HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 TRACT E VAIL RESORTS LIFT 16 (VISTA BAHN)oLProject Applicalion r rl \l Proj€ct Name: Proi6ct Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ""," l)l,lltl- APPROVAL DISAPPHOVAL Date: Town Plan ner E statt Approval ooz UI -{Fco{6z-u mF3 { --E -.1o @mFtrA =SilrE l# E I tE= lil ; i' l< -i rt=E 5'<ELILJL-J 3 3xP 6 .e =i r,t o->= d Eo@ a gia s€Y AEm.tI ! m =-.{ z,o n+tfrr{u m -r z oozIn on o 2={c 86 d6 om4i-r;E \{B!-too>nr noT =mo-{ (- z =!T UI{ @ z, -z c) l- I I I ,{ timlOrlt lolr|t<t> lF til lo l6 I I I I I l{lo t€ li tm lF,tz r I I I l6tz ld l;t€F12 l le lsli l€ t[ t3 l:lsf18trllq) Il-lrl I: |n !,o zo-{ m oo! I -{m ti !m\IEt -.{o (D mxm!I ozeo @2-{m EmF =-l zo OOl\)P @ -J N|.RIx!Frnio>'nzo?gc)vlo6P = =b(t-1oozz orW : = ts -rmF:zlrg FE IHtoNQo21l+5-il.zt40 t-frn 1=qIal'x 5l (\\* tr \ 'lN \l No\\ \ IOmEotr4i- -zz.a J> a t-t =z t- m -{ozmm m l<" ie* mt- rno E l8"l <t a- o n m J € t-- -rl t- I \ \\" \ F'\ \ ,,h \-l 'n o (Do fLo\- o{ o (oo o1 A) o o 0t 6' 0rEeolHr q3-o:b qlr. ec € q5 +ts ='o 3D*. i'o ffi R \ i=:e _.,c N 3;IB R=-- je:E $i Ei*E S * gset iNi:i ;tNHsgi Niaie Ngll l- m z -{ z m-q 7 zti\o l-J>J.o tur = lcf ='g);r=--{ | - t-'t-i l-' -lN I(D (D ll,cf o UI tn a'1:o o5o -l5 9r.o. -(DEo5(-l- (I) Ol u I IFrctlcf tqtulto io -l t- !mD = =TImm(n !- =(!z S (^)(Jl oo C\\, I s a c\ cL+ 35'J3Pb eR< 54J..-t 8- )r- gs ;1 RN N\\ Nhi \N N N s, ltt b h s sl)\ JEIIYNN INTERNAT|OIIL, tNC. September 15, 1985 Dave LarsonVail Associates, Inc.P.O. Box 7Vail, Col-orado 81658 Re: Chairlift #16 Visra Balrr Dear Dave: I have inspected alL for-mdation work for the detachableChairlift #16 including soil marerials; rebar quantitiesand placemgn! and conciete qual_ity, dimensions'and pl_ace-ment and find them Eo be in -substlntial_ compl_iance i^riththe design drawings as listed bel_ow. s-40601/1s S-40601 l2s/a s-40601/3s S-40601 /4s/a S-40601/5s S-40601/6S/a 9- 40501/7s s-40601/8s Return Tension Station Foundation #7 ,2 ,4. Return Tensio,n Station For.ndation #s Return Tension Station For.rrdation #3 Spread For:ndation A4, Tower #1 Spread For,mdation 84, Tower #2,20 Spread For-rndation G6, Tower #3 Spread Foundation D4, Tower f4,5,11,16 Spread For:ndation C4, Tower #6,772I ,24,32,33 Spread Foundation D4, Tower #7 r 9r0,23,27 ,3L Spread Foundation E4, Tower #I2,73 Spread For.mdation C4, Tower #14 Doppelnayr Company: s-40444 /tL s-40444l2A s- 40444 /38 3492'I WEST PINE BIDGE LAIIE GOLDEN, COLONAIX) 8odfiI (il{Dg)542-7{Gl TFLFX:4919.1t569 Jl'liLyfrN INTERNATtONna,o. Dave Larson Speteurber 15, 1985Page 2 S-40601 /9sla s4601/10s S- 40460 /a S- 40450 /1a S-40460 /2a S-40460 /3a 9lrqqd Forndarion 84, Tower 15,19,25 ,26 ,29 ,30. Spread_For.mdation G6, ?ower #g'J.8 r22,29 Foundation Drive Station #3 Drive Station Forndation SI ,2 Drive Station Foundation S4,5 Qtiy" Station For-srdation 16,7 ,g9,10 Sincerely, JENLYNN INTERNATIONAI,, INC.,4th% /t^ Flercher, p.E. 0{j iJ.L.5.lg)$l::ij;E;'E6;-$;;;j;;;'g i "tzzos -3 i-ltlo.n*rnilXfrtpt.ji$ftTit'.ii$ G' .ortoo pAssElrcBR rn*n*v sAFEr*of ttttt P'Rll ll0-84A CERTIPICATION OP DESIGN AREA VAIL ADDRESS OF AREA VaiI. Co]o. 80R NEII TRAilWAYS ioR }IA"JOR UOD1PICATIONS NA}IE OR NU}AER OF LIFI' VISIA BAHN ttpa oFetachable LrFTi-uad Cha.!rlift NAIIE OF ENGINEER Walter F. HoIland ADDRESS OF ENGINEER Denver. Co1o. BRIEF DESCRIPTIoN OF IJoRx Nen Chairlift REQUIRED .SUBHISSIONS : 1. sPEcfFrcATroNs AND TEsrs oF t{rRE RoPEs (Reference Bule 7.1). (teqrrired st tlee of load test.) 2. A DMI.IING IOG A}ID ONE COPY OF EACH DOCI'HENT AS SPECIFIED IN CPTSB FoRu 124-84A. CERTIFICATION r The deslgn of the passenger tramlray llsted above conforns sith the .PPli- cable Rules and Regulattons of the Colorado Paseenger Tramray Safety Board cffectlve January 1, 1984. I furrher certlfy that I ras ln reaponelble eharge of the preparatlon of the designr-g1ans, and apectflcrllon6 or I certlfy that I have lhorouShly reviewed Bhen. SIGNATURE 0ctober SEAI \t Outpxesr orre sxarr Lllr (Nsr or lto.). . . . . ValI Vista Bahn l{rnufecrurcr. .. .Doppelmayr Drsr Ltft lnrtrlhd November 1985 Typc of Ltlt. . . . . r . . Detachable Quad Chalr ?oucrc (Nuobcr) . . r . . .t3 Llor Gr3c (Io Frc,) 15' 9i' l{aln Poscr Untr (l{fg. SHorccpovcr)....-.... 1000 H.P. Toshiba D.C. Hotor Standby Pov.-er Unit. . . . Cummins KTA 2]00Auxiliary Pcner Uni.t. Duetz F-89-94IlF Diesel Hydrostatic Liners (ltacerirl) . Neoprene Stopr Lcngch (Fccr) 918] Vcrtlcal Rlee (Fccr) L997 Specd (FPl{) Design 994 F.p.M. 0perational at 896 F.p.M. CapsclBy (PPB). r . . . t . Desion Zg00 Spactag of Cerricrs(Fccr) Design 89.2 lype of Carrl,rrs. . Detachable Quad Chairs Rope (Stee $Speciflcrtlonr)..,.. . It/41' 6x16F.C. XXIP Loedtng tnctnrel (Sec.) . . Design 5.44 Rotrcton (R13hr Stdc Up.Left Sldc Up) . Locaglon of Drlvc (toprBocs,ou)...r Top LocaGlon of CouuErnrrighr . Bottom Service Bralce ([ft. EType),.. o. r... ,.'2 Doppelmayr Type C bcr3ency lrrLr (Htl. ITypc) . . . . . . .. . . . . 2 Doppelmayr 50 KN Incernsl lrckrtop (yf8,0lbdrl).... Lohman Overrpecd. (ftf3. 5 ltodeI). . Doppelmayr Gear tox (!ur. r lbdet) . . Lohman Gphl 290 Counrenr.tghr (typc fUclghB or Prlrrurc) . . . Hyd.raulic 35000 Lbs. Total Pressure CounB.Evclthr lopc (Stzc6 Specifterr.lour) . . . o, N/A .NOTES: tgtLl| l)u-86 r t o COLORADO PASSENCER TRA}!}JAY SAFETI BOARD CERTIFICATION OF CONSTRUC?ION FOR NEW TRAMI,IAYS OR MAJOR MODIFICATIONS NAI,IE OR NUUBER OFLIFT Vista BaITT CPTSE FORI'I 111-85 TYPE OF llplDetachable Quad ADDRESS OF NA}IE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Jin Fletcher ADDRESS oF PRoFEssroNAL ENcrNEwS!9z2 west Pine Ridge Lane, Golden, Co, 80403 1. Foundation excavaEions pere personally inspected by me before concreteplacenent. Ttre soil/rock condltions meet or exceed the specificatlonsof the design engineer.X Yes 2. concrete cylinder tescs nere made for the concrete in each terminar and each tower foundaEion; certifled tes! records as performed by an approved resting laboraEory are attached; and coDcrete meecs Lhesrrength requirement specified by the Eramway design engineer. 3. The size of concrete foundatlons as buirt and the location, number and size of reinforclng bars are as speclfied by the tramway designengineer. x yes 4. Heasurenents uere made after installation of the passenger tramhray.Terninal and tower staEioning, alignment, inclinacions, and heLghEs, and are noled on the as-built drawings. I yes 5, Structural and nechanical arrangements, and components are 1n conforrnance uith the latest revision of the tramlray design engineer's drawings. 1 yes 6. Any difference betr^reen the design drawings and the as-built passenger tramway and any rras bullt', drawings have been tEansmiEEed t.o the tramuay design engineer and are enclosed. X yes I hereby cercify that to the bes! of my knowledge and abili.ty, Ehe constructlon ofthe above-named passenger rrawray has been conpleted 1n accordance/,with design drawings and speclficaLions for the items listed above prepared by Ehe tramway Colorado 816s 8 ENGINEERI S SIGNA JENL?NN TNTERNATT'NA?, rNc. Septenber 15, 1985 Dave LarsonVail Associates, Inc.P.O. Box 7Vail, CoLorado 81658 Re: Chairlift #16 Vista Baln Dear Dave: r have inspected aL1 forsrdation work for the detachabLechairlifr #16 iircludir!-"oii-i"i!ii"r"; rebai q'antiriesand plaeeme:r! and cotrciete-q""lfty, dimensions';a-tG;;-ment and find them to be rt'subsihitiar conpriance wrtnthe design drawings as lteied t.ior. Doppelmayr Company: 5-40444/1A Return Tension Station For:ndarion,l ,2,4. 3-4044412L Rerufrr Tenslon Starion Fourdation t5 3-40444138 Return Tension Sration For.ndation t3 S-40501/LS Spread For.rndation A4, Tower t1 S-40601 /25/a Spread Foundation 84, Tower IZ,ZO s-40601/3s Spread For.rrdation G6, Tower #3 3-40601 l4Sla Spread Foundation D4, Tower #4,5,11,16 S-40601/5s gprged Foundation C4, Tower 16,L72I,24,32,33 S-40601/6S/a Spread Forndarion D4, Tower t7,910,23,27,3t g-4060L17S Spread For:ndation E4, Tower lLZ,l3 S-40601/83 Spread Foundarion C4, Tower f14 .t14922 |JF-ST DIIIIF RfIfGF f ANF Gllf ffFN aalr flDAhar rn/.no ta,rlrr tBAo ,tat , TEr Ev. l-:tt<a JENLYNN INTENNATIONAL,otNc.o Dave Larson Spetenber 15, l9B5Page 2 s-40601 lgsla s0601/10s S-40460/a s-40460/1a S- 40460l2a S-40460/3a , $p"gqd Fourdation 84, Tower 15,L9,25 ,26,29 ,30. -Spread Forndation G5, Tower #8 78 t22,29 FourdatLon Drive Station t3 Drive Station ForsrdatLon ll ,2 Drlve Station Forsrdatlon #4,5 lrive Station For.ndation 16,7 ,B9,10 Slneerely, JENLYNN INTERNATIONAL, INC.,4 tlr7tu# /t^ Fl-ercher, p.E. 5.t5.Idtt:;;+?$K$;;-;;;r.f i rr2o3 -i i,i&r,oo^'gi:T*l'!gj;.-i10J.1".-i.ii$ $da"rt$ AREA VAIL SKI AREA o COLORADO PASSENGER TRAMWAY SAFETY BOARD DESICN ENGINEERI S VBRIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION LrFT_!_I5LA__EAH|I FORH 118-84 TYPE OF Detachable L IFtJ.u.a^d *ehairll f t ADDRESS NAME OP ENGINEER t!,. F Ho I land ADDRESS OF ENGINEER DCNVET Colo. I have reviewed rhe as-bullt the consErucClon engineer andof concrete are withln design drawings and concrete tests supplled byfind the actual dinenslons and strength tolerances. SIGNATURE SEAL Walter F. Holland & Associates Inc. 2640 South Holly Street Denver, CO 80222 303'7585208 Novenber 25, I985 Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board, Room 600A, State Services Buil.ding' I525 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 9O?Aj Dear Board Members' In addition to the initial certification lhat the nelv Doppelmayr Vista Bahn Quad Chairlift at Vail Ski Area is in compliance with the Rules and Regulations, I lurther certify that the engineering design provides for a normal.Iine speed of 5 meters pe! second. SincerelY ,')./ ..4/ /..,--r4..----.;/,_4:-.._l WaIter F. Holland, P.E. INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES AMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL I ,i:7 ntt"(81 yd rouruonrloN / srEEL L trt' //,: u!,f' O FRAMING D o tr tr ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr o SUPPLY AIH tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED d:'-::a-- --' : ' :t " INSPECTOR INSPECTION.'i TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBE"R OF PROJECT DATE "t'- t !.'{" JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEQTION:THUR FRI CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING iy'noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS Itr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL gIAPPRovED boRnecrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE 4 t-.- t d\|.: '/- - Ir it t PERMIT NUM B OF PROJECT DATE JOB INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I NAME CALLER "--- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: r] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL drnnutltc r?Al * kpai ftxv. t'tz.,.t€ l\ o.1,1. e eLJEEo c,,<- -.r./:- ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS tr POO PIPING D INSULATION L/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ntr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr ElfilAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR MBER OF PROJECT rNs CTION REOUEST TOW OF VAIL I '!' t PE READY FOF INSPECTION: JOB NAME @ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM o I >-t{ ll 5' LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWoOD NAILIN tr GAS PIPING (,*sr.ot,o N -.4 tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NA|L _ tz!;6 C.[ | i ,-: -':;. t. .. ,' -t- v'; l- o o -f" n tr FINAL n o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr Fl,rAL D FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER CYD WED THUR FRI PMAM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI EI FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATIOV 2l t," , ,- e lr tr POOL / H. TUB {sneernocK NAtL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR VED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,i ./ /. I -, - '..)- 'DATE 7.,/L ',7i -',:{" " ;';' TNSPECTOR PERMIT NUM DATE INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILii'\rl i !- il. /-- \ a) INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF trC F ',RF CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL APPRoVED I:i .I.,. tr DISAPPRoVED tr REINSPECTIoN REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR., : * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED MBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr o a EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D tr F]#L tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .tt INSPECTOR ooz 97cc) =oz !mF =-{ III d mT* l-., h Et<x flf;i a19n 7lli glld q f-m=r-rl 1I:.o<To.de;9iiocl,>a =Qii= 'n m 3{ =FPtiA= +vz =,_!/19>-'t- !!! F.r -lt ! 8,PE 0a z<o o@>22,t 6O<z OJFH I I NED o 4o rfi\tn o o z -.tn --l o 9p -.1 c 8Ea6a t-m or zA az>mo;o-t > a (-o z =IT €oFH 't Fc) FI trlFItl HFH F l =zz m 'i D ,, t- rn (r, X { -r l-lmlO Fl= lo l1lt<t> lF ls I I H t(f,l{ lzlo 111t< l>lrITtm lF,tz l{|o l€ lz leI<t> lFII l{EtoFt€Flz l.rlo lol.l,l 16t< fit t= F't* b. 1",, E' 16E trl") |FIrlrltltl 5{o\ I hJ ! N) zo-{m Ioo1' o'r| ! m! -lIo @ mxm!{ oz(-oo2-{m o> m zo t.J @ \0t -l Cr)o) m 3 -t znm m l<' lz lz l-{Ittr- -{ !m -tI oxzma u) t-c m lc)lmkfr FiFtxP.nDC)E3lDf ob,6= F.3 3t'nz EfH- E:l ; Fl 3 TITItl Nt-o-lx!xmio>.'lzoQOaz6,t4 62 6z @= m= E< = ;}E: f, e i: t* E::s* **EFcj (/) o:ar-=-.oo FE I;: flE *iH99q'9d [;.t g; 1a g;,-€ d3 P.91 gei E;-xiato 9aif; =*;ia* aSU a': [ ^:l'aQp9Usq=',;qr=o ;dxg€ AAFiF I ;4a 9.3 rl3 s 3'1isr3l= E EEiE a;=eg I I I I 'Lg -ilmt at) oc-l s+ I !mT =-t zo HOU-25-94 HED 1g :5s TOIJN OF VRIL CBM-DEV rD f303-47 )-2452 TOIIN OF VAII, CON PERI'IT'I'I IPPT,I EAf IOH DATE: 15 r06 F.E'1 Aln D ntr!r+!/ | rlJr ApprJrcArrolf Mnsr EE FrrrrJED our couprrErDr,y qV Ff[V?ilfufgElPDgffEpsFD *i****r*****t*****i******r*** IpERUItr INFORI{AtIQN ****rt*******t**r***l*****l** t l-Butldtns [ ]-Dtunrblns J){lltu..rlcal I l-u3chrhlcat I l-othu Job Nane; A!6Lb cu.f &zaEwr rrob Addressl la3oc4r t/tl,t- &tee nr y'qt er',/. Legal naacflptlonl Lot Blc'ok- Flllns ,- srlrprvrsl ounerB Nauor Jla @!66 lrehltect:Addrest t Fb. Generar ossarlptio "t , lyf,fuS ,f + Rrca frrtt s*t !#f. . , -- ..- t{ork classr I J'New I l-Alteratlon I l*Addlttonaf t tlneea,4- It{-ovetffa,ifufl Number of Dwelllng Unlttl Nunbrr cf Acconnodatlon Unitg: r I}mber and fype of Flreplacegr Car Appllances_ €ar Logs_ Itood/PellEt_it ,t******ir**t************rrr******* vl\rJgAlloNs *****rf***t*******r*r**rr*r****** Y.-_-.?!g11.,o1rcr lrrcrnrc1lrt-@.1_ orHER; t_ Er,uuDrNoi -r'-* MEcHrIrJcALr l:-- [og]!r - r'/f,*********tt.t**r**r***r**** cotfTRlclroR INFoRltAI|toN ****ttr***********iil*****r*f Eenaral contractor; Town of vail R6q. No.__lddreFEs + phone Nuntbert Elecrrlcal co$tra 1[own of VatI Phone Nunbsrr Town of Vall Phone Nunberr town cf ValI Address t ?ttt neg- Mechanical Contractor No.lddresel Phone Nunbe ******t*ltf *l*r****lr**r *****tl** SUII.,DINC PEIWIT FEE ! FOR 9FIICE Usg *rr*****r*r*********iri******r* BUIIJDTNO PI'.AN CIIECK PEE: PIJJI.TBING PT.TN EHECX TEEI I{ECIIAHICAIJ PIAil CllE9K tEEr N,ECREATT(IN I'EE: CLEIN-UP DEPOEIt! trOTlL FtRttIE FEEf,! BUII.DTNC! SIGNAIUITEE zoNrHc r SIGNATURE! NO. Plutblng ContrasBorl Address: PLuI.lBrNc PEru.rIt fEEr .T-: uEeHANrcAt pBRttIT rrrr _ -- EIJDCTRICAI, FEEI *-1]ffi- oTHER rcPE oF ssBt'fAtvl@= DRB FEE: t'"J I 2,i| | //1./\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL , /-\ 479-2138 . .t rt ni)'il . "'y' UJi il ( ^u(fi tu ti:t4 ,JOB NAME CA!LEB -. INSPECTION:MON TUES --WED -l(-- READY FOR LOCATION:'/i ) PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSUTATION - tr FINAL D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR ,tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: t] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE -l =;.'= / r/,) \qilfr) ooza{7 bo -.16zT_tmr'l F313Hl= d qt tflEgr*h Et<x aIHE Ef9n 1lr= gI'ir 8t<i Il=E 7ri.d€1o.d8a98€>tzi5BI 'll !m! =-t nf-lm #E +4= FP"t- EEz=0@2Zooz ntrn ozlqmt l,-llEol.ot!l\Jr <foIts'tl ;!iit s -{ -{o @ mxmT-{ oz go IDo Im TmT =-{ zo (f O(, .-.J (-^) h) 0ro- E3aOll ri 6sE 81tl=r ;'J= =o, o:8=. =F6 dp.=--o oa*- j5d ioG Q'3. areB.3Bi P +c,sil€ E !llfd== -f 4i6 6 9.6 o f. -r l-i=ei& 3eeJE -.odJ =< =dF= = ilqo-f 43 E^ H*t 3q$l,'o=, !r =od:-o ll CI 4 aa II c) 7 o 9p<c *E i6 o 2A-{m7z>mc)T-t>or-n o =mo-{ t- t!z =IT @\o Fr-r Hz v) 2CH Pg|!H Eq{ l-lmlOrl= li l5 I I I E lzlo ul> lFl!lmlof l6 -{ =z o.tl P|- Dm zo t; EF 19 Ir li lE lfl lE la li llEI lt'lttotttrttYI lFrttzll' N)\o I \l' \o .l1 3 F t{ Ez c/rc) trtrd H Hz =-. o0tmq 55, D. rJl € ca tszar- z I rllz lrJ ! NJ\o I \o z 3m D Fr FIAv, c)HDH FI(ti f- mq, UI X ! -tI oxzm(!, @ I rt-c m t-\t :o-{Ri;imio>''|xq<zo.4e EE; €i56zz F>_ NE= Sm= <lI- F-<tr< = Fili)|lf'l H= #KOft# Ei u2=do frl 8! t--{m!{ o2 =z |- F{ Extr: E-a DFz \ IC{Fz - =l:lolo!il gl l-r I I I I I I ql #l I zzlol =lz utlll >l cil'l I I I ql-l I !F !F IFz rd Fq HzFF Ff{H F F H 3 FU ca FI (,o v) -{o -.1 t-Tm73 -{ 'Tlmm U, c) zFlFPC)|{ F[A rHc) t- z !mn ='{ !mn =--rt mmU' {tr { csq r!t aa 9. LITILlfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDMSION Tract E, Vail Village 5th Mid-Vail Express L,,iftJOB NAI{E LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk 1ines, must be approved and verified by the fo1 lowing acconpanying site p1an. lines or proposed utilities for the Date 4 {l*8sMountai n Bel I 1- -?44-b157 l,lestern S)ope Gas Harrv Moyes 1-469-2528 Public Service Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electni c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vai'l Cable T.V. .