HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0279 MECHANICAL&PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS General These drawings are Intended to provide the general smpe of work and materials of [he project.Mechani[al ContraRar(MC)shall pravidethe managemen[,la6or, equipment and accouirements for a safe,tunct on ng and complete system. Tendering af a proposal shall 6e confirmation[he contractor has made a tharough natys s of the lob s[e ev st ng wnd t ons and construct an documents to dellver the descr hed mechan'cal des gn and zystem.Change orders and mod fcat ans su6m tted by the mn Vactor shall nat be honored w thout the express wr tten approval by the arth tect,general cantraRar(GC)and/or eng neer of remrd. CodesandStandards Contrac[or m o6ta n all necessary cert fcates af perm t and'nspect on ihe heat ng,ven[la[ng and a'r cond t on ng system shall be nstalled'n acmrdance w th the follaw ng codes,standards and perm tt ng requ rements under the authority hav ng jur sd'ct on /1 1. Local or'7h�ian i�es s interpreted 6y the Town of Vail Building�epattment. 2. 20091nterrT�t nal Mechanical Code(IMC�. 3. 20091ntema4pnal Bu Id ng Code(IBC). IEner CanservatonCode IECC 20091ntemat'ona ( ) 6V � 5. 20091ntema[ nal Fuel Gas Code(IFGC) 6.\ Amer can So�tY ot HeaCng,Refr gerat on,and A'r Cond tioning Engineers �(ASHRAE).+'� ]. Na[ional Fire Protection Assacia[ion(NFPA�. 8. SheetMetalandAirCanditioningCOntraciorzNaiianalASSOCiation, Inc(SMACNA�. 9. 20091n[emat onal Plumb ng Code QPC). Warranry,Ma[er als and Workmansh'p Manufacturertrade names and catalog numhers stated here�n are'ntended to nd-cate the qual tY of equ'pment or mater als des red.All manufacturers not specifcallY listed ar scheduled require priar review before ins[allation.All materials and eQulpment shall he of the highest quality and performanre.If a modifcation m [he spe<ifed equipment is desired,the contractar shall provide a writcen request ro the engineer of rerord far review and six(6)mpies af submittals describing make,model and all the necessarY mehics far adeQUate review. The installat on shall perform accord'ng m the des gn ntent and 6e free of any defeRSforaperiadafoneyearuponacceptance6ytheowner Contracmrshall have current I'cens ng and all necessary general and fab'I'ty�nsurance applicable to theareaot nstallaton. All mater als and equ'pment shall 6e nstalled-n a neat and workmanfke manner by mmpetent spec al sts of each trade m meet the descr bed and spe�f'ed standards It s the respons'6 I ty of the mnhactor to ver fy the des red mechantal equ pment and attoutrements w II meet any and all spat al mnstraints work-ng dearances, access b I'ty and[he des gn ntent of the project All ar s requ'r ng cutt ng and patch-ng shall be coord nated w th Ne project superntendentand/orgeneralcontractor Locateanyutl'tesprartoexcavatng X-ray concrete walls and/or slahs pr or ta mr ng.Coord'nate all roaf and ez[er or wall peneiratians with the apprapriate trades. All equipment installed under this contract shall follow ihe respective nufacturerinstallatian,maintenanceandaperationinstru<tions.Provide adequate clearances and access panels to service,maintain and�emove equipment and accessories-valve,acwators,compress s,filters and 6lower assemblles. GC[o provide carban monoxide detecmrs in any raom with natural gas buming appliances.Providedetectorsperlacalcodeandauthorityhavingjurisdiction. Cleanup The mntractor shall leave the workspace and equipmeni in an orderly and unsailed onditionduringanduponmmpletionofwork.Contractorisresponsihlefar removing own de6ris,trash,and remaining material. Low Pressure�uc[work