HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL MOUNTAIN VAIL RESORTS SNOW MAKING PUMP HOUSES COMMONol o; MEMOMNDUM T0: Planning and [nvironmenta] Commission FR0M: Department of Comnunity Development DATE: July 6, 1983 SUBJECT: Request for a conditional use permit for a water and pumping station in and adjacent to Gore Creek point of the sewage treatment plant Applicant: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE o collection gallery below the discharge Vai'l Associates Vail Associates is requesting in order to remove water from The proposal is 'located jn the CRITERIA AND FINDINGS .permission to construct a water intake and pumphouse Gore Creek for use in their snowmaking operations. Agricu'ltura1 and Open Space zone district. By not to the Upon review of Section ,l8.60, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectjves of the Town. The Town of Vail Council has supported the expansion of snow mak'ing facil ities on Vail Mountain. Use of effluent for snowmaking is considered a positive action. Ihe.9f--!ect of ,lltg.use on .liglrt and iir, distribution of population, transportat'ion E-qfllue!r__!-lflities, schools, parks and recreation faciiitjes, and other public using treated water for snowmaking operations, the effect wil'l be a benefit cornmun i ty. The pumphouse will be located along the bjke path but will not impact traffic alongthe path in any manner. . ljl-e-qlgrolt, the clraracter of the area in which the proposg_d use is to be 'locqted, jnc_llrd"ur-s__!hs__r.El. . .r-*E-,rrou"at,li*s' The purnphouse wil'l be located along the bike path (see site plan) and wi]'l have minjnral impact upon the area. Due to the natlre oi ttre strubtur6, the noise duringoperation will be minimal and inaudjble from any existing or future resjdence orbusiness. t'lost punrping will be done during wjnier month;. The visual impact Effegt uDgn traff!c w'ith particular reference to conoestion, automotive and pedestrian sale_taanq convenience., traff jc flow and control, access, maneuverabil it.v, and removar ot snow from the street and parkjnq areas. t' VA t.Jate I I etion -2- 7 /6/8-7 wjll be very insignifjcant to the area, espec'ial1y if the structure can be designed and colored to blend into the hillside. rCoo Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the prctosed use. The env i ro nmen ta i__f11pg_q!_.report concern j n IinpacT rEpoFTlT rqm red TtTEetier-TE:36. An environmental impact assessment has been completed by Vail Associates and permits have been received by the Colorado Department of Health and the Army Corps of ingineers. F IND INGS : The Department of Connnunity Development recommenas that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use js in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed locatjon of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimenta'l to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the app'licable provisions ofthis ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : The Department of Conrmunity Development recomrends approva'l of the requested conditional use permit for the snowmaking water co1 lection system. So long as the visual impacts of the structure are mjnimal , the project wjll be a benefit to the community. The Design Review Board should be made aware of the Town Council's (as jrroperty owners) concerns of ensuring that the structure blends into the hillside and is an unobtrusive as possible. /\ ( >c)J3 o rl. '.*9 '\go. E9 jrila l" +r.".poi:.,,+n -€' . rt. t"4 t-d. .{t ./.n' , o/,, \,,5; ".t+. * / i,I tnatal ,il! gi .E.tJ9 tgF 8 !1" 3 '; 2 ; ti c,: n = fbs ti r \ iH :r.: F,IH :9 e ,iX 3 7;i ! [ie I ini iHu IH iEs o /x (o '-=::- :-';.-'..- -= -\)x>'1-\: tI -!, -l CI f.J o o\> '!zxe TE'tr /x a) --J t- (c, + Sl F F:. )>r \,s /\Y.- 'N ;*-) >t-'( t,J'-?- 6/27/83 the ramp was to be considered side setback variance was needed. Trout read theof the meet'ing. to m-itigate the obstruction of the Anderson's view, the project still presenteda wall appearance. He stated that the Andersons w6uta-s[iii like to tite ilreramp out of the setback. _Three more points Mr. Tyrell made were: l. The ownersof lot 9-would probably also be^in to'get a varia-nce, because the preferred buildingarea on lot 9 was close to lot g, z.- He telt thit':-ipiies behind 2 spaces didnot make 5 spaces, and 3. parking shou'ld. not be in ttre Fishi;f*ay.- Pierce stated that it has been a precedent to a'l low parking spaces to be counted :::l.,lLoy.gl_tl:_:plg.t were in front of sarase ooo19, but Fatten explained-irrai-usuaily when that happened, there was only one dwelling unit involvbd. Discussion which fo'l 'lowed concerned whether or nota structure which would determine ilhether or not a vie]e said that although.he respected the staff's opinion, he did feel thatthere was a',substantiaT improveinent over the prev'iols pieientation. Donovan felt !ttg!. tttg.property did not lend itself to two i.rnits, anb ttrat the f irst unii wai'Dutlt w'ltnout planning for a second unit. Trout did not feel that the ramp wasa structure, and thus did not need a variance. Jim Viele moved and Jim Morgan seconded to approve the request for the variance uO-: f:' :l L Jr'ur I rJr9rrru. r lurue duueu Lnar lle pefs0n aSS'lqned t0 URB be instfucted *g=!Iy_ tg_1.*g..hai'oDonovanagaintffi. 