HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments, Projects & Plans - 1990-1993fl Project Application,rr'4 Date Project Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Comments: Legat Descriptionlol /V 6 ,ato"r TvtL. ,-+A p, I r)- 4 14 v/ Design Review Board Motionby: fu r,/ seconded ,r, liJ t I lt [n t APPROVAL i-,\,-.ti.a-t { y- O Date DISAPPROVAL u,nn KH.4,./ ,ron" lLur,c "Ir.l fo l Summary: D r i/ 3 Q-,:>s / c , /,- Town Planner/ D^'". r/15/?o El start Approval Jr APPLICATIOiI DATE: DRB APPLICATION / r'*THIs APPLICATIOI'| WILL NoT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INF0RMATIoN Is SUBIIITTED***i ,.:..1. l.J;;: drtf I.PRE-APPLIcATIoNMEETING:....:.'..''.. A pre-appiication meetjng with a planning staff mernber'is strongly suggested to ::'ii determln. ,, ur,y""diiiiouai intornutTon"ir"n.lo"l. No appi]c.!i!l:Yi]1-?:.::ccented '-:iTJ" unless it is cornpl'ete (must llSlygq;;i iil;-;uquitua uv ttre zon'ing aoministraior)' ":'i:;lf Ir is the uppri.5niii ieiponsitiiit''io *ii.-un-dppointni:nt with the staff to find ' .'..'li out about additional submittaltqui'"iltnii: tt:lt:-::::-t*,tr:.::Y!::ti:ol*l;" : ''-iiiq lil""??li :##;ffi: il;-;;p;;";!-n1ee.'i-iil.IoYt-!*i::l :I"1i:f::t:? llS"lHl'1,.. :*..ill'|.'illi.'ili';?'jijirJij]i'"tf,;;';h.'bRB-'iv itii,uiatb. ALL condit'ions or approval must :#:' ie ieioiueO before a building permit is issued A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIOII: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Descript'ion Lotj'1- B'lock i.)r;t t) i .I ta. I - | // -a 5 Zon'i ng 4tt,.,.. t. F-ttn,i'v C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT: AddfeSS /-:;a\-t :/<ts/ll,^, ;l.r/ta./i th t<a, ;'t)K''/c' t9t" 'ilt'l'/tn' D. NA|'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEi'ITATIVE: Addres s NA|'IE OF OWNERS: t/tt/ tA'. . /i'tt it .t Fil ing f.,, ;'.- 1, , t! t ll , Nl' a,- /./, -r.,'.' _),-./,, ) / t, -; /.' /-. it:'r"'t./) .,1J /)/ /,Z."t/ t'/ 7.1( '65'( tei ePhone /2) - Iii''/c ''a- tel ePhone.(s i) {i F.DRB FEE: The fee wi'll be Paid at the time a building permit is requesteo' VALUATION FEE Signature Address g o-$ 1o'ooo 10,001 -$ 50,000 50,001 - $ 150'000 150,001 - $ .5oo'0oo 500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000'000 tel e?hone(., r )P:.'. " 1 / E/',-, /-/t't i0.00 2s.oo 50.00 100.00. $ 200.00 300.00 II"IPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSiONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the-applicant must stake the site to ind1 cate p*p"ii'"ilt"t"'."i-Uriiding .otn"tt' Trees that will be rernoved should also be marked. This work ruil'u"-.orpleted before the DRg v'isjts the Sitg . ,a,a a',1-2ttL./1/- { / a/'t:E- ./ "/!/t/)Et'1 2. The revi"n p"o..r= for'NEl.l BUILDIIIGS will normal'ly involve two separate meetings of the gesign n."i.*"b"u.],-io-piun on at ieast tlvo meetings for their.approval' 3. People who fai'l to appear before the Design Revierv.me"tingandwhohavenotaskedforapostponemenf,' republ i shed. Board at their scheduled wi I I be required '"o be Al i'5.t 1 -: E I . _ . \.t.. -.8 i- i:l':J ar iri 4.The following items no longer have.to be presented.to the-Design Review Board' They, however, nave to be iiesented to in5'76ning Administrator for approval: skylights and similar exterior change-s that do not alter the plane of the buildingianda. Windols' exi s ti ng b. Building a.dditions that are not viewed u,ntcn niue had letters submitted from the addition; and/or approval from the assoc'iation - 5. You may be required .to conduct Natural Hazard Studies ifr".i -* ith a Town Planner before proceeding' from any other 'lot or public sPace' adjoining property owners approvlnq-iient for', or manager of a condominium on your Property. You should LIST OF |.IATEP.IALS trl'Tliiiili::: z F /: / ,11+ diiEiiprtott oF PRoJECT : y' 7;t41_ :),'7 7 _ ttt -T: ,,, ' r_ ,. .. ' .- piiicdnt t0 The follorvins informatitn i!.,":::tl:d.l::^:ubtittal bv the a OesignReviewy'. lt1Ap nL / - /// -1. r;t,., C. l',' L''',,, t,t'i -", i;;r;-;;;;te-a finai approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING iIATEP.IALS: TYPE 0F iqATER'iAL y'ot"L 9Pec9 'CO|QR . ,y !?','(-*^ . rr' 3oo 'r"rl I -r , - Ct zl' t', KUIJ I ' Siding \ Other l,la'll l., ' - ;'- : Materi al s uz..-/,)r f t [, I /:t< GR t\' B. LANDSCAPIIIG: Name of Designer: rrlrl.r^o' Prrvr 'e ' F: s a' 'i : Soffi ts l,li ndolvs tili ndcl'l Tri m Doors Door Tri rn Hand or Deck Fl roc F1 ashi ngs l^Lirrl6\/crrrl | 'rrr rgJ J Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLAI'IT iIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTlNG TREEs F^Fr'^',-l-tbEK!.i1U V CU lruB /ctt /t!1:- A/" =r: ' t.,.,t.t --,/ f tl' ) r? <\'a (cr'nY r a, ,4 l-! '(,,,"".n=1,!:.::.i!/ t1 it't " t'rt iLi, l!4 / L'1 !--z '/') / ' l)Et : Botanical Name 19 )."( ,t'5 Corinlo n Name u t'/./ 7l .l? /t'ta4 0uani tv eA- .1 -1J"'r; coni fers ' over ) L ll )'i k/}L t l: l-A | ' a.l /L'/ T Tx' aA:A/ / 'Ar; 7 cF /" ('/ :' t ' S i ze* Indicate cal'i Per for deciducious trees'Indicate heiqht for SizePLAI{T IIATE,RIALS: con't) uptlnq FYTSTTNC qHPI IRS TO BE REI.IOVED GROUi|D COVERS Botanical llame Tvoe Cormon I'lame Quani tv Qnrr.e r-a F^^t2 dp qnn tr 5i'l l,E uf n7rY^.