HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOWN OF VAIL BIKE PATH[Tfunrcr,Pn( Art4'rr"1 unpu/ftA ocf,/i/tfirY cErrEL@ltE at Beaign Reuieuv Board ACTIOI{ FOR}4 Department of Comnrunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorada 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 vreb: www. vai lgov.com Project Name: TOV SUNBURST DR BIKE PATtt TREE Project Description: DRBNumber: DRB070650 FINAL APPROVAQL FORTREE REMOVAL OF AppROnMATELy 15 ASPEN TREES (3'{'CAUPER) FOR REAUGNMENT OF BIKE PATH TO ASSIST WN}I STEEP GMDE AND SIGHT DISTANCE PROBLEMS Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 815s7 APPLiCANT TOWN OF VAIL C/O RNANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 Project Address: EAST OF 2049 SUNBURST DR. ON THE BIKE PA LLl09l2007 IL|0912007 Location: Legal Descrlption: Lot: TrA Block: Subdivision; VAIL VALLEY 4TH FIUNG Parcel Number: 2101-102-0100-6 Comments: Motion By: Second By: vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval= 1L10912007 @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commlttee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this Opject shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date / Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te* 970.479.2128 fa* 970.479.2452 web: wm /.vailgov. com General Informationl All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicauon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informaUon is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cruncil and/or the Planning and Environrnental Commlssion. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is. issued and construction commenas within one year of the approval, Descripuon of the Request:ZL^oun- ,-o i-6" *+?t "t Teaa.s Fa tz. Location of the Proposal:Subdivision: PhysicalAddress: €.*sr e-o ot- €t,-e',.+r t-r't /Jsr >s1? Ls4 | Parcef No.: 7 tO I IULO t O O b(Contact Eaglq co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) vIg or U1 o,4 l{ame(s) of Owner(s):-l-lV.u t <tc- V+ re Zoning: Mailing Addrcss: Owner(s) Signature(s): 4 =-&I{ame of Applicant:Gze uc' B,r<zic- fuC- 'Tbiu, C)P U+.. Mailing Address:ttoT Ec=tLt<o.rlt 'T)- U*-r r, 8t L6') Phone: q'b Lr11 231) E-mail Address: afr-f /'ie @ lr+ r L aaiz.d.,^- Fax: Type of Review and Fee: $s0 No Fee $5s0 $300 Plus $1.00 per square foot of btal .For construction of a new building or For an addluon where souare commercial building (includes 250 --$:50- For mlnor changes to bulldings and site imprcvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additiont landscaping, fences retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,. re.roofing, painting, wirdow additions, landscaping, fences retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans alrmdy approved by Planning Staff or Deslgn Review Board. No Fee fl Signs tr Conceptual Review E New ConstructionD Addition Minor Alteration ( multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separdtion Request and and thetr tr Phone: 11e {?q L331 ' r;u'l 08 2007 rebuild. Katsos Path by sunburst Drive, facing east (top) and west (boftom). The path would shift approximately 5' into the hillside. Requires removal of one 'l 0" aspen and fifteen 2-4" aspens. The realignment will double the sight distance and lessen the existing grade from 16% to 1O%. -@ EXISTING EDGE-aFf{H \ -. -- -PRdPoSED E\TH W/ 12'SHOULDER -.-. EXISTING PATH TO PONDS ..\ '/ 4ffi-t;-'z ./\ oc,s--/EXISTING GRADPf6% -?Sd! cd ,.-\" I ..'.{- /- NOTES: PRoPoSEE 6Fnoe to"t" EXISTING CL MDIUS: 50' €r.r- ./ 1. REALIGNMENT WILL REQUIRE REMOVAL OFf-o$ ./',/ oNE 10' ASpEN AND FIFTEEN 2-4' AspEN PROPOSED CL RADU91?5' ... ../ ASPEN GROVE AND WILL BE GENERALLY s3?., uNNorlcED' q C\3AqJ :"?\',ffSISEUii|L?IJE5'J;SiRPilLOVAL SIGHT DISTANCE ISSUES ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE PATH. 3. THIS CURVE CURRENTLY FAILS TO MEETf;3 2-6'ASpEN REooMMENDED sTANDARDS FoR BorHx.J slopE AND stcHT DtsrANcE FoR REcREATtoN PATHS. 10.16'ASPEN .-dd9' -)/-*/ -/ ,/t'/ -esz- 7 T0wru or \iAn DESIGN Rr-'viLW STAFF APPiiOVAI- 2 =9F EEg= sdloFi flel bfl Ecl EI I I I al tFzIJ trJ o&(L J EF I L)z. UI UIF :z 4 I I l*lflot>t< tb? liEE! Eqir l!ts ,G8 GB GB 11BKt7 RPTO15 1"= 10' 10F1 o Planning and Environme t nta ACTIOI{ FON.H Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxi970.479-2452 web: vlww.vailgov,com I Commisson Project Name: TOV GORE VALLEY TRAIL Project Description; Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PEC l{umbers PEC070049 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A FLOODPIAIN MODIRCANON TO REAL]GN APPROX. 4OO' OF THEEXISTING GORE VALLEY TMIL TO ELIMINATE FLOODING CONCERNS AND TO CONSTRUCT MINOR TMIL IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE 1OO YR FLOODPIAIN owNER VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDG07lt7l2OO7 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81557 APPUCANT VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDGo7 | 17 / 2OO7 75 S FRONIAGE RD VAIL co 81657 75 S FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: GORE VALLEYTRAIL Lot: tffi8 Block: 5D Subdivision:-Vaittlitlagt€fitingF+ 2101-064-0000-3 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Kjesbo Kurz 6-0-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/13/2007 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 081L712007 By: SDH Action: AP Applicant shall address concerns regarding the path section nearest the memorial gardens to better accommodate parking by visitors at the gardens and blockage of the path. EnWi OBlL7l200i AP Applicant shall address all areas where sharp and/or blind curves exist; realign all sections as necessary to improve site lines. Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0009331 The Applicant shall address concerns (widen and/or re-align trail sections) / ' 1 ' D regardirE,n"iln section nearest the vatl Memorial p"*ttt"ruccommodate carts parking and blocklng the path. Cond: CON0009332 The Applicant shall address all areas where sharp ard/or blind cr.rrves exist; re.align all section as necessary to lmpro/e site lines. Planner: Scot Hunn PEG Fee Paid: $400.00 DEarttnnt of C ommunity D eaelapment 75 Soath Fronuge Road Vail, Cobrada 81657 970-479-21j8 FAX 970-479-2452 wuuaailgor.com August 17,2OO7 Town of Vail Department of Public Works Aftn: Mr. Gregg Barrie 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: PEC07-0049 Gore Valley Trail Conditional Use Permit and Floodplain Modification Request Gregg, On August 13,2007, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approved File No. PEC07-0049, specifically inclusive of a Conditional Use Permit to construct new areas of paved, non-motorized bicycle paths and pedestrian ways within the Natural Area Preservation (NAP) zone district, generally located within the Katsos Ranch Open Space area, as well as a request for a Floodplain Modification to accommodate and otherwise facilitate re-alignment and construction of certain portions of the Gore Valley Trail within the l0Gyear floodplain for Gore Creek. Discussion by the PEC focused on the following issues: . Members expressed concern regarding ongoing and occasional conflicts created near the Vail Memorial Park (section 13) whereas visitors to the park block the trail with carts/shuttles; members suggested widening and/or re-aligning portions of the trail at this pull off area to avoid any vehicles parking on the trail. . Members encouraged the Applicant to address ALL sections of the trial where alignment and grade result in 'blind" curves; the Commission suggested that each such area be re-aligned slightly to improve lines of site and, therefore, public safety and welfare. Upon making their motion to approve the file, the Commission attached the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant shall address concerns (widen and/or re-align trial sections) regarding the path section nearest the Vail Memorial Park to better accommodate carts parking and blocking the path; $REC|CLED PAPEE I 2.The applicant shall all areas where sharp and/or blind curves exist; re- align all sections necessary to improve site lines. In addition. lwould be if I did not pass along concems expressed by the Town of VailFire Marshall mile markers along the trail; if possible, please ensure that any existing mile markers preserved and/or replaced if necessary during construction. As well, if exist to place new markers along the path (if needed), such actions be encouraged to maintain and enhance public safety, specifically to ensure proper in the future. timely emergency response if necessary along the trail Thank you for your in these matters. Pease contact me at (970) 477-3551 regarding this file, the PEC's actions or the conditionsyou have any further listed above. Resards, sb_ Scot Hunn Senior Planner FileCc: 7 - TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEIUORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 13,2007 A request for a final review of a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to Section 12-8C-3, Conditional Uses, to allow for the repair, replacement and realignment of an existing recreational path, as well as final review of a Floodplain Modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain, to repair and realign certain sections of existing recreational path, located on an unplatted parcel of land directly east of Sunburst Drive (a more complete location description is available at the Town of Vail Department of Community Development). (PEC07-0049) Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Scot Hunn il. SUMMARY The Applicant, Town of Vail, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit; pursuant to Section 12-8C-3, Conditional Uses, to allow for the repair, replacement and realignment of an existing recreational path within unplatted open space, generally located within the Katsos Ranch open space parcel in East Vail, as identified on the Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. As well, the Applicant is requesting approval for a Floodplain Modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading, raising and/or re-alignment of certain sections of the Gore Valley Trial within the 100-year floodplain. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vl of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, the requested Conditional Use Permit and requested Floodplain Modification, subject to the findings noted in Section Vl of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The Applicant, Town of Vail (TOV), is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit as well as a request for approval for Floodplain Modification, to allow for repair, replacement and minor re-alignment of those portions of the Gore Valley Trail (a.k.a. "Katgos Ranch Trail") running through the Katsos Ranch open space parcel. A vicinity map has been attached for reference (Attachment A). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed the proposal and has determined that it conforms to the technical requirements of the Vail Town Code (Attachment H). 