|eff- Hyghgs :949-5530 Upper Eagle Valley l^later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek ,A ,- * For new 2-lt-fSplease fi1 attached szw ?.2/ -t5 c,,K. l)i a MK pu f,;n^f NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public t'Jorks and to obtain utility locatj-ons before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vai1. A buildj-ng perrni.t is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availablity and location- This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. a Date 2/rL/ 85Appl i cat'ion PEC MEETING APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I' This procedure i1.19auif:9 tgt any project requesting a variance. The appricationwil'l not be accepted until art rnioimation is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT v.if as"ocirt"s. lnc. DATE 3/LL/8s ADDRESS Post Office Box 7 PH0NEjjtj___55fi._ B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PHoNE 476_s601 c.NAME 0F 0WNER(S)(type pr,4ri nt )s ' Inc . 56, I Ur ADDRESS H0NE a76_.5gt_ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ooo*utt LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING rrack E-I 5th E. FEE $r00 y!r^ ^!=^?'4)i #_r',_e_FR0M@. I55-tFfryS:rLBE PAID BEFoRE THE COMMUNiry DEVELoPMENT DEPARTMENT l,liLl AccEpT F' A list gl lfre names of owners gf_qrr property 1g.]r::"1 to !!g subjecr properryINcLUDTNG pR0pERTv erHrND AruD_lgloti SiRHi;: ano their maitins adoresses.THE APPLICANT l'IILL eE REipbNheii-F0n-idRhidi finrrrlrc ADDREssES. II. A PRE-APPLI,CAT-ION CONFERENCE l.lII[.{.ILANNiNG STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0iDETERMIN.E-!F-Al'lY noorrioNnr-"i$gl$ijqni-is nieblo. N0 AppLrcArrgN l,rrlL BEACCEPTED UNLESS lr-ts cor'rFftie '1ryg1.iticlutii iii"iirprs REQUTRED By rHE zgNrNGADMINISTRAToR)' tr ts rHrlpFlicnrrri-nEiForu!'iiriirv ro MKE AN AppoiNrMENT!{ITH THE srAFF r0 rtuo oui abbur nooririir'rnl"lusMiiinr- nEqurnEMENrs. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APP.LICATION l^JILL STREAMLINE THE RPPNOVRI- PROCESS FORYouR PR0JEcr ev oecEEAsnic-TtiE tluNsgn 0r coruoiiioi'i! or RppnovAl THAT THE pLANNTNGAND ENVIRON[F]|I4L cotlNlstior't 'frnv^srrCuinrel -fli-ioNDrTr6Ns 0F AppR6'AL MUST BEc'MpLrED wrrH BEF'RE n suriD*ic'prniii'?i'issfiEb."" : , ir III' FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEHENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIAN.E REQUESTED AND THEREGULATToN TNVoLVED. rHe-sinrruEpT MUST ALSg ADDRESS: l' The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the viiinity. 2' The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of a specifiec reguliiion-ii-n.i"ssary.to achieve compatibilitvand uniformity of treatment atong sites tn-ine-vitiritv"i"'i" Iituin the ,-objectives of this tite withori"giuni-oi"speciar privirege. D. IV. ,zoo l-1. 3. I!:_:tt4a.of the variance on lisht alg.gir, distribution or poputation,transportation, traffic facit iti6s, utif iiii.l'ino'puot ic safety.B' A topographib and/or improvement survey at a sca'le of at_least l,'- 20, stampedby a coloradd licensed survevor iniiuaing'ro.Jiioir"ot"all existing improve-T9!tl: inclu{ing-grades ana btevaiions. "ottrer-"i"'i.iis'which must be sho'nare parking dnd,loading areas, ingress ana etreis,'iinls.ep.o areas andutility and {p6jn6ge f6atures. )cdPeq areas and c. A site ptan dt a scale of at least l" = 20, showing existing and proposedbuildings. I D' All preliminlry building elevations and-floor plans sufficient to indicate:li,tiffi":ll']iffiiEl'1,'tf,:'iii:e, scare ina I'e ot-"ii 6"iiii"g'';ni",pl.", E' A pre'l iminary titre report to verify ownersh.ip and easements F' If the proposlal is]ocated in a multi-family development which has a homeowners,association, I'then written. approvqi irom ttre"aii..iiii'.li'in support of the ..proiebt must fe received uv'a ouiv iuir,o"ii.a-il;;;";;; said association. G' Any additionah material necessary for the review of the app.rication asdetermined byl tt" zoning aaniniiiraior., * .l9I interior mbdirications, an improvement survey and site pran may bewaived by the foning aaminrtsiraioi.-' Time Requirments The P'l anning and finvironmental-comrnission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysof each month. Alcomprete. appt'icilion-iorm and arr iicompaiying material(as described abor,fe) must be'lubmitteA a minimum-;i i;#i;"prior to the date of thePEC pubric hearind.-.no inlompi"t"-iipri.atiJni tai a"iiilln"o by the zonins ;:[:lt:ilfilil]l"lJl.l.'.i.pri!i-iv if,I'prunnins iiiri-b.io". o'^ iriei ir,e aEsig- I.This procedure isuse permit. The appl i cation wi I 'l A. NAIIE OF APPLICANT APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT required for any project required to obtain not be accepted until all information is Vail Associates, Inc. Date of Application 2/rtl8s Date of PEC Meeting 3/11,/85 a conditional submi tted. ADDRESS Post Office Box 7 B.NAME bF ADDRESS Vai1, Colorado 91658 pggpg 476:5601 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE l_,"r.r, l_i"irrit"" Vail , Colorado gI65g pg6pg 475-s601 NAME 0F 0l.JNER(s) (pri tvpe ) O|/JNER(S): SIGNATURE( ADDRESS post Office Box c. VaiI, Colorado g165g PHONE 47 6-560I D.LOCATION OF Track E_l PR0P0SAL: LEGAL- LOT p111116 sthBLOCK ADDRESS N A Chair 16 Bottom Terminal E.FEE $lo0 PArp x /,y'r;'cx #zo2roo THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. { list of tlg_lgles of owners of a.l.t property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS STNEETS:THE APPLICANT t.llLL BE RESPOiJSIiJIT rON CORRi'i II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE gY vail Associates, Inc. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION COIJ^EIEryqE WITH A PLANN.ING-STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITI0NAI-il'irb'nr'rniiolr rs NEEDED. N0 AppLrcATroN r,rrLLBE ACCEPTED uNLEss Ir-Is C0MPLEiE ii''iij!'i'INcLUDE-AIL-irsi',ii iilqurnEo By rHE zoNrNG fi?T,t-fitillpl *'t,ffi IUi^iB5liTi;i,isiili;ighiTi^i'-LtfF+u,nfi:ri',iifi,"'"* PLEASE NOTE THAT A CPTILEIF APPLICATION l'llLL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESSFOR YOUR PROJECT SV_'EdR-il3IryE.Iii ryqMIJrN OF CONDfiiOrIi OF NPPNOVAL THAT THE [ffrffiilrt[ff;,ylft,Es ,*bEf:rotiroi'is di iFi;noi,ni-i'iuii^ti"cojirpirED r.,rrH BEFSRE A OVER a II- Four (4) copies o[ trre following information: A' A descriptioni of the. precise nature of the proposed, use and,- its ooerating charactlristics, and rneasures proposed to rnakethe use compileiirte with other propert,ies i' the vicinity. . B- A site_pl_1" :h:yits pl?qo:?d d,evelopmenr of the site, including, rt toposraphy, birildi.rig- r-olatio"i. ';;;il;;, traffic circurationr' 'r " ' useable open spacer randscaped, "iu.r-.id utilities ind drainage i- features. . . ------- s-5f.., s.rr\4 t |-IJ-.!FIE- cllltJ ( I c' Prelimin*ary_lrlr.traing plans and erevations sufficient to indi;te'the dinensionf , gen&ll appearance, scare, and interior pran ofall buildings. - -. D.' Any-affitlol1l. mat.erial_T:"_.::"Ty.f9, the review of the application.,.r,. .r determined by tlr- ioning aa*:.ii"ti_io=. '..' . fII . Time requirements The Plannlns ald Environmental_commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each lmonth- An appricau.on-with th; ;;.;;"; accompanyingmateriar rnusr be submitted r.i*--r""r.; ;;;;r;; il;=ililror trr". meeting. -__-f-.' Proiect Appfication O L // ,E l\^-i ^..,n on" @l' Project Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL ll /\-lt \t' {'i*.+'$lh - ttq t(<Oate: {l/lll0. I E Statt Approval 6/'-/tr \' Proiect Application Date Proiect Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ,/y. Legal Descriplion: Lot \- Block Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: ""," drno 6lt(f APPROVAL DISAPPROVALrr- iLl.-ll Lf o",", 'b[dffi"""'fl Statt Approval g " * d' 0''6- 7o !ir:"k"ar i o n Project Pro,ect Contact Name: -Description: Person and Phone l-r// Owner,Address and Pho Architect, Address and Phone: ,4"{ /d/a Legal Description: Lot F ritins h u r/L , ,o^" 47 h/g "'f/eaBlock /.<.D,<_4 /.,rza,-- See A-'/, Design Review Board ""," fYlad Aq, l{Yr Motion by: Seconded APPROVAL lL\ r,E0\u'r /?nNrfl SN tc,tr.qU Date: E statr Approval Projecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: a l,,l I t'"!-". I' Design Review Board Molion by: ".," l iq/?t DISAPPROVAL Soconded bv: APPROVAL Summary: ""," ?llti {f Xt,.u Approval LIST of t'nIERlAtS ,.N,lf,r j -t ) r : i, Hu ; r c: r' V t-gfA. - t U--llrlEK :T-f-glg12__ !-_ Lll(:Al, DI;S;CR il)TIOti: t OT I]I,OCK I; I I,ING tll:.SC;l{ I l,1I'lOl'l OI pR0.,liC'l' Thc fol lorr,ing information is Board bcfore a final approval A. BUILNIN(; M'TERIAIS Roof Siding Other !t'al.1 lvlat eri.al s Fascia Soffits Windows l{indow Trirn Doors Door Trin Hand ol Deck Rails F lues Flashi.ngs Chinrreys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es rcqrrircd for submi.ttal by thc calr be given: Type of l'lateria! applicant to the Design Rcview Color NOIUE e v Other. lK\ lelo^s $N$@4nB. LAND Name of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS TREES SHRUBS h --ee/-*Ma-4e/Lx-tBotanical Name Cormon Name l) -b+flSe" Si zeT J-, l_ / _L NI Quantj ty I__+_ vl 10' Ib U-D- ro l-.\/( r 0nt .@ _ 4. fln& 6\u5 ) J.^ +oul tuQ1 U /, "T B* a lrr*. * /rp,n,= r' /rPer.coll 6e "'x:TG-turtcE I ii neto =---! 5-r 'GEi ii I r':]i 't:'rl iii 1rilt llt I_+ 1"1 lilill]I t': -.-',li li !l ai)lr l: i ii tl 11 llPatg Drs-tt*ttct i 84, irliif--- t- l l 'i Irl iiii rzr4-ilil 'i1ilil I,iltlrrl-t-l I' zed,itl rlr -r----f illl.i1.i l'lt --i yttc/uUte. - l'! r,, .-:._ - _-_:..._ Fl ./ol/r*^,tn ilf l4 t SgrE= E>t1 litr ,in'i1 ,44\ i,':1-i I-r ,+-lL ---lillt,llilfrirllrllllI | )'=1{ ' 71'4 '- lt;rl ll' : -iL__ |-l'-l lil 'll'-;li,lil,,lli: llrlr-l l -f- .-I*ji lrlilll te,1'',i t /t,lylli,tlillilii/' - ' -- -]-l rrrll;,lli.lilllrlllrr* l- ll---r_1; -fri-f ' :llliilllilrrillrrt |i- [- -i-]- llliil'llttll,ilil--i l'-# --t.-.]-ltitilrlililtl i,,l l ___l ll ,'lL_-l li -- i [- iLtlllll rlll'l " -l il-,Ll t' (tc SPacs.' ho AQevlrcl ,'-.. 'ln'ene fl Bf6 l:tstt- f,/s*rtz-.t 7 72_6,.l-/eJo-z E-ltf*r-*- -:i /s ./ // I'/r= 5 i'il ,lilrl ll1 '- -te7/ Et-etiT.on:t | =15ilil '- /aa6 ii I'Lt:r: I -2 Pa,Lnt i I./1 ll--T i -r-l/f=z- i I-lt llil t'iilrll;lit_rli --r-[ ilril i:l i zsF c*urrtor) i li t, t V4.P'riil rl2 /o,la -,7rt EaIl i'i ,0?= 7' I f/tt- z Iii.,l --'- ' I ri i : ITou--- fs,sa i I Iirl "i ; lgz.o i, ,1 I I ilililttil_-1 r _l__l iiilii,lllrl''I li,iirll-i - ,----r-lrltil!i !iil,ll I t4 :14 i, fl 'i I r l.; i-I ' Tl I t, Profecl Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner E statt Approval Profect Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addregs and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board 1Date APPROVAL ,,. DISAPPROVAT tl !: Summary: Town Planner Dale: E Statf Approvat HYDBO-TRIAD, tTD. June 17; 1985 Mr. Joe l.lacy Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Slte Dralnage Analysls, Ylsta Bahn Lovrer Termlnal Dear Joe: Pursuant to Jour conversltlons wlth l'lr. Bi'l 1 Andrews, Town Englneer, vre have prepared tlrls letter. The additlona'l fnformatlon requested by Mr. Andrews is provlded below. 1. The dralnage area trlbutary to the Vlsta Bahn Lorer Termlnal is approxlmately 460 acres. Enc'losed ls a rnap of the basfn. Topographic features were used to de'l lneate the basln. 2. As requested by tlr. Andrews, the exlstlng culvert at Deslgn Polnt I should be removed and replaced rlth a 36-lnch diameter cu'lvert. Thlswlll increase tjte flor to the area rrst of One Yall Place. 3. For nalntenance purposes, the 8-lnch dlameter cu1 vert under the blke path at Swale D should be enlarged to l2-lnch dlameter. Thls was a'lso requested by l*lr. Andrews. Th{s lnformatlon should be consldered as an addendum to the orlElnal dralnage study. If you have any questlons gr need addltlonal lnformatfon, please contact us. Sfncerely, . Jay Senior l{ater Resource RJN/cl Encl osure #608 HYDRO-TRIAD t 42687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE-SUITE 4OO LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 80228 Eng { neer PHONE 303-989-1264 SITE DRAIIIAGE A}IALYSIS VISTA BAHII L0ltER TERI'IINAL VAIL, C0L0RAD0 June 1985 Prepared for: YAIL ASSOCIATES, IiE. VAIL, COLORADO HYDRO-TRIAD, [TO. 12687 l{est Cedar Drlve Lakewood, Colorado 80228 (303) 989-1264 Prepared by: I t I I t l I I I I I t I I t I I I HYDBO-TRIAD, LTD. June 4, 1985 Mr. Joe Macy Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Site Dralnage Vlsta Bahn Lovrer Terminal Dear Joe: Please find enclosed a drainage pl an map and narrative report describingour review and recommendations for slte dralnage at the new Vista Bahn Lower Termlnal . In developlng thls pl an, we utllized the proposed contours and "sub- surface pipe draln" identlfled on the landscape plan as rrelI as the cmnentsfrun our site meeting on May 31, 1985. The drainage plan incorporates a serles of four drainage swales. These are intended to intercept and divert surface runoff to existing dralnage inlets andculverts. Comparlson of the proposed dralnage system rith the prevlous slte drainage indicates a general overall lmprovement. 0f particular lmprovement is interception and diversion of the surface nrnoff betneen the proposed tevmlnal structure and the existing bike path. Despite the proposed drainage swales, two constralnts are stl'l 'l lnherent with the system. These are the culvert under the bike path near Chair No. l and the qrated area fnlet within the nall adJacent to the Hill Buildlng. The capa-cities of these two structures limit the effectiyeness of the proposed srales. To reduce this limitation the culvert could be replaced r{ith a larger pipe slze(30 inch to 36 inch dianreter) and a 4lnch curb constructed around the grated area lnlet. This wil'l further lmprove the drainage situation for the area lmne- diately north of the new lift. However, by concentrating the flor at the cu'lvert and enlarging the culvert, more flor wlll be directed to the area west of One Vai'l Place. If the culvert is not enlarged, flows will overtop the bike path and enter the na'll area rest of the public restroms. This situation should be discussed with the Town Drior to rep'l acement of the culvert. I ,I2687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE - SUITE 1OO LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 PHONE 303-989-4264 I'tr. Joe ilacy June 4, 1985 Page 2 t{e rppreclate the @portunlg to nr* udtb tb{ on thls rnd other proJccts.If you have questlons or need addltlonal fnfornatfoh, plcace corlt ct us. Slnccrely, Senlor l{ater Resource Englneer RJIUcl Enclosures #608 I I I I I I I I I I I T T I I I I t t INTROOUCTION As part of the replacement of Chalr Lift No. 16, construction of a new lower terminal is planned. This tenninal , identified as the Vista Bahn Lower Tenninal , will be located within the same area as the original temina'l structure. The new terminal will be larger than the original and will encmpass an area approximately 30 feet wide by 185 feet long. As a result of this planned construction, local property owners have expressed concern regarding several iterns. One item is the effect on local dralnage patterns. A slte meting was held on I'hy 31, 1985 to discuss the potential drainage problens and fonnulate possible solutions. Present at this meetlng rcre Kristen Pritz and Bill Andrews of the Town of Vail , Joe l,|acy of Yail Associates, Jack Curtin of the property owner(s) and Jay Nelson of Hydro-Triad, Ltd. A system of dlversion swales vras identified as a potential solution. Surface runoff wou'l d be collected by the swales and directed to an existing pipe cu'lvert and area in'let. A prelirninary p1 an for this system had previously been prepared by Vall Assoclates, Inc. Hydro-Triad, Ltd. was subsequently requested to revlew and expand on this plan. The following report presents our comments and recommendations. ln view of tlme constraints, an extensive quantitatlve hydrologic analyses v{as not done. Hov{ever, for comparison and estlmating purposes, the site improvements were evaluated with respect to the l0-year event. A drainage p1 an map was developed and is presented as Figure 1(located in pocket at end of report). -1- I t T I I I t I I t I I I t I t I I I HYDROLOGIC/DRAINAGE CONDITIONS - PRE-CONSTRUCTION Prior to removal of the orlginal terminal structure, surface runoff was lntercepted by a snall drainage swale identified as Drainage Swale B on Figure 1. The swa'l e ran from the orlglnal tenninal structure v'esterly to an existlng l8-inch diameter CMP culvert under the bike path (Design Point 1). Dlscharges were directed to the gravel parklng area rvest of the One Vail Place &ilding. The capacity of the culvert is approxlmately 10 cubic feet per second (cfs). Flows in excess of l0 cfs r,muld flow over tlre bike path and into the rnll area west of the public restrooms. Based on the current cross section of $rale B, the capacity was estlmated as 4.0 cfs. Surface runoff flows ln excess of thls amount contlnued northerly to an existing grated area inlet {Design Point 2) and trench draln. These are'located within the mall area between One Vall Place and the Hlll Bulldlng. The grated area lnlet has a capaclty of approximately 1.5 cfs. According to l.lr. Bill Andrews and t*lr. Jack Curtin, sediment depositlon and smal 1 pipe sizes reduce the effectiveness of the trench drain. Based on the current Forest Service topographic naps, the trlbutary