HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB070079 � `� � V��I' ����- 4 - Qes�gn Fievie�nr 8vard �"'� , �b�,� ,�'' ACTI�M F+�RM . - � i��partment of Cvmmurrity Develapmer�t �W����I]�Li r 75 Sc�uth �ranikage Etaad, Yail, Cnlorado 8�b57 tel; 970.479.�139 fax: 97{1.479.�45� ,:�+.S,►J'.!'Y f?��"aiL�Y'kIC'r' dh�E��: INYiIIW.Va f��011.CO f11 Project Mame: l-EMP DEVELOPM�NT SIGN DRB Numher: DRBQ7UU79 Pr�nject Des�ript€nra. TEM�OF�IRY DE'4'ELa�ME�JT STT"E SIGN Participants: QWNER RQSEiV�ACh, 5U5AN AND GARY Q3/0�9�2{1[�7 Phc�ne. 203-6Z9 217 TAC�NFC RD GREENWIC� GT 05$31 APP�ICANT GEC�RGE SHAEFFER C�7NS�Rl1CfIaNO3,li}9�f 2�}a7 Phc�n�: 845-5655 �o aox ��� v�z� ca s���7 �icense: 3t}2-l� PI^v�eCt Address: 10T RC�CKLEf][C� RD VAI� �.vc.�tian: ii37 RO+CKL.EDGE �C)Al7 Legal a�5criptinn: Lat; 7 Blc�ck, 7 Suhdiwi�ion: VAIL VILlAGE 1ST Parce! Numfier: 210i-07J.�2�}QI-1 Cnmments: BQAFlD/ST14F�ACTION Mot�on By: Action: STAFFAPR second 8y: Vote: Date af Appro�va�l; t�3J13/2007 Conditivns: ��d: 8 (PI.AN): Nv thang�s ta these plans may be made wiChc��t the written c�n�ent af Towr�af Vafl s�aff andlor t�e appropriate revi�w cvmmittee{s). C�nd: Za1 f�R6 apprb�al s1�a�ll not E�:carx'se valid for 24 days f�lfowfng the dake of appro�ral. Cvnd; �{12 ,4pproval af this prvject shal0 fap�ar�d became void one[1}year fiollc�w"rng the date of final ap�ro�al, unless a buiFdirag permit is isse�ed anci constrvctio�n is comm�nc�d and is diligently pursued t�ward completion. Cnnd: 113 All developar�ent�pplicativns s�bmitt�ci t��he Town a�ter t�e effectiv�e d�te�f Ordinance 26, Series Z{l06 sha91 be subjeCt t�the per�ding employee ho�sin� r�gulat�ons in whatever fvrm they are fnalCy�d�apted; providecl, howe�rer, tha�if the Town fails t�advpt the ��ding �mpEayee h�using reg€�lations�y ApriE 15� 2�[}7� this Qrdinance shall nvt appiy to s�ch de�elapme�t applications. . , ' � . r � . Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $59.00 � • I � ��II . �i �� ���� �� ���� 75 Sa�th [�'ranta�e Rd. Uepar�ment af Cammu�aity r]eve�c�pmet�t Vaal,C:olarad�$165? 97f]-479-?13�147�-213'� FAX 97(1-479-245� Mar�h 13, Z00� Rodney'l'w�te George S4�aeff�r Canstrraeti+�n PC7 Box 37:i Vail,a('�3 81fiS8 Faxed tn 97[1-84�-7013 Re: DRB07-D479 IlRI�ff7-0079 Lot 7, Block 7, Vait Villag,e ls�Filing De�r Mr, Twete, Thanlc you f�r yc�w sig� �pplieatinn f,rfr a temporary sit�de�reln�ment sign at 1(]7 R�,�klecl�;e R�aci. Yc�u applicatic�n h�s been staff approved and yc�u may install the si�n ai yc}ur earliest. C:t�I1V�I11C11C�. I}o riot h�sitate to ce�ntact m�wit13 any questions t�r concenis. Hest, f�f ,,f�l'j,� ' ,� r f .' �! ' r � `, `� � �_�- � ��-� . Rachei Fried� Planr�er,Tc�wn af Vail ������4��-z�an Rfriede��rai l�u�.c;oni ��gn Application for Design ReWiew -�,'�� ' ' D�parirr�ent a6 Communiky Devek�ment � ��r��� 1 75 So��th Froni�e Rc�ad,►Jai1,Colorada 81f�57 �I�� �.' z��? ) �r�r tel; 97fJ,479.2139 fax:�7�D.479.2�52 �.1 web: ww�vvw.vai4�rn.c�m " ��i C3@if��7� IRfti�f'TT1db011: - �._.