONAL J.85.0022.1J9 DIAGONAL J,85.0022. 1 41 MOUN lNG ANGLI 3.85 C119.011 CROSS ANGLE 3.8s.0120 c25 1/2" U*BOLT ASSY 1.963.( 001,006 MOUNTI\G ANGLT J.85,0C i9.012 CROSS ANGLT 3.85 CC20.026 ASSEMBLI W1IH 1/a" x 1/2" GR.S BOLT ASSTMBLY Jssoo IOP SECITON_fl KNOCK-D0t',ft p/N: a.94.0072.CO0 . PRE-ASSTMBLED p/N: 4.950072.n0 (INCLUDES ALL PARTS SHOVvt\ rl.r SECTr nr g7; stcTi0N il ^_J(N0CK-D0WN p/N: a.94.0071.000 PRt-ASSEMBLID p/N: 4.95.0071 000 SET SICTION SPLICT 7/16" x 1" GR.s JS500 ---- LrGS 0[ _urEEB SICTION F.T INSIDE LICS OF LOWIR STCTION qfeT/nNt QDr rnr\/LvrrL/rr lji Lt!,L ffi J$$$imfi*T'',il-"'hffi '{lwff tr- : I I -,1 I I I I J.85,0021.007 DIAGONAL J.85.0022138 DIAGONAL 3.85.0022.140 DIAGONAL 22j42 7- SPLTCE BoLTS #J'*-'^::,'*'?,,, TO NUT -r_+F_t Iilo4-1/2" lilr llloI liL DESCRIPTION SUPPORT PIPE 1.9" O.D. x 8'-0" LG. 3.960.001 3.101 fvl0UNTlNC ANGLT J.85,0019,01J CROSS r'NGL[ I 85.00:0 027 t /?" I t- ROt T Aqq'\', J 963 0(01.006 MOUNTINS ANGLI 3.85.001 9.014 CROSS I NGLT 3.85,00i0.028 DIAGONAI J.85.0022.143 DIAGONAL 1.85 0022.r45 DJAGONAL 3.85.0022.147 stt sEcrtoN sP|ct ASSEMBLT WITH 1/a" x 1/2" CR.5 JS500 BOLT ASSIMBLY ToP SrCTrsN #3 LEGS OF UPPER STCTION FIT INSIDE tECS OF LOWTR SI-CTION SICTION SPLICT I(NOCK-DOWN P/N: 4.9a.0082 000 PRE-ASSEMBTED P/N: 4.95 0082 000 (rNcLUDr.s ALL PARTS sHowN tN sE( -roN #8) 7/16" x 1" GR.5 ,5500 z- SPLICI B0LIS/ (4 PER LEc) ffir- *ASHER r.rrxT TO NUT KNOCK-DOW\,I P/N: PRE-ASSEMBLED P/N: 4.94.00E1.000 4.95.0081,000 COPYRICHT HEREIN I5 THE PROPTRfi OF IRYTON I/ANUFACTURINO COIIPNY LTD. ATL DIJPI.ICATION, RECORUNG. DISCTOSURE OR USE lS PR0HBffi0 WIH0UT v'Rn${ C0NSENI 0F TRyLON UANUFACIURINO COMPAI{I tru. DIACONAL 3,85.0022,1 44 DiAGONAL 3.65.0022.146 DESCRIPTION --1 P/N:4,94.0091.000 P/N: 4.95 0091.000 MO LE DIAGONAL 3.85.0022.149 DIAGONAL. 3.65,0022.151 DIACONAL J.E5.0022.15J ASSEMBLE $JITH 5/16" x 3/4" GR.5 BOLT ASSEMBLY MOU 3.85 JS5l]O .z- SEr SECTION sPtlcE KNOCK_DOWN PR[- ASSEMBLID T-- 4-1/2" I SICTION SPLICT JNTIN(] ANGLE 1.0019.015 {TING ANGLT 0019.016 1 .;"!igi,,r, DIAGONAT J.85.0022.152 DIAGONAL 3.85.0022.154 trtffil,ffi$#$TF-,mftffi'rn- -flr f-\ r^ f- a\ -rr n r tt a\tl t? \Ft tlt \ l+\l!/t_ \./ rr\_/t\ 1tJ Kt,rOcK-DOwN P/N: X PRE-ASSEMBLED P/N: X 1/2" x 1" cR.s J: z- SPLICI BOL'|S/ 14 pFp rrn\tl W \_ WASHIR NEXT TO NUT ..- LEGS 0F UPPER SICTION [IT INSIDT LTSS OF LOWER SICTION illo ll r.: i 4.1i-!iat$*r til|qti'.illg.t ,:. OESCFIPTION I ASSTMSLE WTH" .,,,*"5ft1'. x J/4iL€R.5 :.BOE]' ASSEMBLY DIACONAL J,85.0022.159 JS500- KN0CK-DO}IN P,4it: X PRE-ASSEMBLED P.4,1: X 1/2" x 1" GR.5 SPTET BOL;S (4 PrR LEG) WASHER NEXT TO NUT LEGS OF UPPTR SECTION FIT INSIDE LEGS OF LOWIR SECTION Mor.iNTtNc AilcLE 3.E5.0019.01 7 MOU.'ITING ANGLE 3,85 0019 018 J:500 ffi'ffi'lHHhHffirury STCT|ON SPLICE DESCRIPTION Meterlal used for all mernbers ls bnn€d, pre,galvanlzsd steel sleets wltr a mir yleld of 35,000 lhs./sq. in. (2,450 lrg/cmz). The diagonal mernbers are in stalled :lt{qy angle, allowing them to be cf,mbed. The toner membens are gftded orhigh degree of finesse, pruducing a very cost-efiedive, hlghctengrthiover. Back b Top Ihelltr! Solf€upport Tower is assembled utitizing htlh-qua 5 spllce boltrr $rith a JS500 protective finish. Theoe-hig r-toier, fit splces ensure proper alignment as tower sections ire ass, (normaldryroil) .X. tffin${Tiln$O{2O.C hlBAur #nalrrOl hC{trrd 1Sl(10ttm9} "EfiTEN.$FN -tYrvEFllc,|.Bms'' trUeAuil Si('l95lmo) ..F HsgartgrltrBOt2o.c,fusif iiatttt bfi n Cstl u* l$r (lfinn 4 hCflli*20Hfls'ttnOI re,fiAf#rftat: smceevE{HAFot tlDr FsirEfEnoF cot$FFtE STIFIEGS r w.4F5d.- fnhh.lfrlrg)ii, ",.,Fl.rl{r*r,}n.?B$l vlEw EltrV V|EW Dryd.ndryd.lonpd' 19.19:ra7 FddhnmgholtF Inttoti Stub [-cae Into Concretc (5 ruq'd) (6) l!M/f+ Horizontal Tlss Qq 20M/i8 Vcrtlcol Bo-s Inrtotl stub Llgt into Concrcta (3 rec'd) (6) 15Ml#+ Horlzontol Boru (24) 20v/ffi vorticol Bdrt lY.T.-C+ Ovcrtuming Moment = 105 k-ft l'lorfzcntol Shcor = 3.0 klpr trlgG AlrumrdSofftfiffiffis eflonnb* Sof €rpCV a 20 la;li $hHilhfi#ffilbcldrtttfrd W.T.=4'-s- Solid Microwave Parabolic Antenna, Standard Performance, Single4ft H {t, tr4 os l' b 6 I ,g .g e ,TE tt $ at: s\,g gIt x 4 RFS Microwave Antennas are designed for microwave systems in all comntcln frequencv ranges fiom 4 GHz to 40 GHz. Difturent optibns of survival windspeeds are available. This allorvs the use of antennas in areas where extreme wind conditions are normal. The antennas utilise a conventional feed system and are available in three perficrmance classes ofiering complete fl exibil ity when designing a network Standard Performance antennas are economical solutions for svstems where side lobe suppression is of less irirportance. These antennas are required for use in networks where there is a lop interfurence potential. Antennas are available in 2 ft (0.6m) to 15 ft (4.5m) diameters. The Sbndard Performarice antenhas are available in dual polarised (PAX) as well as in single polarised versions (PA and PAL). The PAL version offers a lour VSWR value for low echo distortion. Antennas up to 12 ft (3.7m) can be equipped with a mortlded radome to reduce wind load and to protect the fued against the accumulation of ice and snour. Producl Type Point to Doint antennas Frequency, GHz 5.725 - 6.875 Diameter, ft (m 4 (1.2) Profile Strandard Perfurmance Standard Polarization ngle Regulatory Compliance Standard, EN 300833, FCC 3dB beamwidth, (degrees)2.8 Antenna lnDut 1 Lorv Band Gain, dBi y.7 Mid Band Gain, dBi 3s.5 High dBi 36.3 F/B Ratio. dB 42 XPD, dB 28 RFS The GbarGhoice il Solid Microwave Parabolic Antenna, Standard Performance, Single Polarized, 4 ft H {pcIF o b {, .g ? .s .9 E t) t f 4t e c { Max VSWR / R L, dB 1.20120.8 8#45; ETSI Range 1, class 1 Elevation Adjustment, degrees r10 Azimuth Adjustment, degrees t5 Polarization degrees *5 Pressure, bar (psi)0.3 (4.3 Radome Optional Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna color white 114€-5 114 (4s)- Mounting Pipe minimum, mm (in) Mounting Pipe Diameter maximum, mm Minimum Length Pipe, m (fi)0.5 (1. Approximate Weight, kg (tb)48 (105) SuMval Windspeed, kph (mph)200 Operational Windspeed, kph (mph)1e0 (118) Fs Side force maximum at 110 kph (68 mph), N 3e0 (87) F a Axial force max. at 110 kph (68 mph), N (lb)131 M Torque maximum at 110 kph (68 mph), N.m (ft lb)460 (y2\) Fs Side torce max. at 200 kph (125 mph), N (lb 12BO Fa Axial force max. at 200 kph (125 mph), N {lb 4345 (s73) M Torque maximum at 200 kph (125 mph), N.m (ft lb)1s00 (1120) RFS The Clear Choice il Solid Microwave Parabolic Antenna, Standard Performance, Single Polarized, 4 ft ffi P IB 4 F o q i5 s li E t) c e .: tt a { 4'ft Axtenfta Mouil? Suttine PA, Plq,L 5P. SPF. SPX i-. .i .J -'d "*"1 i iir : i !f," ?36{S"3J .**1{r1.5} 8s{}-3} {$r{t?.S} .$i:l tJirr+**i+lo.i ;r : n*,* iirir.t-ri RFS The Clear Choice il Print Date: 06.07.2005 visil us on the inlemet at a tt Solid Mlcrowave Parabolic Antenna, Standard Performance, Single Polarized,4 ft re til ts b o&fr (o q a 6.' rt x * {t s {t .E it s E {! < li{*h{ .tdrrr. wn:,1riF ,$i:*rF.r$n Fs${it FBr rfi[Gfii]ur didrflSJrrlned ]L( the ii$|l a&riuu .lrrst x4!q Fat .$4qq dd{rtd tb. arrstq.cleasFw Fd.-l'.!|.!rg!sr €n aflis. r!!! !as:!$sr{is. f+{* {.tg${r.{? rr!*{S t!*? HS*ar' 15 S$ er *a$W ttlrtrr }S.!r*-15 Sts- ff!6d|* fL tlL$td srd tefiHqi{d trcis tttf utt.o( itF tlt{qfi$ raf_riFitl{ugdlld I lilb *ui FrhJhrd &.dr!d:l' 6e ildr .airr t!6* fist|{rtl{sE{r@a4trlcQ:tSSdrr6$grr+ffi, ladtAS$.Y ri$sr rrs .aqaqdlrl*1 s$ { boi,afltrr}rEs 8rll il't4 {l.tl ttd *8d. B. r* l:l . I! lt t# ri,{u$r+ar.. Tt *rs s$ r*!*+ t4r.$ddn,6d $sls .dd i*k{ d r$tq * r*$i{r &mqtr nE $lefi lgt qfi$ * rlslr{erd }3 rh ||€}f,I rlns n{l$ flraE*er tord flsrn*g rlqrra i![*. ftld!!ftd S qq;llld l*$dfi ft{ Mal Ns t* M * srt\d.iN{I, s{3rF h*rd $4riFtr. f,dald Fm* &ND48 h5fi rEu*.ithF 4Fddo€ t$ lF +.! {;t* @ +t{s$$hlt! rhgl* l.{&irl t't..ra$l$lfiq T*{*dsrr{t Sg'. p{h'.lrrd *rd iitr *drta$c l Aslr [[rd l.{ *j(h{*$hr * f,r? ficrd ir FlrdB|r.ir*iiB ,ird.$r ih ddetk #bt{aE tnn+rrl llxutat plnn'w. fir .drbed+ tq4 cn h t$nn!E{q !;f & t$ F , tu# i& Itir+ $fl}4+!l |t|* tfn$*{dlqr fjFc !i Nt'*eld t} +wilH* x .m o1*tgr 61rt r1{rrp{!&rlt#t e{r$ar,rH$. $liiirilifii* Srer,*t ftrrh.rtrrd !bo" 35 S+ rr*r**dn!Qi$rn!d frirr ,ia'rfiin ftlFi.d r!(}trqult *rqt.tnrqul |!ain{tB! h dq*|rij **d fsibl*ltm n|€re l{d R! ir{#$d |{dr qr$Fldr Eq t{ EEnffrclIcl lr*$* fB{S {an b+ tr 4e#{Fd{s tiD t0 tFi, Ib*Sru liirla{ Str{*irsidn frbrtlsrr et$*9 rererd$ ldlrbrB h6*dr *Dg$ hi$aqi d SttT$,li{P 59{* lbg lrui $rr.nd tc$dr?4l Jto.! :' ,E*a-'as.* l)rdd k{rdfl C ltl?t$llS F6alt RFS The Clear Choice il us on the intemet at TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 n0479-2t38 (**zt-*r(. ,r&) DEnARTMENT oF coMMr;Nrry DEVELonrr"i rwniaf tz P, /fuT upTu#.& $0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-- > $378 . 00 50.00 Additional Fees-------> ($378.00) 50.00 TOTAL FEES-------> S3?8.00 Totrl Permft Fee-----> Item: 05L00 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEI'IIT 02/o7/20os JRM Acrion: Ap IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condr 1-2 J-"*Pf;].;..1t*TI*..I.TS:i-!lT"9H-,ffi-IIPJIlH**t*3"'9i*94-T.9.1.:.oP.,1..-:P"lfl*t*Hnt*T*******,r*,{.:r*i******!r,r,**i.:,***+* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information requrred, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that atl the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 47}2149 OR AT OTJR OFFICE FROM 8:M AM . 4 PM. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PCrMit #: PO5-OOO9 Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: TOV POLICE DEPT Applied . . : 02t0212ffi5 Parcel No...: 210106100003 Issued . . : OZlO8lzWs ProjectNo ; Expires. .: }glwlzCfrs owlIER vArrJ cor.,oRADo MltNrcrpAr anoeoz/oz/.zoos phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAILco 81557 I_,ieense: CONTRACTOR D AGOSTINO MECmNICAL COf.[RA02/02/2005 phone: 9i.3-384-5].20 4440 OIIT\TER STREET KAIiISAS CITY, KS 56LO6 License: 148-P APPr,rCAriff D AGOSTIIIO MEeHAlrIeAr, CO!ITRAo2/02/2005 phone: 913-384-5170 4440 OIJIVER STREET KANSAS CITY, KS 65105 License: 148-P Desciption: ADA UPGRADES-REPLACE EXISTING PRISON FIXTURES WITH NEW ADA PRISON FIXTI.]RES Valuation: $20.000.00 Fireplace Inforoation: Resticted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: '!'! #of Wood PaUet ??+t+*l+'ltr{.a***:t**:t*ti{.,1:t+***********:}d.********,t*'t**:tir******:*:*:*:*t**i.**'t* FEE SUMMARY************+********:t********,t**:t**)r*****t ******:a*+****,*'tif Plumbing--- > 9300.00 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > S75.00 DRB Fee------------ > Investigation- > Will Call---- >$3 .00 Payrnents---------- > BALA}ICE DUIE---> $0. 00 $0 .00 90. 00 . qclsL/?l6s5 15:23 TTMII 75S.F Rd. Vail'8r657 "PoF't5iff9 IF INCOT'PLETE OR UNI Proioct #; PAGE A4Ig4 -s0t9 9*u #s: AN-T :ov TotLa DepT JobAddress: JA tt- Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( )Repalr( ) Demo( ) oltrcr( ) ffiEHu.-Gdfiitlocation:. Yes( ) N"( ) wffips-oxrype: tr.tenor(D1 E'derior( I Btf] ffi;Bldr. Si"gle'f..ilv{ ) rwe'ftmi'Vi : t:n*ru 'Gommemial ( ) Resburcnt ( ) Other ( ) f,f o, * A"cort todetion Unib in thts,building:il-o. ot e*i*ting oirvelling unib in this bullding: ,rr'**.*'-#.,'r*ri.igr***tFtt*t.t***FgR OFFICE USE ONLYr*t*r'**'. **r,}*i*rtt*Hrtf,f,tr****r 0EJSJN04'4 F;\Usaf s\cdev\FORMSWERM ITS\BLDGPERM'DOC ffiG'DFEB25 2005 DATE: FROJECT: ADDRESS: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: HVACCONTMCTOR: February 10,2005 VAIL MUNICIPAL CALL CENTER 75 S. FRONTAGE E. VAIL COLORADO McBOYD CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIONS DESIGN MECHANICAL INC. GERTIFIED BALANCE INC. OF COLORADC 92426 ROAD GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO s7 0.245-77 57 I 970-250€250. REeEtVm FEB 2.5 t3i5 fiofod? Served CFM 16X10 16X10 1,038 2 | L45'2, 0r2 RM 185 WEST RM 185 WEST RM J.B5 WEST RM 185 WEST RM 185 WEST RM 185 EAST RM 185 EAST RM 185 EAST RM 185 EAST 3/ 600 3,654 REGISTERS 5 & B WERE LEFT HTGH TO COMPENSATE FOR 6 & 7, 8'' ROUND PROJECT SYSTEM REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NIAME: tab hoodl VAIL POLICE STATION RTU-1 AND RTU.2 READINGS ARE WITH FLOW HOOD AND ARE CORRECTED TO ALTITUDE. RTU-1 ]S A 5 TON RTU, I LEFT AIRFLOW HIGH, ADJUSTED THE 2 SUPPLY REGISTERS TO PROVIDE AIR THROUGHOUT DISPATCH ROOM 2/9/05 Sj VailPollceStation READINGS BY:C. Gorman TTF TF I Z Ttr RTU-A RTALANCEm 400 cFil TYP EF 5 - REBALASTCE T!/ loes cFlt(+) lo'K to _ \1,,/ REBAI-AI.IEE TTIfo cFll irrg 3rtj N E vl 6vl,tl ld o .iz JOB: O4-lOl9 OAIET lt,BOnOo+ st-ttrtrTsry=lry$q-PLAN ArPrD lniormrfion Inspecdon Reqqggl RequesbdlnspectDrter Thursfiy, Februuy24, 2(X)5 Inspecuon A16'] GCD Slb Addrccsr 75 S FRONTAGE RD UGST VAIL9II CAIJ- CENTER-VAIL ilUil|cIPAL BUILDIM; lm$(xxxl o."*]fFt &MEcH vArL cor.oRAoo **n'prfEr.oc AUTI-ORITY D€S|GN MEC}TAMCAL, I].C. DESIGNMECHANICAL. lf.tc. Phon€: INIERIOR DUCTT'U]RK i'OO{FICATIONS FOR COi'FORT SYS (3q})4492G12 FS)449-2C2 TEMS Acth,lh,: CorctTtp6:olirttr: Applkrnt Conhrctor: DoscdFdon; subrlH: ^coM Sbi|s: ISSUED Inepfuea: @D Phon : EnbEdBy: OGOIDEN K Requested In$o€cdon(c I lEmi 390 lllECH#lnal /il "/r-,t; Insoecdon HlsbrY zfr 310 315 320&D 3403[n lbm: lLm: llem: ttcm: tbm: tbm: lbm: v ': riil BEST' Ii COPY AVAILABLE REPT131 Run Id: 2952 TOWlCI OF V.AIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PETMit #: EOI-0I37 Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: POLICE STATION Applied ' ' : 06/18/2001 ParcelNo...: 210106400003 Issued' ': 0611912001 ProjectNo:ExPires":l2ll6l200l OWNER VAIL COLORADO MTTNICIPAL BLDG06/18/200L Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAII-, CO 916 57 L,,icense: CoNIRACTOR A.K. ELECTRIC o6/a8/200t Phoner 970-390-3258 2103 ZEMATT I-,A]iIE IINIT 2103-A VAIL, CO eL657 L,icense : 7.L1 -E APPIJICANT A.K. ELECTRIC \6/L8/2OOL Phone: 970-390-3258 2103 ZEMATT I,AIiIE I'NIT 2103-A vArL,.co 8t657' License: l-17-E Desciption: INSTALLISOLATEDRECFORINTOXILIZER Valuation: $600.00 trllli**it**'lttltl)illt+'l'if rrrrttptlla Electrical----->' $50. oo Total Caloulated Fees-> $53'00 DRB Fee--> So. oo Arlditional Fees-----> ($s3 ' 00) lnvestigation-> $o.oo Tolal Permit Fee-> S0'00 Will Call---> $3 . oo Palrnents-------'--> F0 ' 00 TOTALFEES-> Ss3. oo BALANCE DUE--> 90'00 Approvals:IE6M: 06OOO EI,ECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT O5l19l2ooL GRG Action: AP lrlttattt,l****r,t*r CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE R"EQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE- l|||||...**||t*..:}..'**ttt'..''t.....'itt.|.....a''''t...}..tl}.t*tt||||. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is c-onect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town - ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to thl bwns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved' Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto' REQL'ESTS FOR INSPECTTON slLALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213t OR AT OUR OTFICS FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM' ft('t,iz,z4, oflc- b/ (//r:, 1 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNED Project #r frO.oD Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) 'IOWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 - Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No,;n 31tt' 3 5E- SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR AtL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ (.' A f-\-- Contact Assessorc Offrce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) A V)0|.ft'6h6(o3 rob Name: Po 1,'. ., 5+* L,nrt JobAddress: 75 S,,, F.on4- -. pS Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: OwnersName:.-a O" U,Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: .f, < /a,/,/ -Ts rr,lo ,z- -./-Aec,lbr Z) /a's,'/ ,'z <2f WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodelpd Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior!ffi Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) *****************rr****r!*********1r**r<***FoR oFFIcE usE ONLY*'r**********'rr!