drainage basin upstream of Snale B is approxlmately 461 acres. For comparative purposes, a peak flow from thls basin for a lO-year event uns estimated using data presented in the Hydro-Triad, Ltd. report "Gore Creek Floodpl aln Informatlon" dated June 1975. This peak flow is approximate'ly 40 cfs. Subtracting 4 cfs for lnterception by grale B and the existing culvert, and 1.5 cfs for lnterception by the grated area inlet (Design Point 2), leaves an excess of 34.5 cfs. The remaining flow rrnuld enter the mall area resulting in some ponding depending upon the capacity of the trench drain. -2- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HYDROLOGIC/DRAINAGE CONDITIOIIS - POST CONSTRUCTION The proposed drainage system shown on Figure 1 consists of four drainage swa'les and two pipe culverts. Each swale is intended to intercept and convey surface runoff to the existing culvert at Design Point l and grated area in'let at Design Point 2. The swales are sized to ref'l ect both constructlon and aesthetic conditions. Design discharges for the swales were not fdentified at this time. However, each swale was sized to accomnodate at least a l0-year event. Drainage Swale A is located adJacent to the north edge of the access noad and rtns from approximately tllll Creek Circle rester'ly to Chair No. l and then northerly to the existing 18-lnch diameter CMP culvert (Des{gn Point No. l). Thls ditch ls lntended to intercept surface nrnoff from Drainage Basln tlo. 1 which encanpasses approxlmately 450 acres of the mountaln area. The maximum capaclty of the ditch is approximately 40 cfs. Drainage Swale B is the same as the existlng swale except for some enlarge- ment as shown on Flgure 1. Thls swale lntercepts surface runoff frm Dralnage Basln No.3 and flow from Dralnage Basfn No.2 via a plpe culvert. The total tributary area ls approxlmately 1.2 acres and inc'ludes the maJorlty of the new 'lift structure. The naxlmum capaclty of the swale is approxlmately 20 cfs and the discharge polnt is at Deslgn Point No, 1. Constructfon of the llft wlll increase the lmpervlous area within Basin No. 2 thereby increasing tlte surface runoff. For a l0-year event, the increase ln peak flow over the pre- construction condition will be approximately 0.1 cfs. Drainage Swa'l es C and D are lntended to intercept the flow fron the area between the new lift structure and the blke path and the area immediately {est -3-I t I I I I I I I I I t of Mill Creek Circle and Lot l. The discharge point for this swale ls the grated area inlet on the mall between One Vail Place and the HiIl Building (Design Point No.2). The tributary dralnage basin is designated as Basin No,4 and encompasses an area of approxinately 1.1 acres. 0f this, approximately 0.8 acres drains to Swales C and D. Prlor to the current site plan, the tributary area was approxlnately 0.1 acre smaller, resulting in a basin area of 1.0 acres. As a result, the current site plans will increase the anount of surface nrnoff within Drainage Basin N0.4. However, the increase will be'less than 0.1 cfs for a l0-year event and ril'l be mitigated by constructlon of the C and D dralnage srales. Runoff south of the blke path will be intercepted by the tno swales and directed to Deslgn Polnt 2 thereby reduclng the direct trfbutary area to the Hlll Bufldlng. ltlaximun capacities for the swales are approxfmately 4.5 cfs and 17 cfs respectively. As lndicated prevlously, two additlonal plpe culverts are also proposed as part of the dralnage plan. One pipe is located at Deslgn Polnt ilo. 3, near the loading area for the new llft structure. Thls pipe is intended to convey sur- face runoff from Drainage Basin No. 2 to Drafnage Srvale B under tJte maze area. The pipe should be lZ-fnch diameter and have a mlnlmum of 1.5 feet of cover. The second pipe culvert ls located under the bfke path and connects Drafnage Swales C and D. Thls plpe ls lntended to carry nrnoff under tlre bike path thereby helplng to reduce deterioratfon of the asphalt. The size of the plpe is 8-inches and should also have a ninimum cover of 1.5 feet. As with the pre-construction condition, a lO-year event was applled to the proposed dralnage system for comparison. Under these condltlons, the runoff fron Orainage Basln No. 1 (40 cfs) would be lntercepted by Drainage Swale A and I I I I I I t I I -4- T I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I conveyed to Design Point No. 1. Runoff from Drainage Baslns 2 and 3 (l.l cfs) would also be directed to Design Polnt No. l resulting in a total flow at thls point of 41 .1 cfs. since only 10 cfs can be discharged through the culvert, 31.1 cfs will overflor the bike path and enter the mall area. Dralnage Swa'les C and D wou'ld intercept runoff (1.0 cfs) frorn the maJority of the area north of the llft structure and convey it to Design Point 2. The excess flor to the rnall area would then anount to approxlmately 31 .1 cfs as opposed to the 34.5 cfs for the pre-construction condition. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Along wfth construction of the drainage swales and pipe culverts, two addi- tional items of construction r.rere eva'luated. The exlsting l8-inch culvert at Design Point l'lo. l could be rernoved and replaced wlth a larger diameter plpe. At the present time, flows ln excess of 10 cfs at thls polnt will overtop the blke path and enter the mall area r.nst of the publfc restrooms. To utflize the capaclty of the proposed Dra'inage Swales A and B, the pipe should be slzed accordingly. The size of the pipe would be a function of the design return period wtrlch should be detennined by the Town and Vafl Associates. For a lO-year event the pipe rrould need to be 33-inches or 36-lnches ln diameter. It shou'ld be recognized however that by enlarglng the culvert and directing Swale A to this point will result in more flow be'ing directed to the area ryest of One Vail Place. One floodlng problem may be traded for another. Thls uould appear to be a problem shared by both the Town and Vail Associates. As such, discussions with t}re Towr should be made prior to en1 arging the cul vert. The capacity of the grated area inlet at Deslgn Point No.2 should be increased. To accomplish this, a curb could be constructed around the north, -5- I I I I I I I I I I T I I I T I I I t west and east sides of the inlet. Assuming a 4-inch high curb and 50% trash blockage, the capacity would be approximately 3 cfs yitrich ls approximately equal to the 100-year event for Drainage Basin N0.4. Also, the curb vould act to contro'l and contain the discharge from Drainage Swale C. CONCLUSIONS Construction of the Vista Bahn Lower Temina] and the associated site grading will increase the surface runoff to both Design Foint No. l and No.2. Based on previous studies done by ttydro-Triad, Ltd., the increase for each point wll'l be approxlmately 0.1 cfs for the l0-year event. The proposed drainage plan wlll inprove the overall loca'l area dralnage by better contro'lllng the surface nrnoff, especlally for that area between the lift structure and bike path. The exlstlng culvert at Design point No. 1 and the inlet at Deslgn Point No.2 restrict the capacfty of the system. The hydraulic capacity of these two structures could be increased in conjunctlon with tJre other construction activities. By increaslng the capaclty of these structures, potential floodlng within the area will be further reduced thereby provlding benefits for both vail Assoclates and the local property owners. Hor'rever, by enlarging the cu] vert at Deslgn Polnt No. l, other floodlng problems may arise downstream of the culvert discharge. In view of thls, lt mry be approprlate to examine this situation ln more detall . -6- HYDRO-TRIAD, tTD. 0ctober 7, 1985 Mr. Joe l*lacyVail Associates, Inc.P.0. Box 7vail , c0 81657 RE: Vi sta Bahn Si te Drainage Dear Joe: Pursuant to your request, w€ have re-anal yzed theoffsite stormwater runoff to the Vista Bahn Lower Terminalarea for both snowmel t and ralnfa'l 'l events. Thi s was pre- vious'ly ana'lyzed during June 1985 and the resul ts presentedin a report by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. entitled uSlte DrainageAnalysls, Yista Bahn Lower Termina'l , Val1, Co1 oradou. Re-analysis of the offs{te flows }ras done {n response to thepreparatlon of a hydrol oglc/hydraul ic features map of the "Mountain Area". Thls map was prepared by Vai'l Assoclates,Inc. at a scale of 1u = 800'and dated July 25,'1985. The lnformatlon presented withln this letter shoul d be considered as an addendum to the orfginal June .|985 report Utll izlng the recent data and technlques used in theoriginal study, a tab'le of peak discharges for both rainfal I eyents and snowmel t events was prepared. Thi s {nformatl on was originally provlded in a letter dated June 10, '1985 and represented a larger 460-acre basfn. The revfsed flows areprovlded in the table below and are representative of a snal'l er basi n ; 68 acres. ESTIMATED OFFSITE PEAK FLOI{S (REVISED) VISTA BAH}I LO}IER TERMINAL (A'l'l va'lues ln cublc feet per second) Return Perl od (years )Snowmel t 4 Rainfall 2 5 10 25 50 100 3 8 I2 24 29 35 6I 9 T2 1310 WADSWORTH BLVD. LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 PHONE 303.238€022 BRANCH OFFICE: 511 N. TEJON ST.. COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORADO 80903 . PHONE 30357&0850 Mr. Joe Macy 0c tober 7 , 'l 985 Page 2 The origina'l study util ized the ln = 800r Forest Service maps to determ'lne the offsi te tributary area to theYista Bahn site. Using topographic features, the dralnagearea was estimated to be approximately 460 acres. Surfacerunoff from this area is lntercepted by a proposed drainageditch and diverted to an existing 18-lnch diameter culvert near Lift No. 1. The cu'lvert is designated as Deslgn Point Iin the origlnal study. Based on the location of culverts, water bars and road- ways shown on the July 25th map, it appears that the offsite dralnage basin area is smaller;58 acres versus 460 acres.This has been field verlfied by Vail Associates personne'l dur{ng ruhoff condltions. A portion of the'-reauc-tlon is dueprimarily to the'lnterception of runoff by the roadway under and adjacent to Llft 9 and the Lions Head Gondola. The flowdirection lndicates runoff is diverted to the west of the Vi sta Bahn Lower Termina'l Structure. The remaining reduction i s due to a swa'l e and syrampy area be1 ow Li f t No . Q, and 16 which djrects flow easterly to Mi'll Creek. Using the revised dralnage basin area, the peak offslteflows for the snowne'l t and rainfall events are 'less thanprevlously estimated. For example, the revised 10-year snowme'l t event has a peak f'l ow of 6 cf s versus 40 cf s givenin the original study. Slml'l arly, the revised L0-year rain-fal'f event has a peak flow of 12 cfs versus 42 cfs. As indicated in the original study, the existingculvert near Lift L has a capacity of approxJmately 10 cfs.This is almost equal to the 10-year rainfall event andgreater than the 10-year snowmelt event. Rainfa'l'l eventsgreater than the 10-year event would exceed the capacity ofthe culvert. Conversations with Vai'l Associates, Inc. havelndicated that the culvert capacity has not been exceeded in recent memory. Based on Drai nage Pl an slze.Thereducing the construction,the drawi ng.tely 40 cfs. Since the f 'l ows smal l er, the revised f'l ow, Drainage Swale A shown on thein the original report cou'ld be reduced ln reducti on woul d be smal I , on the order ofdepth (D) by six inches. For ease of we recommend leaving the ditch size as shown on The current size has a capacity of approxina- offsite drainage basin is snaller and the peak the existing culvert at Design Point l appears Mr. Joe 0ctober Page 3 concl usion, assulnlng regu'l a1 malntainin RJN/JrW Enc'l osures #6 08 50-year snowmel t event and1 event. Provlded the Torn eYent as the deslgn storm,s not necessary. Thl s th ul vert and Macy 7 , 1985 to have a capac i ty to hand'l e theapproximately the 10-year ralnfalls ln agreement wlth the 10-year repl acemen t of the cul vert I cu YE If you have any questlons, please contact us. Sl ncerel y, LTD. llel s Senlor lfater Re so urce Eng I n eer (;w r*- t:---\- U t-'i rri;-= I :'-: of ''Jlilt Jit- \, l.j \ l.: i, tliir '-:.i. i , I-r: .'f) r Ul tr l\. --'.-.-.-.. -,.. ^:r i\\ il -i\i ri), 'l r :{'; tll .!.' '.r': )f tr---7- r* 7 {. t'- *! -,i.Sr, L'\ 5 | \ l\t' , i''. \! ((,-r [l : !-\ "1 \:t i, rl .\ts ,l+ --' .4 \a 8 coJo(.t oo ilux J 4 il iltlt t ti.jl; -.i ''..i \i\ { \ ,!-'l li'l ; I 'i-rd.\$-:G =" - "r:\ - ,'. \ --*--'wh;trf 313 ci J a: Io oI agq f ucq. -'-'f f n q VG t\\ U\\. ^',:\-/J 0/\(I \s'P*. -'7alh\. - t7.{, lN$\ a--r) I'\\S l:::::\I i'N/j\lu.'$ {r:\f, \\\ $- '- O .\]-__r.._ _r/, tl il t.nll, ' Gd'Frl' rnfff ccrDdrttor ("&rotor") ' tordJrutrt.0.trtOO,t'it,Gtl|tr&llC!?'fortoDolle d cti.' ttd -a r.hSl' omtl&'tlc I 1! brd geld' hrtrby rallr rl coGr.t to YAIL tt|GtAtt|. tn', ' Golondo CorPorrtlqr ' e0rccrr-) ad ttnnGc...ort od urttlr' rtom lddrorr 1' P'0' tor t. Y.ll, Golorr& !16!7, rtl rtgbt' Gltl'' lntGr"t ' cleln end daod llttcb ot{tiot hu ln md to th' It"l Proprrty dcscrlb'd ln frblbit l rGt Gbad b.rato 'od !'d' r P'at hrr'of to6't:1€r rlth r11 lntar.rt of th' 1'3t" under Shlt c'tt'ln learc betneen ,crDtc.|'1.3!otdldor]rtorr.l.....tiltrdAuguat3(,1971end l0/ rccordrd la thr rceordr o! Er3le Courty, Colot.do ou Qf9ldff--g.lrZl 1a EooL LAL * P.ta llL covrrlnj th' R"l ProP'rtt dcrcrlbrd tn Exhlblt A. I stsn d tht. AA aq of }+L9*:1976 . ArrESt: (sdlll,) STATE OF aoto* ] "".COUNT OF EACLE ) The forcgolng ln3trnEcnt vrt eclnovlcdged before ce , 1976, bY r. t{rtor rad -/ lerrcll J 'tln8er r, Tora t{|ttlgcr of tha Toen of Vrll' r tt'lrlclPrl corPor'tlon ' on I r' barrrlf' of Jitf'.corporrtton ''. . .., -a ff-ltnrjr qt h|nd .nd of f lchl "'l ' . Jtt "t Ff .,[on ErPlr" : 'r t - t' t r':' 5' tirt f0fn OF VAIL, r Colorado ltuntclPtl corPorltlon L4A) to 3.' r"l v ,l .11' 2, fcc con J. I lt.t lltr (t) s t s.0 trtr (10) r rt' r llr.O br Gt) | to l:rr.o irr (rl) | 16' c - r!!l'''r'.1'tth'c- or't rtt.lt firr d Ff I -.r -r tl IilL-.; r c rh-rt 't d '..l 11r:' A:,"'*' Al Cor FL II qu Pt It RI f,. cl c ( I flC '.f,rt t. rb frb! w d Lt 5' [cGL' t ot ..ld .taa|ltttel tn' 'fq -L Flt llr o trF contt": (D t t:l'la'OF I t?t'O trtr cd (t) | tf'11''3' r 6t!'t{t l"t to . Dotat o tb Eclall 11r ot v'11 YtU'r' ' Slxth llltng ' trd ?ot!c t. t[t Dc ratlclt 6t!r ot Lt l' llocL 2 of |.ta dlvt.lEi tt'o' lta3 .|ll lctb.sly ltnr on th' folldt8s artr16 colr..r: (1) t 24'1!'4tr g ilf '2O tert nrl ot I"t to ' ,ol!i 6 r 1:l! toot r'd''!t Grat,| 5cb tr o tb' f,oath lln' of tr'ct A ol rdd nbdlvlrlo; (2) ttrdntt'rtt 6l'13 tret elmg th' rrc ot..1d cun- to tb' l'!t ttisr' c-!tr'l e31' 11 29c2!'Al" &d rhot' lon! chord borrr i to'l!'Ot ' 5n l| '! ''3 t"t to ' Dolot of tog'nc; (3) s 65'00'00' ft 2OO'00 t"t Da' or le.r to th' tlottk'3t corn'r of rrtd Tr.ct A, nbtch lr rlto tlr' !"t lio' of For'rt Rord; (4) !5.00.00.I50.00f..t!oIPotntoaaZTJfootr.dlutcurv€tirlch 1. otr thc north llnG of Fol"t nord I (l) f,orth-r'rt'rlv 129'59 f"t rlont tha ltc of ..td cutr" to rtt tllhc nhor crntrel rnll' It 27.00,00-andrrhorelon8cho'db..r'n81o3o'0o.lJ12E.39fc.ttoA polnt of t.ngcnt; (6) N 68"00'00' tJ 270'00 fc't Dor€ or lcre along -2- Etf rda !, tlt t tlc dt- .-ddf lt f.A t. 3'^ rcc .c t .t l. rdr uli. srtt rrg* r& h't' l-b cott. crlcr& drclld ct CG|{ rt fi :..rt Cltrr * fr$ vllllt' tlr't lllbs. .rta Coril tdf fr lf"ttlo o! ttt *oti ' $bt'ot'cy ur of u.t. lribt b' 6 dd 6t Lrt 1l- + fi roilL"t o'- qrrrlr.a of !-Gt'o a, !n'ft t lcuth' rqt 'o nG ot t[' 'tt Prtact9.l tLtldlGi thc' t "'..r u 9t3'16 t..t 'lor3 th' rorticlf ll1l. of v.ll vllL8', tlr't tutl3' |.ld l1!' b'lrt th' ldtth'8lt Rlrbc-of-gtt 11or of U'3' lltht to' l; thacr I 6?6'52" I 34t'C3 fret to tb. ttr' Dotlt of b'd'mf!' I tLoG' ! tgt''Ot't 200'00 tt'ti tlrac. r 62't2' R 56'7! t"t -!t or l"' Go ' Pol'lt d ' ll0 tooB redlua curnr dr th' g'rG'llt 1l'oo of cot' Ct"t lad .. Dl'tt'd I'o vetl vtUr8'c , r'rf th Fllbg i ltrocc llott!. ..ld fcrt'tlt llne cr tro courelr : (l) Souttr'a't'r1y 34 ' 12 trct 'long th' rrc of r.ld curv. to tha l'ft slrol' c'nttrl ragh ir 1t"02'25n |nd rlror' long chord b.ars s 34'44'49'5' E 34'03 f"t to r Polnt of tlotrot; rod (2) s 42'16'02" E 50'00 feGti thenco S 62'19'3S" r 139'66 foct; thcaec N ?9.04,08,, r 200.oo fc.t; lh.ncc N 6"26'52' E roo'00 f"t Dr' or lesstothctruepolntofbcglrmlng.contrlnlng26,32l.07,qu.r. !t rorG !t lch eef oat ,ng --e1 E or O'6502 acles norc or !ssa' r.. rnecr n, vrrr, vrr -3- nrlml-tt3ffig r tir rIlSr r' a.r r ogc 111976 'e*P PLEASE ignfil Tu vA[ Ass5l] tP.OTI vril, Cod IStt Attft chfi ttin4 *r4r?'46eg*\ BEST. ' ?t?t""*tt ./ oo BEST COPY AVAILABLE t[!rIg]-r 'A" Atf Bcht(r lc end atd? .r f'art rr )(tt '1tt ' Aorll Ib , lggt f: ',t! Iht tourril'1tP 'if'rl 'ri i ' l'l Dtnvc r'Jifir r th 1 L i 'ru'\d t i 1r,n Lct J, t",i',( l' l, vtl' vl' iAl'l , I irri | | ir lt\r'' I !r" ''rt vlJi, !r9l€ countY, ( rl,)!a lrr, ixi-lPilftr" tlrrrl vrP' " r lotlirrlni flatci lirtd 'lalt5 tr ''r'.1 I'rt ' rrr' i rrri' P'n- I r )l lngra ,'.i 1n(-i egr|,cr I firt Ft4: Prrt ol ,-ot l, hi'rc' ., vAlr ;l' r'Lt, tlii"' -li llr0' Torn uf vrll r Edqle 'loul"'t Y I I ''l rr 'itl! ' lP\!: ' ri' 'l A' Colecncl.rto 5'. th; |{o:tho|rt r,r'rcl r)f ia ir': r rri ' !'r"i)ce N Aio ff ' r)6" I9r.l)2 f€?t di'rr'i 1.'r |{ortf i rr1' '1t t' I Lo(i thcnce 5 l{\o 0/' ',0" t 24.1} tt,et 'o thr Ni,r tf"ra.,' r {,l tr'. of f,n ariSi!.rg rf 'r lOEnc" tlui iil rrrl (/l' :i..1'' L('l; r-r"' !' Contlnul'rg 5 i6r ')/' ",..rv t. a:'r'(; lrrr f rrst?rlt -l r| nr 1:r'ri ffJldtnc; i?.