HomeMy WebLinkAboutB15-0300 . . / �� ----- � 01-06-2016 Inspection Request Re ortin Page 5 _ :14 m __—----- --V�, CO - �itv�-- - s- Q� � -- Requested Inspect Date: Thursday,January 07,2016 Site Address: 4560 MEADOW DR VAIL Vail Racquet Club Bldg 2 Unit 7 A/P/D Information Activity: B15-0300 Type: COMBO Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: R-2 Insp Area: Owner: BRADLEY LANE SCHUSTER& PATRICIA LYNNE BORTZ Applicant: HIGH ALTITUDE HOME IMPROVEMENT Phone: 970-376-2827 Contractor: HIGH ALTITUDE HOME IMPROVEMENT Phone: 970-376-2827 Description: Replace 3 sliding doors-same for same and remodel bathrooms Notice: pa�per submittal, routed to plan rack B 3 and planninq(Jonathan)-LCAMPBELL Comment: CR1 load calcs routed to laserfiche and B-3-CGODFREY Comment: CR1 paper routed to laserfiche and B-3-CGODFREY Re uested In ection s It : 542 PLAN-FINAL Requested Time: 08:00 AM equestor: HIGH ALTITUDE HOM IMPROVEMENT Phone: 970-376-2827 C ents: 376-2827 Assign o: BGARNER Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Actio . Time Exp: Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 08:30 AM Requestor: HIGH ALTITUDE HOME IMPROVEMENT Phone: 970-376-2827 Comments: 376-2827 Assigned To: J AGON Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: /� ���� ��.�.� ��.,��r� p,�j ��.� �q,��/ Item: 390 MECH-Final Requ ed Time: �AM Requestor: HIGH ALTITUDE I-�ME IMPROVEMENT Phone: �70-376-2827 Comments: 376-2827 Assigned To: J AGON Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: �_ Time Exp: Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 04:00 PM Requestor: HIGH ALTITUDE HOME IMPROVEMENT Phone: 970-376-2827 Comments: 376-2827 Assigned To: S MER Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: _ Item: 290 PLMB-Final Requested Time: 04:30 PM Requestor: HIGH ALTITUDE HOME IMPROVEMENT Phone: 970-376-2827 Comments: 376-2827 Assigned To: ��ER Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: _ Inspection Historv � ��[`{� � Item: 120 ELEC-Rouqh "Approved" 11/09/15 Inspector: sgremmertt Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V. **Approved" 11/09/15 Inspector: sgremmertt Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 200 MECH-Rough **Approved*` 11/09/15 Inspector: sgremmertt Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 230 PLMB-Rough/W ater "Approved" 11/09/15 Inspector: sgremmertt Action: AP APPROVED Comment: ------ -- ---- ------- __—___-- --- ---- — _ _ REPT131 Run Id: 14949 a -SCOPE OF W�RK: DEMOLITION: Remove and dispose of exlsUng finishes and fixtures in bedrooms and 6atha(3). Retain exiating tollet fn hell beth and existing tub in hedroom bath. ELECTRICAL: Instali new IiBht ftxturo in sach bedroom(3 total). InstaU new vanHy lighta In bathrooma(3). Loed celcul9tbns tor perrnk eubmittal,code campliance tor swltchea and outlets. MECHANICAL: InsUll new exheuat fana with flre dampera in batha(3). DRYWALL: Patch all demage,prime and pairrt weile one color,ceilings white in baths and badroome. PLUMBING: Meater end hali baih-remove tub end conveR to stand alone ahawer,instaU new: showerltub valves and draina,vanity einksHauceta. : EXTERIOR DOORS: InstaU 3 new JELD•WEN btnnze dad sliding doors. A HALL BATH: lnstail whisper mat acoust(c und�rlayment,hew stone-look porcalain tile 3 wall surround(to cei(Inp)with deco strip,pte-fab shower pan(Sileatona white),brushed nickel shower/tub fixture,tile floor and baaeboarcl,maple vanity cabined brushed n�kai hardware with drawera,graNte counter-iop with 4'backspleah,under-mount sink,3-hole