4 9irgy:rion fol'lowed concerning the definition of a ,,structure.,, serlnrrlon from t9.04.370. It was decided to discuss it at the end 5.uest to amend Section '18.64 Nonconform in Sites Uses Structures and Siterovemennc tude erl0r ex o,n0n-con uses ross Resplrcant:(l a low] n pre-ex Area. s Tfg.app'ticant_asked to table the item until JuIy'll so that he would have time to workwlth the staff on some.changes, .Donovan questioned what exactly the staff wanted tableduntil September and Patten explained that'the staff would present revisions to the non-conforming use chapter of-the code by then but that this ainendment should be-aadresseasooner. 6. Request for a conljfigngl-use permit to construct a water co'l lection systemlsr. The applicant had requested to table the item until July'll. Jfovt move9_and Piper seionde{ to table untit Juty'l'1. The vote was 6-l withuonovan votinq aoai lyffi ion Donovan moved and Viele seconded to. tab'l e to Jut and the vote was 7-0 in favor. (t ., - . ---lofl 6) m \- -- .?.l9+ ol GfPr,, Yo"'(r\., 1.; (? l"-Vr '., "i)',4, t, \ 4;,o >6) J .{+ >z 'l|- m ,ari \.'l 1dlf.F CI fr o o\>tI + F o Ta ;9p Bmt2'ir-zl,'.-r'm u,.Fl .E T zrn ri f- Ocl C) cJL = -l a -lm l.' **tt.qhrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek Nlay 25, L983 Town of VaiL Department of Counualty Development Post Office Box L00 Vail-, Col-orado 81658 Attn: Mr. Peter Jamar and mernbers of the pl_anning and Environmental Comni ssion Re: Proposed Gore Creek Col-l-ection System Gentl-emen: Vail Assoclates, Inc. requests a Condltional Use Pernit for the constructionof a water intake and pumphouse ln and adjaeent.to Gore Creek, innnediately bel-ow the effl-uent discharge polnt of the Sanirary Dlstrict plant. This project was conditlonal.J"y approved at the P.E.C. neeting ofJuly 27, J-98J-. Several, considerations have prompted us !o reapplyfor approval. PrimarlJ.y, we have noved the location of the structurefron the confluence of Gore and Red Sandstone Creeks to the south bankof Gore Creek imedlately east of the T5S R81-W range Llne. This line ls the eastern boundary of Tract K of the Glen Lyon Subdivislon. tle are noving the structure this short distance because: 1) We nove out of Tract K and avold the complexlties surrounding the acquieitlon of permanent easement frorr Mansfleld, Ltd. 2) We move closer to our el-ectric power aource and lessen the contfugent capltal {nvestment for that power 3) The rsater flows of Red Sandstone Creek during our snowmaking months are negllgible . relatlve to our pumping needs and to thedilution and coollng of the Gore Creek/tertiary effluent mLxture Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303)4i6-5601 I Mr. Peter Jauar May 25, L983 Page 2 We are also reapplyl-ng because we have to redesign the structure. Due to the dlfficult construction problems posed by the l-ocation \re propose a partial-l-y subterranean atructure. The structure wil-l- be vislbLe for only a short dlstance aJ-ong the bike path, and will not affect the wldth negatlvely. The attached set of plans fulJ-y iLlustrate the deslgn. In effect, though, all we will be doing ls brlnging the pumphouse above grade, setting it lnto the hillside and lengthening the inlet pipe to accomodate the change. Other factors: A. Noise Due to the nature of the structure, the anbient nolse during operationwill be mlninal-. It will be lnaudlble from any concelvable resldence or place of busj.ness and, if fact, wlJ"J- not be detectable unLess one were to stand right outside the buil-ding. Slnce most punping w1Ll be done during the w-inter nonths wheo the bike path ie closed, our operation will- not be heard by anyone except perhaps during late October or early November. B, Visibility The vislbLe portion of the struct.ure wlll conforrn wlth any requirements posed by the Design Review Board relating to palnt colors, r{ood sheathing, and other visual- factors. C. Revegetation and Streaubank Restoratioa All existing grades wlLL be restored to the greatest posslble exteflt and seeded with mixturea proven successful on Vail Mountain. The rlp- rap and boul-der character of the streambaak will be restored after construction aod any ex;rosed soils wlLl be seeded. D. Bike Path Pavlng and Malntenance Af t.er construction l-s conplete, r\re have agreed to reatore easementa to original condiCion, to facilitate the paving Mansflel-d, Ltd. In additl-on, we to l-2 feet)the slte wes the slte Proces s and for of the rh easy accesa to the PumP Mr. Peter Jamar May 25, 1-983 Page 3 nalnteoance vehlcLes, the largest.of which would be a truck wlth a boom- mounted crane. 0ther.measures for lncreasing the speclflcatlon of the path wilL be thlckeoing the roadbase layer, the asphalt layer (to 4") and adequately protectlng the nanholes of the sewer line. The as-built survey of the serter Lioe ahons a nlolmum lnvert of 9 feet throughout the entire length of that stretch ot EffiJipe. Wtth that amouot of cover, the sewer l"ine wiLL not.be Jeopardlzed by moveuent of construction equipment. Vall Associates wlLL assume responsiblLity for the repair of any damage caused by access of maLotenance vehicles after the path is paved. E. Mlnimum Streanflows HoJ.ue, Roberts, and Owen, our corporate corm6e1, has given us assurance that the fLolr rates of Gore Creek wiLl .be maintained at proper levels during hours of operation and that ne are withiD our.Lega1 domain when withdrawiag water from the creek. We are in the initial stages of instltuting an augm.entatior plan to asaure proper streamflolrs if we are called out by Shoshone or a si.mllar senlor right. Other Background Infornatlon: A. Property Orunershlp Ihe pumphouse slte is olrned by the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanltation District. It ls part of a parcel of land dedlcated to the District by the Town of VaiL in 1982. This parceJ- roas part of a J-arger parcel dedicated to the Town of VaiL in l-978 by Vall Associates. We are in the process of obtaining an eaaement for the coostruction fron the Distrlct. B. Zoning The site is presently zoned .