Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657
p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149
Project #: PRJ15-0253
Job Address: 2249 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Applied.....: 05/26/2015
Location......: Brandywine Unit 1 Issued. . . : 08/11/2015
Parcel No....: 210311406001
CONTRACTOR J.T. PLUMBING INC. 05/26/2015 Phone: 970-376-3675
2121 N. FRONTAGE RD. W. #133
CO 81657
License: C000003330
Replace water heater for unit 1
Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: VA Valuation: $600.00
............................_...............�......._..,.,....................... FEE SUMMARY ............,.,.,,........................__•__..................«..............
Building Permit-----------> $26.55 Bldg Plan Check----------> $17.26 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $0.00
Electrical Permit---------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check-----------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00
Mechanical Permit------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $0.00 Additional Fees-------------------->
Plumbing Permit--------> $15.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $3.75 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00
Investigation-----------------------> $0.00
Will Call------------------------------> $5.00
TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $23.75
Payments-------------------------------> $23.75
BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00
I agree to comply with the information and piot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure
according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and
other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.
combination permit_012811
�k V�VA� �� 1
Permit#: 615-0176 Address: 2249 CHAMONIX LN VAIL
Brandywine Unit 1
♦k#'f#te�R V te4i(irkYlfrtR�RX4A4R41`R4ffi�kRRitR�4fi(irk�RY'#RY'txRf#f4NfiY`�Rf�klewt�tel�4YY`fffftrtetel`4R#rtYeY'YrMxl��tf4ti(trM'hRitlrRt�Sf#�rtit�k�kRRXRR1�f�trtritrtRiYttlfffifirtrt�klrAf 1f�filYrYr+1�l4444fYr#Y(MLfL*Y'�kRfrRtl�iri(Y`w�kYeYrxfri(1rlYlff'ittRL•
combination permit_012811
����� T� Y
Permit#: 615-0176 Address: 2249 CHAMONIX LN VAIL
Brandywine Unit 1
Item: 00220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V.
Item: 00230 PLMB-Rough/Water
Item: 00240 PLMB-Gas Piping
Item: 00290 PLMB-Final
Item: 00090 BLDG-Final
combination permit_012811
'''q%�`��:� ` Department of Community Development
,r � 75 South Frontage Road
:;�' , Vail, CO 81657
���� �� ����- �� Tei: 970.479.2128
( www.vailgov.com
� Development Review Coordinator
Use this form when submitting additional information for planning applications or building permits.
This form is also used for requesting a revision to building permits. A two hour minimum buifding review
fee of$110 wiil be charged upon reissuance of the permit. ,
;Application/Permit#(s) information applies -
to: Attention: �R sions
�'y esponse to Correction Letter
�l,� "� ���" � �attaehed copy of correction letter
�Deferred Submittal
Project Street Address:
�� ������ L�� ��.
(Number) (Street) ��Suite#}
€ Building/Complex Name: >' Description of TransmittaU List of Changes, Items Attached:
; L '
:...............................................................................................................................................................................................: �
;',Applicant Information ��
(;(architect,contractor,ownedowner's rep)
'Contact Name: V� 1'� �UC��"�� �r
Address: P� ��� �7 �j°
;City /-f-v4"� State:CC7 Zip: �T���
i!Contact Name: ��V� F�J2-t^-�`^r�l � > (use additional sheet if nepessary)
� �
.:::...... ,
�7/ � �� 3-06 �S , .. .. . . , ..
r:Contact Phone: Building Permits:
` �/� <Revised ADDITIONAL Vatuations (Labor&Materials)
Contact E-Mail: S�,�d' C a-�e�'��--�-�•ri"D��� (DO NOT include original vatuation)
; I hereby acknowEedge that I have read this application,filled out 'Building: $
; in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,
and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to :;Plumbing: $
comply with the information and plot plan, to comp(y with all Town ::
' ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according ;Electrical: $
i' to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap-
' proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other >MechanicaL $
ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.
°���J �_^ Total: $�
; _ ;
> ,
'OwnerlOwner's Representative Signature(Required) `
Date Received:
15 � � � � �
For Office Use Onl�•: - JUN 1 ll 20�5
Fee Paid: �^�� /��
Received From: (�+` �
��, Check# TOWN OF VAIL
CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# exp.date:
� �����1�[
PO BQX 8610•AVON,CO 81620•Telephone 970-845-7910
Fax 970-845-7522•E-mail drader@raderengineering.com
���tJ �1� p�J
♦�''M �lY
Ms. Tania Boyd �,.-,��, ••.«,s�.
Brandywine Homeowners Association �`';'��;,F€,�° �`,�,;•�
Chamonix Lane �� ����c�� ; J9
Vail, CO 81658 f,� �� :
-�sa ��f6�16/1�•���
Via email: scubakiwi@gmail.com ��������������'��y���
Re: Brandywine Trace Condominiums
Combustion Air Sizing
Dear Tania,
Per your request I have calculated the required combustion air opening into the mechanical room
per the 2012 International Fuel Gas Code. The total input for the existing 4 boilers and 4 water
heaters is 501,000 Btu/hr. The existing combustion air louver locate at the top of the enclosure
is 14"x 32". The louver has approximately 50% free area. Per section 304.6.2 One-permanent-
opening method,the existing combustion air louver is adequately sized.