-!nttlatKItlr.lt.1,uta TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSIOII CONTROL C. OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retajning \valls, fences, swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. lr 75 soulh trontage road Yail. colorado 81657 303) 479,2138 303) 479-2139 office of communliy deYelopment Uay 16, 1.990 Tana and Bill Stewart Fax 9-01-l--8L-3-503-0480 Re: Lot L4B, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Stewarts: The Design Review Board reviewed your proposal today. Before they can give you final approval you must subrnit the following: 1. A topographic plan from the front of the horne to the street- 2. A drainage plan which shows l-) a culvert under the drive' 2) a swale (pan) of 2 inches (2 feet inside of your property from the front property line) in the driveway which ensures that the driveway wiII not drain into the street, and 3) drainage for the rest of the property which indicates that it nill not drain onto adjacent property or onto the street. 3. Four corrected elevations which show the proposed construction exactly as you intend to build the home, i.e. without greenhouse, rtithout hot tub addition, al1 exterior to natch, etc. 4. The design of the fence using Dryvit or wood. 5. A landscape plan and list of landscape materials. 6. An updated materials list which states materials and colors to be used on fascia, soffit, railings, trim, etc. The Design Review Board liked the tall arched windows, but felt the front elevation was too busy. Although it is not their job to design your house for you, they strongly suggested that it would help to simplify the treatment of other windows and doors, particutarly the french doors and any windows on the front elevation by using one glass pane rather than several t'divided lightr partitions on each window or door. Each board member agreed with this, and they felt strongly about it. The board approved the use of Dryvit, but wanted to know exactlv where it would be used. (The revised elevations will he1p. ) They approved the use of Marvin windows and the 30o lb asphalt roof shingles of Rustic Cedar. We understand that it is possible to receive mail in one week, and would like to have all of the above to scale, not faxed. We will bring this before ttre Design Review Board again as soon as we have received the requested information. The DRB meets on May 30 and again on June 6. we appreciate Mr. Cattrs being here and bringing material sanples. I look forward to meeting with you in person, and recognize that attenpting to design long distance (verv loncr distance) is very difficult and frustrating. Please call ne if you have other questions. 1 ;,1 ci_., /.1 Planning Technician s) B:59 I 004i13034192lU *E:VISA INTL TOU R024 Pas: -. - M+v 18. I g9(' To: Hs. Eetsrr Rosolack'-' c ottr.,t itY DeveroPnent Town of Vail Vail. Colorado Dear BetsY. I wsnt to f ir€! -t'hanF Vou {?r all the help and sur}port vou have €iven us' n'rt-i"t't tells T:-th"* vou have done 4n excelrent .iob in o""itti"" ''= to"-it* review' 9le have not rleen t.he ea€iegt "t*lia*t't" to vrork itft given the distance and other factors' We believe it is not reatistit: 'to pursrle either tn" tr16v ;3t) or' .Jr.rne trreet r"tt"'ii"i';;;: ** r"t'n-i- 'me rjoLoradh 'and vRr.r residents, ** feel-nl shotlta cornplete nII the effort anu 1t,-*tiit the tsonrd oureelves' I ant ic irrate that r*e will return to the Board in earlv Julv' I \.ro\tId trDFree'-^i" o''* more {erx'-"*-l "--itt* potenti ht schedule thro$sh tn* t"*'l!;;i;"'ftome' tln*'anrl r wilr be in vair r)ps r.lrtri n€ .r n *'' J]1.,"i"';";- i ook l orward t'ct seeine :earl ' I would tit{e to conment 9"-?11 ,feelints st this time' W€ feer that' vrltrr "I-irr-i^oiviriual. llpit"""t Dan:t' of ttre €ood thinss that are i"lit-"u"ut'!gr1rei"-""a in particular Vair' fhe town " * "t'illlit-["*"tit'rr-eivi"onnent where sood people "*" *o"lt""li-iit* together comfortablv'You lrave explained t'n* *"i*I l;';= and helped us coneidereblv' The tone and some of the deneanor of the Board sounds cuite inrjonsist'ent '*'ti iit too"ottr'. in"i'-vou have taken with us' vle eharr "*t*"t'I"'itir-'l"axt""t'-"iii'r ne see the Board in action ,o" orrt*ll;;;' However' unreasonabLe or non- constructi"" *;;i;;-*'u"-lr'" so*i;-"ir'r ut met in kind' Adai.n. thank you for aII vour assistance' in sttite of the qbvious derav ;; ;;; velt yr.,91"'orott* to remodel our home' we shalr ,'*t""iltl"ino loolr t'orward to ieeind vou lo.,n' Re*ards t c,+ ar.tAtt FOWLErI&PFT; Wltthm t. nrrchcock CI]Lf]RADO T€STERN SL@E DISTRIB PRODUCT .. ffDPROX SHIPPIN6 tfEI6HT/SO i***ri****t*ttll*tlt** it **t*r ELITE tttri ffittr Iffjg'*til GL ISS SEALS rA\Fr r_0c (:Lalss f if:ft 1 lAf:iE I I H[:ft]. Irit-;E :L(:' JEII I TAI:E I-.,REMIUI-1 HEIi I t AOE trF:GA}J IC SEiiL DOHIJ eg T AI.4 [::R I F'C; H I I.. .C, Ii I DGE F I FEF(GLAgiS 9iEAL DOt^ft'l 19.. SELUEDGE SLATE $UFFACE 9 " S]'ART ER 48 Sr,rLifJl l-r 63 r"llt$ rHFi SIIAIi:E I.INDERLAVMENT s:fl I lJr.rt...H tifJDE.Rt."AYilEr'tT 3rj*- IFr" 15,'3(.) t.JL t 51) ut_./FRA s3{j(.) Lll_.,/FRA rl[i Il"iTUFiE GIJARD l4tl rir-, 3 t/ 3e,7 eaii 4t+ t44 et(l 55 a:] el 50 5 42 d4 45 t:". a :jL:. C|.i UTILITY LOCATIC:I VEP.I:ICATICII SUBDW].STON ElL 4oR/t; I s'8.' t-/M JO8 NA.