HomeMy WebLinkAboutT07-0011 � VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT JNTAGE ROAD :O 81657 i9-2252 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TEMPORARY TENT PERMIT Permit #: T07-0011 Job Address: 1600 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1600 S. FRONTAGE ROAD Applied . . : 06/21/2007 Parcel No...: 210312300002 Issued . . . 06/22/2007 Expires . .: 12/19/2007 �WNER TOWN OF VAIL 06/21/2007 C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 'ONTRACTOR ALPINE PARTY RENTAL 06/21/2007 Phone: 970-328-6707 PO BOX 1709 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 474-5 )esciption: TENTS FOR HELLER/HENDRICKSON WEDDING 6-29-07; 30'X30', 0'X40', WITH TRACK LIGHTING )ccupany: 'ent Size: 30 X 30,40 X 40 Heating: ?? Heating Type: Cooking: N Candles: N +***+**�******+*****+*t****�****�*�*****s**�***+is***********►►**�:* FEE S UMMARY ***�r+*e****s*sr*+�*r******a***xaa***�*s+�*+�****s*s***�*+** ent Permit Fee---------> $125.00 OTAL FEES----------> $125.00 ayments--------------> $125.00 ALANCE DUE------> $0.00 a*sa*a**s•s�*�***■x*x*s+��s**.:.*�*ss*�xs*.**sa**.�*s*.*+*t*�*►r*�s.s***s*�*sars*�**�**a�+»*:��****:**s.*+***+�*r*�*s*s****a*.**�**s��s**ss*s�*: :tem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/21/2007 MV Action: AP SEE ATTACHED EMAIL WITH PERMIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL 'ond: 1 FIRE) : FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. ,��**�.+,:..:..�*..••*.�+*:+**�*++..*++...*�*..*.�.:.*..*«...,*..*.�:.�.�*�*�.:.**.*�:..,:.+**.**�*+..+,+*..*�.�**.+:*+........**:.+.,�*»...+++*�«.* DECLARATIONS hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, nd state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all 'own ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review pproved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. tEQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENT URS 1N ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 "ROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. � SIGN OF OWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER 0��� � (06/21/2007) Lynne Campbell -Re: Tent permits Page 1 From: Mike Vaughan To: specialevents@vailgov.com Date: 06/21/2007 10:34 AM Subject: Re: Tent permits Greetings from Dixie. I dropped them off and watched diane file the apps in the black drawer. Alpine is the applicant. I advised david smiley they were ready to be picked up. I beleive this was the first week of June. Okay, I'm going surfing. Mahalo y'all. Mike Vaughan Lieutenant/Fire Prevention Officer Vail Fire & Emergency Services 970-479-2252 »> Special Events 06/21/07 9:05 AM »> Sorry Lynne-I have never seen these permits. Temporary Tent permits for ponovan Pavilion are not required to be part of a