Please call if you have any questions.
J. Drew Rader P.E. � � �j? ��S �
5/28/14 Brandywine Boiler Replacement Options. Page 1 of 1
Replacing a Reliance 50 gallon water heater model 5 50 NORT6 DF ater with Rheem model
Model#XGSOT06HE40U0 for Unit#1 at 2249 Chamonix lane.
All UBC,National Flue Gas codes and Town of Vail codes and ordinances to be meet or exceeded
Combustion air to exceed 1 sq inch per 3000 input BTU from a single upper combustion vent. See attached.
Applications are currently being processed for three 55,000 BTU boilers that have there own combustion and exhaust air pre-engineered by
the factory. There will be two side arm water heaters.
After installation of the new equipment,remaining will be two 40,000 BTU input 50 gallon Rheem water heater installed on the second floor
and one 85,000 BTU boiler,for a total combustion air requirement of 165,000 BTU's. Thus 55 sq inches of combustion air is required. The
attached letter from Drew Radar indicates that he believes the current wooden louvers of 14"x 32"is adequate for 501,000 BTU's.
Since metal louvers supply twice the available free air as wooden louvers(per National Flue Gas Code).The plumber will have the option to
change to the wooden louvers to metal louvers if needed.
Gas pipe sizing is adequate.See attached chart. Currently there is 30 feet of 1"gas main which can supply 224,000 BTU to the boiler room.
A 10 foot'/z"branch can supply 108,000 BTU to the existing 85,000 BTU boiler.An existing other branch of less than 20 foot in length of
%z"pipe can supply 75,000 BTU to the new 40,OOQ BTU water heater.
Plumber to run pre-installed'I'emperature Pressure relief valve to drain per code.Plumber to install expansion tank and floor pan per code
and a drain per code to the existing floor drain.
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,j� Z� Natural Gas Pipe Sizing Chart
Length of Size of Pipe in Inches
� „ � 1 l2" 3/4" 1" 1-114" 1-112" 2" 2-112" 3" 4"
10 108 230 387 793 1237 2259 3640 6434
20 75 160 280 569 877 1610 2613 5236 9521
30 61 129 224 471 719 1335 2165 4107 7859
40 52 110 196 401 635 1143 1867 3258 6795
50 46 98 177 364 560 1041 1680 2936 6142
60 42 89 159 336 513 957 1559 2684 5647
70 3g 82 149 317 476 896 1447 2492 5250
$p 36 76 140 239 443 840 1353 2315 4900
90 33 71 133 275 420 793 1288 2203 4667
100 32 68 126 266 411 775 1246 2128 4518
125 28 60 117 243 369 700 1143 1904 4065
150 25 54 105 215 327 625 1008 1689 3645
175 23 50 93 196 303 583 993 1554 3370
200 22 47 84 182 280 541 877 1437 3160 �
300 17 37 70 145 224 439 686 1139 2539
Natural Gas flow is given in thousands of BTU/hr. - One cubic foot of LP gas=1000 BTU '�
Nominal pressure at the burner for Natural Gas is 3.5"of water column.(Typical machine supply 5"-7") �
Pipe length must include additional length for all fittings. Add approximately 5 feet of pipe per fitting
Natural Gas Example: A machine with a burner that requires 440,000 BTU would need a 1 -1/4"pipe for �
a 20'long run.
Liquid Propane Gas Pipe Sizing Chart ��
� � Size of Pipe in Inches `.�
P'ipe n Feet 112" 314" 1" 1-114" 1-112" 2" 2-112" 3'• 4•• j'�
10 275 567 1071 2205 3307 6221 10140 17990 35710 1
20 ^ 189 393 732 1496 2299 4331 7046 12510 25520
30 152 315 590 1212 1858 3465 5695 10110 20620
40 129 267 504 1039 1559 2992 4778 8481 17300
50 114 237 448 913 1417 2646 4343 7708 15730
60 103 217 409 834 1275 2394 3908 6936 14150
gQ 89 185 346 724 1086 2047 3329 5908 12050
100 78 162 307 630 976 1811 2991 5309 10830
125 69 146 275 567 866 1606 2654 4711 9613
1 50 63 132 252 511 787 1496 2412 4281 8736
200 54 112 209 439 665 1282 2083 3618 7382
250 48 100 185 390 590 1138 1808 3210 6549
300 43 90 168 353 534 1030 1637 2905 5927
350 40 83 155 325 491 947 1505 2671 5450
400 37 77 144 303 458 887 1404 2492 5084
LP Gas flow is given in thousands of BTU/hr. - One cubic foot of LP gas-2516 BTU
This chart refers to low pressure LP,after regulation Standard nominal pressu�e at the burner for
Liquid Propane Gas is 11"of water column.