7 ilt.BACKGROUND History and Status of Trail Those portions of the Gore Valley Trail running through the Katsos Ranch open space parcel in East Vail were originally constructed in their current alignment during the mid-1980's. The majority of this 2.2 mile segment of trail, generally running along the Gore Creek basin between Sunburst Lane and Bighorn Road, is located within the Natural Area Preservation (NAP) district, as described below (in part): "12-BC-1: PURPOSE: The natural area preservation district is desrgned to provide areas which, because of their environmentally sensitive nature or natural beauty, shall be protected from encroachment by any building or other improvement, other than those lisfed in section 12-8C-2. of this afticle. The natural area preseruation district is intended to ensure that designated lands remain in their natural state, including reclaimed areas, by protecting such areas from development and preseruing open space. The natural area preseruation district includes lands having valuable wildlife habitat, exceptional aesthetic or flood control value, wetlands, rtparian areas and areas with significant environmental constraints. Protecting sensifve natural areas is important for maintaining water quality and aguatic habitat, preserving wildlife habitat, flood control, protecting view corridors, minimizing the risk from hazard areas, and protecting the natural character of Vail which is so vital to the Town's tourist economy. The intent shall not preclude improvement of the natural environment by the removal of noxious weeds, deadfall where necessary to protect public safety or similar compatible improvements." Permitted uses in the NAP zone district include "Nature Preserves'; trails/recreaf,onal paths are listed as conditional uses within the NAP zone district. It should also be noted that certain portions of existing trail are situated within 'Sensitive Natural Habitat" and/or 'Floodplain/Riparian' areas identified on the Hazard and Sensitive Area Map, contained within the Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan. Since initial construction, the path has accommodated ever increasing levels of use by residents and visitors, yet has required ongoing maintenance (patching and overlays). The path is currently in a state of disrepair, due to unstable sub- grades, deteriorating pavement, and occasional flooding of cerlain sections of the path during spring runoff. Further, sections of the trail are located within the 100- year floodplain, and subsequently within areas identified as "Sensitive Natural Habitat" and/or "Floodplain/Riparian". For these reasons, the Town of Vail Public Works Department proposes to make certain improvements to the trail during the Iall of 2OO7. Note: Overview of lmprovements lmprovements shown on plans generated by Marcin Engineering, LLC., dated 7l19ll7 (Attachment C), include grading, drainage and minor re-alignment work, as well as full asphalt paving overlay. Specifically, work will include repair and resurfacing of certain sections of paved trail, re-alignment and raising of others to be more sensitive to the environment (wetlands, existing trees and floodplain areas) and to improve certain areas where steep grades and/or sharply curved sections present practical difficulties and/or safety concerns relative to line of site. As well, plans call for removal of subgrade materials and replacement with new subgrades and geotextile fabric in certain areas prone to flooding and/or poor soils in order to reduce the need for ongoing, cosily maintenance. Conditional Use Required Due to the nature of certain improvements such as re-alignment of approximately 800 linear feet of the path (establishing new areas of paved, non-motorized bicycle paths and pedestrian pathways within the Natural Area preservation district), a Conditional Use Permit approval is required. There are generally two primary sections of trail where re-alignments of trail will occur: A. One area lies within section 4 of the attached plans (sheet 4) - re-alignment of two steep switchbacks where existing average grade of the top switchback exceeds 14%; the lower switchback exceeds 12%. B. The other(s) areas are generally located within section 12 of the attached plans (sheet 8) - re-alignment of approximately 420 linear feet of path along an existing sewer line easement, to include approximately 230 feet proposed to be removed in its entirety from the floodplain.* Re-alignment and/or raising of the trail within section 12 (as shown on th€ attached plan set) requires approval of Floodplain Modifications as this area is generally located within lhe 1oo-year floodplain. Floodplain Modification(s) As well, due to limited grading, raising and/or re-alignment of certain portions of path within the 100-year floodplain, approval for Floodplain Modiflcation is required. These improvements generally occur within Section(s) 3, 7, and 12 as depicted on the attached plan set. Of note is the fact that the Applicant proposes to move approximately 230 linear feet of existing path entirely out of the floodplain in section 12; this improvement coincides with a weilands mitigation project being performed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, allowing for the restoration of over 5000 square feet of historical wefland in an area that is prone to spring time runoff and flooding. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Conditional Use Permit Planninq and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with conditions, or denial of a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Note: tv. V. Title 12, Chapter 8, Article C - NaturalArea Preservation (NAP) District; Section 12-8C-3, Conditional Uses (in part): 12-8C-3: CONDITIONAL USES; The following uses sha// be permifted in the NAP district, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Paved and unpaved, nonmotorized, bicycle paths and pedestrian walkways. And; pursuant to Section 12-16-5, Conditional Use Permils - Planning and Environmental Commission Action (in part): A. POSS/BIE RANGE OF ACTIONS: Within thitty (30) days of the application for a public hearing on a conditional use permit, ihe pitsnfiirn and elnvironmental commission shall act on the application. The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject to such modifications or conditions as rl deems necessaty to accomplish the purposes of this title, or the commission may deny the application. Floodplain Development Permit Planninq and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with conditions, or denial of a Floodplain Modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards - Floodplain Standards (in part): 14-6-6: FLOODPLAIN SIANDARDS: No grading is permitted in the 100-year floodplain without planning and environmental commission approval. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Reoulaiions fiitle 12. Vail Town Code) Chapter 8 - Open Space and Recreational Districts (in part): 12-8C-3: CONDITIONAL USES; The following uses sha// be permitted in the NAP district, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Paved and unpaved, nonmotorized, bicycle paths and pedestrian walkways. Chapter 16 - Conditional Use Permits (in part): Secfion 12-1&1 : Purpose; Limitations ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain drsfncts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended fo assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and suffounding propefties in the Town at large. Uses fisted as conditional uses rn the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as fhe Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses wil/ be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. Ghapter 21 -Hazard Regulations SectiOn 12-21 -10E, HAZARD REGULATIONS, DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED (in part) E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiing to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, to esfab/rsh that the work wilt not adversely affect adjacent propefties, or increase fhe quantity or velocity of flood waters. Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook ffitle 14. Vail Town Code) Chapter 14-6, GRADING STANDARDS (in part) Floodplain Standards; No grading is permitted in the 1l&year floodplain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. lf an applicanf wishes to grade into the l0Gyear ftoodplain, an environmental impact report is required.' The environmental impact repoft shall include impacts to vegetation, riparian areas, appropriate hydraulic engineering calculations to show no increase in water surface profile and velocity, as well as stating that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. No permanent improvements shall be constructed within 1' of the floodplain line. The floodplain line shall be determined by a registered professional land surueyor by plotting the appropriate elevation of the floodplain on a maximum 1"-20' topographic 2' contour map using the adopted Town of Vail flood profiles (the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood lnsurance Study). The topographic suNey shall reveal the method for determining the stafting point and the stafting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A slfe specific study pertormed by a Professional Engineer per FEMA guidelines and approved by the Town of Vail and FEMA may be required. The Applicant has provided written justification (Attachment H) prepared by the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator stating reason why an Environmenlal lmpact Report will not be required for purposes of review and approval of this Floodplain Modification applicalion. Nole: Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan vt.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Gonditional Use Permit Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. Staff believes the proposed conditional use permit is consistent with, or has no impact upon, the development objectives of the Town. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that the proposed conditional use permit will have no effect on the above criterion due to the lack of any negative externalities. Rather, Staff suggests the proposed improvements will have a positive effect by improving an important transportation and recreational facility by improving safety, reducing ongoing maintenance requirements and enhancing the natural environment through reclamation and restoration of wetland habitat. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the proposed improvement will have no effect on automotive traffic, however pedestrian and bicycle traffic facilities (and therefore safety and convenience) are improved. As well, pedestrian, bicycle and Nordic traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal (or grooming) of snow will be improved. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes the proposed conditional use permit will have no negative effect upon the above criterion as the proposed improvements and repair work coincide with existing uses of the site and otherwise further the stated purpose of the Natural Area Preservation zone district. Specifically, and in certain instances, the proposed improvements and repairs will enhance the area by allowing for the reclamation of over 5,000 square feet of wetland areas, creation of more environmentally sensitive trail alignments elsewhere, and the creation of generally improved aesthetics (improved shoulder and asphalt overlay). Floodplain ModificationA. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall consider the followinq criteria when reviewinq an application for a modification to the floodplain: 1, The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. The Applicant is proposing to restore any areas previously disturbed by the existing path to their natural topography and native vegetative cover. In addition, any areas of natural topography and native vegetation* disturbed in order to realign the path or install new drainage culverts will be restored, so there will be no permanent modification to the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain. Additionally, in a report generated by River Restoration.Org,'lnc., dated July 10, 2007, (Attachment G), a finding is made or recommended that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties or measurable increase in the quantity or velocity of flood waters. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. The Applicant is proposing to restore any areas previously disturbed by the existing path to their natural topography and native vegetative cover. In addition, any areas of natural topography and native vegetation* disturbed in order to realign the path or install new drainage cufverts will be restored, so fhere will be no petrnanent modification to the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain Additionally, in a report generated by River Restoration.Org, Inc., dated July 10, 2007, (Attachment G), the finding is made or recommended that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties or measurable increase in the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has determined that this project does not significanlly change the environment and does not require the submittal of an environmental impact repoft pursuant to Section 12-12-2, Applicability, VailTown Code. Generally, most areas proposed to be disturbed to accommodale new alignments and/or revised grades have been previously disturbed and cannot be categorized as natural or native. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before approvinq a floodolain modification: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 3. Note: B. o vil. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent . propefties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Conditional Use The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Section 12-8C-3, Conditional Uses, to allow for the repair, replacement and re-alignment of an existing recreational path for the Gore Valley Trail, and certain improvements thereto as specified in construction plans prepared by Marcin Engineering, LLC, and dated7l19l07. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request; the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the Conditional Use Permit, to allow repair, replacement and re-alignment of cedain poftions of the Gore Creek Trail within Town of Vail open space, and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to construction, the applicant shall comply with the requirements of all applicable local, state, and federal permits and approvals. 2. Prior to construction, the Applicant shall ensure that any and all ,neasures are taken through proper site management and staging coordination (staging, site fencing and access control/signage) as to effectively protect the public's interest and immediate health and wellbeing. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The proposed conditional use permit r.s convsfen{ or has no impact, with the development objectives of the Town. 2. The proposed conditional use permit will have no effect on the above criterion due to the lack of any negative extemalities. 3. The proposed conditional use will have no negative effect upon traffic with pafticular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. 4. The proposed conditional use will have no negative effect upon the charaeter of the area in which the proposed use r.s fo be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunounding uses." Floodplain Modification The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, a Floodplain Modification request, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the minor grading within the 1O0-year floodplain of Gore Creek. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vl of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request; the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: 'The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the Applicants' request for floodplain modifications, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for minor grading within the 1ll-year floodplain of Gore Creek, and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to construction, the Applicant shall comply with the requirements of all applicable local, state, and federal permits and approvals. 2. Prior to construction, the Applicant shall coordinate all grading associafed with this proposal with the Sfafe of Colorado Division of Wildlife to ensure the protection of fish and other aquatic species. 3. Within 30 days of completion of the improvements/modifications within the 100-year floodplain, the Applicant shall obtain Town of Vail approval of an a*built suruey demonstrating that the l0Lyear floodplain was modified in accordance with this approval. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters, based upon the analysis by the Town of V ail Floodpl ain Coord i n ator. 3. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent propefties, based upon the analysis by the Town of Vail F I oo d p I a i n Coord i n ato r. 5. The proposed floodplain modification will not have an atuerse affect on the environment, based upon the analysis by the Town of V ail Floodplain Coordinator. " VIII. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Reguest C. Engineering Drawings D. Site Photographs E. Wetlands Study prepared by Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. G. Opinion of Floodplain lmpacts prepared by River Restoration.Org H. Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator Approvall. Public Notice l0 Attachment A ll Attachment B Memorandum To: Town of Vail Department of Community Development From: Gregg Barrie Town of Vail Department of Public Works RE: Katsos Ranch Trail lmprovements Date: July 16, 2007 lntroduction The Gore Valley Trail through the Katsos Ranch Open Space was originally constructed by Town crews in the mid 1980's. Since then, only minor repairs have been made to the two mile long path, and many sections are in disrepair due to unstable subgrades, deteriorating pavement, and areas that tend to flood during spring runoff. As part of ongoing recreation path maintenance, the Department of Public Works will be making improvements to the Katsos Ranch Trail during the fall of 2007. The improvements include grading, drainage, and minor alignment work, as well as a full asphalt paving overlay. The proposed work requires two approvals from the Planning and Environmental Commission: 1. Approval for Floodplain Modifications for minor grading and paving within the 100 year floodplain 2. A Conditional Use Permit for two minor realignments of the path l. Floodplain Modifications There are three sections of path where it will be required to perform minor grading work in the 1OO-year floodplain based on the best available floodplain mapping from FEMA. A. Section 3 of the Proposed lmprovements (Attachment 1) was constructed through a low lying area with poor subgrade soils. The proposed work includes excavating 18" below the existing path, installing soil stabilization fabric, and placing 18" of stable subgrade material. The asphalt path will be replaced in its existing location and to existing grade. No impacts to the floodplain will be made. B. Section 7 of the Proposed lmprovements (Attachment 2) was constructed through a low lying area with poor subgrade soils. The proposed work includes excavating 18" below the existing path, installing soil stabilization fabric, and placing 24" of stable subgrade material. This will result in a net elevation increase of 6" above the existing grade for a distance of 275 linear feet of path. C. Section 12 of the Proposed lmprovements (Aftachment 3) was constructed through a low lying area. Portions of this section of trail are covered with water at various times throughout the year and lhere are multiple factors influencing the proposed work. The work for this section will require approval for both Floodplain Modiflcation and a Conditional use for realignment. lt is discussed in more detail in Part lll. ll. RealignmentWork There are two proposed realignments of the trail: A. Section 4 of the Proposed lmprovemenb (Attachment 4) shows the realignment of two steep "switchbacks" in the trail. The existing average grade of the top switchback exceeds 14Vo tor over 125 feet, while the steepest section of the lower switchback exceeds 12o/o. ln addition, the radius of the upper switchback is very tight for such a steep hill. This work will significantly improve this difficult and potentially dangerous section of the trail by lessening the upper and lower switchback grades to 8o/o and 12o/o respectively, widening the upper radius to improve sight distance for bikers and the golf carts that cross at this location, and repairing drainage problems that tend to deposii sand and gravel on the path. lmpacts include disturbance to existing native vegetation, however, distr.rrbed areas will be reseeded with native seed mixes and monitored for weed control. B. As noted in Part ll C, the improvements to Section 12 require two approvals. This is discussed in Part lll below. lll. Section 12 lmprovements Background Section 12 of the Proposed lmprovements (Attachment 3) includes grading, realignment, and drainage work along approximately 800 linear feet of the trail in a tow lying area west of the Vail Memorial Park. This section of trail is impacted by a wetland mitigation project constructed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWS). Traditionally, portions of this low lying area were flooded during only the highest spring flows. However, due to the installation of diversion culverts as part of the mitigation project, parts of the path are under water more than once per summer. In addition, ERWS is proposing to construct a boulder weir upstream of the mitigation area in order to divert more water for a longer duration into the area. Additional water will be beneficial to the riparian area, but will have greater impacts to the recreation path. Proposed Work The Department of Public Works proposes to raise the elevation of the path and install drainage structures to allow free flowing drainage throughout the site. In addition, realigning approximately 420 linear feet of path along the existing sewer easement will remove the path entirely from an area that is very difficult to drain, allowing the existing path alignment to be restored to its original riparian condition. Flood p I ai n Mod ifi cation s The work includes raising the elevation of the path approxim ately 2{ for a distance of 75 linear feet. This requires the installation of short retaining walls and railings along each side of the path and a culvert beneath the path to allow free flow of the water inundating the area. Performing this work will spare seven (7) 6-18" healthy lodgepole pine trees. Additional Floodplain Modifications include removal of the existing asphalt and base material (for the proposed realignment) and replacing with topsoil and wetland plant material. Grading to allow free flow of water is also required. Floodplain impacts are discussed in the attached letter. Conditionat lJse - Realignment The realignment of 420 linear feet of path will perform several functions:a. Eliminates the need to raise the elevation of the existing path out of the free flowing water area and the need to install three new culverts.b. Eliminates the major maintenance problem of rebuilding eroded path shouldersc. Protects the path from possible future inundation due to beaver activity in the area. Numerous dams have been constructed across Gore Creek and throughout the wetland mitigation area over the past several years. d. Allows for the restoration of over 5000 square feet of historical wetland. (This will also satisfy a cunent mitigation deficit that requires the Town of Vail to mitigate 500 square feet of wetland that was disturbed near Red Sandstone School as part of the Middle Creek to Red Sandstone Bike Path Construction.)e. Raising the grade of the existing path requires additional square footage, impacting existing riparian vegetation. (i.e. 12" up equals 24 to 36" out on each side)f. Realignment uses existing, previously disturbed sanitary sewer alignmentg. Relocates approximately 230 feet of path out of the 100 year floodplain lV. Project lmpactsr The proposed work does not impact development objectives of the Town of Vailr There is no impact to light, air, distribution of population, utilities, schools, parks or other public facilities. The work does improve an important transportation facility and recreational facility by improving safety, reducing maintenance requirements, and improving the natural environment.o There is no effect upon automotive traffic however pedestrian traffic facilities are improved, There is no impact to control, access, maneuverability, or snow removal activitiesr The proposed work coincides with the existing uses of the site. The work improves the existing recreational opportunities and restores historical natural amenities. o Conditional Use Permit Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 teli 970.479,2L28 f axt 970.