{gricu.ltural- and Open Space. C. Environmental Asseesment Statement An E.A.S. ls attached. It lncludes Federal and State pernlts and condltlons thereof. It a].so includes measureq for the mltlgation of streambed disturbance and other reLevant issues. O t eonsl.deration of our application Gore Creek CoLlection Systen. Mr. Peter JaDar lfay 25, 1983 Page 4 VaLl Assoclatee, Inc..for a Condit Lona!. Uee Thank you. vArL ASSOCTATES,, Chrls llayaes Snowmaklng Supervleor CH/cs attach[entB requestsr your Pernlt for the Slncerely, ottlco of communlty developmcnt August 18, 1983 ,Jack Hunn P,0. Box 1095 Va'i'1, C0 8'1658 Re: Gore Creek Pumphouse Dear Jack: 0n August '17, 1983, the Design Review Board approved the Gore Creek pumphouse as submitted. Eng'i neered drawings shou'ld be submitted before a permit is issued. S'i ncerely, ..', ./'h g%- Jim Sayre Town Planner JS/bb Project Application CAfProject Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block Zone - Design Review Board Motion by:Tnrc>4 seconded oy' (QSEul Et.-t- t4NoL ri-'ffii)\-_- ,^," nvG /'l 93 /)4mUEwSt:h.rArl ngt 77anJS DISAPPROVAL Summary: PErzHr, EI star Approval {i, 1JHHI? $'ti5F$Fi bl,?C:gf f^B^ K i N ss6 rE LE pHoNE (6 1 3} zec-e r r I A MEMB€B COMPANY OF GROUP DELTA Planne6 lEngineers lAppraiserc I Finarc,al Specralisb/@nputer Seryices Sh Aroa, Spo/ts and Recrcational Facilities August 10, i-983. VaiI Associates P.O. Box 7 862 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 u. s.A. Attention: Mr. Chris Haynes Dear Chris: Further to our telephone conversation and your memorandum dated August 5, 1983, we are proceedingwith alterations to the Gore Creek pumphouse accordingly. Because of the additional 5 feet set-back from theproperty line, the main retaini_ng wall must beresj-zed for additional earth load conditions; thiswill also apply to the new retaining wall to theeast of the building as well as the protruding frontwing walls. I .expect that the time element in making these changes would be 8 working days betweep engineering and drafting and the stamped drawings can be sentto you August 22nd.. Best regards, Vice-President, Engineering. BT/1r File 83-314 ASSOCIATES LTD. ELTA D 714 yoRK srREET, LoNDoN, oNTARo. cANAoA tGw 2s8 . TELEPHoNE (5i9) 62$9190 tdtga7rcD 1820 MEFIDA PLACE, VICTORIA, BFTTISH @LUMSIA. CAMDA V8N 5@. TELEPI.IONE (89) 477{511 D goG r i 17 FIRST sr. s.w., cALGARv, ALBEHTA, CANADA T2R or9 . TEL€PHoNE (4Bl 264-aiggo 7363 CORTEZ LANE, BOULDER, COLORAOO. U.S.A. 80303 . TELEPHOT,|E a3(Bt 4(ixts20tr 86, RUE DE LA REPUBLTOUE 92800 PUTEAUX. FMNCE . TELEPfONE tII.7,624.17g MOUNTAIN SERVICE S.A.S., TlO2O GFESSONEY LA TRINTC, TALY ' TELEPHONE 012$.356197 TELEX 211366 t luwn 75 south irontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 5, .|983 Jack Hunn P.0. Box 1095 Vall, C0 81657 Re: Gore Creek Pumphouse Dear Jack: 0n August 3, 1983, the Design Review Board gave conceptual approval the Gore Creek Pumphouse. Vail Associates should return for final approval with an engineer's stamp on the drawings, a completed materials board and a detailed landscape plan. Si ncerely, JS/bb /-" Jinf Sayre Town Planner O Rro|""t Applicatlon Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: , n seconded oy: {4[E,J>< t-L.-- Flfunn4r\f appaover J--lo.* / fs s,e , Summary: Date DISAPPROVAL / \. Hy+tt't E statt Approval t|ar Project Project Contact Project Application .irinc 21.. 19U.'r Name: j..,I I€ (;reqjk .PUmritoUEer Description: Person and i.r j ';rarl' /ufiphr>uee foi anu.., reir_ jng waler r p66ng Ciif,Js Ha','nes., Vai-i Assoclates - Inc. 476---i601 exta.inlon 404ii Owner, Address and Phone: ilos 7, ial 1 , Uo j-o:, ado. Bl-658. 4;6-.lril)1 ex;eusJ on 4{i4U Architect, Address and Phone: i2 ilorL. Si-reet" urt.ana. Ontallo. ,,arreda Kiii5 Sc 61,3-234^6rL') Legal Description:Lot !i,';' , 61ssk N,/a , Filing l.rsll Vlllage ?rrd , Zone -A*0(L- :..1r.f eir rrr soulh ban;- of creeh" lrnedJ ately esst of RBS-RSIW rSnge l{ng. I',irt.: $i a ; arcc.i deecied tc iolrn of Vall b-v VaJ l Aesoclatee, Inc. ln 197{J. Com ments: y',.c*esslbh froii uesa irli b{ke path vja 61.en Lyon Subrijvlnlon" Design Review Board "W.+-tb 6yMotion by: Seconded by:,'ff:ut 4r+- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL :{( "t3.l'Jrl ePt'-u l:li:-i, tl)Az. 5\_t,F-'t4(c, frfzAu,,j uVF t '4rA tAX ,4 Ft ' *: i., P L 4 l*" fr i,r, A r 4.i4U a er.l €. AJT ri Fl !9 <.At( t t( tU-.D E statt Approval f: ^.,) L, :r-l P ran r 4L sTa Hf Pl' dt r.1 , uA{ Town Plan {--U Subdi vi si on Lot Bl ock Fil ing tt (Acceptable) (ttot AccePtab'le) l--t' 1. 2. Submitta'l Items (A) Topo Map (B) Sitc Plan ic) utit i ty P'lan (D) Title RePort(ri suuoivlsion Agreement E$j neeri ng-Bgggj retents. (if applicatt.) -I (A) culvert Size -i il i D; i ;;i-'y Gra dF{BE-n-ax)-(IET[e Source of Utilities u. 4. Cofl:;r'ent'i : E'lectri E) Te'lephorie Approved: Di sapproved: DEFffi,:ffi Ei I I Arrdrc:*s ' r.This procedure Conditional Use The application submitted. APPLICATION FORM TOR CONDTTIONAL USE PERMIT is reguired for Permit. will not be accepted until t:9. ,, ls*--- any project reguired to obtain a information isall ; A. NAI{E OT APPLICANT VaiL Associates, Inc. ADDRESS Post Office Box 7. Vai1. Colorado 81658 PEONE 476-s6OL B.NAITTE OF APPLICATiIT I S c. D. REPRESE{TATI\TE oF PROPOSAT In sewer easemen t on.south side of Gore creek at T5S R81W. E. F. ,{1," LEGAT DESCRIPTION l,ot lock"Plttt4-Vail Village 2nd Fil FEE $50.00 plus an anount equal to the then current first-class postage rate for each