faucet,1/4'Kohler clear glaea bypast � shower enclosuro,soap/ahampoo cornertraya(2). Retain exiatinp to�et.Inatali bath accesaoriea. B GUEST(BDRM.)BATW: Inatall new store-look porcelein tlle 3 wall aurround(ta ceiling)with deco strip,rotain exiaUnp tub(replece trim with bru�hed nickel)brushed nfcku ahower fixturo,retain exiating tife floor a�d ahower door,maple vanity cabinet/bniahed nick�l hardware with drawen,banjo style pranite courrter-top with 4'backspla�h,under-mount sink,3=hole faucet,aoeplshampoo comer trays(2},Instali new toflet. InstaU beth eweuoriee. C MA3TER BATFI: Inatell.whieper mat aaruatic urtderlaymant,in-iloor heat m+it and thermoetat,inetall new atan�-look poreslain tNs 3 well aurround(to ceilinp)with deco atrfp,pro-tab shower pen (Site�ton�whtta),brushed nickN showsr fxtur8(mulU-apay unit sel�cted and purchaaed by hom�ovmar),tll�tloor and ba�sboard,mspl�vanity cebineU bruahed nk�al hardwaro with drawers, banJo atyls pnnite counter-tap with 4'beCkapl��h,under-mourM alnk,3-hoN tauat,3!8'c(eu glau panel Idoor shower snclosun,Qoaplshampoo cornK trays(2). Install beth accesaorlea. DOORS AND TRIM: Inatali new bassboard(1x4)and caainp(1x4)end interbr by-pau closet and paaeap�doora in bedraoms and er�ry cb�t(n�vr trim in entry aroa)Doors(2 panel shak�r-styls mapie)and trim atafned and lacqwrod to match aulaUnp ba�eboard in hall,bruahed nicke!lever styAe handles,hinge�and stop�r, Mirrorod dos�t door In iront guest room. BUILT-INS: Instetl artnaire-atyle Aoor to cailin9 cabinet(drawero tn baa�,clothes rod fn upper)and 3 drawer nipM atend in pueat room(white melemfne doors,top end eidea)with brushed nickel herdware to metch beth veni�as. . GENERAL NOTES: 7'h�Centrac6�r h to vbKUu stN,hm111ariu himssH wNh dl nwv work and v�rt(y�II�xlstlna eonditlons and syst�ms,Includinp utllfly loeatlons,hookup�aad stubs,nqulnd v�ntllatlon,nlocaeW h�atlnp �Nm�rKS,N�etrkal�nd plumbinp loeatlor�snd�quipm��rt,�te.,and d�hrmin��daphblitty to nwr work. in U»event d dlacnpancNS belwNn th�drawinp�aM exiitina In-fleld conditbni,rosdv��II discnpancks bstoro prooeedipp wkh th�work. Ap wark to b�p�r(om»d In kcord�nw with ail�pplkabN codei and repulations. TM Co�shaN nrtwv�fiom ItN slDe uM dhpos�o7aU dsmollflon mabriab,debris�nd rubbish as saon u pneUcabl�.Protad aM pdstinp aroa�!rom tM new work uM ropak ail d�mped work thrt b to rsmaG�. Ti»bulldinp and pround�ihaA t»k�pt d�rn at aN Ump. exnmw ort s sN�cba andlor nornwa 6r tlw Owwr Thn�fndud�,but�n not IimRed b.ekifrp. wnssn�inUrbr and e�derior IipMlnp flxtuns�P�ints and stsfns,Mm�wlndowa/doors,Numbiny tf�turcs, �aWMtry,buRt-ins,etc. AtFaeh�d seop�of Worf�Irtfoematlon and ip�cilicatlens an provM�d 6y fh�Q�n�nl Co�traetor,Hiph Alflfud�Hart�tmprov�mMt,P.O.Box-3t67,VUI,Cobndo t166{,c!o INr.J�ff Bonk(970)�7!•4827, ErtuN: .Ap Scop�ot Work qw�tbns and d�rilicatloni,etc.�an to b�coordinat�d fhrouph hNph AkRud�Han�ImpiovertbrN. M�chanic�l,��)and Plwnbinp�ysiwM db{ynA�yout�ha11 b�yu mponstbHlty of Ile�ns�d m�chaakal and�Nt6lcal eomulhMS�ih�ti�mnl Coehacior,appllcabN suhcontrrctor w otM+s M ��bCtW�nd�ppfOwd by th�OwD11. TfN Archk�at as�uma no roponrlbNily fa�rron,omlabn�and applleabN caM nquh�rtwnb o! aon�ulhnb.7h�ArchN�al usurrNa no raponrlbllky fa utlifly aoordlndbn,ran o/ad1�aM proprrtln, p+rfam,.na,p.dnalbn,,nd th..00mpon.nl,a aa,.tructlon ur.lrc n«ro►th�cor�naor.h�wa 10,c.rry out th�wo�ic in�ordsna wNh tN�Corohuatbn OooumeM�. ih�InvNtiq�qon o(hWrdow m�i�rlaN b b�yond tlN�eop�of tl��,Uehk�ctunl��rvba. Th� Owne�h�ll b�r��pon�ibk/or�II exNtin�hasud�on th�,nroprrty,�nd for th�4iicov�ry,handllnp,romdji�l or di�po�o!or expo�un of p�ora fo hwrdou�matuiais,waw ar:ubftana�in�ny torm on th�Prcp�lfy, 1ncit�41np bu!not Bmk�d W,��riai,Hb��fa pradudi,�tc, Replace exfatinp slidinQ ext.door Deck Deck Deck �r`� c �.!'