Low pressure ductwork shall comply and be fabricated atcording to current SMACNA Duct Construction Standards-Metal and Flexible,and chapter 6 of the IMC.Ductwork shall be adequately supported to prevent sagging,bellowing or vibration. �� / � � � � Law pressure ducts shall be size0 at 0.08"of water lass per 1W/eet of supply and retums.Any duc[work sized wi[h aspec[ratias greater than a 3:1 shall be einforced with cross bracing m prevent bellowing,saund transmission and vibration. Drawing ductwark sizes represent the ouLSide to outside dimensians and indude a��owa��e fo�a����=��a��a�. All ductwork transverse jaints,seams and mnnec[ions shall be sealed by UL lis[ed tapes,gaskets,liquid sealants or other approved dosure system. Type I ducts shall be mnstructed of 16 gauge welded 61ack steel Provide deanouts every 20'and any change of direc[ion. Clothez dryerz shall be exhausted in accardanre with[he manufacturer's 'nzlallaton'nstructons Clothesdryerductworkshall6e26gagegalvanzedand na[penetrated by screws and fasieners prov de UL I sted backdrak dampers and term nat ons w[hou[screen'ng as requ'red by cade F re tape all dryer ductwork and f re calk the annular space between dryer duc[and wall maier al. Mati mum length of dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 35 total feet af length. Every 45 degree turn shall deaease the total allowable length hy 2 5 equivalent feet Every 90 degree iurn shall decrease the iatal allowable length by 5 equ'valent feet Where dryer ductwork leaves the room cantractor to prov de perma ent wall m un[ed nameplate spec fy ng[he f nal leng[h and num6er of elbowsn Flexihle duRwork shall he insulated,UL listed and labeled Class 0 ar 1,not m Pr��eed 5 feet in length and not peneha[e any wall,flaor or celling. ovide means m preven[outdaor air flow leakage into building supply and exhausts upon epuipment shutdown. All rectangular 90 degree changes of direRion shall have single bladed tuming or be lon rad us elbow 6 Prov de UL I'sted and la6eled f re and/or smoke dampers at any f re rated mbl Ver f re ra[n s w th n c �t and o ral rontractor Insula[on c te /rge shall not conceal acress panels,f're dampers and otheropenings'nto duRwork. Prov'de UL I sted and la6eled f Iters as requ red on return/'ntakes'nm a r handling uni[s.Pressuredropshallnotexceed0.30"waterlassunlessotherwisespecified. �uctwork,linings,insula[ion,vibratian isola[ors and connectors installed outdoors or in bcations where they may suffer damage shall he protected from ihe eKposure elements Underground ductwork shall 6e prote�ted from corros on and deter orat on and be I nor nased'namnmumaf2inchesin a�pnraved farundergraund nstalato e c ae[e In a r handlers w th supply a r af 2Q00 m I8000 tfm provide smake detector in retum a'r stream.Any a r Flaw greater than 18000 CFM shall also requ re a smake sensar an the suppry side of the 6lower. Piping New or repaired patahle water systems shall be purged af deleterious matter and dsnfectedprarmutlzaton naccordancetasecton6101otthelPC P'pe mater al mnnectors valves,t tt ngs expans an and v brat am m�trols shall be appraved and rated for the operat ng tempera[ure and pressure of the rystem,and mnform m the standards i'sted n sect ans 605 and 702,Ta61e 605 3 and]02 1 of the IPC or an approved equ valent Prov de dauble back flow protect on on cald water supply serv ce and 6ack fiow preventers where there's any chance ot cross contam nat on to the domest c supply water. P'p ng shall be s zed for no more than 3.5 ot head lass per 100 feet of p pe and a ' velocryof4feetpersecand Aba e g ade domest c wa[er p p'ng shall he drawn tu6e