property owner to be notified herewrder. A list of the name of ol{tners of all property adjacent to the subject property Glen Lyon Subdivislon Mansfield, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road W. Vai1, Colorado 81657 476-6602 Town of Vail Box :100 Vail, Colorado 81658 476-7000 Va1l Chevron 934 South Frontage Road West Vall, Colorado 81657 476-1810 ADDRESS post ofrice rox 7. V HONr: 470-S60r NAME OF OI^INER SIGNATURE ADDRESS 846 Forest Road, Vai1, Colorado 81658 PHONE 476-7 480 LOCATION ADDRESS )" ;J / e,/7"/rs Vail Associates, lnc.August 20, l9Bl Mr. Rich Cap'lan Town Manager Town of Vail Box 100Vail, C0 Bl658 Dear Rich: suBJECT: Holy cross Electric Association (H.c.E.A.) Transmission Line Approval The route described below is proposed by vail Associates, Inc. to supply the Gorecreek l,later collection system with electrical power. see the attachid map. Underground Section This is located in the Upper EagIe Valley Sanitation District (U.E.V.S.D.) Easement. The section begins at the Gore Creek I'later Collection Vault and is buried in asoutherly direction to a transformer box to be cribbed into the hillside, south ofthe future bikepath. Thenceunderground easterly, 270 feet to the intersection ofthe easements of U.E.V.S.D. and H.C.E.A. on the north side of the bikepath. Placea pole at thjs intersection to carry the powerline overhead up the mouhtainside. Overhead Section From that pole, in the overhead H.C.E.A.direction, 220 feet, up the mountainsidetion 8,200 feet connecting to the primary grounding of this stretch of line js not and maintenance. It is our understanding that the Town of Vail has Thank you. ly, Holy cross Electric has reviewed and approved the routing. should H.c.E.A. burytheir existing overhead line, Vail Associates agrees to bury their 220 feet of over- head span on the mountainside. RHP/mj Attachment - Map cc: Djck Ryan, T.0.V. Ted Huskey, H.C.E.A. Duane Davjs, U.E.V.S.D. Jim Clarke, V.A.I. 303/4o Easement, proceed overhead in a southerly to the existing pole at approximate eleva- transmission line for Vail Mountain. Unde feasible due to inaccessibility for repair this proposed route. Robert ll. Parker Senior Vice President approved Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657,76-5601 s\\r-ts -, ". - -z'= -,J. - *(#; Jr_-: d t,. ..,.5 -( \i/ ;.=-< .r- ' j' '- ffi \tffi € -t\ ;/ 7l 77 *r*,*t"qrrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Bearar Creek JuIy 29, 1983 Mr. Peter Patten Senior Town Flanner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: The purpose of this Letter is to explain the impact ofthe Vail Associates snowmaking diversions on Gore Creek streamflows below the Gore Creek CoLlection System lntake. IVe have analyzed. the impacts of the proposecL d.iversionsduring normal or maximun purnping modes of operation. Theonly month ln which maximum pumplng operations could bringthe streamflow close to the current recommended minimum of7.O c.f.s. wouLd be February. However, sinse February wouldbe at the tail end of our snowmaking season, it is likelythat we would be only "patching" and thus, we would actuallyneed less than the amount required during normal pumping modes of operations. I hope that the attached information satisfies the concerns raised regarding this issue. Please 1et me know if any additional information from Vail Associates j-s required. Sincerely, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. LEL/k1 Attachments Fcst Office Box 7 . Vail, C.olorado 81658 . (303)476-5601 COMPUTATION OF GORE CREEK STREAM AFTER DISTRICT DOMESTIC (A11 Flows Cubic feet FLOWS BELOW SNOWMAKING DIVERSION & SNOI^IMAKING DIVERSIONS jn CFS) oer second 15. 5 5.15 .257 5 .2575 15.5 11 L r3.5 13.5 L2.7 6. 98 6.98 FEBRUARY No rmal ,l ' Maxlmum etc.etc. 7.35 6.98 JANUARY Normal 'Maximum pumping Inumninein ; an J-ow low I period Normal etc. Maxlmurn eEc. LJ.4 No rmal- , etc. Maxiutrm etc. 1) Gore Creek low flow (month1y, 7 dayl 1-0 year low flow level) * (1) o Peak Dlstrict domestlc diverslon durlng these months (only dlverslon other than snoirmaklng at thls time of year) * (2) 3)Domestlc consumptlon rate (52) during these nonths * (2) 4, DlstricB's return low Snowmaking diversion--normal maxlmum rate. * (3) rate and 6.62 6.62 7 .35 .331 .331 ,3t 4.8925 6.289 6.289 s) 4.46 3.56 | 4.46 J. )t) 1. 3325 ,4325 2.72s lr..trg 3.42 IL.6825 ro.7 825 9.509 8. 609 9.57 1.78* (5)4.46 5,2 J\) 7)10. 55 7 .87 1n 6)Dlstrict return flow less snowmaking diversion Water remalning tn Gore Creek after snoltnaklng dlverslon 6+ (1-?) FOOTNOTES: : : *1 Source: Nelson, Ha1ey, PaEterson & Quirk, Engineers' 1975 ttl Source: Tlpton & Kalmbach, March, 1983, Water Resources Investigation & Reservolr 0peraclons ReporE ,!3 NornaL pumping: Two 1.78 cfs pumps on Gore Creek. Maxlmum purnping: Tr^ro 1.78 cfs p,ritp"-o"-d6i.-Ci.!-t, plus one '89 cfs PumP at hili Creek *4 7.0 cfs is Colorado Division of lJildlife's suggested mininum low flow standard for maintainlng fishery stream.*5 One 1.78 cfs PumP on Gore Creek 4.8925 4.46 2.52 8.67 COMPUTATION OF AFTER GORE CREEK STREAM FLOI4'S BELOW SNOWMAKING DIVERSION DiSTRICT DOI'IESTIC & SNOhIMAKING DIVERSIONS (A11 lrlows j n CFS ) Cubic feet ner second NOVE}lBER DECEI'TBER JANUARY FEBRUARY I I I lNormal lpump 1ng | . ttt lpumo in er_ . '- * i tt 10Yrperl-od Normal ecc. Maxlmum etc. 13. 4 Normal ,. Maximurn etc. 1) Gore Creek 1ow flow (monEhlY, 7 10 Year low flor+ level) r' (I) 6.62 6.62 331 6. 289 .331 .37 .37 6.289 6. 98 6.98 3. 