HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB150182 __ .._....__ ��.4 . c�� ��������������1� �� � ==s�,-:. ��(��` ��� � `� 1��� Department of Community Development '� �1 i! 75 South Frontage Road ,c i� v -- Vail,CO 81657 ���� �� �A��'F ; TUWN OF VAIL � -re1:9�o�7s-z�zs .t-.,�rv--- www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordiriator Application for I�esign Review SBgn Applicatian General Information; This application is required for any sign fhat is locaied within the Town of Vail. All signs require Design Review appraval. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be reviewed on-line at www.vailqov.com under Vai[ Informafion—Town Code On-line (Title 11 Signs). An application for Design Review cannot be acoepted until.all re- quired information is received by the Communify Development bepartment. besign Review approval lapses unless sign � is installed within one year of the approvaL � � Fee: $50 PLllS$1.00 per square foot af fotal sign area � T� � � �, ' BusinesslBuilding Name: . ' Number of proposed signs: � Numb r of exisfing signs: � /� �, e► Length of business frontage: �(U Hetght of sign(s)from grade: �Z•2-�'�1 Sc{uare Footage of Sign: � /.� v�9 �'� Free Standing Sign �HanginglProjecting Sign _Window Sign ,..,_,Wall Sign �B�siness Sign _Building ldentification _Subdivision Entrance _Joinf Directory Sign _Menu/Display Box .�Business Operatlon Sign �„Open/Closed Sign �Sale Sign `Sign Program �,Gas Filled/Fiber Opfic _Temporary Sife Development Sign Other: PhysicalAdaress: �c�c3 �. � � t ����� Parcel Number: Z�O�j(2.�{}OQQZ. (Contaci Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Prape�Ey Owner: �i I �S — }�4 _�,N�v�� 1-��� Maifing Address: i'U �U� `�S � VU,� �-U ���U J' �)G�M�-�t� � Phone: �1 'O 7�`I a5 �(,� Owner's Signature: Prlmary Contact/�wner Representative: � Mailfng Address: , � �' � � ��� � Phone: t E-Mail: Fax: ������ r,��� � O�" (� (l�� + `�11 L - 1 � For Office Use Only: i Cash CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Exp.Date; Auth# Check# + Fee Paid: Received From: � qRB No.: ' '�5 O 18� � Meeting Date�=�i '�Tr..,�_. pro ecf No� �..Tf S�-t�;� O Planner: 1 — + Zoning: Land Use: � Location of the ProposaL• Lot: Black; Subdivision: N L�'7�7c�1� ; i i Oct 2014 � � �-aa,., � z �U9(IfY �� kAfl,''a JQI{VT PROPERTY �WNER UVR�TTEN APPROVAL LETTER 7he applicant must submit wri#ten joint property owner approval for appiications afFecting shared ownership prflperties such as dupiex, cond�minium, and multi tenant buildings. This form, or similar written corrsspandence, must be com- pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's assaciation in the case of a con- dominium or multi-fenant building.All compfeted fotms musfi be submitted with the applicants compieted appfication, I, (print name) V'�'���<<- ���'-�-c �` , a joint owner, or aufhority of fhe association, af property loca#ed at ��'� �� >CY�"t1 fJp �'S , provide this ietEer as written approval of the plans da#ed which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department for the proposed improvements to be completed af the address not- ed above, f understand that the propased improvements include: U i�.t. m,��ur, � 1�� S �c� -��- S�Jh__�_._C:��nS-f-vi.t�.-� �-1 ��(� ' �� ( U� s���-�-� �N��1 ���(n.Q,�s- — �r3 i�r����"C�'� �'�,�.�? ���--� ���. t�n df�� I understand that modifications may be made fo tE�e plans over the course of the raview process to ensure campliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations;and that if is the sole responsibility af the applicant to keep the joint property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submiital of an appiication resulfs in the applicant agreeing fo this statement. � � � � �- ' ;_� ( c:.. � ���, ��� . l, : _,,,. >�.�_`�-_�� ' �. Signatura Date ; ��_i-:,e < i � ���.1 r.�� Print Name � . � � � , � � 1 � 1 1 f � � . . . � � C � ��\�� � '�� o� �c��,o�'ado- 14Q �E��AL�' �tD;. $�7'U;��, G_�O 81f2Q (9�70)' 9i49-7'7./3'5, �RTWORK FOR SIGN PERMIT Client: Family Dentistry Phone: 970-476-3991 66" x 42.25" Black Dibond with custom routed shape, 19.25 sq/ft total White Vinyl Copy French Cleat Mounted to exterior wall 42.25" �J :. 1 Date: 4/16/15 File Name: Family Dentistry Siqn Permit Art Artwork By: kyle , . 970-476-3991 Danforth � .� �/J��,���.,�/�� �� (J� ��:'%�:(Y7 GLGL(7r i�t0 1�!1'�'Z°CA��'� �tD. AiTU-�T1, �O 836;2U (9;�U) 9�f-'�9-�°�"35 66" x 42.25" Black Dibond with custom routed shape, 19.25 sq/ft total White Vinyl Copy French Cleat Mounted to exterior wall Not Protruding, bottom of sign is appromimately 7' 3" from grade _ . i _ _d�-� `- _ - � � _ �° ARTWORK FOR SIGN PERMIT Client: Family Dentistry Phone: 970-476-3991 Date: 4/16/15 File Name: Familv Dentistry Siqn Permit Art Artwork By: kyle