\TE LoT /4^ts BLocK;j191ry;ErLr:iG4ft 1" 4 t e/C/ -,// , 'a 5-a i d', €(. /t: , !:L--' // , lE -7 ADDR,ESS '.1id('. I1.r-','/Lr:- .:)^'|,E , i.LlJL.---G- The locarion of uciliEies, wherher chey be oain crunk lines or proposed llnes' u,rs c b" approved and verified by Che following ucilities for she acconpanying sice plan. Mouncai:r BelL 468 -6 5 00 Wescern SloPe Gas Co. r 800 922-1987 HarrY !{oYes Public Service CourPanY 9 49 -57 8L Gary llall lloly Cross Elect:rc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted ttuskY/Michael LavercY ller::age Cablevision T.V. 949-i530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle VaIleY Wacer & Sanicacion D is cric E 4/O-/.{ou Fred Haslee - , glb fuu;t\H' Dage lz -a79 These verifications do noc relieve che conEr3cccr of his responsibilily to obcain a screeE cuc PerrRj.c fron che Tor.rn oi Vail , Deparcnenc of Publ:c llorks and Eo obcain ugilily locacions before diggirg in any public riSh:- of-way or easemenc in che Town of Vail. A buil-Ci:rz oernic is nor s screec cuc DerniE. A screec cut pernit nusE be obcarned separacely' This fora ls co velify servl.ce avallability and locatlon. This should be used in conjunctlon r.rirh preparing your ucilicy plan and schedullng lnscallacions. a rt(Please bring a slte plan r.rhen ooralning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer SanitaElon s ignacures ) p4-ffi It.':, 1 u'/- <' tli?kE'/L aLY Auchor:: eci S i?nacure i;,:.r:T:i i'lTI April2?, 1990 Me. Betev Rosolack Plannini Techniciar Townoffail Vail, Colorado Dear Ms. Rosolack, We have been advissd bv the Towu of VaiI that our cufiont home in Vail is in a Hieh Rockfal Area, a Dsbris Flow Hazard areq and Snow Avdancbe area. Fu"rthermore, we have read the eite epecific reportq-writteu by Mr. Nicholas Lamoiris.coneultitrs gsolocbt and Mr. Art Meais of Gunnieou written in Janu'ary ana &rit df1 990-reepectively. William E. Stewart 1-30-8 Okusarrya Setagaya-ku Tobo 168 Japan 011-81-3-?20-66&4 lnQ** ^/ fo'-o oo 3Eo al, o oo J oJg o o v,c o oa isffiEii,qE sgiiiiilgE EEiil$Hiiil siiiia$iEig Iii iis$ggil giilliiii tnIL D 6' IF o ot o o e=E go FA oJ F II f; I coo Jo oo of o( oogt o o I.: oc atr 6- o Ean5d 3 f, E o g E a rffi"ll>-ffiF=il Fr- llL&3 ffiffi S i.:- ::r--:,1,-:- :r r,\'\:-r. -$.j-- ffi---l;ffi' t;'/.*Ez'ij;'#Hr:#Eil v [;? ll'{,;l'dt!Ex! rt ail L: a I 1,:. r. l eFfi- A 5 : r8doi;3iaitltE ?P !-o o ;,t{t E ;i *s E i:9{* eg*'*iiBit;eig c 9-- iiiililHiuLiill, * iiH, ii l!,1,tu iilil lllihi iisiBE ig;ir; EiiiiiiEliita' at, o ou co Oov, trl co o5U' lo E c.-o l ra:: -. : t' I DrWifg . . o closer look of lhis ene;Ey-soving woll sysfem- Ihis is Ouisulslion I. th€ pltyglcol o'ooefll€3 of fhe Dryvil SYstem. t- r'1", r' ' Svsfett ccngtsts oi 'ouf moior arnponenls wh ch ofcvid€ etiicieni s!, ciioi, shopg dad lerlure to torm c e €xierjCr wO l lr'l:s woll Insuloles c- "'e out:rde. c.osi:-,J rhernA,cl briciges al Trn ..itirg lher:nol stress. :l offers c J -rf f e CtCCkrgsrsic4:- fode€nd-Sloin- 5 3:9-- s-r1OCe tn : *.id€ c'\Qice ot j rlro cti",e textu/es cild colcrs. I Dryvif Insulqllon Boord. Thls ponei xl i.vponded Polys1.y'rane i$ monufoc- rre5 io ouf JwF s'rii'gent /equire- neilis rnder strici quolii'y control. lt rcvlces opiilnunr insulotion chotcc' ei.9' 35 :.1 ,orying tlicknBsses ond s-oc€; cs requi'ec bY d€sign Drwil Reiniorclng M95h. Stecioiiv reaLrfccturBd ond tteoted tO OUr scecliicclrons. thi! Gloss Flb€r Mesh enpeooec in ihe Prir'1!s r Cooi Avoilcble in ihfeB silength levelsl Deloil ", !-ti-stondord'" ond Intelrne- C Ore'". r rs of key imoonorCe in prevenilng sutioca crocks 2A. Ponrer i ft/bsh. Heow-dutv Gloss F:bor R€inforcing Mesn Orovides s*b- ston:jci impcct fesisiol'lce lc woll o;eos subJectBd tc heow troffic 3. Oryvif Prlmsr/Adheslw r. D'yvit's uniaue olosler moterlolformed oY mixrno with TvPe I Podlond Cement hy wo-ighf . Utad tc odhere oryv'? nsu otibn Bocrd to the opprov€d substroit ond 1o embed DrYvrt Rein- fo/c:ng M€sh on the foce of thB insulolion BoOrd, 4. Dfwlf Sutloee Flni6h- A s','nthe'iic oloster moiericl In o choice ot ocoiled tertures cnd colors Substtoles u3ed with lh€ D]yvil Syslem' lyg 66l $u$stroles include €xtefiol grode gypsum shecthing or cem€nt' Woad Boord on €ith€r steel or wooc studs. lt mcy be ol5o appliFd lc cleor unpcint€c concrete. concrele blocr' brick Ond ITUCCA When to us€ Pon:et Meih. Tlris r€v/ h€ow4uty Gloss Fib€r Qeintsfc'ng Mesh hos been developed bY Drla,tt System. lnc. for sp€citic high impocr ereos. uEed in conjunction wrth Dryvrl Hi-stondotd Relntofcing Mesl^. 