HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB150432 Project Name:Weingarten 2 sliding doors DRB Number: DRB150432 Project Description: Replace 2 sliding doors (same for same) Participants: OWNER PATRICIA C. WARFEL LIVING TR 09/17/2015 1425 COLLIER DR SE SMYRNA, GA 30080 APPLICANT BRIAN ZAIKIS 09/17/2015 Phone: 970-904-5209 PO BOX 2728 VAIL CO 81657 Project Address:4560 MEADOW DR VAILLocation: Vail Racquet Club Building 1 Unit 7 Legal Description:Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number:2101-124-2000-7 Comments:Please see below. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 09/18/2015 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Jonathan Spence DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 —_.__� n �, (C� �� � �1 �n,� � I !;' Department of Community Development lu �,�� r i� 75 South Frontage Road i � SEP 1 / 2015 � !�� va�i, co s�ss7 T O W N O F V A t L I�`1 ! Tel: 970-479-2138 � �O�,�j� � www.vailgov.com � TOWN Cj� �f�1�. �w���---- _..._-_._.._ ___...,., Application for Design Review Exterior Alteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improve- ments, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailqov.com under Vail Information — Town Code Online. All projects requiring de- sign review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building per- mit is issued and construction commences. � , Fee: $250—Multi-Family/Commercial , �.7�;i.Nv��. T�' �����_ � $20—Single Family/Duplex Single Family Duplex _� Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request: ��� (�.� 1 � ��f ���' �A 1�l ��,r, . � S w° PhysicalAddress: ��1 �,��o�✓ Qr,� �vv�d�4nu '� �v.�� � Parcel Number: Z�(7L la-y ��'1 �7 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: �c�•� �-t�„n��ti�� Mailing Address:`�.(�.��1� ��+�h�t'c� 5�' i��trlu�l" �.G� d,�,3� ' Phone: � Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/Owner epresentative: �r5� .��c,�,� Mailing Address: P:�. �aJC �Z�g��,. �'l '�l ✓'� Phone: °�:�c� ��( j�`'� 0 E-MaiL• ��'c�c,�������c�1,� Fax: For Office Use Only: Cash CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: Auth # Check# Fee Paid: Received From: Meeting Date: f� � DRB No.: ��-- /- O �`� Planner: Project No: !.7—�'�� � Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: �4��— �4-CL2 J���{��1L �'� �IN�`�✓✓�-� May 2015 September 11, 2015 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Community Development, The Vail Racquet Club Homeowners Association recently received a request on September 9, 2015 from the owner of Building 1, Unit 7 to replace the slider doors with new "same for same" Sierra Pacific bronze doors which are more energy efficient. The Association conditionally approved this improvement based upon the owner receiving the proper Town of Vail permits and approval. If the Town has any questions or desires further information, please let me know. Sincer�y, � . �� �""� , - , .. . M tt Ivy Qeneral Man er � 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail,CO 81657 � 970-476-4840 800-428-4840 « PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildinq Materials Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim � � Doors ��n,, G\��, , S.t'.��'Pti� �t,e��ir. ���U✓��C. Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Order Number: 90305043 Page 2 of 6 Initials: Ra9h�Pe^�^9 �� ��e E�derior � AddiUOnal Itm Onty Produd Code WidTh x Height Oper Sym Localion Optians pa� Hardware Trim (ndies) �S p��) 7 1 C-PS607812-2 �3Id' XO Inwlated 1l.ite Gerwa2765 NoB,idanould fit1/1G Coating:2605 Pafio Slider -7 � Ternpered Satin Nidcd Gad:024 Drawing Requi�ed [ i CapiRary -Hardware Ship Bmnze U-fac:028 SHGC:0.19 LoE'-366 Bronze Loose Dou9 Fr Vt 0.43 CR:44 LoEti89 -Saeen Clear IM. Cn6nP Bead 1580 Saeen LVL Sliles Head:4 Sl8' No IM Kert Stie:4 5/8' IGr,k:6 13l16' 2 1 GPS607812-2 5915/16'x803l4' XO InsWafed 1Li[e Genoaf2165 NoBridvnould 611/1G Caaling:2G05 PaUO Slider Tempc+ed SaGn N'dcel Clad:024 -Haidware Ship Bronze ll-�0 8 SHGC:0.19 LoE'-366 &onze La�e Doug Fir Vt 0.43 CR:44 LoEti89 -Screen Gear Int. Cn1mp Bead 7580 Screen LVl Stiles Head:4 5!8' No Int Kert Slile:4 SIS' IGcic:6 13/i6' , Sierre Pacific Windows Soid To: BZ CONSTRUCTION Drawings /�ugust 18,2015 1121 SingleVee Road,Box 2040 B�X 2�2$ P 6 Of 6 Edwards,Colorado 81632-2040 90305043 � (970)92&3715(Office) Ship To: VAIL RACQUET CLUB 1-7 (970)9263745(Fax) sbutts@spi-ind.com 1)GPS-60781/2-2(XO) 2)GPS-6078 1/2-2(XO) Qly:1 . QIY:1 � RO:5915/76'x80 3/4' RO:59 15/16'x80 3/4" Jamb:611l16' Jamb:611/16' Loc: Loc: _ SY�Ti. Sym- qad:0248ronze Gad:024Bronze r . • T 3 . � All�ndow/Door operetions are viewed from exterior.Pictures are NOT to scale.They are oifered as a rough approximation of design and mulling sequence,therefore CAD drawings may still be required on some units. Eagle County,CO 201517427 Teak J Simonton 09/15/2015 Pgs: 1 01:24:31 PM REC: $11.00 DOC:$28.00 II� I I�I�I�I I�����(�I� I II �I���� State Docume9utery Fee Warrazrty Deed ��Sepoember lo,2015 (Pursuant ta 3�3U-113 GR.S.) $�� Ti3IS DESD,made on 3epttnoba 10,2015 by PATRIClA C.WARFEL LIVl.1�IG TRUST Gtantoi[s�of the Coimty of COBB and State of GBORGTA for the consideration of($28tI,b00.UQ}'�'�T�w�mdred Eighty Tlwusa�ed and 00/lUU'�'*doIIazs in haud paid,hereby sells and mmreys to RACQUET CLUB RENTAI,S,LL,C,A COY.ORADO I II4IITFD r.iARTr.rrv CdMPANY Granbee(s),whose str�eet address is Z643 ELMRA S'IRF�E'i' DENVER,CO 80238,Cnunty of DBN[V�R,and State of COLORADO, the followin$mal praperty in the Coaaty af Eagie,and Staoe af Calo�adn,m wic COHDUNIINIiJM Lt1VIT 1-7 QF SUILDING NU.1-2 OF VAIL RACQUEP CLUB CONDOMINIUMS ACCORDING TO'�'HF's SEVEI�T�I SUPPLEMI.'NT T'Q THE IvIAP'i'HEREOF RECORDBD.IIJL'Y 19,1979 TN$UQK 288 AT PAGE 578 AIVD T�ffi CONDOhIINIUM DECLARA'1TON THEREOF RECORDED BECEMBER 13,1973,IN BOOK 232 A'�'pAGE 484,EAGLE C�IJNTY RECURbB ANb 7� SEVEN'x�SZJPPL�E[�'TO SAIIJ DECLARATIOI�RECORD&D JULY 3.9,1979 IN BOOK?�8 A I'PAC�575,�AGLE COUNTY REC4RDS,3TATB QF COLORADO. alsa]mown by s�eet and n�ber as:�eo VAII.�ACQi7ET CLTJB DRIVB�F 1-7 AKA UN1T 1-7,YAIL RAQUET CLUB CONDDNIINI[)M VAIL CO 81657 with all its app�stenanaes and warrants t�e�tle�Da t�e sa�e,subject to ge►aPa+aI taxes fivr�e yecu-2QI5 ana ihose speci fic fixeeptions described by ise(er�ettc+e to rec+otd�ed docv,ements as re(fected'm tt�e�tte Da.umerrts aooept�d by G�rue�e(s)in acicordanae with Recad T�tte Mauers(Section 8�.2)of the Contract to By}+arpd SeII ReuI Fssmte relating w d�e above descril�ed raa�Ix+�e►SY;distribution utiIity easemems,(ir:cPudir�g rnble 7'�;t�ase speci�icalb+deswibed ri8hts o f rhi�sd parties not shown by the piablic reeords of which Granteie(s) hcrs actuallarowfedge and whiah wiere acaepted by GrYm►,ee(s)in aanrdarlce with Oj�Recorxl TFde Mamers(Sectian 8.3)arrd C�rrreru Survey Review(5ectfan 9J a f the Contr�ct tv