Special Event permit, however, to facilitate the payment process, it has been my understanding that the temporary tent permits should be submitted to me, I process the payment, then forward the apps to the Fire Dept. These I have never seen. Sybill Sybill R. Navas Coordinator, Commission on Special Events, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone:970 376-2394 FAX:970 476-7141 E-mail: specialevents@vailgov.com »> Lynne Campbell 06/20/07 4:55 PM »> Hi Sybill, Lori was by, from Donovan Pavilion, looking to pick up permits for weddings on June 29 and July 7. I couldn't find anything in the permit system for these but, supposedly Mike Vaughan okayed them. JoAnn said they dropped them off with Mike Vaughan with the payment of$125 each. JoAnn Moore faxed me copies of the "special evenY'temporary permits and copies of the checks which she said were deposited per her records. Do you have these permits? Are they supposed to be special events or a Tent Permit? Let me know. Thanks. Lynne Campbell Office Manager Community Development 970-479-2150 phone 970-479-2452 fax Icampbell@vailgov.com See our web site www.vailgov.com 06/26l2007 01:10 9769261460 MOUNTAINSANDMEADOWS PAGE 61/09 � i �l�Z��e�:f%�2b � �'��tr ; r' ,"1/�/xlding R Evpnl Plnnrna� ��u � � I . J.' J^�L). • I i . D,A,TE: �V a`C� � 1 � F'ax. Number: �'� � � ` � �� � � �v�� �.b�. �I�-• �i,ttn: �,� ""'� , �'rom: Jo,Ann Moore, Mountains a.nd Mea ws, LL�C � � -�!� (/� i ,R'�,(�: (970) 926�J1�VO � I I Pages �ncludiu�g cover: � RE: J w�9.. `�C'� `sZN� � �'"_ � '� �� c� � C�L� � � � c�s ���..). . �'�t`�'` I �� � � �•I,f . ��'��� �S - . � � . . . ; � . . � � . . . . -- •---, __. _.__ � , �..� .,,.. , ..., .r . . .. 66/2012007 01:10 9709261460 MOUNTAINSANDMEADOWS PAGE 62109 . �� � , i I January 16, �007 i � . . � Town. of Vail 75 Soutkl FrontagE Road � � Vai.l, C;U $1fi57 � Contact: JoAnn Moore, �WC � Mou.ntai.ns and Meadows ' Wedding and Eve.n.t Ylann�x � PO Box 433 � Vail, CO S1.658 � (970) 390-6264 cell � joann@manvail.coz�n � ; RE: Tent perinits for ponovax� Pavilion—He11er/He rickson W�dding; � . WEDDING DATE: Friday, June 29, 2007 . ; Request for Z tents to be set up at the Donovan Pavili n for Friday, Junc;29, 2007 £or. Vai1 prop�rty owners E�igene and T,illy (Ap leman,l Hel.ler for ti.heir daughters wedd.ing. They are r.equesting 2 tents. : , Tcz�t#1: 30'X 30" tent (canopy only is weather is go d) on bacic patio at D�iiuva.t� Pavilion. for reception. The tent will. be inst �led by .Alpine P�.rt.y Rentals. Certificate o�f flame .resistance and drawing f set up attached. ; Tent #2: 40'X 40' tent (canopy-no sides) on f.ront la n area b�tween i Uonovatt Pavilion. and Park area. ThE tenl i5 l� l�e in alled the aftcmvo�a of June 29`'' by Alpi.ne Party Rentals for a 