HomeMy WebLinkAboutOTC15-0052 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,. T�'IIWN t�'VA(L'. Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 OVER THE COUNTER PERMIT OVER THE COUNTER Permit #: OTC15-0052 Project #: PRJ15-0515 Job Address: 1330 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Applied.....: 09/14/2015 Location......: Overlook at Vail Unit 12 Issued. . . : 09/15/2015 Parcel No....: 210312123001 Valuation.....: $12,000.00 OWNER PELLAR, DR. RUSSELL W. &ANN 09/14/2015 1331 INVERNESS LN SCHERERVILLE, IN 46375 APPLICANT MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL& SPA I 09/14/2015 Phone: 970-949-6339 ANDREW BOKOL PO BOX 2670 VAI L CO 81658 License: C000003297 CONTRACTOR MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL& SPA I 09/14/2015 Phone: 970-949-6339 PO BOX 2670 VAI L CO 81658 License: C000003297 Description: Concrete slab and new hot tub and 110v outlet on existing circuit ...................................................................,.,..,_...,.,+. FEE SUMMARY ....,.,....,....................,.....,................,..._,,....__.........,., Building Permit-----------> $209.25 Bldg Plan Check----------> $136.01 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $40.00 Electrical Permit---------> $57.50 Elec Plan Check-----------> $37.38 Mechanical Permit------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit--------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $490.14 Payments-------------------------------> $490.14 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 .._...,,................•___.,,,,_,.._..................,.,...............,.........,...........,,..,...«........................_,....__,.._...___.,,._._.,.,..,.......,.....,.,........ DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. combination permit 012811 r f ����� I� 1 •���x+�+�x���xxx���x�rx�x.ww:++���x:ww��x.�w..:++rr..xx.xx+.r.�xx....xxx�>xrx�+.xx�wwxx��+.�w���w��wv,�t��+r+.:�xrrr�x+.+.++rr.�x�«rv.v.,rxww,rw,.w,rrrw.,ra+..xv...x.�x���r:++�:�x�+x���+rr.w,.,.a,r,.,.,. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: OTC15-0052 Address: 1330 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Owner: PELLAR, DR. RUSSELL W. &ANN Location: Overlook at Vail Unit 12 Axtiwftfri(frM�4441�4i(irtRf`�YxwRx4wwR�W t(wwT+4lrtr�wSleNRtit�44�I�R�Rtr�kYrk44�44YrA�R�tf�rt1r1r1r1rRffrwt�wwwfrxf(ftrffff44f(k41(fi+(R�ARflrxxw�4t(1`41`4LY(f1�1�+t#te41`f1(tir/rk4�R44YeY`f#M'rtY`trffYrtrRYrRRff�kff�ReR V frfwt`1�44Rk1`fe4ffl`fe4 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. combination permit_012811 : . � �����l7,Uw� � «�*****..,.,***,.*******«...,.**..**.,,,,*******************««««««„*****************�,.��,.*************«*«***«*******,.**,.,.******«*�*****««*******«****.***«� REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: OTC15-0052 Address: 1330 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Owner: PELLAR, DR. RUSSELL W. &ANN Location: Overlook at Vail Unit 12 .**,.,****„******.,*«*,***********�*,.*******..**..*,.******„***********,,.****�*****,.******„*«****,,,,**„*****„*,.*.***************,.***.*,.****��**********. Item: 00542 PLAN-FINAL Item: 00090 BLDG-Final Item: 00190 ELEC-Final combination permit_012811 � - � � '-I ' � 5 b�- � � ` Community Development Department r,r`'r J 75 South Frontage Road West ��� TOWN OF VAIL �� va�i, co s�ss� Tel: 970-479-2128 Community DDeeartment www.vailgov.com P Development Review Coordinator PORTABLE HOT TUB & SPA PERMIT APPLICATION (This permit is applicable to one and two family dwelling units only) (Permit fee = standard building fees and design review fee) Project Informatior}> �-, � ,� Type of Building: One Family(���) Two Family(Duplex)(� Owner Name: L� �`-��S� (� � /�ti�� �c��c.S" ` Submittal Requirements: Parcel#:___� �0�- 1 Z l- Z �-i�0( . Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter(Duplex) (For Parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at(970-328-8640 or visit . Two(2)plan sets indicating: www.eaglecounty.us/patie) • Proposed electrical service to hot tub or spa, as well as Project Street Address: all outlets, shut-off switch and light fixtures within 10 �j j p S��N��2,.t L�:- _ �� feet of tub, including load calculations • Specifications for hot tub or spa cover in compliance (Number) (Street) (Suite#) with Energy Code • Site plan showing location of hot tub or spa in relation Contractor Information to the building. utilities and property lines, including set f n / backs and easements Business Name: �:��/y�trM�.-i �c.a�� / ��9/ /f5 . Hot tub or spas located within a utility easement re- /l � �L 7C� quires a completed Utility Approval and Verification Business Address: ' V(- �;� Sign-Off Form City ,j�C� � � State: �G Zip: �G� � • Full view photo of location of spa • Specification sheet showing style and color Contact Name ���%�Lv' _�ul-'=c- d Detailed Scope and Location of Work: �c:�c rt�e ���� Contact Phone �! �U 7 f�- �j.�.�9 t �,',�, f��-� -��(� � � �.-{;o� o ��I � ��l G ��(�� c,� Contact E-MaiL �a�✓l��C •� � ✓✓���'SVC��_(pi+� �,5�;-.� C.rc..:}� (use additional sheet if necessary) Applicant Information (fill in if different from contractor) Applicant Name Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work Applicant Phone __---_ ._----__ ____- ____— - ---------- Electrical (�)Yes (rv)No (�Yes (1 )No � 0�` Applicant E-Mail: Mechanical (j=�)Yes ((- )No (j�)Yes (j )No I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate site plan, Plumbing (�' )Yes (( )No ([fiYes (��No and state that all the information as required is correct I agree to guilding (j�Yes (; �)No (�Yes (� jNo � 1_��(�� comply with the information and site plan; to comply with a�l Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structur accordi Value of all work being performed: $ J��F Oo the town's zoning and subdivision codes desi view pr al, �value based on IBC Section 109 3&lRC Section ioa s) International Building and ntial Cod nd o r nances /�G of the Town applic to Electrical Square Footage X / �-%����'`� �_ � Date Rec ' Owner/Owner's Representative Signature Required(typed or digital � � _�iI�� � signature) D � , ( ) Checking this box indicates you are electronically signing this application and agree to the above statement 'l S�� � 4 20�� � �f�� • �' C� il� For Office Use Only Fee Paid Project# J f �J ' Received From __O�� � ���� Cash Check# Building Permit# CC Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Auth# Lot#�Block# Subdivision �IG�� �{(�y-C� . � �„�� 12-Sep 20 McNeill Proper#y Manugement, Inc. 2077 N. Frontage Road Suite D YaiE, CO 82657 Phone 9'0-479-b047 danC�mcneiilit�c.com "The Community Assaciafiiot� AAnnagement Speciaiists" July 29, 2015 Dear Nlr. and Mrs. Pellar, This letter is to ackr�owledge Baard Qpprova! at the Overlaok u�it �2 f or hot #ub install with the f ol�owing conditians: �. Adequ�cy of d+mensions and/or certif ication by licensed contrQCtor and Q!I Yown af Vail and Eagle �aunty requirements have been met. 2. �If materials ta match existing f+nish and color•. 3. �.II construction debris fio be cieQned up on ca daily basis. 