56 12.7 L2.7 7 .35 ,37 6.98 4 .46 5.2 2.52 !Te during Ehese months (only diVersion ocher than snowmaking at rhis tine of year) t (2) Domestic consumption race months * (2) (5%) during these 4) Discrlct's return flow (effluent) Snowuraklng diverslon--normal rate and maxlmum rate. * (3) 6) DistrLct return flow less snowmaklng Water remainLng ln Gore Creek afcer snowrnaklng dLverslon 6+ (1-?) FOOTNOTES: ers10ron 3) 4.8925 s) 3. 56 L,3325 3. 56 2.729 9 .509t--- | 11. 682s 10. 55 7 ,87 *1 Source: Nelson, Haley, Patterson & Quirk, Engjnee::s' 1975 *Z Source: Tipton & Kalmbach, March, 1983, Water Resources Investigation & Reservoir operations Report *3 Normal pumping: Two 1. 7E cf s purnps on Gore Creek r.' ^€^ ?ni.r i c*aale Maximum pumping: Two 1.78 cfs p".p" *o" -doi. -ci""i., plus one 'ti9 cfs Pump at hill Creek *4 7.0 cfs is CoLorado Division of Wlldlifets suggesEed minimum low flow standard for maintaining fishery in s E ream. *5 One 1.78 cfs PumP on Gore Creek I r:.s .257 5 4.46 2.52 8.67 .257 5 4.8925 .451) r0.7825 7 /28/83 T0: Peter P FR0M: Peter J DATE: July 28, 1983 RE: VA Water Diversion for Snow Making We had the Council appeal the PEC's approva'l basically to give us t'ime to lookat the concerns raised by the Forest Service which we received after the PEC meeting. .Jerry Dah'l has been reviewing the issues, but as of yet (10:00-am-Thors) has not given us his report. Joe Hartman has met with VA and has called me regarding his concerns. He believes(as we did originally) that there are no major pioblemi with this phase I ofthe proposal whjch is taking .|.78 cubic feet per second out of the creek. He does, however, believe that there may be some problems wjth future phases. It is important to stress that the PEC on'ly approved Phase I, and we should impose the following conditions: 1. Meters with 7-day graphs should be installed on all 3lines (Mi1l Creek, Lionshead' and Gore Creek) in thc snownakinq buildinq io monitor flor.rs; 2. The approval should be for a l-year e+-+-year period at the end of which time we could review impacts; fil The Council should tell them that they should know that before any future" phases are approved, we wil'l require a hydrologic study to be completedto determine what minimum stream flow on Gore Creek shou'l d be. '"tt " ' 1, r,, _i .j i, i r ,. , ri . i ,r tti j'l r;.ii.,,r 'l lrc I'oIlr,;:irr11 irrf olr:t;rt iorr ir, IJo;r rd br'1 r., r'', i: f i.r.tr l ;rPprr:r,:r l A, llljI l,l; ii\!; ilAl'lrlllLl,.S llcro f Si dinll 0thcr 1','al I trlatcri.al s Fasc ia Soff i t-s l{i ndor.rs I{inrlow'l'rim Doors Doqr l'rim Han( 0T UCCK liar l -s Flues F lashj ngs C;himrcy.s T:rash [n c] osure's Gt'eerrirotrs es 0ther B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name TREES I'rr(lrti t'r'(l l.9t' r;t.tlit:t ilt.;t I lr;' r::r r i lrc ,l i V(in : -iy-l-t : . q!.. lJ.Lt-L:r "i:!- l irc irPPi it;rnt. t.o tlrc Dcs j iln iii.'v j clr' rJr _w-frLft. Si ze _d .tat I _a__ (.'- 6:1.-b' L!-a' EB4lJllBirtgrorgzsr '}€l?ebL 3€A.-\aJggr- - F:PILpe,'t/lTA._ ANQqi;lt€+rwq Wy*EP-- MbhrtE-_ -_ t2 t1,-f _ __b.__ 5_q!L h" (1.:Ior EAtJ Bl-rqTltal{a -----*_ftYrut& - -tt A VL 'Ytt' - Common Name Quanti ty v SHRUBS -*+" fII?g--ud ,*rn,.,.?rru,',. SOD liltlii'ili covt iii SEED @- SQUARE F0OTAGE #* ANIIL|AL 57o TYPE A2t4AILD (112/85 t5%SQUARE FOOTAGE S,ttWT+f be.ot* ?5% }naft fE4-ue lo'b swALZND?TL ut#Kqtze 5'/ E t6 KL al2/19 TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swjmmjng poo1s, etc.) Please specify. \v^f!=, 5r4" __ | f{TFr+r^ "NL. \^/ l1+F T+€_ BUI}OHJC{^ o-oa UTlI.ITY LOCA'TION VUITITICATION rol toT SUBDIVISION ADDRESS FITING The location of utilities, f.ines, must be approved and acconpanying site plan. whether they verifled by main trunk fol louing Iines or proposed uti-lities for the be the Ajrthorized Signature Date Mountai n Bel'l l -634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Ho'ly Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va'l1ey 'llater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For new const. please fill out attached sheet. N0TEI These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibitity to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utiLity locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easetnent in the Town of Vail. A. building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This form. is to verify'service availablity and locat.ion, This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plarr and scheduling installations. MEMORANDUM TO: File 7201.5C FROI{: Gerald E. Dahl DATE: July 28, 1983 RE: VA Snor,rmaking Application Recommendatio4 (to peter Jarnar and Peter Patton) A. Conditions on issuance of permit for phase One: Install flow meters on the new 800 gpn pumping stationas urell as the existing pumping staLions on MitI Creek En-a tEE Eeated water iu-rnpl-"g itation. Recordsavailable for inspection at Vail Valley, Statement that no approval granted for phase II, h,hichis not before Council. Statement that Phase fI application must be accompanied by a hydro study. 1. Permit issued for one year only; reexarnined at thattime for extension, based upon flow data requiredbelow. 2. 3. 4. GED: kl 'l'hc fcrl )r,lirr11 infornet ir:n i:.; Board bc I o;'rr i1 fill;1 [ lpprova 1 A. Blrll,!J;i;i: I'A'1'[Rt/LLS rctiu i rr:tl for gulrri it.t;r I I'y thc c:r tr lrc ,livcn ! 'IyLc o!