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requirlng Planning and Environmental Commission revie must receive approval building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular An application for PlannirE and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or tf|e Design Review Board. Type ofApplicaUon and Fee: d, Conaiuonat Use Permit Ef Floodolain Modificationi Ptinoi Exlerior Alteratontr Major Eftenor Alteration! Development Plantr Amendrnent to a DeveloDment Plantr Zoning Code AmendmentE Variancetr Sign variance tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $f500tr Minor Subdivision $550! Exemption Plat $650tr Minor Amendrnent to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District 96000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $f250 (no erterior modifications) $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 a tfov oo '(.4 location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Addrcss: Zoningl ilame(s) of Owner(s): t'I o;.t^s c* Vr4r t- Mailing Address:15 +. pc.,wan-aL Zo V)+.-C"I it*9'-l Phone: Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant:-Tu.-t.t o+ {+tc- a) a-e'i- .;p }., <- tt- L+-),, o--l.( -> feArPnR/7fEnlc, \\, l-. ll \Y/ l-. i-\- lili JUL 1 6 2007 il llt't ;ubmlttino a u thatT@ttfFtOF VAIL Description of the Requesttll a-+ ^t-r,-,-t r*eex, 4oo' ai Twe extgtr,t,,. c,o az- 6 6ot l(contact Eagle co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 tur parcel no.) Mailing Address:7., .1 ?a q)ct L33) F :\cdelAFORMS\Permits\Planning\PEC\conditiona|-use'l 0-1 8-2006.doc Page I of 5 From: To: Date: Subject: Hl Scott, I understand you will be the planner for the PEC application on the Katsos Blke path, Attached is the draft version of the WeUand letter. I'll get you the signed version when I get back from vacation on August 2, Essentially' this project does not require notlfication ior the corp of engineers and we will simply need to fiollow the regulations of Nationwide Permit 14, which is not a problem. I'll give you a call when I get back so we c:tn discuss further. Thanks, GregS Gregg Banie, ASLA Landscape Architect Town of Vail ph:970-479-2337 faxl 970-479-2L66 email: gbanle@vailgov.om Gregg Banie Scot Hunn 0il23120071:00 PM Katsos Bike Path O ,o*n of Vail July 17,2007 Mr. Crregg Banie Town of Vail, Public Works 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 July 17,2007 SUBJECT:2007 VAIL BIKE PATFI IMPROVENIENTS- BIC HORN ROAD TO VAIL MUNICIPAL COLF COURSE Dear Gregg; Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. has completed locating and evaluating potential wetland concems associated with the proposed improvements to the East Vail bike path from Big Hom Road to the Vail Municipal Golf Course. As you know, you identified areas where you believed there might be wetland areas or waterways near specific work areas. On July 13 and 15,2007, Montane investigated the areas and sequentially flagged the wetland boundaries with "Wetland Delineation" pink flagging. Most of the wetland areas parallel the bike path and are associated with the alluvial aquifer of Gore Creek and augmented by groundwater from the surrounding steep slopes of East Vail. The wetlands are dominated by willow shrubs (Sallr species) with a common understory of cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum), twinberry (Distigea involucrata) and Canada reedgrass (C al amagr o s t is c anadensis). Two wetland areas where culverts will be replaced are associated with tributaries to Gore Creek. They are also dominated by willow shrubs with a slightly wetter understory of chiming bells (Mertensia ciliata) and beaked sedge (Carex utriculata). REGULATORY REQURIEMENTS As you and I discussed, there will be no permanent filling of wetlands associated with the improvements to the bike path. In addition, adequate silt fence and construction fence will be installed and maintained during construction so that no temporary impacts or sediment runoff affects wetland areas. We discussed having a representative of the Town or Montane present when construction occurs near wetlands to ensure the above, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would not be involved in the activities described above because wetlands will not be affected. However, the two culverts within tributaries to Gore Creek that will be replaced or extended will involve temporary impacts and will fall under Corps jurisdiction and the 404 program. As we discussed and consulted with Mark Gilfilan from the Corps, the work to the culverts would fall under the Nationwide Permit program, either Nationwide Permit 3 - Maintenance or Number 14 - Linear Transportation Projects. Regardless of which permit, the repairs and replacement of the culverts and the associated temporary structures or fills required for the repairs are authorized by these permits. In addition, with my understanding of the culvert work, a pre-construction notification will not be required. To reiterate my understanding: riprap will O ,o*n of Vail July 17, 2oo7 not be placed in the waterways; there will not be more than l/10 acre lost; and no flanges will be placed in the waterway, potentially affecting adjacent wetland vegetation. These conditions otherwise trigger the pre-construction notification requirement. I have included copies of the permit summaries and their conditions. It is imperative that the Town ensure its contractors are familiar with the conditions. In addition, I strongly recommend a Town representative monitor the work daily, to affirm compliance with the permit conditions, I will follow this letter with a letter to the Corps describing the work and its compliance with the Nationwide permits. If you have any questions, please contact me at 970468-0450. Sincerely, Anna Higgins MONTANE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS. Ltd. Aftachment D Section 3: Floodplain Modification. Proposed work will result in no grade change to the existing surface of the path. Work includes repairing sub-grade and replacing asphalt. Section 7: Floodplain Modiflcation. Proposed work includes repairing sub-grade, raising the path 6", and replacing asphalt. No floodplain impacts. Section 4: Conditional Use Permit for realignment (above and below): Proposed work will decrease steep grades, widen tight curves and sight distances, and improve drainage. Section 12: Gonditional Use for realignment and Floodplain Modification. Proposed alignment follows existing sanitary sewer alignment through previously disturbed vegetation. Existing path alignment restored to native riparian and wetland conditions. Section 12 continued: Realignmentwill remove path from 100 yearfloodplain, and allow for natural drainage patterns for the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District wetland mitiqation site. Section 12 continued: Existing alignment shall be restored to match surrounding grades and vegetation types including wetland, riparian, and upland species. The realignment will eliminate flooding problems which reduces maintenance of pavement and shouldering due to erosion. Attachment E ffi,flu N4IOINTAI.{E ffit ENVIROI\TN4ItrNTAL soLu'lrtroNs, trrd. Mr. Gregg Bartie Town of Vail, Public \Vorla 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail' colorado 81657 Jury r7,2oo7 SUBJECT:2007 KATSOS RANCH TRATL TMpROVEMENTS Dear Cregg; l Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. has completed locating and evaluating potential wetland concerns associated with the proposed improvements to the East Vail b&e path from Big Horn Road to the Vail Municipal Golf Course. As you know, you identified areas where you believed there might be wetlano areas or waterways near specific work areas. On July 13 and 15,2007, Montane investigated the areas and sequentially flagged the wetland boundaries with "\/etland Delineation" pink flagging. Most of the wetland areas parallel the bike path and are associaced with, the alluvial aquifer of Gore Creek and augmented by groundwater from the surrounding steep slopes of East Vail. The wetlands are dominated by willow shrubs (Salix species) with a common understory of cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum), t'winberry (Distigea involucrata) and Canada reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadznsis) , Two wetland areas where culverts will be replaced are associated with nibutaries to Gore Creek. They are also dominated by willow shrubs with a slightly wefter understory of chiming bells (Mertetxia ciliara) and beaked sedge (Carex utriculata). REGUIATORY REQURIEMENTS As you and I discussed, there will be no perrnanent filling of wetlands associated with the improvements to the bike path. ln addition, adequate silt fence and consrruction fence will be installed and maintained during construction so that no temporary impacts or sediment runoff affects wetland areas. 'We discussed having a representative of the Town or Montane present when construction occurs near wetlands to ensure the above. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would not be involved in the activities described above because wetlands will not be affected. However, the two culverts within tributaries to Gore Creek that will be replaced or extended will involve temporary impacts and will fall und.er Corps jurisdiction and the 404 program. P.o. Bc-'x 281 'SLvenrrloRNL, CTTLCTRADo 80498 . Pr ronr (970) 468 0450. F,qx (970)262-2162 .4 As we discussed and' fall under the Nationwide 14 - Linear TransPortation '1i' , the culverts and the . by-these Permits' ln adi notification will not be tel waterways; there will not .' waterwaY' PotentiallY affec' precoirstnrctionnotificati Town ensure its Town representative mo ' I will fotlow this tetter ' Nationwidb permitsr If t: rSincerelY, I ii j |'- l . li ! I Aftachment F Julv 10.2007 Mr. TomKassmel Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail. CO 81657 (970) 479-223s RE: East Vail 2007 Bike Path Enhancements, Opinion of Floodplain Irnpacts Dear Tom. Proposed Bike Path enhancements in East Vail include grading in the floodplain area. This letter is an opinion of how the proposed modifications may affect the floodplain and compliance with Town of Vail and Federal floodplain development guidelines. TOY: 12-21-10: DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED: (E) The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to modify theflood plain byfill, construction, channelization, Crad@, or other sirnilar changes, to submit for review an environrnental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, to establish that the work will not adversely ffict adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity offlood waters. (Ord. I6(1953) S I: Ord. 12Qe78) S 4) Effective Conditions The feasibility of modifying the Bike Path grade wittrout increasing the Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) has been waluated through l-dimensional step backwater modeling. This analysis is based on a HEC-RAS floodplain model supplied by the Town of Vail. The established floodplain geometry is "Lnported Geom 0lmbjrevised" and the associated "100 Year Discharge" is the steady flow data. An electronic contour map titled 'NewWorkmap.dwg", created Wednesday, March I l, 1998 4:19:42 PM and modified Thursday, June 05, 2003 l:35 12 PM was also provided by the Torvn of Vail. This map represents the locations of River Stations used in the hydraulic model. The map also represents tJre location of the bike path and has contours supported with some spot elevation marks.. The map is reported to be on the 1988 NAVD (TOV personal communications) and on the same elevation datum as the floodplain model. Bridge low chords listed in the map correlated within 0.06 feet of the low chords in the floodplain model, indicating no significant difference between elevation data. A point survey " East Vail Path Survey Base Rev 06-07.dwg" modified *Friday, July 13, 2007 2:54.,33 PM'was also obtained from TOV staff. This survey is the anticipated I of5 o SprinSs. Coiondo 81602. (970) 94?