� ��C� � ����1/VE .C`t f .,r°, , ���� 'r�,�!�"'''� � : :�t�._._ �__ � °--' l`�_. ��;- � ;�* �r"�; �lK�'l���e�i ,El��.�G I��SE��Ly r tW�`�^� LEVC�� ����� ��r� ' �-�Yc L �3 �f�/��j �' c�iG S �",�: �a�vS%�uC�i�t� , , � �p;r 7 .FLOOR Pl.a4N 1!4•_��-o"(Do not scale the drawings) .I�OTE: Pian layout taken from original conatruction documents y ��� � L�S� � plan provicied by the General Contractor. Verify in the field. . ��S ���k�',l�f.�L ; T f3 C �YOE�' U� (�LC"v,,�%/��'f y' B�RTZ RE3fDENCE INTERI4R REMC1�El� Vail Racquet Club Condominiums, B(dg. 2, Unit 7 4570 Vail Racquet Ciub Drfve, Vaii, Colorado Paresl Number; 2101-124-20-028 Owner: Bradley L. Schuster/Patricia L. Bortz c/o 1134 S.Vine St., Denver, Colorada 80210-9 831 ' j� I`- I I `„i i� � , ,G, i� I �ER �% ?_ �015 I i TC�1N1'�i QF �.f�ii�., �: �. � � � �OWt1 Of �/81I ,�. ����' ,- � ��' :. PY � � �,�.:{ � � . . ��, ,�� � '` '�; �, �, , , - _ _ � � � � � � � ����� ; • - NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL T/MES .• row�o�v�.�. Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B15-0300 Project #: PRJ15-0433 Job Address: 4560 MEADOW DR VAIL Applied.....: 08/14/2015 Location......: Vail Racquet Club Bldg 2 Unit 7 Issued. . . : 10/19/2015 Parcel No....: 210112420026 OWNER BRADLEY LANE SCHUSTER & PATR 08/14/2015 1134 SOUTH VINE STREET DENVER CO 80210 APPLICANT HIGH ALTITUDE HOME IMPROVEME 08/14/2015 Phone: 970-376-2827 JEFF BOREK PO BOX 3851 VAIL CO 81658 License: C000003474 CONTRACTOR HIGH ALTITUDE HOME IMPROVEME 08/14/2015 Phone: 970-376-2827 PO BOX 3851 VAI L CO 81658 License: C000003474 Description: Replace 3 sliding doors -same for same and remodel bathrooms Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: IIIB Valuation: $65,000.00 ...................................,,_.._.....,..,..,...,,,....__..,,,,.............. FEE SUMMARY ......,.......,,._,..............,.,,.....,.....................,.,,,.__........, Building Permit-----------> $748.75 Bldg Plan Check----------> $486.69 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $1,100.00 Electrical Permit---------> $57.50 Elec Plan Check-----------> $37.38 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit------> $40.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $10.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit--------> $45.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $11.25 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $20.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $2,556.57 Payments-------------------------------> $2,556.57 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 .........................................................................,,.._.....................,,...«.,,................,...,,..._,._..........,.....,,........,.............,.._.., DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 . � • i V�I,i' �i F� 1 . ....+........:..x....r..•.•r....:r..e..•.+x..x...wx.x..r.x....++..xeee..++....xx.....xx..•x.•.........+�+.:...w.s.++....••.+......+.rw...x..........w++.+x.+..xwww..r..•.+..+.+wx.•w.... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: B15-0300 Address: 4560 MEADOW DR VAIL Owner: BRADLEY LANE SCHUSTER & PATRICIA LYNNE BORTZ Location: Vail Racquet Club Bidg 2 Unit 7 1r V Rff f k��l�kA4YlYlY`fYrYrYrYr�lr#trtrtf�lrAtr�tt�4f4#i(ir1.Y`Y`Ye#f�kRR�kRtf V R4tr41eRit4�Rlffi(kki(*A'#RYrk�ki4iF�YrtritwR V ff/r44firtrfrMffY'ff#RR1't4l��wf�wt`1�f44i(YIAfYert1Y'fY'rtifit4wffl`1�1�f�kYY`f`Y`rtrtrt�ktr�ktrRxfff4Rftri�+�ff#�rt�ki4M+Flrtrff�lkl�irf• combination permit_012811 � t �►1t1 V� 1�� t ***„***.**,.**,,.,,,******,,********,,.*,.,,,****,,,,*x„******,******************,,*„***���***„*.*.**�******.****.**************,,,,,**.*„*,***,*�,..**,...,..... REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: 615-0300 Address: 4560 MEADOW DR VAIL Owner: BRADLEY LANE SCHUSTER & PATRICIA LYNNE BORTZ Location: Vail Racquet Club Bldg 2 Unit 7 ....**«�**********«***********************««««««*«********.******«******«««***«««**«««««««*******«****««*««««««„««**„*****,.***,,,,*.*****«*****�«****.* Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough Item: 00220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V. Item: 00200 MECH-Rough Item: 00230 PLMB-Rough/Water Item: 00240 PLMB-Gas Piping Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Item: 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item: 00070 BLDG-Misc. Item: 00190 E�EC-Final Item: 00290 PLMB-Final Item: 00390 MECH-Final Item: 00090 BLDG-Final Item: 00542 PLAN-FINAL combination permit_012811 �� � � � �� � 1�r��'��[��n- 4'�il R�[6�H �1tt��'°� �� � �u� �r�� ��rr,�� �a� 7 3�oc+�/ fi�i�Z(ti�1fW�—��a���C�i'i � � �/�f�i�W �1•4����' Fi�+�r°1�" f�d�� �+��tr l��'W+ /Z��� �i�ha�r�lh�r !�� ���� � ����ssd �'�u J�� � �,� � �aoa �,✓ +ls�•,d�y� t�1� �S pr/ W ���* � �o ba bJ '�Id slt�h+tl#�r "�'� �D D� �^' T�$! a�"!��';�qr'#�' '�q �'/U W /.4 ! a���nn��-�rt��+ � .�i���� �-l ���� � ��_�,.r���.� �r�r� �.���w'+�.���= t�4����a�'��� ��e�e�wa� i�,�-l(v �/ c.��Y aq r,}����.��i �:: .t..�..��{��������� �/, / �v i� r*,����'� ��.��i��r� ��.��aw►��a�,r���� =h�#{�� ���gY�!✓ �������;,���,�. ���� i' 3 � � _ _ . - ��� '•:� ' Department of Community Development � � 75 South Frontage Road �,��� ��,����� . Vail, CO 81637 Tet: 970.479.2128 www.vailgov.com Devetopment Review Coordinator TRANSM ITTAL FORM Use this form when submitting additionai information for planning appiications or buiiding permits. This form is also used for requesting a revision to buifding permits. A two hour minimum buifding review fee of$110 wilt be charged upon reissuance of the permit. , ............................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... :Apptication/Permit#(s)information applies 'to: Attention: �R isions ,� esponse to Correction Letter � � ��� '�� _ �attached copy of correction tetter i � ^� �)Deferred Submittal '�jl� ``-�;�d(J+ �� �Oiher €.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. :�Project Streef Address: : z/��� 1� �G! �!1CQ'v��C�l,� 1.�,� � � :. :(Number) (Streef) (Suite#) :..................................................................................................................................................................................... �BuildinglComplex Name:���`��(G'���C�G'�� �' Description of TransmittaU List of Changes, Items Attached: : , ` ���/�� �'���':S ,�� �/��- : ;Applicant lnformation ;(architect,contractor,owner/owner's rep) ;Contact Name: ���������'— � �Address: r� •'�`�� S ;Cifij��/� State: �� Zip: C� ;; ;Contact Name_ ;;!(use additional sheet if necessary) � ���� .��� a�� �-- :_.���_:�,:�w���.�:�::��.:v��::::����::�,,��:,w��::��.:.,_��:.��..�:.���:�..w.::.:�:.��w..�.