6:00 pm cere ,ony start tim�. B�.rrels will be used to secuxe the ten.t, not steaks. The ten� i acl�zduled to be broken down immedi.ately following th� ceremon� at 7:00 p . Ce�rtificat� of flame res�stance and drawing o�-set up are attached. This t t site has beer� ' approved by Pam Brandmeyer. , � � . � � 06120f2007 01:10 9709261460 MOUNTAINSANDMEADOWS PAGE 64109 . . ' � � �, ;:, .a,,., ... " '" .' ' � ' ,��'��.r�F���N a:�I � Tow f Vai : S ecial Events LFCen e � TIGMPOIt.ARY TENT P�RMI? . $1,25 P1or-rcfundAib�e fee. Check pay��le t�► '�'o �t c►f V�il. � �e�`�Y ��e,r �icY�6�� �A?E'TF.NT(S)WIL6.. 15�; lf!v US�': ��•`^�Zg I2.00� F,VENT: �^ L(�C'ATNON: � PR(?PUSF,D OC:C. 1PANCY:_�QD�1��S Pl�ase dc.cribe nntu f the:�etivity ths►�t is pmpnsed to take pIACe wit in the �ent: _ _,, l�_. _.��� � `"� .. __i_. Fvent�roducer '+''� ��QO��ontact Persort: d rr �OOYeJ. _ Phonc: �7.�1 '��11 Ceil i'h�nc: ���:, E-ncaa BI:���r�,'fr.`R��?��. � . Any t�nt aver 10' x i?' must have at�r� pe�'mit.Cariopics are trnu witixii U'a��s�and un!ess o�unustially la.rge size,do rtut requirc a tent permit. !'Icase attach x dia��an(8-1�2 x 1 )i�'�c�u�in�,tl,c fo(�o«�n!; i dcTails- � !i i..oCaCiOn � �.-_' Layout and dimensions uf the tcnt. I !�• Vehicular deliveiy area and4he�mer�ency access ssrea ; � I:i Exits � ;'? Electricity,���, heatin�, li�hting;ind she fi�cl storaLC site_ � SpeciliC2ti0ns of the cent: (if poss�hle_��t[ach �711otog�ph or manu fnctu��r brocl;ureC— ' pimcnsion.5�p��Q ._ .._��°lar�1„r�v'_ ,Stylc �---.- Fahric Type �!<n�_._.. naCe�f la,�t fire�etarcfanttreatrtlerrt ati�ch ceri�ficat�.._� Interior 'finishe.s: (.fiirnin�re. Eloor cpvcrin�s,ete.) __ . - �� �� Uate of installztivn? �i�Zq►..3jqQ�„_,...�And Ureakdown? � W�+a..,3. O�.�Q�1'� -���' •, �, Phc,ne: Z`_b1�'�.__. • Wl�u �Nil) be dqin�th�instEllatiun. _ ��;�*�r._�sx . •- 3 Sizc;of'I'uel storage cpurce_, .�,--•- -.. . ------°•---i , ._. Desccipiionof all electricitv, g�s, hcating and ii�htin�thai is pmposed:__ �aal.���.. _... t�• • �, �-- �--i......_.._ __ _. _ _. ._—_�. .� _.._ . • � i FOR Tf?.NTS LOCA't'F'D ON T(.)WN c�F V�IL PRc�P�R'TY(I.i:_ E'ubli �'arks xnd Rizht��f�i%ays,etcj. Pl.,EASE NO'IT.-.THE I"f.)i..l..OW1�IG �IUUI'I'IU�nL REQt�►[iEMrn�iS ; __ I�ublic W�y �'ermit with utility 1C�c�es is required unles�no s.ikc �o anc�lortents cl��w:�;�rr.�USza. Yrn, must mcct with a Town of�'ail rc�es�ntativc o!�-sitc prinrt installati�n o!�the�::nc. Cail � theTvwt�of Vail Public Works, !'��'ks DiviSion97Q-�17y-2158 ��� chedul4 a n�c�;ns. � Floors aCe required for tents on�own of Vail �operty that.do : haye a"h��rd"su-1•e.ce• Dqcribc thc tent flpor LhAt:s pm�sCrJ. ._r� �� �+r� i-- vqTC: 'F'h�r��s 1 minimum 10�f.ay nnn-t�nt usa.�.e requirc �nt �et�v��cn�:�4n� eyuirin��icnt��Fi,;�;i�ari:.