type"L'wrought copper and approved ittings. Any undergraund piping shall be Insulated tYPe"K"to the apprapr ate thickness and protected fram mrrosion and degradatian with na fittings.Dire<tion changes shall he acmmplished with long radius elbaws. All domest c hot and mid wa[er p p ng shall be nsulated w th an R3 8 or mare,per inch.For p'p ng up to 1 1/4'prov de at least 1"of insulat on Any p p ng greater than 1-1/4"up m H"shall have 1-1/2"of insulatian. Provide thermasiatic mixing valves and anti scald protection for domestic hot water. Provide solder campatible to material and approved for application. Valves shall not have a Cv rating with a pressure loss greater than 2 psi. Provide isalation valves on both the sides of any major piece of plumhing equipment that shall require service and malntenance. Abave graund waste piping shall ronform So ASTM A 888 and be of the hubless rype cast iron with gasketed jaints. Any below grade waste,and any vent shall be PVC schedule 40 with solvent fused jaints. Equipment,Hangers and Supparts AdeQUate structural support shall 6e provided and acmrding m IMC and IPC requirements-vibratian Isolators,neoprene pads and insulation saddles shall be required ta suppart any piping,equlpment and ductwork from strutture without a atlon and dama e m inte rit and o eration. se prap g g g y p h at outdoor ads drain a water Conhacmrtoprovidetemporary e , p , p�s,sensors, detecmrs,alarms,drains and any other appurtenance necessary for a functional mechani[al System. Air Intakes,Venting and Exhaus[ [antracmr m provide venting and combustion alr intake to the outdoars with nufaRUrer appraved materials.Si:e,elbows and length shall be determined hy nufacturerinstalla[ionguidelinesand/orengineer.Anyvariationinroutingand xing shall be approved by the engineer of rewrd.Any heating water boiler application that utilixes manufaRUrer approved piasiic venting,shall use at least SO'of actual length af CPVC out of the boiler. Contractor to use only glue and primer that is appropriate to match the material applica[ion. Intake openings shall be located at least 10'away fram any property line or ontaminant,or with at least 25'of vertical separation.Intakes shall he located not lessthan 3'below mntaminant sources lacated within 30'of the source. Exha�s[shall 6e dlscharged autdoors at a point where it w II not cause a nuisance e nttoduce the exhaust a'r back nm the bu Id ng,and not d rected onm waikways.Forenv ronmental exhaust,ma'nta n at least 3 between anyexhaust termination and openings into the building,and praperty lines.Maintain at least 10 betweenanymechan'cal'ntakeandanyenvronmentalexhaust Produci nvey ng autlett shall be 10 awaY from praperty I nes,operahle open ngs and above grade Produc[exhaust shall be at leasi 3 teet from eMer or walls and roofs. Outdoor a'r term nat ons shall be protected fram the outdaars w th mrroslon, animal and weather res stant 1/4"ta 1/2"screening. Final lab Closeout,Operations and Maintenance Manuals The contractor shall pravide all equipment operations and maintenance manuals m I t on of wark m the owner The manual shall 6e of the three nn upan pe 8 enttled O erat'ons and Ma ntenan<e Manual wth the contact 6nderi e nformatonofpro�ectmanagerjabnameandyearofcompletan Themanual shall'ndude a M'n nshuci nsfaralleu entincludin lubrcabonandfil[er a tenanre' , p ipm g requir ents. Equipment suppliers names,addresses,and[elephone numhers. Equipmen[catalog su6mittals,cu[s and ra[ings[ables. Parts numbers for all replaceable parts. As bu'It drawmgs A r and/ar wa[er systems 6alance report as specifled. [antral d agram or draw ng and operaCan sequences A deta led I'st of all des'gn cr ter a-ndud ng but no[I m ted to bu Id ng heat loss; ga'n,thermal conduct v ry R values for any roof,wall,window,door,and sla6 emblies;water heating load;equipment capacities and efficienry;and any ather relevant loads and metrics of the project shall be lacated at the eleRrical panel. Valve tagging chart as hereinbefore specified. Guaran[ee and warranty letter. GENERALNOTES: 1.ALL FIXTURES SHOWN HEAW LINE ARE NEW,WITH THE E%CEPTION OF THE RELOCATE�WATER HEATER(TYPICAL OF ALL FlVE SUITES). 