-) feet to tr,r. . t rF :)l)i.rl i)l tlaq.ri,tt\qi lhenrP iontlnulng -u r,r'r rl,7' t{l'r li arrrrriJ ra j.; f.e"teriy irne. rr'r r' lf altf tfip r ,,rrrr, ;itrr D?ttPt''r 'ti'l : tsidtrr'-a rn'l t ht! iAoitt"t, Lr1/ 4tu, i,''l-.0 leet l lht soutl)ea$' (lrirrret ' l ''ll1 tcsid?rt' ei rr''\r e iF,Jvlrrg '.'l l tFs'."i ly rts:d'rt" ' ln'r 6iLr d7, 10', r ,g./: (tc.i | | p,,{'., N.80 5/r lrJn I iiet; ,.r,c.,,:, r,,t) 1.11 t '0" f q.rl" ldal i i herrrt' r' / lir,' t 8.01 t-i 1r qfrct' N ,,r) l"' l{'' I lr,\')1 lae': I N ZAO 5," 1,," t 8.,rrr 'et;l ; t , ' itl' r(l' I taf.-; ii,rncr ! .'8o 5'l ' ir'lr' I l'. ' f pt'i: t rer)r t' Ll ' 01 , \lln r'lt.1.t :?p! | tnr.'r-,. ' /ii l i Iin I F ), "'' ihtnce H t i'| |t' 'l)t' | .'t t trt ' r'; r'n " Tutl | ?.\.7', it' ' to tl" rit,fl t,'rrl r'r'i ,8 f'!.'r ' ll ..r)utl li.it. t ' .r:r F' l f t,nt 1; r' . ilrrr. r'( 5.rl'', ri {, 'l 4l l"'l tBtltr,., L t.f i r"' llJftl r 'r,tl feei ; ! r,.r,r, p N . 'i ".,' jtlr I i,7, 5U.' | !, ' tP.' t.r f .\?' !t ,,. ;.,, ,, .,.n ()l ),,i , rr {cet; 1.ii.'. , ', - \t l.r i"?' lr r'' ;.,, ,r ' :'r' I rrrrl rri' {ret; 1.i,.' , ', -\' ' ,i' I r-rJLl leel.; "r',,, ll' i{Jr i ,,,-t, i c. p f, ,,k'r . i,, f rl i,.. i,, It l.frIr, ,,'8' ,'.. f,,. , | ,eiir.'f li , " t .r'1 'ri 'f i i rr't .l- I r:e"i I l. ,,\). i t"e' ./$, !,;" )r r .".F-_{Fflt EE$T '\ copY :fii { Prl: of sr!d Lol: t desr.rihad 0! rorrcnclng 6t tt,allorthctst cO!nor o? LOt ri Ih.r'cr: N 6tc t, U(,x r ir.0?laat_rlong thc nortn llnr ot $rid Lot ti th.nce S l6o rJ7, ?9i t t:,8t fGct to tfrr trur p4int of oigtnlng; :hence fi?S0 t? ' 10" E 14 . ?! trct ; r nei, :r ., t, to 0l; io! '_ ,.,t. ?rltclt; th.nc. 5 ?to t2, lo, t a0.?a fe?t, thrnc! t 6J+ 9i' 50'-r ?!,!t- t?!t; thenc! X 7ro 1?' io" r 4,'t5 teetii.f encr 5 6lo 07' ,0. E 24.75 f e"t_: rhrnc! N 2gr t?' lO;t 2-B,99 f.ct i thlncr S a., lo 07, tO,, t ?.l j fcrt i thcnc, ll261 5?', lir'r g 4.25 fceti thcnca N cle o?' to, | ,\.19fsot i tnrncc 5 ?8o tt'10" | ?a.75 fcct: thrnc! H i6o0l'50" | 4,9! Irrt tc th. trrr? polnt oi t)eglrrnraQ. logathr-.r r!th pn cereidnt lor lngr?g3 dnrl eg,rll tOt'le .b' /e -dcscrjbed progrrty rrascrlbcd s1; . . rjorncnclng €t thr gouthcr$t eornar Ol sl t'j !ot ,ithance restcrly ilong thc 5ur.th llnrr of r0l,J Lot J,46.4 lo?t o,r thc arc of a 6tt foot rcdlus (:urv6 to tha;iqFt tolhr tr,J? flolrrt ot Dcglnnln0; i-hcncc N l.jo 07' 5Or I il ,59forti I ncncc 26c, !?, I0,, € 4,.i9 ieet to a polnt cn thcItorif, proprrty llr. ot sald.ot J. rhich ls LlZ fret lrortfle No:flretst .ofntf th.:col i I e,,ce. rlOnO !c ( Nortiplopctt! iinr N 8lo ,5 OO,' | 8U. t0 faet:-thl].(: .i I5or)7' 5!r i tC. 7ij f s?'-: tr)?^,.': X ?gO fi;,, l0r ..g. 7t leri ;tlrenre ,.,.) )i' 5Oi € 2,..,a fpeti thGnc? t Zgn t;,, i0"F 3.O0 f'se:: rrrce 5 6l'r /)1' :'0' C 14.l! lori.; t,,.iirc. r 76{J i2' Lil" f . !.?.5 t'eet; f-h?rr.rc h rj.o 0/' ,L!. | . r5flctl th6nca ,:, 2ao ti, lr), r B.-a .aet; thonda,0i E 4.05 leef : t h"nci l) ./pr) {r.. : r" r 8.0) feet; tr,el|( ?tl 610 (lt' 5(J" i r,U5 f|e: f f,r'r..e ! .,dr \,, IO- r :,.\rfact; 1rr?r'rip 5 160 Of ' )0', | .,4.?r teet ti, I ga1,i ,, .,ir t.lso th :lll, ' f lot ]i therrr tr f ,rsir:r, r li,.{)i f ec[ .rtrrni.] $ald r0,'tl\ ir. . r,rC Ar,_ l]1 i1.,j ., 1 r,Ot .A',luS Crjf t/e ii) thei+tf I ii, ,, ',ir! I al ,n,J .r , f,r;, L : l, '..tfr 't' (,' I l.r Jn(J rflOs,t I rrq 1pl ',.ihe trur p.Ji'1i BEST COPY nR!_E brr* fl rrItf.n SlIItr !11.. .'lmlEtI'asrFgwE]',.1 -L- - -r-r-- rE--lt---bdlra--ts --rtar ilEna lt |b r- Fat .a o. nia Fti, L. d h..d.r.tL'. ol rb r'tr rlll n|I ra *bs ira ra Y|lurbh ccrld.trtldt r(bl-dF t t-h!ll|.-r{|' lL '.l. }.nt d tL rf$n{ Fn' rh" r'\art,r *li ri"l i' \ tr|.-a d Ht{ b a anaa h.id'..I.d.!t!rt. |.a | 0... tr.trlr *'aa |.rJ. fl-. { r-rl - !.atr ab l- .f l,|tl .f tu r...a i..q lb .t<t |lti |ra |trl.t. f,'^ \rr' J|..|t t*rH.a l.| - rr.l au,.ha.,Itha.r'l .ha h rf..1{{ Lala .i-.d*brr.- lt t DroFftt rtr rPrclttcllly docrlbrd etarllbtt A attic$ br.co'rd r.d . prat brrrof by Irl JtJil lr't, ,trt f ,,/rl z1-l- -'t. -4.1t3^r.llertnrr )r!/Irt 7 )t; , lt*.t ,.,'' ixati {t' tbtr rrlrruc. BEST coPy AVAILABLE |\mttlnl whh .ll d .inFrlnr t|L l|tn{tr.nt. .id rD!{rt!!rn..r ll|lr{ni. t }onalnr !r in .nfri!. attel|-. d ah Flr.ra. rra rrr.d.r, arb-r .ra rr-lLt , rir.. ir$ a||a tt!,l|-.' ll.|t.,f: rrd all [...|.!' '|.|t |lln hx'-t, .lb -a -51 ttuLo.r.r of Ut r|. Fn y .f tL l|.tl t|.tl, .hh.r 'n l,ts "r rqrhr, of, h rrt !r tL *fi. Lrtah.a ,|f,aa. ttl tL h.F.{r.|i.ib rd ||'||'r.|r|l.". !O tll! lIlD lO lo&D tb rll rnl.r &r. irrn|lrd dd &|{rlb.4 rhh tlF tltud.nrn$ .. nnl,' rl'f ,I -L r.rt d tL -..d F r. lt. rqrsr ri .aalr. t r'r'r. Ai rb |.L Fra 6a lh. filrt l'|n, ao?tt rt, lE lllfFtllleEfrra rdr|*rrrr r"rr c'r'.i.rt. ri.l. hdn rd rsr.. lo rd ritr' t ..|. '.rt C !L ...-a F'l" lr. .G-.. ra r|.||r+ tlrl al tL tlp oa tL |!-dhs rrd d.llftq cl f- Xa.as, lt la r.ll rL.a d lfa tarbaa ||.rr ...ti'|td, .r .C a-a -r, F.{nt. rl..ltr( r|t.| i.Il..|l.r.r.b d l*..q b br. b f.. *aln |ra b I |r.a ilatr. l{ tmt ra lrvfd r|tLriiv r" a!.ra. b||!b. t l ..a .-nt L .a- li -rxr ||a t.rtr .t.loF{L. tta lhll !|L r.d. !n ftr$ rnd rl. rr fr.q" d !..r? d clh |lllt L.lt|r. rt ' U.l fu.a.r! rl.r|.nl. .|l .rrsi!n.!r(.. ,'' rhni'\.r lirtl ^r ' rt{h'rt-, .rc.pt 5,rnrrrl ter.r for 19t8, P.yabl. Janu.ry t , 1979 : usillly atraltnlr. ljnltcd strtes Plleatg of rccord, andraatrtcttw co\ianrltr of rrcord. .af [a &n Lada.a ,-b.. b |l. Gir .ra t -Ir| t--L l rt rI ,tift .f lh. ...on{ D.rl. nr r|tsdfr d.ritn.. {.ir.l rll dia.r."t Fr-.r - Ftd. Llf|||t .|.lhil. .r ld .l.ih th- {io|I Lr tr,1! n l |hrd. O. d Fi v .i t tta F.r a.l ra lAalrB? ANO ttollivll DIISND. tl tlll|]. lllE,lt d!i .abnrFira !r- -r ltr tl ra -l t -f rl t*lh.lir irr. rINELOO, LID, a gcncral td, h-a d D.r.t .{ h t ?t!.. i Prrt$.rlhlP l!f.rl.l rr rrc ocfilD. I..{ r alt brrs.rrrrFl.dhtD,r' iE-r.r l0fl'ff' l|ff..Odt-ryh&-G iltetro lltllll t talt.d.a ia .d .- a 9133 ct . Lr"arlr Dd btnoi lliaalcor a Dan3.3ahD aa frartaS, aaa l-r.ta CortsE tl-. I t.ir. 6lF".t la r 9r.nt.al ProFrtt DacslDlLor th.t 9.rt ot tat! d. alocl 3. Yall Ylll.{a. ?ttrt rllihi, .cccrdtq tc tb 3llEor{dl Pt.t 3h.raaE r- b..tnnlm.t ti. loutha..t -flrr cl ..ld l.i d. ai6cr z,-veff vtll.gr ?tr.t ?llllrit th.nc. r..t.?ltt .lorF th. buth lln ol |.ltl l..t d.. dtrt.lr€. of ttt.il trctt th.nc. qr .n rill. to th. rlght ot t0 00'00' . dlrtrnc. ot a?.40 ti.t, th.nc' ql 'a.ngh to lho rlght o! It 12'10'. dl.t.nc. ct zt.'t trit to . Potnl ot lnlalt ctlon rlth th. Iorth.rltt llna o! r.ld tpt dt thanca on.n rngl. to tha rlght of 80 oSrto' .nd rlong r.ld !6rth.rll lln Jrd .long . cun. to th. l.!t h.vltq . r.dlua ot lao.l? tart. =. ccntr.l .hgla of 3a llrl{' rn arc diatancr oI .90.07 frat t6 thc lorthrrr! G{?n.r ot rrid Lt dt thanco o.r .n .ngl€ to th. stght of la llrt6r arrd .lorig tha Eartcily lim of rald tat d r dirtancc of 6i,95 f.et to thr truc Point ol b.ginning. BEST '".*.$ coPY 's AVAILABLE { fim.*-- trilIS trfit, f,C 7 BESi', \:4!iF ri r COPY AVAILAFLE ItZr"'* a ;thttat €eua*t*ffi Ylq) iiln lf l. .|. F.t.a lb ih t-tt ..a bG.da..di- J rLt|! a mLL^Xl. r b d Fal, d t th f.n h L.a F|i bt t! r.|. t trt d l|. -d{ t'tl lt"Fr itt rltrrd i' htr'b' i- d rtdLt'.. b. attL.' b{|ta.d. Ft d (ri{.a' f,t' }' tl'' F *Qlr d'r'r |t ||t' lrtFrn' {.r'....tt.*r.l|r{r'-9.'u.{.-.F.1'||.|.'.|'dlsi*nr'l'i.r!'..Itl.l.nbyird o( L.a. dtre, lrl*..a t |.|| ii rlF xrd ttL, C.L.* 5.rli: $lllltnf, tr . ,' r:r'll l "mdtf.4ffrrtrfi/lztr /cz. '.'t ul STATI: (r}. t lrl,||llalrl C,rntt oa Th. ronn inr in.l.Dunt \.. !"tn.'{1,{...1 b.tnh r! tltF ,Lr Prul R. Johnlton and Srr.h A. Johnaton. a-Ha rir.d-a o.a!-..--Fd Gllfl S , U!D. qr letll -a lua a C.Lna+ ., rl. '..rd Frr: -..t4 L ct F'.rlo€J leglc (t 9.1 at .ollptlon D.r .tt.cH lrhlblt A) flElittn sirh itl .!N tintubr it. h.r.ditrnlrtr dr.l .f?|rn'||rnc' r lh'trrr' lrl,ntinl' "r In rnt*br |pD.rrdlb'' rnd.ho l(fri.ioo rnd Fl*'!i"t|3. nru|tl... |.d R''rii..r'. ^.nt!' |':ut. dn| t.r.'fii: t]].n".f: |r.| .ll . .rl&. rhri. filr. inr.ntt. cLir rnd d..$d sh.tre$t of tL tr|. D6rtt ul tL tint lrrt titi'r in l'* "r.qritt, of. in .nd !t tl" r|r^! l'rrytih.rl ptemi+.. rith th h(ttdil.|hnr' 'n'l rtrt'trrr L lr " m ||lf E l:\-D tar nLD ihd sid !r'mi.cr !tx't" l"rtE io''l tnd 'hi(r]lr'! s'll th' rlrtrtltn]n ' r:!: ' r.|. p.rit ol rh. rd'nd D.it. hF lx ir! |nd...irr'. f"ntut. An't th" 'ril l.nt '|rf rnr f"l t'rrt i t r'in'(rf' l '' i'rr- erdrlrr.. .rd -ln.inii(..br-.' {..r .drit!t! rtsnl' hlrFdn' rrd rrtF ld in'l $ ir [ ' ' I r:'l t'r r 'lli '' ": l !'rtt lrir h.h. .,|a.tti3,\ ttrt:l il! lihd .t th{ .nk tlina rnd d"t.$rt ot tk r' rtrr {tn' tn i' \' ll 'r'1'l f rhrt'r'n:' rbovr dDYtt(4 l[ "t ro,'d. irn'. l,tttra. rha'tulr rnal irlltfr''sil'k' $lrt' ''f inlrrrrin'r" 't:!r''rlr ir( ' nill" r'rl rrri rti{ rlrtrl, lsll F,r(r rt,,l t$, fsl rlli',ritt r,r A?.nt' i'rt!.i!r. {tl cal t' r'r'r |: l t nr r ' rn,tr.skl..t!l thrt:h..t,r. rr. ll{ nn.l fl,.' lr,'|! rll ftth!. |nd nrhrr {rutl_ rat(rtri_' ':l!- r!'ri_ ::rrL r-{t.rxrrB rnd nn,{!|t,..tr,r,: .,r Fl,.rr!(r L,h.t.t nrt't?! i*(..r axcaPt flrlt Deed of ?fuat trdld ti Cbitltla sevlngr rnd t .n Ar.octrtlan rnal ..cond DG€d of il"rt it ia * inr ..rt6nr of trr, tnc. .tld thlrd D€ed ol Trurt held by v.ll tnvritrnt crouo, ttd., rtrd Grcapt any €atenentr, reltric- tiona, rlghta-of-rry anat covamnta of racord. rnd excePt Parkinq Agrar.nt La.r. dltGd Jtnu.rv l. L97O, rh.l rl,r rl",t.l.&(rini{l t,r,n,i'. n, lhr {ult rnd FN.r'|, t"'q'"in f rh xi'l tnrl} i" I ' lrni r' rnd !-.i,.n: rr.rtrlt xll .r,'1"!t!I li{a.'n.,t Frtrtrr l.r'fullr "trintiDs "r r" 'rnr 'i s i " r l r" : t ..i,1 r.rtr.,ttl"ai.,,r I[l -l,r:t nr,l $ill ll'IRRA:-l Alilt]'r,R]:1't-Rrrt.ll:\lr 'i rrrlllr'tr: r'i'rril rr l: tl" t,lr'd. tll.'plunl tl* 'inrut.r. snil rlk tr{ ,1 rnl nn(|lI Jrtrll l$ at'flr r[]r'l'r:l !'Lnr IS fl1S]:!isTll]:llllt. rt,.$id D:,rit,'f !h. tiril |6 hr! h'rt"nl :'l hir flnl:Lr'r "rlrr'' i'\ 't'r'r: ,11'I I, / ;' Pf,trL n. -tolsls'lofl 1,,*):. :bnbr rlritlffG t., l.).-!: i !1, t.i; : l i li.! ; r it, , . '','. r.., i "i (,i '. . i t:" ,,r ' At. r I },-ll {( nrY l*,'7?. hIl1,1. la-.irt xtL 1..r h..r*fr .. -r{ arrrr' r.r, turar& iadtlrx..leL l!?lrE, r tdttrlo.lt 3.t .d r tlnc ol |.ll lr! dl ltrc. on .long 3!ld ,c{t "lt l|r. ot lErclliFlfiG, lntccl lt 20.!16 t..r alrt rtt' told Gl|d a alrtdl t?'4lrlf . llrt8. 90'OOrO0f' . dl6tarca ol ta.t t} a o' t.r.ay i;rll ,'..?J.':r,:r' !.': ''r.:r ri'i .... '. .. .' ' d J.:r .r-l ,. i'r" r |" a br d r ltrtq*i "rtYrat I.d|| i.c undllJldt.d onc-hjtlf ttrte:cst ln p'ti''3!al ttBht stril Gar?i:rrh of tl8!t'-rlr' !"ortr rs::re's .rd .Br,.s:. uro'. o".i-.ii I""1.'E.i.-c.-lE ::l:-:,9 l:I:".?tr*'il * tt lrli:re$3 al|6 .8rrrs:. $toE. r.,r"* ir,nrcr of Lot 1.ili,ir, "r an lli:rt -'.,leri lloe runnlnS dtr' rrest froa th'" f.rtlt BlocL t, t!rl fillt3,.' .t t"t 'iiiiT:liiii"h ti'*otntt -trt"l l. tut r'lrlr tor 4' l:oci tl val! till-;.!, l i15t l-ilrrli. t"'i;t::t'li'i an'l linl"irt lrr thr'- irrst rr:leni r'c'irr"l ,l1ri: 10. 1963 jrr l;,,cl fl, nt-f'ti"-f:J. nn4 6r'5jc"t-1" rhc r.t.'vt.'{":r' ol llEt ,......:.r..:! lrr..!...|| chrls!li:.r"-*i-v.ir' t,,c. ;r,rl! ll.c.T., !r:.'. dr! .l ltit ::t. l9'J3 rid lil,.t.:.4 Junc 5. 196$ ir, BooL 212 r! f'rg{' 8i$' ler'':!-lj .,\ t,.ri,.'tt!.rl clr':cnt :lnd rii;l!: l(r ut(' At"'r t''3' f:ril Itlln"" !'i;st filin: ('r" :t'r'1 ,!l,tl :ir Lrr'r l'-1' v.'rr *:ifi"lt-'' fiith riti::;:l .'rt ':i:':."r a rt:!tj.. i 'rl:r'; i:';'i.. ;:,,.::..,;;..: .ruro:ob:r"..-:lj:i"::;..:;1,;j';ll.::1":'l; tl..i:,11,.;":: ,-,- t.il ti!1.1r:'l' l i.':t tsili.j:. J .lr:', 10. t',5t j r ]rcok t" 'tt '"t.t '-i:-l'-i" '.,'fttr' I hi r!' :'r::' r! tir"l ;;:":' r: l,' rr,... (r'i! tssc. i.rt.'r;, rt'"'."ir'tiuii.l,ni'r-":-f'tl' i, r" :rul tir': io"r t't l;'ll .!!:..!:irr(h l5! l'163 n"a to.;"lll'J Jirild :r' t 'nS lrr tr!:' "l- 'ri l'rl:" 1;/"' iil ' i tl, rr:ir:r ll:ic "'l ix:":"ri t'; ::'C'T" 1 ;' '-:: t' "" r:-'l'r t:'-'' i" '' 1:, rl': i.r.r! ''r: (l?i:ili':'1 t '-r';'',"""' r" r"l' i'"' i -' : :'J t-" 'l'r :i )' i' r .,ti,. ':! l!' f r :lrl. t' 'i'il!""(''"' :'S r: r ' 'i"l'.1" :': ! .' r"':rt'i"'" - l....r ,: t: il .'.. .r Ll,rl:' tn l::"i ' " s' "t i l-' -:: (. tlr 3r't'' r 'r' ;':rr' "i r | ... t .' rt, lro,.[, tr tjAlt. !l!L.l{4. Ft*f tttlBc. .ccc&l tr:! to tlrc ?ltsrds(l I'trt Chrt.oir L(,.r.ty {'t Urnl.,. it.tG al Colutlag. LIjl it lh..t lrr rt dqlarlb.d ar .ot lort'i , t:, ii:r':rr'. nt llrc $outhrnl?.ornnr e( t.'i'l l,ot rl, lll<'cir' 2' tild tsll Villagr Fir:rt I'ltir i lLrnc.'t.','r,artty i:rr,.r:i th'lioutl ,Jrrr'o! tnri l i'": ri. lll'2f i'Gt; thr':r.- (:r ,., ,., ';i t|' thc rJt:lrt lt 9(,'i;0t00".4 dl::t'rrrcc of 6i.6(l lr'-t; ttr-11'r'rtrr '::t ^':11': t(' rl,. I i::irt t'f :tr"lii:rO'.r n .lldtonec of 21.61 f.^t ti .r l.r,lni of In?., t'i"{:t' rJr url}' ii'i: !..:::, :'ri !1n.r (,f r;'lC 1.,'t di lh".1c, r,r' :r'r :rnJ;lr: t', ti"! rit;l': ot t)q"(tiJ"" ' llr';1: Lr,i :i^r'',l,..rty lirr,. nnd alo;,i a curvc t(' il': l.it 11!itr.: it r';rllrt' o{ 161'l'l f ':' x r.l,:I:! :,,,.1i,' cf l2'f1'f4"; rln rtrf diritar:.r oL 9;t.Ot ;""r to thI lior"i1l ':('i r' 'r!' - ol '..i,i l.ot .ti rt!,r'..'orr on rttr;-re to l1r'! tll,lr t't lt"'r1tli6" aird nlr'li: tl" l'rs:rr-: li,i ,,. !.;:jd Lut dr 69.r6 f(.{.t to thr'1'oirr: ol b';;'n',i'r-;, A).;) [sCf,l'T thi!t l'rrl dcscribcd d1: tol)o'J-rl l:,-r:lri'rltr{:Jrt tl,& :;outhii.tst corirc! t,! silid i.ot (t, l;iucl: 2, !-r:t fil!rr;i'r !'l:-': !'i:ic:; th..n':. L'i'slcrly i!L():ru tha Soutb tlne .'I sri'! Lot (1, ir '!iri: t:r''e of l1!'ll! lr'l l"' ti:i Sou:lrr'1s! cotnei of that tl ct.r! larC co:1'.'ei'-d itr tir'! dt:l r{:orr!''d 'lu:re ir' l?;'l tn 1;o,ri 2.[? at t'.1::.] 8,0 of rhc t(|cotdi jrr ri'.: t.tfje <'i tlr' C1r;1: ir:i'l t: '::r'i: ': L.ri;1.-' co'.j:1ryr Collrarlo, thD TRlli t(rjliT oi !j.r;1::it:5; tlrrn':': on ;' C1 ! i'.-'c!lo t ;:';::" 1.'th,: riflri <rLC'u0'il0' a dislanrc <\t 6l ''':'5 tr-Pr cl''r' i ti"' l:n'r'riy li:r' (': ! 'i; tt,rct ,:rri.,ye.l irr dre,l r,:ccrtl,:d lll l.'rl: ?1.2 ..t t'nl;r: llltji tl'rr\c'-r (c:ltirIiii'l ;tl': ': it'c Ur:,r.,rl;' linr: of r:;rirt tract c(r.,vP) '1 i;r rlr'er! r"ctrr!''i i-r f,r'rir 2i? at l'' ': i:'J o:, i, .fr'ftt:ii.rrr rrr::la to tha tlJlrt oi l7'iit!'t" a t:i i:'ir':: of :''ti' fr'rr : r 't lsrit o: i:licisectio:! eith th.: !:orthcrty lj:": t'f r'aid Iot' C' 1' lrr': n l'{!jr': (':'.. ''::s" ti,-rc('irloiG !irc:i(':!herlt I i:re of ::ri'l l'': Cr rj:r:e:r i5 I' " c'!i\' l! !ri? i:::i !:".'!n.;:r ral"''.'r l60.I7 f'''a; a c.,n"r'11 ."111i" "t. !i'l?'ir:"' ii:r :':' dii:':rr::' (! 20.1:i fccl -:..1 .Jl'o, '.horJ dc:llci:; t''i':'/ir' to ti l':tr j:rr l;' ;:'!t' l-1.1Itr f..t Cirt:!:,'-; th-x-': oir., I!.!l'rii'r" 'rlil,j "" !l' it:t 'I ir ir)""'i:.r! :..:ll ctro:<i n (Ii|:i.i::(:r: ai :|.'tI f,l; tlr' i:_!: ( r i! i'i''iiiiir ' l:':i lr !lt'' rlil": oI i.,',,n':0" a (:i.;iiri!.' r,f 3r-.01 fr--'l; l!-.:r,:r i'n ;: ':' :i.iii:ir ; r--'1- rc ilr' l!i: ': c4;[)-rtliit, i (:j,r.rr.:'r,i 7]1.(i.l i.r.i t(, i: i::.:, (i :.I :: r: I!::i ! 'i --" Itrr'. (f !;id i-.'i. (l; t:.':'r.! (x a '.1 1-r'i : ' r'.11 ti' tt 'l 1: ^- l l' '; l il-r..; t.:r! Sor".ltrr]j lirr, c,l l.:ri ri i: L!:i"i'-" r" :'l'i: ;' i I i: :'i': i': : l: l',,: "t t t I I' tsr" E?ML.It_ai-a ('t:ti4ut 13' ,'u;i-i'j'i,"'r look !11 Prte'l5tl I fcr.9l.O0pd l:::;";:'ll E'&f'frl ^ lf;n',f;l:l ili;,i?li Tnltl)ltDll. Mr'l, lhr\ 8th dh\ "r lilrrch le tl2 lts'lw{'r,r, i)n,/i ' l'. rislx)t t.', ,lr of thr (tfll'ttl'f {rrrl slnti "ltrloti tl-( !,f thr firrt lrlt i,,rltrl !l.r:'l'irl ir 1', /r::lrrt'' *1t,r",, 11,jtltrLlr','r.' r' 2i)i4 ll(?(t ('o1r' r'() il I , Houaton, l,'X.l: ,t t llr frr|','f lrand s|rd Fr,||l tfrr.dtrl l|nd l,'lr fir:t xlrlr\I wrlIIt'l)' s'fA't t: | )l rl(tqtllDe alllrtltl of /- ' i'- TIFt,,ttlFtr'trr.r.unrtht ?trr'lrr'r'.dlfl rir"'r'''r" ,tIr ,. , fl f .( L d \'t ' r^? ,' k,,, r.t,., I iltl|. I ountv . 'tlltrt.X \ Ltl{l' stNt cuflnlll ltt vAR r' 'lsl8? , '(,-' .-' 4 't :'.,'.'.l r ":;l"r:rt , fr" lSt:Al'l lf HA l,l l:1. \ l.l " (.L Frti WITNI'SS[Ttl T]rtt th. frt'll,lrt ty 'rl llr" lrr'r IaIr. for nr||i rrr ( rlril'krrltl0tl ofthl sttm o1.''.,i."''n.rl'.,r,r.l.ri,.'t1',],],''''l|ll,-/,' tothcr|idplrt, ofthe lirrt lrrrt trl lri'rt'l ptrrl lrt tlrr''rrttl p{ri "f !he'..'condplrt th! rrcrlpt rhercof tr, lttreby conforxr"l nnrl lr'Ltr"trh"itr"l hrtr rrontt'il l'trtruttrc'l roll rnrlcrrn' tti*i,'onA t'V t h{"{t pr€r.nlr 4" ' l;' gttnt l'er($rrr' "'ll' rr'trre} rrrrrl tlr"rft r nu nto.thr. ttid Dart y ofthl i.'cond prrl. lrcr hr.lrf [rr'l tlxtrgnn lor|,!r'r' ttll lhl f('lloelnF d"r'rtl)"d fi'',i,0."*i ',,i r".,r. ",tl,l.t". il !rr{ rnrl l'r'inxtttllr. l.rrrtl\ "f !'o'l1e rnd St rt. of Cr,lorh,lr. ,l' wrl i l,ot ll, tllo,'l' i, r/^ll ' l'1"'1 ' r' t i''rr' r""'rr rrri'l i(r th.' r.c.ir'lr l r l r' tt' i' i tho kno!*ll tr il r, r'l tllrtl lrlr llrlr. ' Totrthor silh rll xnrl xtngulrrtlrt'lrr,r.