�::::�::�����.v��:w�: ;Contact Phone: ;Building Permits: , �j / 'Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor& Materials) :Contact E-Maii:��C�°�TIIA< 't�+�'�Cfi°-/��'��'��-��9k�L<<au (DO NOT include original vaivation) s ! hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out ;Buiiding: $ ; in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, �: and state that aH the information as required is correct. I agree to �Plumbing: � € compfy with fhe information and plot plan, to compfy with atl Town € s ordinances and state 1aws, and to build this structure according Electrica(: � ? to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- `, proved, Inter ationaf Building and Residential Codes and ather Mechanical: $ ; ord� n f fhe Town applicable thereto. ;X ;Total: $� . ;pvv epresentative Signature(Required) '....................................................................................................................................................................................: ` Date Received: :................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... � (�� ' '�� l� � �� �� _, ;-.� D ►�. ' For Office LTSe On1F: 04�� � � �o�� I I Fee Paid; + Received From; � ` �jpp�� Cash Check#. ����,�5 b�'.., o��� _ l �`; `. CC; Visa/MC Last 4 CC# exp.date: x ` � '�' Authorization# �� ����' Department of Community Development 75 South Fronfage Road ���� t����1.�I..� va�i, co s�s�7 Tet: 970.479.2128 www.vailgov.com Devetopment Review Coordinator TRANSM ITTAL FORM Use this form when submitting additional information for planning ap.plications or building permits. This form is also used for requesting a revision ta buifding permits. A two hour minimum buiiding review fee of$110 wil[be charged upon reissuance of the permit. .............................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�................................................ AppficationlPermit#(s) information applies :to: Attention: �Revisions i� J�`-' _ C3 �9� �2 �`` �,�spanse to Correctian Letter �attached copy of correction (etter j�G��.'--� �Deferred Submittal �� l�. Other �� .................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................: , .. ._._ .,,.. _.,. ,.,.... .._ .... .,._» ._ ._. ... _ .,....... ; : Project Street Address: � : ��5"�-� �Y;a�� ,�;���s�l'.T c���soK :� �r- ' :(Number) (Street) (Suite#) ; Building/Complex Name: / f/_ �'.�C.� � �L'�� ' �� �c" �.� :' Description o#TransmittaU List of Changes, Items Attached: = ;: ;; / .. ....................................__...................................................................................._............................_...............................'': �G�i'" ('oi'�'C�G�I`G�.Z. S. i Applicant Information ;(architecf,contractor,ownerbwner's rep) €Contact Name: J��!�` �'�0����-- � � y ;Address: �`v �'''.(. �� S � ,Clt}/ L'�/'n(�" Stdte: ! �� Zip: ��C/ �� �:Contact Name: :(use additional sheef if necessary) : , ;�.�r�__:�.��:kk�..:..�:::,�::M� .m.:m:.�:.:�::�.�:�. �,:.::::,:�::M::,...�...»>:.>::�w:::,.::�:�w,V::._...�:�.wv,..���:::.—; �Contact Phone_ � �v 5 �� ��`'�� �' <Building Permits: i' � y � � ` 'Revised ADDITIONAL Va[uations (Labor&Materials) >Cantact E-Mail: �:/��`� /�4 �'�'v�l<i�,�;7/0-��.