•�:��• �in�framc is not neQC►tizblc. Please conl�cs.the 7'own Cl�rk'S�ffice ac 97U-�79 13G�o vc�ify i��z len,pl.�:��ti�.;it�s acc¢n[aLilc fUrthe time frtimr.r.ir.cire.cl. ' �'y��pl��Ai2TIi�lE1�iT ENSPEC'1f10N 1S Rl�QC1IRED PRiOR'b'O �E �V Ev"�. P6ease cos�c� ilte 1%:t9i Fer� U`9��rlet�enY�t 970-47�-2250 to sCE u�an in� ctea�n rimP;ont: c;a¢e. pPPi..iGATION iS FiERL-gl` APPR(7VEn:_ . „___ D[{NIEJ:_.__ y.__�, _... ltcason f'or Geniai: ---•, ....—_.....__._---; -•- � Bv VnIL FiRG D�PnRMf��r: .- -. ._. _., .._ _.__. ...._— ��1'�:__. --._ ; n i . , , , � , . ;.�. .. ,.... . :,., ,., .. I 66f2612667 01:16 9799261466 MOUNTAINSANDMEADOWS PAGE 65I09 � �\\iX' �CM� �vw�►�• � � t:�`c��'/o�n�O�v�>>t�n�Gti�c7 .� . ' � ' � . ����CX►cr. . - . . ' �� � �y� �4?�+�C' `C�0.�na , , . •uli.�,. �P�P� �o x3., e� . � �1 . `� , . . , . . . . . , , . . �. � . : . . , . . . ' • . • , . ' • . ' r• `• . • 4 ', • � ,• ' , ' •' 'r • . � . 1 ' � • � • �, . , � I ,, • Y 1 • . • ,. • ' . ' , ••� . � _� � 1 • ', . . ' � . . ' , ' , . � . s. �� � . � ,' • ' . � ; � , y � . • � � � � � � � � , � {� . � � , � . . , � ° � , , - . , ' - �T , • � � , . ; . ' . . . • • .. � • .�/� � � ' � • - . , ' � ' � J � • � I � . . . . . ' • � • '. ' � . �I • � � � �.... .=- ' ` � .�,��L��� • . ' � . , c.oeevw��u , . ' � -�� . � . � oMCr�m� . t � ,� � � ..� �.:�ra,�x.. , � . � e � . . •�� , N ! , �.�a� � , . � ' � , � ; �Tlr-►; . . , °' � � • �-7F$1F9 � ' , � � • ' ' ' • ' � , � . , � � . . • � ' . . • ; . , • • ' . . . , ' � � , . ' . �� . �� � . � . , . 4 � , . • . � � � . • � '. .' ' . , � ' � , � � �j - . 1�� . , . , . � . i ti . � • ' � . • . . � ' � . I . ' - . ' . � �• t • '� I ' • ' , ' • ' . � � , . � ' • ' _ � • . .. , . � I . � � � � � � � . m � � , � � ��� � � � .�- . . . . , � . � � . - �` . � : � � � � � � � . . .. . . . � . � . � � � � .- � � � � . � � � . : ❑ � � � . . � . . � . . . . , . ❑; . � � .���-_.... . , . �, . . . � . . . , . . . � � � . . � � � � � I � � � � - � . ❑- , � . , . . , , � ; . . , . � � . . . �S.�c�•�� - . � � � . � � . . 66/2012067 01:10 9709261460 MOUNTAINSANDMEADOWS PAGE 66/09 �aN. 16, 200i $�04RM .���P1NE PnkiY RENTA� �U. 1`'2 N� � . ; � ; � ; -� ------�.�. _._..... � -- — , ;-- ^ _.._ -- - � ' � o �aC��t� �Si�t�r�.�� � C:e1'"'�� tCl�G'� � . � ; . � � i REGISTERED IS$U�p BY pate��Htsnufaob�ro FABRIC .IOH�15oN OUTDOORS li�c. �i NUMB�R ��NGHAM74N,NEW YORK 13902 ZV(A'Y"200� ; j F-1 AO.0 1 M�nufectwars of tho Fipes� ; i 7e�tf Products Deaarlbad Horeln `-.•• -- � ; ; :`a � Thia is to o�e�i4y thpttl,p proc°ur.fs herein have been r�anufaotured�rom ms r�a]in!