2.THE PLAN ABOVE IS TVPICAL FOR SUITE5103,203, 303.403 AND 503.503 AL50 HAS A LOFT,WHICH CONTAINS A LAVATORV,SHOWER AND WATER CLOSET. MECHANICAL/PLUMBING NOTES: OCALLOUT USEO FOR NOTE�ESIGNATION i. RE-LOGATE EXISTING WATER HEATER TO NEW ALCOVE. FIELD VEftIFY LOCATION AND RE-ROLITE EXISTING PIPING AS RE�UIRED. 2. 4"CLOTHES DRYER EXHAUST WALL CAP.COOR�INATE FINAL LOCATION WITH EXISTING GONDITIONS.FIELO VERIFY.CONTRACTOR SHALLTERMINATEDRVER EXHAUST WITH UL LISTE�F�APPER AND FIRE CAULK ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN�l1GT PENETRATIONS AN� N2EDROUN❑ ALL MA R E 26 GAUGE GALVA I W TE IAL.US Dl1CTWORK AND FIRE TAPE ALL SEAMS. R FV LOCATION. 3 EXISTING ELECTRICAL PANEL,VE I 4. LOCATION FOR NEW WASHER/�RVER. 5. e'-0'SLIDING GLASS DOOR. 6. 44'x22'WIN�OW,WITH ONE HALF OF ASSEMOLV OPERABLE. ]. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 4'WASTE STACK FROM GARAGE BELOW.FIELD VERIFY ACTUAL IOGATION. 8. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 4"VENT STACK FROM GARAGE BELOW,FlELD VERIFY LOCATION. 9. EXISTINGRESTROOMEXHAUSTANDTERMINATIONSTO REMAIN UN�ISTURBED. (2)bedroom/bath unit vrith an ad0ilional lofl. The loft also conlains a ful�bathroom with lavatory,water closet and shower. J'vdi� ili lf�: �EVIEW�� ���� .. : . `�O�P�I d �s� � �ate. ___a .�,___�.._ �y: ____.___ ��_�-_._-�__-__����.� P'oc��- � -�...- _ _ .. %�nrn of 1/ail ���'� �'� � ' I� �/ � l� �/ � ��p � 2 2015 N OF VAIL O O� O � � � / 8 y 3 �O � LAV-1 f - �(� O � �ID OWGi( ��.� `1LJ WC-1 LAV-1 LAV-1 SH-1 O O / � SH-1 �� J _' N1H_liEl 1 � ���i .._.__ : � � KS-1 DW-1 ] � ( F � � w.:. ., v .. �� _ ...��.,.. -.' O . .�.._,i .O . .. Note: THIS DRAWING FLOOR PLAN IS APPROXIMATE IN NATURE AN�SHALL NOT eE CONSTRUE�AS 100% ACCl1RATE.THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FlELD VERIFY ACTUAL WALL,LIGHTS,�IFFUSER ANO GRILLE LOCATIONS AS PART OF THE BIDDING PROCESS,NO EXCEPTIONS. UNIT#203 MECHANICAL/PLUMBING FLOOR PLAN . ,�<�_,-0• NORTH NATURAL VENTILATION CALCULATIONS: 9EOROOM#1(MASTER): Total�oor square footage=125 sq R. Wintlow Openings: (1)44'�2"vnntlows(haH ope2ble).44"x22'/2=484 sq ft.484/144=3.4 sa ry. BEOROOM#2(GUEST): To�al floor square tootage=125 so R. Wlndaw Openings: (1�44'x22"wlntlaws(half operable).44's22'/2=484 sq fl.484 I 144=3.q sa x. KITCHEN,LIVING I DINING&ENTRY HALL: Tolal9oorsquarefootage=427�s ft. woaow�a�a e=�ermr 000r�oPe�mys: (i)S�anCard Eniry Ooor(3'-0'x 6'-B')=2Q sa ft. (1)8'-0"Slider consisUng o((2)4'-0'x fi'-8'glass panels)_(4'x 6.fi6'x 2)=53.3 s� (t)44'x22'windows(half operable).44"x22'/2=486 sa ft.484 I 144=3.4 sa ft. MASTER9ATH Total floor square faa�age 5g sa ft. LAIINDRY ROOM Total floar square foolage-i 8 so k. GUESTBATH Toca�noa�sq�a.e roo�a9e=34 sa R. SUMMARY TOTALS: FLOOR SaIIARE FOOTAGES: Betlroom#'I(Mas[erJ=125 sq fl. eea�oom nz�c�est�=i2s sa tt. ^ KMchen,LiNng/Dining 8 Hall=42�sq ft. I , Master Bath=58 sq R Launtlry Room=18 sq fL I GuestBath=34sqfl. I ITotalFloorSquareFOOtage=787�s fl. I EXTERIOR OPERABLE NANUOW ANO OOOR SOUARE FOOTAGES: Bedroom p�(Master)=3.4 sq fl. BeGroom N2(Gues�)=3.6 sq fi. Kitchen,Living/Dining 8 Hall=(20 t 53.3 t 3.4)=7fi.7 sq R. 