_l!,1t-c:lr11l Concrete ul)l)li(:ir{lt to ille. Desiltrr licy j 1'1e tr.r"l.gl natural or DRB PreferenceRoof Siding Other I'jal1 lvtatcrial s Fascia Soffits Windows Hindour Trin Doors Door 'l'rin Hand or Deck Flues Flashings Rails Chiriureys Trash Enclosures Greenhorrs es Other' Wood shiplap cedar or redwood Concrete natural or DRB Preference l- x L0 wood cedar or redwood N/A Wired glass cedar or redwood 4. x.8 steeL brown cedar or redwood N/A 6tt steeL vent brown Metal brown see trFluesrl N/* N/A N/A B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES ValL Assoclateg' Inc. i01-476-5601 extenslon 4Q40 Botanica'l Name Corrnon Name N/A Slze SHRUBS N/A COVIRS SEED N/A QI'lU'ilfl SOD SQUARE FOOTAGEN/A TYPE VaiL Mountain l-ow-al-tltude mixture 14% - Potomac Orchard Grass 2Q% - Perennial- Rye 20% - Winter triheat 25% - Smooth Brome 132 - Tinothy 7% - \trhite Dutch CLover SQUARE FOOTAGE 600 TYPE OF IRRIGATION N/A TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other creekbank will re rip-rapped with rock, much like its Present state. Illllside wiLl be re-seeded with grass; erosion control netting applied, if necessary, untiJ. revegetation is complete. Landscape Features (retajning walls, fences, swimming'pools, etc.) P'lease specjfy. Back re wal-L of casc-in-pLace concrete. Col-or natural- or as DRB speeifi.es. Baf fl-e wal-l. between building and Holy Cross transformer of cast-in-place concrete. Col-or as above. Transformer pad-natural pre-cast concrete; can be painted any coLor. Transformer dark green metal; can be painted any color. PLUMEilNG/MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL ER //*;&4^/-,(. 'nU OF BUILDING: OF WORK:NEW Enoorrolr n nemooel ER.ro,* RIPTION OF WORK: UMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $ALUATION $ -S PERMIT FEERMIT FEE fiorr"ourD E DT'APPR.'ED ,4? W*-a--t^',t rorAl FEES: s 22 5D \ rNsFE.ilor,i TOWN OF FIEGII.JEST V A I.'L T|ME REGETVEO j ; ) _r.lq rr CALLER DATE JOB NAME I . E orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnu LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rat /3AQ AM d' _J-I}APPROVED I orsareRovED I nerwgeecr $l' ueor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CoRRECTTONS C or.Ii-t iJ o E' s'T-€{c- ftt r j 2' /}EJ t/^l-D !;; Q4 trC\ . DATE lL - a3 it SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL ProJect N .___t, _ .,_. ----.- 'tnspector[4fr4{ ru SEPt?lo7{ OCAT I ON ?/arc{ ee/t PRECAST: ApD-l IJ 9N4L BE_f18!3Ks rNs"=rtt* TOWN OF FIEBIJEsiT VAI L. oarc .4--P'7t TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME AM PM E orHen MON COMMENTS: ! pannnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR flaeeRovED f] orsapp RovED E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTtoNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project DATE CONCRETE: LOCAT ION CORRECTIONS REQU I lnspector PRECAST: ADp!MNAL RE,|4ALK9- ,-___._ _ _. "- '. i ' l ,.. , I lrtnii-ffiail-{:/ TQI{N OI VA iL ELECTRICAL PtRi'IIT I l.iA'f 74 J CB NA.I.1I: DAIE oF AFPLlCATl0ll_*- \5- - 3/ _tO7A ELECTi-l rcAr. coNTR tctoa y'ArL A .<Sac, _Zut,,/ -Jfu4r4-=4=--_./o't,-s rGl'lATr-lRr cF rL tcAiiT ( APPROVALS BU I LD i\C VI LLTAT lC,, S ELEcTR icAL 'ALUAT iori sJEe?__ PERI"]IT TEE $sge lNSPEcr rorl FE E t_ JA f -__ TOTAL reu. S ,.f6 g --Ireil-FORII IS TO BE PCSTID Oi{ JOB SITE DIJRI;.IG CO;,|STRUCTIOiI 24 IicuR.s I'i0TIcfl F.EQUIltijj) pRI0R T0 INSpECTIONS DATE =*-=--S-s/qr-zADAT E DATE PA ItJ RECE iVED BY iTLAN CI..I ECKER RU JUL2sl974 rNsPEcr(bru rtEeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL oare4$e rnn€ Recgrveo ' AM pM Zouea4o=,T. -' n /Ehxrrrnr-.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR Mveo E nerNsPEcrI orsaeeRovED E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS onre 7 .- 33 - >? / fltr JUit20|o7, SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT NA lf PECTOR ORRECTIONS REQUIRED CONCRETE: lvlAS0NRY: STFEI-: ".. i /j.tr--1, ,, "U/ PRECAST: 0THER: SDec i f .. L-ci,-tes, inc-. vooi.L. -*l***'ui- August 29, ..l973 Mr. Robert G. IrwinRobert G. Irwin andAssociates7536 h|est Seventeenth AvenueLakewood, Col orado B0Zl5 Dear Mr. Irwin: Regardi ng your I etteruntil definitive pl anspassed along to you.fi nal di sposi tion of t As a result of considerabre public and municipal input, we havedecided to build_a pump-housb neu" the site of the former raceshack, wh'ich will_bi, ]n effeci,-an unaergiound-structure. Fromycur house'it will be liierally invisibie. Pumping-equ'ipment will be in the house, and effectively noise-l.::. Compressors will.be outside, but shielded by an g_footwa11, so their noise will be material'l y reduc"d f"o,n former in-stal I ati ons. Eventual ly we hope to *ov. io*p""rsori I naoors,so as to remove thi s source of noi se comp.l etbty. lJi th reference to the snowmaki ng guns , or nozz'r es , we wi r r beuti I i z'i ng the most ef f i ci ent syitem currently ava.i I abl e. As i nthe past, however, there wirr -be unavoidabre noise connectedwith the snowmaking.operation unti'r surr,-ii;" ;;-iess r;i;t-l:i^::Il:lil{_.}p.rimentat equipment reaches practr:cii opei.ailnsspecr tt cati ons for our situati on. of August 3, we have delayed replyingfor the snowmaki ng operaii on cbui A 5e |rJe hope you will be pleased with ourhe snowmaking pump-house and equipment. !Pl:.llling, operating hours and periods, I'm sure you realizeEnar tne physi cal requi rements of snowmaki ng constrai n us tooperate only when the proper temperatures pievail. This meanswe normal1y cannot beg'i n until approx'i mately the second week inNovember, and cannot complete thb necessary coverage until early 99g:Tb:t. 0perations arb normalty possibtL pr.imarily duringnlgni-trme hours. However, the design of the snowmaking inital-lation is more efficient than before and the operat.i ng 6oursshould therefore be reduced AREA CODE 303 476-s601 BOX 7. VAIL. COLORADO Ar657 o o Mr. Robert I rwi n Past experiwill not be snow on'l y 1 RLP/hl cc: Town of Vai I -2-August 29, 1973 i i s extendi ng 'ng 0ur snow-I think ournt to this \ hal l uti I J