�ere�;.9�Ffa�:r�=retardar�=as ;� here aft�r s�ecified b�the materlel supplier. , ,� _ti ! �NAME: AL,PINE PARTY '"'' i ' :� � CITY: EAGL�,CO , -; I Cer:ification i9 hereby made tF�al: ".j The a�clee descrlbaa on thfs cart�ficete ha�e been m�nulactur�tl wlth an approved f e retardant chemica� tn comPliance wit I Ca�lfornla Stste�ire Marsha�4oda� NFPA•701', Underwrl`�rs LaboraEory oP Canada,an haJe be�W e���d'i�1CC01'c1911Ce ilvihh t{1°_ I A� � p ' � • , � ' ; ;� � '�ype,colo�e�d wElaht of R;ete�is9 14 O� vinYl WH17E LITE&gRl i� ;� ..� 'rr .� SYSTEM 30;C�9 ! � `�I ' De�c�io�on 0�item�crtlfled: E���F�� � ; -,' i _._._. �a" � F�ame Refiarda�tt Process Used UVi611Vot Be Rerr�� c� ������'�'� �nd' = � Is E�ect9�e For The Life ��The � �°3i I�'� I � ���� I i #:' ' S�y�ee Manuf�etur�n�,9�c. =,= , °^ti Menufaclurer D�Flame Reu�►d6ntVin��L9minat2a TENT OEPA�,7MENS,JUHNS� U7 ����N ��arpe Scale — �� , '� I � 06126/2067 01:10 9769261460 MOUNTAINSANDMEADOWS PAGE 07/09 i � ;,..�. , � . .. . .A'g"f/4C;�$l�![1G'.N'�;�-8 'A"ow� o�Vail: S ecial Fvents Licc�ro e 'TEIVVA�P�RARY '�'E1V�' P�]l�M�l" $ft25 Noaa-re�undable fee. C�eck payable to "�'o of�ail. �Qc�_c�"r'` �`'�I�''M�Q Z. ,.ZOot� EVBIYT: �@..\____�� ,. v��}9�._DAl�.'s'�;IV a('S')w1Li.�E 'N 'SE:_,,,�_w�^'r,—� ! LOCATiON:�o�nvax� -��1�-.�—PRUF'OSE1�OCC P/�INC�': �—O � : - \ please desc�riteP nature o�the aetivity that is nroposed to take place wBt in the tent: �� vV '�L�'�0�,� ��� c� ` -?�_�f?'�_ V GM W��rnYwac7� °� S.?'�L_�'�..d�'�4..�� "1�`�E.�• �� �rO�IOW�� �vent hrodi�cer:�.4+�e.:�.S �,45��!OJf.�C�nt ct Person: n� �.. . — � 9'I�uuC:_��L, C�eAI F'hnnc:�, 2..�Y N • L����•• F-mail: \n.�N � � - � � ' ' � Any tent over 10' r 12' must have atcni �ermit. CanoPies are tents wi:hou w�l Is.and un�esS ot�u���sually large s►ze_do not require a i.eni permi�. P!�d,�aatach a dia�am(8 I/Z �: I ! islcluding�.E�P f�liciwlRg ; details: � �,; Location � �� Layout and dimensions of�.hc tcr.t. ,:; Vehicular dclivery arca ar�d tl�e emcr�cncy acces��rea C� �xils , G Electricity,gas,I�ealin�, ligluin�,and the fvel slorage site. Specific�.r.ions of'thc len�: (tt possible, 2ttach phOto�aph u�rnaiiufacturcr brochure) Dimensioz5 �Q�.C.��� ,Color Wln��_ tY�z . :._ ..._._. Fabric'TYp� �.�n�`��U��•eoflast ftre retardantt:reatmenG at ach ceitific�te)._ tnterior finishcs: (fi�rnl`�u;e,tiour c�verings,etc,) L.�. �.Si����-• � � D a t e o f i n R a l l a t i o n?���._Z 9�.i.A�i'l.—�..-� d breakdown? _ �y� Z-�1-�-�a� '��� Who��vilf Uc dc�in�rliF install�.l:ian° ,� '�� Pilonc: �Z,�=�4�-- �i�e�f fuel scorage sourCe��� .. • --•- ---- :-- n�cripCion of all cicctrici:y, �as. he1ting and lighting that is proposc:d:,, ,... _.._—. • FOR TFNTS LQCATF.D ON 'COW� O� V,41f, PROPL"ltTY(I.E. Pub�i� a?cs and Ri�ht ol'Ways.etc). NI.