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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB150158
Project Name:DRB Addition DRB Number: DRB150158
Project Description:
Addition of dining room & Deck extension
OWNER VOKO LLC 05/04/2015
APPLICANT SCOTT SCHMIDT 05/04/2015 Phone: 970-390-6031
PO BOX 2104
CO 81632
Project Address:4770 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: Racquet Club Townhomes Unit E-4
Legal Description:Lot: Block: Subdivision: RACQUET CLUB TOWNHOMES
Parcel Number:2101-124-2400-9
Comments:See Conditions
Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP
Second By:
Vote: Date of Approval: 05/15/2015
Cond: 8
(PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).
Cond: 0
(PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with
Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.
Cond: 201
(PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of
approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.
Cond: 202
(PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following
the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is
commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.
Planner:Joe Batcheller DRB Fee Paid: $300.00
^� v Department of Community Development
FMAY 75 South Fr ontage Road
TOWN OF VAl1 4 2015 Vail, CO 81657
Tel: 970 -479 -2128
F VAIL Development Review Coordinator
Application for Design Review
Additions — Residential or Commercial
General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of any floor area, including net
floor area and /or gross residential floor area (GRFA). This also includes proposals for 'residential 250 additions' and
'interior conversions'. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at under Vail Information —
Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit appli-
cation. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community
Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the
Town Council and /or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the
date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences.
Fee: $300
Single Family
Duplex Multi - Family
Description of the Request: ADD AP Of b i�J/�Jr i r► 4
Physical Address: -fJJD 64i gc! a-9A
Parcel Number: 2, 01121 24605 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970 - 328 -8640 for parcel no.)
Property Owner: VDK- L�Cr
Mailing Address: Ambi_ Z-A-,z.
�9,*w V %1 4302 3 Phone: fl
Owner's Signature:
Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Scab SGHM�Jt
Mailing Address: b. �ic x 2 b q &IA06 d, /S 16S L
Phone: � _o _ 3 �'D 6,nE /
E -Mail: 5K15'°b) �LD
, ��VM,6�74? Fax:
For Office Use Only:
Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Check #
Fee Paid: Received From: i
Meeting Date: I a 311,47, DRB No.: 1 t
Planner: Project No: I
Zoning: Land Use:
Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision:
Oct 2014
Rac uetCiub
Townhomes & Condominiums
May 4, 2015
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Community Development,
The Vail Racquet Club Homeowners Association recently received a request
from the owners of Townhome E -4 to extend the unit's living area onto a covered
limited common area deck and to extend the existing deck in this area outward
by 4' 8" according to the plans submitted to the Association on May 4, 2015. The
Board of Directors conditionally approved this improvement based upon the
owner receiving the proper Town of Vail permits and approval.
There are seven other units which have accomplished similar improvements at
the Townhomes. The Association believes that this change enhances the unit
and provides an acceptable standard for improving the property.
If the Town has any questions or desires further information, please let me know.
z Sin r y,
/ M �.
eneral Manag r
4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive
Vail, Colorado 81657
800 -428 -4840 • 970 -476 -4840
970- 476 -4890 Fax
Building Materials
Type of Material
Roof AJ /A
Siding /\j
Other Wall Materials T c c�
Fascia WyCIP
Soffits W VO9
Windows fl Loin rN ✓ M C
Window Trim (i U-bj>
Doors taL -Jr'"to •, Cz- �
Door Trim Lv CAD
Hand or Deck Rails
Trash Enclosures
Retaining Walls
Exterior Lighting
WKriL &-AOIL p5
4&-41 5
Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. /
Account: R011319
Location Owner Information
Situs Address 004470 BIGHORN Owner Name VOKO LLC
RD #E4 Owner Address 4038 GOOSE LN
Tax Area SC 103 - VAIL (TOWN) - GRANVILLE, OH 43023 -9670
Parcel Number 2101 - 124 -24 -009
Legal Summary DESC: BLDG E
Subdivision: RACQUET CLUB
Sale Price
Sale Date
• Photo
• Sketch
Page 1 of 1
Assessment History
Actual (2015) $623,610
Assessed $49,640
Tax Area: SC 103 Mill Levy: 47.0140
Type Actual Assessed Acres SQFT Units
Improvements $623,610 $49,640 0.000 1329.000 0.000
Land 0.063 0.000 0.000
Reception Number
Book Page
11: 069011:0984
B: 0569 11: 0204
B: 0514 P: 0265
http: / / assessor / taxweb /account.jsp ?accountNum= R011319 05/04/2015