���y��.j;;�a0 NOT include original vaivation) r���, � � ! hereby acknowledge thaf} have read this application,filled out ;guilding: $ ; in full the information required,completed an accurate plof plan, j ': and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to ;Plumbing: $ ' comp[y with the information and pfot plan, to comply with afl Town ; ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according >ElectricaL $ � to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- ; pro�ed, Ir��e�r'1i�tiona!Building and Residential Codes and other €Mechanical: $ ordir}�fic s%of he Town applicable thereta. :X�:" � ��'� " ° -;ll ��i� :Total: $ ; � ; ;Ow;ne�ners Representative Signature{Required) >....................................................................................................................................................................................: �: ,:. .......................................................................................................� � � ........................................................................; Date Received: � � �� � ��' j� �T: For OffFCe Lfse Oulc: D Fee Paid: SE� � 1 2��� Received From: Cash Check# TOWN OF 'VAIL CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# exp.date: �_,_� Authorization# � Depertment of Community Developmsnt � 76 8outh Frontage Road TOWN OF YAII' vaii,CO 81657 Town of Vail �ei:9T0-479-z�zs www.vailgav.com ���;�� povelopmsnt RevlawCoordl�ator � ILDING PERMITAPPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm &sprinkler) �ProJectBtreetAddross._____ ._s__ __.__�_.. �._ _ __.,__.� _ _- Project�: �1��' b`�►��� z o l�a�� ���v�r C�u,� l�Q. a � (Numbar) (8traet) {$ulte# DRB#: Bu(Iding/Complex Name: (�� �U ,� � Building Perrnit#: l� �� C� Cont�actor Informetion Lot#: Block# Subdiviaion: Buaineas Name:��� ���/�.�;l�f4,�/`OUC��� _ Busineas Address: ���. 38s--� =Wo�iC Clasa: Nmw(�j Addixion(�j AltereElon(� ' -------•-- : _ .___m_. . ___ _ _ _ u_ _ __� __. _ ;City P�� State: C� Zip; ���� TYPe of dulldln ; Contact Name: G v 'Sinplo-Faml�y�j Duplsx�j Multi-Fam(ly "�°— Commercial� Other�j Contact Phona: ! 6 �$02 � ' __ _ . . _ ._..: � . _.... Contact E-Mail: O,rlG oU ft8 ,�¢j Work Type: Interior� Extariar Q Both� , o _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out� Valuation of in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, Work Inaluded Plans Included Work and state that all the informetion as required is correct. I agree to 'Electrical QYes �No QYes QNo �r�oo comply with the infonnation and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and atate I�ws,and to build this atructure according to Mechanical �Yes Q)No QYes QNo /, So 0 the town's zonin�and subdivision codes,deeign review ap- , proved,International Building and Residential Codes and other ;Plumbing �ea QjNo �Yes �No �� °°�' o�din ce h Town applicable thereto. ' , ;Building Yea No Yes No �8 �o ' _ . __� _._ � __ �. �; `Value of all work being perfarmed: $ `��°�• v 0 O O er'a Repreaentative Siynatur�(Required) �(valw W�rd on IBC SaoNon tOO.S&IRC S�oUon tOB.3) Electrical Squaro Footage lf 0 � ; Applicant Informatlon ` _ ----- - - - �- - __,.�_._ ! _ /�- __ _,____ .t,- ._. .. Detailed Scope end Location of Work:/� �P���-[� S/�-r�E f � Applicent Name: (fi �/SOl/� .(/,► �/ �� �c� Applicant Phone: /s' 3 6Q f ,� T4 !� ApPlicent�-MaiL �QW f/l�/'�/lif' G���/',� 2�c.d 7i'"1..{cc §Project inform�tlon/`l� D ' /� D r�i!S7�// �he� ��/�`or f�Q J�. �nrr Namo� )s�/�,�(�/�l�l� /�0�7'l /� / / / ' '_.'!' 7 � ""�` �d O/�c�. �/�C f i�L�( — �?d Q d� , / PA►�.i�: a�o�-,L��/��o � 6a6 // o�u, (Fa Parwl*contact Eayl�CouMy As��uon Offica at(970•328-BMQ a vi�lt __4 m a q� Q G���� www.�aql�county.uUp�q�) . _ _ _ (use addiUonal aheet if necessarY) For Oftice Use Only: Date RCceived: f� �/J Fee Pa1d: s�s,.� ,_ � � �S � v � Received From: D Cash Cheek#� A�G ] 4 20�5 Ce: Vis�/MC L�st 4 CC# exp date: Auth# - � TOWN OF VAIL ��-Me�•�Aiz