't cfiers subgiontiol irnpoct-resistonce ci enirgncFwoYs, bclcQc;9: ond wo kwo /5 where troffic volLme cnd obuse c'e heoviest. Ponzer Mesh is elpecrciry oDproorioie for' school') onC shcFCi.g cenlels, Contldet lh€ cott scving odvonloges otlered by Dryvi!. Oulsu orrcr's ll€l'r w€:ghl reduces dBod ISoc tncreoses floor spoce cnd. in rcttolit. oc€g frot reduce iniedof spoce t': T r ( Bllzo, 75 south trontrge .oad Yall, colorado 81657 303) 4792138 303) 479,2139 otfice ol community development July 17, L99I Bill and Tana Stewart Fax 011-81-3-3720-6554 Thank you for your letter of Juty 'l . The subject sounds very interesting, but as you may suspect, one in which I have no expertise. Your letter was griven to our assistance Town Manag'er, Ken Hughey. He will be much more able to respond than I. f l-ook forward to seeing you in August, and hope that the construction of your house is going as planned. Sincerely, q E'/*/: Betsy Rosblack Planninq Technician Ei1Effil ?:20 E 3Q347 tt s7 7 fir1y 1991 lfiiE. Bet6y Roeolak, Tosn of Vall 75 Soutb ltrontage l(oadvail, colorado91557gsa Deal BetEy, ffi:VISA INf t TU R009 Page 1/l We trope you ara wrJoying thc Vail srmer, F6 beartlreveathirirreallyhot. our houe on Lupine Drive ie well on tlre way to couSrletJ.on and we will be in Vail nost of Auguet to srap up tbe effort. I(he purpose of our letter today ig in regarde !oanothersubject. You !r:y be aqrsre that t-he 1998 !{lnter O].lzfrpics ilLll take place tn tlagrano, ilapan, The chof,ce ltas a dlf,flsultonefortbeloocundtlredeoLslenvaefinallybetveenNaganoandSaItL,aJcc city. Nagiano ic a two hour drivc fron our boucintokyou:rd wc arc buying a cEall cottagc thqra for lonE wacksndg, ft is a beautiful uountain arsa that ranlnda uc a Ereat deal of vail. I Euspect that Tana and X are likely to be tlre only indirriduale to bave a close relationehipwitlrbothsonmunitiee. Tile would liJ<e to know lf you can advlre us regartlingtherlghtpeoplelnbotbtlreTownofvatlandtheloca]. buslneegcotuunLtywbo .nlght be interested Ln econonlc and tourJ.slopportunltlesbetsaenvallandirapan ? We reallze tlrisarealgofftbebeatentrackforyou, but you cl€arly have an understandlng of the forces that uak€ Va1I thewonderfulp1acettlstoday. Ife are not anre rtrat the outcone [igllt be, Itut couldcuseusatbepossibilltierwiththrrightpcoSrlcduringAuguet. Pleaee let ue know your tlroughte. Ife really appreciatethefavorifyouoanbelpus. Ii{anyi4hil*r t I Kt#ffi*"nl-30-8 OkuErwa Setagaya-}m Tokya 158 ifapaD Talephone aud Facsirile 011-81-3-3720-6554 A reply by facslnile is uost apprecLated. ARTHURI.MEARS, P.E., Natural Flazards Cmsulunr INC. 222FaaG*Iic Ave. Gruniron, Glorado 8l230 303 - U1.3216 April 27, 1990 Mr. Bill Steward 3880 LupineDriveVail, CO 81657 FAX 011 8I 3 503 0480 Dear Mr. Steward At your request. I visited your property and house located at 3880 Lupine Drive in Vail on April 26, 1990. The purpose ofthissiteinspectionwastodeterminetheexposureofthehouseto snow avalanches and to determine if your proposed deck andgarageconstructionprojectwiIlincreasetheavalanchehazard. Thefollowingpointsarebasedonthissiteinspection. Avalanche hazard The house is located on the a1luvia1 fan of "Waterfall Gu1ch," asmal1, north-facing drainage that has produced avalanches inthepastandwillproduceavalanchesinthefuture. fnspectionofaerialphotographsdated1939and1950andmypreviousfieldinspectionoftheupperterrainbothindicatethatavalanches have occurred at least twice during this century. Oneeventprobablyreachedatleasttothetopofthealluvialfan, roughly 200-300 feet above your house. No evidence has beenobtainedthatindicateavalanchesreachedyourbuildingsite, but terrain ana Iysis , statistical calculations, and ava lanche-dynamicscalculationssuggestavalanchesmayrunasfaratGoreCreekduringsevereconditions. Similar avalanche paths are knowntotravelthatfar. Furthermore, the alluvial fan itself hasbeenbuiltpartlyfromaccumulationofdebristransportedontothefansurfacebywet-snow or debris avalanches over a period ofmanycenturies. Avalanches can damage structures by inpact, crushing of walls, orrelocationofportionsofbuildi-ngs from foundations. The probability of an avalanche reaching your house isroughlyoncein100years (a 1E annual probability ) , an order-of- magnitude return-period estimate, Encounterprobabilitycalculationsindicatethereexistsa338chancethata "I0O-year" avalanche will occur in a 40-year period, a typical residential- structure lifetime. The probability of a person being caughtinanavalanchewiIIbemuchless, however, because people may be exposed only a fraction of the total time. Ivtott W*ting . Aulanches . Arnlaack Coatnl Enghvcrlng Structural avalanche protect j-on The only possible type of protection at your house would be reinforcement of the uphi11 building wa1ls for avalanche impact and deposition 1oads. Hovtever, reinforcement is not feasible because ttre buiJ.ding is already in place and structural modifications would be very difficult to incorporate into the existing design. External avalanche defenses are not feasible because the slope is steepn behind the house and the design- avalanche velocity will probabty exceed 30 mph at the house- I do not recommend external avalanche defenses. Change in avalanche hazard Your proposed project, which consists of s1ight modifications to the rear (south) deck, and an addition to the garage on the north side will not change the avalanche hazard. The deck is already located in the avalanche path. The proposed modification will also be in the path and will not change the sma1l hazard to those who may just happen to be on the deck when the design avalanche occurs. The garage addition on the north side of the house is not directly exposed to the avalanchei any avalanche must flow through the house before reaching the garage. of course this 6ETE--dccur, but it seems pointless to reinforce a garage which will rarely be occupied and accept the risk to the house. The garage, therefore, does not reguire special design for avalanche 1oads. Furthermore, neither the deck or garage will increase the hazard to adjacent property or change the deflection of avalanche snow- In summary, the proposed modifications will not reguire avalanehe protection because the hazard will not be changed as a result of the new construction. Please contact me if you have any questions cerel y, Avalanche-control enqineer Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBON DALE, COLORADO 81623 303) 963-3600 (24 HOURS) l *.n r..i,lr.,:. :i. l:;l " :i.