(lttrtrrlntiril'l ||lrIrrrtctr'lrhs1hl,ft'rrrldl'clor|ging "r in rl|til|. rPFrtrlnrtlL. and th{' r"v?riioll ln' rr'\"rtit'llri' rentrindrr 8h{l lcrn{lnder'' rrnll' ;.8;J;;rhi; t rr,'1""t; r,ta utt r r'o tit't ', ritht' t rt l{" intei.it' ('hrn' rnrl de trsnrl shrtrr'ever' ol thr rld prrri rlf th. firrt i''i', "u' " t" lt* "tr."u.]ll .':l: ]tt rrrrl t'r th" rl'('rt l'rrtrrrr'd Drernir.i. *rth rhc herodrtrnrrnli rna'.pi,r,ir,.it.tt""", T(; llAvi: Al{l) T(} H()Llt thc ||d 'p""ar*" 4t,,"* herlrtrttd rnd dei{ libr(l tr'itll th{'splturtclltrrl(('r' tlntt' tJarbara tt. r)st)orne rli|{rrrl pnrt r of tlrt io(on'l plrt'h('r hctrr tnd trt|(nr forevtr, Andthcrrid i),)vid l'. oril)orlr(', 'r prrt ofthr firrt plrt, f"t lrrnr''ll l) i '- hQirt' 'teculori rno rdminirtrrl.rri rlt)('s qrv"Dant,'Brlnt. l'rrllln rn(l r{ror tu tn'l wir h thr rlid prtt y "fth' ,.".,nd !rrt. l,L,r lrcrrr rna rr.rri.lir1,'- ad"" trntr"ir,.'t pr.'nrii(' ln th" qui"t rnd Frccrbl' il"to;il;;;i ;;;i-;-- ;7;;;""; prrt' lrcr.hci rtrrl rrrim$' o'ritrrl rrl lnd tvrrv '*r-rl,r" p+rronr. lrwfuily clriminr or to cirim thc lltu]".i:.::j" Prri ! h$!t-11'- -lll: .! h rr)'rvlr or unrlr.r I lrc rrid Dart '"' ut t fto i,l,t p"rt tt' WA ltl{A ST AN l) t'l )Rt:V}: R l)l: l't:N l) - .' ' f X W f f X n,*S $ltl llR l:( ) 1'. Tlr. rrld pgrt'/' "l t |x' firrt l)art hr$ h"r'r'u ttt ilt Srgrrr,l. ti'r['ri r.rrrl Itr'lir,'r,rl rrr rrrr 1r'r'rcrrl 'tl ' '.!, rtr'r,,r.ri, n.rt,'t,. rrr lllr'r- it I..t - rarmt.,,.I#.i$Eff.; ':3o^g%d&',,*Wii enR!{, huittdr|(l " vlr .r' '.'n I I ' \ilal.,,: . .,lit r i).rPh lc . l\ r ",,'1 ry;| r.f r.'rtl ('Ntt tt ., ., , , 1.,r ',1, .t,. t. ,,qinr rrri 1ttlti! In tlt I ,r r I , rh 1 \,{t' ,1 ( alrt'r&, lo tll .., l,,r :i.n I'r.ri lt"rrr.' \'lirX Lrr| th' ' t 't'llrl I | ''l! lh'rtot tlltd 'rr' 16 '\" Irr rl l'nr tot (;old'n . I i tI lntr _ ''. r'rbl" t l'' lh' tlt!'' ,,,1rtr., ',.t,r.ll it!, ,t'|r.. i tnltti l'!o' rnl l-u l(tiFT tl . t!rRll '"',t ilr'l(:lltF n .rn,-l Yl {'., $r | !:r' l'. r' lr'r 'r.'" \., l !'l'l' ,., :."r1l, 'fr R')ad, 'f 'lt'tr "t Vdl I 'I i ! r l, , .;t rt. )l t-r)loldd'). | 'rr. rr,[ ,, thr {nlr. ruf,r.'l li, . Cotrd(l.lnllSt !r il u.i,., ,,,,,rr1 J ()rlln.ncar at th' foYn r r tl,(' , o. l0)1, t'hlch Cr'ntt' . th\ .l l'l.rch ) , ff f)('*'/ 4 '1()t KTJRT t. tOit{ ' ",'{t-l Lt-'- BrrctltE !. loill .ltt{ ,rt r'rlrlll\lx, | ,.qtrt ) irt Eag I .' ttd.,.'t frr 1t Innl;1rni'1r a.t !' ln"r t{'.lt{r'd lf,l"r mt tI''--,l0th .r.r,,t trtt-'h. ,ti'i" 'it' "ititi ' i ' ini Drlsltt' !' torn' hurb'nd or,l rrlta. 0rrnt')ra. tlr . rr''' ' n' tt1u-' t trr'u,-'; b' "'"' ll" rr{ l.l? r.,'r,, lH rb.rt.'- r.rr.r..Ftra*lDr'',r' l'tr'd rrtt' D"t l---'""rlr' 'i 8|tl tlt! n! ^".* v '7' y'/oe3zr--2 i,p 11 r'..ii(. \':- *,;,F1 1L,. iiii r1.i{; a ?977 lbb H',r. '3h -.r J-rt ll .hrtr rL''F L. r0I 1j q411 c. nor5 ,rb h - ( rrtilt .t .n.l li.(. "r drL i..r pr'r. r'|t l llLtlll D. ll'tltl AID i^ICY l. ItlEl. .. ,olnt t.n nt. DrtasI -fi'dlaolr|f-- 9,r ^D'tc. Fo- " rlo trlrl arn..'. tltl lttrho(r.|r ltor.rt.tn. fr ttor)6 t.ra. .llL l oshlr ,,t riail.l...Ea'.'f ih?ranh,lP.r! lllinlll ?trr rhr rrri Frr ) !.t t h. ft r.r F.t tft r .nd In.snrd'r.iF,..? ! h. rr'n rf a lEl:At.l ,lt! 'n J.dry a/. l|r alt .l".lad Liar h. thr'q? .|tL c. td rrtrt t..a-...-. a--. ( l--,lll r*r'rt -.. '.-?*'t) - P{rt LL'l Ji.' . llr Jrr li 9tt !.?3, r,rii lt'H tl Eurr lm Itr ottrr oom AD yALuAlL! cotttDlt^t tors-----------rrrll^ ll l. tL -{ l.tir ol lh. fttil F.l 'h h.na Fil h! I rr. r.,{ F..tt ',t tlt. .frori p.il. rhr r...r}l rh.ttot r. h?r.bt \ dH /'fr^/ ,rl:a' rU rrra f. rcr / t,,XJ.:)ii s. \** rx'i^,l rr^?r tll f tltlx, ttltt tuaqa 1|fift .dri.d a*l |.lnorLtra. h.. trrnr.d h.rt[ri.d. r.|. .h.l ..i! r.r 'a. .nl ht rli.r. tr.r.hr.,1,*r atrnt, hrtt |n. ..{" r{trt tlia r.na|li. uitn lhr r.rl D.rrr ,,f rh] -..n1 p.rr. lt$ i.fr .nrl rrrrth. f,'r?r.7. .ll thr aollortnf kttH H '|r tstr'r t{ l.nrl .rtrrt.. ltrna rnd lerna In t h.httH|i| .|r Irr'l , r'-r i lrll.i qllrltl nn r l-rd lalrr .irl tt.t. ofl nk'r.a, l.rrtnlrltl nn a!l5 |tfi l0:3rEnlr m l|I 'uT rtcouD sEPTmEr 9. t97t rlt mor 221 Ar tl6E 6l!|l lcc7nil rc. llttta tro ttf cffittittt DtcrttATtor ntcmcD Atll,sll. lrl lr au lil rr fllt tzr As rfct?ilc i0. u6901 rn mm€o c0m-nilu Ecumilor mcnoeD crotr 9. llt nt !00r 3t0 lT ?mr 186 A3lGatrlfl t). lllfS; gllrCGl l0 m rtIS. Omtrt0ls. rtsntCTlffi A|,3llilllrtilS Cfirrlm nf,rtlr. Tffi 0f vAtt.J- l-ti r. arr..r aia hrba ifltlfl r'rl, .ll rna . iarl.r li. h.rlrl'l.r1.nrr .'.1 .aru.trhi... aL..'rr lil.nnit. trr rh .ntrff r,ttr rr|iLl. xa tir r'r.rr .n .l!d r.n|t|h.l.r r.J rra]r*n. ..nt.. r..u...na ttntrr. th.titr rnd .ll th. Ft a,rtLr irl|r 'rr.rrrt.'l.,f..n,l.|.r.ni?irr..-\"'!.rrh...it rrtl|/rh.trrrlF.t-?rlh.rrr'1.r...gl|rtr..l ..ail.lL.li ' 1,..r.In-: Ir.i,' r.r rrtl\ t\' h.IFhtr|rrroir.ia rttort.ui.?r lll aAt3 /ltlr tl l lall.ll Ih. qnl r.!i'... .h'r. hIr.'n.l.harL(trLa.rrrhth,r)?qtt.n.ts6.uht.'th..rid Falt .f lh...ci{ f..t hr. l*'h rb.i...tn. l' r.\I ln.i rh. r]l t rlt o, tL tr.rt }.rt. 16? hritFll lrr. h.rr.. ..-rl*..aarara hr.lr.lotrar.trt.n.r,ltr.r'rl'.ra.,n..niaarrtst..nar|lhtlpr.raF.tt,,llh...rondFtt, ttb|ttrra...trr..tl.trlrhrl,h.ollhrrnv.!,nr.r.ld.l'rfir.'fth.*prr*nt..hrrrr'llr.rtnlolrht!r.nr... abtt a-rttta. .. ,.1 afia. .or r Frl..l .lF'l{lr.n(,n.|}lr.'rl't...l.trutrnh.rrt.n..,'rl.r.rn{r..r|iPl.,rnrth.. a..a rail. flrll F.r.r rna l.\tll .rlhornr t,. r'.nr r,....|n ..11 rhJ,,$rrr 1h...r.. {rl tirnhtr rrd t,'tn rr aLt.L...a lt.r th' ..h' r'l r'.. .hd.l?.' f,..tr .li r.n^r. .nil -ih.. ty.ntr. b.rt.,n. 'rlt.. h.n., lrr... 5..!..lr.r|. rn' rnrnr.hrr. -f rh.l.r?rrrn.l,{h.r,r....-'"r atca9l aat-lta, raatrlcttonar ?aantatlc||r rnd rltht.-ol-ntr elt of r.cord aid r.rl pro?artt tu.. tor th. taa" Itet. rEt tot du. or prydl.. aia trF .]8.{ h.rt.'h.n ||r.trr''.r 'n I n' ltqrl .l|rl F rr.rhl. F..?rr.,'n rl lhr i.rd F.rl r ,'{ th. r('nd ,aal, hlr lrrr. en.l e..|.|rr.t.rr\rt.li .n,l, rrr i t{',r.hnr Fhrnr l.rtullr.l.r|nrhaor t.'rl.r,rlh.rlr,'1.-t rnt Fr.l trtrnrf 1h...( p.rr\ .r th' I'r.r r{'r !n.!1 ."n r'll ||AilASl Aslr }rrl}:\-fl ItIfiNn lh".rhtulrr nuntlrr.h.ll l*hrd. lhrrl{r.l lrnFl(rrltnr.{'rnl.'.hlrhr'r.r,'lrrrFr'.r.rrh.lllFrppl|f.bl.t,'.lli?nJ.r. l'ttttDliI||f,ltll|0.tlF,.nlr,rrrr!'lthrr"rtF.rrhr. l'..r|thtr {.r hr. i.rd rhd -..l t l,r 'lr1 .ndr.rrtr..l r|rx. r r 'rtro .r!rltr.tlD.: l o-11 'tiTtto-'. Tltr lltlq r.a. ' r',. ru tf r-r *..', . ,rrt 0, fCbfuary C'lltLgS qoc{r UCDnta rnd ItltRltTrA J.)tuTtl B clrrll rl|rrt; tttl? ilm lrrmllE Ft8 lEls tq,d\ fyl _ ,r..,,1 rEtitalY |r Cl{ * r,'"..','hrnirr',l rr, r.l D.l tllllt, "r ra. r',.',,,' .".r Atfrcr c 8 t sstrfrte rh,,a r,rtr ritr,r.. , 16 labltocfhalde. Luclrna. Srl trarl anJ 60rN ,rrhr ',,,".', .. ",llllllllllJl,li r,r, .,,.,nrr.,, b th da tdt aa th tlnt Fn ln ii.ia Fd hr lt ...d p.nr ol th. ia(s{ p.n tn rr.f|,r tlt,to ! lal-' drtad.ld ad . !h...tl t- La:trrd. l'rrt a -ld .id (rrvrrrd .i.l ir rha. pDr.nta ill. t t. L||aln. -, -ift aaa criAai. rnto ttr.., Fnt a, tt* r..ard p.rr. h|. h.trr rrd rsrttn lotrv.r .ll tb ||alothl tffira b ft oa L.gl. ot rari .ttbar lvlra aia h.r|rl ir rF xrd ll.t. oa Coao..do ro id ll comltrlm u\tr x0. ?0f , Gotottt PfAx lloust. AccoRDlilc I0 Tllt itAP THtRtoFll iiltn F.n Rtc0cD tfl rAp cAst ?,orA't€R 6, ${D qs 0tscilBgD H Iilt c0rlDol(llllttill nir-ruttot fon coLDEt{ PEI( must, nEcoRD[D l\ B."nt: ?21 rr PrGt ?24 AxD Tl{ ll rrloerr TxERtro RtcoroeD ncroBER e, l98l l\ lmx 330 AI ProE 136' cilllTY ll 0F tmu, sTATt 0f cL0trm tl ll .t*rn"'n...,',.r.hdn',.1r-, ?06. Gotdrr P?ak Hou!r ll ?78 Hrnron qrnch Rord. vrll' color'do 8l6tJ7tlll tttc|' Jf ., .Irr,,l .'nr.t{'rh,r!r!il,rdtr,r,'rr.',d.t'|'l,rrrnrr.ftthrr.trh.lonrrnt.i'rrnrntr|rt.tFr ll r.,r,r,r.rr.rrh',r\.,,,..rhrrr,r.,^,',r. ''',,ir',trr ilnr'r'rrhrlor r?rrr, ,'r?,.hd pt',frt. ihn.rti rnd rll ti. ll -t.'' ' rr" trtlr ,r'r. 'I.r ' i.'nt ir,n,n tr.rnn *rr.rr({ !r, "r trr, ..,,l ri.rtt.liht t'rrt ||. l 'r!f'', 'rr l.v 1t'qurl} ot' ll r.rn.llrrhlrb.'r'l.rr.t,,i"lt'r'n,r'r. r'tr"l'. h4r.l'rrhltr'lrrn,l.l,l,ttlrn.n... [l nr|.ffffrfrtr|l ll.Drh,.r'.rt,,,r',.t..r"...r.d,r.,,.'",,,r,r'.,',lN'l'rtr'rhr.pp,"t.hrh,.r.$ht"th...r.l ll p,r1 "r th+ Fr.,od t,!.r hr.h.'.,!r',1 .r.,ri,.t',r,\r, .l',.r rl'. .{,,1 r,.rr! !'r rl', t rr prtr. f,,r hr|n'll. hrr h'r'r' .ta.{ton,$drd ||,r.tIrtrr. d.h..,.\.n{nt rr.r. t..'ani,, !,,,txrr,, r,,r.r',1 *.llrllriratrlt,rttt,'lth.i}..rndFtt, hl.htrr..nd..rrfn..lhrrrrll']l'n|r,,llltr"rl...lrnai{'l.l}lr\.'\"1 rl!'. lrr'rr|ltr h'r'*"ll'?rt?'lotth'prtnlr.' .h,rr(,tlrer.{1,.r.,(n"nl ,,rr.-rk,ft'1,rhr',11.t}.r.1 ,r,i.l.!.rr,l, r.l!1f,r i'l'}rrtrlr.} Inlrs,Intt,.lt pl.'andhar aod rltt tutl I,,r,' .r,l iirl{l ."!h',rrrl r', rr.rt l,r,rr r, ., ll k.,,r,,'r\rr lh}.rmr tlr n\rorl)r ahd ]dt'| rr rt,?.r.!l rttd rlrr !r'. 'rn'r rtr tr". r,',1 ,ll.r ft,,r rll iinrt t'.rrr' h.rItlnr' rtl'r lltn'. trrr' t.i.rrnn xl. rn'1. r,,,tr l,' i',' r'' r,r ilrlr \rl lttr,l,,t nrt,t. .',, I [rcaDt Ganrr!] lrx$ for tk Jr.lr 1982 .nd subtequcnt verrs lnd tubJcct to nattrlctlonr, resarvatlons. artonQntt rnd covanants of rccord 'n! ltrnr t l,d Ilu. ri I f,r t,I,,, kl I t\ttt\lr.rtIt .nrtth, rti,rr,l t,!ry.,,,,,1 r.,.r.,... !, rl,, ,r,,,rr rn.l t'..fr.l,l. u,f.r.r,,ll,4 thi .rr't prrt|,f ll,r r.!',nd r.tt, hrr hflr..||,1 r..rrh,(r,,' rnrl!r,rr\"rt{,.,r,,,rti.r..,n.ltrlrllr,l!rnrnx,'r1,,,1!rtnth'thrlt'drtntltrrlth.r.o, ihf.rnt x r, !,r rr,r ,i,rr r,r,r,r,{I r^,t ll TAItkANT ANtt }l)ltt:t'}:l( lrll}}:tilt Thts.l||lul nu|nl'r rhrll lar arnllh, rrl,,l.nt a'n,l.i.lrrlll,r rIIl!'rl'h ti,.lltrr .rr. !n r l r ,'l r l'f tL ' it r, I l,r. h. rl,,rt,' 'rl hrr l,.rxl !rrd i.'rl 1||l 'trt rnJ r'.r,lf.l -^ci,.'i:$' ,t lrr ri t. ,/tt lt '1frn1--.$^1, Ch! rl ca Roocr 3rCfir'un$i$i$l ,',('*...t/- z<./. .t ,ttnEshz t{"nr'l ?ttr .loh.d,rr B"cln!n | ,{nr ' '{ 0t^IcE a.' rnrt | {rrtr.li err .. I i,,,r l'lrrit trrl,rr r ,,,, ' 1,,. l0lH tt,lt,,,l' CIIARLI3 noctn SACllltAl q l HEI|RIETIA JOHqIilA BAclHr\:t' n,,,,rrr'."',, r'r.' APiIt ??. .t.L A1Q.-. <.- ( '.' ', ,. ' , ,-, ,, ,{, l.a tr Ir tataattt rta!-a.r t llrrl|. t ..rt -fi. r r i*r.l rn D.rr.r {tal i v'351q t* ll'tgllr i"nrl a C6r/| \lla Lq/ !F5-ir-,' :a-_ ="4 rs{ r.'rif$fir m l.i: ?in0 ll ;[,1r rt nJ ooraco0rtfl Ir lD. I .l 'r. 1..! Fn '' I '* lrr lLr' , 'sI *a *aul' tlmalF.rd tbr |tdl ,.'y '1i tl' r"-F t::,'" :',:t:i:.L 'll.'-' f,lflf,lll IGIF'Ylxo .!'lg I I rlxr '|{ | r. J3lffi ;;" ; '$'ird' "H .,*. {"n'{ '^'c "' t,," r ' 'a'rr 'n e t & {- -i dr' I|b t* .. ;; -; o' ''o'd ''1 |is \r'n ly' !F|.re "',* Pr r. --''* f .. Xii *l,.",rEI;; ; ,;fr-a lFa b , Fl.ra 1.. .r aa LF d u...'ia b t[ r!. lhlt 1li, Orr qri pt:hx -lrr i| i:'.,t'ti;]";': r hdr ".rt\dir-221 rt COLDSN lf1#;:, f ;.ffi ,il :;':;T;' i:^X.'31, ;' .0,'i":,' ; lj.,'n.i?'.ili: : H.il'I? q"l:; iii, .:::.:,1" L::' I..:l I.,' .t. F<)ialr''vrclr, I OFxrtor ||rdtilill'u.tji ir'ip' r]' rt't?' l| {Jt*rtC ttrittt l.i.nalla,"! 4 qlb I f, r'l r:l t rrf rD l#t d tilF 'r = -31,.*" \.t.' rddll;;; ; ;c.:t|rr-::=:. T il,1." r,rn dr-.,' b'H ;.m. ...=^"3 :ll.!l-, -g::''-,.t||. lbEsffiEfi#ff::v"rdrr;E':.:'#;.E.,. .' -*: lnt f-:; - a* il S-n i;;E'!i= :-il .,;'i fl*xt{ J '-f} ':==;--=rdar-r.. t"r-r- "-' En lrr* rb itd-'Jt - _--- dr45t;1ra'rrd! Er-.. =.ll1gTfit:.fi;[ . *tf !=l#];fi:iffibr|har.Frrt r"llL'!Fr" r' l:l--rrtt. rJ.!'.' E--.a- - dtb 'tt -,lt 't l-r .. ':r*''*l *r r *,'*"'' J' lfilA-''-'--""-" #!i# 1lf;:;f "#3.? S'l: ffi'"I-;il *::l :*l:":,:::.:: l' "i:' i: :lr;tn or*irpr t ',c I \G! ot lerr 9r{'er" rt '---iriir-rta and ttrt ric ro iitf enJ .i"*"' rrr c')v;61tilt c'rndlllonl' I t ldt. of r're or d ' ,fLF rrr.rr q' ..:iT::l:^'t.f::*:*I"il i'ilt'.'' il ili;: [ffin^"' sii#.ffi#**]ii* ;ll';Fi 3?%;i;l"xl';; ioii'"i u"" " o - E-f'-.- D-.r r {Dtrtrr rrr -J dr-..,3bFtrrr-'#:*r&ffi," 2:', f ra'l' at ot ii :Pr .';'1litr . lt - rt f.l .Jna r'ndal nl 4 tsl*b.q,-l II it tf phililps |, tl II tr '\.,1 ,Tttr llf r:tr. v..'' " lf,th r. 'Jlnrtar, r ll | \(. \ | t{l' Sllll ;.hlIttltillii.,,8? ,.,.... r.llAirl t l. r;ttttrt.lll rnd "A'ii rjrr t. \Hl$.oYlrtl t 9,^o ld t lat l,lj. Ji8. lurlar(t !rr.:rl .l . :r ', l".rt , lirln'l fonit I lr,rIi1 ),r\, I -rlrxt$r.,lr.d r?|ll 'thfdr.n h^r h.l,8x[r.,] | rnlRl nn.1 rnl r('n\ti.,l .t,l l\'h.ir rr'!ri r t' , ""1 rrtrt't ji r.lt rttnr.r .h.l ,itl,.m !nro lh. \,l'l t.ri\ ',1 rh. !."t,,t t,,l hr. h.rr\ rr(l .rrrtt'' lr')t''" i I lf!' lttll'r{lhl il ti..r rth.rt n r" ||{ir.r !,1 lrr, {it,..|. itrtt ihd r-rnf 'n lhr ll (r|rlhtr ol Iaq]c .r,!\lrl.'ri,,t,]r.d' r(,r,t C0lt00+rllllLl$ lllllLl()4, t,r)tlrll FlAr rlOtlst . l1( (01 lrlf,l(. i( 'lll r'lA'' lr lRt0l l lLl.! l0t: ntc0nt' Itl fiAr (Ast. ;r. ilRAHl ! (,, ANt Al .)ts{.FlBtlr lll illl ((rlll,t)f'll,luM 0tctARAII0li r0't (,0t0ttt PtAx tr0rJst. :ll 1{lRl,)tl lf, ll(lr)ll i21 AI ''Aiil ,'i4 Al{t) ilrl Al'tt l|ol'lt lll llttRIl0 RtC()ftt) j i;l I00l ! I, l,lr I t', ll{to)' !to At t,i{ I }r6, .^lililY 0t tAGl.t. slAll 0l (01 irl'Alrl 'l ' trll\l\\tltl I flI Y IItoUSAltt, A\l) rir; I -lrirt;;il"-' r,r th. irtrt at\ ,n lhr t,r\r t.r' trr, Ir{,,1 r,\ rf. rII t!rt\ ol 'h' \.,"h.t l'.rt 'l r,r't,r xl"',t r. h..thv i l\lilr\l\.$llltll t tl \ll l I r'1 ,li \l,r' ' .t'''^", f,, t "J Cr.,..^lr'. f.6at 4 d#idi{."d, k ) ;',fi"'twh J I t \ll t.t \l I l'r r,{.f ,".y r.',,.! , .fz',r CHARtt s f . \l' rtfit,a(r,ir.t','., GlOtl ,lll anrt t) trz r. l. ,, SANOkr r I (.1'l l'.riVl l ,,I t\ ,, !{0trrv'. t aa^n, t Ol ,D-l-r Pi{o||r.ir nddrf.,i ,lhh vefr l9{1? dn{l ..ul ,r'(|,./r.hl }i.at', ,ttttl .rll r'{ l(, rr" lr lr ! 1or1',. rl"'r'lv'll lt'tl.'' t]Al?|luntS attd rovt'rtltrl t'l rr'ttrrd otrj r'r,, I I lr\l iit'!'() \ I ;rtl'I l(rt llri {-olorrdo lldlr.rl (.nvlnit', I Lttotr Ar',t,i li,l ]r llt rrir'<l ttt llri{ri :'lr 'rl 'rrl{ wlrl( fi qfrlntr'r lrr,rfl,r ,r'L',r.rlr | ,trlil d(lrl ,' I r .t . lt . tlr ?tlA. v ;4 i9 l cmt .-t IfrDJUIrIarlb,ndIlrniF uu. rcdt, lrrcrl Co,arr la rfL.l lctotl Lrcal Caraa In r.lfrl , Gtob '|.l I C.lr.a 1rFr SrotlH I..na IH1 1I5 tf,l n '{loot 2S r-'-,.. ?loi .H?ryt ,t11 3r;..r n. t8?itilO tlr Dr, rr.,lr tt i' sr , ,.ri' I f, tl I L: ,r. t r rr t ..ri| i.' Jlr (,i.rr t.*a4., r, l. id Frr .Da .af A t. Srpt.ihir l?) ln?q Johanctt r Pil I ll,r lr.r.. ata J r.llrDlrrtatt ''ia t?.4(ltd ' r"l. oorntt I (.rr9 r, , I ll?ll.lit, i.a u. -t| Fn .ra tt -, Ob..a. ol rb nl ra't.t iL ttrra F.r. t r ra b .-dar.u- J 5 r- rl ,.,,1!,rt,,l l Irr|,r,or,tlall , b-altartr ri 5 nr.. r,.rr |. t-a Fta lt $. da Frt-, t .Ea Fr(f.F.artrte,I€ rh -a sr.ti*{. t tr-d, t ra|li-, -ta ..a orr.{ art t rt- ,i.*t &!!l f,-, rar - ,l ra -ar- rrb tb raa rrlr rr nr Frt JJl|Lrrn ..a r .tar i.ra.. rafl}1l*(nllaqaf,.[ rfr h||c,rrrl a-'.i.a l.a r, ,.r..1 ., tra,.a-.t. F,a raItf - C{.f , :r, . a rtrb !t a..t .a..-i, 't.'tl , .tll U rr,l ,, rrr .,, , I l, . ;. \i, .l')i rl 'I r,rl' I ti , , r,..rl t,,r r, , rrl t. l:rl, I x,, ,j ', ,'r,rrir , t \, | ,, t,, tlt. ,, .,i,,, r,r trtr ' i,!, i.,rl 1,, ,,.,urd,rr tr1 ,t,,. Li;tl I' -l \ r'i I ltr I t lr.rr. ..'aa|,r,. .hrt .dirnr.trrt n i,.'' ,.n.nl at.Dr h't.,n ..d.t?- tr., I rrrhrb .a|. r.dF .,t rh. ,-dd t|a.t r}r'r rbi,. -d ..rtr.. rh.r.r ! ,,r, . t ||,i ,.c.ltnr .n.t .t trt"|, rt rL- ,r. tlaDltltt nu .!..a q!r.. $. Lsr-r d rprrF rr- ba-.ha, .. b rrtbaFfafa, - ,t.r- ad r.u.L.., r-.ha.. r.a reLra.i. ,r-, tf, -l rr{tt *..-rt a.a .i[ t r. -lf t5a fl i-rd. a.- -a..-{.t L-t,|| .r,tra.f li.. da.n a Fn,.aU, h t.'r . rlt l f d b t rta f.r*.a r..rb., rt tt 'tatb..at d aFft.E'tl,l^Vt aXDl|l ttr,l_{? -, ti.rt....b,vr h.ri.,n,rt ....t a rnb, r,irt rL .rr.rrt.'|.r,... {.t. rt ..|. |,rt-J r- -.r.a F6 A [i,.t ...r ...rti| t.n r"r Artrtt|r|&,./r..r t, , rr.], tt..r r.,r. /"r rll, , .t,I ii\ :ir,N I r 'i.r. .f sf\rft.r " l.r 'h ,- .t.rrt .6a la,. . t,4 ttarr tc I r,,i., .hl| r.rtut .u r ,r,t, rn ,r.'|t, h.,,r,n xfl rn{ ,.rrr.r tl. .ar!x In ..i,tr rrrl l n, .to.. .t/t rrrt \.r tl, ..n," .h t,n .n,l 1,., r.,fi rtt t.,rn,r,.na nh.t trr, l. r..rt.!r. .ab. lh.' r.,.. ..|l..a,lt .nd.i,rri .rr.,. t rr,rt,r., rr.rt | ..trr. r-v.,r\ !,' | ' I ,l rr,. rir.. irl ....rrf !,r , r i.,.r r).t\,ttrli,rt, 1,., ,,1 t,r r ,.,||rr!r,.,, , r, ,r,l ra-hlr|3 t-b li -i*t-a trdr I-r., rf. raa rrtr l| U. r.{ Frl tL.fi ha qla. {ra.a .ll .,i .r.? 1-- r F-. t r{tl, .a.bbf .r j d.a: t. ,L|. ,r .., t t tl.'rr. ..ff -rt d r, l:, l..m[...!,v. .nnr])r't .. at r,lrl .,. I,rrtFt. .t-l,rt. rnd t.rLtr.dtt t.-aFr i || n a ur .Ill aa !i tf llf f? aXD toltvll D jttLD ll tlttllll tlltfot t.r|. irtl. h .'l. th Xrr b\ feb - ,.rrb.a d I,'.. .., ra tr, lt't.la rrah lt a l-5L O..ld a U. t{..-, ^:,,i,r::ti'i",,^:',,,"j,/,rr- I t r.^,.j a ?rtoot llDo. Iqt Qap*y't _t!|iEla.I.atI|rar.tLu J.i-}| IiI .|,.a ,, lll ,j lfFnrlh ta, Unruh rnd C'.r'rl lr, i h, utr . ||f f f*at lrr . r unr. I , , trlr trb{ 11t lrr Fa ,11.t.t F.t fu,/' il/l'-*- lar^ll t.&r|,l na... lr*.f.. fb Drrr r.a rr 2fth arr 'ra fd,nuu.\, ,ltBl Hr.- (rtrE tr.r lto .r/v!!t ( trr L C.'unir nl ArJll\rlr' Rl( ll^t!) .id ltrl. dl {i'ldtd-, l|'r(:l n. K. 2 ra ?l'trl I t lr. 1,..t r-n .^l 251ll .ql tlti llllll fhrt rh.../it n ri'pli[, f,iri I'ttl r 'r'l'!'t 'r''r' 0O/100 lSl0.frol lr)llnts u\.1 'ilttrr' \',rl r.rl i' !':qr Lrrtr.r 'I I .r': . m,,f ftrn ntd t. tL d Fn lcF ot tl. iht l,rn ,n tr.i.l tod nt rld n'rl. ,t th" !' rrn l "r' tht t"trtt tLt-t l' fadt.-t.-l .nd 8ln6.l.aryd |ta^' atrnl.a h.na n''l !'l'1 ,rtr'l {"r''l r" l I v ! h" t?ttnl' d' a l, barraii, -ll. ^ nnrrt rrd cn ,frr'n, unr.t th, ..r,1 Fn . ^t $. .< 'hJ p'rt ll I s hd'. rrl glr lrt at.t, all tt tollo'.||t a.tnl{ lor ^. tt t rt dl lt'n '" r ' lr n't ''"1 r''hr n 'lt' C.rnrt ol I^:II .nd strt. nt t'ol,,t.do t^r,t I rral.0-tItlr Dr. lro 'lrrkn:tnlrtr l0'i, irl I r l'i..ri ll1r.r., .x'<rrrrlint tr, llr. nrl, rlt rrr)l , '! lrrl f.)f I rrYtrfi Ih il 4 ,'.ts. 1', I t.u.!t r' ,urrl rs rl4g'1 llNl t:, f t.. l?'lrktnilrr,!l It\.lnr rtr(n frlt '()lrI.t, I'rrrl llrlr:{., trrt'r'(l.rl ln lrr* l,ll rt I t,,r' .),',, ,Yru'f. ,'1 l.1.rlr.. :il 'r, l i i n \!, ,.rLI(t,lr\rrlj l(Jf /l'lrlr r' Prvtk ll,rIr{l ., .r' l'/( l00ftff.f riti dt .ia .rhrrrl.r thr t.rritrdn.nt .nd .tDs.lr[ro... lh.Fr,t lFlooonf. ". r! .rtnt rFrddr. d U|. nr.raoi .nrt |tt.rtl.ru. Fhrrnd.. .r J r, nnrndra. rrrtr. f .iu.r rn,l rr'it. '1" 't. lr|d dl lI rfraa, tttl. UtL. |nl.'