-9568 basemap for the proposed project. The datum correlation ofthis survey with the floodplain model is not exactly known; however data appear to be very close. Data from the "survey'' are included herein for reference only. The project datum and floodplain datum should be rectified prior to finalization of any floodplaia asd6ling. Proposed Conditions Three locatipns have been reviewed for potential floodplain impacts; Section 3, Section 7 and Section 12, as identified by TOV staff. Section 3 Section 3 is between River Station 180 and 181.3, with no net grade change from River Station 180 to approximately 50 feet upstream ofRiver Station 180.5. The bike path is neaf,theleft(south)toeof slo'peatthislocation. A 1.5 inchoverlayisproposedfrom50 feet upstream of River Station I 80.5 to approximately I 85 feet downstrearn of River Station 181.3. The Vail Golf Course Bridge is located adjacent to the middle of the' proposed improvements, represented by River Station 180.8. Overall the proposed modifications at Section 3 (based on the grading assumptions in Table 1) are above the Base Flood Elevations and therefore, would not significantly influence flooding or the floodplain. However, fuver Stations 180.5 and l8l show that the Proposed bike path may be below the Energy Grade (E.G.) Elevation. During a 100- year event, debris on the Bridge or a hydraulic jump downstream of the bridge may result in conditions where the bike path could be submerged. A sensitivity analyses was performed to evaluate a 12 feet wide by 1.5 inch increase in grade throughout Section 3 left floodplain below the elevation ofthe Base Flood Elevation. This analysis resulted in drops of0.03 feet ofbase flood elevation, indicating that some influence on the floodplain may be incited if bike path grades are modified below the elevatioD of the BFE in Table l. The impacts may be minor; however, Conditions at Bike River Sta o Total BFE Survev Model Grade Prpsd Grade E.G. Elev Delta BFE NOTE: 181.3 1840 8268.03 8271.47 8271.50 8271.50 8269.76 0.00 Above the floodolain 181 1840 8265.34 8266.12 8265.50 8265.62 8266.21 0.00 Slightly above BFE, potential submergence, no significant influence 180.9 1840 82&f .80 8265.80 8266.49 8266.62 8265.87 0.00 Above the floodplain 180.8 Bridse Low Chord 8266.66 feet 180.7 1840 8263.60 8265.71 8266.49 8266.62 8265.57 0.00 Above the floodplain 180.5 1840 8263.17 Sgfi4iw 8264.00 8264.00 826i+.06 0.00 Slightly above BFE, potential submergence, no signifi cant influence 180 1840 8260.67 8263.00 8262.00 8262.00 8261.31 0.00 Above the floodplain 2of5 l23.Glenwood Slrihgn, C'obrado 11602. (970) rr4'l-956ii additional analyses would be recommended if the bike path is modified at an elevation below the Base Flood Elevations in Section 3. RS 180.5 suwey data indicated that the improvements may be below the elevation of the BFE. The Cross section was reviewed more indepth and it was found that the bike path alignment is likely Ieft (south) of station 1036 in the cross section. Station I 036 has an effective elevation greater than 8263.5. Therefore, proposed modifications below the BFE at RS 180.5 will be absorbed by the conservative grade assumptions in the effecfive floodplain model. Section 7 Section 7 is between River Station 185 and 187, with a proposed 6 inch increase in grade from approximately 20 feet upstream of RS I 85 to approximately 340 feet downstream of RS 187. The bike path is located on a floodplain bench between the river and the left (south) toe ofslope at this Section 7. A Vail GolfCourse Bridge is located adjacent to the middle of the proposed improvements, represented by River Station 185.8. There is no anticipated grading ofthe bike path bridge approaches. Overall the proposed modifications at Section 7 (based on the grading assumptious in Table 2) are below the Base Flood Elevations; however, River Stations 185.5, 185.7, 185.8 and 186.0 are modeled with ineffective flow areas covering the overbanks. The area defined as ineffective will contain water but have no conveyance (the velocity is assumed to be zero). Therefore, grading modifications in areas submerged by ineffective flow will not have a modeled hydraulic influence on velocity or BFE. However, these ineffective flow areas are not considered permanent and therefore grading that extends above the ineffective flow elevation may have influence on the flood modeling. It should be verified that grading does not extend above the ineffective flow elevations listed in Table 2. River Station 186.5 experiences significant backwater influence from the downsheam golf course bridge constriction. The overbanks at 186.5 are not modeled with ineffective flow; however the modeled cross section effective grade at 186.5 appears conservatively high with an approximate elevation greater than 8287.7 feet for the left overbank. The effective grade at River Station 186.0 is 8286.0 feet, which is 20 feet downstream ofRS 186.5. Assumingthebikepathwillhaveamaximumgrade of5percentatthislocation, the effective grade at RS 186.5 is estimated to be 8287.0 feet and therefore the maximum proposed grade elevation is assumed to be 8287.5 feet. Grade increases to elevations less that 8287.7 feet will not be resolved in the floodway model and therefore will not have an affect on BFE. If the bike path grades extend above 8287.7 feet near RS 186.5 further floodplain modeling should be perfonned. 3 of5 IVE Olenwolld Spings. C'olorado tl60?. (970) t"17-9J6il Conditions at Bike Path Section 7 A sensitivity anal),ises was performed to evaluate a 12 feet wide by 6 inch increase in grade throughout $ection 7 left floodplain below the elevation ofthe Base Flood Elevation. This analysis resulted in no change to the base flood elevation, indicating that the modeled ineff(ctive flow on the floodplain will submerge any bike path grades that are modified belorlv the elevation of the BFE in Table 1. Additional analyses would be recommended if the bike path is modified at an elevation above the BasdFlood Elevations in Section 7. Section 12 The bike path is lqcated on a floodplain bench between the river and the left (south) toe of slope at this Se{tion 12. Circle K Park Bridge is located adjacent to Section 12 modification. Section 12 is between River Station 192 arrd 195, with a proposed 24 inch increase in grade, 14 feet wide, from approximately 40 feet downsteam of RS 193 to approximately l0 feet upstream of RS 193. A realignment of the Bike Path from approximately 50 fleet downstream of RS 192 to approximately 180 feet upsfeam of RS 192. Also propos0d from 50 feet downstream ofRS 194 to the soutl abutrnent ofthe Bridge is removing and replacing asphalt, but the final grades will match existing grades. Overall the propo$ed modifications at Section 12 (based on the grading assumptions in Table 3) are belo* the Ineffective Flow Elevations. River Stations 192 through 195 are all modeled with ineffective flow areas covering the left (south) overbank. The area def,rned as ineffecfive will contain water but have no conveyance (the velocity is assumed to be zero). Therbfore, grading modifications in areas submerged by ineffective flow will not have a modeled hydraulic influence on velocity or BFE. However, these ineffective flow areas are not considered permanent and therefore grading that extends above the ineffect[ve flow elevation may have influence on the flood modeling. It should be verified that grbding does not extend above the ineffective flow elevations listed in Table 3. Elevated toe of slope above BFE Elevated toe of slope above BFE 4 of5 l23.Gleni!o!rd Sprirls. Lolo'ado :it6l]2. (970) t4?-9J6.3 Summary The floodplail model appears to have built in assumptions that are conservative for predicting flooding. These assumptions include the use of ineffective flow and effective model grades that are apparently higher than actual existing grades. It is my opinion that the proposed grades, if constructed as disclosed herein, would not be resolved by the effective floodplain model and therefore not change the Base Flood Elevations on Gore Creek. We me available to develop a proposed conditions IIEC-RAS model for your records. It should be noted that the floodplain model (although conservative for flooding) does not appear to be precise and may not represent actual flooding conditions. This cursory analysis shows that the floodplain model may likely be adjusted with the proposed conditions to show no increase in BFE and no need for the CLOMR/LOMR process. However, under the condition that NFIP insured structures exist in the floodplain adjacent to the proposed modifications, detailed analysis is recommended including development of an existing conditions model to base the affects of the proposed conditions upon. Please contact me with any questions or comrnents. Respectfully, RT\iERRESTORATION.ORG. LLC. 'A,41 Jason Carey, P.E. Principal able 3.Conditions at Bike Path Section 12 River Sta o Total BFE Survey Model Grade Prpsd Grade E.G. Elev Delta BFE NOTE: 195 1670 8337.65 N/A N/A N/A 8338.55 0.00 lneffective flow to 8340.25 ft 194.9 1670 8337.33 8337.85 8338.00 8338.00 8337.99 0.00 lneffective flow to 8340ft 194.8 Bridge 8342.10 (center of Br. Low Chord) 194.7 1670 8337.16 8337.79 8336.00 8336.00 8337.88 0.00 lneffective flow to 8340ft 194.5 1670 8336.73 8336.28 8336.00 8336.00 8337.41 0.00 Ineffective flow to 8338ft 194 1670 8335.73 8335.58 8335.10 8335.10 8336.60 0.00 Ineffective flow to 8340ft 193 1670 8328.83 8327.76 8328.00 8330.00 8329.47 0.00 Inefiective flow to 8332ft 192 1670 8322.28 8322.30 8322.00 8322.OO 8323.12 0.00 Ineffec{ive flow to 8325ft 5 of 5 Attachment G To: Scot Hunn, Planner Department of Community Development From: Tom Kassmel, P.E, Town of Vall Engineer / Floodplaln Coordinator RE: Katsos Ranch Trail lmprovemonts proJect Date: July 16, 2007 Pursuant to section 12-12€ (A) and (c) of the Town of vail code, the Katsos Ranch rrail lmprcvements Projeot will not require an Envirohmental lmpact Report (ElR) for the following reasons: r2'1L3: An etrvtronmental imtrtact report shall rct be rcryircdfor thefollowingprojects: A. Alteration, repair and matntenance of uisting struchrres @td lite imprwements. The lGtsos Ranch portlon of the Gore Valley Trall was origlnally constructed In the mid 1980's. The proposed urork would be considered alteralion, repair and maintenance work to the existing recrea0on palh. C. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary erwironrtennl assessmmt coveing each ofthefacnrs prescribed in Section 12-12-2 ofthis ChapUr isfound to have ai insig4ficant impact on the enironment. The preliminary erwironmentctl assessment and thefi.nding on envirotmtental impact shall be nwde by the Adninistator, : Through a preliminary environmental assessment of the items in secilon 12-12-2,lhe Administrator has found that thls project will have insignificanl lmpact on ltems A, B, D, E, M, N, and O. The remalnlng items, excepling lbm C; are not applicable to this project. llem C, wirlch relates to altering or remoVing native grasses, lrees, shrubs, or other vegetatlve cover, is addressed as follows: The realignment of Sectlon 4 impacts native vegetation, hor'vever only lo a minimal extent, In addiUon, existlng pavement will be removed and the area reseoded using a native seed mix. The amount of paved surface increases insignificantly, The realignment of Sectlon 12 impacb a previously disturbed sanitary.sewer easement, but replaces exisiing asphall wilh a weiland restoration, In addition, after reviewlng the hydraulic report for the alterallons, lt is my opinion that th€ conslruction of this project will not adversely affect adlacent properties or increase the quantity or veloclty of fl oodwaters, Sincerely,*Ir, (r*-Sl= Tom Kassmel Town of Vail Engineer / Floodplain Coordinator IV. ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTANALYSIS f n accordance with Chapter 12-21-10, Town of Vail Code, staff and the project consultant have completed an environmental impact analysis. The following criteria have been evaluated for impacts from this proposal: 1. Hydrologic conditions, guch as surface drainage and watershed characteristics, ground water and soil permeability characteristics, natural water features and characteristics, and any potential changes or impac{s. A floodplain impact analysis has been prepared by Hydrosphere for any regrading work in the floodplain. The floodplain study (attached) concludes floodplain elevations along Gore Creek will not be adversely impacted by the proposal. 2. Atmospheric conditions, such as airshed characteristics, potential emissions, and any potential changes or impacts. This proposal will not impact any atmospheric conditions in the area of Vail Mllage. 3. Geologic conditions, such as land forms, slope, soil characteristics, potential hazards, and any potential changes or impacts. This proposal is not located in any of the Town's identified geologically hazardous areas. Only minor grading will occur with several sections of short boulder walls. No signiflcant changes to existing landforms are proposed. 4. Biotic conditions, such as vegetative characteristics, wildlife habitats, and any potential changes or impacts. The vegetation along the path is a mixture of native riparian habitat, native facultative upland, and previously disturbed utility easements. The minor path realignments will impact some native vegetation, but mostly previously disturbed areas. However, any impacts will also resull in the removal of asphalt from similar sized areas. These areas will be reseeded with native seed mixes and monitored for weed control. Therefore, the result of the realignments will be no net increase in paved area. ln addition, a 420 linear foot section of path will be replanted as native riparian area. Because the use of the area does not change, there will be no impacts to wildlife habitats. 5. Other environmental conditions, such as noise levets and odor characteristics, and any potential changes or impacts. With the exception of construction activities, the proposed improvements to the recreation path system will have no impact on existing noise levels or odor characteristics. 6. Visual conditions, such as views and scenic values, and any potential changes, impacts, or marked contrasts. The Katsos Ranch Open Space is Vail's largest open space parcel. The recreation path that runs through the property has little impact on the visual conditions. ln contrast, the path creates opportunities for users to enjoy the surrounding mountain views and scenery. The proposed improvements to the path will only enhance those opportunities. 7. Land use conditions, such as characteristics uses, compatibili$with officially approved land use and open space policies and objectives, and potential changes or impacts. The Katsos Ranch Open Space has long been established as an area for recreational uses. lmprovements to the path system will not alter the existing land use and are fully compatible with the Natural Area Preservation District zoning. 8. Circulation and transportation conditions, such as volumes and traffic flow pafterns, transit service needs, alternative transit systems, and potential changes or impacts. lmprovements to the path will improve existing pedestrian, bicycle, and other non motorized transportation routes. 9. Population characteristics, such as residential densities, neighborhood patterns, potential displacement of residents or businesses, and potential changes or impacts. This proposal will not impact or displace any of the existing densities, residents or businesses within Vail. Attachment C f-CONSTRUCTION PLANSEAST VAIL BIKE PATH RECONSTRUCTIONEAGLE COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADOJULY, 2OO7 GENETAL NOTES L &!... - -5i b a !|-..ta '-, n*. -.+- - -a rrar r -ra r. r. -i hr t. tila -i--lb-d-ari- .Eb---- - -ar- | -a tr -- -r *r + -- -' d. i! b rihri -r -.r.-\ - tr* - - a ai!5 -t -.ElFr-.r4ri-'-i,..-.--*!.--i r-br-.-E.r- *. 4'a a-r a r| !- a r.- -a ri-. - n -r r Frr - tr- -rx tr | - t .-rla - -rc -- -a r.-r -a |..ata r -r- d t J rrdh *., -*|' r. t*--. d-r l b i (l}rrj lr rb .a - nt .., , r. afr,r. t-. - i F 'Eh--b.Eb- odrh, li ir b rr: -a rl|. {. - -a t L..tu -. Fr5. -it t r. trn.. t cr* | q.L - r -.--r,.t{.a a rtr n'. 0-$..|. -!r.r * b h. t- J r, -a r. r-l.p. L G-r*r ur r t -rrtain I |'. rr.f.r c r. et-. - bl'- r.r r-.r. *..aib |l G r r5-r rr rld.r. d r. -r..... ) r ri?r|. F *qif*.r-ahd || t !-- a ,r.a tar b l...a-.a .a a F b hF..t.r.E - *a I t r. -!.. rn t -rt-. --.-, rr. - ari- ra ara arF.r -|..-+ b o.E d D - '+.r-- t -r'E - --i - -r da.' n-'t -..8}rl-.-d-|'m'-'-*. rr lrFl .. --r-.I-l-.'--r.d b r.r..r- D.-r.- rEai|l.-t : alf-.arE.-r..Eq. rr-#r--E , rr ard - | -{ r. -r'-l -rb l|. tai-ta -, b irts H &ts r.-gt -ffi.s -.-a arai.-r - -a.r- air-*--ra rr- r-- Fl x €.*r,-. .. |. r...t-.. - rq-- ra +t - r-.. d - h -. -rt r..Irrr !-. r-r-btbt*-dtd. rFa r*.||i.a r 5 rb d- - b*r.'-.q.4 - i Fr--.-E a-r -r.ra rr tr- G5 b ir - b F, dl d a!.. ...- - r. - r b r- aa-. r.t -a - - a r--t-!'-'.-----h: E -fl-r.aoH a-fr-tbrdi-bI*. rrr- -rr. t r.adr.Fatta-r. ,d -a. r -a ig.. : ar i !-ra, - a5r-. a D O' - m rr!. s-tt r.t n rr b|- irtr Fa r-r{ - r arr r5 ad4 -l-a t,|i lr bt d b '-.. lr..|l... i r.-- -..+r.r.. t c... b -rt rFi - i r - I h i h a-d. a rcJ. t aar.Hi, ral at- ''......|-t ra orr - m fa b - -rrr rart ir.r L r, L l* I ti-4. ad....r-t r-r d i...t-r.. .|l t h,$.tr tc|ll. ra rr*..| t t-,vir |a rt 4 SHEET INDEX t 1 J 1 5 6 7 EI 10ll 12't5 1+ r5 't6 17tal9 @!ER SI{EET IRAFF|C @NIROL AND STAONG SIIEETgrE PL N Sr .'t+00 TO t2+OO EtE PLAN SrA, 12+00 tO 29+00gtE PLAN St.29+00 TO /t5+5O s|lE PL N STA.45+50 TO 64+50 crE FLAN ST.64+50 TO at+50slE PL N STA,61+50 lD 9E+50 NlE PLAN STA 9E+50 TO ET{D PL N Ar'rD PRoF .! ST . 7+50 tO 13+25 PL N AND PRoFtt.E STA. 13+OO rO tE+75 PtAt{ A}lD PRoHtr ST . lE+50 rO 21+ PtA{ AND PRoflLr STA. 2E+5O TO 3,++50 PtAt{ Ar{t FROFI.! ST " /+l +@ TO 46+75 PL N Ar$ PRoFll,.E STA- ia6+5o 1I) 52+5 PLAN Ar{' PROF[,.E ST . 5J+25 10 59+25PLltl ArD PRoFlt.E SI . E2+5O 1r) 6A+50 PL N AID PR0F[..8 St . 6a+25 TO 9,++25 OETAT.S STIEEI UTILITY CONTACTS' nr a t- Sr G-. nr rt' -d a-br lbll tda ll-b (ato! 4t-t5 E t€ (lrr o- aflt .||l $*| OtO) aat-gt3 rdi- (Ortrra.l 0ft.L.0...1. tdLb r-t (ato l'.-6 - (aa lrr) .|' trF (lt!) E ao BID ITEM OUANT|T|EA CONAULTANT CONTACTE| rt*r E!*r-lra, Ur. tr rdlh rq ?ts (c'la t rri-) (rto taa-dt k!5 ardr-rtr uA lt !.nr, a3 (?rrFr rr.t ) Otq laa-lE tlr a'ri, !-r .t lt Oto) ata-!!at ) IJsos3^6 rr ffiis $Zx4A986 Inq8 Az t: b'66Ir zo Fo 2e<ohd6Ilft o fi6H q Egt 8 6f t jo in rrr 6#0_, td It5! d .E ffi' o E 7^ltxm SHEET 1i a - ottouR naFoi|Allofl 0.r6w s.cdon lrFir F.tn w't 06r rd r.c..rA 7,5d S&,br 1-a glrb{tnl tn / Va v.Ly 0i dlru ^a 2 B ?.75O S.dcr.t $!t-r |. / vta v.a.y lL. tv! 16 3 c ,,A s..aqr l.l, s{o.lrrt / vav.ly 0r ttE a6r a c 7,w s..a.r! r+11oiaY ad.l0y! aa 4 (a dt'lr&r e. tqn .El .nd or 0.6l @lbdlslcIlrdir$-lqilsO.buA 7,t0C i..l ml-D.b|FA+A 1.t50 l,3 6r.. o.r..na. ar c ll.llxl 3,0 6LD-cC 6& r.6r{q llo€for n c..| v{.y tur. K.rs R..!tt S.dh! rr-- D-irR4r ^rv\.t ctrtll(F.rEcb@ ffi eo,.'r s"e'ut- tE Actr. r.br. fhd [E| E !.ft P.d -Li :.rl eL*-rw./-\\-=-,--y' ACCESS 3 ASPEN I..AI{E Chaln llnk fenc6 dosuta on north end of bddge r5quired tatH stcltot tNtoit ^ror{ 949!.--L!!d a 'll5g3 t00 5 agl' a 6tt t&FI ,t2f' 'n fc,12 110013 .r2t ------qY) ;-- tf,:42't[ I' t z.J'e*'*" ./ t' / I AccEss2 Lti::li"Hfu i*3:{' tFI#,r}'**-*'* lh+ffiift" I J- | \/f O oEircx ^ND dcNrc plp NotEs: Ttumc coNrRot NotEs In / 1. LOCAIIOIISAREAPPRo)(M TED, rolriAloc^tld.s 1, qoll^cE A|-ol'i6 ThE DEIOUR RoUIE lif/lll BE FRO\4Oe !YI{E Tolllil OF VAI BVt I TO 6E flELD S'IAXED BY OWNERS FEPFESENIAiIVE PLAC€O A{D MAINTAT{ED BY THE CONTFrcrcR NOTIFY OW{ER IMMEDT 'EIY OF Ioav 6€0 oR rrssrNo srcNt IZ AFIrGGER6IULLIAS'AIIOIEDATEICTIEI{DOFTHEd.OSEDPoRNONOFTHEPATH I TO O|Reot POErtrUt US€RS rO IHE DEftIUC I. ffiffiffffiffiFlqffiffi$Tffi*ffi.frn:s*:ffi | AccEss l ' l SUNBURST DRIVE a. ac}iA,| urqFENcE !m!L B€ rJsEoroclosEoGFrfiE pEDEstRAN ldDoEg^r I All constructon Traffc for s€ctions ^ccEss 2 aNo accrlls s. FENCE sHA!! EE Pr-acEo or{ TNE r'roRtH sroc oF rhE I 1 thru 13 must access fom here. BalDGe I Flasser roqulred dudns wort< hours. " Wffi',i$E:i,fff"?g;:g#ff#ffff*:&iffiH#- | ff* rE pRovtoGoFfi sroMGE oF *t * ",',=,n"u.*-** ^** | "ffffiSffi::ffi:ffi;-*:J I\o ,Hff*J*tr:#ffi;"*"- |*-:--R*,,,- ,H;::::ff#;:X;tr"J I N}\ 5ffi?'r"ffiy#'r#lH"i#ffiii*l*ffifll"DLocanoNA'D I\ \\ \\+L- \- t olsru*.^rrcE $ncH Rc: \ \ \\ -\--.=,!* \ : -ffiffi3$i""ffi"1t#ffi^FG !r l,'r BE ArowEo I:l ',H#ffi'-^*N){,, ;- auE'l--l7 ,^\(a= = :Hf;qlfii 9=2< Ht Ps =aHOie rd 3n HI3r GB GB TO 7l19tO7 RPTOIS 1'= 250' 2 rgalo l:rZ mnn ,t|o ittuaE lEPHrtl SttE FAIF ffi asn c AsPnAlT ErG PArx s nre r.5' ^s?r|al o\EuY IJ6os #16 x:g q 6H8 p nq8 AZ t: b06ir 2 ctraTlalNt I \-- co@r rE r./ rnxI lEPflESAI T!/E (ia P Eflrl zo F() 2&<oJZOG OO 3 e f;E0- tr -f.- O AHE f <-A E [J o td<z Y,> 86J Li*iffi Notts cEfr|c :Dc r -...\ r. 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COflR grn $ iEpo|!ff fn |r|rr €tEt iF c nfiJc sf,Ers r€t€stTAlEo EY H3 tcm B ot sIE , ,"t ' ,-"' ,"' 't' " - q, "Wr?Eiii;:+E+74'€t;';t:::ti;::rtz;z;*?7jlZ7Z::"::---'-'---:i: iii//i=ffi.;i:;e:'=;=;#:ji//:=.-.:.i€/j/t/t//z4rw;+:Ftiji?a:::,ffi PRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OJJqo3z-ar frli: $ =enE InqB iz t: b)66x. 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Pi8Elrlo| 0 RESFCaSE PRocE|.nes Pnoi To rclMTGs ^r rH€ PRq:cl $lE 7. StfEly [l ltc iE9qrsfiy f 1l€ conRAc|n rf o;r€R tfo orcsEEn aE ror iEsProfgI tm rurEtt fi, or c rgur tlG Fiotgr srE, tn Fon cofurl{cE EY r€ ,r?nes^lE FIRIY lrr| rxY€qtaro{s i€ranc rlERgTo xrorptT -59-:.fr -€aorc Aro il'|^rE lrflr.l - 2lrt (R6 SjFE - rOV RE iSEXIAI! TNP ON'ER I! DE|Enit€ |F Amrro.x- sAsEcotonslt rs iEqrED (T!") qJE ro a.Fr ofi REr is6 sTA 5a+t7r0 - sit^ 5a+8e.!a SECTION PnEstftE rro FlOleTS|rF r[GEl (TIPI FCa iaao\€ ao itt.^tE aStHtLT SrA Jl+50 - SAm.frro tt{tRln€D sEA rstHAT AT fiII!.5 rs?Httlosr Y cn") t:e -:--:-*-;::tt7t IDIISI RT OI 5Irlrror (rtP)7{ - - -, - - - :..;SqgeE e,6*;-: -i. 4fi .s.. - - - r 7 1 - - : :- - 7--::., :.. :.. 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I98q xEqE i7 t; b'o6v.> 'JecrroN z1 \ fiSTAl. J ruEEru$|c rA[ (TrF]iFfiesanT l|lc tl€ aftr.EER toEtrrrrIFrD|l0{aa$coorn|ra E nEq,re (nP) Pff-ruN s clgr d.Ast 2 EasE cq.JE f/@tExnI Fttc ecn t€ DifgDor c rf @rEcrractl otclF - Ftt|L PArH oIY ll(nE U. E d IAO'E EEfi{C nro€ 0rF) zo tro 2i<oJZOc oo? ()<j 6 P50- tr -i,., Q tEE J<6 Et:o U<zY> 8dJ Fn rEnl|c t cRADtftc ct|'|cet ,--,P-'-l<-. -':-' cor$ruc||o| srrG|6 ra cor grcf or s0rlH s f PArx ::TEa sra 5A+00 t o 6r+00 As onEclEo 0Y 10r, iEFnElgrT rn€ (TrP) _ _ _:.-.:_ _ _ ..-___==:;l=9.=E I|sTllI f{' AIDER NSTAi|.Eraus sl^ t6+21 to lc+s FE IHE otit3t[r f n€ rDvRlFEfI nlE (trP) taotEst. foG @ sl^rnfiG Fm |s?l|ll? mva Afa nFuaaF{r B at'lma rE|gru& IOCAIX S n't E |lEtrrFE fl ll€ fE 0 A! TW RaPiESOltAIl\E aotE Ato @t cEz Elslrlc 6^= liE IxE iG P^fi rE|a Eolttp AS iElo!! .f*l Et^€e s!4L AS LT --rit-!of sporE EyrrlJarE ty Itc ln (r vrr rJ D: E|cfa. cllatxtcm tla.|' Eicorm{ BASA UF(t. nrqrEsr. r!l{ f BrE oomsE op REPTR StA lt+!O-[+70. !. coBrnrgltot c t)€ ffirE Efgr/Eral|!' sHxJ. E ccr€lE flo Esr ro€A$ OOB I1' 'lElENG fllEfiIY ' I}€ FROTEEIIS.€^sr mH Io tlesERlE r'lEfiTY t rl€ P*o'q-*s Rano,. '$D lltt 'E m a$f-E$-Q - -'1 ){ alFr&rc crrr srltr ! !a-2r AsprarE oorcrErE plriro $rar E g B lf tr tspr^Lr rlr rsfl|lt (llrr) \'IIX A 7l Cllltlol rI ffiL l$llAllE ? lrlc $A|- G ?d Hor SP€CnC mB P Ir{ O,ER l|€ EA'nF - ---:><'--5. odrii ""c E iEsFora! rG o rr qr^,*c c r.'rc slrrErs *EcEssrr rE at HB-"ilHtf 7 {rj'?fu3. C.