HomeMy WebLinkAboutOTC15-0021 Joint Property letters 05lQ6I201S 16.31303-255-2190 �FAX}3032552190 P.002/Q02
TO1NN DF ilA�l° ,
The sppficant must submit wrltEe�jaint prapert�+owner approval tar applicatians af�e�ting shared awnership prope�ies
such ae dupiex, condominium, snd rnultl-tenant huEldEnga. Thta fatm, or stmllar writtan carrespondencs, ETfU8t b8 Cflf(3-
plsted by the adJoinin�dupiax unit awnar ar the au#horized �genk of the home own�r's assoaiation in tMe caee oP a con-
dominlum or m�ltl-tenant butEding.A11 compfeted forms muat be submitted with tha appEtcan�a compieted applicstEon.
Sarbara and Paul Patai , ��Q��t���r, ar authorlty of the assoclation,
1, (print name) � .
af prcperty Iecated at �1������k Gore Dr.#3 Val1 Ca 8i857 , provide fhEs latter as wr�tken
approvel af the plaRS dsted ����1� __ _ which have besn submitted to tha •
Town nf va11 Community Devafopmsnt Depa�imen!for the prcpcsed lmprovamants to be cample#ed at the address not-
+�a above, l understand that the ptGposed improvements include;
Reaewal by Andersen wfli be replacing 3 wlssdowa and 3 patio doors.
e�s g ng r� aws an a�row i�e g ng pa o aors. ,
E�arier caler i��dtone a!I with fu(I s reens and no ariAs
I under�t�nd tha ifl tions may be made to the plan$ov�r tne co�rae af the review precess ta ensure compllance
wlEh the Town's i �e codas and re�Ulations;and that�t ia tha sflle responsibilityt oP the�pplicant to keep the j4int
property owner ap s d f any ahanges and onsure that tha chsnge$are accepisble and approp�tata�. SubmitEat of an
ap�ticatian resaits t pplicant agre�+ing tp th st3te ttt,
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Print Na e
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'I'he applicant must submit written jaint property owner approval far appEicatians aifiecting shared ownership praperties
such as dup(ex, candominium, and rr�uiti-tenant buiidings. This #orm, or similar wrritten carrespandence, rnusf be com-
pleted by the adjaining dupiex unit ow�ner nr Yhe authariz�ci agenE af the home owner's assaciation in the case o�a con-
dominium nr muiti-fenant building.A€I cc�mpieted forms must be subrriitted with th�appiicants cc�mpleted application.
Bark�ara aa�id P�ul Patai
1, (print name} , a jo;nf o�ner, ar aut�c�rify oi the assaciatic�n,
e�fi prs�p�r'ty loc�fie� �� 5187 �iack i�r� I�r.�3 V�il Cc�81657 , g�ravid�this f�t�er�s written
appr�val of the �alans d�ted 5(5,'2G15 ��hich have b��n submitted fio �he
Towr� of V�ii Community €�euelopmen� L3epar�ment fr3r i�e pro�osed improuernents to be eom�let�:d afi the address nat-
ed above. 1 understand tha4 the proposed ir�prouernenfis includ�:
Renewal by Rndersen wiiE be repiacing 3 u�✓indo��,rs ane�3 patio d�r�rs.
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Style is 3 qliding w�n�ow�s a��d 3�aarro�uline��ir��ing pai�o�o�rs.___�
... __._��eriar eolor i�nciton�w�ll v��it��u�l scrPens anc! na,�r�lls___ ..._.________._..�___...�_.�_._e..�_�_ _ __.�_._- -
1 unc�er�tand fhat modifcaYtons rnay be mad�tc�the plans c�ver the ec�urs�of�he r�vie�v process to ens�re cc�mpliance
yvifil�the Town's�ppEicabie cades and re�ulations; and that st is the sole r�spansib.i4i�j_c�f th�applic�rtt to ke�p th�joint
property o�v�ser ap�ri�ed of any changes and er�su�e tf�ai ihe changes are accept�ble an�ap�aropriate. Submittai e�f an
app€icatton resul�s in the app[ica�t agr�ein���ti�t�stateme�f.
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Sig ature �a��
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Print i�ame
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The applicant must�ubmit wrikten joint property owner approval for�pplications affecting shared c��ran�rship properties
such as duplex, candominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This forrrs, or sirriilar written cnrrespondence, must be com- i
pleted by the adjoining dup(ex unit owner or the authorized agent of th�home owner's assaciation in the case of a con-
dominium or multi-tenant building. All completed fnrrrts musk b�submitted�uith the applicants completed applicatian. '
Barbara and Paul Patai
(� {Print name) , a joint awner, or authority of the assaciation,
of prop�r'ty located at 5187 Black Gore Dr.#3 Vail Co 81657 , ��a������is fetter as wr[tten
approval of the plat�s dated 5/5/2015 which have been subrnitt�d to the
°�own of Vaii Cornmunity Development Department for the proposed improv�ments to be campiated at th�addr�ss not-
ed abov�. l understand thak the proposed impravem�nts include:
Renewal by Andersen will be replacing 3 windows and 3 patio doors.
Style is 3 giiding win ows an arrow me g i mg pa io oors.
Exterior color is Sandtone ali with full screens and no qrills -- ;
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I understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the revievu pracess�o ensure campliance
with the Town's applicable cades and regulations; and that it is the sole responsibilit}r of the applicant to keep khe joint
property awner appri$ed ofi any changes and ansure that fihe changes are accepta6le and appro�riate. Submitta(of an
application results in the appfcant agreeing to this statement.
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5ign ure Date
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�'rint Name