{'' {.ii_j i4 . t; . iii i: ii i,.j.r r- L, i - .ji l:t - trj i..i l : i-{ r:; i1 ia ;:t i;l *; t- * rj ,it 'i ;i -' k: t-i l i::ii. -,'{:} :i :.:i{l i + I; .e rr FlE.r ::;{rllril-, 1...!..r i.rtp: U:'i. i,,e"- ---l'ilrirh ie.l.:L i.r l:t*-i:ri.i: F:.1. i::it^.l l.i$*iF. i"lr ,, ,,'1rr* !'li-::. lSt-*t;sr-t x 1. h,+.,,$l {,,.'.,,a.i. i..ri:li" +ifl thur *.hr:vs rL?l: '=f. *}t1{::*;{::l 5:r"*i:r:rtY r'::i' +-h relj:F:i+t:b. r:: h.ir+r l-{:i ul-r lii:u},:'{*ll }J:.r:.:,ird *r:ii lirlbri:: [:ii:tl !-{a:-rr-cl *n th'.n i clL,Jrl i; f.{:i. l. 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'y' ril-iL:Lll rtct Ce-F Ill*l it r-n(l': i- rr t",i,,r r- i:l *.rn ri:. fr l*r h*mel r.ath€lr-,, 'r h r.: i, r-r'he*nt r'ifrout.[ cl lt* tl: :: tr]i:J {. i-i iii r*{:{:: !:: f:f- Ltr rri i n :i. n:i. : *.r {: h r:.: r!+tn,.egier {:n tfrtl hone" -i-fris c*t-l i:*: cjt:nn tcr :r lii i:ll"t I r".v*;.1. r+ r:crii: i.denci': i{ de:r'i. r'ilil bt-tt. c:*.n i:: r.l r( lf {1n::i:i. v$ " 1. {: lii. t. j. qi*L:i t:ri .i.,J; It|l citt j. nri trt!.I r--1.t'- r* r:ern+i i:i **i- j. rrq _" t++ {j 3.n i.,lc,r- i:: r,+i l:h .r 'g i::r-L-rci::r.rr"e1 etncj i. rr*er- *r.l y i:i.,1'r'- i::it*:i. cil i::n tiie i*=:iEn i:t..:rr a rT!{"i L:er-*t,. ha!.-::i:ci -:Ei1: 1:lri; gi l: !:: c,*rt h iq,-,11,1-{,.1g.::-t t'1:1 ..*rnniirlr.i ;3.,1,.[ v i:: t:c,ri..tr.r* t-lr;: r i::e-f,: l;i:rr..rr:EF-ilI_-r,s;rr'.!. y ili i**i:::t.!. / r|\''€fr- th+-: Frc:ps':t-t-"; .:in cl *;'ic:ri!r:i.r:g the i.;,:q: r-i:': il t..lhii:fr I -.;+e i.rt t!r* n*::i. i:liii:i::r-lr*o*i :ii; t-i i:: i .t:e-'a=i. b]. r: r'{' ilvr:,n [:it]gi:: i. l:: i. r.' ;i L. ': lt.i . 1. ,, h* rJ*:i-rri. t::i .{:.1. r-.i+ hei;:+r-iJ * ;:tlt il [r: a ] ii+i:ir;c:t- '+i:te:nf-,, t_ ii ri: ,:t.v..,l.,riici:ir it,,r;::: +i'ii r:.:rii i:el ni:L ri: i. i-l* i.:*:ri ttrr-i:t..rrih f,h,tr r:* ;itr-t..ic1:ign {:J. ;i li{3r-r'fl i:}}- hr",i-il* Linl:i. ird thri hnnie hlL'f. t. h i:.r rni.t-i.ila+::i.clri r.J{:}l-i.,i il be rli..ti icirl.t tilLi :: a I'I]i.? !,"J lr r t ,:,::.1 ptilrr;:i. vr:.r. i:ti*r nr lrr,ri. fil-:t*; {:{:t_.i.! * be Ler: +r:e.L r- iir!:ir'- rr:i *,..,,.i:l fi {:::h {..} nti. i:t:i. rlcri;::i. r:n tJ**:.c.!n rr,l fJLJ.1. ci h+ve 1:$ t- (::ri*e 'li f-fijr! :-if1 tl:li t:r r.,'r- L-. i n l:fi*t .f j. g.L rj .:ir-t* h ,"r s; Art Pl,=,*rs n.l ilnnn i Eif t-t , {_: .l. clr$d{l " M n fi i::: ll.: fr rlr hr::itii+:: j.::i ;rL y-F.ifiiiy LiL.ri .1. 1,: ilt-,Ea: i::i. i.:;rL ;l';a.1. *r:gt.ier n j !;;i, i;.1.s1:::L {ii! fi rTr rit \,/ nnL h r..l prc=;ii.:.l. e" .l l,:ndl{.J th*t T:r. m I;:{i1,,/:1. H, gi r-1i..:. E*r-rq.i. irs+r*i", :i.::i r..,r{:J r- i.,::i rrcl clr .rv*l},,:in*lr*' rii t:i tl;li: i. *n r.ii. *h Ar'{: f4*;rr':; r:tn n:i. ni. 1 *i- i:l r trFt i:.:rr- +.: i. t;::i r,,{h s+r r* {: i.. r* hnmt* :i. rii i-r r:: t_ 'ret bui l_.L " Y*t..t r'lr;'i'1r l.+:i. $l-t {:. r:r c{fr-rtarjt nne *.f thEJni, I+ I c.:.n be i:f {r-rrther-. i:iini'.,,i. r: 'i:l , i:l.rln.;{3 dn rrnt hl*$:{. i-.,:.t*' tr: rciirt,:rct inr::, t:i irrr-urni rr hii. (::f-r{| j,;rs l.-.*rnfi j. r'.i. s: 1 {:l fr .;; 1..{ .1. i:: :i n ct {; * fi L r,l {-j i. g l?vat q9 L[ ri ge. R' ^a=* e; Q'oa* 9i L)i I-LIE El n, rq 19. tN ItlV or) pffi, K.o F},t tl{9' ,/, Y t/u- t- JfF;-----'/ A N.:rt\"q 1,.-A, r$r\./ t\\ Ytbt \ lBJncfv : ll0N i A} t' dt' / l+)-* i;:'liT(A rrTL lil 9i r, I Ir: il il tl ll tl I u/ h*^'a t L''i q9 s aar*N!*l3rrfl'oE qxtsv..l tittvAaltltcrlrl|l r"'rq'""op*gf, J'f:g3!q! qr1rruoA-.1qry; * *ll#'.I? o g lzval ds V J7YAJ 1,+:r L]i rf ,x,1," iL! ld \ i,,,'-\, \JV- Ir,." May 6' 1990 Ms. Betsy RoEqlack Town ofVaiIVaiI, Colorsdo Dear Betsy ' Thank you for receipt of your }ateet fax. while it is indeed disappointing for us on the hot tub room, I have re- Iocsted the hot tub to lhe front of the house' putting it i ns ide---orr+--lropo s ed g arden areg. .--T--t rust thi s wi I 1 f,56refore satisfy the town. EncloEed are photo reduced plans and el-evat,ion for this changel lebeled "supplenent A & B ". The existing deck area where the hot tub room would have been locsted, will becone deck area onlyr which is useable in summertiue. My underetsnding is that thia should not be an iesue. l ivin space - I will pla,n to discuas with y6[ by phone, but think L- should be wlthout problen. You r( r said I was 64sq feet over. The previous hot tub room was designed at 14'x lIt6tt. If I reduce 6" for wslls' it is still 150 sq feet nin. I need 100 sg. feet to enelose the hot tub,but make up the 14 more over by taking tlg.