|llircla E i€SpOBI Fff olfr C|Il}lllc G tLf,lc snEIS |IEaEET IED aY oFilnED S€lI AStHAt I ' t'.-"1-lfs rgmtEs Ot arE Ar .C|l / -. -z-t-- , a DE COanAfln S,U[ T LE ALL lFm(fft rE PiEc{,l|.}{s lO SCllflCAtltY GUICt I -z' t' ,xfr FolElflfll pu.urrca cdJsED ty t|3 tSntnEa n€ cc{lR cls $ar r$l€ I u/-' ,/zEonrE ?icif,fts fu HAI,|G porEfrra p(luttr,{|l ^|o HAIE FatFE lEr I * / t'./Apn*ofr'rrroiE'0i!*pRo.EuxesF'm.*yP^t*T1.T.__ E\BS | :j;kffit glErv tc DG rEsad!ffy c r€ coflr^glu. nG oiER rao 6rcrH riE Y.lE- I -"t't€r igFOfSEI Fn 3raETt ll{ C.6 nr |}C PiOECtglE LC FtR C0rtxr€ !!lIU I -' .'/w nr rprirrorn prarv g ly n€dr^ro{s ialtlta Eiso. ?\-? f ..||tfuat"a l'' r'..'B- ;\: . //,'ol ::_:__:_:_:_-l;:_.-11=_n:l=::;l=-:_-=iJ__r::_:::::_-:: ;,<72:-;'z l//\-=-- B€Gtl iEIOIE 'IIO REPII'E AsPr{ll? sI E2+1, -3 XUr 'lO tfRmE SEIL SrflrlT Ar .ff SECTION 9 G$E ltu( ri.Ft AT Ztrv (nP)tx rrrfs rounur t r€crr (TrPl 60 FATotE Af5 f,CruCE A!|fiALT SitA 6,1+20 - s IlJl lSPtUll AT ,n)|T - lftr[D -a ,mT s ftut Etor,E ^to P rot B 0tA$Httl ls olnlgrE ar rw EiElExrAtnE - Efa t0+25 ro t{3TAt 29.7 |' r rf 8F€cu,lGntcaatvfas r{V ||-aloltr qrf-GDl.o IJqo$4^6 { ffEg B 6H6 p nqE {z L: b,065r V,?i";| ro,to',r. rilo nenrcs rsnrrr rc prnr W asrrrc rsnelr er<e prn f raem r.f, ^str{lLt ol,riraY s *ut, RttotE A9 PAfi amx ISP|{AT A3 ffiCIE IY IOY @ngElaT mf - sta a.r+zt E ..----,-_:.-_---.-- s^rcuL aol/E ^lto fatEH lacr ASP'UIT AS DNECTE IY TDV,---- L-'- iFREIllTAtl\E - StA. a4+2it lOn- -.+' r'- ---"L- H. -3'ul!!c-C+L!!lg-u! i.+.'-t:H, N.-.. SECTION IO zo F(, 2'E<o d 68 3 efrE0- tr -l.. o AHE I <-fi F a: o td<zY> 8dJ SAElL iOaOtE AA P lDl 3|cx ASPEltl A3 0nEfiED 9V tov REFAEITAIII/C - 3tA G.t+25 lO 7t+50 - PAIC{|{C $t{M FA UUT Fnc€s istltFtcD f{ lt€ sc}tou.€ 0F Y|uJES (TTP} s rcuT, IIEYE t o P lEt Btcr A9fiAtt AS ffiCttD Br toi/ @fi€lorT^tn€ - sta 6,f+25 lo7t+!o - P IIfiftac '{rJ- t FE Url Pnces DotmED fi Tf sct*lt tE oa' YruEs firP) 66+O rrp 70+o ^s *qED ry mr/ rtPcF|T nE (l]P) sG n€rdE tlo @tLt l$HAl ar sra tr+q s F|JT llo l}xmE SECTION 11 ff IHE G€orEOi||c[ aFfa ('?) ^*|J.tT"^n (fr)..?/ r,r- --' --/l. IUC IED Slall(lrlc Fll ^!?tl|fT E AL tal @urcsfl E rtfimAfe lglull L* lBG rllE EnrEO t{ tlc fED EY tot' il|lgar |nlE z En'|t6 llsE rrG llC re t^llr rtE 3 E{|rED ts trr€ l,o @ta(E $aL e evluJArED lY DC rn c vrt lto ll€ a|c|:!l, cofirrgn $rl! @drn lttE lpq nlq.Est J. C0asti,ctut c nc oe|clE fror/EDflg $rq r corl,gGD rifl Fs ro E ltT r ffi ro tlElEi\,E lfllEflW r lr€ i,RO,EFaI3 4. ASPHILI|C CCIE{' s}tAt BE 5l-2a AlPH{.l|C COTCEI€ PAt C E{r[ E Si l[ r|l| A 7g G',li llfi{rx 0E3c{. asfHtttE P u}aa sru& E Pa c-00T rFEcflc roae n ca:{tR gTR ts RtsPoEd.E F[ Dlt Y otrrlc r FUuc sltEEls ]tralssl ltD ar s lSnulE c{ttE PRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION oJJoo$Z-A +Co* I u:E I93q inoB i2 n; b!o6u> -x ---a --,.' ffi-Enng--- - - --- - ,--_-t -.d' ./ ,rr' jgjlqv ---< ngnE ^ro cpc ts||F AspHrLr p^tr ttor .{R !5!f- --s !4+!O 10 SrA glEo-1!'uCE TIfIFSC-r-r' "a> ,altD RESED V AltC HX - EIirFtXC^VAIEDt=-* cR D€S 10 FnOl,EE /-r, _-:27-f^i;-:-/ '.. E- L \. ,6rsr oqnrc rc pnn ro,,'i l'" * { " rllcll5lt sl|Ori - EPura/r|5o*:-i-,T{ryryrggrt zo F(,,^) 2E<oJZO 0_ oo2 Q<j 6 H5IL tr.IE 3 iUA F OJ oU<zY> 8dJ . l-, *. Y\ "?aq:, I',' ,F' nsolE ^rD d*i6€grsn|q rf c|lP - orvEir\ Gt") rFtar l|5 mo nr rtR AELi J5 t.F 0F tl: tsE cu.Er a ot I rn v tEs - r|ts{ ,x r}r|Ilr r' f co/ER Ortn CLttEnr - CffiaAlE i6TlLlJ|l|(rlrt To;t 6 vtt fEteErr ftt R€ruOa E!5 lO AXE P ltl rD AJCraE(f SFta - sPtrI T||O PICII EGT FG mlE ^rO OEPoS€fts|rc c|l.tcRt (TlP' f6tan- tf! Fg.D Fr ArfiflalttY gt rF G tf tc€ crf,iEFt c ol : lfa r/ ;ES - {rI{tA rn rx r'r CO|fn i€ q rfo FrE-o F|T (, AP?ldAlEY 20.6 tF F 12' Cf C|JwBr:i C O,5 : )- coEn- oYER o.[,!,Br'- ca6^rEl|slr4alcru|lt TIt*t tr Yr( /.'-- - *_ -_lelesar^r|rE*_{ t. idc rE stalt('*|o Fs AitHAt Fanoran- llo tEPLAcap{r rl rP?io[arE AcruAL roc ]rc{s f,J.u ba,fflnED t 1l€ tEo BY E!, itFfiBpfTAmE 2 ffir o BAEt $r(t lt* tc p Dt r|E s ffilirED As tlltolE lr5 ttmcE sflIr - €valJAED aYnG m*t f %IL r!{o r€ Ex(s5Ei. c(tlR^crff $u[ itcdillna g^s€ upar FEQtlgt 5. ColtlirCtrOt G llc FrstD ifiotE6frs gt ur - cctrED tu rE$ l! E sr r ffi lo PigfRtE [{lEcnl.r r r€ t*iola,o|ls + Astfiltt|c s|l i .Ir !t-2i lsP arc co|cf,ErE P tl.csHArrg5rfl t! GilR IElm Hol Asp|larc PAti|G $tAI E PCR c-ooT st€qflc llo8 I co{tiactn E nEroGl.E Fn olty cttNfrc E Fr!.tc $nE|s il€cEsrl rE Ef, lG lclltflEl olstE L Il€ co|lRlgln 9|ar rl(E a! |PtneftArE tEt u|roE 10 90fEt fly iErc€ lttY PolEf|l LFcllr crrrstt ty ]t6 Aglt'tl:3 rc ocflt c|m c{al HAIE EarnEo FiocElfEs Fm t||f['.lGpolEan[ PouJrrtt{Ts lfo F^rE rE{tnEo sPir PnElgar(tr ^|- iEe0a{s6 PRomlR€s Pnc !0 lcrlflE3 AT T€ PNCECI TIE Z S 'EIY 13 n€ nDg('.gltY F llf COI|RAC'In. l E otr|l'|;R r.o $(TEIR riE ror iEEPO€A.E fln safEly R, ot fl radrt lt* Picfct slE roi Rn colua{c€ 8Y r|€ rF?f,o?fiAtE Priw flH xtYEqrarn6 tE^t||c n:nflo' SECTION 13 EGn mrE lm iFLraE NPHAllst^ rr+s - sarcul llo ftrrcoglL AStt fr AT ,0fI- PFIELIMINARYFOR CONSTRUCTION SCILE : (ftrri)lbt- ro t! t!cElto'ffirelrlr- ^xD RtPLrcE ^sPHrLr anr P^lx ffi reruc esurr axe ernr $ eneo 1.s' AsPHAT (r/Eru Y mG - [asfa|- P rx r,/ 2tci6 9-c€ - lldr oFrcED (r3) H,H,ti[gi'E* SECTION l V lL-tgn6rv d,lT-64t4.0 oJJ6o3 =^6 {tf;;NHEs 32"2. I98q xEqE i7 t; b'o6v.> 'JecrroN z1 \ fiSTAl. J ruEEru$|c rA[ (TrF]iFfiesanT l|lc tl€ aftr.EER toEtrrrrIFrD|l0{aa$coorn|ra E nEq,re (nP) Pff-ruN s clgr d.Ast 2 EasE cq.JE f/@tExnI Fttc ecn t€ DifgDor c rf @rEcrractl otclF - Ftt|L PArH oIY ll(nE U. E d IAO'E EEfi{C nro€ 0rF) zo tro 2i<oJZOc oo? ()<j 6 P50- tr -i,., Q tEE J<6 Et:o U<zY> 8dJ Fn rEnl|c t cRADtftc ct|'|cet ,--,P-'-l<-. -':-' cor$ruc||o| srrG|6 ra cor grcf or s0rlH s f PArx ::TEa sra 5A+00 t o 6r+00 As onEclEo 0Y 10r, iEFnElgrT rn€ (TrP) _ _ _:.-.:_ _ _ ..-___==:;l=9.=E I|sTllI f{' AIDER NSTAi|.Eraus sl^ t6+21 to lc+s FE IHE otit3t[r f n€ rDvRlFEfI nlE (trP) taotEst. foG @ sl^rnfiG Fm |s?l|ll? mva Afa nFuaaF{r B at'lma rE|gru& IOCAIX S n't E |lEtrrFE fl ll€ fE 0 A! TW RaPiESOltAIl\E aotE Ato @t cEz Elslrlc 6^= liE IxE iG P^fi rE|a Eolttp AS iElo!! .f*l Et^€e s!4L AS LT --rit-!of sporE EyrrlJarE ty Itc ln (r vrr rJ D: E|cfa. cllatxtcm tla.|' Eicorm{ BASA UF(t. nrqrEsr. r!l{ f BrE oomsE op REPTR StA lt+!O-[+70. !. coBrnrgltot c t)€ ffirE Efgr/Eral|!' sHxJ. E ccr€lE flo Esr ro€A$ OOB I1' 'lElENG fllEfiIY ' I}€ FROTEEIIS.€^sr mH Io tlesERlE r'lEfiTY t rl€ P*o'q-*s Rano,. '$D lltt 'E m a$f-E$-Q - -'1 ){ alFr&rc crrr srltr ! !a-2r AsprarE oorcrErE plriro $rar E g B lf tr tspr^Lr rlr rsfl|lt (llrr) \'IIX A 7l Cllltlol rI ffiL l$llAllE ? lrlc $A|- G ?d Hor SP€CnC mB P Ir{ O,ER l|€ EA'nF - ---:><'--5. odrii ""c E iEsFora! rG o rr qr^,*c c r.'rc slrrErs *EcEssrr rE at HB-"ilHtf 7 {rj'?fu3. C.|llircla E i€SpOBI Fff olfr C|Il}lllc G tLf,lc snEIS |IEaEET IED aY oFilnED S€lI AStHAt I ' t'.-"1-lfs rgmtEs Ot arE Ar .C|l / -. -z-t-- , a DE COanAfln S,U[ T LE ALL lFm(fft rE PiEc{,l|.}{s lO SCllflCAtltY GUICt I -z' t' ,xfr FolElflfll pu.urrca cdJsED ty t|3 tSntnEa n€ cc{lR cls $ar r$l€ I u/-' ,/zEonrE ?icif,fts fu HAI,|G porEfrra p(luttr,{|l ^|o HAIE FatFE lEr I * / t'./Apn*ofr'rrroiE'0i!*pRo.EuxesF'm.*yP^t*T1.T.__ E\BS | :j;kffit glErv tc DG rEsad!ffy c r€ coflr^glu. nG oiER rao 6rcrH riE Y.lE- I -"t't€r igFOfSEI Fn 3raETt ll{ C.6 nr |}C PiOECtglE LC FtR C0rtxr€ !!lIU I -' .'/w nr rprirrorn prarv g ly n€dr^ro{s ialtlta Eiso. ?\-? f ..||tfuat"a l'' r'..'B- ;\: . //,'ol ::_:__:_:_:_-l;:_.-11=_n:l=::;l=-:_-=iJ__r::_:::::_-:: ;,<72:-;'z l//\-=-- B€Gtl iEIOIE 'IIO REPII'E AsPr{ll? sI E2+1, -3 XUr 'lO tfRmE SEIL SrflrlT Ar .ff SECTION 9 G$E ltu( ri.Ft AT Ztrv (nP)tx rrrfs rounur t r€crr (TrPl 60 FATotE Af5 f,CruCE A!|fiALT SitA 6,1+20 - s IlJl lSPtUll AT ,n)|T - lftr[D -a ,mT s ftut Etor,E ^to P rot B 0tA$Httl ls olnlgrE ar rw EiElExrAtnE - Efa t0+25 ro t{3TAt 29.7 |' r rf 8F€cu,lGntcaatvfas r{V ||-aloltr qrf-GDl.o IJqo$4^6 { ffEg B 6H6 p nqE {z L: b,065r V,?i";| ro,to',r. rilo nenrcs rsnrrr rc prnr W asrrrc rsnelr er<e prn f raem r.f, ^str{lLt ol,riraY s *ut, RttotE A9 PAfi amx ISP|{AT A3 ffiCIE IY IOY @ngElaT mf - sta a.r+zt E ..----,-_:.-_---.-- s^rcuL aol/E ^lto fatEH lacr ASP'UIT AS DNECTE IY TDV,---- L-'- iFREIllTAtl\E - StA. a4+2it lOn- -.+' r'- ---"L- H. -3'ul!!c-C+L!!lg-u! i.+.'-t:H, N.-.. SECTION IO zo F(, 2'E<o d 68 3 efrE0- tr -l.. o AHE I <-fi F a: o td<zY> 8dJ SAElL iOaOtE AA P lDl 3|cx ASPEltl A3 0nEfiED 9V tov REFAEITAIII/C - 3tA G.t+25 lO 7t+50 - PAIC{|{C $t{M FA UUT Fnc€s istltFtcD f{ lt€ sc}tou.€ 0F Y|uJES (TTP} s rcuT, IIEYE t o P lEt Btcr A9fiAtt AS ffiCttD Br toi/ @fi€lorT^tn€ - sta 6,f+25 lo7t+!o - P IIfiftac '{rJ- t FE Url Pnces DotmED fi Tf sct*lt tE oa' YruEs firP) 66+O rrp 70+o ^s *qED ry mr/ rtPcF|T nE (l]P) sG n€rdE tlo @tLt l$HAl ar sra tr+q s F|JT llo l}xmE SECTION 11 ff IHE G€orEOi||c[ aFfa ('?) ^*|J.tT"^n (fr)..?/ r,r- --' --/l. IUC IED Slall(lrlc Fll ^!?tl|fT E AL tal @urcsfl E rtfimAfe lglull L* lBG rllE EnrEO t{ tlc fED EY tot' il|lgar |nlE z En'|t6 llsE rrG llC re t^llr rtE 3 E{|rED ts trr€ l,o @ta(E $aL e evluJArED lY DC rn c vrt lto ll€ a|c|:!l, cofirrgn $rl! @drn lttE lpq nlq.Est J. C0asti,ctut c nc oe|clE fror/EDflg $rq r corl,gGD rifl Fs ro E ltT r ffi ro tlElEi\,E lfllEflW r lr€ i,RO,EFaI3 4. ASPHILI|C CCIE{' s}tAt BE 5l-2a AlPH{.l|C COTCEI€ PAt C E{r[ E Si l[ r|l| A 7g G',li llfi{rx 0E3c{. asfHtttE P u}aa sru& E Pa c-00T rFEcflc roae n ca:{tR gTR ts RtsPoEd.E F[ Dlt Y otrrlc r FUuc sltEEls ]tralssl ltD ar s lSnulE c{ttE PRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION oJJoo$Z-A +Co* I u:E I93q inoB i2 n; b!o6u> -x ---a --,.' ffi-Enng--- - - --- - ,--_-t -.d' ./ ,rr' jgjlqv ---< ngnE ^ro cpc ts||F AspHrLr p^tr ttor .{R !5!f- --s !4+!O 10 SrA glEo-1!'uCE TIfIFSC-r-r' "a> ,altD RESED V AltC HX - EIirFtXC^VAIEDt=-* cR D€S 10 FnOl,EE /-r, _-:27-f^i;-:-/ '.. E- L \. ,6rsr oqnrc rc pnn ro,,'i l'" * { " rllcll5lt sl|Ori - EPura/r|5o*:-i-,T{ryryrggrt zo F(,,^) 2E<oJZO 0_ oo2 Q<j 6 H5IL tr.IE 3 iUA F OJ oU<zY> 8dJ . l-, *. Y\ "?aq:, I',' ,F' nsolE ^rD d*i6€grsn|q rf c|lP - orvEir\ Gt") rFtar l|5 mo nr rtR AELi J5 t.F 0F tl: tsE cu.Er a ot I rn v tEs - r|ts{ ,x r}r|Ilr r' f co/ER Ortn CLttEnr - CffiaAlE i6TlLlJ|l|(rlrt To;t 6 vtt fEteErr ftt R€ruOa E!5 lO AXE P ltl rD AJCraE(f SFta - sPtrI T||O PICII EGT FG mlE ^rO OEPoS€fts|rc c|l.tcRt (TlP' f6tan- tf! Fg.D Fr ArfiflalttY gt rF G tf tc€ crf,iEFt c ol : lfa r/ ;ES - {rI{tA rn rx r'r CO|fn i€ q rfo FrE-o F|T (, AP?ldAlEY 20.6 tF F 12' Cf C|JwBr:i C O,5 : )- coEn- oYER o.[,!,Br'- ca6^rEl|slr4alcru|lt TIt*t tr Yr( /.'-- - *_ -_lelesar^r|rE*_{ t. idc rE stalt('*|o Fs AitHAt Fanoran- llo tEPLAcap{r rl rP?io[arE AcruAL roc ]rc{s f,J.u ba,fflnED t 1l€ tEo BY E!, itFfiBpfTAmE 2 ffir o BAEt $r(t lt* tc p Dt r|E s ffilirED As tlltolE lr5 ttmcE sflIr - €valJAED aYnG m*t f %IL r!{o r€ Ex(s5Ei. c(tlR^crff $u[ itcdillna g^s€ upar FEQtlgt 5. ColtlirCtrOt G llc FrstD ifiotE6frs gt ur - cctrED tu rE$ l! E sr r ffi lo PigfRtE [{lEcnl.r r r€ t*iola,o|ls + Astfiltt|c s|l i .Ir !t-2i lsP arc co|cf,ErE P tl.csHArrg5rfl t! GilR IElm Hol Asp|larc PAti|G $tAI E PCR c-ooT st€qflc llo8 I co{tiactn E nEroGl.E Fn olty cttNfrc E Fr!.tc $nE|s il€cEsrl rE Ef, lG lclltflEl olstE L Il€ co|lRlgln 9|ar rl(E a! |PtneftArE tEt u|roE 10 90fEt fly iErc€ lttY PolEf|l LFcllr crrrstt ty ]t6 Aglt'tl:3 rc ocflt c|m c{al HAIE EarnEo FiocElfEs Fm t||f['.lGpolEan[ PouJrrtt{Ts lfo F^rE rE{tnEo sPir PnElgar(tr ^|- iEe0a{s6 PRomlR€s Pnc !0 lcrlflE3 AT T€ PNCECI TIE Z S 'EIY 13 n€ nDg('.gltY F llf COI|RAC'In. l E otr|l'|;R r.o $(TEIR riE ror iEEPO€A.E fln safEly R, ot fl radrt lt* Picfct slE roi Rn colua{c€ 8Y r|€ rF?f,o?fiAtE Priw flH xtYEqrarn6 tE^t||c n:nflo' SECTION 13 EGn mrE lm iFLraE NPHAllst^ rr+s - sarcul llo ftrrcoglL AStt fr AT ,0fI- PFIELIMINARYFOR CONSTRUCTION ffi nene Axo f,Epuce ^spHA-r i<E F^rr .