********************:t** F :/everyone/forms/elerperm o Design Review Action Form TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: Town of Vail Project Number: Project Description: Rooftop receiver f,ntenna for Channel 19 audio Owner, Address, and Phone: Town of Vail Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Suzanne Silverthorn 479-2tts Project Street Address; 75 S. X'rontage Rd. Legal Description: Vail Village Filing #2 Parcel Number: 2101064000013 Comments: Building Name: Town of Vail Municipal Building Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 04ll7l00 Project Name: Town of Vail Board/Staff Action Action:Staffapproved DRB Fee Paid: ..ffiK##3. .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #! E97-0051 Job Address: 2555 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...Location. .. : W.VAIL ROUNDABoUT sTAGINGApoIied. .Parcel No..: 2IO3-1,42-05-0OO Iiiued... .. Project No. I Expires. . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EIJECTR]CAL PERMIT APPLTCANT STURGEON ELECTRTC COMPANY, rNc. 12150 EAST 112TH AVE., HENDERSON, CoNTRACTOR STURGEON ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 1,21,50 EAST 112TH AVE., HENDERSON,OWNER CDOT RIGHT OF WAY Phone | 303-2co 80640 Phone: 303-286-8000co 80640 I S SUED oo4 /11. /reel o4 /r1/7eel 1o / oB/Lee7 B6-8000 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9 -2138 Description: TEMP POWER FOR CONSTRUCTION TRAILER Valuation:L,000 . o0 *********************ff*********ff*rrt**************t******* FEE SUtlt'tARy ******i*ii**********************t************t**********,t E lect r i ca t---> oRB Fee Investi gat i on> lli tt caL t----> TOTAL FEES---> 50.00 .00 .m 3.00 53 .00 Total, Catculated Fees---> Addi tional. tees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE OUE---- 53.00 -55.00 .00 .00 .00 *****rrt******************************lhi***ff*tri*H****************Jrtff************t*********************t***ffi*ff*************** I!e$: ,9gqqo_EI_,EqTBICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:04/II/!997_ClrARrJrE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTItbm:'05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: *******lr**********************************************************ff*.t**********t******************************rr**i.****Jr********* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************tt*******************************tr*********ff***************************tr*************ff***********fi************ DECLARATIONS r.hereby acknowtedge that r have read.this apptication, fiLted out in fuLl, the infofmation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information Provided as required is corfect. I agree to compl.y r^iith tire information and pLot p1an,to compty uith atL Town ordinances -and state [aws. and io buiLd this stpuctufe according io-the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniforn Buil,ding Code and othef ordinances of the Town appl.icabl.e thereto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 'iiontact liaglc councy Assessors of f ice P[R}II.T /I .':ob Nane /4/"tt/lu / 4*J 4 Job Acldressz .)fjJ nAf Td Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pelletAppliances VALUATIONS OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ 'l.ectricaL Contractor: .ddress: Iunbing Contractor: .ddress: .echanical Contractor: ,ddress: r******************************FORI,JILDING PERMIT FEE:.I,MBING PERMIT FEE: ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: TECTRICAIJ FEE: rHER TYPE OF FEE: tB FEE: #"lio,?W TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APPLICATTON FORMomn; {e/eQ// , APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEPTED{ '****************************** PEFI{IT fNFORI'IATION ***************************** I ftrr. J.lrf rJI(ILAIILTN - * x a - x :r ! ! * i r r x x * -[ ]-Building [ ]-prumbing 1yr{-nrecEri.,aL [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Legal DescrJ.ption: Lot-_- Block__ Fi1tng susprvlsloN,d2rwners Narne: .vpetc srvcr-tJ Address z /ltsoEcF/27 ),f,?/".. = pr.. g1E.6o0* r---L!r L % ' 7'-'rv1 J"/g?Architect z I Address:Ph.i ,;eneral Description: Tork elass! [ ]-New [ ]-Alte 'umber of DwelLing Units: tion [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lpmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas) t rt * :t :t Jr fr Jr * /r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********************************ITUILDING: $,LUMBTNG: T.----l- :'*** Jc:t C<*:trl** * ** * ***********CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r.!eneral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. -NO.'.ddress:Phone Number: %_49!_.t70-8q6 - ctg)3 -b-",) Er,EcrRrcAt z $ /.ooo.oo MECHANICAL: $', Town of vail Reg. No. 2 Ci3:E Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: OFFfCE USE ** ***rt** *** ********** ****** *** * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI.IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON .FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPqSIT: TOTAL PERMIT'FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! -rrnrnents: VALUATTON LEAN I]P DEP,OSIT REEIIND TO: 75 soulh lionlage road vail, colorado 8 tG57 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 of tlce ol communlty developmenl FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TO: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE,, TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBl,rc WoRKS/CoMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERTAL STORAGE ead and acknowLledged by: I(i.e. contractor, owner) rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to Litter, track or deposi-t ""V-r"ili-rl.t, sand, debrisor material, incruding trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles.upon any streetl siaewai;;;ii;y or publicplace or anv norti-on tnei"oil--;i-," right-of-way on art Town ofVail streeti ind.I?"g. is approxi."t"iv-s"it.-lri pavehenr.This ordinance ,ill b".;rri;ii;^enforced by the Town of vailPublic works Departrnent. p"r=6n= found. violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour "rial;;";otice to rernove said rnateriar.In the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specifiea, the puLtic WorksDepartrnent wirl remove =iia-r.t"i:-.r. .t iir"-'""pIise of personnotified. The provision= ot ini=-"iai""""; :f,:ii not beapplicable to c6nstruction, ,iint"r,.rrce or repair projects ofany street or ar.ley or any "t:.iiii"="i; ;;"';i;il;_"_r"y. To review ordinance No- s in fu'l, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to oliiin a copy. tiranrt you for yourcooperation on this matter. R Y - osl_r 1onlRelationship 75 Boulh ,ronlage road Yall, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-?L3g otflce of community developmerrl If this permi.t requires a Town of vair Fire Department Approvar,Ensi neer''s (.pub'l i c works ) levi ew una apb"ouuil'i' piilj,itli"i.pu.*"n,'review or Health Departmiint ievilew,-an[ u_review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estimated time ror'a-totat "."iii*-il.j"iu[l'a, rongas three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'n) ana all murti-famiry permits wirlhave to follow the above mentioneJ mixirrr requirements. Residentia.land sma'll projects shourd tat<e J-ieiier'amount of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smailer.proJects i*piii the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to- necessii..v-r.vi.*,-;h;;; ;;;j;.il ruyalso take the three*weet< perioJ. BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME Every.attempt wil'l be made by thispermit as s.qon as poss.i ble. - i;.*!l undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time department to expedite this Y^,(::,?' / E-,ifll"u' project Name \ Corununi ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: o MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VA]L PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolilion work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properly? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed lo site other than exisling driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done aflecling the righl ol way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ts a "Flevocable Right Of Way permit" required? I have read and answered allthe above questions. A ,zt A Signature r the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a "public way permit": YES NO )< }( S) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan requiried by Community Development? l ^ f /- 7\ 7\ lf-Vo9 algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way,itermit" must be obtained."Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at thetPublic Work's otfice or atC-o.TTqitV Development. lf you have-any questions ptease callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-21Sg. Conlractor'sJob Name 5- t-ep O COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIT BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TrMES RD WEST Status. . . RD wEsT Rpplied..fssued... Expires. . Phone: 303-2co 80640 Phone: 303-286-8000co 80640 Perrnit # : E97-0071 ISSUED 05/0!/tee7 os /01. /tee7 LO /28 /tse7 B6-8000 NonaAD TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Addrese: 2555 N FRONTAGELocation...: 2280 S FRONTAGEParcel No.. : 2103-142-05-000Project No.: APPLICANT STURGEON ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 12150 EAST 112TH AVE., HENDERSON, CoNTRACTOR STURGEON EI-,ECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 121_50 EAST 112TH AVE., HENDERSON,OWNER CDOT RIGHT OF WAY Description: TEMP SERV]CE FOR ROUNDABoUT coNsTRucTloValuaIion:L, 000. oo *****t**********t********ff*****ff*i*********t**i********* FEE SUlll4ARy *********************#****fi****i*********t*******s*ff** Etectri ca l.---> DRB Fee Investi gation> Ui Lt cat t----> TOTAL FEES---> 50.00 .00 .00 5.00 103.00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 153 .00 -153.@ .00 .00 BALANCE DUE---- ****Jrr****J.t****"t******i*Jrr*t****************t***********************t*t*i************************ti****t****t*****t******t**t*** rtem: 06000_gi,_EgrBrcAl DEPARTMENT Dept: BUrrDrNc Division:95/oL/Lgg.7-CHARLTE Acrion:- AFpn-ron ERNSTItem:'05600-FIBE DEPARTMENT - Dept: FIRE Division:05/0L/L997 CHARLTE -Acrion; AppR FoR ERNST ***ffi*l****************#******t*********t**************************t********f******************i********f,t*********t*rhroHritrHr*rt CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******'****tt***********lrt**********f*i***t*********i*****************t*********************ff***********t***f*****ffi*********** DECLARATIONS r. hereby .acknow ledge th"t I-h?Y: l:?1.lhis apptication, fiLl.ed out in futt the information requi rcd, conpteted €n sccuratc ptotptan, and state that atl the information proiided as riquired. i.s corfect. i agree to compty Hith the infornation and ptot il.an,to.compty uith att Town ordinances.and state. [a!rs, .and io buiLd this structufe according io the rown's zonin! and suMivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil.ding code end other ordinances of thi Toun afpticabLe therbto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOI',RS til ADVANCE \ mY-€1-19:n tL=!? FRID1^ST|RGEoN H_ECTRIC - -fcontact Eagle Councy Aasessors Office TO LS7WE2452 P.6L ar, 970-328-8640 for Earcel f. TOIIN oF VAfL CONSTRUCTION PARCEL llffi pER!{rt App[rcATroN roR]I ?to9- I'12-o5-coo oam: ;*l-97 ^ APPL,ICATIoI tlusT BE FILLED OtIs col,tPLETELY OR fT UAY llom BE ACCEPIfED, Il************************'r***tr PERI.IIT INF|ORI{ATION rt**t**il**********************tlv [ ]-BuLlding [ ]-Pluralring QQ-El'ectrLcal [ ]-rtechinlbal [ ]-Other PER}TIT # Job Narne: Iegal Descriptionr Lot itob Address: Iegal Descriptionl Lot_ Block_ piling sueorvrsror,A^owners Name: Jihrcree- t tp<lrl; Address: . Irchitect: Ilorlc Classr I l-Nev [ ]-Alteration I l-Addltional I J-Repair I l-Other- Nunber of DrellLng Unlts;Nunbcr of AccofrhodaiLLon UnLts: ItFsber and Type of Fireplaqes: Gas Appliances+ Gas Iogs l$ood,/pellet_,JB*******!tt***:trltt!:********rr******** VAII'AIfONS *****il********r***************il**1,..-wiurrorxc: t Er.EcTRrcAL,Ld- oEflER:t .. ..Pil'UBTNG: { HECIIA}IICAL'S- tITilIAL: s--,fl***t***************tt****** colg1.RAg1119R ITIFORIiIATIOII ***a****:r*************r***i Eeneral contracto+ UJeX€tA (I*'et9*nar.' town of vall Reg. NO._Address: 1ti4^ nez pq f@ fbone lvunber: Tzo-*z{-Efr Town of vai!. Reg. No.#13'E Phone Nunbef : W^* -Zqo Town of Vaitr Pbone Nuhbef: Tovn of Vail Pho-ne Nunber: 37"1-b77 Address:Ph, I General Description: Electrical Gontractor: Address: Plumbing Con Address: Mechanlcal Contractor: f,ddress: ******** *************** *** * ***** IER BUTIJDING PERI{IT AEE: PIT'I{BING PERIIIT FEE: ItEcgANICAr. :pEnU-rt rnp: AI,ECIRICAL TEE: ilHBR :WPE OF FEET )RB FEE: OFFICE USE *******!a*****:l*******t*t t t t **** BUIIJDING PIJAtf CHECK FEE: PII'I{BTNG PIAN CEECK TSE: IGCHNITC'AL ETSN CEBCX FEE: .RBCREATTON TEBs CI,ENI-UP DEPOSTI: TqfAI, PERIIIT EEBS: c Reg. NO. Reg. NO. BUXIJDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATUNS: I cl.Eatr up DEposrr rEhrrD ro: -T}'lr,i, oF' l/fttt-StboaO 'Noffit' TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 E Lect ri ca [---> DRB Fee Investigat ion> UitL Cal.l,----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 72.W .@ .00 3.m 75.m DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED oN .]oBSITE AT ALL T]MES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #3 897-0171 2555 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . : ISSUED NORTH r-70 AND CHAMONTX RApplied. , tV08/08/1ss72103-142-05-000 rssued...: Og-/OB'/rss7Expires..: O2/o4/1998 APPLICANT STURGEON EIJECTRIC COMPANY, INC.12150 EAST 112TH AVE., HENDERSON, CoNTRACTOR STURGEON ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC.12150 EAST 112TH AVE., HENDERSON,OWNER CDOT RIGHT OF WAY Description: 400 AMP SERVICE FOR STREET LIGHTS Phone: 303-286-8000co 80640 Phone: 303-286-8000co 80640 Valuat,ion:4, 000 . 00 **************ffi****************************************** tEE SUfit4ARy *******t****#*****************t************************** 75 .00 -75.O0 .00 .00 .00 ff****i*ff********f********i**************************|ti*t**********tt****************************************fr****************** TotaL Catcutated Fees---> Addi tional. Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division; Dept: FIRE Division: *****f,*****************l************************t*****************************************r****r****i***************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *******f****************rt*ff*t********************t********i**i**********t***********i*r*******i*t*fi*************i******ti******* DECLARATIONS I hefeby ackno{tedge that t have read this appl.ication, f il,l,ed out in futl, the infornation requifed, comptrted an accurate p1otptan, and state that atL the information Pro;ided as rlquired. i.s correct. r agre" to compl.y with the information and plot pl,an,to colqtty !'ith aLl' Toun ordinances "and stite.taws, _and to buiLd this st ructure-accord i ng io'tt" i*rnis zoninl "no suMivisioncodes, dcsign reviev approved, uniforn Euitding code and other ordinancc" oi ih" rourn appticabtc theneto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Ileryi,q$qq0 ELECTRICATJ DEPARTMENT98/08/L997 CHARIJIE Action: AnFR-rt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENi ----- ,*Condact Eagle CounEy at 970-328-8640 for Assessors tr". TOWN OF PERI'II? iIPARCEL /I: Owners Name: Architect: General Description: PERMIT VAIL CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION FORM Address: Address: Ph. Ph. 1 r * * ,J 7 Work Class: [X]-New t Number of Dwelling Un N.pmber and Type of Fi, f.* * ** * * * * * ** * * ***** * *tBUILDING: $ PLUMBING: $I fu ** * ** ** r.