__. /�A prcrjects reqtsiring design reWi�vrr rnust rec�ive approlra! pric+r to s�rbmitting a building perm�t applisation. �lease r�fer la ff�ue submittai requirements for t�te part�ccular apprv�al that is ►�uested. M application for#�esign #teview cannot be aeccepted until all requia'et1 inforn�at�bn is received bY the Ctatrrrnunity �eevei��ment D�i�a�r�nt, Tf�e project may also n�ci � be r�vieweci hy the Town Cuune€I andJor the F'lar�nirx� anti Envimnmental Gcammissio�. De�gn nerriew apprav�l Eapses unle�a b�liding peennFk is issued anel c�structtion �nr�rt�en�s vr'rkhin vne year af ii�e appraval. ��{fp Of Hl�R�u�� '� �' J dYt Gh. � _ �,� ' " x Lvcation vf#he Proposal: �atF�Block:�Su�ivision: �� V ����`.�.. {r r�31� physical Address: ��i''� �G�C.�_ ��r'� � �' Parcel �a.: ,�� 7 f C�"7!�u G�1 1 (C�nta�t Eagle Ct�. Assessar at 97(1-328-8b40 for parcel nQ.) 7�oning. `�! [:�!;� ``�c�rr�vl Nam�s)Qf[lrnrner(s): r I Mailing Addr�s: r�/� ��`�r���_ �� t!f-�.i�����,��� (��� �'�,�`.�r� Phon+�: �,�''/.� ° _�`?/-���/' � [3wner(s}Signature[sJ. � �`�1 ; ! Name af Applicar�t: �- +r' - ' � !! /�'��,�-- Malling Address: : ` `/' _ �� C�� , (�i�-'`�� P#�one; �7U-�'S�,i---SLr..�� E-enaii Addr'e,�s.s ��.��",'���:l1.��..uu��fil F,ax;��CJ.-�°�S ���f�- 7'yp�nf R�►riew and Fee: `�' Signs $5Q PI�$1.tlU per sqra�re fvok Of tvtdl sign�rea. O Ccmceptual Re�riew IVO F�e ` � New Cnnsd'�hction $65U F4r�on�vction af a r�w bui4c#ing c7r dem€��rebui4d. � Ac�difi�os� $3IXl Fc�s �n addition whe+� square f�e is added to any res�dential or commereial�uildir�y(ineludes 25t3 add�E`sa�a�ns&interior conversions). CI Misivr Aiteretitx► $Z5U For minor ehar�to buikiings ar+d site improve�nents,s�rch a�, (rr�ulti-farnily�comrrrercial) rert�otin9, pairrting, window addit�ans,�[a irr�, f�r�es and rekai�ring waifs,etc. J' � -���- �- ❑ Mir`or llfteraticjri $20 For minor chant�s[o�ui{dings and sits impr �ernen (sin+�le-famiiyJd'upleac} reroofin9, painting, windc�w additions, [ands�apir�, and retainir9g walls,ete. ❑ �hanges to Appr6v�Cl P��nS $20 For revisi�3�s5 k0 pian& air�dy approv�ci !3y Pidrrnirig S�a�f csr the f�es+}gn Review 8cs�rd. Ct 5eparation Request Na Fee �` �r ���,�" `�-,.. ��-�-. 9.�r a,e�rro.: `�l S3 ay: �-• �v'�• C-� �� ,i�`� ra��n�: 1� �rb.: L�r' � d � �e►�e�t r+�. — ,� R SIGN APpLICATIflN T�1���'� `� su�Mn-raL a�t�uz�M�n�~rs Gen�ra�Infam�ation This application is for aray sign t�at is 4c+cak�d withirr the�"ovrn af Vail. Specific requirements are awailatil� fram the Department af Cammunity[)eveloprnent. I. SLIBMITTAt i{E(�1UIR�MENTS A. Name of Busiracss: ,� �-�:�•r�� .;I"��'ti- �c'�i,{=��L�'���"r� B. Building r�ame and physicai addressT C. Written appro►►raa!frvtat c�t�dor�nin�um �ssnciatian, landlard, and jaint ou�rria�r, iFapplicable. �. Type of sign{ch+ecic all that app4y}: . ,�-reestar�ing S�gn E7 Bu"rlding Ide�rtifica�ivn I�W�N Sign � Mural 1�Hanging � Rr�je�#ing 5ign ❑ Windaw SFgn C7L�ssplay�ox II Sign Program D�aily Special B�pard ❑ Gas FfI�,�Fib�r Optic Q]s�int Dire�ct�rry Sigrr �$'Terr�paaary 5ign QSubdsvr`�an En�rance Sign EJ Otl-ser E. Numb�r af sign�proposed: � Nur�ber of signs existing: L� .; c� �. �ign messag�: ( � . ��.-,_�: 7 r � � � G. Sign and 6ettering dim�ensians for�ac pro�aoseci sign(attach a colared scaled schematie drawirx� @ 'l�,•- 1�:_ �r�r- }c' � #'� H. Length af busin+es�frontage: I. Height vf sign(�)fram grade: � - `� �- �-_ J, 5ign Lvvcativn(attad-m a s�te plan�nd an e€e�a�on drawi�g or a ph�to�raph dear�y indicating the p�°apased it�catior�o#s+gn(s)):. K. Materials arx#�olc�rs of sign (att�dl sat7lpies): ;�r:� z;.�--�.