Pipe length must include additional length for all fittings. Add approximately 5 feet of pipe per fitting
LP Example: A machine with a burner that requires 440,000 BTU would need a 1"pipe for a 20'long run.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Water Heater
Water Heater
Water Heater
Water Heater
Model Age in years BTU Input BTU Output
0 85000 NA
0 �a5A88 NA
0 a5A89 NA
0 `�`�899 NA
22 40000 NA
20 0
25 0
? 40000 NA
Total BTU for buners without own combustion air 165000
BTU Net Output
Required combustion air either 1sq inch per 4000 BTU or(1Sq inCh pef 3000 BTU upper ai�vetlt Only)
Upper Wooden Louvers measuered by Engineer Drew Rader- 25%for calculations 14"x 32"
Wooden louvers do not need to be replaced with metal louvers. Plumbers option to change to metal louvers..
Amount of Combustion air required per BTU see below web sites
http://www.asse-pl u m bi ng.org/cha pters/N O H%20Vntg%20&%20C m bstn.pdf
Free air allowed for wooden louvers is 25%
''�j 9C„�
�j`5 r
need 55 sq inches of intake air
112 sq inches of free air is avaliable
http://www.eng ineeri ngtool box.com/su pply-air-boiler-room-d_174.html
https:/lwww.inkl ing.com/read/nfpa-national-fuel-gas-code-handbook-denise-beach-2012/chapter-9/9-3-air-for-com bustion-and#642bOcf7ea3742bc97f550e798120682
Combustion air shaft is 29 X20.5
Acces to boiler room 29.5 inches wide by 42 inches high
r ��
v � ? �
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
TO�VN �F VAIL� vai�,CO 81657
Tel; 970.479.2128
Development Review Coordinator
Use this form when submitting additional information for pianning applications or building permits.
This form is also used for requesting a revision to building permits. A two hour minimum building review
fee of$110 will be charged upon reissuance of the permit.
_... - -- ... _._. ...
.._ . ..._.- - -- --__._._._. . __.._._ _ _. ._
Application/Permit#(s)information applies
to: Attention: evisions
6i�-�' ��2esponse to CoRection Letter
��p �attached copy of correction letter
(,j Deferred Submittal
_. .. . . __----- ___ .._.,
Project Street Address: �
22y�( c�c+�►N,e�� sc L.�
(Number) (Street) (Suite#) _ . ___.. _ .... __ _. ...... ..._ _ __ __.__ ...___ _ . ___. _
Building/Complex Name: tl r�-'��y � �"` 'Q Description of Transmittal!List of Changes, Items Attached:
. _.. . ..... .. _ . _.' /V�� ���S �,- W�e�'
Applicant Information �
�1e.c+�.�er — T�e-n�c� ��c��ei ��
(architect,contractor,ownedowner's rep)
Contact Name: �Ov� ��e_.�.,�.�. �e.v
Address: o2a.y �( C...��,v�4 ln:X' �t�. ��
City U��� State: CC� Zip: �6
ContaCt Name: (use additional sheet if necessary)
_ :... ,_.., . .::.:.. . .: .::.•
Contact Phone: Building Permits:
Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations(Labor$�Materials)
Contact E-Maii: (DO NOT include original valuafion)
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filied out Building: $
in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,
and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to Plumbing: $
comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ,
ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according Electrical: $
to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap-
proved,Intemational Building and Residential C�des and other i Mechanical: $
ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.
�( �� /�� `Total: $0
OwnedOwner's Representative Signature(Required) - ,.,. ....- . ___._. ... . __. _
� -�-����-- W', �� b `� \ `P���-�.s'"S
�.v+.5 . �.. __.. ._ . Date Received:
For Office Use Oniy:
Fee Paid:
Received From:
Cash Check#
CC: �sa/MC Last 4 CC# exp.date:
( E�O W1'7�5'°�'m�n /�I:r 5�4.� �"
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Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
TQWN OF VAII.�'� van, co s�ss�
Tel: 970-479-2128
Development Review Coordinator
(Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler)
Project Street Address: p � �M � �'
�2�1� ��C9�w.v v. t ;� 1�4� �_ Project#: '.�. � ��'�t,� '
(Number) (Street) (Suite#) DRB#:
Building/Complex Name: � a,,, ..,,��►.ie Building Permit#: ��� ~v � ��
Contractor Information Lot#:�Block#� Subdivision: ��I A- .�-`s SG��C:9�
�t i,l�Jt"�.�-
Business Name: � �� p�vw�,� �r�q-
\ �..Work Class: New(�j Addition(�j Alteration(�
Business Address: �� �.) �. I�r c����TC�� r�. �=� wc�-�,��
�l C���,-- r���tacJ�-2 v�'�
City �C� .� State: CO Zip:_�fi,6 S7_ Type of Building:
,,.- Single-Family�j Duplex�j Multi-Family�j
Contact Name: ��fv h � C ���C�,,
Commercial(� Other�j
Contact Phone: a' �0 3 ��v`'3�j � n
Contact E-Mail: � l �����:r� c! :;,�w,c<<<.�Q,� Work Type: Interior� Exterior Q Both �
I hereby acknowledge that i have read this application,filled out Valuation of
in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, Work Included Plans Included Work
and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to Electrical �Yes �No �Yes oNo
comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town
ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to Mechanical �Yes �No QYes �No
the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap-
proved,International Building and Residential Codes and other Plumbing �Yes �jNo �Yes �No ^��
ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.