. t, .l|||. . d.n.tul rh.t.r'\' t I rh' r||d t'..r rr ' 't rr' frr't l'rd "'rl''f tn l" t aidtt, l. l, aia L l|a al'ot. hr'|.|n.r! D..hr.. , rrlh lln h,.r{lLnttnu rttl 'DFu6'rrtF"tO lavl A!]D lO IOLD rh. ..ld pttn|rr. .l''!' r rlnlql 'nd d"'nhil *trh lh' rpnutr'n't"r' qnto llr' .da I'|v J tL Fona rrrt, hi r b.'tr trn'l .,' (nr f 'rrt'r {hrl l}? rr|d ltrrl lr"l 'rf lhn ttrtt DJt' i.. - tjfCrftw'r l.itt. .t-!ttr, {|d rtr.tnirltrr ' r. 't" i!'t'n^r't. rrrr't l 'rerrt r"t |frt to "|d '|urr'..rF'ryoldrF.o.d'.n.I|igh.|h.n.|n-.1'r'th|t.llli.llnl..,,'th".t|.||6I|ndth||t.r'ef th;rr-arr, tlr'.' ,lrn t.ll r|..d nl th. l,r.rn,," 'rl{\' r"nvtvr\l r' 'f t"'l 'rm trr{al' rlfiLst.d hadhdt{...r.t !i Inhrnr...o. h l.r, r|| t.. .|t|!!1., rrrr hr,l r*rt r,rr,' 1.,'l F.r'.r ir.d llr*tul rulioltat to tl|lat' bfl3|l' Fll d rthwt th |rmt in tt'nn'r dr"l l"'n I' rr"n'rr'l rr 'l tr | '|tr' 'r|nt rF fro' 'rd 'l"r t|ni afi lo|!| r|}d othrr t'r,ttr, brrrrinr..el.r. I|tn. !rrr' . ,\<m,nt! d,,1 . ', ,',r , 'r.rr of t hd.r.. lrttd ot .,.tu'. r.nr. Stilri(r't to th"rl (','tt,rrt rrrt,' .ul,l rNrri ,'! 'l r'ir I 'ltlr.l Alrtltt l, 1981, tE)'^bl.' to / l!|rl,,B r:. 7.'t.,, tl. ,lrri N!'Irr. : L;,,i.rtl, ',' r,r(kil rtr t.ll( E.vllc (l^ntv, ('.)l()1.(lr ('l',rl ,rrr! lr. 'rrlr.r'.,'llr,,' rl lvr,l l.'- rl l'rrtr lgl. .rd th. .t,!. l,.trr-n.d p.'nr-r ',' lh. .lur.l .,'rt F...r'l' InrFr'ror' "l !b' r'rJ trri y ''f th. r"ortd trn' lr i s h.lrr .ad ...,Fr. .t.rrrt rlt . d .r.rt y..r,,.r !,7 trr*$! l|rfullt .lltnrha n. t., .lrrn lh, thol. or.nt t rt ltr.fi,t, th. .dd 9.ri l{ 1. rl ln. ?ltil P|,r.hrl Jx'l till $'\ltltl\t tNt' }llRf'\'}:i UEFfNlt' lN AmNESS Wltf,ltof. tl..||,r p..r l,tr otth.ttt,rl,.nhr','' h.''r rrl rlr tlx'rl l||nd" t|r.r In'rwtr xr rtrr ,'l rrrr,l r|'rrrrltr | BIaTE (,r ( ourl urr, C.t" d t /Vi I: Tt toi|otot rt||trtaarl lL llr,orl{l.d t|.to'' i. thlr I ] , br ralltrl: OFf ArD J ler L (tfr lt .c.t-rdrn .t D rbiALr ril:.Lt rtllLt ,l$ .'l tt$rUalV LANO ttlLE cUARAt'tlTt CO' 36{J) | hIrY L' N' I " !'- :r, U. la ' 'rr /2I) ) lr taLara.' EJr tbtg. -.1 -.LrH ;at C" llrl L. &-\ brt' ol-- r ! r L..i5 f. lr.'nLa rr l'llt Dil:tr rr.," .r,.. rtl'l i-rr.,' R()!Sl r.. c..", r / ,t n.1h.In l.l r) .||. L..ra.. . tl-t l'( r,l 'ii r. I !41 Tn;r ,! l, t,l tll\lrtl lll r'., , 11 t,,,.' rri,r t1 air T|t' ,]i, I rr 'r I I )lr' i r1:;l i I lt l! rl:i t I.,.r, ?r.',, t'l -lI&-,ri Jqv i'i:il !1 ! 'z ll'll txrl.l.ANs. trargrtt 0t r, lrrirrrri i,,i,,.r,', {!.'r t,.,r rhr'.'frt't rh.irof rr , , , ,rt,,rd r,., itr.r '1. 'r rrd ..'rt'|. ! .{!,1 . trr.r' r\ r,,r.r.r !r '1, ! rl. (-'ONin)lilllii' l' il:l'l I i. 'i.l)l\ f'l:Al: llr)lrJil , r','r rir|r I Iltt: Crlndominlqf! l{.rf trr '' 'I il"r r'(! 'l , i{i l, i, !t , :'t ,1 ft.1'1r' 613 11 l, ..r1 ,! i , , | ';, l l, rr I'r'"tk H(rufe | ( r', r '1. l.t:ths, , l.'.,: l (t. rtr|t '1 i, irL l, , ,'.r I rl lr.rir1. ?:f { , 1:\rl, jl,r't t() thc .tr)r rLri : r...r i r', tr,i rrr rl'ltlr! l),'crl,lrltti(,rl , llr.l llll ll r,.,r,l!rn.'r. rr,l .t't',,'t.r,rr,.. !h.r.uht,' lel,,trtrht. or rl, .htr,.r .l,rr,rl,,,,,r rrF'r,',n.,. '""r',rrn'.rnd||',,rr(rlh!.?"f,rrrdrll th,..irto, rrrfl. tlllt 'r,!. . ,,rri!.,r,,1 1.'lt,t(h.ftt.r p.rt,rrlh.r rrl.tot rqu,l\ rf.r.rn.lt. rh| rlk'\:lr'r! ii r'., \' rrrr".rr,l. rnri rl,t,Lr!.hrn..t t0ll^\l \\lrlrr||llllr'r, i rr,, ",." A1,,.'r r,.,r.rr..l .hd ib.rrrb..l .rthth..pl,urt.nrrr".rnt,,lh'.rr,l Ll Ml'lr)i, Il,,t r , r ' rn,i rlrrnr fo, rvl An'l rh, r.,,1 H()SS 1 t OO[)S t,rr l\ !llhrf'Dt t,rr! t.,t,lr.rl. al t hr .r.,,rril t'rrr, lrcr rr,, t tr,f ('1rr'r.nr.lrq.rt.l,l.lr!'rt,,rlh,'rt,r'rrr,tr'r I'r.rr rttnl ,trr! t,r. h.,rl, rr,.i\, ^s.",1 "!,,r t*,rr.t .l,r, lur. rnd rr,l.l.r!l,l'.rt.l.',l ,t,h.irlrr,, ,rL lrr .nlr..rr'.r,1' .ill )'r't,,,1rLrl,r ', t $r', rrLl drl,r1 .,rll','rrl\ l,'jrr||r r,rrf.rrr r']l rr'l .,t"v]\ lh. ^]rrrr r, lnrnb.rrr, lrrn rr,!r'.{, !r.,1 rr,,' ,'.r rill ,h! lr,,n,rll l"n'rr r||il ,rtltrrfr.r,r. l,.rf.rh..'.1". hrfii 1.t". .' ltr,n', r! | I r',1r" r'.1r1'r ''n.rrr. DXt'r-'1'1 1!r .rri r'!rrlrir ! |!t- rl lr', '\t II|tItr, ,tllrj ri',htH't W':y ,,1 ro, r r, l.:1. l'.,t! l.l ri:r,r'..r1 l rr:., rrr I t,,rl lrr,'1,1'rt)' tdXr'$ f,)f 1981 ,rn,l ii(rl,r:r.i r,lt \'. '':. . r' lt{'{,.nrrrtx'.rr..,,',,Llll,.rrxi prrl y ,'frh,4,,,t!l l'rit hr,r '.r,.., ,,.r,,r, nyr,',.r r t!r.!r\',r r,Lr,,r,,r t,'rron.t.*f lly.lrrnl"ri,",,,tdr'|,rhfr|l,|r ,,r.r1rt,!,' ,.,.i r,.,''rl'.ll ir,.l r.Lll tl^rll^liT,t;r-l,'ltfttit:Blt}jll:\l' l\rll\]ttr{lll}lr} tr. n,, r,{rt,,, r,l,!.r I,r'r l'rr,r!r&drtr.,rt,',rrtrnrtn.t'1,'irrr{u11t, r,'l,rtrrl{,1 lr'.,1,,,,',r,r'!,,1,'r1'-,i,'l'r",i,(rr'!'{,,.l,rrilrtle.r}tlr,trlr ii.rd,{r. ' I I tr()SS I l.'oOI)S l,IH I TEI), .r tl.,l,,inr lrt | ('!rl[)(_,r.rl.l,,l lt\ -' - /' It,'!iri lyn \r,r l.trll j n(hltlf r'l ,r,i .!XArrl a.'r i ROSdI r'fi)DS !, r MJTEIT x\ nrr.f !. i .,,m r,rrreror r r9rrr. I r_l ) llrtlrrl ry iry' rndofn.rrl rr.l ,/ -{g;7,ftp**r rJ,i.il":rl. L aaa. r^[.r"r I|H..r-- - StLt.rr t-.L..darrlt.-tt,trr{-aal a,frltt (u,r ,-f'jk';lffitiil;of,; ; , .. !., - ,1. |,,iil:\'t:L l,t;Ff iil] L- 'u" -i.. ^' '#;TjilnLtlr:6ttfgburr't'" JP^' F.-.T.l.llj,"','--."-^ t t' '' !t d ltllc "'d i:rrl' ol e'1"-"' g',ffimffi -H,',s'*-ffi *ffi+'l\ I '''' i::r: 1l li J Jo,'l'/ ri I ll ',ryF;**i;'',r.**nm:$;{H$-Hrii*''*-H' i -,ll \\ \ tiR I \T \\l l 1,..s '1., : "' - oo Ir ; ,t , o ii-t tltli' ln "' '"' jr|l.a r lb tdi"' I|-{ tto'.t.' r"cF " t!i| "t lt t"t6 t!' 3 \ !E.\ C itl'r r t \,l'i ;l r{.N , li { ?,)rI ,-<r li J I, \ \ l'\^-l .it;... \ lt I ltl- -i :\,! \ !"v- *, I.\\ - i.!i\ r l* F r{$ili l:,i-r\",Erls\ l'; ' CJt, r t. rdA!'r' 'rr'' & rrr-l rd'r Or ? ..' 'fid $' r'L bdt{Pr.. of trilin' " rrftrO..fr -r'f r-' \. T >r.\ F d t5 I| d "l n' rb -'J t.'t"t tttt- :: '- ;\ El! t t EN i -€ 'E-t: ': : - ,..; 2,o.i ai 3r._ -5 r = ti, '-l -- l:::f#F -" -l' F*rE d'dLl d''r 50r rd. 'ri 't'n' 8' 1978 !i i!ililt:i: :i li l9 t Jd it. Gr"tli .t r3il'rrtt 52 l tEtIt { tEl .',i -{ .rIh|l ,t' It, IHra ?n i, O a,frltt (u,r ,-f'jk';lffitiil;of,; ; , .. !., - ,1. |,,iil:\'t:L l,t;Ff iil] L- 'u" -i.. ^' '#;TjilnLtlr:6ttfgburr't'" JP^' F.-.T.l.llj,"','--."-^ t t' '' !t d ltllc "'d i:rrl' ol e'1"-"' g',ffimffi -H,',s'*-ffi *ffi+'l\ I '''' i::r: 1l li J Jo,'l'/ ri I ll ',ryF;**i;'',r.**nm:$;{H$-Hrii*''*-H' i -,ll \\ \ tiR I \T \\l l 1,..s '1., : "' - oo Ir ; ,t , o ii-t tltli' ln "' '"' jr|l.a r lb tdi"' I|-{ tto'.t.' r"cF " t!i| "t lt t"t6 t!' 3 \ !E.\ C itl'r r t \,l'i ;l r{.N , li { ?,)rI ,-<r li J I, \ \ l'\^-l .it;... \ lt I ltl- -i :\,! \ !"v- *, I.\\ - i.!i\ r l* F r{$ili l:,i-r\",Erls\ l'; ' CJt, r t. rdA!'r' 'rr'' & rrr-l rd'r Or ? ..' 'fid $' r'L bdt{Pr.. of trilin' " rrftrO..fr -r'f r-' \. T >r.\ F d t5 I| d "l n' rb -'J t.'t"t tttt- :: '- ;\ El! t t EN i -€ 'E-t: ': : - ,..; 2,o.i ai 3r._ -5 r = ti, '-l -- l:::f#F -" -l' F*rE d'dLl d''r 50r rd. 'ri 't'n' 8' 1978 !i i!ililt:i: :i li l9 t Jd it. Gr"tli .t r3il'rrtt 52 l tEtIt { tEl .',i -{ .rIh|l ,t' It, IHra ?n i, O prl"r\o a lr0 -rrt. t h-;qJL_lnt. 5rrr l!f?!)! *_ bll L brl*..-_.._-_.b. bh,rr !d -- D.o.d.tr ?! Hr[rSf f,nlr?, t. rrxt CA!iOL C. Hltlqy I|l. flrl|n J oec lt.'75 ol|a Jrglr@ c. nt rr&rl$abF,d tLr - Eaglo dbd *latraFrr ,-%l rfl { -a.tfrb tb kb- d.a;r-6 E r. D.lIt|3, c b.n!,|}rFtr dt tEb -a tdt -rJ*,r*,1-dr.(rthd,rt.[ --l {l' I+h* - d - tl* t,..r iJ iL" .L !tr. r-r, ff- b L,-.*J <, - :a b ab rh rrrra 1rh, rr-f-l:-11c-.r. _a_t rra?-DrtbdFbhrq-r f rC;II.rb.-, E.tt =TY -, -!t-.-tr6' ner hd*- Lrr-.,ad tb d Fiies d&n!*Fd, a ,-tLqrrye!TE!'!' --' d .rhr-, - r.t-., rr-., tsrru r rr o rd anlTV -l--.dt-t her bddarlat rL. { rb d..d dtt-,::-E thev d d d t FiL -rt.r!Ar1 -dF.+ Er, t.t.q r!-h..Jn-al-f-hb.bb-thdL vc J,t},-f.t r"r- -a h rtt.!b.ett,a ara' ra- d d -rif rb - r. - d !6' i &rtd, oa tr.! rt -D .,r tr. !a cl-,t- t h d.b rar, fqt+ -f+ fh., tE .E-a. oa **a' o,,brrr., Hld, -Ft ,lt, -r.1 . ;L-!r LDd |!it oatkd rl- , -'', -/11." 2' i LS ta:.rfrl-abh.-ihEoi ta __.a L_. ct - .!7AIIAiTT IDIID Iridb{a * l/ .'tl . llta-*irt'-&5- - % :l*rrrGlb:b'#zU '-'---' uaii76'ile-g?. Edt arniar t5Lr.: o ?,Auw./+ _/ - raaa .|l!-iaao tat! ro 3tacE ^tovt tratt Lt|.t tol tEcoiottt trt€ _ a --. Patnlela E, -- 1166 Qutnceb J\unnyvale. P"nn AvenueCaltf.940g: Quitr.lainr I)r.r.il lr)ll ^ \{l I {}{.r. r(|\- }}.lt\ \.Shel ia Lnn l:er.dri ck fit.l 1 \.1 -| ' 'ltl \tll '.'l ll' | \lrl Ilir:c:i,. - -f t .u:!.c, !. !.'rr -a-.ll. rhc f.,ll .r,r.r dr-.t-,1 '!.'t I.,,,rn.rrL .., 'u. Eagle rr.r. ,,1 ogif*ifl:x Colof ado: Condornlnlrn unlt A0?, CoLden peak i:ous(, accct-,.:l!:fi t. ti..e a.r j.: ,-:.::j:- l':ap thereof recorded Septenber 9, l9:1, lr. lcck:.1::l: :i::. ,'l: :.,i..: .,: deflned ln Ccndcnln: utri D€cLar'nLiorr r'or. uoider. feak i.ou5e recc,:.tt.ri ;..iJ-!:3' f971' ln Book 221 at PaBe 22It, subJect to the icrr.s, ccrditlcns .:i :provlalona of Bald Condomlnlum Declaratlon. ,",t1 L /, t :1.!-*t-.. - I$VBIBE( 7, 1977 9{-2.{- .i . r-, She,1 I e i:.r:. l:or.!: ' t e. /< tz.? \ltll i r \lltrrX\l\ irr \r)," SANIA CI]I|A ,,,, NOVEIIBER 7, 1977 .r!",,r . \,,n, r.' S llllllA rlNt{ HENDRICK , .,,,,, . ,, I r. r r,., utr\t- \)r,.t t,, n ! -",,., Elz ,-, L,'( ./t,. 1587,111 l.l n,,, .),f,al,,r:e L f(,',' //a-? l>ult'(a' .a . /\ | ,''tt r)r'./. 1 /e, ( t,/, f . ffimb- .mv tTtgtl l*n)r; Er-J4---.5l!-r ,-. f,6- IEl6 Fr Uttrl'--.... ,.. nn$. l...Errt. l: Dr -r rrh t- :r: IlrlD tll,ttDt rtdlrl f -tlltlo:.= o-r.a dbdlnf-lirtd ,|lE l. tl lllllLIBCEl rnd XARY tl1'1lll (rllrttttlaote Strgg,lr-.,h'dl-, fffEEfll. oa lL d Frt d lb turr Frt lor rd b crdlrrrLler d tl. r- d Dtt llv. ltoutrtrd rnd lfolloothr Dolhr.------- muJtr! d* ad -a rua. -daadr b rL..L prt d lb nti Fl b f-a t |. b af. -{ Fn|.' oa ll. rd t-f. tl. t!+f rlr.d L ht .d-.a d ..ft-ttra l- .Itrra t tnhd' rld d .tt tra' d b tb F- a.- !d, f.a..h,..!' -ttt d .dr rb |l d ,..d- C d Frr' udt bd.daln tr.t rt b.---t|| s LibJ-E' d rb t llonl{ 4..?tlbd l,,a I td a**-.,trtrdLh3lnU. . aoh-.btt: Ofit., E.rs 1" .ia St t in n.lent re, t)rdod .Iul', 12, 1999 in r-o('i ts i'i'i'l7a 1"o oit:ianatlt.., ra.l:1, i i(,rl:: 1:td ri: I :r: ( 1 fa,!, ,]: :a -:r'c' lOnT V. lADl rndl!.bald rrd llta Juao ,l'76.uncr?F st LVERSuRral AIR!', tn[3 turt l|TiI .tt/la LL,1G YO corDollllt ux ittl IT No. 201, (t( r.DE\ pt{K iir;usE, accor'di.r,B tv '.i.e r'.r "' tharaol f Llad tor rccot I in .'.ta p Casa 2, Drawer C, ant! the ' );.d(,:i-ir.1lr Dacleratton tor COtDtN plrli l'ntlsB racorded I'n lrook 221 .t '. e:2:. SubJ"ct to the terl!5, cov€rtaIts, condltlons, easerle l'. r^- ir'r' -'r.{. uses, liltltattons and ol)llgnl lons lret forth in sttid ' )r.4')t;hiu;' Dcc l!rati^n. rocErrB iu .ll .ri rinnd.r tli l.rrcr.xrrr .na .rprd.o.nc.r tL.ccnto b.loaGitrs, .! in r't'ir #.r.trha.d rh 'tttt&i |'a trt. $onr, ttr.lnd.t ra E||nl&|r' !!!tt, i$'! 'nd pronk th"!ol; rld a! tb rd+ tlrt. dilG hr.trd, cldri .tt tL.!.rd sh.ro.r.l .t lL Fld Fnv d th' litrt Drtt ?tlh'! in l" ot .ddfr'.4, ir ua r{ U* rhot b.{tl.d ttmlr.r' rirh th h.r.id!.,n rt |nd r9Pun"i'ca m f,Att AlfD tO nOLD th. ..il tldnitt.borc b.ttd!"d rrd 'L-'ib'd, with ih' lP,utLn'nfts unL th' -|.Fii-.lii.r....r.F&ib|rl.|'t|t|d.d|r|.l.'.'.'.^ndtt...ldDrd'o'tlEl|dtFn,folhm'.U.hi'blr.,.Gtott, .'ld.dainbrt|tor|, do.r cot |r|t, ful! b.t|dtr $d !at!G ro !d t"ilt t!"'ld Drtti't ol ti' ...6d Fn. thclr lain rtd .ri!ttr, thrl ( lh. tittl ot tlt n|-lils "' ddiv" d tD'r P!"'n|t" l' i' x'll 'dtd6.tl.FriiE.!ot..ob'.'.d'r|o(t!.4.un.Fd.G!.!-lut..!di[&'...ib|.girteolin!.rit^n..':r'1r\..i|l ,.. rboL, .rn b. to.d rlLL fd pnr r|rd ledul ruthottrt t! rtrl!! b'4tin' 'll !d convcr lh' Em ua t rr .ton.ia. .l tl|rt tL. r$r. rr. tr.. rrtd dcr! tronr .ll toin.t ]rd otlFr srnrt. brttrinr !!ltt lien' ls.r, tr.&n.r|l d.|l.utnbne.3 ot rirt.tct kitnl o? nrtttt R!'€'' rijse::r:i,,enls f'ri tl:ti '.,rr 'l':a ^r<t 'll!':ra4r'arll ;cr-- : .'tl :e'-': |rrl.i ,,f ,:. ,r j.et,,r : rcitl i,l iir^ ' ,.\r, '. ' r' .l Str'.d, ikd.d |rd lrcltt.ld ia rh. Pt |.n c ol til,t.. i. SAATE OIT ]CDITI]ID Cosnty ol Th. lor.ao,nt In.truhrnt st! !.1&!wlod8''l rnd ltrc rhorc brlFin.d Pr.rni!. in th. qui.t .'|t F."'bl' F trton of th' _id Fni" ot th' rtDnd n'n th' nnircr ol rl,"E, tLtr u.tn| !d tL Lin .nd r'tin, ol r|.h tutivoi. {dn.l dl .nd.t.rit FFon 4t P"t'nr hvldlt cl,.lrninr or to chiD tn rhol. or.rt D.n rh.t.ol, rL "id Prnt o! rb' fi'r! t'i 'f,dl 'nd rill $'{RR \\ f axD FOREjyEE DSFEND. Tb. dnFlrr nurnt.r lll trElu|. iL plurd, rltc Plsr.l th. .inplr'. And lh. rse of .I ) trrd.r |ldl b. rpgli..blc to dl r.trd.rs. IN WITNASS wH[:nEOt. thc t id t]rrlt ol tl' (iFl Prrt lrt l'Eunto lGl hi' h|nd sd td rh' d" sd t{r litd dov. ttittln. istl\l I I Sl: \t t'y I',)ir.:li.l Ll\'ar'.r .,r\(i l:r'r. llt il!{i ., ilu:rl lLl :r'Lrr liLar R.)r ('rl. ,...,rrr{tc .,ril ...r'l.'ro .,r,le, rir.!.lr.L *dnju$r'i}i i,1 .rr,.,.r,.rMv Cornmituion .!P'r.r NOtA(l fi'Nlr - .'l ur l,,lt<r, t ' - t try <.{rr1_ - . .,,:.r\ !,rr re,rer '; .:.-|Jta,l:lQrqc '' \,' {.ll t $ \n! {\ '\ .,1, r I i, t /l r. -. / r '-.. l3r ''-----,;;- trlor nr thi' . t, tht or ,. 1.- . o T^"tgf DEEq v ' t h.r*t cd.tt irri "" :;|.-J t trr rsf uar *^' '*i r'rrri ,u .......,*rl# ,- ,:r1: r,*, / $.' 'nc autr "'o'&d n *, .41? 't*' /f ''7),'*T*=[A' sr' z-jtttu lltu: ,*".rt,c( /6. !/'-"*' -- 1i; ..\..] II dAtt o .;:;;,ifr r-a tlflt\'ll ITT &t l'1X s]n?,*- Ailll - lt- !t J t-b trthd t- db r.d t[il IIIO llDnG---- urrr.d.Iarad*frb|bia''lr tFtrr rl- rdtr t-drl|l d-d l' r rf ff lr{fl d -!f* b |rt r*{- -.t'-allbt-t-t{,El,d..{ra d- rb tdI.|bJ...d a.ar t-lbd{rhq-l-tl -f- | F-ti,a-h(HI .t TTFT]: .- *r fi drtXa--trr - al'-,r-.rr-5r-.lC-,tt3 a*- f3b grry!! !_ltD. tE, cc[ tra rG, -.ctr|3 toblt ttl- tf r.c!{ lr lD o.r t. ttrdrr O, .ra-rt:*1r1r blrsttro rc (|ollr Drtt Iu rxora.d 1r bdl i3trt tr tta. d !.a. tL tD .'[, .s/ x |Ef-t t b tc.r,E, l|dt.tlr d-.Lrrtl- !f j ' mi{irr lrPi|'t ?. dc I , lq 7 7 !-'b d.$ b. rtlbltL L .I a-a-. lt{ lflt llla t'lDiDOF rb .d Fttr d rr. fid pr f.. }tird,ir*.l"r 'rrib. ._ ,/ 8lrr.+ t-r. r. D-Er. h rb P'rE o. :'t1/&*1 | /#)l:2!' I,i ttrltcot-7}4.ts l c-'rva LuAAot*. i- Tf. trr.a!i{ b.fJE r|| ..b.du b.r... r. rb 23|4 dlalna, rrorta, ra.trt,..t tctl lr .t!d cadr|Jll- rr lb Lrd . al lL art ri rrrr , n?b, .r<*O.i-f oor'araata IoDf||ltl-. rbb.r! rr!!ara rarL. l|!'I rf Id*tnradrFi-b. l*ah3 r r.{rLa!|!aIl d t r-.d ri.|h+ --d r-tr r!r, b- I rG tH; da--t, {l' qh, -d -dth'..L -a Fa rt E Ft --t hr -i*r,* f db |l rlc lta Fb.' rb |l. f..a-* ra {r'r-,tl Lta /f- it I lb rra tr--.. - 5lJ a...rf{ rfln tb {tFt-..., - rb -f Flb.f l-trtf f.hl-rh.d-d r{'drbnla Ft !r bd, b h, rl.r dfr, -r-, f-r|irld tr- ld t-|. Fba tb...d t.d, t& H- d.*r lb - rb b. a rb * d a.lE .a rb F.rb, L l ra r-aft|b-ah-rt a,rd t a, -, f.ia, -.b d lrL-.€.a L.tr+ Lhr,In a. -tal -a Lr ad 41, l5 r.r: .t d df& b atr learb i d.c!t ib - b r-r d b i-4 d lb b - -r h. -t d- (tr d i.ra .d .A.r |t*, r-trl+ .4.., I-, -,-d--rdrbrH- mr-r.r, [Oart tuaa rt|d raaiaaa-rrt Et tat (h- .ra F rbl. .r.catr, rr.trl,ctto[, rl3bt. o?rrt Et tat (h- .ra F rbl. .r.catr, rf..trl,ctlo[, rl3bt. o? 'rt ot taoca .|a rltbta r, nlarlaa l. Urltad !trt- ht.!t racoJrlr u, t0t. -a |l. &rr f.rtta f-a- h rf. 3|f .J t{fa. t .* d tl. -|d Frd- d tb -.cd F4 tl. rtb- I 6-i rbr .la! ra tl. L&. .i -F .l -A Ettr.., t* .l -a .r3t t-rr - t-sr Lr{tlt d.blna r t drb aL ri.a. r rt Frt tt5rd, tL da Frt I tb rta Fr -tr .d r'{ trulal{T AllD totwtg DetllfD. tL -sJ.r r-r." .bll lr* |l. thl, th rf.d tL tharLt, rtd lh a d -t t ltlri I tolls and trrrlor lolf.-burbrDd rDd l I '\n 9!i .r.rllr?r o.tD t' -a :r j -.- ^q-- . l|Q.-lb--F.rI --Lrft- (1. +t.,(fn.' ,d-.'-Jd--*-t--dt*rL E:-Err-F-.r-- oopFb+l mrt0 .h ?. r l*r rr lll?lt ar- ,!. lg'e fetl L Der b"rrr' lb lhq r or llth tt. lLr€h * lt ttt-vltt. ontoll?toll . lat6 . I|,t. . -.F t- '||.e.-.a.d.dafa |.atr -' tt n/r ct U' lrr' J rf. b .a fta..*. J l|. tr?r t rl' ra lorl&D ||. tllcl ' ./at * cr$ar ol hqla lr|1. oa CcL{rt d ilF -d FrL ifitralTi. ltrr t||. irld !.flt .' lh' trtrt P'n' l"r r" In -ir:dc'rl|rn "f t[..1m.t t€n Dolll'q plur .'thpr cood rnd ;;i;;;ia-conrlo-ii'dron: "---- tttr"rb t.| rlr ..i.t Fnt '' :L. fi^' rr'r ;n n.r'r I' d r'1 '.5"ti,.'i "t th'-k'4i.nr'1 ri r'? t ri'' t ! ,t i,.t!.t a |!d r.r 'r!.lt|td. htrb '"ni"'i. r"l'ri"Lt rol't ('nvtrdrrdQl11 ' l'r|It:I' r': "t :i'c?" -! -a| r.-, td-, rU.-.ry ara QUtl CLAII l.to Ut '|l Fn o'.llt t"o" F !' Lltr .d .{F irirrt O .b ,rrrs $b];; 'bln d d"t!t' 'ttk} t}' r'H Fnt 'l lh' ntn Fd htrh ;;;trr r"lorI -..t{a.a""ndclnl'u unlt dt!'r'' Iti" 'r!d t'inr 'n rn' rr!.t!..? lagla .r.l Sut .t Cul.'.t,!". t- ril 'sTORfCf UIIT tOO' of the Golden Pcak House' . .londdrln htll ProJcct 'Vrtl Vlllag! Flrst Pilir.q, accordlnq Lo tha Dociaratton thereof (conaideration under Sl00' 00) '!r rorpollrr nrF: /t'l ',( | '..' .' s.iiot RTLEY1VAIL CORPOR"\ r i (-'-i .\ ,.if ':- ,. .-rtdi lJ,." jtii;.ra,. sTAl E ot' ( 'tl.{rll.\lrt' co{trt' "r Eaf 1e Tht f,,re|.otnr rri!r"{l"r(.I lfi r' r'f lhrr Cor$ )r I l, , oil h.lltrzls QUIT CIIITU Df,ED TO JIATI O' COT.oRAIIO c^', d 6ar!t- 'r I !.r$t arnt $.t t||b tr.t oh.rt rri m.d ao' ncord h br, .ltkr ,n. JO t&. .b, 't 2n.-r* ,s.?b * ]- .;'ctd'. P. . .r.. ..4 dutr rlcGd.d r" r""t .f {5 N. s-l/ . hlea-rtl, ?-.a.