� I GJ,�-,�� L, Sign lig�ting pl�n: ��,-,I�;;�-� , r� Ind�cate typ�, locatio�n and number of f�xt��es. a Includ� height abave gr�de, lumens vutput, iucninaus area. o Attac�r a cut sheet�ur each propQSed fixture. M. prawings s�awing how and where the sign or awn�ng wf14 attach tt�the building ar�d hovw t��e awning will be cvr�structecl. I�. Th�Atlministrator and/�or D�B may require the si,bmissia�of addition�l �plans, dr�wi�gs, specificaC�ans, samples ar�d oti�er m�terials(in�luding a mr�del) if d+�e�d ne�ess�ry ta d�term"sn�whether� prcaj�t#will m�'t�ply vaith Design Guidelin�s ar if�h�e intent vf the praposal is n�t clearly ir►dicates�. F;1�S+1��sL�1�kJl�lsigr+_�ica�crt�_TZ-o5-2{�.dac Pag�e 3 c#4 �� +��G��S ! �— qy�'3 VL-'�'� Page 1 af 1 11-7�: TEMPORARY SI�'� DEVEL{3Pf�ENT SI�GNS: A.Descrip�ion: A sign permitt�ed tc� identify an� describe a protect under c�nst�c#ion and tF�e assoc%ated hazardvus canditions dt�rirrg large ��1� development pe�ads as determirted �y th� t�r�+n couneil. �. Size: A�ry site de�relopment sigr� shall nnt exceed f�orty twc� inch�s �y f�ity three in+ches �42"x 53") in dimertsion. 2. Number: C�n� sign �er buif�ir�� frc�nta�e upon a sit�, �. Lac�#ion: Signs sh�lf �e moun#ed �r� construction fencir�g. fn the absence of cvns#ru�ivn f�ncit�g, a �� (2} sidecf si�� mounte� an a fcrur by fc�ur inct� �4 x�4"} post may be piaced withi� a landscap�:d plar�ter. 4. Lighting: �ot permitk�ci. 5, S�reciaf pravisions: Temporary site deveiopmen�sig�s shal[ b� remc�ved prior tv the iss�ance af a temporary+�ertificate �fi accupa�cy. �i. Content: �No cante�t ather than ki�ted t�elow shall b� included on a t�mporary site deve{opm�nt sign: a. Te�nporary site d�veiapm�nt signs shall inc�ude #he foll�wing infc�rm�tian: �' (1} Prv��ect name. ��t��;��_�r�'� �� ''��� _��- ���.���v� � � �— �2) ��iading p�rmit r�um��r. ��r`� � �i��� (3} Cantact infv�rnativn. C)nly one name, c�ne phnne num�er�nd ane e-mail adc�ress sF��fl E�: p�mlltted, ��' �c"�_ �"�� -���(.r �/ c���c�,� �rk�`��,t..� .r_'�„-r-� {4) PhysicaR address. ,/� �'�c•��-��� �. ��t� �= �'f��� b� T�mpQrary site dev�lopmer�t signs may include the fc�llvwing informativn: (1) Staff approved d��elapment slagans. (2) 6r�ef#act�al descrip�vn vf#F�+� prajec#. �3} UVebsite address, �4} Art�st rerrder�ng. (5) PrapQSed comple#'r�n date. (t�rd. 29{2�i05) § �1: �rd. 19{2(lQ3} � 1) � ����� fil'�.lIC:'IDCIC�TME�-i11ViTTCHS�I"II.+CIGALS--�llTcmplZQI9CU8G.htm 1��,� 3J112�[�7 **#�**#**#�#��*��b�#�*b#####*�*$�*###*############*#i�8i###�i#######i#######i#*############�## �{�1�3'+�dF' ��d..� �d���l'�.�}� �t3t�'IItCT1L *#�+k�##**####*#**�+k�k�k�k#**#*�I;�**#**##�k�k#��#i*##��k#**'is���k'+k**#�##k*#**����'+i###*�#8�##*�k***4�k****##* Statement Nurnber. RQ7000C1256 Amaunt: $59.Q0 Q3/12/2�07�1�.a8 PM Payrrtent Ntett�pd: Cl�eck �nit: LC Notati.nn. #88453/GF[�RGE SHA�FER Cc]NSTFtUTIC)N CO Permit No, ]JRB�]7p{}79 'I'ype_ DR�3 - Sign Applicatican .��.���i �ro. 2���-���-zoai-� Site Addr�ss: �.0'i fiC]CIC�,�DGE R➢ VAZL �.�c�tiv�: 1 a� �c�cr����� z�a� Tota]. k'e�s: $59.a[s Thi� Payinent: $59.00 Total. AT,L Pmts: 559.�0 Balance; $O,D4 **�****�***�+**********��**��***�*******#*a�*�******�r*t*�*�����*�t�*�*�*++**�**�*��***�******* �cee��mrr r�r��r�.�sT: 1-lccnunt CQde Desariptian Current Prntg I)R 001�44fl311220d I]ESIGN �2EVIEW FEES 50.00 SP DO10{]0031240i30 S3GN FEES 9.C10