Building QYes (j�No QYes QNo
X ��� � '"�'�-° Value of all work being performed: $ �6 C� . v 0
Owner/Owner's Representative Signature(Required) (value based on IBC Section 109.3&IRC Section 108.3�
Electrical Square Footage
Applicant Information Detailed Scope and Location of Work: �t�"
ApplicantName: � 0�,.1 ��2�w�(� �'lec�.te.� �f � �O�c� n�.�ev� � �v�� ;.��,�.� � c�.,�`
Applicant Phone: � � (� � �'1 � �- (��� 5 aZ.-Z.4�t ��,.�G��,,,���.,, i yc �u� •'�
Applicant E-MaiL S r �•e�r C'���CQ.:� C:�S G�- � �'f u^-ce�l Cv�
��C�..�.Cy��� L..U�v�� �F.�l�N2r.�
Project Information
Owner Name: T�i�.. 'Qv `L' ah. v��e/' ��,;..o.,��.� w-- .�,-a✓
Parcel#: �� d� ) / y —(� (� (�p'
(For Parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at(970-328-8640 or visit
www.eaglecou nty.us/patie)
(use additional sheet if necessary)
For Oftice Use Only: 7 -�------°-�-°—°----�°`"` "" '�
� / � . Date Received f � ~�
Fee Paid: - �� fry, � � f� � ��'1..�
Received From: �!�� �
Cash Check# �� ��Y �� �(���
CC. Visa/ MC Last 4 CC# exp date. �!,�1� ;
Auth # ''''' u
-rowN oF vA<<., _ __��m:
Account Page 1 of 1
Account: R012836
I.ucation Owner Information Assessment flistor��
Situs Address 002249 CHAMONIX Owner Name CHAMONIX LANE Actual(2015) $347,210
LN#1 PARTNERS Assessed $27,640
Tax Area SC 103-VAIL(TOWN)- Owner Address 2249 CHAMONIX Tax Area: SC 103 Mill Levy:47.0140
SC103 LN APT 1 Type Actual Assessed Acres SQFT Units
Parcel Number 2103-114-06-001 VAIL,CO 81657-4272
Improvements $347,210 $27,640 0.000 870.000 0.000
Legal Summary Subdivision: Land 0.047 0.000 0.000
Unit: 1
Sale Price Sale Date Reception Number Book Page
03;Ofi%2O03 S`?6403
OS%�4:3{?0? 795491
�7(i.0U0 1 Oi03!1991 E3.0564 P: p337
`��2,OU0 p�S;'?9;'19Sti B:Q191 P:0337
• Pl�ato
• Sketch
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http://property.eaglecounty.us/assessor/taxweb/account.jsp?accountNum=R012836 OS/26/2015
Rheem Performance Plus 50 gal. Tall 9 Year 40,000 BTU High Efficiency Natural Gas W... Page 1 of 4
�` �
� �� �,q��yy�, vour Sture:SantB Fe#1505
�,� `° Mp�adoN� Use Current Location orfind siorc�
Rheem Mode]#XGgoTo9HE4oUo Intemet#204698003 Store SKU#i000035246
Performance Plus 50 gal. Tall 9 Year 40,000 BTU High Efficiency Natural Gas
Water Heater
�k tr*#ri (333) Write a Review
• 5U yallon nafur'ai gas water heater provides waEer tior;�--5 peopie.
• Easy to m�intain natural gas heater with 9 year limited t�arranYy.
• Same-day instaliatian in most areas Call$$8-988-9935 by noon
��_�� Santa Fe#1505 fi Iri 3tock
���� Denver.CO t30223 ftlsle E4 Bay 01Q
Model#XG5oTo9HE4oUo Internet#204698003 Store SKU#i000035z46 Store SO SKU#i00039g2zi
The Rheem Performance Plus 50 gal.Natural Gas Tall Water Heater comes with a 40,000 BTU/hour environmentally friendly Low-Nox burner that
provides ample hot water for households with three to five people.The push button ignition system ensures safe and easy startup. Its maintenance free
combustion air intake system means there are no filters to clean and replace.The self-diagnostic gas control valve monitors system performance.A
premium grade anode rod provides long-lasting tank protection.Factory installed temperature and pressure relief valve and 3/4 in.water connections are
included with the water heater for easy installation.