'To�al Wntlow I Door Sauare Foo�age=83.� �4%af'!8]sq ft.(.04 x�8�sq ft.)=31.5 sa fL The to[al opereble ealerior windaw and tloor areas exceetl 4°b of ihe lotal suite squa foola9e,Iherefore,as per Ihe 20121MC(Section 4022),na[ural ventilation of the sui[e is accep�able. Permit Set R�n� v_ov� ou�c*SVOUCaH Hr sia 9 AMBERSAVEnUE E,CO 8163t � Z O^ I..L V Q` 1 Q > ,+if.W¢���0 `b � i 42812 � .� �W 'g1aw��E�' � � Q �� ca �F- � � � W �� �\ ,^^ vi c0 U .� � � U^' W � M O N � .� � � U � •� � U o � a � � N � O N U C = � �N � i N m W � O � MECHANICAL/ PLUMBING FLOOR PLAN,SCHEDULES& CALCULATIONS �� �� �� �� � �",:y(eJ$ � `( y� • 1a° � � � �... �� NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOW A • Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B15-0279 Project #: PRJ15-0415 Job Address: 508 E LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL Applied • 08/06/2015 Location • Vantage Point Unit 203 Issued. . . : 09/15/2015 Parcel No • 210106310013 OWNER PADALINO, DIANE H. 08/06/2015 2301 S CLAYTON ST DENVER CO 80210 APPLICANT SLAUGH CONSTRUCTION 08/06/2015 Phone: 970-445-8999 ANDREW SLAUGH 474 GREEN MTN DR EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000003368 CONTRACTOR SLAUGH CONSTRUCTION 08/06/2015 Phone: 970-445-8999 ANDREW SLAUGH 474 GREEN MTN DR EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000003368 Description: Add washer/dryer, move water heater, replace applicances and all plumbing fixtures,cabinets,tile,wood flooring. May replace water heater if needed. Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: Valuation: $45,800.00 ********************************************************************************* FEE SUMMARY **********************.********************************************** Building Permit---> $603.35 Bldg Plan Check > $392.18 Use Tax Fee > Electrical Permit > $115.00 Elec Plan Check---> $716.00 $74.75 Restuarant Plan Review—> $0.00 Mechanical Permit—> $20.00 Mech Plan Check- > $5.00 Additional Fees--- -> $0.00 Plumbing Permit > $45.00 Plmb Plan Check---> $11.25 Recreation Fee -> $0.00 $0.00 Will Call— - > $20.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES— -> $2,002.53 Payments--- ---- ----> $2,002.53 BALANCE DUE -- ----> $0.00 **************************M***************************************fr**►**********************Mnt*************************************************************************fit*********** DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 r WE OF VAIL I *****xxxxxxxxx***wxxx wx*******x*****w ************************w *fl********* ****fl****fl**** ********************************************rx CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: B15-0279 Address: 508 E LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL Owner: PADALINO, DIANE H. Location: Vantage Point Unit 203 wwwxw xww*******xx*x*x****wwxxx*x**** x*******x************xxxx**w******wxxx xxww******wwxxxx***** ******wxxxxx*****aex xww xxxx***********x*wwxxwwwwxxxx** Cond: 42 (BLDG 2009) CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED PER 2009 IRC R315 combination permit_012811 t TWNOFVATI REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: B15-0279 Address: 508 E LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL Owner: PADALINO, DIANE H. Location: Vantage Point Unit 203 Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough Item: 00220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V. Item: 00230 PLMB-Rough/Water Item: 00190 ELEC-Final Item: 00290 PLMB-Final Item: 00390 MECH-Final Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 _ Department of Community Development � 75 South Frontage Road TOW1U Q� VAl1 `'' vai�,co s�ss� Tel: 970.4T9.2128 www.vaitgov.com Development Review Coordinator TRANSMITTAL FORM Use this form when submitting additional infarmation for planning applications or building permits. This farm is also usetl for requesting a revision to building permits. A two hour minimum building review fee of$110 will be charged upon reissuance of the permit. ApplicatioNPermit#(s)information applles to: Attention: �j Revisians � t � � �?