HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0042 special inspection `~•- ' � "� ���� 1 �truciural 5teei �over Report Det�: June 15,20�5 Location: S�te Job Number: i�-s�2 As scheduled, a representative arrived to perForm special inspection services. The following is a summary of services provided on this date. 1)GROUND arrived on site and contacted Steve Isom with Isom and Associates. A voice mail was left. 2)GROUND reinspected fillet welded con�ections of 1"diameter pipe to 3!8"top plate in regards to outstanding steel discrepancy item#1. These connections are found with the correct weld size per plans and was found in general compliance with AWS D1.1-10 clause 6 table 6.1. This discrepancy is closed on this date. 3}GROUND received co�ies of Mike Kline's Welder Qualification Test Record{WQTR)for Nobel Welding;however,continuity logs are required due to the WQTR's greater than 6 months old. Also,the Welding Procedure Specification(WPS)was not received. This will be added as discrepancy item#3. Steve was not present. Steve was sent a E-mail of todays report with the updated discrepancy list. Yes No Outstanding Discrepancies Reported this Date? Q Q No. of Pages Attached: o ��� //�� Field Representative: �osh easn ` L� FieldlFab. Shop?��eid JOb Na�"te: 22 West Meadow Dr-Unit 340-Vilia Cortina Fabrication Shop: Job Number: �s-ssa2 General Contractor: ;$�,,,�Hss��;a�es Outstanding Structurai Steel Discrepancy Log Date It�m CUVI • Date ° Per Plan i - Reported Number initials Description of Discrepancy Resalved Per RFi Fillet welded connections are found with insufficient weld size at the top to Per plan 6/11l15 1 JB anchored piates 6/15/15 bottom with the pipe thru the plate has no weld detail 6I11/15 2 JB GROUND is requesting copies of the Continuity logs and WPS from Nobel 6115115 3 JB Welding for Mike Kline It is the responsibility of the contractor to schedule our office to perform retesting once the necessary corrective action has been made or provide our o�ce with documentation that resolves the discrepancy. INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION SERVICES P.O.Boz 639 Carbondale,CO 816Z3 (970)948-2508 WELDER AND WELDIN�3 OPERATOR CUALiFlCA�ST RECORD Weider or welding operator's name M i k P ���� 1LL,r N t_., Mk 1 e i n-0 2 Welding process SMAW �� X Semiautomatic �����On no. Position 4G Overhead �h�ne (Flat,horizo�al,overt�ead or vertica!—if ver�cal,state whether upward or downward) In accordance with procedure s�cation no NW-POR-SMAW-21 ' Material speciflca8on A S TM A 3 6 Diameter and wall thlckness('if pipe)—otherwise.joint thickness Thickess range this quaiifies _ 1 ?_ " _ _ 7 5� FlLLER�IIETAt SpecifiCation no.— A w S A—S _ 1 Cla�stf'cation E 7 01 8 F�, 4 (F 1 -F 4) Describe filler me�i(if not cov�red by AYVS specific�hon) Is badcing strip used? Yes ���m���r����e Flux for submerged arc or gas for gas meial arc or fliuc L.;n�nl n Excalibur coredarcwelding VISUAL INSPECTiON(9.25.1) Appearance ---Ga t i �f a o y U�� None Pi����� None C�uidsd Bend Test Resuita �,.GR� � TYPe Result T j� t.c.o.o. Resuit 0812111-dS i',,, Los An`ela G. 4G Root Sat ' tory 9� o+n �' 4G Face actory G'°�c,nE��� Test nd y /' . �� _ 1 ratory tesi no. I I S- N-4 91 1 -4 G Test date 9-1 2-2 0 Fillet Test Resttlts � A��� Fllet size � � Frach�re test r�oot penetration Macroetch (Describe the location,nature,and�ze of any dack or tearing�of the specimen.) Test conducted by - Laboratory test no. �� Test date RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS Flm Fiim . identifi- Resuits Remarks idenfifi- Results Remarks c�tion cation Test witnessed by Test no. � per We,the undersi9ned,certiiy that the statemeMs in this record are correct and that the weids w�re prepared and bested in accordance with the requiremenis of secbon 5,Part C or p of ANSIlqWS p1,1,( Code-.Steel. )Structural Welding Manufacturer or contra r� M i k e Kl�i.