*** ** **** ** * Seneral contractor: @Address: 4l4o pCR.1 ELectrical- Contractor Address, tLtfo 4 il234,1 Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Appr VALU CAL: CAL: CTOR at I -Al ts: epla **** **** teration ces: Gas ******** EI,ECTRI MECHANI EIONAI Nulnber es. NS *** t lf xJ. t ,ddit N ance TTON l)r_-tf: 1 c o d n r ,d a T 'A 1 A $ $ l- cl rl ro -G *** v ION I r * Q. l-Repair [ ]-other f Accornrnodation Units: as Logs_ Wood/PeJ-let **************************** OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ ***'&****** *** * * ** *rr*** * * rt* * Town of VaiI Reci. lfO. Phone ttumber:/9/4 Town of Vail Req. No.a43^e Phone Nunber{d>Ab_@- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor : Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: sLECTRTCAL FEE: JTHER TYPE OF FEE: JRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK fEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT T'EES 3 BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: oerBz 6 -1a-97 . t APPLICATIoN MUST BE FTLLED oUT coMPLETELy oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEprED X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr PERMIT INFORMATION ***t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * *'t I J-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Elect,rical [ ]-Mechani-ca). [ ]-other Job Name:Job Aci,dre"=, Nm* Tp y'z*,iree Fol Cu*axtn Legal Description: Lot B]ock FiI ino ellRhrrrr ernr . e lornrnents: VALUATION I]P DEP,OSIT REFIIUD TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 970-479-2t38 APPI,ICANT CONTB.ACTOR OWNER STURGEON ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 12150 EAST 112TH AVE., HENDERSON, STURGEON ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 12150 EAST 112TH AVE., HENDERSON, CDOT RIGHT OF WAY Phone:303-286-8000 Phone:303-286-8000 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0170ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 2555 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...l ISSUEDLocation. . . : SOUTH I-70 AND CHAMONTX RApplied., tTOB/OB/L997Parcel No..: 2103-142-05-000 Issued...: 0B/OB/L997Project No.: Expires..: OZ'/04/t998 co 80640 co 80640 Description: 400 AMP SERVICE FOR STREET LIGHTS Valuation:4, 000 . oo ******t******i***i******i***********ff*************t******* tEE SUI{I4ARY *****t********t******************************t***ff******* E tectri cat---> DRB Fee lnvest igat ion> lJi l, L cat t----> ToIAL rEES---> 72.OO .00 .00 5.00 75.00 Tota t Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Tota( Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 75.00 -75.00 .00 .00 .oo *********************t*lr****i-************************t********f*ffr*******************ff***********************Jr***t*******t******* Dept: BUITDING Divi-sion: DeDT: FIRE Division; **t***tt******l(it***********************************l*************************t******************t*************************tr******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **********f***********l********************************************t***********i***********************************************t** DECLARATIONS l.hereby acknoHtedge that t have read.this apPtication, f il,l.ed out in futt the information required, compteted an accurate ptot P[an, and state that atl the infornati.on provided as required is correct. I agpee to coarpty riith the iniormation and ptot il,an,to compty uith 8l'I Toun ordinances and state [aws, and io buil,d this structure according io'the Town,s ionint ano subdlvisibncodes/ design revier approved, uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinrnces of the Toun afpticable thereto, REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Itqm: .06000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMENT08/O8/1997 CHARLIB Action: AppRrTEn:. 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT a. FContacE Eag1e County Assessors ar. 970-328-8640 fcr ParceL /l . PARCEL iI: Architect: lr"" TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: PER]-IIT # t APPLTCATIoN MUST BE FTLLED f***************************** OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I J-Buildinq [ ]-plunbing t J-Electrical [ ]-Mechanlbal [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block-_- Fiting sugprvrsroN, owners Name: fiu.,Address: Address: Ph. Ph. General Descript,ion: work class: Dq-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dvrelling Units I Number of Accornmodation Units: N.umber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances. Gas Logs_ wood/pel].et_I bf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *| ,.lyJ!?Ilg, g- Er,rcrRrcAl: $ 7LQ9Q orHER: $ Address: ELectrical-Cont,ract,or: Address:& ,: J7Phone Number : M)SA_teA_-o, Plunbing Contractor: Address: MechanicaL Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PTUMBING PERMTT FEE: {ECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ]LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF PEE: )RB FEE: rown of VaiI {eg.. NoA/AE Phone Number: (gal Aa-Zrc Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Number: BUILDING PI.,AN. CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFfCE USE ********************:t********** VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIM TO: I I To: Uike From: IJt. Date: May Re:. PEC Mollica, vaiL Comnunity ,Jeff L,altman, Vail Police 30, L995 Requirernent ITEMORANDU.U Develolxnent DeBar Department Attached you wil-l find the results of a Barking rnembers of the Vail Police Department ilanuaryt2, L995. tihis survey should serve to fulfill- our PEC approval for our addition. This information has also been provided to Pam Brandneyer. Please call if you have any questions. survey conducted by 30 through Februarytlris requirement of Assisbanb Town l{anager UEMORANDUM To: rTeff Layman From: Tom Sheely Date: April 10, 1995 Re: Parking SurveY Frorn ilanuary 30th through trebruary 12th a survey was conducted to determine the availabilfty of on-s1te parking for Town of Vail user groups. A vehicle count was done four times a day and eaclr user ;;;6- iaettcitied as to the nnmber of vehicles and the location of ltreii vehicles. The survey wae taken at 8:15 A!'t, 11 :00 A!!, 2:00 Al't and 4:30 pM. The usei groups were Conununity Developme:rt, Adlninistration, Finance, Court, Police Departnent, Town of vail vehicles (for example, Eown oi Vail trucks, etc.). and public vehicles. lttre parking lots were identified as the West Lot, which is ffrJ parking lot directly west of Connunity Develolxnent; the Center -l,ot, efre lot between Conrnunity Develognent and - t-he earninistration buildinq; the police department Garage Lot; and the East Lot, which is the lot directly east of the police departrnent. The total npmber of on-site parking spaces ie 119. In addition to identifying which department enrpfoieel use which lot- and the total npmber -of enefoyee vehicles parled in those lotss, the survey also indicated a Berlentage of tolal capaciEy at each survey time. The WesE Lot Total nunber of sPaces 16 The survey indicated that this lot was being used at ?0q capacity at iEs p6ak time whieh was weekdays at 8:15 A!1. Day time and weekend use drops to 44%. llhe West Lob averages 9 available spaces during the day.- The user grouBs, for this lot, showed Conrnunity Oevel6pmene (i9t), administlatibn (6t), and Town of Vail vetricles (25%) of the capaciby of the total available parking sBaces. Ttre Center Lot Total nunber of spaces 58 this lot showed. a wide range of use from a low of only 10.t on- a weekend at 8:15 AM to a high of 63% aL 2200 and 4:30 PM during the week. Ttre weekday averaqe itsetf fluctuated from 55% caBaci-ty in the morning Eo J SS* at miaaay and peaked at 63t at 2:00 Pt'l- Weekend averages dropped Eo below - 20t usage. The average availabilEy of open sBaces was 23. Connrunity Development vtas identified as Etre leading user 9r9upaveragini approxirnately 16* of all the vehicles in this lot. Other srJ"Bi- r"i6- ri"c"a ai follows: Adnrinistration, L2%i Fina,nce, iO.S*; Court etturioy""", 3.5t; and the general public with a 16* of a]-l vehicles. lltre Police Department Garaqe Irot Total nu^nber of spaces 32 The police departnent garaqe lot is used exclusively for patrol ears, code eniorcenent vehicles, and ful1 time Bolice department employees. Tvelve spaces are resenled for official Bolice veiiCies. This leaves Z0 spaces for enployee parking. The use of this lot is the highest of all four town lots. The weekend average Ehroughout the day was approxi:nately 40*. Weekday averages raq.. aBBroiimately 98? capacity. Most open spaces were for paErol cars out on the slreeE. On an average day all non reserved spaces are occupied. llhe East Lot Total nrrober of soaces 13 The East lot is prirnarily used by seasonal and full time Bolice department enployees. Due to the fact Ehat Ewo police departsment .trairs are BarkLa 1n the lot, only eleven sBaceE are available for other usJ. Ehi! lot runs alrproxj-nately tlre sane weekends or weekdays aE 71t df caBacity. At peak times, which is 2:00 PM weekdays, it,'s 82t full and its lowest is at 8:15 A}! also on weekdays. On avefage there are tlrree available spaces- Sheetl o Not ^ 7EC no: wT o At o eaaa\ Page I bRB +-@"*l 4hila o o Page2 Sheetl Page 3 {o € 0 a .(D {D !Doo z \ P I (* t.\t tJ b ,6 c E$I -$ v \J; \a: 'vv)al o ! Sheell N# ,* )aB 'y Town of Vall Page2 -rrioilDAY TFRETFaDAY AVERAGES 8:16AM 1l:004M 2:00PM 4:30PM VEH#%VEH#%VEI-#%vEt-t#% Gommunity Dev s.2 20%3 19%3 19%2.8 18% Tawn of Uall Vehlclee 5.2 33%3 t9%3.2 20%.4.6 2S% Admlnlclrallon 0.6 1%0.6 4%0.6 4%0.6 4% Other 2.2 l4%1.2 8%1.6 1096 1.6 10% Sheetl Page 3 PARKING SURVEY Town of Vail Jen 30lo Feb 12 Garage Total Spaces:20 8:15 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:30 PM VEH#Vo vEt-r#%VEH#%VEH#% Totel Daily Average 16 80%18 90%18 90%10 80% Weekend Average I 45%7 35%7 35%7 35% Weekday Average 18 90%20 100%20 100%20 100% % of Vchlcles User Group MON TUE WED THUR FRI Police/Code Enf 100%100%100%100%100% Sheetl a o Peg€ 1 Sheetl PARKING SURVEY Town of Vail Jan 30 to Feb 12 Garage Total Spaces:32 E:i5 AM ll:00 Ail 2:00 PM 4:30 PM VEI-H %VEH#%vEls %VEH#% Total Daily Average 16 50%1E 50%18 56%10 50% Weekend Average I 2E%7 22%7 22%7 22% Weekday Averege 18 50%20 63%20 03%20 63% % of Vehlcles User Group MON TUE WED THUR FRI tollco/Gode Enl 100%100%100%100%100% o Page 1 I PABK.XLS Page I PARKING SURVEY JAN 30TO FEB 12 EJrET I NT 8:15 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:30 PM TOTAI SPACES 11 # OF VEH %# OF VEH %# OF VEH %# OF VEH % TOTNI DAILY AVE 6 55%8 73%9 82%8 73% 73%8 730h I 73V" WEEKEND AVE 7 64"/o I 73%I 82%9 82% WEEKDAY AVE 6 55%6 q/- nE vFHlnl Fs IrcEn 6!nf.lllp MONDAY TUESDAY WEDS THURS FRI POLICE DEPT 100%100%100%100%100% Sheet2 2:00 PM OF VAIL .nr-lqT-Eq.!4-_l FAST LOT 8:15 AM TOWN 4:30 PM VEHrcr-e3-11:00 AM veHlcrd % 63 58 -66 % 60 VEHICLES % 'ffi# VEHICLES %8.6 66 8 6 45 I I 7.6637.75 b9 7 94 42 69 8.67.6 68 I b.u TO FRIDAY..ara EQ MONDAY96 UF YEll\'LEe' HiftEffikr'-UOttOlV 100% TUESDAY WEDS THURS FNI|,AI 100%100%10q%r00% Page 1 ilign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL Date 5' j'? g Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: Ad.d@P Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motionby: V-t-'i^c-.-,L vote: 1- O Seconded ny: Ial,rtJ' '.1 $Aoorovat tr Disapproval ;l StaffApproval Town Planner Date: 5' j, ?t DRB Fee Pre-paid {A fTtt coPY MEMORANDUM Jeff Layman, Vail Police Department Mike Mollica, Acting Director of Gommunity Development September 9, 1994 Police Building expansion TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: On September 7, 1994, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) took the following actions on your request for modifications to the approved plans for the Police Building expansion: 1. The DRB approved the north elevation mechanical louvers without the wooden baltens, with the condition that the steel column and handrails on the south elevation (which are cunently painted a fuchsia color), be repainted to match the color of the lascia on the new building, which is the dark brown. 2. The window changes proposed for the south elevation, west of the elevator tower, were approved as requested. Additionally, the DRB approved the elimination of four flower boxes, which were originally approved to be located immediately west of the elevator tower on the old building. 3. The request to approve the rooftop mechanical, as it currently exists, was tabled. The DRB felt that they needed to review a screening plan, and did not feel comfortable approving the request as submitted. 4. The DRB took a straw vote with regard to the two-tone paint on the body of the structure. Three of the members felt that the two-tone paint was acceptable as it currently exists, and two of the members were opposed to the two-tone paint. This straw vote is for informational purposes only. Attached to this memorandum is the 1994 DRB schedule which I hope will be useful to you in planning for the DRB's final review of the mechanical screening on the roof. As always, if you should have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at extension 2138. xc: Ken Hughey Bob McLaurin Jeff Sheppard 1994 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Submittal Deadlines and Meeting Dates Submittal Deadline December 13, 1993 December 27,1993 January'17, 1994 January 24,1994 February 7,1594 February 21,1954 March 14, 1994 March 28, 1994 April 11, 1994 April25, 1994 May 9, 1994 May 23, 1994 June 13, 1994 June 27, 1994 July 1 1, 1994 July 25, 1994 August 15, 1994 August 29,1994 September 12,1994 September26, 1994 October 10, 1994 October 24,1994 November 14, 1994 November2S, 1994 MEETTNG DATE January 5, 1994 January 19, 1994 February 2,1994 February 16, 1994 March 2, 1994 March 16, 1994 April 6, 1994 April20, 1994 May 4, 1994 May 18, 1994 June 1, 1994 - June 15, 1994 July 6, 1994 July 20, 1994 August 3, 1994 August 17, 1994 September 7, 1994 September2l, 1994 October5, 1994 Oclober 19, 1994 November 2,1994 November 16, 1994 DecemberT, 1994 December2l,1994 Conceptual Reviews will be scheduled if thE request is submitted at least 10 days prior to the meeting date. All applications must be complete. Any incomplete application will be returned to the applicant and will not be scheduled for review. 250 square foot GRFA addition applications and sign variance requests will be heard at the znd meeting date after lhe submittal deadline. *ign Review Action FOm TOWN OF VAIL ILCategory Number Date Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: @Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: S'{nnrovar a Disapproval n StaffApproval Conditions: votrcli 4- 6 Town Planner Dare: 5'/Y, 7-{DRB Fee er"-e l0 N/A t. DRB .rpp&rcATroN - TOflN.OF VAIL, COLORADO ! re.rise d, gl4lgL M*'r q rtq4 ACCEPTEDIS SUBl.rr DATE APPIICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TAIS APPLICATION }TILL NO:r BET'NEIL .EI.L REQUIRED INTORIIATION********** T PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION,: MAY I 19$4 "i,i;;' ii,, iii/, u[\."J o l,c€- bui TYPE OF REVIEW: 11 crctrEron ()5u.00) conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: ?5 5o. ./.o-ra, a. R.d !n',||, . CO t t G 5 J New Constrriction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) LEGAL DESCRIPTToN: LoI - Block Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. ZONING: a neets and bounds lega1on a separate sheet and E. NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIYE:5o. fr.e^r-ra6g I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATLRE (S Mailing LOT AREA: If required, st,amped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT, a-^,Malling Address: -?S Sil applicant, mus! provide a currentIot area Phone 41q zzoo (*^, Llr.oa*, FEEI 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 9400.00 $s00 .00 lo J.Condominlun Approval if applicable. DRA PEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB applicaLion. Liter, wtrenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate vaLuation of the proposal . The Town 6f vailwill adjust the fee according-to the taUfe-Uefow, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S tJ I A FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0-$ 10,000$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000$50r00r.