ze -duri ng the he length of publ i c todaY ence indicates that operations later in the seas0n necessary, but if thby are' would'i nvolve making ong enough to patch areas of heavy wear. I hope you understand that Vai'l Associates is no happier about the irec!ssity to make snow than are some of the residents of the Gol den P-eak/L'i ons Head areas. Increasi ng traf f i c on the lower mOuntain, hOWeVer, has cauSed mOre wear, and Our COmm'i t- ment to quality skiing has forced us to respond with the only practical techiiques ivailable to us. }le recent.ly learned If it Rsper. and Sdeamboat are both studyi ng the f'e1s j b'if ity of jnsta'l ling snownraking, for the same reasons that Vail has re- sponded tQ. May I reiterate, Mr. Irwin, that Vaii Associates and wil'l contjnue to extend' every effort to maki making operations as unobiectionable as possible. pump house faci I i ty wj I I demonstrate our commi tme effort. As new techni ques become avai I abl e, we Fthem. Meanwhi 1e, we trust you wi l'l bear wi th us snowmaking period so we can continue to provide t season, aid'the quality of experience, the sk'iing seems to require. Sincerely, R'ichard L. Peterson President o .*[.-4,*il, J r,.Jl1* fr^;* f'--.'( -tr,\^^,\L*. ..,u2 l-'l{ ,W J IU II -! ,t c4grr,ri,\, ".,,",t- | L' 4(* ,;l * **,-A +t'+-{"ilra,{d d-J 6*t, *l'"'\ hor^r' bi I o.,gl.br*J-l J \"'fEt "/"'J^ \ lV'.rfl-+ll_n breJ^l T ! ;d, -'0" ..ia Jl A" ,r.$1,-. lr^.L {*1-, ,*qhl..o -\ J,, , I lJ aA, {^-(tt\r( 1 I*-,'O oo ' t '^' l*';li-"'t '-il- ,6i{' "9 \ lz'r'r,'--' +tT1 \,*; f,^;t- o^,tc^ \^J\cY( T" {t {*-+-lrU-U STEELE \^|OTKYNS 255 vvASHINGTON ttTREET COLIN STEWART DENVERAO2OA ARCHITECT AggOCIATE August 12, 1973 To: Town Council, Town of Vail I would like to voice my opinion and approval of the proposed pumphouse and snow making bystem that Vail Associates- is-planning in the LionsHead area. I definitely feel that we aLl should support Vail AssociaLesas it will lead to improvemenL of skiing- in the LionsHeadarea and help all business in the area as a whole. Please give consideration to this amenity planned by VailAssociates so that we all can have a most -successfui season with the best skiing conditions for our guests. t\ \ SincerelyT yo{rs,jl*/tuU^,*ot uo9g walKer Lft House condominiums Box 427 Vai1, Colorado 81657 August 11, 1973 Town of VailAtten: Town CouncilVai-l, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: It has come Lo my attention that the additlon of the snow-making equipment- and the building necessary for housing such equipment in LlonsHead is being challenged by some persons. Please note that the lrJestwind owners and iLs management fully support Vail Associates in their at.t.empt to make the skiingin LionsHead desir-able at all times. I r:nderstand that the _equlpment used will create less noisepollution than the present portable machines used and theuse of the machines will be only temporary during the startof the ski season and the end of the- season. The building housi-ng the snow rnaking machhe is to be designed to fit i.naesthetically with all surroundlng buildings. AE any ratethis will fit bet.ter than the racine shack-located in thatarea in the past. In conclusion, it seems that the nr,ajority will benefit from thisamenity and would encourage consideration to the acceptanceof the Vail Associates addition. General Manager cc: Robert Parker YOUR OTHER WORLD ON THE EDGE OF THE WIND To: Town Counci'l , Town of Vai'l I feel it is most my opinion on the Vailbuilding that is to beside of Gore Creek. August ll, 1973 important to express Associ ates pumpi ng I ocated on the South ble should al'lefforts to'improve Head lower slopesthe LionsHead area whol e. support Vai'l Associatesthe ski'ing on the Lions- which not only wil'l effectbut Vail business as a Thinking of the wholethe town council to approveiates plans so that we can successful season with thefor our guests. community, I urgethe Vail Assoc- have a long best skiing ever Sincer ly, II hn Purcel I urcel l 's Resturant p*',1*- August ll, .|973 To: Town Council,Town of Vail As an independant business man with aninterest in the LionsHead area, I wlsh to express my concern over the proposed Vail Association pumping bui'lding to be located on the South side of Gore Creek. It is extremely important from an econ- omic standpoint that we assist the Vail Assoc-iates efforts to improve the quality of ski'ing and to assure a full season of excellent skiing on the LionsHead lower slopes. This has an important impact on both the LionsHead andVillage business. Certainly all of us must support Vai'l Associates efforts to improve the qualityof skiing in such an important way. As an individual businessman and with theinterests of the community as a whole in mind,I urge the town council to approve the Vail Associates plans as presented so that tre can be assured the best quality product and longest season possible for our guests. Chuck ldhi te Harvest Table MEMORANDUM August 10f 1973 TO: TOWN COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING COMMISSION RE: VAIL ASSOCIATES PUMP HOUSE In a meeting Thursday, August 9th, the Planning Commission revieweda revised plan from Vail Associates for the Pump House to be l-ocated down at LionsHead. Based on that plan and with a few observations noted below, the Conunission reconmends to the Council that a Condi-tional Use Permit be issued for the building. Following are a list of points discussed with vail Associates which should be made a part of the Permit: 1. A wooden gate and fence should be placed across the drive to screen the compressors located just outside the west portion of the building. 