• Due to Ultra Low NOx requirements from Air Quality Management Districts in the State of California,please confirm that your shipping zip code is not
restricted from the use of items that do not meet local qualifications
• Natural gas water heater costs less to operate than electric models
• Delivers 84 gal.of hot water in the first hour
• 9 year limited warranty on tank and parts for your convenience
• 2 year in home labor warranty for peace of mind
• Meets or exceeds NAECA requirements
• 0.62 energy factor makes this one of the most efficient gas water heaters available
• Maintenance free-no filter to clean or replace
• Push button ignition system simplifies the startup process
• Self-diagnostic gas valve monitors system performance
• Rated for installations up to 10,200 ft.
• Meets new 2015 NAECA Standards
http://www.homedepot.com/p/Rheem-Performance-Plus-50-gal-Tall-9-Year-40-000-B TU... OS/26/2015
Rheem Performance Plus 50 gal. Ta119 Year 40,000 BTU High Efficiency Natural Gas W... Page 4 of 4
Assembled Depth(in.) 21.50 in Produd Height(in.) 59.25
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Assembled Height(in.) 62.75 in Produd Width(in.) 21.50
Assembled Width(in.) 21.50 in Tank Valve Size(in.) 75
Producl Depth(in.) 21.50 Water Connection Size(in.) 75
Application Type Residential Product Weight(Ib.) 165 Ib
Finish Family Gray Recovery Rate at 90F Rise 40.4
Fuel Type Gas Retumable 90-Day
Gas Type Natural Gas Ta�k Capaciry(gallons) 50
Indoor/Outdoor Indoor Water Connection Location Top
. _ __ . ... __
LoNox,Overheat Protedion,Pilot LigM
Maximum Temperature(F) 160 Water Heater Features �ndow,Pilot Reset Button,Self
Cleaning,Temperature Pressure Relief
Minimum Temperature(F) 45 Water Heater Profile Tall
Certifications and Listings CSA Certified,FVIR CeRified Labor Warranty 2 Year
_ __ _ _
ENERGY STAR Cenified No Part Warranty 9 Year
Curbside Truck Shipping(By Appointment)inGudes delivery to receiving area/dock for businesses or curbside for residential orders.The
carrier will contact you to make a delivery appointment with a 4 hour window once the items have artrved at the local hub in your area.Delivery
appointments are required.
If producl is eligible for shipping to AK,HI and US Territories additional transit time and remote surcharges may apply.
http:Uwww.homedepot.com/p/Rheem-Performance-Plus-50-gal-Tall-9-Year-40-000-BTU... OS/26/2015
'°�' '% - Department of Community Development
� 75 South Fronfage Road
T�1t�� �F'VAi��.�,: va��, co s�ss7
Tel: 970.479.2128
Development Review Coordinator
Use this form when submitting additional information for planning applications or building permits.
This form is afso used for requesting a revision to building permits. A two hour minimum building review
fee of$110 will be charged upon reissuance of the permit.
_ _..._. _...... _.
Application/Permit#(s) information applies _
to: Attention: �R sions
�j � �%, 1 �� � esponse to Correction Letter
l V � �attached copy of correction letter
�Qeferred Submittal
_.._...........__........................._.........................._ ........................__.................................................._..........._........_...._......................._............................_...................._...................................__....;
__ . __.. .. _ . _._. _ ___...... . . ..... .. _. _._._.. _........
i Project Street Address:
�� C�d�,IV��� L�� ��
(Number) (Street) �(Suite#)
BuildinglComplex Name: 't� Description of TransmittaU List of Changes, Items Attached: �
..........._ . . ....... ......... ... ........ .. .......... . ........ . ���� ` y s :
. . ....... ......... ..... . ..... �
;Applicant Information
(architect,contractor,owner/owner's rep)
;Cantact Name: �Q 1�-� �lJ�ir�1�"`�+ �"'�
Address: P� ��k �� �1�
'City�Q� State:Cb Zip: �Sl(�.Z�
?:Contact Name: ��V� (�J�t.�w��'�' !; (use additional sheet if necessary)
� `
�l �t �-4 3—D6 SS , ,.,.
;Contact Phone: Building Permits:
` �/ <Revised ADDITIONAL Vatuations (Labor&Materials)
:Contact E-Mail:��p�' Ca.v�2.✓'W-�e--�rfD��� '(DO NOT include original valuation)
I hereby acknowfedge that I have read this application,filled out `Building: $
in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,
and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to :;Plumbing: $
comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town '
` ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according ;'Electrical: $
I to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap-
; proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ;Mechanical: $
ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.
� Total: $�
Owner/Owne�'s Representative Sig�ature(Required) _.........._........................_..............._..........................................................................................................................:
'.............................................................................................................................................................................................' Date Received:
p � � � o � �
For Office IIse Onh�: 11 1� 1 6' Zo�S
Fee Paid: �V
Received From: �,� �
c��n Check# TOWN OF VAIL
CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# exp. date:
Replacing a Reliance 50 gallon water heater model 5 50 NORT6 DF ater with Rheem model
Model#XGSOTO6HE40U0 for Unit#1 at 2249 Chamonix lane.