-$ 150,000 $150,001. - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000$ . Over $1r 0001 000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\AL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AE'TER TTNAI,APPROVATJ ItNI'Ess* AIBU&LDING .]PERMIT .Is - I€SIIED .AlrD coNSTRuctION IsSIAREED **NO IIPPLICJITION }IILL BE PROCESSED I{IrEOUT OWNER'S SIGI{ATURE tI ' It IPRE-APPLICATION MEETING : staff is. stlongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication.linfornation is needed. It is the afplicant's determine if there are additional_ submittal reguirements.Please note.t a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval propess for your project. t,II. III. A.In addi:Eion to neeting subnitt,aL requirements, theapplicant must st,ake and tape the pioject site toinclicatF property Iines, building Lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. Affsite tapings and staking must be completed p-rior to theDRB site visit. The applicant must. ensure that stakingdone duhing the winter is not buried by snow. The revfi.ew process for NE$l BUILDINGS normally requirest.wo sepFrate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptFal approval and a finaL approval . Applicantsshoulct p]an^on presenting their development proposal ata mrn1mum of two meetings before obtaining finalapprova!.. Applicafits who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard of their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked ifi advance that discussion on their iten bepost,poned, will have their items removed from the DRB B. D. F, docket until such time as the item has beenrepubli6hed. The fol|owing itens may, at the discretion of the _zoning Administrator, be approved by the CommunityIjevel-opment Department st.aff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): E. a. Wir[dovrs, skyli-ghts and similar exterior changeswh{ch do not alter the existing ptane of thebudlding,. and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyot.+er 1ot or public space. At the time such aprqposal is submitted, applicants must includeLeqters from adjacent propert,y ohrners and./or f,romth+ agent for or manager of any adjacent co4clominiurn association stating the associat.ionapproves of the addition. If a prqperty is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow av{lanche, rockfaI1, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetlancl, etc) I a hazard study must be submitt,ed and theowner mqst sign an affidavit recognizing t,he hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applica4ts are encouraged to check with a-T-own plannerprior tg DRB application to deternine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all iresldentlal construcLion: a, Clearly indicat.e on the floor plans the insidefaqe of the exterior structural walls of thebui]lding,. andb. In{icate with a dashed.Iine on the site plan aforlr foot distance from the exterior facL of thebujjlding walls or supporting columns. I f DRB 4pproves.-the . app1d.,ca€.ion. ryiEh condit, ions ormodificaltions, aLl conditions of approval nust beresolvect prior to Town issuance of a building permit. \J. otign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL catesory r,luru",. / 2 o"," LI/JD jtj tl lr e,o;ecu.rame: -[iV ?tll,r I il;cici, \ r' r Building Name: ,I1.'* .[ {ArOwner, Address and Phone: r/\l Rrcnitect@i Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District projeci street Aoo,"r", lf \i,, , \ | ., { rt^JH,,( ftl Comments: . Li'1,{,'.,,w/oard lStaff Action Motion by: Seconded by: E Approval a Disapproval n StaffApproval conaitffi,0i'1.\ ', i ,,\ i \'rt'r-,J"i t,] i' ,i- )q0+Lf rn-f\"\cti,, ,t (rd r.i (rVi1 \l Ls&"Jrrl t'' o",", ({l?D19tl DRB Fee p,"-p"io iU , f, I'o Project Application Date 6./b' 73 Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Arch itect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: L Com menls: Design Review Board UAIE 6'/6 , 73 Motion by: Seconded nv, Zfrw< @ 1-o DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner E Statt Approval gn Review A TOWN OF VAIL ction tI Category Numoer // /,L,*,rr.- rz ,,r.7,-f/. ?^pate Proiect Name: Building Name: Prolect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District ProjectStreetAaaress: 1€. 5 i'tZrr,tr7?c Qetf''t. ,',/.o.^ l, (a. Comments: Board / Staff Action Motionby: 8.e.ut"t-^.- Vote: 5-c) Seconded by: (Rpprovat ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval , Conditions: Town PlannerI oa.' 7/h/94 DRB Fee Pre-paid CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COM.ETION AIA DOCUMEN'I' GiOl (lnstructions on rcvcrse side) Gffi ! E OWNER ARCHITECT CONl'RACTOR I-IELD ol r{ER tzraaE FFef& PROJECT:vail P.D. (Naue atld addrcss) 7 5 S . F1. Ontage ROad Vail, Colorado 81657 PROJECT NO.: 924O CONTRACT FOR: Qens gructi6n CONTRACT DAIE; ggpggmber 22, 1993 TO CONTRACTOR:iI . Viele Construction (Name attd addrcss) TO OWNER: Town (Nane au.l ctctdles.i/ 75 S. Vai 1, of Vail Frontage Colorado Road 81657 DArE oF TsSUANCE; Sdtr 241111 PROJECT OR DESIGNATED PORTION SIIALL INCLUDE: AII remodeled existinq work buL does not include l * Any new expansion worl( previously designated in the2 June 1994 punch list. The completion of siLe and landscape work.The Wbrk pertbrmed under this Contra'ct has been reviewed Znd founO, to tne e,ichiteit-s best knowledge, information ancl belief, to be substantially contplete. Substantial Complction is thc stagc in thc progress of the \Work when rhe Vork or designated portion thcreof is sufficicntly complete in accordance with rhe Contract Documents so thc Owner can occupy or utilize the \trork for irs intended use, The date of Substantial Completion of the Proiect or portion rhereof designared abovi is hcreby esablished asr,ld)oHf l? aEPTE tpa< n?+. lt,hich is also the date of commencement of applicable warranties required by rhe Contract Documents, cxcept as sated below: A list of items to be complete d or corrected is attached hereto. The failure to include any items on such list docs not alter the respon- sibility of the Contractor to complctc all Wtrrk in accordancc with thc Contract Roth + Shennard Arr'hi f.er.f-s ARCI IITECT The Contractor will complete or correct the \0fork on the list of items atrached hereto within thc above date of Substantial Complction. J. Viele ConsLruction CON'I'RAC'fOR The Oll'ner accepts the Work or designated portion thereof as substantially complete and will assumc full possession thereof at (time) on rc?f."W-,FY ''i!,,/.+.;Town of Vail O\O(/NER The responsibilities of the Ou'ner and the Contractor for security, mainrenance, heat, utilities, damage to the \fork and insurance shall be as follo,,r,s: (Note Ou'ner's qnd Contr.lctor's legal and insurance counsel sbould deterntine and rerieu in-turance requirernenls and couerage.) The owner shaII assume all responsibility for the remodeled existingportion of the work stated above. CAUTION: You should use an original AIA document which has this caution printed ln red. An original assures that changes will not be obacured as may occur when documents are reproduced. #nF 77.J#{ days from -hllltrl -idtai- AIA D@UMENT G7!4 . CERTIFICATF] OF SUBSTANTIAL CoN'PLETIoN . 1992 EDITIoN . AIAO . OI992 . THE AMI]RICAN INSTITIJTIj OF ARCHITI.]CTS, 1735 N}:\Y YORK AVI,:NTI[, NW.. V'ASHINGTON, D,C. 2OOIJG'2'2 WARNING: Unlicensed photocoFying violales U.S. copyrighl lafrs and wlll subiect the vlolaio. io lrgll pDsscuton.G704-1992 INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR AIA DOCUMENT C704, A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Purpose 1. .,\ttcr the lvLrrrls "l)rtrieet rl thtj Pr()jcct thxt have bee1.r I]RTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAI, CONIPL[iTION l'his docunrent !v.rs i.lcve to e$tablish the darc of Substantial C()nlplction ft)r the purposc Lrf comrrcrrcenrcnt r-rf:rppli" thc Ownct to occupy ()r Lltilizc the Work ()r dcsigrrated poltir)n thrrcoi.,.:lhlc rvarrantres lnci trr 2. Felated Documents This clocruntrtt ''r lrs prcper ccl usc r.ro(lea the te.ms Of AIA Dtrcuurerlr ,{2{)1. Gclrcral C0ndiiions r.rf the (}>rrrract lbr Corr st.uction; tnldfr rlle gellefal containctl i AIA Doculner]r-s Al07 and A I I ii and unaler othel AIA qcnefxl con(liti()ns bcgilning \ .irh the l93l 3. Use ol Current Docum€nlg Pn0r t() usjn$ anv rllA drru t. ihc user shoulcl ct:nsult thc AlA, alr AIA cornt)()ncnt chxDlcr or x rufrclrt AIA Docunrcnt' Lisr to det*nninc lhc cul'rcnl c(liti0n of each dorunrcnt. 4. Llmited Licerse fot !,lA Documcnt G;{)-1 is a i $'Ork anL[ tna]' n()t hc lt:Pr(xluce(l ()r c\c(:t[)tcd [r0nr in substrnti:rl ]):lrt \\rthr)ut th( exprcss ivril ten pcl-mission rhe AIA. 'l'he Gl0-1 docu lcllt is intcndccl to bc uscd as x co|rsurnxblc-- that is, rhe (irigirxl docurncnt purchiised b). rhc to fcproclucc this (locurller)r. duc( G70"1. ser-is intcndcd to lrc constrnr(d in thc coursc ol bcing, used. 'lhrrc is no inrplir'r-l l)crnrrsi(ln does melnbe rship in Thc' Anrcricxn Institutr- (]f Architccts confcr an-v iirrrhcr rights to fei)ro- .A lin'litcd lice nse is lrci eb,v (li0.4, hut orrlv for use in to l'etril purchxsers to lcproducc a nr:rxillrullr of tcn copics of ;r crxnpleted or csfcuted u'ith a particuial ltrojcct. B,COMPLETING THE G7O4 Porrion shall inclurle:". inscfi a dcuilc(l dcscriptir]n of rhe Project ()r p()rti{)nis) of ed ls being substanriallv conlplete. 2. l)ct(:r'n)inc Y'Ulh to lle turrr cd. Providt', a Iisl ol itcms rh3t lJ.rlcflrlilrc d;ltes lin' cl)n)pl Esixblish llrl anr(-runr to bc lro bc completrd or cr-rrrccted trhcld to colnplete rhe \{'orli. C. EXECUTION OF THE TLc Gl{)1 document should trr rersins an or-iliinil. cel in l1or less th:rll triplicate bT the ()r.;nrr. Ar(:hitecl rlld (:oltrrctor. ca<:h rti u..honr <> l' rhe \Vork. a 8/92 ROTH g SHtPpARD ARClttItcrs t6?l EtAxt sT. SUtt! trooINVtn, COToR DO ro202 l0 3.5I {.7OO7 I0I-5Ia 77!IrfAxI E Transmittel D Mcmorendum O Meeting noch'(twql "W fu+ur-i gflaua aur tFSua <,,o<,jrtu Dr,j'' .' - q*rrr-vgl ^ffiitffiW rsiloT uB*as,ffi, ,*WryilZ Prct** Udlb p,o. ytoi*numbcr/2q svwt': /tu'/lar Number of pegcs: From:J WL32uf,t@ twT O O14ft ,:'ii'! "; tr\r{a turWNlqWn Mee- affi6 lpo uttotN ft,A.2,W6t rc Hol iM,5f4/E^ 7, QatwkTff- Foow\. ffifr WAW{ {4 wrtau deUtuWF-y-lcvb oN, t,kdzrtznik*?,,^ (,/(6,c,; /rt-r- ar/- ?ta /,f Foo4 IL4 2 ,--.i ---.1 @ of Wrffi 4@; 1l4lvry^^ o iz. WFWra€ 6 rcQA lal z-lr F{7(t1F weL q+a4"ld' ?,, g ,h ?ithNr wt<-- 4 we4-'M-ww e*'rf-c*a6nrf,6t w*?oo? 72, Ogrt AfaT eN &,pET, V7, F*t*fi ew,rt{ TtE 90. a.Au tut f efr pd< be++w- I?D (9o 91, a&nl avng_Wl4 fi4 ?., ara ot4 E&|r,effiE 1t77,t<_ tr(ilfn@a+f {art +t. +w ?egr_p@t@ tr coupfiztutqt'.t*- ot&tt &i._gil w.T,nfu<_ -- Ate&ttred iz _Q?)Lh wQ25u?t@. p -i wtY ooAtf n1 M.tr qtpp-1v wpl,) e*+e ??fttrtf dNa .t ryqr #7 rffizTat$ ll9 65, 4sal I f,, 14 b'k(4) -.sb,u-g*ll wW'wa6 trT,anarl Wp-duiw eifla .-'rnwwop- tftnmFTffiAWaWnw i,wL 'l/zvI-[ ltnaeivil Pb Ofr, AaD Ae*?il , &pFt'ot W[fr iegffi/ *;nt-fr aon{ bl' q/tl$J &F.OU,I{A Pee* ft*tttd \yo 1 r*ftrq- frPurn eulge G?. *ao at& f*vf ,fl U4tngg H-5 upDe ffi-r W vu*+tbrt,,e*nrT To?t4,L *ni*,.i' " - - -.:... -, ... --i- I ..'--.-.. b'4, CtlIlN dtV,4- - 65r @ PUW 60-. claa) "tt DUrt TN{ rcor.vtt',- Ulw,pFnW- O7l V, Ab co'n-n-# .Lt CtlktU FrpR- W oz-a 1 , frlMT 461i4& ,ut'r(+ #tl/lJr+, t*7q cauui ff arewpux ffi,* ZWffi*(^wwro*a,,)ae$ .A'.otil<t+l AAnater 6z0 v urOetrDd oP W&& lt6ttffi o 'lAfQua?@tf o JW&k^rW,WelW,il/t< {*A"/ +Tqft+ l9__b_.: _c1.4*t t fe+: r 1fl,_6rqstup 6$fr rut-U irg. rAil?ff, ftturJ t tnrruf 6twk K cEq?1-.a*.'{attt. 14gn?- qP@ 4?P*{ r( aotw- ltz. v'twq Lo| //ep ?tA@ lt1. U.dl @p oe ,t ql W(1 ter6p,a.fu1 ll4. {OD Fubo*- bW tT ru1WUeF 15' mfle, ^,# { *&t'$ffi^g# awar furyaags svn llL. &0o Wtf I ff fin'1;-tn, -wtrilr t^&r lre!'ndlilL uA*rf W mor- I .7/ry"r4 wptf-tDd|* otL I O w\, .KaO beO 1 V4 We ffi?4N/€1+s4 lLA Lr,69^1 wwwwM Iz1' *?rrf,q:,Pr'h'ur 6reto svrcP( tf 4"7 l)4,={o.tcrk v? t}tkl/v P&n{ kfrnr0 wr- an+vb Vd, aVg Cqunret kato aYtrffi- ,G^s\tf, M-' CoM 6IvF, vfi ort P4t VtnYjk. n@F. 1M P7 , ftdrl v*dir Rt{/'rilo difi/|' oh ' FdtMr-u'ttt't- K2,, a.Au.t-rycaw*i ('.O. 9Ak{. \&.A.WJ' @1Ty4O,= l2 ' .1-.' '- ere'I 0o-.2 ttt-'1 ?%.7oqz- -l n, ftGr.17an6.le *f ovf6f ,tV'J veUb {4/% t}d#ltk til-a,t' -'"nll^o O n1, Wfqc6 w#' eF* ra,rypf T?''t rvt& Ifr,bV ry @ \!J *,@* 61e4zEP'fria aA.l2 ;11 i-+l il i:l:l ll !ltl I i=ol-r I tll I i I I I i "^& ffi I t-#it@- I q @AF@g+Ert e.:dt@ ,?e'.4.^.1 I/il/x4 r9'o t/,t/t+ aru-a@f P*l 4'aea a1+.-4r,.dze,A EL -. =s q lal F li .a 1, a '4 51Pu+;f- --==*.-- - |= -4==--=---.4air-;.U- a+1rLF('"J-F rt '- - :r'-! ll'f"'r'r-.fA ! t.'-. -. , tt ::- 0g-21*94 03:22P1{ Wltli||!Kitnboll lobB t'losar!Abcdr Sturr D; Jdrl Ncvflh TlnL It&ilC r0 5341127. Septader 13, 1994 | conpletlon punch llst rrs nade. Ed Holnes - llcFall Konkel & Ktnbrllileqy O'Brlen - tlcFr:ll Konkel & Ktdall rttsshed punch llst calls out the ltems to be conpleted by the cgrtrrctor. '''-..:.i. conpletl-on__of thesE ltens the Contrrctor should notlfy you, ,tt l{echanlcal/El'actrlcal Dlvlslon of the bulldlng should be-ready for does not relleye contract lf there ar€other ltems to the plans and speclflcatlons not yEt leted. f you have any questlons,please call. Holnes Jet b'uly yours,4#€ Fn0u },{KK ENUEERTN0 Ord)Odr.. Jeff Sheppard Archltects , Colorado 80202 Vall Pottce Statlon Renodel/Addltlon Our ilob !lo.: E7274 VKK McF'aIl - Konkel & Kinball CoEE iltisg E tgincere, hc. 2160SoAClcmomSr Dcovcr, Colordo 5fi2:n.r007 36.7$.1260- FAtO36.?53-13t2 Septuber 21, 1994 ln attendance r€Fa: Arrtririct KclYiD K Do|| SdALob hlr&l,fclftt Jan lrt Fr&ovdr SheARodd KdHcorl{.Sortor.DCI$tllris wr!&tOtnc! smE |E658cCtcr.lrrdry u00t-{6tt frr.6v-76{;' FAX;tOr.63t-609. 03: ?2Pl[FROM MKK EilryERING letlon Punch Llst Sheppard 21, 1994 t:tr'?s i!-!tt:P.!?r T0 534??22 u<K McFdl - Koakel&Kinbal . Oan*largl|incrn, tac. Plpe sleeves and lnsulatlon needs to be cerried through the ralls'per'speclflcatlons Sectlon 15050. HlEh denslty lnsulat{on lnserts are to be installed at pipe hanger locat'lons per speciflcation Sectlon. 15e50. Sheet metal shtelds ers requlred rt each insulated ptSheet metal shtel<ls ers reoulred at each insulatEd ptge hanqer. Several shle'lds are ntssing througti out the proJect and neei to be installed. .. = Insulation ends need to be buttered and sealed. Valve bodles ne'ed to be lnsulrtrd. Plpe and equlpuent'labels need to be Installed. !l&l untt heater ls Installed. Porer rlrlng is not connested. connectlons need to be nade per detall on draring l{-6,. .:,-| Plpe.hangers ara tg be Instillrd on t[rr qutslde of tfie plpe ln:ulrtlonspeclficatlons. Thlr ocsurr scvcral places throughoirt' the projeit. needs to be corrected. 10. 11. L2. 13. A section of plpe lnsulatlon ls ulllsslng above the po'llce radlo equl 14. 15. room. Th{s needs to be Instrllcd. .,.; . A sestlon of base borrd plplng rrs belng Installed In the chlef's offlce. '. Thls ptptng needs to be pressure tested- per speclficatlons. .'1.': Stattg4ary louvers for EF-z and EF-10 are nlsslng and need to be ,..r' lnstalled. CtfH-3 cablnet unlt heater requlnrs a thernostat for fan operatlon _perspeclflcatlon, sectlon 15900. The unit ls currently supplied ul.th a srltch on the rall for on-off control. Thls needs to be riilaced rlth a T-stat for control of the unlt fen on-off posltlons. Sarage unlt heeter panel replrcenent needs to be completed. Flre protactlon controls appear to be belng rorked on. Coyer,'rlrlng'etc. needs to be rrlnstallcd uhen renodcl rork ls conpleted to nal(e the system rnrk properly. 09-2i-94 03:22Pl[?0 534??22 letlon Punch Llst Sheppard 21, 1994 Insulatlon hengers need to One flre maln ls too lor.to be noved up. . Eooktng slnlt facets are Installed on oppostte . Flex duct lnsulrtlon needs to be clarnped. . tlake up elr unlt controls rere belng rlred and . Evap. cooler ratsr llnes need to be supported proper dralnage. Addltlonrl ltcus thrt need 1. Balanclng rork needs revleued. 0 t ll nanuals nead to be subnltte.d for rcvler. Provlde rs-bullt drarings. sldes. needs to be coopleted. on the roof rnd sloped for to br cmplcted. to be conpleted and the balanslng report needs to be FROM III(X ENG$ENIilG The balrnclng contractor noted that he dld not several ltess ln the heatlng rater system. The note any areas where balinc,lng devices are balanc{ng and nechanlcal contr{ctor,s are to balanclng are to be provlded per speclflcatlon A pressure release yalve needs to be lnstalledto lnsure uatar drrlnage. I Arer Flre Sprlnklsr heads are not corpleted. Flxtures (shower) *e not conpletEly lnstalled. Securlty gnllles need to be clerned. Sone holes are covered rlth . Supply & returt grllles are not lnstrlled ln the elevator nachlne . fntry_gablnet unlt heater ls not plped per drrwlngs. Face grlllc {nstalled yet. ba lnstalled per speclflcatlons see Thls plpe confl{cts rlth tjte celling have a good wry to balance' balanclng contractor ls tonot provlded. Both the note that nerns of systeo sectlon 15990, 3.01. in the Cl{ llne on the roof P004/00? VK< McF [ - lbntct&Klnbs[ . Couueiaf Eaftnan, tac. paint. r0m. ls not above. and needs. 0g-21-,94 03:?ZPM FRou Miil( ENUEERTTTc letlon Punch Llst Sheppard 21, 1994 T0 534172?P005/00?'^ry-'?.??:--- ous punch Provlde door. llst ltens yet to br resolved: covcr p'lrte on Junctlon bor tn garage 5. 6. 