�a �(I,v�e, Aumorized bv �,.��'.�,l �R d'�(K Date September 12, 2011 � � i ANNEX N A1NS D1.1fQ1.1�i:2p10 WE�OiNG PROGEDURE SPECIFICATION(WPS) Yes� PREOUALIF'IED A�a��T QUAIJFlED BY TESTING or PROCEDURE QUAUFICATION RECORDS(P�Ra Yes❑ Iderrtification� �vw2ti q�y�p� , �saso„ gy as-e� Cor�anY Name �w�e Authatzed by �+� Date �7-��� Weltfl�9 Process(es)'�''N Type--�Aanual� SemiauEomatic❑ Supporting PQR No_(s)^+� Med�ized❑ quMmatic� .Ef31t�FT�E�If3f�!USED PLjSfFtGN Type: V-VfWVe p��p���•9c a 4c Fl�. nn, singie� oou�te weld❑ vertical Progressio►�: Up� Down O 8addng: Y�� No❑ 1/4"X 1"fl�i b�r ,cs ovan�a s�omen►psa..r a e�+roor a�ane Bacaci�g Material: ELECI'RICAL CWAAA�CTERISTICS Root ppe�ng ��• Root Faoe Qirrtension "d G►oove Angie:''s`+�a�°` Rad�s(J—(1� "�° Transfer Mocie(C,MAYI� Shat-C.�ui�ng❑ B�adc�: Y�s[) No� Method__,_ ___. {�k�tuF�r❑ �Y❑ Cturerrt AC❑ [)CEP� DCEN❑ Puised❑ BASE METALS Pvwer Sae'�e:CC� CV❑ Material SP�• '�'"'� Cld�r Type or Gracfe Tung�r�Electrode(GTAWt) Thicav�ss: Growe �' FtNet �: a�. E}iatr�ter(Pipe)N+ Ty�; �rs FlLLER MECALS -- TECHNtQItE AWS Specific�ti��.�,a Stringer or W�avc►8eaci: ��a+� AWS Classif�cation �ote t��+�a) Mul�-pass or Src�ie Pass(per side)�oeasss Wtxnber of Ele�odes � Sd-II�NG ��� ���� � L.atetal^t+ Flux ^h (� �+ae - q� .'va Compositior� ^a' Cor�c:t Tilbe t�Work D�tance �w - E18C#fGde-�Flux(Ciass)+� Fbw R�16 '++ Pgg�py� ►�w.�o.�eo on wor arb ow«p�a ��� `�° E�peAfling: �+�+r.neame g�n,wi�a t�sh RREHEAT POSTWELp HEAT TREATMENT Pret�eat Terr�.,Mi�. �+�v�•F T�, ,,,,,. Interpess Temp..Nlin. ��ah••F � d. Tane^a WELOtNG PNOCEDURE Psss ar �Metals Curterrt Weld Type 8 ,Arrrps or wme Tirsvei l.aYer(s� Procsss C.lass Diam. RoFariry Feed Speed WRs SPeed Joint Details 7 -& SMAW A-5.9 1/�"' DCEf� 120-140 20-21 5-8 AWS B-U2a IPM %�?-. eaeE + +."'t' ``/ 5\ i T� --�-�:,� �:-.._:y "`l� Form I�f-�(Frot�) ANNEX N AVYS D1.1/D1.1 t�2010 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION(WPS) Yes� PREGIUAUFlED A��-1•� QUAUFlED BY TESTING or PROCEDURE QUAUFICATlON RECORDS(PQR) Yes❑ Ide�ificatio►►� �wwPSSw►w-2� ��� � p�ae-2o�� gy ns-e� Company Name "�W�^a q�py .�o.� p� sa-�o�� Welding Process(es)�►W TYPB--Manual� SemiewEomatic❑ Supporting PG1R Na(s) ^►a Mec�nized❑ qutom�t�� JOINT DESI(3N USEO P�pry Type: V-t�fWV@ P�sitionof(3roove•�a� �� „re Singie� Do�le Weld❑ Ver�i Progression. l�� �awn❑ Baddn�: Yes■ No O 1/4"X 1"flat bar +°°"�'n•�"'�^�n�w�aoa d� ��9���: EL.ECTRICAL CFiARACTERiSTICS qoot ppening ��• Hoat Faoe Dimension ^� C,rorn►'8 Angie- �°iw°' Rad�(J—In "�' Trar�(er Mode(GMAVI� 3hort'Cir�CUitin9❑ B�dc Gouging: Yes❑ No� Method Globular❑ 3P�Y❑ C�rrertC AC❑ DCEP� DCEN❑ Pt�sed❑ BASE METALS Power Souroe:CC� CV❑ AAaterial Spec. nsr�e aas � 7ype or Orade Tu�en EJectrode(GTAVh Thidcr�ess: GrooNe �' FiNet �: „a Diameter(Pipe)� Ty�: „ra FIL.LER METALS ��E AWS Specific�tion^�-�-� Stringer or We�ave Bead: s��wssea AWS CIa�Iflc�Uon Fro�s�ur�oor,�er� Muiy.p�ss or S�gle Pass(per�de)�r+�as.. Nurnber af Ele�ctrodes � �e�de SPaci�9 �ongitudinal � SHIELDING ��„�, FluX "�a (3iiS "� - q�e doa �� "�° Contad Tube�o Work Dis�nce � E16CUOde-Flux(GIae8)"� Flow RSl�6 ^� pggnjng Noc a�owsd on ioot aia oover p�s,a ��P� "1° InEerp8SS q6A1�1� �PP�p n«mrr.neowe g�r,,wtrs aumn PREHE4T P06TVVELp HEAT TREATMENT Preh93t Te(1'Ip.,Min. ��'�+F '��, „on. Interpass 1'e►nP-.Min. ���s F t�c. �a Time "b WELDINC PROCEDURE Pass or ��� Current Weld Type� Amps or Wire Tra�el �-aYeKsj Pr�cc�ss C�ass Diam. Pblarity Feed S{�eed V�ts Speed Jant Details 1 -6 SMAW A-5.1 1/8" DCEP 120-140 20-21 5-S AWS B-U2a IPM - �—� aaas , ✓ '� �. tt � i:��� ,i.;.'�S :�_:__i '^�r Form N-1(Frwrt)