$ffii$ aosrrc ^sPH^!r NG P rll ffi paeosE r.s' ^strlll oI/ERLAY (rrlr) --,'-:€i;*w oJJ6oil =^6 r ff P* B2x1 I98q inq8 AZ t-: 'o 05E> ---.:=-3-1-' *Gtt @ol,€ lro iEPt lct AgHILT AT SIIIG ENDG€Aerrst{T c lsP AtT aT 2l g,ot€ rot Ic8 - qtEo E[stttct|-lar rs tGcEssrnt Fm ^EdJAlE oRArf{rcE - |lllir tr - FL TED E{D gclto|| ^l{O 8t RtpA' q,TLET SECTION 14 zo Fa 2e<oJzO0_ oo7 O<1 6a6[ 5 rdii F " j O trl<zY>a6 -J cnE lt olrtxg{o Ra|o€ Af[ n) ma{ (rrF) iFt,.E TgHALT -iEr6\'E rro iErucE r$ rlt - zt lmt cRotls sLrE - mv RFtrEIEIIAITE A'ID Erc EEN M(EIERIII€ F ADOIIIOIAL SASEco0ltorrc rs iE E (nP) ,rg*^rffi-------* ngrore ANo baFoEE q$ttrc 2.' chq ErJ VERI IX d'51,CL[aElH C|'I f'{ro.t - '.-\- eidEttGiriioitiiirpl _ Fi[Plo@ r__ _- l{sTrlr l'(r^\,E /- rsPfi^Lr g|iE Fllu lTr") D0snxo co.tu,R/-^'t'^tt (#i ." ,/- rfltla (r"P) - -,-- --t---- '' iffit'- - -' rfsrf+-l: qlF q -- - " ::.;;+7-.-X' -oonE ci;a< \ -r iE \tr") - rrEarY (;'t") sEcrioN 6s-*:rfi7=:l=1ffi:=.2-=-==--,-- r FF(la Eo(i: (r -- --":;'l .ryas..qry7-'-1r-p"qw --'>-4€--'*;ti'4 \ \ ..- \ \ O.,T l,O AOTE 'EHAT EG€ lo MfiLt.d ,rtl{^Lr- \dr rd, IDO r'g{crI4, }tS tI tEqtrrY (IF) FIr rdrEl iE ||t O |lr! (Trp) /'-' : i- nidc rEo sraroalo FIR ^spr{at Ro&yrl ^ro rEpucffxl B rptnom^re rcn lL Loc ro.s f,J.- r&1p 11O E !OI|fE ra llC tA.o aY Iov sEfeSall l|lE ";gf* ., "giffi ---{ra'I /W( W.:;/-?/ - mrzcr t@. (r|P, e e$s G ErsE om ''€ B,. par. anE s roBaFrD as isrolr rro REFraar er^l! c Ev uJATED*"WW ruffi;ffiffiffiiffiH";;H,.*.'"e e$s G ErsE llm r'€ B(E PAIH anE s roBflFtD as islolt rro REFtaaf gtAlt c Ev UJATED aYl}c lor{ 0f vA{. l}lo IHE E|GUEER, ct'trntcT(n 9 l icco0t|aa EIEE uPot REqJEst ci tE Io m (ftP) + AsPtlllllc CAIEIT SllAlI C 5l-2L tsPfi^lllC CSrciErE PAr,lE strlL C S( X nIH A tt C'llAIClux D€90L ASPHALITC PAtt{O $tArl E FCn C-mT $CCnC no}rs. --*-rE - - +!/' \- OO mtE lto RE't aE a CCflR cln lS RESPoEaT rB q|lY ClI l*G C RnrC S Els r€lSalAIED AY 8F ACltlES Ol --S(- - -,,6.,, .', r' c rr rF?€ \ Ei'Iriirltrfr fl9^mlr----- -xffi"-" HIE#,ri ffiffiaffiffi:s"#5#Hiffi- \ -___-.---______ ,"o, ,BE .#lf;J\*l..,,o' ffii5s{ffi5s":ffi-Esfl/r*,fis,tq't#- ,.,.\ ---..- oJJoo$Est iHe8 q 6Hg f6qd {2 t: bro6tr 6 F(, g?1i6( d 68 H a flE aFri t o tn<1 z Y>d 8i l ti 3re2 SCAII loRE 1--2( rrEElT 1--C 'J?s2 a?aa a:2aa I It a2E1 a2H &ll0 A'AII *r?a ; E E!sin6 : e2't2 I g z Fie@- GrrE (n '* JG MlA D|IBOTAtnmr &zae b ^*/ x ! C 826t 12ta -\t6r tM rffil"-,iI Blrwfi ' HoFE stw?fofialE ro:IOaroE,iEE|t f, R;l AtlO. -EIEiIE a2a4\ strl E ar[o Effi 425€ SHEET 10 F F F R pRELtMINARY em NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION t5+0012+50t2+00'll+50fl+o0ro+5{tr0+00g+509+006+50 IEGEIO il none ro nEFLAcE Asp!{^Ll crc plr'. W asnrc asPrM g<: P tlr ffi eeee r-!' AlPrrLr ot/EK.aY ;|stA[ ttl rf€ clj(\rEtrlll ^s fED oEEfttr€!_ aY Tm, fftieE{r^tE \ GRAPHT SCArA --t- =:<;'-.-' :-:--'--Wffit .1AVZ:'A fff\€ ,lD nFlAaE --"--" - ^sPfiAr (nP) Y;Ea:;,Vl:A: ,E afo ELtogt|l+r-sIfBlED SEII.Drt Eoglr{c AstHrtTre FAn (rf) \\ -'-1.....--. ..2...^..2' s*#-jl ic lJor EX3rt6 re F l|t Io ruGl|to{I sfla - tatEflEISIIO t 0E- 2lr clols oJJ6o3 =^6 + frF* B Er,"i {9;q iEqB iz 0- _. b06t? zo F() a?q z<F, ^E d 6g E r HE e F*i < ?Vtd 86J r,i J_=,-q\= ';)92 s6al IoRIZ 1'=arEFr ['-{ 6:I8a aia It T 428}&4 eI80 a:274 t BA7'2272 t S:609 D^re ornalNt &16A IEMF dAE rO a26A a2l|4 Ei ItGt ll. lt't|ri (rP) - rc^not -rm llca I rc€3ln- rrfffialrclur|.tElm 1 az61 8260 T -/-atf'0 a:256 0 l:lra SI{EET 11 E K pREUIMINARY r$s r,r+0o r4+5o NOT FOR CONSTRUGTION r5+00 t5+50 t3+qt r6+50 t 7+00 l7+50 ta+00 16+50 E .....- - - --'-- GBAPHT scALE : (ttlt) Ild'L l|. r€G60 i:1j Fa|olc ^ro fiEFtacE AsPH^rl I(E PADi ffi acslrc r:aurr rc rrw ffi nee r.s' rsPrrlT o!€nlt -"e' AOIE ,N3 IFt CE r}l|[1 - 2rn| cRGl g.CE - tOV@Gle{|^mt l,|o g|crE roEG €5ldILflAaSEcornol|c s iEqlnlD ctr?) ..--- ---'-- t-" - -------:::: \ ,--*"-- ^" -**---"--1.r= sEcTtoN 3 rr/ '--l):---:---'. :: -"''- 5-a ffi /"{.,'r'ffi ' a5 na|ollE x|0 nF[3TA2/r+2+-SmJT l*RArEo ga rtt|^t-.:::-:-:-_: --\ Wtr#w Lg lstrulT,fo Ir al .[rt ()Joo$ =^5 + ffiig B 6H8 inq8 iz '; bt()dti: zo Fo 9E ',1 tbE d 68 E a HEo F rdz 32(J- Ec r 1?Vtd 86J ,i *=i;:;::::==-::;---1'lr =:;;.'5=_-;:_1-_=:E_=_=_1-__=__;- - - * --*::-:.::-- :- - - - - -- - * - - - - -Yw-"t--*-\ ngow .rD ror.^ct ^twr.T - 2: n cn6\ r.Ft - olE ETAVAIE rr Um &D3 P rr\ - iE t aaEtf raE|l Frgt 9r{.r E gictE -Prss Fr-n'l c aFt ttrss 2 us cqn= v GEOrExfl! tlmc Fe r€ EctE{ c I{€ caDrEq G|t o&rrEr 0r") Erut tS ctann(rrP' 4292 SCAI.E DRZ 1'-E[VB[f l'-ra','n2 a2ta &Ia8 z x I A'AL a:80 a2ao E:r7A E2'r7 !an 2 ,r(l: (1050 oE On /N7 e26t IOIE t O 8A iFE - OrR I rAC€ llPfll|t GAV TE td U .rtIlCmm Ensl o EIglc ^|s,|{lllF talu{ |/w GRIE - RE Ttfftat gt|l |sn|o GirDc E :SFECfED B' aEo .e!nf t I I B 5 a26t *24 s \--- rtt<t,ff P|gB PNrft! v c€on:fl(tt f 'D{ d'| d cmllclt Fric ula I 8l-tn€ M+ a,ao tI 4280 I a:r5a SHEET 12 ri PREUM ,IaRY tF rfo NOT FOF CONSttUCTrOl{ FaEuutNanvNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION e0$romcE (T\P) 't.!- lsFHrll't.f lsFHrll orr8l l - llttsPrltl la|rco|l t0 mGElgrlprT s,rcfl l}|At A9HAIo\t6lY |s rutl rfi !rc:c.nffE lgrlprT W ',',1,,:,'lA /,'! t ./ Nfi /rilf*,' !ffi .#FFtffi Lx-'.-- N\\\ W'N\t\"'-.-Nllllw" SNll-lf I z' \-. CR.IIPITIC gCAI,E : ( rE )l$. t n tgc€xo lff nane Aro iEpt € ApH^lr aKE panr ffi eosnrc r:Plllr Brt: PAl,r I cneoco r.!' lsPHAr o\fRLAY oJJoo$ =^6 +tr;iNHFp I2,2 I93q inqs Az t- b66t> 7 ru Wf{' iEAx EtrsnoErGP '{roY//I/' .i )<-ffi-#"H* 7// -t' ,,/ .,' 'ucrrott 'rr")./" - ElSr O ISFfi LT W drcr*rPArxsne) ilir',ffi -,".; .',")"[/ i ,i, zo Fo, 2]*,E d 68 E e HE a Frq < g1"td 86J LI .' ,' qFgtn .r',"Tt E lr5 ifD|raf/ I Ztf77 F SAIEU' Yy'Lyn t i' tei t'//l ll f.;llcvv Y*{--l'r'i.%z/,/ li&r ;do\l tl Yir*_**'*'Jy"# ,''/i, .-',zi+'7i.*ffi,V,ffi-Y..'SECTION 5;;ffiiiiffiffi: ii,",'ffi,.i,iYrywrd#,5lA :.r+E.zD - st^ ta+ta:P ffiffiL //-b#ffi, 0D tgptE ll3 tatlcE A3?H tl SIA :4+7t - SAEUT ASFrUl't At D|E rO uGltE{I iEttSC{S-,s{t - rfRlRED SEIL .[aT StA g+!' l0 - SrA g+r.SO-\ '/W,i //*,k';,WffiH',#ffi,;,#,# t l|:!oa scllt ORE 1'-2tlrtsEl 1'={ Gl 53t .rJ &)b I TIt.!l'| n SIA - tlrPl|E.EV-I ,2*r+r4 EOri I !a FIII6 GRAE nP)tmu ( ffie 4300 a2qa ;; s *s m ,ffi t ffi* zu; 4295 t e292 -EfB./' I I :+-_1,!!*-i lo --.:! *"E t I/l'SIA-$3!,20b.ta ,1292 a2aa t-t! l"F-t t ', A/I SI ti|t Ettl AD. |r-l - 39rrt 70- !2nCz -7.6 a2al 3 ,E 060!n t,ArE; wlafzfi, a2.g tlt F(L PU5 PII E lIA - 2!+tl, I r 2'+6.14 :V - &4.42 l. - llJ E \ rnm -(rtPl D CRTD€ P$st -I} ?S A.EV - E 10. . 11.|t-2,7 aizatE!a 0 a2aa a2aIt iEt+ 11,4,lc*2 ;/' argo '''78 I tv Fl t F s tt, rffiE *ffig iil lir 'nt,,'a27e g27, f,i -altl g g ,-4t Lk, .7 4272 SHEET 13 +t' FF LEoE{o ig,o\f, rfo iERrcE AsPfi||-T * PAIH oqsB{G lsPfuLT tt(E PArx *K rnem r.g' Asertr ol/ERtaY tasfltt tto r.F f rl' XoF€cuLtERtazotvrtt 9J9o.s =^6 *cid NHes q 6n6 *Eq8 iz t: b)06trrc=. I FfiESERE Arp FiOrECt \ EDoC C rrqr.8 (1|") I a$ o rrEEs (r1") \ iEroll ^r0 ifPuc€ A:tFrLr - ztr x3l^tl. ,ao u G lf rse CIJLr/ERT O2.('|r/Esl|v |tFtrno l.V d.rt-GtruIta ct6 i,cE - rw i:FfrEE'IAlnC Atr EI'SER IOoE|at€ |F &umta aA-cooTof|c |3 REqrnED (rrP) zo F c, 9ft ',1 i6E d 58v o<E 6 U5 : Frq < ?Utd 86J d aiE-|f,rnerv tt_ NOT FOr CONSTTUC'|ON I # I - cBAPHlc scAr'n I f r.t !. Ir (!rllrllb.l':F n' rEctlr0 i"1i REIOi/E I5 iEPl cE ASPNILT l(E PAll ffi ocsro rs*rrr are eerx ffi rneoco r.f rsa{rtr orEntaY 'l .o.* ro iFf-^cE r(F^Dr ---+-T'Irfl AIFe{ CqJi? rO EISr.G--,- i t froGE - rE lr! FAll{ ;/ zl .-'-a ' - - ---/crc StFf - ?61 rp|ft@ //./ 'q rEttrros_ErE lnr (1l") \\ \i.4€ ^lPHrLt 00r( -/ D €!Sn|o As'tlAt- ; ^r .r (7F) \v,1 ffiSECNON 6 T3$*mi :::-^-::::;:=::j;a!:: jil=:::-i:-*,:jJ:::-__**__*___---f ' ":------" ino yR Frp0ol'l4tr- EISrrao scrr 0]P)^'gEcTtoN Ij 7"3 \$:'*--.-:{sJ_j I',. L E#-:Ea==-;-'--:-:--E#G=:#==--1--- --\-*- - ---:--\ \ Enfluc ccrmrRI @orE aro iEFtrcE AsPfiN.r - -(rt")\ 2:ncaGstcc-mvl- m€tr mG ||I dtgrEER mOEE |l |F ADfiIIcr{II EAI:co01t0.s0 ts Rgllno orF) ,=ffi- ilkd :q;:i:: _f-_____,*rtger* --#r{l__,rEl I----- ---J ---r ia|o\E ,tD RtPtacE a$Hllr - It m cR6 sL4€ - o\'El EXCAV IE lf lr8 Oasrr|o P- nEnJlcOpff I rEiAl 9|l|.l. E glctE PISSFfi-R r d cEt ctlsr 2 alsc cq.ns€ vcotErflr flnc FCR ]}f ffic||da c lt€ GIDIEO{'EA O|cLIR - tll l PAlr| Erv llo|$ t! c !' lmtE Exslltac cnrE fiYFl oJJoo$ =^6 r ffE* Blrl S:ir f' q6 Pz t: 'o 6o't? zo Fo 4 2=E ^E d 6g!a o<r 6 H5 ? FrqrF=i I usd 86J t/i l:nl SCAlE loRE l'-2( vEFr 1'-{afoa 4300 83oO I E: aaga ai29a a202 PiF@ GT FIC' EFSI|iI slrd.E Pts6 DE-i||-PmE- RlrRta0EI llt l'Ert eplExflt !idt? lf tag?t:r6 rf a, co|Eo cl oraIEi cn at x 6iI8A a2a,a t= !n+@ t.ot I a!ll- !8rE----{'7 I\ ET(J I( - ftrP! €! 0GOl9o|le qrAstM, atm -- OWN EEAYA]FtrClFaT tr!|t-nt{ fi cl : t2! !|E EE L3qtI|tt ct^ts 2 8,mtFrr.u EOlEqflC|. a F FAlt{ -I lr(d.€ FAls E O4R3E t-l a2to 4276 r6:Ei (rlP) E"A 8272 a'27:2 8a6t aiIla SHEET 15 F FRE-'T'INARY a.s NOf FOi CONSiiUCI|ON \ Lace,o ,.t- , /:/,t ..-,, GRAPHTC SCAIA ,/ L ,*::rElro" ^|o nEpucE apt{ar sc rafl p I F . ./ y-1921t./r, it Ba oqsnrc ^sar.Lr Er€ P^rN b ffi eraoso t.5' ^sFH^Lr orrhry ( ! rG ) /, -",1*1:1:1iz \ d'"4 ,,--" t tzl.iffi s *ur, ia|otE ao lsPosE EltsIHcltllttT I ftfl ctx oG c P^tll PAITII g'JIII OGE G T'HrlI SJ(II .-.-- ,../;ti4A!;H|rr a nfl crx Ec c p^r}r , ./././:/J/i:'i':/- "3H,Hffi,.''JYlH.ffi -r -'- -, ,1)','.71'j1417'2ff|ffil#r;#,ff*tr--'. --'-' -,,::i;/,1f:.jrdincii i* 6iiii iire a itintri >( - --'.li::i:7i:r.?r-i-iirA .,"- .t-::jii:i-..-, :;tit/,/:&,rt;fli;i. EN TC CC'IUN cnP)-";tfttt*E;4 9J9oU =^6 * frps B 6H6 i:ri n06t? v-.'n-.'.r'.-1.W /...>' Y::j:2: co6rn,c|n srrdB ra cEr !PrE8or sqnH sE 6 F tH EtEra s ta+oo r|o $+m rs 0l6qED 3Yrw rFreS|r^mG (nP) T;;;::;-'i""" I'Etlll r'-+' E(tr.E igtrtltcnrs sIA 5C+2t lO Srto PEillf DIiCg r|GDf,IOY LFi€so|l^l|\rE CnP) 1 \ ----'''PREUMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION zo Fog?tt i6E d 68 E e f;fo H rdr ; Fu, < I ESd 96 a td CRAPMC SCAIT rFcoo *:; iorotc $o R€PtlcE lsPHtr r€ P rH W ersnre Att{AlT i<e P m ffi enocoseo r.!' rs{Atl otarY(rrlt) EESTT|G C0 TOm (?,,P) \W%? .t---- , ' t -\/ lrcroE lo ocacy'usfl€ lstapA FRq grrla+ro m st t*50 . @urr di{ reso! ,|p4€s-?xtn\E lry'- ifclto€ Ercav lED 5lr l^ntr sriioglnlej GitEs lo \ itrtolE r,0 otsFE f Ers rG d.f,tGRr Afor6TAt ArO fE nr rPPmaEY rg u cr!' rcE qrrian o o5 | rr{ v FEs -trAI r. l$fllJll l' 6 CO\iR o'Gn dl.lEl -mlAE tGttulrq r.|x fora (r vlt iPEIEITAIIIG rf4_-rraft Err attll-a igt ao,|r |!!+r./-) __ __.__ l--*.....-.-- --=-.- *{r Etrfl|rF EffE C ^sflrr (r|P)\ i' t1/ffi Y,,7 ,r'' ,--b .i ^*.,t _^*frffi ,"'i'- 7- 7"oo*''t'Lrt. ,,Y-.P lJ , Ii' *r.dmffiw' >i- , a.' t'l"tf *' T;El..a@l 5r; =-'{;T;} i: : :::: r! ; - : : ;: - - - l ;T---_'- ts-:---,ta "-t==:ii.-=iSs.s.._bH-# -i:\-llLQr -_d'!.!,4 ffIs|o satll^Y sEtE PREUMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ;;--;:r-'-.*fui;. \ W;#( i6lar ro m.D rrt rftffialE Y 2o'! rf f 1? lcE ar.tqr c o,5 | T'I !/ FEs - TTNT STJI f G COl,Ef, Olm c|llBl - Codofa lEr6TAlln tll{ to*a c var.@iesa|latnc oJJ9o. $?^6 + ffEs Bf r[ +i0\ | "q8 iz 0- _- b66u>{< zo Fo 2e<o d 680< 6VE ! rd E LJ O ltl<zv> 8dJt 5 Lot IL oz z JI !t ES,lt SCAIImnz t--all8f, 1'-4 tB€ E fg3+2 A'/L' a33a l|qi Fqtiot Pq! Pll ! Pil T EIlt - lit[t Sf - tt+ln - t7+lr.G 'EY - ll127.{ .B ,pg Fll PU $ E'.E!, - Clt lT S|TA - At+l ITA - lt+ltJ !,EV - llal'l Srlt z aJs.t a f_lt lc- Itl- |l-" *l 833/t a3ro II h SE tle ;a 3 g $i Hr{ .l sI 4 0l ii H tlito t JG cGc orJe oftata, llt2B I tir@ GnMg||'fi(DE - iilE PrGIIE i na'I b, !t ?6 t6 3; a "l l"l"rl' A:TT3 &t:L2 \\ E -J 5 E =-'--4-'\-4- atu 8.:tta * -1- --\ o*n- (nF)G G TOE Ittt an+ t i:n /l SHEET 17I E2+5t)63+00 EJ+5"8,t+0O E ++5o E5+00 l5+50 66+00 E6+50 E7+00 E7+50 8t+(xt 6&|50 EErto coarut(no 6||a tzta{rat ttal I iE ru. rd l|lto( Retllrfrc fll FEt STASlm Ett|. t Ot $ErIt ilTArttc uall lD rE 0e$ cD !Y on€3 otF) nAFt/E rro iIr|JlrCC rSPH||.r - :l nat6 3.4€ - REI.O B|:E lOgtctlE tER nt icco.EaATo6 trf dotEcHrcr|. ore,|€ER - =rTt|J t€T FlR nmA SEgln (Tl?) ** I t t :.-iJ *mrE rr€ fi9c O E!31t5 FfC r|Oi8taJ. ro nEo Rt l'?no!.AIEY J5 t.Fflfrc€qfElaorrn|/sEt - IlDrt r{ tf*t 1' F col,6 ol,EictftEtt - dma^lE tGtaranot :n|Eit F Ytt iFitStTAlnE sr? **..rffi ()JJ6o3Z-E * ffPs Bz-r9 69HE I6q8 iz L: b Oot? 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