All UBC, National Flue Gas codes and Town of Vail codes and ordinances to be meet or exceeded
Combustion sir to exceed 1 sq inch per 3000 input BTU from a single upper combustion vent. See attached.
Applications are currently being processed for three 55,000 BTU boilers that have there own combustion and exhaust air pre-engineered by
the factory. There will be two side arm water heaters.
After installation of the new equipment,remaining will be two 40,000 BTU input 50 gallon Rheem water heater installed on the second floor
and one 85,000 BTU boiler,for a total combustion air requirement of 165,000 BTU's. Thus 55 sq inches of combustion air is required. The
attached letter from Drew Radar indicates that he believes the current wooden louvers of 14"x 32"is adequate for 501,000 BTU's.
Since metal louvers supply twice the available free air as wooden louvers(per National Flue Gas Code).The plumber will have the option to
change to the wooden louvers to metal louvers if needed.
Gas pipe sizing is adequate.See attached chart. Currently there is 30 feet of 1"gas main which can supply 224,000 BTU to the boiler room.
A 10 foot%z"branch can supply 108,000 BTU to the existing 85,000 BTU boiler.An existing other branch of less than 20 foot in length of
'/z"pipe can supply 75,000 BTU to the new 40,000 BTU water heater.
Plumber to run pre-installed Z'emperature Pressure relief valve to drain per code.Plumber to install expansion tank and floor pan per code
and a drain per code to the existing floor drain.
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An emergency water heater replacement was being done do to the following: About 8
days after I left Vail Tania Boyd claimed my water heater flooded her condo.
JT plumbing will verify he witnessed a drip not a flood from my water heater on or about
May 7, 2015. He did not see a stream of water coming from the second floor water
heater room. He never entered Tania Boyd's condo when he inspected. He turned off the
water to my water heater and drained the tank.
The following morning Heid Remodeling inspected my condo and discovered water next
to the party wall. Gerard Heid never entered Tania Boyd's condo. New Dimension was
then called. They extracted over 50 gallons of water. A drip could not produce that
amount of water.
I arrive in Vail a few weeks later. I removed the tank that was allegedly leaking. I placed
a new tank in the water heater room on Memorial Day weekend. I applied for an
emergency permit on Tuesday morning and intended to have JT Plumbing install the
water heater. However Tania locked the room and thus created a hazardous condition of
a not connected gas line and a non connected flue vent. I corrected this dangerous
situation on June 2"d Tne was heater was fired up the water heater after doing gas inline
I used a similar emergency procedure to the procedure Mike Spiers used so hot water
could be provided to his tenants. The difference was Spiers did not apply for a permit. I
applied for a permit.
Tania added more locks to the doors to the water heater and boiler rooms after someone
tinkered with my water heater to prevent it from delivering hot water to my tenants.
I pressure tested the water heater after it was removed. It had no leaks. JT plumbing also
pressure tested the water heater and discovered no leaks. After careful examination it
appears someone loosened the cold water inlet flexible connector and to make it look like
the water heater was leaking. The small leak JT Plumbing saw could not have resulted in
a flood.
The bottom line is my tenants have been out of hot water since the HOA entered the
water heater room on January 3`d. On June 2, 2015 you verified I had a right to have the
water hooked up but Tania will not provide access to plumbers.
The new Rheem water heater is rated at 40,000 BTU per hour and is replacing a water
heater that was rated at about 34,000 BTU input.
The attached chart reveals that it would meet code to install a 40,000 BTU water heater
on the equivalent of 60 feet of'/2 metal pipe.
The new water heater is installed on less than an estimated 20 feet of'/2 inch metal pipe.
The 20 feet includes fittings. In conclusion there will be ample gas supply for the water
heater. I�
To determine the exact length of'/2 piping I attempted to measure the length of'/2 pipe I
and to count the fitting in order to comply with your last email that requested pipe sizing.
However, Tania has added more locks to the boiler room and water heater room doors.
She will not allow a license plumber, or me to enter the room. The water heater
emergency replacement can not be completed. She has allowed Mike Spiers, who
installed a water heater and boiler without permits, to enter the room. She has provided
keys to other owners.
I already supplied you the calculations for combustion air. The code states "The total
required volume shall be the sum of the required volume calculated for all appliances
located within the space." I am again attaching the calculations.
The Excel spread sheet I am again attaching indicated that all mechanical equipment
combined a have total input BTU of 165,000 BTU when the equipment is changed to
closed combustion 92%efficient equipment.
I was told by Tania they finally submitted plans last Friday for three independent boilers.
I advised JT Plumbing to obtain permits and install a 55,000 BTU closed combustion
boiler that would service the common area and Unit#1.
I supplied another spread sheet that shows that adequate combustion air is available after
three closed combustion boilers are installed.