4. �ameawner wil! be t^espor�sible for^ all ��s�� �s���;�f�c� t�ri�t3� the pro ject. 5. �"he builder and any sub-contractors agree that they have �� f+nanciQl or iegal reco�rse against the HOA, fc�r anv renson whai- so ever. b. Construction activity be performed Monday - Friday 8 am fo 5pm and no work on Hoiidays. ' I 7. ��ntac� Nlctrk SQUermart with any ques�ions� and far �i�ai i pr�jec� sign off at 970-904-0707. ' i incer� !y, � � � i Du� N� Ne i I l Managing �gent, The Overlook NOA 70U��1 OF VAt�1 JC7#NT PRUPERTY OWI�ER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTEFZ The a���i�..:..�nt mus: suam,: writte� io�nt property ovs;�er appr�va=� for appiseatt�rss aff2ciing shar�w ov,-re:srip �rep�eR,�s sucn as d::rlex, candt�m�nrum, and mc�Ra;tnar,=, b;,i'�int�s This form, ar s�n�ar vrriKen corre,pondence must be ua!�n- ;�`�!�d���he acfj�inir�g dup�ex un�t awner or ihe auti}ori?ed ag�nT of the ho�Ee owr:efs assoc+at�o� in ihe casE cf a cryn- dorniniilm ar n�u;[i-denani buildiRg Ali cor��}ete�{orms-nus�be sut�mitted with ihe appt+cants tio�pfet�apoiicat�on � . � r �. t�nnt �ame; � � ��..�`F%�'J� a point w^�- c �:.-?-,c ^r.e s � } ' a�-_oc i r, af�re�>ery -u�fi�te�ta �i ! ,�:z f _ � ,� ) � ����-, �_--r—�_�`�.���`��i{ r-{�`-Z-�-'�-�---s'�-----f— �`C,�w���?�l�,s ;etier as :�r;iter; --, - „ ._ . ,�p�reva� o* t!� plans uai�d ���r r�,� �',i'� =�-C��..�___ _ ;kfi�ct� nav� �e�:n s�:�rr,ikEeo 'to i'n� To�^ af 1lai;Corzrr€�ntiy Devel��m�rt t3�p�rta�en: Sor the p�apa>eo imp;o�•em�nts to hc ;;arr�c's�ted at :?�e aWdr��;; ^ot- " �^�t#he prr� osed im�r����mc�zts encluric , E' 3 L�6 .� Z st8tt�f : ,�, , , ,-, ti -s- � u � i „ �-r�_'���'�,;. 1 G�^ �� t,`�� ` z t C-. •' � ' �, . y . .�, ,�,���� ,���1�,� :._7--��_>,� ,� tiRC�EfSi�r�?��';?1G�11:C�x?O^�t?:3Y b€'it�r3d�;�:ilE't1i�3^5 OV�'(shC COSS�S�G(Itl4�!C'°/i�k�`�,^lOCL?.5S xv� 5��;: c.^:�,^,il?!lCt: :v:n i�:�^TL^vvfl s 2¢"i�i.C2Fri�G�Ckes 3n�reg�i!e�tl4ns c3Ft�fn�i t�;s!he s�Ic�resrcf's��{�t.F of t?S��pp;iCat'i ±Ci+���:"�= U:t); D►Ur2.t'CV.'S1�r��}�fiSCif D1<3f'�i Cf77(lyC"'S rR(j CftBJ�@ t"..?t(r"�C�:c"3i?C�gS c�f� BCC�EZ?ia�1f'3'?L;3�3�fC�?ri�',� ,�,:1t} ;}i?s�(��7 r.lf' aPplt�afiC�n rcS�tts in ihe appijC�n?2�fe��ncs t�!rrS St�E�°7�,�� / -; �, � � 1 L � ' ' ,�`�� �,,,-�- / . .{- - �, - - . � � � �_ �- � � : ;. �_� ,� _ , , , , �.�(,'`i�.c � ��.=�-`����--__ i NATIVE ELECTRIC, INC. PO BOX 1807, EAGLE, CO 81631 Phone: (970) 328-1293 email: larguello@centurytel.net Load Calculation Submitted to: MCPS Attention: Andy Bokol Job Location: 1330 Sandstone#12 Vail, CO Load Caic: 200 AMP 120/240 Volt Single phase service 3000 square ft. @ 3 watts per ft. 9000 2 smali appliances 3000 Dishwasher 1500 Disposal 150C Refrigerator 1500 Range 10000 Laundry 1500 Dryer 5000 Heat Tape 10000 . \ 43d00 '��-�s,T iN First C ":00% = 10,G00.00 Remainder of load @ 40% = 13,200.00 �C� Tota! = 23, 200.00 = 96.6 AM�S �� We ar2 aading a 11u^Voli Circuit for hot tub. �2 �� 120 V@1800 Watts = 15 AMPS on a 20 AMP Circuit `� � � � R�� c�f V�if V/� �O W�'D �IA �'O �at� �.� N �. � ���-�,�� � By•� .% ��� Coa � �- . �. ___�,. _ �--� _...��� � °`� : L��--� z, N � ,_-,, __,, , , , :__ _._.._.��.,_._ �� �, ���'. , :� ; �` � 1 �" 7�....�:. � � �� � , GRAPHIC SCALE � �d�s��n / Fp/NO�(NV.GP LOT G-5 � 1 Fwwa�vES�.v/��w u> z.s 59A �.W � �/ V°'. O!/� �9�1c � � � ��C B�,�p2 � �s �O J OA FINAL PLA T OF THE 0 l/ERL OOK A T VAIL, A RESUBDI l/lSIOIV OF L O T G-4, Ll0/V'S RIOGE SUBDII/lSIOIV FlLING N0. TOWN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO u�o COMMON AREA I ar'��` 66,6J0.?B Sp/ARE FfET J.SJO ACRES : S BiJ`. ,o�— ��,rv � �� .ere�n w/�tuv c�v \J9JJ' L'URIE TABLf� CUR4£ FApIUS LENCfiI TANGEN7 CNL1P0 BEAq/NG D£[TA CURYEI 30017' 9507' lO.OJ' 8139' S7031'94W /QA36IB' CURY£1 <�l i5' TOZ.03' 10277' 700.J7' N J12619"£ 7537'70' NOIES BAAS LY 6CAMNCS 5 IS>SYO'w.ILWC 1HE SW MNESIEA[Y LO�Le�OF�NEEN FWAU PRWER�I'FYNS AS MOICI]ED • (XNORS SE/5/J'FE9AF M/➢C/SnC C�OS nE f KS P66'% M/E(Y A/Al£Y OCRKN 1995 O IX'NOIFS SIREF/AGVNESY LOµI;REJS r..