2. The deadline for absolute completion of the buiLding, including all landscaping was set at July L5, 1974. In connection with this, the Commission recommends that the Town be provided with a detailed landscape plan for the project as soon as possibl-e. 3. The requirement of a Performanqe Bond for landscaping was waived in view of the contractual agreementE which Vail Associates will enter into with various neighboring homeowners, represented by Douglas Mclaughlin, which stipulates that if Vail Associates does not complete a satisfactory landscaping pl-an, the homeowners may come in and redo it -- with the cost to be borne by Vail Associates. 4. If suitable to the site, the building may be rotated slightly on a clockwise basis -- it was the feeling that this would actually enhance the hidden aspects of the west elevation. 5. vail Associates indicated that the west wal-l of the building rnay be extended to the west at some future time to slightly enlarge the building. The Commission recommends that if this takes place, the then west wall be faced with stone. 6. The Commission recommends that the outside air tank also be screened. This would be acconplished by point #1 for the irunediate futurei however, if the building is extended and the wooden gate taken down, then the air tank would require some additional screening. a 7. There is a bit of a problem concerning the entrance road tothe building and the bike path which appears to run through it. The Commission recormnends that the entrance road be put to theside of the bike path and be gravelled as shown on the plan --this will eliminate any confusion about the bike path beingactually part of the driveway. I t\ry A.l O*rJ1AJf t* o -L.^* Doh^'^ I G t^d A oL^r^ \V*& -;l^^.,, t*,, .{- c^*\ o{r(.-"1 \J^"'f ql^t Surg.l t\^-JF.r^-\ '1" ' 6"t^o^^l ht- to*U4J -r^^ U* ["J (o'o*lA* y\6/\^\^JJ . cN^ OJ ..*''c^-tt!'a Gtrr6ae-o'r- o.r,rcr % e\l^{- \'l+J"'1 . *t 'aa v) d*S -il *'itt \o 'l^."^U'J Nr^rirl . t d" \h..- U** q4* \ri\t-1 e44 he' A,oc-'*O C# $ [*.Q4, *16l, *ob' rw)r{< '(t{'f \.1,L i.1 Q-o\^c'r-ri^ J t'^-*t*., u-,-" o'.0.o tar* .i.! \4*l \I* q. te"Ao h. ;tJl-" jet $14 ar^l'o+) $lh -r^^-"^- A* J gn\\"ltJ'^ c^eifre,, \ Nl-t Qfu""n n^o{r{, ; ROIERT S. ENeELMAN 2 N. RIVERSIDE PLAZA cHrcA@, tLL. 60606 rEL: 263.33e3 Jury 31, Iff3 Ur. strll? tllngsr Tmu &nager ValI, Colorado Dear !tr. l{lrgerl Bacloseal le copy of l,etter I seat llr. Job! Dobgoa toqatr, nhlch ls seLf,-eryJ-a,uator1y. I tnrrt yor nlL1 ilo evcrtrrthlng posatbl€ to pmtect tbc realiilestlal prqErty ormGra of, Yatl. I rn Bendlug a atntLar Letter to ltr. h Lrby of, VeLJ' Amoel- etagr nho orlglns.Uy blsnght thla nsttsr to ny attentlon. IJlerlae, I vlah to adrrlse yor that l{r. Roal $llfer lr fbtly eouyersa[t vItA ry attltuil€, a'ut to qy lnmLedge agrcer vltrh m. f,E:B ROBERT S. EN€EIMAN 2 N. RIVERSIDE PLAZA cHrcA@, rLL.60606 el| S,f $n TEL: 263-3393 t*ffitfrrfrw, T|[l* tr#|l e5ff fit** lfrrlr- t ffi r lrf* * mfi r;fo *ri trr s.* fr *r * *l# rt ltr" t tt|r t{rili nffir|d itr F" h r* f fl* nrilfi- ff ffi trtrtIt ttiss lffi sf(*l**rffiil fifiryr tf flsi*f,il||rffiffi,* *r # *k s {lrmr*x $il m*ff t*fft h*r I il* # fr !t"tf s ffiry r' *m*,sr !p fili s ft| *+ !* $t fi# ff ild,li rtffid!, sil tr s rhil tt # l| hG * rf s**Sfilnmil* tfgtil wilfil0 t*rqiffi |Hilt tilntltfftllt n|l|' I1'|EHE's-hEry.rs[EbefErodt.rlldj!|rd E -tir;m* s==" * s rrdlmr- t ur 6r- rtn* *,m h" l[nndr** #r **f *ffi sl *r trilx fio ffilrr sr.ffi ftlrlmtrb tt|;s' -crl #i wr r* trry-$ttr s rwr tr s *rffi * ru *t !fid;" trn il n#rt* *ttrt * n ryililcr ril* ffi* * tffir rf {tr trr rrlff* t tHu! t rfr! Iq d$ril*** ff *ffifri| E r*r rs' rd:-i *i{n[ r?crt n rmm *|Ht* s #rr ru' *lilttttr il.n ry *Itr fin f* Itrosn *il ROBERT S. ENEELMAN 2 N. RIVERSIDE PLAZA cHrcAGo, lLL. 60606 ,rr,i_..n. Jury 3r., r9l3 fb. John Dobooa, llbyor VaL[, 0olorad.o &6fl Ibar l4r, Ilobsoa: I heve a bou6e on Fonest Ro€d,, lot #3, ttoct k, La the tri.ons Eead eres. I bave been ailvlEed. by l{r. |fm Lrby of, Vatl Aseocl- ates tbat steps a,re belng tatsen to bul'l"d a snmruaktug f,actory on tJre adJolntng property rert to tbe skt rrrn. In rlS,ectroslrg th,ls uatter wlth ixln I flEd. that tbe sl,ze of tbe factory ls flrbstantlal, 3O fg by 5O f,b, tbat the nolee f,actor te equally subEtantlql edl te euch tbet tt would be bearcl at 4r hqrse and e{Jolnlng houses. I belleve the propoaeal strucfirre nqrLd. eerisue\r a,f,fect not on\y uS' Irroperby value but u$r eqjolrcnt of, Va.l.I, apd. lg a vloletlon of the lresldeatJ.al cbaraster of, tbe rel.gbborbooil. I bave dloeuseeal thle nlth Dr. A1 tlhlBin anrcl he concurs tn ry obJeotLon. It ls obvtous thst' durlng the eirer VatI Assoclatee ean proceeil trttJo t&Le type of, lddng, rltbout due regaa€, to tb€ real.lente !fto a,re not tbere. 'l't''le ls takXrg un&rc aclvantage of tbe very people that' foreal tbe basia of tie Vatl e4lanalon. Ae l,leyorr I bope you rdLL proteet our htenstE ln t'be cou{ng bear- lng6. I rrllt nse en6ry mans poaslble to block the propoeedl ooa- strtretlon. PLea^ee ra,y I bear fr@ you. 8ts:B , tHoNE tot atltart o Sllfer ud Oornpany r rmild Ju* rille to go sr reconi sr belralJ of !8. Bovnrd F. snitb ingbjestiry to the Snqosd snCI$r'akirg tui:nirry at Licmsliead, Iifr. Seittrts drt of, ttu orrrtry until Argiust 14 tlrt cnrrs f.ot 2, Elk 2 in the 6tttFiling. His l-ot is the rFarest to ttE shEhre. I do feel l,tr. sith strcnrl.d be consultecl perscnafly prtor to any decisianbejry lrtile ard I do feeL in his betralf tlrat an cbJecti$ sbould be nade. e! Xbwn otr Vailattni ifckn Dcbsqr Ierry Uirqer. hradl tuitft RSzbs