I am also attaching engineer Drew Radar's letter that states that adequate combustion air
is available for 501,000 input BTU's.
If you believe the wooden louvers do not provide adequate combustion air for the old
boilers and water heaters, then you should immediately shut down Mike Spiers water
heater and boiler that were installed without permits, since his installation is not code
compliant and creates a hazardous condition. Note: a serious carbon monoxide poisoning
occurred after Spiers installed the non-compliant boiler without a permit. Note: The town
of Vail has the results of Mike Wong's carbon monoxide blood levels that were taken
several hours after he was on oxygen.
The 2012 National Fuel gas code states 1 sq inch is required for every 3000 input BTU
for a single upper air supply. The code states wooden louver calculation should use 25%
of their total area as free air. The code states metal louver calculations should use 50°/a of
their total area as free air. The relevant code sections are attached.
Since there is an application in process for 3 closed combustion boiler, a permit should be
issued for my new water heater as it has adequate combustion air, based on the attached
spread sheet that indicates there will 165,000 total input BTU after the closed
combustion boilers are installed.
Tom Ruemmler 6-16-2015
Licenses held General Contractor and C46 that allows plumbing gas and electrical
�j�j � RADERx
PO BOX 8610•AVON,CO 81620•Telephone 970-845-7910
Fax 970-845-7522•E-mail drader@raderengineering.com
��4' 0!J��rd
Ms.Tania Boyd o ', ''• , s�
Brandywine Homeowners Association �';���� �����;� � °``
Chamonix Lane •� ����.�;�°°
Vail, CO 81658 �� �,�� .;�
Via email: scubakiwi@gmail.com FSS�p�a��,��'�`�
Re: Brandywine Trace Condominiums
Combustion Air Sizing
Dear Tania,
Per your request I have calculated the required combustion air opening into the mechanical room
per the 2012 International Fuel Gas Code. The total input for the existing 4 boilers and 4 water
heaters is 501,000 Btu/hr. The existing combustion air louver locate at the top of the enclosure
is 14"x 32". The louver has approximately 50% free area. Per section 304.6.2 One-permanent-
opening method, the existing combustion air louver is adequately sized.
Please call if you have any questions.
1. Drew Rader P.E.
5/28/14 Brandywine Boiler Replacement Options. Page 1 of 1
International Fuel Gas code 2012
304.10 Louvers and grilles.
The required size of openings for combustion, ventilation and dilution
air shall be based on the net free area of each opening. Where the free
area through a design of louver, grille or screen is known, it shall be
used in calculating the size opening required to provide the free area
specified. Where the design and free area of louvers and grilles are not
known, it shall be assumed that wood touvers will have 25-percent
free area and metal louvers and grilles will have 75-percent free area.
Screens shall have a mesh size not smaller than 1/4 inch (6.4 mm).
Nonmotorized louvers and grilles shall be fixed in the open position.
Motorized louvers shall be interlocked with the appliance so that they
are proven to be in the full open position prior to main burner ignition
and during main burner operation. Means shall be provided to prevent
the main burner from igniting if the louvers fail to open during burner
start-up and to shut down the main burner if the louvers close during
304.6.2 One-permanent-opening method.
One permanent opening, commencing within 12 inches (305 mm) of
the top of the enclosure, shall be provided. The appliance shall have
clearances of at least 1 inch (25 mm) from the sides and back and 6
inches (152 mm) from the front of the appliance. The opening shall
directly communicate with the outdoors or through a vertical or
horizontal duct to the outdoors, or spaces that freely communicate
with the outdoors (see Figure 304.6.2) and shall have a minimum free
area of 1 square inch per 3,000 Btu/h (734 mm2/kW) of the total input
rating of all appliances located in the enclosure and not less than the
sum of the areas of all vent connectors in the space.
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AIR FROM THE OUTDOORS (see Section 304.6.2)
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Water Heater
Water Heater
Water Heater
Water Heater
Model Age in years BTU Input BTU Output
0 85000 NA
0 �5AA9 NA
0 �5AA8 NA
0 a5A89 NA
22 40000 NA
20 0
25 0
? 40000 NA
Total BTU for buners without own combustion air 165000
BTU Net Output
Required combustion air either 1sq inch per 4000 BTU or(1Sq InCh pe�3000 BTU upper ai�Vent only)
Upper Wooden Louvers measuered by Engineer Drew Rader- 25%for calculations 14"x 32"
Wooden louvers do not need to be replaced with metal louvers. Plumbers option to change to metal louvers..