7, Provlde cover plate on Junctlsn box on gerage Provlde pFotuctlvo bushlng sherE llquld tlghtln gen3r8Eor roon. Clcrn-constructlon dust and debr'ls off of generetor, battery charger, transfer srltch and prnelboard. Secune gencrator frane to concrett pad. Provlde.ldck on clrcult breaker In panel Srl for flrr rlrrn Replacc-brirken flugrescent flxturs lens ln sleeglng r.oot rom urd cechanlcal roou. Ihree-rqy srttchlng of lunlnrlre ln chlefs offlce does strltch should control the nlddle lanps of the lunlnalrr. should control the outer lanps. 9. 10. It. t2. l3 14 Replace brcken lens on under eablnet llght In report mltlng roou. Conceal steel flrxtble condult belor baseboard hertor In detestlves Roon 15{. Provlde pole base csllar on tm parklng lot ltghts at erst parklng. Pvnovlde flrt concrete rurface on southeast pole brse for parklng lot Itght. Provlde typed panelborrd dlrectorles. Provlde comect Junlnar{es for gp board celllng ln equipnent t'oon 138. UKK McFdl - Kosrd&KtEbaI Conaddnr Eadaeni laa to rlght of storage entry storagc roon ceillng. condult enters fan houslng 0g-21-94 ,03:22PM FROlr{ }{KK EN0f,Ellttc 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. It. T0 534??22 DnnA/nntI UUU/ UU I v<K McFdl -I(okeleKinbdt . Cooro nt Ba3iDcnr,IB. letlon Punch List Sheppatd uber 21, 1994 Provlde porer for unlt hcater {n nechenlcal roon. Secure condults to south rall of rcchanlcal rooo. Clean face of nsln dlstrlbutlon panel In electrlcrl Provlde label for panel Sl. Clean ltghtlng flxtur.r lEneer ln garage. Provlde hand hole coyer plate for parkinE 'lot llght. Install landscape eccent llghtlng rnd H5 llght. :u ,i,;i i.':! i' ;: Fluorescent well llght abovr lens roffi urlnal ls not rorklng. ir*"". , . iJ''J' ':'i',ii+:' UalI. rash{ng flxtures are Instrlled rbove the recepttonlst countan:',,Tlrese need to be standard domltghts. Clean dounlight reflector cones. It appears- that the secutlty camera Junctlon boxes rnd condult havs not been instellcd. lllddle lanp of S.E. flrture ln clerk roou #116 does not rork. ll,I. flxture ln clerk roon fll8 does not rork. Provlde fourylex outlet on east nall betreen elerk f1l6 and f118. Glean flxtures In stalrs f124. Cloan flxtures In Jrll cells, llove exlt slgn rbove booklng noon door to garrgc to the left of the door. Install tight fixtures In storage roon f032. lcr{fy thet r11 emergency battery packs are instr'lled in rll ldentifled flxtunes. 09-21.-94 03:22PM T0 534??22 P00?/00? V<K McFell - Kontcl& Kirmbelt Connltinf En&unf lrc. {. 5. 6. 7. 23. FRoM }{KK EtllEERnrc letlon Punch Llst Sheppard 21, 1994 Flnlsh lnstalllng llght ftxtures ln lower level corrldor by elevator. Rep'lace broken lens on under cablnet llght by door In code enforcenent r-oon 1009. Fintsh lnstalllng ltght ftxtures ln coffldor t033. Ftntsh Installlng cover plates for srltches and receptacles. Install receptacle on north rall of booklng. Pruvlde receptacle on cast rall of rrup f0ll8. Flnlsh lnstalllng neu panelboard In old electrlcal rom. Cqg of-f unused knock outs and renove iny condults not used. Label tJtts panel and provlde dlrectory car{. Provlde receptacle on rest r1ll of elect/tcle. Fooo t034. Yerlfy rlth omer that plug uotd ln code enforrsnt f009 should hava been replrcrd ulth duplex receplrclrs A full functlonrl text of the ftre alrru systsn ras not conducted. Goor{lnate test rlth local flre alarn Inspectoi. Provlde ner typed flttrlrm dlrcctory for entlre panel stoulng up to date zone schedule, etc. ' Provlde as-bullt drarlngs Indlcatlng all churg€s, especially clrcult deslgnatlons, panelboard- dlr'ectorles, flre rlrrr systen, rnd ncchanieal equlpncnt chrnges. Provlda 0 & l{ nanuals for the follofinE. Flre Alarn, Enrerlency generator, raln dtstrlbutlon panel, and subpanels, llghtlng flxture cut sheets. '-..!.!-n!tGF-. SEP-28-94 IJED l1:03 a FA}( NO. 30 trt P,0l UEMORANDET( To: Cralg Brunt,z, vlele Construction From: Lr. Jeff Laynan, Vatl poltce D€partm€nt Date: september 29, Lgg| Re: punch/Discusslon Llst Ive prepared a short rtst of rtens that are or should be on the'punchli!tti'.'"t;H.i:i:#*"r:1.i" ci".""s in oui *".iing on ruesday. 'rr,ey Shower hose and blbb at dlverter. fi{Lgffi:: ;:i ?ll ilii'r"Eil":;A*Ft:l'n unirorm closer ,/,*n-rg.Bumper,pad for celf 1 door. uaa;;;j;-;JcRod and chaqrar /rrr',Ft a 6 r^- r^!r )-- , t--Rod and shower crruater sodts 611 iT'"'.t:- i."f, Itit,;z'+e tr<l*afu**,rQ : : : : : - :i:: ",.:" ;i." :r^ilt t i r 6 a n a i t d'fr ' ;-r ; ;,;l;;# ?"ft ". n.,,conference. I_,eaky root-?Caulk around camlra housings ln Jail cel1s. l?:"p?:*:. *:l_.:l _ rhroush -iiri--s[rir<* - it - a i "pat, ch ?:ill_il lirchen dralns "5iv-"io*iv.Generat,or room coo hot. 34?92o {"-\. Roof, top unlt screens.(-t7- 9nRel,cabinerry units in the patrol room. ^ "F;1 $::I/iS. mlrisicion-east eno 'or uuirorne.Vl-fl H:,:I"T"T:S:r1J itltn to one ot-i[i iieurenanils orrices. :, =, uilililv. (z:;t d 5i1fl!3va)"" and renovation) not worklns ,6./#. picnlc rabl-e aamagbd lasr falli ,, .,,fit FliH iii$ il ff:':i**if:tft::"::":t$;f"'x #,*os,a,s = were rerocaceci iiorl-'\gJ Eleccronic aoor-li"ir." at evldence and code enforc.menc offi.ce.2-; ---C.* :i:i" carpet. -rz.ttisif i 7a/aa1c ralf lizl rire $rork in showers around ff6nt fixiures,CS D-oor ro rad,lo "oo.-i"f a hore in ir.lL'n,l vent on red wa1l in main corrldor uv air" hole stl]l has not been: changed out- lEt"' Drywall screws in.celling above "hol?'-are poppiqrg, teaky rcof?Fl oor gri I r s in di spatcr, -.i. -ior s ar I s facr oiy'.' 6io.g+-scao*lPush bars-.in dlspltctr aoorS ;r'i"Jr..- it"fa"q.,--: -+ a... c^^-6--+o4"#fiL fltil"Ehfhansed to Generarcr ararm'needs ro be noor.ea/up H' -i.rlli That,s all f have for now.Tuesday. cc: Frank Freyer Be looklng forward to seeing you on @q*/q,'*.O A€"JF d+a.51 cGz-o< Post-!t'' brand lax transrnittat memo 76t1 DATE OF MII\UTFS 07n2t94 ITEMS DISCTJSSED l. Steel barjoists and new stcel beasr to be like tbe rt E. Outsanding balance iseues: lecpteei ACTION LH DATETOBE COMPLETEI) 8t02t94 8t02t94 8t0u94 8/02/94 8102t94 8130t94 En4t94 08t0u94 NA wrapped for firc protection. 2. A substinrtion will be required whcne clcariance is too tigbt for sormd boots. Leo will get boots Aom Lunsforrd" should bc located pcr mechanical plans. Some may be moved to accmmodate acoustical problems. II.V. is c,hecking. a. Craig FillfilreSE@I-credir fiom Hrmt regarding the brass trimmed light 5. ArmorysuikEncctlEiffiEEifeatrddeadboh LH the base below the base bd. JeffL. * Kitchco is stale md hot all tbe time ,=tr9 t15 '9J 13:311 R')TH ' FIRCHITECT9 P.2 e16194 VAIL P.D. CONTRACT CIOSE.OUT CONTRACTORI. RECORD DOCUMENTS:. Note relatcd C.O. or F.O. numbers on changes.. Markd in red erasable pencil.r Othcr colors for other portigns of work.r Print tide on each shect and dae.. Contract drawing mark.ups.. Shop drawing ma*-ups croes referenced.. Locate by dimension concealed and undergrourd ,,rork and piping AR,CHITECT RECORD DOCUMENTS:r Clean reproducible mylar or sepia transparencies (paid by owner).o Label each "as.built record drawing'with date submifred, initials of pr€pacf at lourcr left Corncr.r Delere Architecs and Consuhing Engin€erc title block and s€al from all docurnenrs. 2, RECORD SPECIFICATIONS: CONTRACTOR. To include addenda and C,O.,s.. Mark up variations of substance in actual vraork.. Label record speci{ications with the words erecord copy'. 3. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS: . ' 3 copies bOund in 3 ring bindea. 4. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA: 2 sas bound in 3 ring binders.. Cover to state roperation and maintenance instruction'.r Table of contens and organization pcr spec. 5. 'All of the above should be submined | 5 days prior to final inspeoion. Revise as required within l0 days after final inspecrion. 6. Keys and keyinB schedule - submir according to 8700. 7. Maintenance materials - submit extra *ock, etc. per individual rpec. seflions. 8. Submil certificates of comptiance for spec. s€crions requiring rhem with applicable reference standards. 9. Submit cenificates of inspection from aurhorities and govemmental agencies having jurisdiction. I o. Warranties, guarantees, bonds. I l. Certificates of insurance {or producrs and operarions. SHEPPAPto a Lr:r :t.a l_-.i.L Frlrln o r|.!F,L' r|FI.NT I LL I J r2. 13. 14. Written consent of suruey. Evidence of payment and release of liens. llj ?l,yF^lle.s a1{ subs and services organieations inctuding namerand lelephone numbcrs. Nfiarized.lener signed \ rhe Contracor acknorvledgins date of $ubstantial completion or other date established for &nimencernenr ofwanantres and guatantees. Substandal Cornplaion ' lgmpty w'rth paragaph 9.7 of gencral & supplernent condttions.. lnor to requesting sub*antial coo1pletion sign off fiom tuchitecr,Lontractor shall, obrain and submit: l. lrogrets payment requcsr to note incompletc work.t. )upportrng documenration for complaian rs indicated in C.D.,s. Advise Owner of insurance change oner reeuiremenrs. warranries, ,,rorkmanship and maintenance 6onds final centilcales as per eadr spec. section. qcupancy permir, operadng cerrificares and urility releases. Delir/cr tools, extra sbck etc. to Otvner. Final lock change orer and kcys delivered ro Owncr. coTplete te$ing and. balancing of sy*ems, and instrucionsro (Jwners personnel. Remove debris frrom proiect sit€. Change over from temp6rary utilities. 15. 16. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. E. 9- 10. sP 09 ,9{ I?::: FOTH C.,FIEFPFIRII ARCHITECTSo 'P,4 PRIOR TO FTNAL COMPIETION: CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT: I Fanal pay rccugstl final rcleases, certificet€s of insurance for products.2. Submrt updated final *atement of contract sum.3. Cerified copy of final punchlisr sratint complerion arrd Orrners acc€ptanc'e.4. Final rneter readings.5. wrrnen @nscnt dt surcry.6. Final insurance co\r€ragt.7.' Prior to zubstantial, contractor is to submit final punchlist (prepared by Contractor) of remaining items to be complaed. Architect will review work and issue naification of deficiencies of minor ircms. ArchiEct will do 1 re.inspection upon Conrector wrirten reque$, when Archited determines work is substantially complete Architect wil I issr.re substantial completlon, with Orners'concrjrrence. fINAL COMPLETION l. After Archicct determincs ,,to* is finally complae, Architect will isrue final cenificate for paymern2. Prior to #1 aborre, Contractor shall have submined or fulfilled: ?. Satisfacrory compledon of consruction.b. Submit to Or,vner, through Architecr occupancy certificate.c. Submn to Orner, throuih Archircd lien wavers.d. Submit to Owner, throu*gh Architect record documents.e. Oeliver to Olvner kcys, tagged etcf. Subcontractor list.g. Operationt and warranties.h. Instruct Owners personnel. CLOSE OUT PROCEDURE l. Each innallcr of work to rneet with Owners mainrenanc€ oersonnel.2- Revie$/ mainrenance manuals with Oivners maifitenance personnel.3, Demonstrate equipment $an-up, shut down, etc.4. Review wananties. TINAI CLEANINC l. Per 1700 - l0 & 11. C'EFTTFICATE OF ._ quBSTANflAL COMftTtoN AIA l)( )(;t ll\{ l:N'l (;70.i (lnslrucli()t)\ {)n rcvct \c {i(lc) 0\t:\ I:R A lt(.1|ll l:(;l' (.( )Nt RA(.1()li l:lLl-l) (I'l :R IJ ll PROJEC'I: l.\2rn! tt.l .t.ltl, r'i\) TO OI$?NER: l.\'.t trte a ud ztalrh 6\ ) Vail P.D- 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO. 8165? Town of Vail, 75 S. Frontage Road vail, cO 81657 I'R()-lL.(l'l'N().: 9240 CON ltAg'l' ti()R: Construction CON] RAC'I DAI'lj: September 22 ' 1993 TOCONTRACTOR: J. Viele Constructi.on (\:.rrr,( an.l addt6s) DATE OF ISSUANCE: PROJECT OR DESIGNATED PORTION SHALL INCLUDE: All new exDansion work but does notinslude: * Any renovation work to the existing facifity.* The completion of the new elevator.* The compleLion of site and landscap-e work. The Vork performed under this Contracr has been reviewed and found, ro rhe Archirecr's besr knowledge, informedon and beliel to be subsantially complete. Subsuntial Completion is the sage in the progress of the Vork when the Vork or designaEd poflion thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance wirh the Contract Documents so the Owner can occupy or udlize rhe rwork for its intend€d use. The date of Subsantial Completion of the Proiccr or ponion rhereof designared above is hercby esublished as June 3, L994 which is elso the date of commencement of applicable warrantics reguired by rhe Conrract Documents, except as stated below: V,^,J*l rs'l- A".,FJ c l-[e { A list of irems ro be completed or corrected is atteched hereto. The failure ro sibility of the Conrrrcror to complere all Wbrk in accordance wirh rhe Rol',h +Shcfrpa rd Arr.h i f er.ts ARCHITECT -. The Contractor will complete or correct the rfibrk on rh€ list of the above dare of Subsrantial Complerion. J. Viele Co4struetion CONTRACTOR The Owner acceprs rhe Work or designared I Z: oa FYr Town of Vail hereto within portion thercof as subsnnrially and will assume BY list does not alter the resoon- al,"/z,l DATE full possession thereof at (time) on 3T O'O(NER The responsibiliries of the Owner and the Contractor for security, mainrenance, hear, uriliries, damage to the wb)rk and insurance shall be as follows: (Note-Ouzret s arrd Coruractor's le+al a d insurance counsel sbould determine a d ret'ieu' insut'ance requirerrlents and corerage.) The owner shall assume all responsi-bility for the new expansign portionof the work stated above. CAUTION: You should use an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. days from oA;; AIA DOCITMENT 6rIX . CtRltHcrTr: ot sriBs'lANTtAl. coMplt-:TtoN . l9()2 ED|TION . AtAc . @t(D2 . t-Htj AMTRICAN rNSIrrUTt Ot: ARC' TI:C-I5. t7J5 Nt:W YORK.{vt;Nttr:. N.$4. VI{SIJINCTON. D.c 2(XX,G5292 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying viotsles U.S. copyrigm la|/s and wilt suqec,t the violEtor !q legal p.o€eculion.G704-1992 a- ROTH IT SHEPPARO ARCHITTCTS l6!t 8tA(t s1. SUtrt I5o DtNvER. COLORADO t020! 101.53{. t007 !0J.s 3a.7722tf AX, puncnfst neport - NewEryensiononty W VailPolicOepamnera FqissrNo'r @ntlr,cfr Con$rucfion Date June2, 1994 hroailelsits <. Jceph Mller Jefi tayrnan -teo Hibendager Frank Frgrer - fifamat/caorl,t'rnfrq,rlfrtd Conraaor shall address dl itsffi lisd h fiis npoa C-q/rrTc AllAiendees ietsnepperu PuldilidI*,: Tima 9240 1 8:fi) At'l futilwl @ph Miller :r FieAReorrt P#l ffilt1 "l INTERIOR PUNCH Red dcs are used on drywall as an aid for the contractor to identifo problem locations. They should not be used exclusively as an indication of all drywall probhrns. Rmm Chief 108 D@r43 Clean din and plaster off door frame. Touch up scratches all on door fiame. Clean dirt and plaster offdoor. Add locket cylinder to hardware. Touch up mark and smudges at ce'nter of wall.- Touch up drywal I adjacent to right diffu ser at top of wall. Eastwalt Touch up drywall and smudges around door jamb. Toudt up drywall adjacent O light sr'rritch cover. Toudr up drywall and paint sunounding drermo*ac Paint over smudges center of wall. Touch up'drpvall and paint around duploer set eceptacle * center of wall. Provide coveplate at expoeed+eniundion box at center of wall. tuuthwall Touch up scrarches on base board correr. Clean paint and plaster off aluminum windorrr sillE Torch up drywall a jamb of westem most window. Clean pla*er orff wi ndo,v frame. Wesr.wall Sraighten out quadruple recepacle on base board wer. Touch up plaser and paint all alongthe wall. Clean smudges offthe wall. Touch up paint around receptacles at cener of wall. Ceiling Provide mising coverplate at light finrre attachrn€nt point. Floor Tac a'. Remove+a6rin{loor. Clean carpet Remorae excess carpet from rq)m. R:"s're tttrg evePtrua/t+€5 \,/ \-- ,-fqx Field Remrt Pap2 6/6/e4 -t ITEMS DISCUSSED Reception 126 Dmr 56 Assemble closer at top of door. Remove plaster from frame of door. Clean door frame. Touch up multiple scratches on metal door fame. Add locket cylinder at hardware. NqthWall Touch up plaster around door fame. Touch up plaster and paint at botom of wall. Clean smudges from cener of wall.. Paint frame of vision panel in door to match door franre. EastWall Clean smudges atwall. Add rubber base at bmom of wdl.