* - l, ba.,a t*.. t 3.a a y',t- lfih,s"o I Ut rf*t** !i;?;u'in frT iul3D^-r#t'*l-',H Laqd lEF6t Cldcbfrr Otrlt to' l9l tld coarrara 6lt 'o' l0l' -Of'off nrf FU]l' 'icortlllngto tr nr cr'tFt !u!t l9IncG.t U-r9 c't' 3' ftnr il-d tb c-ad-laru D'crr- nglJ:'gr,?fl.Tlil 1i' . ggni#. T..5 I S. [{r;i""''ill -irrriecror 'L; -obllgttl'ri I ii ictr l.l rlrd condcrbru! bGl|trtlol|'ff"-!l,tY, of , !a rDd to tD3 rirraiteratr tod lPPrEt'B'nc'r ' - -*,,f-lli ff*{"ff s*iiil-sHl:li j5[#ii:::.ii *.if3? f i'll!'l.li"::rtX5it:il',Lqfiti:'"i;"i,S"-and .drlalrtratorr do cov H *HiHti{i" *1W, r:i##r,tr:ift id;{H :,rurl, trrtlct, abaoruts t U la, ln laa rlqtl', rl1 rutDoElty to eru!, brrst:l1 :::'-:: ;;';;"; rnd clear froo :li i3H.:'"i:'ilil"l3.itli $in[* ::*:"h:::;:ijt iiil*,,aararDlla |Id ancu0Dru tobJ.ct to rd .rc.Pt -r9: =:"'i;;':;-;;";-itt; i.Iee and/ or Illlil*f;i'n:"# ;lt"ifi: iiiri-r6ii ""a rubreq''ent veara oo ',.' b lIH:iliiA.,r-E-'llr'i -bIr-d llr r! r_rt r-I Fl, g dbrb. Faaaal- oa th.fl€sffi :a ot;. at f,-,rtrr{ c b rLbtL tls.t Fst g!#H.ffi .?.-$!ffi .s,.g.l.fr [. ttt t qatD ocr c mr IIrr. I llnit. o cot rrDO t c'nt rD c@rrr d o"r,r, i t. ih{- ?b. foragobf, bat8lDtt r!!^.c}norl.atgd b.fora rs'rr _ c.y ol , riirl uv iiili.& r. srrrreuen.Ly t"-la.Lo arpt r.a rrnrrss ry b.!d ."a otcffi' raosin otlo?&Si-'lir. a )*t dt rb 5 rd i ry.LLnza a lt ll r{., It _$?t"f r|fl)'fro r$tnarfr DEU) lrua IE, nd, tjrl. Jt att' o! rbrttr, l9?2, rabFcn osts{:rc[Trr. JIE :1. srtiat rd rdtml ri s||[| , of t]E (br|ty of Eaqre, stltc of 6loa*. ot tJb flrrt P|rt', rd JGErd rnss rd xr:Il5,El r'i,$, r SD+' lEqltls o! t\c Cor|q, of E4Ia , Strtc of crierab r,rf Us ll'tTiDssEtllr f,ut tfp rald prrtlar of it|g first grrt, for {d in sui&r|tlcn of t.hs a|n of !{IR$-SEttEt I$IISA}ID Fr\rE lrt{DRED (S]?.5OO.001 UlliS to ttr raid g|rrls of ttE tlrEl earl ln hrd Perd b!' ttE tlfd FrtLa ot tJ: reqd ptrl, tib r.clFt 'dtEr€of is tErebl' &taottd sU aOcrarfsdryt, ha..t 6antal, UrrsalEd, sold rd cune-{€d, ard bt' tfB- rnrge|tr d6 qral, b|rqdn. sgll, qNg art qrfilm uD.-o t-€ .aid f.rtler of t:E !e(qd Frt, tlElr !Eit! rd assiqng fd€ver. lFt i! tsn]|cy ir cs,rEn but in joht ten v-' d.f tl! foUd^dnS &criE r.ot or parief of btd, ritu.6, If irl, ar -inq !1 urc cq.cle,'o: E41e dn(: St ta of 6lsr&, to wit: Oc.dcFCni\m (hit la'. 202 and 6r&nlni(m Lldt :b 20i1, colDei PEAX lujsE, 6 Eqdir|' to tJE )Lp tlEreof fi led fcE re@!d in l.l+ Ca- 2, frtrc, ard tlE (ffirritJn Ecl'a- raticr for Ol.!f,l{ PEN( ll$ recoEded b b( 221 at P* 221'gicject to t}E terc. @verults ',t.f]di tical.q, erte|tErts ' l€3lrlctrons 'lla€s, limitatiqs ad obli,gaLicns *t forth in said Ccntu{iniun Eclardliql, mrffirm "' .: 3'lt ':7?.r Z1 togetlE! LtiLh aU atd singlar tlE tEtEditarEnts ard 4prrter nes u6reurto befdgiJq, or ii anyvi:e #rtainijtc, tie rer,ersicrrs ' rerlEi'Iier ard r€rEiJer3, relrts, ies\EE .rd pEofits terof; ard all tJE estate, ri-gh!, citl,e. irterest, claiJn dd CsE d uhat-gever of tlE said partres of-tlE firot part, eitj|et ln ltr'oL €+rity. of, ir and to tlE abo\'€ bJrFj:xn p:r::ri-s, t"idi ti€ lErqfilrnE.rrLs arrl at,l-'rt tet ratLn*' ' 10 HATJE ,\l.D i! InI.D t.tE said prltlliscs &\re barqairted ard descri.bed, with tlE afpJrta-nanes. urti tfre said parties of tha 32'-!rd Frt . tlEir iEirs and- lssigrls tole!er . Ald the saicr palties o f t''re-f:-rst part. for ttEcelvcs. !]cir [cirs, erccutors a.rd adni:rrstratorc do ;aG;i, gant. larqain atd aqree ro ard ""ith said parLres of the ".-a purt, ireir-relri and assiq|s, tllat at tlE tiriE of L'E cn'scalr'lg arO aefl.rry of tlEsa pnlscnts tiEy arc $lell seizcd of -ghc.Dr€ttlses a'bolro drr,tved, ai of ood, sure, erfc'ct, absolute and iidcfeasilelc estati o' ilireritarce ' tn iar, i-rr tc.e afiple, and lE\E gcad rlght' full pq€r and larful. autlErib,, to grant, barga$, s€II ard ccar'/c)' thq salrE rn lrBnn:r ard forn aforesaid, ard L\at th€ satrc are frec afil clear irrm 3rl foltEr ard otlE! gants, bargai[s, sales, licrs, ta)Gs, assesslEnts ard erEtribratEs of 'rhata\rcr'kird or rEt\rlc soc\tcr, subjcct tD ard ercpt for tlE Prot€cLitvte Cc Jcnants cf VAIL VIJ,LAO, f'II6t ]'ILl.}r]' reccirrea iI Bod< I74 at PaF l?9' tano-s ad'lor asscsgtEnts not dtF or pav*f *tif f972 arrl stib;o$F-nt years ircludiJto D':t nol. Llrit'rd to - -iales assessa bJ' vail wate! ard satritalion Jistrrct, \'orl ! rrE lrot!-ctr(' DistricL, vail c;:rEral Itrprc\tfiE lt Distrrct attl U1c Tq^tn o: -\ 'ul ' c'r'{-- lEnts ad !:Estrictiqls cf recryrl. ard zcninq orain'ucrls ' ar E{' rDo\t oo o"l "l l1:)!!12 "'lT"fl.tffTfo'l;'I rro5y a..,! rld ll.a irnnr..l !r!! i . l^' r.'". tr C't a:l(. ra 3gu, aQlw"a ..rl!--e 29o,nrR*. 13 r outv rccrdrd n.,_',18 ,,.r -!.i.-.4/i4,u-41.9# t----:ut raa '3!)fo|.. ,]f\ffi .* cillEl!, !t!!!!Jl-9lEJ l97l , prrt, to" tn.th.r.d ItTiEtSCtfi: li.!lr conlld.;attol ot corr.rr.c .n'; .crrvq.t "--',iii-ai gi.nt, lrrietn, 3!ll. €onvcy lli'llld.r..ill"ll lll'i"?l'i'...r.t ot th. r.corc r".'.i[cii hci;i';l;;i J;";6 iiii-irii- Prltt * -o ,::fi:' ;i'i:' i;.ii"iii "iio c6nrirr untb th. ttld-prrtl't or rnt trcarq Frrt' ' rad r33lio3 fotrtcr'-aot'".;iti:i,tl^:"Pi.:::tt:lill; iii:ili:'iir "iri"i:i:ni'iiii:;iiil.l": *.u'il."l.lil';stnrrct. rr r rnr 'r'*"! 'fi;' i;;iti-i r- irpt r rnd srrrr ofrltr.te. ltln! rnd belng ln Cclcrrdo' to:ltr 9lll"iillil llll'l?;,!*3-;'ll!3"thrr.o! tll!d for rccjrd In n'P. lii:"#o"l Blliil.#-i"i3[nltE*itrr loust r'cord'd I n !oor. 2a---ii-irii'lir ' 3sbJ'ct to tht tcrrs' corcnintiiC-condl tl ons''rse'cnts | -,;.s trlGtlons ' ur's' llltltltlons rno obllq'tlons ici forth ln s'lq iona6itntu" oGGl rratlon ' tooatha? nlth lll rnd slngulrr thr brr'dltrt'nt3 !nd rDpurtGn'nc'l thircunto brlonglna. ot tn iiitiii iiiiiiiintno"the'r'Y'rilon: ' rtrllnd.r rnd rer.lnd'?3"i'iii'-itilii ind proflts ttrcrcof; rnd rlt thc .3t.t.' rl.gntr.iiiil''iiiitttt' ilrl' tnd'derrnd rhrtso.vrr of th. 3rrd ptttiii'ii ili;-iii5i 'prrt"GlthFr ln lrr or rosltv, of, lr rnd to tnl=iuiit-[ircalnca'prcrlscar Hlth the herrdl trrcnts and rp9urtcn'ncc3 ' TO HAyE AllO lo HoLD the sald pr'htsr5 rbovc-brrgalned rrd d.tcrlb.d' rlth th! tppiitin"niis' Lnt-o thc arld-prrtt?s of th. srcond glrt' thrtr n' t " i ' i n li - i i i i i n s forcv'r' And thG srtd i'ji,iil-'di It,.'itrst prrt, ior the.trlvet' thclr helrs 'liiiuii,i'rio .drrntstratori-d:-:::;li";;,1:"1;;tl"[:ill :l: "0"" ::.ill.:tll.t'lt til'lil'"lt"iit'ini'irinq and dcrIvrrv or th!i? ;;:;l;;; i'r,li iir.,crr s:":g,ii,i::.il'il::i.::?;i.":liillo;' i:'::'?13:;,'l;'i.91'li"ll.":i;;i:. ;;; trivi eooa.rtqnt' r'r t ;;;;;':;i-i;"i;t'iuirorttv to oirnt' brrqarD' s'rr tnd conveT lhr grrc In ranntr "no 'o-"t-ifdticlid' and that thP iar' trl fte. rnd clrrr fronl ,r o"ii-ine -oth"r qrrnts' b!rq'lns' l!l€s' ii;;':';.;;;,' rsiircrrntr :li :f:*'ln'i.ni"Ililiiil.'l3l.ll^"3?'ili.'iililitl"Piiii li'.iii;.'ii;Siaii rn 8oor. i 7r-'t P'qe 1 7i' trr!3 rnd/or rtl.33rrnt3 nii-'iut-or-ptvoble.untll -]911 "^o 3ubaaeuant yarrs lnctudrng-iui-not llaltca to t'res !s5'sse' ov vrll lrt.r rnd s.nl trtlon^oiiitiii''iiii-'lrc trot'cr ion 1{''r' l t t' vrll 6rrc?rI trprovcmnt -r'isiitct in<l thc.roin ?1.Y::]' ttt'- iiii.-ilii' iilirictr.onr :f-l:;?loir:"3"i:l'19.";::l::3i:'":::.',,' l?'.i!'l!tl'llillll 3l'ili';';lni irit' th'r'' h?tr !nd 's'-1o'5 I Irt tncat 't5. €d of I' a qi? c resc rintgl7r. 5yt'r t .r,.' iltt n€ .- rral.at all aid .Yart t.6or o? t.ttclt l'rtrll.t Gl'l't'l 'ri5-iiii.-iir-lioii-ci iav riri' t[iiiii-tt'i rild-prrtll ot trriiii.ii'i-iriii'iri-riil fiirurr rro rorrt:' DCtEro' tr ltlrti3 la tetot 3i. t.la-tat3l'r 'f tt' tl"tt '."ttrrr trro.ilc-iii-iirri-riiir-iir-iiiti-trr'rt r" t'r? rl6t alcYa rtlttaa. srlTE 0t c0r0rA00 ))3r COUTIT Of EAGLE ) lh. fo?.goltg Itttrur'ot rrt rcloorlrdgcd b'for' r. thlr jeL d.y ot !ggg-' l9tl. b, cEStlE FortITl "d JAiES l|. sLEr ln. fitr CoRt'ltttion rrplrat .1'r*?' ". rqtl ' ' UITI{ESS .t hrod rnd ofttcl'l rt'l' sTArt oF coLopAoo I ,r. ctlv AlrD couxlY OF OEllvEt ) Tha lorGsolng lnsttur'nt r'3 l€lnotl'dgcd b'for' " 1"r. ;$/ tw ol fu4.rruirt<--' t97l . by glllt^l ft' sHAfllHltl ' '' '.']-t, tiy coio,t3ston cxolret (u' 7' 't S; 'i J 7 . .,'a.. . lfTflESS - ' h.nd and ofllclrl ctrl' -2- .t at&5't)8 $ E Or cotoR^Do.f, t^Gtr couNTY. 'l t. I h.r$y .rtit thr {n idn|rbrt ru lict lorzrylcod h ny o(rcr thrfAm"k 5 snYfl?9' .p,or.-1.9 O -4laL,*lh?mY<r' Cd-it Ckf r'd fsJr U,r--- .-.O*ty,-t qE ,l.i -,t, ,: GCEID$rulLltlr tttlt3s:lr: rir! tr? rla la caalla. tlo. at tn.tl. :liqilil $!.il'iH{:illri!!ii:":iii :*itrliitri lli'i?"nr"::i :llifr ?3H'lli - ili"r f iiriiti,' i^i'F:, :i" lJillliiiriii:iir "i;i.i;iliri..iili:;iiil.li li.nlil,'!.lil';aiiGai: Itlar red btlns Cclo?adc' to ltt3 iiiiti-ir-hsi.-rn'l !trt' or ;!ll'illli: !lll'!i;,h'lli3" iiiil#"1'i:iiirl#,.l"loit' illi#ih*r, "ilillil: iililift:'iiiiiiitt6nr ' utr-3' llrltrtlon3 rnr ilitorttonr t't to?ti tn t'lo ionoSitnlul oocl rrrt I on ' tt*rif t fi 'l;ililiiiilt[ilii*iiliiiiifi li;; ilrrdttriintr lrd r90urt'n'[cca ' I0 llAyt ^tlD lO llo!0 th' rrld prrrlr'r 'bovc-br19'ln'd r* :::illrlii;3r.i$';tii;*[i:riiri:it'ilfu:ili*,$: :'i:!r::ti:,:'.t!'.llfi l,rill;,l"l.lllililllitrii, 1; i:i1l.1li,,;i'"to rnd flth 3116 errtlt3 or iilllil tlii ii.'li:illi':ir.li.iF.#lilii.liiii.;::::u';'ir of sood, 3ur.. p.r:.c::..;iili;: ;;; ;;;; soia-,rgr't. t,ttlnh.lltlocr. ln lal' In rlt illlill'i1lif*irriiii*tiitlil;ffit :;:iil!l'ii;:,,: iitllir:iiliii::liili,li*!tl,:l:iliili:ii::'ll;iiilii'ri!: T:'::;::"i:lt';.:i:'i;!il:i.l"i,iif ,:llii:tiil"i;i::"i!::';;:,:1..,trl I irtat rtrd trnltrtlon-lrrll 6an.frl hProvtlrat -n iiliiill,iiilii*illii"i:illi'ilhi:iliir'iiiiiriii' nii::: :'^ ,, ..y.:.. '<'- I Gorllt attta t.€co -a* 'rb .! iiii: ;*:lirrilil'iiiiifl#iii4 diliir i:?ilil !l'! "1' rrrr r'*llcrlll'il.i:tllll':1.'il!tl'f 1'lJt'$"3llitll alafa f?l lta.. STAIE OF coulll ot rclra-l.al.d b.?cta r. bt cESArE rottlll .r.l J6Ev 2. ic?a .- cftl ct.l 3ral. J d r aat ll a t0rta :iC f t-rrlt iJ ,azilEt- rit. J,J,d ,t,y ot [,;,tt-,J,-'.-'retr' bt :]:tAll:'-rMr^r'Ai''.J ]-'-':.: tiy cc-f ttlon "?1rQt Llt', a t' '" ' .r''.'--'-'..'-'-. 1 r: BtTtlESS EJ nrnd ''1d 4fftGlrl srrl ' .'; llr.', 'r'',, sTlrG oF coLonADO L,, crrv All0 courlt 0F cE vEt ) Tha toragolng lnrtfuti'nt rr' rclnoxlrdt'd brforr .. .?- -- ttEs(xt STATE Of COtORADO,I-- EAGTE COT,|NW. I honbv crrtih fur ir irirrunt .{ wrr lilcd lor;rcad 'r my oflkr fie -Lu' a-l*tw, sZ2t lP-.' r"fl^..nd o/d,lv ...-d.d btE:- ':r'", {*h f\+ar 'r ,tr.nlt {t .lulJEJltl Il|l!E-!$l ror.o cdill Sllhi l*l',.4*' i!, ffit^Hill,g. t $l $ lild,F?Jtlrfl'r'lf f'lffi^r"' t tL aacaia ,rtt. 3|. rrcrlrt tL".ot lt hc".btaL aalrarlaat d, lrlr Srrttrd' brttrlr.d' 3old rndGtlfttift n€ It tLa. irti rt ci cnrt. brrialr. lrll. convrv||i 6rllrr rti tfr mld irtt .. ol tfrr trcoid D.rt, ti.l r hclrt 6rl|rr rti trr tlld irtt '. o? tlrr trcoid D.rt r th.l I hcl rtrll .lrlpr lrn'.r. oot li tmrrcy lr co'ol Dut_ l|| _Jolattlt.lGl r all tL ?al l.'lrl aatctll.a lot or P.rctl or l.n6'rlt|lti. ltlrl rra !rlr9 fa tir Coortt of E.ol. rnd st.t. of Calai\laa. to rlt ! rltrl.. ltlrl rr{ blrgCalai\laa. to rlt ! aarcrlt-a lot or lrrctl of l.rd' cota.rlrlr urlt lo. -!li-. eotler tSlI lloUSE. accordtic :o tt. i.P tt.trcf tl l.d fo? ncotd In thp Cala . Drlrrr ' rnd tirra-.o-l;f|; Drcl rrrflii-tot 60LDEit$f x0U3: Itcc?d.d l1 gooa Je / rl Pr;r 2AIL,.lt)ttct to th" tern!. carentitt. collol lloot ' "3'l'nlsr?aatrlctlont' ur.3 ' ltrlt.tlons rftdobltartlctr r.t lorth In t.ld Coidorlnl0a Orc l rrltl or, ' toc.tia? tlth rll aid llnoulrr th. i.rcdltrr?nts rnd tDfurtenrnc'3 ti:?rrito bcionOllc. or li rryllsc r9PerttlDlno. th. r?YQ13ln.1t' rrrrlraor rrd rirriidrr| r ?liitr lsr'rrr rnd proflts ther€of; rna rll tl. artlla. rlltt, tltlo' Int.r.tt. clrlr rnd d'i'nd iir tiiirri-ri- iir - irt r-ir it t rl ui thr flrtt Prrt' Glth'r ln ltr or alrltt, cl. lt ata ta tia rbov" lrFglln.d pr? l3car wlth tha h.?.dl tttitt |!d rtpr?3.irrcca . T0 Nlf[ ll0 T0 llOLD !i. 3rld pronts'g lbovc btro'lndd rnd drrcrlbid, rith tte rDPoft.nrnc.s, unto ti? srld pariler o? itrr rrcoad prit, ttclr hriir rird !3ttlns fotev.r.. And the srld Pa"tlat ot ihe ilrrt prrt. tor thci..a|v.3, th:lr hclrtr iircuiori lnd rdntnttlrrt6rr do cov.oant' gr.nt, brrgrtn .nd 'greeto rtld rlth tald prrll.s of thc accond prrt' thelF h'lrs tnd asrlgil, that rt ilo tlr of th. enrGlllnq rnd d€llYlry of these orctilti tirt rrt ratt !G'r.d of thr pranlsrs lbov. coiYCy€d' -ii-oi iioi,-iu;a; ;a;ir;4, .bgolut. rird {ndcts.3l.bIe rttrte of lnhrrllrnci. tn iair. tn fie rlrolc, rnd hrYG 0ood rlqht' full oorcr rnd lirlrrt rritrorttt to g?rntr brrorln. ttll .nd conYev Lhr rrrr ln taonar l||d fgrr rtorallld. Ind thtt th' ttrt ar' frrr inC cl.rr trol| tll torr.t rnd oti.' gtrntt' b!rqrlns. s'1r3, Iti"r. trrrr, rttrtllaitt and ancuibFa'rcat of ihrirv'r klnd or iriuii:oiiii. sublact to and .rc.pt lor tic protlctlYc covenrnts oi Yllt vttllog. rlRsT f tl,ll{€. r.Gord?d ln Eook I7i! rt P.ae 179' tttat rid/or lt3.33rent3 not do. or Pryab)! utltll 197? |nd ruhS.cur|rt yclrt Includlng but not l:r'lt.d io taies 'n33':'i; ? I' v.ll iatar lnc S.nltatlon Dlttrtct. Yrll Flrr Prottctton l r ''- ' Yall Gan.rrl trp?orarant nlrtrtct rnd tire Torn of Vall, c":r'- r.nta rnd ratttlctlonl of aacoad. rnd loolng ordlnance" ; ' iir rbovc bltqllntd 2r lrll ln the qut't lnc Dctccrblc 'to st' tt thr rald pattlsB df tic a!Gond Prrt, thclr hllr! lrd a-st"- fi Ii ;ti!:!:iiffi , i:f.fiifi##ffislirffi r!r.!,"1. fn.*f :i!:il!!:ilif$:L.::.':i!, !"fi :.iJ'.$,,1i$, S!. ST^TE 0F cotorroo , {:ourrr oF rrcrr | .t .,/lh. toragolng lnrtrurrnt rt, lctnoxladgad b.rope FG*rr fA 6ry ot /)vq,sf, rrrr, ,; ;;r;;;-;;.:rr, .noJlrrEs t. s[EVri. .:,.. iir Corrtstton .rpl?cr _Dtr-hhfgU llllESS ny hrnd.nd of f , STAII OF C I TY AIID fh{3 coroR^oo )I c. couNTV oF DE vER t '-' Th. forroolag .lnitturcnt its rclnorledgad dr Y o f -. ._-, l9ll , by rI tL JAx r{. lly Co|rnl r r lon rrplres tllft|tSS r,y htfld .nd offlclrt sc!1. hcfofe i|r SFANAHAfl. NoYme-- --- -- clrl -*-El-& bjh:S i; I'rf"' ,fr0* *|,, ,r,'u-&lt'*L I fitl r rl t|| tlilt t "3' I r.la aia lal | | aart ir-bi;r rra 3tsr. .r i;*t.Tf'rrior{ ltt irl ihlr |r l.fl ttttlor . --.4: 571rlrr l.ll | !.rt'rf ;[i-tl|cir 16' tPrr rr t lt c.-a blt li Jclrlia lot or trtc.l .! lm'.- ,f'' iu:ria tl.l6-hr rotDtltr b.r ./|,lllLIt ta ti. 3at[. " i$'l ' tdlq$Lfr ,iilriiFiFi, ii:.i:i:i;i3;r"ii.'i;ia;.;i; ililr rnd rrrnd:;l iifi-ii;ai prit. rlurrr.lr l* Ei'fiia-Uir-iirrriiro tr'rl!'t' ttl tlr th' *)rrLi..l.t. r OrdtcaiCtl ' Ing irl lrtcrrbl r Poll?l lon lr l.ltr rrd ltt I qr't . Fllitim' .at.Litt. .r nltll r llrltrtlaat anoa.t ter}} In 3ald nl! ita tala P?.rlr'r rbor' br?g'lcrd.iiiitiii.iii' hic rt'r r'ld-er?tl'r-or i*:i'{*:iili.i:ilii: *!ii,l'l"l'lll|t rr. h tt? ri.-rrY'r.r;ili: i:;;;in .nd rqr?.lrl||?rtc aa caLlant . Iitriiiii -ii- trr i136{-fr?ir th'l"-hclrr rnd---- tri'iih-it-iir--irmlir; ri' dcllv?rv ot-thos' 'tri-!i r i*-:!-t!..*.:l::l.lllli.'ll li{!"i'Hi:'Idi.ii. rii-iiliirii tlr' rt tr tr - or ii'it.-iiiiii. ird lrrYr iood rleht' rull it*;."i,ii::ro:'nt' li:i'll.' ll':"1 ::'.jfu-iriiir.lo' l;d th'3 tht su"r' iiirii-iil oti.t trl;tr -r brrqtlnr'.trl'3' i-rii' rili.r;'-r1;i. r.rr-rhrr.': :-il::-i:"..'itri lrotrctlva Co YCnr n tr It loal ltl rt Pr!. Ir9. l|r sntl I l9t2.nd I to tatat atl.3t.d l'-YtlH trotrct I on Dlttrlct' lrrn o? llll, ..ta- t|r, fr Sh:$#tqpSiefl ffi ffiUffiilrrr'rf ' ll rllttl ilnnt t|. ||la t ill.r ot |r. ?l'|LF"3L'. hrrri. rli |}alt Lrar |.a a.llt tL ll rrl tmt tr;rr rLra r?ltb. sTArE 0r s0r0rrD0 | .. co0ttr 0? trcl: ) ll. to?.tolil Inrtrrreit ||l rct..ilaatai Ltor' x "rr, -i& ou ot -Q"f,,a.L, lgll r br cEsllS r0r:tll .rrt 3tt!lt. ',.. llt Gonlrrlor trplrrt l-*lh'lrtt ".:.- - ---- - ^..r-.-i .--r.i.'*tfrtsr .t hrtd .na ot?lclrl 3.rl . c0r0rA00 )) rr. couirY 0f ofllvEl ) Thc fcrcoolng tnstluirDt ;ri lGlnoll'dg'd btfole r' . lgtl ' by xttl'lAr'l tl. SllAllAHAll 'thli . a- a!. "-' t - E:.P: -'-A dry o f Hy Comlsrlon ?xglras rlTilESs :y hrad rnd offtGl.l 3.rl . ' :'3&qrit -ffi :r' : : !r!,,{ f\+ar 'r ,tr.nlt {t .lulJEJltl Il|l!E-!$l ror.o cdill Sllhi l*l',.4*' i!, ffit^Hill,g. t $l $ lild,F?Jtlrfl'r'lf f'lffi^r"' t tL aacaia ,rtt. 3|. rrcrlrt tL".ot lt hc".btaL aalrarlaat d, lrlr Srrttrd' brttrlr.d' 3old rndGtlfttift n€ It tLa. irti rt ci cnrt. brrialr. lrll. convrv||i 6rllrr rti tfr mld irtt .. ol tfrr trcoid D.rt, ti.l r hclrt 6rl|rr rti trr tlld irtt '. o? tlrr trcoid D.rt r th.l I hcl rtrll .lrlpr lrn'.r. oot li tmrrcy lr co'ol Dut_ l|| _Jolattlt.lGl r all tL ?al l.'lrl aatctll.a lot or P.rctl or l.n6'rlt|lti. ltlrl rra !rlr9 fa tir Coortt of E.ol. rnd st.t. of Calai\laa. to rlt ! rltrl.. ltlrl rr{ blrgCalai\laa. to rlt ! aarcrlt-a lot or lrrctl of l.rd' cota.rlrlr urlt lo. -!li-. eotler tSlI lloUSE. accordtic :o tt. i.P tt.trcf tl l.d fo? ncotd In thp Cala . Drlrrr ' rnd tirra-.o-l;f|; Drcl rrrflii-tot 60LDEit$f x0U3: Itcc?d.d l1 gooa Je / rl Pr;r 2AIL,.lt)ttct to th" tern!. carentitt. collol lloot ' "3'l'nlsr?aatrlctlont' ur.3 ' ltrlt.tlons rftdobltartlctr r.t lorth In t.ld Coidorlnl0a Orc l rrltl or, ' toc.tia? tlth rll aid llnoulrr th. i.rcdltrr?nts rnd tDfurtenrnc'3 ti:?rrito bcionOllc. or li rryllsc r9PerttlDlno. th. r?YQ13ln.1t' rrrrlraor rrd rirriidrr| r ?liitr lsr'rrr rnd proflts ther€of; rna rll tl. artlla. rlltt, tltlo' Int.r.tt. clrlr rnd d'i'nd iir tiiirri-ri- iir - irt r-ir it t rl ui thr flrtt Prrt' Glth'r ln ltr or alrltt, cl. lt ata ta tia rbov" lrFglln.d pr? l3car wlth tha h.?.dl tttitt |!d rtpr?3.irrcca . T0 Nlf[ ll0 T0 llOLD !i. 3rld pronts'g lbovc btro'lndd rnd drrcrlbid, rith tte rDPoft.nrnc.s, unto ti? srld pariler o? itrr rrcoad prit, ttclr hriir rird !3ttlns fotev.r.. And the srld Pa"tlat ot ihe ilrrt prrt. tor thci..a|v.3, th:lr hclrtr iircuiori lnd rdntnttlrrt6rr do cov.oant' gr.nt, brrgrtn .nd 'greeto rtld rlth tald prrll.s of thc accond prrt' thelF h'lrs tnd asrlgil, that rt ilo tlr of th. enrGlllnq rnd d€llYlry of these orctilti tirt rrt ratt !G'r.d of thr pranlsrs lbov. coiYCy€d' -ii-oi iioi,-iu;a; ;a;ir;4, .bgolut. rird {ndcts.3l.bIe rttrte of lnhrrllrnci. tn iair. tn fie rlrolc, rnd hrYG 0ood rlqht' full oorcr rnd lirlrrt rritrorttt to g?rntr brrorln. ttll .nd conYev Lhr rrrr ln taonar l||d fgrr rtorallld. Ind thtt th' ttrt ar' frrr inC cl.rr trol| tll torr.t rnd oti.' gtrntt' b!rqrlns. s'1r3, Iti"r. trrrr, rttrtllaitt and ancuibFa'rcat of ihrirv'r klnd or iriuii:oiiii. sublact to and .rc.pt lor tic protlctlYc covenrnts oi Yllt vttllog. rlRsT f tl,ll{€. r.Gord?d ln Eook I7i! rt P.ae 179' tttat rid/or lt3.33rent3 not do. or Pryab)! utltll 197? |nd ruhS.cur|rt yclrt Includlng but not l:r'lt.d io taies 'n33':'i; ? I' v.ll iatar lnc S.nltatlon Dlttrtct. Yrll Flrr Prottctton l r ''- ' Yall Gan.rrl trp?orarant nlrtrtct rnd tire Torn of Vall, c":r'- r.nta rnd ratttlctlonl of aacoad. rnd loolng ordlnance" ; ' iir rbovc bltqllntd 2r lrll ln the qut't lnc Dctccrblc 'to st' tt thr rald pattlsB df tic a!Gond Prrt, thclr hllr! lrd a-st"- fi Ii ;ti!:!:iiffi , i:f.fiifi##ffislirffi r!r.!,"1. fn.