Amount of Combustion air required per BTU see below web sites
Free air allowed for wooden louvers is 25%
http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/supply-ai r-boiler-room-d_174.html
need 55 sq inches of intake air
112 sq inches of free air is avaliable
https://www.inkling.com/read/nfpa-national-fuel-gas-code-handbook-denise-beach-2012/chapter-9/9-3-ai r-for-combustion-and#642bOcf7ea3742bc97f550e798120682
Combustion air shaft is 29 X20.5
Acces to boiler room 29.5 inches wide by 42 inches high
Natural Gas Pipe Sizing Chart
�n� � Size of Pipe in Inches
�e h Feet 112" 314" 7" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-112" 3" 4" I
10 108 230 387 793 1237 2259 3640 6434 �
20 75 160 280 569 877 1610 2613 5236 9521
30 61 129 224 471 719 1335 2165 4107 7859
40 52 110 196 401 635 1143 1867 3258 6795
50 46 98 177 364 560 1041 1680 2936 6142
60 42 89 159 336 513 957 1559 2684 5647
70 38 82 149 317 476 896 1447 2492 5250
80 36 76 140 239 443 840 1353 2315 4900
90 33 71 133 275 420 793 1288 2203 4667
100 32 68 126 266 411 775 1246 2128 4518
125 28 60 117 243 369 700 1143 1904 4065
150 25 54 105 215 327 625 1008 1689 3645
175 23 50 93 196 303 583 993 1554 3370
200 22 47 84 182 280 541 877 1437 3160
300 17 37 70 145 224 439 686 1139 2539
Natural Gas flow is given in thousands of BTU/hr. - One cubic foot of LP gas=1000 BTU
Nominal pressure at the burner for Natural Gas is 3.5"of water column. (Typical machine supply 5"-7")
Pipe length must include additional length for all fittings. Add approximately 5 feet of pipe per fitting
Natural Gas Example: A machine with a burner that requires 440,000 BTU would need a 1 -1/4"pipe for
a 20'long run.
Liquid Propane Gas Pipe Sizing Chart
� � Size of Pipe in Inches
�e n Feet 1/2" 314" 1" 1-114" 1-1/2" 2" 2-112" 3" 4"
10 275 567 1071 2205 3307 6221 10140 17990 35710
20 " 189 393 732 1496 2299 4331 7046 12510 25520
30 152 315 590 1212 1858 3465 5695 10110 20620
40 129 267 504 1039 1559 2992 4778 8481 17300
50 114 237 448 913 1417 2646 4343 7708 15730
60 103 217 409 834 1275 2394 3908 6936 14150
80 89 185 346 724 1086 2047 3329 5908 12050
100 78 162 307 630 976 1811 2991 5309 10830
125 69 146 275 567 866 1606 2654 4711 9613
150 63 132 252 511 787 1496 2412 4281 8736
200 54 112 209 439 665 1282 2083 3618 7382
250 48 100 185 390 590 1138 1808 3210 6549
300 43 90 168 353 534 1030 1637 2905 5927
350 40 83 155 325 491 947 1505 2671 5450
400 37 77 144 303 458 887 1404 2492 5084
LP Gas flow is given in thousands of BTU/hr. - One cubic foot of LP gas-2516 BTU
This chart refers to low pressure LP,after regulation Standard nominal pressure at the burner for
Liquid Propane Gas is 11"of water column.
Pipe length must include additional length for all fittings. Add approximately 5 feet of pipe per fitting
LP Example: A machine with a burner that requires 440,000 BTU would need a 1"pipe for a 20'long run.
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November 21,2014
To Ve'hom It Ivlav Concern:
M}• name is Tom Doucette and I'm the President of FCB Homes in Stockton, C�. For
nearly 25 y-e�rs FCB Hames has been a leader in the residential devetopment and homebuilding
business in the Central Valle�r. VVe have built aver 5,000 homes ranging from high end custam
homes to praduction homes sold from model cnmplexes in master plan communities.
I'm �vriting this letter to introducc. you to Tom Ruernmler. I met Tom tive years ago at a
city council meeting where"I'om spoke on the impacyt ofexcessivc building permit costs and
regulatory fees an affordable hausing. The topic was controversial and complicated, but Tam's
presentation was arganized and articulately� delivered. Not knowing Tom at the time, T assumed
he��as an affordable housing adti�ncate. As I later learned, Tom was addressing the city council
as a concerned professiorial sharin�his perspective gained from years af experience and
As I have gotten to knaw•Tom aver the y�.ars, I'e°e corne to understand that his passion
far housing issues extends far beyond building permit fees and affordable housing. Torn has
practical experience as a real estate developer and hamebuilder. He understands the building
industry and the challenges we face to design and build responsibly for today's demanding
consurner. "1'Qm is particularly well versed on ener�;y efficient builcting systems and t�chniques
which includes space heating/air-conditionin�; and tivater heating sy�stems.
He's been an early adopter of the green building movement and healthy ]iving
environments in our area. Ne knaws how�important cost effectiveness is in implementing new
and innovative buildin�methods. I'm always impressed by 1'om's thoughtful approach ta
problem solving and how he extends himselfto reach creative salutions.
I trust this letter will sen�e as a helpful introductic�n to I'om Ruemmler. I strongly feel
he's a capable problem solver that woulc� be an asset on a���ide range of residential construction
6"�'�t' �[.taC.t..�
Tom Doucette '�
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