>- Paint sealant between wall and millwo* o mxdr wall. Add coverplate at exposedceajunction box near enter ofwall. t Clean paint offquadruple receptacle near center of wall. . SouhWall Clean paint and plaster off windor frame. Clean dirt and debris and plaser offwindorr sill. Clean dirt and smudges offwall. Adju$ right side of base board heater. . WestWall Clean smudges around light svvitch at center of r,nall. Add rubber base at bottom of wall. Toudr up plaser and paint around hollow metal fiames Floor Cornplae installation of carpet at floor. R€move tape from existing carpet clEu$luehout room. Millwo* Clean pla$er from base of millwork unir Clean all laminate horizontal and vertical surfaces. Clean inside of base cabinet drawers. Clean paint from laminate on south veftical fuce of millworlc Ceiling ACTION DATE FieH Reroil PaFS 6/619'4 ITEMS DISCUSSED ACTION DATE Remove cover from fire detection unit. C.orridor 130 Door 62 Remove din and plaster from door frame. Touch up scratches on hollolrr metal door frame. ndd locket cylinder at hardware. Clean dirt from kick plate. Fully tighten scre$/s at kick plate. Operation of door can not be tesd at this point because floor finishing is incomplete belo,v door. Clean pla*er off closer. Electric strike has not been tesed at ftis point . NotthWall 4p Clean dirtef rubber base. Touch up plaster and paint around door at east end of wall. Rubber base needs to be extended to frame of door at wes end of wall. there is gap betrreen tre franre and where fre base endr>- Touch up dirt and dens at centerof wall. EastWall . Clean dirt and smudges from botom of wall. Clean rubber base. SouthWall Remove dirt and glue along bonom dwall near rubber base. Clean rubber base. Touch up plaster and clean dirt at west end of wall. Flmr Remove tape from carp€t Clean and vacuum carpeL Ceiling Remove dust covers from srnoke deteCors. lieutenant 127 Door 58 Clean dirt, paint and glue from hollor metal fianre. Touch up scratches on hollo,v metal frame. Add lockset cylinder at hardware. {. North Watt-t Align top of rubber base, bottom of wall. Add piece of rubber base at east side ofdoor franre. F'ta.ld Rerr,rt Page 4 6/ge4 ITEMS DISCUSSED ACTION DAIE East Wall ffi'cover plate at exposed junction box in the center of wall.lH$(as.g South watt Clean paint and plaster off aluminum window sill. WestWall Touch up paint and plaster at top of wall. Clean smudges on wall. Tefephone jack cover plate as installed is projecing fromwallrft4 A5;crgT+fceadisst.Tatrll''i/f' oesbt€4ir€* nicks at norfr end of wall. FIoor Remove carpet from floor. Ceiling Place tile witr nicked corner near center of ceiling. Ueutemrt 128> Dur 59 Clean paint , plaser and dirt offof dmr frame. Touch upvnultiple scntches along doorframe. Touch up nick in face of wood door. Add lock set cylinder to hardware. Clean paint and plaster off hardware lwer. NorthWall Clean stains off botom of wall adjacent to frame. Clean glue offwall adjacent to franr Toudr up paint and plaster at west end of wall. Clean paint off rubber base. Add filler piece of rubber base at east side of door fiame. Clean dirt and smudges from center of wall along top of rubber base. ta1ffid"5$-poeed juncrion box near center of wall' General ncrte Contnctor needs to provide black rubber base undemeath wall baseboard heaters. huhwalt hl.o Clean dustie debris off aluminum window sills. Adjust cover plate at base board heater. "t WestWall Touch up stains and clean dirt fi,om west wall. Clean rubber base. Field Reprt page s q6/91 ITEMS DISCUSSED Touch up paint around wall coer plates. Straighten telephone jack cover plate. Floor Remove glue near west side of carpet and east side of carpet ,CeilingHo +,rehpunch items on ceiling Sa€ent 129 Door60 Remove paint and dirt from hollo,v metal-Ere- EaAbrf€ Toudr up scradres on fnme. Toudr up scntclres at bouom of uood door. { Clean plasterfrom wood door. add bckset cylinder o hardware. North Wall Touch up smudges at bottom of wal[F€(F?a+" er Add corar plate a exposedeetpcal-near eas side of wall. Patch s<posed screws and paintabove doorframe. Eaxwall r Touch up paint and plaser alt along wall. huthWall Clean paint and debris from aluminum windor sill. Touch up scratches on base board cover. Provide rubber base belor base board. Touch up plaser arourd we* side of window sill. Wstwall Touch up paint and plaster around telef,rore jack ornr plm. Adjtn in$allation of elephorr jack coraerplate so it sis{c-*r FUJqtl on the wall. Touch up paint and plaster at bcom of south comer of wall . Floor No punch items on floor. Ceiling No pundr items on ceiling. Confercnce 131 Drcr57 Clean door fnnr , touch up paint on rneal frarne. Adiust adion on hardware lever on door. Touch up scratches at botom ofuood door. ACTION DATE -t Field Rept Page6 6t5/91 ITEMS DISCUSSED Narth Wall Touch up marks on wall. Clean rubber base. East wall Touch up nick and scratches at bottom of north end of wall. Clean smudges offwall Touch up scratches at corner beat on wall. Add cover plate at exposed junction box near center ofwall. Souh wall Touch up smudges at east end of wall. Touch up paint and plaster all uound door fnmei. WestWall Clean glue and touch up mark at bonom of north end of wall. Straighten quad reeipwat kceaa{-(€ Provide cesing around tempotiary reception opening at ccner of wall. Please explain blue wire penetriiling wall and coming up through ceiling. What is dre function of this wire? ls it a temporary' instal lation? Flnr Remove tape from floor. Clean and vacuum carpeL Ceilhg Complete installation of ceilingtih along north end of wall. Veslibule 152 DnrZS Clean door fnme and touch up rntches all along door fnme. Clean dirt on wood door and ouch up scratches on urood door. Add locket at hardware. Adjust action on hardware lever. NonhWall Add rubber base at bottom of wall. Touch up mad<s and srnears on wall. "! Add rubber base at bonom of wall. Clean dirt and plaster offwall. ACTION DATE FieA Reoon Page 7 6/A94 ITEMS DISCUSSED ACTION DAIE huthWall Touch up plaser and paint around door frame. Install rubber base at bcom of wall. WestWall Touch up plaster and paint on wall. Install rubber base at bctom of wall. Flur Install carpet Ceiling No pundr items on ceiling. Detective 153 - Door79 Clean plaster off door frame. Touch up nick and scratches on door frame. Clean plaster off bctom of wmd door. Clean wood door. '- Add locket cylinder to hardware. Northwalt r tnstall rubber base at bmm of wall. \ Clean plaster and paint and ouch up at bouorn of walt. Eastwall Install rubber base at botom of wall. Touch up nick and clean paint and dirt ftrom wall. tutthwall Complae in*allation of junaion bo<es and coverplates at baseboard heater. tnstall rubber base belor baseboard heater. Clean paint and plaster from aluminum windorysill. Complete in$allation of rubber base at r,rrest end of wall. Install correr plate expooed junttion box near u€st end of wail. Clean paint and glue from bomm of r,rrcst end of wall. Floor Install carpet frroughor.n rmrn. Ceiling . Remove plastic frrom center light furure. ^t Detectiyes lS4 NonhWall lnstall rubber base {l along bomom of wall. FbA Re,on pateE 6/6/94 ITEMS DISCUSSED ACNON DAIE Clean plaster from wall and r+paint watl entirely lnstall cover plate exposed junction box near center of wall. East Walt Clean paint, plaster, and smudges from wall and either ouch up or re-paint entire wall. Install rubber base at botbm of wall. Clean paint and plaster from cover plater Install missing cover plate at exposed junction box near center of wall. Clean plaster and dirt from windorr frarne and sill. btnhWall Adjust installation of baseboard covet: near eisttnd of wall. Complete installation of wiring and corer platesalong baseboard at exposed junction boxes. Install rubber base belor base board heaters. Clean all winda,ysills and frames. Touch up plaser and smudges all along wall, or repaint :_ entire wall. WestWall Clean paint and plaser from bonom of wall, and much up or repaintentire wall- Floor Install carpet fi roughout room. Ceitin6 Place ceiling tile near west wall of rmm wifr globbed on plaster. Rernove du$ corers from smoke detectoa. Adjust misliedeeiling tile in noftVeast comer of room Intelior 159 Dmrg3 Clean dirt and plaser offdoor fianre and uood door. Add locket cylinder at hardwan. ""li:li"Jl,uugo ron., *,"r r. Touch up plaser at botom of wall. Add rubber base at bottom of wall. .t Clean smudges from bottom of wall. In*all rubber base at bottom of wall. Straighten installation of telephone Jack cwer plater Fietd Rerxrft pateg 6h91 ITEMS DISCUSSED South Wall Touch uppaint and plaster around door franp. Install rubber base at bottom of wall- Fill large gap in wall at west end of wall, and paint. WestWall Clean dirt and smudges from top and north end of wall. Install rubber base at bottom of wall. FInr lnstall carpet fi roughout room. Ceiling No punch list items. Equipment 1S7 Doorg2 Clean doorfnme and touch up scratches. Clean plaser from top of wood floor. Add locket cylinder b hardware. Notth Wall t Add rubber base along bmm of wail. Toudr up smudges at center of wall. Clean plaster and ouch up bomm of wall. EastWall Install rubber base at bottom of wall. Souttr Wall Install rubber base at bm,om of wall, Touch up paint and plaser aound quad recepacle Clean pairtoffdoornop. WestWal/, Toudr up paint and plaser around quad eeptacle. Install rubber base at bctom of rrall. Clean dust and paint off laminate counter bp. Complete installdion of wiring at wall and provide cover plate as requircd. Provide sealant betneen r,nall and p. tAM. counter top. Paint ceiling o match wall.a n:il'o1-tr'fff$m*o"-t Install carpet ft roughout room. F&'a Rcwt page to Floor ACNON DATE q6E4 -t ITEMS DISCUSSED Ceiling TIo"?gJglV air diffuser provided, and provide new supply diffuser-l,rRfturface mounted gypsum board installation. Same note regarding Eturn air register in soutVeast comer of room. Remove dust cover at smoke detector. Touch up drywall around light finure at east end of room. Evidence processing 1 55 DnrSl Clean plaster and dirt off door frame. Clean plaster offwood door. Clean wood door. Md locket cylinder at hardware. Add lockset cylinder at deadbolt. NorthWall Add lockset cylinders at all evidence passer doors Touch up paint at door jams. Clean dirt and plaster from wood doors. Clean din and dust from all evidence property bins I EastWall \rvhite cable is coming firough the wall, unfinished widrout a cwer plae. What is the function of this cable? Clean paint from quad recepfrb, and telephone jack recepftte. Clean dust and dirt from millwork along wall. Apply sealant between millwork and wills. qr%Fqc,€€'P, Paint sealant to match uralls. lnsrall rubber base at botom of wall. 9c.uttwall Clean smudges and din along bottom of wall. lnstall rubber base at bottom of wall. WenWall Install cover plate above cabinet near center of wall. Exposed wood ends at the upper cabinets need to be covered covered with p. LAM. to match cabinet. Clean all dirl dust and plaster from millwork along wall. Clean sink and remove labels from sink along wall. Clean all dirt and dust from interior of cabinetry. Hoor Complete installation of VCT throughout room. Ceilhg Page I I ACTION DATE Field Rerytt qqe4 ITEMS DISCUSSED Complete innallation of ceiling tile. Rernove dust covers from srnoke detectoa. Mdition tfre Contractor needs to prwide ory'offswitches in rmm for drying closet exhaust fan, and exhaust hood above sink Fvldence and prcperty lS8 D@rZz Remove planic frrom kickplate. Remove paint and din from door frame. Adjust scratches on door frame. Provide lockset cylinders at hardware. <. NorthWall Touch up smears all along wall. EastWall :il'"T,'J":'ff ;HT#',,:ffi,n"5,*,li;l :>- *.,H'jt ptacr and din arong bctom of wal. Clean smears all along wall, or repaint entire wall. WestWall Clean smears from wall or re-paint entire wall. Clean rubber base. lnstall cover plate at exposd junction box near door. Flmr Clean vCT floor throughout room. Ceiling Complete in*allation of ceiling tile. Remove dust cover from smoke detectors Evidmce prcp tS6 Dqr&4 Clean nretal doorframe. Touch up scratches on door frame. Clean glue from wmd dmr. Provide lodset cylinder at hardwarc. 4 North Watt.l Prwide sedant betrreen millnork and wall. Paint sealant to match wall. Clean all horizonal and vertical cabinery surhes, includirg Field Reprt page 12 qrpe lTEvls DISCUSSED cabinets along wall. EastWall Clean all cabinary along east wall, including interion. Provide sealant betracen cabinetry and wall. Paint sealant to match wall. South Wall Clean all cabinetry along south wall, including innriors. WestWall Replace maned upper cabinet door at soudr end ofcabinets. Clean all cabinetry along soudr wall, including inerio6. Clean pla*er off bctom of panop srrpport Provide sealant between cabinetry and wall, where required. Paint sealant to match wall. Flmr Iro"id" mising VCT tile at exisring gap at nast wall adjacent to door jam. tnstall VCT frroughout room. Ceilhg t Remove smoke detector dust ovet. Manager 160 DoorgS Clean rretal door frame and touch up scratdrer Clean wood door. Pr,ovide lockset cylinder at hardware. NqthWall lnstall rubber base at bomom of wall. Clean plaser and srnudges from wall. Toudr up paint ln*all corcr plates on wall. Install missing cover plate at exposd junction box. EastWatl Clean all hand prints and smudges from wall, or re-paintthe wallmmplaely. Touch up plaster and paint around duplex receptacle near center of wall. tnstall rubber base at boftrm of wall.{ Clean dirt, dust and plaster from windowsill ard frame. :{ NqthWall lnstall rubber base at botom of wall. Field Rryrt page 13 6/Z/94 o ITEMS D]SCUSSED Clean dust and plaster from wall, and touch up paint as required. WestWall Clean smudges along bonom of wall, and toudr up painu Install rubber base at bottom of wall. Floor Install carpet drroughout room. Ceiling Replace ceiling tile in northA,rest corner of room wifi nicked comer. Rmrn 171 Dqr96 Clean paint and dirt off door fame and ouch up. Clean wood door. Add locket cylinder at hardware. Install rubber base at botbm of wall. .l EastWall In*all rubber base at bottom of wall, torch up and filt in holes at bonom of wall, and ouch up. Clean smears and smudges frorn wall and ouch up paint SouthWall Torch up smudges along wall. Clean four sink along r,rrall. W6tWall Clean marls and smudges all along wall, or repaint as required. lnstall rubber base at botomof wall. Install cwer plate at sr ritch plate recepacte. Flur lnstall flooring firoughout rcom. Clean debris from room. C-eiling Remove dwt cover from smoke detector. ^l ElectricallTT D@r97 Clean dust from door frame Field Rqrrrt PW 14 ffig4 -t Field Rerott ITEMS DISCUSSED Touch up scratches on door frame. Clean wood door. Provide locket at hardware. North Wall lnstall rubber base a bottom of wall. East Wall, South Wall, and Westwall Install rubber base at bottom of wall. Additional note fot Wefi Wall Install cover plate at light s,vitdr receptacle. Floor lnstall flooring throughout KXrn. Storage 178 Door98 Clean metal door fnme and touch up scratches on door frame. r- lnstall lockset at hardware. NorthWallr Clean paint off quad recepacle near west side of wall. Paint sealant abwe b6se board heaterto matdr wall. Install rubber base along bonom of wall. Touch up paint and gashes along wall. Repaint as required. EastWall lnstall rubber base at bottom of wall. Clean plasteroffwall. Touch up paint and plaster around telephone jack co,rcr plate at south end of wall. SouthWall lnsrall rubber base at bottom of wall. Touch up smears and smudges on wall. Clean plaser from bottom of wall. WestWall Touch up black paint adjacent to hand rail. Touch up gashes and smears and smudges all along wall and re-paint as required. FImr lnstall flooring firorghout rmm. Ceiling Page 15 5/781 ]TEMS DISCUSSED Replace nicked ceiling tile at center of room. Complete in*allation of ceiling tiles throughout room. Dispatch tB2 ' Door99 t*,u,r,aJ Clean#allerr,rnetal frame and touch up scratches at frame. Touch up scratches on wood door. Install lockset at hardware. Electric strike can not be testd atthis time. NorthWall Complae installation of diffusers all along north wall. Touch up paint and smudges on north wall as required. Clean all horizonal and vertical surhces of ca*work along north wall. Provide.llealant between cabinetry and wall as required and paint sealantto match wall. Clean interior of all cabinetry. Complete in$allation of all air regisers along wall, and paint to match wall. EastWalt Clean dug and paint from windo,nsills and fiameE tuuthWall Clean paint and grease orffwindonr and sbre frontat center of wall. WestWall Complete installation of wiring and exposed jundion box at sou$ end of wall. Clean all horizonal and venical surfaces offmillwok along wall, including interiors. Clean smudges on wall as required. Floor Installation of communication mnsoles is under way so accessible floor is in a state of disaray at this poinL After complaion of installation of consoles adhere all carpet tiles and clean carpet drroughout rmm. lnstall floor registers along east and soufr wail. Ceiting Remove dust covers from smoke detectors. 