�ASE NOTE TFI� FOl•�•OW'°.NG AF»il'1�NnL RCQIiiREh7CTiT'S �: Public Way Panit witl�utility!oca�es is required un{ess n�s�alce lU�:�lch��rtcr�ls dqwt,a�e�sc�. Yqu must m�with a Taw�1 of Vail re[�rescnlative on-sir,e p�-iort install�iion�t'the tent- C'�!! chc Town of Vail Pub!ic Wnrks, I'arks Divisicn 97G-�79-2158 to cl�du�e a m�cx�t�8• : � Floors a�erequited fortents on'rown of Vail proPcrty that d� c�o hav�;��j�'��0• � ���,y pc;,crihc thc tent (1�or that is prop�se�. _ �--0�.v=!r�- �— �v e��� NOTL: 'Chere ic t�minimum 10-c1�y n�n-unl u��Ze requirement!)etwc�n even�ti cquiring d�c��t�f��� ��'"� ��h" time frame is npt negotiable. Please enm.�ct the'i'b�+m Cl�rk's ofFice at 970-479- 1;G lu��rif� i f<�icnc pl�ccrix;nt is acccptable tor thc tirtw Frarne�ir_�iri�d. FtRN DEPARTMTN'b' INSI°�C�'iON IS �2EQU1REq�'R�OkZ'6'O �Il; EYEN'!'. PAeasc contrcc the vaAl r�e�c �cp�rtment a4 A7Q-479-2250to cnr n�a�iris eti��a tin�e and date_ �PPLICATtON �S HER�13Y APPROVED:_,. , . DFN�i:U; ,,,,, , .__ KeaSOn for dcnlal: .. �� " � 13Y VAIL C'1RE DEPARM�i�IT: .Y._ . . .,_ DA+1:: ..,_.� _ � �'�A�no��—' "1 � Lo�var c�.�'e�, °`p��.�o�� p�- � - � � ' :�,. �.,. , . . . .. . . ,. . . , . . . � 06l20/2667 01:10 9769261460 MOUNTAINSANDMEADOWS PAGE 08109 � ► - � I ; ; ..- � ; � � ; � � . � ,,� , . y ,�.,. �, � _ —��:,z��ze �- '- � � . u= :�,� � �� - �N�o�infl _ ��' �� � : �� 'lt bV � �� � ^ �---`�']!F�/��L—� ui� . �i A - �!,Zr�:C I� ���/ • �� � �� � � � � I o � ' � . � _ � , ..: _ 7 � r c �i � ! : � �z `n � y, � t'�'�� �� � � � �`} � ?G.: � I � � 1 9\ __u \` `.` 1 � �•_ % �� � ' ~i :� '�. / _a�1:: � � QOO I I � � � C74���••�. / — \ ,� .J � i��' � �, - � ��� > � � T ; � ,. 4,; �, l ��� . � -� . � � _� ` �� v/ �� � � I �� � 1 _ ��� l— .. �w i :11��W � � � �/ , �W n^/ � ���,i �� � ` � � � . 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I i NUMSER BINGHAMTON,N�W YORK 13902 MAY 2005 : Manufaetur�rs r�f�hp Finsst ,�J � F-14�.01 7ent products Descri6ed Neroin . ;d • v8 beeee tPd�RUlactuiFd from mat ia!inharpn:!y olarri�i�i.�r�an:as �,� � This is Eo certify that the produc4s h�re�n a' -� f�ere�fE�r speclfied by'!he rnat�rial suppli ��� ';� � NAME: ALPIN�PARTY :� � ,�� �1 � CITY: EAGLE,CO �'� •., �; i :� � Certi1'ication is hercby made that: ;"� � � 1re ar��cles daecribed on this cerlificate havo bee� m���D�urad wnh An aeP�aved fla retstdant chemicAl in compilance w � � � ? Galifomia seate Plr�Ma�ahal Code, NFPA-701*, Underwri�ers Labor$tory of Canada, and heVe been tested in acco�dance wlth ih� .r � at ar ex���Milita 1��D€��� Tan�.��Q►and weiaht af material 14� vin�l WHlT��ITE&BRITE . ,� �.� �S� `i _��i �� 0�6��luliu�i oi itom eortifl�d: EC'(RFKA FRAME SYSTBM 40:�AQ -• _._ � 'i Flame Retardant Process Us�d Will NQt Be t�emov d �y Washing An+d � i !s Effect�ve For The LifA Of 7he Fa ric a . w, i :� I Snyder Manuf2►cturi�g,lnc. '�='' :J � Men4�a�lUrer oi Flame Rets�damvinvi lamin�� '1'ENT DEPAFZTMENT,�OHNSON U i ORS IN • •Largo^oosle___ _ '� , i . �