*f :i!:il!!:ilif$:L.::.':i!, !"fi :.iJ'.$,,1i$, S!. ST^TE 0F cotorroo , {:ourrr oF rrcrr | .t .,/lh. toragolng lnrtrurrnt rt, lctnoxladgad b.rope FG*rr fA 6ry ot /)vq,sf, rrrr, ,; ;;r;;;-;;.:rr, .noJlrrEs t. s[EVri. .:,.. iir Corrtstton .rpl?cr _Dtr-hhfgU llllESS ny hrnd.nd of f , STAII OF C I TY AIID fh{3 coroR^oo )I c. couNTV oF DE vER t '-' Th. forroolag .lnitturcnt its rclnorledgad dr Y o f -. ._-, l9ll , by rI tL JAx r{. lly Co|rnl r r lon rrplres tllft|tSS r,y htfld .nd offlclrt sc!1. hcfofe i|r SFANAHAfl. NoYme-- --- -- clrl -*-El-& bjh:S i; I'rf"' ,fr0* *|,, ,r,'u-&lt'*L I fitl r rl t|| tlilt t "3' I r.la aia lal | | aart ir-bi;r rra 3tsr. .r i;*t.Tf'rrior{ ltt irl ihlr |r l.fl ttttlor . --.4: 571rlrr l.ll | !.rt'rf ;[i-tl|cir 16' tPrr rr t lt c.-a blt li Jclrlia lot or trtc.l .! lm'.- ,f'' iu:ria tl.l6-hr rotDtltr b.r ./|,lllLIt ta ti. 3at[. " i$'l ' tdlq$Lfr ,iilriiFiFi, ii:.i:i:i;i3;r"ii.'i;ia;.;i; ililr rnd rrrnd:;l iifi-ii;ai prit. rlurrr.lr l* Ei'fiia-Uir-iirrriiro tr'rl!'t' ttl tlr th' *)rrLi..l.t. r OrdtcaiCtl ' Ing irl lrtcrrbl r Poll?l lon lr l.ltr rrd ltt I qr't . Fllitim' .at.Litt. .r nltll r llrltrtlaat anoa.t ter}} In 3ald nl! ita tala P?.rlr'r rbor' br?g'lcrd.iiiitiii.iii' hic rt'r r'ld-er?tl'r-or i*:i'{*:iili.i:ilii: *!ii,l'l"l'lll|t rr. h tt? ri.-rrY'r.r;ili: i:;;;in .nd rqr?.lrl||?rtc aa caLlant . Iitriiiii -ii- trr i136{-fr?ir th'l"-hclrr rnd---- tri'iih-it-iir--irmlir; ri' dcllv?rv ot-thos' 'tri-!i r i*-:!-t!..*.:l::l.lllli.'ll li{!"i'Hi:'Idi.ii. rii-iiliirii tlr' rt tr tr - or ii'it.-iiiiii. ird lrrYr iood rleht' rull it*;."i,ii::ro:'nt' li:i'll.' ll':"1 ::'.jfu-iriiir.lo' l;d th'3 tht su"r' iiirii-iil oti.t trl;tr -r brrqtlnr'.trl'3' i-rii' rili.r;'-r1;i. r.rr-rhrr.': :-il::-i:"..'itri lrotrctlva Co YCnr n tr It loal ltl rt Pr!. Ir9. l|r sntl I l9t2.nd I to tatat atl.3t.d l'-YtlH trotrct I on Dlttrlct' lrrn o? llll, ..ta- t|r, fr Sh:$#tqpSiefl ffi ffiUffiilrrr'rf ' ll rllttl ilnnt t|. ||la t ill.r ot |r. ?l'|LF"3L'. hrrri. rli |}alt Lrar |.a a.llt tL ll rrl tmt tr;rr rLra r?ltb. sTArE 0r s0r0rrD0 | .. co0ttr 0? trcl: ) ll. to?.tolil Inrtrrreit ||l rct..ilaatai Ltor' x "rr, -i& ou ot -Q"f,,a.L, lgll r br cEsllS r0r:tll .rrt 3tt!lt. ',.. llt Gonlrrlor trplrrt l-*lh'lrtt ".:.- - ---- - ^..r-.-i .--r.i.'*tfrtsr .t hrtd .na ot?lclrl 3.rl . c0r0rA00 )) rr. couirY 0f ofllvEl ) Thc fcrcoolng tnstluirDt ;ri lGlnoll'dg'd btfole r' . lgtl ' by xttl'lAr'l tl. SllAllAHAll 'thli . a- a!. "-' t - E:.P: -'-A dry o f Hy Comlsrlon ?xglras rlTilESs :y hrad rnd offtGl.l 3.rl . ' :'3&qrit -ffi :r' : : !r!,,{ ,^\a+( tI tl?.t Drrt..lt llOU3|rotla tl t DrttttLLa, lav. Dnrtantlr llfl ' ll I ,fl . ltlit. to rlt: "1|t. $rtrr. t. tf. irPlr L,rraar ?c? lr SlOl rtlonr r.t tr.r lbov. brrgr !n.d|rta tL trld PrrtYrr l5Fal.r. Aod t r'e rr r.lt 3.ltad .1 the aa. lrra, taF?act, ,lbso I ute lfttt ' lt .lrr' ^ll rce.'iiili rnc !rr?ul authorl tY '- +-ha r:te fl *gnnr- u"' att ?rca lid clcrr fron ttf . lrlal , lllnt ' trrer rtdJa? llnd ar nr turc lrcr, tiol r hal rs ' lYa i:ovcnrnt, fr,&,1:lli:^-Itiitr o? col ot.do ,.a lr.. rra:tct;-c.raltlor3. tarahtr rnd rP PU rtellan'e s rlnlna. the rcY. r3-l on s 'ra 'Fa?tt3 th.rGo t ila llftlrlBl rn.r3s I)t irrrt ' rtth.r ln rf6lrrd lr.rlt ct ' ccr fet ' t?r.t, br rga 'n .rf rl tac.ia lrrt, nls trr al tla anaaallno dn'r .*.' :,'j;n rnll tt $. ..la trr!lr-r?-'l' tlnt t"trrr rrrriiraf-dai; Lra ra illr lr lrt rr trrrtl'|t rbi !"lllr.ll,rttltll . tatl Ita. rrt. rn r?t ava tan tl tar tllltlrtto rl t: slrrt 0? c0urtr 0f ft. c0L0rA00 | ..rrcrt I tor.tolrt,,Jlrtt"lxnt lrt aclmrl.dt.a hforr r' Coili3f on ,rgtrlrr, 4l/* - rt l.n6 .nd of?lct.l r.rl.,prr ii li aiCC 3 eY?rt I oal. aaaot icr ln 3a3 ' rlnad r rEyd t trri!trs, 1. ls 5o l!r !€ STATI 0F C0r0[400 )) ss COI,I{T V OF EAGIF ) lhc lorcgolng,ttFurent rr3 rclnoll adg'd b'fore re tr,i. Uf- 6u or Q11p4y', l97l , bt HtLtIAr r' sl{AiAl{At' , W cortlssf on drrrrrt 4./CnV . -: -HITxEss nv hrnd .nd otfict!: serl' 't *"1e,* ss -?- : -trltr rdl-' ' r'9 F -il ,Ab*o 6)4 o 4 t'rd'rllt^ilv DrtD tlo . -ii;l | tri Z,8ll tttti oltDr rrd. tilr ,?t Ory ol Guon t , rtrr.b.rr..n cttAtt *otEt . JrrEST steytr fiirTTrrnri. sxlr{AltAil.ot tir Cooitt ot:.t1., Strt. ot Color.do, ol thc flrrt prrtt rnd lotlLo tllLty. oi ti. Coonty of Eagl., strt. of colorrdool tlra racond part: ItTlESStTft thrt th. rrld prrtl.r ot th. flrrt prrt,tot .trl to conrld.r.tlo0 ot th. 3ur of fIFTY-IIo THoUSAI{C(1t2,000,001 Dotttls to tt! rrld prrtlcr of ti. tlrst prrtIn hrnd pald b, ti. r.ld p.rtt of th. 3.cond p.rt, th.t.calpt ri.rao? lr iarrb, conf.r3.d t||d rclnorl.dgcd. h.ve ttaatad. laFttlnadr rold aid conrcyrd, rnd by thctc p?a3€nts do trrntr barirln, rell, convay rnd contlri unto th? srldpartl 9l thc trcond partr hl3 tctrs and rsslgns forrver, !ll3ltr lollo:ln9 da3crlbad lot or r.rcGl of lrni, 3lturtc. lylngrnd bclnl In ti. County of Erelr rnd Strt€ of Colorrdo, to nlt: ;rl Cordoitnlun Unlt lo, 102. G0t0El{Pt^f fioUSE. !c:ordlng to th. il.o thc?col fll.d 'or record ln l{.oCasa , orrrar ,Ind r .- thc c5',iil6ii n I un 0cclTir-f I on for 'T - G0LoEll PEAX HOUSE record€d ln took 33 / rt P!!. lJ'/ , sublectto th;-tErs . covcnanTt condl tl ons ,atrarcnt3, rrstrlctlon3 r us.s, I liltatfon3 ind oDllgrtlons s€tforth ln srld Condorlnlun orc I !r!tlon, togathar Hlth rll rnd slngulrr the heredlt!nents and !ppurtenancestharcunto balonOlng, or ln rnyxlse !ppertrlnlnq. the reverslons,rGr|lnder rnd rinrlnders. rents. lsSues and proflts thereofi rhatroavcr o? tha sald plrtles of thc llrst part, elther ln lrr or.qulty. of. In rnd to the rbove brrgrln€d premlses, rlth the h!rrdltrncnts rnd .ppurtenrnces. T0 HAvE A110 T0 H0LD the s!ld prcrnlses above b.rgalned Ind dascrf!€d, rlth the rppurten!ncc3, unto the sald Prrtyof thc sacond part, hls hGlrs rnd asslgns forever. And thesrld partlrs of tie flrst prrt, for thenselves, their helrs, lrecutors and rdnlnlstr!tors do coy?nrnt, 9rant, bargaln !nd r9r€e to rnd rlth sald prrty of th€ s€cond p.rt, hls helts and rsslgns, that rt the tlme of the enseallng and dcl lvGry of these prcsants they !re xell selz€d of thepranlsrs rbov. conveyed, rs of good, sure, perfect, .bsolute rnd lndefrrslble est.te of lnher'ltrnce, ln laH, In fee 3lmplr, rnd hav€ good rlght' full pofer and lanful authorltyto grant, b!rgaln, sell rnd convey the same in manner andforn aforesald, !nd that thr sane are free and clear from all forner rnd oLher grtnts, bargalns. sales' liens' taxes' assessnents and encunbrrnces of xhateYer klnd or nature sorva|.r SubJcct to and axc!pt for the protectlYe Coventnts of YAIL YftIAGE, FIRST FIt. Ir{G, recorded in Book 174 at PaQe 179, tlxes rnd/or assessnents not due or pry.ble until 1972 rnd subsequent ya!rs Incl udlng but not I lnl ted to taxes rss€sscd by Yrli yater !nd Sanltrtlon Dlstrlct, Vai l Flre Protcctlon 0lstrlct, Vrll Gener!l I[provenent Dlstrict and thr forn of Vrll. e.senants rnd restrlctlons of record' anc zonlng ordlr!nces, 6t|d the lbove b!rgrlned prenlses ln the qul€t-rnd prrc€!ble possesslon of the s!id party of the sacond Drrt, hls helrs.nd !sslgns, rgr'lnst all .nd every parson or persons l6;fully clalnlng or to cl.im the rhol€ cr iny part thcreof th€ srld p!rtles of the flrst Dart shdll tnd rlll IAnRAIIT Al{D F0REVtl 0tFEI{0. AUqlT gl It ftfft33 tlllfEoF tir rrld p.rtl.3 of tic tlrrt p'rt irya lrrrauito 3at thalr irndr rnd r..lr thG dry rnd ycrr tl ?rt rbovr fll tta||. STATE OT COTO RADO 3S coutlY 0F EASIE was rcknowledged before ne .1971 . bY CESARE ll0lETTI and srAT€ 0F C0L0RA00 J ,. c0ur{TY 0F EAGLE f r.b N$:0ul{TY 0f tAhLL , t\t' The foregolngiltstruttent wrs 'cknovledgec before me ilY 161, &f arv ot &lata/L , l97l ' bv llltLIAt'l r'l ' SHANANAII'-' - ;".",,.,olZ*.r AJf/zl ['I glTltEss ny h.nd rnd offlcial serl ' ,f fln"' ; -z- r1?069$lot ocYI.'11)' .:." ,n IAV XYircf, :t , " .. '. Il{Vt lvN.,l-;'N 'r;l.;v r " 'rr. }|'1 I lqi''n I hrrlbt c.ntt $r dr* fuurdn f,od lr rrcd n nry cfto *rfum:,k srATr Or cotcRADO. ).. EAGrt couNry. ' js!' I lrrobv qtly rhd r[N iurrocnrttr l'hd lor r.<o,d in Dy ottE rrffirffi'*,: & - /r oi.t ".t3* il . rAu"t *.,/t!*Odq_rte /)/"t'Yotz,rn.", /+ l-r-< ,172/ /t',--,--1L d/ 7?/ /:Y,xz,r-lL d 4l fi Z,*,1 #r*#l ,/*,- r/t,*'z'{ /# l-/, olflce ol communlty developmenl Depa rtment for the Vista Bahn Express Inc. 75 soulh fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 To: Town Council From: Community Development Date: July 2, 1985 Re: Sign Vari ance Request Appl icant: Vai I Associates , Vail Associates is requesting to place 32 square feet of signage onthe Vista Bahn lift located at the base of Giant Steps in VaiiVillage. The Town of Vail sign code does not address signage forlift facil jties. For this reason, jt is necessary that vail-Associatesrequest a sign variance for thei.r proposal. 0n June 19, 1985, the Design Review Board recommended approval for the signage request. The motion was made by Kathy Warren and seconded by-Ned Gwaihmey. Unanimous approval was given to the request. Enc'l osed js the staff memo concerning the varjance request. Please note that the applicant made an original proposal on May 29. At that meeting, the Design ReviewBoard recommened that Vail Associates decrease the signange. Theapplicant has reduced the amount of signage by 3Z%. Design Revierr Board Communi ty Development Departnent June 19r 1985 SURTECT: Sign Variance Request for the Vista Bahn ExpressApplicants Vail Associatesr Inc. I. REQUEST TO: FROI|: DATE: Vail Associatesr Il". is proposing to locate the Vj.staBahn Express at the base of ciint Steps in Vail village.Due to the fact that tire fown of VaiI sign code does notspecificaLly addr_ess this type of structure, it is necessaryfor vail Alsociatesr rnc.--to request a variance for thesignage on the lift stru;iu;;. The applicants presentedtheir original proposal at the May 29r l9g5 Design ReviewBoard Mee_ting. At Lhat timer the Design Review Boardrecommended tha t the applicants decrease the amount, ofsignange on the lift -"tr,r.rure ana resubmit at the JuneI9, I9B5 D.R.B-..meetins--Th. foj. l-owing charE comparesthe first proposal to the riuis"J proposal. vail essociateshas decreased the amount of signage by 32?- O":::ti: Proposal Revised proposat Difference East Elevation .17 s.f. that states "Vista Bahn Express'. 7 s.f. that "Vista Bahn S tates Express" l0 s.f. l.lest El evat i on that states Bahn Express" l7 s.f. "Vista 14 s.f. "Vista that 8a hn s tates Expres s " 3 s.f. North E'levaticn 13 s.f. that states "16 Vista Bahn 16', ll s.f. that states "16 Vista Bahn .|6,'2 s.f. TOTALS 47 s.f.32 s. f.l5 s.f. 3211 Reduction in signage II. BACKGROUND vir?suhn -z- 6/rs/ss lifts, greater emphasisft,s. This situationfootage required for The applicant h.as provided the f.o.l lowing reasons as towhy this signage i." aip.op-r-il;"';;. rhe vista Bahn Express: ',Background There wilr' continue to be two chairr.ifts in vair. vilragef or the public to usl 1-u j_tr_tr.," valIey. The Mid_vaiL vis-ta Bahn rlrt "i:.i o" u "o.r"red detachablelift with more rhan kf;" tiJi,t,rrry capacity of chairlif t#1' and wilr -ue "u'ie-io-a-.rirr.r peopre some 2o minutesfaster ro Mid-Vaif 1r,a1-;;; chairLifts #1 and t2-The vista Bahn,/.n"lriiit-'*a detachable route witlalso facir.itate yo-yo sr.iing from the summit to vairvillase."u jl:.._u"ii viil"gl urirf become rhe preferredup-mountain route- A practical difflculty is caused by the shape of thesrrucrure and its 10cirion. -!ti.";" ;;rJ.TJoro."nthe lift from seve.-I ;i;;;;ions. Accordingly,- i:.gnagewill be required on three (3) slaes of the lift. termi.naL.The circuinstances are _unique i.n- that the vista Bahnlif t is the onrv covered oetacrraor" o"t-oi-iri"-'rurr.ylift and vi.a si-gnag€r. in part, needs to be dif ferentiatedfrom fixed qrio ctrairfiiis-."rf,. coLor scheme andgraphics seiec'ted fo, tt. Virt. Bahn wiLL be utilizedfor the three other aet""r,"uiJJ-to u. buiLt thi.s summerlJ$.a.:r a dd i rionar ae racnal-res prannea in rhe near The special circumstances. $rere created by the applicantonly to the extent that VaiI viirage was the originaloase of VaiI Ski area. General Ha rmony We feeL that no ?spe_cts of this proposal are detrimentalto the neiqhborho-od or t"-'l;*public welfare. Infactr the new t.irt and ;;.;1=.red signage wirl havea positive imoact on our "ti".rlra the public welfareby providing- more expedieni ."""u" up the mountain.We do not f eel tha t ih; -".'.i"'"'"" appiied f or is anymore than reguired given th;-;i;;"rsrances. Other Fa c tors With the advent of the detachable Yill_ b: gi,ven to names of the li.r.argeIy determiaisnase on the viJ;"t "l?;.:ou"'" IIT. FINDINGS Before the must prove vr sOsahn -3- 6/ts/es applic-ationl the applicantdoaro must find that: A.There are s ecial qircumstances or condi tions aPolv in!o the land bui nQs I topography I vegetat Oll r SiqnstructureEl--68 er matters on adiEEEETEEE or wi. thinthe ad jacen I-EE-E t-o f _wa AND STAFF RESPONSES Board acts on a variancephysical hardship and the to which EhEqnd do not aprrses. s I ness or enterprisecant desrres to- d;iT-ttention,ene ra uslnesses or en Eer- Staff Response: Staff does feel that the Vista Bahn Express deservesspecial consideration due to the fact that it is ascructure and use which is not addressed in the tor"rnof Vail sign cocle. The Vi sta Bahn Express mus t beeasily identified by many visitors to VaiL who areoften times very unftmilia-r vith the Iaytut of theski nountain. Siaff ."""iO"." the Vista Bahn Expressto be a soecial circumstance that is unique to thebusiness of ,"""ing-.-"ii resort. rne-new signagecommunicates effectively the name of the lift withoutdrawing undue attention'to tire structure. rhe proposedsignage is- in scaJ.e with the rift stiucture. staffbeLieves that there ir!"speciar circumstances whichjustify allowing 32 "qu.." feet of signage for theVista Bahn Expres-s. B. That such t staff Response: Some type of variance is necessary in order to aLLowany type of signage.for the Vi-sia Bahn Express. Staffdoes feel that the Vista Sahn eiJr"r" is a specialcircumstance. nowever,l;; li"pri""nt did not decideto construct the V.ista eahn el[ress witfr the intentof obtaining excessive arnounts of signage. c.Tha t the rantin of the variance wilI be in qene ra Ia rmony with the urposes ot this aiEle and wilInot be maceriaJ-I etrimentaffi worK l ngor re e v].crni acen roperto the ne hborhood or t,o the ublic we fare in enera l: ,ovrsla tsahn _4_ 6/19/95 The 3, "nr.::__f""a-:f signage is compatibLe with the intentof the sign cocte. The code sEaces: Section 16.l6.OlO Harmonious with town scale. Sign locaEionr configurationr design, materials andcol0rs should be harmo-ni.ous with ttre iraiestic mountainsetting and the atpine virr.age-;.J; oi_ an. town. Section 16.IO.O2O Not doninating The sign should not visually dominate the structureto which it belongs or caLl u,idu" .tl"ilior, to itself. Section 16.16.I4O Architectural harmony The sign.a.nd its supporting structure should be inha rmonv archi t. " tur- r-r-y-'"i tn'i" ";;;;;;; rn g s tru c tu re s . lraltir.t?.rli".an.r rhe sisnase is in harmony with the purposes Staff Response: D. The variance a lied for does not de rt fEom the provisionsof this tiT any more than sre req to i.denti f v th e-cant's ssi or use 3 Staff Response: The staff agrees that the proposed 32 square foot signls vithin the oeneral intenf"-f-it," sign "odE.--it" signagemust be visibie from..""t"i ri.o." of the strucruE€r asskiers are arrivin-g at the lift from many different directions.The signase is ar-so in ;.;il riii ar,. size of the scruccure. E. STAFP RECOI,TI{ENDATIO}I The Communitv Development Department recommends approval ofthe 32 squarL root sign-'"""rili'." ro. the vista, Bahn Express.staff agrees with the "ppii..ni-it'f tn"r" are speciaJ. clrcumstancesunique to this partiiula; -";r;ture due to trre fact tha t thename of the lift.must-ue cteariy-ia"r,tifiable to ski.ers in thegeneral vicinity _of th" vi;l: Bahn Express. staff believesthat the 32 square feet-of "is;.i" on Ehe lift is in compriance rj"tnrntllrrown-of vair sisn ""d;"ft provides ;.;;";-.v idenrif ication oo zoF -.1tTrE FIf- TTI frFl -loz o 7^oFdtr(.,) ? EIJ EI EIoFla a trl o z,olrlt-./i <L 7 EIJ EI ITIo -(r) { 7