-!*go frour the entry *ay- eF-------' Ehowtt on@ A & B -in as nulh-as t asrrr-ume -yorr- o.,nted,f irslt qnd -secona flo-or. Please f-: .-- -€- h6 existing garaBe spaCe-( e.8. lly workshop area) becoues f inishe,J spacej and etrortf. d nol be- ta-dFd-Aa rlvine space. Other concerns Per f have drswn to scale proposed addltlon areas and fence on plot plan from Interrnountain and photo enla ' ed to scsl'e requeeted eince this is the most expedient 'ry to -'t these to you. Thie is in addition to my larger gcsle i rngs which can be reproduced et full ecali 'ce ln Va ALI exterior work will be f inished in -r.rr "Phaee I' buildins plan. As I had previously stated, I do not financially foresee our ability to proceed inside the exterior with gheetrock stage drY-in. Please see faxed phot:.coPy of the type of *indow that wil be used. Because $ s,qr ij'c contract on theEe has not tleen concluded, we reserve the riSht to meke selection options' but guarantee the standard of window and appearance as being sent. Since it seems an unuEual request to requlre the physical sanple from the Marvin Window Dealerl au I agsuming tET-iEE]T-Tfputation plus faxed copy Ehould guffice. AIeo f am sending under separate cover, the color finieh from the manufacturer, plus sane of "Dryvit" exterior finish. Ae the possibility of netal clad on the faeeig' I think thiE is remote,but am not farniLiar with the "Dryvit" systen finish in this erea. Because it is a system ueed for commercial construction as welI and carries a 25- yr,naintenance-free guaranteel I felt that there ls goue possibility of finish other ttran standa,rd wood in these reas. I ttill gsk Mr. Lewis to clarify. Asphalt shinglea - I cannot nake an exsct color natch to the exi.sting roof shingles from Tokyo, but heve aeked Mr. Bruce Lewis to arrange to send a Etandard asphalt shlngle piece to you which will be at leagt 300 lbs. Per roof squsre' I believe the exiEtlng color to be a flat blackr but reserve rhe right toffis withJn-EEE-EEfSnt requiremente. rr}r i LrNr. Finally, I wi). I contsct my uncle r llr. Katt 16th meetinEi date and ask hin to worh trith meet that Echedule. Thank you again for your responsivenegE. addregEes aII issues about which the board question. I will contact you by phone at time Monday, May ?. regardlng theMayyouontryingto Hepefully thie now nay have 5:00 prDr Ygtlr incerelyr ttM Tans Stewart oo t:r: -rr^ I - Tl-'rj- :rt+r !-i f, llil I r.tlEr.Jvf rqD- - - TO; Ms. Eetgy Roeolack Comnunity Developnent To*n ofVsiIVaiI, Colorado Fax Number 1*803- 4ry7_ Lt g-7 PageB I From Tana Stewart Tokyor Japan Fax Number 001-81-3'503-0480 c.D rn".t.rr€E lS :. Qut EEPEtSEnlTfl-t1uE ft4 7#f AFJ/e*t EEvtEe*t 4e- Ee-u E,t--- bge + Netso ev*nn, n,5 Ca f foooy' 7L.*1 .V*^, o frE:llsi I:,ITL TIKYO i;li: Pag: - i., TO; Me. Betey troeolack Coununity DeveloDtsent Town ofvailVaiI, Colorado F'ax Nunber 3-303- r{n?- I/g7 IlLl pg,s,ea Fron Tana Stewart Tokyor Japan Fax Number 001*81-3*503-0480 o 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 303) 47s2138 303) 4792139 May 3, L99O office of communlty dwelopment Ms. Tana Stewart Fax g-01.1-81-3-503-o480 Re: Lot 148, Biqhorn 2nd Addition Dear Tana: We have determined that constructing enclosed space on the uphill side of your home would increase the avalanche hazard in this area, and we cannot issue a building permit for this part of your proposed construction. As you vill note in the study by Art Mears, your house is located on the alluvial fan of Waterfall Gulch,rr a drainage that has produced avalanches in the past and will produce avalanches in the iuture. Since the proposed uphill enclosure would be in the irnrnediate path, a certainty of hazard in this area exists. Thank you for the notarized letter. We also received copies of the survey from Internountain Engineering, and await your site plan to match the surwey and show the locations of the fences- we hope have scheduled you for the May l-6th Design Review Board rneeting, but will table this if you need more time to do the site p1an. It may also have to be tabled if we need contours and drainages. I will have a report from our engineer next week, hopefully by Tuesday. Keep in mind that many projects require two visits to tne Design Review Board. The following meeting would be on May 30th. SJ,ncerely, R r',2r,/'..// J<,-L:1/'uJ P( 6c'/c- Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician Inwn CtI.IPATY NA}IE: 75 south front.go road vall, colorrdo 81 657 3()31 479-21OO E4,X PHONE TRiaNSTETTAL SEEsr JYn-rt o, f FAX PHOT{E TT'I.IBER: rROU: DATE:TTUE: NO. OF PAGES IN DOCtilENT (NOT INCIjjDING CIVER SIIEET)= ,[ RESPONSE REQUIRED?: SENT BY:EKTENSION NT'UBER: TonN OF VAIL rA:( PEor{E Nnt{BER: 303-479-ZLS7 75 3outh frontage road rEll, coloildo 81657 3qr) 47$2138 3{Xr) 4792139 April 30, 1990 offfce of communlty development Irts. Tana Stewart Fax 9-o11-81-3-5O3-048O Re: Lot l-48, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Tana: It was helpful to talk with you today. Our concerns are the followj-ng: 1. Your notarized letter should state 2 things: a) that you have been notified by the Town of Vail that you are in an avalanche area and a rock fall and debris flow area, and b) and that you have read the studies (list then by company and date). Tana, we are concerned with the avalanche study. I just spoke with Art llears, and he informed ne that he did not know that you were enclosing space on the uphill portion of the property. He thought you nere merely extending the deck. Would you please get in touch with hin and clarify this? This nay change the results of the study and it nay change what you will be pennitted to build inthispartofthestructure. 