4-l F'EH Reoort Pzge 16 6r7tr4 ITEITS DISCUSSED frame. Touch up scratches on wood door and clean wood door. NotthWell Touch up smudges and glue at middle of wall. Patch and touch up exposed scrav hole adjacent o door frame- EastWall Touch up smudges on wall. So6hWall lnstall cwerplate at duplex Gceptacle near center of walt. WestWall Touch up glue srnudges all along wall, ana ,ipaint as required. Flnr lnstall floor reg$er at subfloor fin-trbe along east wall. '. Ceiling Remove dust co,rer a smoke detector. srpervbor rSl D@r lU Clean dirt fronr dmr frame. Clean wood door. Touch up scratches on door fame. lnsall lodset cylinder at hardrrarc. Genenr twea$Jar*, There is conciderable debris and equipnnnt which interims dris room making it very diffioftto pbperly pun*. NorthWall Clean glue from bonom of wall. East Wall Clean paint and dirt from wirdorsills and frames. Touch up plaser around botom of sifl near center of wall. SouthWall ln*all cwerplate at duplex receptacle near center of wall. WestWall-r trJlffirJffi:ffi"j,1fl#:,fiil"TH1:'*"',. Field Repft paye lz QE4 -t Field Reprt ITEMS DISCUSSED Flqr lnstall register cover at sub.floor fin_tube along east wall. Clean carpet throughout room. Ceiling Complete installation of ceiling tile throughout room. Remove dust cover from smoke detedor. Radio Equipment 185 Door l0S Clean metal frame around door. Touch up scratches on door. Clean glue and ouch up scntches on wood door. lnstall locked at hardware. Provide threshold ransition at door. General noteonthisrcr,m r}{aflraAlrrl Cc(p{tEg There is considerable insulat*i*nork fiais*edieu+in this room forthe communications equipment which makes it imposible to fully punch atthis point Toilet 184 Door106 r Clean metal doorframe. Touch up scratches on door fiame. Provide transition frrestrold between carpet and VCT. NorthWall Touch up scratches at center ofwall. EastWall Touch up plaster and clean snudges fiom wall. Touch up paint as required. $uthWall Touch up plaster all along wall. Re-paint entirc wall. Clean sink along urall. Clean medicine cabinet minor along wall, as well asoilet FIoor Install register at subf,oor fin_tube along ea* walt. Ceiling No punch list items. Rmm tB9 DnrtOT Page 18 6t784 ITEMS DISCUSSED Clean glue and dirt from metal door frame. Touch up scntches on door frame. Clean plaster and paint from door. lnstall tnnsition drreshold htr,veen flooring at door. North Wall Clean shelf unit along wall. EastWall Clean smudges around door frame. buthWall Touch up marks alongwall. WestWall Touch up plaster along norh end of wall, and re,paint Flur Clean VCT throughout room. Ceiling C.omplete installation of ceiling tiles throughout rq)m. t C-opy767 NonhWall Toudr up markon wall. Toudr up grill along bonom of wall. Toudr up plaster along door frame and paint EastWall Toudr up glue along bomom of wall. Clean rubber base. huthwall Touch up paint along corner bead. WestWall Complete installation of rubber base along wall. Clean glue from bonom of wall. Touch up paint as required. FIoor No punch list items -! Clean dirty middle grid along west walla in ceiling. $rgent 173 Field Rryn pagetg 6f7/94 ITEMS DISCUSSED Door93 Clean din from metal door frame. Touch up scratches on door frame. Clean wood door. Touclr up scratches on wood door. Install lockset at hardware. NotthWall Complete installation of rubber base under baseboard heat Clean plaster off baseboard heater. Touch up dirt and smears all alongwall. Complete installation of coverplaes along wall. Complete installation of rubber base below baseboard heater. Complete installation of coverplaes at baseboafd heatec Sotnh wail Touch up nick and dents at cenEr ofwall. Touch up smear at top of wall. WestWall>- lnstall coverplate at center ofwall at exposed junction bo( Clean smears fiom center of wdl. F!@r Remove paint from floor. C-arpet seams running eastto west in room are too apparenl C-arpet supplier must adjust &iling Remove dust cover from smoke detector. Files 168 NorthWall Clean glue at bottom of wall. EaxWall Touch up nick at nordt end of wall. SouthWall Touch up mark u centerof wall. wewall Toudr up mafu along bamm of wall. .t - Confercnce 172 DNr94 Clean metal door frames and tordr up scratches all aiong Field Repn page 20 87/94 ITEMS DISCUSSED frames. Clean paint and plaster from wood door. Touch up scratches on wood door. lnstall lockset cylinder at hardware. NorthWall Touch up nick and smea6 near center ofwall. EastWall Touch up marla all along wall. South Wall Toudr up mark all along wall. westWalt Remove plastic from telephone jack co"", phtL Touch up plaster along center of wall, and paint as required. Flnr Remove paintfrom floor. Ceiling Remove du$ cover frorn srnoke detedor. Report Writirg l6a DarSG Clean metal door frame. Toudr up scratdres a door frame. Clean wood door Touch up scratches at rvood door. Comple in*allation of carpet at door. -t Field Reprt NotdtWall Clean all vertical and horizonal zurfaces of casetrork along nonfi wall, including interiors. Complete installation of rubber base along north wall. Repair crooked rubber base along nortfr wall. EastWall Clean rubber base along botom of wall. Install coverplate at exposed junction box at certer of wall. Touch up nick and mark all along wall. tuuhWall Touch up nicls near west end of wall. Touch up nick at comer guard WestWall Page 2l q7/94 ar ITEMS DISCUSSED Clean all horizonal and raenical surfaces of alt millwo* along west wall, including interiors- Prodde sealant betrveen cabinetry and wall as required, and paint sealart. Flar Clean debris from crpet Vacuum and clean glue and stains fiom carpet6roughoutthe r@m. The carpet appears to be badly stained at fre east end ofthe r@m. Ceiling Clean plaser from ceiling grid near door g6. Renpve dust cover from smd<e detector. Files 161 NotthWall No punci lisr iem. !- EastWall roudr up markf,borom of uall. I tuuhWatt No pundr list items. w&wall No punch lis items, FImr Clean carpet drrcughout roorn Ceiling No punch li$ items. Reporb 162 Door87 Clean rn@l doorframes. Touch up scnrches at metal door frame. Touch up scratdres a urmd door. 'tttonhWall Touch up nick above light srvitch corer. EastWall ln*all coverplae at exposed junction box near center of wall. dean horizonal ounter top along wail. Prwide sealant bet/veen wall and counbr top. and paint PageZZField Remrt 6t7/94 ITEMS DISCUSSED > s€alant where requird. South Wall . No punch list items" WestWall Touch up scratches near center of wall. FInr Clean floor throughout room. Giling Oean plaster from ceiling grid in southAre* comer of rcom. Repods 163 Dur88 Clean metal door frames and touch up scratches at metal door frame. Touch up scratches on wmd door. NotthWall No pundr list iterns. I EastWall Install coverplate at exposed jundion box at cener of wall. Clean counertop along wall. Proride sealant between @unter top and wall, and paint sealantto match wall where required. huhWall Touch up scratch at cent€r ofwall. WestWall Touch up mark near bmmof wall. Floor Clean carpet throughom roorn Ceiling Clean plasterfrom ceiling grid along south wall. ,4ddition nae for fuh W t6Z and Rerrtn t6J Owner has requestd inErior windom betnreen fiese rwms and Conidor 170. They have nc ya been in$alled. What is -t TnlninglG6 Dnr92 Pa6e 23Field Reptt il7/94 ITEf,{S DISCUSSED Clean metal door frame. Touch up scratdtes on metal door fiame. Touch up scratches on wood door. Notth Wall Touch up nick along bottom of wall. Proyide cover plate for exposed junction bol( at baseboard heater. Provide black rubber base beneafr baseboard heater. Touch up scratches on baseboard heater cover. Gercnl nal,e regarding basebard heaBr cwer Top halfofdris cover should appears to be yellow and does not match dre front cover. Wh., 's *ris? Either replaaethe top cap or paintdre top cap to match fie front cover. Typical ft roughout the building. EastWall Touch up nida and scratches atong wall. >- b&hwall No punch list items westWatt The west wall is made up of openble wall paneh At teast'one ofthese panels has been badty damaged. The dher panels appear to have some minor dents. These panels need to be either repaired or replaced byfre confacor. FIoor Clean f,3rpet throughorn room. Ceiling Remove dust cover from smoke detecor. Bdefing 165 D@rg9 Clean metal doorfnme. Torch up scratches at metal doorfnme. Clean plasterfrom wood door. Touch up nick and scratches on wmd door. NorthWall Touch up smudges on rnrth wall. ..t SouhWail Touch up scratches and srnudges on south wall. Provide cover plate at exposed junction bx near center of Field Rerott pap24 t7E4 ITEMS DISCUSSED wall. WestWall Provide rubber base under baseboard heater. Touch up scratches and smudgc on baseboad heater. Touch up scrarches and smudges along wall. Patch over screw hole and paint adjacent to door g9. Provide light switch coverplate. Flur Clean carpet throughout room. C-eiling Replace warped return air grill. Remove dust cwer from srnoke deteoor. &mory 1S1 Dur9l Clean metal door frame. Door appears o be binding on hinges. please repair. Touch up scratches on door frame. Install loclcet cylinder at hardware. Touch uprratches on wood door. Northwall Prorride rubber base below beseboard treater. Clean paint, plaster and dirt from baseboard heftr cover. EastWall Provide rubber base at bottom of wall. Provide coverplates for all receptacles and light svrirches Touch up nick and mads on nall. South wall Touch up nick and mark on wall.. Install rubber base atwall. WestWall Install rubber base at wall- Touch up nick and marks on wall. lnstall corrcrplate at duplex receptacle. Flnr Install flooring frroughout rmnt "! @iling Rernove supply air diffuser and replace witr a supply air diffuser suited forgypzum board ceiling Field Repn page 25 6t1/g1 TTEI,IS DTSCUSSED Rernorc dust mver fiom smolae dete@r. Remorre enxcess paint fiom eilirng cxcess pancl *o that it can be operable. 'ldditiual nw to this r@nl There is an exhau$ fan located in the ceilir6. fhe coruraor nee&o prwide an on/orffnritdr indre loorn dr*operaEs this exhaustfun The srhch strall be loced r:n*toitre exlsting light savitdr. E\ff:a re FilPH&ppr/..P?8p25 6r7F4 ITEMS DISCUSSED Y|+rl.'t @5b4t-PaintdivisiorrpaneFblack to match door frame. Clean kickplate. Provide lockset cylinder at hardraare. Adjust action on lever hardware. Touch up soatdres on wood door. Nonhwall Touch up plaser around duplex receptacle. EastWall Touch up smudges on wall. South wall Clean rubber base. Touch up smudges on wall. Adjust light s,vitch coverplae so that h rests fush against wall. WestWall Touch up paint and plaster around duplex receptacle. '- Floor Clean carpet throughout room C-eiling Complae insrallation of ceiling tile. lntewlen, 137 Door6g Clean metal doorframe. Touch up scratches at metal door frame. Remove plastic firom kickplate. lnstall lockset cylinder at hardwarc. Paint division panel frame blacl o match door frame. Clean wood door. Touch up scrarches on wood door. NorthWall No punch list items. EastWall Toudr up nick on lower north comer of wall. SouthWall Touch up plaster and paint around door frame. -t +At$? WestWall Touch up marks on bp of wall. Fietd Rqxltt p4e2\6ft/94 ITEMS DISCUSSED FIoor Clean carpet throughout room. Ceiling Replace damaged ceiling tile adjacent to reum air grill. Equipment 138 Door 69 Clean maal door frame. Touch up scratches on door fiame. Clean wood door. Touch up scratches on wood door. Door is binding at the hinges and must b€ reser The closer is not closing the doorto a full posifon, and must be adjused along widr dre hinges- NonhWall Touch up paint and plaster atound continuous recepacle striP. Clean excess paint and plaster fr,om continr.rous recepacle strip. Touch up marks and smr.rdges all along wall. lnstall rubber base at wall. EastWall Install rubber base a wall. Touch up paint and plaster around duplex recepracle. Torch up paint and plaser arra.rnd door fiame. Tolch up mark and smudges on wall. SouthWall Touch up marks and smr.dges on wall. lnstall rubber base at wdl. WestWall Touch up smudges and mada on wall. Touch up paint and plaster around duplex receptacle. lnstall rubber base atwall. lnstall flooring ftroughout room. Ceiling a Remove existing $rpply and retum air diffusea and replace-t . with diffuser appropriate for gypr.rm board ceiling consnuction;r as ryecifi ed. Complae in*allation of light firrure atsss€nd of ceiling. FieldReptt e"s.ze'q w94 lTEvts DTSCUSSED Remove dust cover from smoke detector. Vestibule at uromcnrs bckeroorn D@r75 Clean metal door fiame. Touch up scratches on metal door frame. Remove paint and plaster from wood door. Touch up scratches on wood door. NorthWall Toudr up marks at bonom of wall. lnstall rubber base at wall. Eastwall lnstall rubber base at wall. Touch up paint and plaster around light $,vidl cwer plaE SouhWall Touch up marls along wall. Install rubber base at wall. We*Wall Toldr upmark around door fnme. Install rubber base at wall. Flaor lnstall flooring fi roughout rmm. Ceiling Remove existing retlm air grill and replace wifr retum air grill appropriale for insrallation in gypum board ceilingr Womcn l4l D@tZ4 Clean metal doorframes. Touch up scratches on metal door frame. Clean wood doon Touch up scratches on wood door. NotthWall Touch up paint at soffit abore lavatories. Clean lavatory top at nordr wall. ' westem mosdtoile/. sb,il "t . this stall. The door s,ving will slam tre door in to.tt, orcrtime causing damage b the door and paper dispenser. We advise that it be moed to the cher sida ard dre pafiition FieH Reprt pap29 6/E/9, ITEMS DISCUSSED be patched accordingly. Continue green paint up to top of ,,nall. . EastWall Touch up plaster around metal door frame. Sowh Wall Remove paint from telephone jack cover plate. WestWall Clean paint and plaster off edge of tile where tile nreets plaser. This goes for bch sides of mila stall. Flnr Clean ceramic tile floor thrcughout room. There is a continuous hump in the floor at the *rreshold o the women's sho,ver. This tnnsition needs o be smoodrer. Ceiling Re-move supply air diftlsen and replace with s,rpply air Clean paint fronr around panmeter of ceiling access panel b fiat panel is operable. Locken 1,O NorthWall Clean paint and plaster fom face of locken Provide carpeting at hnch, per documents Eastwall Toldr up paint and plaser arourd opening ]n*all rubber base at botbm of wall. huhWall 16. lnstall carpetinga lbcker bench, per documens. Touch up nick on metal locker at east end of run. Locker #1. WestWall lnstall carpet at locker bench. Touch up paint at metal lockers I and 10 adjacentto t eC[ -4-- combination. Additio.ral nre fw this rum a Contraoor shall prwide manuhdures metal locker numbers"t . as ryecifred. Sleep 143 Field Reorrt page 3O a8E4 ITEIIS DISCUSSED Door72 Clean paint and plaster from door fiame. Touch up scratches o.n door frame. Clean wood door. Door73 Clean paint and pla*er from door fiame. Touch up scratches at door frame. Clean wood door. Touch up scratches at wood door. NorthWall ln*all rubber base atwall. EastWall lnsall rubber base atwall. Touch up plaster and paint around thermostar and light switch cover plate. Touch up paint ard plaser around door frames. Touch up nick and marks on wall. Install rubber base atwall. Westwell Wes wall can not be punched at dris time because it temporarily ties in to the rcnotntion work Flur Install flooring drroughor.t rmm. @iling Remove duS cover from smoke deteOor. Gomplae in*allation of ceiling tiles. Men 145 NorthWall G(Gilp Bcdgreen paint up abwe minor, above location of egg crate. Install egg crate for valence ligha This applies at Wornen 141 as well. clean lavatory cdtnter tops. Touch up plaster and paint at entranct to strorers Clean plasrer off of edge of tile, both sides of shower. -t Eastwall No punch list