� /' f �Response to Correction Letter r ���"���v�, t,°���} f`t� �attached copy of correction tetter �� � �r"�-�'j ' ��j ( Q�eferred submitta� � (�Other P�oject Street Address: � � L a.���{�.a l r, � (Wumber) (Street) 1 (Suite#) Building/Complex Name: V.���'�� ��=�- 1��C`� Description ofi Transmittai/l.ist of Changes, Items Attached: Applicant Infarmation -- ��S�"���- `�� -r��-�'� �`~' } ►2 i= i (architect,contractor ownertawner's rep) �l �� ./ S t.C.�. �S;`e'�!. t� tC � �°_'�✓'�..,_ r� � � Contact Name: c�(��'".Gc.�J ��L'�.�.�t.�L�.. r , +.,v. C YS ,�... �-�- ...>���-� Address: �C� �0�� �� �'"� � v 6�t�.� 4 1n ���c�ffc.��,.,,,_ �-�= i^.u..) City�"�j C State� t �.' Zip� ��,� � {u G�J� � t�^-r'c.r'" ContaCt NBme: (use additionat sheet if necessary} Contact Phone: � �� " � `"r ) ' �� � �� �ti Building Permits: Contact E-Mail: Glv�:t�.� ' S�c��r�{O��s��r� c�f ���, ,a�,,Revised ADDITlONAL Valuations(Labor&Materials) �,=� (DO NC)T include original valuation) I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out Building: $ in full the information raquired,completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to Plumbing� $ comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according Electrical: ��. $ to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- �� ;;' � proved,International Building and Residential Codes and other Mechanical: ` $ ordinances of the Tovun ap�U r���o�.,�.... ,�_°-_ ,�..._..._ Total: $0 Owner/Owner's Representative ignature(Required) Date Received: �---n--- � '`� � I_? n� � For O�ce Ltse i:)nly: D -' ``'/ ��, Fee Paid: Received From: ��� � � ry��� Cash Check# � � CC: Visa/MC Lask 4 CC# exp.date: Authorization# TOWN OF VAIL Page 1 of l. Andrew Slaugh From: °Martin Haeberle"<MHaeberle@vailgov.com> Date: Tuesday,August 1 l,2015 2:t2 PM To: <ANDREW(a�SLAUGHCONS'TRUCTION.COM> Subject: BI 5-0279 508 E Lionshead circle Please address the faliowing comments and resubmit revised plans in order to comp�ete the review of your project far code compliance: 1. Provide an engineered design and pians for the additionai fixture loads being placed on the water and drainage system for the buitding. References section 106.3.1 IPC 2012 edition. 2. Provide details for the fi�e resistive assembly penetrations to include identification of fire assemblies. References section 107.2.1 IBC 2012 edition. 3. Provide plans for the required ventilation and mechanical system per the IMC 2012 edition. At your service, Martin Martin A Haeberle,CBU Chief Building Official ADA Coordinator Building Safety and Inspection Services Community Development Department Anywhere 970-479-2142 mhaeberle@vai!gov.com ��YY � Q� Yti�` � �, ��� � � . � �' 9/�/2Q 15 � Department of Community Development '' 75 South Frontage Road TOWIU OF VAIL i va�i, co 8�ss7 Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm &sprinkler) Project Street Address: Project#: I���I J —O ��`-� SV� � L-•�o,,.s�..��-c� C�`r:.1.c. v� 0 `� (Number) (Streetj (Suite#) DRB#: Building/ComplexName: V'G-��c,� � V �4.-� BuildingPermit#: � �''aa��, Contractor Information Lot#:�Block# 1 Subdivision: V� 1�L— ���I ���- -1 Business Name: �L���.