2. Topographic map. This can be left at the present scale (ltt:30t), and I asked Internountain to send us a copy. They told me that the Iot is 20,473 sg ft. Therefore there is no site coverage problem and ne will not need the contours. (If a lot averages 30* slope, the naxinun site coverage is 158.) You are correct about the title report showing no easenents. 4. rf Pl ma 6. Pl be 3. 5. 7. Artor fax. Betsy Plann ayerYouwhe still have to show drainages. This will our engineer feels this is necessary. with what your lot drains onto. One reason for showing the fences on the site plan ain that they did not project into the 20 ck (because they are 6 feet high). depend upon He wiII be was tomakefootfrontce se wilto Please I Sineerel ou decide subnitialwith to use metal on window triu, fascia, etc., detailed drawings along with samples of the manufacturerr s names. all of the exterior work for the first phase be completed finished stage? subnit examples of the asphalt shingles. These must roof square.t least 3OO lbs per Yo site plan nust match the survey in location of the s t me know the resuLts of your J.etters or pbone calls to If you have further questions. please feel free to call rrr*L olack Technician April 29, 1990 Betey Rosolack,Planning Technician town of Vail 75 "9outh Frontage Road. Vai1, CO 81557 Dear Betsy, Thank you slncerely for your kind expedition of information regarding our building permit. I will call you by phone as agreed, 5:00 Monday, April 30 your time to anEwer anyotherquestionsandlearndecisionsregardinganyadditionalstudies to be required. In order per your letter of April 18r Bill contacted Art Mears and had the Snow Avalanshe study done. It should be in 1t.our-rrF€+ce stating no reaeonablemitigationpossilrle, and no additional hazard posed by our plans in as much as there is no extension of the back building line. Nstorized letter to arrive your qffice by fax within two cays LhdE-we-re-ewe?e of hazard zones. Topogggphic map. Please see if th:.s reguest can be wat'ed since tEeG-E;A-TeTia added for purposes of tliis renovation. Art Mears has col-ered the snow avalance situation. Easments are none, as shown by enclosed copy of title report. Per rnter-Mountain Eng. plot, a conservative size of lot can be figured mathema::ca}ly at 19,186 sq.feet. Only in the instance that the percentag+ rn i ' size of house is over or very close, should a more pr€cise - ,;g be necess.ary. Finally, new contrtrction to the house involr'e rninimal grad,e, and no cutting back into a slope. Grade Cif: :e is 12" or less for extended front foundation which does nou dl', water flow or pose any restrictions. In terms of drainage, thE natural drainage ditch from the mountain above that is about feet from the eagt foundati.on. Al-l drainage from this Eide c house naturally flows into this course. Because it ie partial blocked by debris, we will ne,ed to clean it (water sometimes b.'. in winter and freezes near the foundation - this can be solveC ! extending the run elightly and cleaning it out). Ae for drainaqe coming from the we.st side of the house, it is naturally diffused a,. a gent-Ie glope tbat ql-timately ruqs {ownhilI, Our construction i:r- front doeslot alter this flow as is. Side measurementg on fas rr'-:.+ Site pfen at scale of 1" = 20r - When I have your decision or. topo above, r will re-draw the-Eite plan to this scale. Becaus- did not hav ain Eng. - time T drew the plans, we had to ma;e our own measurements fr - r/inter ground conditions, and I am not suprised that they ar{ aaque. Please find fence plan enclosed, also decrease,l plan for ai:-1.; entry. t' Option on fascia and soffite is metal vs. wood. As Icontinuetoresearchlong-term maintenance in the existing climate, I am inclj-ned to feel that the enameJed metal trim may be a better choice. Dryvit" sample will be sent to you from Mr. Bruce Lewis of Denver, Co. r He-witl also advise you of other building in the Vail valley where thie ie currentJ.y being used. After reeearchingavailableexteriors, this material has a guaranteed 25-yr. finish whichisvir+ 'ty maintenance-free and significant additionalindulatingquali--es. The company vrho would be our contractor on thighassubstantialcommercialconstructionexperie.nce with this system, whici we feel would be to our benefit, Please eliminate concerns about lowering the garage floor le.rel, I am speaking of the 12n or less natural grade faIl involved and nothing more. It does not alter exterior grade change. Phase I building permit is to include all visual exterior finish:t'.ci. That is, foundation on the added conetruction, framing