HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOWN OF VAIL BALD MT UNDERPASS WALKWAYlsign Review Action *t TOWN OF VAIL Project Description: Owner, Address andPhone: 'fr)y] nr.nit"@ddress and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: to"@ Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval 3 Disapproval I Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner o^t", /r/ Nf q4 DRB Fee Pre-paid DRB APPLICI'rION - TOSN$.O!' \IAIL, DATE APPLTCATTON RECETTED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: revised 9/419y'," COLORADO ,j :,y 6 t,g4 ********** IEIS .APPLICAUON }IILL NOI BE ACCEPTEDITNTIL AIIJ REQUIRED INFORMATION fS SUBI{IrTED********** A. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const,rrJct.ion Addition (S50.00) ($200 .00) / Minor Att,erat,ion ($20 .00) . _Conceptual Review ($O) l' : ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot __ Block Subdivision If propert,y is described bydesqription, please providEattach to this appliEation. ZONING: a meets and bounds 1egalon a separate sheet ana E. G. LOT AREA: If reguired,stanped survey showing applicant must provide a currentlot area NAME OFMailing APPLICANT: -foc,;ttt o{Address: tioq -iE T NAME OF OWNERS: Tocun of Vc.r! NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Gnrq FlcdJ *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing eddresGf Phone T K. Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atLhe tlme of submitt,al of onB ippiication. Later, whenapplyins for a buirdins permir-,'pr;;;;-iienrlii-i,neaccurat'e varuation of the proposit. The io"tr-6r-vuirwill adjust the fee_accoraing'io-trre tjure-uerli, toensure the coriect fee is pala. - FEE SCHEDULE: V'|TTUAI IUI\I o - $ 1o,oooI 10,001 - $ 50,000 ! 50,001 - $ 1s0;000 1190,001.. - $ s00,000$500,00r - $1,000;000I Over $1r 000, OO0 rEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DESIGN RHi'IEW BOARD APPROVNL EXPTRES ONE YEAR .ILI.TER TINAI.IllPRoItAr. IrNtEss-A-BulLDrNc . pnnur.r .rs'r€ssED AlrD. coNsrRucrroN rsSTJARTED. **No aPPr,rqarroN wrtr. BE pRocEssED l{rrHour oyfNER, s srG}tATuRE i-." 1 r. PROJECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: u.nderPos cr:il& rn*erhcklrq Concntle bloclc cual,' ..lr{.r -frmbea-_ tPti i/a-rt P.^51,c (rords fiu1 NAME OT PROJECT:Bdd /noulilc; Ur"ss LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LOT BLOCK LIST OF MATERIALS O SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The_following information is required for submittal toReview Board before a final appioval can be given: TYPE OF MATER]AL t.he Design COLORA. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other y'ul.slcn!- rnf<.rlxLtna conu,-e-b- k:/.oclLp I buqlas Potrned conc.,rrle uJcdjcr..b-r Vfi- taallny R LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERTALS: BotanicaL Name common Name ouantitv size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for:deciduous, trees is 2 inches. rndicate height for conifeioustrees. la-i.nig}m_lEighr fjitr_col_Uetq.Usgg-es_ 1f 6 -gee!_= PLANT rrEtENT: PROPOSED SHRUBS BotanicaL Name ao**ol*urn. Ouantity E:.z-e1 EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Mininun size of shrubs is Square Footaqe c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pLeaseshow tbe number of fixtures and rocatiois on a separatelight,ing plal.- Identify each fixture frorn t.fre filnting planon the lisr belol 11rd provide the wattage, height-abov6 ' grade and type of light proposed OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa}]s, fence s,pools, etc.) please specify. Indi6ate heights <f rwalls. Maximum height of wills wit,hin t_he fr:ont .se3 feet.. I{aximurn hei3ht of wall; el:gwhere on ti e Iris 6 feet. ;wimming:taining :back i.s :operLy D. SUBDIVISION JOB NAME roT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The ]ocation and avairability of utilities, whether they be rnaint5un! 1]r"g or proposed lines, must be approved and verifiea nVthe fo]lowing uLilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6850 or 949-4530 PubIic Service Conpany 9 4 9-5? 8l Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 94 9-58 92 Ted Husky/Michae1 Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-s530 Steve Hiatt. Upper Eagle Val).ey WaLer & Sanitation DistricL * 4'7 6-'t 480 E red Haslee NOTE:This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedufinginstallations. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a completed utility verificationform. 3. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utility representativeshouLd not directly on the utility veriticationform that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelted out.indetail in an attached letter to the town of VaiL.However, please. keep in nind that it is theresponsibility of the utitity company to resolveident.ified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the uttlity companies, and no' conments are made directly on the form, the Townwill presune that there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not. relieve the contract.orof his responsibility to obtain a street cuLpernit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain utility Locations beforediqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement inthe Town of Vail. A buildinq nermit is not. astreet cut permit. A street cut permit must beobt,ained separately. * PLease bring a site plan, fLoor p1an, and eLevations whenobtaining upper", Eagle'.val".J.ey- water ,&.-sanitatrj-on"-signaEures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. VflT.L T UsLIL UUF;I':- Ii ' U: iUill r'Yl i L Lt ..JUit 1L'9/ d:U9 N0.(JUt P,U1 - Otrr edrtultlng lhglh..rrTttE lrrt tr.Dtlc. tv.,, Sqltc lofErgl.eord, eo toltl lt rf;f. lfolan: triEt r -r ffigir;r=3p" ff atrnurry 6, Itg{ i..: RECIIVED , tl ";.,; i J :'lJA ''<,lJi.i: lfa hrr,.- revltl|al ygur, prport rtlitlvs to tlra reglescncnB of, tbePrq9:talrn vrlk undrr etruoturee !-11-lI and l-11-I\J. and oonssr lnyour r3sor[Gndatl-on to tho. town ot? Vall. Plaare notify. !r:d obtaln rFFrovrl tt:otr aur ErnLor talrltrnancrFor.rut|, Hl Bllr, Fatorr conttructloh, v.tfy truly you.rE, n. P. Itostonolr6..rtor, Trintportrtl on RcEl on 3 FS ! cdh o! |1;ton/nerako vtllt lr cpa#€rF/ RtElonrl Darltlf Entlhcaf Ztt'4 I A r ? OCC!6C 'lu t . rnHg