-1-� �O{'�jT�2�C.'�-�prv� Work Class: New�) Addition (�j Alteration (� Business Address: QO �::� �- \� � ( / City�c��� State: �� Zip: c��� �� \ Type of Building: /� Single-Family�j Duplex(Qj Multi-Family(�j Contact Name: r�+v� rr,�,.S S1�-t.^^-C �-�- Commercial (�j Other�j Contact Phone: �70 ° y� �� �R� Contact E-Mail: d`��t-w (� Sla�c'►��o•�s�-r..�c.'4-° ��� �C��Work Type: Interior� Exterior Q Both � I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out Valuation of in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, Work Included Plans Included Work and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to Electrical �Yes �)No �Yes QNo 0�� comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to Mechanical �Yes �)No �Yes QNo 400 the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other P�umbing �Yes �No �Yes �jNo a ` 0 O ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. � � � � � �D � � .�i' _ Building Yes No Yes No 0 c? X Value of all work being pertormed: $ .,� �'D � er/Owner's R esentative ignature(Required) (value based on IBC Section 109.3 8 IRC Section 108.3� Electrical Square Footage �� Appticant Information Detailed Scope and Location of Work: Applicant Name: f'�Cr(sc.J ,.�1Gt.��� �e�c� iJw�.l l �!�yW .�c�l�C. -�--�'f Applicant Phone: '1�� — y��- �q Q � � t,�c,��. ��� (�C U���L Applicant E-MaiL• L�r�G f.�-J � c�-r� Caw-S��u��-�� .(t� �w..cc.,�,� c�l� 9<<,..,�..1�,r•s �-��..f-r.. 5 . Project Information ;� G =1�.� •� tJ �i,rc Owner Name: � ) ;0.tif �c`�a'�r��'� , � f i - ` �C�S r�^r. i..�e.�r h�tt� i S �t��t 't�',-L Parcel#: `1(�\ C`.� ���`� r� i (For Parcel#,contact Eagle County sessors O �ce at(970-328-8640 or visit V c.(� �� IL�I c,�.�-- yt��- www.eag lecou nty.us/patie) l�� --�-p �� ��� (use additional sheet if necessary) ��r� ��- .-�1)�pi��^ For Oftice Use Only: Fee Paid: ��j � �7 � 3� Date Receive D � � � � M � Received From: Cash Check# AUG 4 5 2015 CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC# exp date: � Auth # TOWf� �� �,��i�. ° i�_r,r.,r_�ni� 5 � ��� � Page 1 of 2 � � . Andrew Slaugh From: "Nick Lunn"<nicklunncec@yahoo.com> Date: Monday,July 13,2015 8:36 PM To: "Andrew Slaugh"<slaugh(u�centurytel.net> Subject: Optional Service Load Calculation Results Load calc with on demand hot water as well as added circuits for washer and dryer for vantage point Optional Residential Load Calculation Results: Multifamily Dwelling: Dwelling Units: Demand Factor: 100% Step 1: General Lighting and Recepticles: Total General Load @ 3VA: 8100 VA Step 1 Total: 8100 VA Step 2: AC System: 220.82(C)1 Total: 0 220.82(C)2 Total: 0 220.82(C)3 Total: 0 220.82(C)4 Total: 0 220.82(C)5 Total: 3000 220.82(C)6 Total: 0 Largest Load Per 220.82(C) Step 2 Total: 3000 VA Step 3: Fixed in Place Appliances: Step 3 Total: 12500VA Step 4: Dryers: Step 4 Total: 3500 kW Step 5: Cooking Appliances: Step 5 Total: 6500 kW General Load: First lOk @ 100%: 10000 Remainder over l Ok @ 40%: 8240 Total General Load: 18240 Final Totals: Feeder Load: 21240 VA Feeder Amperage: 88.5 Amps Neutral Load: 21100 VA 8/3/2015 � Page 2 of 2 Neutral Amperage: 87916666666667 Amps Service Size: 100 Amps Conductor Size: Feeders per Table 310.15(B)7: Copper: 4 AWG Aluminum: 2 AWG Neutral per Table 310.15(B)7: Copper: 4 AWG Aluminum: 2 AWG Ground per Table 250.66: Copper: 8 AWG Aluminum: 6 AWG It is highly recommended to double check the calculations before submitting them on any professional level. This calculation was generated with the ReiWare, LLC Service Load Calculation Tool Available on the Apple App Store, Google Play and Amazon App Store. Sent from my iPhone 8/3/2015