of same, andreplacingofwindowsanddoorsasappropriatelntheexl5tinghone. The "Dryvit" is compJ.ete with finished color- cream color orllghtgreywillbeused, window t,rim of enameled metal or wood and faecro,-.' soffits of metal enamel or wood, AII windows and doors will behigiiinsulationfactored. In order that fence match house trin, we wr. litrytoincludethisplussomealpj-ne garden plarrting of shrubsiffinanciallypossible. Because we are limited to expenditures of 40,000, r d,o not forsee any electrical, plumbing or rnechanicai work being done, nor do I forsee interior sheetrocking. These w: l all have to waif for next year. our inten$ion is to maintainavisuallypleasingexteriorthroughoutandgetthe "shell.r'as far i -' as possible in the time and financial allowance we have this sumrn^ Gas fireplace ie most agreeable. Title report, as previously referred, also enclosed. i: : -- Thank you again for your assistance. hone this surnmer to begin the work. SincereJ.y, I look forward to l.. i ^; 6-W Tana gtewart Tol Ms. Betsy Rosolsck Town of VaiI From. Tana Stewart Fsx number 001 1 3O3 479 2157 Date 4-30-99 Tine 10:15 s.n. Number of pages {not includin8 cover) 10 75 soulh frontage road Yail. colorado 81657 3(B) 4792138 303) 479-2139 olfice ol community development April- 25, L99O Tana and Bil] Stewart L-30-8 okusawa Setagaya-Ku Tokyo 158 Japan Re: Additions to horne on Lot 14, Bighorn 2nd Addition, 3880 Lupine Drive, W.E. Stewart Dear Tana and Bill: per our phone discussion today, we will fax this letter after meeting with ur. Katt. Upon looking at the proposal, we find we need m-ore information, and we are concerned about having this information in time to rneet your proposed schedule. We trave already written concerning the need for a snow avalanche study attached). we also need the following: 1-. A topographic nap by a licensed surveyor of a scale of lrr = 20r containing the following: contour intervals of not more than 2 feet. AII easernents as shown on title report Size of lot Extent of avalanche and other hazards slopes of 4oZ or more site plan of a scale of lrr = zot containing the following: Existing and proposed grades Proposed drainage Plan a- b. c. d. e. 2. A a. b. c. Existing and proposed inprovements d. Location of proposed fences e. Percentage of slope of driveway 3. Dimensioned floor plan of airlock and entry deck 4. I{hat is the option listed for the fascia and soffits? 5. Need sample of trDrlnritil 5. If the garage is lowered, please show any changes to elevations, grades, site pilan, etc. 7. Please list what is proposed in Phase I for building permit' 8. Please tist valuations of work to be done for first Phase for building perrnit. This should be broken down into electrical , plumbing, mechanical, etc. 9. The proposed fireplace must be a gas fireplace. l-o. A title report. This is Schedules A and B from your title certificate. We will do all we can to help you with your proposed tine schedule. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Lf,6",t",L Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician 75 south trcntage road vail, colorado 816:57 303) 47!r-2138 3(E) 479'"139 April 18, 1-990 if : r' Mr. Erv Katt 6834 Nelson Street Arvada, colorado 80004 ollice ol community dwdopment Re: Additions to home on Lot l-4, Bighorn 2nd Addition' 3880 Lupine Drive, W.E Stewart Dear Mr. Katt: VIe understand that you will be representing the Ste\.tarts at the Design Review Board nreeting for the above project. Today we received drawings and other infornation from the Stewarts by Fax. we have not had tirne as yet to study the submittal, but will do this as soon as we are ab1e. One item in the submittal was a site specific study of the rockfall and debris flow hazards by Nick Larnpiris. In the neantirne, we are in need of one more study, that of snow avalanche. Nick Larnpiris refers to this study in his study of JanuarY 13, enclosed. Lot 14 is in an rtavalanche zone of influencerr and a site specific study nust be made to determine whether or not nitigatiOn neasures nust be made in order to add on to this residence. In Mr. Lampiris' letter, he suggests Art Mears of Gunnison, colorado as an expert in the fleld oi snow avalanche nitigation. Mr. ltearsr phone number is 64L-3235, and his address is 222 East Gothic Avenue, Gunnison, Colorado,8123o. In addition to the above study, before building pernit' we nust receive frorn either Mr, or Mrs. Stewart a letter that has been signed and notarized that states two things. f-) that they have been informed by the Town of vail that they are in a Hiqh Rockfall Area, a Debris Flow Hazard area and a Snow Avalanche area' 2) that they have read the site specific reports written by engineers and dated It is possible ttrat rnitigation nay be reguired for the snolt avalanche hazard, and this will be deter:mined by the site specific study Dlr. Mears or another qualified engineer will courplete. Before this project can be scheduled for Design Review Board, wewillstudythesubrlittaltoseeifwewillneedanyadditional infornation. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, n ,/') I,//-,f f" r // JL-L, \ {L. S tA Mr-- I Betsy Rodolack Planning Technician