HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Lionshead Filing 1 Block 1 Lot 1 through 3f �.`f,�f 3 t.... , . 4; -•
L�:l;E1L i3liSs:;�T`t'"[`I{}�iS
SIZ.E "A,�: �1 parcel of 1.and l.yin� in Block 1, Lot 3, VAIL/LZQivS1iFAD, FIRST FZLI:�G, a su�diuision
iri tt�e 'L'own �f Vail, Caunty c�f �a�;le, Colorado descrit�ed �s : �3eginnin�; at a point at the
i;ast end of tize most Southerly line of said Lc,t 3, thence S 85°24'02" W 1(}9.50 fe.et; tl3ence
I� 49�35'S8"" t�' S2.32 feet; ti7ence V 4°35'S8" t.J 45.OQ feet; thence :t°8S 24`02`" � 35.J(7 feet;
thence ti 4°35'Sf3" t�' 84.2? £eet; ti�ence iv 85°24'02" E 61.50 f.eet; thence S 4°35'5f3"' E 89.27
feet; tiience :� 85�24'02" E 50.00 feet; tt�ence S 4°35°58" �: 77.Ot� feet to the point of
t�eginning, containin� 26,261.t72 square feet or �.3733 acres rsore or less.
SITE '��3": A parc�l of lai�d lyin� in Block 1, Lot 3, VAIL/LI{)ivS�I�1�D, FIIZSi FZLZNG, a suadivision
in the 'i'own af Vail, County of Eaple, Colorado descr3.bed as; i;��rr,���nci.nsT at a pnint at Lhe
k:ast end of the mast Sout'rierly line of said LoC 3, thence �I 4�35'S8" W 77.�0 f�et to the erue
point of k�e�;inni.ng; tiier�ce eontinuing �3 4°35'S�" 4.' 56.U0 feet; th�nee S£�5�24'Q2" G� S0,(}� fe�t;
theuce i�S 4�35'S8" W b7.27 feec; thence ;i 85�24'02" E 59.J(3 feet; thence i�i 4°35'S�" t� 3t3,OC1
feet; tlzence xd $Sp24'02" I; 70.18 feet ta a point on tlre East line of said Lc�t 3; Chence alsaci�.
said Gast line, S 10°34'18" E f33,52 feet Ccx <� point of curve; tiience 23.'�6 feet �1on� the arc
af a curve to tiae l�ft wi�ose radius is 59.�2 feet and whose central angle is 22°Sb'S7" ta the
most Easterly cc�rner of said Lc�t 3; tYience S 85°24'02" W 22,5Q feet; th�nce S 4°35'S$" E
47.�i0 feet; thence S 8S°24'02'" W 72.50 feet to the tru� �oint of beginn�n�, containin�
I5,532.11 squ�re feet or G.356b acres more or less.
SITE "C" : P. parcel of land lying in B1ack 1, I,ots I and 3, t'AIL/LI��TS1iEAD, �IRST FILZ�3G, a
subdivision s.n the 'Town of �'ail, Caunty of Eagle, Colorado describeci as: BeginniiYg at
tiie �3arthwest corner af said L�t 3, t'uence �; 85°24'02" �: 8G.OQ feet to the Souttzwest com�r
af said Lot l; tYience N 4�35`58" 4�' 40.0� feet; thence N 8>�24'02" E 25.40 feet; thence
S 4°35"S$" i. I46.00 feet; thence �3 85°24`02" I 93.27 fee�; ttzence S 4°35'S$" E 63.27 fe�t;
thence S 85�24`02" W 70,00 feet; thence S 4° 35'S8" E 20.00 feet; thence S$5°24'02" W
8Q.00 feet; tlience � 49°35'S8" W 73,92 feet; thence N 4°35'S8" W 137.00 feet to the point
of i�eginning, containin� 26,630.61 square f.eet or 0.6114 acres more or less.
P ARCEL �l: A parcel of land lying in Block l, Lat 3, VAIL/LItJ:dSHEAD, FIRST FZLZ�IG, a subdivisian
in tiae Town of Vail, County of Fagle, Calorada described as: Comznencing at a point at
the East end of ttie most Soutk�erly line of said Lot 3, thence �t 4°3S`5$" W 77,00 feet to
the true point of beginning; thence continuing N 4°35'S$" W 56.00 feet, thence S�S°24"02" td
SU.00 feet; thence S 4°35'S8" E 56.00 feet; thence N 85°24'02'" E SQ.00 feet to the tri�e point
of beginning, containing 2,800.00 square feet or 0.0643 acres, rnore or l�ss,
PARCEL i�2: A parcel of land lyin� in Block l, L,ot 3, VAZL/LIONSHEAD, FIRST FILZNG, a subdivision
in Ctie Tawn of Vail, County of Eagle, ColQrado described as: Co�mencing at a�soint at
tiie East end of ttie rnost Sauttierly line of said Lat 3, ttxence �3 4°35'S8" T�7 133.Oa feet;
thence S$5°24'02" W 50.00 feet; thence V 4°35'S8" W 33.27 feet to ttte true point of
be�inning; ttience continuin�; �I µ°35'S8" W 34.00 feet; thence S 8S°24'02" E+1 6I.50 feet; thence
S 4°35'S8" E 34.00 feet; thence i�i 85°24'02" E 61.SQ feet to t�e true point of be�inning:
coiitaining 2,091,U0 squar� feet or 0.0480 acres more or less.
PARCEL �f3: A parcel of land lyi.n� in Black l, Lots l, 2 anci 3 and in part af. T'ract E;, VAIL/LIQNSHL�AD,
FZR�'i' FILZNG, a subdivisic�n in tile `Towzl of Vail, County of Eagle, Colarado described as :
Cozr,�riencing at the ��iorthwest corc�er of said Lc,t 3, ti�ence �d 35�24'02" E 84.t10 feet to the
Sauthwest coruer of said Lot l; thence :+ 4�.35'S8" '�7 40.�0 feet, tt�ence ��I 8��24'02"' F 25.�C)
f�et to the true point of. beginnin�; thenc� S 4°35'S8" �: 146.JC �e�t; thence �t 85p24'�2" E
213.77 feet; thence t� 4�'3.5'S8" '.v 30.00 feet; th�nce � 85°24'02" i: 70.18 feet tc� a point on
�7ie East line of said Lot l; thence alan� sai� 'r".ast line �I 1iJ�34'1 �" 4�� 5b.9t3 f.eet Co � point
c�f curve; tYience 59.63 feet along tixe arc cf a curve tc� tt�e rig!�t whose ra�ius is 2i7.t71 feet
and wt�ose central az��le is 15�4�' 37'"; tiience S 8'��24'fl2" W 280.(}{} te�t ta t�ie true point of
be�;inning, containing 3f3,fit)9.09 �quare f�et or 0.89�}9 acres mc�re or less,
t;i:?2`i`Zi'I Cr'1'i'I�?N :
I certif}� tt�at t}�e pl�t sticawn t�ereon is a correct delineation of the above described parcels
c�f land anr3 tt�at tEie ar�as shc�tin� �re ;�c,curate to Ctte best c�f :ny knowledpe and t*e1i�f.
L���G. ��' _.��2�"�` _ �- ...
Rey�istered Prc�£essional Engix�eer �s�� �.���d
Surveyor �ta. 2183 , i,,, , �
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