�.9s sw.ec u�r e� r� sou .�..�w.,uoa.,s. r r . snu :w�.�"�n....�n,��wa�s�.""�en.`.�:�° o ��e. rw �855 W /11 1,01SSS SW/A.PE ew s.e.ei sn,xa�w.w n�.e+. ��en NR/FF 0.�L£tuCWMENI 66.6J019 Sq/�FE TOTAL �, SL�,R SANOST�'1'F UNIT/1 u �4 � tl � 4 � 1 f� �•,� � � 2 � 3° � � L—o - � � T � u S w � � O,pil�c` �uo rsoJ �-�� ��T��`-� � I I �l� I FUILRE DEl2�OPMEN�T � � I I Of}5/X I TOMNHkMfES � I y _ L a.J--J L���—J — —���� AhD O�PAMAfL EASEIIENI � �or n–e � � . # �'s / � ,� ��: ���� t l \� �,�� � \ ��AODRESS r[rr .au�axs:u�o� s.�nvsrav[am�r rrc� ao.u.rncs rJ.o-e wrosrzweo.ei�r rccr .o.u�.cncs rs.o v swosrzweaw�r f£cI . 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'''��� J,`J �i....4.' ;.� .. •!✓":� ,�Y . .., i.�`r�� `� .. ..._ ""�j � � •- - . g + T�C. ti1 � .«,� � :�, :.t .., � +�1. .#.!' . � < ,� � ° '�" �2�y'«�,yy ��� s� � ���� • - • - • PRODI �Y° ���� � ���« ��-� � � Seating Capacity 5 adults � ; ���.. , �„" 7���s�� -- - — �t Dimensions 6'6"x T x 33"/1.98m x 2.13m x.84m @i', � �� , - — — -- °' � ;��, °ya r,� Water Capacity 325 gallons/1,230 liters w�...` � � ';. . - - _ _ ___ ' ��,��� � �� '� Weight 645 Ibs./293 kg dry;4,231 Ibs/1,919 kg filled - _..._...__- ` Spa Shell Options Alpine White,Creme,Ice Gray,Platinum, �� �� , �,. �� Tuscan Sun or Desert" ,�. a�r ,. _ _ _ __ __ _ � Cabinet Options Everwood HD:Mocha,Monterey Gray or Teak" , � � Jets-22 - 1 Moto-Massage DX jet(2) � �' z',r, � (w!Stainless Steel Trim) 2 SoothingStream jets ,,,,"_ � � 1 JetStream jets ' 2 Rotary Hydromassage jets �: ,°� 1 Directional Hydromassage jets - ' � 14 Directional Precision �ets �„ � _ , r, �� � ,'-�+ „ ,P.��� ���� �, ° � � Water Care System ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System "w-, ``�� �.�� ' ' (Optional) or EverFresh System ,. � ;� . __ _ _ _ � � ��.��� Jet Pump Wavemaster 7000;One-speed,1.65 HP �� �� �� � Continuous Duty,3.5 HP Breakdown Torque - r� „ <, �- _ — """� Circulation Pump SilentFlo 5000 for quiet,continuous filtration _ __ _ _ _ __ _.. _ _ Prodiyy shown wi�h Ice Gray shell Effective Filtration Area 90 sq.ft.,top loading � 100%no-bypass filtration _ _ __ _ _ _ Ozone System FreshWater III Corona Discharge _ __ _ - _ _ Control System IQ 2020'with LCD control panel 115v/20amp, (includes G.F.C.I.protected power cord)or � ��� �*°' 230v/50amp,60Hz`** `/ r� lf,�t� �`°� Lighting System Luminescence multi-color four-zone �' ``---�. �! � _ _ _ _ _ �< « Heater No-Fault,1500w/115v or 6000w/230v � _ _ Energy Efficiency Certified to the APSP 14 National Standard and the California Energy Commission(CEC) in accordance with California law Vinyl Cover 3.5"to 2.5"tapered,2 Ib.density foam core,with hinge seal in Caramel,Chocolate,Slate,or Evergreen Cover�ifter(Optional) CoverCradle,CoverCradle II,Lift`n Glide'or UpRite - - __.__._. ____-_--- P�odigy shown with I �Grayshell/ Steps(Optional) Everwood HD, NXT,or Polymer - _ - _ _ _..._ Monterey G�ay c,abrnet Entertainment System(Optional) Wireless Sound System 'Includes water and 5 adults weighing t75 Ibs.each "Some color combinations are considered special orders.Ice Gray/Teak,CrPme/MOnterey Gray, �eserUMOnterey Gray and Platinum,�Teak have special order pricing.See your dealer for details. '^G.EC.I.protected sub-panel required in 230v mode Export models available in 230v.50Hz,1500w Heater,Tri-X fiRers �'' HotS rin � p g Every day made better� .r ��i��ictf l ,;lvi23;L,u(.��Li!If)�t tj'j"Ji>r<�;i0J7