items this wall. Fbld Rqpptt pap 3l 6/Ap4 ITEA,IS DISCUSSED SouhWall Clean paint at wall to scend above egg crate. Prwide register for diftrser in soffit at west end of wall. Touch up nick and marks along wall. There is a dent on the oufide of fte vertical suppoft ben,reen dre two toilet *all doors. The contractor needs to either reoair fiis to match adjacent or replace veftical support WestWall Provide floor tile at gap adjacent to sholler controls at north end of wall. Clean plaster off edge of tile where shower stall meets openings through lockers. lnsall shower curtain at sholver. The shorrer rod specified was a heavy duty unit meant to span the distance. The shower rod in*alled is a much cheaper unit that is already sarting to sag in the center. please replace with sho,ver rod specified. >- t'%""" ceramic tile frroughout room. Ceiling I @mplete installation of intercom cover at expoced junction box in ceiling. Remove existing supply and retum air diffusen and replace with difrisers appropriate for insallation in gypsum board ceilings. Vestibule 147 Dnr76 Clean metal door frame. Touch up scratches on meul door frame. Clean wood door and touch up scntches on wood door. EattWall Torch up smudges and marla on wall. Touch up plaster around metal door frame. lnstall rubber base at wall. Sc,uthWall Install rubber base at wall. Touch up marks and scratches at wall. af ' westwall Touch up marks and smudges at wall. ln*all rubber basg at wall. Field Rerxyrt page 32 ffio4 ITEMS DISCUSSED Provide finish paint coat at shelving unit Remove excess plaster adjacentto shelf unit. Clean top of shelf unit. Floor lnstall flooring drroughout room. locters l,16 NorthWall Clean excess paint and plaster from face of maal lockets. Install carpeting at locker benches, per documents. Insall manuhctu.es metal numbers at locken Touch up paint at metal locker no.43, 34 and 33. EastWall Clean excess paint and plaster off metal lockers. tnstall carpet at locker bench, per documents Touch up painton metal locker no.49. - **I,il ^^ufactr.rres filler panel to match lockers berr,yeen lockers 58 and 59. Touch up paint at metal lockers no. 60 and 61. Prwide carp€t at locker bendr, per docurrnts. Provide manufactures metal locker numben as specified. ' Westwall Prwide manufacnrre metal filler panel betr,veen lockers 2l & number22- Touch up paint at locken 23 and 18. FIoor Insall caryting firoughout ryace. t",/lff punch tist items. tvlechaniel 144 Can rpt be punched at this time due to work required during renovation phase. Custodians 142 Can not be punched at fiis time due o wo* required during renwation ptnse. 4^t - lnterview 13S Can not be punched at ftis time due to work required during renoration phase. Field tuprt pag jj 6/8t91 ITEMS DISCUSSED Corridor 13t Nonhwall . Install rubber base at we$ end of wall. Install rubber bese at east end of wall. Patch up snears, nick, smudges, as required along north wall, or re-paint entin wall. huhWall Touch up nick, srnears, srnudges, and glue rnark alt along south wall, or re-paint entire wall as required. Install missing rubber base and east and wes ends of wall. D@t63 Clean metal door frame- Tor.rch up scntches on metal door frame. Clean wood door. Tou4ur! flT.aFhes on wood door. Paint{ififfi;'Panel fiame black m matdt rnetal door frarn. In*all locket cylinder at hardrpan. Hook up closer at door. Flar r Complee installation of carpet at conids. Clean stains fiom capet throughout conidor. Ceiling Replace broken ceilingtile near enterof norfi wall. wewail There is a temporirry partition in place non, that will be there until fie renovation phase is underuay. tobby 148 NonhWall Install rubber base at wall. EastWall Touch up nick, scratches and mark all along east wall, or . re'pairt entire wall as requircd. Install rubber base at wall. provide addition scte$6 at fir€ alarm enunciabr. Trrro are missing. 4 buthWalt--t lnstall rubber base at wall. Clean dust from all rweals between wood capc and wall. Touch up nick, m,ada and glue ryoa as required. Field Reprt pap3a 6t&94 ITEMS DISCUSSED Touch up paint and plaster arcund hallor metal frarnes. WestWall . Touch up multiple nicks, smudges, and glue marks or re-paint #:FiHHn :T"i ngu isher cabi net Install rubber base at wall. Circular low wall elenent at enter of lobby Install rubber base at lo,rr wall. Touch up nick, marks and gfue spots at lor walt. Clean dust fiom bet$€en rweal at rvood cap and lor wall. Flur Gomplae installation of carpet throughout room. Ceiling Complae insallation of intercom at exposed wirc at sor.rth end of room. Remove dust cryer from smoke detector. > Mditional note o this rum The wall,sconces and susperded light finr,rres a cener of room werc specified as whie finish. They were delirared widr a brass trim and finish. We reommend ftat fre contractor substinrte these wifr dre finish specified. Statu 133 EastWall Contractor shall fill drpvall gap betr,veen stair *rlngerand wall brtightfiu Sringer shall be painted black o match treads 4' straight black base shall run over top of stringer. Touch up madcs and nick on wall. Sc,uthWall Rubber base o be installed urder baseboard heater. Torch up nick and marks on wall, and soffrt above windor,ns or re-paint entire wall. .W6tWalt Cortncror slrall fill gap between op of sringer and wall to creaE a tight joint-! il3:1'fin'ffi;HiillffrJl,?T,.,,,", FleH Rcptt page js w94 -t TTEMS DISCUSSED @ngrwatl of sail Steir $ringer shall be palnted bladc 4r base shall run over top of stringer, typical. Stalrs Clean all edrting rubbermad. lnsall flooring at landlng Genenl note All u'ood reps at lor walls and sairs shouH rcelw an additional coat of clear finistr due o genenl onmnion uge. Ceiling Ho pundr li$ iteru. Toudt up all nicls uid scrdres on tta* gairianOdts FieH Rryrt 6/8t91P.Sc 35 ITEAAS DISCUSSED Corridor 149 Notdt Wall Remove existing air diffuser at center of wall and replace with orersize diftlser centered on wall. Touch up all nick and scratches on wall. EasWall lnstall rubber base at bottom of wall. Touch up all nick, scratches and marks on wall. Complee installation of mail slot unil Notthwall Install rubber base at bottom of wall. Touch upall mada and scratchesatwall. Complae installation of carpet in rmrn Ceiling Remove dust corer from srnoke deteOoa !- CorridorlT0 Norf.twall Restore rubbei base. Touch up all nick and scratches on wall. fuuttWall Install rubber base on bottom of wall. Touch up nick and marks grew spor along wall. FImr Complete installation of carpet. Ceiling Remo€ dust covers on smoke deectors. C.orridor lg7 Eanwall Install rubber base at wall. Touch up paint around duplo< recepacle on enter d wall. Souf.watl . lnsall rubber base at bottom of wall.. Touch up paint at hollow metal door and hollor nctal door frame.1 Touch up paint and plaster around door..l Pap 37 ITEMS DTSCUSSED WestWall Install rubber base at bonom of wall. Touch up pairr and plaster along entirety of walt. @rridor lgg Nortf-wall Install rubber base at bottom of wall. Touch up paint and plaser at wall and around metal door fiame. Eastwall Install rubber base at bmom of wall. Touch up paint and plaster around metal dmr frame. Southwall tnsall rubber base at bonom of wall. Touch up paint and pla*er, touch up rnads and snudges on wall. Westwall tnstall rubber base at bottom of wall.>- Touch up paint at wall. Flrst Floor I ttubblesfir 041 Norhwall Toudr up paintat bmom of wall. lnstall rubber base at bottom of wall. Clean paint and plasfier from unit treater. Eagwall Install rubber base at bonom of wall. Touch up marks, painton wall. . tuthwall In*all rubber base bonom of wall. Touch up paint at wall. Paint wood ercing 3lquncl entrance of stair. Wutwall , Install rubber base at bottom ofcabinet Clean all horizontal and vertical surbces of r,nall cabinet FIM Insall VCT throughout room. -t Pap 38 ITEMS DISCUSSED Door 31 Ceiting Touch up nicb and marks around light fi*ures on ceiling. Additional nore: appears to be two different paint colon between the soufi wall and fie east wall. Touch up paint at hollolr metal frame and hollor meal door.. Install locket at hardware. Elecfic strike cannot be tested at dris time. Storage 046 Cannot be punched at this time due to excessive equipment in fie rcom. Trash 045 paint gyp board walls at rmm as specified. Storate 042 paint all gyp board walls as specified. > TelephoneardElectric024 Elecrical wodcs beingfinalized in this room. paint all gyp bard walls within tris roorn Generator 0(b paint all gyp board wallswithin dris rmm. Storage 043 paint all gyp board walls within tris rmm. parking 039 pa*ing0/,7 C_ontractor shall be using the west end ofthe general parking garage for nonge of maerials as renovation wo* continues. The east end of the parking gange will be available br parking. Contactor shall provide mineral oil solution, sprayed orrer floor slab as requested by Vail pD. Contractor shall renrove all materials from east end of pa*ing garage into west end for orner occupancy. Embound 037 Cbntractor shall prwide chain link fence gate as documented. -t PaBe 39 ITEMS DISCUSSED EXTERIOR PUNCH tuuth EXeript:Fl*ation of Building Touch up FtFS.airectty uetorr &rieft Dormer attiFin to renovated building. Remrye manufacturers tape at window direaly belor Chiefs Dormer. Complete installation of metal cap at roof at Chiefs Dormer. Paint patches at EIFS jusr east of Chief Dormer. There is a large check in the wood east midway in dre elenation. This check needs to be patched and painted dark brorn to match the eave plate. The lo,v roof directly in front of the sair has an unaccepable transition b€tween fie EIFS and the metal flastring. Contractor and Architect shall resolve, Power wash east stains off building direaly below r6f at stair. Provide solid cedar panel between gable windo'vs at Detectiraes Dormer and finish to match adjacent Complete installation of wood cap at wing wall dkealy belo,v steel branch column Tuming the comer to dle east elerration located adjacent b dte eldt stair. Paint wood rirp at square window diredly above exit stair. Clean uood treads and cap at $air. There is a down spout located dire<rly belorthe pdio atdispatch. Paint dorvn spout white to match adjacent str,rcao. Clean dre manufacturers paint and white plaster from storefront a dispatch. Wood corbels are completed and will be installed tre first week of June. EastfxieriqHantut Paint, puched E|FS abwe garage access door. Clean asphalt firom base of EIFS walt. Provide comer guards at entrance to gara. ge as documented. At the wood sill directly belorr the gable windors at dispatch rhere is a large check in the wood sill frat needs o be either replaced or patched and painted. Clean all window frames at this elevation. North futerior Elevation Install mechanical louvers at west end of elevation. The flashing condition betu/een the roof above the mechanical plenum and dre EIFS is unacceptable and must be resolved betr,veen the Contractor and Architect "t Page 40 ..i11 I g$5, $ \ , I i II$ \ls\>;; \ Nr!. \ 5l\lJ-- \t -\' >-!t -- \ 4: 1ilR>\ \, trsF(\{sJ $$: RS\+ 9 Jll? 'rro ts ?L t \ 't 1 I /l f t d I I $fi H ta3> - -- t-,.glT 0 $ $ R+ls.:- aiN$q_\ €5l' -1 o/, TO: FROU: DATE: RE: Ed Hill, colorado Division of llighways Andy l(nudtsen, Town Planner Town of vail conmunity Development DePartment Septenber 14, 1990 shading cast by trees. The Town of vail Police Department haE recently received approval from the Townrs Planning ConnisElon to construct a 40 ft. towerfor emergency cotnmunications. The Planning Connission approved the request with the condition that the appearance of the general area be inproved. This iE inportant as this area of the Municipal conplex is highly visible from I-?0. As autornobiledrivers exit off the interstate at the main Vail exit, the back side of the Municipal Conplex is the inage which welcomes them to Vail . I{e would like to nake peoplers first inpression of vail as good as possible. In this effort, the Town wlll be repairing the chain link fence and will be rernoving unused mechanical equlpnent. A proposed third J,rnprovement would be to plant trees to screen this area. Because the Municipal Building is located so close to the property line, we area asking the Colorado Division of Highways to allow three trees, approxinately 2O-25 feet ta1l, to be planted in the rigbt-of-way, six to seven feet north of tbe property line (see attached nap). Although these trees would be in the right-of-way' they wouldstill be a minirnum of 56 ft. away from the exit ranp pavement. staff has done a shadow analysis of the trees at this distance, which is attached. In the analysis, we measured shadows for the worst case scenario, Decernber 21st, at three tines during the day, 1O:OO a.m., noon, and 2:oo p.m. It appears that the ranp is located 4 feet above the grade where the trees will be planted' which is reflected in the drauing. From the drawing, it appears that a 25 ft. tall tree will shade 2 feet of the ram! edge lt 2:oo. This is a relatively brief tine and period as the ramp will be unshaded all morning and at noon- Eventually, a 3o ft. tree would shade about 18 ft of the ramp at 2:oo. Since the Town proposal is for 20-25 ft. trees, there wiLl be alnost no shading for some time. This analysis shows the worst case scenario, all other days of the year will cause less shading. Even so, the only shading that wiLl happen wiII only- -occur in the afternoons. in addition, the tree tops' whl-ch will cause the shading, are relativety narron conpared to the base of the tree, uraking the area in shade fairly narrow. fi71trrrcci 4 H^ cCa / O ru tr-- </or,,Ld 1.- /)4 /'/L 4 /t- n ---_ll tl _:____l/h -.----r- rt :--= ------E(>rrt =l --r+/----. TO: FROU: DATE: RE: Ed Hill, colorado Division of llighways Andy l(nudtsen, Town Planner Town of vail conmunity Development DePartment Septenber 14, 1990 shading cast by trees. The Town of vail Police Department haE recently received approval from the Townrs Planning ConnisElon to construct a 40 ft. towerfor emergency cotnmunications. The Planning Connission approved the request with the condition that the appearance of the general area be inproved. This iE inportant as this area of the Municipal conplex is highly visible from I-?0. As autornobiledrivers exit off the interstate at the main Vail exit, the back side of the Municipal Conplex is the inage which welcomes them to Vail . I{e would like to nake peoplers first inpression of vail as good as possible. In this effort, the Town wlll be repairing the chain link fence and will be rernoving unused mechanical equlpnent. A proposed third J,rnprovement would be to plant trees to screen this area. Because the Municipal Building is located so close to the property line, we area asking the Colorado Division of Highways to allow three trees, approxinately 2O-25 feet ta1l, to be planted in the rigbt-of-way, six to seven feet north of tbe property line (see attached nap). Although these trees would be in the right-of-way' they wouldstill be a minirnum of 56 ft. away from the exit ranp pavement. staff has done a shadow analysis of the trees at this distance, which is attached. In the analysis, we measured shadows for the worst case scenario, Decernber 21st, at three tines during the day, 1O:OO a.m., noon, and 2:oo p.m. It appears that the ranp is located 4 feet above the grade where the trees will be planted' which is reflected in the drauing. From the drawing, it appears that a 25 ft. tall tree will shade 2 feet of the ram! edge lt 2:oo. This is a relatively brief tine and period as the ramp will be unshaded all morning and at noon- Eventually, a 3o ft. tree would shade about 18 ft of the ramp at 2:oo. Since the Town proposal is for 20-25 ft. trees, there wiLl be alnost no shading for some time. This analysis shows the worst case scenario, all other days of the year will cause less shading. Even so, the only shading that wiLl happen wiII only- -occur in the afternoons. in addition, the tree tops' whl-ch will cause the shading, are relativety narron conpared to the base of the tree, uraking the area in shade fairly narrow. fi71trrrcci 4 H^ cCa / O ru tr-- </or,,Ld 1.- /)4 /'/L 4 /t- n ---_ll tl _:____l/h -.----r- rt :--= ------E(>rrt =l --r+/----. F =e(L Foo .Fli cit' o'.om .D ov rl -t- a- ts E u,(tz t- ? r,J d qJ?dq- tt Io ?\4r$/ / / / / ( / '\\\ .\ "l t 6r F Irl c|\ rJs b Nn do t\) D t\ (n a F