Buy arxi 5elf Reiad FssoaDe rsIattng to ihe abwe destTlbed re+al property:inc(usiwrs ot'the Prnperry within arry special tax dis�ict;Attd other NU1�iE PA1RICiA G WARFQ.LMNG ZRUST � � r f PATRIqA G.wn��,��� , . ' tii� 1C.i�� � t �Na�riro� sr�re af co�,o�av � - �o�•�-�O� )ss• �� ` . Counry of EAGI.,E ) � ���''� 'I'he foregoing in a�lmowledged before me on tUis day of September 2015 by PATRICIA C. AS TRU57EE OF PAIRIQA C.VYARFEL LiVING I3ST p i�c My co ' 'on expires +G ��� When Ttecord2d Return to: ItACQtI�'I'CLUB R�NTAl.3,T LC,A COLORADO LiMITTsD LIABILM'X COMPA,NjC 2543 EE�11�12A STRBET DSNVSR,CO 8023B � Porm 13U84 0112011 wd.ndi Warranty beed(Photographic) V50041552 t22988875} '�'"`""�`°'"" Eagle County,CO 201517426 Teak J Simonton 09/15/2015 Pgs: 2 0124:31 PM REC: $16.00 DOC:$0.00 II I I I�1 IIl I llllifll�lf i I If111111�l�l I I I� STATEMENT OF AU'.THUR,�TY (��-sai�z,c.R.s.� 1. This 5tatemenc o#Authority relates to an entity'named - RACQUBT CLUS ItFNTALS,LLC,A COLORA�.10 LIIHIITSD LIABILITY COMPANY 2. 31�e type of entity is a: Corporation Registered Limited Liability Parmers�ip Noaprofit Corporatifln Registeied Limiterl Liability I.imibed Partnership X Lirmted I.iab�ity Company Li�t�eed Paztnership Assnciation General Parme�strip Governmern ar Gavemmental Su�divisinn or Agency T i�aed Partuership 1'rust 3, Tlse enti�ty is fiormed emc�er the laws of WLORADO 4. The mailing address for the entity is 2�'�� �c�.� sr I ��nm�,� , GO $O23� �. 'Ihe X name X pasition of each gerson acrthorized to execute insmtmems c�nveying,encumbering or othe�wise affec�ng tide ta real property on behalf of the entity is Ji3DTTS WSINGARTSN AS 1H£30LE MEMBER a. 'lbe aut#�ority of t�e foregping person(s)to bind die endty: X is�not Iimited _ is limiroed as fo4ows: 7. Other mamers rnncerning the manner in wihich the entity deals with urterests in real proPeny: 3. 1Uis Sratement 4f Authority is executed an hehal#af tt►e en�ity pursuant m rhe provisinns of§38-30-172,C.R.S' 9. This Statemenc of Autt�nrity amends and sugersedes in all respects any and all prior dared Statemeuts of A�uhority execated on behaif of the�uty- (Sigriature arad Namry Ack►sowi�dgmerrt a�Secor:d Page) 'Tdis foim shamld not be used wnless the entity is capable of�olding tjtle to teal propetry. '-The absence of any�on s}iaIl be prima facie evidence that no snch lia�tation exiscs. 'Th�soaoement of m�thority mnst be recorded to obtain ti�e b�af the statute. � 80tm L3759 03/2005 soa.adt V50041552 {23026998} pg 1 oE 2 °iMaw""""'""�"� EX��ea ct� f u aay af S�PT'EM l�R-. Zo1 S RACQUET CLUB RENTALS,LLC,A COLORADO D L CdMPANY G���� 1TH WEINGAR SOLE MIIYiBBR ......,�....� lUilCHAEL DAVID��—� wo��v Puauc STATE OF COLORAl70 State of COLOItADO ) NQ7ARY ip 2Q724t)54439 � MY CO�A�ISSI�N EXPI#�SAt1GUST22,20i8 Courrty of DENVER ) The foregoing inst�ern was aclmowledged before me t�his �U day af 's�Pt'�N►�� . '�l�" by JUDTTH WEiriGARTEN AS SOLE MEMBIIt OF RACQUET CLUB RENTALS,LLC,A COLORADO L,II�1'ED �ABILiTY COMPANY Witness my han�d and of#iczal seal. � My rnmmi�sion expires: �15 2'Z- ��a Notaiy Pu61ic WHBN R6DORDID RETVRN T1D: JUDTTEi W�NGA1tTBAT 1tACQUE�CLUB REATTAL3,LLG A COLORABO[JIVIITE�LIe#BILITY CObIpANY Zb�3 F.t.MR� � ��+�, � sb 23s Form 13759 03r20Q5 soa.odt V5QU41552 ;2302G.998} pg 2 of 